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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2017-10-19 10:36:19

2017 NPC Edition - To Dragma

2017 NPC Edition - To Dragma

NPC Edition, October 2017

Panhellenic Delegate Seamless
Photos Reflections Transition

Xi Rho (Sonoma State U)
member Katie Hannum and
Alpha Gamma Delta member
Emily Berman visit Stone-
henge in England.

2 | NPC Edition 2017


8 16

20 24

4 Editor’s Letter 16 Meet The AOII NPC On the cover:
5 Fraternity News Delegation NPC Vice Chairman Carole
7 Viewpoint 20 Delegate Reflections Jones, Alpha Delta (U of
8 Panhellenic Photos 24 Seamless Transition Alabama) presents the
10 From The Archives 26 My Hopes For AOII And NPC Mary Louise Roller Award
12 NPC And AOII 28 NPC By The Numbers to Gamma Alpha (George
14 NPC Member Organizations Mason U) Chapter Presi-
dent, Julia Kauffman,
on behalf of recipient
Ashleigh Bennett, Gamma
Alpha (George Mason U)
at AOII’s 2017 Internation-
al Convention.


About Alpha Omicron Pi: from the editor
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College
in New York City, January 2, 1897, by Jessie The long-anticipated wait is nearly over! In just a few
Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella short days, our very own Carole Jones, Alpha Delta (U
George Stern Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. of Alabama) will become the Chairman of the National
Panhellenic Conference. I could not think of a better
The Object of the Fraternity: AOII to assume this position, and I am confident Car-
The object of the Fraternity shall be to encourage ole will be an inspiring leader not only to AOIIs, but to
a spirit of Fraternity and love among its members; collegiate and alumnae women of every other Panhel-
to stand at all times for character, dignity, scholar- lenic organization.
ship, and college loyalty; to strive for and support My first interaction with Carole came when I was the Panhellenic Del-
the best interest of the colleges and universities egate for my collegiate chapter. In all honesty, when I first stepped into
in which chapters are installed, and in no way to my new officer role, I had no idea who Carole was. I was merely told I
disregard, injure, or sacrifice those interests for the needed to send weekly Panhellenic meeting minutes to her and copy her
sake of prestige or advancement of the Fraternity on emails of important Panhellenic matters on campus… So I did.
or any of its chapters. At that time, my campus had just opened for extension for one women’s
group, and was already discussing bringing another on soon. My email
Mission Statement: correspondence with Carole grew more frequent. Even though my young
Women Enriched Through Lifelong Friendship. collegiate self did not know Carole personally, or the magnitude of the
role she held and why we communicated so regularly, she was confident,
Culture Principles: direct, authoritative and knowledgeable. I developed a great deal of trust
A look at “how” we do things: Accountability and respect for her, and looked to her for guidance and support. And I can
& Ownership, Collaboration, Engagement, proudly say the same of her several years later.
Innovation, Open & Honest Communication I never would have guessed I would have continued to work with Carole
in other capacities after my term as a Panhellenic Delegate. I am so fortu-
How to Join Life Loyal AOII: nate, though, to still have opportunities to work with Carole in my role as
Visit the AOII website (, or con- a headquarters staff member.
tact [email protected]. Maybe you are an NPC guru, and could speak at length about this historic
time for AOII. Or maybe you are more akin to my former collegiate self.
How to Join an AOII Alumnae Chapter: Maybe you have read articles about Carole and this monumental event,
Visit the AOII website for contact information on an or have seen information about it on the AOII Facebook page, but you are
alumnae chapter near you. still unsure of what it all means.
If the latter relates to you, I hope this issue provides you a wealth of knowl-
International President edge about Carole, the National Panhellenic Conference, AOII’s Delega-
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) tion, and what the future holds for sorority women. Like my former college
self, you may not know Carole personally, or the magnitude of her role,
Executive Director but I hope you can also identify her impeccable leadership qualities and
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U) develop the same sense of trust and respect for her that I did, as she
leads sorority women in this new biennium.
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National Thank you, Carole, for your dedication and service to AOII and sorority
Panhellenic Conference and the Fraternity women across North America. I think I speak for us all when I say we are
Communications Association. so excited for you and cannot wait to see what is to come.
Happy reading,

4 | NPC Edition 2017 Haley Cahill, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor

Fraternity News

NPC Annual Meeting ta (U of Alabama) will be installed About To Dragma:
as the new Chairman of NPC. AOII To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron
October 26-28 | Denver, Colorado has only held this position twice-- Pi Fraternity, and has been published since 1905.
The National Panhellenic Coun- in 1926 and again in 1969. AOII will The mission of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is:
cil Annual Meeting will take place lead the conference as Chairman to inform, educate and inspire our readers on sub-
October 26-28 in Denver. The from 2017-2019, but then not again jects relevant to our Fraternity, our chapters, our
annual gathering is an opportunity until 2069. This exciting, historical members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime AOII
for leaders from the 26 member event will be followed by a celebra- involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a
organizations of NPC to conduct tion banquet. permanent record of our Fraternity’s history.
business, and discuss current
events and trends within college Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
communities. Haley Cahill, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)

Weekend events also include the Be sure to follow us on social me- Graphic Designer
official installation of the 2017-2019 dia as we countdown the days to Hillary Brewer, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
NPC Chairman. This is a particularly this great weekend, as well as up
exciting time for AOII, as the Frater- to date coverage from the event in View To Dragma Online:
nity’s own Carole Jones, Alpha Del- Denver.

First Ever Commemorative AOII Badge How to Contact To Dragma:
Mail: To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN
It’s not too late to get yours! 37027; phone: (615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736; or
email: [email protected].
Later this month, Alpha Omicron Pi badge, it is available for purchase
Past International President Carole by initiated members of AOII who How to Update Your Name or Address:
Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) are in good standing. Go to the For Members page on the AOII website
will begin a two-year term as Chair- Click here for more information. (, email your new address to
man of the National Panhellenic [email protected], or call (615) 370-0920.
Conference. This milestone event
only occurs once every 52 years How to Subscribe to To Dragma:
for each of the 26 inter/national or- Subscriptions are $25 annually and can be paid by
ganizations. Join us in recognizing check or credit card. Checks, made payable to AOII,
this historical moment by purchas- should be mailed to:
ing the limited edition badge.
Alpha Omicron Pi
5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027
Attn: Accounting

Credit card subscribers (Visa, Master Card or Discover
only) should email [email protected].
Stay Connected:
Instagram: @alphaomicronpi

The badge is available in sterling
silver or 10K yellow or white gold,
and features emeralds in the “O”
and in the corners of the “II” to
recogonize the National Panhel-
lenic Conference’s signature green
color. Considered a secondary

Get the latest Fraternity News by visiting 5

Recruitment counselors at the
University of Mississippi prepare
to reveal their chapters to new
members at the conclusion of
formal recruitment.

6 | NPC Edition 2017


Welcome to our third digi- and continue now in my role as International Presi-
tal edition of To Dragma. dent. The Inter/National Presidents of all 26 NPC
In this issue, we are focus- groups meet twice a year. We have the opportunity to
ing on NPC and celebrating collaborate, share ideas and discuss topics of rel-
AOII’s rotation into the NPC evance for the sorority experience today. We have
Chairman position. Carole developed a special friendship as we work together
Jones, Alpha Delta (U of to move all our organizations forward. I hope that
Alabama), AOII’s NPC Del- all our members have the opportunity to develop
egate and Past International the same types of friendships with the Panhellenic
President will be installed as sisters that you meet and work with on your college
NPC Chairman in two weeks. campuses, and with alumnae engaged in alumnae
This is an exciting time for Panhellenics.
Carole and AOII! As we prepare for Carole to take the Chairman
It has been half a century role in NPC, let me share with you a little history of
since AOII has had the privi- AOII and NPC. In 1905, Alpha Omicron Pi became
lege to serve as Chairman of NPC. AOII’s work a member of the Inter-Sorority Conference (which
within NPC, college Panhellenics, and alumnae later was called the National Panhellenic Congress
Panhellenics is extremely important as we all work and then the National Panhellenic Conference). The
together to ‘advance the sorority experience.’ first AOII Delegate was Helen St. Clair Mullan, Al-
Our Strategic Plan, in the area of service, has AOIIs pha (Barnard College). Since the inception of NPC in
focused on championing a culture of service and 1902, AOII has provided leadership twice, but three
leadership in the inter-fraternal community. All our AOII alumnae have served as Chairman of NPC: Lil-
collegiate chapters can contribute to this by be- lian McCausland, Beta (Brown U), who passed away
ing actively engaged in their college Panhellenic during her term; Laura Hurd, Upsilon (Washington
community. The collaboration you create with your U) who completed Lillian’s term; and Mary Louise
Panhellenic sisters will strengthen your community Roller, Alpha Pi (Florida State U).
on your campus, and provide you with the opportu- 2015 marked the beginning of the next leadership
nity to show that AOII is a leader on your campus. years for AOII as Carole Jones has served as NPC
Building healthy Panhellenic communities across Vice Chairman for the past two years, and will be
our college campuses is beneficial to all chapters. installed as NPC Chairman at the end of this month.
Working collectively with your Panhellenic sisters During the past two years, AOII has had the oppor-
will advance everyone’s sorority experience. tunity to share the NPC leadership role with Sigma
The friendships and connections that you make Kappa, and in the next two years we will share it
across your Panhellenic community will be long with Zeta Tau Alpha.
lasting. No matter which NPC groups are on your With Carole serving as NPC Chairman, this is an op-
campus, we are all focused on the same goal that all portune time for AOII to be front and center all over
our members have an exceptional experience. We the collegiate and alumnae Panhellenic communi-
all have so many positive accomplishments and val- ties. Embrace this exciting opportunity to be an in-
ue-based qualities that reflect who we are and what spiring leader as we showcase AOII’s commitment to
we want to be known for across college campuses, advancing the sorority experience.
in the local communities, and in the broader world. Fraternally,
For the Panhellenic communities to keep growing
we all have a responsibility to work together, and to Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)
live up to the values of our organizations and reflect AOII International President
credit upon them in all that we do.
My own experiences with NPC started when I was
part of the Oregon State University Panhellenic lead-
ership team during my time as Chapter President,

Panhellenic Photos 2


3 4


1 U of Missouri
2 Sigma Kappa Convention 2017
3 Northern Kentucky U
4 U of Mississippi
5 George Mason U
6 Florida Southern College
7 U of Maryland


8 | NPC Edition 2017



8 Birmingham-Southern College 11
9 U of Connecticut
10 Northern Arizona U
11 Vanderbilt U
12 Transylvania U
13 Ohio U


12 13


From The Archives

Panhellenic Women
Through The Years

1943 NPC Conference in Chicago, Illinois.

1955 NPC Conference in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia.

10 | NPC Edition 2017

Panhellenic leaders have
been meeting officially
since 1902. While the meet-
ing cities and attendees
have changed throughout
the years, the common goal
of fellowship, education and
collaboration for the better-
ment of women’s organiza-
tions has remained stead-
These photos were taken at
a variety of NPC gatherings
from 1943-1973.
This year’s conference will
be the 63rd meeting. Look
for images from this year’s
Annual Meeting in the Fall/
Winter 2017 issue of To

Above: Photos from the 1973 NPC Conference in Memphis, Tennessee.



by Carole Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), NPC Delegate and NPC Vice Chairman

It is an exciting time for Alpha Omicron Pi as the Alpha Omicron Pi joined NPC in 1905 and since
Fraternity enters into a leadership role in the Na- that time, AOII’s “time in rotation” has rolled
tional Panhellenic Conference. By virtue of rota- around twice, but three AOII alumnae have served
tion, each of the 26 NPC member organizations is as chairman of the conference. Lillian McCausland,
given the opportunity to lead the Conference ev- Beta (Brown U) became AOII’s Panhellenic Dele-
ery 52 years. With that in mind, it has been more gate at the end of her term as AOII National Presi-
than half a century since AOII had the honor, privi- dent and was installed as President of the National
lege, and opportunity to lead the world’s largest Panhellenic Congress in 1921. However, prior to
and most prestigious women’s organization of presiding at her first meeting of the Congress, Lil-
nearly 5 million members. lian passed away, leaving her good works and in-
fluence unfinished and explaining how three AOIIs
Carole Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), Alpha have already served as Chairman. AOII’s National
Omicron Pi Past International President and cur- President, Laura Hurd, Upsilon (U of Washington),
rent Delegate to the National Panhellenic Con- stepped in to fulfill Lillian’s term, thereby serving as
ference, was installed as Vice Chairman of the both National President and President of the Na-
Conference for 2015-17 and will be installed as tional Panhellenic Congress simultaneously. The
Chairman in 2017. Donna King, Sigma Kappa, was following statement was made about AOII’s com-
installed as NPC Chairman for 2015-2017. mitment to continuing in the leadership role, “The
presiding officer of the current Congress, Miss

12 | NPC Edition 2017

Laura A. Hurd, AOII, admirably filled one Each NPC member organization is equal- Lillian McCausland
of the most difficult positions in the en- ly represented by a Delegate and up to Beta
tire world of Greek-letter women, when three alternate delegates. Serving on
on the death of Mrs. Lillian McCausland, AOII’s NPC delegation with Carole is (Brown U)
a few months ago, she assumed the lead- Mary Ann Stark, Delta Delta, First Alter- Laura Hurd
ership of the 18th interfraternity gather- nate Delegate; Kerry Soller, Phi Sigma,
ing. Calm and poised, she presided over Second Alternate Delegate; and Lisa Upsilon
sessions generally peaceful as well as Moore, Chi Lambda, Third Alternate Del- (U of Washington)
purposeful.” egate. Delegation members serve year Mary Louise Roller
round as members of NPC committees,
Mary Louise Roller, Past International the largest being the College Panhellenic Alpha Pi
President, became the third AOII to serve Committee. (Florida State U)
as NPC Chairman in 1967. Mary Louise, Carole Jones
Alpha Pi (Florida State U), organized and It is interesting to note that, over time,
was president of the Miami City Panhel- many issues remain the same or have re- Alpha Delta
lenic and served as treasurer for both turned to the forefront of important top- (U of Alabama)
AOII and NPC and worked on the exten- ics. In 1968, when Mary Louise served
sion committees for both AOII and NPC. as Chairman, NPC was discussing the 13
During her tenure, the 26 member orga- fact that upper-class “pledges” were in-
nizations were asked to counsel their un- creasing in number with the growth of
dergraduate chapters to present a united junior college transfers. This is again a
front of solid support when a chapter on topic of conversation as more and more
their campus was under attack for at- students begin their college careers at a
tempting to exercise their freedom of as- community college before transferring to
sociation guaranteed them by the U.S. a four-year institution. Discussions were
Constitution. Additionally, all member or- also held on how important it was for
ganizations were asked to reaffirm their each member organization to adhere to
policies on hazing. the amendments to the Civil Rights Act of
1964 and Higher Education Act of 1965
As Vice Chairman, Carole joins the NPC adopted by the U.S. Congress, thereby
Executive Committee, which includes the asserting priority of the First Amendment
NPC Chairman, Vice Chairman, Finance to the U.S. Constitution. The right to re-
Committee Chairman, Panhellenics Com- main women’s-only private organizations
mittee Chairman and Advocacy Chair- remains a topic of discussion even today.
man. The Executive Committee works
closely with other organizations advocat- AOII has been preparing for this time for
ing for women and education, as well as many years, and the members of AOII’s
with university administrators, college and NPC delegation and HQ staff have tak-
alumnae Panhellenics, and NPC member en on additional duties to help support
organizations. Carole will represent NPC AOII’s service in this important leader-
with external organizations and busi- ship role for the next four years. Our turn
nesses in current or future partnerships, is in rotation is a collaborative effort on all
responsible for meeting minutes, meeting levels. It’s an especially significant time
notices and applications for membership for AOIIs to exhibit Panhellenic leader-
in the Conference, and will represent NPC ship within their communities and for all
at professional, interfraternal and regional members to engage in supporting the
educational conferences and meetings. Panhellenic experience.

This article originally appeared in the Fall/Winter 2015 issue of To Dragma.

NPC Member Organizations PI BETA PHI
14 | NPC Edition 2017
Year Joined NPC: 1902


Year Joined NPC: 1902


Year Joined NPC: 1902


Year Joined NPC: 1902


Year Joined NPC: 1902


Year Joined NPC: 1902


Year Joined NPC: 1902


Year Joined NPC: 1903


Year Joined NPC: 1903


Year Joined NPC: 1904


Year Joined NPC: 1905


Year Joined NPC: 1905


Year Joined NPC: 1909


Year Joined NPC: 1909


Year Joined NPC: 1909


Year Joined NPC: 1910


Year Joined NPC: 1911


Year Joined NPC: 1912


Year Joined NPC: 1951


Year Joined NPC: 1951


Year Joined NPC: 1951


Year Joined NPC: 1951


Year Joined NPC: 1951


Year Joined NPC: 1951


Year Joined NPC: 1951


Year Joined NPC: 1951




AOII’s NPC delegation: (seated) Carole Jones, Delegate; Gayle Fitzpatrick, International President; (standing) Mary
Ann Stark, 1st Alternate; Kerry Soller, 2nd Alternate; Troy LeForge, Executive Director; Lisa Moore, 3rd Alternate; Kaya
Miller, Assistant Executive Director.

Carole Jones

Chapter of initiation: Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Currently resides in: Madison, Alabama
Most recent roles in AOII: Past International President, NPC Delegate, International President, Executive Board Director of
What is your fondest AOII memory as an alumna?
My fondest memory as an alumna member is attending Bid Day at the University of Alabama when my daughter pledged
AOII and her initiation as a member of Alpha Omicron Pi.
When you’re not working hard for AOII, how and where do you like to spend your time?
I serve as a board member of the Madison Hospital and the Huntsville Museum of Art. Additionally, I love to go on ski and
beach vacations! My husband and I were fortunate to celebrate our 30th anniversary by taking a cruise to the French Poly-
nesia. Truly a once in a lifetime experience!
Picture yourself as a new member again. What would you tell yourself about the experience ahead of you as an AOII?
That the words you hear as a new member, “AOII for a lifetime,” really are true. Being a member of AOII truly extended
beyond my college days. While I continue to enjoy the special bond that exists between my Alpha Delta sisters, I have
also developed special relationships with sisters who span generations and come from varying chapters and geographical
What is one of your favorite service moments as an AOII?
When my daughter, Laura, was a senior at the University of Alabama, an EF-4 tornado hit the city of Tuscaloosa and left
dozens dead, hundreds injured and thousands of families displaced. While the University of Alabama, home of Alpha Delta
Chapter, experienced minimal damage, many UA students, faculty and staff lived in the areas hit hardest by the storm. As
students began moving home for the summer, the members of Alpha Delta Chapter stayed on campus to prepare and dis-
tribute meals and supplies. In a time of devastation and grief, I was honored to work side by side with the young women of
Alpha Delta as they showed their compassion and generosity.

16 | NPC Edition 2017

Mary Ann Stark

Chapter of initiation: Delta Delta (Auburn U)
Currently resides in: Roswell, Georgia
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Most recent roles in AOII: 1st Alternate NPC Delegate, NPC Area Advisor,
New College Panhellenic Committee Chair

What is your favorite part about being a volunteer?
Much of my AOII “career” has been in the Panhellenic community, both lo-
cally and as a member of the Fraternity’s NPC delegation. I have worked
on numerous projects with so many wonderful Panhellenic women over the
years. Volunteering with local alumnae chapters and in various inter/national
roles has afforded me the opportunity to meet AOIIs and Panhellenic sis-
ters throughout North America. I would have missed out on so many special
friendships if I had not said yes when asked.

What are you most looking forward to in the upcoming year as an AOII/
volunteer and why?
Carole has advocated for our AOII values as a collegian at Alpha Delta; as our
Fraternity’s international president; and now as the Chairman of the largest
women’s organization in existence. As Panhellenic sisters, the NPC member-
ship of all 26 sororities share many of the same values. Carole is the perfect
AOII to carry NPC’s banner during this challenging time in our history. I feel
very fortunate to be serving on the Fraternity’s NPC delegation during this
historic period in AOII’s history and will enthusiastically support all of Carole’s
initiatives during her term as Chairman of the National Panhellenic Confer-

When you’re not working hard for AOII, how and where do you like to
spend your time?
Years ago, my daughter gave me a sign for my desk, it said “Professional Vol-
unteer.” This has proven to be an accurate omen all these years since I spend
way more time volunteering than working for a paycheck! Much of my time
has been spent in arenas I am passionate about including suicide prevention
and aftercare (SOS facilitator and state-wide speaker), Stephen Ministry and
the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra’s Decorators Show House Chair in 1996.
When I am not officially working on one of these projects, you will likely find
me playing in the dirt with my flowers or cuddling with my kitty watching Hall-
mark movies.

What is your fondest AOII memory as a collegiate member or alumnae
My daughter is a third generation Auburn University grad. Without a doubt,
the day I witnessed Tracy’s initiation into AOII’s Delta Delta Chapter is one I
will always cherish.


Kerry Soller

Chapter of initiation: Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska at Kearney)
Currently resides in: Columbus, Ohio
Occupation: Project Manager, Campus Safety & Sexual Violence Prevention
for the Ohio Department of Higher Education
Most recent roles in AOII: 2nd Alternate NPC Delegate, Nominating Trustee,
Nominating Trustee Chair
What is your favorite part about being a volunteer?
Working with dedicated volunteers in AOII & NPC who are committed to pro-
viding a positive sorority experience.
What are you most looking forward to in the upcoming year as an AOII/
volunteer and why?
I am blessed to serve the Fraternity during this moment in time. I am excited
to serve AOII’s interest with others in NPC and have a front row seat for Car-
ole’s time as Chairman. She is going to represent AOII and sorority women
everywhere with integrity, grace, humility and dignity.
When you’re not working hard for AOII, how and where do you like to
spend your time?
With my family. I have two young daughters who are learning and experienc-
ing so many things for the first time. It’s fun to see the world through their
What is your fondest AOII memory as a collegiate member or alumnae
The amazing women I’ve come to know over the years. There is no one spe-
cific memory that stands out, but rather all the fun and laughter shared. I miss
my collegiate friends like crazy and enjoy the wonderful friendships with AOII
alumnae I’ve made over the years. These sisters have seen me through so
many major life milestones (new jobs, new cities, getting married, having kids,
etc.). Our bonds are truly for a lifetime.

18 | NPC Edition 2017

Lisa Moore

Chapter of initiation: Chi Lambda (U of Evansville)
Currently resides in: Terre Haute, Indiana
Occupation: Director of Internal Communications, Indiana State University
Most recent roles in AOII: 3rd Alternate NPC Delegate, Phi Upsilon (Purdue
U) Re-Chartering Team, Alumnae Chapter Member
What is your favorite part about being a volunteer?
I love seeting women from all over North America, hearing about their soror-
ity experience, and the joy they have for our sisterhood.
What are you most looking forward to in the upcoming year as an AOII/
volunteer and why?
Seeing Carole installed as Chairman of the conference is going to be a high-
When you’re not working hard for AOII, how and where do you like to
spend your time?
Outside of my position at Indiana State University, I enjoy being a part of my
kids activities. I can be found officiating Indiana swimming meets year round.
What is your fondest AOII memory as a collegiate member or alumnae
Having my AOII mom at my initiation as she is a Chi Lambda, too. It was really
special to have her there! As an alumna, I had the honor of traveling North
America as a chapter consultant, and I traveled with the best team. We still
have reunions and are great friends!
What is something people may not know about you?
My husband and I met at the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors an-
nual meeting in 2000. He was the fraternity advisor at the University of Ten-
nessee, and I worked at the University of Illinois. We met on the last day of
the conference. After exchanging business cards, I made the “first move”
by emailing him. Seventeen years later, we have two great kids and still talk
Greek life!



Delegate Reflections

Lori Hart, Ph.D. way to the front seat, I think she feared what might happen
next. She looked at me with a huge eye roll and I laughed.
Delta Delta, (U of Auburn) NPC Delegation 2004-2009 Again, it’s a timeless NPC tradition but there is always a fun
I had the great opportunity to serve on the NPC delegation feeling when you get to move up a seat!
for five years and loved my time getting to serve AOII in
this role. The NPC delegation is like a grown up Panhellenic Another NPC tradi- Carole Jones and Lori Hart, Ph.D. prior to
Council … Perhaps we dress better, though. It is a place full tion is the ceremony Hart’s keynote message at AOII’s 2017
of spirit for the idea of creating a collegiate sorority expe- where we remember, International Convention.
rience where girls can become women. However, all 26 honor and recognize
member groups have differing ideas and thoughts on how those sorority vol-
to get there. unteers who have
At NPC, we sit in a U shape with the organizations seated in passed away in the
alphabetical order. We are lined up with the Delegate at the previous year. There
head table and first, second and third alternates sitting be- are songs, candles,
hind one another. Finally, the Executive Director heads up flowers and many
the rear. It’s a timeless tradition. One of my favorite memo- tears. You under-
ries as third delegate was when Carole Jones had to give stand quickly that we
a report at the front of the room, we all got to move up a all have our giants
seat. The first alternate had already left and then our second within each organiza-
alternate, Mary Ann Stark had to leave the room for a few tion and during that
minutes shortly thereafter. I found myself at the front of the ceremony you feel
table. If you know anything about Carole Jones, her eyes tell the true feeling of
you exactly how she is feeling. When she saw me make my sisterhood. A sister-
hood of women.

Peg Crawford to be a member of many of these campus visits. Working
with members of other fraternity delegations to solve these
Iota (U of Illinois), NPC Delegation 1973-2003 campus Panhellenic problems was not only a learning ex-
My years on AOII’s NPC delegation were filled with many perience, but one of fostering friendships. Happily, our visits
enjoyable experiences. I served first as First Alternate and celebrated positive results, and we received the apprecia-
then as Delegate. We are seated in alphabetical order tion of the Panhellenics.
around the room so AOII sits between Alpha Gamma Delta As Chairman of the Awards Committee, I was privileged to
and Alpha Phi. Only the Delegate has a vote. She sits in the read all the accomplishments of the applicants. Obviously,
first chair with the alternates behind her. NPC meetings are these were all very uplifting and a pleasure to read. Another
filled with discussions, decisions and recommendations for pleasure was announcing the winners at the final banquet
campus Panhellenics. The 26 member groups work togeth- of the NPC Meeting.
er to finalize all the reports sent to college Panhellenics. I was also a member of the choral group that was made
College Panhellenics may request a visit to their campus up of the members of the various delegations We sang at
usually to seek help for a particular situation. As a mem- meeting openings and at memorials.
ber of the College Panhellenics Committee, I was appointed

20 | NPC Edition 2017

AOII Past International
Standing (left to right): Carole
Jones, Alpha Delta (U of
Alabama); Ginger Banks, Pi
Kappa (U of Texas-Austin);
Sally Wagaman, Sigma Tau
(Washington College); Linda
Collier, Chi Omicron (U of
Central Oklahoma); Susan
Danko, Phi Upsilon (Purdue U);
Allison Allgier, Epsilon Omega
(Eastern Kentucky U); Barb
Zipperian, Kappa Kappa (Ball
State U)
Seated (left to right): Barbara
Hunt, Phi Delta (U of Wisconsin-
Milwaukee); Ann Gilchrist,
Theta (DePauw U); Mary
Williams, Phi (U of Kansas); Peg
Crawford, Iota (U of Illinois)

Mary Williams Ginger Banks

Phi (U of Kansas), NPC Delegation 1993-2006 Pi Kappa (U of Texas-Austin), NPC Delegation 1981-1993
Phi, my collegiate chapter, recognized the importance of When I became AOII International President in 1981, I was
being Panhellenic-minded and fully supported the Uni- concerned about attending my first NPC meeting. At the
versity of Kansas Panhellenic Council during the years I tender age of 32, I couldn’t imagine myself fitting in with
was a collegiate member. Mary Louise Roller, AOII’s NPC that “elite” group of older women and breathing the “rar-
Delegate at the time and later, NPC Chairman, visited us efied air” that no doubt fueled all the NPC delegates.
and her dedication further cemented my awareness of That concern came from my preconceived idea that del-
the importance of the college Panhellenic and NPC. egates went to NPC to impress each other – not only
Thus influenced, as International President, I thoroughly with their groups’ successes, but also with their jewels
enjoyed my time with the NPC Presidents group, devel- and furs (which were mantles worn by some women of
oping relationships and cooperative plans for the wom- class and means). After I shared my concepts with an AOII
en’s Greek system. During the nine years as an Alter- friend, she helped me prepare for my first NPC meeting.
nate Delegate on AOII’s Delegation, I experienced the She generously gave me a statement necklace made of
stimulating fellowship with other Greek women who all plastic and rhinestones and a coonskin cap.
shared the same goals. I was on the College Panhellenics How I developed my impressions of NPC somewhat mys-
Committee, an area advisor for Illinois and participated in tify me. They certainly were not generated by members
campus consulting team visits, many as team leader. It of AOII’s NPC delegation. My notions probably stemmed
was rewarding to work with the NPC delegations, cam- from my college Panhellenic. Most it appeared to be a
pus College Panhellenic Associations, student affairs “closed shop” run by alumnae. The group seemed to
personnel, Greek advisors and many officials in college have only small degrees of sharing or cooperation
administration. I’ve never relished the idea of my being wrong. But, I was
I served on the NPC Resolutions Committee and the Ju- elated to be mistaken about NPC. Much to my delight
dicial Appeals Committee, several years as the Chairman. and amazement, I was warmly welcomed at my first NPC
Other committee assignments included the revision of meeting. I found women there who were a lot like me.
the NPC Manual of Information (called “The Green Book” They were passionate about their groups and what Pan-
in those days), revision of the College Panhellenic Viola- hellenics can accomplish together. They readily acknowl-
tion Form, Procedure and Instructions, and revision of the edged that all NPC groups have the same opportunities
Recruitment Counselor Manual. All of these projects were and challenges. They willingly pooled their experiences
exciting and educationally challenging. and knowledge and worked for all college Panhellenics.
I’ll always remember those years of friendship with spe- It didn’t take long for me to know I could really contribute
cial Panhellenic sisters and the challenging and reward- to NPC. I hope I did that. And, it didn’t take my wearing
ing work to provide a positive environment for our colle- that coonskin cap or rhinestones even once to fit in!
giate sisters in the National Panhellenic Conference.

Carole Jones thanks Jean
Mrasek, Chi Omega and 2013-
2015 NPC Chairman following
her keynote message at AOII’s
Panhellenic Luncheon during
2015 International Convention.

Kerry Soller emails from other delegations indicating that they are sup-
portive of what needs to be done and will work with their
Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska at Kearney), NPC Delegation chapters reaffirms the NPC creed. It has also been an honor
2010-present to serve alongside the women on the AOII delegation.
Carole set high expectations for our group on how AOII
Over the past seven years, I have enjoyed many aspects will conduct business with other campuses and organiza-
of serving AOII and the Panhellenic community through tions. Being trusted to represent the Fraternity and lead the
my work on the delegation. While there have been many chapters and Panhellenics I work with is empowering. The
memorable moments serving as a member of an NPC con- team-oriented nature of the AOII delegation has led to many
sulting team or watching NPC business sessions unfold, laughs, open discussions and mutually supportive efforts on
the best moments are when you realize you are working behalf of AOII and NPC. Whether overwhelming Carole or
with a group of talented women who believe, as the original the others with my notes in NPC business sessions, or the
members of NPC did, that by working together our collec- many laughs we’ve all shared on the side, it has made this
tive strength can make a difference for college Panhellenics a truly unique and purposeful experience for which I have
and the larger sorority movement. More than once, there been very blessed to serve AOII.
has been a situation on campus where something is going
hopelessly awry. After sending a call for help and receiving

Kaya Miller part of the NPC family. And that’s truly what I felt in that role-
that I was surrounded by like-minded women who all had a
Gamma Theta (U of South Florida), NPC Delegation love for the sorority experience that transcended their own
2009-2010 organization. Carole especially modeled that as a leader in
NPC, and I am so proud that AOII can claim her as one of
Serving on AOII’s NPC Delegation is something I consider our own. Serving NPC gave me an opportunity to truly be a
to be a great honor, and it remains my favorite international part of something so much larger than myself and to grow
volunteer role that I was fortunate enough to serve in. At my AOII story, and I’m thankful to have had the chance to
my first NPC meeting, I’m sure I was wide-eyed as I took learn from and partner with women from all organizations
it all in. But fortunately for me, the rest of our Delegation, that inspired ambition in me.
and most especially Carole Jones, made it their mission to
introduce me to everyone and to make me feel that I was

22 | NPC Edition 2017

Mary Ann Stark Lisa Moore

Delta Delta (Auburn U), NPC Delegation 2006-present Chi Lambda (U of Evansville), NPC Delegation
Serving on an NPC delegation can sometimes be all 2011-present
about the chairs. That’s right... the chairs! When I began
serving on AOII’s delegation in 2006 I was very content After being a fraternity and sorority advisor on college
to sit in the last chair which belonged to the 3rd Alter- campuses for 12 years, my husband and I made the deci-
nate Delegate. There were no expectations of me other sion I would hang up my student affairs hat to have more
than to sit quietly in my chair and pay attention. No prob- time for our growing family.
lem, I can do that! After all, the chairs in front of me over
the years were occupied by many of AOII matriarchs! For Within a month of taking on a new job outside of high-
three years, I sat in the back and learned a lot about how er education, I received a call from Carole Jones. If you
my Panhellenic sisters collaborated on important issues. know Carole, you know that she gets down to business
Then, in 2009, Linda Collier, Chi Omicron (Central State right away. She said, “We have a vacancy on the AOII
U) decided she wanted to be a full-time grandmother delegation and you have lots of experience with NPC, so
and Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon (Purdue U) was going to we’d like to have you join the delegation.” How do you
return to AOII’s Executive Board. Yikes, that meant there say “no” to Carole?! I joined the delegation in fall of 2011,
would soon be two empty chairs in front of me! I could and the rest is history.
move up one chair, but two? In October 2009, I found
myself sitting in the first chair, the First Alternate’s chair. At my first NPC Annual Meeting, I realized how many
This is where the AOII VIPs sit, not me! Thankfully, Car- women from the other 25 groups I had worked with in my
ole has sat at the “table” in front of me all these years. 12 years as a fraternity/sorority advisor and how much I
What a great sister, friend, mentor and teacher she has admired these women. I was humbled to be a part of this
been. In 2015, as Carole took her place at the head table forward-thinking group of bright women who wanted to
as Vice Chairman of the Conference, I moved up to “the make a difference for sorority women and the world. It’s
chair at the table.” For the next four years, I would be the perfect role for me to serve AOII!
the voice of the delegation. What an awesome respon-
sibility, especially when I remember all those who have
sat in the chair before me. I will do my best to meet ev-
eryone’s expectations, and I am so happy to have Kerry
and Lisa securely behind me on this journey. Carole
remains AOII’s delegate, but now, instead of tapping her
on the shoulder, we have to figure out some cool sign
language so we can communicate with her at the head
table during business sessions!

AOIIs in attendance at the 2015
NPC Annual Conference when
Carole Jones was installed
as the 2015-2017 NPC Vice



by Donna C. King, Sigma Kappa, 2015-2017 National Panhellenic Conference Chairman

Alpha Omicron Pi, sociations located in communities across
the long antici- the globe is an awesome responsibility.
pated wait is just about For we who have had the honor and privi-
here! On October 28, lege serving as NPC Chairman, our lead-
2017, your own Carole ership has been framed with challenges
Jones, Alpha Delta (U and opportunities formed by the events
of Alabama) assumes of the world we live in, changing cam-
her leadership role as pus cultures, and ever-evolving trends in
Chairman of the Na- higher education. These events and oc-
tional Panhellenic Con- currences will shape Carole’s leadership
ference (NPC). I share experience. The support AOII sisters offer
with each of you in the Carole during her journey will be the most
excitement of this his- valued gift you can provide her.
toric time for AOII, and The NPC leadership model is a timeless
I celebrate with Carole. model based upon rotation of the 26 in-
Serving the National ter/national NPC women’s organizations.
Panhellenic Confer- With this model comes an expectation
ence, comprised of 26 inter/national wom- that a seamless transition will occur from
en’s organizations representing nearly 5 one chairman to the next, helping to en-
million women worldwide, with college sure a forward trajectory for NPC. Carole
chapters on more than 670 college cam- and I have been working side by side for
puses and well over 3,700 alumnae as- the past two years in preparation for her

24 | NPC Edition 2017

transition to Chairman. She has witnessed Pictured above: Donna King, Sigma Kappa, NPC Chairman (left) with
and experienced the rigors of the chair- Carole Jones, Alpha Omicron Pi, NPC Vice Chairman (right).
manship and is prepared to assume lead-
ership working together with a highly mo-
tivated and competent professional staff,
and alongside a legion of dedicated vol-
unteers all championing forward the mis-
sion, vision and purpose of NPC.
When reflecting on what impact this
time in history has on an organization,
I look to my own organization, Sigma
Kappa. Internally, we have observed
an increased number of collegians and
alumnae alike seeking Panhellenic lead-
ership positions. Knowledge and en-
gagement in Panehllenic communities
has increased, and most importantly,
Sigma Kappa has witnessed an intensi-
fied sense of pride in being sorority wom-
en on our college campuses and within
the broader community. I am confident
Alpha Omicron Pi will experience similar,
if not the same benefits, afforded from the
increased exposure of your membership
to NPC.
Thank you to AOII for inviting me to con-
tribute to this special issue of the To Drag-
ma. The editor requested I give thought to
what I will miss as my time comes to a con-
clusion as NPC Chairman. The honest an-
swer is that I look forward to gaining time
back with my family, fewer cross country
plane trips, and a much more manage-
able email inbox! What I have gained far
outweighs what I will miss, as Carole will
experience during her time. Representing
an organization that impacts countless
women’s lives, working daily to advance
and preserve the sorority experience in
partnership with countless Panhellenic
partners is humbling and rewarding.
Congratulations to my special friend
Carole, an exceptional leader and to all
Alpha Omicron Pi sisters!



by Carole Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), NPC Delegate and NPC Vice Chairman

Over the years, we have talked quite a bit about work- bers of unrecognized single gender social organizations
ing together for the greater Greek good and a shared including Greek organizations. Beginning with the class of
commitment toward the betterment of the sorority ex- 2021, members will be banned from holding athletic team
perience. That shared commitment extends beyond the captain positions and leadership positions in all recog-
walls of our chapter houses and campuses. Ultimately, nized student groups.
that commitment extends beyond our badges. We find Additionally, Harvard says it will not endorse sorority
strength as sorority women when we focus on common women or any members of a single-gender student group
values and principles that guide our thoughts and actions. who apply for prestigious national fellowships and awards
Today’s world is a world that leaves us uncertain. It is a like the Fulbright or Rhodes. While Harvard developed
world we have never experienced before and leaves us this policy as a response to serious concerns about sexual
questioning our values, making us wonder whether we assault on campus, this policy means that Harvard women
can make a difference through our beliefs and actions. will soon be forbidden from associating with groups that
Given this complex environment, how do we continue to were founded specifically to provide them with communi-
demonstrate the benefits of sorority membership to to- ties of support. Do not get me wrong, we all need to ag-
day’s women? gressively battle campus sexual violence, but the path to
Just as our founders banded together in 1896, the Na- a safer campus does not include punishing students for
tional Panhellenic Conference (NPC) was formed when joining sororities or other single-gender groups.
Kappa Kappa Gamma invited Alpha Phi, Delta Gamma, Harvard’s policy announcement comes at a time when so-
Delta Delta Delta, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta rority membership is growing and sorority women have
and Pi Beta Phi to gather in Boston in 1891. The delegates garnered national attention for being active leaders and
of these fraternities set a blueprint for our organizations advocates on campus. Since 2010, total undergraduate
today and set the first official agreements pertaining to membership among the 26 NPC organizations has in-
membership. These women had a belief in the power of creased by 40%.
women’s friendship and came to understand that the one At Harvard, NPC’s members and their supporters have
thing they could not afford was to be at odds with each been sharing the message. They started to rally under the
other. social media banner of #HearHerHarvard. They posted
Even before these seven sororities joined forces, they stories of friendship and support, and many other reasons
were forces to be reckoned with. The first women’s frater- they value their sorority membership. Together, they are
nities had been defying expectations for decades, just by voicing their support for the sorority and fraternity experi-
being what they were: fraternities for women. Fraternities ence in conjunction with the NPC social media campaign
for women is what we were called before the term “so- #IWearABadge, the Delta Gamma campaign #IAmASo-
rority” was coined! These women advanced their organi- rorityWoman, or any number of other campaigns that our
zations in the face of restrictive social customs, unequal members and supporters have developed. This is just one
status under the law and assumption by some that they example of Panhellenic women working together beyond
were less able than men. They had contended with the their badges.
same challenges as their male counterparts in college, In April 2017, the university shifted its policy to allow
including, at various times and places, hostile college ad- women’s social organizations to continue to operate for
ministrations and the threat of being outlawed by state three to five more years, but not men’s organizations. This
legislatures. is an important acknowledgement that single-gender or-
Not everyone understands our experience, nor believes ganizations do, in fact, provide meaningful experiences
there is a benefit to collegiate Greek life. There are uni- to their members. While we can be cautiously optimistic
versities that have gone as far as banning sororities and about this shift in posture regarding women’s organiza-
fraternities from campus, or at the very least, imposing tions, it is clear that significant questions remain for men’s
restrictions. For example, in May 2016, the Harvard Uni- organizations and their members, who remain subject to
versity administration announced it would sanction mem- this policy.

CAROLE JONES, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), 2015-2017 NPC Executive Committee: Lynnda Hoefler, Delta Zeta, Finance Chairman;
AOII NPC Delegate and NPC Vice Chairman, Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Omicron Pi, Vice Chairman; Donna King, Sigma Kappa,
AOII Past International President 1999- Chairman; Donna Chereck, Alpha Chi Omega, Advocacy Chairman; and Frances
2003, Incoming NPC Chairman 2017-2019 Mitchelson, Phi Mu, Panhellenics Chairman

We all need to fight to protect and advance the sorority I look forward to continuing the work of past leaders as
experience and to continue providing spaces and orga- we advocate for the greater good in the Greek movement.
nizations that empower, support and welcome women,
while offering leadership experiences and relationships What does this mean for you?
that prepare and sustain us as we lead lives of purpose.
What I most want for you to gain from this historical time
Over the last two years, you have been hearing that 2017 for AOII is a sense of pride, a new or renewed commit-
is an important year for AOII and for all of you. It is a year ment to participation in the larger fraternal community,
to stand for service through the development of charac- empowerment to bring a voice and leadership to your
ter. A year of mutual respect and helpfulness. It is a year college or alumnae Panhellenic, and a greater apprecia-
AOII has been waiting for since 1969. tion for the relevance and impact of the sorority experi-
ence. As 2013-2915 NPC Chairman Jean Mrasek stated,
What does this mean for AOII? “This is the perfect time to reach out and build bridges
within your Panhellenic communities. As sorority women,
Leadership of NPC, the umbrella organization for the we value friendships that extend beyond the badge.” We
26 inter/national women’s groups, is determined bien- have a story to tell about how the sorority experience has
nially through an executive committee. The NPC Chair- impacted our lives. Do not be afraid to share your story
man and Vice Chairman serve through a rotation pro- and what it means to be an AOII and Panhellenic woman.
cess based on the order in which an organization joined
NPC, and the Panhellenics, Advocacy and Finance Chair- AOII sisters, I charge you to think of ways you can build
men through an appointment process. A typical rota- bridges and nuture friendships in your campus communi-
tion cycle into the role of NPC Chairman takes 52 years. ties. Host a coffee or roundtable luncheon to brainstorm
Later this month, AOII assumes the position of Chair- ideas. Extend an invitation to your Greek brothers and sis-
man, giving AOII the opportunity to share our resources ters to attend a program or featured speaker. Promote a
and contribute in meaningful ways for the welfare of the positive image of Greeks through acts of kindness in sur-
Panhellenic community. rounding neighborhoods and strive for positive public re-
lations. Lead the way for collaboration and work together
What does this mean for me? on ways to advocate for the fraternity and sorority experi-
ence. I encourage you to view this as an opportunity to
It is an honor and privilege that AOII chose me for this promote the benefits of the sorority experience and raise
extraordinary opportunity. Having served as NPC Dele- the bar for excellence. We are on this journey together--all
gate for the past 14 years, I have experienced firsthand of you and all those AOII and Panhellenic sisters who have
the evolution of women’s sororities. The skill sets gained mentored us along the way. This is AOII’s time to shine
through service will provide the grounding necessary to and I need your help to be that shining example of living
lead NPC. It will take collaborative leadership. I could not our values, nurturing friendships and relationships, and
do this without my support system of AOII and Panhellen- believing in the power of friendship beyond the badge.
ic sisters. My service in AOII has prepared me to lead and

This article originally appeared in the Spring 2017 issue of To Dragma. 27

By The Numbers

NPC Goals As NPC enters the next biennium under Carole’s leadership
For The New as Chairman, there is no shortage of issues facing the so-
Biennium rority experience on college campuses across the United
States and Canada. It only takes a brief scan of the media
by Kerry Soller, Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska at each week to see headlines questioning the right for fra-
Kearney), 2nd Alternate AOII NPC Delegate ternities and sororities to freely assemble on college cam-
puses. AOII’s NPC delegation, along with the other NPC
delegations, are committed and poised to take on these
unique challenges with Carole leading the way. Here are
some of the current issues that NPC will be addressing over
the next couple of years.

NPC will continue to develop collaborative relationships with fraternity/sorority
advisors on college campuses to promote the value of the sorority experience and
address trending topics. Strong, productive, collaborative relationships with fraternity/soror-
ity advisors are critical to the development of healthy College Panhellenics. NPC volunteers will
work to enhance our current relationships with these advisors. Many campus advisors work tire-
lessly to improve the fraternity and sorority experience for the chapters on their campuses. The
support of NPC delegation members should enhance their understanding and implementation
of NPC policies and protocols, while working empowering the Panhellenic leaders to lead. We
are best served when we are working together to advance our relationship of mutual coopera-
tion and accountability.
Advocate to preserve or protect students’ rights to freely assemble and join the or-
ganization of their choosing. As more and more college and universities are taking a stand
regarding when and how college Panhellenics can recruit new members, NPC will advocate
for our right to exist. This is not the first time in our collective history that women’s fraternities
have been challenged by outside forces on how and when we grow our membership. The very
founding of NPC came at a time when women attending college was not a right. For years,
Panhellenic women have challenged stereotypes and barriers to access post-secondary educa-
tion. We have challenged social norms and promoted positive, healthy relationships and strong
scholarly work. At every turn, NPC has seen sorority membership as a key support mechanism
for women in higher education. The work through persistence and resilience to advance the
sorority experience continues today as it did over 100 years ago.
Advance Panhellenic friendships and ensure the interfraternal experience is meaningful and
rewarding. We focus on contributing to the development of women and on the shared purpose,
vision and impact of the sorority experience. Our vision of ‘Advancing the Sorority Experience
Together’ is the main inspiration for NPC’s strategic goals and objectives, and ‘togetherness’ is
a focus for AOII’s leadership of NPC for the next two years. As our members face new trends
and issues, and as our member organizations evolve, new opportunities and challenges will
most certainly impact the operations and strategy of NPC. However, cooperation for wide and
wise human service will remain a tenant of the National Panhellenic Conference as we face
those challenges and serve into our bright and promising future together.

NPC continues to be the largest women’s organization that works collectively to advance sorority. AOIIs,
both collegian and alumnae, have the unique opportunity over the next two years to join in the efforts to
promote the work of NPC.

28 | NPC Edition 2017

Top 10 Tasks Our delegation members serve the Fraternity as liaisons
Of AOII’s NPC to the other 25 members organizations of NPC and to
Delegation the more than 600 campuses in North America that have
Panhellenic chapters. Below are 10 great ways the del-
egation works with our chapters and the NPC member

ten five

Analyze and interpret chapters’ recruitment statis- Empower collegiate women to develop leadership
tics and rules, Release Figure Methodology (RFM) skills and continue to be involved as alumnae. We
and Panhellenic bylaws. We spend the bulk of our hope you also do your part to encourage sisters
volunteer time working behind the scenes to pro- to stay connected with the Fraternity as collegiate
vide feedback to the chapters, AACs and networks. members and alumnae!
Thank you for those that communicate with us
weekly! four

nine Travel to campuses with Panhellenic sisters to con-
duct NPC consulting visits. These trips allow us to
Support the AOII Network Teams and Headquar- deepen the friendships we have with other Panhel-
ters Staff for the betterment of our chapters and the lenic sisters and guide a campus with ways to im-
Panhellenic communities on 140+ campuses. prove.

eight three

Read the minutes of our chapter and Panhellenic Collaborate with other NPC delegations on cam-
meetings. We love hearing about the great things pus issues. It is amazing what can be accomplished
that are happening on the campuses. The opportu- when bright women have a passion for working
nity to mentor the AOII collegiate Panhellenic del- together!
egates is a highlight of our roles!
Have fun while working hard for the Fraternity! Car-
Network and build relationships with campus pro- ole, Mary Ann, Kerry and Lisa have served together
fessionals including Fraternity and Sorority Advi- on the delegation for six years, in great part be-
sors. Fun fact: Kerry and Lisa have served as FSAs cause of the enjoyment it brings them.
for a combined 18 years. Get to know the FSA(s) on
your campus! one

six Support Carole as NPC Chairman during this his-
toric time for AOII! Help AOII shine these next two
Attend the annual NPC meetings with the other 25 years by treasuring in your heart a feeling of frater-
NPC organizations’ delegation members, inter/na- nity and love.
tional presidents and executive directors and the
several regional conferences (AFLV-West, AFLV-
Central, Coalition for Collegiate Women’s Leader-
ship and NGLA).



AOII would like to thank the 2015-2017
NPC Executive Committee for their hard
work and dedication to the Panhellenic
women across North America.

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