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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-17 18:14:55

1912 May - To Dragma

Vol. VII, No. 3

3L 3L Newman





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To Dragma


Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity

Ofefatf of (tfnntntifl

Phi Mu Xi Julia L. Fuller 129

The Sorority System Mary Ross Potter 130
Convention Ruth Capen Farmer 131

Love's Message Lor a Henion 131

History of the University of Illinois Annetta Stephens 132
Our Campus Mary Wills 133

Waving Poppies Muriel Eastman Martin 134
Our Traditions Susan Hash 135

History of Iota Ada Paisley 137
A Toast Louise Niersthcimer 137

Our Fraternity—In Five Views: Anna Hofiert 138
The Freshman Standpoint Etta Lantz 138
A Sophomore's Soliloquy
The Junior Attitude Ruth Davison 139

The Attitude of a Senior Pearl Ropp 139

What My Fraternity Means to Me Ada M. Paisley 140

Gold Muriel E. Martin 141

The Professions of Women Elizabeth I. Toms 143

Advertisement Making as a Field for Women
Stella George Stern Perry 144

Bacteriology as a Profession for College Women
Josephine Southwor/h Pratt 152

The Requirements of Sisterhood Mary E. Chase 154

Sophomore Pledge-day Viola Gray 156

From the Report of the Conference of the Deans of Women. . . 160

Editorials 161

Active Chapter Letters 165

Alumnae Chapter Letters 177
News of the Alumnae 178
Births .; 180

Engagements 181
Weddings 181

In Memoriam \ 183

News of the College and Greek Letter World 184



Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha, '98, 663 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Helen St. Claire Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha '90, Andrew Avenue, Uni-

versity Heights, New York.
Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) Alpha, '98, Overlook Avenue, Hacken-

sack Heights, N . J .
Elizabeth Heywood VVyman, Alpha, '98, 456 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N . J .



Grand President, Ruth Capen Farmer, (Mrs. Walter), 7 Courtland

Street, Nashua, N. H .
Grand Vice-president, Mae Barlow, Rho, Galva, 111.
Grand Recording Secretary, Blanche H . Hooper, Tufts College,

Grand Treasurer, Lillian G . McQuillin, 155 Angell St., Churchill

House, Providence, R. I.
« Grand Historian, Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. G. H . ) , Overlook Avenue, Hacken-

sack Heights, N . J .

i Registrar, Gladys Courtian Britton (Mrs. John A . J r . ) , 425 Elwood Ave.,

Oakland, Cal.
Auditor, Anna E . Many, 1337 Henry Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Examining Officer, Kate B. Foster, 2717 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, C a l .
Chairman, Committee on New Chapters, Carrie Green Campbell (Mrs. W i n . ) ,

715 Court St., Port Huron. Mich.
S Editor-in-Chief of To DRAGMA, Virginia Judy Esterly, (Mrs. Ward B . ) , 244

Alvarado Rd., Berkeley, Cal.


Literary Editor, Muriel Eastman Martin ( M r s . Willsie) 2259 Central Ave.,

Alameda, Cal.
Exchanges, Kate B. Foster, 2717 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Chapter Letters, Blanche Du Bois, San Leandro, Cal.
• Business Manager of T o DRAGMA, Isabelle Henderson, 2655 Wakefield Ave.,

Alamada, Cal.

Delegate, Lula K . Bigelow ( M r s . C . G . ) , 1610 South 7th Ave., Maywood, 111.
Chairman, Mrs J . M. McElroy, 1514 E . 54th St., Chicago, 111.

Alpha—Barnard College, Columbia University, New York.
P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, L a .
Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, V a .
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind.

Delta—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Northwestern University, Fvanston, 111.
Lambda—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
New York Alumnae—New York City.
San Francisco Alumnae—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Boston, Mass.
Los Angeles Alumnae—Los Angeles, Cal.
Lincoln Alumnae—Lincoln, Neb.


Alpha—Viola Turck, 461 Riverside Drive, N . Y . C .
Pi—Betsy Dupre, 1231 Washington Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Nu—Alice Clark, 210 W . 21st Si. N . Y . C .
Omicron—Helen Kennedy, 728 N Central St., Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Annie Linn, College Park, Va.
Zeta—Ruth Wheelock, 1232 R St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Sigma—Georgia Meredith, 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Laura Wallace, A 0 I I House, Greencastle, Indiana.
Delta—Leslie Hooper, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Antoinette Webb, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Maine.
Epsilon—Ethel Cornell, Sage College, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Caroline Power, Pearson's Hall, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Sheda Lowman, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
Iota—Hazel Alkire, University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.



Alpha—Marie Diaz de Villavilla, West 113 St., New York, N . Y .
Pi—Betsy Dupre, 1231 Washington Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Nu—Mabel E . Witte, 535 Second St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Omicron—Nettie Armstrong, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Eleanor Somerville, College Park, Va.
Zeta—Grace M. Cannon, 500 South 27th St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Sigma—Helen Thayer, 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Daisy Coons, A O II House, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Alice Sears, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Louise Bartlett, Orono, Maine.
Epsilon—Agnes M. Dobbins, Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
Rho—Julia L . Fuller, 4526 W. Ravenswood Pk., Chicago, III.
Lambda—Sheda Lowman, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
Iota—Lora Moulton, University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.


New York Alumnae—Mrs. Jean L . Frame (Mrs. J . E . ) , 606 West 122nd
Street, New York, N. Y .

San Francisco Alumnae—Viola Ahlers, {985 Oak St., San Francisco, C a l .
Boston Alumnae—Clara Russel, 182 Cambridge Street, Winchester, Mass.
Providence Alumnae—Elise Emeline McCausland, 14 East Manning St., Provi-

dence, R . I .
Lincoln Alumnae—Annie Jones, Pres., 1710 B Street, Lincoln, Neb.




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VOL. V I I . M A Y , 1912 No. 3.

To D R A G M A is published at 450-454 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wis., by George
Banta, official printer to the fraternity. Entered at the Postoffice at Menasha,
Wis., as second-class matter, April 13, 1909, under the act of March 3, 1897.

To DRAGMA is published on the twenty-fifth of November, February, May
and July.

Subscription price, One Dollar per year payable in advance; Single copies
twenty-five cents.

Virginia Judy Esterly, Editor-in-chief. Isabelle Henderson, Business


- I f you had gifts to sell
Precious and rare
I f you had songs to tell
To free from care
Gems from a foreign strand
Flowers from a distant land
To bring good cheer.

I f you had wealth untold '14.
For which I'd sigh
I f you had art of old,
For me to buy,
I'd scorn them, every one
For friendship, I ,
Faithful from sun to sun
To Phi Mu X i .






In colleges as large as Northwestern there must be units smaller
than the natural college divisions, and it is perhaps true that the
fraternities furnish the best opportunity for such divisions, at least,-
I know of no more effective agency. They afford much valuable
training to the individual—though their systems of upper-class ad-
visorships, their personal criticism of one another, their opportuni-
ties for leadership provided to larger numbers than could otherwise
be accomplished, even their demand for occasional self-sacrifice of
an almost heroic kind—and they supply the instinctive need for
close companionship. They furnish social training which the col-
lege at large could scarcely give. They also, i f they are of high
standard, afford a means of recognizing superiority from the student
point of view, which seems good. I sometimes think that our strug-
gle after democracy of spirit so centers in the raising of the average
as to result in actually placing a premium upon mediocrity.

One point further I should like to add ; that many—indeed most,
I believe—of the evils of the Sorority system lie at the door of the
national organizations because of their growing complexity. While
I am sure that the intention is right, the fact is that the travelling
officers exert almost dictatorial power over the chapters" which power
is employed by these officers with meager knowledge of and the
merest incidental interest in the particular aims and problems of the
local institution. Thus the center of loyalty is shifted from the
local institution to the national Sorority ( I have heard the students
acknowledge this repeatedly) and the solution of local problems is
complicated by outside interference. Here is a point to which I do
believe reform must come sometime.



June of 1912 bids fair to be recorded in the country's annals as
the setting for one of the most spectacular presidential conventions
in history. June of 1912 bids fair to be recorded in our annals as
the setting for our biggest and most enthusiastic convention since
we began to told conventions. That this promise is fulfilled de-
pends upon each chapter, and each sister individually. Rho, with
her three nearest sisters chapters, Theta, Iota and Zeta, has been
laying plans for months to make June 20th, 21st and 22nd long
memorable to every Alpha O who is so fortunate as to spend those
days in Evanston. When the roll is called at that opening session
let ever)' chapter respond with a f u l l quota of delegates, and let
every Alpha O in this wide land recognize this golden opportunity
for gaining a fresh store of enthusiasm and inspiration, by being
present at this our regular Grand Council meeting.

R U T H C A P E N FARMER, Grand President.



The love that I bear you, my dearest,
Would make the sweetest tale,
H a d I for a pen to write it,
The bill of a nightingale.

For paper, the fragrant rose leaf
As your own dear heart so white,
The message would be the sweetest,
To tell of my heart's delight.

What ink would then be mine,
To write love's message divine?
Tears, bitter tears, when I think of our parting;
When I think of our joy, red wine!



The University of Illinois had its real beginning in the Morill
land grant act of 1862, by which the national government donated
to each state public land scrip, in quantity equal to 30,000 acres
for each senator and representative in Congress, for the endowment,
support and maintenance of at least one college. This provided
for the principal part of the financial problem, but not for the loca-
tion. The location was decided upon by a competition, into which
several counties entered. Each county proposed to donate specified
sums of money or their equivalent for the use of the University—
Champaign county offered the most satisfactory inducements and on
February 2 8 , 1867 the institution was incorporated at Urbana under
the name of the Illinois Industrial University.

I t was placed under the control of a Board of Trustees, and on
March 2, 1868, the University was opened. The faculty consisted
of the Regent and three professors, and the student enrollment was
about fifty. Work on the farm and gardens, or about the University
was at first compulsory to all students.

Soon laboratories of various kinds were started and new courses

A most important step toward advancement was made on March
9, 1870, when the Trustees voted to admit women as students. The
following year twenty-four availed themselves of the privilege, and
since that time they have constituted a very important one sixth to
one fifth of the total number of students.

Not until 1877 did the legislature give the University authority
to confer degrees and issue diplomas. I n 1885 the General Assem-
bly changed the name of the institution from the Illinois Industrial
University to the University of Illinois.

As each year closed the University records showed remarkable
advancement. State laboratories, experiment stations and surveys
were gradually established. The Graduate School, the Library
School, the schools of music, education, railway engineering, ad-
ministration, military science, and physical training all were organ-
ized with a separate faculty, aside from the Colleges of Literature
and Arts. Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Law, Medicine, Den-
tistry, and Pharmacy.

The enrollment of the University of Illinois now is over five
thousand, with an instruction corps of about six hundred.




Even the casual visitor is impressed by the beauty of our campus,
by its vast extent, its tall majestic trees, the ivy covered walls, the
dignified simplicity of the buildings, the profusion of flowers, and
the squirrels jumping fearlessly here and there—all these are a
never failing source of pleasant reminiscence to those who recall to
mind our campus.

Altogether there are about thirty buildings on the campus, but
these are so well situated that at no place do they seem crowded
together. The University aims to make the arrangement of the
buildings rectangular, and the new halls that are now in the process
of erection conform to this idea. The buildings, for the most part,
are built on straight and regular lines and because of their size, give
an atmosphere of dignity to the whole campus. Aside from the
disturbance which it creates in the autumn, when the unfortunate
freshmen get their "ducking", that little stream, the "Boneyard",
adds a charm of peacefulness and rusticity which one seldom finds
on a college campus.

Burrill Avenue, named for our vice-president, extends north and
south through the campus, and with the interlacing branches of the
maples which border it, makes a fitting avenue for our elaborate
May Day and Commencement processions.

The outdoor athletic life is well cared for, as is shown by the
well kept tennis courts, golf links, and athletic fields, considered
the best in the Middle West, whose bleachers when filled with
thousands of rooters wildly singing "Illinois Loyalty" and waving
their orange and blue pennants, makes us know that athletics are
the joy of the hearts of U . of I . students.

Our state legislature is very generous, and nearly every year a
liberal appropriation is made for some new building. The Hall of
Commerce and an addition to the Woman's Building are now in
course of construction, and a new Armory is to be erected soon—an
armory which will have a capacity sufficient for twelve hundred
cadets to drill at one time, and w i l l be the largest in the United

The brilliant scarlet of the geraniums and the green of the
maples and birches with the life and activity of the students hurry-
ing to and from classes, makes a spring day seem f u l l of hope and
joy. But when evening comes and everywhere long, irregular sha-
dows are cast, the few stray strollers are conscious of a feeling of
tranquility, of loyalty and love for their college, and as .they look


into the West, even into the orange and blue of sunset, they see the
glory of Illinois.

"O, the orange and the blue,
To you we'll e'er be true,
While life remains we'll pledge again
Dear Illinois to you!"


Have you ever heard the lullaby
That the poppies sing in the breeze,

When the west winds blows o'er their field of gold
And the mother birds nest in the trees?

The poppy-leaf lullaby brings rest, ,
I f your ears are tuned to hear

The gentle sound of the singing leaves

Rustling softly, far and near;

The golden leaves sing a song of rest
From the bitterness of strife;

They call you back from crowded days

To the old, glad way of life—

To the life that is lived in the open air,
Where each task finds its time;

Where hurry and worry flee away

And the soul finds joy sublime.

T o the life that is lived with birds for friends
And flowers for neighbors fair

And the hills call ever to noble thoughts
When you live in the open air.

I f you know where fields of poppies blow,
Oh Friend! where ever you dwell

Hasten out while they sing their lullaby

And hear them breathe, "All's well!"'

And into your heart will steal the tune
Of the golden lullaby fair

That the poppies sing in the soft west wind
To soothe and sweeten care.


University of California, 1901.




As I sit here writing, the fact that we have certain established cus-
toms here at Illinois is borne emphatically, i f not musically to my
ears. A Spring Celebration is in progress.

A Spring Celebration, let me explain, illustrates the childlike
faith of the masculine portion of Illinois in "things as we want them
to be." At the first breath of warm air, the first imaginary bright-
ness of the too-pallid sun, some enterprising soul decides spring has
really come. That night he gathers unto himself like kindred
spirits and the trouble has begun. Down the streets they go, a
long line of "snake-dancers" with colored lights whizzing into the
air in all directions, with cowbells and tin pans doing their best to
make the night pleasant. Just now they are singing "Cheer, cheer
the gang's all here." The slight fact that this performance may
have to be gone through with several times more, doesn't disturb
them at all. It's all great fun, and the co-eds are inclined to the
opinion that they're rather left out.

Speaking of such a hilarious custom, somehow suggests to me
"the Boneyard". This beautiful little stream, despite it's gruesome
name, is the abomination of every freshman (masculine gender) in
the University of Illinois. I n the fall the upper class men think it
their religious duty to duck the unsuspecting freshman therein.
Although this pleasing custom is now on the way to oblivion, there
is enough truth left in the idea to keep the newcomer from the
vicinity of the historic stream, especially i f any suspicious looking
Sophs are lurking nearby.

The push-ball contest is another field in which the freshmen and
sophomores occupy the center of attention. In the fall, a mighty
battle is arranged between these two classes. A huge ball, 6 feet in
diameter, is the cause of the dissension, and whichever class can push
this ball through his own goal wins the victory. The encounter takes
place on the football field. The ball is passed over the heads of
the combatants in order to avoid as many broken ribs (and such
pleasantries) as possible. The Hobo band is one feature of the
push-ball contest which must not be overlooked. The Seniors fur-
nish this amusement, their costumes are wonderful to behold and
their music is also wonderful to hear—but then, as it's one of the
last chances for the Seniors to parade before the public eye, much
may be forgiven them.

The only traditional amusement of the winter is the Post-Exam
Jubilee, which takes place in the auditorium immediately after the


opening of the second semester. The various fraternities and clubs
(again of the masculine variety), each present some stunt. Often
some very clever performance wins the prize. Even i f any poor
unfortunate in the audience has flunked, he cannot help but be
cheered by the harmless foolery.

During Interscholastic Week in the spring when High Schools
from far and near gather to show their prowess, the first real chance
come for the girls to "show off". The May-Pole celebration is
all their own. Before a large and appreciative crowd on Illinois
Field, the May-Queen is crowned and all sorts of pretty dances and
May-day celebrations are given.

After the May-Pole, the crowd rushes to the Auditorium where
the Stunt-Show is to take place. Here the girls are again the star
performers. Each Sorority and Club has a stunt ready and the
most original production captures the prize.

The next night comes the circus and it is properly named. The
various fraternities show their skill and originality in preparing
marvelous animals, the like of which is not seen on sea or land, and
in giving acts which would probably startle even a hardened circus

After the Circus there is always the traditional dance in the
Armory and then, on the day following, the prospective Illinoian
goes back to his High School firmly persuaded that Illinois is the
finest place on earth.

And so the year rolls on with its list of fun-making antics. Soon
fall is here again and a new generation struggles at the Boneyard,
shows valor at the push-ball and does stunts at the Circus.




To know Iota's history it is necessary to turn back three years
previous to the date of installation—for it was in the spring of 1908
that Iota had its real beginning. No, to be sure it was not then
known as Iota chapter of A O n—but, during its three years of early
life was known as Delta Omicron, a local sorority founded by seven
congenial girls. Soon after organization, plans were made for a
house and it was with enthusiastic interest that we returned the
following fall, eager to take up our new life in our own home. The
early fall was spent in rushing and no sooner had the "rush" closed,
than we began to plan to petition for membership in A O IT. Then
came the long and anxious wait. Deceml>er 16, 1910, is a date long
to be remembered by every Iota girl. Such rejoicing on that day,
when the "long-hoped-for" came! On February 27, 1911, we were in-
stalled by Mrs. Campbell, assisted by Mae Barlow. Installation
was followed by a banquet in our chapter house. On the afternoon
of February 28, we were publicly announced by a reception to two
hundred of our friends. Although we are still quite young in the
fraternity, we are having the same good success that comes to every
chapter of A O I I .



Lets drink to the cardinal bright!
Long may it float apart
And here's to the rich red rose,
The flower of our heart,
May we ne'er forget these symbols
Which guide us in our path,
Thro' the pleasures and the sadness
That every Alpha hath.

L O U I S E N I E R S T H E I M E R , '12.




Look not for good judgment or wide experience in a youthful
freshman who has not had time enough to realize fully what "Fra-
ternity" means. Time makes Alpha Omicron more precious. The
freshman at first feels a responsibility and a sense of duty. These
can be fulfilled in various ways*—by good scholarship, by fraternal
feeling for non-fraternity girls, and by helpfulness to the sisters in
the chapter home.

The first is the greatest duty we owe our fraternity and college.
We must have the second or we are not truly womanly. The last is
a broad duty which includes innumerable things that we should do.
I t includes the little and seemingly insignificant duties—not es-
pecially the traditional doorbell and telephone tasks. These are
prescribed. I mean the kindnesses which arise from love and
thoughtfulness. Every freshman should make a good beginning
and a plan of what she purposes to do for the fraternity. As a
result, there will be a strong chapter and the strong chapters will
unite in making the ideal Alpha Omicron Pi. which is so dear to
our hearts.

A N N A HOFFERT, Iota '15.


We'll wash no more windows
We'll wax no more floors
Nor run to the Phone
Nor hop to the doors.
From the labors and tasks of freshies
We'll henceforth all be free
And we'll gladly hand over the duty
To our freshmen, who'll presently see,
What hard task masters we sophies
Who remember our burdens, can be.

But we cannot call them burdens
There's clearly no use to sigh,
When we think of our aim and glorious fame,
The name of Alpha O P i .

So we'll work with a will, in our sophomore might

To train our freshmen up well

To keep Alpha O ever happy and bright

It's love and its glory to tell.

ETTA LANTZ, Iota '14.



In considering the four year college course, I think that the
Juniors have the best end of the bargain.. By the time we become
Juniors, we begin to feel "real grown-up big ladies". We have
passed the young and tender ages of the Freshmen and Sophomores
and as yet have not started out upon the dignified and austere paths
of the Senior's life. We are in the hey-day of life. Nevertheless,
it is a time of transformation as it were. I t is then that we start
our most active career, both in college and sorority.

By the time that we have been "civilized Greeks" for three years,
we begin to be able to understand and appreciate more freely the
sweet companionships, the spirit of self-sacrifice and the truer mean-
ing of the higher ideals for which our Alpha O stands.

We feel, as Juniors, a little more capable of working and striving
for Alpha's aims. We feel as i f we were beginning to be the guard-
ian angels of die lower classmen and since we have been through the
fire we feel more capable of advising and helping, and there always
is a joy in feeling able to be of use to someone.

But in spite of all the advantages there are in being a Junior,
there is one draw-back. I t is like the little boy who said that
every silver lining has a cloud. Well, that cloud is fear. We are
just a little afraid to take up the reins of Iota which the hands of
our Seniors have guided before us—afraid that possibly our chapter
won't increase and strive. But we have the proofs of former years
to encourage us and such very great incentives that after all, we long
to take up our duties as Seniors and try to make Baby Iota a strong
child and one that will reflect credit on her Alpha O sisters.

R U T H DAVISON, Iota '13.


To me as a Senior the word sorority is f u l l of meaning; it has a
deep and vital significance which I was unable fully to comprehend
in the earlier days of my college life. I t has been the means, not
only of affording the congenial atmosphere and pleasant surround-
ings which are so essential to the success and happiness of every
college girl, not only of affording opportunities for a social life
which otherwise could not have been realized, but it has meant far
more, yes, vastly more.

Our college days will soon be ended; our associations with those
whose joys and whose sorrows we have shared will continue but a
few months longer; but the ties of mutual love and of friendships


that have been formed during these years will remain forever. We
have worked for a common interest, we have striven toward a com-
mon goal,—and that goal the high ideals and lofty standards of our
own dear Alpha O. We measure our success as college students, at
least partially, by the service we have rendered to her. Alpha's
victories are our victories and her failures, our failures. The four
years of occasional self-sacrifice, of cherishing Alpha's interests as
our own, has been the means of bringing us into such close touch
and into such an intimate relationship with our fraternity, that we
shall go out into the world bound by ties which no earthly power
can sever.

PEARL ROPP, Iota '12.



To tell a l l that my fraternity means to me would take much
more space than has been allotted to me. I n condensing, I hardly
know what to omit. I feel safe in saying that those of us who are
now alumnae are kept in closer touch with our Alma Mater through
the influence of our chapter. After all, wasn't it your fraternity
that cared for you and was directly interested in you? Are we
taking a selfish view of this? N o ! I t is only to show one of the
many ways in which the fraternity has proved itself a benefit to its
members. Loyalty is the strong bond that unites us. The frater-
nity exchanges its affectionate influence for the loyal support of the
individual. The welfare of the fraternity is given precedence in
the heart of every loyal member—and it is this unselfish spirit that
teaches us to adapt ourselves to any need, regardless of selfish wants.
We are not only taught to work in unison for a common cause, but
we also learn to cherish an earnest regard for our fraternity sisters.
This mutual interest instilled by the fraternal influence, is of un-
limited value to the individual in dealing with the worldly problems
that are sure to come into every life. What can be more worth
while than a continuous struggle for a broader view, a deeper insight,
and a wider sympathy with all mankind, and is it not our fraternity
that attempts to broaden our lives in all these ways?

ADA M . PAISLEY, Iota ' 1 1 .



With a faith as believing in success as that which heartened the
miner when he "staked his claim", or when he was digging for gold
in his solitary ravine in the days of '49, we dug in a small patch of
ground near a city street, the tiny holes which we believed would
in due season yield gold.

Now gold is so rare, and so much desired by all that i f any man
has it, he straightway hastens to a place of safety and deposits his
treasure. Just a block away from "the claim" in which we believed
we could find gold, there is a big bank, so safe and secure that it
has the word "National" across its doors. And oh! the gold with-
in ! I t is hard, and cold, and it glitters and buys; but whether it
cheers or warms or comforts you depends on your ability to draw
it out and feel it clinking in your pockets, and then whether you
are sufficient master of yourself to find satisfaction and contentment
with the goods your gold can buy.

Last October we "staked a claim", dug and planted a small
patch of daffodils. I t did not seem to us that those hard knotted
bulbs could ever bring forth gold! But Faith in the potency of Sun
and Rain and God's great mystery of Life prevailed and the daffo-
dils were planted.

In January tiny points of green appeared, and then to save the
tender leaves from thoughtless, wandering dogs, "the claim" was
fenced with strings run between tiny sticks. The neighbors said:
"You don't thing that little fence will save your blossoms from the
passerby, do you?" "How can you expect flowers from your first
planting? Maybe the soil isn't right!" "Do you think all your
bulbs will bloom?" And many more queries like these came, but
Faith sat embodied in the three little girls who watched from the
front door step.

February came. On Valentine's day "our claim" yielded its
first gold. What rapture shone in those eyes when the first gold
set their hearts glowing! The second blossom was carried to the
public school, and brought unexpected pleasure to a room f u l l of
little children. In a week, the whole claim seemed f u l l of gold,
and the three little girls found themselves rich indeed.

And then the neighbors said: "How beautiful your daffodils
are!" Little children passing, stopped to count the golden blooms.
The faces of the weary lightened when the glow of the blossoms
reached them. And then, the last of March, we gathered the last of


the flowers, and the little girls carried them on a trip a hundred
miles up the valley to their grandmother.

The last yellow blossom in our claim this spring is one single
daffodil that stands alone and nods a promise of more gold next
year. We can not tell the worth of all this gold in terms by which
that other gold is emasured; but who can tell the measure of Joy,
the lesson in Faith, and the large treasure of Beauty that came to fill
the hearts of Margaret, Helen and Jane Elizabeth from out that
tiny patch of waving gold?


%, University of California.



{Continued from the February issue of To DRAGMA)


The choice of a life work is becoming a more and more complex
matter to the college girl who is preparing to earn her own living.
Teaching, once the almost inevitable choice, is now only one of
many things a girl may do. There is a greater opportunity than
ever before for her to follow her natural bent in choosing a life
work. No work that a girl can do will bring her into closer touch
with the activities of the world around her than secretarial work.
I f she has the inspiration and insight to see opportunities and seize
them, she can get close to the main spring of many a large movement
that is going forward.

The preparation for such work cannot be too broad. Every bit
of knowledge of people and things gained will have its useful place
at some time and every bit of power gained by doing things—•
whether managing college plays or learning the meaning of team
work in basketball will make for just so much greater efficiency
later. I n the matter of special preparation a knowledge of stenogra-
phy and typewriting is usually an essential. A brief course thor-
oughly done w i l l be far more profitable than a half-knowledge
gained at random. One may take this up in a regular business
school or in some of the branches of the Young Women's Christian
Association. Courses are also offered in some of the Universities.
This is simply a tool of the work, and i f one would work quickly
and save time for higher things, one must have a good tool. I n
many of the large organizations and foundations where a great many
secretaries are employed, a good knowledge of stenography and
typewriting and a good general education will be the "entrance re-
quirements" and once in, there will be opportunity for whatever
initiative one has, to develop itself in original and constructive work.

As compared with teaching, the secretary's daily hours of service
are longer and the vacations are shorter. To balance this, there is
less home work, and in most cases the daily strain is less than in
teaching. The salaries follow no fixed schedule, but in general,
range from $ 7 0 0 or $ 8 0 0 up to $ 1 5 0 0 and for special or exceptional
ability go higher.

No quality is so essential for success in secretarial work as a
capacity for sympathetic comprehension of the aims and purposes of
others. You must be able to espouse the cause of another's mind


and heart with enthusiasm and make it your own, marshaling a l l
your powers and ideas to its furtherance. I f you can combine this
quality with f a i t h f u l performance of daily routine, success is assured.

E L I Z A B E T H I . TOMS, A, 1906.


The Editor of T o DRAGMA asks me for advice to girls who think
of engaging in the business of making advertisements.

Though, for a number of years, I have not been actively so en-
gaged myself,—having been enabled by bettered fortunes to devote
myself to the less remunerative forms of literature,—I still keep i n
touch with the work. I am now related to it, I may say, by marriage.
For my lord and master is recognized as a master of the advertising
business too.

My first word must be one of warning. Be sure that you have
the natural fitness for this work before undertaking it. Do not look
upon it as a mere semi-literary pursuit. The path is strewn with
the disappointed; and nearly all of them are clever, good writers
and pretty generally capable. I know of no other field in which the
unsuccessful are so intelligent, interesting and worthy.

What the natural requirements are and why they are significant
will become clear as the work is outlined below.

The process of making advertisements is by no means a simple
matter to describe. I t is highly specialized and may be roughly di-
vided into the following departments:

1. The writers of advertisements,—the "copy" makers.
2. The planners of "layouts" and type-effects and of "dummies
for booklets and circulars, car-cards, etc.
3. The "manufacturers" and estimators of cost of booklet, cat-
alogue and circular printing.
4. The advertising artists with pencil, brush and camera.
5. The experts in newspaper and magazine space, cost, quality
and circulation.
6. The keepers of advertising statistics and accounts.
7. The advertising director and manager of sales,—the maker of
business campaigns, the "boss" of the others.
1 and 2 are often,—I might say usually,—merged in the same
person. 1, 2 and 3 are sometimes so merged, as are frequently 2 and 3.
Many women are successful makers of copy,—advertisement-
writers under the direction of a chief. Many women are advertise-
ment artists. Some women make successful layouts or plans for the


physical effect of paper, pictures and printing. A few women are
"crack" keepers of advertisement accounts and statistcs. A very few
are cost experts. Not more than one or two really know the adver-
tising media,—the newspapers and magazines,—and I grant even one
or two in the effort to be charitable. I know of no woman who has
really filled a large position of the seventh class, as a responsible
manager of advertising campaigns.

To be sure, a number of women have title of advertising man-
ager and do this work within certain bounds. But the bounds are
very certain; the women are always limited as to scope or under the
direct supervision of the firm or pledged to a definite policy not of
their own making.

So you will see that the advertising business has as yet been
scarcely touched by women and offers a large opportunity to those
who will take it seriously. So you will see, too, what is often not
seen very clearly, that the opportunity is by no means confined to
those who have a g i f t for writing.

This gift, however, is of course essential to any large success. I n
fact, the more phases of the work a girl is able to master the greater
are her chances for supremacy.

I shall take up the indicated departments one by one, dwelling
most on the first, which is the gateway through which most women
enter the lists.

1. The first and deepest necessity of an advertisement writer is
a habit of veracity. I know that this statement is opposed to the
popular conception and the reason for that is just: I t used not to be
so. A generation ago most advertising was of the circus kind, and
indeed, much advertising today is not as careful as might be wished.
But the bulk of modern advertising is fanatically careful. The lead-
ing advertisers in America will not tolerate the slightest exaggera-
tion or any claim that is not solidly founded. Some do not tell even
all the real virtues of their products in the fear that they may be sus-
pected of exaggeration.

In these days when business has so many sins on its conscience,
this seems a pleasant matter to think about. But, lest I myself be
guilty of exaggerated advertising, let me say that this reform has
an economic and not a moral basis.

I t has been clearly shown by experiment that, in these days, truth-
less advertising does not pay. The expense of advertising widely is so
great that its results have to be measured in terms of time. Adver-
tising, to pay, must not only get customers; it must also keep them.
I f the goods and the advertisement do not agree, this is impossible.


The confidence you have paid thousands of dollars to win has been
destroyed by disappointment and can never be restored.

Banks, firms of experience and all heavily moneyed institutions
will not risk the large amounts necessary to launch any project of
great proportions unless they are first thoroughly convinced of the
worth of the article to be advertised. Of course, there are small
stores and some large ones, small advertisers and some large ones
who have not seen the light even yet. But my original proposition
holds,—that no writer of advertisements can be successful who is not
careful to the point of crankiness as to all statements made.

I t will not do to be led by your own enthusiasm for even a good
article to overstate its points of excellence.

An important requirement of the advertisement writer is business
sense. This is the rock upon which many are wrecked. Unless you
feel that you could make a sale across a counter do not attempt to
write advertisements. Because that is what an ad has to do,—make a
sale. I t makes little difference how clever you are, how many pretty
and original phrases you can turn, how attractive and whimsical
your fancy, i f you cannot sell goods. Many a business house has lost
thousands of dollars through having a clever advertisement writer
who made everybody say, "What an amusing advertisement!" without
following up their admiration with a desire to buy the goods adver-

Understand me, cleverness and originality are decidedly useful
in the advertising business, so useful that there can be no good adver-
tising without them. But here is my point. I f you are merely clever
and original and have no head for business, no knowledge of human
nature, no interest as to manufacturing processes and the real value
of products and markets, no selling sense, you had best go to work
on a newspaper or write for the magazines. Advertising requires a
firmer foundation.

Cleverness and originality are needed to attract. But you must
have something to hold the attracted.

The fund of invention must be unfailing. That is a chief intel-
lectual advantage of this business. I t keeps the mind forever exer-
cised to make new and compelling comparisons,—and this quality
has been defined by some as genius.

But it is necessary to be clever about the goods, not away from
them. Sunny Jim, for example, was not good advertising. I t suc-
ceeded only because it was insisted upon so broadly, for so long a
time and through so many media. I t really took too much effort for
the result,—because it was funny away from the goods. Force, for


all the advertisements indicated to the contrary, might have been
a joke book or a tonic for dyspeptic. Spotless Town, on the other
hand, was excellent, as are the Campbell Soup advertisements. Be-
cause the cleverness of the Sapolio advertisements was closely tied
throughout to the idea of perfect cleanliness and the engaging and
amusing Campbell "kids" and verses never forget their business obli-
gations to tout the merits of the soups that made them so hearty.

Another essential is the g i f t of brevity. Say it short. Clip it
clean. But keep the meaning clear. Uneeda Biscuit. The Pru-
dential has the Strength of Gibraltar.

Of course in technical publicity you have to use technical phrases
and there are similar exceptions to the rule of simplicity. But in
general let your advertisement be as easily read and digested as its
subject permits. Don't write a treatise. There are now a number of
famous department stores who are killing much of the force of their
advertising by over-wordiness.

Beware, however, of overdoing brevity. Say all that needs to be
said. Never take it for granted that your reader knows as much
about the goods as you do.

Nothing is more important than that you should know the goods
you advertise. Some advertising agencies make the tremendous mis-
take of not letting their copy-writers have a first-hand knowledge of
the articles advertised. But i f you are employed by a wise agency or a
store or the manufacturer of the advertised product, make it your bus-
iness to know and know and know.

I say, not with conceit but among friends, that when I was a
writer for John Wanamaker, I found it worth while to know every
important change of stock in that vast establishment, the names and
in general the process of all the great European manufacturers
from whom we habitually made big purchases, the legends of the
Orient that were interpreted in the goods from Japan; I had a clear
mental picture of the cottages of Scotland and Ireland that our linen
man knew so well and an image of the embroideries in Swiss valleys
and French convents. I knew the little style touches of the great
Parisian designers of fashion and could tell the marvelous chic of
Madame Paquin's hand across a roomful of Paris gowns,—and so
on. I found it necessary to know values too,—for the house held my
advertising manager responsible i f I let any department manager,
not as veracious as should be, beguile me into any exaggeration of
statement. I was proud to have a woman on the merchandising force
say of me, "Look it over carefully before you bring it up to the ad-
vertising office.—that girl up there would find one cotton thread in
a gross of linen handkerchiefs!"


Apart from the good service one can do in helping an honest mer-
chant or manufacturer to serve the public honestly, a good reason
for this thoroughness in advertisement making is that it is so easy to be
superficial. Many superficial writers succeed after a fashion, or
greatly for a time. But they have not the staying quality, either i n
the department store work or in the larger general field. I begin
to believe that superficiality is eveutally doomed in any work any-
where in the world.

That brings me to another point. Do not think that you know
advertising, just because you have written advertisements in a depart-
ment store. The store is a very good place to serve your apprenticeship
and to learn art, because of the constant drill, because of the variety
of subjects and especially because of the daily quick test that lets you
see at once whether you can write pulling copy or not. Each day's
work in the department store advertisement, other things being normal,
is tested by the next day's sales. This training is good, too, because
it offers a very direct way to get merchandise knowledge and a sense
of values. Besides, in good stores, it usually combines the necessity
for accuracy with some opportunity for originality.

But never think that this teaches you all there is to know about
advertising, especially i f your training has been all in one store.

I happen to know of at least one excellent opportunity lost to a
Barnard girl whose progress interested me since we had the same
Alma Mater, lost to her, though she had succeeded pretty well in a
large department store, because she became obsessed with the idea
that she had there covered and conquered the advertising art.

To acquire an all-'round knowledge of your subject it is necessary
to have had employment in more than one representative store,—since
methods and customs are often different each from each,—and espec-
ially to have worked in the agency or general field or in the advertis-
ing office of a manufacturer,—or all of these. I t is necessary to have
had to do with retailers as well as consumers and to have made mag-
azine and street car advertising as well as newspaper work, booklets
*nd circulars.

And then do not think that you know it all.

I feel foolish because this paper sounds as i f I thought I did.
But though I have had all of the experiences listed I have learned
only how Lttlo I know about them.

Last because it must be remembered, attend this charge: Good
taste. Tact. A sense of Fitness.

Don't be funny when you are selling mothers a baby-food. Don't
treat lightly a matter of large expenditure that the spender will take


very seriously. Remember that no man considers the loss of his hair
a merry jest. Put yourself in the reader's place. I t is very simple

That is all. Simply know what you have to say, know to whom
you will be speaking, say it as simply as you can.

2 and 3—the writers often have to plan their "layouts" or type
effects and should always be able to do so. This is a special training
that comes best by experience, but can be helped by a careful perusal
of compositor's text bQoks and the great and beautiful magazines
issued by the printing trades, by frequent visits to large printing
plants, engraving houses and artists' studios, by studying the type-
founder's catalogues, by dissecting effective advertisements, hunting
up and marking the type sizes in them and the names of the type
faces, measuring the proportion of white space and generally analyz-
ing the method. I found it useful to learn to set type at the case so
that printers' difficulties with my copy might be better understood.
J went to newspaper offices at make-up time, and finally made up a
small paper myself right "on the stone."

Here too superficiality is the danger. Women come to our office
applying for advertising jobs, calling themselves qualified, without
any knowledge of type whatever.

Booklets and catalogues have to be made. Usually the writer
of them makes out a dummy,—a little, blank book, just the size
of the proposed booklet; marked to indicate the exact position
of everything on every page, showing just how many pages are to
be printed and what pictures and designs are to appear,—and the
like. Then artists have to be dealt with and printers, who will pre-
sent properly made, more precise dummies with their estimate of cost.
A l l of this work is sometimes undertaken by one person. Some-
times one decides upon text and appearances and general plan, and
another, called a "manufacturer", shops for paper and makes terms
with printers and engravers. A good catalogue "manufacturer" in an
office can save the house much expense. For this work it is necessary
to know how paper cuts without waste and what inks will serve best
and the process of engraving.

A wise girl who takes her profession seriously will endeavor to
learn these points as far as she can, even i f there is a "manufacturer"
in the office.

A—Anyone with ambition to extend her field beyond mere hack
writing must become familiar with the work of the advertising art-
ists, must even learn how to make crude sketches clear enough to
indicate to them her intention as to the designs required.


Many great artists do advertising work now-a-days, when the
artistic requirements of advertising offices are so high. There is
scarcely an illustrator of any note who does not work for some of the
larger advertising agencies, though the work is usually unsigned.
They are paid for these pictures more than for those that appear in
the body of the magazines, but they say that the advertising folks are
harder to suit. This is because it is difficult to lead an artist to be
at once artistic and keep in mind the business necessities of the case.

They have to be dealt with very carefully, as they some times
find it hard to understand, for example, that in an advertisement
proclaiming parasols it w i l l not do to have the fluffy heroine stand-
ing with her parasol all but hidden behind her, however charming the
pictorial effect.

A number of gifted men and women are making an excellent
living as advertisement artists. Some concerns employ their own
art staffs, some purchase from the free lance artists, many do both.
A friend of mine who is rapidly forging forward as one of our
leading illustrators, her work for high-class magazines winning
praise worth having, made her wray to the front through the more
or less humdrum advertising field.

Another friend, an enterprising business woman, makes a large
income as the agent or broker who supplies artist's work to the ad-
vertisers. She also has her own studios where ten or a dozen adver-
tising artists are constantly employed.

No one needs to be told how great a part the artist plays in the
success of advertising.

5— Only long years of studious experience can teach the expert
knowledge of what newspapers and other periodicals it is best to
use for specific purposes, what they cost and what they give for
the price. I w i l l not take time to discuss the question here. The
number of experts in this field is not large even among men.

6 — The advertising accountant has a certain and secure revenue.
A number of women hold these positions which are open to any good
mathematician with a knowledge of books, who can keep careful
account of the advertising expenditures, their division among the
various departments of business, each month's returns as tallied with
those of the preceding year, and the many other details of this
complicated business.

In advertising the statistician has a new field and a fertile one.
Advertising,—thanks chiefly to Thomas Balmer the great man of
this work,—is no longer a matter of chance. I t is almost a cer-
tainty. The statistics covering the consumption and demand of


certain products are carefully gathered and codified. The psy-
chology of the users and their conditions investigated and under-
stood. The manufacturer who is wise will discover whether there
is any true need for his product before making it, whether it is worth
while extending its sale through advertising and to what appeal its
users best respond.*

I t is true that not all advertisers have awakened to the value of
the wonderful instrument Mr. Balmer has put into their hands.
But his idea is taking root and growing. Apart from the new chance
it offers to the statistical mind and the service it does to advertisers,
I like to think what tremendous worth this accurate knowledge of the
needs and habits of consumers will be to the New Republic in the
days of which we Socialists dream. I t will be the means of trans-
forming advertising into an unadulterated public service.

7—The top notch of possibility in the advertising field is the
Advertising Director and Manager of Sales, and Business Counsel.
This position requires the highest ability. Very few men and no
women have yet filled it completely. Many advertising agents,
whose work is to place advertising in the proper media, perform
service of making advertisements and advising and planning cam-
paigns, but very few of them cover the largest field of the Advertis-
ing Director. No woman has yet attained to this point. There
is no reason why no woman should. But as it is not likely to be a
task meted out to any of you who read this for a little while to come,
it is not now necessary to examine the requirements exhaustively.

Briefly, this expert is an important factor in our present civil-
ization, a real agent of Exchange. He no longer looks upon himself
as a mere money-maker for the manufacturer. His it is to bring
together the demand and the knoAvledge of the best supply, with
the least possible waste and friction.

He must know and control all the factors previously outlined,
must understand trade conditions nationally and internationally,
must be an expert in efficiency, must know how products may reach
their fit destination through the line of least resistance, must plan
vast campaigns of advertising to this end, and be able to manage a
large force of assistants with discipline and dispatch. His chief
problem eliminating waste in his own office and in his clients'
expenditures and his success is largely the measure of that ability.

I cannot close this outline without again beseeching my sisters to
avoid entering into advertising, avoid it like a plague, i f they have
the least bit of superficiality in their composition; and to avoid —

•Anyone with any real interest in advertising should read Prof. Walter Dill Scott's
book. The Psychology of Advertising, which was inspired by M r . Balmer.


like all the plagues,—coming from a distance to New York or
Chicago to try, until they have first done advertising i n the offices
of their own home-towns or neighboring towns and have made good
there. The great cities deal tragically with the unsuccessful in any
line. A n d they are f u l l of bitterly disappointed women who think
they can write advertising because they can construct a f a i r l y good
advertisement. M y dears, anybody can write an advertisement
who can write at all. A l l college women can. I hope I have made
you feel that to play the real game one has to buckle down and
learn it from the beginning.

I t pays better than most things when you do. I t teaches l i f e

College women are f a r better equipped f o r its prizes than any

other women are. N o t only because they know more and write
w i t h ease and have their knowledge accurately and have the g i f t of
tongues, but also because they are accustomed to t a k i n g instruction
and understanding its d r i f t .

I f anybody wants to try and has the stuff to succeed, call on m e ;
I am glad to help always. I t really is not as h a r d as i t sounds.

B u t , — O h ! children dear, I ' d so much rather have you a l l get
married and keep out o f the dust of the modern business w o r l d !

S T E L L A GEORGE STERN P E R R Y , Alpha, '98.



There are today a moderate number of positions open to women
in municipal or commercial laboratories and as assistants to phy-
sicians who are doing research work. T h e work is not hard, is ex-
tremely interesting, pays fairly well, and offers fair chance f o r ad-
vancement. W h i l e the possession o f an M . D . degree is a great
help, it is by no means essential. There are of course certain things
that none but physicians can do, but the technical laboratory work
can be done by one who has not studied medicine. I n a commercial
laboratory the lack o f a doctor's degree is much less o f a handicap
than i n a municipal laboratory which is usually controlled by the
Health Department, and has f o r its object, assistance to physicians.
Commercial or industrial laboratories concern themselves with the
preparation of bacterial products f o r therapeutic use; that is, the
purely technical side of medical bacteriology; or bacteria in their
relation to industrial products.

A bacteriologist should have some knowledge o f chemistry, both
organic and inorganic, ( a n d i f one is fortunate enough to have had


any physical chemistry, so much the better) ; biology, i n c l u d i n g
physiology, anatomy and protozoology; botany and physics are less
important but valuable, as a l l laboratory w o r k helps in g i v i n g the
student training in scientific thinking. Whenever possible, a course
i n practical bacteriology should be taken. Some knowledge o f
French a n d German, especially the latter is almost essential, as a l l
work leads sooner or later to references in those languages.

The pay is f a i r . T h e N e w Y o r k Department o f H e a l t h pays
assistants $600 to $900, and bacteriologists start at $1200. The
hours and vacations are those of regular business houses. Advance-
ment depends upon ability to do original work, or special proficiency
in certain types of work.

A g i r l who goes into a bacteriological laboratory starts as an
assistant to a bacteriologist. The position is that o f an apprentice
who is paid while learning. H e r general t r a i n i n g is a foundation,
but that which she builds upon i t is o f a special design that can only
be learned in a laboratory by practical work. The rapidity with
which she w i l l learn w i l l depend largely upon her interest.

I t is the v i t a l importance o f bacteriology i n a l l its branches
which appeals to me. T o know that through some purely technical
knowledge you can help to fight disease or to improve an industrial
product is surely to feel your profession worth while.




What shall be the requirements of sisterhood? Upon what
basis shall we choose the members of our one great family? Shall
wealth and social position be termed assets? Shall f a m i l y honor be
to one's credit? Shall power to achieve count f o r a great deal?
Shall religious differences alienate? Shall personal feeling be al-
lowed to play its always petty part?

I n an age when the w o r l d is c r y i n g f o r justice and f a i r play i n
large and small relations, these questions come to me w i t h ever i n -
creasing strength and urgency.

" D i d you really love a l l your sorority members?" A n o n - f r a -
ternity friend o f a western university asked o f me not long ago. We
had been reminiscing on those halcyon days o f college fellowship,
and had come to the discussion, pro and con, of the college f r a t e r n i t y
and sorority. She thought an affirmative answer to this question
impossible, and, therefore considered it an argument against sorority

I answered her honestly, and felt that by so doing, I scored one
to my own account.

" N o , " I said, " I don't know that I did love them all. But I
think I d i d more. I respected every one of them, and found i n each
noble traits of character, which I admire even now."

From what I dare term the slight vantage ground of a few
years out o f college, I cannot help but t h i n k , as I look back upon
the yearly choosing o f sisters, and as I observe the choice by other
sorority chapters in different Universities, that girls under discussion
are not always judged upon the right basis. I believe that too
often and quite unconsciously perhaps, wealth, social position, popu-
larity, personal feelings of sorority members, even religious differen-
ces do play their part. A n d yet I know that no loyal sorority g i r l
means f o r one moment that any of these shall.

In this day of American democracy, the millionaire's daughter
and the girl who works her way through college should stand side
by side, each one inestimably aiding the other; and anyone who
suggests that congeniality between them is impossible should gain
that most unenviable American name—a snob. I n England we hear
of a man rising to the height of his family, but in this country we
know that a man or woman rises f a r beyond or sinks f a r beneath,
according to the working out o f his or her own ideal. Popularity is
not prominence, although often mistaken f o r such. The former
may be an asset; the latter is always that and more.


M y tastes may be quiet. I may not care f o r social functions.
Luncheons and receptions tire me excessively. The g i r l under dis-
cussion as to e l i g i b i l i t y to be one o f my sorority sisters is a social
leader. She may not possess traits entirely congenial w i t h my o w n ,
but I know her to be honest, refined, and influential i n the right way.
Because her nature is not my own, shall my vote keep f r o m her and
from my other sisters—doubtless from myself—great gain?

T h a t green-eyed monster "jealousy" so very near to us a l l , keeps
me f r o m l i k i n g a g i r l who excels me i n college work—possibly
in influence. Her scholarship, however, would do honor to our
sisterhood. H e r character is noble. Because I cannot, at this mo-
ment, master myself to the extent of caring for her, shall I vote
against her?

We are living in a liberal age—liberal especially in matters of
religion. More and more is the religion o f a person estimated by
his daily dealings; less and less by his church connections.

Catholic or Protestant, Jew or Gentile, Orthodox or Heterodox—
What's in a name? Are we not looking for sympathy, for kindli-
ness, f o r charity, f o r nobility o f nature?

As I review again the dear fellowship of sorority and college
life, more and more do I feel that love f o r one's sorority sister is not
a necessity; but that breadth of vision and recognition of true worth
are the essentials i n choosing those who are to do honor to one's

College life should mean breadth of vision, and sorority life
should mean charitable judgment. Let us flee f r o m pettiness;

MARY E . C H A S E , r, 1 9 0 9 .




So much has been w r i t t e n d u r i n g the last few years regarding
Sophomore Pledge-Day, that it seems almost useless to devote more
space to the subject. However, as those who have expressed them-
selves have almost in variably been i n favor o f the plan, ( i n fact i t
seemed at one time to be a decided indication o f bad taste to voice
an opinion i n the negative) and as this article w i l l give the opposite
view, i t may not prove an entire waste of space and time. T h e ex-
pressions of opinion herein given, are not offered with the intention
of reflecting the views of Alpha Omicron Pi, or of binding her
officials to any definite course in the future, but they are given to
remind us that perhaps there are two sides to the question.

The advocates of sophomore pledge-day claim it is the only
sane method o f rushing, f o r the reason that acquaintances w i l l be
formed in the slow and normal-way. Another advantage, according
to their way of thinking, w i l l result f r o m the improved scholarship
of both the freshman and the upperclassmen. Finally it w i l l re-
move from the sorority and University the problem of the girl who
comes to school f o r but one year, w i t h the intentions of making a
sorority and as few credits as possible. There may be other advant-
ages, but these seem to be the most common ones offered, and are
sufficient f o r the purposes of this article.

Before plunging headlong into a tirade against sophomore pledg-
ing, it seems best to show that the system does exist i n a number o f
colleges throughout our country, but at the same time i t shows i n
what sorts of colleges it exists and why it is possible to exist there.
Sophomore pledge-day is i n existence at present i n the H . Sophie
Newcomb College, New Orleans, and in Barnard College, New
Y o r k City, and the results seem to be satisfactory. I t is being tried
f o r the first time this year at R a n d o l p h - M a c o n Woman's College,
L y n c h b u r g , V a . , and at K n o x College, Galesburg, 111. I n both o f
these colleges, i t w i l l more than likely be successful, inasumch as
the former is a college f o r women only, and the latter is one of the
smaller co-educational institutions. A number of years ago the plan
was tried at the University of Minnesota, but with disastrous results,
due partly to the fact that the institution was one o f the larger co-
educational sorts. Even the late pledge-day does not seem to be
satisfactory i n the large co-educational institutions. Cornell has a
pledge-day as late as December, w h i l e Tennessee has one in Febru-
ary. I n both o f these places the results are successful and easily


explained, where one knows that although Cornell is a large school
there are not over five hundred women attending and the social l i f e
of the men plays no part w i t h that of the women. Tennessee U n i -
versity, being one of the smaller co-educational schools with very
few women i n attendance, would be expected to succeed w i t h either
a late pledge-day, or even sophomore pledge-day. The University
of California and Stanford have tried the late pledge-day, but
neither found it satisfactory. California, being a large co-educa-
tional school, w o u l d not be expected to succeed. Stanford, w i t h
only five hundred women enrolled, ought to have succeeded, i f
judged by the result at Cornell, but the social activities of the men
and women students are too closely allied to permit o f success.
Nebraska is to t r y a second semester pledge-day next year, w i t h the
circumstances very much against success.

Just what part the men in the larger co-educational schools play
in the rushing season, i t seems difficult to find, but it seems quite
certain that many a girl's choice o f sorority has been influenced i n
advance o f the agreed time, by the statements o f some " f r a t " man,
who has been "set o n " by the sorority he "spiels" f o r . I n the lar-
ger Universities, where the l i f e is more complex, and where deceit in
the breaking of pledging rules is less likely to be detected, i t seems
that sophomore pledging or even late pledge-day does not meet
w i t h success.

C i t i n g the failures o f sophomore pledge-day does not seem to
daunt its advocates, because they optimistically declare, " I n our
University our conditions are different f r o m those where the failures
have occurred, and anyway" the conclusion runs, "we have faith in
our students and their ability to make i t a success". For this sys-
tem to be a success, i t means that no rules must be broken, that
after waiting f o r a year to pledge members, no u n f a i r advantage
must be taken, and that every one must be treated justly. T o be
more exact and e x p l a i n the petty l i t t l e things that may be done, i t
means that no sorority and not even one g i r l of any sorority must
ask or even hint to a gentleman f r i e n d that he can help the cause by
talking for her group o f g i r l s ; further, not one girl must "spike"
for her sorority a rushee. A little variation of this grievance has
been known to take place. A freshman, a sister of an upper class
sorority girl, once formed a little club of freshman girls. The ex-
cuse given was that the freshmen f e l t lonely and wanted compan-
ionship ; the real reason was to f o r m friendships which would hold
when pledging time arrived. Such a group of girls has been k n o w
to pledge themselves, at the suggestion o f the freshman with the
sorority sister, to j o i n the same sorority and thus continue together


a pleasant acquaintance formed accidently and nominally. The

conditions in various schools may be different and i n some places the

conditions may be favorable to sophomore pledging, but to the

writer it seems that human nature, the w o r l d over, is so much alike,

especially in women, that ways and means w i l l be f o u n d to gain the

desirable girls regardless of rules. Men w i l l make rules and pro-

ceed to keep t h e m ; women w i l l make rules and proceed to f i n d a

clever way not to need them.

T h e purpose thus f a r has been to show that sophomore pledge-
day is not likely to be successful among women, and especially
among those in the large co-educational institutions where the social
l i f e of the men and women is closely related.

T h e sophomore pledge-day does not eliminate rushing or reduce
it to a minimum, or even to a sane, normal basis; but instead i t
seems to prolong i t . T h e uneasiness among sororities is certainly i n -
creased, and uneasiness and lack of confidence certainly breed
rashness and fushing. A t the University of Nebraska, an attempt
was made to introduce sophomore pledging for the year 1912-13,
but a compromise was agreed upon to try a second semester pledge
day, three sororities finally voting i n the negative. Discussion
seemed to indicate that some sort of rushing i n the middle of the
year would be inevitable, and each sorority was asked to formulate
a set o f rules, that i t w o u l d be w i l l i n g to see go into effect, govern-
ing the situation. A l l sororities did not bring in definite plans, but
of those who did, only three agreed to abolish rushing entirely, u n t i l
immediately before the second semester opened. T w o o f these three
had voted i n the negative f o r the delayed rushing season.

A l l the other plans would make rushing more complex than it
ever had been at the f a l l rushing period, and i n addition to making
it more complex, the number of events was increased, elaborateness
was more in evidence, and the rushing period was to extend over the
whole semester, although the sororities had voted voluntarily f o r a
late pledge-day, their object in doing so had been to rush more.
From this experience i t has been f o r c i b l y brought to the writer, that
the sororities that advocate the late pledge-day are not doing so
w i t h the intention o f rushing less or more sanely, but f o r the pur-
pose of doing more rushing and making the conditions more feverish.
The conditions just mentioned have caused the prophesy earlier in
this paper, that the proposed delayed rushing season at Nebraska
w i l l not, i n a l l probability, be a success.

Improved scholarship of the sorority girls and the unpledged
Freshmen is supposed to be another of the advantages of the second


year pledging system. Scholarship is always to be desired. H o w -
ever with rushing prolonged either openly or secretly f o r a semester
or a year, it appears that the scholarship of the sorority girl and
rushee must suffer. Are there not other ways of improving scholar-
ships than by this method? H o w do schools without sororities keep
up the standard of their scholarship. Perhaps it is wandering f r o m
the subject, but this seems to be a good place to question the advisa-
b i l i t y of the rules i n use i n some universities regarding the initiation
into sororities of girls who have failed to make credit. I n some
places a student may never be initiated into a sorority, i f she has any
failures to her discredit. Barbarous ruling, isn't it? Especially so,
when one considers that one-third of a l l students entering H i g h
schools or Universities w i l l f a i l at some time or other before gradua-
tion. Failure to make a credit is not a disgrace f o r there are legiti-
mate failures. Some Universities have recognized this and have de-
creed that students must pass in at least twelve hours work before
eligible to initiation into a sorority. I n the case of the illegitimate
f a i l u r e the individual w o u l d not be likely to make the required twelve
hours credit, and then the punishment is a l l i t should be.

Authorities and many sororities seem to feel that a decided ad-
vantage to be derived f r o m the sophomore pledge-day would be to
eliminate f r o m the enrollment of the universities the one-year g i r l .
T h e result w o u l d be either to force her not to attend at a l l , or, i f
she attends, to forego the pleasures of sorority l i f e , or else to complete
her college course. The theory is that after attending a college f o r
two years, hardly anyone would f a i l to attend the two remaining
years. I n some few cases, this might succeed, because there are a
few young women who attend college just to be initiated into a
sorority, but surely their number is limited. A n y abuse of the
sorority system is very noticeable, and the attention which this parti-
cular abuse has attracted seems to indicate a condition of more serious
proportions than really exists. Surely within the sorority itself the
situation can be improved, and thus removed f r o m the sorority a b i t
of serious criticism. The plea of the writer is f o r the g i r l who really
cannot attend a university f o r more than one year. There are many
desirable, serious-minded, young women who can do no more than
this. The value of their friendship, the influence of their character
ought not to be lost to the sororities. Many such girls would not
wish to attend a university f o r a year without belonging to some
sorority, feeling that it is an advantage in more ways than one, and
an advantage they should not miss. One year of university training
is better than none. I f the prospect of j o i n i n g a sorority w i l l bring
girls to a university, i t is not over-stepping the properties to say, use


i t as an inducement to b r i n g them. Surely one is broader and better
fitted to look at the problems of l i f e after only one year of college
training, even i f one fails "to make" a sorority, than one is without
that year of training. Is there any reason f o r the sorority to make
a caste o f itself and to say: " W e w i l l take into our midst only those
who can afford to stay at our university for at least two years?"

There seems to be no one plan to suggest to take the place o f
sophomore pledge-day, a plan which would satisfy all concerned;
but i n the different universities there must be groups o f sorority
women, such as Pan-Helenics or inter-sorority councils, capable o f
f o r m u l a t i n g rules that w i l l be sane and agreeable to those who must
live under them, not rules which seem ideal but impossible to keep.
T h e fewer and the simpler these rules, the greater w i l l be their use-
fulness and success. W i t h something that is logical and practical to
govern a l l sororities, each sorority should look within itself and root
out those evils that seem to have brought abuse upon the whole sys-
tem. The kindly purpose of the sorority has not changed, and the
need f o r such organizations has not become a t h i n g of the past. W i t h
a l i t t l e conscientious "house cleaning," its usefulness w i l l easily be
made apparent to its critics, and its worth and effectiveness w i l l
cause its r i g h t to exist to pass unquestioned.




In the general discussion certain points were emphasized, the de-
sire on the part of the Deans to meet visiting officers of the fraterni-
ties, payment of salaries to suitable chaperones, u n i f o r m house
rules f o r all chapters, sophomore pledge. The Deans were prac-
tically unanimosuly opposed to the varying long term rushing con-
tract bound by petty rules and marked by extravagant rushing at
the expense of health, scholarship and university spirit. Chapter
houses were universally commended as materially assisting i n the
housing problem that faces the Dean of almost every State Univer-
sity. T h e practice o f i n v i t i n g girls to chapter houses f o r the first
week of college was severely condemned by at least three Deans who
had had unpleasant experiences in permanently locating girls who
had been dropped by the chapters. I n some cases, the registration
address o f some f r a t e r n i t y house remained unchanged on the u n i -
versity records f o r a semester f o r girls who were never asked to j o i n
a f r a t e r n i t y or who later joined some other chapter.



P>LIT the best of a l l is convention at Northwestern! We can

scarcely wait u n t i l June 2 0 f o r we have so many plans and are so
anxious to know our other sisters. The topic for almost daily dis-
cussion is convention, and we hope f o r a wonderfully successful one.
I f our enthusiasm w i l l only be taken as an appeal to a l l loyal A l p h a s
to come to Northwestern in June!

\ \ T H A T enthusiasm i t brings and what an eager looking f o r w a r d

" • on the part o f those o f us who are l u c k l y enough to g o ! I t is a
time when our dearest plans f o r our f r a t e r n i t y w i l l be discussed and
approved and disapproved wisely. I t is a time when the strong
bond o f sisterhood seems the t h i n g i n l i f e most w o r t h l i v i n g f o r —
when we meet i n true, j o y f u l f e l l o w s h i p . A n d i t is a time—this is
not anti-climax—when our troubles and disappointments may be
discussed and remedied. Enthusiasm—love—helpfulness.

QJ T A N F O R D University, A p r i l 1 0 — N o more sororities at Stan-

f o r d is the recommendation which die women's judicial board
sent to the faculty student affairs committee today.

The communication follows:

The judicial board o f women recommends that no more sororities
be admitted into S t a n f o r d university while the 5 0 0 l i m i t f o r women
exists f o r the f o l l o w i n g reasons:

F i r s t — T h e admission o f one more sorority would encourage the
entrance of others into an already crowded field, eight sororities
among 5 0 0 women being a large proportion.

Second—The admission of more sororities would tend to destroy
the balance which now exists between sorority and nonsoTority

T h i r d — T h e board is in favor of sophomore pledge day and the
entrance of a new sorority would tend to delay the accomplishment
of that end.

The judicial board is composed of Miss Ruth Sampson, Miss
Gertrude Workman, Miss Dorothy Marx, Miss Linda Bell and Miss
Ina Moise, chairman.


Why should there be an even balance between the sorority and
the non-sorority element? I f the sorority system is ideal for- one
g i r l , is it not f o r all? W h a t ground can a college stand on, which
puts a premium on the sorority girls? Is this not a direct impetus
to that greatest evil connected w i t h the system which we of the
sorority deplore no less than they of the non-sorority element? W h y
aggravate the difference which we would a l l gladly lose sight of.
S t a n f o r d is making of the sorority, i f she should accept this, an hon-
or society where the honor w o u l d be too o f t e n bestowed by personal
whim. The root of our being is the binding together of congenial
spirits. O u r ideals are the same as the personal ideals of every true
college woman—scholarship, loyalty, love, strength, womanliness.
The banding together into a sorority is a help toward these ideals,
not a bestowal of them.

Why refuse any college woman this help?

Unfortunately it is true that a sorority invariably tends toward
financial extravagance and there w i l l always be girls unable to stand
the financial strain, who are eminently suited to sorority fellowship
—suited o f t e n because of the discipline and self-sacrifice caused by
this very lack. Should not the ideal sorority be brought down to
the firm and unextravagant financial basis so that a g i r l could be
chosen on merit alone and could accept without having to weigh the
financial question. A sorority should be an aid financially to every
g i r l instead of an unsupportable load to the poor one. W e canot be
perfect fraternally while this stumbling block exists. I t has been
proven possible to so manage the finances o f a sorority that there is
no burden on the girl in moderate circumstances and that the poor
girl is not necesarily excluded. We look for a time when extrava-
gance w i l l be r i g i d l y excluded as a drawback and not indulged i n
in the spirit of emulation.


A N D while we are discussing extravagance, there is another branch
* * than the financial which is threatening seriously the college
woman of today in general and the fraternity woman in particular
—the extravagance of slang. O f all places on the face of this globe,
one where pure E n g l i s h and an elastic vocabulary should flourish, a
the university. But how often are our sorority luncheons a veritable
babel of tongues and the outsider invariably requires frequent trans-
lation. T h i s has spread to the class room and even to the professors
chair until instead of leaving college with the great culture and ad-
vantage of a beautiful and elastic language we leave i t w i t h one f u l l


of colloquialisms that have to be immediately discarded, and cheap
"short cuts" which can no longer be understood. W e realize w i t h a
shock, but too late that we have graduated f r o m a seat o f learning
with a pauperized vocabulary.


A T this time when our eyes are a l l turned toward the Rho chapter
* * we hear splendid news of them. A t the time of their organiza-
tion, they decided to enter strongly into some branch of college l i f e
and to become a power, as the surest way i n which to serve their col-
lege and to strengthen their chapter and to make Alpha Omicron Pi
an organization of moment instead of a struggling new sorority, striv-
ing f o r position amongst established ones. They chose politics. N o t
to run for office, gain votes f o r themselves, but to work f o r the
principle and the "right man" always, and to work agressively. Con-
sequently i n this short time they have become so p o w e r f u l i n then-
field, that their help is enlisted always, and they are k n o w n as a
power i n college politics. T o such an extent have they succeeded
that Mary Ross Potter, Dean of women wrote in a letter to Presi-
dent H a r r i s of Northwestern—"Alpha Omicron Pi is the youngest
chapter at Northwestern, having been organized only three years
ago. T h e y are a fine group, very democratic, and fearless when any
principle is involved."

Let this inspire us a l l to do and be something special and some-
thing strong.


T3 E A D the last of the Iota alumnae notes and "go thou and do
likewise." Iota is the first and only chapter to be able to make

such a triumphant statement. The editor, business manager and a l l
of your sisters appreciate your loyalty, Iota.

| " T seems almost necessary to make a report of the chapters, which
A are supporting the magazine. This is the time f o r renewals,—
indeed the time is past—yet the alumnae, we think, are not doing
their part. T h e E d i t o r i a l Staff has worked f a i t h f u l l y , i t now feels
that i t deserves, the only compensation i t asks f o r , and that is support
f r o m the alumnae. I t is not much to ask f o r a dollar a year, i n the
maintenance of this, the only material thing, that the fraternity stands
for in the national College world. I f you are proud of your frater-


nity, i f you want to stand back and help us make i t worthy, now

is the time! Sisters i n A l p h a Omicron P i , j o i n hands let us feel

your enthusiasm, your interest, and your recognition of our efforts.

Chapter Subscribers. Non-renewals. No. of Alumnae
Alpha 15 15 67
Nu 15 2 46
Kappa 5 2 42
Zeta 3 1 34
Sigma 5 o 54
Theta 17 11 85
Gamma 39 1 57
Delta 5 2 62
Epsilon 9 o 63
Rho 14 3 90
Lambda 3 5 18 •
Providence Alumnae 10 2 21
11 o 22
17 o 17
3 2 12

171 46 690




This year we are richer in the acquaintance of our Grand Presi-
dent, Mrs. Farmer, and although she came so unexpectedly and l e f t
much too soon, we tried to make her welcome. T o give our gradu-
ates an opportunity of meeting her, a reception was given and much
enjoyed by all. We were particularly anxious to have her remain
w i t h us long enough to witness our "Junior show." H a d she done
so, I know she w o u l d have been more than pleased, f o r the dashing
young "Prince of Idealia" who won all hearts with "his" smile was
none other than our own V i ; and Esther, as Psyche, was charming.
Not only f o r her loveliness, but also f o r her singing and dancing.
Viola is also one of the editors of the 1913 Mortarboard, which is
due to appear shortly, and is eagerly awaited by the whole college.

After Mrs. Farmer's much regretted departure, the next event of
importance was a Pan-Hellenic Tea, given at the fraternity apart-
ment. As we made it a yellow and white Tea, the rooms were decor-
ated with daffodils and ferns and our critical last look, before the
a r r i v a l of our guests, assured us that our labors had not been i n vain,
for everything looked lovely. W e had invited some of our graduates
to help us, and i t was well we had, as we actives were kept busy at-
tending to our numerous guests.

On March the fifteenth, Mrs. Haskell, our patroness, gave a
dinner f o r the actives and some of the graduates, at the Faculty club.
A f t e r it was over we again congratulated ourselves, f o r the 'steenth
time on having her as one of us.

T h e whole college is s t i l l t a l k i n g of our most recent event—the
Greek games, held f o r the first time since they were instituted i n the
Columbia gymnasium, on Friday March the twenty-second. Lucy
Petri, one of our sophomores, and quite an athlete, aroused much en-
thusiasm by scoring for her class in the discus throwing contest.

We have decided on a banquet instead of a dance, as our fare-
well, spring event, to take place on the 20th of A p r i l . We think
this w i l l be more acceptable to our graduates and trust that their
large attendance w i l l prove it.

T a l k i n g about graduates reminds us that this June they w i l l
welcome three of our actives into their ranks—How sorry we shall
be to lose them !

We send our love to a l l our sisters, and best wishes f o r a happy
spring and summer.


We can hardly realize that in two short months we will disband
for the summer. However, the plans being made f o r commence-
ment sadly remind us that another year o f our college l i f e has nearly
gone. W i t h the outgoing o f the class of 1912 P i w i l l lose a most
valuable member, Dagmar Rinshaw, who is one of A l p h a O's most
earnest and enthusiastic members.
Let's see. W h a t have we done since last we wrote? We've had
exams, but then no one wants to be reminded of those black days;
we've had the carnival holidays which are imperative since M a r d i
Gras is such an event in N e w Orleans. Then, too, we've had the
Dramatic club play and numerous other college activities, including
the Founders' Day exercises and the celebration o f Tulane night
when " O l d Heidelberg" was presented by university students w i t h
no small degree o f success. A n d the basketball games i n which the
seniors, juniors and sophomores contested f o r the championship cup
which the seniors captured. Gladys made "goal" on the Varsity
team so we feel very proud o f her.

As usual we are rushing—who isn't On St. Valentine's day
we had a luncheon in the room f o r our rushees, and, being very pat-
riotic Americans, we entertained at a George Washington party
which was voted by a l l to be a success.

Isabelle Henderson stopped over w i t h us f o r a f e w hours on her
way f r o m Chicago to California. We were delighted to have her
even f o r so short a time.

And now we are talking nothing but convention and wishing that
we could a l l go to meet our many sisters f r o m " f a r and near." But
since we cannot a l l attend, our delegate w i l l b r i n g to each of our sis-
ters a message f r o m us which can better be said than written. M a y
as many o f us as can assemble i n Evanston do our very best
for our dear f r a t e r n i t y which means so much to each and every one
of us.

During the month of February two initiates, Miss Edith Chap-
man o f Jamaica. L . h, and Miss D o r o t h y Agnes Vandewater o f
Cedarhurst. L . I . , were received into N u chapter. As there has not
been much available material at the L a w school, these are the only
initiates we have taken in this year. The initiation, which took
place on February 19th, in our fraternity room at the Law school,
was followed by a dinner which was quite largely attended by the
alumnae as w e l l as the actives.
As so many o f N u ' s alumnae are practising law d o w n t o w n , we


have engaged a luncheon table f o r Tuesdays at Whyte's restaurant
on Fulton street, where any members, active or associate, may drop
in f o r lunch and discuss i n f o r m a l l y any matters that may be of i n -

The month of March was given up mostly to work and very little
to play. Our one social activity as a f r a t e r n i t y was to give a dinner
at the fraternity room on March 28th. A f t e r this dinner plans were
discussed f o r a dinner to be given i n honor o f the f a c u l t y after the
Bar examinations on A p r i l 16th.

On March 16th the Women's Association of New York Univer-
sity Law School gave a tea f o r a l l women students and alumnae, at
which two of Nu's associate members, Miss Bertha Rembaugh and
Mrs. Marion B . Cothern, were speakers.

We w i l l retain our pleasant fraternity room at the Law School,
although it is feared that we may sooner or later have to give it up
on account of the crowded condition of the building. This would
prove a real misfortune to us, as i t is now the only place where we
can be by ourselves. Nu's lack of dormitory l i f e is quite a handicap
in the way of fraternity life or fraternity activities.

A L I C E L . CLARK, Secretary, N u Chapter.

Girls, i t seems quite strange that what h a d b i d f a i r to be O m i -
crons brightened letter was destined to be her saddest.
Of course you have not heard of the sad death of Janie Mayo.
A n d you who have never f e l t the loss o f so grand and lovable a
member can not realize how heart broken we are just now.
I t was on March 22nd that our Heavenly Father took her to be
w i t h h i m and l e f t us to long f o r her and wonder why.
Janie was one o f the finest girls that I have ever known, so true
and sincere, so noble i n aspiration and l o f t y i n ideal. She was a
g i r l whom everyone loved and her death came as a great shock to a l l .
Some outsiders said A O I I meant more to Janie than to anyone
that they knew but we say that Janie meant more to A O I I , not only
to O m i c r o n chapter, but to the whole f r a t e r n i t y f o r she was a g i r l
possessed o f a l l o f the attributes o f a true A l p h a O of whom the
whole fraternity might be proud.
A more loyal member and a truer f r i e n d could not be found and
i f A O I I had meant nothing more than the friendship of such a
g i r l it would have been well worth while.
We are crushed at the loss o f so valuable a member but through
our faith in the divine wisdom of God we are able to feel with Long-
fellow :


"She is not dead, the child of our affection
But gone unto that school,
Where she no longer needs our poor protection
And Christ himself doth rule."

Omicron chapter takes pleasure in introducing five fine A l p h a O's:
Ellen Creswell Converse, Chattanooga; Bernice Taylor, Tampasa,
Texas; Janie Peany, Brownwood, Texas; Nellie Bondmont, Hick-
man, K y . ; Martha L o u Jones, Bailey, Tenn.

Initiations took place on Saturday evening March 2 in our room
at Barbara Blount hall, and needless to say was the grandest affair
that Omicron has enjoyed f o r a number o f years.

We had our banquet in the private dining room at the Blount
and as there were twenty o f us present the f u n was great.

A f t e r the feast we had dancing and then the regular initiations.
We d i d not entirely k i l l any of the girls f o r o f course we loved them
too dearly for that but Bernice Taylor was slightly crippled.

A f t e r initiation was over we had refreshments in our room and
as usual enjoyed every taste o f them.

We gave our b i g party i n January which was quite a success and
f r o m time to time we had a number of smaller parties in the rooms.

Our new room gives us a dandy opportunity to entertain i n f o r m -

We would impress you all with the fact that you just must let

us know when you pass through K n o x v i l l e so that we can see you.


Not yet has Kappa any t h r i l l i n g news i n the line of pledges.
T h i s year sophomore pledging has been i n effect f o r the first time,
and Ave aren't one bit sure that i t is a good thing. Maybe so, f o r the
new girls, f o r it certainly gives them a chance to decide calmly and
composedly, but we think there's another side to the question and
that is "us." A whole year of rushing, rather than several weeks o f
it, is inclined to make you give a scared peep into your pocketbook.
We feel that second semester pledging would solve both difficulties.

Things really d i d come to an amusing pass. Practically a l l
rushing took the f o r m of l i t t l e i n f o r m a l parties i n the f r a t houses
on Sunday nights, and as there is a rule to the effect that no date can
be made w i t h a rushee f o r more than one week ahead, what do you
think happened? W h y different f r a t girls would ask Freshmen on
Friday morning to spend the next Friday night with them, that they
might ask them one minute after twelve o'clock f o r the next Satur-
day night, in turn to ask them f o r the next Sunday night. Planning
three weeks ahead! A n d to a l l appearances it would very soon have


been up to Monday thus r u n n i n g it seven weeks ahead. Fortunately,
Pan-Helenic stepped in and took the matter up. The Freshmen had
become spoiled past endurance, and physical wrecks—some of them
— f r o m loss of sleep. N o w we have a rule abolishing a l l Sunday
night rushing. Thank goodness! You should hear the sighs of re-
lief a l l around, at the prospect of being i n the house w i t h just our
own l i t t l e f a m i l y , and by the way, tonight w i l l be the first time.

We are wondering, and I suppose the other frats are doing like-
wise, how things w i l l turn out next year. A l l the desirable Fresh-
men are being rushed by practically a l l the frats, and o f course, i n
their diplomacy, like them all equally. We have a little feeling,
however, that A O I I i s pretty near to the hearts of many of them.

Perhaps you w i l l be interested in knowing that i n the recent Y .
W. C. A . elections f o r next session, we carried the vice-presidency
and the secretaryship, the girl elected to the former office, Annie
Kate Gilbert, being this year's junior president.

Easter greetings to you all from Kappa!


First of all I want to tell you about our annual formal party and
the banquet. The party was held at the Lincoln hotel Friday even-
ing, March 29th. About seventy couples were present including
many of the alumnae. The banquet was held the f o l l o w i n g evening
w i t h sixty-five present, including fifteen out o f t o w n alumnae. The
banquet was unusually pretty, being carried out i n our flower. T h e
tables were decorated w i t h baskets of red roses and i n the m i d d l e o f
the room was a pedestal o f ferns and roses. T h e tables were lighted
with red candles, and the menu cards had a spray of hand-painted
roses. T h e toasts, which were unusually clever, were as f o l l o w s :

Toastmistress, Stella Butler; The Jacqueminot Rose, Helen
Steiner; The Bud, Carrie Coman; The Stem, Emma Schreiber
Hunter; The Petals, Lucile Johnson; The Thorns. Gislea Birkner,
The Fragrance, Mathilde Stenger; The Culling, Alfreda Powell.

Saturday afternoon before the banquet the Lincoln alumnae
chapter entertained the visiting and active girls at the chapter house.

The following honors have fallen to Zeta seniors since our last
letter: Alvine Zumwinkel has been elected to Phi Beta Kappa and
is leading lady in a play to be soon given by the German Dramatic
club and Grace Gannon has been elected vice-president o f the senior

Just now we are planning a dance to be given at the Temple,
A p r i l 13th. f o r out-of-town rushees.

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