of alpha omicron pi
Vol. LXIII, No.9
m Gtteetiiml
The €t>itor$ Ptace
The word for this issue is BUSY! j ANNUAL
Fall has been busy f o r all of you! rrfjl/££? MEETINGS
Chapter reports in this issue are f u l l of all
kinds of exciting happenings. Many of us Beta Phi Corporation
have been busy opening new chapters. March 12, 1986, 7:30 p . m .
Details inside. 2701 Pine Lane
Bloomington, IN
Announcement of the 1986 Leadership
Conferences appears in this issue. This is For more information:
the first of several articles to come as we Mrs. Philip Wible
prepare to meet next summer. Mark your 2701 Pine Lane
calendars now! Bloomington, IN
As this issue goes to press, plans are al- Chi Alpha Corporation
ready underway for 1986. Deadline for M a y 5, 1986, 7:30 p.m.
the Spring 1986 issue is January 15. 203 First St.
Please send in your comments and sug- Davis, C A 95616
gestions on future topics for features, etc.
Information for To Dragma can be sent For more information:
in at any time. Leslie Carrol-Tipton
3548 Ardmore Road
Best of luck to all of you as you enter Sacramento, CA 95821
this next busy time!
Alpha Rho Corporation
Perspectives April 12, 1986, 9:30 p.m.
Alpha Rho Chapter
By Peg Crawford AOII alumnae knew that one day college 2435 N W Harrison
women would recognize once again what Corvallis, OR 97330
International President membership could mean to them, and
we were ready. We firmly believe that For more information:
Today's active AOII collegian truly updating and improving never stops Joan Gathercoal
represents the young woman of the 80's. because we must meet the needs of to- 3328 SW Chintimini
However, while she innocently played as day's women in our constantly changing Corvallis, OR 97333
a toddler eighteen years ago, the Greek society.
System was not a vital part of college life Kappa Alpha Corporation
as it is now. In the era when today's col- Looking back to eighteen years ago I March 12, 1986, 7 p.m.
legian was born, "going Greek" was not have to pinch myself sometimes to make 88 Briarwood Drive
the popular thing to do. Students cast sure I'm not dreaming when we are asked Terre Haute, IN
aside traditional values, prized individu- to start another chapter on yet another
alism, and became involved in political campus. Requests come into our Head- For more information:
issues to the exclusion of every other ac- quarters on the average of three times Glenna Timmons
tivity. AOII alumnae remember the situ- each week. W i t h excitement I realize that 408 S. 34th Street
ation only too well. Many AOIIs who even though we are in the post baby Terre Haute, I N 47803
had enjoyed memorable college experi- boom years when college enrollments are
ences as chapter members found their supposed to be rapidly declining, only a Alpha Sigma Corporation
own daughters, granddaughters and even few of our campuses and chapters have A p r i l 19, 1986, 11:30 a.m.
younger sisters uninterested in pledging been affected. In these chapters we opti- 1680 Alder St.
our chapters. Furthermore, many Chap- mistically believe that their membership Eugene, OR 97401
ter Advisors found it difficult to com- will level off until the increase in college-
municate with the college women; the age women solves this deficit. For more information:
generation gap was wide. Connie Hixson
Rushee interest has been increasing on 600 Cherry Drive, #2
The fraternity world now appreciates campus after campus as today's young Eugene, OR 97401
hearing that the popular rebels of two women realize that in our high tech soci-
decades ago have become solid citizens ety, the high touch that AOII offers is DEADLINE FOR
today. AOIIs are thankful that the apathy what they need and want in their lives. In SPRING ISSUE
toward Greek life is over, and for us a addition, many college administrators IS JANUARY 15
new era has dawned. Over the years, have acknowledged that we have much
AOII leaders listened wisely to some of to offer their students that they cannot
the negative comments about women's possibly provide, and this has resulted in
fraternities, and while we held fast to an environment that is truly conducive to
those traditional values which are such a the growth and strengthening of Alpha
vital aspect of our A O I I experience, we Omicron Pi. The 80's truly represent a
did evaluate programming and opera- golden era for AOII.
tional procedures and launched into im-
proving and updating our organization.
Published since January, 1905 by "ETDragma
I ofalpha omicron pi
FRATERNITY, Inc. Winter 1986 Vol.LXIII, No.9
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity ¥cMurm$ 4
Founded at Barnard College, 6
Leadership Conference 7
January 2, 1897 Thomas More Colonization 8
U of S. Florida Installation 10
'Founders Newcomb Colonization 11
U of W. Virginia Colonization
. Jessie Wallace Hughan DJF Graduate Scholars recognized
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V.)
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.) Dejwtmetits 2
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman The Editor's Place 29
"The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter Collegiate Chapter Commentaries
at Barnard College of Columbia University and Alumnae Chapter Activity
all are deceased.
Alpha Omicron Pi
International Headquarters
3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, Tennessee 37215
Telephone: 615-383-1174
Debbie Harper Stillwell, NO
3821 Cleghorn Avenue
Nashville, T N 37215
(615) 298-1885—Home
(615) 256-6411—Office
Executive Director
Sue Edmunds Lewis, TA
3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, T N 37215
Public Relations
Diane Douglass, 0
3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nahsville, T N 37215
PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of
Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly
by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription price
is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life
subscription: $50.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave.,
Nashville Tennessee 3721S. Address all
editorial communications to the Editor,
Debbie Stillwell, 3821 Cleghorn Ave.,
Nashville, TN 37215. Second Class Post-
age paid at Nashville, TN and additional
mailing offices.
O n the Cover To Pragma deadlines:
Jan. 15 April 1 July 1 Oct. 1
Greetings. . . MEMBER
From all of us,
To all of you!
By Ten Anderson COLLEGIANS- financial training will be available for
Vice President/Operations CELEBRATE advisers as well, so make the Finan-
A Leadership Conference is the SISTERHOOD cial Adviser your second AAC dele-
ideal time for us to CELEBRATE SIS- gate or the alternate should the
TERHOOD together. Coming up this Collegiate chapters are required to Chapter Adviser be unable to join
summer in eight different locations send three collegians and the Chap- the training. Since an effective AAC
around AOII land, this celebration ter Advisor. Delegates for this year is most often the key ingredient to
will be your chance to meet sisters should specifically be the Chapter chapter excellence, make attendance
from other alumnae and collegiate President, the Pledge Educator, and at this LC a priority.
chapters in your region and receive the Treasurer.
vital leadership and officer training. ** "THESE MAY BE DIFFERENT CORPORATION
THAT THESE THREE OFFICERS Financial stability and success in-
An alumnae chapter must send its ATTEND**** sure that sisterhood is fostered in
president, as a minimum, so be sure the right environment. Corporation
the chapter has already budgeted for A marvelous new comprehensive Board representation is important
her expenses. This Leadership Con- Pledge Program will be introduced as well. Special sessions will be
ference will be a festivity you will at LC, so it is imperative the Vice available just for you, tailored to
want to have at least one other alum President/Pledge Educator be pres- meet either housing or non-housing
officer attend, so why not plan now ent. Financial training for chapters situations. Come leam and help us
that extra fundraiser to allow the will also be a focus, so Treasurers, celebrate!
chapter to send along an extra sis- put LC on your June agenda as well.
ter?!! The treasurer would be an ideal All collegians be ready to celebrate CELEBRATE
second member since financial orien- sisterhood with us—singing, learn- SISTERHOOD!
tation wilj be a focal point for ing, meeting other AOIIs, receiving
alumnae chapters. ALL alumnae are awards, sharing ideas; all these Delegates or non-delegates, colle-
eligible to attend. Official delegate or events and much more await at Lead- gian or alum, something will be
not, Leadership Conference provides ership Conference. available for everyone! Set aside that
a great escape from a typical June June weekend now. Details will ar-
routine to renew friendships, to meet CHAPTER ADVISERS- rive soon from your Leadership Con-
new sisters, and to help us applaud CELEBRATE ference Chairman. Now is the time to
AOII progress. Is there any reason SISTERHOOD begin planning, fundraising, and
why your alumnae chapter can't meeting those awards goals set
have the largest representation ever As an official delegate sent by the after convention. See you at our
in its history attend this Leadership chapter, Chapter Advisers will have celebration!
Conference? many opportunities to share ideas, to
problem-solve, and learn the "how
4 to's" of managing an AAC. Special
Region VII Region V Region IV
June 13-15 June 20-22 June 27-30
Beta Rhq House Beta Lambda Chapter House De Pauw University
Missoula, Montana Bloomington, Illinois Greencastle, Indiana
Marianna Beers 208/233-0684 Susan Frartke 309/685-7066 Christine Hoeing 317/857-9309
Elaine Smith 208/237-1462
Region I
June 27-30
Westbrook College
Portland Maine
Nancy Chard 297/774-0475
Region II
June 27-30
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee
Debbie Stillwell 615/298-1885
Region VIII Region VI Region III
June 27-30 June 13-15 June 20-22
Lambda Beta House Site to be determined Sheraton Hotel
Long Beach, California Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Montgomery, Alabama
Barbara Rinehart 714/840-0873 Nadine Nickeson 405/521-9279 Joy Lambert 205/265-1018
Diane Forsythe 205/272-3430
Alpha Omicron Pi Colonizes
At Thomas More College
O n M a y 5, 1985 a dream was fulfilled AOII Colonization—Thomas More College. Back Row: Linda Holtz, Mary Tentler, Jenny
for twenty-two young women at Thomas Schroder, Pam Schumacker, Chris Rekow, Elaine Kennedy, Linda Lemker. Troy Johnson, Betsy
More College in Crestview Hills, Ken- Payne Watson, Cheri Ralenkotter, Kathleen Scanlon, Missy Von Handorf, Vicki Groh, Amy
tucky. Finally, after months of being an Lindemann. Front: Anne Marie Mielesch, Anne Raispis, Tricia Dixon, Coleen Cahill, Kelly
interest group on campus, the girls suc- Decker, Sheila Cahill, Amy Oehler, Sarah Barlage. May 5, 1985
ceeded in colonizing the first national so-
rority at Thomas More. enormous help during these formative a strong NPC group. This was just one
months. After a careful evaluation of reason for choosing AOII, reported Sarah
Regional Director Nancy Bowers pre- women's fraternities in general, and a de- Barlage.
sided over the colonization ceremony, tailed comparison of several organiza-
which was held in Thomas More's Acker- tions, the girls chose A O I I . Because it Since colonization, the young women
man Hall early Sunday afternoon. Re- would be the first Greek organization f o r have held several meetings under the
gional Director Elaine Kennedy, and a women on campus, the collegians wanted guidance of chapter advisor Betsy Payne
large number of alums f r o m the Cincin- Watson. In addition, the newly-formed
nati area witnessed the event. The Cin- colony participated in their city's annual
cinnati Alumnae group provided initial Maifest, by sponsoring a booth to enlarge
colony support and also helped plan a re- their treasury. A major philanthropic
ception for the collegians, their families fundraiser was held in early August. A
and friends after the ceremony. The high "closest to the pin" day was held at a lo-
point of the reception came when the cal golf course. Golf players paid a dollar
alums presented each new colony mem- to tee off and try to get their ball as close
ber with an " I Pledged A O I I " tee shirt. to the pin as possible, while the girls mea-
The enthusiastic pledges immediately put sured the distances. Despite the overcast
them on over their white dresses! day, the colony made over $200.
The day was certainly considered a Because they hope to double in size in
milestone in the collegians' efforts to in- the next few weeks, the young women
troduce Greek life for women on Thomas are carefully planning rush strategies.
More's campus. Having been little sisters They are definitely well on their way to-
to the Alpha Delta Gamma fraternity, the ward Initiation. Once again AOII is lead-
young women decided in early January, ing the way for Greek life.
after much deliberation, to look for a
national sorority. Former chapter con-
sultant of AOTI, Troy Johnson, who was
employed by the college, provided
AOII Colonization, May 5, 1985, Thomas More College. Left to right: Cheri Ralenkotter, Linda
Holtz, Amy Lindemann, Kathy Scanlon, Kelly Decker, Anne Raispis, Amy Oehler.
Gamma Theta Chapter Installed
at the University of South Florida
Months of planning culminated in the International President Peg Crawford poses with newly initiated chapter members.
installation of the 140th chapter of Alpha
Omicron Pi on Sept. 7th at the University
of South Florida.
Colonization efforts began in January
and were coordinated by Jean Gupton,
Colonization Chairman and Marion
Clouse, Regional Extension Officer.
Charter members of the Gamma Theta
chapter were installed by International
President Peg C r a w f o r d and included
Brenda Bowman, Pamela Bradshaw, Ka-
tie Burke, Traci Cobey, Tomi Lynn Cyr-
il, A m y Ebert, Monika Fata, Michelle
Faulx, Gigi Galen, Rush Chairman; M i n -
dy Gelfand, President; Karen Gooslby,
Holly Gruber, Chapter Relations; Kathy
Haywood, Frannie Henriquez, JoAnne
Kunin, Treasurer, Debbie Levin, Kitty
Lynn, Cindy Lyons, Joanne Mattiace,
Becky Moslo, A n n Muemzmay, Wendy
Myers, Recording Secretary; Susan
Naro, Shelagh O'Sullivan, Jan Rykac-
zewski, Corresponding Secretary; Dale
Schlefstein, Vice President; and Heather
Marion Berzelius and Cathy Miranda
were installed as associate members.
A full weekend of activities included a
Rose Inspiration Night on Friday with a
light supper provided by local alumnae;
Initiation of the charter members on Sat-
urday morning followed by installation
of the chapter; a buffet luncheon served
by local alumnae; pledging of the first
Gamma Theta pledge class and a Rose
Banquet later Saturday evening. On Sun-
day a Reception was held honoring the
new AOII chapter and members.
The Installation Committee was
chaired by Debi Greene and included the
following local alumnae; Jenny Roberts
co-chairman, and Rose Banquet Chair-
man; Mary Ingram, supplies and gifts;
Karen Weber, reservations; Debby
Kralovanec, hospitality; Melanie Will-
ette, reception; Diane Warholic, printing;
Donna Stewart, Ritual, Lou Anne Jame-
son and Donna Stewart, Inspiration
Night; and Janice Arrowood, publicity.
Also representing AOII at both installa-
tion and the Rose Banquet were Linda
Blau, regional finance officer; Camille
Thomas, past president of Tampa Alum-
nae Chapter; and Patsy Cox, regional
Gifts and cards were received from lo-
cal alumnae and AOII chapters across the
Gamma Thetas gather following the ceremony.
AOn Returns to Newcomb,
Pi Colony at Newcomb College of Tu- « jo
lane University in New Orleans, although
brand new to the 44 young women in the •
1985 Colony class, is the recolonization
of the Pi Chapter of Newcomb College New colony members pose following formal colony ceremony.
which has a long history in the life of A l -
pha Omicron Pi. Less than two years af- Included in the preparations for the Alpha Omicron Pi was included in the
ter the very start of Alpha Omicron Pi, colony rush was a party hosted by Hele- first round of formal rush in August, and
Stella George Stern Perry came back, to na Henderson at her home to celebrate included in the rush booklet with an ex-
her home in New Orleans and helped to the return of Pi Chapter to Newcomb. planation that AOII was coming on
start the Pi Chapter in September, 1898. Guests included local alums, Newcomb campus with a special rush after the com-
Pi was the second chapter to be estab- Panhellenic officers and Nancy Olinde, pletion of formal rush. Collegians from
lished making Alpha Omicron Pi a na- Panhellenic advisor, and the collegiate Tau Delta at Birmingham Southern Col-
tional fraternity. The Chapter continued chapter presidents and alum group offi- lege, N u Omicron at Vanderbilt, and
until the fall of 1976. cers of the other sororities on campus. Kappa Omicron at Rhodes came to New
Orleans to rush and spread the word of
In A p r i l , 1985, Newcomb Panhellenic IS? Alpha Omicron Pi at this series of par-
invited Alpha Omicron Pi, along with ties. Both Melanie Doyle and Lynn No-
two other national sororities that had ble, Chapter Consultant, where on hand
been on campus in the past to make a to help get the Pi colony rush off to a
presentation for the selection of one of good start.
them to return to the campus. Melanie
Doyle, International Vice President for Colony rush activities began October
Extension; Diane Douglass, Public Rela- 1, when two van loads of enthusiastic
tions Coordinator; and Gail Osborn, and energetic women from Tau Delta re-
Regional Director, along with several turned to new Orleans and transformed
supportive alums really sold AOII at the an ordinary house into the castle at
presentation. In May AOII was chosen Camelot. After a work-filled day of dec-
unanimously by the eight groups in Pan- orating and practicing the skit, the Infor-
hellenic to recolonize this fall. mation Party began at 7:00 p . m . The
tired but excited women, then loaded up
At this point the local alums, already the vans and returned to Birmingham in
excited at the prospect of colonization, time for classes the next day. The Tau
organized for the enormous task that lay Delta collegians also wanted to be sure to
ahead. October 1-5 was chosen for the keep in touch to plan joint activities for
colony rush dates. the chapters.
I Individual interviews were held the
next two days. The interview team
4• members were Diane Douglass, Public
Relations Coordinator; Gloria Rowland,
r Region V I Extension Officer; Jennifer
Colony members who joined the AOII family.
Site of Second Oldest Chapter
Macey, Region V I Rush Officer; Gail Os- • i ssh AOH
born, Regional Director; Kathy Wilson, •
Chapter Advisor for Delta Theta at Texas
Woman's University and Lynn Noble, The Panhellenic spirit is displayed on Newcomb campus 1 1Rush 85 ml
Chapter Consultant. These teams met
with many interesting young women. Saturday morning Diane Douglass pre- house for accomodations for the visiting
Their backgrounds, college majors, per- sided at the formal pledging of the young collegians. Helena Henderson designed,
sonal interests and expectations for and women who were presented by the AOIIs hand-lettered and printed all the name
from a sorority were varied and numer- of Nu Omicron and New Orleans Alum- tags and invitations used for rush.
ous, indicating a well-rounded group of nae. Many a tearful eye could be seen in
energetic young women. The common the room. The new colony members Thank you to: Peg Crawford, Interna-
characteristic of all of them was an inter- learned their first cheers and songs f r o m tional President, Melanie Doyle and the
est to be a part of the growing family of the excited Nu Omicrons before going to other members of the Executive Board for
Alpha Omicron Pi. the luncheon at the Pontchartrain Hotel. help and interest in the recolonization of
The day's festivities ended with a friend- Pi; headquarters personnel who received
October 4 the women from Vanderbilt ship circle and passing of the Loving many a frantic phone call, especially D i -
returned to New Orleans to decorate the Cup, a tradition of Pi Chapter. ane Douglass; members of the interview
house and be ready for the Rose Prefer- team and collegiate chapters who helped
ence Party N u Omicron style. The rush- Barbara Kenny who "volunteered" to with rush; and Region IV Officers, Bar-
ees arrived to find their name tags, be colonization chairman before receiv- bara Kramer—Region V I Vice President,
"Picture Yourself an AOIT' complete with ing the Colony Rush Manual, credits and Pam DeZevallos—Finance officer,
photo hanging on red ribbons at the much of the success of the rush to the who gave advice and support and were
door. The evening ended with a candle spirit of cooperation and hard work of with us in spirit.
light circle and each rushee making a the many alums who participated. They
wish while dropping a rose petal into a gave time, ideas and support along the Pi Colony is looking forward to a long
silver bowl. way, helped set up and clean up at the and responsible association with New-
rush functions, were hostesses on inter- comb Panhellenic. The members and ad-
1 view days, ran the many errands that visor, Nancy Olinde, receive special
were required, and provided transporta- thanks for all the help, advice, and sup-
Alumnae who assisted with colonization plans tion for visiting guests. port given to Alpha Omicron Pi during
are from left, Colony Adviser Sky Louapre, our rush, especially for the banners in the
Regional Director Gail Osborn, Helena Hen- Special thanks go to Sky Louapre who Student Center and on the sorority hous-
derson, Chapter Consultant Lynn Noble, Re- helped from the very beginning and be- es wishing AOII welcome and good luck
gional Rush Officer Jennifer Macey, Suzanne came the colonization connection be- with rush and the " I love AOIT" buttons
Seybold, Kathy Wilson and Regional Exten- tween local alums, Newcomb Panhellenic worn by sorority girls on campus during
sion Officer Gloria Rowland. and headquarters throughout the plan- our rush week.
ning and rush period. The house that was
used for all rush activities will continue The Fresh New Look for a AOII at
to be "home" for Pi colony until more Newcomb has truly returned in a BIG
permanent housing is secured. The loca- way!
tion was arranged by Dolores St. John.
Lynn Tracey loaned us her mother's
AOII Heads for the Mountains
of West Virginia!
It has been several years since the Pan- Panhellenic Advisor Linda Hausman There may be "gold in them there hills"
hellenic system at West Virginia Univer- assisted with the colonization activities but AOLI definitely found jewels in their
sity has seen the need to expand. But and w i l l be w o r k i n g w i t h the group new colony members in the mountains of
with renewed interest in sororities and a through the early stages of development. West Virginia!
commitment from the administration to
the Greek community, AOII was selected New colony members who shared the AOII spirit.
to colonize on this campus located in
Morgantown. Colony members pose for formal picture following ceremony.
Colonization festivities were hosted
from Oct. 8-11 in the Mountainlair, the
main gathering spot for students. A n In-
formational Meeting for over 100 inter-
ested rushess was held Tuesday evening
f r o m 7:00 p . m . until 9:00 p . m . Pat Hardy
of Atlanta, GA, Anne Alison of Louis-
ville, KY, Chapter Consultant Jennifer
Jansen and Public Relations Coordinator
Diane Douglass spoke on the various as-
pects of the colonization and the future
plans f o r colony. Rush teams f r o m the
University of Kentucky and Penn State
sang songs and performed mini-skits
to show the rushess what rush is like
on their particular campuses. Follow-
ing the formal presentation, rushees and
rush teams enjoyed a refreshment time
The next two days conversation times
were scheduled for the women who
signed up to learn more about AOII. Bids
were extended to 65 enthusiastic future
colony members.
Friday afternoon a colony ceremony
was conducted by Diane Douglass. The
new colony members were given their
colony pins, T—shirts to proudly display
their new letters and a rose. Both tears
of joy and laughter were part of the
emotions felt by the group. Among the
local alumnae who will be serving as ad-
visors are Maria Hall, Linda Trent and
Carolyn Mudd.
International Rush Chairman Anne Allison Colony members prepare to try on their AOII shirts.
congratulates happy colony member.
DJF Graduate What is the
Scholarship Awards Alpha Omicron Pi
Endowment Fund?
By Eleanore MacCurdy Linda Miller, Sebastopol, California, Chi
Alpha Chapter, University of California, By: Barbara Hunt
The emerging role of alumnae of Alpha Davis is seeking an advanced degree in Philanthropic Foundation
Omicron Pi in today's academic market veterinary medicine.
place is being recognized by the A O I I / D i - The Endowment Fund has been estab-
amond Jubilee Foundation. Scholarships Karen Morauski, Sheboygan Falls, Wis- lished under the auspices of the Alpha
are being awarded to eight alumna mem- consin, Phi Delta Chapter, University Omicron Pi Philanthropic Foundation. It
bers of the fraternity. Through these of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is seeking the is a fund that is permanently invested,
scholarships they can achieve personal degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence at with the interest earned each year going
fulfillment and meet professional require- Creighton University Law School. to support several AOII educational pro-
ments in today's market place. Jennifer Pitcher, Lafayette, Indiana, Phi grams. These programs may be Leader-
Upsilon, Purdue University is enrolled in ship Conferences, Chapter Consultant
Scholarships have been awarded to: a program to earn a Master of Science in training, educational programing at Con-
Melissa Holmes, A t l a n t a , Georgia, Management. vention, and educational material mailed
Lambda Sigma Chapter, University of Carol Whitlatch, Los Angeles, Califor- to chapters each year.
Georgia Medical School. Melissa is the nia, Sigma Chapter, University of South-
recipient of the Helen Haller Award, ern California, plans to earn an M.S. in The revenues this biennium have i n -
honoring one of the Foundation charter Gerontology. creased f r o m $6,700 to over $20,000. The
members. Foundation has produced a new brochure
Kathryn Pavy, West Lafayette, Indiana, The Foundation is also funding a schol- entitled "Alpha Omicron Pi: Now and
Theta Chapter, DePauw University. She arship f o r a chapter consultant selected Forever," which outlines means of sup-
will earn an M . A . in theology. by the Executive Board of Alpha Omi- port for the Endowment Fund. These tax-
Carole Redding, Alexandria, Virginia, cron Pi. deductable gifts could include securities,
Chi Beta Chapter, University of Virginia. life insurance, wills, and bequests. The
She plans to earn an M . D . The lifetime commitment to our sisters brochure is available upon request and
Donna Brown, Kosciusko, Mississippi, in Alpha Omicron Pi has been reinforced will be mailed to you.
Nu Beta Chapter, University of Mississip- by the focus the AOII/Diamond Jubilee
pi. She is enrolled in law school and will Foundation has placed on alumnae re- The Foundation is especially anxious
earn a J.D. turning to campus to earn advanced for all alumnae to be aware of the need
degrees. for contributions to the Endowment
Fund. Only through your donations will
the Fund grow and thus support
the future of the fraternity.
Only through regular giving of
many members and friends of
Alpha Omicron Pi will our fra-
ternity continue to grow.
Please Send Me:
"Alpha Omicron Pi
Now and Forever"
Address .
Chapter . .Year .
Melissa Holmes Kathryn Pavy Carole Redding
Donna Brown Linda Miller Karen Morauski Jennifer Pitcher
Because of their concern over the use of alcohol, the national presidents of all 26 National Panhellenic
Conference groups have agreed to the following:
1. That we are opposed to the misuse of alcohol;
2. That all college chapters, all individual members, and all guests must abide by state, local, college/uni-
versity laws and regulations;
3. That no college chapter funds may be used to purchase alcohol (Co-sponsors of social events are poten-
tially liable regardless of how the expenses are shared.)
4. That it is inadvisable to host a party involving alcohol when the majority of guests attending are under
the legal drinking age.
Each NPC group has a national alcohol policy and is expected to abide by i t . In addition, the national
presidents expect their chapters to respect the regulations of any NPC co-sponsoring group.
We hope that this agreement will give college chapters the courage and ability to initiate discussion and
formulate a Panhellenic stand on the subject of alcohol.
Collegiate Chapter Commentaries
ALPHA DELTA Alpha Delta 1985 Rush. ALPHA PHI
U. of Alabama Montana State
go to the newly selected members of A n -
Way to go, Alpha Delta!!! The hard gel Flight: Marcella Bremer, Patti Powell, The Alpha Phi's started off fall quarter
work paid off when the University of Al- and Julie Byers. Sherrie Dickenson was w i t h a bang. A l l the sisters returned to
abama AOIl's swept Convention '85 by recently selected as a member of Civitan, Bozeman to prepare for formal rush.
winning the Distinguished Service award, the national service organization. During the week prior to rush, the sisters
the Rush Excellence Award, and the settled in their rooms with their new
Chapter Achievement Award! We knew Once again the annual AOII Football roommates. Late night chats were very
you could do i t ! Congratulations are Tournament was a huge success! For the common during this time for there was
also in order to Alpha Delta AOIl's f o r fifth year, Alpha Delta had a tournament much to catch up on since last spring, re-
being number one i n scholarship last year to raise money for the Arthritis Founda- ported Keri Ferguson.
for both semesters! Keep up the good tion. The fraternities on campus compet-
grades, AOII! ed for the trophy and it went over great! Some of the summer news that was es-
pecially exciting was the event of Con-
Arrival back on campus this fall found The most important event on Alpha vention. The Alpha Phi's were supported
Alpha Deltas busy as bees. Alpha Delta Delta's fall calendar was State Day '85! that week by our advisors and some of
has long been recognized for its leader- Alpha Delta invited chapters f r o m across our officers. However, the most exciting
ship on campus and this year is no Alabama to come to the campus and en- news was that our chapter advisor, Mary
exception. A O I I has its hand in Ala- joy a day of fun and entertainment. It Jane Ahrendes G r i f f a n t i , Alpha Phi,
bama's political system with Lisa was an outstanding success! Lis Donal- 1966, was awarded the Murial T. McKin-
Monasco as Secretary/Treasurer of the son, Regional Vice-President spoke and it ney award for the Outstanding Chapter
School of Arts and Sciences, Sara How- was really a treat! Alpha Delta would Advisor. Needless to say, we all are very
ard as senator of the School of Nursing, like to extend a thank you to all the chap- proud of her for she truly is a outstand-
and Lori Sewall as Social W o r k senator. ters that attended. ing advisor!
Sandra Chung was selected as a member
of Freshman Forum, the freshman leader- 1985 fraternity little sister rush was As expected, rush week was a busy
ship honorary. Alpha Delta has Christy graced w i t h many AOIIs! Little sisters se- time for the Alpha Phi's, adding the fin-
Sanford in charge of Homecoming Queen lected were: Julie Taylor, Shannon Polo, ishing touches for the parties. It was also
selection for the campus and Merritt Jana Oaks for Pi Kappa Phi; Barbie Thai, a very unifying time, which we feel was
Cutcliffe organizing the lawn decorations Lucia Jones, Alicia Adcock, Susan A n - part of the reason we came out of rush
for the sorority and fraternity houses on derson for Lambda Chi Alpha; Renae w i t h flying colors! We pledged 24 very
Game Day. Lydia Denson was selected Grace, Lisa Taylor, Sandra Chung, enthusiastic girls who are sure to benefit
for the Board of Review, Order of Ome- Tracey Yarbrough, Paige Plunkett for our sisterhood!
ga, and is secretary of Panhellenic. Delta Tau Delta; Liz Lapidus, Natasha
Donna Sandidge, president of Panhel- Zimmerman for Zeta Beta Tau; Selisa The Alpha Phi's are happy to add that
lenic, was also selected for the Order McKay, Missy Rosato, Mary Jo Fuentes, we now have two newly initiated mem-
of Omega and recently accepted into Brenda Malone for Beta Theta Pi; and bers. Initiation week was a special time
medical school. Alpha Delta also has Noelle Crow, K i m Jaynes for Kappa filled with inspirational events. The sis-
Cheryl Simmons on Greek Council and Sigma. Congratulations, AOII!! Let's ters were full of spirit singing Christmas
Alicia Adcock as Vice-President of Jr. strive to make spring semester as excel- songs, since the theme was "Christmas".
Panhellenic. lent as fall semester!! reported Lori
Rush '85 was a smashing success! A l - McWhorter.
pha Delta once again pledged quota with
48 terrific girls! This makes Alpha Delta
the third largest sorority on campus and
that's great considering how young they
are! You've come a long way, Alpha
Congratulations go out to Tina Wall
on being selected "Most Outstanding
Pledge O n Campus"! She was also secre-
tary of the freshman honorary, Alpha
Lambda Delta. More congratulations to
Lois Ledbetter for being selected Academ-
ic All-American! She also played in the
U.S. Open Golf Tournament and had her
picture in the New York Times! Michelle
Tidwell was selected for Crimson Caba-
ret, the basketball game danceteam, and
Christene Bell is an alternate! Renee
Grace and Kim Sidle were honored with
being selected Alabama Belles which are
hostesses for the football team. Congrats
The evening was topped with a special fraternity mixers have also been high- AOII was very proud to come in sec-
story read by Kristy Harris, "How the lights of Chi Beta's busy fall calendar. ond to all sororities on campus in overall
Grinch Stole Sisterhood." GPA last semester. Everyone is continu-
"Busy is definitely one way to describe ing to study hard this fall by volunteering
The Alpha Phi's have many upcoming Chi Beta's house search committee. Much to tutor sisters in your same major or
events to fill the fall quarter calendar. hard work has been done on all fronts to field of study, courses etc . . . Our
Fall Fireside and Fall Party are among the bring the chapter's search for a house to a pledges are having study tables three
social events. The traditional AOH timely conclusion. Both national and re- times a week with the actives.
Spookhouse is scheduled for, of course, gional officers have been very supportive
Halloween Night. And the Founder's Day and Chi Beta would like to extend a mul- We enjoyed a fantastic Founders Day
celebration will be held on November titude of thanks. The chapter would also reception with our alums in November.
24th. Then to conclude the quarter will like to share its excitement over the possi- Brunch was held in Denver this year
be our Christmas Party, reports Keri bility of soon purchasing a house and with the usual feeling of fraternity,
Ferguson. providing AOII at U. VA a visible and spirit of Alpha Omicron Pi and sisterly
comfortable home, said Patty DeLaney. love present.
U. of Colorado U. of Evansville
Villanova and AOII just had its first
formal fall rush this year. So, as the sis- Everyone at the Chi Delta chapter this Chi Lambda took 19 beautiful new
ters returned to academics they also re- year is so excited about our new pledges.'! pledges this fall, which was more than
turned to enthusiastic new pledges. A super rush week decorated with paper quota. Sheryl Perkins, pledge educator,
flowers and helium balloons made all 59 is keeping the pledges busy and enthusi-
It has been a hard road for Beta Del- of them worth it! astic while requiring them to have their
ta's. We have come a very long way in nothing books signed by all the colle-
such a short time. The sisters and pledg- We started their pledgeship off with a giates. Also, the pledges are really fired
es, with the help of Kathy Donahue, bang by sending our pledge daughters on up about their "new moms". This was ev-
pledge advisor, will be forming the tradi- a scavenger hunt to various fraternities ident at the mom/daughter pizza party.
tions of Beta Delta chapter of AOII at and hot spots on campus. In the end Many mom/daughter duos dressed up as
Villanova. mom was waiting with pride and prom- famous couples.
ises of good times to come.
Special thanks are extended to all of An alum picnic was held the second
our area alumnae who have been a driv- Our chapter was extremely proud of week of school to better aquaint the
ing force in organizing the chapter. The our philanthropy projects. We won the pledges and collegiates with their area
sisters would also like to thank Laura Philos Award for outstanding Panhellen- alumnae. All the Alpha-O's circled up,
Perry, Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter, ic involvement on campus at Convention singing and yelling the old and new AOII
for generously donating three AOII rings in Washington. We had loads of fun do- songs!
to Beta Delta. One was given to Joan ing "tuckins": a group project in which
Gold, chapter president. The second was people could buy a "tuck-in" for their AOLTs were really busy with road
awarded to Nancy Derivan for an out- friends, boyfriend etc . . . These "tuck- blocks, bake sales, and recycling cans
standing job as rush chairman. The last ins" included two chocolate chip cookies during the Lambda Chi Alpha watermel-
ring will be given to the most enthusiastic and a bedtime story or two, and yes, four on bust. Chi Lambda raised approximate-
pledge who has yet to be named. goodnight kisses. Chi Delta also made ly $1100 to help the Lambda Chi's donate
Easter baskets and other various activi- more than $10,000 to the Evansville Re-
Thisfirstsemester has not been all rush ties for arthritis research. tarded Citizens Association. Plans for
thanks to Lori McKenna, social chair- our own philanthropic projects include a
man. The sisters have been taking every Our house has had many new addi- style show, and a second annual "Run for
opportunity to socialize with the fraterni- tions as of this year. Our alums redid our the Roses" 5K run in the spring.
ties. The next months, however, appear formal living room to surprise us on our
hectic as Halloween approaches. A bake return for rush. It was an added incentive Furthermore, AOLTs shined during
sale and aflowersale are just two philan- and so impressive! We love our alums! homecoming activities. Chi Lambda
thropic fund raisers being planned. paired with Tau Kappa Epsilon to cap-
Along with an early snowstorm came ture the wirirurtg trophy for the mechani-
Beta Delta, which only began last se^ another surprise; our heat didn't work. cal float competition. The pep rally spirit
mester, is growing with leaps and bounds So we all moved into a nearby hotel for a award was also given to, AOII, not to
at Villanova. The sisters are rushing to- week. No rules, and fraternity boys' mention the overall spirit award for the
wards the future! seranades made this experience one not to entire week of activities.
CHI BETA The third annual parent's weekend was
U. of Virginia Coming up; the AOLTs of Boulder are also held during homecoming weekend.
getting ready for a famous couples date The AOParents enjoyed dinner and then
For the Chi Betas of University of Vir^ party. Some of the couples already decid- proceeded to create a block of red in the
girtia, keeping busy has certainly not ed upon include: Pebbels and Bamm new football stadium. A small party
been a problem. After a "welcome back" Bamm, Hot Lips, and Hawkeye, and was held after the game to give the par-
party at which tales of summer were ex- Marilyn Monroe and Joe Dimaggio. Cou- ents an opportunity to get to know more
changed the women looked forward with ples will follow a scavenger hunt to dis- about AOII.
enthusiasm to taking part in the universi- cover the mystery place for the dance.
ty'sfirst-everinformal fall rush. The rush Speaking of dancing, our annual fall for- Many AOII faces can be seen in cam-
was both fun and successful, as eight ter- mal dedicated to our pledges will be held pus activities, Liz Jackson is a cheerleader
rific women pledged AOH, bringing us to in Vail at the Weston Hotel in November. and Carrie Wing is ah Acette. AOH mem-
the new Panhellenic quota. Initiation will bers on the record-breaking winning ten-
be celebrated with a bonfire. An evening This October we will display our nis team include Alice McCrea, Susan
of music and merriment will follow short- Homecoming float proudly with the Sig Sanders, Wendy Wilson, Jennifer Docke
ly there after with our annual semi-for- Eps to the theme of "Frankie Goes to Hol- and Susie Owen. Melissa Owens can be
mal. A Parent's weekend brunch; sub lywood", (actually he goes to Boulder- heard on the weekends D.J.ing for radio
sale, a faculty cocktail mixer and several wood as ourfloatsaid). We have a terrif- KC103.
ic brunch with our alumnae planned
afterwards. .
Chi Lambda pledges Bid Night. DELTA OMEGA Gamma Rho, and a pajama party mixer
Murray State U . with Sigma Pi. We also took a Sunday
Nevertheless, being so active doesn't off from our busy schedules and went to
deter Chi Lambda's minds from scholar- The Delta Omega chapter of AOII at Opryland in Nashville Tennessee. We
ship. They are working hard to maintain Murray State started the semester off in a were also asked to do our preference
the highest G.P.A. on campus, as was very positive way. We made quota dur- night for the Austin Peay colony again.
awarded to the chapter last spring. ing fall formal rush taking in 30 new We were very honored to be asked to do
pledges. After taking their bids we held a that for two years in a row. Homecoming
DELTA CHI retreat to Kentucky Lake to get better ac- week was also very busy for us. It was
U. of Delaware quainted with our pledge class. Soon af- our 25th anniversary here at MSU so we
ter school started we were busy preparing had some special things planned for the
The Delta Chi's of Delaware started off for Lambda Chi Watermelon Bust. It all alumnae and ourselves. We did a float
the year in a big way. Our Housing payed off because we won first place in with Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity for the
Chairman, Susan Neilsson, and Vice events. We have also been busy with homecoming parade for which we won
President of Operations, Joan Killian be- mixers this semester. We were asked to 3rd place. We also had a get together for
gan to actively look for a chapter house have a grafitti mixer with Alpha Tau the alumnae and former chapter advi-
in March. By August 1 we became the Omega, a preppy mixer with Alpha sors. We are now looking forward to
proud owners of the newest Greek house pledge cookout because we have some
on campus. After the necessary construc- great pledges. Our M r . M S U pageant is
tion was done, ten sisters moved into the also under way. We hope that it will be
house for the fall semester. During winter as successful as it has been in the past. A l l
session we plan to have some additional proceeds will go to the Arthritis Founda-
construction done so that more sisters tion. We are very proud of Helen Mc-
will be able to move into the house in the Carty for getting Alpha Tau Omega
spring. Sweetheart and of Michele Simmons, Jen-
nifer Dunn, and Cathy Davenport for be-
During the month of September we ing chosen on the MSU newspaper staff,
had a Greek Open House, a Freshman and of Cindy Hale for receiving the lead-
and Sophomore Open House, and an ing role in the play "Grease". We are also
Alumnae Open House so that we could very proud of all of our sisters that re-
share our excitement with friends and ceived fraternity little sister bids. Anoth-
alums. er great year is in the process.
Delta Chi also came out of a successful DELTA PI
rush with some great new pledges led by Central Missouri State
Pledge Educator Yvette Cerrada. Coming
activities include a greek picnic at nearby When the Delta Pi chapter at Central
Lum's Pond, the "Greek Dating Game," a Missouri State University got back to
Parent's Day Tailgate, a Homecoming campus in August, we had some exciting
Alumni Tailgate, the Scholarship Tea, news. Our president, Lori Dutoit, re-
the Greek Weekend, a Halloween mixer ceived the Diamond Jubilee Foundation
with Sig Ep and other mixers, the annual
pledge/sister Thanksgiving dinner, Inspi- | ....
ration week for the pledges (highlighted
by the scavanger hunt), a Holiday Semi- Sisters of Delta Chi, University of Delaware, stand proudly in front of their new chapter house.
formal at the Wilmington Ramada Inn, 15
and the Founder's Day celebration. Plans
in the making include some new fund-
raising and philanthropic activities for
the year.
Scholarship at convention this past sum- EPSILON ALPHA AOIIs Direct
mer and our sorority as a whole had won Penn State
first in scholarship for the spring semester S.E.P.C.
competing with all other NPC sororities. Fall rush '85 proved to be very success-
ful for Penn State's AOII chapter. The Southeastern Panhellenic Conference
In September, the Delta Pi chapter year-long planning and organizing pro- and Gamma Omicron were a winning
kicked off the year by pledging 25 wom- duced exceptional rush parties and an ex- combination in 1985.
en and making quota on our campus. ceptional pledge class. Epsilon Alpha
Also in September, we installed a new proudly received the Panhellenic Coun- Last A p r i l the University of Florida
fund-raising program working with cils quota of 28 girls. On Sept. 14 the was host to the 1985 Southeastern Pan-
Crowd Control seating people at major girls were "Ribboned-In" at Sigma Chi hellenic Conference. Some 570 delegates,
sporting events and concerts; all to make fraternity. Along with their first taste of including students, national officers and
money for AOIT, reported Kim Phillips. sisterhood activities, they received roses, faculty, attended the conference. Among
a cake, and a serenade from the EX these delegates were AOIIs f r o m 12 states;
During homecoming festivities at the brothers. On Sept. 23 the girls were offi- Janie Callaway, NPC Delegate, and Pub-
end of September, our candidate for cially "pledged i n " and began their pledge lic Relations Coordinator Diane Doug-
homecoming queen, Tomi Duffett, won obligations, reported Leslea Stock. lass.
the title of Homecoming Princess for
CMSU in 1985. We participated as a The pledges didn't waste any time get- This year's Southeastern Panhellenic
group in the homecoming parade with a ting started. Right away they chose their Conference was a very special one be-
walking entry. The theme of homecom- pledge philanthropy, Sigma Chi Derby cause of the hard work of Gamma O m i -
ing was "Games People Play", and our Days. The girls took first place in "Spirit" crons. In total seven Gamma Omicrons
theme was dominoes. We also participat- and third place overall. in various executive positions. In addi-
ed in the pep rally the night before the tion many more served as staff.
game by cheering and doing a planned A cabin party on Oct. 5 was Epsilon
skit for the crowd of greeks. Alpha's first dated function of the aca- Heading up the conference was South-
demic year. The sisters and their dates eastern Panhellenic President Renee
October will be a full month for the enjoyed the secluded cabin, with danc- Hoffner. She was elected to the position
Delta Pi chapter with a date party ing, food and the fun of being together. during the 1984 conference. Renee was a
planned, the Kansas City Alumnae senior in political science and has served
Chapter will be coming down for an in- Epsilon Alphas recently honored are as past Panhellenic president.
formal meeting with us, and we will be Amy Duch, Laurie Heaslip and Mary
having our 9th annual rock-a-thon for Pickens to the Order Of Omega, a na- Several Gamma Omicrons served as
our philanthropy. tional honor society for Greek leaders. directors for the 1985 Conference: K i m
Ventre, Karen Wyngarden and Mariele
December 8th, we will be celebrating We are looking forward to the activi- Jones.
our annual Founder's day with the Kan- ties of the fall. This year Epsilon Alpha
sas City Alumnae Chapter and the Phi chapter is planning Homecoming with Pi Gamma Omicrons also served as as-
chapter at Kansas University at the Blue Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Other activities sistant directors: Ronna-Renee Janes, Teri
Hills Country Club, where we will be include the Delta Gamma Anchor Splash, Phoa and Chrissie Hinnant.
having a luncheon. Greek Sing, and the fall semi-formal.
Programming offered topics that con-
cerned all college Panhellenics. Topics in-
cluded black/white relations; Junior Pan-
hellenic, dealing with burnout and many
more. The day of programming ended
with a panel discussion that informed
women how they could use their Panhel-
lenic experience to aid their future.
Hmnant Jones
Phoa Ventre Wyngarden Hoffner
Alpha Omicron Pi
'Investment m Education
For a quarter of a century your contributions to the Alpha Omicron Pi/Dia-
mond Jubilee Foundation have been providing scholarships.
Dramatic has been our growth from the first scholarship award of $50 to the
thirty scholarships, totaling $18,000, awarded in 1985.
Aren't you proud to be a part of an organization that recognizes need and
does something about it? Your support of the AOII/Diamond Jubilee Foundation
is more crucial than ever. Loud and clear is our members call for help with
astronomical college costs.
AOII is a living, loving sisterhood where our pledge and promise are more
than mere words. They show concern and commitment to one another.
As our bonds in AOII go on forever, so too, do the needs of our fraternity to
insure that our sisterhood may be passed from generation to generation.
Your annual financial support is one way to help perpetuate the strength of
Alpha Omicron Pi in the fraternity world. Please make today a special day by
sending your tax deductible 1985-86 contribution to AOII/Diamond Jubilee
Mrs. Carl B. Johnston
Alpha Omicron Pi
"Investment in Education"
From the Hearts of AOITs
A young alum, "AOII. . . you've done so much for me, unfortunately this is
all I can do at the moment."
Accompanying a $1,000 donation, "Having earned my education at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, I am very aware of the great need for financial assist-
ance. Today it is more urgent because of costs."
From a 91 year old member, who says she feels about 60, "The Scholarship
Foundation is the most important of AOII needs to me. I like to see people
helped if they need it. I'm enclosing $25 for the Foundation. Hope you receive
all you need. Best of luck."
Recently an alumna scholarship recipient, now established in her chosen pro-
fession, sent a contribution to AOII/DJF equal to the full amount of her $900
GAMMA DELTA Thank you very much Pat! Scholarship Award. Congratulations
U. of South Alabama The sisters of Gamma Sigma are be- Carol!
Our president Cheryl Varnado and coming increasingly involved in campus Gamma Omicron would also like to
vice president Julie Brining came back activities. Cindy Butler, who is our chap- express their most sincere thanks to all
from this past year's convention saying ter relations officer, is the new feedback the alumnae who helped during rush.
"AOII is on a roll!" So Gamma Delta chairman. Two other students, Linda Thanks!
chapter decided to adopt it as the theme Masters and Janet Redd were elected to
for this fall quarter. It helped to keep en- represent their fields of study in the Stu- IOTA
thusiasm up during rush and Gamma dent Senate. U. of Illinois
Delta is proud to say it pledged quota, re-
ported Blanche Gomiillion. Gamma Sigma also plans to participate Iota chapter began the school year by
in the Ms. Rampway Contest, a beauty taking a pledge class of 51 fabulous girls!
A country setting was the location of pageant sponsored by the G S U year- Rush was high-lighted by a "hearts"
the second annual pledge retreat. Connie book staff. theme this year, and with the guidance of
Williams offered her home for the week- Sandy Tiberi and assistant Cathy Ceder-
end. Activities included volleyball, spe- The AOII's at G S U also have a lot of berg, everything ran smoothly. Bid night
cial AOII get-to-know-you games, and a fund raising activities in which they will was great, beginning with a B-B-Q at the
bonfire at night under. the open sky participate. Sigma Nu Sweepstakes house, followed by a party with Lambda
where we made smores and had pass-the- which is the first competition this fall will Chi Alpha.
pillow. The Big Apple did leave a trace of raise money for the Scottish Rite Hospi-
gifts behind for the pledges. tal. T K E "Toys for Tots" and Pi Kappa Immediately following rush, both ac-
Phi's "Feed the Kids" will help needy tives and pledges began a semester filled
The new chapter room was complete families throughout Atlanta around with activities. These included the Greek
for this year's rush and it is absolutely Christmas time. Olympics, coached by Anne Hilliard;
beautiful. There is a mint green carpet on rooting for Melanie Burke in the Sigma
the floor and the walls which are GAMMA OMICRON Chi Derby Days Queen Contest; cheering
trimmed in white. The furniture was re- U. of Florida for the Illini with EAE's in our football
covered in a floral design including such block; and assisting Lisa McSherry and
colors as blue, yellow, red, and more This fall Gamma Omicron was pleased Jackie Geiger in the promotion of our
mint green. to welcome a full quota of 55 new pledg- philanthropic event, the second annual
es. This is the largest quota of girls in UF Double Racket Tennis Tournament. In
An alumnae tea was held to meet and Panhellenic history. These pledges were September, Iota took the show on the
get to know our AOII sisters that have later able to experience a special part of road to help Phi Delta with its rush. A
been before us. The turn out was over- AOII, when they chose their big sisters. weekend full of friends, fun and sister-
whelming and plans are being made to hood highlighted that trip.
continue it in the future. A plaque was Gamma Omicron is proud to announce
made for the chapter room which had all our new award from Civitan Regional Both brains and beauty make up the
the names of the alumnae who assisted Blood Centers, for most improved chap- Iota chapter! Not only did we make a 9
with making the new room a reality. ter in their annual blood drive. Gamma rank jump in scholarship (we moved
Omicron competes with 16 other UF so- from 14 to 5 out of 26 sororities), but two
GAMMA SIGMA rorities for this honor, reported Mary girls made the semi-finalists for the
Georgia State U . Ann George. Homecoming Court—Sarah Jane Valter
and Michelle Berlin. Carolyn Welch was
Having high hopes, the sisters of Gam- Gamma Omicron is very active on named one of Ten Outstanding Greeks
ma Sigma at Georgia State University, campus as well. Angie Lawing was select- on campus. She was also, along with
began fall quarter with a lot of plans and ed as Associate General Chairman of Fla. AOII President Kim Daisy, selected for
ideas. Blue Key Honorary's Leadership Insti- Mortar Board. Four seniors were also
tute; Beth Lawrence was selected as Di- named to the Senior 100 Honorary. They
Each year, to prepare for rush, the sis- rector of Publicity; Heather Zielke was were Sheryl Bahnks, Kim Daisy, Sarah
ters caravan to Lake Burton for Rush Re- chosen Asst. Director for Leadership Jane Valter, and Carolyn Welch. Con-
treat. All of the work put forth by the week; Jackie Medford was chosen as Ex- gratulations to all of them!!
sisters paid off the second week of ecutive Asst. to the General Chairman;
school, which is when rush officially be- Ann Henry was selected as Asst. Director All Iota alumnae are cordially invited
gins. When rush ended and bids were giv- for the leadership manual; Debbie Bril- to our 75th Anniversary Celebration
en out, AOII's Gamma Sigma chapter had hart was chosen Asst. Dir. for Communi- which will be held in Champaign, Illi-
25 of the best pledges ever. cations, and Julie Dixon was chosen as an nois, on April 12, 1986. The collegiate
Asst. Director for the university's annual members are really looking forward to an
Over the summer, Gamma Sigma re- Pageant. Gamma Omicron would also enjoyable day, reported Traci Urban.
ceived recognition in many different like to congratulate Elisa Terraferma and
areas. The one award which we are most Christina Corbett, as they were both se- IOTA SIGMA
proud of is the Stella George Stern Perry lected as new Cicerones, (University host Iowa State U .
Award which was given to Diana Roper organization.)
at the convention. Excitement is running high at Iota Sig-
Many Gamma Omicrons have be- ma Chapter at Iowa State University.
Gamma Sigma was also awarded with come Sweethearts for various fraternities Iota Sigma is proud to announce the ar-
the National Philanthropic Award, around campus. Jill Stewart is the new rival of our fall formal pledge class. At
Chapter Achievement Award, Rush Ex- sweetheart for Lambda Chi Alpha; Tracy three over quota,, these thirty four pledg-
cellence Award, Diamond Jubilee Award, Arthur is Sigma Phi Epsilon's new sweet- es are the rewards of an extremely suc-
and the Ruby Fund Award. heart; and Cheney Gazzam resumes her cessful rush week.
reign as Delta Upsilon's sweetheart; and
Furthermore, Gamma Sigma was in- Cheney Gazzam resumes her reign as The new pledges are already learning
ducted into the Cardinal Circle, which we Delta Upsilon's sweetheart. that at Iowa State, AOII means getting in-
feel is a great honor. The sisters of this volved, and they are really living up to
chapter would like to thank Mrs. Pat Carol Szymke has been selected to re- this reputation! They will be competing
Hardy, an Atlanta Alumnae, who made ceive a Diamond Jubilee Foundation
the donation in the name of our chapter. 17
AOIl's at Iota Sigma show their enthusiasm during rush week. With all this hard work and play,
scholarship chairman Denise Boberg isn't
in the "Yell Like Hell" competition during surprise for the Kappa Kappas. We too worried about grades. Last spring
homecoming week with the pledges of pledged over quota! The actives, to say quarter the Kappa Kappas moved from
Theta Chi, and we wish them all the best the least, were ecstatic, for this proved 7th to 5th place in rankings on campus.
of luck! rush was very successful, reported Caro- There were also four girls who received a
lyn Bennett. perfect 4.0, they were: Julie Birden,
AOII involvement in Homecoming Cathy Terrell, Kelly McAndrews and
doesn't end with the pledges! We're very- The Kappa Kappas managed to find Missy Hensley.
proud of the many AOIl's who are serv- time for other activities as well as rush.
ing on various Homecoming committees! Peggy Stewart was one of four singers With the year off to this great of a
Their hard work will result in a week full chosen during auditions for the home- start there is no doubt it will be one to
of campus-wide activities related to the coming talent search. She w i l l compete remember!
Homecoming game against Kansas. Barb for a scholarship against other perform-
Voss is serving on the central committee ers during homecoming festivities. Becky KAPPA OMEGA
as its secretary. In addition the entire Wimmer represented the chapter well by
chapter will be participating with the men placing in the top five for queen candi- U. of Kentucky
of Lambda Chi Alpha in a Homecoming- date. As in previous years, the Kappa
related service project. The Lambda Chi's Kappas came out on top in the Watermel- A successful rush, 38 great pledges!
Sponsor an annual haunted house called on Bust games. For the third consecutive The fall semester for Kappa Omega has
"Goreville Manor". The project is very year the spirit award had gone to the been a most exciting one. Though rush
well known for the funds it raises. The Kappa Kappas. This year the trophy for was hard this year, having to live with
AOIl's are excited about participating, 2nd place in the sorority division also alumnae while the house was being com-
having fun, and donating lots of money came home. pleted thus having to hold our open
to Arthritis Research Foundation. house parties in the Student Center, the
extra work proved itself in the long run.
In other news, Iota Sigma was honored For the second year in a row we have had
to host the pledges of Phi Chapter during the largest pledge class on campus. The
their traditional pledge skip. We hope pledges' enthusiasm alone is enough to
they had a memorable time! get our initiates excited!
The semester is just starting. Yet we all Ignoring the workmen trying to fix all
feel we're off and running! We're excited the kinks of the new house has not been
to be back in our beautifully newly redec- easy but the outside events have made
orated home, and excited about the up- everyone forget them. This summer
coming semester. You can bet more good Kappa Omega's Melinda Cumberledge
news well follow! received second runner-up in the Miss
Kentucky Pageant. A n d this fall, Peggy
Noe and Susan Meshako received first
and second runners-up respectively
in the University of Kentucky Homecom-
ing Queen Pageant.
Kappa Omega is not only sprakling be-
cause of it's pageant winners but because
of standings on campus. Angie Collier
was appointed comptroller of UK's Stu-
dent Government Association, the fourth
highest office. Marilyn Mees was elected
Vice President of the Greek Activities
Steering Committee. We are second in in-
KAPPA KAPPA Left to Right: Kappa Omegas at UK
Shannon Sprauer, Donna Forbes, Marian Marshall, Melinda Cumberledge (Miss Lexington,
Ball State 2nd runner up in Miss Kentucky) Channon Butler, and Marilyn Mees.
The Kappa Kappas returned to school
with excitement and anticipation for the
year. First attention was given to rush. It
was a hectic two weeks but because of
the special dedication of rush chairman,
Becky Wimmer and president Gina Rich-
ey and the rest of the chapter, the Kappa
Kappas were able to hold the best rush
ever. On pledge night there was a special
tramural standings and best of all we are Once classes began, many of the sisters KAPPA TAU
at the top in Greek points standing. A re- directed their talent and AOII energy to a
cent w i n of the Lambda Chi Alpha Wa- variety of activities. Lee Anne Richner, Southeastern Louisiana
termelon Bust and excellent participation Kappa Pi's philanthropic chairman, was
in the Greek Blood Drive helped put us named chairman of the Students Against The Kappa Tau Chapter at Southeast-
where we are today. We are certain that Multiple Sclerosis project at O N U . Pam ern Louisiana University had a very suc-
with the many upcoming Greek events Norton and Rachel Hunter serve as resi- cessful rush this fall semester. Kappa Tau
our chapter will take it all! dent assistants. Pam also dedicates a pledged quota which was 22 women and
great deal of time to student government was the most successful woman's frater-
Another highlight for Kappa Omega as secretary of Student Senate. Michele nity on campus. Taking a full pledge
this semester is getting the opportunity to Rohal is serving as chairman of rush for class had made for a great beginning to a
go to University of West Virginia and aid Panhel, and has worked long hours or- new semester reported Christine Johnson
in colonizing a new AOII chapter. Every- ganizing formal rush. Another sister, our rush chairman.
one was ecstatic to go share their feelings Julie Bianchi, was named as her assistant.
toward AOII into other places. Pledges have made Kappa Tau very
A big event for the chapter upon re- proud by their many activities such as
Presently, Kappa Omega is getting ex- turning to school was the third annual "Keg Roll" a fund raiser for Arthritis Re-
cited for fall formal and Greek Night at Faculty Open House. The chapter began search, participation in pep rallies in
the Oscars to be held in November. Also, this event with hopes of strengthening the which we won the most spirited award,
we are very pleased to be having a picnic relationship between the administration and for their pledge song which they sang
for Central Kentucky Re-Education Pro- of O N U and the Greek organizations on at a Panhellenic picnic, reported Missy
gram kids again. Fall semester 1985 is the campus. The attendance was overwhelm- Lanaux.
semester of Kappa Omega at University ing, and the guests toured the house and
of Kentucky, reported Donna Forbes. saw a slide show presentation. This event Scholastically, Kappa Tau's have won
gave the sisters an opportunity to spend a number of scholarships. We won the
THE time with the faculty and get to know most prestigious Panhellenic scholarship
FAIRFIELD COUNTY them better. for academic excellence. Kappa Tau has
PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION won this award f o r the past eight semes-
The Kappa Pi chapter has long been in- ters for having the highest grade point
Offers its annual scholarship of $700 to volved in sports activities and this year average on campus including both the
sorority members attending any college or will be no exception. Shelly Heron and men and the women's averages. Cecilia
university in the United States whose home Kathy Hinkle are members of ONU's Deynoodt received the President's Schol-
residence is in Fairfield County, Connecti- top-ranked women's volleyball squad. arship Award for her academic excellence
cut. The chapter has also organized a team to and fraternity participation. Kim Powell
participate in intermural flag football. was the recipient of the Diamond Jubilee
Applicants must be in their sophomore Foundation Award, and Lauren Zeller,
or junior year, and must be active mem- Social activities have also kept the Kappa Tau president, received an award
bers of a National Panhellenic Sorority. chapter extremely busy with several par- for the highest grade point average in
ties, including a picnic with the brothers Kappa Tau.
Selection is based on academic records of Kappa Psi and a hat and tie party w i t h
and service to sorority, school and commu- the brothers of Phi M u Delta. Kappa Tau held its annual Homecom-
nity. For application forms, write to: ing activities during the month of Octo-
Christina Walker, 46 Betsy's Lane, The sisters are now anxiously awaiting ber in which we host the homecoming
New Canaan, Ct. 06840, 203-996-6135 the formal rush period in anticipation of float building competition, the Home-
an exciting year and another great pledge coming Festival, and the Homecoming
Completed forms and accompanying in- class. Day Parade. Kappa Tau's filled the
formation must be returned by March 15, Homecoming Court again this year.
1986. Announcement of the scholarship re- v. Those representing Kappa Tau are
cipient will be made in late spring, 1986. Cecilia Deynoodt, Teri Haley, Toni
During Greek Week, the AOITs at O N U par- Gutowski, and Peggy O'Neil. W i t h 32
KAPPA PI ticipate in a pyramid-building contest. organizational sweethearts on campus
Kappa Tau is proud to have 17 women
Ohio Northern representing these organizations. The pa-
rade takes a lot of time to organize, so to
The new school year at Ohio Northern show our appreciation the pledges proud-
University got off to an enthusiastic bang ly lead the way for the parade on a bright
as the sisters of Kappa Pi chapter re- red fire engine.
turned for their third annual Rush Re-
treat, reported Karen S. Downing. It was The Kappa Tau's showed their athletic
a time f o r everyone to get reacquainted, ability this semester by winning the
share summer adventures, and renew the Greek intramurals flag football champi-
love and unity of AOII before the hustle onship without one defeat!!!
and bustle of classes began. While our
rush chairman A m y Ferguson, went Kappa Tau's are very active on campus
through the rush procedures, all the sis- this semester. Lauren Zeller, Kappa Tau
ters worked diligently to prepare every- president, was recently elected Student
thing for "The Wizardry of AOII" and Government Association Vice-President.
"AOII Annie" rush parties, as well as the She works along with our beau, David
annual Potato Bake and hayride. Also Lashouto, Student Government Associa-
during this time, Rachel Hunter, the tion President.
chapter president, shared her experiences
from convention. Kappa Pi was very We are very busy this semester work-
proud to have brought home several ing on our most popular activity "The A l l
awards. We were also recognized by Greek Mixer". We hope to have another
ONU's Panhel as having the most i m - great semester and hope all chapters w i l l
proved grade point spring quarter and as let their AOII spirit shine on their campus
being the best overall sorority. so that A O I I w i l l be the best!
N u Betas latest "star" actives include
Jane Day, who has earned a place in the
Associated Student Body as Executive
Secretary; Lori Wooley, who received the
Vice Commandant's Award for outstand-
ing achievement at the McConnell A i r
Force Base in Kansas, this summer; and
Jennifer O'Neal, who was chosen for the
Ole Miss modeling board.
O n September 26, Nancy Buratto and
Lisa Bowers looked on as Cindy Norman
delivered her speech during a sorority
1 presentation at Millsaps College, in Jack-
son. A l l the N u Betas are crossing their
fingers that A O I I will be chosen to char-
ter at Millsaps!
Four out of seven AOITs on Homecoming court at Southeastern Louisiana University. Left to right Vanderbilt
Teri Haley, Cecilia Deynoodt, Peggy O'Neil, Toni Cutowski.
"From East to West . . . " Things are
LAMBDA CHI coke parties. Leslie Friedberg, a traveling happening in Nashville and around the
consultant, introduced the cheer to us country for the Nu Omicron chapter.
LaGrange College and provided us with pep talks through- Vandy AOII's roadtripped down to the
out the week. The only rush video, dur- Bayou country in New Orleans to help
"Celebrate with AOIF was the theme ing coke parties, was a big hit and it Tulane's new chapter w i t h their first
for another exciting and successful rush looks like A O I I has set another trend on rush. Everyone on the trip brought back
at LaGrange. Dana Brunegraff, rush the Ole Miss campus. The talent per- many memorable stories that they shared
chairman, led the weeks of preparation. forming skit this year was so impressive, in the Rose Bowl at chapter meeting. Be-
It was well w o r t h it as Lambda Chi we immediately taped it and shipped it fore venturing to New Orleans, we also
made quota for the sixth year, pledging off to Headquarters for approval, report- joined our sisters at Austin Peay for their
twenty-four outstanding girls. The chap- ed Maggie Burnside. rush rounds.
ter welcomed their new pledges on Bid
Day with a scavenger hunt that ended at September was, as usual, busy for the The beginning of the semester brought
the lake for a cook-out and sing by the N u Betas. We gave a "welcome" tea for our own pre-rushing activities that cli-
water. Missy Stallings, pledge trainer, our new housemother to acquaint her maxed in October with a campus-wide
has many other great ideas for the girls with other housemothers. We pulled off party called Greekfest. Local bands
such as a luau and pledge retreat. It looks our first philanthropic project of the helped Vandy celebrate Greek life and in
like these girls are in for a terrific pledge school year, with the annual AOII Alca- particular, helped the AOLTs bring a suc-
period. traz. Fraternity and sorority presidents cessful end to our pre-Rush activities.
were kidnapped and held at our house
Convention also proved very exciting until each fraternity and sorority pre- A O I I stars are shining! Maxine Kijek,
for Lambda Chi. The chapter was award- sented $20 to have their president re- N u Omicron's rush chairman, was a fi-
ed "The Distinguished Service A w a r d " as leased. The local humane society was nalist on this year's Homecoming Court.
w e l l as " G P A A w a r d " and "Rush very grateful to receive $400 from the The theme was " A Hollywood Home-
A w a r d " . As far as honors on campus AOIIs! coming" and we celebrated the day with
. . . AOII was awarded the Mamie Lark our traditional Homecoming brunch fol-
Henry Scholarship Cup for the 16th con- Big Sis - Lil Sis was a lot of f u n this lowed by the football game where the
secutive quarter!! In addition, two more year! After a week of receiving confusing mighty 'Dores tied the Georgia Bulldogs.
AOII's Melanie Faith and Christie Wil- clues, the pledges met the actives at near-
liamson, were chosen as little sisters to by Sardis Lake to finally discover that Social chairman, Lynn Carr and Chap-
the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. This special big sister! ter Relations officer, Gigi Frey, organized
brings the Lambda Chi little sister total Fraternity and Graduate School swaps,
to 15! This year's chapter retreat was changed our Autumn Bash, and Friday lunches at
to a night time event. It still allowed the the house to keep our social calenders
The Lambda Chi's next service project actives to become better acquainted with busy but that did not keep Scholarship
w i l l be their annual twenty-four hour the pledges, though this year we inclu- chairman, Daryl Kanell, from handing
Rock-a-Thon. Again this year the rock- ded art Alpha Hour, reserved especially out lollipops to all the A's earned by the
ing w i l l be done- on the town square." for the eve of initiation. As hoped, it Nu Omicron chapter.
Keep on Rocking girls and Good Luck! made the retreat more memorable for
everyone. Michelle Anchors, our Philanthropy
NU BETA CHAPTER Chairman, is presently organizing a
AOLTs have been taking advantage of chance for N u Omicron to help out in the
U. of Mississippi the Ole Miss social scene. Practically the Y M C A Reading-Power program. This
whole chapter roadtripped to New Or- program will allow AOII's to help chil-
Nu Betas can pat themselves on the leans for a football weekend. Of course, dren who have reading disabilities. The
back for a job well done, after a very suc- swap themes such as graffiti, paisley, and N u Omicron chapter has had a busy fall
cessful rush. There was a new spirit this leather and lace, have brightened up our studying, partying, and most of all shar-
year, especially w i t h the addition of an Thursdays! ing friendship within the chapter, with
A O I I cheer we used after ice water and other chapters, and in the campus and
community. It goes to show that " . . .
AOII's are the BEST!"
i with Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity to partic-
ipate in the week's events. A philanthrop-
V ic water balloon booth, a dance contest,
and house decorations were some of the
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt and Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern, on their trip to New Orleans. categories judged during the week. Our
theme of "Happy Days" not only took us
OMICRON PI versity of Kansas are in the middle of back into the 50's but proved to be suc-
another busy year. cessful. Pi Delta showed Maryland's
U. of Michigan Greek system we are #1 when we re-
In September Phi was chosen to assist ceived six trophies; one being for overall
The Omicron Pi chapter at the Univer- the new colony at the University of Mis- winner!
sity of Michigan started out the 1985- souri with rush. Forty girls traveled to
1986 school year w i t h a bang! The Oil's Mizzou and helped the colony pledge 45 Success continued for Pi Delta when
started off with a week of activities get- women. we held our first annual Casino Night
ting ready for Rush and went right into for the benefit of arthritis research. The
Rush starting Thursday, September 12, The chapter also held the second annu- black tie affair, with black jack tables,
reported Lisa Aupperle. al Omicron Open Putt-Putt Golf Tourna- raffles, and numbered wheels, was head-
ment for arthritis research. With more ed by Wendy Seher and Barbara Le-
O i l has had much extra support f r o m than 40 teams entered, the event was a vine. Our chapter raised over one thou-
visiting alums such as former Chapter huge success, not to mention a lot of f u n . sand dollars and proved that hard work
Consultant, Cindy Schwartzfager, for pays off.
mixers and our new Chapter Consultant, Much time and hard work went into
Leslie Friedberg, for third sets. Also at the building of the homecoming float Pi Delta sisters remained active over
third sets was our Regional Director, with the Delta Tau Deltas, and into the the summer as we attended International
Fudge Skaff. A n d last, but not least, we production for Rock Chalk Review with Convention.
were honored by the presence of our Re- the Sigma Phi Epsilons.
gional Rush Officer, Susan Adair, for Fi- Fall semester began w i t h a busy rush
nal Desserts. We appreciate all their help The biggest project this semester has schedule and loads of A O I I enthusiasm.
and support through Rush. been preparing for rush which occurs in Jeanette Heuisler did a fantastic job as
January at K U . The skits and songs are rush chairman keeping everyone organ-
October was a very busy month for all now polished and Phi is eagerly awaiting ized and the week running smooth.
at Omicron Pi starting with fall pledging another successful rush. Stacey Wood's artistic talents helped
and carry-in on October 4. We were kept tremendously with all of the house deco-
busy with Sigma Chi Derby Days, COB PI DELTA rations set to our theme of the "Wonder-
Rush, and a couple of serenades. The ful World of AOII". Pi Delta opened its
Oil's showed their originality and cre- U. of Maryland doors to 38 new pledges.
ativity in costume design for their annu-
al Halloween party. Excitement was in the air as Pi Deltas Since then, our chapter has kept busy
returned spring semester to initiate 33 with parties, a two-day blood drive, and
We proudly sent three collegiates and pledges. Stronger than ever, we prepared a pre-chapter retreat. We haved paired
two Oil alums to convention. Even for a semester filled with desserts, suc- up with fraternities to tailgate before go-
though it was very hard work, they all cessful coed softball games, and philan- ing to see our nationally ranked football
came home with very happy memories to thropic events. Sisters Paula Ferraro and team play, and enjoyed a fun movie night
share w i t h their sisters at Omicron Pi. Pamela Allen displayed their academic sponsored by Pam Myers and Chapter
and leadership abilities when they were Relations.
PHI tapped into the greek honorary society,
Kalegathos. Once midterms are over the sisters of
U . of Kansas Pi Delta will be back in full swing for
Pi Deltas' enthusiasm built as the Uni- Pledge Debut and Homecoming '85.
The women of Phi chapter at the Uni- versity of Maryland's annual Greek
Week approached. Our chapter paired up PHI SIGMA
Kearney State
"Rock, Rock never stop." The Phi Sig-
mas raised $1900 this year for the A r t h r i -
tis Foundation in their 72-hour Rocking
Chair Marathon. The Phi Sigmas, with
the help from their Big Brothers, kept
their five chairs "rocking" in front of the
Kearney State Student Union, asking for
donations and collecting pledges, says
Allison Benge.
Cow Pi was the scene the following
weekend. The Phi Sigmas, dressed in
their cowboy hats and spurs, held their
fall dance in a barn with a bon fire and
all the country fixin's.
Phi Sigma received 25 excellent women
through formal rush and 3 more through
COB. We are very pleased w i t h our
With Halloween, Thanksgiving, semi-
formal and Christman to come the Phi
Sigmas are looking forward to a f u n -
filled semester.
SIGMA OMICRON Members of Sigma Omicron are Mizzou bound as they declare AOI1 is number one!
Arkansas State The highlight of our fall semester took SIGMA RHO
the f o r m of a three hour trip up the coast
Sigma Omicron began another success- of California to San Luis Obispo home of Slippery Rock U .
ful year by pledging quota for the sixth California Polytechnic State University
year in a row, with 30 enthusiastic girls. and our new AOII colony. Sigma Phi Imagine a tropical paradise . . . palm
Sigma Omicron is now the largest sorori- was asked to take part in the three day trees, sand, and tall frosty glasses of pink
ty at Arkansas State University with 85 colonization. With costumes and props in lemonade with dainty umbrellas balanc-
members and pledges. hand, the chapter boarded the bus clad in ing on top. Whoosh, an AOII frisbee just
red and white. By 1:00p.m. the bus had misses the table holding fresh fruit salad.
After rush our intramural team got arrived and we were ready to set up our Beach Boys' tunes play while beautiful
into the swing of things by winning their theme day-roaring 20's. Instantaneously AOLTs, in grass skirts, dance, laugh, and
first two football games against the ladies the room was transformed into a scene mingle with their guests . . . the rushees.
of Phi M u and Zeta Tau Alpha, reported from the 20's. We performed our enter- Yes, that was our theme party for formal
Michele Kennon. tainment and got a chance to talk to rush this fall. A few spontaneous changes
rushees and share some of the specialness in our format had rushees leaving in tears
Members Beth Tackett and Mary of A O I I . Not only was it exciting to share at departure time. We had reached down
Swindoll attended Convention in June A O n w i t h these women but to share it and touched them with AOII love. This
along with Carolyn Wyatt, chapter advi- with such women as Melanie Doyle, In- rush was especially important to us and
sor; Sigma Omicron received the Rush ternational Vice President of Develop- we worked hard and with total enthusi-
Excellence Award for a medium sized ment who came out for the colonization. asm to bring in the much needed new and
chapter, a certificate for pledging quota Sigma Phi was proud of having the op- younger generation. Our rush chairman,
and a Certificate of Achievement. portunity to show Cal Poly a small part Patti O'mara, of the 1985 spring pledge
of w h y we are so proud to be AOIl's. class, is still recovering. She can't seem to
Twenty-two collegiate members of Sig- stop saying "places everyone this is i t . "
ma Omicron along with our chapter ad-
visor, Carolyn Wyatt, traveled to the ....
University of Missouri (Mizzou) to par-
ticipate in rush with the ladies of the Sigma Phi sisters model their "Camp AOII" rush attire.
AOII colony. Sigma Omicron attended
their Bid Day Party on Thursday fol-
lowed by a dance with the men of Delta
Sigma Theta on Friday.
Pledge Carroll Carwell will be per-
forming at the half time shows of the
football games with the Arkansas State
University Majorettes and pledge Alisa
Martin will be representing the men of
Sigma Phi Epsilon this year as their
Member Joni Hampton will be repre-
senting ASU this year as a Varsity Cheer-
leader and Sidona Hill and Gina Kelly
w i l l be dancing with the A-Team Show
We will be honoring our new pledges
this month with a "Get Hip on AOII"
dance and we are looking forward to
California State University—
Eight collegiates and two alumnae Sig-
ma Phi sisters were fortunate enough to
travel to Washington D.C. to take part in
AOII convention—one of the greatest ex-
periences for those who attended. With
energy flowing, those sisters brought
back to the chapter so many ideas,
experiences and enthusiasm. Those ideas
were shared during our summer rush re-
treat held at a camp in the nearby moun-
tains. The weekend was spent (minus the
common conviences of blow dryers, curl-
ing irons, and makeup) putting the final
touches on rush and spending time with
just our sisters.
When the time for rush came, Sigma
Phi proved once again that AOII is the
best! With quota at 45, our brand new
48 woman Alpha Iota pledge class made
us realize how much all our hard w o r k
pays off!
The Sigma Rho chapter is also proud supportive alumnae and Chapter Con- ing for a spectacular victory. After all
to say that the new Homecoming queen sultant Jennifer Jansen. Thank you all! this/a fall party hayride is planned to re-
at Slippery Rock University is our own lax and renew spirits f o r the rest of fall
president Katie Love, of the 1985 spring Many events are being planned for the quarter.
pledge class. Our newest member Linda academic year. Some of these include an
Zajak, has been honored with the title open house during the Family Day foot- TAU DELTA
"Rose Queen" for Pi Kappa Phi fraterni- ball game, our bi-annual formal, fund-
ty. Another sister we would like to recog- raisers for the Arthritis Foundation, and Birmingham Southern
nize is Laurie Peyers, of the 1984 fall participation in MTSU's Homecoming.
pledge class. Laurie received the out- This year AOII is joining the Kappa A l - It was forty-five minutes before mem-
standing senior award for Slippery Rock, pha order with the Homecoming events bers of Tau Delta were to find out how
at the Parks and Recreation Symposium and float. It w i l l prove to be an exciting many pledges they would have and who
this past M a y . This fall Laurie will be at- event. With AOITs participation in all of they were. Quota was 28.
tending Academics Honors Convocation these activities, plus many more, there is
for Deans list in the past year. no doubt that we will continue to grow. Tension mounted as the time grew
Middle Tennessee State University had near. Sonya Thomas, our president and
In addition to our arthritis philanthro- better watch out, because AOII is there to Chris Wenning, our rush chairman, ran
py, we w i l l be working with the other stay, reported Kathleen Brock. in with the news. We not only pledged
fraternities and sororities on campus to quota, but quota plus one. We pledged
form a philanthropy for missing children TAU 29 wonderful AOII's.
reported Monique Panella.
U. of Minnesota We now have the most enthusiastic
RHO OMICRON and outstanding 29 girls on campus.
"Welcome, welcome, welcome from On the way back from bid day picnic,
Middle Tennessee State U . the AOLTs"—and Taus did just that this they had already learned half of all the
fall by not only initiating four spring songs we sing. They are always willing
Ask any person on MTSU's campus quarter pledges but also by bringing in a and available to do anything for AOTI,
who knows about the Greek system strong new pledge class. A l l thanks to reported Krista Kidd.
"What is the sorority to be in?", and the the long hours and driving energy of
answer will be A O I I . In only a year and a of rush chairs Judi Sher and Rosey Every year, Tau Delta holds a slave
half, the Rho Omicron chapter of Alpha Kasbohm. And Kris Vickerman contin- sale. We auction off our pledges to raise
Omicron Pi is one of the most popular ues that spirit w i t h our on going informal money f o r the pledge class. This year
sororities on campus, and the best part is rush program. they raised seven hundred ten dollars.
that it is still growing. When the mem- They broke the previous years' records
bers came back a week early f r o m their Heidi Garcia, pledge trainer, backed by a great margin.
summer vacation, they were ready to by Tau's award winning pledge program
make Fall Rush 1985 one to remember. w i l l strive to keep this University of Min- We are looking forward to spending a
And it w i l l be remembered! Twenty-six nesota Greek award for AOII again this lot of time with our new pledges. In order
new pledges joined the actives at a local year. The pledges' calendar is rapidly f i l l - to do so, we planned a sisterhood retreat
club house for a celebration. But the cele- ing up with activities such as pledge/ac- for the weekend of September 20-21.
brating was not over. Within three weeks tive study nights, pledge/alum reception,
after rush, quota was reached, bringing exchanges, and of course, Homecoming. Sunday, we will have formal pledging,
the Rho Omicron chapter to a grand total followed by a banquet.
of sixty-six! A l l of this would not have AOII moved into high gear in October
been possible without the help of our by putting lots of elbow grease into our We are also very proud of Lisa A l -
Homecoming float with the Sigma Nus. bers, Heather Howard, Mary Wenning,
Between football, cheer contest, and but- Lesli Blake, and Melanie Luther for re-
ton selling, AOTI and Sigma N u are head- ceiving the honor of little sister for vari-
ous fraternities.
W i t h such a successful rush, Tau Delta
This "Roving Reporter" skit made a hit during fall rush at M T S U . Those pictured are: Gwyn cannot help but to continue to have a
McCollister, Allison Dean, Tammye Earle, Rhonda Fenimore, Kathleen Brock, Karen Brewer, and great year!
Jennifer Hooper.
Shippensburg U .
The Shippensburg University chapter,
Tau Lambda presently has 61 active sis-
ters and are excited about their third
pledge class. During the weeks of rush
they had a great turnout. Rush parties in-
cluded the themes of Red and White, SU
Spirit, Ice Cream, Sports, and Balloon.
Formal rush was held October 8 and the
Tau Lambdas are anxious to gain a "new
Homecoming was again a particularly
happy and memorable occasion for Ship-
pensburg AOITs. The AOITs proudly
cheered on Paula Emenheiser who was a
member of the Homecoming court for
1985. Another highlight for Tau Lambda
was capturing second place in the walk-
ing unit event for SU's homecoming pa-
rade. Their attention-getting costumes (to
say the least!) were reflected around the
theme, "Ship for Sure."
Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern. and during rush week—including the
practicing of skits, working of props,
From October to March, the Tau kin carving contest for Halloween; and a singing and brushing up on rush tech-
Lambdas will time for the men's swim skating date party. niques—paid off when we were rewarded
team for their second year. Sisters and on bid day seeing all our terrific new
pledges eagerly partake in this campus TAU OMICRON pledges running toward the lodge with
project. Besides timing for the swim- U. of Tennessee-Martin AOII bids in hand! Rush was successful in
mers, the AOII's are actively participating that we not only pledged our quota, but,
as "ball girls" for SU's football and soccer Let's celebrate! That w i l l be the theme also the chapter grew closer together
teams. for Tau Omicron throughout this year as through all the hard work, giving
they celebrate their 20th anniversary at strength to the future of the chapter.
As for scholarship, the AOII's were ec- U T M . But that's not the only reason they
static to receive "The President's Cup" have to celebrate . . . Bid Day's welcome to the new sisters
which is awarded to the sorority with the began with a poolside picnic at the house
highest grade point average. This year Fall quarter brought with it warmer of Judy Barker, a faithful alumnae. The
the Ruby A pin was handed down to than normal temperatures and 36 enthu- rest of the alums helped in preparing a
Sabina Grimm for obtaining a perfect 4.0 siastic new pledges for Tau Omicron! great snack supper for all the actives,
while pledging. Rush Chairman, Denise Mullis, did a fan- pledges and big brothers. A l l the pledges
tastic job of planning and getting every- received bright red T-shirts proclaiming
Upcoming events for Shippensburg A l - one involved in a great formal rush. A l l to everyone that they were new AOII's
pha Omicron Pi's include a "tigertreat" the hard work at summer Rush Retreat and were also given their pledge ribbons.
for the sisters and new pledges; a pump- They participated in a fun get-to-know-
your-sisters game where each pledge got
»PH MlWfl a rosebuddie who would be like a big sis-
ter to her until later in the quarter. The
Shippensburg AOII's "ball girls" show their SU Spirit. Pictured are Chris Stevens and her big sister, night was topped off with a big bash at
Donna Cope. the ATO house for all the greek organiza-
tions on campus. A O n actives and new
pledges really showed their pride!
Fall quarter is a busy time f o r the
pledges as well as the actives. The pledges
spent the night at the lodge getting to
know each other better and learning
more about AOII at their pledge retreat
under the direction of their pledge train-
er, Donna Ford. The actives couldn't let a
fall quarter go by without the traditional
"kidnapping" of their rosebuddies. The
pledges also had a f u n time trying to
guess who their big sisters were. Each
AOII left her little sister clues all week
and on the day of pinning they found out
who their big sisters were.
A successful rush sent Tau Omicron
into fall quarter with high spirits and
Homecoming just around the corner,
reports Linda Tankersley. We began pre-
paring for the activities of the week in-
cluding building their float with the KA's,
practicing for the pyramid-building con-
test and preparing the lodge for the open
house after the Homecoming game. Tau
Omicron has several candidates up for
Homecoming Queen including their
chapter president, Tracey Cline, repre-
senting AOII. The Tau Omicron's plan to
put all their energy into this year's Home-
coming activities and be winners in every
The AOII's wasted no time getting in-
volved on campus as several sisters were
chosen to be little sisters for several fra-
ternities on campus. Tau Omicron is
also very proud of one of its sisters, Jill
Emerson, who received an academic
scholarship to study in Japan.
Intramural football began with a victo-
ry over Sigma Kappa and hopefully the
start of an undefeated season.
Tau Omicron has set high goals for helped to build the float with Kappa Sig- changes with £11, Pikes and £ X , our
their scholarship this year and they look ma and Sigma N U . Blind Date and Christmas Formal.
forward to their annual Rose Bowl being
organized by Michelle Campbell, scholar- We are eagerly looking forward to our THETA PI
ship chairman. They also are preparing scholorship banquet, Pledge Presents, ex-
for their annual philanthropic project— Wagner College
Trick-or-Treat for Arthritis and also a
raffle for a weekend away for two. The close of the 1984-85 school year
was one of achievement for the sisters of
Their plans are underway for the big Theta Pi. We ended the year with a
anniversary celebration in the spring bang at a Panhel-sponsored Senior Ban-
which they hope will be a great success quet in which three of our seniors were
and will be attended by all the dedicated honored with awards as follows: Wendy
alumnae who helped the chapter to grow Fairchild Restivo, leadership; Melinda
to be what it is today! Boudah, most improved sister; and Janice
O'Connor, most outstanding sister. Each
THETA OMEGA Tau Omicron's from U T M take a little time of our three winners was presented with
out for fun at their Summer Rush Retreat. a rose and a certificate to mark her
Northern Arizona U. achievements.
Theta Omega started this fall semester Theta Pi also received recognition for
off at N A U with a bang. Our first night our achievements at Convention, our
back we initiated our hold-over pledges, representatives Kim Rodd and Lisa
Seanne Bardo, Jennifer Beaton, Maria Mayercik, C.A. had the privilege of ac-
Nelson and Holly Woosley. The next day cepting two awards in the name of Theta
rush began. We pledged 24 wonderful Pi. First there was Quota Honor Roll and
girls, and COB'ed three more for a total secondly an award for Excellence in Fi-
of 27 pledges. nancial Reporting. Kim and Lisa brought
home more than just awards from Con-
This rush we worked very hard using vention, they were bubbling with ideas
a new party, "Camp AOII" which was and suggestions on how to make Theta Pi
a success and a lot of f u n . The party the best chapter in AOII history.
helped to bring a lot of enthusiasum to
rush for AOII. There is an old saying that you should
never mix business with pleasure, well,
As soon as rush ended initiation began that's not true at Theta Pi. Our summer
for our two spring pledges, Annie Pfiefer Reunion, a Theta Pi tradition, was a big
and Dana Varbel. splash in more ways than one. Held at
Grace Maniscalchi's home on Staten Is-
A goal-planning retreat at a cabin in land, this pool party barbeque proved to
the mountains helped to get things organ- be just what the doctor ordered for those
ized as far as planning activities, discuss- end-of-the-summer-blues. We discussed
ing Rush and setting standards. ideas for this semester many of which
stemmed from Kim's Convention visit.
NAU's Homecoming was held October
12 with the Lumberjacks gaining a victo- The fall semester started off with an ex-
ry over Montana State University. AOII's plosion of Theta Pi energy as the sisters
gathered together to clean and decorate
---- the lounge in order to prepare it for up-
coming rushes and a fun-filled semester
V full of activities and get togethers.
Theta Omega We were honored with a visit from
Region I Vice President Carmel Kaiser
and Region I Director Denise Trainor on
September 14th. In order to celebrate
the occasion we high-spirited AOIIs in-
vaded Newark International Airport with
streamers and balloons and greeted Car-
mel with a song and breakfast reception.
The above mentioned spirit and energy
precipitated from a slumber party held
the night before in the lounge. A few of
the sisters went out during the night to
paint the anchor on campus with AOII
slogans, a Wagner tradition among all
fraternities and sororities on campus.
Later in the day we were able to get bet-
ter acquainted with Carmel and Denise at
a meeting held at Chapter Adviser Lisa
Mayercik's house.
In an attempt to establish better
collegiate-alumnae relationships we at-
tended a baby shower given by the New Classes are well underway and we feel was presented with a frosty mug mono-
York/New Jersey Metro Alums in honor that a 2.0 average will be no trouble to grammed with her name. Rush work-
of their president Kay Kettering Welch. meet since this is required by our college shops immediately followed as we began
This proved to be an inspiration for us too. Also our average of all members was perfecting our performance of "Bye, Bye
as we got to see first-hand that the special a 3.54 on a 4.0 scale as of last semester. Birdie". Apparently the time was well
bonds of AOII really do last beyond worth it, for the AOIl's pledged chapter
graduation. This summer we held a philanthropic quota with fall formal rush. The first
activity to raise money for Arthritis Re- events of the semester began with a row-
Theta Pi also held a beach party at the search. We raised over $200 in one day at dy night of 'Putt-Putt' golf with Sigma
beginning of the semester at the Hawk's a golf course. The activity was a Closest- Phi Epsilon, followed by a "Revenge of
Nest on the campus. It was a fun-filled To-The-Pin game. One dollar donations the Nerds" mixer the next night.
night for all who attended. Our future were collected and the ball closest to the
plans include an informal Chocolate Fac- hole on the tee shot won. It was well ac- This promises to be a great year for the
tory rush party followed by the tradition- cepted and the golf pros invited us back! AOLTs as we now prepare for UTSA's
al formal Rose Rush during which we "Best Fest" and make plans for our phil-
hope to have some alumnae as our Our A A C and the Cincy alums have anthropic project.
guests. Also, an aggressive philanthropic been a great help to us. We owe them a
campaign will be launched with a pretzel big thank you for helping us with every- UPSILON
sale to help raise money for Arthritis Re- thing. Support during rush and advising U . of Washington
search. A chapter consultant will be visit- us was truly needed. Also Elaine Kenne-
ing with us during our rush week. We're dy and Mary Bryant have corresponded Fall has been a busy but exciting time
all looking forward to meeting with her regularly and are doing a fantastic job as at Upsilon. We started out with a won-
in an attempt to strengthen our chapter. well. We even had a visit from them dur- derfully successful rush. The rush team
Homecoming is just around the corner on ing Rush. Also thanks to Alpha Pi for worked hard to make sure the whole
Oct. 19. This years theme is T . V . Com- having us to their rush workshop and to chapter looked fantastic for our theme
mercials, we're confident that our float Omega for lending us their slide show. parties. Our fifties and Camp AOII par-
this year will make AOIIs everywhere ties were popular and fun for both our
proud of us. In an attempt to improve re- Our pledge education program will rush guests and ourselves. For preference
lationships with our sisters everywhere, soon begin now that rush is over. We are parties we transformed the house into a
we are planning a road trip to Delta Chi also planning social events for ourselves garden with flowers blooming every-
chapter at the University of Delaware in and the campus. We are truly spreading a where and had a beautiful circle ceremo-
early November. We're looking forward positive image of AOII on campus. Ad- ny. The hard work paid off and we were
to meeting our sisters at Delta Chi and ministration approves of our group rewarded with 20 fabulous pledges.
we want to wish all AOIIs the very best which is important since there are no oth-
of luck in their endeavors this year. er sororities - yet. We also have spread Homecoming week was next on our
our name to other Greeks on and off calender of events. The whole house got
O h well, that's all for now, but be sure campus. The Thomas More fraternities involved in events such as a sign painting
to keep your eyes and ears open because want to plan activities with us and Uni- contest, lip sync competition, blood drive
you haven't heard the last of Theta Pi—a versity of Cincinnati and Northern Ken- and progressive dinner. The week ended
little chapter with big ideas, reported tucky University greeks have contacted with the big Homecoming football game.
Trina Sheldon. us too, reported Kelly Decker.
Another annual fall event at Upsilon is
THOMAS MORE COLONY More importantly, through the sum- our house retreat at Hope Lodge in the
mer and these few weeks of school, we Cascade Mountains. It was an excellent
Hello from the Thomas More colony! have grown closer as a colony. Unifying opportunity for all the members to get to
We have started school three weeks ago is important and working together to be know the pledges better, share stories and
and have been extremely busy. Since installed is our #1 goal. We still hold Jan- play in the snow.
colonization last May, we have been uary 1986 as our installation time and so
working hard trying to fulfill our colony we hope that you all love SNOW!!!!!!!! Our pledge dance was held in an un-
criteria. We are proud to announce that usual place this year. The Seattle Aquari-
we have accomplished much and more UPSILON LAMBDA um opened it's doors to Upsilon and we
plans are underway. Elections were held U . of Texas danced among the fish tanks. Even the
in the summer to fill all of our offices. colorful tropical fish were overshadowed
Sending two members to convention The AOLTs have accomplished such by everyone in their beautiful semiformal
proved to be a great learning experience great feats as winning first place in the outfits. Kristen Warren, dance chairman,
and provided all officers with handouts, "egg toss" and "dodge ball" events at did a fabulous job organizing the dance
ideas, and more handouts! So goals are UTSA's annual Greek Week. We also and it was a great success.
being set and accomplished for the year. made four hundred dollars by selling na-
chos from our western booth at Fiesta Exchanges, dinners with sororities and
Rush was an exciting week. Not only U T S A , a type of carnival held each year fraternities and little sister rush functions
did we increase membership, we drew to- during San Antonio's Fiesta. rounded out our busy social schedule.
gether as a group and spread our name
on campus. Special guests at our parties Our final spring mixer was with Chi A l l together fall has been a great
were Cincinnati alums, Elaine Kennedy— Delta Tau, a local fraternity from Trinity quarter for Upsilon and we are all look-
RD, and Mary Bryant—RRO. The pin- University. The annual Rose Ball was a ing forward to winter with wonderful
ning of new members was held Septem- cheerful touch to the exhausting week of expectations.
ber 22 which was a neat experience for all final exams. At the Mother-Daughter
of us. C O B is starting right away to in- Luncheon, the new initiates did them- AOIl's Ruby Fund
sure we reach the magical number needed selves proud, having achieved the highest
for installation. This is definitely our pledge class G P A . The chapter as a whole needs support
greatest challenge. won the "Most Improved Chapter GPA"
award, reported Kathryn L . Russell.
The summer began with an Active Ap-
preciation Party, where each member
U. of Nebraska This summer at the Mortar Board T r i - Karen Nahigian, Becky Wayland, and
ennial Convention, among 192 other K i m Woods. N u O m i c r o n is proud
In the grand tradition of the University university delegates, three A O I I sisters to say A O I I has the most members in
of Nebraska, Zeta started off the year met. Mortar Board is a national senior Mortar Board than any other campus
with a bang. Rush was a huge success for honorary which recognizes both men and organization.
Zeta, with the best return rate we have women for their outstanding scholarship,
ever. Themes for rush were Go Greek leadership, and service. This scene took Tami Lovejoy f r o m California State
Day; Circus: Balloon-Clown Day, with place in the Marriott Hotel ballroom, Co- University-Long Beach (Lambda Beta)
all members in bright solid colors and lumbus Ohio. Maxine Kijek (Nu Omi- also serves as Mortar Board president.
cheerful decorations; and Fifties day, cron) caught a glimpse of a girl's pin at Currently a senior majoring in Biomedi-
which included a musical skit based on dinner; " C o u l d it be an A O I I ? " she cal Engineering, Tami is also an active
the hit movie Grease and proved to be a thought. Sure enough, the pin bearer was member in her chapter. She just complet-
lot of f u n f o r everyone. Zeta pledged Shannon Sweet (Theta Psi). Coincident- ed her term as chapter president and has
quota plus one, and our hard work and ly, Shannon then bumped into another had the honor of being pledge trainer.
effort was rewarded with the proud sister, Tami Lovejoy (Lambda Beta). Tami found it exciting to find two sisters
smiles of 27 wonderful new pledges. Though strangers before this meeting, all at this convention.
three felt an immediate common bond.
Another especially warm welcome was Shannon Sweet, a senior f r o m the Uni-
extended to Zeta's new housemother, AOlTs are born to be achievers. Not versity of Toledo (Theta Psi), was at the
Karen Schultz. A n open house and tea only did these three girls represent their convention as the presidential alternate
for her were attended by friends and oth- university through Mortar Board, but for Maureen Marks (Theta Psi). Shannon
er campus housemothers. We are very also represented AOII. Maxine Kijek, is presently acting as chapter president of
pleased with our new mom! MB President from Vanderbilt University Theta Psi. One can say she's been a pro-
(Nu Omicron), is a senior nursing student fessional convention delegate all summer
Right away we all dived into a busy and is acting rush chairman for the past both for AOII and Mortar Board. The
fall schedule. The pledges participated in two years. Her chapter's rush accom- third Theta Psi Mortar Board member is
Alpha Tau Omega's annual baseball plishments include colonizing and organ- Aimee Carl. Theta Psi, like N u Omicron,
tournament and Phi Kappa Psi's Phi Psi izing rush for MTSU (Rho Omicron), and proudly boasts that they (AOII) have the
500, with Kelly Deharsch named runner- is presently excited about being chosen to largest number of representatives f r o m
up in the queen contest. colonize AOlTs newest chapter at New- one organization on Mortar Board.
comb College in New Orleans. Nu
The social calendar was kicked off with Omicron's other Mortar Boarders include The wonderful world of A O I I is very
an all-Greek FAC with two bands and Tammy Faulkner, Cathy Montgomery, small. One never knows where a sister
representatives f r o m each house on cam- will turn up next!
pus, reports Cindy Often. Mai-Tai Mas-
sacre w i t h Delta Upsilon included the AOlTs at Mortar Board Convention left to right Shannon Sweet, Maxine Kijek, Tami Lovejoy
traditional delivery of a box of men's ties 27
from the fraternity, and everyone's fa-
vorite line, "Hey, is that Mai Tai?"
Cowboy hats and Levis adorned Zeta's
biannual Steakout party, attended by
AOLTs and their dates. It was an evening
of f u n and steaks and reminiscing and
music, and a good time was had by all.
The chapter has been busy with philan-
thropy projects as well. Zeta was hon-
ored with an invitation to join Acacia
fraternity in their annual Melodrama to
raise money for the Shriners, and talent-
ed actresses are busy brushing up their
characters for the tragedy/comedy led by
AOLI director Mary Caliendo.
Preparations are currently being made
for the AOlTs own annual 48-hour Rock-
athon for Arthritis. Barb Nyholm has in-
cluded a raffle of items donated by local
businesses this year, and the girls are
looking forward to late-night hot choco-
late from our hospitable neighbors.
Zeta's AOlTs have excelled in individu-
al accomplishments as well. Senior M i l l i
King has been selected as queen candidate
for Homecoming '85, and Erin Hicks,
a Student Ambassador for UNL, was
chosen as a state legislative page. Sheila
Tate was named to UNL's Who's Who in
the College of Business Administration as
one of the top eight students in that
college this year, and a number of girls
serve on Advisory Boards in their re-
spective college and in other campus
ITEMS (specify quantity, color and
A) AOTI Hooded Warm-up top, satin letters, red, white or navy, $19.80 AMOUNT ENCLOSED
B) A O I I Crew Neck warm-up top with silk screened letters, red or navy, $12.50
C) AOTI Warm-up Pants with silk screened letters, red or navy $12.50 SEND ORDER BLANK TO:
D) AOTI Crew Neck warm-up top with satin letters, red, white or navy, $18.00 ALPHA OMICRON PI
E) AOII Warm-up Pants, satin letters, red, white or navy, $18.00
F) A O I I Jacket w i t h satin letters, red or white, $26.75 INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS
3821 C L E G H O R N A V E N U E
A l l items available in athletic sizes small, medium or large with contrasting letters. N A S H V I L L E , T N 37215
28 (Please allow sufficient time
for orders to be processed)
A)umn&e Chapter Activity/
Increased involvement with the A r t h r i -
The Atlanta Alumnae Chapter has After 14 months of planning, many
started a new program to assist graduat- tis Foundation (AF) has been an impor- hours of hard work, telephone calls and
ing AOIIs who are going to Atlanta for tant part as well as a goal of the Dear- social and organizational meetings, the
job interviews. born Alumnae Chapter calendar this past Decatur Area (Alabama) Alumnae Chap-
year. The January Founders' Day was ter has finally become a reality.
The Rose Connection, as it has been hosted by the Dearborn chapter along
named, is designed to furnish overnight with a cookie sale to raise funds to aid O n June 9, the chapter and officers
accommodations to the AOII interview- AF. The main speaker Marge Hadley, were installed by Nancy Bowers, RVP III,
ing with an Atlanta firm, who wishes to f r o m the AF office, discussed other sides in the home of newly-elected president,
stay in the home of one of the alumnae of the functioning business which aids so Betsy Smith Thompson, Delta Delta.
members. many others.
Other officers include Linda Hyde, A l -
If a graduating A O I I has a job inter- We also have recently helped the AF pha Kappa, vice-president; Debbie
view scheduled with a firm in Atlanta, by volunteering our time and creative Lovelady Rains, Alpha Kappa, secretary;
she may contact Pat Hardy, Rose Con- abilities to make 14 dry flower arrange- Wanda Williams Dougherty, Alpha Kap-
nection Coordinator, 404/955-4531, or ments f o r their annual dinner, guest pa, treasurer, and Kathy Galvin Gray,
Shirley Lee, Atlanta alumnae president, starred by Ray Bolger, reported Linda Nu Beta, membership information chair-
404/993-8075, for more details. Grates. person.
BOSTON There's lots of easy ways to aid the AF We are anxious to begin w o r k and
in addition to donating money. For ex- have several activities planned to get us
Boston alumnae's Rose Friendship ample, as a group the AOIIs placed stick- better acquainted with our community,
Quilt is a quilted project of love made by ers onto information booklets. keep ourselves busy, and increase new
the Boston Alumnae. membership, Kathy reported.
"It gave us all a chance to share our ef-
Four antique rose squares, representing forts, even though many of us can't make DENVER
our 4 founders: Jessie, Helen, Stella, and it to the office building. We've also sold
Elizabeth, are placed diagonally on the calendars at a booth f r o m an office store The 1984-85 year started o f f w i t h a
front of the quilt. A solid red fabric, a structure," Linda said. bang at the home of Jan Spomer for the
solid white fabric and a printed red and Annual September Sherry Tea where ev-
gold fabric are used to make up the other The Dearborn alumnae urge AOIIs to eryone compared their summer fun notes
12 squares. A border of the printed red contact the nearest Arthritis office and and expectations for the fall. More than
and gold fabric has been added to edge see how they can help. 50 Chi Delta collegians showed up and
the center squares. The 4 antique squares enjoyed the f r u i t , cheese, salami and
were purchased from the Cranberry "You'll be surprised, there are lots of cracker set-ups provided by the Sherry
Quilters of Wenham, Mass. Fabric and f u n and easy ways to be involved and Tea Committee.
sewing supplies were purchased by Bos- help others while helping to build your
ton alums and a quilting bee was held at number of hours of volunteer time for the The October program highlighted the
Donna Sheridan's house, Wellesley, continued success of both the A O I I phil- Denver Area Panhellenic Needlework
Mass. in February (where whales were anthropic channel and the business end Guild. AOII alumna Cindy Spaid shared
also sewed and stuffed for the Collegiate of the A r t h r i t i s F o u n d a t i o n , " she her international traveling experiences for
Banquet centerpieces). stressed. the January program.
In A p r i l , one Rose Square went to Phi Donna Sheridan, left, and winner Norma Tay- The February program was brightened
Omicron's 35th Reunion Weekend at lor show off Boston Alumnae Chapter's with color analysis. Joan Starika, an
Hanover College, Indiana, and was Friendship Quilt which was raffled during In- AOII, and her husband gave a presenta-
signed on the back by the classes of 1951- ternational Convention. tion regarding their fire-walking business,
57. The quilt is also signed by the Boston Manifest Destinies.
Alums who have sewed and witnessed its
growth. Mary Hemman, Margie Lamar, The March meeting increased our
Kay Davis Carter, and Donna Sheridan awareness of the importance of cardiac
hand-quilted the Rose Squares. pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
The almost-finished quilt was brought April was an extremely busy month.
to Convention by Donna, whose 13- The second annual Bridge of Roses
year-old daughter, A m y , threaded nee- Luncheon was held to raise funds for the
dles all the way f r o m Boston so the quilt Edith Cope Lockard Scholarship Award
would be ready for Ling Ling's Boutique. and Chi Delta chapter house needs. A p r i l
Peter, Donna's husband, did the driving 25 was the annual potluck and installa-
so Donna could stitch her way f r o m Bos- tion of officers meeting. April 27th was
ton to Washington, D.C. in time for the the date slated by Denver Area Panhel-
opening banquet. lenic for its Annual Awards luncheon
held at the Denver Radisson Hotel.
Boston Alums urge other AOII alum
and collegiate chapters to quilt together A $200 award to be applied toward
and enjoy the warmth of creating an first semester house expenses f o r the
A O I I Rose Friendship Quilt. school year 1985 was awarded to Stepha-
nie Dewell.
The May meeting featured the musical
talents of AOII Dorothy Frye and friends.
EAST BAY HUNTSVILLE training at leadership conferences and
Founders' Day was celebrated by East Huntsville alumnae celebrated a special
Bay Alumnae Chapter members with a Founders' Day in January with a lunch- Nancy's speech and the installation of
brunch in January at the Sigma chapter eon at the Heritage Club. Regional Direc- the colony as a chapter were the high-
house. Martha Quayle Boydstun, Sigma tor Nancy Bowers provided an inspira- lights of a day which began with a social
1930, was the speaker. tional message for the occasion. hour.
New officers were installed in March. In March AOTIs and husbands or dates Chapter president Chrissie Cameron
They are president, Jocelyn Herrick, Sig- had a dinner at the Huntsville Country welcomed members and introduced Nan-
ma; vice-president, Joane Nelson, Alpha Club. cy. Frankie Roberts, regional director of
Sigma; secretary, Mary Lindquist, Sig- Region I I I , gave the invocation.
ma; and treasurer Stacy Campos, Sigma. Officers f o r the 1985-86 year were
elected and installed in April and a plant Arrangements of pink and white carna-
East Bay Alumnae Panhellenic pre- auction was held to raise money for the tions and red roses, designed by chapter
sented its annual fashion show in A p r i l . Arthritis Foundation. member Donna Orkin, decorated the ta-
Our panhellenic representative, Judy bles. A white carnation tied with a red
West, Omicron Pi, coordinated raffle During the summer an annual meeting ribbon was placed at each plate as a fa-
ticket sales, reported Barbara Stehno, with collegians f r o m the Huntsville area vor. The flower arrangements were
Iota. was held to discuss and learn about the awarded as door prizes.
girls going through rush in the fall.
The year ended with a dinner for the The chapter, which sent its president to
Sigma seniors. A t the potluck held on JACKSON the 1985 national convention in Washing-
campus at the Alumni House, the secret ton, D.C., for the first time, tentatively
alum moms were revealed. Nancy Bowers, regional vice president planned a fall wine and cheese party to
for Region I I I , was the guest speaker dur- kick off the 1985-86 year.
HOPKINSVILLE AREA ing a luncheon celebrating the installation
of the Jackson, (Miss.) Alumnae Chapter Members also plan to assist the Missis-
Ever since September 1984 there has May 18 at the Country Club of Jackson. sippi Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation
been a new group in Hopkinsville (Ky.) by providing food for its annual golf
and they really taking the town by a Nancy reminded members of their tournament and by selling programs at its
storm! pledge to AOII and of the fraternity's annual charity horse show.
pledge to members.
The enthusiastic Hopkinsville Area The chapter recently closed its 1984-
Alumnae Chapter allowed very little time "You have promised to assist in the de- 1985 year, w h i c h included programs
to slip by before electing the primary or- velopment and vitality of a chapter," she ranging from a salad/dessert supper to a
ganizer of the group, Chris Mueller said. "AOII has promised to support these program about breast cancer to a holiday
Westfall, Delta Omega, as president. efforts through leadership manuals, guid- party.
Through Chris' direction members ance f r o m regional officers and excellent
planned and were hostesses for the annu- Because
al Panhellenic luncheon. This event was We
attended by numerous members of 10 Care
NPC sororities and was said to be the
best luncheon ever! Because we care f o r each
Fraternity education officer Sandy other and the w o r l d
Bruce Power, Alpha Chi, led an interest-
ing game of "AOII Jeopardy" to celebrate members contribute
Founders' Day '85, with all of the prize
money going to the Arthritis Foundation. annually to arthritis
In May the chapter was installed with research, the Ruby Fund
the ritual conducted by our Liz Coffey,
regional vice president. The installation and the Educational
was followed by a lovely tea and a dis-
cussion on A0H>today. Endowment of the
During M a y the AOLTs served as host- Fraternity. Bequests and
esses to the first annual "Bake-Off" dur-
ing the Hopkinsville Little River Days cel- Memorial gifts are
ebration. A l l entry fees and the profits
f r o m the sale of the cakes and cookies acknowledged.
were donated to the United Way in our
name. Send Your Tax-Deductible
In July members shared information Contributions to—
about "Going Greek" to newly graduated
high school seniors in our three county AOn PHILANTHROPIC
area and later met to complete MIFs for
AOII chapters across the country. FOUNDATION
A five-page newsletter was recently 3821 Cleghorn Avenue, Nashville,
mailed to alums in the area.
T N . 37215
It has been a busy year, yet we have
enjoyed renewing our bonds with AOII
and we look forward to many years of
fun, fellowship and service, reported
Carrie Joy Welborn Brookshire, Delta
LEXINGTON the chapter for distinguished service. She's been graciously appearing at each
They were: Susan Niemi, N u Lambda, meeting not only with her little black
During February's reorganization effort for her contributions to a collegiate chap- book but with advice to guide us along
the Lexington alums chose new commit- ter, and Tamara Warren, N u Lambda, the proper spending route.
tee heads as well as made plans for con- for contributions to the alum group.
vention and fall projects. By April the Both Florence and M a r y have served as
year's meeting schedule had been ar- Highlighting the summer's activities past presidents. Mary has served at af-
ranged and they were in f u l l swing once was the second annual luncheon and si- fairs ranging f r o m Founders' Day speaker
again. lent auction held in late June at the Velvet to auctioneer at what has become a fun
Turtle in West Los Angeles. occasion as well as a fund raiser. N.J.
In May the Kappa Omega, University Alums are pleased and proud that Mary
of Kentucky, senior banquet welcomed The luncheon brought together AOIIs and Florence have joined The Cardinal
14 women into alum status. The colle- of many generations. For instance, 1985 Circle.
giate chapter has been on campus since Nu Lambda rush chairwoman Mary Con-
1981. Also in May, the alum chapter met way was thrilled to have the opportunity NEW Y O R K - N E W JERSEY
at a Mexican restaurant for a little busi- to chat with the chapter's rush chairwom- METRO
ness and a lot of good food. O n a sad an f r o m 1945, Astrid Doerman.
note, the alum group decided to plant a Last A p r i l 23 AOIIs were installed as
tree at the new chapter house in memory Proceeds f r o m the luncheon were do- charter members of one of the Fraterni-
of Leigh A n n Welch, Kappa Omega, who nated to the N u Lambda chapter. ty's newest alumnae chapters.
was killed in an auto accident this past
winter. L . A . Alums are proud to support area During the last year the alumnae "colo-
collegiate chapters not only financially, ny" has been busy earning its chapter
Lexington alums are also making plans but with our time and love. Members ranking. Members added support to The-
to sell " A O I I A l u m " bumper stickers at who are active with collegiate chapters ta Pi chapter during its rush on the
Convention. Extras can be purchased include Carole Hughes, a 1981 graduate Wagner College campus.
f r o m Kathi Hume at 368 Rose Street, Lex- from USC, now president of Nu Lamb-
ington, K y 40508. da's corporation board. Members who In November the alumnae participated
currently are serving on Nu Lambda's in a bowl-a-thon to raise S100 for the
One of the most exciting events alums Alumnae Advisory Committee include AOII Philanthropic Foundation. Decem-
have been planning for is the construc- Cynthia Nolting, chapter adviser; Susan ber found members at a Founders' Day
tion of the new Kappa Omega chapter Niemi, chapter relations; Elaine Soost, fi- luncheon with Theta Pi members.
house. Due to be complete for Fall Rush nancial; and Sydney Wilson, pledge. A l l
'85, Kathi Hume, corporation board pres- advisers are USC graduates. Installation was directed by Carmel
ident, has been busy finding bargains on Kaiser, Region I vice president. It was
furniture, china, silverware and other NEW JERSEY held at Wagner College's union with a
needed items. The new facility will house luncheon at the Esquire Club.
56 women making it the largest house on At convention, we were delighted to
the University of Kentucky's campus. It hear that Mary Tennant, Omicron Pi, Remember AOII sisters in need
w i l l also be fully air-conditioned—anoth- and Florence Lynch, Chi Delta, had been with a contribution to the Ruby
er strong selling point! The collegians as honored with membership in The Cardi-
well as alums are very much anticipating nal Circle, in recognition of their long Fund through the
the move into the new house, reported years of service to the sorority. AOn Philanthropic Foundation
Michele Stephens.
Florence and Dick Lynch have been 3821 Cleghorn Avenue
The June meeting brought installation our hosts at the yearly picnic since the Nashville, TN 37215
of alum officers, Melinda Epperson, pres- founding of the N.J. group. The office of
ident; Kristi Farmer, secretary, and Mar- treasurer is synonymous with Florence.
sha Bordus, treasurer. Members dis-
cussed plans f o r a used book sale on UK's
campus in conjunction with the local Ar-
thritis Foundation chapter. Also in the
works is an alum-collegian picnic at
Spindletop Hall during the work week
before fall rush to alleviate some of that
tension everyone feels before rush.
Los Angeles alums kicked off the year The N.J. Alumnae husbands-wives picnic was great fun for, Diane de Hosson, president; Florence
by hosting the most successful Founders' Lynch, Gina Strauchon, Mary Tennant, Dick Lynch, back row from left, Mary Murch, John
Day in the history of the Southern Cali- Strauchon, and Bernard de Hosson.
fornia Council. More than 350 alums and
collegians participated in the afternoon 31
festivities at the Rivera Country Club in
Pacific Palisades. The celebration raised a
record $1300 for the Ruby Fund!
Current L . A . Alumnae President, Ta-
mara Warren, served as Founders' Day
chairwoman, with member Donna Chris-
tie Kolkey, a graduate of the University
of British Columbia, serving as toast mis-
tress for the ceremonies.
Two L . A . alums were recognized by