cinching finally terminated in one, big, final party which we carried
out in the plan of an indoor picnic.
Friday was our formal pledge day and we pledged ten very dear
girls who seem to be in sympathy with Alpha Omicron Pi's ideas and
principles. After pledging we enjoyed a banquet with our new girls
at the Martha Washington Tearoom, and from eight until ten of
the same evening we held open house for the men of the university.
The rules which our college Panhellenic made for spike failed
to meet the approval of Miss Alvord, the dean of women. She
objected on the grounds that the rules were too strenuous and occu-
pied too much of the girls' most valuable time. Just now there is a
strong possibility of an open rush for next year, which will close
immediately after matriculation.
One of our alumnas girls, Irene Newnam, has just recently returned
from a trip to Honolulu. Since her return she has not visited us,
but we hope soon to hear more concerning her enjoyable experiences
during her summer vacation.
As has doubtless been the case with many of you, the first few
weeks of this new school year have been crowded to the overflow
with excitement and work. However, now that our pledging is over
and the excitement of spike has subsided, Theta girls are settling
down to real work. May each of you enjoy your work together for
Alpha O, and may this be the most successful of your college years!
AGNES L . L A K I N , Chapter Editor.
To Mr. and Mrs. Fred O'Hair ( I v a Smith), August 8, 1916, a daughter.
To Mr. and Mrs. Troy L . Puckett ( L u c y Reed), September 29, 1916, a
To Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy McCleod (Irene Miller), June 30, 1916, a boy.
Margaret Jaynes, ex-'16, to Glen Reed, Lambda Chi Alpha, Purdue Uni-
Mary Evangeline Fee, '11, to Dr. Walter J . Palmer, on September 13, 1916.
Marjorie Dean, '17 Ruth Brooks, '19
Marion Jameson, '17 Margaret Kimball, '19
Helen Rowe, '17 Inga Little, '19
Mildred Simpson, '17 Elizabeth Miller, '19
Madeline Perkins, '18 Martha Neal, '19
Kennetha Ware, '18 Madeline Parker, '19
Elizabeth Sargent, '18 Ethel Richardson, '19
Margaret Durkee, '18 Lorna Tasker, '19
The last few weeks of the summer vacation were saddened by the
death of one of our active girls, Mildred Emerson. Mildred had
not been well for a year, but we were all looking forward to having
her back at college with us this fall. Her death came as a great
shock to all of us, and we know that we have lost a dear sister and
a loyal classmate.
Rushing is now in f u l l swing. The entering class has passed
the high water mark for Jackson by a good margin, and we have not
only quantity but quality. The usual Freshman Party, given by
each sorority to the entering class has been discontinued this year by
the vote of Panhellenic. I t was thought impossible for sixteen girls
to successfully play hostess to between fifty and sixty girls. I n
place of this each sorority may give two parties to the girls they are
rushing. Our plans are to give a luncheon and theater party,
some Saturday afternoon, and a progressive dinner the last evening
of rushing. We are fortunate in being able to use the homes of
several of our girls who live nearby. Our alumnae have also been
very kind in offering us the use of their homes after walks or rides.
On the whole, our rushing season bids fair to be very successful,
and we wish our sisters of the other chapters may enjoy as good
a one.
Delta is well represented on college organizations for the coming
year. Helen Rowe, '17, is president of the A l l Around Club, our only
social college society. Marjorie Dean, '17, was elected president of
both Student Government and Christian Guild, in both of which
offices we wish her the greatest success, and we are sure she will
We have been glad to welcome back several of our alumnae to
our meetings this fall. Our first meeting was a banner one, Gladys
Keith, ' 1 5 ; Margaret Fessenden, ' 1 5 ; Madeline Jeffers, ' 1 6 ; and
Marian H a l l , '16, all being present. I t will be the last time we will
see Marian this year as she has gone South to study domestic science
in Washington, D. C.
Delta sends you greeting!
MARGARET D U R K E E , Chapter Editor.
Margaret J . Fessenden, '15, announced her engagement to William D.
Henderson, Tufts, '13, on August 26, 1916. Margaret's home is at Ashfield,
Mass., but she is now living in Somerville. Mr. Henderson is employed in
Isabelle Awler, '13, was married to Ralph H . Druery at Somerville, Mass.,
on August 5, 1916. Mr. and Mrs. Druery will live at Worcester.
Ruth Seavey (Tufts, 1915), was married to Carl Emerson (Tufts, 1913),
on September I , in Goddard Chapel. They are to live in Hartford, Conn.,
Mr. Emerson's home.
Elizabeth Bright, '17 Doris Savage, '17
Ruth Chalmers, '18 Mona McWilliams, '18
Leola Chaplin, '17 Gladys Reed, '18
Pauline Derby, '18 Jessie Sturtevant, '17
Alfreda Ellis, '17 Joyce Cheney, '19
Vera Gellerson, '18 Ruth Jordan, '19
Flora Howard, '17 Fay Smith, '19
Lillian Hunt, '17 E l l a Wheeler, '19
Dear Alpha Omicron Sisters:
There's a happy bunch of Alpha's back here at Maine again after
the long summer vacation. College opened the twentieth of Septem-
ber, so you see we are just getting things all straightened around
and ourselves fairly down to work again. We are so sorry that
there aren't more of our girls back this fall. Besides the ten we
lost by graduation last spring, Helen Danforth, Madeline Gould,
Vera Mersereau, and Helen Stinchfield are missing. Helen Dan-
forth was unable to return to college because of i l l health, Madeline
has gone to New York to study music, Vera transferred to Simmons
College, and Helen Stinchfield to Wellesley. You can imagine how
strange our chapter meetings seem with so many faces absent.
However, we're all too busy just now to have any time to miss any-
one too badly, for there are just heaps of splendid girls among the
freshmen this fall, and we are being as nice to them all as we can,
and are trying to select for bidding those who will best represent the
true Alpha Omicron Pi spirit.
The number of girls at Maine is larger this year than ever before,
and those of you who know how much the women are in the minority
here will understand how glad we are for that. Balentine H a l l ,
the new girls' dormitory, was finished this summer, and makes a
lovely home, while Mount Vernon House, our other dormitory,
is just the same cozy place that it's always been.
Just at present we Alpha O's are planning a party for all
the new girls, and next time we'll tell you all about it and the other
things we want to do this year. We are all anxious to hear about the
rest of the chapters, to all of which Gamma sends best wishes for the
coming year.
J E S S I E STURTEVANT, '17, Chapter Editor.
Grace Sawyer, '16, and Mr. Frank Benson, B © I I , were married on August
30. They will reside in Cambridge, Mass., where Mr. Benson is in business
as a merchant tailor.
Hazel Mariner, '12, was married to Mr. Robert Bussel, A T A, '12, at her
home in Milford, August 19.
Several active girls attended the wedding of Rachel Winship, '15, and Mr.
Preston M. Hall, * r A, '15, at Livermore Falls, this summer.
On September 5, occurred the marriage of Alice Harvey, '13, to Mr. Warren
G . Brewer, * T A, '13. Mr. Brewer is with the Library Bureau at Cambridge,
Mass., and he and Alice are to live in Allston, Mass.
To Mr. and Mrs. E . A. Mains (Muriel Young), a son, Edmund, July 4.
T o Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Burghart (Nell Averill), a son, Robert, on May 26.
To Mr. and Mrs. Guy Durgen (Claire Weld), a daughter, Margaret Claire,
in August.
T o Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lord (Edith Jordan), on October 6, a son, Moses
To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bidwell (Helen Norris), on October 6, a daughter.
Among the 1916 graduates the following are teaching: Madeline Robinson
at Freedom, Me.; Emma Perry at Woodland; Zella Colvin at Orono; Evelyn
Winship at Limestone.
Sybil Russell, '16, is manager of the Woman's Club Lunchroom in Belfast.
Florence Greenleaf, '16, is at home this winter.
Mary E . Chase, '09, spent the summer at her home in Bluehill. The active
girls were so glad to have her with them at their meeting during Commence-
ment week and her enthusiastic speech for T o D R A G M A caused the 1916 girls
to "rain" dollars into her eagerly outstretched hand.
Mrs. Harry Woods (Annie Gilbert, '11), is at Freedom, Me., where her
husband is principal of the Academy.
Beulah Philbrook is teaching this year in Brewer.
Mrs. Alton Jackson (Rebecca Chilcott, '13), visited in Bangor during
August and September.
Margaret McManus, '11, is teaching English at Augusta.
Mary Albertson, '17 Joanna Donlon, '18
Sarah Campbell, '17 Evelyn Hieber, '18
Viola Dengler, '17 Calista Hoffman, '18
Anne Morrow, '17 Matilda Loeffler, '18
Dorothy Shaw, '17 Dagmar Schmidt, '18
Jeanette Short, '17 Florence Coupe, '19
Margaret Cordon, '18 Helen Langdon, '19
When in the course of human events, an epidemic of infantile
paralysis strikes a college town, even the university is forced to
change its well-regulated program.
So instead of beginning on the twenty-seventh of September, the
authorities are giving us a pleasant vacation until October 12th—a
vacation which is to be made up, however, to the detriment of the
Christmas and Easter holidays.
The pageant for which elaborate preparations were being made,
was postponed until the spring. On this account, rushing which was
to begin later, will probably commence as soon as college really starts.
This year we shall be under great disadvantages through the loss
of five of our girls, besides last year's seniors. Three of the five
were sophomores and are going to other colleges. Likewise since
the dormitories are not large enough to accommodate the girls, all
our juniors and sophomores have to room outside. This will make
it unusually difficult to get acquainted with the freshmen. Neverthe-
less, we shall all of us work to the best of our ability for dear Alpha
Omicron Pi.
DAGMAR SCHMIDT, Chapter Editor.
Helen Elizabeth Bungart, ex-'i6, and H . C. Leavens were married at F a r
Rockaway Beach in April.
To Mr. and Mrs. Mordoff (Laura Fish, '14), a daughter.
T o Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Morris (Nathalie Thompson, '14), a son.
Melita Skillen, '11, visited Cornell this summer.
Agnes Dobbins, '13, attended summer school at Cornell this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe (Catherine Allen, '10), visited here this summer.
Marion Abele, '17 Dorothy Maltby, '18
Kate Blum, '17 Mabel McConnell, '18
Louise Hoffman, '17 Margaret Ariess, '19
Alice Kolb, '17 Edith Brown, '19
Grace May, '17 Margaret Jeleff, '19
Alice Jane Wilson, '17 Dorothy Kerr, '19
Kathryn Brown, '18 Faith Morse, '19
Jane Kennedy, '18 Helen Ralston, '19
Dorothy Wade, '19
Arleta Kirlin, '18 . Golda Wadsworth, '17
Lucille Lloyd, '18 Margaret Kolb, '20
Elizabeth Recht, '18 Hazel Lloyd, '20
Ruth Sharer, '18 Mabel May, '20
Elsie Brace, '19 Myrtle Swanson, '20
Eunice Marthens, '19 Bessie Talcott, '20
Helen Slaten, '19 Ethel Willman, '20
E r n a Ariess, '20 Phoebe Wilson, '20
Hazel Whitmore, Spec.
Here we are back at college again, f u l l of enthusiasm and "pep"
for the coming year. As you all know, Northwestern has matricu-
lation pledging and it was with a gay whirl of rushing parties that
Rho turned her face toward college life. Beginning the twenty-
second of September and continuing through the twenty-seventh,
we rushed, rushed, rushed until we simply couldn't rush any more.
But oh, what wonderful results! Seventeen pledges are wearing
our little red bows, and I can assure you they are as fine girls as ever
you did see. Seven of them are upperclassmen while the remaining
ten are verdant but promising freshmen. Do you wonder that we
congratulate ourselves?
But Rho has not confined all her activities to the campus of North-
western. She has branched out to the University of Wisconsin and
there some of our girls, together with Shirley McDavitt of Kappa,
have been doing some mighty strenuous work—giving not only
money, but time and energy in the interests of the new chapter,
which we hope to see soon established. We Rho girls are so inter-
ested in it and so anxious to see it successfully inaugurated that we
can hardly wait for the petition to come around.
As Northwestern did not really begin until the twenty-eighth of
September, we, as a chapter, have not as yet done much. But with
our meetings, our weekly "cozies," and our monthly "spreads," we are
trying hard to cement the bonds of fraternal loyalty and to instill
within our hearts the ideals of comradeship and sisterly love that
make Alpha O mean so much to us.
Yours in A O I I ,
MARION A B E L E , Chapter Editor.
Marian Boal, '16 Marjorie Coil, '18
Hazel Hartwell, '16 Abbie Wood, '18
Alice Moore, '16 Bessie Wood, '18
Genevieve Morse, '16 Marion Gilbert, '18
Rea Gilbert, '17 Lily Morrison, '18
Laura Wilke, '17 Constance Chandler, '18
Mildred Cowdrey, '17 Marguerite Adenhumer, '18
Jeane Stoddard, '18 Ruth Chandler, '19
Caroline Rochfort, '18 PLEDGES
Marion Loomis, '20
Lenell Carvin, 20 Gladys Stilling, '20
Hortense Fleming, '20 Anita Compton, '20
We Lambda girls came back on the twenty-second of August.
Many delightful vacations were reported which included a trip to
Alaska by Irene Cuneo; a journey from San Diego to Chicago in
an automobile by Marian Boal; a pleasant summer in the Canadian
Rockies by Mildred Cowdrey j an exciting visit to Camp Curry in the
Yosemite Valley by Bessie and Abbie Wood pa tour through Colo-
rado in a car by Rea and Marion Gilbert; and a stay at Lake Tahoe
by Genevieve Morse.
The rushing season was carried on according to the plans which
were described to you in our letter last spring. We enjoyed "rush
week" very much as it included a dance, several picnics, swimming
parties, hikes, and many other diversions. We not only had a good
time, but more important we were very fortunate in securing six
splendid freshmen. They are Caroline Rockford of San Auselmo,
Lenell Garvin of Los Angeles, Hortense Fleming of San Diego,
Marion Loomis of Chicago, Gladys Stelling of San Jose, and Anita
Compton of Palo Alto.
The girls have made an excellent start in activities this year. Ruth
Chandler is sophomore representative in Y. W. C. A. and Alice
Moore is also interested in this work. Bessie Wood is captain of the
women's baseball team. Abbie Wood is crew captain. Hortense
Fleming'and Marian Boal belong to the Schubert Club.
We are glad to report that Lily Morrison has returned after being
out of college for one semester. Irene Cuneo has also returned to
take her master's degree.
This is all the news that we have now, but we hope that the rest
of the chapters have been as successful in rushing as we have, and
like ourselves are looking forward to a most prosperous year.
MARION G I L B E R T , Chapter Editor.
Edna Brown, A, ex-'l6, and Ray M. Morris, were married on July 26, in
Durango, Colorado. They are now living in Denver, Colorado.
Flora Reith, ex-'18, and Carroll Hughson, were married on August 26, in
Woodland, California. They are now living in Riverside, California.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Doodan have a fine baby girl.
GENERAL Rowena Bush was
Emily Poindexter is teaching in Calistoga, Cal.
Martha Wolff is teaching in Placerville, Cal.
Muriel. Turner is teaching in Grants Pass, Oregon.
Lucile Curtis is teaching in Orange, Cal.
Corinne Bullard spent a few days with us this month.
also a visitor.
Mate L . Giddings, '17 Martha Hedgcock, '18
Minnie Phillips, '17 Nina Grotevant, '18
Marion E . Gregg, '17 Mary Caldwell, '18
Golda Wadsworth, '17 Ruth Percival, '18
Elaine Buhrman, '17 Velda Bamesberger, '18
Gladys Saffell, '17 Marie Stejskal, '19
Louise Woodroofe, '17 Helen Brauns, '19
Maybelle Dallenbach, '17 Marian Kenney, '19
Florence L . Moss, '17 Hazel Stephens, '19
Bertha Stein, '18 Aileen Hunter, '19
Nila Edmundson, '19
Mary Putnam, '19 Leila Shepherd, '20
Elsie Noel, '19 Jessie Williamson, '20
Once again we have come back to the activities of college and
fraternity life. Iota Chapter is well represented this year, twenty-
two members being back. This is the largest number we have ever
had to begin with, and this year's prospects look very bright. But
we miss sadly our seniors of class '16, and Nellie James, ex-'18, who
is at home this year.
We are glad to welcome Nila Edmundson, '19, from Theta Chapter.
She is living in our chapter house, and is an enthusiastic worker now
for Iota.
Saturday evening, September 16, ten of us Alpha O sisters
were very happy to attend the wedding of Anna Hoffert, '15, and Ben
Kirk, Acacia '14, which was held in the pretty new home that was
all furnished and awaiting them, in West Champaign. We are so
happy that Anna has now come back to be near us always. She
is a loyal and enthusiastic Alpha O, and w i l l be such a help.
College opened September 18 and since then we have been
in a whirl of matriculating and rushing. Rushing season began
with registration and lasted two weeks. I t has been a delightful
but strenuous time. Our parties were very pretty, especially
the butterfly dinner dance, Japanese matinee dance, Woodland dinner,
and Dutch luncheon. We have been having a gala time, and every-
body was so f u l l of enthusiasm.
Saturday, September 30, was pledge day. Leila Shepherd and
Jessie Williamson of class '20, and Elsie Noel and Mary Putnam of
class '19 are our first pledges. Very proud we are of these, our new
little sisters soon-to-be, and we wish everyone of you might meet them.
We hope to have three more pledges before long, who are eager to
come to us, but who have to await consent from home.
We were so happy to have so many of our alumnae back for formal
dinner, on September 29—Mabel Wallace, Anna H . Kirks, Cora
Mae Lane, Jessie Faye Edmundson, Mary Bruner, Grace D. Finfrock,
Marie Rutenber, Opal Frost, and Iva Beison, being present.
We had one keen disappointment at the beginning of the new
year. Dear Mrs. Stowers, who has been our chaperon for five years,
and who has given us such loving care as a housemother, was taken
i l l a week before school opened, and is still very seriously i l l . We
miss Mrs. Stowers so, and are saddened to know of her severe
illness. She is being cared for at the home of her daughter, here
in Urbana, and we girls are able to see her occasionally.
We did not know what we were to do for a chaperon. We took
our worries to Mrs. Pettit, a loyal patroness of Iota chapter, and she,
out of her unbounded generosity and interest in us girls, has left her
own home and only son, Willard, to come and stay with us at the
chapter house during these two weeks of rushing. We cannot begin
to express our appreciation of Mrs. Pettit's help, in our time of
great need. She is such a wonderful "mother" to us girls. But
now we must look for someone who can be our chaperon until Mrs.
Stowers is able to come back.
Saturday night, after pledge day, every sorority held open-house
from eight to ten p. M . A great many responded to the invitations
and the evening was very pleasantly spent in greeting old and new
Iota is working hard to maintain high scholarship. Last semester
we stood second in the list of sorority averages.
We wish to extend to all of you very best wishes for success in
all the undertakings of the year.
FLORENCE L . Moss, Chapter Editor.
Edith Mitchell, '17 E l s a Steinmetz, '18
Elsa Feldhammer, '17 Jennie Marie Schober, '18
Gertrude Falkenhagen, '17 Cecile Moriarty, '18 (medicine)
Dorothy McCarthy, '17 Lillian Tiftt, '19
Helen Pierce, '17 Esther Kronan, '19
Phana Wernicke, '17 Margaret Boothroyd, '19
Florence Bronde, '17 E r m a Egan, '19
Muriel Fairbanks, '18 Gertrude Hartman, '19
Leta Nelson, '18 Margaret Kendall, "19
Vivian Watson, '18 E l l a Breed, '19
Alma Boehme, '19
PLEDGES Eleanor Willets, '19
Jeannette Frye, '18
Marion Mann, '19
Mary Moriarty, '19
Across the ways, Tau greets you!
October finds us in the midst of rushing season, for Minnesota
opened its austere halls to its students later than usual this year.
Prolonged vacations are as mundane as too much of any other agree-
able diversion, but surely something must be responsible for the
zest, the enthusiasm, and ( i f you will pardon the use of a Minnesota
colloquialism) the pep with which we Alpha O's of Tau have
We are assuming the delightful task of escorting wee, wonder-
eyed freshmen to and fro with positively sincere ardor. We have
spent hours and gone lunchless cheerfully, pondering over the regis-
tration difficulties of our prospective sisters. Indeed, I refuse to
give all the credit for this wonderful enthusiasm to anything so
commonplace as a vacation, or even to so exhilarating an influence as
our golden October weather. Why, there are two smiles where there
was only one frown before! Truly we have "evoluted" (a perfectly
good word) to a higher plane; although we each have our little indi-
vidual worries, rushing, at least, is not one of them! We have
developed. I f one additional month of anticipation has taught us
to live up to our responsibilities thus gracefully, we humbly petition
the little, blinking gods who guide the destiny of all good Alpha
O's to make long vacations a sacred institution.
Our patient, ever present alumnce sisters have been at our right
hand in entertaining and in giving us suggestions. Mrs. Trafford
Jayne (Iota) is giving us a dinner at her country home, Mrs. Pulling
(Delta) is entertaining us, freshmen and all, at a tea; and I must
not forget to mention the delightful evening at Mrs. MacPhie's"
(Delta). Really, there are so many affairs, you would think me
a candidate for a society page reportership i f I were to tell you all.
But at the risk of giving you the impression that we are all little
social "flutter-bys," I must mention the happiest party that we have
had—the time Jennie Marie Schober entertained. I can't "report"
Alma's tea or Helen's because I couldn't go! And I have heard
mysterious whisperings of a wonderful "Daisy" luncheon Saturday—
imagine, everything made into daisies and those tiny blue October
daisies to decorate with!
We are very hopeful for the best of results from our planning, but
not at all tired from our varied efforts—and O ! so expectant. With
high hopes for the same results to you all, dear sisters,
H E L E N M . P I E R C E , For the chapter.
Mary Adams, '19 Ethel Farrington, '19
Greta Ames, '19 Edna Hausner, '17
Lillian Battenfeld, '18 Florence Hughes, '18
Irene Becker, '19 Leta McClear, '17
Clara Bell, '18 Ruth Melvin, '17
Sadie Campbell, '17 Bertha Muckey, '18
Frances Carter, '18 Edith Rauch, '18
Ruth Dibben, '17 Helen Schrack, '17
Snyder, '19
Eleanor Cullivan, '20 Elizabeth Zimmer, '20
Marion Mount, '20 Nora Knight, '20
The end of the first day of college, everybody dead tired—and
inordinately happy—heads humming in confusion of what has hap-
pened and what is going to happen, the air fairly hot with plans
for the future, and four names to begin our pledge list for 1916—
that is Chi's record up to midnight of matriculation day.
The unusually late opening of college has caused a two weeks'
postponement in all the events connected with the beginning of the
year. We who have been looking forward ever since June to the
busy happiness of "next September" have found October even a
better month for watching the freshman men win over the sophomores
in the Flour Rush and the Salt Rush, and the sophomore girls spend
days and days helping the 1920's with fully as much enthusiasm as
they w i l l later show in "teaching them their place."
The university itself has grown in registration, in the two splendid
new buildings of Forestry and Agriculture, now nearing completion,
and in the bigger and better work the different organizations are
planning for the coming year. Next time we hope to tell you of
the working-out of all those plans and of the way we here at Syracuse
are teaching our new pledgelings how to live up to the standards of
the "best fraternity."
Our greetings to you all and hopes that you too may find 1916-17
a year we shall be proud to talk over when we get together at our
June convention. FRANCES CARTER, Chapter Editor.
I r m a McCormick, '17 Eloise Fleming, '18
Mildred Baker, '17 Eloine Fleming, '18
Ellen Jolliffe, '17 Nellie McColl, '18
Madge Philbrook, '17 Harriet Seely, '18
Ruth Fosdick, '17 Mildred Jeans, '18
Margery Miller, '18 Eloise Ebright, '19
Esther Knudson, '18 Eugenia Garrett, '19
Helen Brewster, '18 Ruth Haslett, '19
Ruth Lusby, '18 Louise Benton, '19
Anne Seely, '19
Emma Pohll PLEDGES Hilda Hendricksen
President Ruth Fosdick
Vice-president Mildred Baker
Corresponding Secretary Margery Miller
Assistant Corresponding Secretary Esther Knudson
Recording Secretary Eloise Ebright
Treasurer Harriet Seely
Sentinel-Herald Anne Seely
Advisory Member Ruby Clift Glockler
Chapter Editor Louise Benton
Assistant Alumnae Editor Susie B. Paige
Assistant Alumnae Business Manager Laura A. Hurd
Grand Council Member (Short term) . . . .Ruby Clift Glockler
Grand Council Member (Long term) Laura A. Hurd
How happy Upsilon Chapter is, and the reason is that we have
gathered unto ourselves from one of the finest freshman classes that
ever entered the university, ten new pledges. For two weeks we
faithfully and systematically "rushed." Surely no sorority enter-
tained more royally! There were the Seashore Dinner, the Vanity
Luncheon, and the Japanese Fete and other equally beautiful func-
tions. But we were well repaid when, between five and six o'clock
on September 23, the following freshmen answered our invitation to
become Alpha O pledges: Dorothy Hudson, Seattle; Helen Nel-
thorpe, Seattle; Eleanor Peyton, Spokane; Beth McCausland, Spo-
kane; Jessie Jolliffe, Seattle; Kate Verd, Seattle; Laura Verd,
Seattle; Una Weaver, Seattle; Margaret Kinnear, Tacoma; Isabelle
McRae, Tacoma. Nor have we ceased to "rush" for we are always
vigilant for girls worthy of Alpha Omicron Pi.
The scholarship reports for last year have been announced and
Alpha Omicron Pi stands second at Washington among fifteen
sororities. Kappa Alpha Theta is first in rank, the position we have
held for the past two years. This year we are out after our old
place again. To encourage study among the underclassmen of Upsi-
lon, Vivian SoRelle Williams, '15, J.ast year offered a prize of ten
dollars to the one who brought most points to our scholarship and
also was an active student in college. Louise Benton wins the prize
this year and Ruth Lusby, Ruth Haslett and Marguerite Oathout
are given honorable mention by the Scholarship Committee who
selected the winner.
When school opened this f a l l we missed the faces of several sisters
but we are happy to have Emma Pohll and Nellie McColl back
with us after an absence of a year. We expect Mary McGinnes
and Marguerite Oathout back in February.
September 18 was the first birthday of our chapter and it marked
the close of a year filled with many happy times. We received a
message of greeting from our installing officer, Mrs. Gladys C.
Britton of Sigma.
I f this year has started as auspiciously and enthusiastically for
our sister chapters as it has for Upsilon, it w i l l be a great year in
Alpha Omicron Pi.
With greetings to all our sisters,
LOUISE BENTON, Chapter Editor.
Carrie Bechen, '14, spent the summer at Yellowstone National Park. Esther
Fleming, '14, also visited the Park during her vacation from the Seattle Public
Lucy Heyes, '14, and Ruth Gay, '14, have recently returned from a trip to
We were glad to make the acquaintance of Irene Cuneo of Lambda Chapter
during her tour of the F a r Northwest and visit with Jacqueline Wood also of
Lambda. We are always glad to welcome all Alpha O's who may travel our
Vivian SoRelle Williams, '15, has moved from Seattle to Chicago.
Mildred West Loring, '13, received her Doctor's Degree from Johns
Hopkins University in June. She is also the winner of the Sarah Berliner
Fellowship of $1,000 and she will spend another year in study at Johns
Hopkins. Chi chapter initiated Mildred for us in June. Not wishing to
choose, we drew straws to determine which of the Eastern chapters we would
ask to do this happy service for us and it fell to Chi. Mildred visited Epsilon
chapter also. O f all the girls she has written so highly that we wish we might
know all of our sisters personally.
Florence Semmen, '14, has returned to her home in Aberdeen to accept
a position in the commercial department of the high school.
Margaret Vaughan, '17 Genevieve Groce, '19
Lucinda Smith, '17 Maude Rasbury, Mus. Spec.
Louise Pendleton, '18 Nell Harris, Mus. Spec.
Margaret Bonner Bentley (Mrs. W . P.) Spec.
After a happy summer we are all glad to be back in our old haunts
amid the familiar faces and scenes we learned to love so much last
year. We regret to chronicle, however, that of our ten, Erma Baker
and Nelle Graham will remain at home this year, while Martha
Smith, ex-'19, has entered Westhampton College at Richmond.
Southern Methodist University, at present, presents the usual
spectacle of opening week at every college. Matriculation being
finished, our thoughts turn toward rushing and freshmen. We are
giving no formal rushing parties, but we try to entertain the girls
in as many ways as we can while under the Panhellenic ban of spend-
ing no money for freshman rushing. Pledging cannot take place
until six scholastic hours have been passed so we are not subject
to that short intensive rushing attendant on matriculation pledging,
but we are certainly keeping our eyes open for good "material."
We had a bowling party at the country club for several new girls
and asked some of the boys to come out later in the afternoon. A l l
seemed to enjoy themselves immensely.
We are planning our "mothers' " party which we intend to make
an annual affair, and in November we shall give a reception for the
pledges we hope to get.
The seniors have elected Margaret Vaughan, as their vice-president
and she is acting secretary of Y. W. C. A. as well as chairman of
the House Governing Committee.
Our first football game of this season is scheduled with the Uni-
versity of Texas, and we are anxiously awaiting the outcome. A
wire will be placed on the field in Austin where the game is to be
played, and results of each play will reach us as soon as it is made.
A good many tickets to the affair have been sold and we are equally
awaiting the thrill of "football by wire," especially i f it brings
victory to us.
We hope to be able to announce a goodly number of prize pledges
in the next issue of T o DRAGMA, and are working toward that end.
We have furnished our fraternity room very attractively and intend
to keep several monthly magazines in it for the use of all the girls.
The university does not carry any magazine fiction in its library, and
we feel that an occasional hour spent in our room will enable the
girls to know one another better and to feel more at home, during the
long winter evenings.
In closing we wish a most prosperous year to our sisters every-
where, and should any journey southward, we should be more than
pleased to have them stop in to see N u Kappa.
G E N E V I E V E GROCE, Chapter Editor.
Juva Covalt, '17 Wilkie Hughes, '18
Vedah Covalt, '17 Vivian Day, '19
Helen Duncan, '18 Bernice Coffing, '20
Nelle Prall
Dori;: Shumaker, '19 Mary Duncan, '20
Mae Shumaker, '20 Mable Lewis, '20
Lura Halleck, '18 Pauline Cox, '19
Marie Turgi, '20 Lelah Whitted, '19
Beta Phi Chapter is very proud to announce the pledging of seven
lovely girls. Lelah Whitted is one of our pledges of last year.
Only eight of the fifteen girls who were with us last year returned,
and the outlook was surely not very promising at first. But we have
all worked together and feel that we have been very successful so
We were very glad to welcome Nelle Prall of Theta Chapter who is
taking special work in music and drawing. Mrs. Ruth Stafford
McDonald, an alumna of Theta Chapter is here, and we are indeed
fortunate in having her to help us. Mr. McDonald is professor of
history in the university.
Twelve girls from the De Pauw chapter came to Indiana to see
the De Pauw-Indiana football game Saturday, September 30.
Wilkie Hughes, one of our charter members, has announced her
candidacy for vice-president of the junior class, and of course we
are all very enthusiastic about her election.
Seven of the Alpha O girls are living in the Forest Place Annex
this semester. I t is a fine location and a beautiful place and our one
hope is to rent the entire house next semester and fill all of the
rooms with our own girls. The other rooms now are taken by
Kappas and Thetas.
Formal pledging was held Monday evening at the home of Lelah
We are very sorry to lose one of our dear pledges, Marie Turgi
of Alexandria, Indiana, who was called home Wednesday to accept
a position in the public schools.
Although we are new here and our numbers are few, we are
encouraged by the prospects, and we hope to have much interesting
news in the next letter.
VIVIAN D A Y , Chapter Editor.
The New York Alumnae Chapter has not yet held a meeting, but
the Executive Committee is busy discussing possible schemes of
reorganization and changes in the chapter by-laws necessitated by the
final withdrawal of all active chapters from Barnard. Planning for
social and philanthropic work for the coming winter must be deferred
until the first regular meeting which will be held early in November.
The New York Alumnae send greetings to all their sisters, old and
new, and wish the active chapters a most successful year.
E D I T H A. D I E T Z , Pres. N. Y. Alumna.
Our August meeting was a very enthusiastic one. Because college
opened only a short time later, and the alumnae always take a keen
interest in plans for rushing, thirty-three girls were present. We
weTe so glad to have our Grand President with us to help us plan
for the year. Every year the alumnae, to help the Sigma Chapter
with its rushing, give a card party. This year it was on August 15.
A l l enjoyed themselves, or said they did, so we think it was very
The meeting was an important one. Rose Marx was chosen Bay
City Panhellenic delegate. This Panhellenic is made up of one
delegate from each fraternity, and has aims similar to those in
other cities. Our president brought up the question of financially
aiding an Alpha O group to rush at Wisconsin, which led to a discus-
sion of a fund to assist in forming a chapter at any university. This
was deemed impracticable at present. The meeting ended with a
little social chat.
In September we held initiation. Those initiated in active mem-
bership were: May Pierce, Ethel Foskett, Pearl Pierce, Alice de
Veuve, Margaret Eddy, Ruth Carson, May Preuss, and Grace Adams.
Those initiated into associate membership were: Frances Corlett,
Kathleen Mains, and Ruth Brownlie. A short business meeting
We were happy to hear that Beta Phi Chapter had been installed at
Indiana University, and were saddened by the news from our Alpha
MARGARET W E E K S , Chapter Editor.
Just two items of especial interest to us will be our only contribu-
tion this time. First we take pleasure in announcing the birth of
a son, in May, to Professor and Mrs. Moses M . Crossley of Middle-
town, Conn. Mrs. Crossley was Elise McCausland, Brown '09.
Our second item is an echo of the announcement made in the Septem-
ber issue:—Lillian G. MacQuillin was married on August 30, at
Oak Bluffs, Mass., to Norman L . McCausland, Jr. Their address
is 29 Humboldt Avenue, Providence, R. I .
I t is hoped that we may all have the pleasure of having Mrs.
Wyman (Muriel Colbath, Gamma, '15) meet with us this winter.
We are sorry to have Gladys Wood leave us.
MAUDE E. C. COVELL, Secretary Providence Alumna.
Our regular monthly meetings for the winter do not start until
the last Saturday in October, when the new scheme of having meet-
ings on the " H i l l " will be tried out. One of the results of this
should be to draw us closer to our Alma Mater, especially those
who live at a little distance and do not frequently attend college and
fraternity functions.
The return of our younger sisters gives occasion for many of us
near the " H i l l " to get i n touch with the active chapter and its plans
for the coming year—many of the younger alumnae are near Boston,
and we hope they will take advantage of the opportunity thus given
them of being present at the meetings. Some of our members have
scattered; Isabelle Owler Druery and Dorothy Bartlett Buck, both
'13, have moved to the western part of the state, and Ruth Leavey
Emerson, '13, has gone to Hartford. Gertrude Hooper, '15, is work-
ing for her Master's degree at the University of Illinois, and Eleanor
Bisbee, '15, has resumed her studies in the Crane Theological School
after a winter spent in Alabama. Kathryn Holden, '14, has given
up her work as a laboratory assistant at M t . Holyoke College, and
is now working for a condensed milk company i n Philadelphia as a
laboratory assistant to the head chemist.
We all extend our sympathy to Gladys Keith, '15, in the loss
of her mother this last summer. We shall expect to see Gladys
frequently at our meetings, as she is to keep house for her father
this year.
To all the active chapters, the heartiest good wishes for a successful
rushing season and when pledge day comes, may our new sisters be
the strongest girls i n each college.
MARGARET F E S S E N D E N , Chapter Editor.
Several of the Lincoln Alumnae spent the summer out of the city,
but the first of September found most of them home again. Annie
Jones and her mother returned from a trip to Wisconsin and Michi-
gan ; Annabel Good from Pelican Lake, Minn., where she had spent
two months; Emma Bennett Beckman from an extended visit in
California; Emma Schriber Hunter and Jane Louise Piper from
New York City, where the latter attended the summer session at
Columbia University. While in New York the girls greatly enjoyed
being with Nell Webb Sears, who lives in Brooklyn. Every one
knows how splendid it is to be with an Alpha O sister when one is
a long way from home. Elsie Ford Piper spent her vacation sight-
seeing in New York and Washington, and in visiting her sister, Helen
Piper Hagenbuch, in Cleveland.
Several of the girls, who had been away from home during the
school year, spent their vacations in Lincoln. We are always glad
to have them with us even though it is only for one or two meetings.
Edna Spears returned to Omaha the first of September. She will
teach mathematics in the South High School this year. Gizella
Birkner will teach English and German in the high school at Cres-
ton, Iowa, and Grace Gannon will teach German i n the Nebraska
City High School.
Winifred Waters is teaching at Crete this year. We are glad
that "Winnie" is so near home and hope that we shall have her with
us at our meetings this year, but Melvina is too far away. She is
at Norfolk again.
Zeta can count from her alumnae five of the Lincoln teachers—
Viola Gray, Alvin Zumwinkle, Katherine Follmer, Nell Nisson, and
Jane Louise Piper. Besides, the wife of our superintendent, Emma
Schriber Hunter, is a Zeta girl.
Eunice Bauman Stuefer has moved from Cleveland to Chicago,
where Mr. Stuefer is employed by the National Electric Company.
The Chicago Alumnae w i l l be able to add another Zeta girl to their
Our September meeting took the form of a Japanese breakfast at
the home of Alma Birkner Rawlings. For the active chapter and
rushees, Alma's pretty home was appropriately decorated.
For the October meeting, Maude Pierce Logan and Pauline Burkit
Reynolds will be the hostesses, at Maude's home. We are going to
try a new plan at this meeting. Instead of coming any time in the
afternoon, the girls are asked to come for a one o'clock luncheon.
The business meeting and social hour will follow the luncheon.
The Lincoln Alumnae wish the best things possible for all our
active and alumnae chapters this year.
J A N E L O U I S E P I P E R , Chapter Editor.
I t seemed so good to see so many of the girls at the first meeting,
a luncheon at Mildred Hunter Stahl's in Whittier. We discussed
all our plans for the coming year which included a campaign for new
members, as we have a large field to draw from. We wish every
Alpha O who comes to Los Angeles would come to one meeting,
for we hope, and we think she might then come to all, and then we
could make the Los Angeles chapter a more effective body.
The second meeting was held at Hazel Crabill's in Los Angeles.
We were so enthusiastic about the Wisconsin idea, and voted to
send them a small sum (we wished it were more). We know the
girls need money to carry on their good work, so someone suggested
a card party for ourselves and friends, each person bringing a
quarter, and the members supplying the refreshments in addition
to their quarter(s). We will send half of the money to the girls for
the Wisconsin chapter, and half will go f o r our charity work, as
we are making baby wrappers and skirts for a home we sewed for
last year.
On the eleventh of November, a few of the girls will meet at
Mary Chandler Goodans, to sew for our "wards." Our Christmas
meeting will be a party for poor children i f our plans don't mis-
A merry Christmas to a l l !
MILDRED H U N T E R S T A H L , for the chapter.
The first meeting of the year 1916-17 was held at the home of
Mrs. James Q. Pettigrew in Harvey, Illinois. Although we were
all glad to see each other after our summer's separation, our ardor
was greatly dampened by our president's resignation. Corris Damion
Peake is about to leave Chicago and the alumnae chapter to go to
Mason City, Iowa. We shall feel her loss very keenly, for she has
been one of the most encouraging and the most faithful workers
ever since she helped organize the chapter. Not only has she given
us her time i n actual work, but she has given the chapter many a
delightful hour on her beautiful farm in Barrington. However, we
shall be extremely glad to have her represent Alpha O in the Mason
City Panhellenic Association.
The chapter is planning to have a central place in the city this
year, in which to hold its monthly meetings. I t is hoped that this
plan will result in an increased attendance for, since Mrs. Moses
has gone, and Mrs. Peake is going and Mrs. Dorr is threatening to
go, we need all the members we have to try to take their places.
Chicago Alumna? Chapter is always glad to see any Alpha O's
who are passing through the city. Just call Edgewater 21 on the
telephone and asTc for the chapter editor.
J U L I A L . F U L L E R , Chapter Editor.
We are only too glad to express our gratitude for the privilege
of being members of Alpha Omicron Pi, and as usual, we are hoping
that members from other chapters can visit us during the year.
Already Miss Moore from Leland Stanford University has become
a member of our family. She is at the head of the children's depart-
ment of the city V. W. C. A. and in that capacity promises great
things for herself.
Our first meeting of this year was a postponed one of some long
standing. Jess Couchman Diggs entertained us with a noon luncheon
and an afternoon "talk-feste." Every one was i n the best of spirits
and so filled with glee at seeing the others that tongues were loose at
both ends. We have some more recruits from Theta Chapter in our
ranks this year, among them a lovely bride, Mary Fee, who now makes
her mark as Mrs. Walter Palmer.
As every member is so busy, we find that we do not have the time
to devote to our organization that we would desire, but slowly we
are developing into the alumna? chapter that we would like to be.
A program f o r each meeting of the year has been arranged, and we
know that it will make our work more systematic.
Indianapolis has quite a strong Panhellenic, which held a luncheon
at the Y . W. C. A . the first Saturday in OctobeT. The whole affair
was so planned that all could become acquainted. Our girls, who
were fortunate enough to be able to attend, felt that the time was
very profitably spent. There are to be four meetings this year at
which ways and means will be discussed by which college girls can
enter professions other than school teaching. We consider that this
is quite a forward step in the right direction.
This should be the most successful year in the history of Alpha
Omicron Pi, and the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter is planning to do
her share.
L U C Y E. A L L E N , Secretary.
A number of stanch Pi alumnae are in New Orleans this winter, so
that we are expecting to do marvelous and wonderful things besides
having a very good time among ourselves.
Was it not, indeed, a fine turn of fortune that made Virginia
Withers and Teddy Sumner arrange to teach in Newcomb this
winter and Cleve McNees' husband decide that living in New
Orleans was more necessary to their welfare than dwelling in Baton
Rouge. Then, too, quite a number of last year's seniors are in
town, so that we should have large enthusiastic meetings and accom-
plish something in the way of social work.
As we are very young and new, our plans are somewhat immature.
It is still undecided whether our work shall be in connection with
nurseries or among the immigrants or what; but we hope to do some-
thing in this line besides helping the active chapter all we can.
A N N A E. M A N Y , President.
Just as nature, in this climate, is putting aside her visible signs of
beauty and strength for a season of unseen development, so is this
new chapter. We shall be busy all winter, but outsiders may not
know much of our development for another year. I t will take us
that long to have a firm root upon which to branch out.
Before our installation is mentioned, we wish to congratulate the
other newly installed chapters and trust that these chapters may prove
a great strength in the fraternity as well as alumna? world.
Although we were not really an authorized chapter last year, yet we
had our ideas organized to the extent that we had fourteen interested
members who elected officers and held regular meetings at the differ-
ent homes. We enjoyed every opportunity we had to join with the
active chapter, as at the time of the Bazaar and Vaudeville Produc-
tion. Our first chance of meeting the actives this f a l l was when the
alumnae entertained the Tau Chapter and its rushees. Mrs. Jayne
offered her home at the Lake where we had a picnic. Such f u n as we
did have, preparing the eats and entertainment.
Our next meeting was the one we have been anticipating for almost
a year, namely our installation day. We had hoped that this occa-
sion might bring a visit from some of the Grand Officers or our dear
division superintendent, but we still have to wait. There were eight
of us able to be present, and we all were greatly impressed by the
service which was beautifully but simply conducted by Helen Pierce
and Elsie Feldhammer at the chapter house on October 7.
After installation we had our first business meeting as a true
alumnae chapter and elected officers for the coming year. We are
to hold our meetings the last Saturday of each month at the homes
of members. On October 30 we will meet with Mrs. Nehriny,
and our business will consist of making by-laws.
I f there are any alumnae visiting or living near the Twin Cities,
please telephone the Tau chapter house or the alumnae president, and
we'll do our best to prove ourselves worthy the name of Alpha
Omicron Pi.
The members installed and officers elected on October 7 are:
President—Mrs. Elmore I . MacPhie (Etta Phillips), A, '13.
Vice-president—Miss Laura J. Hartman, Tau, '12.
Treasurer—Mrs. Trafford Jayne (Inez Downing), Iota, '11.
Recording Secretary—Mrs. Arthur Pulling (Caroline Fraser), A,
Corresponding Secretary—Miss Beatrice J. Northey, Tau, '12.
Alumnae Assistant Editor—Miss Bertha Marie Brechet, Tau, '12;
E T T A P H I L L I P S M A C P H I E , President.
Last year the four state institutions of Montana were united into
the University of Montana. They are the State University at
Missoula, the State College at Bozeman, the State School of Mines
at Butte, and the State Teachers' College at Dillon. Students at
any of these four institutions are students of the University of
Montana, and receive their degrees from the University. The
students of this four-fold University number twelve hundred. The
Chancellor is Dr. Edward C. Elliott, formerly of the University of
At Iowa, there is a Panhellenic rule which prevents the sororities
from spending any money on freshmen outside of the two parties
which are allowed each chapter to give.
Pi Beta Phi at Missouri is supporting a Belgian baby, and Alpha
Omicron Pi at Minnesota has adopted a French war baby.
A A I I at California has a Mothers' Club. The town mothers and
any others who happen to be there meet once a month to get
acquainted with each other and the girls, and incidentally, being
mothers, they fix curtains, embroider napkins for the house, and do
other things to help out. The A Y mothers in Seattle have formed
themselves into a helpful club.
Two girls from every sorority at Texas take dinner with some other
chapter once a week.
The following notice has been sent by the executive board of the
National Panhellenic Congress to the high schools of the country.
The definition of "High School Sorority" here given is authoritative,
and must be your guide in determining whether or not a girl belongs
to a society, membership in which would bar her from joining a
Panhellenic sorority.
To the Superintendent and Principal of the School:
The problem of the high school fraternities and sororities was-
again discussed at the National Panhellenic Congress held in Ber-
keley. I t was found that the ruling passed by so many fraternities
two years ago, was not passed by all, as was erroneously reported.
Moreover, the hundreds of letters received from all over the United
States showed that the meaning of the ruling was not clear. For
these reasons the following resolution was passed:
"After January, 1916, no girl who becomes a member of an
organization bearing a Greek name, and called a fraternity or a
sorority, shall be eligible to a National Panhellenic Fraternity. This
is exclusive of Junior College and Professional fraternities."
The fraternities of National Panhellenic are:
Alpha Chi Omega Chi Omega Kappa Delta
Alpha Delta Pi Delta Delta Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma
Alpha Gamma Delta Delta Gamma Phi Mu
Alpha Omicron Pi Delta Zeta Pi Beta Phi
Alpha Phi Gamma Phi Beta Sigma Kappa
Alpha X i Delta Kappa Alpha Theta Zeta Tau Alpha
W i l l you kindly see that this resolution is brought clearly and
emphatically before your school? The Congress fraternities will
adhere strictly to the rule, and will not sustain any of the evasions
either of the spirit or the letter of the ruling, such as are now prac-
ticed in many schools where the board has already ruled against the
fraternities and sororities.
MARY C. L O V E C O L L I N S , Chi Omega
Executive Committee N. P. C.
The Vice-president, whichever he is, must be a Phi Gamma Delta,
as both Mr. Marshall and Mr. Fairbanks belong to that fraternity.
Freshmen will not be allowed to live in houses at Syracuse in the
Pi Beta Phi is proud to claim Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, Presi-
dent of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, as a
There are at present thirty-one active and well-organized City
Panhellenic Societies. They range in the number of fraternities
represented from Spokane, Wash., where there are sixteen .different
fraternities having one or more members, to Sullivan, Ind., where
there are four.
Cornell University recently secured fourteen acres of land at
Irvington-on-Hudson for a million dollars. The site is to be used
as a hospital for convalescents.
The Connecticut College for Women has been established.
The University of Pennsylvania will not give a degree of law to
any candidate whose moral standing is not approved by the faculty.
Of course, his scholastic standing must be adequate.
The state universities are an important factor in the political life
of a nation, as shown by the fact that under the present regime
the University of Michigan has 27 graduates in Congress, the Uni-
versity of Virginia 20, Harvard 19, Yale 13, Wisconsin 10, Alabama
7, Mississippi 7, Missouri 7, Minnesota 6, Iowa 6, and Georgia 6.
Practically 70 per cent of the present members of Congress are
college men.
Chi Omega has made definite and systematic plans for social
The Interfraternity conference is to be held at the Hotel Astor in
New York on December 2.
We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the following
The Alpha Phi Quarterly, The Eleusis of Chi Omega, The
Angelos of Kappa Delta, The Adelphean of Alpha Delta Pi, The
Shield of Phi Kappa Psi, The Rainbow of Delta Tau Delta, The
Purple, Green and Gold of Lambda Chi Alpha, The Garnet and
White of Alpha Chi Rho, The Crescent of Gamma Phi Beta, The
Beta Sigma 0micron, The Alpha Chi Delta, The Sigma Kappa
Triangle, The Caduceus of Kappa Sigma, The Delta Zeta Lamp, The
Arrow of Pi Beta Phi, The Phi Gamma Delta, The Lyre of Alpha
Chi Omega, The Shield and Diamond of Pi Kappa Alpha, The
Scroll of Phi Delta Theta, The Delta Chi Quarterly, The Key of
Kappa Kappa Gamma, and The Record of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
The following thought, upon which the Editor has long wished
to express herself, is taken from one of the very best of Panhellenic
Journals, Kappa Alpha Theta. May we also, as Alpha O's, find
inspiration therein!
Greeks we call ourselves. Do we know what we claim to be? Dickinson
says, "from Athens, that bright and stately city of romance, comes across the
centuries the sanest and most inspiring of all secular influences into our life."
Can we in a word, picture that influence?
In the first place, there was the golden mean, the motto over the Delphic
Oracle, "Nothing in excess," standing for that perfect interplay of soul and
body which no other age has witnessed. Second, there was that which in the
ideal Athenian days took the place of a later sense of duty, namely, the desire
to make the most of oneself, to feel that one's highest joy was to know that he
had reached his ideal. Third, their friendships were fine. Achilles and
Patroclus, Harmodius and Aristogeiton, Epaminondas and Pelopidas stand for
the highest achievements. Each assisted the other in developing his highest
abilities. So they felt the joy of living. Their senses were alert for the
beauty which they saw in sky, "violet-crowned Acropolis" and the "beautiful
and good" Greeks about them.
Thucydides said, "The Athenians succeeded beyond the rest of the Greeks
because they threw themselves without reserve into whatever they resolved to
do." May not we as Thetas find inspiration in the Greek poise, the idea of
the fullest realization of one's self, their fine friendships, and the earnestness
with which they pursued their ideals?
This next from an article on Culture in the Alpha Gamma Delta
Quarterly we give as a supplement to the above:
Let us act on that splendid principle of Socrates—the more we think and
know, the better we will act. Our moral value as citizens is directly propor-
tional to our knowledge. Then if culture may be obtained through knowledge
and knowledge is a basis for useful living, how plainly we see that study is
the firm basis on which ideals of well rounded womanhood are founded. As
Greeks let us take the best of the Greek principles of mind development and
try to establish the intimate relation which should exist between knowledge and
the moral value of the student. I f study was the pathway to Greek culture,
let us then prove that fraternity women, Greeks, are the guardians of that same
culture today.
We clip the following from a magazine which always contains
material worthy of clipping, The Eleusis of Chi Omega:
/ am Chi Omega. The world looks at the badge over my heart, and sees
in me the type of girl who is permitted to wear that pin. My thoughts and
actions reflect to those who watch me, the thoughts and actions of three thou-
sand girls, in every part of the world.
In my own community, at school, traveling, in social life—everywhere I go,
my conduct sets the standard by which my fraternity is judged. Is my
appearance good? Am I well bred? Do I strive for the best in scholarship,
courtesy, understanding of others? Then the standard of Chi Omega is
raised. Am I negligent concerning appearances? Am I rude, thoughtless,
selfish? Do I neglect to improve myself in mind and body? Then my frater-
nity loses by having me for one of its members.
Every failure, mistake, or sin I commit is a backward thrust for Chi Omega.
Every success I gain, every good thing I accomplish, reflects to her credit, and
advances her a step further toward being a world power for good.
Let me order my acts accordingly.
Together with many editors we are giving space to the following
stanzas from a poem written by a Delta Tau Delta, published in
The Rainbow of that fraternity, and republished in many Pan-
hellenic journals.
We've slipped the bandage from your eyes,
We've drawn aside the veil
That hides our sacred mysteries
From men beyond our pale;
And now upon your glad young breast
We pin a badge of gold—
You cannot know how richly blest
T i l l this new pin grows old.
This badge proclaims the newest part Kellogg Field.
Of our old endless line,
As hand to hand and heart to heart
We form th' eternal sign:
Grip tight the links of this dear chain,
God grant they long may hold;
You cannot make such friends again
When this new pin grows old.
The word "friend" has become so common that to most people it
means nothing more than acquaintance. I t seems to have lost some-
what its sacredness and depth of feeling through too frequent use.
We say, "Oh, yes, she is a friend of mine," meaning in many
instances, nothing more than that we know her. Whether or not
she is a friend, we cannot say. How many of us when we term our-
selves "friend" imply the sincerity and seriousness of thought that
„the following quotation suggests:
My "friend" you sign yourself, but did you think
Of all that such a friendship means to me—
To me, who needs a true and faithful friend
More than the weary river needs the sea;
More than the faint roses need the fresh'ning rain,
More than the daybreak needs the sun again?
Say, did you pause and strive to comprehend
Each thought that lingers in the words "your friend"?
Are you prepared to suffer any pain,
By which your sacrifice may prove my gain?
Would you believe in me, should Slander's sword
Be the strong weapon 'gainst my simple word?
Are you prepared to stand by me through ill,
And in misfortune be my true friend still?
Or, are you but a friend while fair days shine,
While happiness, and love, and youth are mine?
Nay, I must plead, if even such you be,
" I greatly need your friendship—give it me."
From the Eleusis of Chi Omega.
Thought for Others from The Key of Kappa Kappa Gamma:
Life in a chapter house-is a failure unless it develops in each individual girl
a thoughtfulness for others. Where there are so many to be hurt or helped
we cannot but think twice before most of our actions.
Being late to meals interferes with others who are in a hurry; noise in the
halls interrupts study; carelessly kept rooms put another girl to shame before
a guest.
Thus we may continue to name special instances until we come to the reali-
zation that fraternity itself is teaching us just that one thing—to think for
others before ourselves. And doing this, we are offering the supreme justifi-
cation for the existence of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Substitute Alpha Omicron Pi for Delta Gamma, and write these
rules upon the heart of every member of every chapter.
"Among the ways by which a chapter can secure and maintain a high repu-
tation for Delta Gamma are:
1. By exercising the greatest care in choosing new members.
2. By constantly keeping the girls reminded that by their conduct the
whole chapter will be judged.
3. By consulting with the college authorities or the dean of women i f any
member gets into any trouble with the authorities. This shows the college
heads the responsibility which the chapter feels for its members, and is the
surest way of rectifying the difficulty.
4. By seeing to it that the chapter always supports, as a body, every
movement for the good of the whole student body.
5. By urging the members not to "flock together" too much in public places.
This does away with the criticism that fraternity girls are interested only in
their own group to the exclusion of everyone else.
6. By discountenancing combinations among fraternities to elect to offices
girls who are not deserving of, or fitted for, such offices.
7. By insisting on the strictest adherence to Panhellenic rules—to the
spirit as well as to the letter.
8. By having the upperclassmen set an example of conduct worthy of
Delta Gamma ideals to the lowerclassmen, who are always susceptible to such
an influence. This means that the whole atmosphere of the chapter will be con-
ducive to the development of the fine womanhood which is Delta Gamma's
ideal."—Anchora of A T.
R e p r i n t e d f r o m The Eleusis of C h i O m e g a .
Robert Louis Stevenson, in one of his Fables, recounts the visit to our earth
by the inhabitant of another planet. Trees and animals and men in turn are
all exhibited and explained to the stranger. In conclusion he decides that
he likes best the trees—"the people with the green heads."
The fable points to the unlikeableness of man as contrasted with his quieter
neighbors in nature. But there is also suggested, with the subtlety of the
gentle Stevenson, that liking and disliking have their roots in previous prepara-
tion. F o r there is a habit of mind which is happy in its likes and dislikes;
and it is based upon insight into the conditions of human intercourse. And
there is also a habit of mind which is equally unhappy and equally based upon
the absence of insight.
Perhaps it is trite to say that cooperative intercourse has been a basic con-
dition for the survival of the human kind, in an evolution whose institutions
all exhibit the group-forming tendency. But it is not at all idle to remind
ourselves of the great significance of this basic fact as we measure ourselves
for engagement with life. I f this intercourse with our fellowmen is so
ingrained in living itself, how shall we make the most of it? Plainly, by seek-
ing an insight into the conditions of happy and of unhappy intercourse. I n
particular, by seeing that to demand too much and give too little, to think more
of our rights than of our duties, must inevitably lead to disaster. For a mis-
understanding of conditions must lead to a misunderstanding of men, and
that to disappointment, and so to censure and separation and cynicism. I n
short, to see how Companionship is an Art, and like all Art is as long as life
Now, it seems to me, one of the most helpful points of vantage for viewing
and appraising the days of college life is just this of Companionship. Are not
these years a great training-station for forming correct habits of intercourse
with our fellowmen? Whether it be the Companionship with the great minds
of the past, or between teacher and student, or of students with each other,
in the sundry organizations for work and play, it is always the spirit of
cooperative effort on a high moral plane which predominates. In fact, one
cannot enumerate the advantages of college life without seeing them fall into
place like so many blocks in the great mosaic of Companionship. And Com-
panionship is only human association raised fo the level of intimacy, and
suffused with affection. It is therefore a tender and delicate thing, and
requires thorough regard for the conditions of its persistence.
And if all this is true, the value will be commensurate with the place of
Companionship in life. That place is assured as few things are. Because no
value in life is so sure as this, just as no loss is so great as its loss. Indeed,
the capacity for and possession of this great treasure once gone, the light of
life and the spring to action have also disappeared—and there remains only the
utter darkness of severed connections and the utter loneliness of a being
despoiled of its prime prerogative.
And so as one counts the goods of life, each may in turn fall away; but
Companionship remains as a good of indubitable value. And if it is wise to
hold fast the things that are sure, it is clearly a mark of caution to cultivate
with utmost care and thought, right habits of Companionship. And the college
student may well cherish the privilege of using his very unusual aids to that
Professor of Philosophy at Northwestern University.
A Panhellenic Jour- Published Quarterly
nal Published in the
interest of the College Si in December, March,
Fraternity World. July and September,
Price, $1 per year.
GEORGE BANTA - - - - Editor-in-chief
WALTER B. PALMER - - . Fraternity Editor
ELEANOR BANTA - Sorority Editor
Exchange Editor
Bminens Manager
Contains articles on timely subjects by the best authorities in
the Greek World. Also has an authentic directory of therof-
ficers of all the different fraternities and sororities. Its motive
is to further the cause of the Greek-letter organizations.
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