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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-22 13:12:11

2007 Spring - To Dragma

Vol. 71, No. 2

71 N o . 2

SPRING 2 0 0 7

To SZJraema( g \


-• Features

Departments 10 Roses on M y M i n d

6 Viewpoint A f e w simple tricks will help y o u create a beautiful
8 Fraternity News arrangement o f roses - A O I I ' s most recognized s y m b o l .
18 Member Profile
14 O n the Road Again
Bonnie Sutherland,, Beta Kappa
(U of British Columbia) M a n y are surprised to learn that the A O I I E m p o r i u m
makes housecalls, quite literally, every year.
22 Member Profile
24 Tell Someone
M a r y Jo Beckman, Pi Kappa ( U o f Texas)
D i d y o u k n o w there is a vaccine t o help prevent some
30 Life Loyal A O I I forms o f cervical cancer? Tell someone about it.
34 Things We Love
36 From the A O I I Archives 27 When You Need A Friend
38 Foundation Focus
A story o f friendship i n a time o f need.
30 Years o f Service
Where There's a W i l l 28 X i Omicron (U of Arkansas) Installation
Donor Profile: Heidi Snow
Living with Lupus Saluting AOII's 181st Collegiate Chapter

44 Alumnae News 29 Pandas Persevere
56 Collegiate Chapter Profiles
T h e Atlanta panda pair have an heir.
Zeta Pi ( U of Alabama-Birmingham)
C h i Epsilon (The O h i o State U ) 60 NPC Report

68 Member Profile A report o f the 2006 National Panhellenic Conference
I n t e r i m Session
Lisa Niedenthal, Beta Phi (Indiana U )
63 Top 10 Photo Tips
70 Member Profile
Practice these easy tips to i m p r o v e y o u r photos.
Ashley Ball, R h o Omicron
(Middle Tennessee State U ) To DRAGMA • 3

ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2007

b(25mgrna From the f° ditor

To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron Pi Based o n the calls, letters and emails w e received after o u r fall issue was m a i l e d ,
Fraternity, and has been published since 1905. The mission I ' m delighted t o report that y o u loved it! I hope y o u enjoy this second issue
of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and o f o u r n e w f o r m a t j u s t as w e l l . Roses and badges and pandas, o h m y ! I t seems
inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our l i k e this s p r i n g issue is f u l l o f stories and images that are u n i q u e l y A O I I . T h e
chapters, our members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime rose article was f u n to develop. Capturing this step-by-step process was a true
AOII involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a photographic e x p e r i m e n t w i t h a c r e w o f n o v i c e flower arrangers. T h e result,
permanent record of our Fraternity's history. o n o u r first t r y , was b e a u t i f u l - to the oohs and aahs o f everyone. I f w e can
d o it - so can y o u ! Y o u t o l d us the m e m b e r profiles w e r e a favorite i n the last
How to Contact To Dragma: issue, so this issue features several m o r e a m a z i n g w o m e n m a k i n g a difference i n
To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 this w o r l d . Y o u ' l l be p r o u d to call t h e m sisters. L i k e us, y o u loved " T h i n g s W e
(615)370-0920 fax:(615)371-9736 Love." This ongoing feature keeps the w o m e n i n die A O I I Communications
[email protected] D e p a r t m e n t i n v o l v e d i n lively conversations, as o n l y o u r best suggestions w i l l make the list. Y o u ' l l notice a n e w approach t o the A l u m n a e N e w s i n this issue
and o u r collegiate chapters w i l l have a similar section i n the s u m m e r issue.
How to Update Your Name or Address:
Go to Update Profile on the private side of the AOII website To the handful o f members w h o voiced concern over the changes to the
( or email your old and new address magazine distribution that w i l l take place over the next 6 years, w e understand
to [email protected]. You may also call the AOII your concerns and w a n t to do our best to communicate w h y the changes are
HQ receptionist at (615) 370-0920. absolutely necessary. Last year, less t h a n 3 , 0 0 0 A O I I alumnae paid dues to t h e i r
local alumnae chapters, yet w e have been m a i l i n g magazines to close to 7 5 , 0 0 0
A Note to Parents of Collegians: alumnae members, f o u r times a year for decades. Simply stated, more alumnae
Your daughter's magazine is being mailed t o her home need to step up and financially support the fraternity. Collegiate dues cannot
address while she is in college. If your daughter is no longer c o n t i n u e to rise i n order t o carry the load f o r the g r o w i n g alumnae base.
in college or living at home, please send us her updated
address, as indicated above. Past International President N a n c y M c C a i n shared, "Back i n 1 9 4 0 , the
fraternity already knew that the lifetime subscription program they had
Managing Editor recently started w o u l d come back t o haunt A O I I . " T h e f r a t e r n i t y has boldly
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) stayed the course for many decades and o u r members have benefited greatly i n
this "deal" o f a lifetime. O n e elderly member recently said, " I laughed w h e n I
Assistant Editor paid m y $ 2 5 lifetime subscription, saying that A O I I must not expect me to live
Erin Burcham, Zeta (U of Nebraska - Lincoln) v e r y long!" A f t e r m o r e than 5 0 years o f membership, she acknowledged it was
more than fair that a change in that policy was made.
Creative Director
Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U) W e are c o m m i t t e d to publishing the very best magazine w e can deliver at a
cost w e can afford. W e believe members w h o really want to receive it, w i l l
Graphic Designer f i n d a w a y to do so, j u s t as w e a l l d o f o r other magazine publications that
Whitney Frazier, Rho Omicron (Middle TN State U) w e value. J o i n i n g L i f e L o y a l A O I I is j u s t one o p t i o n . B e i n g a m e m b e r o f an
alumnae chapter, or purchasing an annual subscription are others.
Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's fraternity
promoting friendship for a lifetime, inspiring academic T h e easy (and cheaper) change w o u l d be to m a k e the d i s t r i b u t i o n changes
excellence and lifelong learning, and developing leadership effective immediately. B y spreading the process out over six years, w e believe
skills through service to the Fraternity and community. w e are being respectful, responsible - and honest. T h e m o n e y raised t h r o u g h
Founded at Barnard College in New York City, January 2, the Life L o y a l A O I I p r o g r a m w i l l be e n d o w e d so w e d o n o t leave this financial
1897, by Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella burden on a future generation o f AOIIs. For that, I am very proud of AOII's
George Stern Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. leaders for m a k i n g these difficult decisions.

International President Regards, Editor
Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon (Purdue U) Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen,
Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), Managing
Executive Director
Melanie Nixon Lampertz, Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia) ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRJNG 2 0 0 7

Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National Panhellenic
Conference and the College Fraternity Editors Association.




From Susan Casalini, From Chandra Whaley From the sisters of h o w to make enchiladas and
Account Executive, Maury Boyd Collegiate Network Specialist Delta Gamma Fraternity guacamole, even those o f
and Associates - upon receipt of our Dear Sisters, Dear To Dragma staff, us w h o live i n the east! T h e
magazine for printing. Maury Boyd is a I was very impressed w i t h the T h e r e v a m p e d To Dragma mission o f To Dragma is " t o
major printer of Greek magazines. latest installment o f To Dragma. publication (Fall 2006) is inform, educate and inspire"
Mariellen, N o t only was it full o f valuable wonderful! Alpha Omicron Pi to quote page 4. These articles
" I am blown away by the information, but I thoroughly and the To Dragma s t a f f h a v e a do none o f that. [...] I ' m
n e w To Dragmal T h i s issue is enjoyed the profiles of w o m e n great deal to be p r o u d of. [It] is embarrassed, ashamed and
absolutely fabulous and I k n o w and chapters that represent well done and very impressive. aghast, and I certainly do not
it is g o i n g t o be v e r y w e l l the ideals that A O I I strives for Congratulations on your efforts! plan to pay $25.00 a year to
received by your members!!! everyday. Kudos to all o f the It is Delta G a m m a Fraternity's continue receiving it.
You're not going to believe me, staff! I'm looking forward to hope that you receive positive
but m y eyes f i l l e d w i t h tears m y next issue. feedback from your members.
when I started going through Job well done!
the pages o f this issue. That's From Sheryl Roque Bell
never happened i n the 20 years ZetaPi From Lorene Stranahan From Diosa Moran, Gamma Omicron.
I've been doing this! The Dear Mariellen, Alpha Phi, Note: Diosa raised valid concerns about
content made me feel like A O I I M y name is Sheryl R o q u e B e l l Dear Editor, distribution changes in an earlier email.
truly cared about their members and I am a Zeta Pi alumna. I Just wanted to tell you how The following is her response to my
& felt like they were worth the write this email to PRAISE m u c h I like the n e w format. It's reply. Tlie full discussion is too lengthy
extra effort. It's very obvious the n e w To Dragma and to a beautiful magazine and truly to print here, but can befound on the
h o w m u c h effort has been put T H A N K all i n v o l v e d for the represents our sorority. Thanks. AOII website under To Dragma.
into this and I sincerely applaud many wonderful changes done Mariellen:
everyone w h o was involved! to our fraternity magazine. As From Katherine White
I especially loved the f u n pages a wife, mother, and working Chi Alpha Thank you for your quick
that made it seem more like an woman, I really enjoyed D e a r 7b Dragma Staff, response. I understand that
Oprah magazine f o r the A O I I ' s ! reading all the different articles Your new revised To Dragma you have a job to do w i t h
I just can't remember the last about health, family and recipes. is a " W o w " ! o v e r w h e l m i n g responses
time I was this excited about a A n d o f course, it was exciting to f r o m emails so I appreciate
Greek magazine. I think we all read the alumnae and collegiate From Barbara Ruth Schultz, Omicron your email in return. I
feel like celebrating! updates as w e l l . I feel that o u r Pi. Note: Wltile severe) letters expressed have been involved w i t h an
magazine n o w has m o r e o f a dissatisfaction over distribution changes, alumnae chapter o f f and on
From Allison Wyatt "women's magazine" type feel we received only one letter specifically but never realized or knew
Delta Delta and look to it. I have really critizing the new magazine format. the statistic o f h o w many
Mariellen, enjoyed reading it and look The entire letter is too lengthy to print alumnae members are out
M y n a m e is A l l i s o n W y a t t and f o r w a r d t o u p c o m i n g issues. here, but can befound on the AOII there versus the members
I am a Delta Delta alumna. I website under To Dragma. w h o are paying dues. T h a n k
received the new edition o f From Michelle Shimbcrg, International Editor, To Dragma: you for pointing it out to me
the To Dragma and I w a n t e d President of Delta Delta Delta Sorority T h i s letter is i n response t o because I certainly t h i n k this
to let you k n o w how much to AOII International President my receiving the fall 2006 is v e r y i m p o r t a n t n o w that I
I enjoyed i t . It is nice t o see a Susan Danko issue o f To Dragma. Just w h o am aware o f it. M y intention
magazine where I can not only Susan, are y o u r target readers? T h e for the email, obviously,
read about the undergraduate I just returned f r o m an Stepford Wives? The articles on was to voice m y concern
achievements, but also get Executive Board meeting table manners, nutrition, and regarding (the distribution
recipes, short stories, and tips - where I had the opportunity recipes for Mexican food can changes to) To Dragma, b u t
o n etiquette. Please send m y to see and read y o u r n e w all be found i n grocery store also to highlight our f o u n d i n g
congratulations on a great magazine. It is fantastic! periodicals such as W o m a n ' s principles. I understand
e d i t i o n o f To Dragma to y o u r Congratulations to A O I I on Day, Family Circle and Good n o w that this change has to
publication staff. I look forward your first edition of this exciting Housekeeping. A O I I s are be made and can certainly
to future publications endeavor. I love it... and am sure educated w o m e n , for heaven's support it. I also hope our
y o u r m e m b e r s h i p is h a v i n g a sake; I ' m sure most o f us k n o w principles w i l l not change too
very positive reaction too. much in the future. Thank
you again!


• .-

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A O I I celebrates 110 years o f sisterhood i n 2007! T h e w o r l d was a m u c h different place i n 1897. M o s t
Americans traveled by railroad instead o f by interstate, the size and shape o f the A m e r i c a n u n i o n
included 45 states, and the average h o u r l y wage was o n l y 15 cents per hour. I t w o u l d still be 23 m o r e
years before the C o n s t i t u t i o n w o u l d be amended to a l l o w w o m e n the right t o legally vote. That's w h a t
makes the story o f o u r f o u n d i n g so remarkable.

Barnard College i n 1897 was i n a league o f its o w n ; it was the first female post-secondary institution
to be affiliated w i t h a college o f the caliber o f Columbia University. For students, it was an honor to
be admitted to a college, w h i c h held the same academic requirements for men and w o m e n . Although
challenged, b o t h socially and academically, the w o m e n o f the class o f 1898 faced the obstacles w i t h
fervor, determination, and a passion to succeed.

It was f r o m this class that a group o f four y o u n g w o m e n w i t h very different careers i n m i n d used their
courage o f youth, energy, and innovation to create an organization that w o u l d bind them together
t h r o u g h the p o w e r o f friendship. O u r Founders, H e l e n , Stella, Bess, and Jessie, pledged each other at
the top o f a secluded stairway one cold, w i n t r y night i n the old library o f Columbia College. However,
the h u m b l e b e g i n n i n g o f a group o f four w o u l d soon multiply.

As w e celebrate and commemorate the 110th anniversary o f the birth o f Alpha O m i c r o n Pi, w e have
to reflect on the original principles that were introduced by our Founders. O u r sisterhood was formed
f r o m charismatic leaders, all w i t h obvious strengths and h u m a n differences, but combined f o r m u l a t i n g
a fantastic prescription o f excellence. T h e i r uniquely i n d i v i d u a l values as reflected i n o u r R i t u a l have
w i t h s t o o d the test o f t i m e , w i t h such importance never b e i n g more prevalent and relative as n o w . As
alumnae r e m a i n i n g loyal to an oath o f years past or an active collegiate member striving to leave their
chapter m o r e p r o m i n e n t t h a n they f o u n d it, it is o u r obligation to o u r organization and o u r sisterhood
to carry o n the traditions, ideals, and standards that unite us.

T h e experiences that w e share as A O I I s are n o t c o n f i n e d to a four-year period t h r o u g h o u t
our collegiate years. A l t h o u g h everyone m i g h t not aspire to be on the A O I I Executive Board,
w e all have to w i t h h o l d the pledge that w e made as n e w members. W h e t h e r y o u chose to
serve as volunteer f o r A O I I , j o i n the nearest alumnae chapter, or contribute financially to the
organization, w e all have an i n d i v i d u a l role to play to make o u r sisterhood prosper, just as o u r
Founders discovered 110 years ago.

So many eloquent words and motivational challenges are appropriate for this celebration, but
none more meaningful than the words spoken by Stella o n the 50th anniversary o f A O I I .
" M a y y o u have the j o y i n it all, dear children, that w e (Founders) have had all the way! M a y
y o u love one another as happily always as w e four have done i n a l i f e - l o n g fellowship w i t h o u t
a break! A n d may your descendants i n Alpha O m i c r o n Pi bring to you the glory that you
yourselves are to us today!"

M a y y o u r excitement and spirited devotion to A O I I be as contagious to others as the words that
Stella once authored. Thousands before us have already accepted the challenge to consistently strive
to i m p r o v e the bonds o f sisterhood w i t h i n A O I I ; it is n o w o u r t u r n to carry o n the j u b i l a n t tradition
o f excellence.

W i t h Fraternal Love,

Susan D a n k o , International President To DRAGMA • 7



Home Sweet Home for UT Keep Badges Off eBay

A O I I C a n D o It! A f t e r 1 0 4 years, the O m i c r o n Chapter at the One o f the most popular groups
University o f Tennessee may finally have a chapter house to call home. o n A O I I i n C i r c l e is the n e w
U T recently announced plans to build a "sorority village" on campus, group "Badges on eBay." The
and the O m i c r o n C o r p o r a t i o n has raised enough m o n e y to f u n d their g r o u p serves as a w a y f o r m e m b e r s
construction f u n d raising deposit required by the university to secure a to post notices and have open
spot i n the village. A O I I is one o f 1 3 N P C groups w i t h plans t o b u i l d discussions about A O I I badges and
a chapter house on campus. T h e sorority village w i l l replace the U T j e w e l r y f o r sale o n the p o p u l a r
Panhellenic B u i l d i n g w h i c h all groups have shared f o r m e e t i n g space online auction website.
since 1 9 6 4 . T h e A O I I house, w h i c h is projected to be built between
2 0 0 7 and 2 0 0 9 , w i l l likely be 1 7 , 0 0 0 square feet and have 5 5 beds. It is u n f o r t u n a t e t o see o u r
For more information, visit precious badge u p for the highest
bidder to take home. I n fact,
Excitement in Extension A O I I policy prohibits members
f r o m selling their badges under
A O I I is excited t o announce the c o l o n i z a t i o n o f its 184th chapter any circumstances or through
at the University o f Waterloo i n Waterloo, O n t a r i o , Canada. any methods. W h e n badges
Seventeen new members participated i n the colonization ceremony are sold, the Fraternity can not
on February 4, 2 0 0 7 . The colony w i l l participate in continuous be responsible for tracking and
recruitment throughout the next several months i n anticipation f u n d i n g these purchases. Several
o f a N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 installation. T h e colony at the University o f AOIIs have made it their mission
Waterloo w i l l become the seventh collegiate chapter i n Canada. to purchase badges and to contact
A O I I is t h r i l l e d t o be a part o f the 2 7 , 0 0 0 student campus and t o sellers to make t h e m aware that
experience growth in Canada. an i n i t i a t i o n badge is p r o p e r t y o f
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity. The
A l p h a O m i c r o n P i is delighted to report that the fraternity has A O I I badge is leased to a m e m b e r
been invited to recolonize the R h o Beta chapter at Virginia for her lifetime. A l l badges must
C o m m o n w e a l t h University. R e - c o l o n i z a t i o n is slated for fall ot 2 ( l( )7. be returned to A O I I Headquarters
u p o n a member's passing. Please
For ongoing extension updates visit the A O I I website. leave instructions for your family
and friends as h o w t o take care o f
8 • To DRAGMA your badge after y o u are gone to
ensure that your badge w i l l always
remain with AOII.

ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRJNG 2 0 0 7

Sigma Celebrates Centennial Team Up and Walk with AOII
to Fight Arthritis!
T h i s spring, Sigma w i l l celebrate 1 0 0 years o f sisterhood at the
University o f California, Berkeley. Several events are planned for Starting this Spring, thousands o f walkers across the U . S .
Centennial Weekend, April 12-15, 2007, including a university/Greek- will join together for the Arthritis Walk®, raising much-
wide open house, a meet-and-greet social, Ritual, Centennial Rose needed funds to prevent, control and cure arthritis, the
Ball, dinner and a farewell brunch. As a part of a yearlong celebration, nation's n u m b e r one cause o f disability that also afflicts nearly
a C e n t e n n i a l F u n d has been established w i t h proceeds g o i n g to restore 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 kids. T h e A r t h r i t i s W a l k ® is a n o n - c o m p e t i t i v e ,
the stately, yet aging, 1 9 2 9 chapter house. For more information o n the f u l l y accessible 5 - k i l o m e t e r (3.1 miles) course w i t h a o n e -
event or the f u n d , contact C e n t e n n i a l C h a i r m a n , J e n n y E d w a r d s at m i l e o p t i o n for those w h o w i s h t o w a l k a shorter distance.
Calsigmal ()[email protected]. A O I I collegians and alumnae are strongly encouraged to
j o i n o r start a team for their local W a l k — f r i e n d s and f a m i l y
are welcome. N o t only do y o u benefit y o u r local Arthritis
Foundation chapter, y o u also earn recognition t h r o u g h A O I I .
T h e highest f u n d r a i s i n g A O I I team receives an award from
the A O I I F o u n d a t i o n , as w e l l as separate recognition f r o m the
National Arthritis Foundation! T o register or start a team
for the W a l k i n y o u r area, please visit w w w . a r t h r i t i s . o r g . For
m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , please contact Jessie W a n g - G r i m m , the
A O I I Liaison on the National Arthritis Walk Committee:
[email protected].

To Dragma Distribution Timeline

To Dragma w i l l continue to be mailed to all collegiate members. Alumnae w h o j o i n Life Loyal A O I I , pay Alumnae Chapter Dues or
subscribe annually w i l l also continue to receive the magazine. B e g i n n i n g w i t h the Fall 2 0 0 8 issue, alumnae members not i n one o f
those groups w i l l experience a r e d u c t i o n i n the n u m b e r o f issues based o n the schedule illustrated below.

Timeline for 3 issues per year 3 issues per year 3 issues p e r year 3 issues per year
Members, n=2 ____
Life Loyal i
Members, Access To Dragnni
feature stories via
Dues Paying
Alumnae A O I I Website.
Members, Fraternity contact
still available by
and Annual
Subscribers email correspondence
and direct mail
T i m e l i n e for i
those not i n Fall 2 0 1 2 and Forward

one of the
above groups

Schedule 3 issues per year issues per year issue per year
Fall 2 0 0 6 - Summer 2 0 0 8 Fall 2 0 0 8 - S u m m e r 2 0 1 0 Fall 2 0 1 0 - Summer 2 0 1 2

ISSUE N O . 2 • SPPJNG 2 0 0 7 To DRAGMA • 9






This familiar little song brings back many wonderful memories for most By Mariellen Sasseen,
A O I I s . Perhaps i t r e m i n d s y o u o f flowing r e d dresses, flickering c a n d l e l i g h t , Alpha Delta (U Alabama)
nervous teenagers and m a g n i f i c e n t bouquets o f red roses at an A O I I Preference
Night Ceremony. Managing Editor

O r maybe the song recalls a chapter sisterhood retreat sing-along. Whether
at a cabin i n the m o u n t a i n s , a lake house, a member's h o m e , o r i n the chapter
suite, t h i s l i t t l e m e l o d i c t u n e a b o u t o u r o f f i c i a l f r a t e r n i t y flower floods o u r
brains w i t h memories o f sisterhood and f u n .

B r i n g me a rose, the song urges. Originally, our chosen rose was a nineteenth
century French rose called Ceneral Jacqueminot. A deep red rose w i t h o u t
t h o r n s was selected as t h e flower o f A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi because its c a r d i n a l
c o l o r is the s y m b o l o f the central and essential v i r t u e of the F r a t e r n i t y . I t is said
that this strong red rose, w i t h its overtones o f courage and vigor, c o m b i n e d
w i t h softness and modesty o f bearing was chosen for its richness o f color and
fragrance. T h e General J a c q u e m i n o t rose is rare today, b u t the deep red rose
remains the fraternity symbol.

As the dullness o f wintertime begins to fade and spring arrives, a simple and
inexpensive a r r a n g e m e n t is j u s t the t h i n g t o b r i g h t e n y o u r h o m e . A d o z e n
red roses, a f a m i l i a r little tune, and a f e w great memories help us r e m e m b e r
h o w easily w e forget.

ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 7 To I)R\GMA • 11


THINGS YOU'LL NEED: STEPS: 4. Select your next 4 tallest, straightest and tightest
closed roses. H o l d the roses up to the vase u n t i l the
• O n e dozen l o n g stem roses 1. I n water, cut 1/2" o f f the b o t t o m o f each stem using top o f the heads o f these 4 roses reaches the b o t t o m
• 10- 14" tall vase a sharp knife. Cuts should be at an angle. o f the head o f the first rose y o u placed i n the vase.
• Clear tape Cut all 4 to this measured height.
• Non-serrated knife 2. F i l l the vase 3/4 f u l l w i t h tepid water. M a k e a g r i d
• Bowl or bucket of water pattern across the t o p o f the vase w i t h tape, t w o pieces 5. R e m o v e the thorns and place roses i n the 4
• S m a l l f i l l e r flowers i n each direction. W r a p the tape around the top o f the holes i n the g r i d that are closest to center rose, an
• Greenery, (i.e. leather leaf vase t w i c e to hold the g r i d i n place. equal space apart.
fern or even shrubbery f r o m
your yard.) 3. T h e first rose y o u select should be the tallest, 6. Measure the 7 r e m a i n i n g roses t o be about 4 - 6 "
straightest and tightest closed bud. This rose w i l l de- shorter than y o u r tallest rose, so diey are an equal
termine the height and width of the arrangement and, distance between the top o f the vase and the b o t -
ideally, should be 1 t o 1-1/2 times as tall as y o u r vase. t o m o f the top rose. R e m o v e the thorns, cut all 7 to
R e m o v e the thorns, cut the stem at an angle, and place the same lemtfh.
it i n the center hole o f your grid.

12 • T o D R A G M A ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2007


• N e v e r cut stems w i t h scissors. T h i s
m a y c r i m p t h e stem w h e r e the flower
draws up water. Always use a sharp
non-serrated edge knife.
• C u t flowers stems u n d e r w a t e r for
longest life.
• T o f o r c e fresh flowers o p e n , use
s l i g h t l y w a r m water. C o o l w a t e r is best
to preserve y o u r flowers.
• Change the water every t w o days,
a d d i n g c o o l w a t e r w i t h fresh food.
O n the 4th day, the stems should be
t r i m m e d another 1/2." Pull the entire
arrangement out at once and t u r n

it over to cut the bottoms off, then
replace it i n t o the vase to keep f r o m
having to completely rearrange.
• 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 tablespoon
bleach can be added to the vase water
i f y o u d o n ' t have flower f o o d .


7. Place i n the r e m a i n i n g g r i d holes t o f i l l in place. Greenery should be cut roughly 3 1
the entire vase. T h e fullest and most open of inches shorter than the roses they are sur-
these roses should be the front center ot the rounding, yet should slighdy vary in height. 40.
arrangement. C u t the center rose again, just
a bit shorter, to become a focal point. 9. Fill i n the holes as equally as possible w i t h T o D R A G M A • 13
tiny filler flowers. The filler flowers should
8. C u t bendable greenery to where 6-8" o f always be lower and deeper i n your arrange-
leaves w i l l protrude above the r i m and place ment than y o u r the roses.
a r o u n d the outer r i m o f y o u r vase to hide the
positioning tape and help keep the b o t t o m 10. Lastly, step away and look at the arrange-
7 roses i n place. It is okay i f y o u r tape conies m e n t from the position i t w i l l most likely be
loose at this point. Greenery b e l o w the water viewed. W i l l it sit o n a l o w table or w i l l it be
line should be stripped f r o m the stem. Place a centerpiece for a seated dinner? M a k e final
4 to 6 tall and straight pieces o f greenery greenery additions to make sure tape and
between y o u r top 5 roses t o help t h e m stay rose stems are not showing.

ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2007

Every Road Leads Back

An AOII will never commit a "fashion don't," and you won't catch
her on any worst dressed list. AOIIs are always turning heads as
the trendsetters of fashion, thanks to the AOII Emporium!

A f t e r a few cups o f coffee, one m i n o r w r o n g
t u r n , and a stop at the gas station, the E m p o r i u m
R o a d T r i p van is c r u i s i n g d o w n the interstate
m a k i n g its w a y to a college campus near y o u .
The Emporium's Road Trip program, brings
AOII's official store to chapters and special events.
Today's f o u r - a n d - a - h a l f h o u r trip started at 6 : 0 0
a.m. R i d i n g i n a van packed w i t h pandas (usually
about sixteen to be exact), sweatshirts, and boxes
o f all o f the E m p o r i u m ' s merchandise are Sara Kate
Reaves, Marketing and Jewelry Administrator and
K a y t h r y n Douglas, Business Administrator for
the A O I I E m p o r i u m . " A t least one o f e v e r y t h i n g
f r o m t h e s t o r e f r o n t makes the t r i p , " says Sara
Kate, w h o organizes and schedules the road trips.
T h a t is a l o t o f boxes. I n 2 0 0 6 , the E m p o r i u m
went on the road and traveled to 2 2 locations.
Every spring, each collegiate chapter receives an
email explaining the program and encouraging
chapters to schedule a road trip. D r i v i n g distance
and chapter size are the m a i n qualifications the
Emporium looks for when scheduling a trip. The
E m p o r i u m w i l l travel for special occasions such
as b i d days, F o u n d e r s ' Days, parents' w e e k e n d s ,
chapter anniversaries, A O I I conferences, and
even chapter meetings. W h e n A O I I s are w i l l i n g
to shop, the E m p o r i u m w i l l hit the road. T h e
E m p o r i u m is e v e n w i l l i n g t o h o p a plane f o r large
events i n v o l v i n g 2 0 0 o r m o r e p e o p l e , such as f o r
the Chicago Area Founders' Day this January.

Housed in A O I I Headquarters in Brentwood, T N , Schedule a road trip for your chapter
the E m p o r i u m is f o r t u n a t e t o have e n o u g h space f o r or event by contacting the Emporium!
the store and r o o m for all o f the merchandise stock,
m a k i n g it readily available for orders or packing
up for road trips. W h e n the Emporium started i n
1 9 8 2 , there was a limited amount o f merchandise
f o r sale a n d a l i m i t e d a m o u n t o f space to display i t .
In 2 0 0 1 , the current A O I I Headquarters building
was b u i l t and m o r e space was p r o v i d e d . M o r e space
means m o r e shelves and more shopping. These days
a girl can have more A O I I accessories than Barbie
w i t h signature chapstick, toothbrushes, cosmetic
cases, a n d even tissue.

By Erin Burcham, Zeta (U of Nebraska - Lincoln), Assistant Editor

ISSUE N O . 2 • SPR.1N<; 2 0 0 7 T o I)HAC;MA • 1 5

Most N P C groups do not have a physical store like I
A O I I , but instead have an online store or a shipping and
storage area. M a n y other N P C groups' merchandise Just like any o f your other favorite stores, the
programs are a separate entity f r o m the sorority and E m p o r i u m is always researching the latest trends i n
may even be operated by a third party vendor, meaning order to provide for their customers. Lauren Sims,
that all o f the proceeds may not go back to the N P C Administrative Director o f the Emporium works
group. A l l profits f r o m the Emporium go back to the throughout the year to determine w h i c h o f these
fraternity to reduce operation costs. Speaking o f profit, trends w i l l turn into products. O f t e n times vendors
the A O I I E m p o r i u m consistently remains among the w i l l submit sample merchandise to the store i n hopes
top three i n sales numbers o f all N P C groups. A O I I s that the E m p o r i u m w i l l purchase and sell these items,
really are shopaholics! but many o f the ideas come f r o m n e t w o r k i n g . Each
year the E m p o r i u m staff travels to Consortium, a
A r o u n d 1 0 : 3 0 A M the E m p o r i u m arrives on campus conference f o r N P C groups w i t h retail stores. It is
ready t o set u p shop f o r eager A O I I s . It generally here that m a n y ideas are produced because o f the
will take about t w o hours for the crew to unpack all opportunity to meet with many vendors. Sometimes
of the merchandise and be open for shoppers. I f the the same vendors w i l l cater to different N P C groups,
event is at a hotel or a campus center the merchandise w h i c h is w h y y o u r r o o m m a t e m a y have D e l t a
generally takes up fourteen long tables. O f t e n times G a m m a f l i p flops that l o o k s i m i l a r t o y o u r A O I I ones.
the E m p o r i u m w i l l set u p r i g h t i n a chapter house Other times, the E m p o r i u m w i l l have merchandise
and i n that case " w e use practically every piece o f that is u n i q u e t o the fraternity. T h e one t h i n g that
f u r n i t u r e w e can f i n d , " Sara Kate laughs.

1 2 : 3 0 p . m . rolls a r o u n d and the E m p o r i u m is ready
f o r business. A O I I s a r r i v e ready t o shop and fill u p
t h e i r bags w i t h p o p u l a r items such as the A O I I a p r o n ,
" F l o p p y " the panda, a n d h o o d e d sweat shirts. I f it is a
b i d day, i t is o n e o f the first experiences f o r an e x c i t e d
n e w m e m b e r w h o p r o u d l y buys her first o f m a n y
A O I I T-shirts. I f it is a Founders' Day, an alumna
may purchase the latest tote bag, an A O I I baby bib,
or another A O I I T-shirt (can you really ever have
enough?) w i t h the same excitement. Shoppers come
and go and come back again throughout the next few
hours. Local A O I I collegians and alumnae may stop
by i f not already part o f the event, to take advantage
o f the o n site store.

Popular Emporium Products:

• AOII Flip Flops
• "The Boy has Good Taste" T-Shirt
• Floppy the Panda
• Sterling Silver Lavaliere on Snake Chain
• Chocolate Brown Hooded Sweatshirt

with Pink Gingham Letters

16 • To DRAGMA ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 7

the item must have is official Greek licensing from $476,877.03 - the Emporium Grand
A f f i n i t y Marketing. This ensures that the product
has permission to carry A O I I as a brand name. I f the Sales Total for the 2005-2006 fiscal year.
product is not licensed, then A O I I w i l l not receive a
profit f r o m that sale. 4 - the number of Emporium Staff Members.

At 5 : 3 0 p.m. the last shopper leaves. She had a 1 9 7 5 . 3 5 - the number of miles for one
difficult time deciding between the beach towel and
the towel wrap... so she bought them both. Sara Kate road trip, to La Verne,CA.
and Kaythryn total their sales and complete all final
paperwork and take inventory on the day. Sales are 29 - the number of hours it would have taken
great, proving once again that AOIIs love to shop. to drive there from Brentwood.
The largest single road trip sales total i n 2 0 0 6 was a
whopping $ 8 , 7 0 2 . 1 9 when the Emporium visited the 4.5 - the number of hours it took by plane.
University o f Arkansas colonization.
8 - the number of different kinds o f pandas the
It's after 6 : 0 0 p.m. and the pair packs up all of the Emporium carries.
boxes and prepares to load the van. The boxes are
lighter in weight than when they arrived, but there is 1-800-746-7264-the phone
still plenty to pack. Sara Kate and Kaythryn buckle
up and take off. "From there, we usually go get number to the Emporium.
something to eat and head to bed. It's been a long
day!" says Sara Kate. In this case the road trip is too 1 9 5 7 - the year the first A O I I sweatshirt
far away to drive home tonight, so the staff w i l l stay was available for order.
in town overnight at a hotel, a chapter house, or w i t h
a local alumna. 73.4 - The percentage o f Emporium orders that
are processed through the Emporium website.
The next morning, Sara Kate and Kaythryn wake up
and take o f f early. Their next destination is just a few 2 - the number of weeks to call ahead to
hours away and often times a road trip may include reserve a consignment box.
several chapters i n a row i f they are i n close proximity.
Luckily the van is packed w i t h extra merchandise 14 - the number of consignment boxes
for long trips such as these. As the t w o drive out o f sent in 2005-2006.
town, they excitedly chat about their next visit. I n
the background the radio is tuned into a local station. \ - Number of male models in the Emporium catalog.
As i f it were planned, an old classic comes on the (he's modeling the AOII Dad shirt)
radio that could be the pair's theme song. The van
drives out of sight as W i l l i e Nelson sings " O n the 1982 8 5 0 5 4 - the zip code of the
Road Again."
Emporium's next big road trip.
Can't make it to (Convention 2007 in Phoenix, AZ)
Brentwood to visit the
Emporium in person? - the year the Emporium was founded.

The Consigment Box
Program brings the
Emporium to you.

ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 7 I'o DRAGMA * 17


AOII Humanitarian
Helps Educate Africa

By Courtney Dillard, For Bonnie Sutherland, Beta Kappa ( U of British The ladies soon founded the non-profit
Tau Omicron Columbia), philanthropy is more than a service organization, A F R E T E C H , and designated
project from her collegiate or alumnae chapter its purpose to bring education to rural African
(U of Tennessee Martin) years. It is her livelihood. Bonnie became aware schools. Currently, the organization is comprised
Administrative Director of the degree of her natural charitable instincts i n of more than 30 devoted volunteers who dedicate
1992. The Beta Kappa alumna had decided to take their time, resources, and money to exceeding the
of Communications a five-month leave o f absence as a classroom teacher organization's goals. These volunteers travel to
in order to travel with her husband. After visiting Africa at least once per year to deliver materials,
numerous exotic sites, their global excursion follow-up w i t h schools, and seek out additional
brought them to Africa. projects. Traveling the winding, ribbon-thin
A f r i c a n roads between villages is less than
Since teaching was near to the Sutherlands' hearts, glamorous, but the rewards experienced by
Bonnie and her husband were invited to tour a A F R E T E C H volunteers are immeasurable. Many
rural school in Zimbabwe. The lack o f standard of the volunteers travel the rough terrain on a
educational materials was appalling to Bonnie. The bodaboda, a bicycle w i t h a back seat, and ride i n a
make-shift school was covered i n a t i n roof and matatu (a less than stellar Volkswagen van w i t h 14
contained only eight books. The pair traveled back seats) as a group. The accommodations are not five-
to their home i n Vancouver, Canada in hopes that star or first-class.
they could send some sort of much-needed materials.
The logic o f the first endeavor was so simple—to
Once back at home, Bonnie solicited the help put textbooks on desks. African students did not
of her life-long friend and A O I I Beta Kappa have access to take books home to study, so they
sister, JoAnne Phillips. Bonnie andJoAnne had were not able to practice the concepts taught
experienced life as collegians together at the i n school by teachers. These were the issues
University o f British Columbia where they shared encountered by those that could afford the luxury
friends, living quarters, vacations, and professional of education. In Africa, education within primary
aspirations. Always the humanitarian, JoAnne was schools (until the 8th grade) is sometimes free, but
the perfect match for finding a solution to Bonnie's the cost o f uniforms is not included. Since high
compelling experiences across the Atlantic. school has fees associated w i t h attendance, many
students are not able to attend school after the 8th
After persuading their local superintendent and grade at all. A F R E T E C H can provide high school
school board for unused textbooks, their first students w i t h schooling for one-year for the cost
pallet o f textbooks was sent to M u t o k o H i g h of $25 US dollars, which includes their uniform.
School in Zimbabwe. It contained 21 boxes Thus, the concept evolved.
of educational materials. These were small
beginnings to a remarkable plight, since Bonnie Bonnie and JoAnne's journey to help bring
and her husband personally paid the shipping for education to the A f r i c a n villages has withstood
the pallet of books. It took almost a year for the 15 years o f political changes and variations i n
first shipment to make it to their final destination, customs. Because o f this, Bonnie's connectivity to
but the jubilation a continent away was an local African officials has proven useful i n multiple
addiction to the two humanitarians. uncomfortable situations. Bonnie's relationship


Photos (top left): Rural African classrooms can have as high as a 160:1 student/teacher ratio. (Top right): Bonnie Sutherland's quest to educate children has
allowed her to meet numerous African dignitaries. (Above): Students are delighted to receive one of AFRETECH's shipments to their Kenyan school.



with the president o f Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe,
proved to be instrumental when the country's
customs officials would not allow a shipment of
computers to be released into the nation.

When asked o f her most rewarding experiences,
Bonnie laughs nervously because o f the countless
meaningful moments experienced by the Canadi-
an. Although never specifically identifying one i n -
stance, a conversation w i t h her is an experience all
its o w n ; her excitement and passion radiates as she
moves from one touching experience to the other.
She laughs at the name given to her by t w o young
African female villagers. Their love for reading has
begun since A F R E T E C H has supplied their school
w i t h Reader's Digest magazines and has spawned
the nickname, "The Library Lady."

Photos (top right): A computer Although A F R E T E C H originally worked to i
lab set up by AFRETECH in a provide books o f all types to African villages,
rural school in Zimbabwe. (At the organization now has been responsible for Sutherland officially retired her full-time teaching
the dissemination of thousands of computers and position in 2003 after the unfortunate death of her
right): $25 school uniforms are medical equipment. In the last year. A F R E T E C H friend and sister. JoAnne. To honor her memory,
a commodity to many students. partnered with the T h i r d World Eye Care Society A F R E T E C H built a computer lab in a western
to disperse over 4,200 pairs o f glasses to Africans i n Kenyan school, in addition to stocking the library
(Below): AFRETECH's goal is Kenya and Nairobi. The 15-day excursion allowed w i t h over 12,000 books. JoAnne's legacy is in safe
to provide an education and over 500 people a day to receive proper optical care. hands w i t h Bonnie.

hopefully, a better life.

Last year, A O I I honored Bonnie Sutherland w i t h
the Alumnae Woman o f Leadership Award. In
an e-mail to A O I I f r o m JoAnne, she states, " I still
think back to the days when Joanne and I would
spend hours, even days, screening books and
materials for their appropriateness before pack-
ing them—a huge job, but such fun! As you can
imagine, those memories are precious, and, yes, her
spirit definitely does live on. I thank you on behalf
o f both o f us."

To this clay, Bonnie attributes the many successes
of the organization to the volunteers and her
teamwork w i t h JoAnne. The ties o f friendship
that united Bonnie and JoAnne so long ago have
bound them together in life and in their quest to
bring education to those less fortunate. For more
information about A F R E T E C H and its mission,
visit their website at




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Heroes use Horse Power

This is a story about heroes helping heroes. It's about taking the reigns and
taking new steps, and about caring so much about a cause, that you don't give
up your fight. This is a story about unselfish love.

M a r y Jo Beckman, Pi Kappa ( U o f Texas) has Inspiration took action and M a r y Jo spent the next
met many heroes. A retired Naval Commander few years researching and w r i t i n g proposals to start
and therapeutic r i d i n g instructor at the Walter a similar program in Virginia. Finally in 2006,
Reed Army Medical Center. Mary Jo works Mary Jo received the suppport she needed to begin
each day to rebuild confidence i n some o f the a pilot program using the Caisson Platoon horses
U n i t e d States' most dedicated men and women. in Fort Myer, Virginia. Much work was quickly
Heroes who have not only sacrificed a part o f completed i n order to get ready for the the rides.
themselves emotionally, but physically, to serve Horses were trained, soliders f r o m the Platoon
their country. By using horses and heart, M a r y were taught how to lead the horses and to walk
Jo is helping amputees r e t u r n i n g f r o m the War beside the patients, and a ramp was constructed to
in Iraq restore balance in their lives through the assist the riders mount the horses. Soldiers began
Caisson Platoon therapeutic riding program. to take the saddle and see change. Balance tests
were conducted on the wounded service men and
Balance is exactly what the program achieves. women before and after they rode the horses. The
Sitting tall upon the horse, soldiers build muscle Walter Reed Army Medical Center noted that the
strength, develop pelvic coordination, better their riders had "significantly improved" their balance
posture and improve their balance, which is key and deemed the program a success. The "wounded
when learning to walk on an artificial limb. The warriers," as they are called, not only improved
sensation a rider receives when riding a horse is their ability to walk, but improved their morale.
very similar to the feeling one has while walking For the first time i n a long time the soldiers were
w i t h his or her o w n legs. The program has long active and learning a new skill on a military base,
been a dream o f Mary Jo's, a dream she is finally giving them more independence and a new found
seeing come true after almost a decade o f work. confidence to ride a little taller.

By Erin Burcham, Zeta The idea first came to M a r y Jo i n 1 9 9 7 as she lis- Since last May, fourteen wounded service men
(U of Nebraska - Lincoln) tened to to a speech describe how amputated Viet- and women have felt the benefits o f the program,
nam War veterans had benefited f r o m rehabilita- which is now officially up and running or gallop-
Assistant Editor tion involving unique sports. The speech went on ing, you might say. M a r y Jo is the driving force o f
to highlight a program in Denver, Colorado where the program as she conducts all therapeutic riding
the soldiers had ridden horses for therapy. " I heard sessions and matches up the riders and horses. She
the speech and was very affected," she says, "As a also makes sure that all horses have been properly
Navy retiree and N A R H A (North American R i d - trained and are ready to serve as teachers. It is is
ing for the Handicapped Association) Therapeurtic important that the horses are comfortable w i t h
R i d i n g Instructor, it seemed a perfect match for riders changing positions, such as riding backwards
me to link the military w i t h therapeutic riding." and sideways and do not m i n d being around many

2 2 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 7

Photos (at left): Mary Jo (second from left)
celebrates with her family at her father's 90th
birthday celebration (photo credit: Julie Farias).
(Below): Soldier Max Ramsey sits tall in the
saddle with help from soldiers of the US Army,
3rd Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), Caisson
Platoon, Ft. Myer, Virginia.

people. Fortunately, the Caisson Platoon horses
used in the program are no stranger to responsibi-
lity because they are the horses trained and used i n
military funerals at Arlinglton Cemetary.

Despite her busy life, M a r y Jo has remained close W i t h its success, Mary Jo and her team hope to
w i t h the fraternity and has found the support be able to expand their program across the United
o f sisters to be important at all stages o f her life. States so that more wounded service men and
Mary Jo attended the University o f Texas, where women have the opportunity to experience the
" A O I I was my college experience," she shared. amazing benefits o f riding. It is a new challenge,
"The University o f Texas had 40,000 students but Mary Jo knows that it takes time and patience
and it was easy to get lost i n crowds. A O I I was to make change: " I f a person has a dream, don't
a wonderful group of individuals who came to- give up on i t , " Mary Jo shares. "After I had the
gether to form a sisterhood." Mary Jo found the idea, nine years went by before all o f the puzzle
same to be true later i n life: " D u r i n g my military pieces fell into place."
career, we moved every 2 to 3 years and I j o i n e d
the local alumnae chapters. It was w o n d e r f u l to Heroes are those who dream their dreams for
be welcomed into a group o f ladies havingjust others. W h o make a difference by serving. Mary
arrived in town." Jo's story is f u l l of heroes: ones who ride, ones
who trot, ones w h o teach, and most importantly,
M a r y Jo served i n the Navy f r o m 1974 to 1994 ones who dream. A O I I is proud to salute Mary Jo
and retired as a Commander. A n amazing ac- Beckman, a true hero.
complishment in itself, M a r y Jo still considers
her riding program to be her top honor: " M y
military career certainly had some high points,
but nothing like my second career as a therapeu-
tic riding instructor."

ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRJNG 2007 To DRAGMA • 23

Tell Someone


By Erin Burcham, Zeta (U of Nebraska), Assistant Editor

You've seen the commercials, read the headlines, and
perhaps were surprised to learn that most cervical cancers
are caused by a common virus. Has someone told you
about the vaccine?

In June 2006 the Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices voted to approve Gardasil, a vaccine that
prevents four different strains of the human papillomavirus
(HPV). Many are calling Gardasil the "cervical cancer
vaccine," because of the fact that it protects those
immunized from the strains of HPV that cause 70% of
cervical cancers. The FDA has licensed the vaccine for
females between the ages of 9 and 26.

The introduction of the vaccine into the medical community
has been controversial because while many see it as
cancer prevention, Gardasil is a vaccination for a sexually
transmitted disease. In fact, it is the first vaccine for
a STD to be recommended for school aged children.
Controversy aside, HPV is the most common sexually
transmitted disease in the United States, infecting more
than six million Americans each year. While some parents
feel that a vaccination like this will promote promiscuity,
it should be mentioned that women can contract HPV in
a monogomous relationship or marriage if her partner is
infected. With many infected individuals never showing
symptoms, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention
estimates that over one half of all sexually active women
and men will contract HPV in their lifetimes.


Between 60% and 80% of
women diagnosed with
cervical cancer had not
had a Pap test during

Most strains of HPV do not cause symptoms and disappear without
treatment, but certain strains of the virus are labeled "high risk." It
is these high risk strains that can cause cervical cancer and genital
warts, and are the strains that a Gardisal vaccination can prevent. It is
estimated that 10,000 new cases of cervical cancer will be diagnosed
in the United States this year and that it will cause 3,700 deaths
(470,000/233,000 world wide). It is frightening statistics like these that
have led to the reccomendation of the HPV vaccine for such a young
age range of women, with the purposes of administering the vaccine
before a female becomes sexually active.

It could be argued that proper screening can catch cancerous cells
before they become high risk, eliminating many cases of cervical
cancer. In fact, most abnormal cervical cells, if caught early will not
develop into cancer. Unfortunately however, the majority of women
who develop serious forms of cervical cancer are never screened,
or do not have regular Pap tests. A vaccine given prior to a woman
being sexually active would prevent many of these occurances.
Additionally, a sexually active woman will most likely benefit from the
vaccine, even if she has HPV, because it would be unlikely that she
would have all four strains of the virus that the vaccination covers.

A HPV vaccination does not mean that you should cancel your regular
pap test. While research is underway to develop additional vaccines,
Gardasil does not protect against about 30% of cervical cancers and
cannot prevent other diseases and conditions that a pap screening
will detect. The only sure way to prevent HPV is abstainence, but
condom use and limiting the number of sexual partners you have
may reduce your risk.

Right now, the vaccine is only issued for women 9-26, but research is
ongoing to determine the safety and effectivness of the vaccine for
older women and even males.

Gardasil is administered through a series of three injections over a
period of six months. The total cost of the vaccine is $360 ($120 per
shot), and many insurance companies are covering the recommended
vaccination. The vaccine which has been tested in over 11,000
females has proven no serious side effects.

Currently Merck and Co, Gardisal's manufacturer, is working hard
to get the word out about the vaccine and spreading the message
about prevention. The "Tell Someone" campaign features a series of
television commercials and advertisements encouraging women to
talk about HPV and its link to cervical cancer.

ISSUE NO.2 • SPRANG 2 0 0 7 f o DRAGMA • 25


If you do have an abnormal Pap test, do ^AYS TO ftlEVENT
not panic. Most abnormal cervical cells .ERViCAL LANCER:
will go away on their own. Your doctor
may reccomend one of the following: • Visit your doctor regularly

• Another Pap test to confirm the results • Have an annual pap exam
• A HPV DNA test to determine if "high risk"
• Talk to your doctor about the
types of HPV are present H PV DNA test for women over
• A colposcopy to further examine the cervix 30 and women who receive a
"borderline" pap test result.
for abnormalities
• A biopsy to screen for precancerous and cancerous cells • Talk with your partner
• Removal of abnormal cells
• Frequent Pap tests to monitor the abnormal cells • Tell a friend, your daughter,
your sister... she might not know

You'd tell her she has The National Panhellenic Conference is also taking initiative in HPV
lipstick on her teeth. education. NPC has teamed up with Merck and Co to "Tell Someone."
In October 2006, all College Panhellenices received a kit of information
So why wouldn't you tell her about including brochures, magnets, and a T-shirt to be distributed to the
a virus that can cause cancer? NPC groups on campus. The College Panhellenics were encouraged
to spread the word and help educate their Greek women about HPV.

We want you to be aware of HPV, Gardisal, and how you can prevent
cervical cancer and maybe save a life. Talk with your doctor to see if
he or she reccomends the vaccination for you, your daughter, and all
of the important women in your life.

Tell Someone.

For more information visit:
• American Cancer Society: • Center for Disease Control HPV Information: •


^ i i e n you
need a friend

"letyour light shine-

As collegians we become familiar with She was my loving caregiver and held me strength through their constant phone calls,
those beautiful words as they take on a together during a difficult time. along with Chris Goering Billies' "cheer-
meaning that is unique to each of us. As you-up" visit from Atlanta. Additionally,
alumnae, we are challenged and inspired to I continue to be overwhelmed by her love, Joanne Speyer, Beta Phi (Indiana U ) is a
fulfill the meaning or those words in our kindness, unselfishness, and generosity. "survivor," who has given sound advice
journey through life. Fortunately, as AOIls, But everyone who knows Morleen knows and support. Nancy Garrett, Delta Delta
our journey is filled with friends upon her "to be that friend upon whom you (Auburn U ) from the Northern Virginia
whom we have no fear to call. must have no fear to call." I w i l l forever be Alumnae Chapter has been my local
grateful to her super husband, John, for his supporter, as well as many others. I am
O n St. Patrick's Day 2006, while looking support of her decision to be with me. fortunate and privileged and proud to call
forward to an Irish coffee, I received a call them sisters whose care and love added to
from my surgeon. He delivered the life- So how did an A O I I f r o m Arlington, my swift healing. To all of them, I say "let
changing news that I had been diagnosed VA and an A O I I from Toronto, Canada your light so shine."
with breast cancer. What followed was a develop a special sisterhood? It began
time of reflection and decision. O n April in 1980 when Morleen hosted Joan This story is not about my recent illness, but
26, my birthday, I had the first lumpectomy MacCallum, AOII's International President about our sisterhood. I share it in hopes that
- so much for celebrating. The surgery at the time, and me in her beautiful home it might be an example and inspiration to all
went well, but tests revealed the sentinel for Beta Tau's 50th anniversary celebration. AOIIs of how powerful the strength of our
node was not "clean." Two weeks later I A loving sisterhood was born. In 1984, sisterhood can be when you need a friend.
was back in the operating room for a wider Toronto was the host city for the Region
lumpectomy and auxiliary node dissection I Leadership Conference. Whenever I By Helen Claire McMahon, Rho (Northwestern U)
(12 lymph nodes were removed). This time found spare time I spent it with Morleen. Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter
the result was encouraging and no residual Morleen hosted me again in 1985 for
cancer was found -hooray! Thirty-five the Toronto Alumnae Chapter's 50th Morleen Bousfield, Beta Tau (U of
radiation treatments followed along with anniversary, and in 2006 for Beta Tau's 75th Toronto) and Helen Claire McMahon,
a cancer medication treatment that I w i l l anniversary. There have been non-AOII Rho (Northwestern U)
continue for five-years. visits with each other over the years, and the
tie that binds us has deepened.
After my diagnosis, I wrote to a number o f
dear friends, and soon received a call from Beta Tau and Toronto alumnae are the fine
Morleen Bousfield, Beta Tau (U of Toronto) A O I I chapters today because of the care and
who said to me—"I'm coming to take care attention Morleen devotes to them along
of you!" A l l I could think and say was, with her guidance and generosity. Every
"wow!" Morleen arrived in Arlington, A O I I sister is a better A O I I and person
Virginia from Toronto, Canada the morning because they know her. Certainly, my
after my second surgery and stayed by my health and well being have been blessed
side for five days. She was my chauffeur, because she has been "that friend."
chief cook and dishwasher, hairdresser,
nurse on occasion, accompanied me to my During this past year, my R h o
surgeon's appointment, and we shopped (Northwestern U) sisters from around
(those who know us will appreciate this). the country have also been my ongoing

ISSUE NO.2 • SPRING 2 0 0 7 To DRAGMA • 2 7




Ajpha Omicron Pi is pleased to announce the installation o f its 181 st X i OMICRON CHARTER MEMBERS

chartered chapter. X i Omicron Chapter o f Alpha Omicron Pi at the Christina Arcana Stacy Cladeke Lisa Ogier
University o f Arkansas was installed on January 2 0 , 2 0 0 7 . Eighty- Hope Argo Sarah Ctammill Stephanie Olds
seven women were initiated into A O I I membership during the Lisa Asbury Jordan Garrett Monica Parrish
numerous events surrounding most o f the weekend o f the historical Sidney Bennett Sarah C i.ivin Katherine Perry
occasion. Saturday's initiation and installation activities concluded Tiffany Berkemeyer Jessica Graham Savior Prather
with the traditional Rose Banquet later in the evening at the U A R K Brittany Bogle Paige Heflin Aimee Pruett
Ballroom in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Susan Danko, A O I I International Brittany Booker Alyssa Horlick Brittany Ramos
President, served as the installing officer and guest speaker. Catherine Breland (Carrie Huber Savannah Reading
Olivia Burnett Maggie Johnson Shannon Rehm
The guests included university administrators, family and friends, Adrianne Burris Hannah Jordan Hannah Roe
other Greek organizational members and members o f the Sigma Amanda Caines Kathryn Jordan Jamie Rowland
Omicron Chapter at Arkansas State University and the C h i Theta Ashley Collins Kristen Jutras Lindsey Sarratt
Chapter at Northeastern State University. Other special guests Elizabeth Come Yerim Kim Allison Sehmohl
included Susan Danko, A O I I International President; Allison Allgier, Whitney Cooper Paige Kimbrough Brittany Scott
Vice President o f Development; Kathy Jensen, Director o f Alumnae Alyssa Cunningham Julianne Koch Rebecca Shipp
Chapters; Linda Mahfouz, Colony Development Network Director; Olivia Daniel Morgan Lindley Kelsey Smith
Brandi Nunnery, Colony Development Network Specialist; X i Andrea Delicati Tan 1my Lippert Marci Smith
Omicron's Alumnae Advisory Committee and Corporation Board; Allison Dent Lauren Massey Monique St. Pierre
and Lauren Cox, Resident Consultant. Caroline Derby Ashley McGehee Diana Taylor
Meagan Doyle Stephanie McKenna Lacey Thorpe
The charter members o f X i O m i c r o n selected "Excellence Overall" as Courtney Duhamel Claire McKinney Hilda Villafranca
their sub-motto. Alpha O m i c r o n Pi is excited to begin the tradition o f Sarah 1 )imcan Tara McMahan Katie Watson
excellence at the University o f Arkansas and congratulates the initiates Robin Edwards Jennifer Miller Brittany Weaver
on this historical occasion. Lauren Eldridge Jordan Mooney Bethany Wildy
Rebecca Elliott Meredith Moore Sara Williams
2 8 • To DRAGMA Jessica Feinman Brittany Murphy Alex Wilson
Kimberly Fermaint Jessica Nichols Rachael Wright
Zarah Fortune Micah Nolan Amy Yealy
Megan Franklin Katherine O'Coinicl LeeAnne Young

S.SUH N O . 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 7


AOn and

Pandas Still



O n September 6, 2006 a giant panda Newborn Mei Lan (shown above) was the only giant Most AOIIs know that the panda has
cub was born at Z o o Atlanta. The cub, panda born in the United States in 2006. no natural enemies, but here are a
which was the only panda born in the few more things you might not know
United States i n 2006 was part o f the You can stay updated on M e i Lan's about AOII's unofficial mascot:
year's exciting worldwide "panda boom." progress by visiting www.zooatlanta.
A record number o f 31 pandas were born com where you can read daily updates • The panda has a sixth digit on its hand
in captivity in 2006, with 28 surviving. about the cub and watch the giant for the purpose of helping to grasp
The previous record o f births had been pandas live on the "panda cam." You bamboo known as the pseudothumb.
21 i n 2005. Researchers site that this is may just catch a glimpse o f Mei Lan
the biggest boom o f births since China walking, playing with toys, feeding, or • Pandas will consume as much as 80
began to artificially reproduce the animals catching up on some sleep. pounds of bamboo a day.
in the 1960s. The cub born in Atlanta
was officially named Mei Lan, meaning There are only an estimated 3,000 giant • Pandas are most active in the morning
"Atlanta Beauty" on Decenber 15, 2006 pandas living in the w i l d and 185 living in and evening.
at the "100 Day" naming ceremony, captivity. O n l y four zoos i n the United
a Chinese tradition that celebrates an States, including Z o o Atlanta, have panda • Pandas will give birth to twins over half
infant's 100th day o f life. Born to Lun exhibits, so i f you are looking to see of the time
L u n and Yang Yang, the birth was much pandas up close, you may have to visit San
anticipated by researchers, Z o o Atlanta Diego, Memphis, or the National Zoo in • Most panda moms will fast for several
staff, and animal lovers everywhere. Washington D.C. to see in person w h y days after giving birth
The birth is especially exciting to AOIIs AOIIs and pandas belong together!
because o f the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter's • A panda cub is 1/900 of its mother's
fund raising efforts to help bring the cub's weight.
parents to Atlanta, as we told you in our
Spring 2006 article " A O I I and Pandas • The first live panda was brought from
Belong Together." China to the United States in 1936
and was housed at he Brookfield Zoo
Mei Lan made her formal "media debut" in Chicago.
in January and zoo guests were able to
catch a glimpse o f the cub in person.

IsSUENO.2 • SiPBtNG 2007 To DRAGMA • 29

W i t h grateful appreciation, A O I I recognizes lowirn

Alpha Beta Tau Kathryn Stewart Fitzgerald, 904 Janet Pierce Conway, 1030 Marty Garrahan Hazard, 739 Chi Theta
Julie Derby-Hunter, 964 Julia Mills Litdejohn, 1088
Becky Winkler Martin, 970 Chi Alpha Allissa Lee Day, 819
Alpha Pi Alpha Theta Jaclyn Finley Sullivan, 856
Alpha Chi Lorene Seurer Pucelik, 790 Merissa Hutchins, 961
Mary Mask Michael, 711 Linda Martin McLaughlin, 1034 Laurel Pavia Gast, 1039
Jamie Rone Hunt, 700 Jo Fabian Edwards, 942 Delta
Ellen Holman, 863 Karen Glendinning Givens, 948 Beta Chi Chi Beta
Debi Wade Jordan, 867 Judith Lowe Wells, 1025 Jody Pillsbury Cahill, 944
Debra L. Stahl Halbig, 902 Winona Zie) Sanchez, 1081 Sally Ann Allen Crenshaw, 713 Erin Schrad, 991
Barbara Ann Herring Polak, 1107 Delta Alpha
Alpha Delta Beta Epsilon Chi Delta
Alpha Psi Francie Baskett, 758
Carla Stabley, 751 Judith Erickson, 1023 Nicole Vranjes Gaynor, 681
Alison Brinknian Presley, 958 Amber Nelson, 906 Cynthia Trujillo Marchant, 710 Delta Beta
Alyce Mize Hardey, 967 Christie Pinney, 919 Beta Gamma Cathleen Cadwell Banner, 732
Linda Rice Maples, 1007 Kristalyn Shefveland, 993 Cheryl Jenkins Rogers, 771 Pam RiebelYokubaitis, 708
Melissa Barton Hagopian, 1105 Rachel Phillips, 683 Kris Luse McCann, 779 Lesley Robertson, 722
Alpha Rho Nicole Early, 689 Gretchen England, 835 Judith Johnston Corne, 756
Alpha Gamma Beth Karkanen Arrott, 761 Lauren Staffeld, 839 Nancy Tuttle Boisture, 890
Paula Levand, 716 Barbara Hew Tanner, 767 Karin Gustafion Nelson, 845 Ashley Avery, 913
Kristi Phillips-Grouws, 799 Adey Berwald Huktrand, 778 Stephanie Holtaway Joos, 849 Liz Catalanotto, 983
Terrie Skavlem Frahm, 877 Alpha Sigma Sally WolfordHoner, 797 Nancy Setter Karl, 885 Marie Craddock Gordy, 1110
Jennifer Colwell Loy, 996 Sarah Lubischer, 855 Angie Callahan, 957
Brenda Mcintosh Townsend, 876 Betty Baker Fritz, 1002 Mary HurTer Welch, 988 Delta Chi
Alpha Kappa Dolores Ferrero, 990 Colby Schelin, 1018
Ruth Dexter, 1089 Beta Phi Dolores Jones Matteson, 1028 Alyssa Weinberg Simon, 693
Bevedy Stanford Badger, 730 Beverly Rabe So, 1037 Karenanne Stegmann, 832
Lynda McCain Brooks, 706 Lacey Bowman, 1066
Alpha Lambda Kim Knapp, 720 Delta Delta
Mary Mahon Munchak, 766 Chi Epsilon
Tracey Byram, 718 Mary Ann Beckman Zabel, 824 Betty Bradshaw Larson, 800
Melissa Crider, 748 Cheryl Regan Sharps, 830 Penny Davidson Bogoni, 729 Brenda Cheatham Morton, 812
Jennifer Partee, 801 Margaret Whitbeck Shelton, 910 Michelle Carlin Gilliam, 744 Meredith Hoyle, 829
Laura Wallace Bramlett, 857 Patricia"Young Alverson, 920 Jessica Buder Dible, 929 Kelli Kennedy Easterling, 918
Jade Neese Bergdoll, 895 Betty Rutherford Kuntz, 943 Katie Eagan, 932 Bonnie Conerly Porter, 936
Megan Lokey, 1020 Gayle Karch Cook, 974 Reta Allen McKannan, 953
Victoria Sievers Sullivan, 984 Chi Lambda Mary Anne Phillips Long, 1065
Alpha Omicron Joan Davis Bach, 1038
Jean Spencer Block, 1052 Victoria Johnson White, 782 Delta Epsilon
Clara CantrellTomsuIa, 701 Elizabeth Romine Coffey, 833
Jackie Lee Airhart, 745 Beta Pi Jennifer Jordan Woodard, 1033 Jenny Duncan, 759
Virginia Maddox Shepherd, 941 Sharon Dasinger, 892
Jo Ann Cline Humble, 973 Sally Gustavson Taylor, 979 Chi Omicron Jane Passmore Gary, 935
Olive Rodriquez Fuchs, 1054
Betty Olsen Duke, 1087 Mary Jennings Katschke, 1022 Delta Omega

Stephanie Elder, 765
Yvette Whitmer Taylor, 926

Delta Pi

Mary Campbell Newman, 981

Delta Rho

SaraHusby, 875

members who joined between July 47, 2006 - December -19, 2006.

Delta Sigma Gamma

Darian Somen Hopkins, 727 Catherine Tripp Pohle, 954
Cathy de Wolfe, 802 Ellen Pfeifer Bennewitz, 1031
Marlene Peterson Adams, 882 Annette Simoneau Bliss, 1086
Mary Piatt Barnes, 1062
Gamma Alpha
Delta Theta
Jennifer Byrd Arthur, 749
Nicole Hoefle, 685 Sharon McFadden Gaines, 788
Nicole Silva DeBusk, 737 Susan Watkins Kami, 798
Vanessa Humphreys, 1108 Gay Trumbull Porter, 1099

Delta Upsilon Gamma Beta Dolores White Rhodes, Life Loyal #63
Tracy Tucker, 870
Jennifer Beall, 894 Melanie Nestor Carver, 1046 Alpha Delta ( U of Alabama)
Judith Wagoner Pahren, 994 Retired Assistant to the Dean,
College o f Communication, U of Alabama
Epsilon Gamma Chi
M y dedication to the philosophy and the future of the Fraternity
Buffy Broncato Blackwell, 814 Melissa McNamara, 865 is w h y I decided to become a Life Loyal member. As an alumna
Joanna Britten-Kelly, 933 Kelly Manuel, 1010 initiate w i t h three A O I I daughters. Alpha O m i c r o n Pi has been
Stephanie Keene Fox, 1047 a lifetime journey of learning and sisterhood. Someone wisely
Jess Ackerman, 1067 Gamma Omiciron once said, " T h e secret to success is to give yourself: away w i t h
love, - and strangely enough, the more you give, the more you
Epsilon Alpha Margaret Bryan Gill, 709 receive. A l l you send into the lives o f others does come back
Alexis Lambeerrtt,, 7712 into your o w n . " A l l I have learned not only helped me succeed
Jane Morton Foster, 690 Maribeth Coller, 736 i n m y professional life, it has made me a better w i f e , mother,
Inga Scheyer Book, 780 Charlene Leonard, 763 grandmother and community-minded person.
Traci Perkins Caplan, 807 Jennifer English MMyeyerrs. , 813
Emma-Jean Way Cole, 917 Dorothy SSttoocckkbbrriiddggee--Pratt, 831
Nancy Thomas Rude, 976 Carolyynn RJjcchards Johinson, 934
Mid Isenberg Russell, 1090 Michelle Hemstad, 99772

Epsilon Chi Gamma Sigma

Michele Bradshaw Robinson, 750 Suzanne Barner, 785

Jessica Floyd Ward, 754 Becky Purcell, 806

Stacey Doebert, 793 Dianne Dollar Watson, 960

Rachel Plucker, 925 C . Diane Siple, 992 Life Loyal A O I I membership w i l l ensure that young w o m e n

Ginny Inscore, 1021 Gamma Theta w i l l have the opportunity to share our special sisterhood and

Epsilon Gamma Briana Reiter, 715 lovely R i t u a l for years to come. It also assures that the lives

Janet Lynn Hise, 772 Nicole Caputi, 1005 of alumnae w i l l be enriched through continued learning

Paige Curry, 966 experiences shared not only i n our To Drc^ma, but

Epsilon Omega Gamma Upsilon also through chapter programming. Leadership

Helene Colon-Raphael, 1043 Institute and International Convention.

Jennifer Ferguson, 852 Iota 1 am so proud o f our Fraternity and To jmm^^
Katie Hyslop, 962
Dmgnta and I feel certain that all sisters gf /^\V**»'
Olivia Moore, 1017 Diane Kellogg Pellettiere, 680 must share this same sense o f pride.
Mary Novak Schlax, 714
Epsilon Sigma Sharon Stefanik Kelly, 731 I encourage all sisters to consider /O^^'
being an A O I I volunteer in some
Amanda Bedach, 687 Karen Murray, 827 ^^'^^'^sEi^CFi

Resa Hellenthal, 694 Mary Janas Ashby, 838 capacity. Y o u each have so m u c h to 1 -—
Stephanie James, 768 Jennifer Swenson Warren, 842
offer to so many - - after all, you are *A

an A O I I - for a lifetime! ^

Iota Kappa Kappa Kappa Rho Lambda Sigma Nu Iota

Sara Churchill Ingmire, 903 Jamie Maclntyre Southworth, 682 Stephanie Williams. 707 Nancy Easterlin Smith, 734 Shana Smith, 784

Katy Gordon MacGregor, 930 Elizabeth Tomasek, 738 Jen Kerney Lutz, 746 Joni Farmer Ingram, 871 Lois Bender Merwin, 924

Shannon Boehm, 1059 Branch Fricke-Bales, 742 Karen Fricke Geib, 764 Katy Cox Johnson, 907 Cynthia Steckel, 951

Mary Ellen Rennick Towne. 1068 Lin McRae Becker, 847 Jamie Griggs. 864 Zelma Reidling Bannister, 975 Rosanne Snyder Fisher, 952

Linda Diedrich Werner. 1084 Kappa Lambda Kappa Sigma Sue James Clary, 1051 Janet Bong Lockhart, 1057
Elaine Nelson MacKenzie, 1091
Iota Chi Nikki Brais Graverr.. 762 Roxanne Cilek Kalk, 792 Lambda Tau
Christina Kraft-Andersen. 881 Janet Karl Manor, 836 Nu Lambda
Olivia Dalton-jez, 923 Robbi Dowden, 688

Sarah Ihde Dore, 815 Kristvy Hammer, 883 Jennifer Leverty, 927 Janie Ingram Tilton, 695 Cindy Nolting Krol, 781
Deborah Clifford Tarrant. 820 KariWendt, 1016 Maria Leazer Hattaway, 721 Elizabeth Abbott Siegmund, 848
Nancy Kay Dewey Needles. 841 Kappa OmicTOn Carlie S. Richard, 791 Marilyn Hutton Klinedinst, 947
Kappa Theta Susan Luce, 840 Phyllis Austin, 977
Kappa Alpha Mary Barrett Brewer, 823 Natalie Smith, 874 Susie Butler Prows, 1035
Frances Clarke, 850 Judy Hasche, 859 Anne Leach Ward, 971
Gene Cobb, 773 Michelle Angel Kelley, 914 Barbara Ryan Dunham, 1053 Laura Pitts Williams, 1049 Nu Omicron
Diane Johnson Killingback, 928 Marion Page Reeve, 1076 KelH Brian Harper, 1055
CarolTorie Petrit. 989 Kappa Phi Ashley Tucker, 1058 Lucy Shivas Smith, 679
Glenna Hendren Molster, 1079 Lambda Beta BrandiTrahan, 1098 Ellie Walker Threlkel, 889
Lise Treutler, 795 Ah Harle, 963
Irene Johnson Fehr, 719 M u Lambda Rosalind Greenlee Bachtel, 1036
Kappa Chi Kappa Pi LoriConri, 1042 Stephanie Crews Sundock, 1050
Maryjane Fay Johnson, 1072
Jessica Cormier Andrus, 686 Susan Franks Davis, 844

Alicia Levell, 698 Deidra Devore, 862 Dawn Nelsen, 1085 Claire Kunzman, 691 Frances Derby, 1060

Melissa Tribble, 770 Jodie Castanza Leasure, 886 Kylen Wijayasuriya, 692

Beth McNeil, 786 Rachel Hunter Kistner, 1075 Lambda Eta Nu Beta Nu Zeta

Amanda GaitherVeuleman, 1083 AllieTaberMcCullough, 834 AnaLee Roberts, 1008

Kappa Delta Gretchen Grohowski Ginger Richardson Omega
Kirschjier, 843 Tankersley, 717

Kathleen Shakro Carder, 937 Michele Walker, 1011 Rebecca Bertrand, 728 Elizabeth Hackett Hill, 872

Kappa Gamma Lambda Iota Marcia Albritton, 796 Dominique Arnold, 878
Suzanne Parent Jones, 803 Megan Berning, 884

Stacey Muck Sumner, 735 Tracy Emper Kunkel, 769 Lori Doyle Berry, 809 Doris Annand Seiler, 998

Beverlv Shultz RaznofF, 816 Dana Gray Algoso, 1045 Rachel Grace, 905 Frances Page Porter, 1041
Misti Winemiller, 915 Stacey Hardin, 1040 Lindsay Scott, 1082
Kylee Welsh, 1104 Lambda Phi Nancy Shanks Marburger, 1102
Nu Delta
Carol Ann Cesare, 1015 Omega Omicron
Jessica (Laible) Mallabar, 740

Cassie Geary, 911 Stefanie Stewart, 726

Heidi Schmalheiser Buder, 1093 Quita Harper, 891

Omega Upsilon

Jenn Pollock, 741
Kristin Coleman Stobe, 822
Emily Stage, 1073
Carly Bella, 1078

Omicron PiTheta Sigma Phi Theta Pi Xi

Tamara Brooks Crutchfield, 747 Hilda Rose Benard, 897 Jennifer Wright Zoni, 699 Joy Dal Santo, 896 Taylor Heady, 1080
Naomi Segal Shapiro, 752 Caryle Goldsack
Anne Witt Allison, 789 BetsyVergara, 898 Vivian Fuller Cline, 805 Zeta
Lori Franklin Schroeder, 900 Wolahan, 912
Lisbeth Powers Cease, 818 Jackie Moses, 969 Julian Vollentine, 959 Lisa Gottsch Smith, 869
Ellen Mercer Press, 995 Dorothy Wedge, 1000 Elinor Fidler Newman, 873
Temple Crain Stevenson, 922 Kathleen Bair Person, 1048 Michelle Roloff
Sigma Rho
Annabell Ailor Harr, 946 Nancy Sutton Elson, 866 Theta Psi Koszewski, 887
Patti CTMara Mack, 826 Katie Sup, 908
Janice Witt Purkey, 986 Carol Briscoe, 880 Joan Piper Shepherd, 837 Janet Boes Sweeney, 811 Mary Ludi Langemeier, 939
Emily Karnbauer, 1026 Barb Graver Gillmore, 940 MindyNowak, 949
Janice Grigsby Adams, 1009 Jeanne Bassett Jones, 1001 Barbara Gilbert Michelle Milander
Sigma Tau
Mary James Clark Patricia Jonas Handtmann, 1092 Kormanyos, 956 Cullum, 1096
Sally Price Normile, 921 June Lawson Chick, 1029
Blakeman, 1064 Rho Beta Chrissy DeNayer Helen Scheidler Zeta Kappa

Omicron Pi Kathleen Seguin, 755 Donahue, 950 Benschoter, 1063 Jennifer Lee, 774
Jennifer Metcalf Julie Morton Fulgham, 776
Suzanne MacLennan, 794 Rho Delta Tau Bertha Soto, 860
Virginia A. Weadock, 853 Tierney, 1095 Julie Hooper Cruz, 931
Heather Pribyl, 825 Kristie Peters Weaver, 1024
Ruth Cameron Bonelli, 982 Becky Richerson, 696 Jayne Thiele Lindholm, 879 Upsilon
Barbara Williams Curry, 985 Zeta Pi
Phi Stacy Shoemake, 697 Marian Cornelius Nelson, 987 Sally Rhodes Crouch, 760
Micki Marsh, 854 Nancy-Dell Lund, 1061 Helen Corl Kutz, 783 Vanassa Lee, 704
Mary Makepeace Gilbert, 1094 Herberta Howe Gray, 1100 Lindsey Martin, 980
Natasha Smith-Holmquist, 1006 Adrienne Schlereth, 901
Tau Gamma Upsilon Alpha Zeta Psi
Phi Chi Jennifer Clapp, 1012
Poppy White Davis, 810 Tracy Longwell Schuster, 777 SamanthaValentine, 678
Koren Phillips, 702 Rho Omicron Laura Antanaitis, 916 Jackie Green, 846 Emily Carter, 1027
Lisa McCormick, 1077 Julie Kwan, 1074 Lydia Jolly Morgan, 1103
Phi Omicron Barbara Doyle Stubblefield, 808
Patricia A Larson, 893 Tau Lambda Upsilon Epsilon

Marge Zeller Gillum, 787 Rho Sigma Theresa Levenduski Allison Stork Hecker, 724
Tracy Reeder Clagett, 955 Cottrill, 1004
Upsilon Lambda
Shirley Longnecker Earl, 999 Allison Dumble Mudrick, 733 Tau Omicron
Kim Hanson Christman, 757
Christi Cutlip Humm, 684 Diane Eaton, 1101 Amanda Lamberth, 743 Kimberly Thompson, 938
Caryn Capers Hanna, 753 Elizabeth Carbajal, 1019
Karen Ashman Geiger, 828 Sigma Courtney Alexander Dillard, 775
Nancy Early, 858

Anne Williams Smith, 861 Vicki Williams, 703

Karen Preusse Beech, 868 Emily Sanderson, 851

Lisa Berkemeier Goodman, 965 Cynthia Buchholz Powers, 1056

Ramonda Smith Wertz, 1109 Margaret Wagner Kellogg, 1071

Katherine Anderson

Markgraf, 1097

Jan Gore Mounger, 1044 Sigma Alpha

Pi Alpha Chrissy Szemes Williams, 804

Michele Gravatte, 723 Karen Toomey, 1106

Pi Delta Sigma Delta Theta

LaRhonda Burley, 725 Susan Jones, 1013 Judith Melvin Thornburg, 705
Beverly Mullen Stodghill, 968
Bonita Berger Denner, 817 Sigma Omicron Jean Anderson Weliver, 1014
Robin Hammett Higley, 821 Eunice Brumm Lanzl, 1032
Kathryn Schwarz Colten, 1069
Frances Rosenbush Cairnes, 997 Renee White Clay, 899 Dora May Hildebrand

Erin Snyder, 1003 Dorothy Kinman, 945 Meredith, 1070

Janet Konig, 978

Pi Omicron

Tracy Cotton Brown, 888

Dawn Trout, 909

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Party Secrets Revealed

Two Phi Mu sorority sisters share secrets
of making a good party great with a

year's worth of fun and festive themed
parties. Each month, you will find step-
by-step party plans with menus, decora-

tions, recipes and tips to make each
event a memorable one.

ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 7

8 Healthy Alternatives to Sodas

We found a delicious new way to enjoy
veggies and fruits - and get our picky kids
to do the same. V8V-Fusion is 100% fruit
and vegetable juice. It offers a full serving of
fruits and vegetables per 8 oz. glass and has
no added sugar. With flavors like Tropical
Orange and Strawbery/Banana - it tastes
great, too.

4\ \ Fragrant Homes

We recently discovered Tyler
Candles. Made of premium
waxes and luxurious
fragrances, these hand
poured candles are made
in Tyler, Texas. Each candle
will fill a room with its aroma
just minutes after being lit.
Tyler Candle Company has
a lengthy list of fragrances
available, including Paris
(pictured) Blueberry Blitz,
English Ivy and Mango
Tango, to name just a few!

A Good Read Showing Your AOII Pride

To Dragma is not the only magazine We think it is great when sisters display pictures
that we love! From fashion to news capturing their AOII memories in special frames. We
to celebrity gossip, magazines offer found this one in the AOII Emporium and fell in love
us hours of entertainment in waiting with its fun and whimsical lettering and colorful blocks.
rooms, on the couch or, preferably,
by the pool. Don't forget that you can You can get your own at
save up to 85% off your subscriptions
and support leadership by ordering To DRAGMA • 35
through the AOII Rewards Magazine
Program. You can choose from over
650 titles on

SSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 7


• r- z5


36 • To DRAGMA 1

ISSUE NO.2 • SPRING 2 0 0 7

Convention—Hotel Colorado 0

June 24 to 30, 1951 •



Among the boxes of files and papers in the A O I I archives, lay an odd assortment of trinkets and treasures.
Past convention memorabilia are some o f the most priceless. The collection o f items above represent
handmade meal programs from the 1951 Convention in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. The booklet in
the lower right hand corner is a convention program book listing such fun events as an Exhibition Square
Dance; a Chuck Wagon Dinner; and a convention sing-a-long called Campfire Harmony.

The aging Roll Book, at left, was the fraternity's method o f membership record keeping prior to
the era o f computers. This massive book is one in a set o f four that was used before we transferred
the information to a computer database. Reported dates o f graduations, marriages and deaths were
recorded here, as well. Above left is another priceless treasure f r o m the 1951 Convention - a vinyl
record o f the Founders' Storytelling hour. It was customary for the Founders to sit in a group with
the President o f the newest collegiate chapter on the floor at Stella's feet. Stella always started the
storytelling and the other Founders would contribute as they thought o f humorous events, or i f they
wanted to embellish (or correct) what Stella said. Unfortunately, Helen St. Clair Mullan died before
the session was recorded, so the voices of only three Founders are heard.




This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the AOII Foundation. Its beginning fulfilled a long hoped
for dream to consolidate the philanthropic endeavors of the fraternity into one entity. Through
the years it has found success as it developed and prospered. The Foundation's success can be
measured in many ways - in the dollars raised and contributed, and in the lives touched through
service and education. For three decades, the AOII Foundation has represented the very best of
what AOII values most.

The Foundation's success can be found in the gratitude of a Ruby Fund recipient who
received aid after a crisis or illness. In the past 30 years, AOII has lovingly funded nearly
$633,000 in Ruby Fund grants.

The Foundation's success is represented in the achievement of a student, grateful
and honored to have received a Foundation scholarship allowing her to continue
her studies and graduate, when life's circumstances might have otherwise
prevented that possibility. To date, 976 members have shared over $810,000
in scholarship money.

The Foundation's success can be found in the knowledge that arthritis
researchers shared the Nobel Prize this year. A proud sponsor in the
ongoing endeavor to find a cure, AOII has contributed almost 1.5
million dollars to fund arthritis research and related causes.

The Foundation's success can be measured in the dollars
funded for programming to benefit children with
arthritis each year. There is great pride in knowing
that AOII supports the American Juvenile Arthritis
Organization (AJAO). The AOII Foundation has
been an AJAO National Conference sponsor
since 1999 and contributed over $103,000.

The Foundation's success is evident
in the daily support of the Fraternity
through educational programming.
An impressive $1,136,000 has
already been granted. Members
reap countless benefits from
Convention speakers,
Leadership Institute sessions,

3 8 • To DKAGMA NO.2 • Si'KiNi; 2(107

AOII Foundation's 30th Anniversary

Pearls of Wisdom Trivia Contest

Win a free pearl necklace, donated by d Forsythe
Pearls. To enter the contest, correctly answer these
questions and mail to: AOII Foundation, P.O.
Box 395, Brentwood, T N 37024. A drawing at
Convention will determine the winner. You do
not have Co be present to win. One ballot per
person, please.


What year was the AOII Foundation
a. 1976 b. 1977 c. 1967

How much has the Foundation contributed to
philanthropic causes over the last 30 years?
a. over $1 million b. over $1.5 million
c. over $4.5 million

You are an Alpha Chi alumna and want to know
if you are eligible for a named scholarship this
year. You have a Bachelor of Science and you
want to pursue a career as a physician. What
scholarship would bestfityou?
a. Laura McDowell
b. Edith Huntington Anderson
c. Muriel T. McKinney

What's the name ofdie unrestricted annual giving
fund that is primarily funded by direct mail?
a. Endowment b. Loyalty c. Ruby-
List three President's Club members from the

If your chapter wants to raise money for the local
Arthritis Foundation chapter and still get AOII
giving credit, where on die AOII Foundation's
website can you find the appropriate form?
a. AOII Strike Out Arthritis! page
b. Arthritis page
c. Education and training grants page

The Foundation is lookingforall of the following

in-kind gifts except for:

a. video production b. desk c. file folders

d. airline miles e. digital camera

The volunteer leader of the AOII Foundation is:
a. Bobby Stanton b. Frankie Nordlund
c. Susan Danko

You are a graduating senior on a limited budget,
but you still want to contribute to the Founda-
tion. You're also lookingforsome AOII decor
for your new apartment. Which is the smartest
giving method for you?
a. 1897 Club b. Monthly bank draft
c. Second Century Society

How many scholarships have been granted in 30
a. 801 b. 857 c. 976

To DRAGMA • 39

ouNDATioN rocus

Where there's a will,
theresa way

When notifying the AOII Foundation of her estate plans, Andi LaFleur, Gamma Beta (Indiana U
of Pennsylvania) explained, "I'm so excited, because how many times in life do you get a chance to
truly leave something behind that you know will help somebody after you are gone?" Andi, a new
member of the Second Century Society, continues, "We work so hard throughout our lives to make
a difference and it's nice to know that after they lay me for my final rest, someone will benefit still,
even just a little bit. I want you to know how much the Foundation means to me and how important
it is, more than just money, to leave a legacy of goodness behind, and in trust, for a world that can
encompass so much grief, darkness, and strife. This is how we let our lights shine."

I f there ever was a perfect time to think The secret to planned giving is Life insurance is a valuable tool i n estate
about your financial future, that time is determining what gift is right for you. planning and allows you to make a larger
now. W i t h a w i l l , there's a way for you Some of the advantages o f planned gifts gift than you might have otherwise.
to have your wishes fulfilled after you are may include: reducing estate taxes, By naming beneficiaries on policies,
gone. It is estimated that 5 0 - 8 0 percent providing a life income stream, reducing the proceeds can be paid directly to the
of Americans will die without a will. or avoiding capital gains tax, and Foundation without having to go through
These numbers indicate that a person's continuing to support the charity of your the probate process. Life insurance
wishes to leave an estate gift to a charity choice for generations to come. Planned also offers a wonderful way to make a
often go unfulfilled. Ninety percent of gifts to the A O I I Foundation, or any charitable gift. It is possible to make gifts
people i n the United States say they want organization, should create opportunities with "paid-up" policies, policies with
to make an estate gift, but sadly only 2 0 for both the donor and the recipient. premiums still due, policies where you
percent actually do. Members of AOII's Second Century can retain the right to a policy's cash
Society have recognized the need for value, or by assigning the dividends in
Donna Barwick, Senior Director o f the A O I I Foundation to build long a participating policy. Check with your
Wealth Management, Mellon Private range financial stability by including the agent to see which option would be best
Wealth Management, Lambda Sigma ( U Foundation in their estate plans. Planned for you.
of Georgia) adds, "Many people put o f f gifts to A O I I can come in the form of a
estate planning because it forces you to bequest in your w i l l , trusts and gifts o f A O I I Foundation Second Century
focus on some unpleasant realities, but life insurance. Society members can be considered a
charitable giving is the feel good part group ot investors who are, through their
of the process." Establishing priorities is W h e n you leave a bequest to the estate plans, leaving a legacy for future
an ever-changing process in a woman's Foundation through your will or trust, generations of sisters. For information
life. Family is always at the top o f the you can make a generous gift without about how you, too, can become a
list, but other priorities in our lives come reducing your current income. Charitable member o f the Second Century Society,
and go. Education, career, philanthropic bequests are normally deductible i n contact the Foundation office today -
interests, and even A O I I are just a few f u l l for estate tax purposes and many
of the aspects o f our lives that change as trust techniques can result i n income (615) 3 7 0 - 0 9 2 0 .
we move through different stages of life. tax deductions during life. The services
Many A O I I members are reexamining of qualified legal counsel or a financial
their priorities and discovering the planner should be sought for specific
many benefits of supporting the A O I I advice pertaining to your estate plan.
Foundation i n their estate plans.
ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 7
4 0 • To DRAGMA




Heidi Snow, Kappa Phi (Ohio Northern U ) learned at a young Heidi stays active as a stay at home m o m and a high school
age to give o f her time and talents, whenever able. This message cheerleading coach, fitting roles for a person who believes i n helping
has remained w i t h Heidi throughout the years, who says "the enrich others. "Growing up, I was lucky to be involved in many
basic premise of giving back is what is near to my heart." Giving activities, and I believe those experiences helped shape the person I
back, is what Heidi does as an A O I I Foundation donor. Heidi is am today. I believe it is my job to help provide the same experiences
proof that the importance of giving is not in the amount, but in the to the women that follow me."
purpose. By consistantly contributing each year, Heidi represents a
large percentage of current donors, and is a living example of how a Heidi jokes that she does not get much free time, but when she
young generation of A O I I alumnae are giving to the does, it is hard for her to stay idle. "I'm always creating something,"
A O I I Foundation. N o gift is insignificant. Heidi says, "There's hardly a crafting hobby that I haven't tried:
scrapbooking, jewelry making, sewing, crochet, I even have my
Heidi not only believes i n supporting the A O I I Foundation own "play room" to work on all my projects. Heidi also enjoys
financially, but in donating her time to the fraternity as an A O I I cooking, a skill she says she picked up living in the A O I I chapter
volunteer. A former Corporation Board member and collegiate house i n college.
Chapter Adviser, Heidi currently serves as the Columbus Alumnae
Chapter President i n Ohio. Heidi knows that her time and Heidi knows that she is making a difference as an A O I I Foundation
service makes an impact on others. She learned it first hand at donor. Though each gift may seem small to her, Heidi's
the Columbus Alumnae Chapter's annual Christmas luncheon contributions add up to countless opportunities for others. "There
for arthritis patients at the Central Ohio Chapter of the Arthritis are times when I wish I could give more, but knowing I can help i n
Foundation. "The first year I assisted, I did it because I was supposed any way is rewarding."
to," Heidi recalls. "Soon I came to realize just how important the
four hours I spent on that Saturday morning really were." Heidi was
touched to find that the luncheon would be many of the patients'
only Christmas dinner. "Some wouldn't unwrap their bingo
prizes because they wanted something under their tree Christmas
morning," she says.

Heidi's love for A O I I was almost instant when she went through
formal recruitment. After having great conversation during a
recruitment party, Heidi left thinking "Wow, they can see me
being an A O I I ! " The kindness she was shown at the recruitment
party was validation that A O I I was the right choice, and it proves
to be every day. As an alumna, A O I I continues to give Heidi that
same welcoming feeling she felt as a young collegian: " I find that my
inspiration comes f r o m sisters who continue to support me, inspire
me, and make me laugh on a regular basis." Heidi belives these
qualities describe long time friend and fellow A O I I alumna, Kristi
Sell Kiene. "She was the sister who encouraged me to become
involved as an alumna and reminded me of the pledge we took in
college." Remembering that commitment is what motivates Heidi
to continue to give to the fraternity and the A O I I Foundation.

ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 7 To DRAGMA • 41

iving with Lupus


It was supposed to be one o f the most exciting times o f my M y alarm went o f f at 8 : 0 0 a.m. and, like usual, I did not want to
life - new adventures, living on my own, my first apartment, get up. I tried to reach for the snooze button and realized I could
experiencing college life, j o i n i n g a sorority and of course, not move. I started to panic, I tried to sit up and I was i n a lot o f
boys! I n May o f 1999,1 graduated from Bowling Green H i g h pain. After many attempts I finally reached my cell phone and
School i n Kentucky, and turned my attention toward selecting called my parents. Crushed and scared, I had no idea what was
a college. I considered a college in Montana and Western happening to me. W h e n my m o m arrived she helped me get up
Kentucky University i n my o w n hometown. There was a big and move around a little. Looking back at m y bed I noticed hair
difference between the two and this made for a huge decision. on m y pillow and then saw a rash on m y face. I called to drop
W h e n the day arrived to pack my car, I headed just d o w n the out of Recruitment and immediately went to a doctor, trying to
street to W K U , home o f the Hilltoppers. f i n d out what was going on inside my body.

After getting settled i n , I started to get familiar w i t h campus. After five months of poking and pricking, no one could tell me
I met new people, saw a few familiar faces and turned i n my what I had. M y symptoms were not going away, i n fact they
recruitment application. I was so excited! W h e n recruitment were only getting worse. I dropped f r o m a size 1 0 to a size 2
rounds started, I was nervous and excited to visit all o f the in about a month. I had no appetite and I was not doing well
sorority houses. By the second day o f Recruitment, I was in school. After months of testing and misdiagnoses, I finally
already sure o f w h i c h sorority I wanted, I just hoped that Alpha was able to see a specialist i n Nashville. He took one look at me
Omicron Pi would want me, too. I anxiously picked out my and diagnosed me right away - w i t h Systemic Lupus. Lupus is
outfit for the next day k n o w i n g Sunday was going to be a an inflammatory autoimmune disease which attacks the body
big day, B i d Day! I went to bed not k n o w i n g Sunday was to slowly and strategically, disguising itself as other conditions while
become a much bigger day than I ever imagined. targeting virtually every major organ.


At first I did not understand what all this meant and what was The symptoms this time were like none I had before. I was
in store for me. I had to learn a whole different lifestyle of living swollen f r o m retaining fluids because of a kidney malfunction.
on my o w n , starting college and dealing w i t h a disease I did not M y body and joints were very inflamed and I was not able to get
k n o w about. M y medicine was prescribed on a trial and error around very well on my o w n . Because of the kidney issue, m y
basis because every case o f Lupus is different. M y doctor could blood pressure was extremely high, causing a leaky heart valve.
not tell me what to expect or what possible symptom I could M y body was behaving like dominoes - one problem causing
have because no two diseases behave exactly alike. I looked like a something else to fail, and so on. After having an ultrasound on
totally different person and other people were not sure what was my heart, chest x-rays, kidney biopsy and pumping me f u l l o f
wrong with me. The one thing that helped me through the early steroids, I was finally able to sleep and keep food down. I was
stages of my disease was the support of the members o f the Alpha given blood transfusions and stayed i n bed for over a week before
Chi Chapter o f Alpha O m i c r o n Pi. I was not even a member o f beginning to improve.
the sorority, but some of the girls were there for me as friends and
formed a support system. The following spring semester, A O I I I w i l l always be grateful to my family, friends and sisters who took
extended me a bid to j o i n and I accepted - excited and wanting time out of their life to come and check on me. I went through
to be part o f a group o f girls that cared so much without even Chemotherapy at one point and I w i l l never forget my A O I I
knowing the real me. sisters cheering me up by bringing ice cream, f i l l i n g me i n on
the football games, or all pouncing on my bed to see how much
As time went on I tried different medicines prescribed by my we weighed together. M y m o m never left my side, but when I
team o f doctors, trying to find the right m i x for me. I had many needed a friend, I w i l l also be thankful to the sisters of A O I I .
ups and downs and at times I was ready to give up the fight.
School was the last thing on my m i n d and I wanted to quit. A O I I It's a wonderful comfort to me to k n o w that some o f the
helped me through it. To this day, I k n o w A O I I was the reason dollars that the A O I I Foundation has raised have funded
that I finished school. They gave me the ambition to complete research initiatives for Lupus, which is a f o r m o f arthritis. It
my education. The girls influenced me i n positive ways so I has been a difficult road for me, but these days are good ones.
could make it through the hard times. W h e n the days grow hard again, I have no doubt that m y
A O I I sisters w i l l always be there when I call.
As the months went by, I would be i n and out o f school
depending on my health situation. As things would start to
look better, my health would take the opposite turn. Small
things w o u l d be going w r o n g , such as: having a weak i m m u n e
system, skin rashes, arthritis, j o i n t pain, t h i n n i n g hair and
the list goes on. But little did I k n o w that the worst o f m y
symptoms were yet to come.

After five years, I was finally getting close to graduation and /
started to believe that I would finally be catching up w i t h all
of my friends. I wanted to get a place of my o w n , get my "big w
girl j o b " and try life as a college graduate. D u r i n g my second
to last semester I started getting tired all of the time, didn't Sarah and her
want to eat, and was feeling weaker then usual. M y m o m took get-well dog
me to my doctor i n Nashville and things looked like I was just Baxter
not feeling well. So then I went home and took a few days off.
W h e n I started to go back to school, I noticed some of my initial KM
symptoms were returning, only worse this time. M y heart was
racing and when I would lie down, it was hard to breathe. After a
few nights the breathing became so difficult I considered calling
an ambulance, but called my m o m instead. She came over and
drove me to Nashville, which was a very uncomfortable ride. I
have to admit I was not a happy passenger because I had not slept
in days. O n the way down, I called my best friend Laura and
she met us i n the parking garage o f the hospital. She was there
helping my m o m get me settled and making sure everyone in the
hospital was on their toes!

ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 7 Above: Sarah with close friend and sister Laura Boldrick.
Left: Sarah (second from right) with AOIIs Lauren Cohen,
Holly Francis and Katie Weber.

To DRAGMA • 43


Do you remember the best advice a sister ever gave you? Maybe it was
about your career, your relationship, or even your wardrobe. It sometimes
pays to take a sister's suggestion. Our alumnae chapters are up to some
amazing things. From service, to socializing, to sharing milestones,
they each share a secret of how every day is a way to celebrate. Read to
find out how you can apply some of their actions to your daily life. AOII
Alumnae Chapters advise you to celebrate each day.

Alberta Arizona

Calgary Phoenix

Learn a New Hobby... Chocolate can be good for you...

We always enjoy the opportunity to For 2006, the highlight o f the year was initiating our new-
u n w i n d w i t h sisters. Whether b o w l - est sister, Amanda Lauer Lewis, an alumna initiate. This
ing with the collegians or trying to opportunity gave everyone a time to reflect on our o w n
make it through a belly dance lesson experiences and remember
without laughing, we're always ready the importance and legacy
to spend quality time together. Other of our rituals. Following
recent events include our annual dinner the initiation, we cel-
out. This year it was held at the Conga ebrated with a delicious
R o o m where we were treated to deli- "All-Chocolate" Party
cious Cuban food and live music! of chocolate appetizers,
chocolate fondue, and
chocolate desserts.


Save your loose change...

Throughout the month ot January, alumnae collected
small change according to directions on a special calendar.
Donations were collected and brought to our Founders'
Day celebration.

44* To DRAC;MA 01




Arkansas British Columbia

Little Rock Area Vancouver

Relax with a good Give credit where credit is due...
cup of coffee...
We were proud to recognize t w o outstanding members this year. In early
September, we held an end-of-summer potluck to honour Bonnie Sutherland
for her Women o f Leadership award at Leadership Institute. In October we
held a brunch at a local restaurant where we recognized Leslie Johnstone w h o
recently won the Eve Savory Award w i t h her w r i t i n g partner, which is given
to someone who has excelled in Science Communications.

A Coffee Cupping Event brought our
members and the community together to
experience the distinction o f aromas and
flavors o f coffee grown i n Asia, Ethiopia,
and Guatemala. Led by member Tricia
Greene's sister, Cindy, we were also
taught third world economics and proper
brewing techniques while enjoying
Celebration coffee and blueberry muffins.
Held in the historic Little Rock Visitors
Center, the wonderful aroma had city
visitors asking about our group and our
purpose! Ticket/coffee sales, plus an ugly
mutt contest, raised additional revenue.

r Greater Los Angeles San Fernando Valley
Get there faster AOII is for
East Bay by walking... a lifetime...

Learn something T w o years ago, the Greater L A Alumnae O u r alumnae chapter has a mem-
new... Chapter created Team A O I I & Friends. We have bership age span o f 45 years. A few
started what hopes to be a long-lasting tradi- of our members have been actively
O n Saturday, October 4th, Kathy tion of participation in the Los Angeles Arthritis involved in the alumnae chapter for
^Rosenblum and Rosenblum Cel- Walk. In June of 2006 Team A O I I had 30 over 40 years. We recently honored
lars hosted a Strike O u t Arthritis! members and volunteers at the Arthritis Walk our 50-year-members by hosting a
fund-raising wine tasting event. which took place at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, tea in their honor and sending them
Members brought friends to get C A and raised a total o f $4000 for the Arthritis congratulatory cards.
a behind-the-scenes look at what Foundation! This surpassed our f u n d raising t o -
it takes to process wine. Kathy tal of $3000 in 2005 which we accomplished by
and Kent Rosenblum provided j o i n i n g forces w i t h Sigma Phi (CA State N o r t h -
the wine and a wonderful lunch. ridge). We have already registered to be a part
Each attendee donated to the o f the 2007 Arthritis Walk set for April 22, 2007
Foundation, and had a wonderful in West L A and have pledged to raise $5000!

ISSUE NO. 2 • SPRING 2007 To DRAGMA • 45


California Southern Orange County Colorado
San Jose Own that one great hat... Be proud of your age...

You have to try The annual Membership Luncheon for O n l y AOIIs would celebrate getting
sushi! Southern Orange County Alumnae was older, and Denver Area Alumnae
extra f u n this year because o f our theme, are no exception. Last February,
O u r social calendar is loaded "Hats O f f T o A O I I " . A l l were asked to sisters f r o m C h i Delta and Epsilon
w i t h f u n events. O u r an- wear a hat to celebrate A O I I and to pro- Gamma Chapters joined alumnae
nual fall brunch always has an mote sisterhood. A few members even to celebrate 80 years o f sisterhood
exciting theme. This year, we brought old hats f r o m the '50s for others in the R o c k y Mountains. Several
held a Japanese brunch at Karen to wear. It was a great way to break the alumnae from outside the metro
Habiger's home. She taught us ice for prospective members and added a area attended the luncheon held
all how to make sushi. Another very festive touch to our luncheon at the at The Ranch Reception Center.
popular event was having our beautiful Dana Point home of Blanche Denver sisters welcomed Lisa Dutt,
own alumna, docent Carol Clark, Franklin Chilcote. Alumnae Network Specialist, as a
teach us about monarch butter- special guest and keynote speaker.
flies at the world renowned Santa A very special sister, Edith Lockard,
Cruz migration place where we a 75-year-member, shared her re-
saw thousands o f monarchs. membrances of not only her multi-
tude of contributions to Denver and
South Bay/ Ventura County C h i Delta, but A O I I as well. Area
sisters were honored w i t h awards.
Pa I os Verdes Stop and smell the roses... The afternoon was made complete
w i t h a large friendship circle song.
Make time for fun... The alumnae of Ventura County visited
the beautiful grounds at Descanso Gar- •
O u r chapter's focus is f u n and dens in La Canada, C A this fall. We en-
friendship. O u r events for the joyed an absolutely beautiful day touring
year include spa nights, shopping, via tram through the extensive grounds.
wine tasting, and a "Death by The summer plants and flowers were still
Chocolate" event. Each event is i n bloom and the roses, ah the roses, were
purely social, which allows time just breathtaking. We had a lovely lunch
for sisters to catch up w i t h an followed by a walk through a portion of
old friend or get to know a new the gardens. It was truly a magical day.
acquaintance. This spring we
are looking forward to chairing
the 2007 Southern California
Founders' Day. After this big
extravaganza is complete, our
March meeting w i l l be a time to
relive our college years by wear-
ing letters and sharing old photo
albums. In April and May we'll
enjoy our Mother's Day Boutique
and Arthritis Walk.


Florida Georgia
Greater Pinellas Lend a helping hand...
Be a fashionista...
Sisters o f the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter mark their calen-
GPAC members had a busy fall planning for the Arthritis dars for a plethora o f philanthropic activities throughout the
Foundation's "Dressed U p for the Holidays Brunch." This community. Activities directly supporting our philanthropy
fund-raiser highlights children with arthritis who model to benefit arthritis research include working at the Arthritis
f u n clothes from the Gap along w i t h professional models Foundation's Crystal Ball, participating in the Arthritis Walk,
in Adrienne Vittadini fashions. Proceeds f r o m the event and sponsoring a Bowl-A-Thon. Other philanthropic activi-
send kids w i t h arthritis to summer camp at Boggy Creek ties include participating in Hands on Atlanta Day and the
Camp. It was great f u n to bid at the Silent Auction and sip nation's largest city-wide day o f service; promoting support o f
mimosas before the brunch and fashion show. breast cancer research; donating canned foods to the Atlanta
Community Food Bank prior to Thanksgiving; and bringing
Jacksonville toys to our Christmas Brunch to help kids i n the community
Have fun with your sisters... have a better Christmas.

The Jacksonville A O I I chapter's calendar is made up en- Middle Georgia
tirely o f sisterhood events. We take our time to plan out Invite others to join...
a f u n calendar each year. This year we went on a Ghost
Tour i n St. Augustine i n October. I n December we have O u r membership is on the rise as we continue looking for other
our annual cookie swap w i t h our Founders' Day presenta- sisters i n the area to j o i n . The calendar is filled w i t h f u n events
tion. A night o f bowling is a favorite for us, as well. We like family night, Race for the Cure, Sisters' Night Out, a
also make our philanthropic fund-raisers into sisterhood Braves game, and so much more. We are thrilled to be a part o f
events. Sisterhood is what it's all about! a growing chapter and look forward to creating new friendships
w i t h sisters in the Middle Georgia Area. I f you would like to
Orlando Area j o i n our alumnae chapter, please contact Jessica Sutton Braxton
Set goals for yourself... [email protected] for more information.

We had a great time at our salad k i c k - o f f luncheon in Illinois
September at the home o f M a r y l n Kastorg. It was great to Chicago West Suburban
catch up w i t h our A O I I sisters and hear about their w o n - Variety is the spice of life...
derful summer adventures. We discussed the direction o f
the coming year's activities w i t h i n our chapter and started In addition to our monthly meetings we have four social
our sign-up sheets for our new adventure in small interest events planned for the year. November is a w i n e tasting
group gatherings. It was a healthy and fun-filled activity party. In January, we all meet for pottery night and in
had by all. We are looking forward to a f u n season w i t h March we meet for a Yoga workshop. June is a f u n m i n i a -
our A O I I sisters. ture golf outing. There are some ladies w h o can't make it
to all o f the meetings, so having a social night planned on a
Tampa Bay different night helps out a lot.
Pack a picnic...

This year we had a family picnic i n August to kick-off our
new year. We had a really nice picnic while the children
played together. We were able to meet some new sisters.
We also have a girls night out where we meet for dinner
and just chat. It's a great chance to get together w i t h the
girls and relax.

ISSUE NO.2 • SPRING 2(107 To DRAGMA • 47


Illinois J

DeKalb-Kane Indiana
Evansville Tri-State
Pamper yourself... Join your local gym...

Every year we start w i t h a lunch Lois Schmidt and Jane Bernhardt organized a fall luncheon at the Y W C A i n
meeting at M i l l Race I n n , located downtown Evansville. The weekday meeting attracted a large number of
in Geneva. It is a beautiful place sisters and the constant refrain was " I haven't seen you in years!" The Y's tea
to relax, eat, and catch up w i t h room offers tasty sandwiches and salads; however, the food was secondary to
each other. This year we had a the lively conversations. The program was presented by Sylvia Weinzaphel,
Mary Kay Spa Night. Pedicures A O I I alumna and Director o f the Y, and included details of programs and
and makeovers were on order that current needs o f the Y W C A .
Friday night. After a long day at
work, taking care o f the kids, etc., it Indianapolis
was wonderful to relax and enjoy a Market yourself...
spa night w i t h sisters.
The Indianapolis Alumnae chapter believes they have found a great public
Lake County of IL relations tool while participating i n a worthwhile event. Each year we are
one of the sponsors for the Arthritis Foundation's Jingle Bell W a l k / R u n
Preserve memories... event. By being a sponsor of this event, our name is published on all of their
marketing materials as well as on their T-shirts and sweatshirts given to all
Each year the Lake County I L participants. A O I I always has a team that participates i n the event as well as
Alumnae Chapter gathers at a mem- has members that volunteer the day o f the event w i t h registration.
ber's home to reminisce over the
past year w i t h a night o f scrapbook-
ing. We find that a night set aside
each year to reflect and remember
past events really helps our chapter
bond and build our sisterhood. It
offers a chance for new members to
understand who we are and older
members an opportunity to share
some favorite A O I I memories.

48 • To DRAGMA ISSUE N O . 2 • SPRING 2 0 0 7

Kentucky ^
Spend a day at the races... Louisiana
The Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter is unique in that we are located Be scholarly...
near Churchill Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby. Every spring
we invite all A O I I alumnae and collegians i n surrounding areas to One of the Acadiana Alumnae Chapter's greatest achieve-
join us for our annual A O I I Day at the Downs. We all don our best ments was raising over $10,000 to endow the ' A O I I
red dresses and hats, and bring our family and friends to dine on Bancroft-Dupre Scholarship" at the University of Louisiana
Millionaires' Row. We watch the races from the balconies and get to at Lafayette in honor of Delta Beta's 50th Anniversary in
take our picture with the winning horse and jockey. September 2006. After nine years of fund raising and silent
auctions and the generosity of many AOIIs, we were able to
Kentucky Lakes reach our goal of honoring Anne Delie Bancroft and Edith
Be philanthropically minded... Garland Dupre, two members of A O I I who taught at the
university and were instrumental i n establishing Delta Beta
The Kentucky Lakes Alumnae Chapter not only supports our local Chapter in 1956. The UL-Lafayette Foundation was very
collegiate chapter's philanthropic activities and Arthritis Founda- impressed w i t h our perseverance and dedication and told us
tions' work, but we also include "mini-events" at several of our that, to their knowledge, we were the first Greek organiza-
chapter meetings. These include: scrapbooking baby pages for tion to endow a scholarship.
expecting mothers at a care center, gathering pandas for a local fire
department, and donating reconstructed wreaths to a consignment Baton Rouge
shop that benefits a local free medical clinic. These events are i n Cook up local cuisine...
addition to the many philanthropic activities i n which our mem-
bers are already involved. Our favorite gathering is our Crawfish Boil and it is now
held at a member's camp located i n Tunica Hills. This is
Lexington always a fun gathering and a great escape in the month o f
Practicefiresafety... May. We want to encourage you to stay connected to your
A O I I sisters and get involved in your alumnae chapter. This
The Lexington chapter participates in several philanthropy events group w i l l provide you w i t h ladies that you w i l l instantly
in our area. The biggest public relations boost we had this fall was have something in common with! O u r diversity adds so
collecting pandas to donate to the local fire department. To finish much to our gatherings.
out the event, we selected members of our chapter and the two local
collegiate chapters to ride on a fire truck in the firemen's city wide Hammond Area
parade through downtown. It was a great project and one that not Cheer for your favorite team...
only brought smiles to the children we helped, but to those sisters
who showed their pride i n our great organization. This w i l l defi- This fall we teamed up with our collegiate chapter. Kappa
nitely become an annual event! Tau, to organize a raffle. We raffled off a pair of New Orleans
Saints' Tickets and an autographed football. The raffle was
Northern Kentucky very successful and we raised over $3,000. AH the money
Put fun into fitness... went to our sister, Missy McKnight, who lost her husband
this past year. Our chapter w i l l also be organizing another
This year the Northern Kentucky alumnae chapter is participating in raffle this fall with the help of the New Orleans Alumnae
a new philanthropy event! Every year the city of Covington holds Chapter. We will be raffling off an autographed Saints' hat
the Jingle Bell R u n to support arthritis research. This year we are which will include many signatures.
participating by running the 5K race through downtown Cincinnati,
as well as raising money to sponsor our participating members. After V/
the race we have breakfast at a nearby restaurant and members who
could not j o i n us for the race w i l l meet us there! We will run in rain To D R A G M A • 49
or snow... but hopefully sun!

I S S U E N O . 2 • S P R I N G 2007

UMNAE NEWS Massachusetts

r Boston
Lend a hand...
Suburban Maryland
This year we have participated in the
Be active in your community... local Arthritis Walk with Delta (Tufts
U ) Chapter as well as collected panda
Suburban Maryland Alumnae Chapter is i n - bears at Founders' Day to donate to the
volved in many community activities through- local children's hospital. We have also
out the year. We collect Toys for Tots at the participated in the breast cancer walk
holidays, makeup and toiletries for a battered and some members w i l l be doing a
womens' shelter in January, and participate in hunger walk in the spring. There is an
the Arthritis Walk in May. In addition we endless amount of energy and support
have a "Casino N i g h t " to benefit the A O I I among our members for various causes
Foundation. O u r members are also very active and we are happy to lend a hand!
in the community.

Minnesota Michigan
Ann Arbor
Minneapolis/St. Paul Participate in our ritual...

Power Shop! We recently had the opportunity to recall and share our
favorite sisterhood memories w i t h our sisters at Beta Gamma
Every March our alumna chapter walks around the Mall o f (Michigan State U ) when we were invited to share i n their
America to support juvenile arthritis. The collegians from Initiation. We were honored to attend a pre-initiation tea
Tau and Kappa Sigma j o i n us for a lap around the mall. After and then participate in the initiation of their incredible new
the walk, the event continues w i t h stories o f how juvenile members. The tea gave us a chance to share our memories
arthritis has impacted children and how we are fighting the w i t h all o f the girls and Initiation gave us a chance to renew
ravaging effects. W i t h a combined effort, our alumnae chap- our pledge and remember what drew us to A O I I .
ter, Tau, and Kappa Sigma have contributed $500-$1000 per
year to help i n the research ofjuvenile arthritis. Grand Rapids
Reward yourself with goodies...
The long standing and successful fund-raiser for the Grand
50 • To D R A G M A Rapids Alumnae Chapter is the Exam Goodie Bags for
Lambda Eta (Grand Valley State U ) . As all of us know the
week o f exams i n December can get a little tiresome and a
treat break is always well deserved. Families can purchase a
goodie bag and send a little note o f encouragement to their
A O I I . The alumnae then gather together to put the goodie
bags together w i t h their donations. This allows the alumnae
to celebrate the season w i t h friends, share w i t h the collegians,
and plan ahead for the new year.

I S S U E N O . 2 • S P R I N G 2007

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