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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-05 16:15:52

1938 May - To Dragma

(no vol. #)




MAY 938



Left: Zurich is one of the most
beautiful cities in Switzerland.

Right; St. Stephen's Ninth Cen-
tenary is being celebrated this year
and so it will be appropriate for
vagabonds in Europe to see St.
Stephen's Equestrian Statue in the
Fortress of Budapest. The Corona-
tion Church is in the hack around.

Bon Voyage! Out to open sea and
thence to new lands on far shores. The
French Line's Champlain zvill have the
Delta Upsilon too.
party on board,

You may see the Aula at the University of
Heidelberg if you decide to stay abroad

and go to Germany.

From Pictures to Memories

Sidezvalks in Paris may be strangely American if you hap\
to meet some members of Delta Sigma Phi along then

to Europe

Homeward bound and such memories—
and such reminiscing with the Sigma
Nus, the Alpha Chi Rhos and the
Acacias who will also come back on

the Rex.

This is Vie nna wit h the
Blue Danube hard by.
Few other groups visit
Austria and Hungary, but
in Venice the ATQs and
the ATs will be gondolaing
at^ the same time. Rome
tcill mean reunion. Be on
the lookout for Sigma
Kappas, too.

Montreux is the site of
the Castle of Chillon and
on c of the loveliest of

Swiss lakes, Geneva.




M A Y , 1938 HI

Spring Comes Early to Crescent City Gardens 2 <=>Laclu of tke « 2a )
Belgium Is a Neighbor to A O I I European Tour 4
Oh, If You Could Only Type 7 When the Joseph P. Kennedy family took
Merging Beauty and Originality 8 up residence in the American Embassy in
Lee—Let Us Remember 10 London, Elizabeth A. Dunn, Tufts College
Presenting the National Standards Committee 13 AOII, moved in likewise, for Elizabeth is sec-
Mrs. or Ph.D.—A Mother Reports 14 retary to Mrs. Kennedy. You no doubt recall
Kentucky Babe 16 that the Kennedy family numbers nine chil-
A Bed of Her O w n 17 dren; that Mrs. Kennedy took five of them
The Lass Behind the L.A.D.s 18 on the S. S. Washington with her. Elizabeth
Sweepstakes Conclusion 18 was along, not to take dictation on a short-
Money Happy 19 hand pad or to mark up the calendar with
Undergraduates Cooperate in College Affairs 22 social dates, but as that indispensible person
Alpha Os in the Daily Press 31 whom a busy mother needs. Not one to
Committees 34 teach the children their arithmetic, nor to
Official Directory 35 button their clothes, but one to chaperon the
The 1939 Convention Cover III older ones, to take the younger ones to have
Alpha Omicron Pi Rushing Blank Cover III dental work, and to do all the things that no
nurse maid or governess can do, but which
K_^OWllVl(£ CALIFORNIA CARAVAN must be done by one with background, inter-
. . . COLLEGE WOMEN AND CIVIC AFFAIRS . . . est, and understanding. Two years ago Eliza-
beth was graduated from Tufts, a major in
JURY SERVICE AND PENSIONS . . . English and foreign languages, an honor
student. She was a member of Pen, Paint,
and Pretzel Club and president of Ail-Around
Club. She managed basketball for two
years, was vice president of Delta, and class
historian. She was visiting in Cape Cod the
summer after her senior year and made ap-
plication for the position while the Kennedys
were at their summer home. Later Mrs. Ken-
nedy notified her to come. The trip to Eng-
land began auspiciously when Mary Pick-
ford turned out to be the ship's reporter for
the week and interviewed Elizabeth.


To D R A G M A is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fra-
ternity at 2642 University Avenue, St. Paul, Min-
nesota, and is printed by Leland Publishers, The Fro-
temity Press. Entered at the post office at St. Paul,
Minnesota, as second class matter under the act oi
March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate
of postage provided for in the Act of February 28,
1925, Section 412, P . L . & R . , authorized February 12,

To DRAGMA is published four times a year, October,
January, March, and May. Send all editorial material
to the Editor at 2642 University Avenue, St. Paul,
Minn., before Sept. 10, Dec. 10, Feb. 10, and April 10.

The subscription price is 50 cents per copy, $1 per
year, payable in advance; L i f e subscription $15.

fj£ I N the spring many a fancy turns \ sr-\ gest pittosporum in the city and, unlike
to love for a trowel, green tendrils, very old pittosporums, has retained _ a
perfect mushroom shape and spread its
garden gloves, new hoes (no typo- far-stretched branches in a wide circle
graphical error) as well as hose. Grand- of glossy foliage to within, a foot of
mother gardened and her modern grand- the ground.
daughter runs true to form, given a
few years to adjust herself to a career Japanese fan bamboo flutters its
or marriage or both, if she can get a graceful wands about the fence be-
plot of good earth to harrow. yond these unusual trees and beneath
their shade Thomas Simmons, keeper
Gardens of the south are a part of of the grounds, has formed a great
the tradition of its beauty. Those of semicircle of stones and planted within
us lost in March slush of the north long- it large wood ferns, fancy-leaved cala-
to wander along the paths of Bellin- diums, small swamp palmettoes, lan-
grath Gardens in Mobile or across the tanas, daubentonias (a variety of poin-
lawns in Natchez or Charleston. Instead, ciana which accommodate itself to sun
some may take a peek at the Darwin and shade) ; a novel coleus of wholly
tulips in their late glory, the mertensia original leaf pattern, and a ground cover
blue along the stone wall, and the green of green tradescantia, where sweet olive
spears of iris about to bloom, and then
to Crescent
Spring Comes Early

read about an A O I I garden in New V drifts f r o m a large old tree at the side
Orleans belonging , to Dr. and Mrs. W. steps.
P. Bradburn (Mary Pearce, I I ) . Mrs. 0
liradburn was born in the Tropics Looking towards the back, just be-
where her father was stationed; her 7, yond this planting, stands the oldest
garden has palms of the Cuban and and tallest red cedar tree in New Or-
Mediterranean varieties, which she knew mothers, on through what was once an leans. Age has given breadth and dig-
as a child. Other A O I I gardens in New orchard and where fig and peach, pear nity to its trunk and boughs and a twist
Orleans are pictured, too. Margaret and plum and cherry trees still cling to to Its picturesque upper limbs, while
Lyon Pedrick, the Renshaws, and Ernes- places in flower-sprinkled lawns. a few yards farther in the side lawn
tine Bres McLellan have flowering liv- an old clump of sago palms encircle the
ing rooms which in February resemble Hands of a by-gone period planted much taller parent trunk, and one of
northern conservatories. the big crape myrtle in one corner of the old-fashioned bayleaf trees in the
the front fence and stately cedar in grounds offers its fragrant foliage for
Describing the Bradburn garden for the other, but Dr. Bradburn set in each seasoning tasty dishes and even for
The Times-Picayune, Lady Banksia angle of the front portico a graceful making filet f o r gumbo were one so dis-
says: conifer commonly called auraucaria posed.
pine, or cedar, and which is quite dif-
Great spreading live oak trees, lofty ferent from any native North American One steps back into a forgotten era in
pecans and high picket fences, hand- conifer, where breezes sprinkle sweet this garden where the largest magnolia
hewn in broad strips f r o m cypress olive snows upon their spiny branches. fuscati in New Orleans perfumes the
trees too long ago for anyone still to budding year and f r u i t trees dot the
remember, remind those who wander No wonder the conspicuous dome of broad lawns. A gnarled old catalpa
through shaded Broadway and Pine sago palms, to the right of the entrance tree beautifies the southern fence and
streets, to the east of St. Charles ave- path, slants seven or eight separate an ancient live oak reaches far over the
nue, that all this district was not long trunks from its central cluster, and rare Pine street corner and matches another
ago a plantation whose spacious man- Cuban species of sabal, of the fan in the opposite corner around which
sion and winding drives still remain, palm variety, on the left, has wrapped lilies mass; rows of bananas line the
and where yet blush the roses of yester- gray hair around its trunk from root- fence angle, and clematis and graceful
day. stock up a slender funnel-shaped trunk, little wild creepers embroider the un-
which is about half the circumference even surface of the pickets all the way
Little more than a block from the at the bottom as it is in its upper por- to Broadway.
spreading roofs of that dwelling of tion. Both have had about 40 years in
the past rise lofty white columns in which to achieve their separate distinc- Beneath the boughs of ancient oaks
the facade of another large mansion, tions. shrubbery screens the fence. Privet,
remodeled by Dr. W. P. Bradburn in redbuds and lantanas give place to f r e -
the stately Georgian Colonial style Some distance beyond it, at the fence quent groups of yuccas and sagos, an
which marks the architecture of many on a line with the house, rises the larg- effective clump of which spreads be-
imposing dwellings of the time of est fan palm in New Orleans. I t is of neath the old crape myrtle in the corner.
George Washington. the Mediterranean variety, which pushes
its great fans outward instead of up- What tree-lover would not travel
The gate at 460 Broadway opens upon ward, and some four or five offshoots across the continent to see the immense
an impressive picture of the past. Enor- contribute to make an enormous oval liveoak, midway in this fence, with
mous oak trees whisper the history and group with fans spreading from the knotted boughs that reach fully a hun-
romance of vanished generations ; tower- ground up. dred feet over to a drive beside the
ing pecans remind of a state's high house. A tall white oak, pushing its
place in the rising sun of Western civil- Less than a dozen yards, to the hack deeply-lobed foliage through its outer
ization ; ancient sweet olive trees exhale of this, another imposing tree compels branches, appears a mere sapling beside
the same fragrance they breathed upon wonder and admiration. I t is the big- this giant of other centuries, and a con-
young love decades ago, and great mag- siderable naturalistic growth flourishes
nolias d r i f t white blossom boats f o r a beneath it where young elms rise high
new generation to sail. above swamp palmettoes; a catalpa
brushes against young camphor trees;
Everywhere the atmosphere of vener- vines swing f r o m oak to saplings like
able years pervades widespread lawns green threads linking past and present,
and gardens, f r o m mammoth oaks and and several sizes of crape myrtle trees
large magnolias that line the sidewalk; and redbuds push up through the outer
through tall pink-frilled crape myrtles, circle of oak boughs while various
which aforetime dropped fluted petals
upon the childish curls of our grand- ( C O N T I N U E D ON P A G E 17)


The sun dial in Margaret Lyon Pedrick's rose garden marks only Enormous oak trees cast their lacy shadows across the white-
the hours that shine. pillared facade of Mary Pcarce Bradburn's home.

City Gardens Owned by A • lis

An old oak at Haphazard on Baycu Pagnet, Bonfonca, the home A woodsy corner of the McLcllan garden in New Orleans shelters
of Ernestine Bres McLcllan, is shaggy with Spanish moss. a silver globe sun dial.

rom shade to sunshine as the weather dictates moves the card tabic in the garden belonging to Gladys Renshaw and Dagmar LeBreton.
Here are Gladys, Mildred Renshaw Stousc, her husband, and a friend enjoying cards in both places.

We are all familiar with the outburst, "My trip abroad, a graduation gift
from my parents, meant more to me than my four years at college." 8 M A N Y of you have passed
Of course, this enthusiastic travel addict really means that when she through Belgium as you have
went abroad she met face to face things, places, memorials of great men
which until then were known to her only in the impersonal, half-light of made the grand tour of Europe,
the pages of books with which she was so largely occupied during her but I am afraid to you Antwerp
college years. has meant only the great tower
With this idea in mind—that many college seniors would like to further of the Cathedral of Notre Dame,
and enrich their educations, Alpha Omicron Pi is sponsoring a carefully the Place Verte, and a museum or
planned and chaperoned tour to Europe this summer for all AOIIs and two.
their friends and families. The American Express Company will conduct
the tour, and I believe you will agree that that reliable travel agency Y o u have missed the quiet
outdid themselves when they helped us plan our itinerary which takes us crooked little streets where one gets
over so much of the world in just six weeks. a glimpse of a l i f e so different
f r o m ours, where second-hand
We sail from New York July 2 on the Champlain of the French Line, and shops are hidden holding rare an-
return August 17, sailing from Naples on the luxurious Rex of the Italian tiques f o r the fortunate finder.
Line. Both ways we shall travel "Student Class," sometimes called "Tourist You have missed the peacefulness
Class," which seasoned travelers acclaim as a comfortable, adequate, of a quiet evening when the caril-
friendly way to travel. lon is playing high above and the
We will visit London, that awe-inspiring city once Roman, once Norman, old world melodies d r i f t down to
the London of Sir Christopher Wren, of Dickens, of Arnold Bennett! Then where the fish-wife, the weary
on to Windsor, and Hampton Court, Eton College, the Shakespeare country. mother, the green-grocer and the
July 14 finds us en route to Paris via Dover and Calais—Paris, that bouquet taxi driver have gathered to listen
of France with its unquenchable "joie de vivre." Then on to the glories in silence.
of the Swiss Alps, Lucerne and Interlaken. July 26 we shall reach Vienna
where music is the breath of life, and then on to Budapest, "the dream Y o u have seen the city, how-
city" of the Danube. Best of all, perhaps, will be our visit to Italy which ever, at its best w i t h perhaps some
includes Florence, Venice, Rome, and Naples. A city is no more or less of our infrequent sunshine, the
than that which those who once lived in it made it. Giotto, Petrarch, lovely avenues of trees and flowers
Ghiberti, Galileo, da Vinci, Lorenzo the Magnificent lived in these cities in abundance. Thank your kind
and left there memorials of their dazzling genius to show us of the twen- travel bureaus for not bringing you
tieth century "what man can be and do." We shall explore the exquisite here f r o m November ' t i l May when
ruins of Pompeii, Sorrento, the Appian Way, the Blue Grotto of Capri with it rains continuously and is often
the water like blue-burning fire lighting up the vast vault where every- dark at three in the afternoon.
thing gives back the reflection, including the bodies of the bathers which
gleam with silver. Still the l i f e isn't as gloomy as
one would imagine, and, f o r you
The cost of this superb journey is $802; which amount includes almost who are raising families, I think
everything, even tips in hotels and to baggage porters. It does not include you might be interested in our
the $10 fee for a passport, nor the railroad fare from your home to New home l i f e especially as it affects
York and return. children.

I am daring to hope that your daughter and perhaps you too (we shall Belgium is a land of large f a m -
be delighted if you cannot resist accompanying her) will be with us next ilies, partially because it is one of
July when we assemble at Beekman Tower, Panhellenic House, in New
York City all set to sail on the morrow to see a most important and
glamorous part of this old world.

I shall be most happy to send you further information about details of
special interest to you and to make your sailing reservation for you.
Mrs. George Dean Most cordially,

1765 Peachtree Street DOROTHY DEAN
Atlanta, Georgia Tour Chairman

B e l g i u m i s a N e gi h b d r t o

the last great Catholic strongholds, with cars and old-fashioned car- never to endure again, everything
but mostly because of the real love riages gaily decorated inside with was so strange. Boys and girls
for children. Family life comes white flowers and ferns and within here are educated separately and
first with the Belgian. His small a starry-eyed child who is now be- education means just that. Very
salary is stretched to an incredible ginning to take his or her place in little time is allowed f o r recreation.
degree to own his own home, f u r - the family circle. The school year starts in Septem-
nish it comfortably and educate his ber and ends about the last of July,
children. H o w they do it I don't The next time these children w i l l though there are several breaks
know for the average clerk's salary ride in these same flower bedecked due to national and religious fetes
is about thirty-five dollars a month. carriages is f o r their weddings, and a two-week spring vacation.
I do know that they eat an in- which usually take place early in
credible amount of potatoes, bread the life of the girl. Though there We were forced to use a private
and cabbages, all of which are is much more freedom now among school, f o r the political situation is
cheap. Meat is served only several the young people, marriages are becoming such that the public
times a week, and carrots, peas, still frequently arranged by the schools, which have a really fine
beans, and f r u i t s only when i n sea- families. And surprisingly most organization, are becoming more
son. However, when it comes to of them are happy. The parents and more Flemish, with the French
entertainment that costs very little, of the better classes through dowry language being almost completely
a walk in the park on Sunday af- and marriage settlements start the eliminated. The school day is
ternoon is good f o r the health and young couple in much the life to long: from eight-thirty to twelve,
doesn't cost much. O r one may which they have been accustomed, two to four. N o w each child in a
drop into a cafe for a coffee or and since most boys follow along French school must have one hour
beer, either costing five cents, and in their father's business, the all- instruction each day i n Flemish in
feel at liberty to stay all afternoon, important question of where to order that the school receive its
listening to a three-piece string find a job is not so serious. government subsidy.
orchestra and watch the rest of the
world go by. One can see, however, that with- The school system is very much
out family backing and family as it is in America. The primary
When a child is born a sum of financing young couples starting and grammar schools prepare for
money is set aside, insurance ar- out have very little, and like the the Athenee, and f r o m there the stu-
ranged to take care of the two world over there is a great deal dents may go on to one of the colleges
greatest events in its life. A t the of misery and poverty here in Bel- in Brussels, Ghent, Louvain or Liege.
age of ten or eleven the first com- gium. I f a boy is following a classical course,
munion takes place, which is a time he will be expected at the age of fifteen
of feasting and gift-giving f o r the When we came to Belgium five to be well versed in four or five lan-
entire family. The ceremony re- years ago as representatives of an guages, French, Flemish, German, Eng-
quires new clothes, the girl in a oil company, it was indeed entering lish, Spanish, know Latin and be start-
long white dress beautifully cov- upon a new life. We had at our ing Greek and higher mathematics. He
ered with hand work, complete command the usual college French, will be preparing himself to become a
with veil and flowers, the boy in which, while it helped, gave us no doctor, a lawyer, engineer or professor.
his first long trousers. I n the early assistance with Flemish, the lan- However, there are also the trade
spring when this sacrament takes guage of the working people. M y schools now being subsidized by the
place, one sees the streets filled son was five years old and soon government, but whatever the boy un-
started school. Such days of dertakes he must do it thoroughly and
anguish as he experienced we hope well, for the yearly examinations brook
no weaklings. As for girls, they too
follow the classical course, but unless
studying a trade are usually graduated
and ready to take their place in society

the A D I I European Tour

Gertrude Hay-man Paton, Psi, is at home here him who has lived all his life in Liege. potatoes, cheese, butter and eggs. One
in Antwerp. After Sunday market she and M y nine-year-old son now is in the can buy fish and sausages and, surpris-
her son introduced the new rabbits to the ingly, walnuts from California, Oregon
fourth grade, studies French verbs and and Pennsylvania apples, oranges f r o m
Paton garden. grammar, geography, fractions in arith- Palestine, Spain, and Florida. You
metics, Flemish, hygiene, with writing, must keep in mind that Antwerp is one
about the age of seventeen or eighteen. music, and art to fill out the day. of the greatest ports in the world,
I might mention here that there is a When he enters the house at night though we are sixty miles inland on a
there is always another hour or so of tidal river. Sunday is the biggest day
splendid movement in Belgium spon- homework, so we look forward to and one I have come to dread f o r the
sored by America to encourage higher Thursday and Saturday afternoon when children get the greatest thrill wander-
education. A t the end of the war the he is free. ing through the blocks of stalls and
Hoover Relief organization had a large persuading a tender-hearted daddy to
sum of money not yet spent. I t was Still he has one advantage: he cele- buy a pair of love-birds, white rabbits,
decided to found an exchange bureau brates two Christmases. On the sixth of a Guinea pig or, best of all, a dog. On
with this money by means of which December, St. Nicolas with his donkey Sunday one can replenish the family
worthy Belgians are being sent to the comes to all good children. We place wardrobe with furs of indeterminate
United States and Americans brought a carrot and a bit of hay before the origin, the beloved striped suits f o r
here to study. The "C.R.B." as it is door in a wooden shoe to let him know men, glorious checkered caps or, f o r
popularly known has created a great he is expected. And being loyal the workmen, tools and the finds that
goodwill as a result of this work, to Americans we look for Santa Claus on come f r o m picking over junk piles of
say nothing of the opportunity these the twenty-fifth. nails and old iron.
students have received who otherwise
might never have left their own country. Speaking of wooden shoes, one nat- One comes to love the quiet life in
urally associates them with Belgium, Antwerp. We have American movies
One day recently I heard such an though today they are more a part of months old, with double subtitles:
argument in French in our garden that the Dutch costume. The workers in French and again the Flemish. There
I was curious to see what was happen- the low wet fields of Flanders could not is always the opera, which is cheap and
ing. There stood five little boys, ages get on without them; leather would rot, often surprisingly good. Now and then
f r o m seven to ten, having a free-for-all. rubber be too cold. To me the tradition- there is a rare treat such as Toscanini
They were all Americans. We mothers al foot gear of Belgium is the pan- in Brussels or the Mills Brothers in
hope that their perfect command of toufle. I t is a kind of bedroom slipper, Antwerp. There are two American
French will last, f o r one can go prac- shapeless and easy on the feet. One is clubs, one f o r the men and another f o r
tically anywhere in the world with scarcely across the frontier on the train the women. The Americans as else-
French and English, and knowing before out come the slippers. Do you where live fairly closely to one another
Flemish won't hurt them, though it is wonder that shoe stores stock few sizes and go about in what we call the
useful only here in Belgium and the under 7-E? Colony. We celebrate Thanksgiving
Congo. and Washington's Birthday and the
I have just returned f r o m marketing Fourth of July as appropriately as pos-
You are wondering perhaps what is and, thinking of this article, tried to sible. Nevertheless, it is needless to
Flemish? I t is a Germanic tongue and see it as I might have done five years
since English comes f r o m the same root ago. Three times a week there is a big ( C O N T I N U E D ON P A G E 1 7 )
there are many similarities. While open air market. The farmers f r o m
Dutch is akin to German, Flemish is a miles around bring in their vegetables, nh . ..
low Dutch though there are many who
argue conversely. Dutch in itself is m
a pure language and Flemish an off-
spring. The Flemish language as it is
spoken has been greatly influenced by
many circumstances. I t is natural to
realize the communes bordering on
Germany, France, and Holland would
feel the influence of these totally differ-
ent languages and today in the southern
part of Belgium in what is known as
the Walloon district, nothing is spoken
but French. The futility of the Flemish
nationalistic movement which is so
strong here in Antwerp is shown when
one finds that a Flanders-born person
cannot converse with understanding with


Janet Martin, Kappa Theta, interviewed Ginger Rogers as a part of her job.

If Ydu Could Only Type!

By IANET MARTIN, Kappa Theta, in "Screen Play"

fi EVERY secretary and stenog- producer or a director or a studio uable. Needless to say, i f you're
rapher I've ever known or heard carpenter. You don't have to sent straight to her by Somebody-
know someone personally. I f a Who-Counts on the lot, you're in,
of who doesn't work in a movie friend of your neighbor has a cou- my girl, you're in.
studio wouldn't mind doing so— sin whose husband has a pretty
except a friend of mine who's mar- good job in a Hollywood studio, In my own case, it so happened
rying a handsome personality-plus you could do worse. Because i f that a script girl friend of mine
boy with money tomorrow, and she you ever go to Hollywood (don't mentioned me to the Head just at
didn't like secretarial work anyhow. go making a special trip out, f o r a time when they were adding a
heaven's sake!) a letter or phone few busy little workers to the fold.
I t is true that there's a glamour call will at least net you an inter- Furthermore, I ' d had a college edu-
about a studio that you'd have a view with the head of the steno- cation (which isn't necessary but
hard time finding in an insurance graphic department. More often helps), I'd worked for a Baron—
office or an automobile agency, but than not it will be just an interview and you know how those titles go
that's not all. The standard of and that's all. Again, you may over—and a lawyer running for
wages is higher than in practically strike it lucky. Perhaps they'll just Congress, so the Head decided that
any other business. be in the throes of putting on some she liked my background, and that
more girls as you walk in, or you I'd do for the madhouse they whim-
I f someone has told you that you and the Head may happen to click, sically call the studio.
have to know somebody in a studio and she may feel that your secre-
in order to get in, that some- tarial background might prove val- There were quite a few girls who
one is so right, but don't give
up heart if you don't know a ( C O N T I N U E D ON P A G E 1 2 )


Judy's house has windows toward the mountains that surround Bozeman. To the right is
pictured the old Franklin stove built in below a great plate glass window. In the article Marlyn

Judd Hauseman, Alpha Phi, tells how she planned the house.

\ /

French doors lead from the dining room to a terrace in the garden. M g r g1n g

it % A Y E A R ago May 1, husband
Dean arrived home at noon
Knotty pine, broad windows, low ceiling make a cozy living room.
with the news that he had sold our
house and that we had to move
within a week. I never dreamed of
such a delightful surprise as each
year he would vow he would sell
the old place as the more money we
spent trying to keep it i n repairs the
more unsuccessful it seemed. So
this year the house was fairly
snatched f r o m him before he had
a chance to change his mind. The
day we sold, he bought the four
lots 105 f t . x 160 f t . on the corner
of the same block and Dean handed
me the deed saying to go to it and
build a home as fast as you can.
Oh yes, quite simple this fast build-
ing, particularly when I had no idea
what kind of house I wanted. I
knew better what I didn't want, so
by working with our local architect
and crowding out his pet ideas and
working in my own, we finally had
a house on paper, and the accom-
panying pictures show the actual
result. (Martha Hawksworth and I
used up three rolls of film one
night trying to get interiors, but

Navajo rugs, but my pride and joy clothes closet extend the whole

is the fireplace, f o r I don't know of width of the house. Since the liv-

any other one where lazy folks can ing room is Dean's, I claim the bed-

toast their toes by the fire and at room. I t is done in shades of green

the same time look out a window and peach, and my joy is my dress-

and have a gorgeous view of moun- ing table which is really a seven-

tain scenery such as we have i n foot square mirror with a mirror

Montana. shelf in f r o n t and flounced with

The dining room and kitchen are dotted Swiss. I have discarded all
at the back of the house facing the bedroom furniture except the
east, so that these rooms get sun- two beds, a chintz covered sofa,
shine early in the day. French and two white iron glass-topped
doors open f r o m the dining room tables and lamps. The woodwork
onto a cement terrace which faces of the bedroom and upstairs hall is
the garden and which we use f o r green drift-wood finish which ties
summer lounging and particularly in with the pine cone wall paper.
for summer suppers as it is shaded This paper is also used on the
to. in the afternoon. The wide outer downstairs halls, but the woodwork-

ledge f r o m the fireplace window all through the downstairs is Philip-
makes a grand shelf on the wall pine mahogany. A l l the ceilings
of the terrace f o r plants and this have been finished darker than the
winter we have built a feeding box walls to give the effect of lowness.

for the birds there and can watch Fifteen-year-old son Dean's bed-

them through the window. The din- room can hardly be called a bed-

Beauty and Originality tk e new ome

were not very successful. So I ing room walls are old ivory and oJ an ^y4lpLa 0
hope any AO Lis interested will the draperies orange hand-blocked
come to see us when they come to linen. We are gradually picking up m yn
Bozeman). old walnut furniture, a piece at a
time to furnish this room and will /
I n planning the house, I worked then discard any modern pieces we
for hominess, convenience, and pri- have. /
vacy, and above all else warmth, as
we heated the neighborhood in our The maid's room and den in the room except f o r the bunk beds as
old house. The outside finish is front of the house complete the he scorns furniture that cannot be
asbestos shingles ( g r a y ) , and the rooms downstairs. Having the used f o r work tables. There are
roof and shutters are maple. The maid's room downstairs gives the airplanes hanging f r o m the ceilings
house is triple-insulated throughout family the f u l l privacy of the sec- and blue prints all over the walls,
and air-conditioned. We have five ond floor. but it is his room and, as he is only
rooms with lavatory downstairs and young once, I let him do with it as
two bedrooms, bath, and sleeping M y kitchen is all white except he pleases.
porch on the second floor. The for the cupboard interiors which
wing of the house is our living are blue-green. The drain board We had planned to have a recre-
room, although during the course deck is white glazed tile with blue- ation room in the basement, but
of construction someone thought it green trim. Both the lavatory and Deanie has appropriated this too
was to be the garage and asked why bathroom are tile-floored which for his airplanes and engines, and
we were putting such large win- makes them easy to keep clean. f r o m the number of boys who use
dows in it. The largest window of Both upstairs hall and downstairs it. they are probably enjoying it
the living room faces south and hall are very spacious and we have more as it is than i f it were fin-
as there are large windows on three closets and closets as there is noth- ished for our recreation.
sides, we have practically brought ing more inconvenient than lack
the outdoors in. This room is of storage space. Besides our
Dean's as he specifically wanted clothes closets there is a linen closet
knotty pine finish and our original and a moth proof cedar-lined closet
Franklin Stove f o r the fireplace. for our winter clothing and blan-
The knotty pine is perfect f o r our kets.

Dean's and my bedroom and


^ H U M I L I T Y , St. Augustine has told and took a lonely road at whose end and, amid the broken monuments of a
us, is the greatest of the virtues. was a cross and Calvary. lost civilization, he chose instead of great
riches a college presidency at $1,500 a
Humility is a hard and bitter word Twice in his long and illustrious year.
on the lips of any son or daughter of career Robert E. Lee rejected the easy
fiery Scotch-Irish and stubborn Dutch way and chose the rougher road of a For that knightly soul who went up to
ancestry. personal Gethsemane. the stars f r o m Lexington knew that his
place was among his impoverished peo-
Humility is a hard word to any son Measured in the terms of the world- ple. There were no princely salaries and
or daughter brought up in a starved and ly and the grasping, it was no easy reserved opulence f o r the impoverished
povertv-stricken reconstructed Southern choice which Lee faced on that historic veterans who had forced Leonidas and
State. " night in Arlington when he was forced his Spartans to yield place in the annals
to choose the republic in whose behalf of heroism to the grey clad legions of
Humility is a hard word f o r any he should draw his sword. A turn to Lee. He refused to feast sumptuously
South Carolinian, but I come to you the North and he became at once the while the men who had risked life in
tonight with that word on my lips be- head of an army whose destiny was un- obedience to his orders were starving.
cause I approach a task that overwhelms exampled victory. There to the North
me. lay the wealth of the world and honors When he stepped into Confederate
beyond all computation. ranks at Arlington, he became blood
My humility. Commander Webb and brother to every officer and private who
friends, is exceeded only by my grati- But ruin and wounds and death lay fought beneath the stars and bars. He
tude and pride that you asked me to Southward. There lay the most desper- could no more desert his ragged and
pay this tribute to the character of the ate of earthly adventures, the approx- demobilized battalions after Appomat-
Nation's greatest Hero. imate certainty of complete disaster, the tox than he could have l e f t his broken
proscription of a mighty people, the corps to their fate under the ridges of
I claim, however, a right second to killing years of hopeless poverty, and the Gettysburg.
none, to lay my gratitude at the feet political disenfranchisement of the great-
of the Champion of the South. Two est soldier and gentleman this side of To his knightly way of seeing it, it
grandfathers who served as private sol- Waterloo. were just as cowardly f o r him to leave
diers f o r four years and were surrend- the South in the desolation of 1866 as it
ered by him at Appomattox, six uncles When Lee rejected the North, he also would have been to flee alone f r o m the
whose dust is mingled with the dust of rejected, in all human probability, the windrows of his dead at the Bloody
as many states f r o m Gettysburg to presidency of the United States. He, Lane and the Dunkard Church of the
Vicksburg, two maimed and broken instead of the victor of Appomattox, Antietam.
young boys, uncles too who came out probably would have succeeded John-
of that tragic and desperate retreat son had he led the army of the Po- Concededly, Lee had no monopoly of
from Petersburg to Appomattox, and tomac to the first Manassas. conscience when he made the decision of
whose struggle to eke out a living in a Arlington. Other men who were equally
desolated land was one of the tragedies For duty's sake he chose the road to conscientious made a different decision.
of my childhood, have given me the bankrupt and battle-burned Washington W'infield Scott, who rushed the unpre-
right. The opportunity you have given College instead of the star-paved and pared army of the Union to the valley of
me and I shall be abidingly grateful. victory-lighted road into the White Bull Run, and Thomas, who saved an
House in Washington. army at the horseshoe ridge of Chicka-
I f I were choosing a text f o r a mauga, were fellow Virginians of Lee.
treatise on the psychology of immor- Once again, when the cannon of Pe- Farragut, who converted the Northern
tality, or a text to emblazon in letters tersburg and the Five Forks had cooled navy into an avenging angel against the
of gold above the triumphant character their lips, he faced another cruel de- South, was a son of Tennessee. These
of Robert E. Lee, that text would be cision. What his age considered a men were men of conscience and they
princely fortune was offered to him as decided conscientiously.
"He that loseth his life for M y a yearly salary i f he would only consent
sake shall find i t . " to commercialize what had been made But their choice was f o r highlands
Scriptural writers tell us that on a immortal in the jungles of the Rapidan heaven high, while the choice of Lee
fated occasion the Carpenter of Naza- and the bloody mire of Cold Harbor. was f o r the very depths of the valley of
reth heard amid the loneliness of Gali- many shadows.
leean mountains the jubilant shouts of But Lee refused to sell the name of a
a multitude who were bent on placing greater than Wellington or Caesar. He There was a rich reward f o r the
Him upon the throne of Israel. He withdrew into the mountains of a ceme- Southerners whose conscience led them
turned his back to throngs and throne tery once glorious as Mother Virginia,



Let Us

By PINCKNEY LEE living strategist pronounced him the ma
ESTES GLANTZBERG, Psi* Western Napoleon even when the hills
of his Southland were ringing with the <
into the army or navy of the Union. rush of invading armies and grim death
But there was confiscation of his home- stood upon a thousand battlefields beck- ferno of reconstruction than it had
stead and bitter years of poverty and oning a million soldiers to the grave. ever shone at Sharpsburg or Spottsyl-
persecution f o r the knightly southerner vania ?
who chose the stars and bars. But recognition of the man's superb
personal quality was deferred. I t did No nation was ever more fearfully
The South has never known a dearth not come until the Grand Army of the ravaged and ruined by invasion than the
of heroes. Among those who have Republic had been disbanded. I t did not storm-cradled confederacy. No people in
carved their way into an imperishable come in fact until death had called him all history were ever more furiously
immortality is the forestbom Demos- home. For his mighty work was not com- hated than the southern people when
thenes, whose defiant call in St. John's pleted when he surrendered to the con- Richmond fell. And no people known to
Church became the battle slogan of the queror of Vicksburg and Chattanooga. A civilization were ever more cruelly
revolution. There is the American Cic- greater work and a work more crucifying treated by a triumphant government than
ero of Lee's own lineage who offered remained to be done when his surviving the Southerners were in the reconstruc-
the resolution to declare the colonies veterans had limped back to what had tion days.
free. once been their happy homesteads. When
the guns were singing their Miserere and It were superfluous to portray here
There is America's greatest friend of the rebel yell was drowning the roar the South of 1865. From Potomac down
freedom whose genius penned the Dec- of the carnage, it was his call to lead to the Rio Grande it was a land of deso-
laration and whose monument at Monti- his incomparable legions. But when the lation, sown with the salt of fire and
cello notifies much that is transcendant lips of his heroes had been muted by pillage and scarred bv the broken mon-
in our history. There is the gentle Madi- unexampled disaster, it was his call to uments of a lost confederacy.
son, who wrote the Constitution, and the lead his people through the valley of
resolute Marshall, who interpreted it. the shadow and by the very might of It was a land without money, without
his innate character to encourage them implements, without cities, without
And there is resting at Gundson Hall to rise from death itself. homes, without fences, without cattle,
the ashes of him whose inspired hand without schools, without factories, with-
composed the original Bill of Rights. And who shall say that the character out farms. There was more than base-
of Lee did not shine brighter in that in- less boasting in the declaration of the
And there are the twin conquerors of great cavalryman that migratory crows
victory who led America to glory at would have to carry their food with
Monterrey and Chapultepec and ended them i f they attempted to fly across that
the war with Mexico without a single desolate land.
thorn of defeat.
And into that waste of tear-soaked
Call the roll of Confederate Com- 11
manders and you have the grandest
knighthood that history can assemble.
Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, A. P.
H i l l , Albert Sidney Johnston, J. E. B.
Stuart, Wade Hampton—these are syn-
onyms f o r deathless courage and flam-
ing valor. A l l the way f r o m Jamestown
to Appomattox, too, there are heroes
the story of whose exploits can be told
fitly only in the minstrelsy of epic song.

But it is Lee whom Southerners love
with a superlative affection. Others have
served them brilliantly, others achieved
immortality under southern colors, and
others have suffered even as Lee suf-
fered in the aftermath of unsuccessful
revolution. But to Robert E. Lee goes
the supreme love and everlasting love of
the South. Not until that sun grows
cold and the stars are old will people
of the storm cradled nation cease to love
and revere the Bayard of the Southland
as few characters in all the annals of
time have been loved and revered.

Long ago the world paid generous
tribute to the military genius of Robert
E. Lee. His matchless skill as a strat-
egist was fitly recognized long before
the night of Appomattox came to
shroud his flag. The world's ablest

* F o r the first time a woman was asked to
deliver the oration at the Robert E . Lee Birth-
day Celebration in New Y o r k , given by Com-
bined Southern Organizations.

and blood-soaked battlefields crept an A t the last he helped to save the given plenty of chance to make
army of the battle's wreckage. Men with L'nion just as Grant and Lincoln and good. I t all depends on you.
the battle's scars upon their bodies, Sherman helped to save it. He taught
men with the prison's pallor upon their millions of people whose confidence in T o get very far, you've got to be
faces, men with empty sleeves and empty him was absolute to accept the bitter a crack typist and shorthand writer-
trouser legs, men with their very fea- awards of an unsuccessful war. downer because you never know
tures blown away. And as they limped when you might land an assignment
about the heaps of ashes where once The South had confidence in Lee be- w i t h some zany who dictates as i f
their babies prattled and the myrtles and cause he followed his conscience to an- he were on his way to a fire, and
magnolias had bloomed, they knew that other Calvary in the decision of Arling- bites his nails i f you don't turn out
nowhere beneath the kindly stars did ton. The South loved Lee because he a manuscript equal i n size to Gone
they possess a friend. spurned the gold of the tempter and With the Wind in fifteen minutes.
chose to abide with his stricken people Y o u also have to have the disposi-
Call f o r help, and the caverned fields in the hour of their desolation. And be- tion of a saint, possess the power of
on which their comrades rested would cause of their love for Lee and their a psychic, and be so adaptable that
return the echo of their call. Wash- confidence in him they gathered strength you can find yourself in the prop-
ington ? I t was dominated by the sworn to carve a new Empire from the ruins erty department one day, the music
avenger. The world? The world itself of their old civilization. department the second, the special
had been turned against them by the camera effects the third, and the
proclamation of emancipation. Where * ** publicity department the fourth—all
this side of the bar where exact justice And his going was as the going of the without turning a hair. I t also
shall be done at last to each and all Valiant for Truth. When Valiant for doesn't hurt to have a ready gift
could they possibly find a friend? Truth had received the summons from of gab and a comeback f o r any and
his Lord, he called his family and all occasions. Y o u ' l l find it stands
"Memory is the only friend that grief friends around him and said: " M y fame you in good stead, for most inmates
can call its own." There was the mem- and fortune I leave to you. My sword of a moving picture lot are a little
ory which came to cheer them in the I leave to him who can bear it. I take pixilated.
very night of life when hope itself was with me my disappointments, my disil-
dying. That memory was Robert E. Lee. lusionments and my scars to show my I t is rarely that you start work-
Lord that I have fought a good fight." ing steadily right away. You're put
He had counselled them to accept the And when he had said this, they came on a temporary stenographic list
terms of Appomattox and he showed down to the edge of the River. until your worth is proven. This
them how to accept those terms. He Those who waited and watched saw might mean working one day a
bad counselled them to be good citizens tall and stately figures moving in the week or six. So, i f you need money
and he himself became the best of citi- mist on the other side. Valiant for badly in order to live, you might
zens. He had counselled them to respect Truth went down into the River alone, as well give up the idea of the
authority, and he himself gave perfect and when he had come to the other side whole thing right now. One day
respect to authority. He had counselled all the trumpets sounded. you may come to work at nine in
them to labor f o r the restoration of the morning and go through till six
their ruined country, and by accepting a ,1> as scheduled, at which time they tell
pittance for the services of a genius he you that you'll have to stay to help
gave demonstration of how their country ( C O N T I N U E D FKOM PAGE 7) finish a rush job that just came in.
was to be restored. This may mean getting out at one
were taken on when I was. Some o'clock in the morning, with a half
And no greater service has ever been of them were given a trial and then hour f o r dinner. O f course, this is
rendered the South—not by Washing- subtly eased out the nearest exit. too divine when you'd planned on
ton or by Jefferson—than was rendered One girl was sent to work tempo- going to the Cocoanut Grove with
by Robert E. Lee when he spurned the rarily for a well-known writer who that handsome blond man, although
fortune offered by one of his country's likes her so well that he imme- I should add that they're generally
conquerors and went to Washington Col- diately established her in his per- pretty decent about excusing you,
lege for $1,500 a year. By that one act manent retinue. Now, she travels i f you can persuade them that you
of heroic self sacrifice he served the around from studio to studio with have an unbreakable engagement.
South in the day of her Gethsemane as him at a tidy weekly stipend. A But you can't very well persuade
he had never served her when her flag few more are now writers' secretar- more than two or three times.
was in the sky. ies or directors' secretaries. One When you work a long stretch like
landed as secretary in the sound de- this, you don't come to work until
"General Lee is still with you" was partment. One as a script girl. late the next day because you can
the message that went Southward out Some were bounced during a recent work only so many hours a week.
of the Virginia hill. "Marse Robert is let-down, and a few are still just Such late hours happen only, as a
still with us and one of us" murmured typing. In other words, you're rule, when there's a heavy picture-
the ragged veterans who had followed making schedule in f u l l swing. The
Pickett and fought with Cleburne.
And the men who had believed that
the very gates of hell could not prevail
against them so long as "Marse Robert"
was their Commander, believed that they
were invincible in this new war against
poverty and proscription since their
great Commander was one of their num-
ber and carrying on.

For more than sixty years speculative
souls have sought to designate the one
specific act that saved the Union. Get-
tysburg, Vicksburg, Atlanta, the Five
Forks, the dynamic proclamation of
Abraham Lincoln following Antietam—
all hive received mention by thoughtful
souls, but the question still is an open

When we seek f o r all the reasons why
this republic is united and still existent
as a nation, shall we forget that sar-
cophagus in the silences of the chapel
in Lexington where the ashes of Rob-
ert E. Lee are keeping eternal tryst
with death?


The Nati

L A S T summer in glorious Yellow- II preting a broad definition of our pur-
stone Park at our fortieth anniver- pose and examining avenues in which
sary Convention, you created a new na- two members, who in particular, will the fraternity can be more education-
tional committee, the Standards Com- endeavor to point out to us new for- ally useful to its individual members
mittee. Your chairman feels very hum- ward thrusts in education, or help us and to the university of which it is a
ble in her office, but she is exceedingly- integrate and revitalize those good ideas part, hoping to supplement rather than
proud of her new committee and is de- we know we have. They are Mary duplicate anything that is already being
lighted to tell you a little about them. Honor Donlon, E '20, whom you all done on the campuses. We are making
Now to be asked to chair a Member- know- because she is one of our best a study of individual guidance to help
ship Committee, or to organize a known members, and Elizabeth Neely, the individual most f u l l y realize her own
Dramatic Club or to chair a Child Wel- E '20, whom some of you do know and possibilities and opportunities and to
fare Committee, that is a different mat- all of you should know because she is develop into a happy and useful mem-
ter. Organized social work has well equally worthy of fame. Mary is the ber of society. What tools we shall
recognized and concrete problems: elim- only woman Trustee of Cornell Univer- recommend, whether it be aptitude test-
ination of juvenile delinquency, mother sity and a member of a large New York ing on some campuses, vocational con-
and child health, better child labor leg- City law firm, besides serving on many ferences on others, selection of courses
islation and so on. But the "Standards educational and vocational guidance or methods of study it is yet too early
Committee" for Alpha Omicron Pi— committees. Betty is a member of the to say. I am sending out letters to the
what is it? What is it to be? National Board of the Young Women's Presidents of all the colleges and uni-
But paradoxically, perhaps, that is Christian Association. She is Executive versities in which we have chapters,
why it is more challenging than all the Secretary of Leadership for the Y.W. asking them what individual guidance
Dramatic Clubs or all the Civic Clubs. C.A f o r the entire United States. Now work is being done on their campuses,
What, we can ask, is education, what is and asking f o r advice and suggestions.
guidance? Though we are most con- We anticipate that the replies w_ill be
cerned with them they elude exact def- most interesting and helpful.
inition, or rather definitions will vary
with the individuals who make them. We are also interested in the more
And that does not matter. So is truth immediate interpretation of the word
indefinable and still we seek i t ; so is "Standards," and that is why I say you
L i f e ever changing, ever new. You are all members of this committee. Our
may remind me of Stuart Chase's "The rituals prescribe to us great and endur-
Tyranny of Words" of which every one ing standards to grow toward, but every
is speaking these days—Contrariwise, single Alpha O on every campus must
perhaps. I say it is the content we put live those standards, must be a living
into names that matter, it is what we example of the standards of Alpha
make them mean, and the greater the Omicron Pi. We shall grow no farther
meaning, the greater will be growth. than the individual members grow to
And that brings me to the Standards vitalize and make that progress real.
Committee. You see, too, now why I
feel inadequate to be that committee's 13
chairman. But I said too, I am ever
so proud of my committee because the
large standards committee is really you,
every member of Alpha Omicron Pi. I t
is a challenge f o r all of us to make the
abstract term "standards" come to life.
I f it is to become meaningful for Alpha
Omicron Pi, all its members must pour
content into that simple word.
However, I want you to know those


arranging thousands of rocks and boul-
ders and inching in others from vary-
ing distances on the place, the hillside
was transformed, even the first year,
into a very attractive natural garden,
and my good friends who had rock gar-
dens seemed only too glad to help me
start mine with excess plants that each
year have to be taken out. This garden
prospered f o r four years but the flood
of 1935 that devastated central New
York rushed through Glenside and an-
nihilated my labor, gouging gullies and
piling debris, and when the torrent
struck the adjacent glen where we had
a wild duck pond and wintering house,
it turned the duck pond 12 feet deep,
into a mammoth rock mound; it col-
lapsed the 30 foot building, burst the
dam and flung the bridge far out into
space. The next morning there it hung
anchored by two iron girders to a piece
of the dam while the other end reached
toward the top of a prize hemlock tree
which somehow had been spared.

This catastrophe has been too great
f o r us to repair; the rock garden is
a neglected bank of erosion but a merci-
f u l greenery is beginning to cover it,
and here and there, and far down in the
glen I find little flowering reminders of
my friends who helped me start my

The second sabbatical leave had been
a favorite subject f o r discussion and it
was my great hope that now with more
zoological training I would be qualified
to be a useful member of the proposed
expedition f o r the study and sound re-
cording of vanishing birds. This, how-
ever, was not possible, the chief reason
perhaps being that both Doctor Allen

U To return to my scholastic training, Mrs. or Ph.E A
and how it has led me so far afield,
mum** EE
I should say that the original prob-
lem "The Place of Birds in Early Amer- I
ican Literature" was used as one of
my minors f o r the Doctor's Degree and As the March sun melted the snow off and I could not well be away f r o m the
a long dissertation on this subject to- the rocky hillside above our east lawn, children at the same time. I t was at
gether with two hundred early Amer- I saw again the marvelous possibilities this point that I decided to develop a
ican bird poems with critical notes now that showed forth every year f o r a related field of ornithology. I t has meant
collects dust in my study. Perhaps, natural rock garden. The idea in- some divergence of interests which f o r -
some day it will be brought into the trigued me and by Amazonian labor merly were one, but I think the change
open again. I cleared that rough and steep slope of was wise.

Literature was thus my first love, and
I mention this detail of my graduate
study to show how one's primary inter-
est may be made to conform to and to
further a subsequent life interest of
quite a different nature. So literature, as
such, took a minor position while I was
busy learning natural science and orni-
thology in particular. But I have not
relinquished the literary and historical
application of birds and bird study to
the whole field of ornithology. I n this
way my work supplements, in small
measure, Doctor Allen's scientific teach-
ing and research or at least it lends a
new angle to the work f o r which aspect
he would otherwise have little time.

A f t e r finishing graduate requirements,
the first relief f r o m the driving neces-
sity to work toward a definite goal al-
most every waking moment seemed a
heaven-sent holiday. I played with the
children, was marvelously domestic, paid
calls, and went to and gave teas. I


D u r i n g 1934, w h i l e w a i t i n g to hear terest in my problem and my applica- but who never came to America. Among
these should be mentioned especially
f r o m certain applications I had made for tion went in with those of many others. George Edwards, Thomas Pennant.
George Rheinold Forster and John Lath-
grants in aid of research, I formulated I am glad to have this opportunity to am.

my views on the quandary in which the express a little more personally my feel- But, most of all, the complete obscu-
rity of the English naturalist, Mark
trained married woman with a family ings of appreciation f o r the long vistas Catesby, intrigued me, f o r although he
lived and worked in America f o r some
finds herself. T h i s m a n u s c r i p t likewise of study and experience which tbe Ruth twelve years, chiefly on birds and plants,
he had been reported as v i r t u a l l y lost
is collecting dust, pending the completion Capen Farmer Fellowship made possible to history. The quest f o r information
on his life and w o r k became truly fas-
of my book on the History of Ornithol- f o r me. Parts o f 1934 and 1935 were cinating, and still is, f o r his two-volume
work on the Natural History of Georgia,
ogy- spent in England in a study of unpub- Florida and the Bahama Islands might
This brings me to my recent studies well entitle h i m to be called the A u d u -
lished drawings, manuscripts, and let- bon of the Eighteenth Century.
w h i c h t o o k definite f o r m in 1934 when I ters relative to early American orni-
applied to Alpha Omicron P i f o r the When it was nearly time to come
Ruth Capen Farmer Fellowship. I t was thology. home, I learned of a number of un-
my good fortune to know Ruth Farmer published letters by him in the archives
when she was o u r National President Throughout my investigation of the of the Royal Society of London. I
and I was an underclassman, and it was made a hurried trip to O x f o r d and
my exciting duty, together with my col- field of o r n i t h o l o g y I have been struck found two more letters, previously un-
lege chum, to meet her at the train one with the feeling of surprise that every- known, and then went to his native Suf-
dark winter morning. When I reflected folk for information on his schooling
on the flight o f years since t h a t time, it one shows on learning that Audubon and early life. His father was a prom-
seemed that an application f r o m me inent man, several times the Mayor of
w o u l d be rather out o f place. B u t I had had predecessors in the study of birds. Sudbury in the latter part of the Seven-
a very definite piece of w o r k carefully teenth Century, and a very spirited poli-
planned which required study in va- This early period interested me more tician and non-conformist he was. The
r i o u s l i b r a r i e s , and, n a t u r a l l y , financial search f o r Mark's disputed birth record
aid was necessary. A n application f o r a and more as my studies progressed, and was particularly baffling; he was sup-
fellowship had previously been voted posed to have died without a will, and
down by the American Association of the book that has g r o w n out o f the to have l e f t no heirs, but on discover-
University Women, but Doctor Kather- ing his w i f e ' s w i l l i n the vast files o f
ine McHale of this organization granted w o r k bears the t i t l e Before Audubon— Somerset House, and subsequently his
me an interview and suggested the father's will and his own will, which of-
American Council of Learned Societies an Introduction to Early American Orni- fered testimony conflicting with reports
as a possible source o f aid. On investi- already published as to his marriage
gating the uses to w h i c h the small grants thology. B u t perhaps i t should not be and death, I realized I was in a laby-
of this foundation were put, I found rinth of entangled clues which certainly
that these were commonly employed f o r mentioned as a book b e f o r e i t is i n would take time to work out.
transoceanic travel, and the applicant
was expected to find o t h e r means f o r the book marts. This "report," perhaps I t was with great reluctance, there-
living expenses. I was still feeling, how- fore, that I turned westbound over the
ever, that I might be stepping in where I should say, is still hanging in the bal- A t l a n t i c i n January, 1935, determined to
candidates f o r the doctorate m i g h t be publish something on Catesby, and to re-
m o r e welcome, and so I w r o t e to o u r ance. turn to England after Doctor Allen
good friend Stella Perry, whom also [ should r e t u r n f r o m his filming and
D u r i n g the f a l l o f 1934 and the early sound-recording expedition after vanish-
ing birds.
w i n t e r o f 1935, under the auspices o f
So, in accordance with our agreement
A O I I and the American Council o f not to be out o f reach o f the children
at the same time, I returned home where
Learned Societies, I was studying in I could be w i t h them and w o r k over
the material I had gathered. And in
L o n d o n , filling in certain gaps i n the A p r i l , 1936, under a grant f r o m the
American Philosophical Society, I re-
story of early American ornithology turned to England to continue work on
which was started at Cornell. Catesby and other pre-Audubonian orni-
thologists. The longer I worked the
In particular, the work of John White more I found and the more involved the
as artist and draughtsman o f Sir W a l - story became, but though Catesby is not
completely unravelled, he has relin-
ter Raleigh's ill-starred colony on Roa- quished many o f the secrets of his
career which I embodied in an article.
noke Island, was one of m y objectives. " N e w L i g h t on M a r k Catesby," The
Auk, V o l . L I V , July, 1937.
Among his works were many unpub-
W h i l e i n E u r o p e i n 1936 i t was pos-
lished drawings of American birds made sible to seek out also an album o f un-
published bird paintings done in South
in 1585, w h i c h had never been b r o u g h t America and housed in the Staats Bib-
liotek in Berlin. These drawings were
to the attention of ornithologists either the work of the Dutch naturalist, George
Marcgrave, with some, probably, by his
here or abroad. Likewise the work of a friend and patron Johann Moritz, Prince
of Nassau-Siegen, in about the year
Mother Reports 1662. A t this t i m e the Prince was in
charge of the Dutch conquests in Bra-
remembered with the keenest interest French artist, Jaques Le Moyne, who zil, and in addition to being a great
f r o m undergraduate days. Mrs. Perry studied and sketched birds in the French
knew my children—some of them from H u g u e n o t Colony o f 1564 i n South C a r o - ( C O N T I N U E D ON P A G E 1 7 )
babyhood—and she understands in a lina under Rene Laudonniere, was an-
way that makes us all love her. other objective. I worked also on the 15
contributions of a number of European
T r u e to the AOII t r a d i t i o n she re- naturalists who wrote on American birds
plied to mv letter with sympathetic in-

"jg I B O U G H T a l o t i n the K i n g d o m o f Kentucky lights, overalls, bed linen, bath towels,
H e a v e n about fifteen years ago and mittens, corduroy trousers, sweaters,
Babe blankets, quilts, coats, baby clothes,
I paid for it with our littlest one; Mar- flannelette, s t u r d y p r i n t , and shoes, a l -
j o r i e - M a y went to sleep i n m y arms to By VIOLA MINER NEUTSON ways and forever shoes—when these
wake up in the nursery beyond the sky. Tau things come, they come like an answer
Then I understood what the black race to prayer."
has t r i e d to tell us as t h e i r m e l l o w liraum and another named Davidson,
tones roll over the notes of their spirit- in N o r w o o d , Ohio, each sent $10.00 and "You're right, Janet. A n d don't peo-
ual o f mother heartbreak—"HT shoes they do not even belong to Alpha O— ple love to send baby clothes? Looks
all ober Dod's Hebn." just heard about their work up there like the AOn mothers love their own
in Cincinnati and it touched a respon- l i t t l e tikes so m u c h they j u s t can't stand
Just one t h i n g can fill the aching v o i d sive note in their hearts." it to know some other young American
l e f t i n an e m p t y lap o r useless arms so goes cold in the rain and hollow-eyed
bewildered they seem to be made o f "Like Mrs. Drummond sending the at Christmas when every child, no mat-
water. T i s to let the heart overflow g i f t o f $16.00 f r o m her Junior Depart- ter how poor, has a right to learn
into a service f o r other babies, young- ment in her church, besides her per- 'Away in a Manger' and take a new
sters as winsome and sweet as m y o w n sonal check f o r $6.00," Edith answered. dolly or a shiny knife to bed."
but without an anaesthetic to freeze the
pain when a tiny hand is stitched to- "We have received about $153.00, be- "Those hundreds of dolls w i t h dresses
gether. sides Bland's salary, f r o m Alpha O and panties to fit which came f r o m Chi-
friends all over, haven't we? Isn't that cago and points around the compass
Y o u see, her b r o t h e r chopped i t i n - w h a t the records o f 1937 show, E d i t h ? " certainly helped; seems to me the cards
stead of the log he intended to split. showed about 500 in all this year."
Babe had to wait, then, a long, long time "Yes, I think that is what M r s . Breck-
while brother ran mile after rocky mile inridge said. I wish all Alpha O Edith took out the card index and
through the hills, down dry coulees, alumnae groups could realize the power sure enough there were 500 dolls re-
over fallen trees serving as bridges, of cash. When we need bandages, high ceived at the Frontier Nursing Service
through garden patches and thick woods heeled slippers don't help much and last Christmas, besides a few old ones
until he stumbled into the Frontier when a boy needs shoes, soiled orange which looked rather sad. Most every-
Nursing Service Station at Wendover. blossoms don't have much of a thrill. body, however, had sent dolls and other
W o u l d n ' t i t be w o n d e r f u l , Janet, i f toys which i f not new, were present-
Pa held the thin little arm up the people w o u l d have rummage sales w i t h able.
best he could, standing beside Babe's their used clothing and send cash to
chair and mumbling promises of every- us so that every child i n these K e n - Card after card was marked "used
thing f r o m candy to the moon i f only tucky hills could have shoes and have clothing, good and warm, very nice,"
she w o u l d sit still u n t i l the d o c t o r " g i t that much precaution against hook
fetched." w o r m ?" 9

A nurse came with the medical man. "Cash is the most practical f o r us, 4
She took a beautiful dolly out o f a huge Edith, I know, but some groups can't
Christmas box; it had on a pink dress always get cash and when their g i f t s :
and golden curls and lay in a froth of are such things as castile soap, flash-
crystal paper. Y o u couldn't touch i t ; only occasionally a card would be
it was too heavenly. But Babe could labeled "soiled" or "too dressy." Some
hold it in the box and love it that way, hundred yards of material came in,
under one c o n d i t i o n . N u r s e said she household utensils, curtains, books,
was to sit perfectly still while the doc- games, yarn f o r knitting, pieces f o r
tor sewed up her hand w i t h no anaes- quilts, mending cotton, baby carriages,
thetic except the glorious creature that nursing bottles, talcum, cereal, pins and
lay i n her lap. T e a r s r o l l e d , flesh was toys.
pulled to flesh; the price o f great pain
was paid f o r the privilege of beholding Blessed be the t o y senders, f o r they
something beautiful, something rare that shall purchase pure joy. Little fingers
might not ever come this way again. which iuggle marbles, little lips that
b l o w " I ' l l be c o m i n ' r o u n d the m o u n -
Nurse Edith told Babe that a lady in tain, when a come" through a silver
Minnesota had sent t h e ' d o l l y to K e n - harmonica, little arms that cuddle a
tucky because her little girl didn't play d o l l y , l i t t l e tongues t h a t taste figs and
w i t h dollies any more and she w o u l d n ' t dates and candy once a year, these are
miss her baby so t e r r i b l y when she America's citizens o f tomorrow.
stopped to remember how much a love-
ly new dolly could help little girls like T h e y w i l l be good citizens because
Babe. This horse-back nurse was they are learning now that out beyond
mighty k i n d ; she offered to leave Rosa- their Kentucky hills there are women
lie over night i f Babe would promise who care, care deeply, care enough so
not to take her out of her box. M a and that they gather together whatsoever
Pa promised, too. they can give, w h e t h e r i t be a set o f
paper dolls or a truck, an egg beater,
Just as nurse E d i t h turned her horse's or 167 hats, w h a t e v e r i t m a y be it car-
nose towards the stable, another girl ries the spirit of "charity for all" out
rider halloed to her to wait. This nurse beyond the fellowship within a small
was traveling at a snail's pace; her group to every child that lives.
horse knew that he was carrying some-
thing precious. I n the crook of her left " N o woman has a right to die," says
arm lay a wee baby so badly burned one o f our female pioneers, " u n t i l she
that it was just alive and that's all. has made the w o r l d a little easier f o r
all women who will follow in her path."
"Thank God for Alice Coulter's gift
of Unguentine from Norwich, N . Y . "
E d i t h cried as she t o o k one look at
the parboiled little back.

"Wasn't that an understanding and
lovely thing to send?" Nurse Janet re-
plied. "Those AOEfs send such prac-
tical things. W h y just the other day
Mrs. L l o y d Conway in Oklahoma sent
a truck. Actually. And a lady named

Alpha O is doing just that. A s natur- the opposite angle being filled w i t h the Emma Shearer Wood Library of
ally as the Minnesota pine "seeks the poinsettias above a carpet of white- Ornithology.
blue" the spirit of Alpha Omicron Pi, variegated creeping vinca.
founded on democracy and sisterly love, A n d when this initial study is com-
sharpens her vision, widens her horizon Roses bloom profusely in the m o r n - pleted and published, I hope to turn
and "walks the earth w i t h dignity," be- ing sunlight of this wall corner which again to Catesby, of whom my husband
cause she is n o t content to enjoy the extends along both house and end of a in merry mood once said :
friendship and fellowship within her screened side porch. Foundations are
ranks, but through bigness of soul and banded by polypody ferns and a small " M a r k Catesby is Elsa's delight,
quickening o f pulse, she considers all Japanese magnolia and f a n palm g r o w I ' m not sure that she had done right,
child life precious, especially her na- near the outward-curved steps, where For he's gone to her head—
t i o n a l p h i l a n t h r o p i c field i n the hills o f rosa montana garlands the rails and It's a good thing he's dead,
Kentucky. purple-striped wandering Jew and a lit-
tle wild round-leaved plant serve to For she dreams o f h i m every darn
ftturn is a keep the roots of roses cool. night."

(CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6) Between the curving steps lantanas over
have been trained against the portico
say the high point o f our existence is foundations and a half-moon, edged L A M B D A members at Stanford Univer-
reached when three years have passed w i t h ophiopogon, is filled w i t h azaleas, sity are proud of their newly remodeled
and we are actually going home f o r while Formosa azaleas circle a great house. Vine-covered w i t h inviting case-
three months. W e have had that thrill magnolia in the eastern fence corner. ment w i n d o w s i t w i l l be a welcome sight
once, with the skyline o f New Y o r k for grads coming back for the Big
looming up out of a mist after days of Within its shadow the boundary fence Game in the fall.
storms. Friends and f a m i l i e s were so planting, against a screen of English
w o n d e r f u l to us, the five-and-ten a ivy, assembles flowers f o r several sea- Alumrce reports are omitted f r o m this
treasure house, clothes so m u c h smarter. sons. Sultanas, hydrangeas, and blue issue to give space to undergraduates'
But we were satisfied to come back. salvias mingle with little shrubs, small achievements. I t is suggested that copies
W h y ? I suppose the l i f e is a bit easier, Japanese plum trees, montbreitsias, and be preserved and used freely in rushing.
not as h u r r i e d . T h e r e is always fancy-leaved double red dwarf hibiscus, For rushing recommendations, attention
another day. The dress you wanted to- than which there is nothing more gor- is called to the f o r m on Cover 3.
m o r r o w w o n ' t be finished f o r weeks. geous among these decorative flowers.
A little vitex tree flutters its plumes of wn
You accept it. W h a t can one do about "summer lilacs" beside redbuds and
it? W e go out f o r dinner. We sit poinsettias and, back of an oleander •|? NORA SMAIXWOOD, aged eleven, was
three hours and enjoy ourselves, there brought to us nearly six years ago
isn't a theatre waiting f o r us, and the tree, in a half-circle fronting the big
f o o d is too good to be eaten hurriedly. fan palm, the blue note of the fence f r o m a region beyond the seven hun-
A n d so we e n j o y o u r homes and f r i e n d s border is repeated in plumbago and dred square miles we cover. She was
to the fullest degree f o r in the back blue salvia with the French color com- the w o r s t case o f pellagra we have ever
of our minds there is always that day bination of pink roses. had. W e kept her six months at the
when we go home f o r good. hospital and b r o u g h t her up to as nearly
All the dignity and beauty of old n o r m a l as such a c h i l d can ever reach—
JSprinff (Pontes to (jardiens New Orleans is gathered here, and w-ith one can not f u l l y restore "the years
it those colorful modern blossom the locusts have eaten." N o r a is an
(CONTINUED FROM PACE 2 ) touches which skilled taste knows how orphan, and we placed her with admir-
to weave in the gardens of today. able foster parents, Fanny and Dewey
shrubs intersperse fan palms beneath A d a m s , on Camp Creek. She is one o f
them and an unrestricted mass of . PL 2>. the children supported by our Social
glossy-ribbed curculigoes circle the r i m Service Department (Alpha Omicron
of the oak on three sides. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15) Pi Fund) ; and Bland Morrow makes
her an allowance of ten cents a week.
Upon the lawn, just outside the oak statesman he was also a patron o f
tree garden, curves an irregular ridge science and equipped many expeditions N o r a ' s early years w e r e so r o u g h that
of hydrangeas and chrysanthemums, and for the study of bird and animal life
over by the side o f the house, beyond in Brazil. Although the drawings were she has developed an amazing capacity
a large fig tree, t w i n w i l d c h e r r y trees made in South America, they include a
rise high above the second story and number o f species o f both N o r t h e r n for saving. Like Queen Victoria when
create a fragrant white vision of spring- and Southern distribution, or of migra-
time in M a y when mockingbirds, car- tory habits, which nest within the she succeeded to the throne, her first
dinals, bluetails and wrens begin to an- United States but spend the winters
ticipate the black cherries they love. in warm southern climates. ambition was to have a bed of her own.

Hydrangeas still exhibit globes of Thus, in addition to England and Over a period o f tw:o years she saved
pink w i t h which they banded the side France contributing to our earliest orni-
of the house at cherry-blossom time, thological records, this collection of enough out of her allowance to buy her-
and a border of amaryllis, fringing the drawings in Berlin shows that two
bed, will soon begin to crimson their other nations, Holland and Germany, self a personal, even i f second-hand bed.
stalks with large clusters of lilies. Be- have had a share in the f e w ornitho-
side them the path winds around to the logical incunabula that have been found. Her foster father put improvements on
front where contrasting broad-leaved
evergreen occupy wall and portico angle, Other scattering clues to this investi- i t ; and her foster mother saved enough
gation of early American ornithology
will take me to Boston, Savannah, and feathers f o r a feather bed. As a Christ-
other parts o f Georgia as w e l l as to
McGill University, which is famous f o r mas present, Bland gave her a cotton


Someone has said that there are two

things in life we should have comfort-

able, since we spend all of our time in

one or the other o f them—our beds

and our shoes. T h e Alpha Omicron P i

Fund keeps N o r a in shoes; and now

she has acquired a bed all her own.

—Winter Bulletin, FRONTIER N U R S I N G



The Lass Behind the L A. Ds.

AOII lassies have a LADdie tried to persuade one o f the large paper novel, and having a mighty good time
And so for sure must I companies to bring out their paper playing golf. Several years ago her
For all the LADs they work for me towels f o r women's kitchen use. Y o u letter on " W h a t is W r o n g w i t h our
In Alpha Omicron Pi. all know how the idea caught on four W o m e n ' s Pages" w o n first prize i n a
years ago. W e now may buy even the newspaper contest, as a result o f w h i c h
fi " A N i d e a ! I need a new i d e a ! " holders f o r rolled paper towels in all she was asked to speak i n Washington,
W o o l w o r t h and hardware stores and D. C, recently before the American So-
T h i s f r o m one who is known f o r we eat our bacon drained on Al's idea ciety of Newspaper Editors at their
her clever ideas amused me. A l was of ten years ago. convention on her suggestions f o r what
sitting in her bay window, going through women's pages should be. So watch
leads in magazines in pursuit of that I n 1930 she replied to an advertise- your Woman's Page • you'll probably
elusive idea f o r the article she was ment i n Printer's Ink and accepted the find an A l idea.
planning to write. Perhaps you who position in Norwich, advancing rapidly
have been entertained all winter w i t h t h r o u g h the next several years until she I n addition to the busy life sketched
her work on the L i f e Alumnae Dues was put in charge of the advertising above, she f o u n d time this winter to
Sweepstakes w o u l d be interested i n for this large concern. She designs plan the L i f e Alumnae Dues campaign,
knowing about the one who put our their tubes and bottles, writes their ads, in which we have had the services of
chapters on figurative race horses and buys their space, controls her depart- an e x p e r t i n the a d v e r t i s i n g field. She
sent us all galloping down the homepath. ment's budget, etc., and one salesman came down to State College in Septem-
told me, " Y o u should hear her say ber to get the plan under way, gave up
Ideas have been Alice Coulter's ' N O ' ! " B u t she doesn't confine her her Thanksgiving vacation to come
"stock in trade" and have brought her activities to her work alone. A t pres- down again and work in the Central
to her present influential position as ent, she is designing a commemorative Office long hours addressing envelopes,
Assistant to the Vice President in air-mail stamp, working with her chap- and again i n A p r i l she came to announce
charge of Advertising of the Norwich ter at Syracuse, writing a text-book on the results of L A D ' s race and help
Pharmacal Company, where she plans advertising f o r a well-known publisher, Epsilon Alpha celebrate its birthday.
and produces their tremendous cam- writing magazine articles, making She is never too busy to help when she
paigns. Y o u are all familiar with her speeches, toying w i t h humorous strips is needed, even though it means d r i v i n g
" F l a m i n g G i r l , " the d i v i n g figure w h i c h and women's pages in newspapers, help- 500 miles o r g e t t i n g up at f o u r - t h i r t y
at once makes vou think of U N G U K N - ing Alpha Omicron Pi in anything for in the morning to make it. As you
T I N E . (She tells us now that her which she is called upon, re-writing a will read in the article on L A D ' s cam-
"Flaming G i r l " is tired and she wants paign, the Sweepstakes have been a
a new idea!) A l attended Syracuse CCS success, not only f r o m a purely mone-
University where she was a member o f tary standard, but also f r o m the divi-
Chi Chapter. She must have had ideas C^SS ® IK) dends it is paying in securing alumnae
even then f o r she was outstanding on interest in all phases of f r a t e r n i t y ac-
the campus, holding seven m a j o r posi- tivities. While we are giving prizes to
tions during her sophomore year. She chapters f o r their work in the Sweep-
has also attended N e w Y o r k University stakes, surely to A l Coulter should go
and Columbia University, and continued the finest l a u r e l w r e a t h o f all—the
her education by traveling both in this award of the appreciation of Alpha
country and abroad. Omicron Pi.

Handling large accounts in several ALICE CULLNANE.
New Y o r k City advertising agencies,
she unbelievably succeeded. I n 1928 she CONCLUSION

SWEEPSTAKES I m ITblUHfc M| MMB li MMf "oor rantt r.rl tn-t ;-uu w ing to have to decide how to best spend
titli n t l o t t a Qrunl Hi— of U» HIV «4 bMfc*9»*3t.*nu i It*** • their $50 prize, f o r 51 o f t h e i r m e m -
. •!• , I nnt to win mi) M H M bers paid their l i f e alumnae dues. West
Side Chicago, South Side Chicago and
I ban Ju"p»d tht :iurui«, but I •unt hkv MMMQ'K^f^° |0 Los Angeles Alumnae tied f o r second
U place, each g r o u p b r i n g i n g 15 m e m -
bers to the tape. Eastbay, another Cal-
fiefUtmr, Ulc« CIllinois, Bo> iffi, MUM MtfGfe r». i f o r n i a steed, placed fifth i n the race
h a v i n g 14 memberships.
1J T H E 41st Anniversary L i f e A l u m - rirM—you & your-oir a.t[™iA»t*ly 153. .hy; IKL,*UJO n-vtr -.M" n™l
nae Dues Sweepstakes Contest came ycu rorry •bout your omwJ Council Fee of 1.50. to* ftm r«n t.,*d to ll« for One o f the most interesting races in
kt I f st. 30 7 * n Mid tw.tiHc, you I 111 Mfjp K lo tic u r anal the sweepstakes contest was that of
to a g r a n d finish on M a r c h 15 . . . MM the Inactive chapters. Beta won an
checks and money orders came rushing uncontested race and so n o w has a
into State College via special delivery Of etisptBT oinerc roulu LO ro noah . lUi U* tarn-j—nm. mutes, Uiitlu- nest egg o f $50. Beta membership to-
air mail and even by Western Union llon rubtn, viaraw-iiueh-i»"»iotl furniture. tals twelve and eight paid their L i f e
money order . . . it was a close w h i r l - Alumnae dues. W e ' d like nothing bet-
w i n d finish and as t h r i l l i n g as w a t c h - If you i mil to n c l r M "lit, rand your flO ••Mot left's HUM 15, ter than to personally pin an orchid
ing a real horse race. oil each Beta member but must be
filly to lh« muinl tWtt an tint Mid tg*i /ourutlf fWI content to offer our sincere congratu-
Running a hard and fast race down lations in print.
the home stretch came Epsilon Alpha !i1 i
and Rho Chapters. First Rho and then A n d now just in case seme o f you
Epsilon A l p h a w o u l d be leading . . . placed third, Kappa Theta, fourth and are wondering how Epsilon Alpha were
but as the last day d r e w near Epsilon S i g m a fifth. able to get 55% of their membership
A l p h a stepped o u t and finished a g r a n d to respond to the Sweepstakes con-
race w a y ahead o f the field w i t h 55% In Group B the race was just as test, we will tell you the secret of
of their total membership paying their t h r i l l i n g , one day it w o u l d be Beta T a u their success. One o f their seniors,
life alumnae dues. Rho held second in first place, then the next day Beta Doris Rumage, entered the advertis-
place to the end and finished the race Gamma would take the lead. When the ing prize contest f o r individuals in
with 25% of their total membership final results were tabulated i t showed chapters. W e honestly believe that a
holding Life Membership Cards. Ep- Beta G a m m a w i n n i n g first honors w i t h
silon A l p h a hopes to spend their $200 48% of their total membership crash- ( C O N T I N U E D ON P A G E 2 0 )
Grand Stake prize on new furniture . . . ing the finish line . . . and over the
we have not heard how Rho expects border, Beta Tau at Toronto winning
to spend their $50. Second prize. A l - the $25. Second prize with 25% o f
pha Phi, Kappa Theta and Sigma ran their membership celebrating the re-
a very good race and with a little more sults.
support f r o m their alumnae might have
outclassed the winners. Alpha Phi Out in Chicago everyone by now
must know about the Sweepstakes
Contest f o r a number of telephone
calls were made to help along the race.
North Shore Chicago Alumnae are go-



N O T E : The Characters in this story soar, propelled by animated and inti- only have to have this one collection
mate asides, only to be gently p r i c k e d for both money and clothes."
are purely fictitious. Any resemblance by Faith's calmly guiding voice.
Heads began to nod and voices to
they may have to living persons is prov- "That kind of a party involves ex- whisper approval of the economy of this
pense and time to get i t started." proposal. I t was spring and Charity'd
iden tial. heard us talking before the meeting, o f
Lily's white forehead puckered in dis- our prospective new outfits. She sent
' & T H E executive committee of the appointment. " I wished we could do a hopeful predatory look around the
San Francisco Alumnae Chapter was something big! Have a grand party at room, " W a r m coats, suits and skirts—"
a big hotel."
indulging in a happy sisterly exchange Faith breasted the new tide of warmth
of ideas and interruptions before the "We will have parties, Lily, but we've and enthusiasm.
business of the evening should occupy got to raise some money quickly. Hasn't
its attention. Ten women gathered any- someone else an idea? Crystal, you " T h e n it w i l l be a rummage sale?
where for whatever purpose are an usually have. What do you think? W i l l someone make a motion?"
emotional force, and Faith's living room
had accepted an infusion o f feminine Crystal thought. Then, with the forti- Charity made the motion, seconded by
goodwill, light and w a r m . So in apol- tudinous air of one holding her nose Hope. Orchid turned to Lily. "Rum-
ogy f o r the blight her words would in- and jumping in, said, mage! Nice clean work, i f you can get
evitably introduce into that genial at- it."
mosphere, Faith sighed a little before " A rummage sale. It's the best way
she said, to raise money. It's almost all profit. Faith knows what to hear, and vice-
And you don't have to ask your outside versa. " W i l l someone o f f e r to be chair-
"We've got to raise money for our f r i e n d s to buy tickets. I t ' s so simple! man ?"
national philanthropic work." You simply collect the rummage and
sell i t . " No one would. The situation called
Flushes o f gayety f a d e d as varying f o r calm persuasiveness, and Faith has
degrees of apprehensive thoughtfulness The last vestige of that lovely bubble an excellent brand.
paled the cheeks of Hope and Charity, of enthusiasm was ground under with
L i l y and Crystal and Lady Jane. But audible groans, as subtle as a hob-nailed " W e l l , since it was Crystal's idea, I
only f o r a reflective moment. Lily re- heel. B u t the spirit o f Charity is made think we should appoint her chairman.
covered first, and her innocent eyes o f durable stuff. H e r eyes shone, as I know you can handle it, Crystal, and
sparkled. she said, all the girls here will help you."

"Let's have a p a r t y ! A bridge tea, "That's a wonderful idea! I ' l l look N i n e pairs o f relieved eyes sent waves
with door prizes, and sell tickets to all over the rummage and pick out the best of admiration in Crystal's direction, a
our friends." things to send to Kentucky." rare circumstance indeed in familiar
feminine circles. T h e rummage sale had
Hope rebounded. " A n d we might "Oh, no, you don't. Y o u can have all a chairman.
have a fashion show! Orchid and Lady the good things that are left over. The
Jane could model—and maybe some of money's f o r those people too, you know. Hope offered to get the store in which
the rest of us." They can use it f o r the things they to hold the sale. Charity would send
have to buy." cards to the heads of the small groups
A lovely irridescent bubble of girlish telling them to notify their members to
enthusiasm, born of the repressed thes- Charity has a sweet resilient quality. collect their rummage in one place f o r
pian in ten feminine breasts began to " A l l right. Maybe it's better. We'll the final collection. C r y s t a l w o u l d send
notices to the biggest newspapers f o r


the club or society sections. Someone she bought h i m a new sweater that had of touching pathos and spiced with
thought potential customers of rum- been too small f o r someone. dashes of humor.
mage sales watched the papers f o r news
of them. I n any event the rest of the A spasmodically bleached blonde, un- A n y organization can be likened to a
citizens would know of the A O I I accustomed to buying in such places, vehicle. Its members are the body, its
Alumnae's beneficent activity. Lady bought a nice persian lamb trimmed officers, their sincerity and interest and
Jane would stop in at a large depart- coat f o r an old lady. She paid two resourcefulness are the wheels. Money
ment store to borrow some dress racks. dollars f o r i t . I t was twice as good is the grease, ugly, utilitarian, that helps
Crystal would attend to all the miscel- as the coat she w o r e , and a perfect fit. the wheels function. Once a year Faith
laneous details. The meeting adjourned The "old lady" would surely understand. and Hope and Charity and Crystal must
and dissolved with a cacophony of A B , pool their talents to keep the wheels
M A , and merely college-exposed brains The oft-repeated wail : "Haven't you greased. But spare your tears. During
volubly being taxed f o r the choicest bits any large sizes? I ' m really small up the rest of the year while Lily and
of rummage, some pure sacrifice, in ten here. It's only down here that I need Orchid and Lady Jane are giving the
homes. the room." parties, contributing the essential light
touch, the heroines of my little tale will
Two days before the sale the man A. nice looking young man returned gayly climb on the band wagon and go
who had promised Hope his store with seven-fifty for the most expen- along for the ride.
rented it on a long lease. One couldn't sive suit.
blame h i m . H o p e spent five hours and Sweepstahes (Conclusions
one dollar f o r a traffic tag, and f o u n d a The city's orchestra players must all
better store not too far out on the have been on the golf links. N o one (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18)
busiest street in town. bought the perfectly good tuxedo with
only a few moth holes in the crotch. great deal c f credit f o r Epsilon A l -
Faith took her child thirty miles out pha's success in the contest was due
of town to his grandmother's in the At three o'clock two delivery men to the clever and appealing copy writ-
morning, drove sixty more miles col- came to take the racks on which the ten by Doris Rumage; her letters were
lecting things. dresses hung, and which had been mimeographed and sent to each alum-
promised to Lady Jane till the next day. na of Epsilon Alpha. One of the let-
The day before the sale the group But what could two delivery men do ters in the series had a real button
chairmen, with the exception of Mary, against the determination of Charity pasted on the letter. Doris bought
who was i l l , and Lady Jane, who was and C r y s t a l ; fire and ice? T h e racks out all of the panty buttons in State
away, collected all their rummage and stayed. College stores in order to complete her
took it down to the store. Faith and mailings. The letter which won for
Charity and Crystal displayed it with By late afternoon dresses were her the $50 advertising prize is shown
a nice taste on tables, and after send- seventy-five and f i f t y cents, coats one in full.
ing Hope horns f o r them, on hangers. dollar or less, ties three f o r ten cents,
But w i t h a l , things were finally ship- whatever the traffic would bear without The Sweepstakes are over! But the
shape, w i t h the best objects o f art in assaulting the dignity of the storekeep- opportunity to take advantage of sav-
one w i n d o w , choicest Easter finery i n ers. ing money is still available. 899 mem-
the other, and a truly arresting sign bership cards have been issued to date
on the door. The willing workers parted A t five the enormous " o l d m a i d and or a total o f $7,105 collected. O u r goal
with high anticipations for a successful p r o u d o f i t " w h o didn't have to be is $10,000 before the end of the year.
venture. home at any time to do anything f o r I f you pay your Life Alumna; Dues
anybody and felt lucky theref ore, was of $10 now, y o u r worries are over f o r
Crystal spent the evening quietly at rounding out her second hour on the l i f e ! No more annual Council dues
home with her husband, the telephone, premises begging H o p e to find a f e w of $1.50 to w o r r y about.
a note pad and fast diminishing pencil more things to fill her other shopping
as she scratched : pins—paper—string— bag. She was used to carrying big Underaraduat es
another sign, Bee—don't forget change bundles. She'd buy anything for a
—money box—policeman?—have Com- nickel. She always bought bargains oonerat
munity A i d call for left-overs—day- when she saw them, thus always had
a f t e r sale, t o let men call f o r fixtures, presents and ornaments on hand. The (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 30)
clean store, who?—not enough men's g i r l s should see her house. T h e y
suits—Get Mary and Lady Jane r u m - wished they could. Crystal thought she party at the Tutwiler Hotel, the proceeds being
mage—children's lunch tomorrow? din- was waiting with avaricious yearning to
ner? (meat, veg, starch, dessert) ? assist in the disposal o f the unsold sent to Bland Morrow to aid in our Social
things when the sale should be over,
On the morning o f the sale. Faith, so w i t h a great air o f closing shop she Service W o r k . — N E L L MANCIN, Birmingham
Charity, Hope and Crystal were on ushered the maid to the door, with two
hand. Good coats sold f o r three dollars, inches still emptv in the shopping bag. Southern College.
dresses one dollar, hats and shoes She went heavily, reluctantly, casting
twenty-five cents, ties ten cents. The f r u s t r a t e d backward glances till space V O F COURSE, the first thing I must tell you
policeman was first amused, then bored. and custom prevented. about, because we enjoyed it so much, is
His promise to return after lunch was
not fulfilled. I t didn't matter. He The day was over. The Community the visit of Mary Dee. On the night of her
wasn't needed. Aid men took the left over art ob'ects, arrival, March 6, we had formal initiation
materials and frills, and f o r the favor with Mary Dee presiding. Everything was
After noon Lily dropped in, fresh removed all the old boxes and paners. so very impressive that I know every girl will
and sparkling f r o m a luncheon, to be Charity was made happy with two huge remember it for many years to come. The
immediately saddened on finding that boxes o f "warm coats, dresses, and following Monday night she pre: ided at chap-
the darling blue lace evening dress, the skirts" for Kentucky. ter meeting. Her splendid talk was greatly
very one in w h i c h she had f o u n d her appreciated by all of us. On Tuesday a tea
big romance, hadn't sold. N o r had the The next day Faith was on hand to was given in her honor.
tempting array of almost new evening let the men in to get their dress racks
slippers i n luscious flower shades r e - and to pay three dollars f o r cartage of I told you last time that some of us were
ceived more than a few hungry looks the caterer's tables. This was the ven-
f r o m the unprofitable side of the w i n - ture's sole expense. She returned the going up to the Beta Kappa Chapter for their
dow. Few rummage sale customers store's key to the real estate man.
have any use f o r evening clothes. L i l y Crystal deposited the money in the bank Spring Formal, but I didn't tell you what a
tried her best to sell them, but soon and wrote notes of thanks to those
went home, defeated. who had extended favors. grand time we had. The girls showed us a

A middle aged, shabbily dressed Thus f o r a few days of effort and perfectly wonderful time, and we are looking
woman with a strikingly handsome lit- one pair of aching feet per committee
tle boy wearing new clothes f r o m head woman, national philanthropic work was forward to visiting them again. W e were
to foot, tried on all the blue shoes benefited very substantially in cash and
w i t h o u t finding a pair to f i t her. So by two large boxes of goods. Local very happy to have some of the Vancouver
charity profited through the Community
Aid. A n d the experience o f each o f girls down here the latter part of March.
those cooperating was enriched with bits
However, the girls were very busy with a

debate, and unfortunately for us, we didn't

get to see nearly enough of them. W e are

now looking forward to our Spring Informal

which is to be given on April 2 2 at the

Olympic Bowl in the Olympic H o t e l . — P E G G Y

J U N E A D A M S , University of Washington.


Ok, J)-^ tjou C^ouid -^ype ever, he was always game to start ably meaningless to the outsider,
over. such as "Migawd, they buried that
(CONTINUED FKOM PACE 12) story!" "Parsons said she'd give us
And speaking of songsters, the a second lead on that story!" or
next week may find you sitting girl who gets in I r v i n g Berlin's of- " B i l l , bat me out captions on these'"
around all day working puzzles! fice is lucky, for there, my friend, or "Hey, I just dug up a banner f o r
is a gentleman! Harrison!" However, a month of
I n the sweat shop, as most sten- it and I was yelling too.
ographic departments are lovingly M y hell on earth was two weeks
called, most of your work at first in the property department. Some- If you want to know what's go-
consists of typing stencils, stacking how chairs, mirrors, antique mus- ing on all over the studio, and i f
paper, typing, putting scripts to- tache cups and I didn't go together, you're the curious type that wants
gether, typing and then more typ- although the two girls in the de- to see everybody, publicity is the
ing. Y o u get your hands filthy and partment were very patient with place f o r you. It's the place too, i f
work yourself up into a morbid me. I didn't know what I was do- you're the informal extrovert type
mental state as you mutter " A m I ing during my whole incarceration. that prefers noisy camaraderie to
going to do this all my life?" Just Most of the time I had to copy the conventionalities and dignities
about then, you'll probably be told down on little cards the things that of life.
to go up to the designer's office were rented or bought f r o m firms
f o r the afternoon to take messages during the week, plus inventory I hadn't been there long when I
because he and his sketch artist are numbers, et cetera. I had to sort was treated to my first close-up of
going off the lot and his assistant jewelry cards f r o m those listing Katharine Hepburn. O f course I ' d
has to be in the wardrobe depart- black widow spiders, and the spi- seen her across the commissary or
ment. So you loll on his soft divan, ders f r o m ostrich eggs and sacks whipping around in her station
read the latest magazines, and think of chicken feed, or perhaps bro- wagon, her head tied up peasant-
"This is the l i f e ! " caded Louis X V love seats. fashion in a big silk bandana, but
this day she ran into the office and
Oftentimes you relieve in pro- Naturally, the department tries to into the publicity director's private
ducers' and directors' offices at noon fill permanent openings with girls sanctum while I made fifteen mis-
or on Saturdays, which is a cinch. they think will fit in. A n d inciden- takes in three lines of typewriting.
Generally, all you do is sit and read tally, most studios fill secretarial
or turn the heel on the sock you're vacancies from their own steno- After working in publicity awhile,
knitting. However, the first time graphic departments, except in un- I let it be known that I thought I
you get turned loose in an office usual cases. could write. The news editor and
with the little "cheese box" tele- the publicity director's right hand
phone switchboard by the desk, and They knew I had my eye on do- man took me under their wings and
all at once you see three yellow ing publicity so they let me go to began throwing me crumbs: a fash-
lights flash on simultaneously, that department when a vacancy ion picture to caption, an idea f o r
you're in a cold swreat and your came along. a story here and there, and before I
knees buckle because it's maybe the knew it I was writing more and
first time you've seen one and you I f a studio is mad, the publicity more. Then they made me sort of
don't know how it works. This department is entirely demented. a special writer and private secre-
happened to me in the office of the It's built for comfort and not for tary to one of the top men all in
story editor. Just as I was grap- looks, with typewriters chattering, one. Doing all this gives you a
pling with the keys, a man with soft phones all ringing at once, and peo- chance to circulate around the lot
dark eyes came in. I said, "Hello! ple running up and down like rats and visit the sets, which never be-
For Pete's sake show me how to in a maze. There are shouts, prob- comes monotonous. No doubt about
work these things before the boss it, it's f u n meeting all the players,
gets here!" He did, very patiently, both old timers and newcomers.
and then walked on into the inner
office. You're right. I t was the As things stand now, I hope to
story editor and was my face red. go on from what I'm doing now in-
to doing nothing but writing, and
M y first letter in the studio was f r o m there maybe I ' l l sell some of
dictated to me by one of America's the boys the idea that an original
top song writers in whose office I story of mine would make good
was starting to work every Satur- screen material, and then maybe
day. He had the habit of coming they'll take me out of publicity and
out into my office and mumbling put me to adapting the story into
what I took to be some pleasantry. a screen play—but what is more
A few seconds later I ' d realize likely to happen is that I ' l l be fired
that he w'as dictating a letter and when they see this article in print.
was halfway through i t ! How- Then I ' l l t r y to get into another
studio and start in all over again!



Undergraduates Cooperate i n College Affairs

T H E highlight of winter quarter was fall term and Kay Neidermeier just returned ruary and March. The student, upon submit-
our initiation the morning of February from spending winter term at the :-.ohool. ting her application for membership in the
12, when we initiated six girls. T h e banquet Next year we will have two girls there. Doro- sororities, automatically is invited to each tea.
that evening was especially pleasant in that we thy Pickett ' 3 9 is a member of Tower Guard,
had the largest number of alumnae present of ON, Home Economics Club, and Spartan 4. A detailed letter will be seat to each
any previous year. Quite a number of Alpha Women's League. She is vice president of sophomore in the fall, and to it will be at-
Phis received recognition on our campus this Panhellenic this year and president next tached an application form, which must be
quarter. Mary Liquin is a 4>K4>; Peggy Ander- year. Irma Shumway is also a member of turned in Wednesday of the first week of
son, A*A, an art honorary; Rosemary Quick Tower Guard, ON and Home Economics Club. term, accompanied by $1 (as a sign of good
was one of the military company's sponsors; She will be president of Beta Gamma Chap- faith) for registration fee. Applicants will
Dorothy Searle, Rosemary Quick, Jean Van ter next year. We are all very thrilled at check those sororities in which they are in-
Sice and Clare Tacoma were four of the 2 4 winning the first prize in the Life Alumna; terested.
campus beauty queens. We are still bubbling Dues' sweepstakes in class B . — J E A N N E M A N N ,
over as a result of our winter formal, March Michigan State College. 5. Sororities must submit lists of sopho-
4. Red is certainly perfect for a sorority to mores in which they are interested on the
have as its symbolic color—it's so bright in B K H I S T O R Y was made on the British Co- F r i d a y of that week. F r o m F r i d a y to the fol-
decorations. Only three weeks of spring quar- lumbia campus last month when the lowing Monday the lists will be compared and
ter have passed, but they have been brimful adjusted!. T h e returned lists will be compared
with events. The event we anticipated with Panhellenic Association passed a new consti- of the sororities and girls who are mutually
such pride was the arrival of one of the tution whereby the long established rushing interested. O n Wednesday the applicant may
founders of Alpha Phi chapter, Mary Dee system is to be abolished. F o r some time have an interview with the Dean of Women
Drummond. O u r greeting to her was a recep- past there has been a feeling of discontent to ask advice and assistance in her adjustment
tion on March 16. W e are still bubbling over among sorority women, non-sorority women, to a sorority best suited for her.
with enthusiasm for everything AOTI and all and members of the Faculty concerning the
of its connections. I t was so much fun to rushing system, which has caused so many 6. Silence period, with no contact between
hear about all the other chapters Mary Dee disappointments at each pledging season. I t sororities and sophomores, will then be the
has visited, we seem so much better acquaint- was felt that something should be done about next Sunday and Monday.
ed now. The rummage sale we had a few the problem, but the issue was always avoid-
weeks ago was so much more successful than ed until this year, when the new plan was 7. Monday (two weeks from the day on
we expected that we are planning to have an- adopted after many meetings, and consider- which the letter is sent out) bidding will take
other later on in the quarter. I f our noses able discussion among the sororities. Before place.
are just a wee bit elevated, please excuse us, outlining the scheme, I might say the U . B.
but we topped the winter quarter grade list C . is well suited to experiment in this field, 8. Open House in the spring is the only
with a chapter average higher than any cam- as we have not a large number of sororities, social function prior to bidd;ng. I t is hoped
pus average since 1 9 3 1 . I f we can just dupli- or indeed a very large university. The total that girls will become conscious of and in-
cate it for spring quarter, we will have main- enrolment this year is approximately 2 , 4 0 0 , of terested in sorroities in first year. The circu-
tained the top notch for this year, so we have which some 7 or 8 hundred are women stu- lar of information in the spring term will
our fingers crossed. On April 10 we initiated dents. We have eight sororities represented provide added information and the freshettes
Naomi Cool. Earlier in the week we pledged on the campus. It has never been the cus- who have begun to meet sorority girls
her closest friend, Maxine Martin. Girls tom to rush first-year students, as it is felt through their activities will be able to make
whose names one often reads in the college more advisable to allow the freshettes the year a tentative decision as to whether they would
paper are: Glen Breneman, who will attend the to become adjusted to the requirements of be interested in joining one of the groups.
Associated Women's Students district conven- university life before taking on membership
tion in Pullman, Washington, as president of in a sorority. A house-party was held early I t is obvious that there are many flaws in
the campus organization; Jean V a n Sice as in March to discuss the suggestion, which had this new system, and much will depend on
president of Mortar Board; Gerry Geiger, as- been made by Clare Brown, a r«l>B alumna, each group "playing the game." W e realize
sistant high school week chairman; Rosemary now assistant to the Dean of Women, that that many minor adjustments will have to be
Quick, one of attendants of the Les Bouffon's sophomores should apply for membership and made before the plan is put into execution,
q u e e n . — C L A R E T A C O M A , Montana State Col- the sororities should contact their possible but at least we feel it is a step in the right
lege, members only through campus activities, and direction. A feeling of cooperation is being
not by a number of stiff, unnatural rushing stimulated between the different sororities by
functions. After much discussion, the new bringing the rushing question into the open.
plan was approved by seven of the eight And it is believed that the prestige of the
chapters on the campus. The new system will Greekletter societies will gain rather than
put more of the responsibility for the con- lose by this new frankness.
tacting of the groups on the shoulders of the
freshettes. The contact period is spread out I t is only a beginning, but it will be in-
and therefore the acquaintanceships between
the sororities and their new members are not teresting to follow the development of the
so artificial as under the old system.
A T H E R E at Denison we have been in a new p l a n . — K A T H L E E N ARMSTRONG, University
whirl of elections. W e had many of of British Columbia.
1. T h e president of Panhellenic will speak
our girls nominated for positions in various at the first meeting of the Women's Under- J^rJ) A P R I L 2 , we had a delightful slumber
graduate Society, at which all women are
campus organizations, and a number of them present. party as one of the activities in our

won their elections. Most notable was the 2. A circular of general information regard- rush program. Hazel Parsons was elected
ing the nature and function of sororities will
election of Jean Gregg ' 3 9 , this year's pledge be sent to each freshette in January. The cir- secretary of the journalistic honorary, 01<t».
cular will contain:
mistress, to the position of vice president of V i r g i n i a L e e Fellmy was elected to serve as
a. Pictures of sorority pins.
W S G A . In our sorority elections Jean Yoder b. Activities of sororities. Y W C A vice president for next year. Harriet
c. Philanthropic work.
'39 was elected president, and we are looking d. Average sorority fees. Scott is a candidate for queen of the Junior
e. Names of active members.
forward to a fine year under her guidance. f. Qualifications for membership. Prom. Deloris Drabing is chairman of the
g. Requirements for application.
One of our proudest possessions of the last h. Scholarship standards of sororities. committee which is making plans for the dis-
i. Details of Open House to which all
month are two new $ B K s in the chapter. trict convention to be held here in J u n e . —
freshettes interested will be invited.
Martha Jump ' 3 8 , our outgoing president, and E L E A N O R W A Y , Indiana University.
3. Open House will consist of a series of
Susie L e e Shelton ' 3 8 . W e initiated a fine teas to be held one by each sorority in Feb-

group of 14 girls on March 19. Many alum- J3T As our final exams are drawing near,
Beta T a u activities have been gradual-
nae returned for the ceremony, and. we all
ly coming to a close. Due to open rushing
had a gala time at the formal dinner held at being allowed by our Panhellenic Association,
we have been entertaining rushees at all our
the Granville I n n . W e are looking forward supper parties. Our formal Rose banquet and
dance in honor of our new initiates, Marga-
to a big time at the District Convention in ret McKay, Genevieve Hamlin and Dorothy
Donnan, was held on March I I at the Gran-
May, and our annual picnic supper after in- ite Club. The guests were received before
the banquet by Mr. and Mrs. A. V . Loftus,
stallation of chapter officers. With these Joan Kelley, our president, and Ruth Jen-
kins, president of alumnse. The tables were
events we plan to round out what has been decorated with roses and illumination was
provided by rose tapers. During the evening
a highly successful and happy year for Alpha we followed one of the lovelier customs of

Tau C h a p t e r . — H E L E N E V A N S , Denison Uni-


O U R chapter, which is composed largely
of Home Economics girls, has prided it-
self on having some senior Home Economics
attend the Merrill-Palmer School this year.
Jeanne Mann attended the school this last


H 30, 1938 J £ C H I had its initiation on March 26. The

gl Going Out for Scrub Team banquet following was a very impressive

ce IP one. Ellen Jane Beavens, the District Super-

3 5 intendent, was present and spoke. Frances
Harbison (A), whose daughter was recently

initiated into Chi, also gave a very fine talk.

W e are anxiously awaiting our chance in the

step-singing contest which is held on the chap-

el steps. W e are really beginning to think

that we have a fine group of singers. Louise

Rabner '39 was recently elected secretary-

treasurer of the W A A . — E L E A N O R H O L T E R ,

Syracuse University.

J£ L O U I S E Myers '39 is our new president.

tie Fi W e also elected Anne Messing '39, vice
Sa president; Alice Quinn '39, treasurer; Virgin-
• ia Wilkinson '39, rushing chairman; Dayle
I Faris '40, corresponding secretary; Jeanne
rcial Hyde '41, recording secretary; Norma Lever-
onto see '41, historian; Margery Sauter '40, junior
this Panhellenic delegate; Edith Burtt '39, senior
en Panhellenic delegate; Mary Dafgard '40,
Y(ii scholarship officer; Betty Coffey, '40, study
••rs plan officer; Sally Walter '40, chapter libra-
bea rian; Barbara Clarke '39, social chairman;
inn Catherine Hitz '39, social service chairman;
tits and Betty Smith '39, doorkeeper. Patricia
Sugnat '41 and Jean W a y '41 are compets
or. for the editorial board of The Cornell Daily
Sun; Norma Leversee *41 for the business
day board. Jean W a y also made the freshman
basketball team. Mary Lois Gardiner '41, Bet-
ty Niles '41, and Patricia Sugnat '41 have
been very active in Cornell United Religious
W o r k the past semester. Dayle F a r i s '40 was
just elected to an associate membership in the
Cornell Radio Guild. W e are proud to have
Betty Keeler '39 the Cornell representative to

fe- the Model League in Rutgers this spring.—

ci D A Y L E F A R I S , Cornell University.

lay F E B R U A R Y 13 marked the end of a suc-

»ens 0. cessful rushing season, with the annual

10 tuc Rose Dinner as an appropriate finale. W e wel-

ickly UK comed 14 new pledges, including another set
V of
floi of twins to add to our "twin collection." O u r
sq: dinner dance was held March 5 at the Nit-
ce tany L i o n I n n . W e were honored to have

OS. two "alums" return for the occasion—Selena
fr Wunderlich '36 and Dorothy Jeter '36. Other
"alums" who returned recently are Ruth
ts. si Koehler '36, Doris Smith '37, Evelyn Kray-
u bill '37, and Helen Clymer '37. Jane Cater-
sm; son '37 is now doing extension work at the
CI- College. W e have the glad news to spread
that Dorothy H u l l '36, who was in an accident

last Alumni Day, is now fully recovered.

W S G A and W A A election returns gave us

the glad news that Rachel Bechdel '39 is

president of W A A ; M a r j o r i e Davies '39 is

r:mes Photo. senior senator; Jane Romig '40 is junior sen-

*5rakwn r e p l a c e s brains._at th-e B u t l s r U n i v e r s i t y A l p h a O m i c r o n P i ator; and Jane Hoskins '41 is sophomore to
^ - • ^ r . i ^ vac?1
<J*is.y?eek.. Six local coeds have tucked W A A . April 3 was a red letter day for Ep-
Beta Thcta got ready
silon Alpha. W e held our installation ban-

•^oceede* ~""'—h *or-the. scrub quet in honor of the new officers. Our

for spring affairs KftKfc this publicity. guests were Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alice

Coulter, Helen Haller, Edith Anderson, Ann

Alpha Omicron Pi in having a rose dance. the afternoon our chapter gave a tea for the Nichols, Helen Savard, and Alice Cullnane.
other two chapters and visiting alumnae. M a r y
W e entertained the alumnae and the Moth- Jane Mount was chairman. That night we all Alice Coulter announced that "Epsilona" had
attended the State dance in the Chateau
ers* Club on M a r c h 20 at afternoon tea room. Hank Henry's orchestra played. The won the $200 L i f e Alumnae Dues prize.
pledges gave a bridge party on March 18,
which we enjoyed very much. The senior with Evelyn Fosgate as chairman. They have Alums! May we thank you for your splendid
been selling tickets on a radio, and are plan-
luncheon will be held on April 2 in honor ning to give a skating party on the thirtieth. cooperation (as usual). M a r y Taylor '38 is
Their pledge dance is slated for May 7 with
of our graduates, Joan Kelley, Arlene Boland, Louis Partello's orchestra playing. I t will be to be the senior attendant to the M a y Queen
at the Meridian Hills Country Club. Elec-
Jean Auman and Joan T r i p p . — J A N E Y M C L E O D , tions were held March 23, and officers will be on Mothers* Day. Louise Haines '39, Ruth
installed April 27. Those elected were: Helen
University of Toronto. Smith, president; Mary Jane Mount, vice Burrage '39, and Marjorie Davies '39 were
president; Mildred Poland, recording secre-
tary; Ruth Read, corresponding secretary; Bet- elected to I I A 0 , education honorary. Jane Ro-
ty Clark, treasurer; Ruth Read, To DRAGMA
reporter; Marie Schubert, rush captain; Bet- mig '40 was elected president of the Home
ty Alvis, historian; Betty Miles, herald; Ruth
3 ® T H I N G S have really been popping since Read, publicity chairman and press represen- Economics Club, and to membership in the
February. First we pledged Loretta Pe- tative; Rosalea Schey, social chairman; Helen
Smith, senior panhellenic delegate; and Marie E l i a n H . Richards Club, honorary home eco-
terson. On February 23, we had a scholar- Schubert, junior Panhellenic delegate. Ber-
ship dinner for the chapter, Mildred Poland, nice Patrick, d o o r k e e p e r . — R U T H R E A D , Butler nomics society. Jane Hoskins '41 made L a k -
chairman. Awards were given to Mi hired Po- University.
land and Marie Schubert, actives, and Mary onides, honorary physical education society.
Jane Mount and Leetha Steele, pledges. Mary
Jane Mount and Rosalea Schey were initat- The chapter has been sponsoring weekly teas
ed. W e had a dinner for them, of which
lone Voss was chairman. State Day came on to which all fraternities on campus are in-
March 12. A luncheon was given at the Cha-
teau room of the Claypool Hotel, with Mrs. vited. The initiation of this practise has led
Frank Cox, District Alumna: Superintendent,
presiding. Our pledges sang "Little Frater- to the fostering of an inter-fraternity friend-
nity P i n " in harmony and brought in a rep-
resentative song of ATA, I N , I X , * A 6 . I n ship on c a m p u s . — D O R I S M . R U M AGE, Penn-

sylvania State College.

J-J E T A Chapter held formal initiation on
March 26. On Monday evening follow-

ing initiation we had our annual formal ini-
tiation banquet. That same evening in chap-
ter meeting we elected the following officers:


President, Mary Eleanor Crowley; house Joan Fales '39 played the leading role of

president, Morna Crawford; vice president, Quo WU 13 Gypsey Shows K n e e , and Ruth T r i c k e y '40

Mary Starr; rushing chairman, Kay Turner; res a singinging newspaperwoman. Several AOTIs

social chairman, Marjorie Lee Rothe; activi- • were members of the chorus: Marion Fitz-

ties, Hope Matthes; treasurer, Marion Thom- Gerald '40, Sophie Maisel '40, Betty Homans

as; recording secretary, Elaine Thompson; '39, Lucille Fogg '39, E u n i c e Gale *39, E l -

corresponding secretary, Charlotte Steinborn; nora Savage '40, K a y Rowe '38, Connie

publicity, Beatrice Endres; doorkeeper, Ruth Philbrook '41, Helen Wormwood '41, Peggy

Wilson. The Pledges going through their Hauck ' 4 0 . — A N I T A M I L L E R , University of

"Hell Week" this semester were the peppiest Maine.

and most fun that E t a has seen for some J£ K A P P A S returned from their spring vaca-

time. They pulled clever stunts and tricks tion ready for the strenuous activities

on the actives, but proved themselves hum- which mark the end of the Randolph-Macon

ble as well as spirited. Among our very ac- year. V e r a Dickens is to be M a y Queen, and

tive members are: Jane Hasiangcr, member of in the court are Emily Cross, Louise Mar-

Mortar Board, the University Singers, <I>K4\ tin, Virginia Suydam, and Charlotte Gran-

played in the Annual Spring 1AI recital, and berry. Lucile Scrivener was elected presi-

is the president of Z A I ; Eleanor Crowley has dent of Main H a l l in the spring student gov-

been elected general rushing chairman for ernment elections. She is also the vice pres-

Panhellenic; Ruth Koehler belongs to I E Z ; ident of Kappa. Jane Smith, who is to be

Elaine Thompson was honorary cadet colonel 'If O H I O V A L L E Y D i s t r i c t Convention is our president next year, is a new member

of the chairman of Army and Naval Rela- to be held on June 13-15, at B l o o m - of Coffee Club. T h e Panhellenic Association
ington, Indiana. Beta Phi Chapter is
tionships at the Military Ball at Wisconsin; hostess, and Deloris Drabing convention here gave a barn dance here recently. All
chairman. Meetings w i l l be held and
Marjorie Lee Rothe won twelfth place in a delegates housed i n the B4> Chapter the girls and boys came in costumes, and ev-
house, 703 E . 7th Street. A l i c e B u r l i n -
selected group of the fifty best bowlers at the game has chosen topics f o r alumna? dis- eryone had a wonderful t i m e . — B E A T R I C E
cussions and Kathryn Cox has done the
University of Wisconsin, member of the var- same f o r active chapters. There are six M O N T G O M E R Y , Randolph-Macon Woman's Col-
active and ten alumnae chapters i n the
sity bowling team; circulation manager for the District. The Executive Committee has lege.
been i n v i t e d to attend, as is everyone
Wisconsin Country Magazine; district tennis who might be interested.

champion for women last summer; Mary J£@ W E had a busy two weeks starting Feb-
ruary 14—our formal rush week,
Starr, member of Castallia, Spanish Club, and
through the 24th. F o r directly after rushing
Wisconsin Apprentice Players; Lorcna Cow- week was over, Kappa Theta enjoyed the vis-
it of our President—Mary Dee Drummond.
gill, member of Pithia; Margaret Ebcrt, She arrived Tuesday the 22nd, and the follow-
ing day a Mothers' Tea was given in the
Y W C A Cabinet, Ticket chairman for Wis- afternoon and in the evening a banquet in
her honor was held at the beautiful Wom-
consin Hoofers; Kay Turner, Editor of Pres- en's Athletic Club in Los Angeles. This af-
fair took the place of Founders' D a y held
bits, member of Student Cabinet; Ruth Wil- by the other chapters of which eighteen were
represented at the banquet. I t was closed by
son, member of Congregational Student Cabi- a poignant message from our President con-
cerning AOn's Social Service Work. There
net. Hope Matthes sings in University Wom- was a campus tea the next day charmingly
done in the Chinese manner, then Mary Dee
en's C h o r u s ; Charlotte Steinborn, Coronto, Monday, June 13 terminated her visit with a heart-to-heart
5:00- 7:00 P . M.—Registration. talk to the active chapter. O u r final mem-
Y W C A Cabinet; Beatrice Endres, Euthenics 7:00 P . M.—Buffet Supper. ory of Mary Dee was a very charming and
8:30 P . M.—Get-acquainted party. intimate one. After formal meeting a group
and Blue Shield C l u b s . — M A R J O R I E L E E R O T H E , 10:30 P . M.—Initiation gathered in her room and until two in the
Story telling. morning our President entertained them
University of Wisconsin. with bridge and a good old-fashioned "bull-
session." At least 17 jubilant girls laid aside
^ W I T H rush week over, Delta Chapter has Tuesday, June 14 their books, forgot the " F " they may have
7:30 A . M.—Breakfast. made at mid-term and once again departed
been swelled by the addition of six new for U C L A ' s favorite vacation-spot, Balboa
9:00- 9:30 A. M.—General opening business Beach. The two-storied "Mother Hubbard"
pledges: Caroline Barker, Rhoda Davis, Alma session. house that was rented for the occasion was
situated on the Island, the more beautiful
Hescock, Martina Higgins, Doris Miller and 9 :30-l 1:30 A . M.—Round tables. section of the resort, and with the added at-
Active. tractions of two showers, an open fireplace,
Meredith Stevens, who are all of the class of Alumna. two living-rooms and the perfect chaperonage
of Carrie Kistler, everyone was set for a
'41. After spring vacation we pledged Sally 11:30 A . M.—Convention picture wonderful time. Sail-and-motor-boating, danc-
12:00 Noon—Luncheon. D r . Herman ing, bicycling, badminton, tennis, and a Fun
O'Donnell and Hope Libby, both freshmen. Center, complete with ferris wheel and merry-
Wells, President of In- go-round were at our disposal, with the aim to
An excerpt from the TUFTS WEEKLY states diana University, Speak- do as much as possble and to acquire the
er. deepest tan in the space of four days. Kappa
. . Speaking of sororities, this week's hon- 1:30- 2:30 P . M.—Round tables. T h e t a had 11 initiates this semester: V i r g i n i a
3:30 P . M.—Panhellenic tea. Becket, Virginia Collins, Marcele Von Dietz,
ors go to AOn for winning the Intramural Bloomington alumna Virginia Etchegaray, Mary Fitzpatrick, Mertie
chapter hostess. Lou Minke, Louise Mooney, Charlotte Thomp-
basketball plaque." This is the second suc- 7:00 P . M.—Dinner. son, Mary Elizabeth Trask (who has since
Fun. dropped out of school), Georgia Webster, and
cessive year that we have won this award. Indianapolis Alumna Margaret Wyman. Monday night, the new
Fort Wayne Alumna officers for the coming year were installed.
Orchids to our athletes and to the Alpha Os Terre Haute Alumna Our new president is Elizabeth Johnson, who
Lake County Alumna transferred from Sigma, in February, 1937,
who have been active in social affairs. Lois has proved her capability by holding the
Hostesses. office of house-manager, and has won the
O'Brien '38 and Catherine ( K a y ) McClay '40 Virginia Cox Nichol- hearts of her sorority sisters with her friendly
son, Chairman. yet quiet manner, her efficiency, and her abil-
for the Interclass Dance, while Nunzia Mer- ity to be a "pal." T h e newly elected vice
president is Gladys Spenser, room-mate of
lino '38 and Helen Hurley '39 had charge Elizabeth Johnson, and who has likewise won
the respect of the chapter. Margaret "Peggy"
of the Spring Formal on April 9. T h e cam- Gresswell, treasurer, served the same office
last term and made herself indispensible.
pus has been in a whirl lately while the Jum- Our new recording secretary is Flora Gale
McNelley; corresponding secretary, Jeanne
bo Book conducted its World's F a i r contest Smith; doorkeeper, Virginia Etchegaray; study-
plan and scholarship officer, Priscella Pierce;
to discover the prettiest co-eds on hill. Seven Panhellenic delegate and rush chairman, Peg-

AOIIs were selected as beauties. They were

Marie Barrett '38, Marynoyes Kellogg '39,

Elizabeth Soule '39, Nina Mergendahl '40. Wednesday, June 15

Barbara Nickerson '40 and two pledges, Caro- 7 :30 A . M.—Breakfast.

line Barker and Meredith Stevens. S C O O P ! 9:00-10:00 A. M.—Joint meeting.

Marie Barrett '38 was elected to one of the 10:00-11:30 A. M.—Round tables.

most brilliant offices of the senior class, that Active.
of Tree Day Orator on commencement day 12:00 Noon—Lunch. Miss Agnes Wells,

in June. With all these successful feats be- Dean of Women at I . U . ,

hind them Delta members are now busily pre- Speaker.

paring for their annual formal dance. Inci- 1:30- 4:00 P . M.—Round tables.

dentally, other chapters will be pleased to Review of Recommenda-

know that Betty D u n n '36 has gone abroad tions.

with Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy and his 4:30 P . M.—Seeing Indiana Univer-

family in the capacity of secretary-governess. sity.

— C A R M E L I T A C O R B E T T , Jackson College. 7:00 P . M.—Banquet. Alice Burlin-
game, toastnvstress.
Proposed Program of Round Tables
Y G A M M A C H A P T E R has still got her finger
in the pie, although nothing new has hap- 1. Advisory Committees—-B«p.
2. Finances—B*f».
pened this winter. W e are waiting for elec- 3. House Management and Chaperones—9.
tions in the late spring. But to give evidence 4. Officers Duties and Responsibilties—9H.
of our activity on campus: Edna Louise Har- 5. Panhellenic Relations—AT.
rison '39 and E u n i c e Gale '39 were up for 6. Philanthropy—6.
Snow Carnival Queen. E d n a was elected to 7. Pledge Training—AT.
ON, honorary scholarship society for Home
Economic students. Virginia Maguire '39 was Sponsor's Responsibilities—B9.
elected Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel. Ruth 8. Scholarship—Q.
Pagan '39 and E d n a Harrison were also nom- 9. General Fraternity—OH.
inated for the honor. " G i n " was also direc-
tor of the Arts Club show, "The Pale Blue Customs and Traditions—B<f>.
Revue," a political satire on world politics. Personal and Social Development—


( C O N T I N U E D ON P A G E 32)


gy Smith; reporter to T o P R A G M A , Margaret
Ray; publicity chairman, Maryellen Hulette;
historian, Betty Trask; herald, Georgia Web-
ster; alumnae adviser, Jean Steinburger; alum-
nae committee, Muriel M c K i n n e y and Jane
Graham. According to the tradition of Kappa
Theta, the most outstanding pledge is re-
warded $10 toward her fraternity pin at the
time she is initiated. However, this year the
chapter could not decide upon one single
girl, because the qualities of the two girls—-
Mary Fitzpatrick and Marcele Von Dietz—
were so evenly matched. So, at a Monday
night supper a few weeks ago they were each
presented with the tiny full-blown rose recog-
nition pin, to the accompaniment of the
"Jolly Good Fellow" song.—MARY M I C K S ,

SI*RI NG is here again bringing with it

~* new flowers, birds, and last but not

least, new elections. I t is a happy time, for

we Alpha Os of Lambda Sigma are very

proud of our new president, Martha Mackey.

But there is a note of sadness in our hearts

because we are losing one of the best presi-

dents we have known, Montez Debnam. She

was a member of Parthenian and 4>K4>. A n -

other fine AOn who will be leaving us in

June is Evelyn Lancaster, vice president in

1937-38, historian in 1936-37, and a member

of K A n and 4»K*. A bit of matrimonial ex-

citement which took place recently was the

marriage of Elizabeth Meadows, our study-

plan officer and member of K A n , to William

Humrichouse, of Baltimore, Maryland. Cath-

erine Burkhart, historian, was recently initiated

into H E and Hunt Club. Josephine Logan,

Shavana, has been pledged by Lambda Sig-

m a . — C A T H E R I N E B U R K H A R T , University of


N K ^ E ^eld initiation services on March
21 for Kathleen Browne, Joy McCanne,

Mary Ellen PulHam, Elizabeth Summers and
Norma Whittekin. Miss Helen Haller was
paying N u Kappa a visit at the time and was
joint-honoree with the new initiates at a ban-
quet at Melrose Hotel following initiation
services. At the banquet the Mable Robb
Award to the outstanding pledge, and the
scholarship award, were presented to Kath-
leen Browne and Elizabeth Summers, respec-
tively. O f importance on the Southern Metho-
dist University campus is the recognition of
Alpha Os in connection with honorary frater-
nities: K a y Latham, as president of A ^ K , the
honorary physical education fraternity, with
Helen Warren an active member; Laurel Jane
Sample, Z<I>H, honorary public speaking fra-
ternity; and Betty Cunningham, APT, hon-
orary art society. Alpha Os in the Mustang
Sports Association are Kay, Helen, Mary
Beth Moody, Margaret Andrews, Martha Con-
nell and Margret Holliday. Members of the
Arden Club, a dramatic club, include Laurel
Jane, Mary Kathryn Henry, and Joy Mc-
Canne. The student musical production group,
"Script and Score," include Kathleen Browne,
Betty Cunningham, Evelyn Fair, Mary Kath-
ryn, Margret Holliday, Elizabeth Summers,
Laurel Jane, Mildred Browne, and Mary
Eleanor Wilie. Membership in Swatiska, a
sorority made up of the five oldest sororities
on the campus, consists of Laurel Jane, presi-
dent; Valerie Benoist, vice president; Mildred

Ruth Becker, one of Epsilon's prettiest seniors,
top, left, has been initi-atcd into the Cornell
chapter of K A E . Jane Haslanger, Eta, center,
left, belongs to Mortar Board at Wisconsin, to
University Singers, S A L of which she was
president and in whose annual spring recital
she played. Inna Shumway, bottom, left, is
the new president of Beta Gamma, a member
of Michigan State's Toxvcr Guard, ON, and
Home Economies Club.

To the right are Mortar Board members from
Omicron, all leaders at the University of
Tennessee: at the top, Kanncttc Manning, pres-
ident of the chapter, vice president, WSGA,
and ROTC sponsor. Center, Harriet Par due
is pianist for the chorus, a Volettc, and a
member of the symphonic choir. Bottom,
Louise Talley is associate editor of The Vol-
unteer, president of Spanish Club, on the Y
cabinet and an orientation leader in IVSGA.


Browne, Helen Warren, and Mary Ellen Q O M I C R O N will have initiation April 14,

Pulliam. Panhellenic delegates include Laurel when the following girls will be initiated:

Jane as secretary-treasurer, Mildred Browne, Catherine Behnke, Catherine Daugherty, Rho-

and Lavonia Rone. Alpha Omicron Pi is da White, Elizabeth Keener, King Hart, Doro-

represented in the Southern Methodist Choral thy Barham, Gene Powel, Ann Daughtry,

Club by Kathleen Browne, secretary; M a r y Mary Wyatt Galbreath, Louise Featherstone,

Beth Moody, Margret Andrews, Joy McCanne, Eleanor Lappage, Anne Spratt, Katherine Cos-

Betty Cunningham, Evelyn Fair, Norma Whit- ten, Beverly Baer, Edwine Powers, and Em-

tekin, and Mary Eleanor Wilie. Alpha Os ily Buchanan. Initiation services will be fol-

in Y W C A are Joy McCanne, Elizabeth Sum- lowed by a banquet at Hotel Andrew John-

m mers, Margaret Holliday, Mary Jane Bragg son. Gene Powel will receive the cup given

a » d M a r y Eleanor Wilie. Election of pledge each year to the best pledge. A cup will be

officers was held on Monday, April 4. T h e given to the most loyal sophomore. Initiates

newly elected officers are Betty Cunningham, and pledges will be given gold bracelets. W e

president; Patsy Blackwell, vice president; are making plans for our annual Rose Ball,

Mary Beth Moody, secretary, and Margret which will be on M a y 13, at the Cherokee

Andrews, treasurer. Patsy Blackwell, a mid- Country Club. F o u r AOII juniors have been

term pledge, received the honor of being elected to Mortar B o a r d : Louise Talley, Nan-

"Miss Freshman," of Southern Methodist Uni- nette Manning, Harriet Pardue, and Eclith

Ik k versity. With "Mr. Freshman," an ATQ Stokely. Nannette Manning '39 has been

pledge, she was photographed as complimen- elected vice president, and Sally Rankin '40,

tary advertising to all regular advertisers in treasurer, of the W S G A . This is the first

The Campus, the school newspaper.—MARY year that the candidates for these offices

E L E A N O R W I L I E , Southern Methodist Univer- have been selected by a non-political system.

sity. Nannette Manning and A n n e Spratt '39 have

recently been elected honorary captains of

Martha Ijams, Omicron, is honorary cadet N O V A N D E R B I L T AOIIs enjoyed one of the R O T C companies. Honorary Cadet Colonel

colonel for Tennessee's ROTC, secretary of most unusual dances on the campus Martha I j a m s '40 will lead the grand march

AAA, a Volette, and the most outstanding girl when our "alums" sponsored a "Backwards at the Military Ball on April 22. Kathleen

in the freshman home economics class. Dance" in the chapter house in April. T h e K i n g '38 will lead the grand march at the

girls did the "cutting in," sent their dates Nahheeyayli Club Spring Formals with the

corsages, bought them Coca Colas at inter- president of the c l u b . — H E L E N J E N N I N G S , Uni-

• mission, took them home afterwards, and versity of Tennessee.

showed the boys an all-round good time! N u

Omicron members have continued to receive <J> P H I C H A P T E R will celebrate its Twentieth
Anniversary on April 23. O u r alumna?
campus honors. Doris (Buzz) Busby, our
are coming for our Jubilee, and we hope to
president, and the only girl in law school, make it a real celebration. Recently we had
a visit from our District Superintendent,
was chosen "Bar Maide" at the annual Bar- Margaret Rasmussen. She certainly encour-
aged us in our rushing and pepped us up.
rister's Ball given by the law students. During Margaret Rasmussen's visit, we had a
series of rush parties which our Kansas City
" B u z z " is also in the beauty section of the alumna: planned. We had a clever musical
rainbow tea, a Mexican dinner and an artists'
Commodore (Vanderbilt annual) this year, as dinner. At our Mexican dinner. Hazel! e
Hedges, one of our alumnse who manufac-
she has been in three past years. Androme- tures her own marionettes, gave a marionette
show which our rushees enjoyed very much.
dia (Andy) Bagwell '41 is another beauty in R u t h Buehler '39 is one of the candidates
for Kansas Relay Queen. Mollie North '40,
this year's Commodore. She was also elect- one of our new pledges, is a very accom-
plished violinist. She is soloist for the Kan-
ed chairman of the sophomore class in which sas City Conservatory of Music Symphony
Orchestra. We elected the following officers
capacity she will serve on next year's W S G for the coming year: President, Nancy Coch-
rane *40; vice president, Jane Chesky '39;
board. Pan Snell '38 was runner-up for the corresponding secretary, Dorothy Netherton
M0; recording secretary, Eloise Pohl '40;
"typical coed" on Vanderbilt Campus as com- treasurer, Jean Klussman '41; rush captain.

pared with national averages. Jane Vick '41

was judged the most typical AOII in the same

contest which was sponsored by the Hustler

(campus newspaper). Jane is also a society

editor on the Hustler. The original "AOII

Rose Waltz" written by V i r g i n i a Blair '40

and L u l a Brockman '40 was sung by 30 of

our members in the All-University Sing in

which Nu Omicron won honorable mention.

We are especially proud that we have four

Edna Earl Covington was a Prom members in the play being given by the V a n -
Favorite at Finals.
She belongs Vanderbilt's Spring junior derbilt Players in May. E v e l y n Jones '39 has

to Athenians, the the Juvenile lead, with Jean Goode, Jeanne

honorary. Stephenson, and June Burks in supporting

feminine roles.—JEAN NOLAND, Vanderbilt


Virginia Carson is Nu Omicron's latest
4>BK at Vanderbilt. She is a charter
member of Athenians, and belongs to
Co-Editors, Lotus Eaters, and Bachelor

Frances Edmunds, Omicron, is the Virginia Lee Fellmy, Beta Phi, is
daughter of Blossom Edmunds, Omi- vice president of the YWCA at In-
diana; a member of the Board of
cron, She was secretary of Tennessee's Editors of the Freshman Handbook;
freshman class last year and president
of the pledges. soccer manager on the WAA board.


Ruth Buehler ' 3 9 ; historian, Beatrice Hage- l^T lAJiiL the ^s4ctiue ^y4(pka Oi
dorn ' 4 1 , and doorkeeper, Naomi Campbell

' 3 9 . — E L O I S E P O H L , University of Kansas,

O N February 1 8 , at the Army-Navy
Country Club, just outside Washing-
ton, could be seen a 1 0 0 or more white ties,
tails, and multi-colored gowns dancing in a
softly lighted ballroom, the strains of one
of Washington's most popular orchestras keep-
ing feet and hearts light, and couples stroll-
ing arm-in-arm through a huge lounge lined
with potted palms. I t was the scene of our
most outstanding social event of the year, our
spring formal dance, the first one ever to be
held in a big country club. W e had access
to the entire club for the evening, and the
faces of AOII members, fascinated pledges,
and beaming alumnae everywhere made the
place even more lovely. It was undoubtedly
the very best dance the active members of
Pi Delta have ever witnessed. T h e week
before, on February 11, many of our actives
and pledges took prominent parts in the Uni-
versity of Maryland's annual "All-University
Night." The event opened with a dozen or
more girls in black or white evening gowns
carrying huge national, state, and city flags;
most of them were our own AO lis. Martha
Jane Legge '40 led the procession carrying
the United States Flag; Ruth Reville ' 3 8 car-
ried one of the Maryland state flags; Elaine
McClayton ' 3 9 represented the city of Balti-
more with its flag; and Eloise Webb, pledge
'41, carried a Baltimore county flag. A mili-
tary dance was held by Edith R a y Sparling
'39, new chapter president. Doris Harlan
' 3 8 was one of the sopranos in the Women's
Glee Club, which rendered several Brahms'
selections at the affair. T h e feature of the
evening was a solo acrobatic dance by Betty
Raymond ' 4 1 , who displayed her talents in the
blue spotlight which was the only illumination,
to the strains of the " B l u e Danube Waltz."
Many of our pledges participated in a "Dis-
play of Sports" which ended the events. The
annual Kappa Alpha "Cotton Pickers Mins-
trel," which was held at the college audi-
torium a few weeks ago, gave more of our
girls a chance to display singing and dancing
ability. Each year Kappa Alpha, choosing their
talent for the show solely from the Maryland
campus, picks a chorus of 12 popular and
skilled coeds from the sororities. Six of
the 12 chosen were from AOII: Frances Dicus,
pledge ' 4 1 , who also sang two solo numbers
in an unusual contralto style; Betty Raymond
'41, who also did a specialty rhythm tap
dance; Grace Robinson ' 3 8 ; Fredericka Wald-
man ' 3 9 ; Dorothy Rice ' 4 0 ; and Betty Nich-
ols, pledge '41. Mary Jane Hoffmann '38
has just been initiated into Maryland's high-


1. Leila Crowell, Epsilon, a member of K A E at Cornell, belongs to I I A * , honorary French;
2. Eta's house at Wisconsin is an attractive towered mansion on Langdon; 3. Anne Messing,
Epsilon, is a Cornell Mortar Board and WSGA chairman of activities; 4. Louise Myers is
Epsilon's new president who has taken numerous leading roles in Cornell plays; 5. Harriett
Rae Scott, Beta Phi, was Indiana's cadet colonel, a Pleiades, on the Bored Walk s t a f f , and
a member of Le Cercle Franco-is; 6 and 7 show Eta members on the terrace and looking
out a French window; 8. Janet Meditch, Rho's president, Mortar Board vice president at
Northtvestern was elected to 4 B K ; 9. Marjorie Michaclis, Theta, was awarded the chapter
scholarship award of DePauw, where she belongs to I I A 9 , Newman Club, German Club, and
WAA; 10. Kay Latham, Nu Kappa, is president of SMU's chapter of A\1'K and a member of
Mustang Sports Association; 11. Monies Debnam, Lambda Sigma, has been elected to Georgia's

chapter of <&K&. She has been the chapter president and a member of Parthenian.

i est honorary scholastic fraternity, *K4>. F i f - years ago, upon her graduation from a Balti-
teen from the entire college senior class were more high school at the age of 1 5 , she took
A junior beauty is Jean Adams at eligible with all-time averages of 3.5 averages a competitive examination given in the state
Vanderbilt where her picture appeared for four years of university work, and Mary for a scholarship to St. Mary's Seminary.
in the beauty section of the Commo- Jane was one of the only two sorority girls She received the highest mark in the state.
dore. Last year she was president of on the campus to be honored in this year's After two years at the Seminary, she entered
Lotus Eaters, sophomore honorary. election to the fraternity. She is well deserv- the University of Maryland as a junior, after
ing of the honor, however, for her college having worked during the summer months at
career has been due solely to her own am- two jobs, one during the daytime and one
bition in "working her way through." Four until after midnight. It was in this way that


1 spite of her extra outside work and many will serve as chapter recording secretary
hours a week on the road, riding back and
forth to school. Anxious to live in the sorority and vice president next year. Plans are
house in her senior year, she worked again
all summer, and borrowed enough money now underway for Skit Night and the In-
from a national woman's organization to pay
the necessary expenses. Being an active terfraternity Song Contest, which will soon
member in our chapter, and one of the hard-
est workers, and holding a job in the U n i - be h e r e . — S T E L L A Y . B O T E L H O , University of
versity Library at the same time, has not
seemed to hinder her wonderful scholastic Pcnnsyh'ania.
progress. Having held high the ambition to
be initiated for this honorary fraternity in p R H O girls are still continuing to take
her senior year, her untiring efforts at suc-
cess have been well rewarded, and justly so. an active part in campus activities.
W e are proud to have her one of us. Grace
Robinson '38 has also been declared eligible Dorothy Ericksen '41 has been selected as
for charter membership in the honorary Politi-
cal Science fraternity which is installing a one of the six beauty queens for the Syl-
chapter on the campus some time this month.
Three students only from the College of labus yearbook. Loisanne Holmboe '41 was
Political Science were eligible, Grace being
the only girl. A 3.5 average for the past elected secretary of the Freshman Conference
two years was required for membership. The
University of Maryland's annual Panhellenic and she also heads the Inter-National Rela-
Progressive Dinner was held several nights
ago, open only to sorority women. E a c h tions group. Other members of the Fresh-
sorority house served a separate course of
the dinner, the crowd progressing from one man Commission are Betty Lillengren, Char-
house to another in dozens of automobiles.
It made quite a queer procession down Col- lotte Grooss, and Janet Kamschulte. Char-
lege Avenue amid mud and rain. W e served
the salad course which was enjoyed immense- lotte is also a member of the executive com-
ly. Because of the dampness outside, we
welcomed the other sororities with two cheer- mittee of the Coke-Date Bureau. Florence
f u l fires burning in our two stone fireplaces
at either end of the living room. O u r next Sprafka '39 was a member of W a a - M u show
social function will be our annual spring
dance in honor of our seniors, who will soon board and also ticket manager. She is also
be graduating. We are planning some rather
novel decorations for the occasion. O u r mem- co-chairman of arrangements for the Junior
bers have been prom-leading again. T h e
Freshman Prom was led by Earla Marshall, Prom. Other workers in the Waa-Mu show
pledge '41, and was assisted in leading by
Frances Rosenbusch '41. Sally A n n Vaiden, were Marge Raney '39, who was chairman
leader of last year's Junior Prom, favored
candidate for the beauty contest, secretary of of the makeup committee; Martha Parrish '38
the class, was active again this month in
leading the Sophomore Prom with the Prom was a member of the chorus. Other mem-
Chairman of the class. Elaine McClayton '39
was one of the four sponsors of the Univer- bers of the make-up group were Dorothy
sity of Maryland's Military Ball this month.
J e r r y Nesbit, pledge '40, led the University's Ericksen, Helen Costa and Charlotte Grooss.
Inter-Fraternity Ball the following week. This
week, Eleanor Quirk '38 is traveling far to S a r a Griffith '38 is a member of the Student
sponsor the Tri-Fraternity Ball at Wake For-
est, North C a r o l i n a . — K I T T Y L . P O L L A R D , Uni- Governing Board, representing Mortar Board.
versity of Maryland.
Gerry Studenroth '39, member of the debate
XL* M O S T important to us, in February and
March, was the initiation of three fine team, is head of the W A A Intramurals. She

girls, Blanche Kreider '39, Vivian McKnight was recently elected as one of the representa-
'41, and Marian Schussler '40. T o celebrate,
we had a dance at the Aesculapian Club, a tives in the Education School Council. Janet
mid-city medical club, before they were in-
itiated. As a result of Janet Stallman's ( E p - Tomlinson '41 is one of the favorite solo voca-
silon '36) visit, we have instituted a new
activities program. Points are given for at- lists at the campus nite club, "Pop and
tendance at all campus functions and activities
and one point a week is required. The Ernie's," and she also entertained at the
plan is working well and at every campus
event AOris are seen. Each Tuesday eve- Shi-Ai Intersorority Bat. Adele Kuflewski
ning the "alums" have a bridge party at the
house, sponsored by the actives. W e aver- '40 is one of the heads of the annual North-
age from four to seven tables and from all
we can hear the "alums" have an enjoyable western Daily fashion show. Models from
time at these bridges. Virginia Scrivener
'40, our ardent pianist, is becoming well- Rho are Edythe Wienhoeber '40 and Tackie
known on campus for her musical talents, and
the annual C.A. Mother-Daughter banquet Stuchlik '38. Pearl Urbanek '40 is a mem-
saw her at her favorite instrument. Marian
Schussler '40 is becoming quite famous for ber of the Sophomore Commission. Florence
her dancing, not only does she dance at
most of our functions, but the Civic Opera Sprafka '39 and Janet Meditch '38 are two
Company of Philadelphia claimed her as a
member of the ballet for its production of of tile prominent personalities on Northwest-
"Aida" and Pennsylvania's "Modern Dance
Group" has her as one of its outstanding ern campus. Janet has the highest average
dancers. Winner of a varsity basketball
award, Stella Botelho '40 is a candidate for for women in the college of Liberal Arts,
W A A Member-at-large and recording secretary
of W S G A in the campus elections that are and she had the honor of choosing $100 worth
now taking place. She is our newly-elected
chapter president, while Virginia and Marian of Books for Peering Library. She was also

recently appointed to serve an internship next

fall at the Institute of Public Affairs in

W a s h i n g t o n , D. C . — J E A N N E T T E CABLING,

Northwestern U niversity.

•• V O U R semi-annual formal was held April
2, at the St. F r a n c i s Club. Beatrice
Mary Jane Hoffman, Pi Delta, is a member
of Maryland's * K 4 > chapter. Center, Helen MacCargar, the chairman, was successful in
Smith, Beta Theta, was a member of Butler's her arrangement of spring flowers and table
relay queen's court. She is the new chapter designs. Although the sunny California wasn't
president, a member of Spurs and chairman all it could have been, we had a wonderful
of the Christmas cheer drive. Bottom, Bernicc time. The alumna? chapter recently gave a
Patrick, Beta Theta, held the highest score of bridge-fashion show. Having the active girls
all Butler women in a recent archery contest. model brought the two sections of the chap-
ter in closer contact. I n the last month
she earned her tuition for the coming year. two, honors have been bestowed upon the
A f t e r all of this, she was still forced to ride Sigma Chapter. Lenore Hennessey, our fu-
back and forth from her home to school, a ture president, was made a Prytanean mem-
total of 90 miles a day, for her home was in ber. It's every girl's wish to have the good
Baltimore, which is quite a distance from grades and brilliant participation in activities
College Park. She earned enough money to to be invited to join the society. O u r grad-
join AOB by working on Saturdays and two uating vice president, Patricia Lennon, was
nights a week. H e r average at the end of made Queen of Commerce, and also awarded
the year was a 3.8, a wonderful record in the plaque for the highest grades in that
department. Patricia Appleton, a recent grad-
28 uate, became Lieutenant Calvin's bride on
M a r c h 17. T h e y are now living in Berkeley
after a feted honeymoon in Southern Califor-
nia. One of our active alumna;, Marian
Atkinson, is planning to "take vows some time
in J u n e to Lincoln Langley. I n the mean-
time they are building a home in Fresno,
where they plan to live after the ceremony.—
M A R G A R E T I N G A L L S , University of California.

0 T H E T A C H A P T E R was third in scholarship
on the I)e Pauw campus this year. W e

feel quite pleased by this report since more
than half the students here have scholarships
which raises the standard grades a great
deal. W e are very proud of two of our
pledges, Mary Francis Murphy and Joan
Pier, who made AAA, the freshman scholastic
honorary. Every year an annual affair called
"Show Down" is held. All the organizations

"Pretty is as pretty does," seems to be an AOIT motto for, upper left, Board because of her activity on the campus; center is Rho's Dorothy
is Doris Busby, Nu Omicron, who is a member of Bachelor Maides Erickson, who is a "Syllabus" yearbook beauty queen, featured here
(senior honorary), president of the chapter, 1938 "Commodore" beauty, as a mode! for a prominent Chicago store; upper right is pictured
and the only coed in the law school; loxver left is Jaynet Pickrcll, Beta Gerry Geigcr, Alpha Phi, a member of Spur, Associated Women's
Theta, only AOIT I'JI Indiana to be placed as a beauty queen in the roto Students' Council, Lambda Phi Beta, and assistant High School Week
section of the Indianapolis "Star," is president of Kappa Beta (re- chairman; at right center is Grace Robinson, Pi Delta, the only
ligious sorority), is a member of Spurs (sophomore honorary), was woman charter member in the honorary political science fraternity, and
rush capta'n and house manager; left center is Virginia Horton, Theta secretary of the International Relations Club; and at lower right is
Eta, president of the chapter, who was recently pledged to Mortar Dorothy Pickett, Beta Gamma, a member of Tower Guard.


on campus participate, each giving a skit er. O n December 6, T a u entertained 15
underprivileged settlement house girls for a
lasting not more than 15 minutes. O u r pres- Christmas dinner and party. Each child re-
ceived a doll whose wardrobe consisted of
entation of an original puppet show won us clothes made by actives and pledges. I n -
stead of playing games planned by the ac-
second place with special honorable mention. tives, the youngsters preferred to entertain us
with songs and dances, until they reluctantly
We owe the cleverness of this stunt to Dorelle left, arms loaded with, candy, peanuts from
their treasure hunt, and their precious dollies.
Markley who made the puppets and taught T a u held its winter formal supper-dance, Jan-
uary 15, at the St. Paul University Club.
several girls in the house how to operate Dolores Ritter was in charge, assisted by
Betty Sommer. Chaperons were Mrs. Laura
them. W e held election of officers on March P. Nichols, house mother; Dr. and Mrs. Ray
Amberg, and Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn H .
28, electing: Mildred Gadient, president; Clare Matson. Betty Jane Frantz and Dr. Mar-
lowe Anderson were married on February 4,
Allison, vice president; Jean Krueck, treas- in Fairmount Methodist Episcopal church, in
St. Paul. Janet Fritz was one of the
urer; Lois Brooks, recording secretary; Jo- bridesmaids. Margaret Glockler, treasurer of
Panhellenic Council and of the active chap-
Anne Smith, corresponding secretary; and ter, and member of the Y W C A cabinet,
marched twelfth in line at the Junior Ball
Irene Lumby, rush captain.—Lois BROOKS, with David Cartwright. She was chosen
for this place by the merit system and
Dc Pauw University. earned it by her campus activities. Annette
Grosse was in charge of Gopher sales for
Q J J F E B R U A R Y 21 and 22 were red letter the house this year and brought T a u through
days for our 6 H pledges who had been in third place. Genevieve Mattson was in
charge of the annual Spring Frolic to be
anxiously looking forward toward initiation. given at the chapter house. Harriet Spencer
Our initiation, which was held in Knox Pres- had charge of tickets, Lois Hanson '37 headed
hyterian Church, began at midnight. After a the decorations committee. Proceeds from
very impressive service, breakfast was served the party went to our Social Service work in
at the home of Helen Chelius. E a c h new Kentucky. Jane Carlson and Lorna McCart-
initiate spent the night at the home of her ney were elected joint presidents of the
sorority mother. The fact that all this was a house girls at a recent meeting. Mildred
surprise made it most exciting. Because of Gulick brought honors to T a u by being elected
the time of initiation, the award dinner was Business Woman at Large and also by being
postponed until later. Margaret Spriggs was elected to BPX, honorary national commerce
toastmistress. Alberta Robinson received the fraternity. T a u is looking forward to the
cup given by the alumnae to the girl who had return of Alice and Betty E y l a r who have
done the most for her sorority in the past been touring the East with a professional
year. T h e pledge ring was given to Elsbeth figure skating troupe since last July. O u r
Botsch. Frances Rich (S2) presented a charm new officers are: President, Margaret Glock-
bracelet to the girl who had the highest aver- ler; vice president, Annette Scroggins; cor-
age in the chapter. Harriet Kersting re- responding secretary, Dagmar Hauge; record-
ceived this gift. The Dean's List, which con- ing secretary, Jane Carlson; treasurer, Lorna
tains the names of the students in the upper McCartney. Dolores Ritter is in charge of
10 per cent of their class, included Elizabeth the F a c u l t y dinner to be given at the house,
Francis, Harriet Kersting, and Adelaide Krone. A p r i l 21. She will be assisted by the three
Honorary societies have chosen three of our most recent initiates: Kathleen Kinsmiller,
girls. Virginia Horton, our new president, Alice Walker, and Maxine Goldberg. T a u
has become a member of Mortar Board. She has had many active in campus activities
was also pledged to T K A , honorary debate fra- this year: Dagmar Hauge was last year's
ternity, and traveled to Florida with the Sophomore Arts president; Helen Benham,
debate team. E r n a Kramer was elected to Helen Kelly, Maxine Goldberg, University
* B K , and Alberta Robinson to 119, national Singers; Janet Sprague and Lois Murphy,
honorary kindergarten sorority. O u r new Masquers; Annette Grosse, Gopher and Daily;
officers, who were elected in March, are: Annettee Scroggins, president of Business Wo-
Virginia Horton, president; Harriet Kersting, man's Club; Jean Timmons, active in for-
vice president; Elizabeth Francis, treasurer; mation of Education Women's Club; Marion
Alice Biechler, recording secretary; Elsbeth Stettenbenz, AAT (Medical Tech sorority);
Botsch, corresponding secretary.—ADELAIDE Beth Preine, A4»A (art sorority).
K R O N E , University of Cincinnati.
f j 1 ^ T A U D E L T A has just been honored with
' J 1 MOST of Tau's social activities during (Top), very active is Edith Stokely, Omicron, a welcomed visit from Miss Helen Hal-
fall quarter centered around the football who is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta,
Mortar Board, French Club president, ler of Los Angeles. The sorority members
season. After the Notre Dame game, the W.S.G.A. Secretary, member Rifle Team, Drill were hostesses at a tea, Sunday afternoon,
actives held open-house in honor of the Team, Spanish Club, and voted most out- at Stockham Woman's Building, at which
pledges with Dolores Ritter, social chairman, standing Freshmen girl in 2936; (center) time Miss Haller was presented to the col-
in charge, assisted by Betty Sommer, with Margaret Glocklcr, Tau, is also very active, lege students and friends. A luncheon was
Ken DeVillier's orchestra playing for the being president of Panhellenic, YWCA treas- given that morning by Martha Cowart, presi-
dancing. November 20 was Dads' Day at urer, junior member of Phi Beta Kappa, of dent of the active chapter. Following the
the house with luncheon before the game. Masquers, and Tau chapter president; (bot- tea, initiation services were held for Ruth
Jean Hegel, active chapter president, wel- tom) another active Omicron member is Allen, Julia Thumonge, Elizabeth Patton, E u -
comed the dads, and her father, M r . N . H . Helen Jennings, a Phi Kappa Phi, chapter genia Williams. This was followed by a ban-
Hegel, responded in their behalf. The AOII historian, and member of "Volunteer" and quet in honor of the newly initiated members
chorus sang the songs used at the last Pan- "0range and White" staffs. at the Birmingham Country Club. Miss H a l -
hellenic song fest: "Washington Lee Swing," ler gave a very interesting talk on the activi-
and "A0IT, My Own Fraternity." Jeanne ties of the various chapters that she had
Wilson and Dolores Ritter were in charge, visited. She urged us all to try and attend
assisted by Alice Walker and Helen Balmer. convention in 1939, in California. Martha
After the Homecoming game, the chapter held Cowart, Elizabeth Patton, and Sarah Dom-
its annual open-house. Beth Preine was in inick were elected to take part in the M a y
charge of house decorations this year, and Court. Marjorie Bevis and Sara Dominick
put up a ten-foot Popeye who was to repre- have leading roles in Paint and Patches,
sent Bernie Bierman in a sail-boat watching dramatic club, production "Genius Limited."
the poor Wild Cats drowning all around him Sara PostelH is the new president of Belles
as he gulped his spinach. Eddice Dochterman Lettres, French club. Sara Taylor and Sara
was in charge of selling Homecoming but- Dominick were recently initiated into *rM.
tons this year and guided T a u into third The sorority sponsored a large benefit bridge
place. B y this, she was chosen to be one
of the maids of honor to the Homecoming ( C O N T I N U E D ON P A G E 20)
queen. Marion Stettenbenz represented AOII
on the Homecoming mailing committee. Mar-
ion, together with Eddice Dochterman, Lois
Murphy, Marilyn Christy, and Lorraine Dan-
ley, represented T a u at Minnesota's Inter-
fraternity Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D.
Davis, Terence J . Slattery, and Louis C Dor-
weiler were chaperons for Tau's informal at
the Commodore Hotel in St. Paul, on Decem-
ber 4. Arrangements were made by Dolores
Ritter and Betty Sommer. Betty Anderson
passed candy to the chapter early this fall
announcing her engagement to Willard Sting-



^ r+i j f ^ s ->^N J* ^ *

i ' f . Paw/ Alumna; Chapter's Official Installation Photograph. Many young contract players rattle
around in a big studio f o r months on
•g1 INSTALLATION of the St. Paul Alum- hold bull sessions out in the back patio end without doing anything more than
nae Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi after Monday night meeting. posing f o r publicity pictures. Not so
Miss Florence Ann Tobin Linda Perry,
took place Sunday, March 27, at the home She was one of the prettiest tricks in S T I L L known to all good Kappa
of Kathryn Bremer Matson. The cere- the house, and one of the most popular Thetas as Toby. Within a couple of
mony was held at 4 o'clock with Mary but neither fact mattered two whoops months she was given the ingenue lead
Dee Drummond officiating. Those who to Toby. In her quiet way she pursued in "Two Against the World." Her
assisted at the ritual in the capacity of just one course which she felt would latest role is in the Mervyn LeRoy
wardens and doorkeepers were Mar- lead her to her chosen goal—dramatics. opus, "The Deep South."
garet Slattery Davis, Ruby Clift Glock- As a result, she was all tied up in the
Ier, Wilma Smith Lcland, Dorothy Ver- University Dramatics Society, Kap and People in the film industry are sure
rell, and Edith Goldsworthy of the Bells, the honorary drama club; and to think of the girl as unusually quiet
Minneapolis Alumnae Chapter, and Jean Z * H , a music and dramatics fraternity. and reserved, f o r she'll never actually fit
Hegel of Tau. Immediately following into that Hollywood mould where every-
the installation ceremony, tea was Even all this wasn't enough, and after body's a bosom friend after you've
served to over 50 AOLTs. The charter Toby was graduated she took a post known them f o r five minutes, and every-
members are the following: graduate course in dramatics at Los body is "darling" and "Sweet," to every-
Angeles Junior College. Then she body else.
Lorraine Hovelsrud; Irma Hammer- started out to seek some stage parts
backer; Kathryn B r e m e r Matson; but someone in the radio field heard her She has purchased several acres in
Gladys Bamberry Gilbert; Margaret Da- voice, thought it would go well over Laurel Canyon, a short distance out-
vis Slattery; Evelyn Pearson; Marion the ether, and got her to do an audition. side Hollywood, and hopes to build on
Snell; Margaret McHugh Amberg; Just like that Toby became one of the it soon. No city apartments f o r Toby.
Emily Esswein Bremer; Fern Thomp- leading radio dramatic stars on the west She wants plenty of wide open spaces,
son Jordan, 9 ; Lillian H o f f Tyler; Jane coast. You couldn't pick up the radio fresh country air, and a place where
Priest; Margaret Webster Taarud; section of a newspaper without reading she can run over hill and dale with her
Kathryn King Holmes; Betty Sommer; that Ann Tobin (yes, they changed her dogs.
Lorraine Kleinman; Harriet Pratt Per- name meanwhile) was one of radio's
ry; Harriet Fritz; Delores Ritter; Ag- best bets—that no woman on the air We like her and admire her because
nes Schaaf; Eunice Olson; Alys Mae had a more pleasing radio personality— in the make-believe world in which she
McAuley ; Regina Whaley ; Janet Fritz ; that here was a radio artist made f o r works, she still maintains her original
Dorothy Hanawalt; Margaret Wilson television because of her charm and ideals and principals and nobody can
Bjorndahl; Emma Johnson Keyes, H ; beauty. take them from her.
Janet H o w r y ; Esther Cronan; and Dr.
Cecile Moriarty.—IRMA HAMMERHACKER, One day while Toby was doing a ^uit Standing $y
Secretary. broadcast, the casting director at War-
ner Brothers was thumbing through a A friend has put aside her work
anet /v/artin radio magazine and came across a pic- For other tasks to try;
ture of Miss Ann Tobin. He sent it.
^JJow ^Jobu i3eecame with a note reading, " I think we should But we'll ever sense her dearncss
cHinda f~^enJ do something about this girl," to the For we know she's standing by.
powers that be, with the result that
9 S H E may be Linda Perry, glamor- Toby was asked to come to the studio Her warmth and kindness linger on; us,
ous young actress of Warner Broth- for an interview. She did and they Her gentle smile does glorify
wasted no time flinging a dotted line
ers studio, to some people, but to us in front of her. The memories that noiv lie between
she's Kappa Theta's Florence Tobin, bet- For we feel her standing by.
ter known as Toby, with whom we used to The movies have never been known to
sign any newcomer without changing For whom years though miles apart
something about her, either her name, or When only letters formed a tie,
the color of her hair, or her eyebrows.
Toby was lucky and just got out with Some spiritual force made us sure
a mere name change. She became L i n - That she was always standing by.
da Perry.
And now, that she's walked on a little
We see that force intensify;

She looks to us to carry on.
But she'll still be standing by.


•Written in memory of Ada Paisley.

Lovely is the movies' Linda Perry, who is
our own Florence Tobin, Kappa Theta.


Ada Paisley and Friend. Rho's new initiates lined up here are (right to left): Betty Eiehenhout, Helen Costa, Marie
Showers, Charlotte Grooss, Marjoric Ashley, Mary Louise Scifres, Thyra Daniels (not initiated
I F it were possible to characterize and now out of school), Lillian Walser, Loisannc Holmboc, Janet Kamschultc, Edith Weinhober,
so beautiful a life as that of Ada and Mary Henke. This picture, as is the one below, was taken by Jane Rutherford (Rho '38)
Paisley by the use of one word, that of Peoria and was published in the "Rho Boat."
word would be "Others." Completely
unselfish, kind and lovely in every This unusual angle shot taken by Jane Rutherford (Rho '38) of Peoria, Rho Chapter camera
thought and deed, with a flashing sense enthusiast, shows Dorothy Ericksen (Rlw '41) of^ Chicago, Alpha Omicron Pi entrant in the
of humor which lightened many a dark annual "Syllabus" beauty queen contest, conversing with Johnny Goldak of St. Louis, Mo.,
situation, her memory remains a bright Wrangler and Wildcat football player.
and shining thing to those who knew
her best. Oka Wleet 13 2. Identifying yourself in your c i t y — I n -
Born in Mansfield, Illinois, July 4, dianapolis.
1888, the daughter of Thomas J. and ( C O N T I N U E D FROM PAGE 24)
Sibyl Maxfield Paisley, Ada's early life 3. " K n o w thy neighbor" (Panhellenic) —
was spent in this community. She was Records and Study Plan—B0. Terre Haute.
graduated from the University of I l l i - Relation and Alumna?—9.
nois, College of Literature and Arts, at Relation and Campus—Q. 4. The value of our social service work
Champaign, 111., in 1911 and spent the Relation and National—9H. and our prestige—Fort Wayne.
immediate years following in teaching, 10. Rush—Q.
later accepting a position in the First B4>-G— M i l d r e d Gadient, G. 5. F r a t e r n i t y p u b l i c i t y — L a k e County.
National Bank of Champaign. In 192>';, S2-AT—Hazel H o f f m a n , £?. 6. W h a t Panhellenic can do f o r you—•
she changed her residence to Long B9-9H—Virginia Horton, OH.
Beach, California, hoping to benefit her Proposed Program of Round Tables Cleveland.
health, which had become impaired by Alumna1 7. The value of an alumna chapter in a
too intense application to her duties. 1. Chapter orientation—Columbus.
Here with the exception of several city—Toledo.
visits to her former home, the remain- 8. B u i l d i n g a new chapter—Canton-Mas-
der of her life was spent for there her
death occurred January 17, 1938. silon.
While in the University of Illinois, 9. Alumna Rushing—Dayton.
Ada became a member of Delta Omi- 10. Relationship of alumna; to active chap-
cron, a local chapter of girls, intensely
interested in athletics. When in 1911, ters—Cincinnati.
Delta Omicron successfully petitioned New trends and summary of alumna; round
A O I I for a charter, she was the first
president of the new chapter, Iota. Dur- tables—Alice Burlingame, District
ing her last year in the university and Alumnae Superintendent.
in the several years that followed, she
was indeed a tower of strength to the
new organization. The value of her
ability and courage and unfailing op-
timism in the face of problems, the
inspiration of her steadfast love can-
not be overestimated.
So to Ada, gracious and kind, we
must say goodbye. Stern only in the
face of injustice or cruelty to the weak
and helpless, she stands ever in our
memories a symbol of the highest ideal
of love and friendship.—SUSAN H A S H


Canton—Massillon Alumna: group installed in the winter included: Front row: (Reading from left to right) Alice Burlingame*; Madge
Barr; Mary D. Drummond* ; Mary Myers; Louise Kyle Lewis. Second row: Helen Brookston Roderick*; Elisabeth McConnaughey Easterday;
Helen Barbour; Martina Brenner Louise Murray Martin. Third row: Ruth Herrick*; Lucile
Lucile Goodman; Nellie Reader*; Bordner; Alice Maier Ruddicks; visitors. Wright*;
Carolyn Clark. *The stars indicate

Jeanne f-^cu^uette WJMi 5 Phoenix but not to the stage, as her portrait a i3uitj See.n i o r
finished acting testifies." While at Cor-
^ Miss Jeanne Paquette, E, daughter nell, f r o m which university she was taOil m n e i o
of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Paquette of graduated in 1937, Miss Paquette was
a member of the direction staff of the •Jg A L I C E E. PASS, T , is one of the most
Norwich, who with her mother is Cornell Theatre and after her gradua-
spending some time in Arizona, has tion did some work in stock. "honored"' of Minnesota seniors.
just taken a leading role in a play pre- Just read her achievements: Sigma Ep-
sented at the Little Theatre in Phoenix. That she is reaping fine success along silon Sigma, national honorary society
her talented lines will be pleasing news for sophomore women; Panhellenic
The play "Storm Over Patsy" was to her numerous friends in this city. Scholarship, fall quarter, 1937; Twin
presented five nights, and The Arizona City Panhellenic Association Scholar-
Republic published at Phoenix, has this Jl ship, winter quarter, 1938; Tau Chapter
to say of Miss Paquette's splendid work treasurer, junior year; Tau Chapter
on the stage: •g1 MARY ELLEN CHASE, r, of New York, corresponding secretary, senior year;
Panhellenic Scholarship Chairman, sen-
"Jeanne Paquette, a winter visitor, author, was the luncheon guest of ior year; member of Le Cercle Fran-
proved herself a polished and distinc- Mrs. William Ashworth of the Santa gais and El Circulo Espanol; member of
tive actress in her first Phoenix Little Barbara Women's Club at El Paseo on Y W C A and WSGA, being office hostess
Theatre role, as the charming and Tuesday. for both sophomore year; candidate for
thoughtful wife of grandiose Provost B.A. summa cum laude—scholastic rat-
Thompson, mayor of the town." Other guests were members of the ing : 2.73; interested in horseback riding
club's program committee, including having won third place in University
In another report on the play Miss Mmes. Harrison Ryon, Raymond Moley, Women's Horseshow the spring of 1937.
Paquette is termed "a newcomer to Franklin I . Webb, Henry P. Moseley, J.
Kenneth Patterson, George A. Young, (P.S.—To take the curse off so much
Erna Kramer, Thcta Eta, who last year was Harry L. Schurmeier and S. Edson scholarliness, in her words " I wear an
president of YWCA and a Mortar Board mem. Vaughn. Alpha Kappa Psi fraternity pin." We
bcr, added to her many achievements by being add that she is as attractive as she is
A f t e r the luncheon Miss Chase lec- brilliant.)
pledged to Cincinnati's Phi Beta Kappa tured at the Rockwood clubhouse in
in March. Mission Canyon.—Los Angeles Times. Alice E. Pass, Tau, is a new member of Phi
Beta Kappa.

~^4dded to (Crowed Sta^

•|| T H E Thomas Y. Crowell Company-
has added to its staff Miss Elizabeth

M . Riley, N, who for several years has
been in the retail book business at R. H .
Macy & Co., Brentano's and Womrath's.
She will do editorial and promotional

^pnnq jpiau 2)irector

H E L E N ARTHUR, N , will be the ex-

ecutive director of the Spring Ann
Arbor (Mich.) dramatic season with
opening date on May 17.


^Jau Iflflother's C^tubHai whose prognosis was so poor? Sooner a decision. Perhaps it was, in the last
or later that money will be needed for analysis, Mrs. Martin's utter confidence
interesting f^tro^ram. a patient who has a real chance of re- in our willingness and ability to help
covery. The alternative was that Mrs. her that settled the question. We simply
© T H E MOTHER'S CLUB of Alpha Omi- Martin return home. I f she repeated could not turn her away.
the arduous trip which she had just
cron Pi, at the University of Min- made, she might easily hemorrhage. I f Mrs. Martin is in Lexington now. Her
nesota, entertained the new pledges and she reached home alive, the prospect was response to treatment has been more en-
their mothers at a tea Thursday, Oc- that she would go through several couraging than we had dared hope. The
tober 14, at the chapter house. Mrs. months of agonizing pain before she physician is willing to say that there is
Frank Murray is social chairman, assist- died. She would be in a locality where a chance for her. A n d one remembers
ed by Mmes. M . E. Scroggins and N . there is neither nurse nor physician to her conversation about her children
F. Hegel. Mrs. M . T. Christy gave a administer the narcotic necessary to keep (there are four of them)—her concern
group of violin solos accompanied by the pain at bay. We went 'round and lest the three-year-old fall into the fire
Mrs. H . H . Prescott. Mrs. F. Hol- 'round the subject before we arrived at without her watchful eye to prevent
low-ay Matson, Past National President that.
and Treasurer and present trustee of
the Anniversary Endowment Fund, spoke COMMITTEES
on the subject, "Your Daughter and
Her Sorority" which was the first topic COMMITTEE ON EXAMINATIONS COMMITTEE ON JEWELRY
in the year's theme, "Your Daughter and Chairman—Stella George Stern Perry
Her University L i f e " as planned by the Chairman—Ruth Bryan, A l l , 220 West (Mrs. George H . ) , A, 9 St. Luke's
program chairman, Mrs. George Glock-
ler, an alumna f r o m Upsilon Chapter, Olive Street, Lakeland, Fla. Place, New Y o r k , N . Y . Jessie Wallace
Washington and Past President of the
Faculty Women's Club, University of Atlantic—Mildred Ward Eldridge (Mrs. H u g h a n , A, 171 West 12th Street, N e w
Raymon W . ) , A, 108 Tappan Street, York, N. Y.
Later in the year, Dr. Jane Leichscn-
ring, Associate Professor of Nutrition Brookline, Mass. CONSTITUTIONAL REVISIONS
in the Department of Home Economics, COMMITTEE
addressed the mothers and pledges on Southern—Lucy Cooper Edwards (Mrs.
the second topic of the series, "Your Chairman—S ecretary.
Daughter and her University Work." Joseph), 0, M u l l i n s , S. C. Associate Members—Lucie W a l n e , n , 4310
Miss Jane Bradley, Secretary of the
Campus Y W C A , discussed the sub- South Central—Florence Hayes, NO, 2507 South Robertson Street. New Orleans,
ject, "Your Daughter and Her Cam- La. lone P. Barrett, E, Box 252, Ka-
pus Activities" and Dr. Esther Mc- Blair Blvd., Nashville, Tenn. tonah, N . Y.
Ginnis, Professor of Child Welfare in
charge of Parental Education, presented Ohio Valley—Mary Alice Burch Fizer
the thought, "Your Daughter and Her
Social Relationships." ( M r s . W i l l i a m ) , B8, 38 Shaw Avenue, LIFE A L U M N A DUES COMMITTEE
Cha'rman—Muriel T u r n e r M c K i n n e y ( M r s .
Ccancer a,t 37 A p t . 17, Dayton, O.
V e r n e ) , A, 528 N o r t h Formosa Avenue,
© MRS. M A R T I N lives outside the ter- Great Lakes—Claudine B u r k h a r t , B r , 604 Los Angeles, Calif.
ritory served by the Frontier Nurs-
West Main Street, Lansing, Mich.
ing Service, but near enough that she
had heard of the hospital at Hyden. Mid-Western—Virginia Case James ( M r s . NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP OFFICER
Three weeks ago she came to the hos- M . Irene Jones, H , 1001 East Jefferson,
pital. She had made the trip alone and F r e d ) , Z , 103 L i n c o l n D r i v e , Des
it had taken her two days to cover the Detroit, Mich.
thirty-five miles. Part of the trip she Moines, Iowa.
had made afoot, part on the mail truck,
part hitch-hiking. Six weeks before, she Pacific—Marjorie Alice Lenz, KG, 269 S. SONG COMMITTEE C H A I R M A N
had had a miscarriage. She arrived Helen Hawk Carlisle (Mrs. Henry C ) ,
looking so ill and worn that one won- Canon, Beverly Hills, Calif.
dered at her having been willing even P, 1315 M o n r o e Street, E v a n s t o n , 111.
to attempt that trip. She was found Pacific Northwest—Mary Margaret Hunt,
to have cancer. The history w-hich she
gave indicated that the cancer had been AZ, Box 725, Nussa, Ore.
in progress at least eight or ten months. ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE
She is only 37 years old, which meant Chairman—Hannah Blair Neal (Mrs. W . PUBLICITY COMMITTEE
that a rapid and fatal termination of Chairman—Katherine Davis, 8, 2403
the disease was all the more likely. H e r s h e l ) , B<f>, 813 N o r t h Maple Street, East Market Street, New Albany, Ind.
Bloomington, Ind.
The radium treatment which Mrs. Atlantic—Ruth Koehler, EA, 108 Washing- Atlantic—Ruth Koehler, EA, 108 Wash-
Martin requires cannot be given at the ington Avenue, Rutherford. N . J.
small emergency hospital which the Ser- ton Avenue, Rutherford, N . J. Southern — M a r g a r e t S a f f o r d D u d l e y
vice maintains. I f Mrs. Martin was to Southern—Elizaheth Walker Bailey (Mrs.
receive such treatment, we would have John), 0, Kingston Pike Heights, Knox- (Mrs. Harold), 9, 21 Florida Avenue,
to send her to a hospital in Lexington. Towson, Baltimore, Md.
A few inquiries confirmed Mrs. Mar- ville, Tenn. Ohio Valley — P h y l l i s T a b e r W o o t e n
tin's account of her financial circum- South Central—Virginia McCaslin Manker
stances—the family has practically noth- ( M r s . Reeves A . ) , KO, 1057 Peabody, (Mrs. James), AT, 441 V a n Voast Ave-
ing and is living on the $21.00 a month nue, Bellevue, Ky.
earned by her husband on a W P A job. A p t . 6, Memphis, T e n n .
Given the limited funds which the So- Ohio Valley—Hope Johnson Tiemeyer Great Lakes—Persis Harper, T, 3544
cial Service department can make avail- Blaisdell Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.
able for the hospitalization of adult ( M r s . E d w i n ) , OH, 5711 M a r m i o n Lane, Mid-Western—Mary Virginia Wells, XA,
patients, the question which arose was: Cincinnati, O.
Should we spend of these funds to se- 275 South 5th, B r i g h t o n , Colo.
cure radium treatment for a patient Great Lakes—Ruby C l i f t Glockler ( M r s . South Central—Mary A l l i e T a y l o r Robin-
George), T, 22 Barton Avenue S. E . , son ( M r s . D i x o n ) , KO, The Press-Scimi-
54 Minneapolis, Minn. tar, Memphis, Tenn.

Mid-Western—Dorothy Feyerhern Beeler Pacific—Gregg M o r r i s V a n L u b k e n ( M r s .
( M r s . P a u l ) , S, 1146 N o r t h E l w o o d ,
Tulsa, Okla. Philip), T, 2646 Dwight Way, Berkeley,
Pacific Northwest—Beatrice McPherson
Pacific—Gautier H a r r i s Halsey ( M r s . W i l - Lomax ( M r s . A r t h u r ) , T, 6315 21st
bur H . ) , 2, 229 Hermosa Avenue, Oak- Street N . E., Seattle, Wash.
land, Calif.

Pacific Northwest—Marcella Schneider STANDARDS COMMITTEE
Chairman—Johanna Buecking Buerger
Higgins (Mrs. James S.), A * , Box 521, (Mrs. Otto), E, Old Sands Point Road,
Deer Lodge, Mont.
Sands Point, N . Y.

COMMITTEE ON RITUALS AND Members—Mary H . Donlon, E, 210
TRADITIONS Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y . ;
Elizabeth Neely, E, 600 Lexington Ave-
Chairman—Stella George Stern Perry nue, New Y o r k•, N#. Y•.
(Mrs. George H . ) , A, 9 St. Luke's
Place, New York, N . Y.
Life Members—The Founders, Laura ENDOWMENT FUND
H u r d , T, 7019 B r o o k l y n Avenue, Seat-
tle, Wash. Chairman—Elizabeth Roberts Cole (Mrs.
Rose Gardner Gilmore ( M r s . John), X, K e n n e t h ) , 2, 70 Haven Avenue, New
Box 437, Davis, Calif. Y o r k , N . Y . T e r m expires June, 1943.
Mamie Hurt Baskervill (Mrs. George lone Barrett, E, Box 252, Katonah, N .
B., Jr.), Arlington Hall, Pennsylvania Y . T e r m expires June, 1939.
Sta., Washington, D . C. Kathryn Bremer Matson (Mrs. Franklin
H . ) , T, 966 Summit Avenue, St. Paul,
Minn. Term expires June, 1941.
Chairman—Edith Huntington Anderson
( M r s . A r t h u r K . ) , B * , 123 South PHILANTHROPY
Sparks Street, State College, Pa. Mail materials to Bland Morrow, Wend-
Members—District Superintendents.
over, Leslie Co., Ky.


Alpha Omicron Pi

founded at i^amard C^olle^e, ^anaarij 2 , /897

Atlantic District (Nu, Delta, Gamma, FOUNDERS burg, Va.
Epsilon, Chi, Psi, Epsilon Alpha)—Ellen
Jane Beavens ( M r s . E. A r t h u r ) , U\ 17 Meetings—Thursdays at 5:00.
Genesee Park, Geneva, N . Y . KAPPA OMICRON—
171 West 12th Street, New Y o r k , N . Y . President—Betsye F o w l e r , 1425 Goodbar,
Southern District ( K a p p a , O m i c r o n , A l p h a Memphis, Tenn.
Pi, Pi Delta, Lambda Sigma)—Mary HELEN ST. CLAIR M U L L A N
Broughton Taylor (Mrs. Robert), K, Meetings—Fridays at 2:30.
2117 McKiuley Road N . W . , Atlanta, (Mrs. George V . ) , A
Ga. [Deceased] K A P P A THETA—894 Hilgard Avenue, West

STELLA GEORGE STERN PERRY Los Angeles, Calif. Johnson.
South Central District ( P i , T a u D e l t a , N u (Mrs. George H . ) , A
Omicron, Kappa Omicron, Nu Kappa) — 9 St. Luke's Place, New York, N . Y.
Margaret Lyon Pedrick (Mrs. Parks B.),
n , 5673 West E n d B l v d . , New Orleans, ELIZABETH HEYWOOD W Y M A N , A Meetings—Mondays.
19 Outlook Place, Glen Ridge, N . J. L A M B D A — B o x 1367, Stanford University,
OFFICERS President—Virginia Clausen.
Ohio Valley District ( T h e t a , Beta Phi,
Omega, Beta Theta, Th'ta Eta, Alpha President—Mary Danielson Drummond Meetings—Mondays.
Tau)—Katherine Schmidt Cox (Mrs. L A M B D A SIGMA—480 Milledge Avenue,
F r a n k H . ) , 9, 4205 N o r t h Illinois, I n - ( M r s . W a r r e n C ) , A * , 610 H i n m a n Athens, Ga.
dianapolis, Ind.
Avenue, Evanston, 111. President—Martha Mackey.

Vice President—Ruth Cox Segar (Mrs. NU—Sheridan Arms, 15 Sheridan Square,
New York, N. Y. Kilpatrick.
Great Lakes District (Rho T a u , Eta, W i l l i a m ) , Q, 260 W a r d A v e n u e , Belle- President—Marguerite Wednesdays and
Omicron Pi, Beta Tau, Iota, Beta vue, Ky. Meetings—Alternating
Gamma)—Dorothy Pool Marker (Mrs. 2nd Vice President—Dorothy Bruniga
V a n N . ) , P, 2214 C o l f a x , E v a n s t o n , 111. Dean ( M r s . George), P, 1765 Peachtree
Street, Atlanta, Ga. Thursdays, 7:15.
Mid-Western District (Zeta, Phi, Chi
Delta)—Margaret Boothroyd Rasmussen Executive Secretary—Anne Jeter Nichols N U K A P P A — AOn B o x , S . M . U . , Dallas, Tex.
(Mrs. Edward J.), K, Box 262, State President—Helen W a r r e n , 4421 Beverley
( M r s . D a r r e l l B . ) , T, 2170 N o r t h Park- College, Pa. Drive, Dallas, Tex.
Avenue, Fremont, Neb.
Treasurer—Helen M . H a l l e r , £2, 2717 Meetings—Mondays at 4:00.
Pacific District (Sigma, Lambda, Kappa
Theta)—Carrie Bright Kistler (Mrs. South Budlong Avenue, Los Angeles. NU OMICRON—
Lewis A . ) , S, 1 0 4 6 South W i l t o n , Los
Angeles, Calif. Historian—Stella George Stern Perry President—Frances Spain, Glendale Lane,
(Mrs. George H . ) , A, 9 St. Luke's Nashville, Tenn.

Pacific Northwest District ( U p s i l o n , A l p h a Place, New York, N . Y. Meetings—Monday evenings at 7:00.
Phi, Alpha Sigma, Beta Kappa)—
Marlyn Judd Hauseman (Mrs. Dean), Ass stant Historian—Elizabeth Heywood OMEGA—
A $ , 822 South W i l l s o n , Bozeman, Mont. W y m a n , A, 19 Outlook Place, Glen President—Hazel H o f f m a n , 58 East H a l l ,
Ridge, N . J. Oxford, O.
Meetings—Wednesday evenings.
Editor of To D R A G M A — W i l m a S m i t h OMICRON—
ACTIVE CHAPTERS Leland ( M r s . Leland F . ) , T, 2642 U n i - President—Nannette Manning, 411 East
[In alphabetical o r d e r . ] versity Avenue, St. Paul, M i n n . Scott Street, Knoxville, Tenn.
*** Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.

A L P H A P H I — 1 1 9 So. 6th Avenue, Bozeman, National Auditor—C. Jane Stroheker, I , OMICRON PI—1017 Oakland Avenue, Ann
808 Tower Court, Chicago, 111. Arbor, Mich.
President—Janet Taylor. Registrar—Alice Cullnane, B4>, B o x 262, President—Henrietta Simpson.
Meetings—Monday evenings.
Meetings—Tuesday evenings. State College, Pa. PHI—1144 Louisiana Street, Lawrence, Kan.

A L P H A PI—AOII House, Tallahassee, Fla. NATIONAL PANHELLENIC President—Frances Gene Cochrane.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
President—Betty McMullen. CONGRESS PI—

Meetings—Mondays at 9:00. Chairman—Miss H a r r i e t W . T u f t , B4>A, President—Bertha Patton, 8019 Jeannette

A L P H A SIGMA—1680 Alder Street, Eugene, 2282 Union Street, Berkeley, Calif. Street, New Orleans, La.

Ore. A. Ketchum. AOII Panhellenic Delegate—Edith Hunting- Meetings—Mondays at 4:30.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. ton Anderson (Mrs. Arthur K . ) , B$, PI D E L T A — A O B House, College Park, Md.
President—Edith Ray Sparling.
ALPHA TAU— 123 South Sparks Street, State College, Meetings-—-Tuesdays at 7:00.
President—Jean Yoder, Beaver Hall, Gran- PSI—3331 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
ville, O. President—Stella Botellio.
CENTRAL OFFICE Meetings—Monday evenings.
Meetings—Monday evenings. Masonic Building, Box 262, R H O — 6 2 6 Emerson Street, Evanston, 111.
B E T A GAMMA—235 Ann Street, East Lans-
ing, Mich. State College, Pa. President—Phyllis Wermuth.

President—Irma Shumway. Meetings—Monday evenings.
SIGMA—2311 Prospect Street, Berkeley,
President—Stella Bridgman, 2474 Point Grey
Road, Vancouver, B. C. DELTA— President-—Lenore Hennessey.
President — Be rtha I . To w n sen d, G raves Meetings—Mondays.
Meetings—Wednesdays at 5:00. House, Tufts College, Mass. T A U — 1 1 2 1 5th Street S. E., Minneapolis,
B E T A PHI—703 East 7th Street, Blooming- Meetings- - M o n d a y s at 7:15.
ton, Ind. Minn.
E P S I L O N - -The Knoll, Ithaca, N . Y. President—Margaret Glockler.
President—Rosealice Baldwin. Presidcnt —Louise Myers. Meetings—Mondays at 5:30.
Meetings- —Sunday evenings. TAU DELTA—
Meetings—Monday evenings. President—Lillian Keener, 2916 N o r t h 11th
E P S I L O N A L P H A — A O I I House, State Col-
BETA TAU— lege, Pa. Avenue, Birmingham, Ala.
President—Dorothea S t u a r t , 164 Cumberland President — M a r j o r i e Davie.-.
Street, Toronto, Can. Street, In- Meetings- —Mondays at 6:30. Meetings—Every Tuesday at lunch.
T H E T A — A O I I House, Greene astle, I n d .
Meetings—Mondays at 5:30. E T A — 636 Langdon Street, Madison, W i s . President—Mildred Gadient.
President — Eleanor Crowley, 2112 Jefferson Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
B E T A THETA—408 West 44th Street, Madison, Wis. THETA ETA—
Mectings- —Mondays.
dianapolis, Ind. Smith. President—Virginia H o r t o n , 2711 Griffith
President—Helen GAMMA—
President- - L u c i l l e Fogg, Balentine H a l l , Avenue, Cincinnati, O.
Meetings—Wednesdays at 7:30. Orono, Me. Meetings—Mondays at 6:45.
Meetings- -Mondays.
CHI—117 College Place, Syracuse, N. Y. UPSILON—1906 East 45th Street, Seattle,
Boulder, IOTA—704 South Mathews Street, Urbana, Wash.
President—Audrey W erle. 111. President- Priscilla Webber.
Meetings—Monday evenings. President V i r g i n i a Trappe.
C H I DELTA—1015 15th Street, Mcetinys- -Monday evenings. Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
ZETA—1541 S Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Colo. President—Nelle Lippitt.
President—Betty Heffernan.
Meetings—Mondays. Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.


DISTRICT ALUMNA I N D I A N A P O L I S — P r e s i d e n t — V i r g i n i a Cox
Nicholson ( M r s . Robert L . ) , B * , 4339 W i n -
SUPERINTENDENTS throp Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind.
A L U M N A SECRETARIES K A N S A S CITY—President—Myrtle Webber
B r o w n ( M r s . Francis), * , 1804 West 49th
Atlantic—Helen Worster Cleaves (Mrs. Alpha— Terrace, Kansas City, Mo.
Charles B . ) , Gamma, 9 Pittsford Way, A l p h a Gamma—Carolyn W o l t e r s , 23 East
Summit, N. J. Meetings—First Saturday of month.
Yakima, Yakima, Wash. KNOXV1LLE—President—Emogene Roth.
Southern—Edith Burnside Whiteford (Mrs. Alpha Phi—Martha Hawksworth, Regis- Meetings—First Monday of month at 7:30.
Roger), P i Delta, 3508 C l i f t o n Avenue,
trar's Office, Montana State College, L A K E COUNTY—President— Eleanor Wil-
Baltimore, Md. Christopher Hopkins, Bozeman, Mont. kins, B $ , 759 Garfield Street, Gary, I n d .
South Central—Mrs. Alpha Pi—Mary Louise Filer Roller (Mrs.
N u Omicron, 2110 Dixie Place, Nashville, George K . , J r . ) , 103 N . E . 89th Street, LINCOLN—President—Joy Ley Hem (Mrs.
Miami, Fla. Harold), Z, 2761 Cable, Lincoln, Neb.
Tenn. Alpha Rho—Dorothy Lamb Bishop (Mrs. Meetings—Second Wednesday evenings. Oc-
Ohio Valley—Alice Wessels Burlingame Lionel JO, c/o Home Economics Ex-
(Mrs. W i l l i a m H . ) , Omicron Pi, 2179 tension, Oregon Agricultural College, tober to June.
Corvallis, Ore. LOS ANGELES—President—Madeline Han-
Cottage Grove Drive, Cleveland Heights, non L u n d i n ( M r s . A r t h u r ) , KG, 1564 Glen-
Ohio. A l p h a Sigma—Barbara C r o w e l l , 2454 S.
W. Sherwood Drive, Portland, Ore. ville Dr., Los Angeles, Calif.
Great Lakes—Virginia Van Zandt Snider Meetings—Fourth Saturday of m o n t h , Sep-
( M r s . George), O i l , 14026 N o r t h l a w n Alpha Tau—Jane Scully Taylor (Mrs.
Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Rodney T . ) , 624 Locust Place, Sewick- tember to May.
ley, Pa.
Mid-Western—Genevieve Bacon Herring- MADISON—President—Elynore Bell Wegner
ton ( M r s . Albert CO, 3, 2526 N . W . 16th Beta—Grace L. Hubbard ( M r s . George ( M r s . A r t h u r E . ) , H , 1109 Seminole H i g h -
Street, Oklahoma City, Okla. W . ) , 310 V e r m o n t Avenue, Providence, way, Madison, Wis.
R. I . Meetings—Second Wednesday of month at
Pacific—Genevieve Morse Roberts (Mrs. 6:30 at Memorial U n i o n Building.
W e y m o u t h M O , Lambda, 130 San Fer- Beta Gamma—Mabel Petersen, 419 Park
nando W a y , San Francisco, Calif. Lane, East Lansing, Mich. MEMPHIS—President—Mary Allie Taylor
Robinson ( M r s . D i x o n ) , KO, The Press-
Pacific Northwest—Garnett Leyman Weid- Beta Kappa—Kathleen d i m m i n g , 1994 Scimitar, Memphis, Tenn.
ner ( M r s . C. K e n . ) , Upsilon, 4746 21st West 3rd Avenue, Vancouver, B. C.
Meetings—Last Wednesday of month, 3:30.
Avenue N . E., Seattle, Wash. Beta P h i — M a r y K a y Geake Lockridge, M I L W A U K E E — P r e s i d e n t — M a r g a r e t Johnson
4173 G u i l f o r d Avenue, Indianapolis, I n d . Gay ( M r s . W e l l a n d ) , H , 913 E. K i l b o u r n
ALUMNyE CHAPTERS Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis.
Beta Tau—Mary Willson, 9 Beaumont
A N N ARBOR—President—Elizabeth Evans, Road, Toronto, Can. Meetings—Second Tuesday of month at
Oil, Couzens Hall, A n n Arbor, Mich.
Meetings—Third Wednesday of month. Beta Theta—Leonore W i n t e r , 3759 Cen- 7:30.
tral Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind. MINNEAPOLIS—President—Alice Linsmayer,
ATLANTA—President—Lorette Cloutier Tay- T, 713 W e s t 37th Street, Minneapolis, M i n n .
lor ( M r s . J. H . , J r . ) , T, 362 M a n o r Ridge Chi—Thelma Robertson Mitchell (Mrs.
Dr., Atlanta, Ga. Edward), 5 Ballard Place, Radburn, N . J. Meetings—Second Tuesday of each month.
N A S H V I LLE—President—F1 o r e n c e Hayes,
Meetings—Second and fourth Tuesdays at Chi Delta—Frances Kimsey, 1670 Y o r k NO, 2507 Blair Blvd., Nashville, Tenn.
3:00. Street, Denver, Colo.
B A L T I M O R E — P r e s i d e n t — V i r g i n i a Boggess Meetings—Second Saturday of month.
Delta—Ruth Coughlan Wortman (Mrs. NEW JERSEY—President—Lucile Burton
M y l a n d e r ( M r s . W a l t e r ) , K, 1421 M t . Royal W e l d o n ) , 372 Longwood Avenue, Bos- K l i n e f e l t e r ( M r s . O. H . ) , N , 353 N o r t h
Avenue, Baltimore, Md. ton, Mass.
Meetings—Second Tuesday of each month. Walnut Street, East Orange, N . J.
Delta Phi—Cornelia D o w l i n g , 1114 Quar- Meetings—Fourth Monday of month.
B A N G O R — P r e s i d e n t — E d i t h M . Bussell, T, rier Street, Charleston, West Virginia. NEW ORLEANS—President—Marian Moise,
399 Center Street, O l d T o w n , Me.
Meetings—Third Saturday of month from Epsilon—Maxine Moore, 230 W a i t e Ave- I I , 7412 Maple Street, New Orleans, L a .
nue, Ithaca, N . Y. Meetings—First Wednesday of month.
September to Tune. NEW YORK—President—Jane B a t t e r son
B I R M I N G H A M — P r e s i d e n t — L o u i se Stange Epsilon Alpha—Marion Tomlinson Leight
(Mrs. W i l l i a m ) , 4064 Brandon Road, B u c k l e y ( M r s . B a t t e r s o n ) , P, 80 W i l l o w
T a y l o r ( M r s . R a y ) , T i , 608 S. W . 2nd, Pittsburgh, Pa. Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Birmingham, Ala.
Meetings—Second Saturday of month, 1:00 Eta—Margaret Johnson Gay ( M r s . Wel- Meetings—Arranged by Executive Commit-
l a n d ) , 19451 Battersea B l v d . , Rocky
p. m. in Tau Delta room. River, Ohio. tee. t—Annabet
O K L A H O M A C I T Y — P residcn
BLOOMINGTON—President—A n a1 ie Sliaw Gamma — Caroline Currier, 8 Jefferson Robberson Buckingham (Mrs. J. Karl), E,
H e p l e y ( M r s . W i l l i a m E . ) , B<I>, 1112 East Street, Bangor, Me.
Atwater Avenue, Bloomington, Ind. 1006 N . E . 15th Street, Oklahoma C i t y ,
Iota—Evelyn Wissmath Gauger (Mrs. Eve- Okla.
Meetings—Second and fourth Wednesdays l y n ) , 59 Broadview D r i v e , Clayton, M o . Meetings—Second Thursday of month.
of month.
Kappa—Bessie Minor Davis, R.M.W.C. OMAHA—President—Zeta Allingham Baird
B O S T O N — P r e s i d e n t — J u n e Kelley, T, 27 Flor- Alumna? Office, Lynchburg, Va. (Mrs. F r a n k ) , Z, 4224 W i l l i a m Street, Oma-
ence Avenue, Norwood, Mass.
Meetings—Last Saturday of month. Kappa Omicron — Catherine Underwood ha, Neb.
Meacham ( M r s . Fontaine), 1770 Y o r k Meetings—First Saturday of month.
BUFFALO—President—Belle Summers Web- Avenue, Memphis, Tenn. P H I L A L D E L P H I A — President — Elizabeth
ster ( M r s . L o u i s ) , A, 744 Tacoma A v e n u e ,
Buffalo, N . Y. Kappa Theta—Mrs. Willard L. Killian, Herbst T r u i t t ( M r s . B i r n e y ) , * , 410 West
157 S. M a r t e l Avenue, Los Angeles. Price Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Meetings—Third Monday of month. Meetings—First Saturday of month.
C A N T O N - M A S S I L O N — President — Mary- Lambda—Olga Seibert, 101 Park Avenue,
Myers, AT, 2405 U n i v e r s i t y Avenue N . E., Long Beach, Calif. PORTLAND—President—Roma W hi s n a n t,
AS, 2770 S. W . T a l b o t Road, P o r t l a n d , O r e .
Canton, O. Lambda S i g m a — V i v i a n Evans, 102 East Meetings—Second Tuesday of month.
C H I C A G O — C e n t r a l Chairman—Mary Eliza- 53rd Street, Savannah, Ga.
beth Jens, I , 618 Gary Avenue, Wheaton, PROVIDENCE—President—J ennie Perry
N u — E l i n o r Dickey, 86 Prospect P a r k Prescott ( M r s . H a r o l d S.), B, 39 K o s s u t h
111. West, Brooklyn, N . Y. Street, Pawtucket, R. I .
North Shore Chairman—Geraldine Meck
Stephenson ( M r s . L . V O , P, 2426 Central Nu Kappa— Meetings—Second Saturday of month, Oc-
Nu Omicron— tober to June.
Park Avenue, Evanston, 111. Omega—Florence Rench Smith (Mrs. R O C H E S T E R — President — M a r g a r e t Snook
West Side Chairman—Laurine Oliver, T,
544 South Ridgeland Avenue, Oak Park, L e o n E . ) , 16 East N o r m a n Avenue, Folwell ( M r s . J. H . ) , P, 207 Bonnie Brae
Apt. 2, Dayton, O. Avenue, Rochester, N . Y.
111. Omicron— Meetings—Fourth Tuesday evening of
Meetings—By arrangement. Omicron Pi—Virginia Van Zandt Snider
C H I C A G O S O U T H S H O R E — President — (Mrs. George), 14026 N o r t h l a w n Ave- month.
nue, Detroit, Mich. ST. L O U I S — P r e s i d e n t — M a r j o r i e Jensen Gal-
Virginia Berry Hamilton (Mrs. Holland), Phi—Elizabeth Fryer Favreau (Mrs. braith ( M r s . H . Reynolds), T, 2143 A l f r e d
0, 8129 Drexel Avenue, Chicago. W a l d o ) , 5026 L y d i a , Kansas City, M o .
Meetings—Second Tuesday of month at P i — B e v e r l e y C. Colomb, 1810 Pine Street, Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.
New Orleans, La. Meetings—Third Monday of month.
6:30. Pi Delta—Rosalie Goodhart Dietz (Mrs. S A N D I E G O — President— M a r g a r e t M a i n
James), 1800 K e y B o u l e v a r d , A r l i n g t o n ,
CINCINNATI—President—Frances Ivins Rich Va. Glenn ( M r s . W i l l i a m ) , A, 927 Runnymead
( M r s . C a r l ) , Q, 2558 Madison Road, Cin- Psi—Grace MacMullan Pennell (Mrs. How-
cinnati, O. ell B O , 366 Lakeview Avenue, D r e x e l Lane, San Diego, Calif.
Hill, Pa. Meetings—Fourth Thursday of month.
Meetings—Second Thursday of month. Rho—Ruth Tarrant Ashcraft (Mrs. Alan SAN F"RANCISCO—President—Frances Mc-
CLEVELAND—President—Beatrice Handy Ul- B . , J r . ) , 205 Kedsie Street, Evanston,
rich ( M r s . M y r o n W . ) , AT, 20707 H a l i f a x 111. Nelly Johnsson ( M r s . I v a r ) , A, 722 19th
Sigma—Mary deWitt Angier (Mrs. Mary), Avenue, San Francisco, Calif.
Rd., Warrensville Heights, O. 1747 N o r t h Kingsley D r i v e , Los Angeles, Meetings—First Monday of month.
Meetings—Third Monday night of month. Calif.
COLUMBUS—President—Katherine Pearce Tau—Kathryn Haven Westigard (Mrs. SEATTLE—President—Irene Baker Carlson
Glen), Eclgewood, Lake Minnetonka, Ex- (Mrs. Theodore), T, 8236 14th N . E.,
Hedges ( M r s . H . L ) , Q, 1528 G u i l f o r d R d . , celsior, Minn. Seattle.
Columbus, O. Tau Delta—Martha Caldwell Keller (Mrs.
DALLAS—President—Macy Spurlock Hill A l b e r t H O , 1227 South 23rd, B i r m i n g - Meetings—Second Monday of month at
ham, Ala. chapter house, 8:00.
(Mrs. Leslie), NK, Rosedale Avenue, Dallas, T h e t a — E l i z a b e t h Gadient Huckleberrv SYRACUSE—President—Katherine Murtagh,
Tex. ( M r s . A l a n W . ) , 1102 East M a r k e t
Meetings—First Friday of month at noon. Street, New Albany, Ind. X, 231 Shotwell Park, Syracuse, N . Y.
Theta Eta—Adelia Hanks Frey (Mrs. Meetings—Last Friday of month.
DAYTON—President—Esther Schmidt Bohlen- W a l t e r ) , 5654 Glenview Avenue, Cin-
dar ( M r s . W . E . ) , G, 738 Creighton A v e - cinnati, Ohio. TERRE HAUTE—President—Wuanita Gil-
nue, Dayton, O. U p s i l o n — H e l e n Q. A l l a n , 743 10th Avenue christ, B*, 2231 South Center Street, Terre
North, Seattle, Wash. Haute, Ind.
Meetings—First Friday of month. Xi—Pauline Mills Edwards (Mrs. War-
D E N V E R — P r e s i d e n t — E d i t h Cope. Q, 1322 r e n ) , 1220 N . E. 39th Street, Oklahoma TOLEDO—President—Juanita Willis Boice
East Colfax, A p t . 18, Denver, Colo. City, Okla. ( M r s . J o h n ) , O, 3040 H o p e w e l l Place, T o -
Meetings—First Monday evening of month. Zeta—Pauline B u r k i t t Reynolds ( M r s . C. ledo, O.
A O , 2939 S t r a t f o r d Avenue, Lincoln, TORONTO—President—Madeline Coyne, BT,
DETROIT—President—Doris Bessinger How- Neb. 24 H a d d o n Street, T o r o n t o , Canada.
lett ( M r s . F r a n k M . ) , OH, 20010 R e n f r e w ,
Detroit, Mich. TULSA—President—Dorothy Hull Bergman
Meetings—First Monday of month at 7:30. ( M r s . Gale M O , I , 255 East 29th, Tulsa,
EASTBAY—President—Helen N . Henry, 2, Okla.
Meetings—First Thursday o f m o n t h at 1:00.
2422 Prospect St., Berkeley, Calif. W A S H I N G T O N — P r e s i d e n t — R o s a 1 i e Good-
FORT WAYNE—President—Virginia Trax-
l e r Hess ( M r s . R o b e r t ) , B<f>, 902 Rivermet, hart Dietz ( M r s . James), IIA, 1800 K e y
Blvd., Arlington, Va.
Fort Wayne, Ind.
Meetings—Second Monday of month. Meetings—Second Tuesday of each month.
WESTCHESTER—President—J ane Rextrow
HOUSTON—President—Mary Frances Brad- M a u l s b y ( M r s . W i l l i a m SO, A, 100 W o o d -
ley, NK, 5000 Montrose B l v d . , Houston,
Tex. land Avenue, New Rochelle, N . Y .

^Jke fraternity

an or lA/oman




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. Chapter Has she relatives or intimate friends be- T O U R I N G A . O . P's
longing to Alpha Omicron Pi?
City State iHOULD SEE^
Has she relatives or intimate friends be-
Please send immediately to president's ad- longing to any other sororities? 4EW YORK
dress or in case o f girl« attending _ other
colleges where Alpha Omicron Pi has Names of Alpha Omicron Pi's of her ON THE WAY
chapters, send to Alpha Omirron Pi, Cen- acquaintance
tral Office, Box 262, State College, Pa. TO OR FROM EUROPE!

Name in full W h a t other sororities are likely to rush Beekman Tower (Panhellenic
her? House) has been designated
Residence as official tour headquarters
by many traveling fraternities
Father's name in full this summer.

Address Do you know her personally? Cool — convenient
Have you ever discussed sororities comfortable — congenial.
Father's Occupation with Special rates to fraternity tourists.
her and with what results? Recommended by Mrs.George P.Dean
Social Standing
For information address:
Any Special Talent: Do you heartily recommend her for mem-
bership in the sorority ?
. .Scholarship, . .Musical, . .Athletic,
. .Dramatic, . .Literary Blank filled out by

Can she a f f o r d the expense of a frater- Address
nity? College
General Remarks:
General Appearance Age. .. . Class

Where prepared for college ?

W h a t course does she want? BEEKMAN TOWER

Does she expect to be here four y e a r s ? . . . (PANHELLENIC)
49th Street • O n e block from EAST RIVER
Has she attended any other college? Alpha Omicron Pi, Box 262,
State College, Pa.

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