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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-06 12:55:23

1935 October - To Dragma

Vol. XXXI, No. 1

• 1935
_—• Away With Rushing.
Societies h \ . . . . . . The Editor .. C, Jane Stroheker
"The Place We Get Knowledge is in Books";
About National Social Service Work . . . .Mary I). Drummond
Bfe-... * yj&Bt Published by ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity
Edith Huntington War! Will Women Let It Come to America?.. .Anti-War
For Rejuvenation, T r y Convention Balance, Budgets, and Business.
. . . , . iFay Morgan

To Dragma
°Po t - 3' ^SaW
» In the OCTOBER • 1935 Issue «
Life's Lesson 2 "Away With Rushing" 3 War—Will Women Let It Come to America? 4 For Rejuvenation—Try Convention 7 Respectfully Submitted (Convention Reports) 13 Reunion in Palo Alto 16 Tops—The J. W. H. Cup 17 Grand Council Re-elects Officers 18 Balance, Budgets, and Business 21 District Superintendents Guide Chapters 22 "The Place We Get Knowledge Is In Books" 25 An Honor List of Alpha Omicron Pi Achievements 27 Alumna; Superintendents Replace State Chairmen 32 Your Money's Worth 36 In Human Progress 37 Interviewing Prominent Alumna; 38 Introducing Our New Phi Beta Kappa's 46 Our New Phi Kappa Phi's 48 Alpha O's in the Daily Press 51 Alumnae Notes 56 Directory of Alpha Omicron Pi 93
Edited hy Wilma Smith Lcland
To DRAOMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity, 2642 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minne- sota, and is printed by Leland Publishers, The Fraternity Press. Entered at the post office at St. Paul Minnesota, as second class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 192S, Section 412, P.L.&R., authorized February 12, 1930.
To DRAGMA is published four times a year, October, January, March, and May. Send all editorial material to 2642 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minn., before Sept. 10, Dec. 10, Feb. 10, and April 10. The subscription price is 50 cents per copy, $1 per year, payable in advance; Life subscription $15.
Officiaf ^Uficafic of

Life's Lesson
Fear not to know suffering
And anguish of the soul
Lest Ike teaching of Life's Greatest lesson be denied.
Have faith that through darkness
Comes the dawn of radiant
Out of deep anguish
Comes greater understanding, Through a mist of tears
The rays of sunshine
Penetrate the darkness
To solace with The promise
Of a new and brighter sphere.

For those in our active chapters the most
important thing is the gaining of an education.
Scholarship in its broadest, cultural sense mon interest the paramount thing. If they do,
I appreciate deeply the honor and trust you have shown me in making me your President for a second term, and I am sure the others of the Executive Committee feel, as 1 do, that it is a privilege to serve the fraternity and its ideals. We hope you will come to us with
The greatest evil of the fraternity system is and always has been the way new members are chosen, or rushing. If we could somehow get away from the competitive and artificial basis of rushing, and could entertain our friends and those who, we think, might lie congenial in
problems for we are deeply interested in all matters pertaining to the chapters and frater- nity, no matter how trivial they may seem to yon. We want the opportunity to give of our best counsel to you always, and look forward to a biennium of mutually helpful service in Alpha Omicron Pi,
wm 9JBL
"Away With Rushing"
o \ (S^affencJ-e from C ) w r tj0re5i&erjt_r
-4_ To ALL MEMBERS of Alpha Omicron Pi everywhere I bring the greetings of Coun-
our chapters, in a gracious and genuine way
because we are really interested in them, the cil and the Executive Committee. We have process would be educationally worth-while
recently been together in the largest biennial Convention we have ever bad, and it was an inspiration to see the interest and thought of so many loyal members of the fraternity per- sonally and through their representatives brought to the problems of the Panhcllenic world and our fraternity in particular. We look forward lo having even more of our members together in the Convention of 1937, and urge that you begin plans now to be with us and give of jour counsel and enthusiasm to our discussions and our fellowship.
In this biennium I wish we might stress some definite points in the programs of both the active and alumnae chapters.
and enjoyable, too. Some adjustments, of course, will have to be made in the fraternity system before this is universally possible, but it should be a goal toward which we are al- ways working. Real friendship and fellowship which last long after active days are over are the basis of such organizations as ours and if we can make that evident: in our campaign for members, we will have eliminated the evil of rushing. I wish, with Miss Mary Alice [ones, that even the name of "rushing" could be changed.
For those in our alumna- groups and even the scattered alumnae the most important thing is the friendship which began in the active chapter. The alumnae chapters, I hope, will make fellowship with others having a com-
should be their chief interest, and Alpha Omi-
cron Pi must contribute to it. We should aid
in the development of intelligence and help our
undergraduates to form an intellectual attitude
toward life to insure that when they are
through college they will be thinking people.
I like Dean Hibbard's thought that a liberal
education is one which fits the student not to
be a tool of propaganda in a complex modern
world whose politics anil economics are dic-
tated, but to be a person thinking, rather than
folhnvituj. Each must learn to discipline her-
self intellectually, socially, emotionally, spiritu-
ally and physically, and balance in each and
balance in the whole is the goal. If our active
chapters can contribute in some measure to
this—what I call real education—then we arc
serving a very definite function as a part of your accomplishments, your hopes and your the educational world.
those things usually set up as a goal for alumn:e chapters will follow naturally. Groups of individuals, united by a common interest, can and will accomplish much—in local philan- thropic work, in aiding the National Social Service Work of which wc are all so proud, in showing a friendly and helpful interest in the nearest active chapter, and in continuing to- gether the liberal education which began dur- ing college days.

—Will American "WV
-f- LAST WINTER Vera Brittain came our way. Life has not been quite the same since. War had become a reality of which we had known nothing. It had affected us youngsters
of World War days in America so slightly. An unknown cousin lay buried in Germany; an uncle was discharged after serving for several months because of physicial disabilities. Ours was a mature family and although our friends, sons and brothers went forth to war, they came home unscathed. We were too unimpor- tant to be included should they have felt in- clined to tell the truth about their experiences.
Books were books, horrible, realistic, but still they could not talk. The movies and plays inspired a glimmer of anti-war feeling.
Then came Vera Brittain. Not too many years older than ourselves, she represented the age of our older friends, the high school seniors of 1917 or the younger college students whom we often saw on the campus. While she talked, Testament of Youth came alive. Her crusade is peace—to teach youth that war kills, not the body alone, but the minds of those who live on; that youth can gain noth- ing but disillusion from it; that war must nec- essarily affect women as well as men; and that after such debauchery can come only the awful j'ears of emptiness which we have ex- perienced of late. Fine things come not from the roar of guns but are the fruits of a peace which is unbroken. Such bewilderment as we know today results from the loss of the finest of manhood through war while the weak or untried remain to cope with a struggle that would have tested the most skilled.
Your city or campus has a peace league. Don't wait to join until jour joining will be useless. Y o u can prevent our country's taking part in another war. With the sounding of
cannons in Ethiopia, you must act now.
If you are not aware of how you may pre- serve peace, read what the peace societies, through their secretaries, said in the New York
on September 27, 1935. The secretary of the War Resisters' League is our own Jessie Wallace Hughan (A). Another protagonist for peace is Helen Hoy Greeley (N) of the Women's Disarmament Committee,
who spoke to convention-goers.
This organization has worked and will con- tinue to work for neutrality legislation making

It Come
to Our
America ?
it mandatory to forbid the shipment of arms and the granting of loans and credits to na- tions at war, and permitting American na- tionals to travel, in the event of war, only at their own risk.
Points on the legislative program of the League for 1935-1936 call for "mandatory leg- islation forbidding the shipment of arms from the United States to any other country," and "forbidding the extensions of loans and credits
abroad for purposes of war or war prepara- tions."
In the next six months before Congress re- convenes, it is hoped that people everywhere in the country will face the true problem of neutrality—the necessity of choosing between foreign trade and war.
The People's Mandate to Governments, spon- sored by the League, was started on its way toward the goal of fifty million signatures on

September 6, Jane Addams' birthday. It de-
mands that our government stop immediately
all increases of armaments and of armed
forces, use existing machinery for peaceful World War. Twenty-two thousand new mil-
settlement of present conflicts, secure a world treaty for immediate reduction of arms as a step toward complete world disarmament, and secure international agreements founded on recognition of world interdependence to end the economic anarchy which breeds war.
Material on this or any other phase of the League's program will gladly be sent on re- quest. The minimum membership fee is $1.00 a year.
lionaires were created in the United States by the four terrible years.
A study of the facts has convinced us that there is one power alone which can prevent a government from declaring war in an actual crisis, and that is the knowledge that popular support, as expressed in men, money and ivar service, will not be forthcoming.
The method of war resistance, accordingly, is the continuous organization of men and women for the refusal of all support to war, whether by bearing arms, subscribing to war funds, manufacturing or handling munitions.
Every war resister is asked to make written declaration of his decision in time of peace, in order that such refusal may help to keep his country out of war, and not merely act as an obstruction to a war already declared.
Readers who wish to join the personal boy- cott against war should write for a War Re- sisters' League enrollment blank.
JESSIE WALLACE HUGHAN, Secretary. 171 W . 12th St., New York City.
If you want to know how and what war comes to be, the following incomplete bib- liography will help.
Lois JAMESON, Assistant to DOROTHY DETZER, N a t i o n a l
S e c r e t a r y . 532 17th St. N.W., Washington, D.C.
NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR PREVENTION OF W A R Founded at the time of the Washington Dis- armament Conference, the National Council, a federation of thirty-one organizations, holds a unique position in the peace movement. Its national headquarters are in Washington, where it maintains the largest staff—thirty-five members—of any organized peace group. It has regional offices at Springfield, Mass., Des Moines, Iowa, Portland, Ore., and San Fran-
cisco, Calif.
The National Council is non-political and non-sectarian. There are Catholics, Jews and Protestants on its board. Its program is con- servative, but its methods are vigorous, based in general on three fundamental objectives: worldwide reduction of armaments by inter- national agreement, world organization and worldwide education for peace.
The National Council is organizing voters by Congressional districts to put "peace above party" and to "elect peace men to power." An- other recent project of the Council is the is- suance of Peace Bonds, which may be pur- chased in $1.00, $5.00 and $10.00 denominations. The Council points out that this government is spending this year on the Army and Navy over a billion dollars, or what amounts to
$8.(X) for every man, woman and child in the country. The face of the bond carries this statement:
"The prevention of such a ivar and its aftermath is the most urgent task con- fronting our people. Dollars invested in peace can prevent the wasting of billions in tvar."
As for neutrality legislation, we believe that it is absolutely essential not only for our own peace but for the peace of the world.
FLORENCE BREWER BOF.CKEL, Education Director. 532 17th St. N. W.,Washington, D.C.
We of the War Resisters' League are glad
Brockway, A . Fenner—The
Beard, Charles A.—The Navy: Defense or Portent?
(Chapter 5, The Shearer Case; Chapter 6, The
Navy League)
Engelbrecht, H. C.—Merchants of Death
Nichols, Beverley—Cry Havoc
Ferris, George— War Traders (Published in 1914—
shows longstanding practices of arms makers;
Chap. X I I a 1904 parallel of 1929 Shearer case) PAMPHLETS:
"The Secret International" (Union of Democratic Control, London)
"Patriotism, Ltd." (Union of Democratic Control) "Salesmen of Death"—Col. George A . Drew, T o-
ronto, Canada
"Enemies of Peace"—Col. George A. Drew, To-
ronto, Canada
"Munition Manufacturers Should be Curbed"—
Senator Borah
"The Munition Industry"—National Council for
Prevention of W ar MAGAZINES:
Fortune, March, 1934,"Arms and the Men" (also
in World Affairs"
of the embargo that has been enacted against World Tomorrow, Dec. 7, 1933, "Arms Industry:
the shipment of munitions to warring coun- tries, but we urge something more of our government—that it prohibit the furnishing not only of arms, but of loans and credits as well.
An Appraisal"; March I. 1933,"Today's Money-
Makers"; Oct. 5, 1932, "Traffic in Death"
Foreign Political Reports, A u g . 1 6 , 1 9 3 3 , "Inter-
national Traffic in Arms and Ammunitions" International Conciliation (Carnegie Endowment), Dec, 1933, "Armament Manufacture and Trade" Tn this way alone could the embargo be made Literary Digest, Dec. 3, 1932, "To Disarm the Munition Makers"; July 9, 1932, "Villains of the
to bear as heavily upon powerful Italy as upon weak Ethiopia.
We are realists, however, and we know full
Disarmament Drama"
Sews Week Aug. S, 1933, "France: Soaring
Munition Sales"
well that American business interests would never consent to such a measure. Hie arma- ment linns were not the only profiteers in the
in reprint form)
Sew Republic, March
1 9 3 4 ,
The Nation, March 14, 1934, "Armament Profiteers:
1934"; June 2 9 , 1932, "Profits in Blood"
The Commonweal, Feb. 16, 1934, "War on the
Arms Industry"
Christian Century, Feb. 28, 1934,"Promoting War
for Profit"; Nov. 29, 1933, "The Armament Mak- ers' Conspiracy"; Nov. 9, 1933, "Patriotism, Ltd."; Dec. 2 1 , 1932, "Work of Armament Firms"
The Forum, Nov., 1933, "How Arms Makers Work" The Living Age, Dec., 1933, "Europe's Greatest Racket"; Nov., 1933. "War Pays"; Aug.,1933,
"The World Over: The Boom in European Muni'
tions Concerns"
Scribner's, Sept., 1933, "The Munitions Industry
Bloody Traffic

Q^OV cR.ejuvenai'wt)
Try Convention
_f. "EACH AOII should feel that Con- :MBEP, vention is hers—that its success
depends on her attitudes and re- sponses, and that each is here not merely as a guest, but as an integral and necessary part of the whole or- ganization.
"Each AOII should feel that Con- vention is hers—not just for a week, but for the rest of her life. May we take away to our chapters and for ourselves always the love, ideals, and friendships of a happy week of in- spiration together."
So spoke Edith Huntington Ander- son ( B#) in greeting delegates and guests assembled at the thirty-second convention of Alpha Omicron Pi, Ferry Halls, I-ake Forest, Illinois.
Surely the inspiration, the oneness
of purpose of that week of work, of
play, of problems, and of accomplish-
ments went home with each of the
three hundred girls and women who \9 shared the fellowship of common
ritual. Years swept away as the class
of 1897 ran races with the class of
1935. We are told that convention is
one of the finest methods of rejuve-
nation that the growing-older genera-
tion can find. We know that our re-
spect for the business-like way in
which the undergraduates attack their
difficulties always gives us courage
for the future.
It was Sunday morning, June 30,
that our car rolled over the shadow-
ed, winding roads that lead from
Chicago to Lake Forest, that village of estates
on the north shore of Lake Michigan. When we were sure that we were lost in a labyrinth of macadatned trails that led from the main road, we spied the traditional red and white marker pointing the way to AOn-land. The circular drive was full of cars—a few with the large blue and white license plate of Illi- nois, but more with Massachusetts, Georgia, New York, Oregon plates. In the reception hall of the central building we began to find the friends who live in letters between con- ventions—whom we see for one week every two years but whom we seem to know and love better than our friends of fireside. Alice Cullnane and Helen Haller registering girls, seeing that they received the red meal cards stamped with a white AOII (Chicago alumnae made good use of linoleum blocks for the embellishment of a number of things). Be-
fore we had finished our paying and signing, Muriel McKinney, Anne Nichols, Edith appeared out of a con- ference. Merva Hennings introduced her son, considerably grown up since our last meeting and generously serv- ing as luggage boy. Here's Mary Dee Drummond, too, and a group of Chi- cago girls to whom other AOIT meet- ings had introduced us. What fun to see them again! But we couldn't tarry too long for with an arm-load of books and posters for the exhibit we had to find the long class room where Stella Stern l'erry had assem- bled the most amazing collection of Alpha Omicron Piana. And here was Stella herself, hands filled with red ribbons and rose bedecked name cards, happy over convention and the series of stories of New Orleans that she is writing for a national maga- zine. She is in the proper setting in every place at convention, among these, her children; but at the exhibit she walks among the tangible achieve- ments of her children—among the living memories of women long gone to join Alpha Omega Chapter, build- ers of the fraternity we know today, Lillian MacQuillin McCausland, Ruth Capen Farmer, Octavia Chapin, Leigh Bres Moise and others; amid the books by our members—Joanna Col- cord, Mary Ellen Chase, Wilhelmina Hedde, Gladys Anne Renshaw, Eliza- beth Coddington, Margaret Hall
Yates, Edith Wherry, Jacqueline Gil- more, Jessie Wallace Hughan, Caroline Power, Anita Pettibone Schnclby, and the many others who have contributed their literary talent to the world; surrounded by the photographs of Margaret Bourke-White, Florence Summer- bell, Charlotte Shaw Ellis and Marion Staples Haller; where the collections of hand weaving and wrought silver jewelry vied with pictures of past conventions, past officers, rose petals, chapter scrapbooks for attention. Here Stella is at home.
Soon settled on the corridor of officers (the alumnae delegates were housed on several corridors and the actives had almost a whole dormitory), it was tea time. Chicago and South Shore Alumna? presided at the tea tables in the drawing room at North Hall, and again we realized that women are at their best at a formal tea.
We will always remember this convention

On the campus of Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, Illinois, the Alpha Omicron Pi Convention delegates and guests paused long enough to have their pictures taken.
for the many pleasant social affairs. On Mon- just a college in those days 'way up on the day there was a sightseeing trip to Evanston Hudson River where the girls who went to with tea at the Northwestern chapter house. Barnard rode bicycles and studied Greek. If Each meal honored special guests—Past Grand you could come to convention for only a day, Presidents of whom there were six: Merva choose the day of story-telling.
Hennings, Rose Marx Gilmore, Laura Hurd, Kathryn Matson, Mrs. Perry and Miss Wyman were present; past officers; the four fortunate pledges, Janet Sprague ( T ) , Verna Bothwell (9), Eleanor Mitchell (a), and Betty Jokl
The Panhellenic tea carried out the stand- ard set at Arlington Hall. It was a formal, musical tea for our friends, the representatives of the other N.P.C. sororities. Proud indeed were we of the two beautiful Alpha O's who contributed their talents that afternoon. Helen Hawk Carlisle was no stranger to convention- goers because she had made all of us want to sing at meal-time, at candle-lighting and now
( BT) , who were initiated at the model initia-
tion; Bland Morrow and Dr. Willeford, Mrs.
Breckinridge's assistant who came when Mrs.
Breckinridge found the trip impossible, and the
Social Service Committee; luncheon for the she played a magnificent program of piano sports winners; dinners for old-timers with leis music. Mary Rose Barrons von Furstenau, for the first-timers. The visit to the nearby whom some of you remember from Minne-
gardens of Cyrus McCormick and Martin apolis and Seattle conventions, sang. Perhaps Ryerson was followed by a tea at Lake Forest you have followed Mary Rose through these
Academy where Merva Wilkins (IT) and her pages so you know her to be the protegee of sister served punch in the garden. The dance Madame Schumann-Heink who went to Ger-
was such a success with the R.O.T.C. officers many to study and was brought back by
from Ft. Sheridan as guests that the Com-
mandant allowed the men an extra half hour
to dance. Candle-lighting under the chairman-
ship of Melita Skillen ( E ) was a beautiful
spectacle on the terrace. Story-telling was A wee miss of half past two calls her Mother. somewhat different this year for instead of
telling the ever-interesting story of the be-
ginning of Alpha Omicron Pi, Mrs. Perry
started the story and then suggested that her
eager listeners ask questions. Before the hour
grew too late we had seen a vision of beauti-
ful Helen St. Clair; a boyish Jessie Hughan
full of the same idealism that inspired her
to appeal to undergraduates to take a stand
against militarism in their schools by refusing
to accept honorary colonclships and becoming
R.O.T.C. sponsors. We knew the Elizabeth tions on reservations to be encountered by two Wyman who went to Wcllcslcy and whose Indian nurses who have been apprenticed to home life was shared by a little Louisianan the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., was to be named Stella George Stern. Columbia was made. Miss Morrow told us in a graphic
manner of the dent our work in the hills has
Wirhcrspoon to sing in Chicago Civic Opera. But perhaps you don't know that after the in- terruption in the life of Chicago Opera, she was married and went to Milwaukee to live.
Illness played havoc with her voice and for some time she was unable to use it. That our guests encored and begged for more attests to the fact that the injury has passed and that Mary Rose is again on her way to the real fame her talent and beauty deserve.
Such an interesting afternoon was spent with Bland Morrow and Dr. Mary B. Willeford. They were just starting on an adventure for the Indian Commission. A survey of condi-

begun to make on a community forgotten these many years. Each time we see her, we realize how fortunate we are to have her. She had tangible results to show us from the sewing classes organized this last winter—a flower garden quilt pieced and quilted by the girls in the class. It was raffled off later in the day. There were mittens knit by seven-year- olds from yarn sent by our chapters, whistles made from willows whittled with knives, our Christmas gifts to the young mountaineers. There were stories which bore in upon the listeners the fact which Miss Morrow has stressed so many times before—that it is hard to know when social service work starts and medical social service work ended. Her job is to combine both. That she is succeeding in the development of social work in isolat- ed places has been acknowledged by the rec- ognition given the field by such organiza- tions as the New York School of Social Serv- ice which has recently sent Miss Wo, a Chi- nese student, to observe her technique and rou- tine. A director for the State Relief Adminis- tration will soon be with her. Just as the nursing service has attracted students from many regions and the interest of hundreds of organizations, so now our humble beginning in social work is becoming a light for others. Like all great things it must necessarily have a small beginning—yes, a local one, way off in
by a picnic on the beach and by Stunt Night in the gymnasium. The Carnival of Nations was a giddy assemblage of district talent the purpose of which was to entertain and if you could have seen Los Angeles Alumna?—digni- fied Helen Haller, Erna Taylor, Rose Gilmore, Margaret Ritter reciting such touching verse as follows, you may be sure that the intention of the evening was well carried out. The actresses were garbed in evening clothes of several past generations. The short, bead- ladencd gown worn with metallic cloth slip- pers of pointed toes and sensible junior French heels vintage seemed most appropriate to the words of the song:
Oh, ours were the days of the lady-like ways,
When figures and manners were stiffened by stays.
We hoped to he noticed, but not to amaze, And dignity was our great aim.
Our bloomers zvcre ample and modest When we frolicked at hockey or tennis, And no curious gents
Dared to peek through the fence,
For our legs were considered a menace.
We certainly could not forget the luncheon at which Miss Mary Alice Jones, T I B * , was the speaker. Miss Jones has been at the task of writing her Yale doctorate on the subject of "The Women's College Fraternity as an Organization Influencing Character Develop- ment." Miss Jones' very detailed questionnaires were sent to deans of women, to sorority of- ficials and to undergraduate presidents. Her response was the greatest ever received in research at Yale, showing that the persons questioned were interested in the findings which her survey would reveal. And here are
Kentucky, but if our work turns a proving
ground in which social workers are apprenticed
to learn the methods of social work in isolated
communities, when our pioneering hears fruit
among your Indian neighbors, among the set-
tlers in recessed places; when these people
and their children nave the privilege of better
living, wholesome recreation, good health, ami
education, you will thrill because your dollar
a year toward the Social Service Fund has
"given instruction unto those who cannot pro- some of the revelations: 45 per cent of the cure it for themselves." women on the average campus were sorority
members; 60 per cent of the *BK members Independence Day was properly celebrated belonged to sororities; 80 per cent of the

Mortar Board members wore badges; 80 per be congenial to the chapter, explaining that cent of the undergraduates replied that the teas and dances which allow them to spend
ideals taught by sororities were inspiring; 50 per cent felt that these ideals were practical to everyday living; 85 per cent would join again if privileged to decide now; 10 per cent doubted whether they would join, knowing the experience; 5 per cent would refuse the ritual. Miss Jones found that Deans are not worried about the influence of sorority members on non-members; that they felt the source of the greatest criticism lay in their relationships and attitudes, not to non-members, but to each other. Politics played by them upset the har- mony of the campus. Miss Jones feels that determining the function of the sorority is our biggest problem. We must admit that we are and want to be a social club or we must admit that we are mutually kindred spirits who want to help each other. At this point she declared that the rushing system as we know it breaks down if we declare ourselves to be the latter.
In this evil she sees us sowing the seeds of our destruction, for a fellowship of kindred minds cannot be built up by the hectic social whirl which we call rushing.
a total of three or four hours a week cannot determine whether the group will prove true to the ideals she holds and seeks.
As for the business transacted this issue presents the reports of the Executive Com- mittee to you. Other business accomplished included the change in alumna? contact about which you may read on another page. If you are out of touch with your alumna;, come home by writing to the alumme secretary of
your chapter whose name and address you will find in the directory.
Have you enjoyed receiving this copy of To DRAGMA? YOU will receive the remaining three numbers of the year by sending a mere dollar to the Central Office. O r , if you, a life subscriber (price $ 1 5 ) , haven't been getting the magazine, send your correct name and ad- dress to the Central Office, Box 262, State College, Pennsylvania. The chapter having the most new subscribers, life or annual, this year, will be properly recognized in the May issue. It's a contest. Will your chapter win?
One of the most pleasurable occasions to As we listened, we knew that if the system arise out of sorority contacts is a reunion.
of choosing members is to be changed, the
alumna? must back those chapters courageous
enough to propose a change by sending daugh-
ters, friends of daughters, friends, who will suggestions and then plan a homecoming.
Nine Alpha 0 daughters came to Convention. Dian Manser, president of Upsilon, and Betty Ross, Rho, could not be present when Marion and Alice Mouse, Pi; Emtly Famsworth, Delta; Corris Peake, Zeta; Beth Fowler, lota; Miriam Dorr, Alpha Tan; Charlotte Shaw Ellis, Beta Phi, were caught by the
In her letter to you, the alumna: secretary will ask you about coming to State Day; do you want it in the fall or the spring? Make your

You can help in the business of the sorority in a very simple, painless-way if you will send your magazine subscriptions and renewals through the Central Office instead of through some other agency. Convention reports re- vealed that in the last biennium $358.16 had been realized from this source. It swelled the Social Service Fund.
The Alpha Omicron Pi Fellowship given through the Fellowship Committee of A.A. U.W. was renamed to honor Octavia Chapin, whose last work on this earth was associated with Alpha O Fellowships.
This Convention devoted less time to gen- eral meetings and more to group round tables, a very helpful method of dealing with prob- lems of interest to alumna? and to undergrad- uates. These discussions were informal, led by district superintendents and state chairmen, and dealt with such topics as rushing, benefits, pro- grams, personal development, scholarship, house management, finances, social service work, history and rituals, pledge training and Panhellenic relations, including the quota sys- tem. Each undergraduate delegate and the chapter's alumna adviser had a conference with the Executive Committee and if neces- sary with the chairman of the Anniversary Endowment Fund.
Convention reports were a joy when they were written like this one by Jeanne Long
*Tis said that reports should be very terse, So Omega decided to give hers in verse.
In the past two years we've made many gains, But success has been won with infinite pains;
In rushing we managed to forge to the top,
Our pledges were really the cream of the crop, So fifty-three freshmen came under the spell
Of our Alpha O; they now love her well.
Of course, it's conceded we all go to college
To acquire a great store of wisdom and knowledge So two of the chapter won Phi Beta keys,
Three were awarded cum laude degrees.
The Mortar Board Cup for scholarship high
Was won this year by an AOIT;
Last year our Omega, when grades counted up, Was given the Phi Beta Scholarship Cup.
In not only this line did our chapter excel,
Music, drama, and art found places as well;
Six of our number in Madrigal trilled,
While one the place of accompanist filled,
Two others in Orchestra wielded the bow.
Another found fame in the Women's Trio;
In the homecoming play, "The Late Christopher Bean," In the lead an Alpha O lady was seen;
Some outstanding honors for us were in store;
In Cwen, freshman honorary, our number was four Eight Sophomore Counselors, also three out of eigh Representative Juniors are ours, up to date;
House Chairmen—four chosen from our AOII's,
And one of our girls won the English Comp. Prize In basketball, hockey, and soccer as well
The girls of Omega have seemed to excel;
In archery our champion with the prize ran away While two of our girls made W.A.A.
We're glad as can be that in Y .W ., too,
Our girls have been active, loyal, and true,
With three on the Cabinet, in all sorts of work
Our motto's been service and ne'er did we shirk, For leaders of morals and standards so high
Miami still looks to dear AOII.
To another item I call your attention—
The Ohio Valley District Convention;
As hostess, our efforts were doubly repaid
By the many fast friends that with sisters we made We were honored there to have with us these three Our President. Kay Davis, and our Mary D.
This spring we were guests of the Dayton alums
Helen Hawk
flayed at the
Panhellenic ten.

A Fourth of July picnic proved relaxation for the Executive Committee—Helen, Anne and Edith with Dorothy Dean's back toward the kodak. Bland Morrow, Marion FrancoFcrricra and .Mary Dee talked over Social Service Work. The District Superintendents stopped on their way to round tables. Tau's
delegation included Janet Sprague,
At Ohio State Day, and at this time who comes
But Bland Morrow to tell of frontier life and those To whom, with our help, aid in medicine goes. Perhaps you arc thinking—"Such queer acting girls! Do they never think of complexion or curls?
Are they always working at Latin or Greek,
Or striving forever new honors to seek.
Or practicing music, or working on plays?"
These activities did fill most of our days.
But you should have seen us at our formal dance, When youth, hcauty, and music the scene did enhance. Lois, our president, so sweetly serene.
In the fall attended the Homecoming Queen;
And the Carnival! It was a riot of fun;
The best Comic Strip by our chapter was won.
And then came an honor—for us something new, 'Twas voted that we had the best Ballyhoo!
Our booth was a beautiful scene, modernistic.
We were given the cup for the far most artistic. With athletics, music, scholarship, fun
Our time was all taken, but ere we were done
We ne'er forgot others who were not so lucky,
So we sent four boxes of clothes to Kentucky
To those who need help and whose lives are so sad, 'Twas sharing, not giving, and made others glad.
1 wish I had hours our achievements to tell.
But I'm sure you'll agree we'll be doing quite well If, in the future, we hold up on high
The lofty traditions of our AOII.
Elsewhere you will read of the appointment of a National Auditor and of her duties.
initiate (second row, right end).
carried home by our Canadian sisters, Beta Kappa.
Convention ended with a beautiful formal
banquet. Hand decorated place cards at the
speakers' table bore the golden wheat and the
red rose. The inimitable Pinckney Estes
Glantzberg ( * ) was toastmistress. Edith, Miss
Wyman, Miss Hughan, Mary Dee and Mrs.
Perry spoke. Miss Hughan stressed the fact
that the organization is not the fraternity, but
the machinery of the fraternity. The real
meaning of "fraternity" is the love of com-
rades; an emphasis on attributes such as
money, race, et cetera, is not compatible with
the real sense of fraternity. Miss Wyman
spoke on "The Individual Makes the Frater-
nity." We will always remember the humility sion. Our service ended by repeating it in
An exciting moment comes at the closing
of convention when the biennial rewards are
made. Would that you could have added your
applause to the clapping that followed Alice and fear. Consecrate zvith Thy presence the Cullnane's announcement, "The Lillian Mac- way our feet may go that the humblest work Qnillin McCausland Cup given to the chapter may shine and the roughest places be made leading the fraternity in scholarship, won in plain. Lift us above unrighteous anger and 1933 by Psi Chapter, University of Pennsyl- mistrust, in Faith, Hope and Charity, by a vania, has been won this year by a chapter of simple and steadfast reliance on Thy sure will. twenty-nine members whose scholastic aver- In all thinqs draw us to the mind of Christ, age is 94.6 or 3.92, Theta Eta of the Univer- that Thy lost image may be traced again in sity of Cincinnati." Delta Chapter of Jackson us, and Thou may est own us as one with Him College won the J . W . H . Service Cup with and Thee, to the glory of Thy holy name, Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt, the runner-up. The
book presented to the chapter whose reporter
best fulfilled her duties to To DRAGMA was
And so it was over. Memories alone remain for those who attended except in the Central Office where one soft pink sweater with wood- en buttons, a white riding shirt marked "F. H.," a white sleeveless shirt from Canada, a yellow cloth belt—bear mute testimony of hasty pack- ers. And somewhere somebody has the editor's black chiffon evening hanky!
Thus we had ended our convention story when Mary Dee Drummond sent the real con- vention postlude:
Stella Perry is in the habit of saying that AOII was not founded, but has existed always, and that those whom we consider Founders merely had the good sense to see the beauty and value of the ideals which we designate as being of AOn, and chose these ideals as guideposts for our fraternity.
Stella must be right. How else could those of us who remained at Ferry Hall after the tumult and shouting of the Convention, have found such a fitting gem of a prayer which suited our mood so exactly? When the last bill had been paid, and the last farewell and au revoirs had been said, Edith, Anne, Helen, Alice and T settled down to twenty-four hours of unremitting labors. Sunday noon came and, being weary of our tasks, we went over to the chapel, which you remember so pleasantly, and spontaneously we began singing hymns with Edith as pianist. T h e sun shone benignly and smiled upon the empty pews; the ivy and grapevines rustled approval at the windows, even though the choir sang a bit off key. Thumbing for more and more hymns we came upon a prayer perfect for the day and occa-
Eternal God who committed us to the swift and solemn trust of life; since we know not ;ehut the day may bring forth, but only that the hour for serving Thee is always present, may we wake to the instant claims of Thy holy will. Lay to rest by persuasion of Thy Spirit the resistance of our passion, indolence
A men.
In all the land there could not have been found a more satisfying service.
she taught us. Mrs. Perry told us about the "Personal Application of the Fraternity Ideal," while Mary Dee spoke of "The Balanced Fra- ternity Attitude" and Edith gave us "The Uni- versity's Viewpoint of the Fraternity."

literary, linguistic and artistic products, and by developing interest in the tools necessary for the aci|tiisition of this knowledge and these interests. Colleges can lead the way by en- couraging freedom of expression and thought. In my opinion the biggest thing in this world is the business of learning to live and a col- lege degree will help toward this business."
To meet this challenge to fraternities, which is not a new one, it is not necessary for us to change any of our ideals, our purpose or our rituals, but merely to return to fundamentals. We need to develop a closer relationship be- tween the college, the fraternity and the in- dividual. What are some of the things about the present fraternity system which need to be changed to do that?
Our order, as all similar ones, is based on the fundamental of friendship and good fel- lowship. I regret the things which have grown up in the system that make the realization of this ideal more difficult, notably the large number in some chapters made necessary by expensive houses which must be filled and financed.
In a concrete way I hope it may soon be possible for us to establish a Friendship Fund (or it may be called by any other name) which will enable us to aid those of our members who are perhaps temporarily in need
by some tangible expression of our love.
We need to place more emphasis on the rituals of the fraternity, on having them well and beautifully and impressively done to make the experience of entering the organization a lasting one. The age at which most of our members are taken into our chapters is an impressionable one, and they expect to be im- pressed. I believe we should realize the im- portance of this factor more than we have in
the past.
Scholarship, in its more restricted sense, has
received considerable attention and discussion by fraternities. But I believe if we are to make any real contribution in the intellectual development of our members, we must see that scholarship in a broad sense is empha- sized and realized. By that we mean a broad, general cultural devolopment in art, music, literature, and a knowledge of an ability to dis- cuss world problems, as well as the develop- ment of character and personality which is so possible under our group organization. With the proper direction our chapter groups can analyze in a sympathetic, friendly way the
-4- EDUCATORS rather generally these days arc
talking about re-evaluating the educational process and results and telling us that we have definitely passed into a new era. If the educational institutions must take stock, I think- very definitely the fraternities as a part of these institutions must do so.
Fraternities have come in for their share of criticism recently, and a few institutions, nota- bly Swarthmore in Pennsylvania, have passed legislation removing chapters. T o me this criticism is a welcome thing. I am sure we can so conduct our organizations that we can successfully meet any criticism. Too, I am not so pessimistic as a well-known leader in the
fraternity world who is reported to have said recently that he gives the fraternity as an institution ten years more of life. We have always had these waves of criticism directed against the fraternities, I am told by persons older than I, and such organizations have sur vived for a good many years. I believe similar organizations will always exist in colleges and universities and that college administrations would prefer them to have national guidance and affiliation. Colleges want their students to live in small groups, to have an intimate social life, and to develop a sense of responsibility and live in an atmosphere so that the funda- mental purposes—the gaining of knowledge and truth—are met. Fraternities have the or- ganization already set up to do just that thing. To me we are in a position now to make our organizations more effective than they have ever been, and to make them fill a very definite and recognized need in the colleges and uni- versities. Our problem then is to find out how best to express the ideals upon which we were founded and to make them effective in stu- dent life today.
Professor C. G. F . Franzen, of Indiana Uni- versity, said recently: "College is the opening wedge in a world of challenge. It can lead the way by developing interest in personal and so- cial relationships, by developing interest in the
Fraternities Must Go Farther in Panhellenic Cooperation
Being the Convention Re- port of President Edith Hunt-
ington Anderson, Beta

14 To DRAG MA needs of their members, give them training the January issue of To DRAGMA, and since
in leadership, social graces, learning to live and work with others, to think accurately and speak with clarity and confidence.
Fraternities must go much farther in Pan- hellenic cooperation than any one has thought to go up to the present time. You will recall in her talk here Miss Mary Alice Jones said that in their rushing system the fraternities were sowing the seed of their own destruction. In an interesting discussion which we had later she said fraternities must not only change en- tirely the method of rushing, they must even change the name, with which I heartily agree. In changing the system some thought must be given to the prospective member, her char- acter, personality and whether the chapter thinking they desire her for membership would be a compatible group for her or be able to make any contribution to her college experi- ence. There should be in the new system which is going to be evolved in the Utopia to which we hope we are coming some method by which the girl sought for membership may have something to say about getting into the group to which she would like to belong, after she has been on the campus long enough to make an intelligent choice. I hope all the
chapters of Alpha Omicron Pi can give some earnest and constructive thought to this prob- lem and be of definite help on their respective- campuses in solving what I believe is one of the major problems of fraternities today.
Always fraternities have been criticized for being expensive organizations. This, I believe, is a just criticism and one to which the na- tional and local groups should give serious study. We do not want ever to be in the position of keeping girls out of our chapters because they may lack material wealth when they can contribute to or derive from the fraternity so richly in ways much more funda- mental to life.
the Treasurer's convention report covered transactions only to May 31, 1935, it seems unwise at this time to use valuable ^space to publish any financial statement which 'does not give a complete picture of the financial trans- actions of the past two years. In lieu of the printed report, we thought you might be inter- ested in knowing a few general facts about the fraternity finances.
The greater part of the money received by the Treasurer comes from the active chapters in the form of council dues. This income, to- gether with $1 of the $1.50 paid by eacli alumna, interest on savings account, and some miscellaneous items, takes care of the running expenses of the fraternity. The Central Office is entirely financed in this way; in addition this income provides co-organizers wherever needed and finances the traveling of national and district officers in visiting the chapters and attending conventions. It is also used to de- fray a part of the expense of publishing T o DRAGMA.
Royalties derived from the sale of pins are used to finance our fellowships. We now have three fellowships, two of $ / 5 0 each: one in memory of Ruth Capen Farmer and the other in memory of Lillian MacQuillin McCausIand, awarded to members; and one of $1,000 in memory of Octavia Chapin awarded by the Committee on Fellowship Awards of the American Association of University Women.
To DRAGMA is financed by the interest on the $15 life subscriptions paid by initiates, an- nual subscriptions of alumnae who are not life subscribers (those initiated prior to 1921), ad- vertising, and such money as is necessary from the general funds of the fraternity. At con- vention the annual subscription price was re- duced to $1.
It is not possible for me to express to you
the personal pleasure and joy I have experi-
enced in my contacts with all of you as your
President during this biennium. My visits to
twenty-five active chapters, eighteen alumna- small surplus in this fund. Contributions chapters, and attendance at three State Days—
Indiana, Ohio, and Tennessee—as well as my
contact by letters have been an inspiration. I
wish I might have been able to give inspira-
tion in proportion as I have received it.
A Survey of Fraternity Income and Disbursements
have not been as great as anticipated, and the surplus is now exhausted. The work is very much worthwhile, and we hope that sufficient contributions will be received early this year to insure the continuance of the service. Con- vention expense is met by an annual conven- tion tax on active chapters and fifty cents of each council fee paid by alumna? members. The 1935 convention cost approximately $8,000.
We have just recently appointed a member as National Auditor of our active chapter and corporation accounts. This work will be
financed,as in the past, by charges to the in- dividual chapters. The cost of auditing the corporation accounts will be included in the charge made to the active chapter and will be less than in previous years.
While the surplus of the fraternity has de- creased in the last few years due to unusual necessary expenses and a somewhat curtailed income, it is still in the neighborhood of
-4- SINCE THEaudited report of the Treas- $10,000. Unfortunately, only a small amount urer will not be ready for publication until of this surplus is represented by cash in the
The National Social Service Work begun in 1932 is financed by contributions from active and alumna? chapters and ahunna? members throughout the country and by commissions from national magazine subscriptions. Before
adopting this project we had accumulated a

bank, and is made up largely of accounts and notes receivable. Most of the notes, however, are covered by life insurance policies, and the greater part of the accounts receivable is con- sidered collectible.
The Treasurer will welcome, at any time, requests for information concerning the finances of the fraternity.
Secretary Reviews Progress in Her Report
The Alpha Omicron Pi Fellowship of $1,000 to any woman graduate student has been awarded by the A.A.U.W. for 1935-36 to Miss Marion Rice of the University of Wyoming.
During the biennium the secretary has of- ficially visited five active chapters and in- stalled one, Delta Phi. Together with the National Panhellenic Delegate, the Second Vice President, and the Editor of To DRAGMA she attended the National Panhellenic Con- gress in Chicago, in October, 1933. In March, 1934, the secretary represented Alpha Omicron Pi in Washington at the NRA Jewelry Code hearing, which had direct bearing on the fra- ternity jewelry situation.
In 1934 district conventions were held in the Great Lakes with Rho Chapter as hostess and Dorothy Womrath presiding; in the Ohio Valley with Omega Chapter hostess and Kath- erine Davis, District Superintendent, presid- ing; and in the Pacific and Pacific Northwest Districts with Sigma Chapter as hostess and Gaire MacGregor presiding. These last two conventions were held in the fall, in most in- stances before the opening of school, so that the delegates could carry to their chapters im- mediately the constructive ideas and enthusi- asm engendered through discussion groups and personal contacts with national officers and members of other chapters in their dis- tricts.
worthwhile. In November, 1934, all alumna: received the regular member-at-large material together with the state letters and magazine subscription blanks.
Realizing the need for complete and up-to- date information on the financial situation of our various chapter houses, the Executive Committee appointed Mrs. Adele Oman of Palisade, New Jersey, as National Auditor of House Corporation accounts, for the year
1934-35. Instructions, report blanks, and other material compiled by Mrs. Oman at the di- rection of the Trustees of the Anniversary Endowment Fund were sent to the several cor- poration treasurers.
Three active and one alumna: chapters have been installed since the 1933Convention. The active chapters are Delta Phi at the Univer- sity of South Carolina, Columbia, South Caro- lina; Beta Gamma at Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan, and Lambda Sigma at the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. The Toronto group at Toronto, Ontario, is the first alumna? chapter to be installed in Canada. Several alumna: groups have met informally and have received Council Communications in order that they may be informed and further interested in fraternity affairs. It is hoped that a number of these may be sufficiently well- organized to petition for an alumna? chapter in the coming year.
plan be devised to finance co-organizers sent by the Executive Committee to aid new or undeveloped chapters. The reduction of the present graduate fellowships for members and the use of the remainder for this purpose is one means which might be used. The money used in this way would serve the two-fold purpose of enabling members to continue their college work—still fulfilling the purpose of the fellowships—and at the same time would be applied constructively to chapter needs.
2. That a National Auditor, preferably a member of the fraternity, be engaged to work in the Central Office and be in charge of all active chapter and house corporation accounts.
3. That a standing committee be appointed to work out a program of cultural develop- ment for active chapters.
4. That State Days where active and alum- nae chapters and scattered alumna? in single states meet together be encouraged by district and local officers. The success of the meetings in three states this past year is indicative of the possibilities for stimulating interest in- herent in this plan.
5. That a handbook containing suggestions for rushing be compiled and sent to all active rushing chairmen before the opening of the colleges in the fall.
6. That an intensive program of construc- tive publicity be prepared under the direction
MEMBERS OF ALPHA OMICRON P I : _f-THEWORK of the Secretary for the past
biennium has been concerned in major
part with correspondence in answer to inquiries
and in carrying out the policies of the Execu-
tive Committee. Four thousand five hundred
forty-six letters have been written to officers
and other members of the fraternity in the
interest of the active and alumna? chapters and
membership as a whole. The three regular
letters, as well as several special communica-
tions, have been sent each year to the mem-
bers of Council. In the fall of 1933 the usual
member-at-large letter was omitted, and this
material was included along with letters from
the state chairmen in the January number of
To DRAGMA, which was sent to every member
of the fraternity. The Editor of To DRAGMA
will report more at length on this experiment
which in most respects proved eminently tion made by the Secretary in 1933 that a
State Days were held in Indiana in both 1934 and 1935. This past year under the ex- cellent direction of their state chairmen both Ohio and Tennessee had most successful State Days.
For the future I should like to make the following recommendations:
1. I should like to repeat the recommenda-

of a publicity director. The need for publicity
of the right kind has been stressed repeatedly
on active and alumna; annual reports for the spond. The letter was useful as medium of past biennium.
7. That a handbook be prepared for the housemothers o f active chapters outlining th e duties a n d responsibilities involved in their position a s chaperons.
It h a s been a real pleasure to work
the Executive Committee and other officers and members of the fraternity for the past two years, and I am most grateful for the privilege of having a part in the growthand development of Alpha Omicron Pi.
That Fraternity Has Its Clerical Side Is Shown
IN THE BIENNIUM just completed, the work of the Central Office has progressed
in a greater degree than ever before. W e feel that we have a closer check on our active and alumna; chapters and that alumna; interesthas greatly increased.
The office, as you know, consists of a suite of three rooms equipped with desks, files, cabinets, closets, an electric mimeograph and addressograph, and other necessary equipment. We do not have sufficient filing space to care
getting magazine subscription blanks before the alumna?, and the splendid business we had in December, 1934, in Christmas gift subscrip- tions c a n partially be attributed to this.
Every alumna; of Alpha Omicron P i has re- ceived four news letters, notifying her of the progress of the fraternity as a whole, and of her individual chapter. This h a s been highly profitable when judged by the interest shown, but the tangible results have not justified the expense.
to our alumna;, and although the response was better, only 271 members were careful to re-
over th e preceding
1933-34 610
A gain of 5y 6. Pledges:
% 2
4 1 2 4 3 4
1934-35 578 7. Life subscriptions: 1933-34 4 1 4 1934-35 4 3 6
8. Publications: During the tw o years the
Revised Constitution and By-laivs were printed
and distributed to th e chapters a n d members.
The Manual of. Information h a s also been r e - vised and reprinted. We feel that, except for the needed files for permanent records, the office is now equipped to carry on the work of the fraternity ade- quately. There could be a greater saving in addressograph plate expense if we were able to purchase a plate-stamping machine. T h e initial expense would be covered in tw o years.
It is impossible to express the interest and love Anne, Edith and I, who are in the office, have for the work, the contact it brings, and
adequately spondence, needed.
f o r o u r rapidly increasing
corre- badly
-+- LAMBDA CHAPTER will be twenty-five years old in November. A silver anniversary
party is in order.
Big game time, November 22-23, is the
time of reunion. And such a party as it will be. "Mother T," our Mrs. Templeton, who mothered twelve classes, promises to come home. Accommodations will be made fo r charter members to be housed November 22 in the chapter house. No, it isn't the old Wald- ron Club where we lived originally, but a re- furbished interior of the 1911 purchase.
a n d more storage
output 26,266
1. Correspondence: th e total has been, f o r th e tw o years,
o f mail pieces.
T otal for 1933-35
3. T o DRAGMA: Number o f plates changed
2. Postage for these two years: 1933- 34 $ 386.85 1934- 35 648.13
and added: 1933-34 1934-35
2 ,1 1 2 2,211
Annual subscriptions to TO DRAGMA: 1933-34 2 7 1934-35 19
the j o y o f being able to have house f o r chapter difficulties.
The tentative program includes a formal tea for returning members, undergraduates, fac- Costofthesechanges:$152.47 ultymembersandfriendsonFridayafter- noon, an informal dinner that night over which Peggy Adams Lockridge will preside; a cam- pus tour on Saturday morning with a buffet luncheon at the house and then The Big Game.
T otal for 1933-35
Olga Siebert, 101 Park Avenue, Long Beach, California, will see that any member who ters: I n January, 1934, the experiment of hasn't an official invitation gets one, but come without an invitation for it will be a gathering, "a joining of the band," the like of
which I-ambda has yet to see.
Come and see old friends, a changing Stan-
ford campus, make new friends.
"Come, join the band
And give a cheer for Stanford Red."
4. Annual mailing of Member-at-Large let-
sending th e annual member-at-Iarge letter through the medium of the magazine was tried. Dodgers instead o f directory cards were enclosed, and although over seven thou- sand copies were sent out, replies from only 138 members were received. I n 1934-35 th e usual printed letter and information were sent
4 6
Reunion in Palo Alto

shall know a ll about children after w e have known Anna a little longer. She will be in- herited every year until she is grown up. W e think it is fun having part ownership in a baby.
March, 1931: Little Anna is growing sweeter and nicer every day. W e still supply her with oranges and whatever else w e can. A s conditions be- come better, we will be able todomoreforher. Certainly all of us feel that any effort
expended in h e r
direction is worth-
while and in ac-
cord with the prin-
ciples on which the
whole fraternity is based.
January, 1931: Part of the proceeds of our rummage sale are to be used in philanthropic work. O u r
-4_ AFTER all the routine busi- ness o f convention is com- pleted, new officers chosen, and
chapter exhibits inspected, a n important committee m e e t s with an air of secrecy to de- cidethewinneroftheJ.W H. Cup. This committee, com- posed of the Founders, na- tional officers, and districtsu- perintendents, asks each super- intendent to recommend t h e chapter in h e r district which she considers h a s th e finest record for the two years just passed. Each report is heard and carefully
but w e
expect w e
weighed, a n d a t the close general
The J.W.H. Cup
discussion and questions a r e in
In addition to
a good record in
scholarship, campus offices, and activities, fraternity spirit, house financing, cooperation
years old. shows ei'idcnces of Delta's care. Christmas the girls dressed a Below: At three Delta found doll for her which she has
The chapter letters found in her in desperate need of care. managed to keep clean and
a n d will
what allow Under
spring of 1930, the chapter "adopted"thischild,thenthreeAbove:AteightAnnaAwaitthembyherresponsiveness.At
the bound volumes of T o
DRAGMA reveal the care that the "adopting" chapter a n d th e girls, in th e succeeding five years, have given th e little girl.
May, 1930: W e have become very philan- thropic. W e have adopted a three-year-old Italian child whom Portia Russell ( ' 2 9 ) rec- ommended. Her teeth lack some essential con- stituent and oranges seem to be the onlyway to supply it, so we buy oranges and more oranges. W e take turns taking her to the den- tist. W e are quite new at the roles of
whole in her none too neat home.
Honorable mention for the Cup went to Nu Omicron about whose hospital library on wheels readers o f T o DRAGMA know. This unselfish service by undergraduates is one of the finest results of group living and thinking, and i f your chapter h a s thought only o f itself, its floats, its dances, its teas, its house decora- tion, you have missed the joy to be found in volunteer friendship given to th e unfortunate.
with national
ficers as well
an adequate
National Social Service Work, the chapter finally chosen must have done something to better modern social o r economic conditions in their community, or on the campus. The em- phasis on service to society is in harmony with th e work o f the Founder for whom the Cup is named.
This year, the Cup was
awarded to Delta Chapter,
Jackson College. With a fine
record of campus and chapter
achievement came th e record
of th e responsibility they h a d
taken for little Anna Await.
Sometime in the late winter or
a n d district o f -
vice president is in
providing oranges
clothes o u r budget
for Anna, o u r "child."
her direction, each girl takes her turn visiting her and tak- ing her to the dental institute for th e necessary attention. She is a very sweet child and one in whom no girl could help but take a n interest.
May, 1935: Anna Await is happy under the careful su- pervision o f th e actives o f Delta chapter. S h e belongs to an unfortunate Dorchester family. Delta watches her physical a n d mental progress. They supply her with oranges necessary to her diet and with other necessities. She rewards
a s alumna;, a n d response to o u r
charge o f

Grand Council Reelects
Officers and—
pa, analyses situation
Jeter Kap- a
nises the good and bad in our
Phi, organisations.
tional officers is quite unnecessary.
We know them all through past per- formance. However, they, themselves,
have already realized the "new duties"
which the "new occasions" of a second
term under changing fraternity condi-
tions have put upon them. (We are fortunate that they are anxious to view
their official past with clear vision and
lack of egotism and to chart their future course in the knowledge it has given them.)
Thus far the fraternities have been slow to feel the changing tempo of the age. We are far from putting away the childish things of our system's youth. Some of them have a charm that graces maturity. Others we should no longer endure with equanimity. Edith Huntington Anderson (B4>), our presi- dent, is a fit leader because she recognizes the good and bad elements in our organizations. As the wife of a college professor she is in a strategic position to understand both the uni- versity and fraternity positions and inter- relations. Those who have heard her speak
know how strongly she stresses the obliga- tions of the fraternity to the college while she emphasizes its equally important duty to its individual members.
and in writing she analyzes a situation thor- oughly before coming to a conclusion. A clear mind and a fertile imagination visualize goals ahead and a quiet persistence brings them nearer. Anne is particularly interested in the cultural side of our chapters' development and is already laying plans to inaugurate a greater service in this direction.
Helen Haller (0), our treasurer, is that rare person, a woman who loves to play with figures. At least she considers it play in the sense that she gets from them a keen enjoyment. Most of us would see her posi- tion merely as long hours of drudgery. It is fortunate that she is both generous in giving her time and undaunted by the intricacies of
accounting. Being watchdog of the treasury is not only arduous but does not always make for popularity. While Helen is extremely
Anne Jeter Nichols ( K ) , who continues as conscientious and careful in her trust, she does secretary, is especially fitted for the position, not pursue a pinchpenny policy and we may as she has demonstrated. Accurate in speech be sure that the funds of the fraternitv will

OCTOBER, 1935 19 Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
Says a Word About Them
be used to the limit for constructive purposes. Muriel Turner McKinney (A) is not new to her work for she is now in her third term as vice president. It is one of the most diffi- cult positions in our organization. Alumna? immediately out of college are apt to be absorbed in marriage or a profession—later the habit of chapter affiliation has been broken and is difficult to reestablish, especially when there are so many possible club relations and when the situation may be complicated by the uneasv suspicion that the fraternity was merely a phase of college life now outgrown. The vice president must be prepared to show the alumnse why the fraternity deserves their sup- port and w'hy they are important in the gen- eral scheme. It is a slow progess, but Muriel has made definite progress with the help of her lieutenants. She is a worker and will un- doubted}' continue to make inroads upon the
considerable body of unorganized alumnae.
Mary Dee Drummond (A*), second vice president, is endowed with a dynamic per- sonalitv. She dislikes officialdom and the mechanics of organization but gives herself heart and sold to anything in which she be- lieves. She believes most intensely in our national work under the Frontier Nursing Service. If you wish to remain indifferent to it you must avoid the orbit of Mary Dee for she will shake you out of your compla- cency or indifference and make you acutely
conscious of the human history which is be- ing written in the Kentucky mountains and which we are privileged in a small measure to affect.
Anyone who saw the amazing historical exhibit at Lake Forest knows that our per- manent choice of Stella G. S. Perry (A) as historian could not be bettered. Tireless pa- tience, loving interest and skillful artistry went into it and will go into our history when the time comes for its publication. Stella de- serves our wholehearted cooperation in add- ing to her material against the day when the facts and photographs, the memories and tra- ditions collected over many years of living with and for the fraternity will be fixed in permanent form for future generations of our members.
Pinckney Estes Glantzberg ( * ) has a rare gift of persuasion. It is a faculty much needed if we are to take our share in the making of a clear-sighted and constructive National Panliellenic Congress which shall lead its member fraternities in their adjust- ments to changing conditions. According to Miss Mary Alice Jones of Pi Beta Phi, pan- liellenic relations are the focal point for our regeneration and as such they need all our wisdom and understanding.
Show me a person who loves her work and her family and I will show you one who is as happy as it is given mortals to be. We
McK:n- has made
definite progress in alum-
Turner Lambda,
Mary Dee Drummond, Alpha Phi, is endowed with a dynamic per- son alit v.
Helen M. Haller, Omega, loves to play with figures at a time whet* fig- ures arc not easy.

Pinckney has a and the
Estes rare gift
Glantzberg, Psi
Stella serves atwn
Perry, our wholehearte in her work as
of charm of
persuasion southern
Tau, her
never job.
de Historian.

C. S.
Alpha, cooper
WHtilma loses
Smith her
Leland, eest for
have such an officer in Wilma Smith Leland to second, and then first place on their cam- (T), our editor, and we are fortunate that pus.
it is so. She never loses her zest for her job and contrives to put that same enthusiasm into our magazine. We need the youthful hopefulness that we find in the stories of achievement. We need just as much the glimpses into the hard world of those whom we are trying to help through our Social Service worker and we need the sense of companionship which comes from the knowl- edge of the personal joys and sorrows of our fellow members. In our magazine we sense the living organism that is Alpha Omi- cron Pi and that is an accomplishment for any editor.
Old officers and new occasions! Never, perhaps, in our history has a similar group confronted so challenging a set of circum- stances. They realize their peculiar oppor- tunity and responsibility. We must help them to make full use of the former and to find the latter a joyful burden.
Five Chapters Lead Campuses In Scholarship
-4- THE CHAPTERS of Alpha Omicron Pi show no alarming signs of extreme brilliance, but a healthful rise in good scholarship. The first set of reports received showed eleven chapters in the lowest third rating, eleven chapters in the upper third, and four chapters
leading their campuses in first place.
We close these two years with five chapters standing first on their campuses, seven in the upper third, and four in the lowest third. The three chapters who started at the lowest of their lists in 1933 have in each case, pulled up their averages. The chapter which has made the most marked improvement is Alpha Pi of the Florida State College for Women, who rose from eleventh place out of eighteen,
Two groups are unable to obtain the lists of competitive ratings from their universities, and several have failed to report.
In many instances, chapters have a very good record and are still in the second third of their lists, showing only a few hundredths of a point difference from the leader. It must be remembered that many schools are highly se- lective and admit only the best students, which will make their ratings seem deceptive.
Alpha Omicron Pi stands for good scholar- ship, and it is interesting to note that our chapters who have the leading girls on their campuses also have good students and high ratings. An A student is not always a leading activities girl, but almost without exception the activities girl is an excellent student.
The McCausland Cup, given in 1933 by Mr. Lloyd G. Balfour as a tribute to his friend, Lillian MacQuillin McCausland, was awarded in December, 1933, to Psi Chapter at the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, who led the frater- nity with a 92.5 average. The cup was awarded at the Lake Forest convention ban-
quet to Theta Eta Chapter, who led the chap- ters of Alpha Omicron Pi with an average of 3.92 or 94.6.
Charter Members' Fund to be Dedicated in 1937
-4- Two YEARS ago the Social Service Com- mittee sent out a letter to the charter mem- bers inviting them to discuss the problems of the Social Service program. We felt that those who had had the interest of the frater- nity so closely at heart would be able to help us with suggestions, criticisms and develop- ment of plans. In this we were not mistaken. The upshot of the various letters which

were exchanged was that the charter members established a fund to be used entirely for scholarships for mountain boys and girls. Heretofore, the regular budget had been stretched to the breaking point to cover such scholarships as we considered absolutely es- sential. Contributions to this fund are vol- untary, no sum being too small, and by the same token none being too large. A few charter members have already contributed and manv more have pledged support. Not a few have said they would contribute five dollars per year over a period of five years. Here again we are assured of "Our Money's Worth in Human Progress." In Bland's annual re- port there runs a small item, "Loans for Education, 2 individuals" and under a column marked "Cost" it says "$225." There are 463
charter members. The contributions of the charter members are magic keys to unknown worlds for these boys and girls.
It was hoped that we might be able to ded- icate this fund at the 1935 Convention. Upon the suggestion, of Stella Perry, the Executive Committee decided that this fund might more fittingly mark a milestone at the 1937 Con- vention, which is the fortieth birthday of AOII. In the meantime the amount in the fund will be used for the purpose designated.
May we urge any charter member who reads this to send in her contribution imme- diately and please do not forget to attach her name and address that we may acknowledge receipt. Contributions to be sent to our Treas- urer, Helen Haller, 2138 LaSalle Avenue, Los Angeles, California.
National Auditor
-f- PERHAPS only the few members who are directly responsible for the financial man- agement of individual chapters, the Board of Trustees, and the Executive Committee think of Alpha Omicron Pi as a business con- cern. Yet, each year, our sorority is respons- ible for expending more than a quarter of a million dollars. Our sorority manages prop- erties which cost, probably, a half million
Because the individual member is acquainted only with the financial problems of her own chapter (if that), she seldom realizes the volume of business the national organization does.
Just as the American Telephone and Tele- graph Company must have facts and figures on the income and expenditures of the many independent companies in which it has full ownership in order to know the financial standing of the parent company, so must the
Executive Committee and the Board of Trus- tees of the Anniversary Endowment Fund have facts and figures concerning the active chapters and the house corporations. No in- dividual, or organization of any kind, can amount to very much unless it is financially sound.
The Executive Committee has appointed a National Auditor to work with individual chapters and house corporations so that they may have exact financial information at all times and so know the strength and weak-
Balance, Budgets, and Business
******* mmm

Cora Jane Strohekcr comes to the position of Na- tional Auditor qualified by years of experience in budgets, investments and banking. She was graduated
from the University of Illinois in 1924. Her first po-
sition was the planning and checking of budgets for
12,000 individuals or corporations in the four years
that she was employed by the Continental National
Bank and Trust Company, Chicago. From 1926-28
she was manager of the department giving such serv-
ice. The Central Trust Company Bank employed her
in the new business department where she contacted weak spots in each individual chapter must be the public, analyzed balance sheets in an effort to de-
nesses of our organization. The financially termine whether or not a corporation would be a corrected and only by recognizing where they
valuable customer from 1928-30. For several months are can this correction be made. It is largely in 1930 she sold securities for the Central Illinois a matter of willing cooperation from the top Company and from 1931-33 she was a customers wom- to the bottom of the organization that will
an with Farrol Brothers, members of the New York Stock Exchange. At present she is in business for herself as an Investment Counsel with offices at 4105 Board of Trade Building, Chicago: Telephone, Har- rison 2277.
make achievement of this goal possible. The auditor's job is to work with the active chapters and house corporations, assisting in the preparation of annual budgets, checking [CONTINUED ON PAGE 55]

Tau, has District.
of the
District Superintendents
.+. THE CHAPTERS of Alpha Omicron P i are divided into geographical divisions, eight in number, with a dis- trict superintendent presiding over each district. It is her duty to watch over the active chapters in her particular sec- tion, settling difficulties which may arise, making suggestions for improvement and cooper- ating with the alumna? board
upon all problems.
Continuance in office is al- ways desirable, for once the personal traits, the personnel, and the campus problems of each chapter become a part of the working knowledge of the superintendent, her work is simplified.
Four of the superintendents have served the fraternity in this capacity before. Edith Hall Lansing (Z) is Nebraska born and bred, a graduate of the University of Nebraska and an art student at the Uni- versity of Chicago. She taught art at Nebraska before her marriage. At the time of her appointment to fill the vacancy in the Midwestern District, she was Zeta's alumna adviser. Ann Anderson Sale ( K ) , superin- tendent of the Southern Dis- trict, is a Randolph-Macon Alpha 0 who married into an
Margaret Lyon Pcdrick, Pi, has the South Central District under her supervision.
Alpha 0 family and whose two younger sis- ters carried on the Alpha O tradition at Kappa. Ann lives in Welch, West Virginia, but before her marriage was Girl Reserve Secretary in Richmond. She has a young daughter who, with the fraternity, takes her time. The superintendent of the Ohio Val- ley District is Katherine Davis, who is also Publicity Director for the fraternity. Kath- erine was graduated from DcPauw in 1925 and later took her master's degree at the Medill School of Journalism. She has long been associated with Theta Chapter and her district made a splendid showing in their convention reports. Johanna Buecking Buerger (E) has consented to continue as superinten- dent of the Atlantic District. Associated with dramatics at Cornell during her under- graduate days, Johanna played opposite Fran-
chot Tone on the night of the formal opening of the new University Theatre in Willard Straight Hall. Now she resides in Great

Johanna Buecking Buerger, Epsilon, checks up on the Atlantic chapte
Guide Active Chapters
Neck, Long Island. Mr. Buer- fer is Grand Sage of Sigma i. Marlyn Judd Hauseman (A*) guides the affairs of the Pacific Northwest chapters. "Judy" is one of the finest house managers the fraternity possesses. She has been rec- ognized on Montana State campus as one whose judg- ment and discipline in house management is so unerring that a men's fraternity or two have asked for her help. She can be counted upon to help out with rushing stunts, to sup- ply flowers, or peel potatoes, but being dramatically-minded her masquerades give the chap- ter the most enjoyment. Alpha Phi's house is free of debt and now they are ready to refur- nish it. I f you have seen "Judy" in her husband's sta- tionery and gift store waiting on customers and inquiring about the babies, the canning and the picnics, you will have seen the ease with which she makes friends and settles prob- lems. Most people hesitate to believe that she is the mother
of a twelve-year-old son.
There are three new Super- intendents: Margaret Lyon Pedrick (n ) and Margaret Boothrovd Rasmussen ( T ) , superintendents of the South
Central and Great Lakes Districts. The Pacific District Superintendent is Anna Fitz- hugh Bell (A).
Grace Hubbard Beecher, a Tau sister of Margaret, lived near her in Marshalltown, Iowa, until recently when Margaret moved to Fremont, Nebraska, so we asked her to tell you about her:
W e who know Margaret Boothroyd Ras- mussen are very happy and proud to intro- duce her as our new Great Lakes District Superintendent. Her personality and under- standing will remain with you long after her visits are over.
Margaret was initiated into Tau Chapter on October 22, 1915. She served as chapter president her senior year, graduating from the School of Pharmacy in 1920. During the following six years she practiced pharmacy in Minneapolis and in spite of her strict hours, kept in close touch with her chapter, becoming alumnae chapter president in 1924
the Southern District.
Sale, Kappa,

and Alumnae District Superintendent for 1925-26.
On February 21, 192o, Margaret was mar- ried to Darrel Rasmussen and has lived at Green Bay, Wisconsin, Sault Ste. Marie. Michigan, Escanaba, Michigan, Marshalltown, Iowa, and this week leaves for her new home in Fremont, Nebraska.
Margaret attended conventions at Green- castle, Knoxville, Lake Forest and was head of transportation during the Minneapolis con- vention in 1925.
Her initiative and dependability are un- limited. All last winter she drove one hun- dred and fifty miles each month—and some- times twice a month- to meet with a group of central Iowa AOII.
Margaret Bovard (IT '32) speaks about Margaret Pedrick:
Pedrick, was mascot of the class of 1932, and he was an adorable one with his head of blonde curls and big eyes.
In college Margaret was interested in math and chemistry and was elected to I'hi Beta Kappa. She was active in the Y.W.C.A. and was delegate to Blue Ridge. After gradua- tion in 1922 she taught Math in Gulfport High School for three years until her mar- riage to I'arks Pedrick. She now has two husky little hoys, Adair and Parks.
Since her marriage Margaret'-- chief inter- est, outside of her family and AOIT. has been the Child Welfare and Community Health Association oi New Orleans. She has served on the Board of this organization for five years and has been secretary to the Board for three years. Sin was instrumental in opening three free clinics for indigent children and expectant mothers. These three clinics were equipped by New Orleans Alumna? Chapter ami Pi Chapter and were named for three of its deceased members.
Margaret is an executive who has a knack
for getting things done without apparent ef- fort. She has a forceful personality and is made up of five feet of energy. Her willing- ness to assume responsibility is illustrated by the numerous offices she has held. She is always full of good ideas which she doesn't
hesitate to express.
She has always been closely connected with
Newcomb College. Her father. Dr. James Adair Lyon, is Professor of Physics there and Margaret herself was the first mascot of a Newcomb class. Her son. Adair Lvon
leans and is constantly increasing its staff and expanding its services. Margaret keeps the Chapter in touch with its activities and we stand ready to replenish equipment when necessary.
We know that the chapters in the District will like their new superintendent. When she comes to visit be sure to ^,t her to relate some of her limitless anecdotes because she is a "raconteur" of the first rank.
Many of you will remember Anna Fitzhugh Bell, Mrs. Hoover's secretary, and you may read about her new school in "Interviewing
Child Welfare and Community Health Asso- ciation of New Orleans now has the largest
Margaret Lyon Pedrick ( I T '22), the new
South Central District Superintendent, should
be known to all AOIT convention-goers. She
has attended four conventions, including the
last one. Twice she was a delegate from Pi
Chapter when she was its president, once she
went as president of New Orleans Alumna?
Chapter, and this year as District Superin- enrollment of any social agency in New Or-
Alumna- "
Edith Hall
rector District's
well as Ohio Superintendent.
after chapters.
Zeta, Midwestern
Pacific Northwest know M ar Iy n
groups Judd Phi.
K.athcrinc Davis. VVicfn, is National Publicity Di-

Place We Get
Knowledge is in
-+- WHO OF US would want to live in a house without windows? And yet. to live without books is to condemn one's self to an
arid, airless existence with the shutters closed fast upon the windows of the world.
Consequently, the establishment of a library in every chapter was made a national project by our fraternity, two years ago. A few chapters have accomplished much in adding to their collections or in beginning one. Others still gaze upon practicallv barren book shelves. All, however, can use additions to their group libraries with equal profit.
A frequent plaint from alumna? is, "I have no chance to keep in touch with the actives of my chapter. I'd like to know them and help out in some way, but there doesn't seem to be anything I can do."
The library project offers an excellent op- portunity to any and every alumna to help, whether or not she lives in immediate prox- imity to an organized group. What could be a more helpful or a more lasting gift than a book presented to one's own chapter? Or what deeper satisfaction is there than in shar- ing a well-loved volume with others?
The January, 1935, issue of T o DRAGMA
carried the list suggested as a foundation for
our fraternity libraries. There are, of course,
thousands of other books of similar merit
aid in selections for reading outside of the reference material required in college work. The chapter house library would be incom- plete without a number of books by A O I I authors. What could be a more appropriate gift to a chapter whose scholarship has im- proved than several A O I I books? F o r the benefit of prospective donors, we have com- piled a list of books which we recommend for your purchase. Some of them will be of interest mainly to A O I I specialists and A O I I mothers, but for the sake of complete- ness we have included all of them of which we are aware. If some have been missed, please notify your editor and the next issue
will carry the additions.
Andrews, Marie C . (Omega)
A Time Questionnaire Study.
Bourke-White, Margaret (Omicron Pi)
Eyes on Russia, 1932. Simon Schuster.
Chase, Mary Ellen (Gamma)
Girl from the Big Horn Country. 1116. Virginia of Elk Creek Valley. 1917. Page.
ters president,
Knoxville National
Alumna- Chap- Librarian.
Chase and MacGregor. M . E .
The Writing of Informal Essays.
H o l t
1929. Holt.
The Golden Asse, and Other Essays. 1929. Holt. The Silver Shell. 1930. Holt.
The Goodly Heritage. 1932. Holt.
Mary Peters. 1934. Macmillan.
which arc equally acceptable. The A O I I list Coddington, Elizabeth (Alpha)
Our Country; a First Book of American History. is intended, principally, as a guide and an 1929. Ginn.
Mary Christmas. 1926. Little. Thomas Hardy, from Serial to versity of Minnesota Press. Uplands. 1929. Little.
Novel. 1927. Uni-
Theme Writing for

Novels :
The Defenders. 1927. Stokes.
Palmetto. 1920. Stokes.
Extra Girl. 1929. Stokes.
Come Home. 1923. Stokes.
Angel of Christmas (Christmas Book). 1917.
Melindy. Girls' Books Go-to-Sleep.
Barbara of
The Kind
Girls' Nest.
Little Bronze Playfellows. 1915. Elder.
The Clever Mo-use (6 Booklets in envelopes).
When Mother Lets
Everygirl's LU>rary On Art:
Us Act. Dodd-Mead. (introduction and editing).
Sculpture and Mural
Decoration* of the Expo-
Panama Elder. Sculpture
of the
Exposition. 1915.
Panama-Pacific In-
part, only distant acquaintances of the average undergraduate. In support of this theory the average alumna has only to tlvnk back to the years when she was an average undergraduate
1912. Moffat-Yard.
and Juvenile*:
1911. Stokes.
Telegraph Adventure.
192S. Stokes.
and Exposition;
1914. Stokes.
giving the Symbolism. Meaning, and Location of
Official Handbook,
All the Works, With Information Concerning the on a university campus. The surrounding
Sculptors and Artists. 1915. Wahlgreen Co. Also fiction in current magazines.
atmosphere of the college reading room is too reminiscent of "Duty"—with a capital D and inverted commas—for more than ac-
A well-chosen book shelf in the fraternity house or chapter room, therefore, offers the opportunity of browsing as one would at home in the family library; of finding a universal kinship with the world from the experience of others set down on the printed page, as one learns from a faithful friend.
For, "after all manner of professors have done their best for us, the place we are to get knowledge is in books. . . . The true university of these days is a collection of books," says Carlyle.
Power, Caroline (Rho) Co-author of Short Plays
Great Trois
Stories. Actes;
Renshaw, Gladys_ Anne (Pi)
ed. La Francaisc; Comedic
with introd.. notes, exercises, and vocab., by Simone de la Suchere Delery and Gladys Anne Renshaw. 1927. Century and Delery.
S'instruire en S'amusant. 1926.
Rich, Frances Ivins (Mrs. Carl W.) (Omega)
A Study of the Wage-earning Women of Cin-
Schnelby. Anita Pettibone (Mrs. Robert) (Upsilont
Bitter Country.
ed. Daudet, Alphonse, I.'Arlesienne;
actes et cinn tableaux; ed. with notes, introd., and vocab., by Renshaw and Delery. 1932. Century. ed. with Delery
France d'Ameriquc. 1932. U. of Chicago Press. (Crowned by French Academy.)
piece en trois
Co-author with J . J .
Dedleston of Biology Dem-
E d i t o r , Prose and Poetry Poetry for Appreciation; America.
Enjoyment; Prose
and of
for Red Lantern. 1911. Lane.
Prose Hills.
and Poetry
1917. Lane.
Wlicrry, Edith (Sigma)
Short Stories and Artick-s.
Culcord, Joanna (Gamma)
Broken Homes; a Study of Family Desertion and Its Social Treatment. 1919. Russell Sage Founda- tion.
Roll and Go; Songs of American Sailormen. 1924. Bobbs. (Compiler).
Community Planning in Unemployment Emergen- cies; Recommendations Growing Out of Experience. (Charity Organization Department Pamphlets.) 1930. Russell Sage Foundation.
Setting Up a Program of Work Relief. ( S a m e series as above.) 1931. Russell Sage Foundation. Edited:
Richmond, Mary Ellen. Tlie Long View; Pagers and Addresses Selected and Edited with Bio- graphical Notes by Joanna C. Colcord and Ruth 2. S. Mann. 1930. Russell Sage Foundation.
Colcord and Koplovitz, W . C , and Kurtz, R. H . Emergency Work Relief, as Carried Out in 26 American Communities, 19J0-31, With Suggestions for Setting Up a Program. 1932. Russell Sage Foundation.
Colcord and Johnston, Mary
Community Programs for Subsistence Gardens.
(Charity Org. Dept., Pamph.) 1933. Russell Sage
Shew, Gertrude (Chi)
A Study Drill and Review Book in Elementary Algebra.
A Studv Drill and Review Book in Plane Geometry.
Snyder, Emily Eveleth (Mrs. V. K.) (Delta)
Miss Morrow Sees the Mediterranean. 1929. Penn.
Alpha Omicron Pi claims a number of poets and playwrights among whom one recalls Bertha Rado Muckey (X), Gertrude Ryder Bennett (N), Vivian Ellis Howard (B*),
Miriam Cosand (BO), Fannie Butter field (K), Frances Wortsell Marshall (N), Jessie Wal- lace Hughan (A), Stella G. S. Perry (A), Elizabeth Heywood Wyman (A), Melita Skil- len (P), Judith Sollenberger (©) and Felicia Metcalf (0).
Very few months pass that AOII's do not contribute to magazines of scientific, sociologi- cal, technical interest. Learn to recognize their names so that you may feel the pleasant warmth of relationship when such names as Mary Staples Haller ( E ) , whose lovely chil- dren's photographs illustrate many an article catch your eye. It's all a part of the privilege of sorority membership.
And when you buy that copy of an AOII book, we will forgive you if you add, "I'd like such and such book by so and so. She's a sorority sister of mine."
A copy of the general list can be secured by any alumna, either from Central office or the National Library chairman upon request.
But why a chapter library when the univer- sity library is at hand P i s a question that is sometimes raised. It might be equally per- tinent to ask, "Why have books in one's library when in most cases there is a city library to draw upon?" The answer is comparable to the difference between an acquaintance and a friend.
A chapter library is not-a duplication of a college library. Lmhappily, the books on the sition; a Pictorial Survey of the Art of the college library shelves remain, for the most
Gilmore, Jacqueline (Phi)
Secret of Scared Acres.
Hedde, Wilhclmina (Theta)
Hughan, Jessie Wallace (Alpha)
Facts of Socialism. 1931. Socialist Party.
What Is Socialism? 1928. Vanguard.
Challenge of Mars, and Other Verses.
related Graphic Industries, Inc.
Study of International Government. 1923. Crowell.
American Socialism of the
Lowry, Louise T. (Rho) Co-author of An Inventory College Freshmen.
Day. Arithmetic
Test Prevention of Contagious Diseases
for Childhood.
Moriarty, Dr. Cecile R. (Tau)
Perry, Stella G. S. (Alpha)
1 9 3 2 .
Cor- 1 9 1 1 .
on a Thousand Mountain.
Yates, Margaret Hall (Alpha)

president of Cosmopolitan Club, secretary of TAX, advertising honorary; Alice Janine Shcp- hard—member of Spur and Ellen H. Richards Club.
*B2, Spanish honorary, and a member of BnO, KAn, and *K*.
Alpha Sigma—Mary Margaret Hunt, presi- dent of Alpha Sigma, is secretary of the Heads of Houses and secretary of the Wom- en's Order of "O" at the University of Ore- gon.
Alpha Tau—Alpha Tau abounds in presi- dents : Martha Jump—the Classical Club; Re- becca Mathews—Panhcllenic; Lucille Perry— W. A. A.; Miriam Sears—Cosmopolitan Club;
Alpha Phi—Alice Knowles, Ruth Troxel.
Florence Jane Buchncr. Harriet Gilchrist, and
Helen Thorpe are on the Exponent stall". Car-
oline Batch was elected to AAA; Esther Blake,
Harriet Silchrist, Virginia Hansen, Janet
Ralph, Jean Van Nice—also members of AAA.-
Margaret Johnson, Janet Ralph, Helen Thorpe Phyllis Taber—King Hall. Miriam Dorr,
—members of Spur. Edith Watson—Mortar Board. Helen Wellman—*K*. Elfrid Lloyd —vice president of the Association of Women
Alpha h'i—Marjorie Carter was president of
daughter of Carol Piper Dorr of Rho Chap- ter, is treasurer of the W. S. G. A. Council and its debate representative. She is also a member of the varsity debate team. Vange- line Cook is the Head of Judiciary for 1936.
M orse
('35) was

Dorothy Fuller was elected to *BK in her junior year, is treasurer of the Y. W. C. A and a member of the Judiciary Committee. Dorothy Hartshorn was treasurer of the W. A. A. Board. Rebecca Mathews, past presi- dent of Alpha Tau, was a member of the W. S. G . A . Council and senior member on the Judiciary Committee, a member of Cap and Gown and the All-Shepardson basketball team. Lucile Perry is also a member of Cap and Gown and the W. S. G. A. Council. Martha Robuck is vice president of the Y. W. C. A. Phyllis Taber is a member of the varsity de- bate team and treasurer of the W. A. A. Board.
Beta Gamma—Margaret Millar ('35) was vice president of the Spartan Woman's League and elected to *K* and M#E. Louise Muncie
('36) is a member of Mortar Board Commit- tees and the Y . W . C. A. Cabinet. Irene Wag- ar ('36), president of Beta Gamma, is a mem- ber of ON and treasurer of the Spartan Wom- an's League.
ber of Student Council and elected to *BK, Ruth Miller was president of the junior class, is vice president of the All-Around Club, and a member of Student Council. Christina Oddy was president of the Athletic Association, president of Richardson House, on the varsity hockey, basketball, and tennis teams, and a member of Student Council. Fairlie Towslee was president of Metcalf Hall and a member of Student Council.
Delta Phi—Ellen LaBorde was president of the Panhellenic Council, a member of K S K and the Student Council. Gertrude McDonald was president of IIS*. Margaret Simpson be- longs to the University Players.
Epsilon—Dorothea Ferguson is a member of IIA0,<t>K'I>, *BK, and Mortar Board and on the Women's Sun Board. Ruth Harder was financial chairman of W. S. G. A. and treas- urer of the senior class. Janet Stallman is on the Williard Straight Activities Board. Virginia Lauder is president of KAE.
Epsilon Alpha—Pauline Esbenshade won the Merrill-Palmer Scholarship. Enid Stage had the leads in several Players Productions, and was a member of Archousai. Nancy Stahl- man was secretary of W. S. G. A., secretary of
Beta Kappa—Rosemary
nie Price are members of Phrateres.
Edmonds and Len- Beta Phi—Martha Clevenger is a member
of AAA and associate editor of the 1936 Arbu-
tus. Selma Drabing ('35) was editor of the Archousai and a member of the House Arbutus, and a member of Mortar Board, 0 A * of Representatives. Marian Tomlinson was and Pleiades. Catherine Edwards is associate women's editor of the LaVie, secretary of
editor of the Arbutus, secretary of 0A4>, pub- licity head of W. A. A., and a member of Xr, Pleiades, and Mortar Board. Elizabeth Gar- ber—vice president of W . A . A. Ann Greena- walt ('35), president of Beta Phi, president of W. A. A., vice president of Pleiades, a member of Mortar Board, and elected to *BK. Lela Scott is a member of Pleiades and Xr. Eleanor Wilkins is president of HS* and a member of the Council of A. W. S.
Beta Tau—Margaret Cowan is a perma- nent class executive, president of Panhellenic. Jean Snider and Thais Lamb are members of Players' Guild. Thais is a member of the Unversity tennis team.
Beta Theta—Marian Messick is a member of Spurs and on the Drift and Collegian staffs. Frances Messick is a member of Scarlet Quill and president of the German Club. Virginia Sheely is a member of Thespis.
Chi—Florence Ashley is president of W. A. A., house representatives. Mary Brodbeck was in the May Day pageant and Virginia At- ticks and Florence Ashley in the Woman's Day Pageant. Kate Burlingham won the Humane Society Poster Prize. Jamesine Hope is a member of the Women's Glee Club and the University Chorus. Jane Leonard was vice president of BTS and elected to *K*.
Chi Delta—Frances Evans belongs to Spur and is a member of the House of Representa- tives. Eleanor Lloyd is a member of KE. ISIT, Mortar and Pestle Club, Spur, and House of Representatives. Evelyn Thomas is a mem- ber of K E and Mortar and Pestle Club.
Delta—Patricia Gavin is editor of Jumbo Book, Senior Class secretary, Tree orator. Winona Gould was winner of the Women's Chemistry Prize, Chapel orator, vice presi- dent of senior class. Elizabeth MacLeod won the Alpha X i Delta Scholarship, was a mem-
0 S * and a member of Archousai. Janet Be- man was president of the junior class, junior May Day attendant and senior senator. She also represented Perm State in the Pocono Laurel Festival. Ruth Koehler is managing editor of LaVie, women's managing editor of the Collegian, and president of 6 2 * . Selena Wunderlich is secretary of W.S.G.A. Bertha Cohen was president of the sophomore class and is a member of Cwens. Ruth Evans is the junior senator. Olwen Evans is W. S. G. A. senator. Mary Taylor was maid of honor in May Day.
Eta—Romance Cowgill is a member of Wis- consin Players, Campus Radio Players, Stu- dio Players, Forensic Ball queen. Charlotte Goedde was a member of Keystone Council, Court of Honor representative, Badger staff. Josephine Pitz is on the Badger staff, a mem- ber of the varsity bowling team, played in the women's singles and mixed doubles ten- nis tournaments. Dorothea is on the Badger staff and the Cardinal staff. Marceina Weiss was on the varsity hockey, bowling, basketball and tennis teams and women's tennis cham- pion. Donna Weston is assistant advertising manager of the Daily Cardinal.
Gamma—Marie Archer is a member of A l l - Maine Women and on Student Government Council. Mabelle Ashworth is a Sophomore Eagle and a member of All-Maine basketball team. Rosemary Boardman is president of the Y. W. C. A. Helen Buker is on the All- Maine basketball team. Carolyn Currier is a member of the Y W. C. A. Cabinet, Stu- dent Government and Campus Board. Jean- ette Goldsmith made the Dean's List. Shirley Hatch was house president. Sarah Littlefield made the Dean's List and is secretary of the Y. W. C. A. Marion Martin is a member of *BK, SMS. Lucinda Ripley is an All-

OCTOBKR, 1 9 3 5
Maine Woman, president of the Y. W. C. A.
29 Champney is a member of Phrateres, on the
cation. Marjorie Kline is president of M K T . Nu Kappa—Nu Kappa's float took first prize in the parade between S. M. U. and Texas A.
Kappa—Alice Allen was chairman of the May Day dances; Mary Virginia Barnes was president of Student Government, on the Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, Chairman of Executive Committee, in the Sock and Buskin fall play, on the Dean's List, and a member of TKA, uTM, and Gamma 13. Edith Giristian was in the May Court, on the Y . W. C. A. Cabinet,
and M. Dorothy Browne is a member of BIT© and AXA. Ruth Hogg belongs to M*E; Florence North to Z4>H, and Wynnfred Hollo- man to *X.
Nu Omicron—Nu Omicron has its share of presidencies on the campus with Winn Own- and a Gamma 13. Nancy Gates was on the bey president of the Y. W. C. A.; Patricia Student Committee and Helianthus staff, in Spearman president of Lotus-Eaters and Rob- the Senior Minstrel and Dance Recital, and a in Eastes of Bachelor Maides. Robin Eastes member of S. T. A. B., Gamma 13, and the was Women's Representative on the Student Coffee Club. Helen Grinnan was on the Y . Union. Helen Hunt Harris is on the Athletic W. C. A. cabinet, honorary member of Sock Board. Frances Murrey is president of the and Buskin, in the Dance Recital, Greek Play, junior class. Winn is a member of the W. S. and Senior Minstrel, and chairman of the Jun- G. A., on the S. C. A. Cabinet and Honor ior-Senior Prom. Janice Hunt is a Junior Council. Henrietta Sawyer is on the Honor Usher, on the Dean's list, and a member of Council. Patricia Spearman was co-ed co-ed-
the Coffee Club and Omega. Margaret Mar- itor of the '35 year book.
tin was on Student and Judiciary Committees, Omega—Isabelle Clark is a member of *BK,
a member of Sock and Buskin, Omega, and BII0, KAII, IIS*, and Alethenai. Edith Cope Gamma 13, in the Sophomore Play and May is treasurer of the Y . W. C. A. Mary Ann
Court. Mary Hurt was Chairman of the Ju- Farley designed Omega's carnival booth which diciary Committee, on the Student Committee. won first prize. Bettie Hanson is woman's ed-
Dance Recital Accompanist, and a member of itor of the Miami Handbook, a Cwen, vice
Am Sam. president of the Y. W. C. A., and a member Kappa Omicron—Rebecca Laughlin, the last of the Student-Faculty Council. Jeanne Long of four sisters who have been members of is house chairman of Oxford College, secre-
Kappa Omicron, was elected to the Royal tary of the Classical Club, and a member of
for the past year, Maine Masque secretary, A. W. S. Personnel Committee; on the Bruin and winner of the Chi Omega Sociology Prize. staff. Raydene Green is a member of Spurs; Elizabeth Schiro is the president of Student Harriet Hinds is on A. W. S. Council; Ruth Government. Ruth Shurtleff is a member of Movius is a member of Movius. Beth Strat- ON and <I>K«I>.
/o/fl—Mary Bradncy is sophomore editor of
the lllini. Florine Petri is junior editor of the
Mo, a member of the Y . W . C. A. cabinet and
Prom Queen. Jean Dragoo was woman's ed- ISII. Gertrude Blanchard belongs to the itor of the Daily lllini, on Shorter Board, and women's debating club and is a member of the vice president of 0S*. Alice Duval won the chorus. Jean Carruth is on the stage crew of Matrix award. Beth Fowler is sophomore ed- the dramatics society and a member of the itor of the Illio. Jean Gougler is sophomore chorus. Ellamae Dodds was elected to *BK, editor of the lllini and a member of Shi-Ai. president of 0S*, and a reviewer for the Kathryn Graham was elected to *BK. Mary Daily.
Harrington is a member of AAA and on the Nu—Aina Almen is a member of Sphinx and freshman stall of the Illio. Edith Lang was MKT. Lilia Arguedas is vice president of sophomore editor of the Illio and received the MKT and a member of the Connoisseurs and Matrix award. Charlotte McGlade was on the Foreign Trade Clubs. Katherine Kelly is Junior Prom Committee and received the Ma- manager of the Riding Club and president of trix award. Virginia Perkins was in the cast the Athletic Association in the School of Edu- of "Talcs of Hoffman" and the "Gondoliers."
Court of the April Fool Carnival, sponsored IIS*. Alberta Neiswonger is on the Student one of the football games and was elected to staff and a member of A*A. Lois Stringfel-
the Honor Council. Teresa Lilly was High low was House Chairman of Wells Hall, on Priestess of the Sanhcdrin Council, a group the Student-Faculty Council, Women's Legis-
which-has charge of Freshman Discipline, was lative Body and Disciplinary Board, and a
vice president of Panhellenic, vice president member of Mortar Board and KAII. Eleanor of the newly-formed Election Commission, Mitchell was on the Student's Speakers' Bu-
and a member of the Carnival Court. Kappa eau, Miami Student staff, attendant to the
Omicron is proud of the fact that with the Strut Queen.
aid of the SAE's, they forced politics into Omicron—June Bayless is secretary of the the open and started a new system whereby junior class. Kathryn Crow was elected to any "dirty" politics will be dealt with severely <I>K* and Cap and Gown. Helen Jennings is by the Election Commission, which is the out- a member of AAA. Kathleen King was vice come of the new system. Three of the mem- president of the freshman class and a member bers of Kappa Omicron have been asked to of AAA. Margaret Lyman is a member of read for honors.
Kappa Theta—Cecelia Butterworth is a member of *B; Elizabeth Cain was chairman of the Y. W. C. A. Finance Drive; Virginia
Cap and Gown. Bessie Mitchell was Queen of Clubs and Carnicus Queen nominee. Dor- othy Smith was elected to Cap and Gown.
ton is on the staff of the Clazv, humor maga- zine; Stella Wilhelm is on the W. A. Board; Portia Y oung is a member of Spurs.
Lambda—Virginia Blair is a member of
Omicron Pi—Mary Alice Baxter is junior

editor of the Ensian. Dorothea Davenport was elected to IIAG. Betty Evans is a mem- ber of W. A. A. Board and S. C. A. Cabinet. Stella Glass was woman's editor of the Ensian. Billie Griffith is vice president of the Comedy Club and vice president of the League.^ Elea- nor Heath was elected to HAG. Ruth Sonnan- stine is chairman of the merit system for the League; on the Executive Committee for the junior class. Patricia W oodward was Chair- man of the rifle team, member of the W. A. A. Board, vice president of S. C. A , and a member of # 2 and *K4>. Laura Jane Zimmer- man was in the Junior Girls' play.
Phi—Maxine Earhart plays in the Little Symphony Orchestra. Aldene Kizler is in the Women's Glee Club and trio, Little Symphony, an assistant of the Glee Club. Lois Lippitt is in the Dean's Choir, Women's Glee Club, and a member of IIA0. Billoween Macoubric is a member of 2HX, and the Janes. Ruth Pyle was secretary and business manager of the Women's Glee Club, on the Dean's Committee on Quota System, Senior Reception committee, on the varsity hockey, basketball and volley- ball teams and director of dances for the Mu- sical Comedy. Margaret Schwartz is treasurer of the Y. W. C. A. and secretary of KB.
Pi—Halcyon Colomb was Campus Night
Chairman and society editor of the Hulla-
elected to 4>BK and was vice president of the French Club. Winn Perkins was on the Sen- ior Ball Committee. Dorothea Smart belongs to the Zelosophic. Society and Bowling Green. Edna Diehl was elected to I I A 9 and was vice president of the Spanish Club. Estella Von Hagen is a member of IIAG and on the Bennett News. Mary Winter is a member of Bowling Green.
Rlio—Rho won the only two first prize cups available in last fall semester at Homecom- ing. One was for Decoration and the other for a Frolics' dancing act. For the latter they combined with BGII Chapter, which won first prize for fraternities. Mary Bailey is rushing chairman for I-ISO and social chairman of An- onian. Mildred Boehm was in the Waa-Mu Show chorus, is on the N . U . Theatre Board arid a member of Shi-Ai. Marjorie Dreyer is a member of H2<J> and Alethcnai and is on the W. S. G. A. scholarship committee. Evalyn Gilpatrick is a member of *BK, vice president of II2<I>, and a member of Meristem and Ale- thenai. Catherine Lang was president of An- onian. Ruth Lencione is on the Syllabus ad- vertising staff. Jean Lcpine is on the staffs of t h e Daily Northwestern, Syllabus, a n d Purple Parrot. Jessalyn Malmgren is a member of «prN, Administration and publicity representa- tive of the Syllabus, in the Waa-Mu show
baloo. Janice Torre was vice president of chorus, and Shi-Ai. Ardis Olsen is on the
the junior class, on the Arcade and Jatn- Purple Parrot and a member of A Cappella
balaya staff, a member of Student Council and Choir. Elizabeth Patterson is on the Daily
the A r t and Dramatic Clubs. Mildred Shaw is a cheerleader and member of the Dramatic and Arts Clubs. Ernestine Moise is on the varsity basketball,team and captain of the varsity baseball team. Elizabeth Scales is president of the sophomore class.
Pi Delta—Three of the five members of
Mortar Board at the University of Maryland
were AOII's. Helen Wollman was president
and Evelyn Brumbaugh and Mary Stallings
the other two members. Evelyn Brumbaugh
and Mary Stallings were also elected to <f>K*.
Betty Quirk was secretary of the junior class,
Flora Waldman of the sophomore class and
Barbara Judd of the freshman class. Mary
Alice W orthen was president of the Y . W . C.
A. Martha Cannon was secretary-treasurer of Eylar is on the Y.W.C.A. commission, the Student Government; Betty Quirk, women's W.A.A. Board, and the W.S.G.A. Sophomore editor of the school yearbook, and Mary Cabinet. Irma Hammerbaeher was on the Stallings, women's editor of the school mag-
Psi—Elizabeth Balbirnie was organizer and
manager of Touchstone Society, honorary dra-
matic club, and a member of Zelosophic So- casts, a member of the Y.W.C.A. cabinet,
ciety and Glee Club. Doris Bastian was a member of Bowling Green and on the Record Book staff. Elizabeth Bold was in the riding meet. Dorothy Davis belong to the Zelosophic and Touchstone Dramatic Societies, was M id- Winter Ball chairman, on Junior Prom com- mittee, a member of the rifle team, and author of a one-act play to be produced by the Zelo- sophic Society. Eleanor Hibshman is on the rifle team, on the Mid-Winter Ball and belongs to the Touchstone Society. Gertrude Jennings was sorority swimming team captain. Mar- garet McCausland belongs to the Zelosophic Society and Touchstone. Marion Miller was
president of 2E2. Genevieve Mattson is on the Ski-U-Mah and Gopher staffs. She was on the Senior Ball Committee also. Vivian Murray is on the W.S.G.A. Board and a member of KE. Margaret Putnam is on the W.A.A. Board and treasurer of the Aquatic League.
Tau Delta—Marion Bruce belongs to the Amazons. Sara Dominick was on the fresh- man debate team. Idalene Fuller is on the Co-ed Council and a member of <I>2I and Paint and Patches. Nancy Kate Gilbert was treasurer of the junior class, and a member of Amazons. Sara Griffith was president of
Northwestern and Syllabus staffs. Nita Pot- ter is on the Syllabus advertising staff, belongs to Daughters of Neptune, and is on the W. S. G. A. scholarship committee. Isabel Queen is head of vocational guidance for the W . S. G. A, and Delphine Wilson is a member of the committee.
of the Blue and Gold. Jane Ellen Cranmer works on the Daily Calif ornian. Susanne Crane, Jane Kendall, Bettie Moore, and Eleanor Scott are on the staff of the Pelican.
Appleton is on the staff
Tau—Louise Casey is on the W .S.G.A. board. Mildred Dudding was on the Gopher staff and the Ski-U-Mah. Jcanette Eklund was a member of the Senior Ball Committee. Alice
Military Ball committee, a chairman on the W.S.G.A. Board, president of ART, treasurer of the W.A.A. Phyllis Hawlish is one of the W.A.A. chairmen, assists in student broad-

OCTOBER, 1935 31 the Freshman Commission, elected to Ama- Zeta—Irene Hentzen and Gretchen Schrag
zons and a member of the Co-ed Council. were elected to <£BK. Lorraine Hitchcock Patsy Knopf is a member of Amazons. Anne was on the Student Council, a member of
Evelyn Martin is a member of the Y.W.C.A. Mississippi or Louisiana, for the presi- Cabinet, president of 62$, on the staffs of the dents or members of college Panhellenics who
Mirage and DePauw, and a member of Duzer may attend, we present the program of the Du. Martha McKinney was on the W.S.A. twenty-fourth National Panhellenic Congress Board. Kathlene Megenity is on the varsity which meets at the Edgewater Gulf Hotel, debate team. Pauline Megenity is secretary Edgewater Park, Mississippi, on December of the Y.W.C.A., accompanist of the Uni- 4-7.
C. delegates.
Margaret Mayor is president of the Sociology 4:30 p.m.—General Session
Club, vice president of the National Student's
Sociology Club, and a member of AKA. Jean-
nette Merk is president of the Junior League
1. Round table findings
2. Question box opened
3. Highlights to carry back to college campus
7:00 p. m.—Banquet. Speaker,Miss Mary Alice Jones. Chicago, 111.
versity Quartet, on the W.S.A. Board and a Tuesday, Dec. 3, 19.15—Executive Committee in
1. Formal opening
Greetings from N.P.C.
Introduction of N.P.C. Delegates
N.P.C. College Panhellenic Committee report
of work, aims, plans, as touch college Pan-
2. The fraternity idea in and out of college
3. How changing college environment affects
4. Anti-fraternity agitation as a college move
5. Panhellenic leadership in fitting fraternities
to today's college scene
12 m-2 p. m.—Group luncheons (each N.P.C. dele-
gate to be- hostess to her fraternity's members
among college Panhellenic representatives)
2-4 p. ni.—Round tables—Three, with identical pro- grams, each led by a member of the N.P.C. Col- lege Panhellenic Committee aided by other N . P .
Ratliff is secretary of the debate squad and
a member of the Y.W.C.A. Cabinet. Louise
Stange is assistant librarian of Birmingham-
Southern, and an Amazon. Martha Lynn the Big Sister Board. Irene Barry belongs Thompson belongs to the Woman's Glee Club to the Vestals of the Lamp, the Dramatic and the Choral Club and was vice president Club and the University Players. Dorothy of Freshman commission. She is also a mem- Bentz is a member of XA4>, on the Daily ber of Amazons. Mary Jane Wing was on Ncbraskan staff and the 1935 Honor Roll. Co-ed Council, vice president of H2<J>, secre- Lucille Berger is on the Y.W.C.A. member- tary of A*A and president of the Classical ship staff, and belongs to *2X and the Vestals Club. of the Lamp. Irene Hentzen won the Senior
Theta—Verna Bothwell is a member of Scholarship Certificate. Muriel Hook was
AAA. Helen Burress is on the Mirage busi- elected the "Best Dressed Girl" of Nebraska
ness staff. Janette Fisher was concert mis- U. for 1935, and belongs to the Dramatic tress of the symphony orchestra, on the Stu- Club. Mildred Kirkbride is president of *XG, dent Senate, in the May Queen's Court and vice president of Bizard Executive Board. president of Panhellenic. Nancy Gavin is on Bette Paine is junior assistant editor of the the W.S.A. Board and a member of the Cornhusker. Elma Pospisil is secretary of Naiad Club. Lucile Klauser is in the sym- *XG and on the Business Administration phony orchestra and secretary of the senior Executive Board.
class. Harriett Knapp is on the editorial staff
of the Mirage and the collection staff of the
DePauw, the A.W.S. Board and W.SA. N.P.C. toMeet inEdgewaterPark,
Board and in the Motion Revue. Margaret Mississippi
Kyle is on the A.W.S. Board, Mirage Board
of Control, and a member of *2I. Mary -+- FOR THE benefit of Alpha O's living in
member oF M4>E. Martha Ellen Rector is on the varsity debate team. Mary Garrison Walker is a member of Mortar Board, a member of GE* and *2I, and president of W.S.A.
Theta Eta—Eloise Archibald is on the the Y.W.C.A. Senior Cabinet and the Mum- mers business staff. Isabella Bowdcn is a member of the debate team. Maxine Cooper is on the Board of the Junior League of Women Voters and a Junior Adviser. Jane Fordyce is president of the Junior League of Women Voters, a Junior Adviser, and a member of Mortar Board. Elizabeth Koenig is on the Wig Wag Council and the Y.W. C.A. Council, Chairman of Greek Games and of Color Day and a member of the W.A.A. Board. Erna Kramer is on the Y.W.C.A. Council and a member of the debate team.
W ednesday, Dec. 4, 1935—COLLEGE
8':30 a. m.—Registration 9:30 a. m.—General Session
of Women Voters, on the debate team, chair-
man of programs for the Y.W.C.A., and a Thursday. Dec. 5—NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONGRESS
member of Mortar Board. Nancv Pie is on the W.A.A. Board.
Upsilon—]can Bainbridge is on A.W.S. con- cert and ticket committees. Doris Berry be- longs to the University Madrigal Club, and was in the lunior Girls' Vodvil. Celia Seofield is on the Y.W.C.A. Council, A.W.S. Standards Committee and Mortar Board election com- mittee. Mary Belle Wickersham is on the Y .W .C.A. Council.
8:30 a.m.—Registration
9:30 a. m.—General Session
1. Call to order
2. Report of Credentials Committee
3. Roll call
4. Minutes of 1933 Congress approved as printed 5. Acceptance of mimeographed reports
6. Presentation of 1935 N.P.C. program
7. Presentation of mimeographed recommenda-
8. Appointments of special committees 9. Announcements
the Sponsors Club, Big Sister Board, Bizard Executive Board and Mortar Board. Marjorie Bannister is a member of Vesper Choir and

Annie Stuart Pearct, Pi; Mabel Parish McCord, Alpha Rho; Mildred Hunter Stahl, Sigma, are Alumna District Superintendents for the Southern, Pacific and Pacific Northwest Districts.
Alumnae Secretaries and

Bacon ncrlrlmemannton Ai, was president o( Oklahi nr..
(, en evii-
has moved from Rochester to
Helen Worst
New Jersey.
City Alumna! Chapter.
Marv B.
member of Nu Omicron Chapter.
Sanders was a
rtate chairman of Ohio alumna.
Virginia Van Zandt Snider
Pi, tea, lies
in Di
Cox Segar.

Time was spent on the ever present ques- tion of ways and means of raising money. A plan for chair bridge parties which could be modified to suit different conditions, was presented. A l l alumnae chapter presidents have a copy of this. Also alumnae chapters were urged to lead in holding interfraternity gath- erings, that friendship and information might be exchanged. It was suggested that all alumnae chapters have an officer whose duty would be to supply names and recommenda- tions of local girls entering universities. This would not only be a help to the active chap- ters, but would also ultimately assist in the growth of the alumnae chapter. The round table closed with the stressing of friendship and fellowship between alumnae as the real purpose of the groups, urged the cooperation
It is the hope that these new plans will
FOR SEVERAL YEARS A l p h a O m i c r o n P i
has been making a concerted effort to reach and interest all alumnae members. Four years ago the office of state chairman was created to supplant the office of district alum- na superintendent. During the past two years the state chairmen have worked intelligently and conscientiously to broaden our alumnae contacts but, despite their efforts, have been only moderately successful. Of the 7,800 alumnae members, but 850 were paid-up mem- bers of alumnae chapters in 1934-1935, although many additional members attended meetings. The difference in these two figures impresses immediately that there is a very large body
of alumna? to be reached through media other than organized groups.
Superintendents Replace
the State Chairmen
This problem was discussed at the alumnae
round table at convention and it was con-
cluded that the fallacy in the state plan lay
in the fact that a geographical division is an
artificial one and that contact directly through
an alumna's own chapter would be far more
effective. It was felt that in most instances have a far-reaching effect and result in the
of all to build a strong and enduring organ- ization, and to promote closer relations be- tween alumnae and actives.
the impetus to interest in the fraternity as a
whole lies in the love and loyalty of an indi-
vidual for her own chapter. The convention
authorized the Executive Committee to appoint
"Active Chapter Alumnae Secretaries." The
duties of this officer shall combine the work
of the state chairman and of the alumnae notes
reporter to To DRAGMA, since she will be in
a position to collect interesting news of both
alumnae and active members of her chapter.
To tie in the work of these officers, the Execu-
tive Committee was also empowered to appoint
"District Alumnae Superintendents" to super-
vise the work of alumnae chapters, alumnae
secretaries, to assist groups to form new alum-
nae chapters, and be a connecting link between alumnae. The plan was found to be unsuc- them and the Vice Presidents. There is also cessful in that the geographical set-up was the hope that the time will soon come when artificial and the chairmen contacted mem-
Lambda, Vice President
renewed interest of every one of the splendid alumnae of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Eight Alumnae Superintendents Will Assist Alumnae Chapters
are back! For several years the office was abolished in favor of state chairmen of
this superintendent will be able to travel in bers unrelated to the undergraduate chap- her district, for her personal contact will give ters or to the alumnae groups within the state. inspiration and enthusiasm to the chapters Being a stranger to both, news of them was and add greatly to the ease in solving prob-
Alumnae representatives discussed m a n y plans to foster increased interest in alumnae membership. Indiana has long had a success- ful state day. This year, Tennessee and Ohio tried the plan with great success. The sug- gestion was made that hostess-ship might be revolved for the state days in states where there is more than one active chapter, with the hope that state days would be widely adopted wherever it is geographically possible.
of only passing interest and the stimulus was only half effective. With a new connection through active chapter alumnae secretaries,
who, through their duties, resemble the per- manent class secretaries now elected by many graduating classes from universities and colleges, the Alumnae District Superinten- dents will tie together these liaison officers and the First Vice President. Their contacts will be directly with the alumnae chapters, too. Ultimately they will visit each chapter; at the present they will serve as a clearance f o r ideas on everything from programs to raising
money. Feel free to ask them.
Rose Marx Gilmore ( - ) writes of the
If your alumnae chapter wants a project to
renew the interest of alumnae, make plans for
a state day. If you are an alumna who wants
an excuse to return to your campus, ask your Pacific District appointee: Mildred Hunter alumnae secretary to work out plans for a Stahl says there is not, after all, a great deal state day. to offer by way of biography.

"The editor of To DRAGMA wants a three- (g) tells us. When she was quite young, her hundred word story of my life," said she. parents moved to Tennessee, where she re- "You do it." ceived her early education. Later Dr. and
"I could write about college days, of Mrs. C. F. Bacon brought their family of course," said I, "and I could offer some nine children to Davidson, Oklahoma. impressions of your present wild-eyed state, Adjusting herself early to so many brothers after chauffeuring Virginia through two weeks and sisters accounts in part, at least, for
of rushing—but what of the years between?" Genevieve's splendid spirit of cooperation and
"Nothing at all," said she, firmly. "Just say I am gray-headed, wear bi-focals, and am still married to the same husband." Which calls up the picture of the Whistler "Mother'* type, and does not hint of the energetic, up- to-the-minute person that is Mildred.
She is an alumna of the University of California, class of 1913, and so of Sigma Chapter. Having married an engineer, she has lived in various cities of the United States, among them Detroit, Houston, and Bakersfield, California, her present home. She has always kept her interest in Alpha O. In Houston, she was the moving spirit in assembling a group of alumnae, and though the members have never felt ready to assume the responsibilities of a chapter, they hold reg- ular meetings, and as individuals are contribu- tors to our national work.
For the past two years she has been State Chairman of Alumna; for California, and has made untiring efforts to keep the Alpha O's of the state in touch. We, in the Sacramen- to Valley, hope soon to be ready for a chapter, and have Mildred's inspiration and assistance to thank for the original impetus toward organization.
By way of climax, we present Mildred's two daughters, the elder of whom has just entered California as a sophomore, and is an Alpha Omicron Pi pledge.
"A vivacious little party with more things to do and alwavs time in which to do them," writes Martha'Hilands (AP), of Mabel M. McCord, Pacific Northwest Alumnae Superin- tendent, "makes her number four shoes cover a great deal of territory in her daily world."
Besides holding a responsible position in the credit office of Portland's largest depart- ment store, she finds time to keep the bunga- low fires burning for husband, Frank, in ad- dition to enjoying her chief sport of horse- back riding various times during the week, not to mention the knitting bag and numerous other pet diversions.
ability to direct others without friction.
She graduated from the Frederick High School and later attended the University of Oklahoma, where she enrolled in the School of Fine Arts. She received her B.F.A. in Dramatic Art in 1929. While in college Genevieve took part in many plays and was a member of Blue Curtain, dramatic society. After graduation she was head of the Dra- matic Art Department in the Elk City High School for two years. While there she or- ganized a high school dramatic group, which, under her direction, became a chapter of the Thespian Club, national honorary high school
dramatic fraternity.
In May, 1931, Genevieve married Albert C. Herrington. Genevieve and Albert have made their home in Oklahoma City since that date.
Mrs. Herrington was president of the Okla- homa City Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Omi- cron Pi during the years 1933-1935. During these two years, it was largely through her efforts that the Oklahoma City alumnae group raised their full quota for the national philan- thropic project. She has always worked un- tiringly and pleasantly f o r AOII. She will un- dertake her new duties with her customary zest and enthusiasm.
Virginia Van Zandt Snider, so writes Gladys Hinmon Hirt (Oil) of our new Great Lakes District Superintendent, is one AOII who can
never sing, "Time on my hands." The longer we know her, the more our wonder grows that one girl can so cleverly manage to do all that she does. It is not uncommon for her to teach her Fnglish classes at Cooley High, Detroit, sponsor one of her school clubs, write fifteen or twenty sorority letters and entertain eight or more people for dinner —all done efficiently—all in one day. Of course, there is George, "Ginny's" attorney husband, who is most generous with his time and advice and is a very gracious host.
Omicron Pi and the Detroit Alumnae Chap- ter of AOIT are justly proud of the fraternal As for Alpha O, Mabel always has ample record of "Ginny." From being secretary time, and during the last year she was the and vice president of Omicron Pi. she grad-
chief cog in the wheel for several of Port- uated to the much more difficult job of
land alumna's major events including our dance at the Club Victor and the annual rummage sale. This year, needless to say, she will have her mind on Alpha O quite some bit with the presidency of the Portland Alumnae Chapter and her national work.
With a barrel of wit and laughter, Mabel lives on top of the world in her own un- assuming way, accomplishing all that is set before her and worrying not about this or that.
president of the Detroit alumnae. For nine years she has been Alumna Notes editor of Omicron Pi. It is indeed surprising how we rely on "Ginny's" timely and minute infor- mation of the activities of other AOIT's. Her work has also included the presidency of De- troit Panhellenic and the offices of State Chairman and District and Alumnae District Superintendent.
To merely list her activities does not be- gin to express how completely she gives of Genevieve. Bacon Herrington (Mrs. Albert herself and time. Virginia is most unselfish
C), newly appointed Alumna; Superintendent and, despite all she does, she is willing to for the Midwestern District, was born in shoulder your world of worries if you wish. Cameron, Virginia, Pauline Mills Edwards "Ginny V an" has become so closely associated

with AOII that one cannot help but connect them in the same thought.
For the past two years she has l>een closely associated with the Ohio alumna' chapters at Cincinnati, Dayton and Cleveland, and the active chapters at Miami, Denison and Cin- cinnati in her work as Ohio State Chairman. Her sincere, interesting letters to all Ohio alumnae have stimulated interest among many who, until then, had lost contact with the sorority. As a result of these contacts, Ruth is undoubtedly Ohio's best known AOII.
"Annie Stuart seems to find time for every- thing. In addition to being a member of many organizations, she has served as president of the Atlanta Newcomb Alumnae Association and as president of the Atlanta Alumnae Chap- ter. She gave unstinting time and effort to the colonization of Lambda Sigma Chapter at the University of Georgia, and is now its alumna adviser.
her career as a professional pipe organist. And she reallv did make her mark in that field.
and just how to say it.
As president of the Rochester branch, A . A .
got her degree in 1930, after which she taught efficiency with intelligence, sincerity, t a c t , mathematics at W ard-Belmont for three years. friendliness, and quiet charm. Recently a
A romance of grammar school years cul- prominent Rochester clubwoman said to me: minated in her marriage, two years ago, to "I miss Helen Cleaves at College Club. She a successful young dentist in Bowling Green, was always so interesting, so sensible, and so Kentucky. There she is a member of one lovable."
of the outstanding literary clubs, the Music So do we all miss Helen since "Doc's" Club, and an active member in the Little business has taken her to New Jersey to Theatre Guild. She is particularly interested live. From all reports she is still going at in the social service work we are doing in top speed and is eager to take on new duties. the Kentucky mountains. The fraternity has always been one of her
Ezrene Bouchelle knew Annie Stuart Ellis chief interests, not only her own Gamma at Newcomb and says: "Would it were pos- Chapter, but every alumnae group she comes sible for each AOIT to know our Southern in contact with. The Atlantic district is Alumnae District Superintendent, Annie Stuart fortunate to have her for alumnae super- Fllis Pearce, for to know her is to love her! intendent.
At Newcomb College, 'Stuart' was noted for
her friendliness, not only towards AOII's but For the newly created position of Ohio towards all other sororities, and nonsoror- Valley Alumnae Superintendent, the Executive ity members. She was graduated from the Committee has chosen our dearly beloved Newcomb College School of Art in 1924.
Ruth Cox Segar (Q). Small, dark, with Afterwards she held a position in Atlanta snappy black eyes, Ruth brings to her position with the Georgia Power Company until her many years of experience in Alpha O work. marriage, in 1928, to Kdmund Fay Pearce,
She has the distinction of being a charter power sales manager of the Georgia Power member of two chapters—first, that of Omega Company.
at Miami University, and, secondly, the Day- "It is a privilege to be a guest in Annie ton Alumnae, for it was through Ruth's ef- Stuart's home, for here her good taste, effi- forts that the Dayton Chapter was founded. ciency, poise, serenity, gentleness, merriness,
Following her graduation from Miami, she graciousness, and lovability are manifested at taught English in the Kenton High School. their best. Any sketch of her would be in- Her marriage to William Segar, in 1924, took complete unless her love of gardening were her to Piqua, Ohio, and later to Dayton. Last mentioned, as she spends hours in her beauti- fall the Segars moved to Bellevue, Kentucky. ful terraced garden.
"Whenever there's work or play, depend- able, efficient Annie Stuart is on hand, ready without a word about "Bill"—who is an ar- and willing to do more than her part in dent AOII supporter—and Ruth's three little carrying out details to perfection. Alpha O girls—Joan, Carole and Barbara. Surely no may rest assured that its ideals will be up-
A description of Ruth would be incomplete
alumnae district can be more fortunate than we, here in the Ohio Valley, with the able assistance of Ruth in the solution of our problems and as the source of our inspiration.
she loves. She is fond of mathematics, lan- Rochester to live. She was the busiest per- guages, music, literature, and, most of all, son I had ever known and yet always look-
Alpha Omicron Pi. She was a charter mem- ing for new outlets for her energy. In Par- ber of the Nashville Alumnae Chapter. All ent-Teacher work, in dramatic and athletic the girls in Tennessee remember her as State circles, in College Club, and in social activi- Chairman for two years. Some of you may ties she was equally prominent. At the same remember seeing her at the Troutdale Con- time managing, with ease, her home for "Doc" vention in 1931." and the two children. I have never seen
She is of the class of '23, but after two Helen "floored" in conducting a meeting of years at Vanderbilt she launched forth on any kind. She always knows what to say
"So Mary B. Sanders is to be South Cen-
tral District Alumnae Superintendent," ex-
claimed Robbie Shackleford. "Well, she really
is an ardent worker and has the happy faculty
of being whole-heartedly loyal to the things only six years to the time when I came to
U. W., for two years, she was a universal After six years she returned to school and favorite because she was able to combine
held and that the Southern Alumnae District will be wisely superintended by earnest, sin- cere, and deeply understanding Annie Stuart Pearce."
Of Helen Worster Cleaves (F), Atlantic District Alumnae Superintendent, Nell Fain Lawrence (NO) writes:
My acquaintance with Helen dates back

// is knit one, purl one in the Flat Creek Sewing Class and your yarn is being made into warm mittens.
Your money made it possible Carl fashioned a small cabin Another year at Ptnc Moun
for this young mountain miss to with his AOII Christmas knif tain School will open a nezv go to Pine Mountain School. Will you make a gift to the world for this girl. Can she
Proudf lad this year?

OCTOBER, 1935 37
What, Why, Where and How About
National Social Service Work
Alpha Phi, Second Vice President
-f- DURING the. past four years much of the effort put forth by the Social Service Committee has gone into answering an unending refrain of What, Why, Where and How. We can truthfully say that we have successfully answered the first three, but the last one is the hardest one for which to find a solution. It is quite apparent that the fraternityaccepts the national social service work as a matter of necessity for
our own development as well as for the splendid work Bland Morrow is able to do with our money. However, since this copy of To DRAGMA is again an all-member issue it might not be amiss to review some of the topics pertinent to the work.
What and Where is the Frontier Nursing Service? It is an internationally known organization established in 1925 by Alary Breckinridge, a native Kcntuckian, whose family name has long been well known not only in Kentucky history but in the nation's. On its National Board of Trustees are found the names of men and women prominent in the fields of medicine, nursing, education and science. It is supported entirely by voluntary contributions, and covers an area of 1,000 square miles, in a remote section of eastern Kentucky. There are nine nursing centers, and an 18-bed hospital in connection with one of these. Each center has two nurses, one a midwife. A ll calls are made on horseback in all kinds of weather and often under the most hazardous conditions. The equipment is carried in saddlebags. The nurses dress in uniforms similar to those worn by overseas nurses during the World War. These nurses have established an enviable record in improving community health and have saved the lives of hundreds of mothers and babies who, undoubtedly, would have perished under the old conditions of superstition and ignorance in regard to childbirth.
Why is the Frontier Nursing Service? The purpose of it, "To safeguard the lives and health of mothers and young children by providing trained nurse-midwives for remotely rural areas where resident physicians are few and far between—these nurse-midwives to work under supervision, in compliance with the Regulations for Midwives of the State Board of Health, and the laws governing the Registration of Nurses, and in cooperation with the nearest available medical service." It's motto
is: "He shall gather the lambs with his arms and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young."
What is the work of A O I I ? Alpha Omicron Pi undertook to finance tfie Social Service Department of the Frontier Nursing Service in 1931. Its purpose is to sup- plement the work of the nurses whenever possible. It furnishes medical social service such as corrective devices for vision and hearing, braces and crutches, and many others; it brings children to city hospitals for special care. It finds foster and boarding homes; it furnishes clothes and school books; it loans money to buy a cow or a pig. It strives to aid the family and the community in solving problems which have awaited a solution for a hundred years or more. A O I I seeks, through our able Social Service Director, Bland Morrow, to teach and to build where teaching and building have been grossly neglected for generations. (Please note that we say "money is loaned," the mountaineer does not accept charity.)
Why did A O I I
undertake to do this work? A O I T spent 20 years seeking a suitable [CONTINUED ON INSIDE BACK COVER]

Interviewing . . .
indicated but that he was too old and tired to life of Bertha Brechet Hayden (T) which fight the case. Then she got John Barker convinced her that there is something to the Waite, Professor of Criminal Law at the old adage "Truth is Stranger than Fiction." University of Michigan, on the case. He said Canaries were to link her with a prisoner in the intelligence of the prisoner would do Marquette Prison in Michigan. Bertha re- credit to a college graduate though he was
Truth is Stranger than Fiction By ALICE DORNBERC FOSTER, Tan
-+« FOUR YEARS ago an event occurred in the
ceived a letter from a prisoner asking her to
send the best pair of canaries she could send
him for $17.00 which represented hard, hard
work. First I should explain Bertha has cent. A statement was obtained from the jury forty silver cups for her birds shown in na- foreman that he had voted the prisoner guilty tional canary shows. She sent the birds to the under misapprehension. Also the doctor who prisoner together with the money. He replied
thanking her and asking advice as to the care
of the birds. Mrs. Hayden was asked about
the feasibility of whether or not the raising bank two years ago." This statement had not of canaries might not be added to delinquent been brought out at the trial. The lawyers bovs camp activities by a Mrs. A. C. Mac- said this was sufficientbasis for a new trial, beth. The former told her of this prisoner but money was lacking.
and so they wrote him and asked him what
his ideas were as he had entered prison as a As the next step, the two women decided youth and had been there for ten years. His to have the prisoner take the "Lie Detector" interesting letter, showing intelligence and test to impress prison and parole officers. maturity, convinced them that they should They wrote to Leonard Keeler of Chicago interest themselves in his case and find if he and also to the Scientific Crime Detection deserved to be in prison. Laboratory affiliated with Northwestern Uni-
versity, which included the Polygraph in the
Upon first investigation they learned that he scientific devices. The next step was to get
was a "dangerous" prisoner. Mrs. Macbeth permission for the test and they induced
was too ill to go on with her investigation prominent Michigan men to do this. The and so Nell Corwin, a neighbor, helped Mrs. authorities would allow this to be done only
Hayden. Upon going to Detroit, the prison- under the condition it would cost the State
er's home town, they found that he had been of Michigan nothing.
tried and convicted and sentenced to life im-
prisonment for shooting Thomas J. Hough- The test was made in the presence of the
ton, a bank cashier, December 14, 1918. The Prison Board, two members of the State two women examined the slight evidence, Police, the warden of the penitentiary and
which strongly indicated his innocence. The press representatives. The result was con-
presiding judge at the trial said he had had tained in a telegram to the women which serious doubt as to his guilt as the boy had stated "Test affirms absolute innocence." The
a strong alibi, whereas the state's case was prisoner, however, was sent back to his cell weak. and the women continued the fight. He made
a good record in prison all during this time.
Leo Schulte, a carpenter, testified that he He made plans for prison projects, and di- was being introduced to him at a skating rink rected building operations. He drew plans
at the time the shooting was done, while the
State presented three witnesses who said they
saw him flee from the scene of the murder
on a dark night in December. The two women
were convinced of his innocence and were
determined to prove him innocent, a task
which was to take three years. After a year
had passed they visited the prisoner and
talked to him and found him a likeable per-
son, plain looking, quiet and very apprecia-
tive. Mrs. Hayden and her friend had to
fight against prison officials, who for political
reasons did not want to free the boy. Mrs.
Hayden even sent a transcript of the case to pardon. So on December 21, 1934, he became Clarence Darrow, who said innocence was a free man and now has a job and a new
mainly self taught.
The two women located the alibi witness and he still maintained the prisoner was inno-
looked after the murdered man said that the latter had said before he died, "The man who shot me was the same man who held up the
for ten state camps to take care of male first offenders, one being the camp at Hardwood.
In the meantime, a new warden took his place in the prison and recognized the ability of the prisoner. For eighteen months after the test, he stayed at the prison. He sent gifts including a table lamp and a filing cab- inet made by himself to Mrs. Hayden and Mrs. Corwin which showed fine workmanship. Then, on the last day of 1934 Governor Corn- stock gave the prisoner a pardon. His fine prison record and the lie detector's affirma- tion of his innocence were the reasons for his

start on life at thirty-four. Mrs. Hayden said, "It was a matter of justice. We wanted to see a wrong made right even if it took three years to accomplish it."
It might be added that Bertha Brechet Hay- den is president of the International Roller Canary Breeders Association and now oper- ates a canary store at 106West Lake Street, Minneapolis.
A Journalist Interviews Herself
And zue meet Helen Jo Scott Mann
"WHY," I wonder, as I watch slant in;.'
rain bow down the goldenrod which yes-
terday was gaudy in September's brightness, aged to pick up a Mortar Board pin, a Theta and listen to the sizzle of a damp piece of Sigma Phi Matrix, a Phi Beta Kappa key, wood on my roaring fire, "should anyone and a three letter monogram with a ruby m want to know anything about me?" And the the apex of the A.
reply comes immediately: "Perhaps nobody A t •present I am on the journalism faculty
does." That should stop me; it doesn't be- at New York University, am executive sec- cause I have, for far too long, performed retary of Theta Sigma Phi, write an article when an editor says, " I want—." now and then, and manage on the side to
First of all, I'm a Buckeye from the Cin- keep both an apartment and the frequently cinnati corner of the state. That accounts mentioned barn going. In between times I largely for my matriculation at Miami Uni- garden and plan the ideal house that we are versity one pouring September day. (Think- going to build some day. And lest you all how hard it must have rained for me to think I'm not modern, I knit.
remember it all these years!) It would be
completely untrue to say that I knew what
I wanted to do after I had spent four years in
that beautiful, kindly college town. What 1
would have become had not Miami itself
offered me my first job, I have no way of
knowing. The first one led to another and it -f- YOU'LL appreciate Frances Carter so
Nine Hundred Budgets Fail to Worry This Alpha O
to a third. much more if you've recently struggled with
Urged to teach, I absorbed all the "educa- the family budget that I almost hope you've
tional subjects possible in a semester; and had a bout with it. For Frances, you see,
then I taught—a rectangular peg in a hole has 900 budgets on her mind. No, the zeros'
off summer classes, I registered in a course a pleasantly stable 900,a figure that could be
dents to enjoy Hamlet. The next fall found budgets and manifold other problems disap-
to do—and it wasn't helping high school stu- with 25 per cent of the 900 families and their
me at the Missouri School of Journalism pearing within each month and a new 25 per where I stayed for the greater part of the cent appearing in their places.
made by brace and bit. Drifting to Colo- are not there by mistake—mine or the print-
rado, where climate would take the curse er's. They belong there; 900is correct. Not
with a man who told me exactly what I ought conquered some day, but a slippery figure,
next four years, studying, teaching, working
on the Columbia Missourian. Then I married
one of its faculty,a newspaper man of course,
and as all newspaper men have one eye on
New York City, it follows quite naturally that
Robert Mann and I now live in New York—
except during the summer and week-ends she came to New York nearly a year ago
spring and fall when we live in an old barn she is one of nine supervisory aides, who in Connecticut. Many mid-westerners raise an each handle 900 families and supervise ten
eye-brow at our pride in a barn, but few-
Ohio barns have baths, balconies, rock gar- investigators. She began by doing an investi-
dens, electric lights, stone fireplaces, and gator's work herself, but was promoted to peaceful hillsides framed in stone walls. the position which she now has after a short time. "I'm in another office," was the way
Somewhere along my college cruise I man-
For Frances Carter is a part of the huge relief organization that cares for the unem- ployed of New York City. The city is divid- ed into 46 districts with each one caring for approximately 8,000 families. In the Brooklyn office to which Frances was assigned when

boatrides to be given out, property searches to be carried on, forms giving details of income from property to be made out and decisions as to whether to reopen cases once closed and whether to replace cancelled food checks by vouchers to be made. Not all every day, of course, but some every day. And it all goes through the aide's hands!
"In addition she has to evaluate all reports of her investigators (after she has trained them), and to check omissions from their reports. Then in some of her extra time she confers with representatives of the private agencies on cooperative cases regarding health, behavior, emotional and vocational problems.
In all about 250 family problems are de- cided by an aide each week—and that in addi- tion to the routine details of the office. But one thing about this j o b : it is never boring, never monotonous. Y ou never know how many clients have committed murder or sui- cide, or how many have eloped, died or been born from one day to the next among your 900 families!"
We agree that monotonous is not the word for this job. You simply keep the intricate routine of the office rolling with one hand, while with the other you take up 50 family problems a day for settlement. Only 50. And every one of them a problem of importance all out of proportion to the dollars and cents involved, because every one is a problem that affects the lives of human beings—not theo- ries, nor conjugations, not figures in a ledger, nor chemicals, but lives of unfortunate people,
bad and good, old and young, hopeless and hopeful.
So do you wonder that at the end of a week Frances is thoroughly weary? I don't. I'm always amazed at the way in which she keeps her sparkle, her zest for doing things.
It's too bad that she hates her photo- graphs, which she insists are "terrible." Ac- tually she is unusually easy on the eyes. Tall and slender, with short dark curls, teeth that any toothpaste advertiser would consider an answer to prayer, skin that is "school-girl complexion" sure enough. Put all together with the requisite other features, and there she is. Her voice is just the right mixture of Louisiana and Tennessee, a constant joy to
Clarissa Scott, sister of Helen Jo, will be the subject of her next interview.
she put it, but in time one discovered that she was also doing this complicated, nerve-weary- ing new work. Hut let her tell you herself aboUf the thousand-and-onc duties of a super- visory aide, beginning with the newcomers to her 900 family quota.
"All applications for relief come to us and we assign them to investigators according to territory. When an investigation is made—a task involving a great amount of detail con- cerning the family and its history—we read the report and decide to accept or reject it.
"All messages on active cases come to us and we are responsible for investigator's answering them. When a family moves to another district, we are responsible f o r issuing food and rent checks so that relief is pro- vided pending transfer of the data on the case from our district to another one via the Borough office and the central office.
"All insurance adjustments come through our hands and we approve the itemized ex- penditures of this money by the client."
"That's to prevent new radios or down pay-
ments on cars from eating up these bits of
insurance?" I put in, not because I don't those whose ears are harassed with New know the answer, but because I am always Yorkese. It accounts in part for her charm
overwhelmed with the complicated details of the job as Frances tells them—usually when she is doing something very different and is being questioned by a couple of Manns who thrive on knowing all.
"When there is illness, we approve house- keepers for the families; when a client secures employment we approve the closing of that case; when a client is transferred to the W orks Progress Administration, we transfer the case from Active Home Relief; and when a client proves difficult to handle we interview him in the office.
"All amounts expended—ordinary budgets, special clothing vouchers, allowances for diets, special shoes, quilts, trousers, clothing for school children, layettes—all this comes through the aide's hands. Then there are boys to be sent to CCC camps, tickets f o r
(sadly abused word, charm, but it is some- thing that Frances has in good measure), as it makes her gift of conversation doubly de- lightful.
But good looks, gracious manner, pleas- ing voice aren't enough for success in her line. It takes executive ability of a high order—and she has it. You'll hear more of her later for she is bound to be in "another office" in which she'll do bigger things. Nine thousand families instead of 900, perhaps. But she'll be equal to it.
A New School Grows
-+- THOSE who knew Anna Fitzhugh ('25) at Stanford were fully aware of her great ability, her friendly charm, and her

OCTOBKR, 1935 11
manner of doing a job well. While at the is made of kitchen furnishing, stocking the University, in addition to other activities, she pantry, family budgeting and accounting, work was a member of Cap and Gown and presi- planning and time scheduling, the funda- dent of the Y.W.C.A. Then, after gradua- mentals of food values, balanced menus, and tion, she became Mrs. Hoover's secretary in shopping for meats. An entire meal based Washington from 1925-1926. Now she is Mrs. on food values and cost is planned during the Alexander C. Bell of San Francisco and her eleventh lesson. The twelfth lesson makes son, Peter, is four and one-half years old. this plan an actuality, from shopping for the But, she is not only wife and mother. She food to serving it to guests of the class. has found time to make an idea an actuality
by being founder- and one of two directors of the Fitzhugh School of Household Engi- neering at 1508 Lake Street, San Francisco.
The school started in January, 1934, in given to the arrangement of flowers as a
feel the desire to improve themselves in this department.
The aim is all expressed: "To be practical while striving for beauty, to be economical while maintaining a high level of physical and mental health." A glance at the compre- hensive curriculum will prove how well the directors have planned to fulfill their aim.
First Semester
Health and Hygiene (stressed as the first fundamental in adequate living)
Family Finance Household Management Marketing
this course of study, too.
The student groups are small in order that
response to a need felt by women to know
more about an important phase of their lives,
and has more than justified that beginning.
At first, girls of college age were interested,
but now the classes include, besides, college
graduates about to establish homes, recently dren are given their proper consideration in married young women, and older women who
The advanced students in their theory hour consider home furnishings and their proper care. One lecture is given to a study of china, another to silver, and attention is
necessary part of a charming home.
After the scene has been prepared for com- fortable and beautiful living, some time is
spent in studying the psychological aspects of personal relations within the home, and chil-
they may adapt themselves conveniently to the home surroundings in which they work. There are day students and boarders who reside in practice houses near the School.
It is quite obvious that much thought and time and interest have been expended by the directors in developing The Fitzhugh School of Household Engineering. That their stu- dents have found this to be true and of value to themselves, is proved by the fact that the school is steadily growing. Women are def- initely interested in the home as a career, and since the depression they realize that training is not only advisable, but necessary as well.
China, Silver, Linens, Household Equip- Anna Fitzhugh Bell and her associate are to
ment, Furniture
Meal Planning and Table Service Laundry and Mending
Cookery Second Semester Advanced Cookery
Clothes Budgeting
Entertainment and Flower Arangement Orientation and Community Service Technique Family Relationships
Child Psychology and Nursery
School Observation Home Furnishing
(Interior Decoration) Domestic Economics
(Consumer-Producer Problems)
One may also take courses in Sewing, Mod- ern Literature, and Current Events, and have the opportunity for social service work in the field. These are offered in the afternoon, while the required courses are given in the morning from nine until twelve o'clock on four days of the week. The fifth morning is spent in marketing and project work.
Courses of twelve lessons each, covering a period of six weeks, are offered to students whose time is limited. Each lesson is two hours in length, the first hour being devoted to study and the second to practice in the kitchen. The kitchen, and this is especially interesting, is not the laboratory type usually found in cooking schools, but is a home kitchen with convenient equipment. A study
be commended for their service to women, and thus, indirectly, to husbands and children, too.
superin- on the Voters Committee
and on the Badges and Awards
Fitzhugh Bell,
of the Pacific District;
Lambda, is of the League of IVomen
for the Girl Scouts.

who had returned to Russia with his father and now could not leave. Through this young man they were able to see and hear and understand many things which are not allowed to the average traveler, in fact, are carefully concealed from them, for the U.S. S.R. is anxious to present a picture of suffi- ciency and contentment to the outside world. It was the guide who finally admitted that they were really prisoners in their own coun- try. The people talk a great deal about a coming world revolution.
While most of their time was spent in Leningrad, they were also some time in Mos- cow. All of the people who possibly can have crowded into these two large cities. They seem to think there is nothing worth attaining except in the cities. The govern- ment is inviting the young people to come in and is moving the old people out to make room for them. Conditions are very crowded. Additional floors are being built on top of
old buildings and many of the old buildings are being painted in odds and ends of paint, some orange, many red. There is also a great deal of new building going on, but without plan and organization. One very large dorm- itory was found to have no bath rooms at all. Dormitory is one of the words in popular use. "Expropriating" has been coined to dig- nify the taking of possessions and treasures by the government to enrich the directors of the U.S.S.R. The hospitals are known as "prophylactoriums" and killing the people for
one thing and another (it really doesn't mat- ter what, if they happen to be in the way) has become "liquidating."
Traveling as dispensed by the travel agen- cies for Russia is not by the old first, second, and third classes, but is designated as hard, soft, or de luxe with a rising scale of price, of course. Apparently the main differences between hard and soft are bugs and salad. As most of the natives travel hard, it is less buggy to go soft, as the Leslies did.
Lucy Somerville Howorth By MARY AGNES BROWN
in The Phi Delta Delta
-+- W'HKN Lucy Somerville Howorth (AOII Kappa) became an active member of Zeta Chapter, in October, 1934, Phi Delta Delta added to its numbers a lawyer from Jackson, Mississippi, whose ability and achievements had so impressed the Roosevelt Administra- tion that she was brought to Washington in
the Summer of 1934 to serve as a member of the Board of Veterans Appeals, a court of last resort where appealed veterans' claims from all over the country are heard and deter- mined. Mrs. Howorth is one of thirty out- standing lawyers, physicians and laymen who were thus appointed. There are three women on the board, the other two being laymen.
The granddaughter of one of Mississippi's most outstanding jurists, the late William L. Nugent, and the daughter of a pioneer in the field of suffrage and other rights for women, it was natural that Lucy Somerville
Rev. and
Mrs. Leslie found Russia "kapoot."
everything in
Russia Is "Kapoot"
for the Illinois Alumni
.+. "KAPOOT" is the dress that is torn, the wheel that is broken, the flower that is crushed in the U.S.S.R., and "Kapoot" too arc the Russian people of today as they were pictured by Marie Rutenbur Leslie ( I , '15), in a talk given January 26 in Boston at a
luncheon meeting of the Boston Alumna: of Alpha Omicron Pi. Mrs. Leslie gave a vivid and extremely interesting report of the ob- servations made last summer on a trip to the U.S.S.R. with her husband, the Rev. William R. Leslie, pastor of St. Mark's Methodist Episcopal Church of Brookline, Massachu- setts, suburb of Boston.
It was while she was in one of the Lenin- grad department stores that a clerk rushed up to her in dismay, pointing to a slight tear in her dress and exclaiming sorrowfully, "Ka- poot, kapoot," that she first met the word as universally used in conversation there, and which applies so well to many phases of cur- rent Russian existence.
From Mrs. Leslie's word-picture of the people it seemed that they are indeed "ka- poot" themselves—torn and tattered as to clothing, broken in health mostly from lack of sufficient and nourishing food, crushed by the weight of strict governmental rule and regulation, subdued in spirit, seemingly with no independence of speech, action, or even belief, as shown by the anti-church move- ment.
The first guide assigned to the Leslies talked such broken English that they were able to gather little of what he said. How- ever, the next day by a stroke of luck they were given a young man who had lived as a child in neighboring Lynn, Massachusetts, and

in the
of her
turned to law following her graduation in member of the United States Marine Corps, 1916 from Randolph-Macon Woman's College and Mrs. Howorth has been an active member and the completion of a post-graduate course of the American Legion Auxiliary, serving
at Columbia University. It would almost seem
that she could not have escaped the legal
profession which is traditional in her family,
her brothers also being lawyers. After grad-
uation from the law school of the University
of M ississippi with an L L . B . degree and the
highest scholarship throughout her course, she
began the practice of law as a partner in the
firm of Shands, Elmore and Causey, in Cleve-
land, Mississippi, where she practiced four
years. The senior partner, Audley W . Shands,
was her brother-in-law, an eminent lawyer
who represented the State of Mississippi as a
member of the General Council of the Ameri-
can Bar Association until his recent sudden
and untimely death. Because of a desire to
practice entirely upon her own initiative she
then opened an office in Greenville, Mississippi,
the town of her birth, but a year later went Association of University Women and the to Jackson as a partner in the law firm of
Howorth and Howorth, having simultaneously entered into a matrimonial partnership with a former law school classmate, Joseph M. Ho- worth. Tine table at the weekly Phi Delta Delta luncheon at the Women's City Club in Washington where Phi Deltas are wont to gather each Thursday has already been graced by the presence of Mr. Howorth, and it is hoped he will soon make another visit. M r . Poworth served during the World War as a
Young Women's Christian Association, which she served in a research capacity for some time in New York City. She is a member of the Research Commission of Mississippi, a body created by law, composed of twenty-five members, three of whom are women. She came to Washington in 1919 as a delegate to the International Conference of Working Women. Her prominence in the Business and Professional W omen's Club of Jackson, which she served one year as president, won for
one term as Department Secretary.
If Lucy Howorth is a lawyer by tradition she is also a legislator by the same token. In 1924 women became eligible to sit in the Mis- sissippi legislature. The first woman to achieve this honor was Nellie Nugent Somerville, M rs. Howorth's mother. The daughter won her place in the legislature in Autumn, 1931, as a representative of Hinds County, which includes the State Capital, Jackson. She took the oath of office in January, 1932, and has served con- tinuously ever since until she came to Wash- ington. That mother and daughter have mas- tered the art of politics is attested by the fact that each has won in this newly opened field
for women over distinguished adversaries.
Mrs. Howorth has taken an active interest in many organizations, including the American

her the honor of being "Speaker for a day" of the Mississippi House of Representatives on March 7, 1932, when National Business W omen's W eek was being celebrated.
"Traveling is the thing I enjoy most," she began, "and if you want to do anything enough you can usually find the means. When I start on a journey, I don't plan to write about it or to make any sort of investigation. I don't even have any itinerary mapped out. I start with a sum of money in my pocket and keep going until that is spent. I invariably go alone,
As a lawyer Mrs. Howorth has engaged in
general practice for tvelve years, and has had
a varied clientele, from persons accused of
murder to disputants over the administration
of estates. She went to London in 1924 when
the meeting of the American Bar Association
was held in that city jointly with members of
the British Bar. She is a member of the Mis-
sissippi Bar Association, the Federal Bar As-
sociation, and the National Association of from choice, even to the strangest parts of
Women Lawyers. She has served as Chair- man of the Mississippi State Board of Bar Examiners, and was United States Commis- sioner for the Southern District of Missis- sippi.
Shortly after her arrival in Washington the women lawyers of the Veterans Administra- tion, of whom there are more than fifty, gave a Sunday morning breakfast in Mrs. Howorth's honor. It is a source of much satisfaction to the members of this group, many of whom are Phi Delta Deltas, to have a lawyer of Mrs. Howorth's experience and ability serving in a position of honor and trust in connection with the Government's plan for a "New Deal" for veterans. Although she has been in W ashing- ton for a comparatively brief period, she has made many friendships and is an active par- ticipant in the affairs of Phi Delta Delta. She also finds time for her college sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi, which she has previously served as a national officer. She is a member of Pi Gamma M u, national (honorary) social science fraternity.
Members of Zeta Chapter hope that other chapters of Phi Delta Delta will have the pleasure of meeting and knowing this dis- tinguished person who, in spite of a long list of achievements, is uncommonly modest, so much so as to make this writer resort to subterranean methods to ascertain these bio- graphical facts; and she is possessed in a high degree of those qualities which make for a very human, understanding, sympathetic per- son who combines brains and humor in a most charming manner.
Lillian Schoedler
the world. Part of my pleasure in traveling is my feeling of freedom. I like to stay or go wherever or whenever the spirit moves. I have never in all my wanderings traveled with a tour. I keep away from English speaking people as much as possible when I travel in order to spend my time with the natives of a country. M y only special interest is people. I like people, all sorts of people."
This ability to adjust herself quickly to people and situations has marked her entire career whether she was the guest of wealthy Indians on a luxurious houseboat in Kashmir, or traveling third class, as she once had to do, in the hold of a Chinese ship, or sharing a mud hovel with pilgrims in the deserts of Persia.
Lillian Schoedler had a scholarship to help her through college and a loan from the Stu- dents' Loan Fund, for which she still ex- presses very deep appreciation. The means for travel have not fallen in her lap. She has had to work and contribute to the support of her family; and yet she has continually kept a travel fund and built it up for her wander- ings. When she has enough in it, she gives up her job with the most astonishing recklessness and departs, going until her money is ex- hausted. Then she returns, only to find some- thing to do that is better and more absorbing than her last position. It must be a great satis- faction to her to know that she has personally earned all the money she has ever spent for her many trips.
When I first met Lillian Schoedler in the summer of 1920, on a ranch in the west, she had already, in her vacations, tramped through most of our National Parks and seen most of the United States and Canada. She had been assistant manager of the Inter-collegiate Bu- reau of Occupations before the war. Then
for The Barnard College Alumna came the war when she organized the offices
of Mayor Mitchel's Committee of Women for National Defense. She later became executive secretary for the Women's Committee of the War Savings Stamp Campaign for Greater New York. At college, Miss Schoedler began the work of organizing some 8,000 Columbia University women graduates for war service.
In 1922, she decided that since she had to earn her living anyway, she might try to earn it in Europe. On the boat going over, she was offered a job on the Riviera, but when she arrived in Paris there was an invitation to go with a party of friends to Egypt.
There followed two luxurious months with the V. Everit Macys in Upper and Lower Egypt, a further month with them on Lord
-+- As LILLIAN SCHOEDLER ( A '11) told me about herself, we sat on the coping in front of Barnard Hall, driven from the alum- nae office by the press of activity and the mild promise of spring sunshine without. W e dangled our feet and assured the passing M r .
Swan that we would not harm a single leaf of ivy.
Miss Schoedler is a very busy person and I was glad to catch her for this talk. She was in New York for a flying visit from Boston to which she had just returned from a cross country study-tour of social, economic and political conditions as assistant to Edward A. Filene, economist and business leader. Supper
with Huey Long in his barricaded hotel room in Baton Rouge had been one unusual feature of this trip. But I wanted to find out about that three year stay in the Orient and the full and exciting years before that.

OCTOBER, 1 9 3 5
Allenby's houseboat on the Blue Nile and the White Nile in the Sudan, cruising through Central African jungles full of elephants, giraffes, and lions and inhabited by primitive tribes. Then came several weeks in Luxor with I.ord Carnarvon at the time of the most important discoveries at Tut-ankh-amen's Tomb. For three weeks following this, the part}' caravaned on camel-back through the Libyan Desert and then went by automobile through Palestine and Syria.
She left her friends then, for they were re- turning to the United States and she felt she hadn't seen enough of Europe. So after a trip of the most luxurious kind, Lillian Schoedler took a pack on her back and tramped through Italy and the Swiss Alps. There a cable found her and brought her back to America to start another unusual job.
From 1923-26, she was the executive head of a national organization which, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Herbert Hoover, began the task of building up girls' and women's athletics throughout the United States, on health-building, constructive lines, with a m ass participation basis. When she took this job, she stipulated that she should be free to go when the organization was secure. When she went to Mrs. Hoover at the end of three years, to resign, Mrs. Hoover offered her a position in charge of her own executive inter- ests in New York, California and Washington —but Lillian Schoedler turned it down, and sailed, free again, for the Orient.
On the boat there was a representative of a big American organization which was open- ing up territory in the east. Their personnel was short and she was asked to join the com- pany. No, thank you very much, she didn't think she would. Well, since she had no definite plans, wouldn't she help them for a while? It was very tempting but she felt that she had earned a vacation and the travel fund was full. However, she made up an address in Tokyo where she might be reached.
On landing in Japan, Miss Schoedler and the company's representatives went on separate routes, but when she got to Tokyo, there was a cable asking her to help out temporarily with a report.
The "temporary" job lasted eighteen months, taking her up and down the Asiatic coast. She worked and worked hard, but she was re- warded with the most unusual vacations and the means to take them that ever any one had. She was given the use of a car to drive through British M alaya, arriving in tim e to witness the weird celebrations of a Hindu festival.
Back to Japan and a trip on foot to Koya San, a Buddhist monastery on the top of a mountain, where she was not only the only woman but the sole foreigner in the place. Then again to Java, stopping on the way at Shanghai where they encountered crowds of refugees from the Nanking disaster. On her next vacation, Lillian Schoedler had the pleas- ure of driving her own car through Sumatra ...whowouldthinkyoucoulddoit?... then Bali, with its color and beauty, before the tourists had "spoiled" it.
After a year and a half of work and side
trips in the Orient, Miss Schoedler actually had the travel fund intact and decided to see more of India. There with her usual charm and good fortune she met a couple who took her in their motor. She met friends who in- vited her to spend the spring on their house- boat in the Valley of Kashmir. She visited the Kohat Pass in the North, one of those mysterious places which is partly patrolled by the British and watched by hostile tribesmen and far more dangerous than the Khyber. When she returned and told how she and her woman companion had actually gone off the road, the only thing that is British, to bar- gain with some villainous looking natives about the price of looking over their gun factory, there was great surprise, for the last to do that had been held for a large ransom. I think her friendly smile must have disarmed them.
After India she decided to try Persia. There besides having the rare experience of being the first woman to get an automobile license
(to get one she had to drive the chief of police through the town waving his hat in the air over the novel discovery that a woman could drive), she met and lived with some Persian families, and in one case was drawn in as a matchmaker for a Mohammedan who couldn't make up his mind between two sisters. When he just couldn't come to a decision he asked Miss Schoedler to solve his problem by marrying him, even promising to make her his Number One wife though he had three living ones. Lillian reported that he finally got the younger sister!
Three months in Russia, alone and un- escorted at a time when Russia was hardly open to outside travel; a "hard class" trip across Siberia! and finally, by car through French Indo-China, Siam, bandit-infested Be- douin deserts in Syria far from the usual travel routes to Damascus and home through Asiatic and European Turkey and southern Europe . . . to give only a partial picture of the conclusion of that remarkable trip.
The summer following she spent in the far north in Finnish Lapland and Iceland and went with a knapsack through the Scandi- navian countries. She did Holland on a bi- cycle. She has tramped in Mexico and two summers ago she was at the World Economic Conference in London.
But the sun was going down, and the V oca- tional Tea was waiting. We pulled ourselves back to Broadway with a jerk.
I could only gasp a single further question: "How do you manage to do it all?"
"I suppose," Miss Schoedler said, "that it is because I would rather travel than do any- thing else I know. I think we can always do what we want to if we want it hard enough, and if we are willing to pay the price. In my case, the 'price' has probably been the sacrifice of a certain degree of professional accomplishment and reputation that might have been easily possible if I had decided to stick more wholly to a professional career—and also a decision to live and die an old maid, for family ties and wanderlust don't go to- gether!"

Alpha Omicron Pi Had More
Philadelphia brains. A
Indiana University. She was on the *BK for the year. Y.W.C.A. Council.
as a junior. She belonged to BIIG, KATI
Clark, Omega,
became a
* B K
newspaper <i>BK, she
of French
as a beauty with
was vice Club.
Ascham, Junior
Omega, zvas Scholarship for
This Year Than Ever Before
the * B K
Marion Miller, Psi, was pictured in a and is house chairman of West Hall at
and Alethenai
while she was at University.
first wo- Nebras- Portia Adams, Beta Phi, is a *BK from ka's yearbook. She was Zeta's second
Schrag, Zeta, was the man to edit the "Cornhusker,"
Ro Ru Va at Northwestern, of Meristem, a member of HI*, Alethenai and *Hlv-
Rho, was

* A 0
Hentzen, of the
Honors nounced
Zeta, University
Convocation a member
A A A and Nebraska. At she was an-
of *BK.
Phi Beta Kappa's
belongs to
Jean Aiken, Alpha Sigma, made a straight A last semester and won *BK. She was
a member of
n A * at the University of Oregon.
junior the
Fuller, Denison.
Tau, is
is treasurer
of Com-
Y.W.C.A., on
mittee of
Judiciary W.S.G.A.
COURTESY, MAINE ALUMNUS. busy college life with *BK membership. lege, was a member of the Student Coun-
Marion E. Martin, Gamma, was awarded a She headed her chapter and W.A.A. at * B K key at_ the University of Maine in Indiana University.
June. She is the only woman senator in
the State of Maine legislature.
Delta, won the Al- cil and a *BK.
Ann Greenawalt, Beta Phi has capped a pha Xi Delta Scholarship at Jackson Col-

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