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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-01 17:14:12

1922 September - To Dragma

Vol. XVIII, No. 1

(The Postmark on late letters is the evidence which determines a fine)
October 3.—Chapter Secretary mail monthly report to the Grand Secre-

tary. This report must be sent irrespective of the opening date of
college. $3.00 fine for late report. Alumnae Chapter President send
report to her District Vice-Superintendent.
October 8.—Active and Alumnae Chapter Editors mail material for the

November To Dragma to the Editor or the Assistant Editor. $5.00
fine for late letters. •
October 10.—Chapter Treasurer mail monthly report to the Grand Sec-
retary. This report must be sent irrespective of the opening date of
college. $3.00 fine for late report. Incorrect or incomplete reports
will be returned. Be accurate.
October 27.—Alumnae Adviser send report to District Superintendent.
October 31.—Chapter Panhellenic Delegate mail report to Xatioifal Pan-
hellenic Delegate. $2.50 fine for late report. Chapter Study Plan
Officer mail report to the District member of the Committee on Examina-
tions. $2.50 fine for late report.

November 3.—Chapter Secretary mail report to the Grand secreTary. $3.00

November 10.—Chapter Treasurer. mail report to the Grand Secretary.
$3.00 fine.
November 12.—All Active and Alumnae Chapters make plans for Found-
ers' Day Observance.
November 15.—Treasurers of active and alumnae chapters and associa-
tions pay Grand Council dues to the Grand Treasurer. Fines for late
December 3.—Chapter Secretary mail report to the Grand Secretary.
$3.00 fine. Chapter Panhellenic Delegate send report to National Pan-
hellenic Delegate. $2.50 fine.
Study Plan Officer send report to District Member of the Commit-
tee on Examinations. $2.50 fine.
Alumnae Chapter President send report to her District Vice-Super-
December 8.—Founders' Day Observance throughout the fraternity.
Feature discussions on selection of the ultimate national philanthropic
work. Increases the Anniversary Endowment Fund with life sub-
scriptions to To Dragma.
December 10.—Chapter Treasurer send report to the Grand Secretary.
$3.00 fine.
December 15.—District Vice-Superintendents send report to the Grand

December 27.—Alumnae Adviser send report to District Superintendent.
January 1.—Convention 1923 will be held at Whittle Springs, Knoxville,
Tenn., June 25-30. Members plan to attend. Preliminary announce-
ment of amount of pool to cover convention expense $110 for each
active chapter—this amount subject to revision.
January 3.—Chapter Secretary send report to the Grand Secretary. $3.00

January 8.—Active and Alumnae Chapter Editors mail material for the
February To Dragma to the Editor or Assistant Editor. $JLQQ fine
for late letters.
January 10.—Chapter Treasurer send report to the Grand Secretary.
$3.00 fine.

January 15.—Prepare for fraternity examinations.
February 1.—Committee on Nominations mail instructions to the mem-
bcrs of the Grand Council.

February 3.—Chapter Secretary send report to the Grand Secretary. $3.00
fine. Chapter Panhellenic Delegate send report to the National Pan-
hellenic Delegate. $2.50 fine. Study Plan Officer send report to the
District Member of the Committee on Examinations. $2.50 fine.

Alumnae Chapter President send report to her District Vice-super-
Alumnae Chapter President send report to the Vice-Superintendent
of her District.
February 10.—Chapter Treasurer send report to the Grand Secretary.
$3.00 fine.
February 27.—Alumnae Adviser send report to District Superintendent.
March 1.—.-]// members plan to attend Convention—Whittle Spring, Knox-
ville, Tcnn., June 25-30, 1923.
March 3.—Chapter Secretary send report to the Grand Secretary. $3.00
March 10.—Grand Council members mail nominations to the Committee
on Nominations—to reach the Committee on or before March 15—on
which date nominations are closed. Chapter Treasurer send report
to the Grand Secretary. $3.00 fine.
April 3.—Chapter Secretary mail report to Grand Secretary. $3.00 fine.
Chapter Panhellcnic Delegate mail report to National Panhellenic
Delegate. $2.50 fine. Chapter Study Plan Officer mail report to
District Member of Committee on Examinations. $.50 fine. Alumnae
Chapter President send report to Vice-Superintendent of her District.
April 8.—Active and Alumnae Chapter Editors mall material for May To
Dragma. $5.00 fine.
April 10.—Treasurers' of Alumnae chapters pay Convention Tax to the
Grand Treasurer. Treasurer of Active Chapter mail report to the
Grand Secretary. $3.00 fine.
April 27.—Alumnae Adviser mail report to District Superintendent.
May 1.—Election of Chapter officers (including alumnae adviser who is
a member of the Grand Council). Notify Grand Secretary of new
officers. Hold installation f o r incoming officers. See that they un-
derstand their duties. Vice-Superintendents send report to Grand Vice-
May 3.—Chapter Secretary mail report to Grand Secretary. $3.00 fine.
May 5.—Treasurers of Active Chapters pay to the Grand Treasurer the
amount assessed for the pooling of Convention expense f o r the
active chapter delegates.
May 10.— Chapter Treasurer mail report to the Grand Secretary. $3.00
May 15.—Active and Alumnae Chapters (joint report of outgoing presi-
dent and secretary) Grand Officers, District Superintendents. District
Vice-Superintendents send annual report to the Grand Secretary.
Chapter reports are to include a correct copy of the Chapter By-Laws.
$2.50 fine. Additional 2.50 for By-Laws.
June 3.—Chapter Secretary* mail report to the Grand Secretary. $3.00
fine. Chapter Panhellenic Delegate mail report to National Panhel-
lenic Delegate. $2.50 fine. Alumnae chapter president send report
to the Vice-Superintendent of her district.
June 10.—Chapter Treasurer mail report to the Grand Secretary. $3.00
fine. Chapters with unpaid fines are deprived of their vote in the
Grand Council. Alumnae Chapter president send report to the Vice- Sup-
erintendent of her District.
June 15.—Biennial reports ready to present at Convention f r o m all Grand
Officers. District Superintendents, and Vice-Superintendents, Chair-
men of Committees. Active and Alumnae Chapters (report prepared by
outgoing president.) To be filed with the Grand Secretary.
June 2 5 . — C O N V E N T I O N — W H I T T L E SPRINGS, K N O X V I L L E ,
T E N N . June 25-30.
August 8.—Alumnae Assistants send notes for September To Dragma.
•Chapter secretaries shall also send the Grand Secretary a report marked
' final" which shall be mailed prior to Commencement. Especial care
must be taken to report the last initiates of the college year. Chapter
treasurers shall also send the Grand Secretary a report marked "final"
which shall be mailed as soon as books are closed.

1922 - 1923

Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha '98, 10 Barrow St., New York City.
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha '98, 118 W . 183 St.,

New York, N . Y.
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha '98, 45 West

Thirtv-fifth Street, New York, N . Y.
Elizabeth "Heywood Wyman, Alpha '98, 456 Broad St., Bloomfield, N . J.



Grand President, Merva Dolsen Hennings (Mrs. A . J.), 2734 Park Place,
Evanston, Illinois.

Grand Secretary, Laura A. Hurd, 524 Riverside Drive, New York City,
N. Y.

Grand Treasurer, Viola C. Gray, 1527 South Twenty-third St., Lincoln, Neb.

Grand Vice President, Katharine March Thomas (Mrs. S. J.), 5120 Re-
gent St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Grand Historian, Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , 45 West
35th St., New York City, N . Y .

Extension Officer, Rose Gardner Marx (Mrs. Ralph), 1421 Scenic Ave.,
Berkeley, Cal.

Examining Officer, Edith Goldsworthy, 1132 Metropolitan Bank Bldg.,
Minneapolis, Minn.

National Panhellenic Delegate, Lillian McQuillan McCausland (Mrs.
Norman L . Jr.), 517 Angell St., Providence, R. I .

Editor of To Dragma, Elizabeth Hiestand Smith (Mrs. H a r r y E . ) , 3419
N . Lincoln St., Chicago, 111.

Business Manager of To Dragma, June Kelly, 16 Everett Ave., Norwood.


President, Lillian MacQuillan McCausland (Mrs. Norman L., J r . ) , 517
Angell St., Providence, R. I .

Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Hiestand Smith (Mrs. H . E.), 4330 Schubert
Ave., Chicago, 111.

Assistant Editor, Ann;. Hofert K i r k (Mrs. B. L . ) , 1011 W . Clark St.,
Champaign, Illinois.

Exchange Editor, Marguerite P. Schoppe (Mrs. W . F . ) , 602 So. 3rd Ave.,
Boz.eman, Mont.

Business Manager, June Kellev, 16 Everett Ave., Norwood, Mass.

North Atlantic District, Gladys Wales (Mrs. Winthrop L . ) , 416 West

Ononandaga Street, Syracuse, N Y.[N, A, T, E, X , W.\

Southern District—Katrina Overall McDonald (Mrs. Carl C ) , Bay

St. Louis, Miss. [77, K, O, NK, NO.}

N . E. Central District, Melita Skillen, 1119 Forest Ave., Willmette, 111.

[©, p, i, B$, H, on.\

N . W. Central District, Charlotte Hall Uhls ( M r s . Kenneth B . ) , 4508

M i l l Creek Parkway, Kansas City, Mo. f T,A$,
Pacific District, Lucile Curtis English (Mrs. W . A.) Wreford Apts. No.

16, Billings, Montana, (temporary).

[ 2 . 21, T.)

Pi—Dorothy Weston, Newoomb College, New Orleans, La.
Nu—Lillian S. Griffin (Mrs. R. M . ) 5 West 124 St., New York City.
Ornicron—Lucy Morrison, 939 North 5th Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Mary Marshall, R. M . W. C, Lynchburg, Va. '
Zeta—Pauline Gellatly, 500 North 16th St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Sigma—Elizabeth Hesser, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Helen Maddock, A. O. P. House, Greencastlc, Ind.
Delta—Edith McKee, Start House, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—-Mary Perkins, Mt. Vernon House, Univ. of Maine, Orono. bit.
Epsilon—Catherine Campion, The Knoll, Ithaca, N . Y.
Rho—Dorothy Pearson, 1310 Hood Ave., Chicago, 111.
Lambda—Doris Bailey, Box 1367, Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Ruth Ann Coughlan, 712 West Oregon St., Urbana, 111.
Tau—Minnie Hanson, 914 4th St., SE., Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Mildred Sittscr, 1017 Harrison St., Syracuse, N . Y.
Upsilon—Helen Hepler, 1909 25th Ave. N . , Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Margaret West, Women's Bldg., S. M . U . , Dallas, Tex.
Beta Phi—Opal Halleck, A. O. P. House, Bloomington, Ind.
Alpha Phi—Margaret Conkling, 516 S. Grand St., Bozeman, Mont.
Nu Omnicron—Nell Fain, 315 22nd Ave. N . , Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—Esther James, 49 E. Willow Grove Ave., Chestnut H i l l , Philadelphia

Phi—'Mary Hook, 1144 Louisiana Ave., Lawrence, Kans.
Omega—Vesta Magee. West Hall, Miami University, Oxford. Ohio.
Ornicron Pi—Dorothy Jacobs. A. O. P. House, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Pi—Jessie B. Roane, 2231 Marengo St., New Orleans, La.
Nu—Alice Minton (Mrs. J. M . Jr.), 45 West 11th St., New York City.
Ornicron—Louise Wiley, 918 Ninth St., Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Evelyn Allen, 1012 Federal St., Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—Jennie Piper, 1731 D. St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Sigma—Rita Keane, 25 Scenic Ave., San Francisco, Cal.
Theta—Lucy Allen, 3628 Birchwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Delta—Alice Spear, 32 Peirce St., Hyde Park, Mass.
Gamma—Marion Jordan, Oldtown, Maine.
Epsilon—Ethel Cornell, Univ. of State of N . Y., Albany, N . Y.
Rho—Ethel Wilman, 232 Entrance St., Kankakee, 111.
Lambda—Laura Davis, Santa Ana. Cal.
Iota—Anna Kirk (Mrs. B. L . ) . 1011 West Clark St., Champaign, 111.
Tau—Alma Boehme, 1731 Irving Ave. N . , Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Margaret Kreisel, 8 Lincoln Ave., Cortland, N . Y.
Upsilon—Elizabeth McCausland. 4527 W. Webster St., Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Margaret V. Branscomb (Mrs. Harvey) 418 Haynie Ave.

Dallas Tex.
Beta Phi—Ediith Huntington, 914 4th St. SE., Minneapolis, Minn.
Eta—Mrs. O. A. Rennebohm, 1817 Kendall Ave., Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Mary Egan, Mountain Con Residence, Butte, M^ntain.
Nu Ornicron—Florence Tyler, 1706 Sweetbrier Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—Marian Ludden. 618 E. Woodlawn Av., Philadelphia, Pa.
Phi—'May Ireland, Florence, Kans.
Omega—Clarissa Scott, Shandon, Ohio.
Ornicron Pi—Helena Silver, Eaton, Ohio.

Pi—Emily Slack, Newcomb College, New Orleans, La.
Nu—Mary Louise Hingsberg, 1262 Strang Ave., New York City.
Ornicron—Dorothy Whitaker, 413 W . Cumberland, Knoxville, Tenn.

Kappa—Bessie Minor Davis, R. M . W. C, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—Wilma Foster, 500 North 16th St., Lincoln, Neb'r.
Sigma—Mildred Ewing, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Margaret Safford, A. O. P. House, Greencastle, Cal.
Delta—Mary Sears, Metcalf Hall, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Ruth Spear, Balentine Hall, Univ. of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Ruth Oviatt, The Knoll, Ithaca, N . Y.
Rho—Louise Lowry, 1643 Kenilworth Ave., Chicago, III.
Lambda—Wanna Keesling, Box 1367, Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Vera Bean, 712 West Oregon St., Urbana, 111.
Tau—Elizabeth Reinertsen, 1622 N . Grand Ave.. Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Matilda N . Petri, 1017 Harrison Ave., Syracuse. N . Y.
Upsilon.—Margaret Shotwell, 1906 E. 45th St.."Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Linna Laura Wallace. Women's Bldg. S. M . U., Dallas, Texas.
Beta Phi—Gertrude Manley, A. O. P. House, Bloomington, Ind.
Eta—Flora Alcorn, 626 N . Henry St., Madison, Wis. •
Alpha Phi—Helen Waite, 901 S. Willson Ave., Bozeman, Mont.
Nu Ornicron—Margaret McCoy, 3110 Linden Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—Margaret Story, 3459 Woodlawn Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Phi—Eva Drumm, 1144 Louisiana Ave., Lawrence, Kans.
Omega—Margaret Westfall, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
Ornicron Pi—Irene Swain, A. O. P. House, Ann Arbor, Michigan.


New York—Mar\' H . Donlon, 40 Exchange Place, Room 1108. New York

Boston—Octavia Chapin, 102 Summer St., Medford, Mass.
San Francisco—Muriel McKinney, 1079 Green St., San Francisco, Cal.
Providence—Muriel Wyman (Mrs. P. H . ) 1739 Broad St.. Providence.

R. I .
Los Angeles—
Lincoln—Elsie Fitzgerald, 1971 D. St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Chicago—Doris Wheeler Bach (Mrs. G. W . ) 4716 N . Winchester Ave.,

Chicago, 111.
Indianapolis—Ethel Hippensteel (Mrs. R.) 2911 N . New Jersey St.. I n -

dianapolis, Ind.
New Orleans—Mildred Renshaw, 330 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans, La.
-Minneapolis, Lucile Haertel (Mrs. W. G.), 1522 Aldrich Ave. N . . Minne-

apolis, Minn.
Bangor—Aileen Libby (Mrs. Lewis), Box 75, M i l f o r d , Maine.
Portland—Edna Froyd, 594 Elliott Ave., Portland. Ore.
Knoxville—Minn Elois Hunt, 509 E. H i l l Ave.. Knoxville, Tenn.
Lynchburg—Laura Radford Yates (Mrs. R. T . ) , 300 Madison St.,

Lynchburg, Va.
Washington—Elizabeth Farrington (Mrs. J. R.), 3603 Norton Place.

Washington, D. C.
Philadelphia—Avis Hunter, Westville, New Jersey.
Kansas City—Charlotte Hall Uhls (Mrs. Kenneth). 4508 Mill Creek Pkwv.

Kansas City, Mo.
Omaha—Mattie W . Higgins (Mrs. L. A . ) , 6547 N . 24th St., Omaha, Nebr.
Syracuse—Elizabeth French, 1546 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, N . Y.

Detroit—Cora L . Wiedman (Mrs. E. G.), 206 S. Washington St., Ypsil-
anti, Mich.

Nashville—Florence Tyler, 1706 Sweetbrier Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Cleveland—Miriam C. Smith (Mrs. S. M . ) , 12615 Arlington Ave., Cleve-

land, O.

C O M M I T T E E S FOR 1922-1923

Committee on National W o r k : Katherinc March Thomas, Kappa—
(Chairman) Mildred Harley MacDonald, Iota—Carolyn Fraser
Pulling, (Delta)—Margaret Bonner Bentley, Nu Kappa.

Committee on Finance: Viola C. Gray, Zeta (Chairman)—Anna Mor-
row, Epsilon—Helen Haller, Omega.

Committee on Fraternity Organization: Charlotte Hall Uhls, Psi
(Chairman). The District Superintendents and Vice-Superintendents
are the committee members.

Committe on Vocational Guidance: Helen Henry, Sigma (Chairman) —
Daisy Gaus, Nu—Pinckney Estes Glantzberg, Psi.

Committee on Examinations: Edith Goldsworthy, Tau (Chairman) —
Francis G. Carter, Chi ( N . Atlantic Dist.)—Bessie Masten, Kappa
(Southern Dist.)—Agnes Lakin Phillips, Theta, ( N . E. Central Dist.)
Edith Huntington, Beta Phi ( N . W . Central Dist.)—Amelia Williams,
Sigma (Pacific Dist.)

Committee on Nominations: Etta Phillips MacPhie, Delta (Chairman) —
Edith Dietz, Alpha—Madeline Robinson, Gamma.

Trustees of the Endowment Fundi: Helen St. Clair Mullan, Alpha (6
year term)—Louella Fifield Darling, Beta (4 year term)—Margaret
Burnet, Nu (2 year term).

Ritual Committee: Helen St. Clair Mullan, Alpha (Chairman). The
Founders are the committee members.

Committee on Fraternity Traditions: Stella G. S. Perry, Alpha (Chair-
man). The Founders and Lillian MacQuillin McCausland, Beta, and
Laura A. Hurd, Upsilon, are life members; Edith Goldsworthy, Tau.

Song Committee: Mae Knight Siddell, Sigma (Chairman)—Margaret
Vaughn Branscomb, N u Kappa—Evaline Snow Cross, Gamma.

Special Committee on Recognition P i n : Marion Rich, Delta (Chairman)
Avis Hunter, Psi—Stella G. S. Perry, Alpha.

Scholarship Recorder: Katrina Overall McDonald, Nu Omicron. Ap-
pointed to receive direct f r o m college registrars and tabulate the
scholarship records of all chapters.

Correspondent Banta's Greek Exchange: Elizabeth Hiestand Smith. Rho.

Chairman Panhellenic Congress

MERVA D . H E N N I N G S , Grand President


VOL. X V I I I SEPTEMBER, 1922 No. 1


Merva Dolsen Hennings, Grand President

I f frequency of allusion is any test then, indeed, is this the
" A g e of the Flapper." N o magazine these days is complete
without some article bearing upon this phenomenon of our
present life—either i n extenuation or in w a r n i n g . So I too
am joining the ranks, tho I am narrowing my subject to the
college "flapper" and the problems she has brought both to
her college authorities, and i n case she is a f r a t e r n i t y g i r l , to
her fraternity officers. T o begin w i t h let me say that I be-
lieve that the statement made to me by an undergraduate not
long ago is strictly t r u e : " N o t ten per cent of the girls in
college today," she said, "are the ' s w i f t ' type but that ten per
cent is s w i f t enough to color all the rest of college life."
W h a t is t r u e of the u n d e r g r a d u a t e body of g i r l s as a w h o l e is
true of the fraternity w o r l d — w i t h this difference: because of
its social activities, its more closely organized collegiate life
the f r a t e r n i t y g r o u p is t h r o w n w i t h even greater clearness
against the screen of public consciousness. A n d so in a way
our fraternity "flappers" are the problems of present college
and fraternity administration, and I venture to assume that I
am speaking for all fraternity officers when I say that they
are the most perplexing and baffling problems of all w i t h
which we deal.

I n the first place i t is the a v o w e d p o l i c y of a l l the n a t i o n a l
groups to stand back of the college authorities and bear their
full share in the discipline and regeneration of their o w n
groups, and yet in its very inception a college fraternity must
needs look at the lapses of its members in a different light
t h a n can the college a d m i n i s t r a t o r s . W h i l e t o t h e m the case
is also one r e q u i r i n g tact and patience still it is so o f t e n wiser
f r o m their point of view to use quick surgery to save the rest
of the college body from possible infection; while w i t h the
f r a t e r n i t y it must necessarily be a case where love m u s t pon-
der the ways and means of saving the girl f r o m her indiscre-
tions and preserving her abilities for the future use of the
w o r l d . A n d i t is j u s t this d i f f e r e n c e i n the s t a r t i n g p o i n t t h a t


makes the problem all the more difficult when it comes to
cooperation between college and fraternity. Instances are
numerous where a college dean has been thunderstruck that
an act which to her has seemed to warrant immediate suspen-
sion or expulsion f r o m college has not been deemed sufficient
to cause the absolute severance of the member f r o m her fra-
ternity. I n other instances, however, the Dean has been able
to see the side of t h e f r a t e r n i t y a n d has r e a l i z e d t h a t b y w o r k -
ing w i t h it to save the girl f r o m herself, much more was being
accomplished f o r the f u t u r e . I n so m a n y cases the girls have
been so pathetically indiscreet, so childlike in the "smartness"
w h i c h leads t h e m to excess, so merely y o u t h f u l i n their revolt
against all constraint!

But just how far should the fraternity's patience carry it?
Just how long can an organization expect the college author-
ities and the watching public to believe it sincere in its efforts
to keep fraternity life pure and wholesome? Can it go on in-
definitely excusing and extenuating offenses against every
canon of wholesome girlhood and good taste? Unhappily in
some cases there m u s t come a time w h e n even t o save itself
the fraternity also must prune and cut—and then indeed it
is t h a t i t m u s t p r a y f o r w i s d o m to see its w a y c l e a r l y a n d to
keep its acts just. W h e n the influence of an e r r i n g member is
such that mothers hesitate to trust their young daughters
w i t h her, when all efforts to reach the girl absolutely fail, then
no other recourse is l e f t but t o c u t and t o cut clean and w e l l .
Whenever possible probation alone should be used, but some-
times it must inevitably be suspension. I n every case the g i r l
should be left a chance to redeem herself and to w i n against
the privilege of wearing her pin.

But if the responsibility of the f r a t e r n i t y officers is heavy,
what of the responsibilities of the chapters and members
themselves? H o w can I make each and every fraternity mem-
ber realize that all the safeguarding your officers can do for
you will not aid one jot or tittle unless you individually and
collectively feel your personal responsibility in the situation
and the seriousness of the vows you have taken to uphold the
h o n o r of y o u r f r a t e r n i t y i n every p a r t i c u l a r ? Y o u as a g r o u p
are responsible for the choosing of your new members—and
a poorly chosen member is the well-spring of f u t u r e
troubles w h i c h y o u may be powerless to check or prevent.
Greater care, then, must be u r g e d ; more attention must be
given the fundamentals of character than the pleasing exter-
nals, more respect adjudged to the opinion of older alumnae,
and more tho't given to the aptitude of the girl to " f i t i n " and
to understand and live up to the fraternity ideals. Then after
the choice has been made, y o u as a g r o u p are s t i l l responsible


for the g r o w t h a n d d e v e l o p m e n t of t h e n e w m e m b e r , y o u as

an individual must still be sure that no act of yours shall lead

the new girl astray in the slightest degree. A n d in asking

your acceptance of this responsibility I am not asking for

prudes or mid-victorian hypocrites—I am simply pleading in

the name of your vows and your ideals that you lend your

every effort to eject f r o m among us the "flapper" w i t h her

coarse attitude toward men and life and restore to her right-

ful place of prominence the natural, wide-awake, "peppy" "girl

with her love of clean living, high thinking and good sports-

manship i n every phase of life. So only can w e save the beauty

and usefulness of our fraternity life and rescue i t f r o m the

unfavorable publicity which can do naught but harm the

whole fraternity world. I t is a crusade worthy of our efforts

—let us be crusaders in the cause! x


Korea, "Land of Morning Calm"
Where loyalty excites no qualm,
Where slanting eyes and yellow skin
Deny not hearts to ours akin;
Where simple thatch of quiet brown
Breeds noble men whose names redound
Throughout the passing of the years,
Who show, the Hermit Kingdom fears
No foe to right, no hostile land
And,-as her mighty mountains stand
I n earnest of her patience, age,
Her unseen turning, page on page,
The history of the centuries,—so
Do mighty influences aglow
Within a rising nation's breast
Foretell, throughout the great unrest,
From present bondage sure release,
For future ages, strength and peace.

F A N N Y B U T T E R F I E L D , Kappa



Laura A. Hurd, Grand Secretary

The C o m m i t t e e on N a t i o n a l W o r k , of w h i c h K a t h e r i n e M .
T h o m a s is chairman, is m a k i n g a study of prospective social
welfare w o r k , in w h i c h the f r a t e r n i t y as a w h o l e can partici-
pate, and will submit the results of their investigations to the
fraternity for tentative consideration. I t is to be hoped-that
the results of their labors will culminate in the determination
of the one national w o r k of Alpha Omicron Pi. The interest
of the f r a t e r n i t y at large is desired and members urged to
submit definite programs for research and investigation by the
Committee. T o establish a basis for discussion, the Executive
C o m m i t t e e as a w h o l e have endorsed the submission o f a plan
as h e r e i n a f t e r o u t l i n e d , f o r the c o n s i d e r a t i o n of a l l o f f i c e r s and
members. Expectations are that this proposal may lead to
several others of definite f o r m or that, in case this plan itself
meets w i t h f a v o r , i t m a y be so developed, expanded and m o d i -
fied t h a t i t w i l l be e x p r e s s i v e o f t h e s e n t i m e n t o f t h e f r a -

T h i s plan is the o u t g r o w t h of the analysis of suggestions
received from the associate membership at large and the de-
sire of the active chapters as contained in their annual reports.
The Directory cards mailed to the associate members by the
Grand Secretary invited suggestions for the work and ad-
vancement of Alpha O m i c r o n Pi. F r o m these channels of
information it is established convincingly that the time is ripe
to select the philanthropic work—that, instead of fraternity
energies divided, one service representative of Alpha Omicron
Pi should engage the united endeavor of all members.

T h e great need is to crystalize, to make tangible and living
the hopes and aspiration of the fraternity—not necessarily
that a work shall be determined which w i l l compare favor-
ably w i t h the altruistic enterprise of our Greek neighbors, but
t h a t A l p h a O m i c r o n P i s h a l l find t h e r e a l i z a t i o n o f i t s ideals
and principles i n a w o r k w h i c h shall not be f o r self alone. I t
would seem that this selection must be guided by certain
specifications to coincide with the manifest dictates of the
membership, that it should be somewhat unique, satisfying
and engaging in common interest the greatest possible num-
ber of members, and above every other consideration a true
expression and discharge of the obligations to which every
A l p h a O is especially c o m m i t t e d i n the beauty of the rituals.


The membership of the f r a t e r n i t y n o w exceeds 3,250. D u r -
i n g t h e p a s t y e a r , u n d e r t h e s t i m u l u s o f five able, a r d e n t V i c e -
Superintendents, the internal strength of our organized units
has increased but n o t to the m a x i m u m . T o any officer close
to the pulsating fraternal life of a growing and progressive
organization, realizing the depth of its goodness and its
capacity and desire for w o r t h y service, certain conclusions are
inevitable. I t is folly to suppose that m a x i m u m interest can
be aroused w i t h o u t one binding national service—folly to pro-
crastinate longer and allow the associate membership to g r o w
larger in numbers without that vital element to promote their
interest and inspire their service. Here lies the great respon-
sibility of the National W o r k Committee and of every officer
a n d c h a p t e r a n d m e m b e r f o r t h e c o m i n g year. Le*t t h e n a -
tional w o r k be the d o m i n a n t m a t t e r of discussion in every
group and the scattered membership address suggestions to
the G r a n d V i c e - P r e s i d e n t f o r her guidance. C o n v e n t i o n 1923
t o be h e l d at K n o x v i l l e , T e n n . , s h o u l d see the a d o p t i o n o f the
ultimate philanthropic work.

Based on the analysis that has been made, the three ideas
most often expressed in regard to the national work are:

1. I n c r e a s e d financial assistance t o a c t i v e c h a p t e r s a n d
members in assisting undergraduates to complete their col-
lege courses and for the purchase of chapter houses.

2. Encouragement of advanced scholarship and research.

3. D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f one n a t i o n a l w o r k expressed in social
service for the welfare of children.

W i t h foresight and c a r e f u l p l a n n i n g there is no reason
why each of the three suggestions cannot be f u l l y realized.
The combined plan, since the general fraternity treasury
w o u l d be involved to a certain extent, has been examined and
r a t i f i e d b y the E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e as a w h o l e . T h e expan-
sion of the three above suggestions is as f o l l o w s .

1. F o r A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi active chapters. T h e present
Anniversary Endowment Fund takes care of this need. Prac-
tically the whole f u n d is n o w so invested. Indications are
that this f u n d w i l l increase r a p i d l y to care f o r the added de-
mands w h i c h w i l l be made. A t the recent m e e t i n g of the E x -
ecutive C o m m i t t e e p a r t i a l p a y m e n t l i f e s u b s c r i p t i o n s t o T o
Dragma for associate members were authorized—which
should increase the Endowment Fund, place T o Dragma on a
nmre adequate self-supporting basis, and the principal of the
Jund made available for loans to chapters and active m e m -

"-'>"S. I he p a r t i a l p a y m e n t p l a n f o r associate m e m b e r s w i l l
u y w i t h d r a w n Jan. 1, 1923. A l l i n i t i a t e s a u t o m a t i c a l l y become

° Pragma life subscribers on a partial payment basis—and


other active members have this privilege on arrangement
with their own active chapter. This service, after a few years
of normal development, should be able to meet all require-
ments for which it was created—the primary necessities of
active chapters. I t need n o t be considered f u r t h e r at this t i m e
but is mentioned to show how this branch of service is related
to the social w e l f a r e s t r u c t u r e as h e r e i n a f t e r developed.

2. F o r A l p h a O'micron P i or f o r others or f o r both, the en-
couragement of advanced scholarship and research. For this
purpose the Executive Committee advises the fraternity to
consider the authorization of using 50% of the annual income,
received from royalty on fraternity jewelry. This recom-
m e n d a t i o n is made o n l y after consideration of general f r a -
ternity expenditures, and the realization that only approved
business methods and strictest economy must be followed i n
the national organization. 50% of the royalties would ap-
p r o x i m a t e $800 a n n u a l l y . I t is s u g g e s t e d t h a t t h e fixed s u m
of $500 constitute an annual scholarship awarded by Alpha
Ornicron Pi—that any amount of the 50% of royalties remain-
ing after the deduction of the $500 scholarship, be set aside to
finance t h e n a t i o n a l p h i l a n t h r o p i c w o r k * m e n t i o n e d u n d e r 3.
T h e details of such a scholarship are left to the National Work-
Committee and the suggestions they receive from the mem-
bership at large. Should the scholarship be open to all col-
lege graduates or to members o n l y ? Should i t be an a w a r d or
a loan? Should it be administered by Alpha Ornicron Pi or
given to some general organization of university women?
For w h a t should the scholarship be created—all branches of
scientific and academic research, social investigation, re-
search in public health, for eradication of disease? Shall all
colleges be on the eligible list, or shall the scholarship rotate
among colleges having chapters of Alpha Ornicron Pi? Other
questions suggest themselves—what is the sentiment of the
fraternity regarding them?

3. F o r O t h e r s — t h e N a t i o n a l P h i l a n t h r o p i c W o r k of A l p h a
Ornicron Pi expressed in social service for the welfare of
c h i l d r e n . T h e f r a t e r n i t y m a y find a d e p t h o f s e r v i c e a n d a
satisfaction of altruistic purpose by making possible the en-
dowment of hospital beds for orthopedic cases—the crippled
children of the unfortunate impoverished. Such a program
entails a survey of standardized hospitals giving such service,
and its accessibility to an efficient, interested chapter. I t is
not a work of hopeless, endless salvaging of humanity for no
permanent uplift. Its results are evident in the relief and
cure of crippled children. W o u l d it not provide that outlet of
expression to members who would take a personal interest in


the child occupying such a bed—visiting, reading, providing
c o m f o r t s a n d e n t e r t a i n m e n t , a n d finally t h e f o l l o w - u p w o r k
assisting in educational and vocational usefulness! The pos-
sibilities for such service need no further mention here. The
demand is imperative. I n one year the Salvation A r m y alone
cared for 78,000 neglected children—many of them cripples
and r e q u i r i n g such service as this plan contemplates. W h a t
w o u l d be the costs of endowed beds i n the various approved
hospitals? Is an endowment preferable to an annual con-
t r i b u t i o n o f a fluctuating a m o u n t ? H o w w o u l d t h e l o c a t i o n o f
endowed beds be determined after an approved list of hos-
pitals was available? By drawing lots? By assignment
among districts? By considering the best organized nearest
alumnae chapter? Financing? The Executive Committee
have suggested in plan 2—where any amount remaining
above $500—of the 5 0 % of the annual royalties—could be so
used. T h i s amount normally w i l l be between $200 and $300.
There is at present approximately $140 i n the hands of the
Grand Vice-President which belongs to the national work
f u n d . Further ways and means w o u l d be devised whereby
the associate members at large w o u l d be privileged to a share
in the work.

I t w i l l be seen that the above proposals are each distinct
plans b u t each is a p a r t of the one structure e m b o d y i n g social
welfare principles. I t is imperative that certain factors in the
general f r a t e r n i t y situation be considered. T o be successful
and just in this period of the fraternity's development, a
n o r m a l m e t h o d o f financing t h e t h i r d p r o p o s i t i o n s h o u l d be

T h e financial a r r a n g e m e n t s h o u l d n o t be b u r d e n s o m e t o
either individual or chapter. T h e accumulation of funds
necessary f o r endowment purposes should be gradual—a nor-
mal acquisition of funds. A l l associate members—especially
those d i s t a n t f r o m chapters and denied the o p p o r t u n i t y of ac-
tivity in a chapter, should have opportunity for intimate con-
nection and interest in the w o r k . A l l members in time, i t is
hoped, w o u l d be solidly behind such a m o v e m e n t . I t is to be
recognized that many active chapters are buying their chap-
ter houses and that several alumnae chapters are very actively
supporting some welfare work in their respective commun-
ities, for instance, Los Angeles and Boston Alumnae chapters.
Established, useful welfare work in local communities should
be encouraged rather than discontinued f o r n a t i o n a l w o r k .
I here is a place f o r b o t h n a t i o n a l and local interests and, as
other chapters now doing no welfare work or wishing to
change the type of such work, make adjustments—such sup-
port would then merge into direct national activity. A con-


s t a n t l y i n c r e a s i n g m e m b e r s h i p in a l u m n a e chapters w i l l be
spurred into greater g r o u p a c t i v i t y — f o r they w i l l be welded
by a vital purpose.

T o some it m i g h t seem that royalties m i g h t revert into
the separate chapter treasuries—but such diffusion would
scatter funds to no lasting, entirely unselfish purpose. A t
present less than half of the active chapters are d o i n g any k i n d
of unified social w o r k although there is much individual
energy expended. A n d yet the spirit expressed in the chap-
ters is f o r one social w o r k i n w h i c h all shall feel a part. A n
a n a l y s i s o f t h i s p l a n w i l l s h o w t h a t b y t h e m e t h o d o f finan-
cial arrangement proposed—active chapters share in the real-
ization of this service without expenditure of any kind from
their treasuries. I t is evident that active chapters are w i l l -
ingly, eagerly and nobly doing their part in the upbuilding of
the fraternity. I n every big movement they are found un-
selfish and dependable. T h i s same s p i r i t is daily b e c o m i n g
more manifest in alumnae organizations. The time is ripe for
its expression in one vital purpose. T h e fraternity can go no
further without it!

()ther ideas contained on the Directory cards may be
s u m m a r i z e d as f o l l o w s ; A m e r i c a n i z a t i o n , S e t t l e m e n t a n d
Slum Work, local charities, day nurseries, vocation bureaus,
mothers' clubs, research for eradication of disease, scholar-
ships, summer camps for the poor, mountain school in the
South, foreign welfare and aid, definite work rather than ex-
penditure of money, work for uniform laws affecting domes-
tic relations, national child welfare association, national
charity organization. A l l of these admit of investigation for
adaptability to the purpose of Alpha Omicron Pi. The plan,
endorsed by the Executive Commitee and others, is presented
to the fraternity in this form in order that something definite
and specific may be the foundation of discussion on this sub-
ject. The tendencies within the fraternity are herein dis-
cussed f r a n k l y so that members w i s h i n g to present other
plans—or modify the one suggested, may have the benefit of
any available information. The sponsors of this plan give
their endorsement because they believe i t to be an interpre-
tation of the spirit and power of the f r a t e r n i t y — i t s purpose is
to stimulate the search for a better plan or the adoption of a
similar plan b y C o n v e n t i o n 1923. T o repeat—the f r a t e r n i t y
can go no further without it!

Discuss and think over these proposals. Weigh them in
the principles of Alpha Omicron Pi. Then write your thoughts
to the Grand Vice-President.



Lillian McQuillan McCausland

Panhellenic Delegate and President National Panhellenic

The other day a physician, himself a college man, said to
me, " 'Can any good come out of Nazareth?' W h a t good have
fraternities ever done ? T e l l me one t h i n g that they have ac-
complished. The colleges have always stood for a certain
amount of immorality, a certain amount of carelessness of
obligation. Look at me, for example; I have a good many
students among my patients. The boy comes to me, I take
care of h i m . Does he t h i n k of p a y i n g me? N o . T h e n his
mother comes to visit him, calls on me, thanks me for doing
so m u c h f o r her boy. Does she pay me? N o . "

I suggested mildly that doubtless the boy's parents had
given h i m the money to pay the bill and had supposed that he
had done so.

A t once, he pounced d o w n on me w i t h , " T h a t ' s exactly
what I mean. I t is an instance of the slipshod attitude of col-
lege students. N o w w h y don't these w o n d e r f u l college fra-
ternities start in on some worth while work like that and quit
allowing their members to wear jeweled pins that they cannot
afford to own, loll about in luxurious fraternity houses, pose
to the rest of the s t u d e n t - b o d y as l o r d s o f c r e a t i o n a n d a l l o n
a false basis. They may seem like little things but they are

Then it was my turn. H e had sounded m y o w n slogan.
No member of A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi w h o knows me has failed to
hear the words "little things" f r o m me. There was enough
t r u t h in his statement to make a denial impossible. I t is per-
fectly true,—and ahvays has been and probably always w i l l
be,—that y o u t h is heedless. T h e rapid current of our life has
not helped. B u t i t is our problem and we belittle our o w n i n -
telligence if we give it up unsolved.

W h a t are the "little things"? Let us start w i t h the rela-
tions of one undergraduate to another. One of the greatest
tendencies is to b o r r o w ; — t o b o r r o w a sheet of notepaper, a
book, hairpins, powder, a piece of jewelry, an evening gown.
A sheet of paper may not seem so m u c h , b u t an unexpected
rent i n the evening g o w n may cause disaster. W i t h this
comes the almost inevitable neglect to return the borrowed
article and the labelling of the chronic borrower by her peers
in some f a s h i o n as this, " D o n ' t lend a n y t h i n g to K a t h e r i n e i f
you ever w a n t t o see i t again. She never r e t u r n s a n y t h i n g ! "


The failure to send back valuable jewelry may cause g r i m but
just censure. A n d aside f r o m these immediate reactions,
there is an insidious undermining-, a l e t t i n g - d o w n of morale.

A n o t h e r "little t h i n g " that is to be avoided is the fatal
faculty for too free speech and criticism. I t may be friendly
and it may be scintillating but w h e n i t is too scintillating i t is
apt t o los'e i n f r i e n d l i n e s s . Gentleness i n speech, considera-
tion for others, the code in which we have been trained at
home, should not be forgotten. A n opinion, when asked, can
be given in a courteous w a y and emphasize the p o i n t as
clearlv and much more neatly than to tell the questioner that
she " l o o k s like a busted hose." J u s t as i t is o u r o b l i g a t i o n to
pay the bills that we incur, to refrain from borrowing,—to live
up" to the o b l i g a t i o n t o p r o v i d e f o r ourselves i n m a t e r i a l
things,—so i t is that we are under obligation to ourselves t o
be gentlewomen in speech and behavior.

In nearly all of our colleges the students are in residence,
either in dormitories or in chapter houses. Respect for rules
is t h e first c o n s i d e r a t i o n . J u s t because w e do n o t see t h e rea-
son for the rule, we may think it f u n to disobey, but the very
existence of the rule is proof that i t is needed;—that it has
been infringed upon and that for the general good i t ought to
be obeyed. " N o m a n l i v e t h u n t o h i m s e l f . " T h e influence o f
every undergraduate is v e r y far-reaching in a c o m m u n i t y o f
girls, all at the same impressionable, imitative age. I have
y e t t o find a f r a t e r n i t y house t h a t has n o t a n e x c e l l e n t set o f
house rules. E v e r y f r a t e r n i t y is w o r k i n g very hard to have
its chapter houses homes i n the truest sense of the w o r d .
E v e r y f r a t e r n i t y feels keenly the obligation w h i c h it has to
the parents who send their children to a new environment in
a college c o m m u n i t y and is t r y i n g its best, t h r o u g h its small
groups, to maintain a healthy, normal f a m i l y life. I t is the
duty of every undergraduate to help in this great work and
not hinder it by recklessly disregarding these rules and bring-
ing criticism not only on herself but on the entire group. The
breaking of the rule which provides for the hour at which
g i r l s shall be i n the house at n i g h t is c a u s i n g some of the
greatest trouble. Perhaps the delinquent is actually calling
on an aged relative in the next t o w n but she gives the com-
munity a chance to say. " O h ! I wouldn't let a girl go into
that fraternity. T h e y are out until all kinds of hours. M y
nephew saw one of the girls going in long after midnight."

A n accident to an automobile may make the hour still later
and give another chance for gossip.—not to stop w i t h the
automobile accident, but to imply a roadhouse and a violation
of the Volstead act. " A v o i d the appearance of evil." Remem-
ber the "little" rules!


I t goes w i t h o u t saying that we should all prepare our
class-room work thoroughly. I hope that we all feel the same
need to offer a helping hand to somebody w h o is a b i t per-
plexed. A little coaching is an excellent w a y to cement a
friendship between a Junior and a confused, discouraged
Freshman. A girl w h o prepares another to pass successfully
an examination in calculus earns a kind of gratitude w h i c h
may have no o u t w a r d and visible sign but w h i c h is very heart-

M a n y of our undergraduates seem to think that the
F a c u l t y is a t h i n g apart,—a g l o r i f i e d collection of plaster
saints w i t h about as m u c h h u m a n i t y as the t e r m implies, and
w i t h an interest o n l y in m a k i n g the g a i n i n g o f a degree as
d i f f i c u l t as possible. W e g o t o class p e r f u n c t o r i l y , l i s t e n o r
fail to do so w i t h very l i t t l e courtesy.

A professor said to me, " I know that such-and-such a
s t u d e n t is not g e t t i n g all that she s h o u l d f r o m m y course b u t
when I try to help her I am rebuffed. I asked a Sophomore
the o t h e r day, as she w e n t o u t o f m y lecture, i f she u n d e r s t o o d
a certain thing and received a curt 'Certainly' for m y pains.
Students nowadays do not have time to bother with profes-
sors." he added, w i t h a sigh. T h a t particular man has a w o n -
derful background of experience, of travel, a keen sense of
humor, is i n no sense a pedant, and still is relegated to the
realm of f o r g o t t e n things by his students w h o m i g h t g a i n so
much from association with him.

Alumnae suffer in the same way at the hands of under-
graduates, sometimes. W e have to go seven-eighths of the
w a y so f a r as advances are concerned. W h e n w e v i s i t the
chapter house we come to renew our youth for a brief period.
W e come, not to sit in a chair in the reception room and be
treated like the clergyman who confided to me once, apropos
of parish calls, " I ' d get a lot nearer to them if I could hear
what they say after I go. W h e n I ' m calling they treat me
like a visitation of chicken-pox, not deadly b u t to be avoided."

^ e alumnae want to come back home. W e w a n t to be
greeted as i f w e are sisters, c o m i n g back f o r a p l a y - t i m e , t o
K>am over the house, relive the f u n that we had i n this room.
s , t - o n the window-seat in that one, tell the younger girls " a l l
about i t " and hear with eagerness of the good times now hap-
p e n i n g . W e are m o r e flattered t o be g r a b b e d b y t h e a r m a n d
f r a g g e d o f f to inspect a new evening g o w n than to be asked
to sit w i t h the chaperones at a house dance. I shall never
l o r g e t t h e first t i m e I w a s so d e p o s i t e d o n t h e " s i d e l i n e s "
and leit there, severely alone, except for the extremely elevat-
ing conversation of the sleepy ladies who had been on dutv
*or dances f o r f o u r consecutive n i g h t s .


There is no longer need, in m y opinion, to dilate on the
relations of members of one fraternity to the members of the
others. There is a comradeship w h i c h has g r o w n up that is
very gratifying. If a girl treats all girls with consideration,
gentleness and courtesy, she will find friends alike w i t h i n and
without the fraternity. One t h i n g which I would like to un-
derscore particularly is courtesy to alumnae of other frater-
nities. I have met w i t h so m a n y acts of kindness f r o m m e m -
bers of other fraternities and have appreciated .so much the
confidences and courtesies of the undergraduates that I wish
that other older college women might have the same exper-

A n d w h a t does it all avail? O f just w h a t value is this as-
sociation to us, when we go f r o m college to our homes, to our
friends, to our later development? N o home is less happy to
have its daughter come back to it after an absence at college,
w i t h the same gentle manner, the same unobtrusive thought-
fulness, the same grace toward "the stranger within its
gates"; no group of friends is less happy to greet one w h o re-
turns with the added ability to enjoy w i t h a group of her o w n
friends, of her o w n age, pleasures perhaps of her o w n choos-
ing, perhaps of theirs, always adapting herself to increase the
pleasure of o t h e r s ; and is there one of us w h o is less happy t o
hear some one say, ' ' H o w m u c h she is l i k e her m o t h e r ! "

Let us take the best of the old ways, let us cling to the
"little things" that count and let us apply this knowledge to
the new problems that are c o n f r o n t i n g us every day.

Do you wish to have an "efficiency plus" chapter? I f so, read over
the following suggestions, add to them a full measure of Alpha Omicron
Pi spirit and enthusiasm and the result will he a strong A. O. I I . alumnae
A strong, dependable and ambitious corps of officers, directed by a
loyal, diplomatic president with executive ability.
Carefully prepared programs for all chapter meetings which will
stimulate enthusiasm and inspire all with a desire to work for Alpha O."
A definite "year work" along philanthropic lines, which will be uni-
versal in its appeal, and of such a nature as to involve all alumnae where-
ever they reside.
Have all members subscribe to "To Dragma" and continually urge
all to subscribe to the Anniversary Endowment Fund.
Make every effort possible to locate all Alpha O's in the vicinity of the
alumnae chapter and try to gain their interest and support.
I n carrying out the suggestions as stated above, the alumnae chapter
will become more efficient, and the fraternity as a whole will be stronger
and will gain more prestige as a national organization.

Edna Betts Trask, Rho '13.



At Evanston, Illinois, f r o m June 21 to 28, 1922, the Grand Secretary
and the Grand Treasurer were the guests of the Grand President, Merva
D. Hennings. Regular business sessions were held. Some of the chief
items of business are reported herein and this report will constitute the
regular October report of the Executive Committee.

The greetings of Alpha Omicron Pi were sent to the N . P. C. f r a -
ternities that were holding their conventions during the summer.

Publicity of chapter activities had been referred to the Executive
Committee for their opinion. Featuring of major activities and functions
but the withholding of press notices of minor activities was the sentiment
of the Committee.

Partial Payment To Dragma Life Subscriptions for Associate Mem-
bers were authorized as follows :

1. A two-payment plan payable within one year, payments $8.00 each,
($1.00 of the first payment to be sent immediately by the Trustees to the
Business Manager of To Dragma to cover current subscription.)

2. A three-payment plan payable within two years, payments $6.00,
$6.00 and $5.00 ($1.00 from both the first and second payments to be sent
immediately by the Trustees to the Business Manager of To Dragma to
cover current subscription for the two-year period.)

This action was taken in response to requests f o r partial payments for
associate members, to build up the Anniversary Endowment Fund as soon
as possible (the Fund at present being largely invested for the purposes
authorized by the By-Laws), and to place To Dragma on a more adequate
self-supporting basis. The Trustees were authorized to conduct a cam-
paign placing these partial payment plans in effect at once. The partial
payment plan for associate members will be withdrawn on January 1,

Convention—June 25-30, 1923 will be held at Whittle Springs, Knox-
ville. Tenn., with Omicron as the hostess chapter. A l l chapters of the
Southern District will assist Omicron in the entertainment of the Con-
vention. The approximate maximum amount, which will be assessed each
active chapter under the pooling system, is $110. Active chapters should
take this into consideration when making out their budgets for the year.
This amount is subject to revision when later railroad rates are available.
A l l Southern Chapters will be given a definite part in the program arrange-
ments. A transportation committee, with captains in the various large
cities, will be appointed to assist in increasing the attendance and arranging
that those traveling together may get reservations on the same pullman,

Tau Chapter also extended a very cordial invitation to the fraternity
to hold the Convention with them. In appreciation of this invitation, the
Executive Committee voted to recommend to the succeeding Executive
Committee that the 1925 Convention be placed in Minnesota.

Founders' Day Dec. 8, 1922 is to be generally observed by all chapters
and discussion of specific plans f o r the selection of the national philan-
thropic work of Alpha Omicron Pi, under the direction of the Grand
Vice-President, and the conclusion of the campaign to increase the A n -
niversary Endowment Fund, shall be featured at each celebration.

A Specific Plan for the National Philanthropic. Work of Alpha
Omicron Pi was endorsed by the Executive Committee to be sent to the
Grand Vice-President for development by the National Work Committee
and discussion among the chapters. There is a strong sentiment that the
time is ripe for the selection of this ultimate altruistic work. I t is to be


hoped that the discussions held throughout the fraternity this coming yeai
will direct the selection of the national work at the 1923 Convention. (See
accompanying article—The National Philanthropic Service of Alpha
Ornicron Pi.)

The Special Committee appointed to submit proposals f o r the change
in the recognition pin to the chapters for their tentative vote were author-
ized to submit at least three such proposals. The committee consists of
Marion Rich, chairman, Avis Hunter and Stella G. S. Perry. ,

The Song Committee was authorized to collect songs, not in the
present Songbook, from the chapters for use at Convention—the best song
submitted to be printed in To Dragma. Also the singing of fraternity
songs in the chapters was to be stimulated.

District Superintendents were authorized to compile suggestions and
plans for the assistance of the chapters in rushings".

The Resignation of the Examining Officer, Gladys Britton. was ac-
cepted and Edith Goldsworthy, Tau, was appointed to the vacancy. Edith
Huntington, Beta Phi, succeeds to the position of committee member f o r
the N . W. Central Dis-t. Carrie B. Braman's resignation was accepted and
Amelia Williams, Sigma, was appointed to her position as member of the
Examining Committee for the Pacific Dist.

The Vacancy on the Nominating Committee, caused by the resigna-
tion of Isabelle Stewart, was filled by the appointment of Madeline
Robinson, Gamma.

Chapter Panhellenic Delegates and Study Plan Officers will send in
their first report October 31 instead of October 3—to their respective na-
tional officers. A l l following reports to be sent in on the 3rd of alternate
months as specified in the By-Laws.

The Chairman of the Vocational Guidance Committee requested that
each alumnae chapter be asked to include in its list of standing committees
one on Vocational Guidance—to work under the direction of the national
committee. The request was approved.

The reports of all officers and chapters and the general business of
the fraternity was discussed. Suggestions to assist in the various depart-
ments of fraternity work have already been mailed to the respective o f -

Other action of the Executive Committee, authorized before or after
the meeting of the Committee in Evanston. which has not been reported
to the Grand Council, is made a part of this report:

The former method of securing the scholarship records of active-
chapter members was found too indirect and cumbersome and has been
abandoned. Hereafter blanks f o r the scholarship returns will be mailed
direct to college registrars once each year in July—and the returns will
be received and tabulated by a member of the fraternity selected by the
Executive Committee. Katrina Overall McDonald has been selected to
perform this work as scholarship officer.

On May 27, 1922, Boston Alumnae Chapter held a Memorial Service
in honor of Ruth Capen Farmer, Past Grand President of Alpha Ornicron
Pi, who died November 10, 1921. At their request, Stella G. S. Perry was
named to prepare the eulogy f o r the national fraternity. Roses were sent
to the service. By invitation the Grand Secretary accompanied Mrs. Perry,
as a representative of the national organization.

Respectfully submitted,


by Laura A. Hurd, Grand Secretary.



The Executive Committee were too busy to be social butterflies while
in Evanston in June, but they did come out on two occasions, notably a
lawn party at the home o f Marie Vick Swanson and an informal reception
held at the home of the ever hospitable Mrs. Wheeler, Doris Wheeler
Bach's mother. The latter affair was given by the Chicago Alumnae
Chapter and was combined with the last chapter meeting of the year.
A f t e r the business was finished, the president, Grace P. Gilbert, called
upon the distinguished visitors for a talk. Merva. being so well-known to
us all. was allowed to be silent on this occasion, but Laura Hurd and Viola
Gray each spoke very acceptably. The Grand Secretary told us some-
thing of Ornicron Pi chapter and the lovely new chapter house the fra-
ternity through the Endowment Fund is helping them to buy. She made
us feel how deeply interested she is in each and every chapter and every
member of it and offered her assistance whenever we should turn to her.

The Grand Treasurer said that giving a string of figures would per-
haps be dry for us, but that she was glad to say that the fraternity is in
splendid shape financially. She said what is more interesting than the
•mount of money in the treasury is what we are going to do with it—into
what line of philanthropic work we shall turn our efforts.

I t was noteworthy that nine different chapters were represented. They
and their members were:

Ornicron, Dorothy A. Nolan Iota, Helen Whitney

Zeta, Viola Gray Upsilon, Laura Hurd

Sigma. Hattie Fish Bachus Ada M . Kraus

Theta, Irene Newnam DeWolf Ornicron Pi. Irene Swain

Freida Dorner Ruth Morey

Lambda, Irene Cuneo

The Kho girls were almost too numerous to mention, but some of
them were the following :


Marion Abele Shaw Dorothy Kerr
Goldie Buehler Helen Nelson
Merva Hennings Betty Smith
Edith Meers Grace Gilbert
Linton King Ames Doris Bach
Julia Crane Frances McXair



Francis Irwin Elizabeth Heidmann
Mildred Judson Mildred Coates
Louise Lowry Dorothy Pearson
Dorothy Poole Dorothy Duncan



Financial Statement, June 30, 1922


Cash, on deposit with Central Union

Trust Co. New York $ 469.22

awaiting deposit 156.82

in custody Laura A. H u r d . . . . 4,000.00* $4,626.04

Loans to Chapters—for Students... 200.00

Accounts Receivables 77.60 113.38
Due from Chapters 30.00
Due from Associate Members
Due from Grand Treasurer 5.78


Corpus I . (interest payable to To

Dragma) 7,537.79 $4,897.79
Less payments deferred 2,640.00
Corpus I I . (interest not payable to
To Dragma)

Income, Corpus I . accrued

$4,939.42 $4,939.42

•Pending transfer of funds for loan to chapter for chapter house

Trustees of the Anniversary Endowment Fund:

Margaret Burnet Louella Fifield Darling
Helen St. Clair Mullan. Chairman
118 West 183rdSt., New York City



Chapter % % | Paper | No. taking
L. 1922 1921 below 70% examination
2, Omicron Pi 89.5 85.7
89.3 93.5 33
4. 88.9 66.7 20
5. 88.3 87.9 .... 15
(.. Rho 87.7 97.4 31-
7. 87.5 86.1 29
8. Pi 87.0 88.8 24
86.8 73.5 24
<>. 84.8 16
84.6 90. i 12
10. 83.5 88.5 26
11. Psi 83.4 91.6 16
12. 83.2 2 18
13. Eta 82.6 9840..60 3 37
14. Nu Omicron . . . . 81.8 1 18
15. Gamma 81.1 83.8 2 30
16. Beta Phi 80.7 90.0 3 27
17. 79.7 90.2 4 28
18. Theta 79.5 89.5 3 21
19. 77.6 26
20. Alpha Phi , 77.5 87. i 6 28
21. 77.1 6 25
22. Delta ' 73.4 7 35
23. Nu 73.4 15
24. 71.3 7 36
25. Phi 12 24

District % 1% Papers No. taking
N. E. Central 1922 | 1921 ! below 707c examination
N . W . Central 87.5
North Atlantic 84.2 75.9 1 76
83.6 90.8 5 73
79.3 89.2 15 177
79. 87.3 22 109
17 148

Year Alpha Omicron Pi Below 70%
1922 60
No. taking 43
% examination
82.7 584
83.7 574

Committee on Examinations; Gladys C. Britton. Examing Officer,

Frances G. Carter. Bessie Masten, Agnes Lakin Phillips, Edith Golds-
worthy, Carrie Bechen Braman.



Exchanges should be sent to Exchange Editor, Mrs. W . F.
Schoppe , 602 So Third Ave., Bozeman. Mbnt.;to Panhellenic Delegate,
Mrs. N . L . McCausland, Jr., 517 Angell Street, Providence, R. I.;and
to Grand President, M r s . A . J. Hennings, 2734 Park Place. Evanston,

A vacation (Query—a subject f o r dicussion in open forum, does
the mother of three small and active boys, ever have a vacation?)
spent several thousand miles f r o m the "base of supplies" is not con-
ducive to a very voluminous exchange department. The Exchanges
which did reach the editor's desk—or more properly—hands, were doubly
welcome, bringing a welcome message f r o m the fraternity world.

The spring number of the Delta Zeta Lamp has two interesting
vocational articles—one captioned "Dietetics, a Profession for College
Women" and the other "Advertising as a Profession f o r Women". A
short article on Interfraternity Fellowship in the same number closes
with the following suggestive paragraph:

"Various methods of promoting interfraternity spirit have been
adopted at various institutions. Aside f r o m the regular Panhellenic
mixers, some colleges have adopted the plan of interfraternity matinee
dances which are held several times during the year. A t these func-
tions lists of girls who can lead in dancing are posted and they take as
their guests to the party some girl f r o m another fraternity. These and
similar functions given by members of one sorority for the members
of another, are commendable, but the real test of comradeship comes in
the daily routine of class work. I t is the girl who is interested in what
her classmate, having membership in another social organization, is do-
ing, who really makes progress toward the goal of real fellowship."

"The Interfraternity Conference is pledged to an active campaign
for a higher standard of scholarship at American colleges and univer-
sities. A large and important committee to be known as the Committee
on Conduct and Co-operation in the Colleges has been appointed under
the chairmanship of Dean Thomas Arkle Clark, educational adviser
to the Conference.

Don Almy, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. and chairman of the recent Con-
ference, paid to Thomas Arkle Clark, Alpha Tau Omega, the highest
compliment ever been paid one fraternity man by another when he said
before the whole body that Dean Clark, in his estimation, was the great-
est fraternity man in the United States."

Alpha Phi celebrated her fiftieth anniversary in June at the
Mother Chapter in Syracuse. As a special feature of the celebration
a $50,000 endowment fund was to be raised. The fund had reached
$30,000 last February so doubtless the desired goal was reached.

According to Banta's Greek Exchange, President Suzzalo, of the
University of Washington, favors more fraternities or none at all,
thirty members as an ideal group, and sophomore pledging.

I t is said that Lambda Chi Alpha holds the record for expansion,
having installed fifty-four chapters since its foundation but twelve vcars


The Legislature of the state of New Mexico is considering a bill to
consolidate all the State Colleges under the one head of the University
of New Mexico, located at Albuquerque.

Zeta Psi has granted her third Canadian Charter by chartering the
Hexagon Club of the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. Zeta
Psi entered Toronto University 1879 and McGill University in 1883 and
has been the pioneer fraternity at all three colleges. No other frater-
nity has three chapters in the Dominion.

The May Sigma Chi Quaiterly succeeds admirably in living up to
its rather pretentious sub-heading "A Journal of College and fraternity
life and literature." Beside the regular departments, Significant Sigs,"
The Clipping Bureau, and the Sig News Pictorial, arc a wealth of art-
icles, including contributions from Colin Campbell Cements, George Acle
and Booth Tarkington.

The June Pi Beta Phi " A r r o w " is excellent, as is usual with that
rather voluminous Journal. The issue is more or less of a travel num-
ber, containing descriptive articles on Student Life in Europe, Hist-
orical Research in England, a Polish Relief Expedition, and articles on
Bermuda and Hawaii. Another group of three articles discuss various
phases of Library work f o r college women, and there is an interesting
symposium on " M y chapter's altruistic work."

George Washington University has an organization known as
"Wandering Greeks," composed of members of fraternities that have
no charters at the University. The organization has applied for member
ship in the Interfraternity Council.

Sixty-four years ago, the first agricultural college in America was
founded just three and one-half miles east of the front entrance of Michi-
gan's capitol building. From the first, the doors of the college were open to
women. I n those days the young woman took as many of the courses
in mathematics as she could master, and rounded out her work in English,
history, and gardening.—Alpha Phi Quarterly.

A P A N H E L L E N I C H O U S E B Y 1923
In the spring of 1920 at the inspiration of Winifred Hill Maxficld,
Pi Beta Phi, the alumnae groups of the eighteen Panhellenic fraternities
in New York City were invited to a meeting at Lillian McDowell
Hanan's. Pi Beta Phi, to form a city Panhellenic association, largely for
social purposes. Immediately upon organization at the meeting held at
Agnes Merrill Scott's, Delta Gamma, the following fall, the potential
power of this new society was felt and it soon became apparent that
the unification of more than three thousand women could and should
stand for something of real value. A t the spring meeting in 1921, it
was decided to present a scholarship cup to the fraternities at Adelphi
and it was suggested by Minnie Royse Walker, Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma, and was later decided that the Panhellenic Association of New
Y o r k City should have a club house—a house where some could live


permanently and others might have temporary accomodations. T o
that end a house committee was appointed to investigate what other
associations and clubs had done and to suggest what it would be pos-
sible f o r the Panhellenic Association to do. T h e committee as appointed
was Francis Seldon, Delta Gamma, Chairman; Margaret Herdman, Kap-
pa Kappa Gamma; Helen Brickman, Delta Gamma; and Helen Hen-
ry, Alpha Omicron Pi. The following fall circumstances made it i m -
possible for Miss Selden to continue the chairmanship. Miss H e r d -
man was appointed chairman and Mrs. Georgiana Hess, Kappa Alpha
Theta was added to the committee. Later, Miss Brickman resigned and
Miss Carolyn Olney, Pi Beta Phi and Mrs. Nina V . D . Williams were

The committee put in a strenuous winter and spring investiga-

ting. T w o other similar clubs already in operation in New Y o r k City

are the B r y n M a w r Club and the Smith College Club. They were

each financed, a n d are b o t h o p e r a t e d , b y the m e m b e r s f o r the use o f

members and friends. T h e y are both built-over houses and both are

now too small for the demands made upon them, although the Smith

College Club accomodates over seventy-five. The Harriet Judson

Memorial Home in Brooklyn and Tatham House in New York, both

run by the Y o u n g Women's Christian Association, though larger than

the Smith College Club, have long waiting lists and say that if they

were t w i c e as large they c o u l d easily f i l l a l l their rooms. I n the case

of the Harriet Judson Memorial Home this means accomodations for

over f o u r hundred people. The Harriet Judson and Tatham House

are not business propositions. The original cost of the buildings

was a gift and they are exempt f r o m tax payments thus making the

management of them an entirely different problem than that of the

management of the Panhellenic House. However they make a small

p r o f i t each year a n d t h e y charge the l o w rates of $4.25 up f o r r o o m

and board. The Parnassus Club of New Y o r k City is a wholly bus-

iness u n d e r t a k i n g and has succeeded so w e l l that their field o f opera-

tion has been greatly extended since the beginning. The rates charged

here are $16.00 up f o r r o o m and board. S m i t h College Club was

opened a year ago last October, and the first fiscal year was success-

fully completed; the interest on the stocks and bonds being paid, and

the mortgage reduced leaving a surplus for a sinkfng fund.

T h e size of a club house is determined by a number of d i f f e r e n t
factors seemingly independent, and the experience of these clubs led
the house committee to the conclusion that there was more to be lost
by building too small than too large. The size depends first upon
the room rent you wish to charge, second upon the income you wish
the building to yield, and third, the number you wish to accomodate,
taking f o r granted, of course, that you wish the club house to be well
built and self-supporting. One might think that the amount of mon-
ey to be spent might have something to do w i t h it, but strange to say
it is a secondary matter w i t h a b u i l d i n g of this k n d . A l l these fac-
tors were carefully considered and a house accommodating approxi-
mately four hundred was recommended. A n interesting point is that
a house of this character accommodating one hundred will just pay
expenses. The income f r o m rents over one hundred increases the
profit or reduces the room rents.

Because other clubs had rebuilt, the cost of rebuilding was inves-
t i g a t e d a n d was f o u n d t o be v e r y h i g h — s o m e t i m e s SO per cent of t h e
original cost o f the property w i t h a result that is never entirely sat-
isfactory, necessarily being a combination of compromises, and in ad-


dition requiring a constant outlay for repairs and replacements. Even
in the case of a small club this seemed to be a serious factor, so that
regardless of size it seemed wisest to build.

Closely connected w i t h the question of building is that of finan-

cing, and groups of individuals cannot consider the raising of money

until they are incorporated. T h e house committee has incorporated

as the Panhellenic House Association, Inc., but the power of manage-

ment is vested in the stockholders in proportion to tne amount of vot-

ing stock owned. I t has been suggested that this v o t i n g stock be

owned in equal amounts by the different fraternities in the names of

individual members. T h e reason f o r incorporating this way is that it

places the responsibility of management on the investors, and the con-

clusions of the house committee were that the cause of lack of success

where it was found in N e w Y o r k clubs was due to the fact that the

management was not in the hands of the investors who are

naturally the ones most vitally interested in the financial success of

the undertaking. I t was deemed wise to limit this control to Panhel-

lenic members so that the purpose and ideals f o r w h i c h the Panhellen-

ic House is to be built cannot be sacrificed to a purely p r o f i t - m a k i n g

business. A b o u t $300,000 w i l l be raised by the sale of stock—$200,000

preferred bearing 6 per cent interest, and $100,000 common bearing d i v -

idends—and $600,000 by the sale of bonds and mortgages. T h e stock-

w i l l be sold in shares of $50.00 par value.

T o discuss the urgent need for right living conditions for the
younger graduates who come to New York City each year, and to tell
of the exorbitant prices they have to pay now, to enumerate the ad-
v a n t a g e s o f a P a n h e l l e n i c H o u s e as p l a n n e d w o u l d be i m p o s s i b l e i n
this article, the purpose of w h i c h is to let every f r a t e r n i t y w o m a n k n o w
w h a t has been done so far, and to get f r o m her an individual expres-
sion of opinion. I f you are interested, won't you send in your answers
to the following questions:

1. W i l l y o u w a n t to live i n the P a n h e l l e n i c H o u s e a n y t i m e i n the

near future? When?

2. W i l l y o u w a n t to take advantage of transient accommodations?

How often? For how long a time?

3. D o y o u t h i n k t h a t the house s h o u l d be open t o c o l l e g e w o m e n o t h e r
than fraternity women?

4. W i l l y o u . and f r a t e r n i t y w o m e n of y o u r acquaintance, be interested
in buying stocks or bonds in the corporation?

5. W o u l d y o u l i k e y o u r f r a t e r n i t y t o have its n a t i o n a l h e a d q u a r t e r s
in this building?

I n answering, please give your name, address, college, fraternity,
and maiden name, if married. Send the questionnaire to Mrs. H . D .
W i l l i a m s . 600 L e x i n g t o n Avenue, N e w Y o r k City.

M A R G A R E T M . H E R D M A N , Chairman

New York Panhellenic "House Committee



V O L U M E X V I I I , No. 1" is on the cover of this maga-
zine. That means that when this fraternity was hut
eight years old, it started a magazine which has continued to
live for seventeen years in uninterrupted succession. Some of
those years have heen rather precarious ones to be sure, espe-
cially during the war when prices soared to such heights. A l l
honor to those who brought it through those trying times!
The magazine continues to be issued, but not as fine a one as
it would be, had we a little heartier support from the alumnae.
You alumnae who are not life subscribers, will you not care-
fully consider the partial payment plan granted by the execu-
tive committee for the remainder of the year, explained on
page 13. This surely makes i t w i t h i n range of even a slender
income. Besides helping the magazine and adding to the En-
dowment Fund, you receive To Dragma the rest of your life,
saving you an immense amount of trouble in constant re-
newals. Think of the bargain you get—an argument which
ought to appeal to every woman, (according to the opposite
sex!). Remember that this offer is only for the remainder
of this year. A C T N O W !

• f l T E F E E L E S P E C I A L L Y F O R T U N A T E that in this

* » issue we can present to you articles by three of our
(irand Officers. The choice of our philanthropic work has
been engaging our attention f o r sometime, so the clear
presentation of it at this time by Laura H u r d is especially op-
portune. To Dragma is proud to have Lillian McCausland.
chairman of the Panhellenic Congress, as a contributor to
this number also in her fine article on manners and morals.
Not entirely unrelated to this is what our Grand President
has to say about the flapper. W e commend them to your
earnest attention.

T F Y O U W I L L T U R N to the "Births" page at the end of
the magazine*and follow the list down to Rho, you will

see w h y Merva Hennings has been almost too busy even to
write for T o D r a g m a ! Yes, her name is Margaret Ellen
Hennings, and she appeared in the w o r l d on August eleventh.
There is no doubt that she realizes what an important person
she is as the Grand President's baby and as f o r her daddy,
why in his own words you have it. "The most striking thing
about the baby is that she recognized her Dad r i g h t away!"



I t has been found necessary to change the plan of having
this the alumnae issue, but the November Number will con-
tain some ' ' M i r r o r s of A l p h a O." I n this w i l l be given some
short articles on prominent alumnae of different chapters.
I f you want your chapter represented, send in a short biogra-
phy and a good picture of your prominent alumnae member.
There w i l l be a small fee to cover the cost of the picture.
Those not printed in the November issue will appear later in
the year.

Active chapter editors, alumnae chapter editors and alum-
nae assistants, directions are being mailed to you this week
in regard to your work for the year, but watch the calendar
in this issue. Y o u r material should be mailed not later than
October 8th for the November issue. Material carelessly
written, and not on the correct sized paper ( 8 j ^ x l l inches)
w i l l not be accepted for publication. The f o l l o w i n g chapters
send material to Mrs. B . L . K i r k , 1011 W . Clark St., Cham-
paign. 111.: P i . Omicron, Kappa, Zeta, Theta. Iota, Tau, N u
Kappa. Beta Phi, Nu Omicron, Omega, Phi, Lincoln, I n -
dianapolis, New Orleans, Knoxville, Lynchburg, Washington.
Philadelphia. Dallas, Kansas City, Omaha. Minneapolis.

The following chapters send material to Mrs. H a r r y E.
Smith, 4330 Schubert Ave.. Chicago: N u , Sigma, Delta.
Gamma. Epsilon, Rho, Lambda, Chi, Upsilon, Eta, Alpha
Phi, Psi. Omicron Pi. New York. San Francisco, Providence.
Boston. Los Angeles, Chicago, Bangor, Portland, Seattle,
Syracuse, Nashville, and Cleveland.

• To insure delivery of your To Dragma, notify the Business
Manager promptly of change of address. Be careful to renew
just as soon as you receive your renewal slip which you w i l l
find in the f r o n t of your magazine, as the postal authorities
do not permit us to keep names of non-subscribers on our




Harriet Greve is still Dean of W o m e n and Louise Wiley and Martha
L o u Tones ( o f M e m p h i s , Tennessee), are t w o instructors o f E n g l i s h on

the faculty of the University of Tennessee. Louise is still abroad after
spending the summer on the continent; she is now in E n g l a n d

Julia Rather of Jackson, Tennessee, was in Knoxville attending the

summer school of the South.

Lucy Morgan is to teach in Paris, Tennessee, this year.

Grace McDougall and Fay Morgan are to play in the " A l l Southern

Tennis Tournaments" at Asheville, N . C., this fall.
L i d a Moore M c L e a n has moved back to K n o x v i l l e to l i v e ; this is

good news f o r K n o x v i l l e as we arc always p r o u d to claim any o f our o l d
number once more.


Mr. and M r s . John Ankerey Baker announced the engagement of
their daughter, Lucile Irwin, to M r . Arthur E . Learhardt. The wedding

is to be September 12, 1922. MINN ELOIS HUNT.


A O P i was well represented along the alumnae back at Randolph-

Macon f o r commencement. Some of those present were M r s . Bane

(Greyson Hoofnagle '12), Mrs. Orrick (Mattie Carskadon '14) of Balti-

more, Bess Masten '13 and M a r t h a Craddock, M a r y Bailey Ragland, Jean

Stribbling and M a r y Reed all of the class of '21, besides a number of i n -

terested town alumnae.

Mrs. Gilmer Craddock ( N a n Atkinson '13) was elected Vice-Presi-

dent of the College Alumnae Association f o r the coming year.

During July, Jean Stribling visited Ella Mae Upthegrove in St. Louis.

Evelyn Allen spent a part of the summer w i t h Julia W h i t e in A l e x -

andria, La. They motored to Dallas for a visit of several days and were

beautifully entertained by Margaret Vaughn Branscomb. Margaret

Bonner Bently, Eugenia Moore, Eleanor Manning Walker, and Grace


V i r g i n a A l l e n '16 has been definitely appointed to mission w o r k in

A f r i c a and expects to go after one more winter of study i n N e w Y o r k .

Helen H a r d y '17 sailed in J u l y f o r B r a z i l where she is engaged in

mission work under the Methodist church.

Bess Masten w i l l teach this winter in Cleveland, Ohio. H e r home,

however, has been moved to New Y o r k City.

Rose Smith w i l l spend this winter in Roanoke, V a .

Christine Acree '22 has moved to Columbia, S. C

K a t h r v n Hodges '22 is teaching in Bolton H i g h School, Alexandria,


Clara Rust '22 w i l l spend several months w i t h Eugenia Moore i n

Dallas. '

Simmons P u r d y '22 is teaching in Petersburg, V a .

Friends o f Lenora Perkins have been grieved to hear o f her father's

death, which occurred soon after commencement.

ENGAGEMENT. The wedding

A n n a T a y l o r '19 to M r . George Parker o f F r a n k l i n , Va.
will take place in September.


Elizabeth Sale to M r . Johnson McSee, in June.
Annie Moore to M r . W a r r e n Gignilliat, J u l y 25.



Mr. and Mrs. John Rosborough (Annie Jones) their daughter, Mary,
and Annie's mother, M r s . C. I . Jones, are spending the summer in Cali-
fornia. M r . Rosborough arranged f o r some one else to conduct the
Rocky Mountain School of Music this summer. They have taken a house
at L o n g Beach.

Mrs. F r a n k Barnett (Katherine Benner) is l i v i n g in Washington,
D . G , where M r . Barnett has a government position.

Helen Jobes Dunlap is living at Tecumseh, Neb., where M r . D u n -
lap is in a bank.

Sarah H e r r i n g t o n F r o y d is at present in Salt Creek, W y o . M r .
F r o y d is employed by the M i d West O i l Company. Sarah was one o f
the teachers in the "t wo teacher" school at Salt Creek last year. She had
to do something f o r amusement.

Margaret Perry was a delegate to the national convention of Delta
O m i c r o n which met recently in Detroit. She is a member o f the choir o f
the F i r s t Presbyterian church and is i n great demand as a soloist i n L i n -

E m m a Perry Thayer lives in Cincinnati. M r . Thayer is w i t h the
Union Central L i f e Insurance Co. They have two children.

Katherine Sterling Ross lives in Chicago. H e r husband, D r . E. L .
Ross, is a physician connected w i t h the University o f Chicago. They
have two children, a girl and a boy.

Mabel Roper is M r s . Glen Bryant. She lives at D a v i d City, where
M r . Bryant is engaged in the real estate business. T h e y have three little

Grace Roper lives i n L i n c o l n w i t h her sister, M r s . Hatfield. She is
an instructor in English at the University.

Helen Piper Hagenbuch, w h o has been l i v i n g at Harmon-on-the-
Hudson, N . Y., since her return f r o m Portugal, has moved to Roanoke,
Va. D r . Hagenbuch is employed by the N o r f o l k and Western Railroad
Co. to promote athletics among its men. Dr. and Mrs. Hagenbuch will
spend their vacation at Blue Ridge, N o r t h Carolina.

Grace Trigg, Mrs. August Schoell, lives i n Wilmington, Del., where
M r . Schoell has a shoe store. T h e y have one son, B i l l y . Grace spends
IKT summers on their f a r m at Boothwyn, Pa.

E m i l y T r i g g , M r s . John Myers, lives in St. Paul, M i n n . She has
just moved out to White Bear into their new summer cottage. Jack,
Junior, will have plenty of fresh air and sunshine here.

Gladys (Babe) Dominy married Arthur Chace shortly after her
graduation. She lives at Lewiston, Idaho, where M r . Chace is in the
banking business. They have two sons.

Fayc C u r r y Stannard was in Lincoln this w i n t e r but at present is
in Deshler, Nebraska, where M r . Stannard's business w i l l keep him this
winter. They will return to Lincoln this fall.

Lou Chace Shultz lives in Stanton, Nebr. M r . Schultz is engaged in
the f u r n i t u r e business there. They have one interesting little daughter,
Josephine, almost f o u r years old. Ethel Chace spends her winters at
Long Beach, Cal., where her parents recently purchased a home. She
spends her summers at the home in Stanton.

Maude Pierce Logan lives in Lincoln. H e r son. Billy, is old enough
to go to school. M r . L o g a n is state agent f o r the Peoria L i f e Insurance
Co. T h e girls who knew M r s . Pierce w i l l be s o r r y to learn that she
passed away in A p r i l .


Helen Fitzgerald is the society editor of the Lincoln Daily Star. H e r

sister, Elsie, is w i t h the State Journal Co. Elsie is vice district superin-

tendent f o r the Northwest central district. H e r w o r k is w i t h the a l u m -

nae chapters.

Martha W a l t o n has charge of M i l l e r and Panics art department.

Katherine Follmer is principal of one o f the grade schools. W e are

proud o f " K a t e " as a principalship in the L i n c o l n system comes as a

recognition of executive ability and professional efficiency.

Boise Harper, M r s . Robert Evans, is the mother of three sons. H e r

sister, Helen, M r s . P. M . Lavelle lives at Wallace, Nebr., and has two


Beulah Rush Collins is l i v i n g in Oklahoma City, where M r . Collins

is in the insurance business. They have one daughter.

Romo Rush, M r s . Doane Pickering, lives i n L i n c o l n . H e r husband is

also in the insurance business. They have t w o daughters.

Irene Barton is the w i f e o f D r . Nelson, who is superintendent o f the

dental clinic at the University.

T w o Zeta girls live in Oakland, Calif.: Emma Schreiber Hunter and

N e l l Webb Scars. Emma's husband, F r e d M . H u n t e r , is superintendent

of the schools in Oakland. They have two sons. Nell's husband. Carroll

Sears, is manager of the western branch o f the Universal Electric Co.

Thev have one son.

Three Zeta girls live i n Los Angeles: Jess Correll M c K e n n a . Beth

Boynton Phelps and Charlotte (Jane) Wallace Graham. Charlotte has

two children.

Elsie F o r d Piper, dean of women at the Wayne State Teachers

College, will take a much needed vacation this f a l l . Elsie's w o r k the past

f e w years has been very heavy f o r in addition to the w o r k of dean she has

had charge o f the Latin department. She has not decided whether she

w i l l spend her leave of absence in Lincoln or w i l l take a trip.

Edith and Gertrude Swain are married and both live at Greeley

Center, Nebr. Edith married M r . J. F. McDcrmott, a banker, and th«y

have one son two and a half years old. Gertrude married M r . Thomas

Lanigan, a lawyer, who is a candidate f o r congress. They have one son

f o u r years old. On June 27th twin boys were born to them—one of them

lived but a short time. Gertrude and M r . Lanigan have the sympathy of

all the Zeta girls. *

The Waters girls are at home this summer. W i n i f r e d has taught in

Indianapolis the last t w o years and belongs to the alumnae chapter there.

Melvina taught at Bonesteel, South Dakota, this last year and M a r y

taught in Omaha in the Central High School.

Lorene Bratt married M r . Wishart, an attorney, and lives in Dead-

w o o d , S. D . T h e y have j u s t finished b u i l d i n g a lovely new home.

Leta Thompson Hopkins lives at Wahoo. M r . Hopkins is reporter

f o r the district court. Leta has one daughter, V i r g i n i a .

Lucile Johnson, M r s . E. J. Maus, has t w o small daughters. She

lives at Loup City. Her sister, Helen, was married last November to

Paul Cobbey. M r . Cobbey is with the Burroughs Adding Machine Co.,

with headquarters in St Louis.

Gisella Birkner taught at Cleveland this last year and belongs to the

alumnae chapter there. T w o other Lincoln girls are members of that

chapter, Miriam Carter Smith and Gertrude Mohler Kray.

Mabel Ritchie Fordyce lives in Chappcl, Nebr., where Glen Fordyce

is in business. T h e v have one daughter, Nellie Marie.

Minnie Baumann. Mrs. Carl E. Force, lives in Portland. Ore. Minnie

has two daughters. Eunice Baumann, M r s . O t t o F . Stuefcr. lives in Oak

P a r k . 111. She has t w o children. Eunice was recently initiated i n t o the

Chicago alumnae chapter and was elected treasurer.


Corris and Edna Damon live in Mason City, Iowa. Corris, Mrs.

E d m u n d J. Peake, has three children, t w o boys and one g i r l . Edna, M r s .

B u r r Keeler, has one son.

Ethel Perkins W a r n e r lives at Fort Collins, Colo. She has two chil-


Luree Beemer Beaumont has three children, t w o boys and one g i r l .

M r . Beaumont is vice-president o f the Nebraska State Bank. M r s . Beemer

makes her home with Luree.

Pauline B u r k i t Reynolds has t w o children, a boy and a g i r l . H e r

husband is a physician.

I r m a H a u p t m a n Latsch has two children, a boy and a g i r l . H e r hus-

band is one o f the owners o f Latsch Brothers, Incorporated, Bank and

Office Supplies.

Helen Echles is M r s . A l b e r t Hoppe. She has t w o children, Joe and

Jean Helen. M r . Hoppe is in business with M r . Echles, conducting the

public market.

Mabel W i l l i a m s Bcachly has t w o children, Jean and B i l l y . H e r hus-

band. W i l l Beachly, is the owner of the People's Grocery.

Maud Williams. Mrs. Charles Heck, lives in Raleigh, North Caro-

lina, where M r . Heck is engaged in college w o r k . Maude has one son.

Emma Bennett Bechman has one daughter. Marcia. H e r husband.

A l f r e d Bechman is engaged in the real estate business.

A l m a Birkner, M r s . F l o y d Rawlings, lives out near N o r m a l . She

has three lively boys.

• Verna Kean W e r n e r has a daughter, just a year old. M r . W e r n e r is

in the insurance business. They are building a new home in South


Zu Chaplinc, M r s . B . O. Campbell, is president o f the Lincoln a l u m -

nae chapter. M r . Campbell is in the First National Bank.

Edith Hall Lansing lives at the Lenox—a very up-to-date apartment

house_ built^ by her husband. M r . Lansing, w h o is a real estate dealer.

Nell Nissen and Margaret McNerney taught in Lincoln last year.

Margaret expects to attend the university next year.

Mildred Gillilan, M r s . Laird Potter, lives on a f a r m near Red Cloud,

Nebr. She has one child.

Annabel Good Paine lives in Clinton, Iowa. M r . Paine is w i t h

Curtis, Towle and Paine. They have one son.

Ruth Farquhar and Arlenc Abbott are in Lincoln this summer. They

both taught in the high school at Sterling, Nebr.. last year.

Helen W e h r l i has taught in the high school at Central City the last

two years. She may return there next year.

Carrie Marshall married Dr. Kline of Weeping Water. They have

one son.

Allene McEachron, Mrs. Sidney Muman, lives at Tobias, Nebr.

Edna W a i t e has been teaching in the school at McCook, her home

town. The Waites recently purchased a beautiful home there.

Lorene Hendricks has taught the last two years in the M c C o o k


Another Zeta g i r l , whose home is in McCook is L i l a LcGore, M r s .

Charles Ritchie. M r . Ritchie is an attorney. They have one son.

Edna Harpham lives on South 25th Street. "The Harphams recently

bought this beautiful new home.

Viola Gray teaches English in the high school. As national treasurer

of Alpha Omicron Pi, Viola went to Chicago this summer to attend a

meeting of the executive committee,

"Precious" Piper teaches history in the high school. As alumnae

editor f o r T o D r a g m a she w o u l d appreciate it v e r y much i f the g i r l s

w o u l d send her a card when a n y t h i n g interesting happens so that she may

send it in f o r the magazine. J A X E L O I ISF. PIPER.



Members of Theta Chapter were sorry to learn of the death of
M r . George E . B i c k n e l l , M a y 5. M r . B i c k n e l l was the father o f M a r y
and Edna Bicknell and he was a prominent business man of Greencas-

V e v V i l l e Hosman has gone to Boston to enter a school o f D r a m -

atic A r t .
Iva Beeson Gibeault, who lives in Orlando, Fla. likes her new home

very well but finds it rather far f r o m Indiana. She has t w o children,
Joe Julian and Nalda Jane Claire. Iva is interested in a very progres-
sive city Panhellenic organization.

W i l h e l m i n a Hedde is the society editor on the L o g a n s p o r t M o r n i n g
Press. Besides this w o r k she gives lessons in aesthetic dancing and
dramatic art.

Irene M i l l e r M c L e o d is l i v i n g in L o s Angeles where M r . M c L e o d
is in the advertising business. T h e y have met several friends at D e
Pauw social affairs. D r . Kleinsmidt. once a professor at DePauw, is
now president of the University of Southern California.

Bess Medbourne Slonaker leads the busy life of a doctor's wife.
In the winter they live in Culver, Ind.. but in the summer they are at
Lake Maxinkuckee. Bess entertains many A l p h a O's who travel through
her part of the state.

E a r l a M i l l s L y o n s is busy at her f a r m , " T h e P a t c h , " c a r i n g f o r
her three children, M a r y , Robert and M a x . E a r l a is happy to c l a i m as
her cousin, Marie Watters of Omicron Pi Chapter.

Luella D r i s c o l of L i b e r t y , Ind., is t a k i n g t r a i n i n g in Christ H o s p i -
tal, Cincinnati, O.

Inez Gardner Scully also lives in Cincinnati. Inez says she is a
typical preacher's wife and has a typical preacher's son. M r . Scully
seems also to be a teacher and business m a n as he is Superintendent o f
the Good W i l l Industries.

D e l i a W i n t r o d e B a r r u s is j u s t r e c o v e r i n g f r o m a t w o years' illness
at her home in Ithaca, N . Y .

Delia A n t r i m K e n d r i c k lives at 7127 M e r r i l l av., Chicago. She has
a son, David Blair, two years old.

Mabel A l l e n W h i t e is seeing the beauties o f C a l i f o r n i a . A l t h o u g h her
home is in Sacramento, she travels quite o f t e n w i t h her husband w h o is
representing a Cleveland house.


Lela Fuller was married April 7th in Lebanon. Ind. to Leslie Car-
ter, a brother o f Avanellc Carter Davisson. M r . Carter is a graduate
,.1 Xorthwesten and is a Phi Delt. T h e y are l i v i n g on a f a r m near

Agnes Lakin and Clay A Phillips were married April 15th. They
are l i v i n g in Terre Haute, Ind., where M r . Phillips is a lawyer.

Hazel Kilbourne was married in June to Donald Starkbargcr, a Phi
Delt from Northwestern. They will make their home in Boston. Mass.



Josie Folsom '07 and Emma Clough ex '09 attended meetings of the
Universalist Sunday School Association at Ferry Beach, Maine, early in
August. W h i l e vacationing nearby with R u t h Penniman '13, Alice Spear
'12 met both o f them and an Alpa O reunion followed. Octavia Chapin


'13, who was unanimously re-elected president of the Boston Alumnae
Association at our last meeting, is spending the summer at Lake Winne-
pisaukee, N . H . , and in the fall will teach in Maiden, Mass.

Isabel O w l e r D r u r y '13 brought her little daughter Evelyn to Jackson
Day this year. They spent the month of July at "The A r k , " Jaffrey, N . H .

E d i t h Sanborn H a r v e y '13 has been elected treasurer o f the A m e s b u r y
Woman's Club.

W e hope to see H e l e n Scamon '13, at our meeting this year as she
will teach in Lynn.

The sympathy of all the girls goes out to Ruth Wedge Blaisdell
'14 in the loss of her baby w h o lived o n l y a f e w days.

I t is g o o d to k n o w t h a t D o r o t h y H o u g h t o n '15 is able t o be about
again after her serious illness.

L y d i a Piper Emerson '16 has joined the group w h o are living near
the hill. H e r home is at the Hillside, near Florence Dudley Philbrick.

R u t h Bagley '21 has been doing playground w o r k in Peabody this

Edna W a r d w c l l Clements ex '21 had little R u t h , f i f t e e n months, at
Jackson Day in June.

Eleanor Atherton '21 has completed her training course in Library
methods and is now stationed at the East Somerville Branch L i b r a r y .

"Cotty" Prescott opened her home in Braitree for a bridge party
for the benefit of the Jumbo drive. Edith A r n o l d '21 served on her com-

Several of our newest alumnae are stepping f o r t h into the teaching
field. M i l d r e d Sproule w i l l be -in Carver, Mass., o n the Cape, teaching
Latin. French, History and Gym. Helen Neal will teach English in
Easthampton, Mass. and Mildred Sullivan the same subject in Oxford,
Mass., w h i l e M a r y H e a l d expects to be i n F o x b o r o .

Rosalie Cobb, who represented the women of the college on Com-
mencement Day and also has P h i Beta Kappa honors w i l l w o r k f o r her
master's degree in Chemistry at Northwestern University in Evanston.

R u t h E a r l e '22 w i l l take a position in the T u f t s L i b r a r y , as t w o of
our girls w h o were there have been married this summer; Helen Rowe.
'17 and Rena Greenwood '15.

Elizabeth Beattie, who was Class Day orator, will take a position in

M a r g a r e t Neal is s t u d y i n g f o r her master's degree at the Prince
School, a school of Stores Service.

I t is w i t h great s o r r o w t h a t we w r i t e of the loss w h i c h has come
to Genevieve Fosdick '10. H e r father died on June second after a long
illness and her mother passed away only three days later. Genevieve
has spent part of the summer w i t h Edna W o o d b u r y '12 at her summer


On June 24. in G o d d a r d Chapel, T u f t s College. Rena G r e e n w o o d '15
was married to Dr. R i c h a r d I . Smith, T u f t s '16. T h e y spent the m o n t h
of July at Pinchavcn Camp, Canton, Maine, and will live in Boston this

Helen Rowe '17 was married to Francis Joel Foster. T u f t s '17 on
J u l y 5, at W i n c h e s t e r , M a s s a c h u s e t t s . A f t e r s p e n d i n g the s u m m e r in
Connecticut, Helen will live in Danvers.

In Durham, N . H . on June 27th. Martha W a l k e r '20 was married io
Stephen D c M e h i t t o f D u r h a m . N . H . , N . H . C. 1912. They w i l l live in
JNew Jersey. M a r i o n P h i l l i p s '20 attended M a r t h a as maid of honor.

A . J . S P E A R . 1912.



The following Alpha Omicron Pi Alumnae were in attendance at the
fiftieth anniversary of the University of Maine at Orono, Maine: Lida
Knowles Smith, Edith Bussell, Mabel McGinley, Joanna Colcord. Ger-
trude Nutter, Maude Colcord, Alice Philips, Peggy Schoppe. Edith Jor-
dan L o r d Hazel Marriner Buzzell, Helen Worcester Cleaves June
Kelley Edith Sawyer, Estelle Beaupre, Aileene Hobart Libby, Frances
Langic Smith, Doris Currier Treat, Lillian Hunt Bolton, Leola Chaplin.
Alfreda Ellis, Helen Greeley. Helen Danforlh West. Ruth Chalmers
Frances Bartlette Ames, Eveline Snow Cross, Barbara Dunn, Florence
Mcl.eod. Betty M i l l - Towner, Ruby M. liackett. Pauline Miller. Luxe;- ,
Sterns Gregson, Doris Savage, Marion Day, Grace Sawyer Benson.
Madeline Robinson.

Rita Bickford and mother are living at Orono f o r the summer. Rita
teaches in H a r t f o r d , Conn.

Barbara and Lillian Dunn have been visiting in Ohio f o r a few weeks
this summer.

Marion Estabrookc Hunt and husband motored from Memphis. Tenn..
to Old Town. Maine to visit their parents. They were accompanied f r o m
Boston by Mrs. Lillian Hunt Bolton.

Grace Sawyer Benson and family are at their summer home in Hamp-
den, Me.

Much sympathy is extended to M i l d r e d Prentiss W r i g h t on the death
of her father.

Kathleen M . Snow has returned f r o m Des M o i n e s . I o w a , o w i n g to
the sudden death of her mother. She plans to stay w i t h her f a t h e r at 25
Mechanics St.. Rockland, Maine.

Irene Richardson Conner visited Edith Jordan Lord in O l d Town in
June. She attended the June meeting of Bangor Alumnae.

Cora Shaw Calvert and Christine Shaw Scammon are visiting their
father in Orono this month.

Estelle Beaupre was under quarantine f o r scarlet fever the first o f the

Frances Bartlette Ames was in Orono this spring having treatment for
a sprained ankle.

A l f r e d a Ellis has resigned her position in connection w i t h the exten-
sion work at the University of Maine. She will spend the rest of the sum-
mer at her home in Belfast.

Pauline M i l l e r has resigned her position as teacher i n the B u w c r
schools and has accepted a similar position in Bar Harbor.


The engagement o f Florence E. M c L e o d and John P. Ramsey is an-
nounced. The wedding is to take place the latter part o f August. A mis-
cellaneous shower was tendered her by Frances Stone '22.


Ruby Hackett was married to Newman Y o u n g on July 26. The wed-
ding took place in Vasselboro. They will reside in Bangor.

Raymond T . Adams and Rachel L . Bowen were married June 26th at
the bride's home, the Gerard. The wedding march was played by
Marguerite Tibbets, violin, and Katherine Stewart at the piano.




The sympathy of the fraternity is extended to Marie Louise Duggar
of the active chapter f o r the death of her mother, M r s . Marie R. Duggar.
M r s . D u g g a r was a sculpture o f note, h a v i n g specialized in bas reliefs.
Some of her work was displayed in the St. Louis exhibition, and there are
numerous tablets in St. Louis and elsewhere which bear witness to her

Melita Skillen, w h o has been in poor health f o r some time, has been
recuperating at Three Lakes, W i s c o n s i n . W e hope she w i l l be quite re-
covered by fall.

"Patty" Loeffler has been making an extensive tour o f the west this


Helen H a w k '22 w i l l return to Northwestern to work f o r another
degree in music. She will live w i t h "Pete" Ford. I t is rumored that
"Pete" is engaged although we have not the details.

Dorothy Hammill of the active chapter will not return to college next
year, but will travel with her parents. They plan on spending most of
their time in California and other western states.

T h e sympathy o f R h o chapter is extended to D o r o t h y Dalton who
recently lost her father in a shocking accident. M r . Dalton,. in an attempt
to turn his car on a narrow mountain drive, plunged over a precipice. H e
l i v e d only five hours a f t e r the accident.

Ethel W i l l m a n has just returned from- a w o n d e r f u l trip t h r o u g h the
east, and through Canada.

O n June 10, at Cubs P a r k in Chicago, M a r i o n Abele conducted a
most successful pageant f o r the American Committee f o r Devastated
France. M a r i o n recently returned f r o m France where she had been f o r a
year in reconstruction work. Rho is indeed proud to claim her.

Helen H a r d y of Kappa chapter, but w h o has been w i t h Rho this year
and w h o seems to "belong", recently sailed f o r B r a z i l , where she is to be
engaged in some welfare work.


On July 6, occurred the marriage o f Alice Jane W i l s o n to M r . James
Howard Warner in the Methodist Church of Harvey, Illinois.

Geraldine Shaw is our newest bride, having been married on A u g u s t
12, to M r . H a r l e y B r y a n t Hobbs, in the Ravenswood Baptist C h u r c h o f

Rho alumnae arc much interested in the approaching marriage of
D o r o t h y K e r r to M r . Soper, w h i c h is to take place on September 16.



Ruth Benireuter has been t o u r i n g Europe this summer, and upon her
return, wedding bells will ring.

Frances Fowler Browne spent the summer months in Champaign,
while her husband attended the summer session of the university.

Francis Trost is planning to resume her duties in the high school at
Chicago Heights.

Opal Trost Shcppard is happily settled in a new bungalow at 2923
B r o w n St., A l t o n , 111.

Lucille Gibson will teach in the Urbana schools this year and the local
alumnae are rejoicing to have her among them.

Lucie Burwash has been attending summer school in California.


D o r o t h y H u l l is filling a position in the o f f i c e of the A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
Building on the campus.

Helen Brauns visited in Champaign and Urbana in June, when Esther
was graduated, and later, when she came to attend Hazel's wedding.

Marion Kenny enjoyed a trip into Michigan, gathering strength for
the coming t e r m when she w i l l resume her duties i n the Champaign schools.

M a r y Caldwell resigned her position in the Alumnae office i n May,
and went to Yellowstone Park, and other western points.

Maybelle D . Lenhart is living at 642 F r o n t St., Plainfield, N . Y . where
she'll be happier than I can tell to see any A O P i .

Aileen H u n t e r Spencer taught the summer session of the college at
Cape Girardeau, Mo., and then visited with her parents at Decatur.

Mate Giddings spent part of her vacation at Elkhart Lake. W e are
hoping that she'll be i n the best of health when she comes back to her w o r k
in the H o m e Economics department of the University.

Velda Bamesberger and mother have enjoyed a trip through Cali-
f o r n i a . A f t e r her vacation , V e l d a w i l l be back i n Okmulgee, O k l a .

Agnes Fuller W a r d , whose wedding took place in February, is living
at D u Quoin.

Ethel'Brooks has had a delightful summer studying at Oregon A g r i -
cultural College. H e r trip west included many points of interest, and she
reached Portland in time f o r the rose festival. She will return via Yellow-
stone Park, and Denver.

Letters seldom come f r o m Maurine Mavity Vinecore, but when they
do, one is assured of a treat. Maurine's last letter told much about her
two sons M u r r e l and R i c h a r d . T h e y are l i v i n g i n R u t l a n d , 111.

Ruth D . Langelier came f r o m Calif, to visit her parents at Marshall.
O n Commencement Day, she motored to U r b a n a . She is the same R u t h
we knew in the good old days. W h i l e in G i i c a g o , she had a little visit w i t h
Helen Whitney.

Only a few of our newest alumnae have decided upon their work f o r
the ensuing year. Annetta W o o d expects to continue her studies in some
eastern college. M i l d r e d Holmes is physical director o f the Y . W . C. A . at
Decatur and lives at Annetta's home. K a t i e Hughes is planning to teach
music at Cicero, 111., and K a y Wesson w i l l be assistant l i b r a r i a n at the L a
Crosse Normal.

Helen Scott, w h o m Omega loaned to us f o r the past three years lias
resigned her position as secretary o f the Y . W . C. A . o f the U . o f I . a n d
expects to study at Columbia. W e won't try to tell how much we miss
her, but w i l l say that this w o u l d be a very good w o r l d i f each o f us were
as fine as H e l e n .

A t h a W o o d F o w l e r and f a m i l y have moved t o Rising, 111.—only six
miles f r o m Champaign. T h i s means that A t h a w i l l be even more active
than when she lived at Penfield. W e all k n o w how f a i t h f u l l y she came
for all meetings and functions in spite of the miles between.

I n M a y , the local alumnae were installed as the Champaign and
Urbana Alumnae Association by Melita Skillen. Our roll of members
seems t o be i n a perpetual state o f changing, f o r some one or other is all
too f r e q u e n t l y ( f o r us w h o stay) deciding to go away as a bride, and
others are always finding more l u c r a t i v e positions f a r f r o m our local
schools. B u t , w e hope to continue as a strong g r o u p , and to accomplish
much for our fraternity. D u r i n g the past f e w months, we've given t w o
plays and a lawn social for the benefit of Iota's building fund.

Ruth Percival Newton and family have returned to Urbana. For the
present, they are making their home with Ruth's parents. Their son was
very i l l soon a f t e r their return, but is now on the road to good health.


Ina H o l t e r m a n n is at home a f t e r teaching d u r i n g the year, and the

summer, at Jonesboro, A r k .

Mabel Jackson is spending her vacation with her parents at Danville.

Maurine Lantz has been at Columbia this summer. H e r mother went

east w i t h her.

Marie Rutenber Leslie came f r o m her home in Brookline, Mass., to

visit her parents in Champaign. D u r i n g her visit, she entertained i n honor

of Hazel Stephens who was then a bride-to-be.

Louise Woodroofe is spending part of her vacation at an artists' colony

in Gloucester. She w i l l be on the U . of I l l i n o i s f a c u l t y again this year.

The older Iotas, especially they who were members of Delta Omicron.

w i l l be interested i n hearing of the wedding of Queen Steven. She was

married in June and the wedding was a beautiful out-of-doors ceremony

on the lovely and spacious l a w n o f the Steven home—where she and M r .

Jackson are now living. Queen included Peggy Ebert and Louise

Nierstheimer Steven among her guests. ,

Grace D . F i n f r o c k is much absorbed in her t w o sons, especially eight

month-old John H e n r y whose feeding has been a d i f f i c u l t problem. H o w -

ever, Grace hopes to find the proper f o r m u l a to make h i m a real sturdy

baby soon. M r . F i n f r o c k is now city attorney o f Urbana.

A u n t Bettie P e t t i t is s t i l l to be addressed at 616 W . Healey St.,

Champaign. One evening not so many months ago. the local alumnae

were the guests of A u n t Bettie and needless to say, we all had a delight-

f u l time. W i l l a r d is attending Champaign H i g h .

"One goes east, and one goes west"—"Bee" L e v y w h o has been i n

Colorado the past t w o years is p l a n n i n g to come east b e f o r e f a l l , and at

last reports, Elaine Buhrman was planning an extensive trip through the


M r s . Stowers, w h o was Iota's beloved house-mother f o r so many years

has spent the summer w i t h her son and Inez D . Jayne i n Minneapolis.

N o doubt, the new grand daughter M a r t h a Louise filled each day or her

visit w i t h delight. D u r i n g Sept., M r s . Stowers w i l l r e t u r n to 905 W . C a l i -

f o r n i a , U r b a n a , 111.

Dr. and Mrs. Fred Ebert are building a large new home on Prospect

Ave.. Champaign. Peggy is fine and her daughter and son are t w o most

attractive children.

M a r y Bruner Tehon is kept busy w i t h her very active son, and w i t h
her duties as president of the local alumnae association.

Ruth Terwilliger came f r o m Okmulgee, Okla.. to spend her vacation
w i t h her parents. W h i l e here, she has been helping the local alumnae w i t h
all their projects.

May Brady will teach latin in the Urbana high school again this year.

A n d here is a paragraph f o r you Iotas who knew and loved Ethel
W a t t s P a r k e r so w e l l . M r . P a r k e r came to U r b a n a f o r Decoration D a y .
and during his stay, visited relatives and Alpha O sisters of Ethel. H e
brought the good news that little Billy Frances was gaining and develop-
ing so well. H e is a f o r t u n a t e baby t o have such a f a i t h f u l nurse, and
especially to have such a fine, considerate father.


On M a y 18th, Gladys Saffell was married to H a r r y A . Barr. The
actives and alumnae members of A . O. Pi, and Acacia were among the
guests at the reception. H a r r y passed the bar e x a m i n a t i o n in J u l y and is
now practicing law in Urbana.

On June 3rd, Lottie Pollard was married to Earle Paton McClement.
Lottie writes that i t was a large wedding. They are at home at 3656 N .
Springfield Ave.. Chicago.


On June 8th, Josephine Phillips and Edgar Leech were married at the
Methodist Parsonage in Urbana. Joe's sister, Minnie "Pido," and Mate
Giddings were present.

We've had no official notification, but we have heard and read that
Eliza Garman became M r s . Earl Schocning, in Chicago on a happy day
in July.

On June 30th, Hazel Stephens became Mrs. A . Bodenschatz, at a
wonderful, large church wedding. Knowing Hazel, you all know_ how
lovely the bride was! "Es" Van Doren Malcolmson and Marion Kenny
were bridesmaids, Nettie Stephens Shutc was matron of honor, and Janet
Shute was the flower g i r l . A n d I o t a actives and alumnae occupied a re-
served section in the very front.



Edith Mitchell Toland and small daughter Margaret are spending
the summer with Edith's mother in Minneapolis. We don't know how
Mrs. Mitchell feels about it. but Tau Alumnae would surely like to
make this a permanent arrangement.

Katherine and Marie Bremer arc back from their California trip,
and they are just bubbling over w i t h wonderful adventures.

Lucille Haertel has gone to Chicago, where W a l t e r is temporarily
engaged in business.

Kilitli C o l d - w o r t h y , Margaret B o o t h r o y d . M a r y I). a n d " B r i c k " are
spending thheir vacation at Lake Millc Lacs. Isn't M a r y D . the trust-
ing bride?

Elsa F e l t l h a m m c r Johnson is p l a n n i n g to make M i n n e a p o l i s her
home as D r . Johnson plans to locate here.

We have heard that Gertrude Falkenhagen is g o i n g to be w i t h us
this winter but do not yet know her definite plans.

M a r y E . Chase has received her Doctor's degree with honors, and
right here we want to announce that one of our new alumnae, W i n i f r e d
Whitman, won Phi Beta Kappa; another, Francis Graham made Lamb-
da Alpha Psi; and Betty Bond was elected to the honorary literary

Professor 1 L Q u i g l e y , husband of L o u i s e France, w i l l be w r i t t e n
up in the next "Who's W h o " .

Margaret Kendall is giving up her w o r k w i t h Childrens Protective
Society and plans to go to Los Angeles for an indefinite period.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schober have gone to Calgary to visit Jennie
Marie Schober Rocnisch.

F.mily Esswein is spending several weeks at a lodge on Leech


To fulfill my promise of last time, Margaret H o w a r t h announces
her m a r r i a g e t o N o r m a n N e l s o n . T h e y w e r e m a r r i e d N o v . 11 in C h i c -
ago, but because of Margaret's highly particular school board, they
kept it a secret until spring. M r . and M r s . Nelson will be at home'in
Chicago f o r the w i n t e r as N o r m a n is in the R h e t o r i c D e p a r t m e n t of the

I hardly know under which heading to put this next announcement
We all knew that Florence Brande was a person of mystery, but we
never expected quite this much. She not only announced her marriage
to John Fitzgerald, but she also adds the announcement of the a r r i v a l
of twin daughters, Nancy and Ellen. Florence was married last August
1921. in El Paso, where M r . Frtzgerald is managing editor of a news
paper. The babies are named for their two grandmothers.



Marion Mann to Alfred Falkenhagen, Thulanian.

Mildred Haugland to Verdi Clagett.


Gladys Ames "22 is teaching L a t i n and H i s t o r y at Worcester, N e w

M a r j o r i e Townsend '22 is supervising music and art i n the high
school at East H a m p t o n . L o n g Island. M a r j o r i e took a trip to Ber-
muda with her mother soon after her commencement. This summer
M a r j o r i e took a course in A r t Structure at Columbia University.

Myrtle Munson '22 teaches English in the H i g h School at Liver-
pool, New York.

R u t h Sidney '22 is teaching d r a w i n g at H e r k i m e r , N e w Y o r k .

Eleanor H a m m o n d '21 spent a f e w days at 1017 at commencement
time. She still has a postion at Mcnomonee Falls, Wisconsin.

Esther Boker '22 is Pastor's assistant in the West Genesee Methodist
Church in Syracuse, New York.

Edna Williams '22 has returned to Syracuse to take a special course in
salesmanship and commerce.

Helen Schrack '17 spent the summer in a hospital at Worcester. Mass.,
as an interne.

E d i t h Rouck '18 attended summer school at Syracuse and is teaching
biology and English at Baldwinsvillc, New York.

Alice B r o n s o n '10 has gone to Seattle. W a s h . E m i l y T a r b e l l 16 went
with her f o r the summer.

Frances Carter '18 is studying f o r a Master's degree in English at

Gertrude Shew '16 spent the summer doing social work in Newark,
Xew Jersey.

Ethel W i l l i a m s '20 is teaching oral English at Canostota, New Y o r k .

Ruth W a l k e r '21 teaches music at Wolcott. N . Y .

Helen Schrack 17 is president of Student Government at the U n i v e r -
sity of Pennsylvania.

Gertrude M a r k s '21 is teaching L a t i n at Dexter, N . Y .
Ruth Y o u n g , ex '23 has a teaching position at Richfield Springs,
N. Y.


Frances Canody ex '24 to W i l l i s Meyers, S. A . E., o f the U n i v e r s i t y o f
California in the Chapel of Mission Inn, Riverside. California on June 3rd,

O n a Rosbrook '20 to H o w a r d B r o d i e ex '23 Sigma P h i Epsilon at 120
Dorset Road, Syracuse, August 8th. A t home at Sacketts Harbor, N . Y .



Eloise and Eloine F l e m i n g '18 beloved Twins, are visiting in Seattle
this summer. They will return to Yakima in the autumn.

E d i t h S i f t o n '15 is attending the summer quarter of the U n i v e r s i t y .
M a r y Frances Burnside '20 is staying at the chapter house while at-
tending the summer quarter.
Alice Dibble '20 is visiting her sister Frances, having come up f r o m
Berkeley for the summer.


M r . and M r s . A r t h u r Charles St. John have issued invitations to the
wedding of their daughter, Berneice Marr, to M r .H o w a r d Hansen, Aug-
ust 22 i n Chehal'is, W a s h . M r . Hansen is affiliated w i t h Sigma N u .
Mr. and Mrs. H a r r y Ebright have announced the engagement of their
daughter Eloise '20 to M r . M y r o n Shelby Jared, the marriage to take place
September 23, after which M r . Jared with his w i f e will return to complete
his medical t r a i n i n g at N o r t h w e s t e r n . M r . Jared is a member o f P h i C h i .

Beatrice M c P h e r s o n to A r t h u r L o m a x o f Seattle, o n A p r i l 12, at the
chapter house.



Laura Temple is spending the summer w i t h her grandmother in
Pamona, California.

Jewell Hammonds writes that she is having a glorious time in Europe.
Margaret B . Bentley and her family are spending the summer in New
Nelle G. B a r t o n has moved f r o m Dallas to Nashville. M r . Barton is
now a member o f the firm L a m a r a n d B a r t o n ( f o r m e r l y S m i t h a n d
L a m a r ) . Frances Cummings Waltman and her hursband are living in San
Lucille Price will teach at Durant Presbyterian College next year. She
has been organist f o r the C i t y Temple d u r i n g the past year.

Louise Pendleton was married to M r . John McDonald in Durant,
Okla. on the 17th o f May.



Eta's alums are widely scattered this summer, but quite a number have
written home telling us of their vacations, and of their plans f o r the com-
ing fall.

Katherine B a i r d is spending her vacation in Panama, and w i l l teach
in one o f the government schools there i n September.

Edith Hastings has been i n summer school here, and expects to teach
in Kenosha, Wis. the coming year.

Grace Degan, attended summer school here, and will leave immediately
for M o u n t Vernon, Indiana, to visit M a r y Stinson. There is a rumor
abroad that M t . V e r n o n offers other attractions w h i c h " D e e g " finds most
interesting! I n spite o f that we expect to have her back f o r rushing this

Eunice. Getzelman, Stella Johnson, and Flora Alcorn have found sum-
mer school here as enjoyable as any summer resort. T w o o f o u r R h o sis-
ters, Helen Schmidt, and Helen Ralston are in Madison and living in the
chapter house d u r i n g summer session.

D o r o t h y K r e m e r is traveling East, by motor d u r i n g the months o f J u l y
and August.

M a r y Fowler Rennebohm is one o f a party o f f o u r who are spending
the month of August sight-seeing in Canada, California and the West.

Elizabeth W o o d s is spending the summer w i t h her parents in Louis-
ville, and will teach Home Ecoomics in one o f Louisville's H i g h Schools
this coming fall.

Esther Fowler Rosecrans is now living in Indianapolis, where her hus-
band has a position in the Indiana Chamber o f Commerce.

Margaret Ramsay will enter a Chicago school of designing in Sep-
tember. H e r engagement was announced this spring to Stewart Miller, a
Psi Upsilon at Illinois.


Eta's active chapter w i l l welcome as many alums back t o r u s h i n g this

f a l l as find i t possible to come. I f y o u can't come and k n o w o f some good

m a t e r i a l f o r o u r r u s h i n g lists, be sure t o mail such news to the chapter



Alpha P h i alumnae is growing fast—we are glad to welcome into our

ranks f r o m the class o f '22—Mayme Egan, Gladys Matthews, M a r y

Stranahan, Mildred Forrest, Ethel Young, Dorothy Noble and Charlotte

Cooley. M i l d r e d Forrest has a l l ready contracted f o r a position in the de-

partment of H o m e Economics at White Sulphur Springs, Montana.

D o r o t h y Noble started w o r k o n l y a f e w weeks a f t e r g r a d u a t i o n a n d is diet-
itian at the Deaconess Hospital, Great Falls, Mont. Charlotte and Ethel,

two young "Alums" who are sporting fraternity pins are just going to stay
at home f o r a w h i l e a n d then y o u can guess. Mayme, Mary, a n d Gladys

have n o t decided upon their occupation f o r next year.

Etta Haynes '19 is spending her summer vacation w i t h her f o l k s i n
Clancy, Mont. E t t a is going to teach H o m e Economics in Oregon State

next year.

Esther Belle Cooley '16 spent her summer vacation at her home in

Bozeman, Mont.

H a r r i e t Arneson '18, Doris Ingram '19, Lynnie Chattin Bullock '19,
and Minnie Ellen Marquis '21 spent "Home Coming Week" in Bozeman

and were guests o f the active chapter.
Ruby Hodgkiss Hagen '18 has moved f r o m Schenectady, N . Y . , to

Butte, Mont. T h e "Butte A l u m s " are so happy to have Ruby w i t h them
and hope she is to be located there permanently.

Henrietta Moebus '21 spent part o f her summer vacation visiting

Helen Tripp Davis '21 i n Vancouver, B . C.
D o r o t h y Ropes '21 w r i t e s that she has signed u p t o teach another year

in the Home Economics Department of the Helena H i g h School. " D o t " is
enjoying her work immensely.


Charlotte Easby received her M . A . in June.

Evelyn H a r r i s Jefferies has opened a tea room—a most attractive one—
at her home in Narberth.

M a r g a r e t Robinson is p l a n n i n g to be m a r r i e d the t h i r d week i n

K a t h e r i n e Snively is t r a v e l l i n g abroad.

Katherine Thomas has l e f t Philadelphia, much to the disappointment
of all Philadelphia Alpha O's, and is n o w at Scranton.

September 20th is the date set f o r A n n a W o l l ' s w e d d i n g .



Carrol McDowell, w h o has been teaching since her graduation, has
taken up w e l f a r e w o r k . D u r i n g the summer she has been attending the

University of Chicago preparatory to taking up that line of work in the

same city.

Clarice Gardner has been attending Summer School at Kansas U n i v e r -

sity at Lawrence. H o w e v e r , she has been able t o spend most o f her week-
ends in Kansas City. W h a t is the greatest, Clarice?

Blanche Coventry H i l l motored up to K . C. f r o m her home in Ran-

dall. Kansas, where she and D r . H i l l are so pleasantly located. She seemed
to feel that she had all the experiences o f "West B r o a d w a y " in her short

trip. Nothing like being towed forward three miles then back twelve be-
fore finding a competent mechanic. A l s o such a little matter as three b l o w

outs. Blanche says she w i l l always have a man along a f t e r this. T h e K .

C. A l u m s had a dinner f o r her and we all had a grand time.


Dorothy Miller has not been very well f o r the past year. She spent
some time w i t h her uncle i n R o c k f o r d , 111. where she had her tonsils re-
moved. She is contemplating a trip f o r the coming winter. W e are all
hoping f o r an early return of her health.

Jane Morgan graduated this year f r o m the University of Wisconsin
a f t e r t a k i n g her first t w o years at Kansas. J a n e ^ v i l l give us no definite
i n f o r m a t i o n as to her plans f o r n e x t year. She is engaged to a Wisconsin
Theta Chi, who is taking up Accounting in Carrolville, W i s .

Betty Watson will teach another year at Peabody, Kansas.
Grace Stotts will keep on with her Journalism work in Bonner Springs.
Helen Darby Appelonio has spent the past month w i t h her parents i n
Washington, Kansas. W e are expecting her back soon.
Bernice K u h n is w o r k i n g f o r the K . C. Journal-Post.
E d i t h Phenecie w i l l soon finish her w o r k at H u f f ' s Commercial C o l -
lege and w i l l probably locate in Kansas City.
M a n Rose expects to stay in Kansas C*it\ for another year.
Lois Bennett will go back to University of Illinois f o r her last year.
Ruth Ewing graduated this spring with high honors f r o m the Uni-
versity o f Kansas Medical School. She has been attending Yale all sum-
mer where she intends to be f o r a year. R u t h w i l l probably take up
"Jack" Gilmore will do newspaper work in Hutchinson, Kansas next
Margaret Matthews is planning a trip East. D o r o t h y Crane and M a r y
Osborne are going to teach. Nadine Hodges has taken a teaching position
at Ottawa, Kan.
M a r y Rose Barrons has been sick most o f the summer. M a r y always
looks so well that I f e a r we have not been as sympathetic as we should.
Just now she is s u f f e r i n g f r o m a severe attack of " w a l k i n g " typhoid.
Anna H a l l Curdy and children are spending the summer in the East.
Julia Anne Smith, Kappa, and mother left the middle of July f o r
Yellowstone Park, Seattle, Portland, and California. Julia Anne will
teach again next winter in Lyons, Kansas.
Charlotte Hall Uhls returned f r o m her District Superintendent's trip
June 12. I n the m i d d l e o f A u g u s t she and D r . U h l s leave f o r Colorado
and Yellowstone Park by motor.
Florence Klapmcyer has been doing splendid w o r k f o r the Children's
Bureau as a volunteer f o r Panhellenic.
D r . Pattie H a r t D r a n t is practicing in Philadelphia. H e r offices are
located at 1712 Pine Street.


Sometime during Commencement week the following alumnae were in
O x f o r d : M a r y H e c k '13, L e a f y C H i l k e r '14, A d a W i l s o n ex 18, M a r t h a
H i t c h n e r '18. M a r y Anderson '21, D o n n a S. Ryan ex '23, Edna Gilbert
'18, and Clarissa Scott '20. Helen H a l l e r '21 and M i l l y Rothhaar 19—
fortunate sisters, don't have to "come back" f o r they work in O x f o r d all
of the time. M a n y old f r i e n d s were seen on the campus and the weather
was especially fine.
Lucille T . Madison ex '22 was back at M i a m i in May with her f a t son
Jimmy. She stayed w i t h her sister Kate w h o is a freshman and an A l p h a
Ada Wilson ex '18, visited her brother in St. Louis this summer.
Frances M c N u t t ex '22, was graduated f r o m Wesleyan in June.
M a r j o r y K . M a n t o n '19, has moved to N e w Y o r k City. H e r new ad-
dress is A p a r t m e n t 35, 215 West 259th Street.
Esther Henderson '18, and M a r t h a Hitchner '18, attended summer
school at Columbia.


Marion A r t h u r '22, spent the summer with her sister Louise A .
Spieldenner ex '20, at her home in Brooklyn, N . Y .

Mildred Rothhaar '19, w i l l continue her w o r k with D r . W a l l i n of
M i a m i U n i v e r s i t y , but she w i l l be located in D a y t o n this winter.

Grace DuBois '14, is General Secretary of the Piqua, Ohio Y . W . C.

Mary Young '21. did playground work in her home town, Ft. Wayne,

Indiana, in her summer mornings and spent the rest of her time being
Deputy Sheriff to the Probation Officer. T o quote M a r y , she can "go to
movies and ride on street cars free and wear a star and arrest people."

Lillian D . Moore '17, entertained a group of Omega actives and
alumnae at her home in Hamilton, Ohio, with a delightful dinner in June.

Peg Wagner L u n g e r ex '23, has « o v e d to San Francisco where her
husband will do his interne w o r k in one of the hospitals. Peg writes of a
t h r i l l i n g trip west, b u t seems a wee bit lonesome so f a r away. Let's b o m -
bard her w i t h Omega letters this winter. H e r address is 323 L y o n Street.

Ruth Cox '20, took Government and then more Government in sum-
mer school at Miami before taking a vacation trip in August.

O n June 12, 1922, six A l p h a O's were graduated f r o m M i a m i U n i -
versity. They were: Marion A r t h u r . Martha Jaques. Alice Woolerv.
Charlotte HaarLammert, Addie Louise Winston, and Sophie Nickel.
Marion was graduated w i t h honors in Sociology.

Etta F o x ex '24, is a brand new " a l u m n i . " She is going to do secre-
tarial work at her home in Mansfield this winter.

M a r t h a Jaques '22, better k n o w n to most o f us as M a r t , has accepted
the position of secretary to Dean Brandon of M i a m i . Many of us envy
Mart's being " w i t h the g i r l s " f o r another year. W e wish her success i n
her work.

Sylvia Voorhees ex '22, visited in O x f o r d in August.
Billy Ozias ex '24, went to summer school at M i a m i . She is getting
ready to teach at her home in New Madison. Ohio, this winter.
Grace Willis, '21, visited Jane Sickels, ex '21, at the A O I I house in
Blootnington, Indiana, during the summer. Jane was in summer school at
the University of Indiana.
I V K Hetz '_'n. writes thai sin- and Dol arc teaching some this summer,
but they are planning a " l i t t l e " vacation before school opens. Peg has
transferred to the b l i n d department of the Cleveland schools, and she says
that she w i l l go blindly f o r t h to teach the b l i n d . D o t is going to teach, but
she plans to r e t u r n to school second semester. The chapter should rejoice
to hear of Dot returning.
I t w i l l be o f interest to Omega alumnae to k n o w that M r s . F r a n k
L o w r y Clark w h o has been a patroness since the beginning of the chapter
is author o f Bacon's D i a l in Shakespeare. I t is one of the new f a l l books
published by Stewart K i d d Co.. of Cincinnatti. W e are sure that all of the
alumnae will w i s h M r s . C l a r k success w i t h her book.


W i t h the June graduates we gained three engaged sisters. They are:

Sophie Nickel, who is engaged to H e w i t t V i n n e d i g e . / i M i a m i '21.

Alice W o o l e r v . w h o is engaged to M i l f o r d Hevmen, 0 K T . M i a m i .

And Charlotte H a a r l a m m e r t , w h o is engaged to A l l e n Rakan, A V ,
Miami '21.


Martha Anderson '19, was married on M a y 27th to M r . James
McCullough of Hillsdale, Michigan. The wedding was at the Anderson
home in O x f o r d . M a r y Anderson '21, was maid of honor and Helen Bal-
linger '23, sang.


M a r y Boynton '19, was married in M a y to M r . Stanley H a m i l t o n .
They are living at 421 So. Boots St., Marion, Indiana. M r . H a m i l t o n is a
Y. M . C . A. secretary.

A l v i r a Lehrer '19, (better k n o w n as S i d ) , was married on June 1st to
Mr. Russell Stephens. They spent their honeymoon in the Ozarks and are
now living at 358 Sayles Blvd., Abiline, Texas.

Roma Lindsey '20, was married on June 17th to M r . Chauncey
Saunders, S A E, Miami '21, of Chicago. The wedding took place at the
Lindsey home in Piqua. Peg Betz '20, Helen Haller '21. Lncile T .
Madison ex '22, and Vesta Magee '23, all write about how lovely the
• wedding was. Roma is living in Chicago at present.

I wish to announce the wedding of H a l c y o n Clark ex '23, to M r .
E d g a r L . Rice at this time because the plans f o r it sound too t h r i l l i n g to be
put off until N o v . The wedding is to be on Sept. 8th at Hal's home in
Massilon w i t h Vesta Magee '23, Bernice Shuey ex '23, and Alice Maier
ex '23, to be the bridesmaids i n peach, o r c h i d and blue. Those of y o u
who know Vet, Bernie, and A l can easily imagine how lovely they will
look with tall stately H a l in white. The Rice's will live in Akron, Ohio,
when they return f r o m a trip east.



O — T o M r . and M r s . John R. Graf on June 22, a son, Richard Hayes.
K — T o M r . and M r s . Harvie Branscomb (Margaret Vaughn) a son,

Harvie Branscomb, Jr.

K — T o M r . and Mrs. James Walker (Eleanor Manning) a daughter, Rosa

K — O n June 8. to M r . and M r s . Steve H . T u r n b u l l ( R u b v T o o m b s ) a son,
Steve H . Turnbull, Jr.

0 — T o M r . and M r s . H e n r y W i l s o n ( R u t h Case) a son, John Henrv, on
December 20, 1921.

0 — O n M a r c h 17, to M r . and M r s . H a r o l d M a y h u g h ( E t h e l P i k e ) a son,
Howard Stuart.

G—To M r . and M r s . C. Ivan H u n t l e y ( R u t h Jordan) a daughter, Edith,
on Feb. 21.

G—To Mr. and Mrs. Milan J. Smith (Sibyl Russell), a daughter,
Priscilla Marcia, on A p r i l 25.

G — O n M a y 27, to M r . and M r s . D a v i d N . Beach, Jr., ( M a r g u e r i t e M i l l s )
a daughter, Martha Mills.

G—To M r . and Mrs. Carl W . Tobey (Prudence W . Wadsworth) a daugh-
ter, Gwendolyn Louise, on M a y 13.

G—To M r . and M r s . P. M . H a l l (Rachel Winship) a son, Edward Cole-
man, on May 31.

G—In June, to M r . and Mrs. Weston B. Haskell (Pauline Derby) a
daughter, Helena Zoe.

G — O n J u l y 14, to M r . and M r s . W . D . T o w n e r ( B e t t y M i l l s ) a son,
John Harding.

P—To M r . and Mrs. A. J. Hennings (Merva Dolsen) a daughter. Mar-
garet Ellen, on August 11.

P—On A p r i l 27, to M r . and Mrs. John B . Denell (Miette B r u g n o t ) , a
daughter, Alice Twight Brugnot.

1 — T o M r . and M r s . L . S. Foote ( M a r t h a H e d g c o c k ) a son, in June.

T — T o M r . and Mrs. Walter Munro (Helen Pierce) a son.

T — T o Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Brunsdale (Borghild Erling) a daughter.


X — T o M r . and Mrs. Claude Latin (Ethel Hansuer) a daughter.
X — T o M r . and M r s . Knickerbocker, a son, Charles H e r r i o t t , on M a y 7.

X — A p r i l 22, to M r . and Mrs. Fred Mason (Genevieve Canfield) a daugh-
ter. Mildred Lucille.

X — T o M r . and Mrs. Harry Lamb (Ruby Davis) a daughter, Ruth

V — O n A p r i l 16. T o M r . and M r s . H a r r i s M . W a t e r s ( V i r g i n i a R. Mose-
ley) a daughter, Virginia.

\ / _ T o M r . and Mrs. Curtiss Gilbert (Anne Seeley) a daughter Mary

V — T o M r . and Mrs. Robert W . Owen (Nellie McColl) a daughter,

V — T o M r . and Mrs. Frank Burlingham (Violet Krohn) a daughter,

\ ' — T o M r . and Mrs. Robert Graham (Frances Dibble) a son.
N K — T o M r . and Mrs. John O. Beatty, a son, Whitney Mason.
Q _ O n M a r c h 14, to M r . and M r s . E . F . S e f t o n ( P e g W u s t ) a daughter.

Elizabeth Jane.

A 0 — O n J u l y 5, to M r . and M r s . Ross ( M a r c y A n g e l l ) a daughter.

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