Major Reorganization
At AOIFs International Level
Is Priority Business
At Chicago Convention
The Spirit o f 7 6 . . . 1976 . . . f o r Alpha Omicron Pi is \ /
proving innovative, forceful and adventuresome.
Almost f r o m the beginning of planning f o r the 1975
International Convention, it became apparent that the 1973- \
75 Executive Committee was instigating a whole series o f
first f o r the Chicago biennial session. *
It would be a shorter convention than those o f the past,
just four days, with more emphasis on informality and
alumnae involvement. Top echelon sorority executives were
more accessible f o r counseling individual chapter delegates.
The forward thrust of planning f o r A O I I on the inter-
national level was immediately apparent June 21 when
Council convened f o r the opening business session of con-
At this time the Board of Directors, headed by Chairman
Carolyn Huey Harris. Lambda Sigma, presented a resolution
to restructure the administrative offices of the Fraternity
which contained a slate o f officers who had consented to
serve in support o f the resolution to implement this pro-
gressive plan.
The resolution which was passed by an overwhelming The following members of Council agreed to serve in
majority combines the former Executive Committee and these capacities under the reorganization plan:
the Board of Directors, altering the size of each, allowing
for the responsibilities of each group to remain, and simpli- President, Janie L . Callaway. Omicron
f y i n g the entire operation of the system that governs the Vice-President Operations. Norma Marshall Ackel, Kappa
The resolution, designed to insure the growth of the
Fraternity, relieve all officers of the clerical and routine Vice-President Development, Joan MacCallum. Kappa Phi
details of operation in order to provide more service to the Secretary-Treasurer. Mary K . Moore, Iota Sigma
Fraternity, assures a more effective, efficient and harmonious Directors, Carolyn Harris, Adele K. Hinton. Rho; Mary
development of operations through a single administrative
body, provides larger efficiency and closer communications Louise Filer Roller. Alpha Pi. and Phyllis A . Wester-
with the membership through a smaller operational body man, Rho.
and provides f o r professional legal and financial expertise
in the complexities of the Fraternity's business operation. Under the resolution, the elected members of the Execu-
tive Board took office and assumed their duties at the close
The Articles o f Incorporation therefore are amended to of the 1975 Council meeting and already have met in special
provide f o r eight elected Directors of the Corporation, each executive session to set into motion elaborate plans to
serving a term of two years. up date and simplify operations of Alpha Omicron Pi and
assure the Fraternity of a progressive, productive future.
This single administrative body, called the Executive
Board, combines and replaces the Executive Committee The Executive Board is charged with all the past duties
and the Board of Directors to direct the affairs of the and responsibilities of the Executive Committee and the
Fraternity. Board of Directors and shall, under its own rules of pro-
cedure, provide supervision for executive development of:
It consists of President. Vice President-Operations, Vice- alumnae programming, collegiate chapter programming, rush,
President-Development and Secretary-Treasurer elected for the traveling consultant program, extension. Panhellenic,
two years. scholarship, fraternity education, pledge training programs,
philanthropic, regional meetings and convention, publications
and public relations, housing and financial services.
And Now We Have an Eight-Member Group Called the EXECUTIVE BOARD
r ri
4 *
Seated: Director Adele K. Hinton, P. Vice President/Operations Norma Marshall Ackel, K®. International President Janie Linehaugh
Mary K.
Callaway, O, Director Carolyn Huey Harris, A.5- Standing: Director Mary Louise Filer Roller, A l l . Secretary-Treasurer
Moore, \% Vice President/Development John MacCallum, K<J>. and Director Phyllis Arner Westerman, p.
The eight members of the new Executive Board created Mary and her husband, who is vice president f o r business
by Council to replace the Executive Committee and the and finance at Iowa State, have three children. They are
Board of Directors are highly qualified, loyal Alpha Omi- Ginevera, 18, Michael, 17, and Donna, 11.
cron Pis who will serve during the 1975-77 biennium.
Skiing, camping and crafts occupy Mary's leisure moments.
President: Well known to AOIIs throughout the United
States and Canada is Janirea Linebaugh Callaway (Mrs. Directors: Dynamic Carolyn Huey Harris (Mrs. Rodney,
George B., O m i c r o n ) . She has had a distinguished record Lambda Sigma) is an advertising executive and heads her
as an A O I I leader having served as International Vice own sucessful agency in Atlanta, Ga.
President f o r the past four years. I n this capacity, "which
took at least 30 hours per week," Janie was in charge of She is in constant demand as a speaker before A O I I
all collegiate and alumnae chapters—about 250 of them! groups all over the nation because of her rapport with
members of the Fraternity o f all ages.
Earlier in her A O I I career. Janie held the following posts:
International Philanthropic Chairman. Regional Vice Presi- Immediate past chairman o f the Board o f Directors, she
dent, Alumnae Director, and Knoxville Alumnae Chapter is a past International President. I t was during her tenure
President. She has also devoted herself to her own col- of office at the 1969 International Convention in Los Angeles
legiate chapter at the University of Tennessee. She served that Council adopted the successful regional set-up.
as its Chapter Adviser f o r eight years and also organized
and served f o r six years on its Corporation Board. Her husband is a prominent southern architect.
Janie's husband is vice president of the Athletic House, Adele K . H i n t o n ( M r s . Frederick W.. Rho) resides in
sporting goods and marine stores, a family-owned business. Nashville, Tenn., where her husband is a financial executive
The Callaways have three children: Lisa A n n ( M r s . James with Aladdin Industries.
Cronin). George, Jr., and Alyson. Latest addition to the
clan is a granddaughter. Immediate past International President and presiding
officer of the Executive Committee which planned the
Vice President/Operations: Norma Marshall Ackel (Mrs. Chicago Convention, she is never bored w i t h boards.
August, Kappa Theta) has just completed four years as A t one time she served as an officer on seven different
International Treasurer of A O I I . She was born and raised ones in her hometown.
in Los Angeles, Calif., and now resides in Encino.
She has worked with A O I I in every capacity. She has
Other posts she has held within the Fraternity include: been NPC Delegate, International Convention Chairman
Regional Vice President, Collegiate Director. Colony Super- three times and Executive Committee member before be-
visor and Alumnae Chapter President. She also was coming its president.
treasurer o f her collegiate A O I I chapter at U C L A .
Mary Louise Filer Roller ( M r s . George, A l p h a Pi) has
Norma is president of the garment manufacturing com- a distinguished career in the National Panhellenic Confer-
pany originally operated by her late husband. She has ence as well as in Alpha Omicron Pi.
three sons.
Her path turned toward its present course when, as an
Her background includes having been a statistician in A O I I at Florida State University, she was elected chapter
the Marine Corps. Her major hobbies are traveling, col- president. Evidently being president is her calling in life.
lecting stamps and antique American cut glass. She went on to be alumnae president. City Panhellenic
president and f r o m 1955-57, International President of
Vice-President/Development: This position held by Joan AOII.
MacCallum (Mrs. John D . . Kappa Phi) of Quebec, involves
working with collegiate chapters throughout the United One more chief executive position was yet to come. Mary
States and Canada. Louise's longtime interest in Panhellenic flowered after her
A O I I presidency. She was A O I I ' s National Panhellenic Dele-
Joan hopes "by strengthening our collegiate chapters, gate f r o m 1957-67. As a delegate, she held the following Na-
A O I I can be of more service not only to its own members, tional Panhellenic offices: Treasurer (1963-65), Secretary
but also to the many campuses and communities where a (1965-67) and Chairman (1967-69).
chapter is installed."
She has held an international-level A O I I post, as either
This, by no means, is the first job Joan has filled capably Panhellenic Delegate or on the Board of Directors since
for A O I I . She has been a Regional Vice President for the early 1950's.
Region I , International Philanthropic Chairman and presi-
dent of the Montreal Alumnae Chapter. While attending Mary Louise's husband is a tax authority. They have
M c G i l l University she was president of the A O I I collegiate one son, George, Jr., and grandchildren. Her many
chapter there. hobbies include designing clothes, sewing, collecting antiques
and boating in the Rollers' ocean-going vessel.
Joan's husband is principal at West H i l l High School.
The MacCallum family have two children, Bill, 12, and Youngstown. Ohio, is the hometown o f Phyllis Arner
Sherri, 11. She says her hobbies include sewing, rug- Westerman ( M r s . W i l l i a m M . . R h o ) . She has distinguished
hooking and swimming. herself in A O I I annals by an outstanding and active role.
Secretary-Treasurer: A resident of Ames, Iowa and an Married to a salesman, Phyl is an avid golfer and loves
alumna of Iowa State University, Mary R. Moore (Mrs. to knit.
Wayne R., Iota Sigma) says she plans to devote her time
to helping Regional Finance Officers strengthen individual While serving on the Board o f Directors, she was both
chapters while overseeing the finances of A O I I . treasurer and secretary. She's also served stints as Expan-
sion Director, Chapter Adviser, International Secretary-
Mary's service to A O I I is impressive. She has been Executive Committee, Chairman Finance Committee and
Region V's Finance Officer, Financial Adviser for Iota Sigma as a member of Phi Lambda Corporation Board.
and a member of the Corporation Board of Iota Sigma
Chapter. She became a member of Alpha Omicron Pi while at-
tending Northwestern University where she served her chap-
ter as assistant treasurer and reporter to T O D R A G M A .
So <3)/mama
Alpha Omicron Pi
Fall 1975 Vol. LXI. No.
Published since January 1905 by
ALPHI OMICRON PI Fraternity, Inc.
utFounded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897
2 Major Reorganization at Chicago Convention L
4 Executive Board, 1975-77
6 Chicago Convention Kaleidoscope
12 Awards—1975
14 1975 Founder's Awards
15 Chi Alpha Chapter Installation at University of California
17 Alpha Omicron Pi Directory
25 Rose Banquet
26 Collegians In The Spotlight
27 Alumni Awards
28 AOH's 1975-76 Traveling Consultants
29 Convention Echo
30 Tau Delta, Birmingham Chapters Celebrate 100 Years in
31 Oklahoma City Alumnae Chapter's 50th Anniversary
32 AOII's 50th Chapter, Iota Alpha. Observes 25th Anniversary
33 Tallahassee Alumnae Chapter Installed At Alpha Pi House
33 AOII's Rally I n Lakeland, Florida For Alumnae Chapter
34 Sights and Sounds
36 Alumnae Chapter Installed At Macon. Georgia
36 Four Recent Grads Spark Installation of Tampa Bay
Alumnae Chapter
37 In Memoriam
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office TO D R A G M A is published by Alpha \l,
2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103 Omicron Pi Fraternity with headquar-
Nashville, Tennessee 37212 ters at Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Park- Us
Telephone: 615-383-1174 way, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205. Sec-
ond Class Postage paid at Indianapolis, ON T H E COVER: Barbara Paakh
Send all editorial material and corre- Indiana, and at additional mailing offices. is president of Iota Chapter-Uni-
spondence to the versity of Illinois, winner of the
TO D R A G M A is printed four times a coveted JWH Cup at Chicago
Editor year in Fall, Winter, Spring and Sum- Convention.
Mrs. Millie M. Murphy mer by Williams Printing Company. 417
4534 Shy's Hill Road, Commerce Street, Nashville. Tenn. 5
Nashville, Tennessee 37215 37219.
Send all changes of address, death no-
tices and TO D R A G M A subscriptions Subscription Price is $1.00 per copy.
to: $3.00 per year. Life Subscription.
Central Office
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway
Indianapolis. Indiana 46205
by M I L L I E M I L A M M U R P H Y , N O ,
When Council convenes biennially as The 1975 convention schedule was ness session in O'Hare's cavernous
it did in June at O'Hare I n n , Des many things to those who attended, Convention H a l l as the gavel fell,
Plaines, III., it is the governing body but all present for the four-day Chi- congratulatory messages were read,
of the Fraternity. cago session shared one emotion- credentials were presented and roll call
charged experience. taken.
Alpha Omicron Pi's 51st Inter-
national Convention was called to order Whether a delegate was attending It is at this time that the extent and
Friday, June 20, by President Adele her first convention or was a seasoned far-reaching importance o f A O I I is
K. Hinton, Rho, following registra- veteran of A O I I international meet- realized.
tion and the opening banquet Thursday, ings, each experienced a sense o f awe
June 19. and inspiration at the opening busi- All delegates were part of a rich
tapestry of events and experiences
International Convention Chairman Val Christmann Burghard, p, counsels Suzanne
Smith and Barbara Kraus, NI, during registration.
Joyce Leff, $ A , Carol Passaneau, I, and Marilyn Anderson, B<f>, assist Local Convention
Chairman Agnes McCrae Nicholas, Y, in the registration of delegates.
Among members of families of Chicago area AOlls who were on hand Cindy Frcmling, r<I>. Donna Colter, N I , Jeannelte Dahl, p ,
at O'Hare International Airport to greet convention delegates and assist and Mary Schuette, p „ take tour reservations,
them with their luggage were Barbara Aubel, Warren Fremling and
Nancy and Pat Kellogg. The latter three are the husband, sister and
brother of Cindy Fremling, r $ -
staged against a beautiful background gional and local levels were on hand Delta, Justice, Supreme Court of
made possible by outstanding planning for individual and group counseling. Michigan.
and staging on the part of the Execu-
tive Committee, International Conven- While it's impossible to report on Judge Coleman, also was the re-
tion Chairman Valerie Christmann the highlights of convention f o r each cipient, at this time, of the Wyman
Burghard, Rho, and Local Conven- individual, areas of greatest brightness Founders' Award presented biennially
tion Chairman Agnes McCrae Nichols, were led off by the opening banquet to an alumna who has distinguished
Upsilon. with " A O I I in the Heart of the Nation" herself in her profession, the arts or
as the theme. service to mankind.
The 1975 Convention proved far-
sighted and contemporary-minded in This is always an inspiring event Judge Coleman is married to Creigh-
its handling of business. I n addition with the promenade and introduction ton R. Coleman, circuit judge and
to the reorganization of AOII's execu- of past International Presidents, the formerly state senator and majority
tive level discussed in detail in pre- Executive Committee and the Board of leader.
ceding pages, another change made Directors and the singing of the "Star
affecting all collegiate chapters is the Spangled Banner" and "O'Canada." Making the Wyman Award pres-
separating of badge purchase f r o m entation was Jessie Marie S. Cramer,
initiation fees. Council approved this Valerie Burghard was toastmistress Phi, past International President.
change because of the well-known and Adele Hinton introduced the
fluctuation in gold prices making it speaker. She was distinguished A O I I . This impressive social affair was
impossible to set and keep initiation Judge Mary Stallings Coleman. Pi followed by the opening ritual of
fees constant over several years' period. convention.
Badges w i l l be ordered as always
before initiation and orders sent with • AOTTi
initiation fees and reports but charges
are separate. Reqion I Suite 8b24
When delegates were not dealing :_:: 8605 f
with convention business with dispatch -605 2 ?
and aplomb, they were caught up in 5605 M
extensive, instructive trainings sessions, 5524
seminars and workshops which ran the 1M 5624
gamut o f every aspect o f Fraternity
process and procedure. VTTT 7605
Collegiates and a l u m n a e could • _ f^^^^^^^^^^^^
choose between sessions on chapter Candy Kirkwood Colyer, K K , and Executive Director Marie E. Hughes, B4>, point the
relations, scholarship, rituals, finances, way to Regional suites.
pledge education, Panhellenic, publica-
tions, ways and means, service projects
and increasing membership, just to
name a few.
Leaders on the international, re-
I The 1973-75 Board of Directors at Chi-
Frankie Gotlieb and Kathy Stocks, BT, get as far as the hotel entrance with their cago Convention included: Eunice Force
Barkell, \ . Sharon Dieringer Campbell.
Y A . Martha HHands, AP. Phyllis Arner
Westerman, p. Adele K. Hinton, P,
Norma Marshall Ackel, K®. Chairman
Carolyn Huey Harris, AS- Mary Louise
Roller, A l l - and Jean Graham Whorley,
> •I 1
•4 It
14 .0^•
Tears of Joy 1 1Memorable Learning Experience
Speaker for the convention's opening ft?
banquet was Michigan Supreme Court
Justice Mary Stallings Coleman, HA.
who was introduced by International
President Adele K. Hinton, p. It was at
this function that Judge Coleman was
presented with the 1975 Wyman Award
as an AOH who has distinguished her-
self in her profession.
Past International Presidents assemble
prior to their formal introduction at
opening banquet. They are, front row,
Ruth Lee Lcichtamer, ®Hr, Edith Hunt-
ington Anderson, B $ . Helen Holier, Q,
Laura Hurd, y, Wilnui Smith Leland, T,
Jessie McAdams Lamed, T, Jacinta Lo-
brano Talbot, I I , and Dorothy Bruniga
Dean, p. In the center, Eleanorc Dietrich
MacCurdy, I A , Mary Louise Roller,
A l l , Jessie Marie Senor Cramer, <J>, and
in the background, Carolyn Huey Harris,
\%, Nancy Mover McCain, p, Josephine
Smith Dorweiler, T, and Mary Danielson
Drummond, A $ -
Dynamic Leadership Shrieks of Happiness
ARTHRITIS In the ensuing convention days, a
AND ALPHA series of brilliant parties was planned.
OMICRON PI They included the publications, philan-
throphic and f u n luncheons and the
m alumnae or "The Spice of Life Ban-
quet," the collegiate or "The Spirit of
i '76 Banquet," and the piece de resis-
tance of convention, the Rose Banquet
I on the closing evening.
Cherished awards were lavishly be-
stowed at each of these affairs.
Fitting and glittering climax to all
these special functions was the beauti-
f u l , formal Rose Banquet.
The whole, candlelit splendor of the
affair was reflected in the silver of the
Founders' Awards presented at this
Toastmistress for the auspicious oc-
casion when retiring officers were rec-
ognized and new ones officially intro-
duced was 1975-77 Director Mary
Louise Filer Roller, Alpha Pi.
Wilma Smith Leland, Tau, intro-
duced her fellow, past International
President Nancy Moyer McCain, Rho.
who was principal speaker and chose
as her subject, " I n Thy Shelter Stand-
High point of the philanthropic luncheon, "Share And
Care", was the presentation of a $7,500 Arthritis Foun-
dation research grant to Dr. Martha Kopper Lee, right,
rheumatologist currently working under the supervision
of Dr. Jacques Caldwell, University of Florida Depart-
ment of Medicine, Division of Clinical Immunology,
Rheumatology and Allergy, Gainesville, Fla., as a
clinical fellow. International Philanthropic Chairman
Dorothy Kish Kurras, A I L and AF Executive Director
Jerry Walsh are seen with her at the luncheon.
A proper send-off for "The Spirit
of '76" Collegiate Banquet was
the appearance of this quartet
of Revolutionary minutemen
portrayed by 1974-75 Traveling
Consultants Camille Anne Stick-
ney, % Candy Sue Pierson, A P ,
Darci Sullivan, A S ' da n lone
Hamblin, <J>Y.
AOII in Action i Old Friendships Renewed
I mm V
s •
TC's Reunited-Foreground: Cindy Howland Maddux, 2 A i ^<?6 Grant, \ \ , Sue Montgomery Lewis, T A . Ginger Banks, UK-
Mathis, Af2, Margaret Hook, N B . £>«ra" Sullivan, AS. ZVri Michael Lord, U K , Candy Kirkwood Colyer, K K . Candy Sue
Thomas, ®Q, Frankie Gotlieb, BT- Standing, Terry Howard Pierson, AP, Camille Stickney, 2 .
./««<? Hamblin. <t>Y-
Presiding over the convention was the
1973-75 Executive Committee: Interna-
tional President Adele K. Hinton, P;
International Administrative Vice Presi-
dent Janie Linebaugh Callaway, O; Inter-
national Executive Vice President Rosalie
Gorham Barber, 2 0 ; International Ex-
tension Vice President Margaret Kramer
Crawford, [; International Secretary
Geraldine Marlindale King, fiO: and
International Treasurer Norman Marshall
Ackel. K®.
JWH To honor one collegiate chapter with the
most outstanding service to college or com-
munity and fulfillment of obligations to AOII.
IOTA—University of Illinois
MULLAN To honor one alumna who has given service
to the fraternity beyond necessity for many
Dorothy Bruniga Dean—Rho
PERRY To honor the most outstanding collegiate
Marsha Annette Brooks—Nu Beta
WYMAN To honor one alumna who has distinguished In the
herself in her profession, the arts or service
to humanity. l**9* of the
Nation tip
Mary Stallings Coleman—Pi Delta
DISTINGUISHED SERVICE: To honor well rounded, top-
notch chapters for their activities, scholarship, service to
campus, college, community, internal quality, relations
with national, financial responsibility and training pro-
grams for a two year period are outstanding.
Chi Lambda—University of Evansville
Delta Delta—Auburn University
Kappa Pi—Ohio Northern University
Kappa Tau—Southeastern Louisiana University
Lambda Tau—Northeast Louisiana University
Nu Beta—University of Mississippi
Omega Omicron—Lambuth College
Omicron—University of Tennessee
Sigma Rho—Slippery Rock State College
Tau Omicron—University of Tennessee-Martin
Honoring the collegiate chapter maintaining the best com- Alumnae
munications and records with Central Office.
LAMBDA OMEGA—Northwest Missouri State University Convention Banquet Programs
McCAUSLAND CUP: To honor the collegiate chapter with
the most outstanding scholarship for the past two years.
BETA TAU—University of Toronto
SCHOLARSHIP CUPS: Sharon Campbell—Upsilon Alpha
Elizabeth Carter—Omicron
ALPHA CHI—Western Kentucky University Nancy Clark—Rho
BETA KAPPA—University of British Columbia Linda Fuson—Omicron
NU OMICRON—Vanderbilt University Eleanor Hickein—Sigma Chi
PI DELTA—University of Maryland Lynri Johnston—Epsilon
SIGMA CHI—Hartwick College Marion Jolly—Sigma Omicron
TAU DELTA—Birmingham Southern College Jean Maroder—Lambda
Thelma Mullett—Phi Omicron
PHILOS AWARD Eleanor Oyer—Phi
Jane Purdy—Chi Lambda
To honor one collegiate chapter on whose campus the Kathryn Reed—Epsilon Alpha
Pahhellenic spirit is best exemplified. Dorothy Robinson—Kappa Tau
Lucile Spencer—Zeta
LAMBDA SIGMA—University of Georgia Jane Stitt—Alpha Tau
Numa Surgeon—Nu Kappa
Citations: Joan Swegen—Phi Lambda
PI—Sophie Newcomb College Joanne Zolomij—Epsilon Alpha
TAU OMICRON—University of Tennessee-Martin
DISTINGUISHED SERVICE: Honoring an alumnae chapter
Honoring the collegiate chapter with the most outstanding for service to the community, a collegiate chapter, support
philanthropic achievements, fulfilling quota and contribut- of our philanthropy, support of city Panhellenic, promotion
ing time and/or money to local projects. of a variety of activities which include keeping the mem-
bership informed on fraternity business.
LAMBDA TAU—Northeast Louisiana University
IOTA—University of Illinois
M U R I E L T. McKINNEY: Given biennially in memory of a PHILOS AWARD
Past International President and presented to an alumna
adviser for her outstanding guidance and length of service To honor one alumnae chapter in whose city the Pan-
to a collegiate chapter. hellenic spirit is best exemplified.
R O S E : To honor alumnae who have gone beyond the call Citations:
of duty in serving the fraternity. They may or may not hold DAYTON, OHIO
titles'or offices within Alpha Omicron Pi. GREATER LANSING, MICHIGAN
Sandra Amos—Kappa Pi
Edith Anderson—Beta Phi PHILANTHROPIC
Mary Ellen Baker--Alpha Tau
Loui Bass—Zeta To honor an alumnae chapter for outstanding philan-
Norma Berry—Rho thropic achievements, fulfilling international quota and
Nancy Bettis^-Omicron contributing money and time to local projects.
Lois Billig—Theta Psi
June Bogle—Nu Omicron DENVER, COLORADO
1975 Founders Awards Went To
\ sr
Dorothy Bruniga Dean, p, accepts the MULLAN Award from another past Inter
national President, Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdv, \\
PERRY, Marsha Annette Brooks, N B
'-* - vVL .
} Carolyn Huey Harris presents the 1WH Cup to Iota Chapter president. Accepting
is Barbara Paakh, who also is featured on the front cover.
WYMAN, Mary Stailings Coleman, UA- Awards and more convention pictures on page 25.
Members of Alpha Omicron Pi from i Davis Arren Arredonda and Alice
all over California gathered Saturday, 1 Crouch Huston, Alpha Theta, co-
A p r i l 5, at the University of California chairmen of the ritual.
at Davis f o r festivities centered around #5
the installation of Chi Alpha Chapter. Other alumnae from Sacramento
CHI ALPHA Chapter Adviser, Esse Bill- participating in special phases of the
Members of Sacramento Alumnae ings Blubaugh, X A , end Chi Alpha's weekend were Sally Guptill Cardenas,
Chapter and Chi Alpha were honored president, Denise Hemhree, share a joyful Lambda Beta; Charlotte Traweek Jones,
to have, as representatives o f the Ex- moment during Saturday evening's ban- Tau Delta; Charlie Hirst Hutsell, Theta
ecutive Committee, International Exten- quet. Omega, Bethel Brown Griffith, Sigma;
sion Vice President Peg Kramer Craw- Liz Elberg Dewante, Sigma; Mary
ford, Iota, and International Treasurer Lachowicz Buff, Chi, and Anne Cramer
Norma Marshall Ackel, Kappa Theta, Root, Phi.
who served as installing officers.
Esse Billings Blubaugh, Chi Delta,
Also participating in the installation f r o m Sacramento is chapter adviser f o r
were Region V I I I Vice president Mari- Chi Alpha. Members of the advisory
lyn Herman, Upsilon, Regional Finance committee include: Charlie Hutsell, fi-
Officer Marianne Carton, Upsilon, and nance; Kris Arredonda, social activ-
Regional Extension Officer lean Ma- ities; Sally Cardenas, rush; Joe Steagall
roder. Lambda, and past International Clark, Alpha Rho, chapter relations;
President lessie Marie Cramer, $. Maryl Campbell Gray, Lambda, schol-
arship; Maureen Smith Long, philan-
Twenty-six charter members and one thropy; Janet Jackson, music and
pledge of AOII's youngest chapter drama; Alice Huston, fraternity edu-
welcomed alumnae and guests f r o m cation; Margery Armitage, Lambda,
Sacramento and the Bay Area along public relations; Carol Spees, M a r y
with collegiates f r o m Sigma Chapter, Buff and Ann Kramer Root, members-
the University of California at Berke- at-large.
Dewey Halden, Davis senior citizen,
A reception and banquet were held with no previous ties with Alpha Omi-
Saturday evening at the Voyager Inn cron Pi. who is chairman of the Corpo-
in Davis with Eunice Force Barkell. ration Board, was one of the honor
Lambda, o f Berkeley as toastmistress. guests at the banquet.
Another reception was planned at the
Sigma N u Fraternity house Sunday W o r k i n g with h i m on the board are
afternoon. April 6. Helene Wilkins Bartig, Lambda; Gen-
evieve Paras Repp, N u Lambda, Liz
Joanne Thompson of Orinda was in Dewante and Esse Blubaugh.
charge of installation activities.
The latter has made the 17-mile
Serving on her committee were Kris trek f r o m Sacramento to Davis at least
once a week since last September,
Chi Alpha Chapter working on details to make the new
Installation at chapter a reality.
University of
California Officers of Chi Alpha are: Denise
by M A R G E R Y G U N N A R M I T A G E , A Hembree, president; Sally Abel, vice
president; Leslie Fullerton, secretary;
Ruth Ammerman, treasurer; Pam Ar-
nold and Katherine Parker, rush co-
chairmen; Valerie Doggett, Panhellenic
delegate; Carolyn Higashi, scholarship:
Gia Caparis, activities; Mariam Fadavi.
philanthropic; Moira Johnson, social;
Jan Peterson, historian and publicity,
and K i m Lautsch, song leader.
Other charter members are: Annette
Brown. Sally Clark. Mary Coffey.
Claudia Fromm. Scarlett Gede. Ellen
Gwinn. Sylvia Ting Hsieh, Leah Huse-
mann, Janet Knipper. Kristin Malm-
quist, Linda Pointdexter. Wendy Stan-
ley and Patty Working. Debbie Walter
is a pledge.
A NEW CHAPTER—First row, foreground: Carolyn Higashi,
Wendy Stanley, Ellen Gwinn, Scarlett Gede, Pain Arnold, Janet
Knipper. Jan Peterson. Second row: Linda Pointdexter, Claudia
Fronun, Kristin Malmqiiist, Mary Coffey, Sylvia Hsieh, Sally
Abel, Gia Caparis. Denise Hembree. Standing: Annette Brown,
Sully Clark, Leslie Fullerton, Ruth Ammerman, Valerie Doggett,
Debbie Walter, Kathy Parker, Kim Lautsch, Moira Johnson,
Miriam Fadavi and Leah Husemann.
|*fef f « 1 NEW INITIATES of Chi Alpha Chapter, installed April 5 at
«•*> * * * the University of California at Davis, Sylvia Ting Hsieh and
16 Katherine Parker, are seen with International Treasurer Norma
Marshall Ackell, K®, Charlie Hirst Hut sell, ®f2, financial ad-
viser to the chapter, and installing officer, International Extension
Vice President Peg Kramer Crawford, L.
Central Office has moved to Nashville. See winter issue of TO DRAGMA for details.
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Founded At Keep This Directory. The Directory
Barnard College January 2, 1897 Is Printed Only Once Each Year
FOUNDERS 3rd Alternate: Mrs. Frederick W . Hinton (Adele Members—Mrs. Warren C . Drummond (Mary
Kuflewski P) Danielson A * )
Jessie Wallace Hughan (See Executive Board listing) 610 Hinman Avenue
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) Evanston. Illinois 60202
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.) CENTRAL OFFICE Mrs. Robert F . Lindrooth (Mary Paschen P )
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman 1241 Burr Oak Lane
The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Harrington. Illinois 60010
at Barnard College of Columbia University 2401 Hillsboro R d . , Suite 103, Mrs. Wilma Smith Leland ( T )
and all are deceased. Nashville, T N 37212 4330 Minnetonka Blvd., Apt. 310 A
Telephone 615-383-1174 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416
EXECUTIVE BOARD Mrs. Walter M. McCain (Nancy Moyer P )
Traveling Consultant Program Coordinator— 38775 Byriver Drive
President Miss Ginger Banks ( U K ) Mt. Clemens, Michigan 48043
Mrs. George B. Callaway (Janirae Linebaugh O) 1225 Westheimer Drive, Apartment 8 Mrs. George C . Miller (Verginia Long 1)
2400 Craghead Lane Austin, Texas 78752 La Mancha
Knoxville. Tennessee 37920 30942 Lucia Lane
Telephone: 615-573-7558 Telephone: 512-454-8572 Laguna Niguel. California 92677
Vice President/Operations
Mrs. August Ackel (Normal Marshall K e ) Traveling Consultants—• Ex-Officio Members—Mrs. George B. Callaway,
5340 Yarmouth, Apartment # 3 0 8 Miss Frances T. Gotlieb ( B T ) International President
Encino, California 91316 Miss Jane Hamblin ( * Y ) Mrs. William H. Glover (Marsha NB)
Telephone: 213-345-5199 Miss Darci Sullivan (AS) P.O. Box 5787
Vice President/Development Miss Teri E . Thomas (©ft) University. M S 38677
Mrs. John D. MacCallum (Joan Deathe K * )
13195 Edison Crescent TO DRAGMA RUSH
Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada H8Z 1Y5
Telephone: 514-626-1247 Editor—Mrs. Millie Milam Murphy (NO) Chairman—Mrs. James M. Hardy (Patricia
(Through July and August) 4534 Shy's Hill Road Cowley r s )
c/o D. W. MacCallum Nashville, Tennessee 37215 3465 Somerset Trail, S W
South Shore Road. Rural Route # 2 Telephone: 615-269-6563 Atlanta, Georgia 30331
Clarenceville, Quebec. Canada J0J 0B0
Secretary/Treasurer PARLIAMENTARIAN SCHOLARSHIP (Susan Davis
Mrs. Wayne R. Moore (Mary Hansuld IS)
2601 Oakwood Road, Route # 3 Mrs. John D. Ennis (Florence Dodge KA) Chairman—Mrs. Philip Holtkamp
Ames, Iowa 50010 200 Gardendale
Telephone: 515-292-8555 Terre Haute, Indiana 47803 «)
Director 485 Santa Dominga
Mrs. J . Rodney Harris (Carolyn Huey AS) Solana Beach, California 92075
2965 Pharr Court South, N W
Atlanta, Georgia 30305 STANDING COMMITTEES
Telephone: 404-237-1487
Mrs. Frederick W. Hinton (Adele Kuflewski P ) AND REVISION
No. 51 Versailles Apartment COLLEGIATE LIAISON
3000 Hillsboro Road Chairman—Miss Bobbye L . McCarter (NO) Members
Nashville, Tennessee 37215 The Barn M / H Estates Miss Debra M . King (Region I ) , 4517 College
Telephone: 615-297-8022 Rt. 5, No. 8
Director Statesboro, Georgia 30458 Avenue, College Park, Maryland 20740
Mrs. George K . Roller (Mary Louise Filer All) Miss Jill A. Vanderfleet (Region I I ) , McFar-
Post Office Box 2317 Members—Mrs. Arthur K . Anderson (Edith
Sanford, Florida 32771 Huntingdon B4>) land Hall, Miami U . , Oxford. Ohio 45056
Telephone: 305-349-5675 836 South Henderson Street, Apt. 1 Miss Rebecca J . Duncan (Region I I I ) , Box
(June 1 through October 1) Bloomington, Indiana 47401
Post Office Box 198 Mrs. Robert W. Belk (Nancy Herlihy Y A ) 302—2117 Andy Holt Avenue, Knoxville,
Balsam, North Carolina 28707 255 Jayne Avenue Tennessee 37914
Telephone: 704-456-6284 Oakland, California 94610 Miss Nincy L . Burnett (Region I V ) , 230 Mar-
Director lene Drive, Evansville, Indiana 47712
Mrs. William M. Westerman (Phyllis Arner P ) CONVENTION (Valerie Miss Debra Richardson (Region V ) . Box 554,
88 Lake Shore Drive Chairman—Mrs. Fred R . Burghard Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402
Youngstown, Ohio 44511 Miss LaDonna Preuninger (Region V I ) , 1119
Telephone: 216-788-3956 Christmann P ) South 5th, Bozeman, Montana 59715
940 Sylviawood Miss Kathy Finley (Region V I I ) , Box 16990-
NATIONAL PANHELLENIC Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 A, L S U , University Station, Baton Rouge,
CONFERENCE Louisiana 70803
FRATERNITY EDUCATION AND Miss Sally Abel (Region V I I I ) , 2314 Denison
(Collegiate correspondence should be directed PLEDGE TRAINING Drive, Davis. California 95616
to 1st Alternate)
Chairman—Miss Michal Lord ( U K ) PERRY AWARD COMMITTEE
A O I I Delegates 2412-A Trailside Drive
Delegate: Mrs. George K . Roller (Mary Louise Austin. Texas 78704 Chairman—Mrs. Mahlon P . Leichtamer (Ruth
Lee 9 V )
Filer All) 3455 Goddard Road
Post Office Box 2317 HISTORIAN Toledo, Ohio 43606
Sanford. Florida 32771 Chairman—Mrs. Warren C . Drummond (Mary Members—Mrs. Wesley G . Cramer (Jessie
Telephone: 305-349-5675
(See Executive Board listing for June 1 to Danielson A * ) Marie Senor * )
October 1 address) 610 Hinman Avenue 8830 Delmar
1st Alternate: Mrs. Richard C . Crawford, J r . Evanston, Illinois 60202 Prairie Village, Kansas 66207
(Margaret Kramer, I) Mrs. Grant H . Lamed (Jessie McAdam T )
9113 Massasoit NOMINATIONS 2354 No. 48th St.
Oak Lawn, Illinois 60453 Chairman—Mrs. Michie M . Barber (Rosalie Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226
Telephone: 312-422-5244
2nd Alternate: Mrs. Willard D . Berry (Norma Gorham SO) RUBY FUND
Nierstheimer P ) 1713 MacArthur Park
Fairway Estates A-41 Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401 Chairman—Mrs. George P. Dean (Dorothy
8005 San Point Way, N E
Seattle, Washington 98115 PHILANTHROPIC Bruniga P ) , 2219 Country Club Drive. Mont-
Chairman—Mrs. Richard Kurras (Dorothy
Kish gomery, Alabama 36106
Hollywood, Florida 33021 President—Mrs. Robert D . MacCurdv (Eleanore
REGIONAL MEETINGS Malecki Dietrich I A ) . 100 Norlen Park, Bridgewater.
Chairman—Mrs. Laurence Frerk (Peg Massachusetts 02324. Telephone: 617-697-7855
Treasurer—Mrs. Wilbur Mottweiler (Patricia
I) Jacobs © ) . 504 South Owen. Mt. Prospect,
1523 North Douglas Ave. Illinois 60056
Arlington Heights. Illinois 60004 Scholarship Chairman—Mrs. Raymon Eldridge
(Mildred Ward A ) , 27 Mountfort Road, New-
RITUAL, TRADITIONS AND JEWELRY ton Highlands. Massachusetts 02161
Seals Project Chairman—Mrs. Monte Eliason
Chairman—Mrs. Walter C . Mylander, Jr. (Sheryl Mooney A * ) . Route 2, Box 252A,
Bozeman, Montana 59715
Virginia Boggess K )
Stevensville, Maryland 21666
Vice President—Mrs. Stephen C. Clouse, Jr. (Marion X ) , 170 Larchmont Avenue, Larchmont, New York 10538. Tele: 914-834-
Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Nova
Scotia, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Quebec, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia
Extension Officer—Mrs. David Watters (Carole E A ) , 311 Walnut Avenue, Perkasie, Pennsylvania 18944. Tele: 215-257-4480
Finance Officer—Mrs. Kenneth Christian (Helen N ) , 2-B Crockett Lane, Whiting, New Jersey 08759. Tele: 201-350-9099
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Beta Tau Miss Kathryn Stocks, 24 Madison Ave., Mrs. John Amos (Sandy K * ) , 24 Dobie
Mrs. Michael J . Owoc (Lynette B r ) ,
Delta Chi Toronto. Ontario, Canada M 5 R 251, U N I - 1310 Gulleden Dr., Unit 7, Mis- Avenue, Mt. Royal, Quebec, Canada
Gamma V E R S I T Y O F T O R O N T O , T E : 416-922- sissauga, Ontario, Canada L 4 X H3P I R 8 , T E : 514-739-4586
3646 IY9 Mrs. Harold Klotz ( L o i s X ) , 506 Shannon
Gamma Beta Miss Jan Thisell, Univ. of Delaware, New- Lane, State College, P A 16801, T E :
ark, D E 19711 U N I V E R S I T Y O F Mrs. Frederick W. Polaski (Mary 814-238-1274
Phi Beta D E L A W A R E , T E : 302-738-1243 Jean A X ) , Seymour Road, Bear, Mrs. John Amos (Sandy K<J>)
Miss Martha A . Lambert. A O I I , Penobscot D E 19701
Phi Kappa Hall. U M O , Orono, M E 04473, U N I V E R - Miss Helen McMahon ( P ) . 7432 Colshire
Pi Delta S I T Y O F M A I N E O R O N O , T E : 207-581- Miss Debora Adams Rte 4, Dr., # 5 , McLean, V A 22101, T E :
Sigma Chi 7624 Winterport, M E 04496 703-893^1746
Sigma Rho Miss Barbara Kulis, Room 232, Esch Hall,
I U P , Indiana. P A 15701, I N D I A N A U N I - Miss Peggy Fletcher, 1354 Water St., Mrs. Thelma Mitchell ( X ) , 5 Ballard
Sigma Tau VERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, T E : Indiana, P A 15701 Place, Fairlawn, N J 07410, T E : 201-
Theta Pi 412-357-4151 796-5664
Miss Mary Jane Podrasky, Box 882, E S S C , Mrs. Joseph Catanzaro (Judy * B ) ,
E . Stroudsburg, P A 18301. E A S T Box 882, E S S C , E . Stroudsburg, Miss Helen McMahon ( P )
T E : 717^*24-2446 Mrs. Harold Klotz (Lois X )
Mrs. James Bohnert (Sue * K ) , 305
Miss Karlene Chapman, Box 49, Riggleman 22nd St., S E , Charleston, W V Mrs. John Amos (Sandy K $ )
Hall, Charleston, W V 25304, M O R R I S 25304
H A R V E Y C O L L E G E . T E : 304-346-2801. Mrs. Harold Klotz (Lois X )
Miss Victoria Vinton ( H A ) , 14015
Miss Donna Carrillo, 4517 College Ave., Castle Blvd., #402 Silver Spring, Miss Helen McMahon (P)
College Park, M D 20740, U N I V E R S I T Y M D 20904
O F M A R Y L A N D , T E : 301-927-9871 Mrs. Thelma Mitchell ( X )
Mrs. Fred G. Hickein (Eleanor E X ) .
Miss Lisa Johnson, 17 Maple St., Oneonta, 82 E l m St., Oneonta, N Y 13820
N Y 13820, H A R T W I C K C O L L E G E , T E :
607-432^1271 Mrs. Joseph Marks (Ramona 2 P ) ,
R . D . # 4 , Slippery Rock, P A 16057
Miss Kathleen Ann Anysz, 138 Towers.
Slippery Rock, P A 16057, S L I P P E R Y Mrs. Alan L . Goldstein (Cecilia
R O C K S T A T E C O L L E G E , T E : 412-794- X T ) , 110 Campus Ave., Chester-
9918 town. M D 21620
Miss Barbara Green, Washington College, Mrs. Michael Giannetto (Mary Lou
Chestertown, M D 21620. W A S H I N G T O N 911), 746 Armstrong Ave., Staten
C O L L E G E . T E : 301-778-9882 Island, N Y 10308
Miss Rebecca J . Harding, Harbor View
Hall, 817, A O I I , Staten Island, N Y 10301,
W A G N E R C O L L E G E , T E : 212-390-3072
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Albany Mrs. Arthur Zweibel (Joyce E . ) , Taliska Northern Virginia Mrs. Robert Peterson (Karen e i l ) , 13111
Baltimore Ave., R D # 1 , Rensselaer, N Y 12144, T E : Ottawa Mercury Lane, Fairfax, V A 22030, T E :
518-283-0086 Philadelphia
Camden, NJ Pittsburgh 703-378-6414
Area Mrs. Les Bley, J r . (Sharon I I A ) , 1204 Southern
Charleston, W V Edgemont R d „ Towson, M D 21204, T E : Connecticut Mrs. A . P. Baerg (Barbara K * ) , 812 Cork
Greater Allentown/ 301-828-1102 State College, P A St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K I G I Y 2 ,
Bethlehem Staten Island T E : 613-733-6392
Greater Miss Mary E . McAllister ( E A ) , 1423 Com- Syracuse
Harrisburg monwealth Ave., Brighton, M A 02135, Toronto Mrs. Joan K . Simonin (ill), 600 Park Lane,
Long Island T E : 617-787-2537
Wyncote, P A 19095, T E : 215-884-6961
Mrs. Len J . Basting (Dorothy O i l ) , 47
Wagon Lane, Cherry Hill, N J 08034, T E : Mrs. Newton Heston I I I (Sally T B ) , 124
609-667-1057 Kimber Dr., McGrann Hills, Bridgeville,
P A 15017, T E : 412-941-4689
Mrs. Spencer L . Bivens (Patricia * K ) , 2606
Kanawha Ave.. Charleston, W V 25304, Mrs. Nathaniel F . Tarbox, (Francis NO),
T E : 304-344-2883 Dawn Harbor Lane, Riverside, C T
06878, T E : 203-637-9394
Mrs. Raymond J . Forsthoefel (Christine
2 A ) , 1114 Tremont Circle, Whitehall, P A Mrs. Edwin W. Biederman, Jr. (Margaret
18052, T E : 215-432-2277 Jane E A ) , 1651 Dogwood Circle, State
Mrs. Frederick E . Leuschner (Nancy E A ) , College, P A 16801, T E : 814-237-0730
129 Oak Park Circle. Harrisburg, P A
17109, T E : 717-545-0263 Mrs. Bruce Lambert (JoAnn O i l ) , 1329
Forest Ave., Staten Island, N Y 10302,
Mrs. Walter Semmelmeier (Joan 811), 1622 T E : 212-273^1346
Wilson St., Baldwin, N Y 11510, T E : 516-
868-9418 Mrs. Jerome P. Bornhurst (Betty X ) , 3894
Willowbrook Lane, Liverpool, N Y 13088,
T E : 315-457-7464
Montreal Mrs. G . A . Kaine (Yvonne K4>), 311 Bruce Washington, D C Miss Jeannette Harris ( B r ) , 420 Mt. Pleas-
St., Kirkland, Quebec, Canada H 9 H 3L5, ant Rd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, T E :
T E : 514-697-6028
Northern New Jersey Mrs. Joseph Grant (Sarah B4>), 6 Robin Wilmington Mrs. Bruce L . Mikesell (Marilyn A S ) , 9244
Hill Rd., North Caldwell, N J 07006, T E : Three Oaks Dr., Silver Spring, M D 20901,
T E : 301-585-9056
I—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters: Mrs. Robert B. Miller (Elizabeth Strong
Mrs. John Am o s—Albany, Ottawa, Syracuse, Toronto. Miss Helen McMahon—B aLltoinmgoreIs, laCnhda, rlSeosutothne, rnMoCWinliot)i,rnlemna2eilnc5, tg0it5NcouontrL,,tihnDeSdrtEenaltle1nN9Re8w0dI8s.,l,aJTneGdrErs.ee:ynM,3d0orS2nst-.a9t9HFe4a-a5rrC4moo9lsl3d,-
lege. Mrs. Thelma Mitchell—Boston, Camden Area, Greater Allentown/Bethlehem,
Klotz—Greater Harrisburg, Northern Virginia, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Washington, D. C , Wilmington.
Vice President—Mrs. Ralph M . Aderman (Alice © * ) , 2302 E. Newberry Boulevard, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211. Tele:
Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin
Extension Officer—Miss Barbara Zolnierczak ( B n ) , 29165 Hayes #10, Warren, Michigan 48093. Tele: 313-776-9502
Finance Officer—Mrs. Eric Roach (Susan B D , 534 Bailey Street, East Lansing, Michigan 48023. Tele: 517-351-2175
Alumnae Chapter President Pullman President
Missoula Seattle
M r s . Charles E . Valach (Alvera A * ) , 528 Vancouver. B C Mrs. George W. Bruehl (Arline A r ) , Rt.
Pocatello Dearborn, Missoula, M T 59801, T E : 406- 2, Box 532. Pullman, W A 99163, T E :
549-1330 509-564-8733
Mrs. James E . Howard (Betty X A ) , 5095 Mrs. George Lucker (Yvonne Y ) , 4137
Cherokee Pocatello. I D 83201, T E : 208- 94th S E , Mercer Island, W A 98040,
232-6991 T E : 206-232-8245
Mrs. Rudie W. Pletz (Emma A P ) , Vice Mrs. Joy Ruffeski, #301-414 Westview
President, 5205 N . Gay, Portland, O R Coquitlam, B C , Canada V 3 K 3W5
97217, T E : 503-283-2749
VI—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Mrs. Robert Jones—Missoula, Pulliman, Seattle. Mrs. Richard Smith—Pocatello. Mrs. Ode Satterfield—Portland, Vancouver, B C .
Vice President—Mrs. Hugh W. Heflin (Jo Beth H.K), 1403 Northridge Drive, Austin, Texas 78723. Tele: 512-459-0746
Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas
Extension Officer—Mrs. Raymond Kramer (Barbara B * ) , 7516 Chattington Drive, Dallas, Texas 75240 Tele: 214-233-6495
Finance Officer—Mrs. Anthony LaMarca (Grace A T ) , 2610 Wilshire, Monroe, Louisiana 71201. Tele: 318-387-3573
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Omicron Miss Jeanie Crane, Box 16990-A L S U , Mrs. Harold W. Mele, Jr. (Susan Mrs. Ted Grace, Jr. (Georgiann A T ) ,
Delta Beta
Kappa Tau Baton Rouge, L A 70803, L O U I S I A N A K T ) , 343 W . Chalfont D r . , Baton 17 Longwood, Monroe, L A 71201, T E :
Lambda Tau S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 504-387- Rouge, L A 70815 318-343-6162
Pi 4294 Mrs. Carrol Wagvespack (Brenda Mrs. Ted Grace, Jr. (Georgiann AT)
Miss Sharon Bowers, U S L , P O Box 2130. A B ) , 1507 Kaliste Saloom R d . ,
Sigma Omicron Lafayette, L A 70501, U N I V E R S I T Y O F Lafayette, L A 70504 Mrs. Ted Grace, Jr. (Georgiann AT)
318-233-0134 Mrs. Lionel A. Laurent (Rose K T ) , Mrs. Norman Barrow (Carol K 6 ) , 6010
Miss Elaine Spell, PO Box 948, South- 805 Louisiana Ave., Hammond, South 75 E . Avenue., Tulsa, O K
eastern, Hammond, L A 70401. S O U T H - L A 70401 74145, T E : 918-627-5267
T E : 504-542-0647 Mrs. David Barnes (Felicie A T ) , Mrs. Ted Grace, Jr. (Georgiann AT)
Miss Marian Kilcoyne, P O Box 4556, N L U . 2304 Pinehurst, Monroe, L A
Monroe, L A 71201, N O R T H E A S T 71201 Mrs. Norman Barrow (Carol K 6 )
L O U I S I A N A U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 318-
343-6679 Mrs. Jake Alford (Karen I I ) , 1839
Miss Lynn Bina, 1013 Broadway, New Valence, New Orleans, L A 70115
Orleans, L A 70118, N E W C O M B C O L -
T E : 504-861-3812 1812 Eldridge, Jonesboro, A R
Miss Verona Tice. P O Box 928, A S U , 72401
State University, A R 72467, A R K A N S A S
S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , T E : 501-972-2178
Alumnae Chapter President
Arlington-Mid Cities Mrs. Gerald G. Craddock (Carole K O ) , Jonesboro Mrs. Mike Medlock (Debbie S O ) , 1200
Austin 3610 Lynnwood D r . , Arlington, T X 76013, Little Rock Gee St.. Jonesboro, A R 72401, T E : 501-
Baton Rouge T E : 817-277-7301 Monroe 935-8536
Beaumont New Orleans
Dallas Mrs. Janet E . Brown ( U K ) , 8012 Hill- Oklahoma City Mrs. Michael W. Mitchell (Suzanne S O ) ,
Fort Worth rise D r . , Austin, T X 78759, T E : 512- San Antonio 1013 Barbara, Jacksonville, A R 72076,
Greater Lafayette 345-2313 Shreveport T E : 501-982-6129
Hammond, L A Tulsa
Houston Mrs. Robert Yeargain (Claire K T ) , 2918 North Central Mrs. William M . Bateman, Jr. (Carol fiO),
Tall Timbers Rd., Baton Rouge, L A Texas Council 2702 Wilshire, Monroe, L A 71201, T E :
70815 318-387-5111
Mrs. John W. Phelps (Lou Ellen U K ) , Mrs. S. Wesley Lane (Angelyn T S ) , 1009
975 Iris Lane, Beaumont, T X 77706, Beverly Gardens Dr., Metairie, L A
T E : 713-866-5577 70002, T E : 504-831-3172
Mrs. Glenn A . Shaheen (Nancy A O ) , 2628 Mrs. Clyde B . Mitts (Ditty S O ) , 319 N . W .
D Custer Parkway, Richardson, T X 18th, Oklahoma City, O K 73103, T E :
75080, T E : 214-690-9109 405-524-7609
Mrs. R. Boyden Underwood (Janice I ) , Mrs. Michale Gaines (Dinah U K ) , 503
5701 E l Campo, Fort Worth, T X 76107, Antler D r . , San Antonio, T X 78213,
T E : 817-838-9370 T E : 512-341-0442
Mrs. Ted Baccigalopi (Marcella A B ) , 135 Miss Catherine A . Gregorio ( A T ) , 205
Clark Ct., Lafayette, L A 70501, T E : Jordan, Shreveport, L A 71101, T E : 318-
318-234-4277 424-9051
Mrs. David Harrell (Patricia K T ) , 548 Mrs. Richard T . Wood (Barbara 6 ) , 6009
Julius Ave., New Orleans, L A 70121 S. 73rd E . Ave., Tulsa, O K 74145, T E :
Mrs. Edward P. deZevallos, Jr. (Pam NO),
10106 Moorberry L n . , Houston, T X 77055, Mrs. Roger Walker (Becky U K ) , 4301
T E : 713^*65-1231
VII—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters: Valleycrest, Arlington, T X 76013, T E :
Mrs. T o m Spencer (Jan, SO)—715 Verna, Jasper, T X 75951 T e : 713-384-8596—Arlington-Mid Cities, Austin. Baton Rouge, Beaumont, Dallas,
Fort Worth, Greater Lafayette, Hammond, Houston, Monroe, New Orleans, San Antonio, Shreveport. Mrs. Norman Barrow—Jonesboro, Little Rock,
Oklahoma City, Tulsa. S\
9$& ^(^M^^a &k<£L,
Vice President—Mrs. Gerald P. Herman (Marilyn Y ) , 8263 Calllhrev-d^UXlto, LaJolla, California 92037. Tele: 714-459-7902
Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah
Extension Officer—Mrs. Edmond C. Maroder (Jean A ) , 750 Seale Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94303. Tele: 415-327-3230
Finance Officer—Mrs. W. A . Carton (Marianne Y ) , 1262 Upas Street, San Diego, California 92103. Tele: 714-298-2150
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Chi Alpha Miss Denise Hembree. 333 Mills, Davis, Mrs. A. L . Blubaugh (Esse X A ) ,
Mrs. Edwin L . Markel (Sandee T ) , 882
Chi Delta C A 95616, U N I V E R S I T Y O F C A L I - 3010 Dorlaine, Sacramento, C A Russet D r . , Sunnyvale, C A 94087, T E :
F O R N I A A T D A V I S , T E : 916-758-7416 95821 408-732-4657
Miss Sarah Gross, 1015 15th St., Boulder, Mrs. Richard E . Powell (Janet K K ) ,
C O 80302, U N I V E R S I T Y O F C O L O R A - 3825 Armer D r . , Boulder, C O Mrs. Theron Rust (Linda A P ) , 2003
D O , T E : 303-443-0546 80303 East Balboa, Tempe, A Z 85282, T E :
Collegiate Chapter Miss Karen DeMunbrun, 210 Temple Ave., Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Lambda Beta Long Beach, C A 90803, C A L I F O R N I A Mrs. Jim Ferrell (Penne N A ) , 21152 Mrs. Edwin L . Market (Sandee T )
Sigma B E A C H , T E : 213-433-9592 Binghampton Circle, Huntington Mrs. Edwin L . Markel (Sandee T )
Beach, C A 92646
Sigma Phi Miss Mary Crawford, 2311 Prospect Mrs. Theron Rust (Linda AP)
Berkeley, C A 94704, U N I V E R S I T Y O F Mrs. Neil MacNeil (Leah A £ ) ,
Theta Omega C A L I F O R N I A - B E R K E L E Y , T E : 415- 7033 Hemlock St., Oakland, C A Mrs. Theron Rust (Linda AP)
845-9245 94611
Upsilon Alpha Mrs. Theron Rust (Linda AP)
Miss Lynn Patterson, 9950 Zelzah, North- Mrs. Joseph F . Compese (Crystal
ridge, C A 91324, C A L I F O R N I A S T A T E XA) 23063 Baltar St., Canoga
Mrs. William Epperson (Susie G£l),
Miss Caroline Drury, C . U . Box 7617, 1720 N . Navajo Dr., Flagstaff,
N . A . U . , Flagstaff, A Z 86001, N O R T H - A Z 86001
602-523-2917 Mrs. John L . Leiber (Cheryl Y A ) ,
R . R . 19, Box 4, Tucson, A Z
Miss Margaret Mowrey, 1731 E . 2nd St., 85704
Tucson, A Z 85719. U N I V E R S I T Y O F
A R I Z O N A , T E : 602-795-9570
Alumnae Chapter President
Albuquerque Mrs. Hazlet Edmonds ( K G ) , 2120 Valencia Northern Orange Mrs. T . J . Jardine (Merrily Y ) , 4346 E .
N E , Apt. 9, Albuquerque, N M 87110 County Holtwood Ave., Anaheim, C A 92807,
Amador-Livermore Mrs. Richard S. Bilheimer (Carol K 9 ) , Palo Alto T E : 714-998-4052
Boulder 2308 V i a Espada, Pleasanton. C A 94566, Pasadena
Denver T E : 415-846-6115 Phoenix Mrs. John H . Kemp I I I (Joanne A P ) ,
Sacramento 261 Gabarda Way, Menlo Park, C A
Mrs. Virginia Kleine ( B X ) , 4927 Thunder- 94025, T E : 415-854-1410
bird Circle, Apt. 7, Boulder, C O 80303,
T E : 303-494-0273 Mrs. R . J . DesJardins (Arlene X A ) , 1845
N . Santa Anita, Arcadia, C A 91006,
Mrs. Louise E . Spomer (Janet P ) , 6991 T E : 213-355-2884
E . Cornell, Denver, C O 80222, T E : 303-
757-1442 Mrs. William E . Walters (Elizabeth Y A ) ,
12402 N . 65th St., Scottsdale, A Z 85254,
T E : 602-948-3606
East Bay Mrs. Allen Jaeger (Sandra I ) , 1817 Capi- Mrs. David L . Cardenas (Sally A B ) , 6928
strano Ave.. Berkeley, C A 94707, T E : Ellsworth Circle, Fair Oaks, C A 95628,
415-526-6667 San Diego T E : 916-961-9425
Glendale Mrs. Carl B . Johnston (Helene E ) , 1600 San Fernando Mrs. Gary Merritt (Margaret Y ) , 5426
Hawaii Royal Blvd., Glendale, C A 91207, T E : Valley Noah Way, San Diego, C A 92117
213-242-2662 San Jose
Mrs. Dewey L . Rosenfeldt (Mary 4>A),
Mrs. Timothy A . Burr (Ann T T ) , 46-431 6532 Wilbur Ave., Reseda, C A 91335,
B Kahuhipa St., Kaneohe, H I 96744,
T E : 808-235-4036 T E : 213-881-3298
Miss Marlou Weinzerl ( A X ) , 1332 Glen
Las Vegas Mrs. Roger A . Wirth (Lynn A 9 ) , 1130 San Mateo Eyrie, San Jose, C A 95125, T E : 408-298-
Long Beach Buehler D r . , L a s Vegas, N V 89114, 3791
Los Angeles T E : 702-878-8734 South Bay Palos Mrs. Robert Schaezlein (Christine Y ) ,
Marin County Verdes 1459 29th Ave., San Francisco, C A
Mrs. John J . Miller ( L e i Lani A B ) , 5439 Southern California 94122. T E : 415-564-3539
E . Harco St., Long Beach, C A 90808, Council
T E : 213^29-9167 Southern Orange Mrs. Edward Roupinian (Arlene K G ) ,
County 26615 Honey Creek R d . , Rancho Palos
Miss Martha L . Hilands ( A P ) , 547 No. Verdes, C A 90274, T E : 213-541-4205
Bundy D r . , Los Angeles, C A 90049, T E :
213-472-8733 Mrs. Ronald Cordes ( A n n B A ) , 25875 V i a
Viento, Mission Viejo, C A 92675, T E :
Mrs. Robert Panizzon (Jeanmarie A X ) , 15 714-830-9208
Owlswood Dr., Larkspur, C A 94939
Northern California Mrs. Gilbert R. Haugen (Juanita NA), Tucson Mrs. Ronald P. Cordes (Ann B A ) , 25875
Council 3845 Pinot Ct., Pleasanton, C A 94566, V i a Viento, Mission Viejo, C A 92675,
T E : 415-846-1816
T E : 714-830-9208
Mrs. Nick Roehr (Tina Y A ) , 5180 E . 22nd
VHI—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters: St., F-135, Tucson, A Z 85711, T E : 602-
n . n M r i » f x ^i w a r F , ' McMahon (Peggy BK)—5376 S. Morning Glory L n . , Littleton, C O 80123, T E : 303-798^(486—Albuquerque, Amador-Livermore,
RII p ^ ; « v ^ ' i ; « , V e 8 a s , Warm County, Northern Orange County, Palo Alto. Pasadena, Phoenix, San Diego, San Jose, San Mateo, South
Long Be ch L A ° S °range y - -C o u n t Theron Rust—Boulder, Denver, San Fernando Valley, Tucson. Mrs. Edwin L . Markel—East Bay,
Rose Banquet More Convention Pictures, continued from p. 14
Rose Banquet toastmistress was Mary Louise Perry Award Winner, 1 II Marsha Annette Brooks,
Filer Roller, A l l accepts this Founders Nu Beta's immediate past president, T.
Award from Jessie McAdam Lamed,
Among the gleam of silver at the Rose Banquet was the handsome gift presented
to retiring International President Adele K. Hinton by her sucessor, Janie Calla
Rose Banquet speaker was past International
President Nancy Moyer McCain, p.
Collegians In The Spotlight Included . .
Collegiate Chapter Awards were accepted by Kappa Tau's president, Elaine Spell,
Lambda Tail's Marian Kilcoyne, Nu Beta's Beverly Brinkman, Chi Lambda's Linda
Russell, Kappa Pi's Constance Brodbeck, Tau Omicron's Jane Ragland, Omega Omi-
cron's Cathie Carter, Sigma Rho's Kathleen A nysz and Omicron's Rebecca Kinnard.
The McCausland Cup for tops in scholarship was accepted by Beta Tau's President
Kathryn Stocks, Johnson;
Pi Delta, Donna center. Scholarship cups also went to Sigma Chi, Lisa Derryberry;
Tau Delta, Mary
Carrillo; Beta Kappa, Sandy Laird; Nu Omicron, Susan Lambda Omega's Donna Pinnick accepted
Siegwart, and Alpha Chi, Catherine Dorton. the Central Office Cooperation Cup.
Lambda Tau received the top philonthropic award. It was ac-
On hand to receive the Philos Award in behalf of her collegiate cepted by the chapter president, Marian Kilcoyne, second left.
chapter was Lambda Sigma's President Libby Beck, center.
Picking up citations for outstanding Panhellenic activity were Other philanthropic citations were picked up by Alpha Delta,
Pi's Lynn Bina and Tau Omicron's Jane Ragland.
Kathryn Whitley; lota, Barbara Paahk, and Sigma Omicron,
Verona Tice.
Alumnae Awards Included
Alumnae Chapter Awards were accepted by Marion Hunter
Keenan, I , Chicago Northwest; Kay Brock Pearson, TA, Knox-
ville; Betty Borton Bornhurst, X, Syracuse, and Kathleen Barut
Linkey, ®\J/, Toledo.
A brand new citation, named in memory of the late Muriel T. Mc-
Kinney, A , P^st International President,
Adviser Rena Hunt Hampton, nO- went to Omega Omicron
Denver Alumnae' represented by Janet Thumm Sponer, p. received the
top Panhellenic award while Broward County, Fla, Linda Ekberg Blait, CI,
Cincinnati, Ruth Woolley Heslar, ©H, and Milwaukee, Alyson Dietzmann
Kottke, 5 2 ,
were cited.
Fifteen Rose Award winners were present at convention to accept their citations.
A Oil's 1975-76 Traveling Consultants are Darci Sullivan, A 2 .
Frankie Gotlieb, B T , Teri Thomas, ®rj, and Jane Hamblin, cby.
A warm heart and a cool hand, tem- Jane Hamblin, Phi Upsilon. 1974 Flagstaff.
pered with qualities of leadership, de- graduate of Purdue University, and Jane served as her chapter's presi-
pendability, charm, determination, and Darci Sullivan, Alpha Sigma, who
last, and by all means most significant, finished the same year at the University dent and vice president, was very in-
love and concern for our fraternity, of Oregon, are both beginning their volved in Mortar Board, the Symphony
are qualifications f o r the post of second year as T C . Band,, and was editor o f The Greek,
Traveling Consultant. a Panhellenic/Interfraternity Council
New on the scene are Frankie Got- newspaper. Although a math major
Personifying all these qualities are lieb, Beta Tau, of Toronto, Canada, in college. Jane hopes to work toward
AOII's 1975-76 TCs. who received her degree f r o m the U n i - an advanced degree in student per-
versity of Toronto in May, and Teri sonnel or law. Her hobbies are sports,
Two-old timers in the ranks have Thomas, Theta Omega, 1975 graduate music, and antiques. Water-skiing and
signed up f o r another stint, and they of Northern Arizona University in basketball also are favorites w i t h her.
are joined by two newcomers.
AOITs 1975-76 Traveling Consultants
A native Oregonian, Darci is com- For two summers, she has traveled listed among the "Outstanding Young
fortable in many activities ranging from throughout Ontario conducting re- Women of America," "Who's Who in
a theatrical group in her hometown of search on vegetation damage by air American Colleges and Universities,"
Eugene to tutoring for public school pollution for the Ontario Ministry of was the recipient of many other
students. the Environment. honors and every semester found her
name on the Dean's List.
She also was a member o f Angel Among other interests, Frankie is
Flight. Darci served Alpha Sigma a sport fan. Lifeguarding and water sports are
Chapter as Panhellenic delegate, chap- her favorites and San Manuel, Ariz.,
ter relations committee chairman and Teri holds a degree in education her hometown.
rush chairman. with concentrations in English and
art. Panhellenic delegate and a two- COLLEGIANS
She enjoys bicycling and playing the year stint as chapter president were
piano. among Teri's contributions to Theta Obtain Traveling Consultant in-
Omega Chapter. formation and an application f r o m
Frankie received her degree in bi- Central Office.
ology. As an undergraduate, she served Active in campus activities. Teri is
Beta T a u Chapter as vice president, a member of Mortar Board, Campus
social chairman and as a member of Ambassadors for Christ and was co-
the chapter relations committee. chairman of Greek Week. She is
E D I T O R ' S N O T E : This is the first in a series of articles to be submitted on
a regular basis by the Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Committee. Virginia
Boggess Mylander (Mrs. Walter C , Jr., Kappa), Chairman, has submitted
the first article.
The Rituals and Traditions semi- Pride, Unity, Inspiration, and Dedi- COLLEGIANS, we want to
nar at convention is i n f o r m a l and cation in that order. However we know where you're going!
consists of three sessions, an hour began to feel that we started at the
allotted to each. Members of the wrong end because we were after If you will be transferring to
Rituals and Traditions and Jewelry the word Pride and how pride is another campus in Fall, 1975,
Committee host the sessions. Seman- achieved." please complete this form and
tics, pronunciations, p r o c e d u r e s send to Central Office.
come into the discussions through Carol. "Oh. we probably could
questions from the group. have found our way, but in our dis- Name Chapter
cussion we began to feel that I n -
Since time is always o f the essence spiration comes first. I f we are Address (home)
not everything can be covered. The thoroughly "het u p " about a cause
committee needs as much informa- or a project, or a purpose we nat- Transferring to
tion as possible as to how the dele- urally become dedicated and work Name of college or university
gates think and feel about Alpha like beavers. Since we work with
Omicron Pi and the ideals our likeminded friends we have to School Address—Fall, 1975
Founders espoused. For this reason achieve Unity to get anywhere."
members of the Committee visit Send to: Alpha Omicron Pi
other seminars. The f o l l o w i n g is an Diane. "Yea. presto, there stands Central Office
"echo" f r o m one of these. Pride in all its glory. Look, there is 2401 Hillsboro Road
the Arthritis Foundation, the Dia- Suite 103
Anne, "Do you think that we un- mond Jubilee Foundation for Schol-
derstand the process better by arships, the Ruby Fund for those Nashville, Tenn. 37212
switching the words?" who need it, to say nothing of the
opportunity for all of us to grow
Elizabeth, "Excuse me, I'm sorry in mind and spirit."
I'm late, but would you mind restat-
ing what you are talking about?" Anne. "That's great. Let us up
and at 'em."
Barbara, " M a y I . please? I think
I know what we are talking about. Elizabeth, "Thanks, everybody.
We started by listing four words that I'm glad I didn't miss the whole
seemed to hang together in a process meeting."
of doing things. The words are
Tau Delta, Birmingham Alumnae Chapters
Combine Forces To Celebrate 100 Years In AOII
Tau Delta Chapter, Birmingham- -3,
Southern College, and Birmingham,
Ala., Alumnae Chapter combined Principals in the joint, 50-year anniversary celebration of Birmingham-Southern College's
forces May 23 for a joint Golden Tau Delta anil Birmingham, Ala., Alumnae Chapter were anniversary chairman,
Anniversary Celebration. Rosalyn Elliott, TA: 1975-76 Tau Delta Chapter president, Mary Siegwart; International
President Adele K. Hinton, P, Chapter Adviser Jane Watwood Gibbs, TA, and Region
That date marked the 50th anni- III Vice President Mary Ann Caldwell, TA-
versary of Tau Delta Chapter while
the half century mark for the local Principals planners of the anniver- Other highlights of the banquet was
alumnae chapter was October, 1974. sary celebration were Tau Delta, Ros- a presentation of the history of Tau
alyn Elliott, chairman, Mary Siegwart. Delta's founding by Mary and rec-
In Birmingham especially for the 1975 chapter president, and Jane Wat- ognition of 50-year members with
festive occasion was International wood Gibbs. Tau Delta chapter adviser. special certificates.
President Adele K . Hinton. Rho. who
was accompanied by Region I I I Vice
President Mary A n n Caldwell. Tau
Delta Alumna.
All faculty, administration and stu-
dents at Birmingham-Southern, as well
as A O I I alumnae, were invited to the
open house which kicked off anni-
versary ceremonies Friday afternoon.
Scene of this affair was Stockham
Women's Building where Tau Delta
Chapter headquarters are located.
Adele Hinton was principal speaker
at the golden anniversary banquet that
evening at the Birmingham Hyatt
Hotel. Introduced by Mary A n n , she
presented a handsome, engraved gavel
to local alumnae on the occasion of
their 50th birthday, and the collegians
with a gold-lined, silver bowl. Gifts
of the Fraternity, both items were ap-
propriately engraved.
•i n
;*x •
Just a portion of the A Oils present for the open house given in opened the celebration of the golden anniversary of this col
Tau Delta Chapter's accommodations in Stockham Woman's legiate chapter and the Birmingham, Ala., Alumnae Chapter.
Building on the campus of Birmingham-Southern College which
Oklahoma City Alumnae Chapter s 50th
Anniversary Is Golden Jubilee
A champagne toast to the founders of the Oklahoma City /
Alumnae Chapter and an inspiring address by Jessie Marie
Cramer. <I> past International President and f o i m e r Chairman 4
of the Board of Directors, were special highlights of the
50th anniversary observance of the Oklahoma City Alumnae nj
Chapter. May 24.
Scene of the golden jubilee celebration was the Candle-
light Room of Val Gene's Restaurant which was appropri-
ately aglow and beautifully decorated in a color motif of
red and white for the occasion.
The festive affair inspired such a sense of triumph among
the more than 30 guests that the group looks confidently
to the next 50 years of A O I I .
The majority of the guest company represented the earlier
days of the chapter and a large portion were members of
X i Chapter-University of Oklahoma, but there was a half
dozen "youngsters" f r o m Chi Omicron Chapter and a scatter-
ing of other guests f r o m all over the United States who
are new Okies.
Pearl Eady, H, of Dallas, Texas, won the prize for travel-
ing the farthest distance for the reunion. Joyce Trigiano
Turley. EA. who lives in California, but just happened to
be in town that day. dropped in to say, "Hello." Elizabeth
Hale H u n t (Mrs. J. W.. O ) was general chairman of the
celebration. Ditty Lipscomb Mitts ( M r s . C. B.. 2>0) is presi-
dent of the Oklahoma City Alumnae.
Elizabeth Hale Hunt, O. was general
chairman of the golden anniversary cele-
bration May 24 of Oklahoma City Alum-
nae Chapter. To her right is official repre-
sentative of AOH's international execu-
tives for the occasion, Jessie Marie Cra-
mer, <]>, past International President uiul
former chairman. Board of Directors.
Jessie Marie enjoys chatting with alumnae
of Chi Omicron Chapter which she in-
stalled. They are Linda Patterson, Mary
A. Huggins and Nita Utley Cadenhead.
* Iota Alpha Chapter's presidents at the 25th anniversary observance
On hand for the 25th anniversary of the founding of lota Alpha were: Sandy Evans, 1967-68 and 1968-69; Pam Warner Hill,
Chapter, Idaho State University, were five charter members and
the chapter founder. They are, front row, Sara Ewart Albano, 1969-70; Claire McQuillan Kleffner, 1952-53; Uvah Hull Carlson,
Pocatello; Lee Zook Bell, Anchorage, Alaska; Marianna Hahl
Beers, Pocatello, founder. Back row: Judy McQuillan Ernest and 1951-52, and Marianna Hahl Beers, colony president, 1949-50.
Claire McQuillan Kleffner, both of Boise, Ida, and Uvah Hull
Carlson, Coquillc, Ore. The chapter's ten other charter members, Back row: Fran Averett Tanner, 1953-54; Margaret Caress Link,
unable to attend the celebration, sent letters of congratulation.
1959-60; Joanne Western Mingus, 1960-61; Terry Howard Grant,
1966-67; Pat Groom Jones, 1958-59, and Dee Mills, 1975-76.
AOIVs 50th Chapter, Iota Alpha, Observes
25th Anniversary With Weekend Celebration
Iota Alpha had its beginnings as a Hahl Beers (Mrs. Kenneth) as the V I Director, represented the Region V I
colony on the campus of Idaho State founder. It was installed Feb. 11. officers for the occasion.
University in 1949 with Marianna 1950, as the 50th chapter of Alpha
Omicron Pi. With Marianna, 15 young Among awards which highlighted the
3 women were initiated as charter mem- festivities were the following presen-
bers of the chapter. tations: a silver dish to Lee Zook Bell
Iota Alpha Chapter's colony president and her husband, Jim, for traveling the
It was at this time that A O I I also longest distance to attend the event,
and now the chapter's corporation board initiated its first associate members. from Anchorage, Alaska; and a fra-
Another significant fact about Iota ternity ring and certificate to Marianna
president, Marianna Hahl Beers, and Alpha was that it was A O I I ' s first Beers as the Pocatello. Alumnae Chap-
chapter to have an English sub-motto. ter's most outstanding member for
Terry Howard Grant, 1A, chapter adviser 1974-75.
The 25th anniversary of this his-
and corporation board vice president, dis- torical moment f o r A O I I at Idaho As collegiate chapter president. Dee
State University was celebrated A p r i l Mills received a silver tray f r o m the
play a portion of the historical picture 26 and 27 with a weekend of festivities Fraternity, a special grouping of histor-
starred by a dinner dance at the Ban- ical pictures for the chapter room from
collection which was presented to Iota nock Hotel in Pocatello, an impressive the corporation board and a silver gift
ritual and a spring luncheon given in from Betty Coons Backsay of Hunts-
Alpha for the chapter room during the the Student Union Faculty Room on ville, Ala., a chapter charter member
the university campus. who was unable to attend the reunion.
25th anniversary celebration.
Sponsoring the weekend's activities Included in the picture is a letter
was the Pocatello Alumnae Chapter f r o m Stella George Stern Perry con-
with Jane Jones Quick and Rita De- gratulating Iota Alpha Chapter on the
mopoulos Haggardt. both members of occasion of their first anniversary.
this collegiate chapter, as co-chairmen.
Local A O I I alumnae who assisted
As a member of the International in the founding of Iota Alpha Chapter
Nominations Committee, Jane was the were Lorene Hendricks. Zeta: Margaret
official representative of the Executive Golob, Alpha Sigma; and Betty How-
Committee and in this capacity pre- ards, Chi Delta.
sented a gift on behalf of the Frat-
ernity. Currently on the campus of Idaho
State are facilities named in honor of
Rita, as Region V I Extension Officer, AOIIs, Lorene Hendricks, Ethel Red-
and Elaine Smith, Iota Alpha, Region field and V i o Powell.
Tallahassee Alumnae Chapter Installed At Alpha Pi House, Florida State
Alpha Pi Chapter House, Florida State University, was the I I * ) . vice president; Dcbra Corkhill, treasurer, and Barbara
scene Feb. 8 of the installation of the Tallahassee Alumnae Peterson (Mrs. William. A l l ) , president.
Chapter by Mary Louise Filer Roller (Mrs. George, A l l ) ,
Director. International Executive Board. In compliment to Mary Louise who also spoke at the City
Panhellenic luncheon at Killearn Country Club during her
Seen in the photo are officers of the new alumnae group. visit to Tallahassee, a dinner was given at the home of Mrs.
They are Clara Frances "Petie" M c M a h o n (Mrs. William E., A. C. MCully.
AOTTs Rally In Lakeland, Fla., For Alumnae Chapter Installation
Ann Colvin, A l l , secretary of the new Lakeland, Fla., Alumnae Chapter; Mary Louise Filer Roller, ATI, International Executive
Board Director and installing officer; Janice Flora Armstrong, B4>, president; Karen Ames Bain, KX, vice president, and Vicki Lupo
Me teal f , AA, treasurer, are seen during installation festivities May 17.
A lovely condominium clubhouse overlooking a lake was elaborately decorated with masses of roses and woven rose
the picturesque setting for the installation of the Lakeland, place cards marked each guest's place at the board.
Fla.. Alumnae Chapter May 17. Executive Board Director
M a r y Louise Filer Roller ( M r s . George, A l l ) was the in- Janice Flora Armstrong. B<f>. is president of the new
stalling officer. chapter. Serving with her will be Karen Ames Bain, K I \
vice president; Ann Colvin, A l l , secretary, and Vicki Lupo
A t the luncheon which followed the ritual, the table was Metcalfe, AA, treasurer.
camous siqhts
R E T U R N TO C A M P U S for short-term learning vacations shuttling their lobbyists to support the governor's tuition
are being offered alumni by a growing number of institutions freeze and were successful; tuition raise was lowered, and
in all parts of the country. A f t e r making course selections more scholarships were added.
from a variety of offerings, the alumnus and family arrive
on campus and move into dormitories reserved for this pur- G I F T C E R T I F I C A T E S f o r tuition are available at one com-
pose. Supervised play, swimming lessons, basic sports and munity college in Michigan. The institution reports having
crafts instruction, or babysitting are available f o r the young- sold about 40 so f a r in denominations averaging about $50,
sters while m o m and dad go to school. usually graduation gifts from relatives.
V A N D A L I S M has replaced thievery as chief among campus T H E M O R E E D U C A T I O N a husband has, the more willing
security problems. A Senate subcommittee has reported that he will be to share household duties. So says a study by
the cost to colleges and universities runs to five hundred Indiana University sociologist John H . Scanzoni. In fact,
million dollars a year. One college spokesman says the "guilty the scale of willingness can be measured w i t h accuracy against
many" who tolerate this sort o f thing are as much to blame the level of education—the higher the level, the most agree-
as the "crazy f e w " who perpetrate it on others. able to sharing; the lower the level, the most likely to hold
the traditional attitude toward "women's w o r k . "
G R A D E I N F L A T I O N is a current point f o r discussion and
concern across the continent, with supportive material to A M A L E P R E S I D E N T has been elected f o r the University
defend or deride according to the point of view. Since grades of Kansas chapter of N O W (National Organization of
are reported rising at the same time standardized test scores Women).
are dropping, the one point on which all observers agree
is that this year's student is neither smarter nor exerting C A F E T E R I A COUPONS worth $24,300 were turned in,
more effort. The economic need to keep enrollments up un-used, at the end o f winter quarter by Kent State students.
may be contributing, some say, while others point to re- In return, they received coupons good for spring quarter,
cruiting from varied socio-economic backgrounds and intel- but with no r e f u n d at the end o f spring quarter, many used
lectual abilities. While the Wall Street Journal summed it accumulating coupons f o r cases of pop or other bulk items.
up as a lowering of standards, others weren't so sure that
this was the whole story. COURSE P O P U L A R I T Y is often a fairly good reflection of
the "real world" outside the campus. With economic prob-
D E C L I N E S are reported in many things these days, but one lems on every front page, students are crowding economics
increase recorded in 1974-75 was in ROTC enrollments. and business-related courses, according to an Associated
Womanpower accounts f o r 80 percent o f this increase ac- Press survey. Ohio State says its business enrollments are
cording to Pentagon figures which show 8.800 female cadets. up 15 to 20 per cent over last year, and the University of
Georgia reports its increase is close to 155 per cent with
T H E M E T R I C S Y S T E M is inching closer to becoming the many other schools falling somewhere in between.
standard for the world in the opinion of most mathematicians.
W i t h Canada already in the process of converting to the F O R E I G N S T U D E N T S are applying to American and Ca-
metric system, the United States is the only industrialized nadian institutions in growing numbers. Though the total
country in the world still using a non-metric system. Some is not certain, it is estimated that 151,000 foreign students
predict that by 1976 all elementary math textbooks will be were studying in the United States during 1973-74, a figure
completely metric. It seems safe to say that it will take double that of a decade ago. I t has been predicted that the
the parents a little longer. largest increases are yet to come.
C A R E E R C H A N G E counseling is being made available to F O O D A N D W O M E N in athletics top all other subjects
women by some institutions. Dissatisfaction with choice of in space occupied in college publications during the second
career, with full or part-time employment, or even with vol- half of the 1974-75 school year. " F o o d " as a subject has
unteer work may be discussed, explored, and evaluated. been discussed under shortage of. cost of. gripes about,
Many o f those seeking aid are f r o m among the large numbers nutritive value of, and waste of. Campaigns to cut waste
who chose teaching careers during the bonanza years in this continue with success; T u f t s reported that serving hamburgers
field and who have found their own interest waning along f r o m one table and the buns f r o m another saved $1,500-
with job potential. worth of unused buns—a fact which may also be related
to current campus interest in weight watching.
D O L L A R SIGNS have replaced peace signs among campus
marchers and protesters, but causes are localized and diversi- EXCESS W E I G H T and what to do to eradicate or prevent
fied. A t Colorado students blockaded a busy street running it is a matter o f considerable attention at many schools.
through the campus, calling its traffic a hazard to their lives. The approach to the problem ranges f r o m courses of study
Most other recent protests involved raises in tuition or other (some for credit, some n o t ) , volunteer seminars, weight
fees and in budget or faculty cuts. T w o involved shortening watching tables in cafeterias and commons, to exercise ses-
of library hours. Minnesota students chartered buses f o r sions. A t least one campus offers a mutual support program
so that participants may offer each other encouragement
and help each other continue a mental attitude which will not pinning all the blame on high school negligence, but
help maintain the weight loss when accomplished. they emphasize the fact that improvement in communication
skills is a shared problem f o r all levels of education.
W O M E N may be the most talked about aspect o f college
athletic programs, but in Canada interest in this area is ON B E Y O N D L I T E R A C Y — o r a "special kind of literacy"
only part of the total picture. A recent study (a joint
project of the Association of Universities and Colleges —is the goal of a new program at Brown called "semiotics"
of Canada and the Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Union)
has resulted in a recommendation that Canadian institutions which, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education, the
begin restricting recruitment of American players and spend
their savings on women's athletic programs. Though most university hopes will equip the student "to cope with the
Canadian schools oppose American recruitment, they fell
into the recruitment trap as sportswriters and fans mourned newer media of art and communication." This study of signs
the number of Canadian stars being lured to American
schools through arthletic scholarships. A W . Matthews, and symbols hopes to teach the student to "manipulate and
who conducted the study, says that Canadian universities
must choose between dropping football and basketball or combine the symbols bombarding h i m f r o m the siege lines
offering enough athletic scholarships to compete successfully.
of his actual world."
G R E E N H O U S E or tropical rain forest are terms used fre-
quently these days to describe the living quarters of many HOW T O T A K E O V E R the campus is the subject o f the
students. While the current interest in growing things latest in handbooks, this one distributed to 700 student lead-
certainly adds to the campus, it can present problems like ers by the British National Union o f Students. The 4,500-
"who'll water my plants during Christmas break?" One word paper advises quick action, the use of " d i r t " found
campus political hopeful campaigned for office with the in files, and admonishes, "try and make sure the occupation
promise that he. if elected, would guarantee care and hous- does not become a drunken orgy."
ing for students' plants during vacation periods.
COURSE O F F E R I N G S across the country include such
M A T H O P H O B I A is a disease prevalent among all ages, subjects as Watergate, American Indians. Tortilla Making,
according to Mitchell Lazarus of the Education Development Metrics. Extrasensory Perception, and Genealogy. Though
Center in Newton, Mass. Mathophobia has caused many T V is a well-established course vehicle today, radio courses
students, past and present, to change college major just to are on the rise as well, usually with only a small service
avoid math requirements. Symptoms. Mitchell says, include charge or examination fee when the student completes his
irrationality, blockage of the emotional and intellectual listening sessions.
tracts, and paralyzing anxiety, all caused by the belief that
this is a numbers game where nobody wins. Some observers T H I E V E R Y on campus is generally down this year, one
have noted, however, that some who suffer f r o m mathophobia campus reporting $9 per hour less stolen than last year.
are able to discard all symptoms when a dollar sign precedes One thief at Michigan State lifted 24 vintage comic books
the figures. from the M S U library and resold them to a local book-
store f r o m whence they were recovered. On the other end
F I N A N C E S figure in the concerns leading all others which of the line students are generally making greater use of
face academic management today as the economic crunch student legal services and more student lawsuits have been
pokes, chokes, and squeezes. A f t e r more than two decades filed.
of steady, seemingly endless growth amid a boundlessly
affluent economy, it is difficult to find ways o f cutting OVERSUPPLY of graduates and or diminishing demand in
back without diminishing quality of programming. Sugges- one field or another produces interesting results. A few years
tions include appointment freezes with existing staff vacan- ago, when engineers were losing jobs, engineering became a
cies remaining vacant, fuel and energy cutbacks, program field not to enter, hence a resulting drop a few years later
consolidation, cuts in funds for travel, employment of out- in number of engineers graduating. For teachers and stu-
side consultants, even cuts in long distance calls and printing dents in education the situation is mid-cycle, and in another
—all designed f o r systematic belt-tightening. two years the drums may well be beating again f o r more
teachers. M u c h has been written about what Watergate
L I T E R A C Y — o r the lack of it among college students—is did to inspire prospective journalists, and even now we are
still a major topic of discussion and the target of efforts to aware of the superabundance of journalism graduates in
remedy the situation. Colleges are asking high schools to 1974. Most surprising report, however, is f r o m the National
share the burden by requiring more composition on the Academy of Sciences which has recommended that uni-
high school level and reinstating required advanced com- versities cut back the numbers in Ph.D. programs in astron-
position courses f o r college-bound upperclassmen. Most omy and astrophysics. A n d at least one school (Oregon
spokesmen for college English departments say they are State) notes that women have discovered oceanography as
a career, and as a result the women's enrollment in this
area has doubled in the past three years. Possibly worth
noting, too, is that law school applications are generally
down for 1975 entrance.
—Prepared by the Operation Brass Tacks Committee of the National Pan-
hellenic Editors Conference,
Alumnae Chapter Installed
At Macon, Georgia
Charter members of Macon Area Alumnae Chapter include, standing, Dot Williams, AS! Cindy Randolph, NO; Lynn File, ALT,
Elaine Tritt, ALT, Janette Wilkerson, AS>' Mary Butler, TS'> a"d Marilyn Cumbie, KX- Seated, left to right, are Regional Director
Mary Rawlings Reese, TA; Installing officer, Executive Board Director Carolyn Huey Harris, AS; Macon's 1975-76 President
Vanette Wilcher, ASi ""d International Rush Chairman Pat Crowley Hardy, rS-
A p r i l 19 a group of women f r o m Macon, Ga., and Warner Four Recent Grads Of University
Robins, Ga.. were installed as charter members of Macon
Area Alumnae Chapter. Macon Elks Club was scene of the Of Florida Spark Installation
Of Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter
Executive Board Director and past International President
Carolyn Huey Harris ( M r s . J. Rodney AS), was installing Efforts of four recent graduates of the University of Flor-
officer of this alumnae chapter, and there especially f o r ida and members of Gamma Omicron Chapter, Khaki
the occasion were International Rush Chairman Patricia Eustace. Corinne Connors, Karen Tharpe and Mary Ed-
Cowley Hardy (Mrs. James, r S ) , and Region I I I Director wards, sparked the installation March 15 of Tampa Bay Area
M a r y Rawlings Reese, TA. Alumnae Chapter.
L y n n Fite ( M r s . Burton E., ALT), Regional Extension The installation ceremonies were held at the home of
Officer, was instrumental in the new chapter's founding. Camille Thomas (Mrs. G. P.) with Region I I I Finance
Officer L o u i Bass ( M r s . Sam. Z) as installing officer.
Vanette Wilcher ( M r s . Tal, AS), was elected 1975-76
president. Serving with her are Dot Williams (Mrs. Ronald K h a k i and Corinne are president and secretary-treasurer,
T., AS), vice president; Cynthia Randolph (Mrs. Strother, respectively. Following ritual, luncheon was served.
N O ) , secretary; Marilyn Cumbie (Mrs. L. Andrew, K T ) ,
treasurer; Janette Wilkerson (Mrs. T. R., Jr., AS) philan-
thropic chairman; and Mary Frances Perry (Mrs. W. W., Jr.
AA), historian.
Other charter members include Mary Butler (Mrs. Charlie,
PS), Lynn Fite and Elaine Tritt (Mrs. Richard, TS).
In Memoriam
ALABAMA 1973-1975 Wilde, Kathryn Lucy Kelly (Mrs.
Delta Delta—Maynard, Viola Janis ILLINOIS
Mclnnis (Mrs. Julian). KANSAS
Tau Delta—Benson, Christine Orme Iota—Bergman, Dorothy Elizabeth Phi—Durrett, Carolyn Gay Huntoon
Saunders (Mrs. Enoch); Fischer, Hull (Mrs. Gale); Blood, Louise (Mrs. Richard E.); Elott, Elizabeth
Fiances Jane Robinson (Mrs.); Clarke (Mrs. Lyle); Borst, Virginia King Wood (Mrs. Elgin); Klinken-
Slaughter, Nancy Kate Gilbert (Mrs. Louise Buresch (Mrs. William); berg, Fannie Buchmer (Mrs. Peter);
D. Perry). B o w m a n , Edna Hunter (Mrs. Yeager, Laureen Jewell' Swedlund
George); Dennison, Barbara Crow (Mrs. Wm.).
ARIZONA (Mrs. Raymond); Kapple, Frances
Emmaline Cassady (Mrs. Frank); LOUISIANA
Upsilon Alpha—Truett, M a r y C. So- Lierrrian, Charlotte Alcorn McGlade Pi-Barker, Dorothy Noble Safford
lentz (Mrs. Joe). (Mrs. William); Maleolmson, Alice (Mrs. Augustus); Thigpen, Nancy
Lorraine Cook; Myers, Marie Stejs- Burgoyne Stack (Mrs. Francis);
ARKANSAS kal (Mrs. Orvil F.); Price, Virginia Tobin, Eliska Paule Provostv (Mrs.
Sigma Omicron—Stephens, Joy Marie. Lela Trappe (Mrs. T.M.); Smith, John).
Dorothy Sinclair (Mrs. Allen); Stev-
CALIFORNIA en, Louise Niersthemier (Mrs. Frede- MAINE
rick); Tremain, Esther Mildred Wirtz Gamma—Brown, Madelene Fogg
Delta Sigma—Robison, Phyllis Elin (Mrs. Myron). (Mrs. George); Chase, Dr. Mary
Raef (Mrs. Dan). Ellen; Cousins, Mary Longfellow;
Kappa Theta—Arries, Barbara Adams Rho—Daugherty, A i 1 e e n ; Erwin, Freeland, Pauline Mansur (Mrs.
Coye (Mrs. D . B.); Lansburg, Janet Helen Lorraine Costa (Mrs. Ed- James); Hatch, Caroline Delphene
La Clair Martin. ward); Lapperre, Grace Rose Agnes Andrews (Mrs. Arthur); Keller,
Lambda—Daniels, Anita Margaret Burchard (Mrs. John); Messer, Vir- Adolphine H . Voegelin (Mrs. Del);
Compton (Mrs. Alva); Glendenning, ginia Louise Harris (Mrs. John); Lamoreau, Ruth Hasey (Mrs. Paul);
Meta McQuoid (Mrs. George); Mc- Monroe, Coila Marie Anderson (Mrs. Robinson, Vera Gellerson (Mrs. A l -
Kinney, Muriel Turner (Mrs. Verne Lewis); Shortell, Ellen Merrill Peas- bert); Sawyer, Edith May Folsom
W.); Mead, Florence V. Hocking lee (Mrs. L . W . ) . (Mrs. Edward); Thompson, Celia
(Mrs. John H.); Patten, Alice Moore Coffin (Mrs. Guy Andrew); Went-
(Mrs. James). INDIANA worth, Helen Patricia White (Mrs.
Nu Lambda—Adams, Marilyn Edith Beta Phi—Barton, Alice Frances Ralph); Wheaton, Antoinette Treat
Anderson (Mrs. Herman). Moomaw (Mrs. Robert); Busby, Webb (Mrs. Carl).
Sigma—Boardman, Ann Marie; Carr, Mary Frances McComb (Mrs. Eu-
Katherine Williams (Mrs. John E.); gene); Covalt, Vedah; Cramton, MARYLAND
Center, Jane Archer (Mrs. Hugh); Pauline Winifred McCoy (Mrs. Pi Delta—Knight, Frances Dale
Crawford, Leone Elizabeth Mudgett C. J.); Curry, Patricia Criley (Mrs. Lemen (Mrs. William).
(Mrs. David); Felthou.se, Marie Charles); Douglas, Mildred Aileen; Sigma Tau—Thornton, Margaret
Elizabeth; Furlong, Martha B. Rice Esarey, Martha Louise Stone (Mrs. Boulden.
(Mrs. Herbert); Gove, Helen Ban- Ralph); Heidersbach, Jane Isabelle
croft (Mrs. Leon M.); Hayes, Con- Wearly (Mrs. Arnie); Kettle, Laura MASSACHUSETTS
suelo Osgood (Mrs. Horace); Jack, Margaret Wilkins (Mrs. James); Mei- Delta—Charles, Mary Agnes Grant
Doris Ann Shean (Mrs.); Jenkins, field, Mary Mabel Lewis (Mrs. Paul); (Mrs. Ralph S.); Dean, Marjorie
Jeanne A. vonSchmidt (Mrs. John); Misner, Rozella Smith (Mrs. John); Grace; Donald, Edith H . Johnson
Jory, Grace Yale Weeks (Mrs. Staf- Terhune, Isabelle Louise Weybright (Mrs. Douglass); Durgin, Eleanor
ford); Lewis, Blanche Olive; May, (Mrs. John); White, Catherine H . Collins (Mrs. John); Gilligan, Mary
Bemice Hubbard (Mrs. Samuel); Armstrong (Mrs. Gene). Dorothy Rourke (Mrs. Stephen);
Shipley, Anna Miriam Beal (Mrs. Chi Lambda—Baker, Mildred Linke Gordon, Dorothy Webster Hettinger
J. B.); Stader, Alice May Meissner (Mrs. Clarence); Brockett, Mary T. (Mrs. E d w . ) ; Maulsby, Jane Mildred
(Mrs. James); Von der Leith, Dorothy (Mrs. L. Holmes). Rextrow (Mrs. William); Miner,
Duckies (Mrs. Gardner); Woodland, Kappa Alpha—Bailey, Linda Lou; Dora Thayer (Mrs. Arthur); Moore,
Evelyn M . Morrill (Mrs. Gilbert). Rhein, Susan E . Miller (Mrs.); Ro- Gladys Bryant (Mrs. Harry); Snyder,
Sigma Phi—Reis, Patricia Ann Fraser zelle, Dana Louise Adams (Mrs. Emily Eceleth (Mrs. Vernon); Vos-
(Mrs. Richard). Larry). burgh, Edith Van De Bogart (Mrs.
Beta Theta—Coblentz, Doris Speaker Tames); Warner, Emilie P. Osborn
FLORIDA Alberta (Mrs. Ralph). (Mrs. Philip).
Theta—Buboltz, Olive L a n g w i t h
Alpha Pi—Beller, Joanne (Mrs. William); Dyer, Dorothy Har- MICHIGAN
Towles (Mrs. Ronald). riet Devien (Mrs. Lloyd); Hill, Grace Beta Gamma—Haughton, Marion
L. Grogan (Mrs. A. Fay); McKinney, Norma Bentley (Mrs. Lester).
GEORGIA Donna Lou Younger (Mrs. Howard); Omicron Pi—Newby, Helen L. How-
Lambda Sigma—Hudson, Margaret. Nesbit, Frances Harriet Gray (Mrs. ard (Mrs. Ira); Nunnely, Gladys
Harold); Nichols. Anne Sackett: Hinmon (Mrs. John).
Sherman, Ruth Baker (Mrs. L . H.);
Tullis, Anna Yant (Mrs. Charles);
MINNESOTA er, A l b e r t a Meiswonger (Mrs. VIRGINIA
Tau—Brunsdale, Borghild Harriet Phi Lambda—Seiple, Joanne Felicia Kappa—Apperson, Martha; Bartter,
Erling (Mrs. Edw.); DeMent, Jean- Marian (Mrs. Lee). D o r o t h y Stevens Lake (Mrs.
nette LeGro Smith (Mrs. Stoney); Theta Eta-Gilbert, Viola A. Momich George); Baskervill, Mary Neal
Johnson, Elsa Feldhammer (Mrs. (Mrs. Donald); Sloane, Vera; Stoll, Hurt (Mrs. Geo. B., Jr.); Bruhn,
George); Lama, Beatrice J. Northey Virginia Elizabeth; Stover, Ruth Harriet Eliz. Wilson (Mrs. Brown
(Mrs. C. F.); Muntean, Lorraine Iva Mohr (Mrs. J. K.); Streibig, R.); Gibbs, Mary Reed (Mrs. Q. D.);
Estelle Moe (Mrs. John); Sault, Evelyn Marjorie Bemey (Mrs. Har- Gilliam, Louise Fontaine Johnson
Diane Kathleen. rison). (Mrs. Frank); Moore, Mary Eliza-
Theta Psi—Kenney, Mary Jane Wine beth Eggleston (Mrs. Wm. P. Jr.);
MONTANA (Mrs. Richard). Thomas, Ogla Sheppard (Mrs.
Cullen F.).
Alpha Phi—Bullock, Lynnie L . Chat- OREGON
tin (Mrs. Edwin F.); Davis, Helen WASHINGTON
Louise T r i p p (Mrs. Russell); James, Alpha Rho—Janz, Alma Augusta
Dorothy Leslie Ford (Mrs. Charles); Horsfeldt (Mrs. Lloyd); Shedd, Alpha Gamma—Beedon, B e u 1 a h
Prothero, Loretta Kathryn Peters Frances Huff (Mrs. Frank). Mary.
(Mrs. John); Ross, Marcy Angell Alpha Sigma—Strowger, Mary Jane Upsilon—Janeck, Mary Helen Arkley
(Mrs. Thomas); Scofield, Dorothy Riper (Mrs. James); Tyrrell, Dorothy (Mrs. K. N.); McClain, Olive Ade-
Ann Holland (Mrs. Harold); Seiden- Carter (Mrs. Travis). line Ostnes (Mrs. H . P.); Paige,
adeal, Mildred Lois Forrest (Mrs. Caroline Tucker; Towne, Mertice.
Wolfgang); Stebbins, Florence Jane PENNSYLVANIA
Bucher (Mrs. Dean). WISCONSIN
Epsilon Alpha—Fritz, Dolores Louise Eta—Ewens, Dorothy Marsh (Mrs.
NEBRASKA Ross ( M r s . E d w a r d ) ; Powell, A n n y Robert A.); Gay, Margaret Ruth
Ries (Mrs. Edward); (Mrs. Ben- Johnson (Mrs. Welland); Kallevang,
Zeta—Chace, Gladys E. Dominy jamin); Glance, Grace Edna; Patrick, Fern Stege Robinson (Mrs. Chas.);
(Mrs. Arthur C ) ; Crone, Mary Eleanor Ann Yeckinevich (Mrs. Martin, Margaret P. Chisholm (Mrs.
Jane Hendricks (Mrs. W . W . ) ; Theodore). Ralph); Moran, Mary Bradley Bra-
Froyd, Sarah Herrington (Mrs. Er- Psi—Anderson, M a r g a r e t Wilen der (Mrs. Frank); Schmiege, Mary
win); Haschenburger, Lucille E. Peirce (Mrs. James). Eleanor Crowley (Mrs. Clement).
Hitchcock (Mrs. Glen); Kontny,
Elizabeth Ann Touvelle (Mrs. TEXAS CANADA
Merle); Long, Leila L . Gilcrest (Mrs. Beta Tau—Plumb, Elizabeth Louise
A. L.); Phelps, Beth Boynton (Mrs. Nu Kappa—Bentley, Margaret Bon- Canning (Mrs. David).
Vernon); Starr, Corris Elizabeth ner (Mrs. Perry); Jack, Frances Kappa Phi—Bovyer, Beverly Joann.
Peake (Mrs. Chas.); Wallace, Helen A. Rand (Mrs. Whitfield, Jr.).
M . Steiner (Mrs. Arthur).
Nu Omicron—Hurst, Mary Elizabeth
Alpha—Marsh, Edith Fettretch (Mrs. Thompson (Mrs. Andrew); Minnich,
Hiram). Dorothy.
Chi—Adams, Mary Elizabeth; Bron- Omega Omicron—Baker, E m i l y
son, Alice J.; Jones, Alma Lois; O'Neal (Mrs. H . F.); Clark, Emily
Kendall, Carol Louise; Lohff, Ger- Hastings (Mrs. Fred).
trude W. Shew (Mrs. Karl); Moody, Omicron—Hunt, Emma Albers (Mrs.
Marian Huse. James O.); Kennedy, Lois Mary;
Epsilon—Holmes, Anna Gertrude; Luttrell, Margaret Helen Moore
Kerr, Jessie A l m a Gillette (Mrs. (Mrs. W m . ) ; Peet, Ailcy Kyle (Mrs
Wm.); Wildmore, Anna Munder Albert); Vallandingham, Virginia B
Mongel (Mrs. John). Jones (Mrs. J. T.).
Nu—Rigoni, Madeline Alice Ge-
raghty (Mrs. Donald).
Alpha Tau—Boyles, Theodora Grace
Jones (Mrs. Edward); Heldman,
Edith Theresa Irwin (Mrs. Howard);
Prendergast, Rose Marie Snyder
(Mrs. Jack); Ulrich, Beatrice Johan-
nette Handy (Mrs. Myron).
Kappa Pi—Griffith, Lana Marie; Roy,
Carol Christine.
Omega—Henderson, Jean Jones; Ka-
shuba, Addie Louise Winston (Mrs.
Theodore); Lavercombe, Evalyn
Kessing (Mrs. Earl); Morrison, Mar-
cella Wilson (Mrs. U . M.); Thatch-
TO: Collegiate Reporters for TO D R A G M A (1975-1976)
FROM: Millie Murphy, Editor
A T T E N T I O N : Chapter Presidents, Vice Presidents and Chapter
This COPY C A L L covers collegiate assignment required by December
1, 1975 and required by May 1, 1976.
Send reports of chapter activities and specific honors which have come
to your chapter as a whole or to individual members. Please illustrate
wherever possible with good black and white photographs.
If late for December 1 or May 1 deadlines, reporter PERSONALLY
must pay a fine of $2.50.
Please consult regular over-all copy call in TO D R A G M A for more
details on special reports.
SEND A L L COPY TO: Mrs. Millie M. Murphy
4534 Shy's Hill Road
Nashville, Tennessee 37215
To: Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
Husband's Name
Maiden Name
Collegiate Chapter
New Address
New Address Effective Chapter IMPORTANT!
Present Office Held For speedier service
of Attach Old T . D . Label
POSTMASTER—Please send notice of undeliverable Second Class Postage Paid at
copies on Form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, 2401 Hills- Nashville, Tennessee, and at
boro Road, Suite 103, Nashville, T N 37212. additional mailing offices.
LiLBfi Emily A. Caldwell
215 R o l l i n g Fork Ct
..- > *• "
N a s h v i l l e , TN 37205
Alpha Omicron Pi Change of Address
Central Office SEE OTHER SIDE
2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103
Nashville, Tennessee 37212 To A O I I Parents
Your daughter's magazine is sent to her
home address until graduation so you can
learn more about A O I I and TO D R A G M A .
I f she is no longer in college and is not
living at home, please send her present ad-
dress to Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
Address on the f o r m at the left.