3L 3L Eforoman
Manufacturer of
Special Work in Gold. Silver and Jewels
Established 1852
Fraternity Jewelry
Designs and estimates prepared upon short
notice for emblem pins, rings and fobs;
also class cups, trophies, etc
Note paper with monograms in color; invi-
tations, to commencement and class-day ex-
ercises, menus, dance orders; also dies for
stamping corporate and fraternity seals.
Post St. and Grant Ave. San Francisco
To Dragma
rf I
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
QlabU a f (EnnlrntH
Directory of Officers Elisabeth FitzGerald Hanly 233
The Rose 235
A Creed of Work for Women Laura Drake Gill 239
The Peace Movement Beatrice Maude Fraser 240
Faith Alice Shinn, Lambda 245
The Most Important Problems of the Year in Our Colleges 248
Barnard and the Building Fund 251
Unity and Co-education in New York 253
The Students' Building at Randolph-Macon 257
At the University of Nebraska 265
Social Problems at the University of California 267
Cribbing at the University of Maine 289
The Anti-fraternity Movement at the University of Maine 290
Finances at Cornell 292
Student Council at Northwestern
The Point System at Northwestern
The Point System at the University of Minnesota
The Commons Club
Active Chapter Letters
Alumna Chapter Letters
News of the Alumnae
News of the College and Greek-letter World
Fraternity Expansion
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha, '98, 663 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Helen St. Claire Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha, '90, Andrew Avenue, Uni-
versity Heights, New York.
Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha, '98, San Francisco, Cal.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Alpha, '98, 456 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N . J .
Grand President, Dorothy Noble Safford, 201 Wood St., Monroe, L a .
Grand Recording Secretary, Anna Estelle Many, 1325 Henry Clay Avenue,
New Orleans, L a .
Grand Treasurer, Lillian Gertrude MacQuillin, 155 Angell Street, Churchill
House, Providence, R. I .
Grand Vice-president, Edith Augusta Dietz, 217 West 105th Street, New York
Grand Historian, Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , San Francisco, Cal.
Registrar, Gladys Courtian Britton (Mrs. John A „ J r . ) , 425 Elwood Avenue,
Oakland, Cal.
Auditor, Ada Beatrice Donaldson, 1405 W. Church Street, Knoxville, Tenn.
Examining Officer, Melita Skillen, Okanagan College, West Summerland, B. C ,
Chairman Committee on New Chapters, Ruth Capen Farmer, (Mrs. Walter),
Washburn, Wis.
Editor-in-Chief of To DRAGMA, Virginia Judy Esterly (Mrs. Ward B . ) , 244
Alvarado Road, Berkeley, Calif.
Business Manager of To DRAGMA, Isabelle Henderson, 2655 Wakefield Ave.,
East Oakland, Cal.
Delegate, Mrs. Carrie Green Campbell, 207 Allen Blvd., Kalamazoo, Mich.
Mrs. J . H . Crann, A X 12, 610 Colorado St., Davenport, Iowa.
Editor-in-Chief, Virginia Judy Esterly (Mrs. Ward B . ) , 244 Alvarado Road,
Berkeley, Cal.
Business Manager, Isabelle Henderson, 2655 Wakefield Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Assistant Business Manager, Margaret Henderson Dudley, 2655 Wakefield
Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Exchanges, Kate Brown Foster, 2717 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Chapter Letters, Blanche Du Bois, San Leandro, Cal.
Alpha—Josephine Pratt, 64 Mahlsteadt Place, New Rochelle, N . Y .
Pi—Alice Ivy, 1556 Calhoun St., New Orleans, L a .
Nu—Elinor Byrns, 27 Cedar St., New York City, N . Y .
Omicron—Harriet Cone Greve, College of Women, Columbia, S. C .
Kappa—Iris Newton, Monroe, L a .
Zeta—Edna Spears, 630 North 6th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Rose Gardner, 1130 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Fern Thompson, Lizton, Ind.
D e n a — M r s . Maurice Keating, 244 Weston St., Waltham, Mass.
Gamma—Margaret June Kelley, Freedom, Maine.
Epsilon—Katherine Donlon, 227 Seymour Ave., Utica, N . Y .
Rho—Mrs. Carolyn Piper Dorr, Berwyn, 111.
Lambda—Alice Shinn, 638 Walsworth Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Iota—Lora Henion, Robinson, 111.
Tau—Bertha Marie Brechet, S. E . Minneapolis, Minn.
Alpha—Emma Burchenal, 2790 Broadway, N . Y .
Pi—Mrs. Geo. Purnell Whittington, Alexandria, L a .
Nu—Daisy Gans, 497 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Omicron—Roberta Williams, 406 St. Charles St., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Kappa—Frances Allen, 1012 Federal St., Lynchburg, V a .
Zeta—Helen Piper, 1731 D St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Blanche Ahlers, 2300 Divisidero St., San Francisco, Cal.
Theta—Mabel June Allen, 3311 Central Ave., Indianapolis.
Delta—Esther Ladd, 68 Brackenburg St., Maiden, Mass.
Gamma—Mary E l l a Chase, Tarrett School for Girls, 4707 Vincennes
Chicago, 111.
Epsilon—Mabel De Forest, 35 Fairview Ave., South Orange, N . J .
Rho—Julia Norton, 727 Foster St., Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Helen Dickinson, 1646 N . F a i r Oakes Ave., Pasadena, Cal.
Iota—Annetta Stephens Shute, 601 53rd S t , Chicago, 111.
Tau—Myrtle Wheeler, 1328 Keston St., St. Paul.
Alpha—Barnard College, Columbia University, New York.
P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, L a .
Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
Iota—University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.
Tau—University of Minnesota.
New York Alumna—New York City.
San Francisco Alumnae—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumna—Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumna—Boston, Mass.
Los Angeles Alumna—Los Angeles, Cal.
Lincoln Alumna—Lincoln, Neb.
Chicago Alumna—Chicago, 111.
Alpha—Elsa Becker, 232 W . 137 St., New York City.
Pi—Delta Bancroft, 1231 Washington Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Nu—Elizabeth A. Smart, 55 Bentley Ave., Jersey City Heights, N . J .
Omicron—Mary A. Landy, Louisburg, Tenn.
Kappa—Linda Brame, College Park, Va.
Zeta—Rose Krause, 1232 R St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Kathleen Mains, 2037 Regent St., Berkeley, Cal.
Delta—Leslie Hooper, 124 Professor's Row, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Louise Bartlett, Orono, Maine.
Epsilon—Bertha Yerke, Sage College, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Ruby Rapp, 1114 Grant St., Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Lois Walton, Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Ethel Watts, 210 East John St., Champaign, 111.
T a u — E d i t h E . Goldsworthy, 421 6th St. S. E . , Minneapolis, Minn.
Alpha—Maria Diaz de Villalvella, 536 W. 113 St., New York City. N . Y .
Pi—Margaret Foules, New Orleans, L a .
Nu—Alice Clark, 210 W . 21 St., New York City.
Omicron—Mary Annie Landy, Barbara Blount Hall, U . of Tenn., Knoxville,
Kappa—Katherine Gordon, College Park, Virginia.
Zeta—Ruth Wheelock, 1232 R St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Mary DeVVitt, 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley, C a l .
Theta—Florence Hughes, A 0 I I House, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Eleanor Bisbee, The Milestone, Arlington Heights, Mass.
Gamma—Rachel Winship, Mount Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Ethel L . Cornell, Sage College, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Edith Meers, Willard H a l l , Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Lois Walton, A 0 I I House, Leland Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Mabel Jackson, University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.
Tau—Margaret Scott, 1325 7th St. S. E . , Minneapolis, Minn.
New York—Edith A. Dietz, 217 W. 105th St., New York City, N . Y .
San Francisco—Evelyn Morrill, 2525 Durant Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Providence—Louella F . Darling (Mrs. Lyman M . ) , 37 Kossuth St., Pawtucket,
R. I.
Boston—Clara R . Russell, 23 Hancock St., Winchester, Mass.
Lincoln—Viola C . Gray, 1527 S. 23rd St., Lincoln, Neb.
Los Angeles—Alice Weyse, 2359 Thompson St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Chicago—Mildred H . MacDonald (Mrs. W m . ) , 105 S. Austin Ave., Oak
Park, 111.
VOL. I X MAY,* 1914 No. 3
To D R A G M A is published at 450-454 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wis., by George
Banfa, official printer to the fraternity. Entered at the Postoffice at Menasha,
Wis., as second-class matter, April 13, 1909, under the act of March 3, 1897.
To DRAGMA is published on the twenty-fifth of November, February, May
and September.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year payable in advance; Single copies
twenty-five cents.
Virginia Judy Esterly, Editor-in-Chief. Isabelle Henderson, Businesi
Now are the red rose-petals shaken
(Keep the rose in your heart aglow!)
Roses fade but memories waken
When the candle lights burn low.
There's a story from the ages
Drifted down to you and me,
Like a rose shut in the pages
Of some dusty history.
'Tis a fragrant little story
That the yellowed leaves disclose
How she won her name, her glory
Our Lady of the Rose.
Lived a lord—may he be nameless—
Won her heart by sorcery,
Prisoned her, the Fair, the Blameless,
Broke her heart with cruelty.
A l l her prayers were unavailing,
When her people begged for bread,
She must hear their bitter wailing,
See them go away unfed.
While her lord, one day, lay sleeping,
Slipped she through the castle down,
Filled with bread her basket heaping,
Stole away to seek the town.
Then she heard a sudden footstep,
. Filled her heart with wild alarm,
Felt a rude hand fiercely plucking
At the basket on her arm.
Heard a sudden angry question
"What lies in your basket there?"
"Roses", came her answer clearly
While her heart o'erflowed with prayer.
"Roses!" came her lord's fierce laughter
As he snatched the cloth away.
L o ! where now was bread so snowy,
Heaped red roses lay!
And this is all the story
Of our gentle lady f a i r ;
How Heaven made gracious answer
To her ardent, earnest prayer.
The bread is Charity's symbol;
Charity, never disclose!
Remember that Heaven's mercy
Covered i t with a rose.
L i f t the rose for a moment,
And press its petals apart,—
Every rose in secret,
Covers a golden heart.
And this is the legend's lesson
The sweet old words enclose,
Let us hide in our hearts our golden word
And cover it with a rose.
Now are the red rose-petals shaken
(Keep the rose in your heart aglow)
Roses fade but memories waken
When life's candle lights burn low.
I believe that every young woman needs a skilled occupation
developed to the degree of possible self-support.
She needs it commercially, for an insurance against reverses.
She needs it socially, for a comprehending sympathy with the
world's workers.
She needs it intellectually, for a constructive habit of mind which
makes knowledge effective.
She needs it ethically, for a courageous willingness to do her
share of the world's work.
I believe that every young woman should practice this skilled
occupation, up to the time of her marriage, for gainful ends with
deliberate intent to acquire therefrom the widest possible professional
and financial experiences.
I believe that every woman should expect marriage to interrupt
for some years the pursuit of any regular occupation; that she
should prearrange with her husband some equitable division of the
family income, such as will insure her position in a partnership,
rather than one of dependence; and that she should focus her chief
thought during the early youth of her children upon the science and
art of wise family life.
I believe that every woman should hope to return, in the second
leisure of middle age, to some application of her early skilled
occupation—either as an unsalaried worker in some one of its
social phases; or, i f income be an object, as a salaried worker in
a phase of it requiring maturity and social experience.
—Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha.
Editor's Note—
Miss Fraser has been Secretary to Mr. Edwin Mead since leaving college.
Mr. Mead is the Chief Director of the World's Peace Foundation and is one of
the leaders of the movement in the United States.
The college is one of the most vital institutions of our age. The
college student is an idealist anxious to interest himself in great
causes and his mind is constantly on the alert for mental food. When
we think, therefore, of the great cause of international peace and
the effort which is being made to substitute law for war, we ask
what do college men and women know about this movement, and
what is being done to educate them into right thinking upon this
subject? For, as the great peace crusade is primarily one of educa-
tion, it behooves college men and women to become familiar with
what has been done and what is now being done to enable nations to
adjust their differences without resort to war.
The peace movement is simply the growth of law—an effort to
substitute law for war in settling international disputes. I t is not
a new movement, it did not originate with the Czar's rescript
calling the first Hague Conference in 1899, but is indeed centuries
old. There are the wonderful visions of the old Prophets, the in-
spired wisdom of the Gospels, and in a later time, even before Dante
gave to the world his great conception of a world-empire in his
De Monorchia, Pierre Du Bois, a young lawyer in Normandy, out-
lined in the early part of the fourteenth century a remarkable plan
for world peace. He suggested a congress of princes to institute
a permanent tribunal of arbitration, with a certain number of judges,
from which six should be chosen to try a case. He was indeed a
prophet, for in 1899, six hundred years later, the first Hague Con-
ference adopted substantially the same idea. But in Du Bois's
time the nations were not ready. I n 1624 Le Nouveau Cynee by
Emeric Cruce was written, explicitly developing the idea of arbitra-
tion, and proposing for the first time definitely the idea of substi-
tuting international arbitration for war. This little book of only
226 pages was followed by the publication of "The Great Design of
Henry I V " , the first really comprehensive plan to organize the
world found in modern history. But the world was still not ready;
and there did not come any practical achievement until the results
of the work of Hugo Grotius, Holland's greatest scholar, began to
be felt. He published in 1625 his wonderful book—"The Rights of
War and Peace". Well did Andrew D. White say of this book at
the time of the first Hague Conference, when the assembled diplo-
mats laid a superb silver wreath upon the tomb of Grotius, " O f
all works not claiming to be inspired, 'The Rights of War and
Peace' has proved the greatest blessing to humanity". The book
had a marvellous effect upon that age of barbarous brutality and
war. I t was the first great attempt to reduce the rights of nations
to rule and order in the face of war. Before Grotius's day no one
had any rights in time of war. The settlement of the Thirty Years'
War by the peace of Westphalia on the principles laid down in the
"Rights of War and Peace" founded the modern school of diplomacy.
Grotius's great contemporary, George Fox, began an equally per-
manent movement in England in establishing the great body of
Friends, who endured dangers and martyrdoms of all sorts in
order to proclaim "Woe to the bloody city"—later the name of
"Quakers" being applied, because they caused the enemies of peace
to quake. Later in America a group of them founded the "City of
Brotherly Love"; and in that same city in Independence Hall, in
1787, our great Constitution was framed by Washington and Frank-
lin and their great associates. They thought only of their own
problem of binding together thirteen quarrelsome colonies, but in
solving that problem of forming and binding a United States they
also gave to humanity the fundamental method of forming a united
In 1815, almost a hundred years ago, the first Peace Society in
the world was established in New York by David Low Dodge, a
wealthy merchant, and in the same year a Massachusetts Peace
Society was founded in Boston by Noah Worcester and William
Ellery Channing. These men were the great pioneers of our modern
peace movement, the heroes who thought out and planned the method
of world organization step by step before the leaders of our day
were born, and to them is due largely the success of the first Hague
Conference. Now we have a Peace Society in practically every
state, all working through the American Peace Society at Washing-
I n a survey of the peace movement I must not forget to mention
Kant's great essay on "Eternal Peace", published simultaneously
with our Constitution, and making a profound impression on public
opinion of that day, nor must I f a i l to speak of William Ladd,
whose work for peace is monumental. Charles Sumner worked as
ardently for peace as he did for the abolition of slavery, and that
wonderful scholar, "the learned blacksmith", Elihu Burritt, toiled
unceasingly here and in Europe for cheaper ocean postage and for
the success of the great International Peace Congresses; and con-
temporary with Sumner and Burritt in America were Cobden and
Bright in England, and Victor Hugo in France.
In our day the peace movement has become a great political and
educational movement as well as the great moral crusade of an
earlier time. As it was the duty of Lincoln's generation, as Andrew
Carnegie said, to put a stop to man-selling, so it is the duty of
our generation to put a stop to man-killing. The Hague Confer-
ence of 1899 marked the first great official step in the abolition of
the scourge of war. I t was the first diplomatic conference ever
called to discuss peace without reference to any particular war.
Twenty-six nations were represented, including all the great Powers.
This Conference will be ever memorable for having given to the
world the first permanent court for the settlement of international
disputes, a tribunal organized to judge wisely and deliver righteous
judgment between nations. Already a large number of disputes
have been settled by it. Since this original conference of 1899
there has been a second Conference, that of 1907, to be followed by a
third, it is hoped, i n 1915, and in time by a fifth and a fifteenth and
a fiftieth, until the peace of the world has been established.
I n 1909, Edwin Ginn, a Boston publisher and philanthropist, gave
the first great peace endowment, that of $1,000,000 to establish the
World Peace Foundation in Boston. This was followed in December
1910 by the munificent g i f t of $10,000,000 from Andrew Carnegie
to establish the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in
Washington; and only last February Mr. Carnegie established still
another fund, that of $2,000,000 for a Church Peace Union.
Through these splendid endowments, with the leading men of the
peace party at their heads, magnificent work is being done through
the college, the school, the press, the church, the Chambers of
Commerce and through the lecture platform and the printed page.
Already the results are most gratifying and stimulating, and as in-
ternational work must be done in an international way there are
splendid peace agencies in Europe, cooperating in the closest way
with our societies and foundations here.
Notwithstanding all the cheering signs in the growth of ar-
bitration, we should delude ourselves i f we assumed that war is
immediately to cease; but that peace is to come at last there can
scarcely be any doubt, for the campaign against war has never been
so widespread or so vigorous, nor at any stage of the campaign
have its triumphs been so numerous and important. The awakening
will come most quickly by winning the hearts and voices of the
high-hearted youth of our country gathered in the various institu-
tions of learning from the high school to the university. The soil
is ready at every seat of learning, and who knows but the seed
sown now may in a generation bring forth the particular fruit which
shall make for the permanent healing of the nations and join them
together into a United States of the world.
Boston Alumna Chapter, Alpha Omicron Pi.
Why do you grow little vine, and climb
To my window that looks on the west?
Sunshine through mist is little enough,
And your leaves that flamed with the robin's breast
Are dead from the sea wind's rebuff.
"Roots in the earth," said the vine; "life's wine!
Out of the breast of God
I yearn, and leaf buds I hide
T i l l the summer sun strike a spark in the clod."
So shall faith keep love deified.
A L I C E S H I N N , Lambda.
The most pressing problem before Barnard just at present is
the "Building Fund". I n the fall of 1 9 1 4 we shall celebrate our
twenty-fifth anniversary, and we hope to be able to celebrate it
with a two million dollar fund,—one million for endowment and
one million for a new building. There are now about six hundred
of us taking courses, eating, singing and playing in a building
built for half the number and at times the close approach of the
singing to the courses proves detrimental to both endeavors. And
so, in the words of our most popular song "we want a building",
and we're doing all sorts of things to get it.
First of all, in the f a l l of 1912, we borrowed from Smith their
scheme of a "Solar System". A big table was made out showing
the value in money of each division of time—a second, for instance,
was valued at ten cents and a year at fifty dollars—and the under-
graduates were asked to buy as much time as they could. There
was keen inteniass rivalry in this matter, emphasized by the fact
that the amounts of their respective contributions were posted on
the big bulletin every week.
A t the same time Barnard established a banking system, and the
fact that it was only a very tiny tin bank did not prevent its success.
I t hung on the main stairway, overshadowed by a sign, "Buy a
Brick for Barnard's New Building—Every Nickel Buys a Brick",
and many were the sundaes and sodas that were metamorphosed into
bricks by its alchemy.
But the crowning event of our first year of campaigning came in
May of 1913 when we held a county fair. The Edison Company
strung our campus with lights and so we planned to have most of
our fair out of doors, both afternoon and evening. The first sign
of it was a huge tent which was put up on the hockey field, and when
real circus seats were put into it we felt that we had a good be-
ginning for our county fair. The circus itself was strictly local
talent but was as fully appreciated as anything the fair produced.
There was a lovely "niggah baby" who cried to be hit, and a man
who sold "hot dogs". A vaudeville performance, also by local
talent, proved very successful, especially the song of the "Building
Fund G i r l " which always called forth a shower of coins. The re-
ception hall and the sanctum sanctorum of the Trustees had been
made into a Japanese tea room where maidens in Jap kimonos
and flowery sashes served tea or ice cream and cake. I n spite of a
rather unpleasantly cold day the county fair was a huge success,
and cleared one thousand and sixty-six dollars for our now prover-
bial "Building Fund".
This year the undergraduates have continued to buy bricks, this
time sticking the necessary nickel into a folder made for the purpose
and labelled conspicuously, "Buy a Brick". The biggest single piece
of work this year has been the opera benefit, managed by the alum-
na?. Farrar and Scotti sang in "Butterfly" on the night of January
third, and all the profits, amounting to about six thousand dollars
went to Barnard. I t was a gala night for us. About seventy-five
undergraduates and alumna: in cap and gown sold programs; our be-
loved Dean made a little speech and the newly elected Mayor of New
York made a long one. The occasion was especially festive since it
was the first appearance of Farrar after her long illness, and her first
appearance of the year as "Butterfly". Enthusiasm for Barnard and
enthusiasm for Farrar combined to make an audience doubly ap-
preciative of the great opera.
And the only other thing I can tell you about is in the nature
of a prophecy. We're going to have another county fair this
spring, with a circus, hot dogs, and lots of new things and we
hope it will be twice as successful as last year's. We have now
$550,000.00, with a promise of $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 from the General Edu-
cation Board i f we reach the $ 8 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 mark by next fall. And
we shall do it too, because,
"We want a building,
We want a building,
We want it very much,
We want it very much,
Oh won't some kind millionaire going by,
Please give us some money to hush up our cry,
We want a building."
H E L E N R . DOWNES, Alpha, ' 1 4 .
The problem of New York University as a semico-educational
institution is a peculiar one, first because of the fact that the differ-
ent departments of the University are scattered over the city and
secondly because to only a few of these departments are women
In the first place, the main hody of the University, that is, the
Undergraduate department and some of the Graduate schools, is
situated upon the University Heights, while the Law department, the
schools of Commerce and Finance, Teacher's College and other de-
partments open to women, are in the old University building on
Washington Square, three-quarters of the city's length from the
University proper. I n addition to these the University has a Medical
College in still a different place and is contemplating starting other
departments in other parts of the city. One of the aims of the
Chancellor of the University is to bring, as much as possible, the
University to the student rather than the student to the University,
and to accomplish unity by other means than that of central loca-
tion. This has its effect upon the problem of co-education i n as
much as the departments where women are admitted are far from
the centre and thus far from the college life of the University. The
building on Washington Square is practically an entity in itself.
I personally have had experience only with the Law School, and
therefore, although there are co-eds in essentially all of the other
departments on Washington Square, I do not feel competent to
speak with authority on the co-educational problems of any other
than the Law School.
The men in the Law School are occasionally drawn on for ath-
letics by the body on the Heights, the women, of course never. Once
a year we are urged to go up there for University day, and from there
we graduate at the end of our course, but aside from that we have
only casual and chance connection with professors or students on
the Heights. A l l the departments where women are admitted are,
as I have said, on Washington Square, so there is no tendency to
unite with women in different departments situated in other parts
of the city or at the University itself. The problem of co-education
is therefore concentrated at Washington Square, and its difficulties
are large and manifold.
In the first place there is the problem which every College or Uni-
versity that has little or no dormitory life, has to contend with—and
that is the difficulty of changing its students from a loosely con-
nected group of individuals, with diverse interests, environments, and
viewpoints, into a unified community, efficiently working together
from common interests and purposes, higher than any merely in-
dividual motive. The Law School has of course no dormitory life,
the students come to their classes and go. There can even be little
class spirit as there are three divisions of the same class—by. that
I mean that the first, second and third year classes each have a morn-
ing, an afternoon, and an evening division. The fact that a large
proportion of the students are engaged in earning their own liv-
ings during their entire course, intensifies the tendency to outside
and personal interests and weakens the natural tendency to engage
in the activities of the organized whole, which is generally the first
tendency of the average college class. This latter condition is also
what makes it practically impossible to find any one time when
the three divisions of a class could meet together. While one
works the other studies and vice versa, and this too is one reason
why the members of the different departments see so little of each
other—men and women come to their classes and then hurry back to
their offices.
The class organizations themselves are extremely weak and but
little attempt is made to do more than hold an annual affair of
some sort, usually a banquet. Any class officer labors under special
difficulties because of the great social discrepancies among the
students. The student body is recruited from the two social ex-
tremes, and regret it or not according to one's point of view; it
forms a very vital and to-be-reckoned-with part of the co-educational
problem of the University. I t practically lies at the bottom of
class disruption and thwarts all schemes to bring about any uni-
fied "college spirit" in the Law School. Girls who might be will-
ing to ignore this distinction where other girls are concerned, or
even in business and school relations with men, refuse to mingle
socially with men of a far different class. There is a rather varied
attitude of the men toward the women, but from what I know of
other co-educational institutions, I think that the University ranks
high in the fair and chivalrous attitude of the men toward the women.
I t is true that the only traditional class office open to the girls is
that of vice-president. I t sometimes happens by accident, however,
as it did last year in the first year class with one of our Alpha
girls, that the vice-president takes the president's chair, and then
as far as the fact of her being a woman was concerned, it apparently
made little or no difference.
In the other activities which are extremely limited the situation
varies, sometimes quite amusingly. Last year the Moot Court which
is conducted for the purpose of familiarizing the students with actual
legal procedure, determined, by no means unanimously, to relegate
women to their proper sphere of listening and learning from their
betters. The actual method was the peremptory challenging of
two girls who had been prevailed upon, not without some difficulty, to
act as jurors. Perhaps I had better explain that a peremptory chal-
lenge means one which is allowed for no other reason than the
personal objection of the attorney or his client to the juror. A t
its next meeting the N . Y. U . Congress, a body formed for the pur-
pose of training the students in parliamentary procedure and public
speaking, and in which of course the men are in large majority,
passed a resolution condemning the action of the Moot Court.
In recent years there has been one unsuccessful attempt among
the women to organize as a body. Mrs. Boissevain, who was Miss
Milholland, tried ineffectually to accomplish this. I believe that
during the time that she was in the school her personality held the
women together, but the next year the organization was quite dead
and no attempt was made to revive it. Among the women here as
always there are the differences of class, race and religion. That
is part of the New York problem and to ignore it is to be wilfully
blind or unreasonably optimistic.
In extenuation of all these circumstances it must be remembered
that after all the Departments of the University where women are
admitted are graduate schools and not an undergraduate college.
There are many members who have not been to college, but after all
Law, Commerce, Accounts and Finance, etc., are graduate studies
and the school is one for graduate work. We can't expect complete
college life, or even all the attributes of a college.
Nevertheless we do feel that the University should offer her wom-
en students, and especially those who have not had any other
Alma Mater, something of that delightful environment and congenial
intercourse which make college days the brightest in life and puts
an indelible stamp of something finer and better, in our Book of
Personally, I feel that the solution lies in the multiplication of
sororities or of societies resembling them, so that there might be
enough, with varying requirements, to include every girl in the Uni-
versity. For a thousand reasons that is difficult of application, but I
think that it could be done successfully. A t present Alpha is the
only sorority in the School. I hardly need add that the kindly shelter
she has given to our little group has given rise to my idea of the
possibility of other similar centres for privacy and comradeship,
developing the college ideal among those who are outside our mem-
bership even more effectively in a place where there seems but little
possibility of a solid and unified College Organization.
From N u Chapter.
Randolph-Macon has not spent this entire year in becoming
adapted to her new president, but, instead, has been steadily advanc-
ing her plans for the future. This spirit of progress has been best
shown in the work for the collection of funds for a Students'
The class of 1911 first recognized the long felt need for a stu-
dents' building, and devoted its senior g i f t of $500 for the financing
of a plan to raise a fund to erect a building for the students and by
the students. Nothing further was done during that session of
When the class of 1912 took up the responsibilities of seniors,
it also, in spite of the frowns of trustees and discouraging sighs
of alumnae, accepted the challenge thrown down by 1911 to further
the Students' Building idea. By dint of much persuasion and en-
thusiasm each class then in college was prevailed upon to pledge
its future senior gift to the Students' Building fund. Souvenir
calendars resplendent in black and gold were sold to friends in
and out of college. Bazaars and excursions were given for the
benefit of the fund. Sceptics began to change their views, and ad-
mitted that, i f the great plan was merely a dream of idealists, it
was at least a very noisy one. June 1912 came, and with it the
departure of the seniors with their degrees, but as a result of their
enthusiastic and cheerful striving, $12,000 was added to the original
$500, and besides this a promise of $15,000 from the Board of
Trustees. Definite plans for the building had also been procured,
and it is toward the completion of those plans that we are now
working. As specified in these plans, the building is to cost $60,000,
and will provide headquarters for the various college activities,
rooms for class meetings, and a grand auditorium for plays, con-
certs, and mass meetings, and will serve for friendly and social
gatherings of the students.
The class of 1913 started out bravely trying to add other sub-
scriptions to those left by 1912, but on account of the death of our
president and founder, Dr. Wm. W. Smith, was unable to accomplish
very much. I n the death of Dr. Smith the Students' Building lost
one of its most devoted and optimistic friends. When the idea of
it was being discussed, others in authority said that it was impossible,
the college girls could not succeed, but Dr. Smith said " M y girls
can do anything they want to". Without his encouragement and
faith in them it is doubtful whether those girls who first took
upon themselves the problem of providing for the present and f u -
ture needs of their fellow students would have had the courage
and persistance to accomplish apparent impossibilities.
Recognizing the obligation we are under to Dr. Smith, the pres-
ent senior class (1914) has decided to exert all its energies towards
completing the fund during this session, and to dedicate the Stu-
dents' Building at Commencement, 1914, as a memorial to Doctor
Smith. In order to accomplish this end many means have been
adopted. I n college, the Students' Building Committee is ever pres-
ent and busy, on every occasion ; after every entertainment sandwiches
are sold; souvenir bricks have been sent far and wide to be sold;
concerts, basket ball games are sold; and, in fact, every possible way
of making money has been utilized. The most effective and greatest
work of the committee this year has been the organization of the
alumna: and ex-students. I n sixteen states a Randolph-Macon
Club leader has been appointed. Her duties are to organize a state
club, and to arrange a time and a place for a reunion banquet. Miss
Margaret Munson, X CI, '11, volunteered to make a tour of these
states, attend the banquets, and speak in behalf of the Students'
Building. The meetings held so far have been exceedingly enthusi-
astic, and as a direct result of them several thousand dollars have
been added to the fund, and all old students are going to work with
a vim and a vigor worthy of their college days to raise additional
sums. A grand reunion of all past students is being planned for
commencement, 1914, and the interest of all these students in their
Alma Mater is being greatly strengthened by this work for the Stu-
dents' Building. I n the course of her trip Miss Munson came to the
College, and held a mass meeting of the students. The crowning
evidence of the enthusiasm, loyalty and faith of the students in this
scheme is the result of this meeting. I n spite of the fact that at least
three-fifths of the students had already promised to give a specified
sum to the fund for several years. $1,200 was pledged. Since that
meeting was held, there has been no doubt that the Student's Build-
ing is soon to be a realized dream and not a fleeting mirage.
I t is impossible for an outsider to realize how the hopes of the
students are bound up in the desire for this Students' Building.
Whenever it will be completed it will always stand to the future
students as an emblem of the enterprise, faith, loyalty, and cour-
age of the past students in the work of Randolph-Macon; and
while in the shadow of the Students' Building, whether in reality
or only in her dreams, it is and ever shall be impossible for any
student to be lacking in loyalty for her Alma Mater.
The principal problem this year at Nebraska has been in studying
and making plans for the self-government of students. The pro-
moters of this plan desire that this method of student government
go into effect at the beginning of the next school year in September.
The students have been making their own investigations as to the
merits of such a plan as it has been introduced into other institutions
with similar social conditions as are found at Nebraska.
The members of the committee on investigation were chosen from
the presidents of the classes and from members of the prominent or-
ganizations. This committee sent out letters and questionnaires to
one hundred and six colleges and universities of the United States.
Answers were received from eighty schools and in thirty-six of these
some form of student government was in force. The committee
then made the following recommendations for a form of student
government at the University of Nebraska, these recommendations
being the result of careful examination of the material received and
with a view of securing the most effective system under conditions
as they exist at this institution.
A Student Association
Membership—All students of the University regularly registered
except students in the Graduate College, the Summer Session and
the School of Agriculture.
A Council—Objects.
(a) To promote an effective means of communication between
the undergraduate body and the University authorities.
(b) To exercise general supervision over student activities, or-
ganizations, traditions, customs, publications, athletics and con-
duct. To maintain and interpret Nebraska traditions and customs.
(c) To crystalize and make effective undergraduate opinion.
1. That there shall not be less than twenty-one and not more
than twenty-five student members of the Council.
2. The members shall be distributed among the men and women
in proportion to the total number of each in the University. They
shall be equally distributed between the senior and junior classes, and
in case such division cannot be exactly made the senior class is to
have the extra member. The Student Council shall arrange elections
so that some student members shall always hold over from a pre-
vious semester. The Committee suggested that i t might be well to
have a very limited faculty representation not to have a vote, but
to act in an advisory capacity and give faculty views of matters
before the Council.
Executive, legislative, and judicial powers over student affairs.
Student members of publications shall be from the Council.
Acts of Council shall be subject to veto by the faculty acting
through the Student Activities Committee, for instance, such veto to
be expressed within a certain definite time or not to have any effect.
Acts of Council to become effective and in force unless such veto
is given within that time.
The Council's judicial power is to be over student conduct. This
is to include flagrant cases of cheating, or cases of individual im-
morality or indiscretion reflecting upon the student body as a
whole. Men are to hear cases affecting men; women, women j power
to subpoena witness and to compel attendance; punishment shall
consist only in recommendations to the Chancellor such as sus-
pension or expulsion.
This plan of a Student Council to regulate student activities
must be submitted to the Chancellor, Board of Regents and to
the student body. I f all are in favor of such a plan it is probable
that the student body will be self-governing at the University of
M E L V I N A WATERS, Zeta ' 1 4 .
The principal problem that the University of California has had
to face during the last year has been a social one—that on the ques-
tion of progressive dancing. As defined by the Senior Women,
progressive dancing includes all the present dances except the waltz,
the two-step, and the Boston. Until the beginning of this semester
ragging was the most popular of the "forbidden fruits". The fac-
ulty heartily disapproved of this and the Associated Women Students
likewise expressed a strong sentiment against it. Consequently the
result was that a ruling was made in Pan-Hellenic to the effect that
the sororities as a whole would not dance these new dances either
in their houses or at campus dances.
However, with the opening of this semester, and the introduction
of many really pretty and attractive dances the question arose again
in a more insistent form. The Senior Women declared themselves
against the modern steps on the grounds that they were not sufficient-
ly standardized. This barred the new steps from the campus but
not from the houses. Many fraternities and a few sororities fostered
progressive tendencies, and since these brought forth no rebuke from
the faculty or from Pan-Hellenic, the movement has become wide
spread. But when the Graduate Students had a dance on the
campus at which the modern dances were in evidence, quite a bit
of unpleasantness arose from this so-called "disobedience" to the
Senior Women's sentiments. The matter was made still worse by the
seniors themselves participating in the very thing they had so de-
plored, less than a month later at a benefit The Dansante given
by College H a l l , our largest dormitory for girls.
When the Dean of Women was called upon and asked her opin-
ion she said frankly that she thought many of the new dances were ex-
tremely pretty, when they did not contain ragging, and that the
faculty hoped to be able to allow some of them at campus dances
next year. But she agreed with the Senior Women in saying that
the steps have not yet become crystallized into recognized forms.
She pointed out a splendid opportunity for the girls in the different
houses to use their influence for the general good i n this matter
by agreeing among themselves upon certain steps and adhering to
As yet, they have not adopted this suggestion, perhaps because
of the reason that more room is required for the newer dances than
is usually available at a college affair. Nevertheless many forms of
progressive dancing are in evidence, and ragging being the easiest
and requiring the minimum of space remains the most popular form
of progressive dancing. Beyond this the question as to what shall
be universally recognized and allowed at college dances is still an
unsettled issue.
When asked to write on the problem of our College, I was in
doubt, not about what to say, but upon which topic or problem to
dwell, for we have several. So I asked one of our professors what
was the thing that, from a faculty point of view, seemed to be
the worst fault in our college life. He told me that, sad and de-
grading as the fact might sound, the question that was occupying
most time and attention in faculty circles was cribbing. Now, it
means cribbing, not only in examinations but in English work, in
Mathematics, in History, in Science, in everything. What are we
to do?
Already one name has been announced in Chapel as a punishment
for copying word for word another's brief for Freshman English
work. Four others are now under severe censure for stealing in
English written work. But why should these chosen few be sent
home, be put under strict discipline, kept from offices and otherwise
disgraced when the following is a common remark: "Everyone
cribbed straight through from the book in that final. I t was so easily
done. I t would be a crime to 'let a chance like that slip' ". Or
the remark,—"No, I couldn't recite yesterday, for it was my turn
to sit i n the front row", this last remark intimating that the people
in the back row recited directly from the book, or wrote from i t , as
the case might be.
To me, it seems that what is one's own and what is not should be
quite easily distinguishable to the average college student. But
yet, many, when asked to make an outline or an abstract of a History
outside reading assignment use the author's exact words without
questioning the honesty of such an act. Now, it has been suggested
that the head of the English department shall in a series of
lectures explain to English students clearly and in detail the use of
source readings and their place and honorable use in a student's
theme. Then, perhaps, with the matter plainly laid before him
even the most careless student will awake to some sense of personal
responsibility in the matter.
In regard to examinations and class written work:—there must
be aroused or instilled in each student that feeling of honor which
seems to be lacking. One way to do this is to put temptation out
of reach. Those who have done their work well should consider
it just as unfair to lend as to take another's work. The common
idea of "Something for Nothing" must be permanently removed.
Thus, there is something' here for all of us to do—whether we take
or whether we give—to resolve to do away with it in the future
and thus help our faculty as they deal with this uncomfortable situ-
They are dealing with it—and must solve the problem, not in the
future but at once. Those possibilities of reform which I have heard
suggested, I have mentioned. Doubtless, they will be put into effect
immediately. I f they appear to accomplish little or nothing, more
rigid ones will be laid down. With the faculty and students work-
ing together, it is hoped that cribbing will soon be abolished at
the University of Maine.
Gamma Chapter, Alpha Omicron Pi.
As yet, the anti-fraternity movement has not been felt at the
University of Maine. The feeling among the girls of the college
is that conditions would be much improved i f there should be
other new chapters coming into existence. There are many more
girls here now than formerly, and we feel that there is a field for
other new chapters and a need for them.
Those who are most conversant with conditions at Cornell Uni-
versity agree unanimously that the greatest problem the University
is now facing is a financial problem. I n the forty-six years of its
existence its general endowments have not kept pace with its
phenomenal growth.
The original endowments of the University came from two sources.
The Morrill Act of 1861 gave to New York a large tract of land
in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Kansas; this tract Ezra Cornell bought
from the state, and turned over to the University. I t is only since
1881 that this land has been a real source of income, owing to
the expense attendant upon locating the territory, and to the low
value then placed upon the land. For over thirty years the annual
income scarcely amounted to $20,000. The second source of in-
come was Ezra Cornell's endowment of $500,000. Later when Mr.
Cornell saw that the income from these two sources, and the tuition
received was inadequate for paying salaries, erecting buildings and
equipping departments, he came to the rescue with $75,000. Dona-
tions from individuals have been frequently received, but in most
cases these donations have been given for specific purposes—for
erecting buildings, endowing departments or establishing scholarships
or prizes. Appropriations from New York State have been made for
the benefit of the two state institutions—the College of Agriculture
and the Veterinary College.
The report of the Treasurer for 1911-12 sets forth clearly the
state of affairs: "Since the beginning of the present century the
regular attendance has increased 100%, while the free or undesig-
nated endowment of the University has increased only about 16%
and owing to the decreasing rates of interest, the income from
this free endowment has increased only 8% or about $25,000 per
year. A large part of the increase in number of students has come
from the State Colleges, but the State appropriations pay only a
portion of their cost, and every additional student in the State Col-
leges, as well as every additional student in the University proper,
makes an extra demand on the income from the free endowment
of the University. The point has been reached where additional in-
come must be provided i f we are to continue to receive all quali-
fied students presenting themselves for admission to the University."
I n 1912-13 there was a total of 6315 students registered, includ-
ing short course and summer school students. The average tuition
received is about $150 from each student, while the estimated cost
per student to the University is somewhere over $385. As a result,
the year 1911-12 closed with a deficit of over $36,000, swelling our
total deficit to $160,358.11. By dint of vigorous economy in all
departments, 1912-13 closed with a deficit of only a little over
$4000. However, the continued practice of such economy would
be detrimental to the University.
Even now, without facing the problem of a large indebtedness,
we are sadly in need of funds. We need several new buildings,
the old ones being much too small and cramped for our present
requirements. We need a new Gymnasium (our present building is
about one-fifth as large as it should be) a new armory, a separate
building for the college of architecture, an addition to our grow-
ing Library, an enlargement of the Colleges of Civil Engineering
and Mechanical Engineering, and dormitories for the men. Above
all things do we need increased salaries for our professors: every
year we lose good men because of insufficient remuneration, while it
is difficult to draw other good men here—for the same reason.
However, Cornell has ever faced its problems squarely and brave-
ly—and now is working hard to solve this particular problem. I n
the first place, beginning with September 1914, the tuition in all
Colleges is to be raised $25 a year. And in the second place, the
Cornellian Council three years ago laid the foundations for a
permanent general endowment fund. This Council is composed of
fifty members, one representative being chosen from each class
graduated from the University during the past forty years. As each
new class graduates, it elects a representative to the Council, and
the representative of the oldest class resigns his membership. Besides
these class representatives there are ten members at large, elected
by the Council itself. I n addition to a general collection of funds
through the Council, each senior class before graduation subscribes
a certain amount to the University, to be paid to the Treasurer in
yearly installments. Thus the alumni collectively may accomplish
what individuals could not do. Despite the short time the Council
has been organized—and the expenses incidental to such organiza-
tion, the Council has already brought the University an annual
unfettered income of almost $30,000. The University is constantly
receiving gifts of money to be spent in a specific way—but it would
welcome with open arms endowments for undesignated or general
The problem that we have faced at Northwestern during the
current year concerns a student council of representative people
and their election. We have long felt the need of just such an or-
ganized student body though the women have for years been united
in the Woman's League with the power vested in a group
of women, sixteen in number, who form the Executive
Council and legislate for the betterment of all women. The council
is beginning to realize its possibilities and during the past semester
has enjoyed its greatest power. With the enforcement of the "Point
System," which is a systematized rating of the honors that a woman
student can hold in one semester, the women have come to realize that
they are a part of a great unit which has the affairs of the women
at heart. The new student council which is to be composed of both
men and women is still in the process of formation and as yet the
matter is unsettled. The faculty has at all times realized that the
matter is of greatest importance and that the students must progress
slowly to realize the greatest good and to fill this long-felt want. A
committee appointed by the Dean of Liberal Arts has been working
on various plans aided and advised by alumni and faculty members.
Two weeks ago the plan was presented to the students in chapel
for them to discuss and to vote on. Since then feeling has been
running high for it seems as though the men are stepping in and
magnanimously offering the women a share in a movement for the
moral uplift of the community which women have been enjoying for
some time. The main issue seems to be a question of deciding how
to elect the members of the Student Council with the least danger
of graft and "politics" and "machine work". The question will be
taken up in a mass meeting on Wednesday night, the women hoping
that the men will form a council similar to the Woman's League
Council to decide its own affairs and when an issue arises concern-
ing both men and women to combine the two councils.
Miss Potter, our Dean of Women, feels as I do that it is a
crisis in the student life at Northwestern and that a blunder w i l l
cause the undoing of the whole movement while a well-planned
action will mean but a step further to self-government at North-
western. COILA M . ANDERSON, Rho.
Much has been said in recent years concerning "point systems"
and their relation to the political life of the universities. This is
confined not only to women, but applies to men as well, since the
latter are taking up and adapting the rulings of the system. I n
the main the object of the point system is three-fold:
"To relieve the few overburdened women who, because they
have proved themselves capable, have become the logical recipients of
more duties than they can f u l f i l l without injury to their health;
"To insure more undivided attention and consequently more efficient
performance of the several duties; and
"To increase the number of women who receive an invaluable
training in organization work and executive ability."
And the requirements are:
"No woman student shall, during any one semester, carry more
than ten points" (the number of "points" being arbitrarily assigned
to the several duties according to the relative amount of work in-
volved in the fulfillment of such duties).
This is the theoretical side of the question, but how does it work
out in practice? The high and noble purpose is "to relieve the over-
burdened women" who are capable, but are those few women going
calmly to submit to being "relieved" ? This is hardly likely when hu-
man nature prompts one to advance his own interests, and to foster
schemes that will place him in the public eye. True, every college
woman does not go into political and social life with the ultimate
aim of becoming prominent. She is actuated in her freshman and
sophomore days by the motive of "getting into things", of working
with the older college women and becoming better acquainted. Soon
she is discovered as having a peculiar talent along one or more
lines and thereafter she exercises that power to its utmost capacity.
I t may be that she has executive ability, or it may be musical talent,
or the ability to speak to an audience concisely without "mouthing"
her speech J it may be even the ability to lead in prayer. From then
on she keeps in this one track almost to the exclusion of her other
natural talents. Then she finds out in her senior year that she had
more ability as a treasurer than as a president, and that she really
cared more for that work—when it is too late.
Previous to the adoption of the "point system" too many prominent
college women have been forced into one office after another. They
don't care for the position or what scant honor goes with it, nor do
they have the time to give to it, but the community takes it for grant-
ed that they are the natural ones for the office, their friends urge it
and as a result the offices are filled in a half-hearted way. The or-
ganization and the individual both suffer by this treatment, as life
and enthusiasm can not be maintained in any group, social or politi-
cal, where the officers are imbued with a half-hearted interest. For
example, the young woman presides at the literary society; her mind
during the program is sub-consciously alive to the fact that she must
leave the session early in order to attend a Syllabus board meeting,
which is at that very moment in session, and then to snatch a few
moments to write up a report for the Y. W. or the Woman's League.
She is mindful that immediately afterwards the Helen club or Sigma
Sigma or some other organization is giving a spread that she must
not miss. After that there is a report of some kind, a lecture or,
incidentally, some school work. This program is not fictitious. I
have known many women who carry out just such a schedule in a
distraught manner with a frantic eye on the clock, and they are
reckoned as prominent, typical, well-rounded college women. Is it
any wonder that our very prominent Northwestern women, after a
year's struggle with such an overcrowded schedule, go home in a
total nervous collapse, to spend the summer recuperating? Is it any
wonder, after all this, that they must overcome strong parental op-
position in the f a l l in their effort to get back to this abnormal social
life, entering the activities more or less cheerfully and carried on
through the year on their nervous vitality alone? Whether it is the
eagerness for prominence, the zest of political campaigns or pure ner-
vous restlessness that force them, the fact remains that they will do
it and have done so at the expense of their health. Here, i f nowhere
else, the "point system" has a mission to perform.
It is readily seen that the performance of duty has suffered under
the old system, through lack of both time and interest. Every case,
however, is not like the one cited below; there are, of course, excep-
tions, but they only prove the existence of the rule. The presiding
officer becomes somewhat confused, remembering the substance of her
talk to two or more organizations, or the treasurer forgets the ac-
counts for the right groups, the money at the bank is entered in the
wrong receipt book, and in the balancing one organization is so for-
tunate as to come out with an overwhelming surplus while the others
suffer great depression from a deficit. Now a woman will of
necessity expend all of her energy in one group and build up its suc-
cess, whether it be exclusive or inclusive of all college women.
The third clause in the system expresses a desire to give college
employment to the hundreds of socially unemployed women. But
are those same hundreds who constitute "the masses", going to take
advantage of the offer given them, or will they continue to jog
peacefully along in the social rut they have worn for themselves?
There are the leaders and the "led" in every walk of life, and this
applies to our college world as well. Perhaps the "poor, social out-
casts" do not care to be thrust into prominence and glory. Maybe it
bores them to have to go to places they don't care about, to attend
tiresome class parties because they are "representative women", to
push every new scheme evolved on the campus for a "Greater North-
western" when they would rather go to the city and see a musical
comedy or go home over the week-end because the high school alumni
are giving a banquet they don't choose to miss. I t sounds quite pre-
posterous that such must be said of college students, but there are
facts to back up each statement made. One can not safely say that
the new system will develop Utopian principles in the college com-
munity, but it will do away with the political graft. A l l women will
be working on the same basis for honors, the "gifted" person will
occupy no more offices through "pull" or politics than her less fortu-
nate sister. More women will be known on the campus and one will
not monopolize the important offices. During chapel services two
years ago, three notices of various organizations were handed in, and
all signed "Miss Blank," and the chapel leader said after a pause,
" I would like to know whether 'Miss Blank' is the name of an in-
dividual or a corporation". There is also a selfish motive that
prompts this monopoly of offices to the exclusion of the rest of the
women; the less fortunate ones also need training along the same line.
The never-heard-of woman goes back to her home in a small town
and is expected to organize a Browning or Tennyson club and to run
it i n an efficient manner because she is a college woman. Such du-
ties and tasks are expected of her when she is turned out of college
at the end of four years, supposedly a well-rounded individual. She
is expected to fill an office without becoming self-conscious, but she
isn't always able to do so i f her social education has been neglected.
There are many "diamonds in the rough" waiting during the dreary
four years to be picked up and polished, envious of the prominent
woman's success, confident that she could do as much were she given
half a chance, were it either to take charge of a meeting or to write
a newspaper article. There is danger of the "typical" college
woman becoming so broad that she is shallow; she is liable to lose
her democratic view of the whole situation, to forget that another
could fill her office with as much efficiency as she has filled it. Let
her remember that she got the office which she is holding merely be-
cause she was lucky enough to be selected for it first, and not through
any well-defined superiority over the other women.
But back of all this, the whole subject of "honors" and "points,"
"prominence" and "representative women", is the fundamental fact
that we did not come to college to major in campus activities but to
advance our education along scholastic lines; to realize that what we
are doing is not staggering the world by its stupendous character.
Greater men and women than we have struggled and given their lives
for the preservation of their ideals. Our effort seems futile and of
small consequence when we realize what the future expects of us.
First of all, we must be the scholar, and then the well-rounded col-
lege man or woman will develop when we least expect it.
I n every university there is a tendency to distribute unfairly,
among few people, the numerous offices of the various organizations.
A few influential college politicians can organize a sentiment power-
f u l enough to sway all college elections in their favor. Those who
have proven themselves efficient in one office are given additional
offices, soon they have a monopoly of power with the result that the
majority of those interested in the offices and their duties become dis-
To obviate such a state of affairs, here at Minnesota the women
have adopted the "Point System". The system has been proposed
to the men, but disagreements over various "point values" have hin-
dered its adoption so far.
According to the "Point System" as in force among the women
here, each office in every campus organization and various recognized
campus activities all have a definite "point value". There is a range
in "points" from twenty-five for the President of W. S. G. A. or of
the Y. W. C. A. to five points for various less responsible offices.
There is no lower point value than five.
There are certain qualifications regarding the number of points
a girl may hold: a senior may hold thirty points; a freshman may
hold ten. I n case the person's class work is poor she may not hold
the maximum number, for a grade of merely passing, at least five
points must be deducted; for a grade below passing, at least ten
points must be deducted.
Among the girls this system has worked well. I t removes the
tendency to overburden one person with too many offices however
efficient she may be. Sometimes a girl has a good chance to hold
two important offices, because of the "Point System" she has to
choose between them. Naturally she will choose the one she is most
interested in thereby rendering a great help to the office she elects,
and directly to the one she refuses, by allowing some other person,
more enthusiastic, to manage the other office. With her work limited
to a narrow field she is aole to do better work in that field.
Best of all the "Point System" removes the tendency for one
group to monopolize all the offices. I t has a tendency to press into
service girls who are rather shy, girls who need a little friendly con-
fidence to bring out the best that is in them. Because it opens up
opportunities to more people, it creates a broader atmosphere. I t
seems to be the system most in keeping with the democratic spirit of
a college or university. M A T I E E . STONER, Tau.
Some time ago, a rather sensational article appeared in the New
York Times on the subject of a great anti-fraternity movement or-
ganized among the students in eighteen universities and known as the
"Commons Club". The aim, according to the Times, is to militate
against Greek-letter fraternities.
I have looked into the subject rather fully and shall publish a let-
ter from Mr. Gardner C. Anthony to William Hooper, acting presi-
dent of Tufts College, and shall copy a few articles from the Com-
mons Club Chronicle—an annual publication in the interests of the
National Federation of the Commons Club.
I find that is not an anti-fraternity organization, but one to take the
place to the majority of college men that the Greek-letter organ-
izations hold to the minority. They claim to be non-exclusive but
do exclude Greek-letter fraternity men.
There are seven chapters, five in colleges and two alumna? chap-
The following excerpts will best explain the existence and princi-
ples of the Commons Club. T H E EDITOR.
Tufts College, Massachusetts.
March 25, 1914.
Acting President of Tufts College,
Tufts College, Massachusetts.
My Dear Dr. Hooper:
In answer to the accompanying letter relating to the Commons
Club, I am enclosing herewith the following statement and the last
number of the Chronicle which is the official organ of the national
organization. As you know, I have been quite intimate with the de-
velopment of the Commons Club and speak with a very f u l l knowl-
edge of its history and present condition.
In the early part of the year 1909 I was asked to assist the non-
fraternity members of the College in organizing a club. At that
time about forty per cent of the students were members of fraterni-
ties and there was a very strongly expressed desire to have a repre-
sentative organization for the non-fraternity men. I n the past such
organizations have been of a rather vague and unstable character,
and as history has shown, somewhat antagonistic to the harmonious
life of the College. Realizing all of this, I strove to establish an
organization which would become permanent, with high ideals, and
a sufficient backing on the part of the Faculty and Alumni to insure
its success. During the past five years these ideals have been real-
ized to a somewhat remarkable degree, for the organization has
helped to harmonize the conflicting interests of the college, especially
as it brought about a broader and a more democratic feeling in class
elections—the men of the Commons Club seeking to elect the best
men to office irrespective of the organization to which they belong.
From the first the membership in the club has numbered about sixty
per annum, and although the annual fee is small, being but ten dol-
lars, the club is on a good financial basis and I think I may say a cash
basis. This is certainly true as regards the management of its table.
Invitations to membership are very general, and I believe there
are no rules of a restrictive character, save that the members must
swear allegiance to the best interests of the college first, and, sec-
ondly, to the support of the Commons Club. The club is in no sense
another fraternity and puts no barrier to the withdrawal of its mem-
bers at any time for the joining of a fraternity, although this rarely
occurs as the members are very loyal to the club. At present there
are eight members of the Faculty belonging to the club and, although
they have no active interest in the organization, they exert a benefi-
cial influence.
At the time of its organization we were not aware of a national
federation of Commons Club which was first established at Wesley-
an. On learning of the existence of this organization, they im-
mediately joined and have since become one of the most influencial
members of the federation.
Very truly yours,
Dean Engineering School.
Colby Commons Club, Colby College, Waterville, Me.
Syracuse Commons Club, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N . Y.
Tufts Commons Club, T u f t s College, Mass.
Pyramid Chapter Commons Club, Union College, Schenectady,
N . Y.
Wesleyan Commons Club, Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn.
New York Alumni Commons Club, (intercollegiate), New York
Wesleyan Commons Club Alumni Corporation.
The fraternity system is strongly intrenched at Wesleyan Univer-
sity. More money is probably invested in chapter houses here than
in any college of equal size in the country. A l l Wesleyan men on
the faculty and all but one in the Board of Trustees are members of
one or the other of local chapters. Of the 2,627 male grad-
uates of the college, up to 1910, only 716 are non-fraternity men.
The fraternities have done much for the college, and, of recent years,
through scholarship committees, they are working in cordial coop-
eration with the college authorities to improve the scholastic standing
of their members. The policy of exclusiveness, however, upon
which they and all kindred organizations are founded has embit-
tered many a man's college career, by reason of his failure to attain
the social privileges to which he has looked forward for years before
coming to college, and no small number of promising youths are
known to the writer to have left college and gone elsewhere through
failure to make a fraternity.
Previous to 1899, the lot of the non-fraternity men at Wesleyan
was not a happy one. They represented so many disorganized units
in a somewhat systematically organized community. They had but
slight opportunity to take part in college affairs; they had no social
life except as they made friends in town; they got their meals here
and there in boarding houses or restaurants or, not frequently, at-
tempted to board themselves at a low cost in money but at a high
cost in health. As a result of a letter from a senior to the college
paper portraying these unfortunate conditions, the President called
together i n June, 1899, the students who were interested in the for-
mation of a college dining club. About twenty-five agreed to join,
and a beginning was made at the opening of the college year in Sep-
tember, the building known as the Foss House being appropriated
for the purpose by the trustees. The price of board was fixed at a
low figure, $2.25 a week, since most of the men interested were poor.
As numbers increased, the accommodations were enlarged by the
addition of a large dining room, and the price of board was increased
to $2.35 a week. As the cost of living has gone up, further in-
creases have been made in the price of board, which now stands at
$3 a week. Until quite recently the dining hall was run at a loss,
the deficit being met by the College, but with the present attendance
of nearly one hundred it is possible by careful management to meet
expenses and to provide plenty of plain food, well cooked and de-
cently served.
The non-fraternity men, thus brought together at table, speedily
organized a club, called from its origin the Commons Club, and en-
tered upon an honorable and useful career, which has solved some
of the most perplexing problems i n connection with the social life
of the College. The college authorities have been most sympa-
thetic in encouraging the organization, and by enlarging and improv-
ing the building from time to time, and by rebuilding after the re-
cent fire, have provided the Club with dormitory accommodations
for its members, including a commodious lodge-room with a small
stage. The active membership of the club at present is 67, and the
alumni members number 110.
The fundamental doctrine of the club is democracy. So far from
being exclusive, it offers an election to every man in college not con-
nected with a fraternity. This is a requirement of the constitution, and
is honestly lived up to. I f it is ever abandoned, the Club will have
no longer a raison d'etre. By any such action it would align itself
with the fraternities, and the support it has enjoyed from the college
authorities would be withdrawn. How far such a club is justified in
reproducing certain features of fraternity practice, such as secret
initiation, a badge, and a grip, is a question upon which the Faculty
(honorary) members of the Club are divided in opinion. That a
limited number of such practices and symbols are necessary for soli-
darity may be granted; the vast number of societies and lodges all
over the country prove that men never outgrow the desire of the child
for mystery and secrecy; but care must be taken lest these externals
be over-emphasized to the peril of the real principle which underlies
a democratic organization. Still more doubtful, in the mind of the
writer, is the policy of requiring a member of such a club to promise
not to join a fraternity after initiation. Experience only will show
whether such a rule, recently adopted here, is justifiable.
Secretary to the Faculty.
In spite of the fact that the people of the United States are sup-
posed to be self-governing, there are probably few civilized coun-
tries where, until recently, the mass of the people have had less to
do with the nomination of candidates for office, and less to say about
the laws under which they live, than in the United States. These
conditions in the life of a nation have been reflected in the life of
our Colleges. Although the Colleges are regarded as very demo-
cratic institutions, the little "boss" has occasionally been very much
in evidence. Honors of all kinds, instead of being given to the most
deserving, have been distributed as spoils. There has been a lack
of true individuality. Freedom of speech has not been as common
as it should be. There has been a tendency to snobbishness, and a
disregard of scholarship and of high ideals. This condition has
been due to various causes which it would not be profitable to at-
tempt to trace. But there are signs of a reaction which will bring
about much more healthy conditions. One of these signs has been the
organization of Commons Clubs. In many cases they do not appear
under that name. I n some cases there is no formal organization. But
in practically every institution, a spontaneous movement is taking
place toward more equal opportunity for all, toward good-fellow-
ship, and clean living, and against all kinds of unfair dealing. This
movement is not in opposition to fraternities. For a long time,
the fraternities were the greatest forces for good in most of our
American colleges. I n general, their ideals have been high. Certain
instances to the contrary have attracted attention and have led
to an undeserved condemnation of the fraternity system as a whole.
The fraternities have undoubtedly been the greatest factor in the
development of university life, but they are now giving way to
something better—an organization of the student body to secure the
best interests of the student body. Every student is to be made to
feel that his efforts will be recognized so far as they deserve rec-
ognition, and also that he must give way to a better man. He must
feel that he is a vitally necessary part of the college, and that he
will always receive fair treatment.
When this change shall have been completed, our American
institutions of learning will deserve to rank with those of Germany
as leaders and molders of public opinion.
Dean of the College of Applied Science, Syracuse University, Syra-
cuse, N. Y.
For many years the sheep and the goats have been separated by
a great gulf at DePauw. The sheep had been carefully folded
and cared for by the various Greek fraternal organizations. The
goats, however, had been permitted to wander whither they listed,
often where they should not have gone. Sometimes they went astray
into the thickets of "Cons" and "flunks"; sometimes into the briars
of grave social blunders; sometimes into the mountains of uncouth
and boorish personal appearance; and sometimes they fell into pits
of habits in which they remained, doubtless for many years, pos-
sibly for a lifetime.
There were a few professors and students who felt that these con-
ditions should not exist and several times different kinds of organi-
zations were attempted. It was about a year ago that the non-fra-
ternity men really got together. Before the close of school in 1912
a committee was appointed to secure a house and to consummate
an organization. This committee did its work so well that when
school opened in September a splendid building was rented and '
prepared to serve as a social center. During the first week of school,
some forty men joined the society. The final crystalization or
rather precipitation from this tentative organization is what we
have at present, the Commons at DePauw University. So far we
have succeeded.
During the year we have pushed our men out into the the various
fields of college activity: on the gridiron, the basket ball floor, the
diamond, and the track. We have won local oratorical trials, and,
in two state oratorical contests Commons men have been chosen to
represent Indiana in inter-state competitions. Besides this we have
a man on the debate team. We have men in the orchestra, the band,
and the glee club.
The primal purpose of the Commons here, as we understand it
is at the other places, is not to antagonize the fraternities but rather
to care for the non-fraternity students and foster the spirit of de-
mocracy in the college. I t is hoped that in this way the chasm be-
tween the fraternity and the non-fraternity people may be spanned.
We have already begun to realize the advantages of association
with one another, i n such a club. A remark often repeated is, " I did
not know that there was so much benefit in organization". We try
to make the house as much of a home as possible for all of the fellows.
The scholarship of members is investigated and a close accurate
record of the same is kept. I t is useless to add that this has proven
a great benefit to our work as students. Our prospects for next
year are very bright. We extend kind greetings to all the Commons
men wherever they may he. We should like to hear from others.
When in Greencastle be sure to look us up and we will welcome
you. We will show that we are what are name signifies in the
true and highest sense. JESSE BOGUE.
Winner of the Indiana State Oratorical Contest.
Much has been said for and against college fraternities, but one
fact stands out prominently, and that is that the college man
with no fraternity or similar connection finds it difficult to enter into
the spirit of college life and activities and among these activities
he feels more like an onlooker than a participant. A college, to
be highly successful, must have the loyal and enthusiastic support
of all who attend it, and in the degree that this loyalty and en-
thusiasm are taken away, or for some reason cannot be attained,
so much is the college unable to measure up to what it might and
ought to be. We, as Commons Club men, have no quarrel with the
college fraternities. We rather work in harmony with them, for
the good of the college and all Classes in it. I t is our mission to
reach those who are not members of a fraternity, and by our or-
ganization to bring them into closer touch with the spirit, life, and
activities of the college. To do this requires a broad, democratic
organization, open to all non-fraternity men of good character. I t
should be run with all possible economy, for in it rich and poor must
stand on an equal footing. These and many other desirable ideals
are those upon which the Commons Clubs stand; and as we firmly
believe in these principles, we have no fears as to the future growth,
power, and usefulness of the Commons Clubs.
HERBERT C. HODGKINS, Colby, ' 1 2 .
AN O T H E R college year has come to a close. The year has
marked a tremendous growth in internal organization of all
Greek-letter Fraternities and especially in interfraternity organi-
zations. We are firmly bound together now for our own protection
and advancement. We have developed a community of interests
and a satisfying cordiality one for another. What is the next step?
Logically it is Activity. A large perfected organization must be-
gin to work and as we exist only i n University life, our activity
should be for the advancement of the Universities wherein we exist.
A professor in a southern college recently said to me, "Without
exception the men and women who are leaders in college activities
belong to one of the two sororities or one of the two fraternities."
This is gratifying even i f it is natural. Natural because it is logical
that strong manhood and womanhood should be developed in an
organization founded on ideals, and gratifying because it marks the
accomplishment of one of our strongest ideals. Let Activity and
Service be our watchword for the coming year.
H OW long will it be before we can all learn the value of a Pan-
Hellenic courtesy? F6r the second time in two years there
have appeared in Pan-Hellenic Journals adverse criticisms of con-
temporary magazines. Is it difficult to realize that unfavorable
criticism is uncalled for—whether merited or not—of journals
which are not competitive, can never have the same circulation, the
exchange of which is a courtesy between sister organizations?
FOR some time there have been rumors of secret anti-fraternity
organizations which came to a head some time ago in an article
in the New York Times on the "Commons Club". The Times
claimed that the Federation of Commons Clubs had for its primary
object the doing away of the Greek-letter fraternities.
No doubt there do exist in overzealous communities, anti-fra-
ternity organizations but they are successfully sub-rosa, and the
Commons Club is avowedly not anti-fraternity.
It has been the history of the majority of non-secret clubs that
they have begun in a flame of democracy and have gradually taken
on attributes of the Greek-letter societies, as they have come to
recognize the value of these attributes.
Can we not all of us think of clubs in our own colleges which
have begun in this way? I even think of some who incorporated
it into their constitutions, the principle that the club should never
become a Greek-letter fraternity and inside of ten years—in some
cases less—have become chapters of Greek-letter fraternities.
I am not prophesying this as an outcome of the Commons Club
because it is too large and unrestricted an affair. But it was avowedly
organized to give to the unorganized or non-fraternity men the
strength and advantages of fraternity men. Although they claim to
be unrestricted they do exclude fraternity men. And they use a cer-
tain amount of secrecy as to their symbols and ritual for the same
purpose that it is used by Greek-letter organizations.
The conception of the Commons Club is tremendous and so far
it is working. There is every argument for its existence and growth.
Elsa Becker, '14. Marie Doody, '15.
Julia Bolger, '14. Grace Farrell, '15.
Helen Downes, '14. Frieda Fleer, '15.
Lucie Petri, '14. Constance Geraty, '15.
Helen Shipman, '14. Ethel Hunley, '15.
Edwina Dearden, '15. Anna Jordan, '15.
Alpha surely appreciates all the kind thoughtfulness and sympathy
that has come to it from its sisters in all the chapters. I t is good
to know that you think of your "sick chapter" and that you ap-
preciate the difficulty of its position.
In view of our malady, we feel that we need special care, and we
would recommend that Grand Council accept the following sug-
gestions to be applied externally to all sick chapters in future
1. That all sick chapters be exempt from fraternity examina-
2. That Mrs. J. A. Britton, Jr., 425 Elwood Ave., Oakland,
California, be obliged to call in person for all reports.
3. That the Grand President visit said chapters at least once
a month.
Were these regulations in force now we would be much happier
for we have just failed the examination, incurred the wrath of Mrs.
Britton, and are exceedingly gloomy in thinking that we have not
the pleasure of looking forward to a visit from our Grand President
this year.
A year ago now we were quite a different family and you all
know what happened.—It came upon us very suddenly and we felt
as did the mourners in that nonsense rhyme:
"The mourners came and gathered up
The bits that lay about;
But why the massacre had been
They could not quite make out.
"One said there was a mystery
Connected with the deaths;
But others thought the silent ones
Perhaps had lost their breaths."
We did lose our breaths for a while but by now have partially
recovered them, and we resolved at our last meeting that we should
work all the harder for Alpha, "ere its kind and loving life eter-
nally had ceased"—our first way to show our love for Alpha is
to show loyalty to our college.
Our Greek games are just over, and they demanded our support
this year, particularly, as all the proceeds are to be given to Wellesley
which has just been so badly crippled by fire.
Our own Building Fund is growing slowly, and Helen Shipman
Is one of the two senior members on the undergraduate committee
for planning a large benefit in May.
Our seniors are already beginning to plan for senior week, and
with Helen Downes working on the banquet committee, Helen
Shipman on the dance committee, and Julia Bolger on Dry day
committee, we cannot forget for a minute that they are about to
leave us. However, there will still be some of us in college next
year, and we will keep on breathing until June, 1915, and we will
hope that even then we will not have to do as did the perishing
jube jube bird
"Who with a reverential caw
Gave up its little ghost."
Theodora Duval Sumner, '14. Clara Wendell Hall, '16.
Willie Wynne White, '14. Anne Delie Bancroft, '15
Gladys Anna Renshaw, '14. Rosalie Elizabeth Dufoure, '15.
Angie Louise McLees, '14. E r i n O'Niell, '16.
Rosamond Agnes H i l l , '14. Jennie Snyder, '16.
Lillian Chapman, '14. Soledille Felicite Renshaw, '16.
Georgia Isabelle Gilleau, '14. Grace Duval Gilleau, '16.
Margaret Dunbar Fowles, '14.
Time is fleeting with us these lovely spring days. Even now
we hear rumors or rather plans for commencement. Groups of
seniors are constantly discussing important issues as to whether
the faculty reception would be more fitting on Tuesday or Wednes-
day, and whether vespers on baccalaureate Sunday would not be
lovely. A l l this makes us feel that the end of this year isn't so
far away.
Since my last letter we are proud to announce two new Alpha O's,
Soledille Renshaw and Grace Gillean. True they are "little sisters"
and somewhat "dyed in the wool" from the beginning but we are very
happy to have them really one of us.
Basket ball season has just closed with all its excitement. Gladys
and Margaret were on both the senior and varsity teams so we had a
double interest. And one of the coaches remarked that it was due
largely to their Herculean efforts that 1914 won the cup. Mr.
Benson of the "Stratford-on-Avon" players visited our campus not
long ago and was charmed with a game of basket ball which he
witnessed. He said that the grace of movement in the game seemed
to him more like Greek athletics than anything he had ever seen.
So Newcomb is duly proud of her Venus-like daughters.
Our first intercollegiate debate is to take place shortly, so, of
course, all interest is being centered on that. Agnes Scott is our
opponent and the outcome—? is yet to be seen.
Newcomb has been particularly fortunate this year in having
visits from several celebrities. Jane Addams was in New Orleans for
a Child Labor Convention and was our guest one morning. Most
of us were pleased even to see the great woman and we all enjoyed
her talk to the fullest. Then the newly formed suffrage club was
honored by a visit from Ruth McEnery Stuart, our well known
Louisiana authoress. Ever since "Daddy Do-funny's Jingles" ap-
peared we have been captivated by them and it was lovely to hear the
author herself read some selections from them.
But not only has Newcomb been particularly fortunate in having
so many visitors. Genevieve Bowman and Sadie O. Hardie, both
Kappa girls, were in New Orleans for Mardi Gras and paid us
such a nice call. I t was fine to hear about our other sisters and
still better to have some with us. They were both so homesick for
Randolph-Macon when they came in the fraternity room that they
wanted to board the next train back.
Miss Sanville, an Alpha girl of 1901, also surprised us with a
little call the other day. She is now president of the Consumers'
League in Philadelphia and still just as loyal to the "rose of red".
And as a reminder of that fact she and her mother sent us a beau-
tiful fern and some red red roses to adorn our room. We certainly
enjoy visits from other sisters! I f any of you are ever in New
Orleans don't fail to come to see us.
Aldana Quimby. Winifred Notman.
Virginia Mollcnhauer. Cecile Iselin.
Nora Stark. Elizabeth Jane Monroe.
Helen Vollmer. Elizabeth Smart.
Helen Williams.
N u reports three new members, for whom she bespeaks the
welcome of the sorority—Elizabeth Jane Monroe, Winifred Not-
man and Cecile Iselin. Elizabeth Jane Monroe is a graduate of
New York Teachers' College, Winifred Notman of Smith and a
<I> B K girl, and Cecile Iselin has studied at Zurich and the Uni-
versity of Bern, Switzerland.
Jean Burnet, Mrs. Leslie J. Tompkins, has a brand-new daughter
on whom the chapter feel they Jiave a double claim, its mother being
a sorority sister and its father a professor and secretary of the
Law School.
Virgina Mollenhauer has moved her office to 3210 Third Ave., and
has recently won several cases.
The new offices of Ashley and Pope are located at 68 William
Mrs. Ives's address is changed to 15 West 123rd Street.
Priscilla Myers is now at 105 East 15th Street.
Nell Bondurant, '14. Kathryn Wilkey, '17.
Ellen Converse, '15. Wista Braly, '17.
Elizabeth McCargo, '16. Pauline Hobson, '16.
Margaret Conover, '16. Edith Verran, '15.
Aubry Faulkner, '16. Mary Annie Landy, '16.
Ethel Terry, '17. *
V. I f . C. A.—President, Alice Calhoun, Non.; First Vice-president, Mary
Long, 4» M ; Second Vice-president, Edith Verran, A O I I ; Treasurer, Ethel
Terry, A O IT; Chairman Devotional Committee, Mary Carmichael, X fJ;
Chairman Social Committee, Pauline Hobson, A O I I , Elizabeth Van Horn,
Z T A ; Chairman Bible Study, Mabel Wheatley, Non.; Chairman Mission
Study, Mary Louise Eskridge, Non.; Intercollegiate Secretary, Eleanor Boat-
wright, Z T A.
STUDENT GOVERNMENT— President, Mary Annie Landy, A O I I ; Vice-
president, Alfa Smith, Non.; Secretary, Mabel Beck, Non.; Proctors, Lena
Mills, Non., Irene Girard, 4> M, Mary Long, * M, Edith Verran, A O I I ,
Gladys Kimbrough, X fi.
At last the great day is over and there are five new Alpha Omicron
Pi's on the " H i l l " . Initiation was March the seventh and it was
especially thrilling for most of us since it was the first time we had
taken part in one. Several of our out of town alumna? spent the
week-end with us and were lots of help in subduing the freshmen.
One of the visitors for the Colonial Ball, given by the university
girls, was Miss Dorothy Calhoun, who was a T r i Delta at Randolph-
Macon. During her visit we entertained with a very informal tea
to which all the girls were invited.
Omicron chapter is unusually fortunate in having a real live
baby for a mascot. He is imbued already with the true A O I I
spirit for he seemed to enjoy being kodaked with the rest of the
chapter. William Elbert wants to make his bow to all of his aunts.
We are glad to say that our Dean of Women, who has been quite
i l l , is improving and will soon be able to resume her duties.
One of our "post-initiation" affairs was a theatre party given
by a "chapter uncle". We had such a good time that it is still a
topic of conversation. Our only source of regret is that the chapter
cannot boast of more such uncles.
At a recent meeting of Pan-Hellenic there was a good deal of
discussion concerning a second term pledge day. I t was finally
decided to make the first Tuesday in April pledge day, all the
rules and regulations governing the first term pledge day, to be
observed. We have never tried this before and are anxious to see
how it will work.
Katharine Roy Gordon, '14. Lucy R. Somerville, '16.
Patty Paxton, '14. Margaret B. Atkinson, '16.
Mollie Minkwitz, '14. Rebecca Lamar, '16.
Shirley McDavitt, '14. Virginia Allen, '16.
Mattie R . Carskadon, '14. Lucie F . Mann, '16.
Lida Belle Brame, '14. Nell Streetman, '16.
Elizabeth Bryan, '15. Courtenay Chatham, '16.
Julia Anna Smith, 'is. Carrie Crane, '16.
There is much excitement here now, as our Easter holidays begin
so soon and we are planning to go home or to visit some "sister"
who lives near-by—and we are all hoping to have a fine vacation.
The Helianthus, our college annual has already come from the
printer and its popularity is shown in that every copy has been
bought. We are most proud that we have been so well represented
there—for Katharine and Lida Belle were on the staff—and out
of the twelve statistics, Kappa got four. Our dear old senior presi-
dent, Patty, was voted the most popular and most prominent, while
Susie got the vote for the most versatile, and Lida Belle for the
most graceful.
Not long ago the literary societies gave Rostand's "Romancers"
which proved to be the most popular and successful play ever
presented here. Katharine made the loveliest heroine possible. I t
was right appropriate for her to be the little French girl as she is
quite prominent in that line, being president of the French Club.
We are very proud to have Julia, Anna and Rebecca on the
Y. W. C. A. cabinet for next year. Other elections take place later
in the spring.
Kappa has been so fortunate in having "mothers" visit us. Kathar-
ine's, Susie's and Lida Belle's have been here and Nell's is here
now. We are so happy to have them. We have also been quite
fortunate in being the recipients of some lovely presents—Mrs.
Bryan and Margaret's "Bubber" made it possible for us to have
some new curtains, Mrs. Mann brought us a wonderful Cluny lace
dinner set and Mrs. Brame gave us a dozen dinner forks.
Annie Kate Gilbert of Dallas, Texas, is coming to see us soon
and Linda Best Terry of Memphis will come the last of May. Laura
Argne of Woodville, Miss., will be here for commencement. Every-
one will be so happy to see them.
Kappa wishes everyone of you much success and happiness.
Gisella Birkner, '14. Gladys Dominy, '16.
Melvina Waters, '14. Hazel King, '16.
Elsie Fitzgerald, '15. Gladys Lowenberg, '16.
Estella Stephens, '15. Ethel Chace, '16.
Mabel Murtey, '15. Edna Froyd, '16.
Lou Chace, '16. Mabel Sanders, '17.
Carrie Coman, '16. Lucile Sanders, '17.
Veva Young, '16. Nell Ryan, '17.
Trma Hauptman, '16.
Y. W. C. A.—President, Esther Bennett, A A A ; Vice-president, Genevieve
Lowry, IT B 4>; Secretary, Freda Stuff, Non.; Treasurer, Marguerite Farley,
Achoth; Bible Study Committee, chairman, Ruth Mills, A V; Missionary
Committee, Edna Froyd, A 0 I I ; Devotional Committee, Virginia Leitch,
A Finance Committee, Verda Sanburn.
GIRLS' CLUB—President, Mabel Daniels, Achoth; Vice-president, Bess
Rogers, Non.; Secretary, Lorena Bixby, Non.; Treasurer, Louise Brownell,
A X Q.
MYSTIC FISH—Hermine Hatfield from A 0 I I ; President, Margaret
Bridenbaugh, Non.; Secretary, Florence Pegler, X Si.
XI DELTA—Veva Young from A O I I ; President, Jcanette Finney,
I I B * ; Secretary, Ruth Mills, A T.
SILVER SERPENT—Mabel Murtey from A 0 I I ; President, Genevieve
Lowry, I I B 4>; Secretary, Mabel Murtey, A 0 I I .
BLACK MASQUE—President, Gladys Bunt, A T ; Secretary, Bess Rogers,
Carrie Coman, A 0 I I , was elected a member of the English Club.
Carrie Coman is also a member of the Cornhusker staff.
COSMET CLUB PLAY—Hazel King, Lou Chace, Carrie Coman.
SPHIRO STYX PLAY—Gladys Lowenberg.
After a good rest during the past week of spring vacation, all
of Zeta chapter are back, f u l l of energy and enthusiasm to com-
plete the year's work.
The annual formal of the Zeta chapter is to be held Friday eve-
ning, March the twenty-seventh and eight out of town rushees are to
be entertained at the house during this week-end. The annual ban-
quet, is to be held on the next Saturday evening of the twenty-eighth.
Many alumnae are expected to be present. The following out of town
alumnae are coming: Mrs. Sarah Herrington Froyd, Aurora, 111.;
Stella Butler, Arion, Iowa; Freddie and Mathilde Stenger, Columbus,
Neb.; Ruth Wheelock, Beatrice, Neb.; Mattie Higgins, Omaha,
Neb.; Janet McAllister, Columbus, Neb.; Breta Diehl, Stratton,
Neb.; Elsie Piper, Wayne, Neb.; Kate Follmer, Oak, Neb.; Janet
Ramey, Greenleaf, Kansas; Laura Peterson, Omaha, Neb.; Elna
Nissen, Kennard, Neb.; Belle Tyson, Mound City, Missouri; Rose
Chase, Omaha, Neb.; Bess Mitchell, Omaha, Neb.
I n regard to rushing, the Intersorority Council of the University
of Nebraska has voted to have the rushing take place next f a l l
during registration week.
The Y. W. C. A. has decided to appropriate a sum of money to
Miss King, a young missionary in China and a graduate of the Uni-
versity of Michigan. Alpha Omicron Pi of Nebraska has voted to
give nine dollars toward this and it is to be paid May 1, 1914.
As for Alpha Omicron news itself, there is not much. Initiation
took place at the sorority house Wednesday evening of this week.
The Lincoln alumna; have decided to meet with the active girls
at the Monday night sorority meetings, once a month, thereby get-
ting acquainted with the new girls and the active girls as well, and
keeping in touch with the active work of Zeta chapter.
I f you so desire it I shall send you some songs and poetry written
by Carrie Coman of our chapter, in the next letter.
GRADUATES Frances Corlett.
Eliabeth Elliott.
Mary dc Witt. Olive Frenler.
Margaret Haseltine. Kathleen Mains.
Mildred Hunter. Florence Pierce.
Phyllis Maguire May Preuss.
Edna Taber.
SENIORS Nora Tower.
Dorothy Clarke. FRESHMEN
Charlott Cowie.
Hertha Herrmann. * Marjory Armstrong.
Evalyn Homage. Margaret Chase.
Claudia Massie. Helen Clowes.
Gladys Goeggel.
JUNIORS Kathryn Hubbard.
•Ethel Mowney.
Alice de Venne. • E l s a Oberdeener.
Savory Ford. Rosalinda Olcese.
Margaret Stone. Gertrude Schieck.
Margaret Weeks. Gladys Schmidt.
Helen Slaughter.
SOPHOMORES Elaine Young.
Ruth Brownlie.
Ruth Carson.
* Out on leave of absence.