To Dragma o f
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Wendy Chamberlin, US Ambassador to Pakistan
To Dragma
of Alpha Omicron Pi
Our Missions: 5 9
7b Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity News Investing In Your
Quarterly AOII news and Children's Future
The mission ofTo Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: announcements. Investigate how the options
to inform, educate and inspire our readers on sub- just got better for college
jects relevant to our Fraternity, our chapters, our savings plans.
members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime AOTF
involvement to salute excellence; and to serve as 12
a permanent record of our Fraternity's history.
Alumnae News
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc. Highlights and plans for the
coming yearfromour alum-
Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's nae chapters.
fraternity promoting friendship for a lifetime,
inspiring academic excellence and lifelong 24
learning and developing leadership skills through
service to the Fraternity and community. A O I I Foundation
The 2001-2002 AOII
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, Inc. 6 Foundation Scholarship
The mission of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is Facing a Trial by Fire
to fund programs, which promote the intellectual, ethical United States Ambassador To Dragma/WINTER 2001
and leadership development of members of Alpha ^"endy Chamberlin, Rho
Omicron Pi Fraternity and, through its philanthropic efforts, (Northwestern U) makes
beneft the larger society. The vision of the Alpha Omicron world headlines.
Pi Foundation is to ensure tie continuation
of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity as we look ahead to
the challenges of the 21st Century.
On the cover:
United States Ambassador to Pakistan Wendy Chamberlin, Rho (Northwestern U) speaks at
a press conference after signing a memorandum of agreement for 600 million US dollars in
Islamabad, November IS, 2001. The United States handed over 600 million dollars in aid
to Pakistan in recognition of Islamabad's backing for the war against terrorism.
26 46
Collegiate News AOII Emporium
Our collegiate chapters Preview merchandise from
share briefs and highlights the AOII Emporium catalog.
of their year.
l b Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi
Published since January, 1905 by Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc.
JWH Cup Receptions
Delta Omega and Lambda Editor
Sigma were honored for Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
their excellence during the Graphic Design
past biennium. Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U)
Deann Dennis Hebert, Delta Delta (Auburn U)
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi, (USPS-631 -840) the official organ ofAlpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by
NPC Highlights Aipha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood,TN. Periodical dass postage paid at BrentwoodJN, and additional
A recap of the National mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $85.00.
Panhellenic Conference's
biennial meeting. Postmaster: Send address changes to:
To Dragma/WINTER 2001 To Dragma ofAlpha Omicron Pi, 5390Virginia Way Brentwood.TN 37027.
Address all editorial communications to the Editor at the same address.
Founded at Barnard College in New York City January 2, 1897, by:
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen St Clair Mullan, Stella George Stem Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
International President
Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Melanie Nixon Doyle, Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)
International Headquarters
5390Virginia Way Bnsntwood.Tennessee 37027. phone: 615/370-0920 fax 615/371 -9736
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site Address:
Send Mailing Address Updates to:
[email protected]
Carole Jurenko Jones AOIIperspective
International President
Has your cheese been moved? If Recognizing that success does not
not, now may be the time to think come without commitment, hard
about moving it. And, if you haven't work and the willingness to make
read Spencer Johnson's popular book, changes, I challenge each of you to
"Who Moved My Cheese?" I recom- set high standards for yourself and
mend that you do. You will no doubt your chapter. As you work together
be inspired to try something new. to set chapter goals, keep in mind
"Who Moved My Cheese" is a AOII's three focus areas for the
2001-2003 biennium - Membership
parable about four imaginary charac- Recruitment, Membership Retention
ters who represent the simple and and Sound Financial Management.
complex parts of ourselves. It's a story
about unexpected change, how the In order for your chapter to be
characters deal with the change, and successful, you must have in place
how change can bring success. carefully planned recruitment and
"Change is what As I read the book I reflected on retention programs and recognize the
has made AOII
what it is today, how we, as members of Alpha Omicron importance of timely financial support
Pi, continue to live by our Founders' by all members. You may even have to
and I believe vision of simple bonds of friendship, make some changes so these areas
that our Founders love of learning and respect for one become a priority.
would be pleased.'''
another, but at the same time are will- As stated by Spencer Johnson, "the
ing to accept and be open to change quicker you let go of old cheese, the
for the betterment of AOII. Change is sooner you find new cheese." Good
what has made AOII what it is today, luck as you work to move the cheese!
and I believe that our Founders would
be pleased.
Change faces our members each
year when they install new chapter Fraternally,
officers. As these new leaders work to
achieve success, they must evaluate
where the chapter has been and where
they want the chapter to go.
Sometimes, in order to achieve or even Carole Jurenko Jones
maintain success, making a change to
the process or program is the best deci-
sion. It takes courage and vision, but
the quicker you let go of the ways "it
has always been done," the sooner you
will enjoy new accomplishments.
4 To Dragma/WINTER 2001
fraternity news
Founders' Day Application is available houses such as eBay), antique The Rho Chi Society
Messages online and due by March 1, shops, flea markets, and the National Office is located at
2002. Scholarships are like. Our membership in the School of Pharmacy at
The 2001-2002 Executive presented to deserving col- AOII is a privilege that the U of North Carolina at
Board Message and the legiate and alumnae sisters should not be sold for any Chapel Hill. The Society
Foundation Board Ruby who exhibit academic one member'sfinancialgain. currently has 77 active Rho
Fund Message are tradition- excellence and demonstrate Your cooperation in preserv- Chi Chapters. We would
ally read during all local service to their community ing the integrity of Alpha surmise that most, if not all,
Founders' Day celebrations. and AOII. Omicron Pi is gready appre- are on campuses where
Both messages are available ciated. there is also a College
on the AOII website under Affordable •Article K of AOII's Panhellenic.
AOII Today/Events. Medical Plans Standing Rules states, "Each
member is required to pur- They have called to our
Tour H Q on AOII Group Insurance chase a life leasehold on a attention the fact that confu-
Website offers 3 Plans to choose membership badge at the sion can and has developed
from. time of the initiation. Upon between Panhellenic Rho
Because we know everyone 1. 100% plan after $10 co- death, the badge of a Chis and members of the
can not visit our new pay deceased member shall be Rho Chi Society.
Headquarters in Brentwood, 2. $15 co-pay 80/20 with a returned to International
Tennessee, a virtual tour of $200 deductible. Headquarters unless permis- Out of respect for the Rho
the facility has been devel- 3. $20 co-pay 70/30 with a sion is granted by the Chi Society and in order to
oped which will allow you to $300 deductible. Executive Board for its use as eliminate any potential
view each room in 360° All plans subject to annual an honor badge or award." confusion between
panoramic views. Visit the and lifetime maximums. All Panhellenic Rho Chis and
AOII website at AOIIs are eligible. Message From the Rho Chi Society, if you to • Prescription Benefit. NPC currently use the term
see this new feature. $50 annual deductible then "Rho Chi" to describe your
your plan co-pay. The Rho Chi Society recruitment counselors,
Remembering • Dental Plan. National Office has been in NPC is requesting that you
Sept. I 1,2001 Enroll Today! (800) 280- contact with the National stop this practice.
8383 Panhellenic Conference
In honor and memory of Fax: (707) 451-0620 regarding their concern We urge that you use in its
those who lost their lives on E-mail: about the use of the term place the title Recruitment
September 11, 2001, and to [email protected] "Rho Chi" to designate cer- Counselors. We understand
the sisters whose lives were tain sorority members dur- that it may require some
touched by the events on AOM's Position ing the recruitment process. time to phase out the use of
that day, a rose bush has on the Auctioning the term "Rho Chi," but we
been planted in the AOII or Selling of AOII The Rho Chi Society is an would like each College
Foundation Jacqueminot Insignia Items academic honor society for Panhellenic to demonstrate
Rose Garden. pharmacy students and was its best efforts to ensure that
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity established in 1922. This this phase out will happen as
Scholarship strongly requests that all ini- honorary is a member of the soon as possible.
Applications tiated members refrain from Association of College
Online selling and purchasing any Honor Societies. The web Thank you for your cooper-
AOII paraphernalia (includ- site, ation and understanding.
The AOII Foundation ing badges*) at auctions describes the society's histo-
Diamond Jubilee (including on-line auction ry and organization.
Scholarship (DJS)
To Dragma/WINTER 2001 5
Wendy Chamberlin,
tctui Milh tin
If *' • By Rone Tempest and
^;'r Richard Boudreaux, LA Times.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Two anecdotes, both from her Interviewed in her split-level residence inside the walled
college days as a spirited student teacher in South and heavily guarded U. S. compound here, Chamberlin,
America, reveal a lot about Wendy ChamberLin, America's a 53-year-old divorced mother of two adolescent daugh-
ambassador in front-line Pakistan. ters, claims she has mellowed some since those early
South American exploits.
In the first, she jumped from the top of a steamboat into a
fast-moving river in Brazil on a dare. Only later did she " I still feel like I'm 23 years old," said the athletically
learn that the waters were home to flesh-eating piranhas. built Chamberlin, who swam butterfly competitively at
Northwestern University. "But 1 am a mother now, and
In the second, she chased down a pickpocket in Peru. Only I'm first a mother'' These days, though, she is far from
afterward, when the villain was in police custody, did she her daughters: Chyna, 14, and Jade, 12, who were sent
discover that he carried a knife. Both episodes ended well back to the U.S. to stay with their father, a former diplo-
with the strong-swimming,fleet-footedfuture diplomat rec- mat, for security reasons.
ognized and rewarded for her daring.
Over the years, as a teacher and diplomat in Laos,
But after the Sept 11 attacks—which elevated the post of Morocco, Zaire (now Congo) and Malaysia, Chamberlin
U.S. ambassador to Pakistan, filled by Chamberlin only a said she has learned "not to act impulsively but to
few weeks before, to one of the most sensitive diplomatic act strategically."
assignments in the world—they seem especially portentous.
In Washington, where she served with the National Security and provide air bases for logistical operations. Chamberlin was
Council under President George Bush lather of her current able to tell reporters waiting outside the president's office that
boss, she developed expertise in combating international Musharraf was on board.
drug trafficking and in counter-terrorism. As ambassador to
Laos from 1996 to 1999, she earned a reputation as some- Since then Chamberlin has been charged with overseeing the
one who could deal effectively with the Communist military billions of dollars in economic incentives designed to keep the
dictators who run that country. Longtimefriendsdescribe Musharraf regime stable in the face of challenges from Islamic
Chamberlin as "fearless." militants and others opposed to the U.S. military campaign in
neighboring Afghanistan. These include direct foreign aid.
"She's an American woman and a strong one; a little bit in reimbursement for the costs of Pakistan's participation in the
your face, for sure, but very well spoken and empathetic," said coalition and restructuring of the country's $3-billion debt to
Karen Howell, a middle school teacher in Greenwich, Conn., the United States.
and one of Chamberlin's companions during her 1970 sum-
mer in South America. Finally—and Chamberlin sees this as her most important mis-
sion—she wants to rescue andrehabilitateAfghanistan from its
In the months ahead, Chamberlin will need to draw on all fallen state after more than 20 years of conflict and five years of
those traits to compensate for her limited on-the-ground expe- fundamentalist theocratic rule.
rience in this extremely volatile region, with its maze of reli-
gious, tribal and ethnic issues. "The next phase is going to be nation-building in
Afghanistan," she said during the interview. " I can envision a
Chamberlin's previous international work on chugs and terror- huge and critically important effort in Afghanistan to assure
ism often involved Pakistan and Afghanistan. She served the Afghans that they can build a political process there that
briefly in Washington as a special assistant on South Asia in the will lead to a government and then economic reconstruction
State Department's Office of Political Affairs. But until she and development"
arrived here Aug. 13, she had made only two trips to Pakistan.
"Now there is a whole new mood about Pakistan in
"1 admit to daydreaming of the day that I could return to serve Congress," said Chamberlin, who jokes that she had given
in such a fascinating country," Chamberlin said at her Senate herself three years to improve U.S.-PaMstani relations but "it
confirmation hearing in June, "but I never dreamed it would only took three weeks."
be in the capacity of ambassador, nor that it would be during a
period of such daunting problems." Her brash American style is sometimes offiputting to Pakistanis
not accustomed to an outspoken woman as head of the
Having been vaulted into prominence by the events of Sept American mission here. As aformerathlete who still swims
11, Chamberlinfoundthat her first crucial assignment was to laps in the residence pool Chamberlin is not prim. Pakistanis
quickly win support for the coalition against terrorismfromthe trade stories about her casual, self-confident demeanor.
general who rules Pakistan, President Pervez Musharraf.
Despite considerable domestic political risk, Musharraf deci- But she has been affectionately adopted on a first-name basis
sively committed his nation to the U.S. effort on Sept 13 at a by the usually hostile Pakistani media. "Wendy, Daud discuss
meeting with Chamberlin, during which she also presented her trade relations." read a recent headline, referring to talks with
credentials as the new American ambassador. Musharraf Pakistani Commerce Minister Abdul Razzaq Daud.
offered to share intelligence, allow the use of Pakistani airspace
Dragma/WINTER 2001
7 Mim tkt at tk dof it all"
k ml "w milfarebnwjltt mnttlikj
to tk 25 millionjiyk ofy/fqknutaH
tkt iih 7 aut two month arjo.
Tkt u'hp? fortkfuture"
But the military lineage that includes an admiral grandfa-
ther and an uncle who was a four-star general did not keep
Chamberlinfromquestioning the U.S. role in Vietnam.
With her bodyguard standing alert in the background. Ambassador Chamberlin In the end, it was the Vietnam War that led Chamberlin
speaks to the press after a meeting with Pakistani Minister for Kashmir Affairs to seek an international career, first as an exchange
Saifraz Khan in Islamabad. September 19, 2001. AFP PHOTO/Saeed KHAN. instructor at National Teachers College in Laos and,
since 1975, as a diplomat.
Chamberlin was born Oct 12, 1948, in Bethesda. Md. The
daughter of the late William Chamberlin. a Marine colonel, But friends say the war also provides a key to Chamberlin's
she grew up mosdy in the Washington area but also lived in humanitarian concerns.
Camp Pendleton, Quantico, \a„ Texas and Haw aii.
Howell recalled that as an exchange teacher in Laos,
As the only girl sandwiched between two athletic brothers. Chamberlinfrequentlyvisited neighboring Cambodia and
Chamberlin remembers her childhood as being ""not very was horrified by the effects of the American bombing cam-
much academics but a lot of sport and macho." Chamberlin paign there. "She'd write letters begging me to get the word
remains close to her brothers; the older served as a Marine out about what's taking place there," Howell said.
in Vietnam and the younger is an Army doctor.
Thai experience helps explain Chamberlin's insistence that
As an undergraduate at Northwestern, where she obtained a whatever comes after the current bombing campaign
degree in education, Chamberlin was athletics and social include reconstruction of Afghanistan.
director for Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity.
Reminded that U.S. attempts at "'nation building" have not
Classmates remember her keen interest in faraway events. always worked, Chamberlin is undaunted.
"Her world was bigger than our world," said Carolyn
Whittington, now a county judge in St Louis. "'She was a cit- " I believe that at the end of it all" she said, "we will have
izen of the world... better versed in things that were happen- brought something to the 25 million people of
ing in die world than any of us." Afghanistan that didn't exist two months ago. That is hope
for the future."
hi her diplomatic career. Chamberlin's conservative military
upbringing has helped her hold her own with Musharraf Copyright, 2001, Los Angeles Tunes. Reprinted with permission.
and Laotian generals. " I like men," Chamberlin said. '"I like Tempest reported from Islamabad and BoudreauxfromRome.
men's men, and 1 know how to talk to them."
8 To Dragma/WINTER 2001
in Your Children's
To Dragma/WINTER 2001 Many years ago I pledged AOII at the University of Alabama. I did not know at
the time or even imagine that almost 20 years later, my closest friends
would still be my sisters.
A member of our chapter made an announcement at dinner one evening, inviting
anyone who cared to join her at her parent's lake house for Labor Day weekend -
from that chance beginning lifetime friendships and sisterhood was
formed and continues today. Our small group annually meets at the lake, the beach
or the mountains for an uninterrupted weekend of catching up, reminiscing, and
good food.
My college education is the basis of my career success, but the lifelong
friendships of my Alpha Omicron Pi sisters have made my life infinitely richer. We
all desire these strong foundations to assure SUCCeSS for OUT children
and grandchildren. Opportunities such as AOII will only be there for them if
we can afford to send them to college.
The costs of funding higher education expenses is
increasing approximately 6°/o annually. The Department of Education
estimates the cost of a four-year program in 18 years in a public college
at over $100,000 and the costs in a private college at over $250,000.
While the new tax law (The Economic Growth and Tax Relief
Reconciliation Act of 2001, effective for the 2002 tax year) brought good
news to investors for many different reasons, it's likely that parents and
grandparents are among the most pleased. Beginning in 2002, the new
law offers them valuable tax saving incentives in education-funding alter-
natives. State-sponsored 529 plans have been created to assist in saving for
college. They are now available in most states.
While details of each plan differ slightly from state to state, there are two
major categories. The first is the prepaid tuition plan. With this program,
you lock in the future tuition of certain state colleges at the current rates.
There are a lew downsides to these programs. One is that although you are
guaranteed the amount of money needed to pay for tuition, you will not
receive a return any higher than the increase in tuition. Secondly, most of
these programs are restricted to residents within the state sponsoring the
The newer version—the savings plan—will give you more options. You arc
permitted to make regular contributions to the account. From there, either
a state agency or private company working for the state will invest it for
you. Many of the states will allow non-residents to participate in their pro-
grams. This way if you aren't happy with your own state's plan, you may
have other choices. Bear in mind, however, that tax benefits may be limit-
ed to in-state participants. Although there is no federal deduction of con-
tributions, state deduction varies by state.
Rising Cost of U.S. Colleges The investment earnings in the plan grow federally tax-deferred. When
the time comes, you can withdraw from it as needed to pay for college
$250,000 I Four Years of Private College expenses. Right now you're thinking what a help this is to pay for tuition,
$200,000 Four Years of Public College but what about the rest of the experience. More good news! The funds in
the plan can be used lor fees, room and board, books, equipment and sup-
$150,000 plies as well. Sorority and fraternity house room and board is typically cov-
ered up to the college's official room and board costs for on-campus resi-
$100,000 dents. Starting in 2002, the earnings portion of the distribution will be
exempt from federal taxation as long as the distribution is used for under-
$50,000 graduate or graduate school expenses. Students are not limited to accredit-
ed schools. The distribution may be used for professional schools such as a
6 9 12 15 18 culinary or a vocational institute.
Years to College
Should you be the proud parents of a child who is granted a scholarship,
the funds can be withdrawn without penalty. Another option is transfer-
ring the funds to another family member who is headed for college, with
no penalty to you. If the investment is not used at all, you can make a dis-
tribution. The earnings portion of the distribution not used for qualified
higher education expenses will be included as ordinary income to the per-
son receiving the distribution and subject to a 10% penalty on the federal
level. There may also be a penalty assessed on the state level and may actu-
ally differ from not only the federal penalty, but also from state to state.
10 T., l)raf;ma/W[NTEK2001
8/ Michelle Pledger Tate
Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Michelle P.Tate has worked as a relationship man-
i! ager for over 13 years in the insurance and financial
services industries. She is a fnancial advisor at UBS
Paine Webber in Philadelphia. For more information,
she can be readied at 1-800-345-7941.
There are even more advantages to these programs as contribu-
tions are considered completed gifts. This means your contribu-
tions would be excluded from your taxable estate, and qualify for
the $10,000 annual gift exclusion. Specialfive-yearaveraging lets
you give large gifts. While the annual contribution varies by state,
an individual could make a special election that allows him or her
to make a $50,000 contribution ($100,000 for married couples
filing jointly) to be considered a gift spread over five years.
Additional contributions to the account or other gifts to that indi-
vidual during the next five years would be subject to gift tax. If
you were to die during thisfiveyear period, however, a portion of
this large gift would be included in your estate.
In the immortal words of legendary Alabama Coach Paul "Bear"
Bryant - "It's not the will to win that matters, everyone has that
It's the will to prepare to win that matters." Preparation is a key
component in attainment of the education funding goals for your
children or grandchildren.
Talk to your Financial Advisor about the potential benefits that
both types of 529 programs offer. They can then assist you in con-
ducting the necessary analysis to determine which education-
funding strategies would benefit your unique situation.
H'.ontributions to a 529 Plan have tax implications. UBS PaineWebber
and its Financial Advisors do not provide any tax analysis or tax advice.
You should consult your attorneys or tax advisors in connection with the
tax consequences ofparticipation in airy specific .529 Plan.
**77ie state where you reside or pay taxes may offer its own qualified state
tuition program under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code with
state tax advantages or other benefits exclusively for its residents or tax-
To DragmWWINTER 2001 11
Toronto Area alumnae members Cheryl Bozynski and Angela Talbot at Vlneland Estates.
12 To Draema/WINTER 2001
What we share in
Alpha Omicron Pi friends and families to enjoy. This fall year and even found time for a charity
our chapter spent time sharing photo canned food drive for a local food bank.
brings and holds us memories, making Halloween goodies, We called the project Xmas in July.
helping with the local Jingle Bell Run, Food banks often receive donation dur-
together. As alumnae, and exchanging cookies. In the winter ing the holidays but suffer during the
we will celebrate our Founders' Day, rest of the year. It was a great success!
we WOrk for our enjoy a book club discussion, receive
community, COXB for some tips on hair care, have some craft- Charleston
ing fun, and enjoy a potluck at our park.
one another, pursue Charleston, South Carolina sisters are
Bozeman celebrating our first year as a re-
COmmOTl interests, Bozeman Alumnae are active as installed alumnae chapter by enjoying
Corporation Board members and AAC good company, laughing, building on
learn from one another, members so our alumnae meetings are traditions and growing! Ourfirstmeet-
planned for fun sisterhood, and of ing in September was a cook out in the
and have JliTll course, a littlefraternityeducation. The country at member, Susanne Banks
new calender includes: "Martha Stewart beautiful home. In October, we gath-
Baton Rouge Night," when we make a craft project to ered at a local comedy club to grab
The Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter take home; A "Novel Meeting" and some laughs. November meant volun-
experienced a very successful year cul- "That's Not Just Fiction" which will be teering with the Arthritis Foundation for
minating with may awards at for book reviews and exchanges at a their annual Food & Wine Fest/Silent
Convention including the International great new restaurant; and our Annual Auction. December's Founders' Day
Headquarters Cooperation Cup. We are AOPie Night when we bring pies to the fun included our annual Chinese Santa
off to a great start this year with many Alpha Phi house to meet the new mem- ornament/gift exchange. Spring 2002
functions planned to benefit Arthritis. bers. In August alumnae and a few col- will find the chapter hosting an anniver-
We also have planned many fun filled legians joined forces and repainted sev- sary celebration and enjoying a night
events of crafts and cooking, happy eral study rooms on "House out at a ceramics cafe. Any sister living
hours and dining out and our ever pop- Improvement Day" in preparation of in the low country area, please give
ular State Day. Sisterhood abounds in the fall semester. We even recruited a Paula Cooper a call (843) 856-9065.
our chapter of diverse ages and geo- few IIOA's to help give the job a profes-
graphical areas. sional touch. We enjoy hearing from Charlotte
alumnae throughout the state when our The Charlotte Alumnae Chapter is
Bloomington fall newsletter is mailed each year! expanding in size and traditions. We
The Bloomington Area Alumnae meet monthly in each other's home or a
Chapter is very busy this year. We have Bucks County local restaurant to discuss business,
several different activities planned such Our small chapter continues to grow. community service projects and philan-
as pottery painting, a wine tasting party We meet every other month for brunch, thropic endeavors. Each meeting has a
and our annual buffalo ranch tour at and the time seems to fly. We enjoy each theme to assist the hostess in planning
the home of one of our members. other's company and are always sorry to the menu. One of our favorites is
Besides these activities, we have several see the afternoon end. We will be pre- gourmet pizza night. This year in addi-
events scheduled with the collegiate forming Ritual at every other meeting tion to our monthly business meetings
chapter which include Homecoming, and it brings us even closer together. we get together for more social gather-
Founders' Day and a new We held an ornament/cookie exchange ings such as a movie night or a book
member/alumnae dessert this spring. for our December meeting, and we are swap. These are times to forge friend-
all looking forward to a great spring. ships and make bonds with alumnae in
a more social and casual setting.
Bloomington-Normal Central New Mexico Chicago City
This year the Bloomington/Normal The Central New Mexico chapter con- Chicago City chapter is looking forward
Alumnae Chapter has adopted a park. tinues to thrive in the southwest. We to another great year. We had an excit-
Each month we spend one day making have expanded our membership this ing summer. Our chapter celebrated its
sure our park is a wonderful place for
To Dragma/WINTER 2001 13
Chicago South to our adopted collegiate chapter, Delta
Rho, DePaul L, and offering "Finals
Suburban Stress Baskets" to them at finals time
which were a big hit! Other philan-
The Chicago South thropic works included holding an
annual holiday auction, donating gloves,
Suburban AOII's hats, and scarves to a homeless shelter,
donating pandas and coloring books
get together for and crayons to a local children's hospi-
tal, and collecting canned goods for a
Founders' Day church Food Pantry.
every year. This is Dekalb-Kane
a great time to DeKalb-Kane Counties Alumnae
Chapter is fortunate to have a nearby
share with mem- collegiate AOII chapter located at
Northern Illinois U. Not only do mem-
bers of your chap- bers have the opportunity to work
directly with Nu lota Chapter on their
ter as well as invite AAC/Corporation Board, but also as
hostesses in welcoming seniors to alum-
sisters who are not nae status at the annual senior dinner.
Last year we were invited by Nu Iota to
Bozeman alumnae and spouses help out during Alpha Phi's active in any alum- attend their Founders' Day celebration.
It was an impressive event, with many
"House Improvement Day." nae chapters. It's a Nu lota alumnae coming back to cam-
pus to celebrate not only Founders' Day
fifth anniversary in June, we won a fun, social event but also the 10 year anniversary of the
Distinguished Service Award at with so much meaning.
Convention, and we enjoyed events like
attending a Chicago White Sox game. Chicago West Suburban
New committees have been formed to This past year has been very productive
support membership and programming for the Chicago-Viest Suburban
with another eventful year in mind. In Chapter. Our theme last year and again
addition to supporting local collegiate this year has been "Gathering and
chapters, programs will include some Giving", with our focus being more
new activities and some old favorites. social and philanthropic. Last season
Two events, our Silent Auction and we volunteered our time at the Care
Raffle and Cookie Exchange bring sis- and Counseling Center, a crisis center
ters together during the holidays. New for pregnant women. We support them
events include a Golf Scramble and
BBQ and publishing a cookbook. Our
chapter also realizes that each member
makes us stronger so we'll continue to
take time to recognize a "Sister of the
Month". We hope that our careful
planning will provide us with a year that
builds sisterhood while giving back to
our community.
Chicago N W Suburban monetarily and help them prepare for Charleston, SC alumnae enjoy a night out together.
their annual school fair as needed. We
Chicago Northwest Suburban also hold a Mock Baby Shower for re-installation of the chapter.
Alumnae Chapter has discovered that them every year and donate items such Experiencing the interaction of AOIIs,
the passing of a "Brag Basket" at each as diapers and formula for their "wish young & old, made for a very moving
meeting is an easy way to raise money list". Our collegiate/alumnae efforts afternoon. AOII for a lifetime!
for the chapter's 50th anniversary. included, giving Halloween goody bags
The money really flows when mem-
bers brag about family, job promo-
tions and other accomplishments.
What a great way to share a laugh or a
tear and to become better acquainted.
14 To Dragma/WINTER 2001
Denver the 60's; Kathy Bartelt, the 70's; Lisa International President Jesse Marie
Trulove, the 80's; and Briana Dunn, the Cramer) and Central Missouri State U.
We are looking forward to volunteer- present Chapter President. Seventy sis- The AOII recipients were Christine
ing at the annual Jingle Bell Run for ters gathered including Fifty year mem- Leonard, Becki Stutz, Kate Swingle,
arthritis research, held in Denver's bers Toni Reitz, Jeanne Carter, Mary Andrea Coleman, Michelle Kane, Angie
Washington Park. In April, we held a Dannettell and June Tremor Hubert. Behrens and Nima Tshering. In some
dinner party honoring 50-year mem- Two members of the Evansville Tri- sad news for our chapter, long-time and
bers at the home of Ginger Swift. The State Alumnae Chapter who were very active alumna Norma White passed
dinner was a soup and salad pot-luck, instrumental in the founding of the away from breast cancer last spring.
and we had a large showing of 50- chapter were also present. They were, Before her death the alumnae chapter
year members attend. We held a Rita Mengon and Ruth Kleymeyer. The recognized Norma's many loyal hours
Ritual, and old friends were reunited. Chi Lambda initiates collected $865 spent supporting AOII-both at the colle-
Karen Ryan, our Network Specialist, which was added to the Chi Lambda giate and alumnae levels by presenting
was also in attendance. Scholarship at the U of Evansville. her with a Service Award in a special
ceremony. Norma has two daughters
Detroit North Suburban Greater Greenville who are also AOIIs.
Instead of going to a company for a The Greater Greenville Chicago City Alumnae Chapter's craft night.
fund raising item, we tapped the talents
of a "family member" Kay Kindy chapter has been focus- Greater Lafayette
Gleeson. She designed and cross The Greater Lafayette alumnae are
stitched adorable pandas, pumpkin pan- ing on having fun and excited about two big events. Two phil-
das, and holiday boxes to fit on top of anthropic projects are the highlight of
jelly jars filled with Dove Promises. A recruiting new members. the calendar since we have combined
big thank you to Macomb Alumnae them with sisterhood activities. The
Chapter for helping us make this the We have had dinners first is our adoption of a single-parent
most profitable fund raiser ever. See you family for the holidays. For the second
all at Leadership Institute in June! This out, cookouts, joint year, sisters will provide food for their
year, goody bags were filled with tasty pantry and gifts for the individual family
treats in December and April for Beta events with Zeta Psi col- members. The donations will be pack-
Gamma. This fundraiser helped us to aged and wrapped during our Kris
donate a new Ritual kit to the chapter. legiate chapter, trips to Kringle exchange where we will be
Kappa Rho and Lambda Eta were also counting our blessings. Our large
supported. February was "create an art the beach and more. We spring project will be the annual garage
tile" month with the help of the famous sale. Starting the evening before with
Pewabic Pottery Co. of Detroit. Our sis- have our meetings in an alumnae slumber party including
ter for many years Sandy Kubitz food, fun, pedicures and manicures, we
Tomlinson, a recent Rose Award winner, different locations in will raise money to benefit the AOII
retired to Santa Fe, MM. We will miss Foundation and to send our delegate to
her talents and ready smile. The theme eastern North Carolina Leadership Institute.
"Celebrate Sisters, the Family Spirit,"
has meant renewing friendships with to include AOII's from
seniors, and encouraging new alumnae
to join us. Jacksonville all the way to
EvansvilleTri-State Rocky Mount. I f you
The Evansville Tri-State Alumnae would like to become involved with our
Chapter helped Chi Lambda Chapter at
the U of Evansville celebrate their chapter, contact Alex Kinney at
Fiftieth Anniversary on June 9, 2001,
with a luncheon and tour of the suite. (252)752-5673 or
Chairmen of the event were Ginny
Kreke and Janet Baize. Speakers from [email protected]. We would love
each decade of the chapter were fea-
tured at the luncheon. They included to have you!
Toni Reitz from the 50's; Anne Schleper,
Greater Harrisburg
Our chapter is really focusing this year
on getting more involved with our local
collegiate chapter. Although we are a
good 50 miles apart, we have learned
that a few members at any one activity
are enough to establish a link. We live
the motto of "AOII for a lifetime" and
we want to share that philosophy with
our collegians.
Greater Kansas City
Several Alumnae earned scholarships to
continue their education from funds
established at two regional universities:
the U of Kansas (initiated by Past
To Dragma/WINTER 2(10]
Greater Los Angeles with our husbands. Our members Hilton Head
enjoyed monthly lunches together as
The Greater LA alumnae are off on well as book and investment clubs. This spring our alumnae chapter con-
adventure with a theme of "On the Betty Dyer, G-Pac President accepted tributed to the Fortieth Anniversary
Road Again...". We are "visiting" favorite awards for Chapter Performance, Fund of the Women's Association of
cities such as Santa Fe, Kansas City and Distinguished Service Award Nominee, Hilton Head Island in honor of our for-
mer alumnae chapter president, Helen
Detroit North Suburban sold panda jelly jars for philanthropy Rush. Our donation will be part of a
gift to the town for the newly proposed
of course, Nashville. We are also Foundation Support and the prestigious Shelter Cove Park. The Women's
expanding our philanthropy projects Distinguished Service Award at AOII Association of Hilton Head Island is rec-
and have invited speakers from a variety International Convention in June in ognized for their continuous dedication
of organizations to join us at our Palm Desert, CA. and exemplary service to the island
monthly get-togethers. Some of our fun community, and we are very proud to
activities include book club discussions, GreaterTarrant County honor one of our own, Helen Rush, for
holiday high tea and pottery making. all her many tireless efforts. This fall
We also coordinate AOII participation in The past year we held a Mother- we raised support for our community's
the Revlon Run/Walk for Women. Come Daughter Tea just before Christmas so Deep Well Project, a private social
and join us! For information - contact collegians home for the holidays could Service agency that runs a campaign
Megan Kiessling at mkiessli attend. We had a great time and are from Thanksgiving through the first planning it again this year. While some week of January . Deep Well helps peo-
members were away for the holiday, ple in the community who need tempo-
Greater Pinellas others had their family in town for rary financial assistance, clothing, food
Christmas and we enjoyed meeting their or lodging.
Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter mothers, etc. We again had our week-
enjoyed a year of successful programs day lunches that were a special treat. Houston
and socials emphazing AOII friendships. We had a great Founders' Day along
We raised money at our with the Denton County Alumnae and The Houston Alumnae Chapter mem-
Luncheon/Fashion Show and shared Delta Theta and plan to do so again this bers held their annual Kick Off Event
our traditional Spirits of Christmas year. We are planning a couple of fun with dinner and a Jewelry Show. It
brunch with our husbands. We celebrat- new fund raisers this year, a Homemade was a fun-filled night with AOII sis-
ed Founders' Day 2001 with G-Pac Gourmet Cooking Show and How to ters. We also toured the St. Arnold's
member, Nadine Nickeson, who Shop in your Own Closet from Beauty Brewery to celebrate Octoberfest and
informed us of treatments and research Control. In April, we will celebrate we hosted a Pampered Chef party to
for adults and children who suffer from spring with lunch and shopping in near- raise funds for the Houston Arthritis
Arthritis. In honor of AOII's I77th by Waxahachie. We invite any interest- Foundation. We celebrated the holi-
Collegiate Chapter, Pi Theta, being ed area alumnae to join in the fun! days with a Christmas Tea for alum-
installed on this day all of those present nae and collegians and asked mem-
draped our badges with a red ribbon. bers to bring books to donate to our
We celebrated the Kentucky Derby race local philanthropy. In January, we
hosted Founders' Day for all Houston
AOIIs at an elegant place. Attendance
was exceptional! A barbeque was held
in February to enjoy a relaxed
evening in the company of other
AOIIs and guests. In the Spring, we
held a Crawfish Boil at the Houston
Yacht Club. This was a day of sailing
and eating boiled crawfish by the bay!
We also held a Garage Sale to raise
funds for AOII and our local chapter.
We raised over $800 dollars! Lastly,
we participated in the Houston
Alumnae Panhellenic Association
scholarship lunch.
I<> To Dragma/WINTER 2001
Indianapolis socialized and roasted hot dogs and Krissy Luthy as we exchanged cookies
smores in the campfire. The chapter and white elephant gifts. The new year
The Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter thanks everyone who attended and will see us doing a philanthropic pro-
proved successful in our annual nut sale made it such a wonderful event. ject, holding elections for new officers
fundraiser. We exceeded our goal by a and a formal Ritual to install these offi-
significant margin. We were also excit- Lake County of Illinois cers. We always finish with the popular
ed to welcome so many new faces to our Our Alumnae Chapter celebrates this IIOA party. Moving to Vegas? Contact
meetings and look forward to welcom- year following the convention theme of Cyndie 657-9092.
ing them back. We enjoyed a new pro- "Sharing Our Sisterhood With Others-
gram in November of 2001 where our The Ultimate Experience". At every Lehigh Valley
alumnae members invited family to a event we have planned this year we will The Lehigh Valley Alumnae Chapter
holiday open house which included hol- be giving different kinds donations to has had another active year. We
iday goodies, crafts and of course pic- different charities. In September, we enjoyed our annual dinner at a local
tures with Saint Nick. gave money to the Red Cross in wake of Japanese restaurant where they cook at
September 11th. We also made Panda your table. This has become an event
Jonesboro Bears at a B u i l d A Bear which we no one wants to miss. In August we
donated to a local police department. attended Musikfest in Bethlehem, PA.
The Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter has Two representatives were there to This ten day long celebration of food,
been busy. Over the past year with the accept our donations. We had a great music, and fun is another favorite com-
help from area alumnae, we were able time putting together goody bags for munity activity. Gathering together to
to endow the Lou McGinnis Couch- our collegiate chapter we support from spend time with our sisters is something
Sigma Omicron Scholarship through a distance, Nu Iota. We gave them lots we all cherish. This year we had a baby
the AOII Foundation. This scholarship of fun items which they could use to get shower themed meeting. We a l l
w i l l be awarded yearly to a Sigma them through fall recruitment. We are brought baby gifts to donate to a local
Omicron initiate. The chapter started hoping that by sharing with others the women and children's shelter. It was
the new year off by getting to know things we have, can give them a part of lots of fun to shop for baby gifts, espe-
each member better by sharing family our wonderful sisterhood experience. cially for such a worthy cause. We are
photo albums and AOII scrapbooks. looking forward to another year of fun
Our favorite meetings have also made it Las Vegas filled activities including a Big Chill
back onto our calendar this year includ- Las Vegas w i l l be holding monthly Movie Night.
ing our Make It, Bake It Auction, our meetings again this year. September
Christmas Party, the New Alumnae Lexington
Dinner, and our Cookout. Our 2001-2002 year was a huge success
bringing the best attendance we have
had at any event. At one event we went
to Gattitown and enjoyed an evening of
pizza and games. It was a hit with the
kids as well as the big kids!
Greater Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter's "Silent Auction." Long Island
Kentuckiana found us at Ann Marie Peter's new This year marks the Long Island
house for brunch. October we met at Alumnae chapter's 50th Year. We cele-
This October the Kentuckiana Alumnae "All Fired Up" for a day of pottery brated with a luncheon at the Rose
Chapter hosted its first hayride. Chapter painting (what artists we have in Vegas)! Cottage. Much fun was had by all. We
members and their dates met at Otter December we visited at the home of will continue our year by mixing f u n
Creek Park for a little fun in the coun- with business. Events included a craft
try. Everyone had a good time as they meeting where we learned how to make
a Scrapbook. In December we held our
annual Founders' Day Celebration din-
ner and played our favorite gift giving
game "It's a dirty shame." The year
2002 will continue with a mixture of
To Dragma/WINTER 2001 17
alumnae news
business meetings and other social gath- published a Web page, hosted a Senior Mobile
erings. In February we enjoy getting Send-Off Reception, and prepared exam
together for a St. Valentine's Day Tea kits for Kappa Omicron Chapter. Over The Mobile Area Alumnae Chapter is
and in the Spring we invite husbands, the summer, the alumnae chapter had a now reorganized and having a blast! If
boyfriends, children, and friends to join get-together at Seize the Clay and you didn't receive a newsletter, check
us at a local theatre to see a play. attended a Memphis Redbirds game. out our website (
Announcements and newsletters were com/mobilealums/myhomepage/index.
Macomb County sent via email to more than 150 women. html) to join our mailing list and see the
Recendy, the chapter held a brief meet- upcoming events. Come join in the fun
Macomb County Alumnae Chapter ing and went bowling. Chapter mem- and bring other sisters with you!
officially began 2001 on a snowy bers also provided goodies for the New
February evening when we met in the Member Retreat. Additionally, the Montreal
82 degree pool room of Joanne Memphis Area Alumnae Chapter started The Montreal Alumnae Chapter is off to
Nelson Nowak's home. Swimmers a First Friday Supper Club. We also a great year. We had an informal meet-
swam, others visited and we spliced in have plans to volunteer at the Jingle ing with our Alumnae Network
a business meeting. Our contribution Bell Run for Arthritis and host a Specialist, Cynthia Skiver, that produced
to Detroit Alumnae Panhellenic Christmas cookie party and ornament some fantastic ideas. We will be re-
Scholarship Luncheon at historic Fair exchange. The Memphis Area Alumnae implementing SAMS (Secret Alumnae
Lane, home of Henry and Clara Ford, Chapter invites all alumnae in the area Mums) for the new members of Kappa
was providing table centerpieces of to rediscover the power of friendship! Phi Chapter who will reveal themselves
selections from our personal collec- at initiation. Last year's candle party for
tions of 19th and early 20th century Middle Georgia charity was a success and so we held
artifacts. Sarah Krans, Beta Gamma, We have had an exciting first year. We another one just in time for members
is an archivist associated with Eastern were able to complete exam goodie bags and friends to do their holiday shop-
Michigan U's project preserving for both Georgia Southern U and ping! Our Founders' Day Celebration
Titanic artifacts. Sarah was guide for this year will be shared with Kappa Phi
three of us who toured the exhibit. 1
Macomb hosted the annual Pot Luck
at Robin Lee Beltramini's home. We
welcomed sisters from three alumnae
chapters. In response to International
President Carole Jones' letter of
September 24, we held a raffle and
raised money for the Ruby Fund. It
was donated by Dearborn, Detroit
North Suburban and Macomb
Alumnae Chapters.
Madison LaG range College. We had two mem- Hilton Head Alumnae Chapter event
Every year the Jingle Bell Run takes bers attend International Convention.
place the 1st weekend of December. We are looking forward to an exciting Chapter and we also hope to have an
Last year 6 of our members partici- 2nd year including having makeovers, event with the Ottawa Alumnae
pated in the Madison Jingle Bell Run. making Christmas decorations and hav- Chapter. Other upcoming events
It was a great experience despite the ing Foundation President Dot Williams include a craft night, a spa night, a
temperature being about 10 degrees speak at our Founders' Day celebration. theatre night, and of course, lots of
the day we walked. food! Our thoughts and prayers go out
to all those touched by the September
Memphis Area 11th tragedy.
This is an exciting time to be in the
Memphis area, and the Memphis Area
Alumnae Chapter is off to a running
start! Since March, the chapter has
18 To Dragma/WIINTER 2001
alumnae news
Muncie i
Funds are raised by working concession •
stands at Ball State U basketball games
and by our Holiday Auction i n
November. Fun activities besides these
are the Sisterhood Bunch lor Lunch
and a spouse event.
Nashville Area I
We've had a great year and these
upcoming months promise no less. Last Lake County held a "Build A Bear" workshop and donated pandas to their local police department.
spring, we did dinner and a movie as
well as attended the dedication of the ideas. We also support a local group by Janice Bambara, invited us to her home
new AOII Headquarters building. In providing toys for distribution at one evening and her husband George
October 2 0 0 1 , we had a fabulous Christmas. Please j o i n us and make demonstrated for us how to make this
turnout at the one-of-a-kind Sunset some new friendships or maybe even delicious cheese. We really had lots of
Grille and a great time with a pot luck renew some old ones. Call Angie fun and now we need to "practice"
and painting pottery at All Fired Up. Ziegelmeyer, at 859-727-4577 or email this recipe so we can make it for a spe-
But the fun doesn't end; our calendar [email protected]. We look cial AOII event in the future. One of
includes a "Santa" project for a local forward to meeting you! our favorite "annual" meetings is our
school, a self-defense class, our holiday party at Wendy Pierce's home.
Panhellenic luncheon and Founders' Northern Orange County We have an ornament/decoration auc-
Day where we hope to use our gorgeous What a wonderful way to get together tion for the Ruby Fund and participate
new AOII Headquarters. with your A01I sisters! Because the in a grab bag. Just to relax and enjoy
2001 International Convention was each other's company is a great way to
New York Capital Region held at the Desert Springs Marriott, share AOII sisterhood during this busy
our Northern Orange County Alumnae time of year.
The New York Capital Region Chapter was able to hostess the
Alumnae Chapter was installed May 5, Panhellenic Luncheon. This meant Orlando
2001 at the home of Mindy Kaplan that a number of AOII alumnae from
Eline in Albany. Executive Board NOC and Riverside were able to get The Orlando Area Alumnae Chapter has
Members, Kim McCowan, Director of together to help at the luncheon and been very busy this summer helping
Alumnae and Sally Wagaman, VP of enjoy the Pandas, the speakers and with the plans for colonization of the
Operations, performed the renewing friendships. All of us were newest chapter at Rollins College. A
Installation. Two local collegiate also able to attend the spectacular group of alumnae met at Rollins College
chapters, Delta Psi from SUNY Albany Rose Banquet. We took pictures, ate in June for pictures around the campus
and Sigma Chi from Hartwick College, wonderful food and talked with old to be used by the Extension Committee
assisted with the Installation. After and newly made friends. I t was an for their powerpoint presentation at
the ceremony, we enjoyed a potluck inspirational day and night! Rollins the end of June. During the
lunch and an officer's workshop. summer contacts were made seeking
New York/New Jersey Metro those interested in helping with the new
Northern Kentucky Our chapter tries to incorporate the colony. In September a meeting was
We invite all alumnae in our area to join activities that we enjoy the most with held at Rollins College to inform the
us at one of our meetings and find out new ideas. One of our "new" ideas this alumnae of what their role would be in
what we are all about. We enjoy getting year was to learn how to make home- helping with the colony. Jennifer White
together five to six times a year and cel- made mozzarella cheese. Our sister, and Rosalie Barber were present to pre-
ebrating our sisterhood. Our activities in sent this information. Orlando alumnae
the past have included learning how are eager to be involved and helped as
chocolate is made, wine tasting and vis- hostesses at "Open Houses" during
iting various restaurants in the area.
Our chapter is always open to new
To Dragma/WIINTER 2001
October. This is exciting as we have Alto also has a new hiking group form- Rockford
waited many years for a collegiate chap- ing, which plans to schedule a monthly
ter in our area. These activities have hike for AOIIs and friends. This group Our fund raising event last spring was a
brought many of our younger alumnae is the result of a hike six of our mem- calendar for March with an item for
out to help and that is what is so great. bers took in the High Sierra over the each day with a charge for it such as
AOII Initiation to Eternity is alive and summer to the Bearpaw Meadow Camp "10 cents for each framed picture in
well in Orlando. in Sequoia National Park. The group, your house". We added up all these
with ages ranging from 45 to 64, hiked amounts at the end of the month and
sent it to the treasurer as our contribu-
tion to AOII.
Northern Orange County members during AOII Convention's Panhellenic Luncheon. Sacramento Val ley
Palm Beach County eleven miles into a backcountry camp to The Sacramento Valley Alumnae
stay for three days. All AOIIs are wel- Chapter continues to achieve, grow and
Palm Beach County alumnae support come to any event. Call Janis Nelson share with each other in sisterhood.
Children's Hope, Inc. as their local phil- 650 948-6583 for more information. Janet Dallas has been elected President
anthropic project. We f i l l Christmas of the Sacramento Panhellenic Alumnae
stockings for teenagers and Easter bas- Philadelphia for 2001/2002. We hold an annual
kets for younger children. This year we Pampered Chef fund raiser that brings
plan to participate as a group in the Greater Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter in 15% of the profits for donations to
Race for the Cure for breast cancer. We President, Glynnis Johns Siskind led the Foundation and Arthritis Research. We
will be wearing our AOII t-shirts. annual officers' retreat this summer. All also host an annual party to bake cook-
agreed that our treasurer, Kathy Dyer ies for donation to a California colle-
Palo Alto Borzell did a great job in organizing the giate chapter for "moral support" dur-
first Silent Auction fund raiser in April. ing finals. We get together for Dinner
The Palo Alto Alumnae Chapter has a The event was held at Brooke Hubner's Out With the Girls at local restaurants to
full calendar of events scheduled for the home, our Panhellenic representative. laugh and share in each others lives.
coming year. After a very successful Donations from local businesses and We make a donation of clothes and toys
brunch in September, we continued into community organizations included bal- to the Sacramento Children's Receiving
fall and winter with a Pampered Chef let and theater tickets, recreational out- home. And, we wind up the year cele-
fund raiser in October and our annual ings, handmade pottery and even jewel- brating our successful year with a sum-
holiday open house in December, ry. At times, the bidding was hectic and mer party attended by the AOIIs and
where we collected toys for a local toy a bit heated, but Kathy kept her cool their "other halves".
drive. AOII Founders' Day will be cele- and the results exceeded our expecta-
brated at a Bay Area wide luncheon on tions. In October, members hosted the San Antonio
February 9, 2002. Attendees include second annual new member mixer at
our two local collegiate chapters, Sigma Arroyo Grill, a trendy Mexican restau- The San Antonio Alumnae Chapter
and Delta Sigma, and seven local alum- rant just outside the city limits. Sisters (SAAC) is Back! SAAC was recolonized
nae chapters. In March, we plan to have engaged in lively conversation through- in July 2 0 0 1 . SAAC has 30 strong
an AOII Travel Show, followed by a out dinner and dessert, with topics rang- members and still counting. We have
docent tour of a local history museum ing from work and family, to outside been meeting monthly and supporting
in April, the San Jose Spring luncheon activities and collegiate AOII experi- our local collegiate chapter, Upsilon
in May and a family BBQ in June. Palo ences. Michelle Raybin Campbell, Lambda(UL). Many SAAC members are
membership chairperson and chapter advisors for UL. Recently, in September,
vice president organized the event SAAC supported UL in their fall recruit-
ment. Denise Sanchez served as their
Recruitment Adviser. Recruitment was a
success gaining 27 new women and
being the only chapter to get quota plus.
In November, we were involved in the
Joint Walk for the Arthritis Foundation.
Also, we w i l l be at U L Chapter's
Initiation, where we will initiate six
alumnae initiates. We look forward to a
successful year together as sisters.
20 To Dragma/WINTER 2001
alumnae nevts
San Diego hang in their windows. We are proud to We ask that they attend an event in
announce that the Los Angeles each of our three area alumnae groups.
We received a Distinguished Service Alumnae Panhellenic President is our We in turn invite Palo Alto and San
Awards at Convention held this past own Melinda Kelly. Jose alumnae members to visit with us.
summer i n recognition of our chap- Margaret Lyman is actively recruiting
ter's outstanding accomplishments. San Gabriel Valley ladies within San Francisco to join us.
Shortly after the close of Convention, This year the San Gabriel Valley
we learned that we had lost dear chap- Alumnae Chapter is celebrating women Sarasota
ter member, Bonnie Berger (Tau), to in history. We began the year with a
cancer. More than 45 AOIIs attended potluck brunch to celebrate the 50-year SAAC celebrated our 10th Anniversary
her beautiful memorial service. Our members in the area, our local women with 'Bring a Friend' night. Many-
programming theme for 2001-2002 is in history. Throughout the year we will charter members attended. Sisters
"Come Learn with Us" and our educa- h i g h l i g h t women, such as Mother from Kappa Gamma, our adopted col-
tion events this year include a night at Teresa, Princess Diana, and Martha legiate chapter, held a retreat at the
the theater, a Halloween craft party, a Stewart, with events that are themed for home of Sharon Newberger where
winery tour, poker lessons, cooking each of the women we chose. Our new members were initiated and
light instructions at a local cooking events will include our annual cookie alumnae Ritual was held. We all had a
school, a self-defense training session, tasting and recipe exchange, a morning great time. Other events included
and a summer sailing outing. The tea in the Spring, and our biennial tag Founders' Day and Mothers' Day-
chapter partnered once again with the sale fund raiser. We continue to sup- brunches, a fashion show, Sisterhood
Arthritis Foundation to host the port the WINGS shelter for battered and Cookie Exchange night, and visit-
Annual AJAO Holiday Party for chil- ing Kappa Gamma Chapter.
dren with arthritis. We will also be
filling welcome bags for the children Seattle
attending AJAO Summer Camp. Our
Phantom Picnic mail fund raiser This year, the
raised $700 for our SDAC Honor Seattle
Scholarship. In addition we raised Alumnae
$900 for the AOII Foundation at our decided to
Annual Masterpiece Auction. continue
San Fernando Valley theme of
We started off our year with a renewed Ultimate
focus on philanthropy. At our first Experience"
and focus
meeting we collected small toiletries to more on sis-
terhood and
be given to the women's shelter, social events.
We started
Daybreak, which rehabilitates women the year off
at a local
living on the streets . Upcoming events restaurant
include a food bank drive, a mock baby
shower with items going to a battered
women's shelter. In addition, we spon-
sored children from Project Angel for Son Antonio alumnae help out during Upsilon Lambda's fall recruitment
the Christmas holidays. These children women and their children by donating
socks and underwear for the children,
have incarcerated parents. In hotel toiletries for the women, and holi- for some catching up after the summer
day goodies for all. I n addition, we break. This year's programs include:
response to the attacks on Sept 11 have developed a program called How to reach out to more sisters in our
"Sisters Care" to reach out to local sis- area; pottery painting; a charity night
there was a combined effort f r o m ters who are facing adversity. dedicated to assembling Mother's Day
baskets for our philanthropy, Avondale
Sigma Phi Chapter members and our San Mateo Park; as well as making finals care
San Mateo is encouraging our members packages for Tau Gamma Chapter. Also
alumnae members donating blood or to stay connected to Alpha Omicron Pi. planned this year is our annual
Christmas auction, a recipe exchange,
volunteering their time at the Red and an end of the year salad social. We
Cross and local hospital blood banks.
United We Stand Posters were pur-
chased by one of our members ( all $
went to United Way) and she distrib-
uted to local business offices offices to
ToDragnia/WINTER2001 21
are looking forward to including many Dinner/Ceremony and Foundation new members, go over our busy cal-
more sisters in our activities and meet- Dinner, respectively. We are extremely endar, and eat some great food! Our
ing great women in the process! happy for Blanche Chilcote; who year is f i l l e d w i t h f u n activities
received the Barbara Daugs Hunt including a Backpack Lunch & Hike
in Great Falls, MD, our Annual
Award for her ded- Holiday Party & Gift Swap, the Jingle
ication to the AOII Bell Run for Arthritis Research, an
Foundation! We Italian Dinner Night, Family Day at
are looking for- the National Zoo, and a Spring
ward to another Orioles game. We want to welcome
year of service, sis- our new members, and encourage
terhood and fun! other AOII's living in the Suburban
Maryland area to visit our web site
St Louis for more informa-
tion on upcoming SMAC events.
We are so excited
Toledo Area
to be sharing our What a great year we've had! Our annu-
al auction was an overwhelming success
good fortune with again! The money raised enabled our
chapter to be one of the official three
the less fortunate. sponsors of Camp Busy Bee in N.W.
Ohio, a camp for children afflicted with
J / Our chapter has juvenile arthritis. We also collected pan-
das for the children and disposable
Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter's Mother-Daughter Brunch, adopted a dorm of cameras for their goodie bags. At
Founders' Day 2001 we honored and
eight young ladies presented Cherie Chatreau-Grifo from
the N.W. Ohio Arthritis Foundation with
Southern Delaware at a local children's home. Each a mini-grant check for Camp Busy Bee.
month we collect items to take to We also made Halloween baskets for
families staying at the Ronald
Where are the other AOIIs in your area? them, like Easter or Halloween candy, McDonald House of N.W. Ohio and col-
lected gently worn coats and donated
Many women in Delaware are re-dis- decorated Christmas trees, umbrellas them to the Salvation Army.
covering their bond with AOII; proving in the spring, beach balls in the sum- Toronto Area
The TAAC (Toronto Area Alumnae
AOII is forever. Meetings and events mer, and a pizza party. We also Chapter) keeps its schedule full by com-
bining sisterhood, community services
are currently being held in anticipation Christmas shop from a "wish list" sup- and fun! The First Annual Sisterhood
Soiree /TAAC General Meeting featured
of our Spring 2002 installation. Our plied by each girl. It's a very reward- a delicious appetizer potluck. Our
Second Annual Golf Tournament for the
year began with a "Fall Kickoff". If you ing experience for our members. Kids Help Phone, was a tremendous
success raising almost $,5000! We wel-
are looking to re-establish your AOII comed 9 lovely young women to alum-
nae status on a warm summer night, in
connection, give us a call. We are look- State College a wonderful ceremony followed by a
ing forward to having you join us for night of frivolity! The TAAC keeps on
this new and fun alumnae chapter. The State College Alumnae Chapter is moving, completing events such as the
keeping in touch with senior members Annual Terry Fox Run for Cancer
Research and the Conquer The Tower
Southern Orange County this year. That is "seniors" in Epsilon Challenge, climbing the CN Tower to
Alpha to keep them an energetic part
We've been busy! We began with a won- of the collegiate chapter and soon-to-
derful welcome brunch at the home of be energetic alumnae members; and
Jo Vandervort. Our Holiday Boutique, "senior" alumnae members who have
always a bonding experience, was also been AOII members for some as many
very successful! We dressed from our as 50 years. We plan a pizza night
favorite era for a Millennium Madness and senior dessert to celebrate all the
party; to which admission was a chil- c o n t r i b u t i o n s of our sisters, both
dren's sheet set for a local shelter. I n young and old.
February, we celebrated sisterhood with
200 AOIIs at our local Founders' Day! Suburban Maryland
Members volunteered their time at
major fund raisers for the Arthritis The Suburban Maryland Alumnae
Foundation and local Alumnae Chapter is off to a great start to our
Panhellenic's. Convention 2001, being fourth year! We exceeded our goal to
local, was the highlight of our year. recruit 10 new members during the
Many of us got directly involved by vol- summer. To start the year, we had a
unteering to help set up, greet, etc. successful yard sale fund raiser, and
Thank you to Carin Adler & Jamie we held our first Welcome Back to
Neprud who chaired the Awards AOII - Potluck lunch meeting. It was
a great chance to meet some of our
22 To Dragma/WINTER 2001
c h i l d r e n . lively meetings with a mix of older and
Subsequent plans younger sisters exchanging tales about
call for a theater work and family. We are looking for-
party, an antique ward to our annual cookie swap in
appraisal meet- December and to installation of officers
ing, and a t r i p in 2002.
aboard the Los
Angeles Red Line Williamsburg
train. The sea- The Williamsburg .Alumnae Chapter is
into another exciting year! We kicked
son concludes off the season with our annual pot-luck
salad luncheon in September followed
w i t h l u n c h at by an "everything pumpkin" autumn
meeting. We look forward to our
Channel Islands Founder's Day celebration and our
annual theater night—an entertaining
Harbor in June. fund raiser where members, friends,
and family attend the February produc-
All interested tion of the Williamsburg Players (where
our own chapter member, Debbie
Toledo Area alumnae honor Mullen Award winner Fudge Skaff (far right). alumnae are
invited to con-
raise funds for the United Way. We are tact Mary
looking forward to another Sisterhood Newman, president, at 2086
Soiree and of course our elegant Lauralwood Drive, Thousand Oaks.
Founders' Day Celebration, held at the Phone (805) 492-3854.
King Edward Hotel over High Tea. We Noonan, is a frequent cast or production
always welcome new sisters in the area. Virginia Tidewater member). We'll also be supporting a
Feel free to contact us, 416-481-8225 or Our chapter continues to fluctuate in couple of local charities in conjunction size, as sisters move to and from the with our meetings by bringing contribu-
area, many related to the military bases tions of food or household items. We
Triangle are ready for
another f u n year
The Triangle Chapter is proud of its of friendship and
accomplishments during the 1999-2001 sisterhood!
biennium. We are very excited to have
three of our members receive the Rose Winston-Salem
Award at the 2001 Convention. We are
also thrilled to have one of our mem- The Winston-
bers be awarded one of AOIFs academic Salem Area
scholarships. We have an exciting year Alumnae Chapter
planned with a lot of new meetings and has a busy sched-
are hoping that the 2001 - 2003 bienni- ule of events
um is even more exciting than the one planned for 2001-
we just concluded. 2002. Some of
the meetings and
Ventura County alumnae host the 2001 Southern California Council Founders' Day. activities include
attending a dance
Ventura County
Ventura County Alumnae dug into which surround us. We lost our presi- performance, a
their attic trunks for old college clothes dent, Jenni Arthur, last year, as her hus- Founders' Da Celebration and
to wear to their fall kickoff event, a band was stationed in Hawaii, but we Christmas auction, craft night, games
tailgate-theme luncheon. Members look forward to her returning to our night, and college memories night. We
shared their college photos at this chapter in the next couple of years will also be celebrating our chapter and
gathering and brought baby photos to when her family returns to Virginia. We everyone's birthday with an annual gift
the next Oktoberfest meeting. Holiday are working to return to more commu- exchange and birthday party on Cinco
events included a harvest craft night nity service within our group, and we de Mayo with a Mexican dinner. We end
and a Christmas ornament and cookie used time at our fall meetings to brain- the year by getting together with our
exchange. In January the group will storm on how to get more involved in IIOAs i n June at the annual
meet at a Build-a-Bear store at a near- our community. We continue to have AOPineapple Party Luau.
by mall to make toy bears for needy
To Dragma/WINTER 2001 23
2001-2002 AOII Foundation
By investing $100 in a inutualjund 4 or 5 years ago, ^^^^
you probablyproduced an additional $47.
By investing $100 in the Foundation Diamond Jubilee
Scholarship Fund, you helped to produce this:
2001-2002 Diamond DJSF Michelle Dotto. Theta Pa Christine Williams, Alpha Pi
Jubilee Scholarship Scholarships
Recipients Named
You can be extremely
proud of your invest- Katherine Lobe.
ment! These young Tau Omega
women represent AOII
at its finest But let's do Bridget Abboud, Phi Sigma
even more!
Kera Hopper, Delta Sigma
Scholarship investments .Amy Taylor, Pi Delta Candace "Leanne" Austin, H9 P
are critically needed. A Nicole Chinadle, Alpha Phi Tau Omicron
solid education is more Karen Tucker Centennial
important than ever to Scholarship
prepare our young Stephanie Brown, Delta Delta
womenforthe chal-
lenges ahead. Please Kim Anderson,
send your tax deductible Delta Omega
gift today to the AOII
Foundation, mark your
gift for DJF, and look for
the growth of your
investment this time next
2001-2003 Foundation Helen HaQer Scholarship (top
Scholarship Committee: graduate award)
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Chair Sarah Oyer, Beta Gamma
Elizabeth Craig
Heidi Herlong McFarlin
Cindy Sw artzfager Visot
Bradv Fritz, Zeta Alissa Glidcman,
Chi f]psilon
24 To Dragma/WINTER 2001
Jllhha Oft
• I am pleased to enclose my check. $
(Make check payable to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation.)
• Please send me information about making a regular gift
through an automatic bank draft.
• I wish to charge my annual gift as follows: • VISA • MasterCard
• A single payment of $
• Twelve equal monthly payments of $
Account* Expires
us- Donate on-line at Thanks.
UP TO $124 - Friend $2,500 - Pearl Club
$ 125 - Sustaining Member $ - " y5 0 0 0
$250 -Sponsor Rub club
$500 - Wheat Club
$ 1,000 - Rose Club $10,000 - Pi Circle
$25,000 - Omicron Circle
$50,000 - Alpha Circle
Maiden Name.
City State Zip.
Chapter Init. Year_
Member Number.
• I have included the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation in my estate plans.
• Contact me to discuss gifts of appreciated stocks or securities.
• My company will match my gift. (Please provide us with the
company form.)
_ Pi Kappa Chapter
Angels of Kappa Theta Kyla Cormier, Zeta Kappa
Scholarship in memory of
Connie Currie Smith
Candace Basich, Sigma
Kerri Keith Memorial Jo Ann Gibbons
Scholarship Scholarship
Michelle Comissiong, Jessica Burger, Kappa
Gamma Sigma Alpha
Angels of Kappa Theta Edith Anderson/Beta Phi
Scholarship in memory of Scholarship
Joyce Miles West Anya Trumler-Johansen,
Jessica Resnick, Sigma Phi Phi Sigma
Martha Wilhoite Ruth Johnson Scholarship
Scholarship Emily Hamilton Lazenby,
Kelly Bonner, Phi LJpsilon Zeta Pi
Carolyn Huey Harris Edhh Anderson/Beta Phi
Scholarship Scholarship
Krista "Lane" Culpepper, Melissa Danko, Delta
Lambda Sigma Upsilon
Martha Wilhoite
Audrey Wehr, Theta
Named Endowed Scholarships given in Leadership Institute years:
The following is a list of endowed Named Pi Kappa Chapter Scholarship If you or your chapter are interested in
Scholarships available for the academic year Carey Griner Memorial Scholarship starting a named scholarship fund, contact
2002-2003. Complete information regard- Rho Chapter Scholarship the Foundation office for guidelines.
ing special criteria for named awards can be Karen Tucker Centennial Scholarship
viewed on Alphalink under the resources Martha Wilhoite Scholarship There also are many general Diamond
tab, or please call Grace Day, 615-370-0920 Angels of Kappa Theta Chapter Scholarship Jubilee Scholarships availableforunder-
ext 2627 for more information. Rho Omicron Scholarship graduates, graduates and alumnae. One
San Diego Alumnae Chapter Honor form suffices for any scholarship category.
Alpha Tau Chapter Scholarship Scholarship
Kerri Keith Memorial Scholarship Deadline is postmark of MARCH 1,2002.
Laura McDowell Scholarship Lou Meginnes Couch - Sigma Omicron
To Dragma/WINTER 2001 25
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To Dragma/"W1NTER 2001
Our Collegiate chapter members
certainly have a great deal ofjuil. At
the same time, they have contributed
countless SeTVlCe hours and dollars
to campus and community projects,
improved Greek relations, and
educated their members on issues
effecting health and safety. We salute
their creativity and enthusiasm,
and admire their energy!
Each of our collegiate chapters had
the Opportunity to submit chap-
•US ter reports on AlphaLink for this
annual issue. If your chapter is not
listed here, eUCOUrage them not
to miss the chance to submit their
To Dragma Collegiate News
Report next year. We would like for
all of our chapters to be represented.
Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) New Members. Bid Day 2001. 27
cdegiote nam
Alpha Chi i
Western Kentucky U
Alpha Chi has received many awards KtUtV
both internationally and locally. At the
international level, the chapter '1
received the Ruby Award for
Distinguished Chapters, Campus Total Alpha Lambda (Georgia Southern U) Disaster Relief Car wash.
Honor Roll, Quota Honor Roll, and
100% Participation in Senior We got i n groups, dressed up i n Beta Gamma
Challenge. On a local level, the Alpha Halloween costumes, and trick-or- Michigan State U
Chi Chapter received many awards in treated for donations. It is always a lot
the community including the Libby of fun. We are starting our second year The sisters of Beta Gamma have been
Wilkins 10K Classic Award and the of a program called "Sober Sisters" very busy this fall. After a successful
Lion's Club Pancake Breakfast Ticket which we implemented to discourage recruitment, we held a scavenger hunt
Sales Award. The chapter was also rec- drinking and driving. Every Thursday, for bid night and welcomed our new
ognized at the Southeastern Friday, and Saturday night, sisters are members. We also put on a car wash
Panhellenic Conference for the most assigned to be at the AOII house from and a dodgeball tournament that raised
donations to the Make-A-Wish 10-2. We hope that this is a step money for our philanthropy fund.
Foundation. On campus, the sisters of toward giving the Greek community a Next, despite the rain, the hayride date
Alpha Chi were recognized with more responsible image concerning party i n October was f u n ! We also
awards during Greek Week for Greek alcohol. We also enjoyed parents marched in the Homecoming Parade,
Involvement, Chapter Development, weekend in and all the Homecoming hosted an alumnae event, and went
New Member Program, and activities with KA Fraternity. Trick or Treating for Arthritis on
Scholastics. The sisters of the Alpha Halloween. This year we decided to
Chi Chapter are proud of their accom- Alpha Theta hold Formal in the Fall instead of the
plishments and look forward to another Coe College Spring and it was a blast! Beta Gamma
successful year! has also maintained its strong sister-
Alpha Theta has started off a great new hood. Every week the Special Sister
Alpha Gamma year. During recruitment, we took our Award is given out and that sister gets
Washington State U quota of fifteen women and welcomed to sign a paddle which hangs on the
them with open arms. Members, old wall. We also give out a Ritual Award
The year started off great with Alpha and new alike, enjoyed the stringing to the sister who we think has best
Gamma receiving 28 fantastic new event in which we found out big sisters demonstrated Ritual in her daily life.
members. We will be holding a new and little sisters. We are also proud to
activity called "Random Act of have had two AOIIs on the Beta Phi
Kindness Week." During this week we Homecoming court, Sarah Deatsch and
w i l l be doing community service Erin Herwig. Erin was crowned queen Indiana U
around our area and performing small at the Homecoming bonfire. The AOII
acts of kindness. We are looking for- float also received third place in the The Beta Phi Chapter would like to
ward to a w o n d e r f u l year here at parade. Alpha Theta is excited to initi- take time to thank everyone who has
Washington State U. ate our new members and we hope to helped to make the transition into our
continue with a great year. new chapter house a complete success.
Alpha Lambda We appreciate everything everyone has
done for us! Thank you!
Georgia Southern U
Alpha Lambda had a great semester.
We had a successful recruitment and
have a great group of new members!
We organized the "Car Wash f o r
America" in which we raised money
through donations for the American
Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. We
raised $300! We held "Trick or Treat
for Arthritis" at the end of October.
28 To Dragmu/VaXTER 2001
cdegiate rms
Chi Delta highlighters for the occasion. On We also had a great time participating
Halloween, we travelled the Haunted in "Up ' t i l Dawn," an annual event
U of Colorado Hayride Trail with Pi Kappa Alpha. It held to raise money for cancer
was an eerie function for sure. research. Of course we also held our
The women of Chi Delta are proud to annual philanthropy "Trick or Treat
announce two new philanthropic activ- Delta for Arthritis" in which we collected
ities, Parents' Night Out and Casino Tufts U money to donate to arthritis research.
Night. Children of the community are
welcomed into our home once a month This Fall Delta Chapter had a very Delta Delta
while their parents enjoy an evening exciting informal fall recruitment. As Auburn U
on the town. Dress-up clothes, games, the only sorority having recruitment
finger painting, coloring, movies, and
treasure hunts are a few of our favorite on o u r campus we enjoyed apple There is a lot going on in Delta Delta.
pastimes with the kids of the commu- picking with our potential new mem- We had a w o n d e r f u l l y successful
nity. A l l proceeds earned during
Parents' Night Out are donated to vari- r e c r u i t m e n t . We t r i e d some new
ous Greek philanthropies, and has things, including a new project for
proved to be an excellent method of philanthropy day, and it was a success.
contributing to all houses. We are also We initiated 57 new sisters, and we are
looking forward to hosting our second all excited that they are now a part of
semi-annual Casino Night. Casino A O I I . We were also able to help out
Night is an evening of blackjack, with another chapters recruitment
roulette, craps, food, prizes, dancing, week, and it was a lot of f u n to meet
and f u n . It is a great opportunity to i-In other sisters at a different school. We
integrate our community, faculty, fami- are now top four in grades and have
lies, friends, and other students with had members be selected for all of the
the Greek system. Proceeds from this
event generally benefit arthritis ;
research, however, in light of this
year's tragedies a l l money w i l l be top honoraries and leadership groups
donated to Save The Children of New on campus. In response to the events
York and The American Red Cross.
0 1 of September 11, our chapter collected
Chi Theta pandas to send to children in New
York. We tied ribbons around the pan-
Northeastern State U das and attached a note to them. We
are now getting ready to have our cam-
This fall has been quite exciting for the pus-wide "Throw a Pie at an A O I I " to
Chi Theta Chapter! Fall recruitment raise money for arthritis research.
went very well. Stacy Tharrington, an
amazing Chapter Consultant pumped Alpha Theta (Coe College) New Member Dinner. Delta Omega
our girls up. We practiced long and
hard to preform "Grease" for our skit bers. We are now proud to have four Murray State U
this year, and our dedication and team- new members and look forward to
work certainly paid off! Our chapter their initiation. The Delta Omega Chapter at Murray
welcomed 29 new girls to AOII this State U held its annual Mr. MSU
semester. After a ride on a fire truck, a Delta Beta Pageant on September 14, 2001. In
delicious cook out, and the remainder U of Louisiana at Lafayette light of the tragic events that took
of the day at the water park, our new This has been a great year f o r the place in New York, Washington, and
members had quite an action packed Delta Beta Chapter. We have initiated Pennsylvania we came together as a
bid day. For Northeastern State U's many new members and our numbers chapter and decided to donate all of
Homecoming, we worked with the fra- are continuing to grow. During the the proceeds to the American Red
ternity, Lambda Chi Alpha, on a float, year we have participated in several Cross's September 11th fund. We felt
for which we received second place. campus and community events. Our like this was the only right thing to do.
We had a blast when we went glow chapter won several awards at the Fortunately we were able to raise and
bowling, and decorated shirts with Lambda Chi Alpha Watermelon Bust, donate over $5,000! Since we did not
i n c l u d i n g 1st Place Overall, Most get to contribute money for arthritis
Spirited, 1st Place in Philanthropy, and research we are going to be holding
1st Place in the Banner Competition. numerous fund raisers throughout the
year to send money for our philan-
thropy. We are very pleased to be ahle
To Dragma/WINTER 2001 29
cdlegiate news
Lhi Iheta (Nor•theastern State U) New Members on Bid Day. Epsilon
to help out the American Red Cross were also awarded the Academic Cup. Cornell U
and now we are making every effort This year will be our 40th anniversary.
to get out and raise money for We plan to h o l d an Alumnae Day AOII Epsilon has had a very exciting
arthritis research! bringing together all the Delta Pi's year so far, filled with great new oppor-
from the past 40 years. tunities. We recently began a new pro-
Delta Pi gram called "Alpha Mentors," designed
Central Missouri State U Delta Psi to foster communication among sisters
State U of New York about Cornell's academic life. We are
Delta Pi has accomplished several Delta Psi's f a l l recruitment was on divided into groups according to acad-
things this past year. We held our October 12th. Our chapter came emic courses of study and advise one
annual Rock-a-thon which raised together to have a good time and show another about classes and professors.
more money than we have in several those girls what AOII was all about. It is a great way for us to learn from
year for arthritis research. We also Our sisterhood is incredibly strong and each other, acting as mentors and peer
raised money for the local Battered we were proud to show others how advisers. We also provide each other
Women's Shelter with another frater- close we are. with important internship and fellow-
nity through "These Hands Don't ship opportunities that some of us may
H u r t " where we sold hand stickers Delta Upsilon not know about otherwise. We also
that were displayed on campus. We Duke U participated in recent philanthropic
also volunteered at the Battered The sisters of Delta Upsilon had a fan- events around the Cornell and Ithaca
Women's Shelter by decorating a room tastic time raising funds for arthritis community, including the AIDS Work
there. Another activity we were research at our campus-wide annual Ride for Life - a 100-mile ride around
involved in was Habitat for Humanity. philanthropy event "Back to the Cayuga Lake - and the Ithaca Breast
Each member spent a Saturday morn- Beach." The event-filled afternoon Cancer Alliance walk-a-thon. Our sis-
ing helping to build a home. Delta Pi included games such as hoola-hoop ters ran a pit stop and encouraged rid-
has also done well academically. We and dizzy bat contests. ers to keep going until the 100 miles
have now had the highest sorority was over, and participated in the walk-
GPA for four semesters and last spring a-thon around downtown Ithaca.
we set a record for the highest GPA of These were both a lot of fun for every-
a Greek organization at CMSU. We one involved.
Epsilon Chi
Elon College
Epsilon Chi is enjoying a great year so
far. After coming oft a very successful
2000-2001 school year, which included
winning Greek Week, Homecoming
Queen, Chapter of Excellence, Most
Involved Chapter, Faculty Advisor of
the Year, and Organization of the Year
awards, the chapter came away from
convention with additional recognition,
including a coveted Ruby Award. So
far this semester at Elon U, the girls
have participated in Highway Cleanup,
AOII in the face, and a carwash to ben-
efit the relief efforts in New York City.
We look forward to continuing our
standards of excellence on campus, as
well has welcoming another great
group of new members in the spring!
30 To Dragraa/WINTER 20(11
Epsilon Gamma gious accompiishments. We were h o n - campus, i n c l u d i n g : O r d e r of Omega,
U of Northern Colorado
ored to be awarded George Mason U's N a t i o n a l S o c i e t y f o r C o l l e g i a t e
With our second successful recruitment
under our belts, the ladies of Epsilon Outstanding Greek Organization of the Scholars, Mortar Board, Golden Key,
Gamma welcomed the newest mem-
bers of Alpha Omicron Pi early fall Year, for the second year in a row. At Phi Kappa Phi, and Atius-Sachem.
semester. We had our first annual Fall
Festival in September raising money Greek Debut 2001 we will be showcas-
for a r t h r i t i s research. We continue to
become more active in campus events ing 40 of the best and brightest woman
and happenings. During Homecoming,
we were busy making our float, banner - our fall and spring new members. At Kappa Alpha
and working on our lip sync. This year this event, we will also accept, for the
we got involved with the alumnae i n third year in a row, GMU's A l l Sports Indiana State U
and around the area and planned a Championship trophy for our athletic
lunch foflowing initiation in November. e x c e l l e n c e t h i s past year. We w e r e A O I I at Indiana State has been really
We are constantly on the l o o k o u t f o r delighted in presenting our first annual
the perfect house which will make the philanthropy, Race for the Roses w i t h busy w i t h 16 new girls. We had a w o n -
Epsilon Gamma Chapter complete. We overwhelming support from our
would like to send special love and George Mason d e r f u l R e c r u i t m e n t 2 0 0 1 . We were
roses to our great advisers w h o are so athletic depart-
supportive and helpful in everything ment, fellow also very busy with Homecoming
we do! Greek organiza-
tions, programs events, such as the T r i k e Race and a
Gamma and community.
U of Maine We r e c e n t l y distinguished Kappa Alpha Chapter
adopted a high-
Fall of 2001 has been extremely suc- way near our member being
cessful for Gamma Chapter. Gamma university that
sisters are working hard to attain inter- we are in named an hon-
national, as well as, chapter goals. This charge of keep-
semester Gamma has nine new m e m - ing 'litter free' orary member.
bers, one step closer to our annual throughout the
recruitment goal. Gamma Chapter of year. We are We are so
A O I I was one of three fraternity's on planning to vol-
the U of Maine campus that achieved unteer at a local proud. We also
quota plus one during Formal nursing home
Recruitment, an accomplishment all in this fall in participated in
itself. A great deal of our success was hopes that we
do in part to our beneficial Chapter an event where
Consultant visit during Formal
Recruitment. Karalee Pelham was a we helped chil-
wealth of knowledge and support, and
is greatly appreciated and loved by the dren who are
Gamma sisters. Gamma sisters send
their support and prayers to those less f o r t u n a t e
affected by September 11. God Bless
America and all those who stand by it. with new
Gamma Alpha school supplies.
George Mason U
Our chapter
Gamma Alpha has celebrated an amaz-
ing last few months with many presti- also has donat-
ed money to
help the fami-
lies touched by
the September
11 crises.
may continue
and bringing Gamma Alpha (George Mason U) Highway Clean-Up.
together the
Ceorge Mason and Greek communities, Kappa Chi
Northwestern State U
U of Illinois This has been a big year f o r Kappa
Chi. We a l l know that education comes
This fall, thanks to a successful formal first, but we have chosen to make time
recruitment and COR, lota made for philanthropies as well. This year we
quota, thus reaching campus total. We have been actively involved with the
have a great group of forty-three new nursing homes i n the community. We
members, who are all very excited to delivered stress balls to the homes that
be a part of the chapter. We also have we made during formal recruitment.
numerous accomplishments concern- These will be put to good use, for they
ing the women of the chapter to be are being used as a therapy tool f o r the
proud of. There have been numerous residents. Also, we have gone to the
acceptances to various honoraries on Boys and Girls Club, which is our local
philanthropy. Kappa Chi delivered
To Dragma/WINTER 2001 31
raisgiote rlews
school supplies to the kids. Seeing the research. The haunted house is just Kappa Omicron
faces on each person we touch during a one of several philanthropic events we Rhodes College
philanthropy proves the best way to be have participated in.
happy is to make others happy. Kappa Omicron had a very successful
n recruitment this year that resulted in
Kappa Gamma the initiation of thirty-two outstanding
Florida Southern U women. They have a variety of inter-
ests that i n c l u d e Rhodes College
The Kappa Gamma Chapter of Singers and the new Women's Choir,
A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi is p r o u d to the ROTC program, and inner-city
announce that we currently have the philanthropies. On October 30, 2001,
highest GPA on campus of all we held our annual "stick u p " for
Greeks. We had lots of f u n w i t h our arthritis research. On this evening, our
parties during fall recruitment and sisters went throughout the dorms on
getting to know our new members. Rhodes campus to go "trick-or-treat-
Recently we received the honor of ing" for extra change. The money that
being voted, by our peers on cam- was raised was sent to help our nation-
pus, as b e i n g t h e Most I m p r o v e d al philanthropy. The festivities con-
Chapter for the 2000-2001 school tinued this fall with an early Christmas
year. We also look f o r w a r d to having party, on November 26, which was an
a great spring recruitment. evening dedicated to sisterhood.
Kappa Kappa Kappa Omicron (Rhodes College) broom hockey event Kappa Tau
Ball State U Southeastern Louisiana U
Kappa Omega
Kappa Kappa is having an amazing U of Kentucky The Ladies of Kappa Tau Chapter have
year. Once again we are first i n had a busy but very successful year. We
grades among sororities on campus. In the midst of our nation's tragedy on picked up quota plus one addition for
For the last two consecutive semesters September 11 of this year, we have recruitment this Fall. We also initiated
we have had the highest new member attended various candlelights and vigils 11 new members last semester. This
GPA. Our own Kelli Hahn received the among campus and throughout the makes us the largest sorority on SLU's
highest Greek award on campus, Greek c o m m u n i t y . We have h u n g t h e c a m p u s ! We h a d o u r P i e - A - P a n d a
Woman of the Year. During recruit- American Flag on our house as a silent event, which was our philanthropy for
ment we took 22 awesome new women reminder of the freedom we all share. last semester. Our philanthropy for this
reaching Rail State quota. For Along with wearing red, white, and semester will be a "Men of S L U " cal-
Homecoming this year we had two blue to class, we all wear ribbons to endar, where we will sell calendars
beautiful women on the queen's court, show our support and concern for our with some very involved men on our
Amy Leman and Ashley Furnivall. country. Coincidentally, on the day of campus! We held a beautiful initiation
Kappa Kappa won several this tragedy, it was jersey day and we and f u n Red Rose Formal. We k n o w
Homecoming awards including: Air were photographed at the vigil wearing that our new members and new initi-
Jam, most spirited, 3rd overall in our letters, and it appeared in our ates w i l l be a total asset to our chapter.
Homecoming points, and the most school newspaper. We also j o i n e d We h o p e t h a t e v e r y o n e has h a d as
spirited person during Homecoming, together with The Red Cross i n donat- great of a year as we have had. O u r
Carly Brooks. The sisterhood in our ing blood to help the victims. To get hearts and prayers go out to those who
chapter is stronger than ever. The most through these rough times we gather have lost loved ones in the event of
unique thing we have done this year is together as we watch our nation stand September 11th.
a team-building ropes course that was against terrorism.
very challenging but so m u c h f u n ! We
also worked on a haunted house with
Sigma Phi Epsilon in which we annu-
ally raise thousands for arthritis
32 To Dragma/WINTER 2001
C5CKCI , always courteous to one another
leading us to many great things
like a first place victory in our
campus' first Greek Week!
Recruitment was a huge success
this year! N u Iota recruited 16
awesome new members and we
are looking forward to the
spring semester and the chance
to further excel.
Nu Omicron
Vanderbilt U
Nu Omicron had an extremely
busy f a l l semester. We held our
annual philanthropic benefit,
A O I I Fajita Fest. We donated
Kappa Gamma (Florida Southern College) members In their chapter room half of the proceeds to arthritis
research and the other half to
Lambda Eta brunch this fall, and are planning a The A m e r i c a n Red Cross Disaster
Grand Valley State U Father/Daughter lunch scheduled for Relief Fund. As a chapter we attended
the spring. November was a very spe- "Kristin's Story," a story told by
We are so excited f o r all of our accom- cial month f o r Lambda Omicron as we Kristin's mother to campuses all over
plishments this year. We t o o k quota celebrated our second year as an i n i t i - the US about acquaintance rape and
plus one d u r i n g recruitment as well as ated chapter. depression. Nu Omicron participated
some w o n d e r f u l COR girls. We are in Greek Week 2001, where we showed
also very excited that we won all the Nu lota Greek unity through daily activities
H o m e c o m i n g events as well as t a k i n g Northern Illinois U and competitions. One night during
first place in spirit points during the Greek Week our chapter went to eat
week. We had a great time at Trick or Nu Iota has made leaps and bounds dinner with Pi Beta Phi (our on-cam-
Trek Street, which took place at a local over the past year i n many areas. Due pus sister sorority) and then attended a
camp where one of our sisters works. to our extensive scholarship program lecture on the ABC's of STD's. Other
Children came around to all the cabins we've moved five places along the GPA events included Dore Daze
and we passed out candy and played ladder to the number three spot. Our Homecoming, A O I I Monster Mash
games with them. sisterhood has never been better! We philanthropy event, scholarship tea, All
enjoy each others company and are
Lambda Omicron
Cumberland U
Lambda O m i c r o n has $Y
completed a great for-
mal recruitment and we
are well on our way into
the new year. We are
p r o u d to say t h a t we
had three sisters i n the
Homecoming court and
our SGA is also i n great
hands because the
President and Vice-
President are also o f f i -
cers i n A O I I . We held a
Kappa Kappa (Ball State U) during fall recruitment
To Dragma/WINTER 2001 33
House Retreat Mother/Daughter Omega Upsilon Omicron
weekend, and Something of Value. We Ohio U U ofTennessee
are looking forward to more sisterhood
events and philanthropic activities this Omega I psilon began the year with a O m i c r o n is celebrating 100 years of sis-
spring: bang! After an amazing fall recruit- terhood in April. Preparations have
ment we are at 135 members w h i c h is been made for a weekend for sisters to
& come and look back on the century of
m e m o r i e s at the U of Tennessee.
Brunches, dinners, and many other
special events have been in the plan-
ning for months. The chapter will also
present the school with a gift. The sis-
ters of Omicron are excited to share in
an event that brings sisters together i n
a fabulous weekend.
£^ f Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U) Bid Day 2001. Phi Sigma
U of Nebraska Kearney
Omega chapter total. We discovered that our
Miami U accumulative GPA f r o m last year was Phi Sigma is proud to welcome 23 new
a 3.223 giving us one of the highest members into fun, friendship, and
Second semester last year was a busy GPAs among all sororities on campus. amazing opportunities in AO 11! On Bid
and exciting time for the members of A portion of our academic success is Dav. great activities and food were held
Omega. After a very successful due to our new mentoring program at a local park. B i g S i s / L i l ' Sis was a
recruitment, we welcomed 51 new which puts AOII's of the same major big success that involved long trails of
members to our chapter. Their enthu- into groups to discuss classes and pro- string that each new member followed
siasm and excitement is a great asset fessors. This has been a tremendous to f i n d the surprise of their new big sis-
to Omega. For mom's weekend, A011 help during the scheduling process. ter i n the house. Initiation was a very
joined three other sororities for Each year we host a Breast Cancer special time for the new members to
brunch and a fashion show with our Awareness Week, and this year we had feel the special b o n d of AO 11 and a l l
moms. Three of our girls got to show our very own Rosalie Barber come to members to recall what the chapter has
some AOPride while modeling some OU as a keynote speaker. Finally, our meant to them. A banquet and awards
clothes on the runway. On March 24th chapter house is ours! The purchase ceremony was held during Family Day.
we held our philanthropy, Run for the of our home has enabled us to per- The seniors were honored for all their
Roses, a 5 K race. We h a d a strong form various home improvements contributions to the chapter and fami-
turnout and had fun while raising such as painting, new landscaping and lies took part in the f u n of AOII.
money for Juvenile Arthritis. Another new furniture.
big event was our annual date party, Phi Upsilon
AO Pirate. Everyone got decked out in Purdue U
their pirate costumes and danced the
night away on a riverboat. The AOII is, indeed, an international soror-
Omegas are looking forward to a great ity. The P h i Upsilon Chapter is pleased
year and we hope you are, too! to welcome Melanie Taylor as a sister.
Melanie is an exchange student f r o m
Australia. The chapter has also been
very busy with philanthropies and
recruitment events. We started o f f the
year with Slayter Slammer, a concert
that featured "Days of the New" and
three other openers and had a blast
gearing up for dodge ball on October
28. Our recruitment events have been
great with movie night, craft night, root
beer floats and especially the A O I I car-
nival. The bounce house was a huge
34 ToDragma/WINTF.R2()01
success. We w o u l d like to thank A O I I Children's Hospital of Washington DC. Sigma Alpha
lor their continuous support with our We are the sponsor f o r a cancer patient West Virginia U
redevelopment. And our prayers are for the event. Our members will be
with those affected by the September dancing for a totaf of 24 hours while After receiving the award for Most
11 tragedy. other members will be attending and Improved Chapter at West Virginia I
cheering them on all night. Our chap- late last year, Sigma Alpha has kicked
Pi Alpha ter is looking forward to this event and off the new school year with a positive
U of Louisville we are very excited about participating outlook and a drive to succeed.
in years to come. Through formal recruitment and COR
This year, Pi Alpha had a very success- we have a w o n d e r f u l group of 21
f u l P h i l a n t h r o p y Day. We h e l d o u r Sigma young women eager to participate and
annual 'Guys and Dolls' Calender U of California Berkeley get involved. We h e l d Trick-or-Treat
Competition, where Greeks and other for arthritis research where we went
campus organizations submit members Sigma Chapter is very proud to have so around to the community on
to compete for a month in our calen- many talented leaders active in Halloween asking people to donate
der. From entry fees and admission Panhellenic. President Erika Boyd spare change for our philanthropy. As
alone, Pi Alpha raised over $1300 for oversees the coordination of program- always, we also enjoyed participating i n
arthritis research. We will also be sell- ming lor all of the sororities. The pro- WVU's Homecoming events.
ing T-shirts and the calenders to raise grams range from educational forums
money. We also planned several suc- on such topics as diversity and philan- Sigma Delta
cessful COR's events this semester to thropy to recruitment efforts in the fall. Huntingdon College
recruit new members, including an all- Vice President of Public Relations
Greek Luau and a game night. Sunny Woodward has created an infor- One of Sigma Delta's new members
mative monthly newsletter, "Greek was written about i n the October 2001
Pi Delta Times" and has also revamped the issue of Y M Magazine for her work
U of Maryland Greek website (www.ocf.berkeley. with breast cancer awareness. I n
edu~greeks). Panhellenic Delegate 1996, Crystal Bedwell founded a sup-
Pi Delta held it's first annual Tricycle Molly Blair has had a great experience port group in her middle school called
Race this semester on September 30, interacting with women from other COPE (Classmates Offering Peers
2001. A l l the proceeds raised went to chapters as they i n f o r m their respective Encouragement). This was inspired by
the September 1 1th Fund. It was co- chapters of upcoming Greek activities. her desire for finding a way for others
sponsored along with the Zeta Beta The women of Sigma Chapter are her age to support those who had f a m -
Tau Fraternity. It was a great success known for their campus and communi- ily members with cancer. Her mother
and we hope to have an even larger ty involvement; Panhellenic is f o r t u - had been diagnosed with breast cancer
turnout next year! Pi Delta is also par- nate to have Erika, Sunny, and Molly- and Crystal wanted a way for others to
ticipating i n The U of Maryland's sec- involved in planning and leading wor- share their thoughts and feelings. Her
ond annual Dance Marathon benefiting thy events! mother is now a breast cancer survivor
and Crystal is w o r k i n g on
many projects to increase
awareness and support. Her
spirit is such an inspiration to
all of us.
Sigma Omicron
Arkansas State U
One of the events that sets our
chapter apart f r o m others is
our successful haunted House
that we host every Halloween.
It is a f u n d raiser to raise
money for our philanthropy.
It is a huge success every year
and this was our t h i r d year to
Pi Delta (U of Maryland) tricycle race with the men of Zeta Beta Tau to benefit September I I th disaster fund.
To Dragma/WINTER 2001 35
wife Santa's Work Shop event for last year and two AOIIs were named
n e i g h b o r h o o d c h i l d r e n . We fraternity sweethearts for this year.
also volunteered i n the AIDS Also, Alexa Jones, a junior A O I I will be
walk in Philadelphia, which competing i n the Miss Alabama
was a success! Sigma Tau Pageant this summer. I n the athletic
Chapter also is p l a n n i n g a arena, we are proving to be fierce com-
school wide event that would petitors and are undefeated in flag
help raise money for our phil- football so far. We are l o o k i n g forward
anthropy, arthritis research. to our 77th year on campus and we
Our ideas for now are a con- send out our thoughts and prayers to
cert, community walk with those affected by the events of
sponsors, and an poetry music September 11.
reading with a small fee at the
door. Tau Gamma
Eastern Washington U
Tau Delta
This fall we recruited eleven beautiful
Sigma (U of California- Berkeley) recruitment event B i r m i n g h a m S o u t h e r n women. We are also the only house on
Eastern Washington U with out a chap-
put i t on. We teamed up w i t h the College ter house to live in. The Gamma Phi
Jonesboro f i r e m e n . I t works so nicely Betas just got the old Delta Chi house.
because the guys help with building The 2001-2002 academic year at BSC Our Property Manager Kyra Kolbeck is
the big props and we take care of the is o f f to a w o n d e r f u l beginning for Tau working very hard setting up fund rais-
jobs like painting, etc. We have had a Delta. On Bid Day we welcomed 26 ers for the chapter. Our chapter advis-
great turn out each year. The Haunted wonderful new girls into our chapter. er K i m Wohl has been busy working on
House is just one of the many projects Our SGA will include six AOIIs this the corporation board. Our first meet-
we do to raise money for our philan- year, including the SGA president. ing is October 18.
thropy. There are many AOIIs involved in
other campus organizations and hono- Tau Omega
raries this year such as H o n o r Council, Transylvania U
Sigma Phi Ivy League, SOS, RA Staff, Triangle On January 26, 2001 Tau Omega held a
California State U - Northridge Club, PSSO, O D K , Mortar Board, campus wide 80s prom to raise money
The Sigma P h i Chapter at Cal State Circle K, Civitan and Order of Omega. for cancer research. Everyone dressed
Northridge is proud to welcome our 20 Academically, approximately half of up in 80s attire, and relived the 80s.
new members to Alpha Omicron Pi! our chapter is on the Dean's List. We Donations were taken at the door, and
These ladies fully represent what our received the 3 academic excellence
fraternity is all about, and will all make awards offered by BSC Panhellenic. We
great leaders i n the years to come. Our accumulated over 4,600 service hours
chapter would also like to thank all of
the alumnae members, our chapter
adviser, and everyone else who helped
us with fall recruitment! You are great!
Sigma Tau ki A i i I"
Washington College
Sigma Phi (California State U - Northridge) sisterhood event
Alpha Omicron Pi, Sigma Tau Chapter
volunteered in the communitv for an
annual Fall Festival. Our sisters
worked actively with the neighborhood
children i n games, hay rides, face
p a i n t i n g , and p u m p k i n h u n t i n g . We
had so much f u n that we were asked to
be a part of the next event, w h i c h is
36 To Dragma/WINTER 2001
cdlegiate news
we raised around 800 dollars for the Theta Chi with a wonderful recruitment, and our
Markey Cancer Center here in Morningside College new members have been having a fan-
Lexington. We also crowned a prom king tastic time this year! Our semi-formal
and queen, Jeff Brinkman and Adrienne Theta Chi Chapter has six strong new that we had in October called 'Barn
Dantin. Adrienne was a sister of ours members so far this year. Our goal for Bash' was a hit! A l l the Theta Omegas
who passed away f r o m Leukemia a few formal recruitment was to stress quality and our dates dressed i n 'barn' theme
days after the event. We now are plan- over quantity. The new members that clothes and danced the night away!
ning to make this an annual event, cele- we pledged f r o m formal recruitment, Our annual Ruby & Pearl Formal was a
brating a different decade each year, this have far surpassed our goal in this and magical night to dress up in our ball
year we salute the 70s. many other respects. Currently, we gowns and enjoy the enchanted
have 18 initiated members and are evening! We all enjoyed our sisterhood
Tau Omicron strongly working towards achieving events as they are always a blast! We
U ofTennessee-Martin ceiling. The beginning of this semester do all sorts of events together, such as
has been very busy with the implemen- h e l p i n g to serve the c o m m u n i t y . We
The Tau Omicron Chapter at the U of tation of a few new weekly chapter will go together to soup kitchens to
Tennessee at Martin has been working awards. Every week we choose a sister help out, or raise money for charities
hard to start the new school year off who has best represented Ritual during in need. Our chapter has also enjoyed
w i t h a bang. So f a r we have accom- the week, and that member is recog- keeping in contact with our wonderful
plished this by the recruitment of 29 nized in our Sunday meetings. As a alumnae! For Homecoming, we
e x t r a v a g a n t new m e m b e r s . We just
recently held Homecoming where the
Tau Omicron Chapter once again pre-
vailed in placing first in rope pull, pyra-
m i d , and i n overall H o m e c o m i n g . We
are very excited about our explosive
start to this new year at school.
Theta Beta chapter we have also started an Officer Tau Delta (Birmingham Southern College) Bid Day.
Towson U of the Week award to recognize an o f f i -
cer who has been very active with her planned a banquet and then went to
The Theta Beta Chapter at Towson U duties d u r i n g the week. T h i s is to our NAU football game together! It
has been striving to take on new chal- make the rest of the chapter aware of was great catching up with our a l u m -
lenges. This semester we are really some of the "behind the scenes" work nae, and hearing their stories of what it
trying to focus on philanthropy, in that occurs, which makes our chapter was like when they were collegiate
d o i n g so o u r p h i l a n t h r o p y chair has f u n c t i o n smoothly. Never ones to be members of AOII.
created calendars each month marking standing still, we also were involved
dates of activities in which we can par- with Homecoming, alumnae activities Upsilon Lambda
ticipate in to help the community. and various other community events. U of Texas - San Antonio
Another challenge that has come upon
us is maintaining academic excellence. Theta Omega Our chapter has never been stronger!
I n doing so, we have set up a sister Northern Arizona U We recruited quota-plus this fall, and
t u t o r i n g program which seems to be are way above chapter total, only losing
fun and beneficial for all. In facing Theta Omega has been keeping busy two to graduation. We have filled the
these challenges, Theta Beta has really- with our calendar packed with events! fall semester w i t h sisterhoods, study-
come together and defined sisterhood. We kicked o f f the beginning of the year hours, and philanthropic events.
We are so p r o u d of our new members, Congratulations, new members, and
as t h e y m a k e great a d d i t i o n s to o u r welcome to a lifetime of friendship!
chapter and have now joined us in fac-
ing these challenges.
To Dragma/WINTER 2001 37
cdegate The Power of
a Promise
Zeta Zeta Psi
U of Nebraska - Lincoln East Carolina U By Kristin ]. Ingwell,
The Zeta Chapter of Alpha Omicron Zeta Psi has gotten o f f to a great start Kappa Omega AAC m e m b e r
Pi received an awesome new member again this school year. Recruitment was
class and we were really excited to the week before school began, and we It is unfortunate that our priorities
see a l l t h e i r s m i l i n g faces at B i d Day. received quota and, of course, they are sometimes need a shock to be put i n
Initiation was October 28, 2001 and the best group of girls on campus! Our line. Sept. 11 is a prime example. So is
was a big accomplishment f o r the chapter keeps setting the standards of Susan Byars.
new members. They are great. This what is expected of other sororities
fall we had a Hungry, Hungry, when it comes to recruitment. We also Susan is a freshman at the U of
Huskers BBQ before a home football started off the year doing our semi- Kentucky and received a bid from
game that was a great turnout. Plus, annual f u n d raiser of working at the Kappa Omega Chapter o n Aug. 17,
we got to help arthritis research by local book store during bookrush. The 2001. Susan and her new member
donating all the proceeds to them. first two weeks of school, each of our class were to be initiated on Oct. 26.
Many of us have been involved in sisters could be seen spending close to Susan got to be the first member of
numerous campus activities and clubs 30 hours a week working at the book- her class to take the pledge on Oct.
along with supporting other Greek store. We raised several thousand dol- 20, but it was not a typical initiation.
p h i l a n t h r o p i e s . I t is always great to lars, all of which goes towards arthritis Only three people were in atten-
get to know other Greeks here at research. Zeta Psi wishes to congratu- dance— because it took place at the U
U N L . Homecoming week was filled late Sadie Cox for being elected of Kentucky Hospital where Susan
with many fun campus activities to do Student Rody President in April! She was undergoing treatment f o r stage
with others and our parents were is doing an excellent j o b representing four lymphoma, diagnosed only two
excited to come on November 3 to our chapter and the Greek system. weeks earlier.
visit our wonderful house.
Only the chapter president, Krista
Winters, and Susan's Big Sister, Erica
Landrum were present due to the hos-
pital's visitation policy. None of the
usual trappings of an A O I I ceremony
were allowed because only sterile items
can be in Susan's environment. But
that didn't matter to Susan. " A l l
t h r o u g h it she had her eyes closed, and
I thought she was tired," Krista said.
"But afterwards she said she was just
picturing how it would have been (with
the whole chapter). She asked to go
over everything about 20 times
because she said she wouldn't be able
to practice it for awhile. She was just
l o o k i n g me i n the eye, and it was so
important to her."
Zeta Psi at an East Carolina U football game. The sisters who visited Susan later on
Oct. 20 said she was simply glowing,
and thrilled that she was the first one
f r o m her class initiated. Signs covered
the walls of her hospital room. And for
her birthday i n late October, she
received a video-taped birthday greet-
ing from the entire chapter.
Susan has returned home to
Morganfield, KY, and now travels four
hours, once a week, lor treatment in
Lexington. However, she and her par-
ents are very positive that Susan will
return to school and to the chapter
next year.
38 To Dragma/WINTER 2001
The AOII Foundation
Recruitment, formerly known as Rush, is The Grants Committee processes grant AOII Foundation Forms New
k n o w n as the lifeline of the Fraternity. applications f r o m organizations such as Nominations Committee
There is, however, another aspect of our the American Juvenile Arthritis
AOII lifeline—the AOII Foundation. Organization to fund children's camps and The A O I I Foundation is seeking
"Foundation" is defined, as "an underly- activities. Grant requests for arthritis three volunteers to serve on its
ing support" and the A O I I Foundation is research are reviewed and administered. new Nominations Committee.
nothing less. Our Foundation is a huge The Grants Committee also works with This committee will handle the
part of what makes our beloved Alpha the Fraternity to fund the educational nominating process for the elec-
O m i c r o n Pi what it is today. The needs of A O I I to provide speakers and tion of the Foundation Board of
Foundation was founded i n 1977 to sup- materials to train members. The Directors at International
port the philanthropies of the Fraternity Scholarship Committee accepts the appli- Convention 2003. If you are a
and has continued to grow over the years. cations and determines which of the many current or past member of the
worthy sisters will receive assistance while Foundation (member of Council)
The Foundation is much more than the the Ruby Fund Committee reviews or a past Foundation committee
philanthropy of what many of us learned requests f r o m sisters in need. member with knowledge about
o f as D . E . A . R . — D i a m o n d J u b i l e e the Foundation's mission, pro-
Scholarship, Endowment, Arthritis The Foundation Ambassadors educate grams and operations, and have
Research and Ruby Fund. These four the membership on the mission and pro- interest in serving on this com-
areas of the Foundation continue to exist, grams of the Foundation. These sisters mittee, we'd like to hear from
however, it has expanded to include vari- are scattered throughout the United you. Please contact our
ous operating committees for the better- States and Canada. Executive Director Bobby
ment of the Fraternity. Stanton in the Foundation Office
The Foundation has become a m u l t i - for more information.
The Foundation solicits the membership faceted organization working for the ben-
for funds to distribute to our various caus- efit of our sisterhood and society. As it has
es of grants, scholarships, education and grown, the number of volunteers needed
sisters in need. I n addition to that, the to administer the operations has
Major Gifts Committee promotes the increased. I f you have expertise or a pas-
Second Century Society for planned giv- sion for any of the areas of the Foundation
ing and determines when special fund operations, submit a volunteer application
raising campaigns occur. As with any indicating your interest or contact the
organization, the Foundation has both a Foundation at (615)370-0920.
Marketing and Finance Committee.
by Louanne Watson Condreay
Chair, Human Resources Committee
Phi Upsilon (Purdue U),
Lafayette Alumnae Chapter.
To Dragma/WINTER 2001 7
1999-2001 JWH Cup Recipients
4*4 lpha Omicron Pi's two Jessie Wallace Hughan Cup recipients for the 1999-2001 bienni-
r Tuimm were honored with campus receptions in October. Delta Omega Chapter at Murray
State U i n Murray, Ky., and Lambda Sigma Chapter at the 13 of Georgia in Athens, Ga.,
were awarded the prestigious cups during AOII's International Convention held in June in
Palm Desert, California.
The JWH Cup honors the collegiate chapter, which exemplifies the highest standards of
performance for the biennium. The award was established when Founder Stella George
Stern Perry presented the Jessie Wallace Hughan Cup to the Fraternity i n honor of Jessie's
service to A O I I and the world. This year marked only the sixth time i n history that two
cups were awarded.
Carole Jurenko Jones, International President, traveled to both campuses to host campus
receptions i n honor of AOII's winners. Delta Omega's reception was held October 11 at the
chapter suite. Ashley Olson, Chapter President, and Mrs. Jones greeted guests, which
included Lniversity administration, the SGA president and adviser, NPC/NPHC presidents
and chapter advisers, IFC presidents and chapter advisers, Delta Omega Alumnae Advisory
Committee members and Corporation Board members, and area alumnae.
1(1 To Dragma/WTNTER 2001
Delta Omega has won the JWH Cup for years they have maintained the highest CPA Lambda Sigma excels in all areas of service
two consecutive bienniums. The following among sororities. In addition to consistendy to the Fraternity, their community and
quote is found i n their New Member pledging quota and being above Campus their campus. This chapter emphasizes
Handbook: "A chapter never stands still. Total, they pledged an outstanding 93% of scholarship, recruitment and retention of
No chapter can achieve perfection (regard- legacies during the biennium. members, philanthropy, campus involve-
less of the heights it has attained) and cease ment, chapter operations and their love for
to seek improvement. To progress is a The University President stated, "They con- each other. For the past two years they
chapter's challenge." This statement is tinue to be a positive role model for other have been ranked academically No. 1 and
reflected in the chapter's continued tradi- campus organizations, and their members No. 2 among the 18 sororities on campus.
tion for excellence in their new member strengthen the University."
programming, academics, membership They have 118 members i n honor soci-
recruitment and retention, alumnae rela- Lambda Sigma's reception was held Oct eties, 22 members in professional organi-
tions, philanthropy, public relations, and 17 at the chapter house, where guests zations and 28 members who are officers
chapter operations. were welcomed by Ali Acree, Chapter and presidents of campus organizations.
President, and Mrs. Jones. I n addition to The University President and Alpha Phi
Chapter members participate in a wide Lambda Sigma Alumnae Advisory Alpha Fraternity recognized Lambda
array of activities. They hold leadership Committee members, Corporation Board Sigma for their initiative in support of
roles in campus organizations, student gov- members and area alumnae, invited guests diversity on their campus by holding the
ernment, University Campus Board and included University administration, the first social for traditionally white and
Fall Orientation, and Student Ambassadors. SGA president and adviser, NPC/NPHC African American Greeks.
presidents and chapter advisers, IFC presi-
Scholarship in a number one priority, which dents and chapter advisers. Lambda Sigma believes that a philanthrop-
is evident in the fart diat for die past three ic heart goes hand in hand with being an
AOII. Annually they host three philan-
thropic events for arthritis research and
members devote many service hours to the
local community. Shortly after recruitment
in Fall 2000, one of their sisters was diag-
nosed with leukemia. The chapter bonded
together immediately and created a
Foundation for her treatment, which raised
The Coordinator of Greek Lite comment-
ed, "Alpha Omicron Pi is an outstanding
chapter on our campus and serves as a role
model for our other chapters, especially in
the areas of involvement and participation
in activities and events."
By not resting on their laurels, the mem-
bers of Delta Omega and Lambda Sigma
Chapters continue to strive for excel-
lence and represent the best of A O I I
within the Fraternity, on their campus in
their community.
To Dragma/WINTER 2001 41
Fifty-seventh Biennial Session
Leading the Way, Sharing the Vision
lidst the rugged beauty of the 2001 NPC Delegation: Melanie Nixon Doyle, AOII Executive Director; Robin Mansfield Wright
Santa Catalina Mountains and high desert 2nd Alternate; Carole Jurenko Jones, International President; Peg Kramer Crawford, Delegate; Linda
splendor, delegates and representatives of Peters Collier, 3rd Alternate.
the 26 member groups convened at The
Westin La Paloma, Tucson, Arizona, to decrease naturally affects the number of Something of Value, Drug Education
conduct the business of the 57th Biennial alumnae serving our college chapters as Program, Women & Girls, Tobacco & Lung
Session of the National Panhellenic advisers and house corporation board mem- Cancer, College Women and Depression,
Conference. bers. We have long known the strength of Something to Talk About-Confrontational
our chapters was due in large part to the Skills, and Academic Excellence are posi-
Marian K. Williams, Kappa Kappa quality and number of women who served tioned for success and creating a lasting
Gamma, Chairman ol the Conference, them in various capacities. Recruitment of impact on college women.
opened the session by thanking all in alumnae volunteers and training of these
attendance for their willingness and volunteers must be high priorities. Membership statistics increased i n 2000-
courage to join together in Panhellenic 2001, but 1999-2000 was down by suffi-
sisterhood, during a time of national It is each member group's right and cient numbers to show decrease i n total
tragedy and unrest in the world. rcsponsihililv. membership numbers for the biennium.
Highlights of her address included: With women accounting for 53% of col-
Partnerships and collaborative efforts lege enrollment, an all out effort to attract
1951 verbatim minutes of the Conference among the interfraternal family and those more women to the system is necessary.
session and questions/comments posed by within higher education are of utmost Our chapters need to "walk the talk" and
Conference C h a i r m a n , E d i t h Resse importance. NPC has actively been culti- reach out to others.
Crabtree, Kappa Kappa Gamma were vating those relationships, welcoming
revisited. Marian reflected upon how top- rapid growth of Latino/Latina, Asian and In addition to campus/housing meetings,
ics explored through a town meeting for- Native American brother and sister committee meetings, separate sessions for
mat in 1951 are relevant to issues of today. groups, and recognizing the need and inter/national presidents, executive direc-
advantages of coming together for dia- tors and editors, business session time was
Alcohol remains the number one prob- logue and support given to task force, standing committee
lem. NPC continues to support Alcohol- and summary reports, as well as the adop-
Free Housing for men. Marian's hope: all NPC is proud of the educational program- tion of resolutions. Significant resolutions
26 member groups will unite with a well ming for women resulting in collaborative included:
defined alcohol policy on co-sponsored efforts of the 26 member groups and • Increased annual Alumnae Panhellenic
activities. other such organizations. dues to the Conference,
• Increased annual per chapter dues of
An alarming statistic is the decreased num- IN PC educational program sponsorships of each fraternity to the Conference,
ber of organized alumnae groups. This
42 Tu Dragma/WINTER 2001
• NPC encouragement of all wear V O U X badge
College Panhellenics to adopt a
position in support of alcohol-free or letters with pride!
social activities in fraternity facilities,
• Continuation of NPC and its L IA CENTURY OF PRIDE
member groups to promote and
encourage chapters to have the Greek tradition
non-alcoholic events with student
organizations as well as men's fra- International Badge Day
ternity chapters, March 4, 2002
• NPC offer to present Something
of Value at the annual conferences The twenty-six member organizations of the National Panhellenic
of S E P C , NGLA, MGCA and Conference (NPC) will celebrate International Badge Day on March 4, 2002.
WRGC, and Badge Day is an annual event during which sorority women everywhere honor
• NPC encouragement of College their Greek affiliations by wearing their badge or letters. The theme this year
Panhellenics to organize a Day of is "A Century of Pride—Live the Greek Tradition."
Dialogue (a campus and community
discussion on alcohol, developed by The year 2002 marks a milestone for the National Panhellenic
Senior Student Affairs officers and Conference as the organization celebrates the one hundredth anniversary of its
inter/national fraternity and sorority founding in 1902. Badge Day will honor this centennial with its theme "A
leaders). Century of Pride."
Educational sessions included a pre- Early histories of women's fraternities contain accounts of ''noshing and
sentation by Peter Lake, attorney pledging agreements" or "compacts" among fraternities on various campuses
and professor at the Stetson U and also many stories of cooperation and mutual assistance. However, no actu-
School of Law, on the legal implica- al Panhellenic organization existed, and no uniform practices were observed.
tions of various court decisions for By 1902 it was obvious that some standards were needed, so Alpha Phi invited
fraternities, as well as strategies for Pi Beta Phi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Gamma,
the future. Dr. Kelly Smith, profes- Gamma Phi Beta, Delta Delta Delta, Alpha Chi Omega and Chi Omega to a
sor of pharmacology, U of Kentucky, conference in Chicago on May 24. Tiie session resulted in the organization of
clinically outlined in her presenta- the first interfraternity association and thefirstintergroup organization on col-
tion, "From Raves to Rape: you pick lege campuses. AOII joined the conference in 1905.
your poison," the "club drug" scene
prevalent in junior high, senior high A O I I asks that all our members remember March 4, 2002 as
and college environments. International Badge Day. Please join the members of all 26 NPC fraterni-
ties in wearing your badge or letters with pride.
Executive committee members
for 2001-2003 include: Sally
Grant, Alpha Phi - Chairman;
Martha Brown, Delta Gamma -
Secretary; Elizabeth Quick,
Gamma Phi Beta - Treasurer
AOII is pleased to announce that
the winner of the NPC College
Panhellenic Public Relations Award,
sponsored by Alpha Omicron Pi,
was Pennsylvania State U.
by Donna G King,
Sigma Kappa Sorority
To Dragma/WINTER 2001
ii nil n
M.I' A 0\1I< RON
Commemorate THE SPECIAL
AS AN A O I I BY purchasing A
Fill in the form and mail with your Brick Walkwav Single Brick 4 x 8 in.= $50
payment to Alpha Omicron Pi today! Single Brick
Double Brick $50.00
Ordered by .$100.00
Founders' Circle
Chapter of Initiation. Double Brick .$200.00
City, State, Zip_ Double Brick 8 x 8 in.= $100 or $200
Phone Total Amount $
Visa Mastercard Discover Check Make Checks Payable to:
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
Credit Card Acct.#
Mail form and check to:
Name on Card _Exp. Date_ Alpha Omicron Pi
International Headquarters
Yes, I w o u l d like A l p h a Omicron Pi Fraternity to send a 5390 Virginia Way
letter acknowledging the gift. Brentwood, T N 37027
Send to
Chapter of Initiation Only one character (letter, number, or punctuation mark) or space per block. Position or center your name or message exactly as you want it to aj
Address on your brick. Hyphens, periods, apostrophes, commas, the symbol "&" and Greek letters are avaiiableTo order more chan one of either size brick, print
City, State, Zip engraving information for each additional brick on a separate sheet of paper and enclose with your order Single brick can have 2 to 3 lines, double 4 to
5 lines with no more than 13 characters per line, including spaces. Please consider your wording carefully. Note: If using Greek letters for your chapter,
spell out the Greek name in English on the following line so the engraver can verify (i.e. for "D," spell out "Delta" on the line).
All bricks ordered during the year will be installed the following Spring/Summer.
Two Educational Training Events Planned
2002 Leadership Academies
Alpha Omicron Pi will hold two The dates for the sessions are: To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi
leadership Academies i n 2002; one for CP February 15-17,2002 Statement of Ownership,
Chapter Presidents (CP) and one for Vice VPMR February 22 - 24,2002
Presidents of Membership Recruitment Management and Circulation
(VPMR). The purpose of Leadership Customized CP/VPMR training and
Academy is to provide practical training AOII knowledge-building sessions will be €3 un:.Ennarf, Statement ol Ownership. Management, and Circulation
to chapter leaders as they assume their the focus of the weekends, as well as
new roles. The training is customized building leadership skills. Leadership
and designed to help the officers success- Academy was created by the Education
fully navigate the challenges of their and Training Committee and partially
offices and within their chapters. supported by a grant through the AOII
Foundation as a unique opportunity for
"Last year's Leadership Academy for CP's to get the necessary information and
chapter presidents was very w e l l - resources and hit the ground mnning. In
received," commented Lori Hart Ebert, 2002, A O I I is expanding Leadership
I A facilitator and Chairman of AOII's Academy to cover the VPMR's as well.
Education and Training Committee.
"CP's that participated gave us great A participant from LA 2001 shared,
feedback, telling us that after complet- "(Leadership Academy) made me realize
ing 1A, they felt more confident return- that there is so much more I can do with
ing to their chapters," Ebert said. my chapter. At first I left like I couldn't
do much after my amazing past presi-
Both Leadership Academies will be dent, but I'm going home with so many
held i n Nashville, Tennessee at the new ideas!" Another attendee remarked, " I
AOII Headquarters. learned that (my chapter's) problems are
not as unique as I thought."
CM •. , •• • T
• n ublaha ;
• II : Uinaiment
To Dragma/WINTER 2001 >
Leadership Academy 2001
208N I23S Knit Stadium Blanket. Machine washable.
52X55 inches. $55.00
101 AOII Flip Flops. Sizes 5-10. No 1/2 sizes.
(Oversized by 1/2 shoe size.) $20.00
Timeless Sweatshirt Designs
208 Red 386 Navy Sweatshirt 208N Navy 22S Oxford Classic
Sweatshirt w/columbia blue. Sweatshirt Hooded Sweatshirt.
w/grey felt letters. M, L, XL $38.00 w/grey felt letters.
M, L, XL $40.00 M , L, XL $40.00 M, L, XL $32.00
FREE C a t a l o g
order toll free: mail order to: email order to: I23T 100% Cotton Tapestry Throw. Emporium
Exclusive features AOII heritage. Washable.
Monday thru Friday 9to5 est. AOT1EMPOFUUM [email protected] $60.00
AOn International
1-800-746-7264 order online:
O r Call: 615-370-0920 5390 Virginia Way. Emporium's online catalog:
Fax To: 615-695-2677 Brentwood, TN 37027
M o s t o r d e r s s h i p p e d w i t h i n 48 h o u r s . W e g u a r a n t e e q u a l i t y m e r c h a n d i s e . Towel Wraps
Name: Daytime Phone: ( I73R Red Wrap. 100% 173 White Wrap. 100%
Address: Cotton Terry Velour. Cotton Terry Velour
City: (one size) $24.00 (one size). $24.00
Evening Phone: (
State/Prov: _ZiBL
ltem# Qty. Description Size Price Each Total Price
Check • Visa 'Shipping & Handlin; Subtotal
~J Mastercard ~J Discover TN residents add
Exp. Date: $0 to $5 $4.00
Card #: 8.25% sales tax
$5.01 to $25 $7.00 Shipping & Handling
$25.01 to $50 J8.00 (see chart)
Total amount enclosed
$50.01 to $75 $900
Thank you!
$7501 to $100 $1000 Emporium sales benefit AOIT!
Please add $200 for
every $25 after $100.
"•Canadian customer; please
double amounts for shipping &
handling charges.
Sweatshirts and Yellow Long Sleeve Tee Classic Sweatshirt Designs
156 Navy Sweatshirt 172 Navy Sweatshirt 385 Oxford Full Zip 377 Navy Full Zip 225 Oxford
w/lime letters. w/triple letters. Sweatshirt w/hood. Sweatshirt w/hood. Sweatshirt w/hood.
M, L, XL $38.00 M, L, XL $38.00 M, L, XL $37.00
M, L, XL $37.00 M, L, XL $32.00
141 Long Sleeve Yellow 362 Red Sweatshirt
T-shirt w/navy w/white letters and 377
letters. gold embroidery.
M , L, XL $28.00 Oversized.
(also shown on pg. 13) L & XL only (limited
quantity) $42.00
Contemporary Sterling Silver Jewelry
4J Sterling Snake Chain. (18 in.) 320J Engraved Oval Pendant. $19.00
$9.00 32IJ Engraved Square Bracelet.
139J SterlingLavaliere on $32.00
Beaded Chain. $15.00 322J Choker. $22.00
323J Beaded Bracelet w/charm. $32.00
.01 j Engraved Oval Bracelet. $32.00 324J Engraved Round Pendant. SI9.00
;02j Sterling Oval Ring. Sizes 6,7,8 326J Hematite Toggle Bracelet
$20.00 w/charm. $42.00
327J Wire Necklace w/charm & beads.
04J Dome Ring. Sizes 6,7,8 $30.00
!07j Long/Short Bead Anklet. $25.00
328J Black/Silver Beaded Bracelet
(9.25 inches) $25.00
I09J Ring w/Continuous AOII. w/charm. $32.00
330J Pearl/Silver Bracelet w/charm.
Sizes 6,7,8 $16.00
II2J Rolo Chain Anklet $32.00
331J Multi-color Bracelet w/charm.
(9.25 inches) $25.00
II3J Engraved Bracelet. $30.00 $32.00
II4J Square Toe Ring.
334J Sterling Toggle Bracelet.
(adjustable) $16.00 (Tiffany Style) $48.00
II6J Engraved Square Ring.
336J Toggle Necklace w/AOIl 8c rose
Sizes 6,7,8 $20.00 dangle. $30.00
117J Engraved Ball Drop Earrings.
337J Engraved AOII and Rose
Necklace. $3&&0- S A L E $28.00
II8J Engraved Square Pendant. 338J Ball-Bead Chain w/charm. $14.00
1I9J Cuff Bracelet.
Hand crafted. $36.00
356 Navy Flannel Lined Anorak 348 Navy Flannel Lined 344 Red Flannel Lined 371 Roval Blue Flannel 190 Navy Flannel Lined
w/forest stripe. M, L, XL $48.00 Anorak w/white stripe. Anorak w/white stripe. Lined Anorak w/white Anorak w/yellow stripe.
stripe. M, L, XL $48.00
M, L, XL $48.00 M, L, XL $48.00 M, L, XL $48.00