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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-05 18:01:54

1973 Fall - To Dragma

Vol. LIX, No. IX

Ipha micron Pi

Fall, 1973 Volume LIX, Number IX

Council Directory
DJF Scholarships
AK Installation


From AOII's International President

by A D E L E K. H I N T O N P
On a foundation of the prideful heritage of 75 years,
enhanced by the memory of the diamond brilliance of the
candles on the Convention birthday cake representing
these eventful years, we now


—the strengthening of collegiate chapters, their relation-
ship to each other, to the campus and the international
—training of potential leaders on all levels with current,
concentrated printed material and by Leadership Forums
at selected Regional Meetings
—emphasis on "Action-Alumnae"—a program assisting
with the formation of new alumnae chapters and the up-
dating of existing alumnae groups by the personal visits
of regional or international officers.
—continuing judicious expansion with strong criteria on
selected campuses
—inter and intra programs of image development
—Convention. 1975, planning with innovative format
reflecting the evaluations of Convention made by Council
—Panhellenic acumen to provide for proper participation
in city and college Panhellenics
—enlargement of the philosophy and the funding of
—policy planning f o r long range goals by interaction be-
tween the Executive Committee, the Board and the trusts
of the fraternity
—consolidation and strengthening of chairmanship areas
and the further improvement of Central Office facilities to
better serve the fraternity

Our opportunity—to work for today—to finalize for
tomorrow—to project and to dream for the day after to-



So %^agma of

Alpha Omicron Pi

Fall, 1973 Vol. LIX, No. IX

published since January 1905 by

ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity, Inc.

Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897

Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office CONTENTS 242
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway, 243
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 Convention Overview 249
Telephone: 317-545-6553 75th Anniversary Celebration 250
Send all editorial material and corre- 1973-75 International Executives 252
spondence to the Salute To Excellence 255
EDITOR Weaving The Tapestry 267
Mrs. Robert C. Murphy Alpha Omicron Pi Directory 268
4534 Shy's Hill Road, Convention Coverage Continued 269
Nashville, Tennessee 37215 Central Office Acquisition Fund 270
Send all changes of address, death no- 75th Anniversary Banquet 272
tices and TO DRAGMA subscriptions Convention Spotlights Arthritis 274
to Convention Awards 275
CENTRAL OFFICE Founders' Awards
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Alpha Kappa Installation 277
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway Mary Ellen Chase Dies, 278
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 1973-74 Traveling Consultants 280
TO DRAGMA is published by Alpha DJF Award Winners
Omicron Pi Fraternity with headquar- News Briefs
ters at Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Park-
way, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205, Sec-
ond Class Postage paid at Indianapolis,
Indiana, and at additional mailing offices.
TO DRAGMA is printed four times a
year in Fall, Winter, Spring and Sum-
mer by Benson Printing Company, 136

Fourth Avenue North, Nashville, Tenn.

Subscription Price is $1.00 per copy.
$3.00 per year. Life Subscription,

On The Cover: An original design illustrating the direction of Alpha Omicron Pi International Collegiate Fra-
ternity for the 1973-75 biennium following the 50th International Convention when the organization's 75th Dia-
mond Anniversary was celebrated.

POSTMASTER—Please send notice of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, Suite 109, 3000
Meadows Parkway, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205.

To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON P I / F A L L of 1973 241

ALPHA OMJCRON P i ' * «; K S S S S X : I
SAV5 — " «

50th Biennial

Hollywood-By-The-Sea, Fla.,
June 17th-22nd, 1973


International Fraternity's
>th Diamond Jubilee Anniversary

by M I L L I E M I L A M M U R P H Y NO into the Diplomat before registration prior to the opening, formal banquet.
Myriads of mirrors embellish the hours began at 2 p.m. Sunday after- Congregating f o r the first time as a
noon, June 17. By the initial registra-
interior of the mammoth convention tion hour, 2 p.m., the lobby was body in the handsome, candlelit
facilities of the Diplomat Resorts and flooded with laughing, chatting, antic- Regency North Dining Room, Florida
Country Club in Hollywood-By-The- ipatory A O I I s of all ages. convention-goers were seated to the
Sea, Fla. lilting strains of organ music and the
They were easily discernible in the grand parade and presentation of past
In turn these mirrors reflect and crowd by the obvious relish and en- International Presidents, members of
re-reflect the overwhelming array of joyment with which they went about the Board of Directors, and the
magnificent, crystal chandeliers which renewing old acquaintances w i t h sis- Executive Committee climaxed by the
grace this international meetings com- ters from all sections of the United appearance of International President
plex. States and Canada. Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy.

This dazzling, shimmering display A n initial reminder of the solemn Toastmistress was Gerry King. Be-
of mirrors, crystal and light provided rededicatory aspects of the 50th b i - fore being seated banquet guests spot-
a most apropos background for the ennial session was sounded with the lighted the international scope of
75th Diamond Jubilee Anniversary first convention event scheduled im- Alpha Omicron Pi by singing the
Convention of Alpha Omicron Pi In- mediately following registration. It "Star Spangled Banner" and "O
ternational Collegiate Fraternity June was ritual rehearsal f r o m 3:30 until Canada."
17 through 22. 5 p.m.
Bienvenido a La Florida, the flow-
International Convention Chairman Four, impressive, candlelit services ering land, so named by Ponce de
Gerry Martindale King, local conven- starred convention proceedings in- Leon when he first set foot on this de-
tion co-chairmen, Susie H u n t Livings- cluding a memorial service and in- lightful new continent's southeastern
ton and Virdia VanHuss Cushman, stallation of 1973-75 executives. most peninsula was chosen as the eve-
and their crew of energetic lieutenants ning's theme by the decorations com-
worked round the clock quietly, The Diplomat's Forum, Legation, mittee for the occasion. Chairmen for
diligently and efficiently behind the Capitol, Embassy, Seminar, Cabinet, the event came f r o m the ranks of
scenes to carry out a multitude of Caucas and Congress Rooms (all to collegiates from Kappa Gamma and
convention plans and arrangements become familiar facilities to delegates alumnae of Broward County, Cocoa-
initiated by the 1971-73 Executive and non-delegates before the six-day Melbourne, M i a m i and Palm Beach
Committee. session was over) were the scene of Chapters.
receptions for the various regions
Convention-goers began trickling 243

To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973

AOH's 75th Birthday Celebration Gets Underway With Registration,

Gamma Sigma president, Rebecca Hunt, left, and Gail Thompson, T 2 Alumnae
Adviser, and Cathern Taylor Siple TZ, representing Tri County of Georgia
Alumnae, second right and right, have the thrill of chatting with International
President Eleanore MacCurdy just prior to the opening banquet.

Gerry Martindale King 00, 75th An-
niversary Convention Chairman, served
as toastmistress at the opening night

Virdia VanHuss Cushman KT and Susie
Hunt Livingston TO, local convention co-
chairmen, graciously assist delegates at

ME IN I Super IIOA, George Roller, dines with some of the convention's hard-working
local committee chairmen at the opening banquet. They included: Molly Sakezles
• Felahis X , Linda Mae Ekberg Blau J2, Elaine Miele Reese E A , Marilyn Connors
Caliendo TO., Carolyn Richards Sherrin TO, Sylvia Moon Stafford AA, Diane
- • • - a ; ! * " " * " "T Lee AA, Dorothy Kish Kurras A l l , Betty Gordy Shulz TO, Faith Stewart Burke
.244 TO, Mary Dell Hatcher Paterno TO, and Carolyn Burt Cain TO.

To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973

The Beautiful Opening Banquet and Ritual, Regional Meetings

Linda Mae Ekberg Blau S3, reservations chairman, assists Victoria Kensek, Laurie -
Little and Florence E. Beatty, all of Theta-Depauw University, as they arrive
at convention.



I Mary Louise Filer Roller Air beams her
approval as husband, George, takes her
place on the speaker's platform to give
the official welcome to Florida. Both are
wearing authentic Seminole Indian garb.

Local convention co-chairman, Virdia
VanHuss Cushman KT, presents Pamela
Jones, president, Chi Delta-University of
Colorado, with her Florida style tote bag.

1 ••Hi!! 4*

Judy Howard TO, one of the official convention hostesses, stands ready to meet 245
a battery of queries from Laurie Krueger, president, Alpha Theta-Coe College;
Vickie McSorley, Phi Delta-University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and Cindy Senn,
president, Lambda Phi-University of Wisconsin-Whitwater,

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973

Round banquet tables accommodat- tive Committee members presented vided for the consolidation of all loan
ing intimate parties of approximately the surprise, one-of-their-kind cita- funds of the fraternity into the Inter-
ten guests were overlaid with linen tions to winners from their respective national Loan Fund under the super-
cloths in the citrus colors, yellow, regions. vision of the Board of Directors; the
orange and lime. realignment of International Standing
Gleaming silver services went to: Committees for flexibility and future
Yellow tapers burned in unique Omicron—University of Tennessee, development in certain areas and still
centerpieces concocted of pine cones established 1902; Zeta—University of maintaining Standing Committees
and other materials native to the host- Nebraska, 1903; Gamma—University deemed basically essential for the fra-
ess state. These graceful fiowerlike of Maine, 1908; Iota—University of ternity to function.
plaques were posed on palm fronds. Illinois, 1911; Tau—University of
Minnesota, 1912; Upsilon—Univer- The National Panhellenic Confer-
Mary Louise Roller, who was in sity of Washington, 1915; Beta P h i - ence delegate is more available for
charge of extending the official greet- Indiana University, 1916; Nu Omi- extensive work with the Conference
ing to the convention from Florida, cron—Vanderbilt University, 1916; itself since the delegate is not a mem-
sprung a delightful surprise on ban- Alpha Phi—Montana State Univer- ber of the Executive Committee and
quet-goers. After pointing out that her sity, 1917; Omega—Miami Univer- does not have Executive Committee
costume was authentic Seminole sity, 1919; Alpha Rho—Oregon State duties.
Indian attire, she called her hand- University, 1926; Delta Delta—Au-
some husband, IIOA George K. Rol- burn University, 1946, and Gamma The term of office of Regional Di-
ler, to the podium, assisted him in Omicron—University of Florida, rectors was designated as two years
substituting his sauve dinner jacket 1948. with appointment effective February 1
for a Seminole jacket, and then turned of the odd calendar year. The respon-
the microphone over to him. Following the opening ritual after sibilities of the Executive Committee
the initial banquet, convention-goers were delineated more fully.
His short, but sparkling, address scattered to previously designated
began with a resume of his years as rooms for regional conferences when Also allowed was a majority vote
the husband of a Very Important major business included the election of members of Council to consider
AOII. Then he switched to a more of eight members to the Collegiate at Convention legislation not previ-
serious vein as he cited the double Liaison Committee. This body created ously presented by mail thus provid-
significance of the 75th Anniversary as a pilot project for the academic ing an opportunity for necessary new
Convention being held in Florida year, 1971-72, assures inclusion of legislation to be considered.
since Mrs. Reubin Askew, wife of collegiate members in the interna-
the governor, has served as Florida's tional functioning of the fraternity. A significant resolution approved by
honorary chairman of the Arthritis Council provided for the establish-
Foundation. His address included COUNCIL CONVENES ment of a committee of four mem-
greetings from Governor Askew. bers to be appointed by the Chairman
Council settled down to official con- of the Board of Directors to investi-
PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS vention business at 9 a.m. Monday, gate the feasibility and legality of
June 18, with credentials presenta- combining the Ruby Fund, the Dia-
Banquet speaker, International tion in the Diplomat's Convention mond Jubilee Foundation, and the
President Eleanore MacCurdy chose Hall with Eleanore MacCurdy pre- Philanthropic Department of Alpha
as the subject of her address, "Weav- siding. Omicron Pi Fraternity, Incorporated,
ing A Tapestry." into an Alpha Omicron Pi Philan-
Two distinguished AOII's who be- thropic Foundation with each main-
She noted that many hands have came familiar personalities to young- taining its own identity.
participated in the weaving since the er, more inexperienced members of
founders started the tapestry. She Council during the business sessions This committee is scheduled to re-
called for a closer look and reevalua- were Edith Cope Lockard Q, chair- port to Council at the 1975 Conven-
tion of its intricacies and rich, jewel- man of the International Standing tion.
like colors. Committee on Constitution Inter-
pretation and Revision, and Florence TRAINING PREVAILS
"Stray threads hold the weaker ones Dodge Ennis KA, Parliamentarian.
together . . . The weaving was begun Provocative titles like "The Rules
by the light of one candle. Now this Convention proceedings were con- We Live By" and "Let's Rap" were
light glows around the world," she cerned with shoring up innovative names given the training sessions,
declared. measures instigated during the past seminars and discussion groups which
six years to cope with the changing filled delegates' every available hour
The text of the retiring Interna- nature of the campus scene and the when they weren't attending Council
tional President's address appears in Greek world. meetings or glittering luncheons and
this issue. banquets.
The academic cycle has returned to
An added surprise highlight of the real concern, to care demonstrated Collegiate and alumnae chapter
banquet was the announcement of the by action, to respect, to a renewal of executives all came in for their share
creation, especially for the 75th An- tradition, to law and order. of intensified instruction on ritual,
niversary Convention, of a new public relations, philanthropic, col-
award, "Salute to Excellency." Consequently 1973 convention was legiate chapter finances, college Pan-
geared towards strengthening every hellenic, city Panhellenic, alumnae
Excitement reached an all-time facet of the fraternity in preparation chapter programming and chapter
high among AOIIs as they were told for a thrust forward. relations.
that recipients would be collegiate
chapters chartered for a minimum of After six years of constructive Batteries of experts in all these
25 years who had continually main- changes, the changes had been fields were available on a one-to-one
tained a record of outstanding accom- strengthened, stabilized, leadership basis for consultation and explana-
plishment and imagery on their qualifications and responsibilities re- tion of the most current innovations
respective campuses along with inter- defined. as well as in group discussions.
national financial stability and co-
operation with other chapters. Execu- Convention legislation passed pro- International Extension Vice Presi-

246 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON P I / F A L L of 1973

dent Adele K . Hinton and Norma N . She presented her original mono- TUESDAY'S SCHEDULE
Berry, NPC Delegate, were in charge logue, " I A m A l p h a Omicron P i , " as
of the Extension Panhellenic Lunch- individuals, representing various per- The Philanthropic luncheon Tues-
eon i n Les Ambassdeurs Monday. sonalities, events and milestones in day, June 19, was under the direction
the fraternity's history, stepped into of Patti B. Penning O, International
A sumptiously elegant buffet pre- the spotlight to light, one by one, 75 Philanthropic Chairman, with special
ceded a program spotlighting individ- candles on a gigantic red and white guests, Richard A . Kurras, Holly-
uals who are playing major roles in birthday cake which dominated the wood, Fla., vice president, Florida
extension and Panhellenic activities candlelit room. Arthritis Foundation and president.
throughout this nation and in Canada. Broward County A F , and his charm-
Anniversary Banquet speaker was ing wife, Dorothy, A O I I and phil-
ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION International Historian and past I n - anthropic chairman for Broward
ternational President Mary Danielson County.
Zenith of Convention highlights. Drummond A * who charmed the as-
M r . Kurras presented to Eleanore
m. - W MacCurdy as an anniversary present
<T3 to A O I I , a framed f r o n t page of The
New York Times dated Jan. 2, 1897.
Since 1967. A O I I has given
.'->. $63,000 to international arthritis re-
search fellowships. The fellowship
i this year went to Jean Russell, Ph. D .
in biochemistry at Washington Uni-
It i versity, for her study of bone and
cartilage metabolism.
The fellowship was given in the
i name of Mrs. Rubin Askew, wife of
Florida's governor.
Superb planners for the 75th Anniversary Convention were members of the retiring
1971-73 Executive Committee seen here in formal attire for the opening banquet. They Tuesday evening saw alumnae in
are: Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy IA; Patricia Jacobs Mottweiler 0; Janirae Linebaugh the spotlight at dinner with Interna-
Callaway 0. In the seoond row are Adele K. Hinton P, Norma Marshall Ackel KG, tional Executive Vice President Pa-
Norma Nierstheimer Berry V and Bobby L. McCarter NO. tricia Jacobs Mottweiler 0 presiding.

quite naturally, proved to be the 75th semblage with her down-to-earth hu- The theme, "Showers of Alpha
Anniversary Banquet Monday eve- mor and candid recollections. Love," was whimsically featured by
ning, June 18. hundreds of miniature parasols tied
She was in charge of compiling the with pastel-shaded ribbon streamers.
This dazzling, formal affair was A O I I History contained in the 75th I t was at this affair that the identities
held in the handsome Regency North Anniversary Issue of T o Dragma, dis- of 25 winners of the prized alumnae
Dining Room. tributed at the banquet. Rose Award were revealed.

Hostess chapters f o r this highly She explored her subject, "Candle- Informality was the keynote Wed-
anticipated event were Gamma Sig- power," with humorous, personal in- nesday, June 20, when emphasis was
ma, Lambda Chi, Lambda Sigma, terjections that brought delighted on collegiates. Following the morning
Athens, Ga., Atlanta Tri-County and laughter from her audience and business session, a free four and one-
La Grange. Ga., Alumnae. brought them to their feet as a body half hour period was designated for
in a special tribute to this remarkable "Fun in the Sun."
Dynamic, driving Carolyn Harris, and ever-refreshing personality.
who has spearheaded the move f o r Convention-goers were free to
the establishment of a Central Acqui- Following Mary Dee's address, a lunch in one of several of the Diplo-
sition Fund and who is the new chair- "happy birthday" toast was drunk to mat's excellent restaurants or to go
man of the International Board of Alpha Omicron Pi, and then, by the out on their own to explore sur-
Directors, was in charge o f an i n - glow of candlelight, collegiates and rounding environs.
spirational introductory program alumnae marched by in single file to
which preceded the singing of ' A O I I present contributions to the Central A majority of collegiates and
Grace." Acquisition Fund as a special birth- alumnae lost no time in donning beach
day gift to the sorority. togs and getting out to poolside or
down to the surf.
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973
The formal collegiate dinner at
which Janie L. Callaway O, Interna-
tional Administrative Vice President,
served as toastmistress, emphasized
A O H ' s stress on scholarship excellence
and cooperation within the interna-
tional framework of the sorority.

The McCausland and the Central
Office Cooperation Cups plus an
array of other citations, were pre-
sented in an atmosphere reminiscent
of the famed Academy Awards Cere-

A dignified, beautiful memorial
service in the Regency East followed

The business session Thursday, June


21. ran overtime with Corporation Thursday's Fun Luncheon over which Anderson B<1>, Nancy Moyer McCain
meeting and elections of the Execu- Norma Ackel and Bobbye McCarter P and Jessie McAdams Larned T.
tive Committee and the Board of D i - NO, retiring International Secretary,
rectors. presided. The J. W. H . Cup went to Chi
Lambda—University of Evansville.
Adele K . Hinton P was named I n - A special skit found Eleanore Mac- while Lambda Tau's president, Janet
ternational president, succeeding Elea- Curdy portraying Snow White with Lee Wilson, was recipient of the
nore MacCurdy. Having served A O I I the remainder of the Executive Com- Perry Award.
on local, regional and international mittee as her entourage of dwarfs.
levels since her graduation f r o m Tau's Wilma Smith Leland, past
Northwestern University, Adele step- Following a final afternoon busi- International President and longtime
ped up from the post of International ness session, installation of the new editor of To Dragma, was presented
Extension Vice President. officers was set for 4 p.m. the Mullan Award, and Edith Ander-
son's own daughter, M a r y Eldrid
Serving with her for the 1973-75 A beautiful and fitting climax to a Anderson Hilton EA, received the
biennium will be International A d - memorable 75th Anniversary Conven- Wyman citation.
ministrative, Executive and Extension tion was the formal, candlelit Rose
Vice Presidents, Janirae Linebaugh Banquet hosted by Nu Omicron and A n inspirational speaker for a
Callaway O, Rosalie Gorham Barber the Nashville Alumnae Chapters of memorable, warm and beautiful oc-
SO and Margaret Kramer Crawford incoming International President Hin- casion was Carolyn Huey Harris AS,
L ton's hometown. who will serve during the current bi-
ennium as chairman of the Board of
Anniversary Convention Chairman. Region V I I I Vice President Nancy Directors.
Geraldine Martindale K i n g QO, was Herlihy Belk YA. presided. Presenta-
named International Secretary, and tion of the coveted Founders' Awards Following the banquet, formally
Norma Marshall Ackel K B , was re- were made by retiring Board of D i - attired AOIIs formed a line stretching
elected International Treasurer. rectors chairman, Dorothy Bogen through most of the lower levels of
Farrington A and three past Interna- the Diplomat as they waited to offer
FUN LUNCHEON tional Presidents, Edith Huntington their congratulations and best wishes
to members of the Executive Com-
Whimsey and frivolity prevailed at mittee who formed a receiving line.


Margaret Hook, XB, Candy Kirkwood K K , Ginger Banks and Executive Committee members, portraying Snow White Mac-
Debbie Stanley, both UK, were 1972-73 Traveling Consultants. Curdy's seven dwarfs, cavort at Thursday's Fun Luncheon.

", i •*! 1 A trio of dignitaries, Parlimentarian
Florence Dodge Ennis KA, and past In-
ternational Presidents, Wilma Smith Le-
land T and Jessie McAdam Larned T.

A great convention favorite was past In-
ternational President Laura Hurd T.

248 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973

International Executives For 1973-75
75th Anniversary Convention

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—Seated, left to right, Rosalie
Gorham Barber 2 0 , Executive Vice President; Margaret Kramer
Crawford I , Extension Vice President; Geraldine Martindale
King nO, Secretary. Standing, Norma Marshall Ackel K 9 ,
treasurer; Adele K. Hinton P, International President, and
Janirae Linebaugh Callaway 0, Administrative Vice President.
AOn's delegate to National Panhellenic Conference is Mary
Louise Filer Roller A l l . First and second alternates are Norma
Nierstheimer Berry P and Margaret Kramer Crawford I .

BOARD OF DIRECTORS—First row, left to right, Carolyn
Huey Harris A S , Chairman; Adele K. Hinton P, International
President and ex officio member; Mary Paschen Lindrooth P,
Lorena Best Terry Quick K, Secretary; Eunice Force Karkell A.
Second row, Norma Marshall Ackel K 9 , International Treasurer,
ex officio member; Jean Graham Whorley N O , Phyllis Arner
Westerman P, Treasurer; Mary Louise Filer Roller A l l , Fern
Robinson Kallevang H , Martha Hilands AP and Sharon Die-
ringer Campbell T A .

ML- *w> I

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To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973


A special surprise at the opening 1903, University of Nebraska; Gam-
banquet was the presentation by the ma, 1908, University of Maine; Iota.
Executive Committee of 13 unique,
special awards dubbed, A O n Salute 1911, University of Illinois; Tau.
To Excellence, presented to 13 chap- 1912, University of Minnesota; Upsi-
ters, all more than 25 years old, which lon, 1915, University of Washington;
have maintained an exemplary record Beta Phi, 1916, Indiana University;
during their entire existence on their Alpha Phi, 1917, Montana State U n i -
individual campuses, in their com- versity; N u Omicron, 1916, Vander-
munities and within the framework of bilt University; Omega, 1919, Miami
the international fraternity. University; Alpha Rho, 1926, Oregon
State University; Delta Delta, 1946,
Recipients were: Omicron, founded Auburn University, and Gamma
1902, University of Tennessee; Zeta, Omicron, 1948, University of Flor-
Rebecca Higginbotham, N O Chapter
I president, accepts Salute to Excellence Julie Stone, chapter president, Iota—
Award for her chapter at Vanderbilt University of Illinois receives the special
Jean Baines Proctor, chapter Adviser, University from Adele K. Hinton. anniversary award from Pat Jacobs
Alpha Rho—Oregon State University; Mottweiler.
chapter president, Chris Garre, and
Candy Sue Pierson AP display the spe-
cial award for excellence.

Montana State Univt Norma N. Berry presents the Salute To
Chapter received on Excellence citation to Upsilon—Univer-
awards. Accepting it sity of Washington and its president, Sue
Ackel is Jean Ulhrich Porel.

Salute to Excellence Award presented to To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973
AA—Auburn is displayed by chapter
president, Laura Kennedy, Dorothy Dean
P, past International Vice President, for
whom the chapter was named, and
Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy.


1 Susan Pierce V—University of Maine,
nets Gamma's Salute To Excellence from
Eleanore MacCurdy.

The award that went to Omega—Miami
University was presented by Pat Jacobs
Mottweiler and accepted by Pam Mogil.

The Salute to TO—University of Florida
was especially meaningful to Muriel
Turner McKinney A, who was Interna-
tional President in 1948 when the chap-
ter was installed, Adele K. Hinton, Bon-
nie Carraher, chapter president, and
Mary Louise Filer Roller A n , installing

The Salute To Excellence that went to
Beta Phi—Indiana University was pres-
ented by Norma Ackel to the chapter
president, Patricia Cooper.


m L •: '



Shirley McPeck Walker Z, president, Tri i Recipient of a Salute to Excellence
City of Kearney Alumnae Chapter, re- Award was Tau—University of Minne-
ceives Salute To Excellence Award on sota and it was accepted by Dianne Ol-
behalf of Zeta—University of Nebraska, son, chapter president. Norma Berry
from Bobbye McCarter. presents it to her.

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973 251

Weaving The Tapestry

Editor's Note: A report of the Biennium quotation f r o m a dear A O I I sister in It has beeen an inspiration to par-
Texas, who said to me, "Do not follow ticipate intimately in this growth and
presented by retiring International Presi- me, I may not lead. Do not lead me, I implementation. To observe younger
may not follow. Walk beside me and sisters emerge as regional leaders and
dent Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy, IA, at be my friend." regional leaders nominated for and
elected to serve on the Executive Com-
the opening Banquet, International Con- During the coming days "Walk be- mittee and the Board of Directors. A
side me and be my friend." Walking living tribute to the pledge and promise
vention, Hollywood-By-The-Sea, Fla., together we will learn much, share much of our founders and to their concept
and love our fraternity even more for that each one will grow and achieve
June 17. her strengths, her weaknesses, her hu- her potential in the tapestry of Alpha
manity and above all, her agape. This Omicron Pi.
Weaving the tapestry of our fraternity sharing in Alpha Omicron Pi has been
. . . an inspiration since the second of a prime mover . . . an inspiration even A l l of us were impatient to see the
January in 1897 when our founders be- since Jesse, Bess, Helen and Stella con- new plans come to fulfillment. Under
gan the weaving. Many hands have ceived our fraternity. the diligent guidance of Fern Robinson
participated since that day, revealing Kallevang we saw our fraternal organi-
not only the dreams of our founders In 1965 I began to share our fra- zation grow. N o one will ever realize
but also the extension of their dreams ternity on the Executive Committee un- the total commitment given by Fern, as
as seen through the eyes of the weavers. der Jessie McAdam Lamed, a president president, and Jessie Marie Cramer, as
who guided and guarded me. During the chairman of the Board of Directors.
Without the vision of the weavers tha biennium with her soft, gentle persua- The 1960s had been a decade of change.
tapestry of our fraternity would have sion she led the way to the incorpora- Some conceived by our own leaders
been destroyed. Money would not have tion of our fraternity. and some instigated to meet the law
worked the shuttles on the loom. Many of the land.
material things come from the loom but Two years later in 1967, the
they do not move the shuttle. Instead dynamic, sparkling innovator, Carolyn In June of 1971, two years ago your
the weaver needs commitment; needs to Huey Harris gave our many splendored current Executive Committee studied the
give weaving the priority that has made fraternity the big picture. We embarked growth and development of our fra-
our tapestry so beautiful . . . an in- on new avenues to the basic goals of ternity. We pondered the thought that
spiration to pledges, collegiates and Alpha Omicron Pi. In 1969, our fra- there is a time for all things. We heard
alumnae. ternity had a new structure of the the loud, clear clarion call that the six-
Executive Committee. We had a Board ties were indeed a time of change. We
This evening let us look closely at of Directors. We were regionalized and heard murmurs from our sisters. Sisters
the tapestry of Alpha Omicron Pi. We democracy in Alpha Omicron Pi had a wanting time to strengthen these con-
will observe weak threads and strong new dimension. Not only did our mem- structive changes. We set as our over-all
threads . . . brilliant colors and muted bers elect their international and chapter goals the stabilization and strengthening
colors. We will become more aware of officers, but also they elected their of the recent changes in our fraternity.
how the strong threads hold the weak very own regional officers.
threads together and the effect of the
brilliant colors on the muted colors. As V
we look, let us ponder a favorite quota-
tion from Norma Berry. "Let there be s£3 •
love for A O I I in the world and let it
begin with me." V

Tomorrow evening you will rem- Past International Presidents at AOll's 75th Anniversary Convention were, front row,
inisce seventy-five years in our fra- left to right, Mary Paschen Lindrooth P, Laura A. Hurd T, Carolyn Huey Harris A 2 ,
ternity. This evening let us begin with Jessie McAdam Lamed T, Edith Huntington Anderson B<f>, Dorothy Bruniga Dean P.
a brief note about the founding of our Back row: Fern Robinson Kallevang H, Jessie Marie Senor Cramer *, Wilma Smith
fraternity in 1897 when four young Leland T, Nancy Moyer McCain P, Mary Danielson Drummond A<!>, Helen M. Haller
women laid the foundation for their fi, Muriel Turner McKinney A and Mary Louise Filer Roller A l l .
dreams. A foundation we all share. D i d
they ever conceive of a membership of To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973
over fifty thousand women all pledged
and promised to agape? Did they ever
think there would be ninety chapters
on college and university campuses not
only in the United States but also in
Canada? Did they, when they organized
the first alumnae chapters, envision that
Alpha Omicron Pi would have alumnae
around the world in Europe, the British
Isles, South America, Canada,, Alaska,
Hawaii and the other forty-eight states?
The weaving began in the light of one
small candle and now the candlelight ex-
tends around the world and the beauty
of our rose is for thousands to behold.

Tonight as we are on the threshold
of the convention celebration of our
75th anniversary we will look into the
immediate past and then reflect on what
the future may hold. Many times we
will ask the question, "Where AOII?"
Where have we been? Where are we?
Where are we going? As we think upon
these questions let us also consider this


How would we stabilize and Organization, leadership, alumnae, pear to be a stumbling block, they
strengthen? First, we must look to the communications, Panhellenic, Central thought upon it. They realistically faced
structure, the organization. Then the Office. Why it is our whole world of the positive and negative aspects and
leadership; the leaders. As these be- Alpha Omicron Pi! Where would we find they made each stumbling block into a
came strong we must communicate. the time, the hours, the days, weeks, stepping stone. Many of you, I hope
What about our alumnae? Time and months? most of you have been aware of the
lime again we had heard that they felt dedication and devotion and profes-
like our forgotten sisters. This must be Never underestimate the power of a sional skills each brought to the leader-
corrected. What about Greeks every- woman, particularly if she is an A O I I ship of Alpha Omicron Pi.
where? Could our fraternity grow strong sister who puts the fraternity in number
if the Greeks were weak? Another area one priority position or close to number I do hope each of you found time
of concern, Panhellenic. None of this one. to review and assess the recommended
could be accomplished without a central amendments to the Constitution and By-
artery, our Central Office. Officers manuals have been prepared laws which we will vote on during con-
by each member of your Executive vention. Each of the recommendations
< Committee. The table of organization evolved in a democratic process. Mem-
defined and included in the first publi- bers of the Executive Committee in the
A duet of 1972-73 TCs, Ginger Banks cation of our Administrative Vice Presi- summer of 1971 were charged with the
and Deb Stanley, both UK girls, build dent, Janie Callaway, title, " A O I I Facts responsibility of constantly watching for
convention enthusiasm. and Figures." Training sessions for fra- areas of weakness and confusion in our
ternity leadership have been implemented Constitution and Bylaws. Regional of-
through correspondence and in service ficers were given a similar responsibility
training. Our alumna should feel be- and by the summer of 1972 we had
loved with their very own manual, pages and pages of material to submit
special awards and an increased em- to the chairman of the Constitution In-
phasis, which we hope to give even terpretations and Revision Committee,
more emphasis to during the next bien- called CIRC for short, the chairman,
nium. The National Panhellenic Con- Edith Lockard and her committee, Edith
ference and several campuses have felt Anderson and Marsha Huitt. Together
the impact of our Panhellenic leader- with assistance f r o m our Parliamen-
ship. tarian, Florence Ennis, they searched
and researched the recommendations.
We did find the time and we had The result of their diligent, careful
super woman power serving on the work is in your hands.
Executive Committee. Our Administra-
tive Vice President, Janie Callaway; our It would be so much easier, in some
Executive Vice President, Pat Mot- ways, to operate off the top of our
tweiler; our Extension Vice President, heads, out of some dear sister's memory
Adele Hinton; our Secretary, Bobbye or with the hackneyed phrase, "But we
McCarter; our Treasurer, Norma Ackel; have always done it that way." Your
and our NPC Delegate, Norma Berry. Executive Committee could not be satis-
They have been a constant and renewing fied with such an approach. You will
source of inspiration and strength for observe specific definition has been given
me. Whenever we were confronted by to the duties and responsibilities of the
what to the average woman would ap- Executive Committee, in toto, and by
singular office. The Board of Directors
™^ _ . „ . .. have clarified their responsibilities.
Read carefully the section on the
I regional organization and observe the
detailed delineation. Restrictions were
l 1»3 made where needed. On the other hand,
you will note flexibility has been recom-
Regional Vice Presidents with international V.I.P.S: Nancy Belk T A , VIII; Sharon mended by requiring fewer chapter of-
Martin A l l , V; Kay Sulherlin 6, IV; Rosalie Barber 20, VII; Joan MacCallum K+, I; ficers and giving more freedom in the
International Administrative Vice President Janirae Callaway 0, Mary Ann Caldwell appointment of officers on all levels.
TA, ///,• Alice R. Aderman 6*, II; Jane J. Quick IA VI, and Executive Director Marie
Hughes B<t>. If I spent more time on this facet of
our fraternity I would be guilty of
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973 neglect of other facetes. However, do
remember the Constitution and Bylaws
are vitally important to the stability,
strength and progress of our fraternity.
They provide the rules we live by even
as the loom is to the weaver. Within
the Constitution and Bylaws are the
Alpha and Omega of our fraternity. The
rules we live by must be clearly stated
in our Constitution and Bylaws. I f
there should be a divergence of opinion
we have CIRC to guide and interpret
our rules.

This biennium the Board of Directors
provided more guidelines for their role
in the fraternity. They prepared their
first rules of procedure. This was a
difficult assignment since not only must
their rules operate within the Constitu-
tion and Bylaws of Alpha Omicron Pi
but also within the law of the State of
Indiana where the fraternity is incorpo-

As you are well aware each thread


in the tapestry is interdependent no Four years ago, the Administrative than a dozen new alumnae chapters.
matter who is weaving and Alpha Omi- Committee was an idea. There were nine These new threads are pliable in the
cron Pi constantly reinforces the tapes- Regional Vice Presidents appointed for hands of the weavers and they must be
try. Weavers on the Board of Directors a one-year term of office until Regional made strong to add to the brillance and
give credence to this truism. The chair- Vice Presidents could be elected at beauty of Alpha Omicron Pi.
man of the board, Dorothy Farrington; Regional Meetings in 1970. Now, there
the vice chairman of the board, Fern are eight Regional Vice Presidents as Among the hardest working weavers
Kallevang, who also serves on the Loan regional lines were changed and regions in our fraternity are our Traveling Con-
Committee where the monies of the consolidated for a variety of reasons. sultants, Ginger Banks, Margaret Hook,
fraternity, other than the General Oper- One significant reason was to decrease Candy Kirkwood and Deb Stanley.
ating Fund, are directed; the chairman the administrative costs. Eight leader Since last August their every waking
of the Loan Committee, Jessie Marie women, each with a regional organiza- hour has been devoted to our chapters
Cramer and the third member of the tion composed of collegiate and alumnae from coast to coast. Not only have they
committee, Jean Whorley. Then there is chapters under a Regional Finance taught members and chapters the values
Mary Lindrooth, charged with guidance Officer, Regional Extension Officer and of organization, of scholarship, of cam-
of our fraternity investments; Carolyn Regional Directors. pus leadership but they have given them
Harris, adviser to Central Office; insights to the meaningful and relevant
Dorothy Matchett, new ideas; Martha Last September, the eight Regional teachings of our rituals. Whenever and
Hilands, secretary. Probably every Vice Presidents met with the chairman wherever possible they have conducted
chapter in the fraternity has queried of the committee, Janie Callaway, In- ritual workshops. The outline for these
the corporation adviser, Jinnie Miller; ternational Administrative Vice President. workshops can be found in the newly
and every chapter involved in housing
has sought the assistance of the housing f Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy IA, retiring
adviser, Mary Louise Roller, whether International President, turns over the
they were a chapter with a suite, an Roses from Region III for Adele K. Hin- gavel to her successor, Adele K. Hinton
apartment, a Panhellenic house or an ton, P, new International President are P. at the Rose Banquet.
A O I I house. Is it any wonder, as you presented by Cheryl Moss and Donna
contemplate the experience and back- Fee, AK—Florence State University. revised Book of Rituals Instructions.
ground of these sisters, that our tapestry Our Traveling Consultants have been
grows constantly stronger and more The committee became more formally totally committed as they traveled
beautiful? They have been a true source structured. They elected their own sec- thousands of miles by air, bus, train
of long-term planning and historical re- retary. They established a repository for and car. Their travel tales would fill
view for each of us serving on the administrative records. They began the several books. Humorous, sad, glad and
Executive Committee. revision of the Collegiate Chapter Opera- sometimes unbelievable tales. Ginger,
tions Manual which had been issued Margaret, Candy and Deb have indeed
Earlier I told you that each mem- originally in December, 1968. They made spread the word, "Let there be love
ber of the Executive Committee is recommendations for the fraternity in- for A O I I in the world and let it begin
compiling a manual in which she is ternational convention. Many of these with me."
detailing the duties, responsibilties, op- have been implemented by our experi-
portunities, traditions, guidelines inher- enced, dedicated. . .well just great In- In the workrooms of our fraternity,
ent in her office. I cannot emphasize ternational Convention Chairman, Gerry under the competent hands of the Ex-
too strongly these are guidelines. They King. They submitted a list of amend- ecutive Vice President, Pat Mottweiler.
are not bindlines. They must not suffo- ments for our Constitution and Bylaws. with the assistance of her international
cate an officer but rather support and They are revising their own Regional chairmen; of Millie Murphy, Editor of
inspire her to even greater growth in Operations Manual. . .the list is long. TO D R A G M A and our Executive D i -
the fraternity. Each must realize our They are truly stabilizing and strengthen- rector, Marie Hughes, A O I I has been
fraternity cannot stand still. It can move ing the regional organization under the strengthened within the structure of the
either forward or backward. As we build guidance and with the vision of Janie loom. Many new manuals have been
upon the history of our fraternity we Callaway. issued; a perpetual inventory completed;
will make progress. Each Executive bulk mailing instituted. Delegates at the
Committee, even as a scientist, must Here within the Administrative Com- 1971 convention requested a choice of
review and evaluate the past and then mittee, the regional organization, are either a jeweled or plain badge for
establish goals for the present and give some of the strongest and some of the initiates. As a result of a mail vote of
vision to the future. weakest threads in the tapestry of our Council, our initiates may now choose
fraternity. Without our chapters, both either a plain gold or a jeweled badge.
When you have a moment, talk with collegiate and alumnae, without our The trademark of Alpha Omicron Pi
the members of the Executive Com- members our tapestry would be like the Fraternity, Inc. has been re-registered
mittee about the manuals they have fabled Emperor's clothes. in compliance with the law and with
prepared. Where can you quickly dis-
cover international committee member- We have also woven into our tapestry Continued on page 267
ships and terms of service? Where are
the resolutions setting up such funds three new collegiate chapters and more
as the Ruby Fund and the Diamond
Jubilee Foundation to be found without To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973
researching the minutes of conventions
past? Where is the criteria used in de-
termining the eligibility of a colony f o r
chapter installation? I n whose manual
will you find more specific information
related to the regional officers? The In-
ternal Revenue Service? Traditions?
Policies? These are some of the topics
delineated in the international officers
manuals. This is only a beginning. There
is much to be done; progress to be
made but we are only seventy-five
years old, or is it young? There is the
future and we have sisters with vision
constantly weaving the tapestry of



FOUNDERS Mr.\sn. >George K . Roller ( M a r y Louise F i l e r M r s . W i l m a S m i t h L e l a n d ( T ) 4330 M i n n e -
Jessie Wallace Hughan tonka B l v d . , A p t . 310 A , Minneapolis. M N
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V.) 55416
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.) P . O . B o x 2317. Sanford, F L 32771 Mrs. Robert F . Lindrooth (Mary Paschen
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Telephone: 305-349-5675 P) 1241 B u r r O a k L a n e , Barrington, I L
The Founders were members of Alpha Mrs. William M. Westerman (Phyllis Arner 60010
Chapter at B a r n a r d College of Columbia
University and all are deceased. P) Mrs. Walter M. McCain (Nancy Moyer P)
(Treasurer) Moyer P) 38775 B y r i v e r D r . , Mt. Clemens,
88 L a k e Shore D r i v e . Youngstown. OH M I 48043

44511 E x - o j j i c i o members—Mrs. Frederick W.
Telephone: 216-788-3956 Hinton (International President)
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Miss Jean Graham Whorley (NO)
2010 O v e r h i l l D r i v e , Nashville, T N 37215 Miss J a n e t L e e W i l s o n ( A T ) 3730 C l a i -
President Telephone: 615-292-3164 borne, Shreveport, L A 71109
Mrs. Frederick W. Hinton (Adele Kuflewski
Ex-Officio Members RUSH
P) Chairman—Mrs. James M. Hardy (Patricia
#51 V e r s a i l l e s Apt.. 3000 Hillsboro R d . Mrs. Frederick W. Hinton, International
Nashville, T N 37215 President Cowley T I ) 3465 Somerset T r a i l . S.W..
Telephone: 615-297-1400 A t l a n t a . G A 30331
Mrs. August Ackel, International Treasurer
Administrative Vice President

Mrs. George B. Callaway (Janirae Line- CENTRAL OFFICE SCHOLARSHIP
Chairman—Mrs. Philip Holtkamp
baugh O) Alpha Omicron P i Central Office (Susan
2400 C r a g h e a d L a n e , K n o x v i l l e . T N 37920 3000 Meadows P k w y . . Suite 109. D a v i e s S) 485 Santa Domlnga, Solana
Telephone: 615-573-7558 Indianapolis, I N 46205 B e a c h , C A 92075
Telephone: 317-545-6553
E x e c u t i v e Vice President
Mrs. Michie M. Barber (Rosalie Gorham 10) Executive Director—Mrs. Marie E . Hughes SPECIAL COMMITTEES
605 West T h o m a s , Jonesboro, A R 72401 (B+) COLLEGIATE LIAISON
Telephone: 501-935-3393 Miss Kathryn Strunk (Region I)
Accountant—Miss Bemece Ruttledge 240 Stewart H a l l , I U of P e n n . , Indiana. P A
Extension Vice President Administrative Assistant Miss Nancy G . Heil (Region m
Mrs. Richard C. Crawford, Jr. (Margaret Box 81, Ogden Hall, Miami U.. Oxford,
Miss Ginger Banks (UK) O H 45056
K r a m e r 1) 7920 R o c k w o o d L a n e , Miss Linda Anne Raker (Region III)
9113 Massasoit. O a k L a w n . I L 60453 Apt. 120, B o x 2344 Sta. B . , Vanderbilt U . , Nashville,
Telephone: 312-422-5244 Austin, T X 78758 T N 37235
Telephone: 512-454-8572 Miss Linda Marie Newton (Region IV)
Secretary 1412 Brookside D r . , E v a n s v i l l e , I N 47714
Mrs. Jack B. King (Geraldine Martindale Traveling Consultants Miss Linnette McClure (Region V)
Miss Margaret Hook (NB) Aon—Panhellenic Hall, Central MO State
00) Miss Marcia Raeber (XA) U . , W a r r e n s b u r g . M O 64093
9029 Maple G r o v e D r . , St. L o u i s , M O 63126 Miss Sue Larson (Region V I )
Telephone: 314-843-9689 702 C a m p u s , Washington State U . . P u l l -
man, W A 99163
Treasurer TO DRAGMA Miss Deborah May Brown (Region V I I )
Mrs. August Ackel (Norma Marshall K9) Editor—Mrs Robert C. Murphy (Millie P.O. Box 16990-A, L S U , Baton Rouge. L A
12218 S a r a z e n P l a c e , G r a n a d a H i l l s , C A 70803
Milam NO) Miss Pamela Zeller (Region VIII)
91344 4534 S h y s H i l l Rd.. Nashvile, T N 37215 1748 North C l a u d i a A v e . . S i m i , C A 93065
Telephone: 213-363-0271 Telephone: 615-269-6563

Mrs. John D. Ennls (Florence Dodge KA)
AOII Delegates
200 Gardendale, T e r r e Haute, I N 47803
Delegate: Mrs George K . Roller (Mary

P . O . B o x 2317, S a n f o r d . F L 32771
June 1-Oct. 1 (Contributions are Tax Deductible)
Chairman—Miss Bobbye M c C a r t e r (NO) B o x
P . O . B o x 198 2073 President—Mrs Robert D. MacCurdy (Elea-
B a l s a m , N C 28707 Stephens College Post Office, Columbia.
Telephone: 704-456-6284 M O 65201 nore D i e t r i c h IA) 100 Norlen P a r k ,
Bridgewater, M A 02324 T E : 617-697-7855
1st Alternate: M r s . W i l l a r d D . B e r r y ( N o r - Members—Mrs. A r t h u r K . A n d e r s o n ( E d i t h Assistant to the President—Mrs. Verne W.
ma Nierstheimer P) Huntington B4>)
836 S. Henderson St., A p t . 1, B l o o m i n g - M c K i n n e y ( M u r i e l T u r n e r A) 528 North
3030 West L a u r e l h u r s t D r . , N . E . , Seattle. ton, I N 47401 F o r m o s a A v e . , L o s Angeles, C A 90036
W A 98105 Mrs. Robert L . Lockard (Edith R. Cope R) 1st V i c e President—Seals Committee—Miss
Telephone: 206-523-9763 3128 South Y o r k , Englewood, C O 80110 H e l e n M . H a l l e r (C) 904 K e n d a l l A v e . . So.
2nd Alternate: Mrs. Richard C. Crawford
(Margaret Kramer I) CONVENTION Pasadena, C A 91030
Chairman—Mrs. C h a r l e s J . K a l l e v a n g ( F e r n 2nd Vice President—Seals Project Chairman
9113 Massasoit, O a k L a w n , I L 60453 —Mrs. J . Maurice Jones (Marilyn Judd
Telephone: 312-422-5244 Robinson H)
(Collegiate correspondence should be d i - 147 S. L i n c o l n Ave., P a r k Ridge, I L 60068 A4>) P . O . B o x 578, B o z e m a n , M T 59715
Secretary—Scholarship Committee — Mrs.
rected to 1st. Alternate) M a r s h a l l J . V a t c h e r (Olga Seibert A) 12038

R l v a s A v e . , D o w n e y , C A 90242
Treasurer—Mrs. Justin Miller (Margaret
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wolf P) 3913 N . H o y n e A v e . , Chicago, I L
Mrs. J . Rodney Harris (Carolyn Huey AS) PLEDGE TRAINING Corresponding Secretary—Mrs. Grafton Linn
2965 P h a r r C o u r t South. N W , A t l a n t a , G A (Dorothy Woodbury K G ) 1720 Bates Ct..
Chairman—Miss K a r e n G a m m (4>A) Thousand O a k s , C A 91360
30305 7924 N . L i n k PI., M i l w a u k e e , W I 53223 Project Chairman—Mrs. Wilma Smith Le-

Telephone: 404-237-1487 Chairman—Mrs. HISTORIAN l a n d (T) 4330 M i n n e t o n k a B l v d . , A p t . 310
Warren C. Drummond
A , Minneapolis. M N 55416
(Mary Danielson A*) P u b l i c i t y Chaiman—TO DRAGMA, The
Members 610 H i n m a n Ave., E v a n s t o n , I L 60202 Piper—Mrs. John T. Butler (Marguerite
Gist I ) 1935 H i g h l a n d D r . . Newport
Mrs. Robert S. Bark ell (Eunice Force A) Beach, C A 92660
3000 C l a r e m o n t A v e n u e , B e r k e l e y , C A NOMINATIONS P u b l i c Relations Chairman—Mrs. Carl B.
94705 Johnston (Helene I r i s h E ) 1600 R o y a l
Telephone: 415-843-3415 Chairman—Mrs. W. D . L e e ( G w e n E v e r e t t s B l v d . . Glendale, C A 91207
P) Scholarship Committee Chairman—Mrs.
Mrs. Daniel H. Campbell (Sharon Dierlnger 1004 E l i o t D r . , U r b a n a , I L 61801 Vernon G. Rose (Jane Durham I) Guada-
TA) lupe N e a r O c e a n A v e . , P . O . B o x 176,
4426 E . L a J o l l a C i r c l e , T u c s o n , A Z 85711 PHILANTHROPIC C a r m e l , C A 93921
Telephone: 602-327-3805
Chairman—Mrs. Richard Kurras (Dorothy Scholarship Committee—Mrs. Rudyard K.
Miss Martha Hi lands (AP) Stickney (Lillian Herman On) P.O. Box
547 No. B u n d y D r i v e , L o s Angeles, C A Kish All)
90049 4711 Jefferson. Hollywood, F L 33021
Telephone: 213-472-8733
REGIONAL MEETINGS (Peg 591, Y u c c a G a l l e y , C A 92283
Mrs. Charles J . Kallevang (Fern Robinson Chairman—Mrs. Laurence Frerk
147 S o u t h L i n c o l n A v e . . P a r k Ridge, I L Malecki, I) (Contributions are Tax Deductible)
60068 1523 No Douglas A v e . Chairman—Mrs. George P. Dean (Dorothy
Telephone: 312-823-7477 Arlington Hgts., I L 60004 B r u n i g a P) 2219 C o u n t r y C l u b D r i v e .
Montgomery, A L 36106
Mrs. Robert F . Lindrooth (Mary Paschen P) RITUAL, TRADITIONS AND JEWELRY Members—Miss Melita Skillen ( E ) , St. Mar-
1241 B u r r O a k L a n e . B a r r i n g t o n , I L 60010 Chairman—Mrs. Walter C. Mylander, Jr. tins By-The-Sea, New Brunswick, Canada
Telephone: 312-381-6222 Mrs. George E . Vitoux (Beth Fowler I)
(Virginia Boggess K) 5594 B o y n t o n L a n e , F t . Myers, F L 33901
Mrs. W. Edward Quick (Lorena Best Terry Stevensville. M D 21666
K) Members—Mrs. Warren C. Drummond
(Secretary) (Mary Danielson A*)
120 N . P e r k i n s R d . . M e m p h i s . T N 38117 610 H i n m a n Ave., E v a n s t o n , I L 60202
Telephone: 901-683-5902

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973 255

Vice President—Mrs. John D. MacCallum (Joan K # )
13195 Edison Crescent, Pierrefonds 920, Quebec, Canada

Telephone: 514-626-1247

Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jer-
sey, New York, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Quebec, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Vir-

Extension Officer—Mrs. Ross F . Neal (Anita K<I>) 391 Brookhaven Ave., Dorval 780, Quebec, Canada.
Tele: 514-631-9796

Finance Officer—Mrs. Kenneth Christian (Helen N ) 1040 Forest Ave., Staten Island, N Y 10310 Tele:

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser R e g i o n a l Director

Beta Tau Miss J e a n Winter, 24 Madison A v e . . T o - Mrs. Peter Bonyun (Eleanor BT), Mrs. H . C . S o u t h w o r t h ( J a m i e K K ) . 619
ronto, Ontario, Canada, U N I V E R S I T Y 108 L a k e Crescent, Etobicoke, S o u t h L i n d e n , Pittsburgh, P A 15208.
O F T O R O N T O , T E : 416-922-3646 Ontario, Canada T E : 412-362-4497

Delta Chi Miss M a r y H . M a c k , 35 W. D e l a w a r e A v e . , Mrs. John S w e e n e y ( M a r i l y n Q), Mrs. H a r o l d K l o t z ( L o i s X ) , 506 S h a n -
N e w a r k , D E 19711, U N I V E R S I T Y O F 105 D r u m m o n d D r i v e , W i l - n o n L a n e , State College, P A 16801,
D E L A W A R E , T E : 302-738-1243 T E : 814-238-1274
mington, D E 19808

Gamma Miss Susan B. Pierce, Penobscot Hall—U Mrs. Leonard A. Pierce (Helen Mrs. G e o f f r e y R i c e ( H a r r i e t D , 655
Gamma Beta of M E , Orono, M E 04473, U N I V E R S I T Y D , R . F . D . 2, B o x 425, C a r m e l , Congress St. #207, Portland. M E
O F M A I N E , T E : 207-581-7540 M E 04419 04101, T E : 207-772-5776

Miss Denise Papon, 334 S t e w a r t H a l l — D r . J o a n R . Y a n u z z i (IT)), 150 Mrs. H a r o l d K l o t z ( L o i s X ) . 506 S h a n -
I n d . U of P A , I n d i a n a , P A 15701, I N - Dolores Circle, Indiana, P A non L a n e , State College. P a 16801.
D I A N A U N I V E R S I T Y O F P A , T E : 412- 15701 T E : 814-238-1274

Phi Beta Miss Sally E . Stiver, Box 882-ESSC, East Miss J a n Mitten (+13), B l a i r Mrs. D a v i d Watters ( C a r o l e E A ) , 311
Stroudsburg, P A 18301, EAST Academy, Blairstown, N J 07825 W a l n u t Street, P e r k a s i e , P A 18944,
T E : 717-424-2642

Phi Kappa Miss Carolyn Jackson, Box 49—Morris Mrs. James Bohnert ( S u e <f>K), Mrs. H . C . S o u t h w o r t h ( J a m i e K K ) , 619
H a r v e y College, Charleston, W V 25304, 305 22nd St. S . E . , Charleston, South L i n d e n , Pittsburgh, P A 15208,
M O R R I S H A R V E Y C O L L E G E , T E : 304- W V 25304 T E : 412-362-4497

Pi Delta Miss V i c k i V i n t o n , 4517 College A v e . , C o l - Miss P a t r i c i a Voneiff (IIA), A p t . Mrs. G e o f f r e y R i c e ( H a r r i e t D , 655
Sigma Chi lege P a r k , M D 20740, U N I V E R S I T Y O F 315-700 7th St. S.W., W a s h i n g - Congress St. #207, Portland, M E
M A R Y L A N D , T E : 301-927-9871 ton, D C 20024 04101, T E : 207-772-5776

Miss P a m e l a F a r r , 17 Maple St., Oneonta, Mrs. F r e d H i c k e i n ( E l l l e I X ) . 82 Mrs. T h e l m a M i t c h e l l ( X ) . 5 B a l l a r d
N Y 13820, H A R T W I C K C O L L E G E , T E : E l m St., Oneonta, N Y 13820 Place, F a i r l a w n , N J 07410. T E : 201-
607-432-4271 796-5664

Sigma Rho Miss Donna Orsborn, AOII % Donna Mrs. Joseph C. Marks (Ramona Mrs. Harold K l o t z (Lois X ) , 506 S h a n -
O r s b o r n , 146 T o w e r s H a l l , S R S C , I P ) , Route 4, Slippery R o c k . non L a n e , State College, P A 16801,
S l i p p e r y R o c k , P A 16057 S L I P P E R Y P A 16057 T E : 814-238-1274
R O C K S T A T E C O L L E G E , T E : 412-794-

Sigma Tau Miss Leslie Tice, A On Box, Washington Mrs. Kenneth S. Stein (Patty I T ) , Mrs. G e o f f r e y R i c e ( H a r r i e t IP), 655
College, Chestertown, M D 21620, 118 N . Water St., Chestertown, Congress St. #207, Portland, M E
W A S H I N G T O N C O L L E G E , T E : 301- M D 21620 04101, T E : 207-772-5776

Theta Kappa Miss J u d y C o n r a d , 628 South W a l n u t St., Mrs. Peter Lebo (Irene OK), Golf Mrs. D a v i d Watters (Carole E A ) , 311
West Chester, P A 19380, W E S T C H E S - Club Apts. F-24, West Chester, W a l n u t Street, P e r k a s i e , P A 18944,
T E R S T A T E C O L L E G E , T E : 215-692- P A 19380 T E : 215-257-4880

Theta Pi Miss Linda Manteiga, AOII, Wagner Col- Mrs. Bruce Lambert (Joanne 9IT), Mrs. Thelma Mitchell (X), 5 Ballard
lege, Staten I s l a n d , N Y 10301, W A G N E R 1329 Forest Ave., Staten I s l a n d . P l a c e , F a i r l a w n , N J 07410, T E : 201-
C O L L E G E , T E : 212-447-9005 N Y 10301 796-5664

Alumnae Chapter President Meeting Date Regional Director
Mrs. Frederick McKinney (Linda AIT), 5 Monthly—(6 per year) Mrs. Thelma Mitchell (X), 5 Ballard
Huckleberry Lane, Ballston Lake, N Y P l a c e , F a i r l a w n , N J 07410. T E : 201-
12019, T E : 518-877-8443 796-5664

Baltimore Mrs. W i l l i a m H e n s y l ( C a r o l I I A ) , 2108 2nd Monday—8:15 p.m. Mrs. G e o f f r e y R i c e ( H a r r i e t I ) . 655
Suburban Greens Dr., Timonium, MD Congress St. #207, Portland, M E
21093, T E : 301-252-8064 04101, T E : 207-772-5776

Boston Mrs. Margie A. Lamar (XA), (Treasurer), Call Treasurer Mrs. Thelma Mitchell (X), 5 Ballard
16 D a r t m o u t h St., Winchester, M A P l a c e , F a i r l a w n , N J 07410, T E : 201-
01890, T E : 617-729-1517 796-5664

Camden, NJ Mrs. A . J . M a y (Betty NO), 1320 C h e s t n u t Monthly—3rd Monday Mrs. D a v i d Watters ( C a r o l e E A ) , 311
St., Haddon Heights. N J 08035, T E : W a l n u t Street, P e r k a s i e , P A 18944,
609-547-1636 T E : 215-257-4880

Charleston, WV Mrs. W. D . Watters ( C a r o l <f>K)-, 1314 M a r - Monthly—2nd Wednesday Mrs. H . C . S o u t h w o r t h ( J a m i e K K ) , 619
tha R d . , So. Charleston, W V 25303, T E : S o u t h L i n d e n , Pittsburgh, P A 15208,
304-744-3072 T E : 412-362-4497

Greater Allentown/ Mrs. W i l l i a m B u r f i e n d ( K r i s t i n e 4>K), 75 Mrs. D a v i d Watters ( C a r o l e E A ) , 311
Bethlehem Hillcrest D r . . Macungie, P A 18062. T E : W a l n u t Street, P e r k a s i e , P A 18944.
215-395-0862 T E : 215-257-4880
Greater Harrisburg
Mrs. R i c h a r d E . F a r i n a (Winnie E A ) , 647 3rd T h u r s . of Month Mrs. H a r o l d K l o t z ( L o i s X ) , 506 S h a n -
P i n e St., Steelton, P A 17113, T E : 717- non L a n e , State College, P A 16801,
939-4224 T E : 814-238-1274

256 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973

Long Island Region I (Continued) Mrs. Thelma Mitchell (X), 5 Ballard
Montreal M r s . H e n r y Marquez ( B a r b a r a 911), 9902 T h i r d Wednesday Place, F a i r l a w n , N J 07410, T E : 201-
Northern New Jersey 796-5664
Northern Virginia T h i r d A v e . . B r o o k l y n , N Y 11209, T E :
Ottawa 2 1 2 - T E 6-0118 M r s . G e o f f r e y R i c e (Harriet D , 655
Miss S h e i l a Sheldon (K4>), 480 Grosvenor Monthly Congress St. #207, Portland, M E
Philadelphia A v e . , Montreal 217, Quebec, Canada, 04101, T E : 207-772-5776
Southern T E : 514-932-3630
State College, P A Mrs. F r a n k l i n H . L a D u e (Mildred N), 26 Monthly—4th T u e s d a y Mrs. D a v i d Watters (Carole E A ) . 311
Syracuse L o c u s t D r i v e , Summit, N J 07901, T E : W a l n u t Street, P e r k a s i e . P A 18944.
Toronto 201-273-1973 T E : 215-257-4880
Washington, D C
Wilmington Mrs. Mark W. Baker m (Mary Ellen AT), 4th Thursday each Month, 8 p.m. M r s . G e o f f r e y R i c e (Harriet D , 655
1019 S w i n k s M i l l R o a d , M c L e a n . V A Congress St. #207. Portland, M E
22101, T E : 703-356-5214 04101, T E : 207-772-5776

Mrs. A. S. K . Jacobsen (Mary Jane BT), Monthly — Sept.-June, Rotating Mrs. G e o f f r e y R i c e ( H a r r i e t D , 655
110 Woodridge C r e s . U n i t 14, Ottawa. week nights Congress St. #207, Portland, M E
Ontario K 2 B 7S9, Canada, T E : 613-829- 04101, T E : 207-772-5776

M r s . J o a n K . Simonin ( * ) , 600 P a r k Monthly—1st S a t u r d a y & 3rd Mrs. H a r o l d K l o t z ( L o i s X ) , 506 S h a n -
L a n e , Wyncote, P A 19095, T E : 215-TU- Wednesday non L a n e , State College, P A 16801,
4-6961 T E : 814-238-1274

M r s . H e n r y L . Pond ( S e l m a B<f>), 102 Mrs. Thelma Mitchell (X), 5 Ballard
S o u n d v i e w D r . , Stamford, C T 06902. P l a c e , F a i r l a w n , N J 07410, T E : 201-
T E : 203-327-4382 796-5664

Mrs. Frank Reed (Kathryn EA), R.D. #1, 5 times yearly—as scheduled M r s . H . C . S o u t h w o r t h ( J a m i e K K ) , 619
P o r t Matilda, P A 16870, T E : 814-237- S o u t h L i n d e n , Pittsburgh, P A 15208.
7517 T E : 412-362-4497

M r s . F . G a r y Stephens ( T r u d y S X ) , 322 Monthly—1st Saturday or Wed- Mrs. Thelma Mitchell (X), 5 Ballard
M c L e n n a n D r . , Fayetteville, N Y 13066, nesday Place, F a i r l a w n , N J 07410. T E : 201-
T E : 315-637-9050 796-5664

Mrs. John A. Mullins (Rhondalyn BT), Monthly Mrs. H . C . S o u t h w o r t h ( J a m i e K K ) , 619
503 Merton Sreet, Toronto, Ontario M4S S o u t h L i n d e n , Pittsburgh, P A 15208.
1B4, Canada, T E : 416-482-6669 T E : 412-362-4497

M r s . L e s t e r H . G i l b e r t (Helen X ) , 5909 Monthly Mrs. Geoffrey R i c e ( H a r r i e t D , 655
N a m a k a g a n R d . , Washington, D C 20016. Congress St. #207, Portland, M E
T E : 301-229-1816 04101, T E : 207-772-5776

Mrs. K e n n e t h W. Petke ( B r e n d a P ) , R . 1, 2nd M o n d a y — M o n t h l y Mrs. H a r o l d K l o t z ( L o i s X ) , 506 S h a n -
B o x 420 A . Hockessin, D E 19707, T E : non L a n e , State College, P A 16801,
302-239-7901 T E : 814-238-1274


Vice President—Mrs. Ralph M. Aderman (Alice ®*)
2302 E . Newberry Blvd., Milwaukee, WI 53211
Telephone: 414-962-3804

Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin

Extension Officer—Mrs. George L . Fulton II (Diana n) 3641 Napanee Drive, Dayton, OH 45430 Tele:

Finance Officer—Mrs. Robert Lawson (Jo on) 47818 Powell Road, Plymouth, MI 48170 Tele: 313-453-

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser ReoioTw! Director

Beta Epsilon Miss Theresa A. Simon, Hobson Union- Mrs. Charles Carr (Betty B E ) , Miss B a r b a r a K o h l e r ( T ) , 18517 R i d g e -
Bemidji State College, Bemidji, MN Route 6, B o x 236, B e m i d j i , M N wood R d . , W a y z a t a . M N 55391, T E :
56601. B E M I D J I S T A T E C O L L E G E , T E : 56601 612-474-6137

Beta Pi Miss Deniece Bidwell, AOn—Office of Mrs. S t a n V o e l ( S a n d r a X A ) , 1875 To Be Announced
Student Life, McKenny Union—E.M.U., Lake Lila Dr., Ann Arbor, MI
Y p s i l a n t i , M I 48197, E A S T E R N M I C H - 48105
I G A N U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 313-485-2673
(Pres. Residence)

Iota Tau Miss L i n d a Prothero. 1818 6th St., Meno- Mrs. Stennett B. Pierce (Jan IT), Miss B a r b a r a K o h l e r ( T ) , 18517 R i d g e -
monie, W I 54751, U N I V E R S I T Y O F 214—13th St., Menomonie, W I wood R d . , Wayzata, M N 55391, T E :
W I S C O N S I N at S T O U T , T E : 715-235- 54751 612-474-6137

Kappa Pi Miss Jenny Allen, Stambaugh Hall, Box Miss Margaret Everhart ( K * ) , Box M r s . R i c h a r d Stitt ( J a n e A T ) , 75 L o c h -
Lambda Phi 2, A d a , O H 45810, O H I O N O R T H E R N 61, M c C u t c h e n v i l l e , O H 45840 s p u r L a n e , C h a g r i n F a l l s , O H 44022.
UNIVERSITY, T E : T E : 216-248-0331
Phi Delta Miss Cynthia L . Senn, Office of Student M r s . Stennett B . P i e r c e ( J a n I T ) , 214
Affairs-Student Union, Whitewater, WI 13th St.. Menomonie. W I 54751, T E :
53190. U N I V E R S I T Y O F W I S C O N S I N - 715-235-7513

Miss Patricia A. Mogil, Hamilton Hall, Mrs. Richard Rogers (June I'E), To Be Announced
B o x 130. O x f o r d , O H 45056, M I A M I 11971 C e d a r c r e e k D r . , C i n c i n -
U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 513-529-3684 nati, O H 45240

Miss Muriel Stenus, Union Mailbox #6, Mrs. Lee R. Kottke (Alyson £ £ ) , Mrs. Stennett B . Pierce ( J a n I T ) , 214
University of Wisc.-Milwaukee, Mil- 851 E . G l e n A v e . , Whitefish 13th St., Menomonie. W I 54751. T E :
w a u k e e , W I 53201, U N I V E R S I T Y O F Bay, W I 53217 715-235-7513

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973 257

R e g i o n II ( C o n t i n u e d )

Phi Lambda Miss J u l i a A n n Smesko, 2710 B u r b a n k , Mrs. Russell J . Swegan (Joan Mrs. R i c h a r d Stltt (Jane AT), 75 L o c h -
Sigma Lambda Youngstown, O H 44509, Y O U N G S - 4>A), 3972 S. S c h e n l e y — B o x spur L a n e , C h a g r i n F a l l s , O H 44022,
TOWN STATE UNIVERSITY, T E : 3096, Youngstown, O H 44511 T E : 216-248-0391
Tau 216-792-2880
Theta Psi Miss P a t r i c i a E s » l i n g e r ( I A ) . 3136 M r s . Stennett B . P i e r c e ( J a n I T ) , 214
Miss Miriam F . Simmons, AOII—Cart- Maple Drive, LaCrosse, WI 13th St., Menomonie, W I 54751, T E :
wright Center U of W I , LaCrosse, WI 54601 715-235-7513
54601, U N I V E R S I T Y O F W I S C O N S I N
at L A C R O S S E , T E : 608-785-1800 (Adv. Miss P a t r i c i a L . Belois ( T ) , 15 Miss B a r b a r a K o h l e r ( T ) , 18517 R i d g e -
Office) South F i r s t St., 615 A , M i n n e - wood R d . , Wayzata, M N 55391, T E :
apolis, M N 55401 612-474-6137
Miss D i a n n e M . Olson, 1121 S . E . F i f t h
St., Minneapolis, M N 55414, U N I V E R - Mrs. Warren C. Kerry (Prudie M r s . R i c h a r d Stitt ( J a n e A T ) , 75 L o c h -
S I T Y O F M I N N E S O T A , T E : 612-331- TO), 6510 C o r n w a l l C o m m o n , s p u r L a n e , C h a g r i n F a l l s , O H 44022,
1381 S y l v a n i a , O H 43560 T E : 216-248-0391

Miss K a r e n Rudnicki, U of Toledo, Stu-
dent Activities Office, Toledo, O H
43606, U N I V E R S I T Y O F T O L E D O , T E :

Alumnae Chapter President Meeting Date Regional Director

Ann Arbor To Be Announced

Cincinnati Mrs. Robert R. Stillwell (Margaret 8H), 2nd Monday of each Month M r s . R i c h a r d Stitt ( J a n e A T ) , 75 L o c h -
Cleveland Council 3272 Jefferson A v e . , C i n c i n n a t i , O H spur L a n e , C h a g r i n F a l l s , O H 44022,
Cleveland East 45220, T E : 513-861-1591 Monthly—Second Tuesday T E : 216-248-0391
Cleveland West Monthly—2nd Wednesday
Columbus Mrs. L e o Matthews ( C h e r r y K D , 3778 M r s . R i c h a r d Stitt ( J a n e A T ) , 75 L o c h -
Dayton Princeton Blvd., South Euclid, O H spur L a n e , C h a g r i n F a l l s , O H 44022,
Dearborn 44121, T E : 216-381-0351 T E : 216-248-0391
Detroit Council Mrs. B r i a n H . R i c h m a n ( G i l l i a n Q), 833 M r s . R i c h a r d Stitt ( J a n e A T ) , 75 L o c h -
Detroit North Haywood D r . , South E u c l i d , O H 44121, spur L a n e , C h a g r i n F a l l s , O H 44022,
T E : 216-291-3319 T E : 216-248-0391
Detroit Northwest M r s . D o n a l d Groebe ( C a r o l Z ) , 24344 N . M r s . R i c h a r d Stitt ( J a n e A T ) , 75 L o c h -
O x f o r d O v a l , No. Olmstead, O H 44070, spur L a n e , C h a g r i n F a l l s , O H 44022,
Suburban T E : 216-777-8058 T E : 216-248-0391
Findlay Area
Grand Rapids Area M r s . C h e s t e r B . W e i l (Dorothy T O ) , 553 Monthly—1st Tuesday To Be Announced
Greater Lansing Area A l l v i e w C t , Westerville, O H 43081,
Kalamazoo T E : 614-882-7858
Macomb Co., MI
Madison, WI "2b „ 6 eG e or L- Fulton I I (Diana Q), Monthly—2nd Wednesday Mrs. R i c h a r d Stitt ( J a n e A T ) , 75 L o c h -
Milwaukee spur L a n e , C h a g r i n F a l l s , O H 44022,
Minnepolis/St. Paul 3641 Napanee D r i v e , D a y t o n , O H T E : 216-248-0391
Toledo 45430, T E : 513-426-1121
Youngstown To Be Announced
Miss M a r y A n n K i r r ( B I I ) , 12320 P i n e , Monthlv
258 T a y l o r , M I 48180, T E : 313-287-9572 '«u«""y

Miss B a r b a r a Z o l n i e r c z a k ( B I I ) , 29165 Mnnthlv To Be Announced
H a y e s #10, W a r r e n , M I 48093, T E : l v l o I u m y

Mrs. James O. Parrish (Deanna E), To Be Announced
3003 C l a w s o n , R o y a l Oak, M I 48073,
T E : 313-588-9111

M r s . R i c h a r d J e n s e n ( K a t r i n a K P ) , 16565 Monthlv—2nd Tuesdav To Be Announced
S u n d e r l a n d , Detroit, M I 48219, T E : yM o n m i i n d T u e s d a y

Mrs. R e x Spencer (Donna K P ) , 22220 Second T h u r s d a v To Be Announced
C o n n e m a r a D r . , Northville, M I 48167, * ° T h u r s d a y
T E : 313-349-1281

M r s . J a m e s Youngflesh ( B a r b a r a B4>), Sept.-May except J a n . , 1st T h u r s - Mrs. R i c h a r d Stitt ( J a n e A T ) , 75 L o c h -
1303 S. M a i n , F i n d l a y , O H 45840. T E : day spur L a n e , C h a g r i n F a l l s , O H 44022,
419-422-3277 T E : 216-248-0391
4th Thursday
Mrs. D a v i d J . W a h r ( S u s a n B P ) , 2161 2nd Wednesday of each month— Mrs. Stennett B . P i e r c e ( J a n I T ) , 214
Chesapeake Dr. N.E., Grand Rapids, 13th St.. Menomonie, W I 54751, T E :
M I 49505, T E : 616-456-6135 8 p.m. 715-235-7513

Mrs. E r i c T . R o a c h ( S u s a n B P ) , 534 M r s . Stennett B . P i e r c e ( J a n I T ) , 214
B a i l e y St., E a s t L a n s i n g , M I 48823, T E : 13th St., Menomonie, W I 54751, T E :
517-351-2175 715-235-7513

Mrs. Robert R . E l w e l l (Janice K P ) , 9575 Mrs. Stennett B . P i e r c e ( J a n I T ) , 214
E . D E A v e . , R i c h l a n d , M I 49083, T E : 13th St., Menomonie, W I 54751, T E :
616-629-9463 715-235-7513

Miss S a n d r a K a y K u b i t z ( K P ) , 8337
B u s k o C i r c l e . W a r r e n . M I 48093, T E :

Mrs. Clifford Andreoli ( K a r y l P ) , 205 S. Sept.-Dec.-Feb.-May (4 m e e t - Miss B a r b a r a K o h l e r ( T ) , 18517 R i d g e -
O w e n D r . , Madison, W I 53705, T E : 608- ings) wood R d . , Wayzata, M N 55391, T E :
231-2209 612-474-6137

Mrs. C . M . H u n t ( B a r b a r a * A ) , 930 17th Monthly—4th Tuesday M r s . Stennett B . P i e r c e ( J a n I T ) , 214
Ave., G r a f t o n , W I 53024, T E : 414-377- 13th St., Menomonie, W I 54751, T E :
7766 715-235-7513

Mrs. T e r r y D . Hansen ( L y n n e T ) , 3307— Monthly—3rd Tuesday Miss B a r b a r a K o h l e r ( T ) , 18517 R i d g e -
49th Ave. No., Brooklyn Center, M N wood R d . , Wayzata, M N 55391, T E :
55429, T E : 612-537-4678 612-474-6137

Mrs. K a t h l e e n L i n k e y , 4707 Harbord D r M r s . R i c h a r d Stitt ( J a n e A T ) , 75 L o c h -
Toledo, O H 43623, T E : 419-479-2079 spur L a n e , C h a g r i n F a l l s , O H 44022,
T E : 216-248-0391
M r s . R u s s e l l S w e g a n (Joan * A ) , 3972 S.
Schenley, Box #3096, Youngstown, OH M r s . R i c h a r d Stitt ( J a n e A T ) , 75 L o c h -
44511, T E : 216-793-4897 spur L a n e , C h a g r i n F a l l s , O H 44022,
T E : 216-248-0391

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973


Vice President—Mrs. Robert Caldwell (Mary Ann T A )
215 Rolling Fork Court, Nashville, T N 37205
Telephone: 615-352-2646

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee

Extension Officer—Miss Becky Thurston (no) 5841 Poplar Pike Ext., Apt. 6, Memphis, T N 38117 Tele:

Finance Officer—Miss Cheryl Kohler ( r s ) Apt. 12A1, 8601 Roberts Dr., Atlanta, G A 30338 Tele: 404-

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Miss J e a n Musselman, P . O . B o x 2407,
Alpha Delta Mrs. Claude Hinton U I (Theresa Mrs. B o y d Bogle I I I (June NO), 6037
U n i v e r s i t y , A L 35486, U N I V E R S I T Y O F AA), 25 Hillcrest, Tuscaloosa, Sherwood Drive, Nashville, T N
A L A B A M A , T E : 205-348-4900 A L 35401 37215, T E : 615-269-4479
Miss D o n n a J o F e e , B o x 1016 F . S . U . ,
Alpha Kappa F l o r e n c e . A L 35630, F L O R E N C E S T A T E Mrs. W. Gregory Lewis (Patricia Mrs. B o y d Bogle I I I (June NO), 6037
U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 205-766-3622 NB), 207 N . Sequoia B l v d . , F l o r - Sherwood Drive, Nashville, T N
Miss P a m e l a O'Connor, 123 N . Copeland ence, A L 35630 37215, T E : 615-269-4479
St.. Tallahassee, F L 32304, F L O R I D A
Alpha Pi S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 904-224-9342 Mrs. E . Burke Jolly (Judy A L ) , Mrs. C h a r l e s Moehle ( R a c h e l TO), P . O .
or 222-3524 1409 R a a A v e . , T a l l a h a s s e e , F L B o x 892, Merritt Island, F L 32952.
Miss L a u r a K e n n e d y , AOII B o x , A u b u r n 32303 T E : 305-452-8418
U n i v e r s i t y , A u b u r n , A L 36830, A U -
Delta Delta B U R N U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 205-826-4734 Mrs. Mickey Barnes (Charlotte Miss Mary Rawlings Reese (TA), At-
(Dorm Desk) AA), 320 Shelton R d . , A u b u m , lanta F e d e r a l Savings, 4605 Roswell
A L 36830 R d . , N . E . , A t l a n t a , G A 30342, T E :
Miss D o n n a Hare, 307 G a i l l a r d Dr., 404-355-6168 (Home), 404-252-5246
Gamma Delta Mobile, A L 36608, U N I V E R S I T Y O F Mrs. J . Donald Banks (Suzy AA), (Office)
S O U T H A L A B A M A , T E : 205-460-6171 1813 B H u n t e r A v e . , Mobile, A L
(Dean of Student's Office), T E : 205- 36606 Mrs. Rex Lewis (Sue TA), Lake Joy,
471-4735 (President's Home) Sylacauga, A L 35150, T E :

Gamma Omicron Miss B o n n i e C a r r a h e r , 819 W. P a n h e l - Mrs. James H. Harrison (Jamie Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel TO), P.O.
Gamma Sigma lenic, G a i n e s v i l l e , F L 32601, U N I V E R - An), 825 S.W. 10th St., G a i n e s - B o x 892, M e r r i t t Island, F L 32952,
S I T Y O F F L O R I D A , T E : 904-376-9454 v i l l e , F L 32601 T E : 305-452-8418

Miss Rebecca Ellen Hunt, 33 Gilmer St. Miss G a i l T h o m p s o n ( I T ) , 8601 Mrs. Rex Lewis (Sue TA), Lake Joy.
S . E . , AOn B o x 540, A t l a n t a , G A 30303, Roberts D r . , A p t . 12 A 1, A t - Sylacauga, A L 35150, T E :

Kappa Gamma Miss Robin Robinson, Florida Southern Mrs. Kenneth C. Roberts (Har- Mrs. C h a r l e s Moehle (Rachel TO), P . O .
College, B o x 316, L a k e l a n d , F L 33802, line A l l ) , R . 5, B o x 645-C. P l a n t B o x 892, M e r r i t t Island, F L 32952,
FLORIDA SOUTHERN COLLEGE, TE: C i t y , F L 33566 T E : 305-452-8418
813-683-5521—Ext. 455

Kappa Omicron Miss N a n c y Huggins, (Box 710), 2000 N. Mrs. Brian W. Rushton (Priscilla Mrs. George E . V i t o u x ( B e t h I ) , 5594
Parkway, Southwestern at Memphis: KO), 95 Hollyoke L a n e , M e m - Boynton L a n e , F t . Myers, F L 33901,
Memphis, T N 38112, S O U T H W E S T E R N phis, T N 38117 T E : 813-481-0577
A T M E M P H I S , T E : 901-458-5669

Lambda Chi Miss R e b e c c a Annette R a y , L a G r a n g e Miss J u l i a n n a Nesbit ( A X ) , 101 Miss Dee G a r d n e r (AA), P . O . B o x 1467.
Mobile. A L 36621, T E : 205-344-8710
College. L a G r a n g e , G A 30240, L A - P a r k A v e . , L a G r a n g e , G A 30240 (Home). 205-438-8436 (Office)
G R A N G E C O L L E G E , T E : 404-884-9275

Lambda Sigma Miss C a r o l e Coleman, 1190 South M i l l - Mrs. Richard H . Joiner (Julia Miss Mary Rawlings Reese (TA), At-
Nu Beta edge A v e . , Athens, G A 30601, U N I - A S ) , 120 B a r H Court, Athens, lanta F e d e r a l Savings, 4605 R o s w e l l
V E R S I T Y O F G E O R G I A , T E : 404-548- G A 30601 R d . , N . E . , Atlanta, G A 30342, T E :
3366 404-355-6168 (Home), 404-252-5246
Mrs. Dwight K . L u t e r ( E l l e n NB). (Office)
Miss M a r y R o b i n Catching, B o x 4415, U B o x 6944, U n i v e r s i t y . M S 38677
of M S , U n i v e r s i t y , M S 38677, U N I V E R - Mrs. B o y d Bogle I I I (June NO). 6037
S I T Y O F M I S S I S S I P P I , T E : 601-234- Sherwood Drive, Nashville, T N
8102 or 232-7636 37215, T E : 615-269-4479

Nu Omicron Miss L y n n Higginbotham, 2415 K e n s i n g - Mrs. J . T. Shofner (Margaret TA), Miss Dee G a r d n e r ( A A ) , P . O . B o x 1467.
ton P I . , Nashville, T N 37212, V A N - 100 W. H i l l w o o d B l v d . , N a s h - Mobile, A L 36621, T E : 205-344-8710
D E R B I L T U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 615-297- ville, T N 37205 (Home). 205-438-8436 (Office)

Omega Omicron Miss Nell Meador, Box 277—Lambuth Mrs. Clarence O. Hampton, Sr. Mrs. Rex E . Lewis (Sue TA), Lake Joy,
Omicron College, J a c k s o n , T N 38301, L A M B U T H ( R e n a 2 0 ) , 575 L a m b u t h B l v d . , Sylacauga, A L 35150, T E :
C O L L E G E , T E : 901-422-4963 J a c k s o n , T N 38301
Mrs. George E . V i t o u x ( B e t h I ) , 5594
Miss C a r o l y n Post, % AOII, 1531 C u m b e r - Mrs. Charles E . Bettis (Nancy 0), B o y n t o n L a n e , F t . Myers, F L 33901,
l a n d A v e . . K n o x v i l l e , T N 37916, U N I - 7709 Bennington D r . , K n o x v i l l e , T E : 813-481-0577
V E R S I T Y O F T E N N E S S E E , T E : 615- T N 37919

Phi Alpha Miss E l a i n e F i e l d e n , B o x 02 E T S U , J o h n - Mrs. J a m e s A . F o x (Delores 4>A), Miss Mary Rawlings Reese (TA), At-
Tau Delta son C i t y . T N 37601, E A S T T E N N E S S E E 600 W. P i n e , J o h n s o n C i t y , T N lanta F e d e r a l Savings, 4605 Roswell
S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 615-928-3181 37601 R d „ N . E . , Atlanta, G A 30342, T E :
(AOn R o o m ) , 615-929-4715 (President) 404-355-6168 (Home), 404-252-5246
Mrs. Thomas J . Gibbs, Jr. (Jane (Office)
Miss Janice R. West, Box A-56, B'ham T A ) , 1217 Greensboro R o a d ,
S o u . College, B i r m i n g h a m , A L 35204, B i r m i n g h a m , A L 35208 Miss Dee G a r d n e r ( A A ) , P . O . B o x 1467.
BIRMINGHAM-SOUTHERN COLLEGE, Mobile, A L 36621, T E : 205-344-8710
T E : 205-322-6417 (Chapter), 205-837- (Home), 205-438-8436 (Office)
1333 ( P r e s . Home)

Tau Omicron Miss Linda Aileen Hingst, Box 126—UT- Mrs. James Mitchell (Jane TO). Mrs. George E . V i t o u x ( B e t h I ) , 5594
Martin, M a r t i n , T N 38237, U N I V E R - 114 E u n i c e , M a r t i n , T N 38237 Boynton L a n e , F t . Myers, F L 33901,
S I T Y O F T E N N E S S E E at MARTIN. T E : 813-481-0577
T E : 901-587-7035, 901-587-2811

Zeta Psi Miss K a r e n L e e Moore, 805 Johnston St., Miss W a n d a E a r p , B o x 772, J a r v i s Mrs. D o n F u s o n ( L i n d a 0 ) , 1110 Stone-
G r e e n v i l l e , N C 27834, E A S T C A R O - Dorm, E C U , Greenville, NC w a l l D r i v e , Nashville, T N 37220, T E :
L I N A U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 919-758-4290 27834 615-297-7166

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973 259

Alumnae Chapter President R e g i o n III ( C o n t i n u e d ) Regional Director
Athens Meeting Date

Atlanta Mrs. George H. Watson, Jr. (Nancy A2), Miss Mary Rawlings Reese (TA), At-
Atlanta Tri-County 200 G r a n E l l e n D r . , Athens, G A 30601, lanta F e d e r a l Savings, 4605 R o s w e l l
Auburn-Opelika T E : 404-543-7655 R d . , N . E . , Atlanta, G A 30342, T E :
404-355-6168 (Home), 404-252-5246
Mrs. J a m e s M . H a r d y ( P a t P 2 ) , 3465 1st Wednesday (Office)
Somerset T r a i l , Atlanta, G A 30331, T E :
404-344-2091 Mrs. Rex E . Lewis (Sue TA), Lake Joy,
S y l a c a u g a . A L 35150, T E :

Mrs. Thomas M. Crumbley (Alice TS), Every other month—3rd Wednes- Mrs. Rex E . Lewis (Sue TA), Lake Joy,
1233 Sherrington D r . , Stone Mountain, day Sylacauga, A L 35150, T E :
G A 30083, T E : 404-288-5811
Monthly—2nd Monday Miss Mary Rawlings Reese (TA), At-
Mrs. G r e g g B o r i n g ( D i a n a AA), 545 G o d - lanta F e d e r a l Savings, 4605 Roswell
f r e y L a n e , A u b u r n , A L 36830, T E : 205- R d . , N . E . , Atlanta, G A 30342, T E :
821-0805 404-355-6168 (Home), 404-252-5246

Birmingham Mrs. S. J a m e s S l a y , J r . ( G i n n y AA), 3236 Monthly—3rd Tuesday Miss Dee G a r d n e r ( A A ) , P . O . B o x 1467,
Broward Co. Mockingbird Ln., Birmingham, A L Mobile, A L 36621, T E : 205-344-8710
Charleston. SC 35226. T E : 205-823-2998 (Home). 205-438-8436 (Office)
Cocoa-Melbourne Mrs. A l e c C . L i v i n g s t o n (Susie TO), 1521 Monthlv Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel TO), P.O.
N.E. 57th Court, F t . Lauderdale, F L B o x 892, Merritt Island, F L 32952.
Gainesville, F L 33308, T E : 305-772-5167 T E : 305-452-8418
Huntsville, A L
Jackson, MS Mrs. Larry C. Millhouse (Mary Ellen AC), M r s . D o n F u s o n ( L i n d a 0 ) , 1110 Stone-
Jackson, T N 55 Mueller D r . , Charleston, S C 29407, w a l l D r i v e . Nashville. T N 37220. T E :
Johnson City, T E : 803-766-4528 615-297-7166

TN Area Mrs. S t a n G u t h r i e ( L a v e n e 0 ) , 1165 Monthly—1st Wednesday Night Mrs. D o n F u s o n ( L i n d a 0 ) , 1110 S t o n e -
James Blvd., Signal Mountain, T N w a l l D r i v e , Nashville, T N 37220, T E :
Knoxville 37377, T E : 615-886-3663 615-297-7166
Martin Mrs. Robert R. Dagelen (Bonnie TO), Monthly—Times vary Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel I'O), P.O.
Memphis Apt. 14, 1010 N . F i s k e B l v d . , Cocoa, B o x 892, Merritt Island, F L 32952,
Miami F L 32922, T E : 305-867-3530 (Office), T E : 305-452-8418
Mobile 305-631-1239 (Home)
Nashville Miss P r i s c i l l a West ( T O ) , 708 S W 16th Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel TO), P.O.
Orlando-Winter A v e . A p t . 14, G a i n e s v i l l e , F L 32601, B o x 892, Merritt Island, F L 32952.
T E : 904-376-1986 T E : 305-452-8418
Palm Beach County Mrs. G . Porter Bridwell (Saundra K A ) , 2nd Wednesday—Monthly A . M . Mrs. D o n F u s o n ( L i n d a 0 ) , 1110 Stone-
St. Petersburg 8712 E d g e h i l l D r . , Huntsville, A L w a l l D r i v e , Nashville, T N 37220, T E :
35802, T E : 205-881-4227 615-297-7166

Mrs. William R. Harding ( L u NB), 4th Thursday Monthly Mrs. B o y d Bogle I I I ( J u n e NO), 6037
1715 D e v i n e St., J a c k s o n , M S 39202, Sherwood Drive, Nashville, T N
T E : 601-355-8807 37215, T E : 615-269-4479

Mrs. K a y D a v e n p o r t (NO), 211 R o l a n d Mrs. Rex E . Lewis (Sue TA). Lake Joy,
A v e . . J a c k s o n , T N 38301, T E : 910-424- Sylacauga, A L 35150, T E :

Mrs. J o e l F . Peterson (Joanne 'l>A), 214 Jan., Mar., May, Sept., Nov., 2nd Miss Mary Rawlings Reese (TA), At-
East Gilmer Park, Johnson City, T N Saturday lanta F e d e r a l Savings, 4605 Roswell
37601, T E : 615-928-5780 R d . , N . E . , Atlanta, G A 30342, T E :
Monthly—varies 404-355-6168 (Home). 404-252-5246
Mrs. M a r k A . Medley (Pat 0 ) , 9517 G u l f (Office)
P a r k D r i v e , K n o x v i l l e , T N 37919, T E : Bi-monthly—3rd Tuesday, 7:30
615-693-0072 Monthly—1st Monday Mrs. George E . V i t o u x ( B e t h I ) , 5594
Boynton L a n e , F t . Myers, F L 33901,
Mrs. W i l l i a m E . N a i l ( S a l l y AX) 109 B e n Every other Month—2nd Thurs- T E : 813-481-0577
H i l l St. Apt. 4, L a G r a n g e , G A 30240, day
T E : 404-882-8952 Miss Dee G a r d n e r ( A A ) , P . O . B o x 1467
Mobile, A L 36621, T E : 205-344-8710
Mrs. Larry R. Rouse (Joye TO), Box (Home), 205-438-8436 (Office)
1162, P a r i s , T N 38242, T E : 901-648-5708
Mrs. George E V i t o u x ( B e t h I ) . 5594
Mrs. James A . K a l a h e r ( K a t h y K O ) , 1065 Boynton L a n e , F t . M y e r s , F L 33901,
Dearing R d . , Memphis, T N 38117, T E : T E : 813-481-0577
M r s . George E . V i t o u x ( B e t h I ) , 5594
Mrs. R i c h a r d S h e r i n ( C a r o l y n 1 0 ) , 7611 B o y n t o n L a n e , F t . M y e r s , F L 33901
S.W. 65th Place, South Miami, F L
33143, T E : 305-665-7186 T E : 813-481-0577
Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel PO), P.O.
Mrs. R o b e r t W. Self ( D a l e T A ) , 5759 St.
G a l l e n Ave., Mobile, A L 36608, T E : B o x 892, Merritt I s l a n d , F L 32952
205-342-0949 T E : 305-452-8418
Mrs. Rex E . Lewis (Sue TA), Lake Joy,
Sylacauga, A L 35150, T E :

Mrs. Joe B. Williamson (Nancy AA), Monthly—3rd Tuesday Mrs. D o n F u s o n ( L i n d a 0 ) , 1110 Stone-
2151 G r e e n v i e w , Montgomery, AL w a l l D r i v e . Nashville, T N 37220. T E :
36111, T E : 204-281-2793 615-297-7166

Mrs. John T. Sandefur (Grace l"0), 29 4 times a year Miss D e e G a r d n e r ( A A ) , P . O . B o x 1467
Vaughns Gap R d . , Nashville. T N 37205, Mobile, A L 36621, T E : 205-344-8710
T E : 615-356-7438 (Home), 205-438-8436 (Office)

Mrs. E . Covington Brinkman (Becky Monthly Mrs. D o n F u s o n ( L i n d a 0 ) , 1110 Stone-
TO) 9 E . Hillcrest St., Altamonte w a l l D r i v e , Nashville, T N 37220, T E :
Springs, F L 32701, T E : 305-831-6058 615-297-7166

Mrs. Frank J . Fitzpatrick, Jr. (Anne Bi-monthly Mrs. Charles Moehle (Rachel TO), P.O.
RA), 310 Pittsburgh D r . , J u p i t e r , F L B o x 892, Merritt Island, F L 32952,
33458, T E : 305-746-8676 T E : 305-452-8418

Mrs. J o h n L . M c B a t h (Margot I"0), 6354 Bi-monthly—4th T h u r s d a y Mrs. D o n F u s o n ( L i n d a 0 ) , 1110 S t o n e -
Bahama Shores Dr. S., St. Petersburg, w a l l D r i v e , Nashville, T N 37220, T E :
F L 33705, T E : 813-866-3346 615-297-7166

260 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973

Shoals Area Region III (Continued) Mrs. B o y d Bogle i n (June NO), 6037
Tuscaloosa Mrs. R a l p h R . Braund, J r . (Betsy NO), Monthly—3rd Wednesday Sherwood Drive, Nashville, T N
37215, T E : 615-269-4479
101 T e r r a c e St., Sheffield, A L 35660.
T E : 205-381-4003 Mrs. B o y d Bogle I I I ( J u n e NO), 6037
Sherwood Drive, Nashville, T N
Mrs. Patrick E . Dunagan (Susan AA), Monthly 37215, T E : 615-269-4479
1309 8th A v e . , Apt. 3, Tuscaloosa, A L
35401. T E : 205-345-5193


Vice President—Mrs. Stephen W. Sutherlin (Kay ®)
4723 Round Lake Road, Indianapolis, I N 46205
Telephone: 317-251-4203

Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky

Extension Officer—Mrs. William D. Lee (Gwendolyn P ) 1004 Eliot Drive, Urbana, I L 61801 Tele:

Finance Officer—Mrs. Victor Brown (Ruth B@) 811 E . 80th St., Indianapolis, IN 46240 Tele: 317-255-


Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director

Alpha Chi Miss J a n i c e L y n n Cassadv. P . O . B o x 291. Mrs. N e i l A l l e n ( R a c h e l A X ) . 459 Miss M a r s h a B i r d ( A X ) , 516 E . P i k e
College Heights, W K U , Bowling Brentmoor, Bowling Green, K Y St., C y n t h i a n a , K Y 41031, T E :
G r e e n , K Y 42101, W E S T E R N K E N - 42101
T U C K Y U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 502-843-

Beta Chi Miss Denice Kedenburg, Box 324, K W C , Mrs. W m . Rossi ( T o n y B X ) , 2954 Miss M a r s h a B i r d ( A X ) , 516 E . P i k e
Owensboro, K Y 42301, K E N T U C K Y Veach Rd., Owensboro, K Y St., C y n t h i a n a , K Y 41031, T E :

Beta Lambda Miss D e b i Belzer, 1314 N . F e l l , B l o o m - Mrs. A n g e l D i a z ( M a r y I I K ) , 1015 Mrs. Robert Z o l o m i j (Joanna E A ) , 803
ington, I L 61701, I L L I N O I S W E S - Monroe Dr., Bloomington, I L B r e e n , C h a m p a i g n , I L 61820, T E : 217-
L E Y A N U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 309-829- 61701 352-3001

Beta Phi Miss P a t r i c i a Cooper, 901 E . T e n t h St., Mrs. Arthur Anderson (Edith Mrs. William Magnuson (Colleen KA),
Bloomington, I N 47401. I N D I A N A U N I - B<f>), 836 S. Henderson St., A p t . 2911 G a r f i e l d , T e r r e Haute, I N 47804,
V E R S I T Y , T E : 812-332-6174 L Bloomington, I N 47401 T E : 812-466-4907

Chi Lambda Miss J a n i c e Coleman, 400 S. Rotherwood Miss Antoinette R e i t z ( X A ) , 521 Mrs. William R. Coffey (Elizabeth XA).
A v e . , E v a n s v i l l e , I N 47714, U N I V E R - S. Runnymeade, Evansville, I N 7754 N . Whlttier P I . , Indianapolis, I N
S I T Y O F E V A N S V I L L E , T E : 812-477- 47714 46250, T E : 317-849-3030

Delta Omega Miss Nancy Jane Coplen, Box 399—Uni- Mrs. Kenneth Harrell (Ellen K0), Miss M a r s h a B i r d ( A X ) , 516 E . P i k e
v e r s i t y Station, M u r r a y , K Y 42071, Box 1026—University Station, St., C y n t h i a n a , K Y 41031, T E :
MURRAY STATE UNIVERSITY, TE: M u r r a y , K Y 42071

Epsilon Iota Miss L e a n n K a t h a r i n e Guengerich, 1721 Mrs. Michael Goodrich (Suzanne Mrs. Robert Z o l o m i j (Joanna E A ) , 803
So. N i n t h , Charleston, I L 61920, E A S T - E I ) , 1712 M c C o m b . Charleston, B r e e n , C h a m p a i g n , I L 61820, T E : 217-

Iota Miss J u l i e Stone, 706 S. Mathews. Mrs. R o b e r t Riggs ( J u d y K A ) . 501 Mrs. Robert Z o l o m i j (Joanna E A ) , 803

U r b a n a , I L 61801, U N I V E R S I T Y O F Windsor Road, Champaign, I L B r e e n , C h a m p a i g n , I L 61820, T E : 217-
I L L I N O I S , T E : 217-344-0136 61820

Kappa Alpha Miss S t a c y G e n t r y , 122 L i n c o l n Quad, Mrs. Paul Gibbons (JoAnn KA), Mrs. William Magnuson (Colleen KA),
I S U , T e r r e Haute, I N 47809, I N D I A N A 35 Gardendale R d . . T e r r e 2911 G a r f i e l d , T e r r e Haute, I N 47804,
S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 812-232- Haute, I N 47803 T E : 812-466-4907

Kappa Kappa Miss Marciamary Hubler, Student Center Mrs. William Huber (Mary Lou Mrs. K e i t h G i l c h r i s t ( A n n 6 ) , 5613
B o x 219. Muncie, I N 47306, B A L L K K ) , 2000 W . J a c k s o n St., M u n - Skyridge Road, Indianapolis, IN
S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 317-285-4416 cie, I N 47306 46250, T E : 317-849-6142

Nu Iota Miss S u s a n P o c z e k a j , 920 Hillcrest, D e - Mrs. T o m Spencer ( J a n S O ) , 115 E .
kalb, I L 60115, N O R T H E R N I L L I N O I S 22nd St., L o m b a r d , I L 60148, T E : 312-
U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 815-758-7656 495-2186

Omega X i Miss L i s a G a i t s k i l l , B o x 1284, M.S.U., Mrs. Charles Thompson (Betty Miss M a r s h a B i r d ( A X ) , 516 E . P i k e
Morehead, K Y 40351, M O R E H E A D 0), 350 E . Second St., More- St., C y n t h i a n a , K Y 41031, T E :
S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 606-783- head, K Y 40351

Phi Omicron Miss Pamela Goad, Alpha Omicron Pi, Mrs. Fred Mullett (Thelma *0), Mrs. William Magnuson (Colleen KA),
H a n o v e r College, Hanover, I N 47243, B o x 73, Hanover, I N 47243 2911 G a r f i e l d , T e r r e Haute, I N 47804,
H A N O V E R C O L L E G E , T E : 812-866- T E : 812-466-4907

Phi Upsilon Miss J a n e H a m b l i n , 1001 D a v i d Ross Mrs. J . Edward Wagoner (Nancy Mrs. William R. Coffey (Elizabeth XA),
Rho R o a d , West L a f a y e t t e , I N 47906, P U R - B<t>), 907 C u m b e r l a n d A v e . , 7754 N . Whlttier P I . , Indianapolis. I N
Sigma Iota D U E U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 317-463-9566 West Lafayette, I N 47906 46250. T E : 317-849-3030
Miss J o y M . P a u s c h k e , 626 E m e r s o n St.. Mrs. Carl Schulz, Jr. (Ingrid BA), Mrs. T o m Spencer ( J a n S O ) , 115 E .
E v a n s t o n , I L 60201, N O R T H W E S T E R N 1627 Forest, Wilmette, I L 60091 22nd St., L o m b a r d , I L 60148, T E : 312-
U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 312-GR5-9330 495-2186

Miss J u l i e Sellers, 1545 R i v e r v i e w Dr., Mrs. J a m e s C o n l e y ( J u n e S I ) , 152 Mrs. T o m Spencer ( J a n S O ) , 115 E .
Macomb, I L 61455, W E S T E R N I L L I - P e n n y L a n e , Macomb, I L 61455 22nd St.. L o m b a r d . I L 60148, T E : 312-
N O I S U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 309-833-5507, 495-2186

Miss V i c t o r i a D a w n Kensek, 225 S. Mrs. James Johnson (Martha 0), Mrs. K e i t h G i l c h r i s t ( A n n 9 ) , 5613
Bloomington St., Greencastle, IN 314 H i g h f a l l . Greencastle, I N Skyridge Road, Indianapolis, IN
46135, D E P A U W U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 46135 46250. T E : 317-849-6142

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973 261

Region IV (Continued)

Alumnae Chapter President Meeting Date R e g i o n a l Director
M r s . C h a r l e s C u r r y ( P a t B4>), Inverness Monthly—2nd Wednesday Mrs. William Magnuson (Colleen KA).
Bloomington, I N
Woods R o a d , Bloomington, I N 47401, 2911 G a r f i e l d , T e r r e Haute, I N 47804,
T E : 812-332-7682 T E : 812-466-4907
M r s . Robert Z o l o m i j ( J o a n n a E A ) , 803
Bloomington- Mrs. George Saito ( A n n B A ) , 19 K i n g s - Monthly—1st Tuesday B r e e n , C h a m p a i g n , I L 61820, T E : 217-
Normal, I L wood, Normal, I L 61761, T E : 309-452- 352-3001
2406 Miss Marsha B i r d ( A X ) , 516 E . P i k e
Bowling Green St., C y n t h i a n a , K Y 41031, T E :
Mrs. D a v i d A . T o w e l l ( K a r e n A X ) , 56 Monthly—3rd Thursday
Johnson's Acres, Bowling Green, K Y M r s . Robert Z o l o m i j ( J o a n n a E A ) , 803
42101, T E : 502-843-1231 B r e e n , C h a m p a i g n , I L 61820. T E : 217-
Champaign-Urbana Mrs. L a r r y W . G i b s o n ( C l a i r e 1), 204 N . Monthly—3rd Monday
MoCullough, U r b a n a , I L 61801, T E : M r s . T o m Spencer ( J a n SO), 115 E .
217-367-6164 22nd St., L o m b a r d , I L 60148, T E : 312-
Chicago Area Mrs. F r e d R . B u r g h a r d ( V a l e r i e P ) , 940 4th Monday of Oct., J a n . , A p r .
Council Sylviawood, P a r k Ridge, I L 60068, T E : Mrs. T o m Spencer ( J a n SO), 115 E .
312-823-8050 22nd St., L o m b a r d , I L 60148, T E : 312-
Chicago-Beverly 495-2186
Hills Mrs. Roger S h a n n o n ( K a y N I ) , 3161 W . Monthly—2nd Tuesday, 8:00 p-m.
102nd St., E v e r g r e e n P a r k , I L 60642, M r s . T o m Spencer ( J a n SO), 115 E .
Chicago-Far West T E : 312-422-4828 22nd St., L o m b a r d , I L 60148, T E : 312-
Suburban 495-2186
Mrs. K e n t F l u m m e r f e l t ( J a n e B + ) , 1619
Chicago-North Shore Brentwood, Wheaton, I L 60187, T E : Mrs. T o m Spencer ( J a n SO), 115 E .
312-665-5073 22nd St., L o m b a r d , I L 60148, T E : 312-
Mrs. Harry L . Winn, Jr. (Dorothy T),
3108 C o l f a x , E v a n s t o n , I L 60201, T E : M r s . T o m Spencer ( J a n SO), 115 E .
312-866-7863 22nd St., L o m b a r d , I L 60148, T E : 312-
Chicago-Northwest Mrs. D a n i e l A . Pellettiere (Diane I ) , Monthly—2nd Wednesday 8:00
Mrs. T o m Spencer ( J a n SO), 115 E .
1132 S k y l a r k D r i v e , Palatine, I L 60067, p.m., Sept.-May 22nd St., L o m b a r d , I L 60148, T E : 312-
T E : 312-359-7358 495-2186

Chicago-Southwest Mrs. J o h n A d a m i s (June X A ) , 836 N e w - Monthly—3rd Tuesday M r s . T o m Spencer ( J a n SO), 115 E .
berry, L a G r a n g e P a r k , I L 60525, T E : 22nd St., L o m b a r d , I L 60148, T E : 312-
312-352-3948 495-2186

Chicago-West Mrs. Duane T. Carpen (Barbara NI), Mrs. K e i t h G i l c h r i s t ( A n n 9 ) . 5613
Suburban 6114 G r e e n D r . , Woodridge, I L 60515, Skyridge Road, Indianapolis, I N
T E : 312-968-6100 46250, T E : 317-849-6142
Elkhart. IN
M r s . Robert A t k i n s o n ( J u d y K K ) , 1724 Mrs. William R. Coffey (Elizabeth XA),
P r a i r i e St.. E l k h a r t , I N 46514, T E : 7754 N . W h i t t i e r P I . . Indianapolis, I N
219-522-5639 46250, T E : 317-849-3030

Evansville Tri-State Mrs. Charles K . Wright (Marilyn XA), Monthly Mrs. K e i t h Gilchrist ( A n n 9 ) , 5613
1917 S . E . B l v d . , E v a n s v i l l e , I N 47714, Skyridge Road, Indianapolis, I N
T E : 812-476-6533 46250, T E : 317-849-6142

Fort Wayne Mrs. T h o m a s M . West (Peggy NO), 10623 Monthly—1st Thursday Mrs. K e i t h G i l c h r i s t ( A n n 6 ) , 5613
U n c a s T r a i l , F o r t W a y n e , I N 46804. Skyridge Road, Indianapolis, I N
T E : 219-432-2119 46250, T E : 317-849-6142

Indianapolis Mrs. W i l l i a m G . W a r d ( S h e i l a * ) , 6902 Monthly—4th T h u r s d a y Miss M a r s h a B i r d ( A X ) , 516 E . P i k e
W a r w i c k R d . , Indianapolis. I N 46220, St., C y n t h i a n a , K Y 41031, T E :
T E : 317-251-8435
Mrs. K e i t h G i l c h r i s t ( A n n 9 ) , 5613
Kentuckiana Mrs. A n d r e w S. R u s t ( M a r t y 4>0), 716 Monthly—4th Monday Skyridge Road, Indianapolis, I N
Vincennes, N e w A l b a n y , I N 47150, T E : 46250, T E : 317-849-6142
Mrs. William R. Coffey (Elizabeth XA),
Kokomo Mrs. Robert E . W i l l i a m s ( P a t B<1>), 2416 Monthly 7754 N . W h i t t i e r P I . . Indianapolis, I N
Lafayette, I N Pinehurst L a n e , K o k o m o , I N 46901, 46250. T E : 317-849-3030
T E : 317-453-6814
Mrs. K e i t h Gilchrist ( A n n 9 ) , 5613
M r s . T h o m a s R e d m o n ( L y n n K K ) , 1709 F i r s t Wednesday Skyridge Road, Indianapolis. I N
Carlsbad D r . , Lafayette, I N 47905, T E : 46250, T E : 317-849-6142
Mrs. K e i t h G i l c h r i s t ( A n n 9 ) , 5613
Lake Co. Mrs. R a y Tittle, J r . ( M a r y A n n P ) , 10 Skyridge Road, Indianapolis, I N
Shore Drive-Dune Acres, Chesterton, 46250, T E : 317-849-6142
I N 46304. T E : 219-926-3536
Miss Marsha B i r d ( A X ) , 516 E . P i k e
Muncie M r s . K e n n e t h M i l l e r ( S u s a n K K ) , R . 7, Monthly—3rd T h u r s d a y St.. C y n t h i a n a , K Y 41031, T E :
B o x 345, Muncie, I N 47302, T E : 317-
288-2881 Mrs. T o m S p e n c e r ( J a n SO), 115 E .
22nd St., L o m b a r d , I L 60148, T E : 312-
Paducah-Murray Mrs. R o b e r t H e r n d o n ( J e n AS2), 106 Monthly—2nd T h u r s d a y 495-2186
Rockford, TL South 13th, M u r r a y , K Y 42071, T E :
502-753-6386 Mrs. K e i t h G i l c h r i s t ( A n n 9 ) , 5613
Skyridge Road, Indianapolis, I N
South Bend M r s . T h o m a s L . H u m p h r i s ( S u e I ) , 2103 3rd Monday of the month 46250, T E : 317-849-6142
S i l v e r t h o r n e D r . , R o c k f o r d , I L 61107, Three times a year
T E : 815-399-8730 Mrs. William Magnuson (Colleen KA),
2911 G a r f i e l d , T e r r e Haute, I N 47804,
M r s . J o h n W. B o y e r ( L o i s 9 ) , 1147 Strat- T E : 812-466-4907
ford Place, South B e n d , I N 46614, T E :

Terre Haute Mrs. Donald P. Maxwell (Kathleen KA), Monthly—varied
1412 Maple A v e . , T e r r e Haute, I N
47804, T E : 812-234-7188

Vice President—Miss Sharon D. Martin (An)
11323 E . 14th St., Independence, MO 64052

Telephone: 816-254-3396

262 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973

Region V (Continued)

Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Manitoba

Extension Officer—-Mrs. John Oyer, Jr. (Eleanor 4>) 523 Westvale Rd., Kansas City, KS 66102 Tele:

Finance Officer—Mrs. Wayne R. Moore (Mary K. 1 2 ) Oakwood Rd., Route 4, Ames, I A 50010 Tele:

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director

Alpha Theta Miss L a u r i e Krueger, Box 187—Gage Mrs. Allen R. Pesavento (Renee Mrs. Mark M. Maddox (Cindy IA)
Memorial Union, Coe College, Cedar I T ) , 1425 36th St. S . E . , C e d a r Route 4, M a r y v i l l e , M O 64468, T E :
Rapids, I A 52402, C O E C O L L E G E , T E : Rapids, I A 52403 816-582-8578
319-364-1511 E x t . 343 ( D o r m ) , 319-364-
1511 E x t . 430 (Chapter room)

Delta Pi Miss Patricia A n n Lukosius, AOII, Pan- Mrs. James R. Chrisman (Bar- Miss N a n c y J o h a n n s e n (4>), 4744 H a s -
h e l l e n i c H a l l , Warrensburg, M O 64093, bara A n ) , 508 Streck D r . , R . 2, kell, K a n s a s C i t y , K S 66104, T E : 913-
CENTRAL MISSOURI STATE UNI- W a r r e n s b u r g , M O 64093 287-5714
V E R S I T Y , T E : 816-747-3235

Iota Sigma Miss M i t z i B u c k l e y , 2007 Greeley, Ames, Mrs. J . R. Castner (MaryLou Z), Mrs. Mark M. Maddox (Cindy I A ) ,
Lambda Omega I A 50010, I O W A S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , 2605 Northwood D r . , Ames, I A Route 4, M a r y v i l l e , M O 64468, T E :
T E : 515-232-1520 50010 816-582-8578

Miss Connie McCord, Roberta Hall— Mrs. Mark M. Maddox (Cindy Miss N a n c y J o h a n n s e n (+), 4744 H a s -
NWMSU. Maryville, M O 64468, I A ) , Route 4, M a r y v i l l e , M O k e l l , K a n s a s C i t y , K S 66104, T E : 913-
V E R S I T Y , T E : 816-582-5115

Nu Zeta Miss Debra Dee Deans, Kline Campus Mrs. James L . Nordstrom (Anita Mrs. Robert L . W a l k e r ( S h i r l e y Z ) , 15
C e n t e r — B o x 6, C h a d r o n , N B 69337, NZ), 240 N . Morehead, C h a d r o n . Hillcrest D r i v e , K e a r n e y , N B 68847.
CHADRON STATE COLLEGE, TE: N B 69337 T E : 308-234-9524

Phi Sigma Miss K i m Bissell. AOII House, Kearney Mrs. K e i t h K o c h ( C r i s <f>I), 2315 Mrs. Robert L . W a l k e r ( S h i r l e y Z ) , 15
State College, K e a r n e y , N B 68847, A v e . G , K e a r n e y , N B 68847 H i l l c r e s t D r i v e , K e a r n e y , N B 68847,
Theta Chi KEARNEY STATE COLLEGE, TE: T E : 308-234-9524
Zeta D i a l 308-236-4141 & ask for 308-236-

Miss M a r c i a F a l k , 3823 Garretson Ave., Mrs. D o u g T i t u s (Pat I I ) , 3823 Miss N a n c y J o h a n n s e n (<t>), 4744 H a s -
S i o u x C i t y , I A 51106, M O R N I N G S I D E Garretson Ave., Sioux City, IA kell, K a n s a s C i t y . K S 66104, T E : 913-
C O L L E G E , T E : 712-277-5606 51106 287-5714

Miss J e r e l y n Schuetz, 1541 " S " St., Mrs. Jim E . Alexander (Mary- Mrs. Robert L . W a l k e r ( S h i r l e y Z), 15
L i n c o l n , N B 68508, U N I V E R S I T Y O F louise Z ) , B o x 81543, L i n c o l n . Hillcrest D r i v e , K e a r n e y . N B 68847.
N E B R A S K A , T E : 402-435-9238 N B 68501 T E : 308-234-9524

Alumnae Chapter President Meeting Date Regional Director
Ames Mrs. J a m e s F . Schneider ( S h e r i I I ) , 170- Monthly Mrs. Mark M. Maddox (Cindy I A ) .

E U n i v e r s i t y Village, Ames, I A 50010, Route 4, M a r y v i l l e , M O 64468, T E :
T E : 515-292-5764 816-582-8578

Des Moines Mrs. R o b e r t W. S h i r k ( K a r e n I ) , 3011 4th Monday Mrs. Mark M. Maddox (Cindy I A ) ,
Route 4, M a r y v i l l e , M O 64468, T E :
67th St., D e s Moines, I A 50322, T E : ivionaay 816-582-8578
Miss N a n c y J o h a n n s e n (<f>), 4744 H a s -
Greater Kansas City Mrs. R o b e r t S. S m i t h ( K a r e n A n ) , 5305 3rd Monday of each Month k e l l , K a n s a s C i t y , K S 66104, T E : 913-
K e n t u c k y , R a y t o w n , M O 64133, T E : 287-5714
Mrs. Mark M. Maddox (Cindy I A ) ,
Iowa City Mrs. J o h n D . F i x ( C y n t h i a B4>), 1715 Monthly- Route 4, M a r y v i l l e , M O 64468, T E :
G l e n d a l e R d . , I o w a C i t y , I A 52240, T E : 816-582-8578

Kearney Tri-City Mrs. D a r l e n e L y o n s ( + 1 ) , 618 West 25th, S e c o n d W e d n e s d a y - Monthly, 8:00 Mrs. Robert L . W a l k e r ( S h i r l e y Z ) , 15

K e a r n e y , N B 68847. T E : 308-237-2789 p.m. HiUcrest D r i v e , K e a r n e y , N B 68847,

T E : 308-234-9524

Lincoln Mrs. D a l e H a r l a n ( C a r o l Z ) , 328 C h e s t - Mrs. Robert L . W a l k e r ( S h i r l e y Z ) , 15
nut, H i c k m a n , N B 68372, T E : 402-992- Hillcrest D r i v e , K e a r n e y , N B 68847,
3200 T E : 308-234-9524

Omaha Mrs. A r t h u r A r m b r u s t ( J e a n Z ) , 18151 Monthly—2nd Monday Mrs. Robert L . W a l k e r ( S h i r l e y Z ) , 15
H a r r i s o n , R . 4, O m a h a , N B 68137, T E : HiUcrest D r i v e , K e a r n e y . N B 68847.
402-334-2540 T E : 308-234-9524

St. Louis Mrs. C l y d e L . C a r t e r (Betty 0 ) , 6639 4th Monday—7:45 p.m., Sept. t h r u Miss N a n c y J o h a n n s e n ( * ) , 4744 H a s -
k e l l , K a n s a s C i t y , K S 66104, T E : 913-
P e r s h i n g , U n i v e r s i t y C i t y , M O 63130, May 287-5714
T E : 314-863-6029

Sioux City Mrs. David Grossenburg (Jacklyn OX), Miss N a n c y J o h a n n s e n (<t>), 4744 H a s -
1610 W. L u n a h , S i o u x City, I A 51103, kell, K a n s a s C i t y , K S 66104, T E : 913-
T E : 712-277-8621 287-5714


Vice President—Mrs. Morris L . Quick (Jane I A )
220 Palomino, Pocatello, ID 83201
Telephone: 208-237-5494

Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Saskatchewan, Washington, Wyoming
Extension Officer—Mrs. W. K. Gould (JoAnn Y ) 7851 NE21st, Medina, WA 98039 Tele: 206-GL4-848I
Finance Officer—Mrs. Harlan Humason (Audrey Y) 14548 Edgewater Lane N E , Seattle, WA 98155 Tele-
206-EM3 0151

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973 263

Region VI (Continued)

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser R e g i o n a l Director
Miss D e v A r m s t r o n g , N . E . 820 C a m p u s Mrs. F o r r e s t S w a n ( A l v e r n a T ) , 7406
Alpha Gamma Mrs. Robert W. Jones (Doreen T ) ,
Ave., P u l l m a n , W A 99163, W A S H I N G - 1414 E a s t F i r s t , Moscow, I D 78th S . E . , M e r c e r Island, W A 98040.
T O N S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 509- 83843 T E : 206-AD2-3721
Alpha Phi Miss J e a n M . U l r i c h , 1119 S o u t h F i f t h , Mrs. A r t Hulett (Sharon A<t>), Mrs. T e r r y Haggardt ( R i t a I A ) , 523
Bozeman, M T 59715, M O N T A N A Route 2, B o x 312, Bozeman, M T North 13th, Pocatello, I D 83201, T E :
S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 406-587- 59715 208-237-6585

Alpha Rho Miss C h r i s t i n e S. G a r r e . 2435 N W H a r - Mrs. John R. Baines (Ruth AP), Mrs. Ode Satterfield ( L o u T ) . 16503
rison, C o r v a l l i s , O R 97330, O R E G O N 204 N . 27th, Corvallis, O R 97330 145th Southeast. Renton, W A 98055.
S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 503-752-2494 T E : 206-271-1096
(2495), 754-2251

Alpha Sigma Miss L a u r i e M c D o n a l d , 1680 A l d e r Miss Susan M a r s h a l l ( A S ) , 1710 Mrs. O d e Satterfield ( L o u T), 16503
Beta Kappa Street, Eugene, O R 97401, U N I V E R - Adkins St. #4, Eugene, O R 145th Southeast, Renton, W A 98055,
S I T Y O F O R E G O N , T E : 503-345-9677 97401 T E : 206-271-1096

Miss Leslie Robinson, Room 10—Pan- Mrs. John Price (Beverly BK), Mrs. F o r r e s t S w a n ( A l v e r n a T), 7406
hellenic House, University of British 8509 S e l k i r k , Vancouver, B r i t i s h 78th Southeast, Mercer Island, W A
C o l u m b i a , V a n c o u v e r 8. B r i t i s h C o - Columbia 98040, T E : 206-AD2-3721
C O L U M B I A , T E : 604-224-3840 (Sept.-

Beta Rho Miss L i n d a G o h r i c k , 220 D a l y A v e . , M i s - Mrs. B a r n e y Barnekoff (Annette Mrs. T e r r y Haggardt ( R i t a I A ) , 523
Beta Sigma soula, M T 59801, U N I V E R S I T Y O F BP), 707 S.W. Higglns. A p t . 226. North 13th, Pocatello, I D 83201, T E :
Iota Alpha M O N T A N A , T E : 406-728-2151 Missoula, M T 59801 208-237-6585

Miss Charlotte C l a r k , 6000 Winstead Miss Michelle Ann Morrison Mrs. T e r r y Haggardt ( R i t a I A ) , 523
Place, Boise, I D 83704, B O I S E S T A T E I B S ) , 207 N . 4th St., Boise, I D North 13th. Pocatello. I D 83201. T E :
C O L L E G E , T E : 208-375-2125 83702 208-237-6585

Miss M a r y Hatfield, 616 T u r n e r House. Mrs. Douglas L . Moore (Frances Mrs. T e r r y Haggardt ( R i t a I A ) , 523
I S U , Pocatello, I D 83201, I D A H O IA), 515 F i l m o r e Avenue, P o c a - North 13th, Pocatello, I D 83201. T E :
S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 208-236- tello, I D 83201 208-237-6585

Upsilon Miss S u z a n n e P o r e l , 1906 N E 45th. Mrs. Bruce Busch (Kathleen T), Mrs. F o r r e s t S w a n ( A l v e r n a T ) , 7406
Seattle, W A 98105, U N I V E R S I T Y O F 5700 29th N E , Seattle, W A 98105 78th Southeast, Mercer Island, W A
Alumnae Chapter W A S H I N G T O N , T E : 206-524-4669 98040, T E : 206-AD2-3721
Boise Meeting Date
President Regional Director
Missoula Miss C a r t a W e a v e r ( I A ) , 3922 Neel, Every other month—3rd Wednes- Mrs. T e r r y Haggardt ( R i t a I A ) , 523
Pocatello Boise, I D 83702, T E : 208-345-1661 North 13th, Pocatello. I D 83201, T E :
Portland Monthly—3rd Tuesday 208-237-6585
Mrs. Allen L . Christophensen (Cindy Irregular Mrs. T e r r y Haggardt ( R i t a I A ) , 523
Seattle BP), 1509 R i v e r R o a d , Missoula, M T Area Groups—1st week of Month N o r t h 13th, Pocatello, I D 83201, T E :
59801. T E : 406-728-6295 208-237-6585
(Various—several groups) Mrs. T e r r y Haggardt ( R i t a I A ) , 523
Mrs. R i c h a r d L . S m i t h ( E l a i n e I A ) , 864 North 13th, Pocatello, I D 83201, T E :
Washington # 5 , Pocatello, I D 83201, 208-237-6585
T E : 208-233-3203 Mrs. O d e Satterfield ( L o u T ) , 16503
145th Southeast, Renton. W A 98055.
Mrs. Geraldinc (Gerry) Fleagle (AX). T E : 206-271-1096
3559 N E T i l l a m o o k St., Portland, O R Mrs. F o r r e s t S w a n ( A l v e r n a T ) , 7406
97212. T E : 503-281-5268 78th Southeast, Mercer Island, W A
98040, T E : 206-AD2-3721
Mrs. V i c t o r Swenson ( J a n e t T ) . 2311
North 54th. Seattle, W A '98103, T E :
206-LA2-3942 (Home), 206-285-1440

Spokane Mrs. Walter A. Quantrllle (Carolyn A D , Every Two Months—Various dates Mrs. F o r r e s t S w a n ( A l v e r n a T ) , 7406
Vancouver, B.C., E . 8419 Nora A v e . , Spokane, W A 78th Southeast, Mercer Island, W A
99206, T E : 509-WA6-8388 98040, T E : 206-AD2-3721
Mrs. William Ronald (Linda BK), #2— Monthly Mrs. F o r r e s t S w a n ( A l v e r n a T ) , 7406
5839 V i n e Street, V a n c o u v e r 13, B . C . , 78th Southeast, Mercer Island, W A
Canada, T E : 604-263-9034 98040, T E : 206-AD2-3721


Vice President—Mrs. Hugh W. Heflin (Jo Beth UK)

1403 Northridge Drive, Austin, T X 78723

Telephone: 512-459-0746

Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas

Extension Officer—Mrs. Raymond Kramer (Barbara B<P) 7516 Chattington Dr., Dallas, T X 75240 Tele:


Finance Officer—Mrs. Anthony LaMarca (Grace A T ) 2610 Wilshire, Monroe, L A 71201 Tele: 318-387-

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director

Alpha Omicron Miss Sherrie Pate, Box 16990-A, L S U , Mrs. H. W. Mele, Jr. (Susan K T ) , M r s . F r a n c i s B r y a n ( L i z + ) , 13406
Delta Beta Baton Rouge, L A 70803, L O U I S I A N A 343 W. Chalfont D r . , B a t o n K i m b e r l e y , Houston, T X 77024, T E :
S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 504-348- Rouge, L A 70815
4294 M r s . T h o m a s R . Betts ( J u d i B * ) , 5036
Miss Barbara Abdalla (AB), P.O. H y a c i n t h St., Baton Rouge, L A 70808.
Miss J a n M c C o r m i c k , P . O . B o x 2130— B o x 51348, Lafayette, L A 70501 T E : 504-344-7110
U . S . L . . Lafayette, L A 70501. U N T V E R -
S I T Y of S O U T H W E S T E R N L O U I S -
I A N A , T E : 318-233-0134

264 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973

Region VII (Continued)

Kappa Tau Miss A l l i n e M a r v i l , B o x 948, S L U , H a m - Mrs. Lionel Borden (Vonnie K T ) , Mrs. N o r m a n B a r r o w ( C a r o l K G ) , 6010
mond, L A 70401, S O U T H E A S T E R N 905 Western A v e . , H a m m o n d , S. 75 E A v e n u e , T u l s a , O K 74145,
Lambda Tau L O U I S I A N A U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 504- L A 70401 T E : 918-627-5267
345-5964 (President)
Pi Mrs. T. E . Grace (Georgiann AT), Mrs. F r a n c i s B r y a n ( L i z 4>), 13406
Sigma Omicron Miss J a n Wilson, P.O. Box 4556—NLU, 17 Longwood D r i v e , Monroe, L A K i m b e r l e y , Houston, T X 77024, T E :
Monroe, L A 71201, N O R T H E A S T 71201
Alumnae Chapter L O U I S I A N A U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : No Mrs. T h o m a s R . Betts ( J u d i B+), 5036
Chapter Phone Miss Stephanie L . Twilbeck (IT), H y a c i n t h St., B a t o n Rouge, L A 70808.
Arlington Mid- 6608 C a n a l B l v d . , N e w Orleans, T E : 504-344-7110
Cities Miss C a r o l Colomb, 1013 B r o a d w a y , New L A 70124
O r l e a n s , L A 70118, H . S O P H I E N E W - Mrs. N o r m a n B a r r o w (Carol K G ) . 6010
Austin C O M B C O L L E G E , T E : 504-861-3812 Mrs. Joe Clay Young, I I I (Nancy S. 75 E A v e n u e , T u l s a , O K 74145.
£ 0 ) , 1215 C o u n t r y C l u b T e r - T E : 918-627-5267
Baton Rouge Miss J e a n n e C r a i n . B o x 928, State U n i - race, Jonesboro, A R 72401
v e r s i t y , A R 72467. A R K A N S A S S T A T E Regional Director
Dallas U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 501-972-2184 Meeting Date Mrs. F r a n c i s B r y a n ( L i z 4>), 13406
1st Tuesday—7:30 p.m.
Fort Worth President Monthly—Last Tuesday K i m b e r l e y , Houston, T X 77024, T E :
Monthly—2nd Thursday Mrs. F r a n c i s B r y a n ( L i z * ) , 13406
Hammond, L A Mrs. Woody H e n y o n ( K a r e n T ) , 68 3rd Tuesday, Special Events—Call
Stonegate D r . , Bedford, T X 76021. T E : K i m b e r l e y , Houston, T X 77024, T E :
Houston 817-282-0032 President M r s . F r a n c i s B r y a n ( L i z + ) , 13406
Monthly 2nd Thursday a.m., 2
Jonesboro M r s . J o h n W. A b r e u ( P a t r i c i a I I K ) , 819 K i m b e r l e y , Houston, T X 77024, T E :
E . 53rd S t . . A u s t i n . T X 78751, T E : 512- Evening Meetings annually M r s . F r a n c i s B r y a n ( L i z + ) , 13406
Little Rock 453-6489 (Home), 512-397-7724 (Office) Call President
Monthly—3rd Monday, Sept. thru K i m b e r l e y , Houston, T X 77024, T E :
Monroe Mrs. A r t h u r J . Ordoyne ( M a r y A B ) , 1891 Mrs. F r a n c i s B r y a n ( L i z * ) , 13406
New Orleans Erlanger Drive, Baton Rouge, L A May
Oklahoma City 70816, T E : 504-275-2382 3rd Monday—7:30 p.m. K i m b e r l e y , Houston. T X 77024, T E :
San Antonio Mrs. N o r m a n B a r r o w ( C a r o l K G ) , 6010
Tulsa Mrs. H u g h L o c k h a r t (Pat G H ) , 804 West- 4th Monday
brook, P i a n o , T X 75074, T E : 214-424- S. 75 E A v e n u e , T u l s a , O K 74145.
3101 Quarterly—Call President T E : 918-627-5267
M r s . F r a n c i s B r y a n ( L i z * ) , 13406
M r s . E . G . Surgeon ( N u m a N K ) , 3717 Call President K i m b e r l e y , Houston, T X 77024, T E :
Overton Park East, Ft. Worth, T X Mrs. N o r m a n B a r r o w (Carol K G ) , 6010
76109. T E : 817-923-8003 Monthly—4th week. Day varies S. 75 E A v e n u e , T u l s a , O K 74145.
T E : 918-627-5267
Mrs. L i o n e l B o r d e n ( V o n n i e K T ) , 905 Mrs. N o r m a n B a r r o w ( C a r o l K G ) , 6010
Western A v e . , Hammond, L A 70401, S. 75 E A v e n u e , T u l s a , O K 74145.
T E : 504-345-6801 T E : 918-627-5267
Mrs. F r a n c i s B r y a n ( L i z <i>). 13406
Mrs. W a l t e r J . A r n o l d ( B a r b a r a T ) , 8039 K i m b e r l e y , Houston, T X 77024, T E :
T r i o l a , Houston, T X 77036, T E : 713- Mrs. T h o m a s R . Betts ( J u d i B4>), 5036
771-2221 H y a c i n t h St.. Baton Rouge, L A 70808.
T E : 504-344-7110
Mrs. D e n v e r D u d l e y (Susan 1 0 ) , 509 Mrs. N o r m a n B a r r o w ( C a r o l K O ) , 6010
Southwest D r i v e , Jonesboro, A R 72401, S. 75 E A v e n u e , T u l s a , O K 74145.
T E : 501-935-0990 ( D a y ) , 501-935-7862 T E : 918-627-5267
(Night) Mrs. F r a n c i s B r y a n ( L i z 4>), 13406
K i m b e r l e y , Houston, T X 77024, T E :
Mrs. B r i a n P . K e l l y ( C y n t h i a ZO), B r i a r -
wood A p t s . 29-H, 801 Rodney P a r h a m Mrs. N o r m a n B a r r o w ( C a r o l K G ) , 6010
R d . , L i t t l e R o c k , A R 72205, T E : U n - S. 75 E A v e n u e , T u l s a , O K 74145.
available T E : 918-627-5267

Mrs. E d w a r d B r o w n ( B a r b a r a A T ) , 1802
P a r k A v e . . Monroe, L A 71201, T E :

Mrs. J o h n H . Brooks ( E a v e l y n A O ) . 3866
South Inwood Ave., New Orleans, L A
70114, T E : 504-394-3215

M r s . J . W . H u n t ( E l i z a b e t h 0), 3216
N.W. 22nd St., Oklahoma City, O K
73107, T E : 405-946-7189

Mrs. F o r e s t J . Rees. J r . (Susan UK),
5543 G l e a s o n Dr., S a n Antonio, T X
78240, T E : 512-684-4587

Mrs. C a r l A . Martin ( M a r y K G ) , 6557 E .
26 C o u r t , T u l s a . O K 74129, T E : 918-

3rd T h u r s d a y — M o n t h l y , 7:30 p.m.


Vice President—Mrs. Robert W. Belk (Nancy Y A )
255 Jayne Ave., Oakland, C A 94610
Telephone: 415-451-4430

Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah

Extension Officer—Mrs. R. W. Spencer (Lucile z) P.O. Drawer B, Scottsdale, A Z 85252 Tele: 602-947-

Finance Officer—Mrs. W. A. Carton (MarianneY ) 1262 Upas St., San Diego, C A 92103 Tele: 714-298-

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Chi Delta Miss P a m e l a Jones, 1015 15th St.. Mrs. D a n H a n s e n ( J u d i Z), 8539 West
Mrs. Gael K . Sullivan (Judy XA),
B o u l d e r , C O 80303, U N I V E R S I T Y O F 3320 M a r t i n D r . . Boulder, C O V a s s a r D r i v e , L a k e w o o d , C O 80227.
C O L O R A D O , T E : 303-443-3393 (Presi- 80303 T E : 303-985-2203
dent), 303-443-0546 (House)

Lambda Beta Miss P a t t i Naylor, 210 Temple Ave.. Mrs. Phillip Slep (Mildred I'), Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) , 8263
L o n g B e a c h , C A 90803, C A L I F O R N I A 7202 Wellesley A v e . , Westmins- C a m i n o del Oro. L a J o l l a , C A 92037,
S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y at LONG ter, C A 92683 T E : 714-459-7902
B E A C H , T E : 213-434-9213

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973 265

Region VIII (Continued)

Sigma Miss B a r b a r a R e i n h a r t , 2311 Prospect, Mrs. Allen W. Jaeger (Sandra I ) , Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) . 8263
Sigma Phi B e r k e l e y , C A 94704, U N I V E R S I T Y O F 1817 Capistrano Ave., B e r k e l e y , C a m i n o d e l Oro, L a J o l l a , C A 92037.
Theta Omega C A L I F O R N I A — B E R K E L E Y , T E : 415- C A 94707 T E : 714-459-7902
Upsilon Alpha 845-9243
Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) , 8263
Miss J u l i e B e a l l , P . O . B o x 1291, Reseda, Mrs. Stan Gilson (Phyllis £ * ) , C a m i n o d e l Oro, L a J o l l a , C A 92037.
C A 91335, C A L I F O R N I A S T A T E U N I - 8521 International #242, Canoga T E : 714-459-7902
V E R S I T Y - N O R T H R I D G E , T E : 213- P a r k , C A 91304
349-6537 Mrs. D a n Hansen (Judj Z ) , 8539 West
V a s s a r D r i v e , L a k e w o o d , C O 80227.
Miss T e r i Thomas, B o x 7617, College Mrs. Douglas Kadel (Virginia T E : 303-985-2203
Union, N A U , Flagstaff, A Z 86001. 6S1), 321 E . Z u n i D r . , Flagstaff,
NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY. A Z 86001 Mrs. D a n Hansen ( J u d i Z ) , 8539 West
T E : 602-523-3123 V a s s a r D r i v e , L a k e w o o d , C O 80227,
T E : 303-985-2203
Miss Suzanne M u m m a , 925 N . T y n d a l l , Miss E v e l y n Siek ( T A ) , 1230 N .
Apts. 201 & 202, T u c s o n , A Z 85719, Park #111, Tucson, A Z 85719

Alumnae Chapter President Meeting Date R e g i o n a l Director
Mrs. D o n a l d Patterson ( J e a n A l l ) , 2921 Mrs. D a n Hansen ( J u d i Z ) , 8539 West
Las Cruces NE, Albuquerque, NM V a s s a r D r i v e , L a k e w o o d , C O 80227,
87110, T E : 505-298-1537 T E : 303-985-2203
Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) , 8263
Amador-Livermore Mrs. Gilbert R. Haugen (Juanita NA), Monthly—2nd Tuesday C a m i n o d e l O r o , L a J o l l a , C A 92037,
Valley 3845 Pinot C t . , Pleasanton, C A 94566. T E : 714-459-7902
T E : 415-846-1816 Mrs. D a n Hansen (Judj Z ) , 8539 West
Boulder V a s s a r D r i v e , L a k e w o o d . C O 80227,
Mrs. G a e l K . S u l l i v a n ( J u d y X A ) , 3320 Monthly—3rd T h u r s d a y T E : 303-985-2203
Martin D r i v e , Boulder, C O 80303, T E : Mrs. D a n H a n s e n ( J u d i Z ) , 8539 West
303-494-8115 V a s s a r D r i v e , L a k e w o o d , C O 80227,
T E : 303-985-2203
Denver Mrs. Edward F . McMahon (Peggy BK), Monthly—3rd Thursday Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) . 8263
5376 So. Morning G l o r y L a n e , L i t t l e - C a m i n o d e l O r o , L a J o l l a , C A 92037.
ton. C O 80123, T E : 303-798-4486 T E : 714-459-7902
Mrs. D a n H a n s e n ( J u d i Z ) , 8539 West
East Bay Mrs. D a v i d H u n t ( E l i z a b e t h I ) , 70 V a s s a r D r i v e , L a k e w o o d , C O 80227.
Pacific Avenue, Piedmont. C A 94611. T E : 303-985-2203
T E : 415-547-4225 Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) , 8263
C a m i n o d e l Oro, L a J o l l a , C A 92037.
Flagstaff Mrs. A n t h o n y D . J a u r e z ( S u z i Oil), 2801 T E : 714-459-7902
N. Steves B l v d . , Flagstaff, A Z 86001. Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) , 8263
T E : 602-774-9598 C a m i n o d e l Oro. L a J o l l a , C A 92037.
T E : 714-459-7902
Glendale Mrs. Clifford A. Greenman (Elizabeth Monthly—4th Mondays Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) , 8263
K O ) , 929 C h e h a l e m R o a d , LaCanada, C a m i n o del Oro, L a J o l l a , C A 92037.
C A 91011, T E : 213-790-1449 T E : 714-459-7902
Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) . 8263
Las Vegas Mrs. Roger A . W i r t h ( L y n n A * ) , 1130 Quarterly C a m i n o d e l Oro, L a J o l l a , C A 92037.
B u e h l e r D r i v e . L a s Vegas. N V 89102, T E : 714-459-7902
T E : 702-878-8734 Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) . 8263
C a m i n o d e l Oro, L a J o l l a , C A 92037,
Long Beach Mrs. John F . McDowell (Marilyn AB), T E : 714-459-7902
2950 Deerford, L a k e w o o d , C A 90712, Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) 8263
T E : 213-423-2595 C a m i n o del Oro, L a J o l l a , C A 920371
T E : 714-459-7902
Los Angeles Mrs. James K i n g ( S y l v i a NA), 473 16th
St., Santa Monica, C A 90402, T E : 213- Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) , 8263
451-1879 C a m i n o d e l O r o , L a J o l l a , C A 92037,
T E : 714-459-7902
Marin County Mrs. J o h n G o l d s m i t h ( K a t h r y n S ) , 40 Monthly
Northern California B l u e R i d e R d . , Kentfleld, C A 94904, Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) , 8263
T E : 415-924-0282 C a m i n o del Oro, L a J o l l a , C A 92037,
Council T E : 714-459-7902
Palo Alto Mrs. Gilbert R. Haugen (Juanita NA),
Pasadena 3845 Pinot Court, Pleasanton, C A 94566, Mrs. D a n Hansen ( J u d i Z ) , 8539 West
Phoenix T E : 415-846-1816 V a s s a r D r i v e , L a k e w o o d , C O 80227,
T E : 303-985-2203
Riverside Mrs. E d m o n d C . Maroder (Jean A ) , 750 Monthly—3rd T h u r s d a y C a l l
Seale A v e . , Palo Alto, C A 94303, T E : President Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) , 8263
415-327-3230 C a m i n o del Oro, L a J o l l a , C A 92037.
T E : 714-459-7902
Mrs. R . J . D e s J a r d i n s (Arlene X A ) , 1845 No Regular Meetings
N. Santa Anita Ave., Arcadia, CA Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) . 8263
91006, T E : 213-355-2884 C a m i n o d e l Oro, L a J o l l a , C A 92037.
T E : 714-459-7902
Mrs. A l a n Rogers (Eloise N l ) , 1500 N . 2nd T h u r s d a y each month
M a r k d a l e # 1 5 , Mesa, A Z 85201, T E : Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) . 8263
602-964-5765 C a m i n o d e l Oro, L a J o l l a , C A 92037,
T E : 714-459-7902
Mrs. Thomas H. Longmire (Norma KP), Varies
6783 Oleander C t . . Riverside. C A 92506, Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) , 8263
T E : 714-683-0272 C a m i n o d e l O r o , L a J o l l a , C A 92037.
T E : 714-459-7902
Sacramento Mrs. Raymond Dewante (Elizabeth I ) ,
4630 F r a n c i s Court, Sacramento, C A Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) . 8263
95822, T E : 916-455-0622 C a m i n o del Oro. L a J o l l a , C A 92037,
T E : 714-459-7902
San Fernando M v , \ F-^,ie^C °K l s t a d ™ (Judith Monthly-3rd Wednesday
Valley M ) , 7346 Sausalito A v e . , Canoga P a r k , Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) , 8263
C A 91304, T E : 213-340-0481 C a m i n o d e l O r o , L a J o l l a , C A 92037,
San Jose T E : 714-459-7902
Mrs. E d w i n L . M a r k e l (Sandee T ) , 882 Contact President
Russet D r . . S u n n y v a l e , C A 94087, T E : Mrs. G e r a l d H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n T ) . 8263
408-732-4657 C a m i n o d e l O r o , L a J o l l a , C A 92037.
T E : 714-459-7902
San Mateo Mrs. William A. O'Brien (Barbara A i ) , Monthlv (Davs varv)
Mrs. D a n H a n s e n ( J u d i Z ) , 8539 West
221 St. F r a n c i s B l v d . . D a l y C i t y , C A " V a s s a r D r i v e , L a k e w o o d , C O 80227,
94015, T E : 415-756-9058 T E : 303-985-2203

Southern California Mrs. Richard DesJardins (Arlene XA),
Council 1845 N . S a n t a A n i t a A v e . . A r c a d i a , C A
91006, T E : 213-355-2884
Southern Orange
County Mrs. John T. Butler (Marguerite I ) ,
1935 H i g h l a n d D r . , Newport B e a c h .
Tucson C A 92660, T E : 714-646-2524

Mrs. Walter D . L e w i s ( L i n d a T A ) , 5971 Monthly—3rd Wednesday, 7:30
E . E a s t l a n d , Tucson, A Z 85711, T E : p.m.

266 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973

the assistance of our attorney. This hellenic can make the difference. Read and means we will reflect all the
was only one of many problems we your Greek magazines, like Banta's, weavers. We will weave into the tapestry
have given our attorneys. IRAC and you will observe that where our very own, very special threads.
the Greeks are strong, where many Hopefully all the threads will be strong.
Two of the most important responsi- freshmen sign up for rush and "Go Some will be brilliant. Some soft and
bilities on the Executive Committee are Greek" there you will find a function- muted but all will be stronger as the
held by our International Secretary, ing, strong campus Panhellenic. Working warp and woof relate.
Bobbye McCarter and our International with Norma have been the alternate
Treasurer, Norma Ackel. Without these NPC delegates, Adele Hinton and Mary Even as the warp and woof relate so
competent weavers our fraternity would Louise Roller. too does the tapestry of our fraternity
be a tangle of threads. There would relate intrinsically to our ritual, the life-
be no pattern and eventually no thread. Remembering our promises, our line of Alpha Omicron Pi. Within the
Bobbye McCarter has woven firmly into charity, the spirit of giving that guides A and O and the Pi of our badge is
the tapestry the record of our Executive our lives, the spirit of unselfishness the most precious lesson of our fra-
Committee action this biennium and taught by our founders has provided ternity. In the year of our seventy-fifth
with the assistance of the International some of the strongest and most beautiful anniversary our Rituals and Traditions
Regional Meetings chairman, Peg Frerk, threads in our tapestry. In the begin- chairman, Nancy McCain, assisted by
we have the strongest of regional meet- ning, children were the focal point of Wilma Leland, Mary dee Drummond,
ings threads. care and concern. Then Appalachia and Laura Hurd, Virginia Mylander and
the Frontier Nursing program and most Mary Lindrooth has prepared a new
Related to all of this has been the recently, the Arthritis Foundation. RITUALS BOOK and a BOOK OF
superb financial guidance, professional During this biennium, under the chair- RITUALS INSTRUCTION. They will
in nature, given to our Regional Finance manship of Patti Penning, we have pro- be used as we formally open our 1973
jected $30,000 in research fellowships convention.
Nancy Huggins. K O president, presents and of that amount $22,5000 has already
roses from Region III to Lorena Best been paid. This does not include all the Let us now look into the future when
Terry Quick K, a new member of the monies given at the local level, the our Central Office will be computerized
Board of Directors. That's Jessie Marie woman hours in clinics, fund-raising and so we can meet the needs of our mem-
Cramer + in the background. related activities of the Arthritis Founda- bers with an immediate response to
tion. membership lists in a variety of cate-
Officers and treasurers of collegiate and gories, correspondence and information.
alumnae chapters and corporations by Many of you are aware that the Ruby Requests that now take days to fulfill
Norma Ackel, which reminds me of Fund for our needy sisters was de- will be met in a matter of hours. When
the tense days of the "freeze." Do you clared tax-exempt in 1972, due to the danger signals from our chapters will
remember when no one could receive persistent concern of the chairman, result in immediate guidance and re-
a raise in salary and all prices were Dorothy Dean. Now, donations to the sponse that will eliminate charters being
frozen? Do you remember we voted Ruby Fund are tax deductible as are held in trust. Charters will never be
to increase our Council dues at the last the donations to the Diamond Jubilee returned except where a campus has
convention? Did you know that our Foundation, the scholarship fund of become anti-Greek. This appears to be
June, 1971 decision could not go into Alpha Omicron Pi. During the past two less likely today than in recent years as
effect until the freeze was lifted? All of years, fifty-five collegiates have re- we observe more women signing up for
this required the financial assistance of ceived Diamond Jubilee Foundation rush and a larger percentage pledging.
Norma Ackel and our Financial Sec- scholarships amounting to $15,000. Initiation figures are improving as we
retary, Nell Smith, plus legal counsel to Care, Concern, Scholarship. The Dia- select members with emphasis on the
interpret the law as it affected Alpha mond Jubilee Foundation was conceived basic values of our founders, the best
Omicron Pi. and implemented by Muriel McKinney, criteria not only for pledging but for
who is currently serving as the founda- members who will be involved for all
Yes, our fraternity is a ma^iy splen- tion president. The giving of monies the days of their lives. First, as collegi-
dored tapestry with muted threads, and self have woven the threads of our ates and later as our loving and beloved
threads of silver and gold and brilliant philanthropies into the tapestry. alumnae. This is another area for care
colors, weak threads, Strong threads and and concern, our alumnae. They have
each of you is a weaver. Some of the It has been said there are three essen- and must continue to reinforce the
most visible weavers work in the Na- tials to happiness in this life. Something threads in our tapestry as they work
tional Panhellenic Conference. Our to do, something to love and something with our collegiates, our philanthropies
NPC Delegate, Norma Berry, has dil- to hope for. These essentials are ap- and our extension of collegiate and
igently woven the threads to strengthen parent in the tapestry of Alpha Omi- alumnae chapters. To help with this
Panhellenic on many campuses. She set cron Pi. Our weavers are moving the weaving we need an alumnae Traveling
up excellent workshops with the realiza- shuttle with love and with hope. What Consultant.
tion that a strong, pace-setting Pan- to do? Where AOII? During convention.
Council will make many decisions on Many times this evening we have
"Where AOII?" spoken about the threads of our tapestry.
We have implied not only the hands
Each of you should have a better and shuttles of the weavers but also the
understanding of our fraternity as we eyes of the artists who design the tapes-
review the rules we live by. This will try. Even as with the artist our tapestry
be a first order of business. For years, has never been an accomplished fact. It
our Parliamentarian, Florence Ennis, has grown in scope. The visionaries ex-
has held early morning sessions to help pected the impossible. With the devotion
us understand parliamentary procedures. and dedication of the weavers the im-
At this convention, all delegates will possible has become possible.
convene with Florence and her assistants
for an in depth discussion of the rules One of our dominant dreams is that
and how each of us can better guard every leader within our ranks and the
and guide our fraternity. How each leaders waiting to serve will become the
one can make her wishes known when best informed, with the strongest moti-
she steps to the microphone in our vation and priority for Alpha Omicron
business sessions and as she participates Pi. To accomplish this, for more years
in the sessions described as "HOW T O " than you could realize, your international
and "RAP." officers have projected leadership train-
ing schools. What several years ago
Each delegate should carry back to appeared to be the impossible now has
her chapter all of this and much, much a vestige of possibility. With leadership
more. As we share ideas, ideals, ways
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973

training for chapter presidents, regional i
personnel, international chairmen and
international officers our tapestry can
and will become a masterpiece within
which will be woven the reality of AOII.
Dreams not only require the visionaries
but also they require funding and mem-
bers willing to give Alpha Omicron Pi
priority. We have the vision. We have
the members. We will find the monies.
Trained, informed, qualified leaders will
result in strong, effective chapters on
campuses where no one would dare to
say, "What is AOII?" They will know
because we will be there in campus
leadership. We will know how. Our
fraternity will develop leadership, poise,
care and concern. Our sisters will achieve
their potential and implement the ideals
of our founders. Our sisters will proudly
say, "Let there be love for Alpha
Omicron Pi in the world" and add it
began with Jess, Bess, Helen and
Stella. It will continue with me, with my
daughter and my daughter's daughter.
There is no other way, sorores.

Personalities involved in the recent in-
stallation of Alpha Kappa-Florence State
University meet again at convention.
They are Betsy Brooks Braund N O ,
Shoals Area Alumnae president; Patti
Keister Lewis N B , alumnae adviser; In-
ternational President Adeie K. Hinton P,

for whom the chapter was named;
Donna Fee, president, and Cheryl Moss,
another charter member.

Central Office like to be a part of this original desig- Pat Hardy I ' - , Atlanta Alumnae Chapter
nated group, yet would need to check president and new International Rush
Aquisition Fund with chapter treasurers while school Chairman, at the Anniversary Banquet.
was in session.
Established B y Council
The Board of Directors expressed
Council unanimously and enthus- the hope that all alumnae members at
iastically passed a resolution estab- large be given an opportunity to be
lishing the Central Office Acquisition included in this Birthday Gift and so
Fund, and delegating the respon- recognized with others who were in
sibility of the fund to the Board of the original planning. Anyone wishing
Directors. to send in a contribution to this fund
may send it to Central Office, but be
The resolution set forth that the sure that it is clear to which fund it
initial contributions would be desig- is intended.
nated as a birthday gift to the frater-
nity, and that all contributors would Carolyn Harris, former chairman
be named on the facility when it was of the Central Office Acquisition Fund
completed and dedicated. and now chairman of the Board of
Directors, pointed out that the fund
More than three thousand dollars is not a tax exempt fund but a gift
in cash and a thousand dollars in which will become a part of the re-
pledges were given from collegiate quired down payment in the ultimate
and alumnae chapters and individuals purchase of a headquarters or home
at the lighting of the great cake on for all fraternity memorabilia, arch-
the occasion of the celebration of the ives, history, files, etc.
75th Birthday. Including the original
contributors the fund now totals ap- The exact specifications and loca-
proximately $6,000. tion of the facility will be determined
by the best offer available at the time
The Board approved an extension sufficient money for purchase, accord-
of this birthday gift time until the end ing to Carolyn. She estimates we will
of 1973 with the thought in mind that need $25,000 in order to acquire the
other chapters and individuals would type of facility that will accommo-
date our fraternity.

268 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973

75th Anniversary Banquet Is Convention Highlight,
Mary D. Drummond Its Star

i up Mary Dee's address, "When put her next to Warren C . Drum-
most of us have to write an important mond in many sessions.
Mary Danielson Drummond A<t>, speech, we work overtime preparing
Anniversary Banquet Speaker something that we think will be They became acquainted, fell in
absolutely grand and it turns out to love and were married.
There can be no dispute that the be stiff and stilted. Mary Dee simply
absolute tops in convention highlights told it like it is in her own simple, Mary Dee taught and coached
was the Anniversary Banquet when charming and humorous way and aquatic sports during her younger
AOII's Diamond Jubilee Birthday was ended up as the absolute hit of con- days.
celebrated brilliantly and lovingly. vention."
She resides in Evanston, 111., where
And the undisputed star personal- Mary Dee's simplicity and down- she's been a constant inspiration to
ity of the 1973 biennium convention to-earth approach are teamed with a Rho Chapter and to alumnae of the
proved to be the principal speaker for keen intellect, compassionate nature Chicago area.
this occasion, Mary Danielson Drum- and lifetime of rich experiences.
mond A<J>, International Historian, Besides having served her sorority
past International President and com- This brilliant, but unassuming wom- as International President and in
pilator of the A O I I history contained an, at the tender age of 15, was de- many other important posts, she has
in the 75th Anniversary Issue of To signated to take a 13-year-old cousin been president of the League of Wom-
Dragma, distributed at the banquet. to the United States from their home en Voters and the Y W C A in her
in a small rural community in community.
As one observer so keenly summed Sweden.
Her tenure of duty with the latter
After depositing the younger lass organization has been during a tran-
with her sister, Mary Dee was to sitory period which saw funds raised
return home. But she never did return for new contemporary facilities and
to her homeland until many years these quarters built.
Since the banquet Mary Dee says
Initially, she stayed in this country that she has had many requests for
to familiarize herself with the English the portion of Stella George Stern
language. Then she entered Montana Perry's last message sent to A O I I in
State University. Bent on a career in 1955, a year before her death, so here
science, she pursued graduate study at it is.
the University of Minnesota.
"Be ever assured that this greeting
She deviated from her chosen life comes to you from all four of us. It
path all because of alphabetical class comes from us in fellowship and with
seating arrangement in college which a challenge to you whom we con-
fidently hail as the Founders of the
future of A O I I . Because you are the



• BS


To Dragma Editor, Millie M. Murphy NO, takes her turn ill,
lighting an AOII birthday candle.
Retiring DJF President and past International President, Muriel
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973 McKinney A, who holds the record for convention attendance
with 23 to her credit, lights a birthday candle for AOII.


future, we want you to remember AON's International Philanthropic Project, the
without lapse, in all the years, to Arthritis Foundation Receives Its Share Of
come, the reasons for our Founding. Convention Spotlight

"As you think upon this, carefully Since 1967 A O I I has given $63,000 A 1973 AOII Arthritis Research Fellow-
and precisely, we will respect our fun- in International Arthritis Research ship was given to Jean Russell, center,
damental hope for inclusiveness of Fellowships. Associated with the Ph.D. in biochemistry at Washington Uni-
them. Our chapters are not to be Arthritis Foundation and the Canadian versity, St. Louis, for study of bone and
neon lights but heart-fires wherever Arthritis and Rheumatism Society, cartilage metabolism. She receives the
we are placed. We aspire to honors A O I I is concerned with Arthritis be- $7,500 check from Betty Wilson Carter
and would win them, we appreciate cause it is the number one crippling 0, St. Louis Alumnae Chapter. At left is
the superb opportunities of college disease and it affects women primarily. Joseph F. Kelly, Jr., president, Board of
and fraternity life and would fulfill Directors, Eastern Missouri Chapter,
them. But we know that their impact Each year AOIIs give $30,000 and Arthritis Foundation, and past national
upon us must be balanced by our im- 20,000 hours to local arthritis projects. AF officer.
pact upon them."
Mary Dee also has received many
requests for copies of the two poems Fifteen thousand dollars of the 1973 AOII Arthritis Research Fellowships was given
included in her address, one by in the name of Mrs. Rubin Askew, Florida's first lady and chairman, Florida AF, to
Founder Jessie Wallace Hughan and honor her for her work with arthritics. Tallahassee alumnae call on Mrs. Askew at the
the other by Mildred E . Williams governor's mansion to present her with a certificate of the award and the resolution
All. adopted at the 75th Anniversary Convention designating her this honor. Left to right
are Jean McCully Alt, AOII Panhellenic delegate; Judy Jolly A l l , chapter adviser for
FOUNDERS' DAY SONG A O I I j at Florida State University, Mrs. Askew and Dr. Cheryl McCahey, another A l l
by M I L D R E D E . WILLIAMS, A l l
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973
At altar burns the white and waxened

The rose holds thousand petalled leaves
And do we offer here with singing
New grain, new wheat in close bound

As in beginning; go we still together
For aye behind and yet before our face
The four hands clasped upon believing
The first flamed candle in the first lit



The earth was created fair
And the circling sea,
Beetle and beast and bird.
The fruit and the tree,
And beautiful human things
Without tear or fret.
"Shall we sing?" said the Morning Stars.
"Not yet!"

Then he scattered the clouds with fire
And the earth with pain;—
Poison and tooth and claw
And the shattering main;
The strong heart shouted with joy
At the dangers met.
"Shall we sing?" said the Morning Stars.
"Not yet!"

He sowed in the highway snares
Where the feet must pass
This way the sun—pure heights.
Where the morass,
And the spirit of man stood free
At the cross-road set.
"Shall we sing?" said the Morning Stars.
"Not yet!"

He bordered the day and the life
With velvet dark
And he spread out the misty sea
Where souls embark;
Then love soared up to the skies,
That is born of Death.
"Shall we sing?" said the Morning Stars.
"Ye may sing!" he saith.


The top collegiate philanthropic award,
given to Kappa Kappa-Ball State, was
accepted by President Marcia Huber.

Top honors for philanthropic endeavor
was won by Palo Alto Alumnae Chapter
and was received by Jean Hiler Maroder


International Philanthropic Chairman Patti Penning 0 and Inter-
national President Eleanore MacCurdy IA were seated at the
speakers' table at the Philanthropic Luncheon with Richard Kurras
and his wife, Dororthy Kish Kurras A l l . He is President of
Broward County Arthritis Foundation and vice president of the
Florida AF while Mrs. Kurras, AOII philanthropic chairman,
Broward County, has accepted the post of 1973-75 International
Philanthropic Chairman.

Dick Kurras gifts Eleanore MacCurdy and,AOII with a front page
of The New York Times date January 2, 1897.

Alline Marvel! KT accepts a philanthropic citation from Eleanore


To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973 271

A O I I 75th Anniversary Convention


FOUNDERS AWARDS University of Pennsylvania; Gamma Margaret Green, Pi Kappa; Betty
—University of Maine; Upsilon— Scherer (Posthumously), Beta Phi;
JWH—To honor one collegiate University of Washington. Marguerite Lloyd, Delta Sigma; Bette
chapter with the most outstanding Rayson, Omicron.
service to college or community ALUMNAE AWARDS
and fulfillment of obligations to ROSE: To honor alumnae who have ALUMNAE CHAPTER AWARDS
A0II. gone beyond the call of duty in serv- DISTINGUISHED SERVICE: Hon-
ing the fraternity. They may or may oring an alumnae chapter for service
CHI LAMBDA—University of not hold titles or offices within Alpha
Evansville Omicron Pi. Lynn Higginhotham NO, Jean Musselman
Elizabeth Hunt, Omicron; Marion AA, and Teri Thomas Ofi, hold the Philos
M U L L A N — T o honor one alumna Clouse, Chi; Kay Sutherlin. Theta; citations their chapters won for promot-
who has given service to the fra- Gwen Lee, Rho; Mary A n n Cald- ing the Panhellenic image on their re-
ternity beyond necessity for many well, Tau Delta; Millie Sweeder, A l - spective campuses.
years. pha Tau; Patti Penning, Omicron;
Rachael Moehle, Gamma Omicron;
Wilma Smith Leland—Tau Diane Pellettiere, Iota; Doreen Jones,
Alpha Gamma; Margaret Abshire,
PERRY—To honor the most out- Alpha Omicron; Kathleen Busch, Up-
standing collegiate president. silon; Ellen Harrell, Kappa Omicron;
JoAnn Gibbons, Kappa Alpha; Anita
Janet Lee Wilson—Lambda Tau Neale, Kappa Phi; Betty Graves, N u
Omicron; Clyde Cates, Rho; Mabel
W Y M A N — T o honor one alumna Peterson, Beta Gamma; Elizabeth
who has distinguished herself i n Norpell, Omicron Pi; Irma Morrow,
her profession, the arts or service Alpha Tau; Valerie Burghard, Rho;
to humanity.

Mary Eldrid Anderson Hilton—Epsi-
lon Alpha

COLLEGIATE CHAPTER Distinguish service awards to collegiate
AWARDS chapters were accepted by Carol Cole-
man AD, Laura Kennedy AA, Devora
DISTINGUISHED SERVICE: To Armstrong AT, Mitzi Buckley TZ, Jeanne
honor well rounded, top notch chap- Crain, Back row: Bonnie Carrahar
ters f o r their activities, scholarship, TO, Jennifer Alien K I I , Teri Thomas 80,
service to campus, college, com- Julie Stone t and Chris Gar re AP.
munity; internal quality, relations
with national, financial responsibility
and training programs f o r a two year
period are—
Alpha Gamma, Alpha Rho, Delta
Delta, Gamma Omicron, Iota, Iota
Sigma, Kappa Pi, Lambda Sigma,
Sigma Omicron, Theta Omega.


Honoring the collegiate chapter
maintaining the best communications
and records with Central Office.
S I G M A OMICRON—Arkansas State


M c C A U S L A N D CUP: To honor the
collegiate chapter with the most out-
standing scholarship f o r the past two

IOTA—University of Illinois
outstanding scholarship achievements
during the biennium.
Lambda Beta—California State Uni-
versity at Long Beach; Theta P i —
Wagoner; Chi Delta—University of
Colorado; Gamma Beta—Indiana

272 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973

AOH SALUTE TO EXCEL- through: group and individual activ-
LENCE: Chartered for minimum of ity and honors scholarship, philan-
25 years. Outstanding continuous con- thropy, panhellenic membership and
tribution to the fraternity and campus cooperation with International.

Omicron 1902 University of Tennessee
Zeta 1903 University of Nebraska
Gamma 1908 University of Maine
Iota 1911 University of Illinois
Tau 1912 University of Minnesota
Upsilon 1915 University of Washington
Beta Phi 1916
Alpha Phi 1917 Indiana University
Nu Omicron 1916 Montana State University
Omega 1919 Vanderbilt University
Delta Delta 1946 Miami University
Gamma Omicron 1948 Auburn University
Alpha Rho 1926 University of Florida
Oregon State University

Accepting scholarship cups for their to the community, a collegiate chap- Under 25 members—Baton Rouge;
chapters were, foreground. Sue Porel T, ter, support of our philanthropy, sup- Over 25 members—Knoxville.
Denis Papon TB, and Linda Monteiga port of city Panhellenic, promotion Support of a nearby collegiate chap-
811, Patti Naylor AB, Pamela Jones XA, of a variety of activities which in- ter: Kearney Tri-State; Support of a
and Sue Pierce I \ clude keeping the membership in- distant collegiate chapter: Chicago
formed on fraternity business. Northwest.
The McCausland Cup for scholarship Bonnie Jane Fairbanks Dagelen TO, re-
went to Iota Chapter and the Central ceives the Philos citation for Cocoa/Mel- PHILOS AWARD
Office Cooperation Cup to Sigma bourne Alumnae Chapter for tops in To honor one collegiate chapter on
Omicron. Displaying the awards are Julie Panhellenic imagery from Norma N. whose campus the Panhellenic spirit
Stone and Jeanne Crain. Berry P, retiring NPC Delegate. is best exemplified.

iif A L P H A DELTA—University of Ala-
To honor one alumnae chapter in
whose city the Panhellenic spirit is
best exemplified. C O C O A — M E L -

Honoring the collegiate chapter with
the most outstanding philanthropic
achievements, fulfilling quota and
contributing time and/or money to
local projects.

K A P P A K A P P A — B a l l State Univer-

To honor an alumnae chapter for out-
standing philanthropic achievements,
fulfilling international quota and con-
tributing money and time to local


Rose A ward winners: Seated, left to
right, Elizabeth Hale Hunt 0, Gwen Lee
I', Kay Sulherlin 6, Diane Pellettiere I ,
Patti Penning 0, Margaret Abshire AO,
Rachael Moehle rO. Background, Marion
Clouse X, JoAnn Gibbons K A , Kathleen
Busch T, Anita Neale K+, Doreen Jones
AT, Ellen Harrell KO, Millie Sweeder AT
and Mary Ann Caldwell TA.

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973 273

1973 Founders' Award Recipients

* 1. '! .->'• f
1 -


MULL AN AWARD—Wilma Smith Le- WYMAN A WARD—Recipient Mary PERRY AWARD—Janet Lee Wilson,
land T, right, receives the congratula- Lambda Tau-Northeast Louisiana Uni-
Eldrid Anderson Hilton E A had the
tions of longtime jriend and admirer, versity, accepts the award for the most
distinction of receiving this coveted prize
Nancy Moyer McCain P. outstanding collegiate chapter president.
from her own mother, past International

President Edith Huntington Anderson B<t>.

IWH CUP-CHI LAMBDA-University of Evansville—Joining forces to receive the citation were, front row, left to right, Maria Mc-
Queen rush chairman; Marcia Raeber retiring president and new Traveling Consultant; Linda Newton, CLC from Region IV and
administrative vice president. In the background are Barbara Bernhardt, public relations chairman; Kathy Fondong, chapter relations;
Janice Coleman, president; Deb Werner, pledge education; Antoinette Reitz X A , chapter adviser, and Elizabeth Romine Coffey X A ,
Regional Director.

Rj 7 r

274 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973

Florence State University, Florence, Ala.,
Welcomes Alpha Kappa Chapter

JIU el colony of Kappa Sigma Fraternity in IIOA's, husbands of local alumnae.
painting the sidewalk in front of the Sunday the group attended church
is piease Student Union Building. This uni-
versity tradition of clubs and organi- service at First Presbyterian Church
JLl zations was made special by the fact in Florence.
that Alpha Kappa was the first
JL sorority to participate. A huge rose The Rose Luncheon was held at the
"3- with the installing date and "Alpha Great Hall of the Student Union
Kappa" greeted every student the f o l - Building on the campus with Adele
al lowing morning. K . H i n t o n as toastmistress.

n Friday evening, the colony met at Speakers included Dr. Robert Guil-
the home of chapter adviser, Patti lot, president of the university and
ama Keister Lewis, N u Beta along with Miss Pauline Gravlee, Dean of Wom-
the newly formed alumnae group and en. Eleanore MacCurdy. Mary Ann
on Ginger Banks f o r an informal get to- Caldwell. Region I I I Vice President.
gether. June Greer Bogle. Regional Director.
<Jlpiil 14, 1973 Ginger Banks and Jackie Collins
Saturday the installation was held Picker, Installation Chairman, pre-
by JACKIE COLLINS PICKER 7 A at Rogers Hall on the campus of sented the Rose speeches.
Florence State University. During
The installation of Alpha Kappa luncheon break the new Mothers' Other visitors included Candy
Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi the Club entertained all participants with Kirkwood and Margaret Hook.
weekend of A p r i l 14 at Florence a lovely buffet luncheon held in the Traveling Consultants; Cue Edmunds
State University, Florence, Ala., dining room of Rogers Hall, an old and M a r y Rawlings Reece.
marked several firsts f o r the interna- home on campus maintained f o r use
tional collegiate sorority. by groups for just such occasions. Betsy Brooks Braund N O and Patti
Keister Lewis N B read messages of
The collegiate and the Shoals Area Following installation of the colony congratulation to the chapter. Donna
Alumnae chapters were installed on and the alumnae group, the twenty- Fee was selected by collegiate mem-
the same day and, i n lieu of an i n - three charter members and eleven bers to receive the Best Pledge
stallation banquet and reception, a charter pledges attended the annual A w a r d . Nancy A l m o n was presented
Rose Luncheon was held A p r i l 15. Coed Ball at the University. The with a trophy and chapter bowl by
alumnae entertained visiting officers the alumnae chapter for scholarship.
Eleanore D. MacCurdy. Interna- with a houseboat cruise on the Ten-
tional President, Adele K. Hinton, nessee River, and dinner party. Patti Jackie Picker YA was assisted by
International Extension Vice Presi- and Greg Lewis were hosts and Katherine Brown Altom QO rituals
dent, for whom A l p h a Kappa is the dinner was prepared by other chairman; Barbara Coggin. McGlam-
named, Ginger Banks and Candy ery F2 and Mrs. J. W. Gentle, lunch-
Kirkwood. traveling consultants, were Eleanore MacCurdy presents president's eon co-chairmen.
the installing officers. Collegiates gavel to Donna Fee.
f r o m Tau Delta Chapter at Birming- Other charter members of the new
ham Southern College assisted with 1 Shoals Area Alumnae Chapter are:
installation ceremonies. Diane Fincher Quinton-Al, Lucille
Baker Leonhardt-O, Gwen Bittel
To launch the week of installation, Keister-O, Margaret Lyman Penhand-
the girls of Alpha Kappa Colony, O, Barbara Brooks Alexander-Ail,
under the leadership of Donna Fee, Mary Waters Tullis-2.
colony and chapter president, held a
work party at the home of L y n Officers for the new chapter are:
Welch. President, Donna Fee; vice-president,
Aquilla Hyde; secretary, Cindy Seely;
Each girl did a character sketch of treasurer, Jeanette Simmons; rush
a fellow member while decorations chairman. Cricket Sargent; and phil-
f o r the coming week-end were fin- anthropic chairman, Sonya Butler.
ished. On Thursday evening, mem-
bers were assisted by Florence State's Alpha Kappa Colony was organ-
ized in October of 1972 and three
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973 other collegiate panhellenic sororities
were colonized at the same time.

The university allowed only two
alumnae, in addition to Traveling
Consultants, to be on hand during the
week of formal rush. Ginger Banks
pledged the first colony members who
numbered nine. By the time of in-
stallation the colony had grown to 34.

Already the colony is distinguishing
itself on campus. On Recognition
Day, the group received an award
from The American Red Cross for
the most outstanding participation in


the bloodmobile program. A O I I was
the only Greek group mentioned at
this awards presentation.

At Spring Fling festivities, Alpha
Kappa Chapter placed second in field
day events and received $50 and a
plaque for its efforts.

The chapter held a Hold-Up for
Arthritis Day on the campus and
raised more than $200 for our inter-
national philanthropic project. Locally
the group has entertained youngsters
at a school for exceptional children
and taken elderly patients f r o m a
neighborhood housing center to the

Alpha Omicron Pi, Region I I I and
Florence State University welcome
Alpha Kappa Chapter.

Shoals Area Alumnae Chapter with
A dele K. Hinton.

" I f f III Some of the pledges of Alpha Kappa Chapter.

Installing international and regional officers with Alpha Kappa

New initiates of Alpha Kappa Chapter.

276 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973

Mary Ellen Chase, Seven Seas both in Houghton-Mifflin's University of Minnesota prior to go-
Gamma, Dies ing to Smith. During that time she
On July 28 North Star Books for young readers; was associated with Tau Chapter in
its early days. There were other
Readings from the Bible and The biographies and her own autobi-
ography, A Goodly Heritage. The last
Bible and the Common Reader—she book in 1965, A Journey to Boston,
was more of a vignette than a novel
gave the first copy of the manuscript or novelette.

of The Prophets for the Common

Reader to the Smith College Club of

Minneapolis to be auctioned f o r a

fund-raising event. She taught at the

by W I L M A S M I T H L E L A N D T 0 11

The news of M a r y Ellen Chase's i
death should not have been unex-
pected. She had been i l l or in failing
health for some time, but the author,
professor of the English language and
literature at Smith College, onetime
editor of To Dragma had such vitality
in her influence that she will always
seem alive.

Writing for the 25th anniversary
edition o f To Dragma she began, " I f
elevation to Sainthood were deter-
mined by virtue of patience and long
suffering, then every editor of To
Dragma would be raised to that high
estate." She lived in the "great cold
state o f Montana" when she was edi-
tor. There she knew an A O I I who has
recently completed another feat which
Mary Ellen would have said gave her
sainthood—AOII's first history, com-
piled by Mary Dee Drummond.

Alpha Phi Chapter presents Mary Margaret Hook I I K , Marcia Raeber X A , Ginger Banks I I K , Candy Sue Pierson AP
Ellen's badge annually to an honor and Gale Cook AA.
collegiate. She presented it to the
chapter f o r that purpose years ago. AOII's 1973-74 Traveling Consultants
A t the time she was not too pleased
with the direction of sororities. There Ginger Banks I I K , A O I I Traveling her chapter at the University of Mis-
was, she felt, a superficiality about Consultant of three years standing, sissippi, a member of Phi Kappa Phi
them though she recalled in her com- recently was appointed Administra- and was selected outstanding A O I I
ments that AOII's ideals should lift tive Assistant. senior.
members beyond that.
With Janirae L. Callaway O, A d - Also traveling f o r A O I I will be
The copies of my books by Mary ministrative Vice President, she spear- Marcia Raeber XA-Evansville Univer-
headed the recent, intensive Traveling sity.. A member of the honorary. Phi
Ellen Chase contain copies of letters Consultant training session held at N u Kappa Phi, Marcia served her col-
Omicron Chapter house, Vanderbilt legiate chapter as president. She is a
written about many of them. And University. secondary education major with em-
phasis on French and Spanish.
copies of To Dragma contain reviews Ginger primarily will be working
with the Administrative Vice Presi- Serving as Special Chapter Assist-
of most of them. Elizabeth Heywood dent under the direction of the Exe- ant to Pi Chapter will be Gale
cutive Committee. In addition to Cook A A. who will be doing grad-
W y m a n reviewed Jonathan Fisher: training the TCs, she will be sched- uate work in elementary education in
uling their visits to A O I I chapters all addition to her A O I I duties.
Maine Parson 1768-1847'. There is a over the United States and Canada
and will assist in revising particular She's majoring in behavioral dis-
sketch of Parson Fisher's house in manuals and in public relations, ex- orders, and learning disabilities with a
tension and rushing projects. minor in mental retardation. Extreme-
Blue Hill, Maine, Mary Ellen's home, ly active in student government at
A graduate of the University of Auburn University, Gale served as
in the book, sent by my A O I I daugh- Texas, Ginger is a journalism major. clerk of the Senate. She was a mem-
ber of Angel Flight, War Eagles and
ter. A t the Vanderbilt group session was a Kappa Sigma beauty.
when a variety of international and
Of all her books, there are two regional executives were called in to Traveling Consultant-in-Training is
which are my' favorites: The Golden lead designated briefings in a variety Candy Sue Pierson A P . A t Oregon
Ass and Other Essays, written while of areas, Ginger was assisted by Mar- State University, this California na-
she spent a summer at St. Catherine's garet Hook N B , who is beginning her tive is majoring in journalism and
College in St. Paul, and The Lovely second year as a Traveling Consult- aspires to be a press secretary. She
Ambition, the second to the last book ant. has one more term of college work to
she wrote. It, she said, was written go and is active in various publica-
while she was in a Boston hospital, Bouncy, talented Margaret was tions on Oregon State's campus.
recuperating f r o m a not-very- success- rush and public relations chairman of
f u l operation. She laid the scene in
England because, she wrote, " I
needed another world to live in; and
I used the first person just for f u n . "

The scope of subject matter in her
books is amazing: Donald McKay and
the Clipper Ships and Sailing the

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973 277

AOTT Diamond Jubilee Foundation

The Diamond Jubilee Foundation potentials and to the development of CYNTHIA FRYER
announces 1973 scholarship winners stronger women to lead and serve the
who number 16. world about them. Lambda Sigma-University of Georgia,

They include the recipients of the Only interest is used for DFJ is standards chairman on the dormi-
Diamond Jubilee 75th Anniversary awards reserving incoming donations
Award, the Brotherhood-Cole Me- for capital increase. How rapidly this tory Council and serves on the Student
morial Scholarship, the Psi Chapter policy can supplement needs depends
Award and two Diamond Jubilee on each A O I I . Judiciary. She has been on the Dean's
Founders' Day Scholarships.
The first scholarship of $50 was List and edited Panhellenic Pointers
Authorized by Council in 1959, the given in 1962 and a total of 80
non-profit Diamond Jubilee Founda- scholarships have been granted. 1973.
tion was established to aid qualified
students to complete their education Fund raising continues in an effort
as well as to secure transfers f o r to achieve contributions to the founda-
locations where new chapters are to tion aggregating not less than $1,000,-
be colonized or where chapters need 000 as stated in the first resolution
to be strengthened. creating the A O I I Diamond Jubilee
Foundation at the 1959 convention,
Each contribution to AOII's Dia- held in Vancover, B.C.
mond Jubilee Foundation, large or
small, according to each member's Applications for scholarships must
abilities, is a vital part in the realiza-
tion of each collegiate member's full be in the D F J chairman's hands by

March 1 of each year.


Beta Lambda-Illinois Wesley an Uni- Delta Beta-University of Southwestern Gamma Iota-Southern Illinois Uni-

versity, is membership chairman of Louisiana, is philanthropic chairman versity, is a resident fellow, a mem-

the Student Education Association and recipient of the outstanding fresh- ber of the Home Economics Associa-

and Convocations Commission chief. man woman's award. She was chair- tion and the Association for Child

She holds membership in the educa- man of USL's Quiz Bowl and is head and Family Majors. She plans to be-

tion and language honoraries. of the Union Travel Center. come a preschool teacher.


i wJ



Alpha Pi-Florida State University, Alpha Rho-Oregon State University, Beta Epsilon-Bemidji State College,

has distinguished herself within her received the Psi Chapter Scholarship. recipient of a Diamond Jubilee

chapter by serving as historian, Exceptionally active in student govern- Founders' Day Scholarship, has served

treasurer, chaplain, and pledge ment, she has been a member of the her chapter as assistant treasurer,

trainer and being selected as Out- OSU Choralaires for four years and treasurer and recording secretary.

standing Senior. She is a member of was a Homecoming Queen finalist. She also has been corresponding

Psi Chi and Tau Beta Sigma, national She was Founders' Day chairman and secretary of the campus Conservation

psychology and music honoraries, song leader of her chapter. Club.


278 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973

Announces Award Winners


Theta-DePauw University, plans to Iota-University of Illinois, is working Alpha Phi-Montanta State University,

attend graduate school. She is house for a B.S. in occupational therapy. has been kitchen and honse manager.

manager and has been songleader for She plans to work in a hospital after She was committee chairman, Na-

the pledges. graduation. tional Spur Convention, 1972.


Beta Phi-Indiana University, is train- Theta Omega-Northern Arizona Uni- Tau-University of Minnesota, winner

ing to be a Certified Public Account- versity, distinguished herself as Pan- of the Kathryn Bremer Matson Me-

ant. She has taken part in I.U. Sing hellenic president, secretary of Mortar morial Award, plans to attend medical

and has been vice president and Board and by serving on the Presi- school. She served as chapter presi-

public relations chairman of her dent's Council. She was chosen Girl dent, house manager and program

chapter. in White. coordinator.


Pi Delta-University of Maryland, re- Kappa Omicron-Southwestern at Kappa Alpha-Indiana State University,

ceived the Brotherhood-Cole Memorial Memphis, received a Diamond Jubilee was president of Panhellenic, a mem-

Scholarship. She has been president Founders' Day Scholarship. She also ber of the Homecoming Queen's

and treasurer of her chapter, currently was winner of a Tri Delta scholar- Court, chairman of sorority presidents

serves as president of the junior ship for the outstanding underclass and a finalist for Indianapolis 500

women's honorary and was head of woman in her jnnior year. She is Princess.

the campus' freshman honorary for chapter president and a tutor in the

women. Kinney Social Work Program.

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / F A L L of 1973 279

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