Frontispiece —The Founders of Alpha Omicron Pi.
The Founding of Alpha Omicron Pi 3
Biographies of the Founders 5
Barnard College, the Home of Alpha Chapter 9
The 150th Anniversary of the Foundation of King's College.. 18
The New President of the University of Tennessee 23
The Annual Meeting of the Grand Council 25
The Inter-Sorority Conference 27
Songs 29
Editorial 35
Editor's Announcement 37
Chapter Correspondence 38
Alumnse Personals 46
College News 52
Pan-Hellenic 54
Directory 56
Vol. U To Dragma No. U
Alpha Omicron Pi
January, \905.
Published by the fraternity, quarterly.
HELEN K. HOY, Editor.
Gbe jFbunbfng of Hlpba ©micron pi.
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded on January 2, 1897, by Jessie
Wallace Hughan, of Brooklyn, N . Y., Helen St. Clair, of New
York City, Stella George Stern, of New Orleans, La., and Eliza-
beth Heywood Wyman, of Bloomfield, N . J., students of the class
of 1898 at Barnard College.
Although Kappa Kappa Gamma was the only woman's society
in the college at the time, Barnard was favorable to fraternities, and
it was natural f o r the more intimate college friendships to seek
expression that would endure through the pleasant channel afforded
by fraternity organization. Our founders, however, felt that the
attainment of some ideals of the college world was being seriously
retarded by certain policies of the existing fraternities, and as a
result were led not to ally themselves with any existing society,
but to establish a new fraternity which in time should become
national along carefully worked out lines.
The making of a chapter roll was not considered as of first or
immediate importance. The founders believed, and those who now
share their responsibility in the governing council understand, that
more almost than any other element of fraternity policy, a fra-
ternity's attitude on the question of extension is important and
determines the standard of the organization. Internal strength
can be gained only by the complete assimilation of each new
chapter as an integral part of the whole. This process must neces-
sarily be slow, and is therefore prohibitive of a fraternity's rapid
entrance into a number of institutions, but it is as vital as it is
desirable, and while somewhat delaying expansion into a national
existence, ensures the stability of that existence when it is finally
T o such a policy the founders committed themselves. I t was
deliberately shaped and has been faithfully adhered to. A f t e r
seven years there are six chapters, and their geographical location
entitles Alpha Omicron P i to be called a national sorority and to be
represented i n the National Inter-Sorority Conference.
Better than that, however, are the increasing strength of the
nucleus and the right which these chapters have to feel themselves
a firm foundation f o r the future of Alpha Omicron Pi to be built upon.
Biographies of tbe jfounbers,
Jessie Wallace Hughan was born in Brooklyn, N . Y . Her ele-
mentary education was received in several schools, the last being
Castleton Public School No. 3, Staten Island, N . Y . From this
institution she was graduated in 1891 and was valedictorian of her
class. She then continued her studies at Northfield Seminary,
Northfield, Mass., from which she was graduated in 1894. N o
class honors are given at Northfield, but Miss Hughan's prominence
in the school life is indicated by the fact that she was associate
editor of The Hermonite and was chosen class prophet.
The four years from 1894 to 1898 were spent at Barnard College.
While there she took a prominent part i n the several forms of
student activity. Without confining her work narrowly to any
subjects, she specialized somewhat in the Classics, Economics, and
English, taking Junior Honors in Classics and Final Honors in
Economics. She was on the editorial staff of the Columbia Literary
Monthly, and of the Mortarboard (the Barnard College annual),
and was a member of the Greek Club, and of the Arthur Brooks
Literary Society, serving on the Executive Committee of the latter
during her Freshman year. Other college organizations to which
she belonged were the Barnard College Chapter of the College
Settlements Association, the Barnard Chorus, the Christian Asso-
ciation, the Sans Souci, and the 'Aiai-hui Dramatic Club. She
was one of the directors of the 'Aiai-hui from 1895 to 1897.
Miss Hughan was one of the most prominent and popular mem-
bers of her class. She was class secretary in her Sophomore year
and permanent class historian. She was one of the three members
of her class to be elected to the honorary society of Phi Beta Kappa.
Throughout her course, Miss Hughan held the Ella Weed
Scholarship, and upon graduation was awarded the Fiske Graduate
Scholarship in Political Economy. She returned to Columbia f o r
the year 1898-1899 to pursue a graduate course, choosing Political
Economy as her major subject, and Sociology and Literature as
her minors. I n 1899 the degree of Master of Arts was conferred
upon her.
Since 1899, Miss Hughan has devoted the greater part of her time
to teaching. She has been connected with the Union School at
Naugatuck, Conn., with Miss Strecker's School at White Plains,
•N- Y., and, since 1902, with Miss Round's School, i ~ Brooklyn,
N . Y . , where she teaches Latin, English, and Mathematics. She has
also done considerable private tutoring, and a certain amount of
literary work f o r publishers. She is a member of the Young People's
Religious Union. This winter she is conducting a class in Theoreti-
cal and Practical Economics under the Brooklyn Institute of Arts
and Sciences.
Miss Hughan was grand historian of Alpha Omicron Pi f r o m
1900 to 1904, and is now grand recording secretary. She is a mem-
ber of the New York Alumnae Chapter.
Helen St.. Clair was born in New York city. She was educated
in the.public schools and was graduated from the training depart-
ment of the Normal College in 1.891. She had the highest standing
in her class and was its valedictorian. I n the examinations f o r
entrance to the Normal College in 1891, she received the third
highest average in the city. For two years she was a student in
the Normal College, taking the Classical course. While there she
was president of her class and led the class in scholarship. She then
spent a year in the Classical School for Girls in preparation for
entering Barnard College. She delivered the Latin Salutatory at
the Commencement exercises. I n the examinations for entrance
to Barnard she had next to the highest average. While at college,
she specialized somewhat in Greek and Latin and took Sophomore
Honors in Classics. She also took Sophomore Honors in Rhetoric
and English Compositon, and the Chemistry prize. She was one of
the three members of her class to be elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
Miss St. Clair was a member of the Greek Club, the College
Settlements Association, the Sans Souci, and the 'Aiai-hui Dramatic
Club, and an associate member of the Southern Club. She was
one of the organizers of the Arthur Brooks Literary Society, and
was president of the organization f r o m 1894 to 1896. She was
corresponding secretary and chairman of the Intercollegiate Commit-
tee of the Barnard College Christian Association during her Senior
year. She belonged to the glee and banjo clubs, and was leader
of the latter from 1896 to 1898. She represented her class on
the Self-Government Committee of the Undergraduate Associa-
tion during her Sophomore year, and was the Freshman member of
the Board of Editors of the Barnard Annual, then published by
the Undergraduate Association. She was business manager and
member of the Board of Editors of the 1898 Mortarboard, and
chairman of the 1898 Class Day Committee.
After taking her bachelor's degree, Miss St. Clair attended a
series of lectures on law, as a member of the Woman's Law Class
of New York University. Upon her graduation from this class in
1899, she was awarded a scholarship in the New York University
Law School as a prize for passing the best final examination. O n
June 28, 1899, she was married to George Vincent Mullan, a mem-
ber of the New York bar. I n the fall of 1899 Mrs. Mullan entered
the Law School and was graduated with the degree of Bachelor
of Laws in 1901. A t the end of her Junior year she was awarded
the Elliot F. Shepard Scholarship, given to the member of the
class passing the best examination, and in her Senior year received
the second faculty prize. I n July 1901, she was admitted to the
New Y o r k bar, and since then has been engaged in the practice
of the law. For some time she was connected with the Legal A i d
Society, having, among some things, charge of its Municipal Court
cases. A f t e r severing her connection with that society, she became
a member of the editorial staff of a firm of law publishers.
Mrs. Mullan has been grand corresponding secretary of Alpha
Omicron Pi since the creation of the office in 1900. and is a member
of the New York Alumnae Chapter. She was affiliated with N u
Chapter from 1900 to 1901.
Stella George Stern was born in New Orleans, La. She was a
pupil in the Southern Academic Institute in that city, from which
she was graduated in 1893, valedictorian of her class and distin-
guished as having maintained the highest general average in the
school. A f t e r completing her preparatory work, she entered Bar-
nard College in the fall of 1894, the youngest member of the
Freshman class. She devoted most of her attention while at college
to English, Latin, and Romance Languages. She was class poet,
art editor of the 1898 Mortarboard, and a member of the Arthur
Brooks Literary Society. She organized the Southern Club, and
was secretary and treasurer of that society from 1896 to 1898.
Other student organizations with which she was connected were
the Barnard College Chapter of the College Settlements Associa-
tion, the Barnard College Christian Association, the Glee Club, the
Sans Souci, and the 'Aiai-hui Dramatic Club. O f the last named,
she was president f r o m 1895 t o l 8 9 7 -
Since her graduation, Miss Stern has resided in New York city.
She has done some private tutoring, but has devoted the greater
part of her energies to literary work, and to the writing of adver-
tisements. Poems written by her have been published in the Smart
Set, Success, St. Nicholas, the Unique Monthly, and the Counter,
as well as in a number of newspapers. Her stories have appeared
in the Unique Monthly and the Puritan, and she has contributed
a number of special articles and essays to newspapers and other pub-
lications. The Enterprise Publishing Company has brought out
a song written by Miss Stern, and a book f o r children is now ready
for publication.
As a writer of advertisements, Miss Stern has had much experi-
ence and achieved considerable success. She first took up this
work f o r the firm of John Wanamaker, in 1899. Later she con-
ducted the advertising department of B. Altman & Co. She has
also managed the woman's department of an advertising agency,
and for a considerable time conducted her own advertising office.
About two years ago, she resumed her connection with John Wana-
maker, and now writes the catalogues and booklets issued by that
firm as well as some of its newspaper advertisements.
Miss Stern is a member of the Looking Forward Club. She was
grand president of Alpha Omicron Pi from 1900, when that office
was created, until December, 1904. She is now grand historian
of the fraternity, and a member of the New York Alumnae Chapter.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman was born in Bloomfield, N . J., and
received her preliminary education in the public schools there. Upon
her graduation from the H i g h School, she was awarded a place
on the Commencement program because of her high standing in
the class. Miss Wyman began her college work in Wellesley Col-
lege, but after a year at that institution entered Barnard as a
Sophomore in the fall of 1895. She immediately took an active
interest in college affairs and became a member of the Banjo Club,
the Glee Club, the Barnard Chorus, the 'Aiai-hui Dramatic Club,
the Arthur Brooks Literary Society ( o f which she was president
during her Junior year), and the Christian Association. She was
chairman of the Philanthropic Committee of the latter during the
year 1897-1898. She was secretary of her class during the Junior
year and a member of the Class Day Committee.
On graduation Final Honors in English were awarded to Miss
Wyman. She began her career as a teacher by remodeling the
courses in English at the Bloomfield H i g h School, and since then has
been considered the head of the English department. She led the
discussion before the New Jersey State H i g h School Association on
the arrangement of H i g h School studies in English, and last year
was appointed to conduct a course in American Literature f o r
Grade Teachers.
Miss Wyman is a member of the Period Club (a literary society in
Bloomfield), serves on its Executive Committee, and is chairman
of its Program Committee. She was grand treasurer of Alpha
Omicron Pi from 1900 to 1903, and is a member of the New Y o r k
Alumnae Chapter.
Barnard College, the Home of Alpha Chapter.
There has been so much misconception as to the relation of Bar-
nard College to Columbia University that it may not be amiss briefly
to summarize the situation even at the risk of re-iterating much that
is familiar to many of our readers. I n the first place, Barnard
is not part of a co-education institution, in the narrower and more
usual sense of that term; neither is it a separate college for women,
as that designation is generally applied. Indeed it is difficult to
label the college in any simple and comprehensive way, for its
position is unique and any categorical designation, therefore, de-
mands definition. Perhaps the phrase that has frequently been used,
"affiliated college," is the most satisfactory; it has, at least, the
merit of not having been applied to anything that Barnard has
not been, though it is theoretically an inaccurate description of what
Barnard is now. T o define our phrase so that it may serve to de-
scribe Barnard College in the two stages of its development, we
may say that an affiliated college f o r women is one which furnishes
to those matriculated as its own students instruction qualifying them
for the receipt of a degree f r o m the university with which it is
affiliated. This definition is adopted for the sake of convenience,
though it is framed to fit the college to which the phrase is applied
rather than the scope of the term in its ideal sense. I t w i l l , more-
over, be noticed that the definition excludes f r o m the class of " affili-
ated colleges " those institutions commonly known as " annexes "
which confer their own degrees upon graduates, though furnishing
their students, through association with other institutions, the ad-
vantages of tuiton by instructors employed in the corresponding col-
lege for men.
The relations of Barnard and Columbia may be better under-
stood i f something is known of the story of the foundation of the
former. The first definite step to give women equal educational
opportunities with men in the city of New Y o r k was taken in the
year 1885. I n that year the earnest and unremitting efforts o f
those who had been working to this end, aided by the approval and
co-operation of the more progressive element in the faculty of
Columbia College, overcame the doubts of the conservative authori-
ties of that institution so far as to bring about the offer of the
Columbia degree to any woman who should for four consecutive
years pass the required undergraduate examinations. No prepara-
tion for these examinations was given by Columbia, and i n some
instances the entire scope of the class work was changed without
the formality of notice to those who were working (beyond the
college walls) to obtain the coveted degree. T o the untiring labors
and patient endeavors of those who pursued their studies under
such great disadvantages, Barnard College owes an inestimable
debt of gratitude, for their success effectually overcame the doubts
and hesitation of those who had reluctantly consented to the ex-
I t was soon recognized that a system which eliminated college life,
and failed to bring the student within the sphere of those influences
that make a college course something more than a period of ac-
quisition of so much book-learning, was radically defective and
pitifully inadequate. The prejudice against co-education was, how-
ever, insurmountable, and the adjustment of the difficulty by open-
i r g Columbia's doors to women on equal terms with men was not,
indeed, desired by many of those most interested in a satisfactory
solution of the problem. A plan, which recognized this deep-rooted
prejudice and eliminated co-education as a cure f o r the evil, was em-
bodied in a memorial presented to the trustees of Columbia College
i n 1888, asking f o r " official sanction to a Society f o r the Instruction
\ J of Women by the Professors and Other Instructors of Columbia
College under a management entirely satisfactory to your honorable
Board." This memorial was approved by the trustees in February,
1889; in July the proposed society was incorporated as Barnard
College (so named in honor of the late President Barnard, of
Columbia) and in OctODer eight students were enrolled as members
of the Freshman class and the institution was an accomplished fact-
No story of this period would be complete without some mention
of Mrs. Annie Nathan Meyer, to whose efforts perhaps more than
to those of any other one person was due the establishment of Bar-
nard College.
From the first, Barnard set f o r herself high ideals and unflinch-
ingly followed them. Rather than admit improperly qualified stu-
dents, she shut her doors even to those desiring to pursue special
courses, unless the f u l l requirements f o r entrance to the Freshman
class were satisfied. This attitude is the more to be commended
and admired when one considers that the college was absolutely
without endowment, that it depended entirely upon tuition fees and
private subscriptions f o r its support, and that those who successfully
passed the entrance examinations were f o r several years verv few
in number.
The entrance requirements were identical with those of Columbia,
Greek and Latin (including the history and geography of Greece
and Rome), English, Mathematics, and either French or German
being prescribed. The entrance examinations, duplicates of those
given at Columbia, were conducted by Columbia proctors. The
Barnard classes were, f r o m an academic point o f view, practically
sections of those at Columbia. They were instructed usually by
the men who taught the corresponding classes at Columbia. The
mid-year and final examinations in all courses were identical w i t h
those given to the men, the examinations being set and the papers
passed upon by the instructor conducting the course at Columbia.
The same courses and the same amount of work were required of
Barnard and Columbia students, and practically the same electives
were offered, although the number of so-called " university " courses
open to women was limited by the regulations of some of the depart-
ments. Finally, the degree of Bachelor of Arts given to Barnard
graduates was conferred by Columbia. So f a r was Barnard regarded \
merely as machinery f o r giving women the Columbia courses that
for several years no separate catalogue was published f o r Barnard.
The working organization of the college in these early days was
largely the result of the efficient efforts of Ella Weed, Vassar '73,
who f o r several years acted as executive head of the institution.
A f t e r Miss Weed's death, in 1894, it was decided to appoint a Dean,
and, with the opening of the fall term in that year, Emily James
Smith (now Mrs. George Haven Putnam), a graduate of Bryn
Mawr, undertook the responsibilities of that position. The record
of Miss Smith's administration, extending over a period of about
six years, reads like a fairy tale. When she came to Barnard, the
college was still without endowment, and housed in a converted
dwelling totally inadequate for its needs. A t the opening of the
college, i n 1897, two of three handsome new buildings were com-
pleted and ready for occupancy, and the third was provided for and
m process o f construction. I n three years the college had become
possessed of property representing an investment of over a million
dollars; it had acquired a considerable endowment with which to
meet current expenses, and it was able permanently to support three
f u l l professorships in Columbia University. Those who had en-
tered as Freshmen at the beginning of Miss Smith's administration
were able to spend their Senior year in the new buildings on
Morningside Heights, a stone's throw f r o m the magnificient new
home of Columbia. Since that period of phenomenal prosperity
and expansion not a year has passed without some substantial i n
crease in the material equipment of Barnard. The most important
g i f t , perhaps, was that of a plot of land immediately south of the
original new site, three time as large, and valued at a million
dollars, generously presented by Mrs. A . A . Anderson in 1903.
W i t h the year 1900, Barnard College entered upon the second
stage of its development as a collegiate institution. A new agree-
ment with Columbia was adopted, by which Barnard became one
of the colleges of the university, co-ordinate with Columbia Col-
lege. As such, it is entitled to representation through its Dean on
the University Council, in like degree with the other schools, and
the president of Columbia becomes ex officio president of Barnard.
Barnard now certifies its own curriculum, though it still refrains
from granting degrees, the B. A . received by Barnard graduates
being conferred by Columbia on the completion of work equal to
that required of graduates of Columbia College. Since the new
arrangement, an effort has been made to duplicate at Barnard all
courses open to undergraduates, including " university " courses,
so as entirely to separate the undergraduate students of Barnard
and Columbia. Formerly, in these " university" courses (t. e.,
those which, i f taken by one holding a bachelor's degree, could be
counted toward a higher degree), women and men, undergraduates
and graduates, were admitted to the same classes, chiefly because
of the small number of students electing any one course. Another
change due to the new system is the limitation of registry at Bar-
nard to undergraduates, many of the graduate schools of the uni-
versity having opened their doors to women on equal terms with
men. The evolution of Barnard as an affiliated college has changed
its status academically from a collection of sections of Columbia
classes, to a separate college, co-ordinate with Columbia and pre-
paring its students f o r the same degree. Financially, Barnard,
like the College of Physicans and Surgeons and Teachers' College,
respectively the medical and pedagogical schools of Columbia, is a
separate institution.
X mm
The friends of Barnard and its graduates are unanimous in
claiming for her the advantages both of the co-educational and of
the separate college, and freedom from the defects of both classes
of institutions. The standard demanded and quality of instruction
provided by a great university, the boast of the co-educational col-
lege, are certainly hers; and separate instruction of the sexes i n
undergraduate work, the pride of the separate college, is also secured
to her students.
The present home of Barnard College consists of three halls,
the corridors on each floor being connected so as to make practically
one building. These halls are built around a court which opens to
the south on 119th street. They occupy a city block extending from
119th to 120th street and from Broadway to Clermont avenue.
The central hall, extending along 120th street, is known as M i l -
bank Hall and is the g i f t of M r s . A . A . Anderson. Mrs. Van
Wyck BrinckerhofF is the donor of the east wing, Brinckerhoff Hall,
on Broadway, and Fiske Hall, the west wing on Clermont avenue,
is the g i f t of Mrs. Josiah M . Fiske. I n Milbank are the entrance
hall, the reception room, the trustees' room, the administrative offices,
the Ella Weed Memorial reading room (the g i f t of the Associate
Alumnae), the class studies, the infirmary, the cloak rooms, and
several lecture rooms. The corridors and rooms have been beauti-
fully decorated and furnished by Tiffany and the walls are hung
with photographs and casts of examples of beautiful architecture
and works of art. I n Brinckerhoff is the college theatre, so arranged
that the stage can be removed for dances and receptions. Beneath
the theatre is the gymnasium and a room on the main floor is re-
served for the use of the Alumnae. The rest of the building is
given over to laboratories and lecture rooms. For several years
the Dean occupied a suite of rooms in Brinckerhoff. but the space
was finally taken for much-needed class rooms. Fiske Hall, though
planned f o r lecture rooms and laboratories, was originally fitted
up as a dormitory, but in 1902 it became necessary to remodel the
building, owing to the great increase in the number of students This
hall now contains the college lunch rooms, in addition to the lecture
rooms and laboratories.
Since the alterations in Fiske Hall, Barnard has been without
a dormitory of her own, and such a building is to-day one of the
pressing needs of the college. A few of the students live at the
fraternity apartments, some board in the neighborhood, and others
live at home. A great many, however, are accommodated in W h i t -
tier Hall, a ten-story structure used as a university dormitory for
women students. Here an effort is made to group the Barnard
students on certain floors. Barnard has been in her new home only
seven years, and yet the buildings which i n 1897 seemed spacious
enough to accommodate students for generations to come, have
been outgrown and overcrowded for nearly three years. I t is hoped
that before long buildings will be erected on the land given by
Mrs. Anderson in 1903. This plot extends from 119th to 116th
street and f r o m Broadway to Clermont avenue. I t is so f a r unim-
proved except that the northern third, directly opposite the college
buildings, has been fitted up as an athletic field, known as Milbank
Quadrangle, where tennis courts and basket-ball grounds have been
laid out. I t is here that an annual Field Day is held on the anni-
versary of the date of g i f t .
I n spite of the lack of a proper dormitory and of the fact that
many of the Barnard students live at their homes in New York, the
college is not without its share of college life. O f the student
organizations with social features the fraternities are perhaps of
most interest to the readers of T o DRAGMA. O f these, there are
now seven, established in the following order: Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Alpha Omicron Pi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Gamma Phi Beta,
Alpha Phi, Delta Delta Delta, and Pi Beta Phi. They include in
their membership less than one-fourth of the student body. Several
of the fraternities rent apartments in the vicinity of the college,
where a home for non-resident members is provided. Until the
year 1902-1903, each of the fraternities gave one large entertain-
ment yearly, to which the entire undergraduate body was invited.
Since that time, Alpha Omicron Pi is the only society that has
followed the old custom. Its entertainment has, for several years,
taken the form of a reception and concert, followed by an informal
dance. The fraternities also give a number of smaller private enter-
tainments during the rushing season, and have their own social
gatherings limited to members or their friends. I t has been the
custom of Alpha Chapter to give a dance during the spring term
for active and Alumnae members alone, and sometimes there is an
outing at the end of the year. For two summers, this outing took
the form of a sail. On the first occasion, N u Chapter was invited
and the day was spent on the Hudson River; the second trip was
down the Bay to Sandy Hook.
Another society with many social features was the Southern Club,
which extended the proverbial Southern hospitality to its Northern
sisters. This society has, however, been merged in the Southern
Club of the university, and has no longer any separate existence.
There are certain fixed annual entertainments at Barnard as at
every other college. Chief of these is the Junior Ball, given in
honor of the Seniors. This entertainment is held in the Columbia
Gymnasium, the Barnard Theatre being much too small to accommo-
date the merry-makers. I n December, the Sophomore Dance takes
place, but this is a smaller affair and the theatre suffices. Another
dance given in the Columbia Gymnasium is the Senior Dance, which
is part of the Commencement festivities. A series of dances known
as the " Short and Early " has f o r several years been conducted
by a committee consisting of members of Kappa Alpha Theta; its
members are chiefly members of that fraternity and their friends.
Three times during the year the Undergraduate Association gives
a tea in the theatre, to which friends of the college and of the
students are invited. The Associate Alumnae also give a reception
at the end of the academic year to welcome the new graduates to
their number. Other general college entertainments are the plays.
The most important of these is the Undergraduate Play, and the
Sophomore Play easily holds second place. Many of the class and
society entertainments also take the form of a dramatic performance,
so that the girl with histrionic ability does not lack opportunity to
develop her talents. The other annual entertainments are those
welcoming the Freshmen to the halls of Barnard, and the farewell
of the Seniors in Commencement week. O f the first there are three
functions. The Christian Association invariably welcomes the new
students as soon as possible after the opening of college. Then there
are the attentions of the Juniors and Sophomores, differing some-
what in character and acceptability, but both equally inevitable and
largely attended. Chief of the Commencement festivities is Class Day,
which, beginning with 1898, has followed the form common to most
colleges, and is held in the theatre in Brinckerhoff. Besides the
Senior Dance and the Alumnae Reception already mentioned, there
are the gatherings attended bv the graduates of both Barnard and
Columbia, including the Baccalaureate Sermon, the President's Re-
ception, the meeting of the Alumni of the university on Commence-
ment Day, and, most inportant of all, Commencement itself. Many
of the Barnard Seniors also attend the Columbia Class Day exer-
cises and dance and invitations to each of the Class Days are sent
to the graduates of the other college.
The most important student organization at Barnard is the Under-
graduate Association, founded shortly after the foundation of the
college itself. A l l undergraduates are members of this society, which
regulates the affairs of the student body, including the adoption and
enforcement of the rules for self-government. The presidency
of this organization is perhaps the greatest honor that can be con-
ferred by the students upon one of their number.
Among the religious and philanthropic societies are the Christian
Association, the Barnard College Chapter of the College Settlements
Association, and the Church Students Missionary Association. I n
addition to the welcoming reception to the Freshman class, the
Christian Association is " at home " one afternoon each week at
Earl Hall. The Rivington Street Settlement conducted by the
College Settlements Association receives the greater part of the
attention of the Barnard Chapter, but several of the members do
active work in some of the other New York settlements. The
Church Students Missionary Association is an organization estab-
lished among college students who are members of the Protestant
Episcopal Church to further the cause of missions. A t Barnard
the chapter conducts a mission study class, and occasionally secures
speakers to address the college on subjects connected with mis-
sionary work. A recent enterprise, which can scarcely be classed
as philanthropic, but which invites reference at this point, is the
Students' Exchange. This has proved a most helpful medium f o r
the exchange of books and other articles and has become established
as a permanent institution.
Of the societies organized to foster the study of some particular
subject, the oldest is the Greek Club, founded in 1894. The mem-
bership in this society is more limited and the character of the work
more serious than in any of the other clubs for langauge study.
The Deutscher Kreis, the Societa Italiana, and La Societe Fran-
caise are enthusiastically supported by students interested in the
study of German, Italian, and French, respectively. A t all meet-
ings of these societies, whether business or social, no other language
is used than that to the study of which the society is devoted.
Usually, the Deutscher Kreis and La Societe Francaise entertain
the college by giving a play some time during the year. The Botani-
cal Club, organized in 1897, is the oldest of the scientific societies.
I t differs from the other clubs in numbering many alumna? among
its members. Four meetings are held during the year, one of which
is a tea in the Botanical Laboratories. One of the other meetings is
also open to those who are not members of the club, and is usually
addressed by some prominent botanist. The Early Bird Club, which
started last year as a joke, inviting to membership all " who had
ever cut the acquaintance of an earth worm," has developed into an
enthusiastic Zoology Club. A lecture by Professor Osborn. of Co-
lumbia, has been given under its auspices, and trips to the zoological
gardens and natural history museums in the vicinity have been taken
by the members.
The literary societies, which have been re-organized, re-named,
and re-established several times during the last ten years, have re-
cently united and formed the Barnard Union. The two largest
societies whose existence has been merged in that of the new organi-
zation are the Barnard Bear and the Debating Club. The aims
of the Union are broader than those of any literary society which
has previously existed at Barnard, and an effort is being made to
interest the great mass of the student body in the various phases
of work which it will undertake. Among some things, the society
intends to assume the publication of the Barnard Bulletin, the col-
lege newspaper, which has hitherto been under the control of the
Undergraduate Association.
The college annual publication was orginally known as the Bar-
nard Annual and three numbers appeared under this name. The
first and second were published in 1894 and 1895, respectively, by
the Undergraduate Association, and edited by a board consisting
of one representative from each class. I n 1896 the Junior Class
undertook the publication of the Annual, and since that time the
issue of the book has been one of the tasks of the third-year students.
The Class of 1898 changed the name to The Mortarboard, a title
which has since been retained without variation. The Bulletin and
The Mortarboard are the only periodicals published solely by the
students of Barnard College. Barnard has representatives, how-
ever, on the editorial boards of several of the Columbia publications.
The first Barnard song book is now being compiled under the super-
vision of the Undergraduate Association; it will probably be issued
within a few months.
The Barnard Chorus has recently become part of the University
Chorus, but the Mandolin Club still maintains a separate existence,
and has the distinction at present of being the only independent
musical organization at Barnard.
The Athletic Association is the outcome of the union of 1901
of the Basket Ball and Tennis Clubs. The acquisition of Milbank
Quadrangle has aroused fresh interest in athletics and the institu-
tion of Field Day has added several new sports to the time-honored
Altogether there seems to be plenty f o r the Barnard g i r l to do,
no matter what her talents or what her aspirations. I f she is a
stranger in New Y o r k she also wishes to take advantage of the
opportunities offered by four years' residence in the great city. I f
she lives at home or spends the week-ends with her family, she
keeps in touch with many interests unconnected with her college
life, and, in any event, there is no danger that time will hang heavily
on her hands.
The 150th Anniversary of the Foundation of King's College.
Columbia University celebrated on October 31, 1904, the close
of the 150th year since the charter was granted to King's College.
The festivities connected with the sesquicentenary began about a
week before the anniversary day, and were participated in by
trustees, officers, faculty, alumni, and students of the university.
On Monday evening, October 24th, the Deutscher Verein opened
the celebration by holding a Kommers in the officers' dining room
in University Hall. The guest of honor was Dr. K a r l Gotthart
Lamprecht, Professor of History in the University of Leipzig, who
had just completed a course of lectures in German, under the
auspices of the university, on " Probleme der modernen Geschichts-
wissenschaft," Professor W . H . Carpenter, of the Germanic De-
partment made the address of welcome, and among the speakers
were Dr. Lamprecht, President Butler, Professor Rudolf Tombo,
Jr., of the Germanic Department (a prominent fraternity man,
and President of Theta Delta C h i ) ; M r . W . F. J. Piel, Dean
Perry, of the Faculty of Philosophy; Dean Kirchwey, of the Faculty
of Law, and Professor Calvin Thomas, of the Germanic Department.
On Tuesday evening, October 25th, the Association of the Alumni
of Columbia College held its regular meeting at Sherry's. The
gathering was especially large and enthusiastic.
Wednesday evening, October 26th, was given over to fraternity
reunions at the several chapter houses. Among the societies whose
alumni gathered in large numbers were Alpha Chi Rho, Alpha
Delta Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Kappa Epsilon,
Delta Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, Phi Delta Theta, Phi
Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Sigma, Psi Upsilon, Sigma Chi, Theta
Delta Chi, Theta X i , and Zeta Psi.
O n Thursday evening, October 27th, a special meeting was held
by King's Crown.
On Friday afternoon, October 28th, the trustees held a reception
in the Library, President Butler receiving with them in the rotunda.
D u r i n g the reception, the University Orchestra, under the direction
of M r . Gustav Hinrichs, of the Department of Music, gave a con-
cert in South Hall. The buildings on Morningside Heights, in-
cluding those of Barnard College and of Teachers College, were
thrown open f o r inspection, and it is estimated that about twenty
thousand people visited the university. Many of the departments
held teas and special exhibitions. The most interesting exhibit,
perhaps, was that of Columbiana, held in the bibliographical room
of the Library, intended to illustrate "the history and growth of
King's College, Columbia College, and Columbia University, but
in no respect to represent the literary productions which have
emanated f r o m these sources." Among the documents in this col-
lection was the manuscript record book of the Public Lottery, •con-
ducted in 1748 under an act of the colonial legislature, authorizing
the raising of money in this way " for the advancement of learning
and toward the founding of a college within the colony." The actual
opening of the college, some months before the charter was granted,
was announced by an " advertisement" in the New York Mercury
of June 3, 1754, which stated that tuition would begin in the
vestry room of Trinity Church on July 1st; a copy of this adver-
tisement formed part of the collection. Copies of the original and
additional charters of King's College were also exhibited, and sev-
eral deeds conveying real estate to the college. Notable among
these was that by which, in 1755, the corporation of T r i n i t y Church
transferred a portion of the King's Farm to the governors of the
college. Most interesting among the records were " The Matricula
or Register of Admission and Graduation, and of Officers employed
in King's College at New York, 1754-77," and the " Book of
Misdemeanors in King's College; the first of the kind, beginning in
the year 1771." The exhibit was especially rich in collections re-
lating to the early presidents of the college. Among these was a
set of printer's proofs of the original draft of the Constitution
of the United States, with amendments written in the handwriting
of William Samuel Johnson, the first president of the institution
after it became Columbia College. The amendments include pro-
visions forbidding the President of the United States to receive
gifts, giving to Congress the power to establish inferior courts, and
guaranteeing to each state equal suffrage in the Senate. The ex-
hibit also included documents relating to distinguished alumni and
collections illustrating student activities. A notable feature was
the collection of portraits in oil of eight distinguished graduates:
Samuel Provost, a member of the first class (1758) and the first
Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church consecrated in the United
States; John Jay, of the class of 1764; Robert Livingston, of the
class of 1765, negotiator of the Louisiana Purchase; Benjamin
Moore, of the class of 1768, Bishop and President of the College;
Gouverneur Morris, of the same class; Alexander Hamilton, of the
class of 1774; De W i t t Clinton, 1786, Mayor of New York city, and
Governor of the State of New Y o r k ; and Abraham Stevens Hewitt,
1842, Mayor of New York City.
On Friday evening, October 28th, a students' dance was held in
the University Gymnasium, at which about eight hundred persons
were present. The stage was surmounted by a pediment on which
was the motto of the university, " I n Lumine Tuo Videbimus
Lumen," and the seals of Columbia, Barnard, and Teachers Col-
leges. The background of the stage, the front of the gallery, and
walls of the gymnasium were hung with draperies in Columbia
blue and white, and the pillars were decorated with the national
and college colors, and with the seals of the city, the state, and
the United States. Supper was served in the University Commons.
On the same evening, two dinners were held in honor of the
sesquicentennial anniversary. That of the Department of Electrical
Engineering, held in the Engineering Building, was also commemo-
rative of the fifteenth anniversary of its own establishment. Pro-
fessor Crocker, the head of the Electrical Engineering staff, pre-
sided ; and the speakers were Professor Charles F. Chandler, of
the Department of Chemistry; J. W . Lieb, Jr., President of the
American Institute of Electrical Engineers; T. C. Martin, Editor
of The Electrical World and Engineer; Dean Hutton, of the Fac-
ulty of Applied Sciences ; Michael Idvorsky Pupin, professor of Elec-
tro-Machanics; William Hallock, Professor of Physics, and Gano Sel-
lick Dunn, of the class of 1891, believed to be the first recipient
of the degree of Electrical Engineer from an American university.
Several professors from other institutions were present, among them
being the following graduates of the electrical engineering course
at Columbia: Professor W . H . Freedman, of the University of
Vermont; Professor R. B. Owens, of McGill University, and Pro-
fessor F. M . Pedcrsen, of the College of the City of New York.
The other dinner was that of the Society of Columbia University
Architects at the Cafe Francis, at which many of the alumni of the
School of Architecture were present. The dinner was followed
by a meeting which was addressed by Professor A . D . F. Hamlin.
On Saturday afternoon, October 29th, the Yale-Columbia foot-
ball game attracted many to American League Park, and in the
evening the Columbia University Club entertained about six hun-
dred alumni at a smoker. No exercises were planned for this
entertainment, but informal speeches were made by President But-
ler, Francis S. Bangs, '78, and the Rev. Dr. Smedes, '50. The
privileges of the club were extended to all alumni and former stu-
dents until November 1st.
On Sunday afternoon a devotional and musical service was held
in the Gymnasium, and attracted a very large number of alumni
and undergraduates. The service was extremely impressive. The
music was rendered by the choir of St. Bartholomew's Church,
under the direction of M r . Richard Henry Warren, assisted by an
orchestra. The service was conducted by the Rev. D r . Van De
Water, Chaplain of the University, and the sermon was preached
by The Right Reverend William Croswell Doane, Bishop of Albany.
" Stand Columbia," the Columbia hymn, was sung as part of the
musical service.
On Monday morning, October 31st, the Trustees and University
Council assembled in the Trustees' Room where the honorary de-
gree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon Dr. Karl G. Lamprecht,
presented by Professor Burgess, of the Faculty of Law. Imme-
diately after this ceremony, the Trustees, University Council, and
a number of invited guests proceeded to South Field, where the
two new dormitories are in process of erection. The corner-stone
of Livingston Hall, so named in honor of Robert R. Livingston, o f
the class of 1765, was laid by George L . Rives, chairman of the
Board of Trustees. That of Hartley Hall, erected in memory of
the late Marcellus Hartley, and the g i f t of his daughter, Mrs. Helen
Hartley Jenkins, and his grandson, Marcellus Hartley Dodge, '03,
was laid by Mrs. Jenkins. The academic procession then proceeded
to the new School of Mines Building, the corner-stone of which was
laid by the donor, M r . Adolph Lewisohn. I t then crossed the
campus to the site of St. Paul's Chapel. M r . Rives, the great-great-
grandson of Henry Barclay, that Rector of Trinity Chuch who was
so influential in bringing about the foundation of King's College, then
presented to perform the office of laying the corner-stone of the new
chapel Archdeacon George D . Johnson, the great-grandson of Dr.
Samuel Johnson, first president of King's College. A f t e r the im-
pressive ceremony which followed, the procession moved across the
green to the new Frederick Ferris Thompson Physical Education
Building of Teachers College. The building was formally dedi-
cated, the address i n behalf of the donor, Mrs'. Frederick Ferris
Thompson, being made by the Rev. Joachim Elmendorf, and that
of acceptance in behalf of the trustes of Teachers College by
Mr. V. Everit Macy.
On Monday afternoon, October 31st, was held the University Convo-
cation in the Gymnasium. The academic procession included, in addi-
tion to trustees, officers, and faculty, a division of clergy and guests,
descendants of past presidents, and recipients of honorary degrees,
a division of the Vestry of Trinity Church, and a division of candi-
dates for honorary degrees. The alumni formed in double line
and entered the Gymnasium, followed by the academic procession.
The music was rendered by an orchestra under the direction of M r .
Gustav Hinrichs, of the Department of Music. President Butler
delivered the Commemorative Oration, tracing the history of the
growth of the college from its early modest beginning and pointing
out how the development of the institution has but followed the
lines of its original conception. After the oration, the honorary
degrees of Doctor of Laws and Doctor of Science were conferred
upon distinguished graduates of Columbia College and of the
University Schools. The candidates were presented by John How-
ard Van Amringe, Ph. D., L . H . D., L L . D., Dean of Columbia
College. Those who received the degree of Doctor of Laws were
Judges Willard Bartlett, George Landon Ingraham, and Morgan
J. O'Brien, of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, and
Judge Le Baron Bradford Colt, of the United States Circuit Court
of the First Judicial District; Professors Francis Delafield, John
Green Curtis, Brander Matthews, Edward Delavan Perry, Munroe
Smith, Edwin R. A . Seligman, Harry Thurston Peck, William A .
Dunning, Frank J. Goodnow, Walter Belknap James, and Abraham
Valentine Williams Jackson, members of the several faculties of
Columbia University; Deans Edward G. Janeway, of the University-
and-Bellevue Hospital Medical College, and William Mecklenburg
Polk, of the Cornell University Medical College; Professors W i l -
liam H . Welsh, of Johns Hopkins University, and James Willis
Gleed, of the University of Kansas; Joseph Larocque, former presi-
dent of the Bar Association of the City of New Y o r k ; Oscar S.
Straus, former United States Minister to Turkey; D r . Andrew
James McCosh, and Robert Fulton Cutting. The recipients of the
degree of Doctor of Science were Professors Henry Smith Munroe,
Frederick R. Hutton, Nathaniel L . Britton, Moses Allen Starr.
Luther Emmett Holt, Michael Idvorsky Pupin, and George Sum-
ner Huntington, of Columbia University; Professor William
Stewart Halstead, of Johns Hopkins University; Ernest Joseph
Lederle, former Health Commissioner of the City of New York,
and William Bleecker Potter. A f t e r the degrees had been con-
ferred announcement was made of the establishment by the trustees
•J m OG
- •5 x
• o
rm rip
of the following memorial professorships: The Johnsonian Pro-
fessorship of Philosophy, the Bard Professorship of the Practice
of Medicine, the Mitchell Professorship of Chemistry, the Adrain
Professorship of Mathematics, the McVickar Professorship of Politi-
cal Economy, the Anthon Professorship of Latin, the Ruggles Pro-
fessorship of Political Science and Constitutional Law, the Lieber
Professorship of History and Political Philosophy, the Rutherfurd
Professorship of Astronomy, the Torrey Professorship of Botany,
and the Barnard Professorship of Education. The Convocation ad-
journed after the singing of the Columbia hymn, " Stand Columbia."
On the evening of Monday, the 31st, the Alumni held a dinner
at Sherry's which closed the festivities. President Butler presided,
and members of the classes of '39, '46, '49, '50, '54, 56, '58, and
every subsequent class were present, about five hundred and forty
in all. The crown of King's College was placed on the president's
table. The toasts were responded to as follows: King's College,
Dean Van Amringe; Columbia and the Nation, Rt. Rev. Henry C.
Potter, Bishop of New York; Columbia and the City, Hon. George
B. McClellan, Mayor of New York; American Universities, Edwin
Anderson Alderman, President of the University of Virginia, and
former President of Tulane University.
The New President of Tennessee.
Dr. Brown Ayres, who, on September 1, 1904, became Dr. Dab-
ney's successor as President of the University of Tennessee, is the
son of Samuel W. and Elizabeth (Cook) Ayres, and was born in
Memphis, Tennessee, on the 25th day of May, 1856. He received
his early education in private schools at Memphis and later in New
Orleans, Louisiana, where he resided with his guardian after the
death of his father. He entered Washington and Lee University, at
Lexington, Virginia, very young and was from the beginning a
very successful student. From Lexington Dr. Ayres went to the
Stevens Institute of Technology, at Hoboken, New Jersey, for a
long time the greatest school of science and engineering in America.
He graduated from that institution with the degree of B. Sc. in
1878. The same institution gave him the degree of Ph. D. in 1888.
Dr. Ayres was a fellow in the Physical Department of Johns
Hopkins University in 1879-80, where he worked under the great
Dr. Roland, the most eminent physicist that America has ever pro-
duced. Immediately at the close of his course at Johns Hopkins
University he was elected Professor of Physics at Tulane, where
he has been until this year. When the College of Technology was
organized in Tulane, in 1894, Dr. Ayres became its Dean, and he
was its creator, making it one of the greatest engineering schools
in the South. Having been eminently successful in this position
it was quite natural that he should become the Chairman of the
Faculty and Dean of the Academic Department, and upon the
resignation of Tulane's President, Acting President of the same
Dr. Ayres is one of the most distinguished scientific men and
educators in the South, and a member of many of the leading
scientific societies of the United States: A fellow of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, a member of the
American Institute of Electrical Engineers, of the American Phy-
sical Society, of the Association for the Promotion of Engineering
Education, etc. He has been very active in general educational and
scientic work, and is most highly considered among engineers and
scientific men of America, having been an officer of many of them
and received numerous honors at their hands. He was a member
of the Jury of Electricity at the World's Columbian Exposition at
Chicago, and also at the Atlanta Exposition and Tennessee Expo-
Dr. Ayres married, on July 5, 1881, Miss Katherine A. Ander-
son, of Lexington, Virginia. He has a very interesting family of
children. Their home on St. Charles street in New Orleans was
always the center of a delightful social life and a favorite place for
all Southern people visiting that city. Dr. Ayres' interests are
broad and his accomplishments numerous.
The Board of Trustees, Faculty and students of the University
and people of Tennessee are to be most heartily congratulated upon
securing his services. Dr. Ayres was enthusiastically received on
September 15, the opening day of the school session for 1904-05,
when he made his opening speech in Science Hall at the University
of Tennessee.
In the early days of President Dabney's administration, Dr. Ayres
was tendered a professorship in the University of Tennessee. He
visited the place and expressed considerable interest in the work
being done here, but found it impossible at the time to accept the
offer. He was a member of the Faculty of the first Summer School
of the South and made a great many firm friends in Knoxville at
that time. A native Tennessean, he has always felt a great interest
in the State and its University, and this interest doubtless led him to
accept the presidency of the University. (Tennessee University
Magazine, October, 1904.)
The Annual Meeting of the Grand Council.
For the first time in the short history of Alpha Omicron Pi, the
annual meeting of the Grand Council in Christmas week has been
made the occasion of a general gathering of the members of the
fraternity. Heretofore the yearly meeting has consisted of one
business session, at the close of which the members of the Council
have scattered to their homes. The plan adopted in December,
1904, however, of grouping about the business sessions a number
of general meetings, some of a purely social nature, and others
designed for the discussion of matters of general fraternity interest
and policy, has met with enthusiastic support and will without
doubt permanently replace the old system.
The Executive Committee of the Grand Council at its November
meeting adopted a schedule of events in connection with the coming
annual meeting. The program was printed and sent to every mem-
ber of Alpha Omicron Pi, with an invitation to be present at all
of the gatherings except the business sessions, attendance at which
was necessarily limited to those entitled to vote. A committee
consisting of one member of the Executive Committee and one
representative from each of the New York chapters was given
charge of the arrangements; its members were Mrs. George Vin-
cent Mullan for the Executive Committee, Miss Edith Augusta
Dietz for Alpha Chapter, Miss Elizabeth Jackson Moss for Nu
Chapter, and Miss Jeannette M. Wick for the New York Alumnae
Chapter. The program was carried out as planned except for the
Alumnae Chapter reception which was to have been held at Earl
Hall, Columbia University. As the university authorities decided
to close Earl Hall during the holidays, it became necessary to make
other arrangements for the entertainment, and an informal " A t
Home " at the apartment of Alpha Chapter was substituted.
On Tuesday evening, December 27th, the events of the week
began with the first business session of the Grand Council. This
was held at the Alpha Chapter apartment, 510 West 124th street,
New York City. Routine business and the presentation of reports
consumed most of the time allotted to this session. The only new
business transacted was the election of officers for the year 1905.
A list of the new officers is printed elsewhere in this publication.
The retiring members of the Executive Committee are the former
Grand President, Stella George Stern, Alpha '98, who becomes
Grand Historian; arid the former Grand Vice-President and Grand
Recording Secretary, Jessie Ashley, Nu '02, and Agnes Lillian Dick-
son, Alpha '99, respectively, both of whom retire from the Grand
Council through the expiration of their terms of office.
On Wednesday evening, December 28th, Alpha Chapter enter-
tained the fraternity at a dance given in the Barnard College Theatre
in Brinckerhoff Hall. The theatre, which is decorated in red and
white, was garlanded with evergreens, and Alpha banners were
hung over the rail of the gallery. Reception rooms and corridors
were made attractive with Alpha pillows and decorations in the fra-
ternity colors.
Thursday, the 29th, was the busy day of the week. At half-after
ten in the morning an open meeting was held in one of the lecture
rooms in the New York University Building on Washington Square.
This was the most largely attended and the most successful of the
general gatherings. Stella George Stern, the retiring Grand Presi-
dent, presided, and many matters of current fraternity interest were
discussed, including the Inter-Sorority Conference, the Social Ser-
vice work proposed by Kappa Kappa Gamma, the advisabilty of
preventing by constitutional amendment the further election of the
mis-named Honorary members of Alpha Omicron Pi, the expediency
of raising the dues of chapters and Associate members, the financing
of To DRAGMA along the lines selected by the present editor, the
question of issuing membership cards to all initiates, the advisability
of nationalizing the whistle-call now used by Zeta Chapter, and
several matters of minor importance. A clerk was appointed by
the meeting and resolutions were passed making certain recom-
mendations to the Grand Council, the clerk being directed to pre-
sent them to the Council at its second session. After this open
meeting Nu Chapter served luncheon in its room in the University
On Thursday evening, the Grand Council held its second session
at the Alpha Chapter apartment. I t was found that the recom-
mendations presented by the open meeting were, with the recom-
mendations incorporated in several of the chapter reports, very
useful in facilitating action by the Council on the business in hand,
as the opinions of a large number of the members of the fraternity
were thus placed before it. Moreover, the necessity of discussion
upon many matters was reduced to a minimum, as practically all of
the members of the Grand Council had attended the open meeting
where the arguments for and against proposed action by the Council
were fully presented. The mass of business to be transacted was,
however, unusually large, and a third session was avoided only bv
protracting the meeting until a late hour. Several amendments
to the Constitution, accomplishing two results, namely, the pre-
vention of further elections of so-called Honorary Members, and the
increase of chapter dues were passed, subject to ratification by the
chapters as provided in the Constitution. This, and the adoption
of a plan for financing To DRAGMA constituted the chief work of
the meeting. A number of additions and minor changes were made
in the Rules and Regulations of Alpha Omicron Pi, and other
business was transacted which will be more fully covered by the
report of proceedings to be sent to the chapters when completed.
With this session the business of the annual meeting was concluded.
On Friday atternoon, the New York Alumnae Chapter gave a
tea at the Alpha Chapter apartment, to which not only the mem-
bers of Alpha Omicron Pi but also a number of friends of mem-
bers were invited.
On Saturday, the 31st, a luncheon was given at the Women's
University Club, 10 Gramercy Park, New York city, after which
a theatre party attended the performance of " Sunday," presented
by Miss Ethel Barrymore and her company at the Hudson Theatre.
The Inter-Sorority Conference.
The first meeting of the Inter-Sorority Conference, with which
Alpha Omicron Pi has recently united, was held in 1902. No definite
work was accomplished, but the meeting sufficed to bring together
on a common ground the sororities there represented. Five by-laws,
looking toward the regulation of " rushing " and the suppression of
" lifting " through an Inter-Sorority Compact, were approved by the
meeting and referred to the several sororities for consideration. At
the next meeting, held in September, 1903, it was found that action
on these by-laws had not been unanimous, and an Inter-Sorority
Compact along the lines suggested in 1902 was, therefore, impracti-
cable. All the sororities represented, however, expressed their dis-
approval of the evils sought to be remedied. The following definite
action was taken by the Second Conference: (1) The formation
of Pan-Hellenic Associations was ordered; and (2) motions, em-
bodying some of the suggestions made by the sororities were framed
and submitted to the chapters for action. The provisions of these
motions were to become binding upon all chapters of all sororities
in the Conference, if they should be approved by a majority vote
of the chapters of each sorority. Two of the four motions thus
submitted were carried, the other two were lost. These two were
re-submitted to the chapters by vote of the Third Conference, held
last September, but the report of the chapter votes thereon has
not yet been announced.
We shall later print in full the report of the Third Conference,
but wish to emphasize the following motions, as their provisions are
now binding on all chapters of Alpha Omicron P i :
1. That Pan-Hellenic Associations be formed in every institution
in which two or more national sororities exist. (Prescribed by
vote of Second Conference, September, 1903.)
2. That these Pan-Hellenic Associations consist of one Alumna
and one active member from each sorority represented in the Con-
ference. (Prescribed by vote of Second Conference, September,
3. That it be the purpose of these associations to discuss and act
on all matters of Inter-Sorority interest in the colleges and universi-
ties in which they exist, especially such matters as the Inter-Sorority
Conference. (Prescribed by vote of Second Conference, Septem-
ber, 1903.)
4. That the Secretary of the Inter-Sorority Conference be em-
powered to ask the Grand Secretaries of the National Sororities
to notify their chapters that the chapter first established in each
institution is to organize the Pan-Hellenic Association there. The
chairmanship is to be held in rotation by each chapter in the order
of its establishment. (Prescribed by vote of Second Conference,
September, 1903.)
5. That any chapter violating the Pan-Hellenic agreements be
reported to its Grand President by the Pan-Hellenic Association
to which it belongs. (Prescribed by vote of Second Conference,
September, 1903.)
6. That no student be asked to join a sorority before she has
matriculated. (Passed by unanimous vote of sororities, April, 1904-)
7. That matriculation be defined as the day of enrollment as a
student in the university or college. (Passed by unanimous vote
of sororities, April, 1904.)
The connection of Alpha Omicron Pi with the Inter-Sorority
Conference dates from December 15, 1904, when the Executive
Committee of the Grand Council resolved to accept the provisions
of the existing Inter-Sorority Compact as above set forth. Sub-
Freshman pledging prior to December 15, 1904, is not, therefore,
affected by the Compact, and cannot be regarded as a violation of
our agreement; but the attention of chapters installed in colleges
where such pledging has hitherto been customary is especially
directed to the regulations forbidding this practice in the future.
The Rose of Red.
By Edith A. Dietz, A, '05.
T U N * : — "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes:
Let others praise the lily fair
Or purple violet;
Let others boast of other flowers
Whose charms they'll ne'er forget;
But first and foremost in our hearts
Forever more shall be
The fragrant rose of deepest red
Of our fraternity.
This flower of ours shall ever be
Enshrined in every heart.
And we will ever cherish it
Until from life we part.
And may we all throughout our lives,
Whate'er we think or do,
Forgetful of all else besides,
To Alpha's flower prove true.
Alpha for Aye.
By Alice V. W. Smith, A, '05.
T U N E : — " Sans Souci."
Throughout each college year,
Alpha but grows more dear;
Then let us say;
We will forever be
Loyal and true to thee,
I : Hail our fraternity
Alpha for aye. :|
Swiftly time's course doth run;
Though our four years be done,
Still shall we be,
Through all life's varied ways,
Through all its changing ways,
| : Singing to Alpha's praise
Eternally. :|
Once More United.
By Florence Lucas Sanville, A, '01.
T U N E : — " Integer Vita."
Once more united,
Faith and friendship plighted,
Join in entreating
Peace to this our meeting.
This hour of union,
This space of sweet communion,
Alpha, we give to thee.
Let no intrusion
Of the day's confusion,
Naught inharmonious
Here come upon us,
One light for guiding,
One thought abiding
Thy name, sweet
Ere our disbanding,
In thy shelter standing,
Our pledges we renew,
Alpha, thy work to do.
Thy precepts to observe,
Faithfully thee to serve,
Alpha, eternally.
The Garden of Our College Days.
By Stella George Stern, A, '98.
T U N E : — " Past and Present."
The garden of our college days
One blossom bears, serene, apart;
And but the chosen few may gaze
Upon the sweetness of its heart.
And but the chosen few may know
The joys that in its bosom dwell,
For love and hope and courage grew
Where Alpha's flower blooms well.
Then sing to Alpha's blossom fair,
Our dearest hope and pride;
I : And may the hearts that guard it there
Faithful and true abide. :|
This perfume in thy spirit bear,
This garland bind upon they brow.
In all thy living do and dare
To keep our blossom fair as now.
And bid the chosen few to show
The joys that in its bosom dwell,
For love and hope and courage grow
Where Alpha's flower blooms well.
A Marching or Street Song.
Here's to good old Nu,
Drink her down, drink her down,
Here's to good old Nu,
Drink her down, drink her down,
Here's to good old Nu,
She's so hearty and so true,
Drink her down, drink her down,
Drink her down, down, down.
Balm of Gilead, Gilead,
Balm of Gilead, Gilead,
Balm of Gilead,
Way down on the Bingo farm.
We won't go there any more,
We won't go there any more,
We won't go there any more,
Way down on the Bingo farm.
Bingo, Bingo, Bingo,
Bingo, Bingo, Bingo,
Way down on the Bingo farm.
Viva L a A. O. P.
By Helen K. Hoy, Nu, '03.
T U N E : — " Vive la Compagnie."
Oh, come, all ye sisters,
And tune up your throats,
Vive la A. O. P i ;
And lustily sing
To the jolly old notes,
Vive la A. O. Pi.
Vive la, vive la, vive la, phi,
Vive la, vive la, vive la, chi,
Vive la, vive la, vive la, psi,
Vive la A. O. Pi.
Away with the tons
Of the dusty old tomes,
Vive la A. O. P i ;
And let us stop delving
Like so many gnomes,
Vive la A. O. Pi.
Now joy to each other,
Let's sing one and all,
Vive la A. O. P i ;
In Alpha together
Whatever befall,
Vive la A. O. Pi.
The Fellowship of Spring.
By Helen K. Hoy, Nu, '03.
T U N E : — " Stein Song."
Give a rouse, then, in exam time
For the girl that knows no fear;
Turn the night time into day time
With the cramming minus cheer.
Yet it's always fair weather,
When A. O. Pi gets together,
With hearts fast forever and a good song ringing clear.
Oh, we all are frank and twenty,
Tho' exams are in the air,
And we've faith and hope aplenty
Of a " D " and some to spare;
So it's birds of a feather
When A. O. Pi gets together,
With hands joined in friendship, and a heart without a care.
Yes, we know exams are glorious,
And six " A's " a golden thing;
Yet that profs can be censorious,
And that flunk notes have their sting;
Yet life slips its tether
When A. O. Pi gets together,
With hearts fast forever in the fellowship of spring.
Tho' bad news may come from Tompkins
When our marks shall see the light,
Tho' we'll feel like country bumpkins
In our wretched, sorry plight;
Yet life will slip its tether
When A. O. Pi gets together,
With hearts fast forever in the fellowship of spring.
The Dear Old Room.
By Helen K. Hoy, Nu, '03.
T U N E : — " Tenting on the Old Camp Ground."
We are gathered to-night in the dear old room,
Sisters in A. O. Pi;
With the hearty grip and the merry quip
That shall send our spirits high.
Strong are the.bonds of our dear A. O. Pi
Stronger may they grow through the years.
Uplifting high be our Phi Mu Chi
To each one when she hears.
Happy to-night, happy to-night,
Happy in the dear old room.
Far from each other, the room we love,
Fond be our memory;
The good old song let us cherish long
And prize where'er we be.
The appearance of this first number of To DRAGMA marks the
fulfilment of a hope long deferred. I t has, indeed, seemed that of
making a magazine there is no end, and much editing is a weariness
of the flesh. However, here the little magazine is at last, and as it
starts out in life let us say with heartiness:
" Here's a health to you, Dragma!
May you live long and prosper!"
I f service is the keynote of life, it certainly does not cease to be
that in the fraternity corner of the big world. In fraternities ser-
vice is translatable chiefly into co-operation, and co-operation is a
duty falling especially to alumnae.
It is easy to think that when undergraduates are the persons most
concerned with the details of chapter management, alumnae have
nothing to do; but isn't this a mistake? I t is true that running
things — and running things smoothly — is at once the privilege
and the duty of the undergraduates, but it is equally true that from
the alumnae are expected the suggestions which shape policies, and
the substantial support which lifts chapter life above mere hand-to-
mouth existence and makes possible the permanent chapter home.
These are facts, the fraternity world over.
How does our alumnae attitude square with the general rule?
No one needs to be told of the good feeling which a good song
brings out. Total strangers find the cockles of their hearts warmed
and themselves closer to their fellows generally, after a good sing,
and half of the fondest memories of college days cluster round the
twilight singing under class tree, or on the old stone wall or fence
or steps or elsewhere on the dusky campus. Further, all college
folk sing their college songs. Even the tone deaf join in, of course,
and those who never hum a note at any other time; and no one
thinks to say " I never sing," and all goes merry as a marriage bell.
Do we sing our fraternity songs as we sing our college songs?
sing them not because it is a duty but because it's a pleasant thing
to do, because we cannot help it ? We trust so, and we print in this
number of the DRAGMA Alpha's first songs in the hope that this
compilation of the older verses may rouse our sleeping muses and
set them working so that a national song book of worth and dignity
soon shall be forthcoming.
It is never too soon to begin to talk about chapter houses. From
the information at hand concerning the ways in which we are
housed, it is seen that Nu is practically our only chapter with
permanent quarters.
Even Nu, however, does not hold its home in fee simple. A l -
though its members have never hesitated to put money into im-
provements which are fixtures, and although the commodious room
which they occupy on the roof of the great University building on
Washington Square, will doubtless be at their disposal as long as
they wish to stay in it, the fact remains that Nu's privileges are co-
terminous with the hospitality of the law faculty.
This dependence upon the graciousness of others, and the general
temporary character of our chapter living, as shown by our letters,
naturally, therefore, suggests a question as to what we are doing,
individually and collectively, toward acquiring permanent homes.
In Manhattan land values are practically prohibitive of chapter
house ownership by Nu or Alpha, but elsewhere there is no such
bar. In the home towns of our other chapters, property values are
low enough to bring a house within each chapter's reach — if we
would but think so.
As a man thinketh, so is he. We judge of a man's wisdom by
his hope. His powers and his ambitions are exactly proportioned.
Surely we are ambitious! Then let us think aright. Let us
know our strength and wield it. Let us know ourselves fertile of
plan, strong in resources, able of accomplishment. Then will the
way be opened, the resources revealed, the end achieved. Let us
know that we lack homes and wish for them. Let us determine
to work for homes and get them. Let us resolve our whole mem-
bership into a committee of ways and means. Let us become dili-
gent ; let us work single-eyed; let us lend a hand.
All this because if the question of permanent homes is not an
issue, it should be; because if the present is not responsible to the
future it should be; because results are built upon efforts; because
Do It Now is the key to a chapter house door.
To-day excuses are not made, to-morow they will be accepted as
reasonable, the next day they will be frowned upon. Then no
chapter that values its existence will be unable to point to a perma-
nent treasury, a steadily increasing house fund.
Obstacles ? Of course, obstacles there are in plenty, in the small
town as well as in the large. But obstacles are opportunities, and the
opportunity has never existed that grit, determination, and per-
sistence cannot seize and hold their own with.
So, let the thinking caps come out and let us hear something
from the South and the West about land values in Louisiana and
Nebraska, and let the next number of To DRAGMA contain the
opinions of individual members upon this question of homes and
how to get them.
Printed gratitude does not always read sincere, but we wish to
express through our magazine as simply and unaffectedly as possi-
ble the thanks of all Alphas to the retiring officers for their many
labors of love. Since the founding of the fraternity they have given
us service, whole souled and faithful. They have communicated
themselves, their character to us; their aims are a part of us; and
we, glad for these gifts, trust that the future will justify to Stella
Stern and Jessie Hughan this plain expression of our appreciation.
Editor's Announcement.
The next number of To DRAGMA will be issued in December.
Chapters are urged to have all contributions in the editor's hands
not later than December 4.
It is requested that college periodicals, newspapers, or clippings
containing personals concerning any members of the fraternity, or
referring in any way to fraternity or collegiate matters, be sent
to the editor.
All communications should be addressed to Miss Helen K. Hoy,
569 Fifth avenue, New York City.