Eternity—By Bertha Rado Muckey An Alpha O in Java Land
No. 1
2 3
Make Scholarship a Game
Xi Leads Chapters in Fraternity Examinations
Can You Answer These Questions
"A Lawyer Writes a Poem"
Service—the Goal of National Panhellenic Congress
Why Weren't You One of 35 Honored Scholars
"Don't Be Afraid to Try"....,.
"Ella Roberts—We Honor Thee"
Came One—Came All
Glimpses of Lou Henry Hoover
Through the Governor's Front Door
The Progress of Charity-Social Work
Kappa Omjcron Wins Jessie Wallace Hughan Cup
Ethel McGary Swims at Olympic Games
Gamma Cares for a Needy Family
The Quiet Corner
Kappa Alpha Theta Turns "Hell Week" into "Courtesy Week"... 54
The Editor Speaks
Alpha O's in the Daily Press.
Do You Know That— v The Bulletin Board
Active Alpha O's
The Alumnae Chapters
Alumnae Notes
Directory of Officers
7 8 9
10 H 12 21 24 26 34 35 42
'. 48 49 51 52
57 58 67 69 70 71
. 90 122
of zAlpha Omtcron T^i JraternityACTIVE CHAPTER ROLL
ALmA—Barnard Collet*—Inactive.
BCTA PHI—Indinna University. Bloomlngton, E n d .
Pi— H. College.
Nu—New City.
Sophie N e w
Neweomb Memorial
Orleans. L a .
ETA—UnlTeralty o f Wisconsin. Madi- son. Wis.
Mas*. GAMMA—University
Me. EPIILOM—Cornell
o f University.
Eugene. Oregon. Xi—UniTeralty o f
N. Y .
College Park.Md.
TAU DBI.TA—Birmingham-Southern Col-
lege. Birmingham, A l a .
KAPPA THBTA—UnlTeralty of Cali-
fornia at Log Angeles, L.A..Cal. KAPPA OVICION — Southwestern.
Memphis, Tenn.
ALPHA RHO—Oregon Agricultural Col-
lege, Corvallls, O r e .
CHI DELTA—University of Colorado.
Boulder, Colo.
BKTA THBTA—Butler UnlTeralty, Indi-
anapolis, Ind.
ALPHA PI—Florida State College for
Women, Tallahassee. Fla.
paign. 111. TAU—University apolis. Minn.
Illlnola. Minnesota,
N e w
T ennessee.
K * m • Randolph Macon Woman'• Col-
lege. Lynchburg, V a . 7.BTA—University o f Nebraaka.
coln. Neb.
SIKHA-—University o f California. Berke-
ley. Cal.
TMBTA—De Pauw University. Green-
eactle. Ind.
BBTA—Brown University—Inactive. DELTA—Jackaon College. Tufta College.
OMKXON — University o f Knoxrllle. Tenn.
Nu OMICEON—Vanderbilt UnlTeralty, NaahTllle. Tenn.
RHO—Northweatern UnlTeralty. Evans-
t o n . 111.
LAMBOA—Leland Stanford UnlTeralty.
Palo Alto. Cal. IOTA—University
o f
„ Cham-
o f
CHI—Syracuaa UnlTeralty. Syracuse. N. Y .
UHILON— University o f Waahlngton. Seattle. Waah.
Nu KAPPA—Southern Methodlat Unl- Teraity. Dallaa. Texan.
DKLTA— UnlTeralty
ALPHA PHI—Montana State College. Boseman, Mont.
Lin- - ,
Pit — UnlTeralty of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. P a .
PHI—UnlTeralty of Kansas. Lawrence.
cisco. Cal.
Rhode Island.
TACOMA ALUMNAE— Alumna* Associa- tion, Tacoma, Wash.. Inactive.
DP.NVER A L U M N A B — D e n v e r . C o l o . CINCINNATI ALUMNAE—Cincinnati,
ANN ARUOH ALUMNA*— A n n Arbor. Mich.
OMEGA — Miami
Oxford. Michigan; Oregon.
Norman. Maryland.
OMICBON Pi—UnlTeralty
Ann Arbor, Michigan. ALPHA SIOMA—UniTeralty
o f
o f
o f
ATION—Chalmpalgn, III.. Inactive. MIAMI VALLBY ALUMNAE—Oxford, Ohio.
MEMPHIS ALUMNAB—Memphis. Tenn. BOZRMAN ALUMNA*—Boseman. Mont.,
ALUMNAE — Milwaukee. ALUMNAE — Birmingham,
OKLAHOMA CITY—Oklahoma City. Okla. CHICACO-SOUTH Sunns—Chicago. III. MADISON ALUMNAE—Madison. W i s .
I- Published Quarterly at- 1 • 425 South Fourth St., I L Minneapolis, Minn. J
editorial material to
5 7 1 5
Blvd.. Mm it.
50 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N. ./.
DILAOMA i.s published by Alpha Oinicron l'i fraternity, 425 South Fourth S t r e e t . M i n n e a p o l i s . M i n n . , a n d l a p r i n t e d b y A u g s b u r g P u b l i s h i n g H o u s e . F i l - tered at the Postofflcc at Minneapolis, Minn., as second class matter under the Act o f March .1. 18711. Acceptance f o r mailing a t special rate o f postage pro- vided fo r in section 1103, Act or October 3, 11117, authorized February 12, 1(120.
To DRACMA is published four times a year. October, January. March ami May.
Subscription price, 35 cents p e r copy, $1 p e r year, payable in advance; Life Subscription $ 1 5 .
No. 1
BERTHAKADO MucKEt Some day beyond the.
brink of time
At Heaven's gate lookiii'/ I'll pause und
back will see Thee beckon me. I'll wait.
And thou wilt c<
gleaming face And eyes
Aglow with love's
light That
never fades dies.
And always—Not
Will pass far
Mighty Heart to
the dim
we tfoget her—
distance heart.
T# Dragma of Alpha Omicron P/ October, 1928 No. 1
cy/w^Alpha 0 in ^ava J^and m
([ Seiffg the Jitters ofa cJMotor Vagabon By LILLIAN SCHOEDLER, Alpha
W eltevreden, Java, Dutch East Indies,
If August 21, 1927.
.1 ,d f a i n e s whoarrangedeverythingelsesowellhad only JL Panned at the same time to send along a fresh supply of super-
beSni cC o u l d b e u s e d i n t c l l i m l A B O U T JT ALLJt h e outlookmight read t^f h , ) P«ful—but since they didn't, I can only hope that you can
thev °, d w o r n o n e s a n d i n s Pi t e o f t h e limitations which
1 n a ^ s e t d own, realize from them how wonderfully every-
thing has turned to gold again—and what an unbelievably marvelous adventure this continues to be!
After sailing from New York for Yokohama on September 2 of last year via the Panama Canal, California and Honolulu, I un- expectedly took a job in Japan at the end of October as secretary to the Regional Director for the Far East of the General Motors Ex- port Division. With that job, I sailed from Japan in the middle of December and went, via Shanghai, Hongkong and Manila, to Singa- pore and British Malaya, where I spent a fascinating month, and then in the latter part of January came, still with the job, to the Dutch East Indies, staying in Java with it for five full and happy weeks.
The end of February found me again on our way back to Japan. (The General Motors Export Division last winter opened assembly plants for General Motor products in Japan and Java. It has offices also in Manila and in Calcutta, India, and my "boss," as director for this Far East territory, has the supervision of.this whole region, hence these frequent commutation trips across the Pacific!) Taking a Japanese boat (again via Hongkong and Shanghai) we arrived in Kobe after many adventures with fogs, currents, winds and mud- banks (but with a jewel-like blue day for the trip from Moji to Kobe through the gorgeous Inland Sea) on March 16. Japan was just getting out of its winter blankets after a late season, and the plum blossoms, which ordinarily would have been finished by that time were just ready to burst. I found my sweet old room under the pine- trees on the hill waiting for me at Kobe—and moved there at once,
bag and baggage.
After a few days at office matters in Japan. I set out for a ten-day leave, going to Kyoto with the thought that I would start on my holiday from there—and I never got any further. For it was so won- derful in that most wonderful of all Japanese cities that there couldn't be any question of going anywhere else. You would have to know Kyoto with its ancient palaces, its hundreds of temples and beautiful surrounding hills, its quaint old atmosphere and customs, and its ir- resistible loveliness and charm, to realize why. But my bicycle and I ( I had brought the wheel from Java with me) settled down in the midst of it all for ten unforgetahle days.
At the end of the ten days I came back to my desk—and there found the crowning surprise of all—fullsalary for all the time I had been away, when T bad never had anv other thought but that I was taking the holidav entirely "on mv own !"
Over the following week-end, just before we left again for Java, Mr. Howard went to Tokyo, and unexpectedly I had another several days' holiday, spending this one in one of the quaintest and most in- teresting experiences I have ever had—in making a pilgrimage on foot to Koya-San. a sasred Buddhist settlement on a mountain top. The trip in itself was wonderfully lovely, but the novelty of the ex- perience, and the fun of getting absolutely off the regular tourist tracks and back into a bit of old Japan nestled on the mountain there,
OCTOBER . 1928
A Sumatran lage presents picturesque
h'ne to i t h queer l y
ril a.
sky- i t n roofed
Kyoto Japan's tional •it.ree.ts illuviinat-d hear decnrutionn
just as it had existed for centuries and centuries, were indescribable. Koya-San. which is exclusively a religious settlement, offered nothing whatever in the way of inns or hotels, and I found myself faced with the interesting necessity of spending the night in—a mona- stery ! But such a monastery! I had pictured bare cells, with a hard bed, and bread and water for food! Instead, I found myself con- ducted through corridor after corridor of gorgeously polished wood to the most beautiful suite of rooms overlooking a large Japanese garden that, with its miniature trees and walks and clear pools full of goldfish who swam in and out of tiny decorative curved bridges,
was as lovely as any I have ever seen. My rooms were hardlv less lovely—with their handsome satiny woodwork, mellow matted floors, their alcove with its art treasures and scrolls, and the sliding doors which formed the walls of the rooms so exquisite with their panels decorated in soft faded paintings put there bv some great artist cen- turies ago.
Such confabs as the old priest and I had late into the night over the hibachi, and such interesting times as I enjoyed going with all the other pilgrims at the monastery (Japanese, of course, for I was not °nly the only woman but the only foreigner in that whole huge es- tablishment of pilgrims and priests!) at daybreak to the services in honor of the spirits of the dead, and later wandering among the an- ient tombs scattered in -a forest of centuries-old giant cryptomeria trees on that mountain top. thousands of miles away in spirit and at- mosphere from all signs of modern civilization.
one of most na- cities. Its are. gaily
in this
and coronation
On April 6 we left Japan again for Java. This time, as we stopped at Shanghai, the Nanking disaster was still fresh. Hordes of ref- ugees were pouring in from all parts of interior China, and Shanghai was like a vast camp. The barhed wire protections around the French city and the foreign concession had been greatly reinforced; every block was patrolled by several British, American, French or other soldiers or marines with fixed bayonets ready for anything; the
harbor was full of gunboats and troopships of all nationalities, and a curfew forbidding people on the streets after 10 P . M . had just been put into effect. And of course the edict preventing foreigners from entering the Native City was being stringently enforced.
For the first time in a long while, then, I settled down to a period of actual work, and spent the next month pretty closely at getting out a very interesting report. Not so closely, however, that there wasn't time for many lovely trips by bicycle and automobile, and parties and other fun of various kinds, such as the college reunion we had when we found that there were three Barnard graduates in this little city way off here in the Dutch East Indies, and celebrated by com- ing together in Batavia at the same time that the annual big Com- mencement reunion was being held in New York, 13,000 miles away! W e had an interesting time, also, one day at a "salamatan," a native
feast which the Malay servants of a friend gave to bring blessings on the friend's new house—wherein the chief ceremony, the bury- ing of a flower-deckedgoat's head on the premises with due incanta- tions by the native priest, was preceded by wayang shadow plays and other picturesque native festivities and a colorful procession around the grounds, and followed by a feast to the natives at which the rest of the goat was the piece de resistance, while xve feasted on other (Continued on page 23)
Jmt a
of Sumatran
on their main
d^c%oseiyn Heal
you JHake
Rotety* Beal is our scholarship chairman.
and each new pledge of Alpha Omicron Pi. So much has already been said about scholarship but it is one of those fundamentals and primary problems of each chapter along with social standing, ac- tivities, and finances, and one which needs to be thoroughly and fre- quently discussed.
I want to heartily congratulate those individuals and chapters which had a high scholastic standing during the last year and es- pecially those which showed a marked improvement over the pre- vious year. The fraternity is proud of you, and we fervently hope that there may be more with similar records during the coming year. In many cases I am afraid the responsibility has been borne by a few instead of all the members. This unfair condition should not ex-r
ist, and I advise each chapter to take steps to remove it immediately. W e are starting on another school year, and there is no time in a race which is more important than the start. Let's play the game fairly and according to rules and traditions. Remember to learn something of your rushee's scholastic ability, help her arrange a well-balanced course, and give her personal supervision—a super- vision that is friendly, yet businesslike, but not nagging. Learn to approach your Freshmen properly. Develope the idea that poor scholastic standing is a disgrace. Appeal to every Alpha O's and future Alpha O's pride. No chapter wants to be referred to as "the dummies' retreat." This will be an uphill flight with the social butterfly against the course of least resistance. W e know that many
on scholarship, I wondered if I could dress that old subject up in a new fall outfit and try to sell it to each active member
Leland asked me to write a short article
who go to college regard learning lightly and even scorn it. Keep up your daily work and assist your pledges in planning their studies efficiently. If a girl seems a total failure in college, do not insist that she remain—in other words, eliminate the unlit that are crowd- ing our institutions of higher learning. I suggest that you keep a chart listing the members, studies, number of hours studied per week, and term grades and post it in a prominent place. Reduce class absences to a minimum degree. The Alumnae Adviser of each chapter can easily appoint one of her committee to be responsible for carrying out the year's program for the improvement of the chap- ter's scholarship, but she can do little without the co-operation of each member. Let each one begin her work with a vigor and a determina- tion to make this year her best, and thus fulfill the ideals of our fraternity.
Xi J^eads Qhapters in (fraternity ExaminationsBy MURIEL TURNER MCKINNEY, Lambda
THE aim in this year's examinations was to have a broad point of view and to cover sufficient ground so that only the well pre- pared would receive high marks, the average would pass, and
those who attempted to bluff would fail. Even so the results were most surprising and gratifying. The national average was 85.6 per cent which, though lower than last year by four points, was higher than the three years previous to that. Nine chapters were above 90 per cent, seventeen between 80 and 90 per cent, seven between 70 and 80 per cent and one failed.
The district average with the failures were as follows:
Mid Western Great Lakes Southern Ohio Valley Pacific Atlantic
6 Chapters 91.8% No failures 4 Chapters 90 % No failures 6 Chapters 88.6% 2 failures 5 Chapters 83.7% 9 failures 6 Chapters 82.7% 5 failures 7 Chapters 76.9% 43 failures
The chapter averages were as follows:
Xi . 99 Eta 96 Phi 94.7 Nu Kappa 92.3 Rho 91
Kappa Omicron Alpha Phi Omicron Pi Lambda
Tau 86 Kappa Theta 85.8 Omicron 84.8 Omega 84.6 Iota 83.4 Sigma 83
Beta Theta
Nu Omicron
Pi Delta
Tau Delta
Chi Delta
Zeta 88.2
90 Beta Phi 82.3 90 M l 81.2 90 Alpha Rho 81.1
89.4 Nu 79.5 89.3 Alpha Sic/ma 79.1
Theta 77.9 Psi 76.7 CM 75.2
87 Delta 73.6 86.2 Gamma 69.2
87.2 Epsilon 73.9
to stimulate curiosity. W e hope every girl who claims to be a true
Alpha O will find out the correct answer by asking her chapter ad- viser, consulting older girls in her group or by reading the Constitu- tion. It will make fraternity examinations easier. We suggest that the study plan officer answer these in a fraternity meeting.
1. When was our fraternity founded? Day and year.
2. By whom was it founded and how did the founding come about?
31 Where was our Alpha chapter?
4. Who designed our pin?
5. Where was our second chapter and when was it installed?
6. Which chapters are inactive and why?
7. How many chapters are there on our roll?
8. How are their chapter names chosen ?
9. Who are the present Grand Of- ficers? Do you know them?
0- When and where is the next Na- tional Convention?
!• How many alumnae chapters are there?
Which was the last installed and when did its installation take place?
}- How many districts do we have?
% Who are the District Superinten- dents?
S What chapters are in each dis- trict?
E Are the alumnae chapters grouped
17. Who are the Alumnae Superin- tendents ?
18. What are the duties of our Grand Vice President?
19. What are the duties of the Exten- sion and Examining officers?
20. In what months does our maga- zine appear?
21. What special departments appear in it?
22. Do we have any Alpha O's who are authors or poets? Who are some of them?
23. Who is the chairman of National Panhellenic Congress?
24. To what sorority does she belong?
25. What is an important piece of work to be presented to National Panhellenic Congress at the next session ?
26. Who is our delegate? Is she a professional woman? What was her chapter?
27. Where did the last meeting of N. P. C. take place? When?
28. Who were your alternates?
29. What national work do we do?
30. Do you know the history of that national work?
Can You
ns^ver These Questions?
An Alpha O Questionnaire How Well Do You Know Your Fraternity?
HOW much information about our fraternity could the average active member give to another fraternity member or to a rushee? We often wonder, and so we are including these questions
(f May we intro- duce Bertha RadoMuckey who is a depu- ty prosecuting attorney in the daytime and a poetatnight.
"A cf^awyer ^Writes a 'Poem " By NORA KNIGHT KING, Chi
IT isn't very often that one finds an aptitude for law and poetry in one person, but that is the case with Bertha Muckey (Chi, A.B. '18, L L B '23). Between the time Bertha received her A. B. degree and the time she re-entered the University as a law student in 1921, she had worked in Washington D. C. as a clerical worker.
While in Law school she was elected to Justinian, honorary scholastic law fraternitv, and to Phi Kappa Phi. She was a member of Kappa Beta Pi, legal sorority. Immediately after her graduation she took the New York State Bar examinations and passed both parts, some- thing which is rather unusual.
The spring of 1924 Bertha's parents moved to Idaho and thinking perhaps there would be more of an opening in the West for her chos- en profession, she went with them. In July she received an appoint- ment in the Prosecuting Attorney's office; while doing the work of a law clerk she studied for the Idaho State Bar examination, took it in December and passed it the highest grade that anyone ever had passed it in the State of Idaho. She now has the title of Deputy Prosecuting Attorney of Twin Falls Co., Idaho.
Now we go to her poetry, Dorrance and Co., of Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, have offeredher a place among the "Contemporary Po- ets of Dorrance." A t various times some of her poems have been pub- lished in "Present Day Poets of America Yearly Anthology." The
Editor of the Anthology submitted one of her poems called "Memo- ries" in the Present Day Poets of America contest, and she received
a certificate of award for it. We present it to you.
Old gold and old lace—
A rose bud in her hair,
A hedge-hid gate like a picture frame, How oft I saw you there.
Old gold and old lace,
And lavender in the air—
A fireplace where I sit alone. How oft I sazv you there.
Service—Qoal of National Panhellenic Congress By T H E COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND INFORMATION
w OFN.P. C.
H A T E V E R of hidden meaning may lie beneath our varying fraternity symbols, the basic frabric of all is the same—en- during friendship which shall be the inspiration of such un-
selfishness as leads to an uncircumscribed service. However short we may fall of this goal it is the one towards which we strive, and it is this goal which National Panhellenic Congress keeps ever in mind.
National Panhellenic Congress believes as strongly in the de- velopment of fraternity individualism as does the fraternity believe in such development in its members. There is no desire or attempt to curtail such fraternity individualism. However, just as the frater- nity works toward the solving of its problem and the planning of the most progressive program through the conference of experienced members, so National Panhellenic Congress seeks to work. Because of the great weight which is given in fraternity evaluation to the at- titude found in our college Panhellenics, every effort is being put forth to the end that each college Panhellenic may reflect the spirit found in National Panhellenic Congress.
There is a splendid spirit of comradeship and understanding in National Panhellenic Congress, but the Congress as such is composed of one voting delegate and two alternate delegates from each frater- nity. The realization of the aims of National Panhellenic Congress can never come until everyone who wears a fraternity pin con-
stitutes herself an active member of the real National Panhellenic Congress. When each believes and admits that the wearing of a fra- ternity pin cannot of itself appreciably change us from those of our associates not so favored; that not all that is good can be held within the confines of a fraternity, and that if such were possible no O N E fraternity could encompass A L L that good; that fraternity means °ot greater privileges but increased responsibility—then we shall ap- proach the goal which is set for all fraternities and for that alliance which they form as National Panhellenic Congress—greater capacitv for true friendship and unselfish, uncircumscribed SERVICE.
Why Weren *t you One of
Ph /Beta Kapp a and Sigma XiHon or Alpha O's from Many Chapters— Majority of Pi Delta Seniors are Elected to Honor Society
E hadn't the slightest idea that there would be such a congre- gation of honor Alpha O's when we sent out requests last spring for a short sketch of any member elected to Phi Kappa
Phi and Phi Beta Kappa, honorary scholastic fraternities, to Sigma Xi, honorary scientific society and Mortar Board, senior women's hon- or group. Why, there are so many, that as first we despaired and said that we hadn't pages for all of them, but on second thought, we decid- ed that they deserved those pages, and that by saving {he Mortar Board members until the January issue, we'd make the space, so here they are, thirty-five strong! Congratulations from Alpha Omicron Pi the United States over to you! We hope we'll have to publish a book
in order to include all of you in 1930.
From the Atlantic seaboard come the girls of Pi Delta. Hazel
Tenney tells of the six Phi Kappa Phi's, four of ten seniors in 1926- 1927 and two of four in 1927-1928:
"In October 1926 Ellen Jane Keiser was elected to Phi Kappa Phi. It seemed to us that Ellen Jane neglected nothing, for during her four years she claimed membership in the Senior Honor Society,
the Home Economics
Club, the Women's
Robbie cron, Margaret
Allison, Nu
on the Burton
Omi- steps. at
poses the
Above tee find Rita
achieved membership in
of Rho tcho was satisfied with Phi Kappa alone, but
Sigma Xi, too.
Jfonored Scholars?
Kur- Below — Mount,
treasurer of the Opera Club. A l l this, and she still found time to be socially attractive and to make grades which won her Phi Kappa Phi laurels.
"In the spring of 1927 Gladys Miller, Eliza- beth Taylor and Julia Louise Behring became Phi Kappa Phi members. A l l of them be- longed to Y . W . C. A . Gladys and Elizabeth
OCTOBER. 1 9 2 8
This college Admhmtra-
' the Masque and Bau-
twn Building
and Mary
stands as a memorial t,, the fifty members of I'hi
^ . , 1 .
W ^t?
at William College, Wil- V i r g i n i a ,
016 Clllb, TL e Cercle
! J P BuHPt«ll
rancaiS, UN Latlll American Uul), and
, . . . . f . .
she still found time to serve on the Y. W. C. A. cabinet, the basket- ball team and to carry the various duties of vice-president, assis- t a n t secretary-treas- urer, and secretary-
'. - *. ,
Fnnrnis thr> T nrin
*on. Gamma. trances DeCray Epsilon.
•it the right. Sylvia
were members of the Women's Athletic Association, Elizabeth serv- ing as president. Gladys also belonged to Home Economics Club and Dramatic Society. Julia Louise and Elizabeth were active in Opera Club, Julia Louise being secretary-treasurer and president of the club. She was also vice-president of the Women's "M" Club, having won her letter in rifle. You'll remember her as a splendid shot. She cap- tained the rifle team at one time. Elizabeth's athletic prowess won her an " M " in basketball, and thus membership in the " M " Club. She was manager of basketball. She served the Latin-American Club as treasurer and vice-president. Both Julia Louise and Eliza- beth were on the Women's Student Council. Julia Louise belonged
to the Latin-American Club, Grange, the New Mercer Literary So- ciety, the Reveille Staff and acted as president of the local Panhellenic Council and as secretary of Le Cercle Francais.
"Grace Laleger and Evelyn Kuhnle are our latest claims of fame. Grace was elected to the Senior Honor Society in 1928. She was secretary of" her class and also secretary of the Student Assembly. She sponsored Company C of the R. O. T. C. and was the sponsor of the whole regiment. Basketball was her game. She won the alum- ni medal in debating. As chairman of May Day Committee she worked with Evelyn. Both girls belonged to the new Mercer Liter-
ary Society. Evelyn was more literary, belonging to the Authorship Club, too. She was a member of Y . W . C. A., Panhellenic Club and of Student Grange."
Polly Longley (Gamma), sends us the next accounts:
"Serena Wood was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Pi Pi Kappa, an honorary economics fraternity. Her versatility is shown by the fact that she was president of Women's Student Government Asso- ciation, was on the Y . W . C. A . cabinet and also vice-president. Serena was a member of the Maine Masque Society of which she was secretary, a member of the Debating Club and of the Girls' Glee Club.
"That she was elected to A l l Maine W omen and president of Gamma chapter proves her popularity.
"On graduation she was awarded the Victoria Weeks Hacker Memorial Watch for service to the University.
"Serena is now married and residing in Presque Isle.
"Beulah Osgood won high scholastic honor at Maine. She was elected to Phi Kappa Phi. At mid-years of her senior year she re- ceive straight 'A's.'
"Beulah's interests are varied. She was president of the Home Economics' Club and of Gamma chapter. An AllMain Woman and a member of the Senior Cane Committee, she was exceedingly pop- ular.
"This cold list of honors, which Beulah has won, cannot express the warmth of her personality, nor tell of her friendship so fine.
"In the spring of 1927 Sylvia Kurson was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi fraternities.
"One glance at her record shows her writing ability, for she was president of the Contributors' Club and editor of 'The Maine Spring.' Among the prizes her pen has won are first prize in the Contributors' Club short story contest, first prize Sophomore Essay Contest, third prize intercollegiate poetry contest 1925, second prize
1926 and first prize 1927.
"That Sylvia could do other things besides writing her captaincy
of the freshman basketball team demonstrates. Election to All Maine Women attests to her popularity and activity in University affairs.
"Sylvia has just received her Master's Degree in English and in- tends to teach.
"Jessie Ashworth is our newest Phi Kappa Phi. This election
A replica of the Apollo room in the Raleigh tavern where the five founders of
l In Heta Kappa first met wax built in the Memorial
Upha Sigma
Nu Omicron
16 •
Jfonor £tudents Snjoy
Alpha Phi
••ii in nut
brings double honors to her since she is the only Junior in the College of Arts and Science to be elected. Pi Pi Kappa, the honorary econo- mics fraternity, has likewise honored her with membership. A t mid- years of her junior year Jessie received straight 'A's.' She was pres- ident of the rifle club in her junior year and made her numerals in both hockey and basket ball. Jessie is a member of the Contributors' Club and Maine Masque. She was a Sophomore Eagle.
"Her quiet good humor and unfailing helpfulness have made for her many friends."
Margaret Wilson of Nu sent in the story of Helen Schlauch, their one Phi Beta Kappa:
"Helen Schlauch is Nu's first contribution to Phi Beta Kappa. During her whole four years, she has held an honor scholarship and. in her junior year, she was elected to Eclectic, the honorary sorority for outstanding service in student affairs. She has worked whole- heartedly with her chapter and is one of our most beloved Alpha O's. Her honors she takes very lightly with an airy nonchalance, which permits her to wear her newest key tucked unobtrusively under her cuff. Helen plans to do graduate work next year, and Nu loses her with regret, but with perfect confidence in her success in new fields of adventure."
Epsilon presents Helen D . W orden who was elected to Phi Beta Kappa in 1926-1927 and who attained membership in Phi Kappa Phi in 1927-1928. During that same period Frances de G. Mount, who has been our editor, became a Phi Beta Kappa.
Now to the Southland and first to Nu Omicron where Eva Jean Wrather says three Phi Beta Kappas belonged in 1926. Mary Lydia Weise took her Master's Degree at Vanderbiltand now teaches at the State Teachers' College in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Emily Irene Williams has taught in Anniston, Alabama, for the last two years, and Robbie Allison is teaching at W ard Belmont School in Nashville.
BEDS* On.I.. Alpha Phi
Alpha Phi
At Pi Ruby Foster and Marion Moise won their Phi Beta Kappa keys last spring.
Numa Ablowich (Nu Kappa), was elected to Alpha Theta Phi, the honorary scholastic fraternity at Southern Methodist University which is petitioning Phi Beta Kappa. Martha Baird has written that Numa has won a scholarship, and so she'll be back this fall for her Master's Degree.
Coming north we find Marion Van Griethuysen of Xi. Marv Eliza- beth Goode tells you about her:
"Marion V an Griethuysen, the outgoing president of X i chapter, 1928, and a graduating senior of the class of '28, is one of the most representative women of the campus of Oklahoma University. She
made the honor page of the year book and is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa. Mortar Board, and Woman's Council.
"Marian is one of Xi's most beloved girls, and to her we owe much of the success of the present year and the wonderful prospects of the corning school year. She will be greatly missed at the house, but she u ''" always be 'Our Marian' wherever she goes. She plans to teach
Mathematics and Latin in Elk City, Oklahoma."
Gertrude S. Searcy at Phi is a real Kansan. She has been an Alpha O for four years, and she majored in Journalism. Besides be- mg an excellent editor to To DRAGMA, she was editor of the Univer- sity Daily Kansan. You remember that she was among the "Active
Alpha O's" of last year, and her other achievements were recorded.
Sarah Augusta Hardy (Eta), has been elected to Phi Beta Kappa ]*Hs year. Sarah's average for her three and a half years was 92.4. • arah has also been in activities and has done a great deal for the c «apter in chapter work.
Sally Knox writes about Marian Van Tuyl (Omicron Pi '28) : Marian was one of the most prominent girls at Michigan during
her four years there, as shown by her membership in W yvern, junior women's honorary society, Mortar Board, and Phi Kappa Phi.
"Marian was chairman of dance for the Junior Girls' play, 'Eight till Eight,' and gave a specialty searf dance herself in it. Last year she was one of the three seniors on the Judiciary council, and made an all A record, narrowly missing election to Phi Beta Kappa. She graduated last June with a B. S. in Education and taught dancing at the University of Michigan summer school. This year she is teaching dancing at the University of Chicago."
Margaret Burton (Iota '27), was elected to Phi Beta Kappa dur- ing her senior year. She was graduated in 1927 with honors in Jour- nalism. She was woman's editor of the Daily Mini during her senior year and worked on it her four year in the University. She is also a member of Theta Sigma Phi. the junior women's honorary, and the journalism and freshman women's scholastic honoraries. Along with two other senior women and five senior men, her picture appear- ed in the representative Illini section of the year book. She also re- ceived a Sigma Delta Chi scholastic award for 1927. From June until September of last year she was society editor of the Kokomo Dis-
patch, and since then has been assistant editor of the Illinois Alumni News Magazine.
Cherrie Malcolmson (Iota '27), was elected to Phi Beta Kappa during her junior year at Illinois. She spent her freshman and junior years at Illinois and her sophomore and senior years at Wellesley, where she was graduated in philosophy in 1927. She married Allan Waldo (Illinois '27), last September and they have been living in Ur- batia while he took graduate work. In the fall they will go to Cam- bridge, where he will study and teach at Harvard. Two of Cherrie's brothers have married Iota Alpha O's.
Frances Cottrell (Iota '28). has recently been elected to Sigma X i . She was graduated from the University of Illinois in June, receiving a B. A. with honors in botany. This fall she began a teaching career. She entered the university with the class of 1922, but continued sick- ness has kept her attendance very irregular until the last year, when
she came back to complete her work so successfully.
Gertrude Runyon of Rho says:
"Rho's most brilliant girl. Rita Biondi. graduated in June of last year, and this year received the degree of Master of Science. Rita was one of our most active girls, as well, and always held important
offices in the chapter— treasurer, rushing chairman, and such. So when she was nominated to *BK in her senior year, it came as a surprise to those of us who thought of her as constantly going to committee meetings and formals. This past year, which she spent working on her Master's thesis, and preparing for her oral and eight-hour written examinations, she was elected to Sigma X i also. W e are exceedingly proud of our Rita, and feel inspired by her record to achieve others like it."
Pi Delta
Pi Delta
Nu Omicron
Margaret McLean of Theta was initiated into Phi Beta Kappa in the spring.
Then west across Montana where Kathryn Kellett stops to tell of Alpha Phi's honors:
"The Phi Kappa Phi members for the two years are Helen Sol- berg, Ruby Gill, Mercedes Staebler and Borghild Anderson.
'Mercedes starred in dramatics and music. She was in Loot show and Tormentors for four years, was made chairman of Associated Students' Council, and was in Eurodelphian and Theta Alpha Phi.
"Borghild Anderson was active in Eurodelphian, Y . W . C. A., W- A. A., was secretary of the French club, and Exchange editor on
the Exponent.
"Helen Solbergwas veryactive inW.A.A.,and A.W. S.work,
French Club, Eurodelphian literary society, and Exponent. She was a member of Y . W . C. A. cabinet and the Women's League Council. 'Ruby Gill who is president of Phi Upsilon Omicron, historian o f A. W. S.. and was a Spur, was the only Alpha O elected to Mortar Board last spring. At the end of this year on Women's Day ^ ° more Alpha O's were tapped—Bernice Crane and Marcella Schneider. Bernice will be next year's president of Mortar Board, •^he is president of A . W . S. and was our chapter president this year.
To DK\<;\i\
UEI-I.AH OSGOOD (! rnn inn
Pi Delta
She is secretary of Luirodelphian, was a Spur and is prominent in all campus activities."
South again Chi Delta boasts of her Phi Beta Kappas in the words' of Mabel Brown:
"Imogene Hadley and Luella Koerner, two of Alpha O's who are Phi Beta Kappas, graduated with B. A . degrees this year Efforaa the University of Colorado.
"Imogene is a member of Iota Sigma Phi. honorary chemical society. O f Luella you'll read elsewhere."
At Alpha Sigma we hear of the last of our honored member. La W anda Fenlason speaks:
"Marjorie Clark is Alpha Sigma's new Phi Beta Kappa, and we're mighty proud of her. She is a geography major, the only one in the University of Oregon. Her home is in San Diego, California.
"As you can see from her picture, 'Marj' is no spectacled grind. She's always full of fun and ready for a good time. Yet 'Marj' is. intensely interested in her work. Nothing can keep her away from a geology field trip, and much of her time is spent in special research work.
"This fall 'Marj' will IK- leaching grade students in Mexico. While there she plans to work on her Master's problem and learn Spanish. Then in two years she hopes to come back to < teegoo foi- lier M.A.degree.
"We'll miss 'Marj' a great deal; she has done much for the house besides carrying her school work so well. This last year, she has been our vice-president and head of discipline. It was largely due to her fine work in this office and to her excellent example that Alpha Sigma headed the grade list of the University last fall.
"I wish all Alpha O's could know 'Marj,' for I'm certain you would love her as we do, and you could then appreciate what an ex-
ceptional and delightful young woman she is."
We of Alpha Omicron Pi congratulate these girls again and wish
them similar success in their undertakings in life.
M A R f l A R E T
1 ' E N N
H c
"/> sadly,
"Don't Be Afraid
BLUE I'.OWKT First Verse
mte Bonnet MIS the name until felt the flame
Of Broadway bright lights in her eyes.
, l c r Shires on the wall,
Oh tvhat a pity that we came to town.
I'll always remember that szvect day in June,
Our hearts sang a rvedding re- frain.
You wore your Blue Bonnet, and blossoms fell on it,
As I strolled with you doivn the lane.
Second Verse
He's sitting there alone,
He knows she won't be home.
I 'ntil the dance has had its sivay. The thoughts are grozving dim. The old clock starts within.
.Is it keeps ticking azvay.
l o o k s
U'cky days recall,
Bl«e Bonnet, Blue Bonnet, vou make vie feel blue.
B I U C . Bo*Mt. doggone it, I mus you, I do.
V°" !°°*ed pretty in W*i0ham gown.
and si(jhSi
to Try"
Did you know that these words were written by an Alpha O and that she also composed the music? Yes, Margaret Penn White (Psi), wrote both "Blue Bonnet" and "Why." Now she has a few things to say to all of you, but especially to any of you who may be interested in musical composition.
"PIT^HE first thing I would like to say is that 'It can be done.' By this I mean that it is quite possible to get your songs pub- lished. Yesl even in New York City! I want to emphasize
this, because there are too many people who will discourage aspiring composers. Of course I do not mean that it is easy to do, but it is quite possible.
"We were living in Washington D. C. when my first song was published. The title of it was 'Blue Bonnet,' and the idea or inspira- tion for this song came from the beautiful little blue flower which blooms in Texas in the spring-time, and for which Texas has been named 'The Blue Bonnet State.' I am a native of Texas, and even though I was living in the shadow of the dome of our Nation's Capi- tol, nevertheless I sometimes had 'homesick feelings' for my native state, and thus 'Blue Bonnet' was written. This song was broadcast- ed quite a bit from Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Cincinnati, Dallas, Houston and other cities, and written up in a number of
papers in Washington, Cincinnati, Dallas, Houston, et cetera, all of which was a help in introducing the song to the public, of course. This number was published by Edward W. Marks Music Company of New York, who are international music publishers, and was fea- tured in New York by Betsy Ayres, the well-known concert and radio artist, whose lovely soprano voice has been enjoyed so often over radio from WEAF, New York. Miss Ayres is also a native of Texas, and has had an unusually1 successful career as a concert and radio artist in New York. Her picture was on the cover of 'Blue
"My next song that was published was 'Why,' and this was featured by 'The Denel Sisters,' who were then starring in New York in a Shubert musical production on Broadway. I was fortunate in meeting these two charming girls (who, by the way, have both married since then, and are leading 'the domestic life,' the older one having married an Episcopal rector!), while I was a guest at the Studio Club in New York, at the time that 'Blue Bonnet' was pub-
"I had quite a few 'thrills' when I heard 'Why' played in Chicago at the Edgewater Beach Hotel (while I was at a dinner party there), also at Congress Hotel, and at the attractive new Up Town theatre on Sheridan Road, when we were visiting in Chicago, soon after this song was published. It really gives you quite a 'thrill' to hear your own song played by the really good orchestras, and organists, and sung by various artists.
"I have composed about fourteen songs which are still 'in the manuscript,' and now I am looking forward with a good bit of pleas- ure to having at least one or two of these published this spring.
OCTOBER, 1928 23
"I have studied piano since I was about eight years old, and I was never allowed by any of my teachers to play anything but classical music, although many of my songs are of the ballad or so-called 'popular type.' I received a diploma in piano in Texas, and two years later my Bachelor of Music degree, which included finishing courses in harmony, counter point, theory and composition, and also a year of pipe-organ. After receiving my degree in music I studied musical composition in Philadelphia with the late Dean H u g h A . Clarke-, Dean of the Music Department of the University of Pennsylvania, who was an authority on musical composition as well as an author of books on this subject.
"It was at Pennsylvania University that I became a member of Psi chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi. I composed a song for our chap- ter which we sang at our informal affairs at that time. After my marriage to Dr. White, we lived in Washington, D. C, and I enjoyed the meetings of our alumnae chapter there very much and felt so fortunate in being present at the installation of our splendid chapter at the University of Maryland. We are now living in Altoona,
Pennsylvania where my husband is a surgeon for the Pennsylvania Railroad. I am sorry that we have no alumnae chapter here, but Mar- jorie Downes (also from Psi chapter) and I are the only Alpha Omi- cron Pi alumnae in town. However Marjorie and I have many good talks together about Alpha Omicron Pi, and it so happens that we are old friends, having been initiated at the same time at Psi.
"Of course, composing songs only occupies a part of my time as I have a home and husband, and 'keep house.' I also play solos and accompaniments for singers and violinists at various affairs, as well as over the radio, and with these, and church and social activities, I am rather busy. However, everyone is busy these days, it seems, and I want to conclude by saying that if any of you have compositions in manuscript, do give some time and thought to their publication, for I am sure that vou will feel repaid for your efforts, and just remember
that 'It Can Be Done.'"
zAn zjllpha 0 in Java
{Continued from page 6 )
delicacies! There was a similar "salamatan" at the General Motors plant while it was being built, where a huge water-buffalo substituted for a sheep as the offering to the gods!
Miss Schoedler (Alpha- '11), is secretary to the regional director for the Far East of the General Motors Export Company. Her work takes her to Japan, through the Dutch East Indies and into many far away places on the globe. It was her privilege to drive her own car through Sumatra, Java and Bali. We shall publish portions of her letters in To DRAGMA during the year. We reprint this one from the BARNARD ALUMNAE BULLETIN.
Ella Roberts '"We Jfonor
PSI chapter claims the recipient of the Alpha Omicron Pi Fel- lowship given in memory of Ruth Capen Farmer for the fourth time in May, 1928. Ella Roberts has entered the medical school of the University of Pennsylvania to begin her medical career. She is qualified by a keen mind, a determination which has not been daunted by many trials which have stood between her and her am- bition since her graduation in 1925, and an arduous desire to be a practicing physician in Philadelphia. A doctor's career has been an ultimate goal for years, but knowing that she had to support herself through the years in medical school, she majored in history in the College of Education and has been teaching in the Philadelphia High school for Girls. This last June she completed her Masters' Degree in Sociology.
Ella has a very high scholastic record. A l l of her recommenda- tions are rich in praise of her keen interest in her fellow people, of her steadfastness of character, and a professor in the medical school says, "She possesses those attributes of character which are essential
to the ideal physician."
OCTOBER, 1 9 2 8 25
During her undergraduate days she was president of Psi chap- ter and has worked with the active chapter this last year as alumna adviser. She did volunteer work in social service while in school. Her work in history won her membership in Phi Alpha Theta, a national fraternity for the promotion of the study of history.
It is interesting to recall that our first Fellowship winner, Thelma Brumfield of Epsilon, studied medicine. Achsa Bean (Gam- ma), who was awarded the Fellowship in 1926 was to have taken work in the medical field. Wilkie Hughes (Beta Phi), did gradu- ate work in nursing in 1925 when she received the Fellowship. So the Fellowship has indeed helped "women who planned study or search in humanitarian lines with a view of practical service."
For the benefit of the younger girls in the fraternity who perhaps know less about the Alpha Omicron Pi Fellowships than the older ones who remember well their origins, we recite briefly the story. W e don't know just when the idea of national work did germinate, it was before our college days, but in the files of To DRAGMA, we find a definite summary and proposal put before the members by Laura Hind in September, 1922. The survey resolved itself into our pres- ent program of national work with its several divisions and adopted at the Whittle Springs Convention in the spring of 1923. The Fel- lowship of $500 was offered to any woman graduate of a college or university in which a chapter of Alpha O was installed. The Fellowship was awarded to Thelma in 1924 and to Wilkie in 1925. Then came convention in Minneapolis. There a second Fellowship of
$500 was established, this to be given to non-member women. Mar- jorie Ruth Clark was able to continue her work in Labor Economics in Paris through the Alpha Omicron Pi Fellowship in 1926. The same year the Alpha Omicron Pi Fellowship given in memory of Ruth Capen Farmer was granted to Achsa Bean (Gamma). She was unable to accept it, so Mary Arden Young (Omega), used it to further her studies in Social Service. In 1927 Helen Rosen- stihl, as you know, was granted the non-member award to do ad- vanced work in Psychology. That year there were no applicants for the member award, so the Seattle Convention adopted the reso- lution that each Fellowship should be increased to $1000 and each should be given in alternate years. And so the story ends with the award to Ella Roberts of Psi. Our good wishes go to her.
Perhaps you would be interested to know what some of our Fellowship winners are doing now. Dr. Brumfield is on the faculty in the Medical School at the University of Virginia, the only woman who has that honor. Wilkie Hughes is superintendent of nurses and principal of the training school at the New England Hospital for Women and Children in Boston. You remember her article on nursing in the May issue. Mary Arden Young is living at Hull House in Chicago. She is working with the United Charities and
was assigned to the Haymarket District. Helen Rosenstihl was hop- ing to be able to continue her work at Columbia this year.
Elizabeth Heywood Wy- man and Alice Cullnane
Mid-western District finds hospitality at Zeta.
Came One Came All
Great J^akesQonventionQpncludes Business at a Picnic
Cat Atlantic convention By SALLY KNOX, Omicron Pi
ONVENTION, before and after! If I were an artist, I should draw a picture of two little girls, one looking sulky, the other uplifted; these would represent the typical Omicron Pi attitude
toward Convention, on hearing its date and at its conclusion.
Our distaste in looking forward to convention was excusable —in fact, what one would expect. We had never been through a convention before, and we were a little afraid of it. Most important of all, we were homesick. Many girls would finish their examinations a week and a half before convention, and since some of them had not been home since Christmas, it is no wonder that they felt explosive when told that their family reunion had been postponed for ten days
or so. But they had to stay, and they submitted with good grace— that is until convention got started. Then they climbed on the band wagon and cheered. It was then that the transformation occurred, and that even the growlers set about enjoying the contact with the different personalities that had come in our midst, and participating
OCTOBER, 1928 27
Sigma plays hostess to Pacific group.
to District Conventions
Rational spirit Strengthened by Group Meetings
At right, Great Lakes' picnic.
enthusiastically in the discussions of our common problems. And when it was all over, and the train with the last of the delegates was disappearing down the track, we turned to each other saying regret- fully, "Now there's nothing left to do but go home."
It will be a long time before the Omicron Pi girls recover from the stimulating effect of that convention. W e received, most of us for the first time, a national point of view, the feeling that we be- longed to a truly great national organization of ambitious young women, anxious, by following our fraternity ideals, to arrive at our individual goals. We saw, as a chapter, the solution to many of our problems that had been weighing on our minds for years. W e made the acquaintance of, and had the privilege of living with, for three days, two national officers, and the presidents of three active chap- ters. And then we had great sport among ourselves. Ann Arbor is a charming town, and a delightful place to be when there is no studying connected with it, especially when there are automobiles about; you may be sure that we made the most of our opportunities.
The first formal event of convention after the delegates arrived was the installation of the Ann Arbor Alumnae chapter, which oc- curred on Thursday night, June 14. The next morning was en- tirely filled with a business meeting, as was also a large part of the next afternoon. After the meeting, we all relaxed at a pleasant tea,
and that night we went to a bridge party at the home of Mary Kent- Miller, ('27). Friday morning we hired canoes and paddled up the Huron river to a pretty spot where we disembarked and cooked our breakfast. Afterwards, we sat around in the grass and held our third business meeting. That afternoon, back home, we concluded
our business and took the delegates on a sight-seeing drive to show them the beauties of Ann Arbor.
That night, we held our banquet at the Lantern shop. Virginia Van Zandt Snider, our District Superintendent who conducted the meetings and with her fine spirit did so much to make the convention a success, made a very moving farewell speech and departed. Kath- ryn Bremer Matson, Dorothy Schmid, the Eta delegate, Cynthia Hawkins, our delegate, and Ruth Van Tuyl, our only pledge, also
gave short speeches.
Later, there was an Omicron Pi chapter meeting. Betty Gratton
Youngjohn, our alumna financial adviser, and Mrs. Matson were there, and they pointed out the way to the solution of problems that had seemed unsurmounable to us before. This, of course, on top of everything else, made us doubly elated.
The next morning, we held initiation for Ruth Van Tuyl. Mrs. Matson conducted the service, and never have I seen it done so beau- ti fully or so impressively. This was the last formal event of Conven-
tion, and it made a fitting climax to an inspiring weekend. The dele- gates went home that afternoon after a last chummy Sunday dinner together.
Pacific initiates J^ambda and £igma
By HARRIET BACKUS, Sigma H E delegates attending Pacific Conventon were:
Alpha Sigma, Werdna Isbell; Alpha Rho, Wythle Fitzpatrick; Upsilon, Margaret Evans; Lambda, Dorothy Quinn; Kappa Theta Dorothy Battey; and Sigma, Jeannette Holmes.
Thursday, May 10, was taken up with registration and in the afternoon drives around the campus and city. After dinner we had a stunt program. The three northern girls gave a stunt together, Kappa Theta and Lambda gave their share and Sigma's classes each gave one. Rose Bell presented two delightful monologues.
Friday was all business except for a formal initiation after dinner. One Lambda pledge and three Sigma freshmen were initiated. The Sigma girls were Doris Finger, Marion Larkins and Mary McCain. A bridge party finished that day. Saturday morning was the last business meeting followed by a luncheon and bridge party at Orienda Country Club. A formal banquet was held Saturday night at the
Southern delegates dress up on one sunshiny day.
Hotel Oakland. Sunday after closing convention we all visited Lambda chapter and the Stanford campus. Lambda certainly gave us a good luncheon. Thus ended the second Pacific Coast District Convention.
Ohio 'Valley Delegates Are Entertained by Sota
OTA chapter located at the University of Illinois at Urbana was hostess chapter at the district convention of Alpha Omicron Pi held April 19, 20, 21, and 22. The girls of Iota were very glad to have the privilege of holding the convention there, as they have wanted to for a long time, but until this year they have never had a house
large enough to accommodate a convention crowd.
Thursday afternoon the delegates started to arrive. Edith Hun-
tington Anderson was the first one to sign the registration book, and the delegates from the chapter at Indiana University came with her. The DePauw girls arrived in time for the get-acquainted dinner which was held. It was a "Travel" dinner, and each girl followed the directions on her "passport" to the next country, or table if you prefer, between courses.
After dinner everybody danced, and the Illinois girls received their first instruction in the latest Indiana dance steps. After the dancing, the girls gathered around the piano for singing. Charades were played, the girls dividing into four teams.
Friday morning the first business session opened. It was held in the form of round table discussion, and at once the girls started to exchange ideas and to get the new ones to take home to their own chapters. Arline Ewing, our District Superintendent, arrived that morning, and delegates from Oxford College and Butler came during the day.
i 1
Friday night, after the circle dinner (we called it a circle dinner because the decorations were circles in different colors), the Iota girls gave a stunt for us,—a take-off of Paul Ash and his Merry-Mad Gang. Peggy Bernier, Milton Watson and other added features such as Ginsberg and MacDougall, Sophie Tucker, and other take- offs of famous stage and vaudeville characters, were there to entertain us. After the stunt, there was more dancing, and the Illinois girls tried to polish up their own versions of the Indiana "hops."
At the Saturday sessions, delegates were present from every chapter in the district. When the afternoon session closed on Satur- day, formal initiation was conducted by Mrs. Anderson, and four Iota pledges. Charlotte Moore, Helen March, Lois Treadwell, and Betty Iloft' were taken into the sorority.
Saturday night a formal banquet was held, and decided pep was given by a carload of DePauw girls who arrived in the afternoon just in time for initiation. Speeches were given at the banquet by Mary Elizabeth Jens (Iota, '29), Arline Ewing, and Mrs. Anderson who gave a splendid talk especially for the newly-initiated girls.
Sunday morning a farewell breakfast was given, and it did seem a shame that such a good time had to come to an end.
Copies of the minutes Of the business meetings were sent to the chapters at the opening of school in the fall, and in them you will find what really happened at convention,—new plans, new ideas, and new methods that can be instituted for the betterment of each chapter and its members.
We all enjoyed district convention a lot, and many, having had a taste of what a convention is really like, are looking forward anxi- ously already to the national convention next summer.
-If •
Atlantic delegates smile between shower*.
Ohio Valley District delegates pose before lota's house.
cjMid-Western 'Discusses fishing
r ^ p
JJ_ H E Midwestern District Convention met with Zeta chapter at Lincoln, Nebraska, May 18, 1928. Margaret Moore, Zeta's presi- dent for 1927-28 was hostess at the convention and had complete
charge of arrangements. The six chapters of the district were repre- sented, and we were also honored by the presence of Mary Rose Barrons. District Superintendent, and Kathryn Bremer Matson.
Grand Treasurer.
The delegates from the various states were:
Alpha Phi, Marcella Schneider; Nu Kappa, Lillian Cox; Phi,
Vera Faye Stoops; Chi Delia, Hesper Tucker; Xi,Lois Grim An- glin; and, Zeta, Geraldine Heikes.
There were many guests all of whom Zeta was very proud to have present. Frances Kennedy, Marion Van Griethuysen, Alice Friend, Katherine De Puy, Elizabeth Elgin of X i chapter; Hazel Lee of Chi
Delta chapter; and Ethel May Smith of Nu Kappa chapter.
The first business meeting was held Friday morning with Man- Rose Barrons presiding. Each delegate reported on the ritual and standard equipment of her chapter. A letter from Rose Gardner Marx was received during this first meeting, and was very much ap-
Luncheon was served at the Zeta chapter house, and at two o'clock
business discussions were again resumed. Mrs. Matson spoke of an ideal method of keeping accounts and the duties of the treasurer. An advisory board was recommended for each chapter.
Reports were made by each chapter on their relation to the alum- nae chapter of their own college or university. The method of rush- ing and choosing girls was discussed. District superintendent report blanks were distributed to be filled out by the delegates.
Dinner was served at the Country Club in honor of our guests, and in spite of the terrible rain, we all enjoyed it immensely. A t eight- thirty a formal reception was held at the Alpha Omicron Pi house, and the guests represented each sorority on the campus.
Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock a meeting was held, and rush- ing rules were discussed in full, with criticisms and suggestions for each chapter.
We had our last meeting at 2 :30 o'clock Saturday. Delegates re- ported on methods of electing officersand the relationship of fresh- men to upperclassmen. Philanthropic work was encouraged by both Mary Rose and Mrs. Matson.
An initiation service was held with every delegate present for the purpose of making our initiations more formal and more nearly perfect.
A formal banquet at the Lincoln Hotel gave every Alpha O within a radius of many miles an opportunity to meet with her sisters from other states.
Sunday morning all of the delegates and guests who were still in Lincoln attended Westminster Presbyterian Church. Mary Rose and Mrs. Matson left us Sunday afternoon; they were the last to go.
We shall always cherish the moments we spent with our guests at Zeta's house, and we shall look forward to meeting everyone of them again.
<^/ftlantic District
Clarifies Gamma
\_J N Friday, June 22, with Alpha O pins shining in all their glory we of Atlantic District arrived in Maryland. With a few exceptions we found Pi Delta at the University of Maryland with little diffi- culty.
Their new house, with its wide-open doors welcomed every Alpha O from Maine to Maryland. It was not long before we all felt like old friends. Never again will I fear a national officer—] Miss Wyman, Alice Cullnane, and Frances Eagan were representing national, and three more harmless but efficient and charming people1 cannot be found.
By eleven o'clock we started off with a short business meeting Opened by a formal ritual. This marked the beginning of the long discussions which followed. Each chapter had her own individual troubles and problems, all a little different and still fundamentally the same. We found that each chapter had to work out her own method of solving these problems, but I know we all benefited by
learning how others do it.
One thing, which perhaps means more to Gamma and Delta, be-
cause of the geographic location, is the fact that we decided to try] in every possible way to get together at least once each year, besides; meeting at convention.
OcTonicR, 1928 33
It seems that each of us has our own interpretation of performing initiation. The two chapters seem to be exactly alike in all respects. A model initiation and then a discussion with Miss Wyman, cleared up many little things. I feel sure that with our new ritual books, they should be uniform.
The patronesses of Pi Delta gave a tea for us at the home of Mrs. Richardson, which reminds me that one of the "few exceptions" at finding the Pi Delta house was that of the Chi president. Mr.
Richardson found Louise wandering around like a helpless "little <rj|l" as he termed her.—Nowhere could the house be found, and Louise was ready to start back to Syracuse when M r . Richardson took pity on her and directed her to the house. To get back to the tea, it was such a delightful one and made us feel more at home than ever.
Saturday was devoted entirely to business meetings with plans for a bigger and better year in every chapter. So many things were accomplished and discussed that it is difficult to pick out the most important. Each had a great significance in its own field.
We discussed rushing, which varied in each case, ranks, officers, choice of girls for Alpha O pledging, et cetera, all had their places. By talking over one's troubles with those who have the same prob- lems, ours were made easier, and we gained many new ideas in coping:
with them. > .
Saturday evening found us all at the New Willard in Washington D. C. for our banquet. Several of the alumnae came and added to our good time. Frances Eagan acted as toastmistress. Each delegate was told to be ready to say something when called upon. We were just miserable all during dinner trying to think of the right thing to say. W e all, meaning the delegates, ate very slowly knowing that Frances had to catch a 10:30 train. Sure enough Miss Wyman, Alice, and one of Pi Delta's alumnae were the only ones who had time for speeches. W e all hated to have Frances leave, but I must admit I was relieved to find it was so late when they finished speaking.
The rain tried in vain to dampen our spirits, but such a happy crowd needed more than rain to curb their joy. Sunday dawned bright and clear ready for a sight-seeing trip around the capitol city—Wash- ington from a bus is a novelty—even the Alpha O's who have homes
in Che city saw it from a very different point of view.
In the afternoon the Washington Alumnae had a tea for us. Many of the delegates had to leave before then, but I am sorry for them. We who stayed had a most enjoyable time, and it was a
great pleasure to meet the alumnae.
May I take the opportunity to extend for the district, the sincerest appreciation to Pi Delta for all the work which made the convention a success. Such hospitality cannot be equalled. And too, let me say that Gamma extends a most hearty invitation to every chapter for convention in 1930. {Continued on page 70)
34 To DRAG MA Mrs. Jferbert J£oover
Glimpses of J^ou JTenry Jfoover
ZAlJLA/ N A THORNTON FITZHUGH {Lambda ' 2 5 ) , was Mrs. Hoover's secretary from June, 1925, until Feb- ruary, 1927. She has rec- orded this portrayal of the wife of the Republican can- didate for presidency for the Stanford Illustrated Review, and she has given us permis- sion to use it. At present she is active in the Hoover campaign in southern Cali- fornia. Ad interim she visit- ed Europe and returned to Stanford. We are grateful for this intimate glimpse of Mrs. Hoover.
IT seems strange to sit down to a typewriter to write to people] about Mrs. Hoover. To many of us she is a classmate or the mother of a classmate, or leader in Girl Scouting, a co-worker in community activities, or an intimate friend. At least, she is the
very dear friend of a friend of ours—so that we feel that we knowi her personally. Therefore we miss the portrayal of the friendly side of her in the articles which have appeared in national journals.
I like to think of her as sitting listening to Dr. Jordan. It was last summer that one of the terraces of the campus "house-on-the-hill" was the scene of what will long be a favorite memory. Dr. and Mrs.! Jordan, Mrs. Wilbur, Mrs. Vernon Kellogg, and other intimate fam- ily friends were there for tea. A group of younger ones—friends of
OCTOBER, 1928 35
trough the Qti\>ernor's Cjfiront "Door
Mrs. Alfred 8. (§mith
Rn rCKNEY ESTES GLANTZBERG (Psi '19), is a member of the New York County Democratic Committee, a member of the Tonkaiva Club of Tammany Hall, and of the Women's Democratic Club. She is very interested in her party and in the women who are prominent in it. A laivycr, she tries her cases in Al- bany, and she has written this article after a special in- teniicw with the wife of the Democratic candidate for presidency. We thank Mrs. Glantzberg for the intervieiv.
ECAUSE of my interest in feminism, I have tried to study the
women who have come forward in public life and public office, especially with respect to the personalities of such women and their reactions to power and position. During the time that I have lived here in New York, through my association with the active mem- bers of the Democratic Party throughout the State, I have come in contact with the wives of many of the leaders of my Party and it has been my pleasure and privilege on many occasions to meet Cath- erine Dunn Smith, the wife of the Governor of the State and presi- dential candidate on the Democratic Ticket. My study of Mrs. •Smith has been exceedingly satisfying to me both as a feminist and
a Democrat, not to mention a dved-in-the-wool Southerner. Some-
36 To DRAGjjn Mrs. Jfoover {Continued from page 34)
Herbert's and Allan's—buzzed about, serving tea and cakes, being busy while trying very hard to listen to reminiscences of vast-sound- ing experiences that were going on between friends of many winters.
Always most unofticiously conscious of her guests' enjoyment, Mrs. Hoover senses the pleasure of a group, and is quick to provide an in- teresting topic for discussion, or to ask for an enjoyable story. This time, as so often, her own eagerness for one of Dr. Jordan's stories spread to all, until somehow everyone present had managed to gather
quietly near Dr. Jordan's chair in front of the outdoor fireplace. The younger generation sat on porch pillows on the floor, and the next youngest, including some grandmothers and M rs. Hoover herself sat on the parapet around the terrace, and the few celebrities, presidents, or sedate ones sat in wicker porch chairs— all listening to the fish story which Dr. Jordan told at Mrs. Hoover's solicitation.
The story, about importing the fish that eats mosquitoes is one! that many of you have read in scientific journals and daily news- papers, for it was a matter of world-wide interest, this practical solu- tion of the pond-mosquito problem. It was told with the alacrity of thought and the slow-directness of speech that we know as character- istic of Dr. Jordan. W e were all interested in the story, as a story,
and because of the inimitable histrionic quality of all of Dr. Jordan's "talks." But a glance at Mrs. Hoover showed that she felt much more than this. In her face was a reverence for Dr. Jordan, an awe and admiration, an intelligent appreciation, an absolute scientific un-i derstanding of the subject, and an unquenchable love of a good story,] especially one that has outdoor and human nature in it.
Mrs. Hoover's face is not the proverbial open book. A t times it is most inscrutable and not infrequently mischievous. Sometimes it] bears an expression that makes one wonder whom the joke is on,| But be sure the joke is never one that hurts. Her humor is never satire. I f she is amused at a social custom or a misunderstanding re-.] suiting in an awkward situation, it is outrightly funny but is never laughed at as a foible.
She herself is an ever-ready story teller. Her tales of incidents! and accidents in China during the Boxer trouble are told, not as! experiences they underwent but as interesting and human experiences.] It is always what other people did—not what she or Mr. Hoover did except as they were incidental to the action of a story.
She has so many enthusiasms that her conversation is never] just "social." Afternoon tea, nearly always out of doors, is made] doubly refreshing because there are birds and squirrels to watch, and sometimes even lightning through the trees, which only makes it mora imperative that the ceremony be on the terrace.
Mrs. Hoover's ability to manage her household has been rightly emphasized. But it isn't a question which could ever enter one's head!
(Continued on page 38)
OCTOBER, 1928 37
MVS. (§tnith (Continued from page 35)
how, Democracy has meant to me the development of the individual being oneself—without sham or shame. I feel this is what Paul must have had in mind when he wrote, "Work out your own salva- tion." Mrs. Smith has done this. Friends who knew her as Cath- erine Dunn, joyous, happy, loving unaffected, generous, see her to- day the same person, though the wife of the Governor of this great Empire State. Honor, fame, wealth and popularity such as few
\Minen have ever known, have not made the Governor's wife other than the sweet, unassuming lady she was when he married her.
I like her looks. She is always exquisitely dressed. Her eyes are wide-set, large and beautifully blue with much light in them. Her ]i a jr is dark brown with a sheen that always accompanies the delicate clearness of such a skin as hers. Her mouth is generously large with a ready smile which shows her strong, white teeth. Her hands are large and finely shaped with long fingers such as one expects in the hands of an artist. Her feet and ankles are slender and graceful.
Her voice is sweet and pitched rather low and there is a delicious twinkle which comes and goes as she laughs off some too personal a question. "How old are you, Mrs. Smith?" asked a very, very young reporter, and the quick laugh with "Oh, my dear, that's telling, but over thirty," and we all laughed. Then I remembered a mutual friend and instantly I , too. was a mutual friend and "at home"—so quick the response to make me feel I was welcome now, not only for my interest in her, but because I was a friend of her friend.
My grandmother, a Lutheran of Lutherans, could not see well enough to read even the print of the "Picture Bible" and so as a little child, maybe because she felt I needed it greatly or maybe be- cause she tried to live up to it herself, she would have me read again and again that great tribute of Solomon's to the Virtuous Woman as set out in the Thirty-first Giapter of Proverbs. As I sat there dur- ing my interview with Mrs. Smith I instinctively recalled those mani- fest indices of womanly grace and efficiency. One after the other this
woman who sat before us had exemplified them in her life of devo- tion to her husband, her home, her family, her friends.
"The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her She seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands. . . . She riseth also while it is yet night and giveth meat to her household and a portion to her maidens Her candle goeth not out by night She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. . . . She stretcheth out her hands to the poor; yea, she
reacheth forth her hands to the needy. . . . She is not afraid of the snow for her household, for all her household are clothed with scar- let In her tongue is the law of kindness. . . . She looketh well to the ways of her household. . . . Her children arise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. . . . Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates."
Is she qualified to act as the First Lady of the Land? Our word
"lady" has back of it a robust superiority in meaning to all other words descriptive of women. It is Anglo-Saxon in derivation. T(l Anglo-Saxon recognized the social importance implied in it—hlaefdie —"she who looks after the loaf."—She who is concerned with the
well being of the family—the community—whose thought is for others—not for herself. Surely the fountain head of all social grace, all courtesy, all of what we are pleased to call "good manners! is a kind heart and in hers we find only love and tender thoughtful- ness for others.
With twenty-five years of continued public life, with every re- source of a great State so far as cultural opportunity is concerned, with a constant influx of visitors, the rich and the poor, the elite and the crowd, the wise and the unwise, she has walked so softly and so gently that to all she is the symbol of graciousness and kindness.
"The happiest heart that ever beat Was in some quiet breast
That found the common daylight sweet And left to Heaven the rest."
MrS. JfoOVer (Continued from page 36)
while in the house. I t just is so perfectly managed that there neveri can be any sense of the wheels going around.
It has long been a custom in Washington for everyone in then family to hurry to the car when Mr. Hoover starts for his office. The first stop is at the Department of Commerce at a few minutes be- fore nine. Frequently the next stop is at a flower market at the
corner of 20th and K Streets. Outdoor flowers are favorites. Corn- flowers and calendulas, gladiolas, cosmos, and zinnias in season are carried home to be placed in informal array about the house. The ever fascinating Central Market near the Smithsonian Institution, splendid in its array of imported fruits and cheeses, bakery goods,! fish, and vegetables is the destination of this early morning trip. Mrs.
Hoover shares with Mrs. Kellogg and Mrs. Jardine the enjoyment of] going from stall to stall to see and purchase things for the table.
Sometimes on the way home Mrs. Hoover stops in for a moment's! business at the Girl Scout Little House, where she has so eagerly] sponsored the development of a model home for the Girl Scouts ofl Washington to work in, and for the Girl Scouts of the whole coun-J try, and for the Girl Guides of the world to visit from time to time!
and hold as an ideal in their home-making activities. This "Little] House" Mrs. Hoover has made a laboratory in which Girl ScouB leaders and girls themselves can experiment in whatever phases ofl homemaking and domestic science they are interested in. It has been I so thoroughly done that everything is at hand there for the best ex^
It is this kind of constructive, attractive work that Mrs. Hoover! loves to do. She adores work that requires sheer persistence. I am ]
OCTOBER, 1928 39
sure that no one would want to believe that she worked the number 0 f consecutive hours and consecutive days during one humid Wash- ington summer that she did. She said that the heat bothered less when she was deeply interested and working and the clicking of her typewriter early and late proved that she knew from actual exper- ience. She knows so much from actual experience—all the details of eanip'Hg and Girl Scouting, all the vicissitudes of life in oriental countries. It seems almost impossible that she should have been so very many places under such varied circumstances and not suf- fered consequences. The answer is that training artd wisdom and character and intelligence have provided the preparedness that she novv is working to give to the girls of the country, and of other countries, in the Girl Scout program.
It is a remarkable fact that she is able to work at both ends of most games. She likes the technical and executive end, and under- stands the purely descriptive or text-book end. She has written much of the actual working material for Girl Scout manuals, al- though she is perhaps best at executive administration. She is also fascinating and splendidly successful with a group of girls. The 'teen age girl—and twenty of her at once—is material that stumps some others in the game. Those who can plan programs can't always work with girls. Mrs. Hoover has long led a troop of Washington Girl Scouts. They have stayed with it from the days when she in- vested them with their tenderfoot badges until now they meet to exchange views on managing their own troops or those in which they are junior leaders.
These girls, like other groups of youngsters in various parts of the country, would be amused were anyone to ask them if Mrs. Hoover were not an awesome person. They think of her as an active member of their own group, interested in the very things they are interested in, but far more than their equal in most games they play. They think of her as a person loving good times and laughter, and as one who continually has thrilling new ideas. Some of them know that she often works very long and hard too. Through ten days of a Girl Scout camp in the Ozark Mountains she led discussions, shared in the duties of camp, participated in hiking and outdoor cooking, was out with the first for before-breakfast bird walks, never missed flag-raising, shot moving pictures for recreation, analyzed rocks found thereabouts when the old settlers failed, and knitted in meet- ings to have something to do. By night she wrote reports of each day's progress and correlated the notes of three observers, keeping three secretaries busy typing as long as they wanted to work, and as full of jokes at two in the morning as before breakfast the next day.
Lest that sounds like all work and no play—play that social W ashington can understand—let's take the train back to the capitol,
arriving at ten in the morning, with a stack of letters to post written on the train. Let's stop downstairs to be sure that the cook under-
stands that there will be a large and "rather nice" dinner party this evening and one or two in to lunch "quite informally." If it happens to be Wednesday there will be the "at home" from four to six. Each of these functions is carefully planned in a moment and dismissed un- til just before time to receive guests.
The Hoover house on the Campus was built in 1920-21. It was designed by Mrs. Hoover herself, with Mr. Arthur B. Clark as ar- chitect and Charles Davis and Birge Clark assisting. It was Mrs. Hoover who planned the fireplace on the terrace, and insisted that the three levels of terraces be made "livable." They command a view which, when the weather is clear, includes the Campanile at Berkeley, the long stretch of the bay, its flanking hills on the east
side, the tiny thread of the Dumbarton bridge, and, at night, the clustered lights of seven towns. M r . Hoover's study, the most de- lightful room in the house, has a single enormous window on each of two sides of the room—one looking across the Campus toward the Golden Gate and Berkeley, and the other framing the end of the bay, its nearby, low-lying hills, and Mount Hamilton in the distance.
The way in which Mrs. Hoover planned the Stanford house makes a story in itself. She thinks of a house as an elastic thing, never entirely finished, always growing with the needs of a family, or as being adaptable to those changing needs. She chose a type of construction f o r the Campus house which would render it truly flexi- ble. I t is fireproof throughout and the foundation so designed as to permit the tearing down and building of new inside walls. Its design is not taken from the pueblo but rather was evolved from Mrs. Hoover's own plan to have all roof space utilized in terraces, which
serve as outdoor living rooms. If any architectural influence shows, it is that of Algerian domestic design. But this emphasis was not in Mrs. Hoover's mind when she planned it.
She stated three requirements of this new home when its design was considered: The first was that it must be flexible, so that it could most conveniently be added to or changed; the second, it must be livable, inside, and especially outside (or topside) on its terraces; and the third, it must be so arranged as to allow family and guests privacy or room to congregate as they desired. Adjoining rooms on' different levels break the effect of great sweeps of floor-space and
provide raised places which can be used for amateur theatricals. It is always her desire to have friends and neighbors, and much com- munity activity centered in her home. This plan has always been carried out, fortunately for the Campus neighbors and Palo Alto, for even in her absence, other members of the family, and the Girl Scouts entertain there throughout the year.
Mrs. Hoover's interest in geology and mining did not cease when she graduated from Stanford in 1898. Nor has she ever stopped being a student. Tangible proof that study has not been merely tran- sient interest in various subjects exists in the enormous translation from Latin upon which she and M r . Hoover worked together. Their
OCTOBER, 1928 4 1
Aoricohi de re Mctallka was published in 1912. It is an enormous (Jluinc of 640 pages, generously illustrated with woodcuts repro- duced from the original edition. These are very interesting in them-
i e s being illustrative of early mining processes. On the title page w e find a description of the content of the volume: "A TRANSLATION FROM THE LATIN EDITION OF 1556, with A Biographical Introduc- tion, Annotations and Appendices upon the Development of Mining Methods, Metallurgical Processes, Geology, Mineralogy and Mining Law fro n l the Earliest Times to the Sixteenth Century." The Trans- lators Preface suggests a busy life. "The translation has had to find the moments for its execution in night hours, week-ends, and holi- days, in all extending over a period of about five years." It is an -mazing thing that they could carry on this hobby, which had a vital hearing upon the history of the development of their profession, and make it a literary and scholarly achievement as well.
The really high spots in the Hoover year are the trips into the high Sierras, camping. Their trips have always ended far off the beaten trail where waterfalls, icy lakes, snowy peaks, and high timber gave them keenest joy.
Installed Delta
c y / w w
ABRAND new Alumnae chapter was installed in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on June 14. Eight of us signed the charter: Mary Kent-Miller, (Omicron Pi) ; Charlotta Ewing Wagner, (Omi- cron Pi); Margaret JIanselman Underwood, (Omicron Pi'); Lucile Bellamy Van Antwert, (Omicron Pi) ; Cora May Wiedman, (Iota) ; Mrs. Elliott L. Moses. (Delta); Esther Eowler Schmalz, (Delta); and Louise Moore Walls, (Delta).
We all had dinner at the Omicron Pi chapter house, followed by an informal discussion of our duties and aims with Kathryn Bremer Matson, our Grand Treasurer, who was in town for District Con- vention. After the meeting of the active chapter, Mrs. Matson in- stalled the officers, who had been elected at a previous meeting. They are: Mary Kent-Miller, president; Esther Fowler Schmalz, vice- president; Margaret Hanselman Underwood, secretary-treasurer; and Louise Moore Walls, editor.
The Detroit Chapter surprised us with a lovely banquet of roses and sent a delegate to wish us good luck.
Joanna C
tells about
The Progress
Qharity— ^ocial Work
CoIcorACHARITY, philanthropy, social work. This is the progress through which we have passed. In the beginning was charity, the religious duty to be kind to the poor by sharing with thein our material possessions. This beautiful word, charity, has now fal- len into disfavor because of the feeling of condescension which has come to hang about it, so that its modern practitioners have largely discarded the word. Philanthropy, its successor of the last century, added to charity the idea of a broader social welfare, a recognition of; social problems. This word came into use at a time when men of] wealth began the practice of bequests and foundations for the study and betterment of bad social conditions. Philanthropy was a whole- sale conception, as charity had been a retail one; modern social work includes within its scope both of these ideas and many more besides] which were known neither to charity nor to philanthropy.
How did social work grow out of these two earlier movements!! By developing a scientific interest in the social and economic causes that underlie evil conditions. When to the idea of succor to those in; distress was added the idea of studying what produced the distress, and of trying to eliminate it, modern social work was born.
Social work still keeps the distinctive qualities of charity and philanthropy in that it is, first, a free gift. Social workers do not, like private physicians, lawyers, et cetera, make a charge for their services! There are no private social workers whom one may consul! mi a fee
OCTOBER, 1928 4 3
'Women in the 'Professional World
basis. Their services are provided in another way, either through voluntary gifts or taxation. In the second place, social work is like charity in that this free gift is made on the basis of need. Gifts that pass between social equals, or between members of the same family, a re not considered charitable. Many things which were formerly Considered to be charitable, now no longer fall within this classifica- tion- Public education was formerly considered as a charity to the children of the poor. The building of roads and bridges was made a private benefaction by wealthy people in the community for the bene- fit of their poorer neighbors. The hospitals were at first places for the treatment only of those too poor to pay for it. Our concept about a ll of these things is changed and need itself is defined differently today than in former times, when material need was all that charity- considered. There are now a hundred needs other than the need of food, shelter and clothing which was all the old "pain economy" recognized. The new economics recognizes the right of human be- ings to education, good health, hygienic surroundings, opportunity for advancement, freedom from industrial exploitation and a healthy amount of recreation and amusement. To obtain a reasonable balance of all such good things in every human life—to secure for everyone
not only a bare maintenance but happiness, satisfaction, good family and community relationships, independence, and a de- veloping power to enjoy worth-while things—is no less than the goal which social work has set for itself. Consequently, modern social workers indignantly repudiate the statement that they are dealers in "charity" or "philanthropy" alone; service to the disadvantaged, as a matter of social justice, is their main job. They seek to adjust in some measure, the differential which the successful have obtained over the unsuccessful in this life. In the words of Miss Cheyney, "They are concerned with negative conditions; not the successes but the failures interest them, not the promising people but the difficult people. The interest inherited from charity is an interest in un- toward situations; social work, like charity turns like a compass to
the magnet of need; opportunity, success, superiority do not attract it unless they are beset with some difficulty which it can remove; handicap, deprivation, insufficiency over the challenge to which it responds."
"Not the ruler for me, but the ranker, the tramp of the road,
The slave with the sack on his shoulder, pricked on with the goad, The man with too weighty a burden, too weary a load."
Thus we say that social work though clad in the modern dress of science is but a larger charity.
All this seems to indicate a difference in outlook and in training between the old-time dispensers of charity and modern social work- ers. In the beginning all charitable workers were unpaid, or, as mem- bers of religious orders, received only maintenance in convent or mo-
nastery. Gradually after the middle of the last century lay or non- clerical associations for aiding the poor which were then springing up in England and later in America, began to supplement the efforts of volunteers by engaging paid workers. There was, of course, no such thing in existence as training for this work and persons poorly equipped educationally were likely to be chosen on the basis of their own need of genteel occupation. If the position to be filled demanded a man, a superannuated minister was likely to be chosen; if a woman, some middle-aged spinster who had devoted her life to car- ing for an aged parent within the walls of her home and whose friends felt it their duty to help her to an occupation. Naturally persons so poorly equipped rarely assumed any leadership. They were treated by the volunteer board members precisely as they treated their upper servants; their every move was directed and they were sent hither and yon on other peoples' errands. But here and there emerged commanding figures, such as that of Octavia Hill of Lon- don, and in the recognition their ability secured, they gradually built
up a standard of professional dignity and excellence for those em- ployed to do good works. What they began, the schools and col- leges took up, in recognizing that paid social work was among the vocations for which a scientific preparation was needed, and for which it was not beneath the dignity of a college to train. Now some differentiation has set in so that a straight A.B. degree with no special attention to the social sciences is not regarded as sufficient prepara- tion for entering into social work and a number of training schools, between twenty-five and thirty in this country, now exist with special vocational courses designed to fit people for different kinds of social work.
This is not to say that training schools of any sort can take per- sons unfitted by character or personality and make them capable of dealing helpfully with the lives of others. It does mean that there is a pretty complete agreement throughout the field of social work that a person fitted in character and personality to do social work is immensely benefited if to these indispensables can be added a definite educational equipment. Moreover, sound and scientific training in the principles which underlie social work, do equip even mediocre persons to work ably and successfully where without training they would be simply intolerable meddlers. In general, training for so-1 cial work in these schools includes first some attention to the social sciences unless they have been covered in earlier college work; sec-j ond, some courses which show the history and development of dif-I ferent kinds of social work; and third, the truly vocational courses j which attempt to give the student elementary instruction in how to I
attack the job itself. These fall into separate headings such as—I
(1) Organization of community groups on various scales in ur- ban or rural areas.
(2) Public health work. (3) Mental hygiene work.
Joanna Colcord, Leader in Social Work
CS OANNA C. COLCORD attended the first international conference J of social ivork held in Paris this summer and the international con- ference for the relations in industry, held in Cambridge, England. Very recently she ivas"chosen president of the Minnesota State Conference of Social Workers. She is general secretary of the Family Welfare Asso- ciation. Her book, "Broken Homes," is used as a sociology text in many schools. The accompanying article was given originally as a radio talk
in the Hamline University
(4) Work in the interest of children.
(5) Family welfare work and case work.
(6) Work in connection with industry.
(7) W ork with delinquents.
(8) Work centering in race or nationality adjustments.
(9) Administrative work.
(10) Religious social work.
Great emphasis is laid in the schools for social work on field work
which is practice work in actual social organizations under the daily direction of trained social workers. The students receive no pay for this work and are under very careful direction and supervision.
This sort of training is usually open to students only on the com- pletion of their sophomore year of college work. Some training schools insist on a college degree as a prerequisite. None of these courses is less than one year in duration and the majority of them are two years.
On graduation, what kind of positions may the graduates aspire to fill ? There are three main directions in which the field of social work is expanded in this country. The first, for lack of a better term, I will call "muss social work." I t concerns m easures which affect large groups of the population without any special relation to the single individual. Under this head would come factory inspec- tion, social research, efforts to secure remedial legislation, statistical work, teaching of social sciences, and so on. Usually some experi- ence in one of the other fields of social work is considered desirable before getting into this type of social work.
The second field, called group work, attempts to help people through their small group or community relationships. The clubs and classes of the settlement, playground and recreational work for chil- dren, Americanization and other work with foreign groups, will serve to illustrate this sort of work. The work of such agencies as the Y. M .C. A.. Y . W . C. A., Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, would also come in here. The relation of the group leader with each
member of his group is of course individual, but his responsibility is primarily for their conduct in their group relationships.
The third, and by far the largest division of social work, com- prises what is known as case work. In this the unit is the individual either by himself or in such a fundamental group as that of the family. Not only one aspect or one connection of his, but everything that has to do with conditioning his life, is of interest to the case worker.
Family welfare (which used to be called charity organization), child placing and the protection of children from abuse, probation work with delinquent children and adults, medical social work, visit- ing teaching, personal service work in the settlements, are all varieties of case work.
It does seem that a wide opportunity for choice lies before the well trained graduates of schools for social service, especially as the demand for good social workers has for a number of years exceeded the supply. This is partly due to the fact that salaries in the field of social work are very low compared to other professions requir- ing the same or similar amounts of training. Social workers, like ministers are expected to work for less than market rates and to make their chief reward the love of their work, and that is exactly what most of them do. The work is in fact of such absorbing in-
terest that this does furnish a make-weight for the low salary, and attracts to itself year after year an increasing body of well trained and able people. Roughly speaking, the young social worker may hope to get on graduation a salary ranging from $85 to $100 a month. During the first two years, which are in most organizations regarded as a training period, this salary increases very little. The maximum which a social worker may hope to receive without adding executive duties to his task, is about $1,800 to $2,000 a year. Social workers who have graduated into the executive management of large social enterprises naturally receive higher salaries than this but all the evi- dence is that in any field of social work the salary paid is less than what is paid to a person of similar education, ability and experi-
ence in teaching or in business.
A study of the actual salaries of social workers in the city of Minneapolis was made in 1919. In the intervening time there has been little change in salary standards. Out of a total of 389 men and women whose salaries were reported, the median was found to be $1,842 for men and $967 for women; for both sexes 1.026.185 or
47.5 per cent received less than $1,000 a year. One hundred sixteen, or 30 per cent received from $1,000 to $1,500. Altogether 347, or 89.3 per cent, were receiving less than $2,000, only 42 out of the 389 receiving a salary in advance of this sum. It should be recalled that this study was made at a time when wages in industry had been doubled and when the purchasing power of the dollar was at its low- est ebb. Nothing makes the social worker, underpaid as they know themselves to be, more furious than the average uninformed com-j plaint about "the high salaries paid social workers."
OCTOBER, 1928 47
Now, what has social work to offset this prospect of a low salary for t n e y ° u n S gr a ( luate of college or training school?
First, a profession where high ethical standards are the rule. Social workers need have little fear of being forced by their superiors to courses of which their own conscience disapproves.
Second, a profession whose interest is not in securing values for itself, but is actively, even passionately centered on obtaining a better life f°r others. The only competition in social work is the competi- tion as to who will be the most helpful in the community.
Third, a profession which, for its class-consciousness and fellow- feeling, is almost a fraternal organization. The longer one stays in social work, the wider becomes one's circle of professional friends, not alone in a single city, but all over the country.
Fourth, a profession into which one can put every ounce that he has, but where he will never suffer from monotony. No two days are'alike; it is always the unexpected that happens.
Fifth, a profession which while making increasing demands on one's skill, actually increases that skill. Most social agencies gladly further plans of staff to secure additional training, advanced de- grees, et cetera. And the work itself, dealing with difficult and deli- cate adjustments of human circumstances, and the human spirit, is beyond expression fascinating and of itself educational.
Sixth, a profession in which one is not confined to a single locality. Except for certain restrictions in the Civil Service, the well-trained social worker can travel almost anywhere in the country, and be sure of finding work.
Seventh, a profession which is in a stage of young and vigorous growth, where new ideas are developing, standards being raised, and alignments altering daily. Original thinking and experimentation, far from being discouraged, are welcomed in social work today.
In addition to these advantages most social agencies are consider- ate employers, feeling that they have an example to set. A reason- able wage allowance in sickness is the rule, many agencies take out insurance for their staff under their state compensation laws, the va- cations with pay are adequate and the hours arduous only if the social worker himself elects to make them so. Many agencies give a
few members of their staff opportunity to attend the great annual National Conference of Social Work, or the smaller conferences held in the several states.
To the fortunate social workers thus chosen, cOme in turn the opportunity to exchange ideas, learn to know personally the leaders in the field, and experience the stimulation that comes from feeling oneself part of a great national movement. These same advantages come also from membership in the professional organization called the American Association of Social Workers, which is encouraged for their staff members by most progressive social agencies. This organi- zation has done and will do much to weld the diverse elements of the profession into a whole, render that whole articulate, and constantly raise the standards of professional practice.