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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-06-07 20:38:37

1991 Summer - To Dragma

Vol. LXV, No. 7

Summer 1991
Vol. LXV, No. 7
wofalpha omicronpi
I if
LRusti: seeding new sis/ers

From the President's Desk:
Taking care of each other
By Barbara Daugs Hunt
Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) International President
The article on date rape in this issue focuses on the dangers women face on the college campus. This is an ongoing and significant problem, and Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity must be aware of the consequences for our sisters.
We need to care for each other and to support any sister who is a rape victim. We.need to try to prevent this crime from happning. When rape—or any other personal tragedy— happens to a sister, AOIls need to be there for her.
This duty to care for each other is beautifully stated in our Ritual.
Recently, I referred to the Ritual to prepare for two chapter installations and to do research for several speeches. Reading the Ritual reminds me of the promises we made when we became members of Alpha Omicron Pi. The teachings of our Founders, expressed in the Ritual, espouse love and loyalty for our AOII sisters.
We were asked to care for each other, to understand each other, and to be that friend who we need not fear calling upon for help.
No one can predict when an unfortunate event may occur. No one can prevent all tragedies which may affect our sisters. No one can completely control what happens to us.
When we face a personal crisis of any kind, we need the love and support of our sisters. The love of a sister can mean the difference betweeen despair and hope; it can help relieve heartache and bring reassurance. A t no other time does the bond of sisterhood mean more to us!
The lesson is written for us by our Founders. We can apply it to our daily lives and our interactions with our sisters. AOIIs must be there for each other and support each other. AOIIs must fill the voids when no one else can. AOIIs can surround a sister with a loving atmosphere in which healing can take place. AOII chapters offer the solace and comfort we
Barbara Hunt
have learned to expect. They are our homes where we share our fears and our triumphs. We can turn to our AOII sisters as we would turn to our closest family members when in need.
As you recall from your own initiation, the Ruby in the Alpha stands for love, the keystone of our Fraternity. We understand perfectly why we pledged ourselves to AOII and to each other for the rest of our lives.
I believe we can make the difference, provide the comfort and support when our sisters need us.
No one wishes any harm to come to any sister—but if that should occur, we will be there for her.
The Editor's Place: Readers' comments on cancer, credit, etc.
Melissa Dawn Moore, Gamma Delta (U. of South Alabama), a field repre- sentative for the American Cancer Society, wrote to say that breast cancer will strike one out of nine women in the United States.
"Early detection, through self breast examination, physician breast exam- ination, and regular mammograms after age 35, will save the lives of thousands of these women each year," Melissa said. She pointed out that Reach to Recovery, the breast cancer patient visitation program mentioned in the article about Jane Marker Snook (spring 1991), is nationally sponsored by the American Cancer Society. For information, call your local cancer
society or (toll free) 1-800-ACS-2345. Elise Wyatt, Lambda Tau (Northeast Louisiana U.), wrote in response to the article "Money: Where does it go?". She said that young people with no dependents should consider getting some life insurance. Her reasons? Life insurance money could be used to pay any debts left by the deceased and to pay for a funeral. Term life insurance policy would probably cost less than "credit life" insurance that is sometimes sold to repay loans in the event of the borrower's death. She stressed that the older you get, the more difficult it can
be to obtain life insurance.
Another reader, who preferred to
remain anonymous, wrote to say that
good advice about money management doesn't help compulsive spenders.
"Just as many overeaters know the rules for healthy eating, many people with money problems know the rules for good spending habits," she wrote.
These people may want to try a 12- Step program called Debtors Anony- mous, which is based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Information about this program, including the location of the nearest Debtors Anony- mous meeting, can be obtained by con- tacting the D A . World Service Office at P.O. Box 20322, New York, NY 10025-9992.
—Beth Grantham
To Dragma

Published since January, 1905 by
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Founded at Barnard College, January 2,1897
Jessie Wallace Hughan Helen St. Clair Mullan
Stella George Stern Perry Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
*The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University and all are deceased.
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 Telephone: 615-370-0920
Executive Director Melanie Nixon Doyle, AX
Editor Beth Grantham
of ^Alpha Omicron Pi
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Second class postage paid at Brentwood, TN, and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $50.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Address all editorial communications to the Editor at the same address.
2 20 32
Jan. 15 July 1
April 1 Oct. 1
From Our Readers Classified
46 ... 46
Members of Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U. demon- strate how collegians seek new sisters in Rush. Participating in this
Rush party are (from left) Crystal Minter, Melanie Jacobs, Melissa Peek, and Angela Beck.
Photograph by Ron Johnson
Summer 1991
Summer 1991
Keystones: Date Rape
DJF Announces Scholarship Winners FEATURE ARTICLE: RUSH!
The Road to Rush Success! Rush: A Career Training Bargain! Rush Directory.
Let's Talk About Legacies
In Memory
Memories of Margaret Bourke-White
From the President's Desk
Collegiate Chapter News
Alumnae Chapter News
Foundation: The Importance of Estate Planning 44
On the
Vol. LXV, No. 7
4 6
10 13 16 41 43

M~*^ ebbie: I met him at a party. He M
was cute and had a great smile. I wanted to get to know him, but I wasn't sure how. After a while he came over and introduced himself. We found we had a lot in common. I liked him. When he invited me to his room for a drink I thought it would be o.k. I wanted him to ask me out. When we got to his room, the only place to sit was on the bed. 1 was a bit uncomfortable about that. We talked for a while and then he began kissing me. That was o.k. But then he pushed me down on the bed. That took me by surprise. I tried to get up and he held me down. He was stronger than me. I told him to stop. I got scared and started to cry, but he wouldn't stop. I froze. He raped me. He was so rough! I was terrified! I'm still scared of him.
J. V.X.ike:Imetherataparty. She looked really hot, wearing a sexy dress that showed off her great body. We started talking. I knew that she liked me by the way she kept smiling and touch- ing my arm while she was speaking. I asked her to my room for a drink. When she said "yes," I knew I was going to be lucky! When we got to my room, we sat on the bed kissing. But when I eased her down on the bed, she started twist- ing and telling me to stop. 1 knew she was just going through the motions because she didn't want to appear too easy. When she stopped struggling I knew she really wanted to have sex. Why she put up such at struggle at firsts-trying to fight me off and crying, I don't know. She cried afterward, too. Ijust don 't understand it.
By Cindy Swartzfager, Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U.) Leadership Conferences Chairman
Date rape. Acquaintance rape.
In the situation above, Debbie talks
about a rape. Mike talks about a date. Which is it?
Is it really rape? Y es!
Date rape or acquaintance rape is forced, manipulated or coerced sexual intercourse by a friend or acquaintance.
A woman is forced to have sex. Usually, as in Debbie's case, she is physically forced. She is held down, hit, or beaten.
She may also be forced by threats and/or verbal intimidation.
Debbie told Mike "no." She tried to stop him, but he held her down. He was stronger than she was. She did not consent to have sex with him.
It is a myth that women really mean "yes" when they say "no." But until this myth is dispelled, men will continue to respond like Mike. Rape is not an act of sex; it's an act of aggression.
Another myth is that the rapist is
always a stranger. But 60 to 70 percent of all rapists are known to the victim.
All women are vulnerable. A recent Florida study concluded that one in eight women will be raped during her college career. One in three women stand a chance of being raped within her lifetime.
How can a woman tell whether a man is a potential rapist?
She can't.
As the Keystones workshop on date
himself between her and the other people in the room. He wants to make all decisions, and he's got to be in control of the social setting. He may show open hostility toward women by calling them derogatory names or using profanity around them.
The Keystones workshop offers good advice about protecting yourself. Basically, it stresses using common sense in all dating situations. Some of the specific tips are:
To Dragma
Date Rape
rape states—a rapist could be anybody. • Always let someone else know
Thereisnowaytolookatamanand tell if he is a rapist. That's why it is important for women to be careful in dating situations, particularly with someone new.
Though rapists look just like other men, there are some behavioral clues, according to one profile study.
One clue is a domineering personal- ity around women. The man drowns women out during conversations. He ignores personal space boundaries by leaning over the woman and placing
where you are going.
• Be aware of your environment and mentally prepare an escape plan.
• If your date becomes aggressive, be firm about saying "no".
• Be sure your body language says "no" also.
• •
Don't be afraid to scream for help. Make an excuse to leave the room.
Your chapter's presentation of the Date Rape Workshop will offer you the opportunity to learn other ways to

Rape Myths
Rape is an act of passion or lust. Women can't be raped unless they want to be.
Rapists are always strangers.
Women invite rape by the way they dress.
It usually happens in dark, isolated places at night
A victim has to fight off her attacker to be believed by the police and in court.
Date Rape. • •
Get help!
If you're raped:
Don't change clothes, shower, or douche.
Call your law enforcement agency.
Get medical attention.
Call a rape hotline for assistance. Request testing for sexually transmitted diseases.
Remember that it is NOT YOUR FAULT.
Press charges.
Educational workshops, materials, and presentations are probably the best way to combat this problem on college campuses. Creating awareness that there is a problem is the first step.
Collegiate chapters can sponsor workshops on crime prevention, self defense, male/female relations, and alcohol/drug awareness. Alumnae chapters can also sponsor programs at their meetings. Community rape crisis centers, university counseling centers, YWCAs, and local police departments have qualified people to help collegians and alumnae become better educated and learn to take steps to protect themselves.
College women—and all women— are potential victims of date rape. But you can lessen the risk by taking sensible precautions. The first step is to get to know a dating partner slowly. Limit your time alone with him until you know that individual well. Keep in mind all the precautions you learn in the Keystones Workshop.
Date rape is a problem, particularly for college women. Situations like Debbie's occur everyday and many go unreported. Men and women must dispell the myths of rape and face the reality that each person is responsible for his or her actions. Each of us can assist by being educated ourselves.
Rape is rape, whether by a stranger or a date!
The author is Director of Orientation at the University of South Florida.
protect yourself. Y ou will also learn what to do if the unthinkable happens and someone in your chapter is raped.
Exact figures vary, but rapes are vastly underreported.
The FBI estimates that only a small percentage of rapes are reported; a 1986 campus study at the U. of South Florida put the figure at 5% .
Why aren't all rapes reported?
There are no clear answers. But in a date rape situation, the victim some- times feel she is somehow to blame because she accepted the date.
As the Keystones workshop points out, rapists are repeaters. It is important to report a rape and to press charges. If a rapist is not stopped, he will continue to attack other women.
Reporting the rape and dealing with what happened is also important for the victim's recovery. If she does not deal with what happened, her recovery will be delayed. She will begin to question herself, and she may become paranoid. She needs professional, psychological help from a crisis center or support group.
How pervasive is date rape on today's campuses?
A study conducted at a southern urban university disclosed that 22% of the 348 women participating in the study had been forced to engage in sexual activities with a date at some time in their lives. These activities included fondling, oral sex, and intercourse. Approximately 11% reported having been forced to have either oral sex or intercourse. Of the
300 men who participated in the same survey, 22 admitted having forced a woman to engage in either oral sex or intercourse.
Whether a sexual encounter is a date or a rape often depends upon whom you ask. Nationally syndicated colum- nist Ellen Goodman recently wrote about a 1985 study at the U . of Arizona in which 25% of college women reported an attempted or completed rape, but only 8% of men in the same study admitted to having forced a woman to have sex.
Part of the problem is the common male attitude that women say "no" when they mean "yes".
Alcohol is often used as a weapon to overcome a woman's resistance to having sex. The southern university study disclosed that some of the males who admitted to having forced sex with their dates felt that the women had put themselves into the situation by getting drunk.
Another common attitude is that women "owe" their dates sex because the man has spent money on them. Two of the men in the study referred to above indicated that they believed this. In The Great Divide: How Females and Males Really Differ by Daniel W eiss, the author reports that 39% of high school males think its o.k. to force sex on a female if he spends a lot of money on her.
As the Keystones Workshop stesses, you never owe anyone your body!
What can be done to combat these attitudes?
Summer 1991

For 1990-91—
DJF announces scholarship winners
Rosalie Barber, chairman of the AOII Diamond Jubilee Foundation Scholarship Committee, reports that 25 scholarships were awarded for the 1990-91 school year to AOIIs for undergraduate and graduate study.
There were 17 undergraduate awards for $1,000, five $1,000 graduate scholarships, and three $1,000 alumnae awards.
College. She
has served as
pledge chapter
relations offi-
cer, corre-
s p o n d in g
secretary, and
scholarship tising major chairman.
The $1,250 Muriel Turner McKiney Award winner is Kelly Lyn W estbrooks, a senior at Cor- nell U. The Epsilon Chap- ter member has served for
served as a tutor, and a member of the Student Alumni Board, Phi Eta Sigma academic honorary, historian for the Honors Program, Phi Beta Lambda business organization and SPURS sophomore honorary. She plans to attend law
Melissa Ann
Denise has
has served as
intramural chairman and rush chairman. Jennifer plans to work for an advertising agency following her graduation this spring.
Jennifer Lynn Latimer is a senior at Chi Lambda Chapter, U.of
Evansville. The adver-
Blair, a senior
at Epsilon
Omega Chap-
ter, Eastern
Kentucky U.,
has served as
vice president
of her pledge
class and chap-
ter scholarship
chairman. Melissa's activities include the Student Sociological Association and chairman of Springfest, Greek W eek 1990 and the 1989 Leadership Conference. The sociology major hopes to work in human resource services following graduation in the spring.
Tracy Lynn Boney is a junior at Kappa Omi- cron Chapter,
Michele Anne Murray, a senior at Alpha Phi Chapter, Mon- tana State U., has served as
her chapter's treasurer and on the live-out and alumnae
two terms as president and one as philanthropic chairman. She has been active in the Alpha Epsilon Delta pre- med fraternity, Golden Key national honor society and the American Institute of Biological Sciences. The May 1991 graduate is a volunteer at the Tompkins Community Hospital. Kelly plans to attend medical school.
The $1,000
Alpha Tau
was awarded to
Michele Ann
Gemskie, a
senior at Iota
Chapter, U.of
Illinois. The
finance major
has served as
her chapter's vice president for admin- istration and Greek Week chairman, and has been a member of the activities and philanthropic committees. She has served on the Illini Union Executive Board as a special events coordinator, and as a member of the Finance Club and Pre-law Club. She is a member of Golden Key honorary and Alpha Lambda Delta freshman honorary. Michele plans to attend law school.
Other winners are listed below:
Denise Dawn Trumler is a senior at Phi Sigma Chapter, Kearney State
H H p |
committees. Michele, a member of the Accounting Club, plans to graduate next year. She hopes to be a CPA.
J. Lynn
Newberger is a
Junior at Gam-
ma Omicron
Chapter, U.of
Florida. The
major has been
her pledge
class secretary,
membership education officer, vice president for pledge education, and a delegate to the Order of Omega Leadership Program. Lynn is a member of the UF Honors Program, UF Homecoming Parade staff, Alpha Lambda Delta honor society, and Phi Eta Sigma honor society. She hopes to teach following graduation next year.
Wendy Michele Nix, a junior at Alpha Delta Chapter, U . of Alabama, has served as big/little sis chairman and rush chairman. The public relations and French major is a member of the Public
To Dragma
committees. Her college activities include the Baptist Student Union, Model United Nations and the Pre-law Society. Following graduation next year, Tracy plans to enroll in law school.
Rhodes College. She has been assis- tant pledge educator, and a member of the public relations and philanthropic

1990-91 scholarship winners.
Relations Stu- dent Society o f America and a staff reporter for the campus paper. She plans to grad- uate in a year and then work in her field before apply- ing to law school.
chairman, and
as a member of
the chapter
relations and
She has been a
member of the
Band for four
years, Gamma Lambda music honorary and Pi Lambda Theta honorary. She hopes to work in a public school setting following graduation this year.
Annette Carol Gnuse, a junior at Phi Sigma Chap- ter, Kearney State College, has been assis- tant rush chairman and member of the social and for- mal committees. Her university activities include intramural basketball, volleyball and softball, Phi Eta Sigma, SPURS honorary, Honors Program, Nebraskats show choir, KSC Drill Team and the Student Education Association. Annette hopes to teach at the middle school level after her
Anne Stanford
is a senior at
Tau Delta
College. The
business major
has been her
chapter's corresponding secretary, administrative vice president and fund raising chairman. She has served as a member of the school's Student Judiciary, Alpha Kappa Psi business honorary, Omicron Delta Kappa and Mortar Board honor societies, and as a peer advisor, and president of the Student Service Organization.
Anne Elizabeth Walker, a senior at Tau Omega Chapter, Transylvania U., has served as administrative vice
president, re-
secretary, phil-
chairman and
pledge class
president. On
campus Anne
is busy with
Omicron Delta Walker Kappa leader-
ship honorary, Compassion for Com- munity Kitchen service group and work as a student orientation leader, prospective student hostess and member of the Student Activities Board. The elementary education major plans to teach following her graduation this spring.
Leslie Lynn- elle Powell is a senior at Beta Lambda Chap- ter, Illinois W esleyan U . The English major has been chapter record- ing secretary and served on
the pledge and scholarship committees. Leslie is a member of Circle K service organization, Alpha Lambda Delta scholastic honorary, Phi Kappa Phi scholastic honorary, and Alpha Mu Gamma foreign language honorary. She plans to attend graduate school fol- lowing graduation this year.
Jackie Lynn Weisheit is a senior at Sig- ma Phi Chap- ter, California State U., Northridge. The December
1991 graduate in speech com- munications
Brenda Re-
nee Bush is a
senior at Theta
Chi Chapter,
Morningside Stephanie
has served as chapter president, Panhel- lenic delegate, assistant social chairman and assistant Ritual chairman. Jackie has worked with the University Student Academic Affairs Committee, and Leadership Connection Retreat and as coordinator of the Speaker's Bureau. She plans a career in law.
Suzanne Lee
Hewitt is a
senior from
Delta Upsilon
Chapter, Duke
U. The com-
parative area
studies major
has been a
member of the
social and phil-
anthropic committees and served as the chapter's social chairman. At Duke she was a freshman advisory counselor and a member of the group's board, and a Phi Eta Sigma honorary member. Suzanne hopes to attend graduate school in broadcast journalism after her May 1991 graduation.
Continued on page 31.
graduation in December 1992.
College. The
ciology major
has served as
rush chairman
for two years,
a Panhellenic
activities chairman for the chapter. Brenda has also been a student ambassador, a resident assistant and head resident, and a member of Psi Chi national psychology honor society and Alpha Kappa Delta national sociology honor society. Following her May graduation, she plans to begin graduate studies and hopes to eventually have her own counseling practice.
Allison LynRohla is a senior at Zeta Chapter, U . of Nebraska. The speech/language pathology major has served as her chapter's recording secretary and membership education
Summer 1991
representative, and

To Dragma
Follow these directions to travel the
Road to
I^ush success.
What is it?
I think it is pledging the best rushees. How do you do this?
By traveling the Road to Rush
To do this you need: a Travel Agent; proper Direction; a current Map; a knowledgeable T our Guide; a well planned Route; and Motivation!
The Travel Agent: A good travel agent suggests the best place to go. As we all know—AOII is the only way to go!
Who is your travel agent? You are! Your chapter's reputation on your campus and in your community is your best source of advertising. Philan- thropic projects inform the campus and the community about AOII. Get involved and make people aware that you are an AOII! These activities will help ensure that high school students
hear about us.
The Direction: During pre-rush
activities, members of your local alumnae chapter can review parties and act as rushees in mock rush sessions. During rush, they can help prepare food, gather MIFs and tabulate Membership Selection voting. Y ou should rush your alumnae year round so they will feel comfortable helping you!
Your Alumnae Advisory Committee can provide continuity because they know your chapter, the campus, and the community.
On a regional level, your Regional Rush Officer is your main resource person. She reviews rush reports, trends and plans. She will offer suggestions, and she may request revisions.
Your Regional Director can assist you with Panhellenic, act as a sounding board and be a source of motivation.
Don't forget to thank these people!
The Map: The Formal Rush Report is your road map for planning the next formal rush. (For 1991 we have a completely new Formal Rush Report— be sure you use the correct form.)
Photo key: top, Phi Sigma (Kearney State
College), center, Kappa Tau,
bottom, Chi Psi (Cal Poly State U.
San Luis Obispo)

Rush Success!
Every chapter member, pledge, and legacy should complete a confidential evaluation of rush. The Rush Chairman and the Rush Adviser also complete an evaluation.
Review your rush report. Note any problems and try to determine the cause. Do you need to begin planning earlier? W ere MIFs solicited on time? Were there enough rehearsals for skits? Also take note of your accomplish- ments. Your party statistics can tell you which parties were the most successful. See if you can figure out why, then apply that knowledge to your other party plans.
The Tour Guide: Your Rush Chairman is your tour guide. This individual should be a positive role model who is outgoing and enthusiastic. She needs to have excellent organizational skills. The Rush Chairman should be selected immediately after formal rush to give her enough time for planning and preparation.
Your rush committee is the Rush Chairman's support staff. Have chapter members complete an application for committee assignments. They should list their experience and tell why they would like to serve as a committee chairman or member.
The Route: Your Rush Planning Report will help you decide which route to take for a smooth journey. This report is divided into three phases.
In the first phase you will define your goals and objectives, describe jobs, and select committees. Y ou will plan workshops, outline the MIF Program, and set the rush deadline calendar.
In the second phase you will plan every aspect of each party. You will plan how to rush and pledge legacies. You will determine the Membership Selection Criteria and process. You will formulate the Chapter Relations Plan for rush and complete a detailed chapter budget for rush.
In the final phase, you will outline and describe all aspects of your campus Panhellenic for rush and for Continuous Open Bidding. You will evaluate how all phases of your plans will achieve your goals.
The Motivation: Every member needs a positive attitude!
People will support what they help create, so be sure everyone is involved! Believe in yourself as an individual and in your chapter as a whole.
Hold workshops and seminars about self-image. Invite guests to speak on motivation, self-assessment, grooming and goal achievement.
The Chapter Relations Committee can help members keep a positive attitude by developing a plan specifi- cally for rush. This plan should include "psych-ups," sisterhood activities, and inspirational activities. For ideas, see the February issue of The Piper.
The Journey: As you start down the Road to Rush Success, follow the route you have established. Hold workshops when scheduled, and meet deadlines as planned.
All preparations must be completed the semester prior to rush. If you rush in the fall, this means before school lets out for summer. If you rush in winter, this means before you leave for Christmas break. The time immediately before rush should be used for polish and taking care of last minute details.
Final Destination: RUSH!! Use your Travel Agent, follow the Direction you are given, use a current Map, select a knowledgeable Tour Guide, follow a well-planned Route, and have the Motivation to travel on the Road to Rush Success!
Do this and you will have a rush that results in quality pledges—our future sisters! Isn't that what rush success means?
—Contributed by Rebecca Admire, Chi Lambda (U. of Evansville), International Rush Chairman
Summer 1991
Photo key: top, Upsilon Lambda, (U of Texas, San Antonio), bottom, Phi (U. of Kansas)

Part ofEpsilon Chapter's winning rush team at Cornell U.
Alumnae: please fill out MIFs!
Once again, it's time to work on Membership Information Forms. MIFs are vital tools in the selection process at our collegiate chapters.
Can you imagine hiring a key player for your company without checking on her references? Imagine the plight of the collegians who must choose pledges without having any resumes or references. Theirs is not an enviable situation. Alumnae must provide tools for informed membership selection.
The MIF form is intimidating. It asks questions that you may not be comfortable answering because you don't know the answers. Keep in mind that a partially completed MIF is much better than no MIF at all. A negative MIF could save a collegiate chapter immeasurable trouble later.
—Judy Hornik Bourassa, Direc- tor/Alumnae Dept., Theta Pi (Wagner College), Phoenix Alumnae Chapter
Rush:a career training bargain!
I smiled as I read the seminar ad, "Develop Your Professional Inter- personal Skills and Become a Success." It offered training in communication, body language, and everything any career minded person would want to know—all for one very high price.
I could offer better than that, I thought. I'd already had four years of training in networking, communication, interviews, and body language—all for free!
Where had I found such a bargain? During rush.
Now, I'll be the first to admit that in spite of the pep talks and practices, the prospect of small talk with hundreds of women I had never met still sent a chill through me every year. Rush was some- thing you needed to do to be able to enjoy new pledges, kind of like eating dinner so you could have dessert. I would have never thought of it as a valuable experience in and of itself, but after seven years of being in my career as a rehabilitation nurse, I can't think of a better way to prepare for much of the
work required in the professional world. Throughout rush there were opportunities to learn things that I would later use in my career. From the beginning of plans to pledge night many months later, the activities that I
participated in are still helping me now. Our chapter's formal planning for rush began during the winter. As I worked on various committees to organize rush party themes, skits, and other details, I learned how to function effectively in a committee. I learned about setting time lines, deciding on concrete goals, delegating work, and
negotiating ideas within a group. Because committee work is part of almost any profession, knowing how to function effectively in a committee framework is an invaluable skill to have. As a rehabilitation nurse I am presently involved with committee work at least one day a week. Though the work I now do in committees has nothing to do with party themes, the skills I learned during rush preparations help me greatly. For example, I have
been able to influence committees to produce timely and practical products and changes. I have also saved myself much unnecessary worry and effort by delegating and negotiating effectively.
During the week before the fall rush parties started, we would spend some time memorizing the names and faces of women whose recommendations had been sent to us. Learning to put the right name with the right face was quite a challenge. But once I came up with a technique that worked for me (a combination of mnemonics and phys- ical characteristics), I have been using it ever since. It has failed me only once. A woman I met was wearing bright red lipstick, so I tried remembering her as "Lynn lips." The next time I saw her with that lipstick on, all I could think of was "red lips. . . hot lips. . .Rita red"? I turned as red as her lipstick when I realized she was probably wondering why I was staring at her mouth. Since then I've been more careful in choosing characteristics to remember.
Continued on page 42
To Dragma

• I know this rushee personally and recommended her.
• I know her family personally.
I received this information from:
• Panhellenic members/master file.
• H.S. faculty/staff member.
• Mutualfriend.
• Other
• I send this form at request of the collegiate chapter.
to locate this name and address, send form to the Regional Rush Officer responsible for the region
in which the rushee will attend college-or Int'l HQ for forwarding.
If you have gathered this information in response to a chapter's request,
please send the information directly to the return address indicated. Collegiate chapter pledging depends on your supplying available information.
soph. jr.
Zip Grandmother
Name of Rushee
Home address
College she will attend
Age College class: fresh.
Phone ( Other
Name of Parents/Guardian Address of Parents/Guardian AOn Relative: Sister
^_ Mother
List other sorority or fraternity affiliations of relatives: _
Does the rushee have a special interest in AOII? Why?
Does she have a special interest in other groups? Why?
Have you rushed her?
Will you tell her she is being recommended?
Is she able to assume financial obligations?
She would enjoy talking about the following topics during rush:
High School and address . Number in graduating class
College previously attended and address Terms completed
High School/Collegiate Scholastic honors

Summer 1991
ACT/SAT if known _ ^
Phone (day)
,_ GPA
- OVER -

Activities/Offices held: Honors:
Work experience:
Please check those which apply and add comments and examples:
Hard Worker Responsible Adaptable Leadership potential
Musical Artistic Athletic Organized Cooperative Industrious
Outgoing and friendly ._. Reserved or shy
Cheerful and optimistic Compatible with others Poised/well groomed
YOUR Name Address
Collegiate Chapter? Alumnae Chapter?
Date Phone
(Area Code)
Are you a collegian now? . ...
Sign above to indicate endorsement of this rushee as an AOil pledge.
Date Received: . Date acknowledgement sent: Sorority Rushee pledges:
To Dragma

Rush Directory
Chapter Advisers should receive Membership Information Forms (MTFs) NO LATER than dates noted. This is the time chapters review MTFs prior to rush.
School, Chapter
Arkansas State University Sigma Omicron
Mid August
Auburn University Delta Delta
Late August
Ball State University Kappa Kappa
Early September
Birmingham Southern College Tau Delta
Mid August
Bowling Green State University
Alpha Psi Mid-August
Cal Polytechnic State Univ. Chi Psi
Early September
California State - Long Beach Lambda Beta
Early August
California State Northridge Sigma Phi
Mid August
Canisius College
Nu Delta
Early September/Mid December
Central Missouri State Univ. Delta Pi
Mid August
Coe College Alpha Theta Early September
Cornell University Epsilon
Early January
Depauw University Theta MidSeptember
Duke University
Delta Upsilon
Early September/Early January
East Carolina University ZetaPsi
Early August
East Stroudsburg State Univ.
Phi Beta MidJanuary
Eastern Kentucky University
Epsilon Omega Mid August
Chapter Adviser Donna Durham
1505 Stone Street Jonesboro, AR 72401
Ms. Patsy Vincent 3321 King Ave. Opelika, AL 36801
Mrs. Judith Thornburg 2804 W. Purdue Rd Muncie, IN 47304
Mindy McDonald 222 Westcliffe Circle
Birmingham, AL 35226
Gina Bucci
2560 Key Street Apt. #3Z
Toledo, OH 43614
Kristen Sloop
2221 King Court #14
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Geri Nunez-Wile
2341 Argonne Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815
Mrs. Phyllis Gilson 6628 Woodlake Ave.
West Hills, CA 91307
Wendy Hoke
79 Zoerb Avenue
Cheektowaga, NY 14225
Sarah Baggett
1024 Walnut Lane Warrensburg, MO 64093
Mrs. Barbara Tupper
2102N.TowneCt.NE#5 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Erin McDonnell 518 Stewart
Ithaca,NY 14850
Mrs. Audrey Pelham 4740 E 71st St
Indianapolis,IN 46220
Mrs. Sue Mattern 204 Lake Ct.
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Sara Brewer
36-C Arlington Square Apts. 1149 Mulberry Lane
Greenville,NC 27858
Kimberly Kenney
1045 N. West End Blvd. Box 162 Quakertown,PA 18951
Mrs. Mary Dewey
316 S. Third St. Richmond, KY 40475
School, Chapter
Eastern Washington University
Tau Gamma Mid August
Elon College
Epsilon Chi
Late August/Early February
Florida Southern College Kappa Gamma
Late August/Early January
George Mason University Gamma Alpha LateAugust
Georgia Southern College Alpha Lambda
Late August
Georgia State University Gamma Sigma
Early September
Grand Valley State University Lambda Eta
Mid August
Hartwick College
Sigma Chi
Late August/Late January
Huntingdon College Sigma Delta
Mid August
Illinois Wesleyan University Beta Lambda
Early September
Indiana State University Kappa Alpha
Mid August
Indiana U. Of Pennsylvania Gamma Beta
Late December
Indiana University
Beta Phi Mid-October/Late-December
Iowa State University Iota Sigma
Early August
Jacksonville State University Delta Epsilon
Kearney State College Phi Sigma
Early August
LaGrange College Lambda Chi Early September
Chapter Adviser
Mary Dibert
South 16896 Cheney Spokane Road Cheney, WA 99004
Lisa Kula
P O Box 212
Elon College, NC 27244
Mrs. Reatha Omodio 241 AshLn. Lakeland, FL 33813
Judie Schuler
12200 Fairfax Station Rd FairfaxStation,VA 22039
Mrs. Michelle Barton 8 Wimbledon Ct. Statesboro,GA 30458
Lisa Williams
201 Aberdeen Parkway
Peachtree, GA 30269
Mrs. Suzanne Carpenter 1342 Fisk SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
Mrs. Eleanor Hickein 9 Pine Street Oneonta, NY 13820
Mrs. Mary Kyser
3210 Cloverdale Rd Montgomery, AL 36106
Mrs. Myma Haas
12 Ivey Court Bloomington, IL 61701
Glenna Timmohs
408 S. 34th St.
Terre Haute, IN 47803
Lisa Momeweck 1800 Lisa Drive Indiana, PA 15701
Mrs. Beverly Ernest 498 Ridge Rd. Greenwood, IN 46142
Carol Millar
413 SE 3rd St. Ankeny, IA 50021
Mrs. Kay Jones
2 Sunset Pass Anniston,AL 36201
Lori Moore
1925 W 37th St Kearney, NE 68847
Mrs. Denise Wilson 949 Malibu Dr.
La Grange, GA 30240
continued on next page.
Summer 1991

School, Chapter
Lambuth College Omega Omicron Mid August
Lehigh University Lambda Upsilon Early January
McGill University Kappa Phi
Mid August
Miami University Omega
Early January
Michigan State University Beta Gamma
Early August
Middle Tennessee State Univ. Rho Omicron
Early August
Montana State University Alpha Phi
Early September
Momingside College Theta Chi
Mid August
Murray State University Delta Omega
Early August
Newcomb College - Tulane Pi
Late August
Northeast Louisiana University Lambda Tau
Early August
Northern Arizona University Theta Omega
Early August
Northern Illinois University
Ohio Northern University Kappa Pi
Late August
Ohio University Omega Upsilon Late August
Oregon State University Alpha Rho
Early September
Parks College Upsilon Epsilon Mid August
Pennsylvania State University Epsilon Alpha
Mid August
Purdue University Phi Upsilon
Mid December
Rhodes College Kappa Omicron Early September
Chapter Adviser'
Mrs. Mary Hardee 10 Fairfield PI. Jackson, TN 38305
School, Chapter
San Jose State University Delta Sigma
Early August
Shippensburg University Tau Lambda
Mid September
Slippery Rock University Sigma Rho
Mid August
Southeastern Louisiana Univ. Kappa Tau
Late July
St Leo College
Gamma Upsilon
Early September/Early January
State University Of New York Delta Psi
Early January
Syracuse University Chi
Mid August
Texas W oman's University Delta Theta
Early September
Thomas More College Alpha Beta Tau
Early August
Towson State University Theta Beta
Mid August
Transylvania University Tau Omega
Late August
Tufts University
Mid-August/Early January
U. Of Alabama - Birmingham
Late August
U. Of Nebraska - Lincoln Zeta
Early August
U. Of Southwest Louisiana Delta Beta
Early August
U. Of Tennessee - Martin Tau Omicron
Late August
U. Of Texas - San Antonio Upsilon Lambda
Late August
Univ. Of California - Berkeley Sigma
Early August
Univ. Of California-San Diego Lambda Iota
Early September
Univ. Of Missouri -Columbia Delta Alpha
Early August
Chapter Adviser
Charlene Murray
760 Delaware Avenue San Jose, CA 95123
Mrs. Deborah Fay 2601 Market, Apt. 1 Camp Hill, PA 17011
Connie Laughner 136 Mar-Vel Drive Butler, PA 16001
Cecilia Scholvin
1401 Lake Avenue, #E9 Metairie.LA 70005
Mrs. Elaine McCraney 6952 124th Terrace North Largo, FL 34643
Patricia Redfearn
4210 Sheffield Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19137
Harriet O'Leary
309 Waring Rd Syracuse, NY 13224
Lisa Dim
514 Cedar Elm Allen, TX 75002
Elizabeth Arlinghaus
1 Oxford Drive
Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017
Mrs. Melis Edel
6 Linden Terrace Baltimore, MD 21204
Pamela Edwards
173 Broadway Versailles, KY 40383
Mrs. Jean Sells
29 Parker Rd. Framingham, MA 01701
Margo Hays
1100 27th Street South Apt. #104
Birmingham, AL 35203
Kim Carter
5206 Webster Omaha, NE 68132
Mrs. Jerelyn Miles
104 Legacy Lane Youngsville, LA 70592
Ms. Sandra Belote 109 Van Cleave Martin, TN 38237
Leigh McCallum
537 Ventura Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78232
Jamie Hould
2725 Franklin
San Francisco, CA 94123
Barbara Chilcote 4016-B Mahaila Ave. San Diego, CA 92122
Kristine Wiant
912 W Walnut Court Columbia, MO 65201
continued onnext page
To Dragma
Sally Snyder 2651 Main St. Bethlehem, PA
Cheryl Rost
3410 Rosedale Apt 6 Montreal, QU H4B 2G6 Canada
Georganne Smith
P O Box 95 BrookviUe, IN 47012
Mrs. Margaret Stephenson 3210MeechRd WiUiamston, MI 48895
Sheila Brooks
530 Williamsburg Drive Nashville, TN 37214
Mrs. Beverly Townsend 8040 Lupine Ln. Bozeman, MT 59715
Mrs. Marsha Newman 3218 Garretson
Sioux City, IA 51106
Mrs. Carmen Garland Rte. 7, Box 886 Murray, KY 42071
Mrs. Schuyler Louapre
220 E William David Pkwy Metairie,LA 70005
Susan Donald
808 Adcock Monroe, LA 71201
Lillian Baker
1508 N. Aztec Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Theresa Berge
813 W Taylor St,Apt #710 DeKalb.JL 60115
Paige Terveer 5875 West Breese Lima, OH 45806
Mrs. Karen Weaver 405 6th St.
Marietta, OH 45750
Ms. Sandra Thiessen 4025 NW Elmwood Dr Corvalhs, OR 97330
Nancy Idoux
22 South 21st Belleville, IL 62223
Mrs. Patricia Antolosky 1260FairviewDr. Bellefonte, PA 16823
Marlesa Roney
1105 W. 750 N.
W. Lafayette, IN 47906
Lisa Brown
4080 Ridge Drive #142 Memphis, TN 38115

School, Chapter
Univ. Of Wisconsin -Milwaukee . Phi Delta
University Of Alabama
Alpha Delta EarlyAugust
University Of Arizona Upsilon Alpha
Early August
University Of Calgary Kappa Lambda
Late August
University Of California-Davis Chi Alpha
Late August
University Of Chicago
Phi Chi
Early September/Mid December
University Of Colorado Chi Delia
Early August
University Of Delaware Delta Chi
Late August
University Of Evansville Chi Lambda
Early August
University Of Florida Gamma Omicron Late July
University Of Georgia Lambda Sigma MidAugust
University Of Illinois Iota
Early August
University Of Kansas Phi
University Of Kentucky Kappa Omega
Early August
University Of Louisville Pi Alpha
Early August
University Of Maine-Orono
Gamma Late August
University Of Maryland PiDelta
University Of Michigan Omicron Pi
Mid August
University Of Minnesota Tau
Late August
Chapter Adviser
Mrs. Wendy Kohler 4848 NLydell #130 Milwaukee,WI 53217
Mrs. Pamela Brock 11727KnollwoodRd Northport,AL 35476
Susan Duggins 1017 N. Bedford Tucson, AZ 85710
Debra Telmer
3524 7th Avenue N W Calgary, AB T2N 1B5 Canada
Mrs. Kathryn Fitzgerald
118 Banbury Way
American Canyon, CA 94589
Kelly Agnew
443 W Wrightwood Ave #909 Chicago, IL 60614
Mrs. Jane Franklin 7958 S Wabash Court Englewood, CO 80112
Peggy Kilmer
8518 Greenspring Ct. Ellicott City, MD 21043
Lisa Trulove
628 S. Norman Avenue Evansville, IN 47714
Elizabeth Watson
1548 NW 18th Street Gainesville, FL 32605
Ms. Pamela Thomas P O Box 280
Colbert,GA 30628
Mrs. JoAnne Zunich 2606 Cherry Hills Drive Champaign, IL 61821
Mrs. Kendall Born
6014 W 124 Terrace OverlandPark,KS 66209
Kristi Farmer
821 Euclid Ave Lexington, KY 40502
Nancy Schoenbachler 1836 Deer Park Louisville, KY 40205
Lisa Gallant
193 West Broadway Bangor, ME 04401
Kellie Schindel 20809BurntWoodsDrive Germantown,MD 20874
Mrs. Nancy Aupperle 3606 Chatham Way Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Mary Luse
6571 Kirkwood Circle Excelsior, MN 55331
School, Chapter
University Of Mississippi NuBeta
University Of South Alabama Gamma Delta EarlySeptember
University Of South Florida Gamma Theta
Early August/Mid December
University Of Tennessee Omicron
Early August
University Of Toledo Theta Psi
Late August
University Of Toronto Beta Tau
Early September
University Of Virginia Chi Beta
Mid December
University Of Washington Upsilon
Late August
University Of West Virginia Sigma Alpha
University Of Western Ontario
Iota Chi
Early September
Vanderbilt University
Nu Omicron
Mid August/Mid December
Villanova University
Beta Delta Mid-August/Mid-December
Virginia Commonwealth Univ. RhoBeta
Late August
Wagner College Theta Pi
Late August
Washington College Sigma Tau
Late January
Washington State University Alpha Gamma
Western Kentucky University Alpha Chi
Early August
Western Michigan University Kappa Rho
Late August
Chapter Adviser
Debra Brumitt
211 Eagle Springs Road Oxford,MS 38655
Mrs. Angela Ralph 154 Pinehill Dr. Mobile,AL 36606
Janette Tessmer
314 W Main Street Inverness, FL 32650
Mrs. Suzanne Ott 5412 Yosemite Tr. Knoxville,TN 37919
Mrs. Beverly Kirby 3459 Cheltenham Apt. #10
Toledo, OH 43606
Michelle Labbett
211 Woodsworth Road Don Mills, ON M3A2M1 Canada
Mrs. Jane Franklin 6 Watts Circle Palmyra, VA 22963
Linda Pyne
5225 50th Ave, Apt #103 •Seattle, WA 98105
Mrs. Beth McCluskey 421 Cedar Street Morgantown,WV 26505
Sherri Conley
137 Oxford Street East Apt. #6
London, ON N6A 1T4 Canada
Mrs. Dorothy Leek
6338 Johnsons Chapel Rd. Brentwood, TN 37027
Miss Sarah Wagaman 2507 Mount Carmel Ave Glenside,PA 19038
Susan Stringfield
7805 Breaker Point Ct Chesterfield, VA 23832
Maura Clancy
372 7th St Brooklyn,NY 11215
Lex Fry
RL #2,753B Chestertown, MD 21620
Theresa Workman P.O. Box 2159 C.S. Pullman,WA 99165
Mrs. Karen Towell
1551 Chestnut St.
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Annette Daniel 2129 Ridgefield Rd Partage,MI 49002
Summer 1991

Stephanie Hunt, 10, with her grandmother International President Barbara Hunt. Let's talk about legacies. . .
Kenzie Williams, 9-month-old daughter of Michelle Sadler Williams, Beta Lambda (Illinois Wesleyan U.)
"She is a legacy."
What do you think when you hear
If you're the legacy's mother, sister
or grandmother, you're probably nervous.
If you're a collegian, you may be excited or you may feel anxious.
If you're the legacy, you may be confused.Youwonderifbeingalegacy will help or hurt your chances of receiving a bid.
Ideally, collegiate chapter members look at legacies as special gifts. They realize that they have an opportunity to pledge a woman who already has some background and love for AOII.
Whether you're a collegian or an alumna, you need to do all you can to ensure the best possible rush for each legacy.
If you're a collegian, you and your sisters must solicit information about each rushee before rush begins. Y ou should know who the legacies are and be familiar with the information gathered on each one. This needs to be done before the first round of parties.
OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE THAT THE LEGACY IS A PERSON WHO DOES NOT HAVE THE CHARACTER TRAITS OR ACADEMIC ABL1TY TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE CHAPTER. A chapter is required to give the appoint- ed adviser concrete reasons as to why it is not pledging a legacy, so she in turn can tell the legacy's mother, sister, or grandmother.
As collegiate chapter members, you should assign your best rushers to legacies. Y ou should show an interest in the legacy's AOII background but not to the exclusion of other areas of her life. You should introduce her to the legacies in your chapter. Have as many sisters as possible meet her and get to know her before Preference. Give each legacy special consideration.
During membership selection sessions, identify each legacy, but do not vote on them as a group. If legacies are voted on as a group, chapter mem- bers tend to apply a higher standard, out of fear of running out of space on the "first bid list".
If you're an alumna, you have a responsibility not only to legacies but also to collegiate chapters. Alumnae must be involved in the membership information process. Y ou should pre- sent the rushee in her best light, but Continued on page 18.
To Dragma

Amother sview. ..
The night before bid day, Jane wonders if Mary, her daughter and AOII legacy, will receive a bid to join Alpha Omicron Pi.
Jane's own views on legacies have changed drastically since she was in college. In college Jane felt justified when she didn't speak up for a legacy for fear that her close friend might not make the "top bid list". She felt it was a chapter's right
to pledge whom they wanted.
Much has changed for Jane since leaving college!
Since then she has shared the pain of an AOII sister whose daughter was dropped. She has thought about how she would feel if the same thing happened to her daughter.
Even tonight, Jane acknowledges that the privilege and responsibility for membership selection rightfully belongs to collegiate chapter members. But she also believes that pledging her legacy would benefit that collegiate chapter and the larger AOII sisterhood.
Jane knows that on many campuses, pledging women just because they are legacies would quickly fill a pledge class. The Founders gave the duty of membership selection to collegians, Council has never changed that policy, and Jane is even proud of that fact.
And yet, she can't help but hope that Mary is chosen for a bid.
Jane hopes that her parting words to her daughter were valid.
"I have faith in my young AOII sisters," she had said. "They will look at you for
who you are and what they can do for you and your college experience. I trust them to choose correctly as they get to know you."
As she waits by the phone, Jane wonders what the news will be.
Will it be her daughter saying they will now be AOII sisters? Or will it be the voice of a stranger saying the chapter had released this legacy?
Jane remembers the words of Past International President Ginger Banks: "When any of us has a legacy, we dream of the possibility of her joining us as a member of AOII. How special it is to want our family ties to be supplemented by the fraternal bonds of friendship with all the opportunities implied by that association. Indeed, a legacy is a gift to each of us and to the Fraternity, a gift
which deserves extra care and attention."
Jane hopes that the chapter members at Mary's school realize that her daughter,
like all legacies, deserves extra care and attention during the selection process.
ft i1
Alumnae & collegians— different views about legacies. . .
My daughter was a scholarship winner, she had a high GPA, and she was in the National Honor Society. In high school she was involved in numerous activities, including being a cheerleader. . .She did volunteer work in the community. . . She had recommendations galore. My worry when she went through rush was that she wouldn't like AOII, not the other way around. Can you possibly imagine my bewilderment when the AOII chapter at her university rejected my daughter? -an alumna.
Rather than growing with the times and diversifying the membership of AOII, some alumnae would rather see chapters full of legacies which weaken rather than strengthen the bonds among members. —a collegian.
I have a young daughter and I hope that she will have the opportunity to share the AOII bond with me. I know it will hurt if AOII does not select her for some reason, just as it will hurt if she does not select AOII. But the choice belongs to her and the members of the AOII chapter at the university she attends. They're the ones AOII has entrusted with that decision, and I will let it be theirs.—an alumna.
Members of our chapter contact known legacies during the spring semester and the summer prior to rush in order to show the legacies how important they are to AOII. . . We hope that we show our legacies extra care and special attention during rush. —a collegiate chapter.
I suggest that in the future, chapters that have legacies going through rush notify the rushee's mother of the grade point cutoff so that she and her daughter will know ahead of time. Perhaps the Panhellenic organizations can publish the exact grade point cutoff for each sorority before rush begins so that no rushee will suffer the devastation of being dropped by nearly all the sororities on campus, most particularly her mother's sorority. —an alumna.
Summer 1991 17
Mary Ann Jenkins, left, with her sister Lee Ann Dickerson. Both women are initiates of Kappa Alpha (Indiana State

Legacy Rush - the Policy
AOII strongly encourages the pledging of qualified legacies. Every known legacy shall be given special consideration in membership selection.
During formal rush and throughout the chapter's Continuous Open Bidding, every verified legacy shall be offered a bid to membership unless the chapter has a reason for denying a bid and communicates that reason to the alumna involved or the chapter's RD.
If the formal rush schedule includes several invitational party rounds before Preference (the final invitational party) the legacy shall be invited to all invitational parties before Preference UNLESS the chapter has determined that the legacy is definitely not a rushee to be pledged and that decision has been approved by the appropriate adviser. In no case should a legacy be denied an invitation to at least one invitational party after the open house, tours, or ice water party round. At any point during rush when the chapter and the adviser concur that a legacy be dropped from consideration for pledging, the adviser MUST communicate by telephone with the AOII relative prior to the distributioh of invitations to the next set of parties. If the concern of the chapter is that the legacy has expressed strong interest in another sorority and lesser interest in AOII, rushing efforts should be increased.
Every legacy who accepts an invitation to the chapter's final party (Preference) must be named on the chapter's QUOTA LIST (also know as first bid list).
If no contact is possible between a designated adviser and the AOII relative of a legacy not extended a bid to membership, notice that the legacy has been dropped without contact must be sent to the chapter's RD and to International Headquarters within one week after the date the rushee is dropped, in no case later than one week after formal rush.
This policy defines a legacy as a sister, daughter, or granddaughter of an initiated member of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Let's talk about
Continued from page 16.
do not send her into an impossible situation. Find out the grade require- ments for the AOII chapter where she will be attending school. Make sure you honestly assess each campus situation.
Chapters need to take a mature, positive and responsible approach to legacy rush, but the AOII sister, mother or grandmother of the legacy also has a responsibility to get involved. If you have a legacy going through rush, you need to express your desires to the chapter before rush begins. Don't wait until rush is over.
Ultimately, we all want what is best for Alpha Omicron Pi and the legacy. There is always the chance that mistakes in judgment may occur, especially during a time as hectic and pressure-filled as rush.
We ask for and we expect the best from our chapters. The choice of members belongs to the members of the AOII chapter at the legacy's college or university. In 1897 the Founders entrusted that choice to collegians, and Council has not chosen to change that during these last 94 years.
In the words of the current Exec- utive Board, "Through education our
collegiate and alumnae members will have a better understanding of legacies and why they are special. . .more than just merely a relative of an AOD. Let's give legacies the special attention, our genuine friendliness, and our family concern and love that they deserve. No sister will ask more, nor should she expect less."
Thanks to Lis Lester Donaldson for writing this artical and " A mother's view" on page 17. Lis is an Executive Director of Alpha Omicron Pi. She is an initiate of Tau Delta (Birmingham Southern College) and a member of the Montgomery Alumnae Chapter.
To Dragma

"When any of us has a legacy, we dream of the possibility of her joining us as a member of AOII. How special it is to want our family ties to be supplemented by the fraternal bonds of friendship with all the opportunities implied by that association. Indeed, a legacy is a gift to each of us and to the Fraternity, a gift which deserves extra care and attention."
sister This is to inform you that my daughter granddaughter
will be attending
as a: freshman sophomore
(circle one)
Her school address will be Signed:
Mikhail Baryshnikov, left, ballet dancer, is accompanied by Cindy Skaff, Theta Psi (U. of Toledo), who is telling a Baryshnikov fan "no autographs." (Toledo Blade photo by Dave Zapotosky, used with permission.)
Zip University/College Year of Initiation
Ginger Banks
Past International President
Summer 1991
AOII tells how she met
. .
Cindy Skaff, Theta Psi (U. of Toledo) can say from experience that volunteer work is not all work and no play. One of the "perks" is getting to meet celebrities—as the photo of Cindy with Mikhail Baryshnikov shows.
A veteran volunteer with activities too numerous to list here, Cindy met "Misha" last October when she organized a dinner fund raiser to benefit the Arts Commission of Greater Toledo. Baryshnikov was in town to perform with the White Oak Dance Project at the University of Toledo. The dinner raised over $20,000.
The next day it was back to the reality of teaching sixth grade. "But, come to think of it, that is pretty exciting, too," Cindy said.

Collegiate Chapter News
for arthritis research. The lollipops , were made by handicapped children and some of the proceeds from the sale went to benefit them. Michelle Zarish was chairman of this successful project.
Chapter members were also busy doing volunteer work in the Morgantown community. For example, Jean Garabrant is in the Association for Young Children, and she volunteers at the Ruby Memorial Children's Hospital.
The Sigma Alphas kept busy with rush practice two nights a week, and another spring activity was participating in Greek Week.
Rebecca MeFerren and Terri Rounion were inducted into Order of Omega, and Barbara Porter was selected for membership in Sigma Alpha Tau, International Nursing Honor Society. Kristen Judge broke the West Virginia U. diving record.
Lambda Upsilon Lehigh U.
Kara L. Bolcavage reports that the Lambda Upsilon Chapter at Lehigh U . began the spring semester and the new year with a successful week of rush. The chapter's bid list was filled second on campus and quota was met with 27 new pledges.
The chapter's major philanthropic event, the annual "Mr. Lehigh" contest, was held during the fall semester. All of the proceeds from ticket sales went to the Arthritis Foundation.
A non-alcoholic Superbowl party with the Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity was one of several social events during the spring semester. Other events planned for spring included the annual Rose Ball, the sponsoring of an anti-hazing program, the continued sponsoring of a child in Brazil, and a community day.
Tau Lambda Shippensburg U.
Shelley Jones reports that the Tau Lambda Chapter at Shippensburg U. had a successful spring rush, adding 14 new pledges. The chapter has added 30 new members during the past year.
"Mile-of-Quarters," an annual philanthropic project was held at the Chambersburg Mall in March to raise
Sigma Chi Hartwick College
The Sigma Chi Chapter at Hartwick College had a busy spring semester. Rush, which featured a "Kindergarten Rush" and "Woodstock" as themes, was successful. Both chapter members and rushees seemed to enjoy the experience.
Chapter members are looking forward to a fund raiser for cystic fibrosis. The sisters will do a "walk" to raise money which will be donated to a special hospital The hospital was chosen by a family member of one of the women in the chapter. This family member has cystic fibrosis, and the money raised will be donated in her name.
Theta Pi Wagner College
The Theta Pi Chapter at Wagner College had a fun-filled homecoming last fall, reports Isma Mason.
Chapter member Heatherlynn Smolen was crowned homecoming queen and the chapter won first place in the float contest for the fourth consecutive year.
The 15 fall pledges were all initiated in March. In April, the chapter celebrated its 40th anniversary with more than 80 alumnae attending from the New York/ New Jersey area and from as far away as Florida. Chapter members are grateful to their Chapter Adviser Maura Clancy who organized the reunion.
The 8th floor of Harborview Hall dormitory is being decorated in red and
white, as it is transformed into an AOII floor. Chapter members are excited about this first time opportunity to live together. Another spring activity is practicing for the annual Songfest. Stasia Sacco will represent the chapter as the first princess in the Songfest Royal Court.
In April, the chapter held a see-saw marathon to raise money for the Campus Community Chest
Ann Marie Menna was elected president of the Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Society, and Jennifer Economou was elected president of Alethea, which is another honor society at Wagner College. Isma Mason was honored as an outstanding campus leader at a special awards night
Sigma Alpha West Virginia U.
The spring semester at West Virginia U. was filled with fun and hard work for the sisters of Sigma Alpha, reports Rebecca Tate. Highlights of the semester were the chapter's winter formal and the initiation of 28 women in January.
In March chapter members focused on philanthropy, and each sister sold 100 gourmet lollipops to raise money
To Dragma

Collegiate News . . .
money for arthritis research. Other endeavors have included a campus "Graffiti Hunt" and a children's Easter egg scavenger hunt. Both of these activities were sponsored by the Shippensburg Panhellenic Board. Another Panhellenic activity was giving campus tours to potential freshmen. Kim Manning and Shelley Jones represented AOII as tour guides. Chapter members are participating in a nationwide "Pi-Pal" program which is being sponsored by the Gamma Omicron Chapter at the U. of Florida.
Two sisters were elected to Shippensburg U.'s Panhellenic Board. Heather Bigler is Special Projects Chairman and Teresa Stewart is Rush Chairman. Barb Herman was selected for Order of Omega.
Chapter members enjoyed a road trip to the Delta Chi Chapter at the U.of Delaware to exchange rush ideas.
Activities planned for spring include the annual Parents' Day Picnic, the Rose Formal, and Greek Week.
Theta Beta Towson State U.
The Theta Beta Chapter at Towson State U. had a successbul fall rush and met quota with 32 new pledges.
Philanthropic events were also successful. Chapter members raised $ 1,088 for the Arthritis Foundation during a Phone-A-Thon and $920 during a road block. Other philanthropic events
included decorating for a "Miss Wheelchair" event, a Stair Climb at the university stadium, and helping with registration at the Arthritis Foundation's Jingle Bell Run. Chapter members also collected clothes for a needy Russian family. Chapter members also helped Phi Kappa Sigma raise money for the homeless.
During the school's Alcohol Awareness Week, the chapter participated in a "Mocktail" contest. The chapter decided to add the office of Risk Management Chairman to its Leaders Council. This officer helps the chapter avoid alcohol-related incidents, helps educate students about alcohol, and works with other Greek organizations on alcohol-related issues. Samantha Hill is the current chairman.
Twelve sisters made the Dean's List and three of them had a 4.0 GPA. The chapter's scholarship program requires 6 hours of study hall each week for pledges and four hours of study hall per week for sisters with a GPA of below 2.5.
Spring semester began with the initiation of 29 women. The chapter won the Panhellenic philanthropic award and the award for the best pledge program. Missy Speifel won the outstanding Panhellenic delegate award.
Last summer the chapter participated in a fund raiser with Lambda Chi Alpha by working in concession stands at Orioles games. This activity raised over $6,000. This summer chapter members will be doing this with Sigma Pi.
of the Lambda Chi Chapter at LaGrange College are all
smiles as they
pose with the chapter's Honors
Day award From
left are Jeanelle
Sisk, Polly Roe, Donna Deegan, Kathy Shaw,
Jillian Hatchett, Linda Doss,
Tami Harrison &
Amy Faulds.
One of the year's social events was a "Slave and Master" social with Kappa Sigma. The event was a contest to see who could get the highest GPA, and the Theta Betas won.
Delta Upsilon Duke U.
The Delta Upsilon Chapter at Duke U. held its fourth annual Rock-a-Thon in October to benefit the National Arthritis Foundation, reports Beth McClelland.
Later that month, chapter members donned cowboy hats and boots for an informal dance with a "Wild, Wild West" theme. Other activities have included weekly sisterhood events, such as bowling, movie nights, and class dinners.
Continued on next page.
Summer 1991

Collegiate News . . .
Delta Upsilon
Continued ...
On Founders' Day, the chapter
hosted the AOII chapters from Elon College and East Carolina U .
While taking part in these activities, chapter members maintained the highest GPA of any sorority on campus.
Spring semester began with a two week rush period. The chapter's quota was increased by ten pledges this year, so chapter members have been busy with a large pledge class.
Other spring activities have included a V alentine's semi-formal, Greek W eek, a pledge formal, initiation, and a toast to graduating seniors. The chapter held an alcohol awareness seminar during Greek W eek. The seminar featured a guest speaker and a non-alcoholic drink competition.
Lambda Chi LaGrange College
The Lambda Chi Chapter at LaGrange College won several awards at the 1990 Honors Day, including best organization on campus and the scholarship award. (See photo on the previous page.)
More recently, the chapter had a big/ little sister team who won scholarships in the Miss Troup County Pageant in January. They are Lynda Doss, who was first runner-up, and Anise Morrison, who was third runner-up. Lynda's scholarship was for $400 and Anise's scholarship was for $200. Lynda is Anise's big sister. Julie Gilmer, an AOII from the Lambda Sigma Chapter (U. of Georgia) won the Miss Troup County title.
Chapter members were pleased to welcome International President Barbara Hunt to the campus last October. It was the first visit from an international president in the chapter's 20 year history. Barbara was accompanied by Rebecca Montgomery, who was Interim Executive Director at that time.
Each quarter LaGrange College gives a scholarship cup to the sorority with the highest GPA. Lambda Chi has been honored with the cup for 28 of the last 33 quarters that the cup has been given.
Zeta Psi chapter's fall rush.
The chapter's GPA is 3.3.
Spring semester has been busy. In
April, the chapter gave a C.O.B. Tea Party and gave out four bids which were accepted. During Greek W eek, the chapter teamed with Delta Tau Delta to present a puppet show and clown act at a local children's center. The quarter ended with the annual Rose Ball.
East CarolinaU.
The Zeta Psi Chapter at East Carolina U. won several awards at last year's Panhellenic Awards Banquet, reports Caroline Haire. These include the chapter excellence award and the most improved scholarship award. Dena Price was honored as the best pledge and Lisa Gale was selected for the leadership excellence award.
Other individual honors include the selection of Melinda Hoffman and Caroline Haire for Order of Omega. Heather Hatch was elected Panhellenic Rush Chairman.
The chapter had a successful fall rush and pledged quota of 34 women. The pledge class raised money for arthritis research, helped with the Special Olympics basketball tournament, and visited nursing home residents.
Initiation was held in February for 24 women.
Philanthropic activities of the chapter have included trick-or-treating for arthritis research, making donations of food and clothing to the Salvation Army, and decorating cookies for a campus big brother-big sister program.
Fund raising has been quite successful. A light bulb sale raised $ 1,400 for redecorating the formal parlor in the chapter house. Bagging books at the university book exchange netted $3,000 and a yard sale/car wash brought in $750.
Chapter members participated in campus activities, including a rape awareness/prevention rally. The chapter had intramural teams in flag football, soccer, volleyball, water polo, softball, and basketball. The chapter won the intramural bowling championship. Jo Brooks was the chapter's representative on the homecoming court.
Other fall activities included parents weekend and participatiing in a joint Founders' Day celebration with the Delta Upsilon and Epsilon Chi Chapters, which was held at Duke U.
Chapter members welcomed Amanda Brewer as chapter adviser, Beth Neesy as pledge adviser, and Cheryl Stephenson as financial adviser. The chapter enjoyed visits from Regional Director Barbara Lansford and Regional Finance Officer Eleanor Holz.
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and Tracey Hobbes. Diana is a swimmer; the other women are on the golf team.
Phi Upsilon Purdue U.
The Phi Upsilon Chapter at Purdue U. ended rush by pledging 38 women, reports Karen Reynolds. Carri Ashworth served as rush chairman and Sieglinde Mueller was her assistant.
In October, Kelli Cooke was in charge of the chapter's philanthropic activity with Phi Kappa Sigma. The joint project was a haunted house which raised money for the Lafayette Food Bank.
Kelly Bartee, philanthropic chairman, successfully organized the annual Singing Valentine Program, earning about $500 for arthritis research. Lynn Spencer organized the chapter's support for U.S. troops; this activity consisted of sending valentine postcards.
Spring events included the pledge dance, University Sing W eekend, and Grand Prix Weekend.
Cam W atts, past chapter president, is chief justice on the Greek Judicial Board. She was also instrumental in the adoption and implementation of the Greek alcohol policy, which was jointly written by the Panhellenic Association and the Interfraternity Council. This new policy was the subject of an article in the New York Times on February 3, 1991.
Theta Psi members, from left, Jennie Ribley & Tract Hershberger are pictured with Jana Davis,
chapter consultant.
Theta Psi U. of Toledo
The Theta Psi Chapter at the U. of Toledo pledged quota of 36 last fall. Jennie Ribley was rush chairman.
Michelle Falor was Panhellenic assistant rush chairman and Trade Gaia, Kristen Rawn, Jennifer Stewart, and Gayle Bruno were rush counselors. Karen Zedaker, Kathleen Dunn, Carol Golias, and Renee Feldstein were pledge camp counselors.
Chapter members are proud of their new house which opened in September. It houses over 30 women.
Theta Psi was represented in homecoming 1990 by Renee Medvik and Kathleen Dunn. The chapter, with the men of Kappa Delta Rho, received third place in the float parade.
"AOII Pennies Plus," a new philanthropic project, raised $1,000 for arthritis research.
In January, the chapter initiated 25 women.
Individual honors include four members being selected for Order of Omega. They are Trade Gaia, Cathy Graham, Renee Feldstein, and Jennifer Kidd. Last spring, Renee Medvik was selected for the Blue Key National Honor Fraternity. Cathy Grams was selected SOAR Parent Advisor, and Jennifer Stewart was chosen for "Who's Who Among American College Students."
Chapter members participating in Panhellenic activities include Carol Golias, who was chosen 1991 pledge camp director, and Shelley Syroney, 1991 Panhellenic assistant rush chairman. Renee Feldstein is Panhellinic secretary. Seven other chapter members serve on Panhellenic committees.
Theta DePauw U.
For the members of the Theta Chapter at DePauw U., spring means the Little 500 Bicycle Race, reports Jennifer Hartpence. Defending champions, Lynn Marquez, Jen Danielewicz, Sonja Speidel, Shannon Johnston, Julie Miltenberger, Jami Veneklasen, and Ahren Ewbank, have been practicing since January.
Another spring competition was the Cyclerama Sing, and as To Dragma went to press, chapter members were hoping to bring home the winner's trophy for the fourth straight year.
Theta initiated 22 women in March, following an Inspiration W eek that was both fun and thought provoking. Many of the new initiates were included in the chapter's total of 17 members who made the dean's list.
Chapter members raised money by sponsoring an "AO-Pie-in-your-face" booth at the university's spring carnival. Theta also sponsored two Special Olympic women's basketball teams, hosting them at the chapter house and supporting their efforts on the court.
Theta members are busy across campus. They include Margie Lawyer, Senior Winter Term Project Leader; Jen Doyle, WGRE Program Director; Kathy Lester, Sarah Mannon, Angie Britton and Jennifer Hartpence, DePauw newspaper editors; and Anne Hunter, convener of the Coalition for Women's Concerns. Andrea Smith recently received an award for excellence in student teaching.
Theta varsity athletes having successful seasons include Diana Turner, Jane Crandall, Joy Rowe, Ellen Royse,
This is the end of the Region IV reports. Region V begins with the report from Epsilon Omega on the next page.
Summer 1991

Collegiate News...
Epsilon Omega Eastern Kentucky U.
Lalania Goodman, Miss Lambuth 1991
with her annual neighborhood Halloween party. Chapter members also helped at the Gamma Beta Phi Halloween carnival for the children of Jackson. In December, chapter members helped wrap gifts at a local mall, and the money they earned was donated to arthritis research.
Spring semester began with the initiation of 12 new members. In February, the chapter elected new officers for the 1991-92 school year. During March, the chapter started a new fund raiser called M r . Greek, which involved members of each fraternity on campus competing for the title of Mr. Greek.
In March the chapter placed third in All-Sing. Following All-Sing, a parents' tea was held. A faculty tea to honor the Lambuth faculty and staff was held in April. Other spring events included the Rose Ball and a new fund raiser for cancer. This fund raiser was a "Sack Groceries for Cancer" campaign to raise money for cancer research.
Chapter members are proud of Lalania Goodman, who is "Miss Lambuth 1991." She will compete in the 1991 Miss Tennessee Pageant.
Tau Omega Transylvania U.
The Tau Omega Chapter at Transylvania U. in Lexington, KY started the spring semester with pledge week, which included movies in the chapter room, the pledge banquet, and inspiration
night. Initiation was held on January 13. Chapter members have been active in philanthropy. They recently sponsored a child to help provide her with a way to attend school and be cared for properly. During the Christmas season they sponsored two needy families in the Lexington area, providing them with food and gifts. In February, the chapter held a V alentine cookie decorating party and played "W in, Lose, or Draw" with the children at the Shriner's Hospital. Other events were a visit to the Lexington Manor Nursing Home and a walk for Multiple
Three personal development
programs were held this year on the following topics: alcohol awareness, self- defense, and date rape.
A chapter retreat was held the week after initiation to further encourage friendship between the new initiates and the old initiates. Chapter members attended the Founders' Day celebration at the Hyatt Hotel. International President Barbara Hunt was a special guest. Members also attended the State Day, which was held at Western Kentucky U.
On campus, the chapter has been active in the President's Campus Security Council and in Greek W eek. Susan Marine served as Greek Week Chairman. Other campus activities have included intramural volleyball and basketball.
Individual honors include the selection of Beth W alker and Jill Stratton for membership in Order of Omega. Jill was also named Greek Woman of the Year.
Tau Omicron
U. of Tennessee, Martin
Terri Conlee reports that the Tau Omicron Chapter at the U. of Tennessee- Martin has had an exciting and rewarding year. Chapter members participated in campus and community activities, held fund raising events, and received many honors and awards.
The year began with a rush retreat in July at the Wilson World Hotel in Jackson, Tennessee. The hard work paid off when the chapter met quota with 35 pledges in August.
The Epsilon Omega Chapter at Eastern Kentucky U. had a successful fall rush and pledged quota with 20 women, reports Debra Locker.
The chapter won several sports awards, including first place in beta football, first place in intramural football, and second place in intramural volleyball.
During Greek W eek the chapter received the most improved chapter award. The chapter also won first place in Greek W eek participation, third place in philanthropy, and third place in Greek Sing. The fall pledge class received the award for the best sorority pledge class and the award for the best new member into the Greek system went to Tammy Gee.
The chapter had a spring pledge class of ten women. Two of them hold offices in Junior Panhellenic; A m y Lowman is vice president, and Missy Meenach is secretary.
Individual leadership activities include Marsha Whatley who serves as Student Senate President, and Tammy Gee, who is Panhellenic Vice President and Student Senate Delegate. Order of Omega members include Allison Allgier, Sue Beischel, Lynn Sims, and Krista Stuntz. Tara Harlow had the lead in Eastern Kentucky U.'s fall production of "She Stoops to Conquer."
Omega Omicron Lambuth College
Omega Omicron Chapter at Lambuth College has had eventful fall and spring semesters, reports Liza Brown. The fall semester began with a successful rush during September. Then in October, several members dressed up as witches, ghosts, and monsters to aid an elderly lady
To Dragma

Collegiate News..
Tau Omicrons who received service awards are, from left, Rachel Tucker, Gina Salman, Christy Farmer, Elizabeth Tanner, Mary Lisa Phillips, Jill Childress, Lynn Thesing DeDe Dye, & Angie Cox.
After a busy fall, 29 women were initiated in February. A t the banquet following initiation, Rhonda Miller received the best pledge award, and Valerie Harmon, pledge educator, received the active of the year award.
Chapter members were active in campus activities. They placed first in every Greekfest event and retired the spirit trophy. They also won first place in the Phi Sig Follies. Other activities included participating in All Sing, the Panhellenic Council's 15th annual fashion show, Jump Rope for Heart, and intramurals.
Community activities included visiting local nursing homes, assisting with the Crimestoppers Fashion Show, and participating in the Adopt-A-Highway project. A t Christmas the chapter adopted an underprivileged family and invited them to the lodge for a party and gifts.
At the annual Panhellenic banquet in March, the chapter received several awards. Nine members were chosen for University Service Awards. They are Rachel Tucker, Gina Salman, Christy Farmer, Elizabeth Tanner, Mary Lisa Phillips, Jill Childress, Lynn Thesing, DeDe Dye, and Angie Cox. The chapter placed first in scholarship with a 3.02 G P A and first in the sorority sports division.
This year was a special one for Tau Omicron as members and alumnae celebrated the chapter's 25th anniversary. The festivities included an open house and
a banquet, followed by a dance.
Spring events included a visit from
Regional Director Casey Davis, the annual senior send-off, the Miss W eakley County Pageant, and the Red Rose Formal.
Chapter members volunteered for a day to participate in the Child Protect Race in November. Panhellenic sponsored the race, and the proceeds went to benefit abused children.
Sigma Delta members and alumnae celebrated the chapter's 15th anniversary at the annual Founders' Day banquet at the Montgomery Country Club in January. Lis Donaldson, Executive Board Director, was the featured speaker. A t the banquet Tish Middleton was named "model pledge" and Laney Olvey was named "rosey pledge." Sigma Delta's president, Susan Brubaker, was selected the active of the year.
Chapter members performed a skit at the Alabama State Day in January. They enjoyed visiting with International President Barbara Hunt and getting to know other AOII sisters.
Philanthropic activities have included collecting grocery receipts for the "Computer in Our Schools" campaign. So far, the chapter has collected $5,000 worth of receipts. Another service activity was writing letters to soldiers serving in the Persian Gulf. This activity was led by Sarah Manikas and Tish Middleton.
The sisters of Sigma Delta were proud to see Mary Shea Buchanan crowned the 1991 homecoming queen. Other members on the homecoming court were Mary Mitchell, Susan Brubaker,
Continued on next page
Summer 1991
Sigma Delta Huntingdon College
Sigma Delta Chapter at Huntingdon College had a successful rush with 17 pledges, reports Tish Middleton.
Under the guidance of Pledge Educator Mary Shea Buchanan, the pledge class organized a campus service project to help beautify the campus. Flowers were planted in front of the dining hall.

Collegiate News . . .
Sigma Delta
Jennifer Grundy, Pam Baker, Kimberly Keefer, Mary Jayne Wells, Heather Andreae, Lauren Olvey, Martha Tendall, and Mary McGuffey. Another sister, Amy Peterson, was selected MissHuntingdon 1990. Three other chapter members who placed among the top contenders in that pageant were Lauren Olvey, Kimberly Keefer, and Laura Fedoroft.
Six chapter members were inducted into Tri-Sigma Honorary. They are Pamela Baker, Susan Brubaker, Mary Buchanan, Jennifer Grundy, Mary Mitchell, and Laura Parrott. These same women were also included in Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges. Jodi Theil is presently the secretary of the Student Government Association.
Sigma Delta has the second highest GPA of all organizations on campus. They are also helping the admissions office by volunteering to be host for prospective students.
Philanthropic activities this past year have included selling "Goulie Grams" during Halloween, collecting clothes for the children at the Sunshine Center, taking food and toiletries to the families of the National Guard, and holding a "stick up for arthritis" in the dorms.
Tau Delta Birmingham-Southern
Amy Dixon reports that the Tau Delta Chapter at Birmingham-Southern College has been busy with 1990-91 activities. The chapter met quota during fall rush and pledged 18 women, all of whom were initiated in February of '91.
"Mr. Hilltopper," an annual fund raiser for arthritis research, was held in the fall. Fraternities and sororities performed skits based on the theme "TV. Tunes" and sponsored a male to represent their organization to compete for the title of "Mr. Hilltopper."
Chapter members are looking forward to the completon of their new town house, which is scheduled for August 1991, just in time for fall rush. Since the
Zeta Pi cheerleaders & Golden Girls are
from left, standing, Wendy Bearden, Anita Griffis, Pam Updegraff
Lori Freeman, Cindy Wooten; standing, from
left, Mary Elizabeth Smith, Betsy Fulmer,
spring of 1990, Tau Delta has been raising money to make the town house a reality.
Everything "came up roses" for Tau Delta during the spring of '91 as chapter members placed first in the annual Panhellenic March Flower Sale. Each sorority sold spring flowers to raise money for furniture to be used for the new town houses.
A highlight each spring is the Panhellenic Picnic, sponsored by Tau Delta. Each chapter member invites another Greek woman or an independent woman to the picnic at a local park.
Other spring activities included the annual Parent-Daughter Luncheon, Greek Week, and a spring party.
Tau Delta members, from left,
Jodi Tucker, Holly Hall, Kitty Collier, Haley Wilson, & Kim Wimmer are pictured at the annual
Christmas party.
Zeta Pi
U.of Alabama,
Zeta Pi Chapter at the U. of Alabama in Birmingham is proud of its rush success. An informal rush in spring 1990 brought in seven new pledges. Summer rush workshops helped members gear up for fall rush, and the chapter met quota with 26 new pledges. Zeta Pi initiated 99% of the pledge class.
Zeta Pi held a Casino Night to raise money for arthritis research. Philanthropic Chairman Kelley Mitchell organized the
& Jenny
To Dragma

Collegiate News...
event with help from AOIIs at Birmingham-Southern College. The mock casino consisted of card games, roulette, and bingo. Music was provided by two acoustical guitar players, and the finale was an auction of items donated by local merchants.
In late December, a big sister/little sister Christmas party was held at the home of Cindy and Jenny W ooten.
Zeta Pi has recently become active in intramural sports, competing in flag football, soccer and basketball.
W endy Goff is the new Panhellenic president, and Gabrielle Hayes is the new secretary. Mary Elizabeth Smith has become a Birmingham Fire cheerleader for the World League of American Football. She was selected from 50 women. Junie Pilleteri was selected "Miss UAB Homecoming." Junie was also the first alternate in the Miss UAB Pageant in November. She is involved in SGA, Student Recruiters, and was a Golden Girl.
During homecoming, Zeta Pi's held a "Float Party" at the home of Jenny and Missy Sims. A sisterhood night was held at UAB's Homecoming Kick-off Party. Signs and banners filled the campus with AOII homecoming spirit. The western theme was carried out by Zeta Pi's dressed as cowgirls or Indians for the parade. The float placed third out of ten entries.
Zeta Chapter members live it up at their Saturday Night
^ ^ ^ ^
U. of Nebraska
Zeta Chapter at the U . of Nebraska has been busy as usual this year, reports Beth Rickertsen. The chapter held its annual "Hoop-it" event in April. "Hoop- it" is a campus-wide basketball tournament, and all the proceeds go to benefit arthritis research.
Individual honors include Cathy Costello's selection as one of ten students in the United States to receive an M G M internship. Kristin Ticknor produces the weekend news at a local television station, and Wendy Royal was selected to be a page for the Nebraska legislature's 1991 spring session. Lauri Gengenbach and Leigh Ann Eickhoff were selected as members of Mortar Board. Gretchen Market was selected as a new member of the Student Alumni Association. Valerie Weiseneth received the Gamma Gamma award for their contribution to the campus Greek system. Beth Rickertsen was elected president of Phi Chi Theta
Continued on next page.
Theta Chi Morningside College
Summer 1991
Fever party.
Theta Chi Chapter at Morningside College doubled in size last fall with the initiation of six new members. Chapter members welcomed Marsha Newman, their new chapter adviser.
Chapter members looked forward to the addition of the AOII Hall in Dimitt, and they had a great time painting the hall during formal rush.
Following a successful rush, Theta Chi pledged six new members. The chapter also welcomed the initiation of four new members.
Fall events included Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF and a pumpkin raffle with proceeds going to the Arthritis Foundation during SHEAF week. The women of Theta Chi also enjoyed barnball and "Christmas Cozy."
With the second pledge class underway in February, Theta Chi's look forward to the initiation of nine new members next September.
Theta Chi celebrated its 25th anniversary on March 17,1991. The event was a big success thanks to the planning of Michelle Johansen, anniversary chairman. Guest speakers included Carol Pardun, a charter member, Theresa Engle, a past president, and Lisa Huster, current president. The chapter looks forward to future contact with alumnae.
Spring plans include the spring formal, rush workshops, and the beginning of a new alumnae newsletter.
Members of Theta Chi serving on Panhellenic Council include K i m Lennon, vice president; Michelle Johansen, treasurer; and Lunda W alter,
Panhellenic member.

Zeta Continued...
business honorary, and Stephanie Kittridge was accepted into Psi Chi, a psychology honorary.
In recent student government elections, Karen Jackson, Kristi Bowe, Krista Langemeier, and Jackie Beck were elected to the Student Advisory Boards of their colleges.
homecoming court. Etta Stegall, Kim Davis, and Mindy Speer have represented the chapter on campus in the Student Government Association.
Debbie Gonzalez & Christine Peyton at
disappeared. Upsilon Lambdas and Lambda Chi's got together for a "Hawaiian Luau" and played volleyball.
The second annual Great Greek Extravaganza, Upsilon Lambda's charity banquet, was held for all the Greeks on campus. With dinner, a slide show, a raffle, and music by San Antonio's hottest local band, the event was great fun. Upsilon Lambda was honored to have Chapter Consultant Tracie Miller attend. Ryan Wilson was chairman of the event.
The women of Upsilon Lambda sold Cokes at Bestfest to raise money. On Halloween, they got dressed up and went trick or treating for arthritis research. A spring service activity was making Easter baskets for a local school. Lisa Morrissey organized that activity.
To keep in good spirits with all the other sororities on campus, chapter members attended an all sorority ice cream social sponsored by Alpha Sigma Alpha. The chapter's annual fall retreat was held at pledge Heather Carter's house in Canyon Lake.
Upsilon Lambdas won four awards at the biannual Panhellenic Scholarship Banquet. The awards were: the chapter with the highest G P A ; the chapter with the most improved GPA; and individual awards to Julie Jasper and Patty Casillas for having the highest overall GPAs.
Debra Degaish was the chapter's representative in homecoming court.

Sigma Omicron Arkansas State U.
Sigma Omicron Chapter at Arkansas State U . initiated 19 pledges in February and six additional women are scheduled for initiation this summer. A new chapter adviser has been installed. She is Donna Durham, a Sigma Omicron alumna, who will replace Carolyn Wyatt. Carolyn, the chapter adviser for the past 16 years, will now serve as a Regional Director in Region VIII.
The chapter's annual Rock-A-Thon raised approximately $700 for arthritis research. Sigma Omicron held its 41st annual Songfest in April with the funds also going to arthritis research. Other spring events included the spring banquet and the mother-daughter banquet.
Chapter members helped other campus Greek organizations by participating in their philanthropic events, such as Tau Kappa Epsilon's Fingerbowl and PiKappaAlpha'sLOTOlympics.
Tommie Leigh McClendon, former chapter president, was named to the
Upsilon Lambda's Great Extravaganza
Upsilon Lambda U. of Texas,
San Antonio
To Dragma
The Upsilon Lambda Chapter at the U. of Texas at San Antonio gained 19 new pledges last fall and six more in the spring, reports A m y W augh and Cindy Mendoza.
Once fall rush was over, several anxious brides married men of Alpha Tau Omega at the AOII/ATO "Wacky W edding."
Debra DeGaish, public relations chairman, and several other chapter members gave faculty members "goodies" toshowappreciationfortheworkdone by the professors.
Before fall's warm weather
»«msH T C O L U M B IA A L B E R T A S A S K A T C H E W A N
. «0*|-*WA
Region IX begins with the report from the Upsilon Chapter on the next page.

On bid day, the Lambda Beta Chapter welcomed a new pledge class with a boat cruise of the Long Beach harbor. Upsilon
U. of Washington
The Upsilon Chapter at the U.of Washington came in fourth overall in Greek W eek activities this spring, reports Valerie Duncan.
Chapter members have been busy with a variety of activities this spring. They participated in a volleyball tournament, and they helped answer the phones during the recent Arthritis Foundation telethon. They have also been busy informally rushing. The chapter is proud to have pledged quota following formal rush last fall.
Some of the sisters are active in athletics. These include four women who are on the school's rowing team which will participate in the Pacific Coast Championships. They are Susie Lueck, Diane Lueck (Susie's sister), Linda Crescenzi, and Megan Gillespie. Four Upsilon sisters, Carissa Seward, Shelly Pascoe, Tami Matthewson, and Celia Willis, are members of the U. of Washington women's track team.
Colleen Macaulay and Shawna Thrasher were selected for membership in Pi Omicron Sigma, an honorary which is limited to two members from each sorority on campus. The women are chosen on the basis of grades, leadership, and campus activities.
Lambda Beta California State U.,
Long Beach
Julie Romo reports that the Lambda Beta Chapter at California State U. at Long Beach had an active school year, highlighted by rush in the fall and initiation in January.
In September, the chapter hosted its second annual AOII "Greek Row" at Los Alamitos Bay in Long Beach. The event consisted of numerous contests, including a rowing competition. Twelve fraternities participated and $1,600 was raised for arthritis research.
Another philanthropic event was "CSULB Rocks" to raise money for AIDS research. At least one member of the
chapter had to be rocking in a chair during this two day event and the only time to switch people was on the hour. Other fall events included Dad's Day, homecoming, and helping with a day camp's Halloween party.
In November the chapter sponsored AOII "Pie Night" for women from the other sororities on campus. They were invited to come to the AOII house for a slice of pie. This event helped further good relations with the other sororities. Later that evening, the pledges took the initiated members to a skating rink which had been rented for the night. The pledges planned the party and everyone agreed that it was one of the best sisterhood events in memory.
Andrea Minor was elected Panhellenic Vice President in the December Panhellenic election.
Founders' Day was celebrated with local alumnae and three other collegiate chapters, Chi Psi, Lambda Iota, and Sigma Phi. At a rush workshp later that day, chapter members were surprised and honored by a visit from International President Barbara Hunt.
In March, chapter members enjoyed a visit from Chapter Consultant Sally Rowell.
A chapter service project is the Door
Continued on next page
Summer 1991

Collegiate News . . .
Lambda Beta
of Faith orphanage in Mexico. Members donated canned foods and candy, and they decorated Easter eggs which were sent to the children there. Another spring event was the chapter's third annual Hypnotist Show. The proceeds went to arthritis research. This event drew Greeks, campus alumnae, and local people. The show featured a professional hypnotist and comedian.
Other spring events were Greek Week, a Mom's Day brunch, and Inspiration Week for the spring pledges.
Theta Omega Northern Arizona U.
The Theta Omega Chapter at Northern Arizona U . began the fall semester by pledging quota of 40 women, reports Julie Hosier. Four additional pledges were added during spring rush.
Chapter members were excited to move into the new NAU Greek housing, Mt. View Dorm. This building holds all the fraternities and sororities. About 60 members from each chapter are housed there, and each group has its own chapter room.
Fall events included a homecoming breakfast and open house, a "blind date" dance, a chapter retreat, and a Nintendo tournament to raise money for arthritis research. Philanthropic events have included renovating the Flagstaff W omen's Shelter, helping with the American Cancer Society Jail-a-Thon, and assisting in the American Heart Association's block program.
Spring activities included a "Barn Bash" dance, Greek Week, and junior/ senior week.
Three chapter members were selected for Order of Omega. They are Shelle Roller, Lisa Koppleman, and Adair Nelson.
Pamela Crews, left, with Susan Donald
Lambda Tau honors alumnae advisers
Lambda Tau Chapter at Northeast Louisiana U . joined with other Greek groups on campus last September to honor their chapter advisers at the joint Interfraternity Council/Panhellenic Council Chapter Advisers Reception.
During the event, Susan Donald, chapter adviser, Grace Cascio, financial adviser, and Carol Robinson, membership adviser, were presented with red roses from the chapter.
Attention Chapter Reporters:
The next To Dragma deadline is July 1, 1991. Reports are due then from the following chapters: Region I:Beta Tau, Chi Delta; Region II:Beta Delta, Delta Chi; Region III: Alpha Lambda, Chi Beta; Region IV: Alpha Psi, Beta Gamma, Beta Phi, Chi Lambda; Region V: Alpha Beta Tau, Alpha Chi, Delta Omega; Region VI: Alpha Delta, Delta Delta, Gamma Delta; Region VII: Alpha Theta, Beta Lambda, Iota; Region VIII: Chi Delta, Delta Alpha, Delta Pi; Region IX: Alpha Gamma, Alpha Phi; Region X: Chi Alpha,
Chi Psi, Delta Sigma.
A Oils
taking part in the U. of
Convocation 1991 are, from left, Debbie
Brummit, Tracey
Montgomery, Toni Morgan & Mary
O'Ryan. The meeting was for Greek
officers & alumnae.
To Dragma

1990-91 scholarship winners.
Continued from page 7.
Five scholarships were awarded for graduate studies.
honorary, Omicron Delta Kappa honorary, Phi Beta Kappa scholastic honorary and the Search Advisory Council. Lisa is the law school Honor Council class representative.
Senior Greek Woman. She has been a coordinator and lecturer with the Human Development Program at Vanderbilt U. She plans to return to the academic environment after earning her doctorate.
Shelly Y vonne Sharp received the Helen Haller Award. Shelly has used the award for law school at the U. o f Missouri, Columbia. She plans to finish this year. She
was a charter
Alpha Chapter, U . of Missouri- Columbia, and served as its first president. As an alumna, she has served as a chapter adviser, corporation board member and a member of the Columbia/Jefferson City Alumnae Chapter. Shelly hopes to practice law in Kansas City, MO.
Melinda Ann Parisi is attending the U. o f Pennsyl- vania, seeking a masters de- gree in educa- tion. As a member of Be- ta Delta Chap- ter, Villanova U., she was
Maribeth Coller Schlict- man is finish- ing her doctor- ate in account- ing at Indiana U. A graduate oftheU.of Florida, she was a member of Gamma
member of the Delta
song leader and fund raising chairman. Melinda was a member of Psi Chi honor society, Panhellenic rush counselor, a yearbook staff member and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi honor societies.
Chapter. Her activities and honors included Phi Eta Sigma freshman honor society, Phi Kappa Phi honor society. Beta Gamma Sigma business honorary, and Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternity. She was a university host. Maribeth earned her MBA from Emory U. in 1985. As an alumna, she has served as a rush and chapter adviser for Beta Phi Chapter.
Ilk -• M
Sally Eliza- beth Ammon is attending Vanderbilt U.'s School of Medicine. A n August 1990 graduate of Indiana U., she was a member of the Beta Phi Chapter where
Mary Anne Harbolick is studying at the U. of Virginia to become a teacher. A 1990UVgrad- uate, the Chi Beta member was pledge
class secretary,
Julie Anne Elsenohn is studying law attheU.of Puget Sound, Tacoma,WA. She earned her bachelor's de- gree at Wash- ington State U . Her offices at Alpha Gamma
she served as vice president/pledge educator, scholarship chairman, and a member of several committees. A t Indiana U . she was named the Most Outstanding Greek Woman for 1989 and was a member of Golden Key honor society. Sally hopes to specialize in pediatric neurology.
Lisa Kay
McClelland is
Vanderbilt U .
Law School. A
member of
Kappa Omi-
cron Chapter,
College, she
served as chap-
ter philan-
thropic chairman, corresponding secretary and administrative vice president. Her university honors included Mortar Board senior service
and an admin- istrative vice president. She served as a house director for Chi Beta Chapter in 1989-90 and later the chapter's co- adviser and alumnae relations adviser.
Mary Anne has also been a corporation board member.
Three alumnae were also awarded $1,000 scholarships.
Summer 1991
grees from
Vanderbilt U .
and was president of her chapter. Nina was an Honor Council member, freshman resident adviser, Mortar Board member, Omicron Delta Kappa member and was named Outstanding
Nina Cham- bers Martin is studying at Harvard U.'s Graduate School of Edu- cation. She earned her bachelor's and masters de-
Chapter included president, public relations officer and scholarship chairman. She was a member of Order of Omega Greek honorary, her college yearbook division editor, and a member of Women in Communications, Inc. She served as chapter relations and chapter adviser for Chi Delta Chapter.
U. of Maryland
Pi Deltas
If you are interested in Homecoming '91 Tailgate activities (scheduled for October 26th), please contact Robin
King at . (301)972-2971 details.
for more

Alumnae Chapter News
are pictured
with memorabilia
at "AO-Pride
The beginning of the 1990s was a time of growth and activism for the \ Cleveland Area Alumnae Chapter, reports Chris Sementelli. The chapter's 1990 year began with the annual Founders' Day brunch, followed by the second annual "AO-Pride Night" in February. Members enjoyed reminis-
cing about their college days.
"Spring Training" was the theme of another meeting which featured a local doctor who spoke to the chapter about a high fiber diet. This spring "renewal" time was also used to assist the Arthritis Foundation.
During the summer hiatus, the chapter regrouped with family and friends to tour Lake Erie on the "Goodtime II." Autumn brought the annual "Salad Night" and a time to get reacquainted. October was "Games Night" with fun and fierce competition among those attending. The program for November was about rape prevention. The director of a local rape crisis center was the speaker. The year ended with the annual "Make it, Bake it, Grow it, Sew it" Auction. Profits from the auction are used for philanthropy. During the holidays, members and their families toured the downtown together to see the Christmas light displays.

yearbooks, photo albums, formal favors and other memorabilia to share with each other.
A Rose Tea was planned for June to solicit new members. Any area alumnae interested in joining the chapter or desiring more information are invited to contact Ann McGlinchey at (516) 968-5776.
Long Island
Ann McGlinchey reports that the Long Island Alumnae Chapter welcomed six new members this year: Nancy Elliott, Nancy Francis, Bonnie Gatz, Gail Hoffman, Karyn Stevenson, and Fradell W einstein.
The chapter's October meeting included an unusual fund raiser—the premier of Mary Kay Cosmetics new holiday line. In addition to the sisters getting an early start on their holiday shopping, part of the profits were donated to the chapter. Chapter members ended their fall agenda by celebrating Founders' Day at a local restaurant. An AOII Nostalgia Party took the chill out of January. Sisters brought pledging mementos, college
Gina Krupa Shaw, Macomb County
Macomb County
It certainly was a "Merry Christmas" for the members of the Macomb County Alumnae Chapter of Michigan, reports Gina Shaw. Over $1,500 was raised at the chapter's annual Christmas Auction. Handcrafted items for the auction are made and donated by the sisters, and family and friends are invited for a delightful evening of friendship and fun. Continued on next page.
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Long Island alumnae at their Founders' Day luncheon are, from left, Ann McGlinchey, Gail Hoffman, Ginny Llewellyn, Nancy Francis, Karyn Stevenson Nancy Elliot, Pam Thomas & Dolly Kalberer.

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Since the first auction in 1964, the crowds have grown so large that the event has had to be moved from members' homes. As guests arrive, they are served punch and hors d'oeuvres, and they have time to look over the auction items. At the end of the evening, coffee and dessert are served.
From the first auction which brought in $30, the profits have grown every year. The money goes to support both local charities and AOII philanthropies.
Vicki Krystowiak reports that activities in the Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter have been moving along briskly with some new activities rounding out the calendar year.
In September the chapter hosted a "Pot Luck on the Run" dinner for alumnae and Phi Delta collegians. Alumnae and collegians teamed together in four different groups with a predetermined amount of money and a set time to return with a portion of the dinner. The teams were assigned to get hors d'oeuvres, entree, salad, or dessert. It was interesting to see what the teams brought back.
A popular meeting in October was a mini-makeover session presented by a local hair salon. Founders' Day was celebrated in January with Judy Flessner, Regional Vice President, as a special guest. Chapter member Kris Maegli was honored by her sisters for her outstanding achievement in her
professional career. Kris received the Miller Brewery's President's award for excellence.
In March the Milwaukee chapter met and mingled with the Chicago Lake County Alumnae Chapter for a luncheon and an afternoon of making new friends. International President Barbara Hunt attended this "first of a kind" event.
In April, the chapter held a couples theater party and reception fund raiser. AOIIs, spouses, and guests attended the Neil Simon play " I Oughta Be in Pictures" at a local Playhouse, followed by a party. Entrance to the party was gained via tickets purchases from AOIIs. Beverages were donated by Continued on next page.
Hammond Alumnae/Kappa Tau score PR victory with sign!
The Hammond Alumnae Chapter and the Kappa Tau Chapter at South- eastern Louisiana U. had an unusual public relations idea. Kappa Tau President Stacey Allain explains:
"Every year Kappa Tau holds its Founders' Day banquet at Murphy's Seafood Resturant. Phil Graziano, owner of the restaurant and the father of a Kappa Tau, is a member of the Southeastern Louisiana U . Baseball Booster Club.
"SLU was in dire need of stadium lights to enable the university to have night games, but had no way to pay for these lights. It was decided to build a fence around the baseball field made of steel advertisement signs that would be 7 feet high and 18 feet long.
"Mr. Graziano explained SLU's situation to us after one of our banquets. The sign would cost $2,000 for a two year lease. This price included the design of the sign and its maintenance for the two year period.
"We decided to help. The Hammond Alumnae and the Kappa Tau Chapters shared the cost, and the bright, cardinal-red sign was completed.
"The Kappa Tau/Hammond Area Alumnae baseball sign is located in right field directly across from the student section.
"We are proud to say we are the only Greek organization on campus with a sign. There is only one other campus organization with a sign, the Student Government Association.
"The sign caught the attention of area alumnae, and many have become active in AOII again. We have had inquiries from organizations from as far away as New Orleans asking for assistance with public relations events. On campus, we were asked to take charge of creating and decorating a student section for the homecoming game.
"Each season we have the lease, we have one home game dedicated to the Hammond Area & Kappa Tau Chap- ters. This always falls on the same day as Kappa Tau's Rose Ball, and we end the day with a barbecue, followed by
the Rose Ball.
"Our first game was a huge success!
Erica Clark, the National Arthritis Poster Child, who is from Louisiana, came to the game to throw out the game ball. She wore an SLU baseball jacket and an AOII baseball cap. WRBZ, Channel 2, from Baton Rouge, LA, provided a hot air balloon tofly over the field with an AOII banner attached toit.
"The sign has been an excellent public relations tool, and we plan to continue leasing it for a long time."
^ Hammond
Summer 1991
Tau f%A-4 J Area Chaptery ^Alumnae
Welcome Xou to S.L.U.
The Alpha Omicron Pi welcome sign at the baseball field of Southeastern Louisiana University. f

Alumnae News...
local businesses and chapter members supplied snacks and desserts. The chapter made a handsome sum for arthritis research and a scholarship for a camper to attend a juvenile arthritis summer camp in northern Wisconsin.
Another successful fund raiser was a used book half price sale. Members donated books which were sold for half price, with the money going to the chapter treasury. Those donating books got their bookshelves cleared, those purchasing got bargains, and the treasury got the profit Left over books were taken to a used book store for further profits for the treasury.
The Muncie Alumnae Chapter had its first fall meeting in September at the home of Judy Thornburg, reports Becky Cook Rector. Chapter members met the new pledges at a "Welcome to AOIF party in October.
Dr. Mike Crider, a local derma- tologist, gave a presentation on skin care at the November meeting. On Stella Perry's birthday, Ann Gilchrist, Region IV Vice President, helped the Muncie chapter commemorate its 25 years as a chapter at the Founders' Day celebration at the Radisson Hotel. Outstanding alumnae awards were given to Becky Rector and Becky Ziga.
In February chapter members sold raffle tickets for a local grocery chain and raised $284 for arthritis research. Another February event was a trip to the Muncie Civic Theater with spouses, followed by dessert at Barb and Larry Ottinger's home on Valentine's day.
Spring events included a boutique sale at Nancy Campbell's home. Kappa Kappa seniors were initiated into alumnae status in April at Judy McFarland's home. The May meeting was a dinner out at a local restaurant.
Casey Davis reports that the Nash- ville Area Alumnae Chapter has had a busy year.
In November, the second annual "Lunch at the Merchants" was again a success. A Founders' Day celebration was held in conjunction with the Nu Omicron Chapter at V anderbilt U . , and
more than 100 alumnae and collegians attended.
The new member wine and cheese party was held in January at Inter- national Headquarters in Brentwood. In the cold weather of February, alumnae were offered a spring fashion preview by a local boutique. The March meeting was a dinner in honor of the new AOII pledges at Vanderbilt U. This event provided an opportunity to show these young women that the bonds of AOII extend beyond college.
Chapter members stuffed "survival baskets" in April for the chapter's fund raiser. A salad supper was planned for May.
Northern Kentucky
The Northern Kentucky Alumnae Chapter recently held a successful group yard sale to benefit AOII philanthropies, reports Melissa Ballard. Articles not sold were donated to Goodwill Industries and to AMVETS.
Alumnae Chapter Reporters: The next To Dragma deadline
Piedmont NC
The Piedmont N C Alumnae Chapter began the year with a business meeting and dinner in September. The chapter's year started off with one of its best turnouts ever.
In November, Debbie Harllee hosted a dinner meeting and Christmas orna- ment auction. Each chapter member brought an ornament to auction to other chapter members as a fund raiser.
In February the membership com- mittee focused on recruiting members from area alumnae. The committee sent newsletters and followed these with phone calls inviting alumnae to the next meeting. As a result, the February meeting was a terrific success, with a great turnout of potential members. Jo Ann Harllee was guest speaker, and she talked about "Estate Planning."
Another enjoyable event was the annual Saturday luncheon in Burlington with the Triangle Alumnae Chapter. It was wonderful to see the Triangle members and swap chapter ideas with them. In May, Jane Vondy hosted the fourth annual couples cookout. Epsilon Chi collegians were guests.
The chapter's note card fund raiser continues to be successful. As chapter members prepare to close out the year, they can look back on good times, friendship, and fellowship. They are grateful for Beverly Gass, chapter president, for her leadership and her terrific sense of humor.
The Richmond Alumnae Chapter is in the process of becoming active again. The chapter had a reorganization meeting at Ruth Shorter's home in September. The meeting drew a good crowd and everyone enjoyed getting together and meeting new people. Several meetings have been held, since then, including a Mexican pot luck dinner at Courtney Mays' home in March. The chapter celebrated its 5th anniversary in April
Area alumnae who are interested in getting involved with the Richmond Alumnae Chapter are encouraged to contact Sue Stringfield at 804-739- 3640.
Continued on next page. To Dragma
is July
A wine and cheese party welcomed new members in September. Winter activities included ice skating and an evening at the races, as well as Founders' Day with Alpha Beta T au collegians:
In April, chapter members welcomed the seniors of Alpha Beta Tau Chapter (Thomas More College) into alumnae status with a reception. In June, chapter members volunteered at the Mini Grand Prix sponsored by the local Arthritis Foundation Chapter.
The chapter is planning a "Fami- ly/Friend Picnic" during the summer to
enable members to m eet each husbands, children and friends.

Alumnae News...
Sheri Ott Clay reports that the Rockford Area Alumnae Chapter has participated in several Panhellenic events this year.
These have included a fall social, the "Panhellenic Woman of the Year" luncheon, and a "Bunny Breakfast." The fall social featured a guest speaker on the subject of "Coping with Stress." Around Easter, chapter members donated time and hard work to the "Bunny Breakfast." Other alumnae groups in the area joined together to prepare breakfast for local families. In April, the chapter participated in the "Woman of the Year" luncheon. Patty Rzysky was the chapter's nominee for the title.
Chapter events included a member- ship education night and a Christmas pot luck dinner. Founders' Day was celebrated in January with a luncheon and Ritual. In April, the chapter held its annual Arthritis Tea, with a guest speaker from the local Arthritis Foundation. A Phantom Tea was held as a fund raiser. The year ended with a couples social. Chapter members and spouses enjoyed a "Pride of Rockford" bus ride followed by dinner.
St Louis
The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter has had a busy year.
For the second year, the chapter organized local Panhellenic groups to staff a Christmas gift wrap stand in a local mall. The stand was open during the month of December, and the project raised $7,000 which was donated to various charities. The chapter plans to organize the project again next year.
In November, chapter members held their annual Hobby Auction. Members brought items to be sold and more that $500 was raised. Some of the money went to help furnish Delta Alpha's new house at the University of Missouri.
The annual Founders' Day luncheon was held in January. Chapter members attended a cooking class in February and learned how to make great soups and sandwiches. In April, the chapter held its annual salad supper and installed its new officers. Chapter members spent the May meeting working on centerpieces for the St. Louis Panhellenic Scholarship Lunch- eon. The chapter is hosting that luncheon this year.
San Antonio
The San Antonio Alumnae Chapter got offto a quick and crazy start at the August meeting with a Crazy Card Party and craft auction at the home of Priscilla Allen, Lambda Tau (Northeast Louisiana U.), reports Beth Herford.
In September chapter members splurged at a lingerie party at the home of Leigh Perry McCallum, Upsilon Lambda (U. of Texas, San Antonio) after a busy time helping with rush at the Upsilon Lambda Chapter.
The chapter welcomed new members Toni Anderson, Gamma Delta (U. of South Alabama), and Patty Casitlas, Upsilon Lambda at its wine and cheese party. Five new members were welcomed at the holiday cele- bration at Patricia Gutierrez's home.
Chapter members pitched in to help with the Arthritis Foundation's Haunted House in October. In December they collected "Cents for Arthritis", a month-long fund raiser which benefitted the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation. Founders' Day was celebrated with collegians from Upsilon Lambda, and Grace Cascio, Region VIII Regional Director, was guest speaker. Susan Kelly, Upsilon Lambda, was recognized as the out- standing alumna of the year for her leadership as chairman of Region VIII's Leadership Conference.
Chapter members celebrated spring fever with a shopping spree in Fredericksburg, Texas, an old German village. Another spring activity was joining in the celebration of the centennial of Fiesta, a two-week period honoring the heritage of San Antonio. Other spring plans included a luncheon with recent graduates.
Southern Connecticut
The Southern Connecticut Alumnae Chapter held its annual Founders' Day luncheon at the Norwalk Inn on December 4 where chapter members had fun bidding on baked goods, Christmas gifts, and handmade ornaments. Linda McLaughlin presided as auctioneer and encouraged her sisters to bid high. The event was the chapter's philanthropic fund raiser.
Southern Connecticut alumnae are, back row, from left, J. Young, N. Watson, T. Gionta, C. New, J. Palacy, C. Pulick. L. McLaughlin, B. Hill; front row, from left, E. Furney, N. Moran, A. Smith, N. Lewis, and J. Johns.
Summer 1991

Alumnae News...
From left, Mary Jedyrak, Olga Vatcher, Katie Alkire, Shirley Fritzler, & Angle Brazeal are pictured at a Southern Orange County party.
Alkire, both of whom received appre- ciation awards. Shirley Fritzler received the Ruth McFadden memorial award which honors the sister who best exemplifies Ruth's ideals of service, knowledge, and loyalty to AOII.
State College
Nancy Zendt reports that members of the State College Alumnae Chapter were busy last fall volunteering time and providing food and support for area collegiate chapters during rush.
Founders' Day was celebrated with the Epsilon Alpha Chapter (Pennsyl- vania State U.). Three seniors received the EHA award, which honors Edith Huntington Anderson. Edith played a leading role in the founding of the chapter. The award is given to the woman or women who have made outstanding contributions to the sorority and to the campus, and who have exemplified the ideals of AOII.
Chapter members enjoyed dinner out with spouses in February. In April, the seniors of Epsilon Alpha were treated to a dessert party and inducted into alumnae status.
Last summer, the chapter hosted the Region I I Conference in Williamsport, PA. Anne Rohrback was chairman. The event was attended by 75 AOIIs from Region II.
Tampa Bay
The Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter began the year with a fund raiser featuring children's books, Tupper- ware, and make-up.
In November chapter members held their annual "Make it, bake it, grow it, sew it" sale. A Christmas Tea for Gamma Theta Chapter (U. of South Florida) was held in December.
Spring plans included the chapter's annual Kentucky Derby and family pool parties and a barbecue for Gamma Theta.
The chapter's major project continues to be helping Gamma Theta raise money to build a house on campus at the U . of South Florida. Gamma Theta has been assigned a lot. Con- struction is beginning for the other Greek organizations. Greek housing is a new project by the university, and it is definitely a challenge for a relatively new chapter. The Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter welcomes any contribution or
Southern Connecticut
Continued from page 35.
In addition to its regular quarterly meetings, the chapter held a theater party in the spring and a picnic in the summer. The summer picnic usually inspires a serious croquet match!
Any alumna in Southern Connecticut is invited to attend the next chapter event. Interested sisters should call Janet Johns at (203) 846-3757.
Chapter president Norma Johnstone Lewis writes to inform other AOII sisters of the death of Cicely Hindenach, 71, on March 12, 1991.
Cicely, who was an initiate of the of the Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Pennsyl- vania State U., was a past president of the Southern Connecticut Alumnae Chapter. She was also an active alumna during the time she lived in V an Nuys, California. She moved to Connecticut in 1969.
A fine arts major in college, Cicely painted oils and watercolors for friends. In addition to her service to AOII, she was active in numerous women's ser- vice groups. She sang in the senior choir at First Presbyterian Church in New Canaan. She was also a member of the Country Club of Darien, where she played golf and served on various committees. She was a resident of Wil- ton, Connecticut at the time of her death.
Several AOII sisters have made
contributions to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation in Cicely's memory.
Southern Orange County
Katie Alkire reports that the Southern Orange County Alumnae Chapter is busier than ever.
The chapter began its year with a luncheon at Mary Jedynak's home, where members traded summer stories and got organized for the fall. In October, members donned their favorite costumes for a Halloween party at Jan McGarvey's home.
In November, the chapter held its annual holiday boutique to raise money for AOII philanthropies and its local philanthropy, the Human Options House for abused women and their children. Hand crafted holiday items were donated by the members for the auction. The event raised over $3,000. Pat O'Dell was chairman.
Blanche Chilcote's home, which overlooks Dana Point harbor, was the setting for a Christmas party in December.
In February, the chapter hosted the Southern California Council Founders' Day celebration in Lakewood. Penne Ferrell and Carol Frogue were co- chairmen. A highlight was an inspiring speech by International President Barbara Hunt. Chapter members receiving awards included Pat O'Dell, the AOII recognition award; P.J. Bedgood, the president's appreciation award; and Mary Leight Blek and Judy
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at the meeting, and they also made plans for Founders' Day rose sales.
In December, chapter members worked together to donate gifts and food to two area families who have a total of 12 children. The January meeting was a luncheon. In February, Valentine's Day was celebrated with a wine tasting.
Spring events included an auction and bingo night and, in May, the installation of collegians into alumnae status at sisterhood night.
Topeka- Lawrence
Karen Basey reports that 1990-91 seems to be the "Year of Creativity" for the Topeka-Lawrence Alumnae Chapter. The chapter's most successful event was a dinner meeting to discuss Convention decorations. This was a joint effort among the Topeka- Lawrence Alumnae Chapter, the Kansas City Alumnae Chapter, and the Phi Chapter (U. of Kansas).
The creative mood has continued with the chapter's developing a new boutique item for Convention, a new gift for Phi's graduating seniors, and continuing to make pin boxes for new initiates into the Phi Chapter.
The Triangle Alumnae Chapter in North Carolina has enjoyed a success- ful year, reports Cathy Thompson
Rockermann, Delta Upsilon (Duke U.). The chapter began its 1990-91 year with a cookout and "welcome back" party at the home of Suzanne Inabnit Bowman, Delta Upsilon. Suzanne is a
Regional Director for Region III.
A home decorating demonstration was the program for the October meeting, which was well attended thanks to the efforts of the membership and tele- phone committees.
In November, chapter members enjoyed the annual holiday craft auc- tion at the home of "auctioneer" Laura Harshbarger Coble, Alpha Tau (Deni- son U.). Proceeds from this fund raiser were donated to AOII philanthropies.
In December, chapter members prepared exam goody kits for the sisters of Delta Upsilon Chapter at Duke U . Alumnae solicited orders from parents of the collegians, and the alumnae delivered the kits just in time for final exams. The profits (approximately $250) were donated to AOII philanthropies. Valerie Daye, Pi Delta (U. of Maryland), was chairman.
Founders' Day was celebrated in December at Duke U . with the Piedmont Alumnae Chapter and with the Delta Upsilon, Zeta Psi, and Epsilon Chi collegiate chapters. Regional Rush Officer Mary Ann Stark, guest speaker, encouraged each listener to "bloom where she is planted." The chapter honored Liz Jamisen, Delta Upsilon junior, with the annual junior service award. Suzanne Inabnit Bowman, Delta Upsilon, was Continued on next page.
Valerie Marietta, left, & Georgia Bopp of the Terre Haute Chapter.
Terre Haute
The Terre Haute Alumnae Chapter started the year with an Italian dinner in September, reports Carol Oxford Wetherell. Twenty-one members attended and discussed events for the coming year.
The chapter's holiday talent auction was rejuvenated in November. This event had not been held for several years. Each alumna was asked to donate items for the auction. Over 35 people attended and more that $500 was raised.
At the Founders' Day celebration, Betty Sontag was presented the Certificate of Honor for her dedication to AOII. The chapter's annual V alen- tine brunch in February was held on a Saturday and 23 members and guests attended. During March the pledges from Kappa Alpha Chapter at Indiana State U . were honored by the local alumnae chapter. After playing an ice breaker, the collegians and alumnae had an opportunity to get acquainted over refreshments. Each pledge was presented with a rose pin box to hold her AOII badge.
The Toledo Alumnae Chapter began its 1990-91 year with an upbeat summer luncheon which featured the introduction of many new officers, including Carla Adoline, president, and LeAnn Schoenfelt, vice president.
In October, members enjoyed crafts Summer 1991
Topeka Lawrence alumnae Carolyn Lindsey, left and Phyllis Rolfe work on pin
boxes for Phi initiates.

Alumnae News...
Triangle members, are back row, from
left, Sara Marks, Cathy Rockermann, Mary Ann Stark, Suzanne Bowman, Susan Mattern; seated, from left,
Ruth Valois, and Laura Coble.
Continued. . .
honored with a Certificate of Honor for her many contributions to the alumnae chapter, the collegians of Delta Upsi- lon, and Region III.
In February, the chapter hosted the seniors of Delta Upsilon at a pot luck dinner and welcoming ceremony. In March, chapter members enjoyed the annual joint luncheon meeting with the Piedmont Alumnae Chapter. Friend- ships were renewed and plans for the
1992 Region III Leadership Conference were discussed.
its year in September with a member- ship luncheon at the home of Mary Peterson. Carol Barrow hosted the October Trick-or-Treat for collegians meeting. Members packed boxes of homemade goodies to send to Tulsa collegians at schools around the country.
Lindy Legner hosted the group at her shop, The Silver Needle, where she taught everyone how to make a beaded Christmas ornament. The chapter's Christmas party was held at Judy Rogers' home. Founders' Day, delayed a month because of bad weather, was celebrated with a luncheon at the home of Karen Ravenscroft. Donations for the Domestic Violence Intervention Center were collected.
Karen Revenscroft, Mary Frances Underwood, and Peggy Orr were hostesses for a progressive dinner for members and their husbands. Plans for the rest of the year include a garage sale and a brunch for area collegians. Since 1983, the Tulsa Chapter has sent birthday flowers to every member over the age of 60, using money left to the chapter by Kay DePuy. Kay's gift was to be used to help older members in various ways and to make them feel appreciated.
Mary Shellerston Peterson writes that Neva Conway, a chapter member who has been a resident of a nursing home the last several years, is one of the members who looks forward each
year to her birthday flowers. Neva was initiated into the Phi Chapter at the U. of Kansas in 1920.
Susan Duggins writes that "everything's coming up roses" for the Tucson Alumnae Chapter. Chapter members began their year in a "rush" by helping Upsilon Alpha at the U . of Arizona pledge 45 women.
Fall brought many activities including the chapter's annual charity auction. This year $800 was raised, the highest total ever for this event. Kris Bellafiore was chairman. Chapter members joined with Upsilon Alpha collegians to support El Tour de Tucson. This annual 111-mile bicycle event raises money for the Arthritis Foundation.
Leo Wolf-Martin, who knew several of the Founders was the special guest at the Founders' Day celebration. Leo, who is a member of the Phoenix Alumnae Chapter, entertained with stories about the Founders. The event was attended by collegians from Upsilon Alpha.
April was a busy month for chapter members as they helped with the city Panhellenic luncheon and hosted a visit from Region X Regional Director Bonnie Berger. They also supported Upsilon Alpha's second annual bed races for arthritis research.
The year closed with chapter members welcoming graduating seniors into alumnae status and reminding them that all AOIIs, wherever found, are their sisters. Chapter members could recall serving as sponsors for the seniors as they received colony pins and then their badges.
Marjorie Stevens writes that the Vancouver Alumnae Chapter is busy planning its 60th anniversary. She asks any alumna in the area who is interested in attending or assisting to contact her at 809 Sawcut, Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 4A2, (604) 879-0255.
Anne Mott and Jennifer Carr are coordinating the events, which will include a formal ball and a tea party. The planners would like to have an update on any alumna's activities which will be included in a yearbook.
Chapter members have also been busy with other activities, including
Mary Peterson, left, & Neva Conway
Mary Frances Underwood reports that the Tulsa Alumnae Chapter began
To Dragma

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their annual fashion show which was held at the Van Dusen Gardens. Vicki Dunsford was chairman. AOII models were Anne Mott, Judit Spence, Leslie Johnstone, Lynne Carmichael, Paula Moran, and Louise Grant. The money raised at the show was donated to Canadian Arthritis Research.
Founders' Day was celebrated at the Arbutus Village Recreation Center in January. Fifty-year members were honored.
Another spring activity will be a Harrison Ford Film Festival, which was inspired by the successful Mel Gibson Film Festival of 1990. A spring tea is also planned for a Sunday afternoon of sharing memories.
October brought the return of the "Van Man," who arrived with a truck load of fashionable clothes direct from the Los Angeles garment district. Fitting rooms were set up at the home of Paulette Surdzial and a percentage of the sales proceeds went to the chapter treasury.
The chapter's traditional Christmas ornament exchange was combined with a fund raising holiday cookie sale. Rounding out the group's schedule were game night and travelogue meetings, a pot luck dinner with husbands and friends, and a pool side barbecue. A t each meeting, members donated items for Manna, a local facility for the homeless.
Virginia Tidewater
Kathryn Arn reports that the Virginia Tidewater Alumnae Chapter members enjoy their times together so much that they continue their meetings throughout the summer. In April they went to a beach rental in Nags Head for a long weekend and it was almost as fatiguing as Convention!
The most interesting meeting of the year featured a visit from Karen
Sanchez with her dog Odell. Karen has had arthritis since childhood and is the first person in Virginia to receive a "service dog." She talked about her life with arthritis and how she can do so much more with the help of her service dog. Karen and Odell demonstrated some of the ways the service dog helps. Chapter members worked toward meeting their philanthropic goals by participating in the Arthritis Telethon. They contributed money raised through various activities and acted as hostesses at the local television station.
Washington D.C.
During 1990-91, the W ashington D . C. Alumnae Chapter organized diverse activities to involve as many members as possible in the busy metropolitan area.
The first activity was helping the Pi Delta Chapter with rush, including the progressive dinner. A tailgate party prior to the U. of Maryland home- coming game attracted over 80 AOIIs and spouses in early October. Raffle tickets for the "Gourmet Basket" fund raiser sold well, and the lucky winner at Founders' Day was Toni Brome.
(Continued on next page.)
Robinson were honored at Founders' Day in Southern California.
Ventura County
Nancy Griffiths, president of the Ventura County Alumnae Chapter, received the Lucille Curtis English Award from the Southern California Council in recognition of outstanding service to the council and her chapter, reports Joan Neckerman.
The award was presented at the Southern California Founders' Day celebration. Another award winner was Dorothy Robinson, who received the chapter's Certificate of Honor for her ready acceptance o f challenging tasks.
Chapter members launched their fall season with a salad luncheon followed by a pre-holiday crafts session and an appetizer-tasting exchange.

Summer 1991
left, &
:1 3

From left, Nancy DiPaolo, a Washington D. C. alumna, presents a photo of the Founders to Missy Smith & Brenda Larsen, Pi Deltas (U. of Maryland).

Alumnae News...
Washington D. C.
Founders' Day was celebrated with the members of Pi Delta at their house in College Park. The Washington D.C. Alumnae Chapter presented Pi Delta with an enlarged photograph of three Founders, Stella, Elizabeth and Jesse, which was taken at the 1946 Convention. The original photo was found in the chapter archives.
In January, chapter members kept warm at their Irish coffee night, despite the snowy weather. Career night was the theme of the February meeting at the Pi Delta house. The alumnae talked with collegians about careers. There were representatives from the fields of broadcast journalism, teaching, market- ing, medical technology, biomedical engineering, retail management, and law.
April brought spring flowers and the annual celebration of the end of the school year and the welcoming of graduates into alumnae status. To end the year, there were after work gatherings in downtown D.C. and Bethesda which were attended by the younger members.
Alumnae who would like to receive a summer newsletter which will an- nounce fall events are invited to contact Nancy DiPaolo, Kappa Omicron (Rhodes College) at (301) 299-9108, Robin King, Pi Delta (U. of Maryland) at (301) 972-2971, or Linnette Garber, Delta Pi (Central Missouri State U.) at (301) 986-9338.
lit a candle in her honor. Marie Herlihy Ledden and Eunice Brumm Lanzl were presented with 50-year pins.
Patsy Bishop and Genevieve Sidwell won the annual alumnae awards. Patsy was honored for her work as treasurer of the Delta Chi (U. of Delaware) Corporation Board. Genevieve was honored for her work as liaison with Delta Chi and as rush adviser. Both women held these positions for four years.
York County Colony
Theresa Cottrill writes that the York County Alumnae Colony has 11 members, and it has adopted by-laws.
The group's March meeting featured an evening of conversation and a chance to get to know each other better. The informal meeting was held at the home of Leslie Barron. Goodies brought by the members also contributed to the success of the evening. Laurie Slenker's home was the setting for the May meeting. A picnic and pool party is planned for July at Colleen Ruth's home.
Lookfor complete coverage of the AOII International
Convention in the fall issueof
To Dragma.
LaGrange (GA) Colony is seeking new members. Interested alumnae should call Denise Wilson, 883-7454.
Marie Herlihy Ledden
The Wilmington Alumnae Chapter held its Founders' Day celebration in December with a salad supper and Ritual.
The chapter used the Memorial Ritual for the Founders. Judith Upshure, Genevieve Sidwell, Pamela Lynn McEnany, and Alice Bratton read brief sketches about each Founder and
Members of the LaGrange Area Alumnae Colony at a Christmas luncheon are from left, Linder Snider, Carol Armstrong, Denise Wilson, and Lynne Carpenter.
To Dragma

In Their Memory
(This section of To Dragma is dedicated to the memory of these sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi. This list includes the names of those whose death was reported to International Headquarters between 4/1/89 and 5/1/91. This list is published before each Convention.
Alpha Chi
Western Kentucky U. Alice Haneline Griffin Julie Lynn Horner
Alpha Delta
U. ol Alabama
Jill Marie Elizabeth Fusco
Alpha Gamma
Washington State U.
Lydia Cathryn Palmer
Alpha Omicron
Louisiana State U.
Emmajean Ann Majeau Anderson
Alpha Phi
Montana State U.
Ellen Maude Pope Beaudry
, Dorothy Ann Larsen Brown Etta Verna Haynes Dobbin Marie Gertrude Halaka Edin Mary Ursula Egan
Solveig Bergliot Rivenes Sales Jean Lenon Schlechten Marjorie W. Spaulding
Alpha Pi
Florida State U.
Martha Elizabeth Crane Linton Alpha Rho
Oregon State U.
Elinor Jean Martin Brogden Barbara Gayle Rist Merklin
Mary Margaret Rodriguez-Raggett Irene Dorothy Bumstead Thelen Margaret Leah Bales Yocum
Alpha Sigma
U. of Oregon
Lois Ernestine Roeder Critchlow Elma Anita Vaughan Fansett
Lucy Mahalah Kurtz Hilands Frances Neva Barber Lydiard Alpha Tau
Dennison U.
Mary Elizabeth Case Amner Nancy Bowyer
Helen Grace Laycock Casper Marietta Louise B. Healea Dawes Marie Annabell Dray
Jacqueline Pines Jones King Kathryn Viola Luebben Patricia"Hunter Young
Beta Chi
Kentucky Wesleyan College
Daisy Smith Birk
Nancy Kroeger Scarbrough
Beta Gamma
Michigan State U.
Aileen Marie Stone Eager
Frieda Pauline Waldmiller Hoag Dawn Lorraine Agler King Barbara Louise Grabill Ratcliff Annette B. Aiken Stirm
Wiima Fern Radcliff Tregloan
Beta Kappa
U. of British Columbia
Jean Patricia Laird Velay
Beta Phi
Indiana U.
Pauline Iris Hindsley Ammerman Catherine Eliza Williams Broyles Marion Elizabeth Koegel Cox Joyce Armstrong Creasy
Rose Evelyn Ellis
Oma Ethely Davis Grater
Frances Cordelia Baylor Guenther Martha Adeline Hughes Hettema Vivian Isaacs Hunter
Jeanice Marian Bartling Lewis Annabel Mercedes O'Connor Mast Mary Myrtle Siefres Mayfield Virginia Moore
Gail Geneve Glenn Ramsey
Elma Lee Combs Smith
Beta Theta
Butler U.
lone H. Agnew Duval
Syracuse U.
Ruth Aphia Vincent Barber
Helen Daus Neubauer Coon
Ruth Janette Hunt Jabbs
Ann Elizabeth Middleton
Joan Margaret Holland Yowell Chi Beta
U. of Virginia
Kimberly Anne Young
Chi Delta
U. of Colorado
Clara Violet Tomaschoff Smith Betty Jo Olson Turnbaugh
Chi Lambda
U. of Evansville
Lavyrne Hanson Brown
Mellville Fridy Warren
Tufts U.
Constance Arnold
Ethel Wheeler Richardson Beattie Carry Gyneth Prew Carpenter Katherine Jane Singer Kovacs Marion Phillips Porter
Olive Byrne Richard
Delta Beta
U. of Southwest Louisiana
Sara Womack Guilbeau
Marie Estelle Bres Mayer
Delta Delta
Auburn U.
Sara Lynette Robison Bird
Delta Omega
Murray State U.
Rubye Keeney Pool
Cornell U.
Gwendolyn Owen Faith
Ruth Mulford Hess
Mary Eileen Costa Hanselmann Elizabeth C. Robbins Kenny Katherine Lyon Mix
Merle Marion Mosier Potter
Alice Cramer Green Trout
Clara Wilhelmina Keopka Trump Margery Jane Salsbury Wehnau Dagmar Alfvemn Schmidt Wright Epsilon Alpha
Penn State U.
Marian Luannna Terwilliger Elliston Cicely May DeSilver Hindenach Ruth Ellen Koehler
Eleanor Masae Morisuye Wilhelmi Eta
U. of Wisconsin-Madison
Evelyn Louise Keck Fuhrer
Flora Alcorn Hurley
Karen Fredrikka Falk Johnson Catherine Stroyer Mooney Miller Dorothy Elizabeth Cremer Putzier
U. of Malne-Orono
Mary Grace Tibbetts Bean Barbara Busden Scribner Bymers Edith Flint Coe
Edith Louella Jordan Lord Madeline Lydia Gould Maciver Priscilla Sawyer Ross
Gamma Delta
U. of South Alabama Ellen Hope Cox
Gamma Omicron
U. of Florida
Mary Edith Gray Pennell
U. of Illinois
Anna Treadwell Austin
Ruth May Terwilliger Blakey Madelyn Joan Lang Bock Gabrieile Rhode Potts Crawford Ruth Ann Coughlin Eastman Lola Bette Burkhardt Frazier
Beulah Parkhill Howard
Muriel Agnes Thompson Purl
Helen Marie Schraeder Reed
Linda Rose Glickman Shapiro
Randolph Macon Woman's College Martha Haley Cooksey Deemer Mattie Riggs Carskadon Orrick
Anne Smith Jeter Ribble
Kappa Alpha
Indiana State U.
Neva Loraine R. Barnard
Abba Mae Caldwell
Eve Patricia Smith Deagan
Katherine P. Eastabrooks
Kappa Kappa
Ball State U.
Helen Sue Hollingsworth Young Kappa Omicron
Rhodes College
Grace Gilfillan MacQueen
Louise Lunceford Middagh
Dorothea Brode Sledge Mordaunt Joan Elizabeth Salmon
Tracy Dawn Wolford
Kappa Phi
Margaret Kemp Morris Birnbaum Kappa Theta
U. of California-Los Angeles Cornelia Leggat Christmas Flanagan Nancy Elizabeth Oliver
Mary Young Poulton Pingree Josephine Louise Darnell Pinkerton Catharine Rutherford Rasmussen Jerelene Olive Haddock Sparks Dorothy Louise Hoecker Welty Kathryn Mary White Wasserberger Lambda Sigma
U. of Georgia
Martha Frances Smith Brown
R. Jane McCollum McAuliffe
Laura Palmer Perry
New York U.
Muriel Shanley Hoost
Northern Illinois U.
Myril Marie Hallman Buhler
Diane Janice Schiller Michelson Janice Lee Shick Miller
Nu Kappa
Southern Methodist U.
Martha Anne Smith Burge
Dorothy Lee Saner Cope
Mary Eva Burnett Hauger
Eleanor Angeline Horner Hull Winifred Louise Wadsworth Zeek
Nu Lambda
U. of Southern California
Geraldine Hunt Brinkley Clark Camille Lamar Tribelhorn Crawford Nu Omicron
Emily Frances Taggart Beasley Carolyn Ward Bass Cate
Elizabeth Susan Copas
Ellena Webb Douglass
Mary Louise Steuterman Driscoll
M. Joan Wallace Gordon
Gail Green Linebaugh
Cornelia Lamb Rountree
Pearl Nancy Tuttle
France Evelyn Bratton Williams Omega
Miami U.
Ruth Peebles Andrews
Marjorie Lane Kerr Bruner
Alma Lee Conn Bumen
Patricia Louise Davis Ceyler
Mary Ann Baker Derbyshire
Helen Olds Halter
Mary Anderson Mills
Emmeline Giffin Staudt
U. of Tennessee
Leah Genevieve Shea Reddick
Ann Lee Prater Reser
Ena Ruth Moore Paine
Pamela Sue Pease
Ruth Boyd Harrison Post
Frances Blanton Prater Pratt
Emily McGee Handly Spence
Anna May Stokely
Sarah Elizabeth Greer Vestal Omicron Pi
U. of Michigan
Frances Roseboom Aris
Rebecca Lotridge Clark
Blossom Lydia Bacon Dick
Dorothy Alice Nix Hauf
Norma Hall Van Tuyl Meyers
Helena Silver Pritchard
U. of Kansas
Dorothy Mae Taylor Alexander Thyrsa Pauline Orr Arnette Florence Klapmeyer Bruce
Halbur Bartlett Dye
Nancy Lee Truby Krhut
Maxine Fay Clark Schooley
Eva Lodema Drumm Stacey
Mary Kathryn Dowell Thorpe
Phi Kappa
Morris Harvey College
Irene Smith Sawyer
Phi Omicron
Hanover College
Carolyn Louise Good Parson
Kelly Ann Sweeney
Newcomb College/Tulane
Dorothy Dalton Hornbeak
Pi Delta
U. of Maryland
Virginia Jane Hutchinson Edwards Barbara Jean Fennessey
Catherine Frances Sierk Lyon
Nadia Virginia Wright Zimmerman Pi Kappa
U. of Texas-Austin
Elizabeth J . Strawbridge
U. of Pennsylvania
Ethel Bell Boardman
Anna Katherine Canning Branagan Byrhl Elma Vought Plattenberger Rho
Northwestern U.
Marian Louise Bettcher Burns Norma Nierstheimer Cassidy
Mary Alice Mcinerney Ford
Marion Elizabeth Abele Franco-Ferreira Jessie Louise Butler Godfrey
Cora GiasnerInskeep
Ruth Elizabeth Tombaugh Lewis Mildred Julia Dolder Lloyd
Esther McClellan Lundquist Margaret Snook Folwell Guthrie Eleanor Goodrich Martin
Jane Karen Austin Peacock
Edith Gertrude Meers Smith
Rho Alpha
Pan American U.
Peggy Jacobs Rodgers
U.ofCalifomia-Berkely Jane Chesney Creighton Priscilla Davis Felthouse Savory Ford
Marion V. Littiefield Fuller Isabel Elsie Lovell Gale
Julia Ann Ginsbach
Janet Letson Hackley
Netha Alice Hall Kinkead Marian Sidney Capps Kruse Bemice Medhurst Smith McDowell Ellen Reed
Laura De Veuve
Sigma Tau
Washington College
Mildred Woodson Powers Thomas Dorothy Annette Chiswell Walker Tau
U. of Minnesota
Elizabeth Bond
Lavera Laverne Smith Hawksford Margaret Gnadinger Peebles Catherine Tifft Merrill
Grace O'Brien O'Neill
Sylvia Louise Streigl Wippermann Tau Delta
Birmingham-Southern College Mary Augusta Wood Goode
Peggy O'Neil MacCleod Henry Margaret Bowne Dominick Mann Edna Jo Bowling Reed
DePauw U.
Margeret Douthitt Amon Charlotte Anne Pohlman Buehler Louise Hauck Clothier
Anna McCurty Jones Evans Hazel McCoy Greely
Mary Elizabeth Davies Grisso Dorothy Owen Hurst
Esther Elizabeth McCord
Mary Estelle Sutton
Rachel Spear Waddington
Theta Eta
U. of Cincinnati
Erna Louise Kramer James Joann Louise Johnston Schroder Carole Jane Barnhart Seister
Theta Psi
U. of Toledo
Frances Suydam Chappie Joan McCarthy Glauser Gertrude Florene Kanney Antoinette Marie Pizza Meyer Upsilon
U. of Washington
Marie Sullivan Bischoff
Kathleen Isabel Bradshaw Garcia-Prada Lois Irene Austin Hepworth
Ruth Marie Haslett Jared
Laura Lucile Ramthwn Lockerby Elizabeth Love
Mary Elizabeth Crane Padvorac Eugenia Enid Garratt Page Katherine Ann McLaughlin Pickett Consuelo Viola Cadranell Robbins Evelyn Evy Hoff Tripple
Marguerite C . Reichert Watkins Melanie Caroline Peterson Wide Gwendoline Showell Wrede
Upsilon Alpha
U. of Arizona
Karen Sue Compton Mynar
Upsilon Lambda
U. of Texas-San Antonio
Tamitha Denise Napier
U. of Oklahoma
Marjorie Stafford
U. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Dorothy Elizabet Woodward Barnard Lois Ann Brown Bartlett
Mildred Margarite Brehm
Helen Marie Naeve Douglas
Ruth Ada Wheelock Hill Katherine Williams Imus
Marcia Ann Geghardt Kuncl
Neva Elizabeth Hill Langland Lucille Carpenhoft Peterson Gladys Sharrar Pollock
Pauline Nell Gellatly Rock
Valora Ida Hullinger Royce
Irene Viola Smith Walker
Grace Barr Winnett
Summer 1991

AOII representatives at the Southeastern Panhellenic Conference are pictured at the meeting at the U. of Louisville. International representatives were (center, sitting), Barbara Hunt, International President, andJune Bogle, NPC Second Alternate.
Rush: a career training bargain!
Continued from page 10.
In the business world, I've found that greeting someone by name always leaves a good impression, and conver- sations begin on a more positive note.
Once rush started I occasionally had roles in different skits, and these were great practice f o r public speaking. Learning to project my voice and remember my lines were good skills to take from the chapter house to the board room. I still go "on stage" to give educational presentations, and these skills also help me in ordinary business meetings.
The most valuable training I had during rush, however, w as talking with the rushees. This training helped m e learn to find new angles to make the old standard question list (Where are you from?, What school did you go to?, What do you like to do?) a little less mundane. I discovered that I could keep a smile on my face and maintain interest in what a rushee was saying even though I really wanted to put my feet up and take a nap! I developed techniques forhandling the situation when the rushee would only smile and blink back at me. All these experiences have made meeting people in the pro-
fessional world seem easy. None of my career experiences taught m e h o w to gracefully steer a conversation the way rush did. I learned how to tactfully avoid a three hour discussion o n cheerleading practice and how to diplomatically find out i f a rushee had any interests other than fraternities. I didn't realize it at the time, but this was excellent practice for learning how to feel comfortable meeting people I d id not know. It taught me how to put them at ease and get them to talk about themselves.
Conversations with rushees required a constant assessm ent o f body lan- guage, the use o f good communication skills, and sophisticated interview tech- niques. A l l o f these are skills which many people are willing to pay a great dealofmoneytolearn.Andit'sno wonder because these skills are important in all career fields. I have used all these skills during job interviews, in networking with other professionals, in client interactions, and with m y supervisors. Feeling com- fortable talking with someone and being able to put that person at ease has given m e confidence. This confidence
enabled me to go into many situations which might have intimidated me otherwise, and I would have lost important opportunities. Being able to communicate comfortably with people you meet leaves a good impression and is a plus in any career situation. In fact, whenever I'm meeting people I try to put these skills to use. Not only does it help meadvance inmyprofession,it also makes daily life more pleasant.
Several of my colleagues have asked how I learned to interact with clients and other professionals so "easily." Unfortunately for them, they missed the chance to acquire these skills during rush. And, not being alumnae, they can't offer to go back to the chapter house to assist collegians with rush and watch some o f these techniques i n action. Instead, I suppose they'll have to go to some high-priced seminar!
So i f you're fortunate enough to be involved with rush now,relax and enjoy it. You have an opportunity not only to gain a new AOII sister, but also to get a head start on important skills for your own career. What a bargain!
—Contributed by Melinda Kurtz Upsilon (U. of Washington)
To Dragma

Memories of Margaret Bourke-White-
AOII's famous photographer...
On November 23, 1936, American newsstands displayed the first issue of Life magazine. The entire cover was a picture of Fort Peck Man then under construction in Montana. The photo- grapher was a little known, 32 year-old woman and an AOII—Margaret Bourke-White.
Margaret had been initiated into Omicron Pi (University of Michigan) on May 26, 1923. During that one year at Michigan, she began experimenting with photography.
By 1940, she was the leading photojournalist for Trne-Life-Fortune publications. During World War II and the years following she achieved even greater recognition for her photographs and writing. Illness forced her retire- ment in 1957.
AOII Archives include 14 Bourke White photographs, each labeled and signed by her. Three of these are framed in an acid-free environment and hang in the historic exhibit area of International Headquarters.
Despite her high-powered career, Margaret kept her AOII ties. Two AOUs share reminiscences of her:
Wilma Smith Leland, Tau (U. of Minnesota):
"Because I was editor of To Dragma in 1932 when Margaret was first recognized as an industrial photo- grapher and I was in contact with her as her career with Fortune and Time pro- gressed, our correspondence went on after I retired. During the war (World War II),she moved constantly. Late one winter afternoon, she called me from Chicago. She was flying to Alaska with connections in Minneapolis. There was a taxi strike here. Would I meet her at the airport, take her to the Nicollet Hotel where she would develop film in the bathtub, and then take her back for her connecting flight? This would require driving at night.
Margaret's photo of a Slovak peasant.
Summer 1991
"I said I would with two provisos: I could bring my older daughter (Nancy Leland Poland, Kappa, Randolph Ma- con College), then in high school and a would-be reporter, and that we would stop at the AOII house (Tau Chapter) on return to the airport. Agreed. Nancy and I waited in the hotel lobby while the film was being processed, took her to the chapter house, and put her on the plane to Alaska. The inscription in Portrait of Myself, her last book, published in 1963, which she sent to me, reads, 'For Wilma Smith Leland, my dear friend of long ago, Sincerely, Margaret Bourke White.'
"She died on August 27, 1971." Nancy Moyer McCain, Rho (North-
western U.):
"Rho Chapter was thrilled! Margaret
Bourke-White's lecture schedule was bringing her to Northwestern!
"This was fall 1941 just a few weeks before Pearl Harbor. We couldn't believe this famous sister had accepted our invitation to make the AOII house her headquatters and to have dinner with us before her program. When she
arrived, we were amazed that this extremely pretty, vivacious young woman was the famed photographer who dared any danger to get the perfect picture.
"It was obvious she was enjoying her visit and dinner with us.
"Afterwards, all of us—collegians, alumnae advisers, and housemother, Mrs. Johnson—filled the first several rows of the center balcony in the Cahn Auditorium. Margaret's opening sentence warmed our hearts, T have just enjoyed a visit and dinner with my sorority sisters at the AOII house.'
"To this day, references to Margaret Bourke-White remind me of that very special evening nearly 50 years ago. " In 1983, Alpha Omicron Pi post- humously awarded Margaret Bourke- White the Elizabeth Heywood Wyrman Award for distinguished achievement in her profession.
—contributed by Nancy Moyer McCain, Rho (Northwestern U.), and Wilma Smith Leland, Tau (U. of Minnesota). Both Nancy and Wilma are Past International Presidents.

By Donna Gude Barwick Lambda Sigma (U. of Georgia)
Long gone are the days when women were content to leave estate planning up to their spouses. After all, it was his money, right? Not any more. It has always been true that women should take an active role in estate planning, and as more women are employed and thus contrib- ute to the family coffers, their role in this process should only increase.
The core document in any estate plan is the Will (or in some places Revocable Living Trust) that contains provisions for disposition of property (assets) upon death. There are too many reasons to have a Will to cover in this short article. Some of the more notable include the ability to choose your own dispositive scheme, create trusts or other management vehicles for assets left for minor children, name guardians for minor children, do som e estate tax planning, provide for beneficiaries other than family (including charitable organizations), control how property is left to the spouse (i.e., how much control he will have over it), name executors and trustees and define their rights and duties, and so on.
Many women assume that they do not have sufficient assets to need to plan for estate taxes. One common misconception is that life insurance proceeds and pension plans are not taxable. In fact they are part of the gross estate for estate tax purposes. When all owned assets are added up, it is easy to reach or exceed the $600,000 federal estate tax credit equivalent that each person can leave tax-free. And for a married couple, it is not automatic that both spouse's credits will be usable; properly drafted estate planning documents are needed to insure the maximum use of both credits as well as the marital deduction available in calculating the taxable estate.
Younger women usually approach estate planning with a focus on the children. Single or
Board Director
older women, however, often want to benefit a school or college, foundation, fraternity or sorority, but do not have the available funds to do that during their lifetime. As children grow up and are no longer dependents, a bequest to a charity becomes more feasible or life insurance proceeds become available to fund such a bequest. Bequests to charities, including the AOII Foundation, are 100% deductible for federal estate tax purposes.
One device created during lifetime that can benefit both the individual and the charity is a charitable remainder trust. It works like this. A person transfers assets into the trust and provides in the trust document that the income
Manx; women assume that they do not have sufficient assets to need to plan for estate taxes.
be paid to the individual for her lifetime (or the joint lives of she and her spouse or other person) and upon the death of the last income beneficiary, the assets remaining in the trust are given to the charitable organization. This arrangement thus creates a steady guaranteed cash flow for the individual. This can be particularly attractive for a person who has an asset or assets with little or no basis for federal income tax purposes that is not producing much in terms of income. If sold by the individual, there would be substantial capital gains tax. A charitable remainder trust, on the other hand, could sell the asset without having to pay that tax (although there may be alternative minimum tax ramifica- tions for the donor). So, a home, low basis stock, or other illiquid asset can be turned into a source of cash flow. If the individual wants to replace for her descendants the remainder that this device would leave to charity, it can be coupled
To Dragma

with a life insurance policy to accomplish that. And speaking of life insurance, if you have not shopped for that lately, you may be surprised at what you find. Good quality policies can cost considerably less than they did 10 to 20 years ago. New products such as joint and survivor life insurance can bring the cost down even further because the premium is based now on two lives rather than one. The actuarially figured longer life span of women means that the addition of her with her husband can allow the family to purchase more life insurance, and this meshes nicely with the ability to defer any estate tax to the death of the second spouse. Life insurance can also be removed from the estate tax base through the use of an irrevocable life insurance
The charitable remainder trust described
above can also be created by Will. In this case it would not be funded until death of the donor. It can be combined with the marital deduction in a particular type of trust that would provide income to the spouse for life, and at his death, the remainder would go to charity. In addition to the obvious benefit to the charity, this form of trust prevents him from leaving the remainder to his second wife. Heaven forbid!
These are just a few of the many aspects of estate planning. Care should be taken in choosing your estate planning professional, usually an attorney. Be sure that the person is an estate planning specialist. You would not go to an orthopedic surgeon to have your teeth cleaned. Beware of "do-it-yourself probate avoidance" gimmicks marketed widely today. Also be aware of potential conflicts of interest. Many self proclaimed financial planners make their living off of the products that they sell rather than simply charging a fee for their advice. That is not inherently evil, but you should check the other credentials of the person. Whomever you choose, to paraphrase a couple of popular recent advertisements, "Just do it . . . because its the right thing to do."
Donna is the Director of Estate Planning Ser- vices for Ernst & Young in Atlanta, Georgia.
Dana Lynne Moreland, Delta Alpha '86 Columbia, Missouri Insurance Policy
"I began thinking about estate planning upon the advice of my attorney. Because I am single and have no dependents, it only made sense that I give some thought to how 1 would want to have my assets distributed if I were to die. I have long wanted to make substantial contributions to the Foundation, and this seems like the perfect answer! Also, many employers provide life insurance coverage at little or no cost to employees, so the financial obligation isn't strenuous. I have gained so much from my membership in Alpha Omicron Pi, and
Summer 1991
I want to give something
June Deny Hodge, Sigma '54 Alpharetta, Georgia
"Ever since I pledged Alpha Omicron Pi in 1953, my sorority has been a big part of my life, both socially and in service. During my college years AOII gave so much to me, my experience was so wonderful that I wished to help pass that experience on to future AOII sisters, both by commitment in service as an alumna and by financial commitment to help AOII remain a strong sorority within the Greek system. I love AOII! It needs our financial commitment in order to continue its growth."

PHI UPSILON CORPORATION will hold its annual meeting on August 14, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. at the Chapter House, 1001 David Ross Rd., West Lafayette, IN 47906. For information contact: Lynn Redmon, 1709 Carlsbad
Dr., Lafayette, IN 47905.
Plans are being made to celebrate 60 years of AOII's presence in Vancouver. For information contact: Marjorie Stevens, 809 Sawcut, Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 4A2,604/879-0255.
will hold its annual meeting on October 9, 1991 at 7 p.m. at 19219 Ballinger, Northridge, CA 91324. For information contact: Deborah Freeman, 17809 Blythe S t , Reseda, CA 91335.
From Our Readers...
It's AOII International!
To the editor:
I would like to remind all AOIIs that
AOII went international in 1930 with the installation of the Beta Tau Chapter at the U. of Toronto. Presently, there are three other collegiate chapters within Canada: Iota Chi (U. of Western Ontario), Kappa Lambda ( U . of Calgary), and Kappa Phi (McGill U.). There are also five alumnae chapters located within our borders. I am aware that these numbers are considerably lower than those found in the United States, but the fact remains that these chapters do exist and the 3,000 or so AOIIs who reside in Canada feel just as much a part of our sorority as those who live south of the 49th parallel.
I. . . only wish for AOIIs to think internationally rather than nationally. Your Canadian sisters really appreciate it.
Jennifer Carr
Iota Chi (U. of Western Ontario)
Chi Delta collegians and the Expansion Committee are planning special homecoming activities for you on October 12. Mark that date on your calendar! If you are in touch with alumnae we may not know, please send names and addresses to Barbara Shaver, 14220 West Berry Rd., Golden, CO 80401. To date, over $60,000 has been raised toward the expansion of the Chi Delta house.
will hold its annual meeting on September 21,1991, at the Pecan Street Cafe, 310 E. 6th St., Austin,TX. Coffee will be served at 11:30 a.m., followed by lunch and the meeting at
12:30 p.m. For information contact; Pat Abreu, 6905 Isabelle, Austin, T X 78752.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to fill the following positions with the Delta Chi Chapter at the U . of Delaware: corpor- ation board president, vice president, & secretary; chapter adviser; and other AAC positions. For more information contact: Michele Mecurio, Alumnae Recruiting Officer, 302/456 1352.
TERRE HAUTE ALUMNAE CHAPTER invites area alumnae to celebrate Indiana State U . homecoming together. More details of the October 26th event will be announced in the chapter's fall newsletter.
ATTENTION HOUSTON AREA ALUMNAE: If you live in the Houston area, members of the Houston Area Alumnae Chapter would like you to be a part of their group. Please con- tact Vivienne MeKitrick at 713/850- 3627 (work) or 713/690-2180 (home).
To Dragma
Alumnae! Accept the Challenge
The AOII Rose Vine invites you to join an alumnae chapter or become a Member-at-Large (if you live more than 50 miles from a chapter) for.
• Programming and information aimed at you • Networking or/portunities
• Collegiate chapter service
• Friendship with sisters just like you
Alpha Omicron Pi is here for you now, as it was when you were in college. Please contact the alumnae chapter nearest you. They're listed in the Directory in the fall issue of To Dragma. If you can't find one, or if you'd like more information, please fill out and mail the coupon below. You'll be glad you did!
Country Collegiate Chapter
State/Prov. Phone ( ) Initiation Date
Mail to: Marion Clouse
Rose Vine Coordinator
1530 86th Avenue N
St. Petersburg, FL33702

Special Interest Occupation
1111111II Date
Summer 1991
111111111 New Home Address:
1 1 1 1I I 1 1 11 11 1 1 11
1 1 1 1 1 1 111111 1 1 11 11
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Place of employment COMPANY
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Johnna Comer, left, & Melissa Moore, both Omicron (U. of Tennessee, Knoxville) are pictured in their dorm room.
Name and/or AddressChange
Send to AOn International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027 (please print)
Name at Initiation Current Office
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Chapter Initiation Year
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Second Class Postage Paid at Brent- wood, Tennessee and additional mail- ing offices.
UAe 0%/umnae GAap/ers
OftfpAa Omicron CPi corcfiaffy incite
continue their by joining
Oftlumnae to
active inoo/oement them for
SisterAoocf, ^Philanthropy
DCetworhiny, an J S^un.
0%/umnae chapters all over the United S/a/es ancf Canada Lave accepted the challenge /o ensure /he future of our fraternity. Won't you mahe the commitment now to become a member
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nearest you?

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