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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-05 17:58:05

1974 Spring - To Dragma

Vol. LIX, No, XI

a Omicron Pi

Spring, Volume LIX, Nlumber XI

O N Mo,

7u mm^s


Pi's 75th Birthday
Spotlighting Inter-

national Chairmen,
Regional Directors
NPC Memphis Session
Alumnae Activities

The Summit In A O H
Leadership Training


Energy Crisis Calls For Revaluation,
Changes In Dates, Pilot Program Plans

Extremely concerned about the Montreal, Quebec. of this session to be held in the Pan-
energy crisis (primarily the automobile hellenic Complex, A O I I Wing, Cen-
gasoline shortage) and its effect on Region I I has changed its meeting tral Missouri State University, War-
attendance at Regional Meetings, the dates to A u g . 10, 11 and 12. rensburg, Mo., with Delta Pi Chapter
Leadership Forum, Alumnae Update as hostess.
and Action Alumnae, the Executive Mrs. Thomas A . Hendricks is the
Committee has revised the plans as chairman of this session which will Karen Smith's address is: 35305
follows: be held, as originally planned, at the Kentucky, Raytown, Mo. 5 64133,
Dayton Inn, Dayton, Ohio. Elly Hend- 816-356-1469.
1. Regional Meetings will be held ricks address is: 3300 N o r t h Diamond
as planned but Regional Vice Presi- Mill Road, Dayton, Ohio 45426, Tele- Region VI's Meeting is moving to
dents were directed to change dates in phone 513-837-4912. the Upsilon Chapter House, University
order to avoid Sundays as a travel of Washington, Seattle as opposed to
day. Knoxville Alumnae Chapter is Montana State University and Alpha
hostess and M r s . Evans S. Bowers is Phi Chapter as originally planned.
2. Group transportation was con- the chairman of the Region I I I Meet-
sidered and planned. ing which w i l l be held at the M o u n - New dates f o r this session are Sat-
tain View Hotel and Motor Lodge in urday, June 15, through Monday,
3. Those meetings being held in Gatlinburg, Tenn. However new dates June 17.
areas not easily accessible by public are June 7, 8 and 9. The address of
transportation were relocated. Mrs. Bowers is 5616 Briscoe Circle, Mrs. Richard L . Smith, 864 Wash-
Knoxville, Tenn. 37912, 615-687- ington No. 4, Pocatello, Ida. 83201,
4. Region I V Pilot Programs, Lead- 5699. still remains the general chairman, and
ership Forum and Alumnae Update Pocatello, Ida., alumnae are still the
have been cancelled and a standard Complete turnover of plans f o r Re- hostesses.
Regional Meeting will be held. The gion I V reveal that a regular Regional
Executive Committee felt it would be Meeting is scheduled at Hanover Col- Louisiana's "Pacemaker City,"
difficult to appraise the value of these lege, Hanover, Ind. June 19 through Monroe, w i l l be the scene of Region
sessions under adverse conditions. 21. V I I ' s meeting which is scheduled June
22-24. The Ramada Inn in that city
5. Action Alumnae in Region V Chairmen of this event are Mrs. will be convention headquarters.
continued as planned. Fred Mullett, Box 73, Hanover 47243,
and Mrs. Paul Keach, Box 496, Han- The earliest meeting is that of Re-
I n Region I meeting dates have over 47243. gion V I I I which will be held A p r i l
been changed to June 8 through 10 26-28 at the Edgewater Hyatt Hotel,
inclusive, according to Chairman, Mrs. Region V's meeting has been Oakland, Calif. Mrs. William Roth,
Ross F . Neale, 391 Brookhaven Ave- changed f r o m June 7-9 to June 8-10 2115 Manzanita Drive, Oakland, Calif.
nue, Dorval, 780, Quebec 514-631- with officers' training scheduled from 94611, is chairman. Her telephone is
9796. June 10-11. 415-339-9693.

Still the site of the meeting is Royal Mrs. Robert S. Smith is chairman
Victoria College, McGill University,

9o <Ska4ima of

Alpha Omicron Pi

Spring, 1974 Vol, LIX, No. X I
published since January 1905 by

A L P H A O M I C R O N PI Fraternity, Inc.

Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897

Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office CONTENTS Second Cover
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway, Regional Meetings 314
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 Pi's 75th Birthday 317
Telephone: 317-545-6553 Focus On International Chairmen 320
New Career In Publishing 321
Send all editorial material and corre- Spotlighting Regional Directors 326
spondence to the 43rd NPC Session in Memphis , 331
EDITOR Campus Sights And Sounds 332
Mrs. Robert C . Murphy Alumnae News And Quotes 340
4534 Shy's Hill Road, From Behind The Iron Curtain 342
Nashville, Tennessee 37215 AOII And Arthritis
Send all changes of address, death no-
tices and T O D R A G M A subscriptions

Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205

T O D R A G M A is published by Alpha
Omicron Pi Fraternity with headquar-
ters at Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Park-
way, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205, Sec-
ond Class Postage paid at Indianapolis,
Indiana, and at additional mailing offices.

TO D R A G M A is printed four times a
year in Fall, Winter, Spring and Sum-
mer by Benson Printing Company, 136
Fourth Avenue North, Nashville, Tenn.

Subscription Price is $1.00 per copy.
$3.00 per year. Life Subscription.

On The Cover: An artist's design incorporating Alpha Omicron Pi's Rose Award, to honor alumnae who have
given exceptional service to the Fraternity.

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1974

AOIIs, On International, Regional,
Local Levels, Gather To Celebrate

Pi Chapter's 75th Birthday


Gathered around Pi Chapter's 75th Anniversary birthday cake are members of this col

legiate chapter at Sophie Newcomb College. They include Carol Colomb, president

Maureene Cronan, Nancy Hoi brook, Louise Ferrand, Schuyler Ruhlman, Betty Marsal,

Debbie Olivera, Pris Mints, Agnes Burhoe, Lynn Bina, Linda Eddins, Georgia DuPre,

Helene Naughton, Becky Olivera, Doreen Sullivan and Jan Trimble.

314 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1974

"As one of the Founders, the presi- i\ * - / ' i
dent, was about to go to New Orleans
and knew of conditions at Newcomb Principals in Pi Chapter's exciting 75th anniversary celebration, including Gayle
College parallel with those that had Marschall Cosgrove II, general chairman, seated left, and her co-chairman, Colleen
existed at Barnard, she was asked to Sullivan Ingraffia, II, right, and regional dignitaries, Regional Director Judi Betts B*,
investigate this field and i f possible Region.VII Vice President Joe Beth Heflin UK and Regional Finance Officer Grace
find a group of girls brave and ready LaMarca 2T, standing, left to right, flank past International President Katrina Overall
to face the same difficulties f o r the McDonald NO, seated center.
same motives that had succeeded with
the mother chapter, and under proper Past International Presidents who lent glamour to the memorable occasion included
conditions to institute the second Jacinta Lobrano Talbot II and Katrina Overall McDonald NO, seated foreground, left
chapter." and right, who are pictured with Donna Corales Lowery II, Pi Corporation Board
Chairman, Janie L Callaway O, International Administrative President, Adele K. Hinton
So A O I I ' s Founder and Grand His- P, International President, and Evelyn Terry Brooks, AO, president of the New Orleans
torian Stella George Stern Perry, con- Alumnae Chapter.
cludes Chapter I of her "History of
Alpha Omicron Pi."

In Chapter I I , entitled "Beginning
National Expansion," she describes the
circumstances surrounding the begin-
nings of Pi Chapter at the Sophie
Newcomb Memorial College, as it was
then called.

Pi Chapter began its life on Sept. 8,

Only one decade later, the president
of Newcomb thanked the representa-
tive of A O H for having installed Pi
Chapter and said it had set an ex-
ample of honor to all.

What an illustrious role Pi Chapter
has played in the A O I I story!

This Fall, when the time approached
for this distinguished chapter to ob-
serve its 75th anniversary, interna-
tional and regional executives of A O I I
agreed that a glittering anniversary
celebration most decidedly was in

Sunday, Nov. 11, 1973, during Tu-
lane University's Homecoming week-
end was chosen as the date and the
Royal Orleans Hotel was the site f o r
a festive anniversary luncheon and
special presentation.

Gayle Marschall Gosgrove I I was
chairman of the celebration, and Col-
leen Sullivan Ingraffia I I , co-chairman.
International President Adele K. H i n -
ton P, and Administrative Vice Presi-
dent Janie L. Callaway O, headed the
battery of top A O I I brass who came
for the event.

T w o past International Presidents
f r o m the area, Jacinta Lobrano Tal-
bot, herself an alumna of Pi, and
Katrina Overall McDonald N O were

Also in attendance was Region V I I
Vice President Jo Beth Heflin UK,
Regional Finance Officer Grace La-
Marca AT, and Regional Director Judi
Betts B*, plus sizable delegations f r o m
Alpha Omicron Chapter, Louisiana
State University; Delta Beta, U n i -
versity of Southwestern Louisiana;
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana
University, and Lambda Tau, North-
east Louisiana University.

Adele H i n t o n served as toast-

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1974 315

mistress and Janie Callaway w; International President Adele K. Hinton P and Janie L. Callaway O, Administrative
narrator f o r the original program d< Vice President present the anniversary gift from the fraternity to Pi Chapter president,
picting outstanding events and pe Carol Colomb, center.
sonalities in the history of Pi Chapt
since its founding entitled, " I A m A group of Pi alumnae arrive for the luncheon festivities at the Royal Orlean Hotel.
I Am AOII." Alumnae who attended from the birthday chapter included: Patricia Robertson
Brehm, Mary Bolton Brown, Marcia Callery, Louise Church, Georgia Gillean Duvoisin,
Decorating the luncheon tables Nancy Kerry Eustins, Grace Gillean, Janice Gonzales, Gwen Hager, Kathy Harmon,
which the large guest company w Edith Smith Harris, Morris Middleton Harris, Josephine Pope Hay, Dolliann Hurtig,
seated were rose bowls in whi Bernice Ross Keating, Elizabeth Scales Kellough, Beverly Walton Kerr, Aileen Hummel
floated beautiful red roses. Killgore, Nan Landry, Ernestine Moise Martin, Joan Pilliod Michaelis, Alice Leigh
Moise, Marie Louise Monnot, Margaret Lyon Pedrick, Rose Chavanne Radford, Carol
Accepting the magnificent silvi Turnbull Redditt, Gladys Anne Renshaw, Adele Salzer, Helen Schneidau, Katherine
bowl, a gift to Pi Chapter from t Schneidau, Martha Sellers, Nancy Gooch Sherar, Nanine Byrne Simmons, Karen Gleye
fraternity, was chapter president, Can Smith, Jacinto Lobrano Talbot, Adele Heaton Tobin, Jane Babst Truett, Helen Ferrandou
Colomb. Turnbull, Stephanie Twilbeck, Marthalee Craft Twyman, Beth Fouts White, Rosalie
Dufour Woolfley, Karen Mandmann, and Gene Anne Bertonaschi.
Another highlight of the festive oc-
casion was the reception members of
Pi Chapter gave at their lodge at New-
comb College.

Among those holding reservations
for the birthday observance were:
Lamba Tau Chapter representatives,
President Jan Wilson, Patti Bewick,
Karen Cole, Suzanne Heller, Kerry
Greene, Jan Hudson, Janie Ingram,
Judy Johnson, Marilyn Kilcoyne, Tara
Landry, Cheryl Larrieu, Vickie Mc-
Eachern; Alice Myatt, Pat Pate,
Sharon Richarme, Nancy Robinson,
Elane Roper, Sheryl Seal, Karen Stov-
all, Terry Thomey, Donna Jo Walton,
Leah Wimberly; Alpha Omicron,
Sherrie Pate, president; Alison A r m -
bruster, Deborah Brooks, Cindy Phis-
ter, Pam Phister and Beth von der
Lehr, and Delta Beta, Kay Warr and
Winki Egmann.

316 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1974

International Chairmen Spearhead
Significant AOII Programs

Within the plethora of duties of JUL
Alpha Omicron Pi's International Ex-
ecutive Vice President is the direction
and supervision of the programs en-
compassed by the standing committee

I n this issue of T O D R A G M A ,
1973-75 Executive Vice President
Rosaline Gorham Barber £ 0 joins
with the Executive Committee in in-
troducing four newcomers to some of
these posts and spotlights a fifth be-
cause of the timeliness of her chair-

One may be more familiar to the
rank and file of the sorority member-
ship than the others, but all share the
common bond of outstanding service
to A O I I , both as collegiates and alum-
nae, and on the local, regional and
international levels.


Regional Meetings

A O I I klieg lights definitely are chairman and chairman of our spring ding anniversary this summer.
beamed these days on Peg Frerk as bridge luncheon A p r i l 4, which is Peg, who terms herslf "Jack of all
the dates of the first of eight Regional called 'Everything's Coming Up
Meetings rapidly approach. She is the Roses.' trades and master of none," took up
deft executive who is coordinating all tennis more than a year ago. " I talked
these sessions. " I have enjoyed my local A O I I Larry into trying it last summer and
groups," she declares, "and the many he already is beating me," she says
Peg, an alumna of the University good friends I've made there." woefully.
of Illinois, first experienced total A O I I
alumna involvement when she joined For the last f o u r years she was She also bowls w i t h a league, dab-
the Ft. Wayne, Ind. Alumnae Chap- president of the Chicago Area Council bles in arts and crafts, sews f o r her-
ter. Incidentally, her husband's boss' and also is alternate Panhellenic dele- self and daughter and likes to decorate
wife was president of this group. gate. and "the more colorful the better."

M o v i n g back to Illinois 12 years During the last 10 years, Peg has She's assistant treasurer o f the A r -
ago, Peg immediately joined the Chi- taught nursery school two days each lington Heights Junior Women's Club
cago Northwest Suburban Alumnae week. Her adorable charges are just to which she belonged f o r five years.
Chapter. f o u r years of age. Peg and her hus-
band who is director of public rela- Peg, who admits that her first love
" I held several offices," she says, tions for A . C. Nielsen Company, is traveling, says " i f I were a million-
"including president and currently am have three youngsters of their own: aire, I would keep moving." Currently
working my way back down the lad- Terri 15, Jim 13, and T o m 11. The she and Larry and another A O I I and
der by serving as fraternity education Frerks will celebrate their 17th wed- her husband were scheduled to get
away on a trip to the Yucatan.
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1974

1_ ^i-^ rush, her August and September
promise to be extra f u l l of activities.
International Rush Chairman The Hardy's have two sons. They
are David, the youngest who is 12 and
I n her new post on the international graduate of Georgia Tech and a mem- currently on a motorcycle kick. He
level, Pat Hardy's finding rush just ber of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. loves to ride the trails near the Hardy
as exciting and thrilling as when she They were married two years later. home and usually comes in covered
served as rush chairman at Georgia with mud.
State University. Co-owner of McElroy and Hardy,
Incorporated, a firm that does sub- Fifteen-year-old Mark, already
Through the years, Pat's also been contract work i n the commercial field taller than Pat and Jim, is a W o r l d
secretary of the Atlanta-Southwest of dry-wall, acoustical ceiling and War I I and plastic model buff.
Alumnae Chapter, chapter adviser to computer floors, Jim is interested in
Gamma Sigma for three years, Re- golf and skiing. A n added personality in the Hardy
gion I I I Director f o r two years and household is Cher, a black poodle,
currently is president of the Atlanta Named one of the Outstanding who must be part cat according to
Alumnae Chapter. Young Women of America in 1973, Pat. Her favorite perches are either
Pat currently works at two jobs. She's on the back of 2 sofa looking out the
She was born i n M c M i n n v i l l e , secretary of the Atlanta Golf Classic window or on the window sill look-
Tenn., then moved to Tullahoma and and also associated with E. V . Dunba ing i n . "She never seems to be sure
on to Dothan, A l a . But while she and Company, a manufacturing repre- whether she would rather be looking
was in the fourth grade, her family sentative for Allied Chemical and out or i n , " says Pat.
trekked to Atlanta where she's resided Reading Copper Tubing.
ever since. Indecision is rampant i n the entire
Pat notes that since the golf tourna- Hardy household especially during the
She met her husband, Jim, at a ment, usually held in the Spring, is football season when they have season
fraternity house party the spring of not scheduled this year until the Labor tickets to the boys' school football
her senior year in high school. He's a Day weekend, right at the time of Fall games, Georgia Tech, the Atlanta
Falcons and the Atlanta Flames.

"The big question is do we stay
home and go to the games or forget
the tickets or go to our place at the
lake?" declares Pat.

Pat waxes quite eloquently about
this retreat on a big lake in North
Carolina where they get away " f r o m
it a l l " sit before a roaring fire and
look out over a crystal clear lake.

A finalist i n the M r s . Atlanta con-
test, Pat was named Outstanding
Woman of the Year for the East Point
Junior Woman's Club. She organized
and served as the first president of
the Greenbriar Committee of the At-
lanta Symphony Orchestra and was
presented the 100 Percent A w a r d for
work with the United Appeal.

After all that, Pat ruefully reveals
that she really has no hobbies "like
collecting things."

" I do not collect anything tangible,"
she says, "unless it's happiness and the
enjoyment of having many friends in-
cluding my A O I I sisters."

318 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1974

International Philanthropic Chairman

I A graduate of Florida State U n i - is president of the Broward County
versity in 1952 with a B.S. degree in Arthritis Foundation and vice presi-
MICHAEL ANN LORD UK Business Education, Dorothy Kurras dent of the Florida A F .
International Fraternity returned to F.S.U. Graduate School
Education Chairman on a teaching graduate assistantship: Dorothy and Dick have three daugh-
ters. They are Karen, a senior at
Already a familiar face on the in- She has taught a business course, Hollywood Hills High School, and
ternational scene is Michael L o r d , who adult and vocation programs in Illi- twins, Linda and Laura, freshmen at
was Traveling Consultant from 1971 nois and Florida. Currently she's do- the same educational institution.
to 1972 and Special Chapter Adviser ing substitute teaching in the
f r o m 1972 to 1973 at Florida State M i a m i - H o l l y w o o d area where she was Dorothy served ably as local ar-
University where she worked on her born and raised. rangements chairman f o r the 1973
Masters in Educational Research In- A O I I International Convention at the
structional Technology. A life member of the Florida State Diplomat, Hollywood By The Sea.
A l u m n i Association, she is a past
Currently she's a member of the member of the A O I I Miami Alumnae A family affair with the Kurrases
Austin, Texas, Alumnae Chapter. Chapter and now serves as vice presi- is Sunday football. They are season
There, where her family resides, she dent and local philanthropic chairman ticket holders and followers of the
is an employe of the City of Austin of the Broward County Alumnae. Miami Dolphins. During Dorothy's
and was just appointed supervisor of spare time she plays golf w i t h her
one of Austin's recreation centers and Her interest i n the fight against husband or anyone else who w i l l play
playground districts. arthritis runs deep since her mother w i t h a novice to the sport. She also
has been a victim of osteoarthritis f o r enjoys going out on the family's boat
Previously she had been administra- the past 30 years. "especially when the fish are cooperat-
tive assistant f o r the Office of Bicen- ing."
tennial Affairs, working on the city's Her husband, Richard A . Kurras,
her friends and, in the summer
plans f o r the celebration of this na- months, spends her free time paddling
tion's 200th anniversary. down Austin's waterways in her Army-
surplus life raft.
A native Texan, she's resided all
her life in the Lone Star State with She serves as co-sponsor of junior
the exception of ten years spent in and senior high groups at her church
Champaign-Urbana, 111., while her as well as teaching Sunday school.
father taught and worked on his Ph.D.
at the University of Illinois. Fortunately, with this new appoint-
ment, she loves mail. " M y mailbox
A t the University of Texas where hasn't been empty," says Michael,
she received a B.S. in Radio-Televi- "since I took the new assignment."
sion-Film, Michael served as rush
chairman and pledge trainer of Pi She's just moved into a new apart-
Kappa. ment which she decorated herself. " A
neat trick," she declares, "after living
A n avid movie and theater-goer, out of a suitcase f o r a year." It's
Michael also enjoys a quiet evening situated on a creek among the trees.
before the T V . She likes to cook f o r

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1974 319

International Scholarship Chairman

Our new International Scholarship 1 ^^^^ ^^rt
Chairman, Sue H o l t k a m p also is the
current vice president of Southern Five minutes f r o m the beach and I n addition to playing tennis, Sue
California Council and editor of tennis courts, this family spends most sews constantly. She loves needlepoint,
SCOOP, Region VIII's newsletter. of their leisure time at one or the gardening and teaching Sunday school,
She has attended t w o conventions, i n other. but detests housework.
Los Angeles and Hollywood-By-The-
Sea, and has served i n various execu-
tive posts, including that of president
of the San Diego Alumnae Chapter.

Sue looks upon her appointment
as International Scholarship Chairman
as challenging. 'It's a marvelous op-
portunity to develop a closer relation-
ship w i t h the collegiates," says Sue,
who enjoys involvement with A O I I
on the international level.

A graduate of Miami University,
Sue got her Masters degree in Busi-
ness Administration after she taught
second grade f o r four years. Currently
teaching two classes i n methods f o r
pre-school teachers at the community
college level, she has done some p r o j -
ect writing in recent years.

A native of M i d d l e t o w n , Ohio, she
met her husband Phil, an Alpha Delta
Phi, at college. The Navy originally
brought them to California and San
Diego nine years ago.

This initial taste of sunshine and
the California life found them loathe
to leave, so they settled i n Solana
Beach, about 20 miles f r o m San Diego.
Phil's a partner now in a CPA firm.

The Holtkamps have a daughter,
L o r i , almost five, and eagerly are
awaiting a call f r o m the adoption
agency f o r the placement of a little

A O I T Educator Finds New Career

In Publishing

by P A T T I B. P E N N I N G O

LORRAINE LUNT GODFREY A master's degree in education re- pany and sort out a garage bursting
320 ceived 20 years after graduation f r o m with books.
college has led Lorraine Lunt G o d f r e y
(Mrs. W i l l i a m S. I l l 2 ) into still Even son Bill Jr. has launched a
another career: book publishing in career as artist to illustrate the new
Menlo Park, Calif. book. New residents of Menlo Park,
the family moved after many years in
Lorraine is featured in the Septem- San Francisco. The company address
ber 1973 issue of "Teacher" magazine is now Box 5 9 1 , Menlo Park, Calif.
with an article, "Individualize with 94025.
Learning Stations." A new book out in
December was "Themes for Learning Lorraine is a 1941 graduate of the
Stations: A Way to Individualize." University of California, Berkeley, and
a member of Sigma and Palo Alto
To publish the book Lorraine and Alumnae chapter. For many years she
husband Bill have started the Indi- was the faithful Panhellenic repre-
vidualizing Books Publishing Com- sentative and A O I I membership chair-
pany. Bill has taken early retirement man in San Francisco.
f r o m shipbuilding at Hunters Point
near San Francisco to r u n the com- Continued on page 325

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1974

Regional Directors Have Poise,
Personality, Typewriters. W i l l Travel.

Regional Directors constitute a vital tion with the Regional Vice Presidents. paper work. Hopefully, they all own
cog in the smooth-running machinery I n turn, these eight officers can keep typewriters and can pack a suitcase
of Alpha Omicron Pi government. and be off on a trip at a moment's
the upper echelon of the sorority in- notice.
Each region averages f r o m two to formed of current developments on
eight of these hard-working executives the local level. I t is w i t h a great deal of pride that
depending on the number of collegiate we turn the spotlight on a portion of
and alumnae chapters. Although RDs range i n age f r o m these remarkable ladies. Hopefully
latter middle age to recent graduates, we'll be able to feature the remainder
Regional Directors are assigned a they are characterized by certain, of our Regional Directors in the Sum-
specific number of these chapters to definite similarities. mer issue of T O D R A G M A .
supervise, visit and assist i n smooth-
ing out problems. I n this role they are A l l possessed of charm and savoir
invaluable as a source of communica- faire, they are past masters of di-
plomacy and have a penchant f o r

R I C H A R D A . A T ) had enjoyed work-
THELMA ROBERTSON MITCH- ing as R D in Ohio since September,
E L L X of Fairlawn, N.J., is serving 1971.
her fifth year as R D of Region I . She
has the distinction of having organized However, as T O D R A G M A went
the New Jersey Alumnae Chapter, to press, the Stitt family was prepar-
installed by the late Stella George ing to move to Ann Arbor, Mich.
Stern Perry while Thelma was state
chairman. The installation took place Jane's new R D assignment will in-
at the home of another founder, Eliza- clude Beta Pi, Phi Lambda and Theta
beth Heywood Wyman. Psi, plus alumnae chapters: A n n A r -
bor, Dearborn, Detroit, Detroit North
Thelma, who holds a B.S. degree in JAN PIERCE (MRS. STENNETT B. Suburban, Detroit Northwest Subur-
music, is an alumna of Syracuse U n i - IT), whose jurisdiction in Region I I ban, Macomb County, Toledo and
versity and attended two years of is over collegiate chapters, Phi Delta Youngstown.
summer school at New Y o r k Univer- and Sigma Lambda, and the M i l -
sity. She has served as supervisor of waukee, Kalamazoo, Greater Lansing Jane met her husband, Dick, at
music in the public schools. and Grand Rapids Alumnae Chapters, Denison University where he was a
became an associate member in 1965 Sigma Alpha Epsilon. When he started
Married, she and her husband have at Iota Tau, University of Wisconsin NCCS, a company providing com-
a daughter, two sons and seven grand- at Stout, Menomonie. puterized solutions to manufacturing
children. problems, she helped by answering
The following year, this chapter the telephone, typing and keypunch-
Thelma, who has attended two re- was installed and put on A O I I ' s roll.
gional meetings and six international ing. The move to A n n Arbor results
conventions in various capacities, is Jan is the wife of the head football f r o m NCCS being purchased by an
treasurer of New Jersey alumnae and coach at the University of Wisconsin, Ann Arbor Company.
has been their editor to TO D R A G M A Stennet Pierce. They have f o u r sons,
for 25 years. K i r b y 14, T r o y 13, Eric 9, and Brady The Stitt's son, Doug, 21, was
6. A n important part of the Stennett elected to Phi Beta Kappa before
household, according to Jan, is their being graduated f r o m the College of
black labrador, Barney. Wooster last June with a degree in

Appointed Regional Director in 321
1972, Jan has been Iota Tau Chap-
ter adviser f o r seven years and also
has served in rush, financial and Pan-
hellenic advisory capacities.

A dental technician by profession,
she devotes her leisure time to bidding
on antiques at auctions and playing
golf and bridge.

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1974

mathematics. He now is earning his College in Columbia, Mo., and then tion of appearing in Who's Who
master's degree i n business adminis- returned home to Nashville and Van- Among Students in American Colleges
tration at Ohio State University. derbilt University f r o m which she was and Universities.
graduated with a B.A. degree.
Susan Stitt, 18, is a freshman at Sue's pulchritude resulted in her
Bowling Green State University ma- Her husband, a graduate of the winning the campus-wide beauty pag-
joring in home economics. School of Architecture of Georgia eant and her intelligence and execu-
Tech where he was a Phi Delta Theta, tive aplomb netted her the post of
Jane cites highlights of her college is a member of the architectural f i r m president of Tau Delta Chapter.
days as having N a n Moyer McCain of Badger-Bogle.
as Alpha T a u chapter adviser and "With my belief that young adults
escorting Stella George Stern Perry The Bogles' children are 16-year- today have tremendous amounts of
to candlelighting service at the 1949 old Robert Boyd Bogle I V , Herschel untapped resources," Sue declares, " I
Swampscott Convention. Greer Bogle, 15, and M a r y Elizabeth, decided to explore the possibility of
who is eight. The latter especially en- helping them develop some of these
President of A T 1950-51, the Co- joys entertaining AOIIs at the Bogle resources in a formalized way by con-
lumbus alumnae 1955-56, and Cleve- home where June is hostess each sum- tinuing my education through my
land-East alumnae 1970-71, Jane mer at a swimming party for the master's degree in educational psy-
enjoys bridge, marcrame, old movies Traveling Consultants. chology at the University of Alabama."
and folklore.
June, w h o has just finished a stint Sue's graduate work was made
BARBARA A. KOHLER T of Way- as leader of a circle at her church, largely possible by an unexpected
zata, M i n n . , is a second grade teacher First Presbyterian, now is its treas- scholarship received only a week be-
in the Bloomington, Minn., schools. urer. She holds membership in a fore classes began and while on a
She also is on the language arts cur- garden club, a gourmet club and an mission for A O I I .
riculum committee and a member of organization that sells Christmas cards
the East Pyramid Instructional A d - to provide a free toy store each year Coupled with her responsibilities as
visory Council. for an underprivileged area. dormitory counselor, Sue plunged in
SUE MONTGOMERY LEWIS and became deeply engrossed in her
As Region I I Director she is re- (MRS. REX E. TA) former Traveling field and its opportunities. However,
sponsible for Tau, Iota Tau and Beta Consultant and recent bride, emerged she readily admits that she was often
Epsilon Chapters. happily distracted by her fiance. I m -
mediately upon her graduation, Sue
A 1956 graduate of the University was married to Rex at a ceremony
of Michigan, Barbara has served on which was dubbed by her sorority
the executive board of the Minneap- sisters, "very A O I I . "
olis Alumnae Chapter and has been a
delegate to the Twin City Panhellenic Sue worked f o r a brief period as
Alumnae group. In the latter capacity, staff psychologist for the University
she has served as corresponding sec- of Alabama Mental Retardation Serv-
retary and treasurer. ices before moving to Montgomery.

She numbers among her activities, Currently she serves a joint ap-
membership on the executive boards pointment to Huntingdon College and
of a local investment club and Delta Alabama State University as coordina-
Kappa Gamma, international honor- tor of Institutional Research. Her
ary society f o r women in education. work encompasses evaluation of cur-
riculum programs, student personal
REGION HI growth and development, student
JUNE GREER BOGLE (MRS. ROB- needs, and quality control checks to
ERT BOYD, I I I , NO) ruefully ob- help the administrative staff chart the
serves that, w i t h three children and long-range planning of the institution
all in different schools, plus their and to determine i f the institution is
many and varied activities, the only meeting the ever-changing needs of
hobby she now finds time to pursue, its students.
with the exception of chauffeuring, is
needlepoint. RACHEL MOEHLE (MRS.

June was graduated f r o m Stephens C H A R L E S TO), her husband, a civil

f r o m four years at Birmingham-
Southern College in Alabama with a
degree, election to Phi Beta Kappa,
membership in Mortar Board, Alpha
Lambda Delta and the added distinc-

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1974

engineer, and their two children: REGION IV
Mike, 12, and Pam, 9, recently have
had the pleasure of moving into a M A R S H A B I R D A X , who resides in
new home in Merritt Island, Fla. Cynthiana, K y . , began her work as a
Regional Director in February, 1973
Rachel, who taught English and and supervises Alpha Chi, Delta
journalism five years on the high Omega, Beta Chi and Omega X i
school level, lists her hobbies as sail- Chapters and three alumnae chapters,
ing, reading and playing the piano. Kentuckiana, Bowling Green and Pa-
Exceptionally active in community
affairs, she is a member of the Junior Graduated from Western Kentucky
Service League, the County Demo- University with a B.A. degree in
cratic Executive Committee, the mathematics, she served her collegiate
County Bi-Centennial Planning Com- chapter as corresponding secretary
mission and serves as president of and president.
the Brevard Museum Board.
Upon graduation, Marsha took a
She is a past president of the City job teaching in the Fayette County
Panhellenic and is a tried and true Public School System in Lexington
member of Cocoa-Melbourne Alum-
nae Chapter.

M A R Y RAWLINGS REESE TA, and now is well into her third year Democratic precinct committee
since graduating f r o m Birmingham- teaching high school mathematics. woman, Joanne works in various local
Southern College, has been employed and state election campaigns. She is
as an administrative assistant in the She has completed some course a member of the League of Women
Northside Regional Loan Office of work towards a master's degree in Voters, a past member of the Ameri-
Atlanta Federal Savings and Loan mathematics and is preparing to take can Association of University Women.
Association. the Kentucky Real Estate Salesman's Listed in Outstanding Young Women
Examination. of America f o r 1972, she enjoys sew-
Atlanta is Mary Rawlings' home. ing and crocheting.
Although she maintains an apartment Marsha, who has served on the
which has been labeled by visiting Board of Directors, Women's Ken- REGION V
sorority personnel the " A O I I Annex," tucky Golf Association, is quite active SHIRLEY WALKER, (MRS. ROB-
she enjoys a close relationship in that in amateur golf tournament play ERT L . Z), known affectionately to
city with her family who include her throughout the state. many friends as "Shoo," resides in
parents, three brothers, one sister-in- Kearney, Neb. where she is corpora-
law and a little niece and nephew. The only girl in her family, she has tion board adviser for Phi Sigma
two brothers. One is married to an Chapter, a member of the Kearney
For one year chapter adviser for AOII. State College Panhellenic Advisory
Lambda Chi Chapter at La Grange, Board, and public relations chairman
she is an active member of Tri-County JOANNA MARGARET VOLK ZO- for her alumnae chapter.
Alumnae Chapter. L O M I J (MRS. ROBERT EA), makes
her home in Champaign, 111., where Another A O I I to be listed in the
One evening each week, Mary her husband is an assistant professor 1972 addition of Outstanding Young
Rawlings does volunteer work at Wes- of landscape architecture at the Uni- Women of America, she is an officer
ley Woods Health Center, a Methodist versity of Illinois. in PEO, a member of Eastern Star,
nursing home complex. This includes active in her church circle, a board
a sing-a-long program complete with They have a three-year-old daugh- member of the United Fund of
banjo and lots of hand-clapping. ter, Nancy, and a son, Christopher, Kearney and Buffalo County chair-
six-months-of-age. man for the Nebraska State Arthritis
Mary Rawlings spends as much of Foundation.
her leisure time as the weather per- Joanne has a lengthy lists of A O I I
mits outdoors, swimming, camping posts to her credit including three Shoo has been active as a junior
and hiking. years as R D , three years as chapter board member of the Kearney Camp-
adviser to Iota, chairman of the 1972 fire Council, Bluebird, 4 - H and Cub
Regional Meeting in I V , treasurer of
Champaign-Urbana Alumnae Chapter, 323
Iota rush adviser, chairman of the
local alumnae A r t Sale and public re-
lations office f o r this same group.

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1974

Scout leaders. She also has taught obtained his M . B . A . degree in busi- State University f r o m which she was
school and given private piano and ness administration. graduated in the College of Education
marimba lessons f o r six years. in 1965. Greek Woman of Idaho State
I n addition to her duties as Re- in her senior year, she was named
Her husband is chairman of the gional Director Cindy is a sponsor of outstanding collegiate of Iota Alpha
board of the Platte Valley State Bank A O I I on the M S U campus and the Chapter of which she served as vice
and Trust Company of Kearney, a coeds get Mark's advice and project president, Panhellenic representative
rancher and president of the board of help as a bonus. and president.
trustees of the Nebraska State Col-
leges. The newlyweds share interests in
boating, camping, swimming, ice skat-
I n 1969 when Phi Sigma was col- ing and toboganning, but as M a r k
onized, Shoo was chairman of the described it, " I t was our mutual i n -
colonization. Upon installation of the terest in students that brought us
chapter, she served as financial adviser together. During our courtship, we
for two years and corporation board thrived on having everyone around us
president and treasurer for four years. all the time."
She has been both vice president and
president of the Kearney Alumnae As a result of their interest in boat-
Chapter and was a member of the ing, they purchased a boat but kept it
regional nominations committee. on the inactive list until they had
completed their graduate studies. They
She holds a Bachelor of Music de- even christened the boat " A C E "
gree f r o m the University of Nebraska (After Comps End).
where she was a member of Zeta. She
was standards chairman and then N A N C Y J O H A N N S E N <J>, who For two years, Rita has been on
president of her collegiate chapter. teaches the second grade and resides the state membership committee of the
She also served as president of the in Kansas City, Kan., holds member- Idaho Education Association. Region-
University Pep Club, treasurer of her ship in local, state and national edu- ally she's served as secretary-treasurer
music sorority, Sigma Alpha Iota, and cation associations. of the Idaho Education Association
was a member of Pi Lambda Theta and locally she serves as membership
and Mortar Board. She taught ma- She is president of the League of chairman. She is a past president of
rimba lessons and served as accom- Women Voters of Kansas City and the Association of Classroom Teach-
panist to several soloists during her chairman of the Board of Christian ers.
college days. Education, First Pilgrim Congrega-
tional Church. A t Idaho State University, she has
CINDY HOWLAND MADDOX served as pledge, financial and rush
(MRS. M A R K M . SA) of Maryville, She is active in the Greater Kansas advisers and president of the corpora-
Mo., is another former Traveling Con- City Alumnae Chapter. tion board.
sultant who recently trod the orange
blossom trail. " I try to keep open-minded," says A past member of the Northern V i r -
Nancy, "in my work. I am ready to ginia Alumnae Chapter, she currently
A t Northwest Missouri State U n i - help a graduate student as she works belongs to the Pocatello Alumnae and
versity where they're both members with my students on a human relations has attended f o u r international con-
of the administrative staff, the Mad- project for her master's degree. Last ventions and three regional meetings.
doxes recently experienced the unique year my class and I did a new hu-
bond of receiving their master's de- manities program for Harcourt, Brace,
grees at the same commencement Javanovich."
Cindy, an Advisement Center coun- ( M R S . O D E T) as R D lends a helping
selor, got her advanced M.S. degree RITA DEMOPOULOS HAGGARDT hand in the State of Oregon which
in education, guidance and counsel- (MRS. T E R R Y IA) and her husband includes Alpha Sigma and Alpha Rho
ing. She formerly served as residence both teach in the elementary schools Chapters and the Portland and Eugene
director of Cranken Hall there. of Pocatello, Idaho. While he was Alumnae Chapters.
serving with the Army in Washington,
Mark, director of Financial Aids, D.C., Rita was on the Congressional Lue has a B . A . degree in Sociology
Staff of George V . Hansen of Idaho.

Rita distinguished herself at Idaho

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1974

f r o m the University of Washington Gamma, international women teach- in the value of the fraternity experi-
where she was initiated into A O I I . ers' honorary, and f o r many years as ence.
She was corresponding secretary of legislative chairman working for
her collegiate chapter and has been women in education and for quality A curiosity about the Greek system
involved in various alumnae chapters education for all children. on the Cal State University San Diego
on the west coast due to the many campus led her to the job of Pan-
and frequent moves required by her Living on the beach means a daily hellenic rush administrator and in this
husband's job. run on the sand with the family which post she oversees f o r m a l rush twice
includes urban planner husband and each year.
She served as alumnae director and their two sons, who are 16 and 18
chapter adviser for Sigma Phi when years old, long bicycle rides along As president of the Southern Cali-
she and her family lived in Santa the shore and weekend sailing ex- fornia Council of A O I I she is trying
Monica and Granada Hills, Calif. She cursions. The Hermans are occasional to make this a group for sharing
aided in the founding of the West San golf and tennis enthusiasts, but Mari- A O I I , creating enthusiasm among
Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter. lyn admits that her favorite "thing" is alumnae for extension and for in-
lying on the boat deck in the sun volvement with collegians, exploring
Ode Satterfield currently is planning reading while her "three men" fish, public relation needs and philanthropic
specialist for the new Supplemental skin dive and sail. projects as a single entity.
Security Income Program of the So-
cial Security Administration in Seattle. Her "girl thing" is her R D work Marilyn, who terms the San Diego
which has brought her close to the Globe Theatre her other love, also is
The Satterfields have two sons, concerns, needs and successes of A O I I in the process of setting up a new
Mark, 16, and David, 15, who keep collegians and strengthened her belief elementary school library and taking
their parents in shape by instigating real estate and political science classes.
frequent backpacking trips into the Continued from page 320
The family telephone rings con- Of
During the past two summers, the
family has traveled by camper a total sta Alpha Omicron Pi
of 12,000 miles, and half of this was Take Pleasure I n
over unpaved roads up the Alaska be
(Alcan) highway through Canada's Announcing
British Columbia and Yukon Territory sp The Installation
and throughout Alaska.
rai Of
Lue is treasurer of Fairwood Gar- Charlotte, N . C. Alumnae Chapter
den Club, involved with the United CIS
Methodist Women's group and gar- March 20
dens, and sews, i n addition to camp- Sta
ing and traveling. Mamie Hurt
at Baskerville Joins
REGION Vffl Rolls Of Alpha
Sch Omega Chapter
Mamie Hurt Baskerville (Mrs.
G E R A L D T ) , who graduated from era George), a beloved and devoted
A O I I , joined our Alpha Omega Chap-
divi ter Jan. I t , 1974.
of t
vide Mamie was initiated at Kappa
Chapter, Randolph-Macon College in
the University of Washington with ence 1909. Through the years her guid-
a B.A. degree in speech, holds grad- curri ance, love and depth of concern have
uate degrees in speech and English for t strongly influenced all AOIIs who
and teaches both. of t have known her.
California selects and then prints its
She terms herself "a political acti- own textbooks. Deciding which ma- AOIIs in Alabama, her home state,
vist" and has a long-term record f o r terials to use is always a topic of have been special recipients of her
strong interest and involvement in great debate. interest and care. On the occasion of
political issues relative to women, the her 50th anniversary as an initiated
poor, the environment and education. N o topic is more current, however, member, Delta Delta Chapter at A u -
than the nation wide interest in in- burn University presented her with a
This is reflected in her work with dividualizing elementary instruction diamond A O I I badge, and Jan. 23 this
the American Association of Univer- often through the method of learning same chapter held a memorial service
sity Women, the League of Women stations or centers. One local school, for her.
Voters, Urban League, Delta Kappa f o r example, has devoted its only
auditorium to year round adventures The diamond badge was returned
in mathematics, language arts and by Mamie to Delta Delta to be used
science with many quiet corners for as a chapter president's pin.
the individual child to pursue a proj-
ect. Her daughter, Margaret, also is a
member of Kappa Chapter.
Other books by Lorraine Godfrey
are Individualizing Through Learning 325
Stations in 1972 and as contributor to
Handbook for Teaching the Language
Arts in 1969, plus articles i n Instruc-
tor and Elementary English.

The 1974 Palo Alto Chapter Award
was presented to Lorraine at Northern
California Founders' Day January 12
at the Sigma House, U . of California-

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1974

Unanimous Agreements'
Modification Highlight 43rd NPC

Session In Memphis

AOII DELEGATION AT NPC MEMPHIS MEET, foreground, left to right, Norma N. Berry P, first alternate; Adele K. Hinton P,

International President; Peg C. Crawford I, Extension Vice President and second alternate. Standing, Millie Milam Murphy NO,

Editor, TO DRAGMA: Marie Hughes B<t>, Executive Director, and Mary Louise Filer Roller All, NPC Delegate.

Alpha Omicron Pi's official dele- Vice President Rosalie Gorham Delta, conducted the workshop on
gation to the recent, four-day, 43rd Barber. office procedures, conventions, leader-
session of the National Panhellenic ship conferences and other subjects of
Conference at the Rivermont in Mem- Presiding over the national session special interest to the COEs.
phis numbered six. was M y r a Foxworthy, Alpha Gamma
Delta, whose biennium was marked by The National Panhellenic Confer-
They were Mary Louise Roller, a decided upswing for Greek letter ence session began with an Opening
NPC Delegate; Norma N . Berry, first organizations. Reception hosted by Alpha Gamma
alternate; Peg Cramer Crawford, Ex- Delta. Approximately 160 delegates,
tension Vice President and second The National Panhellenic Editors central office executives, and editors
alternate; Adele K . Hinton, Interna- Conference held in conjunction with attended the meeting. The first NPC
tional President; Millie Milam the Memphis meet marked the 60th meeting included reports by the Ex-
Murphy, Editor, TO D R A G M A , and year of its meeting and also the ecutive Committee: Mrs. Foxworthy,
Marie Hughes, Executive Director. tenth anniversary of its Operation Chairman; Mrs. Berne Jacobsen, Alpha
Brass Tacks program. Delta Pi, Secretary; and Mrs. Robert
The delegation was joined on the McKeeman, Delta Zeta, Treasurer.
final day of the convention especially Mrs. Hughes, who was elected
for the Awards Banquet by Executive president of the Central Office Execu- Mrs. Foxworthy, NPC Chairman,
tives succeeding Bety Wert, Alpha X i

326 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1974

(- •J • r

1 11


Mrs. Charles Merman of Sigma Kappa, chairman, NPC Awards Committee, presents the Fraternity Month Award to Auburn Uni-
Katherine Cater,
versity Panhellenic. Debbie Lowe, a Phi Mu and president, Auburn's Panhellenic, accepts the trophy. At left is Miss

Auburn dean of women, and at right, Miss Sara Lynn Arendall, Alpha Gamma Delta, Auburn Panhellenic adviser.

Receiving 1973 NPC awards at the closing banquet are, left to right: Sally Briggs, National Panhellenic Conference Award, Alpha Phi
for Texas Tech; Debbie Lowe, Fraternity Month Award, Phi Mu for Auburn's Panhellenic, and Libby Wright, Awards Committee
Trophy, Chi Omega, William Woods College.

•<% "7


1 327


To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON PI/SPRING of 1974






r IXi
Editors at the sessions were, seated, from left, Marilyn Ford, Pi Beta Phi; Phyllis Mclntyre, Sigma Sigma Sigma; Ellen

Gast, Alpha

Delta; Betty Haverfield, Gamma Phi Beta; Virginia Zoerb, Phi Mu. Standing behind them are, Betty Foellinger, Zeta Tau Alpha;

Barbara Carvill, Delta Gamma; Dee Gibson, Alpha Chi Omega; Margaret Hultch, Alpha Phi; Eileen Rudolph, Delta Delta Delta; Diane

Selby, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Betty Dyer, Alpha Gamma Delta; Florence Miner, Delta Zeta; Jean Jackson, Kappa Delta, and Judith

Holman, Alpha Sigma Alpha. On stairs are, Caralee Stanard, Alpha Delta Pi; Jane Ratcliffe, Kappa Alpha Theta; Marilyn Alter, Alpha

Epsilon Phi; Millie Murphy, Alpha Omicron Pi; Speed Baker, Sigma Kappa; Betty Thomas, Chi Omega, and Mary Margaret Garrard,

Kappa Alpha Theta.

Central Office Executives at the conference included from left, seated, Betty Wert, Alpha Xi Delta; Sally Schulenburg, Pi Beta Phi; Rose

Marie Fellin, Alpha Sigma Alpha; Mary Pat Kasun, Alpha Delta Pi, and Marie Hughes, Alpha Omicron Pi. Standing behind them, Fran

Johnson, Sigma Delta Tau; Dorothy Rosenzweig, Alpha Epsilon Phi; Jody Martindill, Alpha Chi Omega; Santy Dunham, Sigma Sigma

Sigma; Minnie Mae Prescott, Kappa Delta; Jenks Jenkins, Zeta Tau Alpha; Phyllis Goddard, Alpha Phi; Lou Smith, Delta Delta

Delta, and Diane Day, Phi Mu. Standing on stairs are Marjorie Aronstein, Phi Sigma Sigma; Eleanor Sieg, Gamma Phi Beta; Mike

Nilson, Kappa Alpha Theta; Joan Rauen, Alpha Gamma Delta; Jane Kinderman, Sigma Sigma Sigma, mand Carmy Brown, Delta Gamma.


• Set 1•
:' t in
i £ 6 IN

l To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON PI/SPRING of 1974


said in her report that "the time con- goal in a truly commendable program of City Panhellenics affiliated with
suming work of the Conference has designed to develop fraternity friend- NPC continues to grow.
proceeded during the past two years ships and loyalties, confidence in one
between regular Conference Sessions another and mutual respect and help- The College Panhellenics Commit-
because of the dedicated spirit of fulness and to stimulate College Pan- tee continues to serve the over 400
those who serve; the Standing Com- hellenics to a greater realization of College Panhellenic Associations in
mittee chairmen, the members of those and participation in the principles of the United States and Canada. This
committees, and those who accepted the Panhellenic Creed that is the basis Committee observed these trends dur-
special assignments." The reports of for the awards. ing the biennium: L A spreading up-
the Standing Committees show that swing in the interest of entering
the 1971-1973 biennium was a busy The City Panhellenics Committee college students for participation in
and productive one. small group experience such as fra-
has continued The News Bulletin ternity membership; 2. More fav-
The Executive Committee composed orable publicity and supportive com-
of Mrs. Foxworthy, chairman, Mrs. which serves as a valuable means of ments by college and university
Jacobsen, secretary and Mrs. McKee- communication for City Panhellenics. presidents and administrations; 3. A
man, treasurer made a capable team It serves as a means of sharing suc- growing disenchantment with apart-
who worked together in the challeng- cessful and innovative ideas among ment living; and 4. A slight resur-
ing experience of making this biennium City Panhellenics. Six issues of this gence of interest in securing persons
one of achievement. Their dedication Bulletin have been prepared and dis- with fraternity background and experi-
to this great cooperative fraternity tributed during the biennium. Many ence to serve as Panhellenic or
endeavor led the way for the accom- City Panhellenics are directing their Fraternity Advisors.
plishments of the biennium. financial aid to collegiate members or
College Panhellenics. This fills a real Many College Panhellenics have
The Awards Committee reached its need and creates a bond between the been successful in redirecting the rush
collegians and alumnae. The number
i *J

1 V






NPC Delegates, front row, left to right, Myra Foxworthy, Alpha Gamma Delta; Virginia Jacobson, Alpha Delta Pi, (Mrs. Jacobson
succeeded Mrs. Foxworthy as conference chairman); Gwen McKeeman, Delta Zela; Betty Jones, Alpha Phi; Mary Backman, Alpha
Sigma Alpha; Mary Louise Roller, Alpha Omicron Pi; Helen Schullz, Delta Phi Epsilon. Second row, seated, Mary Barbee, Sigma
Sigma Sigma; Mary Ann Carroll, Chi Omega. Standing: Ruth Miller, Sigma Kappa; Kathleen Nye, Delta Delta Delta; Mary Louise
Doyle, Alpha Sigma Tau; Harriet Frische, Zeta Tau Alpha; Eleanor Slaughter, Delta Gamma; Ellen Hofstead, Kappa Alpha Theta;
Marjorie Lundin, Gamma Phi Beta; Miriam Decker, Alpha Chi Omega; Branc Frances Bergan, Alpha Epsilon Phi. Third row, left
to right: Phyllis Pryor, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Helen Dix, Pi Beta Phi; Mary Burt Nash, Alpha Xi Delta; Esther S. Frear, Kappa
Delta; Ray Sommer, Sigma Delta Tau; Clarice Markowitz, Phi Sigma Sigma; Adele Williamson, Phi Mu, and Mary Delamar, Theta
Phi Alpha.

To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON PI/SPRING of 1974

program toward more individualistic needs. The Central Office Executive and adapting to the changes in society
parties, more informative programs, through correspondence, not only as they have done in the past. National
and more personalized contacts with within the individual sorority and Panhellenic Conference members have
incoming students. among N P C members, but correct, an understanding of the historical
friendly, informative, and/ or business- struggles which fraternities have faced
The need for communication among like correspondence create an indel- for almost 200 years, are aware of
College Panhellenics has long been ible public relations impression. Their the university environment of today
recognized. When Delta Gamma an- conclusion was for the groups to act and of today's student for they have
nounced as one of their Centennial in harmony and understanding; shar- an impressive record of long and con-
programs assistance to College Pan- ing and cooperating; and talking and tinued service in their own fraternities
hellenics, they enthusiastically accepted communicating. Not only were the as well as in N P C . National Pan-
the idea of supporting the publication members of N P C entertained but they hellenic Conference provides the
of a newsletter to go to all College were impressed with our capable Edi- forum for discussion for members in
Panhellenics. Four issues of the PH tors and Central Office Executives. their search for new dimensions, new
Factor have been sent to all College approaches, new ideas for ever-chang-
Panhellenics during the biennium. The A n important action taken by the ing times. It is at the biennial sessions
publication contains suggestions and Conference was to amend the Pan- that the Panhellenic Spirit is truly
ideas from College Panhellenics re- hellenic Compact by adding a Section evident and put into action with de-
lating to successful programs and 6 to read: Pledges of a chapter whose velopment of programs to achieve our
other news items of interest. charter has been rescinded or relin- common goals and of furthering the
quished shall be eligible to pledge cause of fraternity.
The Housing Committee conducted another fraternity immediately follow-
a housing survey during the biennium ing the official release of the pledges A s her final duty Mrs. Foxworthy
and the summary indicated that more by the fraternity. Pledges of a colony introduced the Executive Committee
groups are turning to lodges, Pan- which has been dissolved shall be for the 1973-75 biennium: Mrs. Berne
hellenic housing and apartments as eligible to pledge another fraternity Jacobsen, Alpha Delta Pi, Chairman;
opposed to chapter houses. immediately following the official re- Mrs. Robert McKeeman, Delta Zeta,
lease of the pledges by the fraternity. Secretary, and Mrs. W. F . Williamson,
The N P C - N A W D A C Liaison Com- Phi Mu, Treasurer.
mittee serves as a channel of com- A resolution was passed expressing
munication between the N P C and the Conference appreciation for the The Conference concluded its forty-
N A W D A C and as a clearinghouse years of service rendered to the fra- third Session with a banquet hosted
for ideas. Committee members pre- ternity world by the George Banta by Alpha Delta Pi. Mrs. Foxworthy,
sented a most interesting and infor- Company with the publication of Mistress of Ceremonies, introduced
mative panel at the session. Mrs. Nash, Banta's Greek Exchange. The discon- the speaker D r . John D . Millet, Vice
Alpha X i Delta and N P C Chairman tinuance of the publication will vastly President of the Academy for Educa-
of the committee served as moderator. curtail the exchange of information tional Development, Inc. and President
Panel members were Miss Judith D . among campuses and Greeks. N P C of the General Council of Phi Delta
Trott, Associate Dean of Students, expressed its concern to the Banta Theta Fraternity, who delivered an
University of Mississippi; Miss Max- Company and urged they reconsider inspiring address titled, "The' College
ine Blake, Alpha Delta Pi; Miss Peggy their decision. Fraternity of the Future." Dr. Millet
Stroud, Associate Dean of Students, had this to say about Fraternity Ideals:
Arkansas State University and Mrs. One evening was devoted to a spe- "They have been tried and not found
Carl Frische, Zeta Tau Alpha. cial interests dinner held for National wanting, they have been tried and
Presidents, Alumnae, Collegiate and found difficult to live up to."
The Publications Committee had a Extension Officers attending the ses-
busy and productive biennium. The sion. This exchange of ideas and in- One important feature of the ban-
Manual of Information was revised formation by all women's fraternities quet was the awarding of Conference
and approved by the Conference at was considered valuable by those at- trophies to outstanding college pan-
the Interim Session held in October tending the dinner meetings. hellenics. Mrs. Charles Merman,
1972. It was ready for distribution in Sigma Kappa and Chairman of the
March 1973 and over 7000 copies In the words of the Chairman, Mrs. Awards Committee, presented the
have been distributed. The first hand- Foxworthy, "As the National Pan- awards. Receiving the National Pan-
book, exclusively for use by College hellenic Conference's seventy-first year hellenic Conference Award was Texas
Panhellenics, was published—The comes to a close and with it the '71- Tech University. Second place went to
How To For College Panhellenics. '73 biennium, we all have cause to the University of Wyoming, third
This has proved to be a successful breathe a sigh of relief. It's all like place to University of Kentucky. The
and useful publication. The popular being submerged for a period of time Fraternity Month Awards went to
brochure, Know Your NPC, was re- and then being thankful that it's finally Auburn University. Second place to
vised, and the first copies were dis- time to surface again. The past two Georgia Southern University, third
tributed at the session. years have been dominated by feelings place to Oregon State University. Wil-
of pessimism, followed immediately liam Woods College Panhellenic re-
A very entertaining and inspiring by a spirit of optimism. There's no ceived the Awards Committee Trophy,
program was presented by the Editor's doubt about it, the college fraternity which goes to an outstanding college
Conference and the Association of has been faced with one of its most panhellenic with five or less N P C
Central Office Executives entitled serious periods. groups represented on the campus.
"Greeks Have a Word For It." The Second place went to Georgia South-
theme was "Let's get P H and P R to- "Just as 1963 was the calm before ern and third place was won by Clem-
gether!" A bridge must be built known the storm, 1973 is the wreckage that son University.
as communication in order to accom- is left from it. All of a sudden its
plish this. Fraternity magazines are terribly quiet. A l l of a sudden there's A n after dinner reception hosted by
particularly useful in explaining the relative calm, and all of a sudden it's Delta Zeta, was the final event in a
position of national organizations and time to pick ourselves up, brush our- productive session.
thereby help to promote a better un- selves off and start all over again."
derstanding of their objectives and
The N P C fraternities are responding
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1974

Campus Sights and Sounds

W O M A N IS T H E W O R D on campus, the Gods. Jonathan Livingston Sea- which no doubt reflects the institu-
whether you're talking about student gull is still in the top ten. tional preference for the old system.
government, innovative curriculum O R G A N I Z A T I O N : While some cam- L A C K O F F I N A N C I A L A I D for
planning, job opportunities for the puses report the revival of SDS, an- students was listed first and drugs last
graduate, or back pay for female fac- other national student organization among campus problems facing the
ulty members. Among new course has filed papers of incorporation in the 215 college presidents who were polled
offerings directed toward women District of Columbia. The National recently by the American Association
Alabama lists "Introduction to Wom- Institute of Student Governments, of State Colleges and Universities.
en's Studies" while Duke's Center of Inc., says its primary purpose is "to C A M P U S P O L I C E on many cam-
Continuing Education has "New D i - advance the administrative capabilities puses are reporting a slow year. While
rections: A Guidance Seminar for of student governments, and to assist theft has replaced rioting as No. 1
Women," and nearly 2,000 other mis- them in the formulation of positions Enemy, even theft is being reported
cellaneous women-oriented courses and policies that will act in the in- to police more frequently than a year
include "Marxism and Women's terest of all students. . . ." ago. Director of Campus Security at
Liberation," "The Heroine of the S T U D E N T S S I G N L E A S E S : Beloit the University of Oregon speculates
American Novel," "The Rhetoric of reports that students are assuming all that student attitudes have reversed—
Sexual Liberation," "Media Images the responsibilities of the renter by "They don't like theft any more.
of Women: F r o m Main Street to signing a lease, paying a security de- They're reporting it now. The students
Madison Avenue," and "The Judeo- posit, etc., instead of paying the tra- have accepted the student patrolmen
Christian Tradition and Historical Per- ditional dorm board and room fees. and the police as being there to
ceptions of the Role of Women." A College also agrees, as lessor, to up- help. . . ."
number of campuses, often through hold its responsibilities within the
their Panhellenics, provide an auto- AS MORE STATES GRANT A D U L T
motive fixit course for women. . . . MATCHING JOBS AND C O L L E G E L E G A L S T A T U S to 18-year-olds new
One campus lists something interest- G R A D U A T E S by computer is offered legal questions arise on the nation's
ing and probably appealing to women by a Des Moines company, Graduate campuses. It is bound to affect many
"In-Home Leisure Living in 1990," Services, Inc. Resumes are microfilmed aspects of higher education: rules, as
described as "an innovative, experi- and entered into the computer which applied to minors, are in many cases
mental course offered by the Depart- also knows employers' needs. The lat- invalid; non-residents will find it easier
ment of Marketing Management.. . ." ter may ask for only one "most quali- to gain resident status in the state in
It should also be noted that the wom- fied" or for a dozen or a hundred which their school is located; there
en's enrollment in graduate schools is well-qualified prospects. Cost to stu- would be no reason to mail grades to
growing while the female dropout dent is $15, to employer $2 per parents; a student's financial status
level has halved itself in the past ten resume. University of Utah is offer- becomes his own, not that of his
years. ing job information to graduates via family—therefore upsetting traditional
cassette counseling with 43 states al- methods of awarding scholarships or
HEADCOUNT ON SINGLE ready using the audio-visual material offering other financial aid. The list
M A L E S : They tell us that 12.7% are offered by the U U facility. goes on and on and will merit con-
between the ages of 20 and 34, a A CURE TO MANY CAMPUS ILLS siderable attention by administrators.
noticeable double since 1960. One may be found through transcendental R E C A M P U S S C H E D U L E S : As the
contributing factor is a high divorce meditation claims a growing group of calendar turned to 1974 hardly a "se-
rate which leaves older singles at students across the country. Medita- mester campus" was left where stu-
large. tion is practiced twice a day for twenty dents were taking final exams late in
minutes while sitting in a comfortable January in the old traditional manner.
R E E N R O L L M E N T S F O R 1973-74: chair with one's eyes closed. Simply Since 1970 there has been a growing
The general word going around is stated, T M is a method for experienc- trend toward starting the first semester
that enrollments are down, and most ing deep physical and mental relaxa- earlier and closing with finals before
schools are gleefully reporting to their tion which, in turn, enhances normal Christmas. Sometimes a mini-mester
alumni that "while in general enroll- daily activity—even offering an almost for special studies or projects occupies
ments are down, ours is up. . . ." A c - effortless way to study more efficiently, January with another four-month se-
cording to the Chronicle of Higher to become more confident and crea- mester February til June. Often, too,
Education's official headcount, how- tive, to acquire a better disposition and the second semester begins in mid-
ever, the total enrollment is indeed to find greater direction in life. January and closes in mid-May, allow-
not down but up 3.9% over the fall TRADITIONAL GRADING SYS- ing time for a two-term summer or
of 1972. In fact, the only total (view- T E M S , recent studies demonstrate, third semester (trimester). Some
ing all institutions, public and private) are still heavily favored by student "quarter schools" are reported eyeing
which is down is in the "first time and educational institution alike. From the advantages of the trimester sys-
students" category, and this only .1%. the student's point of view, the less tem.
This is certainly not the gloomy pic- traditional the record the greater the
ture "generally" drawn. difficulty in being admitted to grad- —Prepared by the Operation Brass
COLLEGE BOOKSTORES SURVEY uate or professional school or simply Tacks Committee of the National Pan-
tells us that campus bestsellers for fall transferring to another campus, a fact hellenic Editors Conference
term were topped by I'm OK, You're
OK, Journey to Ixtlan and Chariot of 331

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I / S P R I N G of 1974

Notable News And Quotes
From Alumnae Luminaries

EMPHASIS ON INCREASING wood, Mrs. Walter A. English and vironmental Education Program is
membership is the primary objective Mrs. Glenn H. Peebles, were among Marjorie Helms Ebersbackh, Omega
of B I R M I N G H A M Alumnae who en- patronesses and patrons of the 17th Omicron, member of COCOA-MEL-
tertained their husbands at a barbecue. annual luncheon benefit sponsored by BOURNE Alumnae.
the Women's Division, Arthritis Foun-
Ginny Slay, Delta Delta, heads this dation, Southern California Chapter at BETTYE BRITZ ROWE, Chi
group and other officers are Nancy the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. Los An- Lambda, as executive director of the
Waldrop, vice president; Alice Hughes, geles alumnae accounted for three Young Women's Christian Associa-
recording secretary and historian; Di- tables of ten guests each at the show- tion, ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., over-
ane Phoebus, corresponding secretary, ing which featured spring creations by sees "a flexible program geared to
and Stanley Perryman, Panhellenic Werle complimented by Hazanjian offer a place and time for relaxa-
delegate. Jewels of Beverly Hills. tion and fun, new friends, of all ages
with common interests or varied ex-
HIGHLIGHT OF THE year for HONORED AT SAN Jose City periences, a climate of self-expression,
PHOENIX Alumnae was their second, Panhellenic awards luncheon for her acquisition of knowledge or a skill,
annual, pre-Christmas auction when service to her sorority and the com- involvement, responsibility—and a
they sold handmade items. Fifty per- munity was Mrs. Harry Evans. way in which to serve."
cent of the proceeds went to local
Arthritic activities. A check for $225 THE HOME OF Marge Dent, Iota Elaine Smith, Iota Alpha, has been
was presented to the Phoenix Arthritis Alpha, was the scene of a dessert party serving as this group's president, and
Foundation. given by POCATELLO Alumnae hon- her officers include: Nancy Anthony,
oring seniors at Iota Alpha, Idaho Iota Alpha, vice president, and Pat
Pat Mayberry, Theta, demonstrated State University. The graduates were Jones, Iota Alpha, secretary-treasurer.
to the group the lost process of making presented gold rose rings.
wax jewelry at one of their regular A POTLUCK BUFFET, titled a
sessions. ELEMENTARY ENVIRONMEN- "Stone Soul Picnic," was one of the
T A L EDUCATION specialist for the highlights of CHICAGO NORTH-
ALPHA OMICRON PI, plus LOS Brevard County Board Spectrum En- WEST SUBURBAN Alumnae's recent
ANGELES alumnae, Trudy Lock-





** mm J



ACCORDING TO TON I FRANK, society editor, Evening Out- m£5 s

look, Santa Monica, Calif., AOll alumna, Trudy Lockwood is BETTY ANN FOLLETTE Oil, of Los Angeles alumnae, was
named to one of four top posts in an annual Santa Monica
the gal to see if you're furnishing an apartment or house and Community Chest fund drive. Betty Ann also is a former PTA
don't have much money to spend. Trudy, professional interior
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI/SPRING of 1974
designer and adult school teacher, as instructor of a series of

interior design classes at the Santa Monica YWCA, was subject

of a provocative feature by Toni in that California newspaper.


MARY ANNE BUTTERS B<t>, named chairman of Indianapolis, HARRIET BABIN AO, recently has been promoted to su-
pervisor of the Home Service Department, Gulf States Utilities,
Ind., Mayor's Task Force on Women, was in charge of surveying in Baton Rouge, La. Her name also appears in Outstanding
Young Women of America.
the status of women including discrimination against them and

made recommendations to improve that status. Another alumnae

of Beta Phi Chapter, Jeanne Mount Merritt, was chairman of

the action committee of this same task force.

1L •&

activities. The evening was climaxed
with a white elephant drawing. Or-
ganizers were Eleanore Standish Cor-
bett, Iota, Betty Lawson Conway, Phi
Alpha, and Pat Jacobs Mottweiler,
Theta. Hostess was Rita Conway
Hurtt, Kappa Alpha.

WEILER, one of the guiding lights of
Northwest Community Hospital's
Women's Auxiliary, was a major plan-
ner for this organization's spring
luncheon for members of the auxiliary
and friends of the hospital.

school girls and their mothers at a
breakfast planned in their honor by
the Business and Professional Women's
Club of Hagerstown, Ind., was Mary
Anne Gilmer Butters, Beta Phi, of
Indianapolis. Mary Anne, a former
reporter with The Indianapolis

is an aide to Indianapolis Mayor Rich-
ard Lugar.

Johnson Hicks' book, "Where Next,

Lady Thuppence" was provided by

June Tyron Kennedy, Beta Phi, of
Indianapolis, who also is the main
character, Gracie, in the story.

A BEVY OF plans are in the mill
for CEDAR RAPIDS Alumnae who
MARILYN S. DAN DO of the Baltimore Alumnae presents a $200 check to Dr. Mary have named Sue Schmidt, Iota Sigma,
Betty Stevens for the patient-care program at the Good Samaritan Hospital, Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine.
their president, Carol Kohn, Alpha

To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON PI/SPRING of 1974 333

Theta, vice president, Maxine Kuehn, AN EVENING AT the races at Wolverine Raceway was sponsored by the Detroit
Nu Iota, treasurer, and Betty Starr,
Zeta, secretary. Council, Representatives of the various area chapters are: Mary Lou Kierdorf Sloss,

They plan an arthritis display for Macomb County; Tina Van Blaricom Jensen KP, North Suburban; Donner Felthouse
the library in Iowa City in addition to
organizing a garage sale on a large Spencer KP and Karen Engwall Ross, Detroit Northwest; Denna Lynn Parrish, North
scale for AF. Seniors of Alpha Theta
will be honored at a dessert party, Suburban; Barbara Zolnierczak Bll, Detroit, and Mary Ann Kirr Bit, Dearborn. Karen
and a family picnic will be given at
the beginning of summer. was general chairman of the event highlighted by dinner and complimentary drinks and

ACTIVE MEMBER OF the K A N - a race named for AOll. Funds went to arthritis research.
SAS CITY Alumnae Chapter, Hazelle
Hedges Rollins, Phi, is the largest ex-
clusive manufacturer of puppets and
marionettes in this country. She was
the subject of an extensive article in
STAR, Sunday magazine of The Kan-
sas City Star. A color photo of Hazelle
with two of her puppet creations, Teto
the clown, all-time best seller from
hundreds of models, and her latest
puppet, a gal in see-through blouse
and red velvet hot pants, graced the
front page of this tabloid section.

ma, and her husband, Jay, decided to
retire after rich, rewarding and inter-
mingled careers in TOPEKA, Kans.
He was associated with a department
store there and she was put in charge
of their special events after organ-
izing and presenting their spot tele-
vision announcements.

GORD1E HOWE, LEFT, recently featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated as leading Moving to CORPUS CHRISTI,
Texas, Jay was asked to aid in the
scorer in the World Hockey Association and star of Houston's Aeros, Colleen Howe, and planning and execution of the 100th
Margot and Robert On were among the large contingent of celebrities lending their sup- anniversary of that community's
port and presence to Detroit Volunteer Arthritis Organization's Art Auction. A OH largest speciality store.
Detroit area alumnae chapters, under the chairmanship of Vivian Kreasky, also were
sponsors and supporters of the fund-raising affair. It followed that Martha, because of
her success in television in Tokepa,
was hired to originate similar shows
for the Texas concern. She uses live
models to display clothes and acces-
sories on five of these shows daily,
according to her aunt, Harriet Fish
Backus, Sigma.

Grace LaMarca, Lambda Tau, was on
hand to install new officers of MON-
ROE, La., Alumnae at a luncheon at
Bayou DeSiard Country Club. Barbara
Brown, Lambda Tau, is president.

THE HOME OF "Fi" Nicholson
Pappas was the scene of BALTI-
MORE Alumnae's celebration of their
40th anniversary.

American Airlines in 1955, Jo Sin-
clair, Kappa Alpha, now finds herself
in charge of Manager-Customer Pro-
grams at the Sky Chefs corporate
headquarters in New York.

In this newly created position, the
first of its kind in the industry, one
facet of her job includes liaison with
flight attendants of the 33 airlines sub-
scribing to Sky Chef's in-flight catering

334 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI/SPRING of 1974

NEW YORK CREATIVE specialist, Teresa Macri N, takes a THE REUNION OF Knoxville High School Class of '43 brought
busman's holiday in Acapulco at the posh Acapulco Royal Hotel movie and television film celebrity, Patricia Neal now of Great
where life is "a luxurious sybaritic paradise." She's listed in Missinden, England, to that East Tennessee city where she was
the house guest of Emily Mahan Faust O, and her husband,
Who's Who of American Women. Hugh Faust, Jr. According to an interesting feature story in
The Knoxville News-Sentinel, illustrated by this photo, the Oscar
• Award-winning actress, Mrs. Roald Dahl, doesn't confine her
life to the English country side and her 17th century home. Plane
tickets may be stamped New York, Toronto or Nova Scotia for
television and movie filming.








Pal Campen Medley O, and her adorable daughter, Meredith A TRIO OF Knoxville Alumnae, Mrs. Evans S. Bowers, Mrs.
Kenneth F. Clark and Mrs. Paul A. Moore, represented their
Michelle Medley, were the subjects of a provocative story in The sorority at a rummage sale where proceeds were donated to the
Arthritis Foundation. The photo appeared in The Knox County
Knoxville News-Sentinel emphasizing the former's determination News.

to be a full-lime mother to her youngster but not to allow the 335

role to make either of them sil-by-the-fire personalities.

To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON PI/SPRING of 1974

A CHARTER MEMBER of the Jackson, Tenn., Alumnae Chap- CANAVERAL CHAPTER OF the American Institute of In-
ter in 1958, Dorothy McMahan Stanfill ftO, began writing for
religious publications, has been publishing steadily for nine years, dustrial Engineers selected Bonnie F. Dagelen TO, as Industrial
and now is producing quality fiction also. She's had stories in
Home Life, Christian Home, Junior Musician, N.R.T.A. Journal, Engineer of the Month for her contributions to the chapter. Since
Lambda Iota Annual, Standard, Teens Today and Vista. Her
story, "Katherine and the Quarter-Mile Drag," appeared in the 1969, Bonnie, who is president of Cocoa-Melbourne Alumnae,
Southern Humanities Review. She currently is into the fourth
year of writing a novel. She's been a teacher in the public schools, has been an industrial engineer with NASA in the administra-
worked for a newspaper and done publicity for several organiza-
tions. Her work has won prizes in competition throughout the tion's management systems office.

DECLARED OUTSTANDING ALUMNAE of the Year at East Tennessee State Uni- service. Another equally important
Com- part includes the development of cus-
versity was Jean Seal, $A, supervisor of secretarial services, Tennessee Eastman from tomer-contact programs for the restau-
rants, snack bars and cocktail lounges
pany. Jean, who was one of two graduates to receive the citation, accepts it composing the airport restaurant di-
vision of Flagship International.
university president, Dr. D. P. Culp, at the annual Alumni Banquet.
reports that O K L A H O M A CITY
Alumnae have experienced a revival
of spirit recently sparked by height-
ened interest in assisting the Arthritis
Foundation. This organization moved
from a miserably crowded little office
into a spacious, comfortable and ade-
quate headquarters where AOII alum-
nae have ample room in which to
pursue their volunteer duties.

Local alumnae purchased a hand-
some wall clock for this office and are
successful in getting more and more
of their members interested in joining
in volunteer duties.

THE FIRST W O M A N branch man-
ager for First National Bank of
MEMPHIS is glamorous, brainy,
Rosemary Wood Potter, Kappa Omi-

Miss Southwestern and president of
AOII's Kappa Omicron Chapter dur-
ing her collegiate days, Rosemary
supervises 16 employees at Parkway
Village Branch and two employees at
the new Fox Meadows First Place
satellite branch. She is one of only two

336 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI/SPRING of 1974

managers in the branch system to be PRINCIPALS AT A program on arthritis sponsored by Our Lady of the Lake Hospital
in charge of total operations of two
facilities. Auxiliary in Baton Rouge were, standing, Margaret Bres Abshire AO, Dr. Herbert Dyer,

THIRTY-FOUR WOMEN repre- rheumatologist, and Eugene Pizzeck, executive director, Louisiana Chapter, Arthritis
senting Tennessee, Georgia and Ala-
bama, and Alpha Omicron Pi and Foundation. Rosemary White, sealed, is an arthritic patient crippled since the age of 16.
Lambuth Omega Sorority alumnae of
Lambuth College were present for the
homecoming luncheon at Lambuth in

Kay Davenport, NO, president of
the Jackson Alumnae, presided, and a
special guest was Georgia Ann Mc-
Leary, Omega Omicron, who told the
assemblage of the accomplishments of
AOII's collegiate chapter at Lambuth.

featured in a delightful article in Ten-
nessee's Grundy County Herald sent
to us by past International President
Katrina Overall McDonald.

Miss Bessie, who began summering
at the famous mountain resort, Mont-
eagle Sunday School Assembly in
June, 1888, when she was a seven-
month-old baby, has not missed but
one summer season there since then.

In fact she resides there now year
round. Katrina continues to come from
her home in Mississippi to spend the
vacation months in Monteagle, too.

SINCE 1956, GINEVRA Ginn Tid-
man, Omicron Pi, has edited an in-
formation bulletin, the first of its kind,
for office and field employees of the
Huntington, W.Va. District of the
United States Army Corps of Engi-

LAS VEGAS ALUMNAE were hostesses at a meeting of Clark spoke. From left are Marilyn Adams, Monty Brandt, Jane
County Panhellenic when Dr. William Fiero, ecology expert,
Manning and Lynn Wirth A'P, Las Vegas alumnae president.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI/SPRING of 1974

CHICAGO'S NORTHWEST SUBURBAN Alumnae sponsored Gail Kennedy P, is invited to the affair by Mrs. David Conway

a holiday coffee. Local publicity included this photograph from of Arlington Heights, Mrs. Robert Wright, Des Plaines; and Mrs.

The Arlington Heights' Herald, a Paddock Publication. Collegiate, Thomas Dickson, Arlington Heights.





FOR THE FIRST time since California's La Canada Kiwanis

CHAIRMAN OF AN informative display put together by Chi- Club created their La Canadan Award of the Year in 1939, they
cago's Northwest Suburban Alumnae for use by libraries in
Palatine, Arlington Heights, Des Plaines and Park Ridge was deviated by making it a dual award and presenting it to an out-
Mrs. Donald Keenan, left, who inspects it with the artist for
the project, Mrs. David Weidner. standing civic-minded couple, May and Dr. William Brown.

338 May Brown P, a past president of Glendale, Calif. Alumnae, was

recipient of the regional award as outstanding alumna.

To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON PI/SPRING of 1974

Language Instructor Experiences Total Campus Involvement

Betty Becker, center, Phi Sigma and ference at KSC entails arranging the and continue to serve as Faculty Ad-
Tri-City of Kearney Alumna, is shown scheduling of class visits by each of viser for two years. She is presently
with Marie-Paul Thaon, left, and the 40 foreign delegates, plus making Scholarship Adviser and serving her
Linda Janssen. Betty, who is a French all arrangements for the large sym- fourth year as a member of the Cor-
and Spanish instructor at Kearney posia. poration Board.
State College, met Marie while on a
"Studies Abroad" tour last summer When does she have time for AOII? Tri-City of Kearney Alumnae hon-
and was instrumental in Marie's ob- Her interest began when Phi Sigma ored Betty in 1971 with their recogni-
taining a scholarship to KSC. Marie was a local sorority and she served as tion pin, and the collegiates presented
lived with Betty and her son for one their adviser. When they were in- her with their personal recognition
semester. stalled, Betty was initiated into A O I I plaque.

This is just one example of Betty's \
interest in others and her participation
on campus.

Betty is the French Club, Mu
Gamma, and Fullbright adviser. She
is serving her third year on the Faculty

President of the local chapter,
American Association of University
Professors, she serves on the State
Executive Committee for AAUP.

Betty is active on the General Stud-
ies Committee for KSC and the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee. The first
formulates the curriculum for all stu-
dents, and the second sets student

She is involved in two temporary
committees on the campus. One in-
vestigates the status of women in uni-
versities and colleges. She is chairman
of the other, the search committee for
a new dean of instruction.

Betty's job each year as the program
chairman for the World Affairs Con-

AOU Involved In Panhellenic Party

Palo Alto City Panhellenic asked Panhellenic member Mrs. Edwin D. Nelson, Menlo Park, California, helps Alpha
each sorority to submit a bread or Omicron Pi Panhellenic delegate, Joanne Elkinton Kemp AP, and Mrs. Howard M.
cookie recipe and samples for tast- Stewart prepare for Palo Alto City Panhellenic coffee to benefit scholarships.
ing for a coffee open to the public
with donations for the Panhellenic delegate and philanthropic chairman to the collegiate chapter, and has sent
scholarship fund to benefit three grad- for Palo Alto Alumnae of AOII. She hundreds of Panhellenic notes about
uating seniors at the local high schools. believes that the AOII membership in- local high school girls to AOII chap-
Local publicity was featured in the formation form can be of great help ters.
newspaper foods section.

A O I I delegate Joanne Elkinton
Kemp (Mrs. John I I I , Alpha Rho) of
Menlo Park, Ca., brought "Monterey
Bizcochos" selected from "Cookie
Originale," a recipe book written by
one of the last A O I I pledges at Stan-
ford University, Marilou Sutter Dyer
(Lambda 1946).

Marilou lives in Carmel on the Mon-
terey peninsula of the Pacific Ocean
below San Francisco. The cookie re-
quires Monterey Jack cheese, a local
favorite. Marilou has four children
and teaches students with learning dis-
abilities at Carmel High School.

Joanne Kemp is both Panhellenic

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI/SPRING of 1974 339

Bucharest, headquarters for Alice Aderman's family during the school year 1965-66, when they resided in Romania.

F R O M : behind the Iron Curtain

ALICE RUTH ADERMAN tember 5, we left by airplane from few. They read the twentieth-century
Vice President, New York to Frankfort to Munich. writers which we brought with us, and
Region I I We drove from there to beautiful were thrilled to have the chance to
Vienna, through Hungary via Buda- discuss Faulkner, Dreiser, Tennessee
IN FEBRUARY, 1965, my husband pest, and through Romania to Bucha- Williams, Robert Frost, Robert Penn
received an important telephone call rest, arriving on September 16. Warren and others, and had good
from Washington: would he be inter- analytical ability to contrast and com-
ested in being nominated as a Full- The Romanian government provided pare them and what they represent.
bright-Hayes exchange professor in us with a four-room apartment, large They were open and frank, and a great
American Literature at the University by Romanian standards for three peo- joy to teach, despite their thorough
of Bucharest, Romania? After several ple. We were on the seventh floor of communist indoctrination.
days of deep deliberation we returned an apartment block which housed bet-
the call: yes, he would. ter than 500 people. We were fortu- What was it like to be a driver in
nate to be right above the many shops Romania?
It seemed a wonderful opportunity which we had to visit for our foods.
for a fine year with a chance to see The situation was very interesting, for It was one of our most harrowing
Europe, and we felt it would be an we were living with Romanians only. experiences. Pedestrians have no re-
impressionable trip for us and for our gard for the crosswalk or the traffic
seven-year-old son. Approval by the What was it like to be a professor light, no respect for the auto or its
State Department is the easy part; at the University of Bucharest? driver, and no understanding of the
however, it was mid-June before we damage a car can do when people
had the approval of the Romanian My husband found it a delightful are careless. Night driving here was
government. experience. His colleagues were help- out of the question except for emer-
ful, intelligent, and spoke beautiful gencies, for it is against the law to
The summer went very quickly with British English. His students were in drive with lights other than parking
all the preparations necessary for a the fifth year, which meant they were lights. You flash from parks to regular
year abroad. We rented our house, graduated in June, 1966. They, too, beam as you approach an intersection
sold the car, arranged to pick up a spoke English very well. They had an to show the pedestrian you are com-
Volkswagon Microbus in Munich, insatiable curiosity about America, its ing, but you must return to parks
purchased round-trip tickets, had in- literature, its customs, its people, and immediately. Country driving is still
numerable shots, arranged passports the land itself. They read avidly what worse, for the road is full of people,
and visas, sent footlockers of clothes they could find in American litera- bicycles, carts of all sizes, motorcycles,
and boxes of books. Finally, on Sep- ture, but sadly enough, books are very

340 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI/SPRING of 1974

trucks, and animals, which have the need when I saw it and thus avoided ness and frustrations, but generally
right of way. A l l these are unlighted queues. It also meant keeping house speaking, it was a happy existence.
at night, of course. Right turns are with inadequate equipment: an oven
made whether the light is red or green, which did not stay lighted, a vacuum What was it like to be a family in
and the driver on the right has prece- cleaner (new) that worked poorly, a Romania?
dence even if he is entering an arterial washing machine which ripped the
from the alley. Right or left turns are clothes (though even that is a luxury Because we were behind the Iron
made from any lane with no regard here), a kitchen table for an ironing Curtain we had to be especially alert
for traffic ahead or behind. What board. at all times to watch what we said and
will happen in five years, when there did. We were aware that we were
are more than the few cars now on What was it like to be a mother in watched and checked in and out; we
the streets, is something we shudder Romania? were aware that our mail, incoming
to contemplate. We were always grate- and outgoing, was opened and read
f u l when we arrived safely at our It meant a full-time job. It meant carefully by the Romanians; we were
apartment. apologizing to our son for a lack aware that people were afraid to be
of peanut butter, potato chips, ham- seen with us; we were aware that fear
What was it like to be a housewife burgers, cokes, gum and pasteurized is ever present for all Romanians. In
in Romania? milk. Then, too a child of seven spite of these things we found some
needs a great deal of entertaining, so wonderful friends among these people
It was an experience I shall never I had to replace American friends, and among the diplomatic families
forget. Shopping was very time con- television, comic books and toys. Also, from our own country and other lands.
suming, for there are separate shops I had to be overseer of homework, for It was a pleasure to call our American
for each type of food: staple groceries our son had a great deal. Ambassador and his assistants our
and soaps, fresh meat, prepared meat, friends. We had opportunities for
vegetables and fruits, bread, milk and What was it like to be a school travel, and the history and geography
cheese, sweets, light bulbs, matches, child in Romania? we lived was gratifying. It was even
and so on. The open peasant markets more so when we were free to travel
have fruits and vegetables, spices, For our child it was a wonderful in Western Europe in the summer of
eggs, pickles, and brined cabbage. experience, for he attended the school 1966.
There are often great queues for run by the American Embassy for
supplies, especially eggs, laundry soap, English-speaking youngsters of diplo- I feel that such an experience as
and fish. Supplies are erratic, and matic families in Bucharest. There ours is one every American should
one must visit many stores to find were several countries represented by have. Speaking for myself and my
what he needs. Also shopping hours the 33 students: England, India, Spain,
are different: 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., Portugal, as well as America, and family, / am sure we will all love our
and 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. But I his teacher was Romanian. She was
soon learned to buy what I might a stern disciplinarian, believed in country and its freedoms more dearly
homework, and produced excellent re-
sults. There were periods of loneli- than we would have thought possible.

Two views of Sibiu, an ancient, small community in the heart of Romania.

r •



To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON PI/SPRING of 1974

AOII Leads Fight Against Arthritis

Tennessee's Governor Joins Nashville Alumnae
To Assure Antiques Show's Success For AF


Tennessee Gov. Winfield Dunn signs a proclamation designating LeBaron Sandefur TO, local alumnae president; Margaret Shofner

"Antiques Week" in connection with the Antiques Show spon- TA, Polly Asher, alumnae relations chairman, Vanderbilt's Nu

sored for the benefit of the Middle-East Tennessee Chapter, Omicron Chapter; Lisa Head, Nu Omicron's philanthropic chair-

Arthritis Foundation, by Nashville AOIls. Surrounding Governor man, and Susan Pitts NO.

Dunn are: Sue Ussery Clark U.O, Janice Farringer NO, Grace

Tennessee Gov. Winfield Dunn At the beginning of their concen- view leisurely displays by more than
joined forces recently with the Nash- trated, pre-show promotion campaign, 55 antique dealers representing 15
ville AOII Alumnae Chapter when local AOIIs called on Governor Dunn states set up in the National Guard
they sponsored for the first time the in his private office in the state capitol Armory.
local Antiques Show benefiting the to accept a proclamation signed by
Arthritis Foundation and the Middle- him declaring the week of the show Preview party tickets were $6.00
East Tennessee Chapter. "Antiques Week" in Tennessee. each. Drinks and hors d'oeuvres, pre-
pared by alumnae, were available.
Local alumnae were assisted in this On the evening prior to the show's
fund-raising project by collegiates of opening a glittering preview party was Teddy Bart, popular, local WSM-
Vanderbilt University's Nu Omicron staged by Alpha Omicron Pi for pa- TV personality, who heads the Mid-
Chapter. trons and their guests when they could dle-East Tennessee Arthritis Drive,
was master of ceremonies. An orches-

Lynn Higginbotham, president of Nu Omicron Chapter, and

Grace LeBaron Sandefur TO, Nashville Alumnae Chapter presi- Susan Pitts NO, was in charge of promotion for the show, Jane
Peery Eskew NO, hospitality, and Pat Long Dickerson NO, the
dent, combined their talents to assure the success of the Fall tearoom.

Antiques Show benefiting the Arthritis Foundation.

342 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI/SPRING of 1974

tra and special vocalist for the occasion dation after more than a decade of member group in the City Panhellenic
provided music for the occasion and sponsoring a Panhellenic-oriented fall Council against one another in model-
a dazzling array of door prizes was fashion show and luncheon annually, ing competition with a panel of celebri-
given away. ties proclaiming the winner.
Christened originally and initially,
Nashville alumnae adopted the "Accolade to Autumn", by Adele K. During dates of the Antiques Show
sponsorship of the Antiques Show as Hinton, now International President, a special tearoom was operated by
a new form of local philanthropic this highly successful fund-raising AOIIs where sandwiches, beverages
effort on behalf of the Arthritis Foun- event pitted representatives of each and other light snacks were available.

Mary Riley NO, served as chairman of the gala preview party (A
which heralded the opening of the Antiques Show while Another group of alumnae working on special details for the
event Antiques Show were Sue Ussery Clark OO and Betty Andrews
Anderson Herbert was general chairman of the fund-raising DeVoe KO, food; Margaret Shofner TA, beverages, and Janice
Farringer NO, prizes.
of Nashville Alumnae.

At The Show

John Andrews, Adele K. Hinton, International President, and Jean Whorley NO, member of the International Board of Direc-
Mrs. Andrews, Mary Ann Hibbetts NO, arrive at the Antiques tors, and her escort, Harry Tripp, are greeted by Mary Ann
Show preview parly. Rice Caldwell TA, Region III Vice President.

Susan Pitts NO, and Mary McClure NO entertain Dr. 0. A. Mary Riley, chairman, left, and Grace Sandefur, right, Nashville
Couch at the party. Alumnae president, chat with Harry Pipkin, a guest.


To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON PI/SPRING of 1974 343

Arthritis A f f e c t s 1 In 4 Families She Gave 200 Hours
In Fight Against Arthritis
Regional Philanthropic Coordinator •

Region I I win*

Arthritis affects one in every four families, including AOII LI
families. My father's arthritis began in the feet. Gradually it
worked up to other joints. Ann Horton lO a teacher in North Little Rock Ark., was recog-
nized by the Arkansas Chapter, Arthritis Foundation, at their
Father started taking gold shots in 1941. At Mayo Clinic recent annual meeting for her outstanding volunteer service to
in 1950, physical therapy was suggested which he has taken the 123,000 Arthritics in Arkansas. Last year Ann gave more
ever since. than 200 hours of volunteer service to the Foundation by assisting
in the hydro-therapy pool program for arthritics in Central
Cortisone was given in 1953. In 1963 he had a heart Arkansas. Presenting the award is Dr. Kelsy J. Caplinger, Chapter
attack, stayed home for three months and lost weight but president.
the arthritis went into remission. He stopped driving, but
started working again.

In 1965 he developed an ulcer and began to be more
restricted in his movements.

In 1972 a synovectomy was performed on each knee. He
is very weak and must use a walker; and, when the distance
is as great as a block, a wheelchair.

Last year he had a serious case of influenza. Arthritis in-
creased; and in May 1973, he went to the hospital for two
weeks for tests and therapy.

In June my father retired from Wright Patterson Air
Force Base after 32 years as an electronics engineer, but he
prefers working halftime to sitting at home.

These facts do not tell of all the inconvenient things for
him such as dressing and combing his hair. Mom has to help.
Nor does it tell of the discomforts of the disease or the fact
that my parents cannot take trips and enjoy their retirement.

Arthritis takes a lot of fun out of life. But my father is
lucky because he has a sit-down job, and he has my mom.
Think about all those arthritics who live alone and cannot

Palo Alto Alums' Philanthropic Efforts Are Far-Reaching



t i

•r i-


\ 3. I

4 Honoring the immediate past Chairman, International Board of

Directors, Dorothy Bogen Farrinton A, $300 was given to start

At Stanford University's Children's Hospital, $1,500 was given a pilot study to evaluate the feasibility of specialized arthritis

by Palo Alto Alumnae for patient services in juvenile rheumatoid care unit with a team approach at O'Connor Hospital in San

at the arthritis clinic. Jean Hiler Maroder A, president, made this Jose, Calif. At this hospital, Dr. Ronald A. Restifo, rheumatol-

presentation to Dr. John J. Miller, III, chief, rheumatic disease ogist in charge of this project, explains a Hubbuard Tubb in the

service. Joanne Elkinton Kemp AP, philanthropic chairman, holds physical therapy room to Dorothy, Jean Maroder and San Jose

a patient. Alumnae President Sandee Market T.

344 To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON PI/SPRING of 1974


To Pragma Reporters

Reporters to TO DRAGMA, please note. Deadline for
copy for the Fall issue of T O DRAGMA is July 1, 1974.

By this time, prepare and mail to the Editor, Mrs. Rob-
ert C . Murphy, 4534 Shy's Hill Road, Nashville, Tenn.
37215, a brief, concise, yet comprehensive report about
your chapter's chapter relations program and its impact
on individual members, members of other Greek groups,
the campus, and the community beyond. Is it strengthening
the bonds of fraternity while recognizing the needs of the

Also send names and pictures of your members recently
elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Mortar Board (or its equiv-
alent) . This is a required assignment.

Feature stories and reports on chapter personalities and
activities of your group are always welcomed as well as
good black and white photographs.

Send all news to Millie Milam Murphy at the above

Mrs. Frederick W. Hinton (Adele K. P) To: Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
T#N5ea1lsehpVvhieolrlnese,a:iTl6leN1s53-A2792p71t5-.1. 4300000 HUlsboro Rd. Husband's Name
Administrative Vice President
TM24er0lse0.pCGhoreanogregn:ee6aB1d5.L-C5a7an3le-l7a, 5wK5a8nyox(Jvailnleir.aTeNLin37e9b2a0ugh 0) Maiden Name
Executive Vice President
T6M0e5rles.pWMheosinctehT:ieh5oM0m1.-a9Bs3,a5rJ-3bo3ne9re3s(bRoorosa, liAeRGo7r2h4a0m1 20) Collegiate Chapter
Extension Vice President
Mrs. Richard C. Crawford, Jr. (Margaret Kramer I )
9113 Massasoit, Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Telephone: 312-422-5244
M902rs9. MJaacpkleBG. Kroinveg D(Gr.e,rSatldLinoeuiMs, aMrtOind6a3l1e2Q6O)
TTreeleapsuhroenre: 314-843-9689
TM12e2rl1es8.pAhSouangreua:szte2nA13Pc-k3lae6cl3e-(,0N2G7or1ramnaadMa aHrislhlsa,llCKAB9)1344


TM29er6lse5.pPJh.hoaRnreor:dCn4e0oy4u-r2Ht3a7Sr-o1rui4st8h7(,CNaWrol,yAntHlaunetay,AGSA) 30305 New Address

Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Present Office Held ~ For speedier service
T30e0le0pMhoenaed:ow31s7P-5k4w5-y6.5.5S3uite 109, Indianapolis, IN 46205 of Chapter Attach Old T.D. Label
Executive Director—Mrs. Marie E. Hughes (B4>)

P O S T M A S T E R — P l e a s e send notice of undeliverable Second Class Postage Paid at
copies on F o r m 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, Suite 109. Indianapolis, Indiana, and at
3000 Meadows Parkway, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 additional mailing offices.

Central Office Acquisition Fund ACCENT AOTI

As of Dec. 1, 1973, the Central
Office Acquisition Fund had grown
to $7,000 in birthday contributions
and pledges.

25,000. This is more than a quarter of The smooth, lustrous gold of the circle emphasizes the
20,000= the way toward our estimated goal super-imposed AOTT sheaf of wheat in AOTT's sheaf circle
15,000= of $25,000 for a down payment on pin for best pledge.
a permanent Central Office Head-
quarters. Order it directly from L. G . Balfour Company, Attleboro,
Mass. 02703. The catalogue number is 11223 and the price
Council has recognized the press- is only $2.75. In addition Balfour adds $2.00 on orders less
ing need of our fraternity for a than > 15.00, $1.00 for individual shipments, and of course,
Central Office which will enable state and local taxes where applicable and shipping costs.
us to function efficiently in our
modern and competitive society and SEND TO:
which will preserve our history and
archives in the manner of all strong
Greek organizations.

10,000= Very basic to a strong and pros- PENS, Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
pering organization is the source
from which they operate . . . the 3000 Meadows Parkway, Suite 109
$5,000 office and equipment which allows
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205

for fast and accurate communica- Name

tion; coordination of ideas, policies, (Print)

procedures and decision making. Address

In order to meet this need, Council established the Central (City) (State) (Zip)
Office Acquisition Fund. Although contributions to the fund

are not tax deductable, it is hoped that every A O I I will make a (Receiving Philanthropic Credit)

contribution to the future growth and development of our Date ordered

fraternity. Please send dozen AOTT PENS at

Please send all contributions to: Alpha Omicron Pi Central $ 12.00 per dozen or $ 1.00 each.
Office, 3000 Meadows Parkway, Suite 109, Indianapolis, Ind.
46205. Be sure and designate your name, chapter, amount of Enclosed is check payable to PENS, Alpha Omicron Pi,
contribution and the fact that it is for the COA Fund.
in the amount of $

Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery

ALPHA OMICRON PI Change of Address
Central Office
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway, To A O I I Parents
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 Y o u r daughter's magazine is sent to her home address until gradua-
tion so you can learn more about AOII and T O D R A G M A . I f she is
no longer in college and is not living at home, please send her present
address to Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Address on the form
at the left.

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