wofalpha omicronpi Winter 1988
Vol. LXIV, No. 9
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As you know, 1989 is a Convention year for Alpha Omicron Pi, and this issue contains a preview of some of the fun activities that will be avail- able at the Innisbrook Resort in Tar- pon Springs, Florida, next year's In- ternational Convention site. You can also meet the "behind the scenes" people who are working hard to insure that the Convention will be a big success.
Does one of your sorority sisters disappear immediately after each meal? Do you have a friend who insists that she needs to lose weight, even though she's already quite slim? If so, these women may be suffering
from an eating disorder. These and other symptoms of eating disorders are discussed in Jane Hamblin's (Phi Upsilon, Purdue) Keystones article on the inside pages. Jane tells us when to suspect a problem and what we can do to help.
Jane's article tells you what happens when "eating wrong" gets out of control. We also wanted to present a positive side of the "eating question," so we have included some guidelines about how to eat right. With so much information being published about what is harmful to your health, you may think that nothing is good for you! While many ideas about diet have changed drastically in the last few years, there are still a few rules that have stood the test of time.
Dr. Kristen Ries (Epsilon Alpha, Penn State U.) is this issue's Notable. Dr. Ries is a specialist in treating communicable diseases,and her work with AIDS patients has been honored by her colleagues and cited in News- week magazine.
By Peg Crawford
(U. of Illinois) International President
Alpha Omicron Pi's 100th birth- day will be here in no time, and our Centennial Committee is busy with preliminary planning for the celebra- tion. Many AOII leaders of today and yesterday have taped their recollec- tions of our Fraternity's role during the many distinctively different eras since 1897 in preparation for the printing of our history.
A study of book formats has been completed by Carolyn Huey Harris, Past International President. Carolyn, with the help of Edith Anderson, Historian, and other past presidents, has begun work on a book that we believe you will find fascinating to read.
Both collegiate and alumnae chap- ters have received an outline for writ- ing their chapter histories, and each collegiate chapter and colony has
Credit Card Program
To Dragma
The €t>Hor$ Place
One brief
ferent name listed under the editor's title is not a mistake. I got married last October 21st, which is also my birthday. (I figured it would be easier to remember my anniversary that way!) I deeply appreciate the warm wishes of Headquarters staff and the Executive Board.
—Beth Grantham
note— the dif-
appointed an Adviser to the Historian to provide resources and continuity. (A reminder, collegians, send in her name now if you have not done so.)
At our last convention, the voting members of Alpha Omicron Pi passed a resolution to establish a reserve fundforthe start-up costsofprinting our history and for arranging special events for this celebration.
The Executive Board discussed pos- sible sources for this reserve fund. The Board then proceeded to do an extensive investigation of credit card services offered by several banking in- stitutions, bankcard, and financial services corporations. Fees, royalties, services, and contracts were compared.
We chose Trans National after ap- proval from our legal adviser. This company provides cards for large ser- vice organizations, such as Kiwanis International and the U.S. Jaycees, as
well as for fraternal groups, includ- ing Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,and Tau Kappa Epsi- lon. A0II will receive royalties from both renewal fees and a percentage of the cost of purchases. Because of this royalty schedule, endorsements from others, and Trans National's fine reputation, we feel that their pro- gram will give the most benefits to Alpha Omicron Pi.
W e realize that universities and service organizations may have asked for your support through their credit card programs already; you can also benefit AOII in this way.
To share in building a reserve fund for our Centennial Celebration and giving financial support to your Fra- ternity, you can apply for and use an Alpha Omicron Pi Credit Card on your next shopping excursion. Go for it!
Published since January, 1905 by
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897
Jessie Wallace Hughan
Helen St. Clair Mullan Stella George Stern Perry Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
•The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University and all are deceased.
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 3821 Cleghorn Ave. Nashville, Tennessee 37215 Telephone: 615-383-1174
Editor Beth Grantham
To Dragma Advisory Committee
Sue Edmunds Lewis, TA Executive Director, CAE
Becky Montgomery Pena, KII Associate Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, AS Public Relations Coordinator
P ofalpha omicron pi Winter 1988
Keystones: When eating gets out of balance How to eat right
What does your Executive Board do?
'89 Convention: Florida Fun in the Sun Convention Team
Pelican Post
Convention Registration Form Notable: Kristen Ries, Physician
Miss Alabama
Fifty Year Members
Progress Report on New Headquarters Colonies
Alumnae Chapter News Collegiate Chapter News Bulletin Board
Foundation: Endowment Fund From Our Readers
Diamond Jubilee Foundation Emporium
Vol. LXIV No. 9
4 6 7 9
10 10 13 18 19 27 30
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life sub- scription: $50.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Address all editorial communications to the Editor, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, TN 37215. Second Class Postage paid at Nashville, TN and additional mailing offices.
The 1989 Convention will culminate with the presenta- tion of the prestigious Founders' Awards pictured on the cover.
Winter 1988
V When ff
By Jane A. Hamblin Phi Upsilon
Purdue University
This interview affords To Drag-ma readers a special opportunity to share the very personal reflections of a woman who, at one time in her life, suffered from an eating disorder. The woman is Amy, and she is a successful biochemistry graduate student work- ing on a gene regulation problem for her doctoral thesis. She was also suc- cessful as an undergraduate student and was a leader at an academically rigorous college, but during part of that time, and during her high school career, she suffered from the eating
disorder called bulimia. It affected her for the greater part of six years.
For reasons of privacy Amy re- quested that her last name and specif- ics about her life be restricted. But she placed no restriction on her time and thoughts. Amy's commentary is ex- panded by the remarks of eating dis- orders counselor, Sandra Monroe, Phi Upsilon '83, who is an assistant dean of students at Purdue University and a former chapter relations adviser for Phi Upsilon Chapter (Purdue U.).It was Sandy who paved the way for the interview with Amy.
There are two basic categories of eating disorders. Bulimia is a medi- cal term used to describe a dysfunc- tional eating behavior characterized by binging on excessive amounts of food and then eliminating the food just eaten by self-induced vomiting or by using laxatives or diuretics. Bulimia is related to the disease ano- rexia nervosa, which is characterized by the obsessive restriction of food intake. Those who suffer from an eat- ing disorder endanger their physical and mental health. Those around
To Dragma
them suffer because some of the be- haviors of bulimics and anorectics (a person with anorexia nervosa) are offensive and intrusive.
There are several million victims of eating disorders in the United States and Canada. According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), 90 percent are women. But what kind of woman is typically affected?
"That used to be an easier question to answer than it is now," Sandy re- plies. "It used to be the high achiever, the one in the upper-middle class. But more and more we are finding women of all economic levels falling into eating disorders. Research is fairly new, within the last 10 to 15 years, and this doesn't give us much to go on.
"In the writings about the causes of eating disorders, several theories surface." Sandy adds, "dysfunctional family system, divorce or separation of parents, fear of their own develop- ing bodies, societal pressure to be
thin, a bad or stressful experience, a rape or incest, nutritional or physio- logical imbalance, illness, diets, or a combination of these reasons."
Amy points out at least two of these themes when tracing the causes of her own eating disorder, " Ifelt overweight as an adolescent and diets didn't work . . . The vomiting started seriously when I was about 16. I was living at home under a stressful family situa- tion that contributed significantly to the problem. The eating behavior had become a significant way to deal
with stress and problems at home
I came from a family in which prob- lems were denied. They weren't com- municated. We didn't talk about things. We didn't deal with problems effectively. M y father was an alco- holic, and so there was a lot of denial in the family already."
And about the continuing pressure to be thin, Amy adds, " Iwas in a social group (in college) similar to a sorority. We didn't live together because the campuswastoosmallforhouses.But
continued on page 31
Jane A. Hamblin About the Author
J a n e Hamblin is the chapter adviser ol Phi Upsilon Chapter and an assis- tant dean of students at Purdue Uni- versity, West Lafayette, Indiana. She is the author of the Keystones work- shop on eating disorders.
Winter 1988
The Keystones Program
The Executive Board recently an- nounced the publication of Keystones, the Personal Development Program for Today's Woman. Keystones is a resource notebook containing pro- grams designed to be presented by collegiate chapter relations officers to their own chapter members.
Four workshops are presently part of the Keystones notebook that every chapter has: "Alcohol Awareness— Are You Ready to Party?", "Date Rape Workshop," "Dying to be Thin: A W orkshop on Eating Disorders," and "Stress Management." Other pro- grams will follow and will be sent to chapters for inclusion in Keystones as they are developed.
In this issue of T o Dragma eating disorders is the focus of the new Key- stones Department. Amy and Sandy highlight many issues related to eat- ing disorders. T h e Keystones work- shop expands on some of those top- ics, and recommends the way that a chapter relations committee should
approach a sister with an eating disorder:
L Alert the chapter relations ad- viser;
2. Confront the member privately with an approach of care and concern, discussing the behav- iors that are unacceptable;
3. Inform her parents, if approp- riate, about your concern about her behavior; and
4. Assist her in starting counseling.
Alpha Omicron Pi is concerned about eating disorders because of the short term and long term impact they have on members. The behaviors of a woman with an eating disorder are health-endangering to her, and they can severely affect the well being of the chapter. AOII encourages chapter relations committees to be aware of the symptoms of a person with an eating disorder and to consult with the campus eating disorders counse- lor about methods to assist in the resolution of the problem.
Are you afraid to look a pizza in the eye?
This is one of the questions asked by a character in the play "Food Fright," which focuses on the obses- sion that most of us have with food and being thin.
If you're afraid to "look a pizza in the eye" because you fear gaining weight, then chances are pretty good that you need some lessons on how to eat right.
Here are some simple rules:
L Do not skip meals.
You're doing yourself no favors
when you go without eating all day and then eat a big dinner. Jane Brody, author of Jane Brody's Good Food Book, says this is like driving from W ashington, D.C. to New York City and filling up the gas tank when you arrive in New York.
Notice that this rule does not say "Eat three meals a day." Recent evi- dence suggests that for some indivi- duals more frequent, but smaller meals are more appropriate. Ms. Brody her-
By Beth Grantham To Dragma Editor
self says that she needs a mid afternoon snack to be at her best. The stretch of time between lunch and dinner is too long for her body to go without food, and she believes that many people, especially women, are the same way. She routinely has a snack of a piece of fruit or perhaps a half sandwich around 3 p.m.
Specialists in the treatment of pre- menstrual syndrome also endorse more frequent and smaller meals, especially during the second half of a woman's monthly cycle. The reason is because some women become slightly hypo- glycemic during this time. For these women, five small meals work better than three large ones. However, these meals are not supposed to be choco- late cake or coffee and danish. In fact, women who have PMS are advised to cut down on sugar and caffeine. Pro- tein and complex carbohydrates are recommended for the snacks.
2. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
This is one of the things that motherusedtotellyou,right?Andit
is one of the few rules for eating right that has remained constant.
There are definite benefits to fol- lowing this rule. W ater is cheap. It's almost always available. It helps you feel full without overeating. It's good for your kidneys (and the rest of your body). It's also becoming chic. In San Francisco, for instance, there are "water bars" where the featured drink is—you guessed it—water, with many labels to choose from. While you sip your water, you can enjoy the live entertainment. Drinking water at these places may not be inexpensive, how- ever.
3. Cut down on fats.
You knew this was coming, didn't you? Most people know about the high rate of heart disease in the Uni- ted States, and most of us have gotten the message that saturated fat is bad for your heart. But are you aware of all the sources of saturated fat?
Most convenience foods have a high fat content. So do rich desserts. continued onpage23
To Dragma
How to eat right
If you asked the question, "Who's in charge here?" the answer for your Fraternity would be "The Executive Board."
These eight women act as a board of directors for the organization as a whole. Collectively, they set the pol- icyand prioritiesforAlphaOmicron Pi. Under their guidance, the staff and volunteers of the organization carry out the actions needed to meet the Fraternity's goals.
And just as the board of directors of General Motors is ultimately respon- sible to its stockholders, your Execu- tive Board is answerable to the mem- bers of AOII. As you probably know , the Executive Board is elected at each Convention by Council. The Execu- tive Board's authority is derived from the mandates of Council.
The specific jobs of the board mem- bers are described below, along with an update of actions taken in these areas.
Peg Crawford, Iota (U. of Illinois), is the International President of Alpha Omicron Pi. Her areas of responsi- bility are:
• Strategic Planning
• Headquarters Staff
• Development of the Affinity Card
An A Oil Quiz:
What does your Executive Board do?
• National Panhellenic
The Administrative Committee is made up of the Regional Vice Presi- dents and the Vice President/Opera- tions. Until this biennium, the Ad- ministrative Committee met only every other year. It has been a positive development to have the Administra- tive Committee now meet annually. Barb has led two meetings of the committee this biennium. As part of middle management development, Barb has held three training sessions for Regional Directors this biennium, and she oversaw ten successful Lead- ership Conferences last summer. She also serves as a Collegiate Area Adviser for the NPC.
Anne Allison, Omicron (U. of Ten- nessee), is Vice President/Develop- ment. Her areas of responsibility are:
• Revision of the extension slide show
• Implementation of the Advan- tage Program
• Trainingforthe Regional Pub- lic Relations Officers
• Extension
You may recall reading about the
Advantage Public Relations Program in the fall issue of To Dragma, or perhaps you're a member of a chapter already using the program.
Last August, a workshop for the Regional Public Relations Officers
Delegation member.
You're probably familiar with some
of Peg's activities since her column "Perspective" is i n every issue of T o Dragma and The Piper and her name is frequently mentioned in reports of new chapter installations. Peg not only installs new chapters, she also represents the Fraternity at many Greek leadership meetings—often serving on the faculty of such meet- ings. In addition to her extensive travels this year, Peg was instrumental in setting up the affinity credit card program for AOII.
Barbara ("Barb") Hunt, Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), is Vice President/Operations. Her areas of responsibility are:
• Middle Management Develop- ment
• Regional Director Training
• Administrative Committee Meet-
• Leadership Conferences
• National Panhellenic Confer-
ence Delegation member
Winter 1988
Robin Beltramini,Iota (U.of Illi- nois), isVicePresident/Finance. Her areas of responsibility are:
• Budget
• Loan Committee Chairman
• Chairman of the Headquarters
Construction Committee
In addition to the daily responsi- bility of overseeing the entire finan- cial operation of the Fraternity, Robin
has been involved i n the negotiations to obtain permanent financing for the new Headquarters during the past several months. A n agreement for this was finalized at the August Executive Board meeting.
was held at Headquarters, and Anne spearheaded the planning and im- plementing of those training sessions.
Extension's work has included the establishment of 13 new collegiate colonies, four of which have been installed as chapters.
Pat Hardy, Gamma Sigma (Georgia State U.), is a Director. Her areas of responsibility are:
• Songbook Project
• Centennial Committee • Convention
The preliminary Convention sche- dule was approved by the Executive
continued on page 26
'89 Convention:
Florida F u n
In The
Cozumel and Playa del Carmen de- parts on Monday, July 3 and returns the next Saturday. Travel on the SS Veracruz, the "Friendly Ship." She's a lovely, yacht-like ship with a com- fortable, relaxed style that lets you be yourself.
Legend has it that Cozumel's first tourists were the likes of Jean Lafitte, Henry Morgan and Sir Francis Drake. The town of San Miguel on Cozumel is well known as a fishing and diving center, and nearby Palancar Reef is a magnet for snorkel and scuba enthu- siasts. Playa del Carmen boasts one of the most magnificent beaches in the Caribbean! From Playa you can take a trip to the world-renowned Mayan archeological site of Chichen Itza. O r visit Tulum, the massive fortress built in A.D. 564. It's the only Mayan site overlooking the Caribbean Sea. Coach transportation is available to the resort of Cancun and the famous handicrafts markets of Mexico.
Plans are also in the works for a post-Convention Bahamas trip. This 5 day adventure will include at least two days at Disney W orld and then on the the sunny Bahamas! Watch for more details on this exciting excur- sion!
Additional details and costs for these FUNfilled tours and trips will be sent in the Convention mailing in the Spring.
The 1989 International Convention is being held on Florida's FUNcoast! Lots of exciting attractions, local sightseeing, tournaments and games at the Innisbrook Resort, and post Convention tours are being put to- gether to make your visit to the FUN- coast a trip to remember.
Even before the Convention opens on Wednesday, June 28, you will have the opportunity to experience someofthebesttheFUNcoasthasto offer.
Come a day early and visit Ybor City, the place where Tampa really began. This is where the famous Cuban handrolled cigars are made. Explore wonderful shops offering merchandise from all over the world. Dine at authentic ethnic restaurants— Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Cuban and American.
Busch Gardens, T h e Dark Conti- nent, is an adventure for all who visit! There's sensational live enter- tainment, thrilling rides, animals, shopping and fabulous food. Ride the Monorail, the Skyride or the Trans-Veldt Railroad to follow one of the largest collections of free- roaming animals in the United States. Stroll through African villages, see the "natives" and watch them weave their magic. Plan to spend a whole day at Busch Gardens! And bring the family!
SeaEscape, Flordia's one day cruise- line, is available to all both before and after Convention. The ship de- parts from the Port of St. Petersburg and will take you on a FUN-filled, sun-filled cruise to "Nowhere." Enjoy on-board live entertainment, L a s Vegas style revues, a full casino with a big bingo jackpot and special style horse races. On deck, you can shoot skeet, drive golf balls, deep sea fish,
swim, or work on that tan you want to take home with you. Three great meals are included in the price of the cruise that leaves port at 10:00 a.m. and returns at 10:00 p.m.
A great block of free time has been scheduled into the Convention itiner- ary on Friday. Plan to take a local tour to the famous sponge markets of Tarpon Springs or grab the bus for an afternoon at Clearwater Beach. Get in some shopping at the area boutiques and shops; or stay at Innis- brook Resort and take advantage of the excellent activities that are pro- vided there: golf, tennis, swimming and sunning, bicycle riding, minia- ture golf and bridge.
Mini-courses will be offered to non- voting delegates and other attendees of the Convention while the voting delegates are busy in special sessions. Watch for more information on a cooking course and group nature walks and bike rides.
On Saturday morning non-voting delegates and other attendees may enter the AOII Golf Tournament or Tennis Tournament at Innisbrook. Costs of the green fees, golf carts ren- tal, prizes and awards will be included in every Convention registrants' con- firmation packet. Bring your own racket or rent one from the Innisbrook T ennis pro shop.
An early morning exercise program is being planned so that all Conven- tion-goers can get a great start to the day. What a FUNderful idea! .
How about a cruise to Mexico? The AOII post-Convention trip to
Winter 1988
3* i
A team of very talented AOII Alum- nae are hard at work planning and organizing the elements that will make the 1989 International Conven- tion at Innisbrook in Tarpon Springs, Florida the best ever!
Mary Jane Ogle, International Con- vention Chairman from Gladstone, Missouri, and Marion Clouse, Local Convention Chairman, of St. Peters- burg, are the captains of the team who are preparing a "Slice of Flor- ida" for all of us.
Mary Jane Ogle, Delta Pi (Central Missouri U.),has served Alpha Omi- cron Pi in various capacities since her college days when she was a charter member and president of her colle- giate chapter. She is an active member
in the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter, where she has served as president. Mary Jane has also served as Chapter Relations Adviser of Delta Pi and as president of its corporation board. On the national level, she served as international chairman for the 1981 Convention in Kansas City. She is married and has three sons.
Marion Clouse was initiated into Chi chapter at Syracuse University. She is past president of the Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter ("G-PAC"), and is now serving as a trustee and yearbook chairman. She is the owner of House of Clouse, which wholesales giftware. Besides her AOII commitments, crafts, bowl- ing, and fivebeautiful grandchildren
keep her busy.
The Boutique Chairman is Cyn-
thia Draheim Leibring, a Chi Lambda from the University of Evansville. She is currently vice president of the Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter and treasurer of the Gamma Upsilon Corporation. She is the mother of a two-year old, and enjoys sailing, read- ing and crafts.
Betsy Boles Smith, an Omega from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, is responsible for Registration at Con- vention. Betsy is a secretary with the Pinellas County School System and serves as the treasurer for the Greater Pinellas Area Alumnae. She keeps busy with knitting and reading.
Hospitality falls into the capable
To Dragma
Convention Chairmen, from left, seated, Cindy Leibring, Boutique; Betsy Smith, Registration; Irene Taylor, Exhibits; Gay Gentry, Printing; standing, Barbara Baust, Rose Banquet/Flowers; Mariane Berzelius, Hospitality; Margaret McArdle, Vol. Coor- dinator; Elaine McCraney, Co-Arrangements; Marion Clouse, LCC; Elizabeth Hawkes, Activities; Helen Kurtz, Co-Arrangements.
Sally Huck Drea
ane Ogle
hands of Marian D. Berzelius, a recent graduate of the University of South Florida and Gamma Theta chapter. She spends her free time gardening, refinishing furniture, traveling and playing the piano.
Elaine Ockajik McCraney and Helen Calkins Kurtz are co-chair- persons of Arrangements for Con- vention. Elaine is a Theta Psi from the University of Toledo who is cur- rently teaching fifth grade and serv- ing as chapter adviser to the Gamma Upsilon chapter at St. Leo's College. Helen graduated from the University of Kansas where she was initiated into Phi chapter. She is the recording secretary for Greater Pinellas Alum- nae Chapter, and keeps busy with reading, walking, swimming and travel.
Handling Publicity for the 1989 Convention is Sally Huck Drea a Sigma Lambda from the University
A Kappa Phi from McGill Univer- sity, Irene Taylor, is the Exhibits Chairman. She has four grandchildren and enjoys knitting, reading, shop- ping, a Senior Care program, and her membership in G-PAC.
The Ritual Chairman for Conven- tion is Carla Wagner, a Gamma Omi- cron from the University of Florida. She is an office manager for State of Wisconsin at LaCrosse. She lives in Boca Raton, Florida and is serving as a founding member of the Boca Raton Area Alumnae of Alpha Omi- cron Pi. She enjoys swimming, travel, reading and her four-year-old daughter.
Planning the activities for our Con- vention is Elizabeth Meadows Hawkes, from Lambda Sigma chap- ter at the University of Georgia. She is currently president of G-PAC.
The Volunteer Coordinator is Mar- garet Baxter McArdle, who attended Tufts University in Medford,Massa- chusetts and was a member of the Delta Chapter. She is a retired dental hygienist.
Mary Elaine Fumea, the president of the Tampa Bay Area Alumnae is serving as the Outside Condiments Chairman. She is a Gamma Omicron from the University of Florida who has two children and enjoys sewing, bowling and swimming.
Follow the footprints in the sand to the Pelican Post, the AOII gift bou- tique at the 1989 International Con- vention at Tarpon Springs, Florida!
Janine Ferrante
Farm and acts as an adviser to the Gamma Upsilon chapter at St. Leo's College. She fills her time with travel and sailing.
A retired florist who is a choral director and enjoys sewing and knit- ting is the Rose Banquet chairman. Barbara Estey Baust from Chi chap- ter at Syracuse University also serves as the social chairman for her alum- nae chapter.
Gay Knight Gentry, Kappa Omi- cron (Rhodes College), is the Con- vention Printing Chairman. She is a sixth grade geography teacher for the Pinellas County Schools who enjoys reading and tap dance. She is a mem- ber of G-PAC.
Photography Chairman is Janine Ferrante, who is employed by GTE Data Services. She is a Gamma Omi- cron from the University of Florida who plays the clarinet, water skis, does aerobics and loves photography.
Pelicans standing on posts are a com- mon sight in the Suncoast area. The "post exchange" will be a great way for your chapter to help meet its fund raising goals. Alumnae and colle- giate chapters should begin planning now for their entries in the Pelican Post.
Winter 1988
Get to work on items for the Pelican Post!
The Pelican Post will be open to sell hand-crafted items made by alumnae and collegiate chapters. Space will be provided for your items as well as workers to sell them. Your chapter will receive all the profits from the sale of its items, with the proceeds sent to you following Con- vention. Use your imagination and be creative!
Popular entries in the past have been T-shirts, buttons, pencils, visors, all types of notepads and stationary, magnets, wrapping papers, napkins, etc. T h e best sellers are those items priced under $5.00. These items make wonderful gifts for a sister back home or a souvenir for yourself.
To enter your chapter's items for sale in the Pelican Post:
1. Send a sample of your boutique item or items (limit of two, preferably one) to the Boutique Chairman.
2. T a g the sample with its selling price, your chapter's name and location. Indicate how many of these items you plan to sell. Please have only one price for each item. No special rates, such as"onefor$.50ortwofor$.75."
3. Send T W O self-addressed, stamped envelopes with the sample. One will be returned to acknowledge the acceptance or rejection of your sample. Those
items which may conflict with our jewelry, ritual, or traditions will have to be approved by the RT &J Chairman. The second envelope will be used to mail your check after Convention.
Your chapter is responsible for bringing its items to the Convention and to the boutique location, as well as for picking up the remaining items after the Convention closes. Please clearly label your boutique items and the containers in which they are brought with your chapter's name and the number of items enclosed
We look forward to receiving your entries for the Pelican Post!
To Dragma
Please use a separate entry form for each item.
After an item is approved, no substitutes, additions or price changes will be permitted. Samples and entry form with TWO self-addressed, stamped enve- lopes must be received by March 1, 1989. Send to:
Mrs. Keith Leibring (Cindy) 1923 Carolina Avenue N E St. Petersburg, Florida 33703 (813) 526-5239
JUNE 28-JULY 3,1989
1. Please type or print clearly using BLACK INK. Complete both sides of this form.
2. Be sure to enclose check for applicable amount, according to Remittance form on the back side of this form.
3. Mail completed form and check PRIOR TO MAY 1 to Alpha Omicron Pi Headquarters. Address prior to March 1:3821 Cleghorn
Ave., Nashville, T N 37215. Address after March 1: 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027. Late fees will be applied to all registrations postmarked after May 1. Should cancellation become necessary, registration will be refundable up to June 1. Room and Board fees are refundable up to June 15. THE DEADLINE FOR GUARANTEED ROOM AVAILABILITY IS MAY 15.
Current Mailing Address:
(Maiden) (City)
Summer # (
Current Region _
(First) (Number/Street)
(Number/Street) (
In case of emergency, contact (Name)
Chapter/Year of
Initiation . 1 9 -
(State) Home
) (Phone)
(Zip) (Zip) Office
Summer Mailing Address: (If different from above) (give dates)
Current Phone ( )
Name for Name T a g (Nickname) if different from above: PART II
CONVENTION STATUS: Check those that apply. VOTING DELEGATE (Council Member): Indicate chapter represented.
ATTENDEE (non-Council member): Indicate chapter/office.
. Corp. Board Rep
. Foundation Board member . DJF Trustee
. Chapter Consultant
. H Q Staff
. Other
. Int. Stand. Chair. _XB
. Foundation President
Official registration is on June 28. Check-out is July 3. All voting delegates must receive advance permission from the Executive Board for late arrivals or early departures.
IMPORTANT: If it should become necessary to change arrival or departure dates, please notify Headquarters staff immediately or you will be held responsible for room charges as listed on this form.
I am a . Smoker All efforts will be made to accommodate preferences, but we cannot guarantee.
Assignment (HQ use only).
I would like to be a part of the inside workings of convention. I would like to participate in the following way:
(Attendees only)
. Non-smoker
Serve as hostess for exhibits Help in leading sing-a-long Serve as a page
Serve as hostess for exhibits or boutique Serve as timekeeper or credentials official at business sessions
Winter 1988
Number of Conventions Previously attended
To Dragma
All hotel reservations must be made through Headquarters.
Prior to May 1
1. Registration Fee $80.00
Prior to May 1
2. Suite and Meals $460.00
Any participants wishing to attend breakfast must purchase a ticket.
Prior to May 1
Single Double Occupancy
2. Suite Rates
HQ can help find you a roommate. Those who do not want a roommate must pay the single occupancy rate. Please check the nights you will be staying in the hotel:
CONVENTION NIGHTS: June 28 June 29 June 30 July 1 July 2
1. Registration
$25 per day
$90.00 ($57.50 per person)
•PRE/POST CONVENTION NIGHTS: June 25 June 26 June 27 July 3 July 4.
July 5.
$30. _ $20.. $50. _ $10. _
June 28 (Wednesday)
June 29 (Thursday)
June 29 (Thursday)
June 30 (Friday)
July 1 (Saturday)
Please notelthat check-out is 12 noon.
July 2 (Sunday)
July 2 (Sunday)
July 3 (Monday) Farewell Breakfast—
and Video Showing TOTAL MEALS
(if postmarked after May 1)
TOTAL REMITTANCE (Registration, Suite, Meals)
Postmarked After May 1
Postmarked After May 1
Postmarked After May I
After a very hectic 1987-1988 pro- gram year, the Allentown/Bethlehem Alumnae Chapter will settle down to a normal, easy going program, reports Peg Zywicki. The chapter hosted Re- gion IPs Leadership Conference at Lehigh University last summer.
Events planned for this year include cake decorating in January and mak- ing "survival kits" for Lambda Upsi- lon and Phi Beta collegiate chapters. For Founders' Day, a Formal Ritual is planned.
The Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter kicked off the new year with its annual September potluck, reports Lisa Aupperle. New members Laura Sherman, Betsy Jay, and Cindy Tsai were welcomed. Events to come in- clude the Detroit Area Potluck, activi- ties with Omicron Pi chapter, and the chapter's philanthropic activity for the local Ronald McDonald's House.
The Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Chapter held its 5th annual auction of holiday items. There were a few new twists this year, reports Diane Pellettiere.
Atlanta Area Alumnae Chapter members show the certificates presented to them at Region Hi's Leadership Conference. From left, Dixie Masters, Chapter President; Lynn Strubank, Rush Adviser to Lambda Sigma; Charlene Meyer, International Rush Chairman; Lisa Freeman, Chapter Adviser to Gamma Sigma; and Mary Ann Stark, Regional Director.
Winter 1988
Natalie Thomas
"Holiday Cheer Throughout the Year" was the theme, and the event was shifted to a mid-October Sunday afternoon rather than a November evening. Instead of punch and cook- ies, a champagne brunch was served.
The auction was held at the home of Chapter President Jan Bowsher (Iota) in Prospect Heights. Judy Flessner and Sharon Kelly served as chairpersons.
The Dallas Alumnae participated in the Arthritis Foundation Softball Tournament in July, reports Tracey Parker. Most of the members were scorekeepers but Kathy Wilson and Jennifer Burchard got a team to- gether—the AOII Angels—and came away with a third place trophy.
Area alumnae helped the women ofDeltaThetaatTWUwithrush workshop inAugustand rush parties in September.
Several Dallas alumnae met at Alley Cats in Historic Dallas West End Marketplace to bid farewell to Vivian Hollas, who is moving to Taiwan for two years because her husband was transferred.
The Greater Jackson Mississippi Alumnae Chapter had a busy fall, reports Nancy Finerty Grutcher. At a fall membership gala at the home of Lelia Graf Manning, members were
told of the success of the chapter's spring garage sale which raised more than $300. In addition, a bake sale at a local mall raised about $75. Inmid October members put their culinary skills to the test by supplying sand- wiches for the annual "Swing for Arthritis" golf tournament at a local country club. Members also planned to participate in a Jingle Bell mara- thon.
Meanwhile, members haven't for- gotten their collegiate sisters. Chap- ter President Jana Philipps Howell suggested the chapter honor a colle- giate member of the N u Beta chapter at the University of Mississippi for her achievements and contributions to the sorority. Alumnae members heartily endorsed the idea and plan to buy a plaque for permanent display at the Nu Beta house in Oxford.
The Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter is off to a great start for the 1988-89 year, reports Joyce Overby. The kick- off meeting, a pitch-in dinner, was well attended by former members and graduates attending their first alum- nae meeting. The chapter hopes for another 100 plus membership year.
Members assisted the Theta Chap- ter, DePauw U.,with rush.
Activities planned for '88 include
continued on page 37
University of Western Ontario in London, Canada, chapter members were proud to have pledged quota. There are 45 women in the new pledge class.
Chapter Consultant Tracy Hou- chins, Lambda Sigma (U. of Geor-
gia), assisted with Iota Chi's most successful rush ever.
Over the summer months, under the guidance of Michele Chui, the new chapter adviser, an Alumnae Advisory Committee was formed. A chapter corporation was also formed.
Members of the Nu Delta Chapter at Canisius College are looking for- ward to a busy semester, reports Jenny Stempowski. Already this semester, the Nu Deltas have helped the com- munity by selling balloons for the ArthritisFoundation's"Up,Up,and Away" balloon lift-off at the Buffalo Bills football game. Members are keeping in shape by taking part in "AOII Aerobics" i n the College Ath- letic Center.
continued next page
The Delta Chapter hosted Tufts University's Greek Olympics last September, reports Leslie Eng. Julie Jones organized and ran the day long competition. All 15 Greek organiza- tions on campus participated in the various events. Half the proceeds went to arthritis research, and the other half went to the winning team's chosen local charity. The event suc- ceeded in uniting all the Greek groups, and in improving their image with the administration.
Kristy Grimes served as rush chair- person and Donna Avedisian and Sarah Lowthian headed the rotating parties. Gina Forziati and Carolyn Breen lead the "AOII Cruise" Theme Party. Leslie Eng and Jen Rohe plan- ned the " A Formal Affair" Preference Party. Delta Chapter is proud to have Gerilyn Alfe serving as Panhellenic President.
Gamma Chapter at the U. of Maine- Orono welcomed five new pledges, reports Susan Ezzy.Gamma won sev- eral campus wide honors last year. Sara Rizkalla was selected Greek Woman of the Year, and Chapter President Elizabeth Nagelin was in- ducted into the Order of Omega. Gamma also took second place honors during Greek Week. Chapter members recently volunteered in a community project to build a children's play- ground.
This year Gamma celebrates its 80th birthday. It is the oldest sorority at the U.ofMaine-Orono.
As Iota Chi approached the second anniversary of its installation at the
Iota Chi Chapter at Western Ontario U . had a "Camp AOII" party during rush.
16 ToDragma
' t<::^ AOTT
continued from page 16
Theta P i Chapter at W agner Col- lege held a successful and relaxing reunion in mid summer at Rena LaRocca's house.
Once back on campus in September, nine sisters participated i n Freshman Orientation '88 as Student Advisers. They reported that the experience was a great way to get to know the new students.
Theta Pi members are also active in student government this year. Sis- ters hold all the positions in the Sophomore and Junior Councils. They also hold two positions on the Senior Class Council, reports Fran- cine Hupfer.
Chapter members are preparing for Homecoming '88 which has an Olympics theme this year. Jennifer Solaas has been nominated for home- coming queen.
The Activities Fair here at IUP, held on October 13, was a big success. All of the student leaders on campus were arrested for a fee. The money raised from the Fair, which is the Panhellenic philanthropy, will go to benefit Youth Services. It was fun to see the student leaders in "jail"!
Wimer, Eileen Kinney, and Chris Clovis went to Lehigh University for Leadership Conference and returned with twoawards for Sigma Rho. One award was for attending all Greek Week events and the other award was for reaching Quota Honor Roll as a chapter.
— -
Epsilon Alpha at Pennsylvania State U . held a rush retreat at Stone Valley, reports Stacy L . Mahler. The chapter had a very successful rush, making quota with 38 new pledges.
Jocelyn Aqua was appointed over- all chairman of public relations for Homecoming 1988. A.J. Maurer was chosen to be a columnist for the school paper, The Daily CoJIegian.
Epsilon Alpha participated in the Kappa Sigma Spike for Diabetes Vol- leyball Tournament in September andwonforthesecondyearinarow.
Gamma Beta Chapter at Indiana U. of Pennsylvania reports that one of its major goals is to pay off its debt. Chapter members started working toward this goal by paper stuffing for a local newspaper i n October. Mem- bers worked through the night.
Gamma Beta's Annual Sweetest Sweetheart Contest, its philanthropy project, was held October 4-6. Every- one on campus votes for their favo- rite sorority sweetheart.
Peggy Mogush, a recent Gamma Beta alumna, is now president of the Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter. The Regional Director, Karen Weigel, is also a Gamma Beta alumna.
Jennifer Evans reports that the chapter has two new advisers. Patricia Morrison is the new rush adviser and Leanne Schlotter is the new pledge adviser.
The Pi Delta Chapter at the U. of Maryland made quota and brought in 48 new pledges. Pi Delta was well represented during formal rush by their four rush counselors, Joan Zilly, Jeanette Faulkner, Anne Terrier, and Kelley Clarke and Panhellenic Secre- tary, Erin Grace. K i m Bilicic and Tracy Martindill were the chapter's rush chairpersons.
In October the chapter held its first "Beat Arthritis" Golf Tournament. Philanthropy Chairpersons Shelly Fisher and Diana Smith worked hard all summer on plans for the event. They also plan to hold a Casino Night during Parents Weekend to raise money for arthritis research.
The intramural season is well on its way and the intramural chairmen Andrea Haveson and Denise Kaminski have their flag football team psyched up for an incredible season. The team is being coached by two brothers of Sigma Chi, reports Angel Daly.
Sigma Rho Chapter at Slippery Rock U. reports that Christina Clovis was named Delta Sigma sweetheart and Pamela Dancisin became a mem- ber of the W omen's Varsity Volley- ball Team during the past year. Darla
Pamela Dancisin reports that the chapter has 17 pledges. Ann Sheibly was rush chairperson, and the theme for rush was "AOIT Wants Y ou." Karen Weigel, Regional Director, helped with rush.
The chapter had a breakfast in honor of alumnae as part of Home- coming festivities.
Lisa Astraab, Lisa LaFaso, A n n Sheibly, and Dianna Lyle received awards for being part of the Out- standing College Studen ts of America. Lisa Astraab, Dawn Hayden, and Mary Johnson made the Dean's List. Kareen Floyd, Rachael Tucker, and Vicki Williams are members of the Slippery Rock University Marching Rockets. They will be performing in the Macy Day Parade, and also at halftime at the Chicago Bear and Detroit Lions football game. Sandi Wilcox, now Secretary of the Pan- hellenic Council at Slippery Rock, will be rotating into the Vice Presi- dent position.
Members of the Sigma Tau Chap- ter at Washington College helped in the annual Chestertown, Maryland candlelight walking tour this fall, reports Jenni Pollard. The tour offers residents and visitors a chance to see the interiors of many of the town's historic homes.
Sigma Tau members visited the University of Delaware chapter to assist with rush. Other fall activities included a crab feast, turkey trot, and Greek Weekend.
continued on page 33
MO ! loEL1
Winter 1988
Sigma Tau members helped in Chestertown's annual candlelight tour.
Kristen Ries, Physician
Kristen Ries
Kristen Marianne Ries, Epsilon Alpha (Pennsylvania State U.), is the Alpha Omicron Pi Notable for this issue.
Dr. Ries was named one of the country's "Unsung Heroes" in the July 4, 1988 issue of Newsweek mag- azine. Dr. Ries, a physician, was chosen because of her work with AIDS patients.
Dr. Ries, however, says she's just doing what she wants to do.
"I'm having a wonderful time," shesays."I'mverypeopleoriented." Praised by Newsweek for her work with AIDS patients, Dr. Ries is an acknowledged leader in the field. Her specialty might be best described as
helping people cope.
Treatment by Dr. Ries, whether for
AIDS or for some other disease, always includes one basic prescription— good, compassionate care by people who know what they're doing. This applies equally to all patients, she says.
A specialist in infectious diseases, Dr. Ries moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1983 after spending two years on an Indian reservation in South Dakota. The disease of AIDS was just becoming known and she was soon involved with AIDS patients.
Dr. Ries also has many elderly pa- tients, and she says that this mixture works well.
They all wait their turn to see the doctor in the waiting room in her office suite. She believes that her older patients, because they have had more experiences in life, may be less judgmental of AIDS patients than others. But a few elderly patients have gone to other doctors after learn- ing that they were sharing a waiting room with AIDS victims.
Dr. Ries is well aware of the risk of AIDS.
"Working with AIDS patients is scary. There's risk, but it's low and I take precautions. This is probably the safest office in town. We know how to prevent infectious spread," she told a reporter for the Salt Lake Tribune last March.
"I could get it. I'm not ill. I see no need to test myself. I don't want AIDS. It's an awful disease. But I will care for AIDS patients, treating them, taking precautions. I believe all pa- tients deserve basic medical care. My concern is not just AIDS patients. We treat old people terribly.
"I grew up with a mother who ingrained the Golden Rule. That's how I live."
In addition to being honored by Newsweek, Dr. Ries was named the Utah Physician of the Year in 1982. In 1987 the Salt Lake City Health Department gave her its Community Service Award. She received another award in 1987 from the Gay Com- munity of Salt Lake—the "Kristen Ries Community Service Award."
After graduation from Pennsylva- nia State 1962,Dr.Ries went to graduate school there, obtaining an M.Ed. Degree i n 1963. I n 1967, she graduated cum Jaudefrom Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
Dr. Ries is board certified in infec- tious diseases and internal medicine and has medical licenses in both Utah and Pennsylvania.
She says that the best part of her job is feeling that she can make a differ- ence.
Though there is no alumnae chap- ter near her, Dr. Ries says Alpha Omicron Pi was "a very big part of my lifeand growing up.'' She's pleased at how the Fraternity has expanded in recent years. Her sister Anny was in the Epsilon Alpha chapter at the same time she was.
continued on facing page
To Dragma
Notable: Ries
continued from page 18
Dr. Ries still misses Anny, who died as a result of a car accident in
"Her death affected me greatly,"
Dr. Ries says.
The greatest challenge facing
women today, Dr. Ries believes is "still managing home and child rear- ing and career."
She offers this advice to collegians today "Dowhatyoubelieveineven if it doesn't seem to be what everyone else is doing."
She has followed her o w n advice i n her medical career. Since first reading about AIDS in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1981, she sensed the importance and has read everything about it that she could get her hands on.
According to Newsweek, Dr. Ries doesn't just take care of the medical needs of AIDS patients. She also helps people cope.
"She becomes totally involved in what AIDS does to her patients' life- style, living arrangements, every- thing," Newsweek quoted a colleague as saying.
She offers an unending supply of understanding, not only for AIDS patients, but also for their families and friends.
Miss Alabama:
Auburn U. AOII Wins Beauty Honor
Winter 1988
Jenny Lee Jackson
Jenny Lee Jackson, Delta Delta (Auburn U.), was fourth runner-up in the Miss America Pageant in At- lantic City, New Jersey last September. Along with the honor, she will recieve a $6,000 scholarship.
Jenny is the 1988 Miss Alabama, having been first selected as Miss Auburn University.
At Auburn, she isa senior, majoring in marketing. She would like to obtain a masters degree in business adminis- tration and then work in marketing foralargecosmeticsfirm.Eventually,
she would like to own her own busi- ness.
She played classical piano for her talent in the Miss America compe- tition. Jenny also plays violin and harpsichord. She is active in sports, having been the state high jump champion in Virginia. At Auburn, she has participated in varsity track and field and intramural Softball, volleyball and football.
Jenny is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jackson. She has one sister, Karen.
Nancy Gritter, Theta Chapter, appeared on the spring cover of the DePauw Alumnus as the 1988 Walker Cup winner. The award is given annually to the student who has done the most for the school. (Photograph © 1988 Dave Repp. Used with permission.)
If There are still a few opportuni- ties available to assist with Con vention! If you would like to share in the fun and excitement, please contact Local Chairman Marion Clouse, 1530 86th Ave. North, St Petersburg, F L 33702.
Greencastle, IN 46135 For more information, contact:
Debbie Spencer 306 N. East St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Sigma Omicron 40th Anniversary Celebration
February 24-25, 1989
Jonesboro, Arkansas For more information, contact:
Jan Carman
(501) 935-5946
Alumni Weekend DePauw University June 3, 1989
3 p.m.
Theta Chapter House 225 S. Bloomington
• •=-1.-;.* I -•1.-1-»t-
As you remember special AOII sisters, remember the Endowment Fund.
Plan now for your chapter s memorial or honorary gifts at Convention.
To Dragma
The Fairfield County Connecticut Panhellenic Association announces its 10th annual scholarship in the amount of $900.
Sorority members whose home residence is in Fairfield County, Con- necticut, are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
Each applicant must be an active member of a Natonal Panhellenic Conference sorority in her sophomore or junior year. Selection is based on academic excellence and service to sorority, school and community.
Requests for information and applications should be sent to Ms. Grace F. Dole, Panhellenic Secretary, 503 West Lyon Farm Drive, Greenwich, CT 06831.
Completed applications and accompanying recommendations must be returned by April 1, 1989. The winner of the scholarship will be announced prior to June 1, 1989.
i .|^&»»-pti.-triTt3
- • - . -
Epsilon Alpha
Sunday, April 16, 1989 2p.m.
Home of Marie Fedon 101 Timber Lane State College, PA
For information, contact Marie Fedon
P.O. Box 842 State College, PA 16804 (814) 238-1774
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Winter 1988
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Janet Marx's
Wins Honor
By Nancy Carr Garrett Delta Delta (Auburn U.)
Janet Nier Marx, Tau (U.of Min- nesota), has received honorable men- tion in the oldest and largest needle- work exhibition in the country, the 25th annual exhibit at W oodlawn Plantation in Mount Vernon, Vir- ginia.
Woodlawn Plantation was a gift from George W ashington to Nelly Custis Lewis, his foster daughter who was an outstanding needlewoman. Janet's work, one of 850 entries in the exhibition, portrays her childhood home in St. Paul, in which her mother still resides. Janet designed the crea- tion and used 14 separate crewel embroidery stitches for its three di- mensional effect.The category Janet entered was the Nelly Custis Lewis Award category which "best refects the needleworker's interpretation of an event of personal or historical significance."
Janet created her needlework art as a special gift for her mother who is also a talented needlewoman. Janet felt that the picture of her home would have even more meaning to her mother for having been entered in this famous exhibit.
In addition to doing needlework, Janet is an active member of the Northern Virginia AOII Alumnae Chapter. For the last two years, Janet has created crafts and games to be assembled by the members during meetings and then used by the five children in a special education class at Warrenton Junior High School in Warrenton, Virginia.
Using her skills as a Registered Occupational Therapist, Janet geared all the projects to the functional level of the children in the class. Picture books have been assembled to show foods, pets, articles—some of which
Left to right: Jennifer Trumpy, Amy Fuss, Wendy Hardesty, Suzanne Fuss and Joyce Jones. Not pictured: Ginger Mylander, Elaine Mauk.
This AOn Finds "It's a Small World"
To Dragma
By Amy Fuss,
Theta Beta (Towson State U.)
There once were seven girls grow- ing up in rural Southern Maryland, where they took some things for granted. Horses, tobacco fields,and sleigh-riding parties were a few. So were attending the same elementary, middle, and high schools.
Although in different grades, their schools years followed similar pat- terns. Activities they were involved i n included soccer, tennis, drama, cheer- leading, and class administrations.
But once these girls graduated from high school, they found their paths leading in different directions, and to different colleges.
It was easy for these childhood friends to keep in touch as Suzanne, Amy,Wendy,andJoycewerenext-door neighbors, and Elaine and Ginger
the children know, others new to them. One of the albums was devoted solely to sports, depicting the differencesin football, basketball, soccer, etc. Since these children participate in Special Olympics, this book is a favorite. The
lived close by.
When they did get together, they
discovered that, once again, they had all made a similar choice, this time in college. What was this, perhaps their most important college decision? T o becomeasisterofAlphaOmicronPi!
It just goes to show what a small world it is, and how the strong beliefs and standards of AOII, in their own unique way, attracted these child- hood friends, who are happy to now share the special bond of AOIT sisterhood!
Joyce Jones is a Sigma Tau from W ashington College; Ginger Mylan- der, Suzanne Fuss, Amy Fuss, and Elaine Mauk are Theta Betas from Towson State University; Wendy Hardesty is a Pi Delta from the Uni- versity of Maryland; and Jenny Trumpy is a Delta Upsilon from Duke University.
favorite game is a "tower" which allows the children to sort, choose, and match like items. When the like item is attached to the matching pic- ture, the child may spin the tower.
continued, with photo, on page 39
How to eat right...
continued from page 6
Many dairy products are high in fat,
especially ice cream, whole milk, and most cheeses.
Cooking oils vary greatly in the percentage of saturated fat. T h e trop- ical oils, such as palm or coconut oil have the most saturated fat, while olive oil and safflower oil have the least. A careful reading of labels will reveal that many foods contain one or more of the tropical oils.
What can cutting down on fats do for you? It can make you healthier, for one thing. It may help you lose weight or keep from gaining weight. Entertainer Dolly Parton, for instance, says that she began losing weight once she got her head "out of the lard bucket."
4. Cut down on sodium.
This is more boring advice, right? But it is sensible. It also is especially applicable to women. Specialists in the treatment of PMS advise patients to cut down on sodium, particularly during the second half of their cycle. They believe that this will help min- imize that bloated feeling that so many women feel during the week or ten days before the onset of their periods.
Like fats, sodium has many sour- ces that you might not know about. Besides the obvious sources, such as heavily salted French fries, nuts and other snacks, sodium is also found in almost all frozen dinners, in catsup, in hamburgers, and in most breakfast cereals.
So what can you do? Read the lab- els. Federal law requires that ingre- dients be listed on labels. These in- gredients are listed in descending order. This means that the ingredient which is used in the greatest amount is listed first and the one used in the least amount is listed last. So, if the label lists sodium or salt near the beginning, you know that this is a food high in sodium.
Y ou can also look for substitutes. For example, low sodium soy sauce is widely available. Y ou can use frozen vegetables which do not have added salt instead of canned vegetables, which do. You can also try adding
herbs instead of salt to the foods you cook. Unsalted tortilla chips, sold in health food stores, offer a tasty alter- native to potato chips and other salty snacks.
5. Cutdown on sugar.
This is another of those well known, but unpopular rules for healthy eat- ing. T h e obvious sources of food with high sugar content are, of course, rich desserts, which are usually also high in fat. But there are other "hid- den" sources of sugar. Many of the same foods already mentioned as likely to contain fat and salt also contain sugar. Some of these are breakfast cereals, frozen dinners, and canned vegetables. Y our strategy? Read the labels and choose an alternative with less sugar.
6. Increase the percentage of com- plex carbohydrates in your diet.
Now, that does sound complicated, dosen't it? Actually this rule is just a "high tech" version of your mother's advice to "Eat your vegetables!'' Fresh fruits are also a good source of com- plex carbohydrates. Dieticians at the
after eating a piece of fruit than after eating a cookie.
7. Increase your consumption of whole grains.
Instead of white bread, eat whole wheat. Substitute oatmeal or shredded wheat for that sugary cereal you've been having for breakfast. Whole grains give you more fiber and retain more natural vitamins and minerals than do the more processed grains. There are also indications that some of the trace elements found in whole grains may be essential for the best of health. While some of the vitamins lost in processing can be put back in the flour (or other product), there is no way to replace these trace ele- ments. There is also no way to replace the fiber lost in processing.
8. Remember: the fresher, the bet- ter; the simpler, the better.
If you forget all the other rules, remembering this one will help you. Fresh vegetables are better than can- ned, because they retain more vita- mins and they do not have added salt and sugar. Fresh, whole fruits are bet- ter than canned or frozen fruit juice, because they contain less sugar and
Winter 1988
Beware of "hidden" sugar and salt
Center for Science in the Public In- terest ("CSPI") have reported in their nutrition newsletter that most Amer- icans eat an excessive amount of fats and protein but not enough complex carbohydrates. Jane Brody is another advocate of a high carbohydrate diet.
What's in it for you? Probably bet- ter health and a better figure. The reasons are that vegetables and fruit provide many of the vitamins you need in a form easily absorbed by your body. Vegetables and fruits in their natural state are low in calories. These foods also provide fiber which helps your body avoid the mundane problem of constipation and is now believed to help prevent cancer of the colon. Complex carbohydrates also take a longer time for your body to digest than do simple carbohydrates. That is why you will feel full longer
more fiber. Plain broccoli is better than broccoli with hollandaise sauce. Remember, too, that salad bars can
be hazardous to your weight loss diet. A salad drenched with a high fat dressing, such as blue cheese, will likely contain more calories and more fat than a baked potato with one pat of butter. Other popular salad bar offerings, such as potato or pasta salad, are often loaded with high calorie, fat laden mayonnaise. And the gelatin based salads are high in sugar and calories.
Armed with common sense and these simple rules, there is no need to suffer from food fright. That slice of pizza is not going to make you into another Goodyear blimp. Especially if it is made of whole wheat crust, low salt sauce and topped with fresh vegetables!
To Dragma
Jean Legros Adduci Rachel Smith Allen Judy Broadstreet Barker Edith Walthall Beers June Greer Bogle Nancy Perry Bowers
Jill Zschau Brown
Ruth McClurg Brown Marianne Davies Carton Norma Nierstheimer Cassidy Carol Jeanette Clark Elizabeth Romine Coffey Elizabeth Williams Cooper Caroline Chapman Craig Jesse Marie Senor Cramer Margaret Kramer Crawford Helen Cantine Dunn
Virginia Frantz Eakin Melissa Moffatt Elliott Executive Board
Mary Ellen Turnbull Fellman Linda Hendrixson Fuson Linette McClure Garber Helen Bogosta Gilbert
Mary Martha Greer
Ruth Marsh Haggerty
Jo Beth Heflin
Martha Louise Hilands Virginia Carson Hofstetter Molly Temple Howell Barbara Daugs Hunt
Marilyn King Irvin
Mary Ann Davies Jenkins Helen Pigott Laker
Marianna McAllister LaRue Ruth Lee Leichtamer
E. Golly McCanne Lev Schuyler Ruhlman Louapre Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy Rosemary Ann Malish
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
The following donors have contributed to Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation's Endowment Fund since April, 1987, and are initial members of The Alpha Circle. These very special sisters contributed cash and made pledges, bequests and gifts of life insurance and securities. Their gifts range from $25 to $25,000. The Board of Directors and staff of the Foundation salute them and invite AOII Sisters to join them in supporting the educational and professional development needs of AOII alumnae and collegians.
Ruth Davidson McDaniel
Mary Riley Michel
Kathy Hoover Nelson
Dora Deane Childress Newman Rita Dikeman Polese
Beth Mandelco Rankin Frankie Frazier Roberts Elizabeth Stewart Sammons Louise Masin Sattler
Susan Daiger Schell Elizabeth Gordy Schulz Karen Smith
Renee Pugh Smith
Carol McClamroch Staley Lydia Denson Staples Alverna Ocker Swan
Alice Wray Springer Taylor Jean Whorley Tripp Margaret E. Vandervort Joan Ryan Wickham
Jean Dundas Zimmerman
Convention 1987
Anne Witt Allison
Alpha Chi Chapter
Carroll M. Bross
Kimberly Susan Campbell
Chapter Consultants (1985-88)
Mary Elizabeth Lester Donaldson
Epsilon Alpha Alumnae: Classes 1940-49 Executive Board
Marilyn Lee Faris
Laura Marie Freville
Marsha Ann Guenzler
Patricia Cowley Hardy
Carmel Gabriele Kaiser
Kappa Alpha Chapter
Kappa Omega Chapter
Lynette White McMahon Montgomery Alumnae Chapter Katherine Elise Moss
Omicron Chapter
Phi Delta Chapter
Pi Kappa Corporation
Region I
Region II
Region III
Regional Directors III
Regional Operation Committee III Regional Rush Officers
Regional Vice Presidents
Ann Reynolds
Sigma Delta Chapter
Mary Ann Vaughan Stark
Marty Taylor
Terre Haute Alumnae Chapter Tucson Alumnae Chapter
Donations, gifts, and bequests to the Foundation are tax deductible as allowed by law.
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
•Macomb County, Ml •Martin, TN •Milwaukee, Wl •Montreal, Quebec •Nashville, TN
•New York/New Jersey •Northern Orange County, CA •Northern Virginia
•Northwest Arkansas
Oklahoma City, OK •Omaha, NE
Orlando/Winter Park, FL •Palo Alto, CA
•Phoenix, AZ
•Piedmont NC
•Pocatello, ID
•Pullman, WA
•Rockford, IL
•San Diego, CA
•San Jose, CA
•Seattle, WA
•South Bay/Palos Verdes, CA •Southern Orange County, CA •State College, PA
•Syracuse, NY
•Tampa Bay Area, FL •Toledo, OH •Topeka/Lawrence, KS •Tucson, A2
•Tulsa, OK
•Ventura County, CA
Collegiate Chapters
*Alpha Beta Tau, Thomas More College *Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky University *Alpha Gamma, Washington State University
Alpha Gamma Corporation
*Alpha Phi, Montana State University
Alpha Sigma, University of Oregon
Alpha Theta, Coe College
•Beta Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan University *Chi, Syracuse University
Chi Beta, University of Virginia
*Chi Psi, Cal Poly State University-San Luis Obispo * Delta Omega, Murray State University
Delta Pi, Central Missouri State University *Delta Sigma, San Jose State University *Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State University •Epsilon Chi, Elon College
*Gamma Alpha, George Mason University *Gamma Delta, University of Southern Alabama *Gamma Omicron, University of Florida *Gamma Sigma, Georgia State University *Gamma Upsilon, St. Leo College
*lota Chi, University of Western Ontario
*lota Sigma, Iowa State University
* Kappa Alpha, Indiana State University
*Kappa Gamma, Florida Southern College *Kappa Lambda, University of Calgary
*Kappa Omega, University of Kentucky
*Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern University
*Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana University •Lambda Beta, California State-Long Beach •Lambda lota, University of California-San Diego •Lambda Sigma, University of Georgia
Lambda Tau, Northeast Louisiana University *Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt University
*Omega Omicron, Lambuth College *Omicron, University of Tennessee
*Omicron Pi, University of Michigan
*Pi Alpha, University of Louisville
*Pi Delta, University of Maryland
*Pi Omicron, Austin Peay State University *Rho Beta, Virginia Commonwealth University *Sigma, University of California-Berkeley
Sigma Alpha, West Virginia University
*Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State University *Sigma Phi, California State-Northridge
*Tau Lambda, Shippensburg University
*Tau Omega, Transylvania University
*Theta Beta, Towson State University
*Theta Chi, Morningside College
*Upsilon, University of Washington
*Upsilon Lambda, University of Texas-San Antonio
Alumnae Chapters
Winter 1988
"Indicates the chapter also contributed to the Arthritis Research Fund and the Ruby Fund.
•Atlanta, GA
•Baltimore, MD •Birmingham, AL •Bloomington/Normal, IL •Bozeman, MT
•Chicago Northwest Suburban, IL •Chicago West Suburban, IL
Columbia, SC
•Dallas, TX
•Dayton, OH
•Dearborn, Ml
•Decatur Area, AL
•Detroit North Suburban, Ml •East Bay, CA
•Ft Lauderdale Area, FL •Greater Harrisburg, PA •Greater Jackson Area, MS •Greater Kansas City, MO •Greater Pinellas, FL •Hammond, LA
•Huntsville, AL •Indianapolis, IN •Jonesboro, AR •Kalamazoo, Ml •Kearney, NE •Kentuckiana, KY •Knoxville, TN •Lafayette, IN •Lexington, KY •Little Rock, AR •Long Beach, CA
From Our Readers: Her new boss is a sister
Jenny Duffy, seated, and Elise Massaro.
To Dragma will publish approp- riate letters and opinions as space permits. Let us hear from you!
For as long as I have been a member of Alpha Omicron Pi, I have always been told that AOII is forever. While many of us think that sororities are for the four year interim of college, we come to find out later in life that this is not true.
I'm a good example. I was a member of Lambda Sigma at the Universityof Georgia; I graduated in 1986. The summer before my graduation I was seeking an internship in the field of my major, public relations. Through the campus placement office I learned of Duffey Communications, a full service public relations and promo- tional marketing firm in Atlanta.
I interviewed with Jenny Duffey and was pleasantly surprised to learn that she too had been a member of Lambda Sigma at the University of Georgia (1979-1980). It made me feel more at ease and I think it made the interview run smoother. Although Jenny already had one intern, she hired me for the summer. As it turned out, I was much needed that summer. But, I think the main reason I was hired was because I was an AOIT!
I was hired as a full-time employee at Duffey Communications August 31, 1987. I thoroughly enjoy my job; there is always a new challenge. I cannot help but get the feeling that I have AOIT to thank for it. It is nice to work for someone who is not only your boss, but your sister too. AOII is truly forever!
—Elise Massaro
and the colonies. The success in these areas can be illustrated by the four new chapters installed during the first year of this biennium, with more installations expected this year. Com- pletion of a newly revised installa- tion manual will be of lasting impact for future chapter installations.
At its August meeting, the Execu-
Executive Board . . . ntinued from page 7
BoardinAugust;thefinalscheduleis expected to be ready for distribution in early 1989. Other plans for Con- vention that Pat has been instrumental in developing are shared elsewhere in this issue.
The personnel for both the Cen- tennial and Songbook Committees have been finalized this year, and both committes are moving ahead with their projects.
Elizabeth A. ("Liz") Coffey, Chi Lambda (U. of Evansville), is a Direc- tor. Her areas of responsibility are:
• Alumnae Department
• Collegiate Programming
• Notables Program
Liz—along with the Alumnae Pro-
gramming and Alumnae Membership Chairman—is very involved with con- tinued development of our alumnae. In the past three months, three new alumnae chapters have been approved. She has also been active in the devel- opment of two new standing com- mittee chairpersons and in offering increased support to alumnae chap- ters. Another project currently under- way that will benefit our alumnae is the production of the Harris Direc- tory, which is an all-alumnae direc- tory.
The Keystones program and new pledge program are the fruits of Liz's leadership in collegiate programming.
Our Notables program continues to expand and T o Dragma will con- tinue to spotlight Notables in each issue.
Mary Williams, Phi (U. of Kansas), is a Director. Her areas of responsi- bility are:
• Supervision and development of all chapters installed prior to July 1, 1984.
• Chapter Consultant Program
• International Rush Chairman Mary has been using the Moni-
toring program to develop the poten- tial of the chapters under her super- vision with wonderful results. The Chapter Consultant Program con- tinues to be one of the best among all National Panhellenic Conference groups. Mary worked with the Inter- national Rush chairman to plan and implement a training session for Regional Rush Officers in November.
NancyBowers,NuOmicron(Van- derbilt U.), is a Director. Her areas of responsibility are:
• Supervision and development of chapters installed after July 1, 1984.
• Special attention in training colony advisory committees
• Increased supervision and or- ganization of installations
For the most part Nancy's work is concentrated on the newer chapters
tive •
Board also:
Conducted an extensive review of the Fraternity's Constitution and Bylaws with a view to recom- mending revisions to the Con- stitution Interpretation and Revision Committee;
Selected Travel Unlimited, Oak Lawn, IL, as the travel agent to handle general fraternity travel for this year;
Selected Olson Travel & Incen- tives, Minneapolis, M N , as the travel agent for the 1989 Inter- national Convention;
Reviewed and approved the edi- torial calendar for the next three issues of To Dragma; and
Set the dates for the next board meeting for April 6-10, 1989.
To Dragma
The dedication of the women serv- ing on the Executive Board continues to serve as a role model for the member- ship at large. That same dedication is what continues to keep AOII moving progressively.
In this issue of To Dragma, we pay tribute to women who have been members of Alpha Omicron Pi for 50 years. It has been said that "AOn is forever." For the women listed here, it has truly been a long term relation- ship.
As in marriage, the length of a woman's relationship with her soror- ity can be measured in a way different from months and years. Elizabeth A.
ALPHA OMICRON Louisiana State University
Frances Virginia Chadick, Shreveport, LA Thyra Denholme Russell, Winnfield, LA Louise Claudia Hall, Memphis, TN
Kathryn Hazel Simmons, Deceased
Kathryn Margaret Moyse, Greenville, MS Eddis Marne C. Strickler, Houston, TX Peggy Athalies Rutledge, Sarasota, FL Doris Evelyn Kennedy, Stone Mountain, GA
Montana State University
Eileen Louise Royston, Irvine, CA Evelyn Jane French, Hardin, MT Verna Dean Peterson, Waltham, MT Mary Lodge, Lansing, Ml
Marjorie Ann Uhlrich, Lewistown, MT Helen Ruth Nelson, Seattle, WA Charlotte Jane Hangas, Missoula, MT Amy Pound, Washington, DC
Margaret Jean Hamilton, Butte, MT Kathleen Agnes Meagher, Kalispell, MT Louise Carlton Vanderbeek, Logan, UT Mary Barbara Carlson, Wellton, AZ Gladys Patrici Shierry, Deceased
Olive Tonia Brome, Rockville, MD Mildred Marie Curley, Portland, OR Dolores McLaughlin, Paso Robles, CA Blanche Maxine Conver, Helena, MT Helen Katharine Briggs, Missoula, MT Mable Montana Goldie, Deer Lodge, MT Lois Noreen Kerscher, Oceanside, CA Nancy Dear, Simms, MT
Dorothy Irene Sanders, Yuma, AZ Charlotte Scarlett, Edina, MN
Florida Stale University
Meriba Helen Ogden, Lake City, FL Margaret Esther Alexander, Tampa, FL Maybeth Hazelhurst Birmingham, AL
ALPHA SIGMA U. of Oregon
Geraldine Flagle, Portland, OR Elizabeth Ann Day, Deceased
Mary Cameron Murdock, Eugene, OR Frances Neva Lydlard, Cascade, MT Peggy Virginia Dimit, Salem, OR
Jean Marion Knight Arcadia, CA Dorothy Frances Clinker, Salem, OR Betty Jean Larkins, McMinnville, OR Otillia Ethel Boydell. Salt Lake City, UT Verna Elizabeth Borup, Bethesda, MD
ALPHA TAU Denison University
Alma Jean Hutchins, London
("Liz") Coffey, Executive Board Mem- ber, explains how long she has been an AOn by comparing that relation- ship with a long term marriage.
"A few weeks ago I had a good laugh while reading the funny papers. It seems as though Blondie was playing bridge with three of her friends. One of the ladies asked, 'Who's been mar- ried the longest?' The lady on Blon- die's right answered, 'I've been mar-
ried four housecoats.' The lady on the left answered, I've been married three pairs of bedroom slippers.' Blondie answered, 'I've been married two ironing board covers.' In unison, the other three shouted, 'You win!' Well, I've been an AOn about ten white dresses."
T o the women on this list, we salute you and wish you "many more white dresses."
CHI Syracuse U.
Helen Gilbert, Bethesda, MD
Mary Elizabeth Hodgson, Deceased
Joyce Annette Spaulding, Wallingford, CT
Jane Anna Flynn, Syracuse, NY
Doris Thelma Gessler, Syracuse, NY
Charlotte Louise Sherman, Bayharbor Islands, FL
U. of Colorado
Doris Eugenia D. Leavitt, San Pedro, CA Carmen Coghlan, Appomattox, VA Jane Claire Hubbard, Raton, NM
Adele Ruth Jones, Denver, CO
Julia Louise Idler, Deceased
Millicent Whitwell, Litchfield Park, AZ Leatha Mae Flanders, Chanute AFB, IL Helen Maxine French, Pacifica, CA
Betty Lou Sauble, Springer, NM
Francine Elsa Shallenberger, Sterling, CO Jean Noreen Fischer, Kansas City, MO
DELTA Tufts U.
Madeline Lawrence, AtUeboro, MA Theiss Madine Tibbs, Lebanon, NH Barbara Wilcox, Orleans, MA
Helene Clara Lindblade, Sugar Hill, NH Barbara Lee Bachelder, Pittsburgh, PA Sally Ann Batchelder, Wakefield, MA Alma Elizabeth Linden, Lake Worth, FL Barbara Robertson, East Harwich, MA Ruth Mary Glidden, Scituate, MA
Cornell University
Adele Marie Aylward, Huntington, NY Betty Frances Lester, Bethel Park, PA Elizabeth L Scharschu, Deceased Florence Joan Lawrence, Glen Head, NY Barbara Carpenter Frey, Ridgefield, CT Dolores Christine Daudt Midland, Ml Patricia Anne Sanders, New Canaan, CT Lois Helen Viel, Hemet CA
Barbara Gage Boyd, Van Nuys, CA Ruth Kreiter Hubbard, Hastings, Ml Jane Carroll Wiles, Grand Island, NY Ruth Adaline Herron, Bristol, NH Mary Louise Donnelly, Buffalo, NY
Betty Leed Cannon, State College, PA Martha Vera Meschko, New York, NY Alice Marie Winthrop, Diablo, CA Catherine M. Greider, Newark, OH Helen Langbume Glavin, Naples, FL Marjorie Day Winkler, Bethlehem, PA
Winter 1988
50 Year Members
Initiated between 7/1/38-6/30/39
Doris Ruth Smith, Sitka. AK
Betty Anne Parker, Elon College, NC Pauline Grace Mentzer, Deceased Brlnea Ruth Root Deceased
Helen Elizabeth Stecker, Scarsdale, NY Ann Stenger, Cleveland, OH
Myrle Rosalie Pullis, Deceased
Helen Ritz Welti, Deceased
Jeanne Louise Baughman, Warren, OH
Michigan State University
Mary Louise Rodger, Torrance, CA
Marion Norma Haughton, Deceased
Helen Louise Vanderveld, New Braunfels, TX Barbara Louise Ratcliff, Morganton, NC Jean Louise Gardner, Detroit Ml
Maxine Mae Garwood, Detroit Ml
Jean Elizabeth Skriletz, Minneapolis, MN Marjorie Louise Bouck, Falls Church, VA Barbara Brooks Snyder, Ann Arbor, Ml Marilyn Elizabeth Schafer, Deceased
Phyllis Jeanne Ammons, Lansing, Ml
Ella Jane Gilbert, Lansing, Ml
Helen Elizabeth Vaydick, Deceased
University of British Columbia
Mary Jane Smellie, Lakefield, ON
Gladys Evelyn McLaren, North Vancouver, BC Lillian Victoria Holeton, Vancouver, BC Mildred Smardon Flook, Vancouver, BC Margaret Mary Macauley, Comox, BC
Jean Elizabeth Parkes, West Vancouver, BC
BETA PHI Indiana U.
Louise Evelyn Carpenter, Deceased
Dorothy Jean Harwood, Whiting, IN
Nellie Wandalee Dalton, Columbus, IN Barbara Louise Clark, Deceased
Flora Elizabeth Clark, Brownsburg, IN Jeanice Marian Lewis, Whispering Pines, NC Maxine Louise Baugh, Sturgis, Ml
Martha Ellen Parsell, Deceased
Frances Ellogene Jackson, Scottsburg, IN Doris Marjory Dunn, Monmouth, OR Susanne Harrison, Pt Townsend, WA Jane Summers Neal, Indianapolis, IN Martha Louise Armstrong, Deceased Mary Jane Linnemeir, Bloomington, IN Norma Lee Lowry, Logansport IN
BETA THETA Butler University
Melba Gertrude Fisher, Indianapolis, IN
Edith Wilson, Richboro, PA
Anna Mary Sanger, Claremont, CA
Evelyn Mehl, Wayne, PA
Barbara Nelson, Carmel, CA
Mary Elizabeth Harper, Clarks Summit PA Janet Sunday Jeter, Sarasota, FL
Mabel Rosamond Wade, Deceased
Marion Mae Johnson, Arlington, VA
Laverne Dorothy Bennett, Oiympia Fields, IL Elizabeth Mae Miller, Bellevue, NE
Eleanore Mary Williams, Sheppard AFB, TX Jeanne Valeria Nicely, Lake City, FL
Mary Elizabeth Dejongh, Miami, FL
Helen Louise Cox, Charlemont MA
Lillian Jean Purdy, New Castle, PA
U. of Wisconsin-Madison
Lucille Mary Kleinheinz, Madison, Wl Margaret Bertha Winn, Whitewater, Wl Betty Lee Kelly, Deceased
Ruth Gertrude Ziemer, Pasadena, CA June Vivian Ninndw, St Louis, MO Evelyn Lundsted, Grosse He, Ml
Lois Elaine Stoneman, St Petersburg, FL Leone Madeline Naus, Sheboygan Falls, Wl Margaret Ann Doms, Philadelphia, PA Lucille Eileen Haberman, Green Valley, AZ Fern Stege Kallevang, Deceased
U. of Maine-Orono
Mary Carol Woodman, Readfield, ME Gertrude Ruth Hanley, Providence, Rl Nancy Clara Philbrook, Shelburne, NH Elizabeth C. Mulholland, Lubec, ME
Julia Winifred Kierstead, Fairfield, ME Constance Fanny Philbrook, Shelburne, NH Florence Evelyn Worster, Flat Rock, NC Elizabeth Stanley Reid, Abaco
Dorothy Lois Crane, Milbridge, ME
Elizabeth Mason Emery, Bucksport, ME Edith Mae Hoyt Skowhegan, ME
Mary Seribner, Jackson, NH
Margaret Louise Johnson, Blacksburg, VA Mary Elizabeth Benjamin, Littleton, CO Carolyn France Graham, Sacramento, CA Margaret York Edgecomb, Presque Isle, ME Frances Eleanor Richards, Deceased
Mary Louise Griffee, Charlotte, NC
Marion Jordan Broaddus, Westbrook, ME Dorothy Frances Erikson, West Boylston, MA Virginia Emery, Brewer, ME
U. of Illinois
Nora Marie Thompson, Tucson, AZ Frances Elaine Ann Hoppin, Deceased Mary Frances Hall, Belleville, IL Laverne Alice Pitts, Marideville, LA Betty Jean Curt, Hamilton, IL
Jean Claire Ellison, Chicago, IL
Donna Lee Healy, Walnut Creek, CA Elizabeth Roemnich, San Jose, CA Julianne Renee B. O'Neil, Denver, CO Phyllis Jane Gerler, Deceased Winifred Nona Baker, Blue Springs, MO Evelyn Clara Nolte, Peoria, IL
Ruth May Hooven, Pottstown, PA Roberta May Koll, Ponce, PR
Randolph Macon Woman's College
Lula Rose Blackwell, Birmingham, AL Sue Rainer Hume, Mobile, AL Rosemary Ogburn, Mobile, AL
Sally Fish Moser, Deceased
Alice Dugger Bishop, Ednor, MD
Marguerite K. Sedrick, St Petersburg, FL
Alice Elizabeth Yeates, Birmingham, AL
Anne Elizabeth Worth, Deceased
Agnes O'Neil Tuthill, Darien, CT
Louise Niemeyer Harney, Summerville, SC Margaret Mallory Fergusson, Carlisle Barracks, PA Dorothy Willard Merritt Deceased
Joan Self, Deceased
Martha Christian Gordon, Onancock, VA
KAPPA OMICRON Rhodes College
Nancy Priscilla Welsh, Memphis, TN Lillian J. Seabrook, Memphis, TN
Blanche Evans Gray, Memphis, TN
Jean Elizabeth Cregan, Laguna Niguel, CA Dorothy Lee Gandy, Marietta, GA
Gene Marie Ferris, Deceased Hazel Joye Cobb, Deceased Dorothy Julia Barnes, Memphis, TN Kate Perkins Bird, Deceased
Mary Elizabeth Douglass, Memphis, TN
KAPPA PHI McGill University
Dorothy Warwick Stalker, Town Of Mount Roya, QU Kathryn Buckley Tierney, Burbank, CA
Elsie Ann Bells, Dorval, QU
Jean Filipkowski, Ottawa, ON
Frances Malcolm Keeping, Lexington, MA Muriel Louise Edward, Baie D Urfe, QU Elizabeth Bennet McNab, Montreal, QU Barbara Pauline Sauder, Indian River, ON Rhona Elizabeth Wensley, Montreal, QU Margaret Kemp Birnbaum, Baie Durff, QU Mary Fuller, Montreal, QU
Phyllis Jean Mott, Deceased
Margaret Ellen Johnson, Albany, NY Frances Margaret Dick, Montreal, QU Kathleen Naomi Hammersley, Dorval, QU Amy Phyllis Lowe, Willow Dale, ON Kathleen Margaret Elliott Montreal, QU Frances Elsie Rogers, London, ON
U. OF California-Los Angeles
Barbara Adams Arries, Deceased
Katherine Jewell Williams, Palm Desert CA Isabel Catherine McFarland, Laguna Hills, CA Jo Ann Shultz, Fremont CA
Marion Beidler, San Diego, CA
Gloria Gretchen Blake, Rancho Santa Fe, CA Edith Marie Lauder, Solana Beach, CA Isabella Constance Walker, Santa Monica, CA Virginia Roberta Uoyd, Los Angeles, CA Margaret Jeanne Stanley, Ramona, CA Cordelia Kirkland Canini, Lake Arrowhead, CA Marian Elenor McAdams, Van Nuys, CA
Stanford University
Muriel Clark Longinotti, Saratoga, CA Helen Elaine Ard, San Diego, CA Helen Earle Pearse, Burlingame, CA Martha Louise Orr, Vacaville, CA Florence Doane Harvey, Denver, CO Janice McClure, Montara, CA
Jean Elizabeth Holbach, Santa Cruz, CA
LAMBDA SIGMA U. of Georgia
Helen Louise Hobgood, Calhoun, GA Kathleen Taylor Norville, Alcoa, TN Lois Kathleen Turner, Griffin, GA Georgia Bertha Geis, Redan, GA Marjorie Kent West Jacksonville, FL Mary McCandlish Freet Hiltons, VA Beverly Wallace, Montgomery, AL Janelle Hammett, Atlanta, GA
June Miriam Edwards, Indian Harbour Beach, FL Elizabeth Corinne Koen, New Orleans, LA Rosalyn Zierling, Tucker, GA
Ruth Hicks Wilheit Columbus, GA
Roberta Virginia Chastain, Atlanta, GA Camilla Bernic Dickinson, Atlanta, GA
New York University
Lois Brown, Belmar, NJ
Marie Frances Corrigan, E Orange, NJ
Camille M. Stevens, No Bergen, NJ
Harriet Cornell Connolly, South Orange, NJ Dorothy M. O'Hanlon, Utican, NY
M. Patrice Bell, Chatsworth, CA
Southern Methodist University
Mary Jane Guy, Gonzales, TX Margaret Alice Strickland, Houston, TX Beth Rion, San Angelo, TX
Kathleen Meek, Monroe, LA
Betty Claire Pickering, San Antonio, TX
Sara Elizabeth Hubbard, Nashville, TN Aileen Dudley Hughes, Chappaqua, NY Iris Marie Griffin, Nashville, TN
Katie Rose McClendon, Hattiesburg, MS Mary Jeannette Smith, Brentwood, TN Peggy Brooke, Bessemer, AL
Martha Jeanne Moore, Knoxville, TN Margaret Elizabeth Bryan, Nashville, TN Mildred Looney Walker, Columbia, TN Betty Cooper May, Haddon Heights, NJ Frances Brower Crane, Ventura, CA Anne Cpwen Beauchamp, Miami, FL Allene Blair Holland, Nashville, TN James Hardy Dietz, Middletown, MD
OMEGA Miami U.
Elizabeth Anne Barr, Toledo, OH
Rita Bernadette Long, Deceased
Helen Marie Fisher, Bucyrus, OH
Betty llene Williams, Zanesville, OH Marion Beatrice Pedersen, Lynbrook, NY Lois Gray Cowles, Norman, OK
Helen Olds Halter, Fairview, TN
Bettie Lephart, Columbus, OH Elizabeth Hughes Wheeler, Deceased Mary Kay Luizzi, Belmar, NJ
Evelyn Jean Curry, Park Forest IL Lois Howard
Marion Edith Nante, Zanesville, OH
Betty Jo Carmean, Kenton, OH
Phyllis Joyce Forberg, Okala, FL
Janis Zulieka Lillie, Deceased
Grace Harvey Faircloth, Daytona Beach, FL Mary Louise Seubert Eugene, OR
Mary Frances Hall, Fort Thomas, KY Betty Anne Cromer, Flat Rock, NC
Martha Elizabeth Hancock, Columbia, SC Julia Ross Escher, Syracuse, NY
Mary Nell Johnson, Knoxville, TN
Emma Lucy Stuart N. Little Rock, AR Margaret Helen Luttrell, Deceased
Julia Ann Brumfield, Hopkins, MN
Katherine Anderson Headrick, Little Rock, AR Leslie Keenan Ransom, Nashville, TN
Helen Bess Brown, Chattanooga, TN
Ruth Mays, Knoxville, TN
Anne Clarice Evans, Tullahpma, TN
Emily Landreth Buchanan, knoxville, TN Sarah Elizabeth Vestal, Knoxville, TN
Roberta Louise Rutherford, Deceased Kathryn Ruffin, Deceased
OMICRON PI U. of Michigan
Lynda Irvin, Long Beach, CA
Frances Aris, Albion, Ml
Amy Bowne Seleen, Baldwinsville, NY Jeanne Elizabeth Butler, Buckeye, AZ Blanche Wilson, Mechariicsville, VA
Bessie Weatherstone, Detroit Ml
Elizabeth Helen Lambertson, Three Rivers, Ml Marybelle Klemach, Ann Arbor, Ml
Ella Babs Collins, West Orange, NJ
Lois Shinault Southern Pines, NC
Dorothy Jane Bailey, Deceased
To Dragma
U. of Kansas
Evalynn Doloris Doman, Ottawa, KS Mary Eloise Sellon, Oklahoma City, OK Elizabeth J. Morgan, Deceased
Ema Gilliam, Lawrence, KS
Mollie Lisbeth Gardiner, Deceased Betty May Hanson, Clay Center, KS Wilma Jean Geiger, Ottawa, KS Olga House, Fayetteville, AR
Newcomb College
Virginia Sybil Jackson, Metairie, LA Elizabeth Galliand Hobgood, Coronado, CA Audrey Maude Worthington, Florence, AL Jane Elizabeth Sosa, Deceased
Gayle Rhoades Cosgrove, New Orleans, LA Helen Coyle Turnbull, Metairie, LA
Patricia Brehm, New Orleans, LA
Dorothy Katheryn Lewis, Cleveland, OH Nathalie Doris Read, New Orleans, LA Margaret Elmina Glenn, Charlotte, NC
Edith Catherine Harris, Metairie, LA
University of Maryland
Earla Ball Harwood, Silver Spring, MD Helen Virginia Inge, Fort Knox, KY
Jane Carter Anderson, Fort Lauderdale, FL Mary Helen Evans, Gainesville, FL
Evelyn Jean Miller, Raleigh, NC
Mary Jane Haskell, Youngstown, NY
Billie Jane McBee. APO San Francisco, CA Ellen Ryan, Garden City, NY
Marguerite Gardner Turtle, Baltimore, MD Beverly Jean Neiman, APO New York, NY Estelle Harvey Bishopp, Alexandria, VA Lois Virginia Hart, Cockeysville, MD
Eurith Lunthicum Anderson, Baltimore, MD Jeanne Shihadeh, Bryn Mawr, PA Elizabeth Jeanne Reese, Washington, DC
University of Pennsylvania
Ruth Bohr Danning, Las Vegas, NV Beatrice Anna Brown, Breinigsville, PA
Northwestern University
Helen Camilla Rice, Deceased
Elizabeth Ann Horn, Wilmette, IL
Tova Craig, Glenview, IL
Helen Suzanne Leibacher, Santa Ana, CA Evelyne Louise Hackett, Newton Center, MA Elaine Gwen Poole, Overland Park, KS Grace Karne Paulsen, Santa Ana, CA Phyllis Marie Crosland, Bradenton, FL
Mary Ann Link, Deceased
Virginia Kelley, Fort Dodge, IA
Helen Fay Borden, Rock Island, IL Dorothy Ann Larson, Middletown, OH Virginia Dickerson, Kansas City, MO Helen Jeanne Rahe, McHenry, IL Dorothy B. Stone, Westmont IL
Eileen Frances Holmes, Fallbrook, CA Ruth Marie Burke, LaGrange, IL
Jane Boydstun Wood, Skokie, IL Patricia Jane Fulton, Burlington, Wl Marilynn Weaver, Chicago, IL
U. of California-Berkeley
Virginia Ann Bjom, Cocoa, FL
Helen Lorraine Raymond, Monrovia, CA Jean Thallon, San Mateo, CA
Noreen Curtis Stoner, Incline Village, NV Virginia Steckmest Fallbrook, CA
Nancy Lee Pooley, Indian Wells, CA Hallie Perry, Palo Alto, CA
Catherine Jean Macomber, Albany, NY Katherine Marie McKenzie, Belvedere, CA Nina Ann Bums, Alexandria, VA
Muriel Ann Ross, Deceased
Carol Marie Adair, Orinda, CA
Elizabeth Jean Dewante, Sacramento, CA
-Irene Carroll Staats, Deceased
Marian Wood, Del Mar, CA
Marie Peralta Gilfillan. Walnut Creek. CA Dorothy Fake, Pacific Grove, CA
Alice Elizabeth Nelson, Hartland, Wl Marcella Virginia Ewing, Daly City, CA Phyllis Anderson, Santa Rosa, CA Barbara Ann Paxton, Orinda, CA
Patricia Taggart, San Francisco, CA Dexa Florence Lugten, Milano, CA
SIGMA TAU Washington College
Jessie Greenleaf Anderson, Deceased
Nellie Catherine Bexley, Deceased
Helen Blanchard Baker, Aberdeen, MD
Virginia Streett Eliason, Chestertown, MD
Minor Porter Kelley, Fort Collins, CO
Dorothy Mae Thornburg, Chestertown, MD
Alva Lee Klabold, Myrtle Beach, S C
Rosemary Josephine Robinson, Ozone Park, NY Alice Parker Riddleberger, College Park, MD
University of Minnesota
Kathryn Louise Holm, Edina, MN
Patricia Gertrude Lill, Lake Oswego, OR
Betty Jean Weatherwax, Duluth, MN
Helen Elie Monsos, Pacific Palisades, CA Elinor Velma Reichow, St Paul, MN
Mary Jane Hazouri, Jacksonville, FL
Marcella Hammer, Lake Crystal, MN MaryLouiseHill,Minneapolis, MN
Betty Marie Hueomoeller, Truman, MN MildredAnneHartwick,Minneapolis, MN FrancesT.Paulu,Minneapolis, MN DorothyFernSteinmetz,Minneapolis, MN Phyllis Audrey Ostensoe, White Bear Lake, MN MaryonReichel,Minneapolis, MN
Suzanne Snively, Sacramento, CA
Barbara Himes, Hemet CA
Jean Elsie Martin, Deceased
Anne Lorraine Hofstatter, Stillwater, MN
Betty Lou Farrell, Sioux Falls, SD
Evangeline V. Langhoff, St Peter, MN
Mary Isabel Willson, Greeley, CO
Barbara Jane Thomas, Paradise Valley, AZ Lorraine Ruth Duncan, Eden Prairie, MN
Jeannette Louise McLaughlin, Lakewood, CA Jeanne Morey Hodge, Rochester, MN Shirley Irene Moore, Sherman Oaks, CA Nancy Ann Swenson, San Diego, CA
TAU DELTA Birmingham-Southern College
Mary Lorother Britton, Birmingham, AL Mary Ann Caldwell, Nashville, TN
Mary Evelyn Aston, Birmingham, AL Elizabeth Cunningham, Mountain Brook, AL Grace Elizabeth Clark, Birmingham, AL Mary Elizabeth Cassidy, Mobile, AL
Mary Reuthe Reese, Gainsville, FL
DePauw University
Mary Jane Bradston, Birmingham, AL Ceiia Elizabeth Lavigne, Geneseo, NY Eloise Mosley, Petite Riviere Bri, NS Ellen Jane Hudson, Anderson, IN Dorothy lone Shepard, Evansville, IN Lois Krogh, Phoenix, AZ
Frances E Hays, Daytona Beach, FL Alice Irene Sears, Deceased
Martha Charlotte Villeneuve, Deceased
University of Cincinnati
Dorothy Virginia Ratermann, Westchester, OH Margaret Alice Graham, Cincinnati, OH Carolyn Rose Radcliffe, Cincinnati, OH
Helen Lally MacDuff, Cincinnati, OH Carolyn Frances Johnson, Leawood, KS Hilde Schmitt, Deceased
Mary Lou Koehl, Cincinnati, OH
June Louise Beal, Deceased
Barbara Ruth Mayer, Dayton, OH Mary Jane Jones, Arlington Heights, IL
U. of Washington
Betty lone Wing, Kirkland, WA
Alice Jean Weber, Deceased
Lenore Curtis, Seattle, WA
Marna Rae Burkhalter, Miami, FL Emelyn Marrietta Knemeyer, Kent WA
U. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Mary Louise Hardissen, Brule, NE Mariellen Jacobson, Arlington, VA
Ruth Hutton Voldrich, Columbus, OH Betty Jane Spurlock, Bloomington, MN Doris Ruth Hoff, San Antonio, TX
Helen Irene Thornburg, Mission Viejo, CA Mary Ellen Fraser, Sedalia, CO
Evelyn M. Paeper, New York, NY
Alice Virginia Hutchinson, Council Bluffs, IA Jean Marjorie Tinstman, Lincoln, NE
Hazel Haase, Tryon, NE
Natalie Irene Stoll, Long Beach, CA
Alice Jean Reed, Lincoln, NE
Rosemary Patricia Wolfe, Albion, NE
Patricia Lillian Overton, Omaha, NE
Dorothy May Neurnberger, Natrona Heights, PA Lucille Mildred Adwers. Elkhorn, NE
Winter 1988
Headquarters staff at building site: from left, Ann Reynolds, Beth Grantham, Frank Yancey, Melanie Doyle, Julie Martin, Linda Fuson, Mary Ann Caldwell, Kellie Holland, Becky Pena, Linda Johnson, Sue Lewis, Mary Ann Jenkins, Sandra Click, Jill Wagner and Jackie Lynch.
Progress Continues on New Headquarters
Y our Fraternity's new home con- tinues to rise on its hillside in Brent- wood, Tennessee.
The brick work has been completed across the front. The roof is on and most of the windows have been in- stalled. A walk through the building now reveals the frames for the walls of hallways, offices and bedrooms. At the rear, the excavation necessary for the foundation work has been filled in, grading has been done, and it is now possible to enter the second floor at ground level there.
There has been much progress since the footings were poured last August! Looking ahead, the Interiors Com- mission of the Executive Board, with the help of a decorator, has selected colors for the carpet and paint. Sev- eral shades of mauve will be com- bined with teal blues to provide a
light cheerful atmosphere.
The lighting available in each room
was taken into consideration when deciding which shade of mauve would be used to paint the walls. For exam- ple, a lighter shade will be used in the rooms with no windows and darker tones will be used in rooms with more natural light. In the two story entrance atrium, cream colored wall- paper with a soft linen-like texture will cover the walls. Each bedroom will have its own, individual wall- paper border. The floors in the con- ference room and the atrium entrance hall will be parquet wood with a mahogany finish.
Pledges of financial support for AOlTs new home have begun to arrive, but there is still plenty of opportunity for you and your chap- ter to support this important project. The various types of gift opportuni- ties are outlined below.
The wide variety of our new build- ing's uses—administrative, educa- tional, archival—offers unlimited op- portunities for commemorative recog- nition. We look, not only to special individuals, but also to groups within our Fraternity, for financial support that will ensure the continuation of Alpha Omicron Pi's tradition of ex- cellence.
In recognition of a pace-setting gift of $250,000, the entire Conference/ Training Center can be named by the donor in honor of an Alpha Omicron Pi sister.
Commemorative plaques within specific areas of the International Headquarters can also be secured:
• Commemorative Hallway (of your choice), each $2,500
• Outside Signage $2,500
• Conference Foyer and Registra- tion Area $5,000
• Offices (of your choice), each $7,000
• Kitchen $7,500
• Bedrooms (of your choice), each $8,000
• Conference Social/Reception Area $10,000
• Headquarters Main Entrance/ Reception Area $15,000
• Conference/Board Room $20,000
• Conference/Training Room $30,000
To Dragma
(Partitioned half of room: $15,000 each)
Total Conference/Training Cen- ter $250,000.
Pledges made by individuals, chap- ters and other groups within the Fra- ternity may be paid within a three- year period.
Donors of $1,000 will be desig- nated as members of the'' 1897 Club,'' and the roster of these donors will be appropriately displayed i n the new building.
In addition, we will continue the tradition of the Cardinal Circle. By making a gift of $100, chapters, cor- porations and individuals can honor special sisters by designating them as members of the Cardinal Circle. The names of the Cardinal Circle members are presently on display in the lobby of the current International Head- quarters.
Donations of chapters or chapter corporations should be made directly to Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc.
Donations of individuals wishing to take a tax deduction as prescribed by law should be made to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, which will support the educational component of the project.
I (We) want to continue the tradition of excellence and pledge $
to support Alpha Omicron Pi's new International Headquarters and Conference/Training
Center as indicated above. The pledge will be paid as follows: • within one year • in 3 annual installments of $
• inonesumpaidby
Signature Date Type of gift: • Individual • Chapter • Other
name(s) please print clearly for recognition listing
city state zip
Please submit your completed pledge card to International
When eating gets out of order . ..
continued from page 5 Irememberwhatitwasliketobepart
of that women's group and wanting to fit in. A n d the pressures to be thin and pretty and successful and 'together' among that group of women can be really strong.
"Fitting in is incredibly stressful, particularly when you're in college, and you don't feel pretty even if you are—the old 'If I'm not pretty, I'm not worthy attitude.' Not only do you have to be pretty, but you have to change your body shape as well."
Sandy, too, points out the strain that may be placed on a college woman, especially a sorority woman, to "fit in." She says, "There is a lot of pressure on the women I have worked with to be happy, cheerful, and never express anger. They hide behind a facade and literally get sick of it. Unfortunately a sorority can exag- gerate this pressure. There is no bal- ance (in always being cheerful, never getting angry).'' Amy and Sandy both express the opinion that sororities should provide that balance instead of placing unrealistic expectations
on members. "W orkshops for asser- tiveness, learning to say no, and how
to express anger might be taught," offersAmy, "This may be one way to attack the problem (of eating dis- orders)."
In spite of the variety of causes of eating disorders, certain issues emerge. "Assertiveness and self-esteem are very much a problem," Sandy reports. Amy agrees, "I needed to learn to be more assertive. I needed to learn to feel things. I would often just shut down emotionally and internalize angerandpain...Ineededtolearnto say no to people, to stop taking on so many activities, because my life was really stressed."
Control is another issue for bulim- ics. In lives that are very stressful, bulimics can at least control their eat- ing. Hiding their binging and purg- ing from others is also wrapped up in the control issue. " I t seems very ironic," Amy says, "I felt in control and yet the behavior was completely out of control. It's obsessive and once you start, it's very difficult to stop.
"But at the time I felt supremely in control and some of the control comes from the fact that no one knows you're doing it—that you can eat and stay thin, that you are dealing with the stress in your life. You really are controlled. You have a period in the day, or several periods in the day, in
which you allow yourself to get rid of all this negative energy, and then you
get to put everything back together and go back out and function. There was a compartmentalized space in my day when I could really fall apart—in a controlled way—and then pick it back up again."
Amy's decision to attack her dys- functional eating behavior came from her own awareness of the problem. She recounts what it was like to hit bottom, "I was binging and vomit- ing eight to ten times a day. I reached a point where I could not compart- mentalize—I could not put it back together and function. And I had no energy. I was falling asleep, just sit- ting in class overwhelmed with tired- ness. And I think one of the things that really frightened me was that I started to get paranoid. I'm not sure I had hallucinations, but I really felt that life was not quite right, and it was obvious that this behavior was the reason. And so I decided that it was scary enough, that I really was threatening myself, that I needed to do something."
By the time Amy sought counsel- ing she had been engaging in the binge-purge behavior for more than three years. N o one had approached her about the problem; she had been able to hide her behavior well at home, she says, ". . . by eating after
continued on next page
Winter 1988
When eating . ..
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everybody went to bed and being really careful about cleaning the toilet." And in college? "There were times when I could count on being alone, and your sense of hearing becomes incredibly acute. Y ou can hear somebody coming down the hallway," she recalls.
The symptoms of a person with an eating disorder are more widely known now than even five years ago. Coun- seling centers on college campuses are geared u p to advise concerned stu- dents about eating disorders. What are some things to look for? Sandy lists,"Unkemptappearance,eyesthat look red or inflamed, a person with a constant money problem, even though
beenseen."Youneedtopreparefor the typical reaction of denial when you appreach a woman about behav- iors you have observed," Sandy ad- vises. "You see, a bulimic in a very strange way fears being caught. This goes back to the need for control. So she will probably try to wiggle out of your questions by saying that she is on a special diet or she has a spastic colon, or that you must be confused.
"But it's important to let that per- son know that you hold her account- ableforherbehavior.Itisharmfulto the woman involved, and it can im- pinge on the lives of others around her. Some of the behaviors are dis- gusting (like vomiting), and some are expensive," Sandy adds, referring to the bulimics who steal food or money from others in her living unit or from
will never do this again.' It takes a long time. It takes a lot of soul- searching and confronting problems and issues and learning new skills for handling stress, skills for coping."
In the process of therapy Amy had to relearn to eat what was normal, what was accepted. One of the first ways she did this was to, "set aside an hour during the day that I wasn't going to vomit. The first hour was from seven to eight o'clock in the morning, and that was relatively easy— shower, get dressed, but at eight I felt great, I didn't vomit! I had some suc- cesses, and I started to say, ' I can do this.' "
Other strategies involved taking a walk after meals, watching others who don't have problems with their eating to see what was a correct por- tion, and later asking friends to help by simply asking, "Are you sure you need the second helping?"
After several months of individual counseling during her sophomore year, Amy joined a group of others with eating disorders, which was help- ful to establish a supportive relation- ship and discuss strategies for relearn- ing some eating behaviors. Support is very important. Amy uses the term unconditional love. In her own exper- ience, she experienced denial, which was simply not what she needed. She recalls, " I told my mother once, and she . . . she changed the subject . . . completely.'' The impact of denial by a parent is great, Amy says, "For the parent to say ' I don't believe you' really denies the love. It sort of comes out, ' I can't love you if this is true. You can't be my daughter.' They (family and friends) need to say that they care about you, and regardless of the behavior, itdoesn't affectthe way they think or feel about you."
Her eating disorder no longer a part of her life, Amy reflects on appropriate words of encouragement to someone with an eating disorder, "I think that question relates to my willingness to talk with you about it. It's because it was once so hopeless for meand wasgoingtolastforever.I was always going to struggle with food, but it did get better. It takes a long time and a lot of work, but you get to the point that it's not an issue any more on a daily, routine, three- times-a-day basis. There's hope. It does get better."
Some symptoms of eating disorders:
red eyes, looking unkempt, excessive exercise.
her family has enough money, some- one always going to aerobics or always exercising, a person with weird sleep patterns, and who disappears right after a meal."
Amy remembers, "My biggest prob- lem was that I had to use my fingers to make myself vomit. The scars, the constant sore that I had on the back of my hand, that, if anything would have been the clue. That's what tipped two of the people off who finally said something to me (after I had started therapy)."
For Amy, as for many bulimics, she held every aspect of her life together while struggling with her eating. She was doing very well in school, she fit into a group, she had dating relation- ships. She was an overachiever (and still is), was involved in extracurricu- lar activities and worked, and of all this she says, " I really don't know where I found the energy or the time tobebulimic...AllthebulimicsI have ever encountered are incredible overachievers."
With increased awareness of eating disorders, hiding or disguising buli- mic behavior is less and less easy. Sandy points out that frequently a chapter relations officer or adviser may be in a position to talk with a woman about behaviors that have
the central food pantry of the house. When talking with a bulimic Sandy suggests, "Supply concrete evidence of the problem. For instance, say, ' I saw you eat that whole bag of choco- late chip cookies or that whole can of peanuts, I've seen your feet turned the wrong way in the bathroom, or you always disappear right after dinner.' Before you talk with a person you are concerned about, you might consult with an eating disorders specialist in your student affairs area. That per- son could assist you in approaching the person for whom you're con-
Amy views the issue of approach similarly, "For someone who has not come to the point of recognizing the behavior(oftheeatingdisorder),I'm not sure there is a really good way to intervene other than to say that you're concerned. I think you can plant the seed that there is something wrong— that there are better ways to live life than allowing food to control your life."
Counseling intervention can be suc- cessful if the client is ready to work on the problem, but it requires a lot of work. Amy says, "You have to start somewhere, and there isn't a magic pill. It doesn't work to just go to bed and say, 'TomorrowIwill be better. I
To Dragma
Collegiate Chapter News...
continued horn page 17
Chapter president Beth Lund was featured in an article in her home- town newspaper after Sigma T au won two awards at the Region I I Leadership Conference. The chapter won the most improved chapter award and the award for the highest GPA for chapters with fewer than 75 members.
Tau Lambda's vice president, Jen- nifer Paul, served as rush counselor at Shippensburg U., reports Jennifer
Alumnae Weekend. The event will take place during UVA's homecom- ing and promises to be a great time to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. This fall has brought a number of sisterhood events, inlcud- ing a garden party, a retreat for new sisters, and a chapter retreat.
The Delta Upsilon Chapter at Duke U. started the school year with a fund raiser for arthritis research, "Blue Devil Boogie." The event was co- sponsored with the Pi Phis, and there was a terrific turnout. Prizes were handed out by local celebrities such as Duke's President Brodie and basket- ball stars Danny Ferry and Quin Snyder. A local radio station, WRDU-106, covered the event and the Durham Morning Herald also reported on it. More than $2,000 was raised for arthritis research. The Pi Phis will send their half of the pro- ceeds to a local philanthropy.
Stephanie L . Caffery reports that 31 AOIIs made the Dean's List last year. Senior Susy Register and junior Karen Eller are Phi Beta Kappa. Twelve AOIIs are members of Phi Eta Sigma. Karen Eller and Cynthia deMiranda are B.N. Duke Scholars.
continued on page 34
Masse. T h e fall 1988 consists of 11 women.
Alpha Lambda Chapter at Georgia Southern College gained 27 pledges for its first Fall Pledge Class, reports Kelli Yeager.
The rush program was designed by Co-Rush Chairmen Lori Jones and Melissa Davies. Ruth Shorter, Re- gional Rush Officer for Region III, attended Alpha Lambda's Rush Work- shops and was also present during Formal Rush. Ruth helped with in- sightful advice and guidance.
Alpha Lambda's Pledge Program, designed by Vice President Gina Wynn, began on September 24, 1988. On this date, a Ribboning Ceremony was conducted for the new pledges.
Chi Beta Chapter, U . of Virginia, is getting ready for its first annual
Initiation for the spring pledge class took place on Sunday, September 24. Following the ceremony, the chap- ter's fifth anniversary Alumnae Ban- quet was held at the Rustic Inn. Karen Wenner, Alumnae Relations, organized the event. Melissa Cour- son, Regional Director, attended.
Last year Tau Lambda completed 117 hours of service to the commun- ity and campus including a "Mile of Quarters" line up at an area mall for arthritis research, timing swim meets, and helping out as soccer ball girls. Suellen Marlow is philanthropic pro-
jects chairperson.
Ginny Kinsler, a founding sister,
was elected the new chapter adviser. Andrea Mysel now holds the office of Panhellenic Public Relations Chair- person. The chapter is teaming up with Sigma Pi for homecoming activi- ties.YenTran isactivities chairperson.
T o start off the 1988 fall semester at Towson State U., the Theta Betas initiated three holdover pledges at a weekend retreat in Frederick, Mary- land. The new members are Jill Blechman, Holly Culhane, and Sue Doherty, reports Amy Fuss. The members thank Chapter Relations Chair Michelle Namvary for a great weekend.
Tracy Anderson and her commit- tee worked hard for the fall rush. Sandra Jankowiak prepared the origi- nal Theta Beta video which was shown at the first party.
In September, Chapter Consultant Grace Avant visited for a week, pro- viding members with excellent sug- gestions and guidance.
Winter 1988
Sigma T a u (W ashington College) chapter members relax at a picnic
Collegiate Chapter News...
continued from page 33
Elizabeth Leverage and Lee Gravatt are A.B. Duke Scholars (full tuition plus summer in Oxford, England). Lee Gravatt was also selected for the Early Identification Program (en- trance into Duke Med—sophomore year) and Suzanne Fajans was a final- ist for the Truman Scholarship.
"Back into the swing of things", is what can be said about Epsilon Chi Chapter at Elon College, reports Karen Johnson. Not only are the sisters geared up to start another great year, so is the new fall pledge class. Dana Ravell, has been elected as the chap- ter's representative for Derby Queen. With Homecoming just around the corner, the chapter has chosen Molly Edmondson to be its representative for Homecoming Queen.
Gamma Alpha Chapter at George Mason U . pledged quota, reports Kelly Moore. Lisa Hatcher was rush chairman.
Gamma Sigma at Georgia State U . reached quota with 22 pledges. Karen Hyde served as rush chairperson.
Susan Barber, chapter president, was co-chairperson of the Leadership Conclave this fall. Last summer, Cathy Davis won the Miss Stone Mountain Pageant, a preliminary contest for the Miss America Pageant, reports Emily Beresford and Christina Bonniwell.
Lambda Sigma Chapter at the Uni- versityofGeorgiahas fivewomenon the cheerleading squad. They are: Nancy Shippy, Angela White, Laura Case, Robin Rulli, and Leanne Mor- ris. Nancy Shippy and Patty McCrary were inducted into the Order of Omega. Renovation of the AOII house began in the spring and was finished just in time for rush. The dining area was enlarged and two bedrooms were added. The chapter also received new dining room and bedroom furniture. Rush ended with Lambda Sigma receiving 58 pledges.
"Enthusiasm" is the word for the Rho Betas of Virginia Commonwealth U. as they begin the new school term. With the help of Rush chairman Jennifer Arthur, sisters and alumnae, fall rush was successful. The sisters have also participated in informative community seminars on such topics as Alcohol Awareness and Hazing. T h e sisters are also pleased to an- nounce that the second birthday of Rho Beta was September 27th, reports Sharron Williams.
The Sigma Alpha chapter at West Virginia University started the semes- ter with a successful rush, reports Amy Brison. After only four years on campus, the chapter met quota and pledged 56 women, bringing their chap- ter total up to campus average.
The rest of the semester was filled with old and new activities for Sigma Alpha. The first new activity was a "Destination Unknown" party with Kappa Alpha. The AOIIs kept the KAsinsuspenseuntilthebusespulled into Kennywood Amusement Park to reveal the unknown destination. Another activity was the Parents' Day Date Party, which is becoming a chapter tradition.
The chapter also continued its phil- anthropic tradition of trick-or-treating for Arthritis Research.
After a successful rush, the Kappa
Alphas at Indiana State U. are off to a great start for the new school year. Under the careful organization of rush chairman Susan Boone and as- sistant Sarah Daughtery, the chapter pledged quota for the fall semester. Representing AOII on the Panhel- lenic side of rush were rush counse- lors Michelle Clark,Connie Wilberd- ing, Carrie Peigh, Stephanie Gentry, and LisaHawk.
Kappa Alpha is getting prepared for this year's homecoming festivities. Representing AOII in this year's Homecoming court is junior Lisa Hawk.
To Dragma
Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U.) chapter members stretch before practicing their rush skits.
Collegiate Chapter News...
continued from page 34
Members of Kappa Pi Chapter at Ohio Northern U. came back early this fall to begin preparations for 1988 rush, entitled "Go Fore Greek", a golf theme. Formal Rush Chair- man Steph Kiebler led the group in workshops to prepare for rush.
W endy Sorvari reports that the three apartments on the second floor of the house were remodeled during the summer.
Beth Bansek, a pledge from last years rush, was initiated this fall.
Omicron Pi, U. of Michigan, started the new school year offwith a great rush, pledging more than 40 women. The chapter is now the second largest sorority on campus.
Philanthropy and Public Relations Chairpersons, Anne Y oung and Lisa Berger, are organizing twice a month "AOn Days" at MOTTS Children's Hospital. Chapter members will go to the hospital on those days and play with the children.
Parents' Weekend was November 4-6, reports Lisa Berger.
Phi Upsilon Chapter at Purdue U . successfully started another semester by sponsoring the annual "Slayter Slammer" outdoor rock concert with Triangle fraternity. Theta Chi fra- ternity, and Pi Beta Phi sorority. Thousands ofstudents cametowatch the concert which featured the popu- lar band "P.S. DumpYourBoyfriend." Phi Upsilon initiated 29 of its 1988 pledges into sisterhood on September 15. The chapter's first dance of the year had the theme of "Ya' snooze-ya' lose" with pajamas and boxers for favors.
The highlight of the semester was the dedication of the beautiful new addition on Sunday, October 2. A l l members, special guests and families were invited to tour the rooms, which include a chapter room, recreation room and guest room, reports Jana Sinn.
Since arriving back at Athens in September, the women of Omega Upsilon Chapter at Ohio U. have
Winter 1988
been working hard to prepare for their first rush, reports Dana Potopsky.
One member, Lisa Catrett, placed third in the Miss Petite Ohio pageant held in the Greater Cleveland area in September. Lisa, a junior and a dance major, is also this year's recipient of the Hazel and Carr Ligett Dance Scholarship.
Last March 18, Christy Gleadall, appeared on the television program "Good Morning America." Christy, a junior, prformed a stand up comedy routine which she had written her- self. She was chosen by comedian Bronson Pinchot when he was scout- ing talent for the program while visit- ing Professor Mel Helitzer's comedy class last winter.
With the beginning of fall quarter, the chapter was busy preparing for its "Up, Up, and Away for Arthritis" balloon release scheduled for the Homecoming pre-game show.
Kelly L a n g was elected vice presi- dent of the Psi Chi psychology honorary.
Theta Chapter moved up to second place in scholarship among DePauw's sororities.
Theta Chapter at DePauw U . has moved up to second place in G.P.A. in sororities, reports Polly Harrold. Juniors Cheryl Noel and Christy Muth qualified for national speech com- petition.
Senior Kathy Bofinger was Vice President of rush, and Leigh A n n Longstreth was named managing editor of The Depauw. Luanne Stan- ley is this year's Chaplain's Assistant. Junior Kim Lowden is Vice Presi- dent of Duzer Du, a theatric honor- ary, and Laurie Schlueter was elected Senator-at-Large. Marjie Meeks was named to Phi Beta Kappa, and seniors Amy Best, Julie Davis, and Laura Wilson are new Mortar Board mem- bers. Sophomores Liz Erlandson, Beth Behrendt, and Cherie Blankenbeuler were named to Alpha Lambda Delta.
This fall, the chapter won Lambda Chi Alpha's all campus volleyball tournament. Junior Jen Orosan won Delta Gamma's bicycle marathon, and Jami Gibson won mixed doubles in Theta's tennis classic.
Theta met quota with 36 pledges.
TheThetaPsiChapterattheU.of Toledo finished fall rush with 17 pledges.
"Getting To Know You"party, re- ports Tamara Owens.
"AOII Kindercollege" found the Alpha Chis donned in little girls' red- and-white polka dot dresses, hair ribbons and lace-trimmed socks. The room was decorated like a nursery school, as the rushees visited sections such as "Toybox," "Playhouse," and "Mommy's Jewelry Box."
Singing "What Are AOIIs Made Of?" "A0II Playmate," and other nursery rhymes, the Alpha Chis charmed 48 pledges, and once again reached quota.
Because the chapter worked so hard last spring semester on props, songs, etc., a summer workshop was not necessary.
The Alpha Chis left campus for two nights for their first Rush Retreat. During these two days, they "roughed it," learned good rush techniques, and got reacquainted with each other.
The Delta Omega Chapter at Mur- ray State University began its school year with rush and now has 35 pledges, reports Cathy Cope.
continued on page 42 35
The Alpha Chi Chapter showed Western Kentucky's rushees an excel- lent Rush, highlighted by a new
DJF Offers Tribute to AlphaTau
Alpha T au chapter, Denison Uni- versity, may be "gone," but it won't be forgotten.
The legacy of Alpha Tau to AOII sisters of later generations is now a special scholarship in the Diamond Jubilee Foundation bearing the Alpha Tau name.
In the fall of 1987,17 years after the charter for Alpha Tau was returned to the Executive Board of Alpha Omicron Pi, alumnae of the chapter voted to dissolve the Alpha Tau Cor- poration. They stipulated that the corporation's assets, $10,890, be do- nated to the AOII Diamond Jubilee Foundation for a scholarship in the chapter's name.
On behalf of the DJF's Board of Trustees, President Lynne Johnston gratefully accepted the gift.
"We arethrilledthatourAlphaTau sisters in such a time would look to the Diamond Jubilee Foundation as the way to keep the memory of a pre- cious AOII chapter in the hearts of others," Lynne said. "A scholarship will be awarded annually to a deserv- ing collegian AOII who will have the opportunity to learn about Alpha Tau's history and feel the goodwill and generosity of its alumnae."
The DJF trustees decided the best tribute to everyone involved with the gift to AOII's scholarship foundation would be a review of the history of Alpha T au chapter, Denison Univer- sity, Granville, Ohio.
Alpha Tau was a part of the Deni- son University community for 40 years. On Dec. 12, 1930, Alpha Tau Delta, a local sorority, was installed asAlphaTauchapterofAlphaOmi- cron Pi.
The head table at the silver anniversary banquet of Alpha T a u Chapter on October 15, 1955 included (from left), Allieret Chrysler Morrow and Anna Wright, initiated as advisers when the chapter was installed; Cora Frances Shirk Fisher, charter member of Alpha T a u Delta initiated into AOII; Helen Laycock Casper, Denison University trustee and charter member of Alpha T a u Delta initiated into AOII; Elizabeth Mosher Steck, Jane Scully Taylor and Irma Hudson Morrow, charter members; Janet Pierce Conway, chapter president 1955-56; and Mary Paschen Lindrooth, then National Panhellenic Delegate and past national president who was the banquet speaker.
Looking at the pictures of Alpha Tau's active yearsare, from left, Elizabeth P.Norpell, Omicron Pi, treasurer of the corporation since 1947; Irma Hudson Morrow, Alpha Tau, past chapter adviser;Cora Shirk Fisher, Alpha Tau; Jean Geis Kreischer, AlphaTau, past corporation president; and Nan Bingham Bigler, Alpha T au.
To Dragma
Edith Huntington Anderson, Past International President who then was national secretary, installed the chapter.
The chapter, under the leadership of its first president, Jane Scully, was the sixth sorority at Denison to go national and it became the third AOII chapter in Ohio.
The following May the corpora- tion leased land from Denison Uni- versity to build a lodge near the top of sorority circle.
Denison's sorority system suffered from a declining interest in the fra- ternity system in the late '60s and
alumnae learned in 1970 that the chapter would be closed. Within two
years four sororities closed on the campus.
During Alpha T au's 40-year tenure, its members played active roles i n campus life.
"It would be impossible to name everyone who has served the Frater- nity and DJF," Lynne said. Dorothy Matchett was a board member and treasurer of DJF.
"Alpha Taus will know their last special gift will be recognized as an unselfish action to help the future of our wonderful sisterhood, our colle- giate sisters," the DJF leader said.
"How pleased we are to help keep Alpha Tau's legacy alive."
The first award is expected to be given next spring.
(Special thanks to Janet Pierce Conway, Alpha Tau, national field secretary, 1956-57, who provided ex- tensive chapter history.)
Contributions toward the DJF scholarship fund can be sent at any time to:
AOII Diamond Jubilee Foundation 310 North Harrison St. Building B, Suite 372 Princeton, NJ 08540-3512
Alumnae Chapter News...
continued from page 15
"Rose Buddy" night, where members are encouraged to invite an AOII friend to acquaint her with the chap- ter, a holiday auction for the benefit of AOII philanthropies, and a col- legian-alumnae party.
The Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter assisted the Arthritis Foundation in holding a public forum i n September. The AOIIs assisted the Kentucky Chap- ter of the Arthritis Foundation in arranging for and publicizing the event. This forum was the second such program with rheumatologists, hand and orthopedic surgeons, and a physical therapist forming the panel. The panel members provided up to date information about the forms of arthritis, treatments, and hints fdr its management. Panel members also answered questions from the audience. Kentuckiana Chapter President Con- nie Parker Hobson, Omicron (U. of Tennessee), helped coordinate the program. One of the Kentuckiana members, Anne Allison, AOII Execu- tive Board Member, is a member of the Board of Directors of the Arthritis Foundation, Kentucky Chapter.
Chapter members look forward to a full year of events including work with Pi Alpha Chapter at the Univer- sity of Louisville, social events, and activities to strengthen their AOIT ties, reports Natalie Scharre.
Lafayette Alumnae Chapter kicked off the 1988-89 year i n September with a pitch-in supper at the home of past president Nancy Stiles W agoner, Beta Phi (Indiana U.). In October, members attended the Phi Upsilon collegiate chapter's 25th anniversary celebration/house addition dedica-
tion. This grand event was ably chair- ed, on the alumnae side, by treasurer Christine Annis, Phi Upsilon (Purdue U.).
Founders' Day was celebrated De- cember 5th with a dinner at the chap- ter house, and a program shared with collegiate members. December grad- uates were welcomed into alumnae status. Alumna Lela Fuller Carter, Theta (DePauw U.), was presented with a Certificate of H o n o r for her 70 years of service to AOII, reports Bar- bara Krause.
i «5 I
Winter 1988
(S»\f VMH-
The Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter sponsored this Arthritis Forum.
The Lake County of Illinois Alum- nae Chapter was installed on Novem- ber 6 at the Gurnee Holiday Inn, reports Dawn E. Buehlman.
The chapter is a fun loving group always looking for new faces. Any interested AOII who livesin the Lake County area is asked to please contact President Sue Schaeffer Ballinger at 312/223-6466. Chapter members have a very exciting year planned and they would love to have you join them.
The Lincoln Alumnae Chapter in- stalled its new officers in April fol- lowing its annual brunch for gradua- ting seniors hosted by Marilyn Rem- boldt. The new officers are Candy Pierson-Charlton, president; Pat Harse, vice president; Laura Waters, recording secretary; Jill Hazelhorst, treasurer; and Marjorie Dickman, cor- responding secretary.
In April, Phyllis Chambers, past Lincoln Alumnae President, was guest speaker at the Zeta Scholarship Ban- quet. A successful pledge dessert in September was hosted by Joann Olson. Two scholarships have been estab- lished by the Lincoln Alumnae for collegians and alumnae based on financial need and merit. The scho- larships are in memory of Elsie and Helen Fitzgerald (Zeta 1910) and will be named the Fitzgerald Scholarship. In October, calligraphy classes began at the Zeta chapter house for collegians and alumnae instructed by Candy Pierson-Charlton. Registration fees were donated to the DJF Fund, reports Sue Damian.
The Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter had 12 members at Virginia's Old Dominion University for the Region I I I Leadership Conference last summer, reports Ann Peterson Orermeyer. The group had a high profile with three members, Linda Peters Collier, Joanne Williamson Earls, and Dawne Bennett, as regional officers. The chapter won an Excel- lence in Public Relations Award.
Many members helped the Gamma Alpha Chapter at George Mason Uni- versity in Fairfax conduct an out- standing rush this fall. Preference Day was held in the beautiful Great Falls home of Ann Harger Hinds. T o kick off the new membership year, AOII alumnae from chapters all over the country were welcomed as new members at the quiche/salad potluck at Ruth Hall's. President Natalie Thomas says she and the executive board have an exciting year planned.
The North Houston Suburban Alumnae Chapter looks forward to their 1988-89 year with renewed in- terest and enthusiasm, reports Kath- leen Downs Hansen. The chapter was the only alumnae group in the region to be awarded a membership recruitment award and was also the recipient of an Achievement award at the Leadership Conference in Dallas last summer.
A barbecue was held at the home of Ruth Sunker. Ruth is a transplanted Californian with an abundance of southern hospitality. The first meet-
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Boca Raton and Fort Lauderdale area alumnae gathered at the end of summer to entertain the local collegians at a dessert party. Over 50 collegians and alumnae members representing 17 AOn chapters celebrated the beginning of fall rush and heard the preliminary plans for the 1989 Convention.
Alumnae Chapter
continued from page 37
ing of the year, held at Bennigans Restaurant, gave alumnae members an opportunity to swap tales.
Alumnae members are encouraged to bring various items for the Bor- dersville 3-H Center. The Borders- ville 3-H Center does a tremendous job of providing support for individ- uals in need in Northeast Harris County and Humble. They have Sen- ior Citizens programs, Day Care, a resale shop, and a food pantry. On site, the center provides a Health Clinic and computers for G.E. D. train- ing and houses the Department of H u m a n Services.
Additionally, the chapter hopes to provide continued interest and sup- port for the Pi Collegiate Chapter of Newcomb-Tulane University.
As always, if you live in the North Houston area and would like to find out more about the North Houston group, please contact Bonnie Nezin, Vice President/Membership at (713) 350-9047.
Members of the Northwest Arkan- sas Alumnae observed the tenth an- niversary of their chapter's installation
at a luncheon held in September at the Fayetteville Country Club, reports Lisa Schliep. Gail Osborn of Jones- boro, Arkansas, Regional Public Rela- tions Officer, was the guest speaker.
Charter members attending the luncheon were: Tina O'Neill Moore Stuart, Alpha Omicron; Marty Erick- son Taylor, Tau; Agnes Bondy Wal- ters, Delta Beta; and Elaine Lehtinen Olszewski, Theta Omega.
Over the past ten years, the chapter has received numerous awards and citations including international and Regional awards for Philanthropy and four Certificates of Achievement. This chapter has been instrumental in organizing and supporting the "Up, Up and Away . . . with Arthri- tis" campaign in Washington County for the Arkansas Chapter of the Arthri- tis Foundation.
Natalie Warren (Nu Omicron), Eva Stacy (Phi), Elizabeth Elgin (Xi), and Stella Fortier (Xi), were founding our Tulsa Alumnae Chapter, reports Lindy Legener.
Saturday, September 17th, the Tulsa alumnae gathered at the home of Jane Lynn (Delta Delta), fora lunch- eon and celebration of 60 continuous years of service and sisterhood through AOII. We had a wonderful afternoon
filled with reminiscing by "newer" 20 year members, and charter members as well!!!
Regional Vice President, Barbara Kramer, was our guest for the day— and listened in while we told all the AOII stories we could remember.
Flo Hurley (Eta), who joined the chapter 6 months after its founding, remembers driving to her first AOII meeting in her new "electric," and which great-grandmothers in the room were expecting their 1 st or 2nd babies back then! She remembered a play that Eva Stacy wrote for Founders' Day. Stella Perry had written Eva a letter describing the dress of the day—(we've saved the letter in our scrapbooks)—so they really put on a production.
Nita Shanks (Nu Omicron), who joined the chapter in 1941, recalled the Treasurer—Edna Mae Hill—col- lecting dues of 15<f to 25<t each meet- ing—during the depression and war years. By year end, each member had paid all their dues. Meetings were in the evenings so Dads could babysit all those children. Nita brought her hospital bill for her first child—an 8 day stay cost $60.00!
Mary Margaret Fallis joined the chapter during the 50s'. She'd come to Tulsa once in the 30s' when the
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To Dragma
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city was sweeping grasshoppers off the buildings, and grasshopper soup was in the restaurants. (Nobody re- membered whether we had grasshop- per pie for desert at the meeting.) Her husband was editor of the Tuisa Tribune—and one of our members called her with a meeting invitation after reading about her in the news- paper. A lot of our chapter members found each other this way—it's fun to remember. The 50s' was the "Garage Sale Era"—we raised a lot of money for philanthropy! (Probably selling all the old baby clothes from the 40s!!!)
In the mid 1960s', May Peterson (Phi) remembered Mary Martin (Kappa Theta) coming to a meeting in her bright red lipstick and new- pants suit that she'd just gotten out of lay-away!
The 70s' brought the chapter many awards and our 50 Year Celebration. The 80s' finds most of us back in the workplace after the Tulsa economy went from "Boom to Bust!" In 1985, we were proud to have Carol Barrow (Kappa Theta), to serve as the Tulsa Panhellenic President—only the 2nd AOII to do so—we'd waited since 1918!
It quickly became evident to all of us who are newcomers (having joined in the last 10 years or so)... how long and strong these AOII friendships have become! Our chapter has awards as far back as we go for philanthropy; chapter achievement; Rose awards; and a Philos award, but they wouldn't
Janet Nier Marx
Barbara Kramer, standing, and Mary Margaret Follis at Tulsa Alumnae anni- versary celebration.
beasmeaningfulwithoutthebondof sisterhood that we all share.
Jane Weakley writes that Palo Alto Alumnae Chapter members launched their fall season at a September brunch, hostessed by A n n Jones. President Janis Nelson presented a thank-you gift to the out-going president Patti Penning. Fall events included a tail- gate party preceeding the Stanford- San Jose State football game, and the second annual Santa Clara County Arthritis Foundation dinner and auc- tion at the Saratoga Country Club. AOIIs, Jo Anne Breitmeyer, Joanne Kemp, Judy Lipman, Patti Penning, Marilyn Palmer and Jane Weakley,
Marx... con tin ued from page 22
This game develops matching and hand-eye coordination skills. Hand- crafted finger puppets and dolls have increased the children's dexterity, in- teraction with one another, and their ability to identify expressions of emotion (smiles, frowns).Janet's in- genuity has provided new and inter- esting materials for the class, and the project has sparked the interest of the Northern Virginia Alumnae.
Since 1978 Janet has served as pres- ident, secretary, and first vice presi- dent of the Northern Virginia Alum- nae Chapter. She is active in com- munity affairs, president of the Potomac Valley Skiers, and serves as an adult leader with Boy Scouts of America.
are working with Foundation Mem- bers to make the fund raiser a success. Homemade items were featured at the annual holiday boutique in November.
All San Francisco Bay Area alum- nae are invited to celebrate Founders' Day in February.
The Phoenix Alumnae Chapter beat the desert heat by gathering at a local tennis club for a pool-side bar- becue. The event was organized by Social Chairman Mary Jordan Wise, Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U.), and the members agreed it was great to have someone else do the cooking and cleanup while they enjoyed ten- nis, swimming and eating.
The chapter was pleased to have Peg Kramer Crawford, Iota (U. of Illinois), International President, as a guest at its annual September Brunch. Though the emphasis of that meeting is on renewing old friend- ships and starting new ones, the members do reserve some time for business. This Brunch marked a tech- nological breakthrough for Phoenix; Philanthropic Chairman, Cindy Tessmer, Alpha Theta (Coe College), was unable to attend the Brunch so she sent her report via videotape!
Alumnae Chapter President, Mari- lyn Kinglrvin, Beta Phi (Indiana U.), has parachuted from an airplane and learned to scuba dive since her election, so the members are sure that she will lead the Phoenix Chapter through a challenging, exciting year, writes Pincy Dikeman Polese, Theta Pi (Wagner College).
Janet's needlework.
Winter 1988
ft on
Warm-Up With
AOII Hooded Warm-Up Top: Satin letters, red, white or navy. $26.00 AOII Warm-Up Pants: Horizontal satin letters , red white or navy. $23.00
Vertical silk screened letters, red or navy. $15.00 AOII Crew Neck Warm-Up Top: Satin letters, red, white or navy. $19.50
Silk screened letters, red or navy. $15.00 AOII Sunglasses: Amber or smoked tint. $5.00
AOII Visor: Silk screened letters, white only. $6.00; Satin letters, red or white. $8.50
AOII Sun Buster: Protect your car from the rays winter and summer! $7.50 AOII Bumper Sticker: $1.00
AOII Legacy Shirt: White with red letters. $15.00
AOII Decal: 50' Alumna Decal: $1.00
AOII Key Rings: Clear or Red $3.00
AOII Luggage Tag: Natural color suede with gold embossed letters. $5.00 AOII Memo Board: Magnetized for use on any metal surface,
erasable pen included. $2.50 AOII Rose Print: Matted, ready to frame $8.00
AOII Playing Cards: Single deck $4.00; Double deck $7.50
Name Address
Item(s) (specify quantity, and size)
Send order form to:
Canadians add 10% Currency Exc.
TN Residents add 7.75% Sales Tax
Total Amount Enclosed
AOII International Headquarters
3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, TN 37215 (615) 383-1174
Delta Delta, Auburn U., members model rush fashions. Top row, from left, Michelle Maddox, Penny Simms; bottom row, from left, Annie Spike and Susie Smith.
barn dance with Zeta Tau Alpha sorority.
Michelle Angel reports that Kappa Omicron at Rhodes College has 24 new pledges. Jennifer Burrow is chap- ter president, and Jody Casella served as rush chairperson. Chapter Con- sultant Melissa Nollan visited during rush and chapter members said she was a great help. Cyn' hia McPheeters is pledge educator.
Kappa Omicron conducted its an- nual doughnut sale for Arthritis Re- search, raising over $100 for AOITs national philanthropy. The chapter house underwent a facelift prior to rush, thanks to alumnae contribu- tions of over $800 to the project. Sherri Thomas, house chairperson, directed the renovations.
Vanderbilt University's Nu Omi- cron Chapter kicked off a fun and successful fall semester by welcom- ing Anna Hauser, Wynne Morrison, and Allison Roberts back after the three spent last school year studying overseas.
A successful pre-rush got under- way shortly after school started. Pre- rush chairman Julie Zimmer made sure that Alpha Omicron Pi was well known across campus.
The chapter co-sponsored a Ship- wreck Party with the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. The proceeds from the weekend were donated to the Nashville Rescue Mission. N u Omi- cron also co-sponsored South Seas Weekend, an annual party to raise money for philanthropy, with the Kappa Sigma fraternity.
On October 2, Nu Omicron hosted the first annual State Day gathering. Alpha Omicron Pi chapters from all over T ennessee attended.
Julie Zimmer and Jennifer Plisky, Philanthropy Chairman, organized the chapter's second annual Fajita Fest. The proceeds were donated to arthritis research.
Leesa Hinson was the chairman of Vanderbilt's Homecoming Commit- tee and coordinated the week of events for the campus. Mary Nell Bryan, Leigh Nichols, and Barb Prevost were nominated to represent the univer- sity as the 1988-89 Homecoming Queen.
Social chairman Whitney Thacker organized a mystery date party with the theme "Rebels with a Cause".
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Collegiate Chapter News...
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Delta Omegas are active in the community and school. Tammy Wells was crowned Miss W aterland, and she also won the gymnastic/dance solo competition at the Kentucky State Fair. Donna Krueger was elected vice-president of Order of Omega and Lisa Blandford was elected secre- tary of Speech Communications Theatre Student Ambassadors. Julie Turner was a member of the 1988 Homecoming Court. Kelly Humph- reys is president of Fashion Incor- porated.
The Kappa Omega chapter of the University of Kentucky had a success-
ful rush and achieved quota of 51 pledges, reports Kris Y oung.
Kappa Omega participated in the second annual "Up,Up &Away ... With U K " event, in November. The chapter helped inflate and launch balloons at the UK/V anderbilt foot- ball game to symbolize the 36,000 people in Fayette County who suffer with arthritis. Kappa Omega was listed as the Philanthropic Sorority in the UK program as well as in all news releases.
The UK Panhellenic Council spon- sored a Walk-A-Thon this semester to raise money for the main campus library. Kappa Omega participated and raised $668.
T o help promote spirit between all UK sororities, Kappa Omega partic- ipated in an ice cream social with Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and a
Omicron Chapter at the U. ofTen-
nessee is proud of its 48 new pledges. AOII was well represented during rush with Macy Burnett holding the office of Panhellenic president and Kandyce Morgan holding the office of rush vice-president. This semester Omicron is looking forward to join- ing the brothers of Phi Gamma Delta for homecoming, and the brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon for A l l Sing, writes Wendy Holcomb.
Pi Alpha Chapter at the U . of Louisville began fall rush in a new way, reports Laura Shea. The finish- ing touches were just being com- pleted on the chapter's new and larger suite as rush week began. The hard work on preparations paid off when, at the end of rush, there were 22 new pledges.
Pi Alpha has an active fall semester planned. Chapter members are just beginning their second annual raffle as a philanthropic project, and they are getting ready to participate in several community service projects. Other planned events include Big Sister-Little Sister activities, an Alcohol Awareness program, Sister Socials, Chapter Retreats, Hayride, Open Houses and Greek Week.
Amy Burns is a Homecoming Queen finalist. Sandi Chadwick, Tina Cox, and Laura Shea were tapped into Rho Lambda.
Maureen Gregory reports that the Tau Omega Chapter at Transylvania University has several members who have received honors this semester. These include: Jane Brooks, Jill Stratton, A m y Bogardus, and Cyn- thia Ganote, who were inducted into Psi Chi, psychology honorary; Rena Hal lam, Cynthia Ganote, and Mor- gan Woodford, Pi Kappa Alpha Calendar Girls; and Joanne Sansone, Panhellenic President.
Pam Edwards is the new chapter co-adviser. The chapter room has had a face lift thanks to the corpora- tion board. Maureen Gregory secured the lead in the play, "Wom^n In Congress."
The TauOmicronsat the U.of Tennessee-Martin held a summer rush retreat on the U T M campus in July. Donna Harper reports that everyone worked hard practicing songs and rush skits.
Fall rush was held August 19-23 and the T au Omicrons were pleased to reach their quota of 31 pledges. The chapter had a photographer snapping pictures, and every girl received a Bid Day shirt with panda bears and "Alpha Republic" just like "Banana Republic" on the back. Supper was held at alumna Phyllis Pritchett's house. One game matched each pledge with a "rose buddy" to act as a temporary big sister.
The Tau Omicrons had a kidnap breakfast for the pledges one bright Wednesday morning at 6 a.m. The Big Sisters had a kidnap dinner fol- lowed by a movie for their little sis-
ters.Totopitalloff,theTauOmi- crons had a "Back to School Party" featuring a hayride, bonfire and a dance in a barn.
Vl I
Gamma Delta Chapter at the U. of South Alabama reached quota for the second year in a row with 26 new pledges, reports Jean Calametti.
Gamma Delta Chapter was recog- nized by South Alabama's Panhellenic as the top sorority in scholarship for Spring Quarter 1988. Sharon Gough and Karen Lister represented the chap- ter in a fashion show sponsored by Panhellenic and the interfraternity Council for the fall pledges. Jennifer Jamieson was recognized by the U. of South Alabama's drama department for having the highest GPA. She also received an award for writing the best original one-act play.
Roses filled the Gamma Omicron Chapter House at the University of Florida as the chapter celebrated its 40th Anniversary. Approximately 150 alumnae and collegians gathered for a luncheon to celebrate the occasion, reports Joanne Campbell. Honored guests included: Mother Blackburn, Gamma Omicron's first house mother with 25 years of service; Mary Louise Roller, a woman especially instru- mental in the installation of Gamma Omicron; and Frances Good, the woman responsible for Gamma Omi- cron's existence. The alumnae shared their scrapbooks, pictures and news- paper clippings from their college years with the sisters and pledges. Barbara Willman, Chairman of the Luncheon, was the successful coor- dinator of the events.
Sophomore Leslie Pugh was elect- ed off-campus student senator in the University of Florida Student elec- tions. After five consecutive semesters of winning the blood drive, Gamma Omicron retired the blood bucket. After a successful rush this fall, Gamma Omicron welcomed 49 pledges, and was the second house on campus to meet quota.
Jennifer Carito, Gamma Theta, U . of South Florida, reports that their chapter has returned from summer break with eager, smiling faces. They have won the Most Improved Rush Plans Award at the Leadershp Con- ference, Mobile, AL, and as expected, had an outstanding turnout acquiring
continued on page 44
Winter 1988
The Delta Delta Chapter at Auburn University welcomed Fall Quarter with 65 pledges, reports Susie Smith. Senior Jenny Jackson, the current Miss Auburn University, went on to claim the Miss Alabama title and fin- ished as fourth runner-up in the Miss America pageant. Kimherly Bacon, Ginny Hart, Kimberly Frazier, Leslie Lanza, Shannon Pass, Melanie Paul,
and Cindy Paulchak finished the quarter with 4.0s, and the chapter as a whole placed third on campus in academics. The Delta Deltas, under the leadership of Philanthropic Chair- man Helen Sekas,joined Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity for a "Speakeasy" fund raiser to raise money for arthritis research.
Collegiate Chapter
continued from page 43
25 new pledges (the largest number in Gamma Theta's history). Gamma Theta is looking forward to working with Sigma Phi Epsilon and Sigma Alpha M u during Greek Week-88. Recently graduated seniors included Laura Ankenbruck, Traci Cobey, Julie Csizmadia, Debbie Haggag, Joan Hoover, Marlene Konecsny, Melissa Longstreet, Shelagh O'Sullivan, and Jenni Tex.
Kappa Gamma Chapter at Florida Southern College announces the addi- tion of six new pledges. The new pledges made it their goal to achieve the highest grade point average of all the pledge classes on campus, reports Carole Hiley
The lobby is looking much better with the addition of beautiful creme colored couches and a new study table with cushioned chairs. The House Corporation Fund has increas- ed by over $600.00 thanks to some generous alumnae donations. The chapter's current goal is to re-carpet the chapter room. The chapter mem- bers are enjoying Barbara Keller's gift of two lovely wicker chairs and a table.
The Tau Delta Chapter at Bir- mingham Southern College met quota and now has 31 pledges, reports Jen- nifer Hardy. Joelle James has a star- ring role in the college's production of "Curtain Call." The chapter's an- nual Lake Party in September was a "smash!"
Carolyn Snyder writes that Beta
Lambda at Illinois Wesleyan U . had Joyce Strout, new Regional Director, as a guest during the week before
rush. Debbie Pretto, Chapter Consul- tant, visited during rush. Both visitors gave members much helpful advice. This fall was the first time many of the girls in the house had formally rushed anyone, but their hard work paid off on bid day when twelve girls pledged.
Members of the Iota Chapter at the U. of Illinois won several individual awards last spring. Kelly Rosenbohm won the "Best President" award at the Borelli Ceremony. International President Peg Crawford spoke at this annual event before members of all twenty-four sororities.
Other individuals were rewarded for their diligence scholastically and for their participation in campus activities. Heather Russell and Lisa Ligon were asked to join Mortar Board and Kim Hull was named to both Atius and Ma-Wan-Da honoraries. Heather Russell and Ann Lohmeier were chosen for Torch. Tracy Skerritt was promoted to Orientation Stu- dent Coordinator.
During Mom's Weekend, Iotas and the men of Alpha Sigma Phi danced and sang their way to second place in the annual Atius-Sachem Sing.
Fall rush was a great success and Iota attained quota by pledging fifty. This year chapter members celebrated by having a sisterhood night as well as a bid night with Delta Sigma Phi. Sisterhood was also promoted at the third "Lock-In" which featured a pizza party, an all-campus scavenger hunt, and other games.
This fall Iota will also be busy helping out with the second annual TKE/AOn Bike Marathon to help raise money for St. Jude's Hospital.
The outlook is bright for Univer- sity of Chicago's Phi Chi Chapter, reports Cheryl Whitmore. The em- phasis this year is AOII spirit. Once a week all of the chapter members wear their letters on campus. Not only has this given the chapter extra morale, but it also promises to be a great pre- rush advertisement.
A special congratulations goes to Jackie Jacobson, who completed her sophomore year of college last spring and was accepted early to the Univer- sity of Chicago Law School. She started law school this fall.
The Theta Chi Chapter at Morn- ingside College was busy during August getting ready for formal rush, reports LeeAnn Dula. Seven girls pledged, and the total chapter mem- bership is now twenty-two.
01 ullADO
The Delta Pi Chapter at Central Missouri State U . congratulates their 24 new pledges. The chapter's new rush theme, "An Arabian Night with AOII", was a huge success, reports Amy Joseph. Meeting quota is a great way to start the new school year.
One fall project was "Rockathon," the annual philanthropic project. Also, the Phi Chapter, U . of Kansas and the Delta Alpha Chapter, U . of Missouri-Columbia joined Delta Pi for State Day in early November. Chris Beninato is Delta Pi's Home- coming Queen Candidate.
Lambda Tau, Northeast Louisiana U. began the fall semester with 34 pledges, reports Gloria Stuchlik. The chapter won the first pep-rally with its overwhelming show of support for the football team.
AOIIs are highly visible on cam- pus, with participation in virtually every spirit group and service organi- zation. Angie Keasler, captain of the pom-pom girls, leads fellow AOIIs Tracey Bankston, Jodie Cole, and Sheila Friday through their routines. Cheerleaders Cari Long and Michele Beckel keep school spirit up, while Anna Guerra, Marsha Hossley, and Lynnel Bates, as Indian Scouts, are the official school hostesses. Amy Eaves and Richelle Lawrence represent AOII on the Warbonnet Danceline.
SGA members include Becky Stokes and Tracey Frazier. Becky and Tracey,
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along with Paula Bourgeois, are also Members of NLU 31, an alumni ser- vice organization. Gloria Stuchlik is an associate member of the Union Board, and Michaela York was chosen as an outstanding sophomore by Mor- tar Board. Anna Holmberg is the only female member of the Flying Tomahawks, NLU's precision flight team. Cari Long was chosen Miss NLU 1988.
Sigma Omicron, at Arkansas State U., held a successful Rush W orkshop in July, reports Niki Russell. The effortspaid off with a record number of girls going through rush in the fall. Sigma Omicron was pleased to announce that it made quota of 40.
At Leadership Conference this summer, Sigma Omicron was happy to take home the Chapter Adviser Award and the Public Relations Award. Congratulations to Alyce Heeb for the Regional Leadership Award.
The fall pledges held a dance with the theme, "AOII Republic." The pledges also had a retreat at Spring River Beach and Canoe Club. During their stay they enjoyed horseback rid- ing and canoeing. One of the main highlights of the weekend was Alpha Hour, a special sisterhood time. A member/pledge retreat is planned for later i n the fall. T h e pledges have also been busy with their philan- thropy, the National Arthritis Founda- tion. They plan to have a Rock-a- Thon with all proceeds benefitting the charity.
Sigma Omicron is happy to wel- come five new initiates. They are Eli- zabeth Alderson, Tiffany Bruton, Alice Lachat, Jennifer Osborn, and Melissa Stewart.
Upsilon Lambda at the U. of Texas at San Antonio got "fired u p " by formal rush, writes Rachel Chavira. The chapter obtained quota, and Kristina Gonzalez's hair briefly caught fire during the Candlelight Ceremony! Kristina is fine, and the members are proudoftheir23pledges.Thisyear's pledge class has more members than any in Upsilon Lambda's ten year history. Jeana Jones, rush chairman, was assisted by Angie Melber, Chris Parker, Lori Schwenke, and Karen Haynes.
Pledge Educator Debbie Miller con- tinued the tradition of dinner after bid day. Chapter members tried their hands at being cooks for the spaghetti dinner.
During the summer, the AOIIs and Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity spon- sored "Cowchip Bingo," a fund raiser for arthritis research. As the game goes, the person whose number is chosen by the cow "to chip on" is the winner. Jeana Jones received the lucky chip and the $500 prize.
Fall activities include a juvenile diabetes walk-a-thon in October, ice skating in Austin in November, and the chapter's annual December retreat.
Winter 1988
Cari Dae Long
The Alpha Sigma "family" lined the porch along with their "God- mother" for activities day during rush week in September on the U. of Oregon campus, reports Susannah Bodman.
"Gangster" day, created by Rush Chair, Yvette Jefferson, and Adminis- trative Vice-President, Marni Halter, was a highlight during fall formal rush.
By the end of the week Alpha Sigma pledged 12 women. Kelly McHugh, is serving as vice president of Pledge Education.
The Alpha Gammas at Washing- ton State U. welcomed 34 women into their pledge class on August 19, reports Jenny Payne.
With only two days between pledge day and the beginning of the school year, the AOIIs barely had a chance to catch their breaths before classes be- gan.
The pledge class took first place in Lambda Chi's Watermelon Bust, making the AOIIs champs for the second year in a row. The whole house participated in T au Kappa Epsilon's Waterfollies, and the Alpha Gammas walked away with the first place trophy.
The chapter had its first scholar- ship dinner/workshop. The dinner was semi-formal and awards were presented to those sisters who worked hard and achieved their goals for excellent grades last semester.
Jody Newton and Donna Johnson received DJF Scholarships for this year.
Holly Oliver, the Pledge Educator for ChiAlpha Chapter at the U.of California at Davis, will happily have her hands full until initiation! Cath- erine McPhee reports that the chapter
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Collegiate Chapter News...
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had an enjoyable and successful rush this fall, pledging 23 women. A spe- cial thanks goes out from Chi Alpha to its Rush Chair, Carey Chapman, Rush Adviser, Karen Mills, and Rush Day Chairs Tracey Richardson, Chris- tina Stock, Michelle Hartzell, Jen- nifer Lacey, and Debra Williams.
Delta Sigma Chapter at San Jose State U. made its quota of 23 women for a successful first fall rush, reports Marikit Del Rosario. Chapter mem- bers attribute much of the success to their beautiful new house and tremen- dous support from local alumnae and other collegiate chapters in the region.
Karen Johnson received the Pan- hellenic Scholarship, and Ahn Vo received the Si Se Puede Scholarship in the Social Work Department at SJSU.
An alumnae appreciation Bar-b-que was held at the chapter house to show the members' thanks for the continu- ous support of the alumnae.
Lambda Beta Chapter at Califor- nia State U . at Long Beach, had a dynamic spring semester. The Rose Ball was the highlight of the year.
Andrea Lackey was chosen for the Long Beach Panhellenic Scholarship.
Lambda Iota Chapter at the U.of California San Diego, pledged 25 women this fall, reports Kathy Roger. Erika Bowe was appointed editor in chief of the new Panhellenic paper.
The Nu Lambda Chapter at Uni- versity of Southern California has ten pledges, reports Mona Al-Haddad. Sigma Phi Chapter at Cal State Nor- thridge and Debbie Delazano from Lambda Iota at University of Cali- fornia, San Diego, helped with rush. Two sisters were able to view rush from the outside this year, Stephanie Hauge as a rush counselor and Coeli Jones as Panhellenic Vice-President.
Sigma Chapter, U. of California at Berkeley, started the school year two weeks early with Pre-Rush, reports Mindy Davis. For an entire week, members shared stories of summer fun while getting ready for rush.
These smiling Gamma Sigmas (Georgia State U.) are, from left, Emily Beresford, Carol Ann Parker, Elizabeth Coles and Amber Causey.
To Dragma
One of the highlights of rush was a visit from Stacy Sanders, chapter con- sultant. Stacy was up late many times—helping with decorations and songs. Chapter members thank her for her help.
Sigma had a new theme day— Britain Day this year. The chapter house was transformed into a Lon- don town scene, complete with a visit from the "Beatles." Britain Day w:« a great success and everyone had a wonderful time.
Pledge educator, Laura Mathis, is very enthusiastic about the new pledge program and the 23 new pledges.
At the end of the second week of school, Sigma Chapter held its Pres- ents Ceremony for the pledges and their parents. This was followed by an A l l Greek Presents Party which was attended by the entire Greek Sys- tem at U.C. Berkeley. Claire Y oung organized the party.
Sigma Chapter has also had a speak- er from the Arthritis Research Foun- dation, Formal Pledging, a Pledge Takeover, and a Sisterhood Retreat this semester.
Mindy Davis, who was initiated in January of 1988, is a double legacy. She was preceded in AOII at Sigma Chapter by her sister, Elise Davis and her mother, Margaret Ellis Davis.
Sigma Phi Chapter at California State Northridge has a 43 member pledge class, which is quota plus one, reports Jillian Newman. Gail Gib- ford served as rush chairperson.
Sigma Phi received another first place ranking in scholarship among CSUN sororities. Debbie Onestinghel made the CSUN Softball team.
Sigma Phi members gave their pan- hellenic assistance to Zeta T au Alpha this semester in their special rush. Events included a full day mock rush with practice parties for each day of rush.
The Theta Omega Chapter at Northern Arizona U. started the year off with rush and has 40 new pledges, reports Laura Wheeler.
After rush the chapter went to the U. of Arizona to help colonize the new Upsilon Alpha Colony.
Theta Omega's intramurals foot- ball team is doing great with lots of support from the chapter members. Other activities included the Big Sis Revealing Party and the first dance, "Blind Date."
This year is the chapter's 25th anniversary, and the chapter members are building a float for Homecoming and planning an alumnae luncheon. A rock-a-thon to benefit Arthritis Research is also planned.
The Executive Board announced with pride the establishment of four new colonies this past fall. Dreams came true for thrilled young women at: University of Arizona (Upsilon Alpha)—September 16, State Univer- sity of New York at Albany—Septem- ber 17, Michigan State University (Beta Gamma)—October 7, and Bowl- ing Green State University—October 21.
The Recolonizations of Beta Gam- ma and Upsilon Alpha have the dis- tinction of being the largest groups ever colonized by Alpha Omicron Pi.
—Anne Witt Allison
Vice President/Development
3. Michigan State students receive colony invitations.
4. Bowling Green (Ohio) welcomes AOII colony!
1. Rushees sign up at Bowling Green
2. Alumnae assist at Arizona.
Winter 1988
New AOII Headquarters as it appeared in early November, 1988.
Name and/or Address Change
Send to AOIT International Headquarters, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, TN 37215 (please print)
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