Your Party I.0.
Q. Are YOUR parties different?
A. Write us for party ideas including decoration, program, and favor suggestions.
Q. Is YOUR Chapter following the new more formal trend in using fine invitations?
A. Low prices, new papers, and dignified styles fea- ture Balfour invitations.
Q. Are YOUR programs treasured by your guests?
A. Your programs will be in many "Mem" books if you select Balfour designs.
Q. Are YOUR party favors the hit of the evening and the talk of the campus?
A. Balfour favors are clever and original. Priced low. Write for suggestions.
New designs in paper, celluloid, and leather dance programs offer a wide price range. Write for free samples.
Invitations lend prestige and dignity. Sam- ples of new styles sent on request.
Have you seen the new BLACK stationery, the small note sheets for short letters, and our brown oak grain sheets? All with your crest engraved. Samples on request
Send Coupon for Your FREE COPYI
Kindly send me the following free: • 1937 BALFOUR BLUE BOOK
| | FAVOR suggestions based on;
quantity party date
Write for special discounts on favors, advisinff quantity to be used.
Official Jeweler to: Alpha Omicron P* L. G .
BUDGET Q $4.00 Q $3.00 Q $2.50 \J Nun. 1—J
Addre*. • City ft State
$2.00 $1.00
AOH Fraternity
Balfour favors will make your dance one lo
be remembered. With prices so low and discounts so generous, can you afford not to use Balfour favors to
enhance your Chapter reputation?
These clever favors will be found in the 1937 BLUE BOOK:
Scotty Cigarette Box Treasure Chest Compact
Top Hat Manicure Set Ebony Dangle Bracelets
Page 52 Pag* 3* Page 51 Vage 23
DRAGMA »» MAY • 1937 ««
• Ml/.
Fraternity Problems Confront Convention
Margaret Bourke-White Honored
Cleveland Panhellenic Points Way
To the Old Faithful and the New
Diary of a Dude Ranch Owner
Gardners Join Official Family of*Philippines. . .Inquiring
Frontispiece Anderson T. O. Nail Burlingame
Alice Margaret
Segar Hayner Reporter
Edith H.
W. Ruth
Published byALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity
Almost • mile around this magnificent hotel.
Weicome to Yellowstone!
One of the most beautiful convention rooms in the world.
or AlphTa Omicron Pi Convention, June, 1937
HE Yellowstone Park Hotel Company
appreciates the honor of entertaining Alpha Omicron Pi at Grand Canyon Hotel in Yellowstone National Park in June, 1937 and assures officers and members of the fra- ternity that Yellowstone's finest facilities will be devoted to giving you an inspiring and
memorable convention.
For Information, please address
° P o l 32 ^ S CWo. 4 *
Officii tpuGficafiojof S ^ a Omicron *}0i
To DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity, 2642 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minne- sota, and is printed by Leland Publishers, The Fraternity Press. Entered at the post office at St. Paul, Minnesota, as second class matter under the act of March_ 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, Section 412, P.L.&R., authorized February 12, 1930.
To DRAGMA is published four times a year, October, January, March, and May. Send all editorial material to 2642 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minn., before Sept. 10, Dec. 10, Feb. 10, and April 10. The subscription price is 50 cents per copy, $1 per year, payable in advance; Life subscription $15.
To *j88k Drag ma
» IntheMAY•1937Issue «
Present Day Fraternity Problems Confront Convention
Convention Ho! ; Convention Program
Twin Cities Ship 80 Dresses for Kentuckians' Easter Viola Neutson Directs Twin City Sewing
Margaret Bourke-White Honored
Cleveland Panhellenic Points Way for City Groups To the Old Faithfuland the New
Diary of a Dude Ranch Owner
Gardners Join Official Family of Philippines
Three Americans Enroll in Munich Summer School Vandy Builder Is an AOII
After Convention—Home, Glacier, Where?
For Economy, Go Tourist
A Day with Margaret Tallichet
Convention Delegates
In Alumland
Chapter Reporters Summarize Year's Activities The Alumnae Chapters
The AOII Directory Convention Registration
8>dited hy Wilma Smith Leland
Frontispiece 3 4 6
21 22 23 25 26 33 34 47 52
Cover 3
E. J . OSWALD, Pi Vibrant, pulsing, swift and
deep. Stretching the canyon floor along;
With the scope Like true
breadth of a purpose, and sweep—
love and loyalty,
strong. So the river traces the marrow gorge
And fades
Colorful, Reaching The rock
azvay i n a mighty—old
yet new, skies,
toward wall
azure towers
A Of
high, bedded in
symbol of precepts
a foundation
our solid
benef- and would tarry a
truth— symbol of
Here, where
icent smile.
is Where cleanness
Cod's most
Beauty Surely 'tis
and strength
abound, here we
For this is our common meeting
And here, 'with a smile and a hand
to extend
We greet you, our sister, our far-
away friend I
in mind by launching, in the case of Alpha
Omicron Pi, the cultural development program such organizations no longer exist. If we can
direction for our help to individuals and insti-
tutions to take, but I can conceive of a much
hers a constructive program for our organiza- tion, and really make it practical and alive, no one could estimate the influence of our work.
broader program beginning with the testing of
freshmen as they come into the chapter for Alpha Omicron Pi is more than a fraternity.
It is for all eternity.
their aptitudes and interests, and carrying this
help through their college careers to the plac- Have you ever thought of the potentialities ing of our members in the right job when of Alpha Omicron Pi? Has it ever occurred
they are out of college through a vocational to you that we have an organization of nine guidance plan. Such a program would enlist thousand college trained women and that if
Present Day Fraternity Problems Confront Convention
Says EDITH H . ANDERSON, who in- vites you to think about them and briny the solutions to Yclhnvstonc.
-f- FRATERNITIES started a good many years ago because a few close friends—kindred spirits—wanted to preserve their friendship and comradeship and make it eternal by per- petuating it and making it possible for others
to enjoy that same friendship and fellowship
based on a common ideal. In some instances,
our organizations have wandered far from
that simple, worth-while beginning. Hut re-
cently fraternities have been getting back in
their plans and programs to the fundamentals
on which they were founded. We are think-
ing more today about the individual member
in our chapters, what we can do to help de-
velop her personality and character, and what
we as organizations and chapters can do to
supplement the formal, academic education
of our universities and colleges. This year
several fraternities, including our own, have
made beginnings on such a program as I have
suggested, we already have established our splendid philanthropic work, both local and national, through which we find a medium of self-expression. Such work carries out our program of service to others less fortunate, and indicates that we are not entirely selfish or self-centered in our endeavors. We should have a program for helping those within and without our fraternity, and I hope the Na- tional W o r k program can be strengthened and broadened while we are developing a program to supplement the training of the colleges and
universities for our own members.
Indeed it is a challenging and thrilling time for fraternities, and upon all of us, in all the fraternities, rests the future of our organiza- tions. I do not believe it will be said of Alpha Omicron Pi that she contributed to the
downfall of fraternities and to their banish- ment from the collegiate world, if that day which has been prophesied should come when
in our active chapters. This is the right envision in the hearts and minds of our mem
est, and effect close cooperation between ac-
tives and alumna;. Such a program is a thrill a tremendous constructive forward-looking
we really wanted to do something—anything— the help of the alumna? and retain their inter- we could do it? W e have in our organization
ing challenge to us and to all fraternities, and force, if rightly used, which could be of un-
one that has potentialities far beyond our told value to the educational world and to conceptions at the present time. the world at large. H o w best can we use it
The fraternity is not an organization just and make it of value?
for undergraduate life. Its contacts broaden That is the problem we have been thinking for us with the years and with our travel, and talking about, we who are officers and •f we will do our part to keep some contact. charged with the responsibility of the adminis-
While we are carrying out the constructive trative work of the fraternity. We cannot Program, at which I have merely hinted, we carry out such a program—any program—
alone. We were elected by you and entrusted benefits of belonging to the fraternity which with the honor and responsibility of serving
j*re, of course, gaining for ourselves the real
has always held for us—keeping up our What we really want is discussion in our contacts of college days, making new friends chapters, active and alumnae, of some of the
With common interests and purposes, and problems about which we have been thinking. keeping ourselves young in spirit and point If we know how you feel about them and
°f view by our contacts with college girls. [CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 ] In addition to the program which I have
you. Hut there so often our contacts stop.
Convention Ho!
-+- "Yip-yip-yip! Wa-hoo! Let 'er buck!" portation agent straighten it out for you °r Off we steam to our great Yellowstone communicate your trouble to Mr. Max Good- Park convention, starting together from Chi- sill, general passenger agent of the Northern
cago on Friday, June 25. Our Convention Special party leaves the Union Station there at 10:30 p. m., on that day via the Burling- ton Route. It will proceed over that line to St. Paul where it switches to the transconti- nental line of the Northern Pacific and heads west for Yellowstone. Don't forget the time, place and date. It might be a good idea to take a look at your train reservations now and make sure they're in order. This little precaution may save you some last minute per- plexities, or disappointments. I f there's any-
thing irregular about them, have your trans-
Pacific Railway, St. Paul, Minnesota, who §S in charge of travel matters. He'll be happy 1 0 adjust any tangled details or misunderstand- ings.
Now that convention time is getting close enough so that we're giving some thought to what we'll wear in the park, be sure 3J«j remember to put in a good warm coat an* a leather jacket or heavy sweater. June nigl«s and mornings are pretty brisk up in t n e Rockies what ever they may be in other parts of the country. Daytimes usually are warm and the customary school or sports clothing
MAY, 1937
can be worn. Sudden mountain showers, even while the sun is shining, are among the va- garies of Yellowstone weather and a raincoat may come in handy. Other clothing suggestions include a formal for the dance and banquet, stout walking shoes, afternoon or semi-formal clothes for dinners, and riding clothes. Do not fail to wear a hat with a brim that will stay on. The buses that carry us from Gardiner to Canyon are open—the sunlight very bright. A well-fitted hat, a pair of dark glasses, a jar of cold cream and a tube of lip salve will in- sure a happy journey with no after effects.
Whatever you do, travel as light as is con- sistent. The less baggage you have to fuss with, the better your state of mind is going to be. Have each piece of baggage substan- tially tagged with your name and home ad- dress. Baggage is rarely lost in Yellowstone, due to expert handling by transportation agents and bus drivers. As a usual thing it's in your room ahead of you and automatically out with you when you move on. Nevertheless the name and address tag is pretty good insurance "just in case." Of course, once you join the special train, the escort will shoulder the de- tails of checking, portering and what not until all of us "fetch up" at convention headquar- ters.
From every standpoint a more fascinating place than Grand Canyon for a national con- vention could hardly be imagined. Not only will every one of our six days at Canyon be eventful with convention and social affairs, but we will have the advantage of mingling in the vacation life of our world-known national park. The people we meet at Canyon Hotel will not be the kind ordinarily found at a metropolitan hotel where they arc prin- cipally engaged in commercial missions. In Yellowstone everybody will be vacation bent. The holiday spirit will prevail.
Canyon Hotel is one of the world's re- nowned vacation centers. Standing on a height well back from the rim of the golden Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River, it com-
mands the entire locality. The immense struc- ture measures nearly a mile around, with staunch rafters of roofs and ceilings as one of its architectural features, together with observation verandas and broad windows.
Opposite the hotel, on the other rim of the Canyon, is Canyon Lodge and cabins. The lat- ter stand in a pine grove, where winds whis- per and comical bears teeter in the branches. The roar of the Upper and Lower Falls of the Canyon continuously pervades the air, lulling listeners to sleep at night and arousing them in the morning. Innumerable hikes await AOII's in this locality, one of the most scenic in the United States. The Canyon is a dazzling spectacle of golden colors. From it came the name "Yellowstone." Visitors at Grand Can- yon often do nothing else but sit or stand on the rim and gaze into the golden gorge for hours at a time. Without a doubt Alpha O's will join them at every opportunity for the view is inexhaustible. Several observation sites have been established, prominent of which
are Inspiration Point and Artist's Point. Stairs and observation platform are also located at the top of the great fall, a mighty cataclysm which plunges as lather over a 308-foot prec- ipice or twice the height of Niagara. Below the falls the river again becomes a jade-green jewel winding through the golden depths of the gorge.
The Grand Canyon is generally spoken of as the "climax" of the entire Yellowstone sightseeing tour and our convention party will have an opportunity to know and ap- preciate thoroughly this universally acclaimed wonder. Horseback trails lead along the rim and through the nearby forests. Wranglers and rangers point out things of interest. Sportswomen in our crowd who rejoice in flicking flies and landing handsome trout will be right in their element.
It would be futile to attempt to anticipate- all the fun, sights and thrills ahead. But there is one thing more that simply must be men- tioned again. It's the rodeo!
To DRAGMA Fraternity Problems Confront
what you want done, we will earnestly try to carry out your wishes. Convention is the biennial opportunity for all of us to bring the results of our discussions and experiences to a common meeting place—through them to chart the course of AOII for another two years. W e want the official delegates to come prepared for the work. of the week; we want visitors to get the full value of conven- tion by attending meetings and round tables as well as the social affairs of the week. We sincerely hope you will all give generous re- sponse to this invitation to help direct the
course of the fraternity. Your officers look forward to meeting yon and look to you to help make this convention a truly outstanding one.
Convention Program
At rodeo time we will visit Livingston, Montana, on our way out of the park, after the convention.
The Livingston rodeo is one of the foremost in the west and we will attend it. Saturday afternoon, July 3, a block of seats will be re- served for us in the grandstand.
Thousands of people from the surrounding ranch and mountain country will gather in Livingston for the rodeo, or "Roundup" as it is officially designated there. The roundup is a 3-day event, July 2, 3 and 4. Prominent among the visitors will be eastern guests from surrounding dude ranches who flock into the
city for the celebration. Livingston's roundup arena and grandstand is one of the most pic- turesquely located in the West. It is on the edge of town right near the base of the Rockies. From the grandstand the field of vision embraces the spectacular rodeo exhi- bitions against a background of snow-streaked peaks and pine-forested mountain slopes.
Noted cowboy performers participate in feats of horsemanship, riding unbroken range horses, roping running cattle and grappling and throwing steers and calves.
It will be fascinating to see the great ar- ray of colorful costumes, big hats, beaded vests and "watermelon" silk shirts. People of many types and kinds will be present, from Indians to ranchers, miners and tourists. The clatter of cattlemen's high heels and the clank of spurs will resound on the sidewalks.
Send in your reservations right now so that we will know you are coming. Any conven- tion is an interesting experience; an AOn con- vention is glorious experience; Yellowstone Convention will be most memorable of all. We are looking forward to seeing you.
Arrival of delegates— 2:00 p. m.
!2 :30-5 :00—Registration
7:00—AOII Dinner
8:00—Opening Convention Ritual 8:30—Model Initiation Service
8:30-12:00—Business Session
12:30- 1:30—Luncheon honoring new ini-
2:00- 4:00—Conferences (Sightseeing trip
for members other than delegates) 7:00—AOII Dinner
8:00- 9:30—Bear Show 9:00-10:30— Savage Show and
8:30-12:00—Business Session
12:30- 1:30—Social Service Luncheon
1 :45—Convention picture
2:00- 4:00—Business Session (Social Serv-
ice Program)
4:00- 5:00—Hiking on Canyon Rim, under
escort of U . S. Ranger naturalists 7:00—Old Faithful Dinner honoring "Re-
peaters" 8:30—Memorial Service
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30 8:30-12:00—Business Session 1:00—District Luncheon 2:00- 4:00—Round Tables 4:15—Horse Show
7 :00—Dinner
8:30—Candle-lighting Service, Storytelling THURSDAY, JULY 1
8:30-12:00—Business Session 1:00—Luncheon
2:00- 4:00—Business Session
5:00- 8:00—Canyon walks with rangers.
Then Dinner 9:00—Convention Ball
8:30-12:00—Business Session
1 :00—Luncheon
2:00- 4:00—Business Session 4:30—Installation of Officers, Closing Con-
Morning—Sightseeing trip to Virginia Cas- cades, Mammoth Hot Springs Afternoon—AOII Day at the Livingston,
Montana, Rodeo
vention Ritual 8:15—Convention Banquet
• ••
Models for the Easter dresses were Susan Kuehn, Nancy Ann and Paula Leland, Mrs. Gustave Mrs. Charles A. Smith, Helen Louise (on her knees) and Barbara Kuehn.
Twin Cities Ship 80 Dresses For Kentuckians' Easter
-+- BOXES full of Easter frocks to delight the hearts of 80 girls living in the mountains near Wendover in Leslie County, Ky., were shipped from Minneapolis last week by the Twin Cities Alumna; Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority, as part of its annual Easter gift to the mountain people of the territory sur-
rounding Wendover.
A fund of money from which will be pur-
chased shoes for the same girls completes the alumna gift, which was supplemented with costume jewelry donated by the active chan- ter of the sorority at the University of Min- nesota.
Announcement of the gift calls attention to the extensive experimental project in social work which is being carried on by the na- tional organization of Alpha Omicron Pi for the 12,000 residents of tnree Kentucky coun- ties. It was in 1931 that the sorority de- cided to sponsor the plan and maintain a so- cial service worker, with headquarters in Wendover, to work in cooperation with the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., which then had been in existence for six vears, its stall having
been specially trained in England for mid- wifery service.
Since the nursing service cared for medical cases only, a definite need for aid through other social channels was found. At the pres- ent time Alpha Omicron Pi sorority main- tains Miss Bland Morrow as social service worker, who, from time to time, is aided by volunteers from the membership ranks of the sorority. Miss Morrow's work includes the placement of deaf, blind or otherwise handi- capped children in institutions outside of the mountain territories; aiding talented or ambi- tious persons to improve themselves; supply- ing food for the people; and contact work with other social organizations in the state, as well as the distribution of clothing fur- nished by the sorority. Textbooks and other books and magazines, sewing machines and knitting yarns also are supplied to the peo- ple, and the Alpha Omicron Pi members hope to develop an interest in handiwork which will assist the mountaineers as a means of self-support.
The pleasure brought to the people through
• H
To DRAGMA Edith Goldsworthy, Rachel Frisvold, Gene-
the gifts of new clothing can be realized, ac-
cording to Mrs. Leland F. Leland of Minne-
apolis, national editor of the To DRAGMA, Al- apolis. The group was assisted by Mrs. pha Omicron Pi magazine, and a member of
the alumna? chapter here, when it is known
that most o f th e people ordinarily wear dis-
carded clothing given them or dresses made
from flour sacks.
In addition to the girls' dresses made this
year by the Twin Cities chapter, four frocks
were made especially f o r a 30-year-old wom-
an, mother of 10 children and wife of aman
80 years of age. This gift was prompted the sorority, foron Tuesday evening, April 6, when the sorority learned this mother had
sisted with the project, which has been car-
ried on during the past tw o months, include
Mrs. Laura Nichols, housemother at the ac-
tive chapter house on the university campus;
Mmes. Francis L . Murray, Rollin E . Cutts,
Lloyd P . Johnson, E . J. Neutson and George
Foster o f Minneapolis; Mrs. R ay M . Amberg
and Miss Irma Hammerbacher o f St. Paul; Jackson and Edith Goldsworthy. Miss Mar- and the Misses Betty Ebeling, Bernice Davi- garet Brix is in charge of tickets. The pro- son, Sue Stewart, Ethelmse Eylar, Dorothy ceeds will be used forfurther Kentucky work.
Sonnenfeld, Margaret Brix, Helen Bcehme, —Minneapolis
Viola Neutson Directs T. C. Sewing
-+- VIOLA MINER NEUTSON, second vice presi- dent o f Twin City Alumna; Chapter n o t only inspired the almost wholesale manufac- ture o f children's dresses in Minneapolis this spring, b u t gathered materials, c u t, basted,
finished until we warrant she knows not how many of the 80 garments bear her finger marks. Viola has been responsible for the fine contributions the chapter has sent south- ward fortwoyears or so.
statue of Governor Pillsbury on the campus knoll, on the right o f the sidewalk going from Folwell to the OldLibrary, nowcalled Bur- ton Hall. This class placed the boulder on the lawn o f Shevlin in 1935 to mark the en- trance to the Old Main.
"Mrs. C. J. Rockwood, who was Mrs. Jes- sie Sweatt Ladd, Dean of Women at the University during 1911 and '12 when I was a sophomore, was also a schoolmate of my mother. These ladies have been my life long friends from m y undergraduate days on through the years to contact in the Univer-
Modest and quiet, we suspect that thein-
formation which we are using herewith will
be as new to Tau-ites as to our sisters else-
where. F o r a picture o f Minnesota and T a u sity o f Minnesota Alumna; Club. I have
a few years ago, it is invaluable.
"As far as I know, my father, Julius E.
Miner, age 87, is the oldest living graduate o f Minnesota, being one of the few left of the class o f 1875. H e still enjoys fair health at his home built over fifty years ago out on the prairie edge o f Minneapolis, 3022 Dupont Avenue South. H e came here, the oldest o f twelve children, from a farm in Pine Island, and alternating academic pleasure with har- vest field labor,wrested outoftheOldMain a treasured Phi Beta Kappa key. In1925, eight or ten old people held the fiftieth an- niversary of their class at his home inEx- celsior; one of the ladies embroidered their names pencilled on linen napkins and every- body wasSusie andMary, Johnny andJofor a week.
treasured their association especially because my mother died during m y infancy and their friendship proved an inspiration as well as pleasure.
"My brother, Robert, studied in Engineer- ing (Mechanical) and was a member of Sig- ma Chiin the class of 1910;my younger brother, Elliott, took Architecture with the classof1928andbelongedtoAlphaRhoChi.
"When I was in school, they marked Ex- cellent, Good, Fair, Pass and Fail; I wai graduated in 1914 with an average o f 'Good which entitled m e to a High School Teachers Certificate and taught Junior High one year at Stewartville, Minnesota, a n d have substi- tuted now and then in recent years.
"I remember the funwe had in the chorus directed by M r . Carlyle Scott and Pinafore given in the O ld Armory. Another girl and I led the twocircles of a ballet chorus whtefl kept th e audience amused o r rather enter- tained between acts o f the class play g'ye n
"My mother, Viola Fuller, came from Aus-
tin and graduated in the class of 1877,the
same class honored by our beloved and well
known M r s . Matilda Campbell Wilkin w h o
taught German while I was in college. There at the 'Met.' Ourcostumes were tarlatan trim- is a plaque bearing the names, 13 o r 14, o f med with tinsel.
the members of this class on a tree near the "In order to guarantee" the 'extras' during
vieve Mattson and Jean Ashton, of Minne-
Charles A . Smith and M rs.Gustav Sonnen- feld. Dresses made this year were in sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16, while last year's con- tribution included dresses for younger chil- dren. T h e 1937 gift is th e largest donation of n e w clothing ever sent b y a single chap-
Even the completion o f such a large proj-
ect does notoccasion a lull in the activitiesof
the alumna; chapter will give a benefit dinner from6to8o'clockatthechapterhouse,1121 Fifthstreetsoutheast. Mrs.GlenWestigard is general chairman, and will be assisted by several committees. I n charge o f reserva- tions will be Mmes. Robert D . Davis, Ernest Dahl and Louis Dorweiler, while the dining room will be managed by Mmes. Harold Mel- gaard and E. J. Neutson and the Misses Mary Stone, Jeanette Sweney, Harriet Spencer, lone
MAY, 1937
my senior year, I taught dancing one o r tw o
nights a week; 1 learned to make one lesson
from Miss Lyford in ballet cover three or line. Dean Swift received a silly valentine
"The Daily taught me the good practical
lesson o f punctuality a n d I discovered profes-
sors to be quite delightful people, even when
if he and Mrs. Andrist would chaperon aTau
party. I found every faculty member eager
to know a student personally a n d glad to sup-
ply the 'dope' necessary to cover the 'cub' as- Virginia Mariner Ship, one of the troops in
"As a freshman, 'Prexy' Northrop warmed
me with h is gentle manner which endeared a ll tohimwhetherhewasaddressingoneofour y . W . meetings o r introducing a noted speaker in chapel which m et in the Old Library. Even the boys respectfully and gladly observed his
request that there be no smoking on the cam - Pus; that wasbefore the war.
"President Vincent awed me with his ter- rific vocabulary; his dynamic personality con- vincedusallthatourbestwasnonetoogood tooffertosociety. Itwasarareprivilegeto sit spellbound by his beautiful English and his excellent diction.
"Professor Frank M . Rarig taught m e to think o n m y feet, which with th e intense
the 'post graduate' division o f Girl Scouting.
"Through heraffiliationasa member of Tau Chapter, I have graduated from the Alumnse Group into the Mothers' Club and begin to feel like Dean Swift. I t w as a pleasure to assist Phyllis Hawlish's mother in rejuvenat- ing the furniture in the lounge and to lend a hand to Betty Buckbee's mother ( w h o is a lifelong friend of mine) in serving a manu- facturer's luncheon recently.
"As welfare chairman o f T a u Alumna; this year, I am happy to report that 50 pounds o f clothing, fruit, and toys in addition to $6.00 worth o f candy contributed by the active and pledge groups took th e spirit o f a Minnesota Christmas to nearly 100 children in o u r philan-
thoroughness o f Miss Whitney's demands in
four lessons relayed to a group of business girls in Logan Park Field House under the jurisdiction o f Miss Grace Dinsdale o f th e Welfare League. These girls belonged to Miss Gratia Countryman's Camp Fire Group, one o f the first in the city; they presented to me a copy of Lowell's 'The Courtin'' for di- recting a ballet number danced between acts o f
a play they gave in the old Y . W . Building on Seventh Street between Nicollet and Mar- quette, then First Avenue South.
"MaeMiddleton(T)whoisMrs.William Struthersnow,usedtoplaythepianoformy dancing classes; she received 90 cents and m y pay was $1.00 per evening: this was in the days of five-cent carfare and $2.00 dues. I slept with M ae, Edith Goldsworthy, Mattie Stoner, Leota Kirlin in the rented rooms on Thirteenth Street o r with Zora Robinson w h o lived southeast with h e r parents then.
"During the summers I worked in local playgrounds, taught ballet a n d folk dancing to the other three women park instructors and at the close of the 1914 season we put on an exhibition on the old Harriet Roof Garden. Folk dancing and the grace of the ballet will always carry an association for me of summer popcorn and the fragrance of a real cigar.
"I enjoyed three years in the Minerva Lit- erary Society; the first review I ever gave was of Edward Sheldon's play, 'The Nigger.' Criticism was much more severe in that up- per room in Shevlin during 1911 than it has ever been i n study clubs since. O r perhaps I have learned something in twenty-five years; I hope so. Among the many faces associated with Shevlin and one that is still there and still smiling, is the genial countenance o f Miss Olga Olson, just as good natured as ever in removing the clutter left for her after the last ring of laughter has faded into the night.
one February and read the verse to m y class in Education, adding this reply, 'Darling, I am growing old.' D r . Richard Burton said once, 'I don't know what teaching is, if it is not to get hold of some young life and help it.' I got more of 'the human touch' and more ap- preciation of the meaning of every day life in his course 'The Bible As Literature' and more history of the Jewish people from Mr^. J. B.Gilfillan's Y .W .Extension Course on the Old Testament than I absorbed in all the many years I hadinchurch and Sunday school. Andthelessonslearnedherewere written on my collegiate brain to stay for all time.
" 'Time marches on,' for now my daugh- ter Eleanor has given m e a membership in a vastnewP.-T.A.andMinnesotatakesona different horizon forme. I got quite a 'kick' outofhearinghercuttheHawkeyesouton the jig saw in the fun of Homecoming and I am intensely interested in the prospect o f the new Union Building. 'Twas a queer feeling this year to sit with her Dad on one side of the stadium and help put over that Nebraska victory while across in the section of maroon and gold flags I knew there w a s a voice that would certainly be too hoarse to sing in the Hennepin Avenue Church choir Sunday morn- ing, b u t I also knew th e director would under- stand. When the balloons let go, I just nearly swelled up and bust (with apologies to Dr.
Vincent) because my 'kid' was part of that great happy throng.
"Thrilled with the day's doings, she loves the bigness o f a large University; working in a laboratory, drinking in the beauty of the new Library, swimming in the gorgeous pool, cementing old contacts and making new friends in th e Coetiquette Group o r learning th e latest rules in Bridge with the Kibitzers—it all tells the same story; the early dreams of the founders of Minnesota are being realized, namely, a well rounded education is open to the willing worker. Eleanor enjoys the W. A.A.andisoneoftheY.W.officehost- esses. Recently she won the National Red Cross Award in Senior Life Saving and w as given the rank of Second Mate in the 5". S.
rhetoric, ground into me the value of an out-
An Interview by T. Otto Nail in Scholastic, Max 15, 1937
Miss Bourke-White was amused at my ques- tions. "The drifts were up in the Orange Mountains across the Hudson," she confided. "I was shooting people in winter togs with skiis and snowshoes and, most important of all, shiny new automobiles. The light was fickle. When I had the camera all set up and the handsomely dressed models posed, a cloud would hide the sun and there was nothing to do but wait—with me in the snowdrift."
She chuckled. " Y o u have to take the pic- tures where they are, you know. Besides, to- day's work had no hardships at all. I didn't get nearly as wet and cold as when I went to Canada and tramped about on snowshoes. I set up my camera here and there, blew on my hands to get some of the stiffness out, and when I had set the shutter and opened it, I wondered whether it was working at all.
Chosen One of 10 Foremost Women
-+- FORthe sake of visitors who do not know "And, to go from cold to hot, there was her, I hope that Margaret Bourke-White the time that I had myself carried out on/?|;
(Oil) keeps her collection of photographs of Russian people in the outer-room of her pent- house studio. There is an old peasant with drooping hat and generous beard. There is a wide-eyed, sadly thoughtful little girl. There is a group of youngish men and women at- tending a night-school class. There is a sturdy woman driving a tractor, an oiler doing his chores about an engine, and many another.
Miss Bourke-White's studio is a huge room with large windows. The evidences of a photographer's planning were all about. In one corner stood a piece of lighting equip- ment, with a lamp almost as big as the hook- and-ladder company's searchlights. In the corner diagonally opposite sat myself, on a semi-circular seat backed by two book-cases and flanked by a pair of the new-style easy- chairs in leather and chromium.
She came in with her camera slung over her shoulder, a folded tripod in one hand and a spare pair of shoes in the other.
"I've been sitting in a snowdrift most of the afternoon and I'm covered with mud," she said. "Will you excuse me until I get into some dry things?"
crane over a vat of molten metal in a steel mill. It was so hot that I had to put up a sheet of metal between the camera and the subject until I was ready to make the ex- posure. And then I was afraid that a sudden flash of light from the boiling metal beneath me might spoil m y negatives.
"I went up in elevators and on derricks when they were riveting the Chrysler Build- ing together, and when I had walked out on I-beams, I took pictures from a height of a thousand feet. And I have crawled through the passageways of coal mines a thousand feet underground, and I have stayed there for hours while the men squirmed their way back to connect up my lights. Really, a snowdrift is nothing at all." ,,
"But what makes you like photography-
I asked. "Surely you must have some deep attachment to it, or you wouldn't be up to such punishment, nor up to such marvelous pictures for that matter?" ,
"First of all, photography is my li rework. It began as a livelihood. I started my coj- lege work with the idea of becoming a biol- ogist. My father, who was a naturalist,J$| taught me much, and some pets I hat1 *gf
While I waited I was puzzling about the
snowdrift. Not a flake had come down upon eluding a young boa constrictor—had added to Manhattan Island that day. his good instruction. Then, I had been a
natural history counselor in a girls' summer camp. I was all set to dig into biology courses, get mv eyes adjusted to seeing a great deal through a microscope, and prepare my- self for serious research in museums.
"At the University of Michigan I plunged in. I was deep in my junior year and rep- tiles when my father died and I found it necessary to earn my own way if I was to go on with my studies. After a year of working in the Museum of Natural History at Cleveland, I went to Cornell University, still intending to be a biologist. I had a camera, which I had never regarded very seriously, and I began taking pictures on the
By Durwood Howes
campus. I did it for fun, but soon discov- ered that people liked the pictures and were willing to pay for them. So I used this means of earning my way to commencement.
"Back in Qeveland once more, I began working for architects. But, somehow, the factories in the city's backyard appealed to me more than the houses in the front. I roamed through the factory districts in my off hours, shooting pictures of smokestacks, bridges, and water tanks, never imagining that there would be any sale for such photo- graphs.
"Through these subjects and the pictures I made of them I found a new interest in photography. I came to think of this form of art as the medium of expression that is most closely in harmony with the present machine age.
"The camera itself is a machine. It is made up of gadgets arranged to make use of a mechanical process. From the negative, hun- dreds, even thousands, of prints can be made.
(I, for one, have no patience with the pho- tographer who fails to use this mechanical advantage of his machine, destroying or scor- ing his negatives so that only a limited num- ber of prints are available.)
"Then, in the simple black-and-white truth-
Margaret Bourke-White
fulness of the photograph the story of the machine and the worker who operates it can best he told. The camera is a candid machine. Of course, another kind of artist would handle his subject differently, but the picture made by the camera seems best to me, because it has more in common with the subject than do other pictures.
"As I went along, I discovered that the camera has an almost unlimited capacity for telling the truth about things. It is the ideal instrument for showing texture. It can make a picture of wool, for instance, that looks like wool itself. It can—"
"It can make people look far better than they actually do," I interrupted, "particularly when the camera is set out of focus."
"I have no interest in that dishonest kind
of photography," Miss Bourke-White replied, and I could see that the word "patience" might well have been substituted for "inter- est."
"And that shows what a facile instrument the camera is. It lends itself to all sorts of uses. In spite of its record of achievements, it is merely in its beginning stages. It has a rich field to explore, and there are plenty of adventures for photographers who want to undertake the exploring."
"The idea of adventure appeals to young people," I put in here, "but what about the problems? If you don't mind, I'd like you to tell whether being a woman made it harder or easier."
The answer was as direct and straightfor- ward as Miss Bourke-White's photography: "It is harder for a woman than for a man to start something, but once she gets started she has an easier time because her accomplish- ments attract more attention than a man's would.
"Whether a woman or a man, the photog- rapher finds this problem of getting started one of the worst. He must get as many peo- ple as possible to know his work. My advice to a beginner who has something substantial to show—not mere technique, for technique doesn't mean a thing when you are confronted with the problems of advertising, for example —is to do an endless amount of leg-work, carrying his samples into the offices of all sorts of people, people who might be ex- pected to buy, and people who almost surely wouldn't."
"What about the conflict between creative work and commercial work?" I asked.
"There is a conflict, and it has been both- ering me more and more. I have come to see that, to make a successful advertising picture, I must see things through the adver- tiser's eyes. And that means something dif- ferent from seeing things through the eyes of the artist, particularly if the artist has some social conceptions.
"Here, for example, is the automobile—shin- ing and showy—with the smiling models bound for the skating rink and ski jumps. My trou- ble is that I see the automobile in many other spots — ploughing in a rainstorm, suffering from a blowout, running out of gas. And I have in mind other pictures connected with automobiles—an hydraulic press in an auto- mobile factory, stamping out parts, operated by tired, grimy workers. The photographer loses some of the joy in his work when he finds himself confronted with such conflicts, conflicts that stir him deeply if he thinks of
his camera as a thoroughly honest machine of the country. A magazine editor hired me
made to tell the whole truth. to do it, but he gave me no directions and
"You have probably guessed that I look fore the plane left. I spent those hours, not
upon frankness as one of the qualities of a in packing or even arranging my affairs so
"Speaking of qualities, what would you say
that the young person who wants to be a photographer should expect to find in his own make-up?"
that 1 could leave, but in talking to news- paper people.
"I found out that the drought was in the
"The first one may surprise you. It is good health. I am not thinking of such health- testing experiences as sleeping in caves and eating almost raw mutton when I rode on horseback over the Caucasus Mountains, to get pictures of Russian peasants. I had only native guides who understood no English or the comforts of life. When they got hungry and thought I was, they killed a sheep, cut off the head and roasted the carcass, but that's another story. Nor am I thinking of the trip across the country that I made by air, taking pictures of the route. My only companions were the pilot and co-pilot. They took the doors off the ship so that I could lean out and get snapshots of prairies and lakes and mountains. I slept and ate in a parachute. We started out at two-thirty in the morning to get the first sunlight on the mountains and we worked late to get the side-light effects of twilight. All that, too, is another story."
"And didn't you fall overboard when you were taking the cup races, and have to be fished out by the crew of the Vanderbilt yacht?" I asked.
Miss Bourke-White laughed, but she added: "That was no laughing matter when it hap- pened. That was a trial of poise rather than health, however.
"What I mean by good health is the ability to endure irregular hours, to work long days when the light is right, to stay by the de- veloping all night when it is necessary. That doesn't bother me a bit, any more than climb- ing into an uncomfortable position and stay- ing there without thinking of my aches until the picture is done. Photography is subject to all sorts of natural conditions and some that are unnatural. If you want to be suc- cessful, you must stay at a given job until it is done."
"But there are other qualities. There's the power of observation. The photographer must notice little things. He should watch such seemingly unimportant details as the way in which a waiter sets down a bowl of soup, so that, if the occasion ever demands, he will be able to take a picture of someone doing it properly. He should watch how the lum- berman swings his axe, and the trapper walks on his snowshoes. He should catch the fine lines of expression in the face when a per- son is thoughtful, or sad, or gay. He should not miss any of the movements of the machine he is preparing to photograph.
"That leads directly to another quality that is needed, at least in the kind of photograph I am trying to do—a sense of what consti- tutes news. There was my experience in mak- ing photographs of the drought-stricken areas
only five hours to make my preparations be-
MAY, 1937 13
Cleveland Panhellenic Points Way for City Groups
WHEN a sorority woman lives in Cleve- per month. There is no interest charged on
For 13 years records have been kept of the
scholarship committee and the loans total over
$8,000, and 32 girls have been assisted. It is
interesting to note that 11 of these girls be-
long to national sororities and 21 are not
affiliated. The girls must live within the en-
virons o f Cleveland. Loans are m ade f o r
tuition of juniors and seniors in college. A cause of her interesting personal experience cognovit note for the loan is signed by the
girl and some responsible property owner. The Payments on the note begin upon graduation from college and average about ten dollars
and she tells us about her own sorority's na- tional work. Thus in time a wider acquaint- ance will be possible for the entire member- ship.
land, she is at once aware of Cleveland Panhellenic. If she is affiliated with the local alumnae chaper of her sorority, she knows that the group is dependent upon Panhellenic for the major source of its income and social life.
The organization is over twenty years old and has 22 affiliated chapters. The meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month in a downtown department store. The officers take their positions in the order of their national founding and this year (1936-37) Mrs. Jean Beachy, ASA, is the president.
The annual income is divided three ways: 50% to the Scholarship Fund, 25% to the per- manent sinking fund, and 25% to yearly ex-
penditure. The scholarship finances are in charge of a scholarship chairman rather than the Panhellenic treasurer. In our instance our chairman has a permanent appointment and is a practicing attorney. The sinking fund at present is invested in Government bonds, amounting to $2,000. By June of this year we will add $1,500 to this investment. Panhellenic also owns two shares of stock in the New York Panhellenic House Association which cost $100 each.
The yearly disbursement of 25% includes Panhellenic parties for the board, guests at various times, and so forth, gifts for friends and guests, gifts to local charity, such as car fare for high school students, donations to work in City Hospital and to a School for the Deaf and such requests as come from lime to time. Coupons and interest on savings are
added to the savings account which at pres- ent is $660.20.
the loan while the girl is in college. Interest at the rate of 4% is assessed on the monthly payments only if delinquent. T o date we have found the girls are conscientious about paying their loans and we have not had to resort to suit on the cognovit note in any instance.
During this year Panhellenic has sponsored seven activities. It believes in sharing the profits on at least two money-making projects. One group made nearly $300.00 for its na- tional work while our own group made close to $50.00. This was made possible by spon- soring a lecture series and dividing the prof- its on a percentage basis. Lowell Thomas was one of the speakers of national note who came. We sold tickets to our Great Lakes Exposi- tion and made a great deal of money for all. There are two balls a year. A Candlelight
Tea for celebrities was held in February. Each sorority introduced a prominent member and in many instances national officers were brought from distant states. Zeta Tau Alpha brought an author from the Gulf of Mexico. Panhellenic started the bridge tournament idea in Cleveland many years ago and since other organizations and cities have followed them. Groups of eight sorority women are brought together by the chairman and play bridge for eight times to determine the best player. The players pay twenty-five cents each meeting. Some groups have played many years together. Then there is a luncheon in April for all so- rority women and the contestants play in a section. As the tournament players are eligi- ble to a few prizes which cost over $50.00, it
pla>'S such a vital part in sorority life. In our own chapter we have found it a splendid idea at least three times a year to invite a leader of another sorority to be our guest for the evening. Generally she is selected be-
is quite a coveted position.
Now you know why Cleveland Panhellenic
1i To DRAGMA To the Old Faithful-
The climax of the day will be the "Old talked "Alumnae." A whole year, consist- Faithful Dinner" with Muriel McKinney as
-+- FOR a year now Alpha Omicron Pi has
ing of twelve months and 365 days; a year mistress of ceremonies. A prelude to this fes- full of activity in all alumnae chapters, in tive occasion will be an Indian Ceremonial in all organized alumnae affairs. What a year it tribute to all those who have attended other has been! But a year is only a brief interim conventions—to keep the pipe filled with their in the lifetime of an alumna; so much is yet enthusiasm and loyalty still burning. There to be done—so much will be done as we are to be some special awards to alumnae march ahead. chapters and districts that have shown un-
Alexander Woollcott says, "It all depends of Time" program based on the history of the upon the one who lives it, and the tide of his alumnae chapters of Alpha Omicron Pi. affairs." This past one has been high tide for Rumor has it that the broadcast is to be
very authentic and perhaps quite amusing, with a stooge and what have you. Muriel has gone quite Hollywood getting" it arranged.
The day will close with the Memorial
AnnualPanhellenicDinner atMaryland
much to see—so much to do. To tie up our Alumnae Year, June 29 has been set aside as Alumnae Day. We extend to the "old faithful" and the new a special invitation to share that day with us.
Our two national Vice Presidents, Muriel McKinney and Mary Dee Drummond, are in charge of the day. That insures plenty of variety and plenty of interest. At the end of that day you will realize that alumna; year has not ended, but just begun; for Muriel has given six years to our alumnae problems
and opened vast vistas f o r continued progress through her splendid ability for organization, and Mary Dee has put her soul and heart, plus time and money into our Social Service Work that our garden may grow roses.
To be sure the day will begin with business, but only a brief period to condensed reports, the rest of the morning to. well planned round tables, in the hands of capable leaders who will make them stimulating and thought- provoking and full of zest.
At noon, a Social Service luncheon has been planned with tempting food, unique decorations and a program based upon our accomplishments in that area of endeavor. Mary Dee will be the toastmistress and will convince us again that, while we have shown a noble attitude toward our philanthropic program with the Frontier Nursing Service, we need to open the door much wider, not only to our hearts but to our giving. In the
afternoon a Social Service program will be in the hands of our Social Service Committee with Bland Morrow as featured speaker.
How long is a year—how long is any year? usual progress this year, and then a "March
us. Shall we keep it so?
Imagine 8,000 alumna? hearts thumping an
extra beat the day the Convention folders ar-
rived. Thereupon, 'tis sure, 8,000 minds went
rampant—what a perfect time to sec that Service at 9 P. M.
showplace of the Rockies—what a treat to be How long is a day—how long will be with friends from all parts of the country for Alumnae Day? It all depends upon your be- a week at the beautiful Canyon Hotel—what ing there, and giving it your all.
a chance to arrange a motor trip and com-
bine the love of travel with a week of planned
entertainment at the Park. Husbands, of
course, and the children. Could the budget -+- OPENING with hors d'ceuvres at the Kappa be tricked? Surely no one said "for me it is Kappa Gamma house followed by a sys- impossible"—for nothing is impossible! tematic round of all of the sisterhoods for
From all reports this is to be the largest various courses and ending with dessert at Convention in our history. And it should be. the AOIT house, the annual progressive din- There are so many inducements offered—so ner was held Saturday, March 13, and was
Honor New, Honor Bright
Who Will be Honored on June 29th?
The Alumna . . .
Who comes from most distant point. Who has been an AOII the longest
(Founders excepted).
Who is the youngest.
Who has the most children.
Who has the most AOII daughters. Who has the most AOII relatives.
Who has attended the most conventions
(Founders excepted).
Who has been alumnae chapter president
The Alumnce Chapter . . .
Which has most representatives present. Which has exceeded its quota.
Which has sent in the most magazine
Which has sent in the largest contribu-
tion of materials and clothing to
Bland Morrow.
Which has the largest paid-up member-
ship in proportion to the alumnae
in the locality.
Which offers the best planned program. Which has sent in most annual To
DRAGMA subscriptions.
Alumnce Day Chairman
MAY, 1937
And the New
climaxed by a dance in the gym-armory from 9 until 12,with Frank Stevenson's boys fur- nishing the musical background.
Alpha Xi Delta and Delta Delta Delta were hostesses for the main courses of the dinner at the Tri-Delt menage. Kappa Delta spon- sored the salad.—Maryland Alumni News.
Margaret Bourke -White Honored
Middle West, so I flew all night to Omaha. I slept from six-thirty, when we arrived, until eight-thirty, then I called the newspaper of- fices in Omaha. I found some evidences of drought not far away. But when somebody said that things were dry in Texas I flew down there. Then someone else told me how- bad conditions were in the Dakotas, so 1 flew up that way. Of course I had to charter a plane for the trip, for all of this had to be done quickly and the pictures sent back to New York, so that they could be published before the drought was ancient history. Fre- quently 1 got up as early as four in the morning and worked until almost dark. And then I had to do my traveling afterward.
"All this merely illustrates that the pho- tographer who is out after news-worthy pic- tures must go to the sources where news is being made. It is his sense of news values that comes to his aid.
"Patience is a virtue, I suppose, in all kinds of work, but in none more than photography. After waiting for days for the sun, you may have a burst of light in the middle of the day. Frantically you will set to work to get your automobile moved to the proper place and your models in position and then, when you have spent three hours or so in this preparation and are all set, the sun will go under a cloud and stay the rest of the dav. Exasperating? That's why you need patience, and more patience.
"Of course, the photographer needs many other qualities—courage enough to try some- thing new and good judgment in handling his models as well as his camera and himself. But above all these other qualities I believe I would place light-heartedness. He must be anxious about his work, so anxious that he is willing to take infinite pains, but he must never let those he is working with discover this, and he must not allow his anxiety to get into his pictures. He must work as though he had a double-barrelled mind, half of it straining to do the job with minute attention to detail, the other half loose-jointed
(if I may use such a word) and carefree. "This light-heartedness comes from an hon- est view of life. We come into contact with so much sham, so much that is based on false standards, so much that is ugly and brutal, and we must show some of this, as the candid- camera shots of strikes have done. But fun- damentally it is a grand world, with possibili-
ties of being far grander, if we do our part."
ALUMN.F. D A Y is an innovation in AOII Conventions. It's going to be an event m this AOIT Convention, because Ruth Cox Segar (0) is to be its chair- man. Ruth might easily be called the "Voice of AOII Experience," because, as Ohio District Alumnae Superintend- ent, she has given a new meaning to the word "alumnae"; as financial adviser o f Theta Eta she has crossed the Ohio River frequently (with time out for relief work during the flood) to share in and guide active chapter life; and as an AOII imbued with the spirit of our Social Service work, she has ridden over Kentucky mountain paths with Mary Dee Drummond and Bland Mor- row to visit many a family of "Browns," such as Bland so graphically described in the last To DRAGMA. These are only a few of Ruth's fraternity activities, but they at least give you an idea of the range of her AOII interests and an as- surance of a stimulating and lively pro- gram on Alumnae Day. Superlatives are
feeble when used to describe Ruth. The Founders must have had a vision of girls like her when they conceived our ritual. T o speak freshly of qualities like loyalty, courage, service, intelligence, sensitivity and humor is difficult, but to live so that they are synonyms in the minds of your friends for you is to ful- fill AOII ideals. Ruth does that. Share Alumnae Day with her in Yellowstone! — A N N E JETER NICHOLS.
Diary of a Dude Ranch
entrance to
-f- June 27. Dude season is about to start with a bang. Marian (the cabin girl) and I have been putting the finishing touches on the lodge and cabins for the past two weeks. Clara (the cook) has been rearranging her pots and pans which I put in the wrong places during her absence this winter. Bob (the chore boy) has raked the whole place and has enormous piles of wood stacked up for the stoves and fireplaces. Fred (the wran- gler) and Earl (the husband) have the horses shod and have "topped off" the ones whose long vacation have given them an inclination
to buck.
showers. Mary, who had never been on a horse before today, came to me confidentially and asked if I had any liniment. I gave her some and all evening there was an aura of Sloans about her, but I noticed that she danced without any appearance of kinks in her anatomy. They were all very much intrigued at seeing most of the men dancing in their cowboy boots. When some of the cowboys started giving great whoops in the middle of the dance, Mary and Kay thought shooting would follow shortly, but May explained, from her previous experience, that it was merely an expression of appreciation of the good time they were having.
Tune 28. Earl met the noon train in Cody
and brought out the first five Dudes. George,
Katherine, Mary and Bill are all new, but
May was here last summer and we had a
regular session exchanging the news of Chi-
cago and Wyoming. W e showed them all over
the place and after dinner Earl and Fred up a costume for George, too. "bucked out" a horse and did some rope
spinning in front of the lodge to give them
their first western thrill.
June 29. This morning there was much ex- citement around the corral. A l l the Dudes sat on the fence while their horses were picked out for them, roped and saddled and the stir- rups adjusted. I breathed a sigh of relief as they all disappeared up the trail into the forest. The first Dudes were started out on their first ride. When they returned about five the news that we were all invited to a neigh- boring ranch to dance started a rush for the
July 2. Had been asleep several hours when something jumped in the middle of the bed. Thought of bear, but it turned out to be Olive and Bertha, two old time Dudes. They drove out from New York and we hadnt expected them for another day, but they got in a hurry toward the end. By the time we had exchanged the news and made a visit to the cake box and milk pans, Bob came down to the kitchen to build the fire for breakfast. The girls retired to their cabin with a note on
their door to let them sleep until noon. Earl and I snatched two hours' sleep and started to
July 1. Stampede starts tomorrow. We spent the evening fixing up a costume for Earl who clowns in the parade. George asked if they would allow a Dude to help him clown. Earl thought the more the merrier, so we rigged
A dude and a wrangler meet atop a kill at Absaroka Lodge on Cody Road, twelve miles from the east
was very much of a gentleman in every re- spect except concerning the ownership of horses, they seemed to find much of mutual interest. Started for home at 3 A.M. The Dudes were still awake and sang to the moon all the way home. I slept. Bertha and Olive
we were all ready and started down to Wolfville, the dance hall, in finery ranging from Mary's expensive silk afternoon frock to Earl's and Fred's high-heeled boots, bright shirts and big hats. We met friends, intro- duced everyone and soon all of us were danc- ing. May kept seeing friends from the year before who kept her whirling. I introduced Kay to our good friend, Jimmy the horse
MAY, 1937
Cody with the rest of the Dudes. We found town jammed with cars, horses, natives, Stam- pede hands and Dudes. We went into the Irma, Buffalo Bill's old hotel, and found a table. While we ordered lunch, Earl and George went to the men's wash room to don their costumes. Earl reappeared in an orange bathing suit, enormous Mexican straw hat and cowboy boots. George tripped about daintily in an oversized pair of gym bloomers and a silly little hat trimmed with Alpine flowers. We went out to the sidewalk to watch the parade of cowboys, cowgirls, famous char- acters, stage coaches, covered wagons and Indians—not to mention Earl and George. Went on into the Stampede grounds just back of the parade and found our seats. As Earl and George passed the announcer's box, they yelled down and asked Earl who was his friend in the bloomers. Earl yelled back that it was his assistant from Chicago. They garbled it a bit and the announcement came over the loud speaker that the clowns were Earl Hayner and a sissy from Chicago. George was not insulted, however, but came up in our box for us to take some pictures to prove he had clowned at the Cody Stampede. Bucking horses, calf ropers, bull-doggers, horse races—•
all the excitement of a western rodeo kept
us at fever pitch for three hours. We hurried
back to the main street to do some shopping
before the stores closed. As we passed the
Log Cabin Saloon, George suggested we all
go in and see what a real western saloon
looked like. We persuaded Mary she need
only take a ginger ale if she wished and that
no one would shoot her and crowded up to
the bar. Earl brought over Nick Knight, one
of the top bronc riders and two other rodeo
hands and introduced them to the Dudes. The
Dudes and all of us were thrilled to hear
that Earl had persuaded all three of the
riders to rest up at the lodge a few days
after the Stampede. We eased out of the
Log Cabin and had a hurried meal before
we took Bill to the train. He had to go back
to New York. We had just waved him out
of sight when Fred said we should all come
over to his aunt's house to wash up for the big
dance. Back to town we trooped into Mrs.
Cody's house. (Fred is a grandson of Buffalo
Bill Cody). Kay was thrilled when I assured thief, and, when I had assured her that he her that it was quite all right to go to the
dance in her riding boots and pants. She added a bright scarf and a touch of lipstick to match and was ready to go. Eventually,
This little moose got a bottle when Charlotte
Hayner, Epsilon,
it was
were asleep again—or yet—when we arrived in time to see the first bucking horse come so they must be all ready for tomorrow. out of the chutes. After the show we stopped July 3. Earl took Bertha and Olive in to to talk to some of the Rodeo hands we knew the Stampede and returned in the night with and to look over the race horses. Got some them and two new Dudes. The rest of us rooms for the night and will go out to eat
slept all morning and rode in the afternoon. July 5. The three bronc riders arrived for their visit. They rode with the Dudes and we lried our best to get them bucked off but, though they gave us a good exhibition, we had no luck in getting any of them thrown. Spent a tjuiet evening by the fireplace listening to their stories of former rodeos, famous
and dance and see the sights.
July 21. The men came to our cabin about nine this morning and told us Fred was among the missing. We had all assumed, when we went to bed that he would turn up before morning since no one had seen him then for several hours. We rushed up town and the first man we saw was Sheriff Blackburn. "I
bucking horses and bad spills from some of think I know where your man is," he said.
July 7. The bronc riders' last day here so
we took our lunch and went into the Park to fish in Yellowstone Lake. Clara held off sup- per and kept her frying pans hot so that within half an hour of our return we were sitting down to a trout supper.
and we ate like a bunch of starved lumber him into the car and came back to the lodge. jacks. Around the camp fire Earl and Fred He is now quite a hero having spent the night told us stories until time to crawl into bed. in jail and rescued his ten gallon hat at the They woke us up in the morning by yelling, expense of a fine and a sprained ankle. "Rears in camp." There was nothing more
July 10. Yesterday morning we took food
and beds and went on an overnight trip—
across the river and up a trail through the
forest. Ate some sandwiches by the creek
at noon and on up and up until we arrived
at timber line about 5:00. The men pitched
a tent, set up the camp stove and started have him back. He was finally returned to us supper. Fred fixed our beds on the ground in exchange for $15.00. Gleefully we thrust
dangerous, however, than a little deer grazing away beside the horses. That morning we rode up on top to the glacier, had a grand snow fight, and watched a band of elk crossing over into the next canyon. Had a lunch, broke camp, and rode home in time for a shower before dinner.
July 12. Earl came back from Cody last
night with three new Dudes who are going on
a two-weeks' pack trip. He brought all tin- When Earl and I went to retire we found food, Johnny to cook and Chuff to wrangle.
We all watched them packing the horses this
morning. The horse, Jumbo, whom they
named after me, didn't like the feeling of the
stove along side of her ear so she proceeded
to buck it off along with various pots and
pans and an assortment of food. After she crawled in. The first month of Dude season was caught and repacked, she seemed to be is nearly over—two more yet to come!
ashamed of herself for she went along quietly enough. The other Dudes rode along with the pack train until after lunch and then came on back to the lodge.
July 17. We drove up to the Park to Canyon Lodge for the dance tonight. Some of the Rangers we knew were there so we had lots of fun. Rode home by the Lake. It was bright moonlight and lovely.
Hostess Night Will Feature Song
-+- DON'T say you weren't warned! On June 28, Hostess Night at convention, you will have a chance to show how well you can sing. Your pet song may win a first or second place July 20. Part of us went to Jackson for or honorable mention for you. Be sure your
a day of the Rodeo. Earl stayed at the lodge with the ones who didn't want to go. Fred drove us and I went along as honorary chaperone. My duties on the way consisted mainly of keeping George and Sydney from capturing a small bear cub who came out to beg. Stopped in the Teton Park at Jenny's Lake for our lunch and got to Jackson just
song is a good one; then really know it and come prepared to sing it with good diction and enthusiasm. If the winning songs are new ones, all of us will learn them and they will be included in the next song book.
Only a month until we're off so get busy and let's sing our way through Yellowstone.—
"They put him in jail last night for fighting." In horror, we followed him to the liny stucco jail. He left us outside and went in. In a moment a familiar voice said, "Howdy, folks" and Fred's face peeked out through the bars. "How did you get in there?" we yelled, and he explained that someone had tried to steal his hat, it resulted in a fight and there he was. We located the night cop who had made the arrest and the judge and they brought Fred across the alley to the court room. We told the judge that Fred had always led a blame- less life and that, furthermore, he was our
very valuable horse wrangler and we had to
July 27. The pack trip party returned to- day and we are celebrating with a big dance. Have hired an orchestra and invited all the people between Cody and the Park. Helping Clara make sandwiches and listening to the adventures of the people home from the trip. Chuff is playing his guitar and singing cow- boy songs and gazing soulfully at Bertha.
company had appropriated our bed — there were two men asleep—in fact, snoring. There and then, Earl remembered he had invited them to stay. As all the other beds were I full, we dragged out a camp bed and dropped
July 28. The dance was a great success.
it down by the living room fireplace and
.MAY. 1 9 3 7
Gardners Join Official Family of Philippines
-f- WHEN Paul V. McNutt, high commis- sioner of the Philippines, made up his staff of aides, his choice brought moving day to the Wayne Coys and the Leo M . Gardners of Indianapolis. T o Indianapolis AOn's it meant saying goodbye to Dorothy Sinclair
Gardner (I) who is Mrs. Leo.
According to the Indianapolis Nezvs M r .
Gardner, who is legal adviser to McNutt, is a member of the law firm of Jones, Ham- mond Buschmann & Gardner.
"He attained public prominence in 1933 when, as a state representative from Marion county, he aided in drafting the state banking act, wrhich set up a new banking code for Indiana. He has done considerable work for the state department of financial institutions in an unofficial capacity.
" 'The appointment was such a complete sur- prise to us that I can hardly believe it is really
true,' said Mrs. Gardner, 'but we are all and alumna; chapters who reported the high
Gardner on the
lated voice inspired all of us by the beautiful
splendid opportunity for visitors to fill the time with: "Do you know?" Mary Amner, toastmistress, introduced presidents of active
thrilled about it. Kellie and I are trying to learn all we can about the Philippines before we go, but time is speeding along.'
lights of the year. The active chapter gave a skit entitled: "The Tragedy." Mary Dee Drinnmond vividly and humorously described
evidence of preparations for the trip, what with packing and shopping. Just what to buy in the way of wearing apparel is a problem, for living in the tropics is a great change from the variable climate of Indiana.
"Young Kellie is all excitement over the trip. In fact, he said he was so thrilled that he couldn't sleep 'until midnight' the night after he was told of the plans.
"He is a pupil at School 70.
"Mrs. Gardner has been an active member of the Indianapolis and Indiana Leagues of Women Voters."
and Anne Nichols gave an excellent talk about our alumnae program.
We enjoyed a trip around the beautiful, mountainous campus, later we went to the chapter lodge for a buffet supper. The girls own a well kept five-room lodge. Many guests stayed over night and shared hospitality with the girls in the dormitories.
During the visit there was an opportunity for the actives from Miami, Denison and Cincinnati, to exchange ideas. This third Ohio Day was a definite success as the reser- vations far surpassed expectations.
110 Attend Ohio State Day in Granville
Picturesque Granville Inn was the place our hostesses from Alpha Tau appointed as our reunion headquarters. One hundred and ten of us assembled before luncheon for the initi- ation of five pledges. "Mimi" Dorr, presi- dent, presided and with her clear, well modu-
"Gardner said he, Mrs. Gardner and their
j?ig;ht-yeaf-old son, Leo Kellie Gardner, plan
to leave Indianapolis to go to his new post
March 29. He has taken a leave of absence
from his law firm. He was born in Murphys-
boro, Illinois, and received his liberal arts and
law degrees from the University of Illinois.
He came to Indianapolis to practice law ten service. The intimate luncheon provided a years ago.
"The Gardner home, 5119 Broadway, showed her recent trip to the Kentucky Mountains
Leo. M. Philippines
and Kellie are looking for globe for the Islands are
new home.
Mrs. the
urday morning, April 17, and to arrive in Granville at noon with a warm spring day and evening ahead surely was an excellent primer for an alumna to return to the spirit of active, college days.
W . BURI.INGAME, Omicron Pi
-f- To LEAVE bleak, cold Cleveland early Sat-
3 Americans Enroll in Munich
QUIRK, Pi Delta
of nationalities, and as many mother tongues being spoken. German, however, was the common language, and even the three of us who were the "baby" beginners' class, soon found it possible to be understood, and we went native along with the Hungarians, the Lithuanians, and the F inns. A n d everyone
does go native there. A l l the boys wore the Bavarian costume of leather shorts and Ty- rolean hats, while the girls wore the peasant "dirndl" dress. Of course, we all had bi- cycles, which is the conventional method of travel.
Quirk, Pi page of a Washington
a job with an
at Mary-
land last yeafr, where she was on the Y.W. Cabinet and woman's editor of The Terrapin. As a result of this picture appearing on the society
Delta, was
nexvspaper, advertising
she was agency.
The University plans for almost every -+- DURING the past summer it was our good minute of your time during the course. fortune, accompanied by our mother, to Classes finished at noon, after which there tour France, Belgium and Germany and at- were sight-seeing trips, lectures by well- tend summer school at the University of known men, or "sings" where we all gath-
Munich. Our itinerary carried us first to Paris, which seems to be perfection in the minds of many travelers, especially ladies. The Parisians are a people of nerve, energy, wit, and keenness which makes Paris an in-
ered to sing native folk songs. But the week-ends were the best. Each Friday night we had a dance, and soon we were adept at everything from the Viennese Waltz to the Polish Schottische. Then the next morning the entire enrollment of 125 would pile into
fluential city. It was, however, the talk of
many travelers that tourists were not ac- trains or busses for excursions to the Ba- corded the same hospitable treatment as in varian Alps. You have never been cold in the other countries, especially Germany.
From Paris we jumped to that official and
important center—Brussels, a city built by
kings. It is a city of great interest, with its
collection of precious things of gold and tireless German, who was brought up climb- treasures of art. The many shops and cafes ing Alps, as your guide.
line the streets and in some instances extend But the word "student" is a magic word half-way across the street. "Here," says there. From the first day when we were Kleanor, "Anne Marie (now Mrs. Warren greeted by the mayor and" handed the keys Tydings) bought her wedding veil." From of the city, Munich took us in. It is a lovely
Brussels we journeyed on to Cologne, the city with a small-town atmosphere, and even
perfume town and the most noted city on ilu hanks of the Rhine. Then came Heidel- berg, the site of the oldest and most cele- brated University of Germany. It is old and not particularly impressive, but in its library is the best collection in the world of
ancient documents. Following a couple more stops we arrived at that world-renowned, friendly, and good-natured city of Munich. But who wouldn't be good-natured and hap- py if located in that glorious Bavarian moun- tain climate? Here we entered the Summer School of the University of Munich, which
is quite different from the Summer School of the University of Maryland.
At Munich there were only 125 students enrolled, but this group represented dozens
if you don't like beer you will learn to like Munich beer. It is undisputedly the best in the world. And it cannot make you fat be- cause you work too hard pedalling your bicycle around.
Munich left its mark on us, but the Quirks have left theirs on Munich too, I'm afraid. We corrupted the very, very correct Oxford English of all the little German boys with our worst and most expressive American slang!
Following summer school, we continued on, stopping at Lucerne and Interlaken, Swit- zerland; Innsbruck and Salzburg, Austria; Brechtisgarden, Dresden, Berlin, and Ham- burg, Germany. Of these, Dresden, the lo-
[ C O N T I N U E D O, N P A G E 2 1 ]
your life until you have been swimming in an alpine lake fed by a glacial stream. And you have never been tired until you have tried to climb an Alpine mountain with a
MAY, 1937
Vandy Builder Is An AOII
PAT SPEARMAN (NO) is the second woman
student in the history of the University to be editor of the yearbook. The other coed held office back in 1919. She promises a book this year that will be "drastically different"— the major change being a complete separa- tion of men's and women's pictures. "The Commodore will really be like two separate books, with no combined features, and will come out around the last of April."
Vanderbilt could almost be called her home, for she has probably spent more time here than in any other place. Born in Plattsburg. New York, she started traveling at a very early age and still does when she's not in school. The fact that her father is a gov- ernment engineer accounts for her having lived in all parts of the United States, the Canal Zone, South America, and on the Continent. She said that she attended dozens of dif- ferent schools before entering the Univer- sity. Incidentally, she didn't just "light" here, but selected V anderbilt because of family con- nections.
She insists on describing herself as "having an ugly temper, dancing abominately, and using poor diction." She reads historical novels and lists Jane Austen, Warwick Deeping, and Mar- garet Mitchell among her favorite authors. "I like Southern people," she said, "but I don't like their food. It's too spicy." North- ern dishes—particularly New England boiled dinners—are most satisfying to her.
Winter sports—skating, mainly—swimming, and horseback riding occupy her athletically. Black clothes for street wear and suits for school fill her wardrobe, along with the 28 sweaters that compromise a collection she's making. Movies don't interest her, so she seldom goes.
Pat declares that she is tired of traveling around and says that she wants to settle down. However, she denies any "aspirations concern- ing marriage," but admits that she is at- tracted to men who are not effeminate and won't be bossed around. She emphasizes the
fact that she's not in love—because " I haven't met anyone yet that I can care that much about."
3 AOII's In Munich
cation of the famous Dresden Picture Gal- lery, a collection of which ranks foremost in the world, was probably the most inter- esting. Hamburg, our point of embarkation, is one of Germany's oldest cities but looks very modern. In fact, much to our surprise, modern architecture was quite noticeable throughout our trip.
Much of the unrest which we have heard so much about was quickly forgotten when we arrived in Munich and neither were we impressed with any war-like exhibitions while in Germany. Everything seemed quite peaceful. However, it was good to see the Statue of Liberty again.—Maryland Alumni Neivs.
Viola Neutson Directs Sewing
thropic center in Kentucky. Each youngster
had a chocolate Santa and a gay bag of col- Cats, soot, and rain are her greatest dis- ored gum drops, suckers, cherries, caramels,
likes; traveling and camping fill her vacation mints, jelly beans and marshmallows. We arc
periods; target practice appeals greatly to her, and she recalls the receiving of a gun on her tenth birthday as the most exicting thing that ever happened to her.
collecting sturdy percales and ginghams now which will be made into children's dresses to reach Kentucky about Easter time. I forgot to say that one Hill Billy was all decked out
"Miss Editoress" is a senior in the academic for Christmas in a suit and felt hat given by
school, is majoring in French, and plans to "wander somewhere" when she graduates. A t present she is vice president of Women's Stu- dent Government Association, treasurer of the Panhellenic Council, a member of Bachelor Maides, and serves on the board of directors of the Masque Gub.—The Vanderbilt Hustler.
an AOII husband. Bless him!
"So it is that we study and work and play
together and send a little sunshine to children less fortunate than our own, because the joys we have experienced in the warmth of our fraternity circle make us open our hearts to the world at large."
to settle
the terrace formations in the vicinity of Mam- moth. From Gardiner, special service will be provided to Livingston, where we arrive at 1:00 P. M. for the Rodeo. Alpha Omicron Pi convention ticket includes this trip between Canyon and Gardiner. Kverybody holding railroad ticket from their home town, will have their side trip between Gardiner and Liv- ingston included in their railroad ticket, so there is no extra expense connected with the Livingston Rodeo trip, except $1.25 grandstand fee. A large section of the grandstand has
been reserved for Alpha Omicron I'i. The Livingston Rodeo is an outstanding western attraction and hundreds of people come from New York, Boston, and other cities every year just to see the spectacle of western cow- boys and Indians riding bucking broncos, wild steers, racing and carrying on the sports and pastimes of the range. After the Rodeo, the people of Livingston, a very hospitable western city, are giving a dance in honor of Alpha Omicron Pi—wear sport clothes or riding
habit, or bright shirts or neckerchiefs. Pos- sibly you have never seen so colorful an affair. Those desiring to hurry home will take the Northern Pacific "North Coast Limited" at 10:15 P. M . the night of July 3; this train arrives at Minneapolis 10:12 P. M. the next day, July 4, or in Chicago at 8:45 A. M. July 5. Persons traveling west from Livingston can be accommodated in Pullman sleeping cars which are parked at Livingston
all night, these Pullmans leaving Livingston 8:10 A. M. July 4, arriving Seattle 8:10 A M. the next day, or Tacoma 8:10 A. M . or Port- land 7:35 A. M. July 5, for connection to California and the southwest. There is another Northern Pacific train leaving Living- ston 2:15 A. M. July 4, direct for Pacific Northwest cities.
(2) Members of the fraternity who elect to stay in Yellowstone after convention, may, on their regular convention tickets, stay up to the afternoon of July 3, at Canyon, with break- fast and luncheon included in their tickets,
After Convention-
Home, Glacier,
-+- CONVENTION closes with the banquet on then go out Gardiner, which is included in the evening of Friday. July 2, and after their tickets; in which case they would de-
this brilliant conclusion to our Yellowstone Park convention, trips homeward are in order and one may do any of the following:
(1) After breakfast at Canyon Hotel, Sat- urday, July 3, all Alpha Omicron Pis who are going to celebrate Rodeo Day in Livingston, will leave on their regular convention tickets, using motor buses from Canyon Hotel to Vir- ginia Cascades, Norris Geyser Basin, with trip over this most active of the present-day geyser basins in Yellowstone, under leadership of National Park Service ranger-naturalistis. Then sightseeing stops will be made at points of interest along the road, including Twin Lakes, Roaring Mountain, Obsidian Cliff, Apollinaris Springs, Golden Gate, Rustic Falls, the Hoodoos, Mammoth Hot Springs and
Gardiner. On this trip, we see the tallest mountains of the Yellowstone, White Peaks, 9,800 ft.; Mt. Holmes, 10,300 ft.; Three Rivers Peak, 9,900 ft.; Gray Peak, 10,300 ft.; Elec- tric Peak, 11,155 ft. Stops will be made at Jupiter Terrace and the party will walk over
part from Gardiner 7:15 P. M., arriving Min- neapolis 10:12 P. M . the next day, or Chicago 8:45 A. M. the morning of July 5; or if ut o- ward travelers, they would leave Gardiner at Ihe same time, arriving in Seattle, Tacoma or Portland early morning of July 5, for connec- tion to California, etc.
(3) Another option, which some members of the fraternity are interested in, is the pur- chase of $11.00 extra bus transportation ticket, from Transportation Agent at Canyon Hotel, and those taking this trip to Old Faithful and Cody will leave Grand Canyon the morning of July 3 in buses for Old Faithful, having lunch- eon at Old Faithful (which is included in the
convention ticket), then staying the afternoon and evening at Old Faithful and until 2:20 P. M., July 4, when they leave Old Faithful for Yellowstone Lake, remain overnight at Lake, and leave the next noon for Cody, arriving Cody at 5 :51 P. M., July 5. Trains depart after dinner at the Burlington Inn, in early evening, for Twin Cities and Chicago,
MAY, 1937
via Burlington and Northern Pacific, or from Cody on the Burlington to Casper, Cheyenne, Denver, from where trips may be made east or to the west coast. As your convention ticket expires with luncheon July 3, there would be the following additional cost for this Old Faithful-Cody trip.
Dinner and lodging, July 3, at Old Faithful. Breakfast and lunch, July 4, at Old Faithful. Dinner and lodging, July 4, at Lake Hotel. Breakfast and luncheon, luly 5, at Lake
Dinner at Cody Inn. July 5—Total 2 extra
breakfasts, 2 luncheons, 3 dinners, 2 lodgings —$14.50 altogether for your meals and lodg- ings or $25.50 for the Old Faithful-Cody trip.
If you have never been in Yellowstone Park, we urge you to take this Old Faithful-Cody return for the Cody Road is one of the most spectacular highways to be found in America. The scenery is beautiful, in places fantastic.
If you wish to go to Old Faithful and then to return to Gardiner, such a trip may be arranged.
Arrangements for trips after convention may be made in advance by writing to Mr. Max (ioodsill, General Passenger Agent North- ern Pacific Ry., St. Paul—or at the Trans- portation Desk at Canyon Hotel during con- vention.
Post Convention Tour To Glacier National Park
AFTER closing of Alpha Omicron Pi con-
vention at Grand Canyon Hotel, Yellow- stone Park, with breakfast July 3, there will be a party of Alpha Omicron Pi's traveling together on a post convention tour to beauti- ful Glacier National Park. This trip embraces a bus sightseeing tour to Old Faithful, where meals and lodging are included through break- fast July 4, thence to Yellowstone Lake for lunch, then the spectacular Cody Road, dinner at Burlington Railroad Inn, Cody, July 4. Since the Cody Rodeo dates have been changed to July 1, 2 and 3, it will not be possible to attend this Rodeo so we will leave at 7:15 p. Iff-,via C. B. & Q. and G. N. rail- roads for Glacier.
Monday, July 5
At 12:40, noon, we arrive at Glacier Park Station, and are greeted by a delegation of Blackfeet Indians. Luncheon at Glacier Park Hotel. After luncheon, we board motor buses for a twelve mile trip to T w o Medicine Lake, stopping at Trick Falls en route. T w o hours are spent at Two Medicine Lake, during which time a launch ride around the Lake is made. We are returned to Glacier Park Hotel for dinner and lodging.
Convention Costs
Canyon Hotel (Commencing with dinner
June 27 through luncheon July 3)....$39.00
Bus transportation, round trip, Gardiner
to Canyon H-50
*Registration fee (Banquet tax, AOPi-
zette, tips) 500
Convention headquarters will be at Canyon Hotel and all officers and delegates will be housed there in a great wing, which we ex- pect to fill entirely with AOH's. We will have all the baths in this wing on the floors we occupy; this does not mean that we will all have "rooms with private bath" but does mean that our Convention ticket entitles us to access to baths. Some rooms have private baths, other rooms and suites have baths between; for other rooms there are public_ baths, con- veniently spaced. First reservations receive preference in rooms but all who come will have fine rooms and access to the baths on AOI1 floors of the hotel.
Members of the fraternity, coming to Con- vention by auto, may elect to purchase $39.00 hotel Convention ticket. If they plan to stay less than the full Convention period or if they wish less expensive accommodations, we rec- ommend that they register at Canyon Lodge, which is across the Canyon from the Hotel.
Rates at Canyon Lodge are only $4.50 per day, American Plan, including all meals and lodgings, in attractive rustic cabins.
Also lor auto travelers, there is the Canyon Camp. Here you may rent cabins at $1.00 per day for one person, $1.25 for two persons; $2.00 for three persons, taking your meals at the Cafeteria. The Camp Cabins have rustic- furniture but no blankets, sheets or pillows— bring your own bedding, as many autoists do, or you can rent it at the Camp on arrival.
The registration fee should be sent with the registration blank in order to reserve rooms.
At Alpha Omicron Pi Conventions, the cus- tom is to travel direct to the convention hotel and return, and our Convention ticket, totaling $55.50, is based on that plan. There is a con- siderable amount of sightseeing included in our ticket—both on June 27 and the morning of July 3. However, it is probable that many will desire to stay longer in Yellowstone Park, and to see more of its 3,300 square miles of scenery than we include in our Convention ticket—if you are one of these, your program would be to travel on July 3 to Mammoth and Old Faithful for overnight, and on July 4 go out Cody or any gateway. The cost of this extra trip will be $11.00 for bus transportation and the extra meals and lodgings at Mammoth and Old Faithful at $6.50 per day, American Plan, if you stay at the hotels, or $4.50, American Plan, if you stay at the Lodges. You can arrange for this extra trip while at Canyon Hotel during Convention. Just call at the transportation desk.
For railroad expenses, automobile routings, inquire at your local offices or write to Mr. Goodsill concerning the former.
•Paid personally by all.
For Economy, Go Tourist
-f- THK AOH Special will -carry one tourist Pullman for the benefit of travelers who wish to cut down expenses between Minne- apolis or St. Paul and the Park. The accom- modations are comfortable, the car being air- at 10:35 a. m. Afternoon free for indepen- conditioned; the same diner will serve all cars dent amusement. Luncheon, dinner and lodg- and passage between all cars will be possible. ing at Many Glacier Hotel. Mr. Goodsill will make reservations. The cost
[CONTINUED ON PACE 24] is about half the regular rate.
Tuesday, July 6
After breakfast, we board comfortable
motor buses for a 55-mile ride along a moun- tain highway and up over Hudson's Bay Divide to Many Glacier Hotel, arriving there
like a picture of that to paste in your own scrapbook?
How manyofyouwanttobeontheA 0 Pizette staff? I t is great f u n working on a three-time newspaper, copy for which will be prepared in Canyon, carried to Gardiner by the rangers, sent into Livingston to the Liv- ingston Enterprise where it will be printed. If you want to volunteer your services, write to the To DRAGMA editor, Wilma Smith Leland, 2642 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, at once. Visitors who are not regular delegates are especially invited to lend their talents. Be a columnist, a diaryist, a feature writer or a news gatherer for a week!
Historical Exhibit to Mark Fortieth Year
-+- As ITappears that there will not be room at Yellowstone for the large Exhibit your Historian usually brings to the Convention and as the expense of transporting such an Exhibit would be great, in this year of economies, and especially as this convention marks the fortieth year of Alpha Omicron Pi, it has been decided to omit the products and achievements of current or recent history, the portraits and works of notables, et cetera, from this year's exhibit, and that it be made chiefly commem- orative of the founding and the early days of the fraternity and of its chapters. Therefore, you are asked to supply the following: Any souvenirs of early days—serious, sentimental, or comic, pictures of first groups, first initi- ates, first sisters, daughters, meeting places, and so forth; any other early groups or pic- tured events; pictures, posters, stage sets, models or other visual representations of the
chapter's setting, the early days of itself or of the college, city or state; picture-series or models of your various houses; anything sig- nifying important events in your history, or anything else appropriate that your originality
Glacier Park Tour
Wednesday, July 7
After breakfast we again board motor buses and continue on over 75-mile trip over the new Going-to-the-Sun Highway, the most spectac- ular highway in America; through Logan Pass, close to the Garden Wall, arriving at Lake McDonald Hotel for luncheon. After luncheon we proceed again by motor bus for a distance of 12 miles, through evergreens and cedars along shores of Lake McDonald to Belton, where we board our train for our journey homeward.
Lv. Helton, Glacier Park, G. N. Ry., 4:45 p. m. July 7; Ar. Minneapolis, G. N. Ry., 10:00 p. m., Tuly 8; Ar. St. Paul, G. N. Ry., 10:30 p. m., July 8; Lv. St. Paul, C. B. & Q. Ry., 10:55 p. m., July 8; Ar. Chicago, C. B. & Q. Ry., 8:40 a. m., July 9.
All Expense Costs:
Yellowstone Park two persons in a room, each)
Glacier Park Tour (two persons in a room, each)
Pullman Standard Lower Berth, Cody to Glacier Park
Pullman Standard Lower Berth, Bel- ton, Glacier Park, to Chicago
$18.50 28.25 4.00 11.00
The all expense rates shown above include tour of Yellowstone Park (Grand Canyon to Cody via Old Faithful) and dinner at Cody; also Glacier Park (two-day tour), all meals in Parks, auto transportation and lodging at hotels. Rooms with bath slightly higher.
Meals on train not included and can be had at most reasonable prices; breakfast and lunch, 50 cents to $1.00; dinner, 50c to $1.25.
Live at Convention with A O Pizette
IF YOU simply can't come to Convention
this year, you won't have to miss all the
fun. For the price of one dollar you can sub- may suggest. Active and alumnae chapters scribe to A O Pizette, the convention news- may cooperate in this, but separate displays paper. It will bring to you a day-by-day ac- are also desirable. That the present may not count of meetings, stories of trips about the be entirely neglected, bring your scrapbooks
Park, parties and numerous incidents that make up a memorable AOII week.
as usual. This exhibit is the work and re- sponsibility of the chapter historian holding office during this year, 1936-1937.
Reading each issue of A O Pizette you will
live the week through at glorious Grand
Canyon, travel through the park and go to Omicron Pi, care of Mrs. Doris Andersoi^
Send all this by June 20 to Historian, Alpha
the rodeo in Livingston. You will know what the delegates and officers are doing, and you might find out how a sister in your chapter first approached a deer or a brown bear. Per- haps a cartoonist will be present when some tenderfoot climbs off a horse, a bit stiff and slightly bowed in the legs; and wouldn't you
Convention Chairman, Canyon Hotel, Yellow- stone Park, Wyoming. An award will be madfi for the best Exhibit, chosen by popular vote.— STELLA G. S. PERRY, Historian.
Candid 1935.
camera shots from Lake Forest
Convention, nay to the
Even then
Alpha Phi pointed the 1937 meeting.
MAY, 1937 25 A Day With Margaret Tallichet
Si-l C-.,:>
The Courier-Journal of Louisville, Kentucky, used this page feature about Margaret Tallichet, Kappa Omicron, in the March 28 edition. Margaret is in New York at the present ttme studying under George Cukor.
Liic'llc hostess sors
Ealhome chapter
is president Alpha Phi.
She at
of the spon- Mon-
tana State and sings in the Chorus.
social affairs this year and took
part in
the Tri-Sports Mills College.
Dav at
Luckie, several
Lambda, has of Stanford's
li'ilma company
has been and belongs
Zeta, R.O.T.C.
sponsored a
For the Browne Southern
second year will lead Nu
Mildred Kappa at University.
of an
at Ak-SarBen Orchcsis
Kansas University has one wo- Prist ilia Boyd, Beta Kappa, Gladys Battleson, Alpha Sigma, man in the law class, Joan L. violinist, was the orchestral *eT ," 9 2 * , is Societv F.d.tor on. Newbill, secretary and a mem- manager for "Robin Hood" Oregon's Emerald, AIVS Coun- ber of IIXA, honorary political when it was presented by the cil, and on the Junior U'eebem
science. U.B.C. Musical Society. Directorate.
Maitrine Hettger, Nu, 8 2 * . MKT, has been literary and as-
of H 2 * , national
is clas- student
and Nora
Orientation Committees take
Martha president sical, and
Y.W.C.A., WAA, Newman Club
Jump, Alpha Tau,
At Vanderbilt Bachelor Maides is
of N.Y.U.'s book.
a straight
at Denison.
Sullivan's time University.
at Indiana
the local Mortar Board
to which Omicron 1936 Com- a campus
Psi, has Pennsyl-
L ouncil.
Doris president, modore
Busby, twice belongs.
featured her beauty.
Nu The
Margaret been vice
McCansland, president
is a music major at California.
Wood, Sigma's
wr P~T r
p/1 a
(tlNM 0 EN
1 I
y-sr SWAN
v. St/Dp «&3 r•
A. O. TT.
- JXM 4 I '"II13 r0B5IDIAM
1f PEPRiw
A N ^ E
C2 if 1
ct uiaer*
27^tQ Jvuy 3, r9 37
[ 3*
MAY, 1937
1 JULY3,193°I
as itWILMA »
}• ! Mil.
3 •4M /ffif ^fls
had the lead in Georgia's pres- entation of "The Bishop Mis- behaves", belongs to AAA, <I>TO.
of Eta this year, belongs to *K<I>, was photographic editor of The Badger and heads the chapter again.
Heinecke was
Kathleen president
King, Omieron, of Tennessee's
was vice junior class,
Dcbuam, Lambda Pioneer Inner
S'gma, Circle.
AAA, and a R.O.T.C.
Jean belongs
seta's WSGA
Hey el, Tau to Minne Y.1V.C.A. and Lin
neon Club.
Council and a music major.
urer of Newcomb's freshman Council at Cincinnati is Alberta Lee Chapman, Upsilon will lead class, a member of Student Robinson, Theta Eta, Y.W.C.A. the University of Washington
Pi, was
treas- The
president of
Senior Cabinet member.
Chapter next year.
ties Society, Paint and Y.W.C.A.
and Patches Cabinet.
Mirage and
Martha Cowart,
in Birmingham
Court, a member of Belles Let-
A photographer by musician, Lila Jane
hobby, Dayhoff, DePauw's
Illinois Burns,
Kathrvn Gamma, Economics
Neidermeier, belongs to
Club at and to
Beta the Home Michigan
Kappa Kirk.
Tau Delta, teas Southern's May
Theta, has worked
Board who is
is Phyllis treasurer president
led military
of of
Vice president of
Mortar lota, Woman's Torch and
second a delegate
is Annabclle
Theta to come to Convention as
Muriel James is the new presi- dent of Pi Delta Chapter at the University of Maryland.
Elisabeth Cobb, Kappa Omieron, belongs to Pi, Elections' Com- mission, is vice president of
Y.W.C.A. jun io r
and secretary of the
class at
at F.S.C.W., where
member of the junior team and
Catharine L. Kowe, Gamma, will be one of the most distant trav-
Barv, active
Alpha Pi,
the life saving corps.
eled delegates from
since she comes Maine.
_ ts swimming she is a
Chi's Panhellenic delegate Marie Schubert, Beta Theta, Mary Ellen Patano, Chi Delta, Eleanor Schaefer, TXA, served belongs to Butler's Chemistry won Colorado's Panhellenic on the Rushing Rules Commit- Club, Spurs, <J>XN, freshman Scholarship, belongs to Hes- tee, sings in University Chorus honorary, Y.W.C.A. and to Wo- peria, the Senate and heads
at Syracuse.
man's League.
Betty Johnson, Epsilon, is knoivn as Buttons at Cornell ivhere she is a basketball favorite.
Martha Giffin, Omega, worked on the Recensio staff at Miami,
A member of the English and Dra- matic Clubs at Jackson, Christine A'elson is interested in stage make- up.
Janet Meditch, Rho, belongs to North- western's Shi-Ai, H E * , A A A , German and French Clubs, plays WAA tennis and volleyball, works on the Syllabus and is treasurer of Alethenai.
on the Junior Prom
-+- MARCH 20 was tlie wedding day for Mary Estey (A T '34), president of the N ew York Alumna; Chapter. H e r husband, Arthur Lord Nash (Cornell, '27) is president of the
New York Sigma P i Club. Y o u will recall that Otto Buerger, husband o f o u r Atlantic District Superintendent, is the Grand Sageof Sigma P i .
DOROTHY KILUAN ( N K '29), whose poems haveappearedinToDRAGMA,wasmarriedon Thanksgiving Day to William C. Ward (Texas A. &M.,S. M.U.AS*). They are at home in Dallas at 5106 Junius Street. M rs. Ward has sent a special welcome to AOIl's attend- ing the Texas Exposition this summer.
CONVENTION-GOERS remember Dorothy Dun- can (P). Dorothy is Mrs. J. H.MacLennan now and lives at 5265 Cote St. Luc, Montreal. She and her husband are conducting a most interesting tour of Europe this summer. The group will include McGill students and young people from Montreal. Alpha O's would find good company and fine direction in the party.
THE death of Arline Allen (K) will come as a shock to Kappa members of the past three years. O n th e threshold o f graduation, her passing has made a break in the senior class at Randolph-Macon. A t a memorial service tribute was paid to her by Anne Nel- son.
THETA CHAPTER and De Pauw celebrate to- gether in June for it is Theta's thirtieth an- niversary and De Pauw's Centennial. T au Chapter, too, has twenty-five years behind it this year.
Eleanor Kelley, Delta, is Jackson's Tree Orator for the senior class.
DOWN in Atlanta Kappa Chapter members seem to control the Randolph-Macon Club. In the past five years, four AOIl's have served as president: Mary Broughton Taylor had a two- year term; Edith Walthall Ford succeeded her, and this year Betty Hadley is president.
Carol Johnstone Sharp ( E ) teaches the simpler compositions o f Schumann, Chopin, MacDowell, Heller, Beethoven, Cyril Scott, to youngchildrenbytheuseofstory-telling as an accompaniment to the descriptive music. A contributor to children's magazines sheap- preciates their love of narration so she con- ceived the idea of teaching music through this medium.
ANOTHER AOIT story-teller is Minnie Ellen Marquis Hastings (A*). Mrs. Hastings' story is that of the American Indian and in an hour's lecture she sings the tribal melodies
of the Cheyenne, Kiowa, Winnebago, Chippewa and Apache; and tells of the Crow Indians, illustrating her talk with materials from the collection o f her father, D r . Thomas B . Mar- quis. Dr.Marquis was an authority on Cus- ter Battle, a writer of Indian lore.
ELSA GUERDRUM ALLEN ( E ) has based her articles f o r several magazines o f orintholojrv on research she did as the Ruth Capen Farm r Fellow of AON. Last year "Some Sixteenth Century Paintings o f American Birds" ap- peared in The Auk, the Journal of American Ornithology and another may have been pub- lished in the English Journal Annals of Sci- ence ere this is printed.
MAY, 1937 33
('09). Betty played in "Anything Goes" at Illinois where she belongs to
Blood mother
is Iota's being Louise
third Clarke
daughter, Blood
Chapter Reporters Summarize
A $ The biggest event last quarter, of course, delegate to the A W S convention in Los An- was initiation, on February when we geles. Since Janet Ralph was last year's
president, she also went, and Elfreda Lloyd, who had also been on the A W S council, went with them. They drove down, and were gone two weeks. We are working on Convention plans. Doris Anderson has appointed all her committees and has given us several pep talks. W e are deciding now on place cards and favors and can hardly wait to get into the actual work. We extend our deepest sym- pathy to .Margaret Hodgekiss and Helen Bol- ton Liquin whose fathers have died recently and hope that Alpha <> may help them in many ways at this time. Margaret Hodgekiss was OIK- of six sophomore girls to be elected to +TO this quarter. She was also elected chap-
initiated six girls. These were Ruth Undem,
Alice June Perrin, Judy Doering, Helen Tay-
lor, Billie Quick, Margery Logan. Initiation
time is always one we love, of course, but this
time it was especially wonderful because we
had so many "alums" with us, and there were
Convention plans to be discussed as well as
initiation. W e changed our procedure some-
what this time for initiation, and didn't have
Kangaroo Court. Instead, the pledges came
to the house as usual the night before, and
cleaned the house and waited on the actives.
They went to bed about midnight, and were
not disturbed until 5:30 the next morning,
when the actives assembled on the back stairs lain of the chapter for next year. Billie Quick and woke them by singing Alpha O songs.
Those to be initiated then dressed, and the initiation services were held at 6:00. We all agreed that it was much more impressive to have it before the activities of the day had encompassed us. After breakfast, we had our annual corporation meeting, and then all went to church. The initiation banquet was held at the Baxter that evening—once again we thrilled to the story of Alpha O and the Kose Garden toasts. Another exciting event came with the AWS elections, when (den Brenneman was elected president, Jean Van Sice was elected secretary, and (ierry Geiger was elected treas- urer. These are, of course, about the most important offices a woman can hold on our
was one of the group of the ten most pop- ular girls from which the Les BoufTan's Queen was chosen. We expect to spend most of this quarter doing all we can towards making everything at the 1937 Convention something to remember.—Isabel Ford.
three. As president. Glen was sent as a
and their dates entertained members of other sororities at a tea dance at the house. Alter the dance in the college gym, a midnight sup- per was enjoyed at the house by members and their dates. We turned back the clock on April 19, and had an Faster egg hunt at the house for friends and rushees. Eggs were hidden in the back yard and a lively search was carried on. After the hunt games werfi played and refreshments were served. Actives and pledges are spending the weekend of April 24 and 25 at Camp Flastacowo near T allahassee.— Janet Cook.
AS Alpha Sigma has been more interested in activities this year as a groupi especially in athletics. We took second place in one swimming meet and third in another. We were consolation winners in the inter- house basketball tournament. Also we were tied for fourth place in getting the most men
to our house for the AWS "dime crawl- Helen Mitchell. *X9, was chosen as a queen candidate for Junior Weekend, and voted one of the ten best dressed coeds on the rumpus. Gladys Battleson is society editor of Bra Emerald, a 02*, on the Junior Weekend dir- ectorate, *0T and Barbara Ketchum is «u r WAA representative. Marguerite Kelly is E member of W AA and on the Oregana start. Phyllis Schatz, M+E, is accompanist for the University Polyphonic Choir. Carolyn Gran-
All Initiation of new members into Alpha
Pi Chapter was held March 6. After
the initiation services chapter members en-
tertained the new members at a banquet at
the Dutch Kitchen. Doris Godard gave the
toast to the new members and Janet Cook
responded. Betty McMullen received the ring
for the best pledge. The annual Panhellenic
dance was held on the campus of FSCW on
campus, and we are mighty proud of these March 20. Previous to the dance members
Down at S.M.U. Ruth d'Arlcne Hogg, Mary Frances Bradley and Mildred Browne, A'II Kappa, talk over flans for next' year.
Rho likes to sing and a ( audi d ( a in era taught them at it.
MAY, 1937
Y ear's Activities
nis, .Ann Herrenkohl, Ruth Leonard, Mary
Grace Kingsley are in the Choir. Ruth Ketch-
um is a member of the girls' rifle team. Har- Four of the six officers in riett Sarazin is president of the Sophomore Maryland's Student Gov- Commission of the YWCA and was on a com- ernment are AOII's: Flora mittee for the* sophomore class dance. Vir- H' aId m a n, secretary, ginia McCorkle is vice president of the S.G.A.; Dorothy Hobbs,
lewett speech contest for women.—Marguerite 'Kelly.
AT We have made it one of our policies to invite several faculty members as guests at one Sunday night supper a month. This helps us to get better acquainted with our instructors and their wives and gives them a chance to know lis outside of class. Early in March the seniors gave a supper party for all the senior women in school. This bullet supper following a St. Patrick's Day theme in color proved so successful that it may be- come an annual event. A t the close o f the first semester in January, Alpha Tau ranked second in scholarship among the seven so- rorities on campus. We were also second in the point-per-persori average compiled at the same time. Mortar Board invited five AOII's to its annual scholarship banquet for juniors and sophomores of the highest scholastic Standing: Dorothy Burnham ('39). Ruth Geil C39), Martha Jump ('38), Sue Shelton ('38), and Jean Yoder ('39). Martha Jump honored Alpha Tau by making a straight "A" average for the first semester's work. Mary Reiter C38) is the new vice president of WAA; lean Yoder ('39), treasurer of WAA and de-
bate manager on the WSG board; Jean 1 in-J("39),headofasportonWAAHoard;
Six of Jackson College's senior class officers are Delta's: Maryuer'te Mc- Kay, president; Doris Rugiiles, secretary (lower row); S'anev F.llis. v'ee
all campus house-mothers, women of the faculty, ami wives of men on the facultv—
Jeanne E. Mann.
BK We were all more than delighted with the results of our new venture in Christ- mas philanthropic work. This year we looked after needy cases in the Children's Surgical Ward of the Vancouver General Hospital. Alpha O's on our campus are still holding their share of important positions in college life. Our sport enthusiasts are, our president, Val- etta Morris who plays basketball and Peggy Jones who manages the U.B.C. girls' senior A team and plays herself on the Intermediate
One of the loveliest and liveliest parties
junior class; I Bdose, secretary,
and is chairman of the Junior-Senior break- Sara Ann I'aidcn, secre-
YWCA. Marion DeKoning is a member of
the Sophomore Commission of the YWCA
secretary, Matilda sofhotnorc
class; and
fast sponsored by the YWC A. I L ien Ander- tary, freshman class. Jun-
son is chairman of the daily teas given by the ior from leader, are the
VWCA, Peggy Robbins, Jane Mirick, and
Jean Weber do reporting and copy editing on
the limerald. Mary Magee took several first
places to help the house in the swimming
girls in the future. Six of the ten candidates from whom Miss Mary- land is to be chosen are Pi Delta's: Betty Weav- er, Constance Nash, Flora
meets. She is a meml)er of Amphibians. Waldman, Sara Ann
Peggy Jane Peebler took first place in the I'aiden and Muriel James.
litnilic treasurer; historian
row) foscd after a meet-
Farns- Edith (top
members of the YWCA cabinet.—Jean Gregg. Royal Vancouver Yacht Club. Many AOIT
I have ever attended was the Alpha 0 and Ruth Geil, Jean Gregg, and Jo Smith spring formal held on February 5, at the
R r Irma Shumway C39) and Dorothy Pick- ett ('39) were chosen for Tower Guard, our local sophomore honor society. Jeanne Mann ('38) was elected treasurer of Home
songs were arranged f o r the orchestra and W'illa Elliott delighted us all by her rendition of two or three of our favorites. Just before Easter, Beta Kappas were entertained by the Mothers' Auxiliary, at a tea which was given at the home of Mrs. Gurney, It was an unusually delightful "spring-time tea" and a jolly reunion of our actives and most of our alumna?. This was the first tea at which our
Feemomics Club. Dorothy Pickett ('39) was
elected secretary of Home Economics Club.
Louise Munsie C36) was chairman of Foreign
Born committee of YWCA and was a member
of HA-. Donna Messenger was initiated into
T2. Ethel Krans ('38) was vice president of new patronesses were present. W'e are par- the Women's building. The patrons of Beta ticularly fortunate in having three "faculty pamma Chapter are giving a tea in honor of wives"—Mrs. Schofield, M rs. Swanson, and the chapter this spring. It is to be staged Mrs. Nowlan, as patronesses for AOIT as well in the garden at Mrs. C. E. Millar's home. as charming Dr. Hallamore, professor of Mrs. Millar is the mother of Margaret Mil- German at LJ.B.C. Our semester here is over; lar W elles ('35). Guests at the tea include examinations are in progress; Beta Kappas are
The artist in cake frosting is Edith Ray Sparling, Pi Delta, tvhose table ornaments and party cakes have de- lighted her chapter. She has taught at the King-Smith Cooking School in Washington, D. C.
on hikes and steak roasts. Audrey Werle still waiting expectantly for graduation, and then attends the Geology Club. One will always
Convention. It is the hope of the actives and
alumna: to meet many other AOII's at Yel-
lowstone. Camp plans are still indefinite; but
those of us who will be near Vancouver are
planning Spring Camp after graduation. It
may be at Crescent again or perhaps even
better at one of the lovely resorts of our Fuller and Edith Anderson belong to the Gulf Islands.—Alice E. Gerow.
B<I> Louise Rich ('38) is the new president of Indiana's W A A . Virginia Lee Fell- my ('39) was elected to a position on the YWCA Council. Margaret Kerkling ('39) is on the staff of the Indiana Daily Student, and she was also recently elected to a position on AWS Council. Harriet Scott ('39) was elected
Flying Club where they plan to learn to pilot a plane. Eleanor Schaefer received a bid to the TZA Honorary which is an architec- ture and allied arts honorary. Anastasia Stas- ink proudly lists Br2, a business administra- tion honorary, and IIA9, an education hon- orary for women, to her college achieve- ments. Last year she won the Beta Gamma
attendant to the Snowball Queen, and Mona Sigma award for having the highest average Dees ('39) was appointed attendant to the as a freshman in the College of Business Ad-
Intramural Conference Queen. Four of our ministration. Miriam Wenker took part in a girls are participating in the presentation of play presented by the French Club. Rose
"Elijah," which is given by the University Mysliwiec, Peg Bort, Stella Biercuk, and Girls' Chorus. Ruth Burlingame ('39), Jean- Louise Rabner are still interested in bowling-
ette Kemp ('39), Mary June Cave ('38), and June Hagel ('40). Marjorie Michaelis ('38) is a new member of Der Deutscher Verin.
—Florence Griffiths.
I left Dorothy Jaggers to the end because there is no end to her activities. Added to her positions: president of W A A , member of Women's Student Senate, member of HIIT,
B@ Etta Harlan was the AOn candidate for and 4>K*. She is the dance chairman of the Freshman Rose at the Freshman Rose Women's Day Pageant.—Stella Biercuk. dance. Marie Schubert was selected as the XA Chi Delta gave a tea for members of junior Panhellenic delegate. Marian Messick the faculty on March 7. The house was was co-chairman for the 02* 'Riters' Round- festive with spring flowers, and the table
up. Mildred Poland and Jaynet Pickerel were was decorated with a huge centerpiece of initiated into KB. Bernadeen Patrick is a deep red roses. A rush dinner was given on member of the Hiking Club. Ella Lee Gard- April 8, which brought out a novel idea for ner is on the archery team. Marian Messick is rush parties. Each guest was invited to come a member of the editorial board of the Butler to a Prisoners' Party, and they, as well as the Collegian, the school paper.—Marian Messick. members of Chi Delta, were clothed in striped X Spring always ushers in new activities. dresses resembling prisoner's garb. The din-
The Outing Club will be taking Edith and cups. After this most hilarious dinner Anderson, Eleanor Schaefer, and Emily Weber
Bertha Forsyth. Blanche
Platts, Bertha Townsend, Bottom row: Olean Downing (captain),
Jean Rogers, Helen
pion is Delta Chapter's team: Top row.
find Mary lane Hartman at the Math and Chemistry Clubs. Ruth Marsh adds the Class- ical Club to her list of activities. Peg Bur- lingham councils the freshman women as Senior Guide. Rose Mysliwiec and Anastasia Stasink head the Polish Students' Club. Pat
ner was eaten at a bare table on tin plates
MAY, 1937
"Murder" was played until time for the guests to leave.
A Everyone in Delta Chapter is highly elated at the present time over the winning of the athletic trophy for our victory in the in-
na; of Epsilon, Miss Hughan, and active mem- bers of Epsilon. Ruth Harder was toast- mistress. Maxine Moore presented the schol- arship cup to Mary Dafgard for excellence in subject marks her first term. The Ella Smidt Scholarship was awarded by Frances Eagan to Caroline Thro. This scholarship is presented to a junior student who has stead-
Downing ('39) and Marie Barrett ('38) were chairman of the elections committee and is a
elected to office. At the Jackson interclass member of Mortar Board. Ruth will be in dance held March 13, three of the committee the May Day honor arch. Doris R. Smith
('40). A t the coming spring formal Nunzia Frances A. Duritsa ('38) is president of Ellen
Merhno ('38) is chairman and Grace Keiley H. Richard's Club, #A0, and was chairman C37) a member of it. Nunzia was one of of the junior-senior reception. Olwen W.
Jackson's representatives at the Wheaton Evans ('38) is treasurer of WAA, was a Dance Symposium this winter.—Martha G. delegate to the Physical Education convention Jones. at Vassar, and is a member of the varsity basketball, hockey and volleyball teams. Doris Smith ('37) accompanied Olwen as the second E Epsilon organized a basketball team to delegate to the convention at Vassar. Maybelle play in the inter-sorority-dormitoryleague J. Penley ('38) was chairman of the Christmas games. We lost two games and won two dinner, is on the La Vie staff and chairman games. Those on the team were Betty John- of the Christmas dinner. Maybelle is our new son, Marjorie Hall, Catherine Hitz, Ines president. She is also on the varsity rifle team. Squassoni, Ruth Becker, and Katherine Ham- Doris A. Sander ('38) was elected Senior
ilton, and Louise Meyers. Lou and Betty were the flashy members of the team.
Senator, is a member of the Ellen H. Rich- ard's Club and a member of the Home Economics Club. Doris is intramural manager
Two Epsilon members are to be initiated
into KAE, professional educational honorary and basketball manager. Mary C. Stettler.
society: Ruth Becker and Leila Crowell. At the horse-judging on the Ag campus, Ruth Sharp took second honors with her horse.
On March 12 Marjorie Sauter made a most successful debut in the Dramatic Club's pro- duction of "Alice in Wonderland." Marge had the lead. We were all delighted with her performance. On March 13, Epsilon had its initiation. Eight girls were initiated. We were very fortunate in having as our guest
one of AOII's Founders, Jessie Wallace Hughan. Ines Squassoni presided at the ritual, and we were all very much impressed by her poised and loving manner in executing her office. In the evening, we held our in- itiation banquet at the Dutch Kitchen in the Ithaca Hotel. Among those present were girls from the Chi Chapter in Syracuse, alum-
('38), our Panhellenic delegate, is a member of the Panhellenic Rushing Committee. Mary Taylor ('38) was elected secretary of WSGA'. Ruth Boyer ('38) and Doris M. Rumage ('38) were elected to 92#, journalism hon- orary fraternity. Marjorie F. Davies ('39) and Ruth Burrage ('39) are members of the Ellen H . Richard's Club. Louise A . Haines ('39) is a member of the Froth staff and is chairman of the May Day Committee. Flor- ence I . Long ('39) is on the varsity debating team, a member of choir, and on The Collegi-
an staff. She is also a member of the Home Economics Club. Marjorie Goiver ('39) is on the varsity basketball, hockey, and volley- ball teams. Rachel M. Bechdel ('39) was elected secretary of WAA. She is also a member of the varsity hockey and basketball
Ellis was chairman of the committee and Cercle Francais and a member of the House
tramural basketball competition between the
three other sorority and two non-sorority
teams on campus. The prize was won after
a play-off game between Xfi and AOIT, as
both had lost one game. Our team won by a
score of 65-18. Playing on the team were Hughan, spoke on the "Significance of the Blanche Downing, Captain, Bertha Townsend,
ily improved in marks and adaptability since her freshman year. Our guest speaker, Miss
On April 7, Marguerite, in her capacity as EA Helen M. Clymer ('37) is our Pan- president of the senior class, was one of the hellenic delegate and a member of nrM. speakers at the Junior-Senior banquet. Nancy Mary L. Fenton ('37) is a member of Le
of four were Deltas: Audrey Moran ('37), ('37) was swimming manager and a member Lois O'Brien ('38), and Nina Mergendahl of the varsity hockey and basketball teams.
Bertha Platts, Helen Hurley, Jean Forsyth, Doris Ruggles, Olean Rogers. Downing, H u r - ley, Townsend, and Platts also play on Jack- son varsity. As the majority of the girls are under-classmen, prospects seem good for a successful season again next year. Delta's February rushing season ended happily with
the acquisition of five new freshmen pledges. During February five Pi's were elected to graduation parts by the senior class. Mar- guerite McKay was chosen chapel orator, Emilie Farnsworth, Class Day committee, Geraldine Stott and Nancy Ellis, Banquet com- mittee, and Eleanor Keiley, Tree Day Orator.
Ruby in the AOII Pin in the World Today." Miss Hughan told of the beginning of the so- rority at Barnard. She told of sitting in the Columbia Library perusing through musty, worn books from the top shelves for our ritual. She said that Stella Perry was the leader of the four Founders. Miss Hughan compared the dress, looks, and mannerisms of her college life with that of today. She
spoke of how the girls of AOII through their love could help prevent war and advocate peace. We of Epsilon were fascinated by Miss Hughan's charm and personality.—Catherine Hitz.
Emilie Farnsworth served on it. At the His-
tory Club elections this spring both Blanche of Representatives. Ruth B. Evans ('37) was
teams. Sybil A. Conant ('40) was president of her dormitory. Nelrie and Knth M . Oglevee ('40) are members of AAA. Nelrie and Ruth were Co-Queens of Harvest Hall. Jane A. Romig ('40) is a representative of the W A A Hoard, and a member of the Home Economics Council. -Mary A. Rhodes ('40) is a mem- ber of Lakonides, physical education honor- ary fraternity. Anne K. Winter ('40) was president of her dormitory. Mary R. VVirtz ('40) was Social Chairman of the freshman
class.—Regina Ryan.
H Margaret Heinecke was reelected chap-
ter president and will be our delegate to convention. Margaret is also a number of <t>K#, was recently elected one of the three best-dressed women on campus, and acted as hostess at the WSGA Spring Fashion Tea.
Mary Starr is a member of the Wisconsin Players, the university dramatic group, and has appeared in recent studio productions. Nan Feeley is publicity chairman Eor the Spanish Club, and she and Eleanor Crowley are both on Badger staff. Eleanor was recent- ly initiated into 2AI, national music frater- nity. Jane Haslanger is chaplain of 2AI and appeared in their spring concert, playing an organ solo. Jane is also a member of the University Singers, and obtained Sophomore honors this year. Muriel Moodie is a mem- ber of Dolphin Club and took part in their water pageant. Mary Meek and Amy Chis- holm are members of Castalia, national liter- ary society. Mary is active in YWCA, and Amy is social chairman of Geography Club and was recently elected to IIAO, national honorary education fraternity. Virginia Hu- wen was one of three honorary colonels for this year's Military Hall, attending with one of the chairmen. Hetty Caspar is registrar
girls found their places in the Woman's League. Alice DuVal ('37) was the financial secretary and thus a member of the executive council of that organization. Helen Long- mire ('38) was chairman of the Activities Recording committee and attended First and Junior Council meetings. She has just recent- ly been appointed general chairman of Mothers' Day. The sophomore organization within the League is called Gold Feathers. Hetty Lou Alvey ('39) is chairman of the pro- gram committee for Gold Feathers and Hetty Ann O'Hern ('39) is sub-chairman of the membership committee. For the freshman
the League has Orange and Hlue Feathers. Ruth Smykal ('40) and Hetty Schroeder ('40) are sub-chairmen of the social committee and the publicity committee respectively. Phyllis Hums ('38) and Helen Longmire are on the YWCA cabinet, both girls having chairman- ships in the organization. Some of the other girls working in the Y are Mary Ellen Rennick
('38), international forum committee, Hetty Ann O'Hern, Thursday programs, and social service, and Hetty Hlood ('39), social service. The W oman's League Show "Anything Goes" was "business managed" by Alice DuVal. Helen Longmire acted as house manager, and Nita Potter ('38) was chairman of the make- up committee. Hetty Ann O'Hern was on the personal properties committee. Betty Blood was in the cast and Beth Wilson ('40) and Ruth Smykal ('40) were members of the chorus. Jean Wood ('39) took part in "The Bartered Bride" and she was in the cast of "Ruddigore." Nita Potter was co-chairman of the make-up committee for the stunt show, and Betty Schroeder ('40) served on the make-up committee for "Liliom." Betty is also participating in radio dramatics over the University station, WILL and the local station
for KBII, national law fraternity, and had
an article accepted for the Wisconsin Law Re- WDWS. lean Forstcr is active in Theatre
view on "The Power of Congress to Prohibit Interstate Commerce Under the Commerce Clause."—Jane Haslanger.
P We come once again to the inescapable
fact of the precedence and prominence of AOII on the Maine campus. Bunny Hamilton ('38) and Mary Mghton ('38) arc in the Masque play, " A Hill of Divorcement." Hen- rietta Cliff ('37) and Marjorie Young ('37) are on the Commencement Hall committee. Rose Whitmore ('38) is president of Women's Forum and is on the Senior Prom com- mittee. The Sophomore Eagles, an honorary society, have a large AOII enrollment: Helen Philbrook, Ruth Pagan, Virginia Maguire, Kay Cox, Mary Howler, Edna Louis Har- rison. Mary Howler is president of the Eagles and Virginia Maguire is social chair- man. Daffy Voegelin ('38) is our representa- tive to Women's Student Government As- sociation. Mary Lciiditon ('3K) is our Pan- hellenic delegate. Kay Rowe ('38), Mary ('38), Jeanette McKenzie C37) are reporters for The Maine Campus. Lucille Fogg ('39) is social chairman of the Spanish Club and
Rose Whitmore is secretary.—Joan Cox.
I The chapter this year has been active in many different activities. Several of the
Guild and had one of the leading female roles of "Tartuffe." She entertains the chapter with her impersonations of Garbo, and her latest achievement is her interpretation of parts of Trudi Schoop's Comic Ballet. Betty Taync Wagner ('38) is junior business man- ager of the Illio of 1937. Betty Lou Alvey and Ruth Smykal are also on this staff. Beth Wilson chose the business staff of the campus daily, The lllini, for her publications' work. Three sophomores, Helen W ells ('39), Rosalia Freda ('39), and Virginia Baker ('39) are members of W A A . Star Course, the organ- ization sponsoring the cultural programs of the university, has two AOIl's in its ranks. Virginia Trappec ('39) is a sophomore man- ager, and Beth Fowler ('37) is a senior mem- ber of the Board. Peg Baker ('37) is to act as co-chairman of Class Day in the spring-
Beth is a member of Mortar Board. Phyllis Burns and Helen Longmire are active in Torch, the junior women's honorary, Fhy"'-j being the president. Virginia Baker and Betty Lou Alvey are our actives in Shi-Ai. an intersorority organization. Mary Ellen Rennick is the only girl to be elected to Br2 this year. Dorothy Wilson ('37) is a mem- ber of KAIL Alpha Lambda Delta has just initiated Ruth Rennick ('40). Jean Forster IS
a member of IIA<t> and of *B, being the diately following, however, the flood disaster president of the latter group. Betty Blood is caused hundreds of refugees to pour into the
vice president of 4>B. The house was hostess city and several of our girls laid aside their to the annual Torch dance this spring. The party frocks and enlisted their services with alumna; group of Champaign-Urbana presents the Red Cross. The sorority also made a gifts to the pledge and to the upper class- donation to the Red Cross. Mrs. Parks B.
College Who's Who. Vonda Keith is presi- dent of the sophomore class. Anne McKinlev took the leading role of Phoebe in the Sock and Buskin play, "Quality Street.*'—Eloise Bealle.
KO Kappa Omieron initiates opened the so- cial whirl this year by complimenting the actives with a dance at the sorority house.
The house was gaily decorated with red and white balloons and stream ers and quantities of confetti added to the festivities. Imme-
harmonic Orchestra conducted by Otto Klemp erer. At our initiation ceremony on March 8 we welcomed 12 new sisters into our chap- ter. Our Mothers' Club and our Corporation have demonstrated their interest in us very generously in improving our house and its furnishings, much to the joy of us girls. Last summer the house was painted inside and out, and Venetian blinds were bought for all the downstairs rooms along the front of the house. This year they have bought us new beds and new desks for many of the rooms. For Christinas they gave us six lovely blankets
Building snow statues at Maine is one of the Spring comes early in Indiana and Beta Phi winter activities of Gamma. members ride out.
MAY, 1937
man with the highest grades. Last year Mary Ellen Rennick accepted the gift for the pledge with the highest grades. This year, Mary
Pedrick, our District Superintendent, was here at the time of the banquet given for the initi- ates. About sixty members attended and Mrs.
Ellen's sister, Ruth, had that honor. On Pedrick spoke to the pledges. A ring was
April 7, the alumnae chapter was represented
at the chapter house at dinner, the occasion
awarded to Josephine Tully, president of the pledges, as the outstanding pledge of the year. Martha Ann Moore received a bracelet given
being the awarding of the gift to the upper-
classman with the highest grades. Mary Ellen to the best pledge and the scholarship bracelet
again received the award which was pre- sented by Franees Browne, scholarship chair- man of the alumna?. The gift was extremely appropriate, in that Mrs. Browne presented Mary Ellen Rennick with Mary Ellen Chase's new book, This England. Mary Ellen Chase, upon receiving word from Mrs. Browne of the award to be made, sent her card and a note to he enclosed in the package. Another Rennick habit seems to run toward another kind of book work. Mary Ellon is the chap- ter treasurer next year, after having been assistant treasurer this year. And who will be next year's assistant treasurer? Ruth Ren-
nick, of course!—Beth Fowler.
K On February 6, Kappa Chapter, with the
was awarded to Catherine Hollinger for mak- ing the highest average for the semester. Queen of the April Fool's Carnival was the coveted title recently bestowed upon Rebecca Laughlin by the student body. Rebecca, rep- resenting the Queen of Hearts, made a charm- ing queen in her flowing white dress covered with red hearts. Elizabeth Cobb, newly re- elected president of Kappa Omieron Chapter, was a member of the court.—Virginia Man- gum.
K 0 W e music-lovers of Kappa Theta Chap ter made the best of the bargain on Wednesday, April 7, in the exchange of food for the stomach and food for the soul. Through Marjorie Alice Lenz (ex '37), one of our alumna;, we were privileged to entertain Mr. Steuermann, renowned pianist, at lunch- eon and afterwards to hear him play, in- formally, a number of compositions, many of them delightful Viennese waltzes. We were more than flattered by his generosity in com- ing just before an important concert which he played on April 9 at the Philharmonic where he played the Piano Concerto No. IV
other 13 sororities making up the Pan-
hellenic Council, gave a dance in the gymnas-
ium for the benefit of the Lynchburg Milk
and Ice Fund. Mary Elizabeth Wilson ('38),
was brought out as a member of Omega
Secret Society. Clerimond Gilliam ('39) was
brought as a member of the Pi Secret Society.
Mary Virginia Pounds ('37) is editor of tlie
Old Maid, humor magazine. Margaret Mar-
tin ('37), president of Main Hall, and first in G Major by Beethoven with the Phil- vice president of the Student Government, has
been elected as a member of the National
and they have bought new indirect, reflector lamps for the study rooms. We are now looking forward to new pieces of living room furniture and possibly a new rug for the up- stairs study.—Jeanne Smith.
A Siegrid Beuche ('39) and Barbara Browne ('39) are in German dramatics. Siegrid played the lead in one play. Virginia
the house once more, as we have missed it greatly. The spring campus elections were conducted with no politics whatever, thanks to the efforts of Frances Murrey ('37), presi- dent of WSGA. Frances Spain ('39) was elected president of W A A for next year. In the chapter elections Doris Busby was re- elected president, for, while this was her
Clausen ('39) works on the Stanford concert fourth year in school, she will not receive
series and belongs to the Women's Glee Club.
Dolly Hyatt and Elizabeth Norton ('39) work
on the Quad. Copy editor on the Quad is
Elizabeth MacCoy ('38). Another concert
series worker was Helene Wilkins ('38) who
also dances with Orchesis. Helen Conkling
('38) is house representative for the Red on the campus competed in selling tickets, and Cross.—Rita V. S. Szekeres. reports to date show that AOII sold the most. A^J After Christmas we rushed for the win- Alpha Omicron Pi was also the sorority which
ter quarter and as a result we have some was best represented at the party. Doris
very attractive pledges. Virginia Alexander, Busby, Thayer Barnhart, Patricia Spearman, Atlanta; Eugenia Burton, Selma, Ala.; Anna and Dorothy Dean Loser attended the Military
L. Mallory, Lagrange; Phyllis Mallory, La- Hall at the University of Florida in March,
grange, and Constance Thomas, Athens. We were delighted to have Wilma Smith Leland visit us last quarter. She and several of the Atlanta alumna; came over from Atlanta for dinner and a chapter meeting. We initiated the following girls during the winter quarter: Martha Greene, Augusta; Katherine Simmons, Metter; Monolita Solano, Elberton; Mary Claude Tindel, Graceville, Fla., and Carolyn Warnell, Pembroke. We are entering the volleyball tournament. This is for the sorori- ties and dormitories on this campus. Several of us are planning to go to Convention. We are looking with great joy and anticipation to meeting all you AOIl's. Here's hoping we will see many of you there. Jean Burton and Martha Greene made AAA. Jean Mackey was awarded the scholarship certificate for the
chapter.—Ei'elyn Lancaster.
NK Nu Kappa Chapter members have been active on Southern Methodist's campus this year. Mary Frances Bradley, *X, TOT, Geography Club; Mildred Browne, Swastika, Script and Score, Chairman of the Panhellenic Rushing Committee, Geography Club; V alerie Benoist, Swastika; Ethel Ruth Crow, Alliance Francaisc, Junior Arden Club; Mary Kath- erine Henerv, Arden Club, Script and Score;
and Patty and Thayer sponsored the field review. We were all nearly as thrilled about hearing of Frances Murrey's trip to Warm Springs, Georgia, as she was in going. She motored down with Kenedy Mclntyre, son of one of the secretaries of the president, and a Vanderbilt student. She was introduced to President Roosevelt, and she and Kenedy played golf with his son and other members of the family while the president followed the game in his car. A movie scout was on the campus recently looking for characters to play minor roles in "Gone with the Wind," and among others Jean Adams ('39) was chosen. We can boast of radio "stars" also now, as Ann Wilkerson ('40), Jean Ruth Noland ('39), Virginia Blair ('40), and Sarah Wharton ('40) were in the chorus which sang over a coast-
to-coast network during the presentation of Pontiac's "Varsity Show." They were also in the Glee Club recital last week. In a test which was given to the co-eds on the campus (and also given at ten other colleges), it was found that Emily Taggart ('37) was the most typical co-ed on the Vanderbilt campus, in
comparison with the scores made by girls in other schools. Emily was in a Spanish play, "Las Tertulias de Madrid," presented by the Vanderbilt Spanish Club, and she is also active
Lavonia Rorie, Arden Club; Laurel Jane Sam pie, Swastika, Z#H, Senior Arden Club, Script and Score charter member.—Mary Jane Bragg.
NO Convention spirit runs high among Nu Omicron members, as many are looking forward to "going West," and are already
lected to play the part of "Little Julia" in "The Drunkard," which is to be presented soon.—Barbara Anne Shields.
Q The English honoraries, Alethenai and the
Liberal Arts Club, are well filled with AOII members, there being 13 in the two of them. Dottie Brooks ('37) and Betty Jean
making many plans. The next important topic Smith ('38) are, respectively, president and
of conversation is our house, which we hope will be ready for occupancy within the next week. Since the fire of January 1, it has been under repair, but now with the prospects of soon being reinstated therein, we are be- coming more and more enthusiastic about re- decorating and "fixing" it up, as it will be almost like a new house. A n d the spring in the air has even prompted us to improve the lawn, and plant flowers and shrubs in the yard. It is fun to be working together on
vice president of the latter. In various other honoraries are: Caroline Dunbar ('37), Jean Ballinger ('38) and Betty Smith in Blie; Eleanor Mitchell in SALT; Bettie Hanson and Jean Ballinger in Combus for women in the School of Business; Jeanne Long and D°*'i e Brooks in KAI1; Mary Jane Carothers ('37) in TKA; Jeanne Long and Anne Harris in 112*; Mary Anna Farley ('37) in # 2 ; and Kay Ascham and Caroline Dunbar in AKA. Nor do the aesthetic organizations lack AOU
her Law degree until next year. The Dean of Women recently sponsored a benefit bridge party to raise funds for scholarships for Van- derbilt women, one of which is to be named for one of the founders of Nu Omicron Chap- ter, Mary D. Houston Sarratt. Each sorority
Ruth d'Arlitie Hofg, M*B, Van Katwyk Club; in the Masque Club. She was recently se-
MAY, 1937
Nona Lee Brown, Omicron, belongs to Cap and Gown at the Vniversitv of
IVilla Jean Elliott, Beta Kappa, played the part of Maid Marian in ''Robin
Evelyn writes newspaper,
Lancaster, the Red
Lambda Sigma,
Epsilon Kurtz chapter.
Alpha was the She
decided prettiest belongs
that Doris A. member in the
the Home
Tennessee where President
she has been vice of Y.W.C.A.
Hood" when Columbia
was given the Musical
at British Society.
From Georgia to Canada: Stars
and belongs
Black, to
to Economics Club.
members. In Madrigal are: Jeanne Long, Andrews, Ailene Brown, Elizabeth Childs, Dottie Brooks, Elizabeth Edgar ('38), Ruth Faye Poore, Martha Ijams, Frances Woods,
Talhnan ('38) and Jeanne Aborn ('39). Eliza
beth Edgar is our representative in the Miami
trio and she is also a member of AO, a music
honorary. In Orchesis, an interpretative danc- Guy Wilson of Nashville, Tennessee; Wyline ing organization, are Jean Ballinger and Baird of Newport, Tennessee; Sally Rankin Marion Thomas ('39). Jean gave an inter- of Jefferson City, Tennessee; Mary Inman of pretative dance selection at the Fine Arts Morristown, Tennessee, and Elizabeth Cullen
Ball this winter. On the Speaker's Bureau
are Mary Jane Carothcrs, Lucille Bailey, Betty
McAllister ('37) arid Ruth Talhnan. Jeanne
Long, Anne Harris, and Mary Anna Farley
are members of the Classical club. Among
the various organizations of student govern-
ment are Eleanor Mitchell, Dottie Brooks, and
Ruth Talhnan in the Women's League; Bettie
Hanson is on the Student-Faculty Counsel and ment. Frances Edmunds, an AOII daughter,
also the Disciplinary Board. In West Hall,
a freshman and sophomore dormitory, Ruth
Talhnan is house chairman, Betty Smith is the
junior counselor, and Shirley Dahlstrom and 0 11 The chapter has been well represented Muriel Ricker are sophomore counselors. in campus activities this fall. Betty Among our 21 members of YWCA, we have Miller ('37) was a member of the Freshman on the Cabinet, Kay Ascham, Ruth Talhnan Orientation committee. Esther Sethney ('37), and Betty Smith. Jeanne Long and Bettie formerly of Tan Chapter at Minnesota, is Hanson are respective chairmen of the fresh- house president this year. She is also a mem- man YWCA and the Loafer's Club.—And we ber of the French Club. Henrietta Simpson have our representatives in athletics, too. ('39) is working on the Michigancnsian this Leolyn Miller ('38) and Jean Ballinger are year. She was a member of the finance com- members of W A A . Another feather for the mittee for Sophomore Cabaret. Roberta Ross cap of Omega! After long weeks of prac- ('39) belongs to the French Club. Ruth tice which culminated with the annual So- Wood ('39) is a member of the women's rority Sing, sponsored by AO, the national swimming team. Charlotte Mitchell ('38) was
rushing chairman during formal rushing. Mary Lou Mann ('37) is a member of K#. Laura Prescott ('38) is a member of the M4>E, national honorary music sorority, K#, and Choral Union. Helen Morton ('37) has been vice president of the house, a member of M*E and Choral Union. Doris Koch ('38)
music honorary, Omega came out on top
with first place and is now the proud possessor
of the Sorority Sing cup. The entire sorority
was dressed in black formals with white pique
collars. The general appearance of the group
was made very effective. Jeanne Long, a
senior, led us in the singing of our Alma
Mater, and the AOII Lullaby. Several of is on the Merit System committee of the
Omega's members also participated in the Madrigal Club (women's glee club) concert which was held on April 9. Elizabeth Ed- gar, a junior and soloist for the Madrigal Club, has been elected president of the Pan-
Women's League and is a member of Choral Union. LoisMacLean('39)isontheWAA Board, a member of Stanley Chorus and of Choral Union. Roberta Ross ('39) is on the publicity committee of the W omen's League.
hellenic Council. Lynn Tingay, one of Ruth Anderson ('40) and Jeanne Goman ('40)
represented the House's freshman class at the W ashtenaw Freshman Political Caucus. Char- lotte Baxter ('38) is a member of the W A A Board. We had a dinner-theatre party in March, to which we invited our best dates. There was much favorable comment concern- ing it in the Detroit papers, for it was quite a novelty among the sororities on this campus. Henrietta Simpson ('39) is active in League work and is on the Michiganensian staff. Jeanne Goman ('40) is working on the Mich- igan Daily. We are very proud of our most
Omega's outstanding pledges from W ashing-
ton, D. C, was elected "Strut Queen." The
"Strut" is the annual freshman dance. After
a week's vacation we are all back on the job
and preparing in a big way for our booth at
the Annual All-Campus Carnival which has as
its theme this year, "The Country Fair." A
feature of the Fair is to be a "Hog Calling
Contest." At the present time we are all
looking forward to our Spring formal which
will be held May 8. This year plans are again
being made to have a dinner dance, due to
the great success that we had last year.— illustrious alumna, Margaret Bourke-Wlnte
Leolyn Miller.
() In the way of philanthropic work the chapter at Christmas time sent money and clothing to our Kentucky Social Service Work and gave $15.00 to the American Red Cross to aid the flood sufferers. Omicron Chapter initiated 18 girls on April 9. The names of the new initiates are as follows: Alice Cox, Katherine Mills,
('27), whose fine work in the field of photog- raphy, is greatly responsible for the excellence of the new magazine, Life.—Carolyn Ross.
$ The members of Phi Chapter are active in
nearly every activity of the Kansas Cam- pus. Only a few of the girls hold major offices, however, we are well represented otherwise. Ruth Buehler ('39) is a member of the reporting staff of the Sour Owl. Keturah
Frances Edmunds, Margaret Albers, Julia Kennedy ('40) plays the cello in the K. U .
all of Knoxville; Margaret McCormick and Ruth Morgan of Memphis, Tennessee; Lillie Burton of Brownsville, Tennessee; Dorothy
of Rogersville, Tennessee. After initiation a banquet was given at Cherokee Country Club with Mrs. H. M. Cox acting as toastmistress. AOPi harmony was the theme of the banquet. The idea was carried out in the speeches made on new and old melodies and also in the decorations. Edith Stokely ('39) was elected secretary of the W omen's Student Govern-
has been secretary of the freshman class. Emily Donaldson, Eaye Poore and Ruth Dunn were selected campus beauties.—Vivian Gies.
MAY, 1937 43
symphony orchestra. Aldene Kizler ('38) is ('38) is editor to the women's division of the a member of Quack (swimming) Club. She Terrapin (the U . of M . yearbook), secretary sings in Dean Swarthout's Westminster a ca- of the junior class, vice president of WAA pella choir, is a member of W A A , YWCA, and a member of the Executive Council. Women's University Glee Club, and of AT,the Eleanor Quirk ('38) is our local Panhellenic Lutheran church sorority. Besides these out- delegate and secretary of the Democratic Club. side activities, Aldene is our vice president Ruth Reville ('38) and Elaine McClayton and manages all the intramural games. Velma ('39) are members of the Women's League, Markham ('37), our 4>BK and ITA9, is a mem- Elaine as W omen's Representative of the ber of Spanish Club, Women's Glee Club, sophomore class, and Ruth as house president YWCA and Wesley Foundation, and Jay of AOII. Freddie Waldman ('39) is secre- Janes. Rachel Shetlar ('37) is the secretary tary of the sophomore class, a member of the of the K. U. Women's Rifle Club and the Executive Council, and vice president of the Camera Club. Recently she placed on the newly formed Badminton Club. Ruth Reville high ten team and was awarded a sweater. ('38) was a member of the Junior Prom She belongs to YW and Wesley Foundation. Committee. Sophia Hoenes ('37) is senior
Katherine Short won the chapter ring given to the outstanding pledge. Pi Delta Chapter is very proud of two campus achievements: six girls are finalists in the beautv contest: Muriel
cheerleader and Edith Gram ('39), a pledge, is junior cheerleader. Eunice Miller ('37) is secretary of the French Club and of the Inter-
Foster were present. We held our annual April Fool date dinner on April 1. For our patrons this coming year, wre have se- lected Dr. Gail McClure, assistant physician of the university health service, and Professor and Mrs. R. H. Beamer. Dr. McClure is very popular with the chapter and she prom- ises to be an excellent patroness. Imogene Beamer ('37) is the daughter of Professor and Mrs. Beamer.—Verda Ames.
II Pi Chapter's Charity Ball to raise funds for our Kentucky Social Service work was very successful and we made a little over the amount needed. It was given at the Orleans Club on March 12. Wc all had a good time Easter on our house party except for the cold weather. Marjorie Lemarie, who left us at mid term to attend Maryville College, St. Louis, came home for the spring holidays and spent a few days with us. We were all glad to see her again. Phi Beta Kappa day was celebrated by Pi Chapter with its annual luncheon for the new members. Our luncheon for the Phi Beta Kappas orig- inated when that honorary society was estab- lished at Newcomb. In the first election most of the members were AOn's. The Senior banquet will be held on April 29 at the Coun- try Club and the seniors will receive their presents from the chapter. Donna Lemarie ('38), will be toastmistress. The spring tea
dance on May 8 at the Orleans Club will end
11 colon.
IIA Flora Waldman ('37), president of Pi Delta Chapter, is also secretary treas- urer of the Student Government Organization, president of the YWCA, secretary of GI\ a member of Mortar Board and •K*. Claire
Boekhoff ('37) and Betty Jane Oswald ('37) are members of SAO. B. J. is also a mem- ber of the Poetry Society. Dorothy Hobbs
('37) has been a member for a year. Sue has also been nominated for WAA president. March 23 marked the occasion for our annual fathers' dinner. At this time all the fathers meet, renew old acquaintances and enjoy them selves if appearances count. The last Senior Singings of the semester found Pat Appleton
Maxine Earhart ('37), who has been our
president, is a member of Jay Janes and is on
the Social Committee of the YW. Martha
Turner ('39) is active in T2, a member of national Relations Club. Sara Anne Vaiden YWCA and the Home Economics Club. Mabel ('40), a pledge, is secretary of the freshman Green ('38) is a membership chairman of the class, and led the Junior Prom. She and Dot Spanish Club. She is also vice president of Hobbs ('38) are sponsors of the R.O.T.C.
KB. May 14 is the date that we have set for
the annual spring party. The senior breakfast
will follow the party on Sunday, May 16. On
March 25 we entertained members of the
faculty with a dinner at which George O. James ('38), Betty Weaver ('37), Flo Wald- Foster, registrar of the university and Mrs.
man ('37), actives; Frances Elliott ('40), Sara Anne Vaiden ('40), and Constance Nash ('39), pledges. The chapter won a silver lov- ing-cup for the most artistic float in the Homecoming Day parade.—Sophia Hoenes.
P Jackie Stuchlik ('38) has been in the Waa Mu show and in all the other college productions besides W A A volleyball. L a V ern Giles ('38) has represented us most ably in sports; she follows the season around with tennis, volleyball, hockey, rifle, basketball, and baseball. Our freshmen have been busy with University publications such as the Nortlnvcst- ern Daily, the Syllabus, and the Purple I'ar- rott. By the way, may we brag a little? Last semester we received a 4.7, almost a "B" aver- age for scholarship, and we are very proud
of it.—Jeanne Lcpinc.
5 Dorothy Davis ('37), our outgoing presi-
dent, has been elected to the art honor
society, A2. She has been making clever
posters for campus activities. Jeanne Ken-
nedy ('36) and Mary Isabelle Elberg ('36)
have spent this last semester touring Europe.
June MacKay ('39) and Elenor Crammer
('39) are leaving in May for several months'
stay in the British Tsles and on the Continent.
Our chapter had the largest registration in
intramural sports of any house on the campus.
We have already won the swimming meet.
Sue Crane ('37). Amiry Hart ('38) and Lilian
Hennessey ('40) have been largely responsible
for Sigma's good showing. Sue Crane ('37)
has been added to the list of Prytanean mem-
bers, an activity and leadership honor society our social activities for this year.—Adelc for Junior and Senior women. Pat Appleton
Pi, is
Hullabaloo and
('37) as chairman. At this time all senior women of the university gather to listen to an enjoyable program and sing as a group for the last time in college days. Pat pre- sented a fashion show. Modeling from the house were Marion Force ('37) and Doris Cline ('37). Fashions wearable during Senior Week was the theme of the show. Senior Week is a busy time for the graduates of California which takes place this year on May 17-22. It serves as a final climax of four hard spent years when baccalaureate service; the pilgrimage; the Straw Shuffle; an all-day barbecue, swimming, horseback riding, and dance at a local country club; the senior ex- travaganza; the President's reception; and the all-night affair, the Senior Ball, are all held. This involves much planning and detail and those girls chosen from the house to serve on committees are: Marion Force ('37), Pat Appleton ('37), Doris Cline ('37), Dorothy Davis ('37), and Rosemary Kruse ('37). On April 24 we had our first mothers' luncheon. We inaugurated a faculty dinner this year. This idea is followed by numerous other houses on the campus and proved to be one of the most entertaining events thus far. Patricia Lennon ('38) was chairman— Rose- mary Kruse.
T Tau members have been represented in nearly every activity open to girls on the campus. Peggy Jerome ('37) was awarded the "Little Red Oil Can" at the University Farm campus for outstanding service. Phyllis Hawlish ('37), in addition to serving on nu- merous committees, is a member of the Arts college Intermediary Board and the Ski-U- Mah, the campus humor magazine. She is graduating magna cum lande. Poster work for the WSGA and YWCA is done by Maxine
Newcomb city newspaper.
Pi, AXA, ttSL for the Odd Demonstration at F.S.C.W. and played
a lead in it.
Morse ('37), who is a member of the Adver- tising Club and who helped in promoting the Education banquet. The dramatic society, Masquers, is represented by Janet Sprague ('39), Antoinette Bernath ('39), Melissa Rob- bins ('39), and Margaret Glockler ('39), who has been the scholarship chairman of Pan- hellenic council and is the new treasurer. In the field of journalism, Persis Harper ('37) won the award for the best feature story writ- ten by a college student in a contest spon- sored by the Publisher's Auxiliary, national journalists' publication. Persis is a member of the WAA board, the Minnesota Daily, and was on a radio skit committee for WLB. Lois Hanson ('37), our Panhellenic Council delegate, is a Daily reporter, secretary of GS4>, honorary journalism sorority, and a member of the Advertising Club. Lois will graduate magna cum laude, too. First in line for the Sophomore Ball was Dagmar Hauge ('39), a member of the Gavel Club and YWCA, WSGA sophomore council. Y W sophomore council, and WAA Board are the honors capably held by Betty Eylar ('39). Melissa Robbins ('39) headed the Freshman Week committee for Convocation night, and Delores Ritter ('38), member of the Adver- tising Club, did poster work for Freshman W eek and cartoons for Ski-U-Mah. Mary Putnam ('38) is in the Social Service Work- ers' Association, and Margery Miesen ('38) and Eddice Dochterman ('39) belong to the Rifle Club. At least 11 Tau members at- tended Matrix banquet.—Delores Ritter.
TA We had a visit from our District Super- intendent, Margaret Pedrick, from New Orleans, in February. While she was here, the actives entertained with a buffet supper in the sorority room, the alumna? had a tea,
of the
spondent for the New Orleans States,
Colomb, Tulane
editor corre-
Early, wrote the
Alpha script
AOII's vmetnber of Pi, and a football spon- member of Mortar Board, TKA, and AAA.
president manager 4 the school's most attractive coed last of Women's Debate, junior adviser, a
t» Laughlin,
of Southwestern's April Fool Court,
Theta elect of Cincinnati's
Eta, is the Y.W.C.A.,
Kappa sor.
Omicron, was
Ema Kramer,
Emily Taggard, Nu Omicron, is Vanderbitt's most typical coed, the
and George
of "The
most attractive coea at Maryland.
is president
found Betty Weaver Pi Delta, the
of WSGA and a wearer of the "C".
of the senior class at Cornell, secretary
WAA Board.
and the pledges had a dinner party at a down-
town restaurant. In March we had our an-
nual rummage sale by which we make money
for the Kentucky Social Service Work. This
sale lasted for two days, and we had a lot
of fun while we were working. Student elec- who has just been elected secretary for that
tions for the annual May Court at Birming- organization. We find our members in many ham-Southern have honored Sara Dominick of the departmental clubs. Helen Burress is
and Martha Cow-art. Sara was chosen from president of Sodalites Latina and a member
the junior class and Martha from the Lower of Education Club. Other members in the Division. Caroline Postelle was elected to last-mentioned organization are Pauline Me-
AAA, national honor society for freshman genity and Harriett Jean Wright. In the
women; Sara Dominick and Anne Ratliff were Home Economics Club are Harriett Knapp,
chosen by TKA, national honorary forensic Nancy Gavin, Dorothy Coleman, and Barbara Lantz. Harriett Knapp is the vice president
society, and, incidentally, were the first girls of Toynbee, and Ruth MacNeill and Mildred
to be elected by the Birmingham-Southern Gadient are members of *2I and Der Deutsche chapter; Christine Bryant and Sara Griffith Bund.—Lila Jane Dayhoff.
were elected to KAE, national honorary educa- tion fraternity for women.—Martha Co-wart.
0 H Theta Eta chose February 3 as the date for a combination bridge-luncheon and candy sale held at Kreimer's tea room. There were table prizes and prizes offered by Krei- mer's, consisting mostly of kitchen necessities, Pauw campus this year. We have more girls to the lucky ones who had their names drawn.
0 For a small chapter our girls have a sur- prising number of activities on the De-
on the WSA Board than any other house, and
most of our girls are members of the society.
Ruth Locke, Nancy Gavin, and Pauline Me-
genity are on the board, each one of them and friends an opportunity to become stars being outstanding in all sports. Ruth Locke for a few exciting moments. We held our is this year's tennis queen, Pauline is expert formal initiation services at the Immanuel
in basketball and volleyball, and Nancy has
brought the house honors in swimming. Other
members in Naiad (swimming club) are Har-
riett Knapp, Ruth Locke, and Marcia Seelbach, church. The silence and holiness did much to
who has broken several pool records. Marcia
was chosen to be on the freshman basketball
team, and was awarded a gold basketball when
the team won. Other girls in the house who
are in W S A are Marian Sykes, Harriett Jean
Wright, Ruth Bibbins, Irene Lumby, Virginia
Mellencamp, and Barbara Lantz. In scholar- V After three or four weeks of informal ship Pauline Megenity takes the lead. She is rushing in January, a busy time for all in Mortar Board, and acts as secretary for of us, our winter social season opened Feb- that organization, and she was recently elected ruary 26, with an informal dance at the Club nKA. Mildred Gadient is following in her Victor, one of Seattle's most popular rendez-
footsteps as president of AAA. At our state
luncheon Jo-Anne Smith was awarded the
ruby A, which is given to the pledge with the
best scholarship, attitude and activities. In
journalism, Helen Burress is the most out-
standing, for she is secretary of 02*. Lila
Dayhoff and Clare Allison are on the DePauzv
business staff, and Lila also works on the edi-
torial staff of The Mirage, our annual. Ruth
Bibbins and Dorothy Coleman are on the busi-
ness staff of The Mirage. Pauline Megenity
is one of the prominent musicians on the
campus. She is a member of the American
Guild of Organists, a member of M*E, and
has become well known as an accomplished 7j At the Honors Convocation on April 8,
members of Panhellenic were Helen Burress and Nancy Gavin, and the two new delegates are Marian Sykes and Clare Allison. As the year comes to a close, Helen Burress turns over her work in YWCA to Mildred Gadient,
A highlight of the afternoon was the program "Ask the Ladies"—broadcast by WKRC. This program gave many AOIl's and their mothers
Presbyterian Church in Clifton at 5 P. M . on February 26. This was the first time in sev- eral years that Theta Eta held its exercises in
further the solemnity of the occasion. The soft notes of the organ before and after the service blended with the voices of those privil- eged to be present at this lovely event.—Mary Kay Smith.
vous for college students. This was followed by a dinner party at which we were very lucky to have as our guest Dr. Clementine Bash. She is the sister of our Dean of Women, Miss Mary Bash, who was also our guest, and is a noted missionary from the interior of China. She brought with her many garments and
other articles of interest, gathered during her r
sojourn in the Far East. We were all very pleased to have our District Superintendent, Judy Hauseman, with us for several days in March, although due to the short time of her visit, we were unable to entertain.—Verna May llibbard.
pianist. Harriett Jean Wright is considered the most talented violinist in Music School, and is scheduled to play a concerto with the orchestra. She also has a very fine voice, and she and Clare Allison sing duets on special occasions. Clare was a member of the chorus in the Monon Review. Other fine voices be- long to Lois Brooks, who sings in the church choir, and Jean Story, who sings in the fa- mous University Choir. Harriett Jean took charge of the singing and dancing in the Monon Review, since she is the member from our house on the A W S Board. This year's
five members of Zeta Chapter were named as members of *BK: Elizabeth Temple, AAA and Zeta president, 1934-35; Harriett Heu- mann, sorority president 1935-36 and Panhell- enic delegate; Corris Elizabeth Peake, daugh- ter of Corris Damon Peake, charter member of Zeta Chapter; Ellen Ada Srb, IIAO,AAA, and Zeta president, 1936-37, Panhellenic repre- sentative ; and Dorothy Bentz, news editor of the Daily Nebraskan, Junior-Senior Prom committee; first winner of the Mortar Board plaque for leadership, scholarship, and serv- ice; 62*. AWS Board senior member
MAY, 1937
Atlanta Alumnae Make Robes for Lambda Sigma
ONE of the most delightful affairs of the holiday season was our Christmas party given by "Doug" and "Peg" Copelatid at their home. Practically all the members of our chapter with their dates and husbands were there and enjoyed the variety of games played. Our first February meeting was a stork-shower and luncheon for Dorothy Brandon Du- Bard given at Peg Copeland's also. Many lovely gifts were presented to Dorothy which she is now using for her new son, Tames Leroy, born March 13. Wilma Smith Leland arrived February 13 and was
with the entertaining of the seniors of the active chapter, with a formal dinner bridge.—MARY E. ROGERS ( B * ) .
Boston Alumnae Enjoy Annual Meeting
THE January meeting was waived so that mem- bers might have community bridge parties for the benefit of national work. Kay Anthony and Rena Smith were among the first to entertain for the cause. Others are still to come. There are even rumors of plans for summer benefits. Margaret Durkee Angell directed an interesting one-act play at our February meeting, which was very much ap- preciated. Following the play came tea at the chap- ter rooms. Those interned by the epidemic colds were doubly regretful that they missed so much. Numer- ous cars carried AOn's up the hill to Esther Fowler Schmalz's home for the annual meeting. They found the beautiful needlepoint, that Esther had stitched at meetings last year, decorating a most attractive old chair in her living room. Beth Moran, our president for another year, elicited a lively discussion about the type of meetings most suitable for the group. Opinion was practically unanimous in favor of a
the house-guest of Dorris Bowers Carton during her
stay in Atlanta. Several parties were given in her
honor, one of which was a Panhellenic tea given at
the home of Mrs. P. D. MacQuiston. This same week
we helped with the annual Panhellenic benefit bridge
for which Kitty Kelly DuBose was ticket-chairman.
The Southern Division of the College Panhellenic
Conference was held at the Biltmore Hotel March
19 and 20, and the following AOn's attended the
opening banquet: Kitty Kelly DuBose, Annie Stuart
Ellis Pearce, Peg Copelanif and "Bibba" Nichols.
We are now sewing on robes for the Athens chap- calendar of general meetings. Later informal tea
ter so that they will soon have enough for rituals.
afforded opportunity for chatting with many. The sight of friends from across town, from down Maine, or from down on the Cape is one of the pleasures that makes the general meeting desirable. After this same meeting several gallons of maple syrup brought in by a thoughtful member were acquired by friends interested in waffles. The AOII delegate to the Boston City Panhellenic, Alice Spear Ray- mond, is in charge of a Vocational Conference par-
of Alice Phillips with Louise Gray and Dorothy
Smith as assisting hostesses. We were glad to ticularly for undergraduates in the metropolitan dis-
Bloomington Alumnae Set Up Loan Fund tember we met with Nell Willis (P). There we learned that our president, Helen Erskine (I), was
Bangor Alumna? Elect President for Two Years
GAMMA'S Christmas meeting was held at the home
and in March the annual meeting was held at the home of Frances Burke. Edith Bussell was elected president for the coming two years. On June 12 we are joining alumna; groups from the other sor- orities on the Maine campus in a Panhellenic alum- na; tea. This will he held on Alumni Day of Com- mencement Week.—DOROTHY SMITH ( D .
Chicago South Shore Alumnae Hear Radio Writer
THE Chicago South Shore Alumna; group has about 25 active members this year. Our monthly meetings are dinners—in members' homes. In Sep-
( N K )
have June Kelley of Norwood, Massachusetts, and
five active girls from Gamma as our guests. The
January meeting was held at the home of Corrine
Young, the February meeting with Madeline Herlihy, give you our word that will be jolly, too.—ANNE
trict. June Kelley is to speak on "Women in In- dustry." Several alumna; from Gamma Chapter are to be hostesses and talent at the April meeting. We
BLOOMINGTON Alumna; have elected new officers
for the coming year. They are Gail Glen Ramsey,
president; Analie Shaw Hepley, vice president; Mar-
tha Nelle Foley, treasurer; Coralie Maze Shaw, sec-
retary, and Mary E. Rogers, historian and reporter
to To DRAGMA. The State Luncheon and Dance
were held at the Indianapolis Athletic Club, March
6. Those attending from Bloomington were Hannah Kathryn Clement (X) was elected to lead us. Short-
ly after leaving South Shore, Helen Erskine became ill of pneumonia. She was in the Evanston Hospital for many weeks, but now she is well and active.
forced to resign, since business had made it neces- sary for the Erskines to take up residence in Wil- mette. We were all greatly disappointed for Helen has long been an efficient and loved worker in our group. H elen W ahl ( 0 ) , vice president, felt that she could not take the responsibility of the pres- idency this year, so we held another election and
Blair Neal, Gail Glen Ramsey, Charlotte Shaw Ellis,
Mary Neal McIIveen, Gertrude Bailey Huntington,
Helen Million, and Louis Payne. Hannah Neal was
on the program, giving in her inimitable way a We miss her quick wit and energy in our group. piano monologue composed by her. A $50.00 loan Our December meeting was our Founders' Day fund has been set aside by our alumna; organiza- banquet, which we gave in the Music Room of tion available to any Beta Phi active. During the the Plaisance Hotel. The long table was lovely, with flood, Bloomington and Indiana University housed red roses and gold candles, arranged by Belle Hawker about 700 of the refugees and many of the girls (9)._ The program was a very unusual and enter-
worked constantly, while others contributed clothes
and money. Our money-making projects this year
have been a sale of rummage and at the present we
have started a "Witch's basket." One member places
an article of food in it and sends it forth to another,
who takes the article of food, putting in the basket
the amount of money she thinks it worth together
with her article of food, and on it goes, until it
has reached each member. A most interesting pro- the home of Dr. Minnie Phillips (I). Virginia was gram was given at the March meeting held at Hannah married to Holland Hamilton on New Year's Day in Blair Neal's home. Helen Duncan, of the I.U. Ex- the Church of the Mediator. In December we learned tension Division, showed moving pictures of the that the Ralph Browns (Helen Hood, I) were being Yellowstone Park. It made us all more anxious transferred to St. Louis. February 1. At our Jan- than ever to attend Convention. Our year ends uary meeting which was held at the home of Kathryn
taining one. Lucile McCauley (T) gave a program of interpretive dance which was indeed charming. She was accompanied by Trieva Rae (XA), at the piano; by Kathryn Wilhelm, vocalist, and by Mar- garet Johnson (9), reader. After the program, the group enjoyed formal fraternity. This fall we learned that Virginia Berry (0) was to be married. The alumna; gave a shower for her in December, at