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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-05 17:53:39

1967 Spring - To Dragma

Vol. LVII, No. 7


l l of

Alpha O micron Pi


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the above will be the theme of convention



47th International C O N V E N T I O N Return this entirely completed blank with your check to
Alpha Omicron Pi
June 17-22, 1967 PART I

Husband's full name-

Maiden name in full-

Street address or Box Number (home)

City Zip Code- State

Official Delegate to Convention? Capacity-


Arrival Date

(last ferry leaves Mackinaw City at 5:30 p.m.)

Departure Date-

Roommate preference for non-delegates only-

NOTE: (Roommates will be assigned for collegiate presidents, alumnae ad-

visers, collegiate directors, alumnae presidents and alumnae directors.)


Two to a room Per Day Per Entire Convention
Three to a room $22.00 $127.97
Four to a room 113.03
Single room 19.50 107.05
18.50 172.82

TO INSURE YOUR RESERVATIONS: Everyone, including officers, dele-
gafes and visitors, must fill out the individual reservation blank, both

MICHIGAN parts, and mail with check for registration fee to:

Please complete and mail registration A L P H A O M I C R O N PI C E N T R A L O F F I C E

Suite 601-5, 6 East Fourth Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

form at right as soon as you know you PART II
will be attending Convention. It must
be received by J U N E I, 1967. Husband's full name-
Maiden name in full-

Chapter and Year

Information on many events of Street address or Box Number (home)

Convention are presented in this edition. City Zip Code- State-
The local Michigan and national
Official Delegate to Convention? Capacity-
convention chairmen worked diligently
to schedule as much as possible Non-delegate? Past Officer-

by January presstime. The complete Type of accom- Single Double Triple Four
modations desired

District in which now living (Collegiate, give chapter district)

official program for Convention will be Arrival date at Mackinac Island

published in the summer Convention $25.00 Registration fee is enclosed J
Call and also will be distributed NO REFUND of Registration Fee after June 1, 1967
at the registration desk.
NOTE: All of this information is important, so be sure to complete both
blanks fully.

Note: The last ferry leaves the island for the mainland at 6:15 p.m. The first
ferry in the morning from the island to ihe mainland leaves at 8 :30.

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1967 217

To Drapma

published since January 1905 by Vol. LVII, No. 7
Spring, 1967


Mrs. Grant President ALPHA O M I C R O N PI Fraternity
Larned (Jessie McAdam, T )
Founded at Barnard C o l l e g e , January 2, 1897
2354 N . 84th Street
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226 Spring Edition editor, Barbara Doering Healy (Mrs. James H.)

Tel. Glenview 3-6587

First Vice President Send all E D I T O R I A L material to new editor, Mrs. David C . Penning, 752 Westholme Avenue,
Mrs. Robert D . MacCurdy (Eleanore Dietrich, 1A) Los Angeles, California 90024
132 Albany Avenue. Shreveport, Louisiana 71105
Send all Changes of A D D R E S S , death notices, magazines and T O D R A G M A subscriptions to:
Tel. 865-2962
Assigned districts I V , V , V I I , X , X I , X I I , X V Alpha O m i c r o n Pi Central Office
Suite 601-5, Six East Fourth Street
Second Vice President
Mrs. Donald Sanders (Josephine Stetler, E A ) Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
5616 Gary Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22311

Tel. 481-9380
Assigned districts I , I I , I I I , V I , V I I I , I X

Third Vice President P O S T M A S T E R : Please send notice of undeliverable copies to
Mrs. Charles Kallevang (Fern Robinson, H ) Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office, Suite 601-5,

147 S . Lincoln Avenue, Six East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O h i o , 45202
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
TO DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity at 404 North Wesley Ave., Mount Morris
Tel. 823-7477 Illinois 61054 and is printed by Kable Printing Company, 404 North Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, lllinoi
Assigned districts X I I I , X I V , X V I , X V I I , 61054 Second-class postage paid at Mount Morris, Illinois 61054

XVIII, XIX TO DRAGMA is published four times a year, September I, December I, March I, and May I. Sub
scription price is 50( per copy; $1 per year; Life Subscription $20.00.
Mrs. Donn S. Eastabrooks (Katherine Plumer,

1520 N . L i m a , Burbank, California 91505

Tel. 848-4768

Treasurer Features Convention
Mrs. Theo. K. Farrington (Dorothy Bogen, A)
218 miniature directory in 217 reservation blank
1615 D r y Creek Road 226 district VIII • alumnae 220 chairmen
San Jose, California 95125 Michigan 221 schedule and speakers
Tel. Andrews 9-5809 (Oct. to June) 229 222-223 preview & profile ( H O W )
Box 431, Carnelian B a y , California 95711 garden consultant •a zvoman's 224 what do I wear?
Tel. 961-583-3067 (June to Oct.) 230 career 224 Mackinac Island
241 225 the bridge
Director of Projects 242 change—our opportunity 228 Mrs. Romney will speak
Mrs. J . Rodney Harris (Carolyn Huey, A S ) 245
Slaton Manor, 2965 Pharr Court South, N . W . , 248 P . S . from the T . S .

Atlanta, G a . 30305 T e l . 237-1487 brightly individual, collegiates

Panhellenic Delegate-Secretary of National so you want an outside job, T O O

Panhellenic Conference blouses available District Days
Mrs. George K . Roller (Mary Louise Filer, All) 248 dates • come
4261 Palm Lane B a y Point
Miami, Florida 33137
Tel. Plaza 9-5227 (Sept. to June)
Box 198, Balsam, No. Car. 28707
Tel. Waynesville 456-6284 (June to Sept.) Appointments

Alternate Panhellenic Delegate 234 major role of alumnae projects 232 L a u r a Perry, public relations
Mrs. Walter M. McCain (Nancy Moyer, P) 235 pictures tell the story 233 director
38775 Byriver Drive 236 collegiate notes 244
Mount Clemens, Michigan 48043 244 Irma Fliehr Regan writes Patti Penning, editor of
Editor of To Dragma
C. Penning (Patti Batchelor, 0 ) editor retires

Mrs. David 752 Westholme Avenue,
Los Angeles, California 90024

Tel. 213-474-5467

Traveling Secretary Cover carriage photographer

Miss Wendie K . Nowlin, All The photographer for the carriage picture was M r . Rose. T o D R A G M A ex-
360 Ardmore Circle N . W . , Apt. 40 tends appreciation to the staff and the photographer for the gracious coopera-
Atlanta, Georgia 30305 tion in preparing this picture.
effective in March Miss Nowlin's address is:
869 Briarcliff RoacL N . E . # B-8
Atlanta, Georgia 30306
Tel. 404-378-9919 Correction: Menomonie, Wisconsin

CENTRAL OFFICE S T O U T S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y . . . Menomonie, Wisconsin, is located
west of Eau Claire. The editor relocated it to Menominee, Michigan. She
Alpha Omicron P i Central Office offers an apology to the similarly spelled communities. Mrs. James A . Law-
Suite 601-5, Six East Fourth Street rence, Palatine, Illinois, reported the error, published on page 189 i n the
winter, 1966, edition.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
F.recutive Tel. 241-6594 RING JEWELRY CORRECTION. Back cover autumn, 1966, edition.
Secretary—MRS. J . A N N H U G H E S , H
Secretary—Miss F R A N C E S R . J O H N S O N , S2

The collegiate president's ring has the sheaf of wheat as does the Interna-

tional President's ring, not the letters A O I I . I t is on onyx.

Send 2>oMcM jj&i Seali To:
Alpha O m i c r o n Pi
218 Diamond Jubilee Foundation
Miss Helen M. Haller
904 Kendall Avenue
South Pasadena, California 91030

S P R I N G of 1%7—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

of why you ought ipictare?
to attend convention

make an adventure of your
attendance away from chores and children

where ?
at Beautiful Mackinac Island,
official state park of Michigan,
where you will be about the Business
of your fraternity's growth

c Collegiates and campus in action

Date: June 17-22, 1967

£ Extras: good food, recreation

T Fellowship: wonderful friends

9 Good times.

B C N 17 in Michigan


L O C A L C O - C H A I R M E N study an outline
of plans for convention with Geraldine

Martindale King ( M r s . J a c k B.), UO, na-
tional chairman, center. Irene Doherty

Matheson (Mrs. A l b e r t ) , O i l , is left; and
Vivian Hiltner Kreaslcy (Mrs. John T.),>K
The local and national chairmen for con-
vention held a luuncheon meeting in J u n e .

National chairman Geraldine Martindale King (Mrs. Jack B . ) , Q O — L a m -
huth College

Local co-chairmen Vivian Hiltner Kreasky (Mrs. John T . ) , *—University

Now is of Pennsylvania
the time Irene Doherty Matheson (Mrs. Albert), Oil—Univer-
for pi sity of Michigan

Photography Marjorie VerHulst Nelson (Mrs. Donald ), B r — M i c h i -
gan State University

Reservations Carolyn Preish Fox (Mrs. Charles T . ) , on—University
of Michigan

Marian Kirby Hermann (Mrs. Kenneth), Br—Michi-
gan State University

Sharon Wells Goodwin (Mrs. John), KP—Western
Michigan University

Mary deKay Kennedy, Oil—University of Michigan

Dorothy Balanean Hopkin ( M r s . ) , Br—Michigan State

Joan Sottile Murphy (Mrs. E. J.) P—Northwestern
licago University

2850 Linneman Road, Glenview, Illinois 60025
telephone 312-724-9420

O N T H E M O V E from Ann Arbor, Lansing,
and Grand Rapids to Detroit were Michigan
alumnae for a June Convention pre-plan-
ning session. In back seat is Mary d e K a y
Kennedy, Oil, exhibits; driver, Carolyn
Preish Fox (Mrs. Charles T . ) , O i l , reserva-
tions; right front, Marjorie VerHulst Nelson
(Mrs. Donald), BP photography. Standing
are Mary Louise Lakoff McMillan (Mrs.
Thomas S . ) , NO, alumnae director of hostess
District VIII; and in front Geraldine Mar-
tindale King (Mrs. Jack B.), national chair-


All meals will be served in the main dining room of Grand Hotel

All business meetings will be in the Casino Room

Saturday—June 17

2:00- 5:00 p.m. Registration of delegates . Main lounge

5:00- 6:00 p.m. Executive Committee reception West end of lobby

6:30 p.m. Opening night banquet (evening dress) Main dining room

Honoring Past International Presidents, Convention Com-

mittees and Convention repeaters

Hostesses: Grand Rapids alumnae chapter

Battle Creek alumnae club

Mrs. George Romney, speaker

9:00 p.m. Opening ritual and initiation Club room

10:30 p.m. District parties

Sunday—June 18

7:30- 8:30 a.m. Breakfast Main dining room

8:45- 9:00 a.m. Devotional service Casino room

9:15-12 noon General Session I Casino room


12:30 p.m. Luncheon Main dining room

Hostesses: Kalamazoo alumnae chapter Mrs. George Romney
Michigan's First Lady
Kappa Rho chapter Opening banquet speaker

1:30- 5:00 p.m. Roundtables story page 228

6:30 p.m. Scholarship dinner Main dining room O f course, you would like to
join in the growing community
Hostesses: Lansing alumnae chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi alumnae
and collegiates who are in-
Beta Gamma chapter terested in doing something
about the issues of fraternity.
9:00 p.m. Memorial service Club room Notice the schedule of con-
vention programs listed at left.
Monday—June 19 A leadership school is an
added feature. Mrs. George
7:30- 8:30 a.m. Breakfast Romney will be opening ban-
quet speaker, and the only non-
8:15- 8:45 a.m. Parliamentary procedure Casino room Alpha Omicron Pi member
to speak.
8:45- 9:00 a.m. General Session II Casino room Help plan and become a part
of the public relations team
9:00—12 noon Leadership School (personal responsibility) by
being positively for fraternity.
12:30 p.m. Luncheon Why not send in your reserva-
tion blank today?
Hostess: Detroit North Suburban alumnae chapter
Rose Banquet Speaker
1:30- 5:00 p.m. Leadership School MARY DANIELSON DRUM-
M O N D ( M r s . Warren C.) will be
6:30 p.m. Collegiate Dinner the speaker for the Rose Banquet.
Wednesday, June 21. Mary, who is
Honoring Collegiate Directors historian, and is a Past International
President of Alpha Omicron Pi, is
Hostesses: Ann Arbor alumnae chapter of Alpha Phi chapter—Montana
State College.
Omicron Pi chapter
(All A O I I s must C H E C K O U T of the G r a n d
9:00 p.m. Leadership School Hotel BY N O O N on June 22. A capacity
convention is booked into the hotel immedi-
Tuesday—June 20 ately following our convention.)

7:30- 8:30 a.m. Breakfast 221

8:15- 8:45 a.m. Parliamentary procedure

8:45-12 noon General Session III


12:30 p.m. Luncheon

Hostesses: Birmingham alumnae chapter

Detroit Northwest Suburban alumnae chapter

1:30- 3:00 p.m. Roundtables

3:00- 6:00 p.m. Carriage tour of Mackinac Island

6:30 p.m. Alumnae dinner

Honoring Alumnae Directors

Hostesses: Dearborn alumnae chapter, Monroe county

alumnae club, Beta Pi chapter

9:00 p.m. Candlelighting service Club room

Wednesday—June 21

7:30- 8:30 a.m. Breakfast

8:15- 8:45 a.m. Parliamentary procedure Casino room

8:45-12:00 noon General session IV Casino room

Election of officers

12:30 p.m. Luncheon

Hostesses: Detroit alumnae chapter

Detroit Northeast Suburban alumnae club

1:30- 3:00 p.m. Adoption of Budget and Resolutions Casino room

3:00- 4:00 p.m. Installation of officers Club room

7:00 p.m. Rose Banquet (evening dress)

Hostess: Detroit Council

Speaker: Mary Danielson Drummond

9:00-10:00 p.m. Reception of new and retiring officers Casino room

Thursday—June 22
7:30- 8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30-12:00 noon Check out of hotel

To Drjgma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1967


Convention registration City terminal for those pre-
ferring to drive. Parking lot
fee? $25.00 per person is rates average $1.50 per day.
No cars are allowed on the
the registration fee. The Island.

deadline for Convention FERRY SERVICE

reservation is June 1, Ferry service to Mack-
inac Island: From the
1967, and no refund of the Mackinaw City Municipal
ferry dock it is a 35 minute
fee will be made after ride across the Straits to
Mackinac Island. Fare:
June 1. To assure your reservation, $2.00 round trip.

each A O n must fill out the individual Two ferry lines

reservation blank, and mail with operate f r o m Mackinaw
City—Arnold Transit and
check for $25.00 t o : A L P H A Straits Transit. However,
Arnold Transit ferry docks closest to Grand Hotel. Fre-
O MICRON P I Central Office. quent ferry schedules are maintained daily, starting at
8:30 a.m. (8:30 is the first f e r r y ) P L E A S E N O T E :
Make the check payable to Alpha
The last ferry to the Island leaves Mackinaw City at
Omicron Pi. The $25.00 fee in- 5 :30 p.m.; the last ferry f r o m the Island to Mackinaw
City leaves the Island at 6:15 p.m.
cludes social functions, Convention
From the ferry dock on the Island, a horse-drawn
gift, and the carriage tour of the carriage taxi will take you to the red-carpeted entrance of
the Grand Hotel. Taxi fare : 60^.
Island scheduled f o r Tuesday after-
L A S T F E R R Y at 5:30 p.m. to the Island
noon, June 20. I t does N O T include
D E L E G A T E S must plan to be in O'Hare Field airport
luggage handling or personal service charges. Non-dele- by noon in order to catch the 12:30 p.m. North Central
plane to Pellston. Later planes will be too late to catch
gates planning to attend Convention for only part of the the last ferry at 5 :30 p.m. Those catching the 5 :30 ferry
will have to plan to take an evening dress in their hand
time and registering at the hotel, will pay $5.00 per day baggage as their baggage will not get to their rooms in
time to change for the formal banquet.
registration fee. Transient convention hostesses who
Charter plane from O'Hare June 17
come for only one day to work on a particular luncheon
A O I I will charter a plane from Chicago at 2:30 p.m.
or dinner will pay $1.00 per day registration fee. DST for those f r o m the west coast who cannot arrive at
Chicago in time to catch the 12 :30 p.m. plane. Reserva-
Price of Rooms? tions will be made on a first come first serve basis.

Two to a room, price per person, $22.00 per day, and What about the handling of luggage?
for the entire Convention, $127.97, each.
To simplify the handling of luggage in getting to the
Three to a room, price per person, $19.50 per day and Grand Hotel, the hotel has its own printed convention
for the entire Convention, $113.03 each. luggage tags which will be mailed to you with your Con-
vention Call from Central Office. Please hold on to these
Four to a room, price per person, $18.50 per day and tags and affix them to your luggage before you leave
for the entire Convention, $107.05 each. home. Luggage with these tags will be automatically
transferred from the ferry to the Grand Hotel's dray
Single room, $29.50 per day, and for the entire Con- wagon, to be taken to the hotel and deposited in your
vention, $172.82. room with the least delay possible.

These are rates per person and on the American Plan.
A $1.50 baggage transfer fee is automatically added to
each Grand Hotel guest's account to cover transporting
of baggage from ferry to hotel and back again, regardless
of number of pieces. This fee is additional to the above
quoted rates.
Also, the Grand Hotel operates with a "no tipping"
policy. No tipping to any employees anywhere in the hotel
is required, expected, or permitted. A charge of 15% of
daily room and meal rates has been included in the above
quoted prices, as well as a 4 % Michigan state sales tax.

How do I get to Mackinac Island
and the Grand Hotel?

By air; North Central Airlines flies regular runs from
Chicago and Detroit to the Pellston, Michigan airport,
f r o m which it is a 20 minute limousine ride to the Mack-
inaw City ferry docks. Limousine fare: $3.00.

By bus: Greyhound Bus serves Mackinaw City, Mich-
igan from all major cities. (There is no passenger railway

By car: U.S. 23, U.S. 27, and 1-75 are the Lower
Michigan routes to Mackinaw City. There are ample
parking lots and indoor garages available at the Mackinaw

2 2 2 S P R I N G of 1967—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N PI

Preview and Profile

by Geraldine Martindale King and Jessie M c A d a m Lamed

Exhibits ? Mackinac Island temperatures:

Collegiates and alumnae will receive information about According to the weather bureau
requirements from the International Vice Presidents. Ex- June 18-24, the temperatures
hibits may be brought with you and delivered by you to are between 72.40 maximum
the exhibits chairman in the Casino Room of the Grand daytime to 51.0 minimum night-
Hotel OR exhibits may be sent to the Grand Hotel. Just time. (Mean temperature ap-
be sure to mail them at least three weeks before conven- proximately 60°.) The hotel
tion to assure their arrival on time. Mark them plainly: meeting and dining rooms are
HOLD FOR ARRIVAL OF: air-conditioned. You will prob-
Miss Mary deKay Kennedy, Exhibits chairman ably be sleeping under blankets
A L P H A O M I C R O N P I Convention at night!
c/o Grand Hotel
Mackinac Island, Michigan 49751

W i l l I attend ritual services? Yes. A l l delegates take
part in the ritual services, but only collegiates are re-
quired to bring robes and hoods. Non-delegates may
attend, too, of course.

W i l l I attend business sessions? Yes. A l l delegates Make reservations early-
are required to attend business sessions. Every dele- Make your airline reservations as early as possible, to
gate may have a voice, so come prepared to speak and assure proper connections.
to vote intelligently by studying the legislation which
you will receive with your Convention Call. Non- Pronunciation: Mackinac pronounced Mackinaw.
delegates are invited to attend all business sessions, but
they have no voice or vote.

W i l l there be a worship service on Sunday? Yes, The Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island
there w i l l be a nondenominational devotional service on The Longest porch in the world.
Sunday morning at the hotel at 8:45 a.m. Anyone who
desires may attend this service. Catholics may attend
services at St. Ann's Roman Catholic Church in the
village on the Island, in time to be back for the busi-
ness session at 9:15 a.m. Sunday masses: 6:30 and
8:30 a.m.

Fun night? There w i l l be no f u n night at this Con-

May I attend meals if not staying at the hotel? : mm

Yes. The hotel uses an I D card system instead of meal 223
tickets. For a single meal, you pay at the hotel's main
desk, at which time you will receive an I D card to sign and
show to the dining room hostess as you enter the dining
room. A l l luncheons will be $3.60. The Rose Banquet on
June 21 will be $7.00; all other dinners will be $6.00.
These prices include the hotel's 15% gratuity charge
and Michigan's 4 % sales tax.

Will there be any "free" time?

Yes. There has been sched-
uled a sightseeting tour of the
Island for everyone registered
at convention. This tour in the
"surreys with the fringe on
top" w i l l take place f r o m 3-6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 20.
There w i l l be no extra charge f o r this tour to those
registered at the convention. Incidentally, bicycles can
be rented at the hotel f o r 60c per hour!

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1967

What promises to be tiie most exciting International Convention begins June 17.
The voting delegates will consider, decide and act on many vital

fraternity topics. Here is a description of the
convention site, an authoritative article prepared by the Michigan Tourist Council.

T H E C R O W N J E W E L of the interests, established a garrison, first employed seasonally by the Astor
Great Lakes—Mackinac Island— at St. Ignace and then on the south- company, but when winter came
juts impressively from the blue ern shores of the Straits where re- only a handful of soldiers and island
waters of Lake Huron, adorning the constructed Fort Michilimackinac residents remained.
eastern approaches to Michigan's stands. From here they ruled the
historic Straits of Mackinac. Mackinac country. The story is much the same today.
The voyageurs, traders and trappers
The Indians had a word for i t — Following their victory in the have been replaced by carriage driv-
Michilimackinac—or great turtle, French and Indian war in the mid- ers, waiters, bellhops, and others in
which they superstitiously believed 18th century, the British gained pos- the service trades who take their
had arisen from the depth of the session of the Michilimackinac fort positions of hospitality in late spring
Straits. Prior to the arrival of the then moved their forces to the island. and depart in the early fall. The
white man the island was a strategic Thus, Mackinac became the guard- shops and cafes which serve tourists
meeting place for the Indians where ian of the Straits until the signing throughout the summer are then
they conducted ritualistic ceremonies of the Treaty of Ghent, after which boarded up, the horses are shipped
and sought refuge from the aggres- the Americans took over. to the mainland and the few perma-
sive Iroquois. nent island residents lay in provi-
The design for the island's pres- sions to await the Mackinac winter.
The beginning of the 17th century ent-day activities was drawn in the
marked the arrival of the first mis- early 1800's when John Jacob Astor Summer visitors to Mackinac Is-
sionaries and explorers, according to established the Mackinac post of the land are transported by modern fer-
the Michigan Tourist Council. American Fur company. During the ries which churn the Straits from
summer the island teemed with trap- either Mackinaw City or St. Ignace.
As the area's vast f u r trade de- pers, f u r traders and Indians. About As the tourist-laden ship nears its
veloped, the French, to protect their 2,000 voyageurs and 400 clerks were destination, the charm that is Mack-
inac reaches out to greet the visitors.
during convention Green-tufted bluffs, dotted by mag-
nificent summer homes and the
What do I wear? village streets below come into
sharper focus.
WHEN YOU pack your bags to come to convention, remember that the con-
vention site is an island—MACKINAC ISLAND, MICHIGAN—and that First to enchant the debarking
it is located just east of the Straits of Mackinac which connect two large, vacationer is the noticeable absence
cold lakes. of motor vehicles. Autos are prohib-
ited and transportation is by horse
Consequently, the temperatures on the island are seldom carriage, bicycle or by foot.
extremely high during the day, especially as early in the season
as we will be there, and they dip quite low during the night Here, the 19th century is still
hours. You will most likely be sleeping under blankets at night, alive. The Grand Hotel, world's
and might even find it necessary to make use of the electric largest summer hotel preserves the
heating system available in each room. gracious dignity of the gay 90's,
offering the same hospitality as it
Therefore, plan your wardrobe needs with these facts in did when wealthy Chicagoans held
mind. Early spring type clothes, dresses with jackets or sweat- court on its spacious porch before
ers, knitted fashions, light weight suits, and even light woolens the turn of the century.
will prove quite comfortable. Though last summer was an ex-
ceptionally dry season on the island, R A I N can be quite com- Peering from the hilltops is
mon ; so you might do well to include some type of rainwear. Fort Mackinac which once knew the
rule of the British and from where
There are two formal dinners, opening night and the Rose skirmishes against the Americans
Banquet, which will require cocktail dresses or short or long were conducted. Surries—with or
evening dresses. The hotel has a lovely heated outdoor swim- without the fringe—take tourists to
ming pool, so i f you think you might wish to swim, bring along such historical spots as British Land-
your swimming suit. ing, Skull Cave, Fort Holmes, old
battlegrounds and Indian cemeteries.
Residences of those who helped
make Mackinac famous and whose
names are written in history are pre-
served or reconstructed.

Information on additional places
of interest and things to do may be
obtained by writing the Michigan
Tourist Council, Lansing, Michigan,

2 2 4 S P R I N G of 1967—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

The Mackinac Bridge

The longest suspension bridge from cable anchorage
to cable anchorage, 8,614 feer. Photo is courtesy
of the Michigan Tourist Council.

A N O L D C H I P P E W A legend cross the mammoth bridge. ested lake country of its northern
called for an Indian brave to chop The bridge is a major spur to interior.
down a huge pinetree which would
bridge the straits between Alichi- tourist travel in the state, according I t took almost four years to erect
gan's upper and lower peninsulas. to the Michigan Tourist council, the bridge, beginning in March,
For lack of a tree five miles tall, the making it possible for travelers to 1954. The first above-water con-
feat was never accomplished—until cross from one peninsula to the struction of the giant span began
engineers conquered the Straits of other in 10 minutes. Before, it took early in the summer of 1955. The
Mackinac with concrete and steel. the better part of an hour for the bridge's two main support towers
ferry trip alone, not to mention rise above the water to a height
The mighty Mackinac bridge has traffic-tie-ups that often meant hours nearly equalling the 555-foot Wash-
been called ihe seventh man-made of delay. ington Monument.
wonder of the modern world. And it
is truly a wonder; an achitectural Lower Michigan's two scenic I n 1956, Michigan visitors watched
and engineering triumph of imagi- lakeshore drives both terminate at the "spinning" of the first sus-
nation over matter. Its sinous Mackinaw City, southern approach pension cables that support the
strands of steel arch gracefully to the bridge, while the main east- colossal structure. Two-feet thick,
across the choppy waters of the west and north-south routes in the the cables swoop 350 feet from the
Straits to f o r m the longest suspen- upper peninsula converge on St. top of the towers to the centers of
sion bridge on earth. Ignace, the northern entry point. the suspension span. Some 42,000
miles of wire went into these cables.
Built at a cost of $99 million, Highway US 31 north from the
"Mighty Mac" was opened to traffic state's southwest border skirts the The bridge was opened to traffic
in November, 1957, and since that blue waters of Lake Michigan for in November, 1957, with formal
time has become one of Michigan's almost the entire route. I n the east- dedication in June, 1958.
top travel attractions. Millions of ern portion of the lower peninsula,
motorists have crossed the green US-23 follows the scenic Lake Stretching across the Straits, the
and ivory towered span, and many Huron shoreline. The inland route, Mackinac Bridge forms a perma-
visit the Straits area just to see and US-27, cuts through the center of nent link between Michigan's two
the lower peninsula and into the for- peninsulas—and a Chippewa I n -
dian dream has come true.

The Mackinac Bridge...

Symbol of Convention

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1967 225

And with the alumnae and collegates in MICHIGAN

District V I I I

T H E C O L L E G I A T E CHAPTERS and the alumnae chapters A N O T H E R R O A D the Detroit
and clubs in Michigan's District V I I I will serve as hostesses area alumnae traveled led them to
for the 1967 Convention at Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island Detroit's beautiful Fisher theater
in Michigan. They include the collegiate chapters of: October 2 f o r a look at S H O W -
B O A T . This was the council's third
Beta Gamma—Michigan State University gala theater party. This was the
Beta Pi—Eastern Michigan University largest financial effort planned by
the Metropolitan Detroit Alumnae
Kappa Rho—Western Michigan University Council for Convention expenses
Omicron Pi—University of Michigan and it was a complete success thanks
to the alumnae, area ticket chairmen,
the alumnae chapters of: Ann Arbor, Birmingham, Dearborn, and Virginia VanZandt Snider
Detroit, Detroit North Suburban, Detroit Northwest Suburban, (Mrs. George) OLT, general chair-
Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, and Lansing; the alumnae clubs of man.
Battle Creek, Monroe County, and Detroit Northeast Sub-
urban; and the Detroit area council. Ginny has been chairman for all
the theater parties and f o r five of
THE THIRD gala Detroit theater party ticket chairman, Virginia Van Zandt Snider the annual University of Michigan
(Mrs. G e o r g e ) reviews ticket sale achievements of the Detroit Council annual event. Alumni sponsored parties.

Virginia, O i l , is seated at left. Standing from left are J u d y Kruger ( M r s . E l t o n ) , I n the past the Detroit alumnae
B r , for Detroit alumnae, and Nancy Moyer McCain (Mrs. Walter), P, Detroit chapter had attended shows at the
Fisher as its husbands' night event.
Northeast. Seated from left are Dorothy W a r d (Mrs. Tom), Birmingham; Nancy Horvath From these stemmed the idea of a
(Mrs. Andrew), Detroit North, Nora Hanrinson, K P , Dearborn, and city-wide AOLt theater party. Thus,
Phyllis Wagner (Mrs. Ross), K P , Detroit Northwest. Council, composed of four alumnae
chapters, sponsored Mary, Mary in
T H E K A L A M A Z O O alumnae club on June 1, 1966 was installed as the June 1963. Nearly 800 tickets were
Kalamazoo Alumnae Chapter on the campus of Western Michigan Univer- sold for this performance and 600
sity at Kanley Chapel. Mary Louise Lakoff McMillan ( M r s . Thomas), N O , were sold two years later for another
District V I I I Alumnae Director, was installing officer. Kappa Rho collegiates very successful comedy, Barefoot in
assisted. A group of alumnae attending the installation were Jean Chap- the ['ark. Another group, the North-
man Haithwaite ( M r s . Robert), K P ; Betty Hansen Breed ( M r s . Ster- east Suburban Club had been
ling), K P ; Helen Lander, K P ; Florence Brady Atherton (Mrs. Ralph), Oil; formed by them and joined the Bir-
Marilyn Gruhl Balinski ( M r s . Bernard), K P , president; and Mary Louise. mingham, Dearborn, Detroit and
North Suburban chapters making
five groups in council.

Proceeds f r o m these ticket sales
were generously divided among
Michigan's four collegiate chapters.
This year, however, with June 17-22
in sight, Council voted to bank the
proceeds f r o m the third theater
party f o r Convention use by Coun-
cil and the member chapters, now
numbering six with the forming of
the Northwest Suburban chapter.

A f t e r two such top comedy per-
formance, alumnae were perhaps a
trifle leery of the revival of the L i n -
coln Center Production of S H O W -
B O A T . Their fears were drow^ned,
however, long before thunderous
applause brought down the curtain.

W i t h a bit of competition in the
air, the Detroit alumnae chapter
took top sales with 374 of the total
753 tickets sold.

W i t h dinners beforehand, get to-
gethers afterwards, and a delightful
performance in between, the Fisher
theater parties are looked forward
to, not only by AOIts but by their
husbands and friends as well.

2 2 6 S P R I N G of J 9 6 7 — T o Tiragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

A L P H A O M I C R O N P I on the
Move . . . a fitting Convention
theme for the Detroit area alum-
nae, your hostesses next June, who
surely are on the move. A n d down
every road they move, Convention
is their ultimate destination. One
of the roads took them to the De-
troit race course August 6 where
the six alumnae clubs and chapters
of the Detroit alumnae council par-
ticipated in a delightful day. Eighty
A O I I s and their guests enjoyed the
club party plan. A race was named
for our sorority and chairman
Phyllis Wagner (Mrs. Ross), KP,
participated in the winner's circle
presentation for that race.

Making Shown at the D A Y A T T H E R A C E S are: from left, front row: Mary Lou Kierdorf Sloss (Mrs.
David), Pat Kowalchulc Wilson (Mrs. William), Sharon Wells Goodwin (Mrs. John), Judy
Miller Kruger (Mrs. Elton), convention co-chairman; Irene Doherty Matheson (Mrs. Albert),
Jane Preish (Mrs. James) and Barbara Snyder (Mrs. Edwin).
Back row from left: Vivian Kreasky (Mrs. John) convention co-chairman, Mary Louise Lakoff
McMillan (Mrs. Thomas), Phyllis Wagner (Mrs. Ross), Nancy Moyer M c C a i n (Mrs. Walter),
Nora Hankinson, Connie Hurd and Elizabeth G a g e Breese (Mrs. Robert).

the most of individual projects

Omicron Pi collegiates (University got the idea of using what talent she from these three activities, they have
of Michigan) and Ann Arbor alum- has, " I ' m a good original copyist," provided a varied program to attract
nae are working on the collegiate to help her sorority while helping latent members and an opportunity
dinner plans for convention. Hoping herself. W i t h the permission of her to get to know new members under
to emphasize water transportation Detroit alumnae chapter she brought other than just business meeting
as a theme, the groups are symboliz- to the September 1964 meeting, conditions. Certainly one more event
ing the many cruises we can take to handmade articles of various kinds we look forward to is a card partv in
Mackinac Island. A January fashion and donated 25% of her sales to March.
show was held at the chapter house the chapter treasury. Altha also took
to raise money f o r the project. her bean bags, baby bibs, match The Detroit North Suburban
boxes, and pin cushions to District Alumnae Chapter has had two suc-
Birmingham, Michigan, alumnae Day last year and the percentage cessful fund raising events: a rum-
chapter cleared $48 at a garage sale then, as now, goes for Convention mage sale and annual talent trade
for convention funds. And jointly expenses of the chapter. Christmas bazaar. A l l items, made
with the Detroit area council sold by the members, were auctioned by
theater tickets to "Showboat". Detroit alumnae chapter sponsored Sharon Goodwin. Other sales are
a Fashion Show and Tea in October. the white elephant and "Goody" in
Expecting a year of sit down early spring.
meetings, busily working on Con- I n addition to financial success
vention favors and table arrange-
ments, was the thought of the Detroit Alumnae Serve Old World Market
Detroit Alumnae chapter, which
includes greater Detroit and sub- T H E D E T R O I T A L U M N A E chapter was between philanthropic projects
urban dwellers. Such is not the case this year, and as she so often does, Virginia VanZandt Snider ( M r s . George),
so far, although that is planned for o n , came to the rescue.
1967. The horse must come before
the carriage—please note that Mack- Ginny was chairman of the Detroit International Institute's Old World
inac Island reference—and the market in November and when she found us without a project, she suggested
finances must come before table we take over a booth at the market.
decorations: so it was a busy money-
making fall. On November 18, the Pantry Shop, where imported packaged food, kitchen
and pantry gadgets and delightful Christmas candy were sold, the AOIIs
Like some younger AOIIs not in donned reel aprons and operated the shop in three shifts from noon until nine.
a financial position to give too many
donations to projects, Altha De- The Old World Market is sponsored by the International Institute and
Cavitte Wargelin (Mrs. John), On, held in its building. The Institute, a Torch Drive agency, helps foreign-born
adjust to their new country.

Ginny had been co-chairman of the Market for two years and will be chair-
man for 1967.

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1967

Mrs. George Romney
will speak at June 17 banquet

M I C H I G A N ' S FIRST L A D Y , Lenore Lafount Rom- named Arthur Godfrey.
ney, will be the speaker at the Saturday night, June 17, Since moving to Michigan twenty-six years ago, quiet
opening banquet of the 1967 Mackinac International
Convention. dedication marks the support Mrs. Romney gives to the
Detroit Symphony Orchestra Women's association,
Mrs. George Romney has been the first lady since 1962 Junior Group of Goodwill Industries, Detroit Museum
when her husband moved from a successful career in the of A r t Founders society, United Community Services,
automotive industry to the Governorship. AOIls who will Michigan association for Emotionally Disturbed Chil-
have the opportunity to meet her will be stimulated by dren, Michigan Child Study association, and The Theatre
her dynamic and sparkling personality and by her deep Arts Club of Detroit. She is a member of the National
warmth and concern for all mankind. Advisory Board of the American Field Services and of
The American Mothers committee. In 1962, she was
She was born in Logan, Utah and is a graduate from chairman of the Metropolitan Opera Season in Detroit.
Latter Day Saints High School in Salt Lake City and She has taught church school and theology in the Relief
George Washington University in Washington, D.C. A n Society for twenty years.
interest in dramatics took her to New York City where
she attended the American Laboratory School of the Mrs. Romney received a Doctor of Humanities degree
Theater and to Hollywood where she did some acting from Hillsdale College in 1963 and was A d Club Woman
before marriage. When again living in Washington, D.C, of the year in 1964. She is the mother of two daughters
she directed plays at her Alma Mater and appeared on and two sons and has eight grandchildren. Bloomfield
her own radio show "Poetical Hitchhiker" out of Wash- Hills, Michigan, is home for the family-loving, home-
ington. Her announcer was a then unknown redhead loving Romneys who share their best with their fellow

iv votSR vn--tim\<*

ptr. ^

DETROIT N O R T H W E S T Suburban alumnae t
chapter was installed in August. From left
in front a r e : Nancy Kuchta Mack ( M r s . i
John), Oil, membership chairman; Mary
Louise Lakoff McMillan (Mrs. Thomas), NO,
District VIII Alumnae Director; Phyllis Beu
Wagner (Mrs. Ross), KP, president; Nina
Smith Stover ( M r s . R o b e r t ) , U; Virginia
Brader Balcewell (Mrs. Robert), B r .
From left in back are Barbara Hankinson
Snyder (Mrs. Edwin), BI", recording secre-
tary; Elizabeth G a g e Breese (Mrs. Robert),
12, corresponding secretary; and Nancy
Mover M c C a i n (Mrs. W a l t e r ) , P, alternate
National Panhellenic Delegate.

D E T R O I T N O R T H W E S T S U B U R B A N alumnae chapter became the
area's sixth alumnae group when it was installed May 24, 1966 at the home
of Virginia VanZandt Snider (Mrs. George), Oil, at a covered dish supper
given by the alums in the Metropolitan Detroit Council. Mary Louise Lakoff
McMillan (Mrs. Thomas), NO, District V I I I Alumnae Director, installed
not only the new chapter but also the biennial officers of the alumnae groups
of the Metropolitan Detroit council.

Since its organization, this new chapter has joined the other area groups in
several projects to raise money for the 1967 National Convention at Mackinac-
Island where it will hostess a luncheon with the Birmingham alumnae chapter.

2 2 8 S P R I N G of 1967—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

I T I S Q U I T E natural to find a dren, or many outside commitments various types of Iris and made her-
woman in the world of garden de- in the community. I t would be self such an expect in the field that
sign, says Alice Wessels Burlingame wrong to design in great detail by selling her plants, she was able
(Mrs. William H . ) , OIL Women which calls for meticulous care. to put her son through college. " I
possess much sensitivity to color Furthermore, with the cost of main- think," says Alice, "that whether
and proportion, and what is more tenance care so high, the design of we're talking about geraniums, Iris,
important, to the needs of others. the garden must take this into con- liles—whatever plant category you
They have an instinct f o r styling, sideration. suggest, i f you can become inter-
for the right touch. Not only in ested enough to become a specialist,
home gardens, but in the new de- Even in the simplest type of gar- the bonus is there f o r you to enjoy."
signs around highways and public den design one should try to include
buildings women's special attributes what Alice likes to call "pockets of But can a woman who is merely
can influence these aspects of prop- beauty," which can give happiness to interested, who makes her own
erty development. many people. Even though the whole plants grow but really knows little
garden is planned around holiday except what blooms in her own yard
Aside f r o m the therapeutic va'ue interests, or summer interests—bad- and who has no specific training be-
of gardening f o r such inmates of minton, perhaps, or picnicking— come a garden consultant on her
public institutions, she feels strongly there must be these pockets of own ? I t does not need a college de-
that gardening has therapy f o r all beauty, such as a bird bath in a gree to do it. I f this woman is sensi-
who love to garden, and for all who flower bed, or a bench surrounded tive to plants and color, i f she reads
appreciate fine gardens. by evergreens. Exotic plants which up on the subject, and makes her
require care and nursing are not own garden a thing of beauty, she
necessary. The pocket of beauty can may find, unexpectedly, that her
friends are beginning to consult her.
Garden Consultant... And the first thing she knows, her
reputation spreads, and she can col-
lect fees f o r her instincts, sugges-
tions, and ideas. I t can be a challenge
to continuing education.

A Woman's Career Garden consultation has another
great advantage. A woman need not
Pockets of Beauty wander far afield (unless, like Alice,
she conducts European garden
tours). Garden consulting keeps her
close to home and the community
even while she expands her talents,
knowledge, and help to others.

by Frances Saelcett Patten Profit and loss aside, a woman
On—University of Michigan can always become her own garden
consultant and bring happiness to
One must design home gardens to be small, simple, and compact. I t her family through her efforts. Alice
express the needs and personalities can even be the skillful pruning of remarks, " I go right along with Em-
of those who live there. The first trees and shrubs in combination erson's statement that 'Happiness is
thing to consider is the architecture with adjacent plantings. I f the home a perfume which you cannot pour on
of the house. I t must be studied first garden has plenty of space, many others without getting a few drops
to find the parts which should be of these little pockets can be devised, on yourself.' "
emphasized and others which should each a surprise and pleasure in
be camouflaged with plant materials. itself. Alice knows whereof she speaks.
A l l four sides of the house should A f t e r she had been graduated from
be taken into consideration, as well Many people go through life with- the University of Michigan, she took
as the general setting in the neigh- out realizing how much free happi- advantage of her husband's transfer
borhood. Then the area can be ness is there in a garden f o r the to Lansing and trained in green-
treated with plantings to produce a taking. I t may be more difficult to house production and landscape ar-
sort of fourth dimensional effect become entranced by the hard facts chitecture at Michigan State Uni-
which will induce the viewer to see of gardening, such as digging and versity. Since then, she has branched
on and on, but the privacy of the pulling weeds, but it is Alice's out into lecturing about home plant-
home owner must also be assured. theory that as one grows older there ing, and home gardens, horticultural
is an aesthetic pleasure i n grubbing therapy f o r inmates of Pontiac State
"What I always emphasize i n de- and weeding, even in a small space hospital, and women in the Detroit
signing home grounds is the psy- ten by ten, and making it a thing House of Correction. She writes a
chological approach of the whole of beauty. There is relaxation in the weekly column Down to Earth for
family," she told me. midst of hard work which brings its the Birmingham Eccentric, and is
reward in satisfaction of a job well co-author with Dr. Donald Watson,
As an illustration, suppose there done. of the University of Hawaii, of the
is a husband who is fond of golf and book Therapy Through Horticul-
a w i f e who either has several chil- Home gardening need not be an ture.
expensive hobby, either. A woman
whom Alice knows began collecting 229

To Dragma o f ALPHA OMICRON PI—SPRING of 1967

(Presented at National Inter-frater- mycin, World Federalists, The Free- who simply say I do not believe in
nity banquet in Neiv Orleans De- dom Train, the Marshall Plan, a any education which is different
cember 2.) Dr. Tattle is American Cold War, H-Bomb, flying saucers, from that which I received. I would
secretary of the Methodist World Dixiecrats, or the Iron Curtain, like to make it clear, therefore, that
Council and immediate past presi- Sputnik, Beatnik, Berlin Wall, New I am not changing my mind about
dent (1962-66) of Lambda Chi York Mets, Gemini Spacecraft, the value of education even though
Alpha. Sukarno, Nasser, Ben Bella or Cas- it sometimes seems to be groping
tro, Viet Cong, Ho Chi M i n or the blindly with the challenges of our
S E V E R A L Y E A R S ago I heard Beatles. day. One reason I cannot go back
a distinguished educator in his ad- on the educational system is that I
dress at this banquet occasion say, He thought Birch was a tree and am a minister of a church which
" M y first point is, 'we are living in not a Society. He didn't even know has always believed i n the vital
a world of change.' Now, this doesn't God was dead ! necessity of an educated humanity.
have anything to do with ray ad- Its record is written clear in more
dress, but since I haven't heard one It is against such a backdrop as than 150 colleges and universities
in the last ten years that did not this that I speak and raise the ques- across our country, and sometimes
start this way, I am putting it in tion, can anyone really escape? A the college was started before the
mine too." Tonight is different. friend of mine, speaking to an inter- steeple was put on the church.
Change does have a great deal to national group from 48 countries
do with that about which I speak to only last month made the startling There are changes, however, in
you. declaration, " I f you are over 40, you the field of education which con-
A Time Of Change are a refugee." A l l of us know what front us with new demands. We are
he meant. The total climate into told f o r instance that 50% of the
We do live in a time of change. I t which we were born and through curriculum of the modern education
is a change which is not only rapid which we lived the formative yeirs institution is new each 25 years. W e
and radical but its tempo is con- of our lives has almost completely are told that the body of knowledge
stantly being accelerated. disappeared. There have been many in the field of chemistry doubles each
changes and there have been many 7y2 years. Most of us know i f we
CHANGE- corners to turn. How gracefully one are realists at all and have been out
of college for ten years, we would
Our have great difficulty in meeting the
entrance requirements of today.
Some 25 years ago Alexander
Wolcott described himself in terms Opportunity These changes, however, are not
of things he did not know 25 years bad in themselves. To my mind the
before. This is what he said: " I was is able to turn the corners necessi- greatest weakness of the educational
suffering from an inferiority com- tated by changing environment is system today is in the area of the
plex, but had never heard of one. I one of the great determiners of the integration of learning and person-
had never heard of : daylight sav- success of his living. ality. Education must take at least
ing, rayon, Soviets, jazz, insulin, or one step further than we find it
broccoli. I had never heard a radio Here is the true story of a man often taking today. Perhaps this
or seen a talking picture, an electric whose last illness took a strange could be illustrated by a statement
ice box, a neon sign, a wrist watch, form. He was able to walk along a made a few years ago by Professor
an animated cartoon, a cement road, straight street as well as anyone A. S. Eddington. I quote: "I am
or a filling station." A n d he thought could. Yet when he came to a cor- standing on the threshold about to
he was living in a world of change. ner, even though there was no ob- enter a room. It is an intricate busi-
struction to bar his way, he had ness. In the first place I must shove
It would be interesting to describe great difficulty in negotiating it. against an atmosphere pressing zvith
ourselves in terms of the things Sometimes it would take him 30 to a force of 14 pounds on every
Alexander Wolcott did not know 25 45 minutes to go around a simple square inch of my body. I must
years ago. He had never heard of a corner of the street on which he make sure of landing on a plank
helicopter, radar, sulpha drugs, peni- was walking. Eventually he died of travelling at twenty miles a second
cillin, United Nations, Atlantic this disease. I t certainly is not too round the sun. I must do this whilst
Charter, Four Freedoms, a G.I., an much to say that organizations and hanging from a round planet head
atomic bomb, jet propulson, nylon, civilizations likewise die i f they are outward into space, and with a zvind
television, frequency modulation, unable to turn the corners which are of ether blowing at no one knozvs
fluorescent lights, a jeep, a B-29, demanded of them. how many miles a second through
jitterbug or Rock and Roll. every interstice of my body."
We are told on every side that
He had never heard of strepto- these are days of tremendous I f it is true that education in our
changes in education. There are day is falling one step short of its
230 some who would make this the basis greatest service to humanity then
of their criticism. There are those this brings the game back to our
home field. This is the great oppor-
tunity of the college fraternity of
today and the future.

Playing the game of change accord-
ing to our own plan.

Every athletic team has a game

SPRING of 1967—To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI

plan which it expects to implement changing as rapidly as it is and that there is nothing so amazing about
as it comes up against its opposition. we can be left undisturbed. One of this testimony to the fraternity sys-
Winning or losing will largely be the great spiritual leaders of our tem. The amazing part to me is in
determined by whether it is able to country, in speaking on the point the person who wrote it. He is a
play the game according to its plan that every living thing must keep bishop in the Methodist Church
or is forced to play the game ac- changing, raised this hypothetical whose life has been one of the most
cording to the game plan of the question in a great address. "Who outstanding examples of service to
opposition. A n adequate game plan killed the dinosaurs ?" he asked, and others that I know. He is now re-
requires an offensive dimension as proceeded to answer his own ques- tired and has been for more than 30
well as a defensive one. I f I have a tion by saying, "No one killed the years. He is 104 years old! So old in
word of criticism to make of the dinosaurs, the climate changed and fact that when he recently had a
interfraternity system it would be at they died." That has a specific mean- minor hospital experience the De-
this point. We have felt that we ing for us today. partment of Health, Education and
could take a given position and de- Welfare at first refused to pay his
fend it without too much concern Everywhere I go, and in every Medicare bill because they said no
for change and adjustment on our organization of which I know any- one is that old. He is the only per-
part. Thus we have put ourselves thing, restructuring is the order of son in history who is known to have
in a position of great disadvantage the day. The business, the organiza- written a book after he was 100
when so much of life has been in so tion or the institution which does years old ! It is from this book that I
constantly a fluid condition. not provide for the constant restruc- have quoted. To me it is a tribute
turing of its affairs has a limited indeed to the fraternity system that
change to defensive future. One businessman of great this man, living into his second cen-
I have three suggestions which if stature in our:eountry has recently tury whose entire life has been sym-
properly carried out can change our said, " I am on the board of a dozen bolized by service to his fellow man,
static defensive position to one of great businesses and every one of could look back over more than 80
offensive strength. them is restudying its structure." It years and remember that his frater-
is my-position that every national nity was one of the great experiences
fraternity should give its most seri- of his life.
ous attention to this very matter.

First of all, let us reaffirm our My' final suggestion is that we Remember the Why
conviction that both the educational must constantly be improving our
institution and the fraternity chap- specklity which is the development Every university and every busi-
ter benefit from mutual cooperation. of persons adequate for the day in ness today is worried over its com-
Sometimes in the past both parties wjjycfr they are living. Let me say puters which a day of change have
have forgotten that respect and in- fipt of all that we are far better than dictated but which has brought with
tegrity are two-way streets. It seems we have been given credit for being. it the loss of personal contact. In
to be no accident that many of the While much of the criticism for fra- colleges, one in 70 students threaten
best fraternity chapters are to be ternities has been justified, it is also suicide, 9,000 a year try it, and 1,000
found in the greatest universities. true that much of it has come out of succeed. Our day demands institu-
ignorance or prejudice. The person tions and organizations dedicated to
In our own fraternity a study has is the priceless ingredient of educa- personal development and personal
been made of the relation between tion today and we can continue to understanding. This is our great
our number one chapters and the help greatly at this point if we un- moment.
number one educational institutions derstand how important our spe-
in which we are represented. It is ciality is and if we give ourselves Recently the president of one of
both an amazing and a significant seriously to it. our great universities told of having
fact that the best universities seem to find a new dean of their school
to afford the most favorable climate A recently published book has this of engineering. He told of the great
for the development of strong local testimony of a fraternity man for difficulty in finding the right person.
chapters. his fraternity: "Enter the fraterni- Finally, he said we were successful
ties ! Their presence colored the in finding one who recognized that
It is time also to explode the whole day-by-day life. Nearly all the zvhy something was constructed was
theory which has been repeated so students belonged to some one of even more important than how.
often that many believe it true, that the six or eight or more groups . . .
interest in fraternities is dying. The fraternity filled a large place. This is the place of the person.
Here again we have made a recent Here we found contact and over- May the fraternity system in an age
study. I n one year we found that we sight and counsel from the men in of unbelievable change, learn to em-
had 156 opportunities to expand by classes above us and with alumni at phasize and improve its speciality
establishing new chapters. That is notable reunions. Here we had prac- in aiding in the development of per-
three per week! Even though we tice in extracurricular exercises— sonality until we can add in human
were able to take only six of these debates, extemporaneous speaking, life and society the ingredient which
opportunities, this is pretty convinc- articles, poems and frank and broth- not only makes our own contribu-
ing evidence that interest in the fra- erly criticism . . . The fraternity, tion, but brings out the distinctive
ternity system in this day of change when it is a step, as it was with us, contribution of every other part and
is even greater than it has ever been toward the deeper and larger broth- ingredient.
before. erhood which is the goal of history,
carries the memory of rollicking 231
My second suggestion is that we hours and serious hours which I
as fraternities make ample provision would not willingly surrender."
for change in our strategy. Does
anyone believe that the world can be You are probably saying that

To Pragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1967

Advertising Executive
Becomes Director
of Public Relations

"1 K N O W A L I T T L E Bit About a Lot of Things" Laura Perry
A S University of Georgia
might well be the theme song for Laura Perry, national
director of public relations. Her diversity of interests Send jboUcM
may be stimulated by her work, or perhaps lead her to
the selection of advertising as a career where, for in- To Dragma of A L P H A
stance, she's learned a lot about teeth, their health, restor-
ation and replacement—not to mention printing, paper,
photography, and type . . . or baby formula or computer

As Laura says, with a slightly defensive air, "my in-
terests are wide, and not particularly deep." She collects
coins and stamps, takes pictures—but doesn't do anything
with them (although her photography won a prize in the
"Women in Advertising Exhibit" in Philadelphia). In
the past, she's had a tank of tropical fish, a sail boat, and
a sports car. She can handle the simple tools needed for
home repair and bookshelf-type building projects. She
manifests some interest in gardening and has won ribbons
for both specimens and arrangements. She's been skiing
in Canada and skin-diving in the Caribbean.

Presently, Laura lives in Ardmore, Pa., a suburb of
Philadelphia, and spends a good portion of her time in
New York, maintaining an apartment in Manhattan. This
life is a result of being in charge of the New York office
of her Philadelphia-based advertising agency, and also
results in a diminution of interests "because of time and
because my 'equipment' is always at the wrong end of
the line" says Laura; "I've become a constant reader,
but mostly of trade magazines, and am now contemplat-
ing a speed reading course, so I can get more pleasure
reading into my life."

Laura is a member of Lambda Sigma chapter, Univer-
sity of Georgia, and has been active in the Philadelphia
alumnae chapter since graduation; during the 1950's she
was a District I I I Director; she's attended the Conven-
tions held in Swampscott, Spring Lake, Glenwood
Springs, and Memphis, and is looking forward to Mack-
inac Island.

Laura was a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, Zodiac
(sophomore honorary), Theta Sigma Phi, and Mortar
Board; served as an alumnae adviser to Psi chapter,
University of Pennsylvania; treasurer, vice president,
and president of Philadelphia alumnae chapter; alumnae
district director and collegiate district director (district
I I I ) ; was the first woman (and only, so f a r ) to serve as
president of Philadelphia Direct Mail club.

Presently, she is a member of American Marketing
association, Pharmaceutical Advertising Club of New
York, Philadelphia Direct Mail club; listed in Who's
Who in American Women and Who's Who in Adver-

She is vice president, member of executive committee,
director—Ramsdell, Buckley & Co., Inc., advertising
agency with offices in Philadelphia and New York.


Appointed Editor,
will begin duties
with summer issue

Patti Batchelor Penning (Mrs. David C.) I E W E D I T O R of T O D R A G M A is Patti Batchelor
0 — University of Tennessee Penning (Mrs. David C ) . She lives in Los Angeles
and is an AOn of Omicron chapter. University of Ten-
nessee, class of 1956.

Patti Penning is presently Southern California mem-
bership chairman and a former chairman of Palo Alto
area alumnae. She lives in a hilltop Spanish house near
the University of California— Angeles campus with
husband, two small children, and two large German

At the University of Tennessee, Pattie was editor of
the Home Economics Review, the Tennessee Girl, and
section editor of the yearbook, newspaper and handbook.
I n 1952 she attended the Northwestern University Sum-
mer Institute of Journalism.

In 1954, Patti was guest editor of Mademoiselle maga-
zine and became director of college promotion for Rich's,
Knoxville. -After graduation she was editorial assistant
for Living for Young Homemakers in New York City
and in 1958-59 completed graduate work at the Harvard-
Radcliffe program in business administration.

Living in the San Francisco area with husband David,
Patti edited the employee publications of the U.S. Geo-
logical Survey, Menlo Park, and attended classes at San
Jose State College. Jennifer Jean arrived at Stanford
hospital in 1965.

Moving to Los Angeles in 1965, David became vice
president of Center for Management Sciences, consulting
group. Piper Jane was born in September, 1966, so the
editor will be operating a joint infant nursery and To

DRAGMA office.

The editor sees the opportunity to edit To DRAGMA as
an ideal way to stay professionally active and aid Alpha
Omicron Pi, while fulfilling the demands for diapers and

To: Send all editorial news and pictures to new editor.
Alpha Omicron Pi Editor's address:
Diamond Jubilee Foundation
Miss Helen M. Haller Mrs. David C. Penning
904 Kendall Avenue 752 Westholme Avenue
South Pasadena, California 91030 Los Angeles, California 90024

O N P I — S P R I N G of Z%7 233

The major role of alumnae local projects

Mrs. Ronald G r a y shows daughter Kimala puppets Burghard (Mrs. Fred), P. Marilyn Kidd Andersen (Mrs. Lee),
from EVANSVILLE Tri-State alumnae's "infant proj-
ect" (only t w o years old). Workshops result in 100 puppets B<i>, is a t r i g h t . F a n t a s y s p o n s o r is C h i c a g o N o r t h w e s t S u b -
for Evansville Rehabilitation Center.
urban chapter.
B F R O M A H A N D F U L O F SCRAPS . . . For two years
D A L L A S alumnae chapter has m a d e puppets f o r a CHARLESTON, West Virginia alumnae chapter made
Wadley Institute of Blood Research. Children, victims of ditty bags for servicemen in Viet Nam. From left are
leukemia, come there regularly f o r treatment. This year
the puppet presentation was made when Jessie M c A d a m Mrs. Barbara Richardson, Mrs. Sue Bohnert, Mrs. M a r y
L a r n e d , I n t e r n a t i o n a l President, v i s i t e d Dallas. Jessie is
pictured with Dr. Joseph M . Hill, institute director, and Lazenby and Kay Maynard.
little Jeanne DeLee, who received a puppet.
GREATER K A N S A S CITY alumnae work on articles
T H I R T Y PUPPETS A M O N T H is q u o t a f o r t h e B A L T I - for its annual benefit bridge and silent auction. From
MORE, Maryland, alumnae chapter for the Children's left are Joanna Horrisberger Schleyer (Mrs. W . C. Jr.,),
Ward of Greater Baltimore Medical Center. From left, EA; Arlene Andreson DesJardins (Mrs. R. J.), X A ; Sarah
Leah F r e d e r i c k P e r r y ( M r s . J . W . ) , %T, a n d J a n e t B l a n t o n Seevers C h e a t u m ( M r s . L . M . ) , <f>. F o r n e a r l y 10 y e a r s t h e
Stewart (Mrs. R. D.), BA, chairman, show the puppets. chapter has supplied t w o hospitals w i t h p u p p e t s . A t least
50 are given to Children's M e r c y Hospital and the Uni-
H O L I D A Y F A N T A S Y is a l u n c h e o n - b r i d g e b e n e f i t f o r versity of Kansas M e d i c a l Center.
the Illinois Children's Hospital School in the Chicago
M e d i c a l C e n t e r . F r o m l e f t is J a n e t T a v e r n e r J u c k e t t ( M r s . KENT C O U N T Y Child Haven for dependent and
Robert), &, buying her ticket from Valerie Christmann neglected children sing carols with alumnae of
G R A N D RAPIDS, Michigan. Pictured are Nancy Haisch
Purigraski (Mrs. Milan), K P ; A n n Temple Balcam (Mrs.
Aldon), Bl-; and Judy Blett Leonard (Mrs. Richard), K P .

The Hub of the New Jersey Meals on Wheels




T H E N E W JERSEY alumnae As an alumnae chapter located active in publicizing its work to
chapter is an official wheel of the in the suburbs of a large metropoli- other communities. Summit and
Meals on Wheels program in East tan area, we have found it hard to Montclair have started Meals on
Orange. Three years ago we voted coordinate our work in one city Wheels programs which will make it
to adopt this worthy cause as our or one town or one hospital. H o w - easier for our members to serve as
local philanthropy. Meals on Wheels ever, we became interested in this volunteers in cities closer to indi-
is a community service to provide ever-growing field because one of viduals in our group. Jane is pic-
hot, nutritious daily meals to resi- our members, Jane Batterson Dick- tured in the Meals on Wheels series
dents who because of illness, physi- man (Mrs. C. L . ) , Rho, had been of photographs.
cal handicap, or old age are unable active in the East Orange Meals on
to purchase and prepare food for Wheels since its beginning there in W e have one f u n d raising meet-
themselves. I f they are able, clients 1958. She has been president of the ing a year and contribute the pro-
pay a fee of $7.00 per week; how- organization and is still extremely ceeds of this affair to Meals on
ever, this figure is adjusted down- Wheels. We pack food, do office
ward depending on the financial need work, drive delivery cars, visit pro-
of the recipient. spective clients, and continue public
S P R I N G of 1967—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

Collection r
oif Alumnae
Service Giving Sharing

Nostalgic Notes Sells sandwiches
About well-planned Auburn, Ala.—United Appeal received the funds from a booth
events that have become operated by Delta Delta at the A l l Campus fund drive. W o r k -
perennial favorites i n g w i t h ATV. i n the u g l y m a n contest the chapter w o n second
place. The money earned went for campus improvements. I n
World Students benefit the spring quarter sandwiches are sold in the dormitories
for philanthropic quota.
Canada: Toronto—aids W o r l d University Services's share
week w i t h sales of cookies; gives a Christmas party f o r work- Collects food
ers at the I n t e r - f r a t e r n i t y Cerebral Palsy workshop i n Toronto,
and raises funds for the workshop with an annual Beta Tau Northern Arizona—what does October 31st mean to you? T o
chapter spaghetti dinner. most people it is a n i g h t f o r c h i l d r e n dressed as goblins o r
witches asking for treats. But to Theta Omega chapter, it was
an evening of philanthropic activity. Seventy AOIIs canvassed
Flagstaff collecting canned foods for five needy families. The
g i r l s , w e a r i n g t h e i r r e d A O I I blazers, w e n t to 5,000 homes,
"Trick or Treating." This has been an annual affair for four
years. The actual collecting of canned foods took approxi-
mately two hours, but the sorting of the foods took several
more hours. Five local grocery stores supplimented each box
of canned food with a ham or turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.
The names of the needy families were obtained f r o m the Flag-
staff social welfare department. The project is publicized by
radio stations in addition to articles and pictures in the local
newspapers in order that the entire city is informed of the AOII
purpose for "Trick or Treating." The entire project was spon-
sored by the Chamber of Commerce and the city police. H a l -
loween night for the Northern Arizona University AOII is an
evening of giving, instead of receiving.

Aids preschool children Upsilon Alpha takes children trick or treating

Montreal, McGill U.—downtown low income area pre-school Arizona U.—helps a needy family with food and living necessi-
t i e s ; gives a h a l l o w e e n p a r t y f o r 35 c h i l d r e n a n d t h e n takes
children at the University Settlement are given several hours them trick or treating; gives a Christmas party jointly with
on alternate weeks by Kappa Phi collegiates. A n annual carol- A<M2 f o r the A s t h m a t i c c h i l d r e n i n T u c s o n .
ling expedition and sale of handmade Bonhommes (wooly
emblems of the McGill winter carnival) raises funds for SotlpfeSt SpOHSOr
cerebral palsy.
Arkansas State—an all Greek songfest is sponsored by Sigma
Omicron chapter. Proceeds last year were divided between
Heart fund and the United fund. Annually the chapter works
in the office of T B seals and helps with numerous fund drives.

Gives parties for disturbed girls Sends Viet Nam platoon packages

British Columbia—monthly parties f o r the Elizabeth F r y so- University of California—Los Angeles—an army platoon in
ciety of Vancouver is Beta Kappa's work. Affiliated w i t h the Viet Nam received packages at Christmas f r o m Kappa Theta
program set up by the society f o r the W i l l i n g t o n School f o r chapter. Foodstuffs, magazines, luxury items and notes were
delinquent and emotionally disturbed girls, the B K collegiates sent.
help breakdown barriers caused by loneliness.

Donates food

San Jose State, Calif.—rated first place by A X A in the food
donation for Thanksgiving. The annual caroling by Delta
Sigma chapter at Agnews state hospital was continued as w e l l
as a Christmas p a r t y f o r underprivileged c h i l d r e n given w i t h

Plans playground parties

San Fernando Valley State, Calif.—A spring party is planned
by Sigma P h i colony as p h i l a n t h r o p i c w o r k t h i s year f o l l o w i n g
the success of a Christmas party given at a nearby playground
f o r n e a r l y SO c h i l d r e n last year.

TAU DELTA chorus line presents the finale in the annual campus-wide Foster parents
variety A O I I sponsored show. The chapter also emphasizes community
giving. California State, Long Beach—members of Lambda Beta chap-
ter are foster parents t o a 14 year o l d C o l u m b i a n g i r l , G l a d y s
Sponsors campus show Cecilia V a r g a s . T h e chapter adopted her i n M a r c h , 1965. T h e
chapter has c o n t r i b u t e d $15 per m o n t h f o r her support i n c l u d -
Birmingham-Southern, Ala.—Mr. Hilltopper's big day at BSC ing buying necessary things f o r her family. Other members
was J a n u a r y 28. T h i s a n n u a l event started a r o u n d 1940 (no of her family include two brothers, two sisters, and her mother.
one is certain of the exact date). Plans start w i t h the selection Her father and mother are separated. Gladys attends a trade
of a theme in November and f r o m there the pace quickens until school run by the Catholic Church where she is learning to
after the new year when the entire chapter begins working. sew and also to speak foreign languages. Gladys writes her
I t is estimated that the last two weeks before M r . Hilltopper's letters in Spanish and they are translated by the Foster Par-
presentation, each member gives at least five hours i n prepara- ents Plan translators. Carla Kramer, corresponds f o r the
t i o n f o r the show. T h e 1965 p r o d u c t i o n raised about $300. chapter; in addition Gladys receives many letters f r o m indi-
vidual girls.

236 S P R I N G of 1967—To Dragma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

Earns money for Cal camp

University of California—earns money for Cal camp, a U n i -
versity sponsored camp for underprivileged children. Work-
i n g w i t h * K T Sigma chapter donated about $300 to the camp.
T h r o u g h the sale of doughnuts the chapter hopes to send needy
c h i l d r e n to see San F r a n c i s c o Seals hockey games.

Sponsors Japanese orphan

University of Colorado—the Japanese orphan, Shigao, who has
been sponsored by Chi Delta, is now at the college level in

"Adopt" nine youngsters

University of Florida—nine elementary and pre-school young-
sters are the "adopted" family of Gamma Omicron chapter.
The chapter began working with the youngsters last year,
teaching them hygiene and etiquette. New and repaired cloth-
ing have been given to them.

Gives $20 a month for foster daughter ANNUAL Christmas party given by NU IOTA—Northern Illinois
University, DeKalb, for orphans from St. Francis orphanage in Free-
F l o r i d a State—twenty dollars a month is given to the welfare port is pictured. Thirty-three children were guests at last year's party.
department for a Tallahasse "foster" daughter of Alpha Pi Michele Sommeria is with the children.
chapter. Christmas gifts are given for a man and woman in
W . T . Edwards (tuberculosis) hospital; and food is donated Leads children in games
to a needy family. Underprivileged children are taken an-
nually to the F S U circus in March. DePauw, Ind.—every Thursday several Theta collegiates meet
children at Commercial Place (a large building in the low
Gives happy hour of song income area of Greencastle) and lead them in singing in
games. The children are f r o m three to thirteen years in age.
F l o r i d a Southern—making a j o y f u l noise in song became part The project was arranged through the Community Action
of Kappa Gamma's giving when it presented an hour serenade Program. Finances f r o m the chapter w i l l be used f o r refresh-
for the Rhor O l d Folks home, Bartow. ments. The chapter also gave winter clothing to a needy
high school girl.

Gives to children: baskets, gifts, circus outing Gives parties for mentally retarded

Georgia State—Sheltering A r m s day care center is aided at Hanover, Ind.—a recreational activity is planned once a month
Christmas with toys and clothing and at Easter with a basket for patients at the Muscatatuck state hospital. Parties have
f o r each child. F o r three years Gamma Sigma chapter has taken been given f o r nursery children, for a G i r l Scout troop, and
the children to the Shrine circus in Atlanta. Children at Grady entertainment f o r aged. P h i O m i c r o n started the project i n 1964.
hospital, in the physical therapy w a r d , have been an added project
this year. Strikes benefit cancer

Collects for Salvation Army Ball State, Ind.—a dime a strike was the plea of Kappa Kappa
chapter collegiates and B 0 I I as they u n i t e d in efforts under
University of Georgia—needy families in the Athens area bene- the slogan, Let's Strike out for cancer," arranged during the
fit f r o m canned goods collected "door to door" by L a m b d a local cancer fund drive. The chapter participated in the uni-
Sigma collegiates for families specified by the Salvation Army. versity Mental health and the Christmas drive.
The chapter also remembers a special alumna in a nursing
home throughout the year. Helps send girl to camp

Remembers servicemen and widow Indiana State—on some Saturdays, Kappa Alpha collegiates
help at the Torner House Girls' club. Donations have been
Northwestern, Illinois—felt and f u r bookmarks, made by an given to send a girl to camp and a Halloween party given. The
aging w i d o w , are sold by Rho collegiates. A l l the money is chapter also helped a T V station with election returns.
donated to the woman who makes the bookmarks (her sole
means of support). Letters f r o m home are a project sent to Collects $925 for United Fund
men in Viet Nam. A thanksgiving basket was prepared.
Evansville, Ind.—Robynn Schlundt of Chi Lambda chapter
Aids TB society was named M i s s U n i t e d F u n d f o r 1966 w h e n the chapter
collected $925 out of the $1900 t o t a l raised by a l l campus
I l l i n o i s Wesleyan—each Beta Lambda member gives some time organizations. T h e annual campus d r i v e was begun five years
one day a week to the Bloomington Tuberculosis Society. ago.

Adopts Army Battalion with Vets Club Decorate homes

N o r t h e r n I l l i n o i s — a b o u t 200 soldiers in V i e t N a m have been Purdue, Ind.—hoping to spread a merrier Christmas Phi
"adopted" by N u Iota chapter and the Vets Club at N I U . Upsilon collegiates help decorate homes near the chapter house
C Battery of the First Light Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion and also aid the children. Members also aided the staff of a
s t a t i o n e d i n D a N a n g received a huge s c r o l l w i t h over 100 soldier's home in giving a party.
signatures. I t was o f f e r e d as a proclamation of support. The chap-
ter is co-sponsor of an annual campus variety show, Showtime, Concentrate on helping servicemen
w i t h all proceeds being used f o r charity.
Indiana—gifts and letters for servicemen in Viet Nam have
been the project of Beta Phi chapter.

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1967

Gives party

Morningside, Iowa—a Christmas party for children at the
Winnebago Indian reservation was a project of Theta Chi

Iron shirts to raise funds

Kansas—Flu chapter earned a trophy for making more money
for charity at University of Kansas than any other living
group. I t raised funds for Red Cross, Greater University fund,
Campus Chest drive and helped with Operation Headstart in
Lawrence, d o i n g so by i r o n i n g shirts.

Helps needy

Western Kentucky State—mental patients at Western Kentucky
state hospital received packages of food, clothing f r o m Alpha Chi
chapter, and a needy Bowling Green family was remembered with
food at Thanksgiving.

Collects clothes

Murray State, Ky.—occasional visits to the local nursing home
and hospital to talk and sing with patients was a spring project.
W i t h a fraternity Delta Omega chapter canvassed M u r r a y in a
clothes drive which benefited Kentucky areas. Members also
write servicemen assigned to the U.S.S. Roosevelt.

Plans afternoon party CATHY SACKS, IIA, takes a patient's temperature during the Uni-
versity of MARYLAND annual fall Blood Drive. Pi Delta chapter mem-
Southeastern Louisiana—nearly 65 c h i l d r e n f r o m the H a m m o n d bers aid Red Cross nurses.
area attend a four hour party given by Kappa Tau collegiates
jointly w i t h a campus fraternity. T w o gifts are given each

Holds treasure item auction half Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. Another council proj-
ect is a Christmas party f o r faculty children and a Panhellenic
Louisiana State—owners of " t r e a s u r e d " items o f t e n find them baby sitting service for faculty.
on the $1 auction block at the A l p h a O m i c r o n pledge-collegiate
meeting. The owner always has the last bid, which is $1. Each Knits afghan for children
member donates $1 to the campus U n i t e d Givers f u n d .
Tufts, Jackson College, Mass.—Delta collegiates who knit
Gives spring outfits for boys make squares for an afghan f o r a g i f t to the Children's Cancer
Research foundation, Boston. The Jimmy fund continues
H. Sophie Newcomb—two boys f r o m an underprivileged fam- to receive toys collected at the spring pledge formal. Escorts
ily were given spring outfits. Pi chapter also gave an Easter bring a toy instead of a corsage.
party at the Crippled Children's hospital and gave a Christmas
party for an orphanage in New Orleans.

Visits retarded Works with others

Northeast Louisiana State—Lambda T a u chapter as a group Michigan State—Beta Gamma collegiates worked with alumnae
visits the G. B. Cooley hospital for mentally retarded children in May and made and wrapped gifts for patients in Lapeer
and adults. Refreshments and entertainment are provided. The state hospital. D u r i n g Greek Week, with 6AX, a party was
chapter was divided into eight groups with each taking a given for Lansing underprivileged children.
month to carry out a project for the hospital.

Hospital volunteers Remembers children

University of Maine—each week eight Gamma chapter col- Eastern Michigan—spring favors for the children at Byer
legiates serve two hours at the Eastern Maine general hospital, hospital, Ypsilanti, were a project of Beta Pi chapter. A Christ-
Bangor. Barbara Deal organized the project. mas party was sponsored for children f r o m Campus Service

75 year project nets 1000 pints Send 1000 books to Tuskegee Institute
of blood annually
U n i v e r s i t y of Michigan—more t h a n 1000 books w e r e sent to
University of Maryland—Pi Delta chapter along with T E P Tuskegee Institute as the result of team w o r k of O m i c r o n
has sponsored a drive f o r IS years f o r the Red Cross Blood P i collegiates w i t h A<W2. T h e w o r k e r s placed cartons i n s o r o r i t y
D r i v e . N e a r l y 1,000 pints of blood, the largest d o n a t i o n o f any and fraternity houses and dormitories f o r the collection. Chil-
organization in the area, was given. A new project this year dren of the Michigan State home, A n n Arbor, were given a
is w o r k i n g each week at a local children's center w i t h mentally Halloween party.
retarded children.
Presents one-night stand
Work in hospital gift shop
University of Minnesota—convalescent patients at Fairview
Washington College, Md.—Sigma T a u chapter is w o r k i n g in hospital helped 50 T a u collegiates l e a r n on N o v e m b e r 14 that
conjunction with Panhellenic in the g i f t shop of Kent County philanthropy can be f u n . S i x acts were g i v e n by the collegiates,
hospital. Every three weeks two A O n s work an hour and a climaxed by a sing-along in the Minneapolis hospital.

238 S P R I N G of 1967—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

m0% Uses sales for funds

Denison, Ohio—proceeds f r o m sales of candy, cookies, and
an a u c t i o n are used to finance A l p h a T a u p h i l a n t h r o p i c ac-

Works in ONU library

Ohio Northern—library work of preparing new books for
shelving, typing catalogue cards, marking new books with
accession and call numbers has been the project of Kappa
Pi chapter since it was pledged as a colony on October 1, 1966,
beginning the w o r k in winter quarter of 1966.

ALPHA PHI chapter—Montana State College and Sigma Nu in Read to Blind Miami senior
cooperation with Gallatin County Association for Retarded Children
sponsored a second annual fund raising drive during November. Miami U n i v e r s i t y , O h i o — W h e n W i l l i a m W . Cool '65, blind
Marchers took one heel-to-toe step each time a dime was donated in M i a m i U n i v e r s i t y alumnus, received one of three $500 national
their group's name. The association netted $1,900. awards f o r outstanding scholastic achievement. AOu" Margaret
T a y l o r f e l t she and five Omega chapter members had a small
part in it. She organized a reading group of five members and
they recorded as they read Bill's course books to him. The
recording was done to permit B i l l to review the material. The
Miami Alumnus featured B i l l and a picture of Margaret in the
July 1965 edition. Recent w o r k has been w i t h second graders
in the special education classes at a local school. A Halloween
party was given for the youngsters at the TKE chapter house.

Brings happiness to home-bound Holiday visits

University of Montana—each collegiate remembers an elderly Youngstown, Ohio—a community project of visits to an
woman from the community with visits, cards, and gifts. A n - orphan's home and children's wards of nearby hospitals for
other project is to buy four new desks for the local Oppor- Christmas and Easter are the results of funds raised by Phi
tunity school, which specializes in education of handicapped Lambda chapter selling candy and light bulbs.

Gives party for elderly Toledo varies service

University of Mississippi—a Halloween party for elderly cit- University of Toledo—aids migratory workers, sent tapes of
izens of O x f o r d was given by N u Beta collegiates. Favors, re- local news from Toledo to servicemen in Viet N a m ; partici-
freshments were given and a songfest held. The chapter also pated in world university carnival to help raise funds to pur-
aided in giving funds f o r an operation for a needy boy. chase books and supplies f o r exchange students; and did vari-
ous community services. The chapter continues to sponsor
Make, fill holiday stockings AOPow Wow.

Central Missouri State—annually Delta Pi collegiates make, Oregon "slave" sales nets profits
decorate and stuff Christmas stockings for a cottage of boys
at the Higginsville state school and hospital for mentally University of Oregon—Alpha Sigma contributed money for its
retarded children. Other remembrances include cards on birth- "Ugly Man" by ironing shirts, washing cars, and selling them-
days as w e l l as the special Easter party which has a bunny selves at a "slave" sale. The chapter collected useful clothing
giving out baskets. for the Christy School and contributed linen to the Buckley
House for alcoholics. A Christmas package was planned for
Chili feed raises funds our K o r e a n o r p h a n w i t h the <t>K*, the co-sponsor. T h e chapter
raised funds in the spring White Water Parade for the Chil-
University of Nebraska—the Zeta chapter house basement be- dren's Hospital school.
comes a Spanish restaurant when the annual pledge chili feed
f o r a l l Greek pledges is g i v e n . L a s t year $106 was raised. T h e Helps Oregon Red Cross
chapter used f u n d s to send 22 c h i l d r e n to a variety show spon-
sored by the Lincoln Braille club, with proceeds going to them Portland State—each R h o S i g m a collegiate helped fill a red or
for operational expenses. Other profits are used to help the green bag with small gifts for servicemen in Viet Nam. A
Builders University foundation which gives scholarships. Christmas card was included in the gift. For Oregon the goal
was 7,000 d i t t y bags, specified f o r the F i r s t M a r i n e D i v i s i o n .
Washes cars for funds The chapter also made favors for children at Doernbecher
Memorial hospital.
H a r t w i c k , N . Y . — a n all-campus car wash is used to raise money
for contributions by Sigma Chi chapter. Pennsylvania aids cancer

Gives faculty tots party Pennsylvania State—participation in cancer tag day is Epsilon
Alpha's main philanthropic project. The American Cancer
Wagner, N.Y.—an Easter party f o r children of faculty is given. society provides armbands and receptacles for a canvass of
Many faculty members also attend. Children play games, make State College.
cutouts, hunt eggs. G i f t packages have also been sent to
orphanages, which are visited and assisted with caroling. Pennsylvania chapter serves hospital
Volunteer w o r k has been given to the Staten Island cancer
clinic by members of Theta P i chapter. Indiana University of Pennsylvania—one four-hour shift every
month is the Gamma Beta collegiate service to Indiana hospital
Helps Salvation Army during the academic year. Under direction of Mrs. Harvey
Rudolph, head of women's hospital auxiliary, the collegiates
East Carolina, Greenville—Zeta Psi collegiates have annually work in three areas: guides for visitors ; messengers for nurses
assisted a fraternity in giving parties for children in connec- and doctors; circulating the hospitality cart. Some aid is given
tion with the Salvation Army. in the visitor's coffee shop.

To Drugma o f A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1967 239

Slippery Rock tutors tots Washington shouts "hurrah for Chuckie"

Slippery Rock State, Penn.—tutoring on all grade levels, parties Washington State—Chuckie can count and talk (when he wants
for all and get-togethers have been given by Sigma Rho col- to). Chuckie is a mentally retarded boy who resides at L a k e -
legiates at the Presbyterian home for children, Mars. land Village in Medical L a k e . T h e project of helping Chuckie
began when Gwen Jackson was president of Alpha Gamma
Threefold service in Memphis chapter. T h e sponsors of a mentally retarded child act as a
family to the resident. T h e collegiates visit him, and provided
Southwestern at Memphis—for several years the Kappa Omi- a party on his birthday, but most importantly provided a sense
cron chapter has sponsored Zuhir Bshara, a Lebanese orphan; of love from a fellow human. T h i s fall a party was given for
secondly, the chapter aids mental health by contributions Chuckie and the other 41 children in his hall.
toward the expenses of an emotionally handicapped child at-
tending a special school in Nashville; and gives to the Shelter U. of Washington plans year-round aid
Care home. Annual baskets of food are given at Christmas.
University of Washington—with the belief that help is needed
Serves Lambuth community not just at holidays, Upsilon chapter works toward giving
to others on a year-round basis. Proceeds from various sales
Lambuth, Tenn.—Omega Omicron collegiates prepare a help an orphan in Viet N a m ; time goes to various community
Thanksgiving dinner for welfare children and include games organizations; but Christmas remains special for "pixie week"
and a skit on the origin of the holiday. Christmas baskets are is held. Gifts exchanged during this time are rewrapped and
planned for needy families and also in December the Lions given to needy families.
Club is aided in its paper sale for needy children. The Lions
publishes the paper and collegiates are volunteer saleswomen. Stout chapter sells commemorative stamps
Collegiates serve as marchers in the March of Dimes.
Stout State University—Menomonie, Wis., Iota T a u chapter has
U. of Tennessee continues scholarship giving been collecting cancelled stamps, which are sold to collectors.
Profits are used for support of needy children throughout the
University of Tennessee—the annual proceeds from the barbe- world. A protestant church in Washington arranges the project.
cue in Circle P a r k before one of the home football games
proved another success this fall. Proceeds go toward a scholar- Milwaukee chapter adopts child from India
ship given to an applicant by the University. Baskets for the
needy were given during the holiday by Omicron chapter. University of W i s c o n s i n - M i l w a u k e e — P h i D e l t a chapter has
been waiting to learn the name of the child from I n d i a it has
Tennessee Candy-stripers agreed to take into the "family". Monthly aid will provide food,
shelter and clothing for the child. Twenty-five mentally re-
East Tennessee State—Phi Alpha collegiates work as Candy tarded children attending Vogel school, on U W M campus,
Stripers in the local hospital. have always enjoyed the parties given by AOIIs.

Texas bazaar helps children Teen-agers frolic in LaCrosse

University of Texas—Pi Kappa collegiates and alumnae joined Wisconsin State—a party for teen-arers in the home for
forces in a November bazaar, with proceeds helping children emotionally disturbed children, plus helping with baskets for
in Austin. Collegiates also gave a party for children in a local the needy under guidance of the Salvation A r m y and work
hospital. with the local Boys Club are the service work of Sigma Lambda
Aid Texas Cub Scout pack
St. Norbert's chapter advances
Pan American—a mentally retarded Cub Scout pack from the American Indian
Valley area benefits from Rho Alpha collegiates. The chapter
provides and serves refreshments and assists the den mothers. St. Norbert, Wis.—a project to work under two government
The service varies from 30 to 45 minutes a day, about every vista workers in the area is underway at Sigma Sigma chap-
other week. ter. Tutoring and recreation for the Oneida Indians is to be

P is for purpose. Work must adhere to the purpose of any philanthropic
service—to give a bit of ourselves to those less fortunate.

H is for help. This is the essential ingredient—to help others.
I is for individuals. Individuals bound by understanding which we seek

to share with others.
L is for laughter. Philanthropic work need not be drudgery. Moments

of laughter shared with others may be the greatest service we can give.
A is for ageless. Through time eternal, the ageless cause of philanthropic

work with others will be needed.
N is for name. In performing service for others, we are also distinguish-

ing Alpha Omicron Pi as a group that cares for others.
T is for time. Philanthropic work is time-giving, done so by many loyal

H is for honor. The only honor we seek is that of helping others.
R is for responsibility. Through service to others, we learn that one of

our responsibilities is to give as well as to receive.
0 is for organization. As in any project, organization is the key to success.
P is for pull. In pulling for a common goal, we are drawn closer together

in sisterhood.
1 is for ideals. With the ideals of the Founders in mind, we hope to share

the beauty of giving service with others.
C is for care. Through philanthropic work, we show that we care. But,

above all, each learns to truly care.

240 S P R I N G of 1967—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

PHILANTHROPY IS P A R T of every National Panhellenic Conference

P. s. sorority's vocabulary. Each has a project in which members, collegiates and

from the alumnae contribute energy and funds.

T. S. A O I I was one of the first to initiate a nationally supported project of ibis
nature in 1931 (see Autumn, 1 9 6 2 ) . F N S is familiar to all of us. I n my
by Wendie Nowlin travels I have discovered that many chapters have a fuzzy picture of philan-
Alpha Pi—Florida State University thropic quota, or the Ruby Fund contributions. Information of this nature
Traveling Secretary should be learned during pledge training. Most chapters know that the Phil-
anthropic quota can he met easily by sending in magazine subscriptions to
» Central Office. The commissions are credited to the chapter's quota. The
Philanthropic Chairman can be asked to give a talk to pledges on service.

Those chapters who do know of our purposes have created some clever
ways of raising the money. Tau Delta—Birmingham Southern College, won
the philanthropic award at the 1965 convention. Annually they have a cam-
pus-wide variety show of students presenting talent strictly for entertain-
ment. AOLT traditionally presents the finale of a chorus line.

Alpha Chi—Western Kentucky University, has a "Cards 'n Fashions"
party. I n this way they raise their quota money, get to participate in a fashion
show, and provide an enjoyable afternoon for guests.

Two other chapters I will mention have less active, but non-the-less pro-
ductive projects. Alpha Rho—Oregon State University, gives the profits
from the refreshment machines in the chapter house to F N S . Pi Delta—Uni-
versity of Maryland, asks each member to give a minimum of $ 2 . 0 0 to
philanthropic f r o m the re-sale of one of their textbooks. I t avoids the un-
popular added assessments, and at the same time, involves personal participa-

Local service is equally important, as giving of ourselves to those around
us was a goal of our founders. Beta Rho—University of Montana, began its
project when a colony. Each collegiate has the name of a home-lxmnd elderly
woman, whom she visits periodically on her own time. The chapter still
continues this community work which must certainly provide great personal

Kappa Pi—Ohio Northern University, began its project as a colony serv-
ing the college as library aides. They have been commended often for this
service, because it allows the librarians time to do the more intricate tasks.

As I have mentioned, it looks as if some chapters need a re-education on
the meaning and importance of philanthropy. It's never too late to improve
for the future.

Now that we are in 1967, it will not be long before the International Con-
vention is here. This will be a convention in what should prove to be a magni-
ficent setting, Mackinac Island, Michigan. For those fortunate presidents,
you will be representing your respective chapters; what an honor and thrill.
Why not prepare now to be an alert delegate by re-reading your A O I I Consti-
tution and By-Laws and all mailings from Central Office regarding conven-
tion? You will want to learn all you can in June ( 1 7 - 2 2 ) too, so you can
better interpret our organization to your chapter. Remember, they are paying
your expenses (convention t a x ) .

1 am looking forward to convention with much anticipation. 1 will be able
to see again the many sisters I have met over the past 2 0 months. I t will be
a memorable occasion from many viewpoints for all of us. Hope to see Y O U
there, too.

<J>A—University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee is
treasurer of Panhellenic council, was pres- Members of Alpha Omicron Pi who were listed in the fourth edition of
ident of AWS, and is vice president of Who's Who were included in the winter 1966 To DRAG MA. Names of those
Women's Commerce society. She was runner- not included in the published list, but in the fourth edition are:
up for best dressed girl on campus. The
editor printed a cut legend on Mary Jane Hetty Warner Dietz, H—University of Wisconsin, author of books on
Jones, <I>A, below the picture of Lynn in Africa, China, Korea and Japan and others
winter, 1966.
Mrs. John Whitaker Lord, Jr., *—University of Pennsylvania, president of
MARY J A N E J O N E S (not shown), * A , is Republican Women of Pennsylvania, Inc.
studying music at The American Conserv-
atory of Music in Chicago and is attending Priscilla R. Morton, Q—Miami University, educator
evening classes at Northwestern University.
She was president of UWM Alpha Delta Mu, Beatrice Everett Purdy, N—New York University, educator
fine arts professional and honorary society.
Mary Jane was the first place winner in Peak Josephine Pelletier Pryor ( M r s . D . E . ) , K®—University of California at
Night, UWM annual variety show. Los Angeles, social worker

To Pragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1967 241

BRIGHTLY Vicki Howell Shirley Whitaker
8 * — U . of Toledo — U . of Toledo
iiuiiiinu A<t>r, Journalism
Women's tennis team Greeks editor, yearbook
Molly Engle A<l>r, honorary vice pres.
• * A — U . of Arizona
Editor of yearbook

Diane Travis Joan Schaefer Carol Thomas Susan Major
A"1>—Montana State C . 0—U. of Tennessee 0S2—Northern Arizona U.
Spurs, president A4>—Montana State C . Nahheeyayli's Choice Chosen outstanding
Cheer queen AWS Council girl by Chain Gang

Frannie Kacimarek Billie Ann Clearman Dianne McKay Barbara Thomas
H * — U . of Toledo TA—Birmingham-Southern AA—Auburn U. 0 — U . of Tennessee
Student Union Board KAE and Who's Who Majorette Pres. Blue Triangle
and Student Senate Student Government ROTC company sponsor

242 S P R I N G of 1967—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

Sylvia Nennelcer Dede Williams
XA—Evansville C . TE—Georgia State C .
Cap and Gown Copy editor, Signal

Junior class senator Emily Baker
Secretary Journalism Society NO—Vanderbilt U.

Miss Vanderbilt, 1966-67
Greek Week carnival queen

Jerne N. Barnett Connie Doughty Nancy Morrow
XA—Evansville C. A<|>—Montana State College
nPor—es. ALaImT ,bu(EthngClis.h Cap and Gown Angel Flight Commander
Junior with highest average




Mary Ann Hull Judith McDonald Robbie Jean Broom Ellen Balz
KO—Southwestern TA—Birmingham Southern
XA—Evansville C . Junior Senator Pres. Freshman class 2A—Wisconsin State U.
<t>K'I> and Cap and Gown RATOM
Most Outstanding Sophomore Triangle, honorary
1965 Homecoming Court

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1967 24}

April 9th, 1966

Editor, To Dragma
Dear Editor:

With real pleasure—and no little pride—I
have just finished reading the Spring issue of the To
Dragma. The interest shown by sister alumnae in their com-
munities, and their involvement in its activities, means
they, too, have enjoyed rewarding experiences.

This issue had two articles on A O I I s active
in Red Cross. Now serving my second year on the National
Board of Governors for that organization, I can appreciate
what an important part those women are playing in this
service. It is a truly dedicated field—and I thought you,
and they, should know how we feel about those who
give so much of their time to helping so many people
everywhere in this chaotic world of ours.

Very sincerely,

Irma Fliehr Regan (Mrs. Arthur C . )
Tau chapter—University of Minnesota

• Irma Regan recently addressed an international group of Red RETIRING EDITOR Barbara Doering Healy (Mrs. James H . ) , lota,
Cross in Washington and was the principal speaker on general in her writing area. At spring edition presstime, this area has been
philosophies and principles underlying Red Cross services Novem- dismantled and in the mobile society, the Healys are on the move to
ber 2 at the Northland chapter, Duluth, Minnesota, American Illinois, where Dr. Healy began January 30 as director of material
National Red Cross. I r m a refers to the spring, 1966, edition of
T o D R A G M A i n her letter, which is published w i t h her permission. sciences for the Amphenol Corporation, Broadview.

Barbara Healy

has pushed her chair a w a y f r o m t h e
editorial desk o f TO D R A G M A after
23 issues. W i t h t h e next edition t h e
new editor will assume the editorship.

A LICENSED PILOT and member of the Kentucky Bluegrass
Ninety-Nines, retiring editor Barbara and pilot husband Jim are avid

general aviation enthusiasts, who have owned a Cessna 172 for three
years. Barbara flew solo to her parents' East Peoria home and installed

the Peoria, Illinois, alumnae club in October 1965, during the time
she completed requirements for cross-country distances.

Ninety-Nines is an international organization for women pilots.

244 S P R I N G of 1967—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

Operation Brass Tacks *The study was made on the basts of investigation of profes-
NPC Editors' Conference
Special article series sional groups in California, namely, the Southern California

"So you want an outside job, T O O " , or "New Horizons for the Women Lawyers, the Women Lawyers Club, the Medical Wom-
Educated W i f e and M o t h e r " , by Louise Shanahan is the seventh
of a series of articles prepared f o r sorority magazines by Oper- en's Society of the Los Angeles County Medical Association, and
ation Brass Tacks, a project of the National Panhellenic Editors'
Conference. Permission to reprint the article or any portion the Society of Women Engineers, and the faculties of state and
thereof must be obtained f r o m the Operation Brass Tacks com-
mittee. private universities, as well as other smaller professional organi-

Reprints may be ordered at the f o l l o w i n g prices: 1-25, ten zations.
cents each; quantities above 25, five cents each. Address f o r
reprints and permission to publish is: National Panhellenic The criteria for the study of these women included four basic
Editors' Conference, Dorothy Davis Stuck, chairman OBT; Box
490, M a r k e d Tree, Arkansas, 72365. requisites. She must be a college graduate and trained for a pro-

fessional career. She must be married. She must have at least two

children of preschool age or school age (from grammar school

up to and including the last year of college). She must be working

in her professional field.

Certain common denominator assets were present in
these women: an understanding and co-operative hus-
band, good health and exceptional stamina, co-operative
children, and a basic self-confidence in their ability to
contribute something worthwhile to the world through
their work.

So you want Professional Opportunities

an outside job, Opportunities in professional fields for married women
with children are varied.
I n the field of law, Susan T . (fictitious identification is
By Louise Shanahan. Mrs. Shanahan is a Los Angeles resident who used throughout, but all information is based on actual
does free lance writing in her home, where children, six, five and case histories), who is the mother of five children, said,
four require her interest and care. She is a graduate of Western "Women are as smart as men, but the fact of children
Reserve University and holds an M.A. from UCLA and has done cannot be overlooked. Because of my family, no first class
additional graduate work in creative writing at Stanford. She has law firm would hire me."
written a series of educational scripts for television.
However, Therese M . (who has two children) had
S<). Y O U ' R E A W O M A N . So you want a husband, another observation. She has a doctorate in mathematics,
home and family, but, you want to work, too. and said, "Women definitely do not have to accept second
choice opportunities in mathematics."
How can you successfully combine the two?
This leads to a number of other questions. What per- Ellen K., an architect, declared, "It's very difficult to
sonal qualities will help you to manage this "double life"? achieve top positions in offices where you have men work-
How does your husband f i t in ? ing for you. It's difficult to obtain work when in business
A n d what about guilt feelings as you balance your vari- for yourself."
ous responsibilities, particularly as regards your children?
W i l l these feelings plague you enough to undermine your I n the field of engineering, Caroline D . reported, " I
efficiency ? have seen instances of second choice opportunities for
These and other questions are pertinent to all women women, but the situation is improving. M y present posi-
who work, f r o m the lowliest clerk-typist on to the trained tion has certain responsibilities and requirements that are
professional lawyer or doctor operating out of her own usually filled by men. I ' m recognized by men and my
office. They are particularly relevant to the college edu- professional status is respected."
cated woman many of whom are specially trained in
specialized fields. Joyce N . , an engineer, said, "No, women have equal
I n order to learn the answers to some of these ques- opportunities with men. I was one of twelve applicants
tions, a representative group of women in various pro- for an engineering position with a large firm, ( I assume
fessions were studied in Southern California for the the other eleven were men), I was hired."
purpose of determining the realistic contributions they
have made to their work, their family, and the community Dr. Mary K . said. " I believe each sex has its separate
at large by utilizing their education after marriage. contribution to make in the professions just as their roles
The study* is meant to serve only as a guideline as in life are different. My standing in medical school was
well as a source of inspiration ( I t can be done!) to those high enough so that I could take my pick of intern serv-
women who would like to find fulfillment in new horizons. ices, had no trouble landing a residency, and I have never
felt discriminated against in private practice."
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1967
Organizational Ability

Emerging from the composite portrait of the pro-
fessional woman who is married and has children,

certain factors are evident which determine her success.
She reveals superior organizational ability, and

docs not procrastinate because she understands the
value of time. Consequently, she is capable of

organizing her personal and professional life with
flexibility and wisdom.

In a word, she is able to recognize the difference
betxveen essentials and non-essentials. These women

quite wisely delegate some routine household tasks
to their children which encourages them to develop a

sense of responsibility.
continue to next page


Continued from preceding page her personal relationship with her husband, there was
present a wholehearted cooperation and understanding
So you want an outside job, too which was reflected in her professional endeavors. I n
fact, many of the women suggested that they could not
have accomplished their goals had it not been for their

Good Health Quality of Motherhood

The professional woman has good mental and physical Many college educated women are indecisive about
health. While this fact may appear too obvious to be returning or entering into professional work because
mentioned, it must be pointed out that the mental and they are not sure that their young children will receive
physical stamina of these women is one of the founda- the love and attention they need. This concern is justified
tions upon which they are able to create successful lives.
and requires thoughtful scrutiny on the part of the
Managing a home and children as well as a profession mother. There are many solutions to the problem, but
demands great vitality which these women have in abun-
dance. It is interesting to note that many of these women almost always it is resolved in terms of husband-wife
continued their academic studies for advanced degrees co-operation and some community service.
while pregnant, and upon giving birth did not interrupt
their careers for an unduly long period of time. On the The women studied were serious about the responsi-
contrary, those women who were already in professional bilities of motherhood. At the same time, it is apparent
work resumed their work within two or three weeks after that they did not find it necessary to inhibit their profes-
the birth of a child. sional interests, but were able to make various adjust-
Husband's Attitude
Susan T . said, "With respect to the care of my children,
Probably the major influence which determines the they went to nursery school when they were three and
success of the professional woman (aside from her in- started school at the age of four and one-half. I have
telligence and perseverance) is her husband's attitude always cared for them before and after school, helped
toward her career. with lessons, listened to piano practice, and participated
in other activities. I have been a cub scout mother."
It is significant that many of the women who were
interviewed were married to men who were in similar Therese M. observed, "Children suffer from the un-
professions or executive positions which made urgent necessary sacrifices of their parents' pleasures in life.
demands upon them, and as a consequence, the men were Insofar as one establishes for children the image of a
cognizant and appreciative of their wives' abilities, and person expressing him or herself through work, one aids
their necessity to utilize these abilities, instead of dismiss- the child in forming a future image of him or herself as
ing these achievements casually. a worthwhile human being."

Susan T . , who practices law at home, said, 'T couldn't Caroline D., who has four children (two boys and two
have done it without my husband's continuing physical girls), said, " I have made an extra effort to do all the
and spiritual support, and actual advice upon legal prob- things we would do if I did not work. I made most of my
lems. We shared household tasks and child care in our clothes and the girls'. We have family projects especially
early struggles, and our work and children have been at Christmas. Although our time is limited, we try to plan
great common bonds." it so that none is wasted and we probably have learned
to appreciate what we do more than families who do not
Therese M. said, "My husband shared child care and budget time."
household tasks while I was studying for advanced de-
grees. We followed the same pattern for our second child. Dr. Mary K . said, "My particular field (general prac-
Without my husband's quiet, dependable assistance, I tice) lends itself to personal adjustments as to hours and
would not be teaching mathematics." days of work. I have been able to decide whether to work
three days of the week or more. I do not feel my children
Joyce N., an electrical engineer, said, "My husband's have been cheated. I have been able to give them per-
influence (He is also an engineer.) was the determining sonal attention, every clay type, go to church with them
factor in my continuance of a career. His attitude toward while they were small, even be the doctor at summer
my career possibly influenced my choice of him as a camps, and chaperon at school field trips, drive a station
husband." wagon for the school picnics."

Frances P., an industrial illustrator, said, "My hus- Self-Esteem and Contributions
band who is an engineer is very understanding about my to Family Life
career. He has encouraged me in the work of the Society
of Women Engineers. He is not jealous of my success The educated woman who practices a profession offers
and does not feel it lessens his status." to her children a stimulating intellectual, social, and spir-
itual milieu.
Caroline D., a project engineer, said, "My husband
urged me to continue my education and has co-operated She provides an added assurance of good economic sta-
in all ways to aid me in my career." bility in the home. Should the husband become seriously
ill, the family's finances are not jeopardized to the point
Dr. Mary K . admitted proudly, "My husband fostered of financial disaster. While the well educated woman pur-
my ambition to become a doctor. He has been my con- sues a profession primarily because of her interest in a
stant mentor, helper, comforter." specific field, the fact of her financial remuneration is not
of secondary importance. The resulting economic security
It is evident that the moral support and encouragement is a very valuable asset to her family.
of the husband is an important contributing factor to his
wife's success. There was no exception to this statement She has personal confidence in her abilities in terms
with respect to the women interviewed. of a lasting lifelong interest. Wisely, from her college
days, she sees life ahead of her and plans for it in its
Moreover, there was excellent communication between totality. She knows that there will be a time when her
the husband and wife. Each woman emphasized that in

246 S P R I N G of 1967—To Pragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

children will not require the attention needed in infancy, women should do and be. Too often an "either-or" com-
and she will have utilized some special talent which will plex has emerged. Either one is a good mother ( i f one
serve her well when her children are grown. stays at home), or one is not a good mother (implied, of
course) i f one has serious interests outside the home.
Joyce N . , an electrical engineer, stated, " A career is
a definite advantage in child rearing because of the It must be emphasized that these women do not sacri-
greater respect you receive f r o m your children. A worldly fice their family life for personal ambition. Too often
and cosmopolitan atmosphere combats the usual over- this is the protest of those who have not given the matter
concern of purely home mothers which is one hundred sufficient thought. The happy combination of marriage,
percent of many children's home life. Moreover, daugh- motherhood, and the practice of a profession, whether it
ters will grow up more aware of the choices they have in is on a part time or full time basis, is a realizable goal. I t
life instead of feeling left out." is through responsible and disciplined effort that the pro-
fessional woman with a family has made the best of two
A n industrial illustrator, Frances P., said, " I am more worlds.
stimulating to my children. The self-reliance they have
developed through my working is very satisfying to see. The pattern set by the women in this study is neither
The girls (two daughters, ages eight and eleven and one- unique nor unrealistic. Co-operation and encouragement
half) attended the Society of Women Engineers' Con- on the part of husbands and children are important to
vention with my husband and me, and other professional the success of these women. Many equally talented women
meetings, are absorbing a lot about women in careers." are not able to realize their potential because a husband
may be indifferent or resent her efforts outside the home,
Dr. Mary K . , whose three children are now young or children may not be taught to respect their mother's
adults, said, " I believe that the continuation of my career gifts. So also the community may approve or disapprove
has given my children more advantages from an educa- of such efforts by either aiding or hindering the progress
tional standpoint, has increased their intellectual aware- of these women toward the realization of professional
ness, their interest in entering a professional field them- goals within the framework of home and family life.
selves. (She has one son in dental school, a daughter in
medical school, and a son in the senior year of college.) Most significantly, however, it is the educated woman
I believe my activities have led my children to develop herself—whether she is next year's college graduate, a
personalities that a more stereotyped family would not married woman with small children, or a middle-aged
have enjoyed." woman with adolescent or young adult children—who is
capable of similar professional achievement providing she
Caroline D . said, "Our friends are of an intellectual evaluates her talents and education and is made aware
level to stimulate the children. The activities we partici- of the fact that she must assume the major responsibility
pate in are more varied." for its development and fruition.

Another subtle asset which these women possess is Above all, the essence of her contribution lies in her
their maturity with respect to their children. They appear usefulness to other people, zvhatever she does.
to be better prepared to face the fact that their children
will grow up and lead independent lives of their own.
They prepare for this development in two ways. They
continue to grow themselves in terms of their professions,
and they do not give up everything for their children,
and make subsequent unreasonable demands upon the
children in young adulthood and maturity.

There are many peripheral advantages which the
professionally educated wife and mother shares with
her family. Her mind and spirit are constantly growing.
She is a flexible, dynamic n'oman. And she contributes
this intellectual and spiritual vitality to her home life

zvhich is still her special milieu.

It is evident that the professionally educated wife and
mother offers her family a variety of assets. For the
intellectual esteem and respect zvhich she receives
from her husband and children, she shares a more

intimate intellectual life with her husband, and provides
a valuable example to her children.

Especially to her daughters is she a source of inspiration.
She is capable of directing and encouraging them

along a path of development which will allow them
to utilise to the maximum their intellectual capacities.
The daughter of a professionally educated woman has
a constant guide in her mother if she chooses a field

such as medicine, law, engineering, mathematics, or

the humanities.

Opportunity and Responsibility 247

The college educated woman today is searching for a
clarification of her position in contemporary society.
While it is no longer the rigid world of grandmother's
day, there exists in our time a vagueness regarding what

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — S P R I N G of 1967

come c o m e come

fo special DAYS

i District IX March 11 Indianapolis
District V I I
April 14, 15 Stone Mountain I n n

Dists. I V and V are invited for and 16 Atlanta, Georgia

district conclave

District X April 1 Executive Inn
Louisville, Kentucky
R E M E M B E R I N G what tun last year's NE- Nebraska State Day A p r i l 15 Lincoln, Nebraska
B R A S K A STATE D A Y was these alumnae of A p r i l 28-29 Nashville, Tennessee
O M A H A alumnae chapter inspect decora- N u Omicron Golden Gala
tions. From left are Patricia Nordin Bruce Vanderbilt University
(Mrs. John H . J r . ) , Sally Miller Breden- formal banquet Belle Meade
kamp (Mrs. Barton) and Nancy Schulte country club, A p r i l 28
Edwards (Mrs. William L . ) — all of Z e t a —
University of Nebraska. Picture is courtesy
of the Omaha World Herald, photographer
J . Robert Paskach. The 1967 Nebraska State
Day is April 15.


This blouse . . . dacron polyester and 30-38. $4.98. There are many classic chures. Order yours soon and enjoy a
pima cotton assures easy c a r e . In blouses, shells, and sweaters to mono- blouse for convention and on every
white, pink, powder blue, beige, aqua, gram all by SORORITY-DEB Company. sorority event . . .
grey, navy, brown and black. Sizes Chapter presidents have complete bro-

AOPi commissions from the blouses go to the Diamond Jubilee Foundation.



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Location of Monogram Monogram Style Size Color
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SHOWING Suite 601-5, Six E . 4th Street
NO C.O.D.'S COMPLETE LINE O F Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

S H E L L S 15*

IMPORTANT: All orders must be accompanied by check or money order made payable to Sorority-Deb. C o .
248 S P R I N G of 1967—To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I

Amen e

Tired of having our collegiate members badgered by some faculty members who use their
positions as a soapbox f r o m which to further individual causes.

Tired of having fraternities identified as a negative campus influence because allegedly
they discriminate and asked to prove they do not. How can any individual chapter
prove the entire fraternity does not discriminate when our records do not identify a mem-
ber by race, color, or creed?

Tired of the time involved by collegiate members and national officers in discussions
with campus committees on whether alumnae influence, through character references on
prospective members, shall be permitted. Since each person on campus, from the presi-
dent to the students, presumably was not selected without character references, this
seems ironic. The Peace Corps program that exists on many campuses requires up
to 10 references.

Sick and tired of the space and influence allowed small groups of campus beatniks
who ridicule our President, our Country, our colleges and universities, our draft boards,
the virginity of sorority girls, the conformity of fraternity students because they stress
conforming with rules.

Tired of the out-dated image of the fraternity system as the only segment of the
campus that stayed in the "Roaring Twenties."

Tired of the national communications media that ignore these positive fraternity
contributions to the campus; strong emphasis and help on scholarship; strong alumni
loyalty to the college which is proven by studies that show fraternity members con-
tribute more time and money to the college than others; private financing of housing
that free college and university money for higher salaries, research and new buildings:
strong ideals of honesty, morality and integrity; leadership training for wide college
activity through small fraternity units; retention of members to graduation, again
supported by surveys; support of community projects by fraternities which makes
better community-campus relationships.

I am a national sorority officer who recently attended a Christmas coffee for collegiates
at home for the holidays and who feels blest because these young members, from many
of our chapters, demonstrated that George Austin Whitcomb was right when he wrote,
" I n a world of change, there is still one thing that stands f i r m : Friendships."

by Jessie Fanyo Payne, NPC Delegate, AXJJ
Reprinted with permission of The Lyre of Alpha Chi Omega

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Checking out convention detail at the 1967 meeting site, Gerry • p"
Martindale King (Mrs. Jack B.), 0 0 , toured M A C K I N A C ISLAND,
in the V.I.P. carriage. She posed for the cover picture to officially O5
extend you a red-carpet welcome to convention. Inside this edi- \» O P
tion are up-to-minte plans and reservation blanks for convention. -J C f
to i i-*
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