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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-05 15:36:11

1996 Winter - To Dragma

Vol. LXVII, No. 5



a message from our President PUBLISHED SINCE JANUARY, 191)5 BY

Spread the news... ALPHA OMICRON PI
Remember the game you played called Telephone? Remember how garbled the message
was when it reached the other end of the line? AI.I'HA OMICRON P I FRATERNITY
I do not believe there will be any misunderstanding in our news for the next few months!
We are Celebrating the Century. Our pride in everything entailed in that celebration is the JANUARY 2 , 1 8 9 7

news we want to spread. •FOUNDERS
You will find in this issue reports from most of our collegiate and HELEN ST. CLAIR MULLAN
alumnae chapters. Reports of accomplishments in the areas of acad- STKLLA GEORGE STERN PERRY
emics, philanthropic endeavors, recognition of individual members ELIZABETH HEYWOOD WYMAN
and the many areas of programming in which we are involved both T H E I 'm \III.IISWI-:UI.MI'.MHKIISOI-
on campus and within the community. Read the material from
cover to cover and then...spread the news! Airini jniTKii Ar BARNARD COLLEGE

The news in front of our publics is not always the image we want to Or CO.! Mil \ l MMJlSmAND
portray. This is your opportunity to counteract any negatives. Point \m- SLLDECEASED.
with pride to your Fraternity's achievement over the past 100 years.
Our members have gone into the world about them and made a dif- INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT
ference. We have shared the spirit of charity with those outside our ANN M C C I ANAIIAN OILCHRIST, 0
membership as well as with our members i n need. Academic
achievement and the desire to strive for more have been acknowledged by the scholarships 5 6 1 3 SKVRIDGE DRIVE
presented in the past. The 100 Centennial Scholarships to be presented at the Centennial INDIANAPOLIS, I N 4 6 2 5 0
Celebration in New York City will give you even more positive news to share. TELEPHONE 3 1 7 / 8 4 9 6 1 4 2

Feeling good about AOIl? I hope so! Start making a list of A O I l headlines. ALPHA OMICRON PI
While you are working on this list, make one as well on those sisters you want to meet in
NYC. Have you made plans for your reunion? I know of several chapters whose members 9 0 2 5 OVERLOOK BLVD.
are contacting each other in hopes of gathering to be a part of the celebration. BR ENTWI JOB, TENNESSEE 3 7 0 2 7

By the way, I want to thank those of you who responded to my Challenge of 1959 gradu- TELEPHONE 6 1 5 / 3 7 0 0 9 2 0
ates. Not only did some of my Theta sisters respond, but at least one brand new donor FAX 6 1 5 / 3 7 1 - 9 7 3 6
stepped forward. 1 hope it will become a priority to more of you... supporting the A O I l
Foundation and the work done as a result of your gifts. That is news I like to spread! E-MAIL [email protected]
The observation of Founders' Day on December 8, 1996 was the kickoff of our celebration.
It was the perfect opportunity to spread the news in your local area. Did you present your EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
gift to the campus or the community? If not yet, be certain that you take advantage of the MELANIE NIXON DOYLE, AZ.
presentation to highlight the good works of our Fraternity. I have heard of rose gardens, uni-
versity plaques, donations to historical monuments, pandas to local shelters and the good EDITOR

I will be listening on the other end of the line. Please, do not let the message get lost or GRAPHIC DESIGN
garbled. Spread the news about our celebration and, o f course, about the Power o f REBECCA BROWN, A A
Friendship. A O I l .
Fraternally, (US1*>6:J the official organ of

Ann McClanahan Gilchrist Alpha Omicron Pi. is published (juarterlv
International President By \lpha (imirron Pi.

2 'KG') (Ko'rlnok Blvd.. Brentwood. TN.
Periodical class pi tstage paid al
and additional inailin^olfiecs.

Subscription price is $ UK I per copy.
$3.00 perjear.

LifesulMTiptio'n: $75.1111.
P().sTM ASTKI!:Send address chances to:

TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi,
'«ri.r> (Kerl,,, ,k I Slid.. Brentwood, TN 37027.
Address all editorial communications to the

Editor at the same address.


0 Printed on recycled paper
Printed in the U.S.A.

To Dragma/WINTER 1996

contentsTo Dragma A .

2 A Message From our President
4 What a Great Way to Communicate
6 What a GreatYear to Celebrate
9 Sisters Sail the High Seas
10 Collegiate News
2 4 AOTT Emporium
26 Alumnae News
4 0 Power of Friendship. AOTT
43 AOTT Foundation News
4 4 NPC sets National Pin Day
45 NPC Report
4 7 Announcements


Our cover: Alpha Omicron Pi has many reasons to "Start Spreading the News."
From our innovative new Web site and Centennial Celebration events, to the excit-
ing activities of our collegiate and alumnae chapters, you have much to share with
your sisters. Be a part of our excitement and help us spread the news even further!

Di-a^na/WINTER IW6

[Start Spreading the News]

feat way

AOTT now has a 9-How do I get online
Web site on the
Internet a world- All you need to access our site, or any other, is a computer, a modem and a com-
puter program (browser) such as Netscape 3.0 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
wide electronic that allows you to search the Internet without having to know complex commands.
network of You will also need access to the Internet. This is achieved by securing a monthly
service through a local Internet Service Provider (ISP) or an online service such as
computers, allowing America Online. Typically an online service will cost a bit more. Service through an
us to communicate ISP generally costs between S20-S30 for unlimited monthly service.

instantaneously A O n has also arranged to offer Internet Access to our members. For a low monthly
with our members, fee, you can receive full Internet access including an e-mail account, Netscape 3.0
(Internet browser), local telephone number, and Internet services such as Usenet, mail-
chapters, universi- ing lists, FTP gopher and, of course, access to the Web. There are no limits to the
ties, and the general number of monthly hours used and a portion of each month's cost is returned to
public. The Internet A O n to help support our growing online community. For more information, con-
tact The Marketing Group at (615) 255-7172 and tell them you are an A O f l .
has already had a
profound effect on Netscape: Welcome to Alpha Omicron Pi International i
the way our world
<<> Ss ft H a ftPrint
is communicating Back Find Stop
and now Greek Forward Horn* Reload knag**
organizations are
enthusiastical^ Location jhttp / / w w v alphaofrncrof>yi.orq/
beginning to
join the ranks. What '* H»v?~| | V h a t ' t C o o l ? | | D«t«\at»>ns | | H+t Saarcft | | PaopW j j S o f t v y *

On November 16, Alpha Omicron Pi
1996, AOTTs official r Fraternity

Web site was .ui)na\ ranron
launched on the The Power of Friendship. AOTT.
World W d e Web.
The Web is one Volooim to Alpha Omicron P i ' V» tfwil» uou to tour our ntb srt> and rxprfnct Tno Powor o f

portion of the
Internet that

provides graphical
links from one
site to another

allowing access to
information from
anywhere on earth.

AOTTs site is
progressive and
one of the first
NPC group sites

to go online.

To Dragma/WINTER 19% a

Whether you have spent hours online, or have never been there before, you 1MPQRILTVI
will find the AOTTWeb site user friendly and informative. Plus, the information sportsw ar H i
will be updated regularly so you will want to visit the site often.
9t-s/iirts f»n gifts

(^IkpaU** Minima.- I


What will I find on the official Web site •

Once you have access to the
Internet, all you have to know is
AOn's Web address:

Our Web site will bring the world AOII e-mail
of A O I I together like never before. Our goal for the Web site is for it to serve as a com-
munication hub and resource center for collegiate and alumnae chapters as well as individ- Once you are
ual members. We want all members, whether active of not, to have access to information online, you can
about the Fraternity. We also want our Web site to easily link to sites containing other also send mes-
information of interest to our membership such as: women's health issues, parenting top- sages directly to
ics, employment opportunities, travel ideas and much more. a chapter head-
quarters or any
Our Web site will contain information separated into two categories: "Get to Know AOTT through
A O n " and "Those Who Know AOIT" The "Get to Know AOIT' section, which e-mail. E-mail is
opened to the general public on November 16, is filled with an overview about our electronic mail and
Fraternity such as our history, chapter locations and philanthropic activities. It also con- allows you to send
tains the latest information on our Centennial Celebration, International Headquarters, messages to
and the Emporium. The "Those Who Know AOIT' side of the site will be reserved for someone simply
members only, accessible only by entering your member number and initiated chapter by accessing their
name. This side will be completed by the first quarter of 1997, and will provide chat e-mail address.The
rooms for officet meetings, general open discussions or networking. A schedule of e-mail address of
upcoming chat room topics will be provided and will be ever changing to meet a variety of International
interests. This 'members only side will also feature a networking bulletin board to post job Headquarters is:
openings or resumes, a database of sisters who have registered on the private side of our
site, as well as extensive A O I I officer resources and programming information. [email protected]

W i t h the click of a mouse, you will be able to print out a M I F form, order from the E-mail addresses
Emporium, or access the Web site of a collegiate or alumnae chapter. AOTI is excited to of our interna-
be spreading the news and this is only the beginning. tional officers,
H Q staff volun-
AhlapshaanOewmiwcrayo.n Pi teers and chap-
of communicating ters already
online are listed
and its possibilities on ourWeb site.
are limitless!

To Dragma/WINTER 1996


ft The event has been 10 years in the The weekend will feature banquets,
planning and 100 years in the making. celebrations, recognitions, ritual, candle-
A/pha Chapter delegates to the 1912 Convention. Evanston. Illinois, It has been anticipated with more enthu- lighting, tours and so much more!
siasm than any other in AOITs history. During the Panhellenic brunch, mem-
clockwise from upper right: Stella Perry, Viola Twick. Mildred Schlesmiger Countless individuals have invested bers from all 26 National Panhellenic
thousands of hours to assure it is a fitting Conference organizations will be in
and Ester Burgess. It was during this convent/on that December 8th salute to the past, present and future of attendance to hear the message of our
the organization, Alpha Omicron Pi, keynote speaker, Donna Hanover.
was officially proclaimed as the dote to celebrate Founders' Day. that binds us all together.
Chapter reunions will be a highlight of
6 The event is AOITs Centennial the weekend. Optional Convention tours
Celebration Convention, June 27-30, have been planned for yourfreetime dur-
1997. We have a once in a lifetime ing the event and Post-Convention tours
opportunity to come together, again, to may be arranged for those wishing to stay
celebrate our heritage and our future. We a few extra days to see the sights and
invite you to share the excitement with a catch-up with their sisters.
special sister and to remember.
Remember your collegiate A O I l experi- It has been a glorious first century and we
ences - each uniquely different from any have much to celebrate. Stella, Helen,
other sisters. Remember your alumnae Jesse and Bess would find it remarkable,
A O i l experiences - always on-going and but not inconceivable, that we should
evolving. Remember your sisters - those find ourselves on the brink of a second
friendships like no other! century. After all, from the very begin-
ning, their commitment to the ftinire was
The birthplace of our founding and home as strong as their dedication to the pre-
of Barnard College, New York City, will be sent. They would be pleased to know
the site of our Convention. The magnifi- these commitments still hold true today.
cent Marriott Marquis in the heart of
Manhattan will place as within walking For registration information, contact
distance of some of the most exciting International Headquarters at 615-370-
attractions in the city. Of course, Barnard 0920. Delegate registration deadline is
College is close by and no one will want to February 1, 1997 and non-delegate regis-
miss the tour that has been arranged. tration deadline is April 1, 1997.

To I)ra<rma/\\ INTER 1996

[Start Spreading the News]


i t . CI ! i4

--4 r1 j
t. >

Above: The all convention photo from a I933 Convention Banquet, held at the elegant Mayflower Hotel, Washington. D.C.The photo was taken following the address from our
Keynote speaker and First Lady. Eleanor Roosevelt. Among those at the head table are our Founders, below right One of the last photographs taken of the Founders
together was during the 1933 convention. (Front row: Stella George Stern Perry Helen St. Ooir Mullen. Back row: Jesse Wallace Hughan. Elizabeth Heywood Wyman)

Everyone loves a panda...

but no one quite like a sick or frightened child.
W i t h your help, St. Mary's Foundation for
Children in Bayside, Queens, and The Children's
A i d Society w i l l be the recipients o f hundreds, per-
haps thousands, o f stuffed panda bears. Each chap-
ter and member a t t e n d i n g convention w i l l be
encouraged to bring a stuffed panda with them for
donation. We also encourage any member o f Alpha
Omicron Pi not attending convention to partic-
ipate in this philanthropic salute to our host city,
by sending a stuffed panda to International
Headquarters by April 30.

Cocmoaoynuneecdrtseett,loenertbidi.,roaayntes, Donna Hanover will be the keynote speaker dur-
todays and ing our "Celebrate the Century of Panhellenic
tomorrows. Dedication" brunch. She is a contributing corre-
spondent to W N Y W - T V Fox 5's "Good Day
New York" and writes celebrity features for Good
Housekeeping Magazine. She has also hosted
numerous television profiles on celebrities and
newsmakers and has appeared on Broadway and
in several movies including "Ransom." Ms.
Hanover received her Masters in Broadcast
Journalism from Columbia University's Graduate
School of Journalism, and a BA in Political
Science f r o m Stanford University.

To IJrugniu/W 1\TKH IW6 7


with AOII Centennial Commemoratives

3&s CC04 Note cube, white with burgundy CC0910K
CC03 Centennial Celebration logo. $6.00
It Brass key chain with burgundy Charm, 10 karat gold
Centennial Celebration logo. $7.00 with Centennial
Mug, burgundy with gold Celebration logo.
Centennial Celebration logo, $100.00
microwave safe. $8.00 CC09GK
Charm, goldklad with
Centennial Celebration
logo. $25.00

CC02B "Reflections of Sisterhood," a lithograph of
an original papting. A O I I artist, Ann
Cushing Gantz, Pi, presented this painting CC01 Music box. Handmade Sorrento
to the Fraternity as a gift for our Centennial Italian music box with inlaid red
Celebtaridn. 20 x 24 inches. $25.00 rose finished in black laquer. The
inside features a brass engraved
/ plaque with Centennial Celebration
logo. Swiss-made Regue musical
CC05 Sweat shirt, burgundy tone movement plays "The Rose".
on tone with Centennial $120.00
Celebration logo (L, XL)

i . -1

Please send completed form and check to: AOII Emporium, AOT7 International Headquarters, 9025
Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027 or place a phone order: 1-800-shop aoii or (615) 370-0920,
Mon. through Fri., 9am to 5pm CST.

Name: Davlime Phone:

CC07 Official Centennial Celebration Zip:,
T-Shirt(L,XL) $12.00
Item# Qty Description Size Price Ea Total Price
C C B K Celebrate the
Century History Book, •Canadian customers please double amounts tea shipping •Shinninp tyttawflmj Subtotal
pre-order now. This mag- & handling charges.
nificent limited edition $0to $5 $3 Canadians add 25%
coffee table style book is a currency exchange
valuablereference,as well Check: Visa: $5,01 to $25 $4
as a wonderful keepsake. T N residents add
Expect delivery in the fall $25.01 to $50 $5 8.25% sales tax

o f 1 9 9 6 . $40.00

"J'"- 1/1 iM. l 1 , Shipping & Handling
Expiratjori Pa(e:
$75.01 to $100 $7 FF h (seechartl
Card Number:
Please add $1 for Total amount
every $25 after $100.


From August 7-20, 1996 seven AOITs and two l l O A s w
embarked upon Royal Cruise Line's Norwegian Crown
Princess anxiously anticipating a 13-day cruise to the above (7 to r): Kerin Eberle, Epsilon Chi;]an TavemerJuckenTheta^alerie
Scandinavian Capitals, St. Petersburg, Russia and Christmann Burghard, Rbo; Dorothy Roehl Cook, Omicron; Caroline RoeN
Warnemunde, Germany. While aboard, these AOITs enjoyed Bragg, Omicron;Margaret Ne/son Moulthrop,Tau;Ann Conion Griesmer,
the ship's luxurious treats and cuisine, as well as each other's Gamma A/pha; Bob Mouithrop. and Dan Griesmer
company. AOFI cruisers hailing from Tennessee, Illinois,
Florida, and California met and socialized with both women
and men from other fraternities and sororities at a private party
for alumni cruisers.

Excursion options included a trip to a Norwegian Viking
Museum in Oslo, tickets to a Russian ballet and a train ride
and day in Berlin, Germany. From the spectacular Tivoli
Gardens (the original amusement park), in Copenhagen, Denmark to the
Hermitage Museum in the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, A O I l travelers
experienced places many only read about.

1997 brings you the opportunity to meet AOITs and experience two exciting
trips: Panama Canal March 25-April 5, 1997 and Canadian Rockies pre-cruise
and Alaskan Cruise, August 5-21, 1997.

For more information about traveling with AOTl, contact Nancy Grow, Alumni
Travel Group at 1-800-654-4934.

left The White Cliffs
of Dover, England
surround Dan and
Ann GriesmerAOTf
Alumnae Services
Administrator. Ann
served as cruise
escort for several of
the Greek groups

To Dragma/WINTKR 1996 9

l e g a t e ne^s

Alberta water definitely did something wonderful to Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern College
re-energize the members who started off the
U of Calgary year with a bang. From the talent contest to campus quota and welcome 32 New
the toga party, AOFIs were to be found every- Members to our chapter. We look forward to
Kappa Lambda where having a fun time during Greek Week, sharing such events as Karaoke Night and our
Rushin' strong and runnin' hard! We are while raising monies for the Hospital for Sick annual Crush Party with them. Special
pleased to announce that Kappa Lambda had Children's Child Abuse program (SCAN). thanks goes to chapter consultant, Allison
a phenomenal rush this September. For the The fun and the craziness continued for the Keen, for making our rush very special.
first time in several years, we reached quota next two weeks of formal rush. And what a
and are very close to achieving total. We have rush it was! Congratulations on an incredible Quebec
our fabulous rush chairman, Teresa Nelson, to job everyone! By surpassing quota (6) and
thank, as well as the wonderful group o f pledging 17 enthusiastic New Members, Beta McGill U
young women that comprise our chapter. Tau has proven that once again AOLI is the
There is no doubt that this year and those to hottest place to be on campus. Special thanks Kappa Phi
come will be quite fruitful for the ladies of to our alumnae; our rush chair extraordinaire, Last year was a busy year for Kappa Phi
Kappa Lambda. There is no turning back Michelle Farris; and our New Member Chapter. Nearly $2000 was raised for
now. Alpha Omicron Pi shall prevail! Educator, Natalie Southworth. We are all Arthritis Research through our third annual
now looking forward to a great year with Nintendo-a-Thon, canvassing on campus,
Ontario many more events such as Apple Pie Day, the and a comedy night on which we collaborat-
semi-formal and our Centennial Founders' ed with the Montreal Alumnae Chapter. Fall
Carieton U Day Celebration, Janaury 12. We hope to see initiation was held while on retreat at an
all Toronto area alumnae on this evening. alumna's cottage. It cemented the bonds of
Gamma Chi sisterhood. Our Rose Ball was held in March
The winters may be cold here in Ottawa, but U of Western Ontario and was a wonderful celebration of the year's
the women of Gamma Chi are on fire! We achievements. The following awards were
boosted our enthusiasm when we placed third lota Chi given: Shelly Lwu for Best Scholarship and
in Greek Olympics and won the spirit award. After a rainy but fun rush retreat, Iota Chi is Volunteer o f the Year; Angelique Derigny
The inter-Greek botde drive was a success and happy to report a successful rush period. for New Member o f the Year; Katy Schultz
we raised over $2000 for the Ottawa Battered W i t h such themes as "Around the World" for Campus Spirit; and Joanne Mahoney for
Women's Shelter. We also raised $650 for and "Planet AOFl,'' we managed to reach A O I l of the Year. Aileen Oshaughnessy
Arthritis Research by selling our popular w i l l ably lead us i n t o 1997 as Chapter
A O n Rose-o-grams. Our rush chair, Kirsten President. Keep faith!
Bell, did a great job and roses to our New
Member Educator, Nicole Debe, whose spirit,
creativity and dedication made our New
Members excited to become our sisters.
Congratulations to Laura Newel who is presi-
dent of the Carieton U Rugby Club for the
second year in a row. She is also the C U
Panhellenic President for the '96-'97 year.
Panda hugs to Mandy Chapman who won
the Big Sister Award. Kirsten Bell won Best
New Member and past president, Erika
Nigalas received the Presidents Award. Other
winners include Leslie Gordon, Yellow Rose
Award and Laura Newell, the N P C Sisterhood
Award. 1997 will be a fantastic year of sister-
hood as we celebrate 100 years of AOLI!

Alpha De/ta, University of Alabama U ofToronto

What do you do
when half of your
chapter gradu-
ates? You spend a
weekend at beau-
tiful Sauble Beach
with your sisters
and plan a win-
ning strategy for a
great Greek Week
and formal rush.
Well, the sun and

III To Drapma/WINTER 1996

collegiate news

Members who are already making their mark Huntingdon College
on campus and will continue to uphold the
prestigious image of Delta Delta. Thanks to Sigma Delta
our Rush Chairman, Carrie Waters, and to her
rush committee. Carey King, Jennifer The Sigma Delta fall rush was a great suc-
Faulkner, and Joy Howell were selected as Top cess. Not only did we achieve quota, but our
20 candidates for Miss Homecoming. New Members are the top of the line. Our
Meanwhile, Wendy Tomlin has served as hard work, however, did not cease after rush.
Executive VP for Panhellenic. Likewise, we are To promote our sisterhood, we volunteered
proud of Jennifer Magnolfi who was Vice our services at the Montgomery Museum of
President of War Eagle Girls, official hostesses Fine Arts art auction, as well as the Annual
for the University. We were excitied about our Festival in the Park at Montgomery Oak
Cum 3.14 GPA last quarter and were in the Park. To support our philanthropy, we held
top three for sorority scholarship. We also won our 2nd annual "AOPie" in the Face. Those
the All-sports trophy! Delta Delta con- who purchased tickets got the chance to
standy strives to find new ways to help
the community. This year we donated
stuffed pandas to Auburn's police
department. On the plains of Auburn,
A O n continues to develop and grow as
a stong, active sisterhood of women.

Wi Birmingham Southern College

Hello from the Tau Delta Chapter o f
Auburn U
AOIT! We are excited about this year,
Delta Delta
This is an exciting year for Delta Delta because and we would like to share some o f
we are celebrating 50 great years on Auburn's
campus. We were honored to have A n n our recent accomplishments with you.
Gilchrist as guest speaker. Rush was very suc-
cessful and we were ecstatic to have 52 New O u r overall spring GPA was 3.503 Rho Delta, Samford University
which was not only the highest average

of any campus organization, but also a "splat" their favorite sister in the face.
Tau Delta record! Four A O n s served on Anothet event that was a hit with our chap-
the Student Government Association this ter was "Zoo Boo." This was our third year
year including New Member Carroll Lane to participate. W i t h the atmosphere o f
Christopher. In May, Tau Delta received the Halloween, this tour is frightfully different
Panhellenic Philanthropic Award for the from the average tour of the zoo.
fourth year in a row, and our commitment

to philanthropy continues this year. We are Jacksonville State
busy preparing for the 55th annual M r .
Hilltopper, our main Arthritis Research Delta Epsilon
fund raising event. In January, eight AOOs
will travel to Calcutta, India to work with The Delta Epsilon Chapter celebrated its
the Missionaries o f Charity, taking care o f sixth annual Founders' Day in January 1996.
the poorest of the poor. We hope to contin- Our chapter was honored to have Elise Moss
ue our success at Birmingham Southern as a guest speaker. As we honored our
throughout the rest of this year. Founders, we observed the installation of the
new officers in our chapter, including
Rebekah H i l l as president. D u r i n g the

spring semester, Delta

Epsilon enjoyed a fun-

filled finger paint mixer.

Also our philanthropic

event was a succes as we

sponsored the Mr.

"Univers-ity" Pageant and

many of the fraternity

men participated. Along

with the fun, our chapter

enjoyed being part of

intramural sports such as

basketball, softball, volley-

ball and badminton.

A O n was also able to

sponsor a little girl in a

• local beauty pageant.
During August, Delta
Epsilon had a highly suc-
cessful rush with 28 won-

elta Epsilon, Jacksonville State University

To Dragma/WINTTiR (9% 11

collegiate news elected the President of the College of has been truly amazing, and we look forward
Communications. She was elected by a to celebrating the Centennial and the year
board of faculty membets and students. This ahead of us.

derful New Members! As the year draws to a is an outstanding honor and we are very Gamma Omicron, University of Florida
close we anticipate out sisterhood retreat and proud of her!
Alumnae brunch! U of Alabama-Birmingham
Arkansas State U
Samfbrd U Zeta Pi
Sigma Omicron
Rho Delta 1996 started out with a bang for Zeta Pi. Our chapter has completed another busy
Rho Delta had an inctedible spring semester! Over 500 hours of community service were year and we're looking forward to the 96-97
We supported Arthritis Research through volunteered by our sistets over winter and school year. A t Homecoming, we teamed up
such events as the AOFI Olympics where dif- spring quarters. Winter quartet out chap- with Alpha Tau Omega and the Black
ferent campus organizations formed teams to ter placed first for highest GPA and second Student Association to win the float compe-
play our goofy games. We also had our first place for spring among Greek sororities on tition and had two beautiful girls on court.
Step Sing show. About 60 sisters put on red campus. Our light continued to shine We also competed with every campus orga-
sequin jackets and one glove to perform our brightly at the Greek Banquet when nization and won the President's Cup. In the
ttibute to Michael Jackson, complete with Hannah Jacobs received the Greek Woman spring, we sponsored a baseball tournament
singing, dancing, and moonwalking! We of the Year Award and our chapter teceived for the fraternities called Frats at Bat to taise
built an inctedible sisterhood bond and the Ptesident's Trophy fot outstanding par- money f o t Arthtitis Research. At the
accomplished much during our first year. ticipation in intramural sports. Zeta Pi had a Panhellenic Awards Banquet, we wete hon-
We just completed out second rush and once wondetful fall rush pledging 26 awesome ored to receive the Rush Excellence Award,
again exceeded quota! After barely a year and New Members. Our fall calendar was over- the University Contributions Award of
a half of existence, Rho Delta is above chapter run with super activities like "Stand Up fot Excellence, and the Adviser o f the Yeat
total and is as big as every other sorority on Arthritis" Comedy Night, a New Membet Award. This fall, we've welcomed 31 great
campus! We now have a web site (www.sam- Formal, a Parents' Day tailgate party, and New Members. We are so proud o f them as and some great plans Homecoming activities. Hannah Jacobs and well as all our members who are working
for this year, including a racquetball tourna- Traci Mitchell were among the top five con- hard in other campus otganizations such as
ment, nursing home visits, and elementary testants for Ms. U A B . We celebrated the Student Grovenment, New Student
school tutoting. Now that we have gotten end of a fantastic year with Centennial festiv- Orientation Coordinator, Homecoming
our feet wet, there is no stopping us! ities and the annual Christmas party. Coordinator, Volleyball, Varsity
Cheerleading and Track.

U of Alabama Gamma Delta, University of South Alabama California

Alpha Delta U of South Alabama California Polytechnic State U

The sistets of Alpha Delta Chapter have had Gamma Delta ChiPsi
an exciting and successful fall. The
Univetsity reinstated the Student The ladies of Gamma Delta have had an out- The 1996-97 school year started off with a
Government Association in the fall and standing 1995-96 year! Our rush was at its bang for the sisters o f the C h i Psi Chapter.
Alpha Delta is proud that Cameron Wells, a all-time best and we initiated twenty-six young Fall rush brought us 35 exceptional New
sophomore, was elected as the School of Arts women. Our achievements and sistethood are Members, noting that we were the only
and Sciences senator. During Homecoming stronger than ever. O n campus, our chapter sorority on campus to meet quota, which
week, our New Members participated in a received many o f the awards given at the was set at 30. This quarter proved to be an
choreography contest with the New annual Greek Awards Banquet including the exciting one, with two exchanges, a semi-
Members of 15 other sororoities. Aftet an Panhellenic Spirit Awatd for the second yeat in formal, fraternity sponsoted athletic events,
exciting competition, our New Membets a row; Most Outstanding Greek President, and community volunteer work. Big and
placed third! They were then asked to per- Julie Norton; and Most Outstanding New little sister week was held the week o f Oct
f o r m on the Q u a d as part o f the Member, Prentice Poole. Gamma Delta is 7-11, and proved to be an outstanding way
Homecoming pep tally and they had a great proud of Amy Covington, Homecoming fot the New Members to meet and interact
performance! We would also like to congrat- Queen and VP of Panhellenic, and our mem- with the members. We are excited to show
ulate Donna Notdyke, a junior, on being bers elected to SGA, Southerners, and FAB. off our beautiful New Members and teach
Also, our Rush Adviser, Donna Cunningham, them all thete is to know about being a
received a Women o f Leadership Award at shinning A O I I .
Leadership Institute this summer. Our year

12 T o D r a g m a / ^ I Y I T . R 1996

California State U-Long Beach Californians, The Daily Cal, Model U N , collegiate news
Alumni Scholars Club and CPA. Our won-
Lambda Beta derful New Members are helping us continue
One of Lambda Bern's top priorities is scholar- Sigma's tradition of excellence.
ship. We hold a scholarship dessert every
semester to honor those women that have U of California-Davis Gamma Sigma. Georgia State University
gready represented AOIT. in academics. This
year the scholarship dessert will be held in Chi Alpha had a luncheon that allowed sisters to reminisce
conjunction with the Rush Appreciation Here at Chi Alpha Chapter, we with their sisters and make new friendships
Dessert. Rush is a very stressful time that have been having a great year. with other sisters. The house was open for
bonds us together and this year was no differ- With a litde help from the Delta alumnae to wander the halls to see how the
ent. We had workshops throughout the sum- Sigma Chapter, we were able to rooms have been improved from the 1970s.
mer to prepare us for the big weekend. It was start the year off with a bang with This celebration was a great reflection of true
a great success and the results were incredible. our new fund raiser event, Mr.
Over the last year, the chapter has doubled in Fraternity. Mr. Fraternity is basi- sisterhood and was a precursor of the 100th
size. We have a very excited New Member cally a spirit contest in which celebration. Additionally, Kappa Gamma is
class that can't wait to get involved. In spite of each fraternity elects a representa- the 1996 All Sport Intramural Champion and
the great success of rush, we have not stopped tive to compete in three cate- we are looking to repeat that tide. We have
our efforts to get more New Members. We gories: costume, talent, and ques- just completed a successful fall rush and are
are holding weekly Continuous Open tion and answer. The event was also looking forward to formal rush in the
Bidding activities which include beach bon- held at a local establishment, the proceeds spring.
fires, dinners, Coffee Night with AOIT, and totalled over $800 and went to our philan-
Fiesta N i g h t . A l l o f these activities have thropy. We are now planning and anxiously U of Florida
strengthened our chapter and brought us to awaiting next year's event.
where we are today. Sisterhood is a critical ele- Gamma Omicron
ment of this success. Colorado Our chapter continues to uphold A O I l stan-
U of Colorado dards on campus and in die community. We
California State U-Northridge have won the Sorority Blood Drive for the last
Chi Delta four consecutive semesters and the All Greek
Sigma Phi Blood Drive for the last two semesters. Gamma
It has been a successful year. O u r second Once again Chi Omicron excels in intramurals, winning the all
annual "Making Life Bearable" project was a sorority Softball championship. We are proud
success. The bears were donated to the Delta earned the to help our community by cooking dinners at
L.A.P.D. for children involved in accidents, the Ronald McDonald House, walking for die
domestic violence, or other situations, A great highest CPA o f March of Dimes, tutoring troubled youdis in
addition to us diis fall was our 19 wonderful the Youth Motivator Program, and volunteer-
New Members. More are sure to come dur- any sorority on ing time at the Boys and Girls Club. Members
ing COB. As for our philanthropy events, we also contributed more than $4400 to Arthritis
brought a comedy improv group called campus last spring. Research with our philanthropy, Mr. UF. We
Theatresports to our campus. We had a great also made quota during rush and are proud to
turnout! In the spring we had Mr. CSUN In celebration, have initiated 53 New Members this fall.
planned for the entire school! Here students Gamma Omicron is now one of UF's largest
nave the ability to show off their talents. We Scholarship Chair, chapters with 160 members.
are proud to have AOHs leading our school.
We have four senators; Zoey Freeburn, Kathy Hoffman, Lambda Chi. LaGrange College
Brenda Erazo, Grace Romano, and Janie invited CU's Dean
Jones. JoAnne Jones is a director, and Lindsey
Fischer is personal assistant to the Senate of the School of Arts and Sciences to speak at
President. Tami Kimura, our president, is also
OAK president and Carla Petersen was a can- dinner in October. Preparation for fall formal
didate for Homecoming Queen!
nish renewed our sisterhood and friendship as
U of California-Berkeley
working and living with one another, we
Sigma Chapter is celebrating its 90th anniver- became closer and stronger. This in and o f
sary this year on the U C Berkeley campus. In
preparation, we have been hard at work this itself helped Chi Delta find 60 phenomenal
summer and fall with redevelopment activi-
ties. Alumnae have been actively involved in women for our New Member class this year.
revitalizing the chapter, through remodeling
projects and hosting ten summer parties for New Member Educator, Jessica Littman,
new students. To raise AOlTs profile on cam-
pus, we sponsored a "Welcome to Cal" recep- gracefully guided these young women through
tion for the new women's basketball coach,
Marianne Stanley. Exciting C O B events this BRIDGES and initiated them into our sister-
fall included ice skating, laser tag, "Must See
T V " nights, and a Build Your O w n Burrito hood. Our third annual "Run for the Roses"
dinner. After football games, the Cal band has
stopped by for serenades to enjoy the view was Nov. 3. Philanthropy Chair, Colleen
from the deck while the spectators leave the
stadium. Members participate in many cam- Quinn, emphasized organization and commu-
pus groups such as the Rally Committee, the
nication between officers and die cliapter. The

event was successful with proceeds benefitting

Arthritis Research. Finally, our Founders' Day

held December 8, kicked off A O n s much

anticipated Centennial Year Celebration.

Florida lota Sigma. Iowa State University

Florida Southern

Kappa Gamma
The sisters of Kappa
Gamma Chapter cel-
ebrated 50 years o f
sisterhood at Florida
Southern College.
This celebration was
a weekend of events
for both alumnae
and collegians o f
Kappa Gamma. We

To Dragma/WlNTER 1996 13

cx)Degiate new Kappa Phi and Theta Delta Chi for Greek
Week and helped Pi Kappa Phi with a rush car-
U of South Florida nival. We also had a balloon in the VEISHEA
parade. Sisterhood activities for the year includ-
Gamma Theta ed a Dad's and Mom's weekend, a function at
Gamma Theta chapter is proud to say we had Camp Dodge for "mock" army training cours-
an extremely busy spring and fall semester. es, the all-sororiry dinner exchange, and attend-
Kicking o f f the spring semester was our ing Founders' Day and State Day. We were
derby, Search for the Ultimate Gladiator. proud to have started the '95- '96 year off with
Following derby and mirroring its success was a visit from Past International President, Peg
our spring rush and Order of Omega ban- Crawford, who was on a consulting team visit-
quet. Gamma Theta was awarded Most ing our campus for N P C
Improved Sorority and one o f our sisters,
Karren Bautista, was awarded M o s t Morningside College
Outstanding Greek. Spring was also a strong Theta Chi
semester for intramural sports, as our volley-
ball and Softball teams brought home two first Greetings from the Theta Chi Chapter. So
place wins. Fall semester is sure to be just as
promising as spring. It started off wonderfully far, the vG- '97 year has been full of surprises.
with all o f the terrific New Members we
selected during rush. Following rush was Upsilon Epsilon. Porks College of St Louis University It began with a postponement o f fall Formal
Gamma Thetas Founders' Day This year rush to the spring due to lack of response. So
marked our eleventh year at USF! The fall Georgia State U informal rush became even more important.
semester is in full swing and encompasses a
great deal of exciting events. Gamma Sigma Due to our focused effort and ability to work
It's been an exciting and rewarding year for together, we ended up with six New
Georgia Gamma Sigma Chapter. We started off by Members. Considering we currently have
winning first place in Greek Week , then we eight members, Theta C h i has now nearly
LaGrange College won the All-Sports Trophy as well as the doubled. We are really excited. Not only are
Deans Cup for Athletics. The chapter partici- we doing well with rush, but we have a newly
Lambda Chi pated in the GSU
Lambda Chi has had a very productive year. Community organized and won-
Teresa Mitchner, our former PJD, visited and derful AAC, with
our 25th annual Roseball occurred in April. Service Day, the twelve members.
The Ruby A badge was awarded to Angela
Underdown, the Leadership Award went to T h i s is extremely
Jennifer Swinford and the chapter received
the Mamie Lark Henry Scholarship Award March of Dimes important to us given
for highest GPA among Greek organizations.
We have received this award for 9 quarters Walk raising $500 the new structure of
since fall 1992, and ten years preceding. We for disabled chil- AOLI and our
won Greek Week festivities along with Pi dren, and also entrance into the next
Kappa Phi, and held our annual King of the served dinner to century. Our theme
Hill Contest to benefit philanthropy. May needy families at for this year is "30
15th was our 25th anniversary and we ended the local Ronald years o f Theta C h i ,
the year with scholarship and senior ban- McDonald House. 100 year o f A O n , "
quets. We are p r o u d o f our 22 New Gamma Sigma is Theta Chi is stong in
Members as we have more than doubled in numbers, strong in
size. Our Centennial gift, a rose bush and
plaque, was presented to our campus in proud to recognize alumnae support, and
September and we look forward to our
Centennial Celebration! Melissa Fowler as most importantly,
Panhellenic strong in sisterhood.
lota. University of Illinois
President. Lorre La \ Illinois

Marca participated DePaul U
in the Miss GSU
pageant and was Delta Rho
awarded Most
We were very excited
Spirited participant.
Kappa Kappa, ball State University about our first fall

During fall rush, quota was set at 14 and rush. There were so many things to learn from
Gamma Sigma exceeded quota by accepting rotation to conversation, to songs, and skits.
16 beautiful New Members.
We were very thankful to our sisters f r o m

Iowa Lambda Eta (Grand Valley State U) who trav-
eled all the way from Michigan just to assist us
Iowa State U with rush. We were pleased to welcome 13
New Members into our chapter. As a sister-
lota Sigma hood activity on October 13, we participated in
Members started the 95-96 year o f f a walk to raise money for Breast Cancer. We
with a bang by raising money for also handed out candy at Chicago's largest pub-
Arthritis Research through our annual lic service event on October 26. This event
"Run for the Roses." With the help of brought 30,000 inner city children to a local
community members such as the area zoo for some Halloween fun and excite-
Ames Area Running Club, each year is ment. Initiation took place in November. We
just as successful as the last and the '96- are looking forward to a fun filled new year
'97 "Run for the Roses" is sure to be with many exciting activities planned with one
the best one yet! Other community another.
service projects include a women's

awareness rally called "Take Back the

Night", supporting the Ames Boys Parks College of St. Louis U

and Girls Club and volunteering for Upsilon Epsilon

Panhellenic's Trick or Treat and Easter This upcoming semester will be a very exciting

Egg Hunt projects. We paired with Pi time for us and will make Upsilon Epsilon his-

tory since we will be going through an expan-

I 1 T I I D r a g i n a / W L Y i T . R l<>«)h

collegiate news

sion. The reason for our expansion is that St. Phi Upsiion, Purdue University Purdue U
Louis University has decided to move the Parks
College campus over to the main campus in Letke's selection as an AOFI chapter consul- Phi Upsiion
the fall of 1997. Right now, we have our own tant. Kappa Kappa was recognized as the out- This has been an exciting year for the Phi
Greek organization on the Parks campus, but standing philanthropic and spirit leader in the Upsiion Chapter. We participated in our
we are starting to integrate into Panhellenic on Greek community and the semester ended annual outdoor concert with three other
the main campus. We have been participating with a senior recognition tea including a ritual chapters in August called Slayter Slammer,
in events such as Greek Week, Derby Days and discussion with International President, Ann and we were the winner of the Lambda Chi
Panhellenic Pride Week over on the main cam- Gilchrist. We were proud of our Greek Week Alpha Watermelon Bust philanthropy. In
pus. We have been allowed to sit in on all rush Queen, Kelly McKinley, our "Greek September, the entire chapter attended Camp
parties, including the pref parties this semester. Achiever," Misha Rogers; as well as our Tecumsen Leadership Camp. We had girls
Panhellenic decided to allow us to do a special Outstanding New Member, Danielle Wolff. participate in Pi Kappa Phi's golf tournament
rush on their campus in January. Currendy, we Fall 1996 started with a chapter retreat to winning third place overall and first in the
have 10 members and six New Members. We renew sisterhood and practice for rush. 26 closest to the pin contest. Recendy, we had
have a small chapter due to the fact that we go New Members pledged and A O n later coor- Purdue University's Dean of Students come
to an aviation college, which is male dominat- dinated a campus visit of T.J. and Joel for alco- over to have dinner with us and speak to us
ed. Next semester we hope to pledge 100 New hol awareness. Homecoming included riding about our chapters' scholarship. We have
Members with this expansion. We would not in a fire truck in the parade, and placing sec- been very busy working hard to show Purdue
be able to do this without the help and support ond in group dance/singing competition. what a great chapter we are. We are looking
of our Network Specialists and Headquarters Also recognized were Marie Roy and Leah forward to having another successful rush and
staffmembers who will be participating. Heemsoth for first and second in the a great year.
Homecoming talent competition, Danielle
U of Illinois Wolff for being a part of the Homecoming U of Evansville
Court and Jessie Wise for being a Court final-
lota ist. Melissa Mataway is a member o f the Chi Lambda
This exciting Centennial year, Iota welcomed Campus Planning Committee. This has been an exciting year for the sisters
42 New Members. These strong and active of Chi Lambda. We began 1996 with our
women have already begun to blossom as true Indiana State U annual Founders' Day celebration. In
A O n s . Along with sisterhood comes respon- February, we held our first annual Alpha Love
sibility. This year with the newly adopted Kappa Alpha Connection raising over $700 for Arthritis
Greek alcohol policies at the university, Iota Once again, fall rush proved to be successful for Research. We also held our annual Parents'
chapter has successfully held our own in mak- Kappa Alpha. Patsy Garrett did an outstanding Weekend which was a tremendous success.
ing sure all sisters are safe. There has already job coordinating rush. Despite low numbers Our campus Greek Week pulled in numer-
been an extensive alcohol workshop for all registering. Kappa Alpha made quota and ous awards for our chapter. We won the
AOITs. Last year Iota was very active within reached ceiling widi twenty- overall Greek Week Award, Carrie Wheeler
the community. Members participated in sev- two New Members. Jessica won Outstanding Greek Woman of the Year,
eral Greek Week committees, some working Jones, Ellen Lowe, Bridget and Carrie Bechtel won the award for the
to get T.J. Sullivan and Joel Goldman, speak- Quinlan, Jennifer Day, Best Chapter President. This past September,
ers at last years AGTI convention, to address Courtney Smith and we welcomed 25 beautiful New Members
the community for AIDS Awareness Week. Andrea Wilkinson served as into our chapter. Our campus Homecoming
Hopefully their information and humor rush counselors. We were was celebrated with Jami Campbell being
opened many eyes to the risks of mixing alco- proud to have won seven of elected as Runner-up for Homecoming
hol and sex. Iotas annual philanthropy, "Run eight Otder of Omega Queen. Some of our members just returned
for the Roses," sponsored 218 runners, raising Awards at the All-Greek from the Indiana Greek Leadership
approximately $2,000 to benefit Arthritis Banquet for rush, finance, Conference at Purdue University. Our chap-
Research. Iota is looking forward to an equal- programming, alumnae ter elections ran very smoothly with many
ly successful year ahead. relations, philanthropy, qualified women taking offices. We are look-
scholarship and leadership. ing forward to an exciting year in Alpha
Indiana Homecoming festivities Omicron Pi.
proved to be successful with
Ball State U our trike team qualifying for Chi Lambda, University of Evansville
the annual tricycle derby.
Kappa Kappa Jennifer Zortman was
Spring 1996 highlights included a Basketball awarded "Hot Wheels" for the fastest time at
Marathon for the A O n Foundation raising the track! Finally, several of our members are
53,000, hosting the Indiana State Day with working hard to plan State Day which Kappa
the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter, and Erin Alpha will host this year.

To Drugma/WIINTER 19% 15

collegiate news U of Louisville
Pi Alpha
Research. Sistets put cooked meals in decora-
rive boxes and auctioned them off. We raised Pi Alpha has started this semester off with the
addition of twenty outstanding New
$250 and made Members after a tremendous fall formal rush!
the front page of We would like to thank out alumnae for theit
the papet. In love and support without which our success
rush we pledged would not have been possible. We are proud
50 New of the successful T h i r d Annual Guys and
Members, includ- Dolls 1996 Calendar Competition benefitting
ing nine legacies. Arthritis Research. We welcomed the partici-

Bree Bichon, pation o f over eighty contestants and a sold
Amanda Haynes, out auditorium of over 350. Pi Alpha is excit-
Meredith Major ed about a full calendar of events including an
exciting chapter education program, social
and Sandy Stone commitments, philanthropy projects, sister-
were four o f five hood activities and the exciting events sur-
candidates for rounding the Centennial Celebration. We are

1 H o m e c o m i n g especially looking forward to our Initiation
Queen. Meredith C e t e m o n y and our Founders' D a y
M a j o r won the Celebration with the Kentuckiana Alumnae

Lambda Tau, Northeast Louisiana University campus wide elec- Chapter. We wish all o f our sisters a happy

Kentucky tion, representing and successful fall term!
AOITs third straight year to hold this honor
Eastern Kentucky U Our float was in honot of our Centennial and Western Kentucky U
placed 2nd, and we won first in spirit. Also in
Epsilon Omega celebration of our 100th annivetsary, Delta Alpha Chi
Omega donated one hundred pandas to the O n September 29, 1996, the A On house was
It has been another great year for Epsilon local hospital's pediatric unit. We are prepar- filled widi proud parents. Alpha Chi's Parents'
Omega. For the fifth year in a row, our chap- ing for another successful year and are off to a Day was more successful than ever! The success
tet has feceived the Distinguished Service wonderful start! carried to Monday as our members wore red
Award, the highest honor for Greek organiza- ribbons and our parents wote white ones. It was
tions on our campus. The new school year a great way to snow family support through
began with an outstanding rush, pledging two
over quota. We had our third successful Cut- AOn on campus and
A-Thon fund-raiser, and are looking forward in our communities.
to our next fund-taiser, A O I I Lip Sync. We Aftet a greeting from
have also participated in many Greek events Chapter President,
which help enhance our Panhellenic spirit. Christy Matks, the
program started o f f

Two membets, Michelle Coke and Christie with an introduction
Cornelius were on the Homecoming Court of officers, recognition
this fall. We are also very proud o f Angie through chaptet rela-
DeSensi. She is overall chair for the next tions awards, and
Southeastern Panhellenic Conference, which scholarship presenta-
will be hosted by Eastern Kentucky in Adanta. tions. An outstanding
By each member playing her pan and contin- AOn alumnae, Dr.
uously shining her light, we have had another Treva Mitchess, kept
successful year. the partents and
members laughing as

she spoke on relation-

iversity of Southwest Louisiana ships. Not only did
Delta Beta, Un, everyone leave this

U of Kentucky year's Parents' Day with a smile, but many tips
on enhancing relationships also.

Kappa Omega Northeast Louisiana U Louisiana
Kappa Omega has a lot to be proud of. Fall
rush was extremely successful and we will

soon initiate 33 beautiful women. Another Lambda Tau

successful event was our first annual Pi-athlon, The sisters o f Lambda Tau are happy to say

our f u n and messy way to raise money for we have had a year full o f hard work and

Arthritis Research. Along with the brothers of dedication that has helped us achieve above

Sigma Pi, we planned an afternoon of Greeks and beyond our expectations. Each sister

competing in events like pie making, pie eat- worked hard scholastically to give us the

ing, and pie throwing. Each fraternity also highest Panhellenic GPA - a 3.095. Also, we

elected a Pi Guy or a Pi Gal to raise money for were awarded highest New Member class

our philanthropy. The person who made the G P A , Scholastic O l y m p i a d and M o s t

largest contribution was awarded a prize pack- Improved GPA. N o t only did our grades

Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana University age loaded with gifts. Funds raised by t-shirt improve, but our athletic ability also came

Murray State U sales also went to our charities. We received a shining through. We were awarded first
great response from the Greek community place in the A l l University Women's
Delta Omega toward our first annual Pi-athlon and we are Intramurals. Several of our sisters were given
already looking forward to the next. Kappa great honors like: N L U Homecoming
Delta Omega had a wonderful semester Both Omega had a blast raising money for Arthritis Court, Phi Kappa Phi, Mortar Board,
out chaptet and individuals are shining on Research while improving our reputation on Omicron Delta Kappa, Cardinal and
campus and in the community. We recendy campus. Our future looks rosy! Amber, Alpha Lambda Delta, N L U
sponsored a Box Supper for Arthritis

16 To Dragma/WINTER 1996


collegiate news

NEXT 2 MILES gained 24 New Members, including three
ALPHA OMICRON P legacies. We have been working hard to raise
money. We are w o r k i n g at Baltimore's
SORORITY MSU Habitat for Humanity, and participated in
"Hollowscreem," at an amusemart park,
where we worked as characters i n their
Halloween Exhibit. October 26 was Theta
Beta's 10th anniversary. We held a dinner
with members and alumnae of our chapter.
We look forward to many more years on
Towson's Campus, and we are proud to repre-
sent A O n as one of the strongest women's
fraternities at Towson State.

Danceline, N L U Cheerleader and Flagline. Beta Gamma. Michigan State University Washington College
Finally, we are proud to say we are the N L U
Panhellenic chapter o f the year for the sev- U of Southwest Louisiana Sigma Tau
enth consecutive year and plan to keep up The Sigma Tau chapter of Washington
the good work. Delta Beta College took the paint into their own hands
We would like to congratulate Dara and made their presence known on the third
Southeastern Louisiana U Browning for being chosen as a Chapter floor of the Minta Martin dorm. As a bond-
Consultant for this year. We would also like ing activity, AOn sisters dipped their hands
Kappa Tau in assorted colors, bringing new life to the
The Kappa Tau Chapter shows support hall. The event was the Tack-off to fall Rush
for Southeastern Louisiana U by attend- used to present The Power of Friendship to
ing several campus activities, participat- our fall New Members.
ing in pride day every month, painting
paws for spirit and being involved with Massachusetts
Homecoming. Scholarship is high with
Kappa Tau. Study halls are available for Tufts U
everyone weekly and we present awards
for achievements such as scholar o f the Delta
week. Kappa Tau is active in Greek
events by participating in Greek campus Delta Chapter has
clean-up, socials, ana by attending the
Greek retreat. Our community involve- started the semester
ment included volunteering for the
Olympic Torch Relay and painting a full force and intends
local elementary school. Philanthropy
excels w i t h visiting nursing homes, giving to keep the momen-
out candy at the Hammond State School for
the Mentally Challenged, collecting canned tum going! Fall rush
goods, Toys for Tots, and an Easter egg hunt
for children. Kappa Tau is hosting our third was successful with
annual G o l f Tournament and the first Big
Man on Campus contest to benefit Arthritis the addition o f five
Research. Community, philanthropy and
sisterhood is what Kappa Tau is all about. New Members. Our

ft; annual retreat was

til great f u n and

Sigma Tau, Washington College brought laughs as

usual. Pam Shiers, a

senior, volunteered

her home for all o f

Kappa Rho, Western Michigan University us to share good
times. We have

to congratulate Jenny Bower for being one o f some great mixers for upcoming events such
six chosen for AOITs Alcohol Task Force. as Homecoming when many alumnae will
Also our chapter adviser, Jerelyn Schultz return for this event. For our philanthropy
Miles, recently adopted a baby girl! The we are planning a "Turkey Trot," which is a
Delta Betas have increased our number o f theme dance where the admission price will
open rush parties this year. Many o f our be reduced w i t h the accompaniment o f
members spent their summer renovating the canned goods. Our annual "Trick or
lodge. We made new letters for the house Treating for Cans" with Zeta Beta Tau, car-
and painted the office. We have been work- olling at a local nursing home, our semi-for-
ing hard to raise money for Centennial. We mal and the annual campus wide Greek for-
have car washes, garage sales, and bake sales mal will round out the semester. We are all
to raise money. We participated in home- psyched to work together, smile together and
coming activities this year and had a great have a great time together!

time riding in the parade and participating in Michigan
the school spirit skit.

Maryland GrandValley State U

Towson State U Lambda Eta
Lambda Eta's sisterhood is extremely strong
Theta Beta this year! "Painting the Rock," a tradition on
The Theta Beta Chapter is excited about hav- our campus, is a great way that we get our
ing a great '96- '97 school year. The chapter name out and have a fun sisterhood activity at
had an amazing fall rush through which we

To Dragma/WINTER 1996 17

collegiate news reaping the rewards of a successful rush with Mississippi
24 beautiful New Members. The success and U of Mississippi
the same rime. In rush, we gained 17 won- the ability to endure through the often stress-
derful New Members and we were proud to ful rimes of rush is representative of the chari- Nu Beta
be the Michigan chapter to host Centennial ty, love and sisterhood evident in the daily
Founders' Day at the Hilton in Grand Rapids. activities of the sisters in our chapter. Among N u Beta kicked off the year with a great New
To raise money, the fraternities on our campus the most anticipated events is the AOn car- Member class and is in the process o f cele-
donated their cans to us for deposit (104 nival which will involve the university and brating our Centennial year. Our calendars
each). Lambda Eta also had 19 members of Greek community, Kalamazoo community, are filled with classes, activities on campus,
our chapter participate in the collection o f school districts, Red Cross and other volun- swaps and football weekends. A l l o f our
canned goods for a citywide food drive. We teer organizations. Diligent efforts will be members are busy on campus and in the
helped collect a record breaking thirty tons of made to raise money for Arthritis Research. community in coundess organizations. N u
canned goods. We were excited to be involved The chapter also eagerly awaits the Betas are also being recognized for their out-
with Boo at the Zoo, with one o f our past Centennial Celebration. The love and standing accomplishments through leader-
presidents, Donna Yesh, helping to organize strength which has endured through the cen- ship positions and awards. The chapter
this years' event. This has been a wonderful tury is also overwhelmingly evident in the boasts several Golden Key National Honor
year for the sisters of Lambda Eta! chapter of Kappa Rho. Society members, members o f Chancellor's
Honor Roll, Alpha Lambda Delta, Lambda
Michigan State U Minnesota Sigma, and Phi Eta Sigma, to name a few.
We have initiated our New Members, hosted
Beta Gamma U of Minnesota our philanthropic fund-raiser, " A O I l
Greetings from Beta Gamma. In the spring, Alcatraz," and held our Halloween Big
we were excited to place second in the greek Tau Sis/Little Sis Pumpkin Carve. We also look
games during Greek Week. We also held our Tau Chapter is in the midst of a very exciting forward to continuing our new tradition with
first annual Aerobics for Arthritis and celebrat- and eventful year! We returned this fall as the the Second Annual Step Stompin' for arthri-
largest chapter on campus. We recently wel- tis. Our Centennial year is proving to be a
comed 21 wonderful New Members, and at very busy and successful one for us all.

ed a very successful event. Fall Montana
began with a sisterhood retreat. Montana State U
Members traveled to a nearby
camp to practice for rush and Alpha Phi
experience chapter bonding.
Beta Gamma is proud to say that Alpha Phi Chapter started
we have 23 wonderful New
Members. We are also pleased to out the year with a successful
have initiated an associatemem-
ber who desires to work as an rush. Our many sensational
alumna adviser. Melissa Lind
was honored with the position of New Members brought us to
Vice-President/External Rush.
Jenna Cruz served as Rush Chair campus total and we are
and Heather Dalby, Jen
Miskowiec, and Jen VanderHaven were rush proud to be the largest chap-
counselors. Members enjoyed our annual
hayride and semi-formal date parties, a Rose ter on campus with 75 mem-
Brunch, fall serenade and traveling to the
Founders' Day celebration in Grand Rapids. bers. Philanthropic events in
We also made donations to MSU's
Panhellenic philanthropy, Safe Place, and par- the plans this year include a
ticipated in the Adopt-A-Highway program.
Omega, Miami University silent bid auction for parents
weekend and our annual

garage sale. We also participate in many vol-

the same time reached ceiling of 80 members. unteer events such as Clean-up Bozeman,

We are currendy working hard in preparation Elderly Help Day, and the Adopt-a-Grade

for A l h p a O m i c r o n Pi's Centennial program. Campus involvement is high with

Celebration. In honor o f this very special many of our members involved, such as Kelsi

event, Tau chapter w i l l be giving a Mclntyre as MSU's concerts chair and Kristi

"Reflections of Sisterhood" print to the Palmer as an ASMSU senator. We were also

University of Minnesota to hang in one of the proud to have Kristi represent us as a home-

University's building. We also held a very spe- coming candidate this year. We look forward

Western Michigan U cial Founders' Day to begin the celebration. to a sucessful year and give the best of wishes
Barbara Hunt, Past International President, to our fellow A O O chapters.
Kappa Rho was the guest speaker. Our whole chapter is
The sisters of Kappa Rho have jumped into very excited about the upcoming year. North Carolina
the fall semester with exciting plans. We are


Delta Upsilon

The sisters o f Delta Upsilon demonstrated

their commitment to service and their

appetite for fun by throwing a beach party to

benefit Arthritis Research. AOITs annual

philanthropy event, Back to the Beach, was a

huge success as numerous campus organiza-

tions sponsored teams to play beach games

for charity. Everyone relished the time, had

fun i n the sun, and all proceeds from the

games and sales of Back to the Beach t-shirts

\ went to the A O n Foundation. Delta
Upsilon Chapter is excited to host a huge
Theta Pi, Wagner College Founders' Day celebration this December,

w i t h sisters f r o m East Carolina U , Elon

18 To Dragma/WINTER 1996

College, and four regional alumnae chapters. to have so many new A O I l s and we loved collegiate news

All of he North Carolina AOFIs will join the getting to know them. Phi Sigma is continu- Tbeta Psi, University of Toledo

Delta Upsilon Chapter in applauding 100 ing to strengthen the sis- cessful "Penny Drive" and "Fish Days" philan-
throupy events to raise money for Arthritis
years of sisterhood and toasting AOFFs bright terhood o f the chapter Research. We also partake in activities such as
parties with area children, events with resi-
future for hundreds of more years to come. with fun activities such dents of Titus Towers, serving nutritious meals
to the elderly through our Foodnet program,
East Carolina U as our 60's sisterhood participate in Collegetown clean-up and die
retreat. We had a
Zeta Psi groovy Sunday night Breast Cancer Walk-a-thon. AOFI is enthusi-
The Zeta Psi Chapter started out the fall wearing hippie clothes,
semester with a successful rush. We made tie-dying, making neck- astic about the improved Alumnae Relations
quota and got a great group o f New laces from love beads, program which recendy implemented a sister-
Members. We have Deen busy all semester and enjoying time with local alumna buddy program and hosted din-
with lots of different activities. I n September, our far-out sisters. ners for alumnae. Many alumnae participated
we had AOPride Day and Faculty Homecoming was also in Homecoming, tailgates, sleeping at the
Appreciation Day. Some of the activities we exciting as two AOFIs house and attending our Sunday chapter
are currently participating in are Operation were Homecoming brunch. AOn fosters a strong commitment
Sunshine, Teddy Bear Project, and Tootsie Queen finalists and we to academics and scholarship and is enthusias-
Roll Project. We have two Adopt-A- won second place in the tically planning for our Centennial
Highways each year where we clean up a road overall Homecoming Celebration in 1997.
that we sponsor. Just recendy we had Parents' sweepstakes. We are
Weekend, where many of the members' par- also getting ready for State U of NewYork
ents came to visit. We look forward to an numerous other campus
exciting spring semester as Zeta Psi Chapter Delta Psi
has a bright oudook for the future! Here's to a great year with A O I I ! Last year
was a huge success. Our spring formal was
Elon College and community events so much fun, all those that attended had a
we have planned, great time. Then Greek Week came and we
Epsilon Chi including Parents' Day, were psyched as we raised the most money
Jingle Bell Walk/Run for the Disabled Students Fund, won almost
The sisters o f Epsilon C h i Chapter had a every event and eventually won the champi-
great spring semester. In May, at die Greek onship. Many tears were shed as we said
Awards Banquet, Epsilon Chi was awarded: and Founders' Day. goodbye to graduates. This year, the fun
continues. Fall rush provided us with won-
Highest GPA, Most Involved, Chapter of derful women who will be great assets. We
participated in the American Heart
Excellence, and Sorority of the Year. A special Association's Walk-A-Thon, and enjoyed our
congratulations to Mary Rebecca Freymoyer U of Nebraska-Lincoln alumnae weekend, our semi-formal and our
for winning Greek Woman o f the Year. This Zeta chapter retreat. This year promises to be
fall, we have been preparing for Centennial The women of Zeta chapter have continued great! We want it to go slow since after this
and our 10th Anniversary on campus. We their busy calendar from the spring semester year, A O I I will be graduating thirty-one sis-
started the year with a CR retreat and were of 1996. Widi a total of eleven 4.0s, Zeta's ters who will be greatly missed!
the first chapter at Elon to participate in "Our GPA remains above the all-Greek average.
Chapter, Our Choice." Also in September, Our annual basketball tournament, Hoop-It,
Epsilon C h i raised over $200 for Arthritis raised over $3,000 for Arthritis Research.
Research t h r o u g h A O P i e i n the face. Zeta added an Easter Egg Hunt to our regu-
Centennial Founders' Day will be celebrated lar agenda of Halloween and Christmas par-
at Duke w i t h East Carolina and various ties sponsored for the Salvation Army chil-
alumnae chapters. In May, Epsilon Chi and dren. We also paired up with the men from
the Piedmont Alumnae Chapter will work Delta Tau Delta Fraternity to make Valentine
together to hold a weekend long 10th flowers which were then delivered to
Anniversary reunion celebration.
Lancaster Manor. Zeta welcomed 24 New

Members from fall

rush. Members con-

tinue to be strong

leaders, and include

such accomplish-

ments as: Knstina

Ritterbush as mem-

ber o f the U N L

Soccer team;

Elizabeth Bahensky

as member o f the

U N L Golf team;

Amy Davis and Sara

Burleson as members

of the dance squad;

and Jaime Raetz,

Phi Sigma, University of Nebraska-Kearney Ann Broyhill, and
Erin Grosshans

selected as members of Mortar Board.

Nebraska NewYork

U of Nebraska-Kearney Cornell U

Phi Sigma Epsilon

August brought all of the Phi Sigma mem- The sisters of A O n dedicated a lot of time
bers back to Kearney for another busy and this year to interacting with die sorority itself,
exciting semester. We started the fall 1996 Cornell U and the Ithaca community through
semester out with a great rush and an awe- events and projects. These included our suc-
some New Member class! It was wonderful

To Dragma/WINTER 1096 19


Syracuse U Ohio Omega Omicron, Lambuth University

Chi Bowling Green State U Founders' Day Brunch. Our chapter is also
looking forward to some new changes start-
Our chapter has participated i n campus Alpha Psi ing this semester! Omega is i n the final
activites and interacted with Greek life stages o f implementing our first chapter
throughout the Syracuse campus. We Alpha Psi has been having a wonderful year. Home Page on the World Wide Web! We
placed third in Sigma Chi's Derby Days, an When we left last spring, we thought noth- are also looking forward to a newly redeco-
event that raises money for "The Children's ing could top it. Last spring the entire chap- rated suite by rush in January. We hope
Miracle Network." It was a week of good ter was actively involved in the Children's everyone has a great year!
times, and a great opportunity to meet other Miracle Network Dance Marathon, which
girls in the Greek system. Recently we have was held for the first year and raised over OhioU
been involved in Homecoming. Paired with $45,000, breaking a record. Alphs Psi had
Sigma Alpha M u , we created a banner, countless sisters on committees and four Omega Upsilon
made up a cheer, skit and built a float. Its dancers. We won the Gold Cup, third place The Omega Upsilon Chapter started out the
been a great way to get our name across in the lip sync, and the Hope Award. This 1996-97 year by leaps and bounds. O u r
campus and work as one in Greek life. We fall, formal and open rush were the best ever. chapter has recently moved into one of the
have also participated in Powder Puff foot- Our morale and spirit soared to new heights. largest sorority houses on campus. Our new
ball and Sigma Alpha Epsilon's philanthropy We have 21 wonderful New Members now. house accommodates fifty-one members and
"Paddy Murphy." This new year looks The chapters also tried successfully to involve our house mom, Dorris. In addition, we have
promising. We are confident of a great for- more alumnae. I f you were not contacted, a full-time chef and a housekeeper to help
mal rush and a wonderful, exciting and suc- with the upkeep o f our home. The Omega
cessful year ahead. please call us at 419-372- Upsilon chaprer hosted a House Dedication
2840. Many thanks, with and 100 year Anniversary Party on October
Wagner College all our hearts, to those 19, with invited guests from the faculty, deans
who sent us care packages. and organizarion leaders o f Ohio University.
ThetaPi We are all very proud of this giant step for our
Miami U chapter. The chapter has recently added 44
The sisters of Theta Pi are everywhere within New Members to our chapter bringing our
the Wagner College community. Theta Pis Omega membership to 151 members. Other events
are known campus-wide for their extensive this semester includes sponsoring an all-greek
trick-or-treat, Homecoming and the fall date
involvement as AGTI is represented in nearly party. Overall, Omega Upsilon has been
growing within the Greek community and as
every club and organization on campus. a strong chapter of A O H
Most sisters hold leadership positions within
these organizations. Nine out of the sixteen The Ohio State U
people elected to the Student Government
are Theta Pis, and the editor o f the yearbook Chi Epsilon
The C h i Epsilon Chapter hasn't had a
ihas been a Theta Pi for the past two years. moment's rest since we moved i n o n
September 20. There were many events for
Omega has had a very busy which to plan such as rush, Homecoming,

first semester! I n Omega Upsilon, Ohio University

September, we held our

philanthropy, "Hoop-It-

Up", which is a five-on-five

men's and women's basket-

ball tournament. We had a

strong turnout and raised

over $500 for Arthritis

Research! In October we

Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State University held our annual brunch

Sisters hold executive board positions i n during the university's
Alethea, which is Wagner Colleges Womens' Parents' Weekend. Our parents loved meet-
Honor Society, Greek Senate, Panhellenic ing each other and hearing about all o f
Council, and Music Society. One can always Omega's accom-
find a Theta Pi either performing in or direct- plishemnts! Two of
ing a theater production as well. A O n has these include placing
also been represented on the Royal Courts of in the top five acade-
both Homecoming and Songfest for the past mically among all
15 years. Theta Pi is proud to represent sororities and our 5th
AOn in such a diverse and extensive fashion place finish in Greek
with fine leaders at Wagner College. Week! Other exciting
events included our

Barn Bash Date Parry,

Red Rose Ball and

2n To Dra^mu/WINTER 1996

and philanthropy and hardly time to wel- Lehigh U Pennsylvania cdfegiate lieWS
come everyone back. Rush was our main
concern, with many changes made by WPA Lambda Upsilon Slippery Rock U
which we adopted. These included begin-
ning rush a week later, substituting theme We, the Lambda Uppsilon Chapter, have Sigma Rho
parties for skits, and a participation fee o f Fall rush brought excitement at Slippery Rock
S300 for marketing o f rush. Rush ran into been having a great time getting back to as AOn received seven New Members. Rush
Homecoming, which was themed "Mardi chair, Kim Akerley, did a great job and two of
Gras, Buckeye Style," and we were paired Lehigh. We are busy planning our schedules our members were appointed Rho Chis,
with Delta Chi who had won Homecoming Leslie Wilkens and Robin Walter. All the sis-
the past seven years. We placed first in the for the fall semester. This year's events include ters welcomed back Sina Susengill, a sister
overall competition! Our new philanthropy, who studied overseas in Scodand last semester.
"Greek Singled O u t , " is a take-off o f the participating in a food drive with Lambda Chi During Homecoming, we were paired with
M T V version. Andrea Camburn, a local Phi Kappa Theta fraternity and together we
anchorwoman, and Dirk Thompson, a local Alpha Fraternity, having a blind date party, painted the town's windows with our letters.
DJ will host our event. We also built a float with a carousel theme.
and volunteering for a "haunted house" in

Bethlehem. Most importandy, we have wel-

comed five New Members during the fall.

They are Alicia Almeida, Christa Bruchner,

Jen Conigliaro, Abby Hawkins, and Lisa

Jones. They are great women who are really

excited to learn a lot

about A O I I . A O n had a wonderful alumnae dinner

Pennsylvania thanks to chairman Amy Bricker. It was a
State U great turn out. A charter member from SRU
attended, Ramona Marks, and we all
Epsilon Alpha exchanged A O n songs, stories and addresses.
It was a wonderful weekend with many more
The Epsilon Alpha

Chapter has had an to come.
awesome year. We

started off with our Tennessee

first spring New Lambuth U

Member class ever Omega Omicron

w i t h seven great The women of Omega Omicron have begun
the year with a bang. We spent several long
girls. How excited days remodeling and cleaning the house in
order to get ready for rush and other activities.
they were when we We pledged 18 wonderful women who are
very enthusiastic about being AOIls. The
gave them their bids chapter has already participated in several
fundraising events, such as collecting money
at their doors. and toiletries for theWomen's Rape Assistance
Program and the on-going Pennies for Pandas,
Dance Marathon in which each member collects $2.00 in spare
change for the World WildLife Federation. We
was next with Kappa also have many social events planned, such as

Alpha. We raised

almost $20,000 with

31 people on com-

mittees. For next

year's Dance

Marathon, our sister,

Alyssa Cherkin, has swaps with fraternities, intramural sports and
Kappa Omicron. Rhodes College •' ,
an invitiation formal. We have also begun the
U ofToledo been chosen as over- "Strive for Pi" program in which we try to

all chair. From there we went on to Football
ThetaPsi Challenge where we raised $7000 f o r boost the chapter GPA to 3.14, or Pi. Omega

The sisters o f Theta Psi chapter have been Arthritis Research becoming the second Omicron has started having a devotional meet-
keeping very busy the last few months. We biggest philanthropy on campus. Lambda ing every Monday night in order to further our
wrapped up spring quarter by winning third Chi Alpha joined us for Spring Week involv- spiritual growth. The chapter has been an
place in the Annual Songfest competition. ing games, crazy 70s socials, and Baywatch active part of life at Lambuth.
We were honored and excited as we had as our theme. Finally, 24 New Members
worked long and hard on our singing and joined us this past fall giving us the best and MiddleTennessee State U
dancing. Another great ending to our school the brightest Penn State had to offer.
year was to receive the Chapter Excellence Rho Omicron

Award for the 1995-96 year. Over the For the sisters of Rho
Omicron, fall has been very
summer, our Leaders' Council gathered at exciting!i Rush started the

our adviser's, Beverly Kirby, home for a semester w i t h a bang as we

weekend of sisterhood and planning for the experienced our most success-

following year. Already this fall we have ful rush ever. Not only did the

cleaned up the highway in our Adopt-a- chapter fill quota, but we also

Highway program and completed a suc- obtained the highest number

cessful formal rush. Theta Psi accepted 12 of New Members on campus.

great New Members, all of which will be an The chapter size rose to new

asset to A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi. A t heights with the addition of

Homecoming, we competed in the float 49 wonderful New Members.

contest and hosted an open house for visit- Sports are on the m i n d o f

ing alumnae. Shannon Hale represented many members. We won soft-

A O I I in the Homecoming Court. ball in the spring placing us in

Currendy, Theta Psi is in the running for a position to w i n this year's

the All Sorority Sports trophy. Omicron, University ofTennessee Sports Award. Participation

To Dragma/WINTER IW6 21

collegiate news U of Tennessee-Martin Texas
SouthwestTexas State U
Tau Omicron

The fall semester has gotten off to Zeta Kappa

a fast start at Tau Omicron. The The ladies of Zeta Kappa have

excitement began with a success- an exciting year ahead. A fun-

ful rush where we met quota with filled Bid Day held i n San

38 New Members. It continued Antonio started off the year with

with the Homecoming week fes- great enthusiasm. Soon follow-

tivities where we won first place ing was the annual San Marcos r
Chilympiad festival in which we
in the Pyramid competition and won third place in showmanship
with the men of Delta Tau Delta
second in the float competition. and "Best Evening Gown" in the
Miss Chilympiad Pageant.
T h e entire chapter has been

working hard to keep the honor

of having the highest GPA on

campus. But, the biggest news at Parent's Weekend was celebrated

Delta Theta .Texas Woman's University Tau O m i c r o n is that 36 New in the beautiful, historic Gruene,
Members and five associates were
Texas. We celebrated
initiated into A O n in October.
during Homecoming week was outstanding The five associate members are members of Homecoming with the men of
as the chapter placed second overall in the our Mother's C l u b who have helped us
sorority division. The year's calendar is filled throughout the years. These women are very Phi Delta Theta. This year's
with fundraisers, campus activities, and sis- special to us, and we are proud to have them
terhood activities, all leading up to the as well as our other New Initiates of AOIT. winter formal will be held in
upcoming Centennial Celebration.The
Boerne, Texas. Founders' Day

will be a stellar end to a busy

semester. Coming in February

chapter is looking for many more successes Vanderbilt U is our third annual Rose Bowl

in the months to come. flag football tournament. Spring holds many

Nu Omicron exciting events such as Sigma Chi's Derby Days

Rhodes College N u Omicron takes our education seriously, and Greek Week. We extend best wishes to all
while balancing it with social and philan-
Kappa Omicron thropic events. Last semester, 22 A O f l s of our sisters across the country and hope that

Kappa Omicron had a successful rush and fall this year will bring many cherished memories.

semester. Our new skit, The Wizard of Oz,

gave AOris a chance to sing along to songs

from the Oz soundtrack, including "There's

No Place Like Home." We welcomed 27

New Members into A O n on Bid Day.

Kappa Omicron has begun hands on support

of the Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Support

Group of Memphis. The chapter sponsors

Parents' Night Out monthly to give the par-

ents a chance to relax while we spend time

with the kids watching movies, coloring and

playing other games. Kappa Omicron mem-

bers look forward to the rest of the semester

with our upcoming Stick-Up for Arthritis

fundraiser for Arthritis Research and AOn's

upcoming Centennial Convention.

U of Tennessee achieved a GPA of 3.5 or better. Sisters can be Alpha Gamma. Washington State University
seen all over campus, many in leadership posi-
Omicron tions. For die past two years, an A O n has U ofTexas-San Antonio
Omicron Chapter has had a very exciting year won "The Lady o f the Bracelet," which is
with many successes. In the spring we com- Vanderbilt's award for the most outstanding Upsilon Lambda
peted in Carnicus 1996 and won first place senior woman on campus, voted by the senior The sisters of Upsilon Lambda began 1996
overall. We were further delighted when our class. We are proud to have Jenny Turner serve with a solid informal rush. Throughout the
own Carol Ann Lammons won best actress. as student body vice president and Nicole semester, we participated in various festivities
Our theme this year was Guys and Dolls! As a Tablan represent us on the Homecoming on campus such as Homecoming and Greek
result of hard work in all campus events this court. We raised $2,500 for Arthritis Week. We also received a sense o f pride i n
year, we were awarded the ACE trophy which Research through our annual philanthropy the community surrounding UTSA through
is one of the most prestigious honors a group picnic, "Fajita Fest." Last spring, we were our involvement with the Do It Service
can win on campus. We have started off on the invited to participate in "Umoja Niamos Program. We had a successful fall rush,
right foot with a rush that brought Omicron a Now," which works to promote unity on adding 26 outstanding young women to our
new group of dedicated and talented women. campus and in the community. chapter. This semester proves to be one full
They have already enjoyed retreats, Big Sis week of innovative mixers with Alpha Tau Omega,
and many other events. Recently we had an Tau Kappa Epsilon, and Lambda Chi Alpha.
Alcohol Awareness BRIDGES program. Our We continue to participate in a variety of
speaker was a young man, Blake McMeans,
who was exceptional and his story really affect-
ed the chapter. We also had a successful 36th

Annual AOFI Barbecue to benefit Arthritis

Research on October 26 with tremendous sup-
port from the Knoxville Alumnae Chapter.

To Dragma/WINTER 1996

collegiate news

Washington State U

Alpha Gamma

This year started off with a successful

rush at Alpha Gamma with quota plus

two. We have been working hard

since then raising money for philan-

thropies and participating in sister-

hood activities. We raised over $500 at

our Tournament o f Roses philan-

thropy, a volleyball tournament, in

which various fraternities participated.

We also just received first place in

Lambda Chi Alpha's Watermelon Bust

philanthropy by showing the most

pride and spirit and collecting over

1000 cans o f food for the Pullman

Food Bank. In addition, we were the

only chapter invited to the grand

opening of Phi Kappa Theta, at their

Sigma Alpha, West Virginia Universi $3 million house, donated by alumnus
and co-founder of Microsoft, Paul

organizations. We are proud to have mem- Fall started off with a successful rush under Allen. He helped host the festivities by
bers in C A B , Student Government, the direction of Katy McPherson. We wel- serenading us with his electric guitar. We are
Ambassadors, FACES, Order o f Omega, comed a w o n d e r f u l class o f 23 N e w looking forward to Dad's Weekend, family
RSO Council, Dance Team and the Members. Gamma Alpha also sponsored car Christmas and the Centennial Celebration
Orientation Leader Program. As we strive washes, AOITs magazine program and a dis- with Tau Gamma in Spokane.
for excellence within AOn, we also strive for
excellence within the classroom, the commu- tribution of flyers for Domino's Pizza in
nity, and our lives.
preparation for our Centennial. We then WestVirginia
TexasWoman's U sponsored Witch Watch and Trick or Treat
for Arthritis, in which all proceeds went to WestVirginia U
DercaTheta Arthritis Research! We learned to do a little
The ladies of Delta Theta Chapter have had country line dancing during a successful Sigma Alpha
a very exciting year. We have participated in mixer with Phi Sigma Kappa and played
an on-campus walk to benefit disabled stu- "Singled Out" with Pi Kappa Phi. Other The Sigma Alpha Chapter of A O n had a
dents by building more handicapped access- events included our annual serenade and great fall rush. Rush ended with our Bid Day
es. We also participated in a walk to benefit semi-formal, a semi-sloppy Halloween dance, at Copper Rock, W V , with our wonderful
the Multiple Sclerosis Society. We sponsored a Parents' Day luncheon, tree planting, and New Members. We celebrated Homecoming
a Presidents' Ambassador named Angela, age Founders' Day. Gamma Alpha is anxiously week with the members of Phi Kappa Psi.
13, who had the opportunity to spend six awaiting our Centennial Celebration. The events included a blood drive, games,
weeks in Australia and New Zealand. floats, & cheers. We had a lot of fun! We
Additionally, we clean our Adopt-a-Spot also participated in many other greek philan-
each month and sponsor trick-or-treat for thropies, such as Phi Sigma Kappa's
canned goods to benefit our campus food
pantry. We hosted the first annual AOPie "Phantasia for Headstart Kids." We are now
Picnic in November to promote sisterhood,
campus interaction, PR, family involvement Washington looking forward to mountaineer week and
and Arthritis Research. I n honor of our Eastern Washington U our philanthropy "King of the Roses" which
Centennial Celebration, we will be purchas- won as best philanthropy on campus!
ing and donating stuffed pandas to the local Tau Gamma
fire and police departments. We will be
tying A O F I ribbons around the pandas Has Tau Gamma got collegiate chapter news
necks which will be given to scared, hurt or
lonely children. We are excited about our for you! Once again, a very successful rush
upcoming events and wish all o f our sisters
an excellent year! gave us quota plus two and we initiated two Editors note: The Collegiate News
associate members! We've begun the year Reports are printed annually in the
Virginia assisting with sales of collegiate parapherna- winter issue of To Dragma. All reports
lia at football games (we receive 10% o f
George Mason U
whatever well sell to send to philanthropy), that were received postmarked by the
Gamma Alpha
This year has been an exciting time for while new big sisters and little sisters volun- October 15th deadline have been
Gamma Alpha. In the spring, we sponsored teer to run our 6th annual Food Bank included. For our spring issue, we
our annual Mr. Mason Pageant and co-spon- Haunted House, proceeded by our 3rd encourage all chapters to share their
sored "Pie in the Face" with Pi Kappa Phi. annual 24-hour Teeter-Totter-A-Thon for
Both events benefitted Arthritis Research.
Arthritis Research. Adopt-A-Highway has great Public Relations ideas for the

recongized us for four years o f work and Collegiate Chapter Idea Exchange.
we'll be participating in Toys for Tots, the Ideas must be submitted prior to
Giving Tree, as well as a continuous clothing February 1, 1997.
drive for Spokane's Domestic Violence

Clinic for Women and Volunteers of

America Soup Kitchen! Busy girls on cam-

pus are involved in ASB, Peer Educators,

Dance Force, Honor Societies, Track, Golf

and lots of school spirit!

To Dragma/MNTER L996 23


Thanks to our AOTT
collegiate models:

Melissa Birch,
Micca Crome,
Stacie DeGrella,

Kim Guy,
Stephanie Jones,
Megan Kelly,
Hae Kwon,
Alice Leonard,

Raye Littlejohn
& jill Wempe.

1 6 4 H I Forest Bar Sweatshirt
Heavyweight cotton. Campbell plaid
w/embroidery. L X L '52.00
« 1 6 4 R Red Bar Sweatshirt.
Heavyweight cotton. Stewart plaid
w/embroidery. L, XL. '52.00
• 1 7 4 Forest Lined Anorak w/navy
stripe. Navy and white embroidered
letter. L X L '50.00 «175Navy
Lined Anorak w/embroidered
nautical design. L, XL. '50.00
• 2 1 5 Gear Outback lacket.
khaki sage color w/Alpha Omicron Pi
embroidery. Oversized M, L XL.

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alumnae news

Canada United States all excited to celebrate Founders' Day both
Ontario Alabama in Decatur and Montgomery in December.
We are very excited about the progress we
Ottawa Birmingham have made this year. However, none o f it
would have possible without the guidance
D u r i n g the 1995-96 season, the Ottawa We expect to have a great year ahead and are and support of our former Regional
Director Elaine McCraney. As many of you
Alumnae Chapter was delighted to hostess excited to have had our hard work recognized know, we lost Elaine to cancer in
September. While we will miss her greatly,
and meet an increasing number o f recent by receiving a Certificate of Performance at her dedication and love for our Fraternity
will be with us forever. A t Founders' Day,
graduates f r o m Gamma C h i Chapter at Leadership Institute last June in Nashville. we awarded the first annual Elaine
McCraney Award to the most dedicated sis-
Carleton. Much of the driving force behind We started off the year by hosting a BYOBL ter f r o m our chapter. We are excited to
honor this very special lady who meant so
this effort has come from Laurie Rose, our (Bring your own bagged lunch) picnic. A l l much to so many.

Collegiate Relations Chair. A major snow three Birmingham collegiate chapters (Rho Tanya Williams Spillman (205) 351-2336

storm on Founders' Day last year severely Delta, Tau Delta, and Zeta Pi) were invited to Montgomery

restricted the number o f alumnae venturing attend. The theme for October recruitment The Montgomery Area Alumnae enjoyed a
productive 1995-1996 year, starting o f f in
out to our meeting, but undaunted, and month was a murder mystery party on the September wirh a brunch to welcome new
members. In November, members made
with Laurie's encouragement, " I ' l l pick you O r i e n t Express at the home o f M a r y cheeseballs to raise money for our philan-
thropy. This project brought in $170! Our
up," we had an excellent turn out o f young, Elizabeth Shefield. I n November, Beverly annual Christmas party and auction brought
in an additional $ 150 for Arthritis Research.
recent graduates, including some who were Badger's home was the site of a Pampered Our chapter celebrated spring with a
Mother/Daughter tea in which we invited
visiting from as far away as Toronto. It was Chef Party. It was a great night to have some- area collegiates and their moms. In April, we
held a covered dish dinner and ritual meet-
great to have several o f our recently one cook for us and teach us a few new ing, which gave us all an opportunity to
remember what A O n sisterhood is all
'Welcome Into Alumnae Status' Gamma recipes. Founders' Day was held at the about. We are looking forward to another
excidng year. In October we celebrated 45
Chis j o i n us f o r our A n n u a l Spring Hoover Country Club with all three colle- years as an alumnae chapter. O n December
7th, our chapter along with the collegiate
Luncheon at a small bistro where Kyla giate chapters attending. To round out the chapter at H u n t i n g d o n College (Sigma
Delta), hosted a state-wide Centennial Kick-
Kennaley, Gamma C h i , was one o f the year, we will will visit the historic Alabama off Celebration in conjunction with A O n
Alabama State Day.
chefs! We have also been busily planning for Theatre where alumnae and their families will
Vonda Farris Wood (334) 279-8510
our Centennial Celebration. We've had a gather to watch "White Christmas."
successful fund-raiser selling Regal products,
(an idea adopted f r o m the Montreal Decatur Area
Alumnae Chapter), have completed our The Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter held a
Centennial Quilt Square, and are looking at The Decatur Area Alumnae Chapter has Mexican fiesta dinner for Sigma Omicron's
ways to get as many o f us as possible to New had a very exciting year. We began the re- 31 New Members in September at the home
York to Celebrate the Century! Hope to see organization process in March and have of Frances Burris. Other activities for the
you there! since been working hard to get the chapter year include a cooking program, a silent auc-
up and running again. In May, we had a
tion fund-raiser, a IlOA social, an exercise
M.J. Jacobsen (613) 837-3361 "Get Acquainted Dinner" at a local restau-
rant. Everyone enjoyed meeting new sisters program, a spring party for Sigma Omicron
Toronto and catching up with others. In June, we seniors, and, o f course a big Founders'
Day/Centennial Celebration on December
Attention Area Alumnae! We in Toronto had a Pizza/MIF writing party at Tanya 8. Founders' Day included an open house in
hope to make our Centennial Year extra spe- Spillman's home. We sent out quite a few the beautiful recently remodeled AOn suite
cial! We are planning to install our Toronto MlFs and are very excited that some local at Arkansas State University. A banquet fol-
Alumnae chapter in the spring of 1997. I f college women chose to pledge A O I 1 . Some lowed at the Jonesboro C o u n t r y Club.
you are in the area (or on your way) please women from Zeta Pi Chapter were nice Grovernel Grisham, Sigma Omicron, was
contact Kristina with your current address enough to come support us at the Greater the chairman o f the event.
and phone number. We look forward to Decatur Panhellenic Associations Annual
hearing from you! Mother/ Daughter Tea. We were one of the Carolyn Swindle Wyatt (501) 932-1155
only two groups who had collegians present
Kristina Hunt (416) 531-8048
so it really helped

our college

bound women

get a feel for

sorority life. In

August, we held a

blood drive at the

Morgan County

Chapter of the

America Red

Cross. Thanks to

all the A O n s

who gave a pint

of blood. A big

thank you to

Jackie Buck who

helped organize

Birmingham Alumnae Chapter's Murder Mystery Party. this event. We are

26 To Dragma/WINTER 1996

Little Rock This year the Diablo Valley Alumnae Chapter alumnae news
is focusing on contacting these alumnae. The
The Little Rock Alumnae Chapter plans a 1996-97 program schedule has been carefully and was pleased to accept a Performance
year that celebrates the Century. This thought out to include programs and events Certificate and a contribution to the
that would fit into the schedule of a young Foundation award for the chapter. Vice
includes our Get Back to AOFI kick-off woman, either working or in graduate school. President Pam Geer (Sigma) has been busy
One big event will be the Founders' Day drafting and mailing almost 100 member-
campaign aimed at preparing our members Brunch, a wonderful time for all of us to greet ship recruitment letters to area alumnae and
for our 100th Birthday Celebration. We our "lost" sisters. After the first o f the year, assisting with the re-organization of the
plan to host a garage sale to raise money for a many of our events are on Saturdays; an infor- Sigma Chapter at Berkley. Members have
representative to attend convention, make mal salad luncheon; a formal ritual in the gar- collected panda bears and donated them to a
stockings for a local women and children's den o f one of our members; a trip to San local police station, enjoyed a Couples
shelter and donate Pandas to a local children's Francisco to visit a renowned Museum and, Barbeque and a Salad Supper and learned to
hospital. It is a year o f helping others renew- concluding with a trip to the beach town of preserve photographs with a Creative
ing friendships and looking toward the next Capitola in May. This year the right year to Memories workshop. Our chapter is looking
century! Between meetings, open houses, "Get Back to AOn." forward to joining other area alumnae and
nOA activities, helping others and sister- collegiate chapters in Long Beach. Northern
hood - it is a vear Stella would love to visit. East Bay Orange County Alumnae Chapter members
Heidi Gould (Lambda Beta), is president of
Mychelle Kleypas (501) 224-1727 W i t h 100 years of sisterhood to celebrate, it Southern California Council which sponsors
is our goal to have 100 members in our Founders' Day each year.
Northwest Arkansas Alumnae at 1995 Founders'Day. alumnae chapter. The kick-off event for our
"Get Back to A O n " campaign was an hors Julie (Robbins) Burns (714) 538-4748
Northwest Arkansas d'oeuvre and cocktail party hosted by
Rosamond Casde on November 9th. This Palo Alto
The first meeting of the Northwest event served to rekindle friendships and
Arkansas Alumnae Chapter was held began the celebration o f our very special Much of the past few months has been spent
September 19, 1996. The program was Founders' Day. Our other planned events organizing for our Centennial efforts. On
include an Italian Food Potluck Dinner & behalf o f Lambda Chapter at Stanford
AOFI Nostaligia and items included pho- Balderdash Night, a night o f Theater at a University, which closed in 1944, a fund rais-
local playhouse where we w i l l see "The ing effort was initiated to purchase a brick at
tos and a PIPER from 1944. Newly elected Comedy of Errors," and a springtime salad AOn Headquarters and to fund a
officers are President Kathi Walker; Vice bar luncheon. We are very proud o f the Centennial Scholarship in Lambda's honor.
President Olga House; Treasurer Agnes alumnae in our area who have worked hard As a result of our contacting all the Lambda
Walters; and Secretary Eldine Olszewski. with Sigma Chapter this summer. alumnae, we are now organizing a Lambda
Our recently adopted philanthropic project Congratulations on your success. Reunion at the Northern California
of collecting donations for a local women's
shelter was a great success in the Spring and Jocelynn Herrick (415) 731-9441
will be done twice per year. O u r fund-rais-
ers include an annual garage sale last sum- Northern CA Council
mer that raised $212 and our third annual
Sports Card Show that w i l l be held in Northern California
April. We had a great celebration for the
Centennial Founders' Day on December 8 Council is composed o f rep-
at the Johnson House Bed & Breakfast
here in Fayetteville. resentatives from alumnae

Kathi Walker (501)521-5727 chapters - Diablo Valley,

California Monterey, Palo A l t o , San

Diablo Valley Jose, San Mateo, East Bay

With the U of California at Berkeley close at and Sacramento; and colle-
hand, we have graduating collegians that
remain in the area and are interested in giate chapters - Chi Alpha,
becoming part of an alumnae group. Often,
however, they become involved with job Delta Sigma and Sigma.
searching, working on a job, moving, going to
graduate school, etc. and the time goes by. Together these representa-
The initial contact passes and we lose them.
tives planned for the

Centennial Kick-off brunch

on December 1, 1996 at the

Berkeley Marina Marriott.

The Centennial skit was South baylPalos Verdes members during their summer pool party.
performed and it was a great

event. In conjunction with

the planning of this major event, we have Founders' Day in December. One o f our

kept each other informed about individual new programs this year will be an AOn

chapter happenings, both collegiate and Lunch Bunch. Members will meet for a

alumnae. Our focus is to maintain open social luncheon three or four times a year.

communications among the N o r t h e r n The first was held in November at a garden

California chapters and to foster a spirit o f tea room and shop complex. The next will

sisterhood in our area. highlight the Chinese New Year in January

Judith West (510)537-0149 when we go out for D i m Sum. We are hop-

ing we will be joined by some of the AOFI

Northern Orange Co. members from the nearby San Jose and San
Mateo Alumnae Chapters.
Northern Orange County Alumnae Chapter
has been busy re-organizing and recruiting Lisa R. Shemwell (415) 965-2041

new members. President Karen Watson

(Kappa Theta) attended Leadership Institute

To Dragma/WUNTKR 19% 27

alumnae news our Centennial. The Masterpiece Auction, In addition, the group collected Christmas
held in November, was our main fund-raiser presents for the children at the shelter and
Sacramento for the year. Members brought their made Valentine's Day candy for them. At
"Masterpieces" and they were auctioned. We Founders' Day this year, the members hon-
Good News from Sacramento. The were all deeply saddened this year by the ored Linda Igo with the "Unsung Hero"
Sacramento Alumnae Chapter is back. A death of long time charter member, Barbara award for her hard work. She hosted a suc-
spring mailing and coffee followed by a July Trask Marsh. cessful cooking class fund-raiser (she is a
planning meeting got us started. Our first caterer) and is Membership C h a i r m a n .
regular meeting was a Pasta Participation Michelle Merwitzer 619/454-6077 Thanks to Linda for her friendship and dedi-
Dinner in September with our gourmet or email [email protected] cation. The chapter emphasized its primary
cook Linda Johnson. In October, we had a focus o f f u n and friendship w i t h several
Longaberger Christmas with Alice San Jose cookouts and holiday parties. This year was
Tollefson. Then Laura Musgrave led kicked o f f by preparing a Rush Survival
Aerobics for everyone in November. We The San Jose Alumnae Chapter of AOLI has Basket for Lambda Beta. Whale watching,
took part in the Northern California had a busy 1996! In February, we celebrated craft parties, and monthly lunches are also on
Founders' Day in December, as well as our Founders' Day with collegians and alumnae the calendar. Members are looking forward
Christmas ornament exchange and cookie from all over Northern California. In the to another great year of community service,
sale. The new year will bring a crab feed spring, we initiated the new graduates from friendships and fun!
event, game night, crafts for kids (philan- Delta Sigma (San Jose State U.) into alum-
thropic project), Davis Farmers Market, nae Status at our annual luncheon. In the fall, Christy Winters (310) 316-5091
Senior Welcome and family picnic. We we held our annual brunch and spent a day
have starred off with 15 paid members that at the horse races w i t h several other Southern Orange County
are excited and committed to our chaprer. Norrhern California Chapters. We held our
The Power o f Friendship. AOLI. Holiday Parry and the Founders' Day Our chapter announces the beginning o f our
Centennial Celebration in the fall. At new year w i t h our highest membership!
Nancy Griffiths (916) 887-8274 Founders' Day, we decorated the tables with Special thanks to Carol Frogue for serving as
pandas that have been generously donated by host at our wonderful September brunch
Macy's. After the celebration, we donated the meeting, where we welcomed back prior
members and greeted many new sisters. We
Ft Lauderdale Alumnae enjoying their Potluck Dinner/Recipe Exchange. are embarking on a fun-fiHed and busy year.
After many creative workshops, we are ready
San Diego pandas to the Santa Clara County for our annual holiday boutique fund raiser.
Department of Family and Children's This annual event draws about 150 people
The last several months have been extremely Services where they will be used to comfort and raises thousands of dollars for donation
busy for the members o f our chapter. In abused and neglected children who are to Arthritis Research and the A O n
May, we welcomed and honored graduating brought to the children's shelter. Foundation. After browsing the boutique
seniors from the U of California-San Diego, tables and eating a great brunch, rhe auction
and in June we welcomed and honored our Karen Ryan (408) 268-2831 (and action) begins! Each meeting is planned
50-Year Members: Elinor Lueth (Rho), to be a celebration o f 100 years of sisterhood
Ruth Maude Madaffer (Nu Lambda), South Bay/PalosVerdes and our calendar includes an evening holiday
Donna Mabel Apple (Upsilon), and parry, tea at the Ritz Carlton, our Centennial
Margaret Anne Barnett (Omicron Pi). We South Bay/Palos Verdes Alumnae Chapter Project sponsoring a party for disabled chil-
held our welcome meeting at a yacht marina had a busy and eventful year! The chapter dren, game night, college chapter night, and a
in September to kick off our year and obtain chose to "adopt" a local battered women's family beach barbecue.
our goal of 100 members, commemorating shelter. Every meeting, members bring
clothing and household items for the shelter. Blanche Chilcote (714) 496-0800

Ventura County

The Ventura County Alumnae Chapter
opened the year with its annual "Back-
Together Picnic." The location featured an
artistic background at the home o f Rivba
Schaffner, who led our membership and
guests through an authentic Japanese Tea
Ceremony. This highly successful event was
both elucidating and fun! In the fall we held
our ever-successful garage sale, hosted a guest
speaker, and our ornament and cookie
exchange held at the home o f our president.
The spring calendar includes a community
service project, a dinner theatre, a luncheon
and historical landmarks outing, a game
night, and finally the annual family picnic at
Malibu Lakes. At each meeting, members
donate items to the local charity, M A N N A ,
which support the needy and homeless.
Used books are also donated for re-sale to
fund philanthropic endeavors.

Genie Lownsdale (805) 498-1876

28 TuDragma/WINTER I ' X H ,

West Los Connecticut alumnae news

The past year has Southern Connecticut

been a busy one Southern Connecticut ended our 1995-96 you are still lost in Miami, and like good
season with a picnic at the home o f Alice food and camaraderie, our chapter would
for the West Los Smith. We were delighted to have in atten- love to hear from you.
dance not one but two collegians- Erin
Angeles Alumnae Dudd (Cornell) and Jennifer Feighery ( U . Lauren T. Mehalik (305) 443-1645
of Maine). Our fall meeting at the home o f
Chapter. At our Betty Luther dealt with the issue o f breast Greater Pensacola
cancer. We are thrilled to have a new alum-
December meet- nae join our ranks, Jennifer Feighery. We are A special event o f Christmas for the Greater
thrilled to have her with us! We hosted our Pensacola Alumnae Chapter was the Annual
ing we had our own Founders' Day luncheon and benefit Mother and Daughter Brunch. Hometown
auction on Saturday, November 16. The collegiate members and their mothers gath-
Annual Holiday proceeds went to our D i a m o n d Jubilee ered with alumnae for a festive morning of
Scholarship. In December we joined with new and renewed friendships. How pleasant
Potluck and gift other Tri-State A O i l s ro celebrate Founders' and reassuring it was to learn of the future of
Day again at the Marriott Marquis in New A O n ! This was a year for us, especially to
exchange, in York City. share the ties o f love and friendship rhat
bind us as several members faced personal
February 1996 Catherine Quine Carter (203) 634-3783 and family illness. Casual Saturday luncheon
meetings kept us in touch and members
we celebrated Florida proudly attended the production o f The
Wizard of Oz in which the daughter of our
Founders' Day, Fort Lauderdale president Karen Cory Stewart performed.

in March we pre- The Fort Lauderdale Chapter kicked-off the Karen Cory Stewart (904) 492-3325
95-96 season with the always successful
Kathy DiCarlo models an out- pared for our potluck supper at the home of Carol Crosby. Greater Pinellas
fit during the Sarasota Area Annual Everyone brought several copies o f their
Alumnae Fashion Show. Phantom Tea recipe to share. In November, Carole Members of Greater Pinellas Chapter contin-
fund-raiser for Kashner hosted the annual Holiday Auction ue to demonstrate friendship, dedication and
Luncheon at the Fort Lauderdale Country loyalty as we move toward our Centennial.
arthritis, in May we held our Annual Senior Club. The Boca Raton, West Palm Beach We plan another evenrful year of fund-rais-
and Miami Chapters also joined in on the ing, education, networking and fun. Our
Brunch, and participated in the Revlon fun. To end 1995, collegians from the 3 garage sales are successful as well as our annu-
local universiries were invited to the home of al Roses and Treasures Fashion Show,
Walk/Run for Breast & Ovarian Cancer. In Rosie Zingarella to celebrate Founders' Day. Luncheon and Boutique. Our meetings
This year was filled with fun events such as include speakers on women's health issues,
August, we held a B B Q and beer brewing line dancing classes and dinner at a local visits to local museums and every month the
Brazillian restaurant - complete with a floor Lunch Bunch gets together to share news
party; in September, we opened our new year show. Throughout the year, donations o f and friendship. The Spirits of the Holiday
canned foods were collected for the local Brunch and Derby Day party held at
w i t h a happy hour at Toppers in Santa community feeding program. The year President Betty, and Bill Dyers' waterfront
ended with the new officer installation/rirual home are always memorable events for
Monica; and in October we attended a tap- luncheon. All enjoyed performing the ritual AOn.s and flOA's. Our Founders' Day lun-
which bonds us all together as sisters. cheon included Mary Louise Roller, Past
ing o f the hit sitcom, Third Rock From the International President; and Cindy Visot,
Rosie Zingarella (954) 421-3236 Financial Network Specialist. We are sad-
Sun. We have many members w h o are dened by the loss of Elaine McCraney, Rose
Greater Miami Award and Loyalty Award winner and
advisers at local collegiate chapters, including Alumnae Network Specialist. She was a lov-
Greater Miami Alumnae celebrated its ing sister and we will miss her.
Ann Schmidt, Chapter Adviser at Sigma Phi Centennial along with the birth of the city
of Miami 100 years ago. Many sisters par- Betty Dyer (813) 360-9831
Chapter at CSUN, who for the second year ticipated in various historical celebrations
sponsored by the City of Miami, Dade Orlando
in a row was honored as Chapter Adviser of County and Florida Historical Museum.
Lauren Mehalik's quilt block of the The Orlando Area Alumnae Chapter is o f f
the Year at CSUN! Biltmore Hotel was among other historical to a busy and exciting year. We enjoyed an
landmarks chosen to be a part o f Miami's un-birthday party for all our members to
Cynde Wilen (310) 858-0390 Centennial Quilt, which will become one highlight individual birthdays and to kick
of the museum's permanent exhibits. Dr. off AOITs big 100th birthday celebration.
Colorado Margorie Wessel, teacher, principal, pioneer We all worked toward a successful
lobbyist for gender equity in sports, and Centennial Celebration Luncheon held in
Denver active alumna was honored as one o f the Orlando for all Florida AOITs. We enjoyed
first women to be inducted into the Miami every minute o f this celebration of AOITs
The theme of Denver Area Alumnae's Centennial 1996 Women's Hall o f Fame. past and future. The rest of our year will be
September open house was "Get Back to Congratulations to all our members and to filled with luncheons, fund-raisers, ritual
AOn." Sisters were pleasantly surprised as those who worked so diligently last year to and lasting memories o f friendship.
they were greeted by "Jessie, Helen, Stella attain our Certificate of Achievement. I f
and Bess." Our October program included a Katherine M Doerr (407) 895-0195
certified financial planner who addressed
personal finance issues. A cruise along the
" A O I T Internet" was held in November
wherein sisters discussed the continuing rele-
vance o f AOn ritual in our lives today. We
were excited about Founders' Day
Centennial Celebration which was full o f
special moments and surprises. We were
most fortunate to have had Ginger Banks,
Pasr Internarional President, as our guest of
honor. Our annual FIOA Holiday Party will
be held in January followed by a February
afternoon at the Brown Palace for high tea.
Springtime marks our annual geranium sale
(donated over $600 in 1996 to Arthriris
Research) and our potluck luncheon com-
bined with senior installation into alumnae
status. New this year is our marketing and
sale of edible chocolate boxes containing four
truffles — proceeds to benefit arthritis and
our chapters.

Clara Tomsula (303) 467-0957

To Dragma/WINTER 19% 29

alumnae news Georgia 1

Sarasota Area Atlanta •

Though the Olympics are over, the Adanta Chicago Beverly Hills

The Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter had a AOn chapter is in fttll swing. Both the U . The Chicago-Beverly Hills Alumnae
Chapter recently had cause to celebrate this
strong year. Some o f our favorite events of Georgia and Georgia State U . AOFI chap- fall. We threw a surprise bridal shower for
included FIOA B o w l i n g N i g h t , Scotch ters received a helping hand during their fall Sandi Stevens. The "Roses for Sandi"
Christmas Gift Exchange, carry-in dinner for rush from members of the alumnae chapter. shower was a huge success and a lot o f fun.
Founders' Day and our first Annual Fashion At Georgia State, after one tiring round of All o f the gifts that Sandi received had a
Show. Molly Felahis did an excellent job rush, the alumnae treated the members to rose theme and everyone brought an appe-
tizer as well. We managed to surprise Sandi
organizing this event which was cleverly pizza and cokes. All four Georgia AOFI and conduct installation o f officers in the
called "Soft Silk Is Splendid." Ninety sisters chapters received generous contributions on same night! We have other f u n times ahead
and guests gathered at the Country Club of behalf of the alumnae chapter. In addition, of us. I n December, we have our annual
Sarasota for a lunch which included tossed to the alumnae contributions, Gamma Christmas Potluck dinner planned. This is
salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing, Sigma received a contribution to assist in fur- always one o f our most attended meetings.
nishing their chapter room. The games may We also have meetings dedicated to philan-
braised beef roulade, and mani mahi in citrus thropy, collegians, and travel. In May, we
butter sauce. Original fashions were present- have taken place in downtown Atlanta, but w i l l be f o u n d at a restaurant f o r Ladies
ed by the designers A l i k i and Katrina Night O u t before we break for the summer.
Yamani. Our models Kathy DiCarlo, Mary the AOFI alumnae chapter headed out to the We would love to have you join us!

Senior PGA Tour in Alpharetta. As part of Elaine MacKenzie (708) 596-4049

Lou Huber, Carol Landers, Jean Leary, Kate the annual fund-raiser, we worked the con- Chicago City
Koelbl, Terry Weaver, and Vicky Urban did cession stand. The heat and the humidity
an excellent job showing off these classy dra- brought the spectators to the stand and we The Chicago City Alumnae Chapter was
matic outfits. This event not only worked raised more than $1,000. We held a won- installed on June 2, 1996. Yes, new this
well as a fund-raiser but also as a chance to d e r f u l Founders' Day luncheon at the year!! I t has been an exciting beginning.
see many sisters who are unable to be active exquisite Renaissance Waverely Hotel in Our first event, first aid certification, was
Atlanta. The chapter is looking forward to given by a member, Chris Graves. We had
all year round in our chapter.
Julie Hutchingson (941) 922-4440 an exciting and prosperous year ahead!
"Information Line" (707)514-9964

Tampa Bay Illinois

The Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter had a

"Get Back to AOn" luncheon in

September and had a great response. The Bloomington-Normal
members that attended ranged from current The B l o o m i n g t o n / N o r m a l A l u m n a e
members to recent alumnae to sisters that Chapter shared several new activities and
just moved into the area. We are excited repeated a few other favorites last year. In
about all the new faces and we immediately November, we spent an evening getting to
tilled all open offices. We are now in the know the newest members o f Beta Lamba
process o f making a calendar and have Chapter, which included dinner/presentation
already hosted a bunco night in November, and video on personal safety f r o m a
so that all the new alumnae members could Bloomington Police officer. In January, sev-
get to know each other. We are excited eral alumnae prepared and served a dinner
about the Centennial year and would like for people at Safe Harbor, a shelter for the
homeless. Janice Buxton, Chapter President
to wish the best to all AOFI chapters.
Lynne Mitulinsky (813) 961-8026 1994-96, opened her home and cooked
Belgian waffles for an early Saturday morn-

ing brunch in March. Our year

closed with the fourth annual

salad supper w i t h area colle-

gians, their mothers, and other

special friends of alumnae mem-

bers present. As we prepare for

A Oil 's Centennial, we look for-

ward to many new programs

this year. O u r October

Sisterhood Retreat will give us

the perfect opportunity to share

AOn memories (and relearn

those A On songs we knew back

in college) with new and old sis-

ters alike as we "Get Back to

AOn". Moonlight Bowling in

February will be especially f u n

Bloommgtonl'Norma!, II alumnae help out with music at Beta Lambdas since i t w i l l be shared w i t h
Preferential Party this past fail. spouses or special friends. As

spring approaches, everything

will be coming up roses when we learn about

caring forflowersat our March meeting. We

hope to see all area alumnae there!

Janice Buxton (309) 454-2424

To Dragma/WINTER 19%

1 Lake County of Illinois alumnae news
Chicago City Alumnae Chapter members
The Illinois Lake C o u n t y Alumnae are Jewelers. We then indulged ourselves at
(featured above and left) took their focusing on AOITs Centennial. We began Finale's dessert cafe. We held our annual
last year with a social: 100 Reasons to Be an Arthritis Luncheon at the Crystal Yacht Club
nOAs along on a city Architectural Tour. A O I l . Our chapter collected and donated in March and were again treated to a spectac-
100 children's books to the Lake County ular fashion show by Parisian. We were
a trip to the Chicago Cubs game with Family Literacy Project. This December we thrilled to raise and then present a check for
the nOAs, and we went on a Chicago attended the Centennial kick-off in Chicago $2,860 to the Multipurpose Arthritis Center.
Architectural Tour. O u r first fund-raiser and will host our own 100's Parry in January. In April, we had a presentation on gardening
will be nuts and candy sales, and we cel- Our fund-raising events were: the annual by Altum's Gardens. Finally, in May, we had
ebrate the Centennial with other holiday luncheon and auction; fall nut sale; the privilege o f listening to Jean Deeds
Chicago Area Council members at a and a spring garage sale. We hosted a "Spring describe her extraordinary Journey on the
Luncheon on December 9th. Fling" party for the children at A Safe Place, 2,000 mile appalachian Trail.
Lake County's women's shelter. Our mem-
Lisa Hackbart (312) 931-1524 bers helped to "keep" a section of a highway Karen Brewer (317) 877-6061
through the Adopt-a-Highway program.
Chicago N W Suburban Additional programs included: a Holiday Kentucky
Poduck Dinner and Rirual; a children's book
This year Chicago Northwest Suburban demonstration; relaxation and massage tech- Kentuckiana
began its Salute to the Centennial by niques; and jewelry making. We participated
dedicating each meeting to a different in Founders' Day, Illinois State Day, and sent The Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter is off to
Centennial theme. Events include a "goodies" to our adopted collegiate chapter. another great start! This fall we have experi-
panda donation, a rose exchange, show- Lisa Hackbart, Alumnae President; Judy enced the "Power of Friendship" with a kick-
ing of photo albums and red and white Flessner, Alumnae Network Specialist; and off luncheon, sisterhood Brunch, trip to
night. Two main Centennial attractions Linda McElhaney, Collegiate Network Huber's family farm and an oudet mall shop-
will be a Scholarship Presentation to an Specialist attended Leadership Institute. ping trip. We are also very excited about our
area high school senior through our local plans for our Centennial Founders' Day. It is
Panhellenic Chapter for $300.00. The Vicki Biarnesen (847) 855-1459 our goal to have 100 A O I l sisters at this very
second will be an entire meeting dedicated special event. Our thanks to Gloria Brothers
to sisterhood and A OF! history. Our sched- Indiana and Anne Allison for making this a very spe-
uled speakers are Peg C r a w f o r d , Nancy cial day. Members have also been actively
Clark and Judy Zawacke. We are also work- Bloomington involved with the Pi Alpha collegiate chapter.
ing hard to continue our successful holiday We are so proud of their rush success this fall
auction and spring flower show to raise The Bloomington Alumnae Chapter has and look forward to their continued success.
money for our philanthropies. And, making been busy this year. While recruiting new To the many sisters who live in our area we
its first appearance, a mock baby shower to members, the chapter has focused on are always thrilled to meet a new sister and
benefit a local women's shelter. "Getting Back to AOn." Some o f their make a new friend. Plans for spring activities
activities include a housewarming party are well underway. Please call for more infor-
Victoria Evans (847)394-0092 where members brought small gifts to mation, we'd love to meet you.
exchange with each other, while sharing ideas
DeKalb-Kane County and stories about the past, present and future Linda Madden Stroud (502)231-9007
of AOn; a homecoming tailgate to show off
We celebrated the first signs o f Spring '96 both college and chapter pride
with a luncheon at the beautiful Mill Race at the football game; dinner par-
Inn in Geneva and honored two 50 year ties that center around the foun-
members, Gertrude Pierce and Sylivan dation of the Fraternity; and a
Wallin, both o f Iota Chapter. Earlier we wel- Founders' Day Celebration.
comed the N u Iota seniors into alumnae sta- Besides reflecting on A O I T s
tus with a luncheon. This summer found our heritage, the chapter members
members cleaning out their basements for are busy with their annual nut
our Scholarship Garage Sale. We are spon- sale for Arthritis Research and
soring a $500 scholarship to be given to an developing a network directory.
N I U collegian who is a member of an NPC This directory is a simple, yet
sorority on campus. O u r goal was reached f u n way to get to k n o w the
with our most recent f u n d raising event, a members, learn about other
Colonial Party Lites Candle party. November hobbies and interests, exchange
found our members shopping for unique ideas and maybe learn some-
holiday gifts and enjoying lunch at the Lirde thing new about themselves.
Travelers in St. Charles.
Jill Vulin (812) 333-2454
Mary K. Diaz (815) 895-6667
Lexington Alumnae Chapter's April Tea Party honoring new alumnae members

from Kappa Omega and Tau Omega.


The Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter began

the spring of 1996 with some very exciting Lexington
and interesting meetings and events. We rec-
ognized our past alumnae presidents at our The Lexington Alumnae Chapter has been
Founders' Day luncheon in January at one o f brewing the ingredients of fun and philan-
the oldest women's clubs in Indianapolis, thropy with tea. An April Tea Party at gra-
The Propylaeum. In February, we held a cious M i l l Ridge Farm honored University of
Panhellenic meeting by inviting other greek Kentucky and Transylvania University new
sisters ro join us on a tour o f Hofmeisters alumnae. May and June mixed business with
pleasant dinner outings and salad parties. A

To Dragma/WINTER 10% .11

alumnae news receive a prize. Some destinations include a pledge for Centennial Founders' Day. We'll
trip to China for dinner and to collect panda support many local philanthropies this year:
perfect August afternoon found us at beauti- bears for the police; Cupid goes Greek on McAuley Residence For Women in
ful Mill Ridge Horse Farm as we picnicked Valentines Day when we initiate our beaus Transition, the Peabody House-AIDS resi-
with our families. Rain cancelled our into nOA. In November, we travel to Lion dence, and the Bruce Robert's Fund supply-
Midsummer Night's 5K Run but did not Country to help Southeastern Louisiana ing toys for needy families. This year we add
dampen our spirits for tailgating before the University with their largest homecoming the Sexual Assault Crisis Center to this list by
U K - I U football game. You can bet AOris event ever. A special thanks to all who partic- participating in their Chocolate Lover's
will be wagering on their sisterhood and the ipated i n our first Phantom Tea. T h e Fling. Isn't it wonderful to indulge ourselves
horse races at the Keenenland Fall Meet. In response was overwhelming. as we help others?! We'll end our year with
November, alumnae participated in "Strike several family activities. I f you live in Maine
Out Against Arthritis," a philanthropic Janin B.Johnston (504) 764-1319 or New Hampshire please contact us-join us
bowling event co-hosted with Tau Omega to strengthen your AOn bond.
collegians. By December, survival kits have New Orleans
made their way to studious collegians and we Michelle Conner Neal (207)375-4601
found sisterhood in Louisville at the "Get Back to AOIT' w i l l be the New
Centennial kick-off celebration. In January, Orleans Area Alumnae Chapter's motto for Michigan
we will cheer on the new and exciting ice the entire 1996-97 fall and spring. Our
hockey team, the Kentucky Thoroughblades. schedule includes lots of socializing and ser- Dearborn
vice activities for our local members and any
LeaAnne Box (606) 271-8959 new ones who wish to join us. Our October During 1995-96, Dearborn alumnae contin-
activity was a cocktail party. In November ued to support First Step - a local crisis center
Louisiana we held a post election party at a local south- for abused women and their children. We
western-style restaurant. Participants participated in local fall and Christmas
Hammond Area brought Thanksgiving food to donate to the potluck dinners and instituted a "Pride in
needy. December f o u n d us c o m b i n i n g Michigan" theme for 1996. In January we
The Hammond Area forces with Hammond and Baton Rouge focused on the Michigan Sleeping Bear Sand
Alumnae are t r u l y
excited about this year's Dunes National Park. In February, we
calendar of events. The learned about the Henry Ford
focus is on sisterhood Museum and Greenfield Valley in
and getting back in Dearborn. In March, we focused on
touch. All dues paying the Irish Hills. I n April, we learned
members receive a about the Upper Peninsula-Lake
passport. At the end of Superior and Indian lore. In May, we
the year, the sister with focused on Holland, Michigan and the
the most stamps w i tulip Festival. In the spring we also
hosted our annual flower sale and
Adopt-A-Highway clean-up day for members of the Lake chapters to celebrate Founders' Day at a evening night but at the Hawthorne
County of Illinois Alumnae Chapter. country club luncheon. We will also have Valley Country Club. Dearborn
our annual Christmas dinner and panda bear Alumnae Chapter hosted the
collection for charity at an area restaurant. Founders' Day Centennial luncheon at
Valentines will be date night at a Riverside the Dearborn Inn in December.
Bistro and lots of other activities will round
out the year. Please join us. Call for a refrig- Rosemary Malish (313) 278-7268
erator calendar card!
Detroit North Suburban
Judith McKey (504)889-0235
Detroit North Suburban kicked off
Maine the 96-97 year in September w i t h a
delicious Membership Tea at the home
Greater Portland of D A n n Hopker. D N S is pleased to
welcome our newest members, Beth Egerer,
A Pampered Chef demonstration attended from Western Kentucky U . and Carey
by sisters and guests got our year off to a deli- Crapo from Michigan State U . We are espe-
cious start. We spent Homecoming with our cially delighted that Marcia Rowbottom,
collegiate sisters of Gamma. In November another M S U grad, will be joining us as an
we participated in Arthritis Research's Jingle associate member! The annual South
Bell Run. December's meeting holds extra Eastern Alumnae Potluck, hosted by our
excitement this year. I n addition to our chapter featured many special guests, includ-
annual Yankee Swap, Ornament Auction, ing several forty and fifty year AOn mem-
and Dessert Sampler, we'll renew our AOn bers. The Southfield Chief o f Police, also
joined us to help explain a wonderful pro-
gram called the Teddy Bear Patrol. Through
this program, donated bears are used by the
police to help comfort children during trau-
matic events, such as fires and accidents.
D N S has been c o l l e c t i n g bears since
September and plans on donating at least
100 bears to the Southfield Police in honor
of AOITs Centennial Year.

K i m Flis (810) 879-1939

52 ToOragniu/WINTKR 1996

Macomb County alumnae news

Support of Michigan's year! Founders' Day was extra special on a
local level as we i n t r o d u c e d our N e w
three collegiate chapter is Associate Members and welcomed the newly
reorganized Billings Alumnae to celebrate
an on-going project for with us. Special events planned for the year
also include beginning an investor's group in
Macomb Alumnae. In February under the guidance of Bob
Hendricks, husband of our member Gail
February, jars o f Valentine Amundson Hendricks. In March we will
host a Soup and Bread Dinner at the Alpha
candies go to Beta Phi house with the chapter as a spring fund-
raiser and public relations project. Monthly
Gamma (Michigan State), meetings are f u n and informative for all
alumnae sisters!
Kappa Rho (Western
Heidi Pfeil Dougherty (406)585-0237
Michigan) and Lambda Central New Jersey n lembers, Laurie Stauffer. Jeanne Rice and Marilyn Hock help the
Eta (Grand Valley State). Kessler- Welkinci Rehabilitation Institute at its annual holiday fund-raiser. Nevada
Upon learning all three
Las Vegas
chapters urgently needed ritual robes, we month of May brought a much anticipated
gave each chapter two robes in lieu of the event - T h e Palaces o f St. Petersburg, The Las Vegas Alumnae Chapter held its first
annual check sent to them. We are active Russian Imperial Style. There was a cocktail recolonization/brunch on Saturday,
participants in Detroit Alumnae Panhellenic buffet provided prior to a private viewing of September 14th. It was a great example of
Association (DAPA) for which Virginia the breath-taking exhibit. A garage sale was the diversity o f the fraternity, as well as our
(Gini) Krupa Shaw, Phi Lambda held in August, the proceeds of which great- city. It was a tremendous blend of recent
(Youngstown State), serves as treasurer. In ly exceeded our goal. Preparing rush good- grads with veteran alums and of new arrivals,
support of DAPA's Ronald McDonald ie-bags in August for the N u Beta Chapter almost new, and native Nevadans. We had
House project, we delivered fifty dozen at U o f Mississippi brought back many an hour of fellowship followed by setting our
home-baked cookies to the House at fond memories from our own college days schedule for the year (casual lunch dates,
Detroit's Children's Hospital. DAPA gives of rush. Events o f all sorts are scheduled for bingo get-togethers, ritual, philanthropy and
annual scholarships to members of NPC the months ahead, so i f you are in the area nOA). We w i l l also joined our sisters
groups at Michigan colleges. We ardently and haven't joined us regularly in the past, nationwide on Founders' Day with a potluck
support fund-raisers for these scholarships. please put us on your calendar - t h i r d at the home o f Cynthia Darcy. We have
To our delight, Lisa Jenio, Kappa Rho, Tuesday of each month. selected See's Candy as our fund-raiser. The
received one o f the 1995 scholarships. Our Las Vegas Chapter cannot think of a better
1996-97 program concentrates on projects Angela Ladner (601) 853-3309 time for our goal "To Recolonize the Las
related to the Centennial Celebration. We Vegas Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi." With
hope to be well represented at that one-in-a- Missouri the amazing growth of our city and the will-
ingness o f our members to give back to
lifetime event. St. Louis AOn, we look forward to fulfilling our goal
in this Centennial Celebration year.
Nancy Moyer McCain (810) 4634124 The Saint Louis Alumnae Chapter is busily Welcome back Las Vegas A l u m n a e -
recruiting alumnae support for Upsilon Welcome Home!
Minnesota Epsilon's expansion rush and move to Saint
Louis University. Volunteers are in place to Cyndie Graves (702)657-9092
Minneapolis/St. Paul serve as advisers, corporation board mem-
bers, and any other capacity where extra New Jersey
Founders' Day at Earle Brown Heritage hands are needed. The Saint Louis
Center was organized by Pam Meyer and the Alumnae have also planning a wonderful Central New Jersey
Corporation Board. The Centennial Centennial Founders' Day Banquet, and
'Reflections o f Sisterhood' framed print was plan to make the event a community kickoff Our chapter kicked o f f the year with its
presented to the collegiate chapter by the annual New Member Tea at the home o f
Corporation Board and now hangs in a for welcoming AOLl to Saint Louis U . President Marilyn Hock. Our "new" chap-
prominent place in the living room of Tau ter (we were reinstalled just three years ago!)
Chapter. Panda bears were collected and Members are working to make this lun- continues to grow - in membership as well
contributed to the St. Paul police depart- cheon at the beautiful Frontenac Hilton a as in programs and activities. We have a
ment. A cruise program held at Sallie grand success, with higher attendance num- diverse group that includes recent grads,
Montgomery's home in February as a success bers than ever before. New for the chapter new moms as well as three members who
as members and our spouses learned about is "Panda Pals," a playgroup f o r AOn will celebrate their 50th anniversaries this
how to hire a cruise travel agent and the vari- moms whose schedules can't accommodate year, Barbara Bruening, Joan Wolsifer and
ety o f cruise options. There is a group of regular chapter activities. A n afternoon at Louise Roehm. Once again, the chapter will
Minnesota Alumnae who will be attending Chuck E. Cheese in November and a trip to support The Kessler-Welkind Rehabilitation
the Centennial Celebration in New York in the Saint Louis Zoo in May are designed to Institute in its annual fund-raiser, "A Home
June of 1997. I f you are interested in joining target this missing group o f women. It's for the Holidays," which showcases holiday
never too early to work on those legacies! decorating ideas. Last year, enough funds
were raised to purchase two new patient
them, contact Deb Sit at 835-4471. There Ellen Duncan (314) 984-0504 transportation vans and to renovate and
are many exciting programs planned for the redecorate the main lobby. This year we
1997 year. I f you are interested in attending Montana
an event or getting involved, please call.
Teresa Jones (612) 379-2780
1996-1997 membership packets were
Mississippi unveiled in September, and in October we

Greater Jackson honored the Alpha Phi chapter and New
Members at AOLIie night. The chapter has
We have enjoyed a year full o f varied activi- reached ceiling and everyone celebrated and
ties. I n December, toys were collected for mixed while enjoying improvements made
children living in an abuse shelter. W i t h our to the house by the corporation board over
Founders' Day Luncheon, we honored four the summer. We will also adopt "grand-
members w i t h their 50 Year Pins. The mother sisters" in local nursing homes this

To Dragma/WINTKR 1996 33

alumnae news philanthropic efforts and a trip to New Piedmont, N C Area
York City to see a play. In addition, we cel-
The Piedmont Alumnae Chapter began the
ebrated Founders' Day at the M a r r i o t t year with a major planning and goal setting
session at the home of our president,
hope to help place new T V sets in patient Marquis on December 8, 1996. We are Suzanne Bowman. O u r activities calendar
rooms. The chapter celebrated Centennial concentrating our membership recruitment for the year was completed based upon the
at a special Founders' Day Luncheon and efforts on our local collegiate chapters. results o f an area-wide membership survey.
plans to attend the convention this summer. Each member has adopted a graduating Plans were finalized for our major fund-rais-
senior as a "secret sister." We send them ing event, an Italian Dinner served to the
Barbara Bruening (908) 464-9237 collegiate members and their parents during
cards and notes o f Parents Weekend in September. This event
raised money for our scholarship fund, gave
encouragement us an opportunity to meet collegiates and
their parents, and was a lot of fun for every-
throughout the school one. Our next major event will be our chap-
ters' tenth anniversary in May, 1997. Plans
year and culminate our include a golf tournament, an afternoon
reception, a dinner-dance, and, o f course,
involvement in the time set aside for ritual. We are particularly
excited that Peg Crawford, Past International
spring with an alumnae President, will be our special guest at this cel-
status induction ritual.
Suzanne Bowman (910) 584-3757
Secret sisters will then
meet face-to-face with
Our chapter started the year with a Welcome
our newest alumnae Back Barbeque at the home o f Cathy
Rockerman. In October, we celebrated ritual
being presented with with the Duck members and afterward treat-
ed them to a Brownie Blitz. November
gifts and a party in brought the Holiday Ornament Exchange at
the home o f Laura Coble. The Centennial
their honor. Celebration Founders' Day was shared with
all A O n chapters i n N o r t h Carolina at
Bridget Scanlon Duke University. The new year will begin
(718) 981-8318 w i t h lunch at the Fox and Hounds
Restaurant in Cary. The Duke seniors will be
CaNroolrintha welcomed to alumnae status in February
with a home cooked potluck dinner. In
Charlotte March, Triangle alumnae will be crafting
flower pots at the home o f Mary Ann Smith.
The September lunch meeting of the Long Island Alumnae Chapter. The Charlotte Alumnae Breast cancer awareness and how to do a self
exam will be the topics in April at the home
Chapter is off to a great of Dana Thomas. The year will conclude
w i t h a salad dinner at the home o f Sue
NewYork start! We kicked off the
year w i t h a "Top Your Spud" party.
Upcoming events include a trip to the

Long Island Melting Pot, the Southern Christmas Show,
and the Founder's Day Celebration at Duke
W i t h AOn's Centennial fast approaching, University. We will all get together to cele-
this has been an exciting year for the Long brate the holidays at our annual couples
Island Alumnae Chapter! Included in this party. Our main fund-raiser this year is sell-
year's program was a very special event - a ing Entertainment Books. We have had
Founders' Day Brunch in New York City great success with this in the past. We also
with sisters from other chapters in the cri- plan to adopt a family to make their holiday
state (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut) season a little brighter. Our group consists
metro area. I n addition to a wonderful of all ages and we encourage all area alum-
meal and inspirational presentations, a gift nae to get involved. A special welcome to
was made to the Ruby F u n d . I n our new members.
September, we met at Nancy Elliott's home

to plan this year's program. We were Amy Rawson (704)522-8390

happy to welcome five new members

to this first meeting: Andrea Mayers,

Vicky Menna, Stasion Gennaro,

Regina Lichan, and Phylene

Fizzuoglio. What a boost for our

membership recruitment goals!

October's meeting at Diane

Seekamp's home included two suc-

cessful fund-raisers: gift wrap and

Avon sales. O u r spring program

includes a Valentine's Day Tea and

alumnae installation for area seniors.

Lynn Worth (516) 665-5664

NY/NJ Metro H

We are a small, but dedicated chap- Charlotte Alumnae Chapter members at their September meeting.
ter with several of our members serv-
ing on the A A C for Theta Pi at
Wagner College as well as on their
Corporation Board. Planned activi-
ties for the fall include attending
"Homecoming at Wagner College" a
beauty night, a candle party for our

34 To Dragma/WINTER 19%

Mattern in May. Twice during the year, area. These members were sent an invitation alumnae news
goody bags will be sold to the parents o f and encouraged to send a note with any spe-
Duke collegians. We are also looking for- cial memories if they are unable to attend. A area who turns 100 years old this year. In
ward to more candlelights for engagements tour of the rose garden and a tea rounded October, a member of a local historical soci-
and babies on the way! out the activities for the day. ety spoke with us about the traditional man-
ners and customs at the time of our found-
Mary Ann Smith (919) 460-9877 Jenney Seely (614)764-8971 ing. Our keynote speaker at Founders' Day
was United States Congresswoman Marcy
Ohio Dayton Kaptur. In the spring we are planning a 100
item exchange and then a champagne-tasting
Cincinnati As we approach the Centennial Celebration, presentation with hundreds of bubbles. We
the Dayton Alumnae Chapter sisters are also began a career mentoring program with
T h e C i n c i n n a t i A l u m n a e Chapter has preparing for our participation. We joined collegians f r o m Alpha Psi and Theta Psi.
another exciting year planned. Most of our the entire Fraternity by having our celebra- The Toledo Area A l u m s are having a
fall meetings were dedicated to preparing for tion on Sunday, December 8, which includ- "Cent'sational year!
an elaborate Founders' Day Celebration. We ed a Champagne Brunch. As our gift to the
invited the alumnae from the Northern community, as requested by A O I 1 , we elect- Jennifer Stewart (419)478-1938
Kentucky and Dayton areas as well as colle- ed to offer a scholarship to a local student
giates from the Omega Chapter at Miami with arthritis. We hope to raise enough funds Oklahoma
University o f Ohio. Mary Bryant, Executive to make this an annual scholarship. Some of
Board Member was our guest speaker at the our fund-raisers for this and for our other Tulsa
event. As we head into 1997, we will focus philanthropic projects are our N u t Sales,
on philanthropy and supporting the out- Christmas Bazaar Gift Wrapping and Swim- The Tulsa Alumnae Chapter is looking for-
standing collegians o f the Omega Chapter. a-long. As always 1996-97 promises to be a ward to a fun year together. Several mem-
We have two fund raising events scheduled busy year with many dedicated sisters. bers are planning trips to New York for the
as well as an evening o f volunteering at the
Ohio River Valley Chapter of the Arthritis Kathy Shakro Carder (937) 845-0505
Foundation. We will also prepare finals
"Goodie Bags" for the collegiates and initi-
ate the seniors into alumnae status.

Sonya Rasmussen (513) 533-16934

Cleveland Area IDOXR:

A rainy, cool spring didn't stop the
Cleveland Area Alumnae from launching
another successful fund-raising flower sale
in May. Warmer June weather brought
out sisters for a road trip to Wooster, Ohio,
to tour the Cats Meow Factory. 1996-97
opened with our traditional salad potluck
dinner at a not so traditional venue - over-
looking beautiful downtown Cleveland
f r o m the 21st floor penthouse of the
Chesterfield, hosted by resident Debbie
Hunter. Members are working hard on
collecting 100 bears to be donated to a local
police department at our Founders' Day
Celebration at the Oakwood Club.
Hostesses Chris Wieland and Jan Schad are
planning the event. Chris is due to deliver
an A O n legacy only days before! Kathy
Alexander Goebel, Pat Cooper Blank and
Shirley Pimlott Jay all are saving their pen-
nies for the big trip to New York and look
forward to seeing everyone there!

Kathy Goebel (216) 943-0611

Columbus Toledo Area Alumnae took a trolley ride around Toledo for their September meeting.

The Founders' Day Celebration for the Toledo Area Centennial Celebration. In an effort to pro-
Columbus Alumnae Chapter and the Chi mote the Centennial theme, we have desig-
Epsilon Collegiate Chapter at O h i o State Members o f the Toledo Area Alumnae nated each meeting a different decade theme.
University was a very special event. It was Chapter are "Celebrating the Century" with Members are encouraged to dress in the style
held, Oct 27 in the Shelter House at the Park programming and events that reflect A O n ' s of the year, and i f they were collegians during
of Roses in Wetstone Park operated by the 100 years of excellence. The number 100, or those years, to bring memorabilia to share.
Columbus Parks and Recreation some variation of the "Cent" in Centennial, All are looking forward to sharing our AOF1
Department. A plaque commemorating is our focus. We have a chapter goal o f experiences! We were all saddened in
100 years o f Alpha Omicron Pi was placed attaining 100 dues paying members, and September by the passing of the founder of
on the bed around the fountain in the formal each month we visit someone in the Toledo the Tulsa Alumnae Chapter, Natalie Overall
rose garden. This was dedicated along with a
ritual and the recognition o f the 50 year
members of Alpha Omicron Pi living in the

To Drajjrna/WINTER 1996 35

alumnae news Philadelphia ations, so does an alumnae chapter. A O n
lasts a lifetime and what better time to Get
Since its installation in 1919, the Back to A O n than now as we enter our
100th year o f sisterhood. Anyone interest-
Warren (Nu Omicron). Plans were made to Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter continues to ed in j o i n i n g the Pittsburgh Alumnae
honor her memory at our Founders' Day thrive as a strong and viable entity o f the Chapter and Getting Back to AOn should
Centennial Celebration. Fraternity. The past year was no exception. contact Karen Galehan.
The chapter excelled in the area of philan-
Erica Felix-Warwick (918) 596-7432 thropy by not only supporting the AOP Karen Snyder Galehan (4123) 695-8474

Pennsylvania Foundation but by extending that support Reading Area
to local causes including a domestic abuse
Inclement weather, including the infamous
Greater Harrisburg shelter, the Visiting Nurses Association, and "Blizzard o f ' 9 6 " prevented the Reading
by participating in the Jingle Bell Walk/Run Area Alumnae chapter f r o m meeting as
The excitement of celebrating 100 years, o f for Arthritis. A Phantom Tea was held with often as they had planned during the 1995-
course, presents the challenges of fund-rais- proceeds going to a scholarship for a sister 96 year. Founders' Day '95 was celebrated
ing, increasing public awareness of our good of the Phi Beta Chapter at East Stroudsburg with a pot luck dinner and the Chapter sent
deeds and sharing sisterhood. Our Founders' University. The Laura Palmer Perry Valentines to Lambda Upsilon sisters i n
Day luncheon was held at the Harrisburg ( L a m b d a Sigma) Award was given to February. Jodie Rahn's talent was instru-
Marriott i n conjunction with Lancaster, Chapter Treasurer Natalie Hasbrook Del mental with the completion of our quilt
Reading and York alumnae. A t that event, Porte (Alpha Tau '49). Plans for the square which depicts Pennsylvania Dutch
we presented a check to The State Museums Centennial year are exciting and include a artwork commonly found in our area. The
Curiosity Corner, an interactive learning cen- M o t h e r / D a u g h t e r Collegiate Tea and chapter held a yard sale/bake sale i n the
ter for children and adults. In addition to Dessert and an evening at a local theater to spring. O u r most exciting news was that
our usual business meetings and gathering see The Tempest. A l l alumnae residing in member Julie Goodman was Miss Carbon
(Summer Picnic, Football and Theater the Philadelphia area are encouraged to call County in the Miss Pennsylvania pageant.
Parties and Senior Tea with Tau Lambda), we for additional information. Julie placed as fourth runner up. She is cur-
scheduled a member of the House of rently pursuing a Masters' degree in Dance
Education at Temple University. Del Miskie
Representative to speak on "Women in Polly Quigley (610) 648-0226 attended Leadership Institute in Nashville
and brought home lots of enthusiasm for
Politics," a program on travel, and a work- this Centennial Year of Celebration. The
Reading Area Chapter celebrated Founders'
shop on Christmas crafts. Fund-raising Pittsburgh Day with the Greater Harrisburg and York
County Chapters in December.
included two yard sales, an international din- The Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter began
Del Miskie (610) 796-0490
ner for sisters and guests, and working at a the year w i t h an organizational meeting
State College
local amusement park. O u r salaries from held at a local restaurant. Members enjoyed
The excitement of the Centennial
Hershey park were donated to our chapter. catching up with each other, planning the Countdown is in the hearts o f State College
Alumnae. Final plans were set f o r the
This money taking project was really fun and years activities, and eating (something Founders' Day Brunch at the Penn State
Scanticon. Over 800 former Epsilon Alpha
quite profitable. AOn's love to do). The members planned members were invited to join current State
College Alumnae and Epsilon Alpha colle-
Nancy Leuschner (717) 545-0263 a Get Back to AOn meeting, Founders' gians. As part of the special celebrations in
Day Brunch, Pittsburgh Penguin Hockey 1997, past International President and
Epsilon Alpha chartet adviser, Edith
Lehigh Valley Night, and Pittsburgh Pirate Baseball Anderson, will mark her 100th birthday.
Outing and Grill Party. The chapter will Funds are being raised to recognize M r s .
The Lehigh Valley Alumnae Chapter is re- also participate in the local A r t h r i t i s Anderson and to present a bench and rose
organized and is looking for interested alum- Telethon and the Pittsburgh Panhellenic bushes on the Penn State campus. Spring
nae in the area to join us! We have had rwo Scholarship Luncheon. The chapter is sell- will bring AOn Alumnae together for a
meetings and enjoyed reminiscing, learning ing Current Stationery this fall and will do a community service project and Centennial
about plants and sundaes. We have elected Phantom Tea in the winter for fund-raisers promotion as sisters accept phone line con-
officers and celebrated Founders' Day with this year. The Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter tributions for the local public broadcasting
the Philadelphia and Wilmington Alumnae is over 50 years old so it is not a new chap- television station.
and Phi Beta, and our Centennial ter, but an ever changing chapter. Just as
Celebration in New York! your collegiate chapter changed with gradu- Anne Rohrbach (814) 237-1920

Shawn Mengel (610) 588-8915

Qur International Headquarters is the site of the annual Holiday Ornament/Cookie Exchange for the Nashville Area York County
Alumnae Chapter.
The York County Alumnae Chapter has
gained several new members and is looking
forward to an exciting year. We held an
October "Get Back to A O n " pizza social,
and due to our close proximity to
Shippensburg U , a celebration o f Tau
Lambda's initiation. November brought a
dinner meeting at a local restaurant and our
December activity will be a cookie exchange.
We also will be joining with the alumnae
chapter in Harrisburg to celebrate the

36 To Dragma/WINTER 19%

Centennial Founders' Day. We are a small, Texas alumnae news
but active chapter and are always pleased to
welcome new members into our fold. Austin It" Holiday Craft Auction. Last year, Delta
Theta collegians and their mothers joined us,
Kathy Azar (717) 246-8609 The Austin Alumnae Chapter continued our helping us to raise $1700 for our philan-
involvement with the Center for Battered thropies. Always a favorite Dallas event, our
South Carolina Women (CBW). Members donated money, Centennial Founders' Day Brunch at
clothing, toys, and time during the holidays Prestonwood Country Club on December 8
Hilton Head and at CBW's annual 5 K Walk for Safe was to be the best ever!
Families. We also continued the successful
The Hilton Head Alumnae Chapter has had monthly Lunch Bunch get-togethers. Fall Carol Stevenson (972) 596-3266
another exciting year o f sisterhood! In 1996 activities include touring the refur-
November, Christmas ornaments were made bished Texas Capitol and taking a historic San Antonio
with instruction provided by Virginia Bruner steam train ride. An eventful spring included
(Omicron). The New Year began with a for- a Joint Founders' Day Luncheon with two The San Antonio Alumnae Chapter is grow-
mal ritual and memorial for Virginia Soltow collegiate chapters (ZK & Y A ) and the San ing by leaps and bounds! Our membership
Kleinert (Zeta). Carol Fries Caywood (Theta Antonio Alumnae chapter. We visited with has almost doubled this year and we contin-
San Antonio alumnae at historic Gruene ue to meet new A O i l s who have relocated to
Eta) hostessed an AOIl luncheon at the Mansion Inn during March. In May, Rene "The River City." This year we have many
Strong Fitzgerald, chapter ANS, conducted exciting activities planned. Our first meeting
Melrose Club on Daufuskie Island in officer installation in Margaret Clard Green's in September was held at a local restaurant in
February. Previous to the luncheon Carol home, chapter treasurer. Members honored conjunction with a wine tasting party. Other
treated the members to a brief history of area collegians and their mothers in July with events planned for the year include monthly
a Dessert Social at Krista Kleeman Beyers' "lunch bunch" gatherings, mock rush with
Daufuskie Island. Many AOris were present home, chapter secretary and ZK's rush advis- Upsilon Lambda, AOFI Memorabilia Night,
er. We support-
at the wedding o f Dawn Renee Hansen ed the Zeta a-
(Zeta Psi) to Mark Mccormick on April 13. Kappa Chapter
Christmas in July was celebrated as Virginia (SWTSU) by
Bruner repeated her instruction in ornament providing assis-
making. A beautiful sunset, a warm breeze, tance during
and sisterhood was enjoyed by all at the rush, adviser
August meeting where the "Get Back to involvement
and corporation
AOri" and Centennial Celebration plans board represen-
were discussed. Hurricane Fran did not
dampen the mood as the alumnae traveled to Janna Heliums
the home o f Katie Current Lemasters (Beta (512) 869-7674
Phi) to meet again with the Savannah

AOris. The chapter continues to strive for

friendship and sisterhood.

Judy Brown (803) 837-7111


Nashville Area Beaumont
As we kick o f f AOris long-awaited
The Beaumont
Centennial Celebration year, we are also cel-
ebrating our chapters 75th year! Our spring Area Alumnae
was busy w i t h N u Omicron's rush at
Vanderbilt U , our Founder's Day, our are excited about
Annual Panhellenic Luncheon/Fashion
Show, and a Welcoming Party for our New three new lega- A few of the Austin Alumnae volunteers who worked registration for the Center for Battered
Members at Vanderbilt. Before summer cies! We co-host- Women's "Walk for Safe Families."
break, our chapter inducted the seniors
from N u Omicron and Rho Omicron at ed the annual
Middle Tennessee State U . into Alumnae
Status. We held our yearly fund-raiser and Beaumont Panhellenic Spring Luncheon "Zoo Boo" philanthropic event, AOn "Get
stuffed exam survival kits for N O members,
and in May, we gathered i n a member's and stay active in Port Arthur Panhellenic. Out the Vote," Christmas Riverwalk dinner,
garage and learned "How to Deal with Car
Mechanics and not be Ripped-ofF." The fall At our summer meeting, we brought pic- candle party, and the every popular
is proving to be even more exciting with our
"100-themed" programming... "Hundreds tures from our college years. What were we Valentine's Day lingerie party. We encourage

o f Reasons to be an Active AOFI Alumna thinking in the 70s? all A O I l s in and around San Antonio to

Member." At our annual kick-off potluck Dallas Melanie Ladner (409) 722-6591 "Get Back to A O I T ' and join in the contin-
we enjoyed " H u n d r e d s o f Years o f uing bond of sisterhood and fun!
Cooking." I n October, we donned
"Hundreds o f Hats and Gloves" and cele- Margaret Whitbeck (210) 699-3855
brated our chapter's 75th anniversary. I n
November, we exchanged hundreds o f cook- Professional-looking newsletters and follow- Virginia
ies along with an ornament exchange, and up phone calls to 500 alumnae resulted in a

wished AOIl a very happy birthday at record 31 members attending our September

Founders' Day. There are "Hundreds o f "Get Back to A O I l " social at Allison Northern Virginia
Reasons" to join us this year!
Woram's. Our Arthritis Research Raffle of The Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter
PatHelland (615)646-6336
"Sunday Brunch for Two at the Mansion on enjoyed a very successful year and a variety of

Turtle Creek" also yielded $240 for the activities. The year opened with a poduck din-

A O I l Foundation at this meeting. I n ner to welcome returning and New Members.

October, "AOIT' Stars" will invade Planet ITie annual fund raising auction in November

H o l l y w o o d at Dallas' West E n d was a big success. Highlight for the year was

Marketplace. We also volunteered at the our Founders' Day Celebration with Gamma

North Texas Arthritis Foundation Tennis Alpha f r o m George Mason University.

Tournament and Gala in October at the Melanie Doyle, Executive Director for AOn

Dallas Country Club. Joyce Lacerte has International Headquarters, was our guest

again invited us to her lovely home for our speaker. Everyone attending the celebration

November "Make It, Bake It, Grow It, Sew was presented with a favor from Gamma

To Draiimti/W INTKK | W 6 37

alumnae news

Jingle BeU Run, fol- Fliess (Phi Delta) was chosen to represent A O n
lowed by Founders' in the Milwaukee Alumnae Panhellenic Greek
Day at Kathy Arn's Women of the Year luncheon. In celebration of
home. Whether you A O n s Centennial, the chapter will be donat-
are moving to the ing children's books to the day care center at the
area permanently or University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. And, this
just passing through will be our third year for selling holiday poinset-
on business, come tias as a fund-raiser for the chapter.
join us.
Linda Mansur (414) 354-6759
Virginia Alumnae
Hotline (757) Editors note: The Alumnae News Reports
464-2221 are printed annually in the winter issue of
To Dragma. All reports that were received
Washington postmarked by the October 15th deadline
have been included For our spring issue,
Seattle we encourage all chapters to submit addi-
tional "Get Back to AOTI" membership
Everything's glowing recruitment month highlights prior to
February 1, 1997.
like rubies and pearls
Nashville Area
in the Emerald City - Alumnae Chapter

the Seattle Alumnae Celebrates

Chapter is growing 75th Anniversary

and changing! In a On October 6, 1996, the Nashville Area
Alumnae Chapter celebrated it's 75th year
city this size, the with an Afternoon Tea, complete with hats
and gloves. The historic Cool Springs House
Son Antonio Alumnae Chapter members enjoyed an evening last September at Barcelona's. group is really trying in Brentwood, Tenn., provided a lovely atmos-
to reach out to the phere for celebration. Mary Bryant, Executive
Board Director and Kitty Pettus, Alumnae
many alumnae in the Network Specialist joined them as their special
guests. Alumnae President, Pat Helland, rec-
Alpha. Other programs included decorating area for all different ognized seven o f the past Nashville Area
plants, flowers and natural materials; planning chapters. Founders' Day is planned for Alumnae Presidents who were in attendance
activities for the Centennial Celebration; and Saturday, January 25, and we are delighted to and presented a special gift to Mary Bryant.
our annual tour at the National Gallery of Art. feature Margo Myers (Alpha Gamma) Alumnae Chapter memorabilia was on dis-
This special tour was led by one of our mem- weekend anchor and news reporter for play dating back to the formation of the chap-
bers, who is a museum docent. T h e KOMO-TV, as our speaker. We will ter in 1921. It was a very special day and a
Panhellenic little theatre night was well attend- be celebrating with over 40 Fifty-Year wonderful way to encourage long-time and
ed by A O n alumnae. Spring was welcomed in Members this year! Alumnae and col- new members in the Nashville Area to "Get
with the annual luncheon, and installation of legians can call Melody Rucci for Back to A O n . "
new officer and new alumnae from Gamma details on this traditional event.
Alpha. Significant Seatde happenings include Donna Kumar Pat Helland. Mary Bryant and Kitty Pettus at
the "Jingle Bell Walk/Run" for Nashville Area's 75th Anniversary Tea.
Marquita French (703) 591-4522 Arthritis Research, and raising money

Virginia Tidewater in support of the Hickman House, a
local battered women's shelter. We will
The Tidewater AOFIs are continuing their also be collecting pandas for one of
busy schedule and, as usual, there isn't a dull our newer police departments and will
moment. Starting the season with our annual provide "Rush Survival Kits" to the
business meeting, the Tidewater A O I T s members of Tau Gamma Chapter at
planned for the Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Eastern Washington University.
Mixer for the benefit of children with JRA and

the Jingle Bell Run sponsored by the Arthritis Wisconsin
Foundation. The cool weather brought about

a canned food drive for those in need and a Milwaukee
trip to the Washinton, D C , area f o r a
Founders' Day Celebration with the Northern This year the Milwaukee
Virginia Alumnae Chapter. Our annual Alumnae Chapter has
Holiday Cookie Swap, hosted by Mary Gentry planned a variety of
finished oflF a terrific year. New Year's Day events, including a won-
found everyone toasting in the New Year at derful family Halloween
Cathy Adams-Davis' home and later that hayride and joining the
month Alice Virga hosted "Poker Face," our Chicago Area alumnae
version of game night when everyone is a win- and collegiate chapters
ner. We also had gatherings at the Chrysler for Founders' Day. The
Museum in Norfolk, a trip to the beach, and chapter year was started
taking turns being culinary expert tasters on with a spaghetti supper
such delicacies as dessert at "Kelley's". Good get-together followed by
thing the beach outing came first! We're kick- a hands-on demonstra-
ing off the football season and fall with a fund- tion on making fabric-covered photo
raiser "Chardonnay O n the Bay", then the albums. For her efforts in protecting

the rights of disabled children, Sharon

38 To Dragma/WINTER 19%

forever friends alumnae news

AOII Alumnae Opportunities are available to all members

.Adways an AOII, your memories and friendships follow you beyond gradua- Participate
as anJoin an area alumnae chapter.
tion. Becoming an alumna expands your horizon of friendships to include
women of all ages and interests, wherever you go. AonRead AOII news in To Dragma.

When you join an alumnae chapter, not only do you find the immediate accep- Support a local collegiate chapter.
tance of a family, you gain an avenue for collectively expressing your talents and
concerns for others. Alumnae actively practice their commitment to the better- Alumna
ment of their community and their world.
Practice AOITs principles proudly.
The spirit of fun also continues! W i t h so many newly found sisters, the occasions
for camaraderie and laughter multiply. There is always someone with whom to and
share a smile or a tear.
Participate in philanthropic activities.
Alumnae often describe their involvement in terms of gratitude returned for
A Oil s influence in their lives. Enjoy

D i s c o v e r a myriad o f rewards! I f there is an alumnae chapter in your area, Contribute to the AOFI Foundation.
please join us. I f not, consider the possibility of starting a chapter; or becoming
a Rose Member. the

The Rose Member program is a "Member-at-large" program for AOris who are Attend International Conventions.

more than 50 miles from an alumnae chapter, but still want to remain connected. Rewards

For just $ 15.00 annual dues, you will receive seven issues of The PIPER, AOfl s Assist with extension of chapters.

council newsletter, newsletters from Network Specialists in your area, plus all of
Convention and Leadership Institute mailings. It's a great way to stay in touch!
Become an AOn Rose Member.
I f this is your first year as an AOL1 alumna, this year's on us! AOn wants to
welcome you to alumnae membership! Friendship

So if you graduated anytime during the 1996 calendar year, you are exempt from Offer your talents and energies.
paying International Fees for the current year. That amounts to a $ 17 saving off
your alumnae chapter dues. You may take advantage of this offer at any time dur-
ing your first year as an alumna just by informing your new alumnae chapter of
your status. Fifth-year seniors on alumnae status qualify for this discount now, or
in your first year after graduation.

f^or more information on these or other alumnae opportunities, contact the

Alumnae Services Administrator, AOFI Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd.;

Brentwood, T N 37027, (615) 370-0920, or (e-mail) [email protected].

To Dragma/WINTER 1996 39

pictured above and left On

December 9, 1996, a crew from

the local Nashville ABC-TV affiliate

visited International Headquarters

to film a "Good Morning America"

greeting segment

Good Morning Alpha Psi Assists Fraternal Spirit its success in expan- Dear Editor:
America! their University Appreciated sion, but without the
Library help of other Greek Since I was away part o f
Watch ABC's "Good "On behalf of the Pi organizations assisting the summer, it was a lit-
Morning America," on Thanks, in part, to the Kappa Alpha Memorial us, it can sometimes be tle late when I got
Monday, March 10, members o f Alpha Psi Headquarters, I would difficult. I definitely around to reading the
1997, to see Ann Chapter (Bowling Green like to thank the believe our new colony summer issue o f To
Gilchrist, International State U), their universi- women of Alpha with seventy members Dragma. I was delight-
President and AOn ty's Jerome Library is Omicron Pi at the was due in large part to ed to see the list o f 75
Headquarters Staff about to become The University of Maryland your chapter at year members. Near
members greet the Jerome Library in College Park for Maryland. the top was the name o f
world in celebration of Bookshop. Members their outstanding sup- my aunt, Alice Mary
our Centennial Year. donated their time to port and assistance in The Pi Kappa Stranahan Klatte. She is
The taping was pre- help clear the room, and the establishment o f Alpha Fraternity at my father's only sister,
formed at AOn move books and records. our newest colony at College Park is excited my godmother and
Headquarters in The goal is for patrons to UMCR about its success at namesake, and my sister
Brentwood, Tennessee find a treasure o f used Maryland and looks
the morning after our books and records at rea- The women of forward to working in AOn. She was 95 i n
December 8th sonable prices, usually Alpha Omicron Pi closely with Alpha
Founders' Day 25<tto$1.00. Since went out of their way Omicron Pi i n January and lives in a
Celebration. September, about 25 to make our coloniza- strengthening the retirement home, where
members have enjoyed tion both enjoyable Greek system. she is still able to func-
rediscovering old books and very successful. tion on her own, with
and comics they used to The Pi Kappa Alpha Derek C. Grech some help. She knits
read when they were kids." Fraternity has been Expansion Consultant lap robes for the local
known in the past for nursing home, gets
books from the Library
of Congress service for
the blind, and enjoys a
little cooking. People in
this small town still
remark "she certainly is
a marvel, to be doing so

40 To Dragma/VSINTER 1996

ship. AOII.

well at her age." eligible brother, Kevin recuperate from an oper- Additionally, Mary Ann
Aunt Alice still Carson. When they ation. Jean was moving Stark was presented the
remembers the other arrived home, they were her daughter to Panhellenic Woman of
three Alpha Phi 75- surprised to find Kevin Graduate school, and the Year Award by
year members and we there and that meeting Cathy, of Gainsville, Diana Hatch, Atlanta
have enjoyed the led to many more for arranged the meeting. Panhellenic President
occasion to talk of Melissa and Kevin. Mary Dell, Cadiy and (Alpha Phi Fraternity.)
those early years o f They were engaged in Jean have had get-
our college and the May and married on
sorority. M y father Patricia O'Neill Taylor, Epsilon Alpha October 12, 1996. Omega sisters Cathy Cox Miller, jane Smith Jacobs,
also graduated f r o m Including the bride, and Jean Brandow Vance
Montana State and book has been named there were eight other
some o f my earliest one o f the best garden- A Oils in attendance at
memories are o f poring ing books o f the year by the wedding. Melissa's
over his old yearbooks. H O M E magazine and mom, Marsha Courson,
The year I entered col- is a selection of the was a part as well. She
lege, 1941, was the year Garden Book Club. It was initiated as an
that the Alpha Phi covers the history and Associate Member at
chapter moved into its current controversies Beta Phi (Indiana U) in
present house in surrounding 1991 - nine years after
Bozeman. Returning the use her daughter was initiat-
last year for of the ed there.
Homecoming, I was American
surprised to see how flora, profiles togethers since gradua-
much the house had 22 public tion in 1969, but Jane
changed and yet how and private and Jean last saw each in
much it remained the gardens 1969 at Jean's wedding.
same. O f course the across the "After all these years, we
rooms were much country, and still feel like sisters!"
smaller than I remem- provides
bered them! detailed AOTTs receive briana Sims, Gamma Sigma,
Congratulations on descriptions awards from Scholarship Recipient
doing such a good job of over 500 Atlanta Alumnae
with the magazine, superb Panhellenic m
I always love it. plants.
The Atlanta Alumnae
Lorene Alice Stranahan Alumnae Melissa Courson and AOFI sisters at her wedding.
Panhellenic Association
AOTT Author Chapter
Publishes awarded three scholar-
Acclaimed Work Visit
Leads ships this year, and two
Patricia O'Neill Taylor, to Marriage!
Epsilon Alpha were received by AOIls,
(Pennsylvania State U ) , In March, 1995,
is the author o f Easy Kimberly McGowan Briana Sims, Gamma
Care Native Plants: A and Melissa Courson
Guide to Selecting and spent a Saturday visiting Sigma, and Rebecca
Using Beautiful the York County
American Flowers, Alumnae Chapter. O n Berry, Lambda Sigma.
Shrubs, and Trees in the ride home they
Gardens and Landscapes. talked about all types of Dear AOTT: above: Rebecca Berry, Lambda
Published by Henry things, including Kim's Sigma, Scholarship Recipient
Holt in November Recently, several AOn
1996, the illustrated Omega sisters renewed left Mary Ann Stark is presented
friendships. Pictured Panhellenic Woman of the Year.
are Cathy Cox Miller,
Jane Smith Jacobs, and
Jean Brandow Vance.
Jane was in Atlanta from
Colorado helping her
real and AOn sister
Mary Dell Smith Rogers

To Dragma/WINTER 1996 41

A lastin

The Inspiration Walkway to the Founders' Circle is a
permanent testimonial to our members and their
achievements during AOJTs first 100 years. To
commemorate our Centennial, a time capsule will be
buried in the center of the Founders' Circle. The capsule
will be dedicated and sealed on our Centennial Founders'
Day, December 8,1996.

We invite you to purchase an engraved brick so your
message will be a part of our visual history in this
Centennial Memorial at Alpha Omicron Pi
International Headquarters.

What a wonderful way to donate to the Centennial
Celebration! These funds will finance the special events
of our Centennial year including the largest ever AOFI

reunion..AOn Centennial Convention, June 27-30,1997,

in New York City, the birthplace of AOI1. Send in your
order today!

Fill in the form and mail with your check to Inspiration Walkway $50.00 Single Brick 4 x 8 in.= $50
AOn Headquarters today! Single Brick.
Double Brick. $100.00 J IL
Ordered by_ 3200.00 Double Brick 8 x 8 in.= $100 or $200
Founders' Circle
Chapter of Initiation, Double Brick.

Add ress

City, State,Zip_

Phone Total Amount $_

Visa Masercard Discover Check Make Checks Payable to:
AOn-lnspiration Vtalk\wi\
Credit Card Acct_#
Mail form and check to:
Name on Card Exp.Date Alpha t Imicron Pi
I nteniationaJ Headquarters
Yes. 1 would like the Centennial Celebration Committee to 9025 Overlook Boulevard
send a card acknowledging the gift. Brentwood, TN 37027
Send to
Chapter of Initiation Only one character (letter, number, or punctuaoon mark) or space per bkxk. rbsroon or center your name or message exactly as you want it to appear
Address on your bnck. Hyphens, periods, apostrophes, cornmas,tbe symbol and Greek letters are availableTo order more than one of either size brick, print
City, State, Zip engraving mformabonforeach ackfraonal brick on a separate sheet of paper and enclose with your order. Single brick can have 2 to 3 lines, double 4 to 5
lines with no more than 13 characters per line, irKlucKng spaces. Please consider your wording carefully. Note: If using Greek lettersforyour chapter, spell
out the greek name in English on the following line so the engraver can verify (Lafor"D," spell out"Deha" on the line).

Foundation News i cfb Drugma is the fourth in the Fburrknoris four port series of artides eachfocusingon different program:
d grams, arthntE research. DiamondJubilee scnatarships, and the Ruby Fund,ftjrtfour ofthis senes spotlights
the Ruby Fund

on the Ruby Fund

Long known as the "Heart o f AOn," the Ruby Fund provides assistance to sisters in times o f dire

need, when they have no where else to turn. Monetary assistance is given in the form o f grants or loans and
is provided anonymously, unless otherwise specified. W i t h the help o f the Ruby Fund, sisters who are expe-
riencing difficulty are able to piece their lives back together. They may need assistance due to illness, corpo-
rate cut backs, or the death o f a family member. The generosity o f our sisters has once again proven that
the Ruby Fund is the "Heart of AOFI. "

During the last fiscal year, your donations made it possible for I T I O r e tha.11 $24,680 to be loaned or

granted to sisters in dire financial need situations. Your philanthropic spirit may have enabled sisters to seek treat-
ment for life-threatening diseases or maybe it assisted a college senior whose family financial problems would have
prevented her from completing her last semester of college. No matter who the Ruby Fund helped during the
past year, you can be assured that your gift made a difference in the lives of your sisters.

Centennial Diamond Jubilee Scholarship applications are now available!

I f you are interested in applying for one o f the one hundred Centennial Scholarships for the 1997-98 school
year, contact the Foundation office at 615/370-0920 or ask your Chapter President or Chapter Adviser for
an application.

Scholarships are available for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as for AOTl members who are return-
ing to school to finish their degrees.

The deadline for applications is February 15, 1997. All information must be received and confirmed by the
Feb. 15 deadline.

"Stella's T r u n k " d e s i g n e d e x c l u s i v e l y f o r A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi 13

Limoges hand pointed porcelain boxes

The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation commissioned a porcelain box to commemorate the 100th
anniversary of our founding. Designed by a family of master craftsmen and artists in the town of
Limoges in the south of France, these boxes are exquisite heirlooms to be cherished today and trea-
sured for many years to come.

"Stella's Trunk" is handpainted in a beautiful combination of red roses and a golden wheat filigree,
with accents of periwinkle blue, featuring A O I l handpainted in gold on the top of the trunk. The
trunk measures 2" x 11/2" x 11/4". Inside, the trunk is inscribed "1897-1997" in honor of our
Centennial Celebration. The hinge is hand-fitted with a rose clasp. Each box is hand-signed by
the artist

"Stella's Trunk" is being produced on a pre-order basis. I f you wish to reserve a box or send
"Stella's Trunk" as a gift, a gift card will be mailed to the recipient and the Limoges will be shipped
to them upon arrival at the Foundation office.

The cost of the Limoges is $ 135 plus $4.00 for shipping and handling.
Send check or money order to reserve "Stella's Trunk" to: Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, 9025
Overlook Boulevard, Brentwood, T N 37027, or call 615/370-0920.

To Dragma/WINTER 1996

NPC designates March 3,1997 as National Pin Day ivith the theme:

"It's as Simple
as Wearing

Your Pin...
with Pride''

Each year during the National would wear his membership opportunities each
Panhellenic Conference, the National pin everyday after he became an day to wear our badges and
Editors have the opportunity to meet and initiated member of thefraternity. ' to speak or our sorority
share ideas with one another. This year, I experiences to fellow
one of my fellow editors shared a letter Again he replied "Yes, I'll wear my badge students, co-workers, friends
from a sister. It is a wonderful story, and because I'm proud of who we are and I and relatives. Alumnae can even wear
worthy of sharing. The fraternity mem- want to share that with others." our membership badge on a ring or as a
ber was a Pi Kappa Alpha and the sorori- pendant. Equally effective conversation
ty member an Alpha Sigma Alpha; but it That conversation lingered in my mind starters are AOn letters on sportswear,
could have easily represented a member until I decided to put my own member- an A Oil decal on your car or sipping
from any of our organizations. ship pride to a test. While getting dressed from an AOn coffee cup at work.
for work the next day Iput on my mem-
"I learneda valuable lessonfrom a 19-year- bership badge. I work as an assistant resi- Now, more than ever, its important to
oldpledge ofone ofthe mensfraternitieson dence hall director and am a full-time show the strengths and virtues of the
my campus. He taught me that pride in giuduate student. Greek experience. That's why the
one's Greek affiliation isn't something that National Panhellenic Conference, last
members can show every once in awhile. It's Funny thing happened when I put on my October, launched a new effort to
something that can be shown everyday badge. Some of my Greek affiliated increase public awareness. National Pin
friends made the assumption that it was Day, with the theme, "It's as Simple as
He was the type of guy who dressed well "pin attire day "so I must be wearing it Wearing Your Pin...With Pride" takes
He also happened to wear hispledgepin or for that reason. Due to my involvement place on March 3, 1997. Women across
letters everyday without jail As a resident with our local collegiate chapter, others the nation and abroad are being asked to
assistant, he had a lot of interaction with thought I might be on my way to a ritual wear their fraternity badge or letters to
residents, their guests and the residence hall meeting (i e. isn't that the only other time celebrate, take pride in, and share their
staff. He was the only Greek resident assis- a badge is worn?). affiliation with NPC and their own orga-
tant in the hall where he lived so naturally nization. As Jean Scott, Chairman of the
hispeers asked him questions about his In elevators, hallways and classespeople National Panhellenic Conference, stated,
Greek experience. asked me why I was wearing my badge. "For all that we do, all that we are and all
Many people didn't know what my that we give, there is reason to celebrate
Many people made the assumption that badge was and inquired about it. and share our pride in our fraternities."
he wasforced to dress up everyday and Wearing my badge gave me the opportu-
put on his pin as part of his fraternity nity to talk about my sorority and the All AOns should mark March 3,1997
training. "Many people" included me, so positive aspects of Greek life.
I decided to ask the burning question that on their calendars as National Panhellenic
everyone was thinking, "Why do you wear What a simple concept! Just by putting Pin Day. O n that day, join the mem-
that pin everyday?" on my membership badge, I was able bers of all 26 NPC fraternities in wear-
to tell dozens of people about my ing your badge or letters. Or better still,
He immediately responded "I wear my sorority and Greek life. All 1 did was don't wait until March 3rd. Go straight
pin everyday because I am proud of my give others the opportunity to see it to your jewelry box and find your badge.
fraternity and what it represents." Not and ask what it means." Put it on today!
completely convinced with his motives, I
used some leadership consultant reverse Her story does represent a simple byMariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Editor
psychology skills and asked him if he concept. For collegians and alumnae Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
of Alpha Omicron Pi, there are

44 To Dragma/WINTER 1996


NPC Meeting Report 1997 is designated

The 1996 NPC Interim meeting was held "The Year of the Scholar'
on October 25-27 i n Dallas, Texas.
Barbara H u n t , N P C Delegate; Peg Let it be known to all in the interfraterniry world that the National Panhellenic Conference
Crawford and Ann Gilchrist, NPC duly proclaims nineteen hundred and ninety seven as the National Panhellenic Conference
Alternates; Linda Collier, Vice President Year of the Scholar, and
Finance; Melanie Doyle, Executive
Director; Mariellen Sasseen, Editorial Let it be known that during this year...
Services Manager; and Dina D'Gerolamo, • Every collegiate fraternity woman will set high academic goals and seek to reach her
Systems Administrator attended. Linda intellectual potential;
Collier attended the Finance/Housing • Every collegiate and alumnae member will inspire and guide her Panhellenic sisters
Seminar held in conjunction with the to practice academic integrity, and
meeting to address housing and corpora- • Every NPC member fraternity will challenge its members to strive for academic
tion issues effecting all 26 NPC groups. achievement and intellectual interest beyond the classroom.

During the meeting, several significant Let it also be known that during this year...
issues were discussed and approved. The • Every College Panhellenic will set an academic goal which exceeds the all women's
pilot mediation program to handle rush average on that campus;
infractions was so successful on 20 pilot • Every College Panhellenic will pursue recognition on the NPC Academic Honor Roll;
campuses that the process was introduced • Every College Panhellenic will recognize allfraternitywomen who achieve above the
to council as a resolution. It passed and all-women's average, and further recognize those who are on the Dean's List;
now rush infractions will be handled by • Every College Panhellenic will recognize all NPC chapters that achieve above the all
the mediation process - first. This was a women's average;
definite improvement for the Panhellenic • Every College Panhellenic will foster academic excellence through seminars devoted to
judicial process. successful learning skills; and
• Every College Panhellenic will establish a master calendar that recognizes academic
1997 was designated "Year of the Scholar" performance as the highest priority.
by NPC to recognize academic excellence
by all NPC groups, and March 3, 1997, Let it be further known that...
was designated as N P C National Pin Day. • Every Alumnae Panhellenic will honor at one meeting during the year its represen-
tatives who are members of academic honor societies, induding but not limited to
A significant time was devoted to futuristic Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, and Mortar Board;
brainstorming by all delegates. Hot topics • Every Alumnae Panhellenic will recognize all 4.0 or equivalent Panhellenic scholars in
were discussed which affect the Greek their local College Panhellenic;
community - now and into the next cen- • Every Alumnae Panhellenic will set aside meeting rime to become better informed on
tury. Greek Council status was defined by fraternity issues, global issues, or other academic endeavors, and
NPC through a resolution. Peer monitor-
ing was addressed by NPC as well. Finally, ler allfrarernitywomen faithfully promise
To pursue knowledge with renewed vigor in accordance with the ideals expressed in
Initiative Research is being funded by all the Panhellenic Creed.
NPC Greek groups to determine an up-
to-date status on how the Greek commu- This proclamation is hereby decreed to take effect on January 1, 1997, and to remain
nity is perceived by our audience (those in operational throughout every day of rhe Year of the Sdiolar. Let all our actions and deeds
the academic community) and publics. asfraternitywomen reflea our dedication to knowledge, integrity, excellence in scholarship,
Results will be available and the pursuit of truth.
by January 1997. This
w i l l be a significant 1996 NPC attendees (7 to r); Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Editorial Services Manager; Melanie Nixon
benchmark for NPC Doyle, Executive Director; Barbara Daugs Hunt, NPC Delegate; Ann McClanahan Gilchrist, International
and N I C as plans for
better interaction with President and NPC 2nd Alternate Delegate; Linda Peters Collier, Vice President of Finance; Dina
our publics continue. D'Gerolamo, Systems Administrator; and Peg Kramer Crawford, NPC IstAlternate Delegate.

by Barbara Dougs Hurt,
NPC Delegate, Phi Delta
(U ofWisconsin-Milwaukee)

To Dragma/WINTER 1996 If,


New a section for children, teens The Arthritis Foundation ity of life for those affected
Arthritis and young adults affected by is the source of help and hope by arthritis.
Foundation arthritis; Arthritis organiza- for the nearly 40 million
Web site tion in other countries; and Americans affected by arthri- Thanks to the generous
how the Arthritis tis. The foundation supports support of our members,
Foundation receives and research to find ways to cure Alpha Omicron Pi
uses contributions to help and prevent arthritis diseases, Foundation has contributed
people with arthritis. and seeks to improve the qual- more than $940,000 to

Arthritis Research since 1967.

offers Health Please complete this form and anted!
Information and mail by February 15,1997 to: Talented AOTTs
Access to Services
Joyce Strout Centennial Convention
People affected by arthri- Centennial Talent Director Historical Production,
tis, their families and friends
now can find arthritis news 4Ambrose Lane June 28, 1997
on the World Wide Web. S.Barrington,IL 60010
The new Arthritis Foundation
site,, Can you sing! Dance! Play an instrument!
offers information about You may be just the person we are looking for!
arthritis diseases and how to
cope with the pain and loss of We are looking for: Singers • Dancers (Jazz, Tap, Charleston, Twist)
movement that arthritis can Models • Rollerbladers • Acrobats • Batonists • Instrumentalists
cause. Highlights from (Banjo,Violin, Brass, Piano) • Readers
Arthritis Today, the award-
winning national magazine of A search is under way to locate members, o f all ages, t o participate in the Centennial
the foundation, also are avail- Production t o commemorate our first 100 years during our 1997 Centennial Convention in
able on the Web site. N e w York City.

People can order free Requirements are simple: You must register t o attend the 1997 Convention and arrive by
brochures direcdy from the site noon on Thursday, June 26 (this night's room will be paid by the Centennial Committee), be a
by sending and e-mail message quick study, and be willing t o rehearse during your convention free time. You will be a part o f
to the Arthritis Foundation history in the making and are guaranteed t o have a great time!
using the special brochure order
form. They also can request Yes, I'm interested in participating In the Centennial Production for AOTTs
other arthxitis materials, Centennial Convention - June 28,1997 in New York City
become a member of the foun-
dation and ask specific arthritis- Name:_ _Phone:_( )_
related questions. Address:. City:
In addition, people can Chapter: _Zip/Postal Code_
learn how to contact their Talent (be specific): Office:.
local office of the Arthritis
Foundation for news about Please e n c l o s e : I. photo 2.resume 3.demo tape
community programs and
fund-raising events.
Throughout the year, the
foundation will add more
news about local services such
as exercise classes, support
groups and self-help courses
available through local offices.

Other information avail-
able on the Web site includes:
updates about arthritis treat-
ments and research; upcom-
ing events and activities;

46 To Dragma/WINTER 1996

Major Medical Coverage announcements
Available for
A Oil Members and Alumnae Upsilon Epsilon Attention:
Schedules Meeting All Tampa Bay Alumnae!
Continental U.S. Only
The annual meeting of the Upsilon The Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter has
A+ Rated Carrier Epsilon Corporation Board will be held planned an exciting Spring 1997 calen-
$300 Deductible Sunday, March 9, 1997 at 2:00 p.m. on dar and is looking forward to having you
Pays 50% of the first $2,500 then 100% up to
$1,000,000 the St. Louis U . Campus. For more participate! Don't miss our April '97
Choose your own Doctor and Hospital information, contact Ellen Duncan, social event! Do your part! For addi-
maternity Benefits included tional information, contact: Anna But,
$10,000 Life Insurance (314) 984-0504. [email protected] (e-mail);
Disability Benefits
(Medically Underwritten) Chi Omicron Plans Reunion (813)871-7760 (work);
(813)264-7120 (home);
Dental Plan: The Chi Omicron Chapter of The U of
* Basic Services 80% after a 3 month waiting period Central Oklahoma in Edmond, (813) 871-7768 (fax).
* Major Services 50% after a 12 month waiting period
* Calendar Year maximum $1200 Oklahoma is planning a Centennial
* Lifetime Deductible $100 per person Reunion on July 18-19, 1997. For more

Cancer Plan: information contact Dot Chesser Lyon,
* Low Cost 1408 Wilburn Drive, Oklahoma City,
* Guarantee Issue OK, 73127, (405)787-2693.
* Pays expenses that your health insurance does not
Kappa Gamma
cover for cancer Corporation Board to Meet.
* Major Medical policy required
The Kappa Gamma Corporation Board
Vision Plan: has set their annual meeting for Sunday,
* Low Cost
* 50% off retail eye wear March 16, 1997, 3:00 p.m at the
* Over 5,000 network providers A O n House. Contact Lori Goede
(813)962-6147 for more information.

• M o v i n g ? • Changing your name? • R e p o r t i n g t h e d e a t h o f a member? (Date ofdeath:_

Please complete thisform, indicating the change above and return to:
AOTI International Headquarters
9025 Overlook Blvd.
Brentwood, T N 37027

Name: First Middle Maiden Last

City: State/Province:.

Zip/Postal Code:_ .Country:. .Phone: ( )

Chapter/College where initiated:. Year Initiated:

Place of Employment: .Occupation:.


City:. State/Province:

Zip/Postal Code:. .Country:. _Phone:(_ -)- e-mail:
Current AOTT Office:
Alumnae Chapter:. Q yes Q no
Please inform me about the nearest Alumnae Chapter:
Special Interests:

Please help AOTI save money! Each issue that is returned to us due'to an incorrect address costs the Fraternity 50<t, in addition to the original cost of
mailing. If you are moving or changing your name please notify us in advance. If you know of others who are not receiving their magazine, chances
are we have an incorrect address for them as well. Encourage them to notify us as soon as possible.

To Dragma/WINTER 1996 47

[AOII's Web site went online November 16th, 1996]

1 J.<& ft A l a —

• * * # sportswear
ts/iirts fim gifts


POSTMASTER-Please send notice of
undeliverable copies on Form 3S79 to
Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd.
Brentwood, TN. 37027

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