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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-06-07 19:48:18

1992 Spring - To Dragma

Vol. LXV, No. 10

I ofalpha omicronpi Spring 1992
Vol.LXV,No. 10
Continuing Involvement
Why I Stayed Active In AOTT
3 Viewpoints
Support During a Crisis
Living in the Sandwich Generation
Alumnae: thejourney continues...

From the President's Desk:
Alumnae - you make a difference!
By Barbara Daugs Hunt
Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) International President
This is my opportunity to thank each of you for the volunteer time you devote to Alpha Omicron Pi.
AOII recognizes the importance of your contributions. Without your support, we could not continue to add chapters, sustain the chapters we have, and increase the alumnae chapter-base.
You Do Make the Difference!
However, as with other fraternal and national organizations, our volunteer base is dwindling and the time donated to AOII by alumnae is decreasing. If you have allowed today's hectic time restraints to interfere with your AOII service, I ask you to look into your heart, examine your experiences, evaluate your priorities, and set your AOII goals.
From Our Readers:
From the time you left college and your collegiate chapter for a career or marriage (or both), you never left AOII behind. Your collegiate experiences and activities prepared you with the background and education to assist you in working with chapters as advisers, corporation board members, alumnae officers, committee chairmen, and regional officers.
Now, it is time for you to determine the time commitment you wish to make. It can be an hour per week or a day per week. It can be as easy as calling new members for the alumnae chapter, attending corporation board meetings, keeping the books for the corporation, chairing an alumnae chapter committee, or assisting with
Barbara Hunt
Rush programming. It can be planning or hosting a party or meeting in your home, conducting a retreat on leader- ship training for the chapter, volun- teering to provide food for a Rush party, serving as chairman for Leadership Conference... the list goes on.
You Can Make the Difference!
Make AOII one of your top priorities. Fulfill the pledge you took when you became a member of AOII - for a lifetime.
To Dragma
Praise for the winter issue...
To the editor
I read the winter issue from cover to
cover. . .Congratulations to you on the fine job. . . You have done a marvelous job putting this issue together. . . from the front cover to the back (and everything in between)!
T h e nine-page section on "AOII Cares About the World" was both interesting and informative. I t is always interesting to hear about what other AOIIs are doing.. .1 was able to pick up some valuable points on how each of us can make daily changes in our life styles
to protect the environment for gen- erations to come.
The tributes to Carolyn Huey Harris (International President during my own college AOII days) and Ruth Lee Leichtamer were elegant and befitting two such great ladies. . .Barb Hunt's column was, as always, welcomed. I felt as though she was talking in the same
To the editor
I can't recall being more excited than
when I discovered that our environ- ment has been chosen as the major focus for AOII in the next decade! In an age in which many call Greek life anachronistic and petty, this step proves otherwise. No cause is more vital to our continued life on earth.
I became an environmentalist 20 years ago when it was not in fashion and I've gotten my share of odd looks through the years, (continuedonp. 46)
room as I read i t . Yes, Barbara, can make thedifference.
Jo Anne Breitmeyer, Pi Kappa (U. of Texas, Austin)

Published since January, 1905 by
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Founded at Barnard College, January 2,1897
Jessie Wallace Hughan Helen St. Clair Mullan Stella George Stern Perry Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
To Dragma
•The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University and all are deceased.
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, T ennessee 37027 Telephone: 615-370-0920
Executive Director Melanie Nixon Doyle, AS
Beth Grantham, PO
TO DRAGMA O F ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Second class postage paid at Brentwood, T N , and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $50.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027. Address all editorial communications to the Editor at the same address.
Spring 1992
Special Section:
Alumnae: the journey continues
AIDS: Gould it happen to you?
National Panhellenic Conference:
Report on the 52nd biennial meeting
AOII Salutes Its Panhellenic Presidents
Take action at Leadership Conference!
Jan. 15 July 1
April 1 Oct 1
Senior programming:
Helping with the Transition to "Real Life"
50 Year Members
From the President's Desk From Our Readers Collegiate Chapter News Emporium
Alumnae Chapter News Classified.....
The Editor's Place
On the Cover:
This cover illustrates graphically the fact that we face many choices on the "highway of life". It is our hope that our alumnae will choose to continue to be involved with AOII. This issue describes some of the many benefits of making this choice
Spring 1992
of^Alpha OmicronPi
Vol. LXV, No. 10
1 1 - 1 "
7 8 1 0
2 0 .32
2 2 1 2 3 3 9 46
4 7

By Angela Bonds,
Rho Omicron
(Middle Tennessee State University) Collegiate News Editor
Decisions, decisions. You've been faced with them all of your life.
At first they were simple: What to wear? Which game to play?
But they grew more difficult: What school to attend? What to major in? Which sorority to pledge?
These were followed by decisions that caused real anxiety: Where to live? How to get a job?
Decisions couldn't get any harder, right?
Decisions about sex are now among the most important decisions you will ever make. In fact, the rest of "your life" depends on the decisions you make concerning sex.
To make intelligent choices about sex, you must have the facts about AIDS.
To Dragma
AIDS does not discriminate. It's a life-threatening illness, and the inci^ dence of AIDS is increasing among women.
AIDS has struck nearly 20,000 women in the United States alone. For every person with full blown AIDS, there are another six to ten people who carry the AIDS virus in their bodies.
AIDS does not discriminate. It's a life-threatening illness which has struck nearly 20,000 women in the United States alone.
AIDS is one of the five leading causes of death among women ages 15-44. Unfortunately for women, they are 16 times more likely to contract AIDS from a man than the other way around.
Statistics like these have caused one health official to call this disease "the health crisis of the '90s." AIDS is now a women's issue.
AIDS is not spread through casual contact. It is spread through the ex- change of bodily fluids. This ex- change occurs through the sharing of needles, during sexual activity, and from a mother to her unborn child.
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is caused by a virus known as HIV or the human immun- odeficiency virus. The virus attacks important parts of the body's immune system called T-helper cells. It is the T-helper cells in the body which fight off diseases. Once the virus is inside these disease-fighting cells it multi- plies, destroying the T-helper cells. Before long, the body has lost its abil- ity to fight disease and the result is full blown AIDS.
"No one is risk free," says Dr. Vic- toria Harris, Program Coordinator of the East Central AIDS and Education Center. Anyone who participates in any type of sexual activity takes risks.
"Somewhere along the line a woman has to take some risk in trust- ing her partner," Harris says.

But a woman can decide what level of risk she is willing to accept.
It's important to remember that in- formed decisions cannot be made under the influence of drugs or alco- hol. If a woman allows herself to be put in a decision-making situation when she cannot think clearly, she's already made the wrong decision.
The safest decision is to abstain from sexual activity. The next safest decision is to limit sexual activity to a monogamous relationship with one partner who is also monogamous and who does not have AIDS or carry the HIV virus.
The term safe sex has come to be synonymous with the use of con- doms during sex. This, however, is a dangerous, potentially fatal, belief.
"We like to use the term 'safer' sex. Condoms are only 90% safe. Even with a condom you are still taking a 10% chance with your life," says Stuart Miller, Education Coordinator of Nashville Cares, an AIDS education and support center.
Dr. Harris says that the woman still has to be the strong one when it comes to practicing safer sex.
"She can't trust her partner to do the right thing, and this includes pro- viding the condoms," Harris states.
Because their lives depend on the decisions they make about sex, women today must be made aware of the danger. They must educate themselves about the risk inherent in sexual activity and educate them- selves about how to minimize or eliminate this risk.
Because young women are partic- ularly at risk, Alpha Omicron Pi has implemented a Keystones workshop to educate its members about AIDS
When a Sister Has AIDS...
When a sister becomes ill, especially with something as serious as AIDS, you may suddenly feel helpless and uncomfortable around her. At this critical time, you need to know how to handle the situation with caring and sensitivity. Here are some guidelines:
• Try not to avoid her. Being there for her will give your sister hope. Offer her your love and support as you always have. It's more important now than ever.
• AIDS is not spread through casual contact. A hug and simple touching will show that you care.
• Listen and learn. Your friend may want to talk about her disease or she may prefer to remain silent. Talking may not be that important; just being there may make all the difference.
• Don"t lecture her or be judgmental. It's not im- portant how she became infected.
• Don't tell her how she should feel regarding her illness. You may not understand what she is going through, but be there to offer support.
• Keep her laughing but also let her cry. It is healthy to share both of these emotions.
• Be understanding of her moods. Just like anyone, she will have good and bad days caused by no particular reason.
• Send her a note or card that says "I'm thinking about you," especially if you cannot visit.
Spring 1992

and other sexually transmitted diseases.
A woman today has to make deci- sions about the kinds of sexual activ- ity she is willing to participate in. Some activities are low risk, while others are extremely risky. These are some of the topics that should be dis- cussed when a chapter holds its Keystones workshops.
If a woman has already participat- ed in risky sexual behavior, she should be tested for sexually trans- mitted diseases, including the pres- ence of the AIDS virus.
"If a woman felt a lump in her breast, she would immediately want to be tested. And,if a woman has
participated in any risky activities she should also want to be tested.
Alpha Omicron Pi does not en- courage or condone premarital sex. The Fraternity does, however, recog- nize AIDS as one of the most impor- tant health issuesfacing women today. Alpha Omicron Pi accepts the chal-
To Dragma
"Testing HIV positive is not neces-
sarily a death sentence anymore.
Early treatment is just as important as
with any other disease," Miller says. lenge to educate its members about
Is this behavior safe? Is this what is best for me? The decisions never end. But women can ensure that they are making wise and informed decisions about their sexual health. Education, awareness, and the ability to talk about these issues are the keys to making wise choices.
Get the facts about AIDS and other diseases. Whatever you decide about sex, make sure that your decision is an intelligent, informed one.
AIDS to ensure that they have every op- portunity to make informed decisions.
For more information about AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases, con- sult your Keystones Manualfor the pro- gram on sexually transmitted diseases or call the National AIDS Information Hotline at 1-800-342-2437.
Information for this article was pro- vided by Stuart Miller and Nashville Cares, Dr. Victoria Harris, and vari- ous pamphlets of the American College Health Association. ^
Alpha Omicron Pi Statement Regarding the AIDS Virus
Alpha Omicron Pi expresses grave concern and recognizes the need to address the serious issue of sexually transmitted diseases. In order to confront this issue, it is imperative that our membership be educated regarding the facts associated with such diseases, including AIDS. Alpha Omicron Piwill continue to develop and provide educational programming materials which address AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. The membership of this organization will be required to present these educational programs on an annual basis and will be encouraged to participate in campus and com- munity AIDS awareness programs.
Because this disease is not transmitted through casual contact, Alpha Omicron Pi maintains that any member contracting the disease will not be ostracized, removed from chapter housing or ex- cluded from chapter activities. Alpha Omicron Pi believes that any member testing HIV positive or with the AIDS disease should be treated with the same respect and dignity as any sister with any other disability.
Alpha Omicron Pi pledges emotional support to any members of the Fraternity whose lives are personally affected by AIDS.

National Panhellenic Conference
Can women have an impact on important issues?
How can rush be less costly?
By Ginger Banks
Pi Kappa (University of Texas, Austin) Past International President
AOII NPC Delegate
How can formal rush be stream- lined to make it more eco- nomical and effective?
What impact can women have on important issues?
What role should the National Panhellenic Conference have in pro- viding educational opportunities for its members?
These were among the many questions and topics discussed when the 26 member groups of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) con- vened for its 52nd biennial meeting in Washington, D.C., November 13-16, 1991.
Interfraternal relationships, the future of the Greek system, and women's issues were the focuses of the meeting which featured an address by Congresswoman Pat Schroeder, a briefing by the White House Office of Public Liaison, and a special tour of the White House.
Also during the meeting an award sponsored for the first time by Alpha
Winners of the AOII Fraternity Month Award, (from left) Jean Gaines, NPC Area Adviser; Erica Fuchs, San Deigo State U. Pan- hellenic President; and Kim Padulo, Panhellenic Adviser, are pic- tured with International President Barbara Hunt and NPC Dele-
Spring 1992
gate Ginger Banks.
Omicron Pi was presented to the San Diego State University Panhellenic for outstanding public relations program- ming. The Fraternity Month Award, now sponsored by AOII, was original- ly established by the husband of Past International President Wilma Smith Leland. (She and her husband were editors of the now defunct Fraternity Month magazine.)
AOH's sponsorship of the award was timely. AOII Delegate Ginger Banks became chairman of NPC's Pub- lic Relations Committee during the NPC meeting.
During the 1991-93 biennium, Peg Crawford, AOII's first alternate dele- gate, is serving on the Alumnae Pan- hellenics Committee, and June Bogle, AOII's second alternate delegate, is on the College Panhellenics Committee.
Ginger, Peg, and June represented AOII at the 52nd biennial meeting of NPC along with International President Barbara Hunt, Executive Director Melanie Doyle, and To Dragma Editor Beth Grantham.
Public relations was a thread that wove through many discussions and actions taken by the Conference dur- ing the meeting, especially when 35 resolutions were considered.
In one of the most far-reaching resolutions adopted, the Conference directed college Panhellenics and member chapters to streamline rush using several means, including limiting rush expenses, eliminating outside decorations, eliminating rush skits from the first round of parties, elimi- nating all gifts, favors, and preference letters for rushees until they have accepted bids, and discouraging elabo- rate costuming and purchase of special rush outfits.
Additionally, resolutions adopted included those which: prohibit college Panhellenics from denying the right to be initiated when a member has met the requirements of her fraternity; encourage NPC member groups and college Panhellenics to omit logos of companies involved in the sale, distrib- ution, and promotion of alcoholic bev-

erages from materials pertaining to Greek activities; and set an informal meeting of NPC delegates and nation- al presidents to be held prior to May 1, 1992.
The Conference also voted to sponsor a forum designed to enhance cooperation and communication among interfraternal organizations in addressing mutual concerns.
"NPC Interfraternal Forum-2000" will be designed to help participants confront important issues facing the contemporary college campuses and collegiate fraternity members. The location and date of the forum will lie determined during the planning process.
Directing the implementation of the resolutions adopted by the Con- ference will be the 1991-93 NPC Executive Committee: Chairman, Harriett Macht (Delta Phi Epsilon): Secretary, Harriet Rodenberg (Sigma Delta Tau); and Treasurer, Jean Scott (Pi Beta Phi).
Retiring from the Executive Com- mittee during the NPC meeting was outgoing Chainnan Louise Kier (Phi Sigma Sigma). While Louise was chairman, accomplishments of the Conference included restmcairing of the College Panhellenics and Alum- nae Panhellenics Committees; devel- opment of the College Panhellenic Association Programming Manual; and publication of Viewpoint, a newsletter which provides NPC views and information to college and uni- versity presidents and chief student
AOII Salutes itt
Lisa FortenlTerry, Lambda Tau, Northeast Louisiana U.
Sally Francis Cash, Delta Epsilon. Jacksonville State U.
Debbie Katz, Pi Delta, V. Maryland
affairs officers.
Helen Calkins Kurtz, Phi, U. of Kansas, Clearwater, Florida Panhellenic
Shellie A. White, Kappa Omega, Li. of Kentucky
Wendy M. M(X)re, Rho Beta, Virginia Commonweath Li.
Elizabeth Hooper, Omega 1 Omicron. Lambuth U.
Polly Quigley, Philadelphia Panhellenic
Laurinda Zboya, Kappa Lamlxla, U.of Calgary
To Dragma

NPC Awards
During the biennial meeting of the National Panhellenic Conference last November, the following awards were presented:
National Panhellenic Conference Award (for overall excellence) campuses with 10 or more chapters: •Auburn Li., winner
*U. of Kentucky. 1st runner-up *U. of Florida, 2nd runner-up 6-10 chapters:
Clarion U., winner
'Eastern Kentucky I'., 1st runner-up •Fast Carolina I'., 2nd runner-up 2-5 chapters:
Millikin V..winner
Fraternity Month Award (for constructive public relations programming)
San Diego State U.. winner 'Birmingham Southern College, 1st runnerup
*lI.ofTennessee, Knoxville, 2nd mnnerup
College Panhellenics Committee Award (for excellence in membership recruit- ment and rush)
*U. of Kentucky, winner
*U. of Michigan. 1st runnenip "Hast Carolina U., 2nd runnerup
Scholarship Award
campuses with 10 or more chapters: 'Indiana I'.. winner
•Auburn I'.. 1st runnenip
U. of California/Santa Barbara.
2nd runnerup
6-10 chapters:
1. of North Dakota, winner 2-s chapters:
wbfford College, winner U. of Denver. 1st runnerup
Progress Award (for Panhellenic improvement)
campuses with 10 or more chapters: *U. of Tennessee. Knoxville. w inner Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
1st runnerup
6-10 chapters:
Ohio Wesleyan U., winner
2-5 chapters:
Simpson College, w inner Wofford College. 1st ninnemp
Outstanding Greek Advisor
Sonia imMasche. Colorado State U
Faculty Member of the Year
Dr. Eva Mc.Manus, 'Ohio Northern U.
An asterisk indicates campuses where is a chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Laura Etheridge, Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana 11 (immediate past president)
MissyWelch,Tau Omega. Transylvania U.
Jennifer Moore, Delta Omega, Murray State U. (immediate past president)
Cendy R. Gaff, Zeta Pi, U. If Alabama at Birmingham
Lori Trearre Jones, Delta Chi, U. of Delaware
Anne Cowen Beauchamp. Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U. Miami Panhellenic
Michelle M.Serrano, Delta Theta, Texas Woman's V.
Spring 1992
Sue Sapolsky. Gamma Theta. U. of South Florida

Take Action at Leadership Conference!
By Mary McCammon Williams
Phi (University of Kansas) Vice President/Operations
"AOII Welcome" banners will fly in ten locations across the continent when the Leadership Conferences are held on three weekends in June of 1992.
Over 1200 AOIIs will "Accept the Challenge" to fill their weekend with opportunities to make new friends, renew old friendships, share experi- ences and ideas, and participate in an educational program which will bene- fit them personally through all their group and individual endeavors.
Region IX will host the first Leadership Conference the weekend of June 12-14 at the Cavanaugh Inn in Spokane, Washington. June 19-21 will find Region IV at the Novi Hilton in Novi, Michigan and Region VIII at the Denver Hyatt in Denver, Colorado. The other seven regions will convene the weekend ofJune 26-28. The loca- tions are: Region I at the Buffalo Hyatt in Buffalo, New York; Region II at Towson State.U., Baltimore, Maryland; Region III at the Greensboro-High Point Marriott Hotel in Greensboro, North Carolina; Region V at the Hyatt Regency in Knoxville, Tennessee; Region VI at the Ashley Plaza Holiday Inn in Tampa, Florida; Region VT1 at the Gateway Center Holiday Inn in Ames Iowa; and Region X at the Sacramento Hilton in Sacramento, California.
Participants are collegiate chapter presidents, pledge educators, chapter relations chairmen, rush chairmen, and treasurers. Alumnae participants in- clude chapter advisers, collegiate cor- poration board representatives, presi- dents of alumnae chapters, current and
slated regional officers, regional chair- men, regional directors, any interna- tional chairmen or Past International Presidents living in the region, and representatives from the International Executive Board and the AOII Foundation.
The program will include Ritual, education sessions, guest speakers, chapter meetings, business meetings for the election of regional officers, goal setting for the region, awards, banquets, and informal gatherings. A special alumnae "day-out and re- union" is being planned for the re- gion's alumnae who are not Leadership Conference participants, but who would like to share in a bit of the excitement of Leadership Conference.
A "day out" and reunion areplanned for alumnae.
The highlight of the conference will be the educational program and each participant will be able to take home a plan to benefit her chapter and a process to aid her throughout her life. "Lights! Camera! Action!" trans- lated into AOII language means: "Set the Lights! Identify your Goals! Aim the Camera! Outline Objectives! Take Action! Develop and Execute your Plan!"
The focus of the program will be the development and implementation of action plans. Identification of the need and establishment of the objec- tives will first be addressed. This will be followed by a walk-through of the process of developing a plan of action
to accomplish the objectives and goals.
A timely and appropriate subject for collegians and alumnae will be ad- dressed through the presentation of a new Keystones workshop. Time is re- served for like-officers to share and learn from each other in small group sessions. Finally, related groups will develop a plan of action for their re- spective community or campus, ready to be implemented when they return home or to school.
Each region will have the oppor- tunity to recognize and applaud its own with international and regional awards. Continued excellence will be acknowledged through the presenta- tion of the Certificates of Achievement for collegiate and alumnae chapters and collegiate corporations. Special recognition will be given to chapters pledging and achieving quota during the rush period and to chapters that initiate 100 percent of their pledge classes. Each region will honor the chapters which have developed and executed the most improved program in the many areas of chapter opera- tion. At the Rose Banquet or Rose Brunch, each region will select its Most Improved Collegiate Chapter and Most Improved Alumnae Chapter and honor two members with the presti- gious Collegiate Leadership and Alumnae Service awards.
Make sure you are one of those 1200 AOIIs taking advantage of friend- ship, fellowship, fun, and great growth opportunities next June! Set your lights, aim your cameras, and attend
Leadership Conference! #
To Dragma

Continuing v V Involvement
Why I Stayed Active in AOII
By Mary McCammon Williams
Phi (University of Kansas) Vice President/Operations
I'm not sure I can tell you exactly why I stayed active in AOII, and I'm not sure that the perspective
of an Executive Board member is any different from that of any other AOII. Sometimes, as I wrestled with ways to get more women interested in staying active in AOII. I have wondered just what made it different for me. What made staying active the natural choice for me?
I think we all trace part of our dedication back to collegiate experi- ences. My membership in AOII meant a great deal to me in college. I had a wonderful group of sisters who supported me for myself. They applauded my successes and com- forted me when I failed. I always felt that my Phi sisters were genuinely pleased to support me, and I re- sponded with as much dedication to them as I could. I would have had success in college without AOII, but never to the degree that I did with AOII's support. AOII was indeed a springboard. Now I know that AOII was just as positive an experience for thousands more. So where did things change?
When asked about my work in AOII, I always answered that AOII gave me so much, I wanted to give as much back. Perhaps that sounds trite, but it's true. I wanted to remain active in AOII, but fate probably played a role in encouraging this desire.
Several years after graduation when Bob and I were married and we decided to come back to Illinois, we landed in Bloomington partly by chance. Bob was looking at law firms in several other central Illinois cities and had we gone to one of those, things might have been dif- ferent. I was a stranger in a new town, but knowing that there was both a collegiate and an alumnae chapter in Bloomington, I watched for the first alumnae meeting an- nouncement. I went without any fur- ther invitation, trusting that AOIIs were my friends. From then on I at- tended the meetings regularly and soon became an adviser for the col- legiate chapter. I know that, at first, being associated with college women and reliving my college days was a drawing card. Soon however, I think the feeling of being needed became a stronger motivation.
In addition to the friendships with alumnae and collegians, I had the sense that I was contributing to
something worthwhile. I felt needed and appreciated. Things weren't al- ways easy or fun, but I never got dis- couraged. Though I didn't take the time to think about my reasons then, I really believed in AOII — what it stood for and what it could do.
After attending several Interna- tional Conventions and being ex- posed to the bigger world of AOII, I moved into regional work when the time was right in my personal life. It was during this period that I realized AOII was more than an interest, a club, or a volunteer commitment for me. I had to defend my involvement. People would ask, "Why on earth are you fooling around with a col- lege sorority?" or say, "You mean you don't get any pay for all this time?". I was forced to crystalize the reasons for my consuming involvement with AOII so that I could explain.
At first, talking about friendship and sisterhood to outsiders seemed rather "hokey", so I chose a more business-oriented approach. I ex- plained that our purpose was to help college women have a support group where they could learn and practice leadership skills. Later, I talked about life skills learned in AOII that related to almost every part of living. Conversations such as
Continued on page 14
Spring 1992

Continuing Involvement
Why I Stayed Active in AOII
By Linda Martin McLaughlin
dhe dicViU (me,!
with AOII in their lives. My son came to a meeting at two months of age, dressed in red and wearing a name tag that proclaimed him a "Fu- ture IIOA". As an infant, my daugh- ter traveled with me to alumnae and collegiate chapters. It's interesting that my children have accepted hav- ing "new" women in our home everywhere we live. They know these women belong there because they're AOIIs!
My husband is probably the most supportive person in my fam- ily. He has the reputation of an- swering calls from the Executive Board and accepting positions for me! He tells me later (just ask Liz Coffey). I believe he has enjoyed all of the AOII-IIOA events we have at- tended. These events give him a chance to meet people with other interests and careers. Needless to say, IIOAs have a special bond by being married to an AOII!
This Christmas my parents gave me a special gift — an AOII presi- dent's ring. Even though I suggested it, I surprised myself with how much emotion I felt looking at the presi- dent's ring on my hand again.
I cried when I saw it; all of the reasons for being active in AOII
came to mind. I thought of the Sheaf of Wheat and all of our unique mem- bers tied together with the bond of AOII. I recalled our Founders and the Ritual they wrote for us.
I have been fortunate to read our Ritual regularly, and I gain new insight every time. Leading a Ritual has been a humbling experience for me, and my ring reminds me of the faces of the women, the symbols, the candles. M y parents really don't understand how much meaning their gift has for me!
I once heard an alumna say that she felt AOII does nothing for her life now. I had to think about this. I had never felt that way. As an AOII collegian, I learned so much about leadership, poise, and confidence. It seems only fitting that as an alumna, I would continue to share the bond. Through alumnae chapters I have made special friends, learned about communities, and continued to give of myself as a volunteer. AOII has also given me the opportunity to put the emphasis on myself as a woman. Sometimes this part of my life seems to get lost in my roles as wife and mother.
Alpha Theta (Coe College) International Alumnae Membership Chairman
My family and I have moved quite often. In addition to finding new doctors,
schools, and homes. I always find AOII. If there is no alumnae chapter nearby, I help to get one started. I can attend any AOII meeting and feel accepted, comfortable, and close to the new sisters I meet.
I have stayed in touch with the international AOII sisterhood by at- tending conventions — I have been to four. I walk into the hotel and see so many women that are my friends through correspondence and whom Iseeeverytwoyears.Wefeelasif no time has passed as we talk again of our families and our lives. I leave conventions knowing that these same women go home to work in their regions with the same purpose and emotion that I take back to my region. We are all guided by the common belief and understanding of our Ritual.
My children have grown up
on page 14
To Dragma

y do I stay active in Alpha OmicronPi?
I stay active because my in- volvement with AOII has provided me with three primary benefits — the opportunity to develop relation- ships with others, options for per- sonal development, and involvement that inspired skills development. These have been "gifts" from AOII.
Chief among the "gifts" has been the opportunity to interact with wonderful women who have been valuable allies, role models, cheer- leaders, challengers, and life-long friends.
As a collegiate member of Beta Lambda Chapter at Illinois Wesleyan II, I met outstanding role models. These included Sue Dobslaf, the pledge educator; Rosemary Schweir- john. the chapter adviser; Susan Guenzler Getz, the Perry Award win- ning chapter president; and Peg Crawford, who was the area National Panhellenic Conference adviser when I served on my college Panhellenic. When I attended Conventions and
By Marsha A. Guenzler
Beta Lambda
(Illinois Wesleyan University)
Region IV meetings, I listened spell- bound to such AOII "stars" as Edith Anderson and Ginger Banks.
When I graduated and became a corporation board treasurer, Mary Williams, who was then the corpora- tion board president, was my mentor. Later I was the enthusiastic new Re- gional Director under the tutelage of Regional Vice President Barbara Hunt. In more recent years, my role models have been the alumnae and collegiate members I have met in Col- lege Park, Maryland, and throughout the northeast. I have been renewed through my regular interaction with the collegiate members of the Pi Delta Chapter and their award win- ning chapter presidents. I have been invigorated by the members of the Fraternity Development Committee, which I serve as chairman. In their quest for a bright future for the Fra- ternity, these committee members have inspired me!
AOII has enhanced my personal development by teaching me to lead. My collegiate chapter was my labo- ratory for leadership. It was there that I was encouraged to be assertive, to take risks, and to regularly engage in two way communication with others in an effort to learn and to share.
Now, as an educator and university administrator, I am convinced that the college women's fraternity is the best place for women to learn lead- ership on campus. For this reason, I am committed to securing the future of women's fraternities. The most im- portant enhancement to my personal development, learned as an alumna, has been the importance of freely sharing special talents. Often it is oth- ers who have unearthed my hidden talents, by suggesting involvement in a new project or a new role in the Fraternity. Questions that begin with "Can you ..." or "Would you ..." or "I think you would be great at..." have coerced me into a variety of exciting adventures.
I have also learned how to fail. At times I made commitments to the Fraternity, when I was already fully committed to work, graduate school, and other activities. On more than one occasion I have exercised the right to say "no," choosing to selec- tively serve the Fraternity on those occasions and in those areas where I could contribute vision and vigor.
I am convinced that skills I employ on a daily basis were devel- oped and enhanced through my in- volvement in AOII. I can strike up a
Continued on page 14
Spring 1992
Continuing v X Involvement
Why I stayed active in AOII

Mary Williams
Continued from page 11
these over the past several years have helped me both to visualize what AOII should be and to under- stand my own dedication to AOII. I am determined to see this vision be- come reality.
There are other reasons that kept me involved. I have made many friends through the years. Though we are sometimes separated for years, we can pick up with a com-
Marsha A. Guenzler
Continued from page 13
conversation with relative ease be- cause of all that darned rush practice! I regularly give speeches and con- duct training sessions with a mini- mum of stage fright. Anyone who has attempted to influence an un- dergraduate chapter as an adviser or regional director has already perse- vered through one of the more dif- ficult public speaking challenges! My work in the field of human relations has been enhanced by the training and reinforcement I have enjoyed through AOII.
I stay involved in AOII because I have a huge debt to repay. Mine is not a financial debt, it is a personal debt. You don't receive the gifts I have collected without having to re- spond. I am indebted to my role models and mentors, and repayment is an attempt to nurture and inspire young women in the Fraternity. I am indebted to AOII for the skills, self- esteem, and recognition I have ac- crued as a member. My proposed repayment is my commitment to tend to the health and well-being of the Fraternity and its programs. I owe it to the wise and wonderful women who have preceded me and those who come after me to ensure the Fraternity's strong future. But it is
fortable familiarity that evolves from the fact that we have chosen to be sisters and thus friends.
I like to think of myself as a cre- ative person, and my training as an artist reinforces that. AOII allows me the opportunity to be creative. I have never resisted responsibility. AOII allows me the chance to be re- sponsible. And I often find myself in leadership roles in other organiza- tions (maybe it's my mouth that gets me in trouble), and I seem to be able to organize and to guide. AOII
more than indebtedness and re- turned favors that engenders my continued support.
My continued involvement is also born out of love for my Frater- nity. In great part, I chose to be- come an AOII because my older sis- ter was already a member. One year older than I was, Susan was my idol. Because she loved AOII, I decided I would like it too. Since then I have developed my own appreciation and love of AOII. I have learned through the stories and inspiration of others. I have learned to love it by surviving difficult and trying times both as a collegiate member and alumna, when what supported my sisters and me was our mutual love for our Fraternity. I have seen it in the eyes of new pledges when they participate in the initiation cer- emony and in the misty eyes of graduating chapter presidents who have committed their all to their Fra- ternity. Love for AOII is the inspira- tion of the Past International Presi- dents as they recount stories of the Founders and of their own experi- ences as fraternity leaders. In great measure, active alumnae continue to serve AOII, not because of the heavy debt we owe or out of guilt or the fear that no one else will do it. Instead, I believe, at our core, we
has allowed me to become a leader.
As I have grown older, I have come to realize that I am not indis- pensable, that organizations can get along without me and that AOII can get along without me. But I feel that I still have more to give to AOII. My pleasure from the association, my friends, my sisters, my need to be wanted, and my dedication to mak- ing AOII the best thing around for its members — these are what keep me active in AOII. #
continue our involvement because of the love we have for our Frater- nity, a love inspired by others, culti- vated by new challenges, and en- hanced by our own good efforts. ^§
Linda Martin Mcl^ugldin Continued from page 12
AOII has been with me through every move around the country, with each child (one collegiate chapter I had worked with sent a panda with balloons for my new- born daughter even though I had moved away before her birth), and my marriage (an AOII was in my wedding). I expect my love for our Ritual will somehow be a part of my funeral when the time comes!
When I was a collegian, the concept of experiencing AOII as an alumna was beyond my compre- hension. Now that I am an alumna, AOII is with me daily, guiding my life through church, volunteer work, parenting, and being a wife.
I have learned that with AOII, "You can take it with you" after you leave college. It can always be with you, and no one can take it away. <H
To Dragma

Continuing v V Involvement
Begiiiniiig Your
Commitment as
an Alumna
M&itAOIJi, aAe uutiated, labile m cotleae, but a lew- become member laten, m li^e. JK the article belmu-, ^alasied, White (Uiaded-, ielld- atmtt ken, e^enience aA, an AOII who- beacui, hen, c(rnim4tment aA- an alumna.
By Dolores White Rhodes
Alpha Delta (University of Alabama) Region VI Public Relations Officer
One of the nicest surprises I ever received was when Car- olyn Diener, then the chapter
adviser for Alpha Delta Chapter at the U. of Alabama (she is now a Regional Director in Louisville, KY) asked me if I would consider becoming an as- sociate member and working as an adviser. She explained that this op- portunity is providedto women who are interested in working with colle- giate chapters, w h o have the desire and commitment to become involved with an international fraternity and who are unanimously voted to mem- bership by a collegiate chapter with approval by the Regional Vice Presi- dent.
I was excited and honored at the prospect of also becoming a "sister" to my three daughters who had all pledged AOII (two had graduated and one was at that time a pledge). By the time everything was processed, my youngest daughter was a new initiate so she was able to be my sponsor at initiation. I was pleased that Lou Hovater, who had been the Alpha Delta housemother for several years, and I became asso- ciate members together. Initiation was a lovely, touching occasion for
both of us — the beginning of a spe- cial bond of lifetime commitment to this sisterhood.
My first privilege and responsi- bility was serving as pledge adviser. Needless to say, I was mostly a quiet, observant "adviser" since I was learn- ing along with the pledges! I had my own pledge manual and the Consti- tution and Bylaws. As I attended the weekly meetings, I enjoyed getting to k n o w the pledges and the chap- ter's officers. Everyone made me feel at home.
This unusual opportunity for per- sonal growth came at an excellent time in my life. The older two daugh- ters had graduated and were away and on their own — Cathy in Or- lando and Therese in New Orleans. Our only son, Mike, had decided to take a year off from college and work in Houston. Our youngest daughter, Paula, was in her freshman year at the university and was seldom at home. My nest had suddenly become empty!
The main reason I had begun work at the U. of Alabama in 1969 was to be around young people. Al- though the rebellious 60s generation had caused great anxiety among many parents my age, I still found young people to be marvelous, in- quisitive, sensitive, enduring and en- dearing creatures! My faith was
strengthened by the many students I had come to know through my work. Now, I had this special opportunity to have yet another type of relationship with college students. I had attended a private college which did not have Greek groups.
The following year, my next nice AOII surprise came when Carol Thomason, president of the Alpha Delta Chapter, asked me to serve as chapter adviser. Carolyn Diener had told our Alumnae Advisory Commit- tee that she had accepted an ap- pointment as Regional Director and that the chapter would be voting on a new chapter adviser to replace her. Never did I suspect that "green me" would be asked. I will always be grateful for the many courtesies of the Leaders Council and especially for the help and diplomacy of Carol. I learned so much that year!
In my five years as chapter ad- viser I made many friends and met wonderful, interesting people. Work- ing with the young women was one of the most rewarding experiences I have had. I received far more than I could ever have given. I was in com- plete awe at my first International Convention — I was impressed by the super organization; the talent, dedica- tion, and diversity of the membership; but most of all by the beautiful bond
Spring 1992
on page 45

By Melanie Nixon Doyle
Lambda Sigma (University of Georgia) Executive Director
Have you ever felt you were living in a TRAFFIC JAM... feeling crushed by responsi-
bilities, thinking "I can't deal with one more thing"?
Has your life been filled with:
• children demanding time,
creating emotional stress;
• parent with health concerns, needing attention;
• other family members with special needs;
• a challenging job; and
• a parent needing financial guidance? If you have experi- enced two or more of these, then you know what it's like to live in a ''traffic jam."
How do you cope? How can anyone deal with these demands?
More and more women are finding themselves simultaneously responsible for the care of their chil- dren, a career, and their parents.
I have experienced all of these demands and would like to share some experiences from my life in a "traffic jam."
My five children were very young when my volunteer involve-
ment with AOII began. When my youngest children, twins, were six weeks old, I hosted a luncheon for 46 AOIIs in my home. My guests includ- ed Sigma Omicron collegians from Arkansas State U. and the Regional Officers.
I was appointed Regional Direc- tor when the twins were five. My father had been diagnosed with ter- minal cancer about a year before my appointment. As an only child, I was the total support for my mother dur- ing my father's illness and ultimate death.
Why would anyone choose this time in her life to accept a very important position in our Fraternity?
I accepted the position because AOII was the stable part of my life. With AOII, I could focus my thoughts on something other than the tremen- dous demands of my family. AOII was something for me that I enjoyed. The concerns of the collegiate chap- ters and alumnae chapters, to whom I gave guidance, were a different type of challenge.
After my father's death, I sched- uled my first visit as Regional Direc- tor. I was tremendously excited by my new assignment and the oppor- tunities it held for me. My mother came to stay with my children, so I knew they would be well cared for during my absence.
This was the beginning of my
AOII volunteer involvement. Follow- ing my service as Regional Director, I was asked to fill a vacant Regional Vice President position. At the time I was managing a retail store in addi- tion to my family responsibilities... and I was considering another major volunteer position in our Fraternity!
I accepted the appointment. Dur- ing all my travels and work for AOII my mother cared for my children and developed a relationship with her grandchildren that she might not have otherwise enjoyed. Not only did AOII give to me, it also gave to my mother and children in a different way. Without my mother's help and support, I could not have devoted as much of myself to AOII.
Alpha Omicron Pi was my outlet. It was a way to serve. It provided friendships, rewards, and stability. AOII is always constant. The philoso- phy and foundation our Founders gave us has not changed through the years.
When I received a call telling me that I had been nominated for the Executive Board, I was going through a divorce. Yet I was considering an even more responsible position in our Fraternity!
Why? What made me always say yes?
I said yes because AOII contin- ued to be a stabilizing force in my life. Continued on page 45
To Dragma
Wkm. li^e become^, a t/iaj^ic jam—
AOHCanBea Stabilizing Force

How AOII Stood By Me
By Laura Brush Burcham
Alpha Kappa
(University of North Alabama) Region VI Director
On November third, 1990, I learned that the unthinkable had happened. My husband
Ron had been killed in an automo- bile accident, leaving me with a five- month-old baby daughter.
I was on an RD visit at Gamma Delta Chapter (University of South Al- abama) when my parents came to give me the news. I asked the sisters at Gamma Delta to notify Julie Brin- ing, Regional Finance Officer, who lived in the same town, about what happened. They promptly did. Julie and Robin Wright, Regional Vice President, then set the wheels of AOII in motion.
So much of what happened in those next few weeks and months are still a blur. The one thing I do re- member is an overwhelming feeling of love and support from my sisters.
Elise Moss drove two hours to be with me at the funeral home. I had met Elise while I was an adviser for Zeta Pi Chapter and she was our RD. We have remained "lunch buddies"; we go to lunch when she gets a chance to come to town. While at the funeral home, Elise told my father about the Ruby Fund. She told him
Qditasid,A/ode: Jl(UiA& QnudA l&til kcutd hew- AOJJdimd Sm
that she knew I might not think about the fund and that I might have a need for it. She was right. Later, she helped Daddy and me by letting us know what information the committee would need and who to contact. She kept in touch periodically by phone or in notes just to let me know she was thinking of me.
Several of my sisters with whom I attended college were there. Many I had not seen for years. There were flowers from several representatives of AOII. That meant a great deal. I think the thing that impressed my family the most and meant the most to me were all of the cards and letters fromalloverthecountry.Whenany- one talks about the AOII Rose Vine, I think of how far those tendrils reach!
So much of what happened in those next few weeks and months are still a blur. The one thing I do remember is an overwhelming feeling of love and supportfrom mysisters
Of course, the sisters in my re- gion responded beautifully. But I also received cards from every region. Some told me that they had been through similar experiences and wanted me to know that they were available by letter or phone if I needed someone to talk to. Others of-
Jlen, di&uf jjoUawA....
fered their thoughts and prayers. One fellow RD from another region of- fered to take over the correspondence to my alumnae chapters. Members of the Executive Board took time out from their busy schedules to write a personal note. Kay Jones, the chapter adviser of one of my chapters, sent me notes, both funny and sweet, to let me know she was there if I needed to talk. And when I was ready to talk, she was a willing listener.
On January 10, 1991, Daddy died unexpectedly. My sisters continued (and in some cases increased) their support. Lis Donaldson had the fore- sight to know that I may someday want to write about Ron and Daddy for my daughter and sent me a little book forthat purpose.
At Convention, sisters made a point of introducing themselves, hug- ging me and telling me that they con- tinued to think of me. Everyone was kind enough to let me do what I felt I could with no pressure to "get on with life". I was overwhelmed with emotion during Ritual. I have seen it in action and it is tremendous.
Without Robin Wright and Julie Brining I could not have continued as an RD. They did their jobs and took over my chapters as well. They were in frequent contact with me to be
Spring 1992
on page 45

Continuing > V Involvement
Past International
"V^eaid&ilM>94and,the,ipMMq&dt M,43.
Tic (idest is 94 and the youngest is 43-
They have traveled to many chapters, met hundreds of AO]I col- legians and alumnae, and represented the entire sisterhood at various events.
Who are they?
They are the PIPs or. more prop- erly, the Past International Presidents of Alpha Omicron Pi.
They have many interesting sto- ries to tell about their experiences as International President. This article is based on highlights of a recent To Dragma survey of the PIPs.
Though they are different ages and have varying backgrounds, they all agreed that the best part of being International President was the many friends they made.
"The best part about being International President was working with young women and forming many friend- ships. "
Mary Louise Filer Roller. Alpha Pi '33 (Florida State U.), summarized it well:
"The best part about being Inter- national President was working with young women and forming many friendships."
All of the PIPs said that AOII has had a major impact on their lives,
Margaret (Peg) Kramer Crawford. Iota '45 (U. of Illinois).
expressed it this way:
"1 put AOII right Lip there with
Mom and Dad when it comes to in- fluences in my life."
Joan Deathe MacCallum. Kappa Phi '57 (McGill U.), had a hu- morous response concerning the im- pact of AOII on her life.
'"It has certainly caused my typing to deteriorate— I type far faster and less accurately than I did 20 years ago!!" she said.
In a more serious vein, she said that AOII has given her a local and in- ternational system of friends to whom she has turned when she needed sup- port.
Virginia (Ginger) Banks, Pi Kappa '68 (U. of Texas at Austin), spoke of the Fraternity's positive in- fluence in her career.
"If it had not been for the people skills, the ability to work with large budgets, and management philoso- phy and techniques I developed through my AOII involvement. I would have been at a loss in know- ing how to handle countless situa- tions in my 12 years as Managing Ed- itor of the Texas Bur Journal" she said.
In January of 1991. Ginger was appointed Director of Communica- tions of the State Bar of Texas. She said that her AOII experience has been invaluable in her new position.
Nancy Moyer McCain. Rho 44 (Northwestern U.), said that AOII has given her friends wherever she has lived.
"AOII has gone wherever we have moved and I have retained friendships which began when I
pledged AOII in 19-40... I'd be adrift without it," she said.
Though these women no longer occupy AOII's highest office, several still serve the Fraternity in other ways.Their careers and activities out- side AOII are as varied as the women themselves.
"Iput AOII right up there with Mom and Dad when it comes to influences in my life."
Edith Huntington Anderson, Beta Phi '17 (Indiana U.), remained active in Alpha Omicron Pi after her term as International President and only gave up the job of International Historian in 1991. She is now the His- torian Emeritus. At the age of 94, Edith is very independent and lives alone in her own apartment.
Ginger, the youngest PIP. cur- rently serves AOII as the National Pan- hellenic Delegate, a post she has held since 1987. She has been a memlier of that delegation since 1981. Ginger wras recently appointed chairman of the Perry Award Committee.
Another PIP who, like Ginger, is employed full time and serves on the NPC delegation is Peg Crawford. Peg. who has both a B.A. and an M.A. in Bacteriology- from the U. of Illinois, joined a medical research team at the U. of Chicago 28 years ago and she is still there. In her spare time, she en- joys community theater, and this past season produced one play and di- rected another.
To Dragma

Wilma Smith Leland, Tau '24 (U. of Minnesota), serves on the Ritu- als, Traditions and Jewelry Committee (RT&J), as does Joan MacCallum. Wilma is currently writing her autobi- ography. She has plenty of writing experience, having served as editor of To Dragma from 1927 to 1946. When she accepted the job at the age of 24, she was the youngest editor ever.
Joan, the other PIP on the RT&J committee, works full time as a com- puter programmer for a high school in Montreal, Canada. She lives in nearby Dorval, a suburb of Montreal.
Janirae Linebaugh Callaway, Omicron '53 (U. of Tennessee, Knoxville), has her own business. She is the head of the LeConte Gallery, a home furnishings and interior design firm in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
She credits AOII with teaching her many valuable lessons.
"I've always said that I received my real education through AOII," she said.
She enjoyed the traveling that she did as International President. She said that the best parts of the job were working with the members, meeting a variety of people, and "the friends you made that are still there."
Two other PIPs are still actively serving AOII in international offices. They are Eleanore Dietrich Mac- Curdy, Iota Alpha '59 (Idaho State U.), member of the Perry Award Com- mittee, and Nan McCain, Historian and International Archives Chairman.
These women are also busy with other volunteer activities.
Eleanore is the current president of the Bridgewater Visiting Nurse As- sociation, a position which consumes much of her volunteer time. She is also the chairman of the Department of Public Affairs for the General Fed- eration of Women's Clubs of Massa- chusetts. In addition, she serves as publicity chairman for several other organizations.
Nan's interest in history and mu- seums is reflected in her volunteer work. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Macomb County Historical Society which she helped
organize in 1964. She has also been active in the development of the so- ciety's Crocker House Museum.
Mary Louise Roller comes to In- ternational Headquarters at least once each year to work on the archives. Mary Louise and Nan work together, organizing the AOII papers and mem- orabilia that have been collected through the years.
Mary Louise has been active in the Episcopal Church in many capac- ities and is currently the president of the Diocesan Episcopal Church Women. She also volunteers for the Chamber of Commerce in Mt. Dora, Florida, for at least eight hours a week. One of the "fun tasks" there is serving as a tour guide for the town on an "as needed" basis.
"AOII has gone wherever we have moved and I have re- tained friendships which began when Ipledged AOII in 1940. .. I'd be adrift with- out it."
Jessie McAdam Larned, Tau '30 (U. of Minnesota), lives in a retire- ment community in West Allis, Wis- consin, where she has her own apart- ment. Though she is now legally blind, this does not keep her from doing volunteer work. Two mornings a week she works with Alzheimer's patients in the Health Center of the re- tirement community.
"The biggest impact that AOII has had on my life has been the many close friends I have made. . .These friendships continue to this day,"
Jessie said.
Norma Marshall Ackel, Kappa
Theta '43 (UCLA), is likely to have the most unusual answer to the question "Where are you now?" She enjoys traveling and regularly takes four or more trips a year. In 1991 she visited Cancun, Mexico; Lisbon, Portugal; Sa- vannah, GA and Charleston, SC; Eng- land (Cambridge and the western sec- tion); North W ales; and W ashington, D.C. She also took a one week cruise
to see the solar eclipse.
Norma still owns 50% of a gar-
ment manufacturing firm. She trained as a public accountant, but never practiced. She has served as a Pres- byterian Deacon and Elder and has also been active in opera guilds.
Jessie Marie Senor Cramer, Phi '27 (U. of Kansas), now limits her vol- unteer activities to AOII, but she has been very active in church work and Girl Scouts. Before she retired she taught math and Spanish in high school. She was also active in Panhel- lenic and frequently spoke at high schools about the Greek system. Since serving as International President, she has done several jobs for AOII, such as serving on the Perry Award Committee.
As International President, Jessie Marie says she knew that many of the collegians did not look forward to her visit and were thinking to themselves, "Oh, here comes that old witch." So when some friends gave her a witch's hat and broomstick, she sometimes took those items along on chapter vis- its to help "break the ice" with colle- gians. By die time the visits ended, they would all be friends, she re- called.
Dorothy Bruniga Dean, Rho 19 (Northwestern U.), still lives in her own home in Montgomery, Alabama, with her housekeeper of many years. Dorothy is in poor health. She broke her hip about 6 years ago and suf- fered another fall a couple of years later.
The PIPs: their lives are different now, but they share fond memories of the highest AOII office. They also seem unanimously pleased with the current direction of the Fraternity.
Perhaps Eleanore MacCurdy ex- pressed it best when she said:
"I am delighted with the superb direction of the Fraternity. From all I read and hear, we are preparing our collegiate membership to assume lead- ership in today's world. They realize the importance of academic excel- lence, but also know the importance of social amenities and the ability to
Spring 1992
work together for all." H
better world

Helping With the Transition to
"Real Life"
By Kathryn Crow
Delta Omega (Murray State University) Coordinator for Programs and Training
Suggestions for collegiate and alumnae chapters...
Senior breakfasts and dinners—
provide valuable time for seniors to spend together and talk about their concerns and plans for the future. .
A senior retreat— a good time for the collegiate chapter to pre- sent awards to seniors. And don't forget funny awards. These can provide laughter and fun for the whole chapter.
Create special games— pledges can pretend to be individual se- niors and have the chapter guess who each one is impersonating.
I remember my last semester of college vividly. I was simultaneously exhausted from studying, excited about the future, overwhelmed with responsibilities, and scared to death. It was a confusing time, for me and for all of my graduating sorority sisters.
However, in the midst of all the changes, Alpha Omicron Pi provided an atmosphere that was safe and warm, and where we always felt we belonged. It was particularly special to be the oldest members of the chapter. I remember that there was a respect for the years of college experience that we had acquired and the younger members really listened to our ideas and insights. As seniors, we had much responsibility for running the chapter, and this was an honor that was very important to us.
There were many special activi- ties that enriched our last year of col- lege. These activities are as meaning- ful today as they were "way back when. . ." There were Senior Break- fasts or Dinners, which provided valuable time to spend together to share our concerns and plans for the future. We all had younger "little sis- ters" to help guide through the col- lege experience and "secret pals" with whom we could share special mo- ments. At the end of the year we had a "Senior Retreat" during which the entire chapter honored us with spe- cial chapter awards. They also gave us funny awards which were person- ally designed for each of us. The pledges played a game with us — each pledge pretended to be a differ-
ent senior, exaggerating some of our funny personality quirks. O h , to see ourselves as others see us! It was hilarious!
I remember that the alumnae got very involved with us and began tak- ing us under their wings as future members of the alumnae world of AOII. They invited us to various alum- nae chapter events and included us in the alumnae meetings. I was im- pressed with their involvement in our transition into the business world. They presented workshops on career planning, job interviewing, apartment hunting, networking, and living on a budget. You name it — we talked aboutit!Weallfeltmuchmoreatease about entering the working world after sharing time with the alumnae!
It was then that I became more aware of the connection with our in- ternational organization. I realized that there were sisters out there in almost every location who were willing to help us. No matter where we chose to begin our alumnae lives, there were sisters waiting. These alumnae sisters could provide the "warmth and safety" which we had become accustomed to as collegianss.
Looking back, I think that one of my treasured memories was getting to know my "Alumnae Big Sister". She was there for me as I completed my academics, planned my future, and continued my involvement in Alpha Omicron Pi. It was the beginning of a special friendship which has lasted until this day. #
To Dragma
Invite seniors to special
events and regular
chapter meetings— this helps se- niors and alumnae get acquainted, and it will also make the "alumnae world" seem more familiar to se- niors after they graduate. It's also likely to result in more members for alumnae chapters!
Present workshops on career planning Job interviewing, apart- ment hunting, networking— these can be joint projects of the collegiate and alumnae chapters.
Assign an alumna "big sister"for each graduating senior— a n older AOII who "knows the ropes" can be a big help to grad- uating seniors and the "big sister" relationship can be the begin- ning of a lifelong friendship.
alumnae alumnae

Collegiate Chapter News REGION I
Iota Chi < U. of Western Ontario
Iota Chi Chapter at the U. of Western Ontario, the second youngest chapter on campus, suc- cessfully began the school year by- placing first in achieving quota, Stephanie Houghton writes.
The chapter also hosted a "Wel- come Back Greek Barbecue,'' and sorority and fraternity guests feasted on burgers at the new chapter house.
Philanthropic activities included a pumpkin carving contest at Hal- loween, a Christmas canned food drive and feeding the homeless at a local shelter. Members also donated their time to help the Heart and Lung Association in various ways.
In January, Iota Chi hosted its annual Greek Fashion Show. This event brings the Greek community together, and it has proven to be a successful fund raiser as well.
Kappa Phi McGill University
The sisters of Kappa Phi at McGill U. completed a successful fall semester and initiated 100% of their pledge class in November, writes Kelly Brown.
The chapter sponsored a 24-hour volleyball-a-thon in September and raised $900 for the Quebec Arthritis Society.
Eight chapter members attended the Region I Spirit W eekend. They had a terrific time and enjoyed meet-
\j A2
Kappa Phi fall pledges are pictured on the day of initiation with a panda they made for their sisters.
spring 1992
ing their sisters from other chapters. The chapter is busy planning spring
events which will include a fund rais- ing party and the Rose Ball Formal.
International President Barbara Hunt (left), cuts the cake at Theta Pi Chapters (Wagner College) mother/daughter reception as Isma Mason, chapter president, and Rita Hunt. Region I Director, look on.
Epsilon Alpha Penn State U.
Tara Lucyk reports that the Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Penn State U. completed a successful year which began when the chapter met quota with 37 new pledges.
Continued on next page

Epsilon Alpha Continued
Epsilon Alpha participated in many events including Delta Gamma Anchor Splash, Phi Kappa Sigma Skullympics and the Alpha Chi Omega Aerobathon. Members also enjoyed homecoming activities.
During the spring semester chap- ter members participated in the Dance Marathon, Penn State's largest philanthropic event. The sisters danced for 48 straight hours to raise money for children with cancer. Chapter members are now busy plan- ning for their own fund raiser, the AOII Football Challenge. Proceeds from this event go to Arthritis Research.
Amy Nadley was named to the Order of Omega and received a Dia- mond Jubilee Foundation Scholar- ship. Nadley. Lisa Santell and Jen Kirloff were also inducted into the Golden Key National Honor Society.
Pi Delta
U. of Maryland
The Pi Delta Chapter at the U. of Maryland started off the fall sem ester with another successful rush and reached quota with 37 pledges, writes Heather Jacksc >n.
Six chapter members served as RushCounselors.TheywereDebbie Sanguiliano, Heather Jackson, Kelly McCuen, Allison Leshine, Yolanda Kuo and Kristen Mathias. Pi Delta member Debbie Katz also served as the Rush Counselor Coordinator for the Panhellenic Association and recently acc epted the position of Pan- hellenic President. Stephanie Hamp- ton was elected scholarship assistant for Panhellenic.
Ines Van Daalen was appointed to the U. of Maryland Honor Council as the representative from the school of business. The council is comprised of 25 top students from the university.
Missy Smith was awarded the Marie James ACC Post Graduate Scholarship which is given to a
female athlete in the ACC based upon academic and athletic excellence. Robin Molhenrich was named to the Order of Omega.
The Pi Delta Chapter was recog- nized by the Governor and state of Maryland for participation in the Statewide Community Service Day. The chapter has picked up litter on the roads surrounding campus for two consecutive years.
Another chapter achievement was the chapter's GPA surpassing the cam- pus all women's GPA. This was achieved when more than 50 percent of chapter members made a 3-0 or better.
Homecoming took place in Octo- ber and Pi Delta matched up with the memlx.Ts of Tau Epsilon Phi and Delta Chi for an exciting week. In Novem- ber chapter members enjoyed a visit from International President Barbara Hunt.
Sigma Rho Slippery Rock U.
Members of Sigma Rho Chapter at Slippery Rock U. participated in a number of events last fall, reports Charlotte Harrison.
In September the chapter cele- brated homecoming with a "Once upon a time..." theme.
SigmaRhoplacedthirdinan alcohol awareness banner contest. The banner read. "Don't Get Rocked at the Rock." Many alumnae were on hand for the day-long event.
Philanthropic events included a service project at a community park. Chapter members participated in a haunted hayride and performed a Hal- loween skit for local residents and their children.
Over $200 was raised for arthritis research when the chapter sang Christmas carols at a local store. Sigma also supported the University's "Light Up Night" for Children's Hospital. Members bought candles and wore their AOII letters to this special event.
Jennifer Oestreich and Cindy DeZort were named to the Order of Omega.
Epsilon Chi Eton College
The Epsilon Chi Chapter at Elon College enjoyed a busy and exciting fall. Mindy Bedsaul reports.
During homecoming activities the chapter placed second overall. In October chapter members and alum- nae attended the annual Rose Ball which was held at a local restau- rant/banquet hall.
Epsilon Chi held a clothing drive and donated the collection to the Burlington Family Abuse Services.
To promote scholarship,officers have implemented a new plan. Schol- ar Dollars. Each member receives a certain amount of scholar dollars for her good grades. These dollars may then be used to buy AOII items at a special auction.
Chapter members held a recep- tion for faculty members at the chap- ter house during Faculty Appreciation Month.
Spring activities for the chapter willincludeformalmshandworking with Delta Epsilon and Zeta Psi chap- ters to organize the Leadership Con- ference which is to be held in June.
Lambda Chi LaGrange College
The Lambda Chi Chapter at LaGrange College received three campus honors at the college's awards ceremony last spring.
These were the Austin P. Cook Award, which recognizes the best organization on campus; the Nancy T. Alford Award, which is given to the best sorority on campus; and the Mamie Lark Henry Scholarship Cup,
Continued on page
To Dragma

Wt E103
V7 -/

. 32 oz. Plastic Squeeze Bottle, $3.50 . Navy Wool Stadium Blanket, $30.00
White T-shirt, Calico Panda, L, XL, $18.50 Beach/Golf Umbrella, $16.50
Folding Umbrella, $10.00
:. Red Pullover W indbreaker, L, XL, $28.00
Red Umbro Shorts, White Letters, M, L, $25.00 Navy Drawstring Shorts with Pockets.
Red Letters, M, L, XL, $25.00
I. Rosevine T-shirt, L, XL, $14.00
I. Rosevine Shorts, M, L, XL, $12.00
i. Heart Frame Cross Stitch Kit, $6.00 i Pillow Cross Stitch Kit, $10.00 Doorhanger, Red or White, $6.50 Memo Cube, $3.50
Small Basket with Lace Trim, $10.00 Also available: Large Basket, $12.50 Red Gift Bag, $1.75
. Heart Pin Pillow. $6.00
. Mini Grapevine W reath. $6.00
Twill Letters Sweat Pants, Red, Navy or White, S, M, L, $25.00 Twill Letters Crew Neck Sweatshirt,
34 oz. Mega Mug, SALE $3.00 Ceramic Mug, Red AOII, $6.00 Accept The Challenge Mug. $6.00 Ceramic Mug with Roses, $6.00
Red, Navy or White, S, M, L, $22.00 Twill Letters Hooded Sweatshirt,
Red, NavyorWhite,S,M,L,XL,$26.00 :. Large Red Canvas Book Bag, $16.00
)A. Poplin Hat, White or Red, $15.00
. Flannel Drawstring Pants. Midnight Plaid, S-M, $26.00
. Navy Long Sleeve T-shirt, Midnight Plaid Letters, L, XL, $25.00
White Socks, Red Rose, $5.00
V. White Crew Socks, Red AOII, $5.00 3. White Socks, Red Panda, $5.00
:. Red Slouch Socks, $5.00
D. Red Crew Socks, White AOII, $5.00 i. White Socks, Red AOII, $5.00
A 0„
11. AUTO ACCESSORIES E23. License Plate, $4.00
E24. License Frame. $4.50 E88. Car Window
Sun Buster, $3.00
E71. 3x5 Acrylic Frame, Reversible Mat. $4.50 E94. 5x5 Rose Acrylic Frame, $5.75
E95. 3x5 Acrylic Frame, 2 Openings, $4.50
El 17. 5x7 Small Rose Acrylic Frame, $6.00
atao rOf« T 1

E33. W aterproof AOII Banner, 20x30, $15.00
E96. Gray Exercise Shorts. Navy Letters, M, L, XL, $16.00
E45. Laundry Bag with Panda, $15.00 E72R. Red Night Shirt, One Size, $21.00 E72W. White Night Shirt, One Size, $21.00 El 12. Pillowcase with Roses, $8.50
E12. White T-shirt, Pastel AOII, M, L, XL, $15.00 E61. Gray Striped T-shirt, M, L, XL, $18.00
E78. Raspberry Crop Top, M, L, $17.00
E79. Also available: Raspberry T-shirt, M, L, $18.00 E102. Jade T-shirt, Paisley Letters, M, L, XL, $22.00
E19. "My Mom's an AOII!" Child T-shirt, Red 2-4, 6-8, 10-12, 14-16, $7.00
E19G. "My Grandmother's an AOII!" Child T-shirt, Navy, 2 4 , 6-8, 10-12, 14-16, $8.00
E19GP. Also available: Rosebud Pink, $8.00 E20. White Legacy T-shirt, S, M, XL, $15.00 E44A. NEW! Apron, "AOII Alumnae Make
the Best Cooks", $12.00
E44. Also available: "AOII Moms ...", $12.00
E135. AOII Mom T-Shirt, Red Letters, L, XL, $18.00 E136. AOII Dad T-shirt, Navy Letters, L, XL, XXL, $18 00
Limited colors and sizes
E01. Crew Neck Jersey, Red, White, S only; Navy, S, M, $8.00
E02. Puff Print Crew Neck Sweatshirt, Red, Navy or White, & M, $8.00
E03. Puff Print Hooded Sweatshirt, Red, Navy, S only; White, S, M, $8.00
E04. Puff Print Sweat Pants, Red, Navy Small only, $8.00
E15. Accept the Challenge T-shirt, Medium only, $8.00 E50. V-neck Jersey, Red or White, Small only, $8.00 E75. Silk Screened Sweat Pants, Red, S, L;
Navy, S, M, L, XL, $8.00
E76. Silk Screened Crew Neck Sweatshirt, Red, S, M;
Navy, S, M, L. $8.00
Not pictured
E10. White Gear Shorts, Light Blue Letters, S, M ,$13.00 E81. Capri Exercise Shorts, Red & Black, S, M, L, $14.00 E 8 2 . Biking Shorts, Red & Black, S, M, $12.00
E105. E106.
E125. E126.
Navy Nylon Running Shorts, White Letters, M, L, XL, $16.00
Peach T-shirt, Navy Letters, M, L, XL, $17.00
White Tank Top, Navy Letters (same design as Kelly and Peach T-shirts), M, L, XL, $17.00
Kelly T-shirt, Navy Letters, L, XL, $17.00
Navy Nylon Running Shorts, Kelly Letters, M, L, XL, $16.00
El 29. White T-shirt, Navy Polka Dot Letters, L, XL, $24.00
E131. Flannel Boxers, Campbell Plaid.
Yellow T-shirt, Campbell Plaid Letters, L, X, $24.00
Yellow Letters, M, L, XL, $18.00
E132. Purple T-shirt, Plaid Letters, L, XL, $24.00 El 33. Black Nylon Running Shorts, Purple Letters,
M, L, XL, $16.00

E57A. Burgundy Pen by Garland, Gold Alpha Omicron Pi inscribed on barrel, Red Rose on end, $16.00
Front Page:
E98. White on White Sweatshirt, L, XL, $30.00
E10O. Navy Sweatshirt, Pink Floral Letters, L, XL, $36.00 E103. Gray Champion Sweatshirt, Red Letters, L, XL, $48.00 E110A. Poplin Hat, Red or White. $15.00
E144. Forest Green Sweatshirt, Paisley Letters, L, XL, $36.00 E146. NEW! Navy/Red Rose Sweatshirt, L, XL, $38.00
E44. NEW! Apron, "AOII Moms Make the Best Cooks", $12.00 E44A. Also available: "AOII Alumnae . ..", $12.00
E137. Founders Picture, 8x10, Black & White Print print only, mat not included, $15.00
E57A. Burgundy Pen by Garland, Gold Alpha Omicron Pi inscribed on barrel, Red Rose on end, $16.00
E84. Burgundy Portfolio, Gold Letters, $18.50
E92. Burgundy Writing Folder, Gold Letters, $18.00 E134. Burgundy Pocket Calendar, Gold Letters, $3.00 E134A. Refills for Pocket Calendar, $1.00
Purchase Matching Pen, Portfolio and Folder and Receive Pocket Calendar FREE!
E29. NEW! Alumnae Decal, $1.00
E145. NEW! Navy "AOII Alumna" T-Shirt, L, XL, $15.00 E147. NEW! Birch Fleece Pocket Shorts,
E21.1 Love AOII Button, $.50
E25.1 Love AOII Bumper Sticker, $1.00
E25R. NEW! AOII Rose Bumper Sticker, $1.50 E26. Playing Cards, Single Deck, $4.00
E27. Playing Cards, Double Deck, $7.50
E28. AOII Decal, $.50
E29. NEW! Alumnae Decal, $1.00
E30. White Notepad with Red Letters, $1.00 E32. Lucite AOII Key Ring, $4.50
E32A. Red AOII Key Ring, $4.00
E35. Celebrate Sisterhood Button, SALE $.10 E38. Rose Print, $8.50
E41. Address Book, $3.00
E46. Red Die Cut Notepad, $4.50
E55. Gray with Rose Notepad, $4.00
E57. Pen, White with Red AOII and Rose, $1.00 E58. Panda Footprints Notepad, $2.50
E59. Post-It Notes, $3.00
E63. AOII Perfume Sticks, White Linen, Eternity or Poison, SALE $1.50
E65.12 Month Calendar with Address/Telephone, $4.00
E66. AOII For A Lifetime Button, $1.00
E69. Foldover Notes, 10 per box, $4.00
E83. HQ Folded Notes, 50 per package, $15.00 E87. Panda Bookmarker, $1.00
E90. AOII Pencils, Red or White, $.30
E93. Things To Do Notepad, $4.00
E108. Rose Notes with Envelopes, $4.50
E109. Floating Key Ring, $3.00
El 11. W eekly Planner Board with Pen, $9.00 El 13. Planner Notebook/Organizer, $10,.00
El 14. Rose Memo Board with Pen, $4.50
El 19. Red Rose Key Ring, $3.00
El 20. Picture, Album, $11.00
E122. AOII Ribbon, $.50/yd or $45.00/100 yds.
. Region.
Navy Letters, M, L, XL, $25.00
.00-$ 5.00 5.01-$ 25.00 $25.01—$ 50.00 $50.01-$ 75.00 $75.01-$100.00
Each additional $100.00
$3.00 $4.00 $5.00 $6.00 $7.00 $7.00
• CHECK • MC • VISA Card* .
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Lambda Chi continued
which honors the sorority with the highest GPA. Several individuals were honored for their academic work in various subjects. They were Lynda Doss, art; Jillian Hatchett, business; Amy Price, business; and Polly Roe,
semester, winning an award in the homecoming float contest and having a member, Anise Momson, crowned homecoming queen. Twoother mem- bers, Laurie and Lisa Riddell were on the homecoming court.
Sigma also raised an additional $500 for the philanthropy when they won first place in the Theta Chi Volleyball Tournament. Chapter members also answered phones in the Arthritis Foundation's Telethon last April.
During the fall semester the chap- ter hosted a fraternity touch-football tournament and participated in home- coming. Chapter member Laurie Rhoades was crowned homecoming queen. The chapter w o n the "Triple E Award" for showing the most effort, enthusiasm and excitement in home- coming events. The chapter won first place in the superdanee competition, second place in the banner contest and carnival, and third place in the dance competition.
Lambda Eta Grand Valley State U.
Jennifer Caverly reports that the Lambda Eta Chapter at Grand Valley State U . began the sem ester with open aish and pledged nine women.
Chapter members volunteered their time at the Grand Prix Auto Race in Grand Rapids.
Homecoming was an exciting event for Lambda Eta. Michelle Kent was a member of the homecoming court, and the chapter won the video contest.
Chapter members enjoyed their AOII Date Party, which included din- ner and dancing on the Port City Princess boat which is docked on Lake Michigan.
Omega Miami U.
Barbara Burns reports that Omega Chapter at Miami U. had a busy fall semester.
Continued on next page
Lambda Chi Anise Morrison (center) was homecoming queen at LaGrange College and sisters Lisa (left) and Laurie Riddell ivere members of her court.
education. Laurie Riddell was recog- nized for her work in the Student Government Association and on the Hilltop News.
Social Chairman Stacy Parker organized a Rose Ball ceremony in May to celebrate the chapter's 20th anniversary. Every alumna of the chapter was invited to the event which was held in Peachtree City, Georgia. Chapter members also wel- comed their new COB pledges in the spring.
Lambda Chi had a successful fall
Lambda Sigma U. of Georgia
The Lambda Sigma Chapter at the U. of Georgia put a lot of empha- sis on philanthropic activities last year, reports Carol Abney.
Chapter members volunteer over 300 hours of service a month at many places including the Athens Homeless Shelter and the Lanier Rest Home.
Last March the chapter raised more than $6,000 for Arthritis Research with a walk-a-thon. Lambda
Spring 1992

Omega continued
The chapter ranks seventh scholastically among the 23 sororities on campus.
Fall events included Greek W eek and a Parents Weekend Brunch. The chapter initiated a new fund raiser called "A-O-Sweetie Pi Grams." Chap- ter members delivered candy mes- sages around campus for Sweetest Day. Social events included a mystery date party and the Red Rose Ball.
The new year has brought Omega's first experience with deferred rush. Chapter members look forward to pledging new sisters in their newly decorated suite.
Spring events planned include a campus wide basketball tournament and the annual A-O-Pirate date party which ends with a river boat cruise down the Ohio River.
Omicron Pi
U. of Michigan
The Omicron Pi Chapter at the U. of Michigan completed another successful year and initiated 36 new members, reports Cheryl Cains.
During Greek W eek, Omicron Pi held its annual dance contest and raised over $2,000 for Arthritis Research.
Other events on the chapter cal- endar included a Barn Dance, a semi- formal and the anntial Parents W eek- end. The chapter also held a bowl-a- thon for muscular dystrophy.
Several members were named to the Order of Omega. They were Cheryl Cains, Lisa Fromm, Joelle Gropper, Kay C. Hope and Shira Goodman.
Kappa Omega U. of Kentucky
Kappa Omega Chapter at the U. of Kentucky had a great fall rush, meeting quota with 50 pledges.
The chapter welcomed Tonya Herig as its new chapter adviser. Herig stepped in for Kristi Farmer who became the Regional Vice Pres- ident for Region V .
After winning first place in the Lambda Chi Alpha W atermelon Bust, Kappa Omega donated $1,000 to a local child abuse center.
Members hosted a reception for AOII parents and an open house for alumnae. The pledge class held a Halloween party for local children.
The entire chapter was involved in various holiday activities at UK's Medical Center. Kappa Omegas con- tinue to support the Save the Earth Campaign with their house recycling program. The chapter won third place in the homecoming banner contest.
Two members received special honors last fall. Laura Sauer was a finalist for homecoming queen, and
Julie Meyers played the lead role in the Lexington Musical Theatre's pro- duction of "Funny Girl."
Spring activities include a moth- er-daughter tea, a daddy-daughter day, and a 10th Anniversary Celebra- tion for the chapter. Anyone interest- ed in receiving more information about the Celebration may contact the house at 368 Rose Street, Lexing- ton, KY , 40508 in care of Alumnae Relations or call Charlotte Blandford at (606) 258-5431.
U. of Tennessee,
Omicron Chapter at the U. of T ennessee, Knoxville, had another exciting fall semester and made quota with 30 new pledges, Jennifer Schrad- er writes.
Chapter members participated in many events including Adopt-A-Spot, Adopt-A-Periodical and Campus Clean-Up. The highlight of the semes- ter was Omicron's 31st Annual Barbe- cue which was held before the UT- Mississippi State football game. One hundred AOII alumnae, 100 colle- gians and many moms, dads, and husbands worked together to make the event a success. This event is one of the largest fund raisers for the Arthritis Foundation. Proceeds go to the Arthritis Research Loan Closet. Arthritis Research, and the Harriet C.
Gleve Scholarship.
During homecoming the chapter,
along with the members of Pi Kappa Alpha, place third in the banner com- petition. Omicron and members of Chi Omega participated in ALL-Sing which was held in February.
Missy Price and Rhonda Carroll were named to the Order of Omega. Kristen High, Kyla Parker, and Sherry Borders, are cheerleaders.
pledges take time for a Bid Day photo.
Pi Alpha
U. of Louisville
Pi Alpha Chapter at the U. of Louisville has had a productive year, reports Johna Chaffin.
Chapter members Dani Kirk- bride, Kristin W orland. and Leesa Httffer spent much of last spring help- ing plan the Southeastern Panhellenic Conference which was held at the U . of Louisville. Chapter members espe- cially enjoyed meeting International President Barbara Hunt and other AOIIs from around the country.
Other spring events included Greek Sing and the annual Greek Awards. Pi Alpha is pleased to have the highest sorority GPA on campus.
In the fall chapter members joined with the members of Zeta Phi Beta to organize a "Greek Blitz," dur- ing which all Greek organizations donated time to Louisville's Operation Brightside. Other fall events included rush, a hayride, a winter fomial, and a chapter relations retreat. Chapter members Linda Wheeler and Renee Mitchell were candidates for home- coming queen.
Continued on next page
To Dragma
and two new

Rho Omicron Middle Tennessee State U.
Christy Bradley reports that the Rho Omicron Chapter at Middle Ten- nessee State U. had a successful fall semester and made quota with 26 pledges.
Rho Omicron and the members of Pi Kappa Alpha hosted a softball tournament. All proceeds from the event were donated to the universi- ty's scholarship fund.
Homecoming was an exciting time for the chapter. Carrie Collins was on the homecoming court. Chapter members teamed up with Pi Kappa Alpha and won first place in the win- dow display contest and second place in the fight song competition.
On Halloween members went trick-or-treating to raise money for Arthritis Research.
Individual honors include: Susan McMahon, elected to the SGA; Chris Burger, selected for the JV Dance Team; Carrie Collins, chosen to be the new captain of the Varsity Cheer- leading Squad; and Lori Ferrell, elect- ed president of Rho Lambda, an honor society for Greek women. Kathy Gentry was one of four final- ists in the Miss MTSU Pageant.
Rho Omicron celebrated Founders' Day on December 8, 1991, with a luncheon at a local hotel.
Delta Epsilon Jacksonville State U.
The Delta Epsilon Chapter at Jacksonville State U. has had an exciting year, writes Tracy Turner. One highlight was a trip to Interna- tional Headquarters as part of a sis- terhood retreat and a visit from Regional Director Carole Jones.
Members from the Delta Eposilon Chapter (Jackson State U.) took time out for a
photo during their recent visit to International
Angie Beck (from left). Sara Cotham, and Crystal Minter
provide some comic relief during Rho Omicron s (Middle Tennessee State U.)
fall rush.
Spring 1992
Scholarship has been a top prior- ity, and chapter members and pledges have the highest GPA of any Greek group on campus.
Individual honors include Libby Boshell, Tracy Turner, and Amy Vyci- tal, chosen for Order of Omega; Sally Cash, elected Panhellenic president; and Stephanie Matthews, outgoing Student Government President. Tana Turner was selected Miss Jacksonville State. Sherry Greenwood placed sec- ond in the Miss Mimosa Pageant, and Amy Vycital placed second in the homecoming pageant. Three of the top ten women in that pageant were from the chapter.
Delta Epsilon participated in a variety of philanthropic projects which included an Easter Basket Raf- fle and a "stick-up" for Arthritis Research. The chapter placed second
held in spring, 1991.
which was
in Greek
W eek
The chapter is proud of its newly furnished chapter room. At the chap- ter's first formal Founders' Day Ban- quet, Lis Donaldson was guest speak- er. Four permanent awards were established in honor of the Founders.
Nu Beta
U. of Mississippi
After completing a successful rush, the Nu Beta Chapter at the U. of Mississippi began an exciting fall semester, reports Mary O'Ryan.
Highlights of the fall semester included a visit from Regional Vice President Robin Wright and a formal at the Omni Daisy Theatre in Memphis, T ennessee. The chapter's annual pancake breakfast raised over Contin ued on next page

Nu Beta Continued
$2,000 for Arthritis Research. Individual honors include: Missy
Lavender, Golden Key National Honor Society; Mandy Martin, Omi- cron Delta Kappa; and Mary O'Ryan and Danielle Day, Order of Omega. Danielle Day was elected Panhellenic treasurer.
Phi Sigma
U. of Nebraska,
Phi Sigma Chapter had an excit- ing fall semester as members settled into their chapter house, reports Julie Rief. Chapter members are grateful for the help they received from local alumnae.
The new chapter house was for- mally dedicated during homecoming week. An open house was held after the ceremony, which was attended by Chancellor Nestor.
Another highlight of the fall semester was the Panhellenic Fall Scholarship Banquet. With a chapter GPA at an all time high of 3-4, Phi Sigma w o n the first place sorority scholarship award. LeAnne Glesinger won the Panhellenic scholarship, and Ann Gruse received the Shoo W alker Excellence Award. Three members. Kathy Paprocki, Linda W estman, and Denise Trumler, received Diamond
Jubilee Foundation Scholarships. Social events included the Cow Pi, a dance with a western theme; a semi-formal; and a Halloween party sponsored by the '91 pledge class. Thanksgiving dinner was also held at
the house.
The chapter held a rocking chair
marathon for Arthritis Research. Members also participated in "Honey Sunday," during which sorority mem-
bers sold honey to aid the Association of Retarded Citizens.
Spring semester events will include initiation and a scholarship banquet. Phi Sigma Chapter will also host State Day for Nebraska.
U. of Minnesota
Members of the Tau Chapter at the U. of Minnesota have had an extremely busy year, reports Jennifer Clapp.
Twelve members traveled to the U. of Wisconsin at River Falls to help the new colony with their Preference Night. Several members also traveled to the U. of Iowa during rush to exchange skit ideas.
In October, Tau helped the Min- neapolis/St. Paul Chapter celebrate its 75th Anniversary. On Halloween members volunteered to help Phi Kappa Psi with their haunted house for local day care centers.
Another fall highlight was Par- ents' W eekend which included a brunch, a tour of the house, an infor- mation session to answer questions about AOII, and a pot luck dinner after the football game. Past Interna- tional President Wilma Smith Leland was guest speaker at the dinner.
During Valentine's week the chapter held its annual Sweetheart Week during which 25 fraternity men competed to become Tau's 1992 Sweetheart. Proceeds go to the Arthri- tis Foundation.
Tau President Laura Dufek was honored with a Citizen of Merit Award, presented by the Police Chief and Mayor of Milwaukee. She also received a Medal of Honor from the United States Y outh Regatta Union. Laura saved a man from drowning and was recognized for going above and beyond the call of citizenship duty by risking her life for his.
Laura was also selected for Order of Omega, along with Court- ney Cornett. Colleen Busyn was cho- sen as Minnesota's Miss Beautiful Eyes by the National Society to Pre- vent Blindness.
Phi U. of
Phi Chapter at the U. of Kansas has been busy with community ser- vice and philanthropic events, reports Krishna Knapp.
The first event was the Omicron Open miniature golf tournament, which was organized by Kelly Wiedt and Shannon Hull. Sponsors, Greek participation, and t-shirt sales helped raise nearly $3,000 for Arthritis Research.
In October, chapter members participated in a "Haunted Hal- loween" at the Brandon Woods Retirement Home. More than 50 members dressed in their favorite Halloween costume and helped the residents of the home hand out treats to pre-school age children during the event.
Chapter members also participat- ed in a local elementary school carni- val and helped with games, conces- sions, and entertainment. Kimberly Matthews came dressed as the U. of Kansas mascot and was a hit with the children. Phi members also donated time to help with the United Way campaign, Special Olympics, Toys for Tots, and a Red Cross blood drive.
Four members were named to Order of Omega: Jadi Diugosh, Paula Evans, Cindy Kirkland, and lill Russell.
Newcomb College/ Tulane U.
Pi Chapter at Newcomb College/ Tulane U. has been busy preparing for deferred rush, reports Tami Daughdill. Deferred rush is a new event at Tulane U. this year. Chapter members have helped redecorate the chapter house with new furniture, curtains, and rugs. They have also
Continued on next page
To Dragma

Pi Continued
painted, both inside and outside the house.
The chapter won the Panhellenic award for excellence in membership education. Kellie Jenkins and Megan Williams each received the rose award and badge for being outstanding members.
Nicole Brasseaux worked i n Washington, D.C., as a n intern for Vice President Dan Quayle. Nikki Jackson was in South Africa for three weeks to compete in an international horseback riding competition. She won awards in both U.S. team com- petition and individual performance. Four members are studying abroad. They are Lisa Berrittella, Ten Menke, Kim Newell, and Milissa Thorn.
Tau Gamma Eastern
Washington U.
Amy Ryan reports that Tau Gamma Chapter at Eastern Washing- ton U . started the year off with a suc- cessful rush, meeting quota and initi- ating fourteen pledges. Chapter mem- bers also enjoyed visiting with Chapter Consultant Leslie Yanik.
Patricia Marlow represented T au Gamma in the homecoming pageant for Miss Eastern. Members Ronee Axlund, Jennifer Ives, Deanna Kelly, Shauna McLaughlin and April Minister represented other organizations dur- ing the competition.
Tau Gamma held its 3rd Annual Barn Dance in November and raised over $400 for Arthritis Research.
Also i n November, Tammy Halvorson, Tanya Jevene, April Minis- ter and Beth Severn attended the Northwest Greek Exchange at
Williamette U. in Salem, Oregon and brought back many ideas.
Two chapter members hold Pan- hellenic offices. Beth Severn is vice president, and Stephanie Freese is philanthropic chainnan.
Gardens Retirement Home.
Sigma was proud t o welcome
new Regional Director Susana Lapeyrade. Chapter members enjoyed visits from Chapter Consultants Sally Rowell last spring and Beth Kuchta last fall.
Individuals with honors include Suzanne V an Spyk, Phi Beta Kappa; Amy W oodson, CalPIRG (Public Inter- est Research Group) state board chair; Laura Calaway, Cora Granata, Kellee Horn and Sandra Wong, Order of Omega. Kathy Cassano spent fall semester doing geographical research in Tahiti and her findings will soon be published.
Sigma Phi
California State U., Northridge
Sigma Phi Chapter a t California State U., Northridge began fall semes- ter with a successful rush, reports Jen- nifer Wright.
Other fall events included partici- pating in a Halloween Carnival a t CSUN's Children's Center and serving meals to the homeless a t Thanksgiv- ing. Chapter members also participat- ed in a special community event, Operation Sparkle. I n conjunction with local police, Sigma Phi helped clean and paint several low income elementary schools and apartment buildings.
Memlxjrs enjoyed helping the San Fernando Alumnae Chapter with the San Fernando Valley Arthritis Founda- tion Children's Fashion Show.
Stacey Swartz and Kristen Gilse- nan were chosen t o b e University Ambassadors. Jennifer Wright was named t o Order o f Omega. Mary Donovan and Stephanie Long were on the homecoming court.
Liz Coffey, International Vice President/Finance, was a welcome guest when she vLsited the chapter at the time of initiation.
This spring Sigma Phi marks its 25th year as a chapter, and members are working with alumnae to plan an exciting anniversary celebration.
Spring 1992
The Sigma Chapter at the U.of California at Berkeley, has been busy with community events as well as individual achievements, reports Car- olyn Young.
Continuing Sigma's commitment to cultural diversity, the sisters hosted the ICE Breaker party (Inter-Cultural Exchange), a n event which brought Sigmas together with members of four predominantly Black and Asian Greek letter societies. Fall pledges were active in the C.P.A./I.F.C. Pledge Insti- tute, a series of seminars on topics such as date rape and racial discord on campus. The final program o n racism was presented by G.R.A.C.E. (Greeks for Racial Awareness and Cultural Education), the C P A . com- mittee of which Patricia Mendoza was recently elected president.
When the East Bay Fire destroyed the apartments of two pledges and two alumnae last fall, the chapter ral- lied to their rescue with clothes, sup- plies, money, and moral support. Sigma also donated clothing t o the Red Cross to assist other victims of the disaster.
Sigma won the "Best House" award in the annual Lambda Chi Alpha Daffodil Days contest t o sup- port Cal Camp. Other philanthropic events included Jump Rope for Heart, a clean-up a t a local elementary school, and a pledge trip to Piedmont
Sigma U. of
California, Berkeley

50 Year Members
The women on this list have traveled far in their journey as alumnae, for they have been members of Alpha Omicron Pi for 50 years. We offer our congratulations and best wishes for the future.
This list includes each member's name, city, and state, where known. If no city is listed, it means that International Headquarters has no current address. If you know the address of any of these "lost" alumnae, please notify International Headquarters. Please note that the list includes those women initiated during the school year of 1942-43.
Alpha Omicron
Louisiana State University
Barbara Leland Porter Bayhurst Irene Elizabeth Pichett Blair,
Covington, LA
Betty Jane None Colson Barbara Jane Dier Harmon*
Omaha, NE
Anne Wentworth Miller Henderson Gloria Mariece Carriere Lloyd
Irwa Elaine Shear Lytle, Hinsdale, IL Mary Allen Monroe
Geraldine Lane Romine Newman,
Baton Rouge, LA Dorothy Joy Lowry Sanders,
Marjory May Whitty
Lauier Ballard Niealing Wiegel Jannie Jane Craig Wilson,
Slidell, LA
Evelyn Jarrell Juneman Yost,
Baton Rouge, LA Alpha Phi
Montana State University
Helen Naomi Skaggs Boettger, Lewistown, MT
Lily Eldora Stensland Bryan, Wolf Point, MT
Catherine Martha Cawan Shirley Ann Swan Cornelius,
Cascade, MT
Alice BeeTreweek Crouch,
Great Falls, MT
Mary Loraine Renonard Gilmore,
Lander, WY
Gwen Haynes Hartmen
Betty Jean Kountz Hennessy,
Butte, MT
Billie Lou Sweet Lesage, Butte, MT Margaret Lois Linfield Lyons,
Boise, ID
Ada Ann Atkinson Miller,
Tacoma, WA
Jean Julie Stehlik Miller, Conner, MT
Jeanne Elizabeth O'Brien O'Neill Janice Mayfield Ozimek, Brick, NJ Marian Louise Samann Peebles,
Choteau, MT
Lois Maye Noble Sampson,
Kalispell, MT
Helen Rae McDermatt Uhlrich,
Bozeman, MT
Mary Archibald Vansice,
Silver Star, MT
Muriel Anne Roberts Wilde,
Helena, MT Cecelia Olson Winter,
San Rafael, CA
Grace Elizabeth Bieber Wuest,
Glendale, CA Alpha Sigma
University of Oregon
Loimae Rodenbaugh Dotson, Coburg, OR
Jane Elizabeth Cassidy Durham, Auburn, CA
June W Davis Eckert
Mary Louise Uhls Gross
Jean Maxwell Hayes Hochgesang Betty E Perry Kirtley, Eugene, OR Gladys Wilma Stevenson McCary,
Kathryn Marie Yount McWilliams,
Ann Arbor, Ml
Roberta Bliss Boyd Offley
Alice Marie Chapman Parker Altha Kathryn Paul, Portland, OR Alison Aya Sandgathe,
Springfield, OR
Mary Jean Hurd Sargent, The
Dalles, OR
Suzanne Frances Minor Stetson,
Arlene Williams Webster, Portland, OR
Alpha Tau
Denison University
Alice Louise Fullmer Barlow Eleanor Frances Roberts Bartlett,
Boulder, CO
Nancy Jean Meddough Bartley,
Roberta Clare Ault Bassett,
Randolph, NJ
Joyce Clark, Rock Creek, OH Betty E Dumbaued
Hope Foster Home Flemer,
Cincinnati, OH
Helen Marie Foster, Deceased Phyllis Louise Dininger Freed,
Pittsburgh, PA
Mary Margaret Funk Dorothea F McCullough
Greenbugh, Camillus, NY Margaret Sewaee Hector
Patricia Ann Kuhl
Frances Ainslie C Baird Marshall,
Samia, ON
Mary Florence Jackson Meyer Audrey Middleton, Bloomfield, NJ Alleen Brillhart Peterson,
Auburn, CA
Barbara Mae Robertson,
Cincinnati, OH
Dorothy Helen Carlson Scheppner,
Erie, PA
Mary Rose Truter, Tucson, AZ Louise Narcissa Beverly Wich,
Oak Park, IL
Beta Gamma
Michigan State University
Patricia Maxine Larkin Beck, Bonita Springs, FL
Mari Lou Larsen Kelley, Sun City West, AZ
Carol Elizabeth Guettler Maurer Doris E Baguley Miller
To Dragma
Initiated between 7/1/42 - 6/30/43

50 Year Members...
Beta Gamma, continued Mildred Lucili Pickett Scheele,
Santa Clara, CA
Beatrice Eleanor Springer Stubbs,
San Diego, CA
Doris Avele Dingeman Van Ess,
Grand Rapids, Ml Beta Kappa
Madeline Louis Vandeputte Adamson, Calgary, AB
Jo Ann Elizabeth Price Baehr, Deceased
Beverley Eleanor Guy Clark, Vancouver, BC
Marjorie Catherine Smith Fisher, Evanston, IL
June Colter Taylor Heisler
Anne Elizabeth Jenkens Keighley Ethel Jean Campbell Little
Mary Margaret McCabe Sullivan
Beta Phi
Indiana University
Betty Lou Bowen Becher, Deceased
Beryl Ann Crowe Biddle, Markleville, IN
Rachel Elisabeth Bair Blandford, Lynchburg, VA
Mary Jo Lybrook Bodimer Marjorie Jeanne Boyies Carl,
Ft. Wayne, IN
Marianne Fauber Clarke, Deceased Miriam Carolyn Crabb Coats,
Indianapolis, IN
, Sue Geognegan Daubenheyer,
Bloomington, IN
Marian Gertrude Kendall DeMyer,
Indianapolis, IN
Barbara Jane Parrish Fredrickson,
Littleton, CO
Mary Ann Peters Greenawalt,
Richmond, VA
Kathryn Rita Greiving, Aurora, CO Eileen Elizabeth Krueger Haeberle,
Bloomington, IN Helen Louise Janz Hale,
Kentwood, Ml
Doris Katherine Schory Hazelwood,
Ft. Worth, TX
Wilma Neel Keck Jacobs, Bloomington, IN
Joan Marie Keller Lewis, Crawfordsville, IN
Rebecca Jean Mott Littell, . Arlington, VA
Mildred Lucille Townsend Long, Flora, IN
Phyllis Eileen Kemp Love Rosemary Laughlin Lynn,
Indianapolis, IN
Carolyn Barton Sprague Mills,
Drexel Hill, PA
Martha Jean Madden Mohr,
Pacific Palisades, CA Margaret Louise Current Moore Ann Lee Carter Rinne, Deceased Norma Francis Parker Seller Janice Catherine Trotter Turner,
Orleans, IN
Rae Hildred Davis Walk,
New Salisbury, IN
Cecelia Joanne Yaste Webster,
Huntington, IN
Rosemary Mancini Youmans,
Bowie, MD
Shirley Ruth Johnson Zeller,
Winter Haven, FL
Evelyn Fae Cooper Zolman,
Springfield, OH Chi
Syracuse University
Chi Delta
University Of Colorado
Marjory Jane Beaver
Jane Waters Beye
Martha Joanne Drake Cathcart Shirley May Cox Cathcart
Ruth Ann Olson Gatchell,
Colorado Springs, CO Margaret Ann Hayes Goodhue Dorothy Louise Grey
Charmion Phyllis Briggs McMillan Carolyn Marjorie Zohn Newberry Shirley Elizabeth Briggs
Poffenberger Delta
Tuffs University
Bette Louise Klebes Alford Carmen Ariana Nassi Bartlett,
z Cotuit, MA
Lila Blanche Henry Beadle Marion Ballou Walters Cross,
Annapolis, MD
Barbara Jane Glidden Dwyer,
Needham, MA
Jean Hooker Louphere Hollar,
Bellows Falls, VT Shirley Brown Howard,
Westwood, MA
Mary Elizabeth Pettingill Jepson,
Milford, CT
Janet Marian Walsh Owen,
Wayland, MA
Mary Louise Roney, Deceased Elizabeth Matthews Shaw,
Oxford, ME
Helen Irene Spinney Waddell,
Baton Rouge, LA Epsilon
Cornell University
Mary Jane Dilts Achey, Pennington, NJ
Nancy Ellen Whittier Atkinson, Falmouth, ME
Hilary Dawson Beckett
Anne Forssell Aungier Beveridge,
Staten Island, NY
Ruth Elizabeth Van Orden Cline,
Lorraine Frances Hile Copeland
Spring 1992
Jeannette Louise Raynor Black, Westhampton Beach., NY
Marcia Browne
Margaret Jane Wootton Dow,
Orange Park, FL
Sarah Wells Bartlett Duncan,
Wheaton, MD
Doris Marie Johnson Fleming,
Pittsford, NY
Elizabeth Joan Foley Dorothy Anness Panarites,
Syracuse, NY
Ann Woessner Priem,
Pacific Grove, CA
Jean Winifred Hyzer Stern,
Nokomis, FL
Patricia Anne Long Stevens Gloria Anne Millett Unger,
Bronxville, NY Elizabeth Eleanor Wake

50 Year Members...
Epsilon, continued
Alice Gertrude Douglass Cronk,
Mahwah, NJ
Joanne Wellman Skinner Eckerson Betty Abbott Gopdnough
Silvia Work Grubb, Olympia, WA Arlene Ann Loede Hanley,
Rochester, NY
Charlotte M N Madison
Betty Jeanne Nosek Manning,
Chagrin Falls, OH
Jean Frances Knandel Miller,
Katharine S MacDowell Negrette,
Las Vegas, NV
Judith Straub Richardson,
Reading, PA
Mary Honor Crowley Rivin,
Santa Fe, NM
Jean Margaret Waterbury Schenck Ann McGloin Stevens, Avon, C T
Epsilon Alpha
Pennsylvania State University
Mary Carolyn Leworthy Bachmann, Pipersville, PA
Isabel Milligan Baker, State College, PA
Shirley Mae Camp Belke, Rochester, PA
Annamae Blount Bigoney, Williamsburg, VA
Margaret Louise Chapman Bower, Mechanicsburg, PA
Jacquelyn Ruth Struble Diriwiddie, Alexandria, VA
Virginia Ann Ladd Hirzel, Clarksville, MD
Betty Mary Fleming Kiefer, Titusville, FL
Mary Anne Jennings Krieger
Jayne Christine Dewees MacDade,
Phoenixville, PA
Barbara Jane Anderson Schick,
Dubuque, IA
Mary Emily Frausen Skinner Mary Kathryn Hoppel Ward,
University of Maine-Orono
Esther Randall Bacas, Arlington, VA Janice Lorraine Minott Blass
Elizabeth Janet West Briggs, Deceased
Frances Ann Sheehy Brown Mary Esther Treat Clark,
Green Valley, AZ
Mary Norbeck Libby Dresser,
Wenham, MA
Mary Frances Spangler Eddy,
Camden, ME
Ellen Jean Lougee Frederick,
Brewer, ME
Judith Hill Fielder Harris,
Hampstead, NH
Barbara Lucille Smiley Healy,
Augusta, ME
Jean Hashed Stevens Hennessy,
Cape Elizabeth, ME
Rena Miriam Ashman McClellan,
Pinehurst, NC
Natalie Harthorn Jones Noseworthy Joanne Morita Springer Perry,
Ormond Beach, FL
Barbara Goodiell Akeley Seaman,
S. Portland, ME lota
University of Illinois
Marion Lois Hoskins Borden, Portsmouth, Rl
Gertrude Eltin Osterhaudt Cooke, Midland, TX
Eleanore Helen Standish Corbett Marjorie Helen Benoist Davis,
Hollywood, FL
Zoe Foran Ellis, Glendale, CA Barbara Jean Doering Healy, E.
Peoria, IL
Sylvia Louise Hobbs Huxford,
Indianapolis, IN
Guinevere Irene Smith Martin Shirley Olind Schickedanz Miller,
Belleville, IL
Celeste Rae Miller
Harriet Agnes Miller Philleppe,
Twain Harte, CA
Lucile Ida Marie Quernheim,
St. Louis, MO
Merri Lois Rambler
Elizabeth Rhodes Nelson Smith Jean Aileen Spencer
Claire Christiansen Strauch,
Newport Beach, CA Evelyn Mae McMurry Velde,
Roberta Helen Schmaling Westberg Kappa
Randolph-Macon Women's College
Nancy Butler Parson Bonnett Ann Ramsey Holliman Bowne,
Cloverport, KY
Jane Long Moreland Branscomb,
Birmingham, AL
Joan Irene Hunt Cory
Elizabeth Kabler Thomson Herbert,
Delaplane, VA
Josephine Knox Bower Miller,
Lexington, KY
Cecile Pauline Breard Milner,
Monroe, LA
Jane Aldridge Montgomery
Mary Lee Phillips Moore
Aline Helen Gooding Port Katherine Grizzard Little Sanders Margaret Butler Seelbinder,
Winston Salem, NC Anhe Westcott Dunn Shaw,
Birmingham, AL
Gertrude Fuller Rudulph Sherrod,
Birmingham, AL
Patricia Ann Taylor Cornelia McHenry Thomas,
Louisville, KY
Geraldine Smitherman Wray
Kappa Omicron
Rhodes College
Patricia Ann Quinn Alexander Jane Elizabeth Mitchell Bonner,
Hot Springs Natl. Pk, AR Mildred Jane Davis, Deceased Katharine Ripley Smith Glover Vadis Norris Jeter Hester,
Jane Showden Treadwell Mann Floy Wooten Marks
Halcyon Hall Roach Moore
Shirley Scott Philyaw, Houston, TX Ann Bradshaw Portlock,
Winter Haven, FL
Dorothy Perkins Flaniken Simpson,
Mayfield, KY
Patricia Jane Bigger Turner,
Houston, TX
Beverly Elizabeth Barron Williams Frances Stockley Uhehom
Wunderlich, Memphis, TN
To Dragma
Mason City, IL

50 Year
Kappa Phi
McGill University
Norah Antoinette Stewart Allen, Florence, AL
Bernice Nora Faughnan Ballantyne, Westmount, QC
Mildred Rayetta Graham Bovay, Newport, Rl
Gwyneth Goodridge Winter Breckon, St. Johns, NF
Barbara Anna Ray Ferguson Barbara Elizabeth Lavis Forbes,
St. Bruno, PQ
Mary Blair Jackson Fowler,
Ottawa, ON
Katharine Barbara Milne Lambert,
Ottawa, ON
Patricia Marion Hanrahan Latendresse, Bethesda, MD Dorothy Alberta Hopton Looker Margaret Jean Ivarson Putman,
Houston, TX Marion Henry Roy,
Montreal West, PQ
Margaret Nancy L Dawson Sidaway Sheila Anna Ward, Deceased
Kappa Theta
University of California at Los Angeles
Ruth Josephine Omey Baruth,
Los Angeles, CA Gretchen D Kumnick Byron,
Pasadena, CA
Luella Sue Baldwin Campbell,
Glendora, CA
Phyllis Georgia White Chilton,
Barbara Jane Ryan Dunham,
Glendale, CA
Rosemary Edith Snyder Gustafson,
Crestline, CA
Kathleen Lavayea Kincheloe,
Marjorie Eleanore Kennedy Lupton,
Olema, CA Virginia Pinkus Ryder
Stanford University
Harriet Marie Reed Clark, Deceased
Marjory Joan Hubbard Collins, Fresno, CA
Dorothy Mae Bishop Garber, Lafayette, CA
MarjorieJeaSchlichtmann Herrero, Kentfield, CA
Marny Antoinette Say Jones, San Rafael, CA
Gloria June Kellogg Knickerbocker, Pebble Beach, CA
Beverly Ann Leggett Lambert, Portland, OR
Edie Borman Lucas, Danville, CA Lois A MacGregor Messner,
Northfield, MN,
Cynthia Mary Jacobs Mikkelsen,
San Francisco, CA
Kay Hammond Moorsteen Margaret Jane Watts Nelson,
Woodland, CA
Georgann Susan Barrett Perelliminetti, Newport Beach, CA
Lambda Sigma
University of Georgia
Mary Margaret Hamilton Calk Josephine Wilson Christian,
Dunwoody, GA
Mary Ursula Barber Davis Lallie Ernestine Wansley Fryer,
Rome, GA
Dorothy Nelle Nix, Gainesville, GA Mary Virginia Grout Phillips Frances Celeste Hooks Reese Gloria Richey Crummey Sheppard,
Moultrie, GA
Gladys Ruth Smith
Hilda Irene Gillio Tos, Claxton, GA
New York University
Carol Cecile Spahr Bogdasarian Clarice Rosemarie Malanka Ghiotti Margaret Louise Eenberg Hammond Blanche Rose Smolensky Hasek Jean Anne Smith Livingston,
Carmel, CA
Marie Joan McWilliams
Virginia Helen North
Irene Helen Russell
Helen Claire Marshall Scanniello,
River Edge, NJ
Nu Omicron
Vanderbilt University
Sara Beth Johnson Addams, Flossmoor, IL
Eloise Bethshores Castle, Mill Valley, CA
Bettie Wilder Goodgame, Belleair, FL
Virginia Nelle Hall Hartsock Bettyeann Kirby Hooper Alice Jean Rucks Kendall Nancy Leland Siler King,
Rockville, MD
Virginia Margaret Safley Shueller,
Evelyn Buford Kemker Smith
Lady Jean Barker Tatum, Deceased Betty Virginia Brunner Willrford,
Elberton, GA
Miami University
Shirley MacLean Aiken, Lake Forest, IL
Nancy Lee Latta Amsden Barbara Jane Wylde Annegers Muriel Phyllis Hemmings Beverly,
Oak Park, IL
Jeanne Gertrude Grigsby
Bookwalter, Springfield, OH Elizabeth Louise Gage Breese,
Farmington Hills, Ml Ellen Elizabeth Byrnes,
Columbus, OH
Helen Marie Donaher Hayes,
Wenonah, NJ
Anne Edythe Witte Hodges,
Green Valley, AZ
Mary Louise Stabbat Horn Elisabeth Jane Flanigan Johnson Mildred Jean Reed Kimball,
Newark, OH
Sherrie Virgini MacDowell McGuire,
Camarillo, CA
Olive Lloyd Jones Miller,
Mansfield, OH
Vanda June Nichols
Dorothy Ann Karstaedt Osier,
Riverside, CT
Juliana Reese Schamp Doris Marge Annand Seiler,
Sandusky, OH
Mary Jane Kleinoeder Smith,
Charlotte, NC
Spring 1992

50 Year Members...
Omega, continued
Evelyn Spier Carrol! Stahl, S.
Pasadena, FL
Emmeline Giffin Staudt, Deceased
University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Mary James Clark Blakeman,
Cleveland, MS
Marjorie Gray Michaels Deck June William Baird Frazier,
Washington, DC
Nancy Huston Morgan Gray Lillian Ray Taylor Hays,
Brentwood, TN
Jewell Holtsinger Hodge,
Dandridge, TN
Dorothy Ann Dook Holder,
Parrottsville, TN Audrey Branch Hoover,
Richmond, VA
Barbara Merle Gillespie Jarrett,
Maryville, TN
Betty Van Dyke Daugherty Lathrop,
Lake Toxaway, NC Alice Louise Baker Lucky,
Tampa, FL
Helen McCullough Allred Lyle,
St. Petersburg, FL Elizabeth Rebecca Gabriel
McGann, Waynesboro, VA Susan Hill Perry, Longview, TX Mary Eliza Grissim Pipkin Violet Lane McLean Raffoni Lillian Susan Simpson Elizabeth Bauer Stephenson,
Sanibel, FL Thelma Brown Taylor,
Brownsville, TX
Billie Ropp Walker Tingle, Asheville, NC
Ruth Rebekah Baker Van Booven,
Hopkinsville, KY
Margaret Louise Swan Webb
Omicron Pi
University Of Michigan
Dorothy J McCleery Johnson Mary Muriel Webster Lamoreux,
Silver Spring, MD
Gloria Fern McClure Constance Collins Mirageas,
Florence Alberta Light Neumann, Ada, Ml
Marjorie Giefel Nienstaedt Gloria Ellen Jacobus Olson,
Midland, Ml
Mary Elizabeth Whitlock Pickelman Shirley A Saunders Piatt, Deceased Nancy Louise Hoffman Pollock,
Wichita, KS
Elizabeth Jane Ludlum Rogers,
Ann Arbor, Ml
Betsy Nadine Whitehouse Rutter,
Interlochen, Ml
Patricia Ann Swanson, Portland, CT
University of Kansas
Dolores A. Grossenbacher Aul, Sabetha, KS
Patricia Ann Sloan Blake Jean May Sellers Burge,
Casper, WY
Geraldine Guntry Daniels
Janet Lee Sloan Fields, Manhattan, KS
Melba Nininges French
Mary Ethwyn Franks Humphrey,
Riverside, CA
Lucy Cone Kasl
Kelma Grace Smith Melson
Alice Jeane Lemon Riebe, Deceased Juanita Jean Bowman Satterlee,
Denver, CO
Helen June Wise Stucky,
Arvada, CO
Johnette Bradley Tracy Lorraine Clara Witt Wilson,
Deceased Pi
Newcomb College - Tulane
Ann Higgison Brown
Betty Jane Fiedler
Tommye G Miraudona Fitzpatrick Lucia Taliaferro Clement Hasty Margaret Virginia Dowling Hilliard,
Mobile, AL
Caroline Sholars Rau Jordy Maia Weston Luikart,
Baton Rouge, LA
Naomi Ann Mormon Mallouk,
Garden City, NY
Nola Mae Schmitt McLane,
Kathleen Dale Mize, Gulfpprt, MS Sylvia Anne Charbonnet Perrin,
Florence Harris Ricker Pottinger,
Atlanta, GA
Nanine Byrne Simmons,
New Orleans, LA Nancy Jane Nunez Stem,
New Orleans, LA Pi Delta
University Of Maryland
Josephine Ann Jarnigan Hammond, Mt. Airy, MD
Janet Rylond Harlow Harms, Bethesda, MD
Ellen Price Stabler Hewitt Muriel Ann Rothman Houghton Jacqueline Doris Hood Knopf,
Bridgeport, PA
Patricia E Lasswell
Dorothy Lee Powell, Salisbury, MD Vivian Fortenberry Smith Pruitt Ruth Serena Walton Reed
Nancy Rush Troth Schurbert Elizabeth Dove Vincent, Deceased
Pi Kappa
University of Texas - Austin
Gay Marie Cullom Biosser Natalie Wilma Burney Greene Sara Carolyn Crauch Hogan Martha Grace Everritt Jordan,
Houston, TX
Betty Lou Muller Kissinger,
Sebring, FL
Jean Rose Prioale
Billie Luoile Strawbridge Riordan,
Houston, TX
Lois Ellen Clement White, Lufkin* TX
University of Pennsylvania
Jane E Cottrell Clark, Deceased Edith May Daly
Marie Louise Bellerjean Findlater Phillis Mary Flynn Janette
Vera Sylvia Stuhris
Priscilla Lucille Barrett Tetor,
Patience Anna Franks Tillman,
To Dragma
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ

50 Year Members...
Northwestern University
Jean Dorau Arnold, Chamberlain, ME Betty Ann Rose Berquist,
Sarasota, FL
Florence Leslie Kaufman Bien,
Indianapolis, IN
Helen Marie Trotter Boetter
Ann Gaumuitz Boling
Constance Martin Howard Bolton,
Charlottesville, VA
Jean Catherine Bostetter, Deceased Charlotte Clifton Staley Broman Ruth Frances Burns
Gene Eynn Hanna Cutter, Euclid, OH Mary Louise Choate Day, Tucson, AZ Clare June Gorham Debona,
Geraldine Lois Swanson Forgatch,
San Marino, CA Charlotte Jean Goff Fowler,
Northbrook, IL
Edith Lillian Barnett Grandy,
Green Valley, AZ
Julia Ann Shoalray Halloran,
Cora Glasner Inskeep, Deceased Patricia Irene McNeff Kirkland
Jean Lorraine M Vonachen Kreiling,
La Quinta, CA
Rosemarie Kuhn, Mason City, IA Dorothy LouiseMarkel
Virginia L Ballew McDonald,
University Park, MD
Caryl Hazel Gannett Miller Janet Jordan Oberhellman Margaret Alice Bishop Paynter Marion Jane Schafer
Eilen Merrill Peaslee Shorten,
Carolyn Jane Hill Spangler,
Summit, NJ
Anne Hundley Pointer Underwood Mary Curtis Walton Wedderspoon,
Park Ridge, IL
Alice Ann Ashby Wharton,
Lexington, KY Sigma
U. of California - Berkeley
Jean Claire Arnold
Valara Jane Myers Berry Eleanor Mary Zeiss Bradway,
Gladwyne, PA
Carleen Ruth Burchett Bryant, Deceased
Annetta Alice Brendel Day Adelmarie Christensen Flynn,
Redding, CA
Aroeen Eleanor Parkinson Hack,
Belvedere, CA
Doris Farrar Burnett Haskell,
Walnut Creek, CA
Elsa Anne Gawne Hooper,
Redwood City, CA Peggy Lou Delahide Hunt,
Santa Paula, CA
Barbara Carol Chapman Jenison,
Jean Clark Keller, Lincoln, CA Barbara Jane Briggs Kocher Marian Sidney Capps Kruse,
Mary Elizabeth Thompson McReynolds, Laguna Bch., CA Betty Louise Lance Millington,
Mt. Shasta, CA
Frances McNeil Mitchell Virginia Ann Monroe Pierce,
San Anselmo, CA Patty Beth Gaw Shields, Santa Barbara, CA
Betty Marie Nielsen Tarabini, El Cerrito, CA
Betty Ann Stofle Willis, Arcadia, CA
Washington College
Doris Louise Little Carpenter, West Palm Beach, FL
Lou Jeanne Cress Catlin,
Phoenix, AZ
Dorothy Jean Gill Cooper,
Baltimore, MD Elizabeth Dorsey Eliason,
Durham, NH
Jean Monroe Kirkpatrick Endrodi Isabel Cook Lowery Ewing,
Chester, MD
Ellen Lee Lackmar Herr, Deceased Ellenor Marie Merriken Kleist,
Newport, Rl
Dorothy Lucille Little Martin,
Baltimore, MD
Eleanor Marie Newton Oeser,
Absecon, NJ
Ellen Boiko Ruark, Middlebury, CT Sara E Whaley Towers,
Centreville, MD
University of Minnesota
Marian Katherine Berg Birmingham, Louisville, KY
Jeanne Ann Crahan Bonner, Long Lake, MN
Edith Louise Groves Campbell Ann Marie Cassidy Crowley Mary Jeanne Schafer Ernt,
Minneapolis, MN
Alice Mae Anderson Hacked,
Buffalo Grove, IL
Joan Hallam Clarke Holdren,
Tipton, PA
Cecile Louise Eckhoff Hush,
Valparaiso, IN
Constance May Motovitz Keithly Lorraine J Steadland Lorenz Joyce Toren Madsen, Deceased Elizabeth S Gieseking Martin Virginia Mae Nelsen Mooty,
Margaret Hoy Nelson Moulthrop,
Morgan Hill, CA
Marjorie Ann Oftelie Mudrovich Arvilla Olga Deutshlander Nelson,
St Paul, MN
Doris Lucile Heisig Terwilliger,
Ann Arbor, Ml
Nancy June Neutson Wolverton
Tau Delta
Birmingham Southern College
Mildred Ann Tate Bland Idamae Howard Clark Annie Frances Davis,
Birmingham, AL
Dorothy Elaine Connors Fountain Martha Carolyn Crews Garvin,
Chalfont, PA
Margaret Brasfield Harmsen,
Las Vegas, NV Mary Fay Long Hart,
Birmingham, AL
Frances Marie Copeland Hayley Leila Nan Woodson Hodges,
Tavares, FL
Jeane Reynolds Parks,
Winter Haven, FL Thelma Lee Noel Schieffelin Mary Louise Nash Schuster,
Lithonia, GA
Sarah Cosette Stephenson
Spring 1992

50 Year
Depauw University
Sarah Dorman Bailey, Portage, IN Martha Ann McGrath Brigham,
Tacoma, W A
Glory Virjean Haas Carithers Lenore Alice Johnson Coon,
Sun City West, A Z
Mary Eloise Lautz Costello,
San Diego, C A
Gloria June Tschudy Doran Charlotte Lucile Hower Edwards,
Carmel, IN
Barbara Gene Feallock Elizabeth Jean Martin Garrison,
Park Fails, Wl
Phyllis Ann Whitcomb Green Lucille Edythe Koerber Huxhold,
Indianapolis, IN
Maryn Kathryn Dash Johnson,
Arlington Hts., IL
Ruth Eleanor Dodge Larson,
Fairfield, O H
Frances Alice Newton Lee,
Boca Raton, F L
Helen Louise S t John McLaughlin,
Champaign, IL
Merri Francine Hakewifl Nissen Ruth Eleanor Stevens
Martha Cotton Watkins, El Paso,TX
Theta Eta
University of Cincinnati
Lois Carolyna Eberhard Brammer, Cincinnati, O H
Eloise Lenore Davis Mitchell Betty Ann Kinker Utech,
Cincinnati, O H
Mary Agnes Diehl Volck,
Cincinnati, O H
Mary Ball Worthington Ward
University of Washington
Sarah Jane England Brown Pauline Jane Sattelmeier Byrd,
Seattle, W A
Margaret Lucille Bown Farris,
Matilda Jane Daniel Grabert,
Bellingham, W A
Joyce Marie Kauffman Harrington Lillian Irene Pakar, Seattle, W A Harriet Williams Jarvis Scott,
Issaquah, W A
Margery Jean Davisson Sienko,
Jeanne Virginia Meserve S t John Betty Lou Wilson Thomas,
Cathedral City,CA
Harriet Virginia Rowen Wolverton, Tacoma,WA
U. of Nebraska - Lincoln
Phyllis Yenne Anderson, Phoenix, MD
Ruth Alleen Finney Bosley, Grand Island,NE
Betty Jane Fagerberg Campbell, Los Angeles, C A
Helen Rose Detrich Coulter, Penn Valley, C A
Jessie Gentry Folk, Deceased Bette Lou Wefso Hagel,
Jacksonville, F L
Patricia Tobin Hulbert, Denison, TX Betty Anne Evans Kinkade,
Wharton, TX
Alice Joanne Wenzlaff Knapp,
Omaha, NE
Dorothy Elaine Caress Krum,
Breckenridge, C O
Willa Rauch Arvanette Kurtz,
Woodland Hills, C A Gedrgialee Mariett Hansen
Minthorne, Omaha, N E Helen Freeborn Vaughan
Congratulations to the following chapters which will be celebrating landmark anniversaries in 1992!!
75th - Alpha Phi, Montana State U., chartered February 23,1917 Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U., chartered April 28,1917
25th - Kokomo, Indiana, chartered February 11,1967
Alpha Delta, U. of Alabama, chartered February 25,1967
Sigma Phi, California State U./Northridge, chartered April 22,1967 Greater Allentown/Bethlehem, chartered August 8,1967
To Dragma

Alumnae Chapter News
Members of the Hilton Head Island Alumnae Chapter.
As summer '91 arrived, members of the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter were still celebrating their rechartering. All of the women's hard work had paid off, and they could officially call themselves a chapter. T o commem- orate this event, they had a picnic at the cottage of recording secretary Kristin Adamson. Recent graduates from N u Delta (Canisius College) were invited to the festivities and were inducted into alumnae status.
In September corresponding secretary Colleen Wirth's house was the site of a country western hoedown. Lots of food, country music, and a bonfire added up to a romping, stomping good time!
A philanthropic luncheon was held in October. Alumnae contributions were donated to the Western New York Arthritis Foundation.
Founders' Day was celebrated with Nu Delta Chapter at a local restaurant. The event also marked Nu Delta's fifth anniversary.
Chapter members are looking forward to the Region I Leadership
Conference which will take place in Buffalo, June 26-28.
Greater Lafayette, LA
The sisters of the Greater Lafayette Louisiana Alumnae Chapter cele- brated Founders' Day with the Delta Beta Chapter at the U. of South- western Louisiana and the Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter at the Lafayette Town House last Decem- ber, reports Charlotte Stemmans Hales. Jerelyn Miles and Charlotte Hales served as toastmistresses of the event which also celebrated the 35th anniversary of the Delta Beta Chapter. Two charter members, Mary Hamil- ton and Mary Louise Lacaze, attended.
Mike Blanchard of the V olunteer Center of Lafayette was the guest speaker and congratulated the chapter members on their philanthropic activities. M r . Blanchard was intro- duced by Kathy Ashworth, an alumna from Birmingham-Southern College who is running for mayor.
Spring 1992
Elaine Ellis, Regional Director, gave the Founders' Day message and read the letter from the Ruby Fund. Stacy Fontenot and Amy Lividais presented awards to members of the Delta Beta Chapter. Joan Brooks was named outstanding senior and Alison Lang was recognized for outstanding philanthropic service. Charlotte Hales presented awards from members of the Greater Lafayette Alumnae Chap- ter. Amy Lividais, alumnae relations chairman for Delta Beta, recognized the families of sisters in AOII.

Joan Brooks, left, and Alison Lang, were honored by the Greater Lafayette Alumnae Chapter.
Hilton Head Island, SC
On September 30, 1991, nineteen alumnae gathered at the home of Cheryl Fogel, Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U.), to form the first Hilton Head Island Alumnae Chapter, reports Mickey Todd Schilling. Samantha Edgin Neville, Lambda Sigma (U. of Georgia), and Jane Wonders Stitt, Alpha Tau (Denison U.), helped organize the event. Those present voted unanimously to form a chapter and hold monthly meetings.
(Continued on next page)
ff • -si

Alumnae Chapter News...
Frow /e/z, Martha O'Donnell, Sarah Van Valkenburgh and Amanda Gamble at the Huntsville Alumnae Chapter's holiday brunch.
salad luncheon kept the members in touch with each other during the vacation months.
At the fall Pitch-In Dinner, plans for the 1991-92 activities were discussed. The chapter's annual pre-holiday nut sale was a big success, as was the fifth annual "Make It, Bake It, Grow It, Sew It" holiday auction of handmade goods.
Future plans include celebrating Founders' Day with a brunch, extend- ing networking among chapter mem- bers, and working hard to make the 15th annual luncheon to benefit the Indiana University Multipurpose Arthritis Center a big success. Other meetings will include programs on home decorating and crime preven- tion.
Lafayette Area, IN
Members of the Lafayette Area (Indiana) Alumnae Chapter had a busy, enjoyable fall, reports Ann Wagoner White.
In September the alumnae met with collegians at the Phi Upsilon (Purdue U.) chapter house for a program on how to coordinate clothing and accessories. The October meeting was a salad supper at Carolyn Mohr's home and each member brought a salad topping. After supper everyone made Halloween goodie bags to distribute to the collegians.
The chapter met at a local restau- rant in November and heard a speaker on health issues. For Founders' Day in December several alumnae joined the collegians for dinner at the chapter house.
Lake County, IL
The Lake County of Illinois Alumnae Chapter began its fourth year with a new member social which included a complete update of the International Convention in Dallas, reports Linda McElhany.
In November, Virginia Hasson Bruner, Omicron (U. of Tennessee, Knoxville), hosted a dessert social for the group's second meeting. Samantha Neville was elected acting president.
In December the group celebrated the holidays with a Christmas dinner. Vickie Rowland Mallon, Nu Beta (U. of Mississippi), organized the event. Canned goods were collected and donated to The Deep Well, a local charity which assists needy families.
Huntsville, AL
The Huntsville Alumnae Chapter began the year with its annual wine and cheese membership party in September at the home of Chris Bragg, reports Carole Jones. Fall and winter fashions from a local boutique were modeled by chapter members during the evening.
In October members gathered for dinner at a local restaurant and discussed plans for their annual
Phantom Tea which benefits the AOII Foundation, Arthritis Research Grants, and the local Arthritis Found- ation.
Area collegians and their mothers were honored guests at the chapter's holiday brunch held in December at the home of Martha O'Donnell. The chapter celebrated Founders' Day with a luncheon at the Heritage Club in January with the Decatur Alumnae Chapter. Chapter member Elise Moss, AOII Foundation President, was the featured speaker. Other events planned for the year include a salad dinner, cocktail party, garage sale, family barbecue, and MIF workshop with local collegians.
Christine Fisher reports that members of the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter keep busy all year. Last summer a family picnic, collegian- alumnae taco party, and a summer
To Dragma

Alumnae Chapter News...
Lake County, continued.
In October chapter members had a wine tasting party. In November they had a successful holiday auction and in December they had their first Christmas dinner complete with a Ritual. The chapter celebrated Founders' Day with other Chicago area alumnae chapters. Successful fund raising events included the holiday auction and nut sale.
A Valentine's Day party at "A Safe Place," the local home for abused women and their children, was held in February. The chapter's involvement with "A Safe Place" has been reward- ing, especially when the residents were able to move to a beautiful new facility.
Future plans included a presen- tation on crime prevention scheduled for the March meeting.

Karen Holcomb, left, and Dee Wright at the Lexington Alumnae Chapter's pot luck dinner.
Lexington, KY
Marilyn Kamb Sagan reports that the Lexington Alumnae Chapter is reaping the benefits of recruiting newly initiated alumnae into the chapter. This year the chapter has five new members, four of whom are
recent graduates.
The chapter's first meeting, a pot
luck supper at Paulette Camuel's home, was a feast. Many new faces joined regular members for socializing. Kristi Farmer hosted the October meeting.
In November, Tonya Harig hosted a meeting with record-breaking atten- dance when the members met to fill 200 Christmas stockings with candy for the two nearby collegiate chapters. The stockings were presented just be- fore the students left for the holidays.
On December 8 chapter members met at Kathi Hume's home fortea and to exchange Christmas gifts or orna- ments. Another December activity was sending 75 survival kits prior to exam week to collegians at Kappa Omega and Tau Omega Chapters. This event was a successful fund raiser.
Founders' Day was celebrated January 19 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel with area alumnae and colle-
gians attending. Speakers from God's Pantry and the Arthritis Foundation attended the February meeting at Julie Baltenberger's home.
Other events planned included a speaker on diet and nutrition in March and the installation of seniors from Kappa Omega and Tau Omega into alumnae status in April. The election of officers for the coming year will be held at the May meeting.
Montgomery, AL
Wendy Beech reports that the Montgomery Alumnae Chapter cele- brated its 40th anniversary with a dinner party at the Vintage Year restaurant.
The chapter's annual fund raiser, making and selling holiday cheese balls, was successful. The money raised was donated to the Arthritis Foundation. Chapter members also sold poinsettias for the Montgomery (Continued on next page.)
Spring 1992
Sondra Fuller, Sandra Tousignant, Kelly Williams and Vonda Wood at the Montgomery Alumnae Chapter's 40th anniversary celebration.

Alumnae Chapter News...
Montgomery, continued
Panhellenic Council to raise money for local scholarships. Other events included the annual Christmas party with spouses and a craft and baked goods auction which raised over $400.
Founders' Day was celebrated with
the Sigma Delta Chapter from
Huntingdon College. The event was
held at the Montgomery Country
Club on January 30. A family cookout : is planned for May.
Northern Virginia m
The Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter started its year with its traditional salad supper in September, reports Ann M. Conlon.
In October the chapter had a pep rally and "sing down" with collegians from the Gamma Alpha Chapter (George Mason U.). The chapter's traditional Christmas Auction was especially successful this year. T h e handmade donations were gorgeous and members were generous with their bids. On December 8, Founders' Day was celebrated with neighboring alumnae chapters and the Gamma Alpha Chapter. Patty Barnes, Region III Director, was the guest speaker and the Gamma Alpha pledges per- formed a skit.
Future plans include a stress management seminar, a trip to a Washington, D.C. art gallery, and a "Water Walk" for the Arthritis Foundation. Chapter members also plan to attend the Northern Virginia Panhellenic play. They are also busy planning the chapter's 40th anniver- sary celebration.
North Houston Suburban
Sue Metz Dornier reports that members of the North Houston Suburban Alumnae Chapter are proud
Members of the Ottawa Alumnae Chapter at their Founders' Day tea last November.
To Dragma
of winning the membership recruit- ment and retention award for chapters with fewer than 31 members. Lynn Martin and Alice Jo Shannon helped the chapter win this award which was presented at International Conven- tion.
Last fall chapter members helped with the Houston Area Arthritis Foundation's Haunted House fund raiser by providing lunch for the workers building the house. Another event was a Sunday afternoon "high tea" in elegant Victorian splendor at the home of Anne Pare in the Woodlands. Chapter members shared AOII memories and packaged Hallo- ween treats for the Pi Chapter in New Orleans, LA. The November meeting was a hands-on wreath making work- shop. In December chapter members exchanged Christmas ornaments at a Chinese auction and pizza dinner.
Founders' Day was one of the year's highlights. Chapter members gathered with AOII sisters in Houston for lunch in the Galleria area. Ginger Banks, Past International President, was the inspiring guest speaker.
The year will end with the annual Champagne and Roses Dinner and
participation in the Arthritis Found- ation Mini Grand Prix.
Chapter members invite all AOII sisters living in the northern geo- graphic area of Houston to join them for sisterhood and fun.
Cathy German reports that the Ottawa Alumnae Chapter has had a memorable 1991-92 year thus far.
The chapter's year began with a summer strawberry social and barbe- cue in July at the home of Ethel Swail on Norway Bay. Next summer, the chapter will repeat this event for the 20th consecutive year.
September's meeting was a pot luck supper and the October gathering featured a "make-over" presented by one of the chapter members.
At the Founders' Day Tea, chapter members greeted 30 young women from a local sorority which had petitioned to become a new AOII colony. Barbara Wentworth, Regional Public Relations Officer, was a special guest. Ethel Swail received her 50- year-member pin at the tea. Chapter

Alumnae Chapter News...
members Clover Pollitt and Mary Weir will also receive 50-year pins.
Chapter members were excited when they received the news that the local sorority was accepted to become a new colony. Jan Slagowski, Regional Vice President, visited the chapter in January to outline the chapter mem- bers' roles in the colonization. Lisa Gale, Chapter Consultant, visited in February to prepare the alumnae and collegians for the colonization cere- mony. Linda Collier, Executive Direc- tor, came from Virginia to conduct the ceremony on February 9.
The Phoenix Alumnae Chapter continued a two-decade Panhellenic tradition by participating in the
. Phoenix Open Golf Tournament in January, reports Cynthia Tessmer. Chapter member Lynn Taylor, Delta Pi (Central Missouri State U.), was one of the directors of the event which raised money to support women attending Arizona State U., Northern Arizona U., and the U. of Arizona. Twenty-one other Greek organiza- tions participated.
Throughout the past months and into 1992, a theme of fraternity, philanthropy and fun has been appar- ent at chapter activities. Seventy-five active members have gathered to support the two Arizona collegiate chapters through rush, pledging, initiation and special activities. The Founders' Day celebration was attended by members representing eight of AOII's ten regions. More than ten local members who are now serving or who have served AOII in regional or international capacities were honored.
The chapter has adopted the Literacy V olunteers of Maricopa County, Inc.,as its local philanthropy. Chapter members raised over $900 for the AOII Foundation at their Decem- ber auction.
The Sacramento Alumnae Chapter hosted a festive brunch complete with AOII pennants for Regional Public Relations Officer Caroline Craig, and Regional Directors Judy Alkire and Bonnie Berger, reports Janet Dallas.
Chapter members turned out for the annual Alumnae Panhellenic Scholarship Luncheon with a local newscaster giving the keynote address. Ornaments and holiday cheer reigned at the chapter's Christmas party in December. Founders' Day was celebrated in January at Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay.
Upcoming events include col- lecting books for the Friends of the Library annual book sale and putting together the library's March news- letter. The highlight of the year will be the Leadership Conference at the Sacramento Hilton,June 26-28.
Alumnae: check out the Emporium pages for AOII items especially for you!
San Diego
In an effort to make meetings convenient for the most members, the San Diego Alumnae Chapter has varied its meeting times and days, reports Linda Dowley. Fall meetings have included a Saturday luncheon, a mid-week evening auction, and a Sunday afternoon open house.
The November "Masterpiece Auction," an annual event during which members' craft "masterpieces" are auctioned off, was held this year at the home of Judy McCarty, Beta Theta (Butler U.), a San Diego Councilwoman. This year's auction netted over $800 for charities including the San Diego Battered Women's Shelter.
The club's December gathering ushered in the holidays with a festive
wine tasting at the home of Heather Scott, Lambda Iota (U. of California, San Diego). A large basket of teddy bears and a car-load of brightly wrapped packages were donated by members to the Battered Women's Shelter. Chapter members learned more about the services provided by the shelter at their January Sunday brunch meeting at the home of Marilyn Herman, Upsilon (U. of Washington). A speaker from the shelter's "Women in Transition" program thanked chapter members for their help and informed them of other needs of the shelter.
At the Founders' Day celebration in February, Andrea Dill, Chi Psi (Cal Poly State U.-San Luis Obispo), was recognized for her outstanding service to the alumnae chapter. In addition to being the chapter vice president, Andrea is alumnae rush adviser to the Lambda Iota Chapter. Ann Lewis Burr, Gamma Tau (Utah State U.), was honored for her service to the community. Ann is president of Southwestern Cable Company.
Chapter members involved in interesting pursuits include Gethine Brown, who has had her book Snippets (Life Stories) published. The humor- ous, upbeat book deals with her early life in Pennsylvania. Gethine is 82 years old and still plays tennis.
The chapter's May meeting will be at the home of another author and well-known lecturer, Caryl Waller Krueger, Rho (Northwestern U.). The luncheon will honor Lambda Iota seniors.
San Fernando Valley
The San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter had a busy fall which began with helping Sigma Phi (California State U., Northridge) with rush, reports Alisa Shniderman.
In November chapter members worked, dressed, and played with
Spring 1992

Alumnae Chapter News...
San Fernando Valley, (U. of Washington) to welcome them
State College
The State College Alumnae Chap- ter began its year with a meeting at Jean Lundy's home in August, reports Nancy Zendt. Volunteers were asked to help the Epsilon Alpha Chapter with rush by attending membership selection sessions and preparing food for the preference parties.
A business meeting was held at the home of Lois Klotz in October. In December the chapter celebrated Founders' Day with the Epsilon Alpha Chapter at a brunch at the State College Days Inn. Another December event was a dinner out followed by a Christmas shopping spree in down- town State College.
During Inspiration Week, alumnae met with the pledges to share their collegiate AOII experiences and the rewards of being an alumna and an AOII forever. Many alumnae attended the initiation Ritual.
A Senior Dessert will be held at the home of Judy Moyer and seniors will be inducted into the status of alum- nae. The State College Alumnae Chapter will host the Epsilon Alpha Chapter Corporation meeting on May 2,1992.
the models at the Arthritis Foundation Children's Fashion Show which raised over $40,000. The holidays were cele- brated at the chapter's party and at the Alumnae Panhellenic Madrigal Din- ner.Currently, chapter members are helping Sigma Phi members plan their chapter's 25th anniversary party which will be held at the Woodland Hills Mariott Hotel on May 2. All women who were initiated into or affiliated with Sigma Phi are welcome. I f you know the name and address of any Sigma Phi alumna, please contact: Alisa Shniderman, 7146 Polemo Dr., W est Hills, CA 91307, (310) 652-4102.
San Jose
This fall the San Jose Alumnae Chapter worked with the Community Services Agency of Mountain View and Los Altos to organize a Christmas drive to collect blanket sleepers and stuffed animals for disadvantaged children, reports Carol Jury.
During the drive, which was called "Warm and Fuzzy," 80 blanket sleepers and 204 stuffed animals were collected and donated to the agency. The drive helped the agency assist nearly 700 low income families with blanket sleepers, toys, bikes, and food during the holiday season.
The "Warm and Fuzzy" drive was featured in articles in four local newspapers. The San Jose Alumnae Chapter received letters from the Community Service Agency and Governor Pete Wilson thanking the members for their efforts to help disadvantaged children.
Tana Roberts reports that members of the Seattle Alumnae Chapter have been busy. In Septem- ber the members put together "goody bags" for Upsilon Chapter members
back and wish them good luck in rush. October, November and December were spent preparing for the holidays. Members attended a meeting devoted to holiday crafts, a meeting focusing on antique collecting, and the annual
Christmas fund raiser.
December 7th was Founders' Day,
celebrated at Latitude 47 on Lake Union. T h e keynote speaker was from the "Washington Gives" charity. The highlight of the day was the presen- tation of the Laura Hurd Service Award to Ann Beardsley, Regional Director.
Other meetings throughout the year included a presentation about collect- ing china by Betty Roundhill and a speaker about collecting dolls.
March began with Ritual and the installation of officers. Another March event was the luncheon/fashion show at the Upsilon chapter house to bene- fit arthritis research. The alumnae chapter supported the Seattle Alum- nae Panhellenic's auction to raise money for scholarships. Chapter members also participated in Region IX's AO-Pride Week with inspira- tional newsletter notes.
To Dragma
East Bay alumna dies in California fire
The members of the East Bay Alumnae Chapter were saddened by the death of Eunice Bauman Barkell, who perished in the Oakland Hills fire on October 20,1991.
Eunice was initiated into Lambda Chapter (Stanford U.) in 1930 and served as its president. Following graduation, she was active in the East Bay Alumnae Chapter, serving as its president from 1941 through 1945.
She attended 13 International Conventions, beginning in 1930. In 1960, she was voted the outstanding alumna at the Leadership Conference. From 1973-75 she was on the AOII Executive Board of Directors. Eunice received the Rose Award in 1967. This past year, she wrote the Lambda Chapter history, and she contributed to the East Bay chapter history which was completed in 1989.
Eunice is survived by her sister, Marion Force Haswell, Sigma (U. of California, Berkeley).
- Contributed by Barbara Stehno, Iota (U. of Illinois), East Bay Alumnae Chapter

Dolores White Rhodes
Laura Brush Burcham
Continued from page 17
sure I was doing o.k. Robin would let me talk for hours if I needed to. Julie could always get me to smile. Robin allowed me to return to my RD du- ties as I felt ready. More importantly, these two women have been my friends.
The love and support of my sis- ters affected not only me but my fam- ily as well. They were impressed by the number of cards and letters I re- ceived. It reassured my mother that I did have a good support system and that I would not be completely alone. Once, as I was telling her about yet an- other example of my sisters' support she said, "You know, you ought to stay with this group." I just smiled and said I intended to. My cousin, who is a member of another NPC group, was impressed that sisters, from collegians to the International President, had of- fered their support. She didn't think that would happen with her alumnae.
An unexpected result of my loss of Ron was the blow to my self-es- teem. I had always seen myself as pretty self sufficient. I had always known that Ron had supported me, but I didn't realize how much until that support was gone. AOII has helped to fill that gap.
So many sisters rallied around me during this time, and they con- tinue to do so. I have mentioned many by name, but there are many more. I am grateful for all of you!
I have spent the last few years both as an adviser and as an RD telling collegians that in AOII, "the best is yet to be." While this has been the worst year of my life, it has al- lowed me to experience the best of AOII — sisters coming together to support a sister.
This must be what our Founders had in mind when they pledged themselves to each other and wrote our Ritual. My AOII sisters haw been my friends on whom I have no fear to call. #
Continued from page 15
of sisterhood! I had belonged to a large, international professional or- ganization and had attended its meet- ings with 1,800 other delegates, but this was different — this was special because of our Ritual and sisterhood.
In 1989, AOII offered me yet an- other opportunity when I became the Region VI Public Relations Officer at International Convention. This role has brought new experiences and challenges.
I encourage all my sisters to let
Melanie Nixon Doyle
Continued from page 16
It was something that was constant. In addition to stability, it gave me a chal- lenge, a focus, and a direction.
After I had been on the Executive Board for four years, I had the oppor- tunity to become an employee of AOII in the Public Relations Coordi- nator position at International Head- quarters. I had grown up in Nashville, so this was an opportunity to come back to my roots.
I made this decision quickly. The day after I returned from our 1987 International Convention, I moved my family to Nashville, leaving behind the friends I had made during the past 18 years.
I wanted to serve our Fraternity in another capacity, so I was happy about the move. This decision ulti- mately led to my becoming Executive Director of Alpha Omicron Pi.
During myfirstyear as Executive Director, the Fraternity has demand- ed much attention and so has my family! My oldest son moved to Flori- da, my daughter with cerebral palsy got married, my middle daughter graduated from college, and my mother had a serious attack of osteoarthritis which resulted in con- finement in two nursing facilities. These situations created extreme emotional and time demands. It seems my life has been a continuous series of traffic jams with AOII
the Fraternity know about women who would qualify as associate mem- bers. I recall learning at my first Con- vention that Past International President Eleanore MacCurdy was initiated as an associate member. I have remembered this whenever I've felt that, not having been initiated as a collegian, I was perhaps less qual- ified for som e assignments. AOII pro- vides the leadership, training and support we all need to meet our chal- lenges. Best of all, Ritual provides the inspiration!
always the being the stabilizing force.
What happens to us in times like these? It's inevitable that we some- times wonder "Does anyone care about me?" It's critical to keep your perspective when you're caught in one of life's "traffic jams."
You are important. When it seems that you are the key in almost everyone else's life, you need to have something for yourself. Y ou must take care of yourself or you won't be able to take care of others!
You need YOUR focus...YOUR life...YOUR source of stability. For me, AOII has provided my focus and my source of stability, not to mention many friends and lots of fun!
What did my children think about this intense involvement?
Apparently they approved, because I have two AOII daughters and my daughter-in-law will soon be initiated as an AOII. My sons have also supported my involvement; I think because they know it makes mother happy.
There have been traffic jams; there have been difficult times; and there have been moments of despair in my life. But my Fraternity was always there for me, a stabilizer and a foundation for each new challenge in my life as an AOII. ^
Spring 1992

What: When:
Kappa Kappa Chapter (Ball StateU.)
40th anniversary reunion October 9-10,1992 (in conjunction with homecoming)
CLASSIFIED Alpha Psi Corporation will have its
Contact:Becky Cook Rector (317) 289-0951 or Vicki Galbreth Shipley (317) 289-7350 for more information.
annual meeting on April 4, 1992 at 1 p.m. at the chapter house, Bowling Green State U., Bowling Green, OH. For information contact: Janet Conway, 2285 New State Rd. N„ Norwalk, O H 44857.
Chi Alpha Corporation will have its annual meeting on May 11, 1992 at 6 p.m. at 203 First St., Davis, CA 95616. For information contact: Carol Pratt, 7231 Cross Dr., Citrus Heights, CA 95610.
Chi Beta Corporation will have its annual meeting on May 3, 1992 at 3 p.m. at the chapter house, 518 17th St., Charlottesville, VA 22903. For information contact: Shirley S. Sale, 365 Piedmont St, Orange, VA 22960.
Delta Corporation will have its annual meeting on April 22, 1992 at 7:45 p.m. at 125 Packard Ave., Medford, M A 02155. For information contact: Margie Lamar, 16 Dartmouth St, Winchester, MA 01890.
Gamma Omicron Corporation will have its annual meeting on March 18, 1992 at 6:30 p.m. at the chapter house. For information contact: Jessica Henry (904) 376-1190.
She's doing research on race relations,asks help...
To the editor
I am a member of the Phi Chi
Chapter at the U. of Chicago. In December, I was issued a research grant by a social science research institute to publish a book on race- relations from a collegiate perspective. I would like to request the help of my AOII sisters.
I would like to know about your
Gamma Upsilon Corporation will have its annual meeting on April 11, 1992 at 10 a.m. at 3205 San Carlos, Clearwater, F L 34619. For informa- tion contact Gay Knight Gentry, 3072 KeeneParkDr., Largo,FL32641.
Nu Iota Corporation will have its annual meeting on Sunday, April 26, 1992 at 1 p.m. at 918 Kimberly, DeKalb,IL60115.
Fellowship Available - New York City Panhellenic will award one $2,000 fellowship to a sorority woman doing full time graduate work at a college or university in the New York City Metro area during the 1992-93 academic year.
Those interested should request an application from Ms. Rikki Benken, 322 West 57th Street, M9M, New York, NY 10019. All applications must be returned byJuly 6,1992.
In the past these fellowships have assisted women working for advanced degrees at schools such as NYU Grad- uate Schools of Business and Medi- cine, Columbia University Law School, Rutgers University, John Jay College, and Adelphi University Graduate Schools.
New York City Panhellenic is pleased to continue granting these fellowships and welcomes your applications.
experiences dealing with racial issues on your college campuses. Are there events or circumstances which have affected your lives? Are racial issues a big problem? What have you done to help ease racial tensions? I would love to hear from you at my address given below.
Kristen Wonder Albrecht 18121 Rockwell Avenue Homewood, IL 60430-1617
What: When: Where:
Sigma Phi Chapter (California State U
25th anniversary party May 2,1992
Woodland Hills Marriott Hotel
GontactAlisa Shniderman, 7146 Polemo Dr., West Hills, CA 91307, (310) 652-4102
Happy A-O-Pride Week!!
To: all collegiate and alumnae
chapters in Region IX From: Your regional officers
All AOIIs living in Kentucky and Tennessee: Region V is planning an alumnae reunion for all alumnae in Tennessee and Kentucky. Bring AOII pictures and scrapbooks.
When: Where:
June 27,1992 Hyatt Regency, Knoxville, T N
Contact Meg Cifers Manning (615) 691-4209 or Amy Stevenson Cathy (615) 558-3096 for reservations or more information.
From Our Readers...
continuedfrom page 2
It is so refreshing that finally the country is beginning to understand... It truly warms my heart to know that my sorority is leading the way in involving young women in this issue.. . I'm proud to be what used to be called an "ecology nut" and I'm more proud now than ever to be an AOII!
Victoria Penny, Omega Omicron (Lambuth U.)
To Dragma

The Editor's Place:
This issue of To Dragma salutes our alumnae. Our thanks go to the women who contributed articles for the special section "Alumnae: the journey con-
The summer issue will feature
profiles of AOIIs who are involved in college administration.
-Beth Grantham
Pittsburgh Area Alumnae!!
The Pittsburgh Area Alumnae Chapter is being reorganized. An "alum- nae team" will be sent to Pittsburgh in the spring to assist members with all facets of alumnae chapter operations, and allinterestedAOIIsareurgedto attend this workshop to ensure its success and that of the alumnae chapter!
If you did not receive a letter about the reorganization effort, please contact your Regional Director as soon as possible:
Kimberly C. McGowan
9 Mill Creek Lane, Malvern, PA 19355 (215)647-0667
The AOII Rose Vine invites you to join an alumnae chapter or become a
Member-at-Large (if you live more than 50 miles from a chapter) for: • Programming and information aimed at you
• Networking opportunities
• Collegiate chapter service
• Friendship with sisters just like you
Alpha Omicron Pi is here for you now, as it was when you were in college. Please contact the alumnae chapter nearest you. They're listed in the Directory in the fall issue of To Dragma. If you can't find one, or if you'd like more information, please fill out and mail the coupon below. You'll be glad you did!
Name at Initiation Current Office
.Chapter. Initiation Year Preferred Name
P O S T / U _ C O D E
Mew Name If Different From Attached Label TITLE 1 LAST
11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 11
New Home Address: STREET ADDRESS
1 1 II 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II
1 1
M 111111
Special Interest. Occupation
Place of Employment COMPANY
1 1
11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
Deceased • Date of death
Spring 1992
City State Country .Phone(. Collegiate Chapter.
Initiation Date
Mail to: Marion Clouse
Rose Vine Coordinator
1530 86th Avenue N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Name and/or Address Change SendtoAOIIInternationalHeadquarters,9025OverlookBlvd.,Bentwood,TN 37027 (please print)

Continue YOUR
Join the Alumnae
Chapter Near You!
POSTMASTER— Please send notice of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overtook Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027.
Second Class Postage Paid at Br( wood, Tennessee and additional mail| ing offices.

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