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To DRAGMA »» JANUARY • 1936 ««
Published by ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity
Stella Perry George Hough
The Plucking of a Flower —*
Dorothy B. Dean
My W ife,
Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax . . . . . .
Department Stores Helen Jo Scott Mann N.P.C. Shows Fine Spirit Edith H. Anderson There is a Happy Land . . . Kay Brads haw De Garcia-Prada The Theater Offers Equal Opportunities . . . . Helen Arthur
Perry The Editor
Pi—H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial Colege, New Orleans, La.
No—New York University, New York City. OMICRON—University of Tennessee, Knoxvile,
A L P H A SIGMA—University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. Xi—University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla.—
KAPPA—Randolph-MaconWoman's Colege, Lynch- burg, Va.
Pi DELTA—University of Maryland, Colege Park,
ZETA—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SIGMA—University of California, Berkeley, Calif.
TAU DELTA—Birmingham-Southern Colege, Bir-
NV K*TPA—Southern Methodist University, Dal- las, Tex.
BETA PHI—Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.
ETA—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
A L P U A PHI—Montana State Colege, Bozeman.
T,i£T.A ETA—University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
A L P U A GAMMA—Washington State Colege, Pull- man, Wash.
No OMICBON—Vanderbilt University, Nashvile. Tenn.
Psi—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. PHI—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. OMEGA—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
D lL T * P1"—University of South Carolina, Colum- bia, S. C
York City. CLEVELAND ALUMNA—Cleveland, Ohio.
[Listed according to charter date]
OMICBON PI—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
DePauw University, Grcencastle, Ind.
BETA—Drown University—Inactive. DELTA—Jackson Colege, Tufts Colege, Mass. GAMMA—University of Maine, Orono, Me. EPSILON—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. RHO—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. ^Ca'lff*-Le'and S t a n f o r d University. Palo Alto,
mingham, Ala.
KAPPA THETA—University of CaliforniaatLos
IOTA—University of Illinois, Champaign, III.
TAU—Universityof Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. ALPHA PI—Florida State Colege for Women,
EPSILON ALPHA—Pennsylvania State Colege, State CHI—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. Talahassee, Fla.
UPSILON—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Colege, Pa.
SAN FRANCISCO ALUMNA—San Francisco, Calif. MEMPHIS ALUMNA—Memphis, Tenn. PBOVIDENCE ALUMNX—Providence, Rhode Island. MILWAUKEE ALUMNA—Milwaukee, Wis.
Los ANGELES ALUMNA—Los Angeles, Calif.
A N N ARBOB ALUMNA—Ann Arbor, Mich.
S E A T T L E ALUMNA—Seattle, Wash.
F O B T W A Y N E ALUMNA—Fort Wayne,
S T . Louis ALUMNA—St. Louis, Mo.
SAN DIEGO ALUMNA—San Diego, Calif.
NEW JEBSEV ALUMNA—Metropolitan, NewJersey. BUFFALO ALUMNA—Buffalo, N.Y.
WESTCHESTEB ALUMNA—Westchester County, N. Y. ATLANTA ALUMNA—Atlanta, Ga.
TORONTO ALUMNA—Toronto, Ontario.
Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif.
KAPPA OMICBON—Southwestern, Memphis, Tenn. A L P H A RHO—Oregon Agricultural Colege, Cor-
vallis, Ore.—Inactive.
C H I DELTA—University of Colorado, Boulder,
B E T A THETA—llutler University, Indianapolis, Ind.
B E T A TAU—University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont A L P H A TAU—Denison University, Granvile, Ohio.
W * GAWMA—Michigan State Colege, Lansing, Alien.
" A KAPPA—University of British Columbia, Vancouver,B. C
SIGMA—University of Georgia,Athens,
E A S T B A T ALUMNA—Berkeley, Calif.
X.P.C. Shows Fine Spirit
Fellowship Holder Reports
"Friends as the Years Go By"
Lambda Celebrates Twenty-fifth Anniversary There is a Happy Land, Far, Far Away
The Theater Offers Equal ( )pportunities
The Plucking of a Flower Disturbs the Stars
To Dragma > In the JANUARY • 1936 Issue «
Here's to the Pledge Alumna' Chapters Directnrv
To DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity, 2642 University Avenue, Saint Paul. Minne- sota, and is printed by Leland Publishers, The Fraternity Press. Entered at the post office at St. Paul Minnesota, as second class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate^of^postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, Section 412, P.I..&R., authorized February
To DRAGMA is published four times a year, October, January, March, and May. Send all editorial material to 2642 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minn., before Sept 10. Dec. 10. Feb. 10. and April 10. The subscription price is 50 cents per copy, $1 per year, payable in advance; Life subscription $15.
My Wife, Stella
Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing W ax
1 >epartment Stores and the College Trained Woman Margaret Flint Jacobs Wins Pictorial Review Prize
Frontispiece 2
4 6
9 11 15
W ork
AM 11 Financial Transactions, Your Money's Worth Stitches for Glasses
The Legs Have It
Alpha ()'s in the Daily Tress Looking at Alpha O's
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but doesn't specify what. Thus given a free rein, I find the assignment tough because of the very inspiration that the subject has for me. I cannot be adequate to this, but here's a part of it:
To begin with, her portraiture from my view-point (if that is what is wanted) is made difficult by her "infinite variety." She is more kinds of a good woman than anyone else I have ever known. Of course, all women are
many-sided, but I think that my particular jewel has more than the usual number of facets and, to me at least, they all seem flawless. If that sounds fulsome, I can't help it.
She is, simultaneously, all woman, all poet, all idealist and all-practical. She can write a poem with one hand and a marketing-list with the other and they will both be good. She can feel more intensely over more things in a day than I can in a year, but she is not—thanks be!—an "intense" woman, save in her affections and loyalties. Her deepest depths are never sombre nor is her keen appreciation of the humorous ever dulled by her emotions.
If you have read any of her poems, you know something of the loftiness and purity of her thought. If you have read her novels, you have felt her strength. But—you should also taste her cooking!
Her dominant characteristics, I think, are her passion for truth, the in- tensity of her affections and the permanence of her loyalties. Friendship is as much a part of her being as her breathing, and as life-enduring. But, hand-in-hand with a love for all creation—especially children, beauty, art and AOn—is a flaming hatred for anything resembling deceit, injustice or cruelty that often becomes highly articulate. This, however, only as to the sin— never as to the sinner. In all our lives together I have never heard her say an unkind word of, or to, an individual.
She is very easy to get along with on matters of mere opinion. But as to matters which she considers principles and as to matters touching her loyalties—well, it is lucky for her that the obdurate are no longer burned. She is of the stuff of which at least a dozen martyrs could be made.
Add to the above a merry heart, a vast tenderness and a keen, splendidly trained intellect and you will get some idea of what I , at least, think of her. And if you knew how long we had been married, you would admit that I shouldn't have any illusions, now.
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YOUR EDITOR asks me to "write something" about my wife, Stella Perry,
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-f. PERHAPS it was a misunderstanding—at least we like to think so—but at any rate wc want to make it very plain right now, and then in the next issue we can raise our voice in praise, we hope. Now the problem is just this. Each and every AOn received what we thought was a very good number of To DRAGMA in late October. In the very center was bound a bright blue sheet, so bright and so different from the rest of the magazine that wc were sure you, each and every one of you, would not miss it. In case you did, and you must have, or you wouldn't have been so
neglectful and so unappreciative about follow- ing instructions— that sheet bore directions to be filled out and to be returned to the Central Office. It gave the Office all the information it needs about each and every one of you for the year and it gave them the idea, too, that you really enjoyed getting the magazine once a year at least [you will please make it your duty to read or quote this to each and every one of your AOIT friends so that the non- subscribers will be sure to hear it]. Well, to make a long story very short, you just didn't return the blanks. It doesn't matter if you are a member of an alumna' chapter or a life sub- scriber, you should return the blank anyway. In the next issue we shall expose the guilt of all who fail to respond and give way to our wrath in a most unAOII-like manner if you do not answer at once. In case your magazine has helped swell the old paper bags for the nearby school or Junior has used the nice blue paper
for his art work, the information is reprinted on the inside of the back cover. Now go to it!
We meant to announce at the beginning of this page, that this is an editor's column, but the anxiety about the blue slips hurried the announcement off the typewriter. The editor's page used to be a regular part of the maga- zine, you may recall, until the depression drove it further and further out of existence. Then came last spring and the questionnaire which has so changed the life of this editor—the chapter letters included in this issue show one of the results—and to the complete amazement
of this blue penciler, there were numerous re- quests for the old editorial page back again. When there is space, you shall have it, for the editor has many things on her mind— above all, PEACE; then the beauty and joy of sorority friends; yes, of those best known at home, but also of those known through let- ters and in distant places, whose personalities are so well drawn from their letters that when rare days come and meeting takes place no introductions, no preliminary getting acquainted is necessary; of other fraternity friends; of books and the art of conversation, so thor- oughly lost in contract bridge. So walrus-like we will go our way the next two years. Then we will ask again if you want more.
And now we wish the type could change to red, for with joy we invite you to 1937 Con- vention in Yellowstone Park. In the March issue we will announce the exact location— it will be at Old Faithful Inn or at Grand Canyon Hotel. The latter is our choice, for in our mind, we have seen AOII's on the stair leading to the great Lounge, eating in the din-
ing room which lends itself so well to formal clothes, hiking to the canyon before breakfast, at candle-lighting in the glen. But wherever we go, come with us for the Pi Phis and the Kappas are still talking about the exceptional conventions they had in Yellowstone and an AOn gathering couldn't be less successful. Pennies become dollars in a surprisingly short time; collect your vacation fund now and com- bine a holiday in 1937 with the rare opportu- nity of knowing how far the ties of AOn reach and how much that common bond really means.
P. S. As we go to press, the Executive Committee wires that the 1937 Convention will be at Canyon Hotel. With a lodge nearby for auto tourists and the finest accommodations possible in the hotel, this should be AOII's largest gathering. Alpha Phi is the hostess chapter. A penny bank should become your prize possession. Convention is a fine experi- ence; Yellowstone Park a thrilling one—com- bined they will be twice memorable.
s<« i s
t$l Suitor S^foriafi £s S^^ain 5
Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax
Department Stores and the
THIS so-called "interviezv" appears in
print again because—let's be frank—an edi-
tor picked the wrong one of the Scot Is
from her collection of cuts—those pieces of
metal covered with dots that miraculously question is any college senior or alumna who turn themselves into pictures when ink, is still deciding what to do in the working
Clarissa Scott, on the Los Angeles end of the story, is talking for Mortar Board Quar- terly readers on the question: "Is department store work the work for me?" The me of the
paper, and press work together. And when one editor chose the wrong Scott, she gave a second editor an idea.
That idea led the Atlantic Ocean side of the interview to say to the one on the Pacific side: "Does all this stand up after two years?"
"Yes," she replied, "except that executive jobs are more difficult than they used to be." Store conditions haven't changed much in that time, she says, even though since this piece first saw printer's ink she has left the active scene of store life for sec- ond-hand reports—those that a wife gets
from a store executive husband.
Miss Scott has worked in department stores
for almost ten years, and during that time she has done a variety of training, sales, and per- sonnel work. One of the best things about this work for the college woman, she believes, is the wide variety. Her job need not be a steady, unrelieved, year-after-year dose of training, for example, but a combination of several types of work making harder but more interesting jobs, as well as jobs to
"grow to."
A graduate of Miami University at Oxford, Ohio, Miss Scott later attended Prince School of Kducation for Store Service (Simmons Col-
Right now Mrs. R. D. Aberle (that's lege) in Boston, one of the best-known train-
who she is now) would rather talk "house," as plans and sites are uppermost in her mind, but a little later if your editor wishes, she will talk to the New York City Scott at long distance on one of her pet ideas— that women do not shop intelligently and that college women, certainly, should learn to do so.
-+- THIS isn't the usual thing in interviews. Probably it isn't one at all, since the writer is not sitting across an office desk from the "interviewee," nor in her living room or garden, nor in any of the customary places for interviews. For in this case the writer and the one who is talking to her are sepa- rated by whatever distance is between New York City and Los Angeles, with only Uncle Sam's 3-cent messengers as go-between. So
there cannot be "setting," that description of room or garden—a picture of the where of the story—or of dress, mannerisms, way of speaking—the things that make the who of the story seem authentic. Still the personal touch isn't lacking for the interviewed is a sister of the interviewer.
ing schools for the woman going into person- nel work. She is sure that she took the best route to the kind of work she wanted to do and that the school way is still the best, with fewest detours.
Every kind of work—the social worker's, the nurse's, the teacher's for example—makes its special demands; so the department store re- quires of its college women certain attitudes and fitness. On these Miss Scott has some definite ideas:
"The question. Do you like people? is almost a bromide, it has been used so much in try- ing to get a clue as to whether one is fitted for this or that," she says. "But no question is of more importance in this work if you amend it slightly. Do you like people of all kinds—not the collegiate, or society, or ar- tistic, or country-club, but every kind? It is important because of the hundreds of other store employees with whom you'll come in contact and also because o f the thousands o f the store's clientele with whom you may deal.
"The college girl who feels superior is bound to show it in her dealings with both groups, to the end that she won't be satisfac-
JAN-UARY, 1936
tory in her job. So department store work, in general, calls for the democratic tempera- ment. And those words are so easily mis- understood ! I don't mean an over-friendly at- titude, gushing, too-hail-fellow, but a manner which needs the words gracious, tactful, and businesslike to describe it.
"Then some college girls find it hard to ad- just themselves to being, perhaps f o r a long time, insignificant cogs in a big piece of ma- chinery, to use an awfully old figure. Espe- cially is it true of the girl who has been a
campus leader or an important man's daugh- ter in her home town. I suppose that all kinds of work call f o r employee cooperation, but nowhere can it be more important than in the store with hundreds or even thousands of em- ployees,
"Another things is the necessity for liking
Los Angeles end—and if we missed a store at any stop-over it was through over-sight. Except Kansas City. We were there on Sun- day!
"And, of course," she goes on, "there's liking to sell (and I wish there were more ways to emphasize the word liking when it gets into print)—buttons, or housewares, or negligees, or service, or even classroom training. It doesn't matter what! But you take keen en- joyment in passing on useful, beautiful, or quite ordinary articles to people who are go- ing to be pleased with them.
"Then, how's your health? It needs to be excellent to stand up under the long hours and resulting fatigue, and against the constant as- sociation indoors with the public which will bring in every cold germ in the city at some
College-Trained Woman
the department store as such—not your own store, but all of them. If they have a fascina- tion for you, so that seeing New York is spending hours in I^ord and Taylor's, or Wanamaker's, or Macy's, and if the Christ- mas mob doesn't 'get you,' and if you can fight your way happily through sales crowds, then you will survive!"
And right here the person who is on the New York end of this piece puts in a word, for she once crossed the continent with the
By Helen Jo Scott Mann, Omega
in the Mortar Board Quarterly
time or other. That calls for super-resistance. As competition is stiff, it simply doesn't do to be ill; somebody else will get your job.
"And lastly, what kind of feet have you? Good substantial underpinning able to keep you going for many hours without ever re- flecting their weariness in your voice, face, or manner. Feet are all-important as the depart-
Margaret Flint Jacobs Wins Pictorial Review Prize
TWICE VICTORIOUS! Gamma seems destined Leavitt Flint of Skowhegan, was graduated
to be the chapter of authors and Maine from the university in 1890 with a conspicu- the birthplace of Pictorial Review's choice of ously brilliant record. Mrs. Jacobs was born
first prize winners. Mary Ellen Chase first
found herself in the notice of the great public-
at-large when she won the Pictorial Review
short short story prize of $2,500 in 1930—not be became superintendent of building of the that Mary Ellen Chase hadn't written for a
Jacob Tome Institute and from this town Mrs. Jacobs registered for the university in 1908.
"The four other children of these alumni in addition to Mrs. Jacobs who attended the university are Ralph J. Flint, '12, of West Baldwin, Me., Donald T. Flint, '23, of Augusta, Me., Edith Flint Coe (T '14), of Flint, Mich.,, and Eleanor Flint Chaplin (T '22), of Ran- dolph, Mass.
"Mrs. Jacobs entered the arts and sciences course at the university, majoring first in biol- ogy, then in philosophy. She was affiliated with the class of 1912, of which class her husband, L. W. Jacobs, is also a member. Shortly after his graduation, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs moved to Virginia, where M r . Jacobs was en- gaged in the engineering profession for a num- ber of years before moving to their present location."
The Bangor Daily Commercial carried the Associated Press dispatch:
"Bay St. Louis, Miss., Dec. 23—Mrs. Lester Warner Jacobs, mother of six children and wife of a toll bridge supervisor who doesn't care for fiction, was en route to New York today to arrange for publication of a $10,000 prize novel.
"The Old Ashbum House, which she wrote in her spare time, drew recognition in a na- tional contest.
" ' I never had an idea that the novel would win a prize,' M rs. Jacobs said, adding that it centered around a rural family in a small Maine town where she was born.
"'What am I going to do with the money?' she said. 'Well, with my children to educate, that is easy to answer. I'm going to spend it for that.'
"Her father, Walter Flint, a graduate of the
class of 1883, served on the faculty of the uni-
versity for twenty years as instructor in forge
work in the department of mechanical engi-
neering, as registrar of the university and as the Bible.'
professor of mechanical engineering. He is "Mrs. Jacobs said the money was the first remembered by his former acquaintances and she received for writing since she won minor friends as a most likeable man, and a great
long time and not that she hadn't written just as splendidly as she has since, but the great American reading public hadn't got acquainted with her until "Salesmanship" and the resultant publicity acclaimed her. Now the mantle has fallen on another Alpha O, presented again by Dodd Mead—Pictorial Reviezv and this time given for a novel—$10,000 and it has been won by Margaret Flint Jacobs ( r ) , now a resident of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, mother of six children.
Katrina Overall McDonald sent the news to your editor via a Christmas greeting and has promised to send an intimate glance at Mrs. Jacobs for the next issue. Perhaps your editor might have been able to have told you more about her first hand for it was her privi- lege to be her dinner partner at the Panhel- lenic banquet at the Edgewater Gulf Hotel, but sea food and ice cream proved so disturb- ing that the editor gave up at the end of the first course. So you must be satisfied for the present with the two clippings that follow and the dispatches that you will no doubt find in
your own magazines and newspapers.
To Mrs. Jacobs, Alpha Omicron Pi sends congratulations and proud greetings.
Says the Bangor Daily News:
"Orono, Dec. 25—Mrs. Margaret Flint Jacobs of Bay St. Louis, Miss., a native of Orono, whose novel, The Old Ashbum House, accord- ing to recent news dispatches, has won a $10,000 prize in a national contest, is a mem- ber of a prominent University of Maine family and herself an alumna of the University, both her father and mother and four brothers and sisters as well as her husband having attended the institution.
lover of out-of-doors life.
"Mrs. Jacobs' mother, also, Mrs. Hannah
awards in local contests when she was writing as a girl in the Old Town (Maine) Enterprise.
in Orono, the third child, while her father was still connected with the university, but in 1902 Mr. Flint moved to Fort Deposit, Md., where
She said her husband, L. W. Jacobs, hadn't read the book.
" 'He doesn't care for fiction,' she said. 'He likes history and biography and is a student of
"She is a native of Orono, Maine."
National Panhellenic Congress was such a congenial affair. Mrs. Moore, ©T; Mrs. Redd, KA; Miss Tuft, B4>A; and Mrs. Hemenway, AA9, are the new and old Executive Committee, Mrs. Moore being the new member.
N.P.C. Shows Fine Spirit By Edith H. Anderson, Beta Phi
ways an experience one can get in no other way,—a gathering of representatives of all national sororities which gives each group a definite personality. To me, because I am interested in all fraternities, the whole frater- nity movement, and the possibilities and prob- lems of such groups, it is challenging. I had been to one other meeting of NPC, that in St. Louis in 1931, and came away from it greatly disappointed. It seemed that that meeting lacked the spirit of cooperation which I felt there must be if the fraternity world were to advance, or if we were to make any progress settling our common problems. Everyone then was still trying to put up a "bold front," and to ask questions, talk frankly about the future and problems of all fraternities, or ask f o r cooperation or help seemed to be an admission of weakness or trouble. That probably was not entirely true, but at any rate, I am sure the meeting did not record the accomplishment that should be ex- pected of such a gathering of representative women.
In the 1935 meeting I felt a different spirit, —probably due partly to the days of depres- sion through which we have come since1931. It was not an entirely unanimous spirit, but practically so, and I believe much more prog- ress was made than in any Congress for some time.
National Panhellenic Congress is not a legis- lative body. It does not and cannot make laws which college or city Panhellenics must obey. It is merely an advisory group which makes recommendations. Probably the most important thing which this Congress did was to vote unanimously in favor of limiting the size of chapters, depending on the number of women enrolled and the number of fraterni- ties on the campus. If this is really carried out, in fact and in spirit, this recommendation of National Panhellenic Congress will do what the quota system has failed to do in most places where it has been tried. And this rec- ommendation should be effective on every campus because it will come from the national organizations themselves, rather than the local college Panhellenics or administrations. I be- lieve this recommendation will be put into ef- fect next year, and of course some plan will have to be worked out to permit the present too-large chapters to adjust themselves to the plan gradually.
Another discussion of interest was that re- garding the recommendation that a committee be appointed to go further into the matter of effecting a general federation of Greekletter groups, with each one, such as National Pan- hellenic Congress, a separate entity. This would be an organization similar to the I n - ternational Council of Women, and would make a much stronger and more effective
group. I do not predict that National Pan- hellenic Congress will soon vote to become a part of such an organization, even if it could be effected, but it is an interesting thing to consider.
The Congress voted to appoint a committee to study and investigate, and collaborate if necessary, on producing a motion picture film which would truthfully present Greekletter societies and life. This grew out of a sugges- tion made by the outgoing publicity commit- tee of the Congress, of which Pinckney Estes Glantzberg was chairman, that such an edu- cational film be made available to the public through educational organizations as one means of combating the anti-fraternity propa- ganda so prevalent recently.
It was a matter of considerable personal re-
gret that Alpha Epsilon Phi, the strong Jew-
Dean Agnes Ellen Harris, of the University of Alabama, spoke on "Administrative Prob- lems of a College in Relation to Fraternities." She feels that fraternities must readjust finan- cial situations by cutting local and national dues, house expense, and creating sinking funds for scholarship loans; that one inspec- tion a year is enough for most chapters and the person who does the visiting should be se- lected with care and be neither too young nor too old (Miss Harris drew sighs from the group when she told that one Dean had sug- gested a visit of three weeks for each chap- ter) ; that our organizations ought to do something worthwhile in vocational training which is now so greatly needed with rapidly changing conditions; that we should make our houses fine educational, cultural and social centers, and that the house director should be well educated and able to give help and inspir-
ish national, was again denied admission to
the Congress as an associate member. I am ation, not necessarily just mothering; that we
proud that Alpha Omicron Pi has consistently need to decrease the social life and ambitions and openly voted to take this group and the of our girls and give them more of a national other restricted membership groups, such as fraternity consciousness; and that the local
the several Jewish groups and the Catholic alumnje and deans should work together to group, into membership, and I believe such improve college Panhellenics because they
need much help and work and seldom have the leadership that WSGA and other campus organizations attract. Dean Harris said that there should be the closest cooperation be- tween the deans and sororities, for both are educators.
Dr. Rebecca W. Smith, Kappa Delta, of Texas Christian University, spoke on "Funda- mentals of Greekletter Societies as Social Groups" in which she said the outstanding problem of fraternities today is how to make fraternity life as meaningful to the coming pledges as it was to us. We must change our organizations to suit new times and the new generation, and listen to the dictates and de- sires of younger members.
At the banquet on Friday evening, Decem- ber 6, Miss Mary Alice Jones, Pi Beta Phi, spoke on "Fraternity Membership Today and Tomorrow," in which she gave substantially the same talk which was given by her at our Convention luncheon during the past summer, except with more detailed information regard- ing her findings from the questionnaire sent out for her study, "The Woman's College Fraternity as an Organization Influencing Character Development."
The social program included a very delight- ful ride along the Gulf Coast and tea in Bi- loxi, at which the Biloxi City Panhellenic and Chamber of Commerce were hosts; a luncheon at which members of each fraternity were seated together at tables decorated in their colors centered with piles of Spanish moss and cotton bolls; and the banquet on Friday evening already mentioned. The banquet ta- bles were beautifully decorated with red can- dles and piles of poinsettias, and the speakers' table was arranged on a platform in the shape
opinion which is elusive and very hard to
combat, make the effort to know the smaller
groups to see if they might be interested in gress were the Panhellenic delegates and na- joining them. It has made a very unwhole-
some situation on that campus, with active
chapters ranging in number from 47 to 5
members, and pledge groups from 36 to none.
organizations would add strength to the Con- gress.
In the round tables held a number of inter- esting questions were discussed. It was felt that the quota system was brought about by the depression days, that it had not attained the hoped-for end. It was also the consensus of opinion that it had not had a sufficiently long trial period, and that we should continue to watch this experiment with interest before condemning it as a failure. The limitation of the size of chapters will do much more, I am sure, than the quota system can ever do.
The Committee on College Panhellenics, Miss L. Pearle Green of Kappa Alpha Theta, chairman, made an excellent report and sub- mitted a revised outline constitution f o r Col- lege Panhellenics which was adopted. M iss Green said her committee felt that the trouble with college Panhellenics is the spirit in most such organizations. I t seem s to be the general feeling "that every fraternity but yours are
goblins and all out to get you." She stressed the fact that fraternities should be organized groups of friends, not enemies, and the best diplomat in the chapter, not the best fighter, should be the Panhellenic representative.
Conditions and problems on various cam- puses with references to fraternities were dis- cussed in round tables and individual groups of representatives. For instance, the situation at Northwestern University was discussed where public opinion in the dormitories spreads the idea among the freshmen that there are only five or six fraternities worth joining, that it would be better to be unorgan- ized than to join any of the others. Each year there is a growing number of unaffiliated women there who will not, because of public
of a large Pi. Seated here in addition to the outgoing and incoming officers of the Con-
tional presidents.
In conclusion I should like to record im- personal pride in my colleagues and their work in National Panhellenic Congress—
Pincknev Estes Glantzberg (*), Panhellenic Delegate, and Wilma Smith Leland (T), Edi- tor of To DRAGMA.
Pincknev has served as the delegate of A l - pha Omicron Pi for ten years, and has done notable work in securing the recognition and leadership of the younger fraternity groups in the Congress; in recording openly always the affirmative vote of Alpha Omicron Pi in fa- vor of admitting the restricted membership groups, the Jewish Catholic sororities; and fn this Congress in sponsoring and framing the recommendation regarding the limitation in size of chapters, as well as making the mo- tion regarding it which was passed unani- mously- She has served Alpha Omicron Pi and the whole fraternity world loyally and well.
Wilma Smith Leland is recognized as an outstanding editor, and has held the secre- taryship and chairmanship of the Editors' Conference which always meets with NPC. At this Congress she served on the publicity committee and as acting secretary of the Edi- tors' Conference, where she led a round table
on "Economies in Printing" and gave to all the groups the same splendid leadership and ability she always gives Alpha Omicron Pi as editor. It was a privilege to attend National Panhellenic Congress with these two members, for they are rendering distinct service to the
Dean Agnes Ellen Harris and Dean
Mcrritt, beHveen
and go from here to Washington. Soon after the first of the year 1 shall go on to Phila- delphia, where the greater part of my materials are located. Later I shall work in collections in New York City, Worcester, Baltimore, and elsewhere as it may come to be necessary.
Last spring Professor John U. Nef, the
the French aspects of it for one of his courses, and since that time he has given it his closest and most helpful supervision. The chief rea- son for mv remaining in Chicago during this
than thinking of it primarily as a thesis to be revised for publication later.
Sincerely yours,
of *M,
talked business sessions.
Fellowship Holder Reports on Work Report on the use of the Alpha Omicron Pi first stage of writing, aside from the greater
Fellotvship for a research project entitled: convenience of working in a familiar library, -John Holker: A study of French business has been in order to have his advice.
activity in America during the War for In- dependence."
I HAVE spent October and November in
The work is taking the form of an economic biography, as the title given above indicates. This seems to be the most effective way of handling the material and does not at all change the general purpose of the study, which
Chicago, organizing material and working is designed to present the business technics out part of the narrative of John Holker's and problems of the period. It will trace the
career from research done in 1933-34 in his joint activities of a group of French and papers in the Library of Congress. This manu- American merchants and financiers, the most
script is to serve as a nucleus for the wider important ones concerned in such affairs at
investigation and writing that I am about to that time, and as their undertakings were of
undertake. Although not according to my first an extensive and varied nature, many phases intentions, to prepare this seemed an impor- of the economic situation will be discussed. As
tant step preliminary to further work. I plan far as is possible within the limits of this to leave Chicago in the middle of December study, I am trying to bring out the peculiar
characteristics of the American scene by con- trasting it with that of a much older and farther advanced country, France. The father of my John Holker, whose work I hope to investigate at some later time, was one of the most important figures in the rapid French industrial development which was taking place.
I am writing the biography from the first study of Holker when I did some work on with the end of publication in mind rather
economic historian, became interested in my
Margaret Lyman, O, was awarded the Cap and Gown medal given to the most out- standing junior at the University of Ten- nessee. She belongs to *K*.
Verda Ames, *, was chosen a freshman beauty queen in the contest sponsored by the University of Kansas annual.
AOII Stars
Mary Ellen Patano, XA, was awarded the
Panhellenic scholarship at the University 62* at Syracuse University. She assisted ofColorado.ShebelongstoSpurs,W.the62*newseditorofthe"DailyOrange"
A. A.,
and the House of Represen- tatives.
Florence Ashley, X, is a new initiate of when the sorority edited it.
Triends As the Years Go By
WHEN you join hands with your neighbor
and sing "Alpha Omicron Pi, Friends as the years go by" after a luncheon, dinner or tea given on or near December 8 each year, you must feel the thrill of realization that, across the continent in the colorful patio of a California chapter house, within the warmth of home or hotel as a blizzard howls outside, above the rush of subway and the vibration of "L,"thousands of other women and girls are singing the same song, hands clasped, eyes aglitter and hearts full of love for Stella Stern Perry, Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Helen St. Clair Mullan and Jessie Wallace Hughan. If there be a time when one knows the joy of being a part of a national organization, it is when that organization keeps fete throughout the land on Founders' Day.
My mind always turns to New York, for there, usually at luncheon, the Founders are the guests of New York Alumna; Chapter and of Nu. This year Mrs. Mullan was absent fshe has been so ill, you know], but the other three were there. Helen Jo Scott Mann was toastmistress and Edith Ramsey Collins was general chairman. Helen Jo has told about the party in her New York letter so do read it. National Panhellenic Congress had taken your President, Panhellenic Delegate and Edi- tor to Biloxi. The Congress being over at noon on Saturday, we went to New Orleans to be with New Orleans and Pi for dinner at the Country Club. It was an Alice in W onder- land dinner. Katrina Overall McDonald was the toastmistress and Margaret Lyon Pedrick's toast to the Founders was a thing of beauty. Gladys Anne Renshaw speaking on "Friend- ships," parodied Alice and the Unicorn's con- versation to fit our situation. Edith had an-
other Founders' Day at Alpha Pi who waited until she could get there to celebrate.
Our Founders stress two points whenever we hear from them or see them—friendship and service. In their lives they have held these above all else. Their Day has always been one of renewing friendships—perhaps that is one o f the greatest joys o f the cele- bration for it has become a Homecoming to many who live away from alumna; chapters or whose days are too busy to include such gatherings. To mc this Founders' Day had a significance that none has had before because it meant meeting and knowing all the names I had proof-read and written to for so long— I have met with groups other than my own numerous times and with Chicago on Found- ers' Day, but being with Pi where I recog-
nized the family name of one of our first initiates in a pledge, where there were daugh- ters and daughters, was different. Here were friends unknown except for affiliation in a national sorority. The Day has come to mean
service, too, for on it we bring our offerings to the children of Kentucky that their Christ- mas and the winter will be happier. That most chapters paid particular heed to the Social Service Work was evidenced in the programs, and the publicity given to the Work on this national day of celebration was excellent.
There follow several accounts of the festivi- ties sent by the active chapter correspondents. To celebrate Founders' Day, Nu and New York held a luncheon at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Three of the founders favored us with their presence—Stella Perry, Jessie Hughan and Elizabeth Wyman. There were alumna; present from all our chapters all over the United States. Each one told her name, chap-
ter and present occupation—they represented everything from lawyers to housewives and mothers. The meeting adjourned with the singing of many of our sorority songs.
There was never a more sacred celebration observed and enjoyed any better than Pi Delta's Founders' Day ceremony. December 8, you see, is right in the midst of all of the hustle and enthusiasm of rushing. The pro- gram for the day was perfectly planned and the original themes f o r each affair could not help but be impressive. We feel that all the freshmen who were here for the different oc- casions truly realized our high ideals. The lodge entertained eight rushees for informal breakfast at which Flora W aldman ('37), rush chairman, announced that it was the day of national AOII's birthday. At dinner the en- tire theme was carried out pertaining to Alpha O. The tables were arranged to form a Pi, and on them were sheaves of wheat tied with red ribbon, a ribbon leading to each of the rushees. The place cards were very appro- priate for they also were sheaves of wheat. All the actives wore red roses. In the early afternoon we were pleasantly surprised with a visit from two graduated sisters, Christine Ridgdell (An '34), and Mabelle Wackerman (ITA '35). It seems as if all through the day groups of girls gathered around the piano and sang to dear AOLT. There was a tea in the afternoon and supper at 6:30 at which Flora read the clipping appearing in the Baltimore paper about Founders' Day.
"The Baltimore Alumna; Chapter of AOII will observe Founders' Day at 8:30 P. M. Tuesday at the home of Helen Wollman, 2842 Guilford Avenue. Margaret R. Crunkleton will preside. Ruth Miles has arranged a discussion of the fraternity's national philanthropic work in the mountains of southeastern Kentucky under auspices of the Frontier Nursing Serv- ice, Inc."—The Baltimore Sun.
Founders' Day was celebrated by Chi Chap- ter on Monday night, December 9, when the alumna; gave a banquet for us at the chapter
house. The beautiful red roses in the center-
piece of the table were the gift of Gertrude
Bailey. Between courses, we sang the songs
which are favorites of Chi and the alumna?
joined with us. A vocal quartet composed of marshmallows, sandwiches, nuts, and mints Jane Burlingham, Eleanor Schaefer, Dorothy
Jaggers and Mary Jane Hartman, sang the "Pin Song." Grace Keller played two piano numbers. Then, Grace Oberlander, president of Syracuse Alumnae Chapter, talked about our Founders and the meaning our sorority has for us. The program ended in singing the "Toast Song," and the "Epsilon Chapter Song." The alumna? were later guests of the active chapter at its meeting, during which ritual was observed.
were served. Conversation and music filled the remainder of the evening.
Delta's Founders' Day celebration consisted
of a banquet and initiation, with the Delta
actives and the Boston Alumna?, comprising
the group. The banquet was held at the
Woodbridge Hotel in Somerville with Ann
Elizabeth White and Mary Heald in charge,
the latter acting also as toastmistress. At the
head table seated among others were Miss
Heald, Ann Elizabeth White, Alice Spear,
Frances Heald, Beth Ringer Moran, Emilie
Farnsworth, and Ruth Miller. Mary Heald Be zvorthy of you.
read a very inspiring letter from Stella G. S. This toast written by Vivian Evans started
simple. We had a Founders' Day program, at which time Mr. Anderson spoke to us, telling us something about our Founders. Following this, refreshments consisting of hot chocolate,
Kappa Giapter celebrated Founders' Day with a banquet at Boonsboro Country Club. Alumna? attending the banquet were Nan Crad- dock, Sarah Hammer, Bessie Minor Davis, and Qara Clelland. Janice Hunt ('36) was toast- mistress. The theme of the banquet was based on A. A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh. The at- tractive red and gold place-cards in the form of various characters from this book were de- signed and made by Frances Dunnington ('36). Large bowls of red roses decorated the long tables. The members of the chapter were entertained byimpromptu stunts bythe pledges. This year's celebration was unusually enjoy- able.
To our Founders!
We love you every one
For with you our sisterhood
Perry; and at the end of the banquet we all Lambda Sigma's Founders' Day banquet on
retired to another room to witness the ini- tiation of Charlotte Newton ('37). It was very nice to be able to meet the alumna? once more and thank them personally for all they have been doing for us. Certainly without their contributions and interest in our recent rummage sale and other events we would not have been nearly as successful as we were.
Epsilon Alpha's theme for Founders' Day was the Frontier Nursing Service. It was very simple and each of the girls brought balls of yarns, patches, and knitting needles to be sent to the Kentucky mountains.
Bangor Alumna? Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi entertained the University of Maine's ac- tive chapter and its patronesses, M rs. J. H . Ashworth, Mrs. A. C. Andrews, and Mrs. Wil- liam C. Wells, at a tea Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Edward L. Herlihy, 159 State Street. The tea was given in honor of Founders' Day and the alumna? chapter presi- dent, Mrs. Martin W. Burke, was in general
charge of arrangements. She was assisted by Mrs. Herlihy and Mrs. Earl Dunham.
Presiding at the tea table were Estelle Beau- pre and Edith Bussell of Old Town, vice president of the chapter. Twenty alumna? and twenty-five active members were present at the tea, the university chapter being led by its president, Anne Elliason.
So that Edith H . Anderson could be with us in Tallahassee to help celebrate Founders' Day,
our entertainment was postponed until Decem- ber 9. At the request of the members the celebration this year was quite informal and
Saturday night, December 7. W e held our banquet at the Georgian Hotel and all our members and pledges were present. During the first part of our banquet you can imagine our surprise when Annie Stuart Pearce ( I I ) , Edith Ford (K) and Dorris Garton (T) rushed in from Atlanta to join our group. This added to the enjoyment of the evening since Edith entertained us with the beautiful story of the Founding of Alpha Omicron Pi. The table was beautifully decorated with our red and white colors. Red jacqueminot roses in white baskets were placed up and down the center of the long table. Red candles in crys- tal candlesticks furnished part of the color scheme. During the evening two other toasts were given. One toast was given to the pledges by Vivian McGahee, and Barbara Cohen, one of our new pledges, gave a toast to Lambda
Sigma. Entertainments during the evening con- sisted of a violin solo played by Martha Mackey, a new pledge, accompanied by her sister, jean; each pledge gave a stunt and imitated one of the members and every one had a great deal of fun. During and after the banquet we sang most of the A O n songs. A t the last we sang "Oh Pass the Loving Cup Around," and passed the cup.
Omicron Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi ob- served the 34th birthday of the sorority with a buffet supper at the home of Fay Morgan, president of the alumna? chapter. After our ver3' delicious supper, Fay talked to us for
Your guiding light and zvith standards true
May tve ever keep bright
reading, "The
W ay of
a little while about the history of the sorority,
and introduced M rs. H . M . Cox, who spoke
on "What My Sorority Means to Me." Mrs.
Cox was one of the three mothers present
who have daughters in chapter. Next on the
program was an original skit presented by the
pledges. The group divided, one half repre-
senting actives and the other half represent-
ing pledges in a model "goat" meeting. The
pledges were put through their paces by the
"actives" who unmistakably represented cer-
tain members of the chapter. Each pledge was
made to perform some special trick while the
"actives" looked on in a cold, bored, and al-
together quite familiar manner. Each pledge's
skit was original and very clever and the en-
tertainment was rewarded by a very loud and sion." Margaret Holiday read a poem "A
Tribute to Our Founders," written by Laurelle Ray, one of the actives. After this we gath- ered around the piano for some good old
AOII songs.
Alpha Tau celebrated Founders' Day with a
chicken dinner at the house on Saturday, De- cember 7. Kay Davis was with us and spoke about the founding of AOII. Mary Amner, one of our town alumna?, pictured for us the founding of Alpha Tau. This was also our philanthropic banquet. Each of us gave a toy and the chapter bought $15 worth or remnants and yarn to be sent to Kentucky.
The annual Founders' Day banquet of Omega Chapter was given by the pledges of the chapter on December 6. The entire chapter was seated at a beautifully appointed banquet table. After dinner, the following program was given: First, the introduction of our guests, Katherine Davis, District Superinten- dent, and Mrs. Ruth Segar, Alumna? District Superintendent. The toastmistress, Harriet P'isher, president of the pledge class, opened the program with a word of welcome. The theme of the entire program was "AOU Little America." Jeanne Long, Omega president, talked on the "AOII Mayflower." M rs. Mildred Dennison spoke on "New Settlements in Amer- ica"—this was a little about the founding of
long applause. Following the freshman skit, we sang sorority songs for nearly an hour. The celebration was attended by all of the ac- tive chapter, most of Knoxville Alumna? Chap- ter, and a few of the alumna? from Randolph- Macon and Vanderhilt.
Founders Day today in honor of the four who gathered in the old library of Barnard College, New York City, 1897, to compose the ritual.
The AOII chapter at Southwestern will meet at seven tonight in the Georgian room of Hotel Peabody for a banquet in observance of the event. Helen Fitzhugh, toastmistress, will be seated at the apex of the A-shaped table, which will be decorated in the red and white colors of the sorority.
annual tea for alumna?, actives, and associates. The pledges had charge of the program, and Hazel Hawthorne gave a most interesting and
P i
Sorority will
Red tapers in crystal holders and red jacque-
minot roses, the sorority flower, in crystal bud
vases, will form the setting. At the cross-bar
of the A, a large centerpiece of the red roses
will be flanked by crystal candelabra holding Omega Chapter and some of the humorous
red tapers. Marking places of the guests will be programs giving the menu, toasts and other features of the evening. The programs will also he in the red and white sorority colors.
a response through the pledge president, Levin Coe. The final toast, "The Foliage," will be given by Mary Allie Taylor to the patronesses. Other features will include a skit to be pre- sented by the pledges and several other special numbers.
Following the banquet, members and their escorts will dance in the Samovar room, with a large table arranged for them in the Floren- tine room.
incidents in connection with its history. Shir- ley Dahlstrom, pledge and chairman of the committee for the banquet, and Harriet Fisher both talked on "What These Pioneers Have Done for Us" and "What the 1935 Pioneers Intend to Do." The program closed with the singing of many sorority songs. Much to their delight, each active was presented with a novel black and silver modernistic book-end as a
Toasts will carry out the theme, "The Rose
of AOn." Mrs. Will Terry will give a toast
to the Founders as "The Sturdy Roots." The
alumna? will be toasted by Dorothy Ann Fer-
guson, president of the active chapter, as "The
Stem of the Rose." Gara McGehee, president
of the alumna?, will give the toast to the
actives, "The Rose." The pledge group, toasted
as "The Bud" by Rebecca Laughlin, will give December 8. Dinner was served to forty
Theta Chapter observed Founders' Day on
people, ten of whom were guests. After dinner Lucy Allen, a founder of Theta Giapter, gave an interesting talk on the chapter founding. Miss Baskerville (NO), teacher in the Music School, sang an Alpha Omicron Pi song. Mrs. Hayes, also a founder of the chapter, spoke on the future of Theta. The whole group sang Alpha Omicron Pi songs to conclude the pro- gram.
Iota celebrated Founders' Day with a ban- quet held in the chapter house. Virginia Per- Nu Kappa celebrated Founders' Day with its kins ('36), our president, was in charge of
14 To DRAGMA the arrangements, and, following the banquet, housemother, and Janet Turner, our house
gave a brief resume of the founding of Alpha Omicron Pi. She then introduced Mrs. F. E. Ebert, one of the founders of our local chap- ter, who spoke on the varied and sometimes amusing experiences which were connected with the founding of Iota. Following the din- ner meeting, Mrs. H. N. Hayward, president of the alumnae, was in charge of a short busi- ness meeting.
Zeta celebrated Founders' Day, Sunday, De- cember 8, with a banquet at the house. Eighty were present and Harriet Heumann, president, presided. Elsie Ford Piper spoke on the founding of Zeta Chapter and Jennie Piper told about the national Founders and their work and gave a brief description of our national Social Service Work in Ken- tucky for the benefit of the pledges. The skit which we presented for the Kosmet Klub revue, a show held annually on the University of Nebraska campus, was presented as part of the program and a trio, composed of Muriel Hook, Eleanor Compton, and Marjorie Ban- nister, furnished music. Members of the pledge class presented a skit.
president, and M rs. Paul de Silva, our alumna? adviser, went from Stanford. Others of our alumnae who attended the celebration were Lucy and Alice Shinn, charter members of Lambda, Flora Reith Hughson, Elaine Adrian Willoughby, and Anna Fitzhugh Bell.
Founders' Day was celebrated this year at Washington at the chapter house. The alum- nae enjoyed coming back to the house so well at Homecoming that we wanted them to be with us for Founders' Day. The banquet was in true Christmas style with all the "trim- min's." Helen Schaefer was chairman of the committee with Anita Petersen and Edith Beechwood, Virginia Mathis assisting her. Our toastmistress was Lucille Lockerby. Carrie Braman gave a very beautiful talk about the founding and founders of our own Upsilon Chapter.
Candlelight glimmered over the Pi as mem- bers of Eta and the Madison Alumnae Chap- ter gathered to celebrate Founders' Day. Be- fore dinner, Mary Rose Barrons von Furste- nau ( # ) , noted operatic singer and guest o f honor, accompanied by Jane Hasslinger ('38), sang " I Love the Moon," "Dawn," and "Lux- emburg Garden." After reading "Song of Founders' Day," Lois Belle McKee, president of Eta, introduced the after-dinner speakers.
Replacing the banquet usually given by
Sigma Chapter, a luncheon was held this year
to commemorate Founders' Day. It took place
on December 7 at the Berkeley Women's City
Qub. Helen Henry acted as chairman with Geraldine Nichols, alumna, gave the history Rose Bell as toastmistress. Other alumnae
speakers included the new District Superin-
tendent and also the district social welfare
leader, M artha Quale. Jean Cunningham ('36)
spoke as president of Sigma to welcome alum-
nae and active members and also members of
the Stanford Chapter. A profusion of green-
ery in tall standards and low table decorations
of more greens with clusters of bright red
berries introduced a hint of the Christmas sea-
son, and were arranged under the direction
of another alumnae member, Olive Freuler. Altogether, nine chapters were represented at the luncheon, the majority of the guests be- ing, of course, from California and Stanford chapters. During the luncheon the various representatives sang songs of their respective chapters and universities. Another interesting feature of the luncheon was the surprising
M inneapolis
number of girls present whose mothers had
also been members of Alpha O. Among those
were Virginia Stahl ('39), whose mother is an
Alumnae District Superintendent, Ardith Flu-
harty ('36), and Marion Force ('37), whose
mother (Zeta) and sister (Lambda) were both at dinner at the chapter house at 1319 Hill present at the luncheon. St. last night and joined with local alumnae in
The celebration meant an all-day trip for the attending the meeting at the home of Mr. actives from Stanford who were in the midst and Mrs. Standish Backus at Grosse Pointe of examinations, so the representation from Shores. Mrs. Mary Breckinridge, of Wen- I-ambda was very small. Etna Taylor, our dover, Ky., spoke at Grosse Pointe on the
of Eta Chapter. Following, Suzanne Stinsom ('36) told of the life and personality of Helen St. Clair Mullan; Margaret Heinecke ('37), of Stella George Stern Perry; Donna Weston ('37), of Jessie Wallace Hughan; Dorothea Schumacher Baker ('36), of Eliza- beth Heywood Wyman. Guests from Milwau- kee were Mary Rose Furstenau and Margaret
Tau and
Founders' Day with a formal dinner in a private dining room of one of the large Min- neapolis hotels. About a hundred of us sat at the huge U-shaped table. Lighted, red candles were set in pine boughs along the center of the whole table and two huge can- delabra flanked the fireplace at the end of the room. Bowls of red roses occasionally broke the long line of candle flames. Toastmistress, Mrs. Thomas E. Steward, introduced alumnae Mrs. Arthur Damon, Mrs. Henry Kuehn and Mrs. Marshall C. Blomquist, who each re- viewed a decade in the history of Tau Chap- ter. Rachel Frisvold and Phyllis Hawlish, actives, explained the activities of the present chapter. A pledge skit was directed by Betty Eylar and Annette Scroggins.
Michigan celebrated the day at Ann Arbor and since the Ann Arbor Daily News gave such splendid notice to all the activities of the week we quote:
A variety of events make the week particu- larly interesting to members of Alpha Omi- cron P i sorority. Omicron P i Chapter here, observing Founders' day tomorrow, entertained
Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., of which she is director, the social service department of which has been underwritten by the sorority.
Alumnae chapters of Detroit, Lansing and Ann Arbor will unite with the active chapter here and Beta Gamma Chapter of Michigan State College for the luncheon to be held at the Michigan League, at which about 70 guests are expected.
Edith Forsythe of Ann Arbor, general chairman, will preside.
Mrs. Cora Weidman of Ypsilanti will speak for the Founders; Ruth Sonnanstine of Mari- on, Ohio, for the actives, and Henrietta Simp- son of New York City, for the pledges. Among
the alumnae who will address the group are Frances Patton and Irene Dunham of Detroit. Guests of honor from Detroit will be Mary Roach, president of the Alpha Omicron Pi corporation; M rs. William Severance, chair- man of the Founders' Day programs, and the officers of the Detroit Alumnae Chapter.
The decorations will be designed in ac- cord with the nautical theme of the "good ship Alpha Omicron Pi" and the flowers and appointments will be in red and white.
The banquet honors a group of women who organized the society 38 years ago at Barnard College, in New York City, and the theme will be the practical application of the ideals of the Founders by the sorority in its philan- thropic work in the mountains of southeastern Kentucky.
More than 8,000 mountaineers were aided by the nursing service during the past year, more than half of them children. Clinics are held weekly at the eight centers maintained by the sorority and doctors from nearby cit- ies donate their services, assisted by the 30 members of the staff.
The service also cares for many dependent, neglected and handicapped children and gives them educational assistance. I t organizes sew- ing and knitting classes, Christmas celebra- tions, circulating libraries and debating clubs.
The Ann Arbor alumnae are giving a dance and bridge at the Michigan League tomorrow night, in charge of Miss Winifred Hall of 1530 Hill St., to raise money for this proj- ect. Mrs. Breckinridge, the director of the service, was in Detroit the first half of the week, and a party of the Ann Arbor women, including M iss Forsythe, M iss Stanger, M iss Glass, Esther Sethney of Menominee, Betty Evans and Mrs. Ruth James, motored to Grosse Pointe Shores to hear Mrs. Breckin- ridge speak at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Standish Backus. M r . and M rs. Edsel Ford are among the patrons of the work.
The dinner at the house last night was in charge of Betty Miller of Detroit, who used miniature Christmas trees and reindeer to cen- ter the table. The faculty guests were Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, and Miss Jeanette Perry, and the patronesses in- vited were Mrs. C. T. Olmsted, Mrs. W. W. Krag, Mrs. Ernest Lloyd, Mrs. W . E. Under- down and M rs. William Inglis.
We held a formal reception in her honor in the afternoon, followed by a buffet supper to celebrate the Founding. After the supper, our president, Elizabeth Maloney, gave a short talk and introduced Mary Jo Enochs, who welcomed Mrs. Matson and the alumnae on behalf of the chapter. Mrs. Matson spoke informally on the national officers, the philan- thropic work, and the conditions of the active
chapters. It was very delightful having her with us at this time. Helen Walter gave a talk on the history of Chi Delta Chapter. A large group of alumnae was present.
This year, Alpha Phi's Founders' Day banquet was held Sunday at one o'clock. A l l of our patronesses were able to attend. The toastmistress was Beth Pope, an "alum." She presented the new pledges and the patronesses.
Lambda Celebrates Twenty-fifth Anniversary
THIS year Lambda celebrated the twenty-
fifth anniversary of her founding. The celebration was held over the weekend of November 23, so that returning alumnae could attend our B ig Game with California.
On the afternoon of Friday, November 22, we held a tea for alumnae and faculty mem- bers. Among our guests were Dr. and Mrs. Ray Lyman Wilbur, Dean Mary Yost, wives of members of the faculty and representatives from other sororities. W e were fortunate enough to have several of our charter mem- bers in the receiving line. They were: Peggy Adams (Mrs.Harvey Lockridge), Sheda Low- man (M rs. Eugene Kline), Bertha Knapp
(Mrs. George Harrison), and Kay Barnes (Mrs. David Hibhs). The mothers of active girls poured and the active members served the tea, while the alumnae members acted as
hostesses in the living room.
That evening there was a dinner for alumnae only at the Allied Arts. There were forty alumnae present. Peggy Lockridge told sev- eral amusing incidents of the pioneer days. The group sang several old songs which proved that the style in Alpha Omicron Pi songs and college songs had changed as much as the style of head dress, as that was shown in pictures of our founders.
Saturday noon we served a buffet lunch for all our alumnae and guests who could come. Several alumnae who had not been able to be there on Friday came to lunch. Al-
Founders' Day celebration, held Sundav.
December 8, at the Chi Delta house was together we served 2o0 people on Saturday. particularly enjoyed this year, since Kathryn Incidentally, we won the game.—GERTRUDE Bremer Matson was visiting at that time. BLANCHARD, A.
scented breezes whisper through the wet palm trees, and the moonlight beams trip and (lance as in a fairy tale; if you have ever longed to shyly conceal your gorgeous sun-kist
charms from the eager eyes of a dashing caballero, or to leisurely listen to the volup- tuous and caressing tunes of a Spanish guitar and the staccato quiverings of gay castan- ettes and tamhorines, then come, come, my darling sisters, to the lovely land of wonders, of coffee, and fiestas . . . and live with me some few of my interesting experiences.
One day a cable came to Carlos, my Colom- bian husband,—a placid and unassuming pro- fessor in the University of Washington, in- viting him to return to his native Bogota to take charge of the post of "Director of Uni- versities and Institutes of High Culture" in the National Ministry of Education, and urg- ing him to leave immediately. Ah! Now, at last, my chance had come. "To Colombia,
sages, said farewell to all, and before we knew it we were sailing the ocean gray, fast moving through the Golden Gate out of San Francisco, and falling between the Devil and the deep blue sea, leaving behind us the fog
and the rain of Seattle, and the hurry-scurry of American existence.
For some ten days life was easy and pleas- ant on the luxurious S.S. Virginia of the Panama Pacific Line. Calm seas, flying fishes, lively tourists, occasional storms, swimming, dancing, good foods, and conversation were our daily relish. Then came Panama . . . A few hours after leaving the society of those on board, we entered the old hangouts of pirates and buccaneers with its colorful Hindu and Persian Bazaars, its narrow and noisy streets, its sweltering colored population, and tropical verdure. Where goest now ye soft delicate aromas and enchanting romance? The tourist agencies will tell, not I! For five days we wandered along and wondered. Would it be the same in Colombia?
As if moved by "hope and faith" we sailed to Buenaventura, Colombia's main port on the Pacific Sea, and from there we proceeded by train and auto across rugged and majestic mountains and idylic valleys to Bogota, which
I F you have ever dreamed of a long journey to the tropics, where the skies are blue, the weather balmy, where the
we'll go," said
I .
W e
packed, bought pas-
There is a Happy
nestles on a high Andean plateau amidst the clouds and closer to the Heavens than any other city of its size in the world.
Carlos, without ever intending to lie to me (he never does), told me of Bogota as a quiet colorful center of culture, bathed in sun- shine, and proud of its radiant blue skies. "In Bogota we have a perpetual spring," he used to tell me, but far off fields are seldom green! For six months I have lived here, and how shy is the sun, and how persistent is the rain, the wind, and the fog in this moun-
tain community of refined patricians, and sad and thoughtful Indians and Mestizos, who work slowly and dream of better days that are to come.
Bogota, yesterday a colonial town that used to boast of its old charming ways and people, is now a crowded metropolis continually changing, and acquiring a true European at- mosphere, where American industrial prod- ucts and fast moving customs are making their appearance, thus offering an Alpha 0 an interesting spectacle full of contrasts and undreamed-of surprises. I n its central part Bogota's streets are narrow , very narrow ,
and constantly filled with people, squeaking trolleys, and speeding autos that toot, and toot, soothing one's ears and warning the peasants of their gentle and inviting approach. It is delightful! People from the neighboring countryside often come to the city without having the slightest idea that they are not supposed to walk in the streets which in these modern days belong to the 4-wheeled
imps of Henry Ford, Dodge, et al. Just the An Indian trail to the mountains. In the background other day Carlos took me for a ride and is the residential district of Teausaquillo, where we oh ! you ought to have seen us gliding along
In the foreground of this panoramic view of Bogota's center is the old colonial monastery of the Dominican monks.
Land Far, Far Away
in our jitney. I was scared stiff, so often
was he about to crush some solemn peasant
lady or pensive donkey that my heart was
leaping all the time. For a moment I was
attracted by the sight of a picturesque old
patriarch carrying on his shoulders a huge
load of native pottery when suddenly the car
stopped with a scramble of rusty brakes,
and a man's cry. Had Carlos run over some-
one? I looked at him, and heard him say,
"Well done!" "What is this, you old meaney,
what have you done?" I said. Smilingly he
told me, "Oh, don't worry. I haven't hurt
him. Experience has taught me just how
gently to knock down one of these bums to sires in the pure Castilian language spoken teach him a lesson." And we went on toot- with such a bewildering rapidity by those
other works of art, the cherished relics of by- gone days, I have really enjoyed them. And then the religious rites and festivities. . "Manana es fiesta" say the Colombians with a charming twinkle in" their eyes and indeed "Manana es fiesta." I did not know of any other country where the people celebrate so manv holidays. Every day seems to be an occasion for a fiesta. In the streets and in the churches one often sees intriguing re- ligious processions with their exquisitely dec- orated images carried by hooded "penitcntes" clad in purple robes and who march in a
slow rhythmic pace along lines of silent women
screen, perhaps thus missing their languorous gestures and their soul kisses. Usually these theaters are crowded; people smoke in them; and the neatly dressed young Clark Gables and sophisticated Adolph Menjous about town move along the aisles casting their brittle glances upon the Norma Shearers who sit on "rather" hard seats and scratch from time to time, and try to chase or capture the illu- sive, creeping and intriguing little beasts, the fleas. The pictures in these theaters are shown usually accompanied by an array of clever ads that attempt to attract the attention of the "Fashionable People" with cosmetics,
ing and gliding in our darling "Fordito."
More than once in the company of Mrs.
around her. Besides, dancing halls and cab- arets in Bogota are not respectable places for the wife of a Director of Universities and
Bernard, an American friend who loves Bo-
gota and its quaint manners and sights, I Institutes of High Culture. I have to play
have gone to visit the churches and monas- my role and go once in a while to some of teries so numerous in the city. There are in the several talking picture houses where our
them so many beautiful wood carvings, paint- Hollywood stars speak English while the ings, iron gratings and grills, "reredos," and audience reads the Spanish printed on the
By Kay Bradshaw De Garcia-Prada,
and girls holding long flickering wax candles that cast their soft lights on eyes that gleam with a quiet mystic fervor. It is something real and even inspiring.
There is not much of night life for one who comes from outside and still is struggling to express her innermost thoughts and de-
radios, and purgatives, and the "humble" with Flit, shoe repair shops, and cuspidors. As a rule the people enjoy the American movies immensely, but if they happen to disapprove of some slow dragging scene they show their temper by whistling, stamping, breaking chairs and benches, and soon leave for some up-to- date tea room or soda parlor where they may have some "ultra snazzy" peanut butter sandwiches, or pie a la mode "with or with-
out ice cream," as the sweet lassie who serves them would say.
I have already referred to the language they speak in these altitudes. It is really hard to learn it as quickly as one would like. I have tried my best and yet I cannot enter- tain my guests during two or three hours of conversation as a good hostess should do in this country. When we came to Bogota, we stayed in a down-town hotel for a month or so. The maid in charge of our room was a
charming and thoughtful girl who wanted to help me with my Spanish. Carlos had told her to speak to me and one afternoon how patiently she did! For half an hour she- talked and talked until she looked at me sweetly and said, "Bueno, senora, entonces me voy," meaning "Well, in such a case I must go." I had listened without understanding anything! Later when we finally settled in a nice cozy modern house, I once complained
because the servant girl was bringing from the market many things which I didn't want. I told Carlos and he tried to find out the reason. Listening to me give orders to the servant he found it very simple. She was telling me of all the things she could buy and I was saying "Si, si, si" to everything. No wonder she was bringing enough to feed
a bunch of indifferent Alpha O's after a good winter day's hike in the mountains!
.- y
The Director of Universities and Institutes of High Culture and his wife have a new house in old Bogota.
It is interesting to tell of the first words that I learned by myself without the help of a teacher or a dictionary. Along the streets boys and girls in sing-song voices shout "Loteria," "Loteria de Manizales para hoy" so often that the phrase clung to my ears, and its meaning became clear. People in Bogota play the Lottery every day and trust to earn by chance, in many cases, what we Americans would trust to earn by work and
sweat. Other words I learned very quickly too. Once a week early in the morning after the donkeys bray, one hears "La basura" said with a strong musical accent on the "U." It is a man collecting the garbage and going from house to house, "La basura," "La pasttra," or it may be another shouting "polares" and selling sweetened ice f o r the youngsters. It seems that all of the street vendors must be heard at all hours every- where in the city. It is nice to listen to
them. They all shout in such a pleasing way and one learns so many useful words!
It is not a simple matter to get settled in Bogota. In the last six years it is said that more than 10,(X)0 houses have been built and yet there is a scarcity, for people have come to the city from almost everywhere. We spent many days finding a home into which we had to move even before it was finished. And many were the efforts we put into dress-
ing it up in the American style. It is a house located in one of the new residential dis- tricts where most of the American families reside. The American colony is one that we can be proud of and it offers us the chance to have many happy hours of bridge and tea parties, just as we would in the States.
Carlos is usually busy with his work at the Ministry, and I stay at home, spending a good deal of time in my studio, where I weave in the midst of many curious little things made by the natives, and often wait for the
mail man to come, blowing his policeman's whistle to announce his arrival, and bring me one of those chain letters that mav offer me a trip to the Evergreen State, to Seattle, and to my friends, for as you know, "There is a happy land, far, oh, so far away!"
Stores and College Women
ment store job is always a standing one—on carpet, marble, wood, linoleum or some other floor covering, each with some shortcomings, some with more than others."
When we began this long-distance interview 1 had said, "Be sure to say something about the money end of it." Here is the answer: "Well, if you want a way to get rich quickly, nobody can recommend the department store."
Now if this were the usual thing in inter- views the questioner would be ushered out at about this point and Miss Scott would go clashing back to the job for the moment in one of Ix)s Angeles' large stores, or if this had been an interview at home she would be sure to be leaving for one of the three places she likes best—the beach, the desert, or the mountains. But it wasn't, and she merely ended it by sealing an envelope!
THEA TRE Offers Equal Opportunities for
Men and Women By Helen Arthur,Nu
I AM SURE that I should never have
started even a short story of my life it I had not been pursued by a charming young Alpha Omicron Pi sister, Ruby Billingslea, University of Georgia, whose Southern accent was most beguiling.
In 1901 I came to New York City to live and I found that the only law school which was willing to give me a degree, if I took one year more of law work (having had two previous years at Northwestern University Law in Chicago) was New York University. There I was made a member of the Nu Chapter of AOII, and in another year found myself a full-fledged lawyer with an office and two women lawyers as partners, but no practice to speak of. I was bent on earning my own living and I found myself for the first time without enough money to buy tickets
Helen Arthur was a laivyer who loved the theatre.
the play I saw, for the three different maga- zines. Fortunately, one was published in Bos- ton, one in Seattle and one in San Francisco, so their circulations were in less danger of overlapping. Sometimes I interviewed a star, sometimes a playwright, and very often I was asked, "Do you make your living by writing theatrical reviews?" to which I would reply, "Oh, no, I am a woman lawyer and this is only an avocation for me."
Gradually, through a number of acquaint- ances thus gained in the theatre, I acquired a list of theatrical clients and so, little by little, I was drawn into theatre producing.
I had always been interested in amateur productions and in college had acted as busi- ness manager, and occasionally as understudy in many of the amateur productions, so that
for the theatre and very often not enough
with which to buy lunch in the middle of the
day. The theatre deprivation, however, seemed my excitement for plays and players was much harder to bear than going without food probably of long standing. I decided, finally,
in the middle of the day, so I cast around in
my mind as to how I could get into the theatre
free, and it seemed to me then that nothing
was easier, I would become a dramatic critic!
You must remember that this was a long of his fortune (he made over a million dollars
time ago and I was very young and fearless.
I thereupon induced three different maga- zines to let me write an article each month about the New York theatres and they, in turn, sent me small business cards which an- nounced that I was their dramatic editor. The presentation of one of these cards, in those days, would get me tw o tickets f o r the theatre and I would find myself having to write up, in three different literary styles,
in the theatre) because I showed him that he could not write a serious play. You will re- member him as the author of "Fair and Warmer" and many other farces of that char- acter including "The Gold Diggers." His money now is part of an endowment at Ann Arbor, and furnishes, each year, annual prizes to students in the Department of English Literature.
This one production of a play showed me
to plunge into a production and for my first play I produced the only serious play which Avery Hopwood ever wrote. He used to say to me that I had laid the foundations
how little I knew about the theatre and all New York City. When it materializes, which its business details, so I decided to learn all I hope will be about the middle of January the different phases of theatre management. next, I shall be the business manager of it.
I turned my law practice over to another firm
and said I might be back after three years to claim it, but if not, they might annex my former clients. I became, in turn, a press representative, a company manager, an execu- tive secretary in one of the biggest theatrical firms in New York City, and finally, the man- ager and one of the directors of the Neigh- borhood Playhouse, one o f the insurgent theatres founded in 1915. I remained there for thirteen seasons.
On looking back over my business career, I know that the study and practice of law was a very good background for theatrical management. There are still some of my old clients who arrive with contracts forperform- ances or for plays, who ask me to look them
oyer and advise them concerning the provi- sions therein.
Today, almost every university has a depart- ment of drama where play production and playwriting are both regarded as proper stud- ies for university students. Few of them, however, offer any training in theatre manage- ment and it is a side of the theatre which is interesting and needs genuine professional workers. One thing can be said to you about the different phases of theatre work and that
Since then I have made a number of pro-
ductions as an executive director of a group
called "The Actor-Managers, Inc." Among
them were Lord Dunsany's play " I f , " Ring
Lardner's, "The Love Nest" and that very
beautiful poetical piece of Simon Gantillon's is, there is no discrimination here against "Maya" which the police did me the honor women. The chances for them to make good
of closing. Also, during that time, the Actor- are identical with the men's chances, and there Managers did a summer revue called "The is no difference in their salaries and in their
Grand Street Follies."
My organization has had the pleasure of
presenting many distinguished artists, among them—Miss Ruth Draper, Mrs. Patrick Camp- bell, Miss Angna Enters and Miss Marion Kerby.
In the meantime, I worked in summer theatres, notably at the Westchester Playhouse in Mt. Kisco, and last season I managed the Casino Theatre at Newport, and this coming season I shall continue to present plays at this beautiful little theatre which was built
by Stamford White and which has been a vital part of Newport activities since 1928.
At the moment I am particularly interested in helping the Federal Theatre Project work out its plan for a Popular Price Theatre in
opportunities. Actresses command as good salaries as actors and this holds good for the other departments of the theatre, both back-stage and in front of the house.
The theatre, however, is a very exacting profession. It requires complete devotion and its demands are quite as exigent as those of the professions of law, medicine and peda- gogy. I find that a great many of. my sorority are trying the theatre as a profession, and come in to see me only to discover that I have forgotten the grip and the password since it is such a long time ago that I was
initiated into the mysteries of sorority rituals. I try, however, to make up for my lapse of memory by the warmth of my smile.
Chi Delta won the house decoration prise at the University of Colorado homecoming.
f The Plucking of a
Flower Disturbs the Stars
By Dorothy B. Dean, Rho
FOR THE FIRST TIME in some 5000 years, since the world has had a written history, the human race is beginning to develop a so- cial consciousness, a consciousness that we with privileges have responsibilities towards those less fortunate than ourselves; to turn our energy toward lessening the appalling hard- ships inflicted upon men, women, and especially children, by the dislocations of society the
world over.
Of all virtues and dignities of the mind, so- cial consciousness—charity towards one's fel- lows—is the greatest. H o w long the world has been in coming to it! Let us consider Greece and Rome and England in the 19th century. In the glory that was Greece, anyone could throw an abandoned child to the wolves and nobody cared. In the wealth and culture that was Rome, one man arose in the senate and
AOII supplements this care with a program of social service, but I did not realize the sad- dening smallness of our effort as compared with the greatness of the need. The evening of our arrival in Kentucky, we displayed some thirty dresses for little girls, and basked in the praises of the nurses gathered around the hearth. We told them that they would have 120 dresses from the two Chicago Chapters. That was the night of our arrival. By the night of our departure the number of dresses seemed smaller because all around us were people giving, not merely dresses, but their lives in this service to their fellowmen; giving up every comfort in order to attend the sick in bleak little mountain cabins. Such staunch- ness of character one can only marvel at.
Then, too, I had never realized the scope
of the work. There is no problem that the
said he thought it was wrong to deform Frontier Nursing Service and Bland Morrow
abandoned children in order to make money out of them. His words fell upon deaf ears; all the other senators voted against him. In 19th century England, the children of the poor were taken at the age of six or seven and made to work twelve or sixteen hours a day in mills and mines. The efforts of a small group headed by Shaftesbury, trying to get child labor age raised to nine years and the working hours shortened to ten, was opposed for a generation, even by the best of citizens of the day.
It is natural that fraternities, groups of cul- tivated and privileged men and women, should be in the vanguard of this movement toward a social consciousness. Fraternities have be- come leaders and are constantly extending the field of their usefulness. They have discovered that fame does not come to them because of the number of chapters, nor number of mem- bers, but that their value is estimated in the service they render to the world.
Alpha Omicron Pi from the very beginning has emphasized the development of a social service—the lending, to those less fortunate, a helping hand. The day we decided to under- take social service work in Kentucky was a great day in AOII history—upon that day we enormously increased our scope for service— from that moment we identified ourselves with a larger interest, a social consciousness. At that moment AOII can be said to have laid aside adolescence, to have identified herself with a purpose worthy of her strength.
In spite of all that I knew about the work, I did not realize what it meant until I saw it with my own eyes. I knew that life in Kentucky is hazardous, that the poverty of the people is heartbreaking, that the Frontier Nursing Service furnished medical care, that
do not seek to solve. That Kentucky was se- lected was merely incidental. There are many such isolated spots in the world. A great so- cial experiment is being worked out which has as its goal not only the amelioration of suffering and poverty in Kentucky but the per- fecting of a social technic which can be ap- plied to conditions of like character anywhere.
It is a vast laboratory. Records and re- sults are as carefully kept as in any urban, up-to-date hospital or social agency. The world is becoming aware of this great experi- ment and is sending nurses and social service workers to observe and to take back with them the lessons they learn. Nurses from the Indian reservations have spent time down there ob- serving nursing as well as social service tech- nic. China and Spain have had representa- tives into our hills.
What I had not realized is that AOII is aiding a great social experiment; that we help and reconstruct a portion of society is merely incidental. The mystics have said that we can- not pluck a flower without disturbing a star. Whether we like it or not we are all bound to one another on this little planet. Life can- not be really good for any of us as long as there are such great numbers of suffering humanity. In times of universal rejoicing and happiness like this Christmas season, when we gather around the fireside, a ghost at the feast is the little thought that it is stupid to rejoice when children the world over are cold and hungry.
If AOII can do just a little to bring some of the graces of living into bleak small lives, will not the subsequent generations celebrate with even greater devotion, the day of her found- ing?
AOII Financial Transactions
To the Executive Committee Alpha Omicron Pi
December 3,
Yours very truly,
JOSEPH A. GORMLEY, Certified Public Accountant.
August 31, 1935
I have made an examination of such accounts and records maintained by the Treasurer with respect to the current funds of Alpha Omicron Pi for the biennium ending August 31, 1935, as were produced for inspection. The examination did not cover either the accounts of the Anniversary Endowment Fund or the record of and the data supporting expenditures by the Central Office.
During the examination I satisfied myself as to the clerical accuracy of the records and accounts, I traced all recorded collections into bank accounts, and I examined invoices, approved expense reports, and authorizations or ratifications of the Executive Committee in support of expenditures. No attempt was made to determine that all income which should have been received was actually collected, but all recorded income was traced into the accounts.
Cash in bank and on hand was verified by correspondence with the custodians or depositaries thereof; notes receivable were verified by inspection of promissory notes on hand and by correspondence with the makers; chapters were circularized for the purpose of verifying accounts receivable and the greater portion was confirmed; the account of Xi Chapter was transferred from the Anniversary Endowment Fund and charged off during the biennium ending August 31, 1933, by authority of the Executive Com- mittee; prepaid expenses represent charges properly applicable to future periods. Insofar as I could determine, all known liabilities were recorded.
Included in income for the period are collections of income from the Anniversary Endowment Fund to August 31, 1935, part of which more properly applies to previous periods but which had not been previously reported because of inadequate information. Confirmation of the amount shown as due from the Anniversary Endowment Fund has not, as yet, been received; however, I feel that, on the basis of data on file, that amount is substantially correct.
The attached balance sheet and income and expense account (Exhibits I and II respectively) have been prepared from the books, and in my opinion, subject to the above comments, fairly reflect the financial position of the current funds of Alpha Omicron Pi as at August 31, 1935, and the operations thereof during the biennium ending that date.
C U R R E N T F U N D S BALANCE SHEET—AUGUST 31, 1935 (with attached comments)
Cash in bank and on hand
Commercial accounts (after providing for exchange on Canadian
deposit and for $714.84 overdraft in one bank account) Savings account
Officers' pettv cash funds
Notes receivable—dated in 1933 and 1934, payable on demand ($2,000.00 secured by life insurance policy)
Accounts receivable— Chapters
Due from X i
Due from Anniversary Endowment Fund Prepaid expenses
DEDUCT—LIABILITIES Charter members' fund for National Social Service Work
Surplus, balance August 31, 1933
Deduct: Excess of expenses over income during the biennium ending August 31, 1935—Exhibit I I
Due to
83.50 24.00
$ 1,050.18 167.53 50.00
$ 6,217.08 35.00
$ 1,267.71 3,731.25
$12,462.73 460.22
Exhibit I
527.79 $12,110.01
[ANUARY, 1936 1933-35
Exhibit I I
7,594.50 675.00 323.50
4,713.32 262.50 1,311.76 3,489.89 144.58 451.47
6,095.30 $18,120.82
44.81 ^ t l ? ' M
S ' M
c o m
e S P S
a a u
$48,581.04 $ 460.22
To the Members of Alpha Omicron Pi: .
I am pleased to submit herewith a report of the financial transactions of Alpha Umicron Pi for the period September 1, 1933, to August 31, 1935. This report has been audited by
Mr. Joseph A. Gormley, C. P. A., of New York and California.
If you wish any information not supplied in the report or have any comments to make,
Council dues, after transferring convention tax National pledge fees and life subscriptions to T o
National social service work—contributions and magazine subscrip-
Dragma for and transmitted to Anniversary Endowment Fund
Convention tax
Fees for installing new chapters
To Dragma—subscriptions, advertising and fines
$ 5,475.00
* ' i o « iyJX>
Sales of supplies
Royalties on pins...
Exchange on Canadian deposits Interest earned
Anniversary Endowment Fund—
To Dragma Other income
Accounting services paid for Less—Billed to chapters
Salaries and expenses— central Expense of officers
Special aid to chapters
Printing and publishing To Dragma Scholarships paid
National social service work
Investigating and installing new chapters Purchase of supplies
Panhellenic dues
Bad debts written off
Tax on checks
Excess of expenses over income—Exhibit I
I shall be glad to hear from you.
Respectfully submitted
HELEN M. HAIXER. Treasurer.
. collected
tions Fines
•••• • ••*
t ' l K
Sȣff3fi ocin'nn
lie need shoes, glasses and more clothes, Who u-ants to help us'
What future do you offer ust We are willing to serve society.
Harvest ivas good this season—wit- weren't enough for every
ncss this cushaw and one of our boys.
Margaret and Susan didn't get new dresses. There
Stitches for Glasses
By Bland Morrow
-f- "WE hain't got no pins. I tried to find one yesterday." On tiptoe to reach the high mantelpiece, the meager, gray-haired lit- tle woman gets a basket down and produces
a needle—too large for our needs, but a needle. We shall have to baste that hem as we measure. Pins would have made the job easier. (Next time I must remember to bring pins—and a ruler also, for that floppy bit of an old magazine serves but poorly.)
The hem finally measured, M rs. Rayburn, looking very worn and tired, says that she won't be able to do this sewing quickly. A sick child in the bed (she was up with him most of last night), another just able to be up—they do not leave her much time.
Should Mrs. Rayburn be given sewing to do? Should we not try other ways to get the money for Jean's glasses? The question would not bother me so if Mrs. Rayburn herself did not seem so frail. And we have tried those "other ways" already. The only work Jean's stepfather can get is paid in kind. Not that they don't need the "kind," but we have never yet been able to buy glasses with potatoes. Neither can the Relief Office use its funds for glasses. When ordinary sources
do not allow for such small things as pins, what a far reach glasses!
Meantime thirteen-year-old Jean struggles along with her school work and does badly. Her teacher says that she is capable of doing good work, but that she is barely getting by. Is Jean learning how to avoid the conse- quences of asking too much of her eyes? It is such a nasty sequence she faces—eye-strain, headaches, vomiting—one should not be sur- prised if she takes the one way, lacking glasses, to avoid it.
If only she were not a stepchild things might be some easier! If only she did not need the glasses quite so badly! I f only M rs. Rayburn were not herself so thin and over- worked!
Put obviously hand-wringing will not do the trick. Canvassing friends, I can get some sewing for Mrs. Rayburn to do. There are mending and alterations to be done for our own special children, work for which some of our small funds must be spent anyway. It is something for one's conscience that Mrs. Rayburn so eagerly takes on the additional work. Sooner or later and "by the littles," I daresay we shall get together the necessary $10.00. And what respect that $10.00 will command, from M rs. Rayburn, from Jean, from me!
For they are jolly good fellows, For they are jolly good felloivs!
-+- NATIVE modesty prevents the Chicago IIOA's from extolling their own virtues. Therefore it becomes the pleasant task of a self-appointed secretary to tell all other IIOA's (those faithful neglected males known as AOII husbands) how it came about that those in Chicago lost their patience. Which cryptic remark means that under certain circumstances
it becomes a virtue to lose patience.
Day after day they had returned to their respective homes to be greeted by an atmos- phere surcharged with cigaret smoke, coffee cups, bastings, patterns, pin and needles—fever- ish activity to the accompaniment of hum- ming sewing machines and a babel of voices.
Snorted "Brick" to George over the tele- phone, "W e, as self-respecting members of the ancient and honorable order of IIOA must do something." "Hm, Hm, great minds travel to- gether," shouted George so loudly as to be heard over the ancestral acres.
"Trois, quatro, cinquante," yelled Edgar to
Abe. "This has gone far enough! Let us gather our Big Brothers!" "Capital idea," said Abe as he reached into his pocket. "Where are the noble archons of this order?" "Here is one," wrote Bill Henderson from Wash- ington. " I have heard the din of those ma- chines all the way here. Take this, my breth- ren, to get even with that vast throng of seam stresses."
"By all means, let us up and at it," said Lloyd Herrold pealing a hill off his wad. "So, it has come to this," said Ashcraft, "we have to buy our peace of mind." Raved Mike Mason flinging his arms towards the heavens, "Your mind! What about mine? It aches all over." "Shut up," said quiet-spoken War- ner, "Shut up."
That is the way they lost their patience, and went and bought seventy-two pairs of over- alls—the kind with double knees and seat, stitched twice and sporting mansize pockets.
Peace and Good Will reigns once more and the Chicago IIOA's hope that seventy-two pairs of boys' legs in Kentucky are warmer than they were before.
The Legs Have It
Miss Gillean Wins $1000 Prize the above-named institutions and will receive
-f- Miss SUSAN K. GILLEAN, executive secre- universities who are comparable to the deans
tary of the Children's Bureau, won the of an individual college with the president at $1,000 second prize in a contest conducted by the head.
a national pharmaceutical manufacturing com- "As chancellor of the University of Denver,
pany, it was announced today. he has had experience in an institution where A rare avis among contest entrants, Miss the work is comparable to that of the Uni-
Gillean actually used the product for which she wrote a commending paragraph for six- teen years.
She will use part of the prize money, she said, to buy an automobile in which children can be taken to and from clinics.
"Several months ago I saw a newspaper an- nouncement of a contest for a 60-word para- graph about Calox tooth powder. Since I used it regularly, I thought I might be quali- fied to talk about it. So I wrote the para- graph, and then forgot all about the contest, until I was informed I had won this prize."—
New Orleans Item.
versity of Oregon.
"His experience as principal of the school
of agriculture at the University of Nebraska has made him familiar with the work and needs of land grant colleges, such as the Ore- gon State Agricultural College. He has ex- tensive experience as superintendent o f large city school systems and has served as presi- dent of the National Education Association, hence is thoroughly familiar with normal school curricula and service.
"Therefore we feel he is in a position to know the needs of the state institutions and to render an outstanding service in the Ore- gon system."
AOII European TourOrganized Dr. Hunter will terminate his seventh year
-+- WHEN the .9.9 Statendam leaves New York on July 21, it will have aboard the AOII European tour party under the chaperonage of Mrs. Ruth James, Omicron Pi's house- mother. Until August 31 when the SS Nor- mandie returns the party to this country, the party will play in England, Holland. Germany,
at the University of Denver, having entered as chancellor Juno 2. 1928. Formerly he was superintendent of public schools in Oakland. Calif.
He was graduated from the University of Nebraska, where he was captain of the foot- ball team. He received his master's degree at
reports from the officials of these colleges and
T o
Switzerland and France, all at the cost of Columbia Teachers' College, and was made
tourist class, $575. I^ast year the ArA tour was so popular that a second one is being planned for this season. Many Alpha O's go abroad each summer and how much more fun it would be to go together. Interested mem- bers should write to Mrs. James, 1319 Hill Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan", for further in- formation.
Hunter Quits Denver U to Head Oregon School
-+- DR.FREDERICK M. HUNTER, chancellor of the University of Denver, announced Sat- urday his acceptance of the appointment of
president of the Oregon educational system. He will leave Denver September 1 to take up duties of his new office after spending the
summer in Denver.
In his new capacity, Dr. Hunter will act as
executive of the Board of Regents in Oregon, controlling six colleges and six educational experimental stations. These will include the University of Oregon at Eugene, Oregon State College at Corvallis, University of Ore- gon Medical College at Portland, State Teach- ers Colleges at Monmouth, Ashland and Le Grande.
Doctor of Education at the University of California at Berkeley.
He was recently chosen a director of the Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Company, and is a member of the Denver
Chamber of Commerce, the Elks, Rotarians and Masons. *
Dr. Hunter will succeed Dr. William A. Kerr, former president of Oregon State Col- lege, who has been president of the Oregon Educational System for the last three years.— Denver Post. (Dr. Hunter's wife is the for- mer Emma Schreiber (Z).)
Mrs. Jayne Presides at Rally
-+- DR. ESTHER MCGINNIS, professor in child welfare at the University of Minnesota, will discuss "Training for Children and their Parents" at the opening fall rally of the Coun- cil of Children's Workers of the Minneapolis Church Federation, formerly the children's
division, Friday at 2:30 p. m. in Hennepin Avenue Methodist church.
Mrs. Trafford Jayne ( I ) , chairman, will preside. Miss Margaret Powell will sing, ac- companied by her mother, Mrs. L. M.Powell. A tea and social hour will follow the program in charge of officers of the council, including Mrs. Jayne, chairman, M rs. W alter V . Haight,
The Oregon system of education is a part
of an extensive experimental movement to
promote a more highly developed system of
economy in education. Other states trying the
project are Montana, Oklahoma, Kansas, the children's division of all church schools North Carolina and Iowa. and leaders in organizations devoted to wel-
Members of the council include workers in Dr. Hunter will act as chief executive of fare of youth.—Minneapolis Journal.
vice chairman; Mrs. J. R. Parsons, secretary; and Mrs. Louis L. Leighton, treasurer.
women who wish to enter this field, Vogue Marshall Wells, former Minnesota football
is offering its Prix de Paris.
The winner of the Prix de Paris will re-
ceive one year's employment in the Paris and New York offices of Vogue. At least six months of her time will be spent in the Paris office. There, she will learn at the very source how fashions are created. In the New York pffice, she will study fashions from the Amer- ican angle, she will' learn to see them with a reporter's eye, and she will gain a knowledge of distributing and merchandising clothes. A second prize of six months' employment in Vogue's New York office will lie awarded to the girl who places second in the contest.
star and now assistant coach at Iowa State University.
Originally planned for tonight, the wedding was postponed after physicians said that while Mi--' Woodring and Mr. Wells could go through with the ceremony, they could not do so in the presence of the 300 guests that were invited, and there could be no reception afterward. Miss Woodring, they said, had a mump and a mump at a wedding was not the thing in health circles.
Street and Colfax Avenue S— Minneapolis Lexington Avenue, New York City. The con- Journal.
Miss W oodring decided to postpone her wedding to June 15. The ceremony will be at by writing to Vogue's Prix de Paris, 420 St. Luke's Episcopal church, Forty-sixth
test closes on April 20.
opportunities and even rare stage chances fashion work offers to women more pay and more future than almost any other business occupation. As an aid to talented young
ring's (T) mump can do better than that. The mump is the reason why 300 guests will have to wait until June 15 to attend the marriage of Miss Woodring, 4936 Park Avenue, to
Prix de Paris Offered by Vogue
I THE EDITORS of Vogue announce a career contest open to all members of the senior class in accredited colleges and universities
BrideVith Mumps Puts Off Church Wedding
-+- THE ANCIENT MARINER kept only one guest from the wedding feast with his tale of
in the United States. Outside of rare movie the albatross. Miss Mary Elizabeth W ood-
The regulations of the contest may be had
Five Maryland girls became charter members of the new chapter of Mortar Board. The three M)]Vs arc Mary Stallings, Evelyn Brumbaugh and, right, standing, Helen IVoilmun.
Panhellenic House Association, Inc., Sponsors SecondContest
WOR as guest of Martha Deane, and also on WINS; and a luncheon at the Beekman Tower Hotel as guest of honor of Mrs. A. Barton Hepburn, attended by Miss Margue- rite D. Winant, Delta Gamma national presi- dent, who is vice president of the association; Miss Dorothy Gaylord, ASA, secretary; Miss Dorothy W alsh, B$A, treasurer, and M rs. John E. Jennings, Courier Service head.
Second prize in the contest was won by Miss Bernice Espy, of Denver, Colorado, stu- dent at the University of Colorado, and third prize by John L . Dahl.
Institutions Studied by State G r o u p
-f- MRS. EDWARD GILLIS of Princeton, newly appointed chairman of institutional rela- tions of the Calinia Federation of Women's Clubs, is starting a campaign among club women to encourage them to familiarize them- selves with the functioning of State institu-
"Our institutions today need us to lend a
steadying hand," she said. "Due to the de- pression they have handicaps, with reduced staffs, and in many instances inadequate housing facilities.
i .... ! ...
SfTS iHt Bi<; ra
A. n
- -
r• rmftcO-
Association, sponsors of the contest.
Miss Goodman spent the last week of Au- gust in New York City as the guest of the
for one group to undertake, and she has therefore divided the survey into six groups, as there are six districts in the State Federa-
Beekman Tower Hotel. Besides the week's tion.
stay, with entertainment, the first prize in- cluded a fifty-dollar cash award. The jury of award was composed of Miss Helen W orden, feature writer for the New York World- Telegram; Ed Sullivan, columnist on the New York Daily Nezvs; Hans V . Kaltenborn, ra- dio columnist; Lyman Beecher Stowe and Alice Duer Miller, authors.
The northern district, with Mrs. Carl K. Schnable ( 2 ) of Y uba City, president, is assigned the survey of institutions which have mentally handicapped people.
This is the first time that a program of this kind has been designated to the district, and Mrs. Gillis believes that the survey can be completed by next April. Among the points which the women will consider are:
rra $ g j |
-+- PLANS for the second annual Panhellenic
Essay Contest were completed by the Pan- the picture by fault finding and destructive
hellenic House Association during the week's criticism, and agencies throughout the State visit to New York City of Miss Sylvia Good- need us. We must understand their programs man, sophomore at Wayne University, Detroit, and therefore make careful surveys of their whose manuscript on "What I should Like present conditions."
to See when I Visit New York" was se- Mrs. Gillis believes that a general survey lected for first prize by the Panhellenic House of these institutions would be tremendous
The Panhellenic House Association, Mrs. A.
Barton Hepburn, president, has announced Location of institution, capacity, type of con- March 31, 1936, as closing date for the second struction, use, management, requirements for Panhellenic Essay Contest. Essays must be entrance, benefits to society, benefits to the
limited to 1,000 words, and written on : "Why I Should See New York." The contest is open to all college students.
individual, cost to society, possibilities for future, commendations, criticisms, remedial suggestions and plans under way. She be- lieves that with such a survey under way,
One hundred dollars in cash or transporta-
tion to and from New York City and a the women can appear before the next Legis-
week's stay in New York at the Beekman lature alert to the needs of all institutions.
Tower will make up first prize in the second The program will be started as soon as dis- contest. During Miss Goodman's stay in New- tricts appoint their chairmen to cooperate —
York, a variety of sight-seeing and entertain-
ment was planned for her by the Beekman
Tower Hotel. The latter organization showed
her points of interest in New York, mentioned
in her winning essay. Other activities planned
for Miss Goodman were a visit to the Hearst
newspaper plant, guided by M iss Florence
Wessels, feature-writer; a morning in the new
Brooklyn adolescent court, where she sat on scholarship fund. Mrs. Roger Streeit White-
the bench with Judge Jeanette G. Brill; a trip ford, of Alpha Omicron Pi, is president of the
down the bay on a Barrett tug to meet the Panhellenic Association of Baltimore.—Balti- steamship Majestic; broadcasting on station more Evening Sun.
Francisco Chronicle.
"Then, too, the public further complicates
Scholarship Benefit Given
-+- A BENEFIT performance of George Bernard Shaw's Candida will be given at the Guild Theater tonight under auspices of the Pan- hellenic Association of Baltimore. Proceeds of the play will be donated to the Goucher
Yvonne Beattie Likes Open Air
-+- VERSATILE—that's Yvonne Beattie (A). Roble freshman and one of Stanford's
busiest co-eds.
Flying is her chief hobby, and she goes up
almost daily. To earn money for lessons and flying time, she worked at various jobs for two years. Her work included washing cars, working in a cannery, and writing poetry. Two years ago she received an amateur l i - cense and is now accumulating time for her private pilot's license, which she hopes will be granted her this summer.
She no longer writes, but turns her talents instead to drawing, at which she is remark- ably adept. Her first interest in art came from picturing airplanes; now she makes life stud- ies of her friends and acquaintances.
Chemistry is her favorite study; biological research her life's ambition. She does not believe that women can be as successful in most walks of life as men, and thinks biolog- ical research one of the few fields in which she can hope to be outstanding.
Archaeology is another of her hobbies. She confesses that she would like to spend her life at it, but realizes that it requires more money than she can afford. She is especially interested in Egyptology, and while in Europe several years ago she learned to decipher hieroglyphics so that she might read the an- cient Egyptian inscriptions.—The Stanford Daily.
Dorothy Bender Wins Crown in
Women's City Tennis Tournament
Outstandinq Latin Pupil To Receive AOII Award on Recognition Day
the Latin student of South Side High School who has made the highest average during the four years of study in that department. The mounting depicts a graceful Roman with a
-f- CHARLES STEINMAN defeated Bill Wendt
in the men's singles finals of The State laurel branch in her hand standing beside a
Journal-sponsored city tennis tournament at the Ohio State University courts Friday after- noon. The scores of the match, played during three hours in a blistering sun, were 3-6, 6-4, 3-6, 6-2, 7-5.
Dorothy Bender (H A ) won the women's singles title by defeating Monica Kehoe in the finals of that division, 9-7, 7-5, a-fter a gruel- ling two and a half hour battle.—The Ohio State Journal.
Miss Dorothy Bender (ITA) won the Colum- bus Tennis Tournament, defeating Miss Mon- ica Kehoe in the finals 9-7, 7-5.
Miss Bender went through the tournament without the loss of a set. She is a member of the East End Tennis Club and well-known
The plaque was awarded by the Fort Wayne alumnas chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi, na- tional college sorority. This sorority, which was founded at Barnard College of Colum- bia University, in 1897, has always been inter- ested in meritorious scholarship. The organi- zation now has forty-four active chapters at various colleges over the United States and
forty alumna chapters in various towns. Some South Side alumna? who are members of this sorority are Dorothy Bennett, Bonnie Bennett, Claire Staley Lindgren, Marcella Beaber, Harriet Knapp, Margaret Martin, and Elsbeth Crane. Nell Covalt and Alda Jane W oodward, faculty members, were active in this organization when at Indiana University. Mrs. Maurice E. Murphy is also a member. Lingua Latina Summa Cum Laude (The Latin language with highest praise) is en- graved on the silver mounting. The name of the honorary pupil for this year will be en- graved on a metal plate which will be affixed to the walnut board at the side of the silver mounting. A metal plate thus engraved will
be added each succeeding year.
The plaque will be presented by Mr. Roth-
ert, head of the language department, on Rec- ognition Day, May 31.—Ft. Wayne News Sen- tinel.
in tennis circles in Ohio.—Columbus
Install New Beta Sigma Phi Group
THETA CHAPTER of Beta Sigma Phi so- rority, an organization devoted to study of the fine arts, was formed at a meeting at the Cur- tis hotel W ednesday. Officers elected were the Misses Alice Linsmayer (T), president; Ruth Bemis, vice president; Mary McElligott, treasurer; Ethellyn Hendry, corresponding secretary; and Dorothy Wilson, recording sec- retary.—Minneapolis Star.
- + -
u p o n
constitutes the plaque to be presented to
d a r k
w a l n u t
Yetive Browne Takes Position -+- Miss YETIVE BROWNE (Bf>), 1114 Belmont
Alpha O Supervises Cottage
-+- ONE of the Peter Pan cottages maintained
avenue, has accepted a position with Lord
& Thomas, national advertising agency, in its
Chicago office. She will write commercial pro-
gram copy for Amos & Andy, noted radio the University of Cincinnati. team, and will also write advertising for mag-
Miss Browne has been in the employ of
The Tribune since May, writing the column Bruce was awarded the bachelor of science
"What's New in South Bend Shops." She
was graduated from Indiana university,
Bloomington, with the class of 1934. Miss
Browne, who will he the only woman copy Bruce majored in the study of child care and writer on the staff of the Chicago office, will
start work September 9.—South Bend Tribune.
Pi Delta Girl Wins Hale Award -+- BETTE BUSCHMAN (IIA) is without a
doubt an actress. All during her college
years, she has sustained a high " B " average
and has been very active on campus. Like Miss Bruce is a member of Alpha Omicron Evelyn Brumbaugh, Bette was also AAA. Pi sorority.
With her senior year well on its way, already
inspired with one achievement, she was en-
couraged and hopeful toward her ultimate
goal. Her efforts first brought her a 9r
pledge, honorary Home Economics sorority,
and A&Q, honorary dramatic organization.
She was a member of the Home Economics
Club, and a secretary of the Footlight Club.
Bette received the Hale award, given to the
best actor and actress. In the spring of last
year she played leading parts in "Death Takes
a Holiday" and "A Scoop for the Sob-Sister."
This fall Bette went to her new position as
head of the Home Economics Department at
Upper Marlboro, Maryland. Does anyone dare
tliink that the final attainment is not worth cottages and is now operating five of them,
the sincere cooperation and sacrifice required accommodating about sixty children.—Cincin- of those who would travel the high road to nati Enquirer.
success?—Sophia IV. Hoenes, ITA.
at Xenia, Ohio, by the Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home is now in charge of Miss Elizabeth Bruce (911), 1935 graduate of
Word that Miss Bruce has accepted a posi- tion as supervisor in one of the cottages has just been received at the University. Miss
degree in household administration at the re- cent fifty-seventh U. of C. commencement.
During her work at the University, Miss
training in the Household Administration, un- der Dr. Ada Hart Arlitt, professor of child care and training and head of that depart- ment.
First W oman to Address Class
-f- MRS. C. C. MCDONALD (NO), Bay .St. Louis, state president of the .Mississippi Congress of Parents and Teachers, delivered the graduation address at Long Beach High School this week. This was a distinctive de- parture from custom as it is the first time that a woman has been invited to deliver the address. Mrs. McDonald is an excellent speaker and her message to the youth of the state comes from a broad interest in their welfare and a deep understanding of their
Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. I . A. Rosenbaum of
Meridian and Mrs. C. C. Clark of Waynes- boro, the latter two vice presidents of the state P.-T. A., will teach three weeks of the summer course in Parent-Teacher work that will be offered this summer at State Teach- ers' college, Hattiesburg. Miss Emily Jones of the education department at S. T. C, will be in charge of the course. Another teacher for a portion of the course will be Mrs. J. K. Pettengill, Lansing, Mich., national first vice president of the P.-T. A., and a member of the faculty of the school of education of
Bette Buschman, Pi Delta, received the Hale Award.
In 1931, Miss Bruce was graduated from Withrow High School. She is the daughter of Robert H. Bruce, 3220 Lookout circle.
The Peter Pan type of cottages are a new development in the institutional rearing of young children and are attracting wide atten- tion. The plan has not been utilized by any Cincinnati homes, so far as U . of C. officials know.
Under the Peter Pan plan twelve children live in a cottage under the supervision of a cottage mother or supervisor. These cottages are for children from 4 to 9. Older children go into dormitories, according to information available at the LTniversity.
Miss Bruce has charge of twelve boys and girls of four and five years of age. The Xenia Home has erected six of these unique
W ayne university,
Detroit. — New
Girl Out of Law School, Goes on Prosecutor Staff
former University of Washington co-ed, be- gan an apprenticeship to fill a newly created post of deputy prosecutor in charge of infor- mations and complaints.
Miss Maxson was graduated from the Uni-
versity last December and admitted to the idlKII-bV. St ATTLE
- f .
KING COUNTY'S youngest and prettiest Maxson. b ranees
the prosecutor s staff.
bar only three months ago.
Prosecutor Warren G. Magnuson named
Miss Maxson to take the post long filled by Mrs. Ethel Currier, veteran complaint clerk. Although Miss Maxson will not actually start her combined duties of complaint clerk and deputy prosecutor until May 1, she was learn- ing her work today from Mrs. Currier.
Miss Maxson is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank T. Maxson, 502 Crockett Street. "I hope they give me everything to do," she said. "This is my first chance to practice what
it took me five years to study."
Miss Maxson is a graduate of Queen Anne
High School and a member of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority.—Seattle Times.
Upsilon is very proud of her brilliant young lawyeress, Frances Maxson, who graduated in December of last year from the University of W ashington. She then succeeded in passing the bar examination and was soon thereafter named to fill a vacated position in the Prose- cuting Attorney's office.
On May 1 she actually took over her new combined duties of complaint clerk and dep- uty prosecutor.
Frances was active on the campus while in school and was president of the house in 1933. Confidentially, Frances told me that she is just awfully fond of her new work, though they all do have to work overtime quite a good deal. I was so interested to hear her tell of how she and another girl in the office have gone together and bought a new rug (our Courthouse here is quite old and needs many new things), new hanging mirror and
the next thing will be a fern.
"And how pleasantly surprised the men
look," she laughed, "it's really worth it all just to see the expressions on their faces when they come in."
deputy prosecutor went to work this morn- Upsilon, is tin ing. Miss Frances Maxson (T), 23-year-old babv member of
County Hospital. Then came a telegram an- nouncing that the petition of the East Bay organization for a charter had been approved by the Association of Junior Leagues of America.
Members of the League were interviewed and their work inspected early in November, when Miss Lettie Witherspoon of New York, field worker of the association, was a visitor in the East Bay.
Heads of committees were interviewed: Miss Florence Bates, chairman of the Susan Fenton Home; Mrs. Willard Wilde, member- ship chairman; Mrs. Edwin Letts Oliver I I , and the board of directors. Serving on the board with Mrs. Lazvrence Fletcher ( 2 ) , president, are Mrs. Carl King, vice president;
Health Center, the Red Cross and Alameda
i v
dards established by the national organ- ization rewarded, the Junior League of the East Bay will meet for the first time under its new title tomorrow afternoon at the home of Miss Elizabeth Moore in Piedmont.
Until Thursday afternoon it was the Fenton League, busy with affairs of the Susan Fenton home, which cares for children awaiting place- ment in foster homes; with work at the
We all might take the suggestion and be-
come too interesting an employee to have our
positions ever endangered.—Marv McArthur, Mrs. Chauncey Pond, Jr., treasurer; Mrs.
Thomas Carl Peterson, secretary; Miss Mary Oliver, recording secretary; Mrs. Harry Hugh Magee and Miss Jane Armstrong, directors.
With a membership of several score, provi- sionals of the Junior League of the East Bay arc Mrs. Beach Carter Soule, Mrs. Albert Dabney Schwaner, Mrs. John Beales, Jr. ( 2 ) , Mrs. Edward Chandler, Mrs. Jones and Miss Carol Sanborn.— San Francisco Chronicle.
W elfare Work Unified
-+- ORGANIZATION of a steering committee of Oakland welfare leaders for the purpose of promoting community planning and cooper- ation of agencies in the relief and welfare
Fenton League Approved by Junior League
WITH their endeavors to attain the stan-
Smith College Professor Returns to Write Novel of New England
MARY ELLEN CHASE ( r ) , whose novel,
Mary Peters, was a best seller for many months last season, returned today on the United States liner President Roosevelt after spending a year in Cambridge, England, work- ing on another novel scheduled by MacMillau this fall.
This novel, Silas Crockett, will be built about the strong-willed seafaring people of the Maine coast during the years when New Eng- land people built ships and went to sea in them. As professor of English at Smith Col- lege in Northampton, Miss Chase has just completed a sabbatical year abroad, and she expects to ask for another year off duty as soon as she has completed the manuscript of Silas Crockett.
She has to hurry back to Cambridge to start work on another book, because, as she ex- plained it, she has a violent dislike for writ- ing, an emotion second in intensity only to her feelings about all newspaper people, she con- fided.
"No," she said, " I have no intention of giv- ing up teaching. I love it; it is my life and I hate writing. So I must go ahead and write these things that must be written."
"I hate you," she said, by way of facetious greeting. "Reporters always write personal things about what you wear and how you look, and all the peculiar mannerisms you have."
So every one promised not to write about her blue polka dot dress and the smart hat she was wearing.
Miss Chase said her next book would be a volume of essays on Thomas Hardy.
She planned to spend a day here conferring with her publishers before going to her home
Mrs. Glantzberg Entertains in Bar Harbor
in Blue Hill, Maine—Boston
New York, special counsel to the Super- intendent of Insurance of the state of New York, assigned to the Legislation Bureau as trial counsel, has been in Bar Harbor for the past week, occupying Rock Brook cottage on Eden Street and entertained the following house party:
Judge Charles A. Curtin, a justice of the municipal court of New York City, and Mrs. Curtin; Miss Alice Cullnane (B*), National
Registrar of Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity, State College, Pa.; Mrs. Myrtice Adair Boyd, 71 Park avenue, New York, president of the New York Alumnae Chapter, Phi Mu Frater- nity, the next oldest Greek-letter fraternity for women, founded at Mrs. Boyd's alma mater, Wesleyan, Macon, Ga.; Mrs. Howard C. Ar- nold. La Grange, Ga.; Mrs. Charles A. Dow- man, Atlanta, Ga.; Miss Adele Stamp, Dean of Women, University of Maryland; Dr. Lil- lias McDonald, dean of W omen, University of Buffalo; Miss Gladys Jones, executive secre- tary, American Association of University Women, Washington, D. C.; Miss Mary Thompson Swann, New York City; Henry Swann, Roanoke, V a.; Miss Abbie Dennett, Portland; Dr. Barbara Hunt, William Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Whittemore, Bangor. Mrs. Glantzberg and several of her guests are now at her summer home at Maranacook for the remainder of the week.—Bangor Daily News.
City Club Plans Twilight Musicale
-+- SONGS of the '80s, in costume, will be sung by Mildred Farley, lyric soprano, at the twilight musicale to be given by the Berkeley Women's City Club at 5 o'clock tomorrow. Miss Farley will include in the group: "Sum- mer Shower" (Marzials), "Somebody" (Wil- liams) and "Kerry Dance" (Molloy). She will also sing, in another group, "Batti, Batti" from "Don Giovanni" (Mozart), "Staccato Polka" (Mulder), "Stornellatrice" (Respighi) and "Robin, Robin, Sing Me a Song" (Re- spighi). Mrs. Opal Hiller, who has arranged the musicale, will accompany her.
Doris Finger ( 2 ) , well known 'cellist, also featured on the program, will play Bee- thoven's "Sonata, a major, No. 3"; "Concerto" second movement (Haydn) and Schubert's "Allegretto." Mary Robin Steiner, artist pupil of Elizabeth Simpson, will be her ac- companist. Miss Finger has just returned from two years in Berlin where she studied
at the Hochschule under the famous peda- gogue, Niedermayr. Before going to Europe she studied with Stanislas Bern, well known teacher in San Francisco, and has resumed her work with him since her return. Miss Finger's accompanist, Miss Steiner, played the Saint-Saens "Concerto" with the Oakland Symphony Orchestra.
The musicale is a courtesy for club mem- bers and their guests. Mrs. William DeLoss Love is general chairman of the series.— Berkeley Gazette.
IVilhemina Hedde, Theta is the author of a new book. Speech."
H§I*]»IM< I
Lula Lei Marshall, Zcta, danced on tour this summer. She is now assisting Edna McRae in Chicago
Sue Stewart, Tau, designed the costumes for the Paul Bunyan pageant in Brainerd, Minne- sota. She belongs to \<b\ and has made illus- trations for Minnesota publications.
Laura Jane Zimmerman, Omicron Pi, has been elected treasurer of the Women's League. She has been on the Theatre and Arts committee, having charge of com-
mittees for the Children's Play group.
ery Club. She has shot the highest
score for two years.
ber of
I L \ e .
Virginia Lauder, Epsilon, is presi- dent of KAE at Cornell and a mem-
Lowden, Alpha of Washington
Gamma, is State's Arch-
Rebecca Mathews, Alpha Tau, was elected to Cap and Gown at Venison. She directed Panhellenic and was head of basketball.
Ann Maker, Gamma, was a member of the Commencement banquet commit- tee at Jackson College last spring.
<1% CyPovk jZooh at 9\Ua O's
Edith Watson, Alpha Phi, is a member of Mortar Board at Montana State and presi- dent of * T 0 .
Mary Schoessler, Alpha Gamma, is president of PX, a member of AK1 and Spurs at Wash- mgton State.
Janice Torre, Pi, is the president of the senior class at Newcomb College and a member of A £ S . Her caricatures in the "Lagniappe" are excellent.
Janet Beman, Epsilon Alpha, junior class president and senator, senior class senator, represented Penn State at the Laurel Blos-
som Festival in Stroudsburg.
Josephine Pits, Eta, holds a pilot's license. She was on the junior tennis team at Wis- consin and earned a bronze key for her
work on the "Badger.
Florence North, Nu Kappa, was a member of Z*H, *X and Swastika at S. M. U. She won a graduate scholarship in English.
Kappa, photograph was
S af Sfy#.O's
Mary Jane Carothers, Omega, was one o\ Miami University s beauties. She belongs to Ye Merrie Players and Student Speak-
Ann Kelly, Pi, was chosen to serve in the freshman court as a maid to Newcomb's queen.
Arline Allen's,
chosen by Arthur IVilliam Brown to be
published in the beauty section of Ran- doIph-Macon's "Helianthusr
May Norton, Rho, was selected as a Nort Invest cm University beauty queen.
ers Bureau.
Here's to the Pledge
Laurelle Ray, Mary Frances Scogin, Mildred Browne, Nu Kappa members, planned rushing over lemonade.
Chapter Reports Suggest Party Plans
-+- RUSHING parties were among the most im- portant of the fall activities on most coin- puses. The pledging that followed seemed to point toward larger pledge classes and more chapter strength than the last few years have registered. On the campuses where the pledge group remains small, it would seem to indi- cate that better established organizations were pledging more than their share of members. It is hoped that the spirit of cooperation which pervaded National Panhellenic Congress and which gave rise to the resolution specifying that each chapter limit its pledge classes in accordance with the enrollment on the cam- pus, thereby making it possible for every chap- ter on every campus to continue to live and to continue to live as a sorority, not as a boarding house or as a club, be disseminated to chapters. It is the earnest hope of the of- ficers of Alpha Omicron Pi that our chapters abide by the recommendation—if your quota is already filled, why not help a needy chap- ter on your campus fill its ranks? Your
chapter has lost its purposes as a sorority i f its number is so great that you have only a speaking acquaintance with many of your sis- ters and the competition which you demon- strate toward other groups is the greatest det-
riment the fraternity system at large has to- day.
According to our promise at Convention, this issue presents chapter letters, not in the form you used to read, but at any rate not rewritten by the Editor. These will give you ideas for your next rushing parties. In March the social functions of the year will be re- corded and in the May issue a resume of your chapter's activities and of the individual suc- cesses of your members.
So here's to the Pledge, let us toast her in the words of Rebecca Laughlin (KO) :
A grain of salt is very small
But seasons every dinner
More than all the other
Although it's sprinkled
Just so each Pledge is,
If love will let you zvin her.
As in a rosebud, you find the deepest dyes And in a little grain of gold
Much price and value lies:
So in each pledge you find
A taste of Paradise.
On her sunny way she goes; Much she zvonders—little knozvs. Loves as yet a folded rose.
A toast to the rosebuds, our pledges, We love them.
condiments, thinner.
A$ Rush week was held over till October 8, so we had a very good chance to see a lot of all of the freshman, even though we amid not be too friendly. Our best rush party was a Hawaiian dinner. The guests were received at the door and given a leis to wear all evening. The tables had a palm tree in the middle held up by a base of sand, placecards were made out of real birch bark, as a canoe with the name of each girl on the oars. During the course of the evening two Alpha Phi girls sang songs accompanied by a ukulele, sitting under a palm tree with a moon shining down. The effect was very picturesque. The fall party this year was
held at the Baxter Hotel, with about one hundred attending, this number included twenty-five pledges that we were lucky enough to pledge this year, and twenty actives, and our patronesses. As usual it was a semi- formal. Alpha Phi gave a benefit dance Fri- day, December 6, and the proceeds are to be sent to Helena to help the earthquake victim-. —Alice Knoivles.
AH Alpha Pi Chapter is still doing active rushing, taking advantage of the relaxa- tion of other sororities on campus. Once a week, generally on Thursday, an after-dinner coffee is given which members, pledges, and rushces attend. It is an informal, congenial af- fair, at which all can relax and play a bit. Sometime during the evening the group gathers
AT Fourteen enthusiastic and clever pledges wore our pins after rushing: Jane Cockerill, Greenfield; Julia Cole, Zanesville; Ruth Geil, Katherine Wolfe, Granville; Jean Gregg, Oak Park. Illinois; Dorothy Burnham, Edeli, New York; Lenore Bryson, Detroit, Michigan; Jean Welsh, Wickliffe; Sylvia Simmons, Ossining, New York; Dorothy Matchett, Chicago, Illinois; Frances Riebel. Ashland; Josephine Smith, Hillsdale, Mich- igan; Jean Yoder, Brecksville; Bette Healea, Columbus. Our pledges were the only ones on campus who did not receive any D's or F's at the five- or nine-week grade periods. Seven of them were among the thirty-four entertained by the Dean at the freshman scholarship banquet. They are a great incen- tive to the active chapter to strive for better
Alpha Tau's sailor party was a great suc- cess. The guests passed over the gangplank into the "S.S. AOII" f o r a delightful "sailor brunch." The house was very cleverly dec- orated and completely transformed in its nau- tical dressing of whitepaper walls with nu- merous portholes, its fish nets, life preservers, anchors, ships, globe, and ship log. The color scheme of red, white and blue was further carried out in the prettily appointed table decorations. Following the service of the "brunch," bridge was enjoyed.—Martha Jump.
B r W e pledged one girl, Virginia Smith
('38), during formal rushing and we around the piano to sing favorite songs, old have pledged two girls since rushing began
and new. Then the members and pledges, assisted by the rushees, sing songs of Alpha O. Through these the rushees are brought into the feeling of AOII fellowship. The most successful rush party that Alpha Pi Chapter has had this year took place at the home of their patron and patroness, M r . and Mrs, Parker. Simplicity was the keynote. In the yard there was a large bonfire around which we all gathered to sing songs and play hila- rious games of which "Guinea, Guinea" is a fair example. Next was a visit to a glorified tree house a short distance from the home. When we returned it was time for a marsh- mallow roast and a few minutes to talk and
again, Dorothy Pickett ('39), and Kathryn Niedcrmeier ('38). We have had two rush- ing parties that have seemed unusually suc- cessful this fall. One was a buffet supper for which each girl invited as many girls as she wanted to ask. During supper and after- wards too, we sang AOII and college songs. The supper was very informal and the rushees seemed to enjoy themselves very much. The other party was a discovery party, planned by Dorothy Jackson ('37). The group was divided into three crews, the Pinta, the Nina, and the Santa Maria, with a captain in charge
of each crew. First we were given pencil and paper and were told to find out the name and the color of the eyes of every one present. It was a grand way to get acquainted. Then each group went off in a corner, and we tried to see which group could think of the most words with the word "ship" in them. Last we looked for the first sight of land, which was a stick hidden behind the radio. For
mix around in the crowd. Gradually every
one drifted into the spacious house where we
sang AOII songs for a while so that our
rushees could help us sing and get into the
spirit. Refreshments of hot coffee or cocoa,
brownies, and cookies were served, each mem-
ber taking charge of her "special" rushee.
When the party finally broke up, everyone—
members, pledges, and rushees—came hack to refreshments we had cocoa and cookies.— the college in a happy and jolly frame of Donna Messenger.
mind, and with a better understanding of the friendship in Alpha Omicron Pi. — Nina Hughes.
T3K Our informal party was held this year on November 1. We were very fortu- nate in our orchestra, which played some
minuets and polkas which everyone enjoyed. Since rush week, we have pledged two very The pledges gave a buffet supper to the chap- fine and outstanding girls. On Thursday eve- ter at the rooms. Initiation was held before nings, we have rushees to dinner and on other
the Founders' Day banquet so that everyone would be able to attend. Our new initiates are Doris Betchley, Violet Clark, Mary Gur- ney, Betty Hoffmeister, Isabel Loucks, Molly Shone, Margaret Strachan.—Madeleine Bow- den.
BT In September wc again began our apart- ment hunting and we were unusually successful. It is very handy to the Univer- sity, and all the girls enjoyed fixing it up to make it most attractive. Rushing opened this year on September 23. It was very short, lasting only three days. We had two infor- mal teas and a luncheon. The teas were very original and were arranged by Audrey Loftus and Hilda Butler. The dining room was dec- orated as a regular soda fountain with all the
days take them "coking." We entertained at a slumber party for rushees and a delightful Hallowe'en party. The hostesses wore masks, and a witch told prophecies. Our most suc- cessful party during rush week was our har- vest home dinner. Everyone sat around one large table which was placed in the center of the living room. The room was decorated with corn stalks and pumpkins. A big fire crackled merrily in the fireplace. The menu consisted of baked ham, sweet potatoes, corn on the cob, hot biscuits, and apple pie. The food was served family style. Everyone got into the spirit of a harvest home dinner and had a grand time. Country music was played by two country children with an accordion and drum. One of our girls sang and danced "Turkey in the Straw" and "Goofus."—Car-
trimmings. Each rushee was presented with a mclita Hoover.
menu card which consisted of several kinds
of sodas and drinks. The luncheon was held
at Good Companions. We gave our new ini- A The rushing season for the sororities on tiates an informal dance on November 1 at our campus is not held until after the mid- Good Companions of which Ruth Jenkins was year examination period. Wc have, however, the social convener. The dance was a very pledged two additional girls since the opening merry one, and we hope our others will be of school: Carmelita Corbett ('38). and Lois just as successful. Saturday, December 7, O'Brien ("38). We have sponsored a fashion the Alumnae Chapter are entertaining for show with gowns by Beth Ringer Moran, our Founders' Day at the Eglinton Hunt Club at alumna adviser, and we gave a tea one after- a formal banquet followed by a dance. The noon as did each of the other sororities in active chapter are to be guests at the interest-
ing event, and we are looking forward to a great time.—Hilda Butler.
X Chi Chapter enjoyed its first rushing sea- son in its new home at 117 College Place. All the girls cooperated and much effort was put into the skits and other entertainment for the parties. Our parties featured definite themes such as the "night club." and a "maga- zine" party, besides the usual delightful after- noon teas. We consider our AOLT-rate party the most successful one of the season. All the girls dressed in pirate costumes which they had made themselves, and some of the pirates' faces were terrible to behold. The only lighting in the house was from chunks of candles stuck in old bottles. In archways
between rooms were gigantic spidcrwebs made of string and huge spiders made of pipe cleaners. The entertainment consisted of a treasure hunt. Clues were furnished as to the identity of various articles, and we scattered hilariously to find them. Then a large black chest was dragged in, and. prying it open, we found apples, doughnuts and a big bottle of cider. A "meler-dramer" of Captain Kidd was presented which elicited many howls of laughter from everyone. Then, varying the character of the entertainment slightly, three of the girls presented the "spelling song," with a dance routine and a chorus. Our new pledges are: Katherine Bethel, Emily Weber, Miriam Wenker, and Audrey Werle.—Bertha Cutting.
XA Our rush week, though carefully planned, was not as effective as our rushing has been throughout the quarter.
order that we might become acquainted with the freshmen and new students on our campus. These teas were not rush parties and were quite strictly supervised by Panhellenic. W e gave a dinner to the Await family for Thanks- giving and bought some new clothes f o r Anna. The Dean of Women, Miss Edith Bush, was our guest one evening after our regular meeting; she gave us a very interest- ing talk about the place a sorority should fill on our campus.—Edith C. Jensen.
E Our rushing season was very successful under the leadership of Mary McCaffrev. We held our pledge dance on October 19. The next morning we had our pledge break- fast. The pledges gave a tea f o r the pledges of other houses on November 20. The alumna- gave a lea for the pledges on Novem- ber 10 al the home of Mrs. Schmidt. We had an informal dance at the house on No-
vember 16. Our Founders' Day celebration consisted of a buffet supper and a meeting at- tended by the alumna?, the actives, and the pledges. During the meeting our president introduced the alumna? to the pledges and the pledges to the alumna?. Following this, Janet Stallman and Maxinc Moore gave us some personal touches about the Founders as they had seen them at convention. We are having our annual rummage sale for the Ithaca Com- munity Chest on December 13 and 14. We have the highest rating for the Community Chest drive. Our Christmas breakfast and faculty tea took place on December 15. Betty Johnson is on the sophomore basketball team. Ruth Sharp is treasurer of the Home Eco- nomics Club. Edith Burtt C39) is on the de-
bate team.—A dele
H The door of Eta's house opened to a group of surprisingly sophisticated fresh- men women, September 21, with the beginning of formal rushing. During the week follow- ing, Eleanor Arps ('36), rushing chairman, directed preparations and activities; alumna? aided with the decorations. The functions in- cluded : an autumn luncheon, football dinner, plantation dinner, a tea dance, and a night club dance. Formal pledging was held Sun- day, September 29, at which time the follow- ing girls were pledged: Lorena Cowgill, Ger- trude Hoppman, and Dorothy Jane Brunswick. Due to the sudden appearance of a new type of rushee, rushing has necessarily taken on a different character, reverting from informal, personal to a more formal nature; being a bit
more sophisticated than freshman women of
former years, the Wisconsin rushee desires
to be impressed; the ability to do so has been
made completely possible for Eta through the
active cooperation of the alumna? with the
actives. As a part of the semester informal
rushing, several promising rushees were in-
vited to the pledge formal held October 19.
Sunday night supper has proved an excellent
opportunity to rush in more individual groups,
—to concentrate more completely the attention
of the rushee. Since a number of actives live
in Madison, they have planned afternoon
bridge parties for Madison rushees during
Christmas vacation. Our most successful for-
mal function this fall was the night club
dance. Across the side of the large entrance
hall opposite the door was hung a sign an-
nouncing that this was the "Kit-Kat Klub."
A 5-piece orchestra played in the lounge
where small tables surrounded the dance floor.
Cocktails (fruit juice and gingerale) were
served in the library at an improvised bar,
realistic in appearance due to an arrangement
of a wide variety of liqueur bottles upon it,
and a large mirror hung on the wall behind
it. Between courses, the girls danced, played
roulette, tossed confetti, and tried their luck
at rolling dice. The salad course caused many
exclamations; upon a bed of watercress pear
halves were laid, flat side down; over the ex-
posed section was spread a thin layer of cream
cheese into which halves of Tokay grapes
were pressed. Another cause for complimen-
tary remarks—the orchestra, by special re-
quest, had prepared special dance arrange-
backs of the chairs completed the color scheme. We also had white carnations dyed to conform with the plan. The menu in- cluded a fruit cup of orange segments and grapes, sweet potatoes, carrots, chicken cut- lets, orange gelatin salad, blueberry muffins, orange marmalade, and orange ice. There are three AOII sisters in our pledge class. Ruth Berg is a sister of Dorothy Berg ('31), Mildred Lenc is a sister of Hedvig Lenc C34), and Virginia Baker is a sister of Mar- garet Baker ('37).—Mary Bradney.
K Rushing season was most successful at Kappa Chapter. Our most attractive party was a gypsy tea The house was gaily decorated with bright fall flowers. Small tables with red checked table cloths were scattered about. Several girls in gypsy cos- tumes circulated through the living room and sun porch and read palms and tea leaves. The other chapter girls were dressed in bright colored evening dresses. Festive wooden bracelets were given to each guest. Tea was poured by Virginia Blackwell. We were glad to have Gene Chastain and Lida Stokes, alumna? of Kappa, with us for the rushing season. Those girls pledging AOII were Ann Caldwell. Emily Cross, Ann Craddock, Eloise Bcalle, Sarah and Martha Cunningham. Cleri- mond Gilliam, Billy Gewing, Ann Harrell, Vanda Keith, Jane Ludwig, Chloc Miller, Lois Nickey, Marie Powell, Mary Clarke Roane, Lucille Scrivener, Jane Smith, and Alice Wolfe. Honors for our success go to Mar- garet Martin ('37), rush captain.—Ella Crad-
KO Our first rush tea was a red and white formal tea. All members wore white tea dresses except the president of the chapter, who wore red. Red and white roses were used throughout the house. Our second tea was called an "autumn tea" Fall flowers were used in the decorations. This tea was formal. Jessie Richmond ('35) is now at- tending the University of Illinois library school. Levin Coe ('39), a pledge, was brought out October 1 by Pi, inter-sorority group. Nannice Tappan ('39) was elected secretary and treasurer of the freshman class. Ann Gark Miller ('38) is to make her debut this winter in Memphis. Dorothy Morgan (K '38) has transferred from Randolph Macon to Southwestern this year. Clara Mc- Ghee ('35) and Christine Gilmore ('35) en- tertained the chapter October 4 with a south- ern hayride. Jean Dolan ('38), Blanche Boyd ('38), Sarah Naill ('36), Sally Griffin ('36),
ments of several AOII songs.—Donna Weston. and Betsy O'Brien ('36) entered business
I Iota concluded a successful rushing season by pledging fifteen girls: Lucille Krein, Rosalea Freda, Park Ridge; Helen Jane Wells, Geneva; Ruth Berg, Mildred Lenc, Jane Nickey, Chicago; Helen Turner, Verden; Jean Gardner, Champaign; Wilma Jean Kaiser, Centralia; Mary Ellen Rennick. L a Fayette; Betty L o u Alvey, Clinton; Eileen Scranton, Oak Park; Margaret McGarry, LaGrange; Marjorie Nell Lowry, Columbus, Kansas; Virginia Baker, Shelbyville. Our outstand- ing rushing party was our "Orange and Blue" luncheoa The dining room was decorated in the school colors, large "I's" of orange card- board and blue cardboard were hung from the wall along with Illinois pennants. The placecards were small cardboard "I's" and large orange and blue balloons tied to the
schools this fall. Kappa Omicron's pledges are: Betyse Fowler, Levin Coe, Virginia Mor- row, Christine Hauser, Jane Cunningham, Vera Denton, Mildred Morgan, Aimee Le Prince, Marjorie Jennings, Louise Donelson, Cecile Luton, Wilcmina Tate, Nannice Tappan of Helena, Arkansas, Edith Kelso, Mary Frances Aydelott, Mary Thweatt, Carolyn Cullum. Beverly Boothe was re-pledged. Levin Coe is president; Cecile Luton, vice president; Mary Frances Aydelott, secretary, and Christine Hauser, treasurer.—Margaret Stoehard.
A Our rushing here at Stanford is necessa- were present to help us rush. Thursday we rily restricted until the middle of winter went German and served the girls a German quarter, but this }-ear the restrictions on rush- supper of Swiss cheese on rye bread, coca- ing junior transfers have been lifted and we colas, pickles, pretzels and potato chips. The
are making the best of our opportunities.
We have had one tea and several dinner par-
ties for them. The tea merely served to ac-
quaint us with a few of the new girls. We they saw our beautifully appointed tea table. feel that there is a much better opportunity Red candles in crystal candle sticks were for becoming friends at the dinners and sup- placed at each end of the table. The center pers. We have had two rush parties which I of the table was decorated with a white vase feel were quite successful. One was a Hal- of red jacqueminot roses. Irene Williams lowe'en Sunday night supper. The house was presided at the tea table. On Saturday we decorated with jack o' lanterns and the tradi- carried our pledges to the football game be- tional witches and cats. The guests were tween the University of Georgia and Furman
invited to bring men, and men were invited
for those who had not as yet become acquaint-
ed on the campus. We had dancing to the ra-
dio and victrola, and between dances we played
hallowe'en games, bobbed for apples on strings,
raced for the marshmallow in the middle of a
string, and ping pong. Our other party was
a non-date dinner during the week. We Mai.yard Byrom, Pickling. Sunday night served fruit juice cocktails and hors d'oeuvres after pledging, we entertained the pledges in the living room, then a buffet dinner. The with a buffet supper at the chapter house.— party was given just after Thanksgiving so
the meal was the traditional Thanksgiving
dinner. Our freshmen rushing has necessarily
been restricted to three teas. There could be XK In accordance with Panhellenic rules, very little original about these teas because Nu Kappa's rushing began with a sum- the food served as well as the hours of the mer rush party at the home of Maxine teas are strictly limited by Panhellenic. How- Graves. It took the form of a garden party, ever we did add the touch of music fur- and entertainment was supplied by a string nished by three of our girls who are excel- orchestra. At these parties we always have lent pianists. That is the extent of the chap- a beautiful ceremony composed of four of ter's rushing this quarter, and we will be able our best singers singing "Beautiful Lady" in to do no more until next quarter.—Gertrude harmony while two others go among the Biancliard.
fijy Lambda Sigma fairly buzzed with prep- arations for rushing. Every member
enjoyed the responsibility of rushing, and sorority. Thirteen girls has been our record, Ruby Billingslea, who graduated from the but this time we pledged fourteen. Our most University last year, came back to contribute successful party has generally been conceded
her share in helping to entertain the rushees. to be the Hawaiian party, the last one given
Rushing at the University of Georgia began during rush week. Places were arranged for October 7 and Lambda Sigma held open everyone at card tables which were covered
house as the first party for the week. On with green crepe paper to represent grass. Monday we entertained with a tea. Tuesday In the centre was a piece of glass surrounded we gave our most successful rush party—a py -and, and on the sand was a miniature palm
carnival. The lower floors of the chapter tree. At each place was a small paper nut house were thrown open and decorated with cup and pasted against the side was a tiny
balloons. In one corner Madame Zella (nee doll, not so long as your thumb, stained a Vivian McGahee) read the palms of our duskv brown and dressed in a grass skirt
rushees in her tent. In another corner the and having a leis around its neck. As each
rushees were all allowed to win small dolls, person entered a leis of a color harmonizing
by throwing dice until they obtained a certain more or less with the wearer's dress was
number (any number will do). Our refresh- placed around her neck. Later, during the ments were popcorn, peanuts, candy kisses, singing of an AOII song a white leis was placed
candy corn and pink lemonade. Allthe rushees around the neck of every pledge. Full-sized
seemed to enjoy this party letter than any we palm trees were placed around the rooms gave. Edith Ford (K) and "Ribs" Nichols used, and a trio played Hawaiian music on
(NK), two Atlanta alumna?, helped us enter- guitars. Food of a not too-radical Hawaiian tain on this occasion. A night club party type was served, and altogether the party
held the center of the stage on Wednesday. achieved an interestingly native atmosphere. Rushees were seated at card tables placed (We pledged several girls at this party!)—
in the living room and dining room, as soon Mary Frances Scogin.
as they entered. While they were entertained
with a song by Virginia Bradshaw, a cigarette
girl served each rushee cigarettes and life N Our rush parties included a tea for fresh- savers tied with red ribbons. Mary Ella men, a gypsv "Pen Baji," a Hallowe'en Boman (II) and Annie Stewart Pearce (IT) dance, and a buffet supper given at the home
of Elizabeth Riley, one of our alumna?. Our
traditional AOII red and white tea was given on Friday, our last rush day. Sighs of ad- miration were drawn from every one when
University. Our twelve pledges are: Montez Debnam, Barbara Cohen, Genevieve Modena, Atlanta; Martha Macky, Dublin; Edna Mc- Carson, Kathcrine Burckheart, Athens; Ethel- ena Jackson, Baconton; Marjorie Bell, Elber- ton; Annette Kellogg. Augusta; Mary Robi- SQIi, Thomasville; Mabel Burell. Ellajay; and
rushees with large bouquets of red roses, giving a bud to each. For the first time SMU has had a quota system—fifteen girls, or, if two little sisters or more are pledged, seventeen at the most are allowed to each
IANIARY, 1936 43
most successful party was the gypsy "Pen Stokely, both pledges, made two very attrac- Baji"; the actives were dressed in authentic tive and much admired farmerettes. Edith is
gypsy costum es— bandannas, necklaces, jangly also bracelets and earrings, tambourines and ning.
flowers—transforming the house into a veri-
table gypsy caravan. Anna Jensen, Muriel
Sturtevant, Marjorie Mescia, Lilia Arguedas,
Margaret Powelson told the fortunes of all Marguerite Smith, Greenville; Henrietta the rushees by reading tea leaves, palms, and Simpson, New York; Dorothy Adams, Flint; cards. The invitations to it were in the shape Lois MacLean, Toledo, Ohio; Phyllis Scrog- of a red tea-pot decorated with black India gie, Alice Stebbins, Caroline Ross, Detroit; ink, and at the party the actives wore minia- Mary Louise Wuertel, Gibsonsberg, Ohio.— tures of these as name tags. A ll this went to
IT Out-of-town rushees were given a glimpse of "Fabulous New Orleans" when Pi en- tertained at a cabaret party in the Vieux Carre. One of our alumnae invited us to use the basement and courtyard of her picturesque apartment in the quarter. The basement was illuminated by candlelight and furnished with a number of card-tables covered with red and white checked paper to lend it a cabaret atmosphere. W e served sandwiches, cake and coca-cola. The entertainment consisted of a parody on Major Bowes's Amateur Hour. The program featured Virginia Freret in a series of impersonations, for which she had won a local radio contest. Beverly Colomb gave a recitation of Little Nell, using a one- man-band technique, Mildred Shaw, varsity cheer-leader, burlesqued a ballet dance and "got the gong." Sis North and Sarah Douglas harmonized on some AOII songs, and the rushees, who were supplied with souvenir song books, joined in. Our other party was reminiscent of Alice in W onderland, since it was based on a topsy-turvy scheme. Des- parade which consisted of fraternity and sert was served first, and the other courses
sorority floats. Omicron's float, "The Farmer Feeds Us All," received the cup for the best float, competing against fraternity as well as other sorority floats. Jo McKinnon and Edith
followed in a backward procession. One of the girls drew caricatures of the rushees, a rather topsy-turvy thing, since the usual pro- cedure is to sketch a flattering portrait. The
O i l
have no rushing report. Our pledges are:
W e have a newly acquired chapter house
through the combined efforts of our actives and "alums." We have six out-of- town girls living in the house and many town girls dropping in all of the time. We were excited over our rushing prospects and after rU$hing period and our annual rose banquet at the Belle Meade Country Club, we counted noses and found that we had ten pledges:
It an Adams, Ruth Prentice Basquette, Mary Ann Evans, Jewel Hopkins, Margaret Jack- son, Frances Rucks, Barbara Shields, Frances Spain, and Alice Williamson of Nashville and Evelyn Jones from Lewisburg, Tennessee. We held pledge service and open house the Sunday following "closed rushing" period. During the time between our open house and our fall pledge dance we pledged Mary Hamil- ton ('34), a Phi Beta Kappa graduate stu- dent in the English Department from Agnes Scott. This year the active and alumnae chap- ter have been having joint buffet suppers on the evenings that their meetings fall at the same time. These have been a great help to- wards bringing the two chapters closer to- gether. Our year is closing with a visit from Mrs. Anderson. She was with us a week and we thoroughly enjoyed, as well as prof- ited from, her visit and were glad of the opportunity to get to know her better.—Pat Vogan Spearman.
0 A strenuous summer of rushing was climaxed by our main rush party during formal rush week. We drew, with the other sororities, for the date of our party and got one o'clock on Sunday. The hour and day required a plain luncheon instead of the quaint and unusual evening party we had hoped for, but we swallowed our disappointment and went on with our plans. Elizabeth Price, a pledge of 1932, offered us her beautiful home, and under the excellent supervision of Helen Jennings ('38) we had what was really one of the most delightful luncheons I have ever attended. The food was served buffet style from the dining room table which was at- tractively arranged in a red and white color scheme. The first big dance of the year was "Barnwarming," given by the agricultural stu- dents. Vivian Gies ('37) was crowned queen. The dance was preceded by a Barnwarming
make it one of the most successful rush par- ties we have ever had.—Emma Moadinger.
liditli l-'orsylhe.
<J> Phi received guests from all the sororities on the campus and sent pledges to the dif- ferent organizations to represent Alpha Omi- cron Pi in the Exchange Dinner which is one part of the program for a more_ democratic spirit here at the University of Kansas. We are very happy to have Lucile Berger (Z) as an active member in Phi this year. We pledged Willie Lou Robertson ('36) who is a member of the LIniversity of Kansas a capella choir. The most successful rush party we had was our cabaret party. We gave it in the dining room, which opens on to the
court. The court was lighted by Japanese lanterns, and we served gingerale at the tables which were on the court. The party was a dance (no men included) and the atmosphere of a cabaret was created by confetti and ser- pentine. The room was decorated with bal- loons and at one end of the room was a bar at which more gingerale was served. As a floor show we featured a singer and two dancing numbers. The guests seemed to enjoy this cabaret party very much, for it was an after-dinner (late, and was quite different from the formality of a dinner. Our cabaret party lasted an hour and a quarter, which is as long as it should be so as not to become monotonous.—Aldene Kizler.
president of the pledges.— Nannette Man- Because of Panhellenic rules on this
campus, barring all unusual parties, I
n A Pi Delta is in the midst of rushing and every girl is sincerely doing her part. Never before has there been such willing co-
operation. It was planned from the beginning else. The favors were tiny slate sets consist- that each girl be responsible for the table ing of a board, chalk and a tiny felt eraser, decorations. Betty Hungtington ('36), who attractive red-backed AOII song books and arranged the first dinner, used the Maryland small note books with pencils attached. Our terrapin as her theme. A t each place there rush week ended with the pledging of eighteen were tiny terrapins made from English wal- girls: Jacqueline Ballus, Shirley Dahlstrom, nut shells and each table had a center piece Edith Daniels, Harriet Fisher, Mary Helm- carrying out the same idea. Other decorative kamp, Anne James, Louise Ligget, Eileen schemes were Virginia Connor's ('36) candle- Lindamood, Betty McAllister, Ruth Matthews, light dinner, Anna Marie Quirk's ('36) Dorothy Miller, Marion Miller, Judy Noakes, Hawaiian dinner, Ruth Summerville's ('36) Irene Rankin, Muriel Ricker, Mary Flo Rush, football dinner, Catherine Kenny's ('36) pea- Marion Thomas, Wilma Virtue. Since then nut dinner, and Flora Waldman's ('37) we have pledged three girls: Jane Blair, Founders' Day dinner, which was very impres- Hazel Hoffman, Phyllis Hoffman.—Lucille
party took a serious tone when the chapter sorority songs in harmony. Another impor- rose and sang softly in chorus as the rushees tant study was history which was a brief out- were presented with roses from "The Garden line of the history of AOII. Our art lesson of AOII."—Janice Tarre.
sive. The tables were arranged to form a IT
and on them were attractively arranged minia-
ture sheaves of wheat, Treasure Island fur-
nished the theme for Rebecca Fout's ('36) 2 Here at California we have two main
dinner. There still remains one week of rush-
ing during which the same idea will be car-
ried out. We feel that the last week of rush-
ing will prove very successful in that such direction of the Panhellenic organization a themes as our Frontier Nursing, Ancient definite, uniform system is used in order to Mariner, Cinderella and sports are arranged. preserve as much equality as possible among
For Wednesday we plan a wiener roast and on Saturday there will be our formal Christ- mas dinner. During this last week each day- dodger is responsible f o r a luncheon scheme. Every afternoon we entertain the rushees at tea. On Sunday we plan a formal tea which shall climax our rushing.—Sophia floencs.
the various sororities. In the fall the two- weeks rushing season opens with a formal tea, held on the same day by all the houses and lasting for two hours. This enables the rushees to go from house to house, forming a general opinion of each. After this tea invitations for the first week of the rushing period are sent out—every house still con- forming to uniform regulations. For example,
Q Rush week for Omega Chapter was a no house may have dates lasting for more period of much jollity for all concerned. than two hours—lunch, tea or dinner—and no
Of course we worked, and we worked hard; house may have more than three dates but we had so much fun planning our parties scheduled ahead with a girl. Also, rushees
that we were doubly happy when they were a may be taken home by sorority members after success. Some of our parties, according to dinners only. No other communication is al-
Panhellenic rules, were more highly organ- lowed. Thursday and Friday of the first week
ized than others. The high spots of our rush are devoted to a university program of week were the hay ride (with honest-to-good- Freshmen Orientation. All rushing ceases,
ness horses and wagons) out into the country therefore, for these two days. On Saturday to a nice home where we were served a de- night the invitations for the second week
licious chicken dinner with all the trim- are sent out. As in the first group, the an- mings, a formal buffet dinner at the ATA swers are telephoned in on Sunday night.
fraternity house, and a "school day" party Second-week invitations include lunch, tea, planned for us by the Dayton Alumna? Chap- and dinner dates for Monday, Tuesday, Wed- ter. We considered the "school day" party nesday, and Thursday—still, however, limiting our most successful one because of its clever the houses to three dates ahead with a single
ing exercises consisting of a short poem of
welcome in keeping with the theme. Classes
started with a combination of roll call and
geography. For the lesson the different chap-
tie-up with AOII. "School" began with open- girl. On Wednesday night the bids for Fri-
ters were called out and to each chapter some
day and Saturday nights are sent out. These are the two all-important "Preference Nights," each rushee giving her Saturday night accept- ance to the house which is her first choice, and Friday night to the house which is her
girl answered with the name of the univer- second choice, or, if she chooses, she may sity and its location by city in the United give both nights to the same house. Luncheon
States. Of course no curriculum is adequate dates for these two days are optional and
without its spelling lesson. So we all sang may be suggested to the rushee at the time
"A-l-p-h-a starts the run." The reading lesson when she replies to the Preference night bids
was taken over by a special supervisor (one —that is, Thursday night. Except for the of the "alums") who gave us a short report two Preference nights which are always for-
on the prominent members of the sorority in mal, the second week of rushing is generally the country. For our music lesson we sang less formal than the first week. Teas and
consisted of a study of the beautiful lines and colors and jewels of the pin, nicely illus- trated and explained by one of our actives. At recess we were served lovely refreshments and everybody circulated and met everybody
rushing seasons each year, one at the opening of the fall semester and one at the opening of the spring semester. Under the
luncheons continue in the ordinary manner, but each house tries to plan for as unusual, clever dinners as possible. Probably the most extensively used type is the foreign dinner— usually Spanish, French, Mexican or Italian. Some houses might be transformed into ships with "all hands on deck," while others have treasure hunts, or complete a baby party with jump-ropes, balloons, and games of London Bridge! These evenings are loads of fun for the girls in the house, and, because they must be very informal, they tend to put the rushee at ease more readily than would a formal dinner.
The rush parties that we consider most suc- cessful—outside of the formal Preference night dinners— are the semi-annual Italian din- ner which in the fall is always held on the second Thursday night, and the baby party on the night before. For the Italian dinner we cover the walls with foreign posters, decorate the tables with bright-colored fruits and vege- tables, and serve a typically Italian menu. The silverware wrapped in napkins, the long, thin bread sticks, the bowls of soup and salad and spaghetti, the platters of meats with their hot sauces, the highly polished red apples, the plates of cheese and crackers—everything savoring of a real Italian dinner.
Of all of the dinners of the rush season, though, we have the most f u n and feel that we are rushing most successfully at the baby- party held on Wednesday night. Partly, this is a result of relief from the more formal dinners and teas—and the contrast is a wel- come one to sorores and rushees alike. But it is also partly due to the fact that it really is loads of fun just for one evening to enjoy London Bridge, Ring-around-the-Rosy, and jump-rope. For this one night very short dresses— or even rompers—fluffy curls or long, braided pigtails, immense hair-bows,— every childish fashion is in vogue. Across the walls dance Mother Goose, Little Red Riding Hood, and the Five Little Pigs. Bal- loons representing all sorts of funny charac- ters decorate the tables and serve as place- cards, each one bearing first names only, or nicknames wherever possible. Dinner begins with alphabet soup and ends with "milk nickels." Needless to say, this dinner is an hilarious one—an evening everyone enjoys and no one forgets.
After the two Preference nights there is a period of "Silence" until the following Tues- day. Meanwhile, each house submits to a des- ignated lawyer its bidding list and each rushee submits her own list of first, second, and third choices. The lists are compared and the re- sults given to the house presidents at the Pan- hellenic meeting which is held at five o'clock, Tuesday afternoon. This tense moment is the climax of the whole rushing season. As soon as the lists are out, the president and the few girls who accompany her rush back to the house to relay the results to the rest of the anxiously waiting house members. After the first few minutes of breathless excitement, they rush out again to get the girls whose
are formally pledged in the beautiful, serious pledging ceremony.
In the morning the annual Derby Day, spon- sored by the California chapter of Sigma Chi, begins at six o'clock. The street, for an en- tire block, is taken over by the boys who each year conduct the new pledges of all the houses through a series of mock ceremonies. Each year the plan for the Derby is kept a secret until Wednesday morning, and the curious on- lookers crowd the sidewalks to watch the per- formance. The various themes have differed from year to year, presenting at one time a County Fair with cows to milk and butter to churn; at another, a Baby Clinic where the "babies" were "weighed in" and fed milk
from baby bottles; and at a third, a Beauty Contest where the nervous, giggling, pledges were weighed and measured and paraded up and down for the benefit of amused on- lookers. Another clever theme was based on the "Fireman save my child"-idea, and in this one, appropriately enough, the girls had to slide down poles and jump into nets. Last year the basic thought was "Crime Does Not Pay" and much amusement resulted from the rock piles, noose, and electric chair. And with the end of the Derby comes the end of the regular rushing season with everyone settling back into familiar school routine.
In the spring rush season the system is much the same except that it is on a smaller scale since the January rushing period allows only one week in addition to the opening tea. Also, in January, there is no Derby. Other- wise, this second yearly season is an intensi- fied, kaleidoscopic version of the first. Last year our successful rushing seasons were di- rected by Virginia Simpson ('36) as rush captain, and this year her work will be con- tinued by Marion Force ('37).—Viriginia Goodrich.
T Our formal rushing season opened this fall with two country club teas planned by Jane LaBlant. At the Sunday tea we en-
tertained town girls and at the Monday tea,
out-of-town girls. Tea on Tuesday was a
hunters' frolic in rooms decorated to look
like Sherwood Forest. Alice Eylar, who last
summer shot a 70-pound timber wolf, was
chief hostess. Captain Jean Behrends directed
menu preparations and style show entertain-
ment at the Wednesday nautical dinner. Bal-
loons, confetti and orange ice set a carnival
stage for the tea on Thursday with Lois Han-
son as head barker. Small tables were set up
in both living and dining rooms for the
alumnae cabaret dinner on Friday. Red paper
tablecloths were used and red cards indi-
cated places f o r thirty guests. A l l light in
the rooms came from the single gold candle
on each table. A three-piece orchestra fur-
nished music f o r between-course dancing in
the sun room. The traditional formal rose
dinner Saturday night was in charge of Peggy
Jerome. Under the direction of Rushing
Chairman Betty Anderson, we pledged twenty-
four girls and have now one of the largest
pledge classes Tau Chapter has known.—Lois names were on their list and to bring them Hanson.
back for dinner. After dinner the new girls
TA During formal rush week we had four with lots of salads and electric sandwich parties. The first was a rose tea. As makers and toaster combinations with which the rushees came into the door, we pinned everyone experimented. Later in the evening a Jacqueminot rose with the name of each bridge and other games were enjoyed.—Doris
rushee printed on a card. A delightful ice Berry.
course was served, carrying out the sorority Z We pledged twenty-six girls, including
colors of red and white. The next party two daughters and two sisters, during was a Russian tea. The favors for the after- formal rush week. We pledged the third
noon were scrolls tied with cardinal ribbon highest number of the 288 girls who joined inside which was written "The AOII-sky Five sororities this fall, KAG having pledged
Year Plan for Happiness." The verse on this thirty-one and IIB*. twenty-eight. The two contained the five phases of AOIT life, fresh- daughters are Elizabeth Smith of Omaha,
man, sophomore, junior, senior and "alum." whose sister is also an active member, and
Refreshments consisted of Russian tea, toasted rolled cheese sandwiches and small tea cakes. Next was an AOIT-rate party. For favors the rushees were given small red sailboats flying
Roma Sue Pickering of Lincoln and the sis- ters are Genevieve Lamme of Ulysses and Jean Wade of Nebraska City. Formal pledg- ing was held Monday, October 7, following a
a pirate flag of AOIT. For refreshments we formal dinner at the chapter house. Frances
served chocolate marshmallow roll with whipped cream and lemonade. Climaxing the rush week, we had a puppy party. For favors we had a small paper Scottie with a message in "de-tail" inviting the rushees to join AOII. Rufie Holloway was recently initiated into the Amazon Club as a junior representa- tive of the sorority. Sara Griffith and Sara Dominick were elected into Co-ed Council. Sara Dominick was chosen the new treasurer of this organization.—Lois Brozm.
0 Theta pledged a total number of thirteen
Archer, Sioux City; Betty Covert, Kearney; Sarah Harmon, Beatrice; Genevieve Lamme, Ulysses; Emily Lorenz, Plattsmouth; Nona Jane Moore, Dunlap, Iowa; Jean Wade, Ne- braska City; Wavelyn Young, Wichita, Kan- sas ; Lucile Zilmar, Stanton; Margaret An- derson, Betty Cathers, Wilma Pulliam, Ruth Saalfeld. Elizabeth Smith, all of Omaha; Leona Shelburn, Alma; Kathryn Becker, Betty and Norma Burr, Eleanore Compton, Betty Harris, Caroline Hornbeck, Roma Sue Pick- ering, Doris Smith. I'oily Stewart, Mary Tooey, all of Lincoln, are our pledges.
girls. The scholastic standing of the
pledges is on the whole better than the aver-
age of the freshman class. All of the rush
parties were unique and original, but one
especially was quite different. It was called
"A Jungle Jamboree." The party was in-
formal and secured the comments of many of
the rushees. The house was decorated so as
to give a jungle atmosphere with artificial Mother Goose-land formed the setting for
palm trees about the rooms. Thatched-roof one of our most successful fall rush parties. huts of crepe paper and cannibal heads made The chapter artists got together to spend
of coconuts were placed under the palms and many hours before-hand drawing and paint- on tables. Bananas hung from the colonnade ing to make the background colorful and
posts and the lights gave a weird effect with a covering of green crepe paper. The dance program was of brown drawing paper and at- tached to it was a favor—a canoe made of birch bark paper and made in the form of a pin cushion with AOII embroidered in red on the top. The evening was spent in dancing to music suggesting the jungle. A floor show was given about the middle of the evening. One girl sang and two girls dressed in grass skirts gave a tap dance. Refreshments were served on the porch at tables with grass huts as center pieces.—Pauline Megenity.
Y Rushing on the University of Washington
gay. Mother Goose and all of her various children were represented in almost life-sized paintings which we cut out and tacked onto the plain light-green wall, using phonograph needles so that the holes made could not be seen. Every guest at the party, I believe, re- marked about the clever Little Miss Muffet, the realistic Farmer's Wife who cut off the tails of the three blind mice, the dainty Mis- tress Mary, and all the other characters of story book-land, including Mother Goose her- self. Along the stairway, hung at different levels, we illustrated the "Cat and the Fiddle" rhyme, picturing the cow, the laughing dog, and the dish running away with the spoon. For entertainment several of the girls pre- sented a Mother Goose-Hollywood Revue, the same that we presented at one of the college shows last year. Before the guests went to the dining room to be served ice cream in
campus has been put on a paying basis
for Panhellenic and for the sororities. In
order for any girl to IK? rushed she must
show her intention of pledging by paying to
Panhellenic a $3.00 fee. This has eliminated
hangers-on and people just looking around. the form of the shoe, the home of that fam- Informal rushing has been limited to three
weeks during the first part of each quarter.
After the three-week period no rushing can
be done until the next quarter. Our most sery rhyme printed on it and an illustration successful rushing party was given during the of the rhyme (also the work of chapter summer at the summer home of "Ditto" and artists). The other half of the four-line Martha Beeuwkes. The rushees enjoyed rhyme they found at their place at the table. swimming, canoeing, rowing, hiking. The —Dorothy Bents.
food was served in very informal buffet style
On October 25, we initiated Carol Schmidt, Lincoln, and Leona Shelburn, Alma. Betty Temple, our former president who was here for the Oklahoma-Nebraska game, conducted the ceremony. Since rush week we have pledged Bernadine Abbott of West Point and have made plans to pledge three other girls.
ous woman of Mother Goose rhymes, wafers, and a box of animal crackers as a favor, each guest was given a card with half of a nur-
By Anna Dorsey-Cooke, 11A
-4- BALTIMORE Alumnae held its first meeting in October. We were glad to have several new members present. We regret to announce that C. Buckey Clemson, our president, and Ernestine Hartt. our secretary, tendered their resignation at this meeting. Buckey was mar- ried to Arthur V. Merkel on November 29, at her home, 116 W. Monument Street. Her address is Ritter Park Apartment, Huntington, West Virginia. Ernestine Hardtner Hartt found it necessary to resign on account of the death of her husband in September. She has gone with her son, Quentin, six years old, to live with her father in Urania, Louisiana. Margaret R. Crunkleton and Ruth Miles suc- ceeded as president and secretary respectively.
Our chapter furnished material for fourteen dresses with pantalettes for children between the ages of four and six, which were made under the direction of Frances Lemen Knight and, sent to Bland Morrow for the Kentucky children. We are donating a Christmas basket containing canned goods and other foodstuffs as our local philanthropic contribution. Many of us mailed individual boxes of clothing to Bland Morrow for the children in Kentucky instead of sending one large box at Christmas time as we have done the previous years. The get-together bridge parties are being continued again this year. We found another way in which to raise money towards our quota for Social Service Work. An attractive gift is donated at each meeting for which chances are sold at ten cents. Every member tries her luck and the winner brings the next gift. Under the supervision of Ruth Miles very attractive programs of our meetings for the year have been made and mailed to each member. These programs will be very helpful reminders of the date, place and regular busi- ness of each meeting. We are having our Dutch Luncheons at the "Salad Bowl <>n January IK, March 21, and May °, and will welcome any Alpha O visiting near by. Found- ers' Day will be celebrated at the home of Helen Wollman.
Bangor Alumnae Sponsor Food Sale
By Dorothy Smith, Y
-+- THE first meeting of the fall season was held at the home of Frances Burke, our president, with Margaret Carroll as assisting hostess. The delegates to Convention gave reports. The October meeting was held at the home of Katherine Stewart with Doris Treat as assistant hostess. In November we met with Alice Phillips and Doris Savage at Alice's home. Irene Cousins (r '11) gave an inter-
abroad. Her humorous comments on various incidents made it all very real. Two guests were present, Gladys Reed Merrill ( r '18) of Madison, Maine, and Helen Reed Bowley (T '21) of Scarsdale, New York. In October the chapter sponsored a food sale which was very successful. Founders' Day was observed jointly with Gamma. The Alumna; Chapter was hostess at a tea at Madeline Herlihy's. About fifty active and alumna? members were present.
Birmingham Alumnae Help With Rushing
By R owe no Smith Allen, T A
-f- BIRMINGHAM enjoyed having Edith Ander- son with us at our November meeting. We also had this pleasure last June. As Edith always leaves us with much enthusiasm and in extra fine spirit, we wish she could drop in for our meetings often. After pledging, the actives and new pledges and alumna? had din- ner at a down-town restaurant. About twelve alumna? were present at both the pledge serv- ice and the dinner party. Annie Lou Fletcher Yeilding (ex '30) is always very gracious in turning over her attractive home to the actives
for parties during rush season. Elizabeth Morris Hackney ('29) and Elizabeth I-ogan Hackney ('29), as alumnae advisers, have been wonderful help and inspiration to our active chapter. The actives and pledges gave a very lovely formal dance on December 5. There, too, was a good representation of our alumna? with their husbands and dates.
Tau Delta's December meeting was very impressive and enjoyable on Founders' Day. We had an informal supper in the sorority room and afterwards the alumna?, actives and pledges enjoyed a most interesting Founders' DSy program. A toast was given to each of the four Founders. Elizabeth Logan Hackney
('29) read a letter from Stella Perry relating the story of the founding of Alpha Omicron Pi. Catherine Martin ('23) told of the found- ing of Tau Delta as a local club. Knoxie Johnson ('25) explained our National Social Service work.
You know, of course, that little Knoxie Faulk Johnson arrived to live with Knoxie and Eugene Johnson on October 14.
Bloomington Alumnae Establish Loan Fund
By Charlotte Shaw Ellis, B^>
THE first meeting of the year was held in
October at the home of Mary Frances Marxson Wylie. Convention reports were given, and some of the convention enthusiasm was passed on by Hannah Blair Neal and
Baltimore Alumnae Have Program esting and colorful description of her summer