B Y MERVA DOLSEN H E N N I N G S , District Superintendent
When I was an active Alpha O, it seemed to me that there could
be nothing more to be desired than a chance to visit the different
chapters of my fraternity. Last f a l l that chance was given to me, and
it is because I know all of you have that same desire to know all
about the various Alpha O's that I am writing this account of my
trip. One very amusing particular of the journey was my introduc-
tion to the discomforts of local trains where you made short-time con-
nections and had hardly a chance to snatch a meal. I thanked my
lucky stars often that I had not been born a traveling salesman! But
despite these small discomforts the three weeks of my visit have given
me memories that will stay with me always, impressions of the unity
that our standards have brought to all of our members, and the
realization that as our fraternity has grown in strength and coher-
ence nationally, so each chapter has been striving to bring itself
nearer and nearer the ideal. I f any of you are ever in doubt as to the
benefits of fraternity life, or the strength of A O I I , take off a few
days and go "a-visiting."
Theta was the first chapter I visited. I t was quite like meeting
old friends again, since I had met most of the chapter at the time
/ installed Beta Phi. I t seems queer to recall now how dusty and
hot i t was in Greencastle the few days I was there! The dignified
old Colonial house which the girls claim as their home had a
difficult time withstanding the whirls of dust. But somehow the
girls did keep it clean! I wish I could show you the pictures of all
these homes I visited, and give you a clear idea of the girls i n each—
but this number of the magazine would be over large i f I should
succeed in this! Let me try, then, to give you at least some sweeping
impression of each chapter. The keynote to the life of Theta
seemed to be hospitality and harmony. The spirit among the girls
and between the girls and their charming chaperon approached
very close to the ideal. And as we walked through the campus and
met the dean or president, it did not take me long to discover how
well liked they were. I t will please you all to hear, I am sure,
that at De Pauw Alpha O stood out as guiltless of the many charges
made against fraternities in their rushing last fall.
And the alumna; were as pleasant to meet as the actives, inter-
ested in all matters of their fraternity, and for the time being most
keenly interested in politics. I shall never forget "Billy," with her
adorable bride's house and her excitement over the election. Have
I told you we stayed up until late election night waiting for the
returns ?
I was sorry, indeed, when I had to leave Theta but anxious, too,
to get on to Beta Phi, and find out how my baby chapter was doing.
When I got off the train at Bloomington the girls that met me did
not remember me at once as they were looking for dark-blue eyes
and the brown suit I was wearing made them green! But we located
each other at last and reached the annex where the girls were living.
As there were too few of them then to run a house alone, they were
rooming in the same house with the overflow Kappas and Thetas. The
arrangement was not bad as it gave them a chance to become inti-
mately acquainted with other fraternity girls. They were, however, of
course, very delighted to be in their own house this semester. Indiana
University is beautifully situated in the hilly part of the town and
the fraternity houses face the campus. I t was a charming spot and
must have been even lovelier in the autumn. What a pleasure it was
to get to know the girls better, to learn of all their struggles and
encouragements i n the building up of their chapter! And how I
enjoyed sleeping in the dormitory at the top of the house! I t was
like actually being back at school again. And I even had the
"nerve" to visit the medical school with Wilkie Hughes, their
"medic," and watch them dissect the cadavers! You can see what
a good time I must have had.
When I arrived in Urbana to visit the Iota girls, what was my
surprise to find myself in a jam of delegates coming for the State
Federation of Women's Clubs there. "Delegate, Lady?" I heard
from all sides, and I had a difficult time locating any Alpha O's. I
knew none of the girls in the active chapter though I knew many
Iota alumnse. But they made me feel so thoroughly at home in their
pretty red-brick house that I felt more keenly than ever what a
wonderful open sesame our pin gives us into the lives and interest of
all Alpha O's. The University of Illinois is probably the most beau-
t i f u l of all those I visited. With no particular natural beauty, the
campus has been so carefully planned and the buildings are so wonder-
f u l , that no true daughter of the state can look at it without pride.
And the Woman's Building in particular is most beautiful. I t
was there that I met the dean and learned how well liked the Alpha
O's were, and it was there that I had such a laughable experience
at the reception given the delegates. The university girls were giving
their last year's May Day dances as entertainment, and as many of
the Alpha O's were represented I was most anxious to see them. So
the girls got me a badge—a white one; that meant a reed delegate,
and I went on over with the mother of one of the girls, herself an
alternate. Before I really realized that I was a delegate, I had
had to answer so many embarrassing questions as to my interest in
the various meetings, etc., that I was almost forced to hide myself in
a corner—much to the amusement of the girls.
But a little incident of my visit there that will persist i n sticking
happily in my memory, was the occasion just before dinner one night
when I met one of their patronesses, and impulsively she exclaimed,
"Why, I don't see why the girls had to be afraid of you—you're just
one of them!" And that is so exactly what I have wanted a l l along
to be—"just one of them"—that it gives me a warm feeling of grati-
tude just to remember it. When I left the girls the next afternoon,
I felt I was leaving friends of long standing, so dear had they
become to me i n those few days.
Then came the long trip to Lincoln, and I ' l l confess I arrived
rather tired. But with time for a little rest between whiles, I was
glad to be taken through Lincoln—not nearly so flat as I had looked
for it to be—and to visit the campus and the agricultural college
on the edge of town. I found the Zeta girls most zealous in every
effort to make my stay pleasant, and I recall with pleasure the faces
of them all as I read their reports and letters. Their house is about
as pretty a fraternity house as I saw in Lincoln, but they will have
to leave it this summer, as it stands on ground that the university has
condemned for use in its extension work. There are many alumnae
in Lincoln, too—you remember that Zeta is the oldest chapter i n
this district—and I was very much pleased to meet them at a luncheon
they gave for me. Of course, I had met Viola Gray, the Chairman
of the New Chapters Committee, and had been so interested to hear
of all her work in the interests of expansion. One night I spent
most restfully with the alumna; chapter president, and she was con-
siderate enough to let me rest even from all thoughts of Alpha O
—matters that had been so continuously on my mind for so long, that
I had to throw them off for a while. But I must not forget to tell
you of the game between Kansas and Nebraska that I attended at
which I cheered as heartily for Nebraska as i f it were my own
And you will want to hear of Tau, too, and of my stop in beautiful
Minneapolis. Once again it was like getting home to be greeted
by so many of the girls that I had met on my visit to them the year
before. I t was Sunday morning when I arrived, and fortunately
the weather had moderated enough to give us a splendid opportunity
for seeing the town. I fell in love with it, and know of no other
place I should rather live in—except, of course, dear old smoky
Chicago. But the twin cities must certainly be the pearls of the
northern cities, and the university itself has all the beauty of bluff
and river and ravine to make it attractive. I do not wonder that
those who have once lived there hate to leave it for any other place.
I wonder i f you would be interested to know of a rather striking
circumstance in the fraternity life there. I found that the majority
of the " U " students come from the twin cities, and that the houses
are run for only six to nine girls—doesn't that make a difficult prob-
lem in the running of a house ? The Tau girls do not own their own
home but live in an attractive little brown house which seems com-
modious for nine girls. They are gradually putting aside money for
a house fund, however, and some day will build their own home. And
I want to tell you all that little Tau had in process of forming the
best exhibit for the Convention of all those that I saw!
We have a new alumnae chapter in Minneapolis, too, you w i l l
remember, and I spent one day with them at a delightful luncheon
at the home of Mrs. Jackson who hails from Gamma. They were
all so interested and active in their social service work, and in any
effort to strengthen A O I I .
I must tell you, too, of the happiest day I had at Minneapolis—
and it had nothing to do with Alpha O! But my husband tele-
graphed me that he could spend a day with me there on his way
to North Dakota, and it had been almost three weeks since I had
seen him! The girls were thoughtful enough to give us almost all
the time to ourselves, and it was like a second honeymoon. I did
give him a chance to meet the girls after their reception for me; and
he pronounced them almost as nice as the Rho girls—which was truly
a compliment from him.
And once more I have come to the end of my yisit; of my stop
at Madison I have told you elsewhere, and of my trip to Rho I am
too modest to speak. I cannot tell of my own chapter without some
partiality I know J so I will ask you to stop to see them on your way
through Chicago to the Convention and judge for yourselves.
I t has given me a happy morning to recall to myself all the details
of my t r i p ; I can only hope it will seem as worth while to you.
Years ago back in Gamma Chapter I used to wonder how close /
should keep to Alpha O after I left college. I suppose the questions
came to me because of the return of alumnae, some apparently
remote in sympathy, many filled and running over with advice and
experiences, a few rare ones as dear and enthusiastic and helpful
as any undergraduate in the chapter. What should I be in ten years,
I asked myself. Would my fraternity be to me but a blessed mem-
ory, kept fresh by To DRAGMA and by the occasional meeting of
fraternity sisters, or would it become to me a real, living force, as
f u l l of joy and inspiration as in college days? I confess I was
always incredulous as regards the latter_juiery. N.o realization of
Alpha O love and loyalty ten years hence helped to ease the poignant,
awful suffering of my last few days in college. I n those last, never-
to-be-forgotten hours when I roamed about the campus, glad with
lilacs and honeysuckle, life lost its sweetness to me. The last frater-
nity meeting was an awful experience, during the torture of which my
heart seemed to become unhitched and my stomach to sink into my
shoes. I n spite of friendship and loyalty and undying devotion,
my fraternity and I were parting, never to meet in the same way
And yet ten years have gone by, my heart is again fastened
securely, and my stomach has resumed its normal position. Alpha
O is more to me today than she ever was on the day I said farewell
to her, and my fraternity sisters are dearer to me than in the days
when we dreamed together on the banks of the Stillwater or carried
our supper to Powell H i l l . More than all else the question about
which I was incredulous has answered itself in the affirmative.
Alpha O is a real living force to me, more f u l l of joy and inspira-
tion than' ever before. Indeed, it has never been so filled and
fraught with inspiration as during these last two years when I have
been trying to give something of its joy to a certain group of girls
out here in the mountains.
My dreams soared back in those college days, sometimes too
high, certain of my professors stated, but never did they reach that
pinnacle wherefrom I saw myself installing a chapter of Alpha
Omicron Pi. Indeed, the twenty-third day of last February crept
nearer and nearer, came, and finally passed in a blaze of glory, and
left me still believing that it had all been a dream. But now that
March winds have come and that April mud is here, I begin to realize
that / did on the twenty-third day of February install twenty-three
splendid girls as Alpha Phi Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi.
• *j0
Mrs. Schoppe, whom Gamma knows as Peggy Pilsbury, and I
discovered these girls two years ago. Then some ten of them had
formed a local, Alpha Phi, nationals at that time being forbidden by
the faculty of Montana State. They came to us because they knew we
were fraternity women, for help and advice, they knowing noth-
ing of Alpha O and we knowing little of them. Then began a
mutual comradeship, we being designated by the awe-inspiring term
of "patronesses"—which comradeship blossomed in the spring of
1916 by the decision of the girls to work for Alpha Omicron Pi and
by the glad assurance on our part that we would help them all.
From the very beginning helping was such a pleasure. Because
of it the Installing Officer was younger on her thirtieth birthday
when she installed Alpha Phi Chapter than she had been in years.
The girls went to work with might and main to win the highest
scholarship in college, to achieve the highest standing in the respect
of the faculty, and to be of some service in the college and com-
munity world about them. A l l these they have achieved. Their
scholarship is the highest at Montana State; i n their petition recom-
mendations you know of the regard they are held in by the faculty;
if you want to know of the service they are giving to their ccollege,
you may ask the dean. Already I fear I have exceeded the most
liberal bounds of enthusiastic praise.
I t was on January 28th that we received news of the granting of
our charter. The girls claim they sat on one bed in Hamilton H a l l ,
ate all sorts of indigestible things, and hugged one another until
three A. M. and I am inclined to believe it. The granting of the
very first national charter in the history of the college demanded
some extravagance! That you will gladly admit.
Installation took place on Friday afternoon, February 23, at Mrs.
Schoppe's new brown bungalow, which seemed expressly built for
the occasion. I f the Installing Officer, ably helped by the assistant,
succeeded in giving to the girls one-half the loyalty which flooded her
own heart, I think our beautiful ritual service must have been impres-
sive. The girls' eager, glad, earnest faces in the candle-light told
me that it was impressive, and as I looked from one to another of
them I knew, as I have come to know even more surely, that the
destiny of Alpha Omicron Pi is safe with them.
We were sorry that the many feet of snow, which has carpeted and
buried all Montana, kept our three sisters scattered about the state
from coming, sorry that the mountains and two thousand miles of
country separated Upsilon and Gamma from us, though they were
with us in the pins they so kindly sent. But we rejoiced in the many
letters and telegrams from the various chapters and officers, in the
roses sent us by thoughtful Sigma Chi's in town, and in the wishes
and flowers of the local groups and faculty members.
Our banquet was held at the Bozeman Hotel immediately following
installation. Now the Bozeman is assuredly not the Waldorf or the
Copley Plaza, but what cared we when we sat down to tables strewn
with red roses? Because Alpha Phi is also Nu Gamma to Mrs.
Schoppe and me, we had ordered the menu of Gamma's installation
banquet, and though I am sure no one knew what she ate at all on
account of happiness, the association pleased us.
The toasts were splendid, especially so since many of them were
quite impromptu. Some day when there is more money in the editorial
treasury, and space permits, the one given by Helen Rose on "The
Ruby" and Mary Danielson's "Response" to the "Welcome" are to be
published in To DRAGMA. Then to the singing of Dear Alpha,
we gather in friendship tonight, and 0 Alpha O, 0 Alpha O, since
we all love but thee, the installation banquet of Alpha Phi Chapter
came to an end.
At the last moment we heard of the victory i n basketball by Mon-
tana over Utah. The last glimpse which the Installing Officer caught
of her new sisters was a "Luggage Lugged" transfer wagon (the only
vehicle procurable on short notice) piled high with what had become
very precious freight on its way to the campus to celebrate the winning
of the Utah game.
MARY E . CHASE, Gamma.
Installing Officer.
O I've fitted up a quiet place in the corner of my heart!
Its four walls arc of friendship and for you it's set apart.
There's a hearth-fire lighted in it, glowing bright as bright can be,
Now won't you stay awhile each day, and just be glad with me?
To the poem given just below there has come in these last days
an added significance. What American is there who does not now
read this and Rupert Brooke's companion poem, " I f I should die,"
with a deeper, more personal thought?
B Y ALAN SEECER, in the North American Review
(The author was killed in battle last July in northern France.)
I have a rendezvous with Death
At some disputed barricade,
When Spring comes round with rustling shade,
And apple-blossoms fill the air.
I have a rendezvous with Death
When Spring brings back blue days and fair.
It may be he shall take ray hand
And lead me into his dark land
And close my eyes and quench my breath;
It may be I shall pass him still.
I have a rendezvous with Death.
On some scarred slope of battered hill.
When Spring comes round again this year ,
And the first meadow flowers appear.
God knows 'twere better to be deep
Pillowed in silk and scented down.
Where love throbs out in blissful sleep.
Pulse nigh to pulse and breath to breath,.
Where hushed awakenings are dear.
But I've a rendezvous with Death
At midnight in some flaming town,
When Spring trips north again this year.
And I to my pledged word am true,
I shall not fail that rendezvous!
This is for next summer when you lie beneath them!
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree;
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet-flowing breast.
A tree that looks at God all day
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A,tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain,
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
. —loyce Kilmer.
Have you ever felt like this? I f not, perhaps you will before
commencement festivities are over.
By Margaret Widdemer
They've flowers and cakes and candle-light, and chair by crowded chair
And I am very sweet and kind because I do not care.
I think that I am hoping still if I am very good,
And talk to those around me as a courteous lady should,
The room will softly split across, and roll from left to right
With all its smiling pasteboard folks and colored things and light,
And let me run into the grass and climb a sunset hill
And find three hours one year ago when I was living still!
This is for you who have lived in the mountains!
By Katherine Tynan
Since I have lost the mountains, I
Look for them in the waste of sky.
And think to see at the street-close
The lovely line of blue and rose
The mountains keep that once I knew.
There are no mountains there at all,
But only the blank roof and wall
Of many houses red and grey.
I had forgotten the old way
The mountains keep in rain and dew.
Even in the pleasant country places,
Where the fields' faces are friends' faces,
The mountains I shall not forget,
The mountains come between us yet,
Between me and the woods and streams.
The wind that blows across them calls
Ever at dawns and evenfalls,
And I am suddenly forlorn—
Across the pastures and ripe corn
I see the mountains in my dreams.
From The Outlook of December 6, 1916.
To readers of Mrs. Gallison's account of her visit to Germany (the
second installment of which appears in this number of The Outlook)
it will be interesting to compare a very different report of conditions
in Germany from another American woman. Miss Madeleine Z. Doty
last summer went to Germany. I n part, at least, her purpose was to
carry aid to underfed German babies; but it was i n part to observe
conditions there. Her report is appearing on successive Sundays in
the New York Tribune and in the Chicago Tribune. Miss Doty
is well known for what she has done on behalf of prison reform.
She found the German people suffering from physical privations
and the mental strain of war. The food that she had, except in the
very best hotels and in certain private homes, was inadequate.
"Prison diet," she says, "does not promote health or strength. One
can live on it, but patriotism and temper suffer." The people at a
cafe which she describes were "shrunken, listless, distraught." She
could not swallow the cakes that were served. "Only the music is
cheerful, " she says. "There is a revival of band playing in Ger-
many. I t is needed to hide the lack of laughter and talk Life
has become mere existence, a prison existence." A satisfying meal
she reports as a noteworthy experience. After one such meal she
writes: " I t seems cruel to eat of Germany's best, but I decided to
live henceforth at the most expensive hotels."
Since her preceding visit the year before she reports a change in
the attitude of the German people toward America:
To-day the average person is pathetically eager to be friends.
Slowly the people are awakening. For months the newspapers have
fed them on the triumphs of Germany and the perfidy of other
nations. But these, stories of glorious German victories have resulted
in what? A lean and barren country, under-nourishment, death, the
hatred of other nations. The people begin to doubt their leaders.
To call these people "barbarians" is an outrage. They are, like
•ourselves, just folks, kindly and generous, deceived and browbeaten
by a ruthless military group.
Her account of being spied upon is amusing. She tells of doubling
on her tracks when she went to visit a member of the Social Demo-
cratic party in order that she might avoid observation. She saw
enough of spies to form the following impression:
The funny thing about German spies is that they dress for the
part. They are as unmistakable as Sherlock Holmes. They nearly
always wear gray clothes, a soft gray hat, are pale-faced, shifty-eyed,
smooth-shaven or have only a slight mustache, and carry canes.
One spy she describes as standing out in the rain from three in the
afternoon until nine o'clock. " I simply cannot take him seriously.
My friend and I get into gales of laughter. I want to go out and
invite him in to tea. He looks so miserable." "But," she acknowledges,
"before I leave Germany the spies get on my nerves. What was at
first amusing becomes a nuisance."
Even the horses show underfeeding. They are "chiefly valuable as
a study in bone anatomy." She looks into their dinner-pails, and never
finds there anything but chopped straw. She reverts to the appear-
ance of the people. "They are thin. I didn't see a big girth any-
where." Food without grease, sugar, or meal she likens to "trying
to run a wagon without oil. I t begins to creak."
She describes the diet kitchens, and tells what good food can be had
there. But "the day laborers cannot frequent city feeding kitchens.
They cannot afford i t . . . . Such places are a godsend to the middle
class, the small storekeepers whose business has failed, clerks, and
stenographers, but for the unskilled laborer the price is prohibitive."
She sums up the food situation i n these words:
The tragedy in Germany is not quick starvation, it is the underfeed-
ing of a whole race. . . . I t is hard to be discontented and progres-
sive when the stomach is f u l l and the land flows with milk and honey.
But suffering has come and a new race is emerging—a lean race,
with active minds that begin to question German autocracy and mili-
This is a very different picture from that which Mrs. Gallison
draws for us, but we must remember that no one observer sees all.
Mrs. Gallison goes to her friends and acquaintances. Miss Doty, on
the other hand, is accustomed to observing people in the lower strata
of life, and in Germany she sees privation and hardship.
The suffering that war has brought upon Germany is largely hidden
from the outside world, but it is to be remembered that it is also large-
ly hidden from a great part of the German people themselves.
•(Madeleine Doty is no stranger to the readers of T o DRAGMA. She is a
member of N u Chapter, class of '02, and is one of A O I f s "famous
members." T h e Editor.)
Pi Sent on time Sent on time On time Third received
Nu On time On time On time
Omicron Prompt Late Second received On time
Kappa Third received Prompt
Zeta First received Third received On time Prompt
Sigma On time On time Prompt On time
Theta Prompt Prompt On time
Delta Second received Late Prompt Prompt
Gamma On time Late First received Prompt
Epsilon On time On time First received
Rho On time First received On time Prompt
Lambda On time On time On time On time
Iota On time On time Prompt Prompt
Tau Late On time Prompt On time
Chi On time Prompt Second received
Upsilon On time Second received Prompt Prompt
Nu Kappa On time Prompt On time On time
Beta Phi Prompt On time On time
Eta Third received On time Prompt Prompt
Alpha Phi On time On time Prompt Prompt
On time On time Prompt
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PI, H. S O P H I E N E W C O M B M E M O R I A L C O L L E G E
Pi Chapter is so happy, so very happy. March pledging, for the
first time at Newcomb, was tried this year and has proven a big
success. As her share, Pi is glad to introduce to you all, three of the
most splendid girls at college: Ellen Jett, Mary Renaud, and Corinne
Chalaron. Initiation cannot take place before registration as
a sophomore, but in the meantime, the girls will be just imbued
with our A O I I spirit which will make their initiation even more
sacred to them. By the time this letter is published, there most proba-
bly will be another "future" A O I I to announce. On account of
half a condition the aforementioned was unable to be bid, but as soon
as the condition is made up—but I ' l l wait and tell you in the next
Pi has been very active these past months. Have you heard about
our work with the immigrants? The D. A. R.'s have opened a school
for immigrants, and Anna Many offered to supply teachers for them.
She came straight to us, and told us we were all to be teachers—but
really, we didn't mind. Every week two actives, along with several
of our alumnae, go down to the Y. M . C. A. Building, where the classes
are conducted, and teach just about anything from a b c's to advanced
psysiography. The immigrants range from sixteen to sixty, or over,
but how interested they are in their work! Besides our enjoyment
of the work of enlightenment and revelation towards these foreigners,
we, at the same time, are getting splendid training as school-ma'ams.
There are seven of us who graduate ( I won't say leave Newcomb or
the fraternity, for that's impossible) in June, and exactly seven of
us who intend to teach.
At the suggestion of A O I I , our local Panhellenic has adopted a
French war orphan this year. I t costs about forty dollars a year per
orphan. We'll tell you just as soon as we find out what our baby's
name is—until now, it's just lovingly "our Panhellenic Baby."
We've had such lovely parties this year. Some of them were, per-
haps, a little selfish, but we couldn't help but limit a few "just to
ourselves." Mildred Renshaw's supper came first of all, then Evelyn
Pigott's birthday luncheon. Mrs. O. McNeese (Cleavie Dupre) gave
a big, delightful rushing party at her home. We gave our rushees
a luncheon "a la Japonaise" on the last day of the mid-term exami-
nations. And best of all, we went on a—how shall I say? Well,
this is what we d i d : The evening before the bids went out, all of
us went for a supper on the levee. The spot, on the banks of the
Mississippi, that we chose, was beautiful and ere long we had built
a large bonfire. The frying pans we had brought along were taken
out and oh! such delicious fried bacon—and burnt tongue. And the
rest of the supper, and the water, and all of us, just "once more
united." Just as the blazes of our fire were beginning to burn low,
we a l l came near it and sang fraternity songs, our songs. No one
mentioned it, but every one knew that every word we said was not
merely sung, but was meant—and felt. Anna Many, Innes Morris,
Virginia Withers, Hazell Beard, and Theodora Sumner, of the
alumnas, planned the party for us. .
I don't think I've told you how proud we are of Kathleen O'Niell.
She was maid of two of the large Carnival balls this winter. Kat
says she's "awfully busy" these days. You see, she's president of
the Mandolin and Guitar Club, and the latter is always called on to
furnish music for all occasions.
We have but one more year to spend at dear old Newcomb. On
February 24, the first pile for new Newcomb was driven by little
Perrine Dixon, granddaughter of the president of our college. I t is
expected that the main buildings will be completed on time for the
session, 1918-19. The slogan at college right now is "new gym."
The students and alumnae are exerting every effort in order to raise
the amount of $100,000 for a gymnasium for the Newcomb. A O I I
intends turning in some money to the cause, but as yet has conceived
of no definite plans as to how to go about it.
The annual senior class play takes place at the end of May, and
the title is kept a secret until the night of the performance, so we
can't tell you what it's to be, but we will say this: Mary Sumner
has the leading part, and Lessie Madison has quite a prominent part,
Just one more piece of good news we want to tell you before con-
cluding this letter, and it's to announce Jennie Snyder's engagement
to Mr. Egbert Savage. Jennie is to be married in the f a l l in Nor-
wood, Louisiana, the old family home, and is to reside i n Cincinnati.
You all can understand how particularly happy and interested we are
when we say this—Jennie was our president last year.
Just think, the next time Pi will communicate with the "rest of us"
will be not indirectly, but in the most direct way possible, and that
is through Convention. There are several from Pi who will be pres-
ent. The French have a way of saying "a demain" when they expect
seeing the person addressed, soon. Those words have never meant
anything in particular to me, but tonight as I think of Convention, I
have a queer and happy feeling as I say, "A demain."
Fraternally, Editor.
MILDRED R E N S H A W , '17, Chapter
Social life of " N u " has been predominant this semester and our
delightful "Eyrie" way up on the eleventh floor with its beautiful
view of the Hudson and the city skyline has been the scene of many
pleasant chats around the tea table where we have learned to know
and love one another better. I t has been a great pleasure to meet so
many delightful girls from other states and the outcome of the teas
has been an increased membership, for we had an initiation this month
and welcomed eight new members to our chapter. Mary Higgins
and Alice Carson come from the Sunny South. Mary, whose home
is in Virginia, has been prominent in many suffrage campaigns both
South and here, and finding the need of law in her work took the
woman's law course last year, carrying off a three-year scholarship.
So she is with us studying in dead earnest giving up for a time the
art work for which she originally came to New York. We expect she
will follow in the footsteps of her father who was a judge. Alice
Carson comes from South Carolina, and although women are not yet
admitted to the bar in her state, by the time she is graduated we hope
they will be. She is to be in her father's law office this summer.
We are particularly glad to welcome Elizabeth Harrison, who is
a daughter of ex-President Benjamin Harrison, and judging from
her interest and activity in all that is good, we feel she will inspire us
to better endeavor. Already she has organized military drill for the
girls of the New York University Law School with a member of the
New York State National Guard to assist her. Jessie Buchanan is
a graduate of Bryn Mawr, and Elizabeth Hartshorne was gradu-
ated from Wellesley. Both were identified with the various interests
of these colleges, Jessie having been president of the "Good Govern-
ment Club" at Bryn Mawr. Lillian Edgerley is from New Jersey
and expects to practice law in that state. She is musical, sings and
plays, and that to " N u " is a great acquisition as hitherto we have
been painfully unmusical.
Mabel Elizabeth Shaw has her home in Brooklyn, and Elizabeth
Danforth lives in New York. They are both interested in the welfare
of the neighboring cities and come to us with an enthusiasm that is
contagious. We are expecting great help from these new sisters.
We are glad to report Mary Peaks as recovered from her severe
illness, although she has since passed through great affliction. Our
hearts are saddened with hers in the sudden loss of her father. We
shall miss her from the active chapter, but are very proud that she has
opened a law office at 165 Broadway, and we count her one of our
most loyal members.
Our president, Jane Monroe, has become associated with Institu-
tional State Charities Work under Dr. Katherine Bement Davis.
She is at any time liable to be sent out on tours of inspection, on
which she is to report to an advisory committee.
Elizabeth Smart has finished her work on the book on Commercial
Law which she was editing, and is now executive secretary of the
Woman's Suffrage organization in Brooklyn.
The plan for semimonthly luncheons down town has proved a
success. A iable is reserved for us at the Cafe Savarin, and many
of our chapter "alums," who are busy lawyers, are able to meet one
another in this way.
A l l Alpha O's should read "Letters from Germany" written by
our Madeleine Zabriskie Doty and published in The Christian Work.
I t is probably the best statement of facts that has come to us direct
from Berlin.
Some of us are planning to go to the Convention at Lynchburg,
Virginia, and if the plan framed by one of our members for the
trip by automobile is carried out, we have a great treat in store,
as we are told the scenery is beautiful in that section.
F R A N C E S L O U I S E W A L T E R S , Chapter Editor.
After the Christmas holidays and the too quick return when all
that each did was so eagerly talked over, we settled down to such hard
work that we had hardly time to visit our patronesses or see even a
picture show. The result was that ninety-six per cent of the two
hundred ninety-two hours were passed with forty-five per cent above
ninety. Last year we led all our chapters and this year our per cent
is even better so we are watching to see theirs.
The thing over which we are most excited right now is our new
victrola, which was a gift from the alumna? to our this year's little
sisters, just to show them the "worthwhileness" of and the lasting
love for Alpha O. They are eager to have a finger in the alumnae
pie. Our record library is slowly growing.
Just before initiation Josephine Johnson received a telegram saying,
"Come tomorrow." She has a place as domestic science teacher in
the Memphis High School. This is a coveted place, so though we
miss Josephine, we are proud of her good luck. Then Ina Hobson,
Polly's little sister, did not come back but she promises to be with us
next year.
Our initiation came on George Washington's birthday. Helen
Kennedy carried off the honors of the day as judge in our trial scene.
I n this all the black marks against the disobedient "fish" were brought
up and settled.
As a finale to the day, we had our banquet at the Adkin Hotel.
Mrs. Emma Abbers Hunt, Mrs. Lucretia Jordan Bickley, and Mrs.
Alice Hayes Graf were our chaperons as well as welcome alumna?.
Lucretia'being toastmistress and Alice giving the toast from the old
girls made the evening that much more of a success. Lucretia told
us of the early days of our chapter, and of the time when it was in
one of the Blount bedrooms. She told of an even more exciting time
when we had moved to South College, and some boys slipped in and
stole all our things.
The "fish" each gave a toast, then a song, and as the last stunt
presented a play. They dramatized Wooley's Handbook of English
Composition. We admired their bravery in attempting such a thing.
The girls are busy now, for Wista Braly is senior member of the
"Honor Council," Sue Bryant on the Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, and
Dorothy Nolan, vice-president of the Woman's Student Government
Association. Another of our girls is president of that association,
and Sadie Ramsay is secretary of the literary society and a member
of the Volunteer staff. Katherine is head of the Y. W. C. A. work
at the settlement, and most of our girls have classes or help out in
some way there. We are glad that honors, or rather the privileges
of service, are divided rather evenly among the sororities and the
nonfraternity girls. We all have a share i n all the work.
Just now we are interested in a new athletic field, which is to be
near the river and behind Carrick Hall. Every student is being
asked to give from one to five dollars and daily labor; and today we
hear that the legislature has before i t a bill to float bonds for one
million dollars to be used by the university for building purposes.
Already the girls have dreams of a Home Economics building on the
Another thing that the girls especially are interested in is Red
Cross organization and nursing classes to teach first aid work. This
is very recent, but the university girls are quite loyal to Uncle Sam
and the boys.
Dean Haskins is to address our next Panhellenic meeting on the
fraternity question. We found that there was opposition growing
against us not only among the students but among the faculty. We
decided that a few plain facts from one who is unbiased ought to
set us on the right track and a mending of our shortcomings.
We are fixing up our room, that is having a regular spring cleaning.
The walls are to be done in buff and the floor in light oak to match
the woodwork. The only thing we need real, real badly now is
pillows, but Rome was not made in a day.
M A R T H A L O U JONES, Chapter Editor.
We have a new pledge since last letter. I t did look like we would
rest content with twelve in one year, but after we all knew Dolly
Boulden we couldn't think of being satisfied until we had one more.
The sophomores complain that we are more excited over her than we
were over all twelve of them, but she in her turn claims that too much
attention during the goating season isn't as flattering as it sounds.
We are going to initiate her soon.
Besides this big event, our midwinter career has been uneventful,
We have voted on most of the freshmen on our rushing list, and know
just about to whom we will give our bids next f a l l . Rushing, though,
is noticeably spiritless among all the fraternities this year. Panhel-
lenic allows us no financial rushing, and the chief dates we have with
freshmen are for plays, lectures, and to "spend the night." The last
named method isn't successful, for sleeping in a single bed once or
twice with a freshman, no matter how charming or necessary for the
fraternity she is, is a sure cure for enthusiasm. To use the phrase in a
double meaning, after such a night she makes you tired. Spring,
however, brings its picnics in the pretty wood behind the college, and
surely there will be a mutual warming up.
For the question of mid-year pledging, and initiating, the compro-
mise of mid-year pledging and f a l l initiation has been substituted
and is being debated before our local Panhellenic now. Even i f it
passes Panhellenic, there is the faculty of the college to put their seal
upon it, and that is such a long drawn out process, that probably year
after next will be the first one to see the change. We are anxious for
the motion to carry, because sophomore pledging means a long year
of mediocre rushing instead of steady concentration, and suspense all
summer which can really worry away a lot of its pleasure.
Our only social exertion besides the open house on Sunday nights
has been a tea which Kappa gave for her two brides living in Lynch-
burg, Mrs. Gilmer Craddock (Nan Atkinson, K, '13) and Mrs. Gor-
don Payne (Elizabeth Weber, K , '12). They renewed their ties with
the college, and we beamed with pride, they are so charming and
Convention is still the most used word in our vocabulary. Every-
one of us wants to entertain you in a different way, and I bet we end
by giving a hay-ride or a fish-fry. We would be glad to have you
express your choice of the two.
AUGUSTA STACY, Chapter Editor.
The February To DRAGMA came to us a few days ago, telling us
all sorts of interesting things. The Convention will certainly be a
wonderful affair, and we are beginning to save our pennies with that
in mind. A cleverly planned luncheon at the Lincoln Hotel Saturday-
made us even more enthused about it. The active girls and alumnae
were seated alternately at the tables, and in that way it was made a
very successful "get acquainted" luncheon. We school girls heard
all about the pranks of the little folks, and the alumnse listened to
our accounts of school and the events of probation week.
Quite the loveliest of any recent initiations was the one of last
Monday night. The initiates, too, were as lovely as the occasion
demanded, even i f they did occasionally forget to use the back stairs,
and tip their hats to us when we met them. We have forgiven them
for all such misdemeanors, and are very happy to consider them f u l l -
fledged Alpha O's.
The censor has allowed the following news item to be made public.
Frances Bollard was successful in the Kosmet Club tryout, and M i l -
dred (alias Peg) and Gladys, well—occasionally through an open
door we hear someone say icily, "Who is that woman?" We go in,
to see i f perchance the laundry lady has come in search of us. But
no! I n the middle of the room stands Mildred gazing fixedly into
space, with Gladys prompting her from a typewritten sheet. They
are going out with the road show, during university week, which
comes at spring vacation time.
Several important things will occur, however, before that blissful
time arrives. Next Saturday comes our formal dancing party, which
promises to be as truly Irish as lampshades, programs, and ices can
make it. Doris, Lydia, and Mildred deserve a great deal of credit
for its success. On May 12th is our annual banquet. We, hope a
great many of the alumna? will come back for that event.
I t will be a long time before we can write to you through T o
DRAGMA again, so we take this opportunity to wish everybody a happy
summer. Lovingly,
E D N A H A T H W A Y , Chapter Editor.
On BIRTHS Dorothy
Jtan. March 21, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. L . A. Higgins, a daughter,
Dear Alpha O Sisters:
Sigma opened her doors for the new semester on January 18th
and after a pleasant week of rushing we pledged three splendid
girls. They are Virginia Cook, of Oakland, Beatrice St. John, of
Berkeley, and Amelia Williams, from San Diego.
Initiation was on the same evening as our chapter birthday cele-
bration. After the new members had been made Alpha O's, we had
supper and then the f u n began. Our usual A O EE vaudeville show
* was presented with great success before a large audience, composed
of alumnae and active girls. The initiates gave two clever stunts and
read some very original poetry. Then followed the most sensational
performance of the evening. The sixteen freshmen gave a most
amusing circus. There were wild animals with a dainty heavy-weight
trainer, a beautiful ostrich, a ballet dancer, and even Cleopatra. The
other numbers on the program were equally entertaining and we all
enjoyed those few hours together.
Our ever-faithful alumnae presented the house with three new
chairs and a vase for our chapter-room. We were given several other
useful g i f t s ; among them were a dozen doilies, a pretty plant, and
There has been one unhappy change in our chapter roll this
semester. Bernice Hubbard was forced to take out a leave of absence
due to illness. She has been confined to her bed f o r several months
now, but we are glad to hear that she is getting along nicely and will
be up soon. Bernice is greatly missed by the girls, not only for her
personality, but because she was one of our most active members and
a brilliant scholar.
That leads me to a few words as to what the chapter is doing in
the way of college activity. Anna Gay Doolittle is head of the
freshman class crew; Marion Black has a part in the English Club
play and several of the girls will be in the Partheneia, the annual
masque given by the women students of the university. Ethel
Maroney is president of local Panhellenic which is planning to do
some big things, other than making petty rushing rules.
Although we are having unusually pleasant spring weather, the
campus has been besieged by an epidemic of children's diseases,
mumps, chicken-pox, and measles. The infirmary has been kept busy.
Just a few days ago Madine Donovan, one of our freshmen, discovered
that she had the measles, causing great excitement and dismay i n the
house. A l l the girls are taking precautions against the disease, but
this morning another freshman found herself beautified with the
measley spots, and as a consequence each girl is feeling chills and
fever coming upon her. We hope, however, that no more cases will
The University of California is proud of the fact that she is
sending an ambulance corps to aid the wounded i n war-stricken
Europe. The campaign was started a few weeks ago, and has been
very successful both i n enlisting volunteers and in raising money to
pay the expenses of the boys who will go.
Sigma is taking much interest in the coming Convention as it
promises to be most delightful, and each one of us is wishing and
hoping to attend. The chapter sends all best wishes to the members
of Alpha Omicron Pi and especially to our hostesses in June.
H E L E N S C H I E C K , Chapter Editor.
Juanita Vitousek (Mrs. Roy) has a little girl born in January named
Christine Finnell was married to Rollo Wheeler January 24th, 1917.
Mrs. Tilden Manzer (Charlott Cowie) has been down from Powers, Ore.,
with her small daughter for a visit.
The marriage of Roberta Boyd and Robert James Tyson has recently been
announced. They will live in Mr. Tyson's beautiful home "Seaview" in Pied-
mont. And San Francisco Alumncc is looking forward to Roberta's active
Eve Marty, Sigma's charity worker on the Child Welfare Board of New
York City, has risen to the dignity of having a stenographer all her own.
Anna Weeks is soon to make her debut in concert in New York, and Eve
Marty will act as patroness.
Virginia Esterly went north on March 3rd to inspect Upsilon and to install
Puget Sound Alumnce Chapter.
Mary Wight and John Day took out leave of absence from college and are
now on their honeymoon!
Grace Batz Guyles is editing the Home Economics page of one of the
Tacoma papers.
With those long-dreaded examinations over once more, we are just
getting a good start on the second semester and everyone seems to be
so very, very busy. Several of our pledges are not back this semester.
Hazel McComas, Lois Richie, and Bertha Ruby are at home. Mabel
West is i n Central Normal College, and Reggie O'Brien could not
return on account of i l l health. VeVille Hausman, '19, returned to
the house this semester, and we welcomed into our chapter-house
three other girls also, Helen Lang, Allison MacLachlan, and Mar-
garet Babcock. Luella Worthley, '19, is back with us this semester,
also, after spending the early winter i n Florida.
De Pauw students joined those from several other Indiana Colleges
in petitioning the legislature in favor of the dry bill. How eagerly
we waited for the news which should tell us the fate of Indiana, and
just as merrily did the old chapel bell ring out victory of dry
over wet!
Our February ritualistic meeting was held on the first Saturday
evening of the month, and afterwards we had a most delightful little
cozy which was planned by two of our girls. Perhaps you may think
our method of entertainment rather peculiar but we ourselves think
it was rather novel. This is what we d i d : we cut, sewed, and wound
carpet rags torn from some old costumes which we happened to have
on hand. We sewed and talked all evening, but were quite ready to
stop for a cup of good, hot coffee and the most delicious hot-buttered
rolls you may ever hope to taste.
De Pauw students were given a great treat this winter i n the Men-
denhall Lectureship series in which Bishop McConnell lectured on,
"How to Understand the Bible." The whole series was as instruc-
tive as entertaining. Just now we are looking forward to the Beamer
Lectureship series in the near future.
We feel quite big here over the fact that D . P. U . won the state
oratorical contest. - Our representative, Mr. Freeman, is an American
Indian, and i n his address made quite an eloquent appeal i n behalf of
his race. Freeman was met at the car when he returned after the con-
test, and by the rooting, cheering crowd was carried over town. The
following morning he gave his address at chapel, and after chapel
we formed a long parade and with the band leading marched to town,
singing De Pauw songs and yelling. The whole thing terminated i n
declaring a vacation f o r the remainder of the day.
Our second February cozy was held at the home of Mary Bickerell,
where we had a Washington party. We were having such a genuine
good time that we almost forgot closing hours, and we had to scurry
home at the last minute.
No formal spike or pledge rules were issued here for the second
semester, but spike was left open for all. We have added another to
our list of pledges, Edna Glendening, of Portland, Indiana. Already
Edna is very active and we are expecting her to be a real, live wire for
Alpha O.
I believe the best is coming last; March 3rd, our freshmen enter-
tained us with a ministrel and luncheon followed by a dance "The
Monthly Meeting of Unattached Spinsters" was quite a novel and
interesting little stunt, but one which had a most unfortunate ending.
I n using a flash the side of the little stage was set on fire and soon the
flames were shooting up from the screen. However, they were soon
extinguished and no serious damage resulted. We declared our fresh-
men the best bunch ever, and straightway planned for initiation to
be held March 16th.
We must tell you of another sad accident which has just befallen
us. Merle Huffman, ex-'18, quietly slipped away to Illinois and was
just as quietly married. We regret that Merle saw fit to desert us,
but we are sending after her our heartiest congratulations and best
A G N E S L . L A K I N , Chapter Editor.
Maurice York to E a r l Lynch, '19.
Nelle Ringo, ex-'i8, to W i l l G. Lemon, December 18th, 1916.
Merle H u f f m a n , ex-'18, to Nathanial Huckleberry, January 6th, 1917.
BIRTHS Johnson, ex-'lj), a daughter,
To Mr. and Mrs. Carl H . Lorenz (Estelle
Margaret Estelle, January 23, 1917.
Of course, dear sisters, I need not tell you that in the minds of all
of us Convention is uppermost. There are several who are planning
to go, and many others who are wishing with all their hearts that they
might be there to enjoy the personal relationship of all the sisters that
we know only through To DRAGMA. Those of us who are so for-
tunate as to be at Kappa in June are feeling the responsibility which
rests upon us to bring back to those less fortunate the real spirit of
But Convention is in the future and my letter should tell you what
has been happening to Delta since Christmas. Soon after our return
from the holidays, we invited Mrs. Neal, the wife of one of the pro-
fessors, to speak to us on the work of the Consumers' League, i n which
she is much interested. She told us several stories of the conditions
found by their agents in some of the restaurants and bakeries in
Boston. Besides this, she brought with her the lists of the approved,
and answered our questions concerning some of the best known
restaurants which were not represented. We entertained that same
evening a childhood friend of Mrs. Neal's, a little lady only forty-
four inches tall.
Mid-year examinations kept us busy, and were followed by a few
days of vacation. Delta felt quite delighted with the result of her
efforts, especially as we compared so favorably with the standing of
the other sororities in college.
At our last meeting before the mid-year period, our president
resigned. Helen had been such a fine officer that we all wanted her
to continue, but she felt that she was not strong enough to carry this
work with her college activities, so we were forced to let her go.
But, of course, just having Helen in the chapter to give advice is a
great help to the new president.
Mrs. Davies, our Dean of Women, gave us a very interesting talk
one evening on the life at Cambridge about twenty years ago. Women
had not long been admitted to the university, and were looked upon
by the people as fitting themselves either for teachers, or some other
professional work. A girl never attended the university and then
went into society, or private life. Beside this Mrs. Davies showed us
pictures of the town, and the beautiful buildings. Such surroundings
as are found in the English universities seem to us to be too distracting
to be conducive to intensive study.
The evening that we enjoyed the most, however, was our second
initiation which we held a week ago. After mid-years we pledged
Katheryne Snow, a transfer from Wellesley, who had just decided
to finish her course at Jackson. Marion Bennett had not been able
to be initiated before, so we had two new sisters to take into our fold.
That evening we had planned to entertain a number of our alumna?
after the initiation with a little spread. Unfortunately we had a
terrible snow storm all day, and all that evening, so only four were
able to be present. However, those who were there enjoyed it, I
know, and gave a hearty welcome to our new sisters.
Marion Rich, our district superintendent, has just returned from
visiting Chi and Kpsilon. We were glad to hear what the girls were
doing, and she brought us many helpful suggestions. We are hoping
to see many of those sisters at Convention.
With love to all the sisters from Delta,
MARGARET D U R K E E , Chapter Editor.
Greetings to you, everyone, from all the Gamma girls up here in the
pine-tree state. We hope you're all having as happy and successful
a year as we are here at Maine.
Alpha O is being unusually well represented in the active life on
our university campus this year. Betty Bright, our chapter president,
besides being elected to 4» K 4? has been made secretary of the newly
established Maine chapter of the national biology fraternity, Phi
Sigma. Joyce Cheney, '19, has begun to make a name for herself in
the literary world by having several of her poems accepted. Barbara
Dunn, '20, was chosen by the Maine Masque to play one of the roles
in its play this year—the first time a woman has ever been given a
place i n their cast. The girls of the university are planning to give
A Midsummer Night's Dream in May, and our girls are well repre-
sented in the cast of this production. Also, we are busy helping to
sew for the Red Cross, an auxiliary branch of that society having been
organized here under the direction of Marian Estabrooke, A O I I , '12.
We have a representative on the board of the university paper, The
Campus, this year. You can see that we're all working hard to up-
hold the name and honor of Alpha O here at Maine.
The chief social event of this spring for us is to be our dance—the
one big one which we give each year. The plans have not all been
perfected yet, but we do know that instead of having a strictly formal
affair as usual we are to have a "white flannel dance." Doesn't that
sound attractive and quite appropriate for the last of May?
I n February, we were glad to hear that a chapter of A A A had
been granted to a local at Maine. This makes three nationals and
with a total of 160 girls there ought soon to be other sororities in
existence. Why shouldn't a larger proportion of girls enjoy the
pleasures and benefits of sorority life?
We await anxiously the arrival of our To DRAGMA to hear what
you girls are all doing, and we plan to send one or more delegates to
•Convention so that we may get personally acquainted.
Yours in Alpha O,
J E S S I E M . STURTEVANT, Chapter Editor.
The following press notice is taken from the Searsport column of the
Bangor Daily News:
Searsport has reason to be proud of being the home of Miss Joanna C .
Colcord, superintendent of district work of the New York Charity Organization
Society. This young woman is the daughter of the late Capt. Lincoln A.
Colcord and Mrs. Lincoln A. Colcord, of Searsport, and the sister of Lincoln
Colcord, the well-known author, also of Searsport, who is now on the staff of
the Philadelphia Public Ledger. Miss Colcord is a graduate of the University
of Maine, '06, and is an A 0 I I . For several years she has been on the staff of
the New York Charity Organization Society and now has the responsible
position of Superintendent of District Work. Miss Colcord is a "social worker"
not a "settlement worker," settlement work belonging to a different genus of
social work altogether.
As Superintendent of D i s t r i c t W o r k Miss Colcord spent last year $175,000.
She is the author of a pathetic little poem which appeared several years ago i n
the Charity Organization Bulletin, Miss Colcord is just the one f o r her w o r k ;
self-reliant, sympathetic and level-headed, one has unlimited confidence i n her
and her ability.
Mrs. Frank Benson (Grace Sawyer, '16), of Cambridge, has been visiting in
Bangor and Oldtown.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bailey ( M y r t l e Jones, '15) are i n Bangor f o r a short
Miss Estelle Beaupre, '14, teacher of French in Caribou H i g h School, was
obliged on account of illness to return to her home i n Bangor f o r several weeks.
M r . and Mrs. L l o y d Burghart (Helen A v e r i l l , '12) are soon to go to
Baltimore to live, where M r . Burghart is to work f o r the United States
Commercial Alcohol Company.
Miss Emma Perry, '16, of Machias, was i n Orono to attend the sophomore
Celia Coffin, '12, spent her Easter vacation i n Bangor.
Carrie Green Campbell has been a visitor recently.
The engagement is announced of Aileene Browne H o b a r t , '14, to D r . Lewis
Simpson Libby, S ^ Baltimore Medical College, '13.
To Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brown Cousins (Arline Brown, ex-'i5), Oldtown,
a son, Richard Brown Cousins, March 4th, 1917.
Since Christmas, Epsilon has been very busy. We have initiated
three new sisters of whom we know A O I I will be proud—Hilda
Greenawalt, '19, Elizabeth Neely, '19, and Marie Hillage, '20.
Miss Rich, our visiting delegate, came to Ithaca on February 25th.
I n order that our faculty might meet her, we gave a tea i n the draw-
ing-room at Sage College. The weather was fine, and the tea proved
a great success.
You will all be interested to know that we are going to have a home
of our own. President Schurman advised all the sororities to live
outside, for there is not sufficient room for all the girls in the dormi-
tories. He believes that a group of girls, already organized, can more
easily cope with the situation than an unorganized one. I n a few
years, a tract of land will be opened up on the north shore of Beebe
Lake, not far from the campus. Here each sorority will be given a
lot on a 99 years' lease, upon which it can build a house. These
houses are to be grouped eventually around a central dining-hall.
The house which we have leased for the next two years, is very attrac-
tive. I t is situated near the university, which is a great advantage.
Upstairs there is room for sixteen girls and downstairs there are a nice
hall, two sitting-rooms, each with a fireplace, a dining-room, and
kitchen. When we are all settled, we will send you a picture of it.
We are all looking forward with pleasure to the Convention to
which several of our girls are going.
DAGMAR A . SCHMIDT, Chapter Editor.
Katherine Lyon, '16, is teaching public speaking, and coaching the dramatic
club plays i n a normal school i n Kansas.
Eleanor Sharpe, '19, spent a few days w i t h the chapter at Christmas, before
returning to Wellesley.
Helen La Forge was married to M r . Joseph Eldridge i n February.
Helen Bungart Leavens is now living in Brooklyn.
Kathleen Culpitts, '16, is teaching i n Chicago.
Edvige Dragonetti is practicing medicine in Newark, N . J.
Marguerite Halstead is doing embroidery designing f o r H . E. Verran Co.,
manufacturers of the Royal Society goods.
Mildred Mosier is teaching at the Morton Lane School, Moulmein, Burma.
Gladys Combs, '16, is doing secretarial work w i t h the Delineator, i n New
York, N . Y.
Anne Graeffe made a three-week visit to Ithaca, stopping at Sage College
with Mary Albertson.
To Mr. and Mrs. A . Kenneth Starkweather (Mabel DeForest, '12), a
daughter, Jean Mavis, born January 21st.
To M r . and Mrs. A r t h u r C. Peters (Jessie King, '16), a seven-pound baby
g i r l , on M a r c h 10th.
Spring is with us once more, and with spring come plans for Con-
vention, and we are certainly obeying the injunction "to talk Conven-
tion and dream Convention," especially do those poor unfortunates
among us who will not be able to go, "dream Convention." We hope
to have a big delegation this year, as we have such a large and enthu-
siastic chapter. On March 3rd, we initiated eleven new girls: Erna
Ariess, Goldie Holquist, Arleta Kirlin, Marguerite Kolb, Hazel
Lloyd, Lucille Lloyd, Mabel May, Myrtle Swanson, Bessie Talcott,
Ethel Willman, and Phoebe Wilson. Mrs. Grace Gilbert kindly
offered us the use of her new home—the most adorable little bungalow
imaginable—for the initiation ceremony, and we held our banquet at
the Evanston Hoteh We were very glad to have a number of
alumnae with us, especially so since they consented to entertain us at
the banquet with very enjoyable toasts.
But I am getting ahead of my story. There have been so many,
many happenings since I wrote last that I just had to plunge in
somewhere to get a start—and now that initiation is off my mind,
perhaps I can proceed to other things. The most joyful news that
we have received for some time was that of the installation of Eta
Chapter at the University of Wisconsin. This chapter has been our
pet dream for the past eight or nine months, and i t seems hardly
possible that it is no longer a dream but a reality. Four of our
alumnae, Merva Dolsen Hennings, Julia Fuller, Vera Riebel, and
Geraldine Kindig, and two of our active girls, Grace May and Kate
Blum, went up to Madison for the installation, and the reports which
they brought back certainly warrant high hopes for Eta's future.
We have also had the opportunity of becoming acquainted with two
of their girls, Winifred Ingles and Marion McCabe, both of whom
spent a few days in Evanston.
We girls, who are living at Willard Hall, had a rather adventurous
time of it for a few weeks. One of the girls who lives in the hall
contracted scarlet fever, and after she had been taken to trie hospital,
the rest of us were placed under a "social quarantine." This meant
that we were allowed to go to all of our classes and to all gatherings
of university people, but we were excluded from every place where
we would meet town people. I n addition to this, very morning and
evening the entire one hundred and twenty of us stood in line and
had our throats examined. A t first it was heaps of fun, but it soon
began to lose its humorous aspect and we were all mighty glad when
the danger was declared past and the quarantine lifted.
Of course, you all heard about the large Allied Bazaar which was
held in Chicago in January. The sororities at Northwestern were
all given an opportunity to participate, each taking charge of the
flower vending for one day. The girls who took part all enjoyed the
novel experience, besides being glad for this chance to help the war
At present we are devoting most of our efforts to winning the inter-
sorority basketball contest. This contest is an innovation at North-
western, and promises to be very successful. As I write, the news
comes to me that the A O I I team defeated the K K T team by a score
of 18 to 4. That looks hopeful. We are to play the K A ©'s next.
Here's to good luck! Rho Chapter is rather proud of its athletic
record. Mable McConnell broke the world's record for women in
.the fifty-yard hurdles. She completed the fifty yards in eight and
one-fifth seconds, one-fifth of a second faster than any woman had
ever made this event before. She also tied the Northwestern Univer-
sity record of thirty-three and two-fifths seconds for the 220-yard
dash. Rho surely appreciates the honor she has brought to us.
Besides this we are proud to tell you that Phoebe Wilson has been
elected a member of the freshman commission, membership on which
is one of the big freshman honors, and that three of our girls, Helen
Ralston, Helen Slaten, and Eunice Marthens, have been appointed on
the board of the 1918 edition of the Syllabus, our college annual.
Rho is counting on becoming better acquainted with you all at
Convention, so now we will merely say "auf wiedersehen."
MARION E. A B E L E , Chapter Editor.
Rho announces the marriage of Edith Sarah Moody, one of its charter
members, to Mr. Horace Simpson Kenyon on Thurday, February 15th, at San
Francisco, Cal. They will be at home after April 15th at Douglas. Ariz.
The old saying, " I t never rains but it pours," has been illustrated
in several ways in our chapter this semester. We came back in Janu-
ary and had about a week of informal rushing. We pledged three
girls. Marguerite Roberts. Holly Roberts, and Edith James. They
are all wonderful girls and we are very happy to be able to add
their names to our chapter roll.
Abbie Wood decided to give up her college life for this year in
order to travel and visit the most important cities in the United
States. We were very glad that she had the opportunity to go on
this trip, but we were sorry to lose her for this semester.
Lily Morrison gave us our next surprise. One night after dinner
she showed us a diamond ring, and in the course of a few days left
to be married to Lieut. Earl Quinlan. The marriage took place in
Philadelphia on March 8th.
Marjorie Coil was taken with an acute attack of appendicitis and
rushed to the hospital. Her operation was successful, and now
after five weeks of absence she has returned to resume her studies
in the university.
Marguerite and Holly Roberts received word of the illness of
their mother and have gone home. They will not return until next
fall. We are hoping for Mrs. Roberts' rapid recovery.
This week we are going to have a rushing party which will consist
of a dance on Friday night, a picnic on Saturday, and then we will
spend Sunday morning at the lake in rowboats and canoes. We
are going to give a tea on April 15th, after which we will have the
inevitable finals to which to look forward.
MARION G I L B E R T , Chapter Editor.
The engagement of Eileen Everett was announced on February
M r . Earnest Folsom. They w i l l be married sometime this summer.
L i l y Morrison was married i n Philadelphia on March 2nd to Lieut. Earl
Well, here we are knee deep i n the second semester's work. The
year will be over before we can say "boo," and all too soon com-
mencement will make alumna? of eight of our girls.
On January 12th, shortly after we had all returned from the glori-
ous Christmas vacation, Iota gave an informal dance at the chapter-
house, and now committees are busy getting ready for our formal,
to be given March 30th. We plan to have dinner at the Inman Hotel,
and the dance at Bradley Hall. This is our most pretentious
function of the year, and we are all anticipating a splendid time.
The last of January brought the inevitable final examinations.
Nobody 'is excused from any of them here, so that is a strenuous
week. Most of the girls went home between semesters and came
back rested and f u l l of enthusiasm for the new semester.
February 5th opened the second semester of the university and the
next week, we had initiation. On Saturday morning, February 11th,
the pledges gave their stunt, and it was splendid. I t was a mimic
Orpheum show, and the costuming, parody songs, and jokes on the
girls, kept us in one continual uproar.
Then in the afternoon we had initiation, and at 6 P. M. enjoyed the
banquet. The happiness of the week-end was greatly increased by
having so many of our alumnas with us. How we wish you could all
have been here. Those present were: Elva Pease Pettigrew, Mabel
Wallace, Inez Samson, Nell Erskine Benjamin, Peggy Ebert, Ada
Paisley, Anna Hoffert Kirk, Atha Wood Fowler, Isabel McKinnel,
Marie Rutenber, Eva Goodman Miller, Grace Dallenback Finfrock,
Betty Hiestand (Rho), and Gertrude Hooper (Delta). The
juvenile guests, James Gordon Pettigrew, Margaret Ebert, and Vir-
ginia Miller, greatly added to the f u n and merriment.
Within the last two weeks we have been so happy to formally
pledge Grace Gantz, '19, of Anchor, Illinois, and Dorothy Iwig,
'18, of Peoria, Illinois.
On February 26th Iota celebrated her sixth birthday. We were
so pleased to receive Kappa's greetings at that time. Kappa is
always so thoughtful and interested in her sister chapters.
This is the time of elections here at the university. We are particu-
larly interested i n the "campaigns" as our own Mary Caldwell
is running for Vice-president of Woman's League, and just today,
Bertha Stein was elected recording secretary of Y. W. C. A.
I n athletics, too, our girls are taking an active part. Mary
Putnam and Velda Bamesberger are playing on class teams i n the
basketball tournament; Marie Stejskal is playing on the sophomore
class first team i n bowling; and Maybelle Dallenback is soon to be
initiated into the athletic association, in which organization we have
a strong representation.
This week two of our seniors, Elaine Buhrman and Florence L .
Moss, were elected to membership in Phi Beta Kappa.
Betty Hiestand, Jean Richardson, and Alice Jane Wilson, from
Rho, and Iva Beeson from Theta Chapter, have visited us just lately,
and we were so glad to have them here. We are always so happy to
have our sisters from other chapters visit us. We wish we might
know more of you.
On every other Thursday we entertain faculty people at dinner,
and it is always a very enjoyable time. We have such a splendid
opportunity to meet our professors, and learn to know and appreciate
them from another standpoint than that of lecturer and quiz-master.
We usually entertain in groups, selecting all of the guests for the
evening from some one department. I n this way we spend many
very enjoyable dinner hours.
Next Monday we are anticipating having, as guest at dinner, Miss
Gregory, a daughter of a former president of the University of
Illinois and a member of the English faculty. She, among several
other faculty people, has volunteered to talk on the war in Europe,
and on our own political situation to whoever may care to listen—
and so we have eagerly asked Miss Gregory to be our guest at
dinner on Monday, and talk to us on these live problems. We feel
it is going to be an evening very profitably spent.
I am so glad that I can give a more favorable report of Mrs.
Stower's condition in this letter. Last Sunday she came over to see
us. This was the very first call that she has made since she was
taken i l l early last September. She is still very weak and her
right hand quite helpless from the rheumatism, but oh, it makes us
so happy to see her up and able to get out again. We all hope the
improvement may keep on steadily, and that she may enjoy good
health again. How we do miss her!
The February number of To DRAGMA fairly thrills one with
the thoughts of Convention. Kappa Chapter has surely extended
the warmest of welcomes to her southern home. What an inspira-
tion and grand time we are going to have when we meet there in
Iota sends a cordial welcome to our newest chapters, Eta and
Alpha Phi, and best greetings to all.
F L O R E N C E L . MOSS, Chapter Editor.
Dear Alpha O Sisters:
The approach of spring finds us in the midst of snow storms.
There are no visions of a "fuller crimson" for us of T a u ; only a
cognizance of the arrival of the Era of Mud. However, we have
little time to mourn over the delay of spring. School is so occupy-
ing ! Then, too, our vaudeville is imminent and we are quite wrought
up about it. I said "vaudeville" through force of habit. I t really
isn't a vaudeville. The tickets look very impressive: Three Short
Plays. This is an innovation, not only for us but for Minnesota
as well. Sorority vaudevilles have become somewhat banal; their
annual number is quite appalling, and I regret to say they are uni-
formly colorless. I n view of this condition, we decided to be dif-
ferent. Besides it is contrary to all laws of the fitness of things
to waste the talent of Leta Nelson and Florence Brande on a
commonplace vaudeville show. So the plays were suggested with
the compromise of vaudeville acts i n between. While we are by no
means certain of our success, we are glad to be "different," and we're
all interested in the experiment.
Last year (for reasons financial) we gave up our spring formal.
This spring we are going to defy H . C. L . and the possibility of
war or any other possibility. The sacrifice last year was reluctantly
agreed to and painfully endured. But "the compensations of time"
are about to be revealed; we have set the date for June 7th and the
place as the Glen Morris Inn on Christmas Lake. There is talk
of several June reunions and the usual planning of party gowns.
Our expectations are high.
We have inaugurated a custom of entertaining our prospective
Alpha O's at an afternoon informal party held at the chapter-house
once each week. This has grown in favor because it admits of so
many variations. There was a Washington's birthday card-party
with appropriate tally cards and a Martha Washington corsage
bouquet for a prize. Then there was the St. Patrick's Day party
as well as a "picnic supper," which partaken of to the accompani-
ment of March winds (we were indoors) was a novelty and a success-
f u l one.
We gave an informal Valentine dance at Alice Shevlin Hall. The
programs were beautiful and Cecile tried to start a surprise dance—
but that, as Kipling says, is another story.
With best wishes to Alpha O,
M U R I E L F A I R B A N K S , Chapter Editor.
The train, crowded with Syracuse students returning after the
holidays, jolted and bumped its way into the city. And then the
chapter-house resounded with cries of "When did you get in?"
"Hello, everybody, who's back?" and the like. And then classes
began; and then—a few days of respite, and the once joyous homes
became solemn and silent places where one tiptoed about, awed by
the preoccupied and knowledge-soaked appearance of those unfor-
tunates, who had examinations the first day. And then (after an
interminable time) examinations were over, and senior week came
with the good f u n that "Boar's Head" gave by its clever presentation
of We Are Seven, and the glorious time that everyone had at the
senior ball, and talking it over afterward.
But all this was merely preliminary, for then we began, one and
all, writing letters to our alumnae telling them that our annual
banquet was to be held the twenty-fourth of February, and every-
body must come, especially since Marion Rich, our District Superin-
tendent, was to be with us then and was just as anxious to meet all
our girls as we were that she should. And then she had come and
captured our hearts before we knew it. And then we were playing
the hostess to the other fraternities at the reception we gave on the
twenty-second; and then it was night and there we were crowding
about our alumnae and our "newest sisters," who were still dazed by
the sudden change from the golden sheaf to the pin we love best.
And then the banquet and its fun, and the feeling of chapter unity
we got as we looked around the long table at all the girls who had
come back to us, and of fraternity unity, too, for Marion Rich
brought us the spirit of Delta in the fine things she told us of her
chapter. Epsilon was there, too, through Katherine Donlon, '12,
who has always been a most loyal and kind counselor to the chapter
she helped to install. But then the week-end was over, our alumnae
hurried back to their pupils or husbands, and, a l l too soon for us,
Marion Rich Went on to Cornell. And then we began to dream
night and day of Convention and all the sisters we shall meet there
and the good times to come.
But college gives little time for dreams. The big military ball
that commemorates Washington's birthday is always closely followed
by the junior supper and the senior dinner—the class get-together
times—and by the jolly evening we spend once a year at the "Kastle
Karnival," entertained by all sorts of side shows and fed upon all
sorts of dainties. And then the women's basketball .season comes
with its spirited interclass games; and then clubs and mass meetings
and lectures and minstrel shows; and then .
But we do not forget scholarship, either, for Edna, to our delight,
is wearing a bright shining $ B K key these days, to remind us of
what we are expected to do some day. Nor have we forgotten that
ours is to be a singing fraternity, for we have put Marion to work
to crown our efforts at Alpha O songs, i n the hope that she will
succeed as well as she did when she won a prize in the recent song
contest for university women. We are proud of our freshmen!
Miss Richards, our Dean of Women, has for a long time directed
the university social service toward war relief, and just now we have
been planning what Chi could do as a chapter to carry out the
spirit of Self-denial Week which Syracuse is to observe soon; and
we have decided—with great fortitude—that our dessert for a week
shall form a wheel of the ambulance we want to maintain over in
warring Europe.
And now—best luck to you, sisters all over the states, and sincerest
hopes that we may get to know each other very, very well before
next To DRAGMA carries you our greetings.
FRANCES CARTER, Chapter Editor.
E d i t h Gardner, '13, and Nellie Retan, '10, were initiated this February into
Chi of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Polly Emmerling, '13, came back f o r the senior ball.
Theresa Maxwell Zimmerman, '13, and Agnes Crowell Rood, ex-'17, have
broken our hearts by the news that they are soon to move f r o m their delight-
f u l l y near homes to other parts of the country—Tess to New York, and Agnes
away off to Detroit.
We had back f o r the banquet and i n i t i a t i o n : Nellie Retan, '10, E d i t h
Adams, '13, E d i t h Gardner, '13, Lora Thompson Mitchell, '13, Theresa Max-
well Zimmerman, '13, Florence Shafer, '14, Elizabeth French, '15, Vera I rigal Is,
'15, Elizabeth Main, '15, Florence Gilger, '16, A l m a Jones, '16, Gertrude Shew,
'16, E m i l y Tarbell, '16, and Agnes Crowell Rood, ex-'17.
Clara Bell, '18, has been wearing a f r a t e r n i t y p i n that bears the name of
Ferris Talmage, '18.
A great many things have happened since our last letter was
written. Foremost, early in February we initiated our new members,
most of them being members of the freshman class. After a beau-
t i f u l and impressive initiation service, we had our customary banquet
in honor of the initiates. We wish that every Alpha O sister could
have been present, but a great many of the alumnae were with us,
and their "talks" were an inspiration to us.
The greatest honor that can come to a Washington woman under-
graduate came to Irma McCormick, '17, when she was honored by
election to Tolo Club, the senior woman's honorary society. Election
to Tolo is based on student activities, scholarship, and prominence.
On April 21st we shall hold our formal dance to which we are
looking forward with great plans. Although we have our little
dansants from time to time, our committee promises a grand time on
the twenty-first.
At a recent chapter meeting we decided to adopt or rather aid in
the support of three French war orphans. Upsilon will do her
part to bring a little sunshine to the "War Babies" and their mothers.
Some of our members devote their time to entertaining with parties
or social afternoons the dear old ladies at the Kenney Home. Some
of these old ladies have become quite attached to our girls, and it
cheers them to have a younger person interested in them. Quite
often on Sunday afternoons others of the girls go over to the Wash-
ington Children's Home and tell the kiddies stories.
Just as when we were children we saved the icing of the cake for
the last, so I have saved the best t i l l the last. This was our visit
from Mrs. Esterly, our District Superintendent. She was with us
four days, and we certainly should have liked to have had her
longer. With her loving help and inspiration we feel encouraged
to bigger things than before. While Mrs. Esterly was with us we
gave a tea in her honor. Wives of the faculty, mothers of the Alpha
O's and representatives from the other sororities were among the
guests present. After the tea the Puget Sound Alumna; Association
was installed by Mrs. Esterly. This was followed by a banquet
and a wonderfully helpful talk from the installing officer.
Since this letter will he read just before summer vacation, Upsilon
wishes to all a happy and restful time. Some of us will be with
Kappa for the Convention.
Mildred W . Loring, '13, to Hullett J . Wycoff, Washington Beta Theta Pi,
Charlotte M. Hall, ex-'i7, to Kenneth Uhls, Stanford Sigma Chi.
Ruth E . Fosdick, '17, to Alex B . Davis, Seattle, Wash.
Eugenia Garratt, '19, to Richard Abrams, Seattle, Wash.
To Mr. and Mrs. Robert J . Williams (Vivian SoRelle, '15), a daughter,
Dorothy Ann, November 11, 1916.
Dear A O Us:
Down here in Texas, spring fever "sets i n " very early. I n fact,
though March is still in progress as this letter is being written, we
have been stricken already. Like the fancy of the proverbial young
man, which, in the spring, turns to love, ours has turned to linen
and voile, palm beach, palm leaves, etc.
We have had a lovely winter. There have been two wonderful
snows (practically a four-yearly event) one of which especially
filled our hearts with joy, as it froze the "dinky" running out to
the university. The motorman ran the car until about twelve o'clock,
when he got sleepy and tired of trying to keep the tracks from
freezing (he couldn't go into town because the tracks on the main
line were completely frozen) so he complacently retired into the body
of said dinky and betook himself to the regions of sleep. Next
morning, when he awoke, the dinky lay stark and still and remained
in that passive state twenty-four hours. And we had no school
meanwhile. Our joy can be imagined.
Several things of interest have happened since the last To
DRAGMA came out, among them being the initiation of five of our
freshmen: Ella Mae Upthegrove, of St. Louis, formerly of Dallas;
Frances Cummings, of Hearne; Lora Thacker, of Crowell; and
Lura Temple and Rhea Burgess, of Dallas. We are now a round
dozen and look forward to the approaching time when we can initi-
ate our thirteenth member, Minna Lee Norwood, who is back im
school after recovering from the sad accident which happened in
chemistry laboratory before Christmas.
We have been having a round of pleasure i n the many entertain-
ments which all the fraternities and sororities are giving. Open
houses and all day parties are very popular here, where dancing is
not allowed.
We are very glad to announce that Louise Pendleton, '18, is one
of the four girls to be on the popularity pages i n the Rotunda, our
annual this year. Erma Baker, ex-'19, was so honored last year.
The other three girls chosen for this year are a Zeta, a T r i Delta,
and a Chi Omega.
An athletic meeting is to be held at Southern Methodist University
late in April, to which representatives from all the Texas colleges
will be sent. We are to have a new swimming pool ready for the
occasion. A lake is also being constructed down University Boule-
vard, near the Southern Methodist University well, which will
greatly beautify the surrounding country.
We are going to postpone our second annual A O I I camp, until
late in the summer, so that those going to Convention can attend also.
We would be very glad to hear from any people who will be able
to attend, either from Texas, or other places.
New chapters are becoming so numerous that we can scarcely
keep up with them. Nevertheless, we extend our sincere good wishes
to our new sisters, whom we welcome heartily into the fold of Alpha
Fraternally yours,
G E N E V I E V E GROCE, Chapter Editor.
We are all excited and anxious for our state tournament of
basketball which is to be held this Friday and Saturday, March 16
and 17. Visitors from all parts of the state are expected, and college
is dismissed on Friday. We anticipate a most enjoyable and exciting
I t seems ages since the last letter to To DRAGMA, and our former
hopes seem strange and far away to us now. During the last few
weeks of the last semester, which closed January 30th, our plans
for our future home changed tremendously. We decided to move
to a house on Henderson Avenue, just two blocks from the campus.
I t is a mammoth, old-fashioned house, set far back from the street,
and with evergreen trees and a large lawn in front. The rooms are
well arranged with eight downstairs, including a suite for the
chaperon, eight on the second floor, and a dormitory above.
The house had not been occupied recently on account of the poor
furnace, and before we moved in a new hot water furnace was
installed. This made it necessary for us to live out in town until
February 26th. A t present fourteen girls are staying at the house,
and two more hope to come in when the spring term opens, April
We held initiation Saturday afternoon, March 3rd, and initiated
seven of our pledges. They were: Ruth Clapper, Lelah Whitted,
Beatrice Coombs, Mae Shumaker, Mary Duncan, Mabel Lewis, and
Ethel Heitman. We felt as i f we were initiating our new home
and new sisters at the same time. A dinner was given at the house
for the girls, and after dinner each initiate sang an original Alpha
O song.
The Panhellenic gives a reception March 24th, for the Alpha
O's, and also for the T r i Deltas, who have been recently installed
We are all counting the days to our Easter vacation, which is
from A p r i l 5th to the 10th. Our dance is to be given in the
women's gymnasium A p r i l 13th, the Friday after we return. We are
hoping to have as our guests some girls from Theta Chapter.
The girls of Beta Phi join in wishing the coming Convention the
greatest success and hope to be represented.
VIVIAN D A Y , Chapter Editor.
President—Ruth Nicely, '17, A 0 I I House, Madison, Wis.
Vice-president—Winifred Ingles, '18, A O I I House, Madison, Wis.
Corresponding Secretary—Vera Alderson, '17, A O IT House, Madison, Wis.
Recording Secretary—Margaret Nehrlick, '18, 312 N . Mills St., Madison, Wis.
Treasurer—Esther Fowler, '17, A 0 I I House, Madison, Wis.
To DRAGMA Editor—Elizabeth Pruett, '18, A 0 I I House, Madison, Wis.
Vera Alderson CHAPTER ROLL
Julia Johnson
Dorothy Bassett Marion McCabe
Helen Borversox Clara Nehrlick
Eddina Douma Margaret Nehrlick
Esther Fowler Ruth Nicely
Mary Fowler Elizabeth Pruett
Rose Harloff Ruth Tufts
Winifred Ingles
Eta is two months old, but is walking, talking, and making a lot
of noise at Wisconsin. The fairy dream is realized. We are one of
the recognized Greek fraternities in this university. Despite the
fact that many of the sororities here were founded between 1870
and 1890, we are neck to neck in the race with them. Kappa Alpha
Theta and Kappa Kappa Gamma have the largest chapters with over
sixty active members. Pi Phi, Alpha Phi, Gamma Phi, and Delta
Gamma are practically as large. With their numbers and years of
establishment, we felt it almost an impossibility to make ourselves
even known in the beginning. On the contrary (we beg to be
modest) there is not a person in Wisconsin University who does not
know of Eta Chapter.
Immediately upon our installation, we set about to secure ourselves
a home. We realized the necessity of living together to pull
together. I t seemed almost as though a fairy godmother brought to
our very doors the house we are now in, already furnished.
At the beginning of the new semester, February 12th, central was
informed to list Alpha Omicron Pi among her fraternity numbers.
Soon afterward, at the breakfast table, we read in black headlines
on the front page of our university paper, The Daily Cardinal, a
story about our new home and our progress here. This is to say
nothing of the front-page story the day after our installation. A l l
of this tended to lend prestige to our existence.
The hearty cooperation we have received from the sororities can
never be too fully recognized by us. A l l of them have entertained
us royally. They have insisted on helping us in every possible way.
They have already offered us their rushing lists for next fall. I t
was with reluctance that one of the Kappas said she fully realized
that we would be a danger to them in rushing from now on.
The day of our installation flowers from some of our sister fra-
ternities reminded us of their best wishes.
For many years Wisconsin has needed just such a new chapter
as we are going to strive to make Eta. Mrs. Matthews, our dean
of women, and all the sororities have realized and wished for this.
I t is with open arms that they have greeted us. Now we feel we
are one of them, and this is the great incentive to keep our standard
We are few in number, nineteen in all. This makes us one large
family. As some of these nineteen are the most active women in the
university, Ave have great hopes for next year. One of our new ini-
tiates is captain of the junior swimming team, which class won in the
swimming meet.
Our next thought to getting strong women, is a permanent home.
We realize the necessity of a good, well-furnished home to acquire
the desired prestige here. To that end we have set our brains and
fingers. We are going to have it next f a l l , too.
I t has been a custom for years here for the sororities to compete
for the highest scholarship. Being so few in number, we mean to
try hard to win first place.
To all of you who have worked so long for Alpha Omicron Pi
it may seem as though we have hitched our wagon to a star. Things
have to start sometime, and it had better be while we are young
and f u l l of vim. We are going to make Eta Chapter one which
Alpha Omicron Pi will be proud to own.
We want to thank each and every one of the chapters and individu-
als who have helped us so in our struggle for existence. We only
wish you could know what new inspiration to work for Alpha
Omicron Pi comes with every communication from any one of you.
E L I Z A B E T H P R U E T T , Chapter Editor.
President—Mary Danielson, 'i8
Vice-president—Helen Rose, '20
Corresponding Secretary—Harriet Arneson, '18
Assistant Corresponding Secretary—Martha Johnson, 'iS
Recording Secretary—Alice McCone, '18
Assistant Recording Secretary—Etta Haynes, '19
Treasurer—Azalea Linfield, '19
Assistant Treasurer—Mary Millegan, '20
Chapter Editor To DRAGMA—Etta Norcutt, '19
E r m a Lessel, '16, grad. Blanche Border, '18
Ruth Noble, '17 Harriet Arneson, '18
Grace Mclver, '17 Lynnie Chattin, '19
Mary Kretlow, '17 Etta Norcutt, '19
Ursula Hodgskiss, '17 Azalea Linfield, '19
Mary Danielson, '18 Etta Haynes, '19
Ruby Hodgskiss, '18 Mary Millegan, '20
Irene Abrahamson, '18 Marcy Angell, 'ao
Martha Johnson, '18 Leila Linfield, '20
Myrtle Kuhns, 'l8 Helen Rose, '20
Alice McCone, '18 Hyacinth Rowley, '20
Dear Sisters:
The happy day when we received word that our petition had
been granted has now slipped into the past, installation with its
solemnities, its banquet, its friendly greetings has passed, too,
into memories. Even examinations are forgotten. Spring has come
at last, and with it, we, the youngest sisters, send our first greetings
to you.
Alpha O is the only national fraternity represented here at Mon-
tana State College, and as there is but one other local sorority, we
have great hopes for next year. A t present we are living in the
dormitory and while our life here at Hamilton Hall is a very
happy one, we are looking forward to a home all our own sometime
in the future.
We have lately received word that our college is to have an
honorary Home Economics sorority, Phi Upsilon Omicron. There
are only ten girls in college who are eligible to belong, and of those
ten five are Alpha O's.
Just at present we are preparing for the Vocational Congress for
College Women to be held in Missoula the twelfth, thirteenth, and
fourteenth of April. The Associated Student Body has chosen Mary
Danielson as editor, and we are sending Martha Johnson to repre-
sent Alpha Phi. Several of our other girls are going, so the Alpha
O's will be well represented.
I know that we a l l like to have Alpha O take a prominent part
in everything worth while, and last night as I watched the boys
down in the field at military drill, I wondered i f Alpha O could
not do something in a national way that would be of some real
assistance during the war which is to come.
We are planning to send several of our girls to the Convention in
June, and then perhaps, we can get better acquainted with some of
With best wishes to all our new sisters,
E T T A V . N O R C U T T , Chapter Editor.
The New York Alumnae have had two meetings since the last
chapter letter was written. Both took place in the N u chapter-room
on the roof of the New York University Law School in Washington
Square. The alumnae are most grateful for the privilege of using
the room so kindly extended by their sisters in N u Chapter. I t solves
the problem of a central accessible meeting place. The January
meeting was devoted to the election of officers, proposed amendments
to the by-laws, and getting acquainted with members from Maine
to California. We were very glad to meet Anne Weeks who is
planning to give a song recital at Carnegie Hall later in the season.
The February meeting was a supper affair, very ably managed by
Eve Radke, Helen Vollmer, and Gladys Coombs, our new vice-presi-
dent. Pacificism and politics were warmly discussed. I t was very
pleasant to have Marion Rich with us again. Amendments to the
by-laws, proposed at the January meeting, were passed, and the last
Monday in the month selected as a regular meeting day.
E D I T H D I E T Z , For the Chapter.
Our meetings this year have been under the leadership of the
Vice-president, Daisy Shaw, as Emma Black has been in the East
for several months. The meetings so far have all been with girls
who have lovely new homes in North Berkeley. The January
meeting was with Rose Marx. There was not very much business
to transact. We again decided to send money to the Child Labor
Committee. We had Kappa's invitation to come to Convention, and
only wish we all could go, but San Francisco is a long way from
Virginia. Margaret Dudley is planning on going and two or three
others have hopes, so we may have a delegation yet.
At the February meeting, which was at Dorothy Clarke's, we were
all very interested in the historical and loan exhibit. I t was great
fun thinking of our honored members. We hope our exhibit will
tell you all the interesting bits about our chapter. A t that meeting
the delegate to the Bay City Panhellenic outlined a paper written
by Helen Spaulding, of Kappa Alpha Theta, on "The Fraternity
of the Future." The main idea was a system for new members.
Instead of the fraternity "rushing" the freshmen, the freshman
would make her choice of fraternity and apply for membership
much as for an ordinary club. Her idea was that there would be
three degrees. The first, a period of application that would corre-
spond to a pledge: the second would be attained by three qualifi-
cations, scholarship, personal influence, and temperament; the third
degree to be recognition of high honor of any sort. Perhaps some-
time we may have the whole paper for To DRAGMA.
The March meeting was at Margaret Eddy's. She is one of our
degree to be recognition of high honor of any sort. Perhaps some-
short, so we had a lovely afternoon, sewing and incidentally having
such good things to eat.
This will be the last letter before Convention, so lots of love and
wishes that this, our anniversary Convention, will be the best of all.
MARGARET W E E K S , Chapter Editor.
Dear Sisters in A O I I :
The second meeting of the year was held at the home of the Grand
Treasurer, Lillian MacQuillin McCausland, and the secretary
greatly regrets her inability to be present, not only because this was
the best attended meeting we have ever had (nine present), but also
because it was such a glorious opportunity for us all to show our
love and well-wishing for the new matron. One of our girls who
has not been present since her initiation was there, and Elise Mc
Causland Crossley, who lives in Middletown, Connecticut, was also
among those present. Muriel Wyman (Gamma, '16) poured.
Perhaps you will pardon the personal flavor again, but I must
express my opinion on the February number of our magazine. I t
certainly appealed to me, as my chief business in life is that of a
home-maker, although I carry on a few side lines. The spirit of
Convention is tantalizing for one situated as I am, but "be ye well
assured" i f there were any possible way for me to get to Lynchburg,
I would be among those present. Here's hoping this will be the
best Convention ever, and that every Alpha girl who possibly can go
will be there. I second the Grand Treasurer's sentiments from the
point of view of the housekeeper, and believe with her that contact,
and not seclusion, is the one great solver for many of the perplexing
problems which daily confront the home-maker.
Fraternally yours,
MAUDE E. C. C O V E L L , Secretary.
To Mr. and Mrs. Louis E . Covell (Maude E . Clark, Brown, '02), at
Barrington, R. I . , January 6, a son, Walter Howard (third son and fourth
Our regular December meeting was held at the Elizabeth Pea-
body House in Boston, the Saturday after Christmas. Coming as
it did, during the Christmas holidays and on the evening of the same
day as the general alumnae meeting, it brought back some who have
difficulty in being present at the meetings regularly. The meeting
at the Peabody House was especially interesting to those of us who
had never had the opportunity of seeing the house before. Ethel
Remilie, who was our hostess, makes her home at this house, which
is one of those settlement houses located in the crowded north end
of Boston.
I n January we met at "Polly" Lambert's and spent the evening
sewing. I t was a delightful surprise to learn that Etta Phillips
MacPhie had returned to us permanently, and we hope to see her
frequently during the rest of the year. Edith Johnson was also
at this meeting. I t is a great pity that our younger sisters are so
irregular in their attendance at the meetings, because it is so easy
for us all to lose that keen interest in fraternity matters, i f we do not
keep it alive by being at the meetings often.
February found us on the " H i l l " again; which means most to
those who do not find it easy to get on the beloved " H i l l " as fre-
quently as their hearts desire.
Our January meeting was held at Jane Graham's charming home,
where in spite of the rain, which continued all morning, a dozen or
more girls gathered around the cheerful grate fire and forgot all
about rubbers and raincoats. There were so many letters to be read
and discussed, and other letters to be written, and work assigned,
before the Convention, that we had little time for sewing that day.
Jane has an adorable little daughter, who was quite shy among so
many strange people, and thought i f she staid right behind mother,
she was safe. But on the arrival of Mrs. Goodan with her baby
girl, little Martha Jane was so delighted that she just had to tell
the girls about it.
We decided that our February meeting should be a social meeting,
and that we would send a very special invitation to Mrs. Lange
(Helen Dickinson), who is a bride, and her sister, Grace Dickinson
Harris, who has been married but a year. Lucile Curtis most
cordially invited us to her home for the occasion, and we surely did
have a good time at that meeting. Some played cards, some
embroidered, and some crocheted, but mostly we talked. Several
chapters of A O II were represented, and we discussed all the news
from each. We received a letter from Zeta active chapter, which,
of course, was read. Mrs. Lockridge was with us, also one of her
cunning little dolls, which she makes of socks. I hope you may all
see it at the Convention, as I think one will be there.
Then all flocked out into the California sunshine and Lucile's
mother took our picture. Of course, we had to have a picture of
the one little Alpha O present, May Chandler Goodan's baby girl. I
am sure she is one, among the Alpha O babies, to take a blue ribbon.
I t was such a delightful little party that we were very loath to
depart, but all good things must end. However, before breaking
up, we presented each of our honor guests, the Dickinson girls, with
a potted cyclamen-white for the bride and red for the bride of a
Our March meeting was with Marian Burge, and we were all
delighted to find several girls there who have not been coming this
year. We do wish they would become regular attendants.
Mildred Stahl read an article, written by Helen Spaulding, a
Theta of Leland Stanford, called "The Fraternity of the Future."
She offers a suggestion that would revolutionize the rushing system.
Her idea is to permit the rushee to judge the fraternity girls, and
for her to apply to the fraternity for admission. The girls' scholar-
ship must be high to be admitted.
We also sewed, very diligently on the aforementioned "Gertrudes,"
while business and new fraternity songs were discussed.
JESS CORRELL M C K E N N A , Chapter Editor.
The newsy est news that I have to tell, and that will be of interest
to more than just the members of Zeta Chapter, is that of our two
Edith Hall and Mr. Harry Lansing were quietly married January
18th, 1917, at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. Only immediate
relatives witnessed the ceremony. The bride and groom left that
afternoon for California where they spent several weeks, returning
to Lincoln in March. They are living at the Lincoln Hotel.
The following is an extra from the Nebraska State lournai of
March 4th, "Stratton, Nebraska, March 3. A quiet wedding took
place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Diehl when their daughter
Breta was united in marriage to William Wallace Wendstrand of
Wahoo, Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock." Mr. Wendstrand
was graduated from the University of Nebraska Law School i n 1913,
the same year that Breta was graduated from the university, and is
at present county attorney of Saunders County. They will be at
home after April 1st, at Wahoo, Nebraska.
Our February meeting was with Alma Birkner Ranlings and "Zu"
Chapline Campbell at Alma's home. Fourteen of us gathered
around the open fire, sewed, and talked Convention. We were glad
to have Grace Gannon, who was home for the week-end meet with us.
Our March meeting was a luncheon, with the active chapter at
the Lincoln Hotel. About fifty girls sat down to tables which were
beautifully decorated with spring flowers. The place-cards were so
arranged that an alumna was seated between two active girls, so
that we might become better acquainted. Katherine Volmer had
the luncheon in charge.
The active chapter give their formal March 17th, at the Lincoln
Hotel and the date for the reunion and banquet is May 12th. We
wish that every Zeta girl who reads this letter would begin now to
plan to come to the banquet. We want you all here and as soon as
you know that you are coming write and tell us so.
Jane and Elsie Piper expect to spend part of their spring vacation
with Lou Chace Shultz at Stanton, Nebraska.
Emma Schreiber Hunter accompanied her husband, Superintendent
Hunter, to the National Association of Superintendents and Prin-
cipals which met in Kansas City in February.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Potter (Carrie Coman) have been spending
the winter in Seward at the home of Mr. Potter's parents. Mr.
Potter has returned to their home in Regina, Canada, and Carrie
expects to go in a few weeks.
Anabel Good, who has been spending the winter in California,
is expected home the last of the month.
The Lincoln Alumnae are greatly interested in the Convention and
several are planning to attend. May it be the best Convention that
Alpha Omicron Pi has ever held!
J A N E LOUISE PIPER, Chapter Editor.
Since the last To DRAGMA letter, Chicago Alumnae chapter has
had but two meetings. The first one at the home of Carolyn Dorr
in Berwyn was a purely business meeting at which much business
was transacted. The second one at Doris Wheeler's in Evanston
was almost a real picnic. We met in the morning, each carrying
her luncheon in a little package, and a thimble, ready to sew. We
worked industriously until three o'clock in the afternoon on very
attractive percale dresses for the tubercular children of the open-
air rooms of two of the public schools. When three o'clock came,
we found fifteen dresses completed, but for finishing touches. Then
we went to the Rho initiation and saw eleven girls added to their
chapter roll.
The next meeting will be a social one—a dinner to our husbands
and men friends. This annual party is always a very enjoyable one,
and we hope to make this year's dinner no exception.
A number of us are looking forward to going to Convention, and
the rest of us who are not going are disappointed, envious, and at
the same time delighted that the others can go and enjoy all that
Convention is holding out to us. I t is really unnecessary for Chi-
cago Alumnae chapter to wish Convention all the success in the
world, because that is already assured, but Chicago Alumnae does
send her very best wishes to all the delegates and guests, and espe-
cially to the committees who are working so hard and faithfully.
J U L I A L . FULLER, Chapter Editor.
The January meeting of the Indianapolis Alumnae chapter was
held with Mary Fee Palmer. As this was her first time playing
hostess to the Indianapolis girls since coming to the city a bride, she
had everything gay and festive for the occasion. Margaret and Ger-
trude Jayne entertained the chapter for the February meeting. This
time the girls had a talk feste and discussed the future of everybody
and everything. We are situated so near Beta Phi and Theta Chap-
ters that we feel it incumbent upon us to discuss their welfare even
if we can go no farther. Esther Canady, a Theta girl, was a visitor
at the February meeting.
The Panhellenic of Indianapolis had the opportunity about two
weeks ago to make some money. For several days the Greek-letter
girls from all parts of the city were busy selling tickets for The
Scarlet Letter, which was shown at one of the down-town motion
picture theaters. The Panhellenic made five cents on each ticket
sold and from the last report nearly one hundred dollars had been
netted. This money is to be used as a part of the educational fund
which the Panhellenic. has established.
The main thing on our program for the remainder of the year is
the state luncheon, to occur the first week in May. We are hoping
for a large attendance, as this is the one time we see all the "old"
girls and hear the many interesting tales they have to tell. This year
the luncheon promises to be a booster meeting for the Convention.
LUCY E. A L L E N , Chapter Editor.