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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-05 15:46:13

1984 Summer - To Dragma

Vol. LXIII, No. 3


ofalpha omicron pi

Summer 1984 Vol. LXIII, No. 3


The €t>Hors Ptace

"There's a fundamental difference be- composite of the panel. Professional staff that expectations placed on members of
tween men and women." members represented the men's fraterni- Greek groups are comparable to those
ties while volunteer national officers rep- placed on other student groups."
With that opening comment, Alpha resented the women's groups.
Omicron Pi International President Gin- Deadlines
ger Banks began outlining " H o w to Another significant difference was un- Be a part of the next To Dragmas.
Avoid Problems with the National Of- derscored by Sally Nitschke. Ideas and suggestions can be sent at any
fice" for new Greek advisors attending a time. Items for consideration in the fra-
special session prior to the Association of "Without even asking her," said Sally, ternity publication should arrive before
Fraternity Advisors meeting. " I know that there are certain principles the following deadlines: July 1 f o r the Fall
on which Ginger and I agree. That is be- magazine; O c t . 15 f o r the Winter issue;
The session, designed to help new Pan- cause our groups have endorsed the Jan. 15 f o r the Spring magazine, and
hellenic and Interfraternity Conference Unanimous Agreements of the National A p r i l 1 f o r the Summer issue.
advisors better understand their roles, Panhellenic Conference."
was held Nov. 30-Dec. 1 in Kansas City. Upcoming
Sally and Ginger both emphasized the We want to hear f r o m AOITs w h o were
Offered in the session were several need for advisors to understand and in collge anytime between 1945 and 1955.
panel discussions, including one entitled w o r k within the Unanimous Agreements What were your college years like? H o w
"The National Office's Expectations of and the NPC Manual of Information. did your careers develop? Please partici-
the Advisor," in which Ginger was asked pate or tell us about an outstanding A O I I
to participate. "We all need to recognize the two-way who entered her career during those
street of information and concern," Gin- years.
Joining her on the panel were Alpha ger said. "We need to work cooperative-
Tau Omega Executive Director Steve Sid- ly—not unilaterally." PHI BETA
ers, Kappa Kappa Gamma President Sal-
ly Nitschke, Phi Delta Theta Executive In that regard, Ginger stated that one Annual Meeting
Vice President Robert Miller, and Sigma way to avoid problems with the national Sept. 10, 7 p . m . ,
Alpha Epsilon Executive Director Ken offices is f o r Greek advisors to treat stu- 1853 Hay Terrace
Tracey. dent groups impartially and fairly. Easton, PA 18042

The panelists offered various perspec- " I have a real concern that often Greek For more information:
tives on how Greek advisors might work groups are singled out," said Ginger. " I Peggy Zywicki
with local chapters and their national of- wonder, for example, whether student af- 1853 Hay Terrace
ficers and professional staff members. fairs personnel are equally as concerned Easton, PA 18042
about scholarship in other student groups (215) 252-2869
In her remarks, Ginger cautioned the as they are about it in sororities and fra-
advisors to recognize the fundamental ternities.
differences in the ways men's and wom-
en's fraternities operate. " I welcome opportunities to share mu-
tual concerns with panhellenic advisors,"
Her point that men's groups depend said Ginger, "but I also want to know
heavily on their professional staffs while
women's groups rely on volunteers for Perspectives
many functions was illustrated by the
By Ginger Banks chapter.
Dear Editor: M y fraternity is very good for me and I
I was elated to read the poem "The International President
The late, great performer Ethel Mer- am very good for my fraternity.
AOII Wing" by A m y Engelbert in the man once said, "Broadway was very
Winter issue. As an Alpha Theta alumna good for me. And I was very good for As trite as it may seem to say it, the
living far from the chapter, I savor every Broadway." full benefits of fraternity membership will
word I hear f r o m them. I also lived on How wonderful and gratifying it is to be ours only if we constantly contribute
the wing f r o m my first day at Coe Col- be able to say that—especially when no our time, our talents and our financial
lege, and I have always sensed the spe- one can deny the truth of it. gifts to Alpha Omicron Pi.
cialness of what Alpha Theta has.
How satisfying it is to be able to say In her 1955 Founders' Day message to
Two years after leaving, I visited A l - that we gained a lot from something, but the fraternity, Stella George Stern Perry
pha Theta, and re-experienced the feel- we gave back a lot, too. wrote, "We appreciate the superb oppor-
ings expressed by A m y . Yes, the paint tunities of college and fraternity life and
was different, and new sisters occupied When each member assesses her con- would fulfill them. But we know that
most of the rooms, but, as another sister tributions and commitment to Alpha their impact upon us must be balanced by
wrote me " . . . You're always a part of Omicron Pi, how close can she come to our impact upon them.';
the wing . . . " The wing is home, not making a statement similar to Miss Mer-
only to collegians but to alumnae as well. man's? "Broadway was very good for me. And
After leaving Coe, I was often reminded I was very good for Broadway."
by my sisters who wrote, " . . . There's a How many of us can say (without fear
Rose waiting here just f o r y o u . " I also of contradiction): It truly is in the giving that we receive.
sang those words as a collegian but only That is the essence of volunteerism.
upon my return as an alumnae did I fully M y pledge class was very good for me That is the essence of Alpha O m i -
understand their sincerity. and I was very good for my pledge class. cron Pi.

Yes, there is no place like home! M y alumnae chapter is very good for
Fraternally, me and I am very good for my alumnae
Sharon Kay Van Fleet


Published since January, 1905 by RAGMA

ALPHA OMICRON PI of alpha omicron pi

Founded at Barnard College,
January 2, 1897

Founders Summer 1 9 8 4 Vol. LXIII, No. 3

Jessie Wallace Hughan featuring 4
Helen St. Clair Mullan 11
Stella George Stern Perry Rush—A0II Style Begins 13
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Rush Directory 19
The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Mary Dee Drummond dies 24
Barnard College of Columbia University and all A look at an early Alpha 31
Installation, colonizations reported 37
are deceased. AOII Foundation awards grant 38
Distance doesn't stop Mom
Alpha Omicron Pi DJF celebrates 25 years
International Headquarters
Nashville, Tennessee 37215

Telephone: 615-383-1174


Sue Wayenberg Hinz, A r

N W 1445 Kenny

Pullman, W A 99163

(509) 332-1168—Home

(509) 335-4527—Office


Sue Edmunds Lewis, T A
3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, T N 37215

PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of
Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly
by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription price
is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life
subscription: $50.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave.,
Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Address all
editorial communications to the Editor,
Sue Hinz, N W 1445 Kenny, Pullman,
W A 99163. Second Class Postage paid at
Nashville, T N and additional mailing of-

On the Cover Departments 2
A l l too soon it w i l l be time for Editor's Place 26
A O I I collegians to return to col- Alumnae Chapter Activity
lege campuses and in most Collegiate Chapter Commentaries
cases—Rush. Assisted by Ca-
mille Mitchell, International
Rush Chairman, and Gamma
O m i c r o n members at the Univer-
sity of Florida, T o D r a g m a takes
a look at Rush, A O I I style.



6id i&tAe invitation fecial
women (oo&faxon 6id ctatff. . . tie

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A t&owca&e, A aatAexcna o£
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mo4t ten&xtionat 4fcla4A, tie evaxmeAt tocccA
to tAeOi heante. . . eve evox4f eve evonA to
achieve excellence! and eve one cavUed

J Ht&u&ia&K 6eQit4, u>&6> you and 6cc6lcU 6K otfanA, thtoayA ctonmiaUca&aH,. *k

(vdl. . .

"Our adviser was G R E A T ! She attended all of our up. But as their titles imply, they are to A D V I S E . Responsibility
workshops, meetings and parties. She helped to contact alumnae for planning a successful rush lies with the collegiate chapter.
for MIFs and to help at parties. She always offered her support Then the Rush Adviser critiques, encourages, and on the whole,
and encouragement." (Beth Floyd, Lambda Chi) offers a perspective of one who has enough experience to see
what will and will not work. Only in the most dire
"Advisers were present at all the workshops and interjected circumstances should she impose her will, and then only with
when needed. They helped me personally a great deal during the full knowledge and consent of the Alumnae Advisory
parties and membership selection by recording scores and Committee.
advising us on the MS system. Their MIFs were a great help.
Our alums were a wonderful help and a super bunch of sisters!" On the regional level, the Regional Director is available to
(Michele Williams, Phi) help by using experiences gleaned from many chapters on a long
term basis. Being somewhat removed from individual chapters
Do these examples reflect the alumnae involved on your allows her to objectively view the overall Rush plans presented
campus? The long term strength of any collegiate chapter is to her. The R D can bolster weak areas of Rush and pledge
closely related to the alumnae who support it. But, sometimes programs and stress winning trends. She serves as a sounding
the help they offer is unaware of the role of advisers, or perhaps board and a cheerleader for her chapters.
the advisers are too zealous in their attempts to assist. What is
their role supposed to be in Rush? The Regional Rush Officer is a resource person. She has the
responsibility of monitoring Rush at all the chapters in her
Local alumnae may be directly involved in Rush by helping to region. By looking at reports, trends, and plans, she is able to
tabulate and order membership lists. They may help serve determine whether suggested plans will lead to a successful
refreshments and provide support behind the scenes, but very Rush. Using her expertise and the other regional officers to
rarely are they to actually Rush. Any advice on rushees should check spending feasibility and campus trends, she can offer a
be offered via MIFs. At no time should they press the chapter to truly objective view of Rush planning. She also serves as
select a particular girl. As we all were selected by young cheerleader providing positive support at all times.
collegians, the women today are very capable of selecting
excellent, well qualified women to carry the tradition of AOII Each of the alumnae from local AOIIs to regional officers has
for four more years. The time for alumnae to really get involved a unique role to play. Their hostessing skills, clerical skills,
is in the planning and preparation of Rush activities. organizational talents, love of Alpha Omicron Pi, and (when
necessary) advice can all help our chapters plan and execute a
The Rush Adviser and the Chapter Adviser are in unique successful Rush.
positions to offer direct aid to the chapter. They are aware of
chapter strengths and weaknesses and know the campus make- Collegiate chapters benefit most from a broad base of
alumnae support. Now and then advisers are absent due to
ui I unforeseen circumstances.
rt s
"Our Rush Adviser was expecting a baby and went into
m premature labor at the beginning of August, so she wasn't
there," says Kym Wright of Chi Alpha. Although the adviser's
expertise was greatly needed, Chi Alpha has been working on
building a stronger base of local support.

"This year marked our first Alumnae Appreciation Tea,
where we awarded certain alumnae and alumnae chapters
certificates of appreciation and flowers. This summer at the
Rush Retreat we had the Monterey County Alumnae participate
in a mock preference ceremony. Each year we have a Christmas
party gift exchange with the Sacramento Alumnae, and they are
always sent invitations to our Rose Ball and to Davis' Annual
Picnic Day."

These are some good ways to build and maintain alumnae
support. Knowing what the chapter expects is all important. By
knowing the young women of a collegiate chapter through
various activities, the alumnae can assist and advise them with
the ease of true sisterhood. And, of course, a personal touch of
thanks can keep that assistance coming.

So many alumnae enjoy giving their assistance, but if they
don't know they are needed, they won't call and offer.
Collegians should not hesitate to ask any alumnae for support.
The opportunity to give is usually welcomed, and giving of
yourself is what sisterhood is all about. It is the unique gift
given to us and we as alumnae need to share it with our sisters

—Charlene Meyer, Zeta, RRO V


But at last, Rush week arrives with the first day and

first round of parties. Sisters tip-toe up to the

windows, and slowly peeling back the drapery, they

peek outside hoping to catch a glance of rushees

who may soon be new pledges. Other sisters line up

inside the house, and wait for the Rush Chairman's

signal. "Check!, Pins, shoes, dress, hair, make-up,

smiles, POSTURE! Everyone looks G R E A T !

30. . .20. . .10. . .5. . .1. . . G O ! The front doors fly

open and like tin soldiers, we march out of the


As the last sister comes out, the door closes. There

sitting before us, underneath a small canvas sit 70 or

80 rushees. On their faces are expressions of

excitement one second; concern and worry, the next.

One rushee hurries to hide away a brush, another a

mirror. The next sound is the snapping of fingers—

the cue to begin.

"Girl in Red, Girl in white, AOII is dynomite, the

AOIIs welcome you!" Immediately, anxious faces are

replaced by open eyes and bright, cheery smiles.

By Mary Ann George When the singing stops, sisters walk towards the

Gamma Omicron rushees and take them one by one into the house. A

murmur of conversation soon rises to a roar as

"Girl in Red, Girl in White, AOII is dynomite!" sisters discuss the fundamentals: Name, major,

It bellowed from the mouths of jubilant sisters and hometown. Occasionally, a rushee's tensions are

I watched as the excitement of Fall 1983 Rush filled eased as she meets a sister from the same hometown.

the bodies and souls of the sisters of Gamma After a short while, rushees are escorted outside the

Omicron. I gazed down a row of sisters on the front door and are off to the next house. Inside, sisters

porch, dressed in red and white candy-cane dresses clean up and prepare for the next round of parties.

with chests thrown forward. Second round is full of activity. Sisters primp in

"Practice, practice, practice!" our songleader front of mirrors and attempt to avoid

exclaims, and once again, Rush songs fill the the cameras. Sounds around them are a

air. In a few more hours, the songs will mix of can-can girls and the Andrew

stop and the next scheduled event will AOII sisters; of Shirley Temple and

take its turn. From red and white "Baby Face." Another sister

dresses on a sparkling brick porch, to can be heard practicing

multi-colored costumes and a Rosann Rosannadana behind

lighted stage, a mood begins to closed doors!

breed and all "Twenty minutes!" one

realize that in sister exclaims—to let us

just a few short know that the time to begin

days more than a EPARATION!
thousand new
rushees will
converge on OUR


The next couple

of days fly by and . . . tnt liend Settbtf excellence.
are hardly noticed.

Editor's Note: Other articles about AOII Rush begin on page 36.

STYLE! [ smoothly and is a big success. Afterward, all look
forward to fourth round Preferentials.

Preferentials begin pretty much in the same way

as the previous rounds, but something is different.

Maybe it is the smell of fresh roses that envelop and

surround us. Or maybe it is the row of white candles

. . . t&e, 4ia*t, o£ d&zycetffi&cwn,A O I I 4 . <te£cthaartefgullolywlasiisdteorustinonwahipteolgisohwends,tasbtlaentdhiantgrbeeflfeocrtes it.

As each candle is lit and placed into the hands of

individual sisters, they begin to hum a song quietly.

yaad frue*td&< 4ttffa, y&ad (dealt eutd Separately, each rushee is brought into the house,
introduced to all and is seated.

draws near. The house is unrecognizable to us, as Soon these chosen girls will experience a special
everything has been moved or re-arranged to create part of AOII. It will come from an individual sisters
a broadway stage atmosphere. Soon the rushees are precious memories of her Roseweek, or maybe from
sitting inside waiting for the 'show' to begin. Sisters the feeling she experiences after reading a special
begin to hoot and howl as can-can skirts swing from note from a sister. Soon these rushees must decide
side to side and "broadway" legs kick up and down. whether or not AOIT has touched a special part of
In the room next door, a "cast" of sisters waits and them, and whether or not they believe that they will
watches others perform in front of the "live" be able to share in the unique quality that we as
audience. Some are repeating their lines to AOIIs have forever. For sisters, there is a feeling of
themselves—some out load, other sisters fix and uncertainty, but also of hope. Hope that these
adjust costumes to look "just right." rushees—their rushees, will choose AOII, just as
AOII has chosen them.
But amidst this outer confusion, the dedication of
those who never dreamed they'd be dancing and Preferential is the culmination of two weeks of
singing in front of hundreds of women, shows intense physical and emotional energy. But why do
through. But inhibitions vanish as these same sisters AOIIs everywhere put themselves through such
realize they are choosing the next members of AOII. stress? Because they realize that the future of AOII,
That it is their responsibility to ensure that Gamma is in their hands. AOII is only as good as the
Omicron and AOII as a whole receives the best members who comprise it. We are as great as we are
pledges Fall 1983 Rush has to offer. O N L Y because sisters before us believed in AOII.
And the belief says that we as members see a
One sister who has just finished her act on stage, purpose in AOII. A purpose that stands as a symbol
walks into the room next door with a tense and of the achievements of four brilliant women in a tiny
anxious expression, but is barraged by a handful of New England college at the end of the 19th century.
sisters who assure her—"You were terrific!" Soon We've got to remember those four women and the
round two is over and membership selection purpose behind AOII, as we decide the future of
follows. Afterwards, it is late and some sisters trail AOII at Rush each year. As we do so, we seize the
off to sleep. Others run to the phone and dial the opportunity to learn more about AOII—and about
number of the nearest pizza place. Half an hour ourselves.
later, three large pizzas arrive and are consumed
within ten minutes. "I can't eat anymore," says one
sister. But she isn't the first. Around the table lay
half-eaten pieces of pizza and bits of crust. In five or
six hours, all will wake to the next round of parties.

"Roll Call!" Adams, Basey, Charneco—Jones,
Dougherty, Pinizotti!" I look around the room and
see smiling but tired faces. The "pizza-eaters" slump
together on one couch, but are soon forced to get in
line and meet the third round of parties. Everyone
pulls together and helps each other get up and
organized. Third round is going to be spectacular.
Two hard-working sisters have been tediously
working over the past five months, to come up with
a new third round party, combining the music and
dancing of the old west. The party moves along



By Janine Marie DeMerschman
Chapter consultant 1983-84 at the door and stayed with me throughout the
Alpha Gamma party. The atmosphere was festive and I had a great
time. Before we left there was a serious moment. I
Outside a door waits a young lady masking like the combination . . . after all I can't be just
eagerness with all the poise a prospective pledge can serious or just fun all of the time!"
muster. She's not sure what awaits here inside.
Nervously she smooths her new dress. A decision Talking about AOII and what we can say to a
must be made today. A decision that she's told will rushee is a difficult task. Whether we talk roses,
last for a lifetime. rubies, or wheat, one idea seems to prevail—
sincerity. A rushee may be nervous but she can still
Inside the door activity is at a peak. Candles, see through a false act. It's obvious whether or not
roses, refreshments, choosing a special rushee—each the sisters truly enjoy each other, if they really
detail carefully attended to. The nervous consider each other as lifetime friends. A bond and
anticipation creeps inside, but confident sincerity friendship, somewhere a young college girl can be
takes over as the door swings open. herself is what a rushee is looking for—a place to
call home.
Welcome to the preference party; the grande
finale of rush. Each rushee that walks through the According to Kay Roloff, Zeta, the secret lies in
door today, may be seen decked out in an AOII honesty and sincerity.
sweatshirt tomorrow. We know that AOII means to "I can't speak for my chapter, but I can certainly
us and what it has to offer . . . now how do we speak for myself." is one approach Kay uses. "It's
convince a rushee—someone we hope to call sister? honest, sincere and I really believe that the rushee
knows that I am speaking from the heart. I try to
Through a rushee's eyes feelings expressed and show her how she can grow as ^^^fe^
attitudes conveyed play an instrumental role in her an individual in AOII. By Mft.
decision. One AOII pledge explained to me, "The pointing out different sisters that
last day was like icing on the cake! I liked AOII right excel in which areas she is
from the start. They were fun and really liked each interested, I can show how the
other. The last day, they (AOII) talked about opportunity for growth, friends
memories and moving on . . . what the seniors had and a home exist in AOII."
to look forward to. I was leaving high school and Betsy Bushey, Alpha Gamma,
old friends behind. I knew what it meant, (to move offers another strategy not far
on.) AOII seemed to already have a spot for me." from Kay's.
"I want my
A senior's memories reflected some insight into
the technical side of rush. "The last day has to be
timed, exactly. There is so much to fit into one short
hour. I remember that some sororities seemed
mechanical . . . AOII didn't. A familiar face met me

guest to feel as though everyone here is now and will That's the beauty of AOII. Though we are separated
continue to be her friend," Betsy explained. "I let her by the miles, we are gathered close by our ideals.

know how excited I am that she is back and I can get Once an AOII you are never alone. There are friends

to know her better. That is how I was rushed . . . around every corner who share similar values,

and well it worked! In rushing a sophomore or treasure mutual friendships, and cherish common

junior I emphasize the things that AOII can memories.

supplement. I was an upperclassman during rush; I A rushee outside the door is considering AOII as

wasn't looking for a beginning. However, with a the avenue to friendships. Show her that she can

freshman, I talk about beginnings. I show her how share in these memories. She can build a future in

AOII can be the start of many friendships." AOII with sisters upon whom she can call—for

These are only two stories of rush, but they anything—to laugh with or cry with. Someone to be

convey the feelings of chapters all over the country. her friend—forever.


' '/tttd tic nu4& excellence awanct aoe& to-. .

What will you be thinking when you hear the organized and complete
winners announced? Will you be so elated that your
chapter has won? O r will you wish that you had 5. reports and evaluations are complete and
done just a little more to get that new party off the accurate, the chapter is involved in evaluations, and
ground and studied your MIFs? they are able to perceive and define their problems
Now is the chance to plan and get it right! Your
chapter can be a winning chapter at home this fall 6-. all communications with alumnae, advisers,
and in Washington, D . C . , in June. Here are the regional officers, and collegians are consistent, clear,
criteria that were used for the 1983 awards given in and interesting.
New Orleans:
1. pledging quota each formal rush during the 7. MIFs are solicited, obtained, used, and
biennium acknowledged for each person who pledges
2. achieving and maintaining a membership which
equals or surpasses campus total 8. rush continues throughout the year even though
3. initiating a minimum of 90% of those pledged the chapter is at campus limitation (bids are not
4. rush planning and preparation is realistic, well extended if prohibited on campus)

• 9. the entire chapter membership plans and
implements the rush program
10. all legacies are assured a special opportunity to

11. specific membership selection criteria are
established before rush and used in decisions to offer

12. rush assistance is extended to those chapters who
need their mentoring

One of the most important things you can do for
your chapter is to see that all of these achievements
are documented so regional and international
officers know what you have done. Brag about your
chapter and you will be noticed!

We are all hoping it will be a close race for the
Rush Excellence Awards of 1985! Will your chapter
be nominated this year?


ALPHA OMICRON PI Rush Information

If you are not able to locate this name and address, send f o r m t o the Regional Extension Officer
responsible for the region in which the rushee will attend college - or to International Headquarters for
forwarding. If you have gathered this i n f o r m a t i o n in response to a chapter's request, please send the
information directly to the return address indicated. Collegiate chapter pledging depends on your
supplying available information.


College Age H.S. Graduation Date

Rushee's Name Home Phone

Permanent Mailing Address Campus Address if Known Campus Phone

City State Zip City State Zip Name of High School

Parents' Names City State

Parents' Address if different from Rushee's City State Zip Size of Student Body / Grade Point Aver.

P L E A S E R A N K T H E F O L L O W I N G , U S I N G " 4 " A S H I G H E S T - "1 " A S L O W E S T - " 0 " F O R N O T KNOWN . . .

social poise varied interests special talents (describe)

personal standards/values group adaptability

likeability group leadership *

appearance interest in sorority membership special honors and achievements (name - use back if needed

academic seriousness interest in A O T T

financial stability

* On back, name organizations, describe involvement (member, officer, etc.]


AOTT RELATIVES Collegiate Chapter
Name (include maiden name if known) Address Collegiate Chapter
Name (include maiden name if known) Address

(1) (2) (3)

If girl's college is n o t listed in A O T T D i r e c t o r y , send t h e i n f o r m a t i o n t o Peg C r a w f o r d , Vice-President D e v e l o p m e n t , 9 1 1 3 Massasoit, Oak L a w n ,
IL 64053, for extension possibilities.

O n back side, please provide information which might help the chapter in getting to know this rushee.

Y O U R Name Date

Address Phone (Area Code) (Number)

Collegiate Are you a Date Received:
Chapter? collegian now?

Alumnae Chapter? Date acknowledgement sent:

Sorority Rushee pledged: _

Write signature here to indicate endorsement of this rushee as an A O T T pledge.



Chapter A d v i s e r s should receive M I F s NO LATER than dates noted. T h i s is the time chapters review MIFs prior to rush.

School, Chapter Chapter Adviser School, Chapter Chapter Adviser School, Chapter Chapter Adviser

Alabama, Univ. of Mrs. Doug Rhodes Colorado, Univ. of M r s . W . Jones Hanover College Mrs. Robert McClew
Alpha Delta 4913 10th A v e . East Chi Delta 3124 Eastwood Court Phi Omicron 159 Greenwood Lane
Mid August Tuscaloosa, A L 35405 Mid August Boulder, C O 80302 Early January Hanover, I N 47243

Arkansas State Univ. Mrs. Thad Wyatt Delaware, Univ. of Miss Katherine Hartwick College Mrs. Fred G. Hickein
Sigma Omicron 3629 Blueridge Cr. Delta Chi Thackrah
Early September Jonesboro, A R 72401 M i d September Sigma Chi 82 Elm Street
5593 Heritage Ct. D r .
#2C Early Sept./Early Feb. Oneonta, NY 13820

Auburn University Mrs. Don Vincent Wilmington, DE Huntingdon College Mrs. George Kyser
Delta Delta P.O. Box 2097 19808 Sigma Delta 1606 Limestone Ct.
Early September A u b u r n , A L 36830 Late August Montgomery, AL

DePauw University Mrs. Howard Pelham 35117
Theta 4740 E. 71st Street
Ball State University Mrs. William Huber Mid August Indianapolis, I N Illinois, Univ. of Mrs. Butch Zunich
Kappa Kappa 2000 W . Jackson St. lota 704 W . Healy
Early September Muncie, I N 47303 46220 Early August Champaign, IL 61820

Birmingham Southern Mrs. William Dowell Duke University Mrs. William Mattern Illinois Wesleyan U . Miss Carol Elliott
College 3101 Andover Drive Delta Upsilon 2429 Rosewood Court Beta Lambda 305 Prospect Road #3
Birmingham, A L Early January Chapel Hill, N C Early September Bloomington, IL
Tau Delta
Late August 35243 27514 61701

Boise State Univ. Miss Candy Charity East Caroline U n i v . Mrs. Chris Pake Indiana State Univ. Mrs. Paul Gibbons
Beta Sigma 1210 Camelot Drive Zeta Psi 113 Fairway Drive Kappa Alpha 35 Gardendale Road
Mid August Boise, I D 83704 Late August Washington, NC Late August Terre Haute, I N 47803


British Columbia, Mrs. Paula Moran East Stroudsburg U . Mrs. Joseph Z y w i c k i Indiana University Mrs. Barry K. Hurtt
University of #206-2250 Oxford St. Phi Beta 1853 Hay Terrace Beta Phi 3611 Bainbridge Drive
Vancouver, B.C., Early September Easton, P A 18042 Early November Bloomington, IN
Beta Kappa
M i d September Canada V5L 1G1 47401

California, Univ. of M r s . Sandra Jaeger Evansville, Univ. of Miss Toni Reitz Indiana University of Miss Paulette Fenyus
Berkeley 1817 Capistrano Chi Lambda 521 South Pennsylvania 951 Lilac Street, A p t .
Berkeley, C A 94706 Late August
Sigma Runnymeade Gamma Beta 12
Mid August Evansville, I N 47714 Early September Indiana, PA 15701

California, Univ. of Ms. Karen Mills Florida Southern Mrs. Floyd Webb Iowa State University Mrs. Wayne R.
Davis 327 Zephyr Ranch Dr. College 2437 Tanglewood Iota Sigma Moore
Sacramento, CA Mid August
Chi Alpha Kappa Gamma Street 1627 Amherst Drive
Early September 95831 Early January Lakeland, FL 33801 Ames. 1A 50010

California, Univ. of Mrs. Arthur Traber Florida, Univ. of Mrs. Thomas M . Kansas, Univ. of Mrs. Carl Hoffman
San Diego 12007 Bajada Road Gamma Omicron Bush Phi 1271 Medford
San Diego, C A 92128 Early August Early Janurary Topeka, KS 66604
Lambda Iota 37A Grassy Lake
M i d September Road

Archer, FL 32618 Kearney State College Mrs. Jim Crocker

California State Univ. Mrs. Vince Rinehart Phi Sigma 4319 Glenwood Drive
Long Beach 1470 E. Bryant Drive
Long Beach, CA George Mason Univ. Mrs. Patty Milner Mid August Kearney. NE 68847
Lambda Beta Gamma Alpha 9922 Fairfax Square
Early August 90815 Early September Kentucky, Univ. of Mrs. Eugene
#94 Kappa Omega Slagowski
Fairfax, V A 22031 Late August
1249 Tishoff Court
California State U . Mrs. Chris Caldwell Georgia State U n i v . Debbie Doverspike LaGrange College Lexington, K Y 40502
Northridge 13701 Hubbard, #49 Gamma Sigma 1629 Camelot Circle Lambda Chi
Sylmar, C A 91342 Mid September Tucker, G A 30084 M i d September Mrs. Ed Snider
Sigma Phi 101 Lakecrest Drive
Mid August GM1 Engineering & Mrs. Marilyn Lambuth College LaGrange, GA 30240
Management Lawrence Omega Omicron
Central Missouri State Miss Deanna Fidler Institute Late August Mrs. Jim Dennison
University 5608 B E. 84th 1390 Kennebec 59 E. University
Georgia, Univ. of Grand Blanc, M I Lehigh University
Delta Pi Terrace Lambda Sigma Lambda Upsilon Pkwy.
Early September Kansas City, M O Early September 48439 Early January Jackson, T N 38301

64132 Mrs. Missy Leypoldt Mrs. Terry Schutten
132 Ramblewood 8 College View Ct.,
Coe College Jan Kahle
Alpha Theta 2722 Johnson Ave., Place RD1
Early September Watkinsville, GA Schnecksville, PA
Cedar Rapids, IA 30677 18078



School. Chapter Chapter Adviser School. Chapter Chapter Adviser School, Chapter Chapter Adviser

Louisville, Univ. of Mrs. Philip Kennedy Ohio Northern Univ. Miss Lyne Smith Texas Woman's Univ. Miss Katherine
Pi Alpha 3815 Briar Ridge Road Kappa Pi 425 Student Services Delta Theta
Late August LaGrange, KY 40031 Mid September Wilson
Bldg., BGSU 8453 Southwestern
Maine, Univ. of Miss Kimberly Bowling Green, O H
Orono Downing Blvd. #6147
43403 Dallas, T X 75206
Gamma 25 Nevins Street
M i d September Portland, M E 04013 Oregon State Univ. Mrs. John Baines Texas, Univ. of, San Mrs. William Cooper
Alpha Rho 204 N . W . 27th Antonio 6030 Forest Ridge
Early September Corvallis, OR 97330 San Antonio, TX
Upsilon Lambda
Maryland, Univ. of Miss Ann Johnson Mid August 78240
Pi Delta 9158 Springhill Ct.
Early September Oregon, Univ. of Miss Brenda Mcintosh Toledo, Univ. of Mrs. Kenneth
#102 Alpha Sigma 955 Lewis, A p t . 7 Theta Psi Kormanyos
Greenbelt, M D 20770 Early September Eugene, OR 97402 Early September
418 Hillside Drive
Miami University Mrs. Robert Schuette Pennsylvania State U. Ms. Pat Antolosky Rossford, O H 43460
Omega 489 White Oak Drive Epsilon Alpha 620 Toftrees A v e . ,
Mid August Oxford, O H 45056 Early September Toronto, Univ. of Miss Arlene Drago
#158 Beta Tau 39 Richview Road,
Michigan, Univ. of Miss M a r y Jane State College, PA Early September
Omicron Pi Hogan #1407
Early September 16803 Etobicoke, Ontario,
1255 Indian M o u n d
West Purdue University Miss Jane Hamblin Canada M 9 A 4M7
Phi Upsilon 400 N . River Rd.
Birmingham, M I Early January Vanderbilt University Mrs. Cal Nielson
48010 #1115
West Lafayette, I N Nu Omicron 811 Boscobel Street

47906 Early Sept./Early Jan. Nashville, T N 37206

Middle Tennessee Miss Sissy Follis Shippensburg Univ. Miss Joan Covey Virginia, Univ. of Miss Nancy Herlihy
State University 1907 Riverview Drive Tau Lambda Director of Employee Chi Beta 456 S. Wayne A v e . ,
Murfeesboro, T N Early January
Mid August Relations, SU Apt. 3
37130 Shippensburg, PA Waynesboro, V A

Minnesota, Univ. of Miss Christine Casper 17257 22980
Tau 9012 17th A v e . , So.
M i d September Bloomington, M N Slippery Rock Univ. Miss LuAnn Wagner College Miss Lisa Maycrcik
Sigma Rho McCullough Theta Pi 423 Rellim Drive
55420 Early September Late September Old Bridge, NJ 08857
RD #\
Mississippi, Univ. of Mrs. Van Rural Valley, PA Washington College M r s . Lee Davis
N u Beta Fenstermaker Sigma Tau RD 2, P.O. Box 133A
Early August 16249 Early February Chestertown, M D
Highway 6 East
O x f o r d , MS 38655 South Alabama, Mrs. James M . Haig 21620
Univ. of 2660 Ralston Road
Montana State Univ. Mrs. Earnest Griffanti Mobile, A L 36606
Alpha Phi 2904 Colter Avenue Gamma Delta
M i d September Bozeman, M T 59715 M i d September Washington State U . Mrs. Gary Meadows
Alpha Gamma SW 930 Alcora Drive
Southeastern Mrs. Joseph Lobue Early August Pullman, W A 99163
Louisiana P.O. Box 764
Montana, Univ. of Miss Renda Greene University Hammond, L A 70404 Washington, Univ. of Miss Joan Lee
Beta Rbo 2230 Gerald Upsilon 516 S. 222nd #4
Early September Missoula, M T 59801 Kappa Tau Early September Des Moines, W A
Early August
Morehead State Univ. Miss Karen Sue Southern California Miss Cindy Nolting
Omega Xi Bothun University of 5332 Sepulveda Blvd., Western Illinois U. Mrs. Keith Rogers
M i d September Sigma Iota 106 Dove Avenue
23 B. Pretty Valley . Nu Lambda #18 Early September Macomb, IL 61455
Clearfield, KY 40313 Late August
Van Nuys, CA 91411

Morningside College Miss Beth Hanauer Southwestern Ms. Donna Bailey Western Kentucky U . Mrs. David Towell
Theta Chi 612A 11th Street Louisiana, Univ. of 341 Queen's Row Lot Alpha Chi 1551 Chestnut Street
Mid August Sioux City, IA 51105 Mid August Bowling Green, KY
Delta Beta #127
Murray State Univ. Mrs. Ricky Garland Mid August Lafayette. L A 70508 42101
Delta Omega Rt. 7, Box 886
Early August Murray, KY 42071 Wisconsin, Univ. of Mrs. D a v i d Breese
Milwaukee 12405 W . Hickory
Nebraska, Univ. of Miss Cindy Dumler Southwestern at Miss Jenny Jenson
Lincoln 2800 Woods Blvd., 1049 Cabana Circle, Phi Delta Road
Memphis Early September New Berlin, W I 53151
Zeta A p t . 109 Kappa Omicron East, A p t . #4
Mid August Lincoln, NE 68502 Late September Memphis, T N 38107

Northeast Louisiana Miss Terri Parker Tennessee, Univ. of Miss Patricia Cosby Wright State U . Mrs. D. M . Andrews
U. 253 Atlantic St. Omicron 6315 Kingston Pk, Kappa Delta 7907 Northland Court
Shreveport, L A 71105 Early September M i d September Dayton, O H 45415
Lambda Tau #313
Early August Knoxville, T N 37919

Northern Arizona U. Mrs. Richard Baker Tennessee, Univ. of, Mrs. Jim Hardegree
Theta Omega 1508 N . Aztec Martin 431 McGill Street
Early August Flagstaff, A 2 86001 Martin, T N 38237
Tau Omicron
Early September


Fraternity learns of Mary Dee's death

Editor's Note: Past International Presi- of To Dragma, and Margaret Pillsbury

dent M a r y Dee D r u m m o n d died March Schoppe, business manager, both f r o m

3, 1984. Gamma, University of Maine, she be-

The A O I I Philanthropic Foundation came a charter member of Alpha Phi

has established a memorial scholarship chapter. Money? W h y , she helped w i t h

f u n d in honor of M a r y Dee. It will be housework for a family and earned i t .

awarded to an A O I I pursuing a career in She was good at earning money for

medicine. more than herself. In Evanston, 111., later

Those who would like to contribute to it was for a new Y W C A building and to

the memorial f u n d in M a r y Dee's name promote the w o r k of the League of W o m -

i can do so b y sending their support to en Voters and f o r Rho's (Northwestern)

A O I I Philanthropic Foundation, c/o In- chapter house.

ternational Headquarters, 3821 Cleghorn Mary Dee did not take long to decide

Ave., Nashville, T N 37215. which options she wanted to choose. A f -

By Wilma Smieh Leland, Past ter Montana State, it was medical school 55 1
at the University of Minnesota. M a r y El-

International President len Chase preceded her to teach in the

There is an old Zen saying that "To a English department and to get her gradu-
man who knows nothing, mountains are ate degrees. Here was an AOII chapter,
mountains, waters are waters, and trees too. Mary Ellen had members installed in
are trees. But when he has studied and a fourplex. M a r y Dee moved in with
knows a little, mountains are no longer them. A l l of them worked at housekeep-
mountains, waters are no longer waters, ing and cooking.

and trees no longer trees. But when he There was a red-headed Scotsman, an

has thoroughly understood, mountains engineer, in Minneapolis about that time. M a r y Dee D r u m m o n d edited the Summer 1973
are once again mountains, waters are wa- He met this Swede who said the Lord's
ters, and trees are trees." Prayer and the multiplication tables in AOYlissue of To Dragma, " A n Historical Tapestry!
her native tongue and gave her an ultima- 75 Years of History." She was Interna-
Mary Dee Drummond knew moun- tum: medicine or marriage. She chose
tains, waters, trees f r o m the time she was marriage, but she never lost her interest tional Historian at the time.
born in A r v i k a , Sweden. She left them to

come to mountains, waters, and trees in a in medical progress.

small town in Montana, bringing a young When AOn was searching for a nation- guys can think up some sort of little sur-

cousin to stay with relatives. A t 16, with- al philanthropic work, her interest point- prise to let them know how we feel."
out any knowledge of English, this ed her and the search committee to the She concluded that letter before she re-
Danielson miss had no trouble deciding Frontier Nursing Service in eastern Ken-
that she, too, would stay in America. tucky and the nurses on horseback who ally wanted to end i t . " M y shoulders are
aching f r o m my walking practices and

Determined to speak English like an cared for the rural folk in those moun- this typing adds to i t . " A leg had been
American, she started in the elementary tains. As second vice president under amputated in 1983. She never, took the
school and skipped quickly through high President Edith Anderson, she followed handicap seriously. Last Christmas she
school in three years. She was ready for the jeep named for A O I I and the social had received an unexpected check for an
Montana State College and, under the worker whose w o r k was partially f i - investment which had been considered a
auspices of M a r y Ellen Chase, then editor nanced by the fraternity, in and out of joke. " I swaggered around on my new leg
the hills and gullies, to the hospital in with my hands snapping away. Fun?!!"

Hyden—on horseback. She wrote about Who knows how many people's days

the work in To Dragma in the '30s and were brightened by the greeting: "It is

'40s and kept her interest in the area to early in the morning. I've had my coffee

death. and have stood on my head to be sure

Mary Dee succeeded Edith as presi- that it is clear."

dent, 1937-39, and went on to chair the Perhaps her AOII daughters, Dee Berks

nominations committee during the fol- and Ruth Jones, could verify her declara-

lowing biennium. Stella Perry notified tion. She and "Brick" who preceded her

her of her selection to the Rituals and in death, lived adjacent to Dee in Med-

Traditions Committee following Eliza- f o r d , Ore., during the last years of their

beth Heywood Wyman's death in 1953. lives. She found some other AOIIs in the

She served at convention workshops area, but Evanston and North Shore

through attendance at her last convention Alumnae chapters missed them. A l -

in 1981. She was a conservative, believ- though she refused reappointment to the

ing that AOII's ritual is a way of life and Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Commit-

should be understood as such. She was tee in 1981, she was not missed because

firmly and vocally opposed to gadgetry she kept right on answering letters and

as j e w e l r y and gimmicks as "trade- giving her opinion, often by weekly tele-

marks." When an identification for cer- phone calls. We will continue to hear

tain officers was proposed, she did not those opinions as the same questions are

Mary Dee Drummond, Alpha Phi like the idea, but she wrote, "You smart asked.


Career filled r
with honors

Dr. Janet E . Turner, Lambda, Stanford *r i
University, an Academician of the Na-
tional Academy of Design, is a professor 5 \
of art at California State University, Chi-
co. In 1975 she was co-recipient of the Janet's "Swallow Tails on Lilacs \
"Outstanding Professor Award" of the 19
campus State University and College sys- Athens, the 1977 USIS circuit in 8 cities *
tem (from among 15,000-16,000 profes- in Japan, LAPS Korean exchange and the
sors). 7th International Print Bonnale in i
Cracow, Poland (1978).
Her complex prints and paintings have 0^"
been exhibited in every state and over 50 Since coming to Chico, Dr. Turner has
countries on 6 continents. More than 200 concentrated on nature themes based Janet E. Turner, Lambda, Stanford University
solo exhibitions have been held in at least upon her experiences in the West and
40 states and 23 cities of Israel and Japan. from several trips to the Canadian Arctic
Prints and paintings are in numerous col- and Alaska. Some of these prints have
lections including 70 purchased for the symbolic significance, others reflect her
United States Information Service for use interest in ecological problems.
in embassies. Among the 90 museum and
university collections are such prestigious Since 1952 she has been included in the
ones as the Biblioteque Nationale, Paris; "Who's Who in America" and numerous
the Victoria and Albert Museum, Lon- other national and international bio-
don; the Metropolitan Museum of Art, graphical publications.
New York City; the Philadelphia, Cleve-
land and San Francisco Museums of Art; Janet was graduated from Stanford
Smithsonian, and Library of Congress. University in 1936. An active member of
Lambda chapter, she served as its presi-
Her numerous awards include the John dent during her senior year.
S. Guggenheim and Tupperware art
foundation grants, the Cannon prize of Her career has taken her to many areas
the national Academy of Design and 25 without alumnae chapters, yet she has al-
purchase prizes. ways kept in contact with sisters from the
Stanford chapter.
A few of Janet's major group exhibi-
tions in the United States include: the
Metropolitan Museum of Art "American
Painting Today—1950" and "Watercolors
and Prints —1952", the New York
World's Fair 1964-65, and the National
Academy of Design. Overseas exhibitions
include the 4th International Bordighera
Biennale, Italy, N A W A exchanges with
Holland, India and Italy, and the 30th in


fee " *

' K o i " by Janet E. Turner, Lambda, Stanford University.

Those 'friendly faces' were sisters!

There's a small town in eastern Oregon A kaleidoscope of thoughts tumbled ii
on the banks of the Columbia River, through her mind by this thoughtfulness
called The Dalles. It is an agricultural in The Dalles. Author bj Noels, Alpha Sigma '40.
community of about 11,000 lively souls
and it is the business and cultural center What had A O I I done f o r me? ly never dormant in the Sisterhood of A l -
for farmers for counties around. The Alpha Sigmas had pledged a scar- pha Omicron Pi.
ed, shy little kid f r o m a small town in
Still, The Dalles is a small town, and it California. The house gave support and bj's cookbook is available in most
was with considerable surprise that au- showed the way to the campus daily Northwest bookstores and f r o m the au-
thor b . j . (Betty Jane) Biggs Noels, Alpha which became a second home. There thor, 11859 SW Riverwood Road, Port-
Sigma '40, counted eight AOIIs at the au- were firesides to celebrate bj's being land, Ore. It sells for $8.95 plus $1
tograph party or at the evening cooking named to Kwama, Phi Theta Upsilon and postage.
demonstration. Mortar Board. There were hurrahs when
she was selected Betty Coed, associated Alumna relates
bj was there promoting her new cook- editor of the Oregon Daily Emerald and city's history
book, Cookbook for a career Mother. later business manager.
"T'will make good reading for years to
bj recounted her delight in finding such There was the sisters' comfort when come," is the accolade bestowed upon
a lode of friendly faces in The Dalles but her mother died during her sophomore Betty Wilder Goodgame's, Nu-Omicron
was a bit mystified about how they knew year. There was the f u n and antics like '43, short and colorful history of Belleair
she was in their sorority. A Portland presenting bj with the silver trophy won (Fla.) incorporated in the Belleair Direc-
alum, Gerry Flagle, Alpha Sigma '39, ex- by the house chorus at the all-campus tory of 1983-84.
plained. competition. "The singers thought I
should have the prize because I refrained The story of Belleair is closely inter-
"Didn't you know that Dorothy f r o m vocalizing," she mused. woven with that of Clearwater and Flori-
(Walker Parker, Alpha Sigma, '37) da, itself. The early beginning of Belleair
dropped a note to all 22 AOIIs in the area Years later the youngest daughter went survived bicycle races, casinos, private
when she read you were coming?" off to Washington State University and railway cars, W o r l d War I I A i r Force
the confusion of Rush week. A t the cli- Barracks, the Depression, to become a
Suddenly there was a warm blossom- max, she called home. She couldn't make comfortable community for four thou-
ing—a renewed feeling of belonging, of up her mind between three houses. There sand residents.
having someone care, bj said. were tears and a mother, firm that she
was not going to express favoritism. Judi- The Belleair Directory is a listing of
The roots of this special togetherness, cially I pointed out the good and bad residents and merchants of the communi-
cultivated on the campus, had been points of each sorority, she said. ty coordinated entirely by volunteers.
pruned back and had become somewhat
neglected through the years by a demand- The tears continued. The Palouse Betty is an active member of the Great-
ing job as a columnist-reporter on a daily didn't need any rain that fall. The phone er Pinellas Alumnae Chapter.
newspaper, by a husband of many inter- bill continued to mount. Finally, the head
ests, and by a family of six kids. of the house — a take charge guy — took
the phone.
Award earned
for service "There shouldn't be any question, M o l -
lie," he said. "Pledge A O I I . " A n d Mollie
Her friends know her as one of those Noels Schrick, Alpha Gamma '72, did.
quiet people w h o always seems to be
called on when there is a job to be done. That started four more years of fun at
an AOII house for me, beginning, of
Lydia Lacey Brown's, Eta, '21, town of course, when I fastened my ruby and
Rossmoor, Calif., didn't just keep saying pearl pin on a beaming daughter who be-
"thank y o u " but told others and she was came a sister.
named the State Clubs Federation Citizen
of Merit. It took a trip up to The Dalles to re-
mind me of those deep roots that are real-
She serves on a meals program and the
Friendly Visitor program. Lydia enjoys Your support
her garden club and antique club in addi- to the AOII
tion to her service with Diablo Valley Philanthropic
Alumnae Chapter, but there is a special Foundation
place in her heart f o r the homebound is always
people who have benefited f r o m the

Throughout her life she had been ac-
tive in the Visiting Nurse Association, a
natural extension to the Rossmoor, Illi-
nois, projects which keep her busy.

Her plans—to organize a regular group
of Rossmoor AOIIs.


AOII serves AAK honorary Earns award

Ruth H . Walsh, Gamma '47, Universi- Grand Vice-President of Alpha Delta for program
ty of Maine, is the Northeast Regional Kappa, an international honorary sorori-
ty for outstanding women educators. with computers
Included in the region are the six New Denise S. Fargo, Omega, Miami Uni-
Ruth H . Walsh, Gamma '47, University of England states as well as New York, New versity, business and office education su-
Maine, is a regional officer for an international Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and pervisor, at the Ashtabula County Joint
society for outstanding women educators. Ohio, where Ruth coordinates all activi- Vocational School received an honorable
ties of the 196 sorority chapters, includ- mention in Electronic Learning Maga-
ing the planning and direction of the 1984 zine's Educator of the Year Awards Pro-
Regional Conference and Seminar. gram. Electronic Learning is a national
magazine, published by Scholastic, Inc.,
Ruth earned a Bachelor of Arts degree that focuses on creative implementation
from the University of Maine and a Mas- of technology in education.
ter of Arts degree f r o m the University of
Connecticut, majoring in Child Develop- Sue was nominated f o r this award by
ment and Family Relations. She began all of the superintendents in Ashtabula
teaching in Monroe, New York, in 1960 County and by other local educators. She
and taught in the Groton system at the was nominated for her development of
primary level f r o m 1962-1967, where she the county-wide computer literacy pro-
was a teacher in the first Head Start Pro- gram and for her institution of the infor-
gram. mation processing vocational program.

In 1967, she became Director of the The AOII was credited with designing
Norwich Child and Family Development computer inservice programs for 110
Program, coordinating the town's Head teachers in Ashtabula County and the en-
Start, Day Care and Neighborhood pro- tire vocational school staff. She provided
gramming. She now teaches in the Chap- inservice instruction to area administra-
ter I Program in the Stonington Public tors and secretarial staffs. In addition,
Schools. she taught several adult education pro-
grams in selecting home computers and
She has served on the committee of microcomputers for small business.
professional staff which formulated an al-
cohol and drug education curriculum for Sue also was instrumental in schedul-
the Stonington Schools, and has been ac- ing the microcomputer network system
tive since 1974 as a member of the that travelled to each high school in he
Stonington Teacher Evaluation Commit- county this spring. This system will con-
tee, formed to help implement the State tinue to travel throughout the county
mandated Teacher Evaluation system for during the next school year.
professional employees of the Stonington
Board of Education.

SUMMER SIZZLERS! AOII SUNGLASSES, smoked or amber tint, $10.00 delivered
AOII VISOR, polyester and cotton with terry lining, white with
( VI
red letters, $5.00 delivered
AOII RAFT, assorted colors with white letters, $10.00 delivered ORDER BLANK
AOI1 BEACHBALL, multi-colored with red letters, $4.00
AOn DESIGNER BEACH T O W E L , white velour with red ADDRESS

letters, $18.00 delivered ITEM(S) (specify quantity)
A l l items prepaid (Please allow sufficient time f o r orders to be

Recognition comes to longtime poet

I had remembered her marriage to A . B. Brown, now a re- Southern Connecticut Alumnae chapter.
The Fields tired Evansville business leader and her They both were present when grand-
greatest supporter. daughter Barbara Lynn Hill was initiated
Wheat standing tall at Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt in 1975.
A n d Grasses But just recently two of her goals were
reached. Chi Lambda was installed at the Uni-
Tumbling and turning in a monotone versity of Evansville in 1951, the first so-
motion She earned her bachelor's degree at the rority on the campus, and LaVyrne was
Like sheet coming d o w n a hill University of Evansville in 1980, and she one of the first three associate alumnae of
saw her book of poetry, "Annuals" pub- the new chapter.
This poet's career may have been a lished in 1983 by the U . of E. Press.
"come-lately" in terms of recognition, but " M y association has been a happy ex-
LaVyrne Brown, Chi Lambda 'Si, said Selected as Indiana State Federation's perience," she said. "I have read poems
she had always written poetry and sto- Poet Laureate, she has served as auditor for several Evansville Tri-County Alum-
ries. for an A A U W Poetry Section to critique nae meetings and they all are wonderful
poetry of members. supportive women.
And now her poems about homestead
life are very popular. She has received the National Bicenten- "The alumnae and collegians always
nial Poetry A w a r d , the Writer's Confer- include each other and I am very appre-
"My schooldays have continued ence Award f r o m Indiana University and ciative of being one of them," she added.
through the years," she said. LaVyrne en- awards from the Mid-Central Indiana Po- "When I see the earnestness of each oth-
tered Montana State Normal School, etry Contest and the Pathfinders Poetry er, it makes me wish I had been one of
now Western Montana Teacher's Col- Contest, Indiana. them during college days too."
lege, where she passed the teacher's
exams. She taught f o r a short time before LaVyrne's daughter, Joyce Brown Hill,
Rho, Northwestern '51, is active in the

Cook earns alumni award

Gayle Karch Cook, '53 Beta Phi, Indi- Canada, and Australia involved mostly mti.1 r.i
ana University, has been honored by the with manufacturing medical instruments.
IU Alumni Association with its Gertrude • 1
Rich Award for university community Historic preservation and museum
service. work occupy most of her time now. !

. She chaired the group that founded the Pamela Jo Block, Iota Sigma '68, Iowa State
county museum in 1980, the first local University, has been honored as one of Illinois'
Gayle Karch Cook, Beta Phi, received the Ger- history museum in Monroe County. She Outstanding Young Women of the Year. A
trude Rich Award for community service. has helped to restore a number of houses home economic supervisor and teacher, she
and sites in the Bloomington area and re- also has been active in her local branch and at
Gayle worked in advertising in Chica- ceived the 1981 Preservation A w a r d from the state level of A A U W . She has served on
go seven years before she and her hus- Bloomington Restoration, Inc. vocational committees for the Illinois Board of
band, William, moved to Bloomington in Education, Department of Adult, Vocational,
1963 and became co-founders and co- Gayle has opened her o w n historic and Technical Education.
owners of Cook, Inc., which now owns house-museum, the 1834 William Jones
18 companies i n the U.S., Denmark, House, which is furnished with period
furniture and is open to the public on

She is the author of A Guide to South-
ern Indiana, first published in 1972, and
now in its 4th edition.

"The guide keeps my husband and me
on the road frequently to check out new
attractions in the southern part of Indi-
ana — everything f r o m restaurants and
hotels, to natural sites and historical ar-

"When we moved to Bloomington
some 20 years ago we had no contacts
and were isolated in a very self-contained
business activity," Gayle commented.
" A O n alums became my first contacts
and friends in the community." She has
been a member of the Bloomington
Alumnae Chapter since moving to the In-
diana city.

She and her husband have a son, Carl,
a junior in electrical engineering at Pur-
due University.


The Couple shares

v' n interest in dancing

Oxford Shirt Square dancing has been a 22 year
hobby interest for Gerry Davis Prister
Alpha Omicron Pi is proud to and her husband, Chuck, in Rochester,
announce that it has commis- New York.
sioned the Aetna Shirt Corpora-
tion of Baltimore, Maryland to Gerry, a member of Chi and Kappa
design the new A 0 II Oxford Gamma chapters in the late 1940s, and
Buttondown Shirt. In business now in the Rochester Alumnae Chapter,
since 1916, Aetna Shirt is the and Chuck, a graduate of the University
licensee for world famous of Rochester's Institute of Optics, started
designer Adolfo. For over 65 square dancing in 1961 when the Eastman
years, Aetna has designed and Kodak Company's western-style square
manufactured the highest quality dance club was formed as part of the
shirts for hundreds of outstand- company's recreation program. The
ing stores throughout the coun- Pristers are the only remaining active
try. charter members of that club, and the
only honorary life members.
A 0 II Shirts are available
in white, blue, yellow, pink and In 1963, Chuck started square dance
lilac, sizes 4-16, perma press on- calling. He has specialized in teaching
ly. Each shirt will be distinctively square dancing, and, together with Ger-
monogrammed on the cuff with ry, has introduced the basics of square
red A 0 II lettering. dancing to hundreds of people in the
Rochester area through classes sponsored
For a limited time only, A O II is able to offer you a quantity purchase discount. by local square dance clubs. The Pristers
Regularly priced at $30.00 each, you may purchase three shirts for $85.00, six for have shared their love of the activity with
$165.00, or one dozen for $324.00. You may choose any assortment of colors and sizes countless others, as Chuck has called f o r
you wish to qualify for this discount. square dance parties for church groups,
school organizations, scouts, campers,
All checks or money orders should be made payable to A O I I Shirts and remitted college students, country clubs, and pro-
to: Alpha Omicron P i , International Headquarters, 3821 Cleghorn Avenue, Nashville, II fessional associations. On a volunteer
T N 37215. Master Card and Visa purchases are welcome. As your A O II Oxford basis, they present the same type of social
Buttondown will be tailored to your requirements, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. dance program for senior citizens, nurs-
ing home residents, and physically and
Proudly display your support of A O IT while making this quality addition to your mentally handicapped children, and
fashion collection. adults. Every year, Chuck "calls" a
square dance f o r students at the Roches-
The Oxford Buttondown Order Form ter School f o r the Deaf, using finger spell-
ing and sign language.
^ ' TT
Gerry and Chuck's involvement in the
Name - square dance community has extended to
active roles as officers and committee
Street Address_ members in the Rochester Federation of
Square and Round Dance Clubs, the
City .Stale _ . Zip- Rochester Callers Cooperative, Danceo-
rama festivals, and national conventions.
Cash or Charge:
Chuck, after 30 years with Eastman
• Check or Money Order payable to A O II Shirts Kodak Company, recently took an early
retirement, and the Pristers anticipate
Visa continued square dance involvement as a
post-retirement avocation. Gerry and
LJ MasterCard Charge Account Number Chuck have two children, Julia, a teacher
of the deaf in Blacksburg, Virginia (and
(tuod Thru Month Year also a square dancer), and Kurt, a plan-
ning specialist at Kodak, in Rochester.
Signature Date Gerry has been an involved member of
Rochester's very active AOII group for
Tapered Regular Sleeve about 30 years, has served as president of
Cm C in Si« 1 cngth Rochester Panhellenic Association, and
currently is preparing a history of A O I I in
Shipping. Handling. & Va Residents Salt s las Shipping, handling Rochester.
Insurance Rales ;imt insurance
Purchase Am! Ta\ V A residenis onl\
1,3 S h i n s — S 2 . 5 0 a d d 4'i s a l e v Pa.\
6 Shim—S3.50 S.W.Otl s i .:o Total Amounl
13 S h i n s — S S . 5 B SMI H I enclosed or charged
Sh'S H I s :.*>

S I 6 < IK) S 1.411
S124 ItO
S n 61)

si: s*

Colors Available: White, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Lilac
$30.00 each (for 1 or 2 shirts/3 shirts - $85.00/6 shirts - $165.00/12 shirts - $324.00

Reply to: Alpha Omicron Pi, International Headquarters
3821 Cleghorn Avenue, Nashville, T N 37215

Alpha alumna talks about the early years

By Edith H . Anderson "My memories of action by Alpha Florence spent two years following
Chapter in college days are d i m , " Flor- graduation f r o m Barnard as a tenement
International Historian ence said. " I recall that in my senior year house inspector in New York City, 1901-
"When I joined Alpha in 1900, I recog- there was a trip with Helen (St. Clair) to 1903. She then moved with her mother
nized that I had become one of a group install a chapter, I think the first, in a and two brothers to West Chester Coun-
that cared about others," said Florence L. southern university. (Omicron chapter at ty, Penn. She worked for better working
Sanville, Barnard College, 1901. the University of Tennessee). I also visit- conditions f o r sales women in depart-
Following graduation from high school ed several colleges after m y graduation in ment stores and also for the suffrage
and a two-year course in kindergarten the process of my growing. I do recall my movement. As she championed a career
teaching at the Ethical Culture School of love of the beauty of our installation in administrative work in labor condi-
Felix Adler in New York, Florence en- service and its message to us and to the tions and prison reform, the fields of
tered Barnard in 1899, the year after the world around us. May it continue al- journalism and writing were opened to
Founders graduated. ways! her.
A t Barnard she became president of the
undergraduate student body and Editor- "Compared with the rush and demands In 1910, she wrote two articles for
in-Chief of the 1900 Mortarboard, the of today, college life, especially for wom- Harper's Monthly Magazine (the Harper's
college annual. There were three wom- en, was one slowly awakening to the new of that day), describing her findings and
en's fraternities at Barnard then, but she calls for action. experiences in the anthracite coal fields of
had not joined any, nor had several of Pennsylvania. Theodore Roosevelt, then
her friends. college life . . . President of the United States, urged her
Even though she had graduated, Stella for women was to take h i m to the scenes which she had
Stern kept in close touch w i t h Alpha one slowly- described.
Chapter of AOII and was greatly interest- awakening to
ed in seeing the chapter recruit new mem- the new calls She said, " I succumbed to his importu-
bers of ability to continue strong. In a for action . . . " nity and escorted him on a day's tour
long letter to Bess W y m a n which is pre- through the anthracite mining operations
served in the archives, Stella tells how "It was due to this element as expressed and silk mills of Pennsylvania. This spec-
she approached Florence Sanville unoffi- by my professor in sociology that I chose tacular trip through cheering crowds in
cially "to discover whether she would the course I followed throughout my long the mining villages of Pennsylvania did
come to us, if asked. She did not definite- life—and to some extent am still emersed not help my cause, but the outcome was
ly commit herself, of course, but she in. It is easy to understand why I had a the first law to limit the hours of work
showed so much friendliness as to suggest happy association with our Founders. for women in factories followed in 1913
a list of girls who would probably come, by the first effective Child Labor Law."
especially if she did, and w h o would be "Jessie Hughan, w i t h her high ideals
extremely valuable. Those mentioned and her quiet but impressive personality, In the historical collection of AOII is
were non-fraternity names by the will of truly represented our ideals and objec- the actual telegram which Florence
their owners," Stella continued, "and all tives. Sanville received from Theodore Roose-
had taken a strong stand against the two velt. Sent f r o m New York on July 3, 1910
older fraternities there because of the "Bess Wyman and I were school-mates to Miss Florence Lucas Sanville in Phila-
electioneering tactics employed by those in Bloomfield, N.J., high school. We delphia it read: "Can you and Miss Coch-
groups. A l l were mutually congenial and found much in common, especially a de- ran arrange call outlook office twelve
all stood for something in college." sire to learn Greek. As a result we found o'clock Wednesday next hope quite con-
ourselves in a Greek class of two, taught venient."
"It was a small group of Barnard Col- by the principal himself.
lege students w h o welcomed us into A l - Miss Sanville noted the population ex-
pha chapter early in the year of 1900," "Stella Stern was gifted with the ability pansion and said the needs of children
Florence said. "The very meaning of to express ideas in both poetry and prose. could not be met because "war seems to
those three Greek letters—the words that come first." (This was in reference to
they represented—appealed to us . . . "Helen St. Clair became a friend who W o r l d War I.) If she had a second life to
joined with me in various activities for live she said she would strive to end war
" . . . all stood for many years even though we traveled in between countries. "People need to know
something in college." different directions. She studied and and understand each other to foster this
practiced law; I went into the tenement feeling," she said.
The Barnard Chapter attracted earnest, houses that New York had started to im-
and sometimes brilliant, students one of prove for the rush of immigrants that " . . . needs of
whom later became Dean. Alpha entered were crowding the steamers and later children could
Bernard life, bringing the ideals of four were submitted to the outrages inflicted not be met.,
young women clearly concerned with the in the factories and coal mines of our war seems to
problems of humanity in the world about fast-growing industries. There were many come first.."
them." disagreements in ideas between Helen
and me, but we harmonized in our love Florence adopted a child, Sylvia Joan
of the w i l d , outdoor life in the Sanville, and they lived in a beautiful
Adirondacks. There we spent many glori- home at Dogwood Hill, Westtown, Pa.,
ous days and nights in camp life with a with their dog, Dasky.
few friends—one of whom became her
husband." (continued on page 23)


A]urvm&e Chapter Activity

LOS ANGELES Day luncheon was held in Stouffer's Inn they accomplished a much needed mail-
on the Square, a restored and renovated ing project for the foundation. The chap-
Friends, fashion, fitness, and philan- hotel, connected to the Tower City com- ter's year ended with the Annual East/
thropy are the ingredients use by the Los plex which consisted of one of the first West Social Dinner.
Angeles Alumnae Chapter to create a and finest underground shopping malls,
fun-filled schedule of activities. train station, public transportation hub ST. LOUIS
and restaurant offering in the country, Certainly a highlight of this year was
They started in September with a 50 years ago. The complex is now re-
Champagne Brunch hosted by Linda stored back to its original brass and sharing the Founders' Day celebration
Haase to gather new and old members authenticity. with 20 Delta Pis who traveled three and
alike. Elaine Soost filled members in on one half hours (one way) from their cam-
Convention happenings and shared sou- Panhellenic organized a fund raiser pus at Central Missouri State. The colle-
venirs and photos, reported Mary which brought all alumnae out to a gians brought a slide show, led everyone
Christoph. dinner-theater for an evening of culture in a spirited songfest and generally
and entertainment. "Show and tell" had brightened all spirits.
Carol Hughes presented a Fall fashion the sisters bring in favorite heirlooms,
seminar for the alumnae and their moth- priceless treasures, or special projects "We are sharing letters with them in an
ers in October. The fabulous looks were that they had been working on to share attempt to get to k n o w one another bet-
provided by J. W . Robinsons where Car- w i t h each other during another get-to- ter. We love our Delta Pi pen pals!," ex-
ol is a department manager. gether. claimed Betty Barnett Stokes.

The City of Hope Radio Auction pro- The Arthritis Foundation of Northeast A highlight of convention was winning
vided the opportunity to serve others by Ohio appreciated the fun and philanthro- Panhellenic's Philos Award. Members
manning the phones and accepting bids py of the team effort of the alums when
on a great variety of products and serv-
ices. Afterwards members went to dinner A
at the historic Hard Rock Cafe.
Fitness was on everyone's mind as the
holidays approached. Lori Parker-Ben- I
nett discussed nutrition and the impor-
tance of vitamins at the November meet- Attending Region V's rally were R E O Peggy Kelly, left, R V P Ginny Struble and R D Mary Lee
ing. Glen.

The Christmas party found members Region V rallies in Omaha
back at Linda's f o r a gift exchange and
Christmas cookies. "A Touch of Class" was experienced in The weekend rally also included a
Omaha A p r i l 7 for the Region V Rally. sharing session which allowed collegiate
President Donna Christie Molhey or- The "first ever" rally was attended by 150 and alumnae members to exchange ideas
ganized a top notch meeting on invest- alumnae and collegiate members from and programs from their chapters. A
ments and financial management, added Region V . Hosted by the Omaha Alum- brunch at the Sheraton Hotel on April 8
Tamara Warren. During the spring the nae Chapter, the rally included a noon concluded a special weekend of uniting
chapter also sponsored a luncheon and in banquet with the Omaha alumnae Presi- the spirit of sisterhood in Region V.
May elected new officers. dent Pam Hill was toastmistress.
Other spring events scheduled for the
CLEVELAND EAST Highlighting the banquet was a speech Omaha alumnae included a party at the
by Regional Vice President Ginny Struble home of Connie Spellman before attend-
Health, education, culture, entertain- and a regional slide show developed by ing a performance at the Omaha Com-
ment and the welfare of others and our- Peggy Kelly. Entertainment was provided munity Playhouse in M a y . Dee Phillip
selves develop well-rounded Cleveland by the Omaha alumnae members, the re- w i l l be the hostess f o r the annual June
East Alumnae Chapter alums. gional officers and directors, and the col- brunch, marking the end of another suc-
legiate chapters who shared special chap- cessful year f o r the Omaha Alumnae
A salad pot luck supper, a food tasting ter songs. Chapter.
party of low cal, new age nutritional con-
venience package foods called Yurika,
and an annual cookie exchange and auc-
tion encouraged members to think posi-
tive about their physical health.

Our mental health was fed by a psychi-
atric social worker f r o m a LIFE CRISES
CLINIC, who deals with persons experi-
encing difficulty coping w i t h life crises,
such as an external loss or stress or a nat-
ural turning point in the life cycle, report-
ed Dolly A. Hamilton.

Educationally, a native Clevelander
told of the progress of the Cleveland Res-
toration Society, and the Founders' Day
Program included a guided tour of Tower
City, once the tallest building in the Unit-
ed States and now the focal point of
Downtown Cleveland. The Founders'


had a busy summer getting out their mm
newsletter and calling all 250 AOIIs in the
area. The chapter contacts over 90 AOIIs •
each month to let them know about
meetings and activities. The paid mem- \•1
bership has increased f r o m 25 members
to almost 40 in six months!

The Holiday Craft Auction was held in
December, raising $375—all for arthritis.
In M a y members visited the Shriner's
Hospital, played Bingo with the children,
and treated them to ice cream. In June
they participated in Balloon Day, spon-
sored by the Arthritis Foundation. Mem-
bers passed out balloons, distributed ar-
thritis information and accepted


Monterey County Alums began the International Historian Edith Anderson, center, Epsilon Alpha Chapter Adviser Rene Antalosky,
season of meetings w i t h a welcome lunch- right, and Patricia Grant Zarkower, Gamma, took a few minutes during Founders' Day activities
eon in September. It was held this year at at the Penn State chapter to look through chapter scrapbooks.
the home of Shirley Payne in the heart of
the Del Monte Forest of Pebble Beach. Anderson, visit with us on Oct. 3 1 , " ex- For an activity that is a little different,
plained Jan Kovarick. " H o w important it the San Jose Board planned a Theater
The December meeting was an inspira- is to review our o w n traditions and ideals Party in A p r i l . Vaudeville came alive at
tional and cultural event. The group w i t h one who has lived them since our the Oprey House in San Jose as members
toured w i t h Mingei-Hin Japanese Folk beginning." enjoyed a melodrama, complete with pop
A r t exhibit at the Monterey Peninsula corn and an evil villain.
Museum of A r t . President Joanne Another highlight for members was the
Honegger and Vice President Marilou initiation of new collegiate AOIIs. With The philanthropic fund raiser this
Tomblin are both docents at the museum only the best in mind, alumnae rented a spring was a raffle for a dinner for six.
and both had visited Japan in October so cabin to enjoy the ceremony by firelight. The winner could choose f r o m two din-
the group had a pair of involved tour However, the back-to-nature atmosphere ner menus or a brunch. The meal would
guides. Members met at the Ginza restau- was a bit over-emphasized by the sub- be prepared and served in the winners'
rant of Monterey and had an O-Bento freezing weather. Nevertheless, the home. The drawing was set for the spring
lunch before the tour. "flaming alphas" survived the cold and it luncheon which is always at Dorthy
was an unforgettable day. Farrington's home.
February brought the chapter to a dif-
ferent part of the Monterey peninsula— During the spring members lent sup- VANCOUVER
Carmel Valley—where Pat Burd's ranch port and best wishes for EA's second an-
house and patio gardens were accentuat- nual Triathalon, organized and carried The Vancouver Alumnae Chapter and
ed by a Mexican Fiesta theme for lunch. through by collegians. In addition, they Beta Kappa chapter at the University of
prepared for a yard sale and planned an British Columbia will join other UBC
Culture again was important to the alum night out w i t h spouses and friends. Greeks this fall to recognize the 25th an-
program of the day in April. Members niversary of the campus' Panhellenic
met at the Carmel home of Joanne SAN JOSE House.
Honegger and had a couples' potluck pic-
nic lunch. Joanne lives only a short walk The San Jose Alumnae Chapter's most Members of the chapter met several
f r o m the famous Robinson Jeffers Tor popular events during the year are our times during the spring to elect officers
House. Groups of six took turns from the Fall Brunch, Christmas Party, Founders' and prepare for Regional Meeting which
party. They visited the constellation of Day Luncheon and Spring Luncheon. was held in Seattle in March. The alum-
buildings that made up Jeffer's world and These get-togethers have become tradi- nae, too, made plans to entertain Beta
were told of his life by a knowledgeable tion for members, added Carol Pedersen Kappa seniors during a May affair.
docent. Jeffers, a major American poet Jury.
began the construction in 1918. He and PULLMAN
his wife Una, an AOII, lived there with "We enjoy each others company. We
his family while he wrote his master- also enjoy getting together with other lo- Alumnae and collegiate members of
pieces. cal alum chapters to honor our sisters," the Alpha Gamma Corporation complet-
Carol said. ed plans for the final stages of redecorat-
Members have been gathering recipes ing due—Iivingroom walls and windows.
for another AOII Alumnae Recipe Book This year, as in years past, our Found-
which will be presented to the group in ers' Day Luncheon was just such an occa- Even though there is but a nine-week
June by M e r i l y n Hobbs. This will be for sion. Alice Cunningham Howell Gilliam, break between June graduation and re-
sale in the future. Phi '34; Mary Louise Behymer Gabler, turn for Rush under the new early-start
Omicron Pi '28; and Helen Hawley Chap- calendar the new look to the Iivingroom
STATE COLLEGE (PENN.) man Thomas, Lambda '28, were honored should be ready for Rush.
as 50-year members of A O I I . Helen is a
History repeated itself as it often does charter member of our San Jose Alumnae Five members of the alumnae chapter
for the State College Alumnae Chapter in Chapter. attended Leadership Conference.

"Once again we were privileged and
delighted to have the EA founder, Edith


The February meeting featured a white Tradition continues into Spring. The However the pillows come into being
elephant auction to support the Diamond chapter's 3rd annual yard sale for arthri- seems to make no difference to the pledg-
Jubilee Foundation while March activities tis was a great success thanks to Marty es. They always were and most likely w i l l
climaxed in a bridge dessert f u n d raiser Sawyer Rust, Phi Omicron, and her com- remain a favorite gift of every pledge
organized by Sandy Edwards and Doreen mittee of super volunteers, reported Terri who passes through Kappa Alpha's
Jones. Harrison, Kappa Alpha. doors, added Patrice Liebler.

In May alumnae honored Alpha Gam- Derby fever runs rampant in May in i- -
ma seniors at WSU with a special get-to- Ky'ana. Its own version of "alum run for
gether. the roses" was held in M a y . They ex- a
changed composites and photos from col-
In June the members met for a picnic legiate days and welcomed graduating Chicago West Suburban members Gertrude
and to make plans for the fall which will University of Louisville seniors to the Casper, left, and Trish Akin.
begin early this year in the Palouse. ranks of alums.


A very special task f o r 1984 in For as long as Terre Haute alums can
Kentuckiana was welcoming Region IV remember, a favorite activity and tradi-
sisters to the June 21-24 Leadership Con- tion involving the pledges of Kappa A l -
ference. Plans were headed by Sandy A l - pha chapter at Indiana State University is
ford Gover, Alpha Chi, and committees the annual Pledge Reception held every
of many enthusiastic alum sisters. fall.

They welcomed in 1984 with a Found- The pledges have a chance to meet the
ers' Day celebration at the Gait House. Terre Haute alums and are also presented
The speaker was A n n Allison, Omicron, w i t h a gift that has long been a tradition
a Ky'ana sister now Regional Rush with Kappa Alpha—an AOII Pillow. The
Officer. pillows have seen many changes over the
years going from red corduroy with
February is quite traditional f o r mem- white letters, to blue denim, white eyelet
bers. They met for the 5th consecutive trim and red letters, to the now popular
year at Calvary Presbyterian Church all white eyelet with red AOII letters.
with a continental breakfast buffet. Offi-
cer elections were held followed by instal- Some years the pillows are completely
lation and ritual. handcrafted by alumns, which even led
to the use of monogramming the letters,
A certificate of Honor was presented to but most recently the pillows are pur-
Mary Matarazzo Bryant, Delta Omega, chased and the alums add the trim and
and special honors to Alice Baylor letters.
Martindale, Beta Phi, on her 50th A O n


\ The Chicago West Suburban Alumnae
Chapter has been busy "discovering its
i roots" during the past year. The group
dates its founding back to the early
! 1940s.
There is only one legacy in this group of Sigmas who get-together in the San Francisco Bay area.
The Sigmas are back row Teresa Goldberg Dias '74, Judy Koneff-KIatt '74 and Anne Denebeim '76, Other activities during this year have
and front row, Laurie Nielsen Kunit '75, Anita Angotti Mires '77, Kathleen Walker Azevedo '77 included a microwave cooking demon-
and Angie Williams Merlone '76. stration, a color fashion presentation,
22 and an ethnic dessert exchange.

The group has also been busy raising
money for AOII Philanthropic Founda-
tion through a garage sale and a white el-
ephant sale. Members also made Easter
gifts for the children at Wyler's Children's
Hospital in Chicago, the group's local
philanthropic project, reported Debra
Cecil Jacobs.


Phoenix Alumnae Chapter highlighted
philanthropy in February. The local Ar-
thritis Foundation provided the February
program and, at its conclusion, presented
the chapter with a plaque for service.

A dedicated crew of envelope stuffers
has sent out membership and other mail-
ings for the local Arthritis Chapter. In
April members manned the phones and

calculators for the National Arthritis )
Telethon, added Maribeth McAllister
Lane, Epsilon Alpha. I

Regional Vice President, Robin Lee New Officers of Atlanta Alumnae Chapter left to right are Genevieve Manthe, Tau, second vice
Beltramini, I'6°, held a ritual workshop president; Jo Christian, Lambda Sigma, secretary; Rene Lehman, Alpha Pi, treasurer, and Sue
at the A p r i l meeting and also introduced Choate, Alpha Chi, vice president. Not pictured is President Shirley Lee, Lambda Lee.
members to a new legancy Amanda Bel-
tramini! Lambda Upsilon installed
at Lehigh University
March 24, 1984, was a day the colony well as Region I officers, Lambda Upsilon
Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter celebrated founders thought would never come. Le- was also honored to host AOLTs dynamic
Founders' Day with the Sigma Omicron high University's colony would be in- International President, Ginger Banks.
chapter on the Arkansas State University stalled as Lambda Upsilon chapter and its
campus. The Dec. 5 buffet was served in first sisters would be initiated! Early Saturday morning at the First
the Reng Center Ball Room with Carol Presbyterian Church, the colony found-
K a y W i l l i a m s M o o r e as the guest The entire weekend was very hectic, ers of October '83 were initiated first;
speaker. but a very special and memorable one for next came the pledges of January '84. Fi-
both the colonizers, their first pledge nally, the colony was installed and offi-
During the month of January several class and the alumnae who had worked cers for the next year took their oath.
alums volunteered to hostess dinners for so hard f o r this day, reported Lori Ginger Banks officiated, assisted by Re-
the collegiate members. This is always Brenner. gion I Vice President Carmel Kaiser.
enjoyable as these two groups of AOIls
become closer sisters, reported Brenda Friday night they gathered atop a local A reception followed in the church
Gordon Posey. bank for Inspiration Night. Joined by with members of the Lehigh Administra-
representatives f r o m other chapters, as
Creative stitchery was the theme for (continued on page 24)
the February meeting. Each person was
instructed in the fine art of needle-point. nation against women voters. She served College in her time there. College life
as executive secretary of the Consumer's then was less complicated, there were
For a change of pace in March the ASU League of Eastern Pennsylvania, on the fewer intrusions upon the academic situa-
Chapter entertained their "older sisters" Child Labor Committee of the State, the tion. In the sixties she felt that life was
w i t h a fine dinner. Women's Trade Union League of Phila- too complicated in a world cluttered with
delphia, and the Friends' Special Order decisions and crises.
The annual brunch honoring the grad- and Race Relations. She was appointed
uating seniors was in April. This was by Governor John K . Tener as chairman She died on Sept. 11, 1971 at a nursing
held at the home of Pam Mortimer Brew- of the Committee on Labor for the Con- home in West Chester, Pa., at the age
er. Our new officers for the year were in- servation and Welfare of Workers. She of 92.
stalled: president, Brenda Gordon Posey was also a member of the board of the
'64; vice-president, Ditty Lipscomb Mitts, State Correctional Institution f o r Women Florence Sanville will be forever re-
'49; secretary, Lou Meginness Couch, '49; at Muncy, Pa. membered by the members of Alpha Om-
treasurer, Barbara Reng, '69; philan- icron Pi as the author of our song, "Once
thropic, Brenda Welch Coop, '63; mem- She was the author of a book. The More United." She once said she believed
bership, Carolyn Swindle Wyatt, '63, Open Door, wherein she described activi- she may have contributed to the naming
and historian, Sandra Osborn Steele, '81, ties relating to collegiate life at Barnard of TO DRACMA.
all Sigma Omicrons.
In A p r i l , we set up an arthritis booth
for the Health Fair which was sponsored
by the Area Agency of Aging.

Kentucky Derby Guest Night was the
highlight for M a y . Games and Derby Pie
were the main ingredients for an enjoya-
ble evening.


(continued from page 19)

She once visited me when I lived in
State College, Pa., and she was making
an inspection of the nearby penal institu-
tion. Her background was English and
she gave me a lesson in how the English
make tea. M y family and I greatly en-
joyed her over-night visit.

She devoted her life to improving
wages, hours and working conditions for
women, as well as fighting for penal re-
f o r m for women prison inmates. She was
active in organizing women to vote fol-
lowing the adoption of the 19th amend-
ment to the Constitution and once led a
demonstration group protesting discrimi-

Lambda Upsilon New colony members at Shippensburg University, Pa., enjoyed the moments reserved to look at
AOII jewelry and other items.
(continued from page 23)
tion, including Larry Phillippi and Stacy AOII gains new colony
Abernathy (fraternity and sorority affairs at Shippensburg University
officials) who had helped Lambda Upsi-
lon from the start of our colonization at- A new colony of AOII was begun at still had a strong desire to help colonize
tending. Our scholarship, service and Shippensburg University during a formal A O I I . She got in touch w i t h Michele Lit-
Ruby A awards were presented at this ceremony on December 3. tle who she had heard was interested. M i -
time. chele and two of her friends, Diane
Thirty-eight women pledged them- Sheaffer and Linda Temoyan, met with
Much appreciated were all the gifts and selves and became a part of the unique Terri to discuss the possibility of resub-
good wishes we received f r o m our sisters experience that is AOII. mitting the petition to Intersorority
from all over, Lori added. The evening Council. The four of them worked to-
was highlighted by the chapter's rendi- It was indeed a very special day for the gether—writing to International Head-
tion of a rush skit, the AOII Chorus Line. new colony members. It has been quite quarters, getting other women interested,
That night Zeta Psi fraternity hosted a some time since they began planning for and preparing a second petition. They
party for the new chapter. this day, and they have had to overcome appealed to the Intersorority Council in
many obstacles on the road to coloniza- the Fall of 1983 and were again denied
Sunday morning before her departure, tion. the right to colonize. The group was not
Ginger held a ritual workshop. giving in as easily this time. They decided
It all began in the Spring of 1981. A to plead their case with the college ad-
Lambda Upsilon is very happy and sophomore student at Shippensberg, Ter- ministration who could overrule ISC.
proud of our accomplishments thus far ri Levenduski, along with some of her
and looks forward to a bright future, Lori friends, got together and decided that The group's persistence finally paid
said. "A year of hard work, new friend- they wanted to start a new sorority. They off. After careful consideration, the ad-
ships and a true learning experience in the wanted to join a sorority whose values ministration gave the group the go-
meaning of sisterhood came to a climax reflected their own. ahead, and things finally got rolling!
that weekend. While we continue in our Their dreams had been realized!
efforts, including our annual fund raiser, After gathering information, writing
the M r . Lehigh Contest, participation in letters, and learning all they could about Since their installation as a colony, the
our first Greek Week, Panhellenic events, A O I I , these determined young ladies pre- members had been busy selecting offi-
and as we look forward to living together sented their idea to the Intersorority cers, setting up service projects, and get-
in our house for the first time next year, Council. They submitted a petition in- ting organized so they can meet the cri-
we will turn back on our special weekend cluding signatures of 35 other interested teria set by the Executive Board in order
many times for inspiration and fond women, asking for permission to estab- to be initiated as a chapter. They are all
memories. Sisterhood holds an entire lish a colony of AOII at Shippensburg. very excited about learning everything
new meaning f o r us now and we send The Intersorority Council did not react they can about AOII.
roses to all of our new sisters in A O I I ! " favorably. They voted the petition down
reasoning that there were enough sorori- Terri is currently acting as pledge advi-
AOII colony ties already established on campus. They sor to the colony. She is busy learning
starts at MTSU could not see the need for a new one. the pledge program herself so that she,
too, can become an initiated A O I I . Each
In the state of Tennessee the early Terri was naturally disappointed but of the 38 young women is looking for-
1900's was an important era for AOII as she never let that AOII spirit die. The ward to the day when she w i l l be a true
well as Middle Tennessee State Universi- idea of starting a very special new sorori- AOII sister.
ty. Our chapter at The University of ty surfaced again in the Spring of 1983.
Tennessee-Knoxville (Omicron), our old- Although Terri was now a senior, she
est existing chapter, was founded in 1902.
Just nine years later in 1911 Middle Ten-
nessee State University had its beginnings
in the city of Murfreesboro. A n d only six
years later the Vanderbilt University
chapter (Nu Omicron) received its char-
ter. The founding spirit continues for
MTSU and A O I I with the most recent
colonization activities held March 28-30.

Local alums Sissy Follis and Eleanor
Haynes spear-headed the plans and were
assisted by Beth Scott, Angie Smith and
Dorothy Stockard.

The kick-off for the colonization began
with an Informational Meeting at which
time interested MTSU co-eds were given
an overview of AOII followed by a rous-
ing skit performed by Nu Omicron sis-
ters. That evening "AOII" was the name
on every rushee's mind.

(continued on page 25)


Local GMI group colonized

Region I I and Alpha Omicron Pi wel- people. Three sisters are among new colony members
come a local sorority from G M I Engi- G M I is not only unique in scholarship at GMI's Engineering and Management Insti-
neering & Management Institute as its tute in Flint, Mich.: Janice, left, a freshman;
newest colony. The local group, consist- and selection, it is also unique in its struc- Marge, a senior, and Caren Huyser, a sopho-
ing of 17 women, was colonized on ture. The students are on the campus 12 more, were among 17 women colonized in
March 17. (Perhaps a little "Luck of the weeks and then at a job location f o r 12 mid-March.
Irish" here.) weeks, and repeat that schedule 12
months a year for 5 years in order to earn Middle Tennessee
The colonization ceremony was held at their degree. While working on that de-
the Student Center on the attractive cam- gree, they gain seniority at their various (continued from page 24)
pus in Flint, Mich. The young women job locations as a paid employee.
were given their Rose colony pins by For the next two days prospective colo-
Char Potter, RVP I I . Other regional offi- Collegians are quick to point out to the ny members were given the opportunity
cers attending were Cindy Skaff, RRO, alumnae how important AOII affiliation to visit with regional and International
and Jo N o w a k , REO. Alumnae f r o m the will be to them when they travel to dif- Headquarters personnel to exchange
Flint area, as well as representatives from ferent areas of the country. Since many more in-depth information. Administra-
Dearborn, Detroit North Suburban, and return to their homes to work, some will tive Director Sue Lewis, RD Nancy Bow-
Macomb County Alumnae Chapters be working as far away f r o m campus as ers, RD Debbie Stillwell, Membership
served as sponsors and w i l l continue as Wilmington, Del.; Sioux City, Iowa; Coordinator Mary Ann Caldwell and CC
alum buddies to the collegians. Omicron Cliffwood Beach, N.J., and Pamona, Temple Crain shared their AOFI experi-
Pi chapter at the University of Michigan N.Y. Only 30 percent of the 2,400 stu- ence w i t h the interested women.
has taken on the big sister role. Past In- dent population is f r o m Michigan, nine
ternational President Nancy McCain out of 10 live on campus, and three out Invitations were issued by Judy Smith,
spoke to the new colony members at a of ten are women. Assistant Dean of Students, and her ca-
luncheon in Flint following ceremonies. pable representatives from the Panhellen-
The new AOII Directory was eagerly ic Council. Dean Smith remarked that, " I
The prestigious G M I Engineering & passed among the AOFI colony members have never seen such enthusiasm generat-
Management Institute is rated "highly se- because they are anxious to meet AOIIs in ed as I did when the AOII bids were is-
lective" with the average student GPA the area where they will spend the next sued." AOII had definitely established
being 3.8. General Motors Corporation three months at a job location. itself with its continuing founding spirit
established the Institute in 1919 to offer at M T S U .
educational services to individuals and "These women w i l l be among the
industry. It opened its doors to women in "Women of Tomorrow" who w i l l take The new colony members were hon-
1965. G M I offers degrees in engineering AOII with them into major corporations ored at an informal dinner following the
and business management and requires all over the United States," Jo Novak pledging ceremony. Alpha Chi Chapter
that each student be sponsored by indus- said. "To them, the phrase, 'networking' President Susan Albert and other sisters
try. Such names as General Motors, Xe- has real meaning." f r o m the chapter at Western Kentucky
rox, TRW, I B M and Rockwell Standard University shared the afternoon and eve-
are among those industries who desire to The collegians will be returning to ning activities w i t h their new AOII sis-
sponsor the highly qualified young campus in July for formal Rush, and they ters.
hope to meet all criteria for installation in
September. Other alumnae who assisted with the
festivities and w i l l be serving in advisory
New colony members at Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, show off new frater- roles are: Dixie Elam, Barbara Kidwell,
nity shirts. Gloria LaRoche, Laura Neatherland,
Marcie Richmond, Martha Richmond,
Delia Goodman, Joy Rogers, Pat Sand-
ers, Frances Sanders, Margaret Waller,
Kit Ramsey and Vickie Mallon.


Collegiate Chapter Commentaries

TAU OMICRON our philanthropy project. This, however, ter as vice-president, as Homecoming
U.T.—Martin was not a project to help keep the Ome- chairperson, as a resident advisor, Din-
gas in shape!! We pigged out along with ing Hall committee member, and in the
Thrills and excitement filled the Tau the rest of the campus, but for a good Big Sister program of United Campus
Omicron chapter this spring when many cause, reported Colleen Enright. Ministry.
sisters were honored on campus for their
outstanding achievements. Rush is really shaping up under the di- She has also been involved in the
rection of M a r y Beth Geata who is busily Health and Physical Education Club,
In February the Tau Omicrons held adding those extra little details Omegas Zimbar program for the Handicapped,
their annual Mother-Daughter banquet. hope w i l l make rush extra special. For ex- College Choir, Panhellenic Council in-
ample, they are working on an AOn cluding service as a chairperson of the
Many Greeks were recognized at the newsletter which the rushees will receive, Dance Marathon (a fund-raising activity)
annual March Panhellenic Banquet. hopefully showing them how extra spe- and the Parents' Day committee, and, of
Three Tau Omicron sisters received out- cial AOII is. course, a member of Alpha Omicron Pi.
standing University Service Awards.
These recipients have maintained at least PHI BETA D E L T A PI
a 2.5 grade point average while serving
the college and community. Denise Faw- East Stroudsburg U Central Missouri State
cett, Taina Hampton, and Leah Jean
Moss received the awards. Phi Beta's A m y Agnesini received the The Delta Pi Chapter is getting
prestigious University Service Award at psyched up for 1984 Greek Week. This
AOIIs have shown their spirit in every- the Saturday Dec. 17 commencement ex- year the theme was "Watch Us Shine."
thing they have done. While supporting ercises at East Stroudsburg University. Greek Week was an enjoyable time for
varsity athletics, they captured second the Delta Pis, because they got to display
place in a campuswide spirit competition. She received the Bachelor of Science talents. In the Greek Talent Show they
Even when it comes to intramurals, the degree in physical education with teach- danced and sang their hearts out.
Tau Omicrons are always near the top. ing certification. A m y is the daughter of
Whether they won or lost, the basketball M r . and Mrs. Louis Agnesini of Valley In the past the chapter has always had
team had fun. During the spring they Stream, N . Y . a Mothers' Tea Luncheon and a Parents'
participated in volleyball, Softball, and Day Picnic and f o r the first time it had a
the Pike Panolympics. The award was presented by Universi- Dads' Day Dinner. Since it turned out to
ty President Dennis D . Bell to recognize be such a success members decided to
After returning from a welcomed the many activities in which A m y partici- make it annual.
spring break, the sisters of A O I I set their pated during her undergraduate years at
sights on their spring philanthropic proj- ESU. "We are excited about our new addi-
ect and roadblocks. They also helped the tion to our chapter," Debbie Grass said.
local alumnae chapter put on the second A m y has served as a Summer Orienta- "Grandma Elma Murray is our new addi-
annual Miss Weakley County pageant, tion aide, as a member of the Residence tion to our chapter. We adopted a
reported by Lori A n n Kessler. Hall Executive Council including a semes- Grandmother f r o m the Ridge Crest Nurs-
ing Home. Each week we visit her and
OMEGA V— i bring her a gift. She is special to us."
Miami : Delta Pi's Mindy Helmuth was choosen
/// one of the top 25 Golden Hearts in the
The spring semester was really terrific Nation. She currently holds the title of
for Omegas! They were very busy with Mindy Helmuth, Delta Pi, one of Sigma Phi Sigma Phi Epsilon Regional Golden
campus activities. Thanks to songleader, Epsilon fraternity's top 25 Golden Hearts in Heart. M i n d y has been a little sister f o r
Mary Turner, the AOIIs, along with the the nation. two years and feels "honored" with her
Sigma Chis, danced and sang their way regional title.
to an 8th overall finish in songfest, as
they competed against all Greeks at M i - NU BETA
ami. It was a fun and exciting way to
spend an evening for those involved and U . of Mississippi
for those in the audience! Walt Disney
never sounded and looked so good. Nu Beta chapter started off the spring
semester w i t h the initiation of its fall
AOIIs are still holding their own in pledge class.
sports and expect their new volleyball
team to have a successful season. Alpha week began with a kidnap
breakfast and was continued w i t h big sis-
Within the chapter, AOIIs enjoyed lil sis day, pajama dinner, and house
themselves and their sisters. A new date hunt, scavenger hunt, favor day, and A l -
party was a huge success. The first Friday pha hour. Also included in the week was
of every month we got together to munch A O I I letter day, where each Pi wore the
and talk. Alex Heeter, intersocial chair- letters to show everyone at Ole Miss how
person, was determined to keep Omegas proud they are to be AOIIs.
in shape, so the month before spring
break they really munched on some won- A t the awards dinner several new initi-
derful salads! ates were recognized f o r outstanding
achievements. K i m Bishop was chosen
Once again, Omega provided the cam- charm girl and Jennifer Shores claimed
pus with Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs for the title of model pledge. Jennifer was


also chosen as campus w i d e model During Homecoming weekend, Chi Initiation was preceded by the annual
pledge. Lambda invited parents to share in the inspiration weekend at Camp Cielo in
sisterhood and have f u n by attending the Santa Barbara. It was a weekend filled
N u Beta was also very successful dur- game together. Then afterwards at the w i t h f u n and sisterhood and it helped us
ing open rush. Members picked up two celebration party, collegians and parents in getting off to a great start for the
new pledges and celebrated with a skat- enjoyed look-alike and dance contests. Spring '84 semester, reported Lee Anne
ing party. Other big events included Mox.
Parent-Alum day and the arrival of Building a strong foundation has al-
Chapter Consultant Temple Crain. ways been an important aspect, so elec- This year Cal. State Northridge cele-
tions were a crucial period during winter brated its 25th anniversary Homecoming.
To get excited about Temple's visit the quarter. There were many activities throughout
leader's council chose one N u Beta colle- the week including float-building with
gian and recognized March 22 as her day. A few special accomplishments this I I K A fraternity. The week was brought
year were winning the intramural swim to a wonderful conclusion when AOII
"We announced Tammie Hardin Day meet for the ninth year, improvements in Lisa Duan was crowned the 1983 Home-
in the campus newspaper, put signs all the scholarship program, and watching coming queen.
over the house, and gave Tammie special sisters excel in campus activities.
treatment for the entire day," explained To keep with the spirit of Halloween,
Leigh Lowry. "With the arrival of Temple SIGMA PHI members participated in Lambda Chi A l -
came our first rush workshop. We had a Cal. State—Northridge pha's annual pumpkin bust. The day in-
great time learning songs, making name cluded events like pie-eating, pumpkin
tags, and exchanging ideas w i t h Kappa Fall '83 rush went well as Sigma Phi carving and relay races. They finished the
Omicron chapter at Southwestern. chapter members started the semester celebration with an all-Greek party at the
with 24 new pledges. The Alpha Zetas Lambda Chi house. Then, on Halloween
The highlight of the spring semester were a successful pledge class who night AOIIs went trick-or-treating with
was the formal at Sardis. This year's showed great enthusiasm and love for Phi Kappa Psi fraternity and collected
theme was M a r d i Gras. Couples dressed Aon. candy and money for both Northridge
as tourists, M & M s , gangsters, and bums. Children's Hospital and UNICEF.
Members held a Pat O'Briens warm-up In January the Alpha Zetas were initi-
party the preceeding night. ated followed by a banquet reception at a mm
local restaurant.
As always, the AOIIs of Ole Miss have
been very active on campus. A O I I is well •
represented on the baseball diamond, as
three of ten new bat girls chosen were
members of the chapter. They are Renee
Boatwright, Stephanie Stroupe, and Deb-
bie Bailey. Ellen Crain is president of
Panhellenic and Kathy Smith was chosen
as a Rebel Recruiter.

Two Ole Miss fraternities have claimed
AOIIs as sweethearts. Susan Hensley is
sweetheart of Delta Psi and Julia Trainum
represents Sigma Pi. The Phi Kappa Taus
also chose M a r y Alice D o d d as a little sis-
ter. The AOIIs are very proud of our
Taylor Medalists. They are chapter Presi-
dent Donna Brown and Lisa Browning.
Emily Colbert was also selected for mem-
bership in Mortar Board.

The chapter grew closer together this
spring by running an excellent campaign.
Angie Summers was our candidate for
campus newspaper editor. Together with
her qualifications and a lot of hard work
AOIIs ran a campaign that could not
miss. N u Betas are very proud of "their"
editor and all the other Pis who represent
the chapter so well and make the AOIIs a
prominent group at Ole Miss.


U . of Evansville Inspiration Weekend for Sigma Phis at California State University, Northridge, was held at Camp
Cielo, Santa Barbara.
Fighting away the winter blahs was the
name of the game for Chi Lambda at Uni- 27
versity of Evansville this year.

Throughout this year, we have kept
ourselves busy demonstrating the true
meaning of A O I I to our 18 new initiates
during social events, philanthropic activi-
ties, intramurals, and fraternity educa-
tion, added Lynne Swords.

The philanthropy event this year was However, not having a chapter house campus seems to be buzzing w i t h theme
" A n Evening W i t h A O I I . " It was a chance for the first and part of the second se- parties. Of course Alpha Delta wasn't left
for family and friends to get an inside mester didn't stop the chapter f r o m being out!
look at what A O I I is about. They pre- active around campus and in the Greek
sented the chapter through skits, songs, system itself. O n campus, women partici- Its annual Spring Rush party was held
and our Sigma Phi's Rush movie. In- pated in and helped run the annual Blood on the weekend of April Fool's Day, and
volvement with the AOII Philanthropic Drive. Some members were involved as M r . T would say, " I pity the f o o l who
Foundation was emphasized and all pro- with Student Senate and its elections ear- would miss this party!" Plans also were
ceeds were donated to this important phi- lier in the year. Within the Greek system, being made for a new rush skit for Fall
lanthropy. Phi supported several other houses' phil- Rush. Songs were composed, costumes
anthropies and sponsored its own, to- designed, and the Alpha Deltas are start-
Next came an all-Greek event which gether with the Sigma Nus, now a neigh- ing to compile lists of young women from
honored the chapters for all of their hard boring fraternity. From this event, $1,800 all over the southeast.
work over the year. AOIJs certainly was made and donated to the Arthritis
learned that hard w o r k does pay off. Foundation. Spring at Alpha Delta also brought
Parents' Weekend when Mothers' Club
They received numerous honors that A formal presentation of this donation and Fathers' Club discussed and made
night including the prestigious Dean's was made to the foundation on Feb. 22. plans for the coming year, reported
Award. Other awards were the CSUN Kathy Cole.
scholarship award for the highest sorori- Neither was Phi's social life hampered
ty GPA, most-spirited, highest pledge by the absence of a house. Because most Alpha Delta Jill Wiggins was selected
GPA, Panhellenic involvement, and in- of the women lived in the same apart- 2nd runner-up in the Miss University of
tramurals. ment complex, it was easy to get together Alabama pageant. Leslie Pirkle was cho-
and go out. Functions and dinner ex- sen by Chi Phi f o r one of its calendar
The last meeting before the holiday changes w i t h fraternities provided more girls and Linda Lockhart, a Pi Kappa A l -
break included an initiation ceremony for chances to get closer to sisters while pha calendar girl. Leisa Barton, Lisa
seven new big brothers. The ceremony meeting new friends, too. Markland and Kathy Cole were chosen
was followed by an evening of laughs b y Lambda Chi Alpha to be in the Cres-
and entertainment to help members gear- Chapter Relations activities also helped cent Club.
up for the upcoming finals. to bring members closer. These activities
included firesides, dash-n-dates, and ice LAMBDA BETA
BETA LAMBDA cream parties, explained Sue Johnson. Cal State-Long Beach

Illinois Wesleyan ALPHA DELTA Blackjack, roulette, and craps! No, this
isn't Las Vegas, but it was all part of
The fall pledges of Beta Lambda chap- U . of Alabama Lambda Beta's First Annual Las Vegas
ter began their pledgeship by participat- Night.
ing in the many Homecoming activities. As the spring semester comes to a close
at the University of Alabama, the whole
Over Halloween weekend, the pledges
and seniors went on walkout to the Uni-
versity of Illinois. The chapter devoted a
lot of time and energy to planning the
Fall Informal, Pineapple Party. We per-
formed a skit about out Pledge Moms
and also sang several songs. It was a lot
of fun and a great success, added Lisa
Setlak. We also became involved in the
intramural soccer and volleyball teams
and there were, of course, very special
moments with our Pledge Moms.

The semester ended w i t h the annual
Christmas Party. Lauren Bailey was
named as the ideal pledge. The chapter
kicked off the new semester with its
Spring Informal, Heart to Heart.


U . of Kansas Nine past Phi Delta chapter presidents were photographed during the chapter's 25th anniversary
celebration: standing left to right, Alyson Dietzmann Sloan '66, Mary Aschenbrenner Hawkins '59,
The school year draws to a close. A n d Sharon Limburg Schroeder '63, Nancy Gilmore Fabrizio '69, Linda Moore '80, and Kris Maegli '73;
what a year it has been for Phi chapter at seated, left to right, Kathleen O'Day Kneedler '63, Barbara Daugs Hunt '60, and Nancy Boriin '80.
the University of Kansas!

A long awaited dream finally came
true for the members in February: the
brand new house chapter was completed.
Moving took place during the last week-
end of January and on January 31 every-
one spent her first night in the house.
Other fraternities and sororities on cam-
pus shared our enthusiasm. House tours
were conducted, gifts and congratulatory
letters were received.


The night was filled w i t h f u n and ex- Lambda Betas C . C . Sadler, left, and Pat Kim semester events such as the Senior Ban-
citement, and although real gambling enjoyed the chapter's Las Vegas night. quet, at which all of the departing seniors
was not involved, gambling chips could read a mock " W i l l " to the sorority, and
be exchanged f o r raffle tickets. A number tured in the school newspaper's Spring the annual trip to Myrtle Beach after
of prizes were then raffled off, with the Fashion Issue. exams.
Grand Prize being a trip f o r two to Las
Vegas. As well as attending social events such THETA CHI
as the Sweetheart Dance and Pledge For- Morningside College
AOII's throughout Southern California mal, the AOIIs of Delta Upsilon have
celebrated the 87th Anniversary of Alpha been spending their time raising money A bowl-a-thon? Yes, a bowl-a-thon
Omicron Pi at Founders' Day. The event for philanthropy by selling and delivering was one way that the women of Theta
was held in Ventura Beach, and it was a roses all over campus. A n d , of course, Chi chapter, Morningside College, raised
special time to meet AOIIs f r o m both the everyone enjoyed the traditional end-of- money f o r Arthritis Research. During
past and the present. Sheaf Week, Feb. 18-24, the bowl-a-thon,
along with a spaghetti dinner raffle,
Lambda Beta is very proud of its six brought in over $350 for the philan-
pledges f r o m Spring Rush. These women thropy.
are enthusiastic and ready to go.
That same week, Theta Chi hosted
Sigma Chi Derby Days kept us busy Chapter Consultant Temple Crain. We
with a week full of fun-filled events. AOII all enjoyed having her stay and help us
did quite well in the competition, placing with our offices and with our rush and
third in EX Sorority Feud, while its entry Sheaf Week activities, Kathy Flugstad
of Michael Jackson in the Deck-a-Sig said.
competition placed second.
Following a St. Patrick Day party and
Lambda Beta chapter is 19 years old dance, Theta Chi hosted an alumnae
this year and members celebrated with a brunch on Sunday, March 25. Our
Birthday Bash. Both alumnae and colle- speaker was Pam Hill, president of the
gians enjoyed sharing experiences from Omaha (Neb.) Alumnae Chapter. There
their years in AOII, added Jodi was a slide show involving both alumnae
Masumoto. and current collegiate members. The pro-
gram ended with an informative discus-
DELTA UPSILON sion and a number of exciting AOII
Duke U.
The members of Delta Upsilon proved We
that they are true goddesses as they swept Care
Greek Games this Spring. This annual
event was the culmination of Greek Week Because we care f o r each
at Duke University. other and the world
members contribute
Although they were up against formi- annually to arthritis
dable competition from ten other sorori- research, the Ruby Fund
ties, the AOIIs won second place in the and the Educational
Keg Toss and Pizza-Eating contest and Endowment of the
raced to a first place finish in the "Run Fraternity. Bequests and
and Chug" competition, the Tug of War, Memorial gifts are
the Four-Legged Race, and the precarious acknowledged.
Pyramid-Building contest. As a reward Send Your Tax-Deductible
for their spirit and athletic skill, the sis- Contributions to—
ters w o n a pizza party and a mixer with AOII PHILANTHROPIC
the Kappa Sigmas who were winners of FOUNDATION
the f r a t e r n i t y competition at Greek
Games. 3821 Cleghorn Avenue, Nashville,
T N . 37215
The big w i n during Greek Games came
in the middle of an exciting Spring Se-
mester. The sisters were thrilled to wel-
come the 43 pledges who were added to
the chapter after Rush in January. After a
week of secret gift-giving, the pledges' Big
Sisters revealed themselves in an unusual
way. A l l of the Big Sisters and pledges
gathered in a huge room. The pledges
then had to find a gift w i t h their name on
it. A string was attached to the gift, and
the other end was held by their Big Sister.
After much confusion and a few tangled
knots, all of the pledges succeeded in
finding their own Big Sis.

One of the pledges, Leslie Yowell, has
already represented AOII on campus with
her selection as one of the models fea-


The women of Theta Chi also planned Suzanne Pettit, Kappa Pi, served as president The philanthropy program is always in
an annual Rose Formal in A p r i l and look of Ohio Northern's Panhellenic and chairman f u l l swing each spring and this year was
forward to their summer retreat set for of Greek Week. no exception. The annual AOII
August. volleyball-a-thon was held f o r 12 straight
3" hours to raise money f o r the Arthritis
ALPHA CHI Foundation and this summer the chapter
Jill Painter, Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern Univer- will be doing housecleaning for the Ron-
Western Kentucky U . sity, had been elected to Mortar Board. ald McDonald House in Columbus.

Although Alpha Chi at Western Ken- Many sisters earned honors ranging Social activities were f u n f o r us as we
tucky University always show enthusi- f r o m a lead in the O N U musical to being co-hosted two spring parties: a "Swing
asm for Greek Life and outside activities, selected f o r the position of Resident As- into Spring" party with the Delta Sigma
this past year the chapter proved scholar- sistant f o r the 1984-85 year. Jill Painter Phi fraternity and an "Orange You Glad
ship is still a number one priority. was tapped to Mortar Board and two it's Spring" party with the Alpha Sigma
spring pledges were selected to Alpha Phi fraternity reported Rachel Hunter. A
At the Seventh Annual Academic Lambda Delta. tri-party w i t h the Kappa Psi and Theta
Greek Awards Banquet, Alpha Chi Chi fraternities was held for St. Patrick's
walked away with the highest honors. Ju- Day. The annual Rose Formal had to be
lie Dusseau was named WKU's highest the biggest social party f o r the group. Sis-
GPA Junior Sorority Woman (4.0), and ters had their banquet and dance at the
Linda Alford, Alpha Chi's scholarship Holiday Inn Airport in Columbus where
chairwoman, received WKU's highest they swam and danced all evening.
Senior Sorority Woman (4.0). Alpha Chi
was named the sorority having the high- A very special time for the Kappa Pi
est combined gpa for the Fall, and walked chapter each year is Parents' Day. It is a
away with top honors and the trophy for time to thank our parents for helping,
the highest overall gpa on campus. supporting and being there. After a ban-
quet dinner, the AOIIs performed a skit,
Besides grades, Alpha Chi is working showed slides and gave special awards to
hard on relations in the sorority and a few of the parents. The "Clap Song"
community. The second annual Rock-a- helped the parents get to know the sisters
Thon was held in March with the Delta and everyone was brought together as a
Tau Deltas and they raised $2,000 for ar- family with a Friendship Circle.
thritis. Participation in campus events for
Greeks has produced third place in Sigma Besides all these special activities,
Chi Derby, first place in volleyball and members have their share of sisters on the
first place in campus intramural swim- softball and track teams as well as the
ming. many other campus organizations.

Representing the Greek system, West- T H E T A PSI
ern hosted a weekend of leadership con- U . of Toledo
ferences for the entire State of Kentucky,
and Alpha Chi was represented. The " A popularity contest"—that's what is
chapter now has three members on the usually mumbled before a Homecoming
Panhellenic Executive Committee. queen is announced.

Tracy Mattingly reported spring plans This fall, it certainly was a popularity
included a weekend visit to International contest, because an A O I I , senior Melissa
Headquarters and MTSU for its installa- Habaker, was crowned the 1983-84
tion, and a week of fun and sisterhood Homecoming Queen of the U . of Toledo.
during Greek Week.
Melissa was not the only AOII in the
KAPPA PI Homecoming Parade. Sophomore Tai
Offet wore her crown proudly as Miss
Ohio Northern U. Lucas County, and sophomore Karole
Warrer was a Homecoming candidate
When springtime came to Ohio North- sponsored by Sigma Alpha M u fraterni-
ern University, the wind not only blew in ty. Other chapter members included the
lots of rain but also a lot of activities for colorful clowns, dancing along in the pa-
the Kappa Pi chapter. rade.

The annual visit from Chapter Con- The Theta Psis collaborated w i t h Pi
sultant Kimberly Campbell, as well as a Kappa Phi fraternity on building a
visit f r o m Regional Director Fudge Skaff Homecoming float with this year's
proved to be very motivational assets for theme, "Reach To The Stars" directed by
the chapter. Float Chairman Karen Schultz.

Spring quarter was highlighted with Philanthropy Chairman Carla Adeline
annual Greek Week activities in which saw her dreams come to successful reality
Kappa Pi took part and chapter member when funds were earned f o r the Arthritis
Susanne Pettit served as chairman. The Foundation in late October. A t a local
chapter participated in the Phi M u Delta nightclub, an Hawaiian theme party at-
Talent Show, Greek Sing, Sig Olympics, tracted various fraternities and AOIIs to
Kappa Psi Car Rally, Musical Chairs, as wear leis and dance the night away.
well as having representatives for Greek
Chorus and Jana Stewart as Greek Week
Queen candidate.


Founders' Day is always a special time for the Arthritis Foundation and provid- f
to pay tribute to AOII's Founders. Carla ed an opportunity for the Greeks to
Adoline and Sue Davis w o n an award for show-off their dancing style. •
outstanding work for activities in AOII.
Chapter Consultant Kimberly Cambell m
A Christmas date night set the holiday delighted everyone during her visit in
off to a good start. With a disc jockey on March. She offered some constructive The founders were brought to Omicron Pi's
hand, pledges and members had a great ideas for Rush and spread her enthusiasm Founders' Day skit through the efforts of ac-
time with their dates. around for starting new colonies of AOII! tresses standing, left to right, Sharon "Bess"
Easterly and Mariesa "Helen" Crow and, sit-
January usually means Rose Dinner With spring in the air, members got ting from the left, Suzie "Jessie" Pollins and
and initiation. This year, fifteen became their second wind, and tried something Cristy "Stella" Scott.
members. The new members also found new for the chapter: a Spring Rush! The
out w h o their "Aunt Stella" was. (An ac- "new" Rush, along with several Rush rush workshop, reported Janie Tanner.
tive wrote a series of letters on how spe- workshops, started wheels turning in We got a lot done and it gave us another
cial AOIT was.) preparation f o r the best Fall Rush yet! chance to get everyone together.

Looking like little old ladies in their SIGMA OMICRON They also entertained alumnae in the
rocking chairs, the AOITs who rocked for Arkansas State suite with a potluck dinner. The evening
the Rock-A-Thon helped raise money for was spent in conversation. Sigma O m i -
the Arthritis Foundation. Philanthropy The women of Sigma Omicron spent cron was very excited sponsoring our
Chairman Carla Adoline organized the the semester w i t h a long list of activities 34th Annual Songfest. AOII Songfest is
event. and had a wonderful time. the oldest Greek-sponsored event on A r -
kansas State campus.
Parents and family were invited to the They started the semester w i t h a bang
AOII Hoedown. by initiating 16 new sisters i n January. Foundation
The week before initiation was spent with gives to
AOII's A n n u a l Pizza-Making Sale was a pizza party, M & M party, singing to our AF telethon
underway for spring quarter. Organized A O I I beaus, and a pledge talent show.
by Michelle Morgan, delicious cheese and This gave pledges a chance to experience O n A p r i l 29, 1984 the AOII Philan-
pepperoni pizzas were made by the wom- sisterhood and a chance to show off hid- thropic Foundation presented a check for
en i n the university cafeteria. Another den talents. $30,000 to the National Arthritis Founda-
fund raiser was a bake sale in A p r i l . tion on the national Telethon originating
In February, the chapter had a great from Nashville, Tenn.
Spring quarter promised new initiates, time celebrating Valentines Day. It start-
and a Rose Dinner and Initiation. ed off the weekend with a dance and in- The amount was raised by the colle-
giate and alumnae chapters of AOII this
Dressing up in babydoll-length dresses, During Founders' Day with members of Omi- past year. Each chapter includes philan-
singing and dancing to sugar and candy cron Pi, University of Michigan, Suzie Pollins, thropic projects and fund-raising activi-
songs was the program for Songfest this left, was able to visit with Past International ties in their yearly programs so that it can
year. Sophomores Karen Schultz and President Nancy McCain. contribute to the national AOTI Philan-
Shannon Sweet together helped the chap- thropic Foundation.
ter compete in the annual song-and-dance vited rushees. Sunday night the women
competition. invited beaus to the suite f o r a sisterhood Each year the Philanthropic Founda-
party. The night was spent watching tion selects several recipients for the mon-
The AOII Formal was an exciting and movies and eating. ey—Drs. who are working in the field of
special time of the year to dance romanti- arthritis research. This year AOII selected
cally with a sweetheart. March was a very busy month for Sig- D r . George F. Moxley, Medical College
ma Omicron. A m y Jenkins placed first in of Virginia; Dr. M . Eric Gershwin, Uni-
O M I C R O N PI the Miss ASU pageant. March also meant versity of California-Davis, and Dr. Jer-
it was time to start thinking about fall old G. Woodward, University of South-
U . of Michigan rush. We spent a Saturday working at a ern California. Each will receive $10,000

The winter snows brought more than 31
just cold weather to A n n Arbor, as Omi-
cron Pi pledged seven women.

Feb. 4 marked a Founders' Day Cele-
bration that outdid all others. With a
turnout of more than 50 alumnae repre-
senting 13 collegiate chapters, including
such people as Past International Presi-
dent Nancy McCain and Regional Exten-
sion Officer Jo N o w a k , a fantastic meal,
and AOIIs spanning f r o m the class of '27
to the present, they could not miss!

Keeping with its tradition of doing bet-
ter every year, the chapter improved its
finish in Greek Week 1984. "We were top
place finishers i n events requiring house
participation, such as the blood drive
competition, giving close to 100%!" re-
ported Debra Klueger.

The chapter's largest philanthropic
project of the year was quite a triumph
over previous years. The third Annual
All-Greek Dance Contest, held during
Greek Week, brought in more than $1000

stipends f r o m our AOII Philanthropic the United States and Canada who are Week celebration. Spirited AOIIs partici-
Foundation. doing that most important work—arthri- pated in events such as pool and bowling
tis research. As your contributions in- competitions, the Greek Sing, Talent
As part of our AOII Philanthropic crease each year, so w i l l the number and Show, and Greek Olympics. Then on
Foundation we also accept donations in amount of grants given increase, she UCD's annual Picnic Day they greeted
the form of endowments. With the mon- added. parents w i t h a BBQ. They also celebrated
ey from future endowments the Founda- the chapter's birthday on April 15.
tion hopes to fund educational programs ALPHA SIGMA
for AOII. This could include installing a U . of Oregon Other Spring quarter activities for
computer programming unit which AOII include a Teeter Totter Marathon
would facilitate better communication, Alpha Sigma chapter enjoyed an excit- for the Arthritis Foundation. We have
education, and networking within the ing week of activities at the heart of Sig- also planned the awards banquet, senior
fraternity structure, explained Barbara ma Chi Derby Days. Besides being social- banquet, and a Spring Semi-Formal
Hunt, president of the Foundation. ly active, the chapter has been working dance, reported Lorri Dubuque.
hard on Rush and school work. As of
"The AOII Philanthropic Foundation A p r i l , Alpha Sigma has six new pledges. SIGMA
would like to thank all members who The Chapter also had the top grades on U.C.-Berkeley
have contributed to the Foundation this campus Fall term.
year and urges you to continue to involve Studying hard yet finding time to enjoy
yourself in the philanthropic programs of Eugene area alumnae have been work- life at U . C . Berkeley, the sisters of Sigma
your chapters," she added. ing hard, too. They had a benefit bridge chapter have had a busy semester.
party and dessert at the chapter house in
"We also encourage you to send re- April for AOII Philanthropic Foundation. Immediately following Founders' Day
quests for applications for stipends f r o m we had a fun-filled Initiation Week with
doctors who are doing arthritis research In May the chapter participated in various activities which even included a
in your area. We know that many of you Greek Week and a mock Rush with A l - night of ice skating. Twenty-nine pledges
are familiar with university hospitals and pha Rho chapter at Oregon State Univer- were initiated making Sigma chapter 82
clinics where research is going on each sity. The mock Rush was a new idea to members strong.
day. Perhaps they would like to apply for the chapter. A l p h a Sigma presented each
our philanthropic grants. Please send day of the formal rush week to Alpha Other activities during the semester i n -
those requests to our Headquarters in Rho chapter f o r evaluation and sugges- cluded the annual Airport Party, Father-
care of A O I I Philanthropic Foundation," tions. It was beneficial and a great way to Daughter Dance, and a Spring Party
Barb said. get to know sisters at Alpha Rho. which was held at the Ferry Plaza Restau-
rant overlooking San Francisco Bay.
While we appreciate the work all of CHI ALPHA During Sigma Chi Derby Days AOIIs
you are doing on the local level for the U.C.-Davis participated in week-long activities rang-
arthritis foundation and other philan- ing from a house decorating contest to a
thropies we especially urge you to con- Spring quarter started with a Greek day full of spirit and a crazy Olympics
tribute your money to your AOII Philan- competition between the other sororities.
thropic F o u n d a t i o n so that we can
continue to fund physicians throughout

"Going Greek In The POSTER —shipped in mailing tube—
Eighties" (22" X 28") showing badges of each mem-
ber group of National Panhel-
This is a public relations package prepared to lenic Conference—in full col-
introduce the freshman student to the benefits or—excellent for display and
of "going Greek." These materials are also use- education
ful for collegiate and alumnae member educa- $4.00 each or 3 for $10.75 to
tion, Greek displays, meeting/convention en- same address
tertainment. This package should be used by
member groups, Alumnae Panhellenics, Cam- quantity $
pus Panhellenics, and Offices of Greek Affairs.
The pamphlets should be widely circulated A l l prices include costs of shipping and pack- \
and offered to high school guidance offices. aging.

SLIDE SHOW—35 mm color slides (72) with T O T A L ORDER COST—payment enclosed
sound synchronization, car-
ousel, cassette tape, instruc- $
tions, script, professionally
produced—$95.00 each Make checks payable to NPEC and mail to:
National Panhellenic Editors Conference
quantity $ Box 2079

PAMPHLETS —designed to accompany slide Columbus, Ohio 43216
show—useful as an introduc-
tion to the benefits of Greek SHIP TO:
Name of Purchaser
100 per package—$12.50
10-81 Tele. No.
packages $


Thanks to Derby Days Chairperson ALPHA RHO ...
Dana Ashley, Co-Chairperson Nikki Oregon State
Maguire, and the rest of the chapter, Gretchen Aured, Gamma Omicron, first
AOII overtook the other sororities all Armed with New Year's resolutions, runner-up, Sigma Chi Derby Pageant 1984.
week long to w i n first place, reported members were all eager to see each other
Christine Hollister. after the holidays. New officers began to However, Lambda Iota's zeal did not
lead the house and implement new ideas. end there. We also participated in a num-
On an academic note, Scholarship Rush Chairman Lysa Jarvis began plans ber of philanthropic projects, reported
C h a i r p e r s o n L a u r e l W e i n t r a u b has for fall's formal rush. Dressed in paja- Wendy Millan. Among them was a "Save
encouraged everyone to hit the books by mas, the Alpha Rhos had a dinner and Our Shuttle" project to save the La Jolla
arranging several study nights. In addi- dance at the house. senior citizens' shuttle. The main attrac-
tion members had another Scholarship tion was the appearance of the San Diego
Dinner which let us get to k n o w our pro- To brighten up the dreary month of Chargers who made celebrity appear-
fessors a little bit better by inviting them February, members participated with the ances f o r the cause.
up to the house for dinner and socializ- campus in hosting our fathers for Dad's
ing. O n the same note a big congratula- Weekend. Fathers and their daughters Lambda Iota Jill Eggebraaten was ac-
tions goes to Kelly Kam f o r receiving a took part in activities such as a computer cepted as a chapter consultant for 1984-
$500 Mary Louise Ebner Memorial Schol- show, a spaghetti luncheon, a basketball 85 and Kathie Fuchs and Connie Graham
arship, and to A m y McDonald who won game and much visiting. w i l l be rush counselors for the coming
a $500 scholarship f r o m the Alpha Tau campus fall Rush.
Omega Foundation. In addition, new ini- Spring term came very quickly, and we
tiate Susan Pearlman was accepted into were ready and eager to have some sun- A t the Panhellenic Awards Banquet
the Study Abroad Program and will shine, water fights, softball, and street Lambda Iota practically swept every cat-
spend her junior year in Germany. Fur- dances. Near the beginning of the term egory. The chapter recaptured the silver
thermore, Tristin Billerbeck became the was Roundup, the annual corporation platter for the highest average GPA, and
first woman president of the American meeting, for collegians and alumnae. A many of members were personally
Society of Mechanical Engineers at good number of collegians enjoyed the awarded for outstanding scholarship.
Berkeley. Sandy Zanzot and Rose Ratto entertainment, the luncheon and sharing Anne Keller w o n the community service
earned Phi Beta Kappa Honors as a result among AOIIs of all ages. award by a celebrated margin, and Jill
of their outstanding grades. Eggebratten was runner-up in the awards
Putting on running shoes, many wom- for campus service and Great Greek.
Philanthropic activities last semester en prepared f o r Mary's Peak Marathon
included an ice cream social with half of Run. This event is sponsored by Acacia A t the last Founders' Day celebration,
the proceeds going to the Arthritis Foun- fraternity for its national philanthropy. Sue Davies, M a y Pinpin and Dana-
dation and the other half to benefit the michelle Brennen were awarded with
Children's Hospital. Furthermore we be- Later in the term, everyone in the Lambda Iota's highest awards.
gan to participate in the Adopt-a-School Greek system geared up for Greek Week.
Program w i t h several AOIIs tutoring at a It includes activities like the Greek Olym- A n activity-filled spring quarter includ-
local grammar school. They also have pics, a progressive dinner among all the ed the second annual Sun God Festival
participated in a campus living group ef- sororities and fraternities, Greek letter
fort to raise money f o r the CARE Pro- sportwear day, and a street dance to 33
gram by skipping a meal one Friday night complete the week, reported Joan
and donating the money that we would Brennan.
have spent on dinner to the program.
A t Alpha Rho many have a significant
The last part of the spring semester has number of women who are involved in
been spent eagerly planning for Fall campus activities and organizations. Sue
Rush. Lindsey and Nolly Nelson have partici-
pated in swimming and tennis respective-
KAPPA OMICRON ly. In addition, Linka Keith was installed
as president of the Society of Women En-
Southwestern at Memphis gineers. A m y Dungey and Teri Johnson
are active in the Organization of Students
Dressed in their leotards and sweats, in Interior Merchandising, with Amy
the Kappa Omicrons were taught aerobic serving as vice-president f o r one year.
exercises by Martha Pipkins, a K O alum. Moreover, Pam Schallua is president of a
This is just part of the new "Spring Reju- nationwide alcohol awareness group for
venation" program sponsored by Carole university students. Andrea Kum is ac-
Glover, chapter relations chairman. tive in the American Management Soci-
ety and Ruth Ellen Phillips, chapter presi-
But the AOIIs are not only busy help- dent, is involved in the education honor-
ing themselves but helping others. Some ary Kappa Delta Pi.
women in the chapter helped out at the
golf tournament sponsored by the Arthri- LAMBDA IOTA
tis Foundation. Philanthrophy chairman
M i n d y Gard also is planning a dance-a- U.C.-San Diego
thon to be held in the fall. Members had
a Sadie Hawkins Party that was a tre- Along with a nippy February breeze,
mendous success, and participated in the 300 red and white balloons floated onto
Kappa Delta All-Sing. UCSD's campus for Lambda Iota's Valen-
tine's Day balloon sale to help the AOII
Elizabeth Gibson was named a IIKA Philanthropic Foundation. The success
Little Sister added Karen Summers. was immense, and by the end of the day,
colorful balloons covered the campus.

where members had a game booth set up Kappa Sigma fraternity in its annual Val- Alumnae Service award at the conference
to raise money f o r its philanthropy, the entine Bash. This event raises funds for as well.
first annual Greek week, and finally the the American Heart Association.
highlight of the year, the Rose Ball which DELTA OMEGA
was held at the stately executive Hotel in BETA RHO
San Diego. U . of Montana Murray State U .

GAMMA OMICRON Beta Rho is still on the move! This year "The great thing in this w o r l d is, not so
U . of Florida has been one of the best in its history. much where we stand, as in what direc-
The membership is up, the house is tion we are moving."—Goethe
Spring was an exciting semester f o r strong, and everyone is happy and hav-
Gamma Omicron. As always, AOIIs ing a wonderful time, reported Christine Nothing could better describe the basis
have become involved in many campus Matthew. of Delta Omega's goals this past semes-
honoraries and organizations. ter. As the new members came forward
Members planned a Spring hay ride in into the heart of the chapter, Delta
Tchad Wright and Mariele Jones were the mountains, which are not very far Omega took time to reflect on the past
tapped into Savant leadership honorary, away, and picnic. Classes are going well and to re-examine our direction for the
Lisa Gandy was tapped into Beta Alpha for everyone this quarter, and they hope future.
Psi accounting honorary. M a r y A n n to earn the Panhellenic scholarship tro-
George was tapped into Mortar Board. phy for a third consecutive term. Putting f o r t h an extra effort has done
Mary A n n also was elected into the Stu- incredible wonders for Delta Omega.
dent Senate after a two-week campaign. Beta Rho is busy not only as a house Where the chapter once had 90 percent
Kim Ventre and A m y Miller made Pre- but the sisters are busy as well. Senior participation, now it experiences 110 per-
view staff, a group of UF students spe- Elaine Whitley received the Excellence in cent. Proudly enough, it has been great
cially selected to carry on UF's freshman Collegiate Leadership award at Leader- pledges that have inspired the entire
orientation. Jill Solomon, Jennifer Eden, ship Conference. Cindy Christophersen, chapter. The direction f o r the future is
Nancy Brown, Aline Dearing, Ann financial adviser and Rush co-adviser, simply one step at a time, filled with nu-
Berendzen and Trisha Adams became UF was the runner-up for the Outstanding merous opportunities for our sisters.
Gator Getters. Lisa Neeley was chosen
Greek of the Month for February. Patti RoseMary Edwards, of Gamma Omicron, gets This semester, Delta Omega has i m -
Cox was elected president of Sigma ready for Rush. proved tremendously on scholarship. A
Alpha Epsilon's little sisters and Trisha new award has been established in the
Leary was elected vice-president of Sigma chapter for recognition of the woman
Phi Epsilon's little sisters. Carla George, w h o skipped the least amount of classes
Mary Ann George and Beth Adams were throughout the semester. We also have
chosen as Rho Chis, f o r Fall Rush. established a new study-buddy system
which involves the pledges and the activi-
Gamma Omicron Sandy Jones was se- ties in a partner relationship.
lected as a chapter consultant for A 0 I 1
during the upcoming year. Members also Chapters Relations Officer Denise
have excelled in UF's Panhellenic system. Butler created a point system to measure
Renee Hoffner was chosen president of activity participation. She divided the ac-
Panhellenic and Chrissie Hinnant was tives and the pledges into three groups,
chosen service chairman, Mariele Jones the A's, the O's and the Pi's. Each group
was picked as awards chairman and has a captain to report to and each activ-
Trisha Adams was chosen assistant PR ity has a certain amount of points it's
chairman. worth. The group with the most points at
the end of the semester, wins a big dinner
Gamma Omicron also participated in at a very nice restaurant. When it comes
an exciting Sigma Chi Derby this year to eating cafeteria food all the time, this
and took home a trophy for placing third prize is greatly appreciated.
runner-up-overall. Gretchen Aured won
first runner-up in the Derby pageant. The annual Red Rose Ball was held in
Patti Cox placed fourth out of 16 sorori- Paducah, K y . , at the Executive Inn
ties in a Dolphin shorts contest. K i m Riverfront Hotel and the semester was
Summerall, pageant co-ordinator for just beginning.
Derby and former Miss Newberry, was
crowned Miss Duval County. K i m w i l l be Sigma Chi Derby Day proved to be a
competing in the Miss Florida pageant great success f o r the chapter captured the
this summer. Chrissie Hinnant was cho- award for winning events. Greek Week
sen Sweetheart f o r Sigma Phi Epsilon fra- was a time for promoting Greek relations
ternity and Paula Beccue was named to among M S U students in fraternities and
the Kappa Alpha Court. Paula was also sororities on campus. Each day of the
named Outstanding Kappa Alpha little week different events were scheduled
sister. which included everyone participating
Gamma Omicron raised more than
$500 for the Arthritis Foundation during For Valentine's Day, members again
Fraternal Fued. The event was hosted by decided to use the theme of Blind Date
Gator football player David Nordon. Dance because of it's popularity. Each
The chapter was also selected to assist sister drew a name and had to secretly
find a date f o r that girl. As secrets are
sometimes hard to keep, some girls were
not surprised when they discovered who
their dates were, but there were those
who had no idea and that was the high-


light of the evening. Everyone had a great ment at U W including Arlene Ritzen, Cary Cunningham was choosen by
time munching on pizza and dancing to Kelly Perry, and Shannon Underwood. Rho Lambda honor society as the most
the music! outstanding freshman pledge. Lisa Bliss
Many social events filled the spring cal- was tapped into Blue Key National Hon-
The other dance during the semester, endar. Led by the Social Chair Lisa Pyper or society and she was also choosen to be
Rosebud Bash, helped to celebrate the Upsilon had barbeques, exchanges and the president of Rho Lambda. Stacy
coming of spring. Every sister put on a dinner functions. Arlene Beerman, phil- Ayers, Robin Dixon, Tina Shadix, and
wild, bright outfit for the occasion. anthropic chairman, kept everyone very Kay Spratlin became new Rho Lambda
busy, too. members.
Delta Omega was involved in a couple
of projects during the semester. Senior We held a very successful car wash to Scholastically they moved up to sec-
Christine Grogan, proposed the idea of raise money for the A O I I Philanthropic ond place among the 17 other sororities
supporting a needy child f r o m a foreign Foundation, and held a Bowl-a-thon to on campus.
country. raise money for the Ruby Fund, reported
Lauren Finn. The chapter added some more little sis-
Anne Freels, a junior, headed a com- ters around campus: Leslie Kimmons,
mittee to help start an Order of Omega • Sigma Chi; Chelle Yarbrough and Robin
organization on campus. This organiza- Dixon, Delta Tau Delta, and Stacey M o r -
tion recognizes outstanding junior and 1N gan, Alpha Tau Omega.
senior Greek men and women who have
a high grade point average and are ac- mSharon Haynes, Lambda Sigma, was picked Spring quarter was highlighted with
tively involved in Greek activities as well Sigma Chi Derby which was a big suc-
as campus activities. by Sigma Phi Epsilon as its "Queen of Hearts." cess. But the major excitement was w i n -
She too, has been picked for two honoraries— ning third runner-up in the Sorority of
The Special Olympics was another Mortar Board and Palladia. the Year competition. A l l the hard work
spring project. This is an event held an- by everyone in the chapter was responsi-
nually at Murray State for handicapped LAMBDA SIGMA ble for this award, reported Susan Brault.
children around the region. Alpha Omi- U . of Georgia
cron Pi sisters are the official huggers for PHI SIGMA
these children as they cross the finish The Lambda Sigma chapter had anoth-
line. This is an honor that is reserved er highly successful quarter. We started Kearney State College
especially for AOIIs. Words cannot off on the right foot as Diane DeVore,
describe the intensity of feelings that sur- Micky Todd, and Sally Bailey became fi- Rush was the word at Phi Sigma chap-
r o u n d y o u when w o r k i n g w i t h these nalists in the Miss U G A pageant. Sally ter at Kearney State College. Rush Chair-
children, explained Patty Ringering. Bailey was further honored as she was man Paula Kluge kept members busy at
choosen IIKA Dream Girl. Tammy Burge Wednesday night Rush Workshops mak-
Susie Patrick, a senior, and Denise But- was choosen to be on the Dream Girl ing nametags, decorations and practicing
ler, a junior, were semifinalists at the an- court. skits. The chapter is ready for Rush right
nual Miss Murray State Pageant. Denise now, but we'll put it all together at our
was awarded a scholarship f o r first run- Beth Cooley and Lisa Waggoner w i l l be dress rehearsal this summer at Great
ner up in the pageant. out leading cheers for the Dogs since they Escape, added Jennifer Evans.
both made Varsity cheerleading. Sharon
Jackie Plant, a sophomore, was named Haynes was choosen to be in two presti- Frisbie golf, Tug of War and the Dizzy
Pi Kappa Alpha Dream Girl for 1984-85. gious honoraries-Palladia and Mortar Izzy were just a few of the games we par-
Board. Sharon also was picked to be the ticipated in at KSC's Greek Week. As
UPSILON Sigma Phi Epsilon "Queen of Hearts." part of the week's activities the Phi Sigs
AOII then went on to place first in the placed second in overall scholarship at
U . of Washington overall Queen of Hearts competition. the Scholarship Recognition Banquet, the
first place in the co-ed Softball games
Spring Quarter brought a mixture of with the Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity.
sunshine and rain in Seattle at Upsilon Also named the week was the All-Greek
chapter. homecoming queen candidate for next
fall. A O I I Junior Bobbie Pirnie w i l l be
M e m b e r s kicked the quarter off by representing Panhellenic.
winning 2nd place in the annual Sigma
Chi Derby Days. It was an exciting and Honors were abundant this Spring for
eventful day for everyone involved. the Phi Sigs. Senior Lori Moore was
Then, in mid-April, the Upsilon women named as one of the 10 finalists for the
hosted 12 high school seniors during KSC Outstanding Senior award Shannon
Greek weekend. Everyone practiced their Collins, Tammi Vacha and Renee Ott
Rush skills and warmed up for the song- were elected to Student Senate. Bobbie
fest competition by singing "Happy To- Pirnie and Kay Harris were named to the
gether" f o r the guests, led by faithful Summer Orientation staff, and Rochelle
songleader Cindy Oeck. Ryan was voted KSC's Outstanding
Sophomore for her scholastic efforts and
Arlene Ritzen, chapter president, was participation in activities such as Student
awarded the quarterly scholarship award Senate and cheerleading.
for achieving a 3.97 G.P.A. on a 4.0
scale. Katie Hallahan, our fraternity edu- Thoughts of Rose Formal, Kidnap Keg
cation and keeper of the ritual, won a and graduation were on their minds, as
spot on the Associated Students of the the year ended. Great Escape, planned in
University of Washington's Board of July, w i l l be an opportunity to polish
Control. The election was campus wide, Rush techniques as well as socialize with
and of all of the candidates seeking elec- friends and get ready for a great Rush
tion, Katie received the highest amount next fall.
of votes. Many other Upsilon women
also are involved i n the student govern-


Legacies. . . part of the AOII heritage

By Cindy Skaff, Theta Psi, R R O II ing at the entire, long-term picture. A l l and hurt if the legacy is not pledged. It is
legacies should be invited to pledge unless our obligation to offer consideration and
AOII legacies . . . young women who there is a concrete, objective reason to support to our sisters during this time,
have sisters, mothers or grandmothers deny her. Abstract and subjective reasons
who have pledged themselves to our are difficult to explain to the AOII rela- (continued on page 38)
fraternity. AOII legacies . . . young tive, and they tend to imply that a chap-
women who have seen, firsthand, the sis- ter is being narrowly exclusive. Member- Thank you
terhood we share in A O I I . A O I I legacies ship Information Forms should be solicit- for caring
. . . young women who know that AOII ed and used on all known legacies. If a
is for life; a gift that we, in Alpha O m i - legacy seems uninterested, or if she has By Fadwa (Fudge) Haney Skaff,
cron Pi, treasure. expressed strong interest in another so-
rority and lesser interest in AOII, rushing Theta Psi
W h y are legacies a gift to treasure? We efforts should be increased. Eighteen years of rush paid off when
are a family who share a heritage. Our my daughter, Cynthia, pledged herself to
legacies are gifts f r o m our sisters. They Alpha Omicron Pi's statement on lega- AOII. Exhausting7—Not really, for the
are special people who have been exposed cy rush, as expressed in the Book of Poli- rushing started out to be an unconscious
to fraternity experiences and traditions. cy, strongly encourages the pledging effort.
Legacies understand the financial, scho- of all qualified legacies. The policy goes
lastic, and social obligations that are ex- on to explain that "every verified legacy I have always been involved in AOII
pected of members. They have an insight shall be offered a bid . . . unless the since my graduation f r o m the University
into the Greek system and the support chapter has a reason for denying a bid of Toledo in 1951. It was a natural hap-
that it provides. Legacies have proven to and communicates that reason to the pening that, from the cradle, Cindy was
be strong members who are dedicated to alumna involved and the chapter's Re- exposed to the love I have for my sorori-
the maintenance of our fraternity. Lega- gional Director." The policy further t y . I sang sorority songs as lullabies. She
cies are invaluable. states that when a legacy is dropped, "the was carted of to daytime meetings of
adviser must communicate with the AOII A O I I , and she helped to entertain the
Of course, it is also a vital part of our relative of the legacy." children of m y sisters when meetings
heritage that membership selection ulti- were in our home. As the years went on
mately lies with the collegiate chapter. Our legacy rush policy encourages our she helped to make program covers for
THEY must decide to pledge the legacy chapters and their advisers to extend ev- Founders' Day, and helped at philan-
. . . or any rushee . . . and are charged ery courtesy to the legacy and their A O I I thropic events along with her father,
with the maintenance and development relative. It was designed to eliminate hard brother and sister. She w o u l d see me off
of our membership. feelings, not to cause them. If our frater- to conventions and regional meetings,
nity means anything to the AOII relative and more than once reminded me to wear
To begin, collegiate chapter members of our legacies, they will experience feel- my pin.
should recognize the legacy as a gift they ings of disappointment, embarrassment
inherit. Collegiate chapters should give H o w q u i c k l y the years had passed
every legacy special consideration, look- when she entered U T and enrolled in
rush. She had seen and experienced some
—r- of the activities and feelings of AOII, but
the time had come for me to tell her how
» important AOII was in my life.

I We had the usual talk about selecting
v. the group in which she would feel most
This mother and daughter know the special bond which develops as family members become sis comfortable. I told her that whichever
ters in A O n . group she joined was fine w i t h me. H o w I
suffered during those weeks of rush! I did
care which sorority she pledged. I wanted
her to know and feel the strong bond of
the sisterhood of AOII, and I wanted to
share this part of my life with her.

Fortunately, she truly wanted to be an
A O I I and the sisters of Theta Psi wanted
her. I thank them f o r their respect for,
and high consideration of, their legacies.
They had made it possible for my daugh-
ter to become my "sister." Now we can
attend those conventions and regional
meetings together.

So, grandmothers, moms, and sisters,
start spreading the good word about
A O I I now. Let your f a m i l y members
know that y o u care about AOII. Rush
them now, f o r tomorrow may be too


Dear Sisters...

Initiation was a special time for Patricia Malsac Vallandigham, Alpha Gamma '63, right. Her Dear Julie:
daughter, Sydne, front, was being initiated into the Washington State University campus and with
help from chapter members, including Sydne's big sister Char Oveland, Pat flew from Florida to I'm not sure if you're the person I
Washington state to be part of the day. should be sending this to, but I feel cer-
tain you'll get it to the right place. I'm
It was a very special initiation anxiously looking forward to initiation
next week. It's something I can't deny I've
For one Alpha Omicron Pi alumna, her tears just flowed. thought about over the years.
daughter's pledging the same A O I I chap- "By that time there wasn't a dry eye in
ter was very special and she wouldn't let It's been a long time since a handful of
a little thing like 3,500 miles keep her the house," Pat mused. " I can only de- us sat in Washington State University's
f r o m being at initiation. scribe my feelings as a warmth and hap- Neill Hall planning initiation in a small
piness in being able to share a sisterhood room in the basement. We hadn't even
"Even after being awake 20 hours I that still provides a bond after all these been sure we'd have any pledges. We
could hardly sleep the night before years" she stressed. "The knowledge now didn't know each other that well since we
Sydne's initiation," commented Patricia that we can share a very special part of had lived all over campus that first year
Malsac Vallandigham, Alpha Gamma our lives will keep us even closer." meeting only weekly at the union build-
'63. ing.
A n d the moments were special to
After a chance to visit with her little Sydne, too. Trying to plan our first Rush out of
sister Nancy Reinbold Johnson, Alpha Stevens Hall—as a new chapter trying to
Gamma '64, she prepared to join initia- "Initiation was coming up pretty compete w i t h established houses, we had
tion preparations. quickly and I remember wishing M o m only our enthusiasm & pictures of our
would tell me some things, but, in anoth- proposed house that brought us closer to-
"The anticipation and butterflies er way, I was glad she wouldn't," Sydne gether very quickly.
seemed far greater f o r me during Sydne's said.
ceremonies than m y o w n , " Pat admitted. We didn't even have houseboys to
"By the time she approached the front of "How I wished she would be there, but serve at Rush. So we asked Vance (now
the room my knees were shaking and I with her job and the distance, I knew my husband) and one of his friends to
didn't know if I could make it up without there was no chance. help.
falling and disrupting the morning.
"When I saw my mother standing in Looking back at how our struggle
"Soon Sydne caught me out of the cor- the room, I was so stunned and shocked, brought us so closely together, it is such a
ner of her eye, her voice failed and the I started to cry. It was so special to have w a r m feeling to see that closeness still ex-
her there," Sydne added. ists as a special part of Alpha Gamma
and the pride I know I share with other

Certainly all the hopes and dreams we
had f o r the chapter have come to be reali-

After Vance and I were married we
lived in Clarkston for a time and kept in
contact with the chapter.

As parents we had many hopes and
dreams for Sydne, but knew the only
ones w i t h meaning were the ones she had
for herself.

After being away from the Northwest
for so long we were delighted when WSU
came up as a possible choice of schools
for Sydne. But being a close-knit family
and the state of Washington was a long
way to go, we wanted to be sure that she
chose the school f o r her needs and desires
and not just to please us because we had
gone there.

Then when she wanted to go through
Rush—in m y heart I knew she was an
AOTI, but she had to decide. She had to
make and live with her own decisions.

Sometimes I was afraid I had down-
played AOII too much. Rush Week was a
long one for this mom.

A n d now I w i l l get to realize the most
special of all m y dreams to see Sydne ini-
tiated as an A O I I .

We have always been close, but now
we can say we can really be sisters as

(continued on page 39)


AOn to me Rachel L. Hunter
Kappa Pi

When I was just a pledge She became a special friend,
of Alpha Omicron Pi, unlike any I'd ever known,

I knew that something special She showed me what A O I I meant to her
was there for me to find. through her actions and her words.

The sisters in the chapter Because of her and the sisters who cared,
the one named Kappa Pi, I learned to appreciate more,

Began to show a part of them What AOII could give to me,
I hoped could soon be mine. and so I sought for more.

As the weeks of pledging passed and passed As the days approached when I would be
and the sisters became more known, a sister of AOII,

I found that each and every one I was excited to finally see face to face,
was an asset to Alpha O . what deeply bonded them f r o m inside.

They helped me feel at home with them I had learned how it all came into being,
and showed they really cared, and how precious this first friendship was.

They gave a part of themselves to me I had learned a small part of how the whole thing was run,
I knew they were willing to share. and how much it had grown, but remained one.

A very special sister Now, as a sister, I've found happiness beyond
chose to help and watch over me, all the expectations I had set i n m y m i n d .

In A O I I , she's a Big Sis, I've found the love and bond
but she's this and more for me. that holds us so strongly in A O I I .

She answered all m y questions, It's something I'm proud of and can hopefully share,
and helped me understand, w i t h some other who wants what I've f o u n d .

That AOII could give to me, It's special and more precious than silver and gold,
bonds of friendship beyond compare. it's the magic of Alpha Omicron Pi.

Legacies Information Form and a personal note to that there were no age barriers i n A O I I .
the collegiate chapter. The AOII relative I remember a few times when the
(continued from page 36) should educate the legacy on rush eti-
Hopefully, this part of the policy will quette. strength of the sisterhood of AOII was
rarely be needed. Hopefully, the percent- most visible to me. These occasions i n -
age of legacies pledged and initiated w i l l Finally, the legacy should be a gift that cluded moments of joy, when Mom's
increase every year. But, it w i l l take a w i l l be gladly received. She should take A O I I sisters celebrated each others' suc-
good deal of effort on the part of our col- pride in herself, and be gracious and cesses together; and moments of sorrow,
legiate and alumnae chapters, our sisters, friendly during rush. The legacy should when these same women joined hands to
and our legacies to insure that we are suc- be a young woman who has the qualifica- offer comfort and support.
cessful in legacy rush. tions to reflect credit upon our fraterni-
t y . She should show enthusiasm f o r The thoughts and feelings that I experi-
Our alumnae chapters play a vital role Greek life, and especially AOII, if she is enced are similar to those of other lega-
in legacy rush. Quite often this is the first interested. cies. When y o u grow up w i t h A O I I , as I
contact our legacies have w i t h the organi- did, you begin to feel like a part of it be-
zation of AOII. They should plan a moth- I am an A O I I legacy. Since being initi- fore you ever enter college. The desire to
er/daughter or family type social func- ated I have enjoyed attending meetings, become an A O I I is very strong f o r many
tion each year. Membership Information social functions, regional meetings, and legacies. I am so thankful that m y colle-
Forms, with personal notes attached, international convention with my moth- giate chapter has always thought of lega-
should be sent on every legacy. er. We now serve as regional officers to- cies as a special gift. I am thankful that
gether. Looking back on my childhood, I they gave me every consideration in
The AOII relatives of our legacies are cannot remember a time when I was not membership selection. I am thankful that
the backbone of a successful legacy rush. aware of the importance of AOII in my they increased their rushing efforts when
Rather than wait for a formal rush peri- mother's life. It has always been very ob- they thought I was losing interest. I am
od, legacy rush begins before the legacy vious to me that her closest friends are so very glad that my mother and all of
begins elementary school. The legacy's her AOII sisters. When my mother be- her collegiate and alumnae sisters made
AOII relative should share her AOII expe- came a chapter adviser, and collegiate me want to be an AOII, and that they
riences openly. She should communicate members stopped by to discuss A O I I welcomed me with open arms into their
her feelings about AOII with the legacy, business or just to chat, I began to realize AOII family.
when the legacy is college-bound, the
AOII relative should send a Membership


DJF celebrates silver anniversary

By Eleanore MacCurdy, Iota Alpha, i —Implement a program for gifts, be-
quests and deferred giving,
Idaho State U . r
—Increase the number of collegiate
Sharing and caring has been the domi- i and alumna chapters contributing to the
nant philosphy of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation; increase fraternity awareness
Diamond Jubilee Foundation since it was DJF's New president is Lynne Johnston, of available alumna scholarships,
approved b y Council in 1959 and Lynne Epsilon.
Johnston was a charter members of the recognition of the Foundation's Silver —Stimulate fund-raising programs so
Board of Trustees. As the Foundation cel- Anniversary. scholarships w i l l not decrease in number
ebrated its Silver Anniversary the mem- of amount.
bers of the Board elected Lynne Johnston The majority of the scholarship recipi-
president to serve until 1988. ents are undergraduate members of AOII Collegiate and alumna members will
but f o r the past several years Karen continue to be informed on Foundation
Lynne, a member of Epsilon chapter, Tucker, Delta Delta, chairman, Scholar- activities through the annual "account-
Cornell University, is married to Carl B. ship Committee, assisted by Rosalie Bar- ability letter," the February scholarship
Johnston, an environmental engineer, ber, A n n Galvani, Pat Mottweiler, Ome- mailing and the seals mailing to chapters
Cornell University and a member of Phi ga, and Olga Vatcher, Lambda, have also and individuals.
Gamma Delta fraternity. Their son, Carl selected several alumnae members en-
B., Jr., is also a member of Phi Gamma rolled i n continuing education degree A l l trustees are assigned to one or more
Delta and has his o w n financial manage- programs as scholarship recipients. committee responsibilities. Dotti Winn
ment company in Cupertino, CA. Their works closely w i t h A n n Galvani in the
two AOII daughters, Missy and Sherry, Supporting the chapter consultant pro- management of finances and in the in-
graduated in elementary education from gram of Alpha Omicron Pi, the Founda- vestment of contributions which current-
Oregon State University. tion in 1977 established a policy to give ly have a portfolio yield of 11.8%.
financial assistance to a member appoint-
Alumnae participation in AOII began ed by the Executive Board who would The Promotion Committee, chaired by
in 1940 f o r Lynne w i t h the Philadelphia work with a collegiate chapter. Eleanore MacCurdy, includes Bette Tav-
Alumnae Chapter, then in Washington, erner, Gamma; Wilma Leland, Tau; Deb
D.C., followed by the California chap- In compliance with IRS regulations for Van Fenstermaker, Delta Omega, and
ters in Los Angeles, Glendale and Pasade- a non profit, tax exempt organization, Marion Clouse, Chi, chairman, Educa-
na. Lynne has served A O I I in many ca- the Foundation each year gives a grant- tion. Under the leadership of Nancy
pacities on the local, district, regional in-aid to a college or university to award Heard the seals mailing list was compu-
and national levels. She has also taken to a non-AOn. terized in 1984 and serving on the Seals
part in school, community and political Committee are Margot Butler, Sigma,
organizations. She is totally committed Foundation goals are established each chairman; Dodie Linn, Kappa Omicron;
to the principles of the Foundation and biennium and reviewed by the Trustees Sue Hadley, Kappa Omicron, and Olga
the need for such a scholarship fund annually. Among the current goals are: Vatcher.
within Alpha Omicron Pi. Her personal
goal for achievement during her term of —Increase geographic representation "The Impossible Dream," of 1959 is
office is to reach the goal of $1,000,000. on the Board so A O I I is well represented, now a possible dream in today's econo-
Saying, "Where there is a w i l l there is a my. If every collegiate and alumna chap-
way," Lynn challenges each chapter and —Increase by 100% the amount con- ter held an annual A O I l / D i a m o n d Jubilee
each member to work together to put the tributed last biennium, Foundation benefit and every collegiate
fund "over the top." and alumna member would contribute
annually f o r the next five years, the
Officers elected at the 1984 annual $1,000,000 could be reached and the I m -
meeting of the Foundation to serve with possible Dream would truly be the Possi-
Lynne include Eleanore MacCurdy, 1st ble Dream for Alpha Omicron Pi.
vice president; Nancy Heard, Chi Delta,
2nd vice president; Rosalie Barber, Sigma Letter. . .
Omicron, secretary; Dotti Winn, Tau,
treasurer; and Ann Galvani, Tau, assist- (continued from page 37)
ant treasurer. The treasurer w i l l serve un-
til 1990 and the other officers, with the well. Sydne has no idea that I am plan-
exception of Lynne Johnston, w i l l serve ning to be there. I am flying in on Friday
until 1986. night and will surprise her at initiation.
Since she doesn't k n o w about my arrival
Muriel Turner McKinney, founder and I told her I would send this letter to you
first president, awarded the first Founda- to explain a gift I would like to make to
tion scholarship in 1962 f o r $50. Since Alpha Gamma on behalf of or in memory
that date more than 340 members of AOII of this very special group of initiates.
have received more than $130,000 in
scholarships. Today scholarships range in Thank you, Julie, for allowing a nos-
amount f r o m $600 to $1,000. In 1984 the talgic teary-eyed old alum a chance to
Foundation plans to award 25 scholar- reminisce and share fond memories.
ships for a total amount of $16,000 in Alpha love,
Pat Vallandigham
Alpha Gamma '63


Development Fund Continues To
Serve . . . If You Do!

In this issue of To Dragma you will read exciting news about new colo-
nies of AOII at Shippensburg University, Middle Tennessee University
and General Motors Institute, and installation at Lehigh University.
Alumnae donations to the Development Fund have largely made these
extension efforts possible.

AOLT's extension program is only one of several critical areas which are
possible through the Development Fund.

If you have not yet given this year, please send a donation, no matter
the size, to AOII DEVELOPMENT FUND; c/o AOLI Headquarters, 3821
Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, TN 37215.

We need YOUR help and support!

Headquarters, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, TN 37215
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