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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-05-09 22:30:01

1921 February- To Dragma

Vol. XVI, No. 2

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Views of Syracuse University

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No. 2
With the approach of Convention there always comes a thrill. We wonder where it will be, whether there will be a greater number present than at the last one we attended, when it seemed as if there were more Alpha O's gathered to- gether than we had fancied existed in the whole membership roll, whether we shall see again that charming girl from New Orleans and the one we liked so much from Minneapolis, and whether we shall at last realize the height of our desire in having a delegate present in person from every chapter.
I want so much to urge every one to come, and to impress each chapter with the great importance of sending a delegate and also of having present members who are not delegates.
In that way only can the true inspiration of the Convention be carried back to the chapters. In that way only can the indi- vidual members really grasp the fact of the widespread inter- ests that meet on a common ground with a common bond and incentive to progress. Do come, girls, and let it grip you, let the interchange of ideas broaden your outlook, make keener your perceptions, inspire you as only the great group of Alpha OmicrOn Pi sisters can, that this is your fraternity, my frater- nity, our fraternity. Let us have such a Convention as never was before!
The trip to and the good time at convention is a fine way to have a vacation. Each delegate should try to have at least one active and alumnae accompany her. Talk up convention. The more the merrier. Go to Syracuse, N . Y .

Convention 1921. What a thrill of happy anticipation the words awake in those of us fortunate to have already experi- enced the delights and opportunities of a convention, and what a desire for actual participation they must arouse in those who have known convention merely through the graphic, exciting pictures painted by our luckier sisters. Let us hope that more of us than ever before may be able to gain the won- derful feeling of genuine sisterhood that nothing can give us as Convention can.
Let us resolve, as chapters, to send our best to Conven- tion; let us resolve as individuals to come with open minds and friendly spirits, anxious to take back to our chapters all the splendid new ideas that intercourse with members of other chapters can give us, and ready to give to others all the best that we ourselves have gained. Let us go with enthusiasm, too, eager in our greetings, loyal to our own but most intensely loyal to the ideals which unite us all, full of "pep" for "sing" or "stunt" or the more arduous discussion of the problems of growth which confront us all, and with hearts and minds alive to the beauties of our rituals, and the inspiring presence of our loved Stella George Stern Perry. Could we wish but one thing for each and all of us, we could wish nothing better than the privilege of sitting at her feet the glorious evening when once again she fills us with her love and courage and charity.
Surely all these opportunities of Convention will call us one and all: will tug at our desires until we do come, and come in numbers and with the vim that will make this convention the success we all wish it to be. So once again we urge you— Come! Come and greet us all—come and give us of your knowledge—come and take all that we can give and offer you!
LILLIAN MCCAUSLAND, Grand President. MERVA D . HENNINGS, Grand Secretary. VIOLA C. GRAY, Grand Treasurer.

February one, 1921.
Dear Sisters in Alpha O :
Convention in the East has come as a long hoped for opportunity for us to meet and learn to know and love many of our sisters from distant parts of the land. To Chi, convention means one delightful week, full of friendships and wonderful companionships. Thinking of these we welcome you, everyone, Alpha O's, and hope that ever so many of you may find it possible to come.
We are planning enthusiastically for your entertainment while you are here. Haven Hall is to be your home. There will be many delight- ful meetings, both business and social. We consider ourselves fortunate in having beautiful Crouse College auditorium for our sessions. We wonder if any Chapter boasts of a proficient organist, as the great organ, played by an Alpha O, would add to the impressiveness of a ritual service. Think up ideas for the stunt party and come ready to surprise us all.
We have formulated no definite program as yet, but stunt night, memorial and ritual service, reception and banquet will be included as usual. W e are also planning a lawn party and contemplating a Field Day. In regard to the Field Day, we should be glad to have the chap- ters interested write us their opinions. W e wonder what events would be most popular. Mrs. MacPhie has offered a cup for the girl winning the most points.
Let me tell you a little about Syracuse. The campus is on a hill, overlooking the city. Crouse College towers against the sky-line, com- manding a view for miles around. Below it stretches the city with its busy thoroughfares, tall buildings and many parks. It has also a good shopping center, and all the other advantages of a place of its size. Its convenience in the matter of railroads and connections will be appre- ciated by all who come.
Chi hopes that many of her sisters will find their way to her home and extends a welcome to all.
for Chi Chapter.
A Kappa girl writes, "There is not a girl in the chapter who would not give up most anything if she could have the privilege of going to convention." "Where there is a will, there is a way." Can we expect several from Kappa? Go to Syra- cuse, N.Y.

Board and room—approximately $12.00 or $1500. Banquet—not decided.
Railroad fares:
New York to Syracuse—X. Y. C New York to Syracuse—D. L. & W Boston to Syracuse
Chicago to Syracuse
Chicago to Syracuse with Pullman
$11.26 10.61 13.54 26.10 32.99
June 21-24 inclusive.
Delegates are expected to arrive in the afternoon of June 20, in
time for dinner and for Chi's At Home in the evening.
Have you your stunt ready for convention? Go to Syra- cuse, N. Y.
The more members attending convention, the more suc- cessful it will be. Go to Syracuse, N. Y.
How about having a Field Day? Chapters send your athletes along with the delegates. Go to Syracuse, N.Y.
Bring your song books but know the songs before you come.

Plan for Financing Chapter Houses.
As a national alumnae work. I am very much in favor of the plan to finance chapter houses for new chapters, or, in fact, for both old and new chapters.
To me, the fraternity house is one of the most important phases of fraternity life. The house should be a real home for each of its members, a home for them to be interested in, and to strive towards perfecting. In the scheme of nature, women are the homemakers, and girls at the most impressionable period of their lives should be surrounded by the home atmo- sphere. A girl at college begins to notice the di{Terence in houses, and will work to make hers the best by all compari- sons. Personally what I learned in my fraternity house was of much more practical use to me than many things I learned in books. The parties and social life of the fraternity house, for which the girl is in part responsible, teach her self reli-
ance and poise, two necessary attributes in this age. The beautiful fraternity home develops the artistic sense, for we cannot live among beautiful surroundings without these af- fecting our characters. The common efforts and the sacrifices for the good of the whole group provide a community of inter- est which is a very strong bond of union, and a real prepara- tion for a well-balanced cooperation in wider fields in the future.
Do you really think of Alpha O as a national organiza- tion? Or is the train of ideas that the word fraternity arouses in your mind confined to memories of the local group into which you were initiated? Not many of us have had the priv- ilege of attending a national convention. Those of us who have. I feel sure, will acknowledge that this first convention entirely changed our conception of what Alpha O meant. It is so easy to let what is near, shut out what needs a little bigger and broader vision to see. In some minor points, it was a shock to find, at this first convention, that the problems

of our own chapter were not those of the fraternity, and that ideas and solutions of difficulties that we had advanced should be abandoned. But, as individuals in the chapter, we had yielded often for the good of the group, and now as a chapter we yielded, and our idea of fraternity grew.
If we, as a fraternity, are to take the place nationally that we should, we must develop to a much greater extent than we have at present the national point of view. This broader con- ception of the value of our organization, inherently that of small college groups, must in the main come from the alum- nae. Frankly stated, we must pass beyond the stage where "the only things that interest me in To Dragma are my chap- ter's letter and personals." Alpha O should not be a memory, but a real part of our every-day lives. Alpha Omicron Pi still means the same ideal that it did in our college days; our organization, even now, is broad enough nationally so that few of us need really be entirely out of personal contact with others of our sisterhood; and our fraternity can afford to lose from not even one of its alumnae the broadening and sustain- ing interest which alone can mean full development.
Won't you think this "national point of view" over, and make every effort to get to the convention in Syracuse this June, where, not only a national alumnae work, but other policies and matters of broad national interest are to be brought up for discussion and adoption.
Chairman Committee on Alumnae Work.
The camera adds to the fun. Bring it along, to conven- tion at Syracuse, N . Y .

EDITORIALS. The Convention Delegate.
The Alpha Omicron Pi Convention of 1921—how much is it going to mean to every one of the fraternity? The conven- tion is the best representation of ourselves that is possible. Each chapter sends a delegate who stands for the best ap- pearance, the best mind, the most interested and most earnest worker of that chapter. A great responsibility and pleasure goes with the honour of representing a chapter. A vote, fool- ishly cast, is a direct insult and injury to every member of the fraternity. The delegate should go over the proposed new laws and regulations, the list of nominees with her own chapter carefully and also with some older alumnae, who at one time was a delegate. In this way. the delegate can enjoy convention, for she will be prepared for the business sessions and will not spend her time wondering what she should do
on the tomorrow when certain vital questions are to be dis- cussed. Each delegate should have firmly in mind what her chapter needs, what the fraternity needs, what the colleges need, in order that the best development may be obtained. This is a three-fold purpose, in the sending of the convention delegate.
To be able to give a good explanation of a situation exist- ing in her chapter, may assist greatly in deciding an important matter to the advantage of the whole. A l l sessions are meet- ings for the frank discussion of definite constructive policies and the delegate must remember that such matters have to be handled in a truly business-like way. The best for the whole and not forthe individual is the aim. May each delegate have a definite plan for national alumnae work!
Just as a reminder, there will be helpful discussions on house rules and management, chaperons, finances, chapter customs, Panhellenics, scholarship standings, college activi- ties, etc., to which each delegate should offer her knowledge and from which she should gather valuable information for her chapter.
The social side of convention is as important as the busi- ness side and the delegate should remember that she is among the members of her big fraternity family. To make conven-

tion a big success, the delegate should enter into the enter- tainment afforded by the hostess chapter and in return, offer her best talent and see that her chapter has a right to be proud of her. The "stunt night" is an old established and ac- cepted event for conventions. Each chapter should plan and see that her delegate can give a good stunt. A "stunt" may be a monologue, a dance, a playette, a recitation of a poem, a song, a parody or a display of some particular talent, but it should be well prepared for the delegate before she reaches convention.
May the delegates at convention be once more united, with faith and friendship plighted, and to the end may the 1921 Convention be a great success for Alpha Omicron Pi and the world about it!
ANNOUNCEMENTS NOMINATIONS WITH QUALIFICATIONS must be in the hands of the nominating committee chairman, Josephine Pratt, 68 W . 162nd St., New York City, by MARCH 15, 1921. Ritual Committee.
Mrs. W . C. Bickley, Omicron. '08, has resigned as chair- man of the Rituals Committee and Mrs. George Mullan has been appointed in her place. The fraternity wishes to thank
Mrs. Bickley for the part she has had in the revising of mate- rial and in the selecting of new forms. As the committee now stands, it is in the hands of the Founders and it seems only fitting they should guide the fraternity with the ideals and ceremonies they hold dearest to their hearts. We can be sure that the form, we already observe, will only be made more beautiful and to have a greater influence on our daily living, by their devoted thought and work, which they are now giving by serving on this committee. Alpha Omicron Pi is to be congratulated in having her Founders so interested at this time, when we are trying to add a few ceremonies for certain observances.
Song Book.
Reason for delay: First manuscript was lost in the mails.
However the book is at the printer's now and will be out within a few days.

Have you ordered your Song Book? There are songs for all occasions—rushing songs, table songs, pledging songs, hymns for initiation and formal meetings, part songs for the Sunday evening Sing, jolly songs for the Jink! If you love college life, ifyou love Alpha O, ifyou love a good time, you'll want a copy of the Song Book for your very own. Is your chapter musical? Of course, you will all want Song Books. No? Then make it so by singing on every occasion. Which fraternity on the campus always has the best group? The one with the true entertaining spirit. Cultivate this quality by
singing, you'll love your chapter and fraternity more with each song you sing.
How about making convention in June a real "Singing Convention?" Each delegate should know the songs perfectly. You'll all agree that the best convention IS a SINGING
Items of interest concerning the Song Book: Twenty-six songs have never before been published. Sixteen songs are entirely original—words and music. Total number of songs—forty-one.
Prize Song—"The Message of the Rose." The music is
by H . Marion Jameson Morison, '17. The words are by Ann- ette B. MacKnight, '14. Both are of Delta chapter.
The price of the Song Book is $1.50 prepaid. Order today from Miss Viola C. Gray, 1527 S. 23rd St., Lincoln, Nebraska. The May Issue.
Have material in hands of Editor and Assistant Editor by April tenth. Besides chapter letter, send in 200 word account about the chapter's most prominent senior. Also send a group picture of the seniors. Have the names of the seniors in order they appear in the picture (left to right) written on back of picture. Enclose check for $4.25 to cover expense of a page picture. We will return the plates of the picture to your
chapter. Head May letter with chapter roll. Chapter Editors.
Read the above notice and see that you do your part in making the May issue interesting.
The material for the February issue arrived in very poor shape. If you see many changes, in the printed letter, from

what you submitted, you will know that your letter was un- grammatical or in some way did not conform to the directions as given in the "Letter Form Sheets" sent out last September. Please use the right size paper. Buy one half pound now and then you'll have it on hand when it is time to write the ma- terial for the magazine. See that the person who takes your office knows her duties.
Our Life Subscription Fund is steadily growing. It was started in January 1918 with thirty dollars. Today we have $2,300 in Liberty Bonds and $87.22 in cash in this fund. You who are not already life subscribers, help endow your fraternity magazine: send a life sub- scription at once. We want fifty more on our list before Convention!
The following have become life subscribers since our list was last published:
Stella G. S. Perry, Alpha Elizabeth H. VVyman, Alpha Fannie Butterfield, Kappa Ella S. Thomas, Kappa
Mrs. Floyd Rawlings, Zeta Eva S. Gibbons, Zeta
Mrs. Otto S. Steufer. Zeta
Esther M . Rosenbaum.
Mary E. Sutton, Theta Madeline Jeffers, Delta Bertha Bray, Delta
Blanch Hooper. Delta
Helen Rowe, Delta
Gladys Wales. Delta
Alice R. Wakefield, Delta Pauline L. Hall, Delta Florence F. Clark. Delta Mrs. Martin Burke, Gamma June Kelley, Gamma
Lottie Ketcham, Epsiton Julia F. Crane, Rho
Stella Dueringer, Rho Mabel Gastfield, Rho Goldie H. Buehler. Rho Ethel A. Willman. Rho Helen Quayle, Rho Geraldine Kin dig, Rho
Mrs. E. G. Wiedman. Iota F. Avis Coultas, Iota Elizabeth Main, Chi
Clarita L . Moore, Chi Geneva Sargison, Upsilon Ellen JolifTe, Upsilon Charlotte H. Uhls, Upsilon Edith Huntington, Beta Phi Faith Clarke. Nu Omicron Gaila Jones, Phi
Mary Lindsey, Omega
Mrs. G. W. Stephens, Gamma Clarissa J. Scott, Omega Mary P. Heck, Omega
CAROLYN F . PULLING, Business Manager.

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views of Syracuse University

Just before the holidays we celebrated Founders' Day with a cake— very much decorated—and with songs and playing and games—and jolli- fication. Pi always enjoys an occasion of this kind, especially, because with no fraternity room allowed us. it is very hard for us to hold regular meetings. One Sunday we met to initiate Lucille Cassidy, and we are delighted to introduce her to you all. We have just learned that Susie Briggs will not return to college. Since she does not live very far away we trust that she may visit us often.
We had two very delightful teas in November, followed by an initia- tion at which we welcomed five new members, two from the freshman, two from the junior and one from the senior class. With the aid of our very efficient new sisters, we began to plan for a faculty Christmas party to take place on December sixteenth. We made the room on the roof into a true Fairyland and we think the party was a great success. We are mourning the loss of our president, Mrs. Swift, who has gone to Europe
for several months. Miss MacCracken, one of last year's graduates has successfully passed the New Jersey Bar Examinations.
A feeling of pride possesses every loyal U . of T . student as she views the new building, "Ayess Hall," which crowns the top of the "Hill," and is now nearing completion. The seniors are proud to think their class will be the first to hold its exercises within these walls.
Lynn McNutt and Elizabeth Kenedy spent the Christmas vacation in
A very attractive ceremony on Wait field was the presentation of white
sweaters by the battalion and companies to their respective sponsors, whom they had selected the first of the term. Omicron is very proud to state that Vivian Logan was chosen sponsor for the entire battalion. The spon- sors were escorted down the field and introduced to each member of the companies. GRACE MCDOUGAL, '21, Charier Editor.
The foremost thing in our minds is convention. W e are exceedingly enthusiastic about it and hope to have a large representation. So far only Lenora Perkins and Eugenia Moore are sure of going, but there will be more.
Our pledge day comes February twenty-sixth, and we take this op- portunity to extend a most cordial invitation to all our alumnx to visit

us at that time. Already the private dining room of the Virginia Hotel, where we will celebrate with a large banquet, has been engaged.
A short time ago, R. M. W. C. sent two delegates to the Northern Conference of Colleges. One was Kathryn Hodges, an A. O. P.
We have carried out our plans for redecorating the house and we think that it is improved one hundred percent.
Because of the present conditions, the fraternities at Nebraska have placed a boycott on the Orpheum, on all eating places and all places where University dances are held, until reasonable prices are established. A l l the women's fraternities have voted not to have formats this year.
Harriette Ford, '22, in white sweater with red letter, was one of the peppiest of all cheer leaders; Delia Myers, '24, is serving on the freshmen Commission; Jean Dow,'21, was on the entertainment committee of the Ag Mixer; Pauline Moore was unanimously elected secretary of the sophomore class; Mary Herzing. '22, was elected to Iota Sigma Pi, the honorary- chemistry club; Ethel Weidner, '24,was on the committee for freshmen Mixer: V alora Hullinger, '23, who has been reporting on the Daily Nebraskan. our paper, has recently been appointed to the Program
Committee of the University Press Club and made chairman of the All-Uni Poster committee; Helen W alpole, '24, was made chairman of the freshman Hop; Madeline Hendricks, '22,is on the junior prom, commit- tee; Faye Curry, '21, formerly a Black Masque, was initiated into the Mortar Board (local senior girls honorary society of the Black Masque having become a chapter of the National Mortar Board).
Mrs. Hayard, our chaperone, gave us extra-special Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners with decorations '"n everything." Our freshmen gave us some very clever stunts at the Christmas party. The sing around the Pine tree, all shiny with colored lights, was a great success. A collection was taken for the European students. Margaret Perry, '20, sang. Mar-
garet O'Brien, '23,did not return after Christmas and we have suspicions that she is wearing an A. G. R. pin. We are very sad to learn of the death of Helen Robert's father. She is one of our pledges and will now have to remain at home for awhile, but we all hope for her return. W e hear that there is a bill before the legislature, which will prevent frater- nities at Nebraska. W e are all very much worried.
January tenth found us all back from over holidays. W e are now in the midst of rushing and are hoping to have some splendid pledges.
We have felt a great loss by the departure of six girls on a world-wide tour. The fortunate girls are Virginia, Mildred and Carol Cook of Oak- land, Amelia and Katherine Williams of San Diego and our president, Esther Naylor of Stockton. This sextet is under the chaperonage of Mrs.

John Cook of Oakland. It was a great sight to catch the last glimpse of the girls waving good-bye as the "Shingo Maru" steamed out of San Francisco harbor. Hawaii and Japan are the first countries to be visited after which the party will journey through the Orient to Egypt. From there they will tour the principal countries of Europe, returning to the Pacific coast of U. S. A. via Panama canal.
Our Christmas bazaar proved very successful. The profits of which are to furnish new drapes for the living room.
We are glad to welcome Anita Compton into our midst. Anita is a transfer from Lambda. CLAIRE CRUM, '22, Chapter Editor.
The upper-class men gave the Christinas party this year. We had a lovely, immense tree and a grab bag and our freshmen gave us two beau-
tiful silver bread trays.
The enrollment at De Pauw is larger this year than ever before.
The University has been making a great effort to keep up the scholarship, and the fraternities have been glad to help. We send our report cards once a month and we arc proud of our grades so far, and hope to stand among the leaders at the end of the term. Class elections have taken place and Mary Hester was elected secretary of the sophomore class. Wava Doty is one of the two editors on our annual, the Mirage. Helen Williams and Agnes Largent are members of the Latin Club. Judith Sollenberger is initiated into the French Club. VevVille Hosman has turned dress- maker, as she was mistress of the wardrobe for the pageant. Louise Carter is talented and has been taken into Duzer Du, the dramatic frater- nity. We have been very fortunate in having several fine speakers at the University, and we especially liked ex-Senator Beveridge, one of the big men of the state and a graduate of De Pauw. We now have ten pledges.
The pledges for November reached the high water mark of eleven;
Kathleen McDonald, '22, Miriam Brooks, '24, Nancy Cole, '24, Edith McKee, '24, Marjorie McCarty, '24, Elizabeth McDermott, '24, Susan O'Brien, '24, Marion Sears, '24, Mary Sears, : 24, Helen Steere, '24, Bernice Stiles, '24. K. McDonald and "Bournie" McDermott are wonders with the violin and 'cello and are members of the musical club. Marjorie McCarty is president and "Tim" Brooks is marshal of the freshman class. Six of our pledges are on the freshmen hockey team. Our pledge dance was a great success and so many alumna? came back that we held it in the big Gymnasium. We named the dances in honor of the pledges. We are all very much interested in the plans for convention and feel full of enthusi- asm to do our share in making it a great success.
ROSALIE COBB, '22, Chapter
Gamma chapter was favored in October by a visit from Mrs. Perry and Mrs. McCausland. They arrived on the night of our dance to pros-

pective Alpha O's. The next day, Sunday, we gave a tea for them at Balentine Hall. Everyone congratulated us on our charming guests. They left Monday morning at five o'clock, but almost all of us went to the station with them, unwilling to lose a minute of their society. Their enthusiasm for Alpha Omicron Pi gave a wonderful impetus to our own fraternity spirit. Our meeting that night was the best we have known. Our freshmen were not pledged until this week and they are Alice Stanley, Theresa Jackson, Ruth Savage, Leona Reed and Barbara Keyes. Theresa is a "little sister," whom we were very fortunate to pledge. Madeleine Bird is on the "Dean's honour list." Achsa Bean was chosen manager of basketball.
We are quite sure that Gertrude O'Brien is to attend convention and we trust she will bring us back loads of enthusiasm.
Here are our thirteen wonderful new pledges: Lily Ey, Margaret Hile, Marion Hunton, Marjorie Kimball, Elizabeth Fox, Grace Mac- Alpin, Elsie Denton, Anita Goltz, Rosalind Ware, Thora Ludy, Elsie Smith, Vera Yereance, and Ruth Oviatt. Elsie Denton is an entering senior from Vassar; Thora Ludy and Rosalind are juniors; Grace is a sophomore from Westhampton and we are so glad to have Thelma back with us. Irma Greenawalt, Sally Searles and Ruth Bacon made senior basketball team. Betty Pratt is on the junior team and Betty Algeo is on the sophomore team, with Betty Fox and Anita Goltz on the "Frosh" team. Gertrude Lynahan was cheer leader for the juniors. Betty Ballentine did excellent costuming for the two plays which the Dramatic Club put on in December. We were more than delighted to have some of the girls from Chi visit us last Fall. At the Frosh Mas- querade, we had wonderful stunts by each member present. Our annual Christmas party was held Sunday morning, December twentieth. At eight o'clock we were awakened by carol singers (our sophomores) and when wc arrived downstairs, there was a big tree and a very big Santa with presents for each one of us.
As to the new system of rushing: we do not like it and we feel this most emphatically. We pledged just before Christmas and we feel that is a much longer period than is necessary and well. True you have a long time in which to become acquainted, but it is an everlasting run of parties. We were allowed four parties, two afternoon and two eve- ning affairs. Our first, we gave at one of the Evanston homes. This was a chrysanthemum party and we danced and were entertained by a whistler. Our next party was a Hallowe'en party. We had a baritone and reader who entertained us. Our third was the biggest one. It was
Our initiation was January fourteenth.
MARION DAY, '23, Chapter

in the evening, given in the ballroom of the Evanston Hotel. It was an Oriental party and the effect was great, with the tapestries, divans, palms, and Oriental costumes. We had a very attractive program, a singer of Oriental songs, and a violinist in robe and turban, and an Oriental dancer. Our last party was in the fountain room of the North Shore Hotel and was a Chinese party. But best of all, here are our pledges: Louise Lowry, Geraldine Meek, Doris Moss, Ada Campbell, Helen Thompson, Loretta Sullivan, Beatrice Segsworth. Doris Moss is an accomplished musician, Beatrice is a junior and is vice-president of Y . W . C. A . and a member of Northwestern committee of Religious Movement. Ada is very literary and she is interested in newspaper work. A l l our pledges gave three dollars apiece to the European Student relief fund. At Christmas time our chapter gave a dinner to an invalid woman and her daughter.
Our formal dance was held in January at the Evanston Women's Club. We have been surprised and very much pleased to see Phoebe Wilson, Ethel Willman and Geraldine Kindig lately. Dorothy Gruniga is our Phi Beta Kappa pledge this year.
We have seven of the best new pledges one could wish for. They are: Lois McClung, Velda Hancock, Norma Meades, Eloween Dela- hoyde, Jean Elmendorf, Catherine Steiger, and Beatrice Lee, all of whom are absolutely adorable girls and true Alpha O's. Our alumna; were so good to us during our pre-pledging period. Reba Bland, Mildred Merritt and Caroline Rochfort were back and remained with us during the days of rushing.
On November first, Elaine Adrian, '22, surprised all of us by an- nouncing her engagement to Howard Willoughby. Ruth McCallum an- nounced her engagement to Charles Allyn Parmelee at the lovely party on the evening of November nineteenth.
On November twentieth, we all went to the "big game" between Stanford and U. of California. Sigma had open house and we did enjoy seeing our sisters very much. We returned home defeated but in the best of spirits and sure that next year the tables will be turned.
All you can earn of spiritual joy, All you desire of worldly fun,
Is Iota's wish for each A. O. P. In 1921.
Minnie Frances Harris, post-graduate, Helen Wolfe, '22, and Josephine Phillips, '22, were given our pin just before Chrisfmas.
We are also delighted with the aid which our alumna1 are giving us. First they "rummaged us" and then they "bazaared us" and by so

doing they earned about two hundred and fifty dollars for us. To say "thank you," is a very small part of what we feel.
Jean Glenn was put on the senior hockey team; Mildred Holmes is on the junior; and Hester Srout, Frances Dolle and Frances Grove on the sophomore. Besides that Jean and Mildred were contestants in the class swimming meet. Elizabeth Brown was chosen for sophomore inter- fraternity Shai-Ai. Iota won second place at the Carnival for its stunt. Annette Wood took part in the "The New York Idea" and afterwards was pledged to "Mask and Bauble," honorary dramatic club. She also wears the Athenean Literary society pledge pin.
The University military organization has adopted the sponsor system and Iota entertained her company at the chapter house.
Marian Mackay of Rho was with us Prom week-end and Ruth Cough- Ian was a visitor lately.
In our last letter we told you of our rushing but now we can tell you of the result. We pledged eleven of Minnesota's very best. Fight of' these were upperclassmen and were initiated for Tail's Christmas present, and next week we initiate the other three. The rest of the winter quarter we can do open rushing of upperclassmen with spring rushing after April 1st for second and third quarter freshmen. Every member of Tau went around with a smile that would not wash off yesterday, as the scholarship reports came out with A . O. Pi first on the list.
Tau is having her third chaperon from Alpha Phi, Esther Cooley, who is doing extension work here. She has consented to come and live with us and already we love her lots. Mary Dee has left us for a year, going home to La Arbotten, Sweden, for a visit with her parents. She left us her five pounds before leaving Minneapolis so we are afraid that we can not claim her entirely when she returns. With "Buddies" came Kathleen Colpitts of Cornell to see Tau again. We were all so keen about her when she was here last year in "The Chocolate Soldier" that we wanted her with us all the time she could possibly spare this week. Just now Tau is all enthusiastic over a drive for funds for a new house. We are going to have it by next fall sure, so all plan to come to the house-warming. Next week we have our pre-lent dance at
the Buckingham Apartments and shortly after lent we are having our spring formal.
The football season brought back many of our alumna? and all approved of the big banner which floated across the walk. We are to have a party for prospective pledges. On December tenth, the seniors gave "stunt night." W e celebrated Christmas on Chi's birthday. W e had a large cake and all gifts came from Mr.Woolworth's.

We were surprised to have our district superintendent, Edith Deitz, visit us on the week-end of our last dance. We all hope she enjoyed her visit with us as much as we did in having her with us. Clarita Moore came to see us, since her school at Lake Placid has been closed on account of the scarlet fever epidemic. She presented us with a beautiful serving tray. The other day Ruth Sydney won the Robineau vase for the best work done during Mrs. Robineau's absence.
We report one new pledge, Myrtle Munson, '22, of Wellsville, N . Y .. who has transferred from Columbia.
FLORENCE E. BARKER, '21, Chapter
U P S I L O N — U N I V E R S I T Y O F W A S H I N G T O N
We have had higher scholarship as our aim and object all the year. Each girl has been striving to reach at least a "B" average.
Our new home grows dearer to us each day. Our first entertain- ing was a Hallowe'en party, when we had the house decorated as a barn with the corn husks and all. The annual Home Coming week was celebrated at Washington this year with the big East vs. West football game with Dartmouth College. It also marked the dedication of our new stadium. We held our Founder's Day banquet at the Women's University Club and a large number of the alumnae attended.
Edna Robinson, '23, and Helen Fosdick, '22, are returning to college this quarter. Ruth Fosdick gave us a surprise the other day when she made us a few days' visit, from her home in Portland, Oregon.
Margaret Grant was married recently, and expects to live in Seattle.
Dorothy Redmon is secretary of the sophomore class and was pledged to Lambda Rho, a national art sorority. Mary Helen Arkley distinguished herself when made a member of Sigma Pi, an honorary chemistry fraternity. Beatrice Wilson is on the first hockey team.
Of the two debates held here recently with eastern colleges, Har- vard won the first one and Washington won from Princeton in the second one.
We are so glad to introduce our five new pledges: Jewel Norwood, Dorothy Tucker, Georgia Riddle, Beatrice Bolton, and Edith Thackston. They were pledged on October twenty-sixth and on the following Fri- day they were entertained at a banquet given at the Adolphean Hotel. Later we had a theatre party, after which we went to the home of Mrs. Bently and had a delicious buffet lunch. In December, we had the pleasure of pledging Mrs. Beaty, wife of one of our English professors. She had received her degree from Columbia University and recently moved to Dallas, where she is taking post-graduate work at the Uni- versity. We are all hoping that the Grand President can visit us in January.
LUCILLE BRADFORD, '23, Chapter Editor.

We have the names of five more charming pledges: Mildred McCoy, Miriam McCoy, Gertrude Bailey, Vivian Shough, Mabel Bucker.
Helen Snoddy and Rith Farris have been chosen as members of the varsity hockey team. Edith Huntington has charge of the Y . M . C. A . Bazaar. Our various activities have been promoted by the new point system. According to it, each girl must make a certain number of points for campus work or have a "B" average in scholarship for each semester. We had a Hallowe'en dance and one at Christmas. Our freshmen pre- sented the chapter with a beautiful silver tea service.
A new system of fraternity exchange is being tried this year. Every two weeks, half of the girls from each organization is entertained infor- mally at dinner by another organization. So far, we have been hostesses to Delta Gamma, and Delta Zeta and have been entertained by Sigma Kappa and Tri Delt.
Indiana University is taking a part in the "better schools" campaign. Our girls are helping on different committees.
The following girls may be able to attend convention: Margaret Wight, Mary Fletcher, Mabel Cline, Edith Huntington, Mabelle Schmalz- ried and Rosella Stoner.
We have eight fine new members: Helen Moels. Margaret Ramsey, Elizabeth Woods, Stell Johnson, Edith Hastings, Gertrude Dassler, Dor- othy Cramer, and Ina Snow; and ten new pledges, Margaret Atwater, Dorothy Paull, Dorothy Tegtmeye, Josephine Snow, Jeanette Boyer, Dor- othy Wiesler, Florence Emmel, Elizabeth Riley, Pauline Farrel and Josephine Keech.
Betty Sehon, one of our upperclassmen, was elected to appear in an exhibition of Greek dancing given here; "Ets" Gruenheck is Society Editor of the Badger; and four of the girls have made the swimming and hockey teams.
There is a Badger Campaign, in which all the sororities and vari- ous groups take part. The cup is given to that group selling the greatest number of the books.
Grace Degan and Eunice Getzleman from Northwestern, and Jane Morgan from Kansas, are with us this year. We surely are thankful to Rho and Phi for sending them to us.
Dorothy Dietz, a senior, was taken to infirmary about three weeks ago with scarlet fever. We were in quarantine at the house from Friday morning until the following Wednesday morning.
Every year before this, we have had a Christmas party for the poor children of the city, but this year we changed our plans somewhat. There are so many people here in Madison to care for the children, that we de-

cided to use our Christmas money to help out the little European kiddies, who really need it so much more.
We have one new sister since last we wrote you—Dorothy Ropes, a senior in home economics and a sister of whom you will all be proud. Then, we had a very successful rushing season for freshmen and have pledged twelve of the very finest girls in the class. May we present your twelve new little sisters-to-be: Mary Baldwin, Gladys Crestenson, Helen Chase, Peg Conklin, Margaret Chrystal, Ethel Keyes, Wilhelmina Leach, Mary Maxey, Valborg Rivines, Lucile Staebler, Alice Stranahan, and Helen Waite. We shall initiate them on our birthday, February 23, and we are expecting to have many of our alumna? here at that time as it is our annual banquet and home coming week.
We had a very successful party on December eleventh. A l l wore black Yama-Yama costumes and masked for the first six dances. At that time our pledges gave an attractive "stunt,'' and we unmasked and proceeded with the dancing. Our patronesses are Mrs. Bubb, Mrs. David- son, Mrs. Purdy, Mrs. Sales, our own sister, Mrs. Schoppe, and Mrs. Fred Wilson.
We have enjoyed visits recently from the following alumna?: Florence Aitken, Evelyn Border, Erma Lessel Collins, Margaret Doe, Alice Mc- Cone Farris, Doris Ingram, Myrtle Kuhns, Genevieve Hall, Leila Lin- field Nye, and Helen Rose.
Ethel Young, '22, has returned from the East and is attending school here.
Evelyn Border is teaching and Harriet Nordstrom is working as stenographer and bookkeeper for one of the stores here.
Dorothy Noble, '22, has announced her engagement to Hermann Dick- man, '20, who is now holding a Smith-Hughes position at Glendive, Mon- tana.
Alpha Phi helped give Christmas cheer to some very poor families in the northern part of our state this year. We sent a box containing gifts, candy, and nuts for every child in the community.
We are enjoying our new home very much and are constantly mak- ing improvements in its equipment and furnishing. Our alumna? help us in this, not only through their fixed dues, but by additional gifts from time to time. By spring we shall have all the furniture paid for and we are also paying on the principal.
The following girls hope to attend convention: Mayme Egan, Gladys Matthews, and Henrietta Moebus.
Our girls are all busy in college activities. Henrietta Moebus is presi- dent of the Women's Council and attended the Pullman Conference. She is to give the address of welcome at the Vocational Congress for High School boys. Mildred Forrest is a new Phi Upsilon Omicron member; Mayme Egan is the president of the Women's Caucus; Helen Tripp.

president of the dramatic club; Minne-Ellen Marquis, president of Cap and Gown. We also hold offices in many other of the college organ- izations.
Chi Omega installed a chapter here this fall. The girls are splen- did and we are glad to have another women's national at M . S. C.
We tried to have second quarter pledging, with limitations to rush- ing, but pledged at the end of six weeks because it resulted in poor scholarship and greater expense. We used the lawyer method of bidding and were well satisfied with it.
Nu Omicron opened her year by a most enjoyable week-end party at Sulphur Springs, a resort about twenty miles from Nashville. Within the first two weeks of school each of the three fraternities gave an in- formal tea for all the new girls of the University. These teas proved very satisfactory in that we met the girls sooner and more easily than we should have otherwise.
We are trying second term pledge this year and so far we have found it very much better than a short period of rushing. There are a greater number of new girls in the University than ever before.
Mary I).Houston has just come home after an extended visit. Flor- ence Tyler is president of the Panhellenic Association and is also on the Student Council. Pearl Tuttle is on the Commodore Board, and our University Annual, the Hustler's Staff, our bi-weekly paper, also on the Student Council, and is a member of the Y . W . C. A . cabinet. One of our sophomores is secretary of the Y. W. C. A. and is also president of the Fresh-Soph literary society. We are very proud of Annie Sharp Garrett from Georgia. She is a junior, and a charming girl.
We are trying to become better acquainted with our sisters of Alpha O., and the universities and colleges in which our chapters are located. We have written each chapter for a letter of details concerning their col- lege activities, rushing, and their features which are of most interest to those concerned about them. The chapters have responded enthusiastic- ally, and we are very grateful to them.
We have taken charge of a poor family of seven members for this year.
I am happy to have the opportunity of announcing to the Fraternity that Psi chapter pledged in the latter part of November seven freshmen: Rosemary Delahunty, Mary Lovett, Catherine Hudders, Marjorie Downs, Esther James, Gladys Sulzer, and Margaret Penn. We are planning to initiate these girls at the beginning of the second term. They have al- ready become organized and are carrying on their business and fraternity

study under the direction of a chairman selected by them from their own group.
Alice Lipp, Charlotte Eastby, and Marian C. Ludden are to finish their undergraduate work this term.
We have three pledges since our last letter, Agnes Reed, Leota Hartinbower, and Margaret Bolinger. They are wonderful girls, repre- sentative of our best ideals, and we are all proud of them.
Phi has a terrible struggle on her hands just now. We are earnestly attempting not to get conceited, for, when the scholarship grades were announced by the university, Phi led all the sororities. Local Panhellenic gives a silver scholarship cup; so we shall get it this semester, and—if we win it three times in succession—keep it; which, you may be sure, we are going to try to do.
The last month has been an interesting one: there were many hill activities and we had two banquets, Founder's Day and a Christmas party. Our freshmen gave a very clever farce at the Christmas party, and also gave the house some beautiful silver pieces.
Plans are booming—and we are getting might anxious for the big event, (initiation day). We had one early initiation last November, since which, Mary Young, our new senior, has been wearing the pearls and the ruby. We also acquired a new pledge just before Christmas—Wilnetta Ogias, from West Alexandria, O. Speaking of pledges, by some unfath- omable accident, two of our stars were overlooked in the list to "To Dragma" last fall. They are Ruth Sheldon, of Norwalk, and Martha Wowra of Massilon, O. They are both quite small though, and perhaps that accounts for their being missed. "Small" refers to them just "phys- ically," however.
We have great track ability, so this week's "Student" proclaims in making light of an experience we underwent last Sunday night, when we took the eight p. m. train to a little station five miles north of here, and walked back. On the return trip we were held up just five times, and the last time were chased by two "black" men, who shot a revolver—and finally turned out to be campus pals of ours who had wanted to give us a bit of excitement. We desired to severely chastise them, but compro- mised by commanding them to order taxis to transport our wracked nerves back to Oxford.
Since we're mentioning athletics—"Hockey" has happened since our last writing. It consists of a tournament between the picked teams of the four classes. The captain of the junior team was our Martha Jaques —a powerful guard—and the captain of the sophomore team was also

an Alpha O. but from an inborn sense of modesty, I refrain from men- tioning her name. However, I will tell you—and with pride—that the sophomores won the tournament without one single goal scored against them. Marion Arthur, Dot Betz, Helen Haller and Mary Young also played on team s.
Last Friday night was the Madrigal Club concert. It is an annual affair, and thirty of the best singers in school are chosen to compose the personnel. Mary Anderson, Marion Arthur, and Dot Betz were the Alpha O's chosen—which number was one more than any other so- rority on the campus furnished. The list of "Straight A" students was published last week. We found two there to A. O. Pi's credit—namely, Lura Grant and Sophie Nickel.
E .
'23, Chapter

ters did not send in any letters and are therefore fined. The letter was five days late and is also fined.
As things out of season are sometimes the more relished for that fact, it may he well to relate here the summer activities of the New York Alumna?, the October letter having had no space for them The members of various chapters in the city as Columbia students or tran- sient visitors, perhaps, met with those of us who had remained in town during the summer in many informal gatherings, of which the follow- ing will give some notion: 1. Supper in the courtyard of the Silhouette Tea-room under umbrellas. It rained. 2. Small but delightful meeting in Mount Vernon, the summer home of Daisy Gaus. 3. Tea at Eva Marty's and evening inspecting the beauties of Greenwich Village. 4. Sigma luncheon at the Roof Tree Inn. Seven present: Eva Marty, Gladys Courtian Britton, Dorothy Clark Mills, Mabel Robertson, Cel- este Lacoste Etcheverry, Helen Henry. 5. Dinner and social meeting at the Women's University Club in September.
The first regular business meeting of the winter was held in Octo- ber at the Nu Chapter rooms as usual. The roll call showed that among the twenty odd members present, ten chapters were represented; (our chapter is a very cosmopolitan one"). Virginia Mollenhauer, who has been for some time engaged in studying the problem of illegitimacy, spoke on the existing laws, commenting upon their general unfairness to both the mother and child, and outlined the legislation proposed by the board of lawyers interested in the subject for the correction of the present injustices. She urged all of the N . Y . Alumna? to use our newly gained privilege of voting in support of the suggested legislation.
The speaker for the November meeting was again one of our law- yers, Elizabeth Dunforth, whose topic was the work of the Legal Aid Society, a charitable organization designed for the sole purpose of handling the cases of those unable to pay for legal assistance. It has as its head Charles Evans Hughes and many other of the country's most noted lawyers. The average number of clients in one year equals about 400,000, and their cases cover an infinite variety of problems, ranging from the complex to the most absurdly simple, even ridiculous.
The chief business of the night was the discussion of joining the New York City Pan-Hellenic, initiated by Pi Beta Phi and the ap- pointing of a delegate.
The December meeting was as usual in celebration of Founders' Day, and Mrs. Perry spoke again charmingly. Apropos of Mrs. Perry, the chapters will be glad to learn that her latest book. Palmetto, is receiving favorable reviews and is selling well.

The N . Y . Alumnae were most interested this year in seeing that Germaine's Christmas doll had a proper wardrobe, even turning itself into a sewing circle for the purpose.
The holidays have been absorbing the time and attention of the members of the San Francisco Alumna? Chapter in the past two months, but we managed to squeeze in an informal reception of the Freshmen
of the active chapter at the home of Marion Crosett Strong. It came during an exceedingly strenuous ''ex season." but the alumna? gossiped, and the Freshmen were very dear and on their best behavior, as was fitting in the presence of their "elders." One freshman expressed sur- prise that a certain Professor should have been teaching in the day and age of a certain alumna—"Why/1 she exclaimed naively, "he must have one foot in the grave!"—and that to a mere slip of an alumna of but eleven years standing!! And so the cycles go merrily on!
In December the annual "Fair" was held at the chapter house. This is primarily an active chapter affair, but the alumna? individually con- tribute gifts or money, and do their share of the purchasing. This year the articles offered for sale were unusually pretty. The preserve and candy tables were very well stocked, and numbers of the choicest offerings were raffled to the holders of lucky numbers. It is rumored that the fair was decidedly successful financially.
Many of the alumna? were interested in the program and Christmas tree gifts for poor children given by the College W omen's Club of Berkeley. And our own particular family received its usual Christmas dinner and gifts.
The October meeting was held at the home of Florence Walker Cannell in Arlington. The hostesses were Marion Rich and Frida Ungar Farnsworth. During the transaction of business young Frank Cannell mashed imaginary potatoes in our midst, until his mother rescued the masher after a vain hunt in the kitchen for it. Being Hal- lowe'en of course Frank and the other children scared us properly with their ferocious jack-o-lanterns. It was nice to see Myra Fairbanks Taylor of Belmont and Alice Whitten, '14. who has charge of special gymnastic work at an Arlington sanitarium. It sounded quite as if at the present prices, the Winged Victory of Samathrace would have to
go out of style as the wedding gift.
The last Saturday of November brought a splendid big meeting to the home of Peg Bellows Norcross in Cambridge. Kennetha Ware and Esther Ladd acted as committee and they did nobly,—meaning that we can safely recommend them as cooks. Their most able assistant in serving was little Betty Norcross. All of the twenty-eight girls

present exclaimed then and are still raving about Mrs. Norcross' won- derful old-fashioned house which is completely furnished with antiques and heirlooms—the brick oven, the fireplace with its crane, the steps up and down between rooms on the second floor, the pewter ware, and the dining room so big that everyone could sit down in it for supper. The most exciting couple were Peg Jeffers and Marion Jameson Mori- son, Peg with her new diamond, and Marion with the news that she and Stan were to be sailing for Cuba Dec 18th for the winter. As some- one remarked, "there was a business meeting, but she couldn't just re- member what it was about."
Our new president, Erna Taylor, began early in the season to reorganize our chapter and to that end has appointed several commit- tees, hoping to stimulate interest among the regular attendants at meetings and to bring out new ones. We have with us here in Los Angeles a lot of Alpha O's if we could only become acquainted with them and get them out. We who have attended the meetings over a period of time and have really become acquainted with the girls from other chapters, look forward to the meetings. Look us up, new Alpha O's—we cannot find you out unless you make yourselves known.
At our November meeting, the girls voted to make their Christmas work of 1920 something that would mean service the year through rather than a spasmodic effort at the holiday season. Virginia Moore brought to our notice a "find'' in her Y. W. C. A. work, a girl of un- usual promise, Mina Zregorian, eldest of a large family. We call her Russian though her father is an Armenian and her mother a Russian. She herself speaks perfect Russian, French and English. Since her graduation from high school, inspired by family loyalty, she has been working in a multigraphing office to help out the home finances. The girls hope to arrange with her parents and place her in college for at least two years, paying her fees and providing her clothing. Then we hope to secure a scholarship for her. Mina herself was at the meeting and impressed everyone with her original and clever ideas. Virginia assures us that she has marvelous executive ability also as evidenced in her editing of the paper at Camp Estelle this summer. Because of Mina's scholarship, personality, character and financial need, she has aroused the interest of our chapter and we feel that it would be a wonderful satisfaction to have a part in furthering her education and we are hoping that 1921 may see Mina started on her college career. Who knows what such a girl might not accomplish in the world's work ?
Our next meeting is to be an old-fashioned all day basket picnic at Erna Taylor's.
FLORENCE L . STEWART, '09, Chapter

The Lincoln alumnae had their November meeting the second Sat- urday in the month at the Chamber of Commerce building. There was a large attendance among which were Helen Jobes of Tecumseh, Neb., and Irene Barton of Pawnee City who since has married. After the luncheon a number of almunre went to the fraternity house to a shower which the active girls were giving for Irene Barton Nelson.
In December, instead of the regular meeting, the alumnae attended a luncheon at the Lincoln Hotel. The Zeta girls gave it for out of town rushees. We all attended the Orpheum afterwards and had a jolly theatre party.
On account of so many other duties and events at the time, only five of the alumna? were able to attend the annual Christmas tree at the fraternity house but the ones who were present can assure the others that they missed a good time. The freshmen had prepared such clever stunts to entertain the upperclassmen and guests.
We have our January meeting on Saturday, the twenty-ninth at Brown Betty Tea House and expect a large number to attend.
ALMA RAWLINGS, ex '10, Chapter President. CHICAGO ALUMNJE
The November meeting, held at the home of Doris Wheeler Bach, resolved itself into a discussion of arrangements for the December meeting which was to take the form of a party to the active chapter and its pledges. The December meeting was held at the home of Alice Jane Wilson. There was a Christmas tree, of course, holding a gift for each pledge, and a dinner whose color note was red, served to fifty Alpha O's. After dinner the active chapter president formally pledged the seven prospective Alpha O's. Of course each year we say we have "splendid" girls, and of course it is the truth. This year we say "super- splendid.** The active chapter is to be congratulated.
The January meeting was held at Leonore Doniat Braun's. Most of this meeting was given over to an energetic discussion of the present rushing system at Northwestern, whereby a popidar freshman may attend, theoretically, forty-eight parties from the middle of September to the middle of December! It is a serious problem, and Melita as chairman of the local Panhellenic committee on rushing is endeavoring to find some practicable plan to present which will be an improvement on all the former systems.
Lest you think we are neglecting our charities,—at Christmas time we sent baskets to a family and also helped one of the large high schools in its donations. And we are planning to aid the active chapter in its huge task of raising funds for a sorority house. This, however, will not be charity,—or will it? "Charity begins at home."
JULIA F. CRANE, '14, Chapter Editor.

No, we are not getting conceited over ourselves and our town but we do live in a good town which hopes to be better. The Indianapolis Alumna? Club is such an enthusiastic gathering now that you will not be much surprised at our recent resolution. Our monthly meeting time has been moved up an hour so we can have more time to play together.
The picnic dinner for sister teachers during the fall Association was mighty attractive. Mrs. Wood's home was completely bewitched. Everywhere little old yellow faces grinned at you from under huge black hats. And how so many good things to eat could be gathered into one small kitchen is still a mystery. There was hurly-burly too, so many old friends were greeting each other and meeting all the new ones.
Mrs. Hostetter was hostess for the November meeting. There we planned our Christmas gift. We bought Victrola records for a local Old Ladies' Home. Ruth Jones and Iva Chambers delivered them.
Early in December, Delta Pi Omega, an organization in Butler College, entertained the Alumna? Club at the home of an Irvington member. Eight A O Pi's were there and enjoyed the party very much.
The December meeting at Mary Palmer's was a jolly time. Lucy Allen was there, her first meeting since early fall. Her broken ankle still made her limp but we didn't look at that: we liked her laugh and jokes. Irene Newman DeWolf was in town for Christmas holidays and visited us that day. Many of you remember about Irene and how she worked when Indianapolis Alumna? Club was getting a start. We were so glad to have her in another club session.
We have two new members, Mrs. Russell Hippensteel, Beta Phi is now living in New Jersey; and Miss Waters.. Zeta, is teaching in Technical High School. We need lots of help and new ideas so they are surely welcome into the circle. Mrs. Lee Smith is rather slow in completely recovering from her nervous breakdown but we can report some improvement.
The Indianapolis Panhellenic Council gave a large Christmas dance for fraternity people and their friends in the Riley Room of the Clay- pool Hotel. It was given for the benefit of the scholarships that Pan- hellenic offers to Butler students. Practically everyone attended, and it proved such an enjoyable dance that the Council will make it an annual affair.
The New Orleans Alumna? are trying to find the most effective work they can do in their few spare hours. At present the plan is to first make a study of the different social organizations of the city, and then we shall select the one to which we can be of the most value.

The holidays brought Katherine Reed, the founder of Pi chapter, to New Orleans. As this is the only visit she has made in the last ten years, it is the first opportunity many of us have had of meeting her. At Anna Many's, "Katherine" in her simple and charming manner told of the founding of our chapter; we drank in her words with our tea. This is the gist of her story: Mrs. Stella Stern Perry started her col- lege course at Newcomb and then went to Barnard, where she was one of the founders of A. O. Pi. Upon returning to New Orleans in 1897 she wanted to establish a chapter at Newcomb, and interested Kather- ine in it. "Stella Stern," before her visit was over, initiated Katherine Reed, who in turn initiated Bertha Meader; then these two invited Leigh Bres and Adele Mercier to join. These four were the charter members. At this point Dr. Dixon was interviewed, his permission was given and The Room in the basement was assigned to the A. O. Pi. Sorority. Everything had been kept a secret until after the room was furnished, then it was announced that the second sorority had been established at Newcomb.
Our next letter will be about another celebrity, Mrs. L. M. Mc- Causland, Jr., who will reach New Orleans in the early part of February.
The November meeting was held at the home of the chapter editor on the twenty-seventh of that month and was attended by fourteen members. At the business meeting it was voted to continue to work for the Sea Coast Mission as we have done for the past two years. A committee was appointed to look after new members and also to extend every courtesy possible to any of the A. O. P. sisters who may be near us at any time. Those appointed on the committee are, Hazel Mariner Buzzell, Oldtown; Barbara Dunn, Orono; and Ruth Crosby, 223 State St., Bangor.
The November Alumna? meeting was held at Dorothy McCarthy Murphy's house. Dr. Cecile Moriarity and Lila Kline, who are almost strangers to us, surprised us by their presence. A special meeting was held at the house to sew for the annual Christmas Bazaar. Zora Rob- inson and Grace Lehman who are teaching out of town, came over to the meeting. The Alumna? had charge of the Open House on Home- Coming Day, the 20th of November. The girls were unusually fine in doing their share—whether it was to watch the front door for guests or stand over a boiling coffee pot in the kitchen. Founders' Day ban- quet was celebrated at the house. The large alumna? delegation, that we usually have, failed to materialize, but those who were there, thoroughly enjoyed it.

The most interesting event of the afternoon was the discovery that Polly Mansur was wearing a beautiful new diamond. For further par- ticulars please read Gamma Alumnze Notes as Marion Jordan claims this bit of news for her own department.
On December twenty-eighth a ritual meeting was held at the home of Madeline Robinson in Bangor. There were fourteen present at this meeting among whom were Elizabeth Bright, June Kelly and Antoin- ette Webb. Doris Savage also was present for the first time this year. At present we are looking forward to the initiation and banquet of the active chapter which is to be held at the Bangor House on February fourteenth. We trust there will be many of our alumna: present.
The November meeting was a tea held in Fredrick and Nelson's Tea Room. About seven girls were present. An appeal was made for To-Dragma subscriptions as we are working for one hundred percent. Margaret Vathout Wirt and Mildred Baker are now members of the Seattle Alumna?.
After the Dartmouth-Washington game in our new stadium, which when it is completed will be the biggest in the world, we had a very successful home-coming reunion at the active chapter house. In Decem- ber, we had a luncheon but few came. Edith Sifton resigned as chapter editor. During the Christmas holidays we met around the holly dec- orated tables at "Rogers" and played "Truth" and two reported their goal attained—Mildred Baker and Virginia Moseley. We adjourned to the McCausland-McCormick one room apartment into which the twelve of us crowded. Some interesting letters from Margderite Uhler and Minnie Kraus in Japan were read. Marguerite is secretary to the manager of Haskin and Sells (public accountants) in Shauai, and Minnie is on a pleasure trip planning to return via Suez Canal. Her sister "Pat" is going to Europe in June with some University girls. W e are keeping our employment bureau functioning. We have been able to help a great number to secure better positions. Could something be done along this line nationally?
Our December luncheon at the Oregon Hotel turned out to be a real Christmas party. There were twelve present and a present for everyone purchased at the modest sum of twenty-five cents. One of our number announced December as her choice of a matrimonial month. Helen Whiting of Upsilon chapter was married to Ben Johnson, a former Texas man.
LUCILE LOYD. Chapter Editor.

You old girls of other chapters know what fun it is to come back home for a visit, but I wonder if you all have alumna; editors so enterprising as Ailcy Kyle Peet. Not five minutes after she had greeted me, I had promised to write the To Dragma letter. She said "the girls will be so glad to hear from someone besides me." A doubtful compliment strengthened by an invitation to lunch and a promise to "wash all the dishes while you write" is not to be resisted. I have only the memory of a general sensation of content at being set down in Minn F.lois Hunt's living room before a big open fire and catching bits of talk here and there. I was glad that this meeting was purely social, for it gave me a chance to kindle at the accounts of the actives' doings, to hear about "my babies" and hear of the teachers, home demonstrators, and Y. W . C. A. workers, home for the holidays.
Every two weeks, all winter, Knoxville alumna? have met with one of the members for real work. They are busy making tiny bloomers and dresses for the children of the St. John's Orphanage. It is at this Orphanage where the memorial room for our Edith Caulkins has been fitted up and somehow this adds just a touch of tenderness to the work for the children there.
As we are only ten in number we sometimes change the date of our regular meeting, though we try to be very business-like. Our October meeting we had to postpone, and in November we met with Laura Radford Yates, and in December with Elizabeth Bryan Wil- liams. Both of them were sociable gatherings. In October, the active chapter had a parly at which we "showered the kitchen." Bess Mastin has gone home for her sister's wedding. The Aliens are eagerly looking forward to Evelyn's home-coming.
We met at the home of Olga Sheppard Thomas, K. '09. the presi- dent for the year, early in the fall, and elected officers for the coming year. Eleanor Manning Walker, K '19, was made president. The chap- ter resolved to keep more closely in touch with the active chapter at Southern Methodist University and decided upon some social service work which the active girls would enjoy. The Mexican Mission, Julia Fowler Orphan's Home and the Virginia K. Johnson Home for Girls were included in the suggestions. W e have tried hard to help the actives entertain. Margaret Bentley gave a tea one day for the girls when they were entertaining freshmen. Later she gave a midnight supper to the new pledges. Louise Wadsworth Zeek had the active chapter at her home for a meeting. Lura Temple was hostess at an informal tea given for Bess Herrick and the active girls. Rhea Burgess invited the

active chapter to spend a social afternoon with her. Many other parties are planned. In the celebration of Founder's Day Nil Kappa chapter and the Dallas alumna? feel that they accomplished something rather unique. W e have been interested in Florence Lowell Beatty, a graduate of Barnard college, '19, who married Mr. J. O. Beatty, a professor of English at the University, because she is enrolled in the academic department and thus eligible for pledging. W e are so pleased to say that on Founder's Day we pledged her and had a splendid celebration. It was a wonderful meeting and every one present was stirred to the realization that their hearts were filled with earnest wishes for the growing prosperity and fruitful long life of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Wishes for a year of prosperity and success we extend io Alpha O's everywhere.
Our November meeting featured a supper meeting with Psi followed by a ritual meeting with them. It was a happy get-together and it seemed like good old times again. Tt 'most made us feel that we weren't alumna? at all but real honest-to-goodness undergraduates once more.
At our Christmas meeting in December we were busy filling stockings for the kiddies at the University Settlement House. We filled about seventy-five and I know that at least that many kiddies were happy when Christmas day came. The things that were in those stockings! There was certainly time and thought put into the pur- chasing of those little gifts.
Another box of engagement-announcing candy arrived. "We rather thought that this one would be coming along some day but we were surprised that last meeting day should be the day. So the en- gagement of Margaret Robinson, Psi '19, to George Kraemer, Penn- sylvania '18, was formally announced.
Ruth Bond was back with us again and we were certainly glad to see her. The meeting ended with a very informal discussion of "Town Topics" with a wee bit of gossip thrown in here and there.
November 13th was the time of the annual alumna? tea for Psi and their freshmen. It was the afternoon of the Penn-Dartmouth game and if we recall football history we will remember that it was a sad bunch of Pennsylvania followers who dropped in for a cup of tea that afternoon. But when noses and toeses were thawed out we did have a jolly time in spite of the distressing score. We had the pleasure of a little tea visit with Mrs. B. F. Conant, (Bertha Scott, Alpha Chapter) that afternoon.
It is always a pleasure to welcome Alpha O's at any of our formal or informal meetings. W e wish we might have the opportunity more often.
Avis HUNTER, '18, Chapter Editor.

The November meeting was held on the twenty-first with Nell Bridenbaugh and Mattie W. Higgins as hostesses. The afternoon was spent sewing on baby bed pads for the Child Saving Institute. The Nebraska Teachers' Association meeting here in November was the occasion of a "get-together" luncheon at the University Club on November ninth. About thirty were present. On November twenty- eighth a luncheon was held at the Chamber of Commerce. It was an attempt to meet the active girls but few attended. We hope for better luck next time. W e are to have two meetings in January. About ten of the girls had the pleasure of meeting Ruth Sharer and Loretta Sullivan both of Rho on December twenty-third, when Blanche W . Potter gave a Kensington Tea for them. We enjoyed them very much. Will other Alpha O's visiting here make themselves known?
The Omaha Panhellenic Association held its semi-annual lunch- eon at the Blackston on December twenty-seventh. There were eighty fraternities represented. Miss Blanche Potter had charge of the entertainment. Delta Zeta was presented with a silver loving cup. This cup belongs to the Association and is given annually to the fra- ternity at the University of Nebraska having the highest scholarship. From December twenty-seventh to January first was held the biennial congress of Alpha Tau Omega. A reception to which all fraternity people in Omaha were invited was held on the opening day.
We are planning to initiate all Omaha alumna? on January eighth when Bess Mitchell and Olive B. Wrightson will be hostesses. With one exception every Alpha O in the city will be present (which means about twenty).
Will some of you Alpha O's please come to make your home in Tacoma? We need you. Since our last letter, Mildred and Ruth Baker and Mrs. Alice Norris have moved to Seattle. Then, Marjorie Sayre was in California until just recently, so truly, we have not been having as many meetings as usual.
However, we had a lovely Christmas party at the home of Mrs. lone Wright on December 29th. A ll of the Alpha O girls who are spending the Christmas holidays in Tacoma were present. We es- pecially enjoyed hearing the late news about Upsilon Chapter. We are all invited to attend an informal dance to be given in the new house on January 21st. Mrs. Ruth Haslett Kelly, another one of our girls who left us to make Seattle her home, was with us also. Ruth, with her small daughter, Kathleen Marie, is spending the holidays with her mother here. I am sure young Kathleen will he a prominent and enthusiastic Alpha O some day, that is, if she follows in her mother's footsteps. We have just learned that Mildred Baker is

wearing a lovely diamond and a Delta Upsilon pin. Now, we know why Mildred was so thrilled ahout moving to Seattle. They say the lucky man is a young lawyer, Horace Hall.
Mrs. Perry is to leave in January for Argentina.
Io Bres Moise has been elected a chapter regent of the Daugh-
ters of the American Revolution.
Katherine Marguerite Reed, one of the founders of Pi chapter,
who is a member of the faculty of Akron University, is in New Orleans for the holidays. Pi alumna; turned their regular Christmas meeting into one in her honor and nearly all the New Orleans Alpha O's spent the afternoon with her at Anna Many's home.
Rosalie Dufour Woolfley, '15, is living in Baltimore. Her husband has been transferred to Camp Meade.
Another Pi girl living in Baltimore is Rietta Garland Albriton.
Evelyn Pigott, '19, is the confidential secretary of a well known nerve specialist in New Orleans.
Rosamond Hill Schneidau, Anna McLellan. and Ruth Kastler are taking part in the Alumnae Vaudeville Show for the benefit of the Newcomb Loan Fund.
Lessie Madison was in New Orleans for a few days just before Christmas.
Marjorie Goodwine, who is teaching in Meadeville, Miss., spent a week-end in New Orleans.
Virginia Withers is teaching at Richmond College.
Lilian Fortier Zeringer is again living in New Orleans.
ENGAGEMENTS. Elizabeth Harrison, '1°, youngest daughter of the late President Harrison of Indianapolis and New York, is to become the bride of James Blaine Walker, Jr., a grand-nephew of the late James G. Blaine, who was Secretary of State in President Harrison's cabinet. Miss Harrison is a lawyer and expects to continue the practice of her profession.
Virginia Mollenhauer, '20, is engaged to Dr. Edwin Post Maynarel.

Eleanor Burke did not return to Knoxville after the holidays. She will continue her studies at Columbia University.
Mae Stokely, '06, who has been in South America for several years doing Y. W. C. A. work, is home for a few weeks.
Alice Calhoun Cox, ex-'17, is living in Clarksville, Tenn., where Mr. Cox has bought a farm.
Elizabeth Kennedy, '19, has given up her Y. W. C. A. work in Arkansas, and is now with the Y . W . here. Knoxville alumnae are glad to announce.
Aubry Faulkner Jennings, '16, and her husband are in New York, both doing special work at Columbia.
Josephine Johnson Hobson of Memphis came to Knoxville to attend the wedding of her sister, Katherine. Wista Braly Ogle was another guest at Katherine's wedding. She is now at Paris Island, S. C, where her husband is stationed.
Elizabeth Ayres Link and little daughter, Ruth, have returned to their home in Rockport, Illinois, after a visit in Knoxville.
Anne Lynn McNutt, who is teaching in Lynnville, Tenn., Helen Kennedy, who is home demonstrator in Selma, Ala., and Louise Wiley, who is teaching in Raleigh, N . C, were home recently.
Alice Hayes Graf, '14, spent Christmas with her family in Nash- ville, Tenn.
Jess Edmunds Cromer (Mrs. Carl) has moved to San Diego, Cal. Her address is 3612 Granada Avenue.
On December 27th, Katherine Johnson, '17, to Charles Sprigg of
Newport, Arkansas.
To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell Barham (Ethel Terry, '17,) a son, on December 22nd.
Mollie Minkwitz, '14, is tutoring men for Yale entrance exam-
Lucy Somerville. '16, is studying law at the University of Mississippi.
Liza Wallis passed through here enroute to New York and made a short visit in order to see the girls.
Carle King, ex '17, to Charles Carrill Darredoe Jr., on November
16th. They are now at home in Daldosta, Ga.

To Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryant Heard (Bernice Shcppard), a daugh- ter, Bernice Bryant, October 25, 1920.
To Mr. and Mrs. John Baker Roller (Margaret Atkinson), a son, John Baker, Jr., October 26, 1920.
Miss Grace Morin has had her plans for the Women's Club house at Martinez accepted. We hope that Grace's broken wrist will not interfere with her work and will mend shortly.
Mr. and Mrs. George Pierce (Mary Agnes Cameron) have re- turned from London, where Dr. Pierce has been studying for several months.
Helen Henry writes that she was erroneously reported in the November To Dragma, to be back in California. She has a supervis- ing position with the New York Agency of the Provident Life and Trust Co., of Philadelphia. Her telephone number is Cortlandt 6300 and she says she will be delighted to have any girls call her up, when- ever they may be in New York.
Emma Black Kew is visiting her mother in San Francisco while her husband is in Mexico.
Dorothy Clarke Mills visited her mother in Berkeley during January.
May Cameron Pierce is back from London and is in Berkeley tor the present.
Mae Knight Siddell was in Berkeley during the fall.
Anna Weeks is teaching music at the Hackettstown Academy, New Jersey.
Isabelle H. Stewart (former Grand President) is Vice Principal in a school in Oakland, Cal.
Elizabeth Elliott has announced her engagement to Patrice
Hickey, the son of the late Baron James Harnden Hickey of Paris.
Lucile Kistler Wagy (Mrs. E. W.) has a son born December 14th.
Jennett Miller Schwartz (Mrs. Burton) has a son born in Novem- ber.
Ethel Porter Cullom (Mrs. F. B.) has a daughter. Mary Anna, born in September.
Ruby Kemp, who would have been a junior this year sent us an announcement in October of her marriage. She and her husband live
• •

TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMIC RON PI 109 in Louisiana and they sent the active chapter a box of holly for a
Christmas gift.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Baney, a daughter, Joan, September 30th, 1920, at Kentland, Indiana. Mrs. Baney was Helen Sutton, ex '17.
Particularly the girls of the early days of Delta Sigma are grieved to learn of the death of Maud Carvill's mother—that gracious little lady whose unbounded hospitality won their deep affection and meant so much in the starting of the chapter.
Anna Morton, '99, is living with Dr. Carvill this winter in Somer- ville.
Polly Lambert, '00, is planning to start a small girls' camp at South Harpswell, Me., next summer. She thinks it would be nice to play
auntie to about five nice A O Pi nieces.
Ethel Remele, '08, is making a collection of pamphlet clippings
and book references on vocations for the Boston Public Library under the auspices of the Vocational Committee of Boston Branch of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae.
Gladys Graves W ales, '09, is living in Syracuse, N . Y ., at 416 W . Onondega street.
Alice Spear, '12, is secretary of the Norfolk School of Religious Education.
Etta Phillips MacPhie, '13, represented Mrs. McCausland at a Panhellenic tea given at Boston College club on October 30th in honor of Mrs. Calvin Coolidge.
Marion Nichols, '15, is again teaching in Salem after a year of rest at home.
The sympathy of the chapter is extended to Kennetha Ware. '18, in the loss of her brother Albert on October 16th.
Ruth Robinson, '19, is Executive Secretary of the Webster Girls Club organized this fall. This is one of forty clubs forming the Massachusetts League of Girls Clubs. In September Ruth took an intensive two-weeks course with the National League of Girls' Clubs in New York in preparation for her work.
The following girls were seen about the Hill in November: Gladys W aite Wood, ex '10, from Hastings-on-Hudson, N . Y .; Adeline Steinberg Hall, '11, from Baltimore, Md., and Inga Little, '19, from Laconia, N. H.
The following alumna? attended the active chapter pledge dance on December 11th: Annette MacKnight, '14, Marion Davis, '15, Ruth Brooks, Kathleyne Snow, and Ethel Richardson, '19, and Marion Bennett, Dorothea Cunningham, Mary Grant and Marion Phillips, '20.

Madeline Jcffers, '16, to Douglas W . Copeland of Jamaica Plain.
Edith Johnson, ex '15, to Douglas Donald on June 24, 1920. They have the dearest little colonial house in Shawsheen Village and rumor has it that Edith hand-hemstitched draperies for every one of the windows in it.
A son, Donald Munro, on November 8th to Mr.and Mrs. William D. Henderson (Margaret Fessenden, '15.)
A son, Arthur Hall, on November 11th to Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Chandler (Marion Hall, '16.)
Zella C. Colwin is at the University of North Dakota.
Ruth Gardner, '19, is doing interesting work in analytical chem- istry in the laboratory of Prof. Lewis B. Allyn, the "Pure Food Man" in Westfield, Mass.
Irene Cousins has been promoted to the head of History Depart- ment in Bangor High School.
June Kelley, Elizabeth Bright, Ruth Chalmers and Antoinette Webber were in Bangor during the Christmas holidays.
Martha G. Knight, '09, is teaching English in the Leonia High School, Leonia, N . J.
Frances Cutler spent last year studying English at Columbia University. Her engagement to Mr. William S. Knickerbocker was announced last summer. Mr. Knickerbocker is now Assistant Profes- sor of English at the State College of Forestry in Syracuse. Their marriage is to take place in June.
Helen Steward Bradstreet is living in Los Angeles. She moved from Hallowell, Maine, making the trip across the country in a Paige car. They made the trip in twenty-seven days.
The Charity Organization Society of the City of New York has given Joanna Colcord full charge of its extension work in the Virgin Islands. The Red Cross has sent two nurses to the Islands to work in the schools and to supplement the public health work of the naval authorities, and two librarians to open up libraries. These are the gifts of the children of the United States through the Junior Red Cross. Miss Colcord will be accompanied by her mother who will spend the winter and they will reside on the Island of Saint Croix.
Last year, Miss Colcord*s book, "Broken Homes." on social work was published by the Russell Sage Foundation. She is a sister of the well known poet, Lincoln Colcord.

H . S.
Freeland—Pauline Mansur, '19. Knickerbocker—Frances W . Cutler.
James William
To Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bucker (Frances Webber), a son, John Edward Burke.
To Mr. and Mrs. W . West (Helen Danforth). a son, Danforth Emerson West.
To Mr. and Mrs. David Beach (Marguerite Mills), a daughter. Barbara Beach.
Ethel Cornell, '14, is with the New York State Board of Educa- tion as Assistant Psychologist, with her headquarters at Albany. Ethel's work consists of traveling throughout the state, and organiz- ing classes for defectives where the number in any school or district warrants this in accordance with the state law.
Gladys Combs Terry, '16, has given up her connection with public health work, and has moved to her new home at Darien, Conn., overlooking the Sound.
Jess e King Peters, '16, spent a week in New York this fall with her husband and two babies. Her time was pretty much occupied with shopping, but she squeezed in a luncheon engagement with Helen Leavens and talked over old times—but mostly present times and child prodigies.
Anna Morrow, '17, stopped in New York on her way to and from the Yale-Harvard game. On her return trip, she spent the week-end with Sally Campbell, who is now living in Brooklyn.
Betty Wood Outterson, '17, reports that she has taken to judging debates at the high school, and attending Browning Club meetings in Hudson, her young son permitting. Betty is as full of pep as ever, and goes into everything wholeheartedly.
Joanna Donlon, '18, spent six weeks in New York this fall, taking a secretarial course, since she has been promoted to the position of secretary to the president of the bank! Johnnie stayed with Mary while in the city, but returned to Utica just before Thanksgiving, in time for Kathar'ne's wedding. Mary is connected with a law firm in New York, and has a delightful little apartment in Brooklyn, as Betty Neely will testify for she dropped in for a couple of hours on her way back to Ithaca.
Mary Moore, '20, is staying home.
Mary Donlon, '20, is doin^ law work in New York. Cornelia Munsell, '20, is in a Washington School. Marie H'llidge is teaching in West Virginia. Dorothy Heiber is at home.

Dagmar Schmidt Wright and her baby spent a month in Ithaca
with Professor and Mrs. Schmidt.
Katharine Donlon, '12, to Daniel J. Crowley, on Thanksgiving Day. Katharine is now living in Bowling Green, Ohio, and can be reached with that address.
Elsie Brace, '19, is conducting welfare work in Kansas City, Mo., under the direction of the New York Equitable Life Insurance Co.
Pauline Pearson Huffman, '13, is visiting her parents at Orange, Cal. She and Mr. Huffman expect to locate permanently in California.
Rho announces the engagement of Mabel Gastfield, '16:
George Thomas Steinbart of Pontiac, Illinois. Dr. Steinbart is a member of Delta Sigma Delta, dental fraternity.
Florence Ruth Hughson with her little daughter were back to college during pledging season. Little Paula was an ideal rusher.
Other alumna? have aided us wonderfully during the rushing season. Reba Bland. Mildred Merritt and Caroline Rochfort were back and remained several days.
W e have had a visit from Ruth Taylor Murray and her husband, who were on their honeymoon trip.
On November first, Elaine Adrian, '22, surprised us by announc- ing her engagement to Howard Willougby.
Ruth McCallum, '22, announced her engagement to Charles Allyn Parmelee at a lovely little party on the evening of November nine- teenth.
Ora Williams, ex '21, visited the active chapter in November.
Minette Koch, ex '23, visited at the chapter house just before the Christmas vacation.
Ellen Kittinger Grover, ex '21, and husband are now located at
Ruth Bemreuter, '20, is now teaching at Fairfield. Marie Stejskal, ex '19, has gone to California.
to Dr.

Helen Whitney, '13, is teaching in Chicago. Her letter told of ten happy days spent at Lake Harbor, Mich., with the newlyweds, Mabel and Harry.
Bertha Stein, '18, is enjoying California as much as she expected to. Her present address is 407 W . First St., Santa Anna. California.
Mary Putnam. '19, who is teaching at Camp Humphreys, Va., wrote of going to a game at Annapolis and to the Army and Navy game. Last, but not least in point of importance, she said, "My brother has again been promoted to Major. Isn't that grand5 "
Aileen Hunter, '19, who is teaching at Mt. Carroll. 111., and Helen Moore, '20, who lives there are having many good times together.
Ethel Brooks, '16, had a lovely visit with .Tana Wiley Rowland, ex '16, at Thanksgiving. Ethel found Jana supremely happy and adds, "Jana had Leola and Mildred over one afternoon while I was there. When Leola's and Jana's kiddies get together there is lots of noise and ever so much fun."
Maybelle Dallenbach Denhart, 17, spent some time in the home of her parents recuperating from a severe illness. She has resumed teaching.
Elva Pease Pettigrew, '09, has had her allotment of worry, it seems. Gordon was severely injured when an auto truck ran into him, breaking his leg between the knee and hip. It failed to set properly and finally had to be operated upon by a specialist. Elva hears his lessons daily and thinks he will return to school in January.
In October, the local alumna? entertained the pledges at tea at Grace Finfrock's home. It was pleasant to meet them in this way and to feel quite well acquainted with these fine little sisters-to-be.
Hazel Stephens, '19, has been recovering nicely from her opera- tion for appendicitis. Her sister, Annetta Stephens Shute, '10, and family came to spend the holidays in Champaign.
The active chapter entertained the alumna? at a tea immediately after the Home-Coming game. Among the returning alumna? present were, Shirley Mann, '20, Grace Gantz, '20, Helen Moore, '20, Leila Sheppard, '20, Agnes Fuller, '20, Helen Branns. '19, Elaine Buhrman, '17, Cora Mae Lane Wiedman, '13, Lucy Burwash, '20, Minnie Phil- lips, '17, Dorothy Dunn. '19, Elsie Noel, '19. Atha Wood Fowler, ex '17, Leola Goodmann Scales, '14, Mildred MacDonald, '11. and Bar- bara Crow Dennison, '09.
Velda Bamesberger, '19, writing from Okmulgee, Okla., said in part: "My work has opened up splendidly here. I have an assistant most of the time and I've been allowed the equipment that I needed. The teachers and principals have cooperated with me and seem so interested in the work. An A O Pi from Tennessee teaches in the high school here. Needless to say, I think she is the finest girl I've met and we certainly enjoy talking Alpha O."
I fear there'd be a general exodus from the cities to the farm, if all of you could read Mary Wills Scholl's last letter. You remember

that she is now living on a tract adjoining Denver. Oh, the cream, milk, butter and poultry, to say nothing of the apples, pumpkins, squash, potatoes, tomatoes, melons ct cetera through the whole list, in their root-house1
Florence Moss, '17, and her mother attended Sedgwick's wedding in Natchez in November and en route home stopped off to visit in Anna's home. It was Florence's first visit to the chapter for three long years, and all alumna; know how good it is to return and renew Alpha O associations even after a short absence. One naturally misses the old familiar faces, so it is very pleasant to find actives like Iota's who have the happy faculty of making you feel thoroughly welcome and quite well acquainted. The High School Teachers Con- ference happened to be in session at this time, so Florence saw more of the "old girls" than she would have seen at some other time. Among those here for the Conference were, Ethel Brooks, '16, Elsie
Noel, '19, Dorothy Iwig. '18, Elaine Buhrman, '17, Leila Sheppard, '20, Agnes Fuller, and Grace Gantz, '20.
Mabel Jackson, '15, Hollywood. Cal., wrote a wonderful letter to Mate which I was privileged to read. Every word was interesting but I can quote only a few lines: " I am carrying four units of work at the University besides my teaching—and spend the greater part of one afternoon at the Plaza Community Center, through which organization I have adopted two Mexican families, that is, I have promised to Americanize them—teach them English, cleanliness, how to live, what to eat, etc., etc.—an enormous but most interesting task. I never enjoyed life more than I have this year, nor have I ever been so busy. M y University work in the Seminar requires intensive labor from four to six on Tuesday and Wednesday. Then, I have one other duty that is most enjoyable. I go up in the hills to a beautiful nook every Monday after school to the University of Theosophy where I have one class in English. With my three private pupils, you can see that even my Saturdays and Sundays are full to the brim."
Mrs. Stowers, the dear lady who was our house-mother for so long, is now with her daughter at 5726 McPherson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. She has not been very strong and has had trouble with her eyes. For a time, it was feared that she would lose the sight of her right eye, but fortunately that condition has improved. Much of her letter was devoted to the little girl baby whom Inez Downing Jayne and Mr. Jayne took into their hearts and home last spring. Violet Eleanor Jayne (for so was she named) has blue eyes and light hair, and was two years old in May.
Naturally enough, the alumna; assistant editor is frequently re- garded as an information bureau and without doubt, most of the questions put to her concern the brides:—"Where did she meet him?" "What is his business?" "Did they take a honevmoon trip?" " I hope they are happ>',*' (which might aptly be punctuated with a big, fat period and a tiny, but hopeful, interrogation point). I wish you might

read the letters and enjoy each word along with me. Since that is impossible, we must content ourselves with glimpses into them. All have several things in common; for each bride is very, very, happy, and each seems sure that she has "the grandest man in the world." Let us hope that last will never be the subject of open debate: for each of us older married ladies also knows she herself has that "best husband." There is Ruth Percival, '18, who is happily married and living in St. Louis. She visited her parents in November and it was
plain to be seen that happiness belonged to her.
Ethel Watts Parker met Mr. Parker in Detroit where he is in the contracting painting business. W e all must feel sure that he is the man of her dreams; for we remember so well how Ethel always insisted her husband must have dark hair and eyes, and he has. They have a six room apartment at 5040 Linsdale Ave., where Ethel is hoping to gather all Detroit Alpha O's as soon as she is settled.
Remember what Mabel Wallace, '13, always said in those heart to heart talks at old 210 E. John? Well, Mabel met Mr. Twining on the faculty of which she was a member last year. She writes: "Of
course we had a terrible time trying to find a place to live, until our lucky star guided us here. W e have a comfortable apartment of four rooms, a few blocks from the University of Chicago." The address is 5544 Maryland Ave.
Martha and Nellie Hedgecock had a pretty double wedding at their home and after the ceremony, Martha and "L. S." left for the Ozarks, while Nellie and her husband went to Minnesota. Knowing the "parties of the first part" as well as we do, it is unnecessary to say how happy they are in their home in Carthage, 111. And Nellie, too, is perfectly happy. Mr. Roske is County Farm Adviser with headquarters at Ortonville, Minn. As usual, Nellie finds time for
many extra duties, so is doing the stenographic work in the office. Quoting her, "Melvin is five feet and eleven inches tall and is a two hundred pound man with a heart bigger than he is. He has blue eyes and brown hair and is more like my brother William than any other
man I know."
Inez Sampson Ranney, ex '15, and her husband, an Illinois graduate, motored to Yellowstone Park and after a month, relumed to their cozy home at Cazenovia. And where is Cazenovia? It is a small place near Washington, and all activity there centers in the grain business of which Mr. Ranney holds a controlling interest. Inez likes housekeeping fine and continues, " I never imagined there
could be so much romance wrapped up in cooking, dishwashing, mending, cleaning the house, and then ditto the next week."
It is a pleasure to add this paragraph; for it will answer the questions of many who have been wondering about Mary Bruner Tehon, '12, since her removal to Iowa. The letter which came just in time to be quoted here, said: "Y ou are probably surprised to know that I am here in Mattoon—I came three weeks ago when the baby

was not quite seven weeks old. We had such a hard time with the baby at first and were very worried for quite a while. He is getting along well now. He has dark blue eyes and hair like mine."
Martha Hedgecock, '18, to Lorenzo S. Foote, on Sept. 22, 1920. Nellie Hedgecock, '16, to Melvin P. Roske, on Sept. 22, 1920. Ethel Frances Watts, ex '15, to Marion James Parker, on Oct.
16, 1920.
To Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tehon (Mary Bruncr) a son, Stephen, in November.
Lillian Glessner is spending the Christmas vacation at home. Mildred Hay'en is living in Minneapolis at the Areola Apartments. Gertrude Falkenhagen spent a couple of days in Minneapolis on
her way to Montevideo for the holidays.
A letter from June Wimer states that she is teaching in Tonopah,
Idaho, a mining community.
Leota Kirlin Eaton and her small daughter were in town for a
short visit.
Mildred Hougland has accepted a teaching position in South
Dakota for the remainder of the year.
Rhoda Kellogg Rypins is working with the Cooperative Alliance
in the city.
Lillian Tifft was operated on for appendicitis and is at home in
Glencoe, recuperating.
A cable from Norway assured us of Mary Dee's safe arrival
there in time for Christmas. She surely had a hearty "send off" from this end of the line. The active chapter and several of the alumna? went went to the station with her. So did "Brick." I am in doubt as to which chapter he should be classified under. Just before the train pulled out, the girls commenced to sing, "Here's to Mary Dee . . . who is going to sea," much to the interest and curiosity of the other passengers.
ENGAGEMENTS Mary Danielson to Warren Drummond.
Vivian W atson Harness, a son. Matie Stoner Ebeltoft, a daughter. Muriel Fairbanks Stuart, a son. Doris Schlampp, a son.

PI 117
T h e
"Tweed"' Adams, '13; Mary Adams, '19; Greta Ames, '19; Irene Becker, '19; Frances Carter, '18; Mary Cullivan, '15; Grace Cum- mings, '13; Florence Farrington-Hutt, '14; Florence Gilger, 16; Helen Gregory, '19; M rs. Claude Clark (Florence Hughes, '18); Reva Snyder, 19; Ethel Williams, '20; Ruth Young, ex '23; Betty Zim- mer, '20.
Florence Shafer, '14, is teaching at Hartwick Seminary.
Ruth Melvin, '17, teaches at Clermont on the Hudson.
Clarita Moore, '20, ("Fliv") has visited at 1017 on two occa-
sions; once when she could not stay away any longer and again when her school at Lake Placid was quarantined for scarlet fever.
Frances Carter, '18, is teaching in New Jersey.
To Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Barkman (Billie Barkman, '09) a son, Edwin Charles, November 30th, 1920.
To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rood (Agnes Crowell, ex '18), a daughter, Elizabeth Martha, November 14, 1920.
Mildred Loring is teaching psychology at the University of Min- nesota.
Virginia Moseley is teaching at the Country Club's private school.
Agnes Dobbins, the Cornell Alpha O, who was with us last summer is out in the wild and woolly west in Salt Creek, Wyoming. It is the richest oil field in the world and is fifty miles from a rail- road. She is principal of the school and has three university gradu- ates under her.
Eugenia Garrett has been very ill in the hospital for the past two months. She will be home soon.
Alice Dibbel is taking graduate work at the University of Cal- ifornia.
Beatrice Ober has accepted a position in San Francisco as sec- retary to the manager of a large importing concern.
Helen Fosdick is attending Stanford.
Mildred Jeans is a home economics substitute teacher in Seattle public schools.
Ruth Lusby is manager of the Commons, the student cafeteria, at the University of Washington and is also teaching institutional management.
C o l g a t e
g a m e
b r o u g h t th e
f o l l o w i n g
alum nae
to C h i :

Mildred Baker, '17, to Horace Hall, who is a member of Delta Upsilon at the University of Virginia.
Virginia Moseley, '18, to Harris Watters.
Doris Moore, '21, to George Sutton. They live at Richmond Beach.
Francis Dibble, '20, to Robert Graham, a member of Sigma Chi. Violet Krohn, '20, to Frank Burlington, a member of Sigma Chi. Margaret Grant, '23, to John Widrig.
Rith Johnson, '15, to Arthur Weber.
Helen Whiting to Ben Johnson of Texas University. They will live in Yakima.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. Lester Kelly (Ruth Haslett, 20), a girl. Kathleen Marie, November 1st, 1920.
The presence of Margaret Vaughan, '17, has been a great help to our chapter in its troubled state of existence. She has guided us in Panhellenic matters. Margaret Bonner Bentley, Louise Wads- worth Zeek also gave us very necessary assistance and advice and thus the chapter is among the living.
Louise, Bernice and Irene Pendleton are all at home in Durant, Okla., this year. Louise is the "lady of the house," while Irene and Bernice are both teaching. Irene has several pupils for the violin and studies in Dallas. Bernice is assistant professor of English at the Normal School in Durant.
Martha Smith Burge and her husband have come from their home in Louisville, Ky„ to spend a few days with Martha's parents. Maude Rasbury Courtney and husband were also in Dallas for
Nelle Graham Barton is living in Dallas. John Wynne should
receive expression of gratitude for bringing her back.
R h e a Burgess, L o r a T h a c k e r , F r a n c e s C u m m i n g s and G ene- vieve received their degrees from the University of Texas last June. Helen Cummings is enrolled there this year and Rhea Burgess is
returning after Christmas to work for an A. M .
Genevieve Grace is in the employ of an advertising concern in
Los Angeles, Cal.
Ella Mae Upthegrove paid a flying visit to her home state to
attend the announcement of Linna's coming marriage to Augus Mc- Neil.

TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI 119 Bess Herrick has been the guest of Lura Temple for a few days
Minna Norwood Perry has fully recovered from her operation.
Martha Anne Smith, ex '19, to Kemp S. Burge. Nelle Graham, ex '19, to John Wynn Barton.
Nu Kappa has been saddened by the death of the mothers of two of our members. Emily Barton lost her mother early in the summer, and Mrs. W. T. Herrick died in October. Both were a great shock to everyone. The chapter extends their sympathy and love to both girls.
Margaret Melaas, '19, is in Madison working in the state chem- istry laboratory at the university.
Marion Roth. '20, is assistant editor of the LTniversity of Wis- consin Press Bureau.
Hermance Teschner, '20, is leaching school in a small town near Eugene, Oregon.
Gladys Beveridge, "19, is librarian at the Oshkosh, Wisconsin, city library.
Mrs. Helene Bowersox Burke, '18, is living in Edon, Ohio.
"Betty" Pruett Farrington, '18, is in Washington, D . C, where her husband is special representative for the Philadelphia Ledger. She is writing special feature articles for various newspapers.
Winifred Inglis Baumgartner, '18, is now living in Mason City. Iowa.
Rose Harloff Bogart, '17, lives at 501 Georgia Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Esther Fowler Rosencrantz, '17, lives in Lafayette, Ind.
Ruth Nicely Ross, '19, is in Michigan City, Indiana.
Garnet Kleven, '20, is working in her father's business in Mt.
Horeb, Wisconsin.
Marguerite Gooding, Fond du Lac, '19, to Elmer Habbhegger. They are living in Columbus, Ohio.
Avis Peters, Madison, '18, to Paul Sunderland. They are now living in Undine Apts., Omaha, Neb. Married Sept. 1.
Mary Fowler, '20, Fithian, 111., to Oscar Rennebohm, Madison, now at Clifford Apts., Madison, Wise. Married Sept. 6.
Mary F. Gregory, '20, to Harry Trealevan, Oak Park, 111. Living at 126 N . Elmwopd Ave., Oak Park, 111. Married on Sept. 7,

Jennie Martin, 21, Mt. Horeh, Wise, to Everett Jones, Kappa Sig, Fond du Lac, Wise.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Burke (Mrs. Burke was Heleric Jarvis Bow- ersox, '18), announce the birth of a daughter, Joan.
Dorothy Noble and Evelyn Border spent Thanksgiving with Blanche Menke in Glendive, Mont.
Mary K. Carlson and her husband spent Christmas with rela- tives in Helena, Mont.
Enna Lessel Collins hns moved to Butte, Mont. She was in Bozeman for a few days in November.
Leila Lin field, '20, and Paul R. Nye were married in Bozeman October 20. They are living in Great Falls, Mont.
To Dr. and Mrs. Roy Douglas (Ellenna Webb. 18), a daughter,
Jean Elizabeth Douglas, October 13, 1920. Jean Elizabeth has the distinction of being the first Nu Omicron baby. We are all very proud of her and most anxious to see her.
Edna Gilbert, '18, is teaching sewing in the high school at Niles,
Ohio. Mildred Rothhaar, "19, is employed by the Bret Associates, an advertising concern in Cleveland. She is living with Lucile Dvorak. Lucile is assistant publicity manager of the Cleveland public schools.
Marie Andrews, '18, is teaching History in the Kmpire high school, Cleveland.
Florence Keycrleber, '19, is visiting Frances Long Edwards at Alameda, California. She writes, "We are only forty minutes out of Frisco. Frisco is absolutely fascinating."
The Alpha O's at Cleveland write that they are having the best times in the world. Last July they had a luncheon for all members in and around Cleveland at the Hotel Cleveland. There were repre- sentatives from Beta Phi, Iota, Rho, Theta, and Omega.
Josephine Andrews is teaching at Painsville, Ohio.

Sabra Andrews, '20, is teaching English, Latin, and French at Mantau, Ohio.
Roma Lindsey, '20, is teaching at Plain City, Ohio.
MoVee Lindsey, '17, is at Tippecanoe City, Ohio.
Helen Lindsey, '14, is teaching at Greenville, Ohio.
Arretha Cornell, '18, is teaching in Ironton, Ohio, and spends
her spare time going to fraternity dances at Ohio State.
Esther Schmidt, ex '19, is cost accountant for the Dayton Pump and Mfg. Co, She hints that she is going to Americanize her name
before another year rolls around.
Alice Venn, '18, is teaching again in Newport, Kentucky.
Martha Hitchner, '18, is in Y. W. C. A. work in Fort Worth.
Martha Anderson, '19, is teaching at Plymouth, Indiana.
Grace DuBois and Edna Studebaker are employed as Field Sec-
retaries of the American Red Cross with Headquarters at St. Louis. Mo.
W e are proud to announce that three of the officers of the Miami Women's Association of Hamilton, Ohio, are Alpha O's, recording secretary, Pearl Ayres; corresponding secretary, Mary Heck; treas- urer, Ada Wilson. Lillian Moore and Leafy Hilker are chairmen of committees.
Leafy Hilker is one of the Hamilton chairmen of the Million Dollar Drive for Miami University. Our Leafy also represented the Hamilton Women's Club in the convention at Dayton.
Ruth Cox, *20, to Clyde Strickland, Portsmouth, Ohio
Beatrice Hardy, ex '21, to Chauncey Allinger, Davton. Ohio. Roma Lindsey, '20, to Chauncey Saunders, S. A. E.
Margaret Betz, '20, to Richard Keay, S. A. E.
Marjory Kercheval, '19, to Tom C. Manton, Jr., Cleveland, Ohio.
Louise Arthur, ex '20, to Frank Snieldemner, June 15, 1920. At home Line Ridge Farm, near New York City.
Margaret Wagner, ex '23, to Guernsey Lunger, S. A. F.., Septem- ber 15, 1920. At home in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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