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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-17 16:32:03

1982 Summer - To Dragma

Vol. LXII, No. 7

w ofalpha omicron pi Vol. LXII No. 7

Summer 1982



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The €S>itor'$ Place

The summer can't be almost half ees to our collegiate members. How? Fall issue
over . . . but it is. It can't be time to . . . by filling out Membership In-
start setting, up the fall calendar . . . formation Forms (MIF). The best The Fall issue will feature reports
but it is. way to insure that an outstanding from the Regional Meetings sched-
rushee from your area is not left out uled throughout the country this
And since we are the first to re- of AOII is to provide the chapter at summer. A number of new regional
mind you of this important and often the college of her choice an MIF. Tell officers will be introduced to To
frustrating task, how about putting the collegians about her and they will Dragma readers. Diamond Jubilee
Alpha Omicron Pi on the top of the make it a point to get to know her Foundation scholarship winners, too,
1982-83 list of groups to receive your during rush week. By working to- will be accented along with the new
all? gether, we will continue to build the field staff of traveling consultants
fraternity we all realize is tops. and special chapter assistants.
Where else are you wanted just be-
cause you are you? Special talents Alumnae chapters, too, spend A special feature will hit home to
are enthusiastically received, but ev- summer and fall hours rushing to all women.
ery sister is welcome to join in a vari- better their membership rolls. The
ety of activities, programs . . . Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter Features ideas?
throughout a year of meetings and discusses its success in this issue. The Members always are welcome to
special get-togethers. Pullman Alumnae Chapter reviews share thoughts and ideas with To
its spring rush for associate members. Dragma. Your ideas will be very
The alumnae chapters provide out- helpful in deciding what types of fea-
lets for community service, philan- Other features tures to prepare for publication in
thropic activities and a way to get to We are very pleased with the short each issue.
know other . . . well. If you will be reports provided by so many colle-
new to an area, kept the directory giate and alumnae chapters during TD artist
which is enclosed and contact a near- the spring. It should be a treat to
by alumna or collegiate chapter. alumnae who have not kept in touch succeeds again
That will be the start of something with their collegiate chapters.
grand, we promise. Our puzzle artwork was created
CFEA sponsors by Ree Craddock Gordy, Delta Beta
For you newest alumnae, the alum- '68, who has contributed other piec-
nae chapters will offer a way to meet art contest es of artwork for To Dragma arti-
women who belonged to collegiate cles.
chapters across the country. For Attention cartoonists, artists and even
many it will be the first opportunity doodlers . . . Gordy earned her bachelor's de-
to experience the "forever" aspect ,of gree from the University of South-
Alpha Omicron Pi. Until now you The College Fraternity Editors Associa- western Louisiana in eduction and
have been safely sheltered in a chap- tion (CFEA) and Ihling Bros Everard Co. later earned a master's in education
ter of collegiate peers wrapped up in printing firm are sponsoring an art com- with a reading emphasis from South-
academics, socials, and learning to petition. eastern Louisiana University.
belong to a group who cares.
Three categories will be offered in the She taught first grade in Slidell,
But as the big world faces you it competition: cartoon, illustration and La., for six years and currently is a
might be nice to meet it with sisters spot art. customer service representative for
who may have been in it for a while. Chevron USA, San Francisco.
Don't let the broad age span of a Cartoons should reflect the lighter, but
group frighten you off. You need positive side of Greek-life. They may be Gordy is secretary of the Diablo
their maturity and they need your single panel or strip. Undergraduate and/ Valley Alumnae Chapter. She also,
new thoughts and enthusiasm. or alumnae life may be depicted. as she puts it, "has the privilege of
working with Chi Alpha chapter at
You see . . . we always need each Illustrations should be drawings that the University of California, Davis,
other. reflect a positive aspect of Greek-life. as rush adviser."
Spot art would include logos, symbols,
Rush decorative treatments, again, reflecting She maintains membership in the
positive Greek-life. Mystick Krewe of Shangrila, a civil
This issue's main thrust is rush. As and carnival organization in New
our lifeline, Rush takes all of us. Our There will be $100 prizes for the best in Orleans, her home. Gordy is the il-
collegians are given the responsibility each category. A $20 prize will be award- lustrator for Frank Davis Associ-
of entertaining and educating young ed to all selected runners-up. All winning ates, in New Orleans.
women about AOII with the hopes entries will be published and distributed
that the outstanding ones will elect to to the fraternity editors for consideration Gordy has been very active with
join our sisterhood. for use in their magazines. little theatre (props, assistant pro-
ducer, acting, dancing), and with
Alumnae—everyone of us—has For added information and an entry "The Very Special Art Festival" in
the pleasure and responsibility, too, form, please write To Dragma Editor Sue conjunction with Special Olympics
of helping introduce this young rush- Hinz, NW 1445 Kenny, Pullman, WA in the past.
99163 AC (509) 332-1168. Entries are due
Aug. 1.


Published since January, 1905 by RAGMA

ALPHA OMICRON PI ofalpha omicron pi
Summer 1982 Vol. LXII No. 7
Founded at Barnard College,
January 2, 1897 featuring

Founders Rush Puzzle 1982 4
Alumnae need rushing, too 10
Jessie Wallace Hughan Pullman holds spring rush 11
Helen St. Clair Mullan Membership Information Form 13
Stella George Stern Perry Rush Directory 14
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Past International President dies 21
The Founders were members of Alpha AOIIs attend Panhellenic conferences 25
Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia Chi Beta colonized 28
University and all are deceased.
International Headquarters 17
Departments 22
3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, Tennessee 37215 The Editor's Place
Telephone: 615-383-1174 Alumnae Accent
Alumnae Activity
Editor Chapter Commentaries
Sue Wayenberg Hinz, AY

N W 1445 Kenny
Pullman, W A 99163
(509) 332-1168-Home
(509) 335-4527-Office


Sue Edmunds Lewis, TA
3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, T N 37215

PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of
Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarter-
ly by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription
price is $1.00 per copy. S3.00 per year.
Life subscription: $25.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave.,
Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Address all
editorial communications to the Editor,
Sue Hinz, N W 1445 Kenny, Pullman,
W A 99163. Second Class Postage paid at
Nashville, T N and additional mailing

On the Cover

Jennifer Jansen, a member of Al-
pha Gamma's Fall 1981 pledge
class shows off her special pad-
dle, created by big sister Renee
Horlacher. Throughout the coun-
try next fall, AOn collegians will
be telling hundreds of women
"AOn wants you."






Introducing rushees to "the Wonderful World of AOII!"

m4 9t

Out the door with that AOII Welcome . . . I

One thousand clowns



I *•
roses with special sentiment.
happiness and.

AO ry

equal a new year of AOU cheer. AOfl

Success needs
careful piecing

By Marilyn Herman

Executive Board We're ready to go and have saved a leisurely, productive last hour to reread the MIFs to recall

The key to a successful rush pro- all of the details we want to include in our first conversations with our rushees.

gram is Preparation. It's preparation puzzle section which serves as a Fraternity Education program pieces,

in ATTITUDE, preparation for gath- frame to hold all the others together, every sister learns about AOFI and all

ering prospective MEMBERSHIP I N - contains the POSITIVE ATTITUDE of our opportunities and advantages.

F O R M A T I O N , p r e p a r a t i o n i n pieces. These pieces include each In short, Fraternity awareness sup-

RUSH PARTY DETAILS and prepa- member's belief in herself, belief in plies the "we are proud of ourselves

ration in RUSHING TECHNIQUES. her sisters, and belief in A01T as the and our Fraternity" pieces. A d d posi-

These four are the puzzle sections best. A n d they include dependable, tive ATTITUDE reinforcement pieces
which together are the "how to's" for enthusiastic acting on these beliefs. such as praise and chapter recogni-

reaching and maintaining quality Another set of A T T I T U D E pieces tion for jobs done well and spirits
membership at campus allowed To- is a Chapter Relations program lifted. When all the POSITIVE A T T I -
tal. If one section is missing in the which supports those beliefs. Pro- TUDE pieces are put together first,
preparation, the puzzle will never go grams on grooming, fashion, conver- filling in the other parts is easy.

together. With every section com- sation, and values are some of these Because good hostesses want their

plete, success is assured. The first ATTITUDE puzzle pieces. Through guests to feel welcomed and at home,


M A T I O N pieces. Knowing some-

thing about the rushees before the

party conversations; something of

their plans, hopes, families—are

pieces—which, when in place, add

warmth and sincerity to the puzzle

picture. How to place these pieces?

Prior planning is vital. Preparation is

everything! Chapter members who

stay in contact with their high

school, know what seniors will be

coming to their school, and send in-

formation to AOn chapters on other

campuses where high school friends

go are the experts with these impor-

tant puzzle pieces. AOIT alumnae

who teach in high schools and com-

munity colleges also can be tremen-

dous resources for putting the M E M -

BERSHIP I N F O R M A T I O N pieces

into the puzzle. A check of a chap-

ter's roll shows clearly the towns or

areas from which many students are

drawn. And that's where excellent

The red pledge ribbons and the first ever AOI1 shirts are pulled over the smiles. MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION


It takes the spirit of every member to keep rush parties suc- gatherers must look for these puzzle pieces which are so criti-
cessful. cal for the making of a top quality puzzle. Alumnae and col-
legiate chapters as well as individual alumnae and collegiate
members can become masters at the art of Membership
Information collection just by staying in touch with each
other, missing no opportunity to strengthen AOII ties—living
the AOII charge.

The third section of pieces in the rush success puzzle is
party details means spending f u n times together throughout
the school year. It's perfecting every costume, each nametag,
all song and dance routines, and every decoration. Artists,
designers, and workers join together every party detail puz-
zle piece to create the style and perfection of presentation
everyone wants the AOII rush picture to have.

ing the picture, MEMBERSHIP I N F O R M A T I O N making the
pieces fit together with precision and ease, and PARTY PER-
FECTION giving sparkle and color; the fourth section of
puzzle pieces, the all important rushing techniques, C O N -
VERSATIONAL SKILLS, takes our attention.

CONVERSATIONAL SKILLS are puzzle pieces which
serve AOIIs throughout life. These are the gracious hostess-
ing, conversation perfecting pieces which fit all of the every
day needs as well as the rushing needs of all collegians and
alumnae. Conversational skills are worth learning well. They
are the pieces of which success in life is made. The many
pieces of the rush success puzzle, framed by POSITIVE
ATTITUDES and ENTHUSIASM for chapter building, make
up a puzzle that all chapters can 'work.' Every member can
enjoy and learn as she puts her pieces into their strategic
places to complete her personal AOII rush picture puzzle.
And when all of the section comes together, what a picture it
is: AOII and each of us at her best!


There too is time to relax between song rehearsals . . . time to renew the joy of being together with
AOII sisters after a summer of separation . . . so much catching up to do.

Working OH

the m

J Finding the way with Dorothy, the tinman, the lion, and the scarecrow past the clutches of the
wicked witch of the West to the wonderful wizard of Oz at Auburn.

Attitude Inf ership
°rtnat ton

r Ush party

X; Rush mg

Through the fun times of 'oldie but goodie' saloon sing-alongs

Success story

Chapter sparks action

Editor's Note: This is a success story. A ourselves the executive board. Elise vol- Chicago Northwest Suburban:
story about an AOII alumnae chapter unteered for AOII alum president. "We have discovered persistence is
that is 'alive and well' again in Central the name of the game. We just keep
Florida. After several calls to Headquarters, calling and showing an interest, un-
Nancy Clark, Executive Board member less we are asked point blank not to
After inactivity for almost two years, assigned to alums, and Joan Shepherd, call again." "At meetings throughout
in January 1981, several alums from Or- Regional Director, Elise received advice, the year, we introduce ourselves, tell
lando Winter Park decided to celebrate suggestions and support. Immediately, something about ourselves . . . like
Founders' Day. Calls were made from HQ sent a computer printout of area what we'd like in our Christmas
outdated phone lists. The result was 26 AOns. stocking, etc." "We use special
gathering to remember AOII. Another welcomers to make sure the new
alum organized a newsletter in the Spring Following another local executive people and "hardly-ever-comers" get
of 1981 and asked for a $2 donation to board meeting to plan the '81-'82 activi- to know others. This is one of our
use for further mailings. Twelve alums ties, Elise composed an invitational letter main goals . . . to never see a new
responded: small, but a start! and membership application. The Execu- person sitting alone."
tive Board, invited the 238 alumnae in
Late in May of 1981 Elise Simpson Central Florida to join us for any or all of Evansville-Tri State:
Einselen, Phi Upsilon 75, called the 11 six preplanned gatherings (Social, Buffet, "We offer a wide variety of pro-
other alums and invited them to join her Ritual, Christmas Dinner Party, Found- grams, daytime as well as evening.
for dinner the following week to discuss ers' Day luncheon, business meeting and Family programs too. We have la-
reorganizational plans for AOII. Three family picnic). If interested in participat- dies in their 70's, 80's and 90's as
sisters, Sarah Ward, Iota '28; Heather ing, each was asked to fill out the form well as those in their 20's who are
McPherson, Gamma Omicron 78; Sally and remit with her yearly dues. Our goal regular attenders. We try to honor
Oies, Beta Phi '68, came and appointed was twenty-four (24) responses, or 10%, our special members. We feel our ac-
Elise added. tivities provide personal concern for
RUSHEE INFORMATION all of our members."
for the As of (December '81), more than 50
dues-paying members have joined and a Greater Pinellas:
AOII RUSH PUZZLE dozen or more have written to say thank "We have gotten to know each other
you but they have relocated, etc. We very well—many socially, many
Preparation to pledge women who have had three successful events and have thru our Giftmakers, Flea Market
represent a chapter's shared goals printed two newsletters. We are working and IIOA party have developed
and values is conscious, planned, on updating bylaws and publishing an much closer friendships." "Most suc-
specific and continuous. Every AOII alumnae directory, the president con- cessful program every year has to be
chapter whose members participate tinued. our Sept. meeting "Get Acquainted
in a rewarding, personal growth ex- Buffet." Everyone attending brings
perience and care about that experi- "Our thanks especially to Linda food, open with our formal ritual
ence take responsibility for building McLaughlin, our new RD, for her con- . . . introducing of everyone is usu-
the chapter they want. stant support and praise. My personal ally a highlight; then our boutique
thanks to Mary Louise Roller, past AOII follows the luncheon."
Every alumna and collegian can International and NPC President and
participate individually also by lo- member of our group, for her guiding
cating the vital "puzzle pieces" called hand. And, to all in my Chapter who
MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION. have given of their creativity," she
The best way to find those important added.
"pieces" is to sit down right now
while you have your To Dragma in This is a success story made by all in-
hand, study the Membership Infor- volved. Orlando Winter Park is an AOII
mation Form on page 14 to remind success and we are proud!
you of what information you need.
Know of
Start now to make contacts with
the young women you know, com- Aon
plete the MIF or write a personal let-
ter containing the information, and Superwomen? Let
find the mailing address for sending To Dragma
your MIFs. Know!

Participate with all of our AOII
sisters in putting together every piece
of the AOII Rush "puzzle" to create
the AOn picture we all want to see.

Alumnae, too, need feeling of being 'rushed'

By Sue Holtkamp, Omega other women's organization. These expected to come to the meeting by
Alumnae Membership Chairman chapters are reminding the alumnae herself. Someone picks her up, serves
of what they are missing and show- as her buddy during the social hour
"Rush alumnae? Why rush alum- ing them how they can make time for and meeting, gets to know her, and
nae when they are already AOIls? active alumnae participation. makes a contact with her after the
The purpose of rush is to choose new meeting.
sisters. Alumnae are already our sis- First, they have had to locate these
ters," argue many AOlTs when pre- AOlTs. In addition to using the com- As in collegiate rush, just getting
sented with the suggestion that they puter printout from International to know these women in the chapter
have a rush party for alumnae. Headquarters, these groups have does not necessarily close the deal for
made contacts through friends, news- the prospective member. Again, they
Let's examine what rushing entails paper articles, Panhellenic, the colle- must sell themselves, and their chap-
and see if it really does apply to giate chapter, and in other ways. The ter program. What are they offering
alumnae. It is true that the ultimate AOlTs who have been in the area for to that woman that she can't find
goal of rush is choosing new sisters. years but are uninvolved have not elsewhere? What can she offer them?
However, during the process of been neglected. Most chapters send They find out her interests, talents,
rushing, several things occur. We newsletters and use a telephone com- and needs. A questionnaire has
make the rushees feel comfortable. mittee, but several have gone one worked well for some, but the per-
We let them know they are loved and step further, been creative, and tried sonal touch is even better. After the
wanted . . . that they have some- new methods. first meeting she is asked to do a
thing to offer us. But most important small job befitting her talents and in-
of all is that we sell ourselves, our However, the key to membership terests. Upcoming events are high-
chapter and our product . . . A01T recruitment is what they do after lighted, stressing those that seem to
sisterhood. they find them. Let us return to the spark her interest. Business is kept to
concept of rush. Most alumnae chap- a minimum and that applies to all
A l l of these factors that go into the ters set up the first fall meeting of one meetings. Nothing is more boring to
process of choosing our sisters can in late summer as a new member a new member (or any member) than
and do apply to our alumnae mem- meeting. These groups not only con- a long meeting filled with meaning-
bers. They, too, must be made to feel sider every meeting a new member
comfortable. We must let them know meeting but think of them as rush (continued on page 12)
they are loved and wanted . . . that parties. They have found the most
they have something valuable to of- important ingredient for successful Sue Davies Holtkamp, Omega '65,
fer us. But most important again is recruitment and retainment is the is completing her first year as AOlTs
that we must continually sell our- personal touch. A new member is not Alumnae Membership Chairman.
selves, our alumnae chapter, and our
AOn sisterhood. y "As chairman, I work with alum-
nae chapters, giving them ideas, and
A number of chapters are ap- 1 suggestions for getting and keeping
proaching the ever present challenge new members," she explained. " I
of membership recruitment with the Sue Holtkamp stress the personal touch, the angle
attitude that it is rush. Collegians in Alumnae Membership Chairman that they must get to know each oth-
the process of trying to locate advis- er well as friends, and the fact that
ers are rushing alums, too. membership recruitment, as with
collegiate rush, is a matter of public
These groups are not sitting back relations—selling ourselves."
and waiting for all those AOlTs to
come knocking on the door but in- Sue has been a member of the San
stead, are actively seeking them out Diego Alumnae Chapter for 14 years
and nurturing them. Many of us as- serving as vice president, president
sume that simply by virtue of the fact and currently, treasurer. From 1974-
that a woman was initiated into A l - 77 she was International Scholarship
pha Omicron Pi at some time in the Chairman. Currently she is a mem-
past, she will be just waiting to fully ber of Lambda Iota Corporation
devote her time and services to the Board and from 1977-80 served as
fraternity. colony and chapter adviser for
Lambda Iota which is located at the
Much as we would like this to be University of California at San
true, it just isn't. Our alumnae mem- Diego.
bers, in this very busy world, are
quite involved with careers and/or She works part-time as a consult-
families to the point where it seems ant writing grants and proposals for
they have time for nothing else. A01T school districts. She and her hus-
does have something very worth- band have two children.
while to offer them. It is not just an-


Chapter holds successful spring Rush

1/ During the spring the Pullman
Alumnae Chapter took its turn rush-
Joan Collins, Alpha Gamma senior, second from left, was among the chapter members who joined ing in the southeastern Washington
Pullman Alumnae Chapter members Becky Howard Blake, Iota Alpha '69, left, and Shirley Arm- community which is home to Wash-
strong Perryman, Alpha Gamma '67, for several alumnae rush functions. Nancy Shrope, third ington State University and Alpha
from the left, was one of a number who attended the three functions to learn about AOIl's associate Gamma chapter.
alumnae program.
"We were finding our 12 members
1 holding two or more positions with
the chapter's advisory committee, the
Pullman alumnae stressed the importance of their rushees to get to know the chapter at W S U and corporation and the alumnae chap-
its members. One alumna rushee, Brenda Home, center, reviews Alpha Gamma scrapbooks with, ter," commented former alumnae
from the left, Mary Wagner, a senior; Karman Van Dervorst, a sophomore; Sue Daiger Schell, '68, chapter president Sue Daiger Schell,
past president of the alumnae chapter, and Karen Brown, a senior. Alpha Gamma '68. "We all knew
outstanding women in the communi-
ty with no sorority affiliation who
w o u l d make w o n d e r f u l A O I I a-

The chapter's new president Shir-
ley Armstrong Perryman, Alpha
Gamma '67, took charge of the activ-
ities planned to explain Alpha Omi-
cron Pi to seven women chapter
women picked to "rush."

The first function was a cookie ex-
change. The alumnae rushees met
chapter members and learned about
the chapter, its goals and its relation
to the collegians at various chapters
across the region as well as to the A l -
pha Gamma chapter at WSU.

Ten days later the rushees were in-
vited to the Senior Party sponsored
by the Pullman chapter for Alpha
Gamma members graduating in June.
The seniors were able to tell the pro-
spective alumnae about sorority life
at WSU and did an excellent job of
making the seven feel welcome to the
family, Shirley said.

The final event was a dinner at the
Alpha Gamma chapter house f o l -
lowed by a sneak preview of fall rush
entertainment. Later the alumnae
and collegians shared a candle cere-
mony with the rushees to give them
formal invitations to membership.

Seven returned the RSVP saying
they would like to become associate
members of Alpha Omicron Pi!!

"We were very pleased with the
three activities," Shirley added. "The
alumnae were able to strengthen their
commitment for the fraternity by
discussing AOII with prospective

Chapter members, too, enjoyed
sharing their search for associate


Thoughts of a pledge—

It was worth the effort!

(The following is Lisa Nice's per- Then pledge training began, and Deadline
sonal experience as an Alpha Omi- the papers, books, leaflets, pam- for the
cron Pi pledge at Phi chapter, Uni- phlets, requirements and deadlines Winter
versity of Kansas.) came flying at me. I was swamped. issue
Oct. 15.
When I first sat down to write On top of my course load, I had
what it is like to be an AOII pledge, I pledge tests, pledge projects, pledge Summer actions
thought I knew what I was going to meetings, pledge requirements, turn to MIFs
write. But as I wrote this, I realized pledge study hours. I decided I was
there is much more to being an AOII in a demanding house; many of my Summer—a time to welcome into
pledge than I realized upon first ex- friends had pledged houses which re- alumnae status another great new group
amining the question. quired much less and only two or of graduating AOII collegians. Alumnae
three study hours. ranks will swell, but the loss of members
My pledgeship began on Thurs- will be felt on the collegiate rolls.
day, Jan. 15, when invitations to Soon, however, I began to realize
pledge were distributed by my rush that these obligations and require- As a caring and devoted alumnae
rep. I was estatic at receiving my first ments were good for me because I member, you can help insure that colle-
choice, and immediately burst into was developing a feeling for AOII giate chapters fill their openings with top-
tears from joy. This euphoria lasted and for my sisters that none of my notch pledges by participating in the
about two hours after my new sisters friends who pledged other houses Membership Information Form (MIF)
picked me up and took me with had. system. As college costs soar and enroll-
them. As I saw all the women togeth- ments decline in many schools, compe-
er, and my feeling was replaced by a I am extremely grateful that AOII tition for the rushee will be great, said
feeling of awe. This group was not has a demanding pledgeship for I Jean Crippin, Alumnae Programming
the run-of-the-mill. I realized as I have found that the things I must Chairman.
watched them together. They were work for are the things I value the
something very special and very most. As alumnae, you can
close knit. . . . make contact with those good-
At this point, I am still a pledge
It was then that I began to under- and I have a tough, uphill row to hoe prospect high school seniors now through
stand the meaning of the word "sis- before I'll be initiated. But it will be a your neighborhood, place of work,
ter." These women regarded each challenging and worthwhile struggle, church, clubs, your daughter's friends, or
other as family, and as they all and one I am enjoying. Right now, your friend's daughters
hugged and congratulated me, I real- my pledge sisters and I are tiny rose-
ized that I, too, one day would be a buds. The seed of AOII was planted . . . tell them about AOII and the
member of this family. at pledging, and now we are slowly, good experiences you have had in it
but steadily growing into full bloom
As formal pledgeship started and I red roses—the 1981 pledge class of . . . tell them about the advantages of
began attending pledge meetings, I Phi chapter, AOII. sorority life and how AOII offers fun, sis-
began to wonder if I would ever fit terhood, personal growth, philanthropy,
in. Alumnae rush scholarship, etc.

New doubts entered my mind, for (continued from page 10) You should also elicit information
these girls were all strangers and I about the women and send it on the MIF
couldn't imagine that I'd be living the less (to her) details about chapter op- form to the collegiate .chapter.
next three years with them. But so erations. The board in these chap-
they say in Texas, a stranger is just a ters handles those details. Alumnae chapter should participate in
friend you haven't met yet, and I alumnae Panhellenic activities which dis-
soon began forming close friendships But the most important ingredient seminate information about Greeks to
with many of the women. of all is our sisterhood. These chap- college-bound young women and gather
ters which are so successful at getting information about the prospective rushee
Pullman. . . new members and keeping them let for the collegiate chapters.
what their sisterhood means to them
members with the WSU chapter since shine through all they do. After all,
the two groups work so closely to- isn't that what AOII is all about? And
gether. isn't that why we all became initiated
members? Rushing our alumnae, as
"We are very proud of the WSU these chapters do, is an excellent way
chapter," both Shirley and Sue for all of us to be reminded of this
added. "We wanted to let the rushees sisterhood and the reasons we are
know what a wonderful experience AOIIs.
would be ahead for them in AOII."


A L P H A OMICRON PI Rush Information

L I S T E D IN Y O U R T O D R A G M A F O R T H E C O L L E G E W H I C H T H I S R U S H E E W I L L A T T E N D .
If you are not able to locate this name and address, send form to the Regional Extension Officer
responsible for the region in which the rushee will attend college - or to International Headquarters for
forwarding. If you have gathered this information in response to a chapter's request, please send the
information directly to the return address indicated. Collegiate chapter pledging depends on your
supplying available information.


College Age HS. Graduation Date

Rushee's Name Home Phone

Permanent Mailing Address Campus Address if Known Campus Phone

City State Zip City State Zip Name of High School

Parents' Names City State

Parents' Address if different from Rushee's City State Zip Size of Student Body / Grade Point Aver.


social poise varied interests special talents (describe)

personal standards/values group adaptability

likeability group leadership *

appearance interest in sorority membership special honors and achievements (name - use back if needed

academic seriousness interest in AOTT

financial stability

* On back, name organizations, describe involvement (member, officer, etc.)


AOTT RELATIVES Collegiate Chapter
Name (include maiden name if known) Address Collegiate Chapter

Name (include maiden name if known) Address


(1) (2) (3) (4)

If girl's college is not listed in A O T T D i r e c t o r y , send the information to Peg C r a w f o r d , Vice-President Development, 9 1 1 3 Massasoit, Oak L a w n ,
I L 64053, for extension possibilities.

On back side, please provide information which might help the chapter in getting to know this rushee.

YOUR Name Date

Address Phone (Area Code) (Number)

Collegiate Are you a Date Received:
Chapter? collegian now?

Alumnae Chapter? Date acknowledgement sent:

Write signature here to indicate endorsement of this rushee as an AOTT pledge. Sorority Rushee pledged: _


Chapter Advisers should receive MIFs NO LATER than dates noted. This is the time chapters review MIFs prior to rush.

School, Chapter Chapter Adviser School, Chapter Chapter Adviser School, Chapter Chapter Adviser

Alabama, Univ. of Mrs. Tom Diener Coe College Mrs. John Steinacker Georgia, Univ. of M r s . Bob Pease
Alpha Delta 1164 Northwood Lake Alpha Theta 1000 9th Street Lambda Sigma Route 1, Box 135
Mid August Nbrthport, A L 35401 Early September Marion, I A 52302 Late August Cleveland Road
Bogart, G A 30622
IArkansas Stat< Mrs. Thad Wyatt Colorado, Univ. of Miss Anne Clark
University 3629 Blueridge Cr. Chi Delta 1241 Pennsylvania Hanover College Mrs. Robert McClew
Sigma Omicro Mid August Street, #5 Phi Omicron P.O. Box 254
Mid August mesboro, A R 72401 Denver, C O 80203 Early January Hanover, I N 47243
Delaware, Univ. of
Auburn University Mrs. Don Vincent Delta Chi Mrs. James V. Hay Hartwick College Mrs. Fred G. Hickein
Delta Delta P . O . Box 2097 Early September 36 Stature Road Sigma Chi 82 Elm Street
Auburn, A L 36830 Newark, D E 19713 Late August Oneonta, N Y 13820
1 Duke University
Mrs. William Huber Delta Upsilon Mrs. William Mattern Huntingdon College Mrs. James Anderson
Ball State University 2000 W. Jackson St. Early January 2429 Rosewood Court Sigma Delta 3637 Cambridge Road
Kappa Kappa Muncie, IN 47303 Chapel Hill, NC Late August Montgomery, AL
Early September
27514 36111

Bemidji State Mrs. James Brown . . . Every new pledge in Illinois, Univ. of Mrs. Paul Valbert
University Route 2, Box 266 each chapter is a promise Iota 1720 Lincoln Road
Bemidji, MN 56601 for the future. Though an Mid August Champaign, 1L 61820
Beta Epsilon individual is pledged to one
Mid September chapter, it is the entire fra-
ternity that benefits.
Birmingham Southern Mrs. Thomas Gibbs Illinois Wesleyan Mrs. Timothy Ridder-
College 1217 Greensboro University Smith

Tau Delta Road Beta Lambda 325 Hillside Court
Late August Birmingham, A L Mid September Bloomington, IL

35208 61701

Boise State University Mrs. Russ Phillips Indiana State Mrs. Paul Gibbons
Beta Sigma 701 Warren University 35 Gardendale Road
Mid August Boise, ID 83706 Terre Haute, I N 47803
Kappa Alpha
East Carolina Mrs. Jack Morgan Late August
University 4 Ash Street, Apt. 104
British Columbia, Mrs. Connie Vivrik Greenville, N C 27834 Indiana University Mrs. Barry K. Hurtt
University of 104-274 West 2nd St. Zeta Psi Beta Phi 3611 Bainbridge Drive
N. Vancouver, B . C . , Early September Mrs. Stanley Sciosca Early November Bloomington, IN
Beta Kappa Canada V7M 1C8 3482 Linden Street
M i d September East Stroudsburg Bethlehem, P A 18107 47401
State College
California, Univ. of Mrs. D. Rice Miss Melissa Watson Indiana Univ. of Paulette Fenyus
Berkeley 134 Journey's End Phi Beta 1201 McArthur Circle Pennsylvania 951 Lilac Street, Apt.
Sigma Walnut Creek, C A Late August/Late Evansville, IN 47714
Early September 94595 Gamma Beta 12
February Miss Sandra Scoville Early September Indiana, PA 15701
1424 East Lemon A - 1
California, Univ. of Mrs. William Huston Evansville, Univ. of Lakeland, FL 33801 Iowa State University Mrs. Robert Shirk
Davis 4640 Hillview Ave. Chi Lambda Iota Sigma 2854 Monroe Street
Chi Alpha Sacramento, C A Late August Mrs. Thomas M. Mid August Ames, IA 50010
Early September 95822 Bush
Florida Southern
California, Univ. of Miss Cynthia Steckel College 37 A Grassy Lake Kansas, Univ. of Mrs. Carl Hoffman
San Diego 1750 Grand Avenue Road Phi 1271 Medford
Lambda lota Kappa Gamma Early January Topeka, KS 66604
M i d September #2 Mid September Archer, FL 32618

San Diego, C A 92109 Florida, Univ. of Natalie Thomas
Gamma Omicron 3354 Woodburn
Early August Kearney State College Mrs. Richard Blausey
California State Mrs. Vince Rhinehart HI I i Apt. #21 Phi Sigma 3702 Avenue "M"
Univ., Long Beach 1470 E. Bryant Drive Annandale, V A 22003
Lambda Beta Long Beach, C A George Mason Mid August Kearney, NE 68847
Mid August University Miss Cathy Haase
A90815 2893 Umberland Kentucky, Univ. of Miss Sara Simms
California State Gamma Alpha
University, Miss Donna M. C . Early September Drive Kappa Omega Colony 1203 Ravencrest
Koziol Doraville, G A 30340
Northridge Georgia State Late August Frankfort, K Y 40601
Sigma Phi 20801 Kingsbury St. University
Mid August Chatsworth, C A LaGrange College Mrs. Ed Snider
Gamma Sigma Lambda Chi 101 Lakecrest Drive
91311 M i d September Mid September LaGrange, G A 30240

Central Missouri State Stephanie Thompson Lambuth College Mrs. Jim Dennison
University 506 Anderson, Apt. 3 Omega Omicron 59 E. University
Warrensburg, M O Early September
Delta Pi Pkwy.
Early September 64093 Jackson, T N 38301


School, Chapter Chapter Adviser School Chapter Chapter Adviser School Chapter Chapter Adviser

Louisville, Univ. of Mrs. T. N. Harrison Ohio Northern Mrs. Tom Stein Toronto, Univ. of Miss Susan Smith
Pi Alpha Colony 1917 E. Oak Street 414 S. Main Street Beta Tau 88 Colbeck Street
Late August New Albany, IN University Ada, O H 45810 Early September Toronto, Ontario,
Kappa Pi
47150 Late September Canada M6S 1V2

Maine, Univ. of Ann M . Deschenes Oregon State Mrs. John Baines Vanderbilt University Mrs. Cal Nielson
Orono MB Talmar Wood University 204 N. W. 27th Nu Omicron 500 Plantation Court,
Orono, ME 04473 Corvallis, O R 97330 Early September/
Gamma Alpha Rho Unit R-3
Late August Mid September Early January Nashville, T N 37221

Maryland, Univ. of Mrs. James Dinwiddie Oregon, Univ. of Mrs. Lester Hixson Virginia, Univ. of Mrs. Finis Carrell
Pi Delta 412 Princess Street Alpha Sigma 1523 Russett Drive Chi Beta Colony
Late August Alexandria, V A 22314 Early September Eugene, O R 97401 Early January 1615 Inglewood Drive

Charlottesville, V A
22901 I * — — |

Miami University Mrs. Robert Schuette Purdue University Mrs. Thomas Wagner College Nancy Ann Cochrane
Omega 489 White Oak Drive Phi Upsilon McHenry Theta Pi 327 Maitland Avenue
Early August Oxford, O H 45056 Early October Late September Teaneck, NJ 07666
1011 Oakhurst Drive
Michigan, Univ. of Cathy Fletcher Slippery Rock State West Lafayette, IN Washington College Mrs. Frederick Price
Omicron Pi 220 N . Ingalls College Sigma Tau P . O . Box 92
Early September Ann Arbor, MI 48104 47906 Early February Chestertown, MD
Sigma Rho
Minnesota, Univ. of Mrs. Cortez Walker Early September Miss Susan Gray Washington State 1 Jn21620
Tau 6131 Creekview 7120 Penn Avenue University
Mid September Minneapolis, MN Pittsburgh, PA 15208 Mrs. Lance Perryman
Alpha Gamma Rush Adviser
55343 South Alabama, Mrs. James M . Haig Early September SW 1015 Monte Vista
Univ. of 2660 Ralston Road Pullman, W A 99163
Mississippi, Univ. of Mrs. Van Mobile, A L 36606 Washington, Univ. of
Nu Beta Fenstermaker Gamma Delta Upsilon Miss Joan Lee
Mid August Mid September Early September 516 S. 222nd #4
Highway 6 East Des Moines, W A
Oxford, MS 38655 South Carolina, Univ. Miss Jane Mehl
of 7648 Sumter 98188
Montana State Mrs. Ernest Griffanti
University 2904 Colter Avenue Delta Phi Highway, Apt. 127 Western Illinois Mrs. Keith Rogers
Bozeman, M T 59715 Late August Columbia, S C 29209 University 106 Dove Avenue
Alpha Phi Macomb, IL 61455
Mid September Southeastern Miss Judy DuBois Sigma Iota
Louisiana SLU, P . O . Box 295 Early September
Montana Univ. of Mrs. Bill Henderson University University Center
Beta Rho 2995 Golden Hill Hammond, L A 70402
Mid September Missoula, M T 59801 Kappa Tau
Early August Western Kentucky Mrs. Neil Allen
University * 459 Brentmoor Drive
Morehead State Dr. Diane L . Ris Southern California Melanie Graper Bowling Green, K Y
University 399 Bays Avenue Univ. of 1820 Ardmore, #2A Alpha Chi
Morehead, K Y 40351 Hermosa Beach, C A Mid August 42101
Omega Xi Nu Lambda
Early January Late August 90254 Wisconsin, Univ. of, Miss Diane Mercurio
Milwaukee 5818 N. Ames Terrace
Morningside College Mrs. Doug Allen Southwestern Miss Kathy Bando Glendale, WI 53209
Theta Chi 2616 South Paxton Louisiana, Univ. of 220 Wilkie St., #703 Phi Delta
Mid August Sioux City, IA 51106 Lafayette, L A 70506 Early September
Delta Beta
Mid August Wisconsin, Univ. of, Mrs. David Kraemer
Stout 1203 Ballentine Road
Murray State Mrs. Kenneth Harrell Southwestern at Mrs. Mike Williams Menomonie, WI
University MSU, Box 2028, Memphis 4546 Sawmill Dr. #4 Iota Tau
Memphis, T N 38128 Late August 54751
Delta Omega University Station Kappa Omicron
Mid August Murray, K Y 42071 Late September Mrs. D. M. Andrews
7907 Northland Court
Nebraska, Univ. of Cindy Dumler Tennessee, Univ. of Mrs. Jack Mills Wright State Dayton, O H 45415
Lincoln 2800 Woods Blvd., Omicron 3543 Iskagna Drive University
Early September Knoxville, T N 37919
Zeta Apt. 109 Kappa Delta
Mid August Lincoln, NE 68502 Mid September

North Alabama, Mrs. Gerald G. Tennessee, Univ. of, Miss Kaneal Gay Youngstown State Miss Lisa Brooks
Univ. of McGlamery Martin University Courts, L- University- 432 S. Briarcliff Drive
Canfield, O H 44406
Alpha Kappa 214 Robinhood Drive Tau Omicron 12 Phi Lambda
Early August Florence, A L 35630 Early September Martin, T N 38237 Late August

Northeast Louisiana Miss Terri Parker Texas, Univ. of, San Mrs. William Cooper
University 47B Colonial Drive Antonio 6030 Forest Ridge
Monroe, L A 71203 San Antonio, T X
Lambda Tau Upsilon Lambda
Early August Early August 78240

Northern Arizona Mrs. Richard Baker Toledo, Univ. of Mrs. Kenneth
University 1508 N. Aztec Theta Psi Kormanyos
Flagstaff, A Z 86001 Early Septembe:
Theta Omega 418 Hillside Drive
Early August W'WMIIII ||# 1 II i i lossford, O H 43460


Alviwme Accent

The Greater Pinellas Alumnae alumnae chapter in the area and mittee chairmen, year's program, list
Chapter has been recognized for its what activities are sponsored. of dues-paying members, a directory,
Membership recruitment/retention and much much more.
. . . and for good reason. The chapter president is in charge
of calling all new AOIIs to the area. Because we feel 'AOLT is best, we
The program has been carefully After the calls are made cards are continue to work on getting two new
laid out and is followed step by step placed in the proper categories. alumnae chapters started, she said.
each year.
The summer work must be com- "In building a strong alumnae
In 1978-79 G-Pac, as the chapter pleted by the middle of August so chapter no one knows better than I
calls itself, started it's first member- that newsletters can be mailed out to how difficult it is to climb the ladder.
ship recruitment program, explained everyone in Pinellas, Marion added. The whole process of becoming a
Marion Clouse, Chi '45, chapter strong chapter had to start with
president. Pinellas is 40 miles in The chapter's newsletter themes love," Marion stressed. "We had to
length and 15 miles in width, w i t h are decided on for the year and pub- recognize each AOII's needs and
122 known AOL7.S in the area in 1978- licity is prepared monthly for area through understanding, try to handle
79. In 1981-82, there were 182 known media. all matters w i t h common sense and
AOEls living in Pinellas. the rest of the virtues."

1 P h i l a n t h r o p i c activities seem
countless. More than $660 was raised
for the Headquarters Fund. The Dia-
mond Jubilee Foundation, the Ruby
Fund and the Historical Society—all
gain from the chapter's aid. A local
Arthritis Foundation chapter has
asked for help and the chapter assists
with several activities. By May mem-
bers had sold more than 600 Philan-
thropic Foundation pens.

"It is the rule that we all welcome
each other w i t h open arms to each
meeting," the president explained.
"We are happy to see each other."


Greater Pinellas members, from the left, Elsie Front cover art from one of the chapter's re- j
Starr, Beta Gamma, and Margaret McArdle, cent yearbooks.
Delta, were among giftmakers during the -. 1
AOII workshop. The telephone committee tries to
keep members up-to-date monthly. Meetings are enjoyed by Ruth McKeown,
The chapter considers the member- In May the board meets to discuss Kappa Gamma, and everyone who attends.
ship file to be one of the most impor- goals, trends, activities, events for
tant ingredients to its program. the next year.
Cards are filed by zip code, alphabet,
paid members, not interested, inter- The chapter offers a number of ef-
ested only in special occasions, lost, forts to interest members, Marion
known dead or moved away. "Once said. One is carpooling. Another is
a card is made out, it is never thrown giftmakers which meets each month
away," she said. to sew or do crafts. Special programs
often are selected to interest mem-
During the summer the five-mem- bers.
ber recruitment committee really
goes to work. Volunteers call 12-14 With its yearbook, the chapter al-
members. The prime objective for ways tries to go first class.
calling is obtaining more dues-paying
members, Marion said. The calls also It contains a section of history of
remind alumnae there is an AOII G-Pac, past presidents, officers, com-


ASumn&c Activity

BATON ROUGE "We'd also like to thank all the alum- A September Quiche and Salad supper
nae chapters who shared their thoughts drew out many new faces, including lots
Alpha Omicron Pi held its first annual and ideas at National Convention last of Gamma Alpha graduates which ena-
Louisiana State Day Saturday, Feb. 13, summer," Sandy added. "They really bled the chapter to have the largest mem-
1982, with the Baton Rouge Alumnae helped our past year and will even more bership ever. The pledges were invited to
Chapter as hostess group for the 'event. this coming year. We're hoping to share an October meeting during which mem-
Miss Nancy Ourso was State Day our trials and successes in 1983 with all of bers reminisced about college days and
chairman. you." AOII. Their enthusiasm about that night
helped our new Secret Alum Sister pro-
Some 85 collegiate and alumnae chap- TULSA gram with all of the collegians get off to a
ter representatives from Baton Rouge, good start.
New Orleans, Lafayette, Hammond, and The Tulsa Alumnae Chapter hosted the
Monroe attended, reported Charlotte first Leadership Conference held in Okla- A fund raiser—Christmas Auction—
Vowell, AO. homa. When Region VII gathered June was the best ever and featured R V P Hel-
4-6 at Tulsa's Hilton Inn participants dis- en McMahon as auctioneer. Besides
A valentine's theme was noted covered the fruits of many hours of lov- Founder's Day, the chapter had an Aero-
throughout the dining area with an ar- ing labor devotedly given by Tulsa area bic Dance workshop, an arthritis self-
rangement of red and white carnations, alumnae and the alumnae chapters of help, and a tax advantaged investments
gladiolas, babies' breath, and red hearts Oklahoma City and Northwest Arkan- meeting to add variety for members.
was used on the main table. sas, reported Carol Barrow, Kappa
Theta. Members also had a super ski weekend
Guest speakers included Dr. Donn with 22 present, a trip to Hillwood (the
Bowers and Mike Tassin. Dr. Bowers, a Two awards were made at the Found- Merriweather Post Mansion), and tailgat-
local internist and rheumatologist, spoke ers' Day luncheon in January: a 50 year ing at a point to point race.
on arthritis and the operation of the A r - Certificate to Dorothy Frye Cook, Xi '31,
thritis Foundation. Tassin spoke on the and a Certificate of Honor to Flora The chapter is especially proud of our
involvement of women in politics. Alcorn Hurley, Eta '21, for her long time own R D , Jodi Santiago who did such a
service to AOII and the Tulsa Chapter, magnificent job with Gamma Alpha this
Bud vases with red silk roses were pre- especially noteworthy in her art work. fall when she took over for the chapter
sented to recipients in the following cate- adviser who was ill, and of Jo Sanders
gories who attended State Day: the oldest JACKSON who is our second member to be awarded
AOII; the youngest AOII; the AOII hav- a 50-year pin," Janet Marx reported.
ing the most children; the most recently This year the Jackson, Tenn., alumnae
married AOII; the AOII with the most un- really had a "cool" time raising money PORTLAND
usual occupation; and the AOII group for their philanthropy.
that traveled the farthest to attend the Portland (Ore.) Alumnae Chapter
event. We sponsored a '"50s party" at a local members held their Annual Spring
night spot, complete with a dance con- Luncheon and Silent Auction April 24 at
CHAMP AIGN-URBANA test, costume contest, and a raffle, re- the Columbia Edgewater Club.
ported Mary Nelle Coles Hardee, Tau
The winter of '81-82 kept the Cham- Omicron. Members brought home-made items
paign-Urbana Alumnae Chapter indoors and gifts solicited from local merchants.
much of the season but it did manage to To give a "personal touch" to a public Proceeds for the event will benefit the
keep a few of the home fires burning with place, they decorated with streamers and University of Oregon Health Sciences
a fund-raising idea borrowed from sever- balloons. "We used our own panda mas- Center Arthritis Research Program, the
al alumnae groups at national conven- cot for name tags and table decorations. chapter's philanthropic cause.
tion, the Survival Kit. There were also brochures available from
our local arthritis foundation," Mary In mid-May chapter members attended
Project coordinators wrote a letter to Nelle said. the Portland Civic Theatre's production
parents of Iota chapter's 40 brand new of "The Sound of Music."
pledges that was hard to refuse. For a The public was invited to the benefit.
small donation, a box of goodies was de- Not only did alums invite many friends, A Collegiate Alumnae Picnic was
livered via C - U Alumnae to their daugh- but the chapter ran ads on radio, televi- planned for June 26. The event allowed
ters finals week of the fall term. Proceeds sion, and in the newspaper. Posters were alumnae chapter members to meet future
benefited all of AOII's philanthropies; distributed in local stores. Some sorority members of the Portland chapter and to
Ruby Fund, Diamond Jubilee and the A r - and fraternity presidents received a letter catch up on the collegiate scene. Colle-
thritis Fund. Arthritis pens tucked in with about the dance. gians and graduating seniors from the
the home baked cookies, canned goods University of Oregon and Oregon State
and of course a fair share of junk food The raffle was a success due largely to University were specially invited.
filled the goodie boxes. some very generous merchants. Prizes
ranged from record albums, to candles, ORLANDO/WINTER PARK
Another project taking shape in the C U to a wooden chest! After a fun-filled eve-
kitchens is the creation of a book of reci- ning, the group raised $244. The Orlando/Winter Park (Fla.) Alum-
pes for rush parties, i.e., Quiche for 100. nae Chapter raised more than $300 to
All chapters are asked to contribute reci- NORTHERN VIRGINIA make Christmas special for a special
pes along with any tips of suggestions re- lady.
garding them to: Sandy Dolbee, 54 Jef- Northern Virginia alums have had
frey Drive, St. Joseph, 111. 61873. some special highlights to this year's ac- The chapter "adopted" an adult victim
tivities. of crippling arthritis more than 10 years
To receive "Rush Recipes" send $6 to ago, and since then members have taken
the same address. her to the movies, visited her in the hos-


pital, helped with shopping and house- KENTUCKIANA Paula Olthius, presented the check at a
hold management and have also provid- local arthritis telethon held A p r i l 18 while
ed cash assistance. She's always invited The year has been busy for Kentucki- colony members manned telephones.
to chapter activities. ana alums. Founders' Day was celebrated
in January with a luncheon at Big Springs Alice Baylor Martindale and Frances
The Christmas gift was raised with Country Club in Louisville with the help Baylor Guenther, both Beta Phi, hosted
free-will donations, rather than an assess- of Peg Burton Harter, Iota; fifty-year an end of school year cookout for alum
ment or f r o m Chapter funds, and came in members, 25-year members, Kentuckiana and colony members.
within a week of the newsletter an- Alum charter members, and U of L colo-
nouncement, Elise Einselen said. ny members all sharing this special AOII MEMPHIS
day. Mary Matarazzo Bryant, Delta
The Orlando/Winter Park alumnae Omega, was presented with a silver tray The Memphis Alumnae Chapter and
have recently reorganized and chapter for giving so much of herself to the suc- members of the collegiate chapter at
strength now stands at 60. A collegiate cessful reactivation and continuing prog- Southwestern celebrated Founders' Day
liaison has been appointed to better pro- ress of Kentuckiana alums. She, too, is in January at the historic Memphis hotel,
vide appropriate assistance to the chap- outgoing alumnae chapter president. The Peabody.
ters at the University of Florida and Flori-
da Southern. T w o members are serving Snow and ice prevented the annual val- Guest speaker was Regional Director
as officers of the Orlando Panhellenic. entine breakfast/meeting. Officer elec- Becky Montgomery, of Huntsville, Ala.
tions were held in March followed by a Banquet coordinator was Regional Direc-
Execs honored wine and cheese party hosted by Nancy tor Carolyn Sweeney, of Memphis, as-
Shuff Lyon, Delta Omega, as Paula sisted by Kathy Williams, the alumnae
With a feeling of spring in the air and a Olthius, Omega, became the new alum- chapter president, reported Deborah
Fiesta Day theme, Texas AOIls met at the nae chapter president. Laman.
Hilton Palacio Del Rio in San Antonio on
March 13 to honor Ginger Banks and Jo Kentuckiana sisters showed up to sup- Certificates of Honor were presented
Beth Heflin, our Texas AOII roses and In- port Louisville City Panhellenic's "Alums to Gail Cook, past president of the alum-
ternational President and Treasurer, re- and Chums" annual chili supper that nae chapter and a local arthritis board
spectively. makes possible a local collegiate scholar- member, and to K i m Bledsoe, the colle-
ship. This year's recipient is our own col- giate chapter president.
With approximately 60 Texas AOIls in ony president Tonya York. Kentuckiana
attendance, there were plenty of old representative to Louisville City Panhel- Lohmann cited
friendships to renew and new friendships lenic is Jan White Jones, Alpha Chi, re-
to be made. The Upsilon Lambda chapter ported Terri Harrison, Kappa Alpha. Dale S. Lohmann, R.N., M . S . N . , Sig-
was there in full force with scrapbooks ma Chi, Clinical Nurse Specialist in Ger-
and exhibits, telling of their activities Philanthropy is not to be left out of ontology and Gerontological Nurse
since their formation in 1978. Along with busy K'ana activities. Thanks to out- Practitioner, was named recipient of the
their displays was a slide and sound show standing organizational and selling New Jersey Gerontological Nurse of the
about the University of Texas at San A n - skills—chairpersons Elaine James Kenne- Year A w a r d by the New Jersey State
tonio, reported Diana Scarbrough, Aus- dy, Alpha Chi, and Beverly Mabrey Nurses' Association.
tin Alumnae Chapter president. Peckenpaugh, Alpha Chi, and commit-
tees raised S400 + at a recent yard sale to The award recognizes superior achieve-
At the luncheon held in the ballroom benefit arthritis. Alum chapter president, ment in and contributions to the field of
overlooking the riverwalk, Dr. Nobuyuki gerontological nursing.
Miyasaka, a recipient of an AOI1 Philan-
thropic Foundation grant was honored I
for his work in the field of arthritis re-
search. Barbara Kramer, Region V I I I
REO, reported on the progress of starting
new chapters in the region. Jo Beth and Among those attending Texas alumnae Fiesta Day were from the left, Ginger Banks, International
Ginger also were given a chance to say a President: Dr. Nobuyuki Miyasaka, recipient of an AOII Philanthropic Foundation grant: Jo Beth
few words. Heflin, International Secretary/Treasurer, and Diane Siple, A F board member.

Thirteen different chapters were repre-
sented. Barbara Lashley, Pi Kappa, the
Tulsa Alumnae Chapter president, picked
up the award for having come the far-
thest to attend Fiesta Day. T w o Pi Kappa
alumnae, Jo Beth Heflin and Gloria C.
Jay "disagreed" over the award for the
oldest initiate. Each "graciously" offered
the award to the other!

The Austin Alumnae Chapter received
an award for best representation, with
Houston receiving an award for the fa-
vors, and San Antonio, an award for ar-
rangements and for the program. Dallas
Alumnae Chapter picked up an award for
their sombrero nametags.

After a sing-along led by Nita Wathen,
Pi Kappa, there was more time for visit-
ing before starting for home. Houston
alumnae are in charge of the 1983 Texas
A O n State Day.


PALO ALTO ceramic shop, a lingerie party presented Dearborn AOIIs
by a member who owns a lingerie shop, a report success
The Palo Alto Alumnae Chapter was program on the subject of proper diet and
busy with many varied activities during proper dieting by a member who is a Variety is the spice of life, even AOII
the winter. trained dietician, and a talk on D N A and life!!
its implications by a member who is a
In January it sponsored a Public Forum professor of Microbiology at Idaho State The Dearborn Alumnae Chapter has
on Arthritis at Little House Senior Citi- University. been enjoying a deep sisterhood, and
zens Center. This event was organized by many memorable meetings, reported its
Patti Batchelor Penning, Omicron '56, Another demonstration was presented president Linda Heaton Grates, Beta Pi
and attended by more than 200 people by a friend of AOII. It was on Ukranian 73.
who listened to a panel of physicians egg decorating and was so interesting that
present short discussions on the various several members plan to get the materials "We've gotten away from the meeting
aspects of arthritis and answered ques- for the craft and actually try to do it and dessert rut," she said. "We have put
tions from the audience. themselves this summer in a workshop. a variety of themes into our meetings so
that if you miss a meeting, you've really
The March meeting found 12 members "We have also decided that this missed out on something special!"
being certified in CPR techniques. Cath- worked so well this year that we are go-
erine Vonnegut, Phi Upsilon 72, a Red ing to call on other talented members Many meetings involve participation
Cross volunteer, conducted the popular next year to share their abilities with us," from each member—from donating
class. The chapter is collecting good reus- Marianna Beers, of the chapter, reported. squares of fabric for a quilt (fund raiser)
able junk for a Garage Sale in May to to readying inspirations and short poems
benefit the Philanthropic Foundation and Alumnae gather in "Thought for the Day" quotes.
enjoyed a Bar-B-Que in June as a final
get- together for the year, Janis Nelson, A small but delightful gathering of "We've also added a special part to our
president, reported. AOIIs living in southern Oregon and yearly calendar: getting together with our
northern California responded to an invi- mothers for a spring dinner (potluck),
POCATELLO tation from Terry Grant and Carla Pres- and meeting the pledges from nearby
ton to celebrate Founder's Day on Dec. Omicron Pi to share with them "How,
The Pocatello Alumnae Chapter decid- 12 in Ashland, Oregon. Where and Why alums exist.'"
ed this year to call on chapter members
and their talents for the programs at It was most informal and gave us an Linda said the last activity has not only
meetings. opportunity to know from whence we aided the chapter's drive for increasing
came, and to talk about the Founders and alumnae membership, but also shows us
It turned out to be a very interesting AOII in general, reported Mary D . Drum- as alumnae, our total purpose for func-
year for chapter members and it sparked mond. tioning.
some interest in attending among AOIIs
in Pocatello who had not previously tak- In attendance, beside the hostesses, Small touches like candlelight serv-
en a very active part in alum meetings. were Vie Adler, Eleanor Gray, Beverly ices, poem readings, add to AOII enthusi-
Coppang, Amanda Pyle, Dee Berks and asm. "We don't expect everything from
Programs scheduled included a ceramic Mary D. Drummond.
demonstration by a member who owns a

Help appreciated Dear Sue Lewis:
Having just read the Winter Issue of To Dragma with the lovely pictures of our new
Bette's letter once again reminds
us of the pride of AOII women International Headquarters, I feel moved to write while my mind moves back to the
across the country and across gener- headquarters which were in use just after World War II on High St. in Oxford, Ohio—
ations, working together to achieve up a narrow staircase to a little suite of rooms on the second floor of an old block in
common goals. Our own Interna- downtown Oxford.
tional Headquarters was made possi-
ble through the collective fund-rais- In June of 1946 I traveled all the way from Maine, my original home, with my three
ing efforts of collegiate and alumnae year old daughter and my mother, to assume the responsibilities of National Registrar.
chapters and through generous do- This was quite a trek in those days, especially for someone who had not traveled very
nations from many individual AOIIs. much! My husband had been killed flying over Germany in 1944 and I was looking for
These efforts enabled the Fraternity a new life. The adviser of Gamma Chapter at the University of Maine, Barbara
to pay one-third down at the time of Hitchner, had steered me in the direction of AOII National Office.
closing last summer.
It seems almost more like a dream than a reality as I look back on it. I stayed in the
Our ultimate goal is to totally pay position for a year and a half. It was difficult working and taking care of a three-year-
off the mortgage, enabling us to redi- old in strange country; my Mother stayed for awhile, but after she left I lost my cour-
rect those dollars to specific chapter age. (I wonder at the way young women handle this sort of thing today—apparently
support and programming efforts. with great ease!) At any rate after a year and a half, I returned to my native Maine and
in 1948 became the first woman to hold executive position in the General Alumni Asso-
Won't Y O U help? Please send ciation of the University of Maine.
your contribution to the Headquar-
ters Fund, in care of Alpha Omicron All of this to the point that I felt an interesting kinship when I viewed the pictures of
Pi International Headquarters, 3821 our new headquarters. The familiar quip, "You've come a long way, Baby," passed
Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, T N through my mind. However, this saying lacks the dignity which the pictures conveyed
37215. Your continued support is of the new headquarters.
greatly appreciated.
Congratulations to all for creating this atmosphere for AOII. I hope that I may find
myself in Nashville one of these days and hence see in person the place so beautifully
presented in the Winter 1982 issue of our magazine.

Yours in AOII,
Elizabeth J. (Barker) (Kilpatrick) Taverner
(Mrs. Gilbert Y.)
Gamma '42


everyone," Linda stressed. "We all are Wedding plans?
different, as is our amounts of giving."
How do 'steps' fit in?
The chapter has compiled a list of
themes for meetings and used different Are you planning or have you planned en attend the bridal shower? Will flowers
interest points: making straw flower dec- a wedding that included your step-par- be given to both women? Should any of
orations, crocheting, movies, slide pres- ent? If so, then you understand the deli- the step-mother's family be invited to the
entations, boutiques, stress control dis- cate balance you tried to achieve. A n en- showers or wedding? If wedding guests
cussions, . . . tire set of totally different problems exist wear street-length dresses and the moth-
for this special bride in addition to the ers of the bride and groom wear long
"Our goal is to make the meetings f u n , regular arrangements every bride must dresses, what should be the consideration
informative, stimulating and with that fashion. for the step-mother? If photographs will
special feeling like "I've just got a taste, be taken of mother, father, and bride,
and have to get more.'" Soon there'll be help available to wom- what could the step-mother be doing at
en faced with this situation thanks to this time?
A few techniques that make our meet- Sandra Kubitz Tomlinson, Kappa Rho
ing work sound simple—and don't mean '63. Research is underway in preparation Being absorbed into the position of
a lot—just everything!! for publishing a book on the subject of step-mother in not one but two weddings
"Weddings to Include Step-Parents." in a six-month period was a tremendous
Cooperation learning experience. A step-mother is not
Communication Sandra Kubitz Tomlinson a mother, not a favorite aunt or grand-
Kappa Rho '63 mother, but every bit as much in the
Consideration limelight—with several moments when
Conscientious Sandy's two step-daughters were mar- all eyes are upon her. It was just natural,
and Organization in advance. ried within the last six months, giving rise Sandy says, that a social research survey
Belonging to a group is a valuable part to the knowledge that little viable infor- should be the basis for a book on the in-
of our busy world. Sometimes it takes an mation existed on the subject of these clusion of step-parents in weddings.
extra phone call, or just doing some spe- special weddings. While libraries and
cial activity just because you care, Linda bookstores are filled with references to AOII life thrives for her at the same
added. The benefits to you and many guide a bride through the maze of plan- time as this ambitious endeavor. Sandy
others are great. ning and executing details for a wedding, has maintained an active membership in
Sandy's book will focus on helping the two alumnae chapters since moving to
"Reach out, get past those hidden ex- bride-to-be become aware of potential Beverly Hills, Mich., eight years ago. She
cuses we use as roadblocks," she empha- problem areas because she will be includ- serves as historian and "calling commit-
sized. "You have nothing to lose, and ev- ing step-parents in the numerous prepara- tee" for the Detroit North Suburban
erything to gain. Afterall—if we didn't tion stages. Alumnae Chapter and served four sepa-
really believe this, would we be an A O I I rate two-year terms as alumnae president
alumnae at all?" There are sensitive areas in planning of Macomb County Alumnae Chapter.
EVANSVILLE such a wedding right f r o m the moment Sandy strongly believes there is room in
the engagement "happens," through life for her sorority work as well as ac-
The highlight of winter and spring showers, clothing attire, rehearsal dinner, tively supporting the Detroit Symphony
meetings for Evansville Tri-State Alum- photographs, to the ceremony and recep- League, her church's Women's Fellowship
nae Chapter was our Spring Style Show tion. Perhaps the mother and step-moth- Executive Board, and her family of two
and Tasting Dessert held in March. er live in the same town. W i l l both wom- sons (ages 4 & 5) and husband, Gene, an
Kathy Lawson, Chi Lambda, planned the automotive executive at American M o -
new money maker for the Arthritis Foun- tors Corporation.
dation, reported Rita Mengon. A wide
selection of fashions were modeled by Sandy has begun to contact "brides"
University of Evansville collegians who who had a respectful relationship with
represented the four national Panhellenic their step-parents and included them in
sororities and by some of the Evansville their weddings. Her research has found
alumnae. About 125 attended and the tremendous outward support, including
chapter made $300. clergy, a Detroit newspaper columnist as
well as support f r o m an advertising
Other successful meetings included a agency.
Couples Hors D'oeuvres Party in Febru-
ary, a March Candy Making Demonstra- Here's a chance for AOIIs to assist an-
tion and business meeting, an A p r i l other AOII by helping Sandy in her re-
"downtown" breakfast followed by a search. If you (or a friend or relative) are
Historic House Tour and a May Senior a bride of 1-20 years, whose wedding in-
Luncheon, a pitch-in salad bar at which cluded a step-parent and you can provide
alumnae welcomed seniors to alum input for this research, drop Sandy a card
status. requesting a survey form. Your reply will
help other women to handle this increas-
Dietitian ingly common social situation. Survey
Recognized results will be sited anonymously in the
book. Write Sandy at:
Jean Gardner, Omicron Pi, and now
chief renal dietitian at Mount Carmel Tomlinson Research
Mercy Hospital in Detroit, M i c h . , has P.O. Box 1060
been nationally recognized for outstand- Birmingham, M I 48012
ing nutritional service and dedicated ef-
forts in the fight against kidney disease.

"Jean represents the epitome of the
health care professional dedicated to the
highest quality of patient care and aca-
demic excellence," said Dr. Sidney
Baskin, director of the Kidney Center.


Past International President dies in Seattle

Alpha Omicron Pi's International Pres- Laura Hurd, members and pledges of AOII wear a la-
ident f r o m 1923-25, Miss Laura Alice Int'l President 1923-25 valiere with the A O I I letters in sequence,
Hurd died Feb. 18 in Seattle, Wash. She on a chain as a necklace," she explained.
had been i l l for many years. was thought that it was a bit ostenta- "Laura also proposed that membership
tious). on the R & J committee should consist of
Miss Hurd, 90, was initiated into Upsi- six members who serve terms of six
lon chapter at the University of Washing- Miss Hurd was elected National Presi- years, staggered. She was a life member
ton in 1914. She later earned a masters dent in 1923. She served her term of two but felt that a system of incoming new
degree f r o m Columbia University. years, but presided over the 1927 Con- members would be more valuable."
vention when then president Katrina Mc-
She was assistant registrar at the U W Donald, was unable to attend. The Con- "Laura's devotion to AOII was
before joining the Public Welfare and So- vention was held at the Moran School, examplified by her coming to one con-
cial Service. She was a field secretary and Bainbridge Island, near Seattle. vention in a wheelchair," Mary Dee
raised funds to place the first pioneer ru- added.
ral visiting nursing service in the North- Once it was thought that it was brag-
western states. She established the social ging to wear fraternal pins on ail and Alverna Swan
service division under the Seattle Depart- sundry occasions, Mary Dee said. How earns honor
ment of Health. Later Miss Hurd served to solve it? for AOII service
for 28 years as contract post office clerk,
Dexter Horton Building, Seattle. "Miss Hurd proposed and the Rituals A longtime AOF1 alumnae leader in Se-
and Traditions Committee concurred that attle and Region V I has been honored by
Stella Perry, in speaking of the found- the Seattle Alumnae Chapter with the
ing of Upsilon chapter in 1915 said, "Ever Laura Hurd Award.
since, Upsilon has been a banner chapter
in its internal, Panhellenic and national Alverna Swan, Upsilon, was given the
life of A O I I . Upsilon has expressed the award for extensive service to the frater-
spirit of its founder, Laura Alice Hurd." nity during Founders' Day activities earli-
er this year.
"Thus we look in a mirror and see
reflected a person of influence and im- Alverna was a member of the Interna-
portance," added Past International tional Nominations Committee in 1981.
President Mary Dee Drummond. "The Previously she served as regional vice
reflection did not stop with Upsilon. Sub- president (1974-80) and regional director
sequently, Laura was appointed by the (1968-74). From 1963-67 Alverna was
Founders to be a member for life on the alumnae director.
Rituals and Traditions Committee."
Upsilon chapter at the University of
As time went on she became the Grand Washington has had her counsel f o r
National Secretary of AOII, (The word many years. She has served as chairman
"Grand" preceeding the titles of AOII na- of the remodeling and decorating com-
tional officers later was deleted because it mittee and was on the corporation board
for nine years. Her advisory duties have
AOII grant begins 'great year' included "charm" (now chapter rela-
tions—standards), assistant rush adviser,
Alpha Omicron Pi's 1981 grant to D r . (joint lining cells). A n abstract related to assistant financial adviser and later finan-
William Castor, professor of internal his work was submitted for consideration cial adviser.
medicine at the University of Michigan at the program of the Pan-American
Medical School, was, according to the re- Congress of Rheumatology held in June Alverna was vice president and presi-
searcher, "start of a spectacular year for in Washington, D.C. dent of the Seattle Alumnae chapter.
our laboratory."
Another student was supported as she Her community activities include guild
The year began with a grant f r o m AOII worked last summer with the radio- work for Children's Orthopedic Hospital
to be used for ongoing work in arthritis chemical tissue culture techniques for and Medical Center as its treasurer for 25
research. Then, in June, the XV Interna- measuring various types of biological ac- years. She is on the Board of Trustees of
tional Congress of Rheumatology was tivity in join related cells. the Women's University Club.
held in Paris, and the laboratory was
awarded one of the three international Castor said the funds would support For the last 10 years she has served as a
prizes which were given for significant the efforts of qualified undergraduates counselor during rush to the University
rheumatologic research carried out in the and medical students because of his re- of Washington College Panhellenic.
preceding four years. spect for what young people can accom- Alverna was AOII's delegate to Seattle
plish. City Panhellenic and now will continue
The International Geigy Rheumatism to represent A O I I as she becomes presi-
Prize was officially awarded by the Inter- " I , too, am aware of the fact that early dent of the Overlake Panhellenic which
national League Against Rheumatism. influences of this type tend to attract covers the Seattle suburbs of Bellevue,
good minds to the long-term activities of Bothell, Redmond, Kirkland, Issaquah
Castor said the Alpha Omicron Pi Re- research in the field," he said. "It is my and Mercer Island.
search Fund, established as a result of the belief that using the AOII award in this
$15,000 grant, was used in part to sup- way will provide a greater feeling of ac- Her work, too, has included help with
port the research efforts of two pre-medi- complishment for your membership than the Western Washington Chapter of the
cal students. One student carried out re- as if the monies were expended entirely Arthritis Foundation.
search concerning the stimulatory action for supplies, equipment or a technician
of immunoglobulin G on synovial cells over a short period of time." 21

Co\\e$iMe Commentaries

ZETA family ties strong. Our annual Mother's DELTA DELTA
Tea was held in January in their honor," Auburn
U of Nebraska said Cindy Sippel.
A l l decked out in black, the Delta Del-
Weeks, weeks and more weeks! The Founders' Day was celebrated with the tas began winter Quarter '82 with their
Zeta chapter at the University of Nebras- Kansas City alumnae and Phi chapters. fund raiser along with Sigma Pi fraterni-
ka-Lincoln was busy this year with spe- ty, " A Night in New Orleans." This spec-
cial weeks of various themes. Twice a year the AOIIs sponsor a con- tacular event attracted hundreds of stu-
cert. Also, for the second year in a row, dents and a contribution for the Arthritis
Initiation week during February was a the chapter raised the most money for the Foundation.
very special event. Each new initiate re- CMSU Phonathon, a fund-raising project
ceived a pink rose at the beginning of the to aid the students on campus through January proved to be an even more ex-
week which they were to give to a special scholarships and department aids. citing month as Fall pledges were initiated
friend outside of A O n and then at the end and new officers, installed. Winter For-
of the week they were presented a red The month of April started with the mal was extra special this year because
rose at the Initiation Banquet, according 20th Annual Rose Formal at the Lake of the weekend consisted of two consecutive
to Sherri Steffen. the Ozarks. Alpha Omicron Pi and Sig- nights of dancing and a mid-morning
ma Phi Epsilon Fraternity sponsored an brunch. Various fraternities added twen-
Greek Week is an annual event on the Easter Party for the Head Start kids in ty-two Delta Deltas to their list of little
UNL campus. It featured an all Greek the local area. sisters during Little Sister Rush. A new
dessert before Monday night dinner, a event this year was a retreat at a nearby
Greek Talent Show which Zeta vice-pres- The third week of April was Greek farm where Delta Deltas enjoyed a week-
ident, Sandy Harvey, participated in and Week. Delta Pis with all their enthusiasm end of fun and sisterhood. Winter quarter
once again AOIIs won the Blood Dona- took second in both competition and was rounded off with a "Parents Week-
tion Drive. spirit. end" in which we were able to meet each
other's parents. A banquet was held
Senior week is another special week at The chapter's 20th Anniversary Cele- where various awards were given.
the chapter, where members take time to bration at CMSU was held A p r i l 24 in
let the seniors know just how special they celebration of its colonization on campus The Rose Award was presented to Pa-
are. The week brought tears and many May 5, 1962. About 150 sisters and tricia Sample Bendall, N u Beta '61, for
laughs, especially at the Senior Roast! guests were in attendance at the dinner being an outstanding and helpful alumna
when Ginger Banks spoke to Delta Pi to the chapter.
Other weeks included BIONIC Week, members on this "birthday celebration."
which stands for "Believe it or not, I An extra special treat for the quarter
care," and "Phyllis" Week, where we Caroline Craig, Lambda Beta was when Monique Key was chosen as a
show our hosemother, Phyllis Dirks, Panhellenic President War Eagle Girl for Auburn University.
how much we appreciate her, Sherri said. She will be an official hostess for the uni-
Named Pan President versity. Four hundred girls attended in-
D E L T A PI terviews and only five were chosen.
Lambda Beta senior next fall, Caroline Monique also placed first runner-up in
Central Missouri Craig, has been selected Panhellenic pres- the Miss Greek Week beauty pageant.
ident at Cal State University at Long Spring-time is especially busy but filled
The women of Delta Pi have had a Beach for the 1982 school term. with a lot of f u n , added Susan Goodwin.
very busy year. During formal rush in "We shared a 'Sunshine Sunday' with
the fall the chapter took twenty beautiful Panhellenic is keeping Caroline busy as three other sororities on campus." Delta
new pledges. Paula Foster, sponsored by she plans the Fall Rush, a Chile-Cookoff Delta spirit again was proven as we re-
Delta Chi fraternity was crowned Home- fund raiser for Homecoming, and the ceived first place in the Alpha Psi Annual
coming Queen and the AOIIs received start of an All-Greek newspaper, Sorori- Rodeo Round Up.
third place for their walking entry in the ty Speak.
Murray State
The fifth annual Rock-a-Thon for Ar-
thritis raised nearly S2000 for Arthritis Delta Omega has been well represented
Research. Also, at Thanksgiving, the individually as well as a group on Mur-
women gathered canned goods for the ray's campus this spring.
Susie Imes, past president, was named
At Christmas Delta Pi pledges took A l l Greek Woman for 1981-82. Next
puppies to an old folks home in the area there was Alpha Gamma Rho Paul Bun-
and gave them a taste of the 'young' life. yan day where sororities team up with
They also along with the Kansas City two fraternities and compete in events
Chiefs helped sponsor a foster parent- and then a representative f r o m each so-
children Christmas Party for more than rority compete for Farmers Daughter.
500 foster children in the Kansas City Denise Butler, one of our very supportive
area. pledges represented the chapter and won
the competition.
This year, the AOIIs at Central Mis-
souri State University joined the Cham-
ber of Commerce of Warrensburg, the
only sorority on campus to be an active
participant in the community. Another
first this year was the start of a Mother's
Club. "Our moms have become very in-
volved and have helped to keep those


During the A l l Campus Sing sponsored CHI ALPHA serving her internship at UCI Medical
by Sigma Alpha Iota, women's music so- Center in the Child Life program as a
rority, Delta Omega placed first in the U. of California-Davis play therapist and counselor.
songs and took first place in theme. The
theme was Boogie-n-Ballad and our songs Davis AOIIs kicked off the spring quar- SIGMA TAU
were "Steam Heat" from the "Pajama ter with their Dancing Knees act for the Washington College
Game" and " M y Funny Valentine." Greek Week Talent Show 1982.
The Sigma Tau chapter at Washington
During the elections of Student Gov- Other activities included UCD's annual College in Chestertown, M d . , recently
ernment officers were named and our Picnic Day at which the chapter enter- helped to celebrate the bicentennial of the
president Debbie Lewellyn won the posi- tained family and friends with a Bar- college. To start off year, Sigma Tau par-
tion of secretary. Other school-related be-que. ticipated in a parade with the other so-
awards were given to our graduating sen- cial fraternities on campus.
iors by the college of their studies. Deb- "Keeping in the spirit of AOFI our pep-
bie Foster was named in Who's Who in py pledges cheered residents of a local The Spring pledges sponsored a kid-
the college of Safety Engineering and convalescent home with an Easter sing," napping and also collected 13,000 pennies
Health; Luana Colson was named in reported Traci Whitlock. "Also in this for the Arthritis Foundation, added Deb-
Who's Who in the college of Biology and festive spirit we held our annual formal bie Ward.
Toni Talmadge was named Best Agricul- Rose Ball in San Francisco with the Sigma
ture Engineering student, reported Laura Chapter from Berkeley." GAMMA BETA
Malugin. Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Looking into spring they had a Teeter-
Outside of school awards we have had Totter Marathon for Arthritis, awards The' months of March and April were
some sisters recently named sweethearts. banquet, senior week, and Formal Rush busy for Gamma Beta. It started with
Renee Overby was named Sigma Chi workshops. Greek Week from March 28-April 2.
Sweetheart and Holly Rudisill was named Greek Entertainment night kicked off
Pi Kappa Alpha Dream Girl and along UCD permits organizations to sponsor Greek Week. The chapter did a modern
with Holly, Kelly King was named a Pi films on campus and Chi Alpha showed dance to " I Sing The Body Electric" f r o m
Kappa Alpha Best Little Sister. the thriller Psycho. the movie "Fame." with members of A l -
pha Tau Omega and won 4 awards!!
During Murray's summer orientation Member honored
three members will be Summer Orienta- AOIIs and ATOs went on to capture
tion counselors: Susie Imes, Loretta Active. This sums up Susan Withers in first place in the Greek A l l Points Race at
Wagner and Nancy Moriarty. a nutshell. The ever-busy Lambda Beta the close of Greek Week which was cele-
senior received the special Ruby-A award brated with a Greek Picnic where all
KAPPA KAPPA on Founders' Day f r o m the Alumnae A d - Greeks were united.
visory Committee. The honor is award-
Ball State ed to the AOII who serves her chapter, After Easter members returned to a 36
school and community with utmost dedi- hour Rock-A-Thon for arthritis. Mem-
What is Kappa Kappa chapter's favor- cation. bers of campus fraternities helped Gam-
ite sport? Why basketball of course! The ma Betas rock the night away.
chapter at Ball State University raised » '* I
more than $4,000 this year at its annual Susan Withers, Lambda Beta To top off all the excitement of this se-
Basketball Marathon for Arthritis Re- mester. Tracy Tucker was elected Panhel-
search. Susan's never ending activities include lenic Vice President at Indiana. She will
past Panhellenic vice-president, Kappa be in charge of formal rush in the fall.
The women worked for 12 long hours Sigma Starduster and pledge class secre-
the day of Marathon, where they spon- tary and treasurer. She is also a member ALPHA PHI
sored basketball games that were in proc- of the Student Home Economics Associa- Montana State
ess continuously all day. There was also tion and a member of the Child and Fam-
various entertainment during the games ily Association for Students. The Alpha Phi chapter at Montana
including a magic show, a karate and State University started Spring Quarter
frisbee demonstration while numerous She was honored on the Dean's List in off with a bang. The first week of the
singers and bands played. 1980 and 1982, has a CSULB Child De- quarter, the chapter initiated eight new
velopment Certification and is presently active members. Some other special
Along with the spring comes the annu- events included an Italian dinner, skits
al closed dance which happened to fall on and a roller skating party. It was a fun
Kappa Kappa's 30th anniversary. Alum- filled and inspiring week, ending with a
nae f r o m all over the country attended brunch put on by the seniors.
the anniversary dance which was held in
Indianapolis, added Peg Stokel. It was a Other activities, too, have been keep-
time reminiscing and warm memories as ing them busy. During High School
the sisters enjoyed seeing old friends f r o m Week, ten high school seniors stay at the
our chapter. AOII house. One evening during the
week members put on a dinner Rush par-
Tracy Tucker was selected as the ty for the high school girls.
Lambda Chi Alpha Crescent Girl, Lisa
Norris is the new Theta Z i sweetheart Many Alpha Phi sisters deserve con-
and Marcia Demchoviach will reign as gratulations. There are five new Spurs (a
the Sigma Nu sweetheart. sophomore honorary-service organiza-
tion), two new Mortar Board members,
Another spring event was the Bike-A- and two sisters who placed in the Miss
Thon bike race. Kappa Kappa has three Gallatin Valley Scholarship Pageant.
trike teams entered in the trike race this
year with two returning teams f r o m last
year, so there is a good chance of taking
home some trophies this year.


TAU OMICRON these accomplishments, Alpha Chi was KAPPA OMICRON
U. of Tennessee-Martin invited to perform the rose ceremony for Southwestern at Memphis
the Kappa Omega chapter at the Univer-
The Tau Omicron chapter of AOII has sity of Kentucky, and six helped with ini- What does the smell of fresh paint, an
successfully participated in a full agenda tiation. Oriental rug, and new storm windows
of campus activites. mean to Kappa Omicron members?
Intramural sports began and Alpha Chi House Renovation! For the several past
O n February 15, Tau Omicron spon- was presented the All-Sports trophy for weeks, the chapter house has been getting
sored the all new "Gong Show." The 1981-82 after placing first in intramural a new lease on life—and the K O actives
Gong Show included skits, stunts, songs, football, basketball, volleyball, have had practically no furniture to sit on
or anything that was fun and entertain- racquetball, table tennis, badminton, and for the past few meetings. However, they
ing. Proceeds were donated to the Arthri- softball. The annual dance-a-thon for A r - all know that they can look forward to a
tis Foundation. thritis and Muscular Dystrophy was held comfortable yet elegant home when fall
with the SAE fraternity and raised nearly semester arrives.
The chapter won first place in the" A n - $2,500. More than 60 couples entered and
nual Phi Sig Follies in March, arid on 12 of them danced the entire 24 hours. Kappa Omicron members have been
April Fool's Day, a team of Tau Omicron quite involved with the community and
members won second place at the Young When April rolled around, Alpha Chi campus. One active was recently elected
Republican's "Almost Anything Goes" placed first in the annual A D P i 500 Field to the Memphis Chapter of the Arthritis
contest. Events day, for the 15th year in a row, Foundation, while several members ran
and also received the spirit award. Rosie the Arthritis Booth at a campus-spon-
In sports, Tau Omicron placed second Rigdon was awarded Kappa Alpha sored health fair. KaRe Alford was cho-
in basketball and was hoping for many sweetheart while Donna Sharp was sen to be on the Royal Court of the Cot-
impressive victories in softball. awarded Sigma Alpha Epsilon sweet- ton Carnival, a Memphis event that takes
heart, and Jeannie Tyson was awarded place in the spring. Dorothy Sanders re-
Several outstanding achievements Phi Delta Theta sweetheart. At the end of ceived a Cash Encouragement Award
which brought recognition to various the April, Alpha Chi was actively in- after auditioning for the Metropolitan
members of Tau Omicron were made in volved in the Western Kentucky Univer- Opera.
the last few months. At the annual Pan- sity Greek Week Events, and at the an-
hellenic Banquet five AOIls were selected nual Greek Week Awards Ceremony, As for campus activities, members
by a committee of faculty from the Uni- Alpha Chi was awarded the overall have been more involved than ever, with
versity of Tennessee at Martin to receive Greek Week trophy after placing first in theater, student publications, Southwest-
University Service Awards: Jennifer the blood drive, penny drive, tug-o-war, ern Singers, student government, intra-
King, Lea Ann Lindholm, Leah Jean pancake breakfast and banner contest. mural sports, and the other Greek
Moss, Cynthia Smith, and Janet Spore. groups, Sherry Moore said. Leslie Alley
Tau Omicron's Sydney MacRae was cho- Alpha Chi also placed second in back- was chosen to be a Kappa Sigma Little
sen for a part in the Panhellenic produc- gammon and Greek feud, and placed Sister, while Jamey Sutton was recently
tion of Godspell. third and fourth in the tricycle race and •installed as a Little Sister of Pi Kappa A l -
the track and field events respectively. pha fraternity.
"We also were pleased with the accept- Linda Davidson was named the Out-
ance of certain members of our chapter to standing Greek Woman of Western Ken- KAPPA GAMMA
various medical schools in Tennessee and tucky University. At the end of the Florida Southern
surrounding states. Some of these mem- ceremony, Alpha Chi was awarded the
bers are: Marilyn Dawson, Cynthia Sorority Excellence Award for 1981-82. The Kappa Gamma chapter at Florida
Smith, Dawn Talley, Mary Sue Southern College in Lakeland, Fla., re-
McFarland, and Dehise Pollard just to GAMMA BETA ceived many awards at the close of the
name a few," Edith Murphy added. Indiana U . of Penn. school year. The awards were presented
in front of the entire school body in an
ALPHA CHI Gamma Beta was very busy during the awards ceremony.
Western Kentucky University spring. In preparation for Greek Week, it
was ranked second in the Greek All- The chapter is most proud of its Most
The Alpha Chi chapter has had an ac- Points Race among the 13 sororities and Improved G P A Award.
tion-packed semester beginning with 15 fraternities on the Indiana University
alumnae teas and functions and a recep^ of Pennsylvania campus. Two members are President Scholars.
tion for the chapter's very own Robin Daryl Meyer, a senior, and Gaye Bua, a
Faith who was chosen Panhellenic Advi- Two sisters, Cathy Gonda and Tracy junior, have an overall 4.0 G P A . Three
sor for Western Kentucky University. Tucker, recently participated in the Phi members, Joy DeCaro, Kim Wirick, and
Kappa Psi fraternity's 24-hour Dance Nicky Teran are on the Dean's List with
On Feb. 12, the Alpha Chis wore Marathon benefitting the Muscular Dys- an overall G P A of 3.5 or better.
"Have a Heart Day" shirts in honor of trophy philanthropy.
Valentine's Day, and passed out 1500 The chapter placed second overall in
suckers to students on their way to class. A recent pledge activity called "Tattle- the intramural program at Florida South-
Also in February, the Alpha Chis were tales" planned by Pledge Trainer Tracy ern. They competed in softball, soccer,
given the opportunity to share their rush Tucker provided a chance for the Bigs basketball, volleyball, tennis, and ca-
techniques with another sorority on and Littles to get together and see how noeing.
campus. well they know each other by answering
questions like "If your Little could join a Debbie Bauer, a graduating senior, was
March began with a bang when three fraternity, which one would it be?" and given an award for being an outstanding
Alpha Chis, Linda Davidson, Nancy "What famous person has your Big al- JA (junior advisor). She has been a JA for
Spires, and Cathy Sehiess, were chosen ways wanted to be?" Tattletales proved the past three years and has done a great
to Who's Who Among American Col- to be a lot of fun, and hopefully will be- job.
leges and Universities and four women, come an annual event, added Maria
Theresa Tooley, Donna Sharp, Maurie Bruzio. Another graduating senior, Daryl
McGarvey, and Nancy Spires, were cho- Meyer, will be listed in the next edition of
sen to be members of the Greek honor so- Who's Who Among American Colleges
ciety, the Order of Omega. Along with and Universities.


OMEGA XI Collegians represent Panhels

Morehead Dear Editor, When a Traveling Consultant Comes to
Hello f r o m the Mid-American Panhel- Visit."
Donna Totich is the new S.G.A. presi-
dent for the 82-83 academic year at lenic and Mid-American Interfraternity One session that all of the M A P C A /
Morehead State. Council Association conference MIFCA delegates were encouraged to at-
( M A P C A / M I F C A ) . Students from Illi- tend was on the ritual. The Dean of Men
Donna is a junior majoring in clothing nois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wiscon- from Bradley University in Peoria, Illi-
and textiles and has been a resident of sin, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North nois, Ed King, emphasized how our ritu-
Morehead, KY. for the past 13 years. She Dakota, South Dakota, Arkansas, Kan- als are what bind us as sisters to our sis-
has been an outstanding member of AOII sas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas have ters, and brothers to brothers. A t the
for three years occupying the offices of gathered at Loew's Anatole hotel for the closing banquet, I sat across f r o m Laurie
Panhellenic, rush, and presently philan- March conference. Students aren't the and next to Ginger. The speaker was W i l -
thropic. Her scholarship abilities have only ones here, about 70 conference fac- lis Tate, president emeritus of Southern
been awarded by such honors as a speech ulty members have come from all over Methodist University in Dallas. Sudden-
scholarship, Woman's Club scholarship the country to share their ideas in many ly, my ears really focused on what he
and the President's scholarship. sessions. was saying. I heard him saying some very
special things to me. I glanced across the
As spring brought on the feeling of Representing Alpha Omicron Pi are In- table at Laurie and she was looking at me
restlessness within ourselves it also re- ternational President, Ginger Banks, and . . . then we both looked at Ginger and
flected the desire for activity within the collegians from Ball State University, In- smiled. King's words about the power the
chapter, added Tamara Bishop. One of diana State University, the University of ritual can have as a bond replayed in my
our most enjoyable events was Spring Minnesota, and Western Illinois Univer- head. I felt the love and the encompass-
Formal. sity. ing power of the sisterhood of Alpha
Omicron Pi. I had only met these two
During Omega Xi's closed weekend, I was surprised to meet Ginger Banks. wonderful people a little more than 24
members participated in many fun mon- When I registered for the conference, I hours ago, but I knew and understood a
ey making activities. Their efforts paid had no idea she would be attending and little better how both had been my sisters
off. "We raised money for the chapter, leading sessions. Sisters, I felt like a little from the day I became a pledge.
and $250 with our 'Stick-Em Up' for ar- girl meeting her heroine face-to-face.
thritis campaign. Now we can hardly Ginger is poised, warm and very under- The first gift that you give your pledg-
wait to start planning more weekends like standing. She has every quality that one es is your sisterhood. Help them unwrap
this for next year," Tamara said. could wish for in her International Presi- this gift by having them meet other AOIIs
dent. In addition to getting to know Gin- from other chapters.
IOTA SIGMA ger, I was very fortunate to get to know
Iowa State the new M A P C A State Coordinator from Cheryl Sutton
Indiana, Laurie Allen of Kappa Alpha
The Iowa State University Panhellenic chapter of AOII. Laurie was my sister Tau chapter- -Minnesota M A P C A
Council was judged the best in the mid- f r o m the moment I met her in the session
west in the largest competition at the that Ginger was leading on "What to do State Coordinator
MidAmerican Interfraternity Council As-
sociation-Mid American Panhellenic In April a number of AOIIs met at the Western Regional Panhellenic Conference in Reno, Nev. Pic-
Council Association Conference held in tured during a break in the workshops are top row, left to right, Linda Rust, Alpha Rho, Univer-
Dallas, Texas. sity of Puget Sound Panhellenic adviser; Janell Kirby, Beta Sigma; Maureen Ryan, Beta Sigma;
Diane DeGuardi, Sigma Phi; Colleen McCarthy, Lambda Iota; Jamie Redman, Alpha Phi, and
Several Iota Sigmas are actively in- Marilyn Herman, Upsilon, member of AOII Executive Board. The bottom row, left to right,
volved on the ISU. Panhel. Cindy Stew- includes Linda Pyne, Upsilon; Janine DeMerschman, Alpha Gamma; Caroline Craig, Lambda
art and K i m Jepsen are Panhel repre- Beta, and Jenni Guertin, Theta Omega.
sentatives; A n n Vandervelde is Panhel
secretary; Nancy Klindt is Panhel'senator 25
to the Government of the Student Body,
and Sandy Voss is Co-Chair of the Blood

Many other Iota Sigmas are involved
in campus organization: Cathi Adams,
Tami Catron, and Deb Pullin are on the
'82 Homecoming committee, Cathi A d -
ams and Lisa Marquart are on Campus
Chest (a fund raising organizatin), Cindy
Stewart is writing for the Greek newspa-
per, and Carol Wee is a diamond darling
for the Baseball team.

In late spring, Iota Sigma was busy
w i t h Veishea. Veishea is the largest col-
lege celebration and involves many dis-
plays, a musical and canoe races.

The highlight of the celebration is the
parade. Co-chairs Cassie Anderson, Lin-
da Buechler, and Sharon Rutledge
worked long and hard to make the AOII-
OAX float number one!!!

ALPHA DELTA the Arts and Science Annual Fund. W i t h LAMBDA CHI
the Phi Kappa Tau fraternity they helped
U of Alabama raise a nearly $2,000 in one night, top- LaGrange College
ping the other fraternities and sororities
The Alpha Deltas, at the University of on campus. A l l persons participating Whenever a money-making project is
Alabama, held the first AOII State Day in were rewarded with pizza and a five-min- brought before a meeting many people
the spring. AOIls from four different ute long distance phone call. put grim and sorrowful looks on their
schools met to share ideas and friendship. faces, but that was not the case for Lamb-
Other activities this spring included a da Chi's last two projects at LaGrange
State Day wasn't the only thing that G . D . I . Prep party when the AOIls broke College.
kept the Alpha Deltas busy this Spring. away from tradition and did a party with
We had our annual Spring rush party, nongreeks. The chapter enjoyed Greek At the beginning of March they spon-
Swamp Water, reported Ginger Week at CU by doing song fest with the sored a much-needed Sadie Hawkins
Manasco. This party was on the lake and Phi Kappa Taus. The semester was Dance at the college where the woman-
we had a band and a cook-out. The A l - capped off with spring formal which was man ratio is three to one. Admission was
pha Deltas were especially busy the week held in Vail, Colo. $1 per person and $1.50 per couple,
of Swamp Water because it was Greek which gave women initiative not to come
Week. : alone. It was not surprising to see the
number of females who took advantage
Intramurals also played a big part of • of this event. Included in the festivities
the Spring semester. Having previously were free punch, pictures for the couples,
been football champions in the Fall, the Three Founders of Beta Kappa, from the left, plenty of rocking chairs and bales of hay,
Spring was no different. The Alpha Del- Isabelle Chadat Petrie, Alice Davidson Porter and good loud music, Lynne Carpenter
tas won softball, tennis, and track cham- and Mary Latta, all B K '31, were among those said.
pionships and were awarded the A l l who attended the chapter's 50th anniversary
Sports Trophy for the year. celebration last fall in Vancouver, British A second money-making project in
Columbia. March proved to be another success.
This Spring has also been one of many Lambda Chi sponsored a raffle, but in-
honors for the Alpha Deltas. Lisa Grider BETA RHO stead of raffling off the usual "dinner for
made cheerleader for the University of U . of Montana two" it gave away an adopted doll. Many
Alabama, but her sisters were the ones people wanted the chance to w i n the
cheering at tryouts. A t this year's Student It is evident that the Beta Rho chapter curly- headed blonde doll clothed in her
Government elections, Carole Jurenko at the University of Montana has poten- red and white outfit.
was named communications senator and tial. The house is getting stronger and
Carla Black was named secretary/ stronger as members work their way up- "Both of these projects not only helped
treasurer of the School of Education. In ward to the top. us earn extra money, but they placed 50
other elections, Karen Dagget was named women together, working cooperatively
secretary of Panhellenic. Sally Pulliam During the last two rush periods, fall for the same purpose. Whether loading
was voted Commander of Angel Flight formal and winter informal, the AOIls hay unto a truck, mixing punch, or typ-
and Ginger Manasco received the office gained eight new sisters. ing raffle tickets—AOIls were working as
of Public Affairs in Angel Flight. Anita a loving and close unit," Lynne added.
Wright was named the first Ombudsman Lori Serviss, a new initiate received the
for the school newspaper. Robin university's $250 Panhellenic Scholarship NU OMICRON
Sandidge was voted first woman presi- which is based on grade point average in
dent of Alpha Epsilon Delta, the Pre- addition to a personal interview with a Vanderbilt
Medical honorary. panel of judges. This is the second con-
secutive year that an A O I I has received "Stella by Starlight" was one of the
The University's Honors Day was held this award, reported Jacquie Potter. winning tunes sung by the Nu Omicron
in April and the AOIls really shined chapter at Vanderbilt's recent Athenian
through. Robin Sandidge was tapped by The annual formal function, the Rose Sing. Not only did the group w i n first
Anderson Society and Mortar Board and Ball, proved to be a teriffic success, not place in song competition, but also re-
Mariellen Perkinson was chosen by Or- to mention a great time for the women ceived the award for audience apprecia-
der of Omega to be a member. Ginger and their dates. A local country club was tion, as nearly the entire chapter turned
Manasco was elected into Alpha Epsilon rented for the evening and a live band out to support its sisters. A great deal of
Rho and six AOIls were inducted in Gam- was hired. The dance lasted until 2 a.m. credit goes to Martha Bennett, a super
ma Beta Phi, the sophomore honorary. and a breakfast was served afterwards at songleader (whose dedication shone
the house. Both alumnae and collegians through when she camped out in a hall-
CHI DELTA attended. way overnight to get the first song choic-
es), Sara Gill said.
U . of Colorado
Not only did the chapter earn the
The Chi Delta chapter started its spring awards musically, but scholastically as
semester with the initiation ceremony for well. It currently holds the second
the Gamma pledges. Later, on that eve- hightest G.P.A. on campus. In addition,
ning the members of the Sigma Phi Epsi- several members were recently elected to
lon fraternity helped the new initiates cel- Mortar Board and Phi Beta Kappa. Other
ebrate by having a New Year's Eve party involved AOIls are active in student gov-
for them. ernment (with the Senior Class president
and Student Council vice-president),
A new rush party theme was intro- honor societies, The Original Cast musi-
duced at the chapter with King Arthur cal group, Vanderbilt Choir, cheerlead-
and Merlin presiding in the court of ing, and freshmen dormitory RAs.
"Camelot," added Judy Carlson.
Second semester began with a rush that
The AOIls at University of Colorado produced 32 pledges. Members made the
helped the school raise money this semes- pledges feel right at home with "class
ter by participating in a phone-a-thon for


1 heard it for the first time . . . this is what KAPPA TAU
Carni is, explained Cheryl Sutton. When
i you're frightened of open heights and you Southwestern Louisiana
climb up scaffolding because something
i^ needs doing this, too, is a part of Carni. The AOIIs of Louisiana had their State
Money raised from the event went to the Day, Feb. 13, in Baton Rouge. It was
: Children's Heart Fund at the University held at Broussards and a delicious lunch
of Minnesota. of broiled chicken in orange sauce,
Nu Omicron members Sara Gill and Cindy stuffed baked potato and broccoli was
Knott were among those who helped during After the big spring event of Carni, served.
the "Pro Celebrity Golf Tournament." thoughts of fall rush enter the minds of
Tau collegians. Before rush comes, how- The sisters heard f r o m two guest
weeks," (in which each class plans a vari- ever, there is Freshman Camp. AOIIs speakers, and exchanged conversation
ety of activities f o r the pledges), big sister Tami Barsness, Jody Bylund, Anne and rush ideas. Kappa Tau entertained
hunt, and presentation at Spring Formal. Craecraft and Pam Watson will represent everyone with a skit it performed in Song
Tau chapter to the incoming freshmen. Fest.
The year's philanthropy projects pro- Rush Onsite coordinator for the Universi-
duced results as well as being lots of f u n ! ty of Minnesota campus is AOII Cheryl SIGMA RHO
Working at the Pro Celebrity Golf Tour- Oulicky. A t presstime the rush counsel- Slippery Rock
nament provided glimpses of several ors were being interviewed and eight
stars, and its campus spaghetti dinner women f r o m Tau applied. To Dragma re- The sisters of Sigma Rho finished a
was its usual success. porter Cheryl Sutton said Heidi Berg, successful spring rush centered around a
rush chair is ready to lead the AOIIs in a theme based on The Giving Tree, a book
Swaps, numerous date dinners, For- hard working, fun fall rush. that holds a lot of meaning for the
mal, and Spring and Fail Party have kept chapter.
the chapter's social calendar filled. Spring "We rushed hard in winter and spring,
break found Nu Omicrons on the beaches and we had great results! The collegians Besides being busy with pledge func-
of the Bahamas, Florida, and Texas, as know rushees are looking for something tions, Sigma Rho held its formal A p r i l 17
w e l l as m a n y r e t u r n i n g home f o r special. I feel we have what it takes to at the Lakeside Holiday Inn in Cleveland,
vacations. make them feel welcome and we have Ohio. It, too, was busy practicing Anne
what it takes to make those rushees be- Murray melodies for an April Greek
TAU come pledges of A O n , Heidi added. Rush Sing. In the past two years we have
U . of Minnesota for the University of Minnesota campus placed first and second so we are working
is in late September. hard to try to place again this year,
Tau chapter is looking forward to fall Jeanne Westervelt reported.
rush! A strong, newly-initiated pledge OMEGA
class has helped to renew enthusiasm and The sisters have become increasingly
generate ideas. Miami active in a new group on campus called
"8 to 1." This group consists of the eight
AOII collegians have made a commit- Nothing has been able to stand in sororities on campus working together as
ment to improving their relations with re- Omega's way! one. Although the group was just
cent alumnae. formed, it has accomplished the follow-
We won first place in the all Greek ing activities: an all-Greek Christmas
"By making the alums feel more wel- Songfest in which we were paired with party, Christmas caroling at a local nurs-
come at the chapter house, we are all Lambda Chi Alpha and Sigma Delta Tau. ing home, a sorority bake-off, homecom-
benefiting," commented Tau chapter "Kate Smith," "Joey Heatherton," and ing tea, a senior send off, and recognition
president Leigh Benton. "Alums have "Bob Hope" all showed up to entertain of academic honors.
come back and brought stories, old songs the troups in this USO show, Sue Reinel
and house history that might have other- reported. As part of its philanthropy fund raiser
wise been lost." last semester, an exercise program was set
Its philanthropy chairman came up up for the public to attend.
Total chapter enthusiasm was shown with a great way to make the Florida sun
in April with Tau's performance in its benefit the Arthritis Foundation. The NU LAMBDA
Campus "Carni." Along with the men of chapter sold sun tan lotion right before U . of Southern California
Sigma Phi Epsilon and Sigma Alpha M u , Spring Break. The project was a huge
AOIIs showed some of their many tal- success. In one short week Omega made "We Glow Together"—these words
ents. Carni chair for Tau was Cheryl $400. were heard repeatedly as the N u Lambda
Oulicky. Ballyhou danceline costumes chapter at USC prepared for its participa-
were a major project of alum Kathy The rush chairman is credited with cre- tion in Songfest, the largest collegiate
"Lemars" Larson. ative rush parties. musical production, with the Phi Kappa
Tau fraternity. Many weeks of hard
Pounding nails, taking tickets, singing, "Magic Carpet Ride With A O I I " is an work went into their performances, sing-
dancing, acting and listening to the same exciting, new third period party theme. ing songs from Evita, Fame, and other
song over and over again . . . smiling The Arabian theme takes place in a musical shows.
and watching the skit for the umteenth Shiek's Palace and allows members to
time and responding as though you had play the role and wear the costumes of In January the M u pledge class put on
beautiful harem girls. its Spring Pledge/Active party, "Story-
book-Fairytale," at the home of Linda
Omega's presence on Miami campus is Del Canto. Little Miss Muffet, Alice in
being shouted through all extra-curricular Wonderland and Mickey and Minnie
activities. Although not all the results are mouse were among the costume themes.
in, for next year the chapter boasts:
Panhel's PR chairperson, the Greek Week In February, all 20 N u Lambda pledges
secretary, seven RAs, two peer advisors, were initiated in a ceremony lead by
five rush guides, and VP of marketing Donna Stanislawski. A n initiation ban-
projects for A M A , three Greek Week quet was held later that day at the Lake-
Committee members, and a member of
the Junior Honorary on campus. (continued on page 28)


(continued f r o m page 27) Chi Beta colonized at UV

wood Country Club, where Shannon CHI BETA COLONY Highlights of the social year included a
Clark was chosen as the pledge who most University of Virginia Christmas dance, a spring formal and
typifies AOII. Derby Days.
On Jan. 23 International Vice President
In March the N u Lambdas participated Peg Crawford and Regional Vice Presi- Chi Beta members look forward to the
in the annual Greek Week festivities with dent Helen McMahon, accompanied by 1982-83 academic year which will see the
the Sigma Chi and Alpha Tau Omega enthusiastic area alumnae, presided over colony's installation as a collegiate chap-
fraternities. The team won many events the colonization of the Chi Beta Colony ter of Alpha Omicron Pi.
including the Tug-of-War, the Western at the University of Virginia.
Dance contest, and the Preppy contest. BETA SIGMA
They also won the "Phi Psi 500" obstacle Founded in February, 1981, by Cath-
course with the efforts of Suzy Powell, leen Acierno, Beth Campbell, Patton Boise State
Laura Simone, and Karlin McCullen. Conner, Faye Ferguson, Kelly Kerr and
Anne Pontiakos, Chi Beta soon grew to A O I I is alive and well, and living at
On Monday, March 22, Sally Roscoe, number 14. The spring passed quickly as Beta Sigma chapter at Boise State Univer-
scholarship chairman, prepared a fantas- the group concentrated on fulfilling uni- sity! The AOII women returned for sec-
tic scholarship dinner, reported Maureen versity requirements for recognition and ond semester with such enthusiasm and
Story. The Dean of Student Affairs spoke establishing unity and spirit. spirit. January was filled with prepara-
and professors f r o m many different de- tions for Initiation activities and a visit
partments attended. Four N u Lambdas In the fall Chi Beta petitioned Alpha from Mary Enwall, Region V I REO. Her
received 4.0 grade point averages and Omicron Pi for national affiliation and visit was highlighted by an Alumnae Tea
many received rose and bar pins for scho- was accepted in November, 1981. A n in- during which new alums were introduced
lastic improvement. formal rush enabled the group to expand to Beta Sigma. Informal Rush Parties, us-
to the 20 members present at coloniza- ing such themes as "Generic," Jazzercize,
The annual philanthropy project of tion. and Room-to-Room, plus social exchang-
selling Easter eggs filled with candy and a es kept the members busy during Feb-
personal note was held in March. Sales In February, 1982, Chi Beta doubled its ruary.
went very well under the direction of size to reach 40 active colony members.
Sirie Thongehue. Excitement and pride ran through the
The future holds great promise for Chi house when it received word that Beta
The Nu Lambdas have been involved Beta and the women at Virginia. Chi Sigma's entry, "The Sixth Sense," was
in many ways at USC. Several girls are Beta's active calendar provides the in- chosen to be the name of the regional
studying to become resident advisors in volvement and participation each sister newsletter.
the dormitories and apartments around wants while allowing the colony to be-
campus. Sheela Choudhury is the presi- come competitive with the sorority sys- One industrious weekend was spent
dent of the Phrateres at USC. Jackie Spae tem at the university. painting and re-decorating the house. Ev-
and Heather Haugen are in the Trojan erybody had a chance to add her two-bits
Marching Band and now president of Nu Chi Beta supports the Hearthstone worth in deciding what to do. The hard
Lambda, Nena Krivosic, is on the tall House, a boarding home serving out-of- work paid off in increased pride of the
flags team with the band. area families with children at the Univer- chapter house.
sity of Virginia Hospital.
The last event of the year was held on High spirits continued through March
April 30, the annual Luau. The women Tamara Gooden, Sigma Chi with anticipation of the All-Greek Spring
and their dates were dressed in Hawaiian Formal and of course—Spring Break!
Working with the local chapter of the
SIGMA CHI Arthritis Foundation has been a reward-
ing experience for the women. Each week
Hartwick College a group spends a few hours helping out at
the office.
Here we go! Get those legs up! Sigma
Chi women were fit as fiddles by the time Shannon Phillips, Beta Sigma's chapter
our spring formal came. Certain men adviser, was honored by receiving the
were lucky to be with the best looking "Employee of the Year" award from Ada
women on campus. County.

Throughout the January and spring PHI BETA
term they had been working on an aero-
bic dance program. Objectives? What East Stroudsburg
other objectives of collegiate women?
. . . TO GET INTO SHAPE!! W i t h the theme of "Voyage to the Bot-
tom of the Sea," Phi Beta took first place
In addition to exciting exercise pro- among all Greeks on campus in the
gram Sigma Chi has some exciting schol- Homecoming Float competition.
arship news. Four sisters were nominated
for the John Christopher Hartwick Schol- During the year the women have be-
arship awarded to juniors of outstanding come involved with helping the less for-
academic standing. They are Vanessa tunate members of the community, re-
Dahlin, Lisa Hayden, Lyn Jakeman, and ported Kimberly Carson.
Karen Nytch who is currently studying in
Germany for the year. Tamara Gooden, Several members donated time to the
Sigma Chi president, has been chosen as Pennsylvania Special Olympics as o f f i -
a recipient of the prestigious Fullbright cials and "huggers," while others have
Scholarship, awarded to only six out- been active in the Adopt-a-Grandparent
standing students through the country. and Big Sister programs.


PHI LAMBDA scholastically placed second on campus women, emphasized Laurel Tanaka.
Youngstown State in Fall Pledge Class standings. "You can be sure to hear more about the
chapter in the near future since it is defi-
Phi Lambda and Nu Sigma Tau local The women of Alpha Sigma also have nitely going to the top."
fraternity were successful with their first participated in many Greek and campus
annual dance. A M r . and Miss YSU con- activities such as Sigma Chi Derby Days, UPSILON
test was the highlight of the evening and Sigma Alpha Epsilon Ultimate Frisbee U . of Washington
the chapter was able to contribute S100 Tournament, Canoe Fete, Homecoming
for Arthritis Research. and intramural sports. Community serv- "You are never given a wish without
ice activities included a Halloween haunt- also being given the power to make it
The chapter's grade point average con- ed house for children and painting spirit true." Illusions, Richard Bach
tinues to climb, reported Mimi Bienko. signs on store windows during Home-
"We are just .5 out of first place." coming week. Sisters at Upsilon chapter at the Uni-
versity of Washington had a wish. It was
A break in the winter quarter blahs Philanthropic projects were numerous a wish for victory in the annual Sigma
came when Paula Blum was elected Pan- as the chapter collected contributions for Chi Derby Days competition March 29-
hellenic president. UNICEF and the March of Dimes' Moth- April 3. Derby Days is a philanthropic
ers March. In the spring, a wine and event hosted by Sigma Chi fraternity in
ALPHA GAMMA cheese tasting party helped to raise funds which each of the 18 sororities takes a
Washington State for the Arthritis Foundation. great deal of pride, explained Katie
Hallahan and Lori Finn. Several weeks
As usual, springtime for Alpha Gam- The Alpha Sigma chapter is filled with before the competition, Therese McKee,
ma at Washington State University was a kind-hearted, successful and optimistic chapter president, set as a goal that the
busy time. In March, Rose Formal was a chapter put its 100% effort into winning
success as women and their dates traveled Mary Wagner Derby Days.
to Lewiston, Idaho, for the evening. WSU Outstanding Senior
The chapter took the goal seriously as
April brought about the long-awaited Susan Zimmerman it began to prepare a winning strategy
Wheatfield function, a western-style WSU Outstanding Senior with three Sigma Chi coaches. As Derby
dance held annually at a lodge in nearby Days week approached, members signed
Potlatch, Idaho. Alpha Gamma teamed up for the events in which they wished to
with the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity and participate. Vigorous practices took place
sang its way into the finals of the Song- f r o m the quiet study room to the muddy
fest competition and a second place fin- playing field, and AOIls were raring to
ish. Also during the month was the day- win.
long cruise on Lake Coeur d'Alene in Ida-
ho where suntan lotion and sweethearts Derby Days week finally arrived and
were a must! things became very hectic around the
AOn household. The women were ad-
Alpha Gammas at WSU report many justing to the first week of spring quarter
individuals have been recognized for as well as having intensive training ses-
their recent achievements and awards. sions for the week's activities. Sigma Chi
New members of Mortar Board include Derby Days was kicked off April 1 with
Shanne Smith, Kitty Byrne, Margo M y - skit night.
ers and Janine Demerschman. M a r y
Wagner and Susan Zimmerman are two And after many, many competitive
of five chosen as WSU Outstanding Sen- events the scores were in . . . The air
iors of the year. T w o AOTI moms, Mrs. was filled with excitement and joy as it
Patricia Zimmerman and Mrs. Kathryn was announced over the loud speaker
Byrne, were selected as Outstanding that Alpha Omicron Pi had won the
Moms of the Year while an AOII dad, granddaddy of them all. Later that eve-
Richard Jansen, was chosen as an Out- ning, the AOIls were treated to a victory
standing Faculty Member of the Year at banquet with the Sigma Chi fraternity.
Washington State. Newly initiated mem-
bers deserving recognition include Sandy The sisters of Upsilon at the University
Gallagher, winner of the Pi Kappa Alpha of Washington had a wish. It was
Dream Girl contest; Laurie Sotelo, final- through their desire to win and the bonds
ist of the Lambda Chi Alpha Crescent of sisterhood that they were given the
Girl contest; and Jennifer Jansen, newly power to make their wish come true!
chosen member of the rally squad.
Album recorded
U . of Oregon The fulfillment of a lifetime dream of
recording an album was the highlight last
They've done it. The Alpha Sigma year for Claudia Watkins, a BA f r o m Pe-
chapter is academically Number One on oria, Illinois. Claudia is the female coun-
the University of Oregon campus and has terpart of New Wine, a contemporary
increased their membership status by Christian duo that has been together for
more than 20 percent this year. two and a half years. Bruce Thede writes
all their words and music, and together
AOII scored the highest GPA among he and Claudia do the vocals. Their first
Greek houses as the Winter '82 initiates album is called "Caught Up," and is on
Airborne Records.


PHI UPSILON K A P P A PI Overall, Gamma Sigma has raised
Purdue more than $10,000.00 for various philan-
Ohio Northern thropies in the past year.
The AOIIs at the Purdue University Phi
Upsilon chapter are proud to boast Karen Spirit, determination and pride proved "We have received many awards this
Siciliano, the president of the Purdue Stu- successful for Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern year, but raising this great amount of
dent Association (PSA). Karen recently University's AOLIs, as it initiated nine money has been the most satisfying,"
had served as PSA vice president, but new sisters after fall rush. The pledges Kelly said.
made history by becoming the first wom- followed Kappa Pi tradition by receiving
an to hold the top executive office. the Panhellenic Fall Pledge Class Scholar- LAMBDA BETA
ship Award while the chapter captured
Karen Siciliano top grades on campus for fall quarter Long Beach State
PSA President 1981.
Lambda Beta splashed into the spring
Sally Batina competed in the Miss Pur- During winter quarter the sisters kept semester at Long Beach State University
due Pageant, and with an outstanding active in intramural and varsity sports, with enthusiasm, pride and activities!
twirling routine, was named second run- honor societies, professional organiza-
ner up. Sally was chosen to be in the Pi tions, and fraternity little sis clubs. Kap- Our efforts paid off in Spring Rush as
Kappa Alpha calendar. pa Pi participated in Campus Chest and twelve super girls pledged AOII, ex-
overwhelmingly won the First Place claimed Susan Elken. We had retreat
Barbara Ballew represented AOII as Booth Award for its AOII Jail, Elizabeth down in San Diego and camped with our
Grand Prix queen candidate. She won the Barton said. sisters under the stars.
Balfour Award for her first class essay on
"Students Helping Students." Spring quarter began with an ice cream Sigma Chi Derby Days was swept by
social for prospective spring pledges. The AOII, who received first in sorority feud,
Scholarship as well as leadership and chapter's hard work paid off when eight second for spirit and got third place
beauty are characteristics of Phi Upsilon. girls were formally pledged. over-all.
Two Phi Upsilon women were recent
scholarship recipients: Thea Butcher was Kappa Pi, too, organized its first annu- Christmas special
awarded $375 f r o m the Indiana Dietetic al volleyball-a-thon planned for a fund For Gamma Delta
Association to complete practical train- raiser at the end of spring quarter.
ing, and Becky Connell received S800 (Editor's Note: The following note
from the Lafayette Friends Meeting for GAMMA SIGMA was received by Gamma Delta chap-
academic excellence and involvement at ter. The women helped the Alabama
the national conference. Georgia State mother make Christmas special to
her daughters. Says Nancy Howell,
Philanthropy is also very important to Gamma State has received many Gamma Delta philanthropy chair-
us the chapter. The AOIIs went that extra awards in the past year, but our greatest man, "we feel like this is what it's all
step to aid the American Cancer Society accomplishment has been in the area of about."
in a cancer walk. More than S200 was philanthropy, reported Kelly Isley. "We
collected. This was in addition to the Na- have always been strong in our Dear Girls of Alpha Omicron Pi:
tional Arthritis Foundation project, philantrhopic achievements and this year Words cannot express the grati-
Singing Valentines. has been no exception. Not only did we
participate in the various fraternity fund tude in my heart for the joy you
Spirit is another quality that the AOIIs raisers, but we also held our 4th annual brought my little girls. I must admit,
generate. The women competed against "AOn for Athletes." before I met Nancy and was assisted
12 other sororities at Theta Chi's Spring by all of you at Christmas, I thought
Rally and took first place honors in spirit In the Spring of 1981, Gamma Sigma sororities were only for the pleasure
and costume, reported Jennifer M . Cam- participated in two fund raisers at Geor- of its members. I had no idea sorori-
eron. gia State University. The first one was ties even thought about needy
"Pike Bike Race," which is held by I1KA people.
AOII athletes are successful as well. Ja- fraternity. The AOIIs raised $500 and
nette Dowton won the 10 kilometer won second place in philanthropy. They When my little girls opened so
Grand Prix Distance Classic. Lisa also participated in Greek Week and many beautifully wrapped gifts on
Iadicicco and Natinne Klam were recent- raised $350 to w i n first place in philan- Christmas morning and I thought
ly selected members of the Purdue Pep thropy. about my predicament just a few
Squad. weeks before, I said a prayer for you
Fall quarter, of 1981, was a very excit- and then I cryed. I do wish you
30 ing and busy time. They participated in could have seen their faces.
T K E "Toys for Tots," and "Sigma Nu
Sweepstakes." In T K E "Toys for Tots" When Nancy told me about the
members won first place over all by col- sorority, she told me about your
lecting more than $1,000 worth of toys. symbols. Now, when I see a red
During the "Sigma N u Sweepstakes" they rose, it means A O I I . N o w , when I
won first place over all, first place in see a rainbow, I think of my dream
Pledge Talent, first place in events, first that came true.
place in spirit, and first place in philan-
thropy. Gamma Sigma raised more than As soon as my little girls are old
$3,700.00. enough to understand, and we are
out of our financial problems, I am
During 1982 Winter quarter, the chap- going to tell them who was Santa
ter held its 4th Annual "AOII for A t h - Claus in 1981. Someday, I hope they
letes" fund raiser. The $4500 raised was w i l l want to be in A O I I . Thank you
donated to the Arthritis Foundation. A for changing my mind about sorori-
total of 11 fraternities participated in the ties and thank you for making this
areas of philanthropy, field events, spirit, Christmas the most wonderful my
and sportsmanship. little girls will ever know . . . S. R.

The family picnic proved again to be a After a relaxing summer, the members This winter at Michigan has been ex-
big success as family and sisters spent a of Pi Delta had jumped into Fall Rush, re- ceptionally long, snowy and cold,
casual Sunday afternoon together. Be- sulting once again with a great pledge weather-wise. However, Omicron Pi has
sides feasting on chicken, potato salad class. Pi Delta's fall blood drive attracted managed to keep spirits high through ac-
and the trimmings, members played soft- approximately 350 people in two days to tivities such as a tie theme party and a
ball, had an egg toss, and a water balloon donate blood for the Red Cross. It turned baby picture contest organized by C R C
toss. out to be the most successful drive in Chairman Karen Pardo.
recent years. At Halloween efforts con-
Our time wasn't all spent on play, tinued to raise funds for the Arthritis The highlight of Greek Week was the
though. They had an Easter egg hunt and Foundation. In Washington, D.C.'s, First Annual AOII Dance Contest which
told the story of the Easter Bunny to the Georgetown at Runyon's Restaurant and was a great success thanks to the enthusi-
children at the Ennoble Home for Excep- Lounge, members of Pi Delta masquerad- asm and work of Laura King, contest-co-
tional Children. ed the streets of Georgetown in witch ordinator. Through the contest Omicron
costumes, selling apples to those interest- Pi raised $500 for the Arthritis Founda-
Among the highlights of the semester, ed in donating to the cause." We succeed- tion. An estimated 700 people attended.
the chapter took time to celebrate its 17th ed in spreading the word about the party Wendi Stanton, one AOII pledges, and
anniversary. Also on the calendar were that was also held to benefit Arthritis at her partner did an outstanding job for the
movie nights, SAE volleyball, big brother Runyon's. The end result was another chapter by placing fifth out of.32 couples!
and pledge luau, Theta Chi toilet race $400 for Arthritis," Susan Kulkerian re-
and all looked forward to our Spring For- ported. Collegians help to save life
OMICRON PI "I just can't say enough about those
PI D E L T A U . of Michigan young people," Fred Simmen, whose wife
U. of Maryland had just received about 40 pints of live-
This winter term has been one of the saving blood from members of Alpha
As the Spring 1982 semester resumed at most spirited, funfilled and successful for Omicron Pi at Indiana University of
the University of Maryland, Pi Delta Omicron Pi at the University of Pennsylvania.
chapter took a look back to 1981 and its Michigan.
special memories. "I was almost moved to tears," he said.
After a successful Formal Winter Rush, "If you ever want to say something good
Starting off with a promising pledge headed by Winter Rush Chairperson about America, that's it."
class and a strong chapter, Pi Delta Janice Bershas, the chapter pledged seven
plunged into the Greek and philanthropic women. One of the highlights of Formal Simmen's wife, Mildred, has leukemia.
activities. Not only was Pi Delta recog- Winter Rush was a concert performed at Hospital officials suggested Simmen ask
nized as obtaining the second largest AOII by the Friars, a U of M men's friends and relatives for blood donations
pledge class of all sororities at Maryland, chorus. because his wife was doing poorly.
but it raised more than $3,200 in one
weekend for the Arthritis Foundation Imagine a house that normally holds 47 Simmen's son Kurt, belongs to IUP's
through a Tennis Marathon and Casino people suddenly filled to the brim with 80 Delta Tau Delta fraternity which is next
Night. Four devoted players—two men more fun-loving AOIIs! That's what the door to the AOII chapter house. When
from Phi Delta Theta fraternity and chapter house was like during the week- the fraternity and its next door neighbors
Tressa Gatewood and Page Thielemann end of Feb. 6 when it was visited by the heard about Mrs. Simmens about 40
from Pi Delta-diligently volleyed the ten- AOIIs from the chapter at Miami of drove two hours to the hospital to give
nis ball for 72 hours to raise money Ohio. blood.
through sponsors for Arthritis Research.
An exciting Casino Night at Pi Delta con- Information systems need review
tributed almost half of the total money
raised over the weekend! With our AOII communications network spread across the country and into
Canada, it is readily apparent that the majority of our information system is
Fund established done through the written word. Reports from local collegians and alumnae are
vital to regional and international officers who, in turn, take that information
Phi chapter is pleased to announce and transform it into vital assistance when needed, awards and praise when
the establishment of a scholarship earned, and new program ideas when requested. It is this information system
fund for AOIIs at the University of that keeps our Fraternity responsive and growing.
The key to a most effective and efficient communications system is a delicate
The scholarship is made possible balance of transmitting vital and comprehensive information with a minimum
by a donation from the Pi Kappa amount of unnecessary time and paper. T o do so requires elimination of any
Corporation Board in honor of L a - overlap of information across various report forms and a streamlining of the
Verne Stugard Nowotny, Phi '24. entire reporting network.
The scholarship will be awarded on
the basis of service to the fraternity, T o that end, A O I I is looking to an analysis of our reporting system, includ-
University, and community, aca- ing the matrix of how reports fit together, the timetable for such reports, and
demics, and representation of the the content of each report form.
principles of Alpha Omicron Pi.
We are looking for one or more volunteers who would be interested in par-
Further contributions are encour- ticipating in this study. If time management or communications systems are
aged for the continued growth of this your specialty, y o u may be just the person to lend your particular expertise to
award and should be mailed to the your Fraternity.
Phi Alumnae Advisory Committee.
If you are interested in helping with this reporting system analysis, please
write to International Headquarters, 3821 Cleghorn A v e . , Nashville, T N


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