P ofalpha omkron pi Spring 1991
Vol. LXV, No. 6
Challenge...of LifelongCommitment
From the President's Desk:
Issues of the 90 fs
By Barbara Daugs Hunt
Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) International President
I recently attended the Association of Fraternity Advisors Conference on the issues of the 90's. It was the most significant and enlightening Conference I've attended.
The important issues facing educational institutions will have a vital impact on the Greek community. In fact, these same issues will greatly influence the survival of the Greek system as we know it today.
Speaker after speaker referred to important changes on campuses. They talked about how the demographics o f the college population are changing. They discussed the financial commitment that students must make today, and the effect that world events may have on these students. All these issues are shaping the policies of college administrators.
It was exciting to hear about the changes taking place in the 90's. But it was also humbling and a bit frightening, because it means that Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity has important issues to face. AOII must address these issues. As we move toward our 100th anniversary in 1997,1 want to share three of these issues with you: values clarification, personal and professional development, and diversity.
Values clarification
What do we stand for? Do we live the ideals and ethics our Founders established for us in our Ritual 94 years ago? Do we incorporate these values into our daily lives?
We can no longer assume that any young woman wants to be a member of our Fraternity "justbecause..."Wemust make membership in AOII a valuable, meaningful experience which lasts a lifetime. W e need to continue to express the positive aspects of membership. These must be emphasized to everyone,
especially to people outside the Greek community.
Our membership in AOII must be of the highest quality if we are to ensure that numbers continue to grow. If we fulfill our promises made to each member during pledgeship, then the value of belonging will be clear and will instill in each woman a lifetime commitment to AOII.
Personal and professional development
By this I mean programming that helps our members with: careers, mentoring, networking, women's roles in leadership positions, interpersonal relationshps, behavioral & social skills, involvement in communities, cultural and educational participation, risk management, communication, and changing gender roles.
AOII programming will need to undergo major changes in the 90's. If we are truly committed to serving our members and meeting their future needs, we must increase our programming. It is no longer enough to provide membership education and social programming; we must add programming for our seniors. We have a responsibility to help prepare our members for the world they will enter upon graduation. The skills they develop in college will enable them to better cope with the challenges of a career, marriage, family and motherhood while still finding time to serve the humanitarian needs of others. This area is most important to the future growth of AOII. When we meet the needs of our graduates and alumnae, we will ensure their continued commitment to AOII for their lifetime.
Diversity is the issue that is discussed the most by educational institutions in the 90's. Articles about it appear in newspapers and magazines weekly. College administrations are confronted
Barbara Hunt
daily with the changing demographics of the student population.
Naturally, Greek organizations are feeling the same pressure. Changing student demographics affects us, too.
College populations are changing. W e now see older women in college. W e see the non-traditional college student and the married student. Gender roles are changing, and financial budgets are tighter. Enrollment is down and the dropout rate is up. There are more cultural and ethnic differences among the studennt population than ever before.
Rapid changes are taking place and we need to address these changes. W e must appreciate differences in cultural backgrounds and perspectives. W e must value the differences that now exist within the college population. These differences in culture and background will add
another dimension to our lives. But these changes will require
thoughtfulness and understanding on our part. However, AOIIs have a deep capacity for love and human kindness which will enable us to become leaders in the Greek community. By opening our doors to others and sharing our beaurtiful and meaningful sisterhood with them, we enhance the quality of our experience.
As our Founders told us, "Use each Founders' Day as an occasion to stop and take a measurement to see how close we have come in actively engaging ourselves in performing the tasks we had set for ourselves when we became members."
The Greek issues of the 90's are here. We are aware and we are committed to "Accepting the Challenges" of the 90's.
To Dragma
Published since January, 1905 by
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Founded at Barnard College, January 2,1897
*Founders Jessie Wallace Hughan Helen St. Clair Mullan
Stella George Stern Perry Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
*The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University and all are deceased.
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd.
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 Telephone: 615-370-0920
Executive Director Melanie Nixon Doyle, A S
Editor Beth Grantham
TO DRAGMA O F ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Second class postage paid at Brentwood, T N , and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $50.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to T O DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Address all editorial communications to the Editor at the same address.
To Dragma onf^OAllnpfhia OmnicronPi
Jan. 15 July 1
April 1 Oct. 1
Alumnae Chapter News From Our Readers
The Editor's Place
Lifelong commitment to AOII is symbolized in these photos of the Theta House (DePauw U.), Kristi Carpenter, Delta Sigma (San Jose State) as a pledge; Gretchen Slease,
Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U.), going from college to career; Kim Bundy and sons Will and Miller; and the Past International Presidents.
Spring 1991
Spring 1991
Member-at-Large Program
A survival guide for seniors Money: Where does it go? Excellence in scholarship! Convention information begins on DeKalb/Kane County installation 50 year members
An open letter to graduates
From the President's Desk Collegiate Chapter News Emporium
Vol. LXV, No. 6
4 5 6 7
10 32 33 46
2 18 23 30 31 36 44 44
On the Cover:
Hello distant sisters!
AOII invites you to join its Member-at-Large Program
Are you a distant sister? AOIIs scatter far and wide after college graduation. Remember how close we were in those days? How we always said we would be close no matter how far we journeyed?
Maybe now you are living more than 50 miles from an alumnae chapter. Maybe, just maybe, you'd like the opportunity to be closer, to hear more, to learn more, and to participate more actively in our Fraternity.
As part of our Rose Vine, the Alumnae Department is introducing the Member-at-Large Program to bring you closer than you've been since college. To participate, please complete the Rose Vine coupon and send it along
Don't leave college
without AOII
with a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope ("LSASE") to:
Marion Clouse
1530 86th Avenue N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
To those of you who are more than 50 miles from an alumnae chapter, we'll send you an AOII decal, a pamphlet for alumnae, and a newsletter. The newsletter will present a sharing of your interests, ideas, memories, current events and happenings in AOII. (The information would not be found in To Dragma.)
The Rose Vine embraces all alumnae. So, if you are within 50 miles
It's about time for you to make the passage from college to the real world. Bet you thought this day would never arrive. Well, it's about to, and I'd like to make that transition a little easier for you.
Up until now, my name has just been one to be memorized as part of a pledge exam. However, this is the time I get to come into my own and into your life. As the Director into whose care the Alumnae Department has been placed, I am here to remind you that there is a continuation of the sisterhood that has played such a significant part in your life.
We have a Rose Vine network of alumnae chapters all over the country full of sisters just like you. Each chapter has its own unique character, but all maintain the same ideals and
of the nearest alumnae chapter, you will be directed to that chapter. Just fill out the coupon and mail it with a LSASE to me. (This information is available in the fall issue of To Dragma)
AOII has played a big part in enriching our lives. It was AOII that gave us many of our high ideals, an enthusiasm for life and the work we have to do. I trust that as the Rose Vine grows, you will take this opportunity to be a special and enthusiastic member of our Fraternity.
-Marion Clouse, Chi (Syracuse U.) Rose Vine Coordinator
For those of you who will be living more that 50 miles from the nearest alumnae chapter, we just have introduced the Member-at-Large Program. Please read the article about it by Marion Clouse in this issue of To Dragma.
No matter where you are, AOII is there for you. So, don't leave school without the name and address of the alumnae chapter nearest you. You'll be glad you did! Just fill out the coupon in this issue of To Dragma or refer to the fall 1990 Directory issue.
-Judy Bourassa, Theta Pi
(Wagner College); Phoenix Alumnae Chapter, Executive Board Director, Alumnae Department
Please fill out the Rose Vine coupon on the inside back cover. Thanks!
To Dragma
f f f t tprinciples we acknowledged when we • • • • • were initiated. There is a common
thread that continues to link us all-ALWAYS.
I have moved many times-from California to Alaska, to Massachusetts & back to Alaska, then to Great Britain, then back to the states to Nebraska. In the process, I've learned some tried and true methods that help when relocating.
As I write this article in January, we are preparing to move to Grand Forks, North Dakota, so I will soon have the opportunity to practice what I preach!
Before you move, tell all your friends and relatives where you are going. Ask if they know anyone there and if they'll write a letter of introduction for you to their friends. That will make your first contact more comfortable. These kinds of contacts can be very helpful.
As soon as you know your new address, send it to AOII International Headquarters so you will continue to receive To Dragma. The staff there can also give you information on AOII sisters living in the area, and they can tell you whether there is an alumnae chapter there.
When I moved to Lincoln, I contacted the AOII alumnae and collegiate chapters. They have been wonderful support. I would have been lost without them!
If there isn't an alumnae chapter where you live, maybe you can organize one-it's not as hard as you might think. And, in the meantime, you can join the Member-at-Large Program which is explained in a separate article in this issue.
After you move, send announce- ments to family and friends with your new address and phone number. Letters and phone calls from them will mean a lot.
When I moved from Alaska to Massachusetts in 1983,1 gave my work address to a number of friends before I left. Several of them sent me flowers my first few days on the job. I was delighted!
During my first six months in Massachusetts my phone bill resembled a house payment, but these long distance chats helped me through the lonely times while I became acquainted with my new home.
Every few months I wrote a news- letter of sorts and sent it to everyone in my address book, just to keep in touch.
The response to my mass mailing helped me keep a positive attitude while making new friends.
Before you move, subscribe to the newspaper in your new location. When I was hired as the Public Relations Director for Berkshire Medical Center in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, the hospital's personnel department had the local paper sent to me for two months before I left Alaska.
That newspaper gave me a feel for the new community. I found informa- tion on the housing market, cost of living, recreational opportunities and the political atmosphere.
I also contacted the local Chamber of Commerce for additional information about local businesses, educational opportunities and tourist attractions. I asked the Chamber for a list of all the organizations in the area. This list proved invaluable when I was seeking extracurricular activities. Another excellent information source is the local Convention and Visitor's Bureau.
A friend of mine who relocated in Boston called the local Chamber of Commerce, the local Convention and Visitor's Bureau, and the State Division of Tourism before she moved. Using the information they sent, she made a six-month plan for herself. The plan consisted of organizations she wanted to participate in, places she wanted to visit, and events she wished to attend. Her plan kept her so busy she had little time to feel lonely.
When I lived in Alaska, I got involved with several different arts groups as a performer, usher and board member. Arts organizations tend to be quite social; there are receptions, fund- raising activities, and performances to attend. Many of these events take place on the weekend-a great way to avoid lonely weekends when you're still new in town.
There are many other methods for meeting people, and I encourage you to make the most of these opportunities. Join a health club, participate in outdoor activities, work in a political campaign-the list is endless. But it's important to remember that people won't come to you-you have to make the first move and reach out to them.
A survival
guide for
seniors moving to a new city...
From a sister
who's moved from Alaska
to New England & back again, & then to
then Nebraska and now she's moving to ...
By Candy Pierson-Charlton, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U.)
Spring 1991
Money: Wheredoesitgo? Helpful hints about how to hang onto it longer-
]\rfoney-it's said to be the last forbidden subject.
Politics, religion and even sex are now discussed at social gatherings. But beware of talking about money, except in the most general way.
Is it any wonder, then, that many recent college graduates are bewildered to discover how little they really know about managing money?
This article is designed for them and for anyone who is interested in what the
experts say about how to manage money.
Do you wonder how a similarly paid co-worker takes fabulous trips while you can barely manage to keep yourself in pantyhose?
Does it surprise you that a friend making less money than you is well on her way toward a down payment on a condo?
Or are you simply always short of funds?
If any of these situations sound familiar, chances are you need some help in learning how to manage your money better. Don't despair.
Managing money well is a skill, and with a little effort, it is a skill that anyone can learn. The key word here is effort. And, o.k., it may take more than a little effort, but it is worth doing.
There are plenty of books and magazines to help you educate
yourself. Go to your public library. See what is there. Find a book that you will actually read and that is about the basics. You don't need to understand leveraged buyouts when you can hardly pay your rent.
Though financial writers emphasis different points, certain themes appear again and again. A summary of these basic points follows.
RULE NO. 1-HAVE A PLAN Call it a budget, call it a strategy,
call it whatever you want, but have one. The object of a plan is to help you meet your financial goals. But you must
first figure out what your goals are. Take time to think about this. Ask
yourself what you would like to do and what you hope to purchase in the short term and in the distant future.
For example, do you want to own a
really nice condo or would you rather live less expensively and take fabulous vacations. Neither choice is right or wrong, but both cost money. You must decide for yourself what is important to you.
Every financial expert also emphasizes the need to be prepared for emergencies, and you would be wise to make a cash emergency fund your first priority.
After you establish your goals, you must decide how to accomplish them. This step may seem impossible at first.
"How can I save for a down payment on that condo when I don't, earn enough to save anything at all?" you ask.
Aha! The experts would jump on that statement.
"Everyone can save something, even if it's just a few dollars each month," they would say. "Just where does your money go?"
This leads us to Rule No. 2. RULE NO. 2-LEARN T O CONTROL EXPENSES
Continued on page 45.
How to balance your checkbook...
Last March, all collegiate chapter treasurers received a newsletter article about how to balance the chapter's checking account. This article was well received. A modified version is being reprinted here. Thanks to Elizabeth Romine Coffey, Chi Lambda (U. of Evansville), Vice President/
Finance, for the original article.
As soon as possible after receiving your monthly bank statement, you should balance your checkbook so that you will have the true picture of your cash on hand. If you don't do this, errors can go unnoticed, which can
result in unnecessary bank charges. The bank's record on your checking
account will show the amounts of all checks, bank charges, and deposits. A copy of the bank's record is sent to you each month with your canceled checks. This is your bank statement.
Usually there are directions for balancing the checking account on the back of the bank statement. Not all banks have exactly the same instructions, but the end result is the same. Follow the steps below to balance your checkbook.
1. Arrange the canceled checks in order by check number.
2. Compare the canceled checks with the bank statement. Make sure that all checks listed on the statement have been returned by the bank. (See note at end of this article.)
3. Compare the canceled checks with the check stubs. Place a check mark on each stub for which there is a canceled check. Then look at the stubs to see which ones have no cheek marks. These are the stubs for the outstanding checks (checks that have not yet been received or paid by the bank). Make a note of each check number and amount. Calculate the total amount.
Continued on next page. To Dragma
AOIIs are Accepting the Challenge for
excellence in scholarship!
A reportfrom the International Scholarship Chairman . . .
M a n y chapters of Alpha Omicron Pi take seriously the biennial theme as they "Accept the Challenge" for academic excellence.
At these chapters, scholarship is a priority. Chapter members realize that they are in school to get an education, and it is understood that they should do their best. The Leaders' Council is also committed to academic success for individuals and for the chapter.
Some of the ideas these chapters have implemented are listed below:
-limiting social activities; -instituting scholastic probation; -flexible study hour schedules; -study buddies;
-weekly contests;
-weekly incentives;
-recognition dinners;
-recognition of what members have
accomplished during the week; -recognition of members achieving
-recognition of members who make
the Dean's List; and many other ideas too numerous to include.
Not every chapter did all of these things, and some did other things as well. This is just a representative sample of some of the ways these chapters set about improving their scholarship.
To all the women and chapters included in this "Focus on Scholarship,"IjoinToDragma, the Executive Board, and your AOII sisters everywhere in saluting your achievement!
-Ellen Zellmer, Sigma Iota (Western Illinois U.), International Scholarship Chairman
Please see page 8 for the list of chapters and individuals achieving academic excellence.
Three "generations" of little sisters at Tau Omicron have won the Pledge Scholarship Award, from left, Angela Cox; Jill Childress, Angela's little sister; & Cindy Raines, Jill's little sister.
balancing your checkbook...
Spring 1991
Continued from page 6.
4. Compare the canceled checks with the check stubs again. This time make sure that the amount on each canceled check agrees with the amount on the matching stub. If there are any mistakes on the stubs, make a note of them.
5. Compare the deposits shown on the bank statement with the deposits shown on the check stubs. If any of your deposits are not listed, make a note of the amount and the date.
Now you are ready to balance the checkbook.
6. Write down the balance from your check register.
7. Deduct service and/or other charges shown on the bank statement.
8. Calculate a subtotal.
9. Add any interest earned, if applicable.
10. This is your new balance.
11. Write down the ending balance as shown on the bank statement.
12. Add deposits you have made,
but are not listed on the bank statement. (Refer to step 5.)
13. Calculate a subtotal.
14. Deduct the total of your outstanding checks. (Refer to step 3.)
15. Determine the adjusted statement balance. The amount shown in step 10 should agree with this amount.
What to look for if there is a discrepancy:
***Are your additions and subtractions correct?
Continued on page 17.
Academic excellence: chapters & individuals
This report was assembled by Ellen Zellmer, International Scholarship Chairman.
Top Chapters on Campus
Nu Delta (Canisius College) Sigma Chi (Hartwick College) Chi Beta (U. of Virginia)
Delta Upsilon (Duke U.)
Epsilon Chi (Elon College) Lambda Chi (LaGrange College) Delta Omega (Murray State U.) Tau Omicron (U. of Tennessee,
Gamma Upsilon (St. Leo College) Tau Delta (Birmingham-Southern
Phi Sigma (Kearney State College)
All of the above were 1st on their campus for spring '90. Other chapters may have attained this status but it was either not reported or not available when the report was submitted.
Chapterswitha3.0 (B)GPAfor spring '90
Delta (Tufts U.)
Epsilon (Cornell U.)
Iota Chi (U. of Western Ontario) Delta Chi (U. of Delaware) Epsilon Alpha (Pennsylvania State
Chi Beta (U. of Virginia)
Delta Upsilon (Duke U.)
Lambda Chi (LaGrange College) Omega (Miami U.)
Omicron Pi (U. of Michigan)
Phi Upsilon (Purdue U.)
Alpha Beta Tau (Thomas More
Delta Omega (Murray State U.) Kappa Omicron (Rhodes College) Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U.)
Tau Omicron (U. of Tennessee,
Sigma Delta (Huntingdon College) Tau Delta (Birmingham-Southern
Beta Lambda (Illinois Wesleyan U.) Iota (U. of Illinois)
Phi Chi (U. of Chicago)
Phi Sigma (Kearney State College) Theta Chi (Momingside College) Zeta (U. of Nebraska)
Top Contenders for Scholarship Awards (as of January, 1991)
Delta Upsilon (Duke U.)
Tau Delta (Birmingham-Southern College)
Omicron Pi (U. of Michigan)
Chi Beta (U. of Virginia)
Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U.)
Phi Sigma (Kearney State College) Iota (U. of Illinois)
Zeta (U. of Nebraska)
Epsilon (Cornell U.)
Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U.) Omega (Miami U.)
Beta Lambda (Illinois Wesleyan U.) Epsilon Alpha (Pennsylvania State
Tau Omega (Transylvania U.)
Chi Lambda (U. of Evansville) Delta Omega (Murray State U.) Delta (Tufts U.)
Sigma (U. of California-Berkeley)
Chapter Success Stories
While many chapters are continually gradually raising the chapter's GPA, the following chapters have show a jump
of .2 or more points from spring '89 to spring '90 and have submitted all 3 reports which have been due this biennium:
Delta Chi (U. of Delaware) Lambda Chi (LaGrange College) Omega (Miami U.)
Tau Omicron (U. of Tennessee,
Alpha Rho (Oregon State U.)
Individuals who achieved a perfect (4.0) GPA for spring 1990
These sisters are listed by region and chapter.
Epsilon (Cornell U.)-Gloria Lee, Joann Longo, Wendy Pong, Dina Zuckerberg. Iota Chi (U. of Western Ontario)- Laura Hans
Theta Pi (Wagner College)-Jennifer Economou
Delta Chi (U. of Delaware)-Robin Coutant, Elizabeth Dellinger, Larisa Grove, Brooke Laumer, Michelle Shapire, Amy Sherman
Epsilon Alpha (Pennsylvania State U.)-Molly Larkin
Gamma Beta (Indiana U. of Pennsylvania)-Lori Bigham. Mary Beth Zelinko
Lambda Upsilon (Lehigh U.)-Sara Dill, Carolyn Huntowski, Elizabeth Lavelle, Deborah Outten
Phi Beta (E. Stroudsburg State U.)-Laura Basile, Lori Labar
Pi Delta (U. of Maryland)-Renee Lagarde, Robin Mohlhenrich, Amy Roistacher, Diana Smith, Lora Stahl, Ines V an Daalen
Sigma Alpha (W . Virginia U.)-Ashley Swaney, Becky McFerren
Tau Lambda (Shippensburg U.)-Tracy Shane
Theta Beta (Towson State U.)-Melissa Huber, Deena Jackson, Mary Ann Schober
Alpha Lambda (Georgia Southern)- Dana Evans, Julie Henderson, Emily Threewhit
Epsilon Chi (Elon College)-Cynthia Huber. Teresa Johnson, Lisa Stancil Gamma Sigma (Georgia State U.)- Zolia Duran, Deedee Holcombe, Patti Maguire, Sharon Morgan, Bettina Roberts
Lambda Chi (LaGrange College)- Melissa Estes, Tami Harrison, Jillan Hatchett, A m y Price
Lambda Sigma (U. of Georgia)-Sylvia Arant, Boen Butterworth, Ginger Carter, Jackie Deighton, Andrea Grove, Jennifer Jowers, Paige McBryar, Penelope McRae, Christy Roberts, Jill Scarborough, Gena W ood, Cindy
W oods
Rho Beta (Virginia Commonwealth U.)-Sandra Andrews
To Dragma
Alpha Psi (Bowling Green State U.)- Teri Courtney, Andrea Erven, Beth Fuleky, Denise Hollis, Heather Kessell, Heather Pullano, Kelly Rickardson, Kristin Tomasko, Kristie Wayman, Cathy Wead, Julie Wesolowski
Beta Gamma (Michigan State U.)- Nancy Nye, Lisa Plosky
Beta Phi (Indiana U.)-Salley Ammon, Laura Buckey
Chi Lambda (U. of Evansville)- Melissa Kavanaugh, Jenny Lowry, Janet McHugh, Nikole Tucker
Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U.)-Susan Boone, Hope Edwards, Alicia Gary, Shelli Harris, Amy Hersberger, Ann Smith
Kappa Kappa (Ball State U.)-Mary Hulley, Jodi Phillips, Vicki Ronk Kappa Pi (Ohio Northern U.)-Kelly Kiracofe, Cynthia Kavallek, Diane McConnell, Jennifer Nagy
Omega (Miami U.)-Holli Bradford, Melissa Lund, Keri Majovsky, Teri Martello, Jennifer Nicholas, Meghen
Quinn, Roshan Ressallat, Lisa Scarano, Laurie Smith, Diana Stickel
Omega Upsilon (Ohio U.)-Karen Grube, Sandy Zigmont
Omicron Pi (U. of Michigan)-Shira Goodman
Phi Upsilon (Purdue U.)-Lisa Butz, Melissa Carr, Lorelei French, Michelle Glynn, Elizabeth Heneghan, Laura Hershberger, Kara Kamperschroer Theta Psi (U. of Toledo)-Jennifer Conkle, Tawnya Foster, Tracie Gaia, Tracy Karolyi, Julie Stringer REGION V
Alpha Beta Tau (Thomas More College)-Michelle True, Jenny Wagner Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U.)- Kelley Ahart, Jennifer Mize, Tracy Underwood, Amy Newberry, Tami Ahart, Julie Caldwell, Robbin Morrison, Tonya Tucker
Delta Omega (Murray State U.)-Nicole Bazzel, Cathy Cope, Marcia Ford, Kathy Hibbs, Julie Scott
Kappa Omega (U. of Kentucky)-Karin Levitt, Laura Sauer
Kappa Omicron (Rhodes College)- Rebecca Allyn, Mindy Austin,
Margaret Chandler, Tracy Boney, Amy Culpepper, Stacy DeZutter, Anne Finney, Kara Hooper, Michelle Long, Lisa Mancini, Margaret Maxwell, Petra Meyer, Jennifer Moore, Heather Stewart, Lacey Taylor, Valerie Weeks Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U.)-Shelly Gilles, Liz Gottlieb, Jenny Lawson Omega Omicron (Lambuth College)- Michelle Kirk
Omicron (U. of Tennessee, Knoxville)-Sharon Anderson, Pily Buenahora, Shelly Goins, Debra Mabry, Carolyn Rodgers.
Pi Alpha (U. of Louisville)-Dani Kirkbride
Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U.)-Julie Anderson, Leslie Daniel
Tau Omega (Transylvania U.)-Jane Brooks, Lee Hagar, Angie Hatcher, Tracy Lyon, Dawn Maze, Leah Payne, Stacy Pearson, Margaret Smith, Melisa Thomas, Beth Walker, Joy Williams, Susan Lyons.
Tau Omicron (U. of Tennessee, Martin)-Stephanie Anderson, Janyth Barker, Courtney Denton, Heather Eato REGION V I
Alpha Delta (U. of Alabama)-Julie Crow
Delta Delta (Auburn U.)-Monica Branner, Deana Dickey, Edie Hobson, Colleen Kelley, Kristin Kullman, Shannon Mastin, Melanie Paul, Susie Smith
Gamma Delta (U. of South Alabama)-
Jean Calametti, Susan Mallory Gamma Upsilon (St. Leo College)- Karen Hudson
Nu Beta (U. of Mississippi)-Karen Vaugnn, Hedy Walker
Tau Delta (Birmingham-Southern College)-Molly Brewer, Kitty Collier, Michele Dressman, Rima Fawal, Melissa Gibbons, Dawn Helms, Kerry Lahey, Camille Moon, April Whitten, Allyson Yarbrough, Claire Zorn
Zeta Pi (U. of Alabama, Birmingham)- Kelly Mitchell
Beta Lambda (Illinois Wesleyan U.)- Darcy Lareau, Leslie Powell
Iota (U. of Illinois)-Lois Casaleggi, Jeanine Farioli, Chris Hale, Linda
Iota Sigma (Iowa State U.)-Tina Emerson
Phi Sigma (Kearney State College)- Rachel Brown, Pam Clay, Tanya Farrens, Anne Gnuse, Lisa Mohrman, Jill Schneider, Cheryl Torczon
Tau (U. of Minnesota)-Noelle Nistler, Kris Martin
Zeta (U. of Nebraska)-Sarah Findley, Julie McPheeters, Deonne Niemack, Jennifer Palmer, Kristin Ticknor, Patsy Tweedy
Chi Delta (U. of Colorado)-Cindy Livingston, Cathy Osbaugh
Delta Alpha (U. of Missouri, Columbia)-Kimberly Doyle, Brenna Haefner, Joy Spreitzer
Delta Pi (Central Missouri State U.)- Cheryl Henderson, Kim Tegen, Lisa Norris
Lambda Tau (Northeast Louisiana
U.)-Kelly Carpenter, Laura Hendry, Angie Pratt, Caroline Robbins, Rebecca Stokes
Phi (U. of Kansas)-Marsha Heeb, Ann Hoffmier, Carrie Kiasing, Allison Young
Pi (Newcomb College-Tulane)-Melissa McGonigal
Sigma Omicron (Arkansas State U.)- Kelley Brooks, Regina Byrd
Alpha Gamma (Washington State U.)- Judith Torgerson
Alpha Phi (Montana State U.)-Stacey Albin, Jill Kologi, Lori Schneider, Katherine Severn, Margaret Severn, Pamela Simmons
Alpha Rho (Oregon State U.)-Kristin Ryan
Chi Psi (Cal Poly State U., San Luis Obispo)-Karla Ogle, Kristy Sheets Delta Sigma (San Jose State)-Diana Humphrey
Sigma (U. of California-Berkley)- Catherine Marie Lee
Sigma Phi (California State, Northridge)-Patricia Hasson
Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U.)-
Julie Carter, Tracy White
Spring 1991
Liz Carpenter is Keynote
Speaker at Convention-
Journalist, author, "Washington insider" is still going strong in her 60's...
To Dragma
Li: Carpenter
Liz Carpenter, native Texan, journalist, and "Washington insider" for many years, will be the keynote speaker at the opening banquet of the Alpha Omicron Pi Convention in Dallas in June.
"Accept the Challenge," the theme for the current biennium, could be Liz's personal motto. She came of age at a time when women's lives were mostly restricted to being wives and mothers. Liz became a wife and mother. But she was also a journalist.
Eventually, she went to Washington, where she was part of the political and social scene for more than 30 years.
Perhaps best known as a vice- presidental aide to Lyndon Johnson and press secretary to Lady Bird Johnson, Liz has been a witness to history in the making. She was in the motorcade when President John Kennedy was assassinated.
One of her personal challenges was to write a few words for Lyndon Johnson to say to the nation when he landed in Washington after the flight from Texas. With only some small cards she had carried for Lady Bird to use for autographs, Liz scribbled the simple, but moving message which LBJ said to the press later that day.
Now nearing the age of 70, Liz is still active as a writer and public speaker. Her most recent book, Getting Better All the Time, was published by Simon and Schuster in 1987.
In that book, Liz tells about her life in the five houses she has called home-from the house in which she was born in a small Texas town to the White House. She also tells about the
Continued on next page.
A Convention Preview:
Funds for the environment... a special speaker at the business session ... red & white day... sisterhood... friendship... fun t ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Ask ten AOIIs what they like best about International Convention and chances are you fll get ten different answers.
I f you are fortunate enough to attend this year's International Convention, you can decide for yourself what you like best. Here is a preview of what to expect.
The Opening Banquet
Liz Carpenter (see article on the opposite page for details about this remarkable lady) will be the keynote speaker. It should be a lively and enjoyable speech.
This banquet will also feature the presentation of the "Service Pennies." Every AOII chapter is collecting a penny for every hour of volunteer service its members contribute to community activities. The pennies are being hauled to Dallas for this special event, and the money collected will be donated toward an environmental project.
It will be exciting to see which chapter brings the most pennies-and to see how the members manage to carry the load. Pennies are lightweight only when there's just a few!
Red & White Day
This is one day you should have no problem deciding what to wear! Dress in your most attractive red and white outfit and join all your sisters in showing your colors. This is also Panhellenic Day.
A Special Speaker
Drury Bagwell, the Vice President for Student Affairs at the University of Maryland at College Park, will address the delegates at one of the business sessions. (The schedule is still being finalized as To Dragma goes to press.)
No stranger to the world of Greek Spring 1991
organizations, Mr. Bagwell was formerly the International President of Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity. He has been a speaker/presenter at dozens of fraternity and sorority meetings, conventions and workshops.
He is a winner of the James McLaughlin Interfraternity Award, which is given by the Zeta Psi Fraternity. His educational background includes degrees in accounting, educational psychology, and law from the University of Tennessee.
Panda Centerpieces
You can "shop till you drop"
without leaving the convention site.
One of the items that will be offered for sale will be Panda centerpieces. TheAOII Emporium will also be there for your favorite "letter" items. In addition, art and craft items produced
by your sisters will be offered for sale
in the chapter boutique.
Please consult your Convention Schedule when you arrive to see when these "on site" shops will be open. You wouldn't want to go home without a souvenir for your favorite AOII-or for yourself.
Free Time
You will have some time to shop, explore Dallas, catch up on your sleep, or just relax on Thursday afternoon from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. There will be a second block of free time on Saturday morning (/all the business proceeds on schedule and this time is not needed for an extra business session.
During your free time, you can walk two blocks to the Dallas Museum of Art. The West End area, with
interesting shops and restaurants, is also within walking distance. Or you can take an electric trolley to the Arts District where the Hard Rock Cafe is located. Another option is taking a cab to the Kennedy Museum area.
Several mini-courses are being offered. Please consult your Convention Schedule when you arrive to sign up for the ones that are of interest to you.
About the Fairmont
The Fairmont Hotel, headquarters for International Convention, is a beautiful, elegant hotel located in downtown Dallas. Its meeting rooms have been renovated to combine modern convenience with regal decor.
Accept the Challenge!
International Convention has been said to be a time of inspiration, training, recognizing achievement, and making new friends. Accept the AOII
Challenge to make it the best International Convention ever! Make your plans to attend June 25-30, 1991.
Liz Carpenter...
challenge of returning to her native state and to life as a widow after the death of her devoted husband.
But Liz is not a woman who looks backward. At the age of 65, she joined a fitness center, purchasing a 25-year- membership. Wearing a red exercise
on page 39.
Instructions for completing Convention Forms
Convention Registration Form EVERYONE who attends Convention must complete a registration form, even daily registrants and local volunteers. This form is printed on the opposite page. Please read and follow the instructions for completing this form that are printed below:
be completed by everyone.
staying at the Fairmont Hotel. PART IV - VOLUNTEER
ASSISTANCE- PLEASE complete if you can help in these areas!
Transportation Forms
Alpha Omicron Pi has selected Olson
Travel & Incentives (OT1) to handle all air transportation arrangements for the Convention. Both Delta and American Airlines have been chosen as the official carriers because they offer the best discounted fares to Dallas. OTI will route you from your home city airport to Dallas using the best carrier for your itinerary. If you originate from a city not well served by Delta or American, other carriers will be used. Those members whose expenses are paid by Alpha Omicron Pi are required to purchase their tickets through OTI. ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS PHONE OLSON TRAVEL & INCENTIVES, ASK FOR THE AOH DESK, ADVISE THEM OF YOUR ORIGIN CITY AND TRAVEL DATES, AND ORDER YOUR TICKETS. Some restrictions do apply.
CALL THE ALPHA OMICRON PI DESK AT: U.S. tollfree L800-328- 8042. In Minneapolis, call the local
PART V - REMITTANCE - MUST be completed by all FULL TIME
PARTICIPANTS (delegates and non-delegates). Please note Registration Fee for Convention is $90 prior to May 1,1991 and $120 if postmarked after May 1,1991. Rooms & meals: non delegates only complete this section. ADDITIONAL nights in hotel: (delegates and non delegates) PLEASE complete if you are staying additional nights in hotel.
GROUND TRANSPORTATION: PLEASE complete if you need ground transportation from DF/W. This is a personal expense!
PART VI - REMITTANCE - PART TIME PARTICIPANTS - Please complete daily registration fee $25 per day prior to May 1,
1991, $30 postmarked after
May 1,1991. Part time participants nights in hotel: (per person)
number: 612/831-6060.
Call early (March or April) for the
best selection of flights.
For those responsible for their
own airfare: Y ou are encouraged to use OTI so you can enjoy the same savings and services provided by their company, including the services of
their on-site staff during Convention. Savings on Delta and American vary by city and travel dates, but will be a minimum of five percent. If you prefer a specific airline or if you live in a city not served by American or Delta, OTI will guarantee that you receive the lowest applicable airfare available. OTI accepts American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Diner's Club & Discover cards. Personal checks are also acceptable and need to be received before your tickets can be mailed.
Please keep in mind that requests for special routings, subsequent cancellations, or changes in previously made reservations which result in additional costs will be a
PLEASE complete if you are staying in the Fairmont Hotel. GROUND TRANSPORTATION: PLEASE complete if you need ground transportation from DF/W. This is a personal expense!
MEALS ONLY: PLEASE complete if you need only meals. NOTICE MEAL orders postmarked after May 1,1991 will cost an additional $10 per person.
SPECIAL CONVENTION AIRFARES: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. For best selection of flights, call in March or April.
AIRLINE TRANSPORTATION A N D GROUND TRANSPORTATION FORMS: PLEASE complete and return to Olson Travel & Incentives (address is on the form).
personal expense for A L L Convention participants.
For your convenience, an Airline Transportation/Ground Transportation form is being printed in this issue. Please have all information requested readily available when you call OTI.
Ground transportation is a PERSONAL EXPENSE to all Convention attendees. Please complete the ground transportation portion of the form and send to Olson Travel & Incentives, Mr. Bill Donahue, 7390 Ohms Lane, Minneapolis, MN 55435. The cost for the ground transportation is $16 which MUST be included with your Convention Registration Form when sent to AOH International Headquarters. Your ground transportation coupon will be sent to you with your airline ticket if purchased through Olson Travel & Incentives or separately when necessary. Prior to the ground transportation coupon being sent, the
$ 16 fee must be received at HQ.
To Dragma
Mail completed form and check PRIOR TO MAY 1 to Alpha Omicron Pi Headquarters: 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Late fees will be applied to all registrations postmarked after May 1. Should cancellation become necessary, registration will be refundable up to June 1. Room and Board fees are refundable up to June 15. THE DEADLINE FOR GUARANTEED ROOM AVAILABILITY IS MAY 15.
VOTING DELEGATES: For your proper seating during the business session, you must be registered no later than June 14th. 1991. Voting Delegates registering after the 14th will be seated in a general area for Voting Delegates.
OfficialregistrationisonJune25. Check-outisJune30. AllvotingdelegatesmustreceiveadvancepermissionfromtheExecutiveBoardforlate arrivals or early departures.
IMPORTANT: Ifitshouldbecomenecessarytochangearrivalordeparturedates,pleasenotifyHeadquartersstaffimmediatelyoryouwillbeheld responsible for room charges as listed on this form.
, Name
Current Mailing Address_ T elephone
Summer Mailing Address_
(Number/Street) (Home)
(Maiden) (City)
s - Summer Telephone!
u.Effective Date of Summer Address
7 . In case of emergency, contact 8 . Preferred Name for Nametag
Number of Conventions Previously attended •_
Spring 1991
Smoker Non-Smoker
(Number/Street) (Home)
(Office) (State)
9 .CurrentOffice_
If more than one office is held, please name office you will be representing only.
1 0 . Chapter Representing . Region Representing
,,.Alternate Delegate Designation:
If you are serving as an alternate delegate, you must have the delegate whom you are representing, sign below. Alternate delegate must be properly approved and registered NO LATER THAN JUNE 1, 1991.
1 2
"I certify that I have designated (Name) (Office)
to serve as my alternate at the 1991 Convention.
Handicap Facilities Desired
Roommate Preference_
I would like to be a part of the inside workings of Convention. I would like to participate in the following way:
Assist Local Chairman
Help in leading sing-a-long Serve as a page
Piano player
Assist Local Chairman
Serve as timekeeper or credentials official at business sessions
Piano player PART V - REMITTANCE
FULL-TIME PARTICIPANTS (Delegates and Non-Oeleoates)
la.Arrival Date Departure Date w. REGISTRATION FEE: (Delegates and Non-Delegates)
$90.00 if postmarked before May 1, 1991 $
$120.00 if postmarked after May 1, 1991 $ (The registration fee is a personal expense and should be paid by the individual)
is. ROOM AND MEALS: (Non-Delegates Only)
$465.00 if postmarked before May 1, 1991 $
$490.00 if postmarked after May 1, 1991 $ is ADDITIONAL NIGHTS IN HOTEL: (PER PERSON) (Delegates and Non-Delegates)
$94.00 Single OR $60.00 Double occupancy if postmarked before May 1st.
$104.00 Single OR $70.00 Double occupancy if postmarked after May 1st. June 23 $ June 24 $ June 30 $ July 1 $ July 2 $
(This is a personal expense paid by the individual.) 21.Canadian residents please add 10%
23.Arrival Date . Departure Date
$ $ $
June25 $ June26 $ June27 $ June28 $
$25.00 per day if postmarked before May 1st $30.00 per day if postmarked after May 1st
June30 $
$94.00 Single OR $60.00 Double occupancy if postmarked before May 1st
$104.00 Single OR $70.00 Double occupancy if postmarked after May 1st
Indicate with dollar amount the nights you will be staying in hotel: June 23 $ June 26 $ June 27 $ June 28 $ June 29 $ ; June 30 $
June 24 $ July 1 $_
June 25 $_ July 2 $
(This is a personal expense paid by the individual.) $ 27.Canadian residents please add 10% $ 2B.MEALS ONLY: (Indicate with dollar amount the requested meals)
$30.00 OPENING BANQUET - Tuesday, June 25th $ $22.50 FOUNDATION LUNCHEON - Wednesday, June 26th $ $35.00 COLLEGIATE BANQUET - Wednesday, June 26th $ $22.50 RUSH/SCHOLARSHIP LUNCHEON - Thursday, June 27th $ $22.50 PANHELLENIC LUNCHEON - Friday, June 28th $ $35.00 ALUMNAE BANQUET - Friday, June 28th $ $55.00 ROSE BANQUET - Saturday, June 29th $
29.Meal participants only - add $10.00 per person for postmark AFTER May 1 st $ 30.TOTAL AMOUNT PAID BY PART-TIME PARTICIPANTS $
To Dragma
Mr. Bill Donahue
7390 Ohms Lane
Minneapolis, MN 55435
Name: Nickname:
Spouse's name: Address:
City, State, Zip:
_ _ Home phone:(
Seat preferences: (please circle) non-smoking; Frequent flyer I.D. numbers (also indicate for which traveler):
Business phone:(
Desired departure c i t y : _
Special needs (wheelchair, handicapped, special meals, etc.):
Airline:. Airline: Airline:
Number: Number: Number:
Spouse's name:
City, State, Zip:
Business phone:( ) Arrival Date: . Airline:
Departure Date:_
Home phone:( Arrival Time:_ Flight*:
. Departure Time: Right #:
Spring 1991
) :
Name:__ Niekname:_
To Dragma
Position Statement on Alcohol
Because of our concern for the health and well-being of our members, the presidents of all 26 National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) groups have agreed to the following:
L that we are opposed to the misuse of alcohol;
2. that all college chapters, all individual members, and all guests must abide by
federal, state/provincial, local, college/university laws and regulations;
3. that it is inadvisable to host a party involving alcohol when the majority of guests
attending are under the legal drinking age;
4. that no college chapter funds may be used to purchase alcohol. (Co-sponsors of
social events are potentially liable regardless of how the expenses are shared.)
Each NPC group has an alcohol policy and is expected to abide by it. In addition, the presidents expect their chapters to respect the regulations of any NPC co-sponsoring group.
We hope that this agreement will give college chapters the courage and ability to initiate discussion and formulate a Panhellenic stand on the subject of alcohol.
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^(M^OA^ZJ^^1^^ iJfcMiL) PHIMU
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Tk .k^r
Melanie Nixon Doyle named Executive Director
The Executive Board is pleased to announce the selection of Melanie Nixon Doyle, Lambda Sigma (U. of Georgia) as Executive Director. Melanie officially began her new duties on January 14, 1991.
Since her days as a pledge, Melanie has been a Fraternity leader. She continues to be an active member of the Nashville Alumnae Chapter and the Williamson County Alumnae Colony.
In college, she was pledge class president, junior Panhellenic delegate, Panhellenic delegate, and vice president/pledge educator. As an alumna she has served as fraternity education chairman and vice president/membership for the Nashville Alumnae Chapter and as president of the Little Rock Alumnae Chapter. She was the Panhellenic delagate in Little Rock for ten years and served as president of the Little Rock Panhellenic in 1976-77.
On the regional level, Melanie has been a Regional Meetings Chairman, a Regional Director and a Regional Vice President. In 1983 she received the coveted Rose Award.
She was an Executive Board Director from 1983-87, serving first as director of collegiate chapters and later as Vice President/Development.
In July, 1987, she fulfilled a long held goal to work at AOII International Headquarters when she accepted the
position of public Relations Coordinator.
Melanie has a B.S. Degree in Home Economics and her professional career has included business and management experience with both retail and not-for- profit organizations.
From 1984-87 she was Executive Director of Ballet Arkansas in Little Rock. Her retail experience includes managing a Little Rock luggage and gift shop for seven years.
She has a wide range of community interests, from art to antiques and ballet to politics. She is a member of the Association for the Preservation of Tennessee Antiquities and the Williamson County Historical Society. She finds an outlet for her political interest in the Williamson county Republican Women's Club.
Her interest in dance and the arts include participating in the Nashville Ballet Guild, the Mid America Dance Network, and Williamson County Arts Council, and the Cheekwood Botanical Gardens and Fine ARts Center.
A native of Nashville, Melanie makes her home in Franklin, TN, a town just south of Brentwood. When she finds the time, she enjoys cooking and tennis.
The mother of five, Melanie is particularly proud of the fact that two of her daughters are also AOIIs.
Melanie Nixon Doyle
does not agree with the bank statement, contact the bank.
-Contributed by Elizabeth Romine Coffey, Chi Lambda (U. of Evansville), Vice President/ Finance
will hold it annual meeting on May 8, 1991 at 7 p.m. at the Chapter House, 3980 E. 8th St. Long Beach, CA. For information contact:
Carla Jesse
10870 El Mar Ave.
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
balancing your checkbook
Continued from page 7.
***Have you included in your register all charges and other items shown on your bank statement?
***Have you entered any transactions in your register that are not included in the calculations?
***Are the withdrawals or cancelled checks and deposits listed in the check register the same as those listed on your bank statement?
***Be sure you are not including deposits or withdrawals made after the closing date of the statement.
***Banks have customer representa- tives who are trained to help solve problems. If you cannot balance the ckeckbook ask for their help.
***If you feel the bank has made an error (Y es, banks sometimes make errors!) contact the bank immediately.
NOTE: Some banks do not send back the cancelled checks, and you must rely on the bank statement. Compare the amount of each check as you have recorded iton the check stub to the bank statement. If your record
Spring 1991
Collegiate Chapter News
Last spring, the women of Gamma Chapter at the U . of Maine-Orono worked with the brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon in a 30-hour "whiffle-ball-a- thon" which raised $1,600 for Diabetes Research, reports Mary Polakovic.
Members participated in the univer- sity's Rape Awareness Week last fall.
Treva Isett worked with Senator George Mitchell in an internship in Washington, D.C
The Iota Chi Chapter celebrates its fifth anniversary this year at the U. of Western Ontario, reports Hilary Jacob.
Chapter members are proud of their
new house at 222 Broughdale Ave. The house has beautiful hardwood floors and is conveniently located near campus.
At the beginning of the school year, the Iota Chi's held an open house and invited their neighbors to drop by and learn more about them and the Greek system. Later, executives of the other fraternities and sororities on campus were invited to tour the new house.
In December, the chapter held a brunch in honor of its fifth anniversary. Many alumnae returned to help celebrate.
The chapter is proud of meeting quota with 46 new pledges.
Nu Delta members (from left) M. Mazur, G. Fudoli, H. Kraus, & D. Schott at their "Luau."
At present, the pledges are planning a huge fashion show to raise money for the chapter's philanthropy, the Sunshine Foundation. This charity helps make
the wishes of terminally ill children come true.
Last November, chapter members welcomed 40 women from Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Perm State U.
"It certainly made for a full house, but we had a terrific visit with them," reports Hilary.
The Nu Delta Chapter at Canisius College was busy with many philanthropic activities this fall, reports Angelique M. Hostetter. Chapter members worked in a soup kitchen, participated in a campus wide food and clothing drive, trick-or-treated for arthritis, and helped raise money for the homeless.
The semester wasn't all work and no play, however. The chapter sponsored a luau at freshman orientation that was a great success. Chapter members enjoyed their Christmas social. They also participated in a community sponsored alcohol-free New Year's Eve celebration.
Fall rush was successful, and later
Continued on next page, To Dragma
Members of the Iota Chi Chapter (U. of Western Ontario) pose for a rush photo in their new house.
Collegiate News.
in the semester nine pledges were initiated.
Another important chapter emphasis was on scholarship. Many sisters received a place on the chapter's "scholarship wall of fame," and two sisters received the "Ruby A" award in recognition of their scholarship.
The Sigma Tau Chapter at Washington College spent much time this past semester working with its community.
Money was raised in October for the Arthritis Foundation through the annual trick-or-treat project. In November, the community joined together to build a playground for the children, and the Sigma Tau sisters helped by watching those kids whose parents were busy building the playground.
In December, chapter members assisted with the community's Candlelight Tour. They also put a lot of hard work into their "Adopt a
Highway" program.
This past semester, chapter members
welcomed their new chapter adviser, Lex Frey, and three new sisters, Catherine Cole, Kathleen Robbins, and Shelly Mangold.
Scholarship Fund. The fund is in honor of a Pi Delta who was murdered in
1982. It provides two scholarships for journalism students. The chapter had raised several hundred dollars for the fund last spring with a car wash.
"Outface Arthritis" was the name of the first bike race to raise money for arthritis research, which chapter members organized last fall. Many members of the Greek community participated. Other philanthropic activities included two blood drives, one of which was held to benefit a seriously ill Sigma Chi. Twenty chapter members assisted with the university's philanthropic fund raiser, "Terrapin Trot."
During homecoming, the AOII/ Alpha Tau Omega team created "Peter Pan in Merry Maryland" to carry out the "Fairy Tales with a Twist" theme. Chapter members placed second in the homecoming talent show..
"Beautification Day" for the chapter house was held on October 23. Chapter members joined forces with members of the Pi Delta Corporation Board to clean and improve the chapter house. Workers were rewarded with a "make your own sundae" party afterwards.
Jackie Dippollina, parents weekend chairman, headed the efforts that resulted in a great success. The weekend began with a brunch\awards ceremony on Saturday, October 27. This was followed by a barbecue picnic using the facilities at Alpha Tau Omega. On Sunday, visiting parents and their daughters were treated to a boat cruise on the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay.
Other fall activities included a bigMittle sister pumpkin carving contest on Halloween, a chapter retreat at the Marriott Waterfront Hotel in Annapolis in November, and a date party-hayride. Wendy Hardesty, social chairman, planned the hayride and the winter formal. The formal was held at the Baltimore Yacht Club on November
The pledge class won the Unity Award at this year's Greek Sing, and the powderpuff football team won second place in intfamurals. Last spring the chapter won the coveted Spirit Award for the 5th time in the last six years. The chapter won second place overall during Greek Week, and Kerry Rutmiller was named "Greek of the Year." This award is given to the
Continued on next page.
Pi Delta Chapter at the U. of Maryland had a successful fall rush which resulted in meeting quota with 40 new pledges, reports Robin Mohlhenrich.
Kathryn Moon was rush chairman. The pledges went on a retreat in October.
Chapter members held a car wash in October and raised over $500 for the Wendy Lou Stark Memorial
Pi Deltas (from left) Lauren Korba, Nancy Sierakowski, Robin Mohlhenrich, & Cindy Wolf are joined by several friends at Disney World during spring break.
Spring 1991
Collegiate News...
outstanding male or female to honor that person's contributions to the Greek system and to the campus as a whole.
Other individual honors include Kathy Cleary and Wendy Hardesty who were selected for Order of Omega.
mum one
Karen Lereh reports that the
Lambda Eta Chapter at Grand Valley
State U. worked hard all fall semester to prepare for a great winter rush. Kristin Hawkins and Stacy Founder were rush chairmen.
Chapter members have participated in the Grand Rapids "Meals on Wheels" program this fall Each week a few women from the chapter have driven downtown to help deliver meals to homebound persons. They have found participating in this program to be a rewarding experience.
Six women were initiated last fall and five have accepted offices in the chapter.
Heather Woods, activities chairman, worked well under the
Continued on next page.
To Dragma
sount v CMOUM
Rho Beta Chapter at Virginia
Commonwealth U. had a successful fall rush and achieved quota, reports Kristie Hedrick.
Some of the activities enjoyed by the sisters included bowling on Thursday nights, attending basketball games together, and studying together.
One of the enjoyable fall parties was a Hawaiian luau and those attending woreHawaiianclothes.Non-alcoholic fruit beverages were served. The big social event in December was the Christmas formal which was held at the Marriott Hotel in downtown Richmond. At the dance, scholastic awards were announced, and die sisters who are graduating this year read their "Last Wills and Testaments."
The morning after the dance, chapter members participated in the local "Jingle Bell Run" to raise money for arthritis research. The sisters who participated wore their AOII letters to the event, where they pitched in to help out wherever needed.
As the year ended, chapter members looked forward to spring rush.
COLLEGIATE CHAPTER TO DRAGMA REPORTERS: Do you know when your next report is due?
We want to publish a chapter report from every chapter once a year. You can help us do this by sending in your chapter report for the correct issue of To Dragma. Please check the schedule below to see if your report is due for either of the next two issues. The chapters are listed by Region.
I. II. in. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X.
L n.
Sigma Chi, Theta Pi
Tau Lambda, Theta Beta DeltaUpsilon,SigmaAlpha,ZetaPsi
Chi Alpha, Phi Upsilon, Theta, Theta Psi
Epsilon Omega, Tau Omega, Tau Omicron, Omega Omicron Sigma Delta, Tau Delta, Zeta Pi
Theta Chi, Upsilon Epsilon, Zeta
Delta Theta, Sigma Omicron, Upsilon Lambda
Theta Omega, Upsilon Alpha
Beta Tau, Chi, Delta
Beta Delta, Delta Chi
Alpha Lambda, Chi Beta
Alpha Psi; Beta Gamma, Beta Phi, Chi Lambda Alpha Beta Tau, Alpha Chi, Delta Omega Alpha Delta, Delta Delta, Gamma Delta
Alpha Theta, Beta Lambda, Iota Chi Delta, Delta Alpha, Delta Pi Alpha Gamma, Alpha Phi
Chi Alpha, Chi Psi, Delta Sigma
Collegiate News...
pressure of organizing homecoming events with the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. Laura LaVoie, social chairman, planned four socials last fall, including a popular "blind date" evening for which each sister arranged
a date for another sister. The evening included dinner and a play. Tammie Kay, philanthropic chairman, organized the annual button sale to raise money for Arthritis Research Grants.
Several chapter members are leaders on campus. Kristin Bauman is student senate president. Laura LaVoie is Greek Council president and a student senate vice president. Lynann Lowe is Panhellenic president, and Stacy Brogren is Panhellenic secretary. Kelly Ostrander is a Greek Council cabinet director.
Omega Chapter at Miami U. led off a successful fall semester by pledging 50 women, reports Christine Musselman.
In September, the chapter placed fourth overall in Miami U's Greek Week competition. September also brought a date party trip to watch the Cincinnati Reds clinch the National League Pennant at Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati. Another enjoyable social event that month was the "4-way sun- splash party" with the Sig Eps, Delta Zetas, and Alpha Delts. "Beach Volleyball," a fund raiser with the Kappa Sigs, brought in approximately $250 for arthritis research.
Fund raising continued in October and November with the distribution of "care packages" to over 2,000 Miami U. students. This activity raised almost $3,800 for the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation.
These months were not all work and no play, however, as several parties were held during this time.
The Parents Weekend Brunch was a great success. It was held at the beautiful Manchester Inn in Middletown, OH. One month later the chapter members enjoyed their annual Red Rose Semi-formal which was held at the Omni Netherland Hotel in Cincinnati.
Omicron Chapter members, from left, Johnna Comer, Laura Daves, Beth Starkey, Amy Joyner, Trudy Payne and Jennifer Gardner perform in a rush skit.
Spring 1991
Initiation for the fall pledge class was planned for January 27th, and the pledges worked hard during the first semester to prepare for this event.
The OmicronPiChapterattheU.of Michigan pledged 35 women during fall rush, reports Lisa Fromm.
The fall semester was full of events, such as a hay ride (called "Hay Fever"), parents weekend, a "Winter Wonderland" formal, Founders' Day celebration, and pre-football game tailgate parties with Phi Kappa Psi.
In January the pledges were initiated after a fun-filled Inspiration W eek. The week included such activities as a roller skating night, a "Night on the Town," and depinning.
semester with a successful rush, pledging 43 women, reports Rhonda Carroll.
Chapter members now have a floor in Massey Dorm where 65 AOIIs live together.Anopenhousewasheldfor all Massey residents, AOII alumnae, and AOII Mothers Club members. Another fall event was the 30th Annual AOII Barbecue which was held prior to the football game against the U. of Alabama. This event is one of the largest fund raisers in the country for the Arthritis Foundation. The team of AOII and the Phi Delta Theta fraternity placed 3rd in the lawn display category of homecoming competition. Chapter members won first place in the Kappa Sig River Race which benefitted the local Boys Club. Chapter members finished the semester by joining the Kappa Alpha fraternity in giving a Christmas party for underprivileged children from a nearby day care center.
Five chapter members were initiated into Order of Omega. They are Amy Fischer, Trudy Jensen, Monica Jones, Paige Lowe, and Debra Mabry.
Kim Muse reports that the sisters of the Pi Alpha Chapter at the U. of Louisville were pleased to watch chapter member Minela Fernandez crowned homecoming queen.
Continued on next page.
Omicron Chapter at the U. of Tennessee-Knoxville began fall
Collegiate News...
Campus activities have included participating in Greek Week and an "All Nighter" to foster freshmen interest in the Greek community. Chapter members built a homecoming float with their partners in Alpha Gamma Rho.
Planning is underway for formal rush and for the celebration of the chapter's fifth anniversary.
The Rho Omicron Chapter at Middle Tennessee State U. began the fall semester by pledging quota of 35 women, reports Sharon Lott.
Other semester highlights were winning third place in homecoming activities and having chapter member Kathie Gentry elected to the homecoming court.
Individual honors included Cheri Meigs' election as Panhellenic Vice President. Kathy Harrigan, Rho Omicron President, was elected president of the Speech and Hearing Club.
In the community, the chapter raised money for Habitat and the Humanity Club. Chapter members also adopted a child during Christmas. In the last few months they have been writing letters to service men and women in the Middle East and will soon be sending packages to them.
Among the fall activities were successful rush and alumnae brunches, a fall formal held at Memphis, and big sister/little sister events. Chapter members also participated in their annual "Flippin for Arthritis" pancake breakfast to raise money for arthritis research.
Spring semester plans include initiation, a spring formal, rush workshops, and a crush party.
Lynn Barrett was inducted into Order of Omega. Candi Chancellor was in the top 15 in the Miss Maryland Pageant, and Paula LaBrot will be competing in the Miss Missouri Pageant in June. Kim Jordan is a member of the Ole Miss Dance Team.
lour HDMOTt
Members of the Phi Sigma Chapter at Kearney State are looking forward to moving into Kearney's new "Greek Row" next fall as the school becomes the U. of Nebraska at Kearney.
Phi Sigmasareproudoftheir scholastic achievements. This past semester the chapter won the award for the highest GPA among the sororities on campus. The traveling scholarship plaque will hang in the AOII house
Continued on page 27.
Minela Fernandez, 1990 U. of Louisville Homecoming Queen.
The chapter has been busy with rush, pledge training, and many social activities. Chapter members have also been involved in several fund raisers, including a road block, selling Tupperware, and perfume sales.
Individual campus leaders include Leesa Huffer and Minela Fernandez who were members of the Student Orientation Staff last summer.
The Pi Omicron Chapter at Austin Peay State U. received an award from the campus Panhellenic for the best pledge education program, reports Dian Annott.
The Nu Beta Chapter at the U. of Mississippi took 52 pledges last August.
Chapter members have participated in several events to raise money for philanthropy. These included running a concessions stand at Starwood Ampitheatre, and taking part in a "Fall Fling" fund raiser jointly sponsored with Pi Kappa Alpha.
On Halloween, chapter members visited a local hospital and distributed coloring books and crayons to sick children. Another project involved sending Christmas cards to soldiers in the Middle East.
To Dragma
Spring/Summer 1991
N-68 0-62
A-02 Puff Print Sweatshirt, Crew neck. Red, Navy
or White, & M, L, $18.00
A-03 Hooded, (not shown), $22.00
B-07 Satin Letter Sweatshirt, Hooded, Navy or
White, $26.00
B-06 Crew neck, Red. Navy or White, (not shown),
C-76 Screen Printed Sweatshirt, Crew neck, Red or
Navy, $18.00
D-34 White Socks with Red Rose, $5.00
E-34A White with Red AOII F-34B White with Red Panda
G-34C Red Slouch
H-34D Red with White AOII
1-107 Heart Shaped Pin Pillow, $6.00
J-44 Travel Clock, $10.00
K-63 Perfume Sticks, White Linen, Eternity or
Poison, $7.50
L91 Red Gift Bag, $2.50
M-48 Ceramic Mug with Red AOII, $6.00
N-68 Ceramic Mug with Roses $6.00
0-62 Ceramic Mug, Accept The Challenge, $6.00
P-72 Red Night Shirt, one size, $21.00 Q-74 Panda Bear, $15.00
1-21 I Love AOII Button, 50' J-73 AOII Always Button. $1.50
These AOII TShirts Are 100% Cotton!
K-20 LegacyT-Shirt,S,M,L,XL,$15.00 L102 Jade T-Shirt with Navy, $22.00
M-105 Peach T-Shirt with Navy, L, XL, $17.00 N-61 Gray Striped Gear T-Shirt, M , L, XL, $18.00
0-96 Crop Top, Blue or Lavender, one size, $11.00 P-97 Matching Shorts, Blue or Lavender, S, M, L,
Q-106 Birch Gray Tank Top with Navy, M , L, X L ,
R-101 Nylon Running Shorts Navy, $16.00
S-117 Acrylic Frame, 5x7, with small roses design, $6.00
T-71 Acrylic Frame, 3x5, with reversible mat, $4.50 D-95 Acrylic Frame, 3x5, with 2 Openings, $4.50 V-94 Acrylic Frame, 5x5, with Rose, $5.75
A-113 White Date Planner/Organizer, includes 20
month non-dated calendar, address & phone
book, notepad and pen, $10.00
B-41 Red Address/Phone Book with pen, $3.00
C-32 Acrylic Key Ring, Clear or Red, $3.50 D-109 Key Ring with Rose Design, $3.00
E-70 Picture Frame Key Ring, $3.50
F-92 Accept The Challenge Button, $1.50
G-66 For A Lifetime Button, $1.00 H-35 Celebrate Sisterhood Button, 50'
£ AA-57
A-103 Champion Gray Sweatshirt with Red, L, XL, $48.00
B-100 Russell Navy Sweatshirt with Pink Floral, L, XL, $36.00
C-98 White on White Sweatshirt, L, XL, $30.00 D-104 Large Red Canvas Book Bag, $16.00
E-19 MyMom'sAnAOII!Child'sT-Shirt,2/4,6/8, 10/12, 14/16, $5.00
F-74 Panda Bear, $15.00
G-64 Folding Umbrella, $10.00
H-84 Burgundy Portfolio Case, $18.50
1-118 Mini Grapevine Wreath, $6.00
J-85 Small Decorator Basket with white eyelet trim,
K-86 Large Basket, $12.50
L-115 Mini Seagrass Basket Set, 3 piece, Lids deco- rated with Red Ribbon, $12.00
M-67 "Pin Dot" Collage Frame, 12x10, $12.50
N-119 Sorority House Collage Frame, $12.50 0-93 Things To Do Notepad, $4.00
P-30 AOII Notepad, $1.00
Q-59 Post It Notes, $3.00
R-83 Headquarters Folded Notes with Envelopes, 50
each, $15.00
Panda Footprints Notepad, $2.50
Fanda Bookmarker, $1.00
AOII Window Decal, 50
Alumnae Decal, $1.00
Fold-over Notes with clear, heart shaped seals, 10 each, $4.00
X-55 Gray with Rose Notepad, $4.00 Y-46 Red Die Cut Notepad $4.50 Z-90 AOII Pencil, 30'
AA-57 AOII Pen, $1.00
A-88 Car Window Sun Buster, $7.50 B-36 12 oz. Thermal Travel Mug, $1.00 C-37 34 oz. Mega Mug, $3.00
D-104 Urge Canvas Tote Bag, $16.00 E-31 Beach Towel, $18.00
F-23 License Plate, $4.00
G-24 License Frame, $4.50 H-25 Bumper Sticker, $1.00
1-114 Rose Write & Wipe Board with pen, $1.00 J-42 Memo Board with pen, $2.50
K-38 Rose Print with Mat, $8.50
L65 12 Month Calendar, $4.00
M - l l l Weekly Planner Board with pen, $9.00 N-15 Accept The Challenge T-Shirt. M, L, XL, 100%
Cotton, $11.00
0-14 Calico Panda T-Shirt, 100% Cotton, $18.50 P-82 Biking Shorts, Red w/Black, also available
Black w/Red, $24.00
Q-81 Capri Exercise Shorts, Red w/Black, also avail-
able Black w/Red, $28.00 R-104 Large Canvas Tote Bag, $16.00
Name _ Address. City
Quantity Item*
Klpka Gmicron If
Description (Specify color if choice is offered)
Zip Size
• MC CVISA Card* —
Expiration Date
Send order form and payment to: AOII International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd.
Brentwood, TN 37027
(615) 370-0920
Sub Total Canadians Add 10% Currency Exchange
TN Residents Add 7.75% Sales Tax Shipping & Handling Total Amount Enclosed
^ 5 ° _
Collegiate News...
for the seventh consecutive semester. The seniors in the chapter took time
out from studying for a "senior skip." They held fund raisers to finance a trip to Steamboat for some skiing. The other members of the chapter got wind of their plans and supported them. They sold raffle tickets for a wall decoration at the AOII Family Day. They also sold cookbooks. They raised enough money for three fun-filled days in Colorado.
Two chapter members were selected for the school's rush team. Pam Clay was chosen as a rush runner. Kathy Paprocki was selected as the 1991 rush chairman.
The Tau Chapter at the U. of Minnesota has had a busy and exciting year, reports Chris Martin.
Several members helped take inventory at Dayton's department store and earned over $800 for the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation. The money was split between the four funds.
Last winter, Tau chapter held its first "Sweetheart Man" contest during the week of Valentine's Day, and the contestants earned over $600 for arthritis research.
Last spring Tau chapter and the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, along with several other fraternities and sororities, participated in the Special Olympics Friend for a Day program. Members spend a Saturday being a special friend to a Special Olympian.
Summer was an especially busy time. Kristi Kinney and Heidi Kuns volunteered as Freshman Camp counselors. W endy Martin worked as a rush co-coordinator. Lisa W ehrmeister and Peggy Martin helped out as rush counselors, and Laura Defek served on the Rush Judiciary Board. Tau chapter also held a successful rush retreat and leaders council retreat.
Formal rush resulted in 12 women pledging.
During fall quarter, chapter members donated many hours to volunteer service. The pledges have volunteered their time to assist the
Arthritis Foundation. Janel Jeras, Mario Meldahl, Amy Lorenzen, and Chris Martin spent a Saturday night volunteering at the Boys' and Girls' Club of Minneapolis annual fund raising auction.
coordinator of Phi's program, the chapter welcomed Stephanie Martel in October. Stephanie is a highly- functional disabled person. She visits the house for dinner once a week, and she also attends other functions and intramural events.
Phi Chapter also held a reception for Ludmilla Antonova, a Soviet researcher who was attending a conference in Lawrence, Kansas. Chapter members enjoyed talking with Ludmilla.
Karen Shanteau, the outgoing chapter president, was selected for membership in Order of Omega.
Pi Chapter at Newcomb/Tulane U . won the first Newcomb Cup based upon scholarship, community service, leadership, and intramural sports, reports Kristine Hummer.
On January 19, initiation was held in the chapter's newly renovated upstairs meeting room. The pledge class had raised money to restore and rehang a chandelier from the original Pi Chapter House. After the ceremony, chapter members and alumnae celebrated
Continued on next page.
Spring 1991
Phi Chapter at the U. of Kansas was the first sorority to implement Natural Ties, a program which pairs mentally disabled individuals with groups, reports Andie Kuhn.
With the help of Kim Schuldt,
Pi Chapter (Newcomb College-Tulane) enjoyed a visit from International President Barbara Hunt and Vice President/Operations Anne Allison.
Collegiate News...
Founders' Day at a luncheon. International President Barbara Hunt
and Vice President/Operations Anne Allison were honored at a dessert tea during their visit to the chapter. Chapter social events have included a "set-up- your-sister" party, a holiday party, and
a dance at the Westin. The names of big and little sisters were disclosed at Audubon Park after a week of clues and gifts.
Individual honors include: Carolyn Dorow and Katy Todd, Mortar Board; Kelly Jenkins and Kristine Hummer, Order of Omega. Karen Markus is Panhellenic president, and Tricia Sarabia was homecoming representative.
second annual bam dance. Jennifer Landsness, Tammy
Lohrengel, Amy Ryan, Chris Solemslie, Beth Severn, and Tanya Jevne represented AOII at the Northwest Greek Conference at Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA. Chapter members visited their Alpha Gamma sisters at Washington State U. one weekend.
Several Tau Gammas are on the campus Panhellenic Council. They are Marty Eddie, secretary; Tanya Jevne, rush chairman; and Jennifer Landsness and Amy Ryan, Panhellenic representatives.
Sigma Chapter at the U. of California, Berkeley raised over $2,000 for arthritis research at its annual "Aces for Arthritis," reports Sandra W ong and Michelle Lee. This annual fund raiser is a Monte Carlo Night, featuring casino games, dancing, and refreshments. Numerous local businesses generously donated prizes and many fraternities assisted in dealing at tables. The event was organized by Katherine Anderson, philanthropic chairman, and Laura Calaway, her assistant.
Fall rush ended with bid day being held at the home of alumna Barbara Gall. Helen McClain was rush chairman, and Teresa Chan assisted her. Sigma's fall pledges had the opportunity to meet and get to know local alumnae at a brunch hosted by the East Bay Alumnae Chapter. They were also guests at "A Pie for a Pi," hosted by the Diablo Valley Alumnae Group.
Other chapter events included the scholarship dinner, fall formal, and a sister sorority event with Sigma Kappa and Kappa Delta Phi, which involved making Thanksgiving decorations for a local charity.
Continued on next page.
To Dragma
Tau Gamma Chapter at Eastern Washington U. ended fall rush by meeting quota.
Chapter members attributed much of their success to the help given them by Region I X personnel, including Regional Vice President Julie Scherer, Regional Rush Officer Kathy Busch, and Regional Director Sharon Starling.
Ronee Axlund, the chapter's pledge trainer, was also its representative in the homecoming pageant. Her Tau Gamma sisters joined her in the homecoming parade.
The chapter enjoyed a visit from Mary Hamilton, Chapter Consultant in November. Mary attended the chapter's
Members of the Tau Gamma Chapter (Eastern Washington U.) wore black for their "Dead Man's Ball."
Collegiate News...
Rosa Chen and Suzanne Van Spyk were selected for Order of Omega. Tilda Cho was initiated into Beta Alpha Psi, a national accounting fraternity. Jennifer Yee and Julie Petroski were selected as "emerging leaders" by the California Alumni Association and were awarded scholarships.
Other active Sigmas include Sarbani Banerjee, elected president of the Institute of Industrial Engineers; Hilary Luros, co-founder of a new student mediation group; and Eva Ramirez, co- coordinator for the student legal clinic. Cora Granata is an intern at the student legal clinic. Kris Cagan recently worked as a production assistant on the set of the movie "Dying Young," which stars Julia Roberts. Kris worked on location in Napa, CA.
Sigma Phi Chapter at California State U., Northridge had a successful fall rush, pledging quota, reports Patricia Hasson.
The announcement of the
AOII Profile:
homecoming queen was an especially proud moment for the chapter because Jackie Weisheit,chapter president, was the winner. Jackie is the third consecutive AOII to win the title. The chapter has sponsored seven of the last 11 homecoming queens. Another homecoming highlight was the winning of the "Sweepstakes" award for the best float, banner, and billboard. The chapter's partners for these projects were Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity and the Resident Student Association.
A highlight of the chapter's philanthropic activities last fall was its annual picnic for autistic children. Chapter members also assisted at the Halloween picnic for the university play school. They joined sisters from the San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter to help at the local Arthritis Foundation's children's fashion and benefit dinner. Other service activities have included participating in the local "Meals on Wheels" program on Thanksgiving and the March of Dimes'
Walk America.
Another successful philanthropic
activity was the "Mr. Fraternity" fund raiser which was held in October. The event raised several thousand dollars for Arthritis Research Grants. Kristin Gilseman served as chairman.
Chapter members who are leaders in the campus Panhellenic include Stephanie Carr, the 1990 Panhellenic president; Mary Donovan, 1990 Panhellenic 2nd vice president; Lenette Thompson, 1990 Panhellenic social activities chairman. Geri Broder will be the 1991 Panhellenic public relations officer. Patricia Hasson was recognized as the "Scholar of the Semester" by the Panhellenic Council for spring 1990. Panhellenic also named Jackie Weisheit the most supportive president and Bonnie Frank as the best Panhellenic delegate.
Four chapter members, Lisa Allard, Tina Faulkner, Patricia Hasson and Tiffany Pearson, are members of Order of Omega.
Tracy, left, with sister Lisa and mother Linda.
When she was a freshman, Tracy N . Bauer, Chi Delta (U. of Colorado), put her computer skills to work to help finance her education.
One thing led to another and the business kept growing. Today, at the age of 21, Tracy is a partner in Design Publishing, a graphics, typesetting and design company.
Tracy's partners are her mother, Linda Medina, and her 19 year-old sister, Lisa R. Bauer. Company headquarters are in the lower level of their Longmont, CO, home, where they have four computer work stations, a modem and a fax machine.
The company was Tracy's idea. She began as a one-woman operation, doing typesetting, designing layouts and
offering other desk top publishing services to individuals and organiza- tions on a free-lance basis. She has never had to advertise; client referrals have been the basis of the business' growth.
By January. 1990, Tracy had enough business to hire a full time assistant.
She didn't have to look far. Her mother, a self-proclaimed computer nut, quit her job as an office manager to go to work for her.
In February, 1990, the company was reorganized into a three-way partnership with Tracy, Lisa, and Linda as equal partners. Their business has skyrocketed-revenues doubled during the second half of 1990.
Continued on page 47.
Spring 1991
Her own business at age 21
gwa iaroma iKiimiM
The following donors were incorrectly listed in the winter issue of To Dragma for their giving to the Foundation from July 1, 1989 to June 30, 1990.
Beta Pi
Eastern Michigan University
Sustaining Member
Cynthia Louise Given Barbara Jean Zolnierczak
Lynn Collins Charron Kathleen McKinney Dusel Susan Cossey Gustafson Neesa Miles Hoskin Ingrid Blom Sheldon
Mary Kirr Stephens
Joyce Zielinski Szymanski Sally Gustavson Taylor
Beta Rho
U. of Montana
Renda Lue Greene
Sustaining Member
Barbara Wilson Ifft Deanna Elaine Whitley
Susan Higgins Musial
Beta Theta Butler University
Ruth McClurg Brown Mary-Alice Burch Fizer
Sustaining Member
Dorothy Powers Curtis Melba Bray Fisher
Betty Alvis Hyland Virginia Sheely Thompson
Frances Shera Fessler
Betty Miles Johnson Frances Richardson McCully Katherine Murphy Pelham Rosalea Schey Plymate Lucile Palmer Wright
Chi Syracuse U.
Beverly Datlo Martino
Ruth Vincent Barber Carolyn Oliver Collier Marcia Bond Evans
Adell W oessner Meacham Mildred Sittser Olsen Mary Harper Thomas Sustaining Member Phoebe Goodwin Bibbens Nancy Lynn Blum Barbara Ernst Bruening Amelita Colangelo
Ada Marshall Fearon Helen Bogosta Gilbert Frances Lugg Harrington Helen Nye Jenkins
Wilma Fabian Keeperman Dorothy Lane Oliver Mary Brodbeck Peterson Jo Ann Wallace
Jacelyn Waitz Bennett Kelly Anne Bennin Ann Palisi Bogert Lucille Dewitt Brink Mary Lachowicz Buff
Marjorie Pease Burke
Helen McNees Burnham Lorraine Marie Chanatry Norma Palmer Cole
Claire Brown Cox
Marie Harcharufka Dixon Margaret Wootton Dow Barbara Dutcher-Campbell
Gail Ellen Eckstein
Helen Marriner Eldredge
Jane Anna Flynn
Phoebe Miller Goodheart
Alice Foote Gwynn
Phoebe Jane Harris
Winnifred Baker Kamps
Lois Kober Klotz
Florence Ashley Kuhlmann Susan Rachel Lindbergh
Alice Watson Marcy
Joyce Santamaria Martin Marjorie Harper McMahon Shirley Sears Mills
Miriam Wenker Pembleton Sarah Walker Phaneuf
Karen Louise Poppenberg
Edna Faust Rignall
Rose Milwick Riley
Mariba Morse Rogers
Mary Williams Rowley
Gloria Frankenbach Sandstrom
Charlotte Mahaney Sherman Helen Lord Shields
Debra Lynn Silverman Deborah E. Tabs
Helen Janota Taylor
Gloria Millett Unger
Shirley Mahood Vanderhoof Joan Wallick Vanzo
Helen Talmage Walsh Beverly Frost Warner Mildred Boyce Williams
If you would like to be included in next year's Honor Roll of Donors, please send your gift to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, 9025 Overlook Boulevard, Brentwood, Tennessee 37027. Gifts must reach the Foundation Office by June 30, 1991.
WANTED: All AOns with "Show Biz" in your blood! As long as you will wear an AOII smile in Dallas!
NEEDED: All AOHs who are avail- able for rehearsals one day before Convention opens and during Convention. You'll need cowboy boots and hats. Send sizes with resume for shirt, hat, skirt, slacks, belt, and shoes.
WANTED: Kappa Tau Alumnae!! In association with the 1991 S L U Homecoming, the Hammond Area Alumnae will be sponsoring an All Greek Reunion. W e need your help! FOR INFORMATION, call Patti Dowie, 504/764-1589.
LAMBDA CHI CORPORATION will hold its annual meeting on May Day Weekend, Saturday, May 4,1991 prior to the step-singing competition. The meeting will be held on the cam- pus of the University of Georgia at the LaGrange College Student Center in the Pittypat Room. For information contact: Carol Armstrong, 811 Re- gency Woods Dr., Atlanta, GA 30319.
FOR A COPY of Cheryl Sutton's
book Blood, Sweat and Fears—Crisis Communication in Fraternities & So- rorities, send check or money order for $19.95 plus $2.25 for postage & handling (MN residents add $ 1.20 for 6% sales tax) to Fraternity & Sorority Communication Advisors, P.O. Box 80598, Minneapolis, M N 55408. Cheryl is a Tau (U. of Minnesota).
NEW YORK CITY PANHEL- LENIC,INC.TOAWARD$2,000 FELLOWSHD?- The New YorkCity Panhellenic will award one $2,000 Fellowship to a sorority woman doing full time graduate work at a college/ university in the New York City Metro area during 1991-92. Those interested should request an application from Ms. Sallv Shaw. 345 East 73rd St.. New York. NY 10021. All applica- tions must be returned by June 25. 1991.
In the past three years these fellow- ships have assisted women working for advanced degrees at such schools as N Y U Graduate Schools of Busi- ness & Medicine; Columbia Univer- sity; Rutgers University; and John Jay College.
ALPHA PSI CORPORATION will hold its annual meeting on Saturday, April 6,1991 at2p.m. at the Alpha Psi Chapter House, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio. For information contact: Janet N. Conway, 2285 New State Rd. N., Norwalk, OH 44857.
Can you sing? dance? twirl? act?
juggle? pantomime? cheer? do gymnastics? play an instrument?
SEND RESUME/PICTURE TO: J.B. StrOut, 4 Ambrose Lane So. Barrington, IL 60010 or call 708/ 382-1140
ALUMNAE SUPPORT NEEDED DESPERATELY!! If you live in the Albany, Troy, Schenectady area and would like to be on Delta Psi's Alum- nae Advisory Committee, please con- tact: Wendy L. Metzger, Chapter President, Box #22627, 1400 Wash- ington Ave., Albany, NY 12222,518/ 442-6270 or Kelly Schwark, Chapter Adviser, 518/458-7269. No experi- ence necessary. Time required: a few hours amonth to attend a few meetings.
WEST L O S ANGELES AREA ALUMNAE- If you live in Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Culver City, Malibu, Marina del Rey, Pacific Pali- sades, Playa del Rey, Santa Monica, Venice,WestHollywood orWestL.A. and would like to be a part of a new alumnae colony, please contact Leslie Friedberg at 213/670-8349.
ZETA CORPORATION- will have its annual meeting on May 5,1991 at 10 a.m. at 1541 "S" St., Lincoln, NE. For information contact: Judy Hansen, 4000 South 56th, Apt. 262C, Lincoln, NE 68506.
Spring 1991
Help Support Our Centennial Celebration: AOII 1897-1997
. Soft
: Sculptured \ Wind Sock I $45
International Headquarters Dedication Postcards $.25 each or 5 for $1
Name Address.
Qty Description Wind Sock
$45 .25or5/$l
Sub Total Canadian 10% Exchange
or TN 7.75% Sales Tax
Total Amount Enclosed MC. VISA Exp. Date
Please send order form & payment to: AOII International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd.
Brentwood, TN 37027
DeKalblKane County Alumnae Chapter installed in Illinois
International President Barbara Daugs Hunt installed the DeKalb-Kane County Alumnae Chapter in DeKalb, Illinois on November 3, 1990.
Barbara was assisted by Regional Vice President Judy Gambrel Flessner, Iota (U. of Illinois); Regional Public Relations Officer Lynne Radtke Ferger, Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin- Milwaukee); Regional Director Liz Hafner Peitsch, Beta Phi (Indiana U.); and Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter President Debra Cecil Jacobs, Sigma Iota (Western Illinois U.).
Prior to the installation ceremony, Barbara presented 50-year membership pins to two Iota (U. of Illinois) alumnae-Eva Benson and Lucille Arnold Denker.
Barbara talked about the meaning of
"Commitment" in AOII. As examples, she cited Eva's and Lucille's years of membership, the local alumnae's determination to become a chapter, and the recent recolonization of Nu Iota at Northern Illinois U.
The chapter's fall events centered around the installation and the recolonization of Nu Iota. Chapter members joined collegians from the new colony for a Founders' Day celebration in December, where Ingrid Schultz spoke to the group about "Acceptance." Ingrid has served AOII as International Parliamentarian. A plaque commemorating the installation of the alumnae chapter was presented from the collegians.
The spring schedule includes several fund raisers and a luncheon.
The DeKalb-Kane County Alumnae Chapter covers the geographic area between the Fox and Kishwaukee Rivers in DeKalb and Kane Counties in Illinois. Any interested alumnae in St. Scharles, Geneva, Batavia, Elgin, Sycamore, and DeKalb are invited to join.
Charter members of the new chapter are: Karen Anderson, Elizabeth Bartels, Judy Becker, Patricia Bennett, Eva Benson, Teri Berge, Marion Conde, Lucille Denker, Mary Diaz, Jocelyn Green, Lois Merwin, Linda Munson, Colleen Nevins, Joy Pauschke, Jan Parsons, Mari Rath, Sandra Wettig, and Julie Winters.
-submitted by Mary Turner Diaz, Pi Kappa (U. of Maryland)
At the DeKalb-Kane County Alumnae Chapter installation are, front row, from left, Linda Munson, Sandra Wettig, Teri Berge, Lucille Denker, Karen Anderson, Lynne Ferger; back row, from left, Jayne Schafer, Lois Merwin, Julie Winters, Mary Diaz, International President Barbara Hunt, Francie Smith, Judy Flessner, and Liz Pietsch.
32 To Dragma
50 Year Members
The women on this list know the meaning of "Accepting the challenge of lifelong commitment," for they have been members of Alpha Omicron Pi for 50 years. We offer our congratulations and best wishes for the future.
This list includes each member's name, city, and state, where known. If no city is listed, it means that International Headquarters has no current address. If you know the address of any of these "lost" alumnae, please notify International Headquarters.
Louisiana State University
Marilyn Lois Larson Bordelon, Marksville, LA Betty Cunningham Judd, New Orleans, LA
Edna Florence Kuhn Guice, New Orleans, LA Irma Mary Oser Heller, New Orleans, LA
Dorothy E. Henderson, Donaldsonville, LA
Jane Lee Savage Leithead, Lake Charles, LA Kathleen O'Neill McSween Lobdell, Lafayette, LA Mary Bulton Mooney, Pine Bluff, AR
Phyllis Ann Murdock, New Orleans, LA
Marie Dorothy Farrell O'Leary, New Orleans, LA Patricia Webre, New Orleans, LA
Mary Mildred Herald West, San Juan, PR
Montana State University
Margrette Alice Gray Brown, Winter Park, FL Lois Silvia Hodgskiss Brusven, Moorpark, CA Wilda J. Davis Cahill, Helena, MT
Leila Ruth Linfield Cranston, Billings, MT Virginia Sheriff McCoy Good, Medford, OR Katherine Teresa Kane Helppie, Hamilton, MT Lillian Georgina Krulatz Hughes, Spokane, WA Margaret Edwina Harvat Huuza, Livingston, MT Jane Harriet Sherman Nelson, Poison, MT Anna Mae Roe O'Brien, Bothell, WA
Valine Evelyn Mietzner Reed, Billings, MT Mary Margaret Briggs Ross, Stevensville, MT Margaret Ann Cox Safely, Great Falls, MT Barbara Jean Waite Sampson, Deceased
Mary Jean Pasley Vanteylingen, Bozeman, MT Grace Marie Watson, Billings, MT
Betty Grace Ralph Watson, Billings, MT
Florida State University
Lois Margaret McDonald Moon, Mesa, AZ ALPHA SIGMA
U. ot Oregon
Patricia Carol Chalmers, Deceased
Clare Jonelle Melvin Clark, Deceased
Margaret Yvonne Torgler Davis, Eugene, OR
Jean Marie Cassidy Franklin, Yuba City, CA Barbara Jeanne Lamb, Los Angeles, CA
Mary Elizabeth Gayhart Nellist, Deceased
Betty Lou Jardine Nylen, Honolulu, HI
Lelia Randolph Telfer Pearson, Portland, OR Dorothy Luella Mullen Pinckney, Bremerton, WA Vivian Marcella Bjorklund Schaefers, Bellevue, WA Dorothy Patricia Flanery Watts, New Castle, CA Bettie Jean Fletcher Wike, Eugene, OR
June Marie Wilson Wyckoff, Wallowa, OR
Denison University
Elizabeth Jean Putnam Flaharty, Granada Hills, CA Orpha Jeanette Huff Garrett, Westerville, OH
Jean Ann Mitchell Green, Langhorne, PA
Initiated between 7/1/41 - 6/30/42
Mary Barbara Hayne Holaday, Phoenix, AZ Janice Frances Murray Howland, Poway, CA Virginia Ann Bishop Leichleter, Deceased Margaret Sohni Woodard Mack, Cincinnati, OH Norma Ruth Naab Mann, Clearwater, FL
Frances Elizabeth Daniel Price, Cambridge, MD Mildred Elizabeth Holt Purvis, Deceased Margaret Roach Rohling, Phoenix, AZ
Nellmarie Weaver Rutter, Miamisburg, OH Dorothy Eunice Knoeppel Sadler, Deceased Natalie Elizabeth Cowan Scharre, Louisville, KY Charlyn Alice Adams Sill, Vermillion, SD
Dorothy Margaret Funk Sisson, Bartow, FL
Helen Lucille Krueger Wahlers, Sandusky, OH Margaret Hildebrandt Avey Walker, St. Louis, MO
Michigan State University
Dorothy Jane Pekelder Bingham, Mobile, AL Margaret Ann Kronbach Bosink, Harrison, Ml Catherine Driscoll
Jean Elizabeth Hilleary Heath, Tacoma, WA Donna Jean Tubbs Maki, Bloomfield His., Ml Elizabeth Jane Jones Richardson, Northville, Ml Doris Lenora Sharpe, Deceased
Jeanne Elizabeth Catlin Stauffer, Tucson, AZ Shirley Sharpe Scupholm Wanger, Detroit, Ml
Syracuse U.
Jean Margaret Irwin, Arlington, VA
Edna Mathilda Lake, Whitney Point, NY
Dorothy Elizabeth Winslow Nicastro, Frankfort, NY Sophia Lucille M. Pagnotti, Deceased
Helen Bell Talmage Walsh, Hampton Bays, NY
U. of Colorado
Christine Clark, San Francisco, CA Esther Loraine Cox Dehn, Marshfield, Wl Betty Rose Gintz, Nacogdoches, TX Jean C. Parkhamilton Kirk, Del Mar, CA Norinne Nelda Nelson Peet, Deceased
Tufts U.
Virginia Dutton Willis Chandler, St. Petersburg, FL Elaine Roney Chapman, Cape Elizabeth, ME
Doris Elaine Norrby Eddy, Walpole, NH
Martha Agnes Riddeli Gallagher, East Orange, NJ Elizabeth Gertrude Hooper Gleason, Wareham, MA Ruth Elizabeth Chapin Hamren, Rcho Palos Verdes, CA Elaine Harriet Bixby Hart, Sequim, WA
Elizabeth Kirkpatrick Henriques, Winchester, MA Louise Veronica Higgins, Southport, CT Margaret Most Wilson Logan, Pasadena, CA Elinor Lyle Crouter Pol, Cochabamba
Margaret Somers Anthony Thurber, Deceased Marcia Barker Vallely, Bakersfield, CA Madeline Lillian Nassi Watt, Deceased Elizabeth Abbott Weiant, Sanbornton, NH
Spring, 1991
University of British
Marjorie E.L. Crosby, Vancouver, BC
Honoree Gresty Young Findlay, Vancouver, BC Patricia Winnifred Attree Jamieson, Vancouver, Margaret Verna Francis Primrose, White Rock, BC Eileen Jessie Ridley Scott, Vancouver, BC
Mary Elizabeth McKelvey Stewart, Vancouver, BC Margaret Louise Moyls Tingey, Chilliwack, BC Patricia Maureen Meredith Watson, Guelph, ON
Indiana U.
Margaret Nunn Ball, Okemos, Ml
Rose Jean Spencer Block, Redington Bch., FL Caroline Betty Bonath, Hobart, IN
Alice Jean Million Cox, Monticello, IN
Virginia Louis Steele Fauber, Milwaukee, Wl Virginia Anne Cooper Goebel, Ft. Wayne, IN Mary Lee Wible Goyert, Dearborn, Ml
Ruth Cassendra Parsons King, Houston, TX Dorothy Irmgard Koch, Deceased
Mildred Cooper Peters, Charlestown, IN Margery Dean Cohee Petty, Des Plaines, IL Irene Virginia Liber Starr, Flossmoor, IL
Helen May Spencer Straesser, Noblesville, IN Eleanor Catherine Conner Swaim, Medford, OR Dorothy Evelyn Meissner Swec, Kinnelon, NJ
U. of Toronto
Anna Margaret R. Hamilton Brocklebank, Streetsville, ON Jean Montrose Ross Glover, Waterford, ON
Marie Mary A. Buenning Cramer, Salem, SC
Rosanne Helen Buckenmaier Guinan, Garden City, NY Shirley Viola Levandoski Hand, Clearwater, FL
Doris Marie Coffey Karpuk, S. Glastonbury, CT Margaret Rulifson Dilts Lakis, Wellesley Hills, MA Constance Muriel Austin Misener, Lewiston, NY
Clara Julian Wadleck Phillies, Williamsville, NY
Nancy Reynolds Torlinski Rundell, McLean, VA
Audrey Frances Jones Smithers, Cranford, NJ
Jean Lattin Stevenson, Brooksville, FL
Penn State U.
Eugenia Dean Bundick Allison, Elkins Park, PA Elsie May Longenecker Briner, Ft. Washington, PA Ann Louise Morris Hibbard, Falls Church, VA
Ruth Yerger Francis Huling, Collegeville, PA
Elsie Jane Lund, Tucson, AZ
Ann Drivas Papadeas, Cherry Hill, NJ
U. of Wisconsin-Madison
Ruth Ellen Asbury Bann, Deceased
Margaret C. Wienbergen Kloeckl, Spooner, Wl
U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Cont'd
Doraldine Moen Miller, Warrington, FL Mildred Doris Rodewald Toms, Villa Park, IL
U. of Maine-Orono
Zoe De B. Pettengill Alexander, Deceased Ruth Eleanor Troland Bull, Denver, CO Barbara Busden Scribner Bymers, Deceased Mary Aurelia Fogler Claverie, East Corinth, ME Mary Emily Fielder Fenwood, Deceased Natalie Louise Curtis Files, Portland, ME
Mary Sherman Carlisle Hilton, E. Holden, ME Esther Gushing Holden Hopkins, Spring Valley, CA Jean C Mack Johnson, Hancock, ME
Joanne Marie Solie Logan, Tucson, AZ
Frances Arlene Higgins Olexo, Palo Alto, CA Mildred Ethelyn Wooster Roberts, Franklin, ME Rhoda Winifred Tolford Stone, Annapolis, MD Rebecca Hill Talbot, E. Machias, ME
Elizabeth Jane Barker Taverner, Concord, MA Barbara Savage Thompson, Orono, ME
Jane Augusta Page Wells, Weston, MA
U. of Illinois
Billie Marie Turtle Bracket!, Mill Valley, CA Elizabeth Ruth Keefrey Brown
Maureen Eleanor Roske Canan, Deceased
Rita Louise O'Connor Costello, Crystal Lake, IL Dorys Jane Alvey Diehl, Lagrange Park, IL Wilms Delight Parker Evans, Springfield, IL Emily Bertha Tonsberg Gates, Superior, Wl Lucille Holtzman Gill, Peoria, IL
Mary Martha Gilburt Gumm, Paris, IL
Mary Elizabeth Tritt Harper, Urbana, IL
Nadine Renner Harshborger
Juanita Wittenborn Hudson, Benton, IL
Mary lean Tisch Leunig, Deceased
Greta I ois Torrence Ronke, Sparta, IL
Eleanor Largent Carrier Rydeen, Red River, NM Alice Twight B. Denell Warner, Aurora, CO Helen Lorraine Hobbs Weld, Winnetka, IL Margaret Ruth Wells, Geneva, IL
Doris Elizabeth Biersach Williams, San Rafael, CA K A P P A
Randolph Macon Woman's College
Mary L ouise Engelhard Barr, Louisville, KY
Lucy Bush Batchelor, Starke, FL
Dorothy Susan Warner Bowie, Hilton Head Island, SC
Elizabeth Ellyn Taylor Brier, Birmingham, Ml
Syb'l Vogtle Brooke, Birmingham, AL
Mirian Graff Crenshaw, Bondurant, WY
Leighton Day Acree Fauntleroy, AltaVista, VA Jeanne Adrienne Aeberhard French, Princeton, NJ Zenobia Frith Pratt Harwood, Deceased
Kate Porter Fittpn Irvine, Surrey LaurieComerWillettKelly,S.Weymouth, MA Olivia White Turlington Miller, Birmingham, AL Fay Butt Otts, Mobile, AL
Lorerm Best Terry Quick, Memphis, TN
Helen Eubank Garber Reynolds, Anniston, AL Margaret Hyman Sorrel Is, Memphis, TN
Rhett Pres'on Peters Taylor, Newport Bch., CA Frances Virginia Wilson Whitehead, Deceased Carrie Brannon Childers Winn, Norfolk, VA
Rhodes College
Louise Le Master Thompson Archer, Memphis, TN Arabia Wooten Brakefield, Hernando, MS
Lillian McKenzie Keese Fant, Coahoma, MS
Dorothy Louise Gill Gordon, Memphis, TN
Julia Twist Kirkpatrick, Memphis, TN
Margery O'Kelley Lane, Greensboro, NC
Molly Buckingham Hawken Lockwood, Memphis, TN Janet Kelso Lowry, Memphis, TN
Sarah Rebecca Barret Matthews, Millington, TN Demetra Waggoner Patton Quinn, Memphis, TN Marianne Boyd Turner, Tallahassee, FL Jacqueline Palmer Walsh Uhlhorn, Deceased
McGill University
Mary Beattie Scott Brady, Ottawa, ON
Loraine Barbara Currie, Deceased
Norma Allan Neilson Fleischman, Etobicoke, ON Gibson Auriola Beatty Griffin, Punta Gorda, FL Geraldine Frances Berteau McCutcheon, Edmonton, AB Frances Hope Tyrer Moyer, Binghamton, NY
Marion Elizabeth Dickson Munn, Deceased
Geraldine Helen Hamlet Ogilvie, Oakville, ON
Ruth Lynette Hill Stanley, Sackviile, NB
Margaret Wendell McGarry Stronach, Westmount, PQ Irene Polis Taylor, Clearwater, FL
Margaret Elizabet Hillman Waterston, Guelph, ON
U. of California-Los Angeles
Nancy Belle Kymnick Adams, Berkeley, CA
Maxine Helen Movins Burford, Lake San Macos, CA Jean Elizabeth Bauman Friend, Los Angeles, CA Barbara Glenn Tilson Hodges, Running Springs, CA Nancy Jean Laughlin, Los Angeles, CA
Jean Charlotte Herdman Moran, Laguna His., CA Jessie Lorine Officer
Patricia Louise Rainey Palmer, Los Angeles, CA Betty Jane Pollard Roberts, Auburn, CA
Peggy Marie Berlander Ruiz, Arcadia, CA
Doris May Tuff ree Rumsey, Santa Barbara, CA
Lila Louise Lukins Smith, Santa Ana, CA
Nancy Williams Stanford, Lake View Ter., CA Virginia Ledyard Towle Strange, Deceased
Neva Rae Moore Vogel, Santa Rosa, CA
Stanford University
Jane Wallace Galbraith Chamberlin, Redwood City, CA Barbara Gene Herr David, Hendersonville, NC
Barbara Jane Odenheimer Dority, Cayucos, CA Marjorie Coll Fields, Lubbock, TX
Charlotte F. Jackson Forland, Deceased
Eva Louise Schwartz Fremlin, Cupertino, CA
Beverly Gene Paul Hughmonick, San Mateo, CA Marthalu Newton Jackson
June Eloise Miller Lighty, Gilroy, CA
Jean Austin Cross Maier, New Hope, PA
Edith Louise Anderson Ramsey, Pebble Beach, CA Barbara Winn Azbell Read, Elko, NV
Pauline Lancaster Smith Wickersham, Pasadena, CA Marjorie Pleasant Woods, Deceased
U. of Georgia
Margaret Lynn Shaw Allred, Atlanta, GA
Virgil Howard Bailey, Vero Beach, FL
Lois Kathleen Lancaster Basinger, Deceased
Agnes Elizabeth Meisner Chatten, Summerland Key, FL Elizabeth Rachelle Ray Christian, Jackson, MS
Frances Elizabet Williams Galpin, Bainbridge, GA Virginia Cooper Gilbert Gersuk, Deceased Dorothy Lucile Douglas Greene, Alpharetta, GA Geraldine Averitt Hinseley, Warrenton, GA
Levy Marion Edwards Lewis, Swainsboro, GA Ellen Fayette Rputledge Tate, Atlanta, GA Jean Wright Vaughan, Atlanta, GA
Rena Walker Williams, Flagler Bch., FL
New YorkUniversity
Eleanor Coskey Brady, Jersey City, NJ
Elizabeth Ann Rennmann Chisholm, Pt. Lookout, NY Patricia Costello, New York, NY
Barrus Kopooshian Dickinson, Scarsdale, NY Carolyn Koch, NY
Anita Maurice Schiffer Muller, Santa Monica, CA Louise Margery Good Murray, Patton, PA
Doris Lucinda Schmidt, Chatham, NY
Helen E. Hansch Scott, West Englewood, NJ
Edna Louise Verdoodt Stoddard, Brunswick, ME Anita Elisabeth Sumrow Stomber, Fair Haven, NY Margie Miller Watson, Chatham, NY
Southern Methodist University
Margaret Lillian Brown Edwards, Dallas, TX NU OMICRON
Vanderbllt U.
Mary Floyd Anderson Claybrook, Nashville, TN Girard Ann Tritchler Coppedge, Deceased Carolyne Anderson Elliott, Deceased
Jeanne Elizabeth Bequette Harlow, Raleigh, NC Carolyn Ross Harrison Marrah, Sacramento, CA Dorothy May Ragland Mercier, Wesson, MS Mildred Louise Milam Murphy, Nashville, TN
Laura Margaret Woodard Nitchie, Weymouth, MA Roberta Wrenne Hirsig Oakley, Nashville, TN Virginia May Wilson Ross, Clearwater, FL
Dorothy Pearl Evans Runnels, Marietta, GA
Martha Blanche Campbell Thorpe, Birmingham, AL
Miami U.
Winifred Elaine Moon Ahem, Dayton, OH
Ruth Helen Robenalt Barker, Cleveland Heights, OH Ruth Alice Hall Bates, Phoenix, AZ
Frances Josephine Gardner Chase, Akron, OH
Ellen Cramer, Mansfield, OH
Martha A. Hebbert Davies, Arlington, VT
Mary Elizabeth Williams Penman, San Antonio, TX Jeanne Evans White Edmundson, Deceased
Nancy Jane McConnaughy Ehrman, Sarasota, FL Amelia July Schreiber Eiseman, River Edge, NJ Thyra June Beeman Feuerhaken, Elgin, IL
Martha Jane Cruikshank Ginader, Matthews, NC Kathryn Lavem Beatty Poole, Van Buren, OH
Jane Marie Troxell Schneider, Miamisburg, OH Maxine Drumm Storms, La Canada, CA
Catherine Jane Ewell Thompson, Ft. Myers, FL
Morehead State U.
Marjorie Jane Buehren Coyle, Cincinnati, OH
U. of Tennessee, Knoxville
Margaret Aileen Nelson Ailor, Knoxville, TN
Nancy Ellen Horner Bettis, Knoxville, TN
Edna Sparks Swann Carter, Morristown, TN
Nancy Jean Curry Crews, Oak Ridge, TN
Elizabeth Beaumont Miller Dicker!, Grass Valley, CA Gertrude Ewell Gardner, Knoxville, TN
Margaret Irene Bacon Hale, Cookeville, TN
Joan Marie Moore Hancock, Columbua, S C Marydel Boswell Henson, Greenwood, MS Charlotte Emily Granger Hinman, Myrtle Bch., S C Frances Tucker Lea, Memphis, TN
Elizabeth Sue Hooker Marlar, Bartlett, TN Helen Lucille Bunch Overall, Columbus, GA Elsie Gertrude Lively Rohrer, Deceased
To Dragma
U. of Tennessee, Knoxville, Cont'd
Blossom Irene Edmunds Sniegocki, Little Rock, AR Mary Evelyn Allen Steele, Asheville, NC
Edith Adelle Sumners Tanner, Union City, TN
Sara Wallace Wade Tinnon, Deceased
Madolyn Marie Wilkerson, Chattanooga, TN Ann Elizabeth Stromquist Young, Charlotte, NC
U. of Michigan
Eleanor Helma Feldrappe Bassett, Philadelphia, PA Irene Ann Ferguson Bedson, Southfield, Ml
Carol June Graeff Burton, Rocky River, OH Margaret Irene Cornelius, New York, NY
Margaret E. Clements Harris, Roswell, GA
Lucile Evelyn T. Helland, San Antonio, TX Dorothy Elizabeth Crouch Keeling, Littlefield, TX Janet McCluer, San Antonio, TX
Betty Jo Campbell Millsap, Houston, TX
Mary Beth Bertch Mitchell, New Canaan, CT Peggy Rene Mathis Moye, Stafford, TX
Geraldine Marie Campbell Naschke, Houston, TX Mary Fern Hawkins Orem, San Antonio, TX
Mary Lou Smith Sadler, Sherman, TX
Elizabeth J. Strawbridge, Deceased
University of Pennsylvania
Pauline Frances Lenio, Baltimore, MD Elizabeth Emma Strong Miller, Wilmington, DE
Northwestern University
Suzanne Jane Ray Bock, Culver City, CA Marian Louise Bettcher Burns, Deceased Anne Yocum Carlson, Santa Barbara, CA Sue Perra Flynn, San Jose, CA
Charlotte Vittur Gardner, Deceased
Jeannette 0. Strandberg Hayden, Winnetka, IL Muriel Johnson Irish, Rocky River, OH
Marilyn Lucille Johnson, Chicago, IL
Jane M. Satter Kayser, Rancho Mirage, CA
Jane Houghton Kinsey Kuite, Des Plaines, IL Nancy Vance Mover McCain, Mt. Clemens, Ml Patricia Noble, Indianapolis, IN
Jeanne Estelle Bettcher Searles, Garden City, NY Helen Winters Seubold, Deceased
Patricia Coatsworth Slaughter, Deceased
Eldora Carol Miller Vobroucek, Peoria, IL Charlotte Larue Smith Voights, Wilmette, IL Brooky May Calhoun Zajac, Tucson, AZ
U. of California-Berkeley
Jane Yager Barker, Berkeley, CA
Jane Woolsey Cassady, Woodland, CA
Barbara Don Christerisen, Sacramento, CA Jacqueline Robertson Dennis, San Leandro, CA Laura McKevitt Hill, Moraga, CA
Elizabeth McClure Hunt, Calistoga, CA
Phyllis Marston Jencks
Christine Briggs Lewis, Sacramento, CA Marjorie Elaine Yando Murray, Visalia, CA
Lois Hiester North, Seattle, WA
Betty Jean Lawhead Novak, Atherton, CA Laura Jean Harlowe Richardson, Moraga, CA Nanette Dozier Sullivan, Walnut Creek, CA Margaret Jory Tracy, Livermore, CA
Leicester Lipp Wolfe, Corona, CA
Washington College
Jane Hebditch Babson, Deceased
Betty Porter Dockhoren Davis, Baltimore, MD Mary Kirby Chapin Poe, Deceased
Mildred Woodson Powers Thomas, Deceased Dorothy Annette Chiswell Walker, Deceased
University of Minnesota
MaryJaneSwansonHigley,Minneapolis, MN
Mary Jean Pegg Ingstad, Valley City, ND
Mary Ann Smith Johnson, St. Paul, MN
Evelyn Jane McGill Kusterman, Orlando, FL
Anna Mae Joanne Kelly Martin, Fond du Lac, Wl Betty Lou Peterson Martin, Clearwater, FL
Muriel June Simstad McCarthy, Willmar, MN Beatrice Gaye Smith Morissette, Tampa, FL
Marilyn Brown Nafstad, Minneapolis, MN
Hermoine Delwer Stewart Nelson, Deceased
Laura Diessner Newman, Butte, MT MaryJanePeterson,Minneapolis, MN MarjorieAlicePomeroy,Minneapolis, MN Dauphine Phyllis Borg Schumacher, Shoreview, MN Anita Verona Mills Storch, Montgomery, AL
Virginia Hutchins Swifka, St. Paul, MN Betty Lou Simpson Vargas, Deceased Beverly Margaret Cosier Vowles Elizabeth Jane Mouser Walz, Arcadia, CA
Birmingham-Southern College
Mattie Lou Moore Collins, Nashville, TN
Jean Bagby Duvall Douglass, Birmingham, AL Mary Augusta Wood Goode, Deceased
Maizie Elizabeth Gandy Griffith, Birmingham, AL Joyce Carolyn Rinks Marsh, Birmingham, AL Mary Jean McCoy, Sarasota, FL
Eugenia Smith Reese, Jackson, Ml
Anne Henry Brandon Smith, Birmingham, AL
DePauw University
Marion Rae Mitchell Black, Chapel Hill, NC
Ethel Spring Bolton, Smith Center, KS
Shirley Jane Bradley, Chicago Heights, IL Jeannette Bell Chidley, Grand Lake, CO
Barbara Ann Kaiser Haxby, Arlington Hts., IL Norma Ryder Weston Herchenrider, Charlottesville, VA
Mary Elizabeth Poole Hill, Cape Coral, FL Catherine Virginia Davis Kennedy, Lewisburg, TN Phyllis Jean Brown Leary, Cincinnati, OH
Lois Carol Smart Lehner, Wheaton, IL
Barbara Jeanne Lesch McMillin, Montgomery, AL Anna May Bryan Nugent Morristown, NJ
Marilyn Louise George Poluzzi, Spring Vly., CA Bette Aileen Kavanaugh Shaljean, Springfield, IL Sarah Frances McCurry Thorniley, Denver, CO Marion Gesler White, Aurora, IL
Alice Horn White, Altamonte Spgs., FL
University of Cincinnati
Audrey Miriam Jenkins Deas, Cincinnati, OH Camilla Eloise Flautz Fischer, Baltimore, MD Mary Rensom Covell Kuhn, Birmingham, Ml Betty Florence Ludeke Peterson, Cincinnati, OH Leona Mary Hering Shawver, Oxford, OH
U. of Washington
Betty Lee Wylie Haddix, Fresno, CA
Florence Zilda Baker Jaekel, Deceased
Mary Eleanor Garvey Kendall, Carpinteria, CA Barbara Joy Miller Kline, Seattle, WA
Phebe Anne Lynch Phebe, Deceased
Eleanore Virginia Comeaux Riddell, Anacortes, WA
U. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Laraine Mardelle Chant Castle, Winnetka, IL Dorothy Joan Sherman Dean, Hot Springs, AR Kathryn Ann Hanley Gillaspie, Omaha, NE Betty Jane Kohout
B. Alicia Henson McCarthy, Donnelsville, OH Jacqueline Ann Stretton Myers, Tucson, AZ Dorothy Jean Coffee Roeding, Chadrpn, NE Betty Ann Bonebright Wegener, Omaha, NE
Maybelle Luana Davis Cox, APO New York, NY Virginia C. Fotheringham Crandall
Helen Margaret Kirkbride Gouldthorpe, Deceased Shirley Holmes Kolbe Harrington, Deceased
Cora May Wiedlea Holland, Cape May Court Hou, NJ Dorothy Louise Visscher Little, Madison, Wl
Emma Jean Denton Ludovic, Deceased Marion Virginia Ford Perlik, Falls Church, VA Elaine Marie Wood Sempliner, Naples, FL Mary Rita Norton Shofstall, Holmes Bch., FL Fern Elaine Wunluck Spooner, Vienna, VA Jean Douglass Kerr Stone, Manistee, Ml Constance Ann Taber, New York, NY
U. of Kansas
Dorothy Lou Ansdell Albright, Le Mars, IA Helendeen Marie Angell, Washington, DC Catherine Jane Reid Betros, Lenexa, KS
Marjorie Ellery Jacobs Randolph, Santa Clara, CA
Newcomb College
Doris Crocket Billingsley Fletcher, Deceased Innes Glynn Ellis Green, Rayville, LA
Kathryn Whitney Gould Hesslow, Djursholm Ailleen M. Cassegrain Livaudais, New Orleans, LA Muriel Elizabeth Roshko Ryniker, Covington, LA Calista Anna Rault Schneidau, Houston, TX
Emilie Elliot Locascio Spellings, New Orleans, LA Mary Elizabeth Sweatt Sutter, Gulfport, MS
Helen May Marschall Thompson, Tyler, TX
Lela Mae Fournet Vincent, Lake Charles, LA Solidelle Felicit Fortier Wasser, Riverdale, NY
University of Maryland
Kathleen Patricia Molohon Adams, Richlands, NC Una Mae Saum Burley, E. Boothbay, ME
Mary Katherine Martin Cary, Rockville, MD
Shirley Mackay Crockett, Mt. Pleasant, SC Virginia Jane Hutchinson Edwards, Deceased June Vivian Colberg Gurnett, Newport, Rl LeliaMableSimpsonHoffman,Hyattsville, MD Jean Elizabeth Scheller Hollyday, Hagerstown, MD Marjorie Julia Brock Katzenberger, Woodbine, MD Ann West Speake Keller, Hyattsville, MD
Alice Louise Hynson Lawson, Essex, MD
Virginia Helen Ditzel McNeil, Halethorpe, MD Dorothy Jean Decker Raymond, Chevy Chase, MD Doris Mae Thompson Terry, Deceased
Clara Elizabeth Vawter, Santa Ana, CA
Dorothya Elaine Westlye, Catonsville, MD
Phyllis Ellen Wolfe, Baltimore, MD
U. of Texas-Austin
Kathleen Gregory Blankennagel, Littleton, CO Mildred Evelyn Eckert Carder, Jonesboro, TN Patricia Stoll Cecil, Fairfax, VA
Marguerite Gossett Crocker, Houston, TX Helen Jeanne Carpenter Deitrick, Deceased Mary Louise Naumann Douglas, La Grange, TX
Dorothy Mae Long Angwin, Missoula, MT
Thielma Jean Bairnson Blanding, Grand Rapids, MN Mariann Audrey Helleckson Boyer, North Hollywood, CA NataliaFlorenceBenderBroderick,SunCity,AZ
Virginia May Menning Buterbaugh, Seattle, WA
Margery Elaine Peterson Carpenter, Washington, DC Marjorie Frances Herrmann Cox, Northfield, MN
Doris Kathryn Mathison Danneberg, Waukegan, IL
Mary Lenore Hilger Downey, Washington, DC
Joanne Pauline Fesler Dunsworth, Green Vly., AZ
Betty Beryl Shirley Eells, Bellevue, WA
Elizabeth Norine Radke Fowler, Largo, FL
Spring, 1991
Alumnae Chapter News
Carole Jones reports that the HUNTSVIILE ALUMNAE CHAPTER began the year with its annual wine and cheese membership party in September at the home of Kitty Pettus. A program about wine, including sampling, was presented.
In October, members gathered for a luncheon and business meeting at a local restaurant. Plans were discussed for the group's Phantom Tea to benefit Arthritis Research Grants and the local Arthritis Foundation. In November, members gathered to address the Phantom Tea invitations. The tea was quite successful, and members plan to make it an annual fund raiser.
Area collegians and their mothers were guests of honor at the chapter's holiday brunch in December at the home of Elise Moss. On January 19, members traveled to Auburn for State Day, where they saw old friends and met new sisters.
Huntsville Alumnae Chapter member Elise Moss, center, welcomes collegians
Camille Horton, (left) Delta Delta (Auburn U.),
& Mary Shea Buchanan, Sigma Delta
(Huntingdon College) to a holiday brunch.
The INDIANAPOLIS ALUMNAE CHAPTER presented a $23,457 research grant to Ms. Judith Feinberg, Ph.D. candidate at Indiana U. School of Medicine, reports Christine Fisher. The presentation was made at the chapter's summer salad luncheon on behalf of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation. Ms. Feinberg received the grant for her work in the field of osteoarthritis.
In August, a collegian-alumnae party was held at a local beauty salon, where sisters had facials, haircuts, manicures, etc. Plans for fall activities were made at the chapter's September "pitch-in" dinner. Chapter members sold nuts in advance of the holiday season to raise money for philanthropy. Additional funds were raised at the chapter's annual holiday auction in November. The Founders' Day luncheon was held in January at the new Indianapolis Zoo. A couples night out was held in February.
Other spring events planned include the annual arthritis luncheon to benefit the Multipurpose Arthritis Center at the Indiana U. School of Medicine and a family picnic.
Mary Alice Konz reports that the KEARNEY ALUMNAE CHAPTER has been kept busy with a variety of activities. These include a summer bake sale and family barbecue, secret sister card and gift exchange, a kidnap special for spouses and boyfriends, a pledge dinner, and a "spuds'n'duds" baked potato party.
The chapter has been corresponding with sister alumnae chapter Chicago Beverly Hills.
Kearney chapter members were proud of Janet Fox, corporation board president, who received an "excellence in teaching" award from Vice President Dan Quayle during his Kearney visit. Janet teaches social studies at Kearney High School.
Marge Nootz was honored at the chapter's Founders' Day celebration for her hard work and graciousness in hosting the senior banquet for so many years. The chapter also awarded a certificate to local K-Mart manager Terry Volker for his cooperation and kindness in helping with the chapter's bake sale.
Among the chapter's scheduled events for the spring are a sweetheart dinner dance, a hot tub party and the senior banquet. Chapter President Mary Konz was one of four Region VII representatives to serve on the entertainment committee for the International Convention in Dauas in June.
The LAKE COUNTY OF ILLINOIS ALUMNAE CHAPTER began its third year with a wine and cheese welcome party for new and current members, reports Linda McElhany.
The party also served as a "kick off for the chapter's nut sale fund raiser. The October meeting featured a presentation on childhood drowning and included a videotape and a speaker. In November, the second annual
To Dragma
Alumnae News...
Holiday Auction was held and over $200 was raised.
The December meeting was a Christmas party for "A Safe Place," a local home for abused women and their children. Chapter members brought gifts and treats for the residents. After the gifts were distributed, the group sang Christmas carols together and chapter members had a brief tour of the facility.
Six chapter members attended the Founders' Day celebration sponsored by the Chicago Area Council. Judy Murray Rollenhagen received an honor card at the luncheon for her continued support of the chapter.
Other programs for the 1990-91 year include a bowling party, an exchange in Racine, WI, with the Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter, and a spring fashion show.
Members of the LEXINGTON ALUMNAE CHAPTER are proud of the six new members they recruited in the first month of their program year. Marilyn Sagan reports that the recruitment of new members was one of the goals the chapter had set, and the members worked diligently. After obtaining a printout of area alumnae from Headquarters, the executive board set out to entice alumnae to join, using phone calls and a newsletter.
The chapter's annual salad supper was well attended and kicked off the year with lots of good food provided by the members. In October, members previewed the latest fashion trends at a meeting at Paulette Camuel's home. Fashions were provided by the Cotton Patch. A record number of alumnae attended the November meeting at Tonya Harigs' home where they made
Lexington Alumnae Valerie Dick (left) & Paulette Camuel "whoop it up" making crafts for collegians.
250 Christmas Candy Jars to give to area collegians as gifts. The women had fun getting into the spirit of the season as they filled the jars with candy and decorated them.
Another enjoyable event was the chapter's Christmas Tea at the Gratz Park Inn, where a roaring fire and Christmas decorations provided a holiday setting. Eighteen alumnae and their guests had a pleasant afternoon.
The sale of 78 survival kits for area collegians during exam week proved to be a successful fund raiser. Four chapter members met at Marilyn Sagan's home early in December to prepare the kits.
Chapter members enjoyed their Founders' Day celebration with International President Barbara Daugs Hunt as guest speaker. Sharing the event with the Lexington chapter were collegians from Kappa Omega and Tau Omega and the leaders council from Eastern Kentucky U .
Future program plans include a "fitness meeting" at Marsha Bordas' home with everyone wearing workout clothes. In April, a reception and Ritual are planned to initiate seniors into alumnae status. The year will end with a dinner "on the town."
The LINCOLN ALUMNAE CHAPTER is having another successful year, reports Susan Damian.
Continued on next page.
1 •
Liz Coffey, (right), International Vice President/Finance, presents an AOII Foundation Research Grant to Ms. Judith Feinberg at the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter's summer salad luncheon.
Spring 1991
Alumnae News...
In November, the subject of the meeting was "self esteem" and a guest speaker from the University Foundation was featured.
"The Friendship Home" is a local shelter for abused women and children. Chapter members' February service project was to provide items needed by the shelter.
AOII Profile
Chapter members will be entertained by Mr. Jim McKee, a Nebraskan storyteller, at the March meeting. A "Senior Send O f f honoring graduating seniors is planned for April. The chapter's year will end in May with a social.
Susan Damian reports that her son is slowly recovering. She expressed
appreciation for all her Zeta Chapter sisters who contributed to the "Joshua Damian Fund."
"We are very lucky," she said.
The MEMPHIS ALUMNAE CHAPTER provided financial support to the Kappa Omicron Chapter at Rhodes College to get the house there
Jane Marker Snook
Jane Marker Snook, Alpha Omicron (Louisiana State U.), is convinced that mammograms are important for women, especially older women.
She should know.
A routine mammogram may have saved her life five years ago when it
disclosed a lump that turned out to be cancer.
It wasn't Jane's first encounter with cancer. She had beaten the disease once before when she developed a cancerous sweat gland on her forehead.
The week after Jane's lump was discovered, she had surgery. She is now considered cured, but she hasn't forgotten her experience and the encouragement she received from "Reach to Recovery" volunteers. She has since become a "Reach to Recovery" volunteer herself.
"Reach to Recovery" volunteers must be women who have had a mastectomy themselves and who have adjusted to it. More than 10,000 such volunteers across the country visit new mastectomy patients while they are still in the hospital, providing information, and physical and psychological support.
Jane describes herself as an optimistic person, but she credits the "Reach to Recovery" volunteers with providing her "the extra boost I needed to get back on my feet again."
A retired physical education teacher, Jane has an active life style and a busy schedule of volunteer activities. She is the immediate past president of the Auxiliary at Winter Park Hospital, and she belongs to the "Escort Service" there. "Escort Service" volunteers take
patients around the hospital in wheelchairs or on stretchers to tests or wherever they need to go.
"Between the hospital and Reach for Recovery, I'm quite busy," Jane says. Jane and her husband have two sons and a daughter and three grandchildren. A fourth grandchild is due to arrive in March.
She has some words of advice to women who are battling cancer: "Follow your doctor's advice. If you feel you need a second opinion, get it."
As for the cancer, she says emphatically, "Do something about it, and don't wait!"
Women who have not had a mam- mogram would also be smart not to wait to get one.
Jane recalls that she had gone in for a routine checkup when her doctor said it was time she had a mammogram.
"I pooh-poohed his suggestion at first, but I finally went after a couple of weeks," she says.
As a result, her cancer was detected early, and she did not require follow-up radiation or chemotherapy.
"Mammograms are so important for women, especially older women," Jane says.
Jane is a member of the Orlando Area Alumnae Chapter. She and her husband live in Altamonte Springs, FL.
To Dragma
She beat cancer-twice!
Alumnae News...
air conditioned and redecorated before rush, reports Cathy Parker. The alumnae chapter has also provided advisory support for Kappa Omicron.
In August, chapter members got together to get reacquainted and especially enjoyed having newly graduated alumnae there. Kim Bledsoe Hall taught members how to make unusual Christmas ornaments at the November meeting. Kathy Collins hosted the December meeting at her home. Dates and spouses were invited
. and an ornament swap was held. Lisa Brown served as chairman of the Founders' Day celebration in January which was attended by local alumnae and collegians.
Chapter members will make and deliver to each Kappa Omicron a "care package" during exam week. Parents write notes to their daughters and make donations in their honor to benefit Arthritis Research Grants.
Members of the NORTHERN VIRGINIA ALUMNAE CHAPTER were joined by women from the Gamma Alpha Chapter at George Mason U . for Founders' Day, reports Ruth E. Hall.
The event was held at the historic Great Fall Grange. Mary Converse, Nancy Garrett, and Ann Conlon searched hard to find a dynamic speaker in the person of Marsha Guenzler. Marsha is chariman of the Fraternity Development Committee.
Jackie Dinwiddie, AOII Foundation Board member, brought tears to the eyes and warmth to the hearts of those present when she talked about the Ruby Fund.
The chapter's annual Christmas auction showed off the talents of chapter members. Jennie Hibbert donated many hand knitted items and Judie Sutherland stole the show with her reindeer wreath. Nancy Garrett and Ann Conlon kept the bids high with their auctioneering skills.
Plans for 1991 include hosting a fashion show and working hard on the first state day under the guidance of Kerry Hibbert Ross.
REPORTS DUE B Y APRIL1,1991 I. Southern Connecticut, Syracuse, Toronto
II. Washington, D.C., Wilmington
ILL Piedmont Area, Richmond, VA; Triangle, Virginia Tidewater
IV. Macomb County, Muncie, North Central Ohio, Terre Haute,
Toledo, Youngstown
V. Murfreesboro, Nashville, Northern Kentucky
VI. Orlando Area, Palm Beach County, Shoals Area, Tampa Bay Area, Tuscaloosa
VTI. Milwaukee, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Omaha, Rockford, Des Moines VLT. Oklahoma City, Rio Grande, St. Louis, San Antonio,
Shreveport, Topeka-Lawrence, Tulsa LX. Spokane, Vancouver, B C
X. San Mateo, South Bay/Palos Verdes, Southern Orange County, Tucson, Ventura County
Liz Carpenter...
Spring 1991
Continued from page 11.
suit, she drives there before dawn to join a room full of men and women of all shapes and sizes on treadmills, bicycles, and stretching machines.
"I haven't heard so much heavy breathing since I was a bride," she says.
Liz seems to have been one of those women who have "had it all." Married in 1944 to Les Carpenter, she says she cannot imagine what her life would have been like without her husband.
She believes that today, men and women have more freedom to be themselves, individuals, in marriage. She recalls that when the women's movement was new, the insecure man was "scared to death."
Sue Metz Dornier reports that the NORTH HOUSTON SUBURBAN ALUMNAE CHAPTER began its year in September with lunch at Old Town Spring. Members enjoyed browsing in the craft shops in the old town.
The chapter has adopted a local philanthropic project, 55 homebound senior citizens who are participants in the "Meals on Wheels" program. Chapter members made tray favors for them for Thanksgiving. .
Liz was in Washington in 1971 when the National Women's Political Caucus was bom, and she has been involved in the organization ever since, She credits this involvement with a better understanding of this country and with being the source of many friendships with women of all income levels.
She believes that many gains have been made for women. But that these are the result of struggling.
"It's wretched how hard we've had to struggle," she says.
Liz currently spends most of her time writing and as a public speaker. She lives in Texas.
In December, chapter members prepared favors for new initiates of Pi Chapter (Newcomb College-Tulane) and for the Founders' Day luncheon which was held in January with the Houston Chapter. Gail Osborn, Regional Director for Region VUJ, was a special guest at the luncheon.
Preliminary plans for Convention were discussed at the February meeting. Plans for March, April and
Continued on next page.
Alumnae News...
May call for a "tote bag workshop" and the completion of plans and favors for the scholarship luncheon at Convention.
Chapter members are proud that the chapter has grown from 14 members in December to 24 members this spring. I f you live within the area that is north of
FM 1960, south of Dallas, west of Beaumont, and east of Katy, chapter members invite you to join them. (These are the boundaries of the area covered by the North Houston Suburban Alumnae Chapter.)
Mary Jane Jacobsen reports that the
OTTAWA ALUMNAE CHAPTER has had an interesting fall, which began with the chapter's annual potluck supper in September.
"This event brought both familiar and new faces to the meeting," she said.
It took her nearly 50 years, but she's finally a geniune AOII!
Continued on next page.
urn —
New initiate Margaret Young Milam, right, with Millie Milam Murphy.
Continued from page 38.
It took her nearly 50 years to do it, but last November Margaret Y oung Milam finally became an initiated member of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Margaret pledged AOII at Vanderbilt U. in 1941, but she left college to marry before she was initiated.
She had one son by her first husband, who was killed in World W ar II. She returned to Vanderbilt U. and finished her college education. Later,
she married John S. Milam, Jr., the brother of Millie Milam Murphy, Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U.). Millie is an active alumna, and was editor of To Dragma for seven years, beginning in
For many years, Margaret and Millie
played bridge with a group of AOII alumnae who called themselves the "AOII Bridge Club." The other members were Betty Brown Graves, Mary McClure, Edna Murray Davy Wade, Lula Brockman Estes, Jean Stevenson Bodfish, Allene Hyden Holland, and the late Evelyn Jones Petrucelli. All of them were initiated members of the Nu Omicron Chapter. Though the group stopped playing bridge about 20 years ago, the women remain close friends. They still get together once a month to have lunch and catch up with each other. The tradition has been going on for more than 35 years, and the group has been featured in articles in To Dragma and the Nashville Banner, where Millie used to work.
There was talk through the years of arranging for Margaret's initiation. This last year, Millie contacted International President Barbara Daugs Hunt and asked her to help Margaret achieve this goal. Region V Director Mary Jane Sharp, Omicron (U. of Tennessee, Knoxville) and Regional Vice President Elaine Kennedy, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U.), also got involved.
As a result of these women's efforts,
the unusual initiation took place last November 5 at the Nu Omicron house on the Vanderbilt campus. Dottie Whelen Leek , the Nu Omicron Chapter Adviser, orchestrated the initiation, and Mary Jane Sharp drove in from Knoxville, TN, to witness the event.
Naturally, the bridge club members attended, as did the current members of the Nu Omicron Chapter.
"The collegians were excited and they couldn't have been more gracious," said Millie.
Mary Ann Rice Caldwell, Tau Delta (Birmingham-Southern College), also attended. Mary Ann is the Membership Alumnae Coordinator at International Headquarters. Avery Wilson, the current president of Nu Omicron Chapter, presided at the Ritual.
After the ceremony, the women celebrated with dinner at the Midtown Cafe, a Nashville restaurant which is owned by John Petrucelli, the son of the late Evelyn Jones Petrucelli.
When Margaret pledged, she probably never imagined that she would become a grandmother before she was initiated. "Better late than never" is how a local newspaper columnist described the story. The item in the Tennessean's "Scene and Heard" column quoted Margaret's answer when she was asked why she wanted to be initiated.
"When you reach my age, there are lots of loose ends you would like to get tied up," she said.
To Dragma
Alumnae News...
In October, chapter members enjoyed a stimulating discussion on issues affecting women, facilitated by Linda Clippingdale, the Director of the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women. This discussion was very timely because 1990 marked the 20th anniversary of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada.
The fall season ended with the chapter's Founders' Day Tea. Chapter members are now making plans for one of their favorite activities, a skating party on the Rideau Canal, an event for AOIIs and IIOAs.
For more than 15 years, the PHOENIX ALUMNAE CHAPTER has
joined 21 other sororities in working at the Phoenix Open Golf Tournament to benefit the Panhellenic Scholarship Fund, reports Deborah Westerfield. The chapter participated again this year; the tournament was held in late January. Last year, $14,000 was raised.
In March, Lynn Taylor, Delta Pi (Central Missouri State U.), is scheduled to begin her work as the Panhellenic ways and means chairman, and she will oversee the fund raising activities for the 1992 Phoenix Open. Also in March, Judy Host Pykare, Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) will begin a four year term as Panhellenic president.
In December chapter members raised over $1,400 for the AOII Foundation at the chapter's auction. More than 50 people attended the gala event.
Founders' Day was celebrated in January at a luncheon attended by AOIIs from nine of the ten regions.
The spring program will include holding a joint meeting with alumnae members of Pi Beta Phi. The event will offer AOIIs a chance to get better acquainted with other sorority members in Phoenix.
Geraldine "Gerry" W alker Flagle writes that the PORTLAND (OR)
' tea
Five AOHs who serve on the U. of Tennessee Women's Council are, from left, Vicki Fry Whitworth, Sandra Duncan,Becky Ford Little, Linda Hendrixson Fuson &
Jane Hollingsworth Watts. All are Omicrons except Vicki who is Tau Omicron.
Spring 1991
ALUMNAE CHAPTER has been extremely busy since its last report in To Dragma.
Chapter members participated in a winery tour, tasting and picnic at the Ponzi Vineyard 10 miles west of Portland; their first AOII gold tournament at the Lake Oswego Golf Course; a fall potluck dinner; and a Christmas luncheon and tour of Portland's historic Pittock Mansion. The potluck dinner was held at the new Beaverton home of Lynette Thomas Personette, Alpha Sigma (U. of Oregon). Some of the chapter members are volunteers at the Pittock Mansion, which was decorated with 2,300 teddy bears for the holidays.
Founders' Day was celebrated in January with a brunch at Shenanigan's Restaurant at Port-O-Call on Swan Island in the Willamette River. Those attending enjoyed the lovely view. A highlight of the brunch was the presentation of 50-year-membership certificates by Sue Saunders Dalrymple, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U.), and Elinor Sakrison Bjorklund,
Alpha Sigma (U. of Oregon), to Patricia Johnson Lill, Tau (U. of Minnesota), and Gerry W alker Flagle and Arlene Morton Sinclair, both Alpha Sigmas (U. of Oregon).
Following the presentation, Ritual was held.
The chapter also held a boutique sale with hand-made mittens, pot holders, slippers, children's clothing and toys, kitchen gadgets, and homemade baked items. The money from the sale goes for general chapter expenditures.
The chapter's first garage sale was quickly organized and brought in 57 85 in one day. Chapter members sold paperback books, household objects, yard equipment, and children's clothes. Advance announcements of the sale were sent to area alumnae listing drop- off sites for donations. The sale was held at the home of Patricia Gilchrist Streeter, Rho Sigma (Portland State U.). Gerry reports that fund raising for arthritis research is important to
Continued on next page.
Alumnae News...
Crusaders." The lecture was given by Kitty Turgeon-Rust, Epsilon (Cornell U.), and her husband. The couple has managed the Roycroft Compound in East Aurora, NY, for more than ten years.
Other programs planned for the year include a salad supper and organizational meeting, a presentation by nationally-known fitness consultant Betty Perkins-Carpenter called "Improve your balance —reduce the risk of falling," a slide show on Australia and New Zealand, a day at Oawaco Lake, and Rochester Panhellenic luncheon in May.
Linda Dowley reports that members of the SAN DEGO ALUMNAE CHAPTER assisted the Lambda Iota Chapter at the U. of California, San Diego. Some members relived their collegiate experiences to play the part of rushees during a "mock rush," while others assisted behind the scenes as the "real thing" commenced.
The chapter's October meeting featured a program on education presented by chapter member Sue Davis Holtcamp. Another October event was the chapter's hosting the Southern California Council. In November, a successful "Masterpiece Auction" was held. In lieu of their December meeting, chapter members attended a local production of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol."
Chapter members are looking forward to attending the Founders' Day luncheon in Orange County which will be hosted by the Southern Orange County Chapter. A luncheon is planned for May to honor graduating seniors from the Lambda Iota Chapter.
The SAN FERNANDO VALLEY ALUMNAE CHAPTER has been working hard to succeed in three main areas: collegiate chapter support, membership recruitment & retention, and philanthropy, reports Lisa Dunn.
San Fernando Valley alumnae & Sigma Phi collegians at the arthritis benefit: (back row, left) Natalie Svider, Alisa Shniderman, Francis Viallobos, Big Bird Shannie Goldberg, Monique Morgner, Phyllis Gilson; (front row, left) Daniel Richlin, Erin Friedman, Inga Stahlberg, Debbie Honda & Becky Greer.
the chapter members and that Elinor Bjorklund is the chapter's "perpetual" fund raising chairman. The chapter has held silent auctions at its spring luncheon for about 15 years. Members solicit items or gift certificates from area merchants. Other items featured include hand crafted jewelry, clothes, food items, small appliances, and certificates for restaurants, beauty shop services, secretarial services, and handwriting analysis. Lura Givnan DeStefanis, Alpha Sigma (U. of Oregon), usually donates some of her watercolor paintings. The chapter earns about $1,000 yearly from the event which is given to further arthritis research at the Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland. The chapter also contributes annually to Arthritis Research Grants made through the AOII Foundation.
Sue Saunders Dalrymple, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U.), chapter president, officiated at the most recent
spring luncheon which was held at the Columbia-Edgewater Country Club overlooking the Columbia River. Patricia A. Bojinoff, Rho Sigma (Portland State U.) served as hostess. Geneal Lindsay Kanalz, Alpha Phi (Montana State U.), made the flower arrangements which were sold after the luncheon with the proceeds being donated to arthritis research.
The ROCHESTER AREA ALUMNAE CHAPTER celebrated Founders' Day in December with its traditional gourmet potluck dinner, memorial ritual, and holiday gift exchange, reports Susan Feasey.
To Dragma
Members also donated toilet articles for "Alternatives for Battered Women," a local women's shelter. One of the chapter members, Judith Bulin, Sigma (U. of California-Berkley), is currently head of the shelter's board of directors. In January, chapter members attended a lecture at the Strong Museum on "Arts and Crafts-from Collectors to
Alumnae News...
The support of Sigma Phi at Cal State U. has included working each day of formal rush and sponsoring two membership selection dinners. To support the new pledge class, each pledge was matched up with an "Alum Chum" for inspiration and additional insight into the world of AOII. Recalling all the studying they did while in school, alumnae prepared finals packets for collegians to help make the late night study hours a bit easier.
The chapter's welcome mixer in September brought in many new members. A variety of activities have been held, including a comedy night, a holiday party, and a meeting with a speaker on earthquake/disaster preparedness. A "Phantom Tea" helped raise funds for future programs and charitable donations.
Chapter members have been corresponding with men and women in the armed forces in the Persian Gulf. Another service project involved assisting with the San Fernando Valley Arthritis Foundation's children's fashion show. Alumnae worked backstage with the young models.
A full calendar of events is planned for 1991. All alumnae in the San Fernando Valley and surrounding areas are invited. For more information, call Natalie at 818/998-3517.
The SAN JOSE ALUMNAE CHAPTER implemented its Mock Tea fund raiser again this year. Each
alumna was encouraged to share a quiet moment reflecting on AOII in relation to herself and the community. Chapter members were given a single "rose" tea bag and a poem written by Marlou Weinzerl to complete the ritual.
The chapter helped the local Arthritis Foundation in a special way this year. During the foundation's "Western Jamboree" fund raiser, Karen Youngman Ryan's son bid on and won a day on horseback with Roger Craig, head coach of the San Francisco Giants. As the boy continued to bid and the
Mark Ryan, son of Karen Youngman Ryan, San Jose Alumnae Chapter member, enjoyed his day on horseback
with Giants' Coach Roger
bids got higher, the crowd rallied behind him. One couple even pitched in some money so that he could bid higher. The Ryan family's donation made the San Jose chapter proud to see an AOII's family involved.
Chapter members were looking forward to the regional Founders' Day celebration planned for February and were working hard to get the centerpieces completed.
Carrol Paegler Kirk writes that the SAN DIEGO ALUMNAE CHAPTER is saddened by the death of Marion Aliele Franco-Ferriero on December 11, 1990 in Chula Vista, CA. Carrol's letter follows:
"Marion, Rho (Northwestern U.), was initiated in 1915. Throughout her long and meaningful life, she was active in AOII. She knew our Founders, she was associated with the Ruby Fund at its beginning, and she also "rode" into the hills of Kentucky when our "Tuckie" program was active.
"Marion was all that an AOII should be and those who knew her will surely miss her. Our Fraternity has lost a sister who gave much of herself to AOII.
"The San Diego Alumnae feel Marion was such a fact of our Fraternity and so loved by alumnae and collegians alike that the rest of the membership would want to know."
-Contributed by Carrol Pageler Kirk,
Alpha Sigma (U. of Oregon), San Diego Alumnae Chapter President
Lois North, Sigma (U. of California- Berkley), who is currently a King County Councilwoman, was the guest speaker at the SEATTLE ALUMNAE CHAPTER'S Founders' Day brunch. Lois talked about the political and "quality of life" issues in the Puget Sound area. Alumnae were admonished to "accept the challenge" of dealing with these issues.
At the brunch, Linda Wickswatt, chapter president, was presented the Laura Hurd Service Award.
Chapter members are proud of Louise Oliver, who was a charter pledge of the Upsilon Chapter at the U. of Washington. Louise was recently initiated into Phi Beta Kappa after a wait of nearly 50 years due to technical difficulties.
Louise was featured on Seattle's evening news and stated that now that she has been given this honor, "I just hope I can live long enough to show I am worthy of it."
Kimberly McCormick Class reports that the Seattle alumnae are looking forward to an eventful spring schedule which includes a fashion show fund raiser, a program on spring colors & fashion tips, a travel program about New Guinea, Ritual, and the chapter's annual hors d'oeuvre potluck and recipe exchange.
Spring 1991
From Our Readers:
Thank you, sisters, for your help.
To the editor.
Although this letter is addressed to
the editor, it is really to all of my sisters. I want all AOIIs to be as proud as I am of the way our sisterhood works. I want the new AOIIs to know that this is the kind of support AOII can give:
My dear sisters,
It is with great pride and gratitude
that I sit down to write.
Recently, I experienced a great loss
in my life. Every day I have had to push to continue, to try to carry on and to keep things as normal as possible for my daughter. One of the things that has helpedmeeachdayhasbeenthelove and support of my sisters.
You have sent your love and prayers to me from all over this country. Collegiate chapters have sent flowers
and food, as well as cards. Alumnae have sent letters, cards, and much love through phone calls. One of my fellow RDs from another region offered to take care of my alumnae chapters until I got back together. Our Executive Board took time from their busy schedules to sit down to write words of encouragement. The members of the regional team in Region VI have folded me in their arms and hearts by not only taking over my chapters so they wouldn't suffer but also by being there for me.
I proudly tell them that this is what it is all about. It's not the formals and conventions and parties. This is sisterhood.
Years ago, AOII promised to be a friend when I needed a friend. Y ou have been that and much more. For this I am eternally grateful.
Laura Brush Burcham
Alpha Kappa (U. of North Alabama) Regional Director VI
Editor's Note: Laura's letter refers to the loss of her husband Ronald in an auto accident. Since receiving her letter we have learned of the death of her
To the editor:
As an AOII legacy and president of
Delta Delta Chapter at Auburn U., I feel quaified to respond to the letter publishedinthewinter1990,To Dragma entitled "Don't legacies count anymore?"
The chapter and I are concerned with the purpose of singling out Delta Delta because without doubt I am sure you received similar letters from sisters of other chapters. The courtesy of an investigation would have been appropriate due to the fact that legacies may be dropped for many reasons. In this case hard feelings could have been avoided by an investigation, for example this rushee did not make the grade cut off required by Delta Delta for all rushees.
We strive to improve and maintain Chapter/National unity and one article can destroy years of work. While we respect Mrs. Assell or any other sister's
right to express her opinion we question the necessity of printing the name of the chapter. It is obvious that Delta Delta was singled out and we feel an explanation is in order as to why the chapter name was included in the pubished letter. If this situation is unique to Delta Delta then no explanation would be expected.
Lori V . Doyle
Delta Delta Chapter President
Editor's Note: When the winter issue of To Dragma went to press, only one letter to the editor had been received on the subject of legacies. We printed it.
The Executive Board will be addressing the legacy issue in the near
future. At that time, To Dragma will publish a definitive article on the legacy policy of the Fraternity. Along with that article we plan to print the letters we have received in response to Mrs. Assell's letter. The letters indicate
that the subject of legacies is one that evokes a wide range of responses. Lori is correct in her contention that the situation is not unique to Delta Delta.
The Editor's
You may have already noticed the
longer chapter reports, which some of you have written to say you wanted. We hope you enjoy them.
If you are graduating soon, congratulations! Please read International President Barbara Hunt's letter to you on page 46. The Member- at-Large Program and the article about moving may also be of special interest to you.
Please continue to write about what you like-and what you don't-about To Dragma. W e will print your letters as space permits.
-Beth Grantham
To Dragma
My family has been amazed by this
outpouring of love and concern. A
cousinwhoisamemberofanother father.We'resureallToDragma
NPC group also feels that your behavior is wonderful and is not sure her own sisters would respond as well.
readers join in extending our heartfelt sympathy to Laura during this extremely difficult time in her life.
Chapter president: letter was unfair to Delta Delta
Money: Where does it go?
Continued from page 6.
If you honestly don't know where your money goes, one writer suggests keeping a written record of every purchase for a week or so. You may be amazed at how much you spend on unimportant things. You could also review your checkbook for several months to see what you spent in the various categories, such as clothing, utilities, personal care, etc. These admittedly tedious exercises shoud give you an acccurate picture of your spending habits.
A particularly dangerous spending habit is the indiscriminate use of credit cards. It is easy to fall into the "buy now, pay later" trap, which can quickly add up to a lot of debt.
Credit cards are not bad in and of themselves, but they must be used wisely. If you limit yourself to one credit card, use it sparingly, and pay off the entire balance every month, you will avoid paying the high interest and, at the same time, you will be building a good credit history for yourself.
You are probably aware of the Alpha Omicron Pi affinity card, which is a MasterCard from Maryland Bank, NA.* Every time a purchase is made using these cards, AOII receives a percentage of the funds. This is a painless way to contribute to your Fraternity.
Once you become aware of where your money goes, you can decide where to trim expenses.
One woman who was spending too much on clothes decided to purchase clothes only with cash. Another began bringing her lunch to work, saving cash and calories. You get the idea.
If you say you'll save what is "left over" at the end of the month, you'll probably save nothing. So, when you sit down to pay your bills each month, write a check to yourself first and deposit it in a separate account.
Emily Card in The Ms. Money Book advises, "Save money each month, if only $5." Beth Brophy, in her down-to- earth book Everything College Didn't Teach You About Money, also advises
making saving a habit.
Now that you know how to
accumulate some savings, what do you do with it? This brings us to Rule No. four.
We've all heard or read about people who lost their life savings to fast talking salesmen who turned out to be frauds. Most of us think it couldn't happen to us. Think again.
The files of state and federal regulatory agencies contain sad tales of intelligent people who took what seemed like legitimate advice from "nice" people. Too late they learned that these nice people were either frauds or mistaken.
"Do not seek or take financial advice from people who earn a commission for sales," is the blunt advice that Ms. Card offers women.
The type of investments that are best for you depends on many things. For instance, a single woman with a secure job at a high salary will probably be comfortable with more risk than a divorced mother who has dependent children.
Writer Brophy says that your most important investment decision is how much risk you're willing to take for potential reward. All other investment choices spring from this one.
Specific investment advice is beyond the scope of this article, but beginners should remember some general principles.
Most financial writers state flatly that young, single people with no dependents do not need life insurance. The purpose of life insurance is to provide money for dependents if the wage earner dies. If you have no dependents, there is no reason to pay for this unnecessary protection.
Many writers suggest that beginners consider mutual funds. Mutual funds pool the money from many small investors, and a professional manager invests this money in stocks, bonds,
and other securities. There are hundreds of mutual funds with different investment goals and strategies.
Several magazines, including Forbes and Money periodically rank the funds and publish a sort of "report card" on each one's performance.
Be wary of any "get rich quick" deals and of any investment opportunity that is offered over the telephone.
"If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is," say government enforcement officials.
This rule has two purposes. One purpose is to protect you from inadvertently forgetting to pay a bill when it is due and thereby incurring late charges.
The other purpose of good records is to help you at tax time.
With good records, you will be able to prepare your tax return with less agony. Y ou will also be able to better determine if there are any ways you can lower your tax bill. Specifics of income tax law are beyond the scope of this article, but everyfinancialwriter emphasizes the importance of good records.
You may wish to consult an accountant to prepare your tax return. If not, the Internal Revenue Service offers a free guide. This guide is officially called "Publication 17", although it is often referred to as "the blue book."
And this brings us to our last rule. RULENO.6- KEEPUPWITH CHANGES IN THE TAX LAWS
Don't rely on what your friends tell you or what you have heard somewhere. Don't assume that what was true last year is still correct. Check it out.
A final word of advice-
These rules are simply a way to get started in the lifelong process of managing your finances. They are written in the hope that you will be inspired to take the time and make the effort to educate yourself about money. One axiom that seems to be universally true about money: there is never enough!
*The toll-free number for the AOII MasterCard is 1-800-847-7378.
Spring 1991
An open letter to AOII graduates from your International President:
Dear AOII Graduate:
Soon you will be achieving a major goal in your life-graduation from college. Congratulations!
Alpha Omicron Pi has been an important part of your life during college. We have provided a "home away from home" for you. The community of fun, sisterhood, support and caring has surrounded you and protected you.
Now you are embarking on a new, exciting and challenging phase of your life-your career.
I'm pleased to tell you that Alpha Omicron Pi will always surround you wherever you go, whatever you do, and whenever you want it to.
As you've been told many times, AOII membership is for a lifetime. Now, you'll begin to understand what that really means. Now you will have the chance to see AOII from a different perspective-alumnae involvement. Now you can be part of a larger AOII community, the alumnae community. It exists in every town, in every area, and it is there for you. All you need to do is make that first phone call, that first contact. After that, the natural flow of friendship and sisterhood will be established and you will have found an AOII home.
Alumnae membership offers you so much. Alumnae contacts can help you in job searches and career networking. They can serve as resources in finding housing, shopping, and recreational areas. They are there to provide support as well as help acquaint you with your new community.
Alumnae chapters spend much of their time working on service projects. As you learned in college, service to others is an important component of a lifetime commitment to AOII. Through alumnae membership you will have a chance to serve others, as well as socialize with your sisters. You will have the unique opportunity to share ideas in an exciting, creative, and warm environment. You will know that AOII's Ritual is the tie that binds you together.
We are here for you. We want you to continue to be part of AOII-in whatever way you can. Avail yourself of the wonderful possibilities that alumnae membership offers you. Call the nearest alumnae chapter president when you arrive. The alumnae chapter is waiting to welcome you.
I send you my sincere and loving best wishes. May you renew the warm and loving sisterhood you had in college-as an alumnae chapter member. I'm confident it will be an even deeper and more long lasting AOII experience for you.
Alpha love,
Barbara Daugs Hunt International President
To Dragma
Her own business...
Continued from page 29.
Although Tracy values higher education and continues to work toward her degree, she decided to put her whole heart and mind into making this "once in a lifetime" chance work.
She currently is a part time student at the U . of Colorado where she is a communications major. She tries to see her AOU sisters whenever possible.
Tracy has served her chapter as corresponding secretary, chairman of the house expansion committee, and on several other committees. She has also been active in Panhellenic.
She is currendy participating in Leadership Boulder, a five month program organized by the Chamber of Commerce to identify and motivate future leaders. She is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, the East Boulder County Leads Club, and is a volunteer for the Denver Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation.
The AOII Rose Vine invites you to join an alumnae chapter or become a
Member-at-Large (if you live more than 50 miles from a chapter) for: • Programming and information aimed at you
• Networking opportunities
• Collegiate chapter service
• Friendship with sisters just like you
Alpha Omicron Pi is here for you now, as it was when you were in college. Please contact the alumnae chapter nearest you. They're listed in the Directory in the fall issue of To Dragma. If you can't find one, or if you'd like more information, please fill out and mail the coupon below. You'll be glad you did!
Send to AOn
Name at Initiation Current Office
1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 New Home Address:
Chapter Initiation Year
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Special Interest Occupation
Deceased D Spring 1991
1 1 11 111 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
Place of employment COMPANY
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 11
I 1 1 11
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
1 1
1 11
1 1 1 11
Collegiate Chapter
State/Prov Phone ( )
Name and/or Address Change
International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027 (please print)
Name If Different From Attached Label
Mail to: Marion Clouse
Rose Vine Coordinator
1530 86th Avenue N
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
1 11 1 11
1 1 1 11
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
ALPHA OMICRON PI International Corwennon
POSTMASTER—Please send notice of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027.
Second Class Postage Paid at Brent- wood, Tennessee and additional mail- ing offices.
Fairmont Hotel
toe 25-30,1991 Dallas, Texas