To Dragma
of Alpha Omicron Pi
Our Missions:
7b Drugma of Alpha Omicron Pi
The mission offo Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi k
to inform, educate and inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our chapters, our members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime AOTF involvement to salute excellence; and to serve as a permanent record of our Fraternity's history.
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc.
Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's fraternity promoting friendship for a lifetime, inspiring academic excellence and lifelong learn- ing and developing leadership skills through service to the Fraternity and community.
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, Inc.
The mission of the Alpha Omicron Pi
Foundation is to fund programs, which promote
the intellectual, ethical and leadership develop-
ment of members of Alpha Omicron Pi
Fraternity and, through its philanthropic efforts, beneft the larger society. The vision of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is to ensure the continuation of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity as we look ahead to the challenges of the 21st Century.
Hints from Headquarters
Check out this new regular feature of To Dragma to com- municate useful information to our members.
Etiquette 101
How do you eat an artichoke? This feature reviews basic table manners, how to eat dif- ficult foods and even offers suggestions on how much to tip.
Alumnae News
Take a look at the outstanding activities of our alumnae chapters across the US
and Canada.
Cover photo:©I999
Stewart Oshields/Tony Stone Images.
Power of Friendship
One of the greatest rewards of membership in Alpha Omicron Pi is developing lifelongfriends. Inthis section, members share personal stories of their sisterhood in AOR
To Dra-jma/WlNTER 1999
Enjoying Life's Journey
A O n Beatrice Hardy Allinger, Omega 1919, vivaciously enters her third century.
Foundation Update
Learn more about the people and activities of the AOIl Foundation.
Our New Home
The Capital Campaign is underway and the Headquarters Cornerstone wasformallyunveiled on November 6,1999.
TheAOTT Emporium
A portion of AOITs
16 page Emporium catalog is presented in this issue. Contact the Emporium
for a complete copy.
AOIl Colonizes a t Cumberland University Lambda Omicron Chapter became the 175th chartered collegiate chapter on November 14, 1999.
Greek News
The Inter-Association Task Force on Alcohol and Other Substance Abuse Issues (IATF) presents
A New Kind of Six Pack.
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi
PublishedsinceJanuary, 1905 byAlpha Omicron PiFraternity,Inc.
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Graphic Design
Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U)
ToDragmaofAlphaOmicronPi,(USPS-631-840) theofficialorganofAlphaOmicronPi,ispublishedquarterlyby Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd, BrentwxdTN. Periodical dass postage paid at BrentwoodJN, andadditional mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription $85.00.
Postmaster: Send address changes to:
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., BrertwoodTN 37027.
Address all editorial communications to the Editor at the same address.
Founded at Barnard College in N e w York City, January Z 1897, by:
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen St Clair Mullan, Stella George Stem Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
International President
Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Executive Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)
International Headquarters
9025 Overlook Boulevard, Brentwood.Tennessee 37027. phone: 615/370-0920 fax: 615/371 -9736
E-mail: [email protected]
Mailing Address Updates
[email protected]
W eb Site Address: www.alphaomicronpi.org
Carole Jurenko Jones International President
To l)ragma/WINTKK]99<)
"Time and the world do not stand still. Change is a way of life and those who seek only the past are apt to miss the future." These ancient words of Goethe are most appropriate for our beloved Fraternity as we enter a new millennium.
As we begin our 103rd year as an organi- zation, we continue to live by the vision of the four voung women who founded Alpha Omicron Pi on simple bonds of friendship, love of learning, and respect for one another. Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella George Stern Perrv. and Elizabeth Heywood Wyman would be pleased and proud.
They would be pleased that the rituals and vision they had for AOn have remained unchanged and they would be proud that we are willing to accept and are open to change for the betterment of our Fraternity.
As we strive to meet the needs of our entire membership, we have experienced quite a bit of change this past year.Of those changes, one of the largest our members and volunteers have experi- enced is the way reports are submitted and analyzed. AlphaLink, AOITs new online reporting process, has become a reality as we continue to streamline the way we report Alphakink has eliminated the duplication of efforts and is allowing our chapters and members to share ideas and successes immediately.
AOII is meeting the challenge of change as we listen to our members and redesign our services to meet their needs. Today's college students are practical, visionary and efficient. They are faced by a new
culture, and statistics show that students today are not the same as even just five years ago. The demands they face day to day between school, jobs, family and social lives has required A O n to change its focus and mindset In order to contin- ue as a successful organization, we must continually meet the time constraints of our collegiate and alumnae members.
As with most things, change comes with challenge. I have been impressed with the positive attitudes of our leaders, both collegiate and alumnae, during this peri- od of reporting transition. We have answered ihe challenge as a team and chosen to be positive and excited about this operational change.
The attitude we portray truly makes the difference between feeling something is going to be difficult and hard or feeling that it will be fun and challenging. It is our choice to decide which attitude to take, and I challenge each and every member to always make the right choice by focusing on what is great and inspiring about a change that has been made. By doing so we will positively promote the values and ideals of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Carole Jurenko Jones International President
hints from headquarter
NPC National Badge Day Slated for March 6, 2000
March 6, 2000 with mark the fourth annual National Panhellenic Badge Day, an effort that encourages sorority women to celebrate their Greek affiliations by wearing their badge or letters. "National Badge Day gives sorority women of all ages and in all loca- tions a way to show their Greek pride," said Lissa Bradford, Chairman of the National Panhellenic Conference. "A badge is a great conversation starter," Bradford contend- ed, "it provides the chance to share what Greek membership is... a lifetime opportuni- ty for friendship, leadership, learning, and service." So on March 6, wear your AOfl badge or AOfl letters with pride!
Philanthropy T- Shirt
This 100% cotton shirt has a colorful design which promotes awareness of juvenile arthritis, an AOFI philanthropy. As a special bonus, $1.00 from the sale of each shirt will be added to the arthritis fund for research and AIAO edu- cation/family grants. Contact the AOFI Emporium at 1-800-746-7264.
Recognition Charms N o w Available
Did you know that the Fraternity now sells recognition charms for necklaces or bracelets through the AOfl Emporium? Charms are in stock com- memorating most past and present col- legiate and alumnae chapter officer positions. For more information or a brochure contact the AOfl Emporium.
Calling All Scholarship Applicants!
Scholarship Tips
• Plan a schedule of balanced activities. •Planenoughtimeforstudyingtodo
The deadline for completed applications is
March 1,2000, for consideration for a Diamond
JubileeScholarshipfor2000-2001. Youmay •Studyataregulartimeandina
download the application from the AOFI Foundation website, or call Pat Larson at (615) 370-0920 for information. Applications were sentinNovembertoallcollegiateandalumnae chapter presidents.
regular place.
• Study as soon after class as possible.
• Utilize hours between classes for studying. •LimitBlocksofstudytimetonomore
than two hours on any one course at a time.
Scholarship amounts vary, and are avail- ableforundergraduateandgraduatestudentsas •Tradetime-donotstealit
well as for alumnaereturningto school. A Foundation committeereviewsall applications andselectsrecipientsbasedoncriterialistedin the application. Last year the Foundation awarded $21,500 in scholarship money.
Photo below: Scholarship recipients with Scholarship Chair Marilyn Herman, at the Biennial Convention in Orlando, FL
• Sit in the front of the class.
• Review notes immediately after class. •Developatimeschedule.
1999-2000 Annual Campaign
justice to each subject
TomakeacontributiontotheAOITFoundation, Do you knowyour
and insure that your name is listed in the next annual report, see the Foundation envelope included with this issue of To Dragma,
member number?
Every AOFI has a unique member number assigned to her when she is initiated. You need to know yours to access the Sisters Online side of the AOIT website. To find your number, look at the mailing label on any To Dragma you receive and you will find your seven-digit member number. This number is created from two sets of numbers. The first three numbers represent your collegiate chap- ter's number which is set by the order of instal- lation. Thelastfournumbersrepresentwhat order you were initiated into your chapter. For instance, Founder Stella George Stern Perry was the third initiate of our first chapter. Alpha, so her number is 0010003.
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
Kids Get Arthritis, Too!
"Thank you, AOII, for your excellent sup- port and ongoing lead- ership. Here is a photo of one of the AOII-sponsored fami- lies at the last American Juvenile Arthritis
Organization Conference in Chattanooga,
TN." (Signed)
Charles P. Taylor, President,
At AJAO con- ferences, families
like this benefit
from education
about living with
and coping with juvenile arthritis,
a chronic disease that affects more children up to age 15 than any other chronic disease today. Families also gain strength and support by networking with other families in the same circum- stances. But, many families could not
afford this important learning program without help.
Thanks to all AOIIs who support the Arthritis Research Fund. You make it happen for these special children!
Kim Hanson and AOII legacy Liesl Oestriecher.
daughter connected
in a very special way. It was the funniest feeling I had every time I was around Kim. I felt as though there was something that we had in com- mon. On the last day of camp I asked Kim if she was in a sorori- ty. She responded yes and that she is an AOn! The small wonder of the week was revealed! It was AOn that we had in common and it came to light on the last day of the camp. Kim was a great counselor and is a terrific AOII.
- Sandy Oestriecher One step
at a time
The next time any Alpha Pis visit the FSL campus, look in section #8 to the left of the entrance gate facing Westcott for our Alpha Omicron
Harris family attends AJAO Conference.
Camp. Thissummer camp holds weekly programs for children suffering from a wide range of illnesses including arthritis
and its related diseases. With great apprecia- tion, Boggy Creek Gang Camp shared some
of the photos of our pandas finding some- one to love them.
Dear Editor:
Five Rho Chapter (Northwestern U) sisters met for a reunion at the home of May Norton Brown in Camarillo,
sisters who met as alumnae in the years after graduation to stuff animals for the children in the Kentucky Mountains numbered twelve. We called ourselves "The Staffers". Since 1985 "The Stuffers" and our spouses have met in Orlando, FL; Escondido, CA; William's Bay, WI and in the Ozarks in MO.
(left and above): Two of the many
To Dragma/WINTER 1995
to love me! Members and chapters brought hundreds of AOII pandas to conven- tion this summer to be donated to the local branch of the arthritis foundation and to The Boggy Creek Gang
4 ^ Boggy Creek Gang Campers
who received our convention pandas.
Small Wonders
This summer, my chil- dren and I attended camp at Sea World in San Antonio, Texas. My 4 year old daugh- ter, Liesl, participated in the Small Wonders camp. Our camp counselor, Kimberly Hanson, and my
California early in October. Attending were May Norton Brown, Dorothy Robins Bell, Phyllis Poetter Harrison, LaVern Giles LaPorta, and Delphine Wilson Hendrickson. The original group of Rho
Pi, Alpha Pi brick. Also nearby, there is an Alpha Omicron Pi, Class of 1963 brick. We are so excited about these bricks and hope some of the other class years would like to add a brick to help AOII be remembered at FSU. Reminder of the Alpha Pi-FSU reunion Homecoming 2001. Contact Anne Weber Home (770- 565-3605) or email [email protected].
Chapter (Carleton U) working together in Toronto. Since this project Nicole has pursued a career in telecommunications.
AOTT wins Fellowship. Jo-Anne Shibles, Gamma (U of Maine) was the recipient of one of three Phi Kappa Tau Foundation's Interfraternity Educational
Alumni Achievement Award. Sue is cur- rently the assistant director of WSU's News and Information Services, She was cited for her "superb volunteer and professional ser- vices to WSU and the Pullman community through unparalleled leadership, participa- tion and advisory roles at all levels within the university and community."
"Remember When?"
by Lisa Tewksbury Hauser, Chairman Human Resources Committee, Upsilon Alpha (11 of Arizona)
Recently, 1 received a copy of the new AOII Alumnae Directory. 1 lost all track of time as I browsed through the names under my chapter list- ing to find the members of my pledge class and see where they are now. The memories of those brief years as a collegiate member of AOII came flood- ing back. I wanted more. Looking at the pictures and momentos of those days made me more than a little nostalgic. Although there were lots of chal- lenges to meet, those days can make me smile almost twenty-five years later. It would be wonder- ful to be able to recapture some of that magic.
True, I've come a long way since Upsilon Alpha. I have been a wife for sixteen years, a mother lor fourteen years and a professional for almost twenty years. I suppose there is no way to "go back."
Then it hit me. One way we can "go back" and keep our memories alive is to guarantee that AOII is for a lifetime - for us and future generations of AOIIs. We can help our local collegiate chapters during membership recruitment or by serving as advisers, we can participate in our alumnae chap- ters, we can be network specialists or members of standing committees, or we can lend our unique talents to special projects.
Okay, we are all busy. It's going to be tough to work in one more thing. After all, if I remove that nostalgic glow not everything was as great as I remember. There were the stresses of continuous open bidding, leaky plumbing and the daily chal- lenges of living with forty other women. But as alumnae volunteers, we can either worry that the rosebushes will have thorns - or rejoice that the thorn bushes have roses!
Join me in working with body, brain, spirit and substance to secure the future of AOII. Remember, someone did it lor you.
Hines Named I I I a Top PR
Howard University School of Communica- tions Department of Journalism Chair Dr. Barbara Bealor Hines,
Pi Kappa (U of Texas), is one
of the Public Relations Society
of America's (PRSA) 1999 Individual
Award winners
for outstanding contributions to the public relations profession. Dr. Hines received one of two Outstanding Educator awards at PRSA's international confer- ence in Anaheim, CA. The award is presented annually to an
individual for his or her significant contributions to the advancement of public relations education.
Gamma Chi's Dee Campbell, Nicole Defae and Erika Nlgalis.
Dear To Drogma
Enclosed is a photo of Dee Campbell, Interim Beta Tau CA and Toronto Area Alum Chapter VP Recruitment; Nicole Debe and Erika Nigalis. The three of us worked together on a contract with Metronet Communications, plotting fibre optics in southern Ontario for the 1999 geo-spatial information system project. We are all from Gamma Chi
Fellowships for 1999- 2000. The fellowship, open to any fraternal organization, was awarded to men or women who have made exemplary lead- ership contributions beyond the under- graduate level.
Former To
Dragma Editor Wins Award
Sue Hinz, To Dragma Editor 1980-85, Alpha Gamma , has been chosen for Washington State U's
To Dragma/WINTER 1995
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
When I was about 8 years old, my mom enrolled me in a class, held at a local department store, called "White Gloves and Party Manners.
I can still vividly recall the weekly lessons on what I thought would be everything I needed to know about becoming a proper young lady. It wasn't a class to develop debutantes, as you might think, but rather a class about manners.
I remember learning about good grooming. Our instructor held a weekly contest to determine the class member with the cleanest hair. She actually checked our hair by rubbing it between her fingers to determine whose hair "squeaked" the loudest. Evidentiy, she believed squealri- ness corresponded with cleanli- ness. Regardless of whether that is actually true, it motivated me to wash my hair when all my mom's other bribes and threats had not worked. I won the contest one week and I'll always remember how special that made me feel.
I also remember learning in that class how to set a dinner table, how to make a proper introduc- tion, how to answer the telephone correctly, how to curtsy, how and when to write a thank-you note, and numerous other instructions. IH admit the curtsy hasn't proven very useful, but everything else certainly has.
I learned there is a right way to foldanapkin,arightspottoplace a soup spoon, a right way to but- ter bread, and a right way to hold a water glass. I've made more
than my share of mistakes through the years, but on the whole, I learned.
I learned that a thank-you note should be timely and personal. I recall there being virtually no excuse for a thank-you note being late and every one should be unique and sincere in its wording. I didn't write many thank-you notes when I was 8, but I do today. Now, when I have a thank- you note overdue, my guilty con- scious kicks in and I recall my early lessons.
Several years later in college, my AOIl chapter had a marvelous house mother we lovingly referred to as "MamaLou." Occasionally during dinner, MamaLou took it upon herself to instill in us a little bit of social eti- quette. I have no doubt we need- ed it! I will always remember her teaching us that the salt and pep- per shakers were "married," thus they should never be passed sepa- rately; to always formally excuse
ourselves from a dinner table; and how to properly pass the food around the table when dining family style. And it's not just any- where you can learn the proper way to eat an artichoke! I have AOII and MamaLou to thank for that social grace.
Like many AOII chapters, we had a magnificent sterling silver punch bowl. During the first
round of formal recruitment (rush), our Panhellenic rules allowed only ice water to be served to our guests. Like every other sorority on campus during this round of recruitment, we escorted our guests into our din- ing hall and ladled ice water into punch cups direcdy out of our sterling silver punch bowL Year after year, MamaLou com- plained about us serving water out of the punch bowl. "It's not proper!" she would say, "Ice water should be served from a pitcher not a punch bowl." When I have guests over for din- ner, I still remember to serve the ice water from a pitcher. It's not silver, but I think MamaLou would still be pleased.
I also have AOII to thank for the experience of recruitment week, whichgavemethechancetopol- ish more social skills in a seven day period than any other week in my life. During Open House at another sorority house on our campus, I met a very nice girl whowastryingtointroducemeto her sorority sisters in a greatly overcrowded room. Rather than waiting for the crowd to disperse, she asked me to "just step up on this coffee table and well cross over here. Try not to knock over that vase." So, in high heels and dresses the two of us marched up and over a living room coffee table! I released that sorority later that evening.
Our conversation workshops helped us polish introduction skills,learnhowtolistentooth- ers, ask questions that demand more than yes/no answers, and how to continue a conversation in difficult circumstances. Today, I'm grateful for what those grueling workshops have done for me.
1. When is the proper time to place your napkin on your lap?
A. Immediately after sitting at the table
B. When your food arrives
C. After the host or guest of honor
2. If you leave the table during the meal, where do you place your napkin?
A. In a loose pile on the seat of your chair
B. Across the back of your chair
C. To the left of your plate, unfolded
3. Where do you place a soup spoon when finished?
A. On the table
B. In the bowl
C. On the under plate
4. Is your bread plate to the left or right of the dinner plate?
A. Left B. Right
5. H the person next to you mistakenly uses your bread plate, you should?
A. Let them keep it and quietly take the person's plate seated on your other side.
B. Call it to his/her attention and ask for their other plate.
C. Ask the waiter or host discreetly for another bread plate.
6. You may butter your roll or bread while holding it in your hand.
A. True B. False
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
In our social world, as well as our business world, there are manyrulesofetiquette. Now, we even have netiquette, com- monly known as rules to use on the internet Are we still learn- ing about etiquette? Is it still important? In this article, we are all going to brush up on a
1. 3. c 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. c 8. b 9. b 10. b
few of the rules that many of us could stand to review again, orforthefirsttime.Resources are available everywhere to help guide us through the often confusing world of eti- quette. Take a few minutes to take the following quiz to refresh your memory.
7. To signal the waiter that you are finished with your meal, you would
A. Place your napkin loosely in the center of your plate and push it away from you.
B. Put your utensils back in the same place they were when you sat down.
C. Place your fork and knife together in the center of your plate, fork tines facing up.
8. Is it acceptable today to use your cellular phone at the table while dining out?
Yes, modern technology vs. etiquette does not apply any longer. It is acceptable if you do not speak loudly.
No, leave your cellular phone in the car unless you are a physician on call. It is inappropriate for casual conversation.
A younger person is intro- ducedtoanolderperson.
"Kelly, I would like you to meet our new neighbor, Beth Jones. Beth, this is my daughter, Kelly."
A person of lower posi- tion is introduced to a person of higher position.
"Ron, I would like to introduce you to President Bill Clinton. President Clinton,
this is Mayor Ron Kirk.
3. A man is introduced to a woman, provided they are roughly the same age and position.
"Bob,I'dlikeyoutomeet my sister Rebecca Thomas. Rebecca, this is Bob Johnson."
9. When dining in someone's home, when is it acceptable to bring
an unfinished cocktail drink to the table?
A. If other guests do so
B. Only if the meal is informal C. Never
10. When you are the guest of honor and a toast is being made to you, do you take a drink following
the toast?
A. Yes B. No
A 19th century editor in Boston once wrote, "One knows the very nature of both man and woman by their actions at the table. One suddenly sees their innermost characters, their attitudes and their breeding, but above ad, one knows whether one cares to spendanothereveningatthe table with them;"
One of the first lessons we were taught as children was our table manners. Table manners play an important part in making a favor- able impression. They are visible signals of the state of our man- ners and therefore are essential to professional success.
head of the table. An exception to this rule can be made when the table is extremely long and the guest of honor or host may prefer to sit in the middle of one side.
The meal begins when the host unfoldshisorhernapkin.Thisis the guest's signal to do the same. Place your napkin on your lap, completely unfolded if it is a small luncheon napkin or in half, lengthwise, if it is a large dinner napkin. Begin eating after the host takes the first bite. The host will signal the end of the meal by placing his or her napkin on the table. Once the meal is over, you, too, should place your napkin
The proper response to the sim- ple request to pass the salt, is to pick up both the salt and the pepper and to place them on the table within reach of the person next to you, who will do the same, and so on, until they reach the person who asked for them. Theyarenotpassedhand-to- hand, nor should anyone other than the original requester sprin- kle her food when she has the shakers in her possession.
If it is necessary to remove food from your mouth that is inedible, the rule is it should go out the same way it went in. Therefore, olive pits can be delicately dropped onto an open palm beforeputtingthemontoyour plate, and a piece of bone discov- ered in a bite of chicken should
be returned to the plate by way of the fork. Fish is an exception to the rule. It is fine to remove thetinybones with your fingers, since they would be difficult to drop from your mouth onto the fork. And, of course, if you have an extremely fatty piece of meat, itwillbenecessarytoindiscreetly spit it into your napkin, so that you can keep it out of sight
Sit up straight at the table. It makes a good impression. When you are not eating, keep your hands on your lap or resting on the table (with wrists on the edge of the table). Elbows on the table are acceptable only between courses, not while you are eating.
Toreviewsomeofthebasics, neatlyonthetabletotherightof
remember the host or guest of honor should be seated at the
your dinner plate. Do not refold your napkin, nor wad it up.
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
Fish Fork
Salad Fork
Dinner Fork
Soup Bowl & Plate Dinner Plate Dinner Knife
Fish Knife
Soup Spoon
10. Breads Butter Plate 11. Butter Knife
12. Dessert Spoon and Cake Fork 13. Water Goblet
14. Red Wine Goblet
15. White Wine Goblet
An artichoke is consumed using
thefingers.Remove one leaf at
provided. Eat only the fleshy
part of the leaf, scraping it off
between your teeth. Then put
the leaf on the side of your
plate. After eating the large
leaves, you will find some small
leaves with sharp points at the
top.Removethesetothesideof removethecornfromthecob
your plate The remaining part of the artichoke is called the heart Cut the heart into sections using a fork and knife, and dip with the fork into the sauce to eat To serve artichokes from the mainplatter,usealargeveg- etable spoon, casserole spoon or berry serving spoon for smaller artichokes. For large artichokes you will need the assistance of a cold meat fork.
After using the master butter knife to place the butter onto your bread plate, use the indi- vidual butter spreader to spread enough butter for a bite size piece. Break bread, such as a dinner roll, into small pieces to eat. Restaurants sometimes serve bread in a basket Take one piece, place it onto the bread plate and pass the basket counterclockwise. When served a solid loaf of bread, use the bread knife to cut one piece. The bread knife is a long knife with a serrated edge.
Cherry tomatoes can be picked up and consumed using the fin- gers. They are consumed whole, unless it is served in a salad or other entree. Since cherry toma- toes are notorious for squirting,
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
When olives are served on a condiment or relish tray, use the OliveForktoplacethemon your plate. Olives are a finger food. Large stuffed olives are best eaten in two bites.
ow, title < ^ od )
with a steak knife and eat using a fork. Butter picks can be used as corn holders.
Before lobster is served, it is cracked at all points with the tail split in half using Lobster Shears. Individual nutcrack- ers are handy for each guest as well as Cocktail Forks to remove the meat Pull out the meat with your Cocktail Fork and dip it into melted butter. If your lobster is served cold, it may be served with mayon- naise. Eat the tail meat by pulling out one piece at a time. If you pull out a particularly large piece, cut it with your dinner knife or fork before dipping. Place the empty shell pieces onto a separate waste bowl or plate.
Use an oyster server or large tablespoon to serve oysters. Oysters on the half shell are usually served on ice with a small dish of cocktail sauce. Use your Cocktail Fork to spear the oyster and dip into the cocktail sauce. Eat the oyster in one bite. At an informal setting, it is acceptable to pick up the shell with your fingers and suck the oyster right off the shelL
A pierced tablespoon or pea spoon are the preferred server for peas. There are a number of ways to get peas onto your fork Either move them against the meat and scoop them onto the fork, or use a crust of bread to help "push" the peas on the fork, but never your fingers.
besuretobreaktheskininyour Ideally,yourtablewillhavea
mouth before chewing. If they are served in a salad or other dish, cut and eat using the fork.
Chicken is never eaten with the fingers in a formal dining situa- tion. In an informal setting, you can eat the smaller pieces (wing, leg,joints)withfingers.Larger pieces, such as chicken breast must be cut using a place or steak knife. A large meat fork is used to serve yourself from the main platter.
When a condiment is used, place your choices on the bread & butter plate using the Condiment or Mustard Ladle. A salad plate can be used for this purpose.
Fish Serving Fork and Fish Slice to serve from the serving plate to the dinner plate. Also, Individual Fish Forks and Knives are a great addition to place settings. If a sauce is served separately, use a small sauce ladle to place it on top of your serving and return to the sauce dish. When provided, use thelemonforktospearapiece of lemon before squeezing it over the fish.
The best sterling silver items to have for eating fresh fruit are the Fruit Knife and Fruit Fork. Cut large fruits into quarters, and peel before eating. Of course, peeling the fruit is an option. Place any seeds and the peel on the side of the plate. Stewed fruits are eaten with a spoon. The fruit is eaten off of the pit, and the pit is placed onto the spoon (out of your mouth) and placed on the side of the plate.
Cornonthecobisusually served at informal gatherings. It is acceptable to eat it by holding it with both hands. If you prefer butter as a topping, take a pat and butter only a few rows of corn as it is con- sumed. In a formal setting,
There are normally at least two forks at each place setting on the left side of the plate. In America, the salad is usually served as a first course so the small salad fork is on the out- side and is used first A fine restaurant or considerate host- ess, will always serve the lettuce salad in bite size pieces. However, if you are served large pieces or a whole wedge of lettuce, cut one bite at a time using the knife provided. If salad is the main course, such as a luncheon, use the entree fork. If the salad is served prior to the main course or after, use the smaller salad fork. Lettuce salad is served using a sterling silver salad set, a large spoon and fork. These can perform double duty and serve as indi- vidual servers.
Holding the shish kabob in one hand, use the dinner fork to remove the pieces with the other. After all the food is transferred from the stick to your plate, place it on the side of the plate. Eat the meat and vegetables using the dinner fork and knife.
Small shrimp cocktail can be dipped into the cocktail sauce using the cocktail fork. If the shrimp are large, they must be placed onto the plate and cut with the fork provided before dipping them into the sauce. A salad fork or cocktail fork can be used for large shrimp. Use the condiment ladle to transfer cocktailsaucetoyourplate.
A clear soup is served with a small, round soup spoon. A cream soup is served with a medium, round soup spoon. A gumbo soup is served with a large, round soup spoon. An oval soup spoon is used for all types of soup and some desserts. When you are served soup in a cup with one or two handles, it is acceptable to pick it up and drink the soup. When served soup in a bowl, always use a soup spoon. Do not pick the bowl up to drink the soup and never make slurping sounds while eating. A bowl of soup is placed on a plate when served. When you are finished with the soup, place the soup spoon on the side of the plate At a formal dinner, this notifies the server that you are ready for the next course, A ladle with a long han- dle and a large, round bowl on the end is used to serve soup. A punchladle,onewithalonger handle and serving lip on the bowl, can be used when needed. However, the soup ladle is much easier to use for this purpose. Crackers for soup are to be transferred onto the bread & butter plate from the serving plate or bowl (preferably with a Cracker Scoop). For oyster crackers, drop several into the soup. Larger crackers are bro- kenupintosmallerpiecesand scattered into the soup.
It may look difficult, but it is easy to eat spaghetti with a fork and place spoon. The place spoon serves as a base of opera- tion. Place a forkful of spaghetti strands, not too much, into the bowl of the place spoon. Then twirl it around until the strands
arefirmlywrappedaroundthe fork in a bite size portion. It is also acceptable to use the fork and cut the spaghetti into bite size portions. A sterling silver macaroni server or pasta server are ideal to serve any type of pasta. A gravy ladle, large casse- role spoon or tablespoon can be used to serve different types of sauces.
Sushi is served in bite size pieces. It can be consumed using thefingers,chopsticks, or a fork It is usually enjoyed by dipping into soy sauce or other condiments. Place the condi- ments on your plate using a condiment ladle.
Waituntilateabagsteepstothe desired strength and remove the bag to the saucer before drink- ing a cup of tea. When dining in a restaurant, they usually serve the tea in a pot of hot water, or simply a tea bag on the side of a pot of hot water. Place the tea bag into the pot and allow it to steep to the desired strength, then remove the bag to the saucer on which the pot sets. Whenyouareservedteafroma teapot in which loose tea has steeped, you will need a sterling silverteastrainertopreventthe leaves from going into your cup. Place the silver tea strainer on top of your cup and pour the tea into the cup. Demitasse spoons are ideal to use when serving tea or coffee.
Baldrige, Letitia. The Amy Umderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette: A Guide to Contem-
porary Living. Garden Gty, New York: Doubleday & Company, Ino, 1978.
Craig, Betty. Don't Shop Your Soup: A Basic Guide to Business Etiquette. New Brighton, Minnesota: Brighton Publications, 1991.
DuPont, M. Kay. Business Etiquette and Professionalism: Your Guide to Career Success. Los Altos, California: Crisp Publications, 1990.
"Etiquette," Alpha Omiavn Pi Recruitment Manual, 1998
Young, Marjabelle and Buchwald, Ann, White Gloves andParty Manners, Robert B. Luce, Inc, 1972.
"Dining Etiquette," Ball State U, wwwbsu.edu/careers/manners.
CuisineNet Diner's Digest, www.cuisineNet.com/digest/cus- tom/etiquette.
Etiquette Advice Reference, www.westernsilver.coni/etiquette.
The Original Tipping Page, www.tipping.oig.
The Etiquette Survival Kit, www.eti- quettesurvivaLcom.
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
byMariellen Perkinson Sasseen Alpha Delta (U of Alabama). To Dragma Editor
FurnitureorAny Large Appliance
Wine Steward Bartender
Coat Check
Rest Room Attendant Car Attendant
Shampooist Manicurist Stylist
Room Service Bellhop
Concierge Lobby Attendant
$1 to $2 for short distance
$2 to $3 for longer distances
$5 for larger deliveries $5to$10perperson
(If delivery is difficult or assembly is required, $20 per person)
$2 to $5
15% ofbill 20% if4 star or extraordinary service 15% ofwine bill
10-15% of bar bill
$1 for upto two coats 50d;
$ 1
$1 to $2
$1 or more 15% of bill
$5pernight 15% of bill
$10 for bringing you to room with luggage
$5 to $10
$1 for help with luggage or finding taxi
Airport Skycaps
Cruise CabinSteward
Bus Boy Maitred' Wine Steward
Drivers Limousine
Tour Guide Taxi
Spa Trainers
$ 1 per bag minimum
$3to3.50perdayperperson $3 per day per person
$1.50 per day per person optional
tip usually added automatically
20% of fare
$1 to $2 per person per day 15% of fare
$50 more or less depending on level of personal attention. $5to$10
Two nights pay or more plus gift Cost of a regular session plus gift A weeks pay
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
Baby Sitter
Beauty Salon
DayCareWorkers $15to$25plusgift GarbageCollectors $15to$20each Mai] Carriers
Aletterofappreciationtotheir supervisor and a gift with a cash valuenomorethan$20tocomply with government agencies policies. $15to$25ifdaily,$5to
$15 if weekend only
After reading a few of these chap- ter news reports, you will better understand why we say "AOII is for life!' From fun and fellowship activi- ties, to support for collegiate chap- ters and community service, these chapter members are enjoying the friendships found within AOII. W e encourage you to become involved with your local alumnae chapter, or toconsiderstartingone,'ifthereis
of the year and anyone with ideas can either attend the meeting or submit the idea beforehand. Each member of the social committee takes responsibility for planning one or two of the agreed upon events. Our amazing chapter secretary informs all of the members about upcoming events v ia e-mail a n d newsletter. We look forward to many more exciting events to come!
As the new millennium approaches, Ottawa celebrates its 30th Anniversary as an alumnae chapter and over 40 years
skating rink in the world (otherwise known as th e Rideau Canal), a n d Founders' Day. As befits the beginning of a millennium, the latter event, alwaysa highlight, will be celebrated, not at the home of an alumna, but at the Gamma Chi Chapter house, forging closer and closer links between the younger and older sisters. What might be the start of a new tradition has been planned by our golfing members, namely, a "chicks with sticks" event to take place in May just before th e Great Glebe Garage sale, which, incidentally last year, netted $200 for Gamma Chi. What is perhaps the longest standing tradition for the chapter
j not one in your area.
Our Tun-loving alumnae chapter has always been very active, but this year has been one of the best yet! We enjoyed a visit from our ANS, Sue Schell that was very helpful. We brought lunch to our collegiate sisters at recruit- ment retreat and held a conversation workshop. Socially speaking, w e enjoyed a "death by chocolate event" to welcome new alumnae into the chapter, a summer alumnae barbecue, a year- end soiree, and an afternoon of belly dancing. Our 2nd annual pottery night is upcoming and promises to be as fun and successful as ever. Our philan- thropy event this year will be to partici- pate in the Jingle Bell Fun Run for Arthritis. This will be a joint activity with th e collegiate members. And speaking of those hard-working colle- gians, the alumnae are always involved with assisting during recruitment. After this year's successful recruitment week, we held a bid pick-up dinner for th e
HuntsvilleAlumnae honored new International President CaroleJurenkcJones(Alpha Delta) andherfamfy with a tea. From left hersisterJanet Jurento Brown (Alpha Delta), adulter LauraJones, Carole and her mother. Ruth Jurenka
meeting as a club. Over time, certain tra- chapter. Whew! That's about it. In ditions have emerged, such as the annual
is the members' involvement with so many community charities. AOII h a s taught us well to use our leadership training lovingly to help others.
order to be able to have so many suc- cessful events, we have a social commit- tee to share the workload. We have a brainstorming session at th e beginning
spring luncheon always held in some very special restaurant, the ice skating party and pot luck supper at Louise Archer's home adjacent to th e longest
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
We had another exciting year in Toronto! We kept the spirit of AOII alive with monthly events, including: our highly successful Founders' Day event at the King Edward Hotel; partici- pation in the Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy Stationary Bike Race; and a tour of the Niagara Ontario Wine Region with the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter. Other philanthropic events included our third annual participation in the Terry Fox Run, where we hope to place among the top Toronto area cor- porate teams again this year. Our var- ied and committed activities over the last biennium won us a Distinguished Service Award at Convention - great job everyone! We do our best to include events that appeal to our diverse mem- bership - if you would like to suggest something, please contact Dee Campbell our VP Membership at (416) 481-8225.
The Montreal Alumnae Chapter, in con- junction with Kappa Phi Chapter, is pleased to announce a celebration in honour of Kappa Phi's 60th anniversary (March 25, 1939) and 10th anniversary of re-installation (November 11, 1989) to be held in conjunction with Founders' Day Brunch on December 5, 1999. We hope to welcome members from far and wide and share som e stories from through the years. We have also desig-
United States
ToOrajrma/WliNTER 1999
L/nfe RockA/umnae and families enjoy
nated this as Get Back to AOII year, targeting younger alumnae who have not yet realized the benefits of continued active membership in the Fraternity. For any information in regards to chapter activities, please contact Wendy Moon Bolyn, AP at (514) 639- 9077 or by email at
[email protected]. We would like to wish all our sisters a safe and happy transition into Y2K!! Happy Holidays!
Little Rock
The Little Rock Alumnae Chapter began the year at Robin Besancon Gibson's house with a great dinner cooked by the officers. (Robin gets to see President Clinton play golf in her backyard when he is in Little Rock!) In October we held a garage sale to raise money for The AOII Foundation and the building fund. November found us making pottery for the holidays at a local pottery shop. Then came the Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis. For the second year an AOII, V anessa Altom Kennon, was in charge ol' the volunteers for the race. Christmas Brunch and Founders' Day were two big Saturday luncheons for us. In February we will have a speaker on organizing our lives and homes'. Then we elect new officers in March, make a fun Spring craft in April, and enjoy Imelda De Leon Home's pool in May with a big picnic dinner. We have a devoted group of sis- ters which keeps AOII alive in the Little Rock area!
Palo Alto
The Palo Alto Alumnae are looking for- ward to a busy year of AOII activities. We made small quilts for abused and home- less children at an old-fashioned quilting bee in November, as well as participated, with our neighboring San Mateo Alumnae Chapter, in the local Jingle Bell Run for the Arthritis Foundation. We were among the earliest to celebrate the new millennium with a Christmas Party in early December, where we again col- lected toys for a local toy drive. The Year 2000 will bring Founders' Day, a docent tour of the Stanford University Art Museum, an AOII Antiques Roadshow with a local antiques expert and a Cinco de Mayo luncheon among other events planned for the spring. We welcome all AOIIs in the area to come and enjoy our sisterhood.
International President Carole Jones (Alpha Delta) was honored by her alumnae chapter on September 19th at the home of Nancy Van Valkenburgh (Tau Delta) in Huntsville, AL. In atten- dance were Carole's mother, Ruth Jurenko; sister, Janet Brown (Alpha Delta); and daughter Laura. Huntsville Alumnae President Marie Newberry (Delta Delta) planned the successful event that was featured in the local newspaper. The tea was the first event of the chapter's 1999-2000 calendar.
The Phoenix Alumnae Chapter contin- ues their service to AOII and the com- munity. Our holiday auction netted a profit of $1000. It continues to be one of our most successful meetings ol the year. We also continue our alliance with the Phoenix Fire Department and donated another 100 stuffed panda bears to the various stations. We continue to collect them for our annual donations.
San Fernando Valley
The San Fernando Valley chapter cele- brated our 50th anniversary with a lun- cheon on June 13, 1999 at the Simi Valley Radisson Hotel. Sisters old and new gathered for this celebration mark-
brunch at which we'll also honor our 50 year members, several philanthropic projects, an outing at Descanso Gardens, a cookie and ornament exchange and a movie outing to view a film that one of our members served as a consultant.
Founders' Day festivities, we strength- ened our bond, over lunch, with more than 200 sisters from 4 collegiate and 7 alumnae chapters. Our 30th Anniversary was a wonderful opportuni- ty to reminisce with established friends and swap memories with new ones! We loved sharing the fun with our families during our "surprise salad" holiday party and while feeding ducks at our summer picnic. Spirits and attendance were high at our September Membership Recruitment Brunch where everyone came together to create a delicious potluck! Our Chapter President Carin Adler, had an incredi- ble experience representing us at Convention. She brought home, a renewed and contagious enthusiasm for the sisterhood we share, which enables us to accomplish the goals that we set before us each new year!
West LosAngeles
Whether it's learning how to cook a turkey in 2 hours, or designing the per- fect party favor for Founders' Day, the women in West LA have been very busy this year. West LA is excited to be host- ing the first Founders' Day of the new century! We anticipate a group of 200 plus AOIIs to help celebrate our found- ing! We are also continuing our philan- thropic endeavors through participation in a variety of charities. As always, we are combining fitness with a great cause by walking in several 5K's. We are hop-
ing a milestone of renewed sisterhood and a show of support for the future of AOII. This celebration kicked off the beginning of summer activities as well as activities scheduled on a monthly- basis. We are volunteering for the Arthritis Foundation and meet monthly for fun activities such as ladies night out and bunko night
San Gabriel Valley
The first year for the San Gabriel Valley Alumnae Chapter was a busy one. Our chapter was installed on April 17, 1999 by Janis Nelson. Twenty-four sisters joined us for the installation and a taco bar luncheon served at the home of Helen Carlson. We also adopted a local philanthropy, WINGS, which supports battered and abused women in the local area. In addition to business meetings, we've also had an evening of scrapbook- ing and a girls night out at a ceramics painting store — both gave us a lot of fun and sisterhood. For the upcoming year, we've adopted a theme of Scores of AOIIs. We're having a welcome
Son GabrielValleyAlumnae Chapter Installation April San Jose
The San Jose Alumnae kicked off a new year with our annual fall brunch in October. We got together to paint ceramic pieces in November, had a cookie exchange in December, and are looking forward to a fun year with more social events and fewer business meet- ings. In January we will celebrate the New Year at a local restaurant. We helped Delta Sigma (San Jose State) with their fall recruitment and look for- ward to doing the same
in the spring. We will finish off the year with our annual spring lun- cheon where we wel- come the recent Delta Sigma graduates into alumnae status.
Southern Orange County This past year has been very busy and exciting! Our annual Holiday Boutique was our most successful ever! As host chapter of our local
Ft Lauderdale Alumnae Chapter 1998 Founders'Day Auction
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
ing that many of our Southern California AOIIs will join us in the Revlon Walk/Run in May 2000. West LA has registered A01I as a team. This will help get our name out for a great cause. The Revlon Walk/Run benefits Breast Cancer Research.WLA members walk in memory of Three Tyler, aWLA founding member, and in memory and honor of other loved ones.
Fort Lauderdale
The 1998-1999 year was a great time to be a Ft. Lauderdale alumna! Our year began with a Potluck Supper held at one of our member's home, where we caught up on all the summer news and tidbits and everyone brought their favorite dish. In November, we had our very fun and successful Wine-Tasting party, where many members
bought some great Holiday gifts for their family and friends. In December, we held our always popular and favorite Founders Day Auction and Luncheon, where we were joined by our Miami and Boca Raton chap- ters. During this celebration of the lastingness of our sister- hood, we collected children's toys and clothes for needy fami- lies who are clients of the St. Maurice Church transitional housing program HESED. We later presented these toys to the church to help a total of about 6 families and 12 children who would not have had these won- derful gifts without our help.
The Spring began with a ceramics party where members painted and cre- ated their own items in a ceramics stu- dio. In March, we had a St. Patricks' couples party in downtown Ft. Lauderdale. In April, we installed our new officers and held formal Ritual at the lovely Riverside Hotel. We ended the season with a dinner at the Bimini Boatyard on the Ft. Lauderdale Intracoastal waterway. We are looking
forward to even more fun, excitement and sisterhood in the 1999-2000 season of our alumnae chapter!
Greater Pensacola
This year each Pensacola alumna con- tinued to support many various groups and organizations. As a chapter we donated toiletries to Ronald McDonald House and food to Manna Food Bank.
We enjoyed AOII collegians and their mothers' at our annual Alumnae Christmas Luncheon. It was a pleasant afternoon, and very reassuring to learn of the future of AOII. Our casual Saturday lunches have helped us to meet new members and renew friend- ships.
Greater Pinellas
Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter
alumnae n presentation by members who had trav-
eled out of the country recently. We cel- ebrated the Kentucky Derby race with our husbands, enjoyed monthly lunches together, and book and investment club meetings. We also continue to support Gamma Theta at USF in Tampa. In June, our president, Betty Dyer, was presented with a Rose Award at the 1999 International Convention in Orlando. G-Pac won 3 awards including Foundation Support, Chapter Performance, and was a Distinguished Service Finalist.
The Jacksonville Alumnae Chapter cele- brated its installation on March 27, 1999, at the Windsor Parke Country Club. A group of 20 area women became charter members of the alum- nae group. Julie Briner, ANES, joined by four University of Florida collegians, presided over the cere- mony, which was fol- lowed by a luncheon at the club. Since our installation, through a variety of both service and social activities, our alumnae group has striven to rekindle the bonds of sister- hood we felt so strong- ly during our college years. We selected Hubbard House, a
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
The successful I999 Roses to (he Rescue fund raiser for the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter
* • » , ,
local lull service domestic violence cen-
enjoyed a year of successful programs and socials emphasizing AOII friend- ships. We learned about estate planning, raised money with a luncheon and fash- ion show and shared our traditional Spirits of Christmas Brunch with our husbands. We celebrated the last Founders' Day of the 90's with a lun- cheon and Marty Harrison, AOII Alumnae Network Specialist, was our speaker. We toured several St. Petersburg home gardens, presented by the Museum of Fine Arts, and enjoyed a
ter here in the Jacksonville area, as our local philanthropy. Toiletries, canned goods, clothing, and other disposable items to be donated to Hubbard House qualify as "admission" to our alumnae gatherings. Jacksonville area alumnae interested in finding out more about our group should contact Kris Graham, chapter president, at 221-5298 or via the Internet at [email protected].
Zoo Atlanta's President and CEO. 11 you would like more information about this event, please contact Dana Ray at 404/257-0739. Tickets are $75.00 per person.
Our alumnae chapter members received many wonderful surprises in 1998-99. We raised just over $200 at our first AOII garage sale. At convention we were pre-
The Orlando Area Alumnae Chapter voted to give $200 to the Arthritis Foundation to be used for funding a campership for a child to attend the Boggy Creek Gang Camp. "Children Have Arthritis, Too" is a major interest of the Orlando Area alumnae. Alison Brinkman Presley, the Orlando Area AO IJ representative, and Marty Harrison, Honorary Member of the Arthritis Board, worked with other board and community members to help the Arthritis Foundation sponsor a fash- ion show, "The Magic of Caring", which was held on November 7, 1999. The cost was $40 per person. An elegant luncheon at Heathrow Country Club
preceded the fashion show. Several AOIIs were among those modebng the designer wear. Proceeds from the event went to benefit the children in central Florida who suffer from arthritis.
an evening of AOII CrazyB n d g e
comments from Dr. Terry Maple,
The Atlanta Alumnae will host its second annual "Roses to the Rescue" gala on March 18, 2000 at the Atlanta Athletic Club. The money raised from this event will benefit Zoo Atlanta's Chinese Forest Exhibit for the Giant Pandas. Last year $23,000 was raised for the Pandas' new home in Atlanta. This year we anticipate an even larger turnout. Money is raised from ticket sales, sponsor- ship tables and donated silent auction items. Our goal this year is to raise $35,000 for the Pandas. Not only is this a great benefit, our members and guests really enjoy a fun evening. The gala includes a cocktail hour and silent
auction browsing, an elegant din- enpy ner, dancing to a live band and
sented a DSA, two of our alumnae won Rose Awards, and we discovered an alum- na would be moving into our area. At our July brunch prizes were given out to our '98- '99 Rose Points winners. Our mem- bers look forward to another exciting year. We have chosen 'Continuing our Education with AOII' for our programs, which include a visit to the Community Cancer Center to learn about breast cancer and craft night at Hobby Lobby. We will be helping to host Illinois State Day 2000. We will finish out our year with 'recess' time as we get together for a Ladies' Night Out dinner and movie. We welcome all alum- nae new to our area to join us as we usher in the new millennium!
During the past year, the Champaign- Lrbana alumnae concluded our world tour, "visiting" countries in our quest to catch up with Stella. This year we are tak- ing it easy and relaxing with "Fun and Games." Our traditional meetings include a pineapple party with our IIOAs, girls night out, desserts for collegians and sum- mer luncheon. Each of these will include a game or puzzles for our members and guests to enjoy. For two meetings we will work on our specially designed and deliv- ered survival kits that are most appreciat- ed by all the weary Iota Chapter test-tak- ers during finals. We have a small core of energetic and hardworking members and are delighted to have a welcomed addi-
tion of five newcomers join us this fall. We look forward to the new millennium with great anticipation for even better things to come.
Chicago City
Chicago City Alumnae had a great year - with continuing traditions and setting up new ones. We had runners and volunteers for the 2nd time in the Jingle Bell Run, in November 1998, an annual run for arthritis research. We will be represented at this year's run as well. Chicago City started a new tradition - an annual silent auction and raffle. Our first one raised over $400 for our chapter and the local arthritis research organizations in
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
Champaign-Urbana Alumnae tally their Oazy Bridge scores.
Chicago. Our second auction is planned for November 1999. Our 3rd annual garage sale was a success in raising over $250 for our chapter and arthritis research in June 1999. Our alumnae also participated in events such as the AIDS Ride in July 1999, volunteering at Marshall Fields during the 1998 holiday season and many other such events.
Chicago West Suburban
holidays. As a change of pace, we will hold a meeting at the Warren Township Library, our speaker is an AOII and it will be open to the
public. Our volun- teer work at A Safe Place will continue, as will Chicago's Founders' Day cel- ebration. This spring we plan on visiting with the collegiate women of Northern Illinois University and hav- ing lunch with them. It will be a fun filled year!
The AOIIs in Bloomington have been extremely busy this year. Many are partici- pating in the efforts to recolonize the Beta Phi Chapter. Also, chapter members are enjoying activities such as pottery painting at a local pottery shop, pumpkin painting for the local battered women's shelter, paper making ses- sions and a cookie exchange. Besides these activities, the chapter has started a Lunch Bunch for
both collegiate and alumnae, from the Chicagoland areas. February was dedicated to learning about the AOII Foundation and proved to be a very enlighting evening. In May we took ourselves out for a nice dinner at a local Greek restaurant and said good-bye to a long time member whose husband was transferred to Singapore. We miss you Nancy!
Lake County of III
Lake County of Illinois has a busy year planned. We have already completed an Adopt-a-Highway cleanup and had our new member social at the home of Shirley Aiken in Lake Forest. This year, we are holding our meetings on a variety of nights and weekend days. In October we visited with our dear friend Florence Magnuson at a local nursing home. Florence pledged at Northwestern University in 1922! We learned the fine art of "stamping" this fall in time for the
chapter members each month. The idea is to bring members of all ages togeth- discuss AOII news and just
The 1998-99 calender year was a huge success as we saw our membership grow to over 50 dues paying members - the first time in over 15 years! Our annual fall events include a nut and candy sale, a hol- iday auction and Christmas dinner and ornament exchange. The great success of our fund raisers enables us to donate to our favorite charities, including University of Chicago Children's Hospital, AOII Foundation, and the Care and Counseling Center. Founders' Day was celebrated in January with sisters,
Macomb County Alumnae 1999 founders' Day Celebration.
brought our Formal Ritual Workshop and Ritual. In May,we raised $1500 for the Indiana University Arthritis Research Center through a series of garage sales throughout the city of Indianapolis. We took the summer off with the exception of the Summer Salad Luncheon in July to keep in touch. We welcomed everyone back in September with a Fall Pitch-in Dinner and learned to decorate our homes for the "Fallidays", in October. At our November holiday party we collected supplies for Red Cross share kits. The Jingle Bell run will be our last activity for the millennium.
Strong sisterhood and caring are at the core of the Muncie Alumnae Chapter. Many members have been together in this group for more than 30 years, serving as Alumnae Chapter officers, on the Advisory Council for Kappa Kappa Chapter, and on the Corporation Board. We again provided food for K K consideration hours, and our September "Salads and More" carry-in featured Robbi Peterson, our ANS, and a review of International Convention. Our theme, "AOII - A
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
Munae Alumna, Pa Caetz, during therValentme Mystery Dinner.
er for lunch to
have fun with their sisters.
Nineteen ninety-nine has been a busy year for the Indianapolis AOII Alumnae Chapter. We started the year out with our annual Founders' Day Tea. Our February meeting kept us in stitches with humorist and author Kathy Hammer. We put our creativity to the test in March with a Make It/ Take It Craft night. We each made two dish towel bunnies and kept one and donat- ed the others to a local home. April
alumnae 5
World of Possibilities" (our Convention theme) will include programs on model trains, the Par East, "Up with People", and assisted living facilities. We had a spirited evening with our Holiday Auction in November, and look for- ward to a meaningful Founders' Day celebration with K K collegiate chapter, and the annual Senior Tea in the spring. Our February spouse/guest evening is a favorite!
Terre Haute
The best news about the Terre Haute Alumnae Chapter, is that we have grown! Membership increased from 14 last fall to 24 this spring. Recent activi- ties have included hosting Kappa Alpha Chapter seniors at a spring meeting, attending a summer cookout at an alumna's home and meeting in September in the newly redecorated Kappa Alpha main suite at Indiana State University. Several members also participated in Christmas in April in Terre Haute, a program designed to rehab homes of those in need. Hats off to AOII Alumnae who helped scrape paint off a basement wall and paint
kitchen ceiling tiles.
Greater Kansas Cry alumnae plan for their gft wrap sales /und raiser
kickoff party at the zoo where members
got together. Drinks and desserts were Many exciting things happened at provided by the chapter. In November
Bowling Green
Convention for the Bowling Green
Alumnae Chapter. We had four B.C.
alumnae in attendance. Our own Rachel
Allen received the prestigious Adele K.
Hinton Award for Excellence. This
award honors an alumna who has that benefit the chapter. In December worked tirelessly for the Fraternity and we held a Christmas ornament who has, most especially, served as a
personal example and inspiration to others; in loving memory of Adele K. Hinton, Past International President. A surprise reception was held in her honor upon return to Bowling Green
exchange at a member's home. January will be our Founders' Day celebration with details still being planned. Our annual business meeting will take place in March with officer elections and a celebration of St. Patrick's Day. Our year will wrap up in May with our annual Senior Send-off where we wel- come our new alumnae sisters from Pi Alpha and the second annual AOII Day at the Downs. Our chapter will sponsor a race at Churchill Downs where last year a lot of fun was had by members, family and friends.
Northern Kentucky
The Northern Kentucky Alumnae Chapter has a fun year planned for its 1999-2000 calendar. Our theme is "Foods from around the World". Our kickoff meeting had an oriental flavor and in November we tasted Thai foods. December 11th was our Founders' Day celebration and in January we'll go to Montgomery Inn, an annual tradition that has certainly become a favorite. We are holding elections in early 2000 and serving Italian food that evening. We
we collected cans of food to give to a local food shelter and we participated in the Reindeer Romp for the local arthri- tis foundation, this is a 5K walk/run where participants collect donations
To I)ragma/WINTER 1999
Bozemon Alumnae celebrate "AOPie Nigt'at
with many alumnae and collegians attending. Other convention awards received were perfor- mance certificates for the Bowling Green Alumnae Chapter, Alpha Chi Alumnae Advisory Committee, and the Alpha Chi Corporation Board. We are very excited about our sched- ule of events this next year, and we welcome any Bowling Green area alumnae to join us in the great sisterhood that we have continued to foster.
The Kentuckiana Chapter has some exciting activities planned for the upcoming year. We started off with a
the Alpha Phi house.
enjoy getting together and always have fun. We invite all alumnae in the area to
join us for some AOII fun.
Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge AOII's are saying Yes to Drugs'-legitimately of course! This year our chapter is striving to serve not just AOII but our community as well. One of the projects will be to collect over-the- counter drugs (aspirin, cough medicine,
Starting Fall 1999, our quarterly newslet- ter will be mailed to each of the four col- legiate chapters in Louisiana. Our mis- sion is to impress upon these collegians that AOII is a lifetime commitment and the bonds of sisterhood only strengthen as you grow in your love for AOII. We realize we are sisters by chance but have grown to be friends by choice. 'Here's to Friends' was the theme for a dinner at El Chico's in October and a Holiday Ornament Exchange in December. 'Back
Hammond Area
This year we have decided to focus on those activities that historically draw the biggest crowds so that we can make them even bigger. Programming includ- ed helping the Kappa Tau's during Rush (over 50 different alumnae attended this year!) In November our fund raiser was delivering roses to the new members on initiation day ordered from us by their parents with their own personal mes- sage attached. The first weekend in
etc) to donate to centers which provide help to the needy. Each month the chapter will have a 'theme drug' which will be collected at the monthly meet- ings and noted on the meeting notices. Also in lieu of a Christmas Party we have decided to gather with collegians home for the holidays to serve a meal at the soup kitchen or work at the local home for abused women. Our philan- thropy co-chairwomen Camille Savoie and Anne Lemoine are coordinating these activities.
Central Louisiana
Sisterhood and friendship are priorities in our chapter as our calendar and theme "The Power of Friendship" reflect for 1999-2000. In May of 1999, area alumnae gathered to honor collegians from Lambda Tau Chapter and Kappa Chi Chapter who were from Central LA.
to Basics with Ritual' will start off our new year as we enjoy a potluck dinner and renew our vows to AOII. In February, a celebration of sisterhood will take place as we attend the LA State Day hosted by our sisters from Baton Rouge, LA. March finds us calling all panda's just in time to show the power of friendship through panda giving as we celebrate our first Founders' Day event. In May our 1999-2000 calendar of events is com- plete as we realize we will be friends as the years go by. On this particular night, alumnae and area collegians will gather to learn the fun and creative method of organizing pictures and displaying our favorite memories. Alpha Omicron Pi, friends as the years go by....Sisters are loved for many things but friendship most of all! We welcome all AOIIs in Central LA. to join in any or all of our events this year and help us celebrate "The Power of Friendship-AOll."
New Orleans
The New Orleans Alumnae Chapter is looking forward to an exciting last year of the millennium in the Crescent City! Receiving a Performance Certificate for our hard work and recognition from the Foundation at the '99 Convention was a wonderful way to kick-off the year. We have a lot to look forward to with our fun-filled calender of events for '99-00 and all the excitement about the re-col- onization of Pi. We invite you to join us at www.angelfire.com/la/nolaaoii
Dearborn alumnae have a busy season planned for 1999-2000. In September, we visited a local library to view an art exhibit prepared by our member, Susan Nash. In November, Christmas stockings were assembled for children staying at the First Step Domestic
To Dragma/WINTER L999
Alumnae Chapter.
December was our bi-annual exam survival kit meeting and Founders' Day will be held in March. Then the 1st week of May will bring another survival kit meeting. Again, we are trying to keep our calendar simple. For more information on any of these events please contact Janin Johnston at 86 Rosedown Dr., Destrehan, LA 70047. Phone (504)764-1589 or by e-mail: [email protected] We're also requesting that everyone in the Hammond Area send their e-mail addresses to this address so we can increase communication!!! Happy millennium!
Abuse Shelter, which we support. January 2000 will find us touring the Detroit Institute of Arts. In April we've planned a special evening of enjoyment that will serve to support the Detroit Alumnae Panhellenic Scholarship Fund. In May, we plan to take a walk through a local garden and learn about peace and harmony in our personal environment. We will celebrate June with a wonderful "Ladies Night Out" mother/daughter dinner.
Macomb County
Since 1980, we have supported leader Dogs for the Blind. With IIOAs and friends, we toured the school and present- ed a check to honor their 60th anniver- sary. Two other events with IIOAs and escorts were—a May evening lakeside Bar- B-Q- and a Clinton River dinner cruise when alumnae from Dearborn and North Suburban chapters joined us. Detroit area Founders' Day provided the opportunity to honor two of our members: Janet
Oxford Area
The Oxford Area Alumnae Chapter is in the youth of its existence. We meet monthly for social and planning time, participate in Nu Beta Chapter activities such as recruitment and alumnae instal- lation, and provide our members with a welcome back break from daily activi- ties. Last year we were able to send a member from Nu Beta to International Convention with her registration, hotel, and travel paid for through our fund raising efforts. This year we hope to work toward sending another collegian to convention in 2001 and step up our philanthropic activities, developing last- ing relationships in the process.
Greater Kansas City
The Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter has a renewed energy and focus on philanthropy projects and fund raisers this fall. Members kicked off the first meeting in September with a sister- hood chat in which members remi- nisced about college days and what our sorority means to them. AOHs shared both tears and laughter as current colle- gians along with 50-year members shared their memories and experiences. The group also threw a baby shower for Corresponding Secretary Benicia Ammons and then enjoyed ice cream sundaes and home baked cookies. Philanthropy Chair Amy Karlin pre- sented details on the chapter's new fund raising effort: giftwrap sales. In October, we celebrated Octoberfest with a winetasting presented by local wine connoisseur (and husband of AOII, Barb Witwer), Tom Witwer. In November, members participated in a now annual fund raiser/philanthropy project: building final-exam survival kits to sell to the parents of nearby colle- gians. Parents who purchase the kits provide the collegian's address, and AOII alumnae members fill boxes with goodies such as hot chocolate, granola bars, candy, Life Savers, microwave popcorn, highlighter pens and sticky
Detroit North Suburban
Detroit North Suburban is off to a great start this year with many exciting events planned. At our annual Pot Luck Dinner we hope to raise money through a Chinese Auction to support Zoo Atlanta's bid for a giant panda. We are also looking forward to a trip to the Butterfly House at the Detroit Zoo, a Wine and Cheese Party to celebrate Valentine's Day, and an opportunity to learn Ukrainian Egg Painting. Finally, of course, our annual flower sale will ben- efit the local collegiate chapters. There's something for everyone!
9 9 9 NewYork City Alumnae Founders'Day Celebration.
Nonenmacher Johnson, Omega, received her 50 year pin and JoAnne Nelson Nowak, Beta Gamma, accepted our Certificate of Achievement for exemplary alumnae service. President Robin Lee Beltramini's convention report emphasized the Something of Value risk management program. In September. Robin, Iota, repre- sented AOII International when the pro- gram was given at Michigan State University.
We were thrilled to receive a Distinguished Service Award and recogni- tion for highest per member contribution to the Foundation at Convention. Our goal for 1999-2000: To welcome new members to share out friendship and sisterhood.
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
notes, which are mailed to the women during the week of final exams. In December, a Founders' Day Luncheon allowed Kansas City area AOIIs to join with regional collegians to celebrate the founding of our sorority. January brings a new fund raising event: a Phantom Tea. Members will stuff let- ters with tea bags inviting recipients to take part in a benefit tea in which no one has to get dressed up or go any where! In return, they'll ask recipients to send dona- tions for arthritis research.
Lunch in Kansas City's
historic River Market area
will be a departure from the
norm for February's meet-
ing. Lunch will be followed
by a tour of the Steamboat Arabia museum, where members will view the thousands of artifacts recovered from this pre-Civil War sunken steamboat. Based on the success of similar meetings over the past few years, March's meeting will allow members to get creative, look forward to Spring's arrival and prepare for the chapter's annual April plant sale all at the same time. AOIIs will person- alize and paint terra-cotta pots using paints, sponges and stencils. In April, outgoing president Kate Swingle will lead alumnae chapter members through
Long Island Alumnae
Junior League - Jan 8th, High Tea at the Ritz - Feb 5th, Trivia Night Philanthropic fund-raiser at the Kirkwood Community Center - March 11th, and Salad Supper and Officer Installation - April 17th. I f you live in the area and would like to join in the fun and receive a complete cal- endar, please call Melania Harris (636) 530-7608.
The Centennial Bench pro- ject is nearly completed! The joint efforts of the Alpha Phi Chapter and The Bozeman Alumnae will be celebrated with the festive dedication of the AOII Bench during
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
6ud<5 County Alumnae Chapter Installation, November
skills. We each brought an appetizer and recipe to share as we caught up with summer hap- penings. I n October we dined out at Jalepeno's in Clayton. The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter was installed in November of 1929. To celebrate, we hosted a 70th Birthday Bash. As we move into 2000, the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter has an exciting schedule: Founders'
Day Luncheon at the
ritual and the installation of new alum- nae officers. Finally, in May, our annual year-end potluck and new graduate wel- come will allow members to enjoy a
Montana State Lniversity's Homecoming 2000. The $5,000.00 raised for the pro- ject was reached by generous donations from sisters throughout the United States and local projects. Our Annual AOPie Night was in October. Members of our chapter bring the pies and we meet New Members and get reacquainted with the collegians at the Alpha Phi house after their chapter meeting. As a way to raise funds for scholarship projects we held a silent auction for a "Fortune" (the Ty Panda Beanie Baby) by notifying poten- tial buyers in our Fall newsletter. Founders' Day, December 1, 1999, marked the celebration of our chapter's 75th anniversary. This was a festive event with many surprises and reflections as we celebrated with the Alpha Phi Chapter. We honored members for varied contri- butions to the fraternity in MSU's won- derful Alumni Foundation Building.
The Omaha Alumnae Chapter anticipates an exciting year following reorganization last year. Each monthly meeting has a theme to provide an opportunity for socializing balanced with business and
relaxed ending to a year philanthropy projects.
St. Louis
of satisfying
The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter would like to congratulate all of the other DSA winners and finalists. Being part of such a stellar group is an honor. Our AOII season started in September with our alumnae showing off their culinary
alumnae n
philanthropic objectives. The group pub- lishes a bi-annual newsletter with updates, member information, and a schedule of meetings, among other things. We support the Stephen Center, a local shelter dedicated to assist those who are ready to help themselves. The alum- nae are asked to bring specific items to each meeting for donation to the shelter. The group is on-line this year. Members have the opportunity to provide their email addresses to receive monthly reminders. We also have a telephone group that calls with the reminders if the members so choose. We look forward to a fun and productive year in AOII.
Las Vegas
The Las Vegas Alumnae Chapter cele- brated Halloween with a day at the park. Children of members, and "bor- rowed" children, and AOII's spent the afternoon making a "boo" wall hanging, painting pumpkins, decorating cookies, and having a costume parade.
We spent the holiday season at the home of Danette Adams, exchanging cookies, recipes, family holiday memo- ries, and unique "White Elephant" gifts. Spring will find us celebrating
G r e a t e r Harrisburg Alumnae
Founders' Day, providing philanthropy to a local charity, electing new officers, our IIOA Pizza and Pool Party and with a couple of socials to keep us busy. We look forward to any new arrivals to the Las Vegas area to join us!
New Jersey
Central New Jersey
Our growth continues! We have adopted the Phi Beta Collegiate Chapter at East Stroudsburg, PA. We help with recruit- ment parties and deliver Goodie Bags during spring finals, among other
in their local Jingle bell R u n for Arthritis.
things. We've recently made a local shelter for battered women in Somerset County the focus of our philanthropic efforts. A representative of the organiza- tion spoke at our fall kick-off and new member meeting. Over the past year, we participated in a Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre, and one of our own — Donna Temples (Epsilon Chi '88)— solved the crime! We also had a visit from Kim McGowan, who spoke about the AOII Foundation. This meeting was followed by a Memorial Service for two sisters we lost this year, Shirley Mahood Vanderhoof and Mary Kent-Miller Tennant. This year we're looking for- ward to our special Founders' Day lun- cheon and our Summer Covered Dish Social. Both gatherings are great sister- hood development events.
New York
Long Island
Long Island Alumnae took a break from the heat this summer at a backyard bar- becue and pool party hosted by Chapter President, Nancy Elliott. Sisters and their families enjoyed the cool dip after an especially hot and dry summer. Our many plans this year include making a quilt to donate to a worthy cause, a Pampered Chef fund raiser, a tea with the New York City Alumnae, a Founders' Day celebration and more! We're really excited that two chapter members are expecting babies this year,
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
Charlotte Alumnae Chapter
and one is due on January 1, 2000! AOIIs surely know how to welcome the new millennium! Our alumnae chapter continued its tradition of donating a Thanksgiving food basket to a local charity, and will collect food at each of its meetings for local soup kitchens.
anthropic projects this year. Our fall project was to volunteer at the American Cancer Society Breast Cancer Walkathon. We also participated in the "Pink Ribbon Campaign" and sold $100 worth of ribbons. Our winter projects were the Theta Pi Study Bags, our orna-
alumnae rims we adopted a local family for the holi-
days providing them with a meal and presents. Also many members partici- pated in the Jingle Bell Run in December which benefited Arthritis Research in the local area. We have lots of exciting philanthropy events planned for the 1999-2000 year.
Piedmont, N C
The Piedmont, NC Alumnae have another great year planned. We desig- nated September as our recruitment month, and through the dedication of our membership committee, we have added several wonderful women to our chapter. In October, we hosted our annual AOII Coffee House for Elon College's Parents' Weekend and on October 19, we participated in an ele- gant dinner party with the Winston- Salem Alumnae. In our efforts to build sisterhood, we invited the Epsilon Chi seniors to our November meeting/book swap. For the second year, we have par- ticipated in the Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis in December, followed by a pot-luck dinner at one of the member's home. We will be bringing in the New Year with our Founders' Day celebra- tion, complete with formal ritual, and will be celebrating February with a chocolate festival. After the chocolate, our March meeting will consist of a wellness fair of massages and aro- matherapy. We are planning a cookout with family members in April, and will complete our year's activities with a Ladies Night Out in May.
The Triangle Alumnae Chapter planned a variety of activities to finish the century. We are very excited about our new website. The Triangle AOIIs kicked offour new year with a cookout at Mary Ann Smith's home in September. At our October meeting, we learned about preserving our pho- tographs and presenting them in cre- ative ways. In November, at Laura Coble's home, we celebrated our AOII sisterhood with formal Ritual and then,
New York City Area
Giorieston Alumnae collected pandas forInternational Convention In Orlando
1999 was a very busy year for the New York City Alumnae Chapter. We started out this year with a formal tea at the posh Stanhope Hotel in celebration of Founders' Day. Our other activities included ice skating and an evening trip to the ballet to see Swan Lake. We were also very busy doing our part for the community: raising money for Arthritis Research and for AIDS Walk NY, volun- teering at the NYC Marathon, and also by bettering NYC schools through NY Cares Day. Additionally, each month our group gets together for informal dinners throughout the city to keep up on our sisters' busy lives. Our chapter ended the year with a festive holiday potluck in December.
ment auction and a food/gift basket for a local needy family for the holidays. In the spring, we will plan an activity with the New Jersey chapter of the Arthritis Foundation. We have invited a speaker from this group to our November dessert meeting for a presentation and ideas of how we can serve them. We are also busy with the Theta Pi Chapter at Wagner, most of us serving as advisers or Corp Board members. We also sched- ule several social events....pizza night with our families, coffee night at the local Starbucks and a night out on Broadway to see a show. "Sisterhood for Lifetime," is our favorite saying!
North Carolina
The Charlotte Alumnae Chapter has kicked off the year with selling enter- tainment books to raise money. This fall
NY/NJ Metro
The NY/NJ Metro Area Alumnae chap- ter has been busy planning several phil-
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
alumnae m
exchanged holiday ornaments. In December, Triangle AOIIs baked homemade goodies and assembled Exam Fun Packs for the Delta Upsilon Chapter at Duke University. We deliv- ered the goody bags to the collegians at Founders' Day, which was right before exam week. Everyone is already look- ing forward to our popular, relaxing lunch at the Fox and Hound restaurant in January. In February, we will be learning the latest techniques in how to take care of our hands and nails. The alumnae chapter will welcome the Delta Upsilon Seniors into alumnae status at the salad supper in March. In April, we will take a break after sub- mitting our taxes and meet for lunch at the Weathervane restaurant in Chapel Hill. NC. We also will prepare the Exam Fun Packs for the Delta Upsilon collegiate members in April to provide encouragement as they take their spring exams. The Triangle Alumnae Chapter will wrap up the year in May. We will plan our meetings for next year during a salad supper at Sue Mattern's home. We will "sell" our recipes to each other to help raise money for the capital campaign.
The Cleveland Area Alumnae are man- aging busy schedules, but always find time for sisterhood. Our program theme this year, purely by coincidence, revolves around food!(Hmmm...)Our annual Salad Potluck dinner in the fall kicked off the year with lots of catching up! We enjoyed cooking classes in the fall and a brewery tour too. Our holiday auction was a great girls' night out as we raised money for the AOII Foundation. Spring will find us cooking meals for
I Hi/ton Head Alumnae take a tour of nearby Savannah, Georgia sites.
families at the Ronald McDonald House. Maybe exercise should be the theme for next year's programming!
Bucks County
The Bucks County, PA chapter celebrat- ed our first anniversary in November. It has been a wonderful year for us as we were awarded two certificates at con- vention.We donated personal products to a women's shelter in our area. We have also gotten to know our fellow Bucks County sisters, and found we have so much in common, although we are from many different areas, and chapters. For many of us, it has been the first time we have been involved with an alumnae chapter, and what a reward- ing experience it has been!
Greater Harrisburg
Members of the Greater Harrisburg Area Chapter and their spouses, chil- dren and pets participated in the 1998 Jingle Bell Run to raise money and awareness for the Arthritis Foundation. In continued support for the needs of those stricken with Arthritis, members also helped staff at the Hershey Medical Center conduct "Camp Diversity". This is a program developed by the Girl Scouts of America and the Arthritis Foundation which helps young people understand the importance of healthy living and the limitations of those strick- en with illnesses such as arthritis.
ToDragma/WIINTKR 1999
Houston AOIIs and Houston Mayor Lee brown participate in the Arthritis Foundation's joint Walk
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Valley Alumnae Chapter has had another great year. We may be small, but we enjoy our times together, both the social and business meetings! Our members support two local colle- giate chapters. Several members attend- ed initiation at Phi Beta which brought back wonderful memories of our own initiations! We enjoyed attending Founders' Day events with the Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter and also with the Central Jersey Alumnae Chapter. What a wonderful way to share our common bond, renew friendships and make new ones! We invite all alum- nae in the Lehigh Valley to join us!
State College
The State College Alumnae celebrated the chapter's 50th anniversary on April 17. Recognition of fifty-year members and a history of the chapter highlighted the program at the Nittany Lion Inn on the Pennsylvania State University campus . "We Got Connected to AOII" in August at the home of Jean Lundy. Members had fun logging into the AOII Website and AlphaLink. Other Fall events includ- ed a Penn State football tailgate hosted by Nancy Gilbert and scrapbooking meeting at the home of Laurie Sigel. Congratulations to Nancy Gilbert who
received the Rose Award at Convention.
South Carolina
Charleston alumnae are enjoying get- ting to know each other as we move towards reorganizing the chapter. Members have been meeting monthly since February 1999 and have enjoyed lunches and dinners together. We visited cancer patients at the local hospital and collected pandas for International Convention. We enjoyed a summer sym- phony concert and baseball game. Our amazing collection of women comes from all over the country and spans many decades. We have medical stu- dents, young career women, full-time moms, retired and practicing profes- sionals. We are especially proud of our
sister Beatrice AUinger, who turned 100 years old in May! This year's schedule of events includes such outings as an art gallery tour downtown, a collection drive for an area orphanage, a Christmas salad supper and ornament exchange, a tour of a local plantation, and a night at the theatre. Join us! Contact Carol Beard (843) 884-4851 or [email protected].
Hilton Head
Five of our members
drove to Savannah
on a beautiful
autumn day to meet
our Savannah sisters
at Clary's Cafe for
lunch. Betty Headley,
a charter member of
the Hilton Head
Alumnae Chapter
and a life-long resi-
dent of Savannah,
gave us a wonderful
tour of places men-
tioned in John
Berendt's "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil." In November Marty Harrison, ANS for ten Florida alumnae chapters, joined us for lunch at the home of one of our members. In January we'll drive to Georgia Southern University to celebrate Founders' Day at Alpha Lambda's gorgeous new house. Several of our members reside in Northern states, but have vacation homes on Hilton Head or Daufuskie Island. We hope that our Northern sis- ters will be enjoying warm weather in South Carolina in February and will join us for a luncheon meeting. Jane W. Stitt: (843) 681-7513
Omicron Chapter Bid Day was extra spe- cial this year. Bid Day celebration was held at the home of one of our chapter members, whose next door neighbor is Elizabeth Long West, Omicron '24. Mrs. West was thrilled when our new mem- bers invited her to join their celebration
alumnae ra
by taking her a box lunch and the
Omicron Chapter traditional tea cake. Mrs. West shared some of her memories of AOII, her experiences as a Volunteer Hostess at the University of Tennessee, and it was exciting to sec the bond of sis- terhood that unites and strengthens AOIIs of all ages.
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
Nashville Alumnae enpy a "girls'nigl out" at a local Japanese steak house.
The Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter enjoyed an exciting year in 1998-99.
At International Convention, we were honored to be the recipient of a runner- up Philos Award for our work with the Nashville Alumnae Panhellenic and with a Performance Certificate. We have start- ed 1999-2000 off with a bang! We have many wonderful activities planned for the year and we are incorporating a Rituals theme into each of them. For example, our kickoff event was entitled: "A Feeling of Fraternity and Love..." We were very fortunate to have our Alumnae Network Specialist, Kitty Pettus-Hinds, and two Past International Presidents attend this event, Nancy McCain and Joan MacCallum. Each shared their feelings of Fraternity and love with us and made this event a huge success! We have several other wonderful events planned for the year including a service project in
December, Founders' Day in February with collegians from Nu Omicron (Yanderbilt U.), Rho Omicron, (MTSU) and AOII's newest collegiate chapter, Lambda Omicron (Cumberland U.). We will also celebrate 75 and 50 years of membership with 13 AOIIs in our area. Each of them will be honored at our Founders' Day celebration. There are so many AOIIs in our area and we invite and welcome each and every one to join us for an activity or two or more! For more information on upcoming events, you may consult our Website at www.alphaomicronpi.org\nashville.htm. Or you may contact our VP/Membership, Karen Seezen, at (615)661-8024. We hope to see you soon!
Last year was an exciting year. We had the pleasure of joining with the new Denton County Alumnae Chapter in celebrating Founders' Day. We also attended the AOII State Day in Austin where we mingled with collegians and other alumnae from around the state of Texas. One of our members -- a recent 50-year member — had the pleasure of spending that day with her college roommate. Don't we say some- thing about AOII being for a lifetime? We ended the year with a stellar garage sale —we even sold wire coat hangers - -andhadalotof
fun in the process. This year we enjoyed our annual Christmas Brunch and are looking forward to an evening at the beautiful new Bass Concert Hall in Fort Worth. We look forward to having new AOIIs in the area join us for the fun.
The Austin Alumnae Chapter had another incredible year! We're so proud to have continued to maintain our excellent standards of operations and are thankful to have been selected again as a DSA finalist chapter at convention in Orlando, where we had 8 sisters in attendance! We want to especially com- mend: Chris Dodds for doing such a FANTASTIC job in chairing the business sessions at the Convention!! Also: Kudos to Ginger Banks for her delightful Ritual Presentations, Rene Fitzgerald for being an Outstanding ND and sister,
and Michelle Lopez for serving so enthusiastically as as superb CPNS! We were extremely proud to host the Texas AOII State Day in February. (Roses to Kathryn Jensen, our NS for chairing the event with pure pizazz!) We're very excited about our Movie Theme Programming this year. Look forward to a fun, full year of programming! We would like to wish everyone the best in yet another successful year in our com- mitment to fulfilling the standards that AOII has set for us and leading by example as an organization among all fraternal organizations! We are so proud
to be part of such a progressive and innovativeorganization!
The Dallas Alumnae Chapter was thrilled to receive the Distinguished Service Award at Convention this year. Our chap- ter has already started off with a bang at our Wine and Cheese Social. We had 10 new people at our first meeting! Fall plans included a workshop to make crafts for our Make It, Bake It Auction and a Christmas cookie exchange. Volunteering for Arthritis Foundation events like the Mini Grand Prix and the ten-
Williamsburg Alumnae Golden Gris (I to r) Ann Bigoney, Hud Qark, Mildred Carder and jams Puffenberger,
To Dragma/ WINTER 1999
Virgnia Tidewater alumnae with their handmade Boo Boo bunnies, whtch were donated to a tocai dildiens organization.
nis tournament completed the fall. Spring plans include a Founders' Day Brunch, a pasta dinner night, a pizza/movie night, desert/coffee night and a pool party fiesta. Philanthropic plans include a panda bear drive, a paper product collection for Hope's Door and Special Olympics. Ifyou would like more information on the Dallas Alumnae Chapter, please contact President Marcia Wehrle at (972)304-4317.
Whether bundling up to ward off the cold weather or dressing up to encour- age gala-goers to bid higher, the Houston Area alumnae are making a difference! We raised money for the Arthritis Foundation by walking in the Houston Joint Walk on the coldest, wettest day of the year. We had a won- derful time and met Houston's Mayor Lee Brown. Dressed to the nines, we manned silent auction tables at a fund raising gala to support our local phil- anthropy, " I Have a Dream Houston." It was so much fun,we're already look- ing forward to next year's gala. The Houston Area Alumnae Chapter will be having regional meetings this year. A Christmas Tea on the north side, a lun- cheon in Clear Lake, and a cookout on the west side of Houston have already been planned. What a wonderful time to be an AOII in Houston!
Northern Virginia
The Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter is off to a running start. This year we supported the Gamma Alpha Chapter with their Race for the Roses 5K as well as supporting the Arthritis Foundation for the annual Jingle Bell Run. In addition, we are hard at work planning Founders' Day which will be celebrated with the Suburban Maryland Alumnae Chapter and the Gamma Alpha Chapter. Our theme this year is "Growing Our Sisterhood" and we've incorporated it into our meetings as well as our web site!
Virginia Tidewater
We nave had two members of our alumnae chapter recently move away, and we just wanted to let Allison and Sherri know that we miss seeing them at the meetings each month. We are happy to announce that our President, Jenni Arthur, and her husband, Mike, are the proud new parents of a healthy baby boy named Nicholas. We also are pleased to announce that Kristan Burch from our chapter currently is serving as President of the Tidewater Panhellenic Association. Our chapter was involved in a fund raiser this fall through which we sold Yankee candles, and we also have made a donation to Juvenile Arthritis through a local sup- port organization for parents and chil- dren. In addition, we enjoyed a fun crafts activity at our October meeting when one of our members, Patsy, and a friend of hers hosted a make-it-and- take-it stamping party. We all left with some fun new creations to show to our families. We had a great time during our annual Cookie Swap in December with the Williamsburg alumnae.
Williamsburg began the new year with a celebration honoring our five "Golden Girls". Ann Blount Bigoney-Epsilon
Alpha '42, Mildred Eckert Carder - Upsilon Lambda '41, Huldah Slagle Clark - Beta Phi '47, Janis Puffenberger - Omicron Pi '48, and Dorothy Valborg Schafer - Delta '30 were each presented with 50 Year Pin during a salad lun- cheon in September. Our chapter will continue to support FISH, a community outreach center, and Avalon. a shelter for battered women, as our philanthropic projects. We are planning on donating cosmetic bags filled with personal care items to the women of Avalon. We were very excited to welcome Joanne Earls, Vice President of Finance, as the guest speaker at our Founders' Day Luncheon, December II. Main exciting activities, including our Chapter Quilt, are planned throughout the year culminating with a Tea Luncheon at the historic Edgewood Plantation on the James.
At meetings of the Seattle Alumnae Chapter you will find recent graduates, several past chapter consultants, past and present executive and foundation board members, fifty-year plus mem- bers and everything in between. The mixture of many chapter backgrounds and various generations make each get
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
\V r %°l
together a great experi- ence for all of us. This last year, in addition to the annual Fall Picnic, Christmas Auction, Founders' Day and Arthritis "Joint Walk" events, monthly meetings combined get-to-know- your-sister mixers with a different program topic every month. Outings like ice skating, a Mariner's game and wine tasting gave members a chance to bring friends and family along.
Seattle alumnae, Pax Mastac Vallandigham and Sydne Vallandigham Bradley, present pandas for the Teddy Bear Bngade.
In the winter of 1998, my fellow sister, Dawn Hansen McCorrnick. ('87, Phi Beta) and I sat down with the membership print- out from Headquarters of AOIIs living in the Charleston, South Carolina area. We were thrilled at the prospect of getting an alumnae chapter in the area started again. When we divided up the names to mail invi- tations to our first gathering, we noted the initiation date of one of our local sisters, Beatrice Hardv Allinger - initiated 1919!
One area sister remembered meeting Mrs. Allinger many years ago and that she'd been quite an effervescent person, so I decided to make a phone call to investigate further. To my wonderful surprise. I was greeted by the clear voice of a vivacious, independent woman, anxiously awaiting her 100th birthday!
I explained to Beatrice who I was and that 1 was trying to get an alumnae chapter started again in Charleston. She offered words of encouragement and regretfully told me she would not be active in our chapter. As she said, she remembered being the oldest per- son in the group thirty years ago and felt certain she would still be the oldest member now! I accepted her answer but promised to visit and meet her in person.
On a beautiful Friday afternoon, September 10, 1999, Mary Ellen Miffhouse ('62, Deha
Omega) and I had the honor and pleasure of meeting Mrs. Beatrice Hardy .Allinger in her home. The meeting had significance for two reasons: first, Mrs. Allinger had celebrated her 100th birthday on May 13 and second, September 10 marked the 30th anniversary of the founding of the original Charleston
hug. She lives alone in the home she and her husband built in the early 1940s. But she is hardly lonely! Her home is filled with photos of loved ones and the walls are lined with her intricate cross-stitched master- pieces. Yes, she still stitches!
She has lived through major changes in our world and seems to have enjoyed the journey tremendously. She is also sur- prised at all the attention bestowed upon her on reaching the 100 year milestone. There was an article in the local paper. There were numerous celebrations hosted by her family, neighborhood, and the ele- mentary school she worked and volun- teered at for years. Willard Scott of the Today show interviewed her and the inter- view is set to air the third week of December, 1999. As she says, "it was noth- ing I did". "I'm not old, just getting older," she likes to say. She is looking forward to the New Year and living in three centuries!
Born in Indiana and raised there and in Ohio, she is the oldest of three children: her "baby" brother is 98 and still lives by himself in Georgia As a girL Beatrice rode to school in a horse drawn wagon. She voted in the first election open to women. She was in col- lege when the Armistice was signed for World War I and she vividly recalls the food rationing days of World War II.
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
Enjoying Life's Journey
r&eajtrkt\Hardy Mlhmpr, (Omega, /sfy JdmmU) rtackts ktr tklrd cadnry!
.Alumnae Chapter.
Beatrice is an incredible
fteeitrkcJ-Urdy Silkier, hem Mcj 15, -I8S9, iook:fvrwaritv 'liviygmtkrtcccntxricr.*
woman. Her smile is warm and her smooth skin defies her years. When you enter her home she is quick to greet you with a bear
CkzrlertvH. MIMMKHC
SlrmstrDtg 'BtxrdunJ.rBtntrice 3~Uriy SlKii^er.
Beatrice graduated from Miami University in Oxford, O H majoring in Home Economics with a minor in Latin. She was initiated into Omega Chapter as a sophomore on January 4, 1919. She shared some delightful pho- tographs showing herself with her sorority sisters - decked out in huge hats, wearing fur stoles and looking very snazzy!
She taught high school for two years after graduation. " I learned more in those two years than in any of the others!," she said. She also worked as a school secretary in both an elementary school and high school for ten years. She tells a funny story about how they hired her without knowing she could not type - she eventually got high school "aides" to do the typing for her! When she was in her 80s, she volunteered in a 1st grade class to be a listener and encour- ager for the children.
She is the mother of three children; two still living, and numerous grandchildren and great-children.
Before our meeting, Beatrice was telling a friend about my upcoming visit Since we are sisters separated by several genera- tions, the friend was puzzled as to what we
m cdlltgtwktK tkt siftedjtr
mat&er, CanL
would possibly talk about. There was no barrier to our conversation or to our friendship. I look forward to visiting with Beatrice again, soon. And I hope to intro- duce many more of my Charleston sisters to this incredible, perfect rose.
by Carol Armstrong Beard, Lambda Chi '82 (LaGrange College)
Editors note: There are many great treasures in the AOFI archives. One of our most prized possessions is an Omega Chapter scrapbook dated from 1919, the sam e year Beatrice Hardy was initiated. This album is priceless for both its enchanting photos and personal
inscriptions from members of Omega Chapter. It gives us a glimpse of AOFI sisterhood in the early part of the 20th century.
To my great joy, on the third page of the scrapbook was an entry made in Beatrice's handwriting in 1920. It reads, "AOII friends are the truest in the world." A few entries further is an inscription from visiting AOII Grand President, Lillian McCausland, namesake for the pres- tigious McCausland Cup for highest collegiate chapter scholarship.
Many of the photos in the scrap- book are unidentified, but we do believe the four archival photos on these two pages are of Omega members from the early 1920's.
Documenting our fraternity's histo- ry is an important commitment AH collegiate and alumnae chapters are encouraged to record their histories for the sake of those who will come after us. Our new International Headquarters will have magnificent facilities to properly preserve and display these treasures.
Sis a£fn,
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To Dragma/WINTER 1999
s©i ••a
Jean Elizabeth Sells
Foundation President
Graduate of University of Nebraska 72 and member ofZeta Chapter of AOII. "AtUof N, I was fortunate that Greek life was such an important part of college life. I had such a wonderful experience with my Zeta sisters and my involvement as an alumna has just been a continuation of this experience."
Home: Brookline, Massachusetts
Husband: Arthur
Children: Alyssa, in her final year of law- school, and Aaron, a junior at Bates College Profession: Director of Development at The Chestnut Hill School in Boston Community Activities: Member of Philanthropic Educational Organization and several professional fund raising organiza- tions, active in her church, active member of Boston Alumnae Chapter.
Hobbies: Antiquing, reading mysteries, travelling, spinning, tai boxing and shopping.
Personal statement as a Foundation
Board member: "My vision is to see the Endowment Fund flourish in order to provide educational training for the Fraternity and make financial scholarships available for all deserving members."
A legacy, Jeanie, wears her mother's AOII badge! Mother, Catherine Ballou Marcy is a 50-year member of Zeta Chapter.
Foundation Update
The AOII Foundation regrets the inadver- tent omission of the following donors from the 1998-99 annual report and donor list- ing. Thanks to these generous alumnae for their support during the last fiscal year:
Delta, Tufts University Rose Club
Annabelle Robbins Wheat Club
Constance Clark Blanehard Evelyn Adams Lindquist Ruth Dresser Metcalfe Blanche Downing Penniman
FHen Cogen Lewis
Caroline Dyer Norrington
Jean Colgate Stafford Sustaining Member
Ellen Lunden Angus Carvl Magnus Boyden Barbara Clarke
Diana Bentlev Grenier Marie Kean Hewey Abigail Aldrieh Homtller Sharon Wainright Tammy Wolpowitz
Jennifer Bell
Elly Berger
Jamie Bleiweiss
Laura Gavrelis Blomquist Kathleen Brown
Sue Cobem
Jenn Curley
Jamie Drogin
Sandra Giordano
Amy Williams Howard Toni Glasser Kennedy Marie Herlihy Ledden Diane Lee
Tania Mariani LoisO'Brien
Jackie Okin
Sarah Rosen
Brooke Rosing
Jennv Rulli
Lori Schnitzer
Janet Siegel
Delta Alpha, V of Missouri Columbia Wheat Club
Rochelle Rasnic Wait
FriendKristen Theus Cage Kimberly Doyle Dean Ali Dust
Heather Dewey Lock Kim Mason McCollom Michelle Melby
Delta Beta, L of Louisiana at Lafayette Rose Club
Nancy Tuttle Boisture Wheat Club
Karen Willis Bernard Sponsor
Bette Lewis Armentor
Florence Sanders Jones Sustaining Member
Joan Brooks Landry Friend
Laura Bourgeois Gail Jindra Dugas Jennv Bower Fair Cori Lanclos Brandi Menard Danielle Ronquille Summer Steib
It 1 1
Millennium Endowment Pledge Gift
Giving For Tomorrow through the Foundation Endowment provides future support for programs that benefit all AOII sisters. You invested a lot of yourself in AOII. Please consider another investment, a gift that will keep on giving to the next gen- eration. Call for information.
Helen's Heart
This third in a series of collectible Limoges is being produced on a prepaid basis. The cost is $135 plus $5 shipping and handling, l b reserve your special treasure, send a check for $ 140 to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027, or call Pat Larson at (615) 370-0920, for information or to place
a credit card order.
If you want "Helen's Heart" for a specific holiday or anniversary, please check with the Foundation office before placing an order.
Canadian Alumnae
Good news for donors! Canadian gifts to the Foundation are now deductible in Canada, thanks to a recendy implemented United States-Canada Income Tax Convention (Treaty). Article XXI of that treaty provided for the deduction of cross-border charitable contributions. In order to qualify, the U.S. organization must l>e recognized as exempt under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is exempt under this section, and will provide Canadian donors with a disclosure statement and a copy of its 501 (c) (3) letter if requested.
y y i
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
175th Collegiate AOU Chapter Installed
Anxious and full of excitement,
Alpha Omicron Pi's 175th collegiate chapter at Cumberland University gathered on November 14, 1999 to install a chapter that will exemplify the tradition of academic excellence, philanthropy, community service and life long friendships. Alpha Omicron Pi joins Alpha Sigma Tau as the second National Panhellenic Conference sorority to organize on the Cumberland University campus. Three graduate students at Cumberland and a mother of an AOIJ member were initiated and join AOFI alum- nae in the area to advise the chapter.
The chapter members at Cumberland University are among the top students and leaders on the campus. Their commitment to academics is evident in their average GPA of 3.27. In addition, members are involved in all areas of campus life including student government, honorary societies, varsity ath- letics, and religious organizations. Many members are also very active in philanthrop- ic organizations and community outreach.
The beginning for the current Greek sys- tem at Cumberland was the re-installa- tion of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity Chapter in 1991 followed recently by Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity in 1998.
Both chapters were originally installed in the 1860's, and are among the oldest in both of the fraternities' rolls. Greek life
first opened for the women on campus in 1998 when a local sorority was char- tered by Alpha Sigma Tau.
Seeing the potential for growth and the need for an additional sorority to balance the Greek system, Rebecca Gwynn sought out to bring Alpha Omicron Pi to Cumberland. Rebecca was initiated as an AOFI in 1998 at Lambuth University and had transferred to Cumberland following her freshman year. She met with the Director of Campus life regarding the poli- cies for the establishment of a new sorority and then approached AOI1 asking them to consider colonizing at the University. The University issued AOI1 a formal invitation to colonize this past fall, and through the diligent efforts to recruit potential members, the colonization was a success.
members of
Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tennessee
Installation Day for members of Lambda Omicron Chapter, Cumberland University.
For the past few months, chapter members have participated in weekly education ses- sions and philanthropic events, as well as socials, intramural sports, and a retreat. The International Colony Director, Judith Rogers of Jonesboro, Arkansas, a team of four specialists, and Amy Worsham, Colony/ Extension Aclministrator at AOll Headquarters, will continue to guide the new chapter for the next several years to assure a firm foundation is established. Chapter consultant, Stephanie Curton, has been with the chapter since its colonization.
The charter members include Allison Andraza, Dawn Brock, Jennifer Bryant, Kimberly Green, Rachel Guenther, Mary Hammock, Nicole Hulsey, Misty Lumley, Lisa Malone, Susan Miale, Julie Miller, Stephanie Miller, Brittney Painter, Deneil Quinn, Oriana Serena, Sandra Spreadbury, Sabra Swaims, Jessica Washburn, Heather Wauford. The alumnae initiates include Teiffany Clary, Faye Gwynn, Tracy Watldns and Holly Zehel.
Lambda Omicron was installed on November 14, 1999,
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
ToDragma/WINTER 1999
The Safely Six-Pack
for Sfudente
Study. Remember the goals you are to achieve while you are in college.
Stand up for your beliefs. If you do not drink alcohol, it is OK to say so. There are other students out there who feel the same. In fact the majority of students in college today are oflegalage(21),andthosewhochoosetodrinkusealcohol moderately.
3. Have fun and socialize without the involvement of alcohol; be prepared that some students may pressure you to drink alcohol
4. Get involved in campus activities.
5. Go out in groups and watch out for your friends. If you all go
outtogether,go hometogether,too. Help each other get home safely. Know the signs of alcohol poisoning.
Be aware of campus education and counseling resources. Look for peer education programs and student-led health and safety programs. Don't forget that your family is a source ofsupport,too.Keepintouchoften.
The Safely Six-Pack for
1. Make afirm statement that underage alcohol use will not be tolerated, and engage the local community in developing and enforcing the alcohol policy.
2. Promote and sponsor many (and mainly) campus activities that are alcohol free.
3. Provide alcohol-free options.
4. Provide and publicize alcohol and other drug prevention
personnel. Support peer education programs and student- led initiatives.
Disseminate campus alcohol policies and other drug policies that are uniformly enforced with all students, faculty and staff Encourageandbereceptivetostudentfeedbackandinvolve ment in rnaintaining a campus community that will be healthy, safe and live up to the university mission ofeduca tion and retention.
The Safely Six-Pack forParents
Talktoyoursonordaughteraboutthelegal use of alcohol and the need for responsible decision making; emphasize that "competitive drinking," drinking as a hazingritual,and drinking games can result in alcohol poison ing and can kill even the most healthy young adults. Discuss any family history of chemical dependency.
2. Explainclearlytoyoursonordaughterthat there is a balance between study time and socialtime,and that he/she will needtofind the balance that will meet the academic expectations you all agree on. Discuss the legal consequences of having a fake ID.
3. Talktoyoursonordaughterabouttheroleof alcohol and how alcohol abuse can affect achieving his or her goals. Discuss the reality that peer pressure can occur about drinking choices.
Keep the lines of communication open. Call and e-mail often. Communicate as friends and as parents.
5. Visit the campus and network with other fam ilies as well as college officials. Encourage yoursonordaughtertobecomeinvolvedin campus life by joining organizations or work ing on projects of interest
6. Inquire what the institutional policies are regarding parental notification rights* and dis cuss the policies with your son or daughter relative to violations of institutional policies and/or local state or federal laws.
* This reflects changes in drug and alcohol violation disclosure laws as of 10/1/98.
A New Kind
of Six-Pack
These suggestions were developed by the Inter-Association Task Force on Alcohol and Other Substance Abuse Issues (IATF).
This is a historic time for AOFI! O ur Fraternity is over 114,000 strong, and we expect to keep growing impressively over the next decade. Let us each embrace our wonderful successes and pledge to provide for the future of Alpha Omicron PL
On November 6th, the Cornerstone was unveiled for our new new AOfl Internationa] Headquarters building! In attendance were excited AOfl members who were among the first to contribute to our Capital Campaign to build this new Headquarters. How w e wish everyone could have been there to celebrate withus. We hope many of you will join us during the fall of 2000, when we move in and officially dedicate our new building.
We have grown by "leaps and bounds" inAOI1,and in the next ten years we are projected to grow by another 25%. To serve this member- ship efficiently we need additional space.
Our new state-of-the-art facil- ity will include a conference room that can accommodate
training sessions of up to 120 members. Expanded common areas and meetings rooms will provide space needed for mem- ber meetings and receptions.
Some of Alpha Omicron Pi's most treasured historic records are currently being held in rented archive facilities. AOFIs new home will provide a large, climate-controlled and visitor-friendly archival library and museum for these important artifacts dating back to our founding in 1897.
The demand for items from The Emporium has grown by an astonishing 600% in the last 10 years, making it the third largest mer- chandising program in volume in the entire
International Historian Nancy McCain searches for a chapter history file in the current archival storage area at International Headquarters.
whom work together i n crowded offices, will have proper room to do their jobs and better serve the needs of our membership.
In this season of giv- ing, w e invite each member to contribute as generously as you possibly can to th e Headquarters Capital Campaign which is undertaken by the Fraternity in collabo- ration with the AOil Foundation. The sup- port o f every member is vital to raisingthe $3.5 million needed to construct AOITs new
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
Left Keeping the archives up to date is a never ending process. Two Past International Presidents actively involved in this endeavor are Nancy McCain and Joan MacCallurr, Nancy is the current International Historian and Joan will lake over her position in 200 f upon N ancy's retirem ent
home. Please send us your pledge as soon as possible. Alumnae wishing to receive tax deductions for pledges can do so by
APove; New Headquarters rendering making their payments to the AOFI
NPC. Wearefirstinper-membersales! In our new home, members who regularly visit The Emporium - as well as the thousands who order - will be better served in a more efficiently designed space.
Our new home will be the hub of a fully interactive communications network, allowing members and chapters to transmit information via the Internet to our Headquarters' database, a n d also have instantaneous access to important data. Our busy Headquarters staff, many o f
Foundation for th e Capital Building Campaign. Those wishing further infor- mation, may contact AOFI Headquarters by referring to the information listed in the contents page.
Please join us now, and make an investment in your future and th e future of coundess other women who will one day share our bond of sisterhood
by Anne Wilt Allison, Omicron Chapter Chairman of the Capital, Campaign Cabinet
Leadership Institute2000
Leadership Institute is an exciting opportunity for AOIl collegians and alumnae to develop leadership skills to help them grow both personally and professionally. Programming for Leadership Institute 2000 has been developed to enable partici- pants to function more effectively within AOIl by placing emphasis on the training of collegiate Chapter Presidents, Chapter Advisers, Chapter Treasurers, Stellar Starters and Alumnae.
The Stellar Starter program was launched at LI 98 with resounding success. Thus chapters are again being encouraged to select and send to LI 2000 a sophomore woman identified as an emerging leader, or "Stellar Starter." The philosophy is to educate and train AOITs future leaders, who will then have up to two additional years of leadership opportunity remaining in their chapters. This year, Chapter Treasurers are also encouragedto attend for programming targeted specifically for them
Emphasis this year will also be placed on Ritual with a panel discussion on religion and our Ritual. Women of Leadership Awards will be presented, an "Into the Street" community service project is planned, and each chapter will be asked to participate in the poster displays of outstanding chapter activities.
Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles Airport Marriott
To Dragma/WINTER 1999
Who must attend?
Collegiate Chapter Presidents ** Alumnae Chapter Presidents * Collegiate Chapter Advisers * Collegiate Treasurers *
A "Stellar Starter" (sophomore leader) * Network Directors
Network Specialists
Executive Board
Past International Presidents Standing Committee Chairmen Leadership Institute Committee Education and Training Committee
Also recommended are:
Corporation Board Presidents * Financial Advisers * Philanthropy Chairmen *
CR Chairmen *
Rush Chairmen *
PR Chairmen *
Risk Management Chairmen *
Costs for LI:
Chapter and/or Corporation Expense
' Please note a CP's travel expense is not covered by AOTI International
as it isfor a Convention. Room and Board is coveredfor CP's.
LI 2 0 0 0 will f u t u r e a special twining day for all Collegiate Chapter Advisere,on Friday June 25,
All Chapter Advisers and Chapter Presidents are asked to arrive on Thursday afternoon to be prepared to start their special training on Friday morning. Room and Board for this extra evening will be covered by the fraternity for both CPs and CAs. Please plan on attending. The CAteamingshould appeal to both new and experienced advisers. It will cover a day in the life of the CA, basic CA duties and help train individuals on how to help advise a collegiate chapter.
More specific information will be included with the registration materials available in January. Required attendees will automatically receive registration materials. Others interested may call Headquarters at 615-370-0920 or email [email protected].
June 23-25,
2 0 0 0
Leadership, Integrity,
Growth, Honor &
the Way!
Registration Fee Room and Board
Single Package Double Package Triple Package Quad Package
$ 81
$ 360 $240 $ 200 $ 180
Zip/Postal Code:_ Chapter/College where initiated:. Place of Employment:
Zip/Postal Code:_
Alumnae Chapter:, Special Interests:
Maiden Last
)_ email:
_Year lnitiated:_ _Occupation:_
Alive and Well
The following women were incorrectly
reported to Headquarters as having passed
away during the past biennium. AOI1 is very
pleased to report that the information was
incorrect These names appeared in the 'In
Their Memory" section of the summer To
Dragma. We deeply regret any inconvenience Sacksteder, Pi Alpha Corporation Board, this may have caused. We also take this
opportunity to remind all members to double
check this type of information before notifying
Headquarters of a member's death.
Christina Gunnarson Carlson, Sigma Jeanine Hess Smith, Alpha JPi
Use Finn Place, Upsilon Kathleen Henry Maves, Lambda Phi Wanda Miskowiee Girard, Chi Delta Gwenda Hughes, Delta Omega
New Alumnae Chapter Installation
Alpha Omicron Pi is pleased to announce the installation of the Cleveland West Alumnae Chapter, Cleveland, Ohio, November 6,1999. We encourage members living in the west Cleveland area to actively support the chapter.
Three Alumnae Chapters Saluted
Three deserving chapters were omitted from the Alumnae Chapter Performance Certificate list in the convention awards booket AOIT acknowledges the outstanding achievements of the Lexington, Northern Kentucky and Terre Haute Alumnae Chapters.
• Moving? LlChanging your name? •Reporting the death of a member? (Date ofdeath:_
Please complete thisform, indicating the change above and return to:
AOII International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027
Current AOTT Office:.
Please help AOTIsave money! Each issue that is returned to us due to an incorrect address costs the Fraternity 50e, in addition to the original cost of mailing. If you are moving or changing your name please notify us in advance. If you know of others who are not receiving their magazine, chances are we have an incorrect address for them as well. Encourage them to notify us as soon as possible.
To Dragma/WINTER 1999 37
A New Home on the Horizion
Pi Alpha Chapter at the University of Louisville is pursuing chapter housing! If you would like to help, please contact Dori
P.O. Box 36523, Louisville, KY 40233-6523, or call (502) 635-1224. Keep up with their progress via their website at: htlpy/athenaJouisvflle.edu/~desack01/TiouseJitniL
)_ email:
friik ntlNhi|i
A. Class Essentials
147 White Long Sleeve T-shirt "Alpha Omicron Pi. Since 1897." M, L,XL ! 18.00 148 Oxford Long Sleeve T-shirt "Alpha Omicron Pi. Since 1897." M.LXL M8.C0 174 Forest Flannel Lined Anorak w/navy stripe.
Navy and white embroidered letters. M, L XL '48.00
223 Navy Long Sleeve T-shirt w/patch plaid letters. M, L. XL '28.00
B. Gone Fishin'
I I O X Khaki Bucket Hat. '20.00 I I O Z Indigo Bucket Hat. '20.00
C. Sister Gifts
20 Vase w/pewter AOn,rafiia.and decorative stones '14.00
60 "Sisters" in sand. Includes chrome easel.110.00
6 0 A "Sisters Make the Best Friends." Includes wooden peg stand.' 10.00
D. Always A O n
I O Z Indigo Bucket Hat. ! 20.00
5I NavyT-shirt w/blue letters. M,L,XL 72.00
2 1 8 N Navy Polar Fleece Pullover w/white A O n
letter embroidery. Oversized. M,L '60,00 340 Indigo Sweatshirt w/embroidered letters.
Oversized. M. L. X L '40.00
360 Oxford Triple Letter T-shirt. M, L, X L '24.00
56 Navy Sweatshirt w/lime letters. M, L,XL '38.00
72 Navy Sweatshirt w/triple letters. M.L XL'38.00
90 Navy Flannel Lined Anorak w/yellow stripe. M. L XLH8.00
355 Red Flannel Lined Nautical Anorak. M. L, XL'48.00
361 Navy Sweatshirt w/red lettei"S. Oversized. M, L,XL '40.00
362 Red Sweatshirt w/white letters
and gold embroidery. Oversized. M, L.XL '42.00
A. Uniquely A0I1
Order toll free:
Monday thru Friday 9to5 est.
Or Call: 615-370-0920 Fax To: 615-371-9736
Mail order to:
AOn EMPORIUM AOn International Headquarters
9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, T N 37027
Email order to:
[email protected]
Order online:
Emporium's online catalog: www.aoiiemporium.com
J45 Beveled Edge Glass Box w/rose. '36.00 4 8 Glass Keepsake Box. '8.00
48 A Pewter Keepsake Box.* 18.00
107B Rectangle Silver Pin Box.'15.00 107C Round Silver Pin Box.s 14.00 107D Heart SilverPin Box.114.00
C.Long SleeveTees
I I O Z Indigo Bucket Hat. '20.00
I 79 Ash Long Sleeve T-shirt w/sleeve design. M. L, X L ' 19.00
215 Navy Long Sleeve T-shirt w/orange sleeve design. M.L,XL '22.00 2 1 5 Y Navy Long Sleeve T-shirt w/yellow sleeve design. M , L, X L '22.00
Most orders shipped within 48 hours.We guarantee quality merchandise.
Name: Address: City:
ltem# Qty.
[Q Check
I ~~J Mastercard
IExp. Date: ICard #:
Daytime Phone: f ) Evening Phone: f )
$5.01 to $25 $25.01 to $50 $50.0! to $75 $75.01 to $100
$6.00 $7.00 $8.00 $9.00
Shipping & Handling (see chart)
Please add $200 fa-
a e r y $25 after $100.
•Canadian customers please double amounts for shipping & handling charges.
Thank you! Emporium sales benefit AOFI!
B. Keepsake Boxes
*Shipping & Handling
$0 to 15 $3.50
Price Each
TN residents add 8.25% sales tax
Total Price I
State/Prov: Zip: !
kl I0Z
Qy4 j9tictmtwy editor in,(y&obfon
once iiwofej "®neMnocosfifiettewy,
nalwm o^Sotilmam and'wewiaw, {Jleiw
onyouyetu^tmtte&mM& inwa&iMue.
1. Ifyouareattendingaveryformaldinnerwithfiveormore coursesandarenotsureofthecorrectforkorknifetouse, you should:
A. Discreetly watch and follow the other guests
<z<}tion& a£$U fia<S&.
(Bne 6udde^i^^ seek jAew iwmewniobt
cAaracfay-bj tflwA/y
3. The correct way to eat spaghetti is to:
A. Twirlafewstrandsinthetinesofyourforkon
the edge of your plate
B. Twirl it into the base of a spoon with your fork G Cut it into small pieces
D. Slurpitintoyourmouth
B. C
Ask the host or service person for assistance when each course arrives
Start with the silverware furthest from your plate and work from the outside in
2. In making a proper introduction, you should: A.Introduceamantoawoman
B. Introduce a woman to a man
ccMMwcie&cmdi£eiy4.Whichofthefollowingisnotconsideredafingerfood in a formal setting?
affl, oneJz/noim wA^eti^&y oneazye&
•to lew ewmiim^ a£t£e> taoYe
A. Olives
B. Oysters C.Artichokes D. Sushi
5. If someone has requested that the salt and pepper shakers bepassed, isitacceptabletousethe saltorpepper asit passes by you?
Postmaster- Please send notice of undeliverable copies oh form 3579 to: Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood.TN 37027
Answers: 1.c2.a3.b4.b 5.b
A.Yes B. No