To Dragma
Ever been to Convention?
Here is a look back at some of the fun that has been shared during previous AOII Conventions and Leadership Institutes. You can expect more of the same if you attend this year's Convention in Norfolk, Virginia.
Lots of photo ops!
LI 2000 in Los Angeles.
Sight Seeing!
Centennial Convention 1997 in New York City.
PIP entertainment! Convention 1995 f"J-
in Scottsdale. AZ.
To Dragma ofAlpha Omicron Pi
PublishedsinceJanuary,1905byAlpha OmicronPiFraternity,Inc
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Graphic Design
Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U)
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi. (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi. 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN. Fferiodical class postage paid at Brentwood. TN, and additional mailing offices.
Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $85.00.
Send address changes to:
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron R,
5390 Virginia Way.,Brentwood,TN 37027.
Address all editorial communications to the Editor at the same address.
Founded at Barnard College in New York City, January 2,1897, by: Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella George Stem Perry &Elizabeth Heywood Wyman.
international President
Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Executive Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)
International Headquarters
5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, Tennessee 37027. phone 615/3700920 fax: 615/371-9736
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:
Mailing Address Updates [email protected]
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of
the College Fraternity Editors Association.
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, Inc.
The mission of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is to reflect the love and sisterhood o f Alpha Omicron Pi through the funding o f educational and charitable programs.
Oiir Missions:
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi
The mission of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and inspire our readers on subjects relevant to o u r Fraternity, o u r chapters, o u r members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime AOII involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a permanent record of our Fraternity's history.
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc.
Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's fraternity promoting friendship for a lifetime, inspiring academic excel- lence and lifelong learning, and develop- ing leadership skills through service to the Fraternity and community.
To Dragma
[ Spring 2003 ]
Skits and laughter!
Convention 1991 inDallas.TX.
^ o f Alpha Omicron Pi
3 Fraternity News
The latest AOII news and announcements.
6 Arthritis in Women
Learn more about arthritis and some commonformsof this disease.
1 1 X i Installation
The reinstallation of our 29th collegiate chapter at the U of Oklahoma.
12 Ritual is our Road Map
Ritual reminds us of our values and makes life's journey a litde easier.
18 Alumnae News
Chapters share ideas on their best membership recruitment ideas.
2 4 AOII Foundation Update
Learn how you can Help AOII Strike OutArthritis!
26 Collegiate News
Chapters describe their "most fun" social event for AOII sisters only.
3 3 AOII Recruitment Information
The Membership Information Form (MIF), Legacy Form and Recruitment Directory are included in this issue.
4 0 50 Year Members AsalutetomembersinitiatedbetweenJuly1,1953 andJune30,1954.
44 AOII Emporium
Check out some of the fun merchandise from the AOII Emporium.
To Dragma
[ Spring 2003 ]
Carole Jurenko Jones International President
AOII Perspective
As I look back on the past three and one-half years of writing AOII Perspective for "7b Dragma" I have discovered
that each one of my articles has focused on the commitment we have to our Fraternity and to one another.
Commitment began for us all when we were initiated and takes many forms as we experience AOII on a daily basis.
The commitment of our members and volunteers as they selflessly give of their time was highlighted in the fall of 1999. Again, in the winter 2000 issue I stated, "The time and effort you give to our beloved Alpha Omicron Pi has kept our sisterhood and mission strong." This will always remain true as we share our time and talents with AOII. The commitment of members and volunteers naturally leads to the lifetime commitment we share.
Our membersandvolunteerswerecongratulatedfortheircommitmentinthesummer2001issuefortheaccom- plishments of the 1999 - 2001 biennium. In the following issue, I encouraged our members to stay committed to our goals of membership recruitment, membership retention and sound financial management
The first issue in 2000 featured a message about that lifetime commitment, and how each day I am reminded that AOII is a special organization bom from sacred professions of friendship and dedicated to the ideals of character, integrity and loyalty. In the winter 2002 issue, I discussed how alumnae can honor their lifetime commitment to AOII through membership in their local alumnae chapter and/or through payment of a $50 annual AOII Always membership.
However, we also have other commitments. They include AOII's commitment to the Alcohol Free Housing Initiative, which was addressed in the summer 2000 issue, and AOII's commitment to personal development and learning from one another as we gather for Convention, which was discussed in the spring 2002 issue. The fall 2 0 0 0 issue introduced the 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 1 Collegiate Advisory Board members and their commitment to effectively leading their chapters while working for the betterment of the Fraternity.
The spring 2001 featured our commitment to providing specialized training to our collegiate chapter officers soon after election through the Leadership Academies, and in the fall 2002 issue I wrote about our commitment 10protecting AOII's name and insignia.
The commitment to change was the topic in the winter 2001 issue as I challenged our members to set high stan- dards while recognizing that success does not come without commitment and hard work. I touched upon this commitment again in the summer 2002 issue featuring the commitment our collegians have for striving to be the best they can be, and the commitment our alumnae have by serving as advisers, Corporation Board members and mentors to today's young women.
Bound by ties of friendship, commitment has helped us achieve great things and will continue to ensure the growth, stability and future of AOII. The commitment we give to Alpha Omicron Pi and to each other is awesome. It's a commitment that lasts a lifetime!
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
Carole Jurenko Jones
Fraternity News
Register Online for Convention 2003!
Join us, June 25-29 at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott in Norfolk, VA for the 2 0 0 3 AOII Convention. Find the registration form and convention information at
Please note: if you have not received an email confirming your online registration for Convention 2003, you may not be properly regis- tered! Several blank online registration forms have been submitted. Conference and Marketing Administrator Julie Hacker has sent emails to everyone who registered online. If you have not yet received this email, please contact Julie for verification at (615)370- 0920. W e don't want you to miss out!
HQ Staff Mourns
Loss of Sister
With deepest regret, AOII announces the passing of Juanita Zoe Capps Williams, Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U), a beloved member of AOH's International Headquarters Staff. Executive Director Melanie Doyle stated, "Zoe was a wonderful employee who served AOII as Executive Administrator for over five years. Her dedication, loyalty and passion for our fraternity
will be greatly missed."
Affordable Medical
Plans Available
Benefit packages for
AOII members:
• Medical Plan #1 - Major Medical Package (Comprehensive Health Benefits Policy): National Networks; $3 millionlifetime maximum; doctor's office and prescription copays; life, accident and wellness included; alternative medi- cine coverage.
• Medical Plan #2 - Basic Mini-Medical Package (Indemnity Benefits Policy): Benefits paid directly to you; up to $800 per day daily hospital benefit; doctor's officevisitsand wellness;
life, accident and surgical schedule included
Enroll Today!
(800) 280-8383
Fax: (352)375-7566
Or visit:
Visit Sisters Online Sisters Online is an area of our website designed for AOIIs only. It is divided into three sections. The first, M y AOII, is filled with fun information for all of our members. The second, Officer Resources is the place for any AOII officer to find helpful information at the click of a mouse. The third area is AlphaLink, AOH's innovative online reporting system for officers only. Your AOII member number and a password is required for entry into these areas. Your member number can be found on your To Dragma mailing label.
Renew your
Subscriptions Through AOII
AOII receives 40% of the gross sales from any magazine sold through AOH's Magazine Program, Gr-r-r-eat Expectations. That includes new orders or renewals of magazines you already receive. The proceeds are being used for scholarships and programming for Leadership Academy and Leadership Institute. You are encouraged to order or renew your magazines through your col- legiate or alumnae chapter to give them credit. Alumnae who are not members of an alumnae chapter may order online at By marking AOII as the benefitting organization when you order or renew, you are helping AOII without spending additional money.
With Appreciation
International President Carole Jones presented five-, ten- and fifteen-year service awards to AOII staff members during the February 2 0 0 3 staff meeting. Pictured clockwise above, from left: Linda Fuson (fifteen-year), Beth Swartz (ten-year), Jackie Lynch (fifteen-year), Donna Kumar (ten-year), Colleen Caban
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
(ten-year), Melanie pictured (five-year).
Doyle (fifteen-year), and Zoe Williams - not
omsen By Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Editor, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama|
Nearly 70 million American adults (or one in every three) have some type of arthritis or chronic joint symptoms.
Forty one million of those affected are women.
Three out of four people affected by osteoarthritis — the most common form of arthritis — are women.
9 out of 10 people who have lupus are women.
Rheumatoid arthritis affects 1.5 million women or 71 percent
of all cases of RA.
Four of every five people affected with osteoporosis are women. Fibromyalgia has been diagnosed in 3.7 million Americans, 3.3 million of whom are women.
Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, and osteoporosis are just a few of the various forms of arthritis and related conditions that are more prevalent in women. The term "arthritis" encompasses more than 100 diseases and Conditions that affect joints, the surrounding tissues and other connective tissues. Arthritis can cause mild to severe pain in the joints, as well as joint tenderness and swelling. Some of the diseases also can affect other parts of the body, including the skin and internal organs.
The numerous forms of arthritis and related conditions can affect anyone, regardless of race, gender or age. People face many challenges as a result of the disease. The good news is there are many ways to meet those challenges and lead a fulfilling life in spite ofarthritis.
However, it is especially important for Women to be educated about these diseases since they affect women at a much higher rate than men.
To Draqma [ Spring 2003 ]
Also known as degen- erative joint disease, or OA, Osteoarthritis is the most com- mon form of arthritis. More than 21 million Americans have osteoarthritis, with approximately 16 million women affected.Women usu- ally develop OA after age 4 0 . It causes damage to cartilage and bones, causing joint pain, swelling, stiffness and loss of function. OA can range from very mild 10 very severe, and affects hands and weight-bear- ing joints such as knees, hips, feet and the back.
Physicians make a diagnosis of OA based on a physical exam and history of symptoms. X-rays are used to confirm diagnosis. Most people over 60 reflect the disease on X- ray, and about one-third have actual symptoms.
There are many risk factors that can cause OA. Although age is a risk factor, research has shown that OA is not an inevi- table part of aging. A variety of factors may lead to the disease. Obesity may lead to osteoar- thritis of the knees. In addition, people with joint injuries due to sports, work-related activity, or accidents may be at increased risk of developing OA.
Genetics plays a role in the development of OA, particular- ly in the hands. Some people may be born with defective car- tilage or with slight defects in the way that joints fit together. As a person ages, these defects may cause early cartilage breakdown in the joint.
Treatment of osteoarthritis focuses on decreasing pain and improving joint movement. Many different medications are used to control pain and all should be taken under the supervision of a physician. For mild pain without inflammation, acetaminophen may be used. Other treatments include use of heat or cold, exercise, joint protection, weight control, gluco- corticoid injections, and surgery.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic disease that affects the entire body and one of the most common forms of arthritis. It is characterized by the inflammation of the synovium - the membrane lining the joint - which causes pain. It usually strikes women between the ages of 25 to 50, but can occur in children. An abnormality in the body's immune system causes it to work improperly, leading to inflammation in the lining of joints. Chronic inflammation can lead to deterioration, pain, and limited movement. More than 2 million American adults have RA, with women out-numbering men 3-to-l.
The cause of rheumatoid arthri- tis is not yet known. However, it is known that the immune system plays a key role in the inflammation and the joint damage that occurs. Current scientific evidence indicates that a factor produced by the immune system, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) plays a critical role. Researchers have discovered agents that counter- act the effects of TNF, called TNF inhibitors.
Diagnosis of RA is based on the pattern of symptoms, medical history, physical examination, X-rays and labratory tests. Early detection is important in the prevention of long-term damage to joints from RA.
Early in the disease, people with rheumatoid arthritis may notice general fatigue, soreness or aching, and stiffness, particu- larly in the morning. Joint pain and swelling usually occur in the same joints on both sides of the body - called symmetrical arthritis - and symptoms are often first noted in the hands or feet. RA can also affect wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, knees, hips and ankles. Rheumaioid
nodules, or lumps under the skin in areas exposed to pres- sure, are also common.
The disease is managed by medicines, a combination ofrest and exercise, joint protection, use of heat and cold to reduce pain, and occupational therapy.
This is a syndrome character- ized by widespread musculosk- eletal pain. It is associated with generalized muscular pain and fatigue, loss of sleep, stiffness and sometimes depression and/or anxiety. Fibromyalgia mainly affects muscles and their attachments to bones. Although it may feel like a joint disease, it is not a true form of arthritis and does not cause deformities of the joints. Instead it is a form of soft tis- sue or muscular rheumatism. An estimated 3.7 million Americans have fibromyalgia. That figure may actually be higher since some of its symp- toms may be found in other conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome.
Pain is the most prominent symptom. It generally occurs throughout the body, although it may start in one region, such as the neck and shoulders, and spread over a period of time. Most people say that some degree of pain is always present and they feel the pain mainly in their muscles, often like they have the flu. For some people, the pain is quite severe.
About 9 0 percent of people with fibromyalgia experience moderate or severe fatigue, with lack of energy, decreased exercise endurance or the kind
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
of exhaustion associated with the flu or lack of sleep. Often the fatigue is more of a problem than the pain.
Most people with fibromyalgia experience an associated sleep disorder in which they wake up feeling listless or tired. Research has shown that a disruption of deep sleep alters body functions and pain perception.
Changes in mood and thinking are common in fibromyalgia. Many individuals feel "blue" or "down," although only about 2 5 percent are clinically depressed. Some people also feel very anxious.
Fibromyalgia is diagnosed by the presence of widespread pain in combination with tenderness in specific locations. No laboratory test or X-ray can diagnose fibromyalgia. Tests are only helpful to prove the presence of other conditions causing similar symptoms. Because the complaints are so general, many people undergo complicated and repeated evaluations before they are diagnosed with fibromyalgia.
Many different factors, alone or in combination, may cause fibromyalgia. A number of stresses - such as illness, physi- cal or emotional trauma - may lead to the generalized pain, fatigue, and non-restful sleep that characterize the syndrome. Research is looking at the role of certain hormones or body chemicals that may alter pain, sleep, and mood.
Current treatment options for fibromyalgia include medications to diminish pain and improve sleep, exercise programs to improve condi- tioning, relaxation techniques to ease muscle tension, and education programs to help manage the disease.
Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can involve skin, kidneys, blood vessels, joints, the nervous system, the heart and other internal organs. Symptoms vary among those affected, but may include a skin rash, arthritis, fever, fatigue, hair loss, ulcers in the mouth, chest pain or swelling of the legs.
The cause of lupus is unknown. Studies suggest that lupus is an inherited disease. Lupus affects women about eight to ten times as often as men. Symptoms gen- erally appear in women around childbearing age (18 to 4 5 ) . Almost 240,000 Americans - 90% of whom are women - have this arthritis-related condition. Lupus is more common among African American women than Caucasian women. Some studies indicate that it may also be more common among Asian and Latino populations.
Symptoms include a Malary rash (butterfly-shaped rash over the cheeks and across the bridge of the nose), Discoid rash (scaly, disk-shaped sores on the face, neck, or chest), photosensitivity, mouth and/or nose ulcers, arthritis, serositis (inflammation of the lining around the heart, lungs or abdomen), kidney problems, central nervous system prob- lems, blood problems, and antinuclear antibodies.
There are different types of Lupus. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus affects the skin, joints, kidneys, nervous system, lungs, heart and/or blood-forming organs. Another type, Discoid Lupus is a disease of the skin that is often chronic and can sometimes lead to scarring and loss of pigment in the skin. A third type, Drug- Induced Lupus, is a form that occurs because of a reaction to medicines prescribed to treat another condition. Symptoms typically disappear when the person stops taking the drugs that caused the reaction.
Osteoporosis is a disease whose name literally means "bone that is porous." It causes bones to lose mass and become brittle, which can lead to rounded shoulders, loss of height and painful frac- tures. It affects approximately 28 million Americans; four ofevery five people affected are women. Postmenopausal women and those with a small or thin frame, a family history of osteoporosis and habits such as smoking and drinking are at a higherriskfor osteoporosis. People who have inflammatory arthritis, such as RA. also have an increased risk ofdeveloping the disease.
Osteoporosis is responsible for 1.5 million fractures in the United States each year, most in the spine, hip and wrist. One out of every two women over age 5 0 will suffer at least one osteoporosis-related fracture sometime during their lifetime.
Anyone who has a high risk for osteoporosis should have a measurement taken of their bone-mineral density. Lifestyle changes, medications, and exercise can all help avoid or reverse some of the affects of the disease.
Many other arthritis-related conditions and connective tis- sue disorders also affect more women than men. Raynaud's phenomenon, scleroderma, Sjogren's syndrome and polymyalgia rheumatica are just a few conditions that may not be as prevalent as those described above, but are still arthritis-related health prob- lems threatening women.
ToDragma [Spring2003]
Arthritis is a serious health condition, but can be treated or even possibly prevented. Many of the habits that are recommended for a healthy lifestyle play a role in preventing some types of arthritis and related conditions. Some common tips for prevention include:
• Eatahealthy,well-balanceddiettohelpmaintainyourrecommended weight. Women who are overweight have a higher risk of developing osteoarthritis in the knees.
• Talktoyourdoctorabouttakingvitaminandmineralsupplements. For example, having insufficient levels of vitamin D decreases the amount of calcium your body can absorb. That coupled with lower calcium levels as you age can help contribute to osteoporosis.
• Exerciseregularlytostrengthenmusclesaroundjointsandhelp increase bone density. Exercise may reduce wear and tear on your joints, which can help prevent injury and reduce the risk of osteo- arthritis. Increased bone density also can help stave offosteoporosis.
• Avoidsmokingandlimityouralcoholconsumptiontohelpavoid osteoporosis. Both habits weaken the structure of bone, which puts you at higher risk for fractures.
• Discusshormonereplacementtherapywithyourphysicianifyou are post-menopausal. Many women lose bone mass during the pre- and post menopausal years when their ovaries stop producing estrogen. One of estrogen's functions is to help keep calcium in the bones
and maintains bone mass. Lowered estrogen level is a major cause of osteoporosis in women after menopause.
Treating Arthritis
Women must take their joint health seriously and see a health care pro- vider at the earliest warning signs of arthritis. To assess your joint health, visit and take the Arthritis Foundation's joint health quiz. Ifyou think you have arthritis, or ifyou have been diagnosed with it, you can take steps to manage it. There is no cure, but there are many ways you can take control of your health in order to feel better and improve your quality of life. The treatment plan you design with your health-care team may include recommendations such as these:
• Exercise to lessen pain, increase movement and reduce fatigue.
• Alternate periods of rest with activity. Pace yourself to help protect
your joints from the stress of repeated tasks and to help reduce fatigue. Learn ways to use your joints without putting undue pressure on them.
• Usehotorcoldcompressesonjointsforshort-termpainreliefand to help prepare for exercise.
• Work with you physician to determine the best over-the-counter or prescription medications that may help slow the progression of arthritis and ease pain.
• Alwaysworkcloselywithyourhealth-careteamtofindthebest medication, diet and exercise program for you.
• Visityourhealthprofessionaleachyearforacomprehensive physical exam.
Living with Arthritis
Arthritis does not just affect your joints and tissues - it affects every aspect of your life. People with arthritis are at a higher risk for serious conditions such as premature death, heart disease, obesity, depression and anxiety. Talk with your physi- cian to find ways to deal with arthritis in your life. Medications prescribed for arthritis can lead to side effects such as nausea, skin rashes, weight gain, or other complications. Arthritis can contribute to joint deformity, other physical changes or profound fatigue. Living with a chronic condition is not easy, and can lead to depression or anxiety about things ranging from how to pay for medical care to how to find enough energy to cook dinner. No matter how bad the picture may seem, you do have a choice about how to deal with it. Surround yourself with excellent health-care providers and supportive family and friends. Decide every day that you will have the best attitude possible, and rely on your family and friends to help you keep that attitude.
The Arthritis Foundation helps 70 million Americans take better control of their arthritis. The mission of the Arthritis Foundation is to improve lives through leadership in the pre- vention, control and cure of arthritis and related diseases. You can learn more about your condition and how to live better with it by taking advantage of their programs and publications.
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
• • • • •
• •
Get free copies of educational booklets and brochures that discuss different types of arthritis and related conditions, medications, self-management tips and more.
Sign up for classes, including the popular arthritis and fibro- myalgia self-help courses, low-impact or no-impact exercise classes, and water exercise programs.
Share your successes, problems and tips for living with the challenges of arthritis by joining an arthritis support group or club in your area.
Check out the Arthritis Foundation's Website at to get general arthritis information, updates on local chapter activities, and more. Buybooks,videosandnewsletterswrittenforpeoplewith arthritis. Best sellers include: The Arthritis Foundation's Guide
to Alternative Therapies, Your Personal Guide to Living Well with Fibromyalgia, and People with Arthritis Can Exercise videos. Participate in a variety of fulfilling and fun events, programs
and fundraising activities to support quality-of-life initiatives for people with arthritis.
Join the Arthritis Foundation. You'll receive a subscription to the award-winning bimonthly magazine Arthritis Today, and will help fund vital research to find better ways to prevent, control, and cure arthritis and related conditions.
For more information on these and other offerings, call your local Arthritis Foundation chapter or visit To find a chapter near you, call 1-800-283-7800.
A Sister's Story
I have always considered myself to be a healthy, active woman. I have worked as an attorney for the past 10 years, and have been actively involved in many commu- nity organizations, in addition to my AOII alumna work. I also have a fun-loving three year-old son who keeps me on my toes.
In July 2 0 0 2 , however, shortly after the birth of our second child, Eleanor, I began to experience a number of unusual symptoms, such as joint pain in nearly every single joint (hands, knees, ankles, fingers, toes, shoulders, and jaw), and morning stiffness that lasted for hours. I could barely walk and could not hold the baby without severe pain. I could not even make a fist. Opening water bottles and doors and getting dressed-seemingly simple tasks-or walking up and down a flight of stairs, proved extremely challenging. 1 sought medical testing immedi- ately, and in August 2002,1 was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.
I have been coping with the disease ever since, and with proper medication, support from my husband and family, good specialists, and some lifestyle adjust- ments, am able to work part-time and function better than I could several months ago, when I could barely get out of bed in the mornings due to the joint inflamma- tion. It was truly encouraging to me that so many medications are now available to treat this disease, and I do not think it was any small coincidence that the fraternity that has been so much a part of my life for the last 15 years is so active in the arthritis cause. I recently learned that AOII has contributed $1 million to arthritis research! This is an amazing statistic, given that Arthritis has only been our official philanthropy since 1967! I truly have AOII to thank for the many treat- ment options, and I want to tell every sister that her contributions, however small, have made and continue to make a difference for me and other arthritis patients.
Recently, I became an AOII Foundation Ambassador. It is my personal goal to raise greater awareness about the many ways in which the Foundation makes a difference in the lives of all AOII sisters. In this regard, I am reminded of lyrics in the song "AOII, The Rose": "We share all things with each other, our hopes, our fears, our goals. We will always be together, in our hearts and in our souls." I hope everyone in AOII will consider supporting the Foundation's endeavors.
Jessie Wang-Grimm, Phi Chi '87
©2001 Reprinted u/ith permission ofthe Arthritis Foundation, 1330 W.Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309. To get your free copies of Arthritis Foundation brochures, call (800)283-7800 or visit
• •
Laura Schanberg, MD, Duke U Medical School, for "Daily Stress, Daily Mood and Disease Activity in Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis." (2nd year)
Dr. Bernard Dardzinski, Children's Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati, for "Imaging Water Mobility of Cartilage in Juvenile
Rheumatoid Arthritis."
To Dragma
[ Spring 2003 ]
Arthritisand AOII
Through the years, the AOII Foundation has been proud to provide research grants which partially fund dozens of arthritis related projects. In 1998 the Arthritis Foundation awarded its prestigious Corporate Hero Award to the AOII Foundation for its ongoing support of critical arthritis research and efforts to educate AOII members about arthritis. For example, just during the past four years, the following AOII grants relate to one of the five types of arthritis featured in this article. This is only a partial listing of the research grants supported by the AOII Foundation.
In 1999
• Dr. Sharon Danoff-Burg, Ph.D., City U of New York,
for the "Longitudinal Study of Women & Men with
Rheumatoid Arthritis."
• Dr. Susan Reisine, Ph.D., U of CT, for "Employment
Patterns and Health Status Among Women with
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Healthy Women."
• Dr. Laura Schanberg, MD, Duke U Medical School, for "Daily Stress, Daily Mood and Disease Activity
in Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis." In 2000
In 2001
• Violeta Rus, MD, PhD, U of Maryland Medical
School, for "Cytokines as predictors of flare in systemic lupus erythematosus."
Leslie Aaron, PhD, MPH, U of W ashington
for "The Role of Illness-Related and Environmental Factors in Fibromyalgia."
In 2002
• Pamela J. Degotardi, PhD, Schneider Children's
Hospital in New York, for "A Randomized Clinical Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of a Cognitive- Behavioral Intervention for Juvenile Primary Fibromyalgia Syndrome (JPFS)."
• Julie Babensee, PhD, Georgia Tech, for
"Tissue Engineering for Rheumatoid Arthritis:
A Biomaterial Centered Approach for Controlling Dendritic Cell Phenotype."
• Anna H. Plaas, PhD, U of South Florida, for "Anabolic Effect of Oral Glucosamine on Tissue Repair Following Injury."
A New Beginning
In 1923, a local sorority on the campus of the U of Oklahoma (Norman, OK) petitioned Alpha Omicron Pi to become a chapter. With the influence of two AOII alumnae faculty members at OU and help from Phi Chapter (U of Kansas, Lawrence, KS), Nu Kappa Chapter (Southern Methodist U, Dallas, TX), and alumnae from both Dallas and Lawrence, X i Chapter of AOII was chartered on March 22, 1924. But despite the chapter's many successes and numerous contributions to OU, it would succumb and fall victim to the post-depression economic woes of the early 1930s. The financial strains and suppression on families throughout the United States would eventually lead many to sacrifice their quest for higher educa- tion. The U of Oklahoma and members of Xi Chapter of AOII were not exempt from the social crisis. In the end, none of the Xi Chapter members were able to return to school. So in June 1933, AOII's Grand Council (Executive Board) accepted the charter of Xi Chapter to be held in trust.
Alpha Omicron Pi proudly reinstalled its 29th chapter at the U of Oklahoma on November 24, 2002 after a 69-year absence. Mary Hethcox served as the Colony Chapter Consultant for the seventy-nine collegians and one alumna who were initiated in the ceremony held at the AOII
House on the OU campus. Installing officers were International President Carole Jones and International Vice President of Development Rosalie Barber. International Executive Board Director/Collegiate Chapters Susan Danko, Colony Development Network Director Lisa Dutt and Colony Development Network Specialist Lori Miller. Local alumnae and collegians from Sigma Omicron (Arkansas State U), Chi Delta (Texas Women's U) and Chi Theta (Northeastern State U) also participated in the initiation and instal- lation ceremonies. Lara Tucci, Gamma Omicron (U of Florida) Chapter President was also in attendance.
The Rose Banquet was held later that evening at the Oklahoma Ballroom in the Oklahoma Memorial Union. Over 150 guests were introduced to Xi's char- ter members and were impressed with the many awards and honors bestowed upon the members, including a first place win in the Homecoming events at OU earlier in the fall. Guests reveled in stories about the history of Xi Chapter as told by Madeleine Coquet Willis. Madeleine was an initiate of Nu Kappa Chapter who transferred to OU in 1931 to assist with Xi Chapter at the request of the Executive Board. Madeleine
Xi ChapterInstallation U ofOklahoma
November 24,2002
shared the podium with Beth Stathos, Assistant Director of Student Affairs, who welcomed Xi Chapter back to the OU campus and its new members to Greek life.
Several other special guests from the university attended the ceremony including Susan Sasso, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, Allison Connally, OU Panhellenic President, and Jerel W ade, National Pan-Hellenic Council Advisor.
AOII guests in attendance included Dr. Gayle Fischer, Chapter Advisor; Allissa Day, Financial Advisor; Rosemary Root, Corporation Board Liaison; Mary Hethcox, Colony Chapter Consultant; Jessica Burger, Chapter Consultant; and Lori Belew, Administrative Director of Public Relations.
ToDragma [Spring2003]
Ritual jiS ourRoad Map)
Fasten your seatbelts, gang. We're going to take a tour of what our Ritual means.
We're going to do that here: in this magazine that's read by somefolkswho aren't members ofAlpha Omicron Pi.
Calm down. During this trip, we won't reveal any secrets (the "mysty-mysties," as I'm fond of calling them).
What we will do is hear from collegians and alumnae about how our Ritual touches and guides their lives.
How's that, you say? How can a ceremony touch and guide lives?
Here's the answer:
Our Ritual is much more than just a ceremony. More importantly,
it's a philosophy.
By Past International President Ginger Banks (Pi Kappa, 1968, U of Texas at Austin, Austin Alumnae Chapter), Chairman of the Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Committee.
12 ToDragma [Spring 2003]
When we think ofour Ritual,
how we perform it— notwhatit means — may come to mind first.
Performing Ritual well is impor- tant. But far more important is how we use our Ritual.
Some of us may think that Ritual is just for formal occa- sions such as initiations and officer installations.
Adhering to that view means that we miss the true value of fraternity. We also miss the meaning of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Mary Lindrooth (Rho, Northwestern U), who served as International President dur- ing1949-1951, said,"Sometimes our preoccupation with the seriousness of the Ritual gives you the impression of'hands off!' But use it! Think of the Ritualasadevice. Thinkofit as an exercise bar. It's a way to build character."
Many AOIIs seem to embrace Mary's thinking.They've found that our Ritual provides strength, solace, support, encouragement, and inspiration every day, but especially during life's most challenging moments.
One of the most profound examples ofwhat Ritual offers was shared by Collegiate Network Specialist Natasha Phillips Sherwood (Gamma Omicron, 1993, U of Florida, Tampa Alumnae Chapter).
"I was abducted by my ex- boyfriend," explained Natasha. "I was left with a cracked ear- drum, paralysis of three fingers, and a lot of emotional scars.
He committed suicide that night with a shotgun while sitting on top of me pinning
me down so I had to watch...
"[In the hospital], they got hold of my big sis... All I knew was that Ritual came to be a reality for me that night...I knew there was no way I could have made it through without my sisters [and their incredible, long-term support].
"I think [one of] the best things I have learned is that Ritual isn't and doesn't have to be just the words we say. It is the life welive."
Keeper of the Ritual Beth
Fry (Delta Theta, 1999, Texas Woman's U) said our Ritual helped her immensely after her mother died.
"...The words that were written over 100 years ago gave me the strength to get out ofbed in the morning," Beth wrote. "...I truly believe what got me through
the most difficult time of my life was the bond that is cherished by all AOIIs."
To get through difficult times, Cindy Swartzfager Visot (Kappa Tau, 1981, Southeastern Louisiana U, Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter) also relies on our Ritual.
"In the past month," Cindy said recently, "I have experienced several roller coaster emotions: the death of a chapter sister and my husband heading to Kuwait. It's amazing how parts of Ritual have helped me get through these emotions."
Similar sentiments are echoed by other AOIIs - of all ages
- who use our Ritual as a road map for their lives.
Keeper of the Ritual Laura Nixon (Delta Omega. 2 0 0 2 , Murray State U) said, "I strive to live by the virtues of Ritual in every way...I can only expect others to treat me with respect and loveifI,inturn,
treat them in ways that our virtues reflect."
A senior at Miami U in Ohio, Trisa Wilkens (Omega, 2 0 0 1 ) , agreed.
"[Ritual] has given me unwaver- ing tenets by which I live my daily life," Trisa wrote. "As a leader, whenever I'm faced with a difficult decision, I continually turn to the words of Ritual to steer me in the right direction."
Photos above:
Phillips Sherwood,
Gamma Omicron; Laura Nixon, Delia Omega; Mary Undroolh, Rho; Trisa Wilkens, Omega.
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
Photos above: Jane Homblin, Phi Upsilon; Joan MacCollum, Kappa Phi;KayGomillionJones Bam, Sigma Delta; Kimberly Anderson,Delta Omega; Usa Damley Cooper, Alpha Delta; Rene Fitzgerald, Pi Kappa; Beth Franklin, Rho O m icron.
Photos opposite page: linda Grandollo, Nu lota; Carlin Sarmiento, lota.
The words of our Ritual also stay in the minds of many alum- nae - even if they haven't heard those words for a while.
"I find that even today, 32 years after my initiation, I have such vivid memories of Ritual." said Jane Hamblin (Phi Upsilon, 1971,Purdue U). "...Though I have not been actively involved in AOII now for 10 years, the Ritual is with me every day.
"Some days on the Metro, riding wearily home from work in downtown Washington, D.C.,
I recite in my head the chapter president's part in the initiation. It is refreshing and relaxing somehow to have this memory work to do..." said Hamblin. "I sometimes wonder if[former chapter] presidents...recall...the words that they once knew so well. I hope so: it surely helps me lead my daily life."
The words of our Ritual have helped Past International President Joan MacCallum (Kappa Phi, 1957. Montreal Alumnae Chapter) lead her daily life.
Joan wrote, "Many situations
in my life have recalled to my mind phrases from our Ritual. It is truly amazing how [they] have guided me when (1) I have to decide my course of action, (2) I have had difficulties with other people, and (3) Itry
to instill values into my four grandchildren. For me, Ritual has a far deeper meaning and applicability as an alumna than it had for me as a collegian."
There must be something about going through life that can bring a richness of Ritual understanding and applica- tion for many members.
"As I grow 'more mature,' I find that 1 think of Ritual more in mydailylifethan Ididwhen
I was younger," said Alumnae
Network Director Kathy Jensen (Theta Omega, 1971, Northern Arizona U, Houston Alumnae Chapter). "I try to be more tolerant and less judgmental of others and more open to listen- ing than reacting."
Kay Gomillion Jones Elam (Sigma Delta, 1976, Huntingdon College, Nashville Alumnae Chapter) agreed:
"As I have matured in my AOII membership and in my life, our AOII Ritual has been a solace during troubled times, a celebration during happy times, and a steadfast reminder not only of who I am, but that I am never alone."
Kimberly Anderson (Delta Omega, 1994, Murray State
U, Kentucky I,akes Alumnae Chapter) summarized how her views about Ritual have evolved over time.
"As I matured, I learned how to internalize Ritual," stated Kimberly. "As a collegian, I couldn't have been a more devoted AOII, but I didn't get the big picture. It took me volunteering as an adviser and going through Rituals at that time to really interpret it into my own life."
Obviously, these members "get it." Our Ritual touches and guides them.
What about those of
us who aren't in touch with our Ritual?
Who view our Ritual as nothing more than a rite of passage and a ceremony which must be endured periodically? Who think at least some of the lan- guage in our Ritual is archaic and difficult to understand?
Aswemoveawayfromourcol- lege years and possibly farther
away from our acquaintance with Ritual, working on "getting it" may be difficult - partially because we may not have as many opportunities to be a part of Ritual as we did when we were collegians.
"Getting it" means we under- stand what Ritual means to
us. To "get it," we need to think about and study Ritual - no matter how old we are.
We also need to talk about it (with only our sisters, of course).
In fact, sharing perspectives with other AOIIs is one of the best ways to learn about our Ritual, see how to connect with it, and identify parts that speak to us personally.
One ofthe simplest, yet most effective, ways to help members get in touch with Ritual was explained by Alumnae Network Specialist Joy Lashley (Upsilon, 1987, U ofWashington, Triangle Alumnae Chapter).
".. .My alumnae chapter had
a meeting where we just went around the room and read the [initiation] Ritual," said Joy. "Each of the AOIIs...shared what the different pans meant to her."
Putting parts of our Ritual in our own words also can be instructive. Another approach is to use the dictionary to look up words from our Ritual that are unfamiliar.
While we learn about Ritual and how we can use it, Lisa Damley Cooper (Alpha Delta, 1992, U of Alabama) urged us to be patient with ourselves.
"Many members expect some sort of epiphany during initia- tion. Members need to know it's OK if they haven't seen 'the bright light' yet. W e need to explain that understanding and respecting Ritual is a process."
ToDragma [Spring 2003 ]
It's a process that requires atten- tion and patience. After all, we have our whole lives to continue that process.
As that process continues, we may be surprised that we use more of our Ritual and the val- ues it expresses than we realize.
Alumnae Network Specialist Rene Fitzgerald (Pi Kappa, 1957, The U ofTexas at Austin, Austin Alumnae Chapter) recalled a conversation alumnae chapter members hadfollowingthe installation ofofficers.
"We...realized that we all use our Ritual without even recog- nizing the fact that we call upon it," said Rene. "...[Our] system of values is clear. Honor, courage, integrity, fidelity, tolerance and loving judgment, self control, humility - these values make us bener human beings."
Rho Omicron Chapter President Beth Franklin
(Rho Omicron, 1999, Middle Tennessee State U) put it another way: "Ritual is a way of life. It is a strong foundation that provides guidance and wisdom in which we should lead our lives unselfishly."
What she gets out of Ritual was described by Carlin Sarmiento, Immediate Past Keeper of the Ritual, (Iota, 2 0 0 0 , U of Illinois).
"I understand Ritual to be
a constant lesson," Carlin observed. "There's always some- thing new and inspiring to get out of it. There are days when one part speaks to me more
than others and days when I'm just really glad I have something that has given me the values
and set the standards to try to
be a better person."
"For me, the AOII Ritual is about two important principles: loyalty to one another and being a light in all that we do," said Cindy Skaff (Theta Psi, 1978, U of Toledo, Toledo Area Alumnae Chapter).
"When I was younger, being a light was the most important thing to me...Now that I am older, the love and support for each other that is promised in our Ritual is even more impor- tant," Cindy said. "I have seen this best illustrated by my Mom and all of her pledge sisters. Since 1948, these women have been best friends with each other, sharing the joys and trag- edies of life together. They are an example of the AOII bond of friendship at its best."
Collegiate Network Specialist Linda Grandolfo (Nu Iota, 1970, Northern Illinois U, Lake County of Illinois Alumnae Chapter) concurred.
"As alumnae, AOII Ritual comes to use every day. Our Ritual...brings us together as our common bond," said Linda.
"I see it as a friendship that goes one step beyond the [ordinary] ties offriendship."
Another Collegiate Network Specialist, Lori Miller (Lambda Tau, 1981, Northeast Louisiana U, Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter), emphasized that friendship and commitment in AOII go together.
"...During trying times in my life, it has been the friends/ sisters I have met during the years volunteering for AOII that have brightened my days," Lori said. "...I get a wealth of love back from giving to AOII. Love- that is the key. Loving others, volunteering, giving without expecting anything in return. That is the lesson I strive to learn from our Ritual."
What does our Ritual say to you? How about:
Be there for your friends.
Do good work, but don't brag about it.
Make sure AOII is valuable to others, as well as to us.
Keep your promises forever.
Let your light shine.
To Dragma [ Spring 2003
Photos above:
Parsons Healy, O m e g a ; Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy, lota Alpha; Diane Fuhrer, Kappa Lambda; Lori Miller, Lambda Tau; Lori Hart Ebert, Delta Delta; Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa.
Past International President Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (Iota Alpha, 1959, Idaho State U) said it this way:
"As I review our Ritual I realize the countless guidelines it has given me in life: the support in hours of sorrow and despair; the joy in the success offamily, friends, and sisters; the vision to realize that even the more overwhelming problems can and will be resolved by prayer and through love."
V alues. Standards. Support. Commitment. Friendship. Inspiration.
It's all there in our Ritual.
There's also more. There's also spirituality in our Ritual - not necessarily in a religious sense. That aspect may be a surprise benefit to many members.
Sigma Phi Chapter Relations Adviser Gina Vermillion- Boulanger (Sigma Phi, 1995, California State U -Northridge, Greater Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter) said, "As a new initi- ate, I was extremely intimidated bythe...spiritualityofitall.
I was not brought up in a religious family and was quite taken aback during initiation. But in the end, it was the AOII Ritual that brought spirituality back into my life.
"Because I wanted to leam as much as possible about our Ritual...I set out on a mission to study it as much as pos- sible...Through this journey...
I not only came to understand it more, but it became some- thing I internalized."
Similar sentiments were expressed by Diane Fuhrer Taylor (Kappa Lambda, 1990, U of Calgary, Vancouver Alumnae Chapter).
"My family stopped attending church when I was young...It wasn't until AOII and our
Ritual that I was introduced to something so spiritual that could affect my soul and bring peace to my inner being. WithoutAOII, Iwouldhaveneverbeenintro- duced to that 'feeling' that keeps me sane in such a crazy world."
The intrusion of the world's confusion certainly can affect each of us. To many, our Ritual provides a welcome respite.
"In this fast-paced, high-tech world of constant change, I find it amazing and refreshing that our Ritual is one thing that has truly stood the test of time," said Collegiate Network Specialist Melissa Healy (Omega, 1996, Miami U).
Our Ritual not only has stood
the test of time, it hasn't changed. The loving, accepting, sustaining messageofourRitualisjustas relevant and applicable today as
it was when our Founders wrote it in 1897. What a testament that is to the wisdom and foresight ofour Founders.
"Isn't it amazing that words written so long ago by four college women can still impact lives in the 21st Century?" asked Janie Franklin (Theta Omega, 1969,Northern ArizonaU,
Denver Area Alumnae Chapter). ".. .I can't imagine that after experiencing the AOII Ritual, it hasn't changed anyone who's had the privilege of being a part of it.."
To find our ways toward what our Ritual can mean to us, maybe uses of popular culture can provide some direction.
Keeper of the Ritual Catherine Rose Sedalnick (Epsilon Gamma, 2000, Northern Colorado U) said, "Our Ritual is like the Jimminy Cricket on ourshoulder. Itisaconstant reminder that what we do affects others as well as ourselves."
International Education and Training Committee Chairman Lori Han Ebert (Delta Delta, 1989, Auburn U, Atlanta Alumnae Chapter) used another analogy.
"AOII is kind of like the movie 'The Wizard of Oz,'" she said. "It is a journey...The Ritual is our road map. If a chapter is lost on that yellow brick road, they don't need to look for someone to rescue them, they just need to open their Ritual book. It is the document that reminds us of our values
and purpose.
"Ifweunderstand theRitual and apply it, the journey is
a lot easier."
[Spring2003 ]
AOn Alway
remind every AOII of the lastingness of the obligations that we voluntarily accepted on the day ofour initiation.
Impacting the lives ofour sisters
Our new AOII Always program, which was announced in the winter 2002 issue of 7b Dragma, is off to a good start. We implemented AOII Always to
Each and every AOII alumna has the opportunity to honor her lifetime commitment to AOII through membership in her local alumnae chapter or through a $50 annual AOII Always membership. AOII Always members will receive an acknowledgment packet that includes a membership card, a 2003 AOII Always decal, an AOII Always notepad and bookmark, and a 10% Emporium discount coupon. You will also receive two elec- tronic newsletters per year. When joining AOII Always, alumnae will have the option to earmark their $50 to one of the following areas: Alumnae Leadership Development, Collegiate Leadership Development, Overall Fraternity Development or Technology Development.
"The lifeblood of AOII is her member- ship. I think it is extremely important for us all to give back and contribute to something that we know can change the lives of women. As alumnae members, we can look back and see how AOII changed us and what that truly means. We have beautiful memories of laughter and love from our college days that will be with us forever. Those memories can live on as we continue to give to AOII so that others can share in our experience. Giving back to AOII can only make our organization stronger. I have seen the power and importance of giving back - and I am committed to doing so on an annual basis."
Melissa Parsons Healy, Omega (Miami U), former Chapter Consultant & AOII HQStaffMember
"Our collegiate years, no matter how fun and how meaningful are only a small fraction of our lives. It is such an amaz- ing experience to participate in a Ritual at Convention, reaffirming our vows with members of all ages and backgrounds. No matter who we are, where we come from, what our profession or major is, we are all united under one common bond of sisterhood and we should honor our bond. I know AOII will always be with me; whether through membership in an alumnae chapter, a volunteer position within the Fraternity, or simply being a member ofAOII Always."
Sarah E. Oyer, Beta Gamma (Michigan State U), currently an AOII Alumnae Network Specialist
"I joined AOII Always because I wanted a way to stay involved with AOII now that I've transferred to a campus where there is not an AOII chapter. By joining AOII Always, I'm able to contribute monetarily, but in a way that I can afford while I'm still in school. AOII means belonging to a group of some of the best women in the world who will accept you for who you are and will encourage you to do what- ever it is you want to do with your life."
Anna Stanford
Tau Omicron (U ofTN at Martin), currently a student at U ofMemphis
"As an alumna initiate, I have a special fondness towards AOII and realize how important alumnae support is to the running of the Fraternity. Sometimes just donating lime is not enough to accom- plish everything that needs to be done to preserve our heritage and ensure our future. I hope to give back to AOII what I can, when I can, with one way as being a part of the AOII Always program."
Sarah Krans
Beta Gamma (Michigan State U), AOII Alumna Initiate
Richard Drucker writes, "Unless com- mitment is made, there are only prom- ises and hopes...but no plans." As AOII members, we each voluntarily pledged our lifetime commitment to AOII. Each and every AOII sister is requested to honor her initiation promise to ensure that plans for AOH's future are secure.
Please send a check with the form below, or visit Sisters Online section to electronically become an AOII Always member.
Inournextissue:AlistingofallsisterswhoarechartermembersofAOIIAlways.It'snot GiftsmadetoAlphaOmicronPiFraternityare too late to become a charter member - send in your AOII Always membership today. not tax-deductible.
ToDragma [Spring2003
Member Number_ Name
Z i p _
Home phone_ Email Chapter/University_ Year of initiation Type of payment: Credit card # Expiration date_
Visa Mastercard
Designate my gift to the following area: Alumnae Leadership Development Technology Development Collegiate Leadership Development Overall Fraternity Development
Please check here if above contact information needs to be updated at HQ.
Note: If you would like to pay by check, simply com- plete this form and send along with your check made payable to "Alpha Omicron Pi" to: Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027.
Alumnae News
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
What is your best membership recruitment
the chapter dues money is spent. W e want every mem- ber to know what a great investment she is making!
Sometimes the best ideas are the simplest ideas. O n e of the best ways to get the attention of other AOIIs in the community is to do what we are already proud and excited to d o - show off our AOII letters. Whether it is by wearing an AOII T-shirt to the mall, pinning an AOII buttononourbags,ordriving around with a n AOII license plate frame, w e let other AOIIs in the Charlotte area know that there are plenty of us around!
Chicayo City
Our membership chair has a goal this year to make recruit-
South Suburban Thisyear we mailed over 200 newsletters to local alumnae and are following up with a phone call. W e will target those members w h o live clos- est to where the next meeting will take place. W e already have two responses from our mailings. Once w e have someone that is interested, our next step is to offer to pick them up, avoiding any awk- ward feelings they may have of showing upontheirown. Once they come to a meeting we present them with a b a g of AOII goodies welcoming them to our chapter. W e
Baton Rouge
We send out an email entitled "Membership has its Privileges" to every AOII in the local area. It includes a n "early bird" rate for fees that lasts until our first "members- only" event. W e make that event our very popular annual Pottery Night.
Central NewJersey
W e mail quarterly
ters to local alumnae not already involved in our chapter as well as members. In addition, last year w e did a postcard mailing to a large number of alumnae to spark
Our best recruitment aide is our web page. This has helped greatly introduce n e w alumnae moving to the area to our chapter. Phone calling and car-pooling helps us to retain members.
Personal phone calls/ contact... that is the w a y to keep alumnae interested. Let your alumnae members
know y o u care
pick up the phone and talk to them about things hap- pening in their lives. Caring, sharing, friendship... these are what make our members want to keep coming back.
Our newsletter is out best tool. W e let everyone know how to reach us, include the new calender, a n d events for the coming year. W e use the registration info to help maintain member records.
Bucks County
W e have found that contact- ing n e w members b y email is our best method to get them involved.
[Idea Sharing]
enough to
from a n
we invite her to our next event, and if she is unable to attend an upcoming event we trytoschedule a lunchso wecanmeether. Afterwe
well a s
attending a n event.
When w e hear interested alumna
have been
recruitment a n d retention
we want to be able to meet our goal for this year.
West Suburban
We send out summer newsletters to all AOII's in
potential n e w members.
Cleveland Area
meet a n
we follow up by sending
a n
ment more
her a note alumnae sticker.
o n
along with
cards in the mail to invite
mailed to every local sister, we create a phone tree to contact women before our first meeting. W e attempt to pair callers with women from the same collegiate chapter or neighborhood or
of h o w
o u r
other similarities.
our deadline to pay dues is the first meeting (Sept.), w e continue to call and/or email interested women up to our December meeting, encour- aging them to join. Also, in our newsletter, w e include a
Chicago NWSuburban Alumnae chapter recruitment can be as simple and funas ordering from our "Emporium". An AOII is never too old or too mature to wear our letters. Our chapter has declared every Wednesday as "AOII Day." Wear an AOII sweat- shirt to the health club, carry a coffee mug to work or wear aT-shirttothelibrary. One
never knows when or where a prospective member will be found.
S h e volunteers who will help her make
a n d
n e w members a s
thank them
send note
working hard
o n a s
O u r website calendar of events
lists a n d has a guest book for those interested in joining to give their information. W e are able then to contact the people who logged in on our guest book. W e also offer to carpool with the
our area.
and around our area by zip code w a s the starting point for our recruitment campaign. We got many new names that way and actually got 2 new paid members! Rather than a mass mailing to allthe
list from alumnae in
o f
names on the list, we called or emailed almost everyone. Speaking directly to the person is always more effec- tive than a letter or an email. Often, the alumna's parents who were able to give us the correct phone number for their daughter who had moved into her own place, or we learned of other alumnae living nearby.
with personal phone calls to arrange car-pooling.
Our website is especially use- ful in recruiting new members. They surf the internet for information, and when they come across us, information is only an email away!
all to join the chapter and included a calendar of meet- ings for the year. Members were asked to call those on the list who lived in their area or anyone on the list that they might know. They told them about our chapter and invited them to come to a meeting.
W e send roses to all the
W e send out a
newsletter about a month before our first meeting. W e follow that up by having a group of volunteers call every member on our membership list for the Dallas area two weeks before the first meeting to remind them of the event.
Each month, w e send an electronic invitation to all AOIIs in our area, even if they don't participate in the alumnae chapter. This is an affordable and easy way to 'keep the link' with those who aren't participating. We've already gotten some very positive feedback from people who are not currently alumnae chapter members.
Denton County
O u r best Recruitment event is our annual Valentine's Day Date Night. W e incorpo- rate a fun filled evening of romance, good food and sisterhood. It gives us all an opportunity to spend an evening meeting new sisters and reuniting with old ones.
Our best recruitment tools has been a combination of several plans. First, w e send everyone on our mailing list a
graduating seniors from the Euansuille Tri-Statestate colleges/university. Attached to the rose is infor- mation about the Indianapolis
Baton Rouge Alumnae
newsletter twice a year.
also send meeting notices via e-mail, then follow-up
W e sent formal invitations for our Founder's Day Celebration to our whole address list and encour- aged new-comers and non-members.
Greater Pinellas
A newsletter was sent to over 300 AOII Alumnae in our area. The newsletter invited
Lony Island
W e call directly to a prospec- tive member. If is always nice to get a call as opposed to a written invitation. W e tell her about our chapter and offer to pick her up for the next func- tion. We go all out to make her feel welcomed.
little Rock Alumnae
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
W e
Our goal is to bring sisters together based on backgrounds, professions and personal responsibilities. W e want to communicate to sisters that being a part of our chapter is being part of a support network.
Alumnae Chapter.
Lake County of111
W e are using email more and more to reach current and potential members. W e can attach a fun and creative flyer
GreaterHarrisbury advertising our meetings, and we can serve our membership
W e like to send out a special postcard invitation to area alums inviting them to join us at a local breakfast buffet restaurant and/or a popular crafting place which attracts a wide variety of individuals.
Greater Lafayette
W e try to have a close relationship with Delta Beta, our local collegiate chapter through our "Alum Chum" Program and participating in chapter initiation and other activities. This gives us a chance to meet future alumnae members while they are still in college.
by more cost efficient com- munication. W e also mail announcements to members without email.
Lehiyh Valley
Newsletters and Holiday Greeting Cards are com- bined and sent to local alumnae. We use these to wish them a great holiday season and also let them know what is scheduled for the upcoming year.
Lony Beach
Our idea is to have very casual meetings with food. Being able to connect with
Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter
GreaterLeeCountyour sisters through our own busy lives is what w e stress.
Huntsville Alumnae
Minneapolis/St. Muncie
we were able to get to OrlandoArea
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
O n e of our many member- ship recruitment ideas is our involvement with our local collegiate AOII chapter, Theta Pi. In addition to attending
collegians to attend several of our alumnae social events during the year. During finals, we also assemble and distribute study bags for the collegians. This helps the collegians see that there are benefits to remaining involved after their college careers have ended.
Newsletters are sent to all area AOIIs inviting them to come to our fall opener. It includes a summary of our year's activities. For our spe- cial sisterhood bunch-for-lunch party in the spring, handwrit- ten invitations are sent.
Nashville Area
Our chapter has grown in size during the past year with the addition of several new alumnae initiates who have joined AON. By invit- ing women who might be interested in AOII alumnae initiate membership to monthly alumnae chapter events, w e have a d d e d the number of initiated AOH's and to our chapter membership! Consider inviting a friend, co-worker, or family member who might be interested in alumnae initiate membership to your next monthly activity.
know the Collegians better, especially the Seniors. As a new alumnae chapter, we felt it was important to start this yearly tradition for us and the Collegians.
New York City Area
The Orlando Area Alumnae work hard all year round for membership recruitment. In late summer we send out a newsletter about our monthly activities to every member on our HQ list. During the year we make calls and send out e-mails to make sure every- one is included. W e always make our activities about having fun and concentrate on sisterhood activities rather than formal meetings, and we have a good time!
For us, our links with our local AOII chapter at Carleton U are the most important aspect of membership recruit- ment. Working as advisors, having joint functions, etc, help local AOII collegians learn about our alumnae chapter. Currently, w e are developing programming specifically targeted at the younger alumnae, to help them in the transition from collegians to alumnae.
Our best
recruitment idea is going to the local chapter and visiting with the girls, personally , before they graduate. This gives us and them a chance to get to know each other and what we do.
Palo Alto
W e have been successful in attracting some new mem- bers (and younger ones) with our Hiking Group, which w e began last year. Once a month we select and advertise a short (4-5 mile) Saturday morning hike. This is sent out via e-mail several weeks prior to the hike. Last
The best
Alumnae members is by call- ing. Catch seniors right after they graduate and suggest they plan an entertaining meeting or event that would appeal to their age group. For Alumnae who move into town from other chapters, send them, via email, names
w a y to
of other alumnae w h o
town from their chapter.
are assigned a hostess
will call and offer to carpool to events with them. We have used Email extensively to keep members informed on upcoming events but nothing replaces calling.
W e don't have
budget, so we utilize our local collegiate chapter in our summer recruitment drive. G a m m a Delta sends out a letter to alumnae each summer announcing the annual collegiate recruitment meeting. At this meeting, alumnae sign up for duties to aide Gamma Delta in their fall recruitment. At the same meeting we hold an alumnae meeting; informing alumnae about what we do, and what offices are available. The collegians enjoy seeing an alumnae meeting and what they have to look forward to when they graduate.
W e encourage members to pay dues early for the next fall. As members p a y dues, their names are entered in a drawing for a free dinner at Founders' Day. Names of members are entered each month from June through November, so the earlier you pay up, the more chances you have.
live in They w h o
much of a
NewOrleansArea and invite them to our events.
W e give a $3 discount off of fall membership dues to a member w h o is successful in signing up a new member. Also, a membership form is included in our newsletter and explains several different options for membership. O n e of the options for membership is our postage club. For a few dollars, sisters can receive newsletters. This is a nice option if they are too busy to join now or the dues are a hardship.
New York Capital Region Our best Membership Recruitment Event was our first annual Founders' D a y / Holiday Luncheon. We included 2 local Collegiate Chapters, Delta Psi and Sigma Chi. Potential new members felt comfortable coming to this event and
W e also use evites every month. This allows everyone to get the information about our event and see who else is going to be attending. W e try to set up carpools for those women that do not have cars or that do not like driving in the evening.
NY/NJ Metro
W e
holiday fondue open house to welcome new members and celebrate the holiday season. W e planned ice breakers, showed-off our scrapbook, and ate holiday goodies.
hosted a
Northern Virginia
For membership recruitment, we rely heavily on email.
W e
area, and from that, we have women volunteer to call or email some women in their area or from their collegiate chapter. W e let the women know what we are about
get the with the
printout from AOH's in our
Southern Orange County
Greater Lafayette
had 8-10
w e
invite the
year w e
participating in these func- tions. It is a chance to meet
and get to know each other in a very casual manner, especially as w e encourage friends and spouses to come as well.
members of our chapter. If anyone knows them, their names are added to our "get in touch" list. Then w e mail our newsletter and telephone each person. A persona! touch always works well.
San Antonio
The best membership recruit- ment idea is having everyone in the alumnae chapter serve as advisors for the collegiate chapter. Then, w e have the edge on recruiting for colle- gians and for the alumnae.
San Diego
Our best membership recruit- ment idea this year was to hold a completely new kick- off event. With the help of a local Origins boutique, w e held a Healthy Habits Happy Hour. Origins closed their store a half hour early to host this private in-store event fea- turing 5 pampering hands-on stations (massage, skin care, products introductions, etc.] and elegant refreshments, including elegant chocolates and coffee compliments of Godiva. Sisters were greeted at the door by the Origins staff and chapter officers with nametags and Origins tea in champagne flutes. Origins will conduct an event of this type for groups of 15 or more. For more information contact your local Origins boutique or our
event hostess Danyte Mockus at 619-542-1326.
San Fernando Valley
We host several open houses/orientations throughout the year at members homes or local hot spots. These help potential new members meet the current membership and
gain information about the alumnae chapter.
San Jose
The personal touch is our best membership recruitment idea. This year we have planned more fun and less business. Each month w e have something scheduled and remind our members through Evite, newsletters and phone calls. Then w e "track"
In August, the Philadelphia A C mails a newsletter with a membership form to over 7 0 0 local AOII alumnae. The content includes our events calendar, briefings about philanthropy projects, and chapter news. W e also update our chapter's website monthly, and send meeting reminders to all local alumnae via e- mail. By combining high- and low-tech communications, we're able to recruit new members, maintain current ones and keep everyone "in-the-loop."
Piedmont, NC
W e send off postcards to prospective members in the Piedmont area to inform them of our annual kick-off meeting. W e usually meet at a restaurant for cocktails a n d then dinner. This creates a relaxed atmosphere for new members to get to know everyone. W e also provide packets of our schedule, dues a n d other pertinent informa- tion so they will get a better understanding of what our group is all about.
Our loyal support for each other is the best membership recruitment idea we have. W e have retained our small group membership over the past 5 0 + years due to the strong bond we have with each other and our commit- ment to Alpha Omicron Pi.
Using the list from H Q , e-mail the names of lost and new members to the current
our members
follow up after events with letters letting people know we either enjoyed seeing them or if they have come to events in the past and missed one that they were missed.
Sarasota Area
This year w e have changed our membership levels to include more benefits without increasing our expenses. For example, we will acknowledge all dues pay- ing members in our spring newsletter that is sent to all AOIIs in the area [whether a paid member or not). Also, w e will recognize our highest level of membership ( $ 6 0 Diamond Members) at Founders' Day with an AOII
Chicago City Alumnae Chapter
so that w e can
Central New Jersey Alumnae
pin. W e
increase in members that were not involved previously.
South Bay/
Polos Veraes
The most successful member- ship recruitment idea for our chapter was to create a wonderful newsletter and send a mass mailing to all local AOII's.
Orange County Our fall mailing is our best membership recruitment idea. It includes the calendar of events a n d meetings for the coming year, plus invitations to our Membership Brunch and our Holiday Boutique and Auction.
have noticed an
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
w e
Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter
Palm Beach County Alumnae Chapter
Suburban Maryland
S M A C uses many
to continuously
members throughout the year. W e send a mass mailing to all the local alumnae in our area based on the printout from Headquarters. W e also do "cold calls" to
Minneapolis/St. Paul Alumnae Chapter recent graduates in order to promote alumnae life. Another recruitment event that we do is our annual BBQ in July. It is very casual and provides a great w a y for prospective members to meet people in a very comfortable atmosphere. Finally, w e use the internet as a source of recruitment. Our webpage is an incredible way to recruit people, because it allows for prospective members to find out about SMAC. W e also use the internet to invite prospective members to
St. Louis
This year w e are concentrat- ing on getting members to come back once they have come to an alumnae event. W e purchased several small AOII items such as book marks and notepads to give to an AOII that has never been to a meeting before. It's fun to receive this kind of stuff, and hopefully it makes her feel welcome and makes her want to return. W e also sign in at meetings so that we can contact new AOH's and personally invite them to come to our next event.
Tampa Bay
W e would have to pick two recruitment ideas: Bunko Party and BBQ as well as our end of the year event. W e planned a Bunko party and BBQ for this calendar year for adults. Alumnae are invited and they are encouraged to bring a guest. It is a lot of fun and encourages all players to meet each other at different tables throughout the host- ess' home. Our end of the year event is a fun Mystery Dinner/Who Did It event and all alumnae are invited to also bring a guest.
Toledo Area
Our chapter has several dif- ferent membership levels with different monetary amounts associated with each. Members can choose the one they feel the most comfortable with and towards the end of the year, all of the paid members are entered into a drawing for a gift certificate for a local restaurant. The number of chances each person is awarded is based on their membership level.
The Triangle Alumnae Chapter uses our website as a great recruitment tool. W e update our website on a monthly basis and check our email address on a weekly basis, so we may contact any new AOH's that may have emailed us.
W e encourage alumnae initiates as we do not have a collegiate chapter nearby. We ensure that we have events where w e can brings friends and introduce them to the AOII experience.
Ventura County
Our best idea so far is what w e started this year: sending personal invitations to different groups of alumnae for each meeting. For example, w e sent invitations to people who live in a certain part of the county (near where the meeting was being held). For others w e are inviting alumnae who went to the same collegiate chapter. We've already increased our attendance and membership this way.
W e started this year with a pamphlet that provided a complete calendar of events for the upcoming year and stickers for members' calendars as an easy remem- brance. W e forwarded this to local alumnae that have expressed an interest through contacts in the past, and we also included a personal note expressing our hopes that they will join us.
resources recruits
•• ?'
Williamsburg Alumnae Chapter
Orlando Area Alumnae Chapter
events through E-Vite.
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
What are you doing this summer?
Set sail with your sisters from the US and Canada on the USS-AOII
Norfolk and AOII - both rich in history and tradition will provide the sights and scenes for a grand celebration.
Convention highlights include the silver anniversary celebration of the AOII Foundation, Past International President (PIP) Storytelling, convention Ritual and the magnificent Rose Banquet.
In Norfolk - life is celebrated daily. Norfolk offers worid class museums such as Nauticus - the national maritime Center, and the Chrysler Museum of Art. Exceptional shopping at nearby MacArthur Center, pro sports, historic
home tours, white sandy beaches, a zoo and a beautiful water- front are just a few of the local highlights.
Join your sisters as we celebrate AOII while descendiny on the city ofNorfolk.
For further information on the city of Norfolk visit
For more information on AOII convention, visit
Convention 2003 June 25-29
Norfolk VA
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
Foundation Update
Leaving a Legacy.....
ifyou don't help fill the world with more AOII leaders and scholars, who will?
The Codicil. What is it? It's an attachment to your will that legally adds to or modifies something in the will. It's just as binding as the main document. It's easy and inexpensive to include the AOII Foundation in your will. It is not neces- sary to redo your entire will...a will codicil is a short document that is created and then stored in a safe place with your original will. For more information, contact Bobby Stanton at [email protected].
Foundation Donor Profile
Dorothy Hallin Miller, Alpha Sigma '30
iallin was born July 1, 1907 in Bayfield, WI, and grew up in Oregon logging towns. She graduated from the University of Oregon, where she was initi- ated into Alpha Sigma Chapter of AOII in 1932, and attended graduate school in Cleveland before moving to Portland in 1936. She married Lawrence Miller in 1939. She was a social worker for several agencies in Portland, retiring in 1975. The Millers were generous benefactors to charities in the area and Dorothy included the AOII Foundation in her charitable giving plans.
Dorothy passed away in 2000, and the Foundation recently received her extremely generous bequest. By naming the AOII Foundation in her will, Dorothy extended her generosity to embrace both present and future sisters who will benefit from this gift. Bequests make possible more leadership training, more scholarships, and more support for the educational goals of the Foundation.
Thank you, Dorothy, for this remembrance of your love for AOII.
Rose Tributes are again being offered at $5 each to honor gour AOII sisters attend- ing International Convention 2003. Proceeds help fund AOII Foundation programs and scholarships. Please orderfrom the Foundation bgJune 1 in orderfor tributes to be included in the Convention registration packet.
2003 edition of AOII Foundation's Founders' Series ofLimoges boxes.
Just out, the new design is Bess's Bag, honoring Founder Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Grand Treasurer of the Fraternity, 1902-1904. Bess's Bag is $150 plus $5 ship- ping, insurance and handling for mail orders. To reserve or order yours, please email [email protected], or call the Foundation at 615-370-0920. Bess's Bag will also be available at Convention.
As part of the Silver Anniversary Celebration this year, the Foundation is taking reservations for previous Limoges editions. You may order the entire set of 4 and receive 10% off the total price, or you may order individual pieces you are missing. Please call for more information and pricing.
The cost of each Limoges is partly tax deductible. Proceeds from the sale of Foundation Limoges benefit the permanent Endowment Fund.
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
JIhh a
•i 1
.Zip_ Init. Year_
• I am pleased to enclose my check. $
(Make check payable to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation.)
• Please send me information about making a monthly gift through an automatic bank draft.
• Iwishtochargemyannualgiftasfollows: • VISA • MC• AMEX • A single payment of $
• TWelve equal monthly payments of $
Account # Expires. Signature
BS= Donate on-line at Thanks.
UP TO $124 - Friend
$125 - Sustaining Member $250 - Sponsor
$500 - Wheat Club
$1,000 - Rose Club $2,500 - Pearl Club $5,000 - Ruby Club
Name. Member # Address City Chapter. Phone _ E-mail_
$10,000 - Gold Club $15,000 - Pi Circle $25,000 - Omicron Circle $50,000 - Alpha Circle
$100,000 - Founders' Circle $150,000 - Diamond Circle
• •
Send me information about including the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation in my will.
Contact me to discuss gifts of appreciated stocks or life insurance.
My company will match my gift.
(Please provide us with the company form.)
New signature event expected to raise
Funds and Awareness to "Strike Out Arthritis!"
Have You Heard?
The dream of a signature philanthropy event for AOII has finally come true with the development of Alpha Omicron Pi Strike Out Arthritis! Strike Out is a philanthropy model that any chapter, large or small, can adapt to fit local circumstances, size of chapter, type of campus, number of volunteers, preferred type of event, and so forth.
The pilot concept was presented at Leadership Institute 2002 and planning materials offered to all chapters at no cost. To date, five chapters have adopted this new theme and logo and are planning Strike Out events. The Foundation encourages more chapters to adopt this theme and sign on.
The event's title states our goal: to prevent, control and ultimately cure arthritis, through fundraising for arthritis research grants and juvenile arthritis grants. Funds for these important grants come from generous collegiate and alumnae chapters and indi- vidual donors interested in this program area of the Foundation. Since 1967 well over one million dollars has been raised by AOIIs to support the mission of conquering arthritis once andfor all!
If your chapter already has a strong and successful event, consider adding a Strike Out event or incor- porating the theme of AOII Strike Out Arthritis! into your current event.
Please contact Grace Day at the Foundation office for information or to get a copy of the planning guide.
Hit a home run, bowl a strike or spare for your chapter.....and help AOII Strike Out Arthritis!
a n SFH
Jaime Frantz, Chi Delta '98, was killed in a tragic hit and run accident in Boulder, CO, shortly before her graduation. A Foundation scholarship
fund in her memorg was started by her chapter. Herfamilg has planned a very special event to raise additional dollarsfor the Chi Delta scholarship,
and invites all AOIIs to take part or to support the event with donations.
It is with great pride that we announce our first annual golf tournament in Jaime's honor. Proceeds will go to the AOII Foundation's Jaime Frantz Memorial Scholarship Fund established by the Chi Delta Chapter. We hope you can join us for this worthy cause and enjoy the day with our many friends from Southern California and Colorado.
Monday, June 2,2003
Shotgun Start @12:30 P.M.
Dinner, Silent Auction & Raffle immediately following.
We hope you can join us and also help us out in soliciting donations, silent auc- tion items, and raffle prizes. We promise it will be a fun event for all. To make a donation, register to participate, or donate a prize for the raffle or silent auction, please contact Lee Frantz, 29177 Oceanridge Drive, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275,310-346-9230, or call the Foundation for information.
Thank you,
Lee, Sue and Chris Frantz
All gifts are tax deductible according to current IRS regulations. Ifgour chapter is interested in starting a named fund, contact Bobbg Stanton at the Foundation.
To Dragma
[ Spring 2003 ]
H n T U D1
An 111HITIS!
Collegiate News
Describe your chapter's "most fun" social event held for AOII sisters only.
a Homecoming parade, football game, open house for AOII alumnae and
tons of food and candy. W e strengthened o u r sisterhood while helping others.
Beta Phi
Indiana U
W e had a
retreat in the spring soon after our new member class
Chi Epsilon
The Ohio State U
W e are having a handcuff party, which is new to most of the girls. Each sister gives
Alpha Chi
U Western Kentucky
Alpha Chi devotes itself to having fun in various social activities. O u r monthly sisterhood events give us a chance to get together for a few hours of fun and relaxation. Some sisterhood events have been movie
night, painting
Alpha Lambda
Georgia Southern U
Last fall. Alpha Lambda went to the M a n Center in Statesboro, G A for our Sisters Retreat. W e had a blast. At the Man Center, we ate
attending events together.
Alpha Delta
U ofAlabama
During recruitment workshop
have a
"talent competi-
w e played catch the flag, freshmen and sophomores against juniors and seniors. That was an interesting sight, all the girls trying to catch each other,
once a year, w e
Bring Your O w n
party. Halfway
workshop, w e take
to have an ice cream sundae social to relax a n d enjoy hanging out with our sisters. W e also take that time to elect the "Recruitment Queen."
This award is presented to the girl that works the hardest a n d has the best attitude. This improves the morale for our chapter a n d also encourages everyone to d o their best dur- ing recruitment!
whilelookingforaflaginthe feelrightathome. pitch dark. That night was
truly a fun filled evening full of
Alpha Love!
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
a n d sporting
ily Thanksgiving
greet". O n this night w e get together and cook an elabo- rate dinner for our families. W e invite our parents, siblings or others to eat dinner and meet everyone. It has been a great success a n d a lot o f fun forallwhoattend.
Chi Delta
U ofColorado
Our chapter thoroughly enjoys our sisterhood retreats. W e leave campus for an evening and get to know each other better through games a n d firesides. It is a great w a y for the older members to meet some of the younger members and for everyone to reflect on why our chapter is so important to us.
have a Banana through a break
Alpha Theta
chips, had our weekly meet- ing, and then we divided into groups by age and did
funny dances
to songs
made up.
w e
a n d
Alpha Phi
Montana State U
On October 6, 2002 Alpha Phi Chapter celebrated our 85th year on the M S U cam- pus a n d it w a s a wonderful event. AOII members all the way back from the class of 1943 up to the present, were here to join in the festivities. The weekend started with
[Idea Sharing]
our Ritual. After
hosted brunch
all h a d a chance to mingle and exchange stories of our time here in the chapter. W e sang songs, showed
showed the alumnae proud we are to be Alpha Phis. It was amazing to hear h o w much things have changed over the years, while many traditions still remain the same. W e all have a special bond a n d it w a s truly seen through the smiles, laughs, hugs a n d tears of happiness shown by each member this weekend.
Alpha Psi
Bowling Green State U
recruitment video,
a n d h o w
W e
tion" that is a lot of fun. This "competition" involves the wackiest outfits imaginable,
"meet a n d
makeup, dancing,
favorite- yodeling. This event gives everyone lasting laughs and memories to make them
Coe College
For Halloween w e
a great Halloween activity. W e sent out fliers to a local neighborhood and we went Trick-or-Treating for items for a local women's shelter. Following this w e had a Halloween party at a sister's house in the neighborhood where w e Trick-or-Treated. It w a s so much fun, a n d w e collected
Ritual where
w e w e
a n d our
was initiated.
jewelry, traded
em bar rasing moments, and celebrated the events a n d values that make us proud to be AOIIs. It was terrific because it helped the older classes g e t to know the new initiates, and we had a tangible result to show off at the end of the day!
Beta Tau
U ofToronto
This October we had our second annual fam-
lists o f dates, a n d try a n d find her
W e made stories a n d
a possible
the others
one - but she is not allowed to know w h o until the night of the party. The dates are revealed shortly before the party, a n d the sisters are handcuffed to their dates for the rest of the night.
Chi Lambda
U ofEvansville
One of the most enjoyable times for our sisters is during our sisterhood retreat at Camp Carson. It is a chance for us to rekindle our bond after the summer. Fun activities, making banners, and s'mores at the bonfire help to give us a time to enjoy, relax a n d have fun together as sisters before w e start fall recruitment.
Chi Psi
California Polytechnic State U
ThegirlsofChiPsiChapter will find any excuse in the book to hang out together! At the beginning of the year, we made it a weekly event to go to the San Luis Obispo Farmer's Market, to show off our letters! W e were even in a TV commercial for the local W B affiliate. Wherever you look, you can find the AOIIs of Chi Psi.
Chi Theta
Northeastern State U
We held a Glow Bowl sister- hood last fall. Itwasa blast! W e all met in the University Center Basement-which has a bowling alley- and got to express our feelings about each other on our tee shirts with hi-liters.
Every fall w e hold a
where sisters can take a break from the busyness of life on campus and spend some time reconnecting with each other.
Delta Delta
Auburn IJ
together a n d b e ourselves. W e can act crazy together playing different games such as, "I Love M y Sister Who..." It is also a time for all of us to sit down and speak to one another heart to heart during "passing the candle". Sisterhood is the time that w e can look back a n d laugh at the times that w e have cried, and cry at the times that we have laughed.
Delta Omega
Murray State U
Our most fun social event at Delta Omega is our chapter retreat. W e spent time not only getting to know other sisters better but we got a chance to bond with our new members. Chapter retreat is led by the chapter relations committee. W e hold the fall retreat the week- end that w e have initiation. Retreat is a time for sisters to reflect on why we chose AOII, what it means to us, and what w e are gaining from the experience.
Delta Pi
Central Missouri
State U
One of our sisterhood events was our Panda Sisterhood. During our fall recruitment we had a philanthropy day where w e h a d the potential members decorate baby tee shirts. W e let the shirts dry and then put them on stuffed panda's. After recruitment and receiving our new members, our first sisterhood was to take the panda's to the local community hospital. It was a very good feeling to be able to talk to the sick kids and elderly a n d seeing them smile when they received the panda bear's. After going to the hospital w e all watched a movie together. Our new members really enjoyed the experience, a n d started realizing what sisterhood w a s all about.
Delta Psi
State U of New York
W e love getting together o n Sunday's to have an AOII movie night. It gives us time to get together and relax and not worry about school. W e enjoy Sunday nights together.
Delta Rho
The Halloween festival is our best social event. It is held in the town square of the North Center Chamber of Commerce. The Halloween festival is a n alternative to a Children's Halloween party. In the square the AOH's dress in letters and costumes and are there to help with the children's games. There is a costume contest for the best children's costume, a booth for face painting, a n d a farmers market. W e love distributing treats to all the winners. This is our chapter's best event because it is a safe alternative for children living in Chicago to partici- pate in Halloween festivities
Delta Sigma
San Jose State U
There are so many great things that w e d o together, but two events are favorites. Our house retreat w a s awe- some this year. W e really focused o n sisterhood a n d getting to know each other better. The girls in this chapter are so diverse and have so much to offer that it w a s inter- esting to find out new things about each sister. W e also had a car wash fund raiser which was a blast. It was a day filled with sisterhood,fun, and a few water fights here and there. Itwasa gorgeous day, andwedidsowell!
Tau IU of
This fall, our chapter began a new activity, which w e call Delta Delta Dinners. Every Thursday night, the sisters are split up into several small groups, and each group goes out to eat at a different restaurant. Girls are put into different groups every week, to allow them to spend time with as many sisters as possible over the course of the semester. The dinners give members the chance to talk with fel- low AOH's other than their closest friends a n d allow these girls to get to know each other on a more personal level, which can be challenging for a large chapter. The dinners have proven especially helpful in allowing new members to meet older sisters and make them feel at home in Delta Delta.
Delta Epsilon
Jacksonville State U
Our chapter's most fun social event held just for sisters would have to be our sister- h o o d retreats. Sisterhood is a time for everyone to come
Rho Delta ISomford Uj
Omicron IU of Tennessee!
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
irr t
Rho Omicron IMiddle Tennessee State U)
m a fir
event, the best has been a
I— I
Delta Theta
Texas Women's U
Everyone got together to go bowling with an 80's retro theme. W e all dressed up really goofy, and it gave us a chance to get to know each other better.
Delta Upsilon
Duke IJ
W e hold a date
"Polyester Prom," where each girlandherdatedressesupin their (or their parents') favorite bell-bottomed, plaid, pat- terned, polyester outfit. The outfits are a riot, and the date function is always a ton of fun.
Cornell U
Epsilon holds a number of sister-only events throughout the course of the year. Recently, w e have h a d such events as movie nights, bowling trips, a n d family din- ners, where sisters meet for a special dinner at the house.
Epsilon Alpha
Epsilon Sigma
Quincy U
In our fall 2002 philanthropy event, the sisters of Epsilon Sigma Chapter put together a Rock-A-Thon. In this event each sister had to get pledges from family, friends, and local community. At that point w e rocked for twenty-four hours straight to raise money for arthritis
talk a n d socialize with o n e another about our pasts a n d futures. It truly is one of the great chances to observe how w e have all come to be sisters.
Gamma Omicron
U ofFlorida
Gamma Omicron's VPCR invited a hypnotist to perform for us as a sisterhood activity. W e watched step-by-step as he worked his magic and turned some skeptical volunteers into foolish acting zombies. W e witnessed a Brittany Spears impersonation, a couple race car drivers, a n d a couple of martians speaking their native tongue. W e had a great time revealing some of our sisters' hidden talents!
Gamma Sigma
Georgia State U
The G a m m a Sigma enjoyed our recruitment workshops over the summer. W e really grew closer as a chapter a n d enjoyed spend-
Iota Sigma
Iowa State U
This year, we had a day to decorate our house with holiday decorations. This gave sisters a chance to collaborate ideas a n d show some pride in the w a y our house looked in this past holiday season!
Kappa Alpha
Indiana State U
In September we had an ice cream social. W e all met in our main suite to make our own sundaes and bond with each other. Itwasa lotoffun.
Kappa Chi
State U
Our most fun social is our Kiss Party which w e have every spring. W e all get to invite 3 guys, and they get a general invitation saying that an AOII requests their pres- ence at the party. When they g e t there, they have to write down the name of the girl they think invited them. The girl w h o gets guessed the most times becomes the Kiss Queen and the guy who gets invited the most becomes Kiss King.
Kappa Kappa
Ball State U
Though it is hard to choose
movie star. The night was a lot of fun and consisted of time well spent with sisters.
Kappa Lambda
U of Calgary
Our most fun social event is our Santa Philanthropy. All girls dress as elves and one dresses at Santa. W e sell "Pictures With Santa" as a fund raiser for arthritis research.
' 'if
Gamma Theta
U of South Florida
Gamma Theta IU of South Florida!
aRhtflD, Fain
Our best sisters only event was our scavenger hunt during our sister retreat. W e separated into several groups and had to go all over town a n d have our pictures taken next to specific landmarks or find objects on our list. The first group to return with all of the mentioned items a n d pictures w a s the winner.
Gamma Alpha
George Mason U
Every semester Gamma Alpha hostsa BigSis/LittleSisDinner at a member's house. Big sisters a n d little sisters provide the food, each pair bringing their favorite dish to share with the chapter. Big Sis/Little Sis Dinner gives the chapter a chance to bond over delicious food, engage in pleasant conversation with sisters, and enjoy the sisterhood.
Gamma Chi
Carleton U
Sisters Night-Ins have contained some of the most memorable moments for our chapter. All collegiate mem- bers are asked to convene at a designated sister's house where w e light candles, eat food, watch movies, make crafts, a n d simply relish in the fact that we are all tied together by the bonds of AOII. These nights are filled
research. It w a s a success and lotof fun.
U ofMaine
1 Pennsylvania State U Our best sisterhood social activity of the year is when we all get together at a local park for a picnic lunch a n d then play different games that our chapter relations chairman plans for us to do. It is a great time for everyone to bond and catch up from
the summer.
Epsilon Gamma
U ofNorthern Colorado
Each spring the chapter relations chairman plans our big chapter retreat. This is a time for all of us to get away from campus for a night without any worries. W e spend time getting to know each other better, playing games a n d talking. W e also take the time to start working on little things for recruitment in the fall like nametags and decorations.
time with o n e another. sisterhood grew every workshop w e
attended and participated.
Alpha lambda fGeorgia Southern Uj
a s
G a m m a
social event is Woodser. Held every year in the fall the chapter gets together to eat barbecue, go on
Theta's favorite
s'mores. Sisters wear cow- boy hats and overalls and enjoy the cool fall weather and each other. Usually held on a farm, Gamma Theta goes all out for this country event.
Iota Chi
U ofWestern
Every fall the sisters of lota Chi take an afternoon trip out of the city to g o horse- back riding. This is always a fun afternoon of fresh air and laughs.
o n e year
dance, a n d make
social themed, "Movie Madness". Everyone came
To Dragma [ Spring 2003
Epsilon (Cornell Uj
with the
laughter a n d w o m e n in o u r
tears as sorority
Kappa Omega
U of Kentucky
Kappa Omega's favorite AOII sister only event this year w a s our Bid Day celebration. After a long hard week it was time to celebrate!! The afternoon started off with our 51 fabulous n e w members walking across campus screaming AOII cheers. Once they arrived at the house they receive a Panda Pal, an initiated member who keeps in touch with them the first t w o weeks of school. Then they took pictures a n d mingled with the chapter. We ate lunch and took our Panda Pals back to their dorms so they could change before w e went cosmic bowling! What a Blast! It was a wonderful icebreaker. The fun a n d hilarity helped make them feel welcome and part of our sisterhood. The remainder of the d a y was spent hanging out a n d playing games to learn each other's names. The whole day was AOII sisters only and it showed our new members how strong our bond is.
Kappa Sigma
U ofWisconsin
-River Fall
Kappa Sigma loves night four of recruitment because it gives us a chance to sit down and have a social that is for AOIIs only. Our new members make the night that much more special because it is their first real opportunity to see AOII from the inside as well as the outside. This year Kappa Sigma spent Bid Night at the U W River Falls Amphitheater where w e ate pizza and made s'mores around a bonfire. W e also played a good ice breaker/ getting-to-know-you game. Each sister takes a "scarf" o f toilet paper a n d then the fun begins. Each piece of the toilet paper scarf represents one fact y o u share with the group. These facts c a n b e
anything from favorite colors, to family, to pets, to why you picked AOII, to living space, literally everything from soup to nuts. Every fifth person in our group would stop and learn a song so that by the end of the night not only did Kappa Sigma have a bond of knowledge, we also had a bond of sisterhood from sing- ing "Epsilon Chapter Song", "Red Rose", "AO-Cutie Pi", and "Flaming Alpha."
Kappa Tau
Louisiana U
Our formal would definitely be the most fun, because it is a chance to unite collegians and alumnae members. All of the new members wear white gowns while they are presented b y their fathers or dates. This also gives the chapter the chance to recognize all the outstanding sisters for their hard work. It is definitely the most memo- rable event for the sisters of Kappa Tau.
Lambda Beta
California State U
-Long Beach
For our first sisterhood this semester, w e decided to decorate our o w n chairs for meeting. W e bought paint, material, glitter, a n d puffy paints and decorated our own chairs however w e wanted. W e got the idea from one of our alumnae from Kentucky. It not only solved our chair shortage, but each sister is now respon- sible for her o w n chair.
Lambda Chi
LaGrange College
Our annual Roseball is held each spring. This is the big formal that w e have each year, and is for sisters and alumnae only. W e all get together and eat and dance the night away.
Zefo (U of Nebraska
• Lincoln
Lambda Eta
Grand Valley State U
Each semester w e have a chapter relations retreat where we all spend the weekend away from the house and col- lege campus getting to know each other better through games a n d activities. During this weekend w e also have a time where w e center activities and discussion around Ritual. This is a great bonding experi- ence for our chapter.
Lambda Omicron
Cumberland U
The most fun event w e held in 2002 would have to be our AOII formal. It was an awe- some night, and we all got excited about dressing up. W e were also fortunate to have some of our AAC and alumnae there along with par- ents a n d dates showing their support to Lambda Omicron. It was also a celebration of an awesome semester.
Lambda Sigma
U of Georgia
Every Christmas, w e g e t together to decorate our chapter house a n d ginger- bread houses. Together, w e string the lights a n d hang the stockings. W e also all par- take in a chapter w i d e secret Santa, where w e all secretly exchange gifts. W e then invite our mothers to come up and visit for tea that weekend. It is so fun because everyone is in a great mood and want- ing to share AOII love.
Lambda Tau
U ofLouisiana
For the past two years we have held our fall party themed "Tacky Prom". Each member dresses in the
^ •
Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana Uj
Delta Epsilon (Jacksonville State Uj
Delta Delta (Auburn Uj
Kappa Alpha (Indiana State Uj
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
Alpha Delta (U of Alabamaj
tackiest apparel the party.
a n d attends
• i-H
Mu Lambda Rollins College
Our fall retreat was a huge success! W e all had so much fun together sharing secrets and talking about
Miami U
Omega holds its annual A- O-Pirate party every spring. Members in every class get dressed up in eye patches fishnets and red pirate gear before boarding a riverboat in downtown Cincinnati. Each year a senior Pirate and Skipper are voted on. After all the excitement of preparing for the event the Omegas and their dates set off on a 4 hours riverboat cruise along the Ohio River.
Omega Omicron
One of the new events Omega Omicron has, just for our sisters, occurs right after we get our new members. In order to get to know the new girls we have come up with the idea of having individual class parties with different themes. This is where the sophomores, for example, had "Sophomore Salsa" with a Mexican theme. The juniors had "Junior Junk Food," with a junk food theme, and the seniors had "Senior Sundays," with an ice-cream
theme. This was a great way for each individual class to get to know the new girls.
Omega Upsilon
Delta P, Centra! Missouri State Ui
Phi Beta
East Stroudsburg U
W e have sisterhood socials every week while we get together to watch favorite television shows, manicures and pedicures, community service proj- ects and also try to get together with other AOII's from different colleges a n d universities
Phi Chi
U ofChicago
W e had a Mardis
luck dinner that was a blast. Each sister brought a differ- ent dish to share, we wore beads and just enjoyed each other's company in a relaxed environment.
Phi Sigma
U ofNebraska
- Kearney
Phi Sigma loves sisterhood! Fun, f o o d a n d entertainment are some of the highlights of all our events. Sisterhood retreats are among the top social events held for AOII sisters. These retreats feature activities that enable us to get to know our sisters better, trust games that test our faith in each other and teamwork activities.
Pi Alpha
U of Louisville
Pi Alpha's CR retreats are always an exciting time. It is one of are only events that only AOIIs can attend. This past retreat was held it at one of our sister's house. W h i l e at retreat w e helped plan for our PR blitz coming up in January. Since the CR retreat was around Halloween time w e all painted pumpkins and filled bags of candy for a local charity. To end the night w e all gathered around the TV and watched scary
movies. The next morning everyone left happy and realized how strong the sister- hood at Pi Alpha really is.
DO issues. It really helped to bring us closer together.
i —oi
U Mi Beta
U of Mississippi
Every year at the beginning of December w e hold a Big Sis/Lil' Sis Christmas party where we all get together, make gingerbread houses and decorate the chapter house for Christmas.
Nu Iota
Northern Illinois U
Our semi-formal this year was awesome, almost the entire chapter attended! It was a mardi-gras theme and was extremely successful.
Nu Omicron
V anderbiltU
All-House Retreat was truly an experience to remember for the Nu Omicron Chapter. Over 40 girls spent the night at the Levenwood Retreat Center in Tennessee, enjoy- ing the rustic lodge setting for two days of bonding and fun. After a hilarious lip-syncing contest featuring Madonna and the Backstreet
Boys, the sisters went outside to make s'mores over the bonfire and listen to the seniors share their favorite memories from AOII. After many stories, a few tears and a lot of laughing, the sisters finished the night with movies and a slumber party. Saturday brought a true test of Alpha Omicron Pi sister- hood with a ropes course and team building activities, and the sisters passed with flying colors.
Gras pot-
lambda Eta (Grand Valley State Uj
O n e night
of the quarter we held an "AOII drive-in movie" night. W e projected a movie onto the outside of our house a n d girls brought their chairs out to the parking lot to watch. W e ate popcorn and candy, and pretended we were at a real old time drive in movie theater.
U ofTennessee
Our chapter held a Senior/ Freshman mixer at one of the senior sister's houses. It was a great event.
at the
\Ju Beta (U ofMississipp
Kappa Omega (U of Kentucky]
Tau Delta [Birmingham Southern College)
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
Xi(U of Oklahoma!
Pi Delta
U of Maryland
A social event that the sisters really enjoyed was our bid day activity. When the new members came down to the house, the energy was already so high that it was easy to go right into a social setting. W e had dinner with the new girls and then did different activities with them so that we could start to get to know them.
Rho Delta
U of California - Berkeley
Sigma Omicron
Arkansas State U
The Sigma Omicron's most fun social event held for AOII sisters only is our milk shakes and make overs sisterhood. At this event, a representative from Clinique cosmetics, who is an AOII Alumna, visits our suite and gives our members free make-overs as well as an opportunity to purchase make-up. At this event w e of course make our favorite flavor milk shakes too.
Sigma Tan
W ashington College
Last year we endeavored a few new ideas to raise money for our philanthropy, and one of them was an event we called Pie in the Face. W e had a stand with holes cut out for the sisters to put their faces as targets for the pie tossings. W e had so much fun with the event when people would pay to throw a pie at any sister that they chose. It was a great event that definitely gener- ated a lot of fun memories and raised a great deal of
Sigma Chapter
Alumnae Relations Chairman, Claire Wineman, for her efforts in planning a truly memorable alumnae dinner in October! W e have been making a stronger attempt to reach out to our alumnae because we know how valu- able they are to our chapter. Many alumnae attended the wonderful dinner and we had a record number of women who graduated last
The sisters of Rho Delta our thanks to each one who California State U money for arthritis research
had an opportunity to visit Zoo Atlanta for our annual sisterhood retreat. Zoo Atlanta had a special exhibit featuring none other than our mascot, the panda. Sisters had a chance to tour the zoo and raid the panda giftshop. Then,itwasoffto Hard Rock Cafe for fun times and g o o d food. Overall, the sisterhood retreat was a day of laughing, fun-filled memories, and of course pandasl!
Rho Omicron
Middle Tennessee
In September, we had a sisterhood retreat in Gatlinburg, T N . The older members had a retreat the same weekend that the new member class had theirs. While we did not stay together, w e all went ice-skating together for a few hours. We all had a blast, and it was a great way for us all to get to know each other a little better. O n the old member retreat we played a few games such as "AOII win-lose-or-draw" and we did a craft where someone else makes a collage about you and then presents it to everyone. W e also had a lot of time to just spend with one another.
as well.
This year one of our great AOII only events was Bid Day. Involving limos, decorating the house with our Pretty Princess theme, and many photographs, our newest members were wel- comed home to AOII. After a get-to-know-you introduc- tion circle, our picnic at Lake Calhoun overlooking the Minneapolis skyline, was on. W e then returned to the house to have a fun time with Pass the Panda. Both old and new members could tell each other what our favorite time during recruitment was.
Tau Delta
Southern College
Our chapter recently welcomed twenty-one new members on Bid Day with a Barbecue dinner and a trip to the skating rink. Members new and old enjoyed get- ting-to-know each other and sharing laughs while trying to remember how to skate!
year! W e want to extend
was gracious enough to visit
our chapter. W e enjoyed
learning about your families
and careers and what you
have accomplished since
finishing college. Sigma
Chapter also hopes that you wrapped blankets around were impressed with our each other and roasted chapter and loved reading
Sigma Express, our chapter newsletter!
Sigma Alpha
WestVirginia U
This year our best social
event has been Bid Day.
It was a great day for the
sisters and new members.
This year we went to a
private golf course which
one of our sister's aunts chapter held was going
owns. Itwas a great time for everyone involved. W e put on skits and played games for everyone to get to know each other. It was a great building experience.
Sigma Chi
Hartwick College
We held our annual Halloween Haunted House, in which we all dressed up and participated. W e transformed our chapter house (which used to be a funeral home in the early 1900's| into a spooky form of its original state and invited the campus and community for a scare.
as a fund raiser to Cedar Point, an amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio. There, we worked in a haunted house. The haunted house, called the Pharaoh's Secret, consisted of only our AOII sisters. It was fun getting to meet fraternity boys from other colleges, w h o alternated shifts with us. W e also got to ride the rides when we were on our breaks, usually every other two hours or so. W e got a bonus at the end for making the haunted house so much fun, and now we're finally out of debt! This was a great chance for our sisters to bond, since we were out of our normal routine environ- ment with only other sisters as a familiar setting.
Sigma Phi
Our most fun social event was our sisterhood bonfire last spring. On that Friday night we took a bus down to Huntington Beach where we
marshmallows on an open fire. W e sang our songs, ordered pizza, played games and took lots of pic- tures! It was a great chance
for the actives to bond the new members.
Sigma Rho
Slippery Rock U
The most fun social event that we as the Sigma Rho
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
Tau Lambda
Shippensburg U
Our chapter's most fun social event held for AOII sisters only is the sleep overs at our house. It gives us time to bond, laugh, and have fun!
Tau Omega
Transylvania U
Tau Omega's most fun social event for just us sisters has definitely got to be our Big/Lil Appreciation Party. W e all get together and the Lil' Sis's make-up crazy awards and give gifts to our Big Sis's that do so much for us every year. It is a great way to say thank you for all of those little things that w e overlook sometimes.
Tau Omicron
U ofTennessee
Theta Omega
Northern Arizona U
Theta Omega held our first annual 'Rock Stars' semi- formal in October, where we dressed up with our dates as rock stars! Some got decked out and came up with some real creative costumes. Theta Omega has pulled together wonderful sisterhood events, including our chapter retreat in November. It was such an unbelievable experi- ence to share with all the sisters more about ourselves and have fun at the same time! W e continue to hold spectacular sisterhood events including those late-night movie nights and pumpkin carving contests for the month of October. N o matter how busy our schedules can get, we always make sure to include sisterhood events and create some time for fun.
Theta Psi
U ofToledo
Theta Psi's most fun social event was when we made Valentine's Day cards for all the fraternities! W e split into groups and made home-made Valentines out of poster board. W e then delivered them and ser- enaded each chapter. W e all had a blast doing it and the fraternities enjoyed it tool!
Upsilon Lambda
UofTexas-San Antonio
The most fun event has to be Roseball because we all love to dress up, take pictures, and have fun with our sisters. As well, at Roseball we give out awards recognizing sis- ters who have done a great job in their office as well as being a great sisters.
U ofNebraska - Lincoln
Our most fun social event that we hold with our AOII sisters is concerning Initiation. During this week we have various activities that w e plan to get to know the new members better. Each class does a different activity with the new members one night during the week and we finish off the week with one big sisterhood activity. Thisyear we allwent to see "Ya-ya Sisterhood."
Zeta Pi
U ofAlabama
Our sisterhood retreats are something to remember. W e eat together, laugh together, and cry together. Pass the Panda (a game where the person holding the panda has the floor to tell us what is going on in her life) is a great way for us to get to know one another without the pressure of school, work, family and boyfriends. W e tend to find out we have a lot more in common with each other than w e realize, and this makes us much closer!
Zeta Psi
East Carolina U
During the fall, our chapter holds a Un-birthday party where each of the sisters parents send little gifts. At a holiday party that w e have each sister receives and opens her present with all of her sisters. Even if you can't celebrate your birthday with you family you have another family to celebrate it with.
Upsilon lambda (U of Texas San Antonio]
Tau Omicron's most fun social event is our annual Date Dash in the spring. It is only for AOH's and their dates. Yes, that is plural. Each girl brings two dates and each Date Dash has a different theme. For example, last year the theme was a Hawaiian Luau and everyone dressed up. It is just a good time for us to have fun and spend time with our sisters
Theta Chi
Momingside College
Our chapters most fun social
Gamma Alpha (George Mason Uj
Delta Omega (Murray State Uj
Tau Lambda (Shippensburg L
To Dragma
[ Spring 2003 ]
event was
W e went
had a hay ride and a corn maze. All of us were in the maze lost for about an hour, it was the best time getting to know which one of us gets scared the easiest!
2 0 0 2 to a
Barnball. place that
Alpha Omicron Pi Membership Information Form
Please mail this form to the AOTT address for the college which this potential new member will attend. The addresses are listed in this issue or you may contact International Headquarters at 615-370-0920. If you have gathered this information in response to a chapter's request, please send the information directly to the return address indicated from the chapter
attach photo if available
Collegiate chapter pledging depends on your supplying available information.
For the AOTT Chapter at
Potential New Member Information
Name of Individual
Home Address
College Classification (check one) Parents'/Guardians' Names Parents'/Guardians' Address
Family Information
preferred name
Does the individual have an AOTT relative? (check one) Give name of AOTT relative (including maiden) Address of AOTT relative
Phone (home): ( )
Have you talked with this individual about AOTT (check one) yes no Is this individual able to assume the financial obligations of membership? (check one)
(work): (
Does the individual have affiliations with any other NPC groups? If yes, list affiliation and relationship, (e.g. Kappa Delta, Mother)
Does the individual have a special interest in AOTT? If yes, please list.
High School Attended
Scholastic GPA Scale School Attended after High School
Scholastic GPA Scale Scholastic Honors
Class Rank/Class Size
Number of Credits Completed
Please list names of organizations (explain type - school, church, community, etc) and the individual's participation and leadership in each one. Attach additional information on a separate sheet if necessary.
ToDragma [ Spring 2003 ] 33
no don't know
Special recognition and/or Honors received.
Personality/Leadership Qualities
Include information about the individual's character traits, leadership qualities and personality characteristics using specific examples whenever possible. Indicate the individual's special interests, talents and any other information to aid the chapter in getting to know her better and to indicate the contributions she could add to AOTT.
AOII Recommendation for Membership
_ _ I.
I recommend this individual for AOTT membership.
I know this individual personally.
I do not know this individual personally, but I am basing my recommendation on information from these sources:
(circle as many as apply) another AOTT Panhellenic Files High School Faculty Clergy
peers of the individual a mutual friend other (please specify)
2. I do not recommend this individual for AOTT membership based on information received. If further clarification is
desired, the Chapter Adviser may contact me.
3. Iam unable to commit my opinion on this individual for AOTT membership:
Comments (if any)
Recommendation Given By:
Name Address
city state/province
Phone: ( )
Collegiate Chapter, Alumnae Chapter_
Due to limited information received.
After contacting all available sources and receiving no information.
Group Pledged Date
What to do with recommendations after recruitment:
Date recommendation acknowledged.
Once recommendations have been acknowledged, you are to:
1. Destroy recommendations on all potential new members who pledged an NPC sorority.
2. Maintain files on those recommendations for potential new members who did not pledge any group. Recommendations should be kept on file for one college generation (4 years).
34 ToDragma [Spring2003 ]
postal code
Alpha Qmicron Pi
legacy policy explained
•A legacy is defined as a biological or adopted daughter, granddaughter, or sister of an initiated member, alive or deceased, of any chartered AOII chapter. Half-sisters or step relations are also included if the relation to the AOII member has been a close one.
•Collegiate chapters are not required to offer a bid to every verified legacy.
•Collegiate chapters are required to give serious consideration to each verified AOII legacy out of courtesy to the AOII sister to whom she is related. A collegiate chapter may decline membership to a legacy only for very appropriate and verifi- able reason(s).
•In no case should a legacy be denied an invitation to at least one invitational party after the first round of parties.
Legacy Introduction Form
•An AOII legacy should be a qualified rushee in her own right - grades, activities, accomplishments, and overall compatibil- ity with the chapter.
•If a chapter releases a legacy, a member of the Alumnae Advisory Committee must contact the AOII relative of the legacy by telephone to inform her of the legacy's release from membership consideration. This contact must be made prior to the dis- tribution of invitations for the next round of recruitment parties.
•If an Adviser is unable to reach the AOII relative by telephone, written notification of the legacy's release must be sent. This is to be done within 7 days of the legacy's release from membership consideration.
•If a chapter carries a legacy through Preference, she is placed on the chapter's first bid list.
Sunny Lipscomb and her mom, Laura Lee Lipscomb, both members of Omicron Chapter (U of Tennessee}.
•AOIIs must remember that some legacies are happier in another Greek group. Every National Panhellenic Conference group offers a worthwhile experience for college women.
• Introduce your legacy with the form below. Attach it to the Membership Information Form (page 33 and 34) and send it to the address for the school your legacy will be attending. You'll find a list- ing of chapter addresses and the dates your forms are needed in this issue.
This form is designed to introduce AOII legacies to our collegiate chapters. It does not replace the Membership Information form (page 33 and 34) which also must be sent. You can ensure proper introduction of your legacy by completing the form and sending it to the AOII chapter on the cam- pus your legacy plans to attend. A list of addresses appears on pages 36 and 37 of this issue of To Dragma.
Thisistoadviseyouthatmy(checkone) • Sister • Daughter • Granddaughter_ will be attending
as a (check o n e ) • Freshman
college or university
• Sophomore
your name
your city
• Junior
college or university
your street address your state
your maiden or initiated name
• Senior beginning date
your chapter
'Remember; send the Membership Information Form with this form to the AOFI address at the school your legacy will be attending/
ToDragma [Spring2003]
your year of initiation
your phone
2003 Recruitment Directory
Mail Membership Information Forms (MIFs) to the following chapter addresses by the dates indicated beside each chapter name. This will allow the chapters to receive them prior to the start of their recruitment. Additional MIFs can be downloaded from the AOII website.
ALPHA DELTA, Early August U of Alabama
P.O. Box 861948
Tuscaloosa, AL 35486-1498
DELTA DELTA, Early August Auburn U
Toomer Hall, Dorm C AuburnU,AL 36948-5002
DELTA EPSILON, Early August Jacksonville State U
)SU Box 3009 700 Pelham Road, N Jacksonville, AL 36265
GAMMA DELTA, Early August U of South Alabama POBoxU-1178
Mobile,AL 36688-
RHO DELTA, Early August Samford U, SU Box 4020 Birmingham, AL 35229-4020
SIGMA DELTA, Early August Huntingdon College
1500 East Fairview Ave, Box 65, Montgomery,AL 36106
TAU DELTA, Early August Birmingham Southern College BSC Box 549108
900 Arkadelphia Road Birmingham, AL 35254
ZETA PI, Early August
U of Alabama Birmingham Box 62 Hill University Center Birmingham. AL 35294
THETA OMEGA, Early August Northern Arizona U
1109 South Plaza Way. #255
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
SIGMA OMICRON, Early August Arkansas State U
P.O. Box 928
State U, AR 72467
CHI PS1, Early September California Polytechnic State U 570 Pacific Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-3939
DELTA SIGMA, Mid August San Jose State U
375 East San Fernando Street San Jose. CA 95112
LAMBDA BETA. Mid August California State U Long Beach 3980 East 8th Street
Long Beach, CA 90804
SIGMA. Early August
U of California Berkeley 2311 Prospect Street Berkeley, CA 94704
SIGMA PHI, Late August California State U Northridge 9210 Zelzah Avenue Northridge. CA 91325
CHI DELTA, Early August U of Colorado
1015 15th St.
Boulder, CO 80302
EPSILON GAMMA, Mid August U of Northern Colorado
1809 11th Avenue
Greeley, CO 80631
GAMMA OMICRON, Late July U of Florida
819 West Panhellenic Drive Gainesville, FL 32601
GAMMA THETA, Early August
U of South Florida
4202 East Fowler Avenue, CTR 2377 Tampa, FL 33620
KAPPA GAMMA, Early January Florida Southern College
111 Lake Hollingsworlh Drive Box 15217
Lakeland, FL 33801
MU LAMBDA, Early January Rollins College
1000 Holt Ave. Box 2792
Winter Park. FL 32789
PI THETA, Mid August Florida International U PO Box 4825
Miami, FL 33265
ALPHA LAMBDA, Early August Georgia Southern U
102 Olympic Boulevard Statesboro, GA 30458
GAMMA SIGMA, Mid August Georgia State U
Office of Student Activities
33 Gilmer Street, Box 1897
LAMBDA CHI, Mid August LaGrange College
Attn: AOII President
601 Broad Street.LaGrange College LaGrange, GA 30240
LAMBDA SIGMA. Early August U of Georgia
1190 S. Milledge Avenue
Athens, GA 30605
DELTA RHO, Early September DePaul U
C/o Jon Spainhour, FA
1872 NClyboum #208 Chicago, IL 60614-4916
EPSILON SIGMA, Early December Quincy U
1810 Lind Street, Box 650
Quincy, IL 62301
IOTA. Early August U of Illinois
706 S. Mathews Urbana. IL 61801
NU IOTA, Mid August Northern Illinois U 918 Kimberly Drive DeKalb, IL 60115
PHI CHI, Mid September U of Chicago
951 East 54th Place, #1 Chicago,IL 60615-5003
BETA PHI, Early December Indiana U
1415 North Jordan Avenue Bloomington, IN 47406
CHI LAMBDA, Early August U of Evansville
2032 Lincoln Avenue, Suite 2 Evansville, IN 47714-5102
KAPPA ALPHA, Late August Indiana State U
Lincoln Quad Box A
Terre Haute, IN 47809-OOOI
KAPPA KAPPA, Mid August Ball State U
4319 West Clara Lane, ttioi Muncie. IN 47304-5470
ALPHA THETA, Early September Coe College
1220 First Avenue NE,
GMU Box #1254
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
IOTA SIGMA, Early August Iowa State U
2007 Greeley Street
Ames, 1A 50014
THETA CHI, Early August Momingside College
3609 Peters Avenue, Box 1523 Sioux City, IA 51106
ALPHA CHI, Early August Western Kentucky U
1566 Normal Drive
Bowling Green, KY 42101
DELTA OMEGA, Mid August Murray State U
2040 University Station Murray, KY 42071
EPSILON OMEGA. Early August Eastern Kentucky U
Powell Building, Box 128 Richmond, KY 40475
KAPPA OMEGA, Early August U of Kentucky
368 Rose Street
Lexington, KY 40508
PI ALPHA, Early August
U of Louisville
301 SAC Administration Building
Louisville, KY 40292
TAUOMEGA,LateAugust Transylvania U
300 North Broadway
Lexington, KY 40508
U of Louisiana at Lafayette P.O. Box 44823
Lafayette, LA 70504
KAPPA CHI, Early August Northwestern State U NSU Box 4449 Natchitoches, LA 71497
KAPPA TAU, Mid August Southeastern Louisiana U SLU Box 11665 Hammond. LA 70402
LAMBDA TAU, Late July U of Louisiana at Monroe Box 4173
Monroe, LA 71211
GAMMA. Late August U of Maine
5759 Penobscot Hall
Orono, ME 04469
ToDragma [Spring2003]
Atlanta, GA
PI DELTA, Mid January U of Maryland
4517 College Avenue College Park. MD 20740
SIGMA TAU, Mid January W ashington College
300 Washington Avenue
Cheslertown, MD 21620-1197
THETA BETA, Mid August Towson U
PO Box 4092, SGA Office Towson, MD 21252
DELTA. Early January Tufts U
25 Whitfield Road Somerville, MA 02144
BETA GAMMA, Early September Michigan State U
445 Abbott Road
East Lansing. MI 48823
KAPPA RHO, Early September W estern Michigan U
C/o Courtney Verhelle
3325 West Michigan Ave. Unit B Kalamazoo, MI 49006-5379
LAMBDA ETA, Mid August Grand Valley State U
10326 42nd Avenue Apartment 10 Tuscola Allendale. Ml 49401
TAU. Late August
U of Minnesota
1121 5th Street, SE Minneapolis, MN 55414
NU BETA, Mid August U of Mississippi
P.O. Box 7987 University, MS 38677
DELTA PI, Early August Central Missouri Slate U A101 Panhellenic Hall Warrensburg,MO 64093
ALPHA PHI. Late August Montana State U
1119 South 5th Ave. Bozeman, M T 59715
PHI SIGMA, Early August UofNebraska Kearney URSPodC.ttioi
Kearney. NE 68847
ZETA, Early August
U of Nebraska Lincoln 1541 "S" Street Lincoln, NE 68508
New York
DELTA PSI, Early January State U of New York
c/o Christine Russo
529 Hamilton Avenue Albany, NY 12203-1304
EPSILON, Early January Cornell U
14 South Avenue Ithaca, NY 14850
SIGMA CHI, Early January Hartwick College
17 Maple Street
Oneonta, NY 13820
THETA PI, Late August/January Wagner College
One Campus Road
Staten Island, N Y 10301
North Carolina
DELTA UPSILON, Early January DukeU
07 Bryan Center, Duke U Fraternity/Sorority Life Office Durham.NC 27708
EPSILON CHI. Early January Elon College
P.O. Box 846
100 Campus D. Mosely Center Elon College, NC 27244-0846
ZETA PSI, Late July East Carolina U
805 Johnston Street Greenville, NC 27858
ALPHA PSI, Mid August Bowling Green State U
716 Ridge Street
Bowling Green, OH 43403
CHI EPSILON, Early January The Ohio State U
84 East 15th Avenue Columbus. OH 43201
OMEGA. Early December Miami U
c/o Joanne Walter, President 210 North Main Street, Apt. 3 Oxford. OH 45056
OMEGA UPSILON. Mid September OhioU
8 Church Street
Athens, OH 45701
THETA PSI, Late August UofToledo
2999 West Bancroft, Unit Fl Toledo, OH 43606
CHI THETA, Early August Northeastern State U
NSU Mail Services, Box 27 600 North Grand Avenue Tahlequah, OK 74464
XL Late July
U of Oklahoma
c/o Alissa Day. P.O. Box 720090 Norman, OK 73070
EPSILON ALPHA, Mid August Pennsylvania Stale U
15 Hiester I lall
University Park, PA 16802-2290
LAMBDA UPSILON, Early January Lehigh U
39 University Drive, Box G131 Bethlehem, PA 18015
PHIBETA,EarlyJanuary East Stroudsburg U University Center, Box #48 East Stroudsburg U
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
SIGMA RHO, Mid January
Slippery Rock U
B105 University Union, Greek Affairs Slippery Rock, PA 16057
TAU LAMBDA, Early December Shippensburg U
Cumberland Union Building, Box 7 Shippensburg, PA 17257
KAPPA OMICRON, Mid August Rhodes College
2000 North Parkway Memphis,TN 38112-1699
LAMBDA OMICRON, Early August Cumberland U
One Cumberland Square
Lebanon. TN 37087
OMICRON, Late July
U of T ennessee Knoxville
c/o Trish Crosby
1531 West Cumberland Avenue Knoxville, TN 37916
NU OMICRON, Early January VanderbiltU
2415 Kensington Place Nashville, TN 37212
OMEGA OMICRON, Late August Lambuth U
LAM Box 518
705 Lambuth Boulevard
Jackson, TN 38301
TAU OMICRON, Early August U of T ennessee Martin
UTM Campus, Box 126 Martin, TN 38238
RHO OMICRON, Mid August Middle T ennessee State U
1301 East Main Street.MTSU Box 613 Murfreesboro, TN 37132
DELTA THETA, Early August Texas Woman's U
PO Box 424308
Denton,TX 76204
UPSILON LAMBDA. Early September U of Texas San Antonio
Student Org. Complex, AOII 8141 6900 North Loop 1604 West SanAntonio,TX 78249-1130
GAMMA ALPHA, Late August George Mason U
5765-F Burke Center Pkwy.Box 338 Burke,VA 22015
ALPHA GAMMA. Early August Washington State U
NE 820 Campus Avenue Pullman,WA 99163
TAU GAMMA. Early September Eastern Washington U
c/o Jennille Schab, President P.O. Box 104
Cheney, WA 99004
West Virgina
SIGMA ALPHA, Late August West Virginia U
299 Prospect Street Morgantown,WV 26505
KAPPA SIGMA, Early September U of Wisconsin River Falls
The Leadership Center
123 Hagestad Student Center River Falls, Wl 54022
KAPPA LAMBDA. Late August UofCalgary
Box MH13 MacEwan Student Centre 2500 University Drive, NW
Calgary, AB T2N 1N4
BETA TAU. Early September U of Toronto
24 Madison Avenue Toronto,ON M5R 2S1
IOTA CHI, Early September U of Western Ontario
222 Broughdale Avenue London, ON N6A 2K9
GAMMA CHI, Early August Carleton U
62 Rosedale Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1S4T5
KAPPA PHI, Late August McGill U
3477 B Hutchison Street Montreal. Q U H2X 2G1
7b Drayma [ Spring 2003 ]
Meredith Anne Higgs and Mary Ruth Simmons are AOII's first mother-daughter Alumnae Initiates.
AOII Alumna Initiate Program
.sharing our sisterhood with women who share our ideals
Alumnae Initiates of Alpha for an organization with which
has sought to foster Greek unity and excellence as the Order of Omega faculty advisor at MTSU and has recently been awarded a national Order of Omega Doctoral Fellowship. Meredith Anne is truly at-home in AOII, and, as her hus- band often reminds her as he shows off her punch ladle, "AOII was not your legacy, it was your destiny."
For Meredith Anne, her love of AOII has become a family affair. Meredith Anne's mother. Mary Ruth Simmons, joyfully watched Meredith Anne grow in AOII and frequently attended AOII events. Mary Ruth, a former elementary school teacher, also saw something special in the unique bonds of AOII sisterhood; and in October 2O02, Mary Ruth started her own path toward AOII when she became an Alumnae Initiate at our Rho Omicron Chapter at Middle Tennessee State U. Mary Ruth and Meredith Anne are the first mother- daughter Alumnae Initiate pair.
Sarah Krans spent her collegiate years as a member of a local sorority. As a young graduate, she attended a function sponsored by the Detroit North Suburban Alumnae Chapter of AOII. She and the local alumnae hit itoff so well that the alumnae invited Sarah to become an AOII Alumna Initiate. Sarah was initiated in 2000 at our Beta Gamma Chapter at Michigan State U.
Since her initiation, Sarah has served Beta Gamma as an adviser.
She has also spent a considerable amount of her spare time at AOII Headquarters working in the archives. Sarah remembers this work fondly and recently stated, "The time spent at Headquarters gave me the opportunity to read notes from our beloved Founders about the presentation of our Ritual, the beginnings of the Ruby Fund, and letters from sisters about how AOII helped them to make life decisions. Alpha Omicron Pi's story is fascinating because of all of the varied and wonderful women that make it up."
If you are acquainted with an outstanding woman like Meredith Anne. Mary Ruth, or Sarah, who shares our philosophy and purpose, why not invite them to join AOII? Information on AOII's Alumna Initiate Program can be found on our website at or by contacting our Alumnae Services Administrator at Headquarters.
Special thanks to Meredith Anne Higgs and Sarah Krans for sharing their Alumna Initiate experiences for this article.
Omicron Pi have held a special place within the fraternity since the first alumnae initiate, Ethel Jones Black, joined Sigma Tau Chapter in 1938. Since that time, over 9 0 0 women have joined the bonds of sisterhood in Alpha Omicron Pi through the Alumna Initiate Program. These sisters give much to the fraternity: alumnae initiates work with local collegiate chapters, hold offices in their alumnae chapters, work at International Headquarters, and volunteer with the fraternity on an interna- tional level. One Past International President, Eleanor Dietrich MacCurdy, Iota Alpha '59 (Idaho State U), is an alumna initiate.
Alumnae Initiates come from very diverse backgrounds, and each sister has a unique story on how she came to join Alpha Omicron Pi. The stories of three Alumnae Initiates, Meredith Anne Higgs, Mary Ruth Simmons, and Sarah Krans, illustrate this point.
Meredith Anne Higgs followed a punch ladle into Alumnae Initiate membership in AOII! For Christmas 1996, husband Ray Higgs presented Meredith Anne with an antique silver punch ladle with omate engraving. She cherished her punch ladle and did not give much thought to the fancy engraving on the handle.
In 2001, Meredith Anne, an Assistant Professor at Middle T ennessee State U , was searching
to volunteer her time and talents. She was especially drawn to AOII because of her grandmother's long-time battle with arthritis. While studying for her doctor- ale at Vanderbilt U, Meredith Anne was randomly placed in student housing with Erin Long, an Alpha Chi initiate from Western Kentucky U. Erin encouraged her to pursue alumnae initiation and served as her sponsor. Meredith Anne was initiated into our Nu Omicron Chapter at Vanderbilt U in February 2002. Just before her initiation, Meredith Anne pulled out her punch ladle to use it for a church dinner; to her surprise, the handle was engraved with "AOII."
In a short time, Meredith Anne has made a significant contribu- tion to AOII and the larger Greek community. She currently serves as the Corporate Board Treasurer for the Lambda Omicron Chapter (Cumberland U) and the historian for the Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter; she also attends as many events as possible with Rho Omicron, Nu Omicron. and Lambda Omicron Chapters. During 2002 Leadership Institute, Meredith Anne gave tours of Headquarters and represented Lambda Omicron. She was also awarded a Diamond Jubilee Fellowship and was named one of the three Alumna Women of Leadership for her strong com- munity service record with K-12 students in science and mathemat- ics. In addition, Meredith Anne
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
was not your
it was
When did we last say "thank you?" When did we last say how much we appreciate all our collegiate officers, alumnae officers, advisers, Network Specialists, Directors and Executive Board do for our Fraternity? What about our Foundation Board and com- mittees and the Fraternity's Standing Committees? W e often forget how much our corporations do for our chapters, as well as our AOII Properties Board. We have many volunteers who spend hours each week working for the betterment of Alpha Omicron Pi. Every volunteer has her reasons for wanting to take time for the Fraternity. It is true about the saying we always gain more than we give. However, acknowledgment of one's efforts is also appreciated.
As a sorority member who has volunteered for many years, I am aware of the time required to undertake various positions in AOII. I have been made more aware of these time commitments over the past year as a member of the Human Resources Committee. In talking with potential
candidates for a position, it is very important to discuss the time commitment as well as give an accurate job descrip- tion. When a nominee for the Executive Board is willing to have her name put forward for consideration, she agrees to set aside 40 hours a week for AOII. The Foundation Board asks 20 hours a week from its members. All these ladies have commit- ments to families, careers and community activities as well.
Recently, 1 was in touch with some of our Collegiate Network Directors, and we were discuss- ing how each group was func- tioning. The Directors were telling me how hard it has been for several of their specialists to keep up with their AOII job because of difficulties in their personal lives and asking how could the Fraternity express appreciation for their contin- ued commitment to our chap- ters. These volunteers certainly deserve special recognition.
I am sure all our volunteers have personal problems at some time during their AOII involvement. There are times when a Collegiate President has pressing academic pressures,
and yet she deals with a chapter crisis. What about our alumnae advisers who are needed at home or work and yet are also needed by the chapter? There are so many examples of this kind of dedication.
What can we do to show our appreciation? Simply a smile, hug and "thank you" is often all it takes. Or what about sending a note or special card, or giving a certificate of appreciation at Founders' Day or giving or send- ing a single red rose? There are many ways we can say "you are special" to our fellow sisters. I f you are attending convention be sure to tell your specialist, director, board members, com- mittee chairmen and members you appreciate all the time they spend for AOII. A little "thank you" goes a long way. On behalf of HRC, / would like to say "THANK YOU" to
To Dragma [ Spring 2003 ]
all our wonderful, volunteers!
Bg Sue Reid Mattern. Chi Delta (Uof Colorado), Human Resource Committee Member. Triangle Alumnae Chapter
Alpha Omicron Susan McAdoo Ban- Margaret Clark Buck
Lynne Plansky Dimm Barbara Thiel Johnson Maria Vaughan Kistler
Joy Garrett Kopfler
Evelyn Commagere Laborde Patricia Bautsch McMillan Louise Barrois Mount
Alpha Phi
Nancy Hubbard Adams Billie Dulong Beadle Glenda Shirley Brodsack Nila Barton Burgess
Janice Burnett Farr
Judy Neubert Fiedler Beverly Greenwald
Anina Ibsen Gullickson Shirley Green Hautzinger Sheila McCormick Helmer Claudia McLeod Larson Jacklynn Sampson Lavigne Laura Miller McGlothlin Maxine McElvain O'Brien Mary Morton Olson Patricia Barney Rawlings Ariss Jarrett Thomas
Freda Chamberlin Toner
Alpha Pi
Diane Jones Grove
Linda Brown Hunter Kalliope Economos Politis
Sonia Lovell Primm Joy Baker Steflik
Laura Eiler W adsworth
Alpha Rho Clare Balbi
Margaret Fasnacht Barber Mary Clinton Christel Juliana Obrien Gardner Joann Ross Gee
Molly Taylor Jackson
Lola Ridenour McCloskey Janet Johnson McLeod
Marvel Christensen Norton Roseanne Jefferson Toney Cloria McKinnon Vandermate Antionette Wood
Elaine Scudder Yunker
Alpha Sigma Diane Gillespie Beauchamp Janet Filbert Braman
Shirley Selander Bray
Janet Southwell Charters Clarice Duling Elliott
Janet Stafford Entrikin Carolyn Kaser Fairman Patricia Wilson Fulton Judith Reynolds Green Norma Nye Halstead
Joan Willits Jameson
Janet Kneeland
Joanne Donnelly McRae Diana Starr Salnave
Naomi Brooks Smith
Alpha Tau
Nancy Newton Bailey Barbara Richards Barr Vera Dodge Barringer Janet Forbes Bleavins Beatrice Kittridge Conover Elinor Eaton
Jennifer King Everts Eileen Johnston Gordon Betsy Pickett Hensler
Beta Gamma Caroline Anderson-Nicholas Yvonne Emerson Black
Mary Crampton Blanchard Carolyn Berry Brown
Anne MacMillan Clute Janet Bruess Groomer Marilynn Heim
Arley Berwald Hulstrand Elida Reinke Malila
Joanne Nelson Nowak
Myra Keys Rasmussen
Mary Lee Dierker Reiter Terry Shissler Robinson Nancy Rigney Seger
Mary Nellis Stahlman
Beta Kappa Shirley Venables Hammond Anne Bracher Maclean Margaret Lewis Miller Carole Stenhouse Sparke June Walker Talbot
Beta Phi
Gayle Karch Cook
Katherine Riggins Doerbaum Rheta Rumsyre Heine Katherine Cloe Montag Sandra Murray Morrow Dorothy Baker Patton
Beverly Boegaholtz Rice Mary Fenton Smith
Phyllis Millbern Wampler
Beta Tau
Morleen Carscallen Bousfield Marie Smith Doran
Leslie Newman Kerry
Ruth Ward Lindsey Gwenythe Gill Mudie
Janet McCabe Noonan
Diana Speaight Pilsworth Patricia George Tomashek
Eleanor Worster Canale Alice Myers Chmaj
Gail Clyma
Mary Hill Reinheimer Barbara Pritchard Riegel Anne Casey Trabold
Chi Delta
Lois Amstein
Jo Sterling Avery
Ann Harrington Batman Sonya Blackford Blackstock Arlene Arnold Brownson
ToDragma [Spring2003]
j)0 i/atr nvanitrj
The following Alpha Omicron Pi members were initiated between July l, 1953 and June 30,1954. AOII salutes these women who will celebrate their 50th anniversary with the Fraternity during the upcoming school year. We hope each will continue to share our sisterhood for many years to come.
Patricia Martin Drury Claudette Thompson
Patricia Hughes Harris Charlotte Todd Huddleson Suzanne Thorstensen Hudson Mary Nauman Konrad Suzanne Pon Lowe
Mary Fitzgerald McVay Virginia Rose Richter
Norma Yankocy Riffel Martha Roderick
Nancy Newbell Schaffer Elinor Cook Stults
Chi Lambda Helen Brown
Mary Giovanetti Gray
Faye Forster Millhouser Joan Bosse Plummer
Lois Ryon Schmidt Jacqueline King Whitmore
Joan Chace Calkin Edchen Querker Ferguson Deirdre Giles Forsythe Jane Doggett Hunt
Linda Heller Padden
Lynn Reilly Reagan Audrey Hallberg Scott Usha Nand Sellers
Delta Delta Camille Pharr Austin Dorothy Best Barnes Miriam Longshore Bradley Joann Murphy Burke Barbara Allen Davis
Jo Cobb Evans
Elizabeth Barnett Hill
Lucille Hardaway Icolano Mary Stallings Mayfield
Mary Kay Schmidt Mummert Janiece Bryant Nichols Martha Davis Oliver
Barbara Cole Terpening Dinah Heam Tingle
Carolyn Odom White
Delta Sigma Mary Bihler Bacigalupi Amelia Lippolis Corral Mary Coverdale
Janice de Reschke Gilman Yvonne Moniz Hale Maureen Larrigan Hogan Joyce Osborn
Diane Harlow Powell Dorothy Oakley Trout Sandra Singer Waterman
Eva Klauber Anderson
Lois Vonkurowski Bennett Mabel Klisch Deal
Maureen Crough Forgeng Janet Steinhorst Fuess
Aletta Manchester Ludington Carol Bewley Mcintosh Elizabeth Cohen Theil
Epsilon Alpha Diane Edelman Bardman
Ann Hutchison Carothers Winnie Shelley Farina
Merion Lafferty Gouza
Eileen Marolina Gray
Nancy Acheson Grieve
Nancy Smith Hallett
Barbara Lightner Herschkowitz Rosalie White Keegan
Elaine Myers Krug Dorothy Zettle Kusier Marjorie Hopp Mitchell Ann Greene Smullen
Joan Flebotte Tambussi Patricia McLauchlin Welty
Judith White Boothby
Sarah Kappas Dyer
Julie Mahaney Evans
Doris Provencher Faucher Ann Keyo Lounsbury
Grace Libby McKinlay Elizabeth Harvey Ruff
Jane Farwell Russell
Marilyn Page Thompson Marilyn Lounsbury Winward
Gamma Omicron Hilda Jordan Dessommes Norma Fraser Dunn
Anne Ramsey Mabe
Lois J Reid
Susan Rogers
Martha Smith Swann Katharine Moore Warren Sena Hinnant Zane
Wilma Allen Bredar Mary Heinicke Byerly Darlene Likens Diehl Shirley Bradshaw Gillette Mary Louise Marshall
Nancy Mongerson Warner
Iota Alpha
Ranae Benson Dobbins Edna Geer
Joyce Brusati Golden Barbara Belveal Jagger Shirley McConville Scofield
Sara Mazyck Anderson Nan Brown Benson Ann Kelly
Kappa Alpha Sharon Vance Jones Aleda Bohannon Shirley Olivero Green Sherry Bonham Griffith Patricia Abel Lowery Myma McKenzie
Beth Olaughlin
Mary Shriner Rinker
Nita Craig Rutherford Jeanne Bondurant Sumansky Carole Windrotte Vrabel
Kappa Gamma Xenia Kallinokas Carlson Marilyn Rushton Cumbie Charlotte Paugh Gianos Martha Taggart King
Myra Dyess O'Leary
Connie Crenshaw Plozay Mary Gandy Shinault
Betty Pollock Thomhill
Janet Vanderzee Vanderbeck Nannette Burket Whited Donna Norris Zawadski
Kappa Kappa Betty Isza Bairn
Barbara Glenn Berg Elinor Livezey Briggs Janice Scheerer Davidson Dorcas Condon Erb
Mary Craig Faust
Jo Funk
Jane Best Hollingshead Carolyn McNutt Mossburg Marilyn Stouse Redmon Nancy Rumple
Carole Patberg Seng Dorothy Parr W allace
Kappa Omicron Joan McCabe Day
Lady Deaderick
Margaret Fagan Eikner
Ellen White Harrell Juanita Cecil Searson Miriam Heard Stockard
Kappa Phi
Joan Baird Holmes Huguette St Denis Kihl Jean Lawrence Lukanovich
Kappa Rho Judith Garver Burkhart Joyce Edmondson George Honora Rudowski Greytak Leslie Markle Hargett Doris Wilderman Heffner Norma Loye Longmire
Joy Hartwein Schlender Marlene Zeitter Stephens Elaine Schantz Thomas Sarah Brown Whelan
ToDragma [ Spring 2003 ]
Kappa Theta Elizabeth Dahm Blackman Marian Carlson
Kathryn Rorem Cobum Rachel Bryant Druten
Jane Wadlington Eldredge Barbara Neely Garber Patricia Eggers Gerty Dorothy Baldwin Heide Marlene Hanning Kirkland Martha Mayer
Susan Parr Pardee Barbara Smith Richards Beverly Maxwell Tieman Alice Bulkley Tollefson Kathryn Wirch
Lambda Sigma Paula Pullen Knight Elizabeth Day Manning Carole Latham Padgett Elizabeth Eberhart Peterson Julia White
Helga Schmarje Heil Elizabeth Levinson White
Nu Iota
Rena Scott Brown
Ioanna Mantgares Burtzos Janice Carpentier
Dolores Walters Dittus Marion Fort Hartmann Bonnie Bolwahnn Hinkle Carol Keyser Holmes
Lois Popjoy Janotta
Shirley Orton Lehmann Betty Larson McMenamin Lois Bender Merwin Charlotte Kuebker Renehan Joan Turnquist Romine Carolyn Ray Thurber
Marie Kanecny Vavrik Patricia Westenberg Walters
Nu Lambda Mary E Booth
Nedra Mulleneaux Brines Patricia Crawford Brown Doris Bradley Chretin Donna Sebring Harkey Constance Krantz Harris Mrs Richard Holtz Marilyn Brown Hustedt Genie Tripp Lownsdale Joan Mannix Neckerman Rosa George Saliba Barbara Odgers Silver Janice Edgar Tomeo Atlanta Schatte Warren
Nu Omicron Harriet Priester Allen
Rose Rainero Bauer Catherine Burrus Castleman Margaret Brown Jones Barbara Morris Niehuss Martha Lanier Nowell
Sylvia Tanner Porter Laurale Burrus Williams
Patricia Beaty Behrens
Susan Osterholm Bither Helen Boswell
Mary Hugh Brower
Judith Heinzelman Croxton Joanne Pilla DeFiore
Edwina May Ebetino Marjorie Hill Edwards Beverly Van Camp Fitzgerald Diane Haver Griswold
Anne Bernard McClelland Gwelda Sebald Popp
Emily Elliott Reed
Alice DeBuino Schuette Kathryn Willse Smallwood Joan Behrens Staby
June Sharak Vivino
Judith Haas Walker
Ann Holmes Bush
Pattie Thornton Crafton Marigene Wyatt Forrester Dana Dow Kastory Charlotte Watts Keister Barbara Cargile Kidwell Nancy Minor Logan
Sue Workman McDearman Evelyn Rhodes Porter
Alice Simpson Powell Janice Witt Purkey
Helen Turner Riggs
Diane Leslie Russell
Sara Summar Sanders
Omicron Pi Donna Hammill Adamczyk Judith Sweet Bames Georgiana Davidson
Mavis Fors Furlong
Carol McMacken Hennecke Gretchen Quine Ilgenfritz Suzanne Gary Katz
Amelia Dustman Lindsley Mary Curry Moore
Ellen Brown Soden
Mary Storrer
Pamelia Mills Van Brocklin
Rae Youmans Bird
Carol Bowman Georgeanne Griffith Brown Sondra Long Chesky
Opal Defenbaugh Cook Marilyn Kulp Endsley Frances Grinstead
Ann Vaughn Logoreci Elaine Carlson Ney
Phi Omicron Lora Tanner Baize Wilma Dyck
Mary Lorts Eaton
Mary Bogner Feist
Mary Poe Gramer Doris RadcliffHartfield Bonnie Lewis Hays Nancy Bowman Lloyd Shirley Hershberger
Jeanine Hopp Schwaner Rebecca White Slemp Sheila Logan Tinch
Joan Gunn Bailey
Brenda Wallbillich Dupuy Carol Amoult Exby
Joy Jones Fain
Carol Byrd Foster
Sarah Britton Neal
Cornelia Cabral Quinn Carolyn Alford Saunders Connie Stewart
Dorothy Baskett Trone
Beth Bowermaster W ashington
Pi Delta
Emily Harding Beall Betty Zieber Brice Loretta Bickford Duvall Betty Jackson Frederick Anne Owings Hacker Jill Vasilyk Porter Barbara Roane Roche Sue Gamer Rodgers Paula Floyd Rose
Pi Kappa
Janet Bobbin Brown
Patricia Williams Dietz Dennis Raymer Fields
Mary McLemore Finfrock Sharon McGauhey Schneider Dianne Belton Warburton Nita Knox Wathen
Barbara Callaway Wilkinson Myrna Ragsdale Zamrik
To Drayma
[ Spring 2003 ]
Patricia Coughlan Cullmann Gwendolyn Moser Delong Marie Klenk Edgerly
Marie Farca
Marian Carrozzino Schneider
Valerie Christmann Burghard Patricia Jervis Cox
Susan Enlow
Patricia Compton Graves Birdie Gross
Carolyn Freund Hanson Anne Hickey
Sharon Rytz Hubbard Margaret Moorhead Hunter Phyllis Nenneker Kincaid Judith Nickel Kling
Joanne Hasselbring Kratzer Ann Beck Meyer
Renee DeSmet Mogni
Joan Sottile Murphy
Muriel Kozel Rezek
Lois Popken Sanders
Margaret Welsh Schuette Barbara Brooks Simons
Janice Melton Adams
Barbara Alexander Ashcraft Donna Mendonca Bemadou Patricia Waterlow Craig Nancy Palmer Dutcher
Sara Stultz Griffith
Ann Dunmire Heinz
June Deny Hodge
Karin Munck Machado Vemice Wachter Miller Helen Eddy O'Connor Elizabeth Tellefsen O'Donnell Diane Watters Parodi
Janet Harkness Pasnau
Jan Jones Paul
Marianne Hobbs Thaeler Joyce Sundman Warmolts Patricia Wheaton Young
Sigma Chi
Helga Claus
Lucille Marshall W aldron
Sigma Omicron Evelyn Carlton Barber Martha Nichols Cooke Virginia Edwards McMinn Nancy Johnston Metaxas Vivian Mayo Moser
Rose Blanton Oneal
Barbara Shaneyfelt Satterfield Patricia Henry Waters Barbara Phillips Williams Elizabeth Cooper Zimmer
Sigma Tau Carol Kniseley Morrison
Millicent Bloom Aycock Beverly Johnson Coulter Sallie Iverson Ditto Barbara Kohler
Maria Juhnke Martin Marsha McMannus Page Nancy Anderson Quayle Hope Bouvetle Thornberg Barbara Schwandt Welsh
Tau Delta Katherine Chancey Crafton Berma Jarrard Hamilton Samye Monteith Luquire Marion Moss Miles
Bobbie Branch Porter
Patricia Ham Biggs Mary Gengnagel Broad Sandra Louy Burroughs Joanne Lohman Dean Barbara Dunn Dever Ruth W essman Dietel
Marcia Miller Fleming Mary Illgen Hicks
Susan MacMillan Hodges Jeannette Baldwin Lietzau Mary Manning
Joan Moore Mernitz
Jean Wallin Roberts
Judith Melvin Thornburg Margaret Dessauer Warweg Jean Anderson Weliver
Theta Eta
Julia Walker Allen
Doris Eberhardt
Charlotte Ginn Mueller Elizabeth Rush
Jacqueline Henderson Tansey Celia Hicks Thompson
Mary Jane Bailey Walewyk
Theta Pi
Grethe Pontoppidan Arthur Joan Cumming
Faye Zitzkat Frick
Mary Hanson Hansen
Tyra Rydell Hobbs
Sheila Byme Holman
Else Steffensen Jensen
Tina Schafer Lawrence Caroline Herrmann McGowan Gail Williams Megenity
Joan Ritzheimer Munzing Carol Arkwright Price
Doris Ahrens Roehrich Madeline Rexer Schroder Helen Haase Schulte
Audrey Raihjen V ecellio
Joan V enes
Theta Psi
Lila Miller Aubell Suzanne Zachman Ertle Nancy Gilliam Horton
Donna Ganson Jacobs Beverly Clouse Sheehan Beth Bollin Smith Eileen Duck Thome
Donna Eddie Barton
Marilyn Duffy Connet
Mary Lindholm Eells
Durlene Hamilton
Dorothy Boaglio McGee Sharon Johnson Monlux
Irene McDonald Peterson Barbara Holman Quinn Christine Severson Schaezlein Sara Larkin Spencer
Betty Benson Sumner
Caryl Schweizer Utigard Carole Schrader Wiegardt Emily Teel Wilson
Helen McKay Workley
Janice Hussey Admire Sandra Buell Albertson Barbara Eicke Armstrong Sondra Smith Arndt
Nancy Taylor Bunney
Alyce Steven Cronin Carolyn Galley Givan Phyllis Philipson Hagaman Carolyn Schacht Henry Jane Yeiter Holm
Maryclare Dodson Jacobsen Donna Medved Kidder Marilyn Christenson Orr Dorothy Farris Santi
Kay Christensen Zernia
To Dragma [ Spring 2003
S o'J
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64J Sterling Snake Chain. (18 in.) $9.00
239J Sterling Lavaliere on Beaded Chain. f i 8 in. chain") $15.00 301J Engraved Oval Bracelet. $32.00
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306J Faith, Hope and Charity Necklace.
Sterling Silver charms on 18" chain. $28.00
309J Ring w/Continuous AOII. Sizes 6,7, 8 $16.00
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3I7J Engraved Ball Drop Earrings. $15.00
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320J Engraved Oval Pendant. $19.00
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334J Sterling Toggle Bracelet. (Tiffany Style) $48.00 336J Toggle Necklace w/AOII 8c rose dangle. $30.00 338J Oval Lavaliere on beaded 18" chain. $14.00
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188B Oxford Athletic Shorts w/burgundy athletic department logo. M, L, XL $14.00
I88N Navv Athletic Shorts w/white athletic department logo. M, L $14.00
101 AOII Flip Flops. Sizes 5-10. ( N o 1/2 sizes) $20.00
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Emporium's online catalog:
Please add $200 for
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•Canadian customers please Couble amounts for shipping & handling charges.
show your pride
124 "I Love AOII" Sleeveless Tee. S,M, L,XL $15.00
231 "ILoveAPII"Scoop RingerTee. S,M, L XL $15.00
234 RedT-shirt w/black and white letters.
360 Oxford Triple Letter T-shirt w/white, Columbia blue, and navy letters.
5,M, L XL $24.00
151 Navy T-shirt w/columbia blue letters. S, M, L, XL $22.00
235 Oxford T-shirt w/r| and white letters.
S, M, L, XL $22,001
tee time
5, M, L, XL
2 5Y
Charcoal Fleece Alpine Hat w/red embroidery. $17.00
I I 0 E
142 Oxford "Perfect Tee" w/burgundv
long sleeve tees.TM
all around favorites!
AOII letters. M, L, XL $17.00 (AJso shown on page 6)
215 Navy Long Sleeve T-shirt w/orange sleeve design. M, L, XL $22.00 2I5Y Navy Long Sleeve T-shirt w/vellow sleeve design. M, L, XL $22.00 221 Oxford Long Sleeve Tee w/"Established 1897" sleeve design. S, M, L, XL $22.00
143 AOII Scrubs. Authentic Surgical Scrubs run large. S, M, L,XL $25.00
342 Navy Flannel Lined Anorak w/red stripe. S, M, L, XL $48.00
stripe anoraks:
I ION Navy Cap w/uni- versity bar design. $17.00 SALE $12.00
140 Navy Baseball T-shirt with 3/4 length sleeve. M, L, XL $19.00
a must-have!
I9I Burgundy Flannel Lined Anorak w/navy stripe. Size M only.
IALE $40.00
370 Navy Flann1el Lined Anorak
w/orange stripe. S, M, L, XL $48.00
23C Raised Letter License Plate. $12.00 23D Bubble Letter License Plate. $12.00 23M Mirror License Plate. $15.00
exercise your pride! great work out weajr.
youllflip! over our fun tees
Side embroidery, "circa 1897". $20.00
IIOV Navy Visor w/khaki embroidered AOII. $44^0 SALE $10.00 I63 Navy Mesh Running Shorts, fljmited Quanitity')
M, Lonly. $14.00
210 Oxford Baby Doll T-shirt. M, L, XL $ 4 * 0 * SALE $13.00 212 White Baby Doll T-shirt. M, L, XL $17.00
222 Red Running Shorts w/AOII screen print. M, L,XL $14.00 378 Red Baby Doll T-shirt w/silver screenprint. M, L, XL $16.00 383 Black Running Shorts w/AOII screen print. M, L, XL $14.00
133 Black "Nail Head" T-shirt. (Hang to dry) M, L, XL $4fe©ft SALE $20.00
205 Black Drawstring Athletic Pants w/gray embroidery. S, M, L, XL $30.00 205G Oxford Drawstring Athletic Pants w/navy embroidery. S, M, L, XL $30.00 229 Pink Glitter T-shirt. (Hang to dry.) M, L $17.00
164 Racer-Back Tank. M, L only. $22.00
171 Oxford Capri Pants. M, L %¥tm SALE $24.00
MOD White Cap w/red bar design. $17.00 110P AHEAD Cardinal Cap w/worn bill.
sparkle and shine
in these campus favorites.
170 Spice Baby Doll Tee w/rhinestones. M, L, XL $16.00
I70R Red Baby Doll Tee w/rhinestones. M, L, XL $16.00
232 White Baby Doll T-shii w/columbia
blue and navy letters.
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Current AOTT Office:
AOII International Headquarters 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 -or-
email the following information to: [email protected]
Please help AOII save money! Each issue that is returned to us due to an incorrect address costs the Fraternity 70$, in ouldition to the original cost of mmling. If you are moving or changing your name please notify us in advance. If you know of others who are not receiving their magazine, chances are we have an incorrect a/ldressfor them as well. Encourage them to notify us as soon as possible.