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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-02 16:34:46

1925 May - To Dragma

Vol. XX, No. 4

Co Dragtna
Jllpba Otntcron Pi

voi. x x IWay, 1925 NO. 4

To Dragma

Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity


Alpha—Barnard College—Inactive.
P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, L a .
Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Beta—Brown University—Inactive.
Delta—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
Iota—University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.
Tau—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y .
Upsilon—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex,
Beta Phi—University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.
Eta—University of Wisconsin, Madison, W is.
Alpha Phi—Montana State College, Bozeman, Mont.
Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
Pai—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
Phi—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.
Omega—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
Omicron Pi—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Alpha Sigma—University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.
Xi—University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla.
Pi Delta—University of Maryland, College Park. Md.
New York Alumnae—New York City.
San Francisco Alumnae—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Providence, R. I.
Boston Alumnae—Boston, Mass.
LOB Angeles Alumnae—Los Angeles, Cal.
Lincoln Alumnae—Lincoln, Neb.
Chicago Alumnae—Chicago, 111.
Indianapolis Alumnae—Indianapolis, Ind.
New Orleans Alumnae—New Orleans, L a .
Minneapolis Alumnae—Minneapolis, Minn.
Bangor Alumnae—Bangor, Me.
Portland Alumnae—Portland, Oregon.
Seattle Alumnae—Seattle, Wash.
Knoxville Alumnae—Knoxville, Tenn.
Lynchburg Alumnae—Lynchburg, Va.
Washington Alumnae—Washington, D. C.
Philadelphia Alumnae—Philadelphia, Pa.
Dallas Alumnae—Dallas, Tex.
Kansas City Alumna?—Kansas City, Mo.
Omaha Alumnae—Omaha, Neb.
Tacoma Alumnae—Alumnae Association (temporarily), Tacoma, Wash.
Syracuse*Alumnae—Syracuse, N. Y .
Detroit Alumnae—Detroit, Michigan.
Nashville Alumnae—Nashville, Tenn.
Geveland Alumnae—Cleveland, Ohio.
Champaign-Urbana Alumnae Association—Champaign, 111.
Memphis Alumnae—Memphis, Tenn.
Miami Valley Alumnae—Oxford, Ohio.
Bozeman Alumnae—Bozeman, Mont.
Milwaukee Alumnae—Milwaukee, Wis.
Ltirmingham Alumnae—Birmingham, Alabama.


VOL. X X M A Y , 1925

May We Present Our Convention Delegates 175
A Letter from Thelma Brumfield 177
How They Stand 179
The Panhcllenic Clubhouse in New York City 181
Convention Announcements 192
The American University Women's Paris Club 196
The Burden Bearers of Korea 199
The Vocational Counsellor 201
Budgeting as a Vocation 203
The Panhellenic Fraternities 207
The Right Job 209
Items of Interest ! 216
Editorials 218
Announcements 219
Active Chapter Letters 236
Alumnae Chapter Letters 250
Alumnae Notes

T O D R A G M A is published at 415 Third Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn.,
by The Colwell Press, Inc. Entered at the Postoffice at Minneapolis, Minn.,
as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for
mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of Oc-
tober 3, 1917, authorized February 12, 1920.

T O D R A G M A is published four times a year, September, November,
February and May.

Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; Life
Subscription $15.00.







C HARLOTTE Voss, our next year's president, will be Pi's dele-
gate to convention. Charlotte has won big honors at
Newcomb i n debating. She was on the debating team last year
and this year and is now president of the debating club. This
year she won the prize f o r being the best debater on the squad.
Not only is Charlotte an orator but she is a good athlete. She
goes out f o r almost all activities and is well known and well liked
all over the campus. Although she takes part i n so many activi-
ties she does not neglect her studies. Her grades are excellent
and not surpassed by many.

Charlotte is looking forward to convention with pleasure and
is very anxious to know all of you. We are sure that you will
see that she is just as fine a girl as we have pictured her and you
will be proud to claim her as a sister in Alpha Omicron Pi;


H ELEN M A R I E K O S F I N O V S C H E L N I N is a junior at New Y o r k
University. She is brilliant, popular, and energetic. Let
us name some of her activities this year. I n the last issue of
To DRAGMA we mentioned the fact that she was executive chair-
man of the Russian Bazaar Committee. The Bazaar was given
for two days by the New York University League of Women,
and proved a huge success. Helen is secretary of the local Pan-
hellenic Congress, besides social director of N u . This year she
was elected a member of the Eclectic Society, a girls' honorary
society f o r scholarship and school activities and we are pleased
to state that Helen will be our next president.

Besides her college activities we have only briefly
touched, Helen was the Social Director of the Lake Champlain
Camp during the summer of 1921 and the following year she
acted as Travel and Tour Director in the Green, White, and
Adirondack Mountains. For two years she has been a member
of the Social Committee of the Carroll Club. She is interested
in social welfare work.


Whenever there is anything to be done, Helen is asked to do it
because she is capable and conscientious, and possesses a remark-
able degree of executive ability.

Helen is enthusiastic about acquatic sports, and we confess
she is inclined to be a little too reckless with fast motors and with
spirited horses.


W H E N WE ELECTED our president for next year, Ruth Beck
was the unanimous choice of Omicron chapter. I n sending
her to convention we feel that we are "doing ourselves proud."
We feel that she will represent us worthily and will be long re-
membered by our sisters f r o m other chapters.

To describe her, however, is a hard task. I t is fruitless for
me to tell you that she is small, blonde, exquisite (one of our
prize beauties, in fact), but none the less capable and dependable.
You must know her to appreciate her. During her three years
here she has held many and varied positions, from that of Queen
of the University Carnival to that of stern task-master of our
pledges. Last fall she was chairman of the rushing committee,
a difficult position and one in which she worked hard and success-
fully. I n fact, everything Ruth undertakes is apt to be finished
completely and well.

W e send her to convention with the assurance that you will
all love her and be proud that she is an Alpha O.


A L L YE ENTHUSIASTIC pilgrims journeying towards the Mecca
of A . O. IT. f o r 1925, in Minnesota, There cometh one
among you whom it will please you to meet, namely, Margaret
Boiling Jones, f r o m Kappa. We know that you're bound to
like her; everyone does. I n sooth she wears the sacred ruby
with such grace that she'll hold you enthralled f r o m the first
minute. We have to admit that she's rather a little girl to be so
far away f r o m home, but we'll trust her to you, and i f you see a
little black curly haired girl, who stands about five feet
four ( i n her high heels) and one who talks with a Southern
Virginia accent and answers to the name of "Dahlin", which


everyone i n the Southern District knows is a term of especial
endearment, you have our "Darling Jones", The unkindly
fates tried to conceal her by naming her "Jones", but when you
meet her, you'll agree with us that they will never have any luck
along that line. Here's a little flower not "born to blush unseen."


S ISTERS, may I present Miss Margaret Watson, representative
delegate of Zeta chapter, to the national convention of Alpha
Omicron Pi, in 1925?

Margaret's personality will be unmistakably recognized as in
perfect accord with her charming soft voice.

Though she will be graduated this June, from the Arts and
Science College of the University of Nebraska, after three and
one-half years of work, she will continue her studies in post-
graduate courses during the coming year.

The fact that Margaret has been chosen president of Zeta
chapter f o r the second year in succession, surely proves her
loyalty and ability, as well as our appreciation of her f a i t h f u l
service to Alpha Omicron Pi.


T o WRITE A letter in one hundred or even one thousand words
which would adequately describe Mildred Bell, our new
president and convention delegate, would be impossible. "Bell"
as we all call her is one of the happiest girls in the house or any-
where, in fact. She can always find time to look at things f o r
their humorous side and at the same time she has a keen insight
and a level judgment.

The work that "Bell" has done on the campus is varied. She
has represented the house in Panhellenic meetings f o r over a
year. Her service there has extended to work on the finance
committee f o r the annual benefit and the investigation committee
on local houses. This semester she has had a responsible position
on the executive committee for the annual women's pageant and
is i n charge of the pageant properties and construction commit-
tee. Then, too, she has served on "Sophomore H o p " and "Junior
Day" committees.






I n the house, "Bell" has always been a most enthusiastic
worker for all the teas and dances as well as acting as rushing
captain for the past year. The latter position is one which
demands a clear judgment combined with a sense of humor, and
in the office she acquitted herself nobly.

The whole house feels it is a privilege to be represented at
convention by a girl like Mildred Bell and is confident that she
will be an interested and Capable delegate to carry the fraternal
message f r o m Sigma to the other chapters.


M IRIAM O I L A R has been elected as our delegate to convention
this summer in recognition of her f a i t h f u l services to our
chapter. Miriam is a junior in the University. As rush captain
and house manager, a dreadful combination, Miriam proved
exceptional; last year she was corresponding secretary. A t the
last meeting of Toynbee, she was elected Secretary and Treasurer
of this honorary organization for Sociology majors. Quite a
number of the girls plan to attend convention this year; so
Miriam will have a full fledged body-guard to escort her north-


D ELTA PROUDLY introduces her new chapter president and
convention delegate, Mary Sellers Hall, of Springfield,
Massachusetts. Mary is petite and clever, a good combination
we think. Proof of her cleverness lies in the fact that she is on
the Weekly staff, belongs to the "Masque", a dramatic society,
and is Secretary-Treasurer of "The Pipers", an exclusive poets'
club. She has a charming personality and is very popular in both


B EULAH OSGOOD is the Gamma delegate to convention. She
is a junior, taking the Home Economics course, and always
proves a valuable member when there are picnics or teas to be
planned. As the head of any committee, Beulah is one of the
most efficient in the chapter.


She is a member of the Glee Club and Treasurer of our MARY ELIZABETH DAVIES Lor.A BUSIAN
local Panhellenic Council, but her chief activity is study. She
has maintained, throughout her college course, an honor stand- •
ard. I n one of the hardest courses in the University she made -
3.7. Three-point is an average of B . Beulah has brains and
what is more she uses them. •

That you may recognize her when you meet her may I add, DOROTHY WOMRATH
I shall not attempt to describe her as 1 am no poet, that she is
unusually attractive. Slender, tall, well poised, she carries her-
self like a dignified young queen. The delicate face framed i n
heavy black hair is like some exquisite cameo.

Beulah certainly seems to stand at all times f o r character,
dignity and scholarship. We hope you like her, Ave do.


L OLA B U S I A N is our delegate to convention. Though Lola B.,
as we call her, has only been a member of Rho f o r two
years, there was no doubt in our minds as to whom to send to
convention this year. Lola has done fine work in campus activi-
ties as well as in the chapter. 'At present she is a member of the
staff of the Daily NorUnvestern, as w£ll as the business staff of
the Purple Parrot. She has been our study plan officer this past
year and drilled us until we all knew the chapter roll backwards
and forwards too. W e feel sure you will love Lola B. as much
as we do, just because she is her sweet charming self. She has
lots of pep, but not too much f o r she understands the serious
side of being an A . O. I I . as well as the f u n part. W e are all
very anxious to have you meet Lola, and prophesy that she will
take your hearts by storm as she did ours at a certain rushing
party two years ago.


I W I S H TO TNTRODUCF. to Alpha Omicron Pi, Wana Kiesling,
of Lambda chapter. Wana is to be our next president.
She is a member of the class of 1925, but expects to do graduate
work in English during the coming year. She has always been
one of our most active girls, not only in sorority activities, but
on the campus as well. For two years she was a reporter on the



Daily Palo Alto, the campus paper, and belongs to the National Women's Activities section of the Gopher. She has been both
Journalistic Association. Last year she was head of the house social and rushing chairman for the chapter. And, throughout her
social committee. This year she has been our vice-president, and three years on the campus, she has taken great interest in all-
in charge of the freshmen, and has been very successful in this university affairs, and has both entertained and worked in innumer-
position. We are very glad to have her represent us. able drive committees. W e feel that Dorothy is an exceedingly
capable girl to hold this position and we shall be very, very glad
JANE LOUISE BROWN, IOTA to see her accept the chair.

J A N E L O U I S E B R O W N of Kokomo, Indiana, w i l l be the official CORDELIA VANCE, C H I
representative of Iota chapter at convention. For the two years
that she has been at Illinois, Jane Louise has worked on the Daily CH I CHAPTER is sending Cordelia Vance, one of her juniors,
Illini, last year as a reporter, and this year as one of the junior to convention. W e feel Cordelia Vance is capable of extend-
editors of the woman's staff. She is also a member of Theta ing the spirit of Chi to our sisters at Minnesota through her
Sigma Phi, women's honorary and professional journalistic fra- naturally charming and gracious manner.
Cordelia is an attractive girl with golden hair, blue eyes, and
Of her many good qualities, the most outstanding and unusual is of average height. Though conservative in manner she posses-
is a sweet disposition that is never upset. This level disposition ses a readiness to enter into all of the activities about her. Dig-
along with good judgment, an understanding heart and strong nity, poise, and enthusiasm are but a few of the essentials which
character, has brought her the position of house president f o r she has that make her a loyal A . O. I I .
the next year.
Before entering Syracuse University, Cordelia taught school
Jane Louise's activities have been varied, with emphasis placed for two years and came here as a junior. Already she has made
on the journalistic work. Besides committee work she has been many true friends and successfully gained their confidence. This
busy as social chairman in the house. H e r success has been semester she has been living at the chapter house and has shown
shown by several dances and parties of very original plan. a keen desire to be one of us. B y proving her sincerity she has
expended her energies through endless efforts to further the
Iota is proud to be represented by such a girl this year, and progress of Chi chapter. W e have chosen Cordelia as our chap-
many of us are hoping to be with her. ter president f o r the coming year, because of her power to co-
operate with her associates.
She is a member of the University Chorus, and has many
T AU CHAPTER is very glad to introduce, through To DRAGMA, other interests on the campus.
its newly elected president who will be in office i n time to
see the active chapter through the long expected convention week. MYRTIS WHITE, UPSILON
Dorothy Womrath, chosen president by the will and appreciation
of the chapter, deserves the office because of her continuous M YRTIS W H I T E , our newly elected president will be our offi-
activities both within the chapter and on the campus. I n her cial delegate to convention. W e are also sending Melna
freshman year, Dorothy was a member of the large council of Rogers in order that our chapter will be well represented.
Y . W . C. A . I n her sophomore year, she was a captain in the
organization which raised money to build the new stadium at BETTY SEARS, E T A
Minnesota, and was very active in the drive. This year she has
acted as vice-president and social chairman f o r Tarn o' Shanter, T ) ETTY SEARS, who is to act as our delegate to convention this
the junior women's class organization, and is editor of the
- D year is certainly the logical one to go.' She is a senior and
a dandy fine girl, whom everyone likes and admires exceedingly.


MERCEDES STAEBLER ICY PiRtKi.i. We feel that her charming manner, sweet personality and splen-
did initiative will make her an able representative f o r Eta

She has done a lot for our chapter during her college career.
She has helped make our name prominent on the campus, f o r she
always has been active on the " h i l l " . Besides her university
activities, she has proved herself to be very able i n the several
offices she has'held in the chapter. She was Panhellenic delegate
one year. Last year she made a very successful rushing chair-
man. This year we fek that she, of all the girls was worthy of
the greatest honor the chapter could bestow upon her, that of
the presidency. You can well believe that Betty has made a
splendid president. She has been a true executive, has lived up
to her v6ws as an A . O. EL and has inspired the best thought in
the girls. The chapter has been run i n a very dignified and
orderly way. There has been a close co-operation between the
girls, and we all feel that i t has been due largely to Betty's
executive ability and winning personality. We are all proud to
have a girl like Betty to send to convention.


-' MARGARET WATSON S INCE I T IS SO far, not many of the girls f r o m N u Omicron
will find it possible to attend convention this year, though we
CATHERINE CRAIG should greatly love to. I n the person of Catherine Craig we are
sending officially our greetings and spirit to convention. Her
home is in Ripley, Tenn. I n her three years with N u Omicron
she has been an untiring and enthusiastic worker, and has won
her place as chapter president f o r 1925-26.


W E H A V E CHOSEN Mercedes Staebler as our delegate to con-
vention this year. As she is a very versatile person i t is
hard to describe her. She is small and graceful with brown eyes
and curly bobbed hair to match. She is one of our most outstand-
ing sophomores. Mercedes has taken a leading part in dramatics
and as leading lady in "Stubborn Cinderella", the college play f o r
this year, she was very charming and showed splendid talent and


During Girls' Vocational Congress, Mercedes was one of the
two girls chosen to lead the Congress singing. She has a sweet
soprano voice and she is a splendid leader.

She recites well and does several charming pantomimes. She
is endowed with a charming and winning personality and makes
friends quickly.


I CY PURCELL, a junior on the H i l l , and one of our most charm-
ing girls, was elected president of Phi chapter f o r the year
1925-26, and will serve as convention delegate f r o m our chapter.

Icy has only been with us a little over a year, coming to us
f r o m Stephens College i n Columbia, Missouri, but she has shown
by her true Alpha O . spirit and her great executive ability that she
is the girl to take the chapter where we seniors have left it and
"Carry On".

She has had experience i n fraternity life before coming into
Phi. A t Stephens she was a member of Sigma Iota Chi, national
junior college sorority, president of her house, vice-president of
Y. W . C. A., served on Student Council, and was secretary of
W . A . A . She has our purpose truly at heart, and Icy will lead
our chapter in trying to attain, not only the ideals of our frater-
nity, but will strive to put A . O . n . first on our campus.

Icy is a splendid student majoring i n history and making
some of the highest grades i n the more difficult courses on the
H i l l . She is interested i n Y . W . C. A . and has done some very
hard work in that organization this past year. When election in
Women's Forum was held last month, Icy calmly took the presi-
dency and represents that organization i n W . S. G. A . , making
the second girl f r o m our chapter to have a seat on council.

We feel perfectly safe in seeing Icy take Phi under her wing
for the coming year and we are proud to send her to convention.


E L I Z A B E T H M A C O W E N , our recently elected president, is our
delegate to convention this summer. Betty, as she is known
to everyone was initiated i n February, 1922. W e were proud
to have Betty on our Penn hockey team and also the Philadelphia
hockey team, which played against the English teams.


Although Betty has been out of school on account of death • A LETTER FROM THELMA BRUMFIELD
and illness in her family, she has managed to maintain her stand-
ing as a senior. Y ou W I L L A L L be interested to know about the work of Thelma
Flournoy Brumfield, of Epsilon, who has held the Ruth
Betty is deeply interested in social work and intends to enter Capen Fanner memorial fellowship f o r the past year.
that particular field when she graduates.
Thelma's grades following the mid-year examinations are
W i t h her charming personality and ready laugh, she makes tied f o r first place with one of the men's. She was elected
friends everywhere. W e feel confident in saying that she will to Alpha Omega Alpha, which is the equivalent of Phi Beta
represent our chapter well at convention. W e expect great things Kappa for medical students and to which only one-tenth of the
of Betty and we know we won't be disappointed. class is elected in the third year. This election is not only on the
basis of scholarship, but also on character and professional
MARY ELIZABETH DAVIES, X I promise. In the National Board examinations which she was
able to take last f a l l ; she was second highest of those f r o m her
M ARY E L I Z A B E T H DAVIES is X i ' s delegate to convention. school. The following is an excerpt from a letter written to Eliza-
Mary Elizabeth was transferred to X i chapter this year beth Hey wood Wyman, chairman of the Fellowship award com-
from Theta chapter in De Pauw, Indiana. mittee :

She is president of X i chapter, member of "Blue Pencil", Our most interesting work, I think, has been in the out-
honorary writer's club, Y . W . C. A., "Entre Nous", French
club, and W . A . A . athletic club. j>atient department. The free clinics here draw f r o m three dis-

Mary Beth has become well known on the campus of Univer- tinct classes, the negroes, the town 'white trash' and a group of
sity of Oklahoma during the past year.
mountaineers. The mountaineers are the most interesting to
me. Three families once settled in the ragged mountains about
A BLONDE, blue-eyed girl, sparkling with life, is only a small
characterization of Helen Cantine, Alpha Sigma's house ten miles f r o m Charlottesville, and they have intermarried and
president for next year, and delegate to convention. Helen shines
particularly in athletics, having served as head of canoeing and reproduced until there are several hundred of them now, all
on swimming and baseball teams. This year she is often found
near the swimming tank carrying out her work as life guard. with one of the three names. They are forever having family

As a major in English she has claimed many honors, the most quarrels and furnishing gunshot cases to the hospital. Indeed
significant being her election last year to the Eutaxion literary
society, the oldest organization on the campus. T r e Nu. an hon- one student referred to gunshot wound as an hereditary disease
orary society f o r girls who are helping to put themselves through
school, as well as being active, also elected Helen last year. of the s. They live under the most unhygienic condi-

Her capability was shown this year as manager of the house, tions, and allow their diseases to reach far-advanced stages before
and the admirable way i n which she executed this office is often
marvelled at. Besides her many other duties this year Helen they consult a doctor. I f you are an Episcopalian you may know
has found time to do some of the most important work on the
Oregana, the year-book, and in spare moments she can be found of some of the missionary work that is being done among people
in her lemon-yellow and green striped canoe gliding down the
mill race. like them in these Virginia mountains.

The negroes make very apj>ealing patients. I had one, an old
minister born in slavery days, who assured me that he wasn't
afraid of anything I might tell him because he knew 'de Lawd
gwine take me when he ready, and ain't nothin' you say gwine
change it.' His coming to the clinic wasn't quite consistent with
that faith, but all he wanted was a cure for shortness of breath,
which he expected me to produce at once. He treated me with
the greatest respect and real old-time darky manners, though he
was very puzzled at having a 'lady doctor'. I had one case of a
neurotic woman, who probably came, so the chief doctor said,
to have a sympathetic ear to listen to her woes. There was
nothing demonstrably wrong, but she recited her symptoms with
such vividness and minuteness, that I was disturbed and won-


dered how she lived with such suffering. A n d there was a young HOW THEY STAND
colored girl who came to have a morning away from her work,
and a social hour in the waiting room. She hatched up a few A L U M N A E CHAPTERS
inconsistent symptoms with no physical basis, which left me
puzzled until the social worker talked to her a minute and diag- Boston 10.63 Minneapolis 53.50
nosed the case. I sometimes regret that I didn't specialize in Birmingham 33 Milwaukee 8.25
psychology at Cornell. Bangor New York
Cleveland 2.86 Nashville 26.67
Our present work with patients is at Blue Ridge Sanatorium. Champaign-Urbana 50.94 New Orleans 26.00
A group of us go out in a big bus about three times a week, and Chicago . . 10.67 Omaha 22.86
spend the morning examining patients and hearing lectures on Detroit 35.35 29.39
tuberculosis. This is one of the state tuberculosis sanatoria, and Dallas Philadelphia
we are fortunate to have it close by. The surprising thing to me Indianapolis 73 Portland 156.20
is to see that all the patients look well, and most are getting Knoxville 65.05 San Francisco 3.00
well at the sanatorium. Sickly heroines in novels always die Los Angeles 62.40 Seattle
beautifully and relentlessly of consumption, and I used to think Miami Valley 3.61 Washington 50.10
of it as a hopeless disease. But it isn't so at all. I was almost Memphis 25.65 Syracuse 1.35
afraid of the Blue Ridge work for I expected it to be depressing, 8.54 1.53
and instead it's inspiring. The patients all expect to be better, 4.24 1.57
they are thoroughly in accord with every attempt to stamp out
tuberculosis, they arc well informed about the public health ACTIVE CHAPTERS
aspects of their disease, and they submit to our clumsy examina-
tions in the most gracious and helpful spirit. They are almost Alpha : 41.00 Nu Omicron 32.50
as anxious as we are that we learn the work, f o r they want Alpha Phi 71 Nu Kappa 3.50
doctors to be competent to diagnose early cases. Many of them Omicron 8.60
have seen tragic results f r o m not getting an early diagnosis, and Alpha Sigma 22 Omega 4.28
want to help other patients f r o m such an experience. Beta 15.00 Pi Delta 65
Beta Phi
Chi Phi 35.11
Of the $57,000.00 finally raised, $50,000.00 is to be put into the Delta 3.40 Rho 11.00
Delta Gamma Scholarship Fund. The principal will be used for well- Epsilon .8.12i/o Sigma 11.00
secured house loans, and the interest for scholarships. This fund will Theta
be open to nonfraternity girls as well as to Delta Gammas. F r o m the Eta 5.45 Tau 7.18
surplus of $7,000.00, $1,500.00 will be set aside for the purpose of Gamma Upsilon 30.30
creating three postgraduate Fellowships, one in the memory of Anna Iota 3.77M» Xi
Boyd Ellington, one in honor of Eva Webb Dodd, and one in honor of Kappa 11.00 Zeta 8.76
Mary Comfort Leonard, the three founders of the Delta Gamma Fra- 16.03 5.40
ternity. These fellowships will be awarded to Delta Gammas who Lambda 17.34 16.50
have graduated with honors and whose graduate work will bring Nu
scholastic distinction to themselves and to the Fraternity.—Anchora 1.00
of Delta Gamma. 8.25

W i t h the second year of national work drawing to a close,
I think we may look with pride on our achievement. I n addi-
tion to the $1196.53 listed above, the Executive Committee
allotted us $150.00 and we have received stationery commissions
of $3.30 which we are unable to credit to the proper chapters
because of lack of information, and $7.44 bank interest. T o
Seattle Alumnae to name a bed in the Children's Hospital f o r
one year we gave $250.00 and to Providence, to furnish a room
in the Rhode Island Homeopathic Hospital, in memory of L i l -
lian McCausland, $500.00.

While I am proud of what we have done, I think it is
only a small percentage of what we can and should do. We must


make a greater effort in sending in magazines and stationery THE PANHELLENIC CLUBHOUSE IN NEW
orders, and every chapter should sell Christmas cards, giving YORK CITY
at least a part of their commissions to National W o r k . These
three items are used by all, and do not involve any financial sac- T H E DREAM of a Panhellenic Clubhouse in New York City
rifice. Thus chapters can still aid their local work with money, has assured outlines of reality. This Clubhouse is the big-
while helping the National in. ways which require only a little gest undertaking that has yet been attempted by the women's
thought and personal effort. fraternities, and the New York Panhellenic Association has
expended much time and effort in "selling the idea". That a
Many of you will not be able to attend convention. Y o u will Panhellenic Clubhouse i n New York is needed and wanted is
miss a very lovely experience. But you may do something at proved conclusively by the fact that, of the sixteen fraternities
that time f o r your fraternity by signing the pledge card below. interested in the project, fourteen have completely taken over
Remember that every dollar helps, and send at least one dollar— their quotas of the common stock. The other two groups, with
more i f you can, but let us all be: over half their stock sold, because of special conditions within
their fraternities, have been granted an extension of time, but
Dollar a Year Girls are pledged to complete their quotas in the near future. The
stock has been sold to individuals, to actives, and to alumnae
I want my fraternity to render constructive leadership in educational, chapters, and, in many cases, considerable amounts have been
social and public service. I endorse the National program as outlined in taken by the national fraternity organizations. Approximately
Article X I of the By-Laws, and toward its development I hereby pledge the $90,000 has been subscribed, and the 10 per cent cash payments
made. This money is being held as a trust fund, and will not
sum of $ , payable (check one). be used until all stock payments, both common and preferred, are
1. Annually
2. Semi-annually. The next step is the sale of the preferred stock. The com-
3. Gift in one payment. mon stock has been sold through the fraternity groups, but the
sale of the preferred stock will be handled by the house corpora-
I am enclosing payment to cover my pledge. tion. Rochelle Rodd Gachet. Alpha Omicron Pi, has been em-
ployed as executive secretary by the Board of Directors of the
Name house corporation to give her full time to organizing the work
Address for the sale of the preferred stock, and to head up the develop-
ment of the general work on the project. Temporary offices have
Date Chapter been secured. Benefit theatre performances, and other means of
raising money are being used to finance this preliminary work.
Make money orders and checks payable to Josephine S. Pratt, Chairman
National Work Committee, 156 W. 170th St., New York City. The preferred stock campaign will be launched in the fall
of 1925. Preferred stock used need not necessarily be owned
Detach, sign, and return with pledge payment. Do it today. by fraternity women. I t is expected, however, that a consider-
able portion of it will be, and, of course, the corporation is
A UNIQUE MEETING counting on the support and cooperation of fraternity women
to interest others in the project.
A unique Phi Beta Kappa meeting was held in a cabin of the
Aquitania of the Cunard Line on September 11, 1924, the day before There has been such a demand f o r a Panhellenic Club that
she concluded a westward voyage. The Senate had very considerately it has been decided not to postpone the formation of a Club
extended the vacation of Secretary Voorhees of the United Chapters,
and with Mrs. Voorhees he was returning after a very pleasant trip
of eleven weeks through Western Europe, visiting some leading cities
in France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium. Holland, England and Scot-

Learning that there were a few members of Phi Beta Kappa on
the Aquitania, he secured permission to post a notice inviting them to
a meeting. Fifteen responded (one did not see the notice in time)
and a very pleasant meeting was held. Doctor Voorhees explained
the plans that have been adopted to celebrate the 150th anniversary
and invited the co-operation of all present in carrying these plans to
a successful conclusion.—Phi Beta Kafpc Ncivs and Notes.



until the Clubhouse building is up. A plan of organization f o r a A L L ABOARD FOR T H E ALPHA OMICRON PI
Panhellenic Club is now being worked out, and a membership
campaign launched. I t is hoped to secure a large apartment as a CONVENTION
temporary home. This would serve as headquarters for frater-
nity women, and the fraternity groups, and would furnish living Radisson I n n , Excelsior, Minnesota, June 30-July 6, 1925.
quarters f o r a few girls. The house corporation would also have
its offices at the Club, Membership in this Club is now being The following Announcements Are Important. Read Them!
opened up to the original 1,000 girls who backed the house
project in the beginning, and to holders of the common stock, Send the following information to Mrs. W . G. Haertel,
without initiation fee. Other fraternity women will be charged 5301 Stevens Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn., as soon as you
an initiation fee. The annual dues have been fixed at $10.00. learn that you are to be a convention guest and as soon as your
I f the membership campaign yields quick results, it is hoped to plans are complete: your name, the train upon which you will
have the Club ready f o r use by fall or possibly even earlier. arrive, and the date of your arrival (day and hour). I t is i m -
portant that the Tau Committee have this information complete
A l l fraternity women going to New York, who are interested that you may be met at the train.
in the Clubhouse project, should look up Miss Gachet at the
offices of the house corporation, 103 West 40th St., Room 709. Communications. Address all communications to Mrs.
W . G. Haertel, 5301 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.

Room Reservations. A l l reservations w i l l be made by the
local committee. Remember that accommodations and service
are uniform f o r guests at a flat rate of $5.00 a day including

Two Little Girls :

Two little girls 'with long, black hair, A BEDROOM, RADISSON I N N
Eyes aslant but with open stare,
Two little girls wearing queer, gay clothes, three meals a day. As soon as you decide to attend convention,
Tiny shoes with their upturned toes, notify Mrs. Haertel and ask to have a reservation made f o r
you. The earlier you make your reservation the better accom-
Two little bundles of school-books dear, modations you will get. Your room reservation may be made
Merry laughs with a ringing cheer, before the information asked for in the first paragraph is sent.
Two little faces of olive skin, Do not neglect either notice.
Anxiously waiting for school to begin,
Motorists. I f the girls who are making the trip to M i n -
• Two little warm, short-stemmed nosegays, neapolis by motor will write Dorothy Womrath, 3215 I r v i n g
Proffered by each in coquettish ways, Ave. So., Minneapolis, she will be glad to send them marked road
Shy and cunning as e'er are found,—
Same little girls the whole world round.

Songdo, Korea. F A N N I E W . BUTTERFIELD, Kappa.

Osaka Manichi.


— maps and suggested routes, Cirls planning motor trips in our
beautiful North woods after convention can send to her f o r
LUCILLE Z . HAERTEL, TOM information. Much of this same information can be obtained
CONVENTION CHAIRMAN f r o m your local automobile clubs. Girls motoring to convention
should not leave the state without a trip through the North woods

Information. Tau chapter will maintain an information
bureau at both of the Minneapolis stations during the day and





night of June 30 and July 1st. This committee will see that you
are met and conveyed to the Inn. I f our best laid plans go 'agley'
and you get lost in the station, or i f you come at the last minute
without having notified any one of the time of your arrival, call
Mrs. K . E. Brunsdale, 5041 Stevens Ave. So., Tel. Co. 5208.
She will instruct you as to further procedure. The information
booth at the stations and at the Inn will tell you where you can
get the best marcel in town, where to buy a hairnet, where to
have a puncture fixed, the best place to go f o r ice cream and


candy, and such other items of information as are desired. Use Journalists. Girls expecting to attend convention who
our information committee. will be interested in serving on the editorial staff of the A. O.
Pizette please communicate with Elizabeth Bond.
Transportation f r o m Minneapolis to the I n n w i l l be by
bus. Busses will leave at stated times and the charge will be Athletics. Don't forget to bring your swimming suit, gym
thirty-five cents a passenger. Give your baggage checks to the bloomers, tennis racquet, and golf clubs to Radisson Inn with
Tau baggage representative only. Trunks will be transported for you. The program of athletic events will include a tennis tour-
a nominal charge. nament, a golf tournament, a snappy base ball game or two, a
swimming meet and a track meet. I f you wish to register i n any
Banquet Tax. Every one except the active chapter dele- one or all of these departments communicate with Adele Ziegel-
gates will pay the banquet tax. maier. 1522 Aldrich Ave. No., Minneapolis, Minn. Y o u do not
have to be a star to enter one of these tournaments; most of us
strike out, serve the tennis ball just where it should not be, f i l l
Convention Exhibit. Chapter historians mail your exhibits our noses with water, and clip the ball, too. Be a sport and join
before June 15 to Mrs. George H . Perry, 1511 West 28 St., M i n - us. I t will be lots of f u n !
neapolis, Minn., in care of Mrs. Edward A . Schlampp. Pack ma-
terial carefully. Insure it. Directions f o r the preparation of ex- Clothes. Minnesota seems to have acquired a polar repu-
hibits will be found in the November, 1922 issue of To DRAGMA. tation as far as climate goes. We hope your ideas of our hos-
pitality do accord. No, you won't need your f u r coats. Bring just
Convention Newspaper. Volume I I number 1 of the what you would take anywhere else. Plenty of sport clothes, an
A. O. Pizette will be issued on July 3rd. Whether or not you afternoon dress or two, a formal dress, a warm spring coat or
come to convention you will want a subscription to our paper. suit and perhaps a sweater thrown in f o r use on the lake at
There will be three issues and the subscription price will be f i f t y night will f i x you up nicely. Dont forget your bathing suit.
cents. Send your name, address and f i f t y cents to Elizabeth
Bond, 3137 Holmes Ave. So., Minneapolis, and receive the daily Stunt Night. Chapters should communicate with Eta
record of convention by mail. Guests at convention should sub- chapter and Milwaukee alumnae regarding plans for Stunt
scribe after they arrive at Radisson Inn, as they register. A night.
subscription table will be placed in the office of the I n n . Let's
have a big mailing list!

Sing. This is to be a singing convention. B r i n g your
song books. I f you haven't one and don't know the songs send
one dollar to Mrs. McDonald at once and she will mail you a song Tuesday, June 30—Delegates arrive before dinner—Registration.
book. There is nothing like singing together to make you belong. Dinner at Radisson I n n .
Phi chapter is in charge of convention singing assisted by Alpha Evening at home with Tau and Minneapolis Alumnae.
Phi and X i .
Wednesday, July 1st—Opening Ritual—Roll Call.
Annual and Convention Reports. Annual Reports are due Address of welcome.
in the Grand Secretary's office by May 15th f r o m all Grand O f - Response.
ficers, Superintendents, Alumnae Superintendents, Active and
Alumnae Chapters and National Committees. In addition to the President's address. Report of Executive Committee.
Reports of Grand Officers, Chapters, Committees.
A V I E W OF T H E I N N Evening—Carnival and stunts in charge of Eta and M i l -
waukee Alumnae.
annual reports, a short Convention report is to be presented, at
Convention. Chapter delegates should limit these to three min- Thursday, July 2nd—Convention Business—Round Table Dis-
utes. Absent officers and other members of the Grand Council cussion.
from whom reports are required should file their reports with Evening—Formal Reception in charge of Tau and M i n -
the Grand Secretary by June 10th. These should be definitely neapolis Alumnae.
marked "Convention Report."
Friday, July 3rd—Open Meeting.-
Convention Mail. Members at Convention will receive their 1-5 p. m. Auto trip about Twin Cities.
mail i f it is addressed in care of Alpha Omicron Pi Convention, Evening—Supper at Bremer home, White Bear Lake.
Radisson Inn, Excelsior, Minn.
Saturday, July 4th—Morning Business Session.
According to the Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly: "Convention is A f t e r n o o n — S H O R T business session followed by Fourth
the place for the freshman to grow enthusiastic, the sophomore to receive of July Field Meet. Tau in charge.
inspiration, the junior to gain fraternity knowledge, the senior to acquire Evening—AOII pageant and Song Festival.
a world vision, teachers to meet old friends, home-makers to have a happy
week and all alumnae to share their wisdom." Sunday, July 5th—Boat trip on Minnetonka.
Evening—Formal Rituals and Memorial Service followed
by Candle Light Service.

Monday, July 6th—Morning—Unfinished business.
Election of officers.
Reports of Convention Committees.

Afternoon—Installation of officers.

Closing of Convention.

Evening—Banquet and farewell. (Announcements of awards

Come to Convention at Christmas Lake.


CONVENTION TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULE the same night. Mrs. McDonald would be glad to have delegates
who are interested in a special Pullman from either of these two
I N T H E LIST given below there is only one road named from points write her.
Chicago to Minneapolis, the Chicago Great Western. There are
several, including the Chicago and North Western, the Great Railroad Fare Route
Northern, Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul, and the Minneapolis, One Way
St. Paul and Ste. St. Marie. The Chicago and Great Western
was kind enough to compile the following information for us. I t New York City $47.36 Penn., N Y C or B&O-Chicago and
is the only rood which allows a stop over in Chicago.
The Chicago Great Western will furnish a special A . O. 11.
Pullman, leaving Chicago at 6:30 P. M . , June 29, and arriving Bangor, Me 57.90 Maine Cent. - Portland, B & M -
in Minneapolis at 8:10 in the morning of the 30th i f there are
enough girls to warrant it. I f you would like to have a reserva- Boston, B&A-Albany, NYC-Chi-
tion on this special Pullman, write Mrs. C. C. McDonald, Box
188, Bay St. Louis, Miss., before June 15th. Then arrange to cago and CGW.
leave your home so that you will arrive in Chicago during the
day of June 29th. The "Legionaire" which will carry this special Boston, Mass 50.90 B&A-Albany, NYC-Chicago and
Pullman leaves from the Grand Central station at 6:30 P. M . In
purchasing your ticket, arrange for your Pullman only to Chi- CGW.
cago, and write M r - . McDonald, who will take care of your
reservation from Chicago to Minneapolis. There will probably Providence, R. 1 50.87 NYNH&H-Worcester, P&A-A1-
be seventy or eighty delegates who will pass through Chicago
on their way to convention. A special Pullman can be arranged bany, NYC-Chicago and CGW.
for every twenty-five who will write Mrs. McDonald for a reser-
vation before June 10th. I f you cannot arrange to make con- Ithaca, N . Y 38.56 D L & W - B u f f a l o , and Erie, GT,
nections with this train, the following trains will carry you from
Chicago to Minneapolis: Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul, leav- NP or Wabash-Chicago.
ing Chicago at 11 :00 P. M . , arriving at Minneapolis at 11: 50 the
next morning. The Northwestern, leaving Chicago at 10:00 P. Via N Y C or MC-Chicago and
M . and arriving at Minneapolis at 10:30 the next morning; and
the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, leaving Chicago at 11:00 CGW $40.06.
P. M . and arriving at Minneapolis at 11 : 55 the next morning.
Syracuse, N . Y 38.84 NYC-Chicago and CGW.
I f there are enough girls to warrant it a special Pullman can
be arranged f r o m either Kansas City or Omaha. The west con- Philadelphia, Pa 44.12 Penn. or B&O-Chicago and CGW.
nection from Kansas City would be to leave there at 11:30 P.
M . June 29th and arrive in Minneapolis at 4:10 in the after- Washington, D. C. . . . 42.44 Penn. or B&O-Chicago and CGW.
noon of the 30th. A l l Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and California
delegates could make this connection. From Omaha, delegates Round Trip
could leave at 8:10 P. M . June 29th, and arrive at 7:05 the next
morning, or leave at 8:00 A . M . June 30th and arrive at 7:30 Lynchburg, Va 72.14 C&O-Cincinnati, Penn. or Big

Four-Chicago and CGW.

Knoxville, Tenn 61.60 L&N-Cincinnati or Louisville

Penn., Big 4 from Cincinnati or

CIL-Chicago and CGW.

Nashville, Tenn 49.15 L&N.-Evansville, E&EI-Chicago

and CGW.

Birmingham, Ala 58.30 111. Cent.-Chicago and CGW.

Memphis, Tenn 44.70 111. Cent.-Chicago and CGW.

New Orleans, La 67.45 111. Cent.-Chicago and CGW.

Dallas, Tex 49.95 M K T Lines-Kansas City and


Norman, Okla 45.15 Santa Fe-Kansas City and CGW.

Kansas City, Mo 25.00 CGW-Minneapolis.

Lawrence, Kansas . . . 27.30 Santa Fe, U n . Pac. or C R I & P -

Kansas City and CGW.


Omaha, Neb 22.50 O .\\-Minneapolis. and NOTICE
Lincoln Neb 22.50 CRI&P or CB&Q-Omaha
The Chicago Milwaukee and St.. Paul railroad has just ad-
CGW. vised us that the new summer tourist rates are now in effect.
I n order that you may get an idea of the savings, we will quote
Oxford, Ohio 44.82 CI&W-CIL to Chicago and CGW. a few figures on them. The round trip summer tourist rate from
Ann Arbor 43.60 Mich. Cent.-Chicago and CGW. Kansas City to Minneapolis is just seven dollars more than the
Madison, Wis 19.98 C & N W to Minneapolis. regular one way fare. The rate from St. Louis to Minneapolis
Cleveland, Ohio 48.97 NYC-Chicago and CGW. is just six dollars more than the regular one way fare. Girls
Cincinnati, Ohio 45.77 Penn. or Big 4-Chicago and CGW. contemplating coming to convention should enquire at their local
Greencastle, Ind 39.62 CI&L-Chicago and CGW. ticket offices concerning the round trip summer tourist rates.
Bloomington, Ind 42.07 CI&L-Chicago and CGW. A l l roads have these rates. From points west, the summer tour-
Indianapolis, Ind 39.92 CI&L-Chicago and CGW. ist rate will be quoted to Minneapolis. From points east, enquire
Champaign, 111 29.50 111. Cent.-Chicago and CGW. for the rate to the nearest Northern lake point. A delegate com-
Chicago, 111 29.32 CGW-Minneapblis. ing from Cleveland, for example, to Minneapolis could get a
round trip tourist rate to Bemidji, Minnesota. She would be al-
Los Angeles, Calif. . . . 87.50 Santa Fe-Kansas City and CGW lowed to stop over in Minneapolis, then after convention, she
or Un. Pac.-Omaha and CGW. would go on to Bemidji to have her ticket validated. There are
many delightful resorts in Minnesota so that delegates could take
San Francisco, Calif. . . 87.50 Santa Fe-Kansas City and CGW advantage of these rates and have a trip into the lake region at
or So. Pac.-Ogden, U n . Pac.-Om- the same time.
aha and C G W .
The approximate summer tourist rate is one regular fare
Eugene, Ore 76.85 So. Pac.-Portland, SP&S-Spo- and ten dollars f o r the round trip. The extra is less than ten
kane, CM&StP, G N or N P - M i n - dollars in most cases.
Portland, Ore 72.00 SP&S-Spokane, CM&StP, N P or RATES AND ROUTES ON ANY ROAD Y O U

Seattle 72.00 G N , N P or CM&StP-Minneapolis.

Tacoma 72.00 CM&StP, G N or N P to Minne-

Bozeman, Mont 62.00 X P-Minneapolis.

Detroit, Mich 45.02 Mich. Cent.-Chicago, CGW. "Suppose you have heard this one?" says the Alpha Gamma Delta
Quarterly, in the January nutnher:
Richmond, Va 78.17 C&O-Cincinnati, Big 4 or Penn-
If a Theta
Chicago and CGW. Meta Beta
With a Gamma Phi,
Bay St. Louis, Miss. . . 67.45 L&N-Evansvillc, IC or CEI-Chi- If a Theta
Greeta Beta
cago and C G W . Needa Kappa Psi?
Fvery Theta
Utica, N. Y 40.75 NYC-Chicago and CGW. Has a Mata
None they sav have I
Bloomfield, N . J 45.36 D L & W - B u f f a l o , Erie, N P or But all things
They smile at me
Wab.-Chicago and CGW. 'Cause I'm a Hunka Pi.
Cordial greetings from this department to every Hunka P i !
Palo Alto 87.50 So. Pac.-Ogden, UP-Omaha,
CGW-M inneapolis.


T H E AMERICAN UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S contemplates Paris Bohemia, as you will find. O f course, I should
PARIS CLUB have said long ago that the purpose of the American University
Women's Paris Club (Such a lengthy title) is to provide a resi-
I ALWAYS T H I N K of Paris as the city of delightful sur- dence f o r American University women i n Paris, attending the
prises. One passes some dull doorway, carelessly glances i n , Sorbonne, the College de France and other academic institutions
and catches a glimpse.of a lovely half-hidden garden, or a curious of high standing, to bring them in touch with French life and
old court. From the exterior, the American University Women's thought and with university students of other nations. The Club
Paris Club, at four rue de Chevreuse, is as bare and uninteresting is affiliated with the International Federation of University
as one can imagine, but once the wide doors are passed, one is Women, the American Association of University Women, and
surrounded with the charm and intimacy of a home, and of an The American University Union of Paris. I t keeps in close touch
American home, with baths, steamheat, and electricity. Only one with the O f f i c e National des Universites and Ecoles Francaises.
who has been forced to patronize the public bath house, and The Societe Feminine Nationale de Rapprochement Universitaire
read by flickering gas light in a room most inadequately heated has its headquarters in the Clubhouse.
by a fireplace or a gas stove, quite realizes what this means.
I f you have ever set out to find a perfect pension, you realize
The club rooms, built around a sunny open court (we do not just what it means to f i n d the ideal place right to your hand. One
guarantee the sun always to shine), comprise dining room, living starts out with a promising list secured f r o m the American U n i -
rooms with big comfy chairs, a library where one may work versity Union, or the American Women's Club, and with a Guide
diligently on one's Sorbonne course i n Civilization, or indulge to Paris in his hand. Do not, I beg you, set forth without this.
one's self with a romance after a too strenuous day of sight see- One opens it to the f i f t h arrondissement, follows this street, turns
ing; there is a sun parlor, and there are bed rooms f o r sixty stu- off into that narrower one, follows a winding stair way up, up,
dents. A n infirmary is also provided, with a trained nurse i n at- gracious, don't they have elevators? No, this place won't do. The
tendance, whose services are free to those club members who smell of onions is dreadful. We'll try the other place.—that street
have, perhaps, succumbed to that damp, damp, Paris winter cli- seems neater on the map. Yes, this is vastly better. The building
mate. is a beautiful grey stone, with intricately grilled windows. The
concierge glares out, "the cinquieme a gauche." There is an ele-
Only a step away are the Luxembourg Gardens, historic spot vator, the automatic kind. I f you are from Chicago, or Des
of beautiful tree-shadowed paths, statuary, and rippling basin, Moines, or Sacramento, perhaps you are not familiar with the
where the children all day long sail their boats, flanked on one variety, which usually reassures one by a sign that the elevator
side by the stately Senate, with the Pantheon and its honored is out of order, and can carry only three passengers. Y o u are two,
dead raising its dome a block or more away. Just beyond is the so you venture. You punch the button with fear and trembling.
famous Boul Mich, with throngs of students, and velvet-capped Creakingly and wearily, the thing mounts, it moans and sighs,
boys pouring out of the neighboring lycee's. and a few paces and almost stops—will it stop?—third—fourth,-or will one plunge
further the Sorbonne and the College de France. Following rue into the ceiling and fall with a fatal crash? — f i f t h — i t pants,
de Chreveuse in the other direction, on finds himself in the Mont- groans, and well, the gods be thanked, it stops. "Mais, oui,
parnasse Artists' Quarter,—the famous cafes, the Dome, the Ro- madame, a beautiful chambre, with central heat, and not dear,
tonde, the Cafe de Lilas, with the great and the near-great, and madame." Where is the radiator that is to save you from driz-
also, indeed, the never-to-be-great, but curious just the same. The zling days,—oh here, this little hole in the wall. T o be sure,
convenience of a cup of coffee, or, indeed, some fascinatingly col- madame's radiator is in the salon, and your heat is the unused por-
ored concoction on their broad terraces, makes the location of the tion which can creep through this small aperture.
Club ideal. One is educated in various ways in Paris.

But I stray from my subject, an easy thing to do when one


A f t e r such adventures, dark dirty streets which might easily Company and they assure you that there is not a vacant berth
harbor an Apache, big common dining tables with folks who don't on their cabin ships until the last week in August; you are
have your land of .etiquette,—after all this, you are going to utterly discouraged, and then suddenly you remember this very
be more than delighted to find this real home, which Mrs. White- silly little article, and you run out and grab a taxi and with
law Reid has most generously entrusted to the Committee in your very best Kansas French accent, you say to the cocher,
charge of this project. Any American University woman, eligible "Quatre rue de Chevreuse," and he races you madly in that
to membership in the American Association of University individualistic fashion that Paris taxi drivers have, up to those
Women, is eligible to membership in the American University wide friendly doors, and Miss Fast greets you kindly, and you
Women's Paris Club on payment of the five dollar dues, and suddenly burst into grateful tears, because you know you have
you can get f u l l pension (in plain English, board and room) at found a bit of the U . S. A. in the land of La Fayette.
rates of f r o m twenty five to forty francs a day. Let me see, i f
exchange is eighteen—. I n summer, the transient university Vivian So Relle Williams, Upsilon.
woman and her friends are welcome, but during the academic
year, November to July, preference is given, as it should be, FRATERNITY AND FRIENDSHIP
to young students at the college of France and the Sorbonne.
Fraternity and friendship are so closely united they seem
Various student organizations, among them the Association synonymous. To develop either means the betterment of the
of Canadian Students, the Association des Boursiers and Bour- other. There are three C's that contribute to either—courtesy,
sieres Franco-Americaine and the Association of Students of the common sense and character. Courtesy, respect for another's
courses in Civilization at the Sorbonne, the French Federation of individuality or personality, is a great safeguard of these two
University Women, and the Paris Branch of the Penn club, and choice words. The rights of another, to study uninterruptedly,
the Le Cercle Litteraire have used the Club assembly room f o r to have her own thoughts and friends, to have her letters un-
meetings. So you see, the Club is not merely a boarding house, censored and to form her own plans without needless super-
although f o r the homesick American in Paris, I think that is its vision, the right to the exclusive wearing of her own clothes as
chief point. an adjunct of her personality, such rights demand respect, almost
reverence. Give courtesy to these rights i f you'd have fraternity
Homesick in Paris, you can not believe i t ! D i d you ever and friendship flourish.
go f o r days and days during which you were obliged to make all
communications with serious reference to the subjunctive mode, Many a friendship has been ruined by too much and too
or all the time struggling with tense and case; did it ever seem strong coffee, too little sleep and too much excitement. Friend-
to you that you would burst i f you could not speak just once ship like all partnerships, commercial and otherwise, needs wise
without delving into the depths of your brain for grammatical care and strong health. A n athlete uses better sense in making
detail; did you ever go to a restaurant and point to the menu ready f o r a race that is over in a few minutes than people often
on which you could read only bifstek and omelette, and receive do in maintaining friendships.
for your pains snails nicely served with melted butter? A n d you,
just f r o m Nebraska, had not yet come to this form of nourish- Character is the real prize of friendships. I t is as poor a
ment. About this time, you become homesick. The rose window business deal to default by receiving the choice gifts of a rare
of Notre Dame, the gilded dome of the Invalides, even the price- and lovely character and in return giving shallow, light and
less gems of rue de la Paix, become hateful. Then it is that you insincere traits as it is to squander too much time and thought
want to go home, right straight home, even i f you have been in where it is not helpful and is merely submersive. Build charac-
Paris only three weeks. You go into the American Steamship ters that are worthy of the best types of personality and then
give friendship to the best.

Courtesy. Common sense and Character are the safeguards
of fraternity and friendship.

Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly.


THE BURDEN BEARERS OF KOREA Frequently, at the age of eight or nine years, our little
Chosenese is sent to the home of her future husband to learn the
A s I N MOST non-Giristian countries, the Korean woman is household arts at the hands of his mother. Here she is little
virtually a slave. Her servitude begins sometimes as early other than a slave, sewing, cooking and washing until she is
as three years of age when she first "wears" her baby sister or about thirteen or fourteen, when she is returned to her home f o r
brother upon her back. A t work or at play, her little body is a brief period of triumph. In a procession consisting of red and
bent under this heavy burden. We could hardly expect her to blue silk lanterns, a gaily colored wedding cake, one or more
show much concern f o r the tiny bare head bobbing relentlessly shining chests of trousseau f r o m the bridegroom and perhaps a
up and down under the fierce, Oriental sun. goose to wish her fruit fulness, she is carried, carefully shielded
from the public curiosity by the brightly-colored fan curtains of
There is an old Korean saying to the effect that "Unhappy her small, square chair or litter. I t must seem to her a cage,
is that house into which a girl child is born." This attitude is as symbol of the life of drugery before her. A f t e r elaborate
by no means unusual today. She is often called merely "Thing," genuflections before his parents and older relatives, she drinks
"Child," or possibly "Pretty," i f there is a grandmother in the "sool" or rice whiskey with them and the ceremony is complete.
house. When she has given birth to a son, she is deemed worthy The rabble pour into the tiny court of his mud-thatched dwelling
of bearing a name—his name—and is henceforth known as "Quee- to watch the feast. The little bride eats nothing, but sits, eyes
Diggy's Mother" or even "Quec-Diggy's Aunt," i f she has no downcast, in the corner, submissive to the last, as she must ever be.
sons of her own.
Early in the morning she will arise. The honeymoon is over
The little Korean girl has practically no childhood. There before it has begun. The contract has been made by her father
are no dolls, except of her own making, no toys and no games, with his. There is no place f o r sentiment. She folds up the quilts
except f o r jumping boards, hop-skotch and such as are familiar where they have slept on the warm stone floor and the beds are
to all nations. She is dressed f r o m the start like a grown-up but made. Into the two iron pots sunk in her baked clay oven she
is too cunning with her full, pleated skirt around her ankles. places the inevitable rice and perhaps an insipid, unseasoned sort
Under it she wears long trousers, padded with cotton i n winter of vermicelli soup. Of course, there is "kimchi" taken from the
to keep her warm. Above it is a short jacket tied at the right pots underground. It is a very red-peppery mixture of cabbages,
with a single bow. Nothing is pinned or buttoned. Her turnips, shrimps, chestnuts, artichokes, fish oil and whatever
"chogerie" covers her chest but her mother's breasts are usually else they can a f f o r d to buy. Breakfast, dinner and supj)er are
exposed. She wears very gay colors, pink and cerise, red and now prepared. Next she is o f f f o r the village stream with a
yellow being favorite combinations, while her mother wears white basket of clothes upon her head, a brood paddle in her hand.
most of the time, due to repeated enforced periods of national The seams having been carefully ripped, she can pound the gar-
mourning after royal deaths. Her stockings are of padded cotton ments clean upon the flat, wet rocks. A f t e r bleaching them on
cloth, extending a few inches above the ankles. These are in the bank, she takes them home to iron by beating with two small
reality shoes, since she must always remove at the door the hard, sticks, slightly larger than those used by our drummer boys. I f
hide outdoor shoes with their saucy, upturned toes. Tremendous- she can a f f o r d it, she may rub over the tightly stretched strips of
ly in vogue nowadays are the rubber shoes with which Japan is cloth a small saucepan heated with a few lumps of glowing char-
said to be ruining the feet of China and Korea. Her hair is coal. This is especially desirable i f she wishes to put in the hems
worn in one long braid down her back, carefully oiled to make it with rice paste or starch. Far into the night she irons, for her
lustrous and terminating in a red strip of silk, hanging flat in- tasks are never done. O f t e n she must utilize the moonlight to
stead of being tied in a bow. Neither she nor her mother ever wash by the village stream. Even though the same clothes be worn
wear a hat unless it is a black silk hood elaborately decorated with
beads and f u r and open on top, though used only in the winter.


at night and seldom changed at all during the winter, it is some- THE VOCATIONAL COUNSELLOR
times necessary f o r her to break the ice to wash her babies'
clothes, for the family increases rapidly. T H E FIELD of vocational guidance, or vocational counseling, al-
though of comparatively recent development, is one that is
She probably wears a silver ring bearing the familiar char- daily opening up new vistas to the young woman who chooses it
acters "May You Have Many Sons." I f not, the words are deeply as her vocation. Inasmuch as the vocational counsellor is such a
engraved upon her heart. She must bear many children to gain recent arrival in our midst, there are perhaps some of us who do
favor among her husband's wives. Syphilis is so prevalent and not understand just what is meant by the term. The National
obstetrical treatment so primitive that she may be cursed with Vocational Guidance Association has defined vocational guidance
only one child and often none at all. Then is life bitter indeed. f o r juveniles as being concerned with the assistance which can
A t best, the rate of infant mortality is appallingly high, f o r her be given individuals in "choosing, preparing for, entering upon
labors are never lightened f o r an instant during the period of and making progress in occupations." I t has gone farther and
pregnancy. A few days after delivery she may be back at the said that the vocational counsellor "should have (a) adequate
same old mill, grinding the rice between two huge cylinders of knowledge about children and child problems, ( b ) adequate
stone or pounding red pepper with a giant wooden pestle. She knowledge about occupations and occupational problems, (c) ade-
must weave and sew and work in the fields, go through all sorts quate knowledge of the school and educational problems, (d) a
of superstitious processes to propitiate evil spirits and prepare technical skill in meeting and solving the problems of individual
occasional feasts f o r the spirits of their departed ancestors hover- children." Then, too, personality is a factor that plays an im-
ing about the gravestones high up on the nearest hill. She is portant part, as it does in all professions which involve personal
driven under this crushing load of domesticity until she is contacts. The vocational counsellor should have a pleasing ap-
wrinkled and ancient at the age of forty. I n old age, at least, pearance; she should be tactful and should have a certain degree
she receives some respect. I t is no small wonder that the greatest of forcefulness; she should have perseverance and the ability
compliment a Korean can give is that one is looking old. Here is to secure the cooperation of people both with herself and with
the longed for haven of lightened burdens and due reward. There others; and above all she should have a love of people and of
is some power in the home and worship after death. But whac working with them. This sounds like a rather large order but
a life to gain i t ! No books, no school, no recreation of any sort. upon analysis we shall see that many of the qualities mentioned
This is the Korean woman as she has lived f o r centuries and as are those that are factors influencing success in most professions.
she lives even today in thousands of the so-called homes in the
faraway Hermit Kingdom. While vocational guidance is primarily concerned with edu-
cational guidance with a vocational aim, vocational counseling,
F. W. Butterfield, Kappa. placement, and follow-up, it is correlated with a host of other
Principal, Methodist Mission School, Songdo, Korea. activities such as school census work, employment certifying,
psychological testing, scholarship work, visiting teaching, and oc-
Kappa Alpha Tilda's magazine shows, among other convention busi- cupational research and occupational class work.
ness, that the following resolutions were defeated:
The educational requirements for entrance into the field of
Resolved: That Kappa Alpha Theta shall not establish any more vocational guidance are fairly well standardized. The National
college chapters for ten years. Committee feels that the vocational counsellor should have a col-
lege education with two years of specialized work taken either
That chapter letters be omitted from all issues of the fraternity with or after the undergraduate work, and one year of super-
magazine. vized field work.

via The FJeusis, Chi Omega. Salaries for vocational counsellors range from $1400 up.


In many cities, they are paid from $100 to $300 more than the BUDGETING AS A VOCATION
high school teachers of the same length of experience.
B UDGETING is a pioneer field of endeavor which is rapidly
But the large city school system is not the sole .field of gaining in importance and popularity, because it carries with
operation. School boards all over the country are adopting pro- it a common-sense appeal. I n this day when the purchasing power
grams of vocational guidance. There are openings which range of a dollar is seemingly all too low, the average purse has a rather
from rural communities where the vocational counsellor is a kind hectic time providing f o r present need not to speak of prepara-
of "general practitioner" to small cities where she still combines tion f o r the future and its unseen emergencies.
all the functions but keeps more detailed records and on to the
large cities where the work is very much specialized. Banks, department stores, Public utility companies and all
kinds of business organizations are beginning to look at budget-
Most of our universities and colleges are now o f f e r i n g ac- ing with keen interest and are asking themselves "Can we use a
credited courses i n vocational guidance. There are also many budget department to advantage?" " W i l l a budget service for
institutions, including Harvard, Columbia, Leland Stanford, and our patrons be a paying proposition?" The Service Station of
the University of Chicago, where special summer courses are the Continental and Commercial Banks receives inquiries f r o m
offered. business houses all over the country which proves the prevalence
of national budget interest f r o m the business standpoint.
T o the young woman who is interested in human contacts,
in community service, in industrial and educational relations, I The budget work i n our Service Station is unique i n that
recommend consideration of this profession. each individual case is given individual consideration. W e know
that no two persons want or need to spend their money i n ex-
Marion E. Abele, Rho. actly the same way. We believe that budget work of this char-
acter rather than budget formula methods makes f o r practical
THE IDEAL CHAPTER PRESIDENT and workable budgets. Individual budgetings will undoubtedly
be adopted by Budget Bureaus in the future. I mention this
To my mind the ideal chapter president should be a man: because it adds a definite human interest and makes a vitally
interesting field in which to work.
1. who has won the respect and confidence of the chapter;
Woman is naturally well adapted to budget work. Since it
2. who is resourceful and tactful; deals with home problems, it would seem that the field is her
3. who accepts his office as a responsibility as well as an honor; own. Men, as well as women, have confidence in her native
ability and believe that she is capable of appreciating the circum-
4. thoroughly familiar with the condition of each department of the stances involved. I t means much that competition with men is
thus eliminated.
chapter organization;
5. with a clear conception of the fundamental principles upon which A t the present time there is no special training demanded of
the woman who wishes to enter budget work. Training in Home
the growth of a strong chapter depends; Economics could certainly be used advantageously, but I believe
6. who .has at heart the ideals and policies of the fraternity, commercial study is more important. W i t h a good knowledge of
7. who is fearless and just in the administration of such rules and living costs in a given community, which can be acquired by ob-
servation and shopping, and a general background of economics,
regulations as may be necessary in maintaining and building a corporation finance, marketing, accountancy, business law, ad-
strong chapter. vertising, business correspondence, etc., one is fairly well equipped
to start out to get real experience in the work itself.
HAROLD W . STEWART, A A, '09, Alumni Adviser, Wisconsin

$ 5 K , Signet,

via n B $ , Arrozv


Budgeting is, of course, merely putting personal finance on THE PANHELLENIC FRATERNITIES
a business basis, advice along the lines of home building and buy-
ing, investments, and insurance are a few of the problems that T HERE are nineteen fraternities f o r women which have banded
branch out of finance planning, and they demand intelligent con- together into a National Panhellenic Congress to further
sideration. mutual understanding and good will. These nineteen groups may
be described as social organizations, and their membership in
Women who enjoy social service work would likely have the National Panhellenic Congress indicates that they are so-
much enthusiasm for budgeting. The problems presented run called general fraternities, as distinguished from professional and
the entire gamut f r o m the wealthy man's difficulties down to honorary Greek-letter societies, from societies restricted to one
the poor man's real troubles. There is much satisfaction and race, such as the fraternities for Jewish women or colored women,
thrill in knowing a personal financial problem has been success- or to one religion, such as the fraternities for Catholic women,
fully solved. Possibly not only worry but real suffering of an or to membership in Masonic orders.
entire family has been obliterated.
I n regard to minimum and maximum salaries it is impossible
to make other than a hazardous guess. As is usually the case in The nineteen womens' fraternities, with dates of founding and
pioneer fields, one's salary may be low at the start but advance-
ment is likely to be rapid. The management of a business or- number of chapters is as follows:
ganization must keep costs down wrhile a department is going
through a test period. A saving in salaries f o r a certain length Name Date of Founding Number of Chapters
of time is logical and easy to effect. The individual may have
to gamble with the management on the future. But some day, Alpha Delta Pi 1851 (Reorganized 1904 ) 39
within a short span of years, I have every confidence that the Phi Mu 1852 (Reorganized 1904) 43
woman with budget experience will be in demand and will re- Pi Beta Phi 1867 (Took Greek-letter Name 1883) 68
ceive a salary that will compare more than favorably with the
salaries of women of her same ability and capacity in other fields. Kappa Alpha Theta . . . . 1870 52
Kappa Kappa Gamma.. 1870 50
Cora Jane Stroheker, Iota. Alpha Phi 1872 27
Continental & Commercial Trust and Savinks Bank, Chicago.
Delta Gamma 1874 38
Convention Guests, Fill Out and Mail This Blank Gamma Phi Beta 1874 33
Sigma Kappa 1874 35
Alpha Chi Omega . . . . 1885 44
Date of Arrival Delta Delta Delta . . . . 1888 65
Alpha Xi Delta 1893 38
Hour of Arrival Chi Omega 1895 72

Railroad Zeta Tau Alpha 1889 42
Mail to Mrs. W. G. Haertel, 5301 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis, as soon
Alpha Omicron Pi 1897 29
as you have the above information. Kappa Delta 1897 35
Delta Zeta 1902 39
Alpha Gamma Delta . . 1904 33

Beta Phi Alpha 1909

Youth in this category does not by any means indicate weak-


The newer groups have wisely profited by the experience and

the blunders of their elders and today show signs of organizations

free f r o m many of the entanglements of those whose early his-

tory is perhaps more vivid. A n y classification of fraternities

into groups is, of course, difficult. None of the National Pan-

hellenic Congress fraternities is sectional, although Delta Gamma,

for instance, has no chapters in the southeast and few on the

Atlantic seaboard. A classification on the basis of size can be

made, but few of us would concede any lack of strength solely

because of lack of numbers. However, it is interesting to note

that the five having the largest number of chapters are Chi

Omega, Pi Beta Phi, Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Alpha Theta and

Kappa Kappa Gamma.


SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Alpha Omicron Pi appropriates an annual sum from the
general treasury for scholarships for unprivileged and handi-
I n general the women's fraternities have substantial scholar- capped children. This sum is supplemented by contributions
ship loan funds, either already on hand or in process of collection. f r o m chapters and individuals. I n addition to this the chapters,
These funds are maintained f o r the purpose of making loans of both active and alumnae, contribute definitely to philanthropic
sums anywhere f r o m $50.00 to $500 to members of the fraternity work in their communities.
who require financial assistance to enable them to finish their
college courses. I n certain instances these loans are open to Pi Beta Phi carries on perhaps the biggest piece of philan-
women students in general. thropic work undertaken by fraternity women, in the equipment
and maintenance of a settlement school among the poor whites
A few fraternities, notably Pi Beta Phi, Gam- of the Tennessee mountains. The utter mental starvation of
ma Phi Beta and Alpha Omicron P'i award $500 annually as a those mountaineers is beyond belief, and the blessing of the angels
fellowship. Gamma Phi Beta awards this fellowship through must rest upon that fraternity which cares enough f o r others to
the A . A . U . W . from a fund known as the Lindsey Barbee Fel- send so substantial a portion of their educational feast to lessen
lowship Fund. These loan funds and fellowship gifts are no the pangs of hunger in those distant minds.
small part of the fraternity's budget, f o r Theta announces scholar-
ship loan awards f o r the year up to October, 1924, at nearly These are philanthropies which year in and year out are
$10,000, and Kappa at nearly $7,700. supported by public spirited fraternities. Other groups busy
themselves with more or less sporadic good deeds, meeting some
PHILANTHROPIES especial emergency in a spirit of eagerness f o r service, in a desire
to share with the less fortunate those good things which are theirs
Some of the most interesting work done by women's f r a - in such abundance.
ternities is so removed from the undergraduate social life, which
the general public has come to regard as the be all-and-in-all of fra- The Anchora editor notes with envy that the editors of the
ternities, that it is worth a publicity quite beyond the scope of Sigma Kappa Triangle and The Arrow of Pi Beta Phi Occupy
this Anchora. each on Easy Chair. A l l the longings of the mountaineers and
the Marine Island folk and the unfortunate babies flows through
Phi M u is doing a remarkably valuable piece of humani- our editorial mind, perched, as we are. upon the hard and forward
tarian work among the poor and unfortunate babies of Georgia. edge of The Anchora's Uneasy Chair.
The work is done under the direction of the Georgia State Board
of Health and consists of the equipment and maintenance of a BUSINESS ORGANIZATION
Healthmobile which carries clinical and educational help into the
rural districts of the state. The physical and moral good done There is evidence that the twentieth century woman's f r a -
through this agency is quite beyond one's imagination to picture. ternity is conducting the business end of organization in a most
The work is supported by the actives and alumnae of Phi M u and approved and careful fashion. Funds are being concentrated in
is to be continued indefinitely. I t moves one to read the account one department and handled by trust companies, records are being
of the passage f r o m town to town of the Healthmobile with its kept with exactness, and a general movement is being mad?
staff of doctor, nurse and assistants reclaiming innumerable little toward the opening of central executive offices. Chicago is the
human wrecks to lives of enjoyment and usefulness. favorite place f o r such executive offices. W e have personally
visited the Alpha Phi central office on two occasions, and have
Sigma Kappa is carrying on a work of equal spiritual value left with heart overflowing with unchristian envy. These central
in the support of educational work among the islands off the offices are located in some convenient business building, separate
Maine Coast. Through the Maine Sea Coast Mission, Sigma from the distractions of private telephones and domestic interruo-
Kappa supports a home economics teacher and missionary and tions. A n able stenographer on full-time work and pay is in
plans to contribute to the maintenance of a second worker. Any- charge of the office, to which come the members of the Council
thing so dreary as the life of those isolated and desolate sea coast for their regular board meeting, for conferences and to do the
folk cannot be pictured by those who do not know the barrenness routine work incident to their offices. I t is only a question of
of their existence. The care of undernourished minds and spirits time before all fraternities will adopt this system f o r this reason,
is as great a humanitarian work as the care and cure of bodies. if f o r no other, that with the growth of the fraternity a large
endowment fund must inevitably accumulate, and the regulation
Alpha Gamma Delta supports a summer camp for children, and care of money running into the hundred thousands must be
and brings happiness and a better chance f o r health to dozens
of little waifs, thus ministering both to body and soul.


handled with all the safeguards of any purely commercial enter- THE RIGHT JOB
The definition of a job by which each one of us can measure
ENDOWMENT FUNDS our own choice is, that the right job is the one which offers us
individually the opportunity of making our greatest contribution
Almost all the fraternities have a growing endowment fund. in our human relations with a minimum of adjustment and friction
I n some instances the principal is invested in chapter house mort- and the maximum personal development. There are five points
gages and the interest applied to scholarship loans. I n others the for guidance in the making of this choice: the satisfaction of the
interest is used for the general maintenance of the* fraternity's job, the ability brought to it, the location, the salary, and the
executive office. So exacting has become the administration of comi>etition in the field of endeavor.
the business affairs of a fraternity that many fraternities have
felt it unfair to ask the unremunerated services of its officers. Satisfaction in the job is of first importance because i f one
We are informed that among our Greek-letter associates from does not find it in work, no amount of salary will compensate,
one to five officers in each group are paid substantial salaries, the and without it one cannot attain success. Ability is closely
highest that we know of being $5,000 a year guaranteed for a coupled with satisfaction, because to seek satisfaction without
period of ten years. ability to apply is atavistic and unproductive. No negative satis-
faction will ever help in choosing the right job. I t must be the
A T R A I N I N G SCHOOL FOR D E A N S positive satisfaction of fitness f o r accomplishment.

Each fraternity takes great pride in the outstanding women The matter of location is placed ahead of salary because in
in its ranks—women who have a life interest in fraternities and the very large majority of cases the salary matter takes care of
colleges, women who have devoted years of real service to the itself. Location must be considered because f o r some it is not
advancement of their fraternities both spiritually and materially. possible to leave home and friends to seek the job of one's choice
These women have come to know in an exceptional way the wherever it ma}' be found. I n this case the location open to one
problems and needs of college girls. The work which they are must be studied carefully from the standpoint of the opportunities
called upon to do by virtue of their office gives them a sympathy in it and one's choice made accordingly. For instance, do not
and a technique which cannot be gained in any other way. Their choose to be a personal manager i f you intend to work in a com-
knowledge and their training, plus their basic social qualities as munity devoid of large offices and factories nor an executive
fraternity women, give them an influence over the members of secretary if you plan to live on a desert isle.
their chapters which college presidents are only just beginning
to appreciate. I t is our belief that the administrative councils The salary matter more or less regulates itself according to
of women's fraternities are building up a class from which deans the ability and experience one brings to the j o b ; but it is neces-
of universities and colleges might advantageously be drawn. sary to consider from the standpoint of one's obligations and for
There is no school f o r deans more practical than a fraternity one's own intelligence in the matter. Certain fields of endeavor
council. We recall with interest that Mrs. Richardson, former offer more salary opportunities than others. One should know
president of Alpha Phi. is dean of women at Northwestern U n i - these facts at the beginning of one's career and avoid the disillu-
versity, and Dr. Keller. Panhellenic delegate of Phi Beta Phi, sion of enlighternment in midstream.
is dean at Westhampton College. The dean of fraternity women,
so to speak, is, we believe. Miss L . Pearl Green, of Kappa Alpha The matter of competition in the field one has chosen will
Theta. and in our personal judgment, the most influential Greek- not decide one's choice by any means nor, perhaps, even alter
letter officer in the country today is Mrs. Mary C. Love Collins, it, but should be considered carefully. Where competition is
president of Chi Omega. However, we think immediately of very keen many are dropped by the wayside, not necessarily to
Miss Lindsey Barbee and Miss Lillian Thompson, Gamma Phi failure, for, as we know, the by-products of an industry are often
Beta, of Mrs. Westermann. of Kappa Kappa Gamma, and of its most valuable output, when possessing inherent value.
dozens of other Greek-letter women whom we should be glad to
have all Delta Gammas meet. There is a common bond between These five points have been grouped in a more or less arbi-
us all; we are educated women picked because of certain personal trary order of importance. No one of them can be considered
qualities. By the fact of our initiation we are marked off in without taking into consideration the effect of the other four, and
such a way that although we may be placed in separate groups no safe choice can be made without equal consideration of all
we stand, nevertheless, in unity before the outside world. five.

L. J. H . . in The Anchora, Delta Gamma. Margaret M . Herdman. Director of Chicago Collegiate Bureau

of Occupations. I n The Trident, Delta Delta Delta.



The following editorial f r o m the Michigan Daily of January T~* H E FOLLOWING book review of The Bitter Country, by Anita Petti-
13, 1925, suggests the value of the fraternity in college l i f e . bone, Upsilon, which was published this spring by Doubleday Page
Many similar illustrations might be gleaned f r o m the experience
of other institutions. The Michigan Union was established and Co., appeared recently in a Seattle paper.
primarily to provide f o r the social needs of students who are not
fraternity members. I t is pleasing to record how the fraternities Primarily a love story of the spruce and salmon region of the North-
helped out in the pool drive, and particularly since Beta Theta west "The Bitter Country" is much more rewarding than a mere love
Pi won the cup offered as a prize to the organization selling the story usually succeeds in being. For it has the feel of strength in its
most tickets. The editor says: treatment, while in its graphic picture of the crude, rough-and-tumble
life there are intimate knowledge of place and people, understanding and
"One of the most frequently damned institutions of univer- that mellow, large tolerance of human frailties that is sometimes the gift of
sity life in this country is the fraternity. I t is usually looked God and sometimes the product of living. The novel tells the story of how
upon as an organization which fosters the worst elements in the an eager, serious and rather quaint young woman goes into this land of
student l i f e : poor scholarship, drinking, immorality, and super- forests and streams, much rain and fog, and many alien people to teach
fluous political organization. This of course is only the popular school. She is fearless, proud and independent, and when she meets a
conception, an exaggerated view of those who have had little capable and prospering young Finn who rather dominates the community
or no contact with a modern educational institution such as M i c h i - and attempts to dominate her, rebellion rises in her heart and the tempera-
gan- ments of the two have a long and picturesque struggle with the love that
is born in the breast of each at almost their first meeting. The battle
As a matter of fact the fraternity proves to be one of the with themselves and with each other is complicated by many outside
few unifying forces in our huge universities. As a proof that circumstances, so that the plot has both deftness and variety in its weav-
this is true one needs only to examine the records of every worth ing. But the most interesting feature of the book and that which should
while project: the scholastic average of fraternity members as bring it many readers, is the portrayal of its many and varied characters,
a group is better than that of the rest of the University; in every especially those of the Finns who figure prominently in the little com-
campaign, philanthropic or otherwise, the leaders expect the f r a - munity. There is more than a hint of racial enmity between them and
ternities to take the more active part, and they always do. The the Swedes, embittered by the contempt which the Finns seem to feel
latest evidence of this is the swimming pool drive which is now for the others, even when they do not express it. But even if the life
in progress. I f it succeeds, and it is practically sure to, it will is wild and rough in many phases and a brave man sometimes takes
be because the group organization of the fraternities has taken vengeance into his own hands for wrongs suffered in lumber camp or
the population over. Every other means has been tried in the river fishery, there arc gentler moments, softer hearts and touches of
past few years with practically no success—now those interested beauty that diversify and brighten the tale. It is, indeed, a strong, vivid,
have turned to the organized groups, as they always do. well-written story that bears the stamp of intimate knowledge of the human
heart and of the region where its drama is staged.
A l l this is not intended as a comparison of the relative merits
of the fraternity men and the independents as individuals or as \ / f ARION E . A B E L E , Rho, '17, besides being a vocational adviser, is
classes. They are equal in all essential respects. Such matters director of the Audubon Camp for girls, near Boulder, Colorado.
as the swimming pool drive only signify the necessity f o r such
u n i f v i n g forces and the fraternities as such should be given the What an enthusiastic letter she writes about her work!
credit due them—a thing seldom admitted by outsiders."
The summer camp movement has developed with such surprising
Beta Thcta Pi. rapidity that there are today hundreds of camps scattered through the
East and Middle West. But the West—by that I mean that country
Shall we have dinner together at Radisson Inn on which stretches westward from the Colorado Rockies—has seen compara-
tively few organized camps. And what a wonderful locale it is for the
June 30? development of the camp idea!

Audubon Lodge Camp for Girls has chosen for its location a spot
tucked away up on the eastern slope of the Continental Divide, thirty-three
miles from Boulder, Colorado. Its thirty acres of beautiful woodland are
surrounded by the Colorado National Forest Preserve, unmarred and vivid
in the beauty of green woods, bright flowers, clear lakes, and snow-fed
streams. The carved and painted crests of the Rockies, with their patches
of perpetual snow, stretch north, south, and west. At an altitude of 9500
teet, one is a bare two miles from everlasting snow. By day we lie in the
very lap of summer, wrapped in comfortable warmth and fragrance. At

Aj ' g e p that is deep and unbroken.a r 3 n d f r e s h > k c e n w i n c I s l , r i nslc

Audubon Lodge is so emphatically a mountain camp that all of our
activities partake of the joys of mountaineering. We are trying to break
away from the formal camp routine and to bring to our girls a bit of life


as it is normally lived in the region. Long horseback rides; hikes on the at the camp. So interested did the three little girls become in the diver-
level and hikes right up the sides of mountains; trout fishing; camping sions that Dr. and Mrs. Lambert provided for them, that Mrs. Lambert
out, when we roll up in our blankets under the clear sky and fall asleep wondered if other girls might not be interested in doing the same things—
wondering whether, if only we weren't too tired, we could not stretch hence the camp.
just a bit and touch the stars.
At the Camp of the Roaring Tides, any girl may do exactly what she
There is no life quite like that of the open places, is there? And pleases—that is, so long as it does not interfere with the comfort of the
then, one day, we wake up to find ourselves in the heart of a noisy city rest of the family, and after all, is not this idea the basis of the whole
and we wonder why. social system ?

A NOTHER A L P H A O, Mary Ingalls Lambert, Delta, directs a girls* camp The camp is limited to ten girls, because Mrs. Lambert believes that
of a slightly different character. The following article which explains only with a small group can the "family" idea be carried out, and family
Mrs. Lambert's interesting educational plan is taken from the magazine life is the dominant idea. In fair weather, dinner is eaten at a long table
section of the Leu'iston Journal. under the spruces, where all may take part in the conversation. There is
plenty of play-time, which includes swimming, boating and other athletics,
Down at the Camp of the Roaring Tides in Harpswell, Mrs. Fred D. which includes long hikes, but special emphasis is placed on domestic
Lambert, wife of the head of the botany department in Tufts college, has science, nature study, and arts and crafts.
been working for several summers on the question of training the growing
girl who is denied the opportunity of expressing her own personality There are no classes in these subjects. As has already been said,
through her own handicraft. She believes that the summer camp can each girl does what she pleases, when she pleases. If she has a desire
supply this lack, that no place in the world is so well adapted to let the to try something new in the culinary line, the kitchen is at her disposal,
growing girl get back to primitive life as in camp and she has mapped out or if it is candy that she would like to make, she may make candy, and any
her plan of education accordingly. kind of candy she wants to make. If it is cake or pudding she has in
mind, then cake or pudding will probably appear on the table at the next
Great-grandmother covered the parlor floors with carpets woven on meal. The only thing that each girl is required to accomplish in the
a hand-loom from rags, and possibly she dyed some of the rags. way of cooking, is to learn to make bread.

Great-granddaughter, if she desires a hand-made floor covering goes Nature study is carried on in much the same way. The Camp of the
to an arts and crafts shop and selects one. Roaring Tides is admirably situated for that, for the foundation of the
old tide-mill is conceded to be one of the best collecting places for
Great-grandmother made soap from the grease left over from the invertebrates on the coast of Maine. If the girls feel a desire to acquire
family cooking, and that soap didn't float either. some information in the various forms of plant and animal life which
abound in the vicinity, she has only to go out of doors; and Dr. Lambert
Great-granddaughter, when she needs soap, goes either to the drug is always at hand to explain. Under his guidance, and with the aid of
store or the grocer's, and selects it according to her needs, whether for the microscopes, the young people study that mystery which is as old as the
toilet or the family wash. world itself, life and growth.

In other words, great-grandmother, though she never heard of domestic Now. a girl may or may not possess artistic talent, but if she does,
science, was an adept in the art through sheer necessity. And great- every- opportunity is given her to develop it. During the season just
grandmother found a great deal of pleasure in her work. A new pattern past, Miss B. G. Canright of Boston, a well-known artist has been coun-
for a rug was a source of pride, the making of a quilt of an intricate cilor in this work. There were no art classes, but if, as the girls watched
design was an achievement. The girl of today, is in large measure denied her at her work, they felt a desire to undertake the same thing, she found
the pleasure that comes from making her own home according to her both materials and instruction ready for her. Many a pleasant hour was
own ideas, and because the modern civilization has taken away so much spent in this way, this summer, gathered in the cozy living room. The
initiative in this respect, educators are realizing that the training of the girls made curtains this summer for the living room by the tying and
hand as well as the head, is a real problem. dyeing method which is popular just now, and they also learned embroidery
and sewing.
Mrs. Lambert, who will be well remembered as a former Auburn
girl, was before her marriage, Miss Mary Ingalls, and after completing However, their activities are not limited to any groups of subjects.
her own education she taught English for some time in the Edward The side of the cabin contains two rows of shingles put on by one of
Little high school. Dr. Lambert was also sub-master in this school for a the girls, who found carpentry interesting. She asked to be permitted to
year. The Lamberts spend their summers at South Harpswell, the camp nail on shingles, and she was shown how the work was done. Suggestions
receiving its name from the seething waters at the old tide-mill, which of the girls were embodied in building the cabin, whenever they were
floated from its foundations a few years ago and was taken down. found feasible, because it is desirable that any girl shall take an interest
Roaring Tides is an appropriate name for. whether the tide ebbs or flows, in home-making.
it roars over the ledges with so great force that it turned the mill wheels
in days gone hv, and corn was brought there from Portland to be ground Not all the teaching is done by councilors or instructors, because it
into meal. This old tide-mill furnished the setting for Clara Louise Burn- is not in this way that the human race acquires the most of its informa-
ham's story, "The Opened Shutters." tion. One learns something and then tells his neighbor. This is true at
the Camp of the Roaring Tides. Each girl, when she comes to camp has
Mrs. Lambert's plan for camp training grew out of the problem of probably become proficient in something, perhaps swimming, or perhaps
educating her own daughter. Miss Elizabeth. She felt that while the candy-making. She is expected to pass this knowledge on to her com-
weeks of isolation that the family had always enjoyed during the summer panions, for it is in this way that one becomes a useful member of
months might be enjoyable for grown-ups, it could hardly be beneficial society.
for a growing girl who was still in the impressionable age. So one sum-
mer, she invited the two little daughters of a friend to spend the summer


There are often nearly as many grown people as young folks in the successful in her work with children, and has some remarkable cures to
camp. There are two reasons for this. Girls from eight to eighteen her credit. Many Twin City AOFI sons and daughters are examples
years of age are admitted to the camp, but in the cases of the younger of her medical skill and efficiency.
children, it is required that they shall be accompanied by their mothers, or
some older person who understands their physical and mental needs, in Lest some of you imagine that our Cecile is a rather bearded lady of
order that they shall not be thrust too suddenly into an environment to indeterminate years, who wears ground grippers, stiff shirtwaists, and
which they are not accustomed. Then too, it is considered that contact hats of ancient vintage, we must say that she is the essence of attractive
with older minds and the view point of an older person is part of a femininity. Her beautiful prematurely white hair is one of her charms.
child's education. She likes good clothes, and good times—'and she has them, too'. Person-
ally and professionally, Tau is, and Alpha Omicron Pi should be, immensely
The Camp of the Roaring Tides has been established long enough proud of her.
now to be beyond the experimental stage. It fills a definite place in the
life of the girl. Dr. and Mrs. Lambert, through their association with WHAT IS A UNIVERSITY?
college students had exceptional opportunities to observe at first hand Athlete: "A place to get on a team and win a great big 'W.' "
the results of the lack of certain training for the growing girl. What College Flapper: "Oh, without these sorority and fraternity parties,
they learned through this means, they applied to their experiment. and all the fellows begging me to wear their pins, I would die!"
Professor of Philosophy: "My dear sir, I will explain life to you,
Mrs. Lambert has recently contributed an article on the work of but a university?"
the camp to the Child Welfare magazine, explaining the function of the Professor Gilman : "An inspiring place to learn to serve others."
small nature study camp in education. She is now much interested in Hash-Slinger: "Same here, only leave out the inspiring part."
founding a scholarship in order that some girl each year, whose finances Girl in love: "Isn't it wonderful? We are together in four classes!"
will not allow her to spend a season in a girls' camp, and who would Boy in Love: "Didn't the Girl give you a hint, just a hint?"
enjoy the activities of Roaring Tides, to spend a summer there. The 14-Year-Old Freshman: "The complexities of modern life in all
its vicissitudes, with war's aftermath of materialism and need of stabiliza-
O MICRON claims the only real newspaper editor and publisher tion of mind, are best analyzed in the idealistic atmosphere of the univer-
in the Alpha O ranks. Fay Morgan, Omicron transfer to Pi, '21, sity."
bears that double title and the responsibility of providing the readers of Editor of College Daily : "They will not let me publish what I know."
the Harriman Record with up to the minute news and constructive editori- Alumnus: "How in the world could we have an association and talk
als as well as meeting the weekly payroll. over old times—that the fellows do not have now—unless we had a univer-
sity to go to?"
The Record is located at the town of Harriman, fifty miles from Alumna: "Why, without a university, there would be no alumnae
Knoxville and is one of the oldest papers in Tennessee, having a wide association, and how could we keep in touch with each other in regard to
reputation throughout the state for its stand on all matters pertaining engagements and marriages of the old boys and girls and their babies?
to civic and state affairs. What better place to look over the boys?"
Conservative: "A place that makes more radicals out of otherwise
Convention delegates of 1923 might easily have predicted this future fairly good young fellers."
for Fay from her work as Managing Editor of the A. 0. Pizette. Radical: "A place that makes more conservatives out of otherwise
fairly good young fellers."—Excltange.
T F YOU LOOK on the list of convention committees as given in the Febru- . Boy With an Income: "Well, er-well, I have to go somewhere, don't
^ ary To DRACMA, you will sec under the heading official doctors, the
name of Cecile Moriarity, Tau. Dr. Moriarity, or Dr. Cecile, as most Boy Without an Income: "An institution whose benefits to me will
of us know her, is such an interesting person that we feel that you should enable my son to enjoy what I did not."
know of her and her good works.
Town Girls: (Depends on whether you knew any of them.)
Dr. Cecile is in partnership with Dr. Hucnekins, a well known child "Dad" Morgan: "It doubled the output of the malted milk factories
specialist, a man, by the way. She herself has no mean reputation as a in America."
pediatrician. Upon graduation from the University of Minnesota Medical Chicago Stenographer: "Oh, those college boys!"
School in 1917, Cecile had the distinction of being the first woman to be Chicago Tribune: "1 can't say too much for the University of Chi-
elected to the local chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha, the honorary medical cago, but Wisconsin !—not a word."
fraternity corresponding to Phi Beta Kappa. Owner of Opera House: "It always fills my galleries."
North Hall: "Students may come, and students may go. They remain
Imagine a large room filled with little stalls resembling'the booths in the same, only they come and go in Packards, Cunninghams, Reveres,
your favorite campus sweet shop, and you have the scene of Cecile's and Rolls-Royce now!"
profession. The actors are numerous wriggling bits of humanity, who Humorist: "I'll bite; what is it?*'
accompanied by their mothers, have come to have their rickets, colics, And yet we wouldn't exchange our college life for a million dollars.
indigestions and other infant bogies doctored away. Cecile is unusually
—Wisconsin Alumni Magazine, Quoted in the Crescent of
Gamma Phi Beta through the Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly


CHANGE YOUR DIRECTORIES Emma Black Kew, 1215 N. Howard, Glendale, Cal.
Mrs. A. H . Hill (Esther Hagenbucher), 4 Onondaga PI., Syracuse,
Vivian Stoner, Detroit, Minn.
Mildred Frudenfeld, Care N. W. Fire Co., Alaska Bldg., Seattle, N. Y.

Wash. Alice J . Bronson, 620 14th North, Seattle, Wash.
Mrs. A. E . Swanson, Hotel Van Renssalear, 11th and 5th, New York
Mrs. R. Harris (Dona Coombs), 2933 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis,
City. Ind.
Helen Hawk, 579 E . Court St., Kankakee, 111.
Lucile Warner, 359 So. Graniercy PI., Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Melva Pickett, 1220 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Mildred Ewing, Hotel California!], Fresno, Cal. Salome Bratton, 41 Ashland PI., Summit, N. J.
Blanche Ewing, Hotel Californian, Fresno, Cal. Lora Sweeney Sloan, 411 East 39th St., Paterson, N. J .
Helen A. Wolfe, 217 N. Benton St., Sparta, Wis. Marie G. Andrews, Box 412, N. C. C. W., Greensbow, N. C.
Ruth Graham, 1856 Fairmount Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dorothy Chausse, Alpha Sigma, 2315 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.
Mrs. W. H . Cowell. St. Paul Park. Minn. L . A. Dolbeer, Alpha Sigma, 119 N. Main St., Hotel Roberts, Salt
Marion Conlin, 221 4th St. N., So. St. Paul, Minn.
Mrs. W. C. Drummond, 1435 West 31st. Minneapolis, Minn. Lake City, Utah.
lone Jackson, 118 W. Minnehaha, Minneapolis, Minn.
Mrs. W. Haertel, 5301 Stevens Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn. Ruth M. Quarry, Alpha Sigma, 2627 W. Sharp Ave., Spokane, Wash.
Mrs. H . E . Kuehn (Alma Boehme), 3211 Freemont Ave. So., Minne- Mrs. V. McKinney, 469 No. Oxford Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Mrs. E . A. Schlampp, 15J1 West 28th St., Minneapolis, Minn.
apolis, Minn. Laura Davis Hamlin (Mrs. H . ) , 846 Cowper St., Palo Alto, Cal.
Irene Abrahamson, Box 358, Redlodgc. Mont. Ethel Davis, P. O. Box 292, Buena Vista, Virginia.
Vivian Vogel, University Hospital, Minneapolis, Minn. Ruth Graham, 1856 Fairmount Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Mrs. B. McClure (Frances Graham), Dickinson Seminary, Williams- Arietta Kirlin, 233 West 14th St., New York City.
Loverne A. Dolbeer, 119 N. Main St., Hotel Roberts, Salt Lake City,
port, Pa.
Mrs. R. E . Markley (Ruth Stalnaker), Care Standard Oil Co. of Utah.

New York, Karachi. India. Margaret Kreisel (Mailing), 8 Lincoln Ave.. Cortland, N. Y .
Mrs. Leslie W. Stahl, 440 Melrose Ave., Toledo, Ohio. (Home), 265 E . Main St., Amsterdam, N. Y .
Mrs. A. L . DuBois (Grace Stotts), Apt. 6, 115 N. Marengo, Pasa-
L . A. Dolbeer, 119 N. Main St., Hotel Roberts, Salt Lake City, Utah.
dena, Cal. Mrs. B. McClure (Frances Graham), Dickinson Seminary, Williams-
Mrs. H . W. Ingham (Edna Williams), 121 Marshall St., Syracuse,
port, Pa.
N. Y. Jeanette Engel, Hotel Lucerne, 201 W. 79th St., New York City.
Mary G. Hunsicker, 1808 Ridge Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. H . T. Ross (Rosella Stoner), 2132 Storm St., Ames, Iowa.
Dorothy L . Nash, Jasonville, Ind.
Mildred Stoker, 2157 N. Capitol, Indianapolis, Ind. Genevieve Boland, Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland.
Mrs. John Ziegler (Mary Nash), 1220 W. Maple St., Kokomo, Ind. Ethel M. Kraus, 21 Claremont Ave., New York City.
Mrs. A. D. Hill (Esther Hagenbucher), 4 Onandaga PI., Syracuse, Ethel Hunter, P. O. Box C. C , Taft, Cal.
Lucille Warner, 359 So. Gramercy PI., Los Angeles, Cal.
N. Y.
Helena Silver, Care College Club, 5428 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Don't forget to let T a u know upon what train you will
Mrs. C. Scholl (Mary E . Wills), Watseka, 111. arrive.
Cathleen Wigginton, Lincoln, 111.
Ethel Hunter, Box C. C , Taft, Cal.
Edith Gessler, 51 Cornelia St., Plattsburg. N. Y .
Muriel T. McKinney, 469 No. Oxford Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Carrie Bright Kistler, 1046 So. Wilton, Los Angeles, Cal.
Genevieve Freeman Jennings, 519 N. Winsor, Los Angeles, Cal.
Mary DeWitt, 937 N. Edgemont, Los Angeles, Cal.
Martha Wolfe Benkert, 1074 Browning Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.


EDITORIALS poem, a newspaper clipping, or some item of general interest has often
made a bright spot in her day. To Edith Huntington Anderson, who
N ow THAT YOU HAVE become acquainted, on paper, at least, with some has for the past year received and clipped the exchanges, and to Helen N
of the active chapter delegates to convention, aren't you more than Henry, Mary Donlon and Margaret Pillsbury Schoppe, who have helped
anxious to come and meet them, and all the others who will be there, in especially by unsolicited and very welcome contributions, and to Carolyn
the flesh? These twenty-one girls are really only a very small percentage Fraser Pulling, who, with the help of her husband, guided our first
of those who will be at convention, the Founders will be there, we hope faltering editorial steps, we owe a great debt of gratitude. June Kelly
all four of them, the national officers, many national committee members, who has so kindly cooperated with us on the series of vocational articles,'
and a great many who come, not as official delegates, but as guests, to and the Executive Committee, which has been a firm foundation for our
see what a convention is like, to have a dandy good vacation, and to tottering tower of strength, have helped beyond measure.
renew old friendships and to make new ones. There is much official
business to be done at convention. We will learn first hand of the WOMAN'S G Y M , UNIVKRSITY OF MINNESOTA
progress of our national work, other committee heads will have important
reports to make; perhaps there will be petitioning groups to be voted on; JUNE 30-JULY 6
necessary changes in the constitution must be made; and, lastly, the W i l l Y o u be With U s ?
officers who are to carry the fraternity through the next two years* work
must be elected. There will be time, however, for all kinds of pleasures,
swimming, canoeing, golf, tennis, and just plain talk. Volume I, Num-
ber 1 of the A. O. PxzeWe says of the convention two years ago, "The
1923 convention of Alpha Omicron Pi opened officially Monday night with
125 representatives seated at dinner in the Whittle Springs Hotel and
guests of Omicron chapter." Radisson Inn is so much more centrally
located than Whittle Springs, and the facilities for motoring the short
distance from many points in the middle west are so good, that we hope
to have many more with us on the opening night of convention. Do not
disappoint us!

ou HAVE ALL BEEN interested in reading of the splendid and interesting
4 work of the holder of our fellowship during the past year. Does
this letter not make our scholarship seem a vital and living thing to each
one of you? And does it not seem splendid that each year we can award
one of these fellowships? The Graduate Fellowship committee takes
great pleasure in announcing that the winner of the fellowship for next
year is Wilkie Hughes of Beta Phi. Miss Hughes is a graduate of the
University of Indiana, and is now teaching Physiology and Hygiene in
the Arsenal Technical High School of Indianapolis. She is planning to
study next year at Teachers College, Columbia University, in preparation
for a position as teacher in a school of nursing. Only this brief announce-
ment is possible at this time, but fuller information about Miss Hughes'
plans for the future will be printed in a later issue.

T T J ITH THIS ISSUE, the present editorial staff of To DRAGMA retires
* » from office. The editor wishes to thank those who have made her
work pleasant, either by doing their allotted tasks well and promptly, or
by sending in special material. A letter or an article neatly typed on the
right sized paper, and sent promptly, is a joy to the editor's heart, and
an unexpected letter from some interested person containing an original



T^OR T H E FOLLOWING supplies send to Mrs. C. C. McDonald, Box 188, PI—H. SOPHIE NEWCOMB COLLEGE
" Bay St. Louis, Mississippi:
Convention! How we all wish that we might attend! Charlotte
Alpha Omicron Pi Directory, Fifty cents. Send ten cents extra Voss, our newly elected president, will go as Pi's delegate. Betty Black
to cover the cost of mailing. Very few copies left. says she is going to be right there too, and probably two or three more
of us will "roll in" on the morning of the thirtieth.
Alpha Omicron Pi Song Book, One dollar a copy or ten dollars a
dozen copies. Get your convention copy now. Phi Beta Kappa was announced last Tuesday and Pi is mighty proud
to say that Mary Renaud Owen was elected. Every year it is customary
Alpha Omicron Pi Constitution and By Laws, fifteen cents a copy. for us to give a luncheon on this day for the members of the senior
One Dollar and a half a dozen copies. class and for the Phi Beta Kappa members of the faculty. Even though
we got up at daybreak to make sandwiches we felt repaid for our work
A NNUAL AND CONVENTION REPORTS. Annual reports are due in the by the way they disappeared.
Grand Secretaries' Office by May 15 from all Grand officers, Super-
intendents, Alumnae Superintendents, Active and Alumnae Chapters and Right now our thoughts are about the Easter house party which we
National Committees. See the special convention announcement .for con- are going to have at Biloxi, Miss. We are very lucky for we are going
vention reports. to have Rosa Rogers' summer cottage. Several of last year's seniors
are going to come over for it and we are all planning a big time.
T VER CONTEST announced earlier is indefinitely postponed.
With fraternity exams the first part of next week, the house party
A LUMNAE ASSISTANTS to To DRAGMA, the new editor will probably lasting over the week-end, and our annual banquet the following week
wish to include alumnae notes in the September To DRAGMA. Have we will certainly be busy.
them in by August 8. No active or alumnae chapter letters are required
for this issue. Charlotte Voss has just returned from Agnes-Scott college where
she went to debate. Besides having a star debater, Pi also has a star
T H E N E W YORK A L U M N A E CHAPTER hopes that every Alpha O, either performer. Elizabeth Heaslip has taken some leading parts in plays
passing through New York or coming there, to stay this summer or recently given not only at the Tulane " Y " Hut but also at The Little
fall, will send her name and address to the chairman of the hospitality Theatre down in Frenchtown.
and membership committee, Helen N. Henry, Room 1404, 18 East 41st St.,
New York City, so that some member of the committee may get in Ethel Young has made the varsity hockey team and Agnes Broussard,
touch with her as soon as possible. who has just won the sophomore tennis championship, has been asked to
be one of Newcomb's representatives in the N. O. Woman's Municipal
Tennis Tournament.

Pi sends best wishes to all the chapters, with great hopes of knowing
many of you at convention.


Convention Crossword Puzzle Solution NU—NEW YORK UNIVERSITY

Across Down It is only natural that anyone who has had a busy happy time wants
1. Fatted. to "talk it over" with friends who will exchange pleasant experiences.
7. Bear. 2. A. B. This is exactly the way that Nu feels. We have such a lot of things
9. Re. 3. Tee. to tell our sister chapters and in turn will read their letters with earnest
11. E . G . 4. Tag. and sincere interest.
12. S. E . 5. E r .
13. Ice. 6. Friend. It was shortly after the Christmas party that we mentioned in our
15. Pug. 8. Reglet. last letter, that Mrs. Everett Hamilton entertained us at her home. At
16. Ehe. in. Echo. this tea the active members and the alumnae met together, and spent a
17. Oil. 12. Suit. delightful afternoon.
18. No. 14. E . E .
19. On. 15. Po. Perhaps it is not good form to mention our next activity and yet,
21. T. E . 19. Owe. why not? On that memorable date, February 5, Nu passed through a
22. Swim. 20. Nip. nerve-wracking ordeal, namely, we had our pictures taken. A wriggling,
24. Cleped. 22. S. L . giggling group it was. When the man at the camera cried, "Now then!"
23. Me. there was breathless silence. Click! It was over and now we expect to
appear in the Album, the Year Book of Washington Square College, and
hope we look self-possessed.

We introduced four charming girls as pledges in last To DRAGMA.
They have become members now. We doubt whether Dorothy Scully,
Ruth Lawlor, Helen Wall, or Frances Froatz will ever forget the initia-
tion ceremony at the home of Virginia Little. It was impressive and


dignified. Afterward a delicious dinner was served, and a pleasant eve- room, we were dazzled at the sight of tables arranged in the form of an A ,
crowned at the apex by an enormous red candle surrounded by red roses,
ning followed. and sparkling with small candles set in mounds of red flowers at each
February 14, Saint Valentine's D a y ! Just the time for a party, and place. O u r twelve "freshmen" were seated at the cross piece of the A .
Each had a corsage of red roses and in the middle of their table was a huge
so we had one. T h i s party was the first of a series of four, ending with floral representation of an A O n pin in red and white flowers. Vivian
a tea dance. Suppose we tell you something about each. T h i s one was Logue ( M r s . A . F . Seymour) was toast-mistress and entertained us with a
held at the home of Julia Tillinghast. Dorothy Scully acted as social splendid program of toasts, followed by the freshmen's songs and an
chairman. T h e games were in harmony with the day. E a c h girl was unusually funny stunt consisting of a take-off on their "goat" days. They
given a heart cut in two, and matching hearts, she found her partner. A proved that freshmen do have memories, after all, by repeating word
subject was assigned to each couple who discussed it to the amusement for word our brilliant sarcasms of many a goat meeting. T h e fifty present
of the others. Game followed game, all new and interesting. A fancy unanimously agreed that it was the best banquet yet.
valentine, and candy in heart shaped boxes were the prizes. D r . Priscilla
Butler Hussey, ( P i Beta P h i ) a member of the Biology Department of Jennilee McCracken received her varsity basketball sweater last week
New Y o r k University was the guest of honor. and was the only girl with the stripes of four years' service on her
The next appropriate day for a party was Washington's Birthday
when Edith Ramsay Collins ( M r s . George Rowland) entertained at her In the recent beauty contest, Ruth Beck, Elizabeth Walker, Helen
lovely home at Forest Hills. One of the A O I T girls describes it in these Hobson, and Evelyn French won places among the sixteen nominees whose
words, "Seven little tables attractively Jaid and flower-bedecked awaited us, pictures were sent to Coles-Phillips for judging, and it has leaked out
and we sat down to a most delicious luncheon beginning with soup and that at least two of them are among the chosen few whose pictures are to
running all the way to nuts. Then the little tables were transformed into appear in the Beauty Section of the annual, Volunteer.
bridge and mah jong tables, when we proceded to start a very lively
competition for three pretty Washington's Birthday prizes. Progressive We are planning a rummage sale and a benefit bridge party soon, in
games helped us to become better acquainted with the new girls. W e order to make money for National W o r k .
enjoved ourselves immensely and agreed that Edith is a lovely hostess.
At our last chapter meeting we also made plans for spring rushing
On February 28, Julia Froatz and Frances Froatz drove the girls in preparation for next fall. A committee was appointed to take charge,
to their house and gave them a wonderfully good time. There were all and several parties planned.
sorts of games and puzzles, followed by very delicious refreshments.
W e must not forget to mention the fact that Sallie Burger won a first W e have just learned that Elizabeth Walker has been chosen one
prize. of the Queens for the annual Engineers' Day. Mary Hills F a x o n is
Regimental Sponsor for the Military Department, and Ruth Beck is
In the Garden Room of the Carroll Club, surrounded by flowers and sponsor for one of the companies.
sparkling candles, N u held a Tea Dance as a climax for the series of
parties. Helen Schelnin and Ruth Lawlor wore hostesses, and Mrs. ELIZABETH HALE.
Louise Hingsberg poured tea. Miss Josephine Pratt, we are pleased to
say, was one of our guests. KAPPA—RANDOLPH MACON

F o u r new girls were pledged on March 23: they are, Helen Schlauch, Everybody who is going to convention, keep a wide eye open for
Ethel McGary, Marjorie Fitzpatrick, and Mrs. Margaret Drake. A f t e r little Margaret Boiling Jones from Petersburg, Virginia, who will be
the ceremony there was a supper in a tea room near college. Everyone according to Kappa's idea of it all the sweetest, cutest, most attractive
seemed to have a good time, and a strong feeling of friendship prevailed. and everything else nice we can think of, delegate at the big meeting.
Really, yon want to meet "Dahlin".
W e are glad to welcome Mary Meeker back to our group again after
her long absence caused by diphtheria. W e missed her very much. Almost all college elections are over here. W e beg to introduce Miss
Anne Jeter, A O H who will be next year's senior class president. Ann
Helen Schelnin has been elected to the Eclectic Society, a girls' Anderson, who is also one of us. as I have said before, will be president
honorary society for work and activity. Helen follows the precedent set of the Y . W . C . A . , which ranks unusually high among our college
by other members of the chapter, having one girl elected each year. Those organizations. W e pause here to say that we think that she has done
who already have the honor of being elected to this society are, Margaret most nobly in keeping up her share of the good work. She was freshman
Brown. Julia Froatz, Sallie Burger, and Alice Knecht. president; she has always been a vital part of the big things in college
life; and next year she is going to be chapter president and president of
Before we close our letter we want to remind our sisters that we still the Y . W . at the same time.
dream of a fraternity house, or even a room where we can have just a
little of the real college life which is so foreign to big city colleges. W e Two of our little sisters, Alice Washburn, sophomore, and F a n White,
want a little cosy place to meet together where we can have a touch of that freshman, have recently been electee! as secretary of the Student Govern-
intimacy which our sisters who have fraternity rooms enjoy. ment Association and secretary of the Executive Board of the Student
Council. W e are very proud of them both.
OMICRON—UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE . i A l l sophomore and upperclassmen are enjoying the privilege of "goat-
ing" the freshmen. They are faithful goats and as we are proving to
The first big event after exams was the acquisition of a new pledge, them every day decidedly forward versatile. W e are looking forward with
Urcilc Powell, of Memphis. a great deal of pleasure to a show that they are going to give us soon
after Easter.
Next came initiation. It was held on Saturday, March 7, in the
fraternity room, and followed by the annual banquet at Whittle Springs. And now, Station K - A - P - P - A . must be signing off.
T h e . banquet was unusually beautiful this year, due largely to the work
of Jennilee McCracken, the chairman. When we entered the banquet BERYL MADISOX.


ZETA—UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA T h e first prize, a silver l o v i n g cup, was given to A l p h a O m i c r o n P i f o r
the cleverest, most original, and the most effective stunt, " M a h Jong."
No letter.
Katherine Schmidt was elected captain of the Junior Coed basketball
SIGMA—UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA team and has been chosen chairman f o r soccer next f a l l . I n the bowling
tournament, our team, which is composed o f Katherine Davis, M a r y
Our letter this m o n t h seems to be almost entirely concerned w i t h Tinder, and Lorena Sloan, went to the semi-finals. D o r o t h y Hays has
names. But since the last T o DRAGMA, we have had pledging and we been elected vice-president o f the freshman class. Lorena Sloan and
held elections and the most interesting things to report f r o m here are M a r y Elizabeth H o u c k have made the Glee Club. M i r i a m Oilar has been
the accounts of pledging and election. elected vice-president of Toynbee, sociology club. Lorene Golden and
Katherine Schmidt have been chosen f o r parts i n the M a y day pageant—
A f t e r one week of strenuous Christmas rushing, during which time and Ebba Anderson in the Queen's court. Ruth Wilson played the part
we also held initiation, we pledged Doris Harrigan and Virginia Dwight, of Etta in the Duzer D u play, " Y o u and I . " Alice Reeves had a short
f r o m San Francisco, and Helen Hudner f r o m Hollister. A f e w weeks story in the last issue o f the DePauzv Magazine. Louise H u m p h r e y s
later, Genevieve T o y e , w h o has been attending State N o r m a l school, was was chosen f o r the Madras committee. Musette Williams was elected
pledged. She has just come to the University this semester. N o w our second vice-president of W . S. G. A. Katherine Schmidt and Musette
freshman class numbers eight active members. T w o of the freshmen W i l l i a m s were selected f o r parts in the M a y Day play "Pomander W a l k " .
were not able to r e t u r n to college because o f i l l health. Helen H e r r i c k I n the recent census compiled by W . S. G. A . we rank highest in the
i n j u r e d her f o o t d u r i n g Christmas vacation and was not able to be up campus activities, with a percent o f ninety.
in time to come back, and Katherine Weeks also remained out f o r a
semester to take a rest because o f i l l health. However, those o f the The State Dance and Luncheon were held in Indianapolis at the
freshmen who are on the campus this spring are worthy Alpha O's. Lincoln Hotel on Feb. 21. Sunday there was a tea in honor o f Melita
Their scholarship and activity records are very creditable. Several of the Skillen given at the home of M a r y Gertrude Manley.
girls including Marion Smith, Marjorie Mills, Virginia Dwight, Doris
Garrigan and Elizabeth Ward are working in the Berkeley Dispensary, Caroline Pierce is wearing the A T A pin o f F l o y d Raisor and conse-
doing social service work. A n d the rest divide their spare time between quently we were all the guests at a bridge party given by Caroline in
Mildred Bell's Partheneia committee and Y. W . C. A . work. honor of the occasion.

But this letter has almost neglected the other girls who are all quite The freshman stunt was given on Feb. 1 3 ; it was funny, clever, and
busy. W e all did quite strenuous w o r k in preparing f o r the tea and formal very original.
which was given on Friday the thirteenth of March. I n spite of the
superstitious sounding date, the whole day went off beautifully and every- Ethel Pike Mavhen died Feb. 18 at her home i n Monon—she was
one was loud in praise of our freshmen reception line. N o w the senior
banquet w h i c h w i l l be held next Wednesday night is the center o f interest. an ex '17 member of Theta chapter. Musgfl? WILLIAMS.
For we all speculate on possible engagement announcements although
none of us have any definite information. DELTA—JACKSON COLLEGE

A t the last March meeting, the following girls were elected to hold W i t h the coming of spring and Commencement we are looking forward
office for the coming year. President, Mildred Bell; vice-president, Isabel
Jackson; recording secretary, Dorothy M i l l s ; corresponding secretary, to June and F r a t e r n i t y camp w h i c h w i l l be at L a k e Winnipesaukee this
Jean H a w k i n s ; treasurer, Roberta Georgeson; rushing captain, Meriam
Collins; editor to To DRAGMA, Marjorie Mills. year. W e hope to have some Gamma girls w i t h us and have a little

D u r i n g the semester we have had visits f r o m two or three of the convention of our own.
1924 class who are teaching or living around this part of the country.
M a r y Shuman and Lota Blythe have been up f o r week-ends when g r a m - We had our initiation and banquet at the Parker House in February.
mar schools had vacation and Frances Cady who is doing substitute teach-
ing drops in at the house frequently. The new members are: Caroline Breen, Lydia Glidden and Eleanor Rickard.

THETA—DE PAUW UNIVERSITY We expect to initiate the rest of our pledges soon after Easter.

E v e n t h o u g h we have raised o u r scholarship standard to five points AOn gave a benefit bridge f o r the chapter at Capen House. I t was
above University requirements we were able to initiate, on March 15, all
but t w o of our pledges. I n honor of these new initiates: Dorothy Bald- the first attempt o f its kind to raise money and it met w i t h much
win, Jeffersonville; June Freeman, Bicknell; Dorothy Hays, Pendleton;
Hilma Hofherr. and Mary Elizabeth Houck. Muncie: Kathryn Kelly, approval.
Westville: Ruth Kreutzinger, M t . Vernon; Miriam Mayes, Columbus;
Mildred Read, Washington; Louise Smith, Winamac; Vera Townsend, T h e Boston A l u m n a e chapter entertained us at dinner on February
Lawrenceville, 111.; a breakfast, at which our alumnae advisor, Elizabeth
Morrison, was present, was served at the chapter house. 14. They certainly know how to plan a good time, having anticipated

T h e first annual Shoiv Down was held at D e P a u w on Feb. 2 7 - 2 8 . our enormous appetites.

"Seniors Scampers" a review of the year given by the graduating

class is the present topic o f interest. The show is a parody on the

happenings of the year among the students and faculty. W i l l i e Koelsch

is directing i t .

Our S p r i n g F o r m a l is booked f o r A p r i l 2 9 w i t h H e l e n Barnes in

charge. W e expect great things.

Willie Koelsch is on the Senior Class Day committee and Bobby

Byrne is on the Junior P r o m committee.

Elizabeth Fuller, ex '25, who is going to E l m i r a College this year,

spent a f e w days w i t h us d u r i n g her vacation. She told us great things

about Epsilon where she dropped in f o r a visit one day.

We w i s h that Convention w o u l d be held in the East so we could

attend, our hearts w i l l be " O u t W e s t " anvwav. D



GAMMA—UNIVERSITY O F MAINE O u r spring entertaining is starting i n earnest, w i t h a student tea on
A p r i l 19 and a f a c u l t y tea the next Sunday. W e have been h a v i n g pro-
The f o r m a l dance was held the 20th. Many of the older girls were fessors and their wives for dinner every Sunday and Wednesday.
back. The hall was decorated with a canopy of red and white streamers
and roses everywhere. W e have not elected next year's officers yet, so do not k n o w w h o the
lucky one w i l l be, to be sent by the house to convention.
W e have now seven new sisters, any one of which we feel sure
any A O I 1 might be proud. MARION W. STAPLES.

Edwina Bartlett and Constance Osgood were added to our list o f RHO—NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY
pledges at the mid-semester bidding.
Saturday, M a r c h 7, we held i n i t i a t i o n f o r K a t h e r i n e H a m i l t o n , R u t h
" E d d y " , the other half o f a set o f t w i n s , is another member of the Tarrant and Dorothy Tinley, three of our very promising freshmen. W e
famous f r e s h m a n basketball team. She also w o n her numerals i n field are a l l v e r y p r o u d and happy to have these g i r l s as f u l l - f l e d g e d sisters
hockey. " E d d y " is noted f o r her sweet personality. f o r we feel sure they w i l l make the best kind of A O I l ' s . K a y has already
distinguished herself w i t h her violin and Dotty's talent lies in dramatics.
"Connie" a dainty slip of a g i r l is one of the most popular in her Ruth, who is a music student, makes a most charming representative of
class. She is a quiet little Miss, but she gets there just the same. AOn over in music school. A f t e r the ceremony we held a banquet at the
Sheridan Beach Hotel i n Chicago. W e had as guest o f honor that night,
Feb. 19, Gamma chapter held its annual i n i t i a t i o n and banquet at the Melita Skillen, our Grand Secretary, w h o gave us a most excellent talk.
Bangor House. Twenty-eight of the alumnae were present. I t w i l l be a long time before we f o r g e t her message that " a l l the oars
of the boat must pull together in order to send our Rho-boat on its
Frances Sawyer made a very graceful toastmistress. Leona Reed way."
spoke a few words of greeting. Achsa Bean responded for the alumnae,
ending her toast with a song. Alice Harington brought greetings f r o m January 16 we held our annual f o r m a l dance dinner in the Colonial
Delta. Under the sparkling artillery of the toastmistress each one o f Room of the Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago. Quite a number of our
the initiates cleverly responded with a witty or serious toast. The climax alumnae, both new and old, were with us that night.
of the evening, or at least of the banquet, was when, fragrant jacqueminot
roses massed in f r o n t of her, a candle lighting her face, Beulah Osgood M a r c h 20, w i t h the cooperation o f our mothers' club and the Chicago
read, "The Rose." alumnae chapter, we held a combination dance and card party f o r the
benefit o f the furniture f u n d f o r our new house. W e do not know the
Leona Reed is up to her old tricks again. A P h i Kappa P h i key is exact amount o f the receipts as yet, but j u d g i n g f r o m the number o f
now reposing beside her Phi Beta Kappa key. The members of P h i people present the dance must have been very successful financially as
Kappa Phi are honor students picked f r o m the whole university. By w e l l as socially. W e now have visions of davenports and lamps and
the way, Leona has recently appeared w i t h an 2 A E pin. F r a n k MacDonald baby-grand pianos f o r our house-to-be. T h e university has promised to
is the lucky m a n ; congratulations " M a c . " begin building the new houses the day after Commencement. They have
postponed i t so long, however, f o r some reason or other that we are sitting
Our two Annas, A . Stinchfield and A . Torrens, have captured leading w i t h o u r fingers crossed u n t i l we actually see the walls looming up before
parts in the Junior Week play, "You and I . " us. T h e s o r o r i t y houses here at N o r t h w e s t e r n are to be built on Q u a d -
rangles similar to the plan of the fraternity houses. For neighbors we
Beulah Osgood is to be our delegate to national convention. will have the Delta Gammas on one side and the P i Phis on the other.
Alice Harington was our guest f r o m Delta f o r the initiation and T h e houses, w h i l e they w i l l not be alike in every detail, w i l l a l l be built
dance. Y o u are our nearest neighbor, Delta, and i f you are a l l as nice on the same general style o f architecture. T h e y are to be the o l d E n g l i s h
as A l i c e y o u can't come too o f t e n . style w i t h the first story o f b r i c k and the top o f panelled stucco w i t h high
pointed roofs.
Four of our girls "made" the W . A . A . show, "The Tenth Attempt,"
EPSILON—CORNELL UNIVERSITY this spring. Every spring here at Northwestern the Women's Athletic
Association puts on a musical comedy, the music, lyrics, and plot o f which
A sure sign of spring! The AOn's have started baseball practice in are all written by girls on the campus. A l l the parts are taken by girls,
the back y a r d and the cement seat is again installed on the f r o n t lawn and the show is always one o f the biggest events o f spring. O u t of the
overlooking the valley. 250 girls t r y i n g out, about 70 received parts this year. Agnes Biesemeier
was chosen as one o f the cast. She t o o k the part o f a newspaper "report-
W e are proud to announce that Frances Eagan was recently elected ress" and sang so sweetly that no one blamed the handsome hero f o r
President of Women's Self-Government for next year, and Frances Mount proposing to her. A n n e McCabe as one of the men's chorus set more
was elected President of the Sophomore class. than one heart fluttering as she m a n f u l l y strode across the r o o m in her
f u l l dress suit. Evelyn Pearson and Dorothy Speirs made very cute
Three of our seniors, Veronica Brown, Marion Macbeth and Dorothy little "ponies" in short socks and vari-colored little suits.
Johann, graduated in February. Brownie went to Florida with her mother
and now is back home in New Y o r k . " M a c " is w o r k i n g at the Carbor- A m o n g our athletes this spring we have Agnes Biesemeier on the
undum Company in Niagara Falls, and "Dot" is staying on at Cornell senior apparatus team, Lucile Hurley, Bernice Anderson, Florence Hell-
' t i l l June. A l l three w i l l be here f o r commencement. storm and Dorothy Speirs on the junior team. Lucile Hurley was junior
manager. Lucile has also been elected to S h i - A i an honorary inter-
More than twenty grads were back f o r initiation this year. W e had
the pleasure of having Johnny Donlon Huntington initiate eight of our
fourteen pledges.

M a r j o r i e K i m b a l l has been back several times this s p r i n g and has
told us of the exciting preparations f o r her wedding in June. Gert
Lynahan was here f o r several days to attend the Newspaper Conference.
She is going abroad this summer and is planning to take a bicycle t r i p
through France with a girl friend.


sorority organization. A f t e r vacation we will have Lucile Hurley, Florence The freshmen are all outstanding in their main activity, "Orange
Hellstrom, and Bemice Anderson, stars of last year, out f o r baseball again. and Blue Feathers," and one o f the girls is treasurer o f the organization.
Lucile and Florence are both very close to the one thousand points neces- There is a new honorary sophomore organization on the campus called
sary to secure a women's " N " . "Gold Feathers" and we have the largest representation of any sorority.
The girls are: Ruth Bairstow, Anne Treadwell, Helen Bright, Cordius
Lola Busian, Charlotte Collins, Peg Brown, and Ruth Tarrant repre- King, and Peg Burton.
sent in journalistic lines by w o r k i n g on the staff of the ''Daily N o r t h -
western". Lola is head o f the women's column and Charlotte, Peg, and W i t h the approach of spring we are having wonderful times in our
Ruth are news assistants. old, topless Ford—the pride and joy of the AOn family.

As many o f us as possible are planning to attend convention, where M a r c h 14 we had an o r i g i n a l Noah's A r k party i n the chapter house.
we hope to get better acquainted with the Alpha O's f r o m other parts of The decorations, food, and music were declared to be "the best ever" by
the country than is possible through the chapter letters. the men. N o w we are all looking f o r w a r d to our formal to be given at the
Champaign C o u n t r y Club, M a y 8. T h i s date is especially appealing to us
DOROTHY SPEIRS. because i t w i l l be M o t h e r s ' Day.

LAMBDA—STANFORD UNIVERSITY Every sorority house on the campus sponsors a student military com-
pany. O u r company entertained us w i t h a tea dance one Saturday a f t e r -
A t last, spring quarter at S t a n f o r d is here again, the quarter to noon, and we gave a dinner for them last Saturday.
which we all look f o r w a r d w i t h great glee. T h i s is the quarter o f the
Prom, the Junior Opera, the mask ball, the big track meet w i t h University Our minds are filled w i t h t h o u g h t s o f Easter vacation, our spring
of California, lake sports, and pledging. O u r house has grown f r o m eight rushing party, Mothers' Day, and Interscholastic, but above all we are
members to sixteen because o f the return of old members who have been planning and hoping to be present at convention this summer.
staying out. A n n a F i t z h u g h w h o has been acting as sponsor to freshman
women and has been living in the dormitory has now returned to live WILMA LAW.
in the house. Grace Read who was at Barnard last semester and Helen
Gladding, Mildred Dorris, Eleanor Forderer, and Elyse Braunschweiger TAU—UNIVERSITY O F MINNESOTA
who have been, out o f school f o r various reasons have a l l returned. I n
addition to the return of the old girls we now have a new pledge, Helen Spring brings sunshine and showers . . . and slickers . . . and ennui
Chapman. . . . and diamond rings. . . . Y o u know. The A O f l ' s at Minnesota, since
the beginning of the spring quarter, have had a chance to enjoy their f u l l
W e w i l l be represented in the j u n i o r opera by three o f the g i r l s : quota of each and every quantity listed above. A n d they've had a few
Grace Read and Florence Stanley who are in the beauty chorus, and things more besides. F o r instance, one Friday night o f the very recent
Elyse Braunschweiger who is a pony. past was dedicated to a gay informal at the house. I f the serpentine on the
fresh green lawn the next morning had anything to do with all this, the
T h e Y . W . C. A . has been more active than ever before this year. scribe would venture that it was a gay and good party.
Anna F i t z h u g h is the president and has been earnestly trying to give the
Y. W . new life on this campus. A drive f o r money was conducted which W e are initiating six of our pledges A p r i l 20. They are I r m a Fliehr,
was the most spectacular event of the Y . W . program. A fashion show, Alyce Macauley, Kathryn Haven, Winifred Eliason, Mae Footh, and
taxi service, and a bridge party were the most important features of the M i r i a m Thomas. W e are a w f u l l y glad to bring these girls into the active
week. chapter room. Installation of new officers will take place the same eve-
ning. While we hate to let Dorothy Remington go, we are more than
Frances Jongeneel is leaving f o r Europe M a y 10. She w i l l sail f o r glad to have Dorothy W o m r a t h take the chair. T w o Dorothy's . . . we
London f r o m Montreal, then will go to Paris and Holland. like them both. A f t e r all, what's in a name?

Aileen B r o w n has been elected tennis manager f o r next year. Dorothy Remington and Kathryn A n n Clarke graduated f r o m the
Rushing which has been hanging over us all year w i l l begin next academic college at the close o f the winter quarter. K a t h r y n is taking
week, Pledging w i l l take place immediately after a week's entertaining. post-graduate w o r k now, and (we are glad to say) is still l i v i n g at the
W e are glad that the suspense w i l l soon be over. house. Dorothy, who has just returned f r o m her home in Hibbing, Minn.,
w i l l do social service w o r k here i n the city. So that we won't lose touch
WANA KEESLING. with these sisters, at least.

IOTA—UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS L u l u Hanson is still holding up her fame on the campus. She had
the honor of being one of the f e w girls chosen to attend the M a t r i x
W i t h exams ended and all the girls registered again, the second banquet on A p r i l 17, where campus problems are discussed and plans are
semester started off w i t h a bang! W e are working harder than ever to made for bettering conditions in university life.
keep up our scholastic standing as w e l l as our social standing.
Oh no . . . it's no longer a secret! I r m a Fliehr has a b e a u t i f u l new
March began with a week of fear f o r the freshmen, and we realized diamond. A r t h u r Regan, a Beta at Minnesota and a graduate of Prince-
that the well-known "pre-initiation razz sessions" had begun. O n March ton, we are told is the cause o f that.
8, the happiest day o f our lives a r r i v e d , and seven of us became members
of Alpha Omicron Pi. The new initiates are: Mary Leslie Robinson, The AOn's gave a benefit bridge recently at the Radisson Hotel.
Cordius King, Hortense Roll, Angelene Saling, Dorothea Bauer, Bethel Although the day was a bit unpleasant, it was a very nice bridge. Sara
Stout, and W i l m a Law. W e have pledged i'our girls this semester: Jane Davis sang, a group of pledges with Louis Travers gave a very
Ruth Bairstow, Esther Wirtz, Florence Cobb, and Eleanor Crozier. This clever song and dance act f o r entertainment.
makes a total o f fifteen" pledges this year.


We are planning to have a house birthday . . . after which the old NU KAPPA—SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY
place w i l l be the cheerier f o r a new sun-parlor set, some gay cushions,
and all that sort of thing. W e hope that we will look nice f o r you at N u Kappa is continuing her Sunday afternoon Teas, every other
convention. Sunday. Last Sunday we met at Alice Kizer's where we spent a very
pleasant a f t e r n o o n together and enjoyed a lovely salad course as r e f r e s h -
JUANITA MEDBERY. ments. Sunday, t w o weeks ago, we met with Artis Lee Eypert. Our chief
amusement at these gatherings, which both pledges and initiates attend,
CHI—SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY is singing f r a t songs and congratulating ourselves on our attractive bunch
of pledges.
T h i s semester has been busier than the last one. T h e afternoon o f
M a r c h 15 we held our i n i t i a t i o n services, adding five new sisters to our Initiation was held M a r c h 11 at D o r o t h y Soner's f o r M i l d r e d Smith
number; Norma Baker, Eleanor Haitz, Eunomia Lewis, Ruth Vincent, and
Dorothy Mapes. That evening we had our banquet at the Hotel Onon- and Numa Ablowitch. Several of the alumnae attended, including Mrs.
daga i n the lovliest r o o m they have—made so perhaps by the s o f t light
of the red tapers, the red roses and carnations strewn here and there, and Beaty, M r s . Zeek and M r s . Bronscomb. A f t e r the service, we had a
the happy faces of our sisters. Mrs. Huntingdon, our superintendent
gave us an inspiring speech. W e were so glad to have several Epsilon banquet which was very cleverly arranged. T h e table was set in the shape
girls w i t h us f o r the occasion.
o f nil—initiates sitting on the outside and the pledges in the Pi—the
T h i s semester we have pledged E r m a Wench, '27, Glen Falls, N. Y . ,
and M a r y B r i l l , '28, N. J. M a r y is an assistant reporter on the Daily initiates m i g h t be described as f o r m i n g the "crust" f o r the party. B e f o r e
Orange, our paper.
dinner was served, the pledges were deprived of any eating utensils except
Helen Howalt was recently elected to Phi Beta Kappa and M a r y
Williams to Phi Kappa Phi. their knives and soup spoons. Mildred Smith, freshly freed f r o m "pledge-

M a r y Hooper was made secretary of Fine Arts League f o r the com- dom", was authorized to announce that any initiate feeling the slightest
ing year. H e l e n L u t z made Business S t a f f o f the Daily Orange. Catherine
Latimer had charge o f the junior stunt at the Castle Carnival put on every inclination toward a salad, pickle, olive or anything across the table was
year by the Teachers' College.
not only invited but urged to have the pledge sitting opposite to "hand
Syracuse women are looking f o r w a r d to Women's Day, at which time
a pageant " T h e Masque o f the Rose" w i l l be presented. Three g i r l s were it over." (None of the initiates went home hungry.) A f t e r dinner,
chosen f o r dancing parts, while others intend going into group dances.
several of the pledges, lead by Margaret Kizer, offered quite a snappy,
Last week we held a movie benefit, to raise funds f o r our house.
O u r spring rushing party, M a r c h 30, took the f o r m o f a cabaret party live vaudeville skit. Then, for the benefit of the visiting alumnae, who
with streamers and ballrooms.
weren't familiar w i t h the names of all the pledges, each pledge was
Three girls helped in the Syracuse in China Drive. More than two
thousand was raised f o r our school and hospital there. requested to stand and give her name accompanied by an original rhyme

HELEN MCNEES. W e spent another very pleasant evening at a skating party given by
the pledges, honoring their "betters". This was f u l l of thrills that ended
in bruises f o r some of us.

S. M . U . is p u t t i n g on a very strenuous " G y m D r i v e " . O u r present
facilities along this line are not sufficient to accommodate the number
of students in school who must participate in gym work. A l l students
have been asked to subscribe and the Alpha O's have almost a hundred
percent, so f a r .

The usual A p r i l F o o l " D i n k e y " came out on the first o f the m o n t h —
but in place of an anonymous sheet as usual, i t was a censored and re-
censored one. The "dirty crooks" which have appeared heretofore were
in a great minority. School authorities hope that this is a real step in
the education of the student body.


Since our last report we have been doing many things. First, let me BETA PHI—INDIANA UNIVERSITY
introduce to you Shirley Brust of Portland and Ruth Cockroft from
Hawaii, our two new pledges. Beginning today, spring vacation is a t h i n g of the past and we are
all wondering how we are going to combine, successfully, our work with
Helen Nims deserves much credit f o r her w o r k on Senior Souee com- this t a n t a l i z i n g spring weather. W e are a l l so determined to be first i n
mittee and as chairman o f a H o m e Economics open-house committee. campus scholarship this semester, that I don't believe any of us w i l l
totally yield to the temptation. Last semester we came up f r o m twenty-
M i l d r e d F r u d e n f e l d is a pledge o f the h o n o r a r y j o u r n a l i s t i c f r a t e r - t h i r d to eighth place. Don't you t h i n k that we have reason to be proud?
nity, Theta Sigma Phi.
Our basketball team composed of the Kates Bolitho, Anderson and
Susan Scofield was appointed undergraduate representative in Y . W . Lawrence, Dot Clarke, Thetis Kemp, Glad Alger, Adeline Hughes and
C. A . Varsity ball committee, and Stadium day dance committee. V i v i a n Ellis, won the intermural cup f o r us. Needless to say, we think
that we have a pretty fine "squad". D o t Clarke and K a t e B o l i t h o were
Lylas B r o w n is on Cadet B a l l committee and also on J u n i o r J i n x c o m - awarded I . U . sweaters this season.
O u r annual f o r m a l dance is to be in the chapter house, A p r i l 11.
Gwendolyn Schoell was on the Sophomore Hello day committee. W e have sent invitations to our "alums" and hope that at least a few of
Frances Jordan is treasurer o f the M a c D o w e l l Club and Gladys L o n g them will come. A t present it looks rather doubtful. Sunday following
is treasurer o f Sacajawea Debate Club. the dance ( E a s t e r ) we are going t o have a dinner party—so you see, i t
Eloise Moore, A r t a Pollom and Helen Jean Randall have been taking w i l l be a busy week-end f o r us.
an active part in athletics, making their numerals.



V i v i a n Ellis has been elected Secretary o f Y . W . C. A . It's very A t five o'clock we had o u r banquet at the Bozeman H o t e l . I t was
seldom that a freshman is allowed t o h o l d this office, so we t h i n k that so w o n d e r f u l and impressive w i t h the d i m lights, long white table deco-
V i v i a n is to be h i g h l y honored. rated w i t h A l p h a O roses and ferns, our birthday cake, and candles. I t
was the largest banquet we have ever had and one o f the loveliest. There
W e held i n i t i a t i o n services Sunday, Feb. 15. B u r n i c e L e i h r , M a r y were 45 of u s ; 19 were alumnae. Alice Stranahan came f r o m H a v r e to
Rogers, Anne McFall, Dorothy Sheets, M a r y Ellen Jenkins, Jennie ' act as toastmistress.
Carpenter, Vivian Ellis, Alice Culnane, and Frances Luke are now our
sisters in AOn. We were all nearly consumed with curiosity when we discovered
just before dinner that Elizabeth Hart was wearing a wonderful corsage
On Feb. 21, the state luncheon and dance were held in Indianapolis. and she simply refused to say where she got i t . T r y as we could, we
I t seemed good t o see the "alums" back and we a l l had the nicest time. could get nothing out of her. A f t e r we were through eating and were
Melita Skillen was our honor guest and you all know what that meant reading the letters and telegrams f r o m absent friends, suddenly a "five
to us. pounds" appeared w i t h a long letter, w h i c h told us that Irene A b r a l i a m s o n
was announcing her engagement, w i t h the help of Elizabeth.

R E Z I N A A . BOND. I t happened that the 28th was also the date of the Missoula-Bobcat
basketball game, so as soon as we were t h r o u g h we went to the game
ETA—UNIVERSITY O F WISCONSIN together and helped the Bobcats .win the Montana championship.

T h i s has undoubtedly been one o f the most successful years in the Our winter quarter party this year was a Valentine party at the
history of Eta chapter. T o start with, in September we pledged nineteen house. A l l but three or f o u r o f the girls had dates and everyone seemed
wonderful girls, and four later during the year. A n d such pledges! to have a good time.
They have entered into the fraternity spirit w i t h v i m . Eleven of them
have been initiated already. A l l o f the pledges and new initiates have O u r w i n t e r quarter ended M a r c h 23 and A l p h a O m i c r o n P i was first
been readv to cooperate and many o f them are doing good w o r k on the on the " H i l l " among the sororities in scholarship and was second among
"hill". all the groups, being exceeded i n first place by L a m b d a P h i , a local f r a -
In fact, all of the girls are entering into campus activities. Many
are w o r k i n g i n the Octoptis, and several are w o r k i n g on the Badger, the In the College play, "Stubborn Cinderella." given in March, Mercedes
Wisconsin year book. A great many of the girls are doing Y . W . C. A . Stabler played the leading role and Barbara Nye was the leading dancer.
w o r k and Student Industrial w o r k . Ruth Baldwin is doing Social Ser- There were also six girls who had minor parts in the play.
vice w o r k . O u r inter-sorority bowling team spends many afternoons
at the bowling alley. A l l of the girls are very enthusiastic over the convention and we
hope to send a splendid delegation f r o m Alpha P h i . F r o m reports sent
W e are very proud to say that Eleanor Reuch. a senior, made the in by our alumnae we hope that many o f them w i l l be there.
honorary Sociology Society. Also, Dorothy Marsh and Genevieve Hughes
made Sophomore Commission. R u t h K i n g , one o f our sweetest pledges, O u r s p r i n g party is to be in M a y and we are planning a lovely f o r m a l .
made Freshman Commission. We would love to have all of the alums who can, come back f o r the
Genevieve Hughes made the highest grades in the chapter, so her name
w i l l go on the cup. Each semester the girl making the highest grades in M r s . M a r t i n is entertaining the Seniors at a luncheon at her home
the chapter has her name engraved on a silver l o v i n g cup.
the 18th of A p r i l . „
W e have many bright plans f o r the future. About fourteen of the
girls are going to w o r k in the University Exposition, a cross section o f ELIZABETH POWERS.
university l i f e , which is to be given in Madison, the 16th, 17th and 18th

W e are to be president o f the Panhellenic society at Wisconsin this T h o u g h we have all been exceedingly busy through our winter term,
coming year and have chosen Genevieve Hughes to act as o u r repre-
sentative. there is not much o f a distinct social nature to record. N o w t h a t t e r m

W e are m a k i n g elaborate plans f o r the float Venetian N i g h t , w h i c h examinations are over, we all feel more free to do some o f the things
comes in May, and we entertain hopes o f winning the cup again.
this spring to w h i c h we have been looking f o r w a r d . T h e one outstanding
A f t e r having many successful parties this year, we hope our crown-
ing success w i l l be our spring f o r m a l w h i c h we expect to give at Janes- social feature of the past term was our formal dance. I t was acclaimed
ville, Wisconsin.
a huge success and surpassed our greatest expectations.
W e set aside one Saturday in February f o r lunch at the f r a t e r n i t y
house to which representatives f r o m each of the other fraternities on the
I t lias been a long time since m y last letter and many things have
happened. First, I must tell you all about Founders' Day which we campus were invited. V a n d e r b i l t campus has g r o w n rapidly in the n u m -
celebrated Feb. 28. A s usual we had initiation in the a f t e r n o o n at 1:30
and initiated five w o n d e r f u l g i r l s , A l i c e B a r b o u r o f B i g T i m b e r , M a r i l l a ber of fraternities this year. The installation of a chapter of Gamma
Whitlock of St. Paul. Mila Parkin, Marion Lobdell, and Janet Conkling
of Bozeman. Phi Beta and the founding of t w o locals have taken place. One cannot

doubt that competition w i l l be keener than ever in rushing next year, since

the number o f girls on the campus is not large.

Following our annual custom, the chapter will give an Easter egg hunt

for about twenty little girls f r o m one o f the settlement houses in the city.

Only a f e w spring elections have been held yet by th? various student

organizations on the campus. I n the recent Student Council elections, five

AOn's were elected: Robbie Allison, winning the honor of president;

Frances M c K e e has been elected treasurer o f the Y . W . C. A . cabinet

and a member of the H o n o r Committee. T „,„.


PSI—UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Phi w i l l be installed Easter. W e are glad to welcome this new organi-
zation to our campus. Kansas will now have a total o f fourteen sorori-
W e are very pleased to submit the splendid results of our rushing ties.
season. Our freshmen are now initiated and we are very proud of Eleanor
Choate, Evelyn Stevenson, Maude Frame, Dorothy Cross, Grace Mac- I n the H i l l productions, our girls have been active. T h o r a Collins has
Mullen, Maxine Atkins, Dorothy Bartlett and Mildred Cawthorne. appeared in the W . S. G. A . musical comedy, "Green Days", and the D r a -
matic Club play, "Cherchez La Femme". Marguerite Chandler has
Eleanor Choate, better k n o w n as " T o o t t i e " , and Maude Frame are designed the costumes f o r both o f these productions. The Lawrence Drama
extremely fine in dramatics and are in the cast f o r M a y Day and the League recently gave the play "Seventeen" by Booth Tarkington. Edith
dramatic club plays. Evelyn Stevenson made the varsity swimming Adams was given the lead and M a r y Rose Barrons appears in the play too.
team and shows great promise. Maxine Atkins and Mildred Cawthorne Mrs. A. J. M i x , District Superintendent, directed the play.
are girls f r o m out-of-town; Maxine coming f r o m Merchantville and
Mildred f r o m the South, now living in the dormitory. Dorothy Bartlett W e are so anxious f o r the Jayhaivker, our year book, to come out,
is greatly interested in newspaper w o r k . D o r o t h y Cross and Grace Mac- for two of our girls, Eva D r u m m and Marguerite Chandler are to appear
Mullen are industrious and devoted freshmen. W e love every one and in the section of prominent and popular senior women. Both girls have
are sure you would too. received many honors in their departments, Eva is a journalist and Mar-
guerite an artist, however, they have not confined themselves to these
W e gave our annual f a l l rummage sale and went over the top finan- departments but both have been very active in outside activities.
Gladys Filson and Marguerite Chandler have been initiated into Jay
O u r chapter has w o r k e d to fill the quota in order to send the delegate Janes, women's pep organization. Marguerite Chandler has been initiated
to convention this summer. The t w o main things that really made us into MacDowell, honorary organization in the School of Fine Arts.
reach our goal were, a subscription dance in March, and a spring r u m -
mage sale. The girls also sold candy on the campus and this added a Teams f o r women's interclass basketball tournament have been chosen
small profit. and we have f o u r g i r l s picked f o r first teams, Elizabeth Bolinger, M a r i e
Isern, Gladys Filson and Frances Smith.
Dorothy Anderson returned to Wellesley and we feel a gap in the
chapter without her. Olive Weatherby has been initiated into W . A . A .
W e were very sorry to learn of the illness in the family of Laura
Ten of our girls are graduating this June; this will diminish the A. H u r d , but we are looking forward with much pleasure and anticipa-
size o f our chapter, but we are looking eagerly toward next year. tion to the visit of Elizabeth H e y w o o d W y m a n , f o r as yet no founder
has ever visited us.
Sylvia Sutcliffe, our f o r m e r alumnae advisor, is to be married this
month. W e know she w i l l make the sweetest golden-haired bride ever. Marie Isern has just returned f r o m Baker University, Baldwin,
Kansas, where she appeared in the play, "Hechizo de A m o u r , " which was
Gladys Zulzer is up to the same tricks. H e r wedding is in June. given by the Spanish department of the University at the annual language
Going to weddings w i l l soon become a habit w i t h us. convention.



Everyone i n P h i is excited and happy this week. W e have just A p r i l promises to be a most d e l i g h t f u l and interesting m o n t h f o r
finished midsemester exams and a l l o f us are now preparing to go home Omega. A f t e r a week or more o f tests, we are enjoying spring vaca-
for Easter vacation. tion at our homes. This year our vacation has been extended over Easter,
classes s t a r t i n g M o n d a y noon thereafter. O n A p r i l 25 Omega is g i v i n g
Since our last letter, we are happy to announce that we have one her annual spring dance, and i f the reports of the committees in charge
new pledge, Isadore Douglas, '27, of Oberlin, Kansas. are to be relied upon, every g i r l can expect to have the time o f her l i f e .

Spring elections for women are over and we feel fortunate in having Since our last letter to T o DRAGMA, two charming girls have been
two of o u r g i r l s on W . S. G. A . f o r next year, Eleanor G r a f f has been pledged. They are: Jo Miller, sister o f "Sally" Miller, Niles, Ohio, and
elected representative of the j u n i o r class and I c y Purcell has been elected Ellen Heck, Cincinnati, Ohio.
president of Women's Forum.
Several days before initiation, M r s . Coulter, a patroness, entertained
Y o u w i l l be interested to k n o w o f the g i r l s that have recently been the actives and pledges w i t h a dinner at her home, and immediately
honored by various literary and journalistic organizations. Gertrude following this, the pledges gave their stunt. Under the capable direction
Searcy has been made secretary-treasurer of Pen and Scroll, literary of Helen Louise Pohlman, the girls performed nobly and everyone agreed
organization f o r freshmen and sophomores. H e n r i e t t a W o l f o r d has been that this year's stunt was the best ever.
elected to membership in Rhadamanthi, a club f o r students interested in
w r i t i n g poetry. Membership is based on the merit of manuscripts sub- O n F e b r u a r y 14 a very effective i n i t i a t i o n was held and thirteen
mitted, and we are very proud of Henrietta for her poetry was given charming girls were added to our group. That night the chapter enter-
the highest rating of all that was submitted. tained the initiates with a banquet at the Commons. A few of us will
never forget that banquet, will we Dietzie?
Gladys Filson has recently been pledged to Theta Sigma P h i , honor-
ary j o u r n a l i s t i c f r a t e r n i t y f o r Women. M a r y Rose Barrons has been Omega lost two good girls when 'Mildred Holder, who was elected
made dramatic critic f o r the U n i v e r s i t y Daily Kansan. president, Freshman Commission Y . W . C. A., entered the University of
Cincinnati second semester, and Frances Lew-Ivins graduated at the close
W e are to have another sorority on our campus! This morning's of the first semester. H o w e v e r , Frances L e w w i l l be back w i t h us i n
Kansan made the announcement that Delta Zeta had succeeded in coloniz- June for graduation exercises.
ing and p e r f e c t i n g plans, and the chapter w h i c h is to be k n o w n as A l p h a


On Sunday, M a r c h 29, Omega gave a delightful breakfast f o r a num- XI—UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA
ber of rushees.
X i was honored March 6 by an unexpected visit f r o m Kathryn M i x ,
Mildred Engle was elected to Podac, Freshman Honorary Society. our district superintendent. Y o u can all realize how very glad we were to
Thelma Nickel, our athletic sister, made volleyball class team. have her when y o u recall that she is the one w h o spoke the magic words
that brought X i chapter into being.
M a r y Beth Davies and Ollie Mae Haber have been chosen among the
OMICRON PI—UNIVERSITY O F MICHIGAN fifty most beautiful girls in Oklahoma University.

S p r i n g vacation is on our heels and i t w i l l be only a short time before Ollie Mae Haber and Madge M c W h o r t e r have recently been elected
we meet a number of you at convention. About eight of us plan to go, to Kappa Delta Pi, honorary scholastic frafernity.
and what a glorious time we will have!
Camille Cassius and Emily Hess are newly appointed members o f
Already a number of our staid old seniors have secured their posi- "Entre Nous", honorary French club and Mabel Taylor, Billie Webb and
tions f o r next year and arc looking forward to Omicron Pi homecoming Alice W a r d are now members of "Las Dos Americas", Spanish club, and
next year, when we hope to have our chapter more prosperous than M a y m e B o r r has been selected as a member o f "Fiddler's C l u b " .
Please don't t h i n k that all we do is go out f o r activities but we are
But I must not get so f a r ahead. W e have several pleasant things really very proud o f them. O h ! yes, M a r y Beth Davies has been chosen
that have happened in the past month to consider. On February the 29th by the M a y Queen to be one of her attendants in the M a y festival. M a r y
we initiated the following girls: Helen Belcher, Annette Burkhardt, V i r - Beth has also been elected to membership in "Blue Pencil" honorary
ginia Grossman, Genevieve Eaton, Jean Greenshields, Susan Starke, and writers' fraternity.
Harriet Weston. Also, we have pledged Josephine Norton of A n n Arbor,
Lucille Hiddle of Clinton and Margaret Clarke of Detroit. N o r m a Pendleton, f r o m N u Kappa, spent last week-end with us.
W e have two new pledges, Dorothy Moseley and Iola June Harrison.
The Junior girls' play was most d e l i g h t f u l and some of those help- W e are very glad to have Irene Baird w i t h us again. Irene is one
ing to make i t so were W i n i f r e d Bendict, A r l i n e E w i n g , D o r i s K e n t , of our charter members who has been attending Creagor School o f Music
Josephine Weiler, Harriet Weston and Helen Whipple, f r o m our chapter. in St. Louis.

Basketball honors were awarded last week. A m o n g the class games I shall tell you all the other family gossip when we meet in Radisson
the seniors took first rank and the juniors second. Helen Boorman and Inn in July.
Louise Boer made the senior team and Doris Kent the junior.
And now I must tell you about inter-house games. Our team reached
the finals and was defeated then by Delta Gamma w h o also w o n the cup PI D E L T A — U N I V E R S I T Y O F M A R Y L A N D
last year. No letter.

Last time I f a i l e d to mention that M a r y K e n t - M i l l e r is a member Send y o u r name, address, a n d $.50 t o E l i z a b e t h B o n d , 3137 H o l m e s
of Portia and Harriet Weston of Athena, both literary societies. Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minn., and the " A . O. Pizette" will be i n
your mail box three times during convention week.
Jean Greenshields is on the committee f o r the Freshman Pageant
and many of our freshmen girls are to take part in the pageant, which
w i l l be held in M a y .



T h e girls of Alpha Sigma are once more back at school after a
w o n d e r f u l spring vacation and we are all pulling together in the one big
effort to raise our scholarship standard. W i n t e r term is noted f o r being
the ''dead" term of the school year and the one just past was no excep-
tion. O u r i n f o r m a l dance held the first part o f the t e r m in the W o m e n ' s
building was a lovely and successful affair.

Springtime is glorious in Oregon and the term is crammed f u l l of
all -kinds of interesting things. Tomorrow night is A p r i l Frolic, or
Women's Stunt Night, when half of the women's organizations put on
stunts. Last year Kappa Kappa Gamma won the cup, and we are look-
ing longingly at it this year. I f we can get it, you can imagine how thrilled
we will be! Anita Mayrand, Dorothy Dickinson, Elizabeth Lemley and
D o r o t h y Nunan f r o m U p s i l o n are w i t h us this t e r m , and i t is certainly
w o n d e r f u l having them. M a y 2 is the date o f our f o r m a l dance, which
we are having at the Anchorage. W e are p l a n n i n g to decorate w i t h flowers
of all kinds and make it a real spring dance. Junior week-end will also
soon be here. T h e canoe fete is the big event of that week-end and we
are sharing honors with Phi Delta Theta.



ALUMNAE CHAPTER LETTERS Chinese cook of the house, completed a splendid evening. The different
classes gave the house presents, among them dishes f r o m the alumnae.
The March meeting was held at the house. A t this meeting we were
O n Friday, January 23, we had our b i g annual party, w h i c h is only much interested in several splendid petitions f o r chapters of Alpha Omi-
second in interest to the Founders' Day Celebration, in the opinion of cron Pi.
our members. And, unlike Founders' Day, we invite our friends—for a
consideration—and the proceeds go toward the philanthropic work of the In March many of the alumnae attended the annual reception by the
chapter. As in previous years it was held in the spacious and charming active chapter. I t certainly is a b e a u t i f u l sight. T h e g i r l s are a l l so
home of Mrs. Glantzberg and there was bridge and dancing and delight- c h a r m i n g and the house always looks so attractive.
f u l refreshments. I n addition there was an entertainment by some o f our
own talent consisting of music, both vocal and instrumental and also The A p r i l meeting was at the chapter house.
some charming dances. T h r o u g h Helen H e n r y we were able to secure The officers f o r the ensuing year are Elizabeth Roberts, president;
Chinese delicacies direct f r o m the Chinese A g r i c u l t u r a l College and so Emma Schrieber Hunter, vice president; Marian Ish, secretary; Rosalinda
were able to sell our friends candied ginger, kumquats, and tea and add Olcese, treasurer and H a r r i e t Fish Backus, alumnae editor of T o DRAGMA.
the profit to our charity f u n d . I f any members o f A O I I wish to send us
any orders, we w i l l be pleased to fill them. The annual luncheon given by the alumnae to the seniors of Sigma
and Lambda w i l l be held this year on M a y 9 at the home o f Olive
The February meeting was held at my home and I was pleased that Freuler.
about fifteen members were able to take the l o n g t r i p to the suburbs to
attend it. I t was a long business meeting as many matters requiring our HARRIET FISH BACKUS.
attention had piled up during the two months we had devoted to gaity.
Some o f us attended the large Panhellenic tea given at the H o t e l
Roosevelt on February 28 and we all enjoyed the entertainment given by O u r chapter has held three meetings since the January letter. T h e
Ruth Draper, which consisted of some of her delightful monologues. January meeting was held w i t h Alice Manchester Chase, and the Febru-
T w o Monday evenings i n M a r c h were also reserved f o r Panhellenic bene- ary 1 with Ethel W i l l i s in East Providence. W e found it necessary to
fits in the nature o f theater parties, the association h a v i n g b o u g h t the omit the March meeting, and consequently held our A p r i l meeting last
entire house f o r Quarantine one n i g h t and f o r Pigs the f o l l o w i n g week. Saturday w i t h Helen Rose. Helen has been our Committee f o r arrang-
The fraternities' banners were displayed in the theater lobbies and Mrs. ing with the Homeopathic Hospital for the Memorial to Lillian McCaus-
Hess made a short appeal f o r subscriptions to stock in the Panhellenic land, and she tells us that the hospital w i l l be opened A p r i l 16.
House which it is hoped w i l l be erected in the near f u t u r e . I t w i l l be
in a central location, well adapted f o r holding our meetings or to meet Louella Darling entertains us at almost every meeting w i t h some
our f r i e n d s a n d be an attractive residence f o r f r a t e r n i t y women visiting account o f the t r i p w h i c h she and L i l l took on the president's r o u n d o f
New York. chapter visits. O f course, we feel a bit nearer Kappa now since Louella's
daughter, Elizabeth, is pledged at Randolph-Macon. A l l the Providence
Our March meeting was held at the Stocton Tea Room and was alumnae are so happy about i t , and I k n o w many o f our readers w i l l rejoice
followed by tea and bridge. W e were glad at that meeting to welcome with us.
Rochelle Cachet back to New York.
Carrie H a n d y attended the President's Inauguration at Washington
ANNA ELIZABETH BOYCE. and we are h o p i n g f o r a fine account f r o m her at our n e x t meeting.
Martha Sheals is spending two months in Washington, having accompanied
SAN FRANCISCO ALUMNAE her husband on a business t r i p . Jennie Perry Prescott is to sail f o r
Germany on the twenty-seventh of June to spend the summer studying
The January meeting of San Francisco alumnae was held at the at Jena. Louella tells us she plans to spend the summer in Casco Bay,
home of Margaret Eddy in Berkeley. Almost twenty girls were present Maine. N o w that the forsythia and daffodils are brightening up O l d
and all had a delightful meeting. W e wish many of our Alpha Omicron M o t h e r E a r t h , summer seems not so f a r away—and c o n v e n t i o n !
Pi sisters could view San Francisco Bay f r o m the homes o f our girls in
this section o f Berkeley. I t is t r u l y a w o n d e r f u l sight. MAUDE E. C. COVELL.

Reports were made at the meeting of the poor families we befriended BOSTON ALUMNAE
at Christmas time. Olive Freuler has most capably handled this charity
for several years. I n N e w England, spring is here and that means that activities are
almost over f o r the year, which has been a busy one. T o go back to where
Our February meeting was held in the evening of Februarv 1 at the we left off in January. Our meeting that month was held at the home of
chapter house. A t the conclusion of both the active and alumnae meet- Betty M i l l s T o w n e r , Gamma, '20, and we were delighted t o see seven
ings we celebrated together the chapter's birthday. Each class and the Gamma girls present, several new comers to Boston. W i t h thirteen Delta
alumnae gave stunts. T h e alumnae gave a "Bathing G i r l Revue o f 1895." girls we had a most interesting meeting and social good time. Betty has
Y o u should have seen us! A b o u t fifteen o f us " o l d ones" displayed our- a most attractive home in Watertown. W e were particularly happy to
selves in o l d fashioned bathing suits and hats. W i t h our song and dance compare notes with the president of Bangor alumnae who was Betty's
we tried to be young again and I think several o f us danced o f f a f e w guest, and altogether had a very nice time.
pounds. Refreshments including a large birthday cake made by the loyal
Boston C i t y Panhellenic held its annual luncheon on F e b r u a r y 14.
w i t h one hundred a n d fifty present, a m o n g them fifteen A l p h a O's. T h e
speakers included President Comstock of Radcliffe, who is herself a
fraternity woman and the new Dean of Women at Boston University.
As usual "a good time was enjoyed by a l l . "


O n March 7 we entertained the active chapter on the H i l l with twenty- part to Lambda to help defray their rushing and the third part kept
seven alumnae and twenty or more Delta girls present. The games under until we hear from the petition. I f Beta C h i N u is installed, we shall
the direction of Ruth Brooks and Wista Ogle (Omicron) proved very give them a gift for their house. It would seem very nice to have an
exciting, especially the potato race in which the actives competed. Prizes active chapter right here.
with the atmosphere of St. Patrick's Day were awarded at the end, when
a delightful supper was served by the committee consisting of Eleanor MURIEL T. MCKINNEY.
Prescott, chairman, Blanche Hooper, and Ruth Earle. Those who know
the cooking facilities in Packard H a l l will appreciate all they did. Several No letter. LINCOLN ALUMNAE
girls were back to that meeting who haven't been around for years, E v a CHICAGO ALUMNAE
Fulton Mellish, '10, Abigail Waldron Nickerson, '05, and Louise Burrage,
'06. W e were also happy to have with us Ruth Meisner-Darling of In January, Mabel Gastfield Schubert entertained us at dinner in her
Lambda who has spent the winter in Boston, while her husband is study- new little bungalow and formally presented her six months' old daughter,
ing at Harvard Medical School W i t h Ruth Westcott from Rho and Georjean. W e were enchanted with both of her recent acquisitions and
Wista from Omicron, we felt we'd broadened out a bit. At this meeting hope she'll ask us again soon.
a discussion came up about having a Bridge Party. Plans were formulated
and a most successful party was held on April 3 at the College Club, in On January 31 we had a Get-Together Luncheon at Field's in the
Boston. It was an evening affair so that husbands could come if they Narcissus Bridge Room. Forty alumnae responded. W e enjoyed every
wished. T h e cooperation of the girls was splendid in answer to our minute of it and all agreed that is was successful enough to try again in
appeal for attendance or candy; one box of candy arriving from a mem- about three months.
ber in Pennsylvania! T h e chairman of the committee, Marion Jameson
Horison, reports that we cleared over twenty-five dollars with some tickets At the Chicago Panhellenic Luncheon on February 21 at the Edge-
to be heard from. W e hope to repeat this another year and make it more water Beach Hotel, we again rallied our forces and together with the Rho
successful. actives were able to respond with a "Forty-Five", when the roll was called
for the number of each sorority present. W e had the largest number
Our next meeting, we will discuss convention for we hope that several there and were awful proud because our Merva, as president of Chicago
of our members can attend, even if it cost more to go than from almost Panhellenic, was such a capable and well poised toastmistress.
any city! W e wish we might all attend for the last number of T o D R A G M A
makes it very attractive. The March dinner was at the home of Mrs. Lincoln Nelson in Evans-
ton. W e were so glad to see Juanita McFarland. who is now with one of
Edith Flint, from Gamma is teaching in the Chelsea, Mass., High the banks in Chicago and Agnes Eiberg who is one of the secretaries
School and promises to come to our next meeting. W e shall be sorry at the Edgewater Beach Hotel.
to have Ruth Darling return to San Francisco in June for we enjoyed
meeting her so much. The Chicago alumnae chapter together with the Rho actives and the
recently organized AOn Mothers' Club gave a subscription dance and
Mrs. V . O. Harkness is living at 21 Dexter St., Waltham, Mass.. card party on March 20 in the Crystal Ball Room of the Edgewater Beach
and Mrs. F . F . Marston lives at Silver H i l l Road. South Lincoln. Both Hotel. W e all worked hard and then a little bit harder and are now
these girls are from Gamma and have recently come to Boston to live. able to report that after all expenses have been paid we have on hand
Any more? $500 and not all of our members have been heard from.

ALICE J. SPEAR. W e have just learned that Kathryn Brown Murphy ( M r s . W . L . ) ,
'18, now living in Rochester, New Y o r k , has another little boy, James,
LOS ANGELES ALUMNAE born in January. Alice Jane W i l s o n W a r n e r ( M r s . James A . ) has a
young son, Robert Wilson Warner, born March 22.
By the time this is printed, we shall know the result of the petition
from the southern branch of the University of California.. A s it is, we HELEN SLATEN NELSON.
are all anxiously waiting for word from Rose Marx. O u r last meet-
ing was taken up with tentative plans for installation. I f they pass, we INDIANAPOLIS ALUMNAE
would like them installed as soon as possible, so that they would really
be known as Alpha O's before this semester is over. Then they would In February our committees for the State Reunion had a busy month
start rushing next year on an equal footing with the other nationals. in preparation for that affair. A called meeting was held at the home
There have been three nationals installed since the Beta Chi Nu petition of Cleo Wood to transact necessary business.
went to press, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta and Delta
Gamma. So we are hoping Alpha Omicron P i will be the next. There was an attendance of over a hundred Alpha O's at the State
Luncheon. Elsie Waldo, chapter president, was the toastmistress for
At our January meeting, Rose Marx was our guest of honor. She an enjoyable program. W e were pleased to have Melita Skillen with us
and her committee were down to investigate Beta C h i Nu. W e were so again as a guest of the chapter. She brought us interesting news of the
glad to have a word from her and also to recommend this group. plans for convention, which gave us all a desire to be able to go. Dorothy
Huntington of Beta Phi spoke on A O n abroad, and Katherine Davis of
Our yearly benefit was held in place of the February meeting. W e Theta talked on the subject of Fraternity Bonds. Lorena Sloan of
had a bridge party at the University Women's Club. W e sold fifty tables Theta gave some lovely vocal selections. Then much fun was furnished
to Alpha O's and their friends. T h e committee had such lovely things by the active chapter stunts. The dance in the evening proved the usual
to eat and such a wonderful financial report. So the party was a huge success.
success. Part of the funds were sent to the National Scholarship fund.


On February 22, the chapter gave a tea in honor of Melita at the MINNEAPOLIS ALUMNAE
home of M a r y Gertrude Manley. I t was also an opportunity to meet
again the visiting Alpha O's and ended a pleasant week-end of festivities. In order that we might unlimber for convention activities Minneapolis
Alumnae staged a dance at the Glenwood Chalet on M a r c h 17. Dec-
W i n i f r e d W a t e r s and Barbara Porter were hostesses f o r the M a r c h orations and favors were in honor o f St. Patrick. M u c h of the success
meeting. A t this time plans were made f o r a bridge party f o r the benefit of the party was due to Irene Fraser, our social chairman. Alas, midnight
of local charity. T w o Christmas Card books were ordered for next year came too soon.
to facilitate orders.
Elsa Felhammer Johnson visited Montevideo not long ago and while
In A p r i l , the chapter was entertained at the home of Bernice Floyd, there called on Marian Maun Falkenhagen, who lives on a farm nearby.
who was assisted by Susan Smith Allen. A donation of twenty-five Elsa tells us a l l about the lovely things M a r i a n has done w i t h her f a r m
dollars to the Red Cross f o r the relief of the tornado sufferers was home. Marian married A l f r e d Falkenhagen and moved out on the Falken-
reported. Cleo W o o d , who has been seriously i l l w i t h pneumonia, was hagen f a r m a year ago.
able to be w i t h us again. Plans were made f o r a p a r t y in the near f u t u r e .
Alice Buckley Goodwin and Jack are going to attend the National
GERALDINE KINDIG. . Association of Cost Accountants which convenes in Detroit in June.
Then they will visit New York and other eastern cities, returning to M i n -
NEW ORLEANS ALUMNAE neapolis about the time delegates to Convention journey thither. Alice
says she w o u l d be v e r y g l a d to meet some of y o u on the t r a i n at that
Since our last letter we have formally opened and dedicated our time. D r o p her a line at 1929 H u m b o l d t A v e . S., Minneapolis, before
Child Welfare Clinic, The Helen Grevenberg Memorial, and are proud June 12.
to be able to say that it is one of the largest baby clinics in the city.
D u r i n g the recent Community Chest Drive, when pictures of the various Margaret Taarud sounds like a manager of a second hand store the
c h a r i t y organizations of the c i t y were being shown at local theaters, our way she talks, but a l l that's the matter is her spring " p a i n t i n g bee."
clinic was the one chosen to represent the Child W e l f a r e Organization! N o t h i n g short o f o l d barns escapes her clever brush.
Our plans are well underway now f o r the endowment of a second clinic
in some other section of the city in memory of Lucy Renaud. Last Alumnae meeting numbered twenty-two souls. Convention and
election of offices were uppermost in our minds. A f t e r that we disposed
W e have had several delightful meetings in the past few months—one of minor things such as bills, shindigs, etc.
with Jessie Roane during the Christmas holidays, at which the most nota-
ble among those present were Evelyn Pigott Turner, now, to our regret, Edith Goldsworthy entertained at a shindig last Wednesday. W h a t do
of Dallas alumnae, and her little daughter, Evelyn Jr., who captured you think? Instead of playing bridge we rattled the bones in Bunco. W e
everybodys' heart with her pretty ways, and sat on a cushion during the had such a good supper and spring flowers were a feast to our eyes.
whole meeting, playing contentedly w i t h a set o f blocks. Sad t o say.
that w i l l be the last meeting at which Jessie w i l l be hostess, unless we The next s h i n d i g w e ' l l have w i l l be a sporting one. Inez Joyce doesn't
journey to Chatawa, Mississippi, at some future date f o r a reunion; f o r know it yet but we are going out to her cottage on Cedar Lake. The
Jessie, along w i t h her entire f a m i l y , has migrated, and now lives in the Joyces have dandy big gym mats out there. Woe to her who won't at
country. W e all miss her, and we are glad that Chatawa is only a short least turn a hand spring.
distance f r o m New Orleans, which gives us hope that her trips back and
f o r t h w i l l be frequent. Betty Bond entertained at a luncheon for Marian Barclay, who was
down to the cities f r o m Aitkin, Minnesota, f o r her spring vacation.
Our next meeting was with Mary Pearce Bradburn, where we dis-
cussed convention, and our various prospects of getting there. Needless I met Wilma Arnold and Blanche Meade down town the other day.
to say, all wanted to go, but the only one whose hopes seemed more than They were happily buying new spring toggery.
visionary was M a r g a r e t Lyon, who is going w i t h her sister, Elizabeth, o f
the active chapter. A t our A p r i l meeting, Ruth and Elizabeth Kastler I f you are pleasingly plump but wish to attain the approved sil-
were hostesses, and the "visiting" member present was Rosalie D u f o u r houette ask Z o r a Robinson how it's done. H e r m o t t o seems to be "One
W o o l f r e y , who had come down f r o m her home in Baton Rouge at this dish of strawberries a day w i l l chase avoirdupois away." Zora worked in
most opportune time. W e were so glad, too, t o have L i l l i a n F o r t i e r the Misses Department at Atkinson's during Easter vacation.
Zaringer and her two small sons w i t h us, f o r the above-mentioned t w o
small sons keep her so busy that i t is not o f t e n that she is able t o meet We are planning eagerly for convention.
with us. I n spite o f the "sociability" of this meeting, we transacted quite W h a t more need I say, until we meet?
a little business; election of next year's officers, talk of the active chapter
house party, to be held at B i l o x i , d u r i n g the Easter holidays, and of the MARY D. DRUMMOND.
annual banquet, which will take place at the Country Club on the last
Thursday in A p r i l . W e also passed a most enthusiastic motion to give BANGOR ALUMNAE
a party at Louise Church's home, w i t h the active chapter members as
honor guests, and I hope that they are looking f o r w a r d to i t as eagerly No letter.
as t h e i r alumnae are.
O u r next meeting is to be w i t h A n n a M c L e l l a n Kastler, on the first
Tuesday in May—anyone w h o happens to be passing t h r o u g h N e w Orleans We w i l l put our very latest news first and tell you that Lucile
on that momentous date is urged to come and receive the heartiest o f L l o y d H o o d has a new little daughter. Welcome, little M a r g a r e t ! W e
hope you w i l l be a loyal A l p h a O one of these days.
Next, we w i l l tell our sad news and get it over w i t h . Louise Curtis
Clawson, one of the f a i t h f u l Old Guard, a charter member of the Port-
land Alumnae, and one o f the grandest, a little, old S T A N D - B Y ' S who
ever said "I'll take i t ! " or "I'll make i t ! " or " L e t me do i t ! " has gone up
to Seattle to live, and a l l we can say is "Seattle is l u c k y ! "


Otherwise, everything is f i n e ! W e have been having w o n d e r f u l meet- LYNCHBURG ALUMNAE
ings at the girls' houses, with very successful pay-as-you-cnter luncheons.
W e had t w o o f our old girls back w i t h us at the last meeting. D o r a M i n o r , W e feel that we are very f o r t u n a t e t o be an alumnae chapter in a
of Eugene, who told us all about the Alpha Sigmas and their interesting college town. O u r location is o f great benefit to us. W e can keep in touch
plans f o r their new house, and Irma Bywater of The Dalles. w i t h Kappa and stay young w i t h the girls. O u r number has increased
d u r i n g the past few years due to the fact that L y n c h b u r g men lean toward
N e x t time, we w i l l tell you about some new members, who are com- Randolph Macon A O I T s . Three girls f r o m last year's Senior class have
ing in to f i l l up the gaps left by the departure of some of The F a i t h f u l . married Lynchburg men since June.

EVELYN CORNISH. Louise Johnson and Frank Giliman were married last June. They are
m a k i n g their home in A f r i c a at present. F r a n k is d o i n g educational w o r k
SEATTLE ALUMNAE there. However we hope that they will return to Lynchburg to live
before so many years.
Seattle Alumnae Chapter is publishing quarterly a most attractive
booklet concerning our activities and the first t w o copies were sent to a l l Luetic L a m a r (last year's Senior class president) married H . S t a f f o r d
Upsilon Alliums, far and near. A n urgent appeal f o r dues was made and Bryant in October. She adds much to our Alumnae meetings.
the result is a doubled membership within two weeks, several living hun-
dreds of miles away sending their dues. T o all who do not pay dues, a Lily Blanks Clarke (last year's May Queen) and William Miles Stokes
charge o f 40 cents a year is asked f o r the quarterly and this money w i l l Jr., were married in December. I t seems almost too good to be t r u e
be contributed to our $250 a year A O I T Orthopedic bed. A l i c e Campbell that we are to have her i n L y n c h b u r g permanently. I ' m hoping to be able
most generously donated her time and skill in the compiling o f the quar- to announce some more engagements or weddings before long.
Frances A l l e n has been quite i l l f o r the past three months. H o w e v e r ,
A series of evening bridge parties are being given f o r the alumnae she is m u c h improved now and expects to be up and about soon.
and t h e i r f r i e n d s . T h r e e a f f a i r s have been given, the f i r s t at A l i c e B r o i l -
son's home on Jan. 31 w i t h Frances Reedy and U n a Weaver assisting, I t has been of great interest t o us to hear that V i r g i n i a A l l e n has a
the second at Alice Campbell's on Feb. 27 w i t h Ellen and Jessie J o l l i f f e F o r d in A f r i c a . W h o w o u l d have even thought that Fords could go so
assisting. The third at Eloise Ebright Jared on April 3 with Margaret f a r ? She is doing educational w o r k over there you know. She is going
W o o d Gow and Eugenia Garrett Page. T w o more parties are scheduled to " F o r d " i t over and see Louise and F r a n k at their A f r i c a n villa before
for M a y and June. The proceeds f r o m these entertainments help swell long.
our Orthopedic f u n d . Another means f o r raising our $250 is collecting
paper and magazines, which are sold by the pound. A large rummage sale We have grieved with Nan Atchinson Craddock over the loss of her
is planned f o r late spring w h i c h we hope w i l l complete our f u n d as we sister, Clara Atchinson W a l t o n . She has our great sympathy.
have already raised $141.50. Most o f this money is now loaned the active
chapter f o r their new automatic o i l burner as we do not need i t u n t i l Our meetings are held on the last Tuesday of every month. Laura
next fall. R a d f o r d Gates was hostess last week. W e elected the f o l l o w i n g officers
for next year.
Monthly meetings are held at the chapter house on the second Monday
of each month and t w o alumnae are hostesses each time. These meetings President—Virginia Strother Blackwell.
are w e l l attended and help to keep us somewhat in touch w i t h the active Editor to To Dragma—Evelyn Allen.
chapter as some go early enough to attend the f o r m a l meeting. Secretary—Lily Blanks Clarke Stokes.
Treasurer—Eugenia Moore Lipscomb.
The Alumnae chapter gave a benefit bridge party at the home of
L u c r e t i a Bickel, F e b r u a r y 13, to raise money f o r N a t i o n a l W o r k . W e W e l l the year o f 1924-1925 is about over and we have elected o f f i -
made approximately $30. cers f o r the coming year. M a r j o r i e McCarty, president; Adrienne Shreve.
vice president: Pauline Hobson. treasurer: and Margaret Penn White,
A t the meeting o f the alumnae chapter Monday, A p r i l 6, we had t w o secretary and Editor to T o Dragma. W i t h these girls in charge we should
of the active chapter members w i t h us. The active chapter president, Sue make a good showing i n the new year.
Rogers, and the treasurer. Jenilee McCracken. W e decided to have each
m o n t h starting Saturday, A p r i l 18, a luncheon f o r both active and Cornelia Munsell Montgomery has returned to Washington. W e are
alumnae chapter for the purpose of bringing the two chapters closer to- indeed glad to welcome her back and hope next year to have her as an
gether. W e hope these luncheons w i l l prove successful. active member.

W e were glad to welcome back to our chapter Marineal Black, who for W e are all very much pleased and somewhat thrilled over the pos-
the past year has been in Syracuse. sibilities in Margaret Penn White's present activities. As many of you
know, she is a talented pianist. W e l l , she is a composer also. A n d i f
L y n n M c N u t t has been married t o Hebert H u m p i d g e at Ft. Myers, Fla. things develop as rapidly as they have the last f e w months, w i l l be soon
W e were sorry to hear of the death of Blossom S w i f t Edmond's as well k n o w n as I r v i n g Berlin. A t least we hope so.
mother, in Palestine, Texas, on A p r i l 15.
Mollie Shoemaker returned to Philadelphia the first of April to finish
preparations f o r a trip to Europe. She leaves the last of A p r i l and expects
to be gone about three months. Maybe she w i l l get a chance to see D o r o -
thy Bowling Townsend, who lias just returned to Obernofen. Switzerland,
after spending the winter on the Riviera. W e know Dorothy would love
to see M o l l i e and we rather t h i n k M o l l i e w o u l d enjoy meeting a sister
on foreign soil.


Pauline and her sister are planning a lovely trip to Salt Lake City DALLAS ALUMNAE

to visit her brother and sister-in-law, who are stationed there. W e know, M o r e active than ever is the Dallas Alumnae this spring. W e have had
three regular meetings since our last letter, and t w o call meetings, which
a w o n d e r f u l time is in store f o r them f o r the f o r t is a very gay and means that we arc more than interested in our work. A t present we are
very busy selling twenty-five cent chances on an imported bed-spread in
festive post. order to increase our local scholarship f u n d . T h i s amount w i l l be avail-
able by next September to a member of N u Kappa chapter. W e have also
I f Pauline's plans w o r k out, she w i l l be able to stop at convention decided to award an AOIT ring to the girl in N u Kappa making the
highest average for the year.
on her way home. A splendid opportunity.
And we've all talked of convention. This year for the first time,
On June 15th, Rose Bowling journeys west again. For the first Dallas Alumnae is going to send a delegate, and all the way to M i n -
nesota. W e are hoping that every convention shall have a representative
time since she l e f t school, and, to Bozeman. B u t this t i m e she and her from our group.

f a m i l y are accompanying her brother, Joe, who is to m a r r y Miss Charlie Right now we are anxiously awaiting a visit f r o m Elizabeth Hey wood
W y m a n , w h i c h w i l l probably be in the latter part o f A p r i l .
H o w a r d on the twentieth of June. Naturally Rose is looking f o r w a r d to
it w i t h a great deal of pleasure, f o r besides the wedding, it is her first

time back and she hopes to be f o r t u n a t e enough to see many o f the girls

who were there when she was.

T h i s letter is filled w i t h the goings and comings o f the various mem-

bers. W e are certainly a gypsy band. Rqse .B o w l i n g


I n my last letter to T o D R A G M A f o r the season, I think I can say that KANSAS CITY ALUMNAE
this year has been very successful f o r us. W e have gone steadily on in
our e f f o r t s toward putting our share of the National W o r k on a secure The March meeting o f the Kansas City Alumnae was held March 8
basis. A t our meeting in March, three hundred and ninety dollars was at the beautiful home of Else Ortmann. I t was such a lovely spring day
reported as our p r o f i t s f r o m the sale o f Christmas cards—which money we for hikes and outdoor sports that not all the girls found their way to
vecy quickly planned to spend. One hundred dollars goes to the National the meeting place, though all, I believe, say "they started."
Fund, one hundred to the Birthday Fund at the Children' Hospital, one
hundred to the "Dollar A Day" Fund there, and the other ninety dollars Upon the arrival of our president, Maud Waters, it was announced
we shall use as the need arises. there w o u l d be election o f o f f i c e r s f o r the f o l l o w i n g year, so we pro-
ceeded to elect. M a r y Rose Pecha was made president, and by the way,
I t costs about one dollar to care f o r a charity patient f o r one day at do you all know that M a r y became the bride of Otto B . Pecha in February?
the Childrens' H o s p i t a l , so by paying one hundred dollars to the " D o l l a r They are living at 4328 Walnut St., K . C , M o . I've dropped in on M a r y
a D a y " Fund we can take care o f one patient f o r that length o f time, several times, unannounced, and I can vouch f o r her as being an ex-
become acquainted w i t h the youngster, and f o l l o w up the case a f t e r i t cellent manager and thoroughly capable housewife. We're wishing them
leaves the hospital (using the ninety dollars f o r this f u n d . ) worlds of happiness.

H a v i n g arranged f o r our National W o r k , our next problem is to raise I t seems that we get together so seldom that when we do meet we
money for the building fund for Psi. On A p r i l eighteenth we are to have just have to spend some time chatting, gossiping and discussing our sisters
our annual card party at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel. A l l the girls were who f a i l to attend meetings, so it behooves them to come t o every gath-
not able to sell Christmas cards, so the card party w i l l give t h e m an op- ering we have. Elsie M a y Brace, who has been in Europe several months
portunity to do their share f o r Alpha O. met w i t h us and told us some very interesting things about her t r i p .

I t is m y o w n personal opinion that we should open a store, because A f t e r our talk-fest, Else served us w i t h daintily prepared refreshments,
there is always on hand something to sell. W e are now investigating the which made us all the more reluctant to leave.
money making possibilities of Ivory Soap, Fab, etc., and at our meeting
on Saturday, A p r i l 4, Eleanor Spencer hinted that she was investigating The place o f the next meeting has not been decided upon.
something of which we would hear more later. On M a r c h 12 Florence Klapmeyer was m a r r i e d to James J. Bruce.
They will make their home in K . C , M o .
Our A p r i l meeting was held last Saturday at Margaret Kraemer's in
Germantown. She is to be Sylvia S u t c l i f f e ' s m a t r o n o f honor at her wed- FLORENCE K. BRUCE.
ding on A p r i l t w e n t y - f i f t h , so Peg gave Sylvia the traditional kitchen

At our meeting before the shower the officers for the coming year Stella Harrison, Helen Tyres and Wilma Gustafson entertained in
were elected, and I have the honor o f presenting to T o DRAGMA the list: January at Stella's home. I t was here we decided to buy some trays
for the convenience o f the hostesses. O u r number is increasing and it is
President, Stella Wells, Rho; vice president, Genevieve Strahly, not alwavs possible to sit at tables.
Kappa; secretary, Marie Campbell, Psi; treasurer, Gwendolyn Hinsicker,
Psi, and Editor to To DRAGMA, Alice Conkling, Psi. We "voted to send f i f t y dollars ($50.00) to Zeta to help swell the
building fund.
We also decided at the meeting to celebrate Psi's birthday—which
should be on A p r i l thirteenth—on A p r i l twentieth at the Psi chapter house In February Margaret Carnaby invited us to her home. Esther
with the active chapter, and each g i r l was reminded of the present we Smith and Lucille Mauck assisted. W e talked of convention. Several of
give Psi on her birthday. the girls plan to go. Olive W r i g h t s o n was made chairman of a com-
mittee on arrangements. Mattie Higgins* suggestion that we sing at
W i t h such a beautiful year f o r a background and such able officers luncheons f r o m now until convention was deemed a timely one, and in
for the new year, Philadelphia Alumnae has a prosperous f u t u r e be- consequence we had a fine "sing" at the last meeting.




Margaret O'Brien was married in February. She is now M r s . A . Bradley, Cornell '20, w h o is in Cleveland u n t i l A u g u s t , and can be reached
Ralph Ellis and lives at Bretnor Court, Omaha. at the Hollenden Hotel.

Lorene Davis has been made w o r t h y matron o f Aksarben Chapter, There were several social functions either planned or announced for
Eastern Star. the coming month, a bridge luncheon at the Park Lane V i l l a and a dance
at the U n i v e r s i t y Club, both to be given by the Panhellenic Association,
The March meeting was held at Laura Peterson's with Laura, Nell and a card party of our own for the benefit of the philanthropic fund.
Bridenbaugh, and Jessie W i g t o n as hostesses. T h e new trays were used
f o r the f i r s t time and voted a success. M r s . M o u l d resigned her position as our Panhellenic delegate and
Evelyn Schnee was elected to f i l l the office until the May election.
Breta W e n s t r a n d has a baby boy born M a r c h 29.
Mattie H i c g i n s has become interested in the camp-fire organization Our A p r i l meeting was a surprise luncheon. The table was beauti-
and has consented to be guardian f o r f i f t y - f i v e ( 5 5 ) "bluebirds." f u l l y decorated w i t h rose buds and lilies and at each place was a tiny
Verna Kean Warner of Lincoln was a guest at our last meeting. card balanced among the petals of a crystallized rose, telling us that
The following officers f o r next year were elected: Isabel L . Weybright, Indiana Ex-'23, and John D . Terhune, Indiana '23,
President, Helen Hayes: vice president, Helen Ayres; secretary, Alice were to be married on Easter m o r n i n g and live in Athens, Ohio. M r .
Sheehy, and treasurer, Lillian Bihler. Terhune is a member o f Acacia aiid is now w i t h the N a t i o n a l Cash
Register company.
W e a l l wished Isabel all the happiness she could possibly have, but
SYRACUSE ALUMNAE hated to have her leave us.

Our mid-January subscription dance was a delightful occasion. The We also learned with regret that Ruth T u f t s Culver, Wisconsin '18, is
ball-room at the Onondaga Hotel was comfortably crowded. The Louis going back to E a u Claire, Wisconsin, to live, so we elected D o r o t h y Betts
X V I room opening into the ball-room made a charming background for to succeed her as secretary, and Dorothea Doler, treasurer, to succeed
our many patrons and patronesses. Best of all, we have more dollars Isabel Weybright.
for the fund.
T h e election o f o f f i c e r s f o r next year resulted as f o l l o w s :
The blizzard which enveloped Syracuse t w o weeks later forced us
to omit our January meeting. Perhaps you read of the sudden storm President, Martha W h i t w o r t h ; vice president, Mrs. W . L . Mould,
that imprisoned us, trafficless, (save f o r the snow-shoe r o u t e ) , school-
less, and church-less f o r three days. (Edna Mclnnes) ; secretary, Dorothy Betts; treasurer, Dorothea Doler;
Editor to To DRAGMA, Velma Carter; and Panhellenic Delegate, Evelyn
In February we assembled in the "green room" at the chapter house. Schnee.
For our last meeting, Teddie Petri Olrich opened her new apartment
to us. Before saying "Ave atque Vale" f o r the year, I want to add two
Helping the actives with a benefit bridge is our immediate task.
L u c i l l e D v o r a k , our j o u r n a l i s t i c member, can be reached by address-
EMILY TARBELL. ing the McCann Publicity Company, in Cleveland; and Josephine Andrews
T h o m a n is on her way north to Conneaut, Ohio, f r o m Sarasota, Florida,
DETROIT ALUMNAE where she and her husband have spent the winter.

W e have been having our usual twice a month meetings and have EVELYN HIEBER SCHNEE.
kept in very close touch w i t h each other through the past months. W e
have lost two of our good members, whom we hate to give up. Dorothy MEMPHIS ALUMNAE •
B r o m w e l l has taken a position i n N e w Y o r k Citv. her address is 419 West
34th St. A t our last meeting, we elected officers f o r the new year. W e met
with Marjane and Adelaide Gladden and enjoyed ourselves and each
M a r y K i n g has taken a position in N e w Orleans, her address is .3424 other very much. These officers were elected:
St. Charles Ave.
President, Ruby Toombes T u r n b u l l ; vice president, Dorothy Nolan;
Sarah Hopkins has just returned f r o m an extended visit to M a r y secretary, Sadie Ramsey; corresponding secretary, Mrs. R. Henry Lake;
John Overall McCullough in Cleveland. Mary John returned with her treasurer, Marjane Gladden, and historian, Adelaide Gladden.
for a short visit here.
W e are delighted because Southwestern has been passed as a place
Sarah E w i n g Ford and little son have returned to their home in Bir- for a new chapter. A t present we are trying very hard to think up a
mingham, Ala., after a several weeks' visit with her parents here. good plan f o r organizing the chapter so that we may present i t at conven-
tion. Adelaide Gladden is in charge of convention plans.
Since we are to help w i t h the new chapter, Genevieve Shea Reddick
CLEVELAND ALUMNAE and Elise P a x t o n Keebler have been appointed as rushing captains.

Edna Studebaker entertained the chapter at her home at dinner dur- College is the order of the day here. W h e n we are not discussing
ing January, and everyone had a perfectly delightful time. Nominations our Southwestern chapter or helping to pay the Panhellenic pledge to that
were made f o r our national officers and our Panhellenic delegate gave a college, we take a little recreation, working up enthusiasm for the play
short talk on the many good and occasional poor points of the local the Intercollegiate Association is putting on. T h e proceeds are to go to
Panhellenic chapter. a scholarship which the association o f f e r s each year to H i g h School
The February meeting was preceded by a luncheon at the New A m -
sterdam Hotel, and the girls were very glad to welcome Marie Hillidge ELIZABETH CLINTON.

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