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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2018-10-18 14:28:40

Summer 2012 - To Dragma

Summer 2012 - To Dragma

Beta Zeta (Kennesaw State U) to Easter and other activities that Delta Omega (Murray State U)
Social events not only create lasting allowed us to get to know each other Delta Omega loves to socialize with
memories, but seal relationships better. We plan to continue these other Greeks on the Murray State
with sisters and other Greeks around events in the fall, especially after campus. The sisters of Delta O have
the campus. One of the fun events recruitment when everyone’s social mixers with each Fraternity every
Beta Zeta held last Spring was an schedules begin to open up. year. This year the AOIIs carved
awesome Valentine’s Crush Party at a pumpkins with Alpha Gamma Rho,
nearby venue. Everyone came dressed Chi Psi dressed like nerds and played trivia
to impress with dates by their sides. (California Polytechnic State U) with Sigma Phi Epsilon, cooked with
Dancing the night away with sisters Our social chairs have worked Lambda Chi Alpha, and grilled out
is always a great way to see bonds tirelessly to make our social events and played “Backyard Olympics”
form. AOII has also put on various spectacular. We have held dinners, with the brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha.
social events like a 90s mixer, an meet-and-greets and social exchanges A slumber party with the sisters
annual Formal held in Atlanta and a with different fraternities, which of Alpha Sigma Alpha was also
Boo Bash Halloween Party. scheduled. This continues to be a
great way to show Greek unity on the
MSU campus.

Chi Psi (California Polytechnic State U) Delta Tau
(U of Alabama Huntsville)

For social events, the Delta Tau
chapter has participated in many
mixers with the fraternities and
sororities on campus. We also were
involved in Squeal Night, which is
where all the sororities on campus
dress up and go to the fraternity
houses to receive gifts and watch
them as they put on a show for us.
Delta Tau also had their first formal
on November 4, 2011 and their first
Founder’s Day on January 22, 2012
with the chapter, alumnae, and
AAC attending.

Chi Lambda (U of Evansville) have enabled our sisters to form Delta Theta (Texas Woman’s U)
At the beginning of 2012, our LC friendships with Cal Poly’s Greek One of our favorite social events is a
goals focused more on improving our gentlemen. We had a wonderful mixer with Kappa Sigma Fraternity
Panhellenic relations. At our spring time at our Semi-Formal, held at at our school, plus our annual
date party where we went ice skating, a beautiful venue at the end of the Christmas Party and our Rose Ball.
we encouraged sisters to invite Avila Beach pier. Our most exciting
another Greek woman. This was social events are the Sister Twister Epsilon Omega (Eastern KY U)
widely successful, and it lead to our events that Panhellenic organizes. This year our social events not only
mixers being with other sororities We get the chance to meet other helped our sisterhood grow, but they
instead of fraternities. We went to a Greek women from different houses also helped our relations with other
local park with Zeta Tau Alpha and and enhance our friendly relations chapters on our campus. Two social
had fun games set up that related within the Greek community. events that we hosted were Pi-Jamma

Issue no. 3 • Summer 2012 To Dragma • 51


and Speed Meet and Greet. Pi- mixers with members from Omega Kappa Phi (McGill U)
Jamma was a pajama party that we Theta Alpha, ACACIA and Tau Our Roseball went extremely well
hosted with the women of Pi Beta Kappa Epsilon. this year. We held a formal dinner
Phi. We had an ice cream social, with plenty of games and awards
sang karaoke, and played an ice Gamma Theta so that everyone had a fabulous
breaker called Favorite Things. Speed (U of South Florida) time. Dates were entertained with
Meet and Greet was held with the Every year in April, we hold our creative nametags and awards
men of Kappa Alpha Order. In pairs formal, Roseball. Each year has a were presented to our Flaming
of two the boys would move around new theme. Last year it was a water/ Alpha, our Officer of the Year,
the table and ask girls a series of get- boat theme since it was held on a New Member of the Year, AOII of
to-know-you questions. yacht. This past Spring we chose a the Year, and a Scholarship Award
to one of our more studious
members. More entertaining
awards were also presented,
including the Betty Crocker
Award, the PiTunes award, the
Kappa Phi Lad Award, the Cricket
Award and the Firecracker Award.

Gamma (U of Maine) Kappa Rho
(Western Michigan U)
Epsilon Sigma (Quincy U) fairytale theme. Every girl wishes One of our recent social events was
Epsilon Sigma had such an amazing her life was like a fairytale, so this date party held at a local bowling
time at our game night social. We Roseball everyone had a chance to alley. We had half the alley reserved
enjoyed spending time with our experience what that feels like. With just for us and a DJ playing really
sisters and the other girls on campus. delicious food, dancing, and lots of great music! The theme for this Date
We liked having some fun while being pictures, it was a great way to bond Party was “decades,” so all of our
a little competitive at the same time. with sisters! sisters and their dates dressed up
We are all looking forward to our next in really awesome costumes! The
social with much anticipation. Kappa Kappa (Ball State U) costumes ranged from the 1950s
Last semester we held a fun 90s with a traditional house wife, to
Gamma Chi (Carleton U) theme social and our big formal 1970s retro basketball players.
There were many great social events Roseball with our parents. Everyone had an amazing time, and
this year. Our Rose Ball formal was the bowling alley said they would
a great success and everyone had a love to have us back anytime!
fun time. We held many successful
Kappa Sigma
(U of Wisconsin River Falls)
Our formal is one of our favorite
social events of the year. We always
love mingling with our alumnae and
this year it was held at the nearby
golf course in River Falls, WI.

52 • To Dragma Issue no. 3 • Summer 2012

are active in helping put on. Our
small Greek community has bonded
through social events as well, helping
each other to grow. We were very
welcome to visit the men during their
recruitment and support them. We
have also had a few mixers with Sigma
Chi Nu men’s fraternity and we are
planning a social event with the other
men’s fraternity, Kappa Sigma.

Kappa Tau Kappa Rho (Western Michigan U) Lambda Tau
(Southeastern Louisiana U) (U of Louisiana Monroe)
This semester, the ladies of Kappa on campus. Also, as tradition at the
Tau chapter hosted a social event University of La Verne, we have held a Along with holding our annual
with a theme of “Back Where I few rock paintings. Rock paintings are, Roseball Formal in the fall semester
Come From.” Members and their in a sense, open socials for everyone to and our formal in the spring semester,
dates dressed up in different attire come and support us while we paint the Lambda Tau held socials with all
that represented their home town. rock to announce our new members. fraternities on campus. Fun themes
The attire ranged from Mardi Gras included Paint your Date with Kappa
shirts to cowgirls! It was such a fun Lambda Eta (Grand Valley State U) Sigma, Sweatin’ to the 80s with Pi
night and we all enjoyed learning We have had many fun socials this year, Kappa Alpha, ABC with Kappa Alpha
about each other’s hometown. including pizza making with Delta Order, along with a Toga Party Tri-
Kappa Tau also participated in a Tau Delta, and cookie decorating with Social with Phi Mu and Kappa Delta,
Mega Mixer with Alpha Sigma Tau Alpha Sigma Alpha. Socials are a great hosted by Pi Kappa Alpha.
and Delta Tau Delta. The theme way to meet new Greeks on campus,
of the Mega Mixer was graffiti! and branch out from our own chapter.
The night consisted of highlighters Our last social this year was a volleyball
and black lights! We all enjoyed tournament with Theta Chi. It was a
spending time with other Greeks! lot of fun and a great way to wrap up
the semester.
Lambda Alpha (U of LaVerne)
During the spring we had the chance Lambda Omicron (Cumberland U) Lambda Eta (Grand Valley State U)
to enjoy social events with our This year we participated in several events
alumnae, sisters from Lambda Beta in the university community, and Greek
and Sigma Phi who came over to life on campus. During halloween, our
visit, and one of the fraternities on sisters had a table for a community
campus. We also had a “Makeover wide trick-or-treat event hosted by
Session” social with another sorority Cumberland University. During Easter,
the college also hosts a community-
wide easter egg hunt that the members

Issue no. 3 • Summer 2012 To Dragma • 53


Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U) members and another sorority to Phi Chi (U of Chicago)
This year we had so many great bond and talk to others who we don’t Issue no. 3 • Summer 2012
parties and locations! Our fall semi- always get to talk to. Also we had a
formal was at the Country Music barbeque with another fraternity so
Hall of Fame, and our formal in we could become closer with them
the spring, the Red Rose Ball, was too. These social events have been
held at the Riverwood Mansion in fun ways for us to connect with
Nashville. We also had our first other organizations on campus.
annual “Omicron in the Amazon”
themed party, and everyone dressed Phi Chi (U of Chicago)
up as things from the Amazon! Our Flirty frocks and luscious locks
last bash party was themed “Go for flounced and bounced at MODA’s
the ‘O’” and we all dressed up as annual spring fashion show. MODA,
something that starts with the letter the fashion club at the University
‘O’! Some great costumes included of Chicago, held the show February
the ocean, oreos, octomom and 28 at Union Station in downtown
octuplets, and odd numbers! Chicago. Students’ designs were
featured on the runway alongside
Phi Beta (East Stroudsburg U) major labels such as Ann Taylor
We have socialized on several and Rent the Runway. When our
occasions with other sororities and sisters on the MODA board asked
fraternities on campus. We had for help, our chapter rose to the
a movie night with potential new occasion: several girls rocked the

54 • To Dragma

runway as models and others helped a guest who wasn’t sure who had Overlooking the beautiful Bay Area
behind the scenes as makeup artists
and assistants. Thanks to AOII’s invited them until they got to the and the night lights of the city, we
involvement, the organization pulled
off one of its best shows yet! party and found the young woman all had a great time in our costumes

Phi Lambda (Youngstown State U) who matched their attire. Our formal hanging out with great friends. This
In November, Phi Lambda had a
“crush party” that took place at Salsitas this year was held at the Louisville spring, we held another invite, themed
Mexican Restaurant. Each girl informed
the social committee who the “crush” Zoo right next to the zebras! The “American Pi” and everyone sported
was that they wanted to invite to the
event. The committee then contacted theme was “Born to be Wild” and their most patriotic attire. We ended
the “crush” to invite them. It was a
surprise for the date and their “crush” everyone had a wild time! the year with our annual Rose Ball
was revealed at the dinner party!
date party which was a blast!
Pi Alpha (U of Louisville) Sigma (U of California Berkeley)
The sisters of Pi Alpha have had a very
eventful year! In the fall, we held our As collegians, Sigma Chapter Sigma Phi
first Date Party, which was a murder understands the fundamental (California State U Northridge)
mystery theme. Members invited
importance of education. However, This past March, Sigma Phi won the

we love spending time with our basketball intramural championship.

sisters and friends, and plan great Although this wasn’t unusual,

invitationals and date parties to allow this achievement has led to more

everyone to gather at the same time collegiate involvement on campus,

and place and have fun dancing the stronger ties within our own

night away! In fall 2011 we held a fraternity, and a healthy competitive

nautical/yacht-themed invite, and spirit for future intramural games.

shuttled all of our closest friends Our final score of 26-14 shows the

to a large venue in San Francisco. fierce determination and teamwork

our sisters presented after intense

weeks of practice and hard work.

Sigma Rho (Slippery Rock U)
Sigma Rho Chapter currently is
the alcohol free mix-off champion
and has been supporting events
around campus year round. We
enjoy our involvement in numerous
community service activities and
clubs around campus.

Sigma Tau
(Washington College)

The chapter has held two formals
this year. First, we celebrated our
nominated Sweethearts with a big
dance and celebration. We later
followed-up that event with our
annual Roseball Formal that was a
huge hit and great time for all.

Phi Lambda (Youngstown State U)

Issue no. 3 • Summer 2012 To Dragma • 55


Sigma Alpha (U of West Virginia)

Tau (U of Minnesota) Theta Omega Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Social events have helped our chapter (Northern Arizona U)
greatly expand our horizons and Last November was our memorable to the Greek community with a social.
develop new Greek relationships. Ruby and Pearl Ball. The soirée was The theme was “tacky holiday wear,”
Memorable exchanges have been held at the Little America Hotel, and the guys did not disappoint. There
making carmel apples with Phi complete with a quaint yet elegant were glittering sweaters, big bows,
Kappa Psi for Halloween or playing ballroom for dining and dancing. battery operated lights, elf costumes
Deal or No Deal with Sigma Alpha This is a very special ongoing and more! A good time was had by all,
Epsilon. Besides our exchanges, our tradition in which the members of and a great relationship has formed
fall formal was held at the Crown AOII are able to have the pleasure to between AOII and Sigma Tau. Being
Plaza in St. Paul. Our theme was wear their best attire as they have a new on campus is never easy, but sisters
“A Night to Remember.” Delicious night of excitement that also brings of Zeta Psi make their best effort to
appetizers were served as our the chapter closer together through make everyone feel welcomed, because
girls danced the night away with a unforgettable moments of pure “no matter the letter were all Greek
beautiful winter-time view of the friendship. Sisters bonded over a together!”
river and downtown Saint Paul. Our gourmet meal and hours of dancing,
Spring Jam is an annual celebration creating memories to last a lifetime.
of the warmer weather on our
campus, we always look forward to Zeta Psi (East Carolina U)
rocking these events in dance and The Zeta Psi chapter at East Carolina
a battle of the bands competition University enjoys socializing with
which our chapter has won the past everyone on campus, and we love to
two years. meet new organizations! When the
new Sigma Tau fraternity came to
campus, sisters quickly welcomed them

56 • To Dragma Issue no. 3 • Summer 2012

C. G.
(Bead and bracelet

sold separately.)



A. H. E.
F. (Chain sold separately.)

J. I.

N. M. A. S ilhouette Rose Earrings, #ER141 SS.....$43
K. O. B. S ilhouette Rose Necklace, #SLD141 SS.....$77
L. C. Barrel Bead Bracelet, #BJ7295 SP.....$5.25 (Bead sold separately.)
D. Barrel Bead, #bead SS.....$30
N. E. Snake Chain, 18”, #snake GF.....$28 SS.....$18
F. Pierced Rose Charm Necklace, 18”, #0242 SS.....$42
G. Horizontal Lavaliere Festoon Necklace, #1025 10K.....$80 SS.....$44
H. Alumnae Chapter President's Ring, #2601 10K/10KW.....$263 SS.....$88
I. Vertical Letter Lavaliere, #L2647 10K.....$56 SS.....$26
J. S ilhouette Rose Ring, #RD141 SS.....$35
K. Wynter Ice Watch with white strap and CZs, #wynteric.....$40
L. Virginia Ring, #1277 SS.....$137 (Whole sizes 5 – 8 only.)
M. Collegiate Chapter President Ring, #2600 10K/10KW.....$386 SS.....$118
N. Cushion Ring, #0452 10K/10KW.....$310 SS.....$122
O. S tacked Rings, #335GR Stainless steel.....$50 (Whole sizes 6 – 9 only.)

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Find us on Facebook:

Prices subject to change without notice. Colored stones are synthetic. K – karat gold, KW – karat white gold, SS – sterling silver, GF – gold-filled, SP – silver-plated.


A Brand New
AOII Foundation

Establishing a new brand campaign is one
of the focus areas within our strategic plan.
With the combined e orts of our marketing
committee, sta and board, we have crafted
a new brand and logo which clearly states
the AOII Foundation’s vision to Secure the
Future of Alpha Omicron Pi.

This new logo aligns with the beauty and
simplicity that is central to AOII while also
mirroring the logo of our Fraternity. With
overwhelming acceptance, we proudly
launched our new brand at Leadership
Institute this summer.

$135,500 Awarded This year, through the generous support of
to the Fraternity! our members, the Foundation was able to
award $135,500 to the Fraternity for the
L to R: AOII International President, Allison Allgier, with AOII Foundation President, Cindy Visot. 2012-2013 year! The programs that these
dollars funded or partially funded include:

The Educational Leadership Consultants (ELC)
Program, Leadership Academy 2013, Advisor
& Online Training, Alumnae Engagement,
Preservation of Archives, UIFI (Undergraduate
Interfraternity Institute) Scholarships and Hazing
Prevention Program.

This is the largest grant the Foundation
has ever awarded to our Fraternity! The
Fraternity requested funding for several other
projects assured to better the AOII membership
experience that we were not able to grant this
year; however, with the continuous support
of our members and donors we hope to be
able to give even more in the future. Each of
you is a vital part of our e orts. Without your
assistance, we would not have the funds to
continue to support the programs that are so
important to our sisters. Thank you for joining
us in Securing the Future of Alpha Omicron Pi.

58 • To Dragma Issue no. 3 • Summer 2012

Arthritis Foundation Grant

We are excited to announce that 88 chapters participated in
Strike Out Arthritis! events this academic year. This is the
largest number of SOA! events ever held in a single year! These
AOII signature events raised $301,180; the largest amount to
date! Thanks to these record-breaking collegiate and alumnae
Strike Out Arthritis! events, we are proud to announce the
following Arthritis Foundation programs and activities will be
funded for the 2012-2013 year:

Arthritis Research:

$216,000 for a two-year ACL Tear and Painful E usions
Planning Grant to the Arthritis Foundation.

Juvenile Arthritis: L to R: AOII International President, Allison Allgier; CEO of SE Region of the Arthritis Foundation,
$20,000 for family scholarships and children’s activities at David Popen; and AOII Foundation President, Cindy Visot.
the Juvenile Arthritis Alliance national conference
as well as pandas donated through the Panda Project. Total Arthritis Foundation funding: $275,725

$39,725 for regional camps and juvenile arthritis programs.

JA Conference

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Issue no. 3 • Summer 2012 To Dragma • 59


AOII Foundation Scholarships

In 1962, the AOII Foundation awarded our first scholarship to Jeanine Hess Smith in the amount of $50.
Thanks to your generous donations, academic scholarship were recently awarded to 51 outstanding Alpha
Omicron Pi collegiate and alumnae members for the 2012-2013 year. These scholarships total $88,500!
We are honored to award scholarships to these outstanding women. This year’s recipients have an average
GPA of 3.6, served on their Leadership Councils and are leaders on their campus and in their communities.
Congratulations to all our scholarship recipients for receiving these prestigious honors!

Undergraduate Mariah Bundy Chelsea Hook Ashley McDonald

Callie Anyan Gamma Chi Lambda Delta Psi
U of Maine U of Evansville U at Albany - SUNY
Lambda Tau Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Martha McKinney Wilhoite Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
U of Louisiana at Monroe Scholarship
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Allison Costa Dara Miller
Jennifer Isenberg
Cassie Balawender Theta Beta Iota Sigma
Towson U Rho Omicron Iowa State U
Sigma Rho Sabrina Keene Scholarship Middle Tennessee State U Iota Sigma Scholarship
Slippery Rock U Rho Omicron Scholarship
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Alyssa Ann Deskin Kayce Moormeier
Theresa Kaaihue
Marion Becheri Iota Sigma Alpha Theta
Iowa State U Kappa Tau Coe College
Kappa Phi Iota Sigma Scholarship Southeastern Louisiana U Muriel T. McKinney
McGill U Dina D’Gerolamo Scholarship Scholarship
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Addie Dyer Megan Kaczmarski Genevieve Murphy
Brittany Berenz
Chi Psi Kappa Alpha Sigma Tau
Tau California Polytechnic State U Indiana State U Washington College
U of Minnesota Angels of Kappa Theta Martha McKinney Wilhoite Jasmine Queen Scholarship
Barbara Kohler Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship
Jessica Nieto
Hannah Blair Alyssa Haller Adria Kersey
Nu Omicron
Alpha Chi Kappa Kappa Sigma Omicron Vanderbilt U
Western Kentucky U Ball State U Arkansas State U Dottie Leek Scholarship
Rachel Allen Scholarship Carey Griner Scholarship Lou Meginness Couch Scholarship
Poorvie Patel
Addison Borseth Brittanie Hawkes Samantha Kusek
Alpha Chi
Alpha Gamma Pi Delta Beta Gamma Western Kentucky U
Washington State U U of Maryland Michigan State U Amy Ziegler Bettencourt
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Nu Iota Scholarship Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Scholarship

Kelsey Boswell Megan Heim Raven Leverett

Alpha Delta Alpha Nu Kappa Gamma
U of Alabama
Carole Jurenko Jones Scholarship Ramapo College of New Jersey Florida Southern College

60 • To Dragma Caroline Craig Lazzara Kappa Gamma Scholarship


Issue no. 3 • Summer 2012


Emmalee Rainey Lori Warsett Returning Alumna

Nu Beta Gamma Omicron Jennifer Alexander Bernadette Loomis

U of Mississippi U of Florida Zeta Sigma Tau
U of Nebraska - Lincoln Washington College
Paula Jones Salter Scholarship Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Alumnae Chapter Honor
Kristen Repaci Esther Yoon Arianne Baker
Kaley Schafer
Nu Omicron Alpha Phi Delta
Tufts U Alpha Gamma
Vanderbilt U Montana State U Alpha Tau Scholarship Washington State U
San Diego Alumnae Chapter
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Amy Gatto Honor Scholarship

Laura Sigelmann Graduate Epsilon Chi
Elon U
Nu Omicron Nancy McCain Scholarship

Vanderbilt U Maria Gaitan
Rho Chapter Scholarship
Nu Omicron

Bari Sisson Vanderbilt U
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
Epsilon Chi

Elon U Rebecca Gerber Congratulations to our
Laura Gilliam McDowell Top Scholarship Recipients!
Scholarship Beta Phi
These exceptional women attained an average GPA of 3.7,
Indiana U served as Chapter Presidents and Panhellenic Presidents, as well
as community service leaders with the Arthritis Foundation,
Sarah Smith Diamond Jubilee Scholarship American Cancer Society and Future Farmers of America.

Kappa Kappa Abigail Nelson Top undergraduate recipient:
Ball State U
Carey Griner Scholarship Lambda Sigma Kayce Moormeier,

U of Georgia Alpha Theta (Coe College)

Shelby Snow Diamond Jubilee Scholarship

Delta Omega Katherine Poisel
Murray State U
Joleen Heibert Fields Scholarship Chi Lambda

U of Evansville

Maria Sol Bernardez Sarria Diamond Jubilee Scholarship

Phi Chi Natalie Price
U of Chicago
Peg Crawford Scholarship Alpha Chi

Western Kentucky U

Cathryn Strini Helen Haller Scholarship

Omicron Shannon Spears Top graduate recipient:
U of Tennessee
Karen Tucker Scholarship Pi Alpha Natalie Price,

U of Louisville Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U)

Mary Ashley Tucker Diamond Jubilee Scholarship

Lambda Sigma Kaitlyn Wille Top returning alumna recipient:
U of Georgia
Langston/Purdy Scholarship Rho Beta Bernadette Loomis,

Virginia Commonwealth U Sigma Tau (Washington College)

Alyssa Rae Waninger Diamond Jubilee Scholarship

Chi Lambda

U of Evansville

Jennifer Combs Scholarship

Issue no. 3 • Summer 2012 To Dragma • 61

With grateful appreciation, AOII recognizes the following new
members who joined between March 22 & July 18, 2012.

Alpha Delta Delta Delta Gamma Alpha Nu Delta

Eleanor May Tracy Elleard Lyons Leah Maslov Angel Hostetlter Schweikowsky
Julie Pridgen Lambert Meghan Schulze
Delta Epsilon Nu Lambda
Alpha Gamma Gamma Delta
Samantha Morrow Kimble Laura Anttonen Dungan
Gretchen Marx Judi Foster Gulledge Janet Allen
Delta Lambda Lyndsey Pate
Alpha Lambda Nu Omicron
Maggie Fell Gamma Theta
Anna E. Henson Jillian Goldstein
Delta Omega Brigette Glenn Coble Nancy Perry Bowers
Alpha Rho Ryan Carr
Rita Flanigan Kappa Chi
Ann Peterson Overmyer Omicron
Delta Sigma Caitlin Dartez
Beta Gamma Brooke Howd
Leslie Brown Kappa Delta
Heather Temple Zach Phi Chi
Lyz Sandler Delta Tau Joanne Hoying Longo
Hayley Ossip
Beta Phi Christen Finley Kappa Kappa Molly McNamara

Kimberly Sons Epsilon Alpha Alyssa Ivanson Pi Kappa
Gayle Burton-Reyes
Beta Zeta Sam Lehrer Dorothy Depriest Warrington
Lambda Alpha
Traci Hayes Epsilon Gamma Rho Omicron
Janine Brown
Delta Amber Robinson Trisha Thompson
Jessica Stone Lambda Beta
Laura Taronas Sigma
Gamma Boualoy Sengchanthalangsy Dayton
Delta Beta Hannah Grantz
Jaime Shorter Lambda Chi
Sarah Guidry Melissa Glifort Sigma Alpha
Jordan Bradford
Ashley Johnson Sarna
Lambda Sigma
Judy Messer Stewart
Donna Benedict Gravelle
Lambda Tau
Tau Omicron
Aimee Foret
Laura Bryson Smith Christy Barker Raymer
Tami Rolen DeMar
Theta Omega
Mu Lambda
Julie Bohling
Brittany Hollister Kelley Mulroy

Nu Beta Zeta

Caroline Williams Jacqelle Lane
Meghan Litten
Rachel Clark Zeta Pi

Kristen Davis

We are Life Loyal

2012-2013 Educational Leadership Consultant Team
Life Loyal AOII Members

Sarah Black Arianna Fota

Alpha Gamma, Washington State U Delta Sigma, San Jose State U

Meredith Dunn

Tau Omicron, U of Tennessee, Martin

Danielle Jenkins Nevena Pehar Kimberly Sons

Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State U Gamma Theta, U of South Florida Beta Phi, Indiana U

Mallory Stratton Hillary Stewart Mary Kate Sweeney

Gamma, U of Maine Sigma Gamma, Appalachian State U Omega, Miami U


The AOII Emporium is now a digital shopping experience allowing us to
carry more merchandise, offer better prices and deliver your products
faster. While these changes mean there is no longer a store front located
at our International Headquarters building, shop boxes can still be shipped
to chapters for special events and Emporium merchandise will be on sale
at AOII conferences.

Lilly Pulitzer Print Collection

When AOII was first selected to receive a custom Lilly Pulitzer print, we
were honored and ecstatic! Our Lilly line of products arrives in stores this
fall - or let the Emporium be your one-stop shop!

[email protected]


64 • To Dragma Tumbler with Straw - $16
Carded I.D. Wristlet - $38

Dry Erase Board - $12
iphone 4/4s Cover - $28

The Original Tote - $88
Zippity Do Makeup Bag - $38

Issue no. 3 • Summer 2012

Comfort Colors are all the rage!

These two are our #1 sellers!
Chevron panda pocket tee sm-xxl - $28.50
Seafoam pocket tee sm-xxl - $28

Stay fit in style in these four adorable color .options

Black and white sm-xl - $26.50
Black and pink sm-xl - $26.50
Black and red sm-xl - $26.50
Black and splatter paint sm-xl - $26.50

Issue no. 3 • Summer 2012 To Dragma • 65

Classic Unisex Cardigans
Black cardigan xs-l - $32.50
White cardigan xs-l - $32.50

Keep warm in the Emporium long-sleeves

Charcoal foil off-the-shoulder sm-xl - $26.50
Becky off-the-shoulder sm-l - $26.50

Lilly and Vera

Vera “call me coral” v-neck sm-xxl - $26
Lilly “elefrance” sewn on crew sweatshirt sm-xxl - $49.50
Lilly “snowbirds” v-neck sm-xxl - $26
Vera “cupcakes” pink unisex racerback tank sm-xl - $26

66 • To Dragma Issue no. 3 • Summer 2012

On the go!

Chevron tote - $12
Boat tote - $25
Rose tote - $27.50
Large cosmetic case - $28
Small cosmetic case - $24
Color change cup - $2.50
Tumbler with Straw - $11
Latte wrap - $5

We have your family covered

An AOII Loves Me onesie - $15
Baby boy bib - $12.50
Baby girl bib - $12.50

(6month, 12month, 18month, 24month)
More Sisters in Mommy’s Family book $25

Give thanks

AOII executive pen - $2
Rose note pad - $5
Exceed the Expectation note cards - $10
Patterned note cards - $10
AOII Through the Decades note cards - $10

[email protected]


Alpha Omicron Pi Nonprofit Organization
Fraternity U.S. POSTAGE
International Headquarters Bolingbrook, IL
5390 Virginia Way Permit No. 374

Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

Life Loyal AOII Members, 2012-2013 Educational Leadership Consultant Team
From left to right: Sarah Blank, Alpha Gamma (Washington State U); Mary Kate Sweeney, Omega (Miami U); Hillary
Stewart, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U); Meredith Dunn, Tau Omicron (U of Tennessee Martin); Kimberly Sons, Beta
Phi (Indiana U); Nevena Pehar, Gamma Theta (U of South Florida ); Danielle Jenkins, Epsilon Alpha (Pennsylvania State U);
Mallory Stratton, Gamma (U of Maine); and Arianna Fota, Delta Sigma (San Jose State U).


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