Summer 1989 Vol. LXIV, No. 11
By Peg Crawford
(U. of Illinois) International President
Thanks AOII!
When our son Rick was about 10 years old, he got into decorating his room at our summer cottage. In addi- tion to some wild posters, he illus- trated his favorite poem and tacked it up on the wall. Rick is 34 now, and that poem albeit on yellowed paper still hangs there. It has become a favorite of mine, and for my last Per- spectives, I wish to share this version of a message from our Ritual, our AOn philosophy.
A Bag of Tools by R.L.Sharpe
Isn't it strange
That princesses and kings, And clowns that caper
In sawdust rings,
And common people
Like you and me
Are Builders for eternity?
Each is given a bag of tools A shapeless mass,
A book of rules;
And each must make,
Ere life is flown,
A stumbling block Or a stepping stone.
Thank you for the privilege of serving as your President for the past four years.
Thank you. Peg!
Margaret Kramer Crawford, Iota (Illinois), has served the Fraternity for the past four years as Interna- tional President. Alpha Omicron Pi owes a great deal to the woman who has presided over four years of several notable achievements. Among them:
1. Historic Expansion
*Alpha Omicron Pi installed 20 new collegiate chapters during 1985-87. By the end of this biennium, we will have installed 11 more. The 31 chapters that will have been installed during Peg's tenure as International President has given the Fraternity the enviable posi- tion ofbeingthefastestgrowingsorority in the National Panhellenic Con- ference.
*Our growth has not been limited to the collegiate arena. During this biennium, the Executive Board has approved the petitions of 8 groups of alumnae to become installed alumnae chapters.
2. Chapter Development and Support *Amidst the rapid expansion, the Fraternity has continued to pro- vide strong support to our existing
chapters. 1985, the first year under Peg's leadership, brought a new concept to collegiate development: Monitoring status. Monitoring status is a system of close regional and international support for chap- ters that are having difficulty achieving their potential for excel- lence. The use of Monitoring dur- ing the past four years has helped several chapters rise above medioc- rity and begin to achieve the excel- lence of which they are capable. *Re-regioning was undertaken both at the start of the 1985 and 1987 biennium. With the 1987 re-region- ing, two new regions were added to the Fraternity's administrative set- up. This provided the opportunity to increase the number of regional officers and directors providing that crucial, direct support to our chap- ters.
3. New Resources
•"Implementation of the new inter- national pledge program and Key- stones, the Fraternity's program for personal development, head the list of impressive new resources for our chapters. Additionally, several
manuals have been revised during the past four years including the Installation Manual, Convention Manual, and Leadership Confer- ence Manual. By the end of the biennium, the Regional Operations Manual and the Alumnae Chapter Operations Manual should also be completed.
4. New International Headquarters and Training Center
*A long time dream of the Frater- nity was realized when the new International Headquarters and Training Center was completed this spring. This facility will en- able the Fraternity to continue to enlarge the training programs for all segments of its volunteers.
As this brief list indicates, the Fra- ternity has indeed made notable strides under the leadership of Margaret Kramer Crawford. It's difficult to convey adequate appreciation for the years of service, love and loyalty she has given us. Though simple, this message is indeed from the heart.
Thanks, Peg, we love you.
To Dragma
Published since January, 1905 by
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897
Notable: Georgia Gould
10 Steps to a Good Job How to Write Your Resume Helping Others
Legacy Form
Rush Reflections
Membership Information Form Rush Directory
Arthritis: What it's like
In Memoriam
Chapter Consultants—'89-'90
Foundation: Arthritis Research Grants Alumnae Chapter News
Bulletin Board
From Our Readers
Jessie Wallace Hughan Helen St. Clair Mullan Stella George Stern Perry Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
T h e Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University and all are deceased.
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 Telephone: 615-370-0920
Editor Beth Grantham
To Dragma Advisory Committee
Sue Edmunds Lewis, TA Executive Director, CAE
Becky Montgomery Pena, Kit Associate Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, AS Public Relations Coordinator
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027. Second class postage paid at Brentwood, T N , and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $50.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to T O DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027. Address all editorial communica- tions to the Editor at the same address.
Vol. LXIV No. 11
4 5 5 6 7 9
10 11 14 16 20
15 17 22 24 25
completing and mailing to the ap- propriate chapter the Membership Information Forms (MIFs) for poten- tial pledges. Julie Martin,Chapter Services Coordinator, Alpha Delta (U. of Alabama) provides some rush pointers in her article.
—Beth Grantham
ofalpha omicron pL
Summer 1989
Collegiate Chapter News
Emporium 26
The €t>UorsPlace
As you can probably tell from the cover, one focus of this issue is Rush. If you're a collegian, you're probably actively involved in your chapter's plans for fall rush. If you're an alumna, you can also be involved by assisting a nearby collegiate chapter or by
Notable: Georgia Gould, TV
By Wilma Smith Leland Past International President Tau (U. of Minnesota)
"May Wonders Never Cease." This headline introduced readers of Min- neapolis St. Paul Magazine to an article about Georgia Gould, Tau (U. of Minnesota), the AOFI Notable for this issue. Georgia is senior crea- tive director of advertising and pro- motion at Twin Cities Public Televi- sion (KTCA-TV).
Georgia's latest creation is Wonder- Window, a creative-writing magazine for children. The T V show for child- ren, W onderW orks, inspired Georgia to launch the magazine. Other of her
award-winning promotions include: "Go Places: Read" for Project Liter- acy U.S.; "Telly Ho!" for prime-time programming during the British Fes- tival of Minnesota; and the station's "Film du Jour", a classics film series. WonderWindow won an award dur- ing the annual PBS Advertising/ Promotion Conference in Los Angeles in July, 1988.
Georgia's association with Alpha Omicron Pi began before she entered the University of Minnesota. With a group of Glencoe high school seniors she came to Minneapolis to look over the campus and dormitory housing. While there she met Nikki Chafos, an AOII, who was running for the editor- ship of the Sanlord Scribe, the dormi-
Georgia Gould
tory newspaper. Nikki and Georgia had a mutual friend and so Nikki knew that Georgia had art talents. Nikki asked Georgia to make signs for her saying "Pick Nick for Sanford Scribe." Nikki won and George be- came an AOII pledge the next winter.
In her childhood Georgia could not decide whether she should be a moviestarorawriter.AtTaushehad a chance to be a lyricist, performer, director, writer.
After graduation she landed a job in New York as junion editor for TV Guide, writing program descriptions for program listings, getting the infor- mation from the networks and adver- tising agencies. In this job, she made the connections which helped her land research writing jobs with the "Perry Como Show" and with Good- man Ace, Selma Diamond, Jay Bur- tin, Peppiattand Aylesworth for "State of the Week" features. She was execu- tive secretary to Thomas O. Loeb at the same time.
While in New York she won an honorable mention in the Hallmark Hall of Fame Teleplay international competition. She received an acting scholarship at the Anthony Mannino Studios.
Before leaving for Hollywood in
Photo by Dan Vogel
1968, she worked with the Marschalk Advertising Agency on the national advertising campaigns for Tab, Sprite, Fresca, Softique, etc. With Gary Stev- ens Associates she was a publicity writer. She produced feature stories, press releases, and made media con- tacts for such clients as Johnny Car- son, Mel Allen, and Mitzi Gaynor.
In Hollywood Georgia worked as production assistant on the Bob Hope Special at the University of Southern California and the following winter she was writer's assistant to Orson Welles, working on "Catch 22."
In 1970 Georgia returned to Glen- * coe and the Twin Cities to be near her
parents. She went to work at WTCN- TV , an independent station and the first T V station to be completely computerized.
She left WTCN-TV (now KARE- TV)in 1980 and free-lanced for a year before she went to KTCA-TV, public television, in 1981. Her positions there changed from creative service manager to senior creative director, advertising/promotion. She creates, develops, and supervises promotional campaigns for local and national KTCA-TV producitons.
continued on page 19
To Dragma
10 Steps to a Good Job
By Stacy J. Kluckman Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U.)
Breaking into the job market is intimidating whether you are 21 or 40. Women who have stayed home to be homemakers face the same chal- lenges and have the same questions as new graduates.
All women entering the work force can make finding a job easier and less frustratingbyfollowingteneasysteps.
The first step is to set goals, both functional and geographic. You must decide what you want to do and where you want to do it. Goal setting involves self-assessment and a realis- tic look at your strengths and weak- nesses.
Career planning is an individual task and decisions need to be made by reviewing personal preferences. Women who hate wearing nylons and suits may not enjoy a career in a corporateorbusinesssetting.Outgo-
ing, people-oriented personalities may be stifled in a laboratory research cen- ter where work is done individually in a lab.
Once you know what you want to do and in what city or area, the second step is to develop job-search tools. These tools include a well- written resume and cover letter. Resumes can be multipurpose (with- out a specific objective) or targeted (with an objective citing goals). Cover
Summer 1989
How to Write Your Resume
By Stacy J. Kluckman
The following information should be used as a formatting guideline for your resume, but not as the final word. Friends, family members and former employers are good people to have critique your resume, as they are able to tell you if you have left out something significant. Career coun- selors, placement officers, and other professionals who review resumes also may provide constructive advice.
Identifying Information
Your name, address and telephone number should be placed in a prom- inent position, usually at the top of the resume. Some students give a permanent address and a school ad- dress, if both will be used during the job search. Any changes in such infor- mation should be communicated to employers immediately.
You may include a statement des- cribing your career goals, job target, or reason for using the resume. This is not appropriate for all resumes or all job seekers. One of the most impor- tant decisions you must make regard- ing the content of your resume is whether or not to include a statement of this type. A resume must commun- icate a sense of direction, either by stating an objective or in other ways (such as in a cover letter).
Include undergraduate and gradu- ate study, as well as foreign study and special academic programs. Degrees, institutions and their locations, dates graduated or dates attended, and ma- jors and minors can be included. As with all entries on a resume, you decide what to include. Academic course work and areas of academic emphasis, if they are related to your objective, may be included.
List full time and part time jobs, as well as volunteer work, internships, externships, and other career related experiences. State the titles you held and the names of the organizations and describe the experiences in active, skills oriented terms. Whenever pos- sible, mention specific accomplish- ments. A common way of presenting this information is in reverse chrono- logical order. Y ou also can group related experiences together under special titles, such as Counseling Experience, Computer Experience or Business Experience. Extracurricular and Community Activities
Give the names of organizations and, if appropriate, offices held, ac- complishments, and special projects. Your description of your activities should make potential employers aware of the skills you have acquired through them.
continued on page 21
continued on page 30
Alumnae and Collegians believe in it:
Helping Others
By Judy Hornik Bourassa Theta Pi (Wagner College) International Alumnae Programming Chairman
When we hear the word "philan- thropy" most often the first thing that pops into our heads is a dollar sign. Collegiate and alumnae chap- ters are involved actively in the rais- ing of funds for our international philanthropy, arthritis research grants, and for a host of other worthy local causes. But, philanthropy is not neces- sarily related to the donation of money.
The word philanthropy is from the Greek word meaning loving mankind. In fact, Webster's first definition of philanthropy is: goodwill to fellow men, active effort to promote human welfare. Dollars are easy to count and recognize as measures of success. It is the less tangible, non-dollar efforts to promote human welfare we would like to acknowledge.
AOII alumnae are involved in their communities on an individual level. They participate in scouting, Special Olympics, Big Sisters, churches, as hospital volunteers, etc. We rarely hear about their time contributions, but they are making a difference in their communities.
Many alumnae chapters actively support the local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation with their time and talents in a variety of ways. Some chapters have members who are on the local Arthritis Foundation board, others help with telethons, some help with balloon lifts or "runs". All pro- vide a valuable human resource for a volunteer organization.
Other alumnae chapters have reach- ed out into the community in a per- sonal way by adopting a family or person. The Long Beach, Northern
Orange County, and New York/New Jersey alumnae have adopted fami- lies or individuals with special needs. They provide food, clothing, gifts, household items, and even Christmas trees.
Southern Orange County and Evansville-Tri State, among others, have chosen to provide gifts of ex- pendable items such as toiletries and household goods to homes for bat- tered women and children.
Philanthropy is from the Greek word meaning: 'loving mankind."
Diablo Valley delivers Christmas gifts to the county juvenile hall, and Chicago West Suburban makes gifts for a children's hospital. The Colum- bus Alumnae Chapter has an annual Christmas dinner for arthritis pa- tients on welfare or other assistance. They provide useful gifts, entertain- ment, and bingo—with the prizes being homemade edibles.
The dedication to altruistic causes comes naturally to our alumnae be- cause of their collegiate experiences. When Melanie Doyle, Public Relations Coordinator, studied some 69 reports, she tallied 19,597 hours given to local projects and 8,207 hours to local arthritis projects by our collegians last year.
Typically our collegiate chapters are involved in raising funds for numerous causes in addition to arthri- tis research and spend hundreds of hours doing so. I n addition, AOII chapters donate valuable time in strict- ly service oriented tasks.
Kappa Tau, Pi, Zeta, Chi Alpha, Beta Tau, Chi Lambda, Rho Omicron, Kappa Omega, Omicron, Kappa Kappa, and Gamma Delta specialize in activities for children. Special Olympics is very rewarding accord- ing to Lambda Upsilon, Delta Alpha, Alpha Sigma, Upsilon Lambda, Beta Delta, and Theta. Delta helped finger- print for the Missing Children pro- gram, and Nu Betas played hostesses for a weekend to a child from a chil- dren's home.
Among those who participate in the Panhellenic and other Greeks' service events are Sigma Omicron, Chi Delta, Upsilon, Beta Lambda, Tau, Lambda Chi, Chi Psi, Gamma Theta, Epsilon Alpha, and Lambda Beta. Campus blood drives have benefited from the efforts of the col- legians of Phi, Kappa Phi Colony, Phi Delta, Beta Phi, Iota Sigma, and Delta Theta.TauOmicronand Chi Beta have been recipients of campus service awards.
continued on page 29
To Dragma
"When any of us has a legacy, we dream of the possibility of her joining us as a member of AOIL How special it is to want our family ties to be supplemented by the fraternal bonds of friendship with all the opportunities implied by that association. Indeed, a legacy is a gift to each of us and to the Fraternity, a gift which deserves extra care and attention."
will be attending
as a: freshman sophomore (circle one)
Her school address will be Signed:
Ginger Banks
Past International President
Chapter University/College
sister This is to inform you that my daughter granddaughter
Sandra Chung, Alpha Delta (U. of Alabama) was featured on the cover of the February/March 1989 issues of the Alabama Alumni Magazine.
Zip University/College
Year of Initiation _
ALABAMA ALUMNI LA's Sooks <£ Crannies
A Phalanx of Fascinating Hama People
Moments In A Season 88
een: UA Senior (ira Chu
Unfamiliar Spaces & Places
Reviewing MIF forms.
Party preparations.
Bid day!
To Dragma
Summer 1989
By Julie Guengerich Martin Chapter Services Coordinator Alpha Delta (U. of Alabama)
What starts with lots of planning, meetings, and hard work, and ends with roses, roses, roses? It's Rush, of course! That exciting, exasperating, exhausting, exhilarating time that leaves a chapter with a pledge class of bright, shining faces eager to learn, participate, and give to Alpha Omi- cron Pi.
Rush is indeed the lifeline of AOII, for it is the process which allows col- legiate members to choose the young women who will eventually be initiat- ed into the Fraternity. These will be the women who will serve as chapter officers, and who will represent AOII on campus. Later, as alumnae mem- bers they will support alumnae chap- ters, representing AOII in the com- munities in which they live and work. They may serve as advisers to colle- giate chapters, as Regional Officers, or perhaps even as Executive Board members. So how DOES a chapter prepare to rush and pledge women to fill this bill?
Perhaps one of the most important points to remember about Rush is that a chapter is ALWAYS rushing, even if it has pledged quota or is at campus total. The actions of AOIIs on campus reflect credit or discredit upon the Fraternity. If a prospective
rushee meets a friendly, outgoing AOII she will carry that initial im- pression with her when going through Rush. It's important that sisterhood shines through and shows others how special it is to be an AOII. So re- member, whether walking to class or attending a campus event, collegians are always rushing for AOII!
Evaluation is an essential ingre- dient of a successful Rush. Imme- diately after formal Rush, careful, honest evaluations of Rush should be done by new pledges, legacies, chap- ter members and advisers. Weak areas should be changed. When looking at strengths, it should be determined WHY they work well and how they might be improved. By carefully look- ing at the past Rush program, chap- ters can successfully develop future Rush programs.
All successful campaigns must have strong leaders, and a Rush "cam- paign" is no exception. The election of a Rush chairman and assistant rush chairman may take place im- mediately after Formal Rush, allow- ing time for an effective transition to take place. This will also allow the new Rush Chairman and her Com- mittee ample planning time.
continued on page 13
ALPHA OMIGRON PI Rush Information
PLEASE MAIL THIS FORM TO THE CHAPTER ADVISER WHOSE NAME AND ADDRESS ARE LISTED IN YOUR TO DRAGMA FOR THE COLLEGE WHICH THIS RUSHEE WILL ATTEND. If you are not able to locate this name and address, send form to the Regional Public Relations Officer responsible for the region in which the rushee will attend college—or to International Headquarters for forwarding. If you have gathered this information in response to a chapter's request, please send the information directly to the return address indicated. Collegiate chapter pledging depends on your supplying available information.
Rushee's Name
Permanent Mailing Address
Parents' Names
Campus Address if Known Zip City
Age H.S. Graduation Date
Home Phone
Campus Phone
Zip Name of High School
City State
Zip Size of Student Body/Grade Point Aver.
Parents' Address if different from Rushee's
social poise
personal standards/values
academic seriousness
financial stability
*On back, name organizations, describe involvement (member, officer, etc.)
special talents (describe)
special honors and achievements (name—use back if needed)
Name (include maiden name if known)
Collegiate Chapter Relationship Collegiate Chapter Relationship •
Name (include maiden name if known)
varied interests
group adaptability
group leadership*
interest in sorority membership interest in AOTT
(1) (2)_ (3) (4)
YOUR Name Address
Collegiate Chapter?
Phone (Area Code) (Number)
FOR CHAPTER USE ONLY .. . Date Received:
Date acknowledgement sent: Sorority Rushee pledged:
On back side, please provide information which might help the chapter in getting to know this rushee.
Alumnae Chapter?
Write signature hereto indicate endorsement of this rushee as an AOTT pledge.
Are you a collegian now?
Rush Directory
Chapter Advisers should receive Membership Information Forms (MIFs) N O LATER than dates noted. This is the time chapters review MIFs prior to rush.
School, Chapter Alabama, Univ. of
Alpha Delta Early August
Alabama, Univ. of Birmingham
Zeta Pi
Late August
Arizona, Univ. of
Upsilon Alpha Early August
Arkansas State Univ.
Sigma Omicron Mid August
Auburn University
Delta Delta Late August
Austin Peay State U .
Pi Omicron
Early Sept /Early Jan.
Ball State Univ.
Kappa Kappa Early September
Birmingham Southern College
Tau Delta Mid August
Bowling Green State U .
Alpha Psi Late August
Calgary, Univ. of
Kappa Lambda Late August
California Polytechnic State Univ.
Chi Psi
Early September
California, Univ. of Berkeley
Early August
California, Univ. of Davis
Chi Alpha Late August
California, Univ. of San Diego
Lambda Iota Early September
California State Univ. Long Beach
Lambda Beta Early August
California State Univ. Northridge
Sigma Phi Mid August
Canisius College
Nu Delta
Early SepL/Mid Dec.
Chapter Adviser
Mrs. Doug Rhodes Rt. #2, Box IS Northport, AL 35476
Mrs. Ronald Burcham 8641 9th Court South Birmingham, AL 35206
Susan Duggins 1017 N. Bedford Tucson, AZ 85710
Mrs. ThadWyalt 3629 Blueridge Circle Jonesboro, AR 72401
Mrs. Don Vincent
Auburn University Aviation 700 Airport Road
Auburn, A L 36830
Mrs. Joseph Stephens 1262 Hillwood Drive Clarksville, T N 37040
Mrs. Larry Thornburg 2804 W. Purdue Road Muncie, I N 47304
Mrs. Bradley Spencer 909 Stuart Street Birmingham, A L 35209
Gina Bucci
1145 South Byne, Apt. 7 Toledo, OH 43614
Mrs. Gregory Helmer
2023 34th Street, S.W.
Calgary, A.B., Canada T3E 2V9
Dr. Sarah Burroughs 2251 Shell Beach Road Shell Beach, CA 93449
Kathleen Ann Ryan 720 Coleman Ave., #P Menlo Park, CA 94025
Mrs. James Dallas 3200Truxel Rd., #297 Sacramento, CA 95833
Mrs. Gerald Herman P.O. Box 758 Lajolla, CA 92038
Heidi Morrison 14323 Emory Drive Whittier, CA 90605
Mrs. Stan Gilson
6628 Woodlake Avenue West Hills, CA 91307
Mrs. Theodore Zollendeck 3648 Eckhardt Road Hamburg, NY 14075
School, Chapter
Central Missouri State University
Delta Pi Mid August
Chicago, Univ. of
Phi Chi
Early Sept./Mid Dec.
Coe College
Alpha Theta Early September
Chi Delta Early August
Cornell University
Delaware, Univ. of
Delta Chi Late August
DePauw University
Mid September
Duke University
Delta Upsilon
Early Sept/Early Jan.
East Carolina Univ.
Zeta Psi Early August
East Stroudsburg Univ.
Phi Beta
Mid January
Eastern Kentucky Univ.
Epsilon Omega Mid August
Eastern Washington U.
Tau Gamma Mid August
Elon College
Epsilon Chi
Late Aug /Early Feb.
Evansville, Univ. of
Chi Lambda Early August
Florida Southern College
Kappa Gamma
Late Aug./Early Jan.
Gamma Omicron Late July
George Mason Univ.
Gamma Alpha Late August
Georgia Southern U.
Alpha Lambda Late August
Chapter Adviser
Mrs. Gary Hall
7820 West Ridge Raytown, MO 64138
Mrs. Steven Bowsher
602 Shawn Lane
Prospect Heights, IL 60070
Amy Englebert
902 Benton Drive, #34 Iowa City, IA 52240
Julie Elsensohn
900 E. 8th Avenue. #306 Denver, CO 80218
Carole Rehkeuger 2314 Carson Road Cortland, NY 13045
Cathy Compton
5 Courtney Street Newark, DE 19716
Mrs. Howard Pelham 4740 E. 71st Street Indianapolis, I N 46220
Mrs. William Mattern 204 Lake Court
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Luanne G. Yarbrough 35 West Hills Greenville, NC 27834
Mrs. Joseph Zywicki 1224 Saddle Drive Nazareth, PA 18064
Mrs. Donald Dewey 316 S. Third Street Richmond, KY 40475
Tracy Pendarvis
W. 3915 Randolph Road #17 Spokane, WA 99204
Karen Thompson 2849 Forestdale Drive Burlington, NC 27215
Paula Conway
2815 North Court Drive Evansville, I N 47711
Mrs. David Stockman 3107 Heather Glynn Drive Mulberry, FL 33860
Mrs. DennisHipsley 3426 NW 42nd Terrace Gainesville, FL 32606
Lisa Disher
3224 Allness Lane Herndon, VA 22071
Mrs. John Barton
8 Wimbledon Court Statesboro, GA 30458
continued on next page
Summer 1989
To Dragma
School, Chapter Georgia State Univ.
Gamma Sigma Early September
Georgia, Univ. of
Lambda Sigma Mid August
Grand V alley State College
Lambda Eta Mid August
Hartwick College
Sigma Chi
Late Aug./Late Jan.
Huntingdon College
Sigma Delta Mid August
Illinois, Univ. of
Early August
Illinois Wesleyan Univ.
Beta Lambda Early September
Indiana State Univ.
Kappa Alpha Mid August
Indiana University
Beta Phi
Mid Oct./Late Dec.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Gamma Beta Late December
Iowa State University
Iota Sigma Early August
Kansas, Univ. of
Early August
Kearney State College
Phi Sigma Early August
Kentucky, Univ. of
Kappa Omega Early August
LaGrange College
Lambda Chi Early September
Lambuth College
Omega Omicron Mid August
Lehigh University
Lambda Upsilon Early January
Louisville, Univ. of
Pi Alpha Early August
McGill College
Kappa Phi Colony Mid August
Maine, Univ. of Orono
Gamma Late August
Maryland, Univ. of
Pi Delta Mid August
Miama University
Early August
Michigan State Univ.
Beta Gamma
Chapter Adviser
Mrs. Jimmy Freeman
4152 Whispering Forest Court Lilburn, GA 30247
Dr. Pamela VanVoorhees 205 Idylwood Drive Athens, GA S0605
Mrs. Robert Carpenter 1342 Fist, SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
Mrs. Fred G. Hickein 82 Elm Street Oneonta, NY 13820
Mrs. George Kyser
3210 Cloverdale Road Montgomery, AL 36111
Mrs. Butch Zunich 704 W. Healy Champaign, IL 61820
Julia Whalen
15 Norbloom Avenue Bloomington, I L 61701
Mrs. Paul Gibbons
35 Gardendale Road Terre Haute, IN 47803
Ruth Thompson
817 E. Hunter Avenue Bloomington, IN 47401
Kim Hoburg
32-F Geesey Road Indiana, PA 15701
Carol Wee Millar 413 SE Third Street Ankeny, IA 50021
Michelle Sieben
16312 West 126th Terrace Olathe, KS 66062
Mrs. Jerry Grossart 819 W . 30th Street Kearney, NE 68847
Kristi Farmer
1167 Turkey Foot Road #35 Lexington, KY 40502
Mrs. Mike Wilson 949 Malibu Drive LaGrange, GA 30240
Mrs. David Hardee 10 Fairfield Place Jackson, T N 38305
Mrs. Lee Snyder
2651 Main Street Bethlehem, PA 18017
Mrs. Gary Miller
505 Wendover Avenue Louisville, KY 40207
Mrs. Gary Giannetti
98 Fieldsend Avenue Beaconsfield, Quebec, Canada
H9W 5J1
Mrs. John Schroder 9 Heather Road Bangor, ME 04401
Linette M. Garber
4600 W. Virginia Avenue Bethesda. MD 20814
Mrs. James Rohr 6500 Fairfield Road Oxford, OH 45056
Margie Stephenson 3210 Meech Road Williamston, MI 48895
School, Chapter Michigan, Univ. of
Omicron Pi Mid August
Middle Tennessee State University
Rho Omicron Early August
Minnesota, Univ. of
Late August
Mississippi, Univ. of
Nu Beta Early August
Missouri, Univ. of Columbia
Delta Alpha Early August
Montana State Univ.
Alpha Phi
Early September
Morningside College
Theta Chi Mid August
Murray State Univ.
Delta Omega Early August
Nebraska, Univ. of Lincoln
Early August
Newcotnb College
Late August
Northeast Louisiana Univ.
Lambda Tau Early August
Northern Arizona Univ.
Theta Omega Early August
Ohio Northern Univ.
Kappa Pi Late August
Ohio University
Omega Upsilon Late August
Oregon State Univ.
Alpha Rho Early September
Oregon, Univ. of
Alpha Sigma Early September
Parks College
Upsilon Epsilon Mid August
Pennsylvania State U.
Epsilon Alpha Mid August
Purdue University
Phi Upsilon Mid December
Rhodes College
Kappa Omicron Early September
Shippensburg University
Tau Lambda Mid September
Slippery Rock Univ.
Sigma Rho Mid August
South Alabama, U . of
Gamma Delta Early September
Chapter Adviser
Mrs. Eric Aupperle 3606 Chatham Way Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Mrs. Troy Baxter
Rt. 6, Box 67
Dilton Mankin Road Murfreesboro, T N 37130
Caroline Cochrane
100 2nd Street, SE #703 Minneapolis, MN 55414
Mrs. David Shaw Quail Creek Drive Oxford, MS S8655
Melissa VanWinkle
2607 Eastwood Drive, Apt. 27 Columbia, MO 65201
Mrs. Stuart Townsend 8040 Lupine Lane Bozeman, M T 59715
Mary K. Schloesser 3823 Garretson Avenue Sioux City, IA51I06
Mrs. Ricky Garland Rt. 7, Box 886 Murray, KY 42071
Mrs. Charles Rigoni 2210 South 37th Street Lincoln, NE 68506
Mrs. Henri Louapre
220 E. William David Parkway Metairie, L A 70005
Mrs. Randy Donald 808 Adcock Monroe, LA 71203
Mrs. Richard Baker 1508 N. Aztec Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Cindy Skaff, RD 2674 Drummond Rd. Toledo, OH 43606
Karen Weaver
405 6th Street Marietta, O H 45750
Mrs. Ron Thiessen 4025 NW Elmwood Corvallis, OR 97330
Mrs. Don Brockman 2932 Elysium Eugene, OR 97405
Mrs. Michael Christopher 2454 Cripple Creek Dr. St. Louis, MO 63129
Pat Antolosky
1260 Fairview Drive Bellefonte, PA 16823
Jane Hamblin
1105 W. 750 North
West Lafayette, I N 47906
Mrs. Rick Jenson
1883 Rainbow Drive N. Memphis, T N 38107
Genny Kinzler
18 Richard Avenue Shippensburg, PA 17257
Karen Weigel
131 Huntley Drive Harrisburg, PA 17112
Mrs. Jim Gulledge
1702 East Day River Drive Mobile, AL 36605
School, Chapter South Florida, U. of
Gamma Theta
Early Aug./Mid Dec
Southeastern Louisiana University
Kappa Tau Late July
Southern California, University of
Nu Lambda Mid August
St. Leo College
Gamma Upsilon Early SepL/Early Jan.
State University of New York at Albany
Delta Psi
Syracuse University
Mid August
Tennessee, Univ. of
Omicron Early August
Tennessee, Univ. of Martin
Tau Omicron Late August
Texas Woman's Univ.
Delta Theta Early September
Texas, Univ. of San Antonio
Upsilon Lambda Late August
Thomas More College
Alpha Beta Tau Early August
Toledo, Univ. of
Theta Psi Late August
Toronto, Univ. of
Beta Tau
Early September
Towson State Univ.
Theta Beta Mid August
Transylvania Univ.
Tau Omega Late August
Chapter Adviser
Jane B. Tessmer 314 W. Main Street Inverness, F L 32650
Vicky Warren
1235 Oak Lane #7 Hammond, LA 70403
Mrs. James Crawford 9615 La Cima Drive Whittier, CA 90603
Mrs. Robert McCraney 6952 124th Terrace N . Largo, FL 34643
Melissa H . Nielsen 728 Central Avenue Albany, NY 12206
Dr. Harriet O'Leary 309 Waring Road Syracuse, NY 13224
Debbie Diddle
5301 Hickory Hollow Rd. Knoxville, T N 37919
Sandra Belote Route 2, Box 346-A Martin, T N 38237
Annet W arzwick 1208 Anna Denton, T X 76201
Elizabeth Bostic
5407 Timber Trail
San Antonio, TX 78228
Liz Arlinghaus
1 Oxford Drive
Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017
Beverly Kirby
2218 Portsmouth Toledo, OH 43613
Joanne Onodera
52 Nymark Avenue Willowdale, Ontario, Canada
M2J 2G9
Mrs. Melis Erlbeck
206 E. Northern Parkway Baltimore, MD 21212-2925
Pam Edwards
173 Broadway Versailles, KY 40383
Chapter Adviser
Debra Verrill
81 Forest Street Medford, MA 02155
Michelle Stephens
3010 West End Ave., Apt. 3-B Nashville, T N 37203
Sarah Jean Wagaman 522 C2 Regis Court Andalusia, PA 19020
Mrs. Mark Zimmermann 1243 Cedar Court, Apt. B-19 Charlottesville, VA 22901
Mrs. Rick Barefoot
931 Edinborough Drive Colonial Heights, VA 23834
Mrs. Thomas Welch 24-E Franklin Lane Staten Island, NY 10306
Judie Berry
RD#2, Box 214 Chestertown, MD 21620
Teresa Workman P.O. Box 2159 C.S. Pullman, WA 99165
Mrs. Stephen Graunke 2723 36 SW
Seattle, WA 98126
Mrs. Ron Justice
741 Johnson Avenue Morgantown, WV 26505
Mrs. David Towell
1551 Chestnut Street Bowling Green, KY 42I0I
Jean Hawley
1427 Henderson Drive Kalamazoo, MI 49007
Michelle Chui
1-297 Hyman Street
London, Ontario, Canada N6B 2G6
Mrs. David Comwell 2090 Lejardin Court Brookfield, WI 53005
Rush, the entire chapter has to have a positive attitude. The Chapter Rela- tions Committee can schedule a var- iety of activities during pre-Rush week as well as during Rush to ensure that morale stays high. The rushees will be able to feel that positive, enthusiastic attitude the moment they walk through the AOII door!
It would be impossible to say every- thing about Rush in one magazine article. Don't despair! Each chapter has at its disposal a living, breathing, AOII sister, ready, willing, and able to assist them with Rush. She is FULL of wonderful ideas and sug- gestions and she's only a phone call away. She's the Regional Rush Officer, who under the direction of the Inter- national Rush Chairman, has been trained to assist in all phases of rush.
Rush is the ideal time to let that sisterhood come shining through. Indeed, everything WILL be coming up ROSES!
Rush Reflections . .
And, planning is important! This entire magazine could be devoted to Rush planning ideas. The fact is enough cannot be said about the importance of planning. Planning includes auditioning and practicing for skits, rehearsing conversation skills, song practice, prop and deco- ration preparation, and countless other details. It also includes submitting detailed plans to the Regional Rush officer in a timely manner. The sup- port of the entire chapter is crucial in preparation for Rush. All physical preparations, such as name tags, cos- tumes, clothing, stages, and skit props should be ready to go BEFORE the
continued horn page 9
Summer 1989
chapter comes back for pre-rush week. That week should be devoted to review- ing rushees and polishing the entire rush program!
Chapters will have a giant head start if Membership Information Forms (MIFs) have been solicited and re- ceived before Rush begins. The ad- vantage of having this information prior to that first party is that rushees can be "targeted" before they even walk in the door. Work with alum- nae groups in the area to solicit MIFs. It will pay off!
It's a common saying that Rush is 90% attitude, and that's true. In order for a chapter to have a successful
School, Chapter
Tufts University Delta
Mid Aug./Early Jan.
Vanderbilt University Nu Omicron
Mid Aug./Mid Dec.
Villanova University Beta Delta
Mid Aug./Mid Dec.
Virginia, Univ. of Chi Beta
Mid December
Virginia Commonwealth U . Rho Beta
Late August
Wagner College Theta Pi
Late August
Washington College Sigma Tau
Late January
Washington State Univ. Alpha Gamma
Late July
W ashington, Univ. of Upsilon
Late August
West Virginia Univ. Sigma Alpha
Mid August
Western Kentucky Univ. Alpha Chi
Early August
Western Michigan Univ. Kappa Rho
Late August
Western Ontario, U. of Iota Chi
Early September
Wisconsin, Univ. of Milwaukee
Phi Delta Mid August
What it's like
How AOIIs help By Beth Grantham
T o Dragma
To Dragma Editor
If you don't have arthritis, chances are you know someone who does. One in every seven Americans is affected by some form of this myster- ious disease.
Since 1967 the members of Alpha Omicron Pi have been responsible for contributing nearly half a million dollars in research grants to scientists and institutions seeking the cause and cure of arthritis. AOII is the only National Panhellenic Conference member that officially supports arthri- tis research. Alumnae and collegiate chapters hold fund raisers such as bake sales, bridge benefits, Rock-A- Thons, and athletic events to raise money for the cause. AOIIs also work with local chapters of the Arthritis Foundation, sometimes co-sponsoring educational programs and often as- sisting in fund raising events.
Commonly perceived as an "old
people's disease," arthritis, in fact, has many forms and afflicts all ages, with most forms affecting women more than men.
What does it really mean to have arthritis?
It means pain. It may be pain serious enough to disable you or it may be much milder. The pain may be constant or occasional.
It means that you have a chronic disease—that is, one with no known cure as yet.
For many forms, it means that the cause of your pain will be invisible.
One of the most serious forms of the disease is rheumatoid arthritis, a progressively worsening inflamma- tion of the joints. This form of arthri- tis leaves some victims permanently disabled. A recent Newsweek article described how a 20 year old college student's body changed from that of a
continued on page 24
The Most Common Forms of Arthritis Affecting Women Symptoms and Prevalence*
Osteoarthritis (the most common form)
—Aches, swelling, stiffness, especially in hips, knees, spine, fingers. —Affects 15.8 million Americans, mostly older people; three times as
many women as men.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
—Inflammation of joints, acute pain, fatigue, weight loss
—Affects 2.1 million; more than double the number of women than men.
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
—High fever, rash, some or all joints are painful.
—Affects 71,000 Americans age 18 and under; six times as many girls as
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
—High fever, anemia, rash, hair loss, kidney dysfunction. —Affects eight times as many women as men: 131,000 Americans.
'Source: Arthritis Foundation. Figures are based on the 1985 U.S. Population.
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
Alpha Beta Tau, Thomas More College *Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U.
Alpha Delta, U. of Alabama
*Alpha Gamma, Washington State U. •Alpha Phi, Montana State U.
*Beta Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan U.
Chi Alpha, U. of California-Davis
Chi Lambda, U. of Evansville
*Chi Psi, Cal Poly State U.-San Luis Obispo
Delta Chi, U. of Delaware
Delta Delta, Auburn U.
•Delta Omega, Murray State U.
Delta Pi, Central Missouri State U. *Delta Sigma, San Jose State U.
Delta Upsilon, Duke U.
*Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State U. •Epsilon Chi, Elon College
Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U.
Gamma, U. of Maine-Orono •Gamma Alpha, George Mason U.
Gamma Beta, Indiana U. of Pennsylvania •Gamma Delta, U. of South Alabama *Gamma Omicron, U. of Florida
•Gamma Sigma, Georgia State U.
Gamma Theta, U. of South Florida *Gamma Upsilon, St. Leo College
lota, U. of Illinois
*lota Chi, U. of Western Ontario
*lota Sigma, Iowa State U.
*Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U.
*Kappa Gamma, Florida Southern College
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U. *Kappa Lambda, U. of Calgary *Kappa Omega, U. of Kentucky
Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College *Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern U.
*Kappa Tau, Southeastern Loiuisiana U.
Lambda Eta, Grand Valley State U. "Lambda Beta, California State-Long Beach •Lambda Sigma, U. of Georgia
Nu Delta, Canisius College *Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U.
Omega, Miami U.
•Omega Omicron, Lambuth College
Omega Upsilon, Ohio U.
•Omicron, U. of Tennessee-Knoxville
Phi Sigma, Kearney State College
Phi Upsilon, Purdue U.
•Pi Alpha, U. of Louisville
•Pi Delta, U. of Maryland
•Pi Omicron, Austin Peay State U. *Rho Beta, Virginia Commonwealth U. •Sigma, U. of California-Berkeley
Sigma Alpha, West Virginia U.
•Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State U. •Sigma Phi, California State U.-Northridge
Sigma Tau, Washington College •Tau Lambda, Shippensburg U. •Tau Omega, Transylvania U.
Tau Omicron, U. of Tennessee-Martin
Theta, DePauw U.
•Theta Chi, Morningside College
Theta Omega, Northern Arizona U. Upsilon, U. of Washington
Upsilon Epsilon, Parks College
•Upsilon Lambda, U. of Texas-San Antonio Zeta, U. of Nebraska-Lincoln
•Atlanta, GA •Baltimore, MD •Birmingham, AL
Bloomington, IN •Bloomington/Normal, IL
Boston, MA •Bozeman, MT
Chicago, Beverly Hills, IL •Chicago, Northwest Suburban, IL •Chicago, West Suburban, IL
Cincinnati, OH •Dallas, TX •Dayton, OH •Dearborn, Ml •Decatur Area, AL
Denver, CO
•Detroit North Suburban, Ml
Diablo Valley, CA
•East Bay, CA
•Fort Lauderdale Area, FL •Greater Harrisburg, PA •Greater Jackson Area, MS •Greater Kansas City, MO •Greater Pinellas, FL •Hammond, LA
•Huntsville, AL •Indianapolis, IN •Jonesboro, AR •Kalamazoo, Ml
•Kearney, NE •Kentuckiana, KY •Knoxville, TN
•Lafayette, IN
•Lexington, KY
Lincoln, NE
•Little Rock, AR •Long Beach, CA •Macomb County, Ml •Martin, TN •Milwaukee, Wl
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN •Montreal, Quebec
Muncie, IN
•Nashville, TN
•New York/New Jersey Metro Area
North Houston Suburban, TX •Northern Orange County, CA •Northern Virginia •Northwest Arkansas •Omaha, NE
Ottawa, Ontario •Palo Alto, CA •Phoenix, AZ •Piedmont, NC •Pocatello, ID
Portland, OR •Pullman, WA •Rockford, IL
St. Louis, MO •San Diego, CA •San Jose, CA
San Mateo, CA •Seattle, WA
Shreveport, LA
•South Bay/Palos Verdes, CA
Southern Connecticut •Southern Orange County, CA
•State College, PA •Syracuse, NY •Tampa Bay Area, FL
Terre Haute, IN •Toledo, OH •Topeka-Lawrence, KS •Tucson, AZ
•Tulsa, OK
•Ventura County, CA
Washington, D.C.
"Indicates the chapter also contributed to the Endowment Fund and the Ruby Fund.
In Memoriam
(The IN MEMORIAM List represents those members of Alpha Omicron Pi whose death was reported to International Headquarters between 4/1/87 and 4/1/89.)
Alpha Chi
Western Kentucky University Olive Hildrith Gillespie
Alpha Phi
Montana Slate University Jeanne Marilyn Barthelmess Ellen Maude Beaudry Minnie Ellen Hastings Kathleen Joyce Hess Genevieve Hall Rees
Helen Elizabeth Walter
Alpha Pi
Florida State University Helen Elizabeth Bisz Kathryn Roberta Johnston Margaret Ann Matthews Opal Greene Sullivan
Alpha Rho
Oregon State University Osa Lautner Ballen
Helen Merrill Carlton
Ann Elizabeth Cunningham
Alpha Sigma
University of Oregon Harriette Wave Ellersick Marjorie Ruth Klatt
Lee Chapman Nuss
Ruth Mary Scott
Margaret Massman Thomson
Alpha Tau
Denison University Frances Emily Fullerton
Beta Gamma
Michigan State University Ethel Marie Siera
Beta Phi
Indiana University
Mary Elizabeth Abel
Susani Claire Alien
Martha Louise Armstrong Maty Viola Armstrong Jennie Browne Bowen Mildred McCoy Champ Helen Duncan
Natharyn Craven Fell
Dona Beatrice Harris
Beta Pi
Eastern Michigan University Anita Dale Bailey
Beta Theta
Butler University
Lucille Bauernfeind Clark Rosemary Alice Rocap
Syracuse University
Irene Marie Furguson Mildred Ostrander Stoddard Ruth Bizabeth Thomas Catherine Ann Van Alstyne Emily Agnes Weber
Chi Delta
UnhrersOy of Colorado
Alice Westeriund Dickensheets Grace Marie Gobble
Chi Lambda
University of EvansviHe MarthaS. Abel
Vera Nell Robinson Evers Helen Fischer McDonald
Editor's Note: Notice of the death of a mem- ber of AOII should be sent to International Headquarters, 9025 Over- look Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027. The list is published before each biennial Convention.
Tufts University
Patricia Margaret Benedict Ruth Elvira Brooks
Rosalie Margaret Cobb Madeline Beattie Farmer Eleanor Prescott Huckman Helen Louise Inman Marguerite Steadman Iverson Alice Josephine Raymond Madeline Lillian Watt Marguerite Revene Wihans
Delta Alpha
University of Missouri at Columbia Sharon Lee Garrett
Delta Delta
Auburn University
Wilella Mahone Diseker Patricia Peterson Schauer
Detta Omega
Murray State University Paula Renee Overbey
Detta Phi
University of South Carolina at Columbia
Willie Gertrude Slaughter
Detta Sigma
San Jose State University Geneveive Anahel Fraass Barbara Cima Koch Georgeanna Ward
Cornell University
Ruth Elizabeth Cline
Mary Ella Cornet)
Barbara Ann Dalton
Frances Palmer Egan
Ethel Browne Fenrich
Muriel Lillian Hilf
Olive Grace MacNamee
Joan Ruth Pitcher
Ethel Vincent Woodruff EpsBon Alpha
Pennsylvania State University Harriet Henrie Arthur Bizabeth Schwalbe Enders
University of Wisconsin Rose Alice Bogart
Hardynia Gordon Grey Gwendolyn Florence Hagen Matilda Keenan Lunn
University of Malne-Orono Leola Bowie Ellis
Helen Davis Kenefick
Gamma Omicron University ol Florida Nancy Alston Wallace
Gamma Tau
Utah State University Deborah Scott Webb
University ol Illinois
Elizabeth Ringstrand Beebe Pauline Fanner Brunnemeyer Dorothy Jane Cocking Florence Stella Cushman
Edna Pauline Rothwell Ey
Mary Margaret Hesse-Senk Amieta Johanna Kurtz
Ruth Barr Lindsday
Nancy Kathleen Neuschwander Elsey Gayer Wells
lota Alpha
Idaho State University Fannie Lee Zook Bell Sharon Dee Milton
Randolph-Macon Woman's College Clara RustBailey
Bailie Simmons Surge
Martha Barksdale Craddock Callonder Hull Dorsey
Annie Kate Gilbert
Sue West Holland Mapp Elizabeth Boswell Payne Eleanor Somerville Shands Lily Pulanks Stokes
Mary Allen Tucker
Kappa Alpha
Indiana State University Madeleine King Bresett Martha Ester White
Kappa Gamma
Florida Southern College Amy Kathryn Campbell
Kappa Omicron
Rhodes College
Mary Louise Barton
Gladys VanGibson Hall Katharine Simpson McCarty
Kappa Phi McGill University Phyllis Jean Mott
Kappa Pi
Ohio Northern University
Cindy Kay Goad
Janet June Steiner Montgomery Kappa Theta
University of
California-Los Angeles
Edna Frances Anderson EffieJessup Matthews
Lydia Jane Phillips
Audrey Blossom Sheldon Margaret Ellen Thompson Harnet Sarah Waldron
Stanford University
Doris Bailey Adams
Grace Marcia Andresen Pauline Beeger Bameson Nora Ann Bower
Jessie Marie Jones
Clarie V. MacGregor Loftus Dorothy Margaret McAiister Merilyn Smith Putnam Jeanne McHale Ryan Janet Elizabeth Turner
Lambda Sigma University ol Georgia Karin Bizabeth Willis
Lambda Tau
Velma Beatrice Willey Nu
New York University Elizabeth Horton Holmes
Nu Kappa
Margaret Louise Fell
Nu Lambda
University of Southern California L Arlein Wingfield Thomason
Nu Onricron
Vanderbitt Univeraity Catherine Craig
Lynn Kay Latimer Dodson Lorraine Church Downey Mary Russell Herod Elizabeth Wood Hollinshed Josephine McCall Holt Corinne Hayes Martin Lilian Catherine McLaurin Lucile Stephenson Miller Marion Huddleston Murphy Louise Craig Velz
Ethel Rabey Burke
Alice Kleinfelder Carrico Dorothy Betz Cowing
Ruth Swearinger Finkbone Martha Jaques
Janis Z. Crall Lillie
Eunice Gail Lutz
Jane Winifred Mitchell
Bernadette Winter Murphy Virginia Cox Nicholson Bizabeth Hughe Wheeler Mary Arden Young
University of Tennessee June Elizabeth Bayless Nora Lee Kassermann Edith Estes Stokely Moore
Omicron Pi
University of Michigan Harriet Lucile Ansley Marion Van Tuyl Campbell Eleanor Grace Clines Loraine Price Howell
Emma Jean Denton Ludovic Ingrida Lauma Rickard Helen Marjorie Wroughton
University ol Kansas Mary Gaynor Fallis Wilma J. Bown Hampton Myrtle Webber Hawks Gladys Miller Heywood Edna Jones O'Brien Alice Jeane Riebe
Carol Ann Youngblood
Newcomb College-Tulane
Mary Bizabeth Cardan Frances Nannett Can Bizabeth Ordway Elliott Doris Crocket Fletcher Solidelle Felicit Fortier Anna McLellan KastJer Beverly Walton Kerr Clara Buchanan Ogden Gladys Anne Renshaw Louise Withers
Pi Delta
University of Maryland Audrea Scholl Anderson Anna Helen Dorsey Cooke Eunice Miller Blis Charlotte Clemson Merkel Alma Viola Miller
Mary Lucinda Stevenson
Pi Kappa
University of Texas-Austin Marckelle F. Thomas
University of Pennsylvania Mary Hilda Kurtz
Dorothy Masterson Ward Beanor Glenn Webster
Northwestern University Bizabeth Florence Deberard Bertha U. Thurman Kirisey Esetwyn Larson Phillips Dorothy Wade Voeks
Unhrenity of California
at Hiiilnhiii n Duimnuy
Virginia Barker Aitken
Grace Marion Cudworth Jane Dudley Epley
Blanche Louise Hill
Ruth Alvenel Holton
Emetyn Knowland Jewett Grace Ruby McCarthy
Diane Charmaine Mechfessel Ella Crawford Reilley Dorothy Louise Sdutto
Edith Lorraine Shoemaker Marjorie Ann Silva Virginia Cook Whitamore
Sigma lota
Western Illinois University Susan Mary Proszek
• Slate
Universfty-Northridge Beverly Jordan
Sigma Tau
Washington College
Jessie Johnson Anderson Nellie Catherine Bexley Sandra White Edward
Ellen Lee Lackmar Hen- Barbara Joan Long
Jane Oyster Mellor
Mary Kirby Ppe
Katherin May Ponder
Helen Saulsbury Richards Charlotte Steinborn Rose Matilda Catherine Wadelton Eleanor Evans White
University of Minnesota Dagmar Adelia Akre Ethelmae Eylar Carter Dorothy Sweney Dornfeld Franceses Kadlec Eckman Sheila Thomas Gould Kathryn Clark Grant Phyllis Hawlish Gustafson Rhoda Bell Kellogg
Helen Rask Morgan
Erma Elizabeth Regan Grace Elizabeth Sweeney Lydia Lillian Walker
Tau Detta
Birmingham Southern College
Annie Louise Gray Kay Rose Pearson
DePauw University Katherine Schmidt Cox Pauline Townes Firrley Ruth Jane McDonald Golda Larkln O'Callaghan Margaret Coulson Thomas
Theta Eta
University of Cincinnati A Mary Bayles
Mary Louise Junkin
Theta Omega
Northern Arizona Univeraity Miriam Trezise Bowles Ruby A Doench Smith
Theta Psi
Untveristy of Toledo Bizabeth Wetnight Gibson Patricia Kilcourse Greene Patricia Kline Hagerty Charlotte Schafer Hoekenga Patricia Hart Ruehle
University of Washington Alice Campbell Cole Dorothy Hudson Gower Berhice St John Hansen Sandra Dahl Hollo Frances Jordan Rahskopf
UpsDon Alpha University of Arizona Margaret Davie Hom
University of Oklahoma Beatrice Cox Carlock Maurine Garrett Moore Bessie Belle Hair Pearce Vera Daggs Rody
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Mildred Wright Anderson
Mary Blen Schroeder DeWulf Dorothy Mercer Edmund Louise Wbhleribert Frederick Margaret Camaby Hayes
Clara Virginia Case James Irma Clarice Mattingly
Lucille E. Mauck
Helen Edith Miller
Marcella EvelynNedrow Dorothy Abbott Petersen Donna Jean Philbrick
Vera Viola Wilson
To Dragma
Alumnae Chapter News
The Ann Arbor Alumnae chapter joined area alumnae and collegiate members to celebrate Founders' Day, reports Lisa Aupperle.
Members of the Columbus, Ohio Alumnae Chapter have designated this year to rebuild, and they have achieved some moderate success, re- ports Char Potter.
"Light" dinners preceeding meet- ings may be part of the reason for the average attendance nearly doubling and the addition of six new members.
The Denver Area Alumnae Chapter and theChiDeltaChapterattheU. of Colorado celebrated Founders' Day at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado, reports Jean Stevenson.
In April, the alumnae chapter held its annual "Bridge of Roses," a lunch- eon to raise money for the expansion of the Chi Delta chapter house.
The Detroit North Suburban Alumnae Chapter was treated to a trip into Birmingham's past via a slide show, reports Mary Jane Levi. Detroit area alumnae have much to celebrate with three active chapters i n the state. Barb Millington is espe- cially happy since her daughter Beth, a new Omicron Pi initiate, is alum- nae relations representative at the U . of Michigan.
Charlene M . Moore reports that the Evansville Tri-State Alumnae Chapter has been busy learning more about the Arthritis Foundation through Janice Johnson, director of the Southwest Indiana Arthritis Foun- dation.
The talent of the Fort Lauder- dale Area Alumnae was outstanding this year, reports Chris Girello. Grace Holden wrote a cute, enlightening skit about the Founders which was presented at the Founders' Day lun- cheon. Chris Girello created a new educational game for the first meet- ing of the year. Cathy Zombar modeled in the Panhellenic Fashion Show.
HammondAreaAlumnaearecur- rently organizing an exam survival kit to be sold to the parents of collegi- ans and distributed during exam week, reports Missy Kennedy. Chap-
Macomb County alumnae Marilyn Eberlein Andreini (left), Omicron Pi, and Sylvia Leach Bock, Omicron Pi, compare memories as they look through college scrapbooks.
Summer 1989
ter members are also selling designer watches with a rose emblem in the center. They are available in large and small face and cost $25. The watch was designed by Dina D'Gera- lamo, philanthropic chairman, and can be ordered through Patty Dowie, alumnae president, 33 East Wood- lawn, Destrehan, L A 70047.
The Hopkinsville (KY) Area Alumnae Chapter met recently for their spring quarterly meeting with a lasagne dinner at the home of Sandy Bruce Power, reports Carrie Joy Brookshire. Officer elections were held and all officers were re-elected for another term. Sandy is president.
On a cold February evening a large group of Kentuckiana alumnae gathered to hear Edith Huntington Anderson's personal recollections of the four Founders of AOII. Edith, Beta Phi, was International Presi- dent in the mid 1930s and was well acquainted with all four of these out- standing women. Edith's presenta- tion was recorded on video and audio tape, reports Natalie Cowan Scharre.
Lafayette, Indiana Alumnae Chap- ter had a February meeting snowed out for the second year in a row, but rescheduled it two weeks later and entertained the new Phi Upsilon pledge class with a pizza party in the
new house addition.
Barbara Krause writes that chapter
members shared the senior dinner with the collegiate chapter i n April.
The Lexington Alumnae Chapter has had a successful year, reports Juanice Gillespie. Its 24 members have provided support for two area collegiate chapters. A hit again this year was the sale of survival kits to the parents of area collegians.
The Martin Alumnae Chapter host- ed a bid day picnic *at the home of Phyllis Fletcher Pritchett, reports Judy B. Parker. Betsey Brent Robinson coordinated the Exam Survival Basket Sale to parents of collegians.
Wilma Smith Leland writes that the cold Minnesota winter of '89 caused some cancellations and post- ponements in the schedule of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Alumnae Chapter. The chapter's traditional soup supper was finally held in March, where Wilma showed slides of her trip to the U.S.S.R.
Judge Patricia Belois, Tau (U. of Minnesota) was the guest speaker at the chapter's spring luncheon. In May, Freddie Kalil Schutten hosted a "year end" party.
The Muncie Alumnae Chapter in- corporated "AOII Always" as their 1988-89 theme, reports Tamra Snyder Redden. Meetings reflecting this theme continued on page 19
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
Remember when you pledged Alpha Omicron Pi? At your initiation, you made a life-long commitment to your Frater- nity, to your sisters and to yourself, to live by and uphold the ideals and traditions of AOIL You also made a commitment to ensure the future of AOIL
AOII's Foundation is also committed to the future. In 1987 the Foundation started our Decade of Endowment Campaign to ensure our future. During this ten-year campaign, the Foun- dation plans to increase the Endowment Fund to $1 million.
A0I1 has embraced this commitment because we see educa- tion and development as a life-long process. Y ou will always grow as long as you have the motivation and the resources needed to accomplish important goals. The Endowment Fund can also grow with your pledges of support that will ensure the financial resources needed to meet the Fraternity's educational goals.
The Foundation is now at the two-year milestone in this ten-year campaign. Many sisters have contributed by making pledges to the Endowment Fund. By our next milestone, the Convention of 1991, the Foundation would like to see a significant increase in short and long term pledges. The Foundation encourages you to complete the form below and make a generous pledge of support to the Endowment Fund. Let the Foundation Board announce to our sisters at our next Convention that the Endowment Fund will have the resour- ces to meet the educational and professional needs of collegi- ans and alumnae in the future.
By supporting Fraternity educational programs, the Endow- ment Fund will ensure that quality programs will be avail- able to collegians and to alumnae in the future. Endowment Fund monies will always be there generating income to pro- vide the financial support that makes those important pro- grams possible.
Please renew your pledge for life-long commitment to AOn and pledge your financial support to the Endowment Fund.
Complete the pledge card below and return it to:
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Endowment Fund
9025 Overlook Boulevard Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 (615) 370-0920
YES, I CAN renew my pledge of life-long commitment to A0II.
Hostessing a luncheon is a great way to support Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation's Endowment Fund. Luncheons provide a setting where AOIIs gather in fellowship to learn about the goals of the Endowment Fund and make a commitment to lead our fraternity into the future.
Alumnae in Nashville, Tennessee, Indianapolis, Indiana, and Jackson, Tennessee had opportunities to reestablish sisterhood when volunteers hosted En- dowment Luncheons. AOIT sisters were brought up to date on current Fraternity activities. Endowment pres- entations were made by Foundation Board representa- tives about the Endowment Fund—its plans, goals, and importance tothefutureofAOELThousandsofdollars were raised, pledges were made, and many A0I1 sisters have remembered the Endowment Fund in their will.
Plans are now being made for several Endowment Luncheons to be held this fall. Y ou, too, can make a difference and influence the direction that A0I1 takes in the future by volunteering to plan an Endowment Luncheon in your city. T o learn more about hostessing a luncheon, please write or call:
Foundation Coordinators
AOII International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Boulevard Nashville, Tennessee 37027 615-370-0920
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foun- dation has received a bequest of $10,000 from Mary Elizabeth Abel. Mary Elizabeth was a member of Beta Phi chapter at Indiana Univer- sity.
I will make a pledge of $ 1991 and will pay it:
, payable by May CH annually
Signed Address
CH quarterly
All donations and gifts to Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation and its Funds are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
For more information about making a gift to AOII Foundation, please contact the Foundation Coordinators at International Headquarters.
18 To Dragma
Alumnae Chapter
News..•continued hornpage17
included: "Always Good Food," "Per- fect Pledges Always" (with the new KK pledges), and "Arthritis—Help Always."
The Murfreesboro Alumnae Chap- ter is off to a great beginning with 14 members installed in January, reports Cindi Jernigan. T h e ceremony, con- ducted by Executive Board Director Nancy Bowers, was held at North Boulevard Church of Christ. Later that day collegiate members and alum- nae met for the Founders' Day Lun- cheon held at the Garden Plaza Hotel.
The North Carolina Piedmont Alumnae Chapter has had a busy year, reports Lisa Tolliver. Some of the chapter's events were a potluck dinner, a Christmas ornament auc- tion to raise money for special pro- jects, and a Founders' Day celebra- tionwiththeEpsilonChichapterat Elon College. The chapter recognized Debbie Harllee and Jane Vondy for their hard work and dedication to AOII.
The North Houston Suburban Alumnae chapter held a recent meet- ing at Palais Royal, a local department store where one of the store's fashion consultants showed chapter members how to coordinate and accessorize their spring wardrobes. Kathleen Downs Hansen writes that other activ- ities have included a pizza night and a IIOA Chinese New Years couples potluck dinner hostessed by Alice Jo Shannon.
The Northern Orange County Alumnae Chapter joined sisters throughout Southern California in February to celebrate Founders' Day. Julie Burns was awarded the South- ern California Council's Lucille English Curtis Award. The chapter presented the Mary Louise Ebner Scholarship to Cindy Lee, Delta Sigma. Heidi Morrison, chapter ad- viser at Lambda Beta, was named outstanding alumna.
"Friendship is what Alpha Omi- cron Pi does best," said Sue Lewis, AOII Executive Director, who spoke at the Founders' Day celebration of the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter.
The friendship theme was very much in evidence at the celebration with AOIls from 24 collegiate chap- ters atending. Those attending were a living example of that AOII "tie that
celebrated its 40th anniversary in the Epsilon Alpha Suite at Penn State U., reports Marie W. Fedon. At the Founders' Day celebration, Katherine Aungst Reed, PSU graduate of 1933, received a Certificate of Honor.
The Tampa Bay Area Alumnae Chapter celebrated Founders' Day at a luncheon with the Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter, reports Mary Elaine Fumea. The chapter had a rush work- shop with the collegiate chapter from the U . of South Florida at Debby Kra- lovanec's home in April.
The Terre Haute Alumnae Chap- ter welcomed back over 100 alumnae during homecoming festivities at In- diana State U., reports Carol Oxford.
The Topeka-Lawrence Alumnae Chapter sold geraniums for its phi- lanthropic project, reports Karen Basey. AOII and other alumnae groups in the Lawrence Panhellenic sell geran- iums to bring in $400 for a scholar- ship for a senior girl at Lawrence High.
Gould . . .
continued horn page 4
After her return to Minnesota, she produced scripts for Founders' Day programs and provided the narrative for Tau's 75th anniversary style show at the banquet in 1987. She combined her talents with those of Mary Kinney Steinke '53, who produces style shows as a career, Barbara Reese Davidson '53, professional actress and singer, and Jane Cracraft Robertson-Ganyo '50, pianist. She has worked on career workshops for the chapter and has served as a speaker for alumnae chap- ter programs.
Georgia advises young audiences, young AOIIs, and sometimes older ones, to be risk takers, to be willing to fail and to try again, to follow what she chooses to call "one's inner light." She knows that AOII gave her a chance to develop her talents. Of those relationships, she says that they have been supportive, ever renewing, and treasured.
Summer 1989
binds," reports McMahon.
The NY-NJ Metro Area Alumnae Chapter is proud of its membership recruitment program, led by Katie Damp. The group has increased from 25 to 33 members. T h e chapter's news- letter, "The Rose Times," is published four times yearly and is a valuable communication tool, reports Susan McMahon Peterson.
The Omaha Alumnae Chapter cele- brated Founders' Day with two honor- ed guests, reports Paula Shuey. Dr. Jim Manion, president of the Make- A-Wish Foundation, was presented with a check for $250 from Maggie Rasmussen, chapter philanthropic chairman. The money was raised from sales of "pleasure pacs" by members. T h e second guest, Ms. Ellen Wright, works for the local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation.
Mary Jane Jacobsen, president of the Ottawa Alumnae Chapter, pres- ented a check for $250 from the chap- ter to Dr. Robert McKendry, Director of the Rheumatic Diseases Unit at the Ottawa General Hospital. The money will be used for research. Over the years the chapter has donated $1500 to Dr. McKendry for his reasearch in the area of arhtritis and other rheumatic diseases.
Colleen Emery writes that the Seat- tle Area Alumnae Chapter and Upsilon Chapter members celebrated Found- ers' Day together in Seattle. It was the 91st Founders' Day to be celebrated there. Alumnae awards included the Laura Hurd Service Award to Louise Oliver and a Certificate of Honor to Janet Swenson.
The South Bay/Palos Verdes Alumnae Chapter held a Founders' Day luncheon where a new tradition was born, reports Patricia Hagerman. Heidi Herlong, chapter president, awarded the new "Unsung Hero Award," to Pat Hagerman, Kappa Theta.
The State College Alumnae Chapter
Chapter Consultants
Nima Chandler
Laura Culpepper
They are often referred to as the "best of the best", the "cream of the crop", or "AOII's ambassadors" . . . they are our Chapter Consultants. They will travel across the continent visiting AOIT chapters, serving as a resource for them. Their homes are cities from the east coast to the west coast, their chapters range from very large, old chapters to new chapters, but they have one thing in common ... a love for and a commitment to our Fraternity. When they visit your chapter, take time to get to know these very special women and you'll see why they are, indeed, the "bestof the best."
Laurie is from Lambda Sigma Chap- ter at the University of Georgia. She has served her chapter i n various capacities, including Assistant Rush Chairman, PR Committee, and Chap- ter Enrichment Committee. Laurie has extensive Panhellenic experience, serving both as Assistant Delegate and Delegate for Lambda Sigma. She was a Cabinet Director for Univ. of GA Panhellenic and has been instru- mental in reviewing and re-evaluat- ing the Rush procedures there. Laurie's major is in Organizational Manage- ment.
Amy is from Theta Beta chapter at Towson State University. Amy served Theta Beta as Philanthropic Chair- man and President. She was on the Forensic Team at Towson State, was a member of Greek Leaders Against Drunk Driving and served as a repor- ter for the school newspaper. She holds a Bachelors Degree inEnglish.
Paula will serve as a CC for the Fall semester only. She comes to us from Lambda Tau chapter at Northeast Louisiana University. Paula has served her chapter i n a variety of offices, i n - cluding Keeper of the Ritual and a two term Chapter President. She was active on the yearbook staff, serving as Greeks Editor. She was also a Stu- dent Government Association Sena- tor. Paula's major is in Public Rela- tions.
: 4<
Laurie Arnold
Amy Bordewisch
To Dragma
Paula Bourgeois
Nima is a member of Sigma chapter at the University of California at Berkeley. She served her chapter as Activities Chair and Chapter Presi- dent. She was selected to represent her chapter as the Most Inspirational Member of the Greek system. Nima was raised in Thailand. Her major is in Mass Communication.
Laura is a member of Lambda Chi
chapter at LaGrange College (Geor- gia). She has served her chapter as Scholarship Chairman, Treasurer, and President. She has been on the Drill Team at LaGrange and served as a student host. Laura has a double major in English and Computer Science.
Erin is a member of Alpha Rho chapter at Oregon State University. She has served her chapter in many capacities,includingVice President/ Administration and Pledge Educator. She was also Chapter President before the re-organization. During the re- organization period she worked dili- gently for the growth and betterment of her chapter. Her degree is in Food Science and Technology.
How to Write Your B
If your activities associated with a club, school group, or community organization are directly related to the career or job you want, you may describe them under an Experience heading instead of Activities. Whether you received payment for your con- tributions of time and energy should not determine where you describe it on your resume. The nature of your responsibilities and their relationship to your career goals should be the deciding factors.
Special Categories
Almost anything can be treated as a
special category on a resume. Pre- senting information under its own heading is a good way of highlighting it. The categories of—Skills, Qualifi- cations, Languages, and Computer Languages—are the most common.
Erin McDonnell
Leigh is a member of Delta Chi
chapter at the University of Delaware. She has served Delta Chi as Historian, Public Relations Chairman, Vice President/Pledge Educator and Spring Rush Chairman. She was active in Residence Life and was a reporter for the school newspaper. Leigh has a double major in English and Journa- lism.
Tana isamemberofUpsilon chap-
ter at the University of W ashington. She has held a number of offices, including Pledge Eduator and Pan- hellenic Delegate. Tana was in charge of Homecoming at the University of Washington. Tana's majoris in Psy- chology.
iume .. .continued frompage5 Other special headings might in-
clude Supervisory Experience, Finance Background, Teaching Activities, or Travel and International Experience. You can use such special categories to support your objective and to pro- ject a sense of direction to employers.
Personal Data
Personal data, such as height, weight, date and place of birth, and marital status were formerly standard itemsonaresume.Nowtheyareusu- ally omitted.
The names of references can be
given along with their professional titles, addresses, and phone numbers if those involved have given you permission to use this information. If you have liters on fileat your college
Leigh Remy
Tana Roberts
or university, you may state on the resume, "Placement dossier, includ- ing letters or recommendations, avail- able from ," giving the name of the appropriate university office. "References availa- ble upon request" also may be added to the end of the resume, but since employers will request them if they are needed, the phrase is superfluous and may be omitted to save space.
To save space on your resume and, perhaps more important, to give your- self greater flexibility and greater control over your references, you can develop and distribute several different lists of references, printed on separate sheets. Y o u can create individualized lists for differentjob targets, and you can change the references as you meet more people who can assist you.
Summer 1989
New York City Panhellenic To Award Two Fellowships
New York City Panhellenic will award two $750.00 Fellowships to sorority women doing full time graduate work at a college or university in the New York City Metropolitan area during 1989-90.Those interested
should request an application from Ms. Jane Riemenschneider, 671 Bronx River Rd., Apt. 5H, Yonkers, New York 10704, and should return
the completed form by August I, 1989.
In past years these fellowships have assisted women working for advanced degrees at such schools as New York University Graduate School of Business; Columbia University, School of Physicians & Sur-
geons and School of Journalism; Rutgers University, School of Law; John Jay College and University of Medicine 8c Dentistry, Newark.
^•e-^-T-r-»7 ran:
7ill '«
» j r
•--MfTTT i I T- nationo n A0LTNotables
IfejSSl Name: Address:
1 Tji--r"-**•»1
WANTED: Inform; YouraccomplishmentsinSESS^1 *'*, e t U S k n o w ^bou
abom an outstanding mteffSSSTtS^i" -
aboutano u L S , - "'Phonal orvoi
Or tellTM.
Coffey,7 7 5 4
ZSerP I ^ K ^ ^ ^ *
Chapter/Date of initiation:
'recognition, awards, honors:
Corporation Meeting
October 7, 1989
i.m., Lunch Follows 10 a.tti-
710 Euclid Ave. Syracuse, NY 13210
For information, contact: Shirley W. Ludington
217 Oneida St. Fulton, H069
Send To: Julie Martin
Chapter Services Coordinator AOn International Headquarters
9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027
Name Address __
C o "su/tanf
Chi D
1989 011 w^^-^r?K m i v e A byMarch 17,
lection of mincers October 3, 198^
AUII aiu
Regions VII.
Chicago, Beverly HiUs. I L
Ch.cago. NW Suburban IL Chicago. W Suburban, I L Kearney, NE
Omaha, NE
Milwaukee, WI Minneapolis/St.. Paul, M N
Alexandria Colony, L A Dallas. T X
Denver, C O
Greater Kansas City, KS
Jonesboro, AR
Hammond, LA
North Houston Suburban. T X Northwest Arkansas, A R
Monroe, L A
San Antonio, T X
St. Louis, M O Shreveport, L A Topeka/Lawrence. KS
Bowman, M T
Calgary Colony, Canada Pocatello, ID
\m., Chapter%H9ou, 1015 15th St.
Boston, M A
Greater Portland, M E
New York/NewJersey Metro Area
Ottawa. Canada Rochester. N Y
Baltimore. M D
Greater Allenton/Bethlehem, PA Greater Harrisburg, PA
3oulder, CO
- information, contact:
rolTouzalin \ 53)452-5416
Delta Upsilon 10th Anniversary
he Delta Upsilon Chapter at Duke 'niversity announces plans for a lack tiedinner during homecom-
jig weekend '89 to celebrate its Dthanniversary. Alumnae will be tceiving more information in the
Philadelphia, PA State College, PA
Atlanta, G A
Piedmont, N C
Virginia Tidewater, V A
Ann Arbor, MI Cleveland, O H Columbus, OH
Detroit North Suburban,
Evansville Tri-State Indianapolis, I N Kalamazoo, MI
Lafayette, I N Macomb County. MI Muncie, I N
Hopkinsville, K Y Knoxville, T N Lexington, KY
Birmingham, A L
Ft. Lauderdale. Ft. Greater Jackson, MS Greater Pinellas, FL
Huntsville, A L Tampa Bay Area, FL
Palo Alto, CA
Phoenix, AZ
San Diego, CA
South Bay/Palos Verdes, CA
SouthernOrangeCounty,CA Ventura County, CA
o those chapters who have submitted their histories! Alice Aderman is still accepting histories. Sendto:2302E.NewberryBlvd..Milwaukee,WI53211
Summer 1989
From Our Readers:
Praise for "How to Eat Right"
T o the editor:
I would like to applaud you per-
sonallyonyour"HowtoEatRight" article in the winter issue of To Dragma, This is a big concern in our chapter, and we recently presented the eating disorders portion of "Key- stones" to our members.
T o be honest, I questioned what you might know about good eating when I first saw the article, but after reading it I was quite impressed. I have done a lot of reading about diet and nutrition, and there is a lot of quackery out there. There are few documented writings, but of those I have read, your article summarizes
Arthritis: What it's
healthy young woman to that of an 85 year old invalid in a matter of weeks following the onset of rheuma- toid arthritis.
For this woman, the change wrought by the disease was dramatic and ob- vious. Some forms of the 100 different afflictions which are classified as arth- ritis are often invisible. This fact can lead to the lack of sympathy from employers and loved ones. According to JVewsweelc, divorce is three times more common in couples where one spouse has the disease.
their main points.
The one thing that impressed me
most is that you did not advocate eat- ing dairy and meat products. I am a strict vegetarian, and I find that kind of advice nonsensical and offensive. Congratulations on a truly excellent article. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Sheila Converse Gamma Alpha Chapter (George Mason U.)
T o the editor:
Thank you for an outstanding win-
ter issue of T o Dragma. As a colle- giate member of Sigma Chapter, I was thrilled to see the attention given
K e . . . continued from page 14 form of arthritis, from simple aspirin
to sophisticated anti-inflammatory drugs. I n cases where joints have been severely damaged, surgery is sometimes used to replace the joint. The application of heat and cold sometimes helps relieve the pain. Physical therapy, in the form of an individualized, balanced program of exercise and rest is often an impor- tant part of the treatment program. The types of exercise, however, must be designed for the individual, because what is good for some types of arthri-
to our chapter's report. As a con- cernedmemberofsociety,Iwasecstatic to see your piece on Dr. Ries. AIDs is a serious issue which needs to be addressed. In the San Francisco Bay area, the highest increase in reported AIDs cases has been among hetero- sexual women this last year.
Finally, I would like to relate my appreciation for the article on Janet Marx's work in special education, the eating disorders article and everything else! You're doing a great job! Thank you!
Nima Chandler
Sigma Chapter
(U. of California-Berkeley)
Yet, despite the tremendous eco- nomic cost, arthritis remains what some scientists refer to as a "stepchild" in research circles because it is not glamorous nor usually life threaten- ing. Y ou can be proud that your Fra- ternity is helping to provide funding to find the cause and cure of arthritis. Since arthritis research was adopted as AOII's philanthropy, there have been 36 separate research grants made to individuals and institutions. T h e amount of the grants has increased from a $5,000 first grant to an average of more than $15,000. From 1980 to 1988, 21 grants have been awarded rangingfrom $10,000 to $36,000. T h e most recent grants were awarded in 1988 to Lois Verbrugge,Ph.D., U.of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, and to David E. Yocum, M.D., and Melissa Halpern, U . of Arizona Arthritis Center, T ucson, Arizona.
Arthritis Research Grants is one of the four funds of your Alpha Omi- cron P i Foundation, supported by contributions from members and friends of AOII. The others are the Ruby Fund, the Development Fund and the Endowment Fund. The Alpha Omicron P i Foundation Board selects the recipients of the arthritis research grants.
The unpredictable nature of arthritis can be particularly troubling.
Other psychological aspects, ac- cording to information developed by the Arthritis Foundation, include de- nial, anxiety, and a loss of self esteem. Family and friends are affected, too. The unpredictable nature of the dis- ease can be particularly troubling. Said one patient:
"On days when I feel good, my husband forgets I have arthritis. When the bad days come, he thinks I'm exag- gerating. H e wonders how I eah feel okay one day and so miserable the next"
tis can be harmful for patients with other forms of the disease. People with arthritis should work closely with their doctor to develop an in- dividual treatment plan.
Lest you think that the impact of arthritis is limited to victims and their families and friends, consider the following:
—It's the nation's primary crippler.
—Arthritis-related illnesses account for 27 million lost workdays annually.
—It costs the U.S. economy an estimated $8.6 billion a year.
Treatments vary according to the
24 ToDragma
Collegiate Chapter News
Chi Chapter
honored bya visit from International President Peg Crawford and Public Relations Coordinator Melanie Doyle who shared theirexperiences in AOII, reports Jill Ginsburg. The "Rose Bowl," a bowling tournament or- ganized by Laura Rothberg and Robyn Gross, raised money for arthritis re- search.
Delta Chapter at Tufts U. had sev- eral individuals honored recently, re- ports Leslie Eng. Lisa Allen was named to Phi Beta Kappa, and she is also a member of the Psychology Honor Society. Julie Easom, a member of the sailing team, was named "best skipper." Sarah Lowthian was elected vice president of the Inter Greek Council, and Julie Jones was elected the social chairman.
Kelly Carrig, Nu Delta, with her adopted grandmother and AOII sister, Mrs. Jose- phine Houssman.
r /
aware had two fund raisers this year, a 50/50 raffle for a CD player and a rose sale.
The sisters of Epsilon Alpha at Pennsylvania State U . have been named the "Most Outstanding Chap- ter" by the Panhellenic Council for the fifth time in the last six years, reports Melanie Shaver. Deann Pferde- hirt's high GPA has earned her a president's honor. Patty Smith was named Panhellenic's "Greek W oman of the Year."
Pi Deltas at the U. of Maryland are pleased to have a new study room which was redone with money raised by the pledges last semester, reports Diana Smith.
GAMMA, which stands for Greeks Advocating the Mature Management of Alcohol, is headed by Kerry Rute- miller, chapter president. Other indi- vidual honors include two members with 4.0 GPAs, Lori Tyrell and Lori Stahl.
Tau Lambda Chapter at Shippens- burg U . has 12 new pledges follow- ing January rush, reports Jennifer Masse.
The Chi Beta Chapter at the U . of Virginia gained 35 pledges after for- mal rush, reports Nancy Fleischman. Jill Corso and Jill Dunham have been selected to "Live on the Lawn," the highest honor awarded at the U . of Virginia.
Gamma Alpha at George Mason U. initiated 24 pledges during spring semester, reports Shelia Converse.
Melissa Mills was elected Panhel- lenic President for 1989. Other indi-
continued on page 27
at Syracuse
U . was
Gamma Chapter at the U. ofMaine holds the highest GPA on campus (3.02), reports Susan Ezzy. The chap- ter also received the U. of Maine Alumni Association's Award for Ex- cellence for being the top Phone-A- Thon '89 fund raisers, raising nearly double the total of the next highest group.
Nu Delta Chapter at Canisius Col- lege held its first Parents' Day and celebrated its second anniversary this semester reports Kelly Carrigg.
Mrs. Josephine Houssman, a 1928 alumna of the AOII chapter at the U . of Michigan, was a special guest at Parents' Day. She is the "adopted grandmother" of Kelly Carrigg. Can- isius College sponsors an "Adopt-A- Grandparent" program in which stu- dents "adopt" elderly residents of a local retirement home as their grand- parents. Josephine and Kelly have been "family" since September 1988 but did not find out that they were sisters until recently.
Members of the Theta Pi Chapter at W agner College enjoyed a visit from International President Peg Crawford this semester, reports Sheila Anne Welch.
Francine Hupfer was elected Second Princess of Songfest '89, and Jennifer Solaas was elected First Princess of homecoming '88.
Delta Chi Chapter at the U. of Del-
Summer 1989
Otrikrcn 3>i
m ma
AOII Long Sleeve Crew Neck GEAR Shirt, Generously cut, 100% Cotton. Peach or White, S. M, L: $25.00
AOII Pastel GEAR T-Shtrt, 100% Cotton. Mint or Peach, S, M,L: $15.00
AOII GEAR Shorts, 2 Front pockets and 1 rear patch pocket. Elastic draw string wafeteband, Pastel letters ("ALPHA OMICRON PI") wrap around left leg, White only, S, M, L: $17.00
AOII Calendar: Month-At-A-Glance with separate note pad: $1.00 AOII Legacy Shirt: White with red letters, S, M, L: $15.00 AOII Bumper Sticker: $1.00
AOII Decal: 50' Alumna Decal: $1.00
AOII Key Rings: Clearer Red: $3.00 » AOII Luggage Tag: Natural color suede with gold embossed letters:
Item(s) (specify quantity, and size)
Send order form to:
TN Residents add 7.75% Sales Tax Total Amount Enclosed
AOII International Headquarters
9025 Overlook Blvd., Nashville, T N 37027
(615) 37O-0920
Total Canadians add 10% Currency Exc.
Collegiate Chapter
News.. •
vidual honors included the following: Sheila Converse and Kristin Tompkins received the corporation board scholar- ship; Chrissy Gruden received the National Collegiate Nursing Award; and Cathy Cavazos earned her black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
The Rho Beta Chapter at Virginia Commonwealth U . held two fund raisers during Greek week, reports Aimee Street. Lana May was chair- man.
Rho Betas were active in theVCU Phone-A-Thon.
Margaret Braden reports that Sigma Alpha Chapter at West Virginia U. has purchased a house after being on campus for only four years. Chapter members are very pleased.
Ten members of the Beta Gamma Colony at Michigan State U. made the dean's list with a GPA of 3.5 or above, reports Laura Poellet.
Chi Lambda Chapter at the U.of Evansville initiated 100% of its fall pledge class, reports Thea Trueblood.
Parents W eekend included the win- ter homecoming basketball game where Chi Lambda's Susie Owen was crowned homecoming queen during halftime.
Paula Conway was welcomed as the new chapter adviser. Chapter mem- bers are grateful to their "retiring" adviserToniReitzforherunmeasur- able work for Chi Lambda through the years.
Kappa Kappa Chapter at Ball State U. chose Brydgett Stwarka for both the Rosebud Award and the Pledge of the Year Award, reports Mitzi Foster.
Ann Marsh was chosen February "Greek of the Month" by Order of Omega. Susie Slocum was selected the Indy 500 Festival Princess.
Kappa Pi Chapter at Ohio Northern U. had the second highest GPA of all Greek organizations on campus last quarter, reports Lori A. Crabtree.
Three sisters were inducted into Mortar Board, Jenny Nagy, Susan Mountain, and Michelle Anderson.
Omega Chapter at Miami U. raised money for arthritis research with a "Greek Family Feud," based on the tv show but with Miami oriented questions.
The women of Omicron Pi at the U. of Michigan kicked off Inspira- tion Week with a pledge formal at the Ann Arbor Inn.
Past president Kara Gathmann now serves the Panhellenic Council's Ex- ecutive Board as social chairman. Both Kara and Michelle Epstein were elected to Order of Omega.
Six members of the Phi Upsilon Chapter at Purdue U. marched with the Purdue band in the Presidential Inaugural Parade, reports Beth Perry. They were Cheryl Chickey, Jana Sinn, Lora Short, Mandy Vondielingen, Cathy Campbell, and Michelle Glynn.
Laura Hershberger was selected for the Purdue cheerleading squad and Lisa Butz was inducted into Mortar Board.
Theta Psi Chapter at the U. of Toledo completed a successful "Up, Up and Away" Project, raising more than $500 for the Arthritis Founda- tion. Chrissy Conklin was elected to the homecoming court.
PSV? Delta Omega Chapter at Murray
State U. honored past president Cathy Davenport at its Rose Ball, reports Raelyn Barlow. Lori Holen was named "ideal active" and Christy Roberson was named "ideal pledge."
Kappa Omegas at the U . of Ken- tucky started off the spring semester by w i n n i n g f i r s t p l a c e i n t h e Z e t a T a u Alpha Greek Comedy Night.
In February, Kappa Omega held its annual Scholarship Banquet. Each member with a 3.0 or higher GPA ate
steak, while those with a GPA below 3.0 dined on hamburgers.
Nu Omicrons at Vanderbilt U . kicked offthe new year by taking 35 pledges, reports Heather Davidson.
Mary McDonald was elected to the Vanderbilt Vucept Board, and Cathi Worst was named the Panhellenic Rush Arbitrator for the '89-'90 school year. Kelly Kitchens starred in VUT's production of Laundry and Bourbon.
Omicron Chapter at the U. ofTen- nessee celebrated Founders' Day by recognizing an outstanding alumna with a new award, reports Amy Fis- cher. The award was given to Nancy Bettis, chapter adviser, and it was named in her honor.
Rho Omicrons at Middle T ennessee State U . are active in Panhellenic there, reports Carolyn W alker. Five chapter members attend each Pan- hellenic meeting, in addition to the chapter delegate and assistant. Linda Spence is Panhellenic president.
I ;
Alpha Deltas at the U. of Alabama had a busy second semester with initia- tion, a post initiation party, and an officer/adviser workshop, reports Christian Smith.
Chapter members welcomed their new financial adviser, V angie Manas- co, in February. Jamie Manasco and Amy Jones were inducted into Car- dinal Key.
Gamma Delta Chapter at the U. of South Alabama won first place in the sorority division of the Junior Pan- hellenic Council's philanthropic bowling competition, reports Jean Calametti.
Kerrie Barrett was a member of the homecoming court during the school's
continued on next page
Summer 1989
continued from page25
CollegiateChapter goes to the pledge with the highest reports Michele Scott. Julie Mc-
GPA, went to Tiffani Miller.
Iota Sigma Chapter at Iowa State U. raised its house GPA to third place for the campus, reports Krissy Hunt. Tina Emerson received the freshman scholar award at the Greek Awards Banquet.
Carol Wee Millar, an Iota Sigma alumna, is the new chapter adviser.
At the second annual "Run for the Roses," a five and ten kilometer run with the Ames Running Club, there were 357 entries, almost double the number from last year. The event raised $1,500 for arthritis research.
Phi Sigma Chapter at Kearney State College had a number of individuals honored this semester, reports Linda Major. Wendy Hladik qualified for nationals in swimming. Angie Mor- gan and Melinda Struebing were se- lected to be on the summer orienta- tion staff for incoming freshmen. Angela Berg and Michelle Day were chosen to be "rush runners" for '89.
Theta Chi Chapter at Morningside College participated in a community project with the Girls Club of Sioux City, reports Jeri Sturges. The project was set up by the Panhellenic Council.
Zeta Chapter members at the U. of Nebraska have been busy receiving some outstanding personal awards,
Leslie Ann Wright, newest Pi initiate, helps Barbara Campbell Lovejoy, the oldest attending Pi alumna, cut the chapter's anniversary cake.
News.. •
25th anniversary homecoming cele- bration. Tish Hancock served as home- coming chairman this year.
Sigma Delta Chapter, Hunting- don College, celebrated Founders' Day with a banquet at the Mont- gomery Country Club with the Montgomery Alumnae Chapter, re- ports Cindy Simmons. Susan Bru- baket won the model pledge award, and Mary Hardin Mitchell received the rose pledge award. The best big sister/little sister GPA award went to Mary Shea Buchanan and Marcie Lanier. Allyce Sikes was named active of the year.
Melissa Fanning reports that Kerri Lahey was named "best pledge" of the31newinitiatesoftheTauDelta Chapter at Birmingham-Southern College. April Whitten received the pledge scholarship award.
Laura Boyd, Leigh Jeffery, Pam Jones, and Kacy O'Brien were selected for membership in Phi Beta Kappa.
••Wh Dakota
The Alpha Theta Chapter at Coe College in Cedar Rapids, IA helped the college in a phone-a-thon during January. The money raised went toward the Alpha Theta donation for AOIl's new Fraternity Headquarters.
Iota Chapter at the U . of Illinois initiated 42 pledges in February, re- ports Monique Medawar.
The chapter's scholars were recog- nized at a scholarship dinner in March. The following members had a perfect 5.0 GPA:Amy Agronin, Linda Bana- szek, Lynn Barone, Dayna Cernansky, Deanna DeChristopher, Mary Ellman, Gerri Foran, Michelle Gemskie, Tif- fani Miller, Marybeth Neffke, Kari Nelson, Amy Steffen, and Denise Stowell. The Nellie Jane pin, which
Pheeters and Michele Bobak were selected for membership in the Inno- cents Society. Kara Roloff will be a New Student Enrollment host this summer.
-•V U- ::L,.
Delta Alpha Chapter at the U. of Mis- souri raised $ 1,500 for arthritis research with a physical fitness competition called "Greek Physique," reports Laura LeGrand.
Sharon Garrett, former chapter president, died of cancer last October. Chapter members wish to thank AOII sisters who sent cards and flowers and showed their support for the chapter.
Delta Pi Chapter at Central Mis- souri State U . held its second annual 10K "Run for the Roses" in April, reports Angie May. The event was a fund raising project for arthritis research. Paula Fisher was elected
continued from page27
To Dragma
Collegiate Chapter
News.. •
president of Mace and Torch. Cin- namon Ramey was inducted into the school's honorary math fraternity.
During the spring semester most of the energy of Phi Chapter at the U. of Kansas was directed toward "Rock Chalk." This is a musical production where teams of sororities and frater- nities work together on writing scripts, songs, and building scenery. Only five teams are chosen to participate, reports Alexis Kassin.
Pi Chapter at Newcomb College- Tulane held its initiation and 90th anniversary celebration the same day, reports Jeanne Boudreaux. The old- est attending alumna, Ms. Barbara Campbell Lovejoy, and the newest initiated collegian, Leslie Ann Wright, cut the huge 90th anniversary cake. Kellie Jenkins was selected the most outstanding pledge.
Sigma Omicron Chapter at Arkan- sas State U . has enjoyed a semester full of honors and achievements, re- ports Gail A. Grace. Krissy Hodges, chapter president, was elected vice president of the Student Government Association. Other members elected to SGA positions are Etta Stegall, secretary, and Lisa Carson and Shelly Murdock, senators.
At the annual Panhellenic Scholar- ship Ceremony, Sandy Pickens receiv- ed the Dean Stroud scholarship.
Leslie Keast and Meg Garlinghouse were finalists for Greek Woman of the Year. Meg, Zoe Ann Olson, and Wendy Kennedy were initiated into Order of Omega.
Members of Sigma Alpha Chapter at the U. of California at Berkley were honored to have Past International President Ginger Banks at initiation in February, reports Mindy Davis.
Sigmas participated in the first All Northern California Founders' Day celebration with sisters from Chi Alpha, Delta Sigma, and area alum- nae chapters. A t the luncheon Julie Petroski was named the outstanding pledge. Both the outstanding senior award and the inspirational member award were given to Nima Chandler, Sigma's past president.
The Theta Omegas at Northern Arizona U . kicked up their heels and put on cowboy hats for their annual Barn Bash Dance, reports Stephanie Teale.
Helping Others . . .
continued from page 6
Nursing home residents have enjoy- ed the attention of AOII women from Omega, Theta Beta, and Epsilon Omega. Both Gamma Alpha and Sigma Rho have adopted a Grandpa. American Veterans' Hospital, visited by Pi Delta, is but one of the local hospitals grateful for the time given by Alpha Theta, Phi Chi, Theta Pi, Delta Upsilon, Omicron Pi, and Delta Psi.
Tau Omega, Gamma Omicron, Phi Sigma, and Alpha Chi are involved invariouscommunityprograms.An award for Outstanding Contributions to the Community was presented to Delta Pi by the local Chamber of Commerce.
W e are pleased to recognize the service given by this cross section of alumnae and collegiate chapters and the women who comprise their mem- bership.
No matter what the level of involve- ment, every effort that we as individ- uals or as chapters put forth does make a difference and will add to the promotion of human welfare. During the coming year, take the plunge, make the difference, get involved! Not only will you be making your personal contribution to the overall effort,but you'll feel great just know- ing that you have made a difference when and where it counted!
Watch for Fall To Dragma with chapter fund raising ideas.
continued from page28
Alpha Phi at Montana State U. spent one Saturday evening raising money for arthritis research by selling balloons at a basketball game. The chapter gained seven new pledges after spring rush.
Upsilon Chapter at the U. of W ash- ington is well represented on cam- pus, reports Zarina Chishti-Miller.
Spring 1989
Kathy Silvey was named Greek Woman of the year by Panhellenic.
Lambda Beta Chapter at Califor- nia State U . at Long Beach partici- pated i n the AIDS walk to raise money for AIDS research, reports Dana Jo Ellis. Chapter members raised over f500.
Lambda Iota Chapter at the U. of California, San Diego, celebrated Founders' Day by recognizing some of its most active members, reports LeAnn Boni. The outstanding jun- ior award was given to Kathy Rager, who is currently rush chairman. Linda Hall, now assistant rush chairman, received the Ruby A Award for the outstanding pledge of the year.
At the U . of Southern California, Nu Lambda has been busy with rush and pledge activities, reports Lise M . Sellier. The winter rush program was the most successful COB effort on campus to date. With three continu- ous pledge classes, N u Lambda has been busy, but took time out to accept awards for the highest fall pledge GPA both at USC and at the Found- ers' Day celebration.
Chapter California-Davis received a gift of stained glass from its pledge class. The design has two roses and the let- ters "A01T' in it. The glass has been installed in the front door of the house.
at the
U . of
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It's A House Warming Shower!
AOII has moved into its new Headquarters and Conference Center and is the newest neighbor in Brentwood, Tennessee. If you would like to participate in a house warming shower for your Fraternity's new home, the headquarters staff shoppers stand ready to do your shopping for you! All you have to do is indicate your gift slection by circling the appropriate star in our "shower of stars," and send this list with your check to:
Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Boulevard, Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
* Patio furniture—$170
* Silk Christmas tree—$120
* 30-gallon coffee maker—$100
* Vacuum cleaner—$90
* New code-a-phone—$70
* Rolling tea cart—$60
* Toaster oven—$60
* Knife block and cutlery—$40
* Blender—$40
* Bed linens—$30/bed
* Dust buster—$30
* Can opener—$20
* Flatware—$20/place setting * China—$20/place setting
ifc Bath towels & accessories— $20/bathroom
* Pots & pans—$15/each
* Luggage racks—$15/each * Glasses—$12/set of 4
* Laundry Basket—$10
* Alarm clocks—$10/each
Your next step is to interview with potential employers. Communicate to an employer your motivations and, most important, the skills you have to perform the job you want. After the interview, regardless of the out- come, always follow up with a thank you note expressing your appreciation for taking the time to interview and your interest in the position.
After interviewing, consider your offers. Yes, more than one offer can be obtained ifyou are effective.You may need to negotiate your salary and benefits. It is imperative that you have a salary range in mind that you feel comfortable with. Once you accept an offer and begin work, you will have lost the opportunity to negotiate.
The final step is acceptance of an offer. After analyzing factors such as career goals, salary and job setting, you accept an offer.
"A job search is simple, but not necessarily easy," says Nadler. "Be persistent and realistic i n your goals.
-k Table linens—$15
Special audio-visual needs: • Cam-corder—$900 * Television—$300 * VCR—$200
10 Steps to a Good Job
continued from page 5
letters are the means by which you communicate directly to employers your goals and qualifications for spe- cific positions.
A poorly written cover letter will devalue even the best resume. So never underestimate the 1 power of first impressions.
"Cover letters and any correspon- dence with a potential employer must be yours," says Burton J. Nadler, author of Liberal Arts Power! How to Sell It on Your Resume. "It must project your writing style and per- sonality. Samples found in books should be used as guides to motivate you as you undertake your own job search actions. Everything a poten- tial employer receives from you must project professionalism and your power to perform."
Your third step is to identify a "hit list" of potential employers. A library is an excellent source. There you can research companies, find directories and locate other resources, such as professional magazines, to develop your list of employers to contact.
Establishing a network is the fourth step and one you should maintain and continue to foster throughout
your career. According to the U.S. Dept. of Labor, 57 percent of all jobs are filled by networking. Networking is the method of the '80s for obtaining jobs, promoting career advancement and expanding business opportunities.
Ask appropriate friends, family members and even alumni of your school or sorority alumnae to assist you in your research and job search efforts. Y our network of friends and business assoc.. can help arrange informational interviews and supply referrals to potential employers throughout your career.
The next step is to respond to posted opportunities. Locate and use job postings, such as newspaper want ads, employment agencies and on- campus recruiting programs.
Then send your resume and cover letter to people on your hit list and in your job search network. Inform as many people as possible, as often as possible, about your job search goals.
The seventh step is to FOLLOW UP, FOLLOW UP, FOLLOW UP!
Continue to communicate either by phone or in person, with potential employers until you get an interview.
Next comes the fruit of your search, a fulfilling and rewarding career.
Establishing a solid reputation in your field will make your next job search much easier.
To Dragma
~k Dish towels—$5/half dozen
* Waste baskets—$5/each
* Assorted kitchen utensils—$5
Lambda Iota
U. of California, San Diego.
Omega—Miami U.
Rush Reflections
Delta Upsilon—Duke U.
Summer 1989