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To Dragma
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
Sable of ffiontfttlH
History of the University of Maine
Gamma of Delta Sigma and Gamma of Alpha Omicron Pi
At "Maine"
True Expansion ....
The Road to Yesterday .
The Scope of the College Pan-Hellenic
In Memoriam .
Active Chapter Letters .
Alumnae Chapter Letters
News of the Alumnae
News of the College and Greek Letter World
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha, '98, 663 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha, '98, Andrews Avenue, Uni-
versity Heights, New York.
Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha, '98, Overlook Avenae, Hacken-
sack Heights, N . J .
Elizabeth Hey wood Wymann, Alpha, '98, 456 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N . J .
Grand President, Jessie Ashley, 5 Nassau Street, New York City.
Grand Recording Secretary, Blanche H . Hooper, Tufts College, Mass.
Grand Treasurer, Ruth Capen Farmer (Mrs. Walter), 24 Man-
chester Street, Nashua, N . H .
Grand Vice-President, Sue K . Gillean, 1625 Second Street, New Orleans, L a .
Grand Historian, Stella Stern Perry, Overlook Avenue, Hackensach Height, N . J .
Registrar, Lillian G. MacQuillan, 87 Central Avenue, Pawtucket, R. I .
Auditor, Florence Parmelee, 1924 Corber Street, Omaha, Neb.
Examining Officer, Kate B. Foster, 2717 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Chairman Committee on New Chapters, Carrie Green Campbell (Mrs. Win.),
893 Brush Street, Detroit, Mich.
Editor of To D R A G M A , Viola C . Gray, 1527 So. 23 Street.. Lincoln, Neb.
Business Manager of To D R A G M A , Helen Piper, 1731 D . Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Delegate, L u l a K . Bigelow (Mrs. C . G . ) , 1607 S. Sixth Avenue, Maywood, 111.
Secretary, Edith Stoner, K K T, 1529 Wabash Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
Alpha—Barnard College, Columbia University, New York.
P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, L a .
Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Tufts College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
New York Alumnae—New York City.
California Alumnae—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Boston, Mass.
New Orleans Alumnae—New Orleans, L a .
Alpha—Hazel Wayt, 161 Franklin St., Astoria, Long Island, N . Y .
Nu—Grace Woodelton, 307 W . 93rd St., New York City.
Pi—May Thomas, 1231 Washington Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Omicron—Ailcy Kyle, 1617 Highland Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Anna Linn, College Park, V a .
Zeta—Martha Bell, 226 No. 26th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Helen Bancroft, 1940 Summit St., Oakland, Cal.
Theta—Jennie Farmer, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Zilpah Wilde, 12 Raymond Ave., West Somerville, Mass.
Gamma—Margaret Flint, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Mildred Mosher, Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
Rho—Margaret Wyne, Willard Hall, Evanston, 111.
New York Alumnae—Mrs. James E . Lough, 2190 Andrews Avenue, University
Heights, New York City.
San Francisco Alumnae—Isa B. Henderson, 1128 loth Street, Sacramento, Cal.
Boston Alumnae—Blanche H . Hooper, Tufts College, Mass.
Providence Alumnae—Mrs. Alanson D . Rose, 27 Fruit H i l l Avenue, Provi-
dence, R . I .
New Orleans Alumnae—Rochelle Gachet, 1640 Arabella Street, New Orleans, L a .
Alpha—Hetty Dean, 607 W. 116th St., New York City.
Nu—Marion B . Cothren, 173 S. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Pi—Safford, Dorothy, 1306 Webster St., New Orleans, L a .
Omicron—Myrtle Cunningham, U . of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Margaret Bullitt, College Park, Va.
Zeta—Mabel Salmon, 226 North 26th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Olive Cutler, 2260 Grove St., Oakland, Cal.
Theta, Grace Norris, A O LT House, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Katherine N . Bickford, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Celia M. Coffin, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Josephine Britton, Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
Rho—Merva Dolsen, Pearson's Hall, Evanston, 111.
New York Alumnae—Jean H . L . Frame (Mrs. J . E . ) , 606 West 122nd Street,
New York City.
San Francisco Alumnae—Blanche DuBois, San Leandro, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Helen Eddy Rose (Mrs. A . D . ) , 25 Fruit H i l l Avenue,
Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Mary I . Lambert (Mrs. Fred D . ) Box 42, Tufts College,
New Orleans Alumnae—Katherine M. Reed, 4423 Pitt Street, New Orleans, L a .
To D R A G M A
VOL 5 F E B R U A R Y , 1910 No. 2
To D R A G M A is published at 165-167 Main Street, Menasha, Wis., by George
Banta, official printer to the fraternity. Entered at the Postoffice at Menasha,
Wis., as second-class matter, April 13, 1909, under the act of March 3, 1879.
To D R A G M A is published on the twenty-fifth of November, February, May
and July.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; Single copies
twenty-five cents.
The entire history of the University of Maine has been one of
growth and development. I n comparison with many other colleges
it is still young, but its youth is vigorous, always reaching out to-
ward broader and better things. At the founding of the University
of Maine, then known as the Maine State College, in 1868, near
the little town of Orono, there was but one college building, used
as a dormitory and recitation hall. What we know now as the most
beautiful and picturesque campus in the state, was then simply
open country fields with a few farm buildings here and there.
.The first actual president of this new college was Dr. C. F. Allen,
who held this position from 1871 to 1879. Under his administra-
tion the college grew; students came; new buildings were added.
The first period of the history of the college closes in 1879. Though
the upbuilding of the institution during this time had been diffi-
cult and at many times discouraging, the foundations had been so
laid as to insure a future of vitality and fruitfulness.
With the accession in 1879 of the new president, Dr. M . C.
Fernald, who had been president in everything but name during
the years 1868-1871, "Maine" entered upon a second period of her
history. The faculty then was composed of seven men, all but one
of whom had been connected with the college for not less than five
years. Thus the affairs of the college were in the hands of men
who looked to its future with its best interests at heart. Four year
courses were offered in Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering, Chemistry, Science, and Literature. The number of
buildings had been slowly increasing, the student body numbered
106, and two fraternities had been formed, Q. T. V. in 1874 and
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B 0 I I , about the same time, but student life as we know it today did
not exist. During these years of Dr. Fernald's presidency, which
closed in 1893, the college passed through a critical period. Cer-
tain political conditions in the state affected the financial affairs of
the institution, while the introduction of a tuition charge lessened
the number of students for a time, yet in reality this was no last-
ing matter.
Along with a greater increase in the student body, came an in-
crease of interest in matters outside the regular college work. M i l i -
tary drill, which had been required from the first year of the col-
lege, became so very popular in the eighties that military appoint-
ments were the most highly prized college honors. Competitive
drills were held and a military ball, the first on record was held in
1887. A class free hop was held in 1885 and the first ivy day
was held by the sophomore class in 1886. I n the same year was
the first commencement ball.
Almost contemporaneous with this development of the social life
came the establishment of a college paper. The earlier attempts
for a publication were short-lived, but in September, 1885, the
Cadet made its appearance, being published monthly until, in 1899,
it was superseded by the Campus, the weekly publication of today.
The musical clubs, too, made their first appearance at this time, and
athletics were beginning to attract the attention of the students,
although, in this line, there is little on record of crushing defeats
or glorious victories, until some time later.
With the resignation of Dr. Fernald, in 1893, "Maine's" third
president, Dr. Abram W. Harris, came. The work of his predeces-
sors had given the college a strong foundation, to Dr. Harris fell
the work of development. During his administration the name of
the institution was changed to the University of Maine, a classical
course and a school of law were added and the chapter house sys-
tem developed. In 1900, after seven years of loyal service, Dr.
Harris resigned and "Maine" was fortunate in filling his place with
a man of the calibre of Dr. George Emory Fellows.
The ten years since President Fellows came to us have been years
of prosperity and continued advancement. No president has worked
harder for an institution, or had its welfare more at heart. Prob-
lems of many kinds have come his way, but with an unswerving
sense of right, and the power of a strong character, he has over-
come them. The high standing of our college today is due as much
to the man who is now at its head, as to the those who have gone
before. I n these last ten years there have been added the new library,
a g i f t of Andrew Carnegie; Lord Hall, a building for the use of
the electrical department, and the Agricultural building. At the
present time work is going forward on the new dormitory for the
accommodation of the new students. Among the new departments
one of the most important is that of Domestic Science which was
added this last year, being made possible by the addition of the new
Agricultural building.
From even this meager account, it is possible to learn something
of the growth of the University of Maine from its first inception to
the present. I t is somewhat difficult for us to realize now what
these early beginnings must have been like. I t is hard for us to
realize, too, that our campus, with its walks, its pines and firs, its
buildings, some of which are ivy-grown, was so lately an open
country field. What changes and what advancement have taken
place! I t must seem very strange to Dr. Fernald, as now, in his
later life, he sometimes leads the chapel exercises for us, to look
back to those early days of his little Maine State College and com-
pare them with the present.
I wish it were possible for all our Alpha O sisters to see our cam-
pus as it is this spring. We would take you from our old-fashioned,
colonial dormitory, the Mt. Vernon House, over to the Carnegie L i -
brary, a white granite building, of which we are very proud; then we
would go up to the Agricultural building to see the recitation
rooms, but particularly the Domestic Science department. We
would pass by the Experiment Station, an old, ivy-grown, red-brick
building and keep on to Alumni Hall. There, with its high beamed
ceiling and organ loft, is the chapel, where the student body, 800
strong, meet every morning. I f we should have the time we would
go on to Coburn Hall, Lord Hall, Wingate and Fernald, and up to
the Observatory where some of the mathematical and astronomical
"sharks" hold vigils and "keep tabs" on the comet. I t would take
a whole afternoon to visit the twelve fraternity houses on the cam-
pus, but i f a little time were left we might take a paddle up the
Stillwater River which bounds one side of the campus.
I f the coming half-century deals as kindly with our well-loved
"Maine" as the past years have done, our Alma Mater has little to
fear; and i f her coming sons and daughters leave her with hearts
as f u l l of love as in times past they have done, she has cause for
great joy.
On April 23, 1903, the woman's local college society, Phi Gamma,
of the University of Maine, was initiated into the Greek letter fra-
ternity, Delta Sigma. The initiation, held at the Bangor House,
Bangor, was followed by a banquet. Toasts were given by the vis-
iting delegates and members of the new Gamma chapter. The
active members admitted were Cleora Carr, Frances Hinckley, Len-
nie Copeland, Lottie Small, Frances Webber, Marian Wentworth,
Florence Balentine, Joanna Colcord, Gertrude Jones and Mary
Wilson. Among the alumnae initiated were Elizabeth Balentine,
Carrie Green, Agnes Burnam, Ida Bean, Mildred Powell, Emily
Hamlin, Elsie Fitzgerald, Lida Knowles, Cecelia Rice, Genevieve
Boland, Edith Bussell, Edee Gammon and Estelle Perry. The fol-
lowing evening the newly initiated members tendered a reception
and ball to the visiting delegates at the University gymnasium. Sev-
eral hundred guests, including members of the faculty and delegates
from the other college fraternities at Maine, were present to con-
gratulate the new chapter.
During the next four years, the chapter pledged and initiated
new girls of high standing and sound principles. Each year dele-
gates from the chapters of Delta Sigma met to confer on chapter
affairs, and a strong fraternal feeling was developed. The social-
life of Gamma chapter was by no means neglected. Each year one
large reception and dance was given in the "gym," and several less
pretentious parties at the dormitory. A t the time of the installa-
tion of the new officers, was held the annual "strawberry feed" when
the girls of Gamma chapter made merry. The reception and "open
house" in commencement week were more formal affairs, and were
followed in the evening by a banquet for the visiting alumnae.
I n many ways Gamma chapter of Delta Sigma became a strong
factor in the life of the women students, and held ever before them
high ideals as students and women, so that when Gamma of Delta
Sigma became Gamma of Alpha Omicron Pi, she was strong in wo-
men that stood for the best things in the life of the college.
A new existence came to the Maine chapter of Delta Sigma when,
on April 21, 1908, it was initiated into A O I I . The initiation and
banquet took place at the Bangor House, Bangor. The day fol-
lowing a tea was held at the Mt. Vernon House in honor of the
event. The charter members of Gamma chapter of A O I I are Sarah
Ellen Brown, Anna Coffin Bean, Florence Polleys Chase, Florence
Evelyn Harvey, Mattie Grover Knight, Irene Clara Richardson,
Cora Mae Shaw, Christine Myrtle Shaw, Frances Willard Hunting-
ton, Edith Luella Jordan, Florence Evelyn Brown, Imogene Mar-
tha Bumps, Annie Hoadley Gilbert, and Mildred Louise Prentiss.
The same principles and ideals that made the Delta Sigma chap-
ter what it had been, were carried over into the life of the new fra-
ternity. Today we count in our active chapter the girls that are
known as students and social leaders. Perhaps statistics may not be
interesting, but when one realizes that i n Gamma chapter, through
which seventy-six members have been initiated into A O IT, only
thirteen have left without completing their college course, and nine
have made <t> K <I>, we feel that our record has at least been satis-
factory. More than this, we claim five girls who have made their
master's degree.
With the attention to regular college work Gamma has held its
own in the social life of the college. Alpha 0 girls are prominent
in all the various activities in which women students take a part.
Each year one large " f r a t " dance is given along with many smaller
less formal, parties. The home sphere has claimed a goodly num-
ber of our Gamma girls, but we feel that it is a reason for great
gladness that, as yet, we, of Gamma chapter, have never had cause
to wear the band of black across our pins. These few years of
Gamma's life as a chapter of A O I I have been marked by success,
and with the strong and loyal group of girls now in college, wear-
ing our A O I I pin, we feel that there is a future of even greater pros-
In the development of an institution, as in the development of
an individual, there comes a time when certain customs are no long-
er in keeping. "Maine" has reached the stage where hazing, as we
have known it, is to be a thing of the past, a custom outgrown.
With the passing of hazing will go the "ten commandments" for
the guidance of freshmen, and, until this year, unhappy the lad who
did not obey them. Now, no longer will a crowd of eager sopho-
mores wait at the chapel door for the freshman who has been so
daring as to be seen with a "fair co-ed," or one of the girls down-
The freshmen and sophomores still have their battles to fight,
however, as the "flag scrap" and the "peanut scrap" testify. The
outcome of the annual sophomore-freshman football game decides
which class shall furnish the peanuts scrapped for. There is a story
that "once upon a time," by means of a suit-case and a clothes-line,
some of these peanuts came into the possession of the girls at "The
Coop"—another name for the Mt. Vernon House. Among other
things the two underclasses vie with each other in keeping their class
numerals on the standpipe across the river, where they can be seen
for miles around. Many thrilling stories can be told of the midnight
expeditions with rope, tackle, and good white paint. But the great-
est thing to the freshman is their class banquet. Since this is sup-
posed to take place secretly, the greatest care is taken that the soph-
omores may not find out when and where it is to be. Strange places
have adapted themselves to the needs of the occasion, and lucky the
freshman who is able to get back to classes the following day. I f
sophomores are not always able to prevent departure, they sometimes
prevent return.
One of the greatest events of the early part of the year is "Maine
Night," a big mass-meeting and rally, before the most important
home game of the state championship series. I t is the night when
the alumni come back to their Alma Mater, and when "Maine spirit"
runs high. I t is the night when the enthusiastic speakers, the band,
and the cheering make the queer little chills run up and down one's
spine. This year, instead of the usual dance, the mass-meeting was
followed by a singing of college songs and giving of college yells
around a big bon-fire.
Just before the closing of college in the spring the sophomores
and freshmen have one more contest, the "frog-pond scrap." I t is a
striking spectacle to see the two classes march to the scene of action
where a huge bon-fire is blazing. Both classes are massed, and at a
pistol shot they rush together. The chances are that, in the half-
light of the bon-fire and i n the general confusion, both classes get
a pretty thorough ducking. The scrap lasts only a few minutes
and it is not the least interesting part of it all, to see the men com-
ing back to the " f r a t " houses, soaked and dripping, in very truth
covered with "mud and glory." After this the freshmen possess
all the rights and privileges of upperclassmen.
As the end of the year approaches, and with the coming of warm-
er weather, there are the Sunday night sings on the library steps.
Both religious and college songs are sung and the university hymn
is never omitted. Just after finals the juniors hold their junior week
festivities, which include junior prize speaking and the dance fol-
lowing, the ivy day exercises, dramatics, an excursion down the
Penobscot River, "open house" at all the fraternity houses, and,
most enjoyable of all the "Prom."
Following close upon this, comes commencement week, which,
for the seniors, is the culmination of the hopes of four long happy
busy years. Just before finals, on the morning after their class
banquet, the seniors cut chapel in a body, withdrawing to a distance
to sing college songs and give college yells. This last bit of bravado
is more than atoned for in the last chapel service. Commencement
week has its own round of gaieties and appropriate exercises cul-
minating in the commencement ball, and the receiving of the long-
coveted diploma. The peculiar significance of the customs and
events make it a time that is like no other. The ties that have bound
the class for four long years are about to be broken, but, as a senior
looks back, the "flag and peanut scraps" seem not so far away; the
pride of the freshmen, coming from the "frog-pond scrap," is vital
and unforgotten. The remembrance of the "Maine Nights," the
last chapel service, the college sings, painting the standpipe, and
smoking the pipe of peace, form a confused but happy memory for
those to whom all the customs and traditions of "Maine" are dear.
I f we are to be a power in college life, it will be because of
something other than the number of chapters we have enrolled.
To wish to be the biggest fraternity is a foolish ambition, and not
worth the attainment, i f that were a l l ; but to be the most united,
the strongest, the most vital, that indeed were worth while. This
can best be accomplished by the perfect assimilation of the compo-
nent parts by the unity of development of the chapters already ac-
quired; much better, than by reaching out for new chapters. When
our pride is in the attainment of our ideals, then will our growth be
natural and sufficiently rapid. I f each chapter is careful to gather
and bind together a congenial and earnest company, who will carry
into the world our message through their work, then has it done
good service.
The ever-recurring adverse criticism of fraternities is based pri-
marily upon a belief that they are repugnant to democratic ideals
and practice, and therefore should not be encouraged in our educa-
tional institutions. Too often it has occurred that the snobbishness
and thoughtlessness of youth have tended to develop and strengthen
such a belief. A careful discrimination in selection, for the purpose
of securing harmony and congeniality, in a body who are to work
together for a common purpose and to enjoy a social intimacy dur-
ing college life, should not lead to narrowness or foolish "exclusive-
ness"; and while each chapter in a certain sense must be left to
choose its own standards of membership, the central body should al-
ways be alert to check any snobbish or dangerous tendency which
might develop.
There is much to be done within, that I believe will lead to true
and beneficial expansion. I think the mere acquirement of new
chapters can well be left to take care of itself. They are sure to
come, and we will know our own if we are prepared.
A . H . BURD, Nu.
(A Toast delivered at Zeta banquet)
That long, long road to yesterday!
Have you ever traveled it? And, has it ever, from its seemingly
endless stretches and turns and crooks, cried out to you "Follow
Me?" And have you ever, in answer to the beckoning call, followed,
and been led on and on? And did it lead you, as it lead me, down
that broad, smooth, stretch to the first turn in the road—to happy
childhood days? The mud pie and doll-baby days! And then on,
over a stretch not quite so easy to travel, to the next turn? The
days of the "Elsie Books," five finger exercises and long legs and
big hair bows! Then still on, to the days of dreams and fancies,
to high school days—days when everything was fun, and each day-
was rosier and gayer, than the day before. Those and the kittenish
boarding-school days are close together. But, ah me, the next turn
in the load brings us to the foot of a long slope, and up at the top
beyond that funny little crook at the turn of the road, come—col-
lege days! Days when everything seems to change; when we change
from a hoyden to a womanly woman. Then, do you remember at
the top of the hill of seeing gay throngs of girls, the nicest girls in
the world, and how finally you became one of them? How happy
you were and how you loved them a l l ! That was the happiest ad-
venture of all, that day when we found that Alpha Omicron Pi was
waiting for us at the top of the hill.
Did you ever follow that winding road to yesterday? I t is the
sweet memories on the road to yesterday that make us impatient for
the destinies which await us further along on fate's road to tomorrow.
But, it is the heart throbs of sorrow and pain, that we have passed
and left behind us, that are making us strong Alpha O's. The con-
flict with, and overcoming of self-idolatry; the overcoming of petty
and trivial difficulties, between contrary and uncongenial natures;
the curbing of an impulsive tongue; the penitence for a bitter or
stinging remark; these are more of the things we find on the road
to yesterday, but these are the things that count. These are the
things which enable us to live together in harmony; the adventures
and experiences which are going to be of benefit to new Alpha O's;
the things, which, because we have learned them from experience, it
is going to be possible for future Alpha O's to avoid in their fra-
ternity career. I t is all this, that makes us sure of the substantial
qualities of Alpha Omicron P i ; makes us know that she has some-
thing to offer, something that we can profit by, and something that
we in turn, can offer to some one else.
The memories of yesterday stimulate the intenseness of love for
A O II—the memories that impel us year after year, to return
for her blessing and to receive her benediction. The remembrance
of all these things will make new and gay adventures, along that
road, sweet, and sad ones, endurable.
I drink to the memories and fancies of youth, and the dreams of
long ago, the griefs, the joys and the pains, which we find on "The
Road to Yesterday!" EDITH SWAIN, Z.
"Fields of work for the College Pan-Hellenic over and beyond
the regulation of rushing" is a subject which can be as broad as any
one may wish to make it, depending upon the attitude assumed to-
ward it. In the first place, although the primary object of the foun-
dation of both national and local Pan-Hellenics was to facilitate
he regulation of rushing, that very fact showed that a condition of
feeling existed in college fraternity circles which a Pan-Hellenic
organization ought to alleviate—that is, that the different fraternities
working individually for their own good were carrying certain phases
of fraternity life to extremes, which might be avoided i f a com-
mon ground of friendly interest and inter-fraternity "sisterhood"
could be established. This spirit of selfishness is certainly giving
way before Pan-Hellenic fraternalism, and can be considered one
of the greatest successes resulting from Pan-Hellenic organization.
Next to this, and growing out of this, I consider one of the most
important phases of college Pan-Hellenic work the crushing out of a
certain snobbishness among fraternity students toward non-fraternity
students. I n a great many cases this is probably more apparent
than real, yet it serves to foster a feeling against the fraternities in
general college life. By meeting on the friendly ground of the col-
lege Pan-Hellenic, more particularly where this takes the form of
open meetings or social functions for all fraternity members rather
than delegates alone, the different fraternity women become better
acquainted with each other's ideals, and often the keenest edge of
intense rivalry is worn off, through better understanding. General
Pan-Hellenic meetings result in more general grouping of friend-
ships, and from this the ideal fraternity woman is inspired not only
to refrain from confining her intimate friends to members of her own
chapter, but to look for them in others who for various reasons may
even be outside of any fraternity ranks. I n this way her own views
are broadened and her true interest in college affairs deepens. I f
her example is followed, it will often do much toward keeping non-
fraternity interests from becoming anti-fraternity activities.
Another part of college life which can be influenced by the Pan-
Hellenic is college politics. This is probably truer in colleges for
women alone than in co-educational schools, but there is no reason
why it should not be influential in both. I f the Pan-Hellenic dele-
gates represent in any measure at all the feeling of the various fra-
ternities on questions arising in the college world, there is ample
opportunity for all to use their best influence for the college wel-
fare and prevent the formation of cliques and combinations, or of
anything which tends to corrupt college politics.
The college Pan-Hellenic can often be the means of bringing the
faculty of its college, especially where that is inclined to be un-
friendly, to a better understanding and to a more sympathetic con-
sideration of fraternity needs and aims.
The Pan-Hellenic can do much towards overcoming the very
unappropriate extravagances carried on by fraternities in many cases
simply through rivalry, while it is against the better judgment of
the individual members. Girls of college age, though they may have
the strength of character, often have not the will power to do that
which they know is the most sensible thing, unless they are sure
all their fellow fraternities will agree to do likewise.
The Pan-Hellenic can prevent unfavorable publicity of Greek
affairs where a college or public press is too willing to publish both
news and criticism of the fraternities, i f all the members of the Pan-
Hellenic bind their own fraternities not to give out accounts and
notices of social affairs of any kind. This has been done very effi-
ciently in a number of instances.
Another thing which has been tried very successfully in at least
two state universities which have come to my notice, and is possible
anywhere, is the agreement among all fraternity girls (through the
Pan-Hellenic) to attend no social functions and to receive no callers
at fraternity houses on week nights, except Friday and Saturday.
Besides the protection to their health of preventing too much social
dissipation, it gives students four nights of the week uninterrupted
for study and makes the girls feel freer to enjoy the others ( i f that
is possible). As the fraternity girls usually dominate the college
social life, this results in no college or fraternity parties being
planned for week nights, so the girls do not miss anything.
I n other directions, the ideal college Pan-Hellenic can develop
along the same lines as the ideal fraternity. I t can stand for higher
scholarship among fraternity women, and can do more in this line
than the individual fraternity, because common agreement on a cer-
tain standard eliminates the element of rivalry, which is often fatal
to one chapter's attempt to reach its ideal. I t can encourage an in-
terest in social service work more efficiently than the individual fra-
ternity can among its members. A great deal has already been
done to assist in solving the problem of chaperones for fraternity
houses and more will surely be accomplished, as the direct result of
the Pan-Hellenic movement.
The Pan-Hellenic idea, both national and local, is increasing in
strength each year, and as it grows and develops will become more
and more an inspiration to the college fraternity world toward ideal
conditions. Let us hope that in perfecting its organization and in
enlarging its scope of work, we may see it eliminate the faults which
are criticized in fraternity life for women, and bring out all the
strength and beauty of character which typify true American woman-
hood. L U L U K I N G BIGELOW, Z, '04.
Are your back numbers of To DRAGMA bound? I f not, why not?
This issue should contain the history of Delta chapter, but since
the convention is to be held with Delta it has seemed best to reverse
the original order and delay publishing the account of Delta and
Tufts College until fall, in order to include convention news
So far as the readers of To DRAGMA know, the editor scolds
continually. This is to be no exception. Many of the chapter edi-
tors seem to feel their duty is completed when they have mailed their
chapter letter. I t is not to be denied that chapter letters are a great
help in getting out a fraternity magazine. Their usefulness would
be more appreciated i f they could be made to arrive on time. The
chapter letter, however, is only a part of the associate editor's duties.
Notices of weddings, engagements and births should be reported
through the chapter editors. As this issue will show, very little at-
tention has been given to relating news of our alumnae. Surely our
alumnae "do things" once in a while. Then let us not consider
that we have done our work blamelessly, until we have told the rest
of the fraternity what those accomplishments are. T r y to make all
reports reflect the life not only of your active members, but of your
alumnae as well.
I t will be only a short time until convention, toward which we
are looking so eagerly, will be a reality, until the delegates from all
chapters will meet face to face. Such a meeting can not but be of
great benefit to all who attend, and through them be reflected to
the whole fraternity. There is promise of great results from this
convention, where it will be possible for each section of the country
to make known the needs of its locality, where it will be possible to
make for the whole fraternity a stronger foundation. A t this meet-
ing we ought to realize that no matter how the ideas of the various
delegates and chapters vary, all are working with the same earnest
desire—the bettering of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Is it an impossibility for every chapter to possess a copy of the
Sorority Handbook? Be assured that none of us can feel that we
know anything about the Greek world, except as it exists in our own
college, until we have read this little volume. We can not even guess
at our own ignorance, neither can we guess at our own position
among fraternities, until we have read the Handbook. Take your
editor's advice and procure the Handbook, i f you want to prove that
your chapter is alive and growing. Make this the beginning of your
chapter library. Make the bound copies of To DRAGMA another
addition. De Luxe editions of the Handbook at $1.50 or 10 copies
for $12.00; College edition at $1.00 or 10 copies for $5.50. Ad-
dress all communications to The Roxburgh Press, Roxbury, Mass.
This is for the alumnae primarily. Are you actively or passively
interested in your fraternity. No doubt you are unswerving to your-
self, "actively interested." Of course you want us to succeed. We
all wish that. But do you, now that you are out of school and per-
haps far from your Alma Mater, ever do anything to help us suc-
ceed? As a matter of fact, have you ever thought about it at all
seriously? Haven't you unconsciously taken it for granted that your
chapter understands you are interested, and would be glad to do
something, i f you had the task pointed out to you? Isn't it a bit
strange that an active chapter, less than half of whose members
know you, should understand you so well that your silence means to
them interest ? Did you ever wonder why a chapter feels weak when
a number of its members either graduate or fail to return to school ?
Why does it feel that these members are lost to it, and that it must
exert extra effort to put the chapter back where it stood before this
loss took place? Has not this feeling been brought about by the
alumnae and those who do not return to school, and is it not due to
a lack of interest and loyalty on their part? The interest and loy-
alty are merely passive. I f this is true in your case, are you not try-
ing to justify the condition in your own mind, by the complaint that
the girls do not write you often to tell what is going on? They
don't pay you as much attention as you feel you deserve; they don't
ask your advice as often as they should, etc., indefinitely. Isn't it
a bit hard on an active chapter to struggle to keep up the standard
of their chapter, and to keep its alumnae interested and informed?
Are there not any number of ways in which you can help the chapter
and let them know that some one feels interested in them and wants
them to succeed? Have you ever sent them greetings of any sort? or
a picture or a pillow for their rooms? Have you ever told them of a
prospective new member? A l l of this in behalf of the chapter.
Now what have you done for the national? Those of you who are
reading this, have subscribed. Surely no Alpha O would borrow a
sister's magazine to read. Surely not! Have you ever tried to get
some one else to subscribe? Can you not make the alumnae, who
are sensitive because the active girls can not write them all the news,
see that they get considerable information from the magazine regard-
ing their chapter in particular and the fraternity in general, and at
the same time help the magazine? Have you ever sent in a sugges-
tion, a frat song, a poem or an article on something of fraternity
interest; have you ever sent any of these to your editor without be-
ing asked for them? Haven't we been careless and forgotten to look
for opportunities of helping Alpha Omicron Pi? The supply of
interrogation marks is getting low, but one more question is vital.
Won't you help?
3n Mtmotmm
"The Harvester passed over Zeta's field this year and took one of
our choicest. There is not one of us but who is stronger and better
because of her. She so often showed us the real fraternity enthusi-
asm—not the kind that exhausts itself in yells and songs—but that
which develops the true and tender, the hopeful and joyous."
How little did Bessie M . Chambers, as she penned the above lines,
realize that a year later they would so truly apply to herself.
Bessie was in school just one year, but during that time she was
ever enthusiastic and interested in all fraternity and college affairs.
Her strong character and personality were deeply impressed upon
all who came in contact with her, and now that she has gone to join
our silent chapter, her influence will ever be with her fraternity
At present Alpha has eight active members. We were nine, but
Louise Rusk, '11, was obliged to return to her home in Nebraska
on account of her health, much to our sorrow. Soon however, the
number of the Muses will again be complete, for we have a new
initiate, Louise Silcox, '11, whom we take great pleasure in intro-
ducing to the rest of the sorority.
Hazel Wayt, '10, is chairman of the undergraduate play which is
to be "Much Ado About Nothing." Under her supervision it will,
of course, be the best undergraduate play ever given. Hazel has
also been doing some work for the Civil Service Commission.
Hetty Dean '10, is vice-president of her class and on the class day
Lillian Schroedler, '11, has carried off the college laurels in the
athletic line. She is class basketball captain, vice-president of the
Athletic Association, and has just been elected 'Varsity captain
for next year. She was Dalrymple in the junior show, "D'Arcy of
the Guards." She was elected class treasurer, but was obliged to
resign the office to avoid nervous prostration from overwork. She is
class and college song and cheer leader. To cap the climax "A's"
come to her in bunches.
Hester Rusk, '12, was a gay and attractive trooper in the Sopho-
more show, "The Sword of the King." Her heaviest fraternity duty-
is to chastise those of us who are so perverted as to indulge in slang.
We have our eyes upon several "perfectly good" freshmen but
can do nothing for them as the "rushing policy" has been abolished
by the Pan-Hellenic Association. Two fraternity girls, a freshman
and "eats" constitute the utterly-to-be avoided "party." I t is some-
times hard to decide whether to eliminate the freshman, the odd
fraternity girl or the "eats," in order to keep within the law. Some
of us are rash enough to wish, deep in our inmost thoughts, that we
might eliminate Pan-Hellenic. At present a motion is under discus-
sion, fixing a scholarship basis for entrance into fraternities. The
exact standard to be required has not yet been definitely settled.
We have given two dances in Brinckerhoff Theater this year. One
was held on the evening of October twenty-third, just before the
rule abolishing the rushing system went into effect. I t was managed
by Hazel Wayt and Margaret Yates. The second was held on the
twenty-eighth of December, just after pledge day. I t was managed
by Hazel Wayt, Lillian Schroedler and Beatrice Anderson. Both
dances were of course huge successes.
As to the initiations—we discuss them only in the privacy of our
respective sanctum sanchorums.
We were very glad to meet Josephine Handy of Pi chapter.
She stopped for a few days in New York on her way south, and
we captured her for a short time.
We have many plans for the remainder of the year, such as a
chapter theater party, a house-party, a tea given by the active chap-
ter to all the Alpha "grads."
We turn pale at the thought of our seniors leaving us. We feel
in two short months too young and inexperienced, to carry on the
chapter without them. There will be few of us, until the new soph-
omores come in. Let us hope that we can just naturally draw to
us the ones we want by hypnotism, magnetism or the law of affinity,
since we cannot exert persuasion. Best wishes to you all.
During the past few months, many delightful things have hap-
pened to Pi, but none more important than the pledging of Emily
Freret, Art '10. We should like all of you to know our Art sen-
ior and no doubt you will i f not in person, then through her brush,
for even now she is not without fame.
An excellent index to the life of A O I I at Newcomb is the cal-
endar of college activities, for nothing has happened without leaving
a very perceptible impression upon the chapter rooms. During
October, we were extremely exact about such things as punctuality at
meetings and ordiliness in the rooms, but with the coming of junior
Germans and senior cotillions we submitted gracefully to withered
carnations, scribbled dance programs, and glowing descriptions from
Innes, Dagmar, Cora and Marguerite Then the glee club decided
to astonish every one on Memorial Day and what could you expect
with a president and two high sopranoes in a small frat room—
Innes, Mary, and Cora accompanied all domestic duties with a soul-
f u l melody, to the detriment of everything concerned. Before we
recovered from the strain, Emily and Dorothy descended with
material for the Jambalaya, the university annual of which they
are the art and academic editors, respectively. Every available
space was covered with drawings and copy, and conversation was
limited to journalistic terms. Innes, who refused to be a mere
outsider, looked interested and wrote a short story, for which she re-
ceived first prize.
During the Christmas holidays Roberta and Harriet Williams of
Omicron paid us a visit, which was most tantalizing in its brevity.
We "talked frat" for a few short hours and then they were gone.
However, we became so inspired with their descriptions of good
times in Tennessee that we decided to "go and do likewise." The
trouble began with an alumna, of course, Anna Many, '07, who
gave us a cotillion. The affair was such a success that we sat up
nights trying to eclipse it, but Sue Gillean, '03, with character-
istic enthusiasm got there first with a three-act comedy, fortune-tell-
ing and numerous other attractions. That settled i t ; there wasn't
any use trying to beat the alumnae at their own game, so we waited
a while, then gave a harmless little luncheon—harmless, because
there was not enough of anything to be afraid of, several guests
arriving unexpectedly at the last moment! But it was a success, so
the freshmen said, and they ought to know.
Examinations brought us to earth with a dull thud, and menu-
cards and olives gave place to pen, ink and groans. We had the
semi-annual scholarship talk at frat meeting, and everyone went home
with a headache. Our spirits were not relieved when the Newcomb
Athletic Association decided to reform the world of basketball. We
lived in a war of words, balls and nondescript clothing. Immedi-
ately after this the room blossomed forth with roses and other floral
That was early spring—as you see—and everyone developed the
usual fits of absent-mindedness and indolence, which were equally
exasperating. But this was not the worst! Cora and Dorothy some-
how secured leading parts in the dramatic club play and lo! the walls
rang. Shrieks, groans and demoniacal laughter succeeded
each other, until everyone welcomed, as a relief, the shower
of missionary papers which accompanied Cora's election as president
of the Y. W. C. A. Not for long, however, were we peaceful for
Innes and Dorothy insisted upon parts in the senior class play and
began to plan wonders for commencement week at which interesting
occupation we shall leave them, for at this season they refuse to be
interrupted for a longer time than it requires to say, "The top of
this spring morning to you, Oh Alphas!"
No letter received.
I t seems rather late, now in the full glory of spring, to mention
Thanksgiving, but I cannot resist telling you other chapters of our
Thanksgiving house-party. Bee Armstrong transported the entire
chapter for five glorious days to her home at Rogersville. We fur-
nished the girls, and Rogersville supplied everything else. We were
feted and feasted; we rode, drove, walked, danced, and cried out
the glories of Alpha Omicron Pi to the surrounding mountains.
We were not then troubled by the thought of the distant exams,
but when we returned to college from the Christmas holidays, we
really quit rushing for a few weeks and began madly cramming.
We a l l came through that ordeal gloriously, and were then con-
fronted with the fact that we had one more week before pledge day.
So then came a series of small parties, as we and the freshmen also
were too exhausted to attempt any lavish entertainment. We gave
a small tea in our chapter rooms for the desirable freshmen, and
several of our alumnae entertained with informal gatherings. We
felt that the work we had done throughout the year would be of more
avail, than a week of parties, so we rested on our merits. As a con-
sequence we secured four splendid girls, and take pleasure in intro-
ducing to the fraternity Louise Wiley, '13, Jess McFarland, '13,
Helen Kennedy, special, all from Knoxville, and Mary Powell, '13
from Chattanooga. We w i l l not sing the praises of these girls, as
the fact that they are Alpha O's speaks for itself. The other frater-
nities also secured their share of girls: X f2 initiated four, two fresh-
men and two specials; Zeta Tau Alpha five, two freshmen and three
specials, and Phi Mu, one freshman and one special. No student
at the University of Tennessee can be pledged to a fraternity, until
she has passed her first term's work with not more than two condi-
Alpha Omicron Pi has her share of collegiate honors this year:
Jess McFarland is vice-president of the freshman class, the highest
office that can be held by a freshman; Myrtle Cunningham is presi-
dent of the Co-ed Cotillion Club and of the Rouge and Powder
Dramatic Club, and Laura Swift Mayo, is secreary of the Co-ed
Cotillion Club. Our one senior, Myrtle Cunningham, has also
been elected a member of Phi Kappa Phi, the honor fraternity in
the university.
We feel that this has been an unusually prosperous year for Omi-
cron, and we have certainly been fortunate in having among our
alumnae in Knoxville, Ada Donaldson, Kappa '09, who is now
making her home here; Lucretia Jordan of Ashville, N . C , who is
spending the spring months as the guest of an Omicron patroness,
and May Stokeley, '06, who is occupying the position of city sec-
retary of the Knoxville Y. W. C. A .
Then we had the pleasure of meeting Wingate Matthews, Kappa
'10, who was the guest of Ada Donaldson during the Easter vaca-
tion. Ada entertained the chapter informally one afternoon for
But I must not forget to tell you of the initiation. This event
took place, February 26—and four of the out-of-town alumnae were
present, and our town girls in f u l l force. First we had a six o'clock
dinner in a private dining room of Barbara Blount Hall. The table
was decorated in the fraternity colors and the place cards were
hand-painted in Jacqueminot roses. Toasts were responded to by
each of the initiates and by Harriette Greve, '06. The initiation
occurred later in the evening in our room on the third floor of the
same building.
Here are the love and best wishes of Omicron chapter for each
of her sister chapters, and success to A O IT.
The first wild rush of school, the Christmas holidays, and mid-
year exams are all over—a large part of the school year has already
slipped by, and Kappa is now in the enjoyment of the winter time—
the best time of the year—when friendships are strengthened and
most thoroughly enjoyed. Regular work and regular fun always
make the winter days and nights fly on, and even now we occasion-
ally feel evidences of the approach of spring. Our freshies all are
initiated, and fast becoming old time frat girls, and now the frats
are enjoying a temporary rest. I t is a restless enjoyment though,
like the calm before the storm, for here the rushing season is begun
anew shortly after mid-year exams. There are no rules restraining
pledging or rushing after the regular pledge day in the fall, and en-
thusiasm is in no way lessened by the fact that it is not the specified
rushing season.
Kappa has already initiated into A O I I this year six freshmen,
all sure of coming to college four years, and all of whom we feel
will reflect credit on A O I I , Annie Kate Gilbert, one of our charm-
ing freshies, took the college quite by storm with her solo in the
last recital, and Kappa is decidedly proud to claim one of the most
popular singers of the year. Our this year's pledges are, Olive Sum-
merlin, Claudia Massie, Nan Atkinson, Annie Kate Gilbert, Linda
Best and Anna Linn.
In the recent production of "Twelfth Night" by Randolph-
Macon girls, we had three representatives, Margaret Bullitt, '11
made a splendid Olivia, and in her interpretation of the role by
tosses of her fair head and proud, skilfull management of the long
black velvet train, most effectually scorned the love of Duke Orsino,
Iris Newton, '11.
Practice has already begun for field day, always the most im-
portant event of the spring. I n this we will have seven 'girls, two
juniors, two sophomores and four freshmen.
We all feel that we are especially rich in alumnae members in
Lynchburg. We have a bride in the midst of the alumnae and this
means a great deal to us. Bernice Shepperd Hurd now has her per-
manent home i n Lynchburg, and Kappa claims both bride and
groom. Ella Butler and Clara Murray Cleland, both Kappa girls,
are residents of the city. We are also proud to claim a tiny baby,
Richard Yates, whose mother, Laura Radford, '07, is one of our
most charming associate members.
I t is always sad to think of parting from girls who have meant a
great deal to the frat, a true helper and "encourager" to the chapter,
and we're not always consoled by the thought that their work will
be continued in larger fields. We feel in a way that for once, we're
fortunate in this respect, as this year's senior class will deprive
us of only one member, Winnie Matthews.
So we are sure that A O I I at Randolph-Macon is sailing smoothly
and enjoying what we feel to be a red letter year. I n closing, all
the old Kappas and all the new little Kappas join in sending three
hearty cheers for A O I I !
Once again our mid-semester examinations are over, and we have
a breathing spell before the finals.
Zeta has pledged seventeen girls so far this year, and we consider
them seventeen of the best girls on the campus. Since our last letter,
we have pledged Merriam Carter of Waltham, Mass.; Helen Hays
of Denison, Iowa; Grace Burr of Adair, Iowa; Stella Butler of
Arion, Iowa; Sarah Herrington, of Wakefield, Neb.; Elsie Fitz-
gerald of Lincoln, Neb.; Janet McAllister of Columbus, Neb., and
Amall Koutz of Ponca, Neb. I n all we have taken twelve girls into
f u l l membership, and we take great pleasure in introducing Grace
Gannon, of Lincoln, Elna Nisson of Kennard, Meda Nunemaker of
Tobias, Catherine Follmer of Oak, Neb.; Leta Thompson, of York,
Neb.; Kathleen Ryan of Columbus, Merriam Carter of Waltham,
Mass.; Helen Fiske of Lincoln, Sarah Herrington of Wakefield,
Eloise Harper of Wallace, Elsie Fitzgerald, of Lincoln and Grace
Burr of Adair, Iowa. When the other pledges are initiated we
shall have a good sized chapter of about thirty-two active girls.
We now have thirteen girls in our house, which fills it comforta-
bly. However much as we like our house, we feel we must get nearer
school, as we are a little over a mile away. The freshmen in the
house are the ones especially who feel the distance and every day
one can hear them singing i n their rooms on the third floor,
The A O's live in the country
Hooray! Hooray!
They live out there to get fresh air,
A l l through the livelong day, etc.
As we gather around the table or piano, we realize what our
sorority means to us—the friendships which we have made and how
lasting they will be, or at least, that they will last as long as we
ourselves deserve them.
One evening we had a little more excitement than we anticipated
or wished for—the third floor of our house caught fire. To show
the superiority of our freshmen it is only necessary to quote from
one of the newspapers: "When it was known that a blaze had started
in a room of the house, there was consternation among the firemen
lest there would be a mad rush to get out, but the college girls
showed better sense and kept their heads. When they learned that
the house was afire, they telephoned the department and calmly
awaited the arrival of the blue shirts."
Once again the old story,—our cook has left—but we are get-
ting on famously—patiently awaiting the arrival of another. Mean-
while between ourselves and the help of the alumnae, we all manage
to keep fat and happy.
Last year our Lincoln alumnae presented us with our table silver,
and this year our Omaha alumnae have given us a dozen tea-towels,
and a table cloth with a dozen napkins to match. They were very
much needed and appreciated.
We have given a number of informal house parties this year at
which there were from ten to thirty couples present. Just now we are
planning on our formal party which will come on May 6, 1910.
In the college world Laura Peterson has been chosen as A O I I
representative in Silver Serpent; Stella Butler has been elected to
membership in X i Delta and she is charter member of the new fresh-
man organization, "Mystic Fish." Besides these, we have a number of
girls on class committees.
We had planned a luncheon for our patronesses and an afternoon
reception to our alumnae to be held March 19, but on account of the
sudden death of one of our alumnae, Bessie Chambers, ex-'10,
these plans were indefinitely postponed. The local chapter and
the fraternity as a whole cannot help but feel the loss of one so
truly fraternal and interested as she. Through carelessness an
elevator door was left open, and thinking the car was there, Bessie
stepped in and fell four stories to the basement. She gained con-
sciousness for only a few minutes just before her death which oc-
curred a few hours later. The Omaha World Herald has the fol-
lowing to say:
"Wishing to provide a memorial for Miss Bessie Chambers of
Omaha, whose death occurred recently, and knowing her interest in
charitable work, especially among children, the state university chap-
ter of A O I I sorority and alumnae, contributed fifteen dollars to the
fresh air fund in her memory.
"Miss Chambers was one of the popular members of the sorority
and had planned to return to school in the fall. One of her most
dominant traits was generosity and a desire to help others, so the
young women thought they could make no more fitting memorial to
her than this."
This issue of To DRAGMA finds the sororities in California ponder-
ing deeply over that old problem—Pan-Hellenic rules for the com-
ing semester. A l l are agreed that something must be done to alter
the spirit of "rushing season,"—a reform, which will add dignity
to the stand taken by the sororities, and perhaps detract a little from
that of the freshmen. Just how this may be accomplished, Pan-
Hellenic has not yet decided. At present, meetings open to all sor-
ority girls are being held to consider a plan presented by Mrs. Coby,
an alumna member of Gamma Phi Beta. She is of the opinion
that freshmen are too much courted and feted by the sororities, and
is in favor of dispensing entirely with rushing and a definite pledge
day. While all agree with her in the first opinion, most of the
sororities are a little dubious regarding the results of such a radical
reform. Theoretically the plan is ideal, but Sigma doubts its prac-
tical value and is holding out for a definite pledge day, even though
"rushing"—by that, meaning "affairs" arranged purposely for fresh-
men—is dispensed with.
So much for "rushing troubles"—they are probably common to
all the chapters, so we will turn to a more cheerful subject. Sigma
is still congratulating herself on the success of the reception, given
February eighth. Nearly nine hundred guests called during the
afternoon and evening, and were introduced to our nine freshmen.
Sigma had cause to feel very proud of them, and they in turn felt
rewarded for the trying ordeal of four hours standing in the receiv-
ing line.
The chapter has been well represented in college activities this
year. Rose Gardner, '11, was recently elected to Prytenean, the
junior and senior honor society. She is a candidate for president
of the Associated Women Students at the coming election, with the
chances for success very much in her favor.
Rose Schmidt, '09 recently took a leading role in "The School-
mistress," a Pinero play given by the Mask and Dagger.
Four Alpha O's were included in the staff of the Women's Day
Occident, Rose Schmidt and Rose Gardner on the literary board, and
Lillian Rice, '10 and Olive Cutter, '11 on the art staff.
Several Sigma girls will take part in a floral pageant to be pre-
sented by A. W. S., under the oaks surrounding the Faculty Club.
I t is the most beautiful spot on the campus, affording an ideal set-
ting. The carnation dance will be lead by one of our sophomores,
Irene Flanagan.
Two more freshmen were initiated at the beginning of the term,
Edna Garrett and Georgia Meredith, making a total of eleven mem-
bers in the class of 1913.
The chapter has recently inaugurated a new custom, which prom-
ises to be very successful in keeping the girls in touch with other
sororities as well as non-sorority girls. Every other Friday, a
number of college girls are invited to lunch and while we are free
to bring our friends in at any other time, this day has been especially
set aside for that purpose.
We are happy to have had with us during the past month, Helen
Ranlet, '08, of Nu chapter. Sigma extends a hearty invitation to
any of the A O I I sisters to visit us in California.
Since our last letter we gave a reception for our chaperon, Mrs.
Doll, and the town people, February 8. I t being so near Valentine's
day, we carried out the Valentine decorations, using the red hearts
all over the house. The shades were drawn, and when the lights
were turned on, over which we placed red paper shades in the shape
of a rose, and the red candles here and there were lighted, our
house gave a very pleasing appearance. Our dining room was pro-
fusely decorated with the red hearts and Jacque roses. Here we
served red cream in the shape of hearts, and wafers and mints.
Our next social function was a few weeks later, when we enter-
tained four members from each sorority, making in all about thirty
guests. We danced until ten o'clock, then repaired to the dining
room where we partook of a dainty repast of creamed chicken, served
in little patties, sandwiches and pickles. A l l seemed to enjoy the
evening thoroughly, and we feel that we have started a practice
which ought to be carried on, as it brings the sorority girls together,
gives them a chance to make their acquaintance broader, and does
away with that spirit of snobbishness, which exists so often among
the different sororities.
We have given a series of dinner parties for members of each
fraternity. So far we have entertained four fraternities.
Since November, we have pledged three new girls: Mabel Dire,
Mary Wright, Ivah Smith, and we are proud to have these girls
join our ranks and become sisters in Alpha Omicron Pi.
The one thing that has caused us much thought and consideration
this year, has been the thought of having sophomore pledge day.
Pan-Hellenic has weighed this question very seriously, but at last
came to the decision that we will not have it for another year.
Some of the old girls who have spent a few days at the fraternity
house have been, Mae Forkner, Bess Levering, Irene Newmann, and
Eva Thompson.
Louise Kiefer is teaching German and English in the high school
at Rensselaer, Indiana.
Inez Gardiner was elected secretary of the Y. W. C. A. this spring.
"When you rush, rush, rush with wild delirium." For five months
this has been Delta's favorite song, and glad indeed we are to lay it
aside for a time, and to have a brief respite from the strenuous life
of a long rushing season, lasting from September to the middle of
February. Of course, it was really a no-rushing season, but what
Pan-Hellenic Association is clever enough to make rules which can
absolutely do away with rushing! I fear the "Hell-panic" of Tufts
cannot accomplish such wonders. Now that it is all over, we can
look back and smile at our struggles and anxieties; for the results
seem almost too good to be true. Few girls of the freshman class
were invited to join sororities this year, but the seven whom we bid
came to us. A t last the sophomores may see someone else serve and
wash dishes, while they rest from their labors, and do the heavy look-
Lest you think that all our efforts have been expended upon rush-
ing, we hasten to say that we have just given a very successful tea
to the faculty wives and sorority mothers, a very pleasing combina-
tion. The last of February, Professor and Mrs. Lewis entertained
A O I I ; we had such a good time that "we didn't get home until
morn ing."
Etta Phillips '13, is chairman of the freshman play committee
and Ruth Penniman, Helen Scammon, Alma Wiley, and Etta Phil-
lips, all of '13 are soon to make their debut upon the Tufts' stage.
Adeline Steinberg, Marion Shorley and Katharine Bickford, '11,
are out for the large junior play, the feature of the junior year
Professor Whittemore and Professor Wade have given very inter-
esting talks before us, the former speaking on, "Impressions of Some
Famous Cities," the later on, "Travels in Spain."
Perhaps it would not be amiss to take this opportunity to thank
again our sister chapters for the exchange of banners, which most of
them have made with us. I t is really inspiring to have the banners
of different chapters in the frat room, and we recommend it to vou
Just now, Delta is f u l l of plans for a red rose dance to be given
on the fourth of May. Then, of course, we are looking forward to
the convention on the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth of June.
We will try our best to give you a good time, so come i f you can to
Boston, 1910.
Gamma decided last year that, since there is ample time to choose
members, it would be best to postpone pledging until after mid-years.
On the evening of February twelfth, we initiated seven splendid
girls (six freshmen and one junior), Irene Cousins, '11, Rebecca
Chilcott, Alice Harvey, Vida Springer, Gladys Treat, Antoinette
Webb, and Muriel Young, all 1913 girls. The ritual and banquet
were held in Commercial Hall, Old Town.
We are planning to give our annual dance in Commercial Hall,
on April twenty-second. As this is the one social function to which
men are invited, we are anticipating a splendid time.
Four college honors have come to Gamma this year. Mildred
Prentiss and Anne Gilbert have been chosen for the junior exhibi-
tion and Miretta Bicksford and Margaret Flint were in the sopho-
more declamation contest.
Mrs. Balentine has given us the use of her room for chapter meet-
ings, and we are very happy there on Monday evenings. Mrs. Bal-
entine is beloved by every man and woman in college, and we feel
that it is a great privilege to have her as one of our number.
Meeting in her room, we feel that we are nearer to her than ever
before. We have never before felt free to sing the Alpha O songs,
as there are girls in the dormitory not of our ranks, and the piano
is theirs, as well as ours. Now, we can group about Mrs. Balentine's
piano and sing "Vive la A O I I " to our heart's content.
We have decided to have one meeting in every four devoted to a
literary program. A n "editor" has been chosen, who will collect
from the various members of the chapter stories, poems, bits of news,
jokes, papers on topics of interest, etc. We hope in this way to
make our meetings even more pleasant and profitable.
The Skulls, a senior society, have offered a cup to the fraternity
at Maine having the best average scholarship. We were pleased to
find that not only are the men's fraternities eligible, but A O I I as
well. We trust that there is hope for Gamma!
Now that we have just successfully passed through the throes of
the mid-year examinations, we may heave a sigh of relief, and sit
down in a peaceful frame of mind, to write our chapter letter.
Last December, we initiated Marguerite Hallsted, Agnes Dobbins
and Edvidge Dragonetti, after a most violent rushing season of six
weeks. So strenuous were our endeavors to get the girls we wanted,
that it took us some time to return to our natural selves. A l l the
fraternities at Cornell realized the undesirability of the present rules,
and the Pan-Hellenic has finally voted for a half-year rushing season
with a few binding rules.
Before we left for the Christmas holidays, our president, Joseph-
ine Britton, gave us a party and fine big Christmas tree just loaded
down with mysterious looking presents. We had a very jolly time
that night.
Epsilon is very proud to announce the engagements of two of her
seniors, Catharine Allen and Lottie Ketcham. A t present Catharine
is taking a course i n Domestic Economy, and Lottie, I am sure,
would like to be improving her knowledge of domestic affairs, had
she known her fate before she made out her year's schedule.
Epsilon is healthy and growing and sends a hearty greeting to all
sister chapters.
I t is such a glorious, sunshiny day in our beautiful Evanston, that
I wish you could a l l be here with us. Wouldn't we have good times
showing you our campus, and our buildings, and the beautiful town
itself! But I imagine the chattering would fairly drive the sparrows
out of business; perhaps it's well in that case that you can only be
with me in spirit. Rho has had a very happy and successful year,
and feels as i f she could look back over quite a long and varied career
by the time her first birthday comes.
But let me see, what have we been doing? We've pledged two
new girls since I wrote you last: Rosalie Topliff, special, and Vir-
ginia Walker, '11. We are very proud of our new pledges and
equally so with 4 bright freshmen, we initiated this semester.
It is a custom here at Northwestern, in spite of the fact that we
may pledge any time after matriculation, not to initiate the fresh-
men until the second semester, when they must have made at least
ten hours credit. The initiation came Feb. 26, and we older girls
had a great deal of fun making the pledges "toe the mark" during
the previous week. The initiation itself was held at the home of Mrs.
Row, one of our patronesses, and was followed by a banquet at the
Avenue House. The table was so pretty with its great bow of silk
ribbon in the center, streaming out toward the ends of the table, the
red-shaded candles and red roses! After the toasts, we danced until
increasing fatigue told us it was time to be gone.
A short time before the initiation, our alumnae gave us the pret-
tiest informal dance. I t was held in the Birchwood Country Club
which we obtained through the kindness of the father of one of our
girls. The hall itself is very pretty, and with good music and still
better "eats" in the private club dining room, we naturally enjoyed
the evening.
But the good times among the girls themselves have been the
things we will probably longest remember. Every month on the
second Saturday, we take lunch together at the Carrie Abby Lunch
Room in Chicago, and I want to tell all of you girls now, to come
there to meet us, i f you happen to be in Chicago on such a day. We
have been so happy in having alumnae from various chapters near us
in the city, and we hope before many years to establish an alumnae
chapter in Chicago.
Blanche Babcock of Rensselaer, one of our freshman pledges,
was forced to leave college last semester on account of illness. Two
of our girls, Julia Norton and Marie Vick have places on the German
play cast.
forC1a9ro1l2i.ne Power has been chosen a member of the Syllabus Board
My thoughts are running low and I ' m forced to leave you now,
wishing you all continued happiness and success in dear Alpha Omi-
cron Pi.
The New York Alumnae Chapter has held two pleasant meetings,
one on Nov. 13th at Emma Lay's house, and the other Jan. 12th,
the president being hostess. At the first of the meetings, there was
little business to be conducted, so the girls present availed themselves
of the opportunity to exchange greetings after the summer's separa-
tion, and to hear all that could be learned about Emma's engage-
ment and plans for the future. I n January, however, business oc-
cupied a large share of our afternoon, though it did not exclude the
opportunity of learning from Mary Maxon about her engagement
and prospects.
This year, this chapter is trying the experiment of holding meet-
ings alternately on Wednesdays and Saturdays, instead of always on
Saturdays as before, for the benefit particularly of those whose Sat-
urday afternoons are sacred to their husbands, or who frequent the
opera or other matinees, or want the Saturday afternoons in the
The next meeting is scheduled for March 5th at Edith Dietz' and
the meeting after that comes May 4th at Dora Lough's, for the elec-
tion of officers.
Since the beginning of the year the San Francisco Alumnae Chap-
ter has had but one meeting, and that was held at the home of
Verna Ray, in Berkeley, January 14. A second meeting was sched-
uled for February, to be held at Mill's College with Helen Henry
as hostess, but as the day that we chose for our meeting happened al-
so to be the day selected by the college authorities for the inaugura-
tion of their new president, Dr. Carson, Helen Henry, who is the
registrar of Mill's College, concluded that the meeting would have to
be postponed. Our next meeting will be April 10th at the home of
Sarah Matthews Hackley.
We have certainly started the year well, for a great deal of im-
portant business was transacted at the January meeting. I t was
decided to appoint a committee to draw up the by-laws for the chap-
ter, to include the number necessary for a quorum, limitation of mem-
bership, and the amount of dues. You see we are still young, and
have not definitely settled some important questions . Then we de-
cided to hold five regular meetings each year, beginning September
1st and continuing until commencement week, the middle of May,
usually. The novel part of this decision is found in this sentence,
"Three of the meetings are to he held in the afternoons the other two
in the evening, and at each of these latter meetings the memhers
may invite their husbands, or other gentlemen guests." By this plan
we hope to become better acquainted with the husbands of our mar-
ried members. As there are always many girls absent from each
meeting, it was decided to send a typewritten account of the business
transacted then, to those who could not be present.
The alumnae chapter has had the pleasure of meeting a few of our
sisters from Eastern chapters during this last year. Some months
ago, Miss Russell, A, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Chapman, A, in
Berkeley, and we saw her several times. Then we have Miss Ranlett.
N, with us now, and are enjoying the contact with her chapter that
her visit brings us.
Our membership is slowly growing and we look forward to a pros-
perous career.
The meetings of the Providence chapter have not been numerous
this winter and for this reason there is little to report. However
one bit of news is to the effect that Mrs. Lem Drury (nee Daza
Mawry, '02) was initiated into the Providence Chapter on September
3, 1910.
The life of the Boston Alumnae Chapter of A O IT has been ex-
ceedingly vigorous for the past year. Several important changes in
the policy of the chapter have passed through the experimental
stage, and even those members who were inclined to conservatism
have been forced to admit that success has attended our efforts. The
most important change has been with reference to the place of meet-
ing. I n years past the success of our organization has been attributed
to the fact that we met in the homes of the members. With the
rapidly growing numbers, it has for a long time been felt that the
entertaining was becoming a task instead of a pleasure. To find
enough houses of sufficient size, within easy distance for the majority
of members, so that the entertaining should be fairly distributed
was becoming impossible. Everybody felt it was a serious matter
to make a radical change from the home to a Boston cafe. After
two years of intermittent agitation, the vote was taken at the Sep-
tember meeting, to meet henceforth at the Delft Tea Room, Bog4l,
leston St., Boston, on the last Saturday night of each month at 6 "
o'clock. This place is so central that girls who have been unable to
attend more than two or three meetings in a year, or more than one
meeting in two years have been regular in attendance. The average
attendance at all meetings has been larger than i n years past, so that
those who feared this change might prove a fatal blow to the vigor
of the chapter, have been pleasantly surprised.
This year an attempt has been made to develop the functions of
alumna advisory members for the active chapter. The choice of
Mrs. Helen Brown Keating, A, '97 has brought good results. Un-
der her tactful regime, the active chapter, individually and collec-
tively, has developed a self-reliance and an independence of purpose,
as well as a keen sense of obligation to the college that bodes well
for the future.
The office of alumnae member of the Pan-Hellenic association has
been most ably filled this year by Miss Frieda Ungar, A '08. Her
clear-headed advice has helped, not only the sorority of which she
is a member, but also the whole body of women students.
Last spring, Mrs. Helen Brown Keating, A '97, treasurer of the
Boston Alumnae Chapter collected from the individual members a
sufficient contribution to help one or two of the active chapter, who
have met with unexpected financial difficulties. This money was
loaned without interest, but is to be paid back into our treasury as
soon as convenient, and there held as an emergency loan fund for
similar use in future years.
As an expression of our interest in the college and its needs, we
have established a fifty dollar annual scholarship, to be awarded to
the junior girl who shall have completed her required work with the
highest standing.
Among all our alumnae there seems to be a growing sense of loy-
alty to the college, and a realization of personal obligation to our
Alma Mater.
No letter.
Mary Maxon, A '08, has announced her engagement to Mr. Way-
land Dorrance, also of Mount Vernon, N . Y. The time of the wed-
ding is not yet decided.
Emma Lay, A*, '07 whose engagement has already been announced
to Mr. James Arthur Harris, will be married April 20th, after which
she will live near Huntington, Long Island.
A wedding of unusual interest to Omicron chapter, will be that of
Jess Mary Edmunds of Knoxville, Tennessee to Mr. Carl Cromer of
Des Moines, Iowa. The ceremony will take place at St. John's Epis-
copal Church, April 26th, 1910, the only attendant being Mattie
Garland Ayres, Pi, '04. Jess has been a member of Omicron chap-
ter since February, 1908.
The engagement has been announced of Mattie Ayres, Pi, '04,
later affiliated with Omicron, to Mr. Jack Newman of Missouri.
The wedding will take place sometime this year, the date not yet
having been decided. Mattie is the daughter of Dr. Brown Ayres,
president of the University of Tennessee, and Mr. Newman is a Sig-
ma Alpha Epsilon of Washington and Lee, and the University of
Kappa girls, and especially Margaret Bullitt, as maid of honor,
are deeply interested in the approaching marriage of Helen O'Rear
to Caswell Laufley, taking place in August, 1910.
Virginia Judy, '05 has recently announced her engagement to
Mr. Ward Esterly, a graduate of U . C. and a member of the Psi
Upsilon fraternity. Their marriage will be an event of the early
summer and the bridal tour will be spent in Europe.
The marriage of Grace Batz, '09 and Mr. George Guyles '09, a
member of Phi Delta Theta, whose engagement was announced last
year, will take place in May.
The engagement of Irene Richardson, '09 to Warren Connor,
U . of M . , '09, has been announced.
Epsilon takes pleasure in announcing the engagements of Miss
Catherine Moore Allen to Mr. Harry Sharpe of Buffalo; and Miss
Lottie Ketcham to Mr. Edgar R. Crofts of Hanover, Conn.
Rho wishes to announce the engagement of Merva Dolsen, '10,
to Mr. Abe Hennings, Lake Forest, '09, and now in Northwestern
Law School.
Alma Birkner, ex-'10 and Floyd Rawlings of Lincoln, were mar-
ried March 16, at the home of the bride's parents. I t was a very
quiet wedding in every way. They will make their home at 627 S.
10th St., Lincoln.
Minnie Gussie Baumann and Carl Emil Force of Portland, Ore-
gon, were married March 30 at the bride's home at West Point, Neb.
In May there was born to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Shotwell,
(Marian Camp) of Prescott, Arizona, a girl.
There has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Emory Hanaburgh, a son,
David Henry Hanaburgh. Mrs. Hanaburgh was Florence Balen-
tine, '05.
Mr. and Mrs. James Crowe have a daughter, Elsie Waldron.
Mrs. Crowe was Frances Hinkley, '03.
Margaret Clark Sumner, A '02 (Mrs. Francis B. Sumner) is
abroad for a few months with her husband and little girl. Dr.
Sumner is engaged for the time in biological work at Naples. She
plans to return to Wood's Hole sailing sometime in May. Until
then her address is care of Thos. Cook & Son, Naples, Italy.
After June 1st the address of Jean Loomis Frame A '04 (Mrs.
James Everett Frame) will be 606 West 122nd Street, New York
City, where the Union Theological Seminary is putting up apart-
ments for its professors among the new buildings.
Virginia Withers spent the Christmas holidays in New Orleans,
recalling '09 glories and inspiring the active chapter.
Lily Dupre paid the chapter a flying visit during the winter,
and was a drawing card at a "rushing" party.
Agalice La Lassier McCaw, Kappa '08, is now living in New
Orleans, where she is already the staunch friend of Pi girls. Ran-
dolph-Macon seems very near after a talk with Miss McCaw.
Bess Lyon, '07 spent a week with Pi chapter in the early spring
and promised to come again soon.
Rochelle Gachet, '09, has been so busy visiting her out-of-town
friends, that the chapter has missed her loyal support very much
this year.
Mrs. John Caffery (Mary Frere, '11) is frequently the guest of
A O n , but she finds it impossible to leave her charming new home
for a very long visit.
Blythe White, '11 has been i l l during the greater part of the
autumn and winter. She has just returned home after some time
spent in New Orleans and is much better now.
Lucretia Howe Jordan, '08 of Asheville, N . C , is the guest dur-
ing the spring months of one of Omicron's patronesses, Mrs. R. W.
The chapter had as its guests for initiation, February 26th, Har-
riette Greve, '06, Roberta Williams, ex-'08, Harriette Williams,
e x - ' l l , all of Chattanooga, and Nettie B. Armstrong from Rogers-
ville, Tennessee.
Ailcy Kyle Powell, '02 spent the autumn months studying at
Barnard College.
Roberta and Harriette Williams were the guests for a short while
during the Christmas holidays of Pi chapter.
Ada Donaldson, Kappa, '09, entertained as her house guest dur-
ing the Easter holidays, Wingate Matthews, Kappa, '10.
Mrs. R. B. Harrison, nee Katharine Gresham, '07, of Blytheville,
Arkansas was the guest of her mother in Knoxville for several
weeks in January.
Anna May Stokeley, '06, of Newport, Tennessee is occupying
the position of city secretary of the Knoxville Y. W. C. A.
Jennie Piper '04 and Edna King '07, are doing post graduate
Ruby Charlton, '07, is teaching at Loup City, but is planning to
attend the Albany Library School next year.
The alumnae girls in Omaha, though only six strong, have formed
a local chapter, which meets every two weeks. The Lincoln alum-
nae, numbering about fifteen, are organized also, with the view of
aiding the advancement of the national fraternity, as well as the
local chapter.
Esther Devalon, e x - ' l l is recovering from an operation performed
the first part of April.
Emma Schreiber Hunter has visited in Lincoln several times this
Annie Jones, '09, and Elsie Fitzgerald, '12, will sail for Europe
the first part of June.
Some of Zeta's alumnae who have visited here this winter and
spring are, Florence Parmelee, '07, Bess Mitchell, ex-'09, Lila Le
Gore Ritchey, ex-'09, Mable Roper Bryant, '04, Grace Roper, '06,
Allen McEachron, '05 and Esther Devalon, '11. A number will
probably return for the dance in May, and the banquet in June.
We wish to acknowledge receipt of the following magazines:
January, Lyre of A X f l ; $ X Fraternity Quarterly; American Col-
lege ; Aglaia of $ M ; A T A Quarterly; The Mask of K * ; Crescent
of r $ B ; The Arrow of S B § ) February Themis of Z T A ;
American College; Eleusis of X fi; A $ Quarterly; Angelos of
K A ; The Trident of A A A ; A E A Quarterly; The Key of K K V;
March, Crescent of T $ B ; American College; The Palm of A T ;
K A © Quarterly; April, Anchora of A T; American College; $ X
Quarterly; The Adelphean of A A <£, and the University of Chicago
News Letters.
The Kappa Sigma house at Missouri was recently destroyed by fire.
Delta Chi Omicron is a local sorority at Boston University found-
ed in 1898.
The 63rd annual convention of Delta Kappa Epsilon was held
at Philadelphia.
The 62nd annual convention of Theta Delta Chi was held in the
Congress Hotel, Chicago.
Randolph-Macon has withdrawn from the Carnegie Foundation
and is again under Methodist control.
The University of California has received a bequest of $1,400,000
from the estate of Theodore Kearney.—K A @.
Seven fraternities and one sorority are already established at the
youthful University of Oklahoma.—2 X Quarterly.
A Z established a chapter at Nebraska in February, and in May
established a chapter at Baker University, Baldwin, Kas.
I I A K Sorority at Ohio University has chartered a local at M i -
ami University, and aims to become a national organization.
Iota Tau Sigma is an osteopathy fraternity founded at Kirks-
ville, Mo., in 1902. I t has four chapters.—Beta Theta Phi.
The twentieth National Convention of Kappa Kappa Gamma will
be held with Delta chapter at Bloomington, Indiana in August.
$200,000 has been given Northwestern university to be expended
in beautifying the campus and in building a new recitation hall.—
K A 0.
Forty-eight of the fifty-seven chapters of Phi Gamma Delta oc-
cupy houses. Of these houses, twenty-four are owned by the fra-
The De Votie memorial hall of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at the Uni-
versity of Alabama (the fraternity's birthplace) is rapidly nearing
<J> M T and K A have recently entered the Louisiana State Uni-
versity. These are the first sororities to place chapters at this uni-
versity.—Aglaia of f> M.
Kappa Sigma is publishing its first fraternity song book. I t is
bound in the fraternity colors and contains about sixty songs, be-
sides a K 2 march and two-step.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon has two members in the present Cabinet;
Secretary of State Philander C. Knox and Secretary of War Jacob
McC. Dickinson.—American College.
The Trident of Tri-Delta makes the claim not only of being self-
supporting, but that in addition it is able to pay the editor's salary,
and add a sum each year to the endowment fund.
The North Dakota legislature appropriated $60,000 for a build-
ing for the Teachers College of the University of North Dakota
which is now in process of construction.—American College.
Probably the record for large membership among fraternity chap-
ters is held by the Yale chapter of Beta Theta Pi, which, it is re-
ported, returned to college this fall with sixty-three active mem-
bers.—The Key.
Action has been taken whereby the United States Military Acad-
emy at West Point is an approved college, and as such is entitled to
have its work recognized for professional licenses and for university
certificates.—American College.
The $ M sorority has a scholarship fund, the privileges of which
are open to any candidate who has been an active member of the
fraternity for two years, and who has shown earnestness and energy
in her school and sorority relations.
A fraternity has recently been established at Kansas University
whose object is to create a fraternal spirit among newspaper men
and to promote their interests. This is the second fraternity of
this kind to be organized in the United States.
Columbia has an endowment fund of $28,500,000. This is great-
er than any other school in the country. Leland Stanford is sec-
ond with $24,000,000, and then follow Harvard, Chicago, Yale,
Cornell and Pennsylvania.—American College.
To eliminate the expense of fraternities and sororities at Ne-
braska formal parties are being restricted. The fraternities give
one party in two years, while the sororities have tabooed all dec-
orations, leather programs, favors and suppers.
After a long search, $ T A has finally located the graves of a l l
six of its founders . The graves of five are marked with stones in-
scribed, "One of the Founders of Phi Gamma Delta," and the others
soon will be so marked.—Scroll of Phi Delta Theta.
Lehigh University is the first college to install the "Conference
School System." This is a means of coaching delinquent students,
which is open to all, especially the two lower classes. A nominal
fee is charged for the instruction.—American College.
The University of Oregon has a new $25,000 gymnasium for
the men students. The former gymnasium will now be used exclu-
sively by the women students. Dr. Bertha Stewart has been called
to the position of physical director for the women.—K A 0.
Fraternities at the University of South Carolina are prohibited by
state law, but sub-rosa chapters of different fraternities do exist and
on account of the contention which exists between them, conditions
are about as bad as could be found anywhere.—The Angelas of K A.
The first graduate fellowship in journalism ever offered in any
college or university in the United States has just been established at
the University of Wisconsin. This fellowship, which amounts to
$400 a year, has been given by an alumnus of Wisconsin.—American
Columbia has added a new organization to its long list. I t is a
women's suffrage club called "The Men's Equal Suffrage League
of Columbia." Officers have been elected and a set of resolutions
passed favoring the enfranchising of women—The American College
quoted by Anchora.
Only a few years ago scarcely any of the newer western state
universities were the possessors of Greek letter fraternities. At the
present time national fraternities are found in all of them save
Nevada, Wyoming, and the territorial universities of Arizona and
New Mexico.—Delta of 2 N .
A fellowship lately established by the Woman's College of Ma-
drid, Spain, has been awarded to Miss Elizabeth Wallace, Assist-
ant Professor of French literature at the University of Chicago.
The intent of this fellowship is to encourage literary work in Spain
along the lines of research.
A magazine which refuses all advertising is probably a novelty
in the world of publication. The University of Chicago Magazine
is such a periodical. I t is published in the interest of alumni and
others, under the auspices of the Alumni Council of the University,
and will appear ten times a year.
I t has been customary for all twelve fraternities at Nebraska to
hold a Pan-Hellenic dance every spring. This year another Pan-
Hellenic function proved very successful. I t was a banquet open to
all active and alumni. Over three hundred and f i f t y were present
which shows it will probably become an annual affair.
Spokane College is preparing to establish a course in practical
journalism, in which instruction will be given in general writing for
the press. There will also be actual training in the make-up of the
paper, in methods of circulation and advertising, and in soliciting,
collecting and general management.—American College.
Fraternities established at the following colleges and universities
are offered free building sites for chapter houses on long leases at
nominal rentals: Colby, Union, Lafayette. Gettysburg, Lehigh,
Pennsylvania State, Virginia, Miami, Northwestern, Lombard,
Washington University, Sewanee, Tulane.—American College.
Upon President Emeritus Angell of the University of Michigan
the Emperor of Japan has conferred the first class of the Imperial
Order of the Sacred Treasure, in recognition of his services as presi-
dent for forty years, and especially in the education of a number of
Japanese, who have proved useful to their country.—American Col-
The last few years, it has been the custom of Iowa Gamma to
have her pledges write limericks on each meml>er of the active chap-
ter. These are set to popular airs and sung by the new initiates at
the informal social meeting after initiation. They often disclose
amusing anecdotes and have proved to be a source of great fun.—
Arrow of H B 9.
The name of The Woman's College of Baltimore has been changed
to Goucher College. This is intended to be a recognition of the
devotion and high minded service of the founders of the College, the
Rev. John Franklin Goucher and his wife, Mary Cecelia Goucher.
Dr. Goucher besides being founder-of the college was president for
seventeen years.—Anchora of A I \
The deans of fourteen of the state universities who have lately
held their biennial convention, have decided that sororities prop-
erly conducted and regulated are good for girls in college. I n a
conference with representatives of the Pan-Hellenic Society of
College Sororities it was agreed that pledging should be deferred
until the Sophomore year, and rushing abolished.—Angelas of K A.
The Scroll of Phi Delta Theta states that Sigma Upsilon is the
name of a literary fraternity which has chapters in several South-
ern universities. A chapter of it was established recently at Miss-
issippi, where it has the local name of the "Scribler's Club." Its
object is to stimulate interest in literary work, and at the same time
give its members the benefit of a fraternal organization.—American
By recent action of the trustees Lehigh University will extend
financial aid to the fraternities which desire to build chapter houses
on the campus. No single loan will be in excess of 40 per cent, of
the cost of the building. The buildings are to be designed so as to
accommodate at least one student for every $1,000 of cost, and the
principal is to be repaid in sums distributed over a term of years.—
American College.
The Commencement oration of the University of Minnesota was
given by Prof. Maria L. Sandford. This was probably the first
Commencement oration delivered in this country before a great uni-
versity by a woman. Professor Sandford is seventy-two years of
age, and after twenty-nine years of service and fifty-three years of
teaching, is now retired on the Carnegie Foundation.—Outlook,
quoted by The Key.
Miss Theodora Josephine Franksen, the blind student at the Uni-
versity of Chicago, who, as an honororay distinction, was elected to
the Phi Beta Kappa Society last year, received at the Convocation
of the University in June the degree of Ph. B. with honors for ex-
cellence in Latin and in German, and in addition was awarded a
scholarship in the Graduate School for excellence in the work of
the Senior Colleges in Latin.
The following data was compiled by six members of the faculty
of the University of Missouri showing the relative scholastic stand-
ing at their school.
The average of the Greek-letter men as a whole is below that of
the non-fraternity men. Failures among fraternity men, 26 per
cent.; non-fraternity men, 22 per cent. The Greek-letter girls were
reported as 22 points ahead of the non-fraternity women.
Recent expansion has been as follows: A A A at the U . of Colo-
rado, Boulder, and at U . of Oklahoma, Norman; A A at Jud-
son College, Marion, Alabama; $ X, at College of Medicine, U . of
Southern California, Los Angeles, at Temple U . Philadelphia, at
Northwestern U . of Chicago; 2 $ E at George Washington Univer-
sity; 2 X, University of Pittsburg; B 0 I I at University of Oregon,
Eugene, and A T 12 at University of Oregon, Eugene.
The success of Pan-Hellenicism among the sororities is to us a
never-failing source of wonder and admiration. The sororities have
had a National Pan-Hellenic Conference for seven years. The
conference, now composed of representatives of twelve sororities, has
a constitution and meets annually. With pardonable pride, the sor-
ority magazines are publishing what are called "Pan-Hellenic
achievements in seven years."—Scroll of 4» A 0, quoted by Eleusis of
x n.
Speaking of one of the laws in 2 X that no member may resign
from the fraternity, the Beta Theta Pi man says:
Of all foolish provisions this is the worst. Nearly all of the college
fraternities have the same rule. But suppose a member does resign.
He can not be retained by force or by law. H e is out and that is the end
of it. Resignation should always be permitted, but the resigning member
should be requested to sign a statement that he will regard as confidential
what he has learned of the fraternity's business while a member.—Quoted
by the Palm of A T fi.
By a vote of its trustes Tufts college has ceased to be a co-educa-
tional institution. As soon as the new changes can be made in the
charter of the institution, a new college, to be known as the Jackson
college for women will be established. Until the necessary charter
changes can be brought about, the women will be taken care of as a
separate department of Tufts college. A committee appointed to in-
vestigate the question of segregating the sexes recommended that
such segregation be made.
Interesting light on the comparative scholarship standing of men
and women college students is furnished by the annual report of
the President of the University of Chicago, just issued. I n the pro-
portion of students receiving conditions during the year the men vary
from 20 to 10 per cent, while from 10 to 4 per cent of the women
were conditioned. From 10 to 17 per cent of the men failed, ac-
cording to the report, while the number of women who failed was
only from 2 to 8 per cent.
Old diplomas of Yale College with green ribbons under the
seals have raised the question of the time and causes of the adop-
tion of blue as the Yale color. Investigation indicates that the color
does not much, i f at all, antedate 1860, and until much later no
definite tint of blue was used. I n November, 1904, the corporation
voted that "the shade of blue, known as the color of the University
of Oxford, be officially adopted as the color of Yale University."—
New York Evening Post, quoted by The Key.
Miss Laura Drake, chairman of the educational committee of
the General Federation of Women's Club, announces the conditions
of the $1,500 scholarship at Oxford which the federation will award
for the year beginning 1910. Each state has the privilege of sub-
mitting a candidate and in case of a tie the state which has contrib-
uted toward the scholarship will get the preference. Every can-
didate must be the graduate of an American college in good stand-
ing, unmarried and not over 27.—New York Sun.
I t has been the custom with us for several years to keep a file
of examination questions. This idea was first put into effect by our
older girls who are now alumnae, and since then it has been kept
up by all succeeding members of the chapter. I t has proved to be
very helpful to girls taking up courses of study under professors
with whom they have previously had no work. Most of all, it is
helpful to the freshmen, for it gives them an idea of what kind of
work the university expects from students.—Arrow of n B <E>.
An exceptionally sane application of the educated ballot is re-
vealed in a chapter letter from the Phi Gamma Delta chapter at Ohio
State. This chapter holds regular examinations for the newly init-
iated, and the right to vote upon all questions is withheld until a
satisfactory grade is obtained. This examination includes the his-
tory of the fraternity, the history of the chapter, and such general
fraternity information as should be known by a good fraternity man.
—Delta Chi Quarterly, quoted by The Arrow of n B <£.
Six University of Washington women have organized the Theta
Sigma Phi, which is designed to become a national journalistic hon-
or society among college women. Its membership is limited to up-
perclasswomen of the department of journalism who not only have
shown ability along literary lines, but who also intend making jour-
nalism their life work. I t is the intention of the founders to estab-
lish chapters in other colleges. The pin is a reproduction of the
linotype machine matrix, with a torch and the Greek letters for em-
To sum up many questions in one, do the members of the chapter
regard fraternity and its interests as the main thing, the all ab-
sorbing interest of their college life, or as a factor, delightful to be
sure, but necessarily subordinate to college interests and serious col-
lege work?
Let your chapter ask itself these and similar questions, that it
may detect whether or not there lurk in it unsuspected parasitic
elements which lead men to ask; has the fraternity a right to live ?—
The Key.
In a quarter of a century the number of members enrolled in
the national fraternities has risen from 72,000 to almost 270,000
(of these 30,000 are women). The undergraduate membership in a
normal year now ranges between 30,000 and 35,000; and of the
more than 1,700 branches or chapters of these societies, 1,100 own
or rent houses, which at a conservative estimate are valued at more
than $8,000,000. The fraternity has ceased to be an amusement
and has become an institution.—New York Evening Post, quoted by
The Arrow of n B $.
A noteworthy event which is to constitute one of the incidents of
Convocation day (June 14) at the University of Chicago will be the
unveiling of a bronze memorial tablet to Mrs. Alice Freeman
Palmer, whose career President Eliot declared "was unmatched by
any other American woman." Below the half-figure of Mrs. Palmer
will be the inscription, already borne by the memorial chimes in the
tower above: "Joyfully to recall Alice Freeman Palmer, Dean of
Women in this University, 1892-95, these bells make music."—
Chicago University News Letter.
"Freely ye have received, freely give" is the divine command.
Fraternity life has been a g i f t to us. Would that the new girls on
whom we bestow this gift might so regard it, and that the older girls
might come into a fuller realization of it. Having accepted this gift,
the opportunities that accompany i t are ours. We cannot waive
them aside i f we would; they remain opportunities still. I f we use
them wisely we will grow, mentally and spiritually, we will become
larger, broader, more efficient men; i f we shirk them by seeing how
little we can do we only blight our own growth.—Lyre A X fi.
According to the announcements received at the registrar's of-
fice a new university club for American students has been formed
in London, England. The new organization is known as the Amer-
ican University Club of London. Its membership includes Oxford
and other American scholars in England and also former American
university men now residing in that country. A number of promi-
nent ex-American and Britishers are charter members of the club.
A house is maintained in the fashionable club district near St. James
palace. The club is a new departure and is the result of the large
emigration of students to England under the Rhodes foundation.
Representatives of twelve different nations among the students at
the University of Chicago, under the auspices of the Cosmopolitan
Club, have organized what for want of a better name is termed an