of A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi
Vol. X X V Number 3
Jane Addams (Frontispiece) 2
Vital, Real is Hull House 8
Every Castle Has Its Romantic Tower Room 12
Thirteen Alpha O's Organize Rochester Alumna; Chapter
800 Attend Bi-annual Panhellenic Congress Banquet
N.P.C. Constitution May be Amended by Seven-eighths Vote 19
To D H A O M A Editor Elected Secretary-Treasurer 21
Part-time Editors' Salary $1,141 Yearly 23
en our Mesa Verde Indian Life Studied by Alpha O Archcologist 29
medals 30
can be Ya-b-tchai
Special 32
of the Exquisite is Chi Delta's House 36
medal How We Built Chi Delta's House 48
IN The Land of Black Diamonds 51
nd 52
Life is Like a Candle in the Wind 53
Where, Oh Where, Are the Twentieth Century Fencers? . . . . ' 62
"Hello," Alumna: Superintendents Say 114
Coming Home from Paris
Wherein We Get Stuck in Persia's Mud
La Wanda Fenlason, International Relations Representative
Balancing the Chapter's Budget
The Quiet Corner .>^^^^^v^w.v'.,'.^ir.>'i^.....>.-...
The Editor Speaks ...>^....
Alpha O's in the Daily Press
Active Alpha O's
The Active Chapters
The Alumna; Chapters
The Directory of Officers
R C H • 19 3
ALPHA [A]—Barnard College—Inactive. ETA |H]—University of Wisconsin,
Pi [ I I ] — H . Sophie Newcorab Memorial Madison, Wis.
College, New Orleans, La. ALPHA P H I [A*]—Montana State Col-
lege, Bozeman, Mont.
No [N]—New York University, New
York City. Nu. OMICRON [NO]—Vanderbilt Univer-
sity, Nashville, Tenn.
OMICRON [0]—University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, Tenn. Psi [+1—University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pa.
KAPPA [K]—Randolph-Macon Woman's
College, Lynchburg, Va. P H I [•]—University of Kansas, Law-
rence, Kan.
ZETA [ZJ—University of Nebraska, Lin-
coln, Neb. OMEGA [0]—Miami University, Oxford,
SIGMA [£]—University of California,
Berkeley, Calif. OMICRON P I [OB]—University of Michi-
gan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
THETA [G]—DePauw University, Green-
castle, Ind. ALPHA SIGMA [AS]—University of Ore-
gon, Eugene, Ore.
BETA [B]—Brown University—Inactive.
X i [2]—University of Oklahoma, Nor-
DELTA [A]—Jackson College, Tufts Col- man, Okla.
lege, Mass.
Pi DELTA [BA]—University of Mary-
GAMMA [T]—University of Maine, land, College Park, Md.
Orono, Me.
T A U DELTA [TA]—Birmingham-Southern
EPSILON [E]—Cornell University, Ithaca, College, Birmingham, Ala.
KAPPA THETA [K9J—University of Cali-
R H O IP]—Northwestern University, fornia at Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
Evanston, 111. Calif.
LAMBDA [A]—Leland Stanford Univer- KAPPA OMICRON [KO]—Southwestern,
sity, Palo Alto, Calif. Memphis, Tenn.
IOTA [I]—University of Illinois, Cham- ALPHA R H O [AP]—Oregon Agricultural
paign, III. College, Corvallis, Ore.
T A U [T]—University of Minnesota, Min- C H I DELTA TXA]—University of Colo-
neapolis, Minn. rado, Boulder, Colo.
C H I [X]—Syracuse University, Syracuse, BETA THETA [B91—Butler University,
N.Y. Indianapolis, Ind.
UPSILON [T]—University of Washington, ALPHA P I [An]—Florida State College
Seattle, Wash. for Women, Tallahassee, Fla.
Nu KAPPA [NK]—Southern Methodist EPSILON ALPHA [EA]—Pennsylvania
University, Dallas, Tex. State College, State College, Pa.
BETA P H I [B^P]—Indiana University, THETA ETA [OH]—University of Cincin-
Bloomington, Ind. nati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
N E W Y O R K A L U M N A — N e w York City. KANSAS CITY ALUMNA—Kansas CHy,
SAN F R A N C I S C O A L U M N A — S a n Fran-
cisco, Calif.
O M A H A A L U M N A — O m a h a , Neb.
S Y R A C U S E ALUMNA—Syracuse, N.Y. ,
PROVIDENCE A L U M N A — P r o v i d e n c e , D E T R O I T A L U M N A — D e t r o i t , Mich.
N A S H V I L L E A L U M N A — N a s h v i l l e , Tenn.
Rhode Island. C L E V E L A N D A L U M N A — C l e v e l a n d , Ohio.
B O S T O N A L U M N A — B o s t o n , Mass.
L I N C O L N A L U M N A — L i n c o l n , Neb. M E M P H I S A L U M N A — M e m p h i s , Tenn.
Los A N G E L E S A L U M N A — L o s Angeles, M I L W A U K E E ALUMNA—Milwaukee, Wis.
—C H I C A G O ALUMNA—Chicago, III. A L U M N A — Birmingham.
INDIANAPOLIS A L U M N A Indianapolis,
N E W O R L E A N S A L U M N A — N e w Orleans, OKLAHOMA CITY ALUMNA—Oklahoma
City, Okla. .
Minn. cago, I I I .
M A D I S O N A L U M N A — M a d i s o n , Wis.
B A N G O R A L U M N A — B a n g o r , Me. B L O O M I N G T O N ALUMNA—Bloomington,
P O R T L A N D A L U M N A — P o r t l a n d , Ore.
S E A T T L E A L U M N A — S e a t t l e , Wash. ind. r j H
K N O X V I L L E A L U M N A — K n o x v i l l e , Tenn.
LYN C H B U R G A L UM N A —L y—n c hburg, Va. D E N V E R A L U M N A — D e n v e r , Colo. . _
Washington, C I N C I N N A T I A L U M N A — C i n c i n n a t i , Oa»
WAS H I N G T O AL U M NA T U L S A A L U M N A — T u l s a , Okla. w>v
D.C. N
A N N A R B O R A L U M N A — A n n Arbor, Mico-
A L U M N A —LFoour •its, WSU*na°y- ".*,
D A L L A S A L U M N A — D a l l a s , Tex. F O R -T W A Y N E M N A — S t.
S I n U IS
P H I L A D E L P H I A ALUMNA—Philadelphia, d A L U
Pa. T. O
^Alpha Omicron Pi
VOL. X X V M A R C H , 1930 NO. 3
a=f°«=£<l<HC ' i ill' nnjOI'foi
Send all editorial material to
405 Elm Street,
Menasha, Wisconsin
50 Broad Street,
Bhomfield, N. J.
To D R A G M A is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity, 405 Elm Street,
Menasha, Wisconsin, and is printed by The George Banta Publishing Company.
Entered at the Post Office at Menasha, W isconsin, as second class matter under
the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro-
vided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized February 12, 1920.
To D R A G M A is published four times a year, October, January, March and May.
Subscription price, 50 cents per copy, $2 per year, payable in advance; Life
Subscription $15.
H U L L H O U S E — A n Etching by M . Topchevsky G
Jane rylddams H
By R U T H C O M F O R T M I T C H E L L t
Remember Botticelli's Fortitude stree
In the Uffisif—The worn, waiting face: borh
lne p
The pale, fine-fibred hands upon the mace; „Y
The brow's serenity, the lips that -brood, ^ree
The vigilant, tired patience of her mood? p th
There was a certain likeness I could trace art
,,e, E
The day I heard her in a country place, •£eir
v0 e
Talking to knitting women about food.
Through cool statistics glowed the steady gleam
Of that still undismayed, interned desire;
But—strength and stay, and deeper than the dream-
The txvo Commands that she is pledged to keep
In the red welter of a world on fire.
Are, 'what is that to thee*' and 'Feed my Sheep!'
of Alpha O m i c r o n P/
. 25 M A R C H , 1930 - No. 3
G^Jital, l^eal is Jfull Jfouse
By M A R Y A R D E N Y O U N G , Omega
HULL HOUSE, in undergraduate days, meant a book of some four
hundred and fifty pages which the sociology professor foisted
upon the hapless student, who already thought she was over-
ked. I t was all very vague; a house, a motley neighborhood, a busy
et. Tremendously interesting with stories of the people, the work
ong them and the fascinating illustrations of street scenes, the neigh-
hood children and corners of Hull House; but all very remote from
provincialism of the campus.
Yet, how very real and vital it all is as one walks along Halsted
eet. Getting off the " L " we find ourselves in the midst of the largest
ek community in the country. On every side we hear Greek spoken,
store windows show foods foreign to American tastes; the names
he stores themselves smack of the glory that once was Greece: the
thenon, the Olympic, the Diana and others equally classic. Or else
English is scorned altogether and they use the Greek characters in
r name?. Proceeding along the street, in wintry weather, we meet
vendor of hot chestnuts, the sizzling peanut wagons, an occasional
4 To DK \',MA MA
hot tamale man and always the raucous radio or mechanical music (S
machines which blare forth unendingly their foreign songs. I f it hap-
pens to be summer when one passes along, then there is in evidence the P
sweet corn roaster, toasting his ears of corn over a pan of charcoal, any
the ice cream sandwich man does a flourishing business, and one is likely mur
to pass a half dozen in the course of a couple of blocks. The beggars, Dra
driven into hibernation by winter, reappear in summer. Usually, one The
meets a blind concertina player, very dirty, very dishevelled, very dis-
agreeable as to countenance, led by an equally bedraggled and dis- deat
agreeable woman carrying a tin cup. The plaintive tones of ' Nellie
Gray," "Suwanee River," "Turkey in the Straw," fit but illy on this cos- Wom
mopolitan street, and the tin cup never seems to net much. Less pic- l s sk
turesque than the concertina player or an occasional strolling violinist, nota
are the beggars who sit along the sidewalk holding out their hats for man
a dole. Mol
Nearly every other door along the street is a Greek coffee house, T
where men sit about smoking or drinking very black coffee from small twen
cups and playing cards. As Hull House is neared, the Spanish influ- the M
ence is noted, for the Mexicans are beginning to come to the neighbor- •airy
hood in large numbers. This vicinity is made even more colorful by the
gypsies, with their full skirts and dresses of gay, bright cloths. Large T
signs above tiny entrance ways proclaim the gypsies' proficiency in child
phrenology and palmistry. As one passes by, he is enticed within by
whispered entreaties to "have your fortune told." mark
Then Hull House looms as a huge building covering a block. Enter- wa
ing, we first come to a large reception room, high-ceilinged and in archi- tli ^
tecture a splendid example of the Victorian period. A feeling of rest- "fie
fulness and peace seems to pervade the room, the wide-spread Windsor
chairs, the soft lights, the open fireplace, all lend tone to this feeling.
It is completed if Jane Addams happens to be sitting there after dinner,
talking with groups of her friends about her. Continuing through the
House, we come to the Octagon; this, as the name implies, is a many-
sided room, with bottle glass windows from ceiling to floor. This is
really the office and here the business of the day is attended to. The
walls are covered with maps showing the growth and change of the
neighborhood with the fluctuating movement of the nationalities. Pef"
haps the most interesting room of all is the residents' dining room. It >s
spacious, with a wide, high fireplace at one end. The ceiling is beamed,
the lights are covered with parchment shades, casting a gentle glow
over the whole room. The buffets hold collections of copper and brass
coming from here, there, and everywhere in the world. The samovars
hold tales of Russian revolutions, the enormous round copper platter5
tell in their designs of old world religious customs. An odd piece o
speaks of someone's travel: a Dalmatian water cask, an earthen jar frorn
Egypt, ceremonial vessels from the Orient. The Dutch pewter, at o
end of the room, sits primly on its edges as though it were still m
prim Dutch cupboard. The dinner service is worthy of attention too.
The blue willow ware and Spode's Tower add charm to the whole.
ARCH, 1930 £treet s
S^An Etching of a Jfalsted Scene
A street market near Hull House consists of vendors' carts
Proceeding through the house, we come to the theatre. Quite like
other small theatre in appearance except that on one side are two
rals: one of Lincoln on a flat boat, the other of Tolstoi at the plow.
amatics at Hull House was one of the pioneer adventures in Chicago.
e direction of the work was under Laura Dainty Pelham until her
ath in 1924. The Marionette Players, a group of young men and
men, is the oldest group in point of organization. The work they do
killed and finished. Their productions include many of the most
able plays, among them have been: "The Sunken Bell" by Haupt-
nn; " The Rivals" by Sheridan; "The Bourgeois Gentilhomme" by
liere, and several Shakespearean plays.
The Pirouette Club is a group of young people about sixteen to
nty years old. Their work, of course, is of a lighter vein than that of
Marionettes, but none the less skilled. They have given numerous
y plays and compositions from famous children's books.
The youngest group of players is the Harlequin Club, composed of
dren of about twelve or fourteen years of age. Their plays are re-
rkably well done. Last year they gave "Snow White and the Seven
arfs" which left a delightful memory with everyone who saw it.
^ "f t e r l e a v i n tne theatre, in the argot of Hull House, we go through
"Iron Door" into the Boys' Club. Housed in this five story buildinc
are many club and game rooms, the gymnasium and other special rooms. MA
The clubs, most of them, have their genesis in street gangs. The gang
leader, approached by a club worker from Hull House, and asked whether and
or not his gang would not like to come over to the House, thinks it over is le
on the spot, his keen black eyes peering out from under his dog-eared at H
cap, looks his questioner over from head to foot. I f he approves, he peru
raises his arm to his gang and in one accord they follow, as an orchestra hap
responds to the baton of its leader. Their organization and their leader-
ship are usually carried over from the street to the club. They are D
given a room and have the use of the game rooms and the gymnasium.
The Orioles, one of the oldest clubs, has a very ambitious group of roun
young men, most of whom are in high school and are looking forward no r
to college. I n the transposition of the gang from the street to Hull chap
House, it often retains its name, which is most often as colorful as the o f th
gang. There are the Rangers, the Black Pirates, the Hawkeyes, the Red girls
Bullets, etc. talki
The clubs are by no means limited to boys and men. The girls and sion
women come into their own also. Clubs for all the household arts, for Jjst
music, for dancing, for art work and many social groups all for girls tet
and women. Once a month the neighborhood party is held in Bowen
Hall. The men and women, young and old, come to sing, to dance, ap
or just to be sociable. One of these parties is never quite complete unless ri.?.
two Irish women, old settlers in the neighborhood, dance jigs to "The
Wearin' of the Green" or some other lively Irish tune. W
Before the subject of clubs is left, the children's clinic should at
least be mentioned. Each Thursday the clinic is held for children who n
are members of the clubs and classes. They are weighed, measured, and
thoroughly examined and if necessary, referred to a dispensary. p
Even the briefest sketch of Hull House would not be complete with- nra
out mentioning the Labor Museum. One of the purposes of the settle-
ment is to bridge the gap between the old world and the new and to
make the crossing easier. Taken so quickly from the almost primitive
environment of southeastern Europe and set into the midst of a con-
gested, highly modern, swiftly moving city, is a shock to these people-
Adjustment is less easy for the women than for the men, for the latter
soon become absorbed in industry. So to give these women a sense
of belonging, a feeling of security, an idea of the relation between the
new and the old, the labor museum was inaugurated. By arranging
the earliest forms of spinning in sequence with the gradually advancing
methods, it is shown that there is no abrupt change to our present day
textile factory from the old way of spinning on a wheel by the ^ l t c n e
fire. I t is all related, just as everything else is. I t is only necessa y
to understand. So these Italian, Syrian, Greek, Slav, or Celt women
come to the museum, spin on the wheels of their country and we ^
on familiar looms and feel at home even in the midst of this comp
and hurried life. House
This is only a hasty and very inadequate sketch of what Hull _
is and what it does. This year marks the close of its fortieth annive» •
ARCH, 1930 7
d each year has been full and fruitful so one must be forgiven if much
eft out in so short a paper. Miss Addams' latest book, "Forty Years
Hull House" will soon be off the press, and I recommend it for your
rusal. Also, if anyone happens to come to the House, I shall be very
ppy to "tote" her through.
A street vendor urges his tired horse forward
^Attend Hjour District Convention
DISTRICT conventions are in order this year and we want to en-
courage as many of you as possible to attend. The conventions
are for the undergraduates primarily, and their discussions and
nd tables have proved very valuable to active chapters. There seems
reason for alumme chapters not having round tables at the same
. " l yI I w i worth while and inspirational for each alumnae
1)e m n n i t e
pter in the district to send the president or a representative to each
these conventions. You alumnae will be interested in knowing the
s of the other active chapters, and won't you have a splendid time
king about money-raising plans, ways in which you get alumnae in-
ested, your time and place of meeting and all that sort of discus-
n? The Ithaca convention added your names to the official delegate
of the district convention, you will remember. Start to make your
of questions and problems you wish to talk about. The alumnae
pters are to finance the expenses of sending the alumnae president.
.U. fiml that the exchange of ideas will stir up so much en-
asm that the expenditure will be well worth the cost.
We can't give you the place nor the dates of the conventions at
'l m e except that Great Lakes convention will be held at Madison
Eta as hostess and the date will be early in May. Each of your
pters will be notified of the dates of your conventions or Edith
ntmgton Anderson will be glad to answer your questions after the
ngenients have been completed.
Svery Qastlejfas &ts <T
£o 3 T^ent 'Burg Cjfinstergrun in the Th
^Austrian zjllps Tla
FI N D I N G it man. the m
that I learn German, I went centu
to Austria and studied with griin
an Italian marquise. A
It was by no means my fault room
that I reached Burg Finster- tions
griin when I had planned. The uniqu
course southeast from Salzburg and t
is complicated for the unini- self a
tiated. However, I listened casem
most carefully to all instruc- are n
tions and endeavored to carry their
them out with a thoroughness stone
o( m
which almost proved disastrous. birch
Having previously learned the ;z o n
wisdom of acquainting my fel- from
low travelers with my intended block
the m
destination, I explained that I d°or
hoped to change cars at BissonH
hofen from whence 1 would go
to Radstadt where I would take
a bus over the Tauern Pa
A glimpse into the walls of the castle Mauterndorf where I would
reveals the picturesque Courtyard take an abbreviated train to
Ramingstein where 1 would
take a donkey cart: to Burg FiO"
stergriin. On approaching JBissofshofen I smiled cherubically and be-
gan struggling with my baggage. Instead of offering the expected im-
petus to my suit case on its way out the window, the three burly oc-
cupants of my third class compartment furnished unexpected opposition.
A tug of war ensued. The female occupant provided the cheering sec-
tion. They wrested the bag from my protecting grasp, forcibly restore
me to my seat, and with equal force de-
tained me there. Being too exhausted to /irt
do anything else, I maintained a dignified
silence until, to my astonishment, our
train pulled in to Radstadt. Some time
later, with less excitement but mounting
interest, I found myself seated with my
hostess in a donkey cart and gazing up
/ / v MAKCA>
T^omantic Towercl^oom
hen 3 Qlimb the Challenging Teaks and
ay With the Qods
mountain side at the twelfth
ury castle, Burg Finster-
All true and honest twelfth
ury castles have tower
ms, and Burg Finstergriin's
me my abode. The exac-
s and compensations arising
m life in a tower room are
ue. In addition to the ne-
ty of climbing one hundred
thirty-seven steps of a spiral
way in order to find your-
at home is that of sitting
hours in the deep window
ment that you may enjoy
e of the sun's rays which
not caught up by the low
es' and hurled back toward
source. Yet from this
dow ledge of rough grey
e you look down on the tops
mountain evergreens and My Castle, Burg b'instergriin, over-
hes; you look out on the looks the town of Ramingstein
lapping hills on the hori-
you look up at your own
ntain top close at hand. Perchance you turn to let the light fall
behind you on your book. An enormous square stove of white
e, the exterior of'which is checkerboard in pattern with four inch
ks defined in black forming frames for concave hemispheres, seems
most obtrusive bit of furniture. The unpainted chairs and table, the
on its huge iron hinges, and the heavy wooden pillars from floor
to roof all seem an integral part
of the room. Water pails and
a china bowl and pitcher remind
you that, if as your impover-
ished condition suggests, you
wish to use a portion of your
morning hot water for laundry
purposes, you must arise early.
.1 0 To DRAGMA
More powerful as a motive for early rising is the lure of mountain
climbing. Slipping under rucksacks full of provisions you and your
companions set off at a brisk pace to keep warm. The women reaping
in the fields pause to stare. Each peasant you meet on the road, re-
gardless of age or sex, gives you a hearty, "Griis Got." Huge Christmas
balls on top of sticks among the cabbages and flowers glisten in little
gardens. By noon you welcome the icy waters of some secluded lake.
At evening you thankfully drag your weary muscles into the half-way
house where you hungrily eye the stew a keeper is preparing for you.
If you were wise, you reserved lodging in advance; if not, you envy
those who are sure of theirs while you sleep on the floor. Before dawn
men and women begin to emerge from the long row of beds pawing
in the darkness for shoes and coats. Early morning finds you puffing
up the last weary miles of your mountain peak longing for a chance to
go down if only for a few steps instead of this eternal up, up, up.
However, the opportunity comes all too soon, although the descent is
made less arduous by using your rucksacks as sleds and taking advant-
age of the snow.
The Alpine Mountains have entered into the lives of the Austrian
peasants in many ways other than that of furnishing a ground work for
their civilization. Their dolomite composition accounts for their utility
as a chief factor in a serviceable building material. To the uniform
square cottages and high steepled churches is given thus a pristine white-
ness coolly reminiscent of the weighty winter snows. The mudless roads
and rapid waters, which travel side by side through narrow valleys
form double links of no great length between the tiny hill towns. The
frequent wayside shrines and awesome tablets tell tales of those who
yielded highest tribute to the exacting rigours of the mountains. And the
challenging peaks, awaiting with adamantine calmness their crushing
destination, are to those they've known from birth inspiring irii-nds.
Our neighboring town was Tamsweg mt
^Alpha O's
T H I R T E E N is a lucky num-
ber for Rochester members of
Alpha Omicron Pi for it
marks the number of charter
members of the newly formed
Rochester Alumna? chapter. The
installation took place on Febru-
ary 8 at the house of Nell
Fain Lawrence. The chap-
ter is fortunate in other ways
than in numbers, since its
t astman Kodak Company, Rochester's most membership includes not
Officer, but Joanna Donlon
nmleyd iNndeulstlry,Laaws rseeennceth,roouguhr tphreecsaemnerta'sExetyeen. sion
Huntington, a past Grand Secretary. I t boasts, too, a greater diversity
f chapters in comparison with its size than, probably, any other alumna?
hapter, for eleven separate chapters are represented. Moreover, the
ize of the group has increased rapidly in the last year or two. Altogether
has a most auspicious beginning, and we wish it a happy future.
The members of the new chapter are: Abigail Roberts, Omicron Pi;
Margaret Snook Folwell, Rho; Edwina Dearden Grunow, Alpha; Madge
Richardson Cassady, Beta Phi: Nell Fain Lawrence, Nu Omicron; Lu-
ille Goedde Hatfield, Eta; Charlotte Cooley Dickason, Alpha Phi;
Martha Jane Hitchner, Omega; Helen Worster Cleaves, Gamma;
oanna Donlon Huntington, Epsilon; Kathryn Brown Murphy, Rho.
The officers elected are: president, Abigail Roberts; vice president,
Madge Richardson Cassady; secretary, Margaret Snook Folwell; treas-
rer, Martha Jane Hitchner; historian, Lucille Goedde Hatfield; editor,
Helen Howalt Lowe. (Continued on page 24)
By E L I Z A B E T H HEYWOOD W Y M A N , Grand President
8oo ((
li LI
(I 1 ii III III
1 if II
V Brown
Palace Hotel
was the seem I hese cuts «*
of the mcctitui ,,„„,-,/ throtf
of N a t i o n al I he courti IJ
Panhellenic junta's Grtn\
G L A D Y S P U C I I R E D D , K A, X K M . I K P . PB'NC*.
( Three ^present <Alpha 0 at Denver
1'onr delegates were snapped by a Denver Post photographer. From left to right,
H'ilma Smith Leland, Pmckney Estes Glanteberg, and Elisabeth Heywood Wymafl.
<5\! 'P. Q. Constitution ^May
'Be ^Amended <By 7/8 Vote
By W I L M A S M I T H L E L A N D , Tan
TH E twenty-first National Panhellenic Congress will take its place
in the history of intersorority history as one of the milestones of
progress. From now on the constitution may be amended by a
ote of seven-eighths of the membership instead of by a unanimous
allot. Among other important pieces of business done was the admis-
on of Phi Omega Pi, Beta Sigma Omicron, Lambda Omega to associ-
e membership. The short, open rush season was again emphatically
ndorsed by National Panhellenic Congress after the past year's experi-
nce with deferred pledging. The Committee on College Panhellenics
oes not recommend the election of local Panhellenic officers. The Con-
ress also commended the pledging of some junior college girls each
ear in order to bring a closer feeling between the lower and upper divi-
ons in education.
And now that we've given you a few of the high spots, we'll go back
the beginning and tell you that the Congress was called to order
n February 24 at the Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, Colorado. Your dele-
ates were Pinckney Estes Glantzberg (Psi), our Panhellenic delegate,
lizabeth Heywood Wyman (Alpha), our Grand President, as alternate,
14 M
and Wilma Smith Leland (Tau), our editor, as delegate to the Editors' bu
Conference. The other delegates were: Amy Burnham Onken, IIB$; ta
L . Pearle Green, KA®; Mrs. Richard Lloyd-Jones, KKT; Mrs. Joseph lit
Halsted, A T ; Amy Comstock, A * ; Lillian Thompson, IM>B; Mrs.
Irving Brown, A X f i ; R. Louise Fitch, AAA; Mrs. Anna M . Knote, fr
ASA; Mrs. Mary Love Collins, Xf2; Lorah Monroe, ^ K ; Mrs. Bertha so
Cruse Gardner, ZTA; Louise Leonard, A r A ; Irma Tapp, AAII; hi
Rene Sebring Smith, AZ; Mrs. Edward P. Prince, <1>M; Mrs. A. M .
Redd, K A ; Harriet T u f t , B4>A; Mrs. Isabel W. Hemenway, AA0; 19
and Mrs. John H . Moore, ©Y. Of course, you know that Irma Tapp, 1 N
AATI, was chairman; Miss Smith, AZ, was secretary, and Mrs. Prince, m
<PM, treasurer. The Congress opened with roll call and their reports. M
Followed the reports of committees with the results I've given you. The H
new constitution was defeated, but the single amendment accepted. In C
the report on College Panhellenics, Mrs. Brown, AX12. urged that C
rushing rules be simple so that they may be understood clearly. She O
urged that every sorority chapter read and understand N.P.C.'s recom- E
mendations concerning broken, transferring, and expired pledges. A co
pledge expires at the end of a calendar year from the date of pledging, M
and a girl is not eligible for re-pledging on any campus until that time.
I n the case of a broken pledge, she is not eligible until the end of a h
calendar year, the period starting with the date of the breaking of the e
pledge. The understanding of such rules will often save a local Pan- e
hellenic penalty. One of the most important results of Mrs. Brown's e
report was the invitation to the College Panhellenics to send representa- C
tives to attend a program at the next meeting of N.P.C. Out of Mrs. g
Jones's report on City Panhellenics grew the same result. So at the 1932 to
meeting of National Panhellenic Congress we shall expect to see these U
representatives. I t will be a pleasure to have them present. The Con- p
gress also went on record as follows concerning the City Panhellenic mem- s
bership: I t is the consensus of opinion of N.P.C. that City Panhellenics n
should admit members of N.P.C. sororities made members by special h
dispensation, thus urging that membership be extended to such persons w
as may not be attending college or college graduates at the time or I
initiation. H
Three interesting talks were given on Wednesday afternoon, Feb- s
ruary 2 6 , by Miss Walton, Mrs. Hopkins, and Mrs. Litchfield. Miss d
Walton spoke for the educational sororities, begging N.P.C. sororities s
to refrain from entering their fields, the teachers' college and normal t
school. I t is understood that N.P.C. will respect the wishes of the edu- G
cational sororties, but they in turn are asked not to enter departments
of education in universities. Mrs. Hopkins gave an entertaining talk w
about the junior college sorority, and Mrs. Litchfield spoke on the junior l
college and the new trend of education. The latter urged N'.PAC. to
encourage the junior college sororities, but she felt that it would be un-
wise for N.P.C. sororities to enter the field.
At the next Congress the Executive Committee, consisting of Miss
Smith, AZ, chairman, Mrs. Prince, * M , secretary, and Mrs. Redd,
MARCH, 1930 IS
A, treasurer will plan round tables for various sorority officers. Won't
be splendid to let the national treasurers who are present discuss books,
udgets, convention expenses, etc., a whole afternoon while president
lk over their problems? The editors have been doing this for some
ttle time, you know, at their conference.
The Congress authorized the preparation of a survey on the cost of
aternity membership from pledging through initiation. Miss Thomp-
on and Miss Tapp will confer with the deans of women concerning a
istorical survey of sororities which the deans wish made.
Then came the appointment of new committees for the years 1930-
931. Alpha Omicron Pi will serve on the Committee on Eligibility and
Nationalization of Social Groups. Miss Leonard is chairman of the com-
mittee, and the other members are Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Hemenway.
Mrs. Brown is again chairman of the Committee on College Panhellenics.
Her members are Miss T u f t and Mrs. Moore. The City Panhellenics
Committee consists of Miss Monroe, Mrs. Jones, and Mrs. Knote. The
Committee on Publicity, is chairmaned by Miss Comstock with Miss
Onken and Mrs. Gardner together with Miss Merdian, chairman of the
Editors' Conference, as an ex-officio member. The committee who will
ompile the survey on fraternity membership costs has as its chairman
Miss Greene and its members, Miss Fitch and Mrs. Halsted.
And now that the business of the week is over, let us turn to the
hours of play. On Monday the delegates and national officers ate lunch-
eon together in the main dining room in the Browii. That evening the
editors had their banquet but more of that in another place. Monday
evening there was an informal entertainment in the ballroom. Denver
City Panhellenic members were hostesses, and they provided a pro-
gram of music and readings. Late Tuesday afternoon we were taken
o Boulder to a supper given at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house by the
University of Colorado Panhellenic, of which our own Hazel Lee is
president. The Kappa house is a lovely Colonial building, and the
sorority girls of Colorado pleasing hostesses. M r . Morris, the good-
natured husband of Edna Brown Morris (Lambda), drove us over and
home again. M r . Morris proved another loyal Alpha O partner while
we were in Denver!
Mrs. Sidney Richmond Sweet entertained at a formal tea at the Olin
Hotel on Wednesday afternoon in honor of the Delta Delta Delta dele-
gates, Mrs. N . E. Parmelee and R. Louise Fitch. Erma Greenawalt (Ep-
silon), took us to the tea and then to the Denver Country Club for
dinner with Denver alumna; chapter. The chapter is small, its member-
ship being made up of girls from Epsilon to Lambda. I t was a pleasure
to meet them and later to attend formal ritual at the home of Helen
Gump (Omega).
A trip to Lookout Mountain and home through Bear Creek Canyon
with tea at the Shrine Temple as guests of Denver University Panhel-
lenic took place on Thursday afternoon. We have no chapter there, of
course, so the Sigma Kappas kindly took us. It was a most beautiful
nde, winding up, up into the clouds and mist where the pines were so
1. The constitution of National ce
Panhellenic Congress may be
amended by a seven-eighths vote. , op
2. A survey of fraternity mem- gi
I bership costs will be presented at C
the next Congress.
3. Three sororities become asso- •• me
ciate members. as
Denver Civic Center i 4. A program will be prepared* an
for delegates of city and college \
Panhellenics at the next meeting. J Cl
hoary with frost that they looked like sugar confections. Then as we an
started down after we'd thrown our pennies on Buffalo Bill's grave, the lem
sun chased the mist away, and we could see the snow-covered peaks of the th
highest Rockies. wa
Finally we hurried home to dress for the formal banquet at the Cos- co
mopolitan Hotel. Over 800 sorority women attended it so you may vision Fr
what a pretty banquet it was. Many of the actives came over from Ch
Boulder and with a goodly number of Denver alumnae, we had quite m
a group of Alpha O's. Miss Tapp was toastmistress. The program be- so
gan with the Panhellenic song written by Lindsey Barbee, T3>B; di
Mrs. Lowell White, ITB<I>, president of Denver City Panhellenic, wel- we
comed the guests, and Miss Tapp in turn introduced each of the Pan-
hellenic delegates. The address was given by the Honorable James Graf- °f
ton Rogers, dean of the law school at the University of Colorado. A
short medley of songs of the N.P.C. sororities followed, and it was over.
We hated to say "good-by" to our Boulder and Denver friends who'd
made our stay so pleasant; we wanted to stay longer to talk to our
Panhellenic associates, but we had to scurry along to pack, for on Fri-
day we left. Pinckney left by plane early Friday morning, and needless
to say, we went to see her off.
We are looking forward across the next two years to the next National
Panhellenic Congress. Panhellenic has started to accomplish the busi-
ness for which it was intended—to advise and help the college and city
Panhellenics, to exchange ideas and experiences of sorority leaders. We
hope it won't get sidetracked again. Its program is too important to
waste time.
To Dragma Sditor Sleeted Secretary- Treasurer
YOUR editor, Wilma Smith Leland, was elected secretary-treasurer of
the Sorority Editors' Conference at the banquet given Monday, Feb-
ruary 24, at the Brown Palace Hotel, Denver. Florence Merdian,
<3>M, is the chairman.
The banquet was planned by Alpha Chi Omega, Mrs. Mark E.
Uncapher having charge in place of Hazel E. Eckhart, former editor of
The Lyre and chairman of the Conference. The place cards were replicas
of our magazine covers. Immediately after dinner Mrs. Uncapher read
A R C H , 1930 17
5. Round table for national o f f i -
ers will be a feature of the next
6. The Congress recommends i
Freshman rushing with a short
pen season.
7. The pledging of some junior
irls each year was suggested.
8. Rotation of sororities to fill
College Panhellenic offices was
^ |l
Miss Eckhart's report of the meeting in Boston in 1928. Until this
eeting, the Conference has been very loosely organized, a secretary
eing elected at the beginning of the bi-annual meeting. She served
chairman during the ensuing years and was the only officer of the
onference. At this meeting we affected a more formal organization,
nd we now have two permanent officers.
All of us were anxious to hear about our advertising plan which
lavton Butterfield has arranged for us. The sororities who have en-
red the agreement are AOII, AX«, # M , ArA, XK, AT, AO, AAII
nd B#A. I f the secret issue of I1B$ could be published so that it
ould be satisfactory to the advertisers they would enter. That prob-
m seemed pretty well solved later. The advertising will include
welve pages of national advertising to be inserted in the back of
he magazine. The subject of advertising led to a discussion of the
rices each editor charged for her own advertising. Jean James, A A I I ,
as appointed to make a survey of these charges. She reported at a
Wednesday luncheon meeting. Discussion of lost subscribers, magazine
osts and all the other problems close to an editor's heart followed.
A letter of greeting from Leland F. Leland, TKE, president of the
raternity Editors' Association was read. He extended an invitation
o the editors in the midwestern region to attend the editors' dinner in
hicago in June. The secretary was delegated to answer Mr. Leland's
tter! Miss Merdian will continue as chairman of the advertising com-
Many of the editors wished notices of new chapters sent to them
o the request was taken to the Congress. Like all people we wanted
money, so we asked the Congress to appropriate some for our use. They
id! And we intend to use it to combat antisorority or fraternity pub-
city, the expenditure to be made for clipping services in order that
we editors may know what is being said about our groups and where
is being said. These plans we made at breakfast.
You wonder why we always eat at our meetings? Well, you see we
ttend the sessions of the Congress, and since they occupy the hours
the day, we resort to mealtimes for our meetings. Whether it is
ecause we are indulging in such delightful occupation at the time
our gatherings, or whether we are just naturally such amiable people,
e haven't figured out the reason, but we do have the best times and
gain the most from our contacts. It's so helpful to know that others
have to scrape up the pennies for each issue, that someone else has
cuts you want and will loan them to you, that there are twenty-one people
who burn the night oil the same times that you do and have the same
difficulties. Our meetings are so interesting and friendly that we find
other officers attending them.
And now, no doubt, you want to know who was there: Florence Mer-
dian, -editor of The Aglaia, <£M; L . Pearle Green, editor of The Kappa
Alpha Theta; Mrs. E. W. Hawley, editor of The Anchor a, A r ; Mrs.
George F. Thomson, editor of the Alpha Phi Quarterly; Lindsey Barbee,
editor of The Crescent, r $ B ; Mrs. Mark E. Uncapher, acting editor
of The Lyre, A X f l ; Mrs. N . E. Parmelee, editor of The Trident, AAA;
Mrs. Anna M . Knote, editor of The Alpha Xi Delta; Mrs. Isabel Hem-
enway, editor of The Portals, AA©; Mrs. Helen Hall, editor of the
Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly; Margaret Daigh, editor of The Aide-
baran, B$A; Mrs. Frances Baker, editor of The Sigma Kappa Triangle;
Jean James, editor of The Adelphian, A A I I ; Mrs. Margaret Pease, edi-
tor of The Lamp, AZ; Olga Achtenhagen, editor of The Angelos, KA;
Ida Preston, editor of The Dial, @Y; Mrs. Bertha Gardner representing
Themis, ZTA; Mary Clay Williams representing Eleusis, X12; and Mar-
garetta Fenn representing The Arrow, IIB$.
Tart-time Sditors' ^alary $1141 yearly
A Survey by L E L A N D F . L E L A N D , President of th
Fraternity Editors' Association
^ T V y i r ' >0 N E Y who 8ets t h e money," may have been the
M0NEY cl
XV.1L thought in the minds of the several fraternity editors and co
business managers last year when they suggested that the in- UP
coming administration of the College Fraternity Editors' Association W
conduct a survey of the membership to determine how generally salaries
were paid, whether or not the majority did their work as a "labor of love,'
and what the average of salaries paid might be.
Money is of great import to us all, and it was in the spirit of being of
definite service that such a survey was made by the questionnaire route.
I t was surprising to note at first blush that "the labor of love" idea is
almost as obsolete as the Saturday night bath and the old surrey, for out
of the thirty-nine part-time (or should we say "night-time") editors it
was found that twenty-seven are paid and twelve are not.
These forty-eight editors receive during the year $61,290. The thirty-
nine part-time editors receive a total of $28,490 in salaries ranging from
nothing to $2,000, while the lowest paid editor in this group receives $50.
The average for the thirty-nine is therefore (counting the twelve who
receive nothing) $730 per year. Deducting the twelve who work gratis
we have an average of $1,141, which, if this report is to be accepted as
criterion, is what the part-time average editor can expect his fraternity
to pay him. (Continued on page 35)
he Mesa Verde Indians, whom Frances Raynolds is interested in, still maintain their old
customs and religious ceremonies. They are seen here in a native dance
SUesa Uerde Indian J^ife ^tudied
by Alpha O Archeologist
By MARY V I R G I N I A W E L L S , Chi Delta
FRANCES RAYNOLDS is intensely interested in archeology and
in museum work. For ten years she lived near the Mesa Verde
National park in Southern Colorado, where there are extensive
liff dwelling remains and ruins, and visited there every summer. Frances'
ome is now in Denver, but for the past two summers she has spent a
onsiderable amount of time in Mesa Verde.
She is doing research and study in the University of Colorado mu-
eum, under the direction of an art professor. Her ambition is to take
P museum work.
Frances is a junior in the University. She is a member of Chi
Delta Phi, national literary fraternity, and active in the University
Women's Club, and Big Sister organization.
20 To
^/a-b-tchai S
This poem and an essay gained Ja
Frances membership in Chi Delta an
Phi, national literary fraternity. ca
The sketch is also by Frances. th
"Ya-b-tchai" is an ancient Navajo lo
ceremonial. A religious cere- th
monial. The "ya" stands ha
for the gods ca
Flames— tu
Spitting crimson drops at a velvet sky, a
And cedar trees c
Shrinking, scared, into the night. g
Faces— light,
And bodies, leaping in the crimson
Black against the leaping flames.
Ringing shrill—a chant—a prayer
To ancient gods that brood
And wait, above the night.
<Alpha 0 Cfather to Conduct Oriental Tour
A N O R I E N T A L art appreciation tour—what could be more ideal
X A . t n a n t 0 8° t 0 t n e Orient with J. Arthur MacLean, curator of
Oriental Art, the Toledo Museum. He is an A O n father and
his daughter Ellen (Beta Theta) will accompany him. Ellen is looking
forward to some Alpha O companions. The tour will start on June 28
and will last until September 3. The countries to be visited are Japan,
Corea, Manchuria and China, and Hawaii. I f you are interested ad-
dress, Ellen MacLean, 582 Lincoln Avenue, Toledo, Ohio.
Sxquisite is Qhi 'Delta 'sJTouse
Ci ii I.II I' i , , ^~-VJ ^ JS-l'k KM Delta's house is
H I D E L T A Chapter *Tgfl ~ ^ 7 / T the accomplishment of
moved into a new { • J S . - ^ e f l / r ! ^
house on the Univer-
ity of Colorado campus in By
anuary. The house created
sensation on the campus MARY VIRGINIA
nd in the town, both be-
W E L L S , Chi Delta
ause of its beauty, and be-
ause of the fact that Alpha
O has been here for only
hree years.
The home, of the old English architecture, is one block from the
outh entrance of the campus. Adjoining it, and connected to it by a
ow brick wall, is the Delta Delta Delta house. Within two blocks in
his vicinity are eight, other sorority and fraternity houses, so Alpha 0
has chosen a location right in the midst of fraternity life.
The floors downstairs are of wide, polished oaken planks. Alpha O's
an use these as proof of their being up-to-the-minute.
The walls are of a rough cream plaster with here and
here delicate tints of green and rose. The lighting fix-
ures were made to order, and are of wrought iron and
amber glass.
The reception hall, living room, and dining room are
carpeted with deep-piled, luxurious rugs, of a henna color.
Silk brocade henna-colored drapes are in keeping with the
general color scheme.
From the reception hall, one looks into the living room on the left, and q
into the library on the right. The lounge occupies one third of the c
lower floor. At one end is the leaded antique glass window, which a
stretches from floor to ceiling. The fireplace is of rough Colorado a
stone. Interior decorators have carried out in this room a color scheme g
of old gold, red-violet, and blue-green. b
One whole end of the library is a built-in book and trophy case, and a
one sees this immediately upon entering the room. In the library is a
another beautiful fireplace of the Colorado stone. l
High-backed Elizabethan chairs at the head of the two stretcher din-
ing tables carry out the Old English atmosphere. \
Beyond the library is a hall which leads to the chaperon's quarters. C
These consist of a spacious living room, a bedroom, and bath. Mrs:
Sheffield has used some lovely antique furniture in her living room, tiny h
blue upholstered, walnut love seats.
On second floor there are nine study rooms, a dormitory with double
deckers for eighteen, a laundry room, a telephone booth, and a large
bathroom which is done in light green, with a tile floor. Entrance to the
balcony is from second floor.
On third floor there are eight study rooms, a "dorm," laundry room,
and bath. The rooms are arranged according to the individual tastes
of the girls.
There are two entrances to the basement. One leads to the service
One end of the living room. Note the wide board flooring
M A R C H , 1930 23
The other end of the living room, shoiving the large leaded glass window
and a bit of the fireplace
quarters, while the other is private, and leads to the chapter room. The
chapter room is directly under the living room, and is made convenient
and attractive by a fireplace and built-in closets.
The kitchen and butler's pantry are behind the dining room, and
are models of convenience. The Mothers' Club has given as their
gift to the new house a beautiful white enamel gas range.
A small stream runs cornerwise across the lot, and the house is built
back of this. The banks of the stream have been lined with rough
stones. To enter the house, one follows a curving flagstone walk, crosses
a wide, low bridge, and comes upon a tile terrace.
The most attractive features of the house, as seen from the outside,
are a large window in one end, a chimney, upon which are imposed the
letters AOII in wrought iron, and a small balcony with a wrought iron
\ Jfow We "Built Chi Deltas J£ouse
By V I O L E T T E WARD, President of Chi Delta
C ^ I C ^ O L S r u s n m where angels fear to tread," has occurred to us
J£^ many times since we started to build for Chi Delta a chapter
house equal to the very best on the campus.
For mind you, many sororities who were occupying the beautiful
homes were taking in daughters of their former active members—so
long had they been established here. We, on the contrary, were be- c
ginning our third year here. We were few indeed. During the two t
years of our existence here every sorority had at last moved into a r
beautiful home. t
The first and second years of our existence here we had been able b
to maintain a chapter of around twenty but with every sorority build- t
ing a new home, we were simply "out of luck." ( M y apology to you,
Mary Donlon, should you read this!) w
We knew it required drastic action. The active chapter consisted of v
eight members! We reasoned that should we build a house we would s
— i f the success of others indicated anything—have a chance to com- o
pete with the rest. w
We would build a house as large and as beautiful as the best—to a
insure that, we hired the architect who had planned the reputed best, d
and made him swear to make ours his masterpiece. He promised.
We came to that conclusion last May. We moved into our new a
home in January. I believe you cannot help thinking it very lovely t
from the pictures. t
The undertaking of so few has evidently appeared to many to be *
beyond comprehension; stories have gotten back to us, that have cir- M
culated on the campus, of how rich we all were, and again of how
"national" was going to send a large group here because of its desire to n
build a very strong chapter in Colorado immediately. Sometimes we,
too, feel dazed, and wonder how we dared do such a thing. w
There are now twenty-four actives and pledges. We are third out of
eleven in scholarship. We have girls in most every activity on the
Oh! You wait and see; we are very far away from other chapters,
but we'll wager we are going to make Chi Delta one of the best chapters
of Alpha O in the country. And we're going to do it fast—as we did
our house!
And you can help us with our house, for Mrs. Lucile Sheffield, our
house mother, will have charge of the house during the summer school
session. Boulder is a lovely city in which to spend the hot weather,
especially if you must go to school. What could be nicer than to live in
a brand new house during the school term? Mrs. Sheffield will be glad
to answer questions concerning accommodations and prices. x\ddress her
at 1015 Fifteenth Street, Boulder, Colorado.
I^ochester ^Alumnae Qhapter Organized
(Continued from page 11)
To continue with the account of installation, the service was con-
ducted by the Grand President, and it was followed by a lovely dinner
at the home of Edwina Dearden Grunow. The table was beautifully
decorated with red roses and fresias, a congratulatory gift from Mr-
Grunow. Helen Worster Cleaves was toastmistress, and the formal
speeches were followed by an informal chat around a wood fire.
M A R C H , 1930 25
The J^and of
ISlack cDiamonds
By Ann ANDERSON S A L E , Kappa
MOCCASINED feet long ago wore a trail along the top of Indian
Ridge into Southern West Virginia. Over it tribes migrated from
the east to the great hunting grounds of the Ohio. From it they
could look far over the other ridges, level on the top as the high one
they were on. Streams had cut this plateau into deep narrow valleys and
rugged mountains, exposing in places strata of a shining black rock. But
the Indians did not stop to notice this strange substance. On they
marched, ever watchful for enemy tribes from their high trail, leaving
behind a beaten path for the first pioneer—a path that is used by
the mountaineers to-day.
The first white settlers came early in the ninteenth century. The
wild looking country must have appeared very unfavorable for living
to them, but a few were strong enough to find fertile ground in the
valleys or on the level mountain tops. Indian Ridge soon learned the
sound of the ax as its mighty spruce and pine trees fell, and the sawing
of timber into logs for cabins. Homes were made in the hills, and names
were given to various places that today keep us mindful of these early
settlers. We find "Wolf Pen Creek," "Bear Wallow," "Indian Creek,"
and "Barrenshe" touched with the adventure and romance of another
I t is interesting to note who were some of the owners of these lands
when they were first settled. The name of Robert Morris is found in
an old patent, who was rewarded for his loans to the American Revolu-
tion by being given large grants in this territory. Meriwether Lewis,
that explorer of the far west, received tracts of land a little farther north.
. There were few trails through the forests, and as the years went on,
*t was inevitable that the family should become a strong unit. Cousin
Married cousin, and living close to themselves in the hollows, they did
n ° t change in language or customs from their grandfathers. There
was enough to keep them busy just to live, and enough natural beauty
- sq
The typical West Virginia mining town ties nestled among icoodvd mountains d
to satisfy the most aesthetic. Tall spruce and firs rose dark above the du
undergrowth of rhododendron. Clear little streams trickled down from
the mountain springs. Strangers in these hills were looked upon with ch
distrust and suspicion while the mountaineer continued to live his own ow
independent life regardless of the great advance made by outside civili- th
zation. le
With ties of blood so close and habits of free living, there came co
before long clashes between families. The famous Hatfield-McCoy feud ye
rose over the killing of a pig, and did not end until the leaders them- re
selves were killed and their descendants forgot to shoot a member of an
the enemy family on sight. On the top of a mountain there is a monu- th
ment to old Devil Anse Hatfield, the leader of the feud, erected by his sl
family. His wife, who they say was more of a fighter than the men, st
died just a few years ago.
One day Indian Ridge heard new sounds. Men from the out- C
side were digging in the hills and examining the black rock that every- in
body had known was there, but had never been bothered about. Soon th
came the laying of railroad tracks, tunnels through the ridges, and the K
coal fields of southern West Virginia were developed. Mines were opened, bu
especially along the ten-foot Pocahontas Number 3 vein, tipples were tr
built, new shacks sprang up over night, the streams became black from se
coal dust, and a whole army of outsiders moved in to dig the "black al
At first the mountaineers went farther back into their hollows or
higher upon the ridges, but gradually news of ready money and laws
requiring their children to go to school brought them to the mining
camps. There they found not only men from outside, but men from
beyond the seas. Dark Italians, Poles, Czechs, Russians, Negroes
were employed in the mines. Mining camps that held all the vices, the
MARCH, 1930 27
qualor, the tragedy and pathos of a "boom" country sprang up every-
where. Men of all kinds were needed to fill the cars that went out every
day loaded with coal, and to keep the coke ovens burning weirdly day
nd night. And the mountaineers became a part of this march of in-
Today, after about thirty-five years since this development, many
hanges have come into the coal fields. The big corporations that now
wn the mines provide decent living quarters for their employees. Al-
hough mining will never be without its tragedies, safety devices have
essened the number of accidents. Coke ovens are used no longer, as
he waste that they made is now used in manufacturing by-products of
oal. Instead of roaring mining camps are well policed towns. Some
ears ago attempts to unionize southern West Virgina resulted in a
egular war. The hot blood of mountaineer ancestors has roused fights
nd killings, foreigners just over from Europe have knifed each other;
he world war raised wages out of all proportion, and the consequent
lump made living hard; doctors, lawyers, architects, ministers and chain
tores have followed the early saloon keepers and boosters.
On general pay day it seems as if all the coal fields go shopping.
Preacher McClure," who preaches every summer at the "Holiness
Church," has come down from his mountain cabin on a mule. The super-
ntendent's wife in a Packard sedan nearly runs into him as she drives
hrough the narrow street. Two Jews come out of a shop carrying
Kosher meat. A dark eyed Polish woman struggles between carrying
undles and keeping three little girls out of the street. Pretty, at-
ractively dressed young girls with their "boy friends" go in to hear and
ee the latest Vitaphone. An old woman wearing a sunbonnet shuffles
long behind a tall mountaineer. Business men go into the bank. Every
A coal miner and his children on the front porch of their log shanty
near Brown's Creek
available space is full of parked cars, and the radios from apartments if
over the stores send out music to mingle with the din of languages, traf-
fic and people. ^^
Through all of the underlying sense of tragedy, the hard work, sharp I
contrasts in people and customs there runs a thread of fascination.
Stories of ignorance are told that are hard to believe; back in some of the ju
mining camps are happenings that make one shudder, every day is full w
of risks for the miners; ladies at the country club discuss the price of B
coal. And the "black diamond" that has lain in the hills long before in
Indian days until it was dug out to provide heat, run engines, and be
made into dyes and chemicals is the king of them all! "S
T>o You Know That— 0
La Wanda Fenlason (Alpha Sigma '30), was one of but six seniors chosen ea
for Phi Beta Kappa at the University of Oregon during the fall. Fall elec- lig
tion is especially honorary according to tradition at Oregon. She is active th
in Journalism. so
Reba Brogden (Alpha Sigma '31), is vice president of the junior class at ot
the University of Oregon. in
Rebecca Morgan ('30), has been chosen associate editor for "Troubador," ha
a national magazine of verse, upon its publication at the University of Oregon. co
Ruth Lowe (Delta '30), was the only girl in the class of 1930 to be chosen an
to Phi Beta Kappa. She is to be the commencement speaker for Jackson Col- le
lege. This is the second successive year an Alpha Omicron Pi has had this
honor, for Constance Handy ('29), was chosen last year.
Harriet Pratt (Tau '30), was chairman of the District Mortar Board
convention held at the University of Minnesota this fall. She responded to the
toast given by the Dads at the All-University Dads' Day at the Dads' Banquet
in the Union.
Helen Strand (Tau '30), will serve as chairman of the Geneva Conference
of the Y.W.C.A. this summer.
Doris Housman ('30), played the lead in "John Ferguson," a University
play given at the University of Nebraska.
Ruth Bogarty (Psi), has the leading role in "Merry-Co-Round" Drama-
tic Club production at the University of Pennsylvania.
Beta Phi has two of eight girls initiated into Pleiades, a social organization.
Georgia Bopp (Beta Phi), was elected to Phi Beta Kappa this year.
Virginia Gentry (Beta Phi), is secretary of the Junior class at Indiana
Howarda Clark (Beta Phi), is head of intramural sports for women at
Indiana University.
Phi chapter won the cup given at the University of Kansas for the best
decorated house on Homecoming Day.
Omicron chapter won the Perkins' scholarship cup two out of a possible
three times last year.
Louise Perry (Omicron '29), and Jane Zucharatto ('29), are new mem-
bers of Phi Kappa Phi at the University of Tennessee.
MARCH, 1930 29
\ \ \ U I I U / / Hj
fe is J^ike a Qandle in the 'Wind
^^^^ ^ By MARGARET R E I D ,
^^^^^^ g^F Alpha Sigma
IN I T I A T I O N candles had just been blown out. How pleased the
new sisters looked as their faces shone with happiness above the gold
and ruby of the newly placed pins. Initiation at Alpha Sigma had
ust taken place. A few more minutes and the breakfast in celebration
was in progress. A pause as the last bite was eaten, and Cloethiel
Blanche Woodard rose to address the initiates. Her words resound
n the hearts of every Alpha 0 who heard them.
"We have gathered this morning to welcome our initiates into Alpha
fraternal life. A new life, wherein we have taken solemn vows and
acred promises to maintain our creed.
" 'Life is like a candle in the wind'—such a glorious flame, but how
asily it can be snuffed out—the brilliance gone, but the memory of its
ght and radiating happiness lingering on. I t is for such a brief time
hat God gives us a life to perfect, and we must cling to a divine creed,
o that we shall not fear that inevitable wind, which will some day leave
nly memories of the pleasure that that flame of life has given to
"We are not Alpha O's for just this Sunday morning or for our years
n school, but we are sisters forever—held by a beautiful bond of
riendship. We must forego all the petty things for this high goal we
ave set for ourselves and by realizing this, make each new experience
olor each day, and give to us that calmness of judgment, that un-
elfishness, sincerity, and tolerance which we can carry into the future.
"Our whole lives lie before us, depending on our individual persever-
nce to perfect them. We are sworn sisters—held by a common creed—
et us be loyal, let us work for Alpha Omicron Pi."
({Dorothy Jfafner (J\u)t Q
here, Oh Where, <^/lrethe 2
ANOTHER of our sisters bids fair to uphold Nu's laurels in the col
sporting world. Dorothy Hafner ('31), who is one of our most ter
efficient law students, has also proved herself an amateur fencing pio
champion of no mean skill. She has been fencing for little more than Br
a year, but already she has to her credit the novice championship of and
the Amateur Fencing League of America. I n this contest, she met six we
fencers: three from New York University and three from the eastern Ne
district. Only three of these succeeded in scoring against her. She Ju
defeated Marion no
Appell 5-3, Ann be
Jones 5-2, and the
Alvse W e n z e l
5-1; Miss Ruth is
of Teachers' Col-
lege 5-0, Miss ing
Lee and Mr- she
Duncan of the "ru
Hronxville Field
Club 5-0 respec- an
tively. the
Dorothy takes de
a keen delight in tre
her own pet sport
for its own sake;
({fencing Was the Chief ^Accomplishment °f
Qhampion C^encer ^Asks
20th Qentury
ut she is also extremely interested in
opularizing it among the women's
olleges. Last year at the first In-
rcollegiate Women's Fencing Cham-
onship at Ithaca, in which Cornell,
ryn Mawr, New York University,
nd the University of Pennsylvania Dorothy Hafner (Nu), is the taller girl
ere represented, the victory went to on the right
ew York University by a 7-2 score,
ulia Jones of New York University being declared first in the foils
nd Dorothy Hafner second. Such victories, pleasant as they are, are
ot "Dot's" primary interest in fencing. She is hoping for more and
etter competition, and is devoting much time and effort to developing
e sport in New York University. I n her own words she says:
"We are working hard for this year's championship, but when there
more competition, it will be better deserved."
Dorothy is now vice president of the Intercollegiate Women's Fenc-
g Association, and, if you've an aspiring fencing team on your campus,
e will be awfully glad to hear from you, to tell you all about the
ules and regulations," and perhaps arrange an interesting bout or two.
Fencing is an art of offense and defense that dates back to Assyrian
nd Grecian times. The early Greeks and Romans used the sword as
heir principal weapon of defense as well as offense, but it was not until
e beginning of the fifteenth century that fencing as we know it was
eveloped by the Italians. Today there are two styles of fencing, the
ench and the Italian, neither differing radically. The sword (or foil)
used today is long and slender, the point
only being sharpened. The fencer
grasps the foil in her right hand using
the thumb and forefinger for directing.
She holds her left hand above her head,
using the foil both for offense and de-
fense. She places her feet wide apart
with greater pressure on the left foot so
that she may shift easily. Fencing is
being revived today in many colleges.
f (jentlemen in Queen Slizabeth's Time
66 Jfello," ^Alumnae Su
(^(§ix There <A r e — o4
1. Roberta Divine 4. H
2. Helen Haller §. V
3. Alice J. Spear 6. M
Roberta Divine, Southern
f <XJTELLO,"say our
J L I L A l u m n a Super-
intendents. It
would take a real na-
tional broadcasting Helen Haller, Pacific
"hook-up" to make that
an actuality, for Alice J. Spear lives in Boston,
Hannah Blair Neal in Bloomington, Indiana,
Mary D . Drummond in Evanston, Illinois, Val-
borg Swenson in Kansas City, and Helen Haller
in Los Angeles. You know now which district Alice spear, Atlantic I
each directs. mo
We asked them to tell you something of themselves. Their modesty my
is extreme, and if space permitted we might add all sorts of laurels, but so
this time we'll let their accounts suffice. ter
We'll let Alice J. Spear (Delta) start, ne
"My career in college was not sensational, partly because I had to finish by ear
working my way through, but I did imbibe a lot of loyalty for Tufts and my friends ma
there. After graduation I taught a short while and then went into business where oo
I am now. Nothing uplifting, but interesting to me and giving me enough time
to be active in Tufts and AOII alumnae. I've been on the Board of Tufts Alumnff
Association most of the time in the last ten years in one
capacity or another, just now being vice president in jfa
charge of raising funds for our dream—an Alumnae Hall- w
I served four years as president of Boston Alumnae o
Alpha O and enjoyed that a lot. We did get in toucn
with a lot of girls who were here in Boston for longer o
shorter intervals and formed some interesting acquaint-
ances. Last year I took charge of magazine subscription*
for National Work. Beginning with Convention in p 0 5 "
ton in 1910 when I was an undergraduate, I've ^m l t
only a few and that is where I've acquired my gi"ea 1 .
enthusiasm for fraternity; meeting and knowing
Founders and officers and getting to know folks i r
MARCH, 1930 33
uperintendents ^ay
"Perfect J£alf "Dozen
Hannah Neal
Valborg Swenson
M. Drummond
Mary D. Drummond,
Great Lakes (left)
other chapters except 'cul-
tured Boston.' (You
know how to spell it so it
sounds like I say it.)
Va'borg Swenson, Have .b e e n AOn P "re re
Midwestern sentative on the Boston
City Panhellenic Associa-
tion which has been quite active for the past five
"My hobbies were hiking, skating, and swimming
until I acquired a car; since then hiking has rather
gone into the discard. But with the car I am able
to dig up all these people from Seattle, Chicago, and
Hannah Blair Neal, way stations to bring to meetings!
Ohio Valley
"Besides Tufts alumnae, I've done a lot for my
class, and we have the reputation of being the
most active class among the alumni. Almost the only class which is still united,
en and women, we have many get-togethers besides regular reunions. I guess
my title is social director of that. Anyway, I have an awfully good time at it.
ometimes our get-togethers look like AOII meetings with a few husbands scat-
red in but anyway it's supposed to be 1912."
Hannah Blair Neal (Beta Phi), is a native Indianian, born and bred
ear Indiana University, but hear about it from her.
."I w a s born and reared in Bloomington. M y grandfather came here in the very
rly days of 1823. M y great-grandfather was one of the first trustees of Indiana Uni-
ersity. From this institution I graduated in 1916,
ajoring in Botany. After graduation I taught school,
ne last position and the best I held was head of the
otany department in Central High School in Muncie,
diana. That position I held for five years.
In 1923 I married William Herschel Neal (Mary
eal Mcllveen's brother). My chief occupation since
time has been keeping house, for I love my little,
z y home.
a ^ .y a v o c a t i o n ' s music. I study each year from a
acner in Indianapolis/Indiana. I am a member of the
way Musicale of Bloomington and have directed the
nior Friday Musicale for four years. I am soprano
34 To DRAGM* M
soloist of the United Presbyterian Church and also direct the junior choir of that thr
church. fol
" I am a charter member of Beta Phi of Alpha Omicron Pi and also of the Bloom- da
ington Alumna? chapter. I served as secretary to the alumna: chapter for one year.
Since that time I have been its presiding officer. This work I enjoy greatly." ter
Valborg Swenson is known to many of you who have attended recefl
conventions because she is such an enthusiastic "conventionite." In an- for
swer to our inquiries, she wrote, on
"First, I'll say that I'm what the Easterners would call a Westerner, the Chi-
cagoans a Southerner, but actually a true Mid-Westerner and Missourian, although wi
I did venture into Kansas long enough to secure an A . B . from Kansas University in me
1924 and become an Alpha O.
"Since then I have been teaching in Kansas City, and like others of the profession so
I've attended summer sessions at University of Chicago and Columbia. "c
"I've held practically every office in the Kansas City Alumna: chapter including pr
the presidency for two years when I represented the chapter at both the Minneapolis and
and Seattle Conventions. Being on the advisory committee for Phi chapter gave me ad
the needed excuse and incentive to stop in at the Cornell Convention on my way to off
New York. And let me say here, that any person who wasn't inspired at that All
Convention to want to do bigger and better things for Alpha O would have a hard sec
time proving their presence there to me. So, needless to say, I'm looking forward cou
to an interesting and eventful two years of work for Alpha O." dor
Many of you know Mary D . Drummond, and so you'll look forward to.:
reading what she would write of herself. ?4
" I was born in Sweden a few years back and have lived a little better than half off
my life in this country. Montana is my adopted home state, and I love it. I lan
graduated from Montana State College in June, 1918. M y pet diversion in college
was catching bugs and impaling them on boards to find out further whereof they °l
were made. During my college career I was a veritable jack-of-all-trades. I tended yea
babies, cooked biscuits, photographed weeds, and calcimined dwellings, inside, not
outside, only to mention a few. F o r recreation I played tennis, hiked, or rode que
horseback. All in all I had a most wonderful time. D
"Then I attended the University of Minnesota Medical School with the laudable, SU
objective of becoming a physician, but being my own financial hacker and having n
burned my candle at both ends for a long time, I fizzled out. In the background
of my mind there still lurks a desire to once more pursue that much loved subject of am
medicine. Perhaps when my family is a little older.
"Having nothing to do I married. I have one red-haired husband and two red-{
haired daughters. Just ask me if I would exchange places with- anybody!
"As to ray present personal life I do my thinking—what there is of it—in Enghsni
my multiplication tables still persist in being done in Swedish; 1 believe in Santa
Claus and in a being greater for instance—than myself."
Roberta Williams Divine (Omicron), has been our Memphis alumn*
editor for three years, and we knew just what she'd write about herselt-
She's very elusive!
"No danger of your thinking I am 'maximating my ego' in this sketch. I w 0 " 1 ^ y
even try my hand at it, except that I go in dread of 'all those who are in f ea u t
over us' and am convinced that I must be a lineal descendant of the servant m
Bible whose master said to him, 'Go,' and he went. a T ot
"I am a 'hill-billy' from East Tennessee—and only Virginians are prouder^
their birthplace! A public school product, I went from high school to the
versity of Tennessee, where I joined Omicron chapter. I taught school, and rn ^
confess I adored doing it and made something of a success at the job. It led V
further work at the University of Chattanooga and State Teachers College.
MARCH, 1930 35
" I followed the old advice, 'If you aren't born lucky, marry an Irishman' (even
hree generations removed from the Ould Sod!), and we are the happiest married
lks I know. M y husband is from my state and section, and our families have been
iends for generations. We both attended the state university. We have one little
aughter, Elizabeth Cheyne, whom we hope to see 'Omicron, 1950' or thereabouts.
" I shudder at what psychoanalists would say of my wild enthusiasms for fra-
rnity 'doings,' but experience has been so rich and so thoroughly enjoyable, I sus-
ect I'd do like Brer Rabbit and 'jes laff.'
"I'm a hide-bound Presbyterian, but I just won't 'stay put' politically. M y pet
rms of dissipation are admittedly travel and gossip. I don't yearn to excel in any
ne line of endeavor, but I harbor a sneaking desire to be a first class jack-of-all-
ades. It's so interesting!
"My chief interest in the fraternity from the first has always been the magazine,
ith which I've 'had dealings' off and on, and whose continued improvement moves
e to transports of joy."
And Helen Haller (Omega), has chosen Los Angeles as her "foster
ountry." She can think up the most efficient plans to suit every demand,
o we know she'll be a good alumnae chapter adviser. She was very
correct" and wrote her words in third person. We changed them!
" I was a charter member of Omega chapter and served that chapter as treasurer,
resident, and alumna? adviser. Since coming to Los Angeles I have been secretary
nd president of the Los Angeles Alumna? chapter and second assistant alumna
dviser of Kappa Theta chapter. I am also Panhellenic representative, holding the
fice of vice president, and am secretary of the Kappa Theta house corporation.
l this has to be done in my spare time as I have a full-time job as statistical
cretary of the University of Southern California. When I'm not occupied with
unting and classifying the students attending that university, I am placing them in
rmitories, depriving them of their money, or figuring out new ways to do it more
inlessly. Sometimes that is difficult, especially if one doesn't speak Chinese!"
Sditors' Salary $1141 pearly
(Continued from page 18)
Turning now to the full-time editors we find that the lowest is paid
,800 and the highest $7,500. The total is $23,300, or an average of
4,660. Explanation must be made here that nearly all of the full-time
ditors act as business managers of their magazines and assist with
fice work, inspections, issue secret publications, and do other miscel-
neous work.
The oldest fraternity represented has fifty chapters, is ninety-six years
age and pays its editor $600 per year. The youngest represented is five
ears old and pays its editor $500.
Quarterlies still hold the preponderance of favor. Of the number
uestioned twenty-eight publish four times each year, three publish five
Dies, two publish six times, two publish seven times, four publish eight
>e s one nine and one ten. Of the remaining number the fraternity
m e ; was not listed and no frequency mentioned.
there is, apparently, no relationship between the age and size of
7 -n i t V (based on membership and numerical chapter strength), and
frequency of issue and the amount of salary paid the editor.
—Bant a's Greek Exchange, via the Kappa Alpha Theta
eoming fi
Jfome It
from I th
'Paris ci
By la
Lambda ho
What Alpha Otnicron Pi is there
who does not know the Eiffel Tower m
(above), of Paris, one of France's sh
most famous landmarks. Southern su
France, overlooking the Mediter- an
ranean, is a veritable Paradise ca
(right) w
I L E F T Paris in the early in
morning of a brilliant au- w
tumn day. The train sped dr
across the pleasant countryside,
dotted here and there with lit- co
tle villages and red-tiled farm th
houses. I t seemed to me that m
"la belle France" had bedecked
herself that morning in her most th
colorful raiment just to make of
my love for her all the greater as
and my regret in leaving her pr
more keen. I was going home, of
you see, and ahead of me was ma
a long ocean voyage on a small freighter, and I wasn't any too certain wh
how pleasant that voyage would be. tra
I was to board my ship at Antwerp, and planned to leave Pans see
day early in order that I might see a bit of this interesting Belgian ci y* sJJ
Imagine my disappointment when upon calling the steamship office the
ask what hour the ship was to sail the following day, the voice at _ oc
other end of the line replied, "But hurry up, madame, the ship n b"d
da n
MARCH, 1930 37
inished loading its cargo and sails at three o'clock this afternoon."
t was then two-fifteen! I had barely time enough in which to reach
he ship, and my luggage was still to be inspected by the customs offi-
ials. To add to the general hilarity, there was no taxi at the station
arge enough to carry my seemingly oversize trunk, and I was obliged to
ngage the services of an ancient one-horse carriage. We rattled noisily
way over the cobblestones, your uncomplaining correspondent almost
uried under a pile of luggage. After struggling manfully with the
orse, the traffic, and a superabundance of feminine traveling equip-
ment, we finally reached the ship. I t sailed almost immediately.
For the next thirty-five days we saw nothing but a great im-
mensity of sea and sky, interspersed with an occasional glimpse of the
horeline and then more sea and sky. Then there was a storm. We
urvived it. And eventually the sea became calm and the weather warm
nd balmy. We were in the tropics. I t is amazing what a calm sea
an do to one's appetite and incidentally to the general sociability. There
were twenty-four first class passengers, and soon many congenial little
roups were formed. Sun baths became a daily habit. Everyone went
for deck sports, bridge, and dancing. And what was even more
welcome to the weary traveler, were the long hours of reading and
reaming in the sunshine.
Several days after passing the Azores, we reached Curacao, off the
oast of South America. We spent a day in the picturesque harbor of
his little Dutch settlement while the crew unloaded a forty-five ton
motor-boat, shipped from Germany to the Venezuelan government.
Our next stop was at Cristobal, where we spent two days. A drive
hrough the hills,- luxuriant with tropical growth, disclosed a myriad
banana and rubber trees, and a startling wealth of orchids, growing
s freely as dandelions, and yours for the taking. This city is inhabited
rincipally by negroes, and it was interesting to watch the interplay
black and white coloring as they unloaded the cargoes of avacadoes,
mangoes, cocoanuts, and bananas. Shopping here is surprisingly worth
hile, for one finds the lovely silks and linens from China, and an en-
ancing array of French perfumes.
The trip through the canal never fails to interest the traveler. He
ees the huge locks, which open and close with slow precision as the
Jip is towed through, the small but tremendously powerful engines and
he liners from all over the world waiting to be hoisted from one great
cean to the other. This day the captain allowed us to go up on the
dge. From here we had an unobstructed view of the whole sur-
ounding country, the canal and Gatun lake—the largest artificial lake
the world. I t took us a little more than six hours to go through
e canal, and it was well into the night when we entered the Pacific
d the last lap of our voyage.
It was with strangely mingled feelings of joy and regret that I reached
an Francisco—and home—for the voyage had been one of the most
Cresting and happy experiences of my life.
Now I'm ready to go again! Won't you join me in my trip to Eu-
Pe this summer? Last year's trip was so successful that I am again
organizing a group for another tour. I have chosen the southern route w
from New York as it offers the greatest advantages—the lure of the pi
Mediterranean with its calm waters, blue skies, balmy air and interest- n
ing ports of call. w
The Cosulich Steamship Line, on whose fast motor vessel the VuUi su
cania we are to sail, has arranged to have the ship call at Gibraltar, m
Algiers, and Cannes before we finally land at Naples. From there we F
make several interesting trips including the enchanting Amalfi Drive,
visits to Capri, Sorrento, and Pompeii. Then we proceed to Rome which :
offers so much of interest and where we spend several days in leisurely
sightseeing. Next comes Florence, and then Venice, the Queen of the
Adriatic, the city of canals and gondolas. We go then to Milan and
from there spend* several days traversing picturesque Italian Lake Coun-
try which offers delightful and restful trips on the lakes with
glimpses of quaint little villages and handsome villas and their settings
of colorful scenery. Then through the famous Simplon Tunnel to
Switzerland—with its lovely valleys and the majestic Alps. Of course
everyone will wish to visit Oberammergau to see the famous Passion Play
which is given only every ten years. The American Express Company
has been appointed official American agents for the play, and they will
see that we have exceptionally good seats for the performance.
All those who accompanied me last year decided they would like
to see more of Germany, and so this year I am including quaint old
Nuremberg and Heidelberg and the trip down the Rhine to Cologne.
From there we go to Belgium to visit Brussels and Bruges and finally
we reach Paris—the one and only Paris! Nothing is spared to make
our stay there one of the most enjoyable and we are planning to visit
Versailles, Malmaison, Fontainebleau, Barbizon, and Vincennes where
the French Colonial Exposition is to be held next summer. There will
be opportunities to attend the operas, the theatres, and also to shop,
while we are in Paris.
Breaking the journey to London we are going to stop at Canterbury
which is one of the most picturesque of the English cathedral towns and
which will be a source of interest to everyone. What could be more
fitting climax to our trip than London with all that it offers—historical
monuments, museums, gardens, galleries, and royal palaces. We shall
make several excursions out from London including a trip on the
Thames, visits to Windsor Castle, Kenilworth, Hampton Court, and
finally before we sail, the lovely Shakespeare Country which takes us
through some of the matchless English country-side.
Some of the features of the trip are as follows: A competent tour
manager accompanies us throughout the tour and attends to all business
details, we have experienced, licensed guides for our sight-seeing trips,
we always stay at comfortable hotels where the accommodations are
the best, our excursions are made in roomy motor cars or in carriages ac
cording to the custom of the country; we make use of fast " ws t e a i e
which offer many attractive features such as swimming pools, de
sports, special orchestras and excellent meals; members of the par J
MARCH, 1930
will have the advantage of instructive educational talks and expert shop-
ing advice, and last but not least, the tour is arranged under the busi-
ness management of the American Express Company, the services of
whose branch offices throughout Europe are offered to the party. This
roves no small factor in assuring the enjoyment of the trip.
I am sure that you will- be interested in this proposed trip for the
ummer, and I am looking forward to a reply from you asking for
more particulars. For further detail address me at 701 Pine Street, San
Francisco, California.
Do you Know That
: Hazel Parkhurst is captain of the basketball team at the University of
Eta chapter won first prize in the "Octopus" subscription drive contest.
A new cup attests that they won second place for Homecoming decorations.
Bessie Stout (Alpha Rho), 'won the sophomore activity cup and Delva
Chandler (Alpha Rho), the freshman scholarship cup.
Pi Delta's have these offices: Gene Wright ('30), is president of the Jour-
nalism fraternity, Chi Alpha; Evalyn Ridout ('30), is president of the Wo-
men's Student Government; Ruth Miles ('31), is Girls' Editor of the Year
Book; Barbara Schilling ('30), is president of the honorary French frater-
nity; Peggy McGarvey ('31), is hockey manager and Elgar Jones ('31), is Ten-
nis manager.
Pi Delta ranks second in the scholastic rating of sororitities on the Mary-
land Campus.
ci t ^ ^l la * *fl< t h r e e members chosen to Spurs, honorary sophomore so-
The Larste, high point medal for athletic activities, was won by Hazel
Thompson ('31). This is the third successive time this medal has been won
by an Alpha Omicron Pi.
Alpha Phi has two Mortar Board members, Erma Monroe and Mary
V Leary.
Erma Monroe is W.A.A. president at Montana State College.
Kathryn Kellett (Alpha Phi), is president of the Art club and of Eurodel-
phian honorary literary society.
Chi Delta boasts president of Panhellenic Council, Hazel Lee.
Mary Virginia Wells (Chi Delta), is a Mortar Board member. She is
president of Spur, national pep organization. She was "Miss Character"
a t the annual A.W.S. banquet. She was chosen because of her honors.
Dorothy Jackson (Omega), was chosen Beauty Queen at Miami Univer-
Margaret Gamble (Theta), is president of the Junior class at DePauw.
t h . r i e Mae Forbus and Virginia Bruce were two of the eight students
"*c" into Aspirants, one of the University literary clubs, this year. They also
ade the Varsity Art Club, admission into which is based upon art work sub-
Wherein We §et §tuck b
in ^Persia's ^Mud m
By L I L L I A N SCHOEDLER, Alpha ta
The preceding letter: you will remember that Miss Schoedler couldn't make th
up her mind whether to go to Japan with friends, on a Himalaya trip or to Persia- so
Against everyone's advice and better judgment she choose Persia, much to her own
excitement and our joy. fi
TH E R E was no difficulty whatever in getting a visa. Mirabile dictu, w
there wasn't even a charge for it. But information about routes, be- co
yond the timetable of the train that got one across the Persian bor- w
der, simply was not to be had—from travel agencies, steamship or railroad se
offices, or anyone. I finally realized that there was nothing to do bu br
to get the details as I went along; so I limited further preparations to b
shopping for bedding, food carriers, maps, etc.; to sorting out to taW se
with me only the oldest and poorest clothes I had, leaving everything A
of value behind in Bombay; and to delivering to the American ^C o n S m
in Bombay (in compliment to the bandits!) a sealed envelope "to be tr
opened in case of need," containing a statement of possessions and tn an
addresses of nearest friends and relatives! lo
M A R C H , 1930
Thus fortified, I headed northward through India again, stopping
between trains at Ahmedabad, the home of Ghandi. Hindu friends met
me at the train with their car, however, and I spent such delightful
hours driving and visiting with them, and enjoying the interesting hospi-
ality of their home (including a native lunch eaten "a la main" in true
Hindu fashion), that Ghandi was completely forgotten, and I never
hought again about the letter to him which I had in my pocket until too
oon before train time to be able to do anything about it.
Quetta, in Baluchistan, in the northwest corner of India, was my
irst destination.. Once Delhi was left behind, the region through which
he train traveled became more and more desolate. The farther north
we went, also, the wilder and the fiercer, and less like the Indians of the
ountry we had come from, did the people look. Quetta itself, however,
which I reached after not a few adventures, was a wonderful green spot
et in the heart of a flat, sandy plain, ringed in the distance with gold-
brown hills. I t seemed deliciously cool and fresh (though probably only
by comparison) after the train trip which had carried us through the
ection of India from which all the record heat temperatures have come.
As one of Indian's most important military frontier posts, Quetta held
much that was grim and thrilling. The city, however, also had most at-
ractive gardens, beautiful trees, wide streets and comfortable houses,
nd I loved its big, fierce-looking Baluchi inhabitants with their long,
oose white shirts worn under little dark vests, and their voluminous white
baggy gathered-at-the-ankle trousers. I had a car belonging to a rich
ndian building contractor at my disposal, and drove it everywhere for
he two days during which I waited in Quetta for the semi-weekly train
which crossed the border into Persia.
An Irishman, a Scotchman (both Persia-bound on business), an In-
dian woman doctor and I were the upper-class passengers on the train
when it finally left for Duzdap. The rest was baggage, and fierce-ap-
pearing Baluchis who looked for all the world like multiplications of
Ali Baba's forty thieves. "You are the first European lady, miss, I've
ver seen come this way alone," said the guard as he took my ticket,
fter trying to find out to which of the two men I "belonged." When
saw the ramshackle train, and the natives who filled every seat and
ack of the third-class carriages, I didn't wonder so much at his statement.
We left Quetta at eight in the morning, and were hardly half an hour
under way when, just a short distance from the track, we saw the figure
[ a man, half- covered, lying huddled on the sand. A dog crouched
With drooped head at one end of it, and all about in a circle, coming as
a r as they dared, sat hundreds and hundreds of huge vultures—wait-
g for their next meal. Gruesome as the picture was, it certainly was
fitting introduction to the 456 miles of desert wilderness that lay ahead
-country bleaker and more desolate than I knew land could be. Bare
nd stony though it was, however, the lights across it were beautiful.
t one point, too, we were thrilled to see a 12,000-foot volcano rising
io\v-capped in the distance behind the sandy waste. Mostly there
was nothing to relieve the heartless monotony of the desert, however,
except the railroad stations. Each one of these was like a miniature fort a
—set in a heavy barbed-wire enclosure, with thick stone walls, steel of
doors, mounted cannon, and soldiers patrolling the train platform—the so
country's only protection against the roving bands of dacoits (armed F
robbers) that made the hills their shelter. a
There certainly was nothing imposing about Duzdap, the town just c
over the Persian border at which the railroad ended after thirty-three n
hours of riding in the sand and heat. A few tiny brown mud flat-roofed
houses standing nakedly in the midst of a vast flat desert stretch was st
all we could see from the little station as our train pulled in. A few le
houses, and, to our great surprise, two young European men who came o
up to greet us, one of whom introduced himself as the British Vice- th
consul and invited the two men to stay at his house, and the other the a
young officer-in-charge of the Indo-European Telegraph Company, who a
put at the doctor's and my disposal one of the little mud houses next ti
to his and invited us to take our meals chez lui. We accepted both in- th
vitations with delight, doubly so when we learned that there was no c
other place at which we could have stayed, hotels or anything approach- ti
ing hotels, being completely non-existent. o
Our quarters, to which we rode across the sands in a car which our in
hosts provided, were primitive, but adequate. Two bareish rooms in a th
tiny mud bungalow that was one of several set in a barbed wire en- th
closure. Each room furnished with bed frames (one with no mattress a
over the spring!), a chair or two, and a table, with a primitive but w
adequate little toilet room in front. A quick wash, and tea at the in
Consulate, among exquisite Persian rugs in a beautifully appointed tr
home whose interior certainly belied the crude mud walls outside. A th
motor ride in the late afternoon through the native quarters of Duzdap, sk
and into the neighboring hills bathed in sunset light. Return by young- sp
ish moonlight; a good but simple supper at the home of our telegraph m
host, with dancing to a."gramaphone" on his little porch; a walk under c
the moon across the sands afterwards—and our first day in Persia came o
to an end. w
The Scotchman took the train back to Quetta the next day, and the ri
Doctor went north by car to Meshed. I t was she who had originally in
spoken of Persia to me, and it had been planned that she and I would as
travel together—but the Irishman, Mr. K., had come to Persia to drive c
a new passenger car from Duzdap to its purchasers in Meshed, and as w
it was to be ready in a few days, he suggested that I drive with him w
r. h
MARCH, 1930 43
and his two native chauffeurs in that, and save the $40 or $50 expense
of a seat in a public motor! I t was too good an opportunity to miss;
o I stayed behind while the Doctor went on, since she could not wait.
For five days I waited, busily doing nothing, and loving it—with tennis
at the Consulate, trips to the native village, tea with the Persian Governor
of Duzdap, evening walks under the desert moon, one night a ride on
camels across the sands with picnic supper out in the hills, and other
nice interruptions, had any been needed, to make the hours fly.
On the afternoon of the fifth day, word came that the car was ready to
tart. And at 6 that evening, Mr. K., two Persian chauffeurs and 1
eft in it for Meshed, with duffle, jars of drinking water, food, gas and
oil, and shovels for the desert trip fastened to every available corner of
he new car. I only wish that there might be time and space to tell
about that trip to Meshed in detail—how the road was little more than
a camel track for great stretches of the way, more clearly and con-
inuously marked by the bleached bones of the camel "ships of the desert"
hat had been wrecked along it than by any traces which passing vehi-
cles had left; how we feasted in state at 2 A.M. that first night in a
iny white-washed room of a mud hut in the middle of the desert
on roast chicken freshly prepared for us by some Persian Telegraph Com-
pany lineman in answer to a telephone order from their chief (our host)
n Duzdap; of our all-night trip through the Lut (pron. "Loot"),
hat dreaded stretch of desert waste so intensely hot that drivers take
he road through it only between sundown and sunrise; of our finding
an Arab driver in the heart of the Lut, with a broken-down autotruck,
who had been for two days without food or water, and of how we stopped
n the small hours of the morning to help and feed him; of the camel
rains we passed, with their deep, jangling bells and varied loads; of
he black-tented camps of nomad gypsies that we saw, with their red-
kirted women and sweet, dirty babies; of the loveliness of the desert
spaces and low rolling hills under the full moonlight; of the fascinating
mud villages with their low domed-roof houses that we began to en-
counter once the crudest part of the desert lay behind us. There were,
of course, no hotels along the way—nothing but the large serais at
which the camel trains and trucks put up. We fared well enough, how-
ever. The first night, from our 6 P.M. start, we drove through until sun-
ise without stopping for rest, snatching only an hour or two of sleep
n the car seats after dawn. The second night, M r . K . and I stayed
s guests at the British Consulate in Birjand, one of Persia's big carpet
centers, where I slept in a lightless, windowless, truly purdah Persian
woman's room. The next day we ate lunch in a dear old Persian garden,
whose adorable wrinkled owner, after bringing piles of Persian rugs into
he picturesque courtyard for us to sit on, and making tea for us in
her samovar, brought out newborn kittens, her baby grandson and all
kinds of other diversions for our entertainment. The third night we
Pent at the home of a wealthy Sikh merchant at Turbat-i-Haidari, in
rooms overlooking a court into which the moon poured over a fountain
bordered by tall slim poplar trees; and by the fourth night, after passing
8 a
over indescribably awful stretches of bad road, we reached Meshed, s
our destination, where again, in the absence of hotel accommodations, d
I lived as the guest of hospitable residents—this time a Mohammedan c
Indian merchant who fixed up a purdah suite for me in the house which f
encircled his lovely garden. w
Meshed is a city of about 80,000 inhabitants which owes its im- w
portance largely to the fact that it is the place of martyrdom and burial
of Imam Rezak, a successor of Mohammed who died in the 9th century. a
His shrine there is the third most sacred spot in all the world to the h
Shiah sect of Mohammedans to which the Persians belong. Only Mecca o
and Kerbeleh outrank it. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims flock to d
it each year in unending processions. But to Europeans (who are infidels) f
the shrine is barred—all mosques and holy places in Persia are—in this
case, however, not only figuratively but literally. Heavy iron chains t
shut off their approach not only at the shrine gates itself, but even in t
the streets of the main bazaar leading to the mosque, where they are f
reinforced by a guard whose special task it is to see that no unbeliever
sets foot on the sacred territory. Under such circumstances, needless to l
say, my gazes had to be confined to the exterior of the shrine. I missed s
very little else in Meshed, however, for my host took me on foot or w
in his big car to see all of the sights, to the fascinating covered bazaars,
to visit Persian gardens, to see a carpet made by Persia's "carpet king," h
which had taken more than three years to finish and was to sell in the s
American market for hundreds of dollars a square foot, and to dine a
and spend an evening with a wealthy Turkoman family, where for the b
first time I came face to face with the purdah life of well-bred Persian a
women in all of its interesting and queer ramifications. I f only there t
were room here to tell you about i t l
From Meshed I went east to Teheran, the capital of Persia, and for b
the next week I lived through more continuously thrilling adventures c
than have ever been concentrated in any seven days of my life. They go
back largely to the fact that, although Persia has an area about three w
times that of France, it has less than a hundred miles of railways within j
its entire boundaries. About twenty miles of that quota I had covered o
on the road to Duzdap. The other eighty lay in a far northwest corner c
of the country, between Tabriz and Julfa, on the Russian Armenian v
frontier. For the rest, travel is by camel, donkey, fourgon (cart drawn f
by four horses), automobile or aeroplane. Even automobiles have r
come in only in the past few years, and no roads for them have ever o
really been built, the roads that exist merely following the old caniel t
tracks. The stretch of way between Meshed and Teheran was particu- u
larly bad, people said, and advised me to make the trip by aeroplane. I c
decided, however, that I had come to see Persia, and not to fly over it, e
M A R C H , 1930 45
and so disregarded the suggestion. No passenger car happened to be
going from Meshed to Teheran, however, at the time I wanted to start,
so I bought a front seat in a lorry (automobile truck). The car was
driven by an Armenian chauffeur with a Turkish assistant. Its cargo
consisted of a layer of carpet bales, and on top of the carpets, i t carried
five or six puny Persian men with their great fat wives and families
who were returning home after a pilgrimage to the Meshed shrine. They,
the chauffeurs, an old Haji whose red-dyed beard gave evidence to the
world of his pilgrimage to Mecca, and I formed the entire crew.
For twenty-four hours before we started, it rained. I f I had had
any sense, I would have followed everyone's advice, and waited. But I
had none, and leaving with the truck, got all that I deserved in the way
of hardships and discomforts—but with them all, more than I ever
dreamed it was possible to get in the way of thrills and interest and
fun and unexpected happenings.
Sometime, I am going to write a story of that ride. (Again, if only
there could be time and space for it here!) Or perhaps I should say
the stories, for there is more than enough material for at least a dozen,
for example:
(1) of how, after waiting all day for the truck to start, the entire
load of passengers and goods was held up just as it was about to leave,
so that I could accept an invitation for lunch, as the guest of the Turk
who owned the garage, and of the funny meal we had;
(2) of how we finally got off, only to stick at the first mud-hole, and
how our journey from that point on was a continuous story of getting
stuck and getting out of the car and getting in again, and getting stuck
and getting out and getting in, with the tiny men not only carrying their
buxom wives out of the car on their backs to help lighten the load, but
actually putting their shoulders to the truck and helping innumerable
times to push it up hills and out of mud ruts and ditches;
(3) of how we finally reached Nishapur, 60 miles from Meshed, to
find thirty or more other trucks which had been stalled there for days,
because of impassable mud fields ahead which held scores of swamped
cars in their grip;
(4) of the wait at Nishapur, which, far from the dreaded bore
which the delay threatened to be, proved one of the most deliciously en-
joyable experiences a person ever had—of how I lived in a garage, the
only white person not only in it, but in the whole community; of the
curiosity I proved to my Persian fellow-travelers, and of their friendly
visits and good-will offerings, particularly from the women, who sat in
flocks with their water-pipes on my doorstep, asking me where my child-
ren were, where I kept the sleeves of my dress ( I had on a sleeveless
one), and why I didn't wear a hat in my room (they, poor souls, needing
to keep themselves constantly and completely covered); of how, not
understanding that any white people existed who weren't doctors (medi-
cal missionaries being almost the only Europeans with whom they had
ever come in contact), they brought me their aches and pains and
wounds and sick babies for healing (also their watches to mend), and
of how I patched up one little girl's wounds; of how I made fudge in the I
Persian kitchen of the garage, and the excitement it caused; etc., etc.; P
(5) of my visit to the tomb of Omar Khayyam near Nishapur; f
the difficulty of finding it (Omar being practically unknown in Persia!); ot
the fun and trouble I had in getting in to see it, since it was located in ki
the wing of a mosque to which "infidel" approach was forbidden; of the be
dilapidated, unprepossessing, dirty, plain cement-covered tomb it proved th
to be, and the mosque custodian's question as to whether Omar was the o
European's prophet, that they all made pilgrimages to visit his tomb; th
(6) of how, unable to bear the delay at the Nishapur garage any h
longer, a hardy spirit among the chauffeurs finally called for a caravan li
of cars to conquer the mud-fields, and of how our truck was one of the si
first three that set out; of how we traveled and stuck, and traveled and sh
stuck in the awful mire, a force of 40 men (the combined passenger-list c
of all the cars) literally pushing each truck through miles of mucky clay q
in those salt marshes that buried them higher than their hubs, and was m
so sticky that it literally sucked the shoes from the men's feet; of the a
engulfed cars we rescued from their mudholes along the way, until h
our original three had grown into a caravan of nine; how all nine, with c
their entire personnel, slept for one night in the mudfields above a river
so strewn with wrecked and submerged cars caught in a mountain torrent
that it was necessary to wait until daylight for the water to subside before
they could be cleared out by the combined help of some hundred men
and our caravan could proceed;
(7) of how the rest of the 600 miles between Meshed and Teheran
was a continuous succession of breakdowns in the midst of the most arid
desert spaces, due to the strain the car had been through, and of the in-
teresting experiences in getting repairs and replacements in the middle
of nowhere in a country where spare parts and service are still largely
mythical; of the tiny hamlets at which we stopped while ingenious
emergency repairs were made, and especially of the night when, after a
day full of breakdowns, we were limping along after dark towards a
village which was our destination, when suddenly the whole rear end of
the car disappeared in a soft hole; of our efforts, alone in the wilderness
and in inky blackness, to dig it out; and of our final success and arrival
at the village only to find the houses so infested with fever-giving camel
ticks that we couldn't sleep in them anyway;
(8) of the devastating storm we ran into one night when we were
traveling against time to reach another village before dark, which
whipped up such a sandstorm that the road was obliterated; of being
caught in it in a deep gorge just as dusk with the most intense lightning
and thunder playing all around us; and of how, coming out of the gorge
into the desert plains again, we found ourselves in the sweeping sand-
clouds, this time full of frantically stampeding camels and donkeys and
sheep which kept hitting the car in their blind flights;
(9) and of how, after seven days of travel full of incidents such
as these, and still further breakdowns and terrific roads, we finally
reached Teheran (a stretch usually covered in three or four days), and
MARCH, 1930 47
found shelter in a lovely restful pension in the heart of a beautiful
Persian garden owned by a Swiss doctor and run by a fair-haired Russian
princess, etc., etc., etc.!
I n all of our week of wild traveling, I slept in a bed only once; The
other nights were spent wherever the car stopped. M y first, in the
itchen of a teahouse, stretched out on a mud-made bench at the rear,
beyond the mud serving counter; then in the garage in Nishapur; then in
he car in the mud-fields by the river; twice on wooden or mud benches
outside of tiny teahouses along the road. The one bed I found was in
he temporary headquarters of some American medical missionaries at
Sabsovar, who took me in and also gave me the one really good meal I
had in all of those seven days. Not that I starved. Fortunately I
iked the thin yard-long and foot-wide sheets of bread which the Per-
ians bake on hot pebbles, and with the help of butter, fruit, eggs, chicken,
hishlik and the cocoa which I used to make occasionally over glowing
charcoals in the teahouse kitchens, plus frequent other food finds, I got on
quite well. Nothing in the world, however, ever tasted so good as that
meal at Sabsovar, even if my hosts were called out in the midst of it to
attend to the people who had been seriously injured in a lorry which
had been following ours, and which had been upset through the driver's
carelessness into a deep gully.
(You will read of the city of Teheran and another change of plans in the
May issue)
By BOBBY REID, Alpha Sigma
Hours are camels Patiently pleading,
That silently crawl, Never alt'ring their stride;
On the desert's rim As calm and relentless,
That is my life's wall. As the ocean's tide.
Laden ivith cargo,
Bound for — who knows?
Carrying ashes of sorrow,
Mixed with essence of rose.
• 'B
•• T
c f f y Wanda C^enlason, international new
Relations Representative fin
L\ WANDA FENLASON—center front row (Alpha Sigma) was one sch
, of the students who represented the University of Oregon at the nee
conference on International Relations held February 21, 22, and 23 Th
at Portland, Oregon. The theme of the meet centered around "Eco- me
nomic problems of the Pacific" and sixty students attended, half of these the
being Orientals. Notable leaders of international fame were present- not
La Wanda is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.—Oregon Emerald pos
g, s
°t o