w ofalpha omicron pi
Spring 1988 Vol. LXIV, No. 6
TO DRAGMA is pleased to dedi- cate this issue to the biennial theme, AOn ALWAYS!
These two short words connote a lifetime commitment and a lifetime of opportunity.
It begins even at pledging, as we learn of the programs of the Frater- nity through Membership Education. Our exciting new Pledge Program, "A Rose Ever Blooming," is intro- duced on page 14, and reflects the spirit of this theme.
AOII ALWAYS! applies to each of us personally, as we weave our mem- bership and involvement meaning- fully into the other important com- ponents of our lifestyle. How beauti- fully this is illustrated through our
AOII Notables highlighted on page 19.
AOII ALWAYS! also underscores the permanence of the Fraternity itself. You will enjoy reviewing landmarks of that permanence through the oc- casions of special anniversaries in Illinois, Minnesota, Colorado, Loui- siana and Maine. Another of these traditions has begun with the instal- lation of N u Delta, Canisius College, Buffalo, New York. We hope you will refresh your own Membership Education by following the anniver- sary timeline woven across these pages.
AOII ALWAYS! will be highlighted as the theme for the June Leadership Conferences. These regional gather- ings undergird the strength of our
middle management, with the elec- tion of regional leadership and a sharing of ideas and programs. You'll find more on the Leadership Confer- ence in your area on page 16.
AOII ALWAYS! More than just a biennial theme, it is a reflection of our commitment and our love.
The €%>tior$ Place
By Peg Crawford
(U. of Illinois) International President
A Rose
Ever Blooming
The fraternity men are on the receiv- ing end of a wonderful public rela- tions release that tells the fraternity affiliation of many notable American men. 76% of all United States senators and representatives are fraternity men; 71% of those in Who's Who in Amer- ica, and 85% of the Fortune 500 Execu- tives make the same claim. Since 1825, all but 2 U.S. Presidents, and since 1900, 63% of the U.S. Cabinet are listed on fraternity rolls. Pretty impressive.
What does this have to do with Alpha Omicron Pi's new Pledge Pro- gram, A Rose Ever Blooming? As I was reading the results of this research, I thought of all the fraternity women I know who are achievers, and I
mused that someday soon we will need to compile a similar list for women. From that my thoughts focus- ed naturally on Alpha Omicron Pi and upon all the things we can do if we take advantage of our member- ship experience.
We are given the challenge to be the best we can possibly be. This includes giving us a responsibility to develop our own talents and at the same time to be ever conscious of the needs of others and do our utmost to contribute to the betterment of those whose lives we touch.
How does Alpha Omicron Pi manage to instill these traits? Our Ritual is a primary influencing fac- tor, and the example of our AOII sis- ters plays a big role. It has long been recognized that the education during pledgeship has far reaching effects that can last a lifetime.
For several years, a goal of the Executive Board has been to expand on our pledge education. Designing a new Pledge Program may not sound so difficult, but the time and talents of many have gone into this excellent new training tool. We are indebted to Anne Wilmes, International Chair- man of Membership Education, for the final product. We are also indebted to Beta Phi and Phi Upsilon chapters
for using the program as a Pilot Study, and giving us invaluable feed- back.
Anne's article in this issue de- cribes for you the many facets of the education that future AOIIs will re- ceive. We have the opportunity right from the beginning as pledges to witness the dedication of our Alum- nae Advisers and our Regional Direc- tors to help us and our chapters to achieve, but how many collegians translate that into continued involvement for themselves? This Program will alert our young women to the advantages of alumnae service.
Other sections such as Life Man- agement Skills and Standards By Which We Live and Grow will pro- vide training sessions that will prove to be invaluable in the personal as well as the professional aspects of our future members' lives. We are giving our pledges every opportunity to be added to that list of Notable AOIIs in just a few years.
Led by our collegiate chapter Pledge Educators, A Rose Ever Blooming has the quality to instill in AOII pledges that sense of responsibility to strive for excellence in their lives. And that is exactly what all members of Alpha Omicron Pi are expected to do.
To Dragma
Published since January, 1905 by
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897
Jessie Wallace Hughan
Helen St. Clair Mullan Stella George Stern Perry Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
• T h e Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia
University and all are deceased.
I0TDRAGMA 1 ofalphaomicronpi
Deborah Harper Stillwell, NO 3821 Cleghorn Avenue Nashville, T N 37215 (615) 794-0655 (Home) (615) 292-0461 (Office)
Executive Director
Sue Edmunds Lewis, CAE, TA 3821 Cleghorn Ave. Nashville, T N 37215
Public Relations Coordinator Melanie Nixon Doyle, AS 3821 Cleghorn Ave. Nashville, TN 37215
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 3821 Cleghorn Ave. Nashville, Tennessee 37215 Telephone: 615-383-1174
Spring 1988
AOn Always! Chapters Celebrate Anniversaries NPC Holds 50th Biennial Meeting
Leadership Conference
AOn Notables
Alumnae News
Collegiate Chapter Commentary
Vol. LXIV No. 6
4 12 16 19
20 .25 26
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $50.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Address all editorial communications to the Editor, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nash- ville, T N 37215. Second Class Postage
On the Cover
AOn ALWAYS! the theme for the 1987-1989 Biennium is represented on the cover.
The AOII cornerstone symbolizing a strong foundation on which the fraternity was built.
The Tau Chapter House at the University of Minnesota. The chapter celebrated their seventy-fifth year. See feature article on page 8. This celebration is a reflection of the roots we all share in oar collegiate chapters.
TheJacqueminotRose,thefraternityflower.Thesweetestflowerthatgrows.Symbol- izing the development of membership.
AOII's 1987-1988 Chapter Consultants pictured with Edith Anderson, Past Interna- tional President who celebrated her 90th Birthday during AOII's 1987 Convention. Consultants left to right: Julie Derby, Laura Buchtel, Ginger Mylander, Shannon Collins, Laura Watson, Melissa Brandon, Beth Brophy, Sharron Henriques Starling.
paid at Nashville, mailing offices.
T N and
TO DRAGMA Deadlines Jan. 15
April 1 July 1 Oct. 1
Spring 1988
To Dragma
60 Years at University of Colorado
by Debra Trueax Eilert Epsilon Alpha (Penn State)
On November 21, 1987, over two hundred women gathered at the Hyatt Regency T ech Center to celebrate the founding of the Denver Area Alum- nae Chapter and the Chi Delta Chap- ter of Alpha Omicron Pi sixty years ago. Carrie Marshall Klein, alumnae charter member, joined Alice W ester - lund Dickensheets and Eva Boillat Markley, chapter charter members, for the luncheon. Toastmistress Helen "Huey" Burk introduced skits and songs from the past six decades and provided a poetic tribute to the sub- ject of age. Region VIII vice president Barbara Kramer and director Pamela DeZevallos offered congratulations. International President Peg Crawford highlighted the afternoon's events as guest speaker. Chi Delta Chapter President Kathy Stevens and Alum- nae President-Elect Micki Hanson presented certificates of honor. The proceedings were videotaped and several alumnae shared their memo- ries and collegiate scrapbooks with the gathering. A reception at the chapter house in Boulder followed the celebration in Denver.
by Sherry Hodges Devlin Chi Delta (U. of Colorado)
The talk was of babies, not boy- friends—and there were jobs and households, not classes, to get back to. But an informal reunion of Chi Delta alumnae from the mid-1970s only proved the old adage, "The
Enjoying Chi Delta's (U . of Colorado) 60th Anniversary Celebration were standing from left: Karen Brooks Rhea, Carolyn Spain Neu, Peg Crawford (International Presi- dent), Pat McDonough Zarlengo, and Edith Cope Lockard. Seated from left: Mary Helen Sweeney McCabe, Alice Westerlund Dickensheets, Eva Boillat Markley, and
-1897 -1898 -1900 -1902 -1903
-1907 -1908
Barnard College Newcomb College New York U.
U. of Tennessee Randolph-Macon U. of Nebraska
U. of California- Berkeley
DePauw U. Brown U. Tufts U.
U. of Maine Cornell U.
-1909 -1910 -1911
-1914 -1915
Boston, M A Providence, Rl
San Francisco, C A Northwestern U. Stanford U.
U. of Illinois
Lincoln, N E
U. of Minnesota Chicago Northshore Los Angeles, C A Syracuse U.
U. of Washington Southern Methodist U.
- 1 9 1 6
Indianapolis, IN Indiana U.
Greater Portland, M E Minneapolis/
St. Paul, MN New Orleans,LA Portland, O R
U. of Wisconsin,
Madison Montana State U. Vanderbilt U. Bangor, ME Knoxville, TN
- 1 9 1 8 r-1919
-1920 -1921
Lynchburg, V A New York, NY Seattle, W A
U. of Pennsylvania U. of Kansas MiamiU
Dallas, T X
Detroit, Ml
Greater Kansas City, M O Philadelphia, P A Washington,D.C. Omaha, N E
U. of Michigan
M arshall
more things change, the more they stay the same."
We met—nearly 25 of us, plus children—in Denver the weekend of Chi Delta's 60th anniversary (Nov. 21-22). We came from all across the west. Bedrock and Grand Junction, Colo.; Missoula, Mont.; California's San Jose, Santa Rosa and San Carlos; and from nearer Denver—Colorado Springs, Greeley, Longmont and Broomfield.
We met and laughed and watched slides of our days at Chi Delta and caught up on the years since. There were baby pictures to pass around,
careers to compare, marriages and travels to other parts of the globe. More than 12 years had passed since some of us had visited, but the years were quick to fade—and old friend- ships were soon renewed.
The reunion was all too brief, but ended with promises of another and an up-to-date mailing list to help bridge the miles. The farewells were as heartfelt as those years ago, when we packed Dad's car to the limit and left Boulder for "reality." Thank you, AOn, for bringing us all together as Chi Deltans and for keeping us to- gether as alumnae.
Kappa Tau Celebrates Silver Anniversary
by Eileen Coleman
Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana)
Excitement and balloons pervaded the air as over 160 alumnae and col- legiate members of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity gathered at the beauti- fully decorated Holidome on Janu- ary 17, 1988 to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the i n - stallation of Kappa Tau Chapter at Southeastern Louisiana University.
The theme of this special occasion "Through the Years" was especially meaningful as over fifteen members of the Yellow Jacket Club, SLU's first social organization, 20 Kappa Rhos, alumnae and collegians gather- ed to reminisce the events and friend- ships that had bound them together "through the years."
The festivities began with the initia- tion of twelve new sisters. A reception in the newly decorated chapter suite of sorority housing followed. Old yearbooks, composites and sorority memorabilia decorated the suite and provided many "trips down memory lane" for all.
At the luncheon following the recep- tion, several letters and anniversary gifts from regional and international officers were shared. Mrs. Gayle Robinson Miller, 1988 Corporation President, led the participants in the singing of AOLT grace.
Mrs. Melanie Doyle, International Public Relations Coordinator of AOLT, entertained everyone with an inspira- tional address on the progress and goals of our Fraternity.
Mrs. Stella Kenney brought back memories to the old and enlightened the young with a few words about the
founding of the Yellow Jacket Club. A special presentation of certifi- cates were presented to the outstand- ing women who are the Charter mem- bers and Past Presidents of Kappa
Patti Thompson Dowie then made
a special presentation of recognition to Dorothy Cooper Robinson and Cynthia Henderson Lobue for their "true example that sisterhood is forever."
Gayle Robinson Miller announced the 1988 recipient of the V onnie Borden Scholarship. This scholar- shipwasestablished tohonorVonnie Borden who devoted many years to serving AOLT in the advisory capa- city. Lacie Arnold was the recipient.
Each year the Yellow Jacket Club awards a scholarship to the collegiate member who has given outstanding service to Kappa Tau. Mrs. Dorothy
Robinson presented Eileen Coleman, Kappa Tau President, with this scho- larship for 1988.
As an outward expression of their inner selves the collegians of Kappa Tau shared several special songs to relay the true feelings of love that they have in their hearts. Many alumnae joined in as the warmth filled the room.
The Chapter paid a special tribute to the four founders of the Fraternity: Stella George Stern Perry, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Jessie Wallace Hughan and Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. A candlewaslitinmemoryofeachone. A tribute was also made to the deceased members of the Chapter.
Cynthia Lobue led the benediction and the celebration of twenty-five years culminated with the group sing- ing Alpha Omicron Pi's "Circle Hymn."
Cleveland East Nashville, TN Syracuse, NY
-1923 U. of Oregon
-1924 U. of Oklahoma
U. of California, Los Angeles
Rhodes College Oklahoma City Oregon State U. Chicago South Shore Madison, Wl
U. of Colorado Butler U. Bloomington, IN Denver, C O Florida State U. Ann Arbor, Ml
-1930 - 1 9 3 1 -1932
Cincinnati, OH Tulsa,OK Pennsylvania State U. U. of Cincinnati
Ft. Wayne, IN
St. Louis, MO
U. of Toronto
Denison U. Rochester, NY
U. of British Columbia Dayton, OH
San Diego, C A Washington State U.
- 1 9 3 3
-1934 -1935
-1936 1—1937 -1938
Buffalo, NY
New Jersey
U. of South Carolina Baltimore, MD
Atlanta, G A Westchester County, NY Michigan State U.
U. of Georgia
East Bay, CA
Toronto, Ontario
Terre Haute, IN
Lake County, IN Washington College
U. of Maryland
Beaumont, T X
Birmingham,AL -1927 Memphis, T N
Miami Valley, OH
Milwaukee, Wl
-1925 Birmingham-Southern -1928 College
Spring 1988
. . • '•' mm •WSJ* mm
Kappa TauChapter(Southeastern LouisianaU.) with Melanie Doyle, Headquarters Public Relations Coordinator.
Sigma Lambda Reunion
REUNITED—More than 75 alumnae members of Sigma Lambda Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi reunited recently in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. The three day weekend reunion, at their University of Wisconsin campus, was organized by committee members Janet Gabrielson (1977), Janet Wilson Ficken (1978), Deb Challenger Byington (1977) and Debra Miles Piltz (1978). Alumnae were able to catch up on the latest news, rekindle old friendships, cruise along the Mississippi River on the Delta Queen, and attend a formal banquet featuring Toastmistress Sue Maier (1977) and Dinner Speaker Sally Huck Drea (1971). The next reunion of the Sigma Lambdas is planned for 1992.
Greater Portland Alumnae Chapter
and a charter member of the Greater Portland Alums.
Marion Libby Broaddus was a legacy to AOII as her mother was also a Gamma, Class of 1914. Marion her- self was but one of five legacies in her pledge class in 1938, an event she remembers being pictured in To Dragma that academic year. Marion has been active in church, civic, and University of Maine activities since her graduation. She was active in the Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter in the early fifties serving i n various leadership positions. She has been an integral member of our group since its inception.
During Ritual the 50 Year pin was presented to Marion and afterward all joined in a closing circle singing AOII favorites. Notes were read to Marion from Gamma classmates un- able to attend and guests browsed through AOII memorabilia contrib- uted by various members. It is with great enthusiasm that we look for- ward to another ten successful years!
Claudette Powers Simm, Gamma (U. of Maine), presents Marion Libby Broaddus, Gamma, with her 50 Year member certifi- cate at the Greater Portland Alumnae Chapter 10 Year Anniversary Celebration.
by Anne Scully Varney Gamma (U. of Maine)
The Greater Portland
Chapter celebrated its tenth anniver- sary on March 20, 1988 with a lunch- eon at the Sheraton Tara in South Portland. Special guests included Regional Vice President Sandy Amos who had installed the group in 1978, our Regional Director Rita Hurtt who was making her first visit to Maine for AOII, and Becky Woods who is a member and former presi-
dent of Greater Portland, presently a Regional Director.
Terri Altoff Pease, our out-going president, gave her welcoming remarks and Barbara Koeritz Wentworth served as historian of the past ten years with treasures unearthed from our AOII time capsule. Much laughter and memories were shared by the group during her presentation. Claudette Powers Simms, our in-coming presi- dent, gave special recognition in her remarks to Marion Libby Broaddus, a fifty year member of AOII this year
To Dragma
Louisiana State U. Canton-Massilon, O H Columbus, O H Eastern Shore, MD Houston, TX
Miami, F L Sacramento, C A Toledo, OH Wichita, K S McGill U. Mansfield, OH Montreal, Quebec Pasadena, C A
-1941 -1944
U. of Southern California
Eugene, O R Vancouver, B.C. Florida Southern
Auburn U. Birmingham, Ml
Grand Rapids, Ml Centenary College Baton Rouge, L A Bozeman, M T Evansville Tri-State, IN
Lakeland Area, F L Rockford, IL Shreveport, LA Spokane, W A TampaBayArea,FL San Jose State U.
U. of Florida Kentuckiana, K Y Lafayette, IN Louisville, K Y Newark-Granville SanJose,CA State College, P A
Chicago-Beverly Chicago West
Suburban Youngstown, OH U. of Texas, Austin Bridgeport, C T
U. of Toledo Akron, O H
Great Falls, MT Greater Lansing, Pittsburg, P A
San Antonio, TX
IOTA CHAPTER: Seventy Fifth Anniversary & House Rededication
Region VIIVice President Jean Dundas Zimmermann, Lambda Beta (California State- Long Beach), and Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Chapter President Jan Hiser Bowsher, Iota, enjoy Iota's anniversary festivities.
sion of the chapter house.
Past, present, and continued suc-
cess were celebrated at the 75th Anni- versary of Iota. The memories of the 75th Anniversary and the pride of AOII and Iota still shine brightly.
Chapter House Expansion
by Donna Berg Iota (U. of Illinois)
Iota's dream of 10 years has at last become a reality—the expansion is complete! It all started with a chapter vote in the spring of 1985 to go ahead with the plans to add to the chapter house that have been in the making for several years. The expansion was expected to take place over the summer of 1986, and to be completed in time for rush that same year. Not only the size of the house was increased. The expanded chapter house was recently pictured in an architectural maga- zine to honor the architects—Ray Lytle and Gary Olsen—for preserv- ing the architectural style of the house.
Iota Chapter House
by Susan J. Bianchi Iota (U. of Illinois)
On October 4-6, 1986, at the Uni- versity of Illinois, Iota celebrated 75 years of continuing AOII tradition, with all of the alumnae returning for the 75th Anniversary. Iota also plan- ned a rededication ceremony in honor of the completed expansion of the chapter house. The 75th Anniversary celebration of Iota created and re- kindled memories. Iota alums from California to Massachusetts arrived in Urbana to celebrate with the Iota collegians.
The festivities began on Friday evening with a contributor's party at Judy Thompson's (President of Iota Corporation Board) home. Saturday was the big day! We started the day off with an inspirational ritual ser- vice followed by a delightful lunch- eon where the University of Illinois Panhellenic Director, Adlon Jergen- son spoke. Saturday afternoon Iota held an open house. Rush displays,
scrapbooks, and 75 jacqueminot roses decorated the chapter house. All of the collegians were intrigued by the stories and histories each alumnae shared with them.
Saturday evening Iota held the 75th Anniversary banquet which was one of the brightest highlights of the weekend. Iota had the distinct honor and pleasure to have Peg Crawford, our International President who is also an Iota, as the guest of honor. Iota awarded alumnaes from the old- est pledge class represented, the most alumnaes representing a pledge class, as well as those who traveled the farthest. T o top the evening off, Peg Crawford presented Iota's chapter president, Annette Biek, with a beau- tiful mirror in honor of the 75th Anniversary.
On Sunday, a brunch sponsored by the local alumnae was held at the chapter house. At this time, Peg Craw- ford cut the cardinal red ribbon in a rededication ceremony which sym- bolized the completion of the expan-
- 1 9 4 9
Arkansas State U. Greater Hartford,CT Jonesboro, AR Richmond, IN
San Fernando Valley, C A
Idaho State U. Hanover College Cleveland West Corvallis, O R Little Rock,AR Long Beach, C A Phoenix, A Z
South Bend, IN Willamette Valley, O R Wagner College
U. of Evansville Western Michigan U. Glendale, C A Montgomery, AL
San Bernadino, C A Hartwick College Ball State U. Huntsville, A L Northern Virginia Pocatello, ID
- 1 9 5 4 -1955
Indiana State U. Dearborn, Ml
Northern Illinois U. East Tennessee State U. Atlanta Tri-County Ithica, NY
U. of Southwestern Louisiana
Georgia State U. Illinois Wesleyan U. Chicago Northwest
Suburban Riverside,CA
- 1 9 5 7
- 1 9 5 8
Youngstown State U.
Lambuth Coliege Detroit North
Suburban, Ml Colorado Springs, C O Southern Connecticut U. of Mississippi Northeast Louisiana U. U. of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee Jackson, TN U. of Arizona
Spring 1988
To Dragma
Diamond Anniversary Celebrated
By Wilma Smith Leland Tau (U. of Minnesota)
Past International President
by Tau Chapter
Tau Chapter at the University of Minnesota was 75 years old on October 29,1987. The weekend of October 16- 18 was the time of celebration, reun- ion, and nostalgia. How is such a weekend planned? A year in advance. The first priority for the core com- mittee, co-chaired by Pauline Alter- matt and Wilma Smith Leland, sur- vivors from planning the 50th, was headquarters. The Marriott in City Center set aside space, through the efforts of Catherine Burkhardt Larson.
The first mailing giving dates and program was sent out in April, 1987. It listed the committees which had been set up at core committee meet- ings: Food/site, Catherine Burkhardt Larson; Invitations/mailing/reserva- tions, Pauline and Donna Jenia Schulberg; Classes/hostesses, Helen Bachtold, Alison Englund, Lynne Hardey Hansen, Barbara Kohler, Joan Senum Moe, Mary Stone, Mary Put- nam West, and Barbara Schwandt Welsh; Entertainment/program, Barbara Reese Davidson, Georgia Gould, and Mary Kinney Steinke; Display/photographer/decorations, Lois Blair Golding, Zeta, Marilyn Dixon Haugen; Tau Chapter His- tory, Wilma Smith Leland; Col- legians, Heather Essig. The letter urged members to write, call and make plans for reunion with class members. Joan and Mary were core-committee members.
A second mailing was sent in July. This asked for funds for a Capital Improvement Fund to set up for the maintenance of the chapter house,
International President Peg Crawford, Iota (U. of Illinois), presents the Fraternity gift to Heather Essig, Tau Chapter President, during the 75th Anniversary festivities.
Kentucky Wesleyan College
Johnson City, TN
East Carolina U. Central State U.
Utah State U. Pomona-Covina, C A Portland State U. Murray State U.
Morris Harvey College U. of Wisconsin,
LaCrosse Honolulu, HI
- 1 9 6 3
Eastern Michigan U. Central Missouri
State U. Southeastern
Louisiana U. Purdue U.
Northern Arizona U. Austin, T X
Camden Area, NJ Charleston,WVA Flagstaff, A Z Greater Jackson
Area, MS
—1964 —1965
Parsons College California State U.,
Long Beach
U. of Montana Western Kentucky U. Cocoa-Melbourne, F L Des Moines, IA Gainesville, F L Greater Columbia, S C Lawrence, K S Monroe, LA
Muncie, IN
Orono, M E
Palo Alto,CA San Mateo, C A Pan American U. Indiana U. of
Pennsylvania Morningside College U. of Tennessee, Martin St. Norbert College Slippery Rock State U. U. of Wisconsin, Stout Ohio Northern U. Atlanta Southwest
built in 1929, and in constant need of repairs, refurnishing and upgrading. The letter reminded sisters of the new housing, our competitors! It set up categories for contributors: Benefac- tor, $750+; Sponsor, $500+; Donor, $250+; Contributors up to $249.
The third mailing was late in being sent, but went out in September. It gave the program i n detail with costs, time, si tes and had a tear-off for reser- vations. A separate form was included for hotel rooms. A limited number of Homecoming football tickets were arranged and price and a form were shown for them.
That is the way the planning went. BUT, "There's many a slip 'Twixt the cup and the lip.' " Who could have known in 1986 or even in the spring of 1987 that the Twins would have been in the World Series playoff;
that Homecoming's game would be rescheduled for Friday night; that all of the traditional Homecoming events, bonfire, parade, house decorations would be pushed up to accommodate the baseball competition . . . all this because the University teams share the Metrodome with the professionals?
The committee held a few football tickets and got a refund for the rest. The social gathering at La Rive, a condominium on the river had been set for 4 to 6 p.m. in case the game was played in the afternoon or evening, depending on TV coverage. The menu had been planned for hot food. It was changed to the traditional. The time was fine for those who wanted to go out for dinner. Catherine and Clair Larson live in the condo and served as hosts along with committee mem- bers. The Saturday weather was lovely
so the terrace with its views offered returning members sights to be re- membered. So did the scrapbooks. The cost was easy—$6.00.
The reception and banquet com- peted with the Homecoming game. Spouses were not invited to those, as they were to the Friday get-together and the Sunday brunch, so they did go to the game if they chose. A profes- sional photographer took pictures of groups or candids at the various events.
When so many professional women in the field of entertainment belong to Tau, a program of quality was a foregone conclusion. Mary Kenney Steinke conducts fashion shows. Georgia Gould works on programs for KTCA, PBS's Twin Cities' station, a writer; Barbara Reese Davidson is presently singing the role of Golde, Tevye's wife in "Fiddler on the Roof" at the Chanassen Dinner Theatre. The clothes were loaned by alumnae and modeled by Tau collegians. Mary directed the show and read the script, Georgia wrote it and Barbara taped the songs of the decades represented by the clothes. The show followed the greetings by Peg Crawford, Inter- national President and the presenta- tion of two silver water pitchers, the Fraternity's anniversary gift. Cathe- rine Larson spoke about the Capital Improvement Fund. Pauline was toast- mistress. Nostalgia came when Shir- ley Bishop Richardson sang "Only a Rose." Preference Night at rush is
concluded by this song. There was more nostalgia when Barbara Schwandt Welsh, Bellevue, Washing- ton played a taped greeting from Ruth Paine Thompson of Seattle, the only surviving charter member. Bar- bara had taken a photograph of Ruth who is 97, so able and attractive, and had made a huge greeting poster on which everyone wrote a message and signed it.
Sharing a special moment during Tau Chapter's celebration were from left to right: Georgia Gould, Past International President Wilma Smith Leland, and Catherine W atson.
Before and after the banquet Wilma autographed copies of 75 Years Tau of Alpha Omicron Pi. Copies were sold for $15, the profits to be used for
house maintenance but the corpora- tion board changed the plans after the history was published. Profits go to a Wilma Smith Leland Scholar- shipforaTaumember.
The banquet ended with the candle- light service and the Epsilon Chapter song with which all AOII functions end. The cost of the banquet was $25.
Alumnae and husbands visited at the Friday informal party. Its relaxed atmosphere gave local members and those from afar more time together. The evening was free for more of the same or offerings that the cities have to give.
Sunday's brunch at the chapter house began with the formal ritual in the ritual room at the chapter house. Heather Essig, the chapter president, conducted the service. Many had not been present for it for years and it reminded them of the reason for their friends, their journeys and the values given to AOIIs by the Founders. The buffet brunch followed at 11:00 a.m. Catherine W atson and her fiance, Al
Daytona Beach Area, F L
Detroit Northwest Suburban, Ml
Greater Kalamazoo, Ml -1967 U. of Alabama
California State U., Northridge
U. of Wisconsin, Whitewater
Brooklyn, N Y Bowling Green, K Y Contra Costa
-1968 —1969
Ft. Worth,TX Greater Allentown-
Bethlehem, P A Kokomo, IN Northern Mississippi Iowa State U. Tuscaloosa, A L
U. of South Alabama Coe College Northeastern U.
Boise State U.
Kearney State College Chadron State College
East Stroudsburg U. Florida Atlantic 0. Albany, NY Albuquerque, NM Ames, IA
Arlington Mid-Cities Bloomington-Normal, IL Boise, ID
Broward County, F L Chagrin Valley, O H Charleston, S C Chicago Southwest
Greater Harrisburg, P A Kearney, N E
Las Vegas, NV
Long Island, NY Macomb County, Ml Marin County,CA Missoula, MT
Mobile, AL Orlando-Winter
Park, F L
Ottawa, Ontario Pullman,WA Southern Orange, C A
Spring 1988
Twenty-seven members of the classes from the 1950s attended the anniversary banquet.
Sickerman, were "the non-profit photographers." Catherine is travel Editor, Star Tribune. Her photo- graphy is remarkable. Al is a Star Tribune staff member and contributes recipes and menus in a weekly article for the Sunday section. The surprise of the brunch was their engagement announcement, passing the candle following the reenactment of the sing- ing on the stairs, the Preference Night's conclusion of rush. They have since been married.
Everyone toured the house. Marie Bremer Reim of New Ulm had sup- plied funds to redecorate and refur- nish the chapter president's room, a memorial to their mother which she and her sister, Kathryn Bremeer Mat- son had given when the house was built. Members were able to see needs for repairs, new equipment required by health authorities and to admire the house where so many have lived, worked and played.
The cost of the brunch was $5.00. It brought such people as Barbara Reese Davidson, Barbara Peterson Bachman with daughters (Barbara, through Bachman's, the famous florists who supplied Mrs. Reagan's request for poinsettias, gave the roses to decorate the stairs as is customary for the ceremony), Margaret McHugh Amberg, Margaret Wilson Bjorndahl and others who could not attend the other affairs. The collegians, in white, were hostesses, along with Mary Gallagher, the house director.
And what did it add up to? The classes of the '50s would have won the jackpot for numbers had there been one. They came from Florida, Cali- fornia, Colorado, Virginia. The classes of the '70s ran a close second and perhapsBarbaraPeltoHann,'70,came the farthest—from St. Croix, Virgin Islands. There were the '20s, the '30s, the '40s, the difficult '60s, the '80s. The formal count was lost when sis-
Tau collegians modeled clothes of the past decades.
To Dragma
Tallahassee,FL —1971 Tucson, A Z
Wilmington, D E
Western Illinois U.
Northwest Missouri State U.
LaGrange College Bemidji State U. Martin, T N Eastern Illinois U. U. of Delaware Chattanooga, TN Iowa City, IA
U. of North Alabama Amador-Livermore
Valley, C A Boulder, C O
Hammond, LA LaGrange,GA
Shoals Area, A L Charlotte, NC
Greater Lafayette, LA Hawaii
Lexington, K Y Northern Orange
County,CA South Bay/Palos
Verdes, C A Staten Island, NY Topeka, K S
—1976 -1977
U. of California, Davis Billings, MT Columbia-Jefferson
City, MO
Columbus, GA
Greater Pensacola, F L Macon, G A
Maryville, M O Huntingdon College Diablo Valley, C A
U. of California,
San Diego Jacksonville, F L
Morehead State U. West Chester State
Southern Illinois U. Chicago Farwest
Findlay Area
Palm Beach County, F L
ters came to see if they could still attend and they could by paying at the door.
There were greetings from many who could not return. One came from Jessie McAdams Larned of Mil- waukee who cannot travel, one of Tau's International Presidents. Another was a letter from Jamie Kain Southworth, now of Pittsburgh, a chapter adviser who has a daughter in her chapter, Kappa Kappa at Ball State.
The letters of regret came with the Christmas mail, some bringing contri- butions. Some expressed the privi- lege they had in returning. One was a letter from an AOII daughter whose mother no longer lives: Mary Virgi- nia Thompson Johnson of Phoenix, Maryland. Mary Goodman Davis, her mother, was in Wilma's pledge class, 1923. Royal, her husband, came with Mary Virginia.
"You thoughtful and kind sisters planned a perfectly lovely weekend forcominghomeforallofus.Your arrangements were so comfortable
and hospitable and it was just wonder- ful to see everyone again. Each of them told you that Wilma's vignettes were charming and the music and the styles of the decades were simply delightful. . . . Meeting all those lovely youngsters in the active chap- ter was heartwarming, too . . . the house even though it needs a capital improvement for a new boiler and some structural repair, looked fresh and well kept." A memorial for her mother was made by Mary Virginia.
The classes of the '50s intend to have reunions every two years, some place. If the spirit of the 75th can build up the Capital Improvement Fund for the Corporation Board's work, the sale of 75 Years Tau of Alpha Omicron Pi can continue until all 1,000 copies produce assets for the scholarship (orders for delivery out of town are $17.00 to include postage and safe delivery); renewed and increas- ed work in the Minneapolis Alumnae Chapter(dues$15), thefutureofTau will assure a healthy chapter of young women with their advisers.
Nu Delta Becomes 154th Chapter
Rochester, NY, Beta Tau, University of Toronto, AOII Headquarters, and college friends and officials joined in the excitement of Nu Delta from its inception.
"It feels great to be 'official'," said Kelly Glaser, former Rush Chairman. "All of our hard work has finally paid off. But it's just the beginning."
When the hoopla of this red letter weekend subsided, N u Delta was faced with the true challenge of AOII—to become involved and to nurture the growth of the sorority.
With steady progress, N u Delta has stayed on the path to keeping a suc- cessful organization. School and com- munity involvement is high, and considered a priority. We have shown support by volunteering to act as hos- tesses at the Canisius College Open House, set the pace in the Swim-A- Thon for the Arthritis Foundation, challenged others to join in on the 6:00 p.m. evening news, and have taken on the new responsibility of sponsoring the annual United Way Fashion Show. Nu Delta has shown concern and has become a respected group on campus.
Not only is Nu Delta becoming a community motivator, we are also becoming better friends with the help of great social events. "We all have different interests, and since Canisius is mostly a commuter school, social events are important," commented Jody Stoetzel, Social Chairman. "Events like the day trip to Niagara Falls, the Panda Party, PotLuck Din- ner and Fireside Chat, help us to get together and join in one common thing."
It is evident that "becoming" re- quires time, creativity, and motiva- tion. "Being" suggests complacency, and a general blase attitude. N u Delta has accepted the AOII challenge on April 4, 1987, and will continue to "become" for a prosperous future.
International President Peg Crawford, Iota (U. of Illinois) poses with the charter members of newly installed Nu Delta Chapter (Canisius College).
by Ann Meissner
Nu Delta (Canisius College)
"Becoming is superior to being." This small quote by Paul Klee has a big meaning, and accurately describes the attitude held by the Nu Delta Chapter at Canisius College in Buf- falo, New York.
Since introduction as a colony to the Alpha Omicron Pi community last fall we proved ourselves possess- ing loyalty, enthusiasm, and dedica- tion by establishing a strong greek organization. What was once a vision has become a reality.
The weekend of April 4, 1987 will long be remembered by all. N u Delta
was installed as AOII's 154th colle- giate chapter. We can claim to be the first social sorority in the history of Canisius College. With a fanfare of events, N u Delta was honored by hosting International President, Peg Crawford as Installing Officer.
"Peg's enthusiasm helped us realize what being an AOII is all about," said Gail Kotowski, Chapter Rela- tions Chairman. "Her presence added to the excitement of the weekend full of mystery, anticipation, and feeling of accomplishment."
The installation of Nu Delta in- volved many people besides the 38 candidates; the Alumnae chapter in
-1978 George Mason U.
U. of Texas, San Antonio
Greater Pinellas,FL
Northwest Arkansas
-1979 Duke U.
Monterey, C A Springfield Area, IL Triangle, N C
-1981 Wright State U. Eugene-Springfield, O R
Ventura County, C A
-1982 U. of Kentucky
U. of Virginia
- 1 9 8 3 -1984
- 1 9 8 5
Charlottesville, VA Area U. of Louisville Virginia Tidewater, V A Texas Woman's U. Lehigh U. Shippensburg U.
New York-New Jersey Metro Area
Decatur, AL Area Middle Tenn. State U. Villanova U.
U. of South Florida
U. of Chicago
- 1 9 8 6
U. of Calgary
Cedar Rapids, IA Hopkinsville, K Y Morehead, KY
N. Houston Suburban, TX St. Leo College
U. of Missouri, Columbia Thomas More College Cal-Poly State U. Austin Peay State U.
U. of West Virginia Virginia Common-
wealth U.
- 1 9 8 8
Towson State U.
U. of Western Ontario Richmond, VA
U. of Alabama,
Birmingham Transylvania U. Canisius College Eastern Kentucky U. Elon College Piedmont, NC
Parks College
Ohio U.
Georgia Southern U.
Spring 1988
To Dragma
National Panhellenic Conference Biennial Meeting
By Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa (U. ofTexas)
NPC Delegate
Past International President
Salutes to the past and the future, and discussions about issues of the present were among the highlights of the 50th Biennial Meeting of the National Panhellenic Conference. The gathering of representatives of the 26 member groups was held at the Fairmont Hotel in New Orleans, LA from Nov. 4 to Nov. 7, 1987.
Sidney G. Allen (Alpha Sigma Alpha), 1985-87 Conference Chair- man, emphasized that providing in- creased educational opportunities, a goal she had as Chairman, would be a major thrust of the NPC meeting.
Accordingly, the NPC delegates were offered four major educational programs during the meeting.
The first program was the presen- tation of a 13-minute videotape, "Greeks Today, Here to Stay," which was prepared by the NPC Executive Committee. Produced in association with the University of Illinois, the tape outlines the advantages of Greek membership. The tape is available through the NPC Central Office to college panhellenics, Greek advisors, and other interested parties.
Three Greek advisors provided in- sights into their jobs during a panel discussion entitled "A Day in the Life of a Greek Advisor."
Presenter Terry Appolonia of Indiana University of Pennsylvania and incoming President of the Asso- ciation of Fraternity Advisors stated he views himself not as a faculty member, but still as an educator. He said that co-curriculum (out-of-class- room) activities are just as important as classroom learning to personal development.
Appolonia identified five major issues confronting college women: (1) drug abuse (including alcohol); (2) self-esteem (date-acquaintance rape, eating disorders, and hazing); (3) sexual identity; (4) personal and chapter liability; and (5) academic
In describing her role as a Greek
advisor, Kim Padulo of San Diego State University emphasized the many hats she wears and the many skills she has developed as a result.
"I make sure I mention those skills during periodic calls from my mother when she asks me when Iam going to get a real job,' " said Padulo.
Jill Zimmerman of the University of New Orleans outlined the impor- tance of university interaction with the parents of its students since her university is a commuter campus.
A third educational program was presented by Zeta Tau Alpha on "Eating Disorders." Dr. Sue Beth Hudson, Emergency Physician in Tidewater, V A, and Judith Royal, Licensed professional Counselor and Foundation Director of the Women's Therapy Center in Norfolk, VA, focus- ed on the prevalence of eating dis-
orders among college women.
They stated that approximately one out of every four college women exhibit symptoms of anorexia or bul- imia. According to the presenters, sorority women tend to be particu- larly susceptible to eating disorders because of their eagerness to achieve and comply with society's demands
for slenderness.
Another societal concern was the topic of the fourth educational pro- gram. Gary Bonas, Assistant Director of Student Activities and Greek Advi- sor at Villanova University, tested the delegates' knowledge about AIDS. Bonas, 1987-88 President of the Asso- ciation of Fraternity Advisors, dis- cussed many of the misconceptions and current knowledge about the dis- ease and how they are affecting col- lege students. Bonas also presented a videotape about AIDS which was produced by Kappa Alpha Theta.
Alpha Omicron Pi representatives attending
Panhellenic Conference were: front row left
Bogle, Peg Crawford; back row, left to right: Mary Louise Roller, Debbie Stillwell, and Sue Lewis.
the 50th biennial meeting of the National to right: Barb Hunt, Ginger Banks, June
In addition to considering such social issues, the NPC delegates ad- dressed particular panhellenic mat- ters through the adoption of nine resolutions. The Conference:
• Clarified procedures for prefer- ential bidding and bid-matching. The new procedures will be in- cluded in the National Panhel- lenic Conference Manual of Infor- mation and "How To "For Col- lege Panhellenics.
• Amended Unanimous Agree- ment, Panhellenic Compact, Number 4 to clarify the intent that a signed Preference Card is binding. "If the rushee receives a bid under the preference sys- tem, she is inelligible to be pledg- ed to any other national frater- nity on the same campus for one calendar year . . . "
• Reaffirmed extension procedures which require approval of the "proper authority" before an NPC group may establish a chap- ter on a campus. The Confer- ence also decided that NPC mem- ber groups must inform interest groups/local groups or individ- uals that formal permission to pursue extension must be ob- tained from the proper author- ity as defined in the Unanimous Agreements.
• V oted to provide a professional educational session for Panhel- lenic Advisors attending regional conferences and/or other appro- priate meetings.
In other actions, the delegates estab- lished the NPC Liaison Committee with the Fraternity Executives Asso- ciation as an NPC Standing Com- mittee; eliminated the Surveys and Projects Committee as an NPC Stand- ing Committee; agreed that the in- signia of the National Panhellenic Conference may be used by member groups; and clarified that each provi- sion within the seven subject catego- ries of the Unanimous Agreements is a Unanimous Agreement.
Saluting the past, the Conference voted to establish an NPC Archives Collection which will be housed at a suitable university which has a broad interpretation of NPC member groups. An ad hoc committee consisting of professional archivists and/or histo- rians who are members of NPC mem- ber groups will select the institution and implement the project.
In addition to the seven business sessions, representatives had many opportunities to exchange ideas dur- ing informal meetings, luncheons, and dinners.
The Alumnae Panhellenic Brunch utilized a mardi gras theme to honor alumnae panhellenics which had demon- strated responsible communication with their NPC Area Advisors and which had served their communities. Receiving Citations of Merit were:
Arlington, TX; Birmingham, MI; Chicago North Shore, IL; Clear Lake, TX; Columbus, OH; Denver, CO; Detroit, MI; Diablo County, CA; Escondido, CA; Hawaii; Houston, TX; Indianapolis, IN; Lubbock, TX; Mexico City; Montgomery, AL; New- port Harbor, CA; and Phelps County, CO.
Also, Reading, PA; Riverside, CA; Rockford, IL; Schnectady, NY; South Brevard County, FL; South Jersey, NJ; Southwest Dallas County,TX; Topeka, KS; Youngstown, OH; and Waco, TX.
Additionally, the Alumnae Pan- hellenics Committee presented sev- eral honorable mention certificates to alumnae panhellenics for particu- lar program areas.
College panhellenics and the Out- standing Advisor were honored dur- ing the Awards Banquet held on Nov. 7. Hosted by Alpha Epsilon Phi, the toastmistress was 1985-87 NPC Chairman Sidney G. Allen.
Awards announced during the ban- quet were:
National Panhellenic Conference Award (to the college panhellenic with a membership of seven or more NPC groups for overall panhellenic excellence and adherence to NPC guidelines): 1st, University of Illi- nois; 2nd, Colorado State University; and 3rd, University of Maryland.
Awards Committee Award (to the college panhellenic with a member- ship of six or fewer NPC groups for overall panhellenic excellence and adherence to NPC guidelines): 1st, Birmingham Southern College; 2nd, University of South Florida; and 3rd, Milliken University.
Fraternity Month Award (for the most outstanding public relations program): 1st, University of Florida; 2nd, University of Tennessee; and 3rd, University of Illinois.
College Panhellenics Committee Award (for excellence in rush): 1st,
University of California, Santa Bar- bara; 2nd, San Diego State Univer- sity; and 3rd, University of W ashing- ton.
Outstanding Advisor Award: Kim Padulo, San Diego State University. The future directions of the Con-
ference will be explored by a new committee, Project Future, which was established by incoming Conference Chairman Beth Saul (Alpha Epsilon Phi).
Comprised of a representative from each NPC member group, Project Future will assess NPC approaches, policies, and procedures through study groups in five major areas: finance, structure, collegiate concerns, servi- ces, and public relations. Overall chairman of Project Future will be Norma Jorgensen (Kappa Alpha Theta).
"NPC must be proactive in seeing future problems coming and prevent- ing them," said Beth Saul in her remarks to Conference delegates upon assuming the chairmanship. "We must contemplate several alternatives and select those that are in keeping with our underlying philosophy, but that are meeting the needs of our times."
The incoming Chairman selected as the theme for the 1987-89 bien- nium "Cherish the Past, and Chart the Future.'' Joining her on the NPC Executive Committee are Secretary Louise Kier (Phi Sigma Sigma) and Treasurer Marianne Mendelson (Delta Phi Epsilon).
In concluding her remarks as in- coming chairman, Beth Saul said, "We will have some difficult deci- sions to make. We must examine the quality of our programs, our future financial resources, and trends in our society and the university.
"However, our Panhellenic Creed is clear in purpose and philosophy. It states our goals and our mission, but leaves paths of implementation for long-term vitality in [NPC's] very capable hands."
Spring 1988
A New Rose Is Blooming
By Anne Wilmes, Chi Lambda (U. of Evansville)
Membership Education Chairman
Alpha Omicron Pi's commitment to professionalism and Fraternity pro- gramming has resulted in the com- pletion of the new AOII International Pledge Program, A Rose Ever Bloom- ing. This new program has been under development for a number of years. It contains information con- tributed by many AOII experts in var- ious positions of Fraternity involve- ment. The new program was also used by two collegiate chapters in an experimental pilot program to pro- vide more input for the program's development.
The new Pledge Manual and ac- companying Pledge Educator's Manual replace the former Pledge Handbook and pledge notebooks which were in need of general revi- sions and updating. In addition, the new program places a greater em- phasis on fostering a commitment toward a lifetime of personal growth and involvement through AOII. Thus, the name A Rose Ever Blooming was
selected to reinforce this emphasis. The Pledge Manual of A Rose Ever Blooming is organized into seven sec- tions in a standard-size looseleaf note- book. This format was chosen to
facilitate the addition of supplemen- tal materials by individual chapters. Information from the existing pledge program was combined with personal development topics such as etiquette and time management, and a special section on alumnae involvement to make up the seven sections in the new manual. Section I, "Welcome to AOII . . . A Lifetime of Promise" includes get-acquainted activities, an overview of the pledge program, and covers the founding of AOII. Section II is entitled "Bonds of Friendship" and includes local chapter history, chapter struc- ture and operations, and information about the National Panhellenic Con- ference. "Standards By Which We Live and Grow" is the name of the third section. It covers values clarifi- cation activities, chapter relations topics, etiquette, alcohol awareness, and rewards in AOII. Scholastic achieve- ment, self-analysis, standards, and recognition is the focus of Section IV,
"Scholastic Excellence And The Dis- cipline Required." Section V , "Life Management Skills," includes goal- setting exercises for life and time management. The sixth section, "An Organization That Achieves," covers AOII's international organization, philanthropy, and AOII jewelry and publications. The final section, "A Rose Ever Blooming," emphasizes alumnae involvement and the AOII network.
The Pledge Educator's Manual of A Rose Ever Blooming is also a standard-size notebook with the same seven sections that correspond to the Pledge Manual. In addition, the Pledge Educator's Manual contains an ap- pendix with supplemental activities and examples. Each section of this manual includes a lesson plan for each different topic covered in that section. The lesson plans give spe- cific instructions and suggestions for presenting the material to the pledge class. Lesson preparations, objectives, learning materials, format, alumnae application, and Pledge Educator and pledge activities are all included in
(Continued on page 15)
"The DJF scholarship really brought home the importance of
-Marty Moore, Alpha Theta DJF Winners' Circle (1982)
DJF's gift of education is priceless.
Send contributions to
Alpha Omicron Pi Diamond Jubilee Foundation 310 North Harrison St., Building B., Suite 372 Princeton, New Jersey 08540-3512
To Dragma
New International Scholarship Program Hits The Mark!
Scholarship is an important ele- ment in the overall development of our fraternity. Each collegiate chap- ter has an obligation to foster respect for education and to encourage mem- bers to attain the best scholastic aver- age possible.
The Fraternity, as a whole, and the International Scholarship Chairman, in particular, has the responsibility of providing guidelines and informa- tion to stimulate interest in improv- ing scholarship. Our immediate past International Scholarship Chairman, Dr. Marilyn Faris, developed a com- prehensive program to be used by our collegiate chapters. This program provides the guidelines and tools through which a collegiate chapter can achieve success and experience improvement in scholarship.
The International Scholarship Pro- gram is designed to be easily used as a guideline by the scholarship chair- man of the collegiate chapter. There are monthly topics and activities which provide a step-by-step plan for implementing the program. By using this plan, the chapter is assured of having a logical, well-balanced pro- gram. Emphasis is given to the im- portance of selecting new members
who have high scholarship stand- ards. The program also emphasizes the importance of maintaining high scholarship throughout the pledge period as well.
Each member of the chapter is asked to complete a scholarship con- tract. This contract is a personal commitment, in the spirit of our Founders, to develop the mind through good scholarship while at the same time assisting sisters to do likewise. As a means of reaching these goals a scholarship self-analysis is provided to help members determine strengths and weaknesses.
As a tool for the scholarship chair- man, the program provides informa- tion on budgeting study time, taking notes in class and from a textbook, and taking tests.
Since receiving recognition is also important there are ideas on how to honor outstanding scholars and those who have shown marked improve- ment. Collegiate chapters are expected to plan into their programming the ways and means for achieving good scholarship. The International Scho- larship Program provides the guide- lines through which this can be achiev- ed.
The Fraternity recognizes the effec- tive motivation that awards and incen- tive programs provide. Each region has special traditions for honoring chapters at their biennial Leadership Conference. At the AOII Convention scholastic recognition awards are given to outstanding chapters. The chapter receiving the highest scholarship achieve- ment for the biennium receives the covetedMcCauslandCup. Thisaward is named in honor of Lillian McCaus- land, the eighth international presi- dent of our Fraternity. The impor- tant records for determining scholastic achievement are kept by our Interna- tional Scholarship Chairman, Ellen Buckley.
We are proud of our many chapters that are demonstrating scholastic ex- cellence. The International Scholar- ship Program and our Fraternity objec- tive toward good scholarship are work- ing together toward excellence.
(Continued from page 14)
each lesson plan. A lesson plan sche- dule is provided in the manual to help the chapter coordinate the pro- gram with their calendar of activities.
A Rose Ever Blooming is being used for the first time in January, 1988, by chapters with deferred rush. Fraternity-wide implementation of the new pledge program will be com- plete in the fall of 1988.
The benefits of A Rose Ever Bloom- ing will be realized by well-educated pledges, a higher percentage of initi- ations, and new graduates who will become committed to active alumnae involvement.
Spring 1988
To Dragma
Leadership Conference '88
by Sandy Jaeger, Sigma University of California-Berkeley International Leadership Conference Chairman
AOII Always—what a wonderful theme for this year's Leadership Con- ferences! And, what a time is being planned for all attendees this June! A mixture of training, fun, and, of course, fellowship is in store in all ten regions of AOII. The conferences are scheduled to convene late on Fri- day with registration and check in, followed by dinner and the opening business session. Late evening will be spent getting to know each other, and, undoubtedly, conversations into the early morning hours will occur.
After breakfast and the opening ritual, Saturday morning will be spent on like-officer training. Sessions are currently scheduled for chapter pres- idents, chapter advisers, alumnae presidents, chapter treasurers, pledge educators, and corporation board rep- resentatives. Alumnae and collegians not falling into one of these groups will be free to choose the session they feel will be most beneficial to them. In the afternoon there will be pot- pourri sessions that have been design- ed to meet the needs of both alumnae and collegians. The potpourri ses- sions have been created to fit into four training tracks. Each track will have two selections. This design is being used to present a variety of training opportunities. The potpourri schedule looks like this: Membership Recruitment
Continuous Open Bidding
Membership Selection Keystones
Eating Disorders
Stress Management AOII Always
Playing Together: Planning Joint Functions from Founders' Day to Chapter Anniversaries
Working Together: Collegiate- Alumnae Relations
Public Relations
Putting Pride into Practice Positive Public Relations: Using
the "AOII Advantage" (Continued on page 17)
Leadership Conference Schedule 1988
Thursday Friday
ROCs and RDs arrive
••Potpourri Sessions Training Tracks Membership Recruitment Keystones
AOII Always
Public Relations
Membership Selection
Eating Disorders
Playing Together: Planning Joint Functions from Founders' Day to Anniversaries
Putting Pride Into Practice
Continuous Open Bidding
Stress Management
Working Together: Collegiate/Alumnae . Relations
Positive Public Relations using the "AOII Advantage"
4:00-6:00 6:00-8:00 8:00-9:30
8:00-8:45 9:00-9:30 9:30-10:30 10:30-10:45 10:45-Noon 12:30-2:00
2:30-3:30 3:45-4:45 5:00-6:00 7:30
7:00-8:00 8:00-9:00 9:00-10:00
ll:45-Noon Noon-12:30 12:30-1:00
2:00 2:00-5:00
Check in and registration Informal dinner and social time Opening Business Session
LC Preview
Ritual Rehearsal
"Regional Pep Rally"
Get Acquainted Time
RD meetings with chapters
*Like Officer Training
•Like Officer Training
Guest speaker on substance abuse ••Potpourri (choose 1 of 4 sessions) ••Potpourri (choose 1 of 4 sessions) RD meetings wi th chapters
Rose Banquet
RD meetings with chapters Business Session
ROC Elections
Regional Goal Setting
Motivational Speaker
Ritual Robing
Ritual Workshop
Installation of Officers Memorial Service
Closing Ritual Brainstorming^Sharing Time RD meetings with chapters Departure of Participants ROC and RD meeting Evaluation of LC
Planning for the coming year
•Like Officer Training: Chapter Presidents, Chapter Advisers, Alumnae Presidents, Chapter Treasurers, Pledge Educators, and Corporation Board reps meet in their individual officer • groups for training specialized for their office. Alumnae and collegiate participants who do not serve in one of the enumerated offices can join the group that she would End most beneficial to herself and the chapter she represents.
Leadership Conference Sites
Region IX
June 17-19
University of Washington Seattle, WA
Audrey Humason
(206) 363-0151
Region VII
June 24-26
Best W estern-O'Hare Des Plaines Inn
Des Plaines, IL Debby Jacobs
(312) 665-2242
Region IV
June 24-26 University of Toledo Toledo, OH
Fudge Skaff
(419) 535-7092
Region X
June 24-26
Pt. Loma Nazarene College San Diego, CA
Marge V an Hemert
(619) 421-0813
Region VIII
June 10-12 Dallas Marriott Quorum Hotel Dallas, T X Barbara Sparks (214) 985-0436
Region VI
Leadership Conference
(Continued from page 16)
We are particularly excited about offering the Keystones training track. Keystones, AOII's personal develop- ment program series, is being for- mally introduced at L C with distribu- tion planned for the fall. Saturday's events will conclude with the tradi- tional Rose Banquet, complete with regional award presentations.
Try to get some sleep on Saturday because Sunday will have another
fullschedule.Themorningwillbegin with regional officer elections and regional goal setting. Brunch will ensue, to be followed by the installa- tion of the new regional officers, a memorial service, and the closing ritual.
Does the schedule seem full enough? Believe it or not, in our "free" time, all chapters will meet with their RDs, the regional operations committee
and the regional directors will get together to plan for the coming year, and we will have a speaker on sub- stance abuse and a motivational speaker!
Isn't it amazing what we can fit into two days when we want to? Mark your calendars now and start plan- ning to attend what promises to be one of the best Leadership Conferences ever.
Spring 1988
Region I
June 17-19 Wagner College Staten Island, NY Katie Damp
(516) 756-9875
Region II
June 24-26
Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA Peg Zywicki
(215) 746-0122
Region III
June 24-26
Old Dominion University Norfolk, V A
Mary Ann Gentry
(703) 340-6252
Region V
June 10-12
Western Kentucky University Harriet Largen
(502) 842-5275
June 24-26
Riverview Plaza Hotel Mobile, A L
Julie Brining
(205) 344-0649
Dear AOU Alum:
Alpha Ormcron Pi
Are you looking for excitement? Is your life not as fulfilling as you would like? Are you spending too many evenings in front of the televi- sion nodding off? W\\\ 1988 hold new challenges and opportunities for you to grow, protessionally and personally?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then AOU has the answer for you. We can offer you the chance of your lifetime to get involved in the most rewarding and challenging opportunity you've ever experienced.
We can provide you with experience in communication skills, leader- ship, t i m e management, travel, social interaction, and unto\d possibilities in personal growth. We can open up new horizons for you, expose you to unique experiences and lifetime friendships and provide you with involvement with AOUs throughout our country and Canada.
Wonder no more, because we are eager to train you and provide you with support systems and educational material throughout your introduction into the most rewarding and exciting experience AOU can provide tor you.
Yes, I am talking about becoming an AOU Regional Director. You are needed to guide our collegiate and alumnae chapters on campuses throughout the United States and Canada. You are needed to perk up our Regional support systems with your time and talent. You are needed to field questions and calls when our chapters need your guidance and direction. You are needed to provide continuity between the campuses and the administration. You are needed to pass back to all AOIls on the local level the workings and progress of the Executive Board. You are needed because you have the greatest personal experience and know- ledge about AOU trom your collegiate days and are the pertect teacher tor our newest AOUs. You are needed because AOU values your\udg- ment and dedication and wants to work with you ... now.
I'll bet your interest has been peaked and you want to know where to sign up for this unique opportunity. Well, just pick up your phone and call AOU Headquarters at 615/383-1174 and ask for Becky Pena. She will be happy to talk with you and tell you more about what A0I1 can offer you.
I'm so excited that you are willing to call AOU and offer your help that I want to send each of you a momento from our AOn Store "Emporium"
to thank you for volunteering yourself to AOII.
You have just made the most important AOU decision since you pledged yourself to AOIT in college. Thanks so much.
Alpha love, , ,
tiarbara Hunt
Vice President/Operations
AOII Notables
to Hilda Ott Micari, a charter member of Sigma Tau chapter, by Karen Gos- sard Price, W ashington College Alumni Association President and AOII sister. T o commemorate this occasion Mrs. Micari was given the official Citation and an original painting by student artist Chas Fos- ter. Kristen Kosak, president of the Sigma Tau chapter, presented Mrs. Micari with a long stemmed, red rose.
Other AOIIs attending the event were W ashington College Alumni Council members Laurie Betz, Leslie Tice White; Washington College Associate Alumni Director, Mackey Metcalf Streit; Board of Visitors and Governors member, Betty Thibodeau; and AOII friends Janice Finley, and Dorothy Kimble Ryan.
The Alumni Service Award is pre- sented annually to one alumnus who has given outstanding and continued support to the college and/or Alumni Association ie: has been instrumental in directing the proper type of appli- cants to W ashington College; has made continued financial contribu- tions; has been willing to give time and energy insofar as location and opportunity have permitted, as Class Agents, Alumni Council member, Board of Visitors and Governors member, Alumni Chapter Officer, or worker on special projects sponsored by the College or Alumni Associa- tion. Mrs. Micari has accomplished ALL of the above and is the second recipient of this award.
Karen Gossard Price, Sigma Tau (Wash- ington College), with Hilda Ott Micari, Sigma Tau charter member and recipient of Washington College's Outstanding Alumni Service Award.
coordinator for college student activ- ities in Santiago, Chile and in Lima, Peru. She was sought after as a spokes- woman for the YWCA because of her excellent speaking abilities.
In between YWCA assignments, Anna May returned home to New- port, Tennessee for two years. She worked in the Stokely food canning plant after the deaths of two of her brothers, organized a business- women's club that sponsored the com- munity's first public library and was elected the town's first female alder- man. Her dedication to the YWCA was such that she returned to her duties in South America before com- pleting her term.
After her South American assign- ments were complete, Anna May con- tinued to work for the YWCA through- out the United States. Even after her retirement to her new home in Cali- fornia, she was active in many areas and was especially pleased to write and privately publish two family memoirs, Memories of My Childhood and Memories of My Five Remark- able Brothers.
The Stokely family has produced generations of AOII sisters, begin- ning with Anna May and continuing with her nieces, their children and many other relatives. Her nieces in- clude Ann Stokely Burnett (Omicron), Mary Stokely Eberts (Omicron), Fannie Stokely Moore, deceased (Kappa) and Edith Stokely Moore (Omicron).
Anna May Stokely is a wonderful role model for all of us who want to learn how to effectively and lovingly balance the care we give our families, our careers and our sorority.
Washington College Alumni Service Award
by Karen G . Price
Sigma T au (Washington College)
On December 5, 1987 at a joint luncheon of the Washington College Board of Visitors and Governors and Alumni Council, the presitigious Alumni Service Award was presented
Anna May Stokely, Omicron (U. of Tennessee)
Anna May Stokely— Most Likely Oldest Living Alumna
Anna May Stokely (Omicron), at age 102, is a wonderful example of an AOII sister who has distinguished herself in many fields. She has dedi- cated herself to her family and their business, to her sorority, to her com- munity and to her career.
Born on May 24, 1885, in Jefferson County, Tennessee, Anna May is prob- ably AOITs oldest living alumna.
During her youth, she and her five brothers and two sisters learned the family business by working on their farm and in their food processing/ packing plant. She would later put these skills to significant use.
Anna May was graduated in 1904 from the Western College for Women, a two-year institution in Oxford, Ohio. When she enrolled in the Uni- versity of Tennessee at Knoxville to complete her bachelor's degree, she was initiated into AOII and was an active member. Her interest and work in the YWCA during her college years led her to a career in that organ- ization after her 1906 graduation. As a professional staff member, she was
Spring 1988
As the saying goes, "Nothing suc- ceeds like success." The Baltimore Alumnae Chapter is proud to have won a Distinguished Service Award at Convention and has been inspired to work through another active A0I1 year led by our President, Kathleen Baumgardner Campanella, reports Sandy Reeder. Our fund raisers have included our annual sale of Scull- craft Engagement Calendars ably handled by Nancy Grimley V anEron as well as a bake sale for arthritis held at Good Samaritan Hospital with Irene Frederickson Schumacher and Hilda Ott Micari in charge. Our November meeting featured a new idea—a spirited auction conducted by Dale Eberlein Scarlett of Christ- mas ornaments donated by members. Food and fellowship go together, so we munched a Salad Fixin's Supper for our first get together in September and consumed holiday appetizers and desserts at our December Founders' Day meeting. January was Panhel- lenic month in Baltimore, and A0I1 was i n charge of the annual luncheon held to raise money for a scholarship award to a junior sorority woman at
the University of Maryland. As our Panhellenic delegate, Ginny Wertin Linder was the capable chair for this event. Featured speaker was a repre- sentative of the Baltimore Symphony who gave a talk about their European tour during last summer. Our special IIOA valentines joined us in Febru- ary foran evening of laughter watch- ing "Mame" at one of our local dinner theatres. One way alums can stay young at heart is through con- tacts with our collegians, and we donated snacks for retreats and food for rush to Theta Beta at Towson State as well as Halloween Trick or Treat boxes of candy to Pi Delta at the University of Maryland and Sigma TauatWashingtonCollege.All three chapters were remembered at Christ- mas time with Founders' Day gifts. We have continued the Secret Sister program forthe seniors at Sigma Tau and join all of the chapter in celebra- tion of 1988 as their 50th anniversary year. In contrast, it has been just a
year since Theta Beta was installed as a chapter, and it has been especially exciting to hold ceremonies welcom- ing their first graduate members as alums. With our new, nearly new, and long term loyal members we have enjoyed the sharing and caring of our monthly meetings, special programs and projects.
In order to have a successful "suite shower" for Delta Theta, several Dal- las alums planned and coordinated the kidnapping of all alums at the October meeting. They packed us into vans and drove the 40 miles to Denton (Texas W oman's University). We got to meet and socialize with the collegians and they received gifts from rose colored mugs to tool caddies to silver bowls from us, reported Karen Peterson. The annual Christmas auc- tion "MakeIt,BakeIt,GrowIt,Sew It" was held in November. Founders' Day was celebrated with a brunch at the Dallas Marriott. Also in December was a Collegiate/Mothers/Alumnae tea. We started the New Year off with a pot luck supper and a program on Time Management (the perfect topic for all those who made resolutions to get organized!)
Cathy Zombar, Fort Lauderdale Area Alumnae reports that they held a fundraising event in December. The chapter sponsored a gift wrap booth at the W oodstock Arts and Crafts Festival at Sunrise, Florida. The proceeds went to Arthritis Re- search and Twig Houses (houses for emotionally disturbed boys in the Ft. Lauderdale area.)
The Honolulu Alumnae Chapter proudly announces that one of their members, Pam Bames-Palty, is the new President of the Hawaii state Panhellenic, which is composed of delegates from 16 national sororities. The chapter launched the fall season with a family yacht party. The guest speaker at the September meeting
was Betty Howe, Executive Director of the Hawaii State Arthritis Founda- tion. In November a lively Master- piece Auction to benefit the Arthritis Foundation was held, reported Helen Dunn.
The Hopkinsville (KY) Area Alumnae have enjoyed another suc- cessful year, reports Carrie Joy Brook- shire. Our 3rd annual AOIT-Little River Bake-Off for charity was held in May. The local United Way received all of the monies from entry fees and sales of the baked goods. The annual Summer Salad Luncheon is always a good time for our chapter to gather information for membership infor- mation forms to send to collegiate chapters. Nearly 40 MIF's were mailed to colleges and fifteen girls pledged AOII! Ann Hurt Brown was recently named "Woman of the Year" by a local Business and Professional Women's Club.Annisrecordingsecre- tary for the Hopkinsville Alumnae.
Alumnae News
To Dragma
Ceci Green represented the Denver Alumnae Chapter as a tour guide (or the Ramses II exhibit.
Greater Harrisburg (Pennsylvania) Alumnae Chapter members, from left, Marion Peifer and Nancy Leuschner par- ticipate in "Winter Whimsies," the state museum's annual arts and crafts event.
The Huntsville Alumnae Chapter began the year with its annual wine and cheese membership party at the home of Kitty Pettus. New members were welcomed and a full, active year was planned. In November the chap- ter once again held a Holiday Craft and Bake Auction which raised funds for Arthritis Research and the North Alabama Arthritis Foundation. Odette Lambert was the auctioneer and work- ed hard getting big bids. The alums hosted a holiday mother-daughter brunch in December which honored area collegians and their mothers. The chapter's annual Founders' Day celebration was held Jan. 23 at the Huntsville Country Club, reports Carole Jones.
The Indianapolis Alumnae Chap- ter recognized six members who have reached their 50th anniversary at our Founders' Day Brunch. They are Anne Cooper (Beta Phi, '38), Betty Clark (Beta Phi, '38), Jane Dirks (Theta, '38), Jane Neal (Beta Phi, '38), Rosa- lea Plymate (Beta Theta, '38), and Barbara Warren (Lambda '38). Last fall, our annual nut sale netted over $2,000 and the "Make It, Bake It, Grow It,Sew It"Auctionraised $330 for the AOI1 Foundation.
The Kentuckiana Alumnae Chap- ter began the fall calendar of events with our annual Kick Off Brunch and welcomed thirteen new members. Regional Director, Carolyn Diener, Beta Lambda, was our guest speaker, reported Sandy Miller. Since the lun- cheon and tour of Huber's Winery in Starlite, Indiana was such a success last fall, we decided to once again plan this trip for our members. Dur- ing November, the Alumnae Chapter along with collegians of Pi Alpha Chapter assisted the Arthritis Foun- dation in hosting a Public Forum. A panel of doctors specializing in rheu- matism and other types of arthritis
care answered questions and high- lighted the latest developments i n arthritis research. The interest shown by the community was so positive, we are already making plans for another forum to be held this spring. Roses to Connie Parker Hobson, Omicron, our Vice President/Programming Chairman and Beverely Mabrey Peckenpaugh, Alpha Chi, Philanthro- pic Chairman for their efforts and dedication toward the success of this project. Events scheduled for 1988 include a Foreign Food Feast, our annual business meeting to be held at the home of Past International Presi- dent, Edith Anderson, Flower Arranging, Senior Send-Off, a visit to the Derby Museum, lunch and a tour of Churchill Downs.
Sue Lewis reports that the Nash- ville Alumnae Chapter had a wonder- ful Founders' Day Luncheon with over 100 alums and Nu Omicron Chapter members attending. Four 50 year members were acknowledged: Frances Wray Foster, Lula Brockman Estes, Josephine Kemp Booker, and Jeanne Stephenson Bodfish. In Jan- uary, the alums got together and cooked dinner for V anderbilt AOIls following their second round of rush. In February there was an "Alum Chum" gathering at the Nu Omi- cron House to honor the new pledges. Also, Deborah Harper Stillwell was honored as the Nashville Alumnae Chapter "Woman of the Year." A fashion show and brunch was held to honor her as well as those from other sororities, sponsored by the Nash- ville Panhellenic. In March a friend- ship coffee was held at the home of Liz Ramsey. Also in March, alumnae careerwomen held a career night for the juniors and seniors at V anderbilt.
Sue Metz Dornier reports that the North Houston Suburban Chapter got off to a "beary" good start this year. The first meeting was held at Two Pesos Mexican Cafe. Our third annual Welcome Brunch was held on Saturday, September 19 at the King-
Spring 1988
From left, Sydney Smith, Irene Sniegocki and Marion Douglas plan Derby Day Fund raiser for the Little Rock Alumnae Chapter.
wood Country Club. Our executive board had an interesting calendar planned for the year. Our October meeting had us with paintbrush in hand at a stencil workshop. Our biannual garage sale in Kingwood followed. Our members have the cleanest closets in North Houston! We like to mix our work with play. We worked for the Arthritis Founda- tion at our November meeting and then took time one Saturday night for a couple's bunco party and chili cook-off. A holiday recipe ideas meet- ing in December ended 1987 and fun at Fuddrucker's began 1988 at our January meeting. Founders' Day, celebrated January 16, provided the opportunity for real sisterhood as our North Houston chapter renewed promises with the Houston chapter at a restaurant in the Galleria area. Penny Tillman from the Houston chapter and Sue Dornier from the North Houston Suburban chapter were co-chairpersons. Spring promises to bring just as much fun with a garden- ing program, a couple's gourmet dinner, Six Foot Sub Night, and a quilting class. Our grand finale will be a Champagne and Red Roses Dinner!
The Northern Orange County Alumnae Chapter kicked off the Christmas season with an ornament exchange and Hor's d'ouevres party. Through the local Arthritis Chapter we donated Christmas gifts and money to a young girl crippled by arthritis. We plan to continue donating through- out the year. In February our group was the hostess chapter for Founders' Day ably led by Sandy Sova and Heidi Morrison. To assist in their philanthropy efforts, our members manned the telephones for the Arthri- tis Telethon and held a Golfathon. Future meetings will include a "Girl's Night Out" at Bobby McGee's and a fun evening at "Crackers", reports Karen Watson.
The Palo Alto Alumnae Chapter has had a busy fall of AOII activities. On October 30 many of our members attended a Dinner Auction which brought in over |5000 for the North- ern California Chapter of the Arthri- tis Foundation. This function was
To Dragma
Celebrating Founders' Day with the Nashville Alumnae Chapter were from left to right: Frances Wray Foster, Linde Tucker, Jeanne Stephenson Bodfish, Jane McDonald Griggs, and Lula Brockman Estes. Corsages were given to 50-year honorees.
organized by Patti Batchelor Penning, Palo Alto Alumnae President and a member of the Santa Clara County Board of Directors of the Arthritis Foundation with the help of AOII's Joanne Elkins Kemp, Jane Cramp- ton Weakley, Judy Mandaville Lip- man, Marilyn Lyman Palmer and JoAnne Breitmeyer. November brought our Annual Holiday Auc- tion where AOIls and their guests bring homemade crafts and baked goods to auction and enjoy the be- ginning of the holiday season. This year we celebrated an early Founders' Day on December 5 with the colony members of Delta Sigma and the San Jose and the San Mateo Alumnae Chapters during a luncheon at the Santa Clara Marriott Hotel. Paula LeRoy, an AOII from the Marin Alumnae Chapter who has been an active volunteer for the Arthritis Foun- dation for twenty years, gave a talk entitled "Arthritis... What a Pain." The Palo Alto Alumnae honored three members during the luncheon: JoAnne Breitmeyer received an Honor Certificate, Judy Mandaville Lipman was honored with the Palo Alto Chapter Award and Lorraine Lunt Godfrey received a 50 Year Cer- tificate. The alumnae were then enter- tained with several songs by the Delta Sigma members. The year closed with a Christmas Party for members and guests on December 12.
Our fraternity is proud of our note- worthy AOIls. Please let us know about your accomplishments in pro- fessional or volunteer efforts. Or let us know about an outstanding sister's success. Send information to Eliza- beth A. Coffey, 7754 N. Whittier Place, Indianapolis, IN 46250.
Name: Address:
first middle IJM maiden
Telephone Number: Chapter/Date of initiation:
Area of recognition, awards, honors, etc.
If you are submitting the name of a sister, please fill in your name, address, and chapter/date of initiation on the following lines:
I can make a difference in: • my family
• my profession
• my fraternity
I can make a difference through: • personal involvement
• financial planning
• estate planning
I can make a difference by: Yes, • considering the future
• analyzing the options I • making wise decisions
• My check for $
• I pledge $
is enclosed.
I will send $ to AOTT headquarters:
• I will contact AOTT headquarters to make arrangements for a charitable annuity.
• I have remembered AOTT in my will and will send a copy to AOTT headquarters.
• quarterly • semi-annually • annually
• I have added a codicil NAME
Donations, gifts and bequests to the Foundation are tax deductible as allowed by law.
I can make a difference: Can! • now
I am a woman of today—strong—resourceful—caring. I want to help make sure that I and those I care about are provided for. That includes my family and my fraternity. As part of my financial plan, I have included support for The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Endowment Fund.
A significantway to support the Endowment Fund is through a charitable annuity in which I can pay a certain sum into a carefully managed trust that will pay income to me or to another beneficiary for life.
Remembering A O n in my will is a preferred way of giving. M y bequest can establish a lasting memorial to me or to someone I wish to honor and I can make a bequest in a variety of ways.
Because AOIT is important to me and to my sisters, I will help insure its future by contributing to the Foundation's ability to fund a national leadership training center, personal development programs and historical archives.
I hope you will join me in supporting AOlTs future and will take a few minutes to complete the pledge card below, clip it out and return it to:
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Endowment Fund
3821 Cleghorn Avenue Nashville, Tennessee 37215
YES, I CAN contribute to The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Endowment Fund during The Decade of Endowment. I will help to insure AOTTs future in one of the following ways:
to my will and will send a copy to AOTT headquarters.
• for the future
Association of Fraternity Advisor Convention held in Dallas, Texas pictured left to right Peg Crawford, Inter national President; Laurie Allen, Assistant Director
of Small Group Housing and Greek Life,
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Omega Chapter, 1987 Homecoming Queen, Lisa Roy. Donna Kleinschmidt, Homecoming Court.
BeckyKrietemeyer,Homecoming Queen, Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio. Becky is a member of Kappa Pi Chapter.
AOII Crowns AOII. Rhonda Timm is crowned Miss Illinois Teen Ail-American by her predecessor, Suzanne Cassas. Suzanne is a member of Kappa Kappa chapter at Ball State University, while Rhonda pledged Phi Upsilon chapter at Purdue University.
Bowling Green State University; Troylyn Johnson LeForge, Assistant Director
of Student Activities, Eastern Kentucky University; Ginger Banks, Past Inter- national President, and Suzanne
Colgan, Advisor of Sororities, University of Georgia.
Billie Jo Smith, First Runner-up, 1987 Homecoming Queen, Omega Upsilon Chapter at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
Elke Jones, 1987 Homecoming Queen, Villanova University, Villanova, PA. Elke serves as President of Beta Delta Chapter.
Miss Alabama, Kym Williams. A gradu- ate of Birmingham-Southern College, Tau Delta Chapter, was crowned Miss Alabama 1987.
Carrie Wing, Homecoming Queen, Chi Lambda Chapter at University of Evans- ville, Evansville, IN.
To Dragma
Spring is in the air at AOD!
^ TT
AOII Visor, silk screened letters, white only: $6.00; satin letters, red or white: $8.50
AOII T-Shirt, red only: $6.00
AOII Shorts, satin letters, red, white or navy: $9.50; silk screened letters, side and back pockets, white or navy: $12.50
AOII Half-sleeve Jersey, silk screened letters, red or navy: $12.50
AOII Socks: $4.00
AOII Raft, yellow, red, green or blue: $8.50 AOII Beachball: $2.50
AOII Beachtowel: $18.00
"I Love AOII" Buttons: 50{
"Celebrate Sisterhood" Buttons: 75'
AOII Decal: 75c
AOII Alumna Decal, clear with red and black letters: $1.00
Name Address
Item(s) (specify quantity, and size)
Total Canadian Residents add 10% Currency Exchange
Send order form to:
TN Residents add 7.75% Sales Tax Total Amount Enclosed
AOII International Headquarters 3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, Tn37215
(615) 383-1174
Tamra Owens, Alpha C h i Chap- ter, Western Kentucky U., reports that for the second year in a row they have won the Annual Sigma Nu Powderpuff Tournament. They also won third place in the Kappa Delta Raggedy Ann Shenenigans competi- tion. Alpha Chi participated in four philanthropic events this year. They hosted an auction for Arthritis, had a Girl Scout Sleep-In, helped with Up, Up and Away for Arthritis, and the pledges held their annual Stick-Up for Arthritis. Alpha Chi raised over $830 from these events.
TheAlphaDeltaChapterattheU. of Alabama has been active in the community. They answered tele- phones and took pledges for the Arthritis Telethon. They sponsored families for Thanksgiving and Christ- mas. Shortly before Christmas vaca- tion, the Alpha Deltas went caroling throughout Tuscaloosa. Stephanie Anderson also reports that Alicia Adcock was elected Panhellenic Pres- ident for 1988. Kim Brown was elected President of the School of Arts and Sciences, and she also placed top 5 in the Homecoming Court. Rebecca Gillette was chosen Sigma Chi Sweet- heart. Alpha Deltas also hold such officesas NursingSchool Vice Presi- dent, Michelle Pastor, American Marketing Association President, Tina Wall; and Public Relations Communi- cations Club President, Debbie Robinson.
Alpha Rho started the fall term with a barbecue pre-rush week. Sev- eral women represent Alpha Rho in campus activities at Oregon State. Members are active as Panhellenic Rush Chairman, college of Educa- tion senator, Associated Students of Oregon State University Judicial Board, and on several ASOSU Com- mittees. "Blast from the Past" was the theme of the fall term house dance with couples dressing from dif- ferent eras. They had everyone from a 20's Flapper and her mobster boy- friend, fifties girls, a 60's G o G o dancer in a vinyl mini, and a modern Yup- pie couple. The pledges participated in the Memorial Union Christmas
Party by staffing an ornament mak- ing booth for the children of OSU staff and community members. As a chapter, Alpha Rho went caroling at local nursing homes. They also won second place for sororities in the all- Greek house decorating competition, reported Terri Berg.
Beth Hoffman, Alpha Theta, Coe College, reports several Philanthropic events held this semester. They includ- ed selling balloons at the homecom- ing game, and selling bids to nomi- nate the biggest "turkey" on campus. Alpha Theta also had members volun- teering their time to the YWCA's Family Fest and walking ten milesin the CROP Walk for Hunger. On February 13 and 14 the first annual twelve hour dance marathon was held. A l l proceeds went to Arthritis Research.
Villanova U . Beta Delta Chapter congratulates senior Elke Jones for representing AOII as the 1987 Home- coming Queen. She is a founding member of Beta Delta Chapter and has served as chapter president. She has also served as vice president of the
Order of Omega. Elke is also listed in Who's Who Among American Col- lege students.
Laura Ebeling, Beta Lambda, Illi- nois Wesleyan reports that for phi- lanthropy this year they sponsored a progressive raffle/dance on campus. They are also going to be selling candy. Laura also boasts that they have the highest GPA on campus!
Chi Alpha, U. of California-Davis pledges held a "Rags to Riches" pledge social. A wide assortment of costumed Chi Alphas covered the dance floor—from ritzy formals to garbage bags, creativity abounded! Chapter scholarship officer, Debra Scheenstra held a scholarship dessert, giving the chapter a chance to meet professors from many different fields.
"Membership in AOII is one of life's supreme gifts." This, along with many other inspiring words were shared with Chi Delta, U. of Colorado, on the 60th Anniversary of the chapter. Peg Crawford, Interna- tional President, joined Chi Delta and area alumnae on Founders' Day that was held in Denver. Other spring
Chapter Commentary
To Dragma
Enjoying Chi Delta's (U. of Colorado) Fall Formal were: Maria Mahadavi, Lisa Smith, and Sherri Unsworth.
highlights included the Red Rose Ball, songfest, and philanthropic pro- jects, reported Susan Lawson.
Shauna Cavins, Chi Lambda Chap- ter, U . of Evansville reports that dur- ing Homecoming week, they won first place in the banner competition, finished second in float competition, and Carrie Wing was crowned Foot- ball Homecoming Queen. Patti Howell and Cheryl Fiscus won first place in the dance contest Sig-Ep-A- Go-Go. Elise Gillham and Radhika Ramayya finished second i n the pledge competition of Sig-Ep-A-Go-Go, and
Jenny Latimer was awarded the Most Valuable Player trophy in the TKE volleyball tourney.
Delta Chi at the U. of Delaware held a raffle to benefit Arthritis Re- search. They held a Parents' Day tailgate, and a Homecoming recep- tion for alums. Anne Pietrofitta has been chosen as Tau Kappa Epsilon Sweetheart. Delta Chi celebrated fif- teen years on campus last spring at a spectacular Crystal Anniversary party, reported Leigh Remy.
Patty Morrison, Gamma Beta chap- ter, Indiana U. of Pennsylvania reports that Marilyn Healy, Debbi Chichester, and Patty Morrison were chosen as rush counselors. And, for the first time in many years, an AOII, Melanie Nestor, was elected Panhellenic pres- ident for 1988.
Lynne Herman, Gamma Omicron Chapter, U. of Florida, reports that Leslie Neel is an up and coming model. She has modeled in ELLE magazine and has starred in a series of James Bond promotional videos. Gamma Omicron recently kept up tradition by winning the annual Greek Blood Drive for the third consecutive year. In October, AOII won the House Decoration Contest in Homecoming 1987. Amy Miller became the first female ever to be Show Director for the Gator Bowl. As far as service goes, Gamma Omicron has been busy. They helped the United Way with the "kick-off" festivities, and went fish- ing with some of the Community Convalescence Center residents. They also babysat at a local synagogue dur- ing the Jewish holidays which raised $ 100 f o r A r t h r i t i s R e s e a r c h . T h e m a j o r service project was at the Atrium Retirement Community where AOIls served ice cream and did their second round Rush skit to help celebrate
National Grandparents' Day. They also bowled with the Special Bowlers, worked with the Special Olympics, participated in a fall carnival for a day care center and hosted a Hallo- weenpartyforthePediatricWardata local hospital.
After completing a successful rush, Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U . won the overall Homecoming Sweepstakes trophy. Kelly Stultz was chosen Indiana State U. Homecoming Queen, and Marsha Sullivan was elected Panhellenic treasurer, Lisa Hawk secretary, and Carrie Peigh, scholarship.
Tricia Werner, Kappa Kappa, Ball State U. reports that during the recent IFC/Panhellenic blood drive, they won the award for highest percentage of donors. Vicki Sparks and Diana Tickle were in the top ten in the Homecoming Queen contest. Kappa Kappa won first place in the Spirit award at the Chariot Race, and third place in the float contest.
Kappa Omega, U . of Kentucky has had a tremendous year. During the fall they co-sponsored the first Char- iot Races for the Greek community. Tonya Harig also reports that the pledges sponsored a Halloween party for needy children in the community.
Kim Millsaps, Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College reports that they sold
donuts to raise money for Arthritis Research. The pledge class went on the annual Stick-Up for Arthritis, and painted their faces to go from dormitory to dormitory to collect money. During the Christmas holi- days they sang Christmas carols for several retirement homes in Mem- phis. In January, the pledges sold corsages and roses for the Panhel- lenic formal. First semester grade reports put Kappa Omicron number one of all sororities and independent women on campus.
Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern U. took quota during rush. Lynne Miller also reports that Becky Krietemeyer was Homecoming Queen. And,Kappa Pi is ranked third in scholarship among all campus organizations.
Wendy Talley, Kappa Tau, South- eastern Louisiana U . reports that their Philanthropic week was a huge success. Buttons with the customer's choice of various insignias were sold. A spaghetti dinner was also held. Lacie Arnold was chosen as freshman class sweetheart and Laurel Trahan was chosen sophomore sweetheart.
Lambda Chi chapter, LaGrange College reports that they took quota during rush. Three AOIls were on Homecoming Court, and Michelle Foster was voted Miss Congeniality by all of the nominees. Allison McKoy
Lambda Chi Chapter, LaGrange College, captured the Mamie Lark Henry Scholarship Cup for the Fall quarter. Not only did the chapter win the award for the third straight quarter, it has won the coveted distinction for 22 out of the past 23 quarters. Pictured from left to right: Annette Robertson, Jennifer Twigs, and Barbara Evans.
Spring 1988
was 2nd runner up, and Vicki Doss was the Maid of Honor. Halloween weekend they held the annual 24- hour Rockathon for Arthritis Re- search. Over f 1900 was raised. Lambda Chi also won the championship trophy for volleyball.
Christine Powning, Lambda Iota, U. of California San Diego reports that they recently celebrated their tenth anniversary.
Allison Block, Lambda Sigma, U . of Georgia reports that they raised money for Arthritis Research by sel- ling Georgia-Florida raffle tickets.
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U . par- ticipated in a campus wide party— Fajita Festival—which raised money for Arthritis Research. The chapter also held a Halloween party for local alumnae and their children, reported Mary McGannon.
Kimberly Coy, Omega, Miami U . reports that Lisa Roy was crowned 1987 Homecoming Queen. Donna Kleinschmidt served on her court. AOII also w o n second place i n the campus wide Homecoming Float con-
test. Omega's banned together to stack aluminum cans in the Club Coca- Cola contest. The event was spon- sored by IFC and Panhellenic, and raised money for the underprivileged. Scholastically, Lynn Schollett or- ganized an all-chapter study session and Jill Thompson organized a pizza party study break.
Omega Upsilon, Ohio U. won first place in the banner competition and spirit award during Homecom- ing, reported Dana Potopsky. AOII candidate Billie Jo Smith was runner- up for Homecoming Queen. Omega Upsilon was also the top donor in the Phi Gamma Delta Red Cross Blood Drive.
Kelly Broyles, Omicron, U . of Ten- nessee reports that this year they had a special Founders' Day Celebration with Carolyn Harris, Past Interna- tional President, as speaker. In Janu- ary they held their first annual winter retreat. During December, they had a Christmas Party for underprivileged children.
Phi Chapter, U. of Kansas aided a
child afflicted with a severe form of children's arthritis. They donated monies toward a much needed chair. They also participated in other Greek philanthropies such as Phi Psi 500 and the Sig Ep-Tri Delt Superteams.
Cris Corrado, Phi Chi Chapter, U . of Chicago reports that this year, their second year, they gave particular attention to fundraising and philan- thropic events. Their annual "AOII Walks for Arthritis" was successful, and it inspired the members to inves- tigate other fundraising activities. Other fundraisers held included sel- ling popcorn and taffy apples for Halloween, selling U. of Chicago tumblers at football games and at Alumnae events, and selling Christ- mas Holidaygrams in the form of a card with a candy cane attached, that were delivered to all the dorms and fraternities. The activities were fun, very beneficial, and great for the comaraderie of the members and pub- licity for the chapter.
Pi Omicron chapter, Austin Peay State U. had two fundraisers, a Hal-
Alpha Gamma, Washington State, chapter members take time out of colonization activities at Eastern Washington University to pose with International President Peg Crawford.
28 To Dragma
loween candy sale and a candy cane reindeer sale. They also participated in an Alcohol Awareness program, reported Vickie Michelle Johnson.
Rho Beta, Virginia Commonwealth is now one year old. Lynn Borges was elected Kappa Delta Rho Sweetheart, and Sonya Gittleman was elected the outstanding female Greek award. As a chapter they place first in the Greek Talent show and the women's volley- ball competition. They placed third in the overall Greek Olympics. At Christmas, the chapter gathered with other Greek groups and went carol- ing at a nursing home where two AOIls reside.
Kim Harding, Rho Omicron Chap- ter of Middle Tennessee State Uni- versity reports a very successful rush for the fall of 1987. The chapter par- ticipated in the MTSU Phone-a-thon to raise money for scholarships with Michelle Poss winning first place for raising the most money. Over Thanks- giving Rho Omicron chapter helped the local food drive by donating cans of food to the needy families. During the fall the chapter also took a very active part in the school's Homecom- ing activities to receive a second place award in the sorority float division and also second place in the Fight Song competition.
Shannon Dune, Sigma, U . of Cali- fornia, Berkeley reports that the high- light of their semester was a scholar- ship dinner held November 4th at their house where their guest speaker was the former Governor of Califor- nia, Edmund G. "Pat" Brown. They also held a father/daughter tea Dinner and Dance in November.
Sigma Phi, California State won second place in Homecoming and raised about $2500 for Arthritis Re- search from their annual Mr. Frater- nity contest, reported Jillian Newman.
Tau Gamma Colony, Eastern Wash- ington U . helped with philanthropic events during Hunger Awareness Week where the colony members helped by tending a booth contain- ing a series of videos and flyers about starvation around the world. Members also participated i n the Children's Miracle Network Telethon in the spring.
Tau Omega, Transylvania U. had the highest grade point average of all Greek organizations on campus. The pledge class was first too. Karen Utz, Denise Grant, and Keith Johnson were inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa.
Stephanie Anderson, Tau Omicron, U. of Tennessee Martin reports that they went trick-or-treating for Arthri-
tis Research on Halloween Day. They also won first place for their Home- comingfloat.Tau Omicronhas three varsity cheerleaders in their chapter: Riki Hamilton, Dana Haynes, and Lisa Guerin.
Theta Chapter, DePauw U . has been very active on campus this past semester. Kim Lowden had a lead in the production of "The Buried Child" and was elected vice president of Panhellenic. Kathy Schaefer was elected vice president of the Chaplain's Living Unit Council while Nancy Gritter was elected to serve on the Little 500 Riders Advisory Board. Also this semester, Theta women placed second in intramurals, won Lambda Chi Alpha's volleyball tour- nament, teamed with Phi Kappa Psi fraternity to place second in the Monon Bell Week spirit award and had eight girls nominated for A Til's "W omen of DePauw" calendar, re- ported Jennifer Orosan.
Gina Bucci, Theta Psi, U . of T oledo
reports that during fall quarter they swam at the YMCA to raise money for both YMCA programs and the United Way. The chapter raised over $300. The pledges held a pizza sale to raise money.
Upsilon, U.of Washington partici-
"My greatest satisfaction is knowing my DJF gift is allowing me
to return the favor!''
-Susan E . Rubin, Sigma Phi DJF Winners' Circle (1985)
Honor a Sister with a contribution to DJF.
Send contributions to
Alpha Omicron Pi Diamond Jubilee Foundation 310 North Harrison St., Building B., Suite 372 Princeton, New Jersey 08540-3512
in the
Bell Run in
Spring 1988
December. The run benefitted Arthritis Research. Tana Roberts was elected Panhellenic Homecoming Chairman. Leslie Keast was the 1987 Homecom- ing Princess reported Ame Watkins.
Terri Dondlinger. Zeta, U . of Ne- braska reports that philanthropy chairman, Tracy Kier started a new tradition with an " A l l University Study Break." Rootbeer floats, pop- corn, cookies, and ice cream were served to hungry students, raising over $900 for Arthritis. Their Mothers' Club and Chapter Relations Chairman Jill Gerken provided the chapter with late-night study snacks to help during finals week.
Christy Crocker reports that Zeta Pi, U. of Alabama-Birmingham pledg- ed quota. Leigh Ann Blumenthal, Christy Crocker, Lori St. Clair, and Bera Wisdom were inducted into the Order of Omega. Lisa Kitchen placed third in the Miss UAB Pageant in November. Debbie Roberts was chosen to represent UAB on the 1987-88 cheerleading squad.
To Dragma
Lambda Sigma, University of Georgia, chapter members take time out of colonization
activities at Georgia Southern College.
• Collegians • Alumnae
Collegiate Chapters • Alumnae Chapters
Get lyrics and music to your favorite AOII songs ready to submit!
Get your cassettes ready! Details in summer TO DRAG MAI
Attention All AOns:
'Name - Address
Bulletin Board
New York City Panhellenic Scholarship
New York City Panhellenic will award two $750 Fellowships to sorority women doing fulltime graduate work at a college or univer- sity in the New York City Metropolitan area during 1988-1989. Those interested should request an application from Ms. Janet Andre, 5 Tudor City Place, New York, New York 10017, and should return the completed form by August 1, 1988.
In past years these fellowships have assisted women working for advanced degrees at such schools as New York University Graduate School of Business; Columbia University, School of Physicians & Surgeons and School of Journalism; Rutgers University, School of
Law; John Jay College; and University of Medicine & Dentistry, Newark.
We are pleased to be able to continue to grant these fellowships.
You are needed in Region II as Regional Directors, Alum Presidents, Regional Officers and Chapter Advi- sers. If you are interested in helping your sorority grow and excel please contact:
Harris Alumnae Directory
If you have had little or no success in tracing the whereabouts of your freshman pledge class sisters—last seen in Pago Pago, or was it Topeka?— relax, help is on the way. An alumnae directory is now in the works and is scheduled for release in Spring '89. The publication has been planned as a reference volume for those of you who wish to know where your friends are now and what they are doing.
The directory will be divided into several sections. T h e first will con- tain interesting pictures and infor- mation about Alpha Omicron Pi. It will be followed by a section with individual listings which will include university information, professional data such as job title, firm name, address and business telephone as well as home address and telephone. Alumnae will also be listed geogra- phically, by city, state and foreign country.
All the information in the direc- tory will be researched and compiled by the Harris Publishing Company and will be obtained through ques- tionnaires sent to all alumnae and followed up by telephone verifica- tion. Your cooperation in respond- ing to the questionnaires when they arrive will insure the success of this fascinating and comprehensive directory. All alumnae will be given the opportunity to order the directory when their information is verified by phone. (Only Alpha Omicron P i Fra- ternity alumnae will be able to pur- chase a copy.)
The entire project will be under- taken at virtually no cost to Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity and the Har- ris Company will finance the opera- tion through the sale of directories to alumnae only. Alpha Omicron Pi will not benefit financially from the directory sales but we will derive sub? stantial benefit from the updated records which will be turned over to us by the Harris people.
SO, for those of you who have won- dered, "Where are they now?," you will soon find out! Watch for specific dates in future publications.
Mary Jean Polaski RVP II 32 Georgian Circle Newark, Delaware 19711 302-368-8235
Or Mail:
Thinking about organizing an Alumnae Panhellenic group in your town or city? For help, contact your N P C Advisor for Prospective Alumnae Panhellenics:
Jan Covington (Mrs. R.L.) 1112 Walnut Drive
Morgan City, Louisiana 70380
Spring 1988
Alpha Omicron P i Always!
...pledging... ...initiation...
.. .anniversaries.. .reunions.. ...Leadership Conferences.
Founders' Day...
Name and/or Address Change
Send to AOII International Headquarters, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, TN 37215 (please-print)
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Chapter Initiation Year
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New Home Address: STREET ADDRESS
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Place of employment: COMPANY
• Date.
Second Class Postage Paid at Nash- ville, Tennessee and additional mail- ing offices.
POSTMASTER—Please send notice of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, TN 37215