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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-17 16:16:06

1981 Summer - To Dragma

Vol. LXII, No. 3




M. <1

The €bHor$ Place

Convention '81 is certain to be the NOTING BRIEFLY . . . New Touches
spark of a heightened level of enthu- This issue begins a publishing
siasm for the alumnae and collegiate We are receiving more and more contract with Compolith Graphics
delegates attending the Kansas City suggestions every week from alum- and Maury Boyd & Associates, both
event. nae and collegians about sisters companies located in Indianapolis,
whose lives warrant To Dragma pro- Indiana.
For you alumnae who do not at- files. To those who have yet to offer The firms print scores of publica-
tend, promise yourself that you will a suggestion, please do so. Writers tions for many sororities and frater-
get to the first meeting of the fall— are welcome to prepare articles for nities as well as national clubs and
and hear about the June experience. consideration. But everyone should organizations. We will be taking
You surely will not regret going to feel it her responsibility to share a advantage of their professional
hear the program and it will help local A O n success story with us. To graphic skills from time to time to
you get your fall schedule estab- Dragma would like to share the pride continue to improve A O I T s quar-
lished with AOn a part of it. of special sisters with all its readers. terly magazine. The Indianapolis
But we need your support . . . firms offered the lowest bid for TD
Coilegians—be sure to take your publishing and we expect a year of
notebooks to your chapter meeting "Super Woman" professional advice from magazine
when delegates review the Conven- The term "Super Woman" seems experts.
tion workshops. Workshop speakers to surface more and more as women
presented many important facts and continue to enter fields outside the Current Issue
thoughts about A O n , Greeks and home. What do A O lis think about The summer issue offers many in-
today's woman. Delegates will be the term? Do women have to be teresting topics relative to rush, de-
ready to share their excitement of "super" to succeed in more than one veloped by Executive Board Member
meeting other sisters. Listen arid aspect of life? What is a "Super Marilyn Herman. TD offers, too,
learn through them and carry their Woman?" To Dragma would like to thoughts from graduating seniors
spirit through all chapter activities share your ideas and comments in and a number of profiles of longtime
for 1981-82. an upcoming issue. Let your feelings alumnae. As always collegiate and
be known. alumnae chapters report their ac-
Regional meetings are planned for complishments.
next summer and there many more Corporation Calls
alumnae and collegians will be able To Dragma would like to be able to Next Issue
to get together to share thoughts serve the AOTI corporations by an- The Summer To Dragma is being
and experiences for the good of the nouncing annual meetings. How- published a month early so that del-
fraternity. ever, with the length of time it takes egates to Convention wil receive the
to produce an issue, most an- issue during the June meeting. The
AOTI colonizes nouncements are not sent early Fall issue will feature highlights of
At Louisville enough to be printed. Convention in addition to various
If your corporation plans to meet other features. Deadline to send
The University of Louisville, between mid-October and mid- typed articles for consideration in
Louisville, Ky., has invited A l - January, the announcement of the the issue is Aug. 1. Beat the deadline
pha Omicron Pi to colonize on meeting must be sent to To Dragma and write anytime!
the campus. by Aug. 1. Corporation meetings
scheduled from mid-January to Remember,
The Executive Council has mid-April are due by Nov. 1. Meet-
approved a petition from A l - ings planned from mid-April to deadline for the
pha Pi, a local sorority on- mid-July can be printed in the
the Louisville campus? to be- Spring issue with a deadline of Feb. Fall issue
come the nucleus of the A O n 1. Corporation meetings set for mid-
chapter. July through mid-October can be is Aug. 1
published if sent to To Dragma by
The colony's new president May 1. Deadlines are confusing, but
and adviser were invited to at- they are important if officers want
tend Convention at Kansas the meeting notices printed.
City. The notices do provide informa-
tion and show a willingness of cor-
Share short pieces of poration leaders to discuss corpora-
AOn history with tion business with others interested
To Dragma in the fraternity's investment aspect.


Published since January, 1905 by TCTDRAGMA

ALPHA OMICRON PI W ofalpha omicron pi
Summer 1981 Vol. LXII, No. 3
Founded at Barnard College,
January 2. 1897 • B•

Founders 6 7 19 27
Jessie Wallace Hughan
Helen St. Clair Mullan Senior Special 4
Stella George Stern Perry Highlighting Rush 7
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman The Legacy Connection 11
The Founders were members of Alpha MIF ...13
Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia Rush Directory 15
University and all are deceased. Today's Greeks 19
Assessing Success 20
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office In Memoriam 22
2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103
Telephone: 615-383-1174

Sue Wayenberg Hinz, AT

NW 1445 Kenny
Pullman, WA 99163
(509) 332-1168-Home
(509) 335-4527-Office


Sue Edmunds Lewis, TA
2401 Hillsboro Rd., Suite 103

Nashville, TN 37212

PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ
of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published
quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi. Sub-
scription price is $1.00 per copy.
$3.00 per year. Life subscription:
$25.00. Send change of address and
correspondence of a business nature
to Alpha Omicron Pi, 2401 Hillsboro
Road, Suite 103, Nashville, Tennes-
see 37212. Address all editorial com-
munications to the Editor, Sue Hinz,
NW 1445 Kenny, Pullman, WA 99163.
Second Class Postage paid at Nash-
ville, TN and additional mailing of-

On the Cover Vc\>3iTtmcnt$ 2
Leslie Simanton and Susie The Editor's Place 26
Baumgartel show off the Chapter of the Quarter 28
smiles which are common Alumnae Chapter Activity
around the Alpha Gamma Collegiate College Commentaries
chapter during Rush and all
year long!


Don't Become Lost Alumnae

Seniors! Don't stop thinking Following graduation she married In 1976 Maggie was widowed and
about Alpha Omicron Pi just be- and moved to Sacramento, Calif. after a lot of thought and family
cause you have paid your life alum- "There I belonged to a very active support, she pursued her law degree
nae dues and have graduated!! alumnae group for several years," and planned to become a natural re-
she reported. " I t was a good way to sources, oil and gas lawyer i n the
That's the advice from Maggie meet people when I was very far Denver area. When she was to grad-
Bogdon Smith Hoogerheide, Gam- from home. Then we moved to uate she and a friend took a Mexican
ma, University of Maine, class of Europe for three years and by the vacation where she met her new
1956. time we returned home, I had four husband John.
children and never again became i n -
Maggie, recently graduated from volved." "John is really responsible for my
the University of Denver's College renewed interest in A O f l , " Maggie
of Law and was admitted to the
Iowa Bar i n January.

Letter To Graduating Collegians

Dear Collegian, managed to attend Founders' national office, we found young
When you accept your d i - Day affairs and the husband/ graduates just aren't joining
wives picnic hosted for years a l u m groups—at least not i n
ploma at graduation, don't dis- and years by Flo Miller Lynch northern New Jersey.
card your sorority association as (Chi Delta) and her husband
though it were a summer Dick. These week-end functions With active membership de-
romance —fun while it lasted gave me a "keeping i n touch" clining and with our meetings
but now on with the new. opportunity. usually a thirty minute or more
drive, why go on? I think our
I know whereof I speak for About five years ago I termi- interest i n A O I l has become
despite my wonderful sorority nated my teaching career and over the years an interest in not
years (Epsilon Alpha) at Penn once again returned to my N.J. only A O I l but in the friend-
State, my preoccupation w i t h alumnae meetings. I was wel- ships developed.
things other than sorority after comed with great warmth. A n d
marrying and moving to Long I discovered that despite the While people move to other
Island had placed me on the hundreds of names of N.J. states, travel more w i t h retired
"lost" list. AOFIs appearing on tapes f r o m husbands, have bouts with
illnesses, or have developed
Babs Carle Collins (Omicron Gina Strauchon careers that demand f u l l atten-
Pi) and Jane Batterson Dickman tion, the nucleus of our group
(Rho) whipped me into some remains almost the same. Our
degree of alumnae activity w i t h directory houses the same
their friendly concern at N.J. names that appeared at my first
Alumnae Chapter meeting time meeting.
after we had moved to that state.
While few of us have the
The congeniality of the group talent or energy to measure up
reminded me of the same feel- to a special image, those of us
ings I had experienced at EA. who have maintained a strong
Here were women from almost thread of interest in our sorority
as many different schools and membership have found it an
states as we had members. Yet, I additional experience worth
felt so comfortable and at home every minute and every mile
that AOn's alumnae meeting- we've put into it.
time found a permanent place
on my calendar. This was filling Become involved as an alum-
a special need for I had moved na. Share yourself w i t h other
into a city and state not know- sisters throughout your life.
ing one person.
When I returned to teaching Gina Strauchon
^ ^ b o u t ten years later, I always


Pamphlet Urges Alumna Status

Graduation—a long-sought goal AOn members who are graduat- "Alumnae chapter involvement,
has finally been reached. With com- ing from college this spring will re- too, can provide an excellent re-
mencement comes many feelings— ceive a new pamphlet on becoming source in becoming acquainted with
pride, happiness and excitement. an alumna of Alpha Omicron Pi. a new city and settling the multitude
of details in establishing a new
Yet, w i t h all the excitement, there Created by Mary and Becky home," Mary continued.
is also a touch of sadness. Not only Montgomery, regional director for
does graduation bring a new begin- III, the brochure explains the alum- "Just as new members are the
ning, it also brings an end to a very nae chapters of today. lifeblood of collegiate chapters, so it
special time i n an AOU collegian's is w i t h a l u m n a e c h a p t e r s , "
life. Those late night study sessions "We surveyed college chapters a pamphlet editors said. "Alumnae
and the myriad of other special ac- while back and discovered that col- chapters welcome recent graduates
tivities that have been a part of the legians did not know what alumnae with open arms."
A O n college life that soon w i l l be do," Mary explained. "We want to
but cherished memories. emphasize that the chapter is a Young women do not have to
group of women with whom a worry about what they have to offer
However, there is one treasured young graduate already shares a an alumnae chapter.
part of your college life that does not common bond.
end with graduation: Your member- "Just as you had much to offer
ship in Alpha Omicron Pi. "Becoming involved in a chapter your collegiate chapter, you also
will provide you with educational, have a lot to offer your local alum-
"Your fraternity is not just a soci- social and philanthropic enrichment nae chapter. You can take AOn
ety for college friendships alone. throughout your life," she added. with you! By joining your local
The opportunities for involvement alumnae chapter, you can continue
as an alumna are countless. One of The pamphlet reminds the gradu- to fulfill your lifetime commitment
the best ways to become involved is ate about the benefits of alumnae to AOn," Mary stressed.
to join the AOn alumnae chapter chapter membership: leadership de-
nearest you," urges Mary Williams, velopment, up-to-date information The hardest part about becoming
regional vice president IV. "The on current fraternity operations, a involved as an alumna is taking that
most active volunteers first become sense of sisterhood and belonging first step to contact someone for
involved in their local alumnae and possibly an opportunity to information. To help new alumnae
chapter." work with collegians. the pamphlet will list the name and
address of the president of the alum-
Hoogerheide Hargreaves, Gamma, had a 'Coming nae chapter nearest the young
Out Party' for me." woman's new address.
(continued from page 4)
added. "We went to his Lambda Chi Maggie had been teaching "Consequently it is important to
reunion at Wisconsin last fall and it f u l l t i m e since 1965 and earned a keep your address current w i t h
was such f u n for h i m to see all his masters degree in 1969 but wanted AOn Central Office," Mary added.
friends. I began to wonder about my to enter the law field which had "Whenever you move, send your
long lost friends. fascinated her for years. Following new address so that you w i l l con-
her husband's death she decided to tinue to receive To Dragrna and all
" W h e n we went back East i n pursue the degree. other materials from Central Of-
January I knew that I must find my fice."
friends. Shirley Bostrom " I practically became a hermit
during my first year and the rest To Dragrna
w was much easier," she said. " L a w Past Copies Needed
school is great for a second career, I
•Br don't recommend it when someone Central Office reports that it
is involved i n an important relation- needs 100 copies of the Summer
Maggie Hoogerheide ship as it puts too many demands on 1979 and the Fall 1980 issues of To
one's time. I was free to do as I Dragrna.
pleased at that time."
Sue Lewis, administrative direc-
Now Maggie said she is trying to tor of CO, said that the fraternity
break into the somewhat "good old tries to keep 100 copies of each
boy" male bar of Iowa. issue for historical records.

" I n Colorado I was a lawyer," she Any collegian or alumna who
explained. "Here (in Iowa) I am a has either of the needed magazines
woman who wants to practice law. and can spare the copies should
Things do look promising at this send them to Central Office, 2401
point and I must admit that I am Hillsboro Road, Suite 103, Nash-
waiting for the really right position, ville, TN 37212.
not just a job."

Seniors Reflect On Being Part of AOTT

Upon entering college, young It seems that as a person ap- HE
women are looking for a new place proaches a "landmark" in her life,
to call home. Some find this place at thoughts become rather reminis- Sue Dorman
their dorm and some find it in their cent. I am no exception as m y o w n them onward w i t h me, to experi-
sorority. My newfound home was college commencement approaches. ence them as an alumna as our
AOR sorority grows and flourishes.
Memories of the past four years
It takes a while to get through an spin through my mind daily, and —Sue Dorman, Alpha Gamma
adjustment period, but once you do, among the accompanying emotions,
there are so many fascinating things there is one that remains surprising- Gazing back upon my past three
to be found i n AOI~I. The love ly strong: my pride in being a mem- years at O l d Miss, it seems that only
shared with and between my new ber of Alpha Omicron Pi. the "good times" remain clearly im-
set of sisters w i l l be w i t h me even printed in my memory. Football
after I graduate. The fond memories "What sorority are you a member weekends, fraternity parties and
of the joys, laughter, confusion, and of?" The answer, "AOn" was, and basketball games. A l l seem as if they
tears w i l l forever be i n my m i n d . always will be, accompanied by an only happened yesterday, yet my
involuntary smile. fondest memories are those spent as
Watching an AOIT chapter come a member of AOIT.
together and stand for the ideals we I can't help it.
hold in common and fight for these The name brings w i t h it a sense of The fraternity represents a re-
ideals when times are rough makes pride—pride in our sorority's ideals sponsibility to your university and
me realize how strong a chapter we and aspirations, our reputation of chapter. It means a giving of your
really are. friendliness and sincerity, and the time and energy to better your cam-
warmth I find always present when pus and chapter. The giving, how-
AOIT has taught me many I open the front door. ever, is often times returned ten-
things—how to give of myself, to I am proud of A O I T s concern fold.
stand firm in my beliefs, the ability w i t h the individual. In the case of
to work w i t h others, but the greatest our chapter, such a potpourri of per- The gifts I have received from the
is the ability to love one another. sons and personalities lend excite- N u Beta chapter are many. They i n -
Even though our chapter consists of ment to sorority living. Yet I am also c l u d e j o y o u s f i t s such as the
so many varied individuals, we ac- proud that we can work together to laughter 35 sisters share as they dis-
cept each other's differences and achieve a constructive end, laying cover w h o shot J.R. The deep feel-
help each other to attain our fullest aside our egos and concerns for just ings of pride received when a 98
potential. a moment in order to give attention pound sister leaps to the top of an
and effort to a cause, whether it be a AOIT human pyramid, clinching a
AOIT is love, and to receive love yell contest or an arthritis fund first place position in the Old Miss
and happiness you must be willing raiser. Greek Games.
to give up some of yourself. Finally, I am proud of these w o m -
en that share with me the AOIT ex- (continued on page 31)
—Kristie King, Nu Beta perience, w h o m I have been privi-
president, 1980-81 leged to call "sister." I have seen
them at their best and their worst,
w—"m and as a group we have shared quite
a lot. I have watched them, and
Kristie King myself, grow from flighty high
school graduates to goal-oriented
6 young women, and the process of
change has been fascinating to
observe and participate in.
As I leave WSU w i t h my degree in
June, I w i l l carry w i t h me many
happy memories of my brief life as a
college student. Yet the strongest of
my recollections w i l l be centered on
and around the big square house on
Campus Avenue and the pride,
friendship and warmth I found
The next challenge, as I step into
the mainstream of society, w i l l be to
take those qualities and to carry

Highlighting Rush 1981

"Success I
depends on s

& reputation."


By Marilyn Herman, Executive Board

Improvement of membership re- ters and an effective membership re- The RUSH EXCELLENCE
cruitment has been a major focus of cruitment program which results in A W A R D created by this Executive
the objectives and activities of your increases i n alumnae chapter mem- Board to be presented for the first
Executive Board this biennium. In bership numbers and levels of par- time at our Kansas City Convention
1980 our Regional Meetings concen- ticipation are realistic objectives w i l l honor the chapter, i n each of
trated on identifying and selling the toward which we have made great three campus total size categories,
"target market" the value of Alpha progress. which achieved quota during each
Omicron Pi membership. Formal Rush period of the year, at-
\t V tained and remained at or above the
Development and use of depend- campus set total, and f o l l o w e d
able rushee information sources has \ membership selection procedures
been an emphasis in both collegiate which resulted in initiation of near-
and alumnae chapters. Marilyn Herman ly 100% of the chapter's pledges.
Executive Board
A review and modification of the The three chapters who w i n the
AOn legacy rush process was com- new Rush Excellence Award w i l l
pleted last fall. New procedures have demonstrated convincingly
have gone to every collegiate and that they have committed them-
alumnae chapter with the hope that selves to excellence and are winners.
alumnae w h o supply the legacies The two chapters whose stories are
and chapters who rush them will featured i n this 1981 Rush issue of
have more satisfying legacy rush ex- To Dragma are models of rush suc-
periences. cess, definitely contenders for the
W i t h the creation of the new Re- Without a doubt, the happiest part
gional Rush pilot program at the of the story of these chapters is that
beginning of the biennium, chapters they work hard on their out-
gained new resource personnel to standing rush programs and they
help them achieve the rush excel- love every minute they devote to the
lence which is our goal. work.

Quota pledging of quality young 7
women by all AOFI collegiate chap-

Chapters Discuss Rush Feelings

(The Alpha Gamma and Chi Lambda P
Story as reported to Executive Board
Member Marilyn Herman) AOtT

"Will everyone here kindly stand / AOlT I
up and cheer
And let the winners lead the way." Chi Lambda prepares to greet new pledges

These two lines of a popular Planning time for both Alpha rations, finished nametags; they
A O I l song describe exactly the Gamma and Chi Lambda begins the literally complete every detail neces-
rush success we recognize in Alpha day after Formal Rush ends in the sary for a completely organized,
Gamma and Chi Lambda chapters, fall, when the chapter evaluates perfect Formal Rush.
and we've gone to the chapter carefully what facets of the Rush
members who can tell the story ex- just finished went well and what Rush leadership shares all rush
actly as it is: chapter Rush Chair- parts need some improvement. related projects with all chapter
women Diane Hauge, Alpha Gam- members. Every member takes prep-
ma; and Christine Allison, Chi As soon as a new Rush Chairman arations seriously, knows what
Lambda. is elected by Alpha Gamma, the two needs doing, and completes tasks on
RCs together develop the overall schedule.
Diane and Chris tell their chap- rushing plan. The chapter decides
ters' stories by describing the suc- on and accomplishes the desired "Every member of Alpha Gamma
cess attitudes and activities which changes i n parties, the Membership shares ownership of our success i n
create a reputation and are a way of Committee solicits rushees informa- rush," Diane said. " I n addition to
life with every member of these tion and the chapter members begin participating in the physical prepa-
two outstanding chapters. Now we "get acquainted" activities for rations, members believe rush suc-
go to the stories of two chapters legacies and friends. College Panhel- cess i n 95% positive attitude."
2,500 miles from each other, on lenic sponsors a spring Open House
campuses very different from each for high school students and Alpha " W e k n o w we are capable
other. Not surprisingly, however, Gamma uses Mothers' Weekend as a rushers. We like and trust each
the stories are almost identical. rush party dress rehearsal time. other. We w o r k at being the best we
Before that springtime event, the can be. We are eager for the time we
" A t Chi Lambda," Chris began, chapter has cast parts, rehearsed spend together preparing for rush,"
"we take RUSH seriously. It is the skits, perfected songs, practiced she added. "We k n o w that rush is
most important focus of our chapter rotation, completed sets and deco- the heartbeat of our Fraternity. It's
because we are rushing our future what assures continuation of the
sisters—the future of Alpha Omi- valued sisterhood we have."
cron Pi." O H *

" I t requires 100% participation,
she continued, "Believing that we
never get a second chance to make a
good first impression, we give it our
all the first time around."

For Chris' chapter, success is built
on positive chapter attitude, total
cooperation of all members, and
careful planning and organizing
every detail long before time for For-
mal Rush.

Alpha Gamma's Diane Hauge de-
scribes her chapter's three success
components as attitude, organiza-
tion, and reputation. The chapter
succeeds because the total member-
ship methodically and enthusi-
astically plans and prepares to suc-

Rush success depends on h o w
you think, (your attitude); how you
plan, (your organization), and how
you act over a long period of time
(your reputation).


C h i Lambda uses a Rush Commit- other qualities which may vary from house where music surrounds you,"
tee system w i t h the Rush Chairman chapter to chapter. Diane explained.
overseeing the committee, Chris re-
ported. The senior class representa- When school ends at Evansville " A l l of our parties on an upbeat.
tive is in charge of Membership University, Chi Lambda chapter's The song we used last year was 'We
Information and is responsible for rush preparations continue. Are Family,' " she said. "Every time
sending MIFs to alumnae in the we heard it throughout the year, it
rushee's home city. When the re- "To keep our chapter's psyched brought back wonderful rush
quested MIFs are returned by alum- attitude about rush during the sum- memories for even our newest mem-
nae, this committee member orga- mer, the Rush Committee sends out bers, w h o had identified it as the
nizes the information for use during newsletters so that we share by mail A O n song when they were rushees
membership selection sessions. The the activities of all our sisters. We waiting for a party at our house."
junior class representative is the also have a reunion picnic at the end
rush party coordinator who works of the summer. During the last few Pledging Day is as important as
with individual party directors. The days before Formal Rush, we perfect any event of rush at Alpha Gamma.
sophomore rep. is responsible for our rush songs, conversations and
chapter dress, costumes, and food rotations," Chris said. "We show our new pledges that
for fall workshop days and for rush our rush interest in them was
parties. She works w i t h alumnae "Our final pre-Rush psych-up is genuine. They see that we care even
who are an important part of Chi previewing the updated slide show more for our pledges," the rush
Lambda's rush success. of all our activities of the past year. head said. That pledge day activity
In effect, we rush ourselves while and the continuous spirit emphasis
" A great plus is the help we re- we practice for rush parties. We con- throughout the year are responsible
ceive from our alums," Chris said. clude each day's preparation w i t h for developing the all important
They prepare food, provide mem- an inspirational activity. By the time success attitude i n every young
bership information and recom- Formal Rush finally begins, we are woman w h o becomes an Alpha
mendations, and "are always there full of A O n enthusiasm. A n d to Gamma of A O I l .
for supervision and guidance when- keep the spirit high during Rush, we
ever we need i t . " do A O n cheers and chants between Alpha Gamma's emphasis on rep-
each party," she added. That's the utation is explained this way.
Some of the notable parts of the attitude story at Chi Lambda.
success attitude conveyed by Alpha "Sorority and fraternity members
Gamma and Chi Lambda were ex- Alpha Gamma's unique, spirit ac- all have a positive attitude about
plained this way by Chris and tivity during rush is playing a popu- A O n at Washington State Univer-
Diane. lar song which gets "every member sity because we have built an excel-
literally dancing around" just lent name for A O n through the
" W e use m a n y m e m b e r s as before each rush party begins. "Our years. We appreciate our reputation
leaders and organizers. People sup- windows are open; the rushees hear and we guard it well. In com-
port what they create," they us and refer to us as the happy munities from which our rushees
stressed. Chapter Relations Com- come, people always say A O n is
mittee and Rush Committee work
together to keep the chapters goal- If'
oriented and happy. Chapter rush
goals and membership selection cri- Alpha Gammas kick up their heels in a "Loveboat" skit.
teria are set early.

"We review the qualities most im-
portant to our sisterhood and trans-
late those into a list of qualities we
want in the rushees we bid," the
pair explained. At Alpha Gamma,
each member puts the qualities dis-
cussed into rank order. The top four
or five qualities on most lists become
our membership selection criteria.

"It gives us a good feeling to re-
mind ourselves we stand for
values," Diane explained. Qualities
which appear on both chapters' lists
are "enthusiasm, sincerity, attract-
ive appearance, and sense of

Each chapter also considers schol-
arship record, year in school, report-
ed group involvement and several


Diane Hauge listens to pre-Rush discussion good. We are not a group which A r s Terri Jacob and Pam Monarch are
at Af rests on its traditional, national rep- always ready with a smile.
utation," Diane added. "Our repu-
tation depends on our attitudes and to be winners. We believe that each
our actions solely, and we respect of us individually and our entire
that fact. We never let ourselves ride membership collectively reflect our
on our reputation. WE CON- sorority. What we are, A O I l is at
TINUALLY WORK AT BEING WSU. We are different kinds of girls,
BEST. We show the campus every each w i t h her individual strengths,
day that we deserve the reputation all complementing each other and
we have. We believe there is never a creating a winning A O I l reputa-
point at which we have reached our tion."
maximum. We can always improve.
We always have an improvement Indeed, every A O I l reading this
objective in view to guide us." should "stand up and cheer," and
proudly let two winners among
The women of Alpha Gamma par- sorority chapters everywhere "lead
ticipate in many student activities, the way."
earn good grades, and carry with
them always their boundless enthu-
siasm for Aon.

"We instill the idea that our chap-
ter house is a haven but that we are
responsible for striking out to sell
A O n to campus and community if
we are to continue to enjoy all of the
benefits of success w h i c h are ours."
She continued, " W h e n we w i n hon-
ors, we are not surprised, but we are
proud every time we win. We work

Tips For Achieving Rush Success

Alpha Gamma and Chi Lambda rush reports are filled with rushees because of the limited time for getting ac-
tips on achieving success in rush. Some of the keys include: quainted at rush parties.
8. We seek in our conversations to learn what each
1. Every contact we make with campus, community, and rushee could give to AOFI.
with rushees reflects our happiness at being AOIls. 9. We make our "live out" and dorm living members
Sometimes we are lighthearted and casual, sometimes conscious of their role in representing A O n daily in
we are serious and intimate. Always we are warm their living situation.
and sincere with people. 10. We take pride in our reputation for being a terrific
singing group. We don't look for wonderful solo
2. At Chi Lambda's favorite party, the Hawaiian theme voices. We devote time and all of our energy to main-
party, the atmosphere is relaxing and quiet to contrast taining the beauty of our harmony and our love for
with the hustle and bustle of rush. We involve the singing together. We sing together daily, rehearse
rushees by teaching them the hand motions and the weekly throughout the year, and are happiest when
lyrics of Hawaiian songs. we are singing.
11. We conduct try outs for all entertainment parts in our
3. We know rushees feel important when we remember parties. We consider it a privilege to have a speaking
names and facts about their interests. We spend much or singing part in an entertainment.
time before rush learning everything we can about 12. We keep the same parties year after year, refining and
each rushee. polishing them each time we prepare for a new year's
rush. Performers are selected within a month after
4. We select the A O n greeters carefully because we Formal Rush and they practice all year. It's just
know that our rushees must have the most enthusi- another way of expressing a commitment to excel-
astic, sincere welcome at A O n . First impression is lence, and we have that commitment as our continu-
critical. ing goal.

5. We avoid asking rushees the common questions. We Every chapter of A O n can experience the rush success of
practice conversations which will help us get rushees Alpha Gamma and Chi Lambda. Many of our chapters know
to talk about things which interest them. this success as a chapter tradition. Making the "Quota Con-
nection" is within the reach of every A O n chapter. It requires
6. Every rotation group is representative of the variety the commitment to excellence described throughout this Rush
of looks and personalities in our chapter. Rushees issue. T r y it; you'll love it!
know immediately there are no stereotypes here.
Every rushee can find within the rotation group the
special person with whom she "clicks."

7. People are attracted to pretty faces. We work individ-
ually to look attractive and to have genuinely inter-
esting conversations. Appearance means lots to


A Legacy Is A Special Gift

The Legacy Connection

Every year many young women >
arrive on the campus of their choice
for rush filled with special anticipa- .....

tion of an AOIl sisterhood 2•

cherished and described with emo- ;
tion by an older sister, mother, or
grandmother. S. Sandra Black Allen, left, Delta Delta '58, and older daughter Megan Allen, Lambda Iota,
hope that 12th grade sister someday will be asked to pledge AOfl.
When one of our AOF1 sisters
sends a member of her family to us, Any decision not to bid a legacy long before rush begins so that the
she sends us her most valued gift, a k n o w n to the chapter because of her chapter has time to get acquainted
legacy w h o is special . . . one w h o AOn relative's completed Member- with the legacy information.
may already know and care about ship Information Form (MIF) re-
Alpha Omicron Pi because she has quires a communication between Second, and just as important,
grown up surrounded by contacts the adviser present and approving educate every young woman w h o is
with our Fraternity. planning to rush with the value of
But it is difficult Greek membership and the
That AOn w h o sends her legacy to talk about a dynamics of the National Panhel-
to a collegiate chapter hopes her legacy who is lenic mutual selection system of
" g i f t " w i l l be h a n d l e d w i t h not pledged rush at the same time she is intro-
thoughtfulness and love. Sometimes duced to our Fraternity, so that our
those hopes are dashed. the decision and the AOn relative legacies do not enter rush thinking
of the legacy. that an AOn bid is automatically
We know that rush quotas and an forthcoming or absolutely necessary
ever increasing number of legacy A l l of us can help increase the to a rewarding sorority experience.
rushees make it impossible for chap- likelihood that collegiate chapters
ters to pledge every legacy who is and legacy rushees w i l l enjoy a hap- Lastly, we as AOn members must
rushed. Difficult as it is, as our Fra- py legacy rush experience, Marilyn accept that chapters' needs change
ternity grows older and larger, we added. First, send the appropriate and campuses change, the XB mem-
must accept the reality that many collegiate chapter a completed MIF ber concluded. "From the time of
legacies w i l l not become A O f l and a supporting, personal note our founders' first pledging, our col-
pledges, XB member Marilyn Her- legiate members have been
man reported. entrusted with the responsibility
and privilege of bidding new mem-
"While we can't pledge every bers. None of us would want it
legacy, we can honor the heritage of another way; for that too is a vital
our sisterhood by offering every part of the AOn heritage we
legacy our sincere friendliness and cherish."
our 'family' love and interest," she
stressed. " N o collegiate chapter (Continued on page 12)
should give less, nor should any
A O f l sister ask more."

Our Fraternity's policy on legacy
rushing was restated i n 1980 i n an
attempt to assure all of us that our
collegiate chapters will have the
utmost opportunity to rush legacies
and so that every legacy w i l l have
the full exposure to AOn rush her
heritage deserves, she added.

The policy states that chapters
"shall give to every known legacy
the special consideration her A O f l
heritage warrants." It is Fraternity
policy to encourage strongly all pos-
sible pledging of legacies. "Every
legacy shall be extended at least one
invitation beyond the Open House
set of parties."


When Dreams 3
Don't Come
True. . .

(Another letter—from a mother to her collegiate o0
chapter which had not bid her daughter.)
Original artwork by Carolyn McCullough McDonald, Chi Lambda
Dear Delta Delta,
Alpha Omicron Pi has always been (Letter from one A O f l alum, regional officer, to be at our Kansas City Convention to-
gether in June, 1981.
very special to me. In 1955 I became a wlrose legacy had not been bid by A O n to
pledge at A.P.I, which is now Auburn. I Omega chapter cut our daughter after
was initiated in January 1956 and at another AOFI alum whose sister had the same second period parties. Knowing that
that time was awarded the honor of she has grown up with A O n you can
being model pledge in my class. My experience at another A O n chapter.) understand our hurt. She continued
senior year I served as treasurer. Upon through rush, however didn't prefer-
my marriage in 1959 1 joined the Dear Becky, ence because she still hoped for an
Montgomery Alumnae chapter. Before I I received your letter about your A O n bid. I knew there was no chance
started to work, I represented Alpha during informal rush as Omega always
Omicron Pi in the Montgomery Panhel- sister some time ago and I am sorry I takes quota. With our blessing, our
lenic. I have continued to participate in did not answer sooner. daughter later that fall pledged another
sorority activities through the years. sorority.
I understand your feelings more than
During these 21 years, my children you know. I don't know what we as AO lis can
have heard about what Alpha Omicron do. I do know all chapters have prob-
Pi means to me. They have known that I My mother is a 1929 graduate of lems at times with so many legacies. I
believe in the sorority system and feel it Omega chapter. For many years she really don't think collegians know the
serves a useful purpose on the college served as alum president and alumnae hurt that can come from their not
campus. Because I have worked in a director in Ohio was International Phil- pledging a legacy. Even alums do not
high school for 15 years, I have pro- anthropic chairman in the 1950's. I am a understand until it happens to them. I
vided many recommendations for chap- 1959 graduate of the same chapter and know I didn't.
ters receiving rushees from my high served as an officer in the chapter. I
school. have been alum president and Panhel- Becky, I am proud to be an A O n and
lenic president while living in Florida. I will continue to do what I can for our
I have known many years of large have been a Regional Director for the sorority. Though things didn't turn out
numbers of legacies going out for rush, past five years. the way I wanted them, I can now look
and I have thought "how wonderful." ahead to my Panhellenic family. We
This is just what our Founders had in Last February our elder daughter have a ten-year-old daughter too. Who
mind —a perpetuating group. How chose Miami University over Vander- knows, someday we might have a third
great to have generations of Alpha Om- bilt and Auburn even though those two sorority in our family.
icron Pi families. But when the time schools had offered her scholarships. I
came to send one of my own off to rush, was so happy that she was going to be a I wish you the very best. I am sure
she got the horrible title of legacy. A third generation Miamian. What that our hurt will ease with time.
legacy is apparently someone sorority pleased us all even more was the pros-
members dread. She must be perfect if pect that she would be a third genera- Alpha Love,
she is not to be dropped immediately by tion Omegan. She had so many high Linda Blau
the group to which she is a legacy. school honors and a high G.P.A. that we
never doubted that she would be bid by
My daughter, with many other A O n . We even had arrangements made
legacies, was dropped by Alpha Omi- for three generations of Omega A O f l s
cron Pi. To say I am bitter is an under-
statement. Today members of your
chapter asked me to recommend some
rushees. What good does it to? I have
sent on the average 30 recommenda-
tions per year which I feel rarely have
been considered.

Why did I write this? I only hope that
you will be a mature group when you
next are asked to consider legacies out
for rush. When your rush is over, I hope
I can say once again that I am proud to
be an alumna of Delta Delta chapter.

Joyce Enzor Sweatt



name of college rushee will attend MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION attach picture here

Rushee's Name .Age Y e a r in college presently

Parent or Guardian's Name . Address

R u s h e e ' s Home A d d r e s s if different from above

Rushee's Current College Address .Telephone number

Name of High School

Date of Graduation from High S c h o o l . .Approximate number of students in s c h o o l .

High School Grade Point Average. College Grade Point Average.

Summary of R u s h e e ' s interests, talents, achievements, awards, involvement in organizations, group leadership experience:
(Please list on back of this sheet)

AOn Relatives: address relationship with rushee college chapter
name (include maiden name if possible)

name (include maiden name if possible) address relationship with rushee college chapter

Relative or close friends in other N P C groups: .

name address name of sorority relationship

name . address name of sorority relationship

Is this rushee a personal friend or acquaintance of y o u r s ? If not known personally by you, what is the s o u r c e of the information

on this form? . Have you talked with her about AOn ? . Is this rushee able to manage
Would you like to have this rushee bid by an AOn chapter? _

the cost of college and sorority membership? When does s h e plan to enter college (If s h e is not now a student)?

MA F O R T H E C O L L E G E AT WHICH T H I S R U S H E E W I L L A T T E N D S C H O O L . If you are not able to locate this name and a d d r e s s , s e n d the form
to the Regional Extension Officer responsible for the region in which the r u s h e e will attend college.

If you have gathered this information in r e s p o n s e to a chapter's request, p l e a s e s e n d the information to the return a d d r e s s indicated im-
mediately. A collegiate chapter's pledging depends on your prompt information.

Please u s e an additional page to explain or add
any other information which might be useful to
the chapter in their getting to know this rushee.

Your Name . Address . .Telephone
Your Collegiate Chapter Area Code
Your Alumnae Chapter _
Your Signature For Chapter Use Only: Date Received
Today's Date Date Acknowledgement Sent
Sorority Rushee Pledged

Collegiate members bid new members, but all A O I l s share the lifetime privi- alum and nearby collegiate chapter for the new AOn's education.
lege and responsibility of telling our chapters about young women we believe
will enjoy as we enjoy,.love as we love, and care as we care for the welfare and Each collegiate chapter advisory committee shall:
growth of the sisterhood of Alpha Omicron Pi.
1. Appoint an Alumnae Membership Information Committee to direct the
To help each of us take more fully our vital role in the future of A O I l , we re- collegiate chapter membership chairman's gathering and processing of
view here the specific responsibilities and privileges related to selection of our information year round. This Committee has final responsibility for
members. soliciting needed MIFs and developing an information request letter to
send with MIF requests.
Each collegiate member shall:
2. Assign an adviser responsible for rush to help the chapter utilize MIFs in
1. Represent A O n attractively and enthusiastically every day. O u r Frater- membership consideration meetings during rush.
nity as a whole is to the world around us what the w o r l d finds in each
of us individually. Potential A O I l s are "created" in every positive con- 3. Be responsible for handling MIFs during the rushing period.
tact made by any member. 4. Supervise the sending of thank you cards available from A O n headquar-

2. Send membership information about any quality acquaintance or friend ters to every person and chapter who supplies membership information.
who plans to-attend a college where A O n has a chapter.
5. Prepare required rushee information statement when no M I F can be
3. Maintain friendly contacts with high school teachers and counselors secured.
and with younger members of organizations from your high school
years. 6. Notify Regional Rush Officer of need for key alumnae contacts in areas not
covered by alumnae chapters or colonies on the Z i p Code Directory of
4. Tell friends and acquaintances you are an A O n . Tell them of the value Alum Chapters and Colonies.
you have found in AOFI.
Each Regional Extension Officer shall:
5. Let your friends know that you have written to an AOFI chapter to in-
troduce them. You are paying them a great compliment. 1. Maintain an up-to-date, accurate address listing for all A O F I s in the re-
gion and send information available to advisory committees, collegiate
6. Participate fully and enthusiastically in every rushing activity your chapter rush personnel, and Regional Rush Officer who request it.
chapter undertakes, giving your participation in careful selection of
new members top priority among your collegiate privileges and con- 2. Through Extension Coordinators or by personal letter contact alumnae
cerns. out of chapter areas to develop dependable "key alum" membership infor-
mation sources and send list of Extension Coordinators and key alums to
Each collegiate chapter shall: . chapters and Regional Rush Officer for their direct contact use.

1. Plan and implement chapter rushing plans which represent A O n ac- 3. Maintain college and home address information for all collegiate AOris
curately and appealingly as the quality product AOFI is. who transfer to schools where we have no AOFI chapter. Provide those
collegians up-to-date A O n information and direction for making contacts
2. Welcome every rushee warmly each time she attends an A O n activity. at the university or college they attend.
3. Use available Membership Information Forms (MIFs) to personalize rush-
4. Provide leadership for all formal presentations of A O n at colleges, uni-
ing. versities, and i n groups of AOO alumnae considering formation of a
4. Have a supportive M I F or equivalent information for every rushee you chapter or colony.

invite to'a Formal R u s h preference party before the invitation is extended. Each Regional Director shall:
5. Secure M I F on every rushee you want to bid through continous open bid-
1. Provide collegiate chapter advisory committees direct training to prepare
ding before you extend the bid. them to fulfill their responsibilities in collecting MIFs and supervising the
6. Invite into membership, within the limits of Panhellenic set quota and use of MIFs in collegiate membership selection.

total, all those young women who possess the desired A O n membership 2. Provide assigned collegiate chapters continuous direction and enthusi-
qualities. • astic support in their development and implementation of successful rush.

7. Acknowledge receipt of each M I F and all rushee information correspond- 3. Communicate with Regional Rush Officer and Regional Vice President
ence w h i c h introduces a rushee to the chapter. Thank the member who needs or problems in any phase of rush programs of assigned chapters.
provided the information within 10 days after you finish rushing.
4. Approve r u s h plans including membership selection criteria of all
8. Develop and use membership selection criteria which result in pledging assigned chapters and coordinate communication between R R O and A C
chapter quota of quality women. personnel responsible for supervision of rush. This responsibility may be
delegated in writing to the Regional Rush Officer.
9. Speak only positively about other sororities, and about Greek life. Never
complain about rushing rules or procedures. 5. Visit assigned chapters during membership selection planning and/or
during formal rush to provide direction and evaluate first h a n d those
10. Sell A O I l in every chapter contact with campus and community by enthu- areas of rush needing improvement. This responsibility may be delegated
siasm and timely, quality performance of all responsibilities. in writing to R.R.O.

Each alumna shall: Each Regional Rush Officer shall:

1. Show pride i n A O I l membership by telling friends and acquaintances of 1. Share with chapters expertise in all areas of rush planning, rushing, and
the value you have found in the A O n experience. membership selection. Assess needs on basis of rush plans and reports.

2. Get acquainted with college bound young women in your neighborhood, 2. Plan, select, prepare, and supervise all rush assistance requested by chap-
church, among friends, and at work. ters in the region.

3. C l i p news articles about young women who win local awards and honors. 3. Maintain accurate name/address information on all A O F I members with-
Find someone who knows the honor student and provide MIF to chapter in the region and, when requested by an advisory membership informa-
where she will attend college. tion committee, solicit MIFs for a chapter directly or through the Regional
Extension Officer. R E O will supply membership address list.
4. Send unsolicited MIFs to the A O n chapters at the colleges to be attended
by all graduating acquaintances and friends. 4. Correspond with R E O and Extension Coordinators working with R E O to
get information on key alumnae they have identified as alums dependable
5. Reply promptly to collegiate chapter requests for rushee information. in supplying membership information on rushees.
6. Include your A O F I affiliation whenever you provide media information
5. Directly contact key alumnae identified by R E O or ask R E O or appropriate
about yourself. extension coordinator to make required membership info contact.

Each alumnae chapter shall: 6. Assume other rush preparation responsibilities delegated by Regional D i -
1. Select a Membership Information Officer and assign her the job of setting
up an information collection system and coordinating all related activities. Regional Vice President shall:

2. Distribute all Membership Information collected to the appropriate colle- 1. Provide positive, knowledgeable leadership for all membership selection
giate chapter before the chapter's formal rush begins. Check formal rush practices in the region.
dates in the Spring or Summer issue of To Dragma each year.
2. Review pledging information, including percent of pledgings supported
3. Send an annual newsletter containing a sample M I F to all area alumnae by MIFs. Work with R D to develop the use of MIFs by chapters. Lead re-
and solicit participation of every alumna in the collection of rushee infor- gional officers in their efforts to develop information sources.
3. Provide chapters and officers ideas for continuous, positive presentation
4. Participate fully in the Alumnae Panhellenic organization in developing of A O F I .
and maintaining an information file on potential rushees in the com-
munity and conducting Panhellenic orientation activities for college The Executive Board shall:
bound high school students.
1. Monitor weaknesses and strengths of M I F program and offer revisions
5. Sponsor social events to bring together high school students and A O n when necessary to support a positive, useful M I F program.
collegians, especially daughters and sisters of A O I l s and their, friends.
2. Provide continuously to regional officers and advisory committees obser-
6. Arrange for area AOTI collegians to participate in every Alumnae Panhel- vations and suggestions based on analyses of MIF program.
lenic sponsored event for high school students.
3. Provide AOFI membership selection leadership which results in increased
7. Maintain a varied, creative program of chapter activities and use the news percentage of chapters pledging and initiating quota of quality new mem-
media and informal news sources to publicize your activities and A O n bers.
contributions to the community and to appeal of A O F I s of all ages.
Central Office staff shall:
8. Sponsor each year at least one activity w h i c h benefits your community or
charitable organization such as your local Arthritis Foundation chapter. 1. Maintain a supply of all M I F related materials.
2. Print in To Dragma annually a Rush Directory w h i c h includes the month
9. Maintain an ongoing program of social and helpful activities with a near-
by collegiate chapter or adopt a distant collegiate chapter. of each chapter's formal rush and the contact person.
3. Keep up-to-date all C C O M and advisory manual information relative to
10. Match each A O f l new to community with enthusiastic, active member
near new sister's age. Provide orientation information packet about your membership selection and use of MIFs.



School, Chapter Chapter Adviser School, Chapter Chapter Adviser School, Chapter Chapter Adviser

Alabama, Univ. of Mrs. Tom Diener California State Miss Donna M. C. Florida Southern Miss Vanessa Draper
Alpha Delta 1164 Northwood University, Koziol College 3520 Cleveland
August Northridge
Lake 208021 Kingsbury Kappa Gamma Heights, Apt. 171
Sigma Phi Chatsworth, CA. September Lakeland, FL 33808
Northport, AL 35401 August
Arizona, Univ. of Miss Linda Harrison Central Missouri Florida, Univ. of Mrs. Mark Simcoe
Upsilon Alpha 7760 E. 39th Street State Univ. Miss Janet Sue Gamma Omicron 392-7 Maguire
August Tucson, AZ 85730 Rhoads September
Delta Pi Village
September 323-A King Street Gainesville, FL 32603
Warrensburg, MO
Arkansas State Mrs. Thad Wyatt Coe College George Mason Mrs. Michael Hayes
1812 Eldridge Alpha Theta 64093
University Jonesboro, AR 72401 September University 9718 Kingsbridge
Sigma Omicron Miss Joan Ackerman Gamma Alpha
August Colorado, Univ. of Coe College September Drive, #1
Chi Delta Cedar Rapids, IA Fairfax, VA 22030
Auburn University Mrs. Don Vincent 52402 Georgia State Mrs. Stephen C. Bell
Delta Delta P.O. Box 2097 Delaware, Univ. of University 1616 Briarcliff Road,
September Auburn, AL 36830 Delta Chi Miss Anne Clark
September 1241 Pennsylvania Gamma Sigma #4
Ball State University Mrs. William Huber September Atlanta, GA 30306
Kappa Kappa 2000 W. Jackson Street, #5
September Denver, CO 80203 Georgia, Univ. of Mrs. Bob Pease
Street Lambda Sigma Route 1, Box 135
Muncie, IN 47303 Mrs. James V. Hay September Cleveland Road
36 Stature Road Bogart, GA 30622
Bemidji State Mrs. James Brown Newark, DE 19713
University Route 2, Box 266

Beta Epsilon Hanover College Mrs. Robert McClew
September Phi Omicron P.O. Box 254
January Hanover, IN 47243

Birmingham Mrs. Dick Ingram . . . Every new pledge in Hartwick College Mrs. Fred G. Hickein
808 11th Street each chapter is a promise for the Sigma Chi 82 Elm Street
Southern College Pleasant Grove, AL future. Though an individual is September Oneonta, NY 13820
Tau Delta pledged to one chapter, it is the
September 35127 entire fraternity that benefits.
Every new pledge helps our fra-
Boise State Mrs. Russ Phillips ternity grow and strengthens Huntingdon College Miss Ann Ingram
701 Warren the common bond we all share
University Boise, ID 83706 Sigma Delta 1267 Huie Street
Beta Sigma —Joan MacCallum,
August International President September Prattsville, AL 36067

British Columbia, Mrs. Kerry Spence Illinois, Univ. of Mrs. Paul Valbert
Univ. of 4128 Virginia Iota 1720 Lincoln Road
August Champaign, 1L 61820
Beta Kappa Crescent
September N. Vancouver, B.C., Illinois Wesleyan Mrs. Betty Ridder-
Canada V7R 3Z6 University
Beta Lambda 325 Hillside Court
California, Univ. of, Mrs. D. Rice September Bloomington, IL
134 Journey's End
Berkeley Walnut Creek, CA Duke University Mrs. William 61701
Sigma Delta Upsilon Mattern
September 94595 January Indiana State Mrs. Paul Gibbons
2429 Rosewood University 35 Gardendale Road
California, Univ. of, Mrs. William Huston Terre Haute, IN
Davis 4640 Hillview Court Kappa Alpha
Chapel Hill, NC September 47803
Chi Alpha Avenue
September Sacramento, CA 27514

95822 East Carolina Mrs. Carl Tyndall Indiana University Mrs. Barry K. Hurtt
University 404 Elizabeth Beta Phi 3611 Bainbridge
Greenville, NC 27834 November
Zeta Psi Drive
California, Univ. of, Miss Ann Ballweg September Indiana Univ. of Bloomington, IN
6476 Friars Road, Pennsylvania
San Diego East Stroudsburg Miss Leslie Welch 47401
Lambda Iota #112 State College Gamma Beta Ms. Cheryl Stewart
September 12-G Franklin September 255 Grant Street
San Diego, CA 92108 Phi Beta Indiana, PA 15701
September & March Greens
California State Mrs. Vince Somerset, NJ 08873
University, Long Rhinehart
Beach Evansville, Univ. of Mrs. Thomas David Iowa State Mrs. Robert Shirk
341 Winslow Chi Lambda 15000 McCutchan 2854 Monroe Street
Lambda Beta September University Ames, IA 50010
August Avenue Road Iowa Sigma
Long Beach, CA August
Evansville, IN 47711


School, Chapter Chapter Adviser School, Chapter Chapter Adviser School, Chapter Chapter Adviser

Kansas, Univ. of Mrs. Carl E. Murray State Mrs. Kenneth Oregon State Mrs. John Baines
Phi Hoffman University University 204 N. W. 27th
January Harrell Corvallis, OR 97330
1271 Medford Delta Omega 801 Doran Road Alpha Rho
Kearney State Topeka, KS 66604 August Murray, KY 42071 September
Mrs. Richard Blausey Nebraska, Univ. of, Miss Mary Jane Oregon, University Mrs. R. Lester
Phi Sigma 3702 Avenue "M" Lincoln of Hixson
August Kearney, NE 68847 Bruce
Zeta 4307 F Street Alpha Sigma 1523 Russett Drive
Kentucky, Univ. of Miss Sara Simms August Lincoln, NE 68510 September Eugene, OR 97401
Colony 1303 Ravencrest
September Frankfort, KY 40601 North Alabama, Miss Susan Melinda Purdue University Mrs. Thomas
Univ. of Phi Upsilon McHenry
LaGrange College Mrs. Ed Snider French October
Lambda Chi 201 N. Lewis Street Alpha Kappa Chateau Orleans, 1734 Summit Drive
September LaGrange, GA 30240 August West Lafayette, IN
Apt. 4B
Muscle Shoals, AL 47906


Lambuth College Mrs. Mike Wills Northeast Louisiana Mrs. Tom Nicholson Slippery Rock State Miss Kay Bellissimo
Omega Omicron 7 Sagewood Cove University 1001 McKeine Place, College 273 Normal Avenue
September Jackson, TN 38301 Slippery Rock, PA
Lambda Tau Apt. 1401 Sigma Rho
Maine, Univ. of Mrs. Mary Ambrose August Monroe, LA 71201 September 16057
Orono Dumais
Northern Arizona Mrs. Richard Baker South Alabama, Miss Margaret Hook
Gamma 18 Pine Haven 1508 N. Aztec Univ. of 2660 Ralston Road
September Trailer Park University Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Mobile, AL 36606
Theta Omega Gamma Delta
Old Town, ME 04468 August September Miss Jane Mehl
7648 Sumter
Maryland, Univ. of Miss Pat Savory "When I first came to AOU I South Carolina,
Pi Delta Ledoux was unaware of all the love I Univ. of Highway, Apt. 127
September was to find. At first I knew Columbia, SC 29209
1550 Monument hardly anyone. Gradually I met Delta Phi
people and began to recognize September
Road names and faces. Later the indi-
Middletown, MD vidual personalities began to Southeastern Miss Beth Pruitt
shine, but as I grew to know my Southeastern
21769 sisters I began to understand Louisiana
myself better. University Louisiana
Miami University Mrs. Robert Schuette Kappa Tau University
Omega 9 Robin Court Each day the meaning of August P.O. Box 948
August Oxford, OH 45056 being an AOn began to take Hammond, LA
hold and the feeling of love had
Michigan, Univ. of Miss Lynne Garvey begun to grow. Now looking 70402
Omicron Pi 12076 Nathaline back I see the change in my life. I
September Redford, MI 48239 see my new-found sisters and Southern California, Miss Debbie
the feeling of being an AOn Univ. of
Minnesota, Univ. of Miss Lynn Aaze which shall remain in my heart Samuelian
Tau 9703 Dorset Lane forever. Nu Lambda 321 Westminister,
Eden Prairie, MN August
September —Paula Berkman, Upsilon #202 '
55344 Los Angeles, CA


Mississippi, Univ. of Mrs. Van Southwestern Miss Toni M.
.Nu Beta Fenstermaker Spieghts
August Lousiana, Univ. of
403 S. 5th Delta Beta 3600 E. Simcoe, #30
Oxford, MS 38655 August Lafayette, LA 70501

Montana State Mrs. Ernest Griffanti Southwestern at Miss Barbara E.
University 2904 Colter Avenue Memphis Ashcroft
Bozeman, MT 59715
Alpha Phi Kappa Omicron 1726 Morley Place,
September November

Memphis, TN 38111

Montana, University Mrs. Bill Henderson Northern Illinois Mrs. Bernard Tennessee, Univ. of Mrs. Jack Mills
of 2995 Golden Hill Omicron 3543 Iskagna Drive
Missoula, MT 59801 University Karasick Knoxville, TN 37919
Beta Rho Nu Iota Mare Barn Lane September
September August Wayne, IL 60184

Morehead State Dr. Diane L. Ris Northwest Missouri Miss Sue Mahanna Tennessee, Univ. of, Miss Kaneal Gay
399 Bays Avenue State Univ. Martin University Courts, L-
University Morehead, KY 40351 1135-1/2 N. College
Omega Xi Lambda Omega Tau Omicron 12
January September Street, C-8 September
Maryville, MO 64468 Martin, TN 38237

Morningside College Mrs. Doug Allen Ohio Northern Mrs. Tom Stein Texas, Univ. of, San Mrs. William Cooper
Theta Chi 2616 South' Paxton 414 S. Main Street Antonio 6030 Forest Ridge
University Ada, OH 45810 San Antonio, TX
Kappa Pi Upsilon Lambda
August Sioux City, IA 51106 September August 78240


School, Chapter Chapter Adviser

Toledo, Univ of Mrs. George Skaff
Theta Psi 2674 Drummond
September Toledo, O H 43606

Toronto, Univ. of Mrs. Donald Pressey *C2
Beta Tau 75 Jackson Avenue
September Toronto, Ontario,

Vanderbilt Canada M8X 2)7
Miss Suzanne Colgan
Nu Omicron 595 Hicks Road, Apt.
Nashville, T N 37721

Wagner College Miss Nancy Ann
Theta Pi Cochrane
September &
327 Maitland
February Avenue

Teaneck, NJ 07666

Washington College Mrs. ]. Frederick
Sigma Tau Price
P.O. Box 92
Chestertown, MD


Washington State Mrs. Jim R. Blake V]
University N E 102 Scott Place
Pullman, W A 99163 A scene from Delta Delta's Rush Week
Alpha Gamma
September Mrs. Bruce Busch Pledging—Special Time
5700 29th N.E.
Washington, Seattle, W A 98105
University of


Western Illinois Mrs. Keith Rogers Pledgeship is an exciting, yet Together, the pledge class of 1981
University 106 Dove Avenue unfamiliar experience for any new is learning about Alpha Omicron Pi
Macomb, IL 61455 AOn-to-be, and the Alpha Gamma and its members, entering frater-
Sigma Iota chapter at Washington State U n i - nity-sponsored activities and learn-
September versity knows how to make its ing about ourselves. But most
pledges feel special with many importantly, we are creating new
Western Kentucky Mrs. Neil Allen surprises and activities planned for lasting friendships.
University 459 Brentmoor Drive them throughout the year.
Bowling Green, K Y Friendships are not built in a
Alpha Chi The day 29 other women and I moment. They are something to be
August 42101 pledged Alpha Omicron Pi, one nurtured along, and every house ac-
could see the looks of expectation tivity we have strengthens the
Wisconsin, Univ. of, Miss Kristin Maegli and anticipation on every one of our bonds among us, f r o m late night
Milwaukee 3519 N. 97th Place faces. A l l of us had different expec- popcorn parties, to organized all-
Milwaukee, WI tations of Greek life, yet we antici- house retreats.
Phi Delta pated new experiences to help us
September 53222 grow, both as individuals and as a These bonds are the true feelings
group. of sisterhood—the kind one experi-
Wisconsin, Univ. of, Mrs. David Kraemer ences w h e n one knows someone is
Stout 1203 Ballentine Road The concept of individuality is there to depend upon, to those feel-
Menomonie, WI important to the shape a sorority ings one gets when you discover
Iota Tau takes. Without it, a house lacks someone has used up the last hot
September 54751 room for people to grow and learn. water for morning showers.
Sorority living teaches people to ex-
Wright State Mrs. D. M. Andrews pand their views and include those Pledgeship is a special time for
University 7907 Northland of 60 other women w h i l e keeping new pledges, but nothing can match
their o w n convictions. Yet, when the upcoming excitement of initia-
Kappa Kelta Court the need arises, we are learning to tion w h e n one can say " I ' m an
September Dayton, O H 45415 come together and w o r k as a group. A O n " and truly be a part of those
with which one lives.
Youngstown State Miss Elaine J. Glaros
University 3360 Allendale — Margo Myers, Alpha Gamma

Phi Lambda Avenue
September Youngstown, O H



Mary Tennant Earns 'Auntie Mame' Image

"We facetiously call Mary Kent- *
Miller Tennant, Omicron Pi, our 8\
" A u n t i e M a m e " for she seems to
swing into our midst when needed 7
most and then she's off again to St.
Croix or Lake Placid," writes Gina i
Strauchon, Epsilon Alpha and a
member of the New Jersey Alumnae m
Mary Kent-Miller Tennant with actor and dancer Ray Bolger. Her fund-raising efforts have
Her latest call "to service" was to made her one of New Jersey's most prominent women.
be the Founders' Day speaker i n
December although she had per- ship A w a r d has been named in her chairman of the Alice Lloyd Memo-
formed in that capacity many, many honor by the AAUW. rial for the Use of Atomic Energy i n
times before. Our December date the treatment of Cancer. Mary was
coincided with an N.J. A r t League For her play direction, she re- the founder and president of the
dinner for sixty-five scheduled for ceived the Outstanding Federation A n n Arbor Alumnae Chapter.
that evening at her home. of Women's Clubs Award in Drama.
She has also received A A U W Currently M a r y is serving as a
"Of course, I don't have to cook awards for playwriting, short story, chairman for the Steering Commit-
the food," she laughed i n first de- pageantry and painting. She was the tee involved w i t h f u n d i n g the
clining our invitation, "but I should Bicentennial playwright for New Valentine B. Windt Lobby of the
be on hand that afternoon to direct Jersey. University of Michigan's Power
the moving of the furniture." Center for the Performing Arts. The
" I ' m delighted about AOFI going lobby, labeled as more than just a
When Founders' Day arrived, into Michigan," she said about her foyer to the theater, w i l l be a
Mary was the speaker. chapter. Mary's interest in AOI1 spacious promenade area large
and her alma mater have never enough for receptions with room for
Theta Pi collegians from Wagner failed. She received the University of both temporary and permanent ex-
College, w h o joined alumnae at the Michigan Alumni Award for out- hibits.
Founders' Day luncheon, were standing alumna. She also was
mesmerized as they listened to this
handsome, witty woman recount
her personal experiences with the
founders when she was an adviser
to N u (NYU) chapter many years

"It's too bad that we can't literally
tag A O n after Mary's name since
her leadership of fund raisers and
w o r t h w h i l e causes makes her one of
the most photographed women in
New Jersey," Gina added.

She and her committee of the
Daughters of the British Empire
have raised thousands of dollars for
a home for the aged. On that day
Mary's spacious gardens, are given
over to nearly two hundred paying
guests who enjoy a fashion show,
small bazaar, and refreshments on
the terrace.

Mary immediately swung into
action as a member of the Board of
Directors of N.J.'s famous Papermill
Professional Playhouse to begin
fund raising for rebuilding the land-
mark theatre when it was gutted by
fire recently.

On a personal level, Mary's inter-
ests are never superficial or short-
lived. Talented i n the arts—dance,
drama, and writing, the N.J. Fellow-


Greeks in the Years Ahead

Success Must Not Cause Isolation

The 1980s do have challenges for might not have such oppor- Advisers are only there to advise
Greeks on all campuses. tunities—or the opportunities might and this is greatly needed, Shannon
be there, but you might not be aware added. "Undergraduates will make
Shannon Ellis, Iota, director of of i t , " she said. mistakes or w o n ' t always do as well
Greek Affairs at the University of as we'd like, but that is part of the
Southern California (USC), believes College Greeks today are indica- learning experience of being in a
there are two big changes i n store tive of today's students in general, sorority."
for Greeks over the next ten years. the director reported.
On the whole, students do a spec-
"Greeks must start preparing for — More of the women want tacular job of running a chapter and
the changes in the student popula- careers and they are struggling w i t h programs, the director emphasized.
t i o n , " she explained. " M a n y the "super woman" myth of being
schools, both public and private, married, a mother and having a Shannon urges alumnae to get i n -
w i l l see a decline i n enrollment — career. volved with chapters that need
and possibly a lower number of stu- advising.
dents going through rush." —The women are moving into
professions traditionally male domi- "Careers keep us busy as do fami-
The population, too, may change nated. lies, but we can make some time to
as increases i n international stu- devote and enjoy i t , " she stressed.
dents, minority students and older — The women are utilizing the " I t is not as thankless a job as many
student numbers continue on the "old girl" network that fraternities believe. The rewards are many."
campuses. have been using for years to help
them i n career counseling and job Shannon holds a position—simi-
"We also must not let the hunting. lar to ones on other campuses—that
popularity of the Greek system dur- ties the university to its Greek com-
ing the past few years return us to — Greeks still are doing f u n things munity.
the days when Greeks did not com- like Greek Week and Homecoming
municate with non-Greeks, the floats, but also they are sponsoring "Such positions exist on cam-
faculty and the community in posi- speaker series, etc. The Panhellenics puses as a clear sign of the institu-
tive ways," Shannon added. "The are sponsoring rape prevention and tions' support and recognition of
gap between Greeks and non- birth control workshops. the Greek living style," she empha-
Greeks is everywhere and we should sized. "We are there to be a liaison,
strive to close it by reaching out and Some sororities are being more counselor, adviser and most of all, a
offering positive services to every- assertive and are not putting up resource in running a chapter.
one." with fraternity raids and vandalism
or fraternity fund-raising programs "What is most supportive is u n i -
Shannon accepted the USC posi- that "exploit" women. versities that provide a fulltime di-
tion last July as the university was rector," she continued. " A t the U n i -
feeling the fresh start of a new presi- Shannon also believes that the versity of Massachusetts and USC I
dent. After watching and listening changes in being "Greek" provide deal w i t h Greeks completely—as
to Greeks on that California campus challenges to advisers and alumnae. opposed to other advisers on other
she offers a number of observations. campuses w h o also have many
"Bend w i t h the times," she said. other diverse areas of job respon-
"Greeks are just like other college "Let the undergraduates have the sibilities."
students—that is, they all come to responsibility of running the chap-
the university first for academics. ter." Shannon was graduated from the
For a multitude of reasons, however, University of Illinois i n 1977 w i t h a
college students become Greeks: Shannon Ellis bachelor's degree i n journalism. She
leadership opportunities, social worked as a press aide to Congress-
advantages, friendships, etc.," she man Robert Walker, R-Pennsylva-
added. "Once someone is a Greek, nia, after graduation. Later she ac-
she becomes different because of the cepted the position of Director for
terrific experience of being in a Greek Affairs at the University of
chapter." She interacts w i t h older Massachusetts at Amherst. Shannon
students. She is introduced to a new received her masters degree in pub-
social network. Perhaps she can lic administration at UMass last
more easily become a leader. She is May. In 1979 she became assistant
guided into involvement in student dean of students at the Massachu-
activities—a lot of doors to experi- setts school.
ences become open to her by the
Greek network, Shannon explained. Two sisters, too, were Iota. Wendy
Ellis graduated i n 1972 and Heather
"In a dorm or apartment you Ellis VanMunen, i n 1970.

(Continued on page 21)


Learn to Assess Successful Times

By Judith K. Riggs experiences for you. Do these expe- something was a peak experience
riences always happen with the once, w h y not try to have the same
In a recent study conducted at same person or group of persons? experience again?
the Wellesley College Center for Do they happen at particular times
Research on Women, it was found of the year? Do they happen in What experiences have brought
that neither men nor women did particular localities? Why not try you satisfactions, achievements,
much career planning. Most of the to repeat peak experiences; if and successes? What things can
people surveyed said their strategy you do fairly well? Society condi-
was not to have a specific strategy Judith K. Riggs tions us not to discuss what we can
so that they could remain open to Editor's Note: Dr. Judith K. Riggs is do well, but we need to admit to
opportunities. Head of Marketing for the Office of Con- ourselves that there are things that
tinuing Education and Public Service, Uni- we can do well and to identify
Respondents to the study felt it versity of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. She what it is we do of which we are
was important to have a dream, has six and one-half years of teaching expe- proud and w h i c h gives us a sense
but that it w o u l d be more helpful rience at the junior and senior high school of accomplishment.
to identify areas of strength and levels. Judith, too, has counseled individu-
seek the experiences that w o u l d als at all age levels in the areas of personal, Do you repeat your successes?
best develop them. I n other words, vocational and educational counseling. She Try analyzing w h y you feel suc-
it is important to take some time earned her B.S. degree in mathematics and cessful in one situation and not in
out to do some personal self- general science in 1962 and her masters de- another. If you can begin to iden-
assessment. gree in 1967 in guidance and counseling, tify what skills you are using to
both from Indiana State University. Her make you successful i n one area,
Self-assessment focuses primari- Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in try using those same skills i n other
ly upon what you have going for 1978 is in adult and continuing education. areas to produce another success
you in your own personal re- Judith pledged Kappa Alpha chapter at situation.
sources. Knowing more about our- ISU where she served as co-rush chairman,
selves we can become more pledge trainer and was elected first vice Identify success for yourself i n
autonomous, healthier people who president. your own terms—don't identify
can use our o w n unique poten- As an alumna she was adviser for Iota success using others' definitions
tialities to accomplish the things chapter for three years, regional director for and standards for success. What
that we value in life. one year and was an Iota corporation board someone else regards as successful
member. may not be successful for you.
Yet few of us really take the time "Involvement with Alpha Omicron Pi Begin to think positively about
to f i n d out what our assets are. The helps its members to build self-confidence yourself and what you can do suc-
next few paragraphs will focus on and self-esteem, as well as offering oppor- cessfully. Again, as in recalling
several aspects that you should tunities to assume and carry out respon- peak experiences, most of us do not
begin to think about in relation to sibilities. It also provides invaluable expe- spend any time giving ourselves
your own strengths and poten- rience in getting along and socializing with pep talks about what we can do
tialities. others," Judith emphasized. well. Make a list of your successes
and keep it in a place where you
What positive experiences have can find it if you need a boost after
occurred to you during your an unsuccessful experience.
lifetime that make you what you
are today? Think back over your Ask yourself what it is you value
lifetime about the high moments in in life. Is it money, fame, beauty,
your years of living—you may honesty, security, esthetics, a good
even be able to recall the details i n - family life, or something else?
volved or the feelings and emo- When a crucial decision needs to
tions. Since peak experiences be made and choices are forced
should be positive experiences, this upon you, most of the time you
exercise will give you some time to will revert to your value system to
focus on the good things that have help you make the decision.
happened to you.
But most of us do not know
Too often in our society, we what we really value. If we do
focus on the negative—it is always know what we value, we often
easier to gripe or complain about forget to consult our value list and
what wrongs have happened to us then we make decisions which we
and to forget all of the nice, posi- later regret. If you do know what
tive experiences that we have had. you value and if you rely on these
Once you identify your peak expe- values to help you make decisions,
riences, try to discover if there is a you are more likely to be i n control
pattern to what you think are good of the situation at hand and w i l l


ultimately feel better about the Donna Corbet Named RD
decisions that you will make.
Donna Reed Corbet is a new re- ried and moved first to Boston
What are your strengths and gional director for Region III. She at- before her current home in Atlanta.
weaknesses? Most of us are rather tended a small private college, then
expert at analyzing our weak- named Morris Harvey, since She has held a number of offices
nesses and admitting our faults changed to the University of Char- in Tri-County Alumnae Chapter:
and hang-ups, at least to ourselves. leston, W. Va. fund raiser, president and vice pres-
Few of us are as adept at admitting ident. Donna also has been scholar-
our strengths. Yet learning ship, rush and pledge adviser for
theorists tell us that positive Gamma Sigma chapter.
evaluations and rewards are more
effective motivators than are nega- " I decided to become more i n -
tive evaluations or punishments. volved w i t h the Region because I
care enough about A O n to work for
Few positive experiences can its future," she explained. " I know
have a lasting value and benefit what a wonderful experience it has
unless they are reinforced. Do you been for me. It has helped me to
set l o n g - t e r m and short-range grow and develop as a person and I
goals for yourself? Where do you want to see that w o r t h y young
want to be personally and profes- women can share in the fun, love
sionally five or ten years from and w o r k that goes w i t h sister-
now? hood."

Goal-setting can provide per- </ Ellis Discusses
sonal reinforcement of your Greek Life Now
values, strengths, and motivators Donna Corbet
while at the same time assure you (continued from page 19)
that the process of planning can " M y roommate and I had both de-
continue beyond a one-time ses- cided not to stay because of As a collegian she was rush
sion. Once you determine what boyfriends at home," Donna wrote, chairman before taking over as Pan-
kind of life you would like to lead "But as fate w o u l d have it, our plans hellenic vice president and then
or what kind of person you would would soon take a turn. We had de- president. Prior to accepting the
like to be, the next step is to set cided to go out for Rush in the Panhellenic positions she had been
some goals that w i l l help you reach spring. It was the first opportunity in charge of all-Greek Programs, in-
your ultimate objective. freshmen had to rush. cluding U of I's Homecoming one
Short-term goals chosen to help "We were not going to pledge,
you reach your final objective can just meet a lot of new people. While She was her pledge class' presi-
help you break the process d o w n I was home on Christmas break, I dent and was involved on inter-
into simple steps so that the task at went to see m y biology teacher. house committees.
hand does not seem overwhelming During our visit we talked about
and one that you cannot handle. sororities. I told her of my plan to As an alumna she has had to re-
Remember though, that even if only rush, and that if for some main somewhat distant since her
you have set goals, you should still strange reason I decided to pledge, positions have required an unbiased
remain flexible enough to grasp a A O n was my only choice. approach. She does enjoy advising
golden opportunity should it come A O n on university-oriented mat-
along. "After I became a sister, I was ters such as colonization applica-
shown an MIF on myself, sent by tions.
It is time for you to begin think- my A O n biology teacher!" she ex-
ing positively about yourself. It is plained. " I f I had not been an A O n I sure-
time to begin being selfish and to ly w o u l d not be doing what I am
spend some time on you—some Donna served as Panhellenic dele- now," Shannon commented. " I was
time to think about yourself, what gate for three years and one year as given an opportunity to become
you value, what you can do well, chapter treasurer. She was also rush more involved in Panhellenic and
where you want to go. Have you? and May Sing director. She gradu- was able to continue into my higher
Do you know where you are and ated w i t h a bachelor's degree i n education career."
where you want to go? You and speech and English secondary edu-
only you can control your life. cation. (She, too, owes her Panhellenic
Begin n o w to assess yourself so presidency some special thoughts
that you can bring into focus a After w o r k i n g as the educational since the position required working
more meaningful life and future director of Ocean County Juvenile with the then Interfraternity Coun-
for yourself. Detention Shelter i n N.J., she mar- cil president Richard Adcock whom
she later married.)


in Memoriam

Upiilon Alpha CM Delta Frances Lucile Richardson Susan GayThypin Charlotte Virginia Baxter
Arizona Colorado Smith Nancy Louise Hallet Woods Moffett
Bertena Hooker Bixby Luanne May Sloan Allen
Virginia Elizabeth Daily Jean C. Parkhamitton Kirk Phi Omieron Phi Frances Sophia Sackett Patton
Mary Ellen D. Patano Hanover Kansas Dorothy Jane Mundinger
Sigma Omieron Betty Lou Bolin Ramona Tucker Armour
ArkansuSt Epsllon Ruth Derbyshire Miles Helen Marie Gallagher Harrison Sawyer
Dana Lou Johnston Cavenor Cornell Sue Ann Stickney Lyons Irene Swain
Caroline Kelsey Dawdy Bacon Sigma Chi Mary Joann Barr Nelson Jr.
Delta Delta Madeline Leola Barrett Hartwlck Agnes ReedPyle Elizabeth Irene Gauthier Vanek
Auburn Karen Jenseni us Douglass Judith Karen Engers Foster Virginia Foree Smith Janet Gehl Spieth Walker
Marie Earle Cogglns Joanna Magaret Donlon
Peggy Joyce Copeland lata Beta Chi Tau
Huntington Illinois KentnckyWeslefan Minnesota
Jennings Margaret Geraldine Conlan Jane Brewer Forgy Alice Louise Nianaber Bachman
Mary Anne Jackson Morrison Sandra Pernell Seborg Frances Walker Harrison El Maureen Grove Bradbury
Liddle Christensen Martha Bosley Laswell Winifred Williams Eliason
Kappa Kappa Marguerite May Halisted Grace Elizabeth Moore Fawcett
Ball S t Marjorie E. Berryman Demorest Omega Omieron Charlene Cora Carlson Frayseth
Julia Louise Horsman MacCracken Emma Dorothy Morrison Lamnnth Lucile Edith Ziegelmaier
Barbara Colvin Fish Mordoff Martha Louise Hicks Gilliam
Alpha Virginia Edith Hettinger Duplan Haertel
Barnard Phyllis Jane Murphy Gerler Alpha Omieron Carol Joan Lueck Kohls
Alice Tardy Mills Morgan Elizabeth Covert Steven Grable Louisiana St. Marion Barclay Mackintosh
Helen Beatrice Anderson Moses Leila Maxine Moore Peterson Jane Patricia Wilson Hurter Elayn Hunt Eicher Jr. Lillian Harriet Glessner
Bessie Louise Swan Nelson Lydia Lorinda Godfrey Sears Maurine Mavity Evelyn Jane Wilsford _Marcum
Eleanor Sanford Hoiden Sara Murdock Johnson Kathryn Winifred Huxtable Ruth O'Brien McCarrT
Gamma Jeanne Eunice Mitchell Pearce
Stoddard Springer McMahon Maine Jayne Foote Sands
Pheles Laura Allen Travis Mary Courtright Miller Lucille Carroll Fogg Baldwin Irene M. Noggle Stevenson
Tan Delia Calista Jane Hoffman Warne Ethel Jane Nickey Morberg Virginia Lee Colbath Helene Annette Oliver Von Berg
BirtniitBttam-Sauthern Hortense Roll Morrison Alfreda Ellis Keene Madge Chilton Wasgatt
Betty Margaret Woods Hamley Alpha Tan Elizabeth Alice Press Phillips Julia Thompson Gilpatrick Kathryn Bernice Haven
Jammie Nell Real Powell Jr. Deniion Mary Elizabeth Rennen
Quenette Sheharte Nancy Jean Meddough Bartley Manchester Westigard
Margaret Angela Tribble Horton Ramsay Jr. Mildred Chariot Mansfield Lulu Hanson Wilder
Beta Kappa Grace Bonham Livingston Charlotte Hagebush Seibert Alpha Phi
British Columbia Virginia Anne Tipton Nipson Margaret Jane Tanner Martin Montana 8 L
Ann Hutton Jeremy Grand Vera Edna Bean Weber Flora Adelaide Howard Mayo
Thata Sibyl Lois Russell Smith Pauline McLean Clarkin
Beta Theta DePouw Kappa Alpha Louise Annette Washburn Alice Myrtle McCone Farris
Butler Gertrude Louise Smith Indians St. Marlyn Elizabeth Judd Jones
Princess Virginia Finney Ann Victoria Eppert Pi Delta Harriet Agnes Gilchrist
Andrews Janice Louise Ferguson Maryland
Baugher Lura Esther Davis Bills Elizabeth Flenner McQuain
Mildred Nancy Scull Eastman Luella Mag Worthley Boonstra Williams Julia Louise Behring Ford Dorothy Noble Scott
Gladys E. Hawickhorst Esther Morris Dodd Martha Aileen Brown Ray Gladys Patrici Sternhagen
Helen Miller Porter Lucille Lockman Edington Beta Phi
Blanche Llewellyn Babcock Indiana Kappa Phi Shierry
Sigma Betty Vansandt Archer McGIII Julia Rosalia Blevans
Col.-Berkeley English Shirley D. Armstrong Elsie Margaret Lauder
Edna Helen O'Brien Abramson Nell Hazel Foster Merceda Delight Covalt Thompson
Edna May Taber Ball Jane Farmer Hays Hamilton Florence Gwendolyn Tyler
Evelyn Harlow Banergt Ethel1 Carver Martin Bloxsome Andrea Mary Stewart
Betty Mae Finger Brooks Barbara Beeson Severns Jr. Marianne Fauber Clarke Jr. Bete Boo
Ethel Mae Foskett Conner Lorea Elizabeth Devore Stout Mary Ruth Eades Omega Montana
Paula Rose De Luca Margaret Gamble Stout Grace Evelyn Thompson Eggers Miami Margaret Arbuckle Rose
Celeste L. Ettheverry Mary'Logan Esarey Clarissa Jo Scott Aberle
Genevieve Guthrie Phi Alpha Emma June Tryon Kennedy Jr. Pearl Ayres Phi Kappa
Sarah Wheat Matthew Hackley Eastern Tennessee St. Mary Kay Geake Lockridge Elva Ruth Hosking Boardman Morris Harvey
Dorothy Mills Hawkins Martha Margaret Dugger Mary Gertrude Manley
Nancy Sue Radford John Jr. Mary Lindsey Lazenby
Emma Frances Black Kew CM Lambda Marbaugh Janice Elizabeth Sloane Brown
Roberta Lucile Brayton Evansvttla Kathryn Victoria McFall Lura Mae Grant Brown Zeta
Fay L. Rudolph Graham Adelaide Pauline Jones McNeff Cheri Jewell Gray Jr. Nebraske
McCuiloch Ann Theresa Hawkins Mildred Louise Richardson Sophie Paul Nickel Hovorka Mary Leota Addison
Eleanor Jarvis Edwards Meckel Judith Helen Grabert Scales Gladys Carolyn Alger Robb Marjory Kercheval Manton Jr. Florence DurbinBaer
Catherine Virginia Cox Merriam Marie Horton Woods Cora Roselyn Beal Singer Priscilla Morton Eva Ellen Gibbons Brown
Isabel Jackson Neff Lura Halleck Thomas Virginia Lee Nobles Helen Johnson Cobbey
Mae Isabelle Knight Siddell Kappa Bammo Ruth Sheldon Seibel Hazel Vera Williams Emley
Judith Stroberg Florida Southern Delta Dorothy Ethelyn Jackson Florence J. Farquhar
Marian Howard Ish Taylor Helen Cora Burright Jackson Genevieve Rose Faust
Helen Reed Tonkin Van Etten Hester Anne Froehlig Marjorie Phillips McCarty Shepherd Wilma Foster Gustafson
Florence McDougall Pierce Murill Ann ForeitTinling Janet Adams Havens
Alpha Pi Bayliss Cleon Johnson Truitt Helen Bernadine Totz Krage
Watt Florida St. Dorothy Esther Thomas Bethea Alice Venn Jessie Gertrude Kraidler
Helen Davis Herrick Whyte Margaret Malone Baskervill Kathryn Augusta Smith Dorothea Arvilla Kropp
Hildred Martina Newlon Beta Gamma Gladys Lamme
Chi Sigma Brackett Michigan St. Nina Troyer Mitchell
Centenary England Leola Herrick Wagner Bucklin Ellen Janet Holstein Nelson Mary F. Herzing Parmelee
Victoria Louise Horner Willis Dorothy Grace Fineren Adeline P. Huntington Cooper Doris Lenora Sharpe Mabel Romana Sanders
Rebecca Ann Hendon Magee Bertha Evelyn Platts Dresser Marie Foster Tenny Laura Finney Buchanan
ThotaEta Sara Graham Maurer Mary Althea Andrew Ellsworth
Cincinnati AugieRose Palermo Shea Arlene Virginia Wagoner Farrell Omieron PI Shockey
Mary Elizabeth Perkins Berger Joyce lllingwort Scannell Micbigan Cora Lee Wilson Smith
Lucile Dolores Newton Fisher Lambda Signs Mary Virginia Matthews Bell Florence Helen Humphrey
Ruth Elmo Miller Shields Georgia Gifford Adele Ewing Elliott
Dorothy Sintz Wellman Roberta Catherine Brooks Evelyn Ruth Thomas Holt Virginia A. Smith Keltz Spradling
Ethel Patricia Cloer Gladys Ingle Nason Lothrop II Kay Ellen Stehlik
22 Barbara Ann Cohen Otwell Etta Marion Phillips MacPhie Verna Kean Werner
Lucy Marie MacAli Ronco No
Margaret Somers Anthony
New York
Thurber Julia Lyman Tillinghast Bassett

Maxine Regina Brocker Phi lipsiioi Wilna Janet Rasmussen Jean Ruth Noland Johnson Clydene Lauretta Morris Ennis
Central lo Purdue Wickstrum Mary Jeannette Trimble Smith Virginia Katherine Beatty
Maleita Everett Smith
Mabel Edna Witte Merritt Patricia Peters Bannon Janette Durfey Wilson Alleen Carolyn Williams Mathies
Mary Langridge Meeker Peer Marjorie Pleasant Woods Edith Chapman Robinson
Aina Sofia Almen Persson Kappa Vickers Barbara Helen Scott Rowe
Catherine Sornmer Randolph-Macon Delta Seta Melna Rogers Russell
Alice Wortham Hardy Batten S. W. Louisiana Sigma Tau Annette Hoyt Powell Shockey
Lambda Tan Louise Lowry Wolff Birnie Alice Anne Quirk Washington
Northeast Louisiana Marva Thompson Blair Christine Catlin Friel Phi Delta
Jo Brian Lucille Ferguso Sanderson Cbl Ellen Elizabeth Flick Healey Wisc.-Mllwaokee
Jane Burnside Earnest Syracuse Mildred Fischer
Lucile Corbin Turpin Connolly Marjorie Townsend Bartlett Alpha Gamma Judith Ann Werner
Betty Hadley Garrison Margaret Mae Coe Bell Washington St.
No Iota Annie Moore Gignilliat Jr. Elizabeth Mathilda Frank Lydia M. Weber Kuehler Sigma Lambda
Northern Illinois Rebecca Barrett Lamar Harmon Greta Blanche Coe Hollister Hazel Alberta Plasket McCabe Wisconsin St.
Sue Ellen Gipson Housenga Ruth Williams Jemison Irene May Caistor Kohl Alice Janine Shepard Parkman Cheryl Lynn Trapp
Diane Lynn Rietessel Mary Alice Peebles Jester III Margaret Carolyn Kreisel
Marian Hearne Jeter Mary Edith Lutz Opsllan Eta
Rho Elise Paxton Keebler Thelma S. Robertson Mitchell Washington Wisconsin
NorHnrastsm Virginia Vashti Boggess Florence Ethel Barker Reeves Theresa Ada Hilstrom Bates Helen Katharine Jackson
Gertrude Louise Nizze Badt Jessie V. Lewis Rice Sue Ella Williams Bauscus
Kate Blum Blomberg Mylander Kathryn Amelia Gilcher Olive Dyer Fitz Carlson Carnahan
Goldie Halquist Buehler Eleanor Lee Terry Noell Sloane Squire Commeree Kathryn Mary Lunceford
Julia Lehigh Fuller Crane Mary Hodges Marshall Roberts Thomasmeyer Barbara Ann Barrett David
Dorothy Blair Debeer Dorothy Ethel Marble Woodford Helen Agnes Nelthorpe De Harden
Theodora Eleanor Johnson Jr. Theresa Delug Maxwell Eva Joann O'Dell Josephson
Beryl Madison Swift Freece Merva Jean Wilkins Lee
Diener Mary Elizabeth Bryan Williams Zimmerman June Wilma Strate Elchek Margaret Stolley Leypoldt Jr.
Carolyn Page Nethereat John Esther Fowler Rosencrans
Myrtle Swanson Johnson Kappa Tau Omicron
Helen Louise Schmidt Kemler S. E. Louisiana Tennessee Pi OA Originator
Ruth E. Kerns Kendall Elona Janene Young Katharine K. Crawford Dies in Oregon
Sandra Skow Kerrigan
Mildred Emily Parker Martin Delta Sigma Blackford One of the originators of the
Mildred Grace James Mclntyre San Jose St. Elizabeth Simmons Wilson term "Pi O A " to designate
Ruth Marshall Menzies Joyce Annette Steiner Arends spouses of AOPis died recently.
Phyllis Hull Seifers Nethercott Martha Elizabeth Woods Carter
Dorothy Mae Huckins Peterson Lucy Elizabeth Cooper Edwards Warren C . (Brick) Drum-
Chambers Julie Brake Thurman Friedrich mond, husband of former Inter-
XI Nancy McGrath Tyler Sara Elise Ellis Gignilliot national president Mary Dee
Oklahoma Elizabeth Cook Ayres May Sr. Drummond, died recently in
Bess Webb Newcomb PI Margaret McAnulty Medford, OR.
Florence Mary M. Robinson Sophia Newcomb Selma Josephine Johnson
Jean Hill Boles According to Marion A. Fran-
Alpha Rho Sarah Bres McCord co-Ferreira, who reported the
Oregon St. Lucy Lispeth Sinclair Gaudet Beverly Irene Fraker Rector death, in the 30's and 40's when
Norine Gibbins Edgerton Georgia Isabel Gillean Juanita O'Neal Sabom the North Shore (Chicago)
Margaret Irene Seofield Hilands Dorothy Webb Haller Rosemary Dillon Vester alumnae met one evening a
Karen Gladys Rajnus Petrasek Odette Chalaron Hart Nettie Belle Armstrong Wade month, a group of husbands
Gretchen Thompson Siegle Betsy Dupre Pavy Martha Carolyn Wheeler would get together at Drum-
Vada Morfitt Snider Virginia Anne Freret Popham mond's apartment.
Lenore Sinks Wolfe PI Kappa
Jr. Tens Learning that the alumnae
Alpha Sigma Florence Sidney Mize Janet K. Jordan Shelton were planning to send dolls to
Oregon the "Tuckies," the Frontier
Adele Louise Summers Sundberry Theta Psi Nursing Service which was
Jacinto Margaret Lobrano Toledo A O n ' s philanthropy at that
Engeibart Jr. Jean Carroll Collins Myers time, the men decided that the
June D. Clover Franzwa Talbot Maxine Sage Smith women were being dis-
Dorothy Louise Mielke Hartig Evelyn Pigott Turner Dorothy Jane Summers Vinson criminatory and they con-
Laverne M. Spitzenberger Edna Lyman Reed Whaley tributed money to buy jeans and
Rota Tag jack knives for the boys.
lapham No Kappa Toronto
Beryl G. Robertson Lloyd Jr. SouthBro Methodist Winnifred Edith Barlow Drummond and others pro-
Pearl Thelma Downer Zane Linna Laura Wallace Cochran Dorothy Adelaide Dorman posed that since their wives
Enid Mayer Francis Willena Mary Clair Wright were AOPis, they should be
Epsilon Alpha Betty Lou Liles Gish PiOAs. Mock initiations annu-
Penn S t Fredricks ally were held at the Rho chap-
Gladys Evelyn Stranahan Kappa Omicron ter house. New members paid
Southwestern Kappa Theta $1 each to the "Jeans Fund."
Farley Myra Ruth Cowan Brabson 0.C.LA.
Helen Josephine Boyle Fischer Janet Bruce Erskine Gianotti Mildred Augusta Hoecker Byrd
Mattie Sophie Jupenlaz Phyllis Georgia White Chilton
Martha Jane Schell Lambert Jr. Frances Salome Fuller
Louise Cyrenne Umberger Sara Shepherd Naill Hines
Peggy Kathryh Haile McCabe Clements
Matternas Vera Letha Denton Pugh Ruth Vivian Oberg Metcalf
Gladys Kaufman Nelson Suzanne Virginia Brace
Gloria Rosalyn Beaver Quigley Lambda
Elsie Jane Weaver Stanford Nprthrup
Frances Jongeneel Bowers Virginia Ledyard Towle Strange
Psl Eva Eleanor Dickover Ferguson Artemie Ross Alsop Winter Jr.
Penusyhmiria Ruth Lydia Single Finucane Doris Dee Cannon Wood
Anne Warner Miller III Katherine Louise Ayres Folsom
Dorothy M. Bottoms Odiorne Gladys Lillian French Harris Jr. Nu Omicron
Claire Smith Snyder Sr. Grace Dickinson Harris Vanderbllt
Helen Gladding Hogle . Charlotte Reed Knox Anderson
Grace Lora Dickover McClusky Mary Hogan Caswell
Beth Tollan Pinkston Inez Shipp Gregory Dawkins
Marguerite Fogel Richmond Carolyne Anderson Elliott
Anne Sharpe Garrett Holmann


Chapter ofthe Qu&rter_

By Suzanne Colgan, and 1969. A t the 75th Anniversary V,
Convention i n 1973, this consistent-
Chapter Services Coordinator ly strong chapter received the A O f l Wendy Doescshet, left, and Deanna Haupt-
Salute to Excellence A w a r d for 25 man share special AOfl moments.
" 'You are very strong in the years of continual performance. effort to become more involved both
West,' should make its members for the personal benefit as well as for
feel a thrill at remembering June 5, Zeta alumnae have distinguished the chapter." These efforts are re-
1903, the day that the first Western themselves as well w i t h 12 alumnae flected in the range of activities,
chapter, Zeta of Nebraska, was receiving the Rose A w a r d for years from three student government
admitted into the allegiance. Since of service to the fraternity at the senators to five members in the
Zeta has had alumnae, they have local level. weight lifting club! Barb Seckman is
always played an important part in in the Marching Band and Mindy
Alpha Omicron Pi." Current Zeta collegians continue Sutton is on the Swim Team. A O f l s
the legacy as they enthusiastically Susan Cowick and Michelle Pape
—Stella George Stern Perry participate in campus and com- are journalists for the Daily Nebras-
munity events in addition to AOFI kan while past chapter president,
Zeta of Nebraska is the oldest activities. Fifteen members serve the Pam Rosenau, and Laura Bauer are
A O n chapter west of the Mississip- community as Y-pals through the members of the University Singers.
pi and w i t h its age comes a beauty local YMCA. Additionally, they col- Chapter members are proud, too, of
that makes Zeta our "Chapter of the lect canned goods for the Com- their seven cheerleaders and their
Quarter." Zeta's 78-year history on munity Center, Christmas carol for five participants in the Model
the University of Nebraska-Lincoln the Retirement Center and raise United Nations. Thirty-five AOFIs
campus is a rich heritage of tradition funds for the Retarded Citizens.
and chapter pride. They have also raised $2,200 for
arthritis research.
Chapter pride combines with a
strong sense of college loyalty, But a strong chapter stays strong
resulting in excellence in all under- only when they constantly evaluate
takings. This excellence has been and recognize strengths and weak-
recognized throughout the years, as nesses. T h r o u g h their chapter
indicated by the impressive record evaluation last year, Zeta members
of convention awards. Zeta first re- set a goal for increased representa-
ceived our fraternity's Dis- tion and participation on campus.
tinguished Service A w a r d i n 1955, The current chapter president,
the year the award began. They Christina Carlson, calls this "one of
were honored with this award again our most improved areas," adding
i n 1965, 1967, and 1979. Zeta cap- that, "Every one put forth that extra
tured the coveted JWH Cup i n 1963

Zeta Chapter's formal pose for 1980

are fraternity little sisters and three J
are fraternity Sweethearts.
Scholarship is always emphasized
as well as campus and chapter activ-
ities. The chapter overall GPA is a
3.02 and the chapter's m i n i m u m
GPA requirement for initiation is
2.5. Many AOFIs are members of
scholastic honoraries with several
on the dean's list. Jodee Elliot is on
the National Dean's List and Teresa
Thomssen is literally a genius, as she
is a member of MENSA, the interna-
tional organization whose member-
ship is limited to individuals of

Zeta pledges take their turn at entertaining during the Christmas holidays.

z extraordinary intellect and intel- ration and attitude for fall rush at-
ligence quotient. tributes to their success. The orga-
) nized, complete rush chairman
One of 14 NPC sororities on cam- notebook is f u l l of information and
Zeta's housemother Phyllis Dirk and Holly pus, Zeta maintains a chapter mem- suggestions that help the chapter
Boradbent. bership over the campus Total of 90. build each year, rather than start
A O n is esteemed by Panhellenic for over, on a successful rush program.
r their participation and leadership.
A O n currently holds a co-chair- In 1902, correspondence w i t h
Shelly Kolb, left, and Anita Anthone from manship of a Panhellenic sub-coun- A O n was begun by a circle of 11
Zeta's "Rose Window." cil and t w o A O l i s serve as rush prominent students at the Univer-
counselors. sity of Nebraska. The fraternity had
received the first call to "go West"
As with our previous Chapters of and to grow up with the country. As
the Quarter, Zeta gives careful at- A O n grew, so d i d Zeta, into a fine
tention to meeting members' needs chapter of w h i c h we can all be
through effective chapter programs. justifiably proud.
Additionally, Zeta's excellent prepa-

AOTT To Colonize At Kentucky

A l p h a O m i r o n Pi has ac- this new chapter," Peg con-
cepted an invitation to colonize tinued. "Join the extension
at the University of Kentucky, team!"
Alumnae who are moving or
"We ask all AOFI collegians transferring to Kentucky, too,
and alumnae to be on the alert should send Dea their names
for young women w h o w i l l be and addresses. (Dea's address is
attending the university," re- 10922 Williamsburg Court,
ported Peg Crawford, executive Newburgh, I N 47630.)
board director i n charge of ex-
pansion efforts. " D o tell these A O n received the invitation
young women about AOFI and largely due to strong local alum-
then send a note about them to nae support. There are 500
the regional extension officer, alumnae living in the Lex-
Dea Beck. ington-Louisville area. The
selection committee also said
" A O F I s everywhere, and es- the fraternity showed financial
pecially those in Kentucky and ability, two active members who
surrounding states can con- will transfer to the university in
tribute to the success of our col- the fall and a graduate resident
onization and to the growth of who w i l l stay at the school for a


Alvimtw Activity

VENTURA COUNTY PULLMAN The award was accepted by the chap-
The Ventura County (Calif.) Alum- ter president Liz Corlett. Attending the
Pullman Alumnae Chapter members affair was Clifford Clarke, president of
nae Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was have shared a number of special events the National Arthritis Foundation.
installed March 7. with the Alpha Gamma chapter at
Washington State University during According to Janet Stafford Entrikin,
Crystal Compese, Region VIII exten- the last few months. two chapter members have provided
sion officer, served as installing officer outstanding service to local Arthritis
for the affair. The alumnae were invited to a special Foundation activities: Sharon Long, as
Christmas dinner where both groups chairman of the volunteers, is responsi-
Eighteen alumnae made up the list of shared a Founders' Day celebration. ble for all volunteer aspects of the or-
charter members for the new alumnae Spring initiation also was special for ganization—recruiting, training, coor-
chapter: Nancy Andrzejczak, Kappa both groups as the alumnae were there dinating volunteer activities, planning
Theta; Patricia Beitzel, Kappa Theta; to watch the Fall pledge class become and implementing the annual meeting;
Mary Jane Brown, Tau; May Brown, sisters. and Liz Corlett serves the Patient Com-
Rho; Mary Jane Dell, Theta Phi, and munity Services Committee, a commit-
Candy Driscoll, Gamma Omicron. Chapter members have hosted a soup tee which tries to improve the quality of
and salad buffet for the pledge class and life for people with arthritis and their
Susan Durley, Sigma Phi; Susan Eng- a late spring affair was held to honor families. They develop community
lund, Phi Omicron; Dorothy (Dody) the seniors. needs, develop programs in the com-
Linn, Kappa Theta; Genie Lawnsdale, munity and coordinate services with
Nu Lambda; Gail McDowell, Nu Each year the alumnae plan to add to other agencies.
Lambda; Susan Measures, Upsilon A l - their program for A O n alumnae of
pha; Louise Middagh, Kappa Omicron; southeastern Washington. The chapter has had a most produc-
Jane Mitchell, Omega; Mary K. New- tive 1980-81. It all began on the evening
man, Delta Pi; Jackie Pope, Nu Lambda; PORTLAND of Sept. 23, at the home of B. J. Noles
Dorothy Robinson, Nu Lambda, and with a potluck dinner and business
Dorothy Trout, Delta Sigma. The Oregon Chapter of the Arthritis meeting. At this meeting, Liz Corlett,
Foundation has presented the Portland president, announced that the chapter
Congratulatory notes can be sent to Alumnae Chapter with its "Dis- had received recognition for a check of
the new chapter in care of Candy tinguished Public Service Award" in $500 from Dr. Robert M. Bennett, chief
Driscoll, 997 Calle Contento, Thousand recognition of its outstanding contribu-
Oaks, CA 91360. tions to generating community action
against the Nation's No. 1 crippling dis-
TULSA ease.
When something succeeds you do it
again! So Tulsa Alumnae Chapter gave
a second annual "Show and Sell" Auc- Aiyp
tion for the Arthritis Foundation.
Chaired by Margaret Bulmer with IIO A BIGGSEEST
Frank Haylor in his second year as auc-
tioneer, the group cleared $300, almost i IN
double the first year's proceeds.
Members also donated 515 hours in
clerical work to the Northeastern Okla- -
homa Office of AF and continued to
save Golden Gar-bazh for the annual The Tulsa Alumnae Chapter donated 515 hours of clerical work to the Northeastern Oklaho-
club contest sponsored by local mer- ma Office of the Arthritis Foundation. From the left are Mary Rawlings Martin, AF board
chants. With our help the AF won sec- member; Mary Shillerston Peterson and Barbara Babione Lasley.
ond place money for the" month of
February, added Carol Barrow.

From then on emphasis was placed
on philanthropy as the chapter com-
pleted its donation of $100 to the Inter-
national Headquarters Fund and sent
$25 to the Oklahoma Educational
Television Association during Festival

In the spring members sent their best
items from the annual garage sale along
with a box of groceries to the new
shelter for abused women and their

Each year a different local charity will
be selected for help.


of the Department of Rheumatology at f
the University of Oregon Health
Sciences Center. Region VII officers held a mid-year business meeting in Little Rock. They include from the
left, Barbara Kramer, regional extension officer; Susan Bloxham, regional director; Melanie
Dr. Bennett wrote: "We are most ap- Doyle, regional vice president; Frankie Roberts, regional director; Pam DeZevallos, regional
preciative of Alpha Omicron Pi's con- finance officer, and Jane Hoffman, regional director. The officers, too, joined Little Rock
tinuing support of our program. Please alumnae for a Founders' Day and chapter 30th anniversary celebration. (Photo courtesy of
thank all of your members on my behalf John D. Simmons)
for the most kind gift of $500.00."
She majored in biology. Later she and In November the chapter made its an-
During October, the chapter began a her husband, Malcolm Gannaway, nual Thanksgiving tray favors for St.
series of meetings which it called "Area moved to Little Rock. After her three Vincents Hospital.
Meetings." "We are hoping to reach our children her pride and joy was the Ben
members in the suburbs and therefore, Franklin Thrift Clubs that she and her "We received some valuable informa-
arranged for four meetings outside the husband established and nurtured in tion about cardiopulmonary resuscita-
city of Portland. We feel this is a good the schools until there were groups in tion (CPR) at our October meeting from
way to meet our A O n neighbors!" ex- more than 125 schools. the Arkansas chapter of the Red Cross,"
plained Janet Entrikin. Also in October, added Bonnie Dineen.
members spent a night at the theatre by In 1935 she was summoned to Wash-
selling tickets to the Portland Civic ington, D.C., to meet Eleanor Roosevelt The chapter hosted a Games Night for
Theatre production of "Oliver." who was interested in spreading the the Arthritis Foundation in January. It
movement. is planning the annual A O n barbecue
December always brings the chapter's for the summer.
Founders' Day Celebration. Its brunch The clubs were small groups of school
was Dec. 7 at the Thunderbird on the children who did simple chores to earn Colony invited
Columbia River. Guest speaker was Mr. money and with their earnings bought To Penn State
Donald Coverdell, executive director of savings stamps that were accumulated
the Oregon Chapter of the Arthritis and in books, similar to trading stamp Legacies and others interested
Rheumatism Foundation. He outlined books. A completed book could be in recolonizing at Penn State
the programs for the Oregon Chapter. traded for a United States savings bond. University have succeeded.

During the first few months of 1981, "No piggy banks," she recalled. "We The university's Panhellenic
we were busy initiating several after- were teaching an attitude." organization has voted to offer
noon meetings. Hopefully, these after- Alpha Omicron Pi the oppor-
noon meetings will reach the members Susie T. M. Gannaway recently received her tunity to recolonize on the cam-
who do not like to be out in the evening 50-year pin for longtime service to the fra- pus.
and our chapter will fill the needs of ternity.
more AOris in the Portland area. At Central Office officials report
this time the chapter was also con- that 25-30 w o m e n w i l l be
cerned with money raising projects. pledged to recolonize the
Again, it had a Flea Market at the Port- Epsilon Alpha chapter on the
land Memorial Coliseum and members Penn State campus. The group is
were involved with taking inventory at expected to send its colony pres-
one of Portland's finest stores, ident and adviser to the Kansas
Nordstrom. City Convention.

April brought the annual spring "However, if a legacy is going
luncheon, held at the Multnomah to Penn State and would like to
Athletic Club with a fashion show and meet w i t h the group, please
special auction tables. Proceeds from send her name and address to
the auction go to the AOIl Philanthrop- Marie Fedon, alumnae presi-
ic Foundation. One more theatre party dent, Box 842, State College, PA
was scheduled for May. This was a 16801.
Main Stage play at the Portland Civic
Theatre, "Bye Bye Birdie." Last but not
least, a picnic in June honored A O n
graduates and collegians.

Regional VII officers joined Founders

Day and Little Rock Alumnae Chapter's
30th anniversary activities early this
year in the Arkansas capital.

Honored guest for the affair was
Susie Taylor Mann Gannaway who re-
cently received her 50-year pin for her
years of service to A O f l .

She joined the fraternity at Randolph
Macon during her freshman year.

"My big sister was Pearl Buck," the
longtime alumna recalled. "She was
president of the junior class and I was
president of the freshman class."


Collegiate Commentaries.

ALPHA PHI asked to become members. Priscilla OMEGA OMICRON
Shealy was inducted into Alpha Lambuth College
Montana State Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma fresh-
Pledging quota in the fall and initiat- man honoraries, reported Carole AOFIs on the Lambuth campus have
Jurenko. really shown their giving spirit. Some
ing 20 pledges winter quarter, Alpha $900 was raised from a raffle for the
Phi chapter is on its way to the top. A chapter's contribution to arthritis re-
search. And never running out of ways
The Chapter Relations Committee or- to express love, the chapter has adopted
ganized a Fall Retreat for the chapter a child across the world, Rahab
which was enjoyable and beneficial for Nyirabalibutsa. Each member gives her
Alpha Phi members. It also gave the 40C monthly to support Rahab through
new pledges a chance to get to know Project Compassion.
their A O n sisters.
Campus activities have included an
During Fall quarter, the chapter's annual morning faculty coffee which
Homecoming float, which was built was held in February. The event was a
with the Sigma Nu fraternity, placed big hit with the faculty and provided an
first among all the floats entered in the opportunity to get to know professors
Homecoming parade. outside of class, explained Diana Ewell.

In October, the chapter transformed Early March newly-elected officers
its house into a Spook House. It was caught the initiative, drive and fresh
open to the public with all proceeds creativity of TC Katherine Wilson who
donated to arthritis research. Also on visited the Tennessee chapter. Other ac-
the philanthropic side of things, several tivities have included cut-a-thons and
AOFIs participated in the Muscular an annual AOPie supper in which
Dystrophy Dance Marathon in January, every delicious dessert imaginable was
and several girls in the chapter are loyal sold.
to the Red Cross Blood Drives.
The chapter also was into the athletic
The Alpha Phis keep busy on the spirit as the campus intramural Softball
MSU campus by participating in Pan- competition highlighted the spring.
hellenic Council, Spurs, Media Board,
Mortar Board, and many departmental Talent glowed in the chapter as five
clubs and organizations. sisters participated in the March "Miss
Lambuth" pageant. Displaying talent
ALPHA DELTA Victoria Darnbrough ranging from jazz ballet to acrobatics,
Alabama Kathryn Anne Barker, Mary Byrd, Kim
BETA KAPPA Holland, Sherry Moore and Carla Uttz
The Alpha Deltas at the University of University of British Columbia each proved she was more than just
Alabama have much to look back upon another pretty face.
this past year. During the fall, the chap- Once again this past school term has
ter sponsored a football tournament to been a great one for Beta Kappa. We've The peak of excitement expressed
raise money for arthritis research. shared many joys throughout this past itself at the spring formal, Rose Ball,
year and have worked very hard to keep held at Memphis' Stonebridge Country
At the end of fall, its intramural foot- AOn's name known all across campus, Club. Here outstanding members were
ball team won the campus champion- reported Mary Carter. One member in recognized for scholarship.
ship. particular has been really outstanding
these past months. Carla Uttz received the award for
Individuals also kept busy — highest scholarship of a returning
Mariellen Perkinson was elected secre- Not only has Victoria Darnbrough active and Sherry Moore attained the
tary of Panhellenic. Cathy Rhoades be- been one of the best corresponding sec- Ladder Award for showing the most
came a Sesquicentennial Dean's Schol- retaries we've ever had, and one of our scholastic improvement. Kathy Hunt
ar. Pam Rollins, Laura Lewis, and Gina most active collegiate members, but and Diana Ewell were recognized as
Bridges were selected as rush coun- Victoria also was awarded "Sigma Chi having the best Big and Little Sis scho-
selors, with Dee Gaffin as an alternate. Sweetheart 1981" by the Delta Omicron lastic combination. Diana also was rec-
Joni Griffin was chosen as an Avanti Chapter of Sigma Chi, founded at UBC ognized as the highest pledge scholasti-
counselor and Therese Rhoades was in 1949, as recognition for all she has cally and the outstanding pledge.
named to Who's Who Among Students done for them as AOITs special repre-
at American Colleges and Universities. sentative this year. Victoria will serve as UPSILON
Sigma Chi's official hostess and liaison University of Washington
Throughout the year, Alpha Delta between all sororities on campus and
members worked hard in different or- the Sigma Chi Fraternity during the A busy year for Upsilon chapter was
ganizations on campus. Jayne Porges upcoming year. In addition, she will on the agenda for the 1980-81 school
and Linde Tucker were chosen to serve serve as Beta Kappa's new vice-presi- year. Twenty-two pledges joined the
on Freshman Forum. In the fall, Sally dent/pledge trainer in 1981-1982. chapter during the fall.
Pulliam was chosen to become an Angel
Flight member, and, in the spring,
Kathy Cooke and Carole Jurenko were


Liz Emery was elected a Homecoming TMT1H—Bjf"^
princess while an all-Greek progressive
dinner and the pledge dance filled out '0

Shortly after the Christmas holidays
11 members joined the three who are
members of the Husky Marching Band
and one Upsilon cheerleader at the
Rosebowl game.

Nineteen pledges were initiated fol-
lowing a week of chapter activities. The
annual Rose Ball was the spring high-

A busy spring quarter started off with
Sigma Chi Derby Days. Evening song
practices prepared the chapter for the
spring songfest. Greek Weekend and
Greek Week were in early May, filled
with a week of contests. Plans for rush
were finalized and workshops were
scheduled throughout the spring

A softball team and crewboat were
organized to round out the year's activi-
ties for the University of Washington

Carol Matthews, a two-year majorette at Auburn University, was featured nationally on
posters, like the one she is holding, by Southeastern Football Magazine. Carol also is a mem-
ber of Lambda Sigma sophomore honorary and is a Lambda Chi Alpha Little Sister. The Delta
Delta member won the AOI1 Sophomore Activities Award.

Sherree Nelson, Delta Delta chapter, is head been well represented, especially in and winter function as well as a special
majorette for Auburn University. royalty. Lisa Larimer was chosen as program with the alumnae chapter. The
Queen of Hearts in the Sigma Alpha fall function was a costume party with
BETA RHO Epsilon's Yukon Days competition and the theme being "Memories." AOFIs
University of Montana Beta Rho had runners up in several of and their dates came dressed in outfits
the other competitions in the Greek from a favorite era in time. The winter
After a successful fall rush, Beta Rho system. function was a formal "Rose Ball" as is
chapter at the University of Montana the tradition at Beta Rho.
initiated eight new sisters in January. But the new sisters aren't the only
The new members have become in- members of the chapter who are busy. Another activity at Beta Rho is a "Big
volved in the chapter's activities. Short- Beta Rho's president, Diane Elliot, has a Sister" program that has been set up
ly after their initiation the new sisters number of impressive responsibilities with the Missoula Alumnae Chapter.
took on the responsibility of many on campus as well as her office in A O I l . The alums are matched with women in
chapter offices and several of them even She serves as the president of Panhel- the chapter and become their big sisters.
have more than one job to do. lenic and works very hard in the pro- This program is designed for the girls in
motion of Greeks at the University of the chapter to get to know the alums
The new actives have also shown Montana. Diane was also the chairman and to form a closer relationship be-
their A O n enthusiasm outside of the of the student body elections. With the tween the two groups of AOIls.
chapter. The Panhellenic award for help of chapter members, the polls were
scholastic achievement was awarded to manned, the votes counted and the elec- Lisa Lantow, a new pledge to the
Elaine Whitley. She also won the award tion ran smoothly under her direction. chapter, won first runner-up honors in
for the highest grade point average in the Miss Montana Pageant which was
the chapter. In sorority competitions Beta Rho is an "on the go" chapter. held in February. Karen Jerke was voted
sponsored by fraternities, Beta Rho has Chapter activities include fall function Pikette Dream Girl by the Pi Kappa Al-


pha fraternity, and Wanda Ritter is the
Sigma Chi Sweetheart for the year.

Spring quarter found Alpha Phi
chapter planning for a very successful
Fall rush and preparing for the National
Convention. The chapter is also looking
forward to hosting Regional Meeting
for Region VI in a year.


Indiana University of PA

Members of Gamma Beta chapter cel-
ebrated the chapter's 15th anniversary
with a Feb. 22 tea. The collegians enter-
tained many alumnae and their families
during the afternoon affair.

Reporter Tracey Ireland said the
chapter worked very hard to plan its
annual Rock-A-Thon for the Arthritis
Foundation as well as for IUP's annual
Greek Week and Derby Days events.

KAPPA PI Phi Upsilon chapter at AOfl's Spring Rally
Ohio Northern
ALPHA CHI Awards Banquet sponsored by Panhel-
This year has brought success and lenic and Interfraternity Council: Run-
pride to the sisters and pledges of the Western Kentucky ner Up-Best Pledge Average, Spring
Kappa Pi chapter at Ohio Northern 1980; Runner Up-Best Active Average,
University. Sue Wilson, Panhellenic Alpha Chi has three sisters recog- Spring 1980; and Best Active and Pledge
president, was chosen to be a disc nized in Who's Who in America's Col- Average Combined, Spring 1980. Don-
jockey on our new WONU radio sta- leges and Universities: Marcia Becht, na Sharp, an Alpha Chi member, re-
tion. Susan Mabry, and LaDonna Spain. ceived Highest G.P.A. for a Sophomore
Greek Woman, with a 3.94.
Softball, desk receptionist, classes and Marcia is a past Alpha Chi vice-presi-
intramural sports keep Angie Thome dent. She was also honored at Founders' Nancy Spires, an Alpha Chi member,
busy most of the time. Day with a Collegiate Honor Card and just received Sigma Phi Epsilon District
pin. She graduates this spring with a 12 Sweetheart. Nancy is Alpha Chi's
Upjohn accepts four applications a major in interior design. Marcia is from 1981 vice-president.
year for students to work summer Floyd's Knob, IN.
internship hours and Kaelyn Boner was Feb. 13 was Alpha Chi's Second An-
one of these four chosen from appli- Susan Mabry was named Alpha Chi's nual "Have A Heart Day." Last year
cants all over the United States. Kathy Miss AOFI. Susan represented A O n more than 1,500 lollipops were dis-
Mongine, fifth year pharmacy, is head and Pi Kappa Alpha in the fall Home- tributed FREE on Western's campus as a
of the drug information team. Jane coming Queens Race and was a finalist. public relations effort to promote the
Mowder, fourth year pharmacy, has She was president of Alpha Chi in 1979 chapter and the Greek system in gener-
just completed her fourth season of var- and recording secretary in 1980. Susan al. The girls wore white t-shirts silk-
sity basketball and was recently chosen is also a Lambda Chi Alpha Little Sister screened with red "AOFI Have A Heart
as Outstanding Greek Woman of the and will graduate this spring with a Day." "We believe the measure was a
Year. Jane also is involved in Kappa major in elementary education. She is big success!!!" added chapter reporters.
Epsilon pharmaceutical fraternity, Pan- from Hopkinsville, KY.
hellenic Council, and the Athletic
Advisory Committee. LaDonna Spain was named Alpha On Oct. 11 Alpha Chi helped Sigma
Chi's Outstanding Senior. She was cor- Alpha Epsilon fraternity hold a 24-hour
Five AOris were chosen as resident responding secretary for two years, is a dance marathon to raise money for
assistants, five are in Mortar Board and Lambda Chi Alpha Little Sister and also muscular dystrophy. This is the third
many sisters are involved in WRA, its 1980 Sweetheart. LaDonna is also year members have helped the SAE's.
SAPhA, Fraternity little sisters, all cam- Panhellenic president on Western's More than $2,000.00 was raised. Food
pus band activities and the professional campus. She will graduate this spring was donated by local Bowling Green
fraternities. with a major in health care administra- restaurants to help keep dancers awake.
tion. LaDonna is from Hopkinsville, Also games were played to help pass the
For philanthropy, the chapter sold KY. long 24 hours.
light bulbs and collected donations to
raise $600 for arthritis research. The Alpha Chi received the following In October the chapter helped with a
AOris came in first place at the home- awards at the Fourth Annual Academic Girl Scout Super Sleep-In. More than
coming pushmobile race. Abbie
Mitchell won the pledge princess con-
test and, once again, the AOFI jail came
in second place at the Campus Chest
Fund Raiser Carnival.


1,500 girls from local girl scouts troops bedrooms, as well as the expansion of Our new themes of "You've Come a
came and spent the night at the Green- the dining and living areas. Long Way Baby," and a "Greek" theme
wood Mall. This is the second year Al- took long hours of hard work, but the
pha Chi has helped. The AOIls did The most popular addition to the result was an outstanding pledge class
everything from teaching the girl scouts house, however, is the sun deck off the (quota) of 34 girls, reported Barb
how to put on make-up, being in charge second floor as the women of Alpha Sig- Robertson.
of games, dancing, to helping a lost girl ma anxiously awaited the warm sunny
find her troop. The sleep-in was held weather spring term brings. The Purdue AOfls have also been
from 9 p.m. till 6 a.m. hard at work around campus. In sports,
With new wallpaper, carpeting and they captured 4th place in the annual
In January, eight members of Alpha dining room furniture to add to the full Greek Week Games contest, and tied for
Chi went to assist at a Morehead Rush effect, the results are sure to be fantastic, 7th in the Delta Gamma Anchor Splash.
party. added Jennifer Arp. Involvement in campus organizations
was especially good this year. Some of
ALPHA SIGMA The members look forward to the these organizations include the Purdue
University of Oregon completion date when they no longer Student Association, the Student Union
have to dodge construction workers in Board, Debris Yearbook Staff, Pep Girl,
The walls were caving in on the AOfl the halls or hang sheets on their the Exponent Newspaper and the Pur-
chapter house at the University of Ore- bedroom windows! But they look for- due Band Twirler and Gold Dusters.
gon, Eugene, throughout winter term, ward even more to the spectacular view
but not because of an earthquake, a tor- from the new sun deck. The chapter was also well repre-
nado or any other natural phenomenon. sented in various honoraries around
PHI UPSILON campus. Such honoraries include Skull
The fault was with the construction Purdue & Crescent, Omicron Delta Kappa, Om-
company that was completing a re- icron Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Chi Rho, Alpha
modeling and redecorating project The past semester has been an excep- Lambda Delta, Alpha Pi Mu, and Mor-
underway at Alpha Sigma. tional one for the women of Phi tar Board.
Upsilon chapter. The year began with a
The remodeling includes addition of brand new rush theme, thanks to help
a library, a study room and three new from sisters of Kappa Alpha chapter.

Seniors Recall Collegiate Days of AOJT

(Continued from page 6) Alpha Omicron Pi sorority means seniors. You can never return to the
But of most importance, the bonds different things to every girl. That earlier years, but memories are a
of closeness and unity exemplified the bond will have the same mean- cherished treasure. Through all of
when the chapter courageously cap- ing for the new girls over the years the happy times, it's funny how we
tured the playing field and a third is the hope of seniors Sue Jamrog make each other cry.
place trophy on Derby Day. and Leah Gibson. Sharing this love
From fall to spring, A O I l repre- and happiness is achieved in very —Joette Rickard, Phi Sigma
sents the hard work, unity and individual ways with every girl.
"good times" experienced by all. "My years here have been the
The gifts of our sisterhood are For the new initiate it all seems so most rewarding of my life—and I
priceless treasures, created by the cliche, but everything the older girls wish all my remaining sisters the
laughter, success and love we share. have said is becoming a reality. Lisa joy and happiness that I have had
Buechler insists that the sorority is a since I pledged.
—Dana Dallosta, Nu Beta place where you get the support you
need to get involved when you're "To my fellow graduating sisters,
The best and most beautiful the shy type. Sonia Scharff remarks remember all the experiences we
things in this world cannot be that the positive reinforcement has have had and such Alpha Love to
seen or even touched; they must helped her to become more self-con- all. It has been great."
be felt within the heart. A O IT is fident.
one of these beautiful things. —Marlene Wamsley, Omega Xi
Getting along with all kinds of
It is a unique growing experi- people is a lesson learned by Deb Arthritis Facts
ence which allows girls to rec- Jensen. Valerie Woodring has
ognize their own individual ca- learned to be more disciplined and Arthritis is not limited to an age
pabilities and limits and helps along with Kelly Rush, more re- or sex. The disease often strikes be-
them learn to appreciate many sponsible. Lori Moore says it for all tween the ages of 20 and 45, the
other individuals and their of the Phi Sigmas though. A O I l is a most productive years of a person's
unique abilities as well. home away from home. life, and afflicts twice as many
women as men. Even children are
A O I l is lifelong friendship, All of the new initiates agree that victims of this crippler—some
craziness, and above all, a whole the sorority is the best way to meet 250,000 are sufferers of the form
lot of love. people and develop caring relation- known as juvenile rheumatoid
ships. Experiences are always excit- arthritis.
—Kristi Runge, Alpha Phi ing and new. To leave behind this tie
of sisterhood and friendship that 31
has meant so much for the past four
years is difficult for Phi Sigma

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