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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-05 17:49:39

1971 Fall - To Dragma

Vol. LVIII, No. 1



Alpha O micron Pi

Fall • 1971


This map illustrates the regional revisions adopted at the Alabama, Georgia and Florida; Region IV: Illinois, Indiana
1971 International Convention in Dallas. and Kentucky; Region V: Manitoba, North Dakota, South
Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri; Region VI:
Region I now includes: Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Washington,
Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Alaska; Region VII:
Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Dela- Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas; Region VIII:
ware, District of Columbia, Virginia and West Virginia; California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico,
Region II: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio; Region Hawaii.
III: Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi,

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Alpha Omicron Pi

Fall, 1971 Vol. LV111. N o . I

published since January 1905 by

A L P H A O M I C R O N PI Fraternity, Inc.

Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897

Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office CONTENTS
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 Regional Revisions Second Cover
Telephone: 317-545-6553
Emphasizing AOII's 49th International Convention 2-10
Send All editorial material and corre-
spondence to the Convention Awards 11

EDITOR Founder Award Winners 12
Mrs. Robert C . Murphy
4534 Shy's Hill Road, AOII's Executive Committee 14
Nashville, Tennessee 37215
Achievement, Opportunity, Progress 15
Send all changes of address, death no-
tices, magazine and T O D R A G M A sub- Post-Convention Go Greek Tour Reports In 19
scriptions to:
DJF Scholarship Winners 20
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office A O I I ' s New Traveling Secretaries 21
Suite 109. 3000 Meadows Parkway
Indianapolis. Indiana 46205 Sing Sister, Sing 22

T O D R A G M A is published by Alpha Eugene Alumnae Reactivated, Directory 23
Omicron Pi Fraternity with headquar-
ters at Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Park- A O I I Extension Continues 24
way, Indianapolis. Indiana 46205. Second
Class Postage paid at Indianapolis. I n - Collegiate Commentaries 29
diana, and at additional mailing offices.
T O D R A G M A Copy Call, Change of Address Form .Third Cover

T O D R A G M A is printed four times a
year in F a l l . Winter. Spring and Summer
by Kable Printing Co., Mount Morris.
Illinois 61054. Deadline dates are June
15. Sept. 15. Dec. 15 and Feb. 15 for F a l l ,
Winter, Spring and Summer, respectively.

Subscription Price is $1.00 per copy,
$3.00 per year. Life Subscription, $25.00.

Delta Pi, Region V, Philanthropy; Cynthia Jo Anderson, Upsilon, Region V I , Public Relations; Maureen Pe.erson, 1
Scholarship. Cover picture and all c o n v e n t i o n pictures by Larry C o l l i n s , 1215 Cypress Drive, Richardson, Texas, 75080.

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971

Emphasizing I
AOII'S 49th



A O M s arriving at the Statler H i l t o n , Dallas, Texas, scene o f the fraternity's 49th International Convention, June 13-17, were greeted by the above
quintet of local collegiafes and alumnae in western garb. They are, left to right, Diane Strickland, Leslie Marlbrough, Nancy Oliver, Bobbie
Meeler Sahm and Helen Bate.

2 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971

Dallas Convention Stressed
AOII Achievement, Opportunity,
Progress, Past, Present and Future

The masterful planning and leadership of 1969-71 Executive C o m m i t t e e members, left to right,
Adele Hinton, Norma Berry, Jinnie Miller, Eleanore MacCurdy, Marion Clouse and Fern
K a l l e v a n q were responsible f o r the success of the 1971 C o n v e n t i o n .

Convention had a simple, but lofty, came in for special functions, will Vice Presidents, chairmen of stand-
goal in m i n d as they laid the g r o u n d - cherish the smooth-running, su- ing committees, Traveling Secre-
work for the four-day session in perbly executed convention as an taries and executives of Central
Dallas. experience long to be remembered. Office who came early for briefing
sessions and a convention preview.
" I t is the desire o f y o u r c o m - Arriving at the hotel by taxi, air-
mittee," said International Conven- port limousine or private automo- The biennium report of Interna-
tion Chairman Lorena Terry Quick bile, AOIIs found a giant red and tional President Fern Robinson
(Mrs. Edward K ) "that you have a white sign proclaiming " A O I I I n - Kallcvang ll got convention busi-
memorable time and receive an in- ternational Convention" and comely ness off to an inspiring start and
spiration from this 49th biennial local alumnae and collegiates, ap- brought AOIIs to their feet in
convention of A O I I . " propriately costumed in red and standing ovation.
white Western garb, on hand to as-
Taking their cue f r o m the very sist them with their luggage and " I want to tell you of the achieve-
heart of the sorority, they borrowed registration. ments in the 1969-71 biennium,"
the first letters o f A l p h a O m i c r o n she said, e x p l a i n i n g that this p e r i o d
Pi and chose the words. Achieve- As they registered they were given was one of varied and complicated
ment. O p p o r t u n i t y and Progress, as giant tote bags of straw, laced with adjustments.
the convention theme. r e d r i b b o n s and filled w i t h c o n -
vention lore. " I want to tell you again of the
The Statler Hilton in the heart opportunities which you and your
of downtown Dallas, a metropoli- The Statler Hilton's accommoda- sisters have in A O I I , and tell you
tan area which has uniquely blended tions proved luxurious, although of the progress we are working
leisurely Southern charm with the relaxed, throughout the convention. towards in the development of A O I I ,
financial and i n d u s t r i a l acumen to The dining and meeting rooms were so y o u can feel justly p r o u d o f the
become one of the principal cities centrally located and easily acces- pin you wear and the vows you
of the Southwest, proved a dynamic, sible. The hotel staff were kind and have taken."
inspirational and centrally located courteous and convention-goers
spot for the biennial session. were enthusiastic about the friendly "There was much to be done,"
service and excellent and imagina- said Mrs. Kallevang in reviewing
As more than 450 members ar- tive food. the biennium. " M u c h has been done
rived, they were charged to strive — w e leave y o u as officers this b i -
for more achievement, realize the Awaiting the main convention ennium—a sorority that is in good
challenges of meeting opportunities body, upon their arrival, were the condition—a sorority of which you
and be inspired to make even f u r - familiar faces of the Executive C o m - can be p r o u d . "
ther progress. mittee, Board of Directors, Regional
The text of Mrs. Kallevang's ad-
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971 dress appears in this issue.

Highlighting Sunday's activities


Dr. Doris M . Seward, distinguished e d u c a t o r very fact of their presence at the were different from fraternities,"
and assistant to the president and professor opening convention banquet, they she said, " o r i g i n a t i n g as clusters
of human relation development, Pennsylvania had been chosen or chosen them- joining in mutuality of purpose."
State University, was guest speaker at the selves to accept responsibility. She termed their founders, "free
convention's opening banquet. spirits, coming together with daring,
She divided her address into three, the women libs of their day."
was the opening night banquet, a distinct views of the Greek World
fun, formal affair entitled "Carnival today. Dr. Seward urged A O I I s " i n
Carousel", masterly carried out in coming into the shrine out of the
the New Orleans Mardi Gras tra- She examined sororities f r o m an groves, not to lose sight of one
dition by chairman, Margaret Bres Olympian standpoint and termed another. Sororities have a fine c o m -
Abshire, workers from Pi Chapter them "indigenous to our society." mittment," she declared, " i n their
at Sophie Newcomb and Alpha
Omicron at L.S.U., including M a r y "From the beginning, sororities
Catharine Greco and Amy Knight,
and New Orleans Alumnae, includ-
ing Adelaide Brook Falgout, and
Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter

Keynote convention speaker at
this banquet was dist'nguished edu-
cator. Dr. Doris M . Seward, execu-
tive assistant to the president and
professor of human relations devel-
opment, Pennsylvania State U n i -

An a u t h o r i t y in the field o f per-
sonnel administration. Dr. Seward
reminded the assemblage that by the




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A most e f f e c t i v e c o m m i t t e e assists c o n v e n t i o n d e l e g a t e s in r e g i s t r a t i o n . R i g h t , o r i g i n a l i t y and i n g e n u i t y s p r u n g up f r o m all sides as c o n v e n t i o n
delegates turned out in a wide range of costumes f o r the collegiate dinner, titled "Calico and Buckskin." Dinner was served chuck wagon

4 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971

A c c e p t i n g Distinguished Service Awards for their individual chapters were: Georgine Fidmilc, Angela Derheimer, Rebecca Creech, Dolly
Carlisle, Deborah Lee Hesse, Debbie Combs, Carolyn Dalley, Judy Pohl and Barbara Dallago.

concern of one generation for the Following the opening ritual, •
next." after the banquet, the convention
dispersed to regional meetings. I t Sidney Voss with the Central O f f i c e Cooper-
"Sororities have a fine heritage." was at these sessions that all eight ation C u p which went to her chapter, Beta
said D r . Seward, " I t is a sociolo- regions elected their collegiate rep- Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan.
gical fact, they have strong peer resentatives to the Collegiate Liai-
endorsement, great organizational son Committee, an organization They, i n turn, elected Pi Beta's
vigor. Weed out secondary growth." created as a p i l o t p r o j e c t f o r the Carol Sullivan, chairman, and met
she urged. " R e t u r n to this original academic year, 1971-1972, by re- briefly with the Executive Commit-
growth." solution presented at convention. tee following convention.

I n a humorous vein, she termed It was formed after much con- Carol, a physical education major
these times, "not despairing," but sideration by the Executive Com- at East Stroudsburg State Univer-
as one philosopher p u t i t . "sad. mittee, chairmen of the various sity and 1970 student coordinator
but interesting." standing committees and the Col- for Homecoming, views the creation
legiate Participation Committee for of the C . L . C . "as one of the most
She said that wants and desires inclusion of collegiate memebers in
of young people are still basically the internal functioning of the fra-
the same, including stability of stan- ternity.
dards and high purpose.
Selected members may serve on
" I t is the campus setting that is standing committees of their choice
subtly different. Is it a catastrophe and two elected members will serve
or passing turbulence?" asked Dr. as members o f the Executive C o m -
Seward. mittee in a liaison capacity. Each
member will be responsible for gath-
She cited the three and one-half ering information from the colle-
times increase i n enrollment since giates of her region, and channeling
1955 as a m a j o r cause. it to the Collegiate Liaison Commit-
tee alumnae adviser w h o w i l l see
" N o force outside is going to kill that this information gets to the ap-
sororities, but they may commit propriate member of the Executive
suicide." said Dr. Seward, who Committee.
t e r m e d " a p a t h y , and not hate, as
the opposite of love." Regions I , I I , I I I , I V , V , V I , V I I
and V I I I , respectively, chose Carol
Dr. Seward, herself a member of Sullivan. Maureen Peterson, Frances
Kappa Kappa Gamma, with real Pillow, Cathy Plant, Judy Pohl,
insight, described "sororities as oa- Cindy Anderson, Cindy Truxton
ses o f f r i e n d s h i p i n today's college and Lois Ashley, i n that order, as
life" and charged more mature mem- their C.L.C. representatives.
bers of her audience to take "the
leap of faith older people must
bridge in working with young peo-

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971 5

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H i g h points of the Panhellenic Luncheon was an address by H o w a r d Young, i m m e d i a t e Past Auburn's Delta Delta Chapter's walked away
National President of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, the presence of many distinguished rep- with the new Philos Award citing exemplary
resentatives f r o m other NPC groups, and the presentation of the newly created Philos Award. Panhellenic spirit. A c c e p t i n g was president,
Left to right, at this affair are Mrs. Darrell Liston, Sigma Kappa's alternate NPC delegate; Dee Lee
Adele Hinton, mistress of ceremonies; Mr. Young, Mary Louise Roller, AOII's past National
Panhellenic Conference President, and Mrs. Landon Freear, Phi Mu's N P C delegate. Region I V and V bid farewell to
Wisconsin and Minnesota, respec-
tively, in this move. Region V I lost
Colorado to Region V I I I which now
consists of California, Arizona, Col-
orado, New Mexico, Utah and

Accepting Philos A w a r d citations f o r their respective chapters were, left t o right, Noelle There was a streamlined look to
Mills, Lambda Sigma, and Angela Derheimer, Kappa Kappa. business sessions w i t h lots of the
old reports omitted. More time was
productive things to come out of correspond with their C.L.C. repre- allotted workshops, training sessions
convention." sentatives in order that they may and periods of rapport between col-
relay their concerns to the Execu- legiates and alumnae.
"Not only will it step up rapport tive Committee.
of collegiates with the Executive Popular spot t h r o u g h o u t the ses-
Committee, but it will establish Some minor changes were noted sion was the Resource Center where
whole new areas of rapport between in those eight regional meetings as members had the opportunity of
collegiates," she said. some states were redistricted to showing all A O I I , samples of their
other regions. creative, progressive programs. A
She feels that this exchange o f copy machine was available to pre-
ideas will come basically by mail Maryland, Virginia, West Vir- pare copies of programs, training
and its real productivity w i l l not be ginia and Pennsylvania were moved material, skits, case histories, f u n d -
apparent until the next biennium. from Region I I to Region I . Minne- raising ideas, etc.
sota, Wisconsin, Ohio and Michi-
Collegiate chapters are urged to gan now compose Region I I . Another gathering spot was lo-
cated on the mezzanine before a
giant display of A O I I promotional
materials, including scrapbooks,
posters, photographs, brought by
individual chapters.

Legislative Procedure

Legislatively speaking, several i m -
portant changes were made in the
composition of the International Ex-
ecutive Committee and responsibili-
ties of the officers.

To cope with the previous bien-
nium when the Administrative Vice
President and Secretary-Treasurer
positions were almost impossible for
one person to carry out, the Secre-

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971

Jinnie Miller, left, is a c c o m p a n i e d by the presidents of A O I I ' s three most recently installed
chapters. They are W e n d y Vilven, Beta Epsilon, Bemidji State College; Nancy Fletcher, Lambda
Omega, Northwest Missouri State College, and Sally Little, Lambda Chi, LaGrange College.

tary-Treasurer job was again split Regional Finance and Extension Rena H a m p t o n and Jean Reid proudly dis-
and the responsibility for regional Officers, brought to convention for play the McCausland C u p won by Lambuth
meetings were removed f r o m the the first time, were made members for maintaining the most outstanding schol-
duties of Administrative Vice Presi- of Council and in this capacity, in arship record for the past two years.
dent and given to the Secretary. the future will receive all mailings
and attend conventions. To be more i n line with present
The Executive Vice President and day thinking, an amendment to the
Administrative Vice President were Since the past biennium proved articles covering probation and sus-
transposed in the line-up of officers that wherever rush help has been pension of collegiate members was
so that the A d m i n i s t r a t i v e Vice needed, it was usually handled adopted.
President assumes the duties of the through the International Rush
president, should she be unable to Chairman, the Traveling Secretaries, There also were amendments
function. the Regional Directors and Regional adopted to eliminate life tenure of
Vice Presidents, Regional Rush Offi- the Rituals and Traditions Commit-
This was carried out because it is cers were eliminated. tee and to b r i n g the financial struc-
the Administrative Vice President ture in line with the requirements of
who has the back-up organization of Because of the material increase the Tax Reform Act of 1969, which
the regions so that guidance and as- of cost of International Conventions governs all non-profit organizations.
sistance to the collegiates and alum- over the past two bienniums, a re-
nae chapters would continue until gional meetings fee was established Florence Dodge Ennis (Mrs.
a replacement could be f o u n d . and it also was established that John D. K A ) , Parliamentarian,
alumnae will be billed f o r a regional noted the exceptional quality of leg-
Because of the increasing impor- meetings fee. islative know-how exhibited by col-
tance of Panhellenic situations on legiates o n the convention floor.
campuses, the N.P.C. Delegate was Collegiate yearly Council Dues
made a voting member of the Ex- were increased to $20.00 without
ecutive Committee, and provisions affecting the Initiation Fee. This was
were made for the replacement of necessary because of rising costs in
International Officers should a res- every department and the Tax Re-
ignation be necessary. form Act of 1969.

Popular spots for socializing, browsing and relaxing proved to be the collegiates' display area, left, and the Roseland Boutique

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971

International President Eleanore M a c C u r d y accepts applause of her Arkansas State Sigma Omicron's A O I I Pickers proved popular
sisters. entertainers at the collegiate dinner.

If you have trouble distinguishing these personalities underneath Alumnae Chapter presidents in one of the many convention training
their disguises, they're Executive C o m m i t t e e members in their skit, and resource sessions which p r o v e d so invaluable t o a l l .
" A O I I , the Greatest Show on Earth." Left to right, Eleanore Mac-
Curdy, Adele Hinton, Fern Kallevang, Jinnie Miller, Norma Berry,
Marion Clouse and Central Office's Executive Director, Marie

" B u t this is not surprising." she p r o g r a m as A O I I s f r o m a l l over the Diamond Jubilee Foundation Chairman and
declared, "when you realize that United States and Canada were af- Past International President, M u r i e l M c K i n -
these girls are leaders i n their o w n forded the opportunity to meet and ney, was Repeaters A w a r d W i n n e r with a
campus communities. They had def- really get to know one another. record of attendance at 22 conventions.
inite ideas and knew how to go
about presenting them properly." The three major convention days,
Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday,
Mrs. Ennis said that 50 pieces of were entitled. Achievement, Oppor-
business o r i g i n a t e d o n the floor. F o r tunity and Progress, respectively,
example, she cited a resolution pre- with social activities geared to each
sented by collegiates and adopted phase of the convention theme.
calling for investigation of a new,
six-week pledge-training program The opportunity to experience
incorporating more human relations. A O I I sisterhood to the fullest extent
began Sunday evening when the Ex-
A committee was set up to inves- ecutive Committee closed ranks to
tigate a headquarters building and form a receiving line and greeted
will report on the establishment of delegates prior to the formal ban-
an A O I I Central Office Acquisition quet.
Tuesday's Fun 'n' Fashion lunch-
Received with special enthusiasm eon proved to be just that with dele-
were the sessions for chapter presi- gates seated at tables of 10 w i t h a
dents and rush workshops, as w e l l V . I . P . serving as hostess at each o f
as the i n - t r a i n i n g meetings f o r Re- these boards. Fashions f r o m Lorch's
gional Finance Officers and other of Dallas were modeled by pretty
executives. AOIIs.

Sisterhood Prevails A Sweet and Lovely theme was
featured at Monday evening's A l u m -
Warm friendship and sisterhood nae Dinner. Executive Vice Presi-
permeated the entire convention dent Marion Grassmuck Clouse X
brought down the house with her
8 candy-cued address when she l i k -

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971

T dinner Tuesday evening when dele-
gates, challenged to come dressed in
: costumes illustrating the originality
and ingenuity of pioneers of the
Dallas c o n v e n t i o n c h a i r m a n , G l o r i a A n n C u n n i n g h a m Jay, center, is f l a n k e d by b e a u t e o u s West, showed up in garbs ranging
Dallas alumnae, Leslie Marlborough and Bobbie Sahm. from overalls and plowing boots to
squaw dresses and Sunday-go-to-
i meeting bonnets and bustles.

B9 Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy 1A
J- was toastmistress and special enter-
tainment was provided by Arkansas
Lorena Terry Quick, International Convention Chairman, with Edith State University's A O I I Pickers.
Cope Lockard, chairman, Constitution Interpretation and Revisions;
and Region VI Vice President, Jane Quick. High point of the presentation of
awards was the revelation of the
ened each personality at the speak- immediate past president of Phi winner of the MacCausland Cup.
ers' tables to a special variety of Delta Theta Fraternity, keynoting scholarship plaques and Distin-
candy and then proceeded to explain the Greek Gallery Panhellenic guished Service Awards.
whv. Luncheon which spotlighted the N a -
tional Panhellenic Conference. T h e c o n v e n t i o n built to a fitting
Spotlighted was Emily Tarbell climax of excitement and inspiration
Har.iydt, Syracuse educator and Adele K . H i n t o n P served as m i s - with Wednesday's Progress Day.
community leader and Chi alumna. tress of ceremonies at this m e m -
orable affair when lofty Greek col- A t the Philanthropic luncheon,
This was the first affair at which umns, superimposed with the Greek A O I I marked another milestone in
awards were presented and the letters of all N.P.C.-affiliated groups achievement when they presented a
distribution of the coveted Rose and draped with their individual research grant of $13,000 in behalf
Awards and special citations to colors adorned the tables. of their role i n the fight against
alumnae chapters drew exclamations arthritis in cooperation with the
of joy and an unusual number of Honored at the luncheon were Arthritis Foundation to Dr. Jane
tear-filled eyes. representatives of these member Schaller of Seattle and another for
sororities. $3,000 to Dr. Henri Andre Menard,
O p p o r t u n i t y D a y d a w n e d to find fellow of the Canadian Arthritis and
the spotlight focused on collegiates Fun and frivolity proved the key- Rheumatism Society.
with handsome Howard E. Young. note of the Calico and Buckskin
Joan Deathe M a c C a l l u m K<f>, I n -
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971 ternational Philanthropic Chairman,
made these presentations as well as
a number of awards to collegiates
and alumnae chapters.

The magnificent Grand Ballroom
of the Statler Hilton was softly
aglow with hundreds of votive can-
dles for Wednesday evening's un-
forgettable Rose Banquet.

International officers were seated
at a raised table arranged before a
gleaming gold satin backdrop against
which giant silver letters, A O I I ,

Texas collegiates and alumnae
decorated the tables with massive
groupings of red roses and more red
roses. Favors were silver charms in
the shape of the Lone Star State
inscribed with A O I I , 1971.

Charming, impeccably fashion-
able, witty Mary Pachen L-ndrooth
P, Past International President and
a member of the Board of Directors,
served as toastmistress, and another
distinguished A O I I , Mary Louise
Filer Roller Alpha Pi, past Interna-
tional President and past top execu-
tives of the N . P . C . was principal

In a touching ceremony, Fern
Kallevang turned over the gavel and
her duties as I n t e r n a t i o n a l President
to Eleanore MacCurdy, AOII's I n -
ternational President, for the next
biennium. who presented her Ex-
ecutive Committee for this period.


In the soft glow of myriads of candles at the Rose Banquet, at right, Fern Kallevang turns over the gavel of Internationa! President to Eleanore
M a c C u r d y . Left, M a r y Lindrooth was mistress of ceremonies at this brilliant, final convention a f f a i r .

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They are: Administrative Vice grand nourish to a day and conven
President, Janie L . Callaway (Mrs. tion literally crammed with notable
George B . ) ; Executive Vice Prcsi examples of achievement, opportu
dent, Patricia Mottweiler (Mrs. nity and progress.
Wilbur R.. Jr.); Extension Vice
President, Adele K . Hinton (Mrs. Before filing out of the candlelit
Frederick W . ) ; Secretary, Bobbye ballroom to offer their felicitations
McCarter; Treasurer. Norma Ackel to members of the new Executive
(Mrs. August), and N.P.C. Dele- Committee, delegates joined hands
gate, N o r m a Nierstheimer Berry to form one gigantic circle and nos
(Mrs. George talgically sang "Alpha Omicron P i "
in the soft glow of the flickering
Presentation of the four Found candles.
ers' A w a r d s was a fitting, final,



! " I t Is A M a t t e r of Fact" was the s u b j e c t o f
M a r y Louise Roller's address at the Rose
Six out of e i g h t 1969-71 Regional Vice Presidents pause momentarily f o r a p i c t u r e . They are Banquet.
Jane Quick, Bobbye McCarter, Norma A c l e l , Mary Louise McMillan, Gwen Lee and Rosalie

10 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971


FOUNDERS AWARDS the collegiate chapter with the most ton, Ind.; Over 25 members, Chi-
J W H — T o honor one collegiate outstanding scholarship for the past caeo. Northwest; San Diego, Calif.
chapter with the most outstanding two years. C I T A T I O N S : R o c k f o r d , 111., N a s h -
service to college or community and ville, Tenn.
fulfillment of obligations to A O I I . Omega Omicron, Lambuth
Delta Omega, M u r r a y State
M U L L A N — T o honor one alumna Sigma Tau. Washington College; Honoring the collegiate chapter with
who has served the fraternity beyond Phi Omicron. Hanover College; the most outstanding philanthropic
necessity for many years. Delta Omega. Murray State; Kappa achievements.
Gamma, Florida Southern College;
Jessie M a r i e Cramer. Phi Kappa Alpha. Indiana State; Beta Theta Pi. Wagner College
P E R R Y — T o honor the most out- Phi, Indiana University; Iota Tau, C I T A T I O N S : Sigma Lambda, Wis-
standing collegiate president. Stout State. consin State-LaCrosse; Omega Omi-
cron. Lambuth College; Alpha
Glenna Louise Treat, Alpha ALUMNAE AWARDS Delta, University of Alabama.
Gamma ROSE: To honor alumnae who Honoring an alumnae chapter for
W Y M A N — T o honor one alumna have gone beyond the call of duty outstanding philanthropic achieve-
who has distinguished herself in her in serving the fraternity. ments.
profession, the arts or service to
humanity. Mary Aldrieh. Rho; Rosalie Bar- Chicago Northwest Suburban
ber, Sigma Omicron; Judi Betts, Alumnae Chapter
Emily Tarbell Barhydt. Chi Beta Phi; Liz Bryan, Phi; Jini Coo- C I T A T I O N S : Nashville, Huntsville,
lidge, Kappa Rho; Peg Frerk, lota; Dayton
COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS Emily Faust. Omicron; Karen
honor well-rounded, top-notch chap- Omega; Audrey Humason. Upsilon;
ters Jamie Kain. Kappa Kappa; Joan T o honor one collegiate chapter on
MacCallum. Kappa Phi; Sharon whose campus the Panhellenic spirit
Iota, University of Illinois; Phi Martin, Delta Pi; Karen Moon. is best exemplified.
Beta, E. Stroudsburg State College; Kappa Phi; Louise Oliver, Upsilon;
Tau, University of Minnesota; Chi Barbara Otten, Beta Tau; Toni Delta Delta. Auburn
Lambda, University of Evansville; Reitz, Chi Lambda; Anne Rinne, C I T A T I O N S : Lambda Sigma, Uni-
Theta Omega, Northern Arizona Beta Phi; Jo Sanders, Epsilon A l - versity of Georgia; Kappa Kappa,
University; Pi Delta, University of pha; Charlotte Evans, Tau. Ball State University.
Maryland; Delta Pi, Central Mis-
souri State College; Kappa Gamma, ALUMNAE CHAPTER SONG A W A R D
Florida Southern College; Kappa AWARDS T o honor any alumna or collegiate
Kappa. Ball State University; Alpha composing original A O I I songs or
Chi, Western Kentucky University. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE: lyrics. Winning composition appears
CENTRAL OFFICE Honoring an alumnae chapter f o r in the new songbook.
Julie Carol Parker, Kappa
Beta Lambda. Illinois Wesleyan Under 25 members, B l o o m i n g - Gamma.
M c C A U S L A N D CUP: To honor




t • A

S i n g l e d o u t t o r e c e i v e t h e c o v e t e d Rose A w a r d f o r g o i n g b e y o n d t h e c a l l o f d u t y in s e r v i n g A O I I w e r e t h e 14 a l u m n a e p i c t u r e d a b o v e . F r o n t
row, left to right, are Audrey Humason, Toni Reiti, Lii Bryan, Joan MacCallum, Judi Betts, Karen G a m m . Second row, left to right, Sharon
Martin, Karen Moon, Lorraine Hendry, Rosalie Barber, Mary Aldrieh, Peg Frerk, Anne Rinne and Jo Sanders.

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971 11


Glenna terms the whole experience "a continual
stimulus in learning to w o r k i n harmony w i t h so
many individuals, seeking to guide myself and the
chapter so that we m i g h t m a k e A O I I a l i v i n g and
lasting organization, and personally striving to ful-
fill the vows made when initiated."



L, Recipient of the Mullan Award was Jessie Marie Cramer, guiding
light for the past two years of the Board of Directors.
G L E N N A T R E A T AT, 1970-71 president of the
A O I I chapter at Washington State University, was To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971
named the winner of the Stella George Stern Perry
A w a r d at the convention in Dallas f o r being out-
standing chapter president for this year. The an-
nouncement came at the convention's Rose Banquet.

Glenna was not present to accept the honor so
it was received by a representative of her chapter.

The Perry Award Committee, in making the an-
nouncement, said. "Glenna Treat has provided lead-
ership and inspiration to Alpha Gamma Chapter
as we w o u l d hope that a l l A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi C h a p -
ters could have. . . A s to her life standards, she
has always been considerate and thoughful, and
does not in anyway give the impression that these
things are done f o r personal gain, but rather out
of desire to help others. She does all things in a
quiet, unassuming manner and you know that any
task undertaken will be completed and well done.
Glenna certainly typifies Alpha Omicron Pi through
her service and inspiration."

Regarding her nomination for the Perry Award,
Glenna says, "Pledging A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi during
the middle of my sophomore year, I was quite sur-
prised to find myself president just t w o months
after initiation!" The challenge facing me was two-
fold: to live up to the ideals of the fraternity in
fulfilling my designated duties and to learn a great
deal more about A O I I , our chapter and the girls
within it. But I was excited for the opportunity to
contribute something to the house which had offered
me so much. . . "



E M I L Y T A R B E L L B A R H Y D T (MRS. RAY- Association f r o m a membership of more than one
M O N D X ) is recipient of the coveted Elizabeth m i l l i o n and has been one o f only 20 members of
Heywood W y m a n A w a r d for excellence in her pro- the Joint Legislative Council of the Retired Teachers
fession. The presentation was made to her at the Association and American Association of Retired
Rose Banquet at convention by Carolyn Huey Persons (whose membership is over two and one-
Harris, Past International President. fourth million).

The Syracuse Alumnae Chapter, in presenting F o r many summers she was assistant director or
her name stated, " W e feel that it is an honor and tour leader of the "Overseas Study P r o g r a m . " She
a privilege to submit Emily's name since she per- traveled three times around the world, four times
sonifies to an unusual degree the qualities of dis- around South America and once around Africa.
tinction in achievement and service to humanity She has taken groups to O x f o r d University and the
for which the award is made." University of Havana for study and workshops.

Honored guest at the Alumnae Dinner in She is a professional p a r l i a m e n t a r i a n whose ser-
Dallas, she has been a classroom teacher of out- vices are much in demand by numerous organizations.
standing accomplishments f o r many years. I n 1956
she was the recipient of the Governor Averell A lovely, dynamic lady, Emily has never forgotten
H a r r i m a n A w a r d as Representative Classroom
Teacher. She served as president of the Department A O I I all during the years of pursuing her profession.
of Classroom Teachers of the National Education
M a y 1, she served as toastmistress at Syracuse

Alumnae Chapter's 50th anniversary observance.

Nancy Jo James accepts the J W H Cup tor her chapter, Delta
Omega, Murray State.



Emily Tar-bell B a r h y d t displays t h e W y m a n A w a r d which she received. 13
To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971


A O I I Executive Committee, 1971-73, are left to right, Janie Linebaugh Callaway, Adele K. Hinton, Pat Mottweiler, Eleanore Dietrich M a c C u r d y ,
Bobbye McCarter, Norma Aclcel and Norma Nierstheimer Berry.

A t Dallas, AOTls selected officers AOn still remains her favorite w i t h d i s t i n c t i o n as V i c e President
for the next biennium to continue to hobby. Past District I V Director, of Region V and chairman of the
guide our fraternity in paths of she was adviser f o r O m i c r o n Chap- Collegiate Participation Committee.
Achievement, Opportunity and ter, Knoxville alumnae president and
Progress so clearly defined at con- National Philanthropic Chairman. Associated with Stephens Col-
vention. She's also served as A l u m n a e D i - lege. C o l u m b i a , M o . , she currently
rector for District I V . is w o r k i n g on an additional Masters
They chose wisely and well. E x - of Arts degree at the University of
ecutive C o m m i t t e e members are as Pat Mottweiler (Mrs. Wilbur R., Missouri.
follows. Jr. (-)) Executive Vice President, has
demonstrated her devotion to AOn She is an associate member of
Eleanore MacCurdy (Mrs. Rob- in the tremendous amount of vol- Nu Omicron Chapter, Vanderbilt.
ert D. I A ) , International President, unteer w o r k she's done f o r the f r a -
who steps into this post after two ternity. Norma Ackel (Mrs. August K.
years in the role of Administrative © ) , is well versed in AOII affairs
Vice President. Immediate past Extension Officer and finances i n general. A resident
for Region I V , she's also served of California's San Fernando Valley,
Eleanore. known for her quiet simultaneously as a director f o r this she became active i n the alumnae
tact and diplomacy, accepted AOII same region. She has been N a t i o n a l affairs immediately after settling
as her m a j o r activity d u r i n g the past Supervisor and International Con- there a n d served as alumnae c h a p -
two years as she discovered that her vention Sub-Chairman. Pat resides ter president.
immediate post required absolutely i n M t . Prospect, 111.
no procrastination, plus large quan- She was V i c e President of Region
tities of dedication, administration Adele K. Hinton (Mrs. Frederick I X , and of Region V I I I , after "this
and communication. W . P ) , Extension V i c e President, as first area was redistricted.
immediate past N P C Delegate and
A resident of Bridgewater, Mass., a member of the Executive C o m - A former member of the United
where Dr. M a c C u r d y is professor mittee, has not only attended meet- States Marine Corps Women's Re-
of education at Bridgewater State ings of the latter group, but serves serve and statistician with Washing-
College, Eleanore has served AOI7. as a member of the College Panhel- ton's W a r Plans Department, she is
faithfully ever since her initiation at lenic Committee for NPC. the accountant for the San Fernando
Utah State University. V a l l e y garment m a n u f a c t u r i n g firm
She is NPC's Area Adviser f o r w h i c h she and her late husband
Janie Callaway (Mrs. George Kentucky and Tennessee where founded.
O), Administrative Vice President, N P C groups are located on 23
takes the reins of this office f r o m campuses. Norma Berry (Mrs. Willard D.
Eleanore after a busy, productive P), N P C Delegate, an experienced
two years as V i c e President o f Re- She has w o r k e d actively and Executive Committee member is
gion I I I . meaningfully in affairs of her soror- continuing on. She is the immediate
ity since her collegiate days at past International Secretary-Trea-
Traveling is nothing new to this Northwestern University. surer.
attractive Tennessean who works
with her husband in their family Bobbye McCarter NO, Interna- A resident of Seattle, Washing-
business, in the marine division. tional Secretary, assumes her E x - ton, a n d a native o f P e k i n , 111., she
ecutive Committee post after serving is a graduate of Northwestern U n i -
14 versity.

To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971


Excerpts from the address at convention of President Fern Robinson Kallevang

I am sure that most of you real- velous minds to work on what was our collegiate and alumnae chapters
ized when you first saw the theme to be done during these twenty-four a feeling of belonging to each other.
for this 49th convention of A O I I months. They have been an inspira- I t is amazing to me how much more
that the first letter of each of the tion to work with. Y o u all have been visiting there is between collegiate
words stand for A O I I . Alpha very fortunate to have them as your chapters in the regions than there
Omicron Pi—our sorority—our or- officers during these last two years. was previously. There is correspon-
ganization to which we will be giv- With them at my right hand, there dence going on between chapters,
ing all of our attention for the next was never any doubt that we could pledge walk outs, etc.—a general
few days. Achievement, Opportunity and would solve any problem that feeling of togetherness that is truly
and Progress are also what I want came our way. the A O I I feeling. A t a recent instal-
to talk with you about because as lation, 29 collegiates from another
your outgoing president. I want to By the first of September, 1969, chapter within the region attended
tell you the achievements of this we had already solved one of our the installation.
1969-71 biennium, tell you again of major problems in that we hired a
the opportunities which you and new Executive Director, Marie One of the primary goals which
your sisters have in A O I I , and tell Hughes. Marie has worked closely my committee wished to fulfill this
you of the progress we are working with all of us this biennium, and I biennium was to expend every effort
toward in the development of A O I I know too that each of us thanks her possible in the continued improve-
so that you can feel justly proud of for all she has contributed. Under ment of our collegiate and alumnae
the pin that you wear and the vows her direction, office procedures chapters. Not only have the officers
you have taken. have been tremendously improved in the Regions helped us to attain
without the addition of employees. this end, but we have been fortunate
When this Executive Committee We feel that we are well on our way both school years of this biennium
took over the reins of Alpha Omi- to providing the kind of service that to have excellent traveling secre-
cron Pi after the Los Angeles con- our chapters and members deserve taries. They went out to our chapters
vention, it was with full knowledge from our Central Office staff. well-trained and knowledgeable of
that the new biennium was to be a their jobs. We believe that the fact
biennium of adjustment. Council After one bad try at hiring an that all of our collegiate chapters
had just voted a change in the whole Editor of TO D R A G M A from out- and some of our alumnae chapters
organization of A O I I from the Ex- side our membership, along came have been visited this year, is a
ecutive Committee right on down Millie Murphy, one of our members, truly progressive step for A O I I , and
the organization chart. Also, we who has been editing T O D R A G M A we are pleased that it is in the plan
were to deal for the first time with since the Winter issue of 1970. for the coming biennium. Knowl-
a working Board of Directors in- Under her direction, we have been edge and training bring excellence
stead of the former Finance Com- pleased with the magazine which to our chapters—it has been our
mittee. We were aware of these has been published. We are pleased constant goal to see that you re-
things, but two things came up al- too that adjustments have been ceive this. A t this convention there
most immediately that called for made in Central Office to send the is scheduled a special collegiate
further adjustments. We were told collegiate magazines to their homes chapter president's training school
by our Executive Secretary and with a few copies going to the chap- and one for advisers. We believe
Editor of T O D R A G M A that they ter. This is in accord with the prac- that the continuation of these leader-
would resign, and shortly thereafter tice of other NPC and N I C groups ship schools is of utmost importance
we were told by our accountants and we feel an important step for- to the welfare of Alpha Omicron Pi.
that we must make major changes ward in bringing Alpha Omicron Pi It is our recommendation that such
in the financial structure of Alpha closer to the families of our colle- a school, even broadened in scope,
Omicron Pi in order for us to con- giate members. become a part of the plan for each
form with the Tax Reform Act of school year.
1969 which affected all fraternal By September, also, we were well
organizations. on our way to implementing the A t the Los Angeles convention,
Regional organization outlined by you asked your officers for collegiate
There were so many things to do Council. Appointments had been participation on all levels of A O I I
that we hardly knew where to start. made in the Regions; report forms management. We have worked
But even though confronted with a had been revised to not only adhere with the Collegiate Participation
very large order, indeed, the six of to the regional structure but also for Committee, and we are happy to
us looked around the table and simplification. An Administrative present a resolution for your con-
jumped in. Before I can go on any Committee meeting had been plan- sideration at this convention.
further to tell you what we did ned to further work out the details
achieve, I just must take this mo- of the regional organization, and A t the last convention, you asked
ment to personally, before all of plans were well formulated for the us to make provisions to eliminate
you, thank Marion Clouse, Eleanore 1970 regional meetings. life tenure on A O I I committees.
MacCurdy, Verginia Miller, Norma This affected only the Perry Award
Berry and Adele Hinton for all the During the biennium it has been Committee and the Rituals and
marvelous contributions they have noticeable to all of us on the Ex- Traditions Committee. We will pre-
made to this biennium. Never, for ecutive Committee that the regional sent legislation at this convention to
one minute, have they lagged on organization has really added great comply with your wishes.
the job nor failed to put their mar- strength to Alpha Omicron Pi. The
Regional meetings helped to train Many other achievements give us
our Regional officers and also gave reason to be proud. A new song

To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON PI—FALL of 1971 15

The new Board of Directors seen at the Rose Banquet, left to right, are Fern Kallevang, vice c h a i r m a n ; J e a n W h o r l e y , Norma A c k e l , C a r o l y n
Harris, Martha Louise Hilands, secretary; Jessie Marie Cramer, Dorothy Bogen Farrington, chairman; Jinnie Miller and Mary Louise Roller.

book is ready for our chapters. This Board members, installing chapters, seemed that right here I had to stop
has long been desired by our col- attending NPC meetings, long hours and see how it all happened for me,
legiates in particular. A new pledge spent at the typewriter and on the and from my own experience to tell
information booklet is in the works telephone. Well, personally I have you of the opportunities that are
and will be available for our chap- enjoyed every minute of it. While there for each of you.
ters in the fall. my personal observations are per-
haps not the foremost in your minds. I remember almost as if it were
There was much to be done— I hope each and every one of you yesterday, the rainy, hot day in
much has been done—we leave you today will realize that what I have Madison. Wisconsin when I put on a
as officers of this biennium—a so- enjoyed during this biennum and long-sleeved black velvet dress and
rority that is in good condition—a previous bienniums is there for all of went across the street from my dor-
sorority of which you can be proud. you to enjoy. It is the deep and abid- mitory to go through rush at the
You have only to read the detailed ing love of AOIIs everywhere—it is University of Wisconsin. I went to
reports of the officers of this bien- the fact that whether it's in Mary- make the rounds and to see if I
nium which are in your convention ville. Missouri or Miami. Florida— could find a place for a scared, only
packets to know all the infinitestimal the feeling is the same—the con- child, in the mysterious realm of
detail that has been handled and the cern for each other and for you is the Greek world which I knew
deep thought that has been given to the same. It's a thrilling thing to practically nothing about. It wasn't
the long term growth of your soror- view and to feel an experience which until I reached the A O I I house that
ity. I am humble as I read them. I each and every one of you can I even began to think that I had
know you will let your officers know enjoy, if you try. found "something". It was a nice
personally how much you appreciate house, but what I really liked was
what they have done for all of us. As St. Paul said, "There is much the girls—here were people without
Really, without them. A O I I could to be done"—I am sure there is still the stiff aloofness, false class, and
never have reached the heights to much to be done in A O I I , but I am total uniformity which I found else-
which we all aspire. As I've told you proud, and hope you will be. of what where. When it came to signing up
before, it's been an inspiration to has already been accomplished. a preference. I couldn't help but put
me just to work with these fine A O I I first because these were the
people. Right here, I was going to say, kind of people I really wanted to
"So much for Achievement," but as associate with. Luckily, our bids
One of the most rewarding exper- I thought further about Achieve- were matched, and I was pledged to
iences of a president is to travel ment. Opportunity, and Progress, I A O I I . I still have framed in my
around the country to meet alumnae realize that it is almost impossible basement recreation room a tele-
and collegiates. I've had the oppor- to speak of one in A O I I separately gram which I sent to my parents on
tunity to do much of this during the from the other. They are part and that eventful day. I t said. " I have
last biennium going all the way from parcel of each other. In thinking of pledged Alpha Omicron Pi sorority.
Montana to New Orleans, to Texas, progreess, we must think also of the I A M SO H A P P Y . " I was happy,
to western and southern Illinois, to opportunity that was there. An op- I am happy, happy to be an A O I I .
Boulder. Colorado, to Indiana, to portunity that was seized by one This phrase has echoed through-
Kentucky, to Georgia, to Florida, person or by a group of people out my membership in A O I I since
and Missouri. It's been the thrill of which leads to achievement and 1939—and that's a good spell ago.
dedicating a house in Ames, Iowa, usually automatically means pro-
my first venture in housing. It's gress. My college years in A O I I were
been the enjoyment of working with happy and rewarding years. "How
As I thought more about it, it come," you might say. "We know
To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON P I — F A L L of 1971

Dr. Jane Schaller, left, of Seattle, Wash., came to convention to accept AOII's $13 000 check friends. I n fact, just a few weeks
lor r e s e a r c h into cures and prevention of Arthritis. W i t h her is National Philanthropic C h a i r - ago, several of these same people
man J o a n M a c C a l l u m . Dr. Schaller, the mother of three children, is assistant professor of gave me a very lovely party to cele-
pediatrics at the University of Washington, and attending physician, Children's Orthopedic brate my presidency. You see, our
Hospital, where she's director of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinic. Another research grant of membership was very dear to us and
$3,000 from A O N in the fight against Arthritis, went to Dr. H e n r i - A n d r e M e n a r d , a C a n a d i a n is today—it filled a very important
physician. place in our lives as it does today.
We continued to meet at the Univer-
that Eta chapter is no longer active, away my place of residence. But, sity of Wisconsin until we were
and we suspect you were president somehow, that just wasn't the case. graduated because it wasn't import-
of the chapter when it was decided There were still many of us left on ant that the University no longer
to close i t . " You're absolutely right. campus to finish our senior year— classed us as a group, what was
A n d , you might have decided that we still loved AOII—were still i m - important was the fact that we were
at this point I would have thought bued with the precepts of our ritual AOIIs, we felt the bond of sister-
that A O I I had nothing to offer. to the point that we loved each other hood. That's what was important.
After all, they were even taking then and have become lifelong
You see, that's what it's really all
about, and I have taken the time to
tell you about the past A O I I history
of Fern Kallevang because the same
inspiration that I received as a
pledge and collegiate during my
college days is still there today. It
is still there for each of us and for us
to offer to new members.

It was this same fraternal love
that made me accept, when asked,
to serve as president of my alumnae
chapter, as an Alumnae Director, as
National Convention Chairman, as
an Area Vice President for two
bienniums and then as your Interna-
tional President.

This same opportunity is there for
each of you, if you so desire, to help
your sorority—to give to the young
people today what you knew as a
collegiate (whenever that may have
been) or as an alumna. There can
be nothing that is more inspirational,
more in line with whatever endeavor
you enjoy in your life.

But how, you say—you were a
collegiate in 1940—today is a differ-
ent cup of tea. The opportunity may
be there, but how on earth do we
progress to imparting this type of

Alumnae philanthropic citations were accepted by Pat Diclcerson, Mary Ann Caldwell, Valeriae Burghard, J o Anne Breitmeyer and
Diane Fulton. Displaying philanthropic collegiate citations are Suzy Sitz, Alpha Delta; J e a n Reid, O m e g a Omicron, and Wendy Barber,
Sigma Lambda.

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—FALL of 1971 17

feeling to today's youth. S
Well, really, today's youth is not
Accepting the Alumnae Chapter Service Awards were Donna Grant Webster, San Diego;
that much different from those who Edith Huntington Anderson, Bloomington; Pat Mottweiler, Roclcford; Patricia Long Diclterson,
came before. Today we hear the Nashville, and Valeria Christmann Burghard, Chicago, Northwest.
cry far and loud in our land for
C H A N G E . But really, what is have enjoyed to prospective mem- I can say no more. I have told
change? I t may mean longer hair and bers. You can see progress in the you what this biennium has accom-
different dress. When I was a colle- world through what you can give to plished. I have told you what can
giate, it was popular to wear the the world, to your families, to your still be accomplished. Because you
dirtiest saddle shoes possible. But community, to whatever you find see achievement in A O I I is not like
didn't we all, of any era, experience in life that is good and kind. You winning a race. Achievement in.
this same change. A l l of us, no mat- who are today's youth have an awe- A O I I is a never-ending process.
ter what our age, have experienced some responsibility. You who are And, while we as officers, leave you
change in our own physical beings. alumnae have an even more awe- a sorority in good condition in 1971,
"Change" seems to be so ordained, some responsibility. Upon all of us June, this achievement must pro-
that there is not much that can be is rested the sifting out of the good ceed to even greater heights than
done about it. Each generation and tangible without being side- we ever imagined. We have no
feels that they must bring about tracked by petty differences. I know creed, we have no pattern for mem-
some C H A N G E in the society. But, it can be achieved by your belief, bership, we have only what we be-
how deep is this desire for if you think about it, if you under- lieve as taught to us through our
C H A N G E . Does it touch the age- stand what is there for you and for ritual. Y o u can ask no more. Y o u
old need of belonging? Does it say the world. can give no more.
that the Greek system is dead or
dying? Does it say that there is no To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON P I — F A L L of 1971
progress or future for A O I I or other
Greek groups? No, I do not believe
so, and I feel as other authorities
will agree, that the age-old need of
belonging has not changed. It is one
of the basic needs of human beings
—this need to belong. The human
being is a gregarious individual who
wishes to be identified, who dislikes
being lonely. Those who deny it are
not being honest. The Greek system
today can meet these basic needs of
the college student; can fulfill his
needs because the Greek system is
no longer a system of false social
values, of Mickey Mouse pledge
programs, of social aloofness, of
snobbishness, of pure frivolity. The
Greek system today, and particularly
Alpha Omicron Pi, is one of concern
for the individual. Y o u can be
doubly proud of your own sorority
because A O I I was among the first
to make changes in its membership
selection procedures—was among
the first to realize that the student
who enters school for a real educa-
tion is the desirable member, was
among the first to consider the
length and breadth of the pledge
program as it has been known in the
past. We have exciting things to re-
commend to you all during this ses-
sion regarding our pledge program.
A O I I was among the few that had
to make no changes in the Constitu-
tion to allow for selection of mem-
bers regardless of race, color, or
creed. I t makes me proud to even
reiterate these facts to you.

Through sisterhood, through love,
you can achieve i n A O I I , you can
be a part of the achievement of your
sorority, you can take advantage of
the opportunities your sorority and
your education afford you. You can
take the opportunity to offer all you


Post-Convention, Go Greek
Tour Reports In

Following convention in Dallas, 3
AOIIs and members of their family
were offered the once-in-your-life- /
time opportunity of participating in
a fabulous 21-day Go Greek holiday €5.
including days of relaxation on the
Apollo Coast, a sojourn in Athens, i
side trips to Ancient Greece and
Corfu and a cruise to the Grecian •
Isles and Turkey.
Members of the post-convention, G o Greek Tour are seen touring the ruins of the Acropolis
This phase of the meeting was
under the direction of Transporta- in Athens. Left to right are Laura Perry, A S , Thelma Robertson Mitchell X , J o a n Sottile
tion Chairman, Joan Sottile Murphy
P. Murphy P, Kay Lockridge 12, G u i d e M a r y G i o h l m a n , H e l e n W a l l a v e r Horner Shockley

From Hotel Grande-Bretagne, Lockridge, Charles Logan and Stella Fraser Livernash, A T . They are seen at the Parthenon.
Athens, she reports in on the tour
group who included, in addition to people of Greece were all enjoying pie with crisp, thin, flaky crust, red,
Joan, Laura Perry Lambda Sigma, the constant stretches of beach. Not sweet tomatoes, moussaka (egg-
Thelma Robertson Mitchell Chi, Re- one is crowded, but all are clustered plant, ground meat and cheese in
gion I Director; Kay Lockridge with groups of picnickers or bathers tomato sauce). They bring us bowls
Omega, her father, Shockley Lock- gathered on rocky ledges in the of nectarines, fresh figs, peaches,
ridge, Phi Gamma Delta, Indiana shade of groves of trees." strawberries, cherries, melons, and
University; Helen Wallaver Horner on and on. Everything is sybarritic
Psi, Charles Logan, Helen's brother- "Our bus driver stopped and luxury. The Greeks use marble like
in-law, and Stella Fraser Livernash picked some thyme for us and we we use plywood, in baths, halls, cor-
Alpha Gamma. all felt like cherubs romping through ridors. We have even been given a
the fields clutching our nosegays of salon with crystal chandeliers and
Joan writes: "The trip has been tiny, fragrant, purple flowers." French period pieces where we
excellent so far. The first three days gather for briefings."
were spent in halls of marble splen- "We have now arrived in Athens
dor at Couliagmeni Beach overlook- and have sampled ouzo, Greek feta "Tonight we went to a teverna in
ing the blue, blue, blue Aegean. The cheese which is white and sharp, Plaka, the old quarters, with nar-
group progressively became mes- and several wines, white, red and row, twisting streets and had an-
merized into a state of total eu- pink. We are getting fat on incredi- other marvelous dinner with wine.
phoria." ble pastries, but will work it off
tramping the ruins of the Acropolis "We haven't seen one ugly per-
"We ate and soaked up the warm today, I'm sure." son since we arrived in Greece—a
sun, gamboled in the waves and en- handsome, charming people."
joyed the food from the various din- "We have eaten delicious cheese
ing rooms perched on cliffs on the
hotel grounds. Our hotel rooms at
the Astir Palace had verandas over-
looking the marina where we could
hear the very wealthy sounding
rumbles of yacht engines as their
Greek millionaire owners moved out
to sea."

"The flowers are blooming,
breezes are delightfully cool, per-
fect weather and setting."

"We talk about what happened
at convention and various A O I I
happenings over the past months.
We have great fun explaining to all
the Greeks that we are not of Greek
heritage, but members of the same
collegiate sorority, in spite of our
vastly differing ages! We appall
them with our pronunciation of the
letter, Pi!"

"Yesterday we drove along the
coast to admire the view of the tem-
ple of Poseidon, high, high, high
above the waters of the Aegean. The

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—FALL of 1971 19

Diamond Jubilee Foundation
Presents 1971 Scholarship Winners

Patricia Dennis, Pi K a p p a , University of I r
Texas, is public relations officer and assis-
tant recommendations chairman of her Peggy Dockery, Delta Delta, Auburn, was L
chapter. She plans a career in radio and voted most outstanding Auburn Univer-
television. sity W o m a n 1970-71, on Dean's List, r
Young American National Fashion Board-
National Award, Presidential Scholar. Joyce Eisnaugle, Omega, Miami Univer-
sity, is a Zoology major and plans to
t e a c h . She is house chairman and coun-
selor, A O P i p e r editor and second vice

0& Mt t


Sandra Holten, lota Tau, Stout State, is Shawn Jahnke, Tau, University of Minne-
planning to teach kindergarten or in the sota, plans to teach physical therapy. She
H e a d Start Program. She is :cho1arship is student Senate officer and a member
officer and corresponding secretary and of the American Physical Therapy Asso-
belongs to Menomonie Association for ciation.
Education of Young Children.
Annette Martin, Alpha Pi, Montana State
Linda Runlcle, Beta Phi, Indiana Univer- University, is majoring in English liter-
sity, is working for a B.S. in Education. ature and hopes to t e a c h . She is an
She is president of her chapter and of officer in A O I I and the floor captain for
Enomene honorary and is a member of the university's dance and drill team.
Indiana University Foundation.
Kathleen Boross, Sigma Phi, San Fer- Through the Committee on Scho-
20 nando Valley State College, recipient of larship, the Diamond Jubilee Foun-
a D J F Founders' Day Scholarship, hopes dation has the pleasure of presenting
to teach high school English and journal- the seven A O I I s who are current
ism. She is publicity chairman of Pan- recipients of DJF Scholarship, plus
hellenic and T O D R A G M A reporter. winners of two Diamond Jubilee
Founders' Day Scholarships and
two, additional memorial scholar-
ships, the Brotherhood-Cole and
Kay Bremer Matson Scholarships.

I n addition $500 is being given to
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, for
use in providing assistance to finan-
cially and educationally deprived

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON P I — F A L L of 1971

Cindy Lichtenberg, Phi Sigma, Kearney Dorothy Dodge, C h i Pi, Northeastern Carolyn Anderson, Kappa Alpha, Indiana
State, received another D J F Founders' University, recipient of the Kay Bremer State, who was awarded the Brotherhood-
Day S c h o l a r s h i p . She is president of her Matson Scholarship, plans to attend C o l e Scholarship. is Ideal Sorority
chapter, Panhellenic rush chairman and a graduate school this fall, working for her W o m a n for 1971, received the Ruby A
member of K a p p a Delta Pi and Xi Phi Master's degree in S p e e c h and H e a r i n g for scholarship, is president of the Senior
honoraries. Therapy. She has been the delegate to Class and of her chapter.
Senior Week Committee and chapter
students admitted to the university. president. land-West, Denver, Phoenix, Tuc-
Each of these young ladies have son.
donations as memorials and tributes,
been exceptionally active in affairs and contributions by individuals and Gifts to the Diamond Jubilee
of their chapters and of their uni- chapters. Foundation are tax deductible.
versity or college. Some have man- Make checks payable to D I A M O N D
aged part time jobs and all have Founders' Day DFJ Contributions J U B I L E E F O U N D A T I O N and
maintained excellent grade point totalled $525.00. Honor Roll Chap- mail to Treasurer, Mrs. Justin M i l -
averages. ters' contributions included: ler. 3913 N . Hoyne Avenue, Chi-
cago, 111. 60618.
The Diamond Jubilee Foundation Collegiates: Alpha Omicron, Beta
is a non-profit corporation autho- Lambda, Delta Delta, Omicron, Diamond Jubilee Foundation
rized by Council in 1959. Its " I n - Gamma Beta, Chi Delta, Pi, Alpha Scholarship Awards Chairman is
vestment in Education" program Chi, Epsilon Alpha, Upsilon Alpha Mrs. Vernon Rose (Jane Durham
was established to aid qualified stu- and Theta Omega. I ) , P.O. Box 381, Borrego Springs,
dents with the interest earned on California 92004.
funds obtained by the sale of seals, Alumnae: Southern California
Council, Rockford, Grand Rapids,
Montreal, Kentuckiana, Portland,
Syracuse, Charleston, W.Va., M i l -
waukee, St. Petersburg, Philadel-
phia, Indianapolis, Knoxville, Kear-
ney Tri-City, Chicago, Beverly
Hills, Dallas, Cleveland-East, Cleve-

\ SB /



AOM's quartet of Traveling Secretaries, who have taken to the field after an August training session at Vanderbilt University, are seen at
convention. Left to right, they are G i n g e r Banks, Pi K a p p a ; Robin Lee, lota; M i c h a e l Lord, Pi K a p p a , and Sue Edmunds, Tau Delta.

To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON PI—FALL of 1971 21

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4 r*f
By Rebecca Morgan Signor, =p* p*
Alpha Sigma •r i

Geraldine Walker Fleagle, Alpha •4 4Z
Sigma. Editor of the 1971 A O I I
Songbook, has given us reason to 1r
sing . . . and the means. I n fact
there is a song for every chapter
activity except grooming the mascot.
If someone writes a round for that,
it can be added conveniently in this
fifth songbook which is expandable,
punched for looseleaf additions.

Compare the last two editions:

Contents 1955 1971

Complete songs, 80

words and music . . . 47 111

Lyrics only, 18
for pop tunes 24 148

N o n - A O I I songs

(traditional, patriotic) 0

Total songs 71

Total pages 66 songbook

These figures represent a lot of been retained and many new ones dozens of A O I i lyrics to popular
work and much song-gathering from added. The 1971 Convention Song tunes, plus eleven rounds. There is
many chapters. Karen Jean Gamm, Award went to Julie Carol Parker, even a page of do-it-yourself rounds;
Phi Delta, former Traveling Secre- Kappa Gamma. Florida Southern, Gerry has provided the music; you
tary, proved to be the Grand Cham- for her original words and music of come up with your own words to
pion song-catcher. "To Our Big Sister," with two suit your own occasion.
themes, one of thanks to big sisters
Her long, lyric-packed, humorous for sponsoring aid, and a second set Some chapters will wonder why
letters kept Gerry's spirits from of verses, " A O Pi, Our Pride," to their songs were not included or why
flagging and incidentally put Phi be sung to rushees. they did not get credit. For any one
Delta up at the top of the list of popular tune, many lyrics came i n .
collegiate groups with the most songs Jeanne McCutchan, Chi Lambda, very similar in content and wording.
in the book . . . right next to Gerry's '71. University of Evansville, re- The best one had to be chosen and
own Alpha Sigma Alumnae. ceived an honorable mention for the rest discarded. A t least this gives
"Free, Unique and A l l Alone," to us a standard version to sing when
This proves two things: first, it be sung to the melody of "Both girls are present f r o m more than
pays for collegiates to have an ac- Sides Now." Her lyric resolves the one chapter. Some songs could not
tive alumnae doing a bit of slave- question of being an individual and be used because the music was a
driving; second, even the creakiest a Greek. direct copy or obvious adaptation of
of Alpha Sigma alums can croak, a copyrighted song on which we
'There's a dance in the old dame Gerry has updated the book with could get no release.
yet . . . and a song or two, per- new songs written especially for this
chance." issue, has included two-and three- Beta Theta Pi was gracious in
part arrangements (SA and SSA) permitting us to use their Loving
Alpha Chapter had third place as well as guitar and ukelele chords Cup song. Famous Music Corpora-
in the number of songs included. for our mad. mod folk singers. There tion, Walt Disney Music Company,
Those written by one of our found- are lots of short snappy fun songs, Wonderland Music Company and
ers, Stella George Stern Perry, have
been retained with reverence and
are still keeping Alpha, our first
chapter, alive more than half a cen-
tury after its closure.

Other old favorite songs have

22 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971


Reactivate ANNOUNCES PI F A L L 1971

In a room decorated with bright A NEW COLONY, Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
yellow and white spring flowers and Founded At Barnard College
overlooking the Willamette River in EPSILON IOTA,
Eugene, Oregon, the Eugene Alum- January 2, 1897
nate Chapter was reactivated on a AT EASTERN ILLINOIS
very rainy, spring evening in May. FOUNDERS
UNIVERSITY, Jessie Wallace Hughan
JoAnn Gould, Region V I Exten- Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . )
sion Officer, presided at the dessert CHARLESTON, Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . )
meeting where the new Alpha Sigma Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
Corporation officers were recog- ILLINOIS The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter
nized along with the installation of at Barnard College of Columbia University, and
the new alumnae chapter officers. Berry, International Secretary- all are deceased.
Treasurer were read during the eve-
They are: Linda Rust (Mrs. ning. Several alumnae chapters in EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
Theron V . A P ) , president; Barbara Region V I sent gifts to the new
Long (Mrs. Kenneth W., Jr. AP) chapter to make the reactivation President
vice president, and Bobbie Collie even more memorable. Mrs. Robert D. MacCurdy (Eleanore 1A)
(Mrs. Thomas D . AS), secretary- 100 Norlen Park, Bridgewater, Massachusetts
treasurer. The chapter is planning a series
of informal get-togethers this sum- 02324
Messages of congratulations from mer, some of which will include Telephone: 617-697-7855
Jinnie Miller, International Exten- our IIOAs in order to become re-
sion Vice President, and Norma acquainted.

Shapiro, Bernstein and Co. Inc. were Alpha Delta chapters really came Administrative Vive President
generous music publishers who re- in swinging with contributions. They Mrs. George B. Callaway (Janie 0)
leased tunes for this book. Even were aided by Lois Roeder Critch- 2400 Craghead Lane. Knoxville, Tennessee 37920
Kellogg company of Battle Creek, low, Alpha Sigma, who did music Telephone: 615-573-2336
Michigan, gave permission to use arrangements and transpositions.
their Rice Krispies' song for Delta Executive Vice President
Pi Chapter's " A O Personality." Karen Jean Gamm helped with Mrs. Wilbur R. Mottweiler, Jr. (Patricia 8 )
research, round-up and morale. She 504 South Owen. Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056
We are not about to be jailed and Gerry Fleagle don't reckon Telephone: 312-259-2288
for snitching "Moonlight and Roses" their correspondence in simple num-
music for our "Rubies and Roses." bers any more; it grew to be by the Extension Vice President
The mutual source is a very old pound or by the bushel. They had Mrs. Frederick W. Hinton (Adele K. P)
piano solo, "Andantino" by Lemare. a lot of fun along with a lot of 6128 Hillsboro Road. Nashville, Tenn. 37215
"Sisters at Our Side" and Elvis headaches . . . well worth the two Telephone: 615-297-8022
Presley's "Love Me Tender" are fifty ($2.50) it will cost you to get
both indebted to the old folk song the book from Central Office. How- Secretary
"Aura Lee." ever, you don't get the headaches Miss Bobbye McCarter (NO)
and correspondence thrown in at Box 2436, Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri
Following the high-contributors that price. Those extras aren't even
optional. Sisters; for you it's sing, 65201
mentioned before, Chi Lambda, Up- SING, SING.
Telephone: 314-449-3270
silon, Zeta Psi, Upsilon Alpha, and
Mrs. August Ackel (Norma K0)
12218 Sarazen Place, Granada Hills, California


Telephone: 213-363-0271

And here's a handy coupon to clip in and mail to Central Office just NPC Delegate Seattle,
to make sure that you have your new A O I I Songbook while it's hot off Mrs. Willard D. Berry (Norma ]')
the presses. Remember that the price, $2.50, covers the cost of handling 3030 West Laurelhurst Drive, N . E . ,
and postage.
Washington 98105
Telephone: 206-523-9763


Suite No. 109, Chairman
Mrs. T. K . Farrington (Dorothy A)
3000 Meadows Parkway, 1615 Dry Creek Road. San Jose, California
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205
Telephone: 408-269-5809
Box 431 Carnelian Bay, California 95711
Telephone: 961-583-3026 (June-October)


ENCLOSED IS $ for AOn Songbooks Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
STATE ZIP 3000 Meadows Parkway, Suite #109, Indianapo-

lis, Indiana 46205
Telephone: 317-545-6553

PLEASE, SEND TO: Executive Director—Mrs. Marie E . Hughes ( B $ )

NAME , . Financial Secretary—Mrs. Forrest Smith (Nell

Editor—Mrs. Robert C . Murphy (Millie Milam
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—FALL of 1971 4534 Shy's Hill Road, Nashville, Tennessee
Telephone: 615-269-6563



Alpha Omicron Pi gained the to. Jdambda Omex^a,
94th rose in its bouquet of collegiate
chapters April 17 and 18 when Internationa! and Region V dignitaries present for Lambda Omega Chapter's installation
Lambda Omega Chapter was i n - at Northwest Missouri State C o l l e g e , Maryville, in A p r i l are seen with c h a p t e r president,
stalled on the campus of Northwest Nancy Fletcher, center. Left to right are Eleanor O y e r '!>, Region V Extension officer; Fern
Missouri State College, Maryville. Robinson Kallevang I I , International President; N a n c y , Jessie M a r i e Senor C r a m e r <I\ C h a i r -
man, International Board of Directors, and Nancy Johannsen, Region V Director.
Initiation and installation cere-
monies were conducted by Fern Y
Robinson Kallevang (Mrs. Charles
J. H) International President, and Eleven International and Regional Officers and alumnae of A O I I participated in the installa-
presiding over pledge ceremonies tion of the 94th collegiate chapter. Back row, left to right, are Mrs. Harry Gregory, tea
was Jessie Marie Senor Cramer. chairman; Sharon Martin, Region V Rush Officer and President, Kansas C i t y Alumnae C h a p t e r ;
(Mrs. Wesley G. <t>) Chairman of Cindy Howland, Traveling Secretary; Mrs. Robert Smith, ritual chairman; Mrs. Robert Henry,
the Board of Directors. publicity; Mrs. Edward Ogle, banquet; Nancy Johannsen, Region V Director. Seated, front
row, left to right are: Eleanor Oyer, Fern Kallevang, Jessie Marie C r a m e r and Louise Patton
Twenty members and two associ- Childers, installation chairman.
ate members were initiated into the
new chapter, and three girls were professor of guidance, and Miss Ann Biffle. Maryville; Christine
pledged. Charlotte DeSomma, guidance coun- Matney, Gower, and Brenda Tier-
selor. Savannah, Mo., High School, ney, Chariton. Iowa.
Other national and regional of- both chapter advisers.
ficers, and AOIIs from nearby com- Alumna present for a portion or
munities playing major roles in the The three pledges were Barbara all the ceremonies included Mrs.
gala installation festivities were:
Louise Patton Childers (Mrs. Thel- To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971
bert N O ) , installation chairman;
Eleanor Oyer (Mrs. John. Jr., <f>),
Region V Extension Officer; Nancy
Johannsen <}>, Regional Director;
Cindy Howland, Traveling Secre-
tary; Sharon Martin All, Regional
Rush Officer; Mrs. Harry Gregory,
tea chairman; Mrs. Edward Ogle.
Rose Banquet chairman; Mrs. Rob-
ert Smith, ritual chairman, and Mrs.
Robert Henry, publicity chairman.

Twenty collegiates from Delta Pi
Chapter. Central Missouri State Col-
lege, Warrcnsburg, led by chapter
president. Judy Pohl, assisted Mrs.
Kallevang in the initiation cere-

Lambda Omega Chapter mem-
bers initiated included: Nancy
Fletcher, Union Star, president;
Janice Young, Maryville, recording
secretary; Jeannie Mylott. Gallatin,
corresponding secretary; Patricia
Traynor, Kansas City, treasurer;
Vickie Brodeen, Des Moines, Iowa,
Cathy Clayton. Clearfield, Iowa; De
Ann Driver, Jefferson City; Mar-
garet Elliott, St. Joseph; Sue Ewing,
Des Moines, Iowa; Karen Habe-
richter, St. Joseph; Gayle Hansen.
Perry, Iowa; Connie Rae McCord,
Indianola, Iowa; Cindy Mongold,
Maryville; Patricia Ann Moses.
Platte City; Kathy Mullins, Essex,
Iowa; JoAn Patty, Des Moines,
Iowa; Cindy Pierce, Shenandoah,
Iowa; Deborah Reynolds, Des
Moines, Iowa; Kathy Schwarz,
Kansas City, and Carol Shoemaker,

Associate members included Miss
Carole Hoadley, NWMSC assistant



AloAtUw-eit MiAAoutU State College,

Twenty-fwo charter members of Lambda O m e g a Chapter were initiated and three pledges pledged. The initiates are, back row, left to
right: Miss Carole Hoadley, associate member; Connie McCord, Margaret Elliott, Brenda Tierney, pledge; Vicki Brodeen, Kathy Schwarz,
C a r o l e Shoemaker, Nancy Fletcher, president; Janice Young, recording secretary; Karen Haberichter, Barbara Biffle, pledge; Patricia Moses,
C a t h y Clayton, Miss Charlotte DeSomma, associate member. Front row, left to right, are De Ann Driver, Pat Traynor, treasurer; Sue Ewing,
JoAnn Patty, Debbie Reynolds, Cindy Mongold, Chris Matney, pledge; Jeannie Mylott, corresponding secretary; Gayle Hansen. Not
present for the picture were Cindy Pierce and Kathy Mullins.

Gladys St. Clair and Florence Fast tress. A welcome to the N W M S C number of social sororities on the
of Villisca, Iowa; Mrs. Donald campus was extended visiting digni- campus at Northwest Missouri State
Schmidt of St. Joseph, and Mrs. taries by Miss Louann Lewright, d i - College which was established in
Jean Kraus and Mrs. Barbara Much- rector of housing. 1905 following an act of the General
more, both of Kansas City. Assembly of the State of Missouri
A reception was held Sunday creating the Fifth Normal School
Initiation and installation activi- afternoon, April 18, complimenting District.
ties were launched at 8 p.m. Friday, initiates and pledges of Lambda
April 16, with a meeting of interna- Omega Chapter in the ballroom of The college functioned as a Nor-
tional officers, colony members and the Union Building with various col- mal School until 1919 when it gained
advisers in the N W M S C Wesley lege administrative officials and fac- the privilege of granting bachelor's
Center. ulty members in attendance as well degrees. July 2 1 , 1949, the General
as representatives of other campus Assembly changed the name from
A t 9:30 a.m. Saturday, April 17, sororities and fraternities. Northwest Missouri State Teachers
initiation and installation ceremonies College to Northwest Missouri State
were held in the Blue Room. J. W. Among college officials present College.
Jones Union Building. were: Miss Lewright, Miss Camille
Walton, director of student and per- Formal colonization took place
A luncheon in the Union Build- sonnel staff development; Dr. Phil October 27, 1970, with Deb Mathis
ing preceded pledging ceremonies Hays, dean of students, and John returning to conduct the ceremonies.
from 1 until 3:30 p.m. Mobley, director, academic advise- The new chapter has chosen to live
ment. in Roberta Hall in the fall, 1971 and
The Rose Banquet was held at their chapter suite will be located
6:30 p.m. in the High Rise Resi- The installation of Lambda there.
dence Hall Complex Cafeteria with Omega Colony brings to five the
Louise Childers acting as toastmis- 25

To Dragma of A L P H A OM1CRON P I — F A L L of 1971


to Jlamhda Chi

jdaCf\a*t<f,e College, JlaQiattCfe. Qeafafia

9i May 15 marked the installation
date of Lambda Chi, 95th colle-
Fern Robinson Kallevang H. International President, presents Lambda Chi Chapter's charter giate chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi,
LaGrange College, LaGrange, Georgia, at LaGrange College, LaGrange,
to president, Sally Little, at installation festivities at Georgia.

recently. Installation ceremonies were pre-
sided over by International President
Fern Robinson Kallevang, assisted
by Carolyn Harris (Mrs. Rodney
AS), Past International President.

Installing collegiate chapters for
the occasion were: Gamma Sigma,
Georgia State University; Delta
Delta, Auburn, and Lambda Sigma,
University of Georgia.

Other visiting dignitaries included
Wendy Nowlin, AIT, installation
chairman and Region I I I Director;
Mrs. George Campbell, AS, rituals
chairman; collegiates from Alpha
Delta, University of Alabama; and
Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern

Installed as Collegiate members of
Lambda Chi W e r e : Sally Little, preS-
ident; Carol Purcell, first vice presi-


r f - -





Members of Lambda C h i at L a G r a n g e College, LaGrange, Georgia, AOTT's 95th collegiate chapter, pose after the Rose Banquet. They are,
front row, left to right, Diane Dennis, C a r o l Purcell, Julianna Nesbit, Sally Little, Janet McEntire, Monica Saclcett, Athelia D e L a y Richardson,
Carol Baird. Second row; Kathy Goolsby, Annette Palmer, Patsy Burdette, Sharon Berry, Becky Williams, C a r o l e Ann Stockton, Debbie Jolly,
Beth Milllgan, Pat Hicks, Cathy Wascura, Sherry C a n a d a , Dianne Granger. Third row; Susan McDaris, Suzanne Stephens, Sharon McLendon,
Nancy Trammel, Peggy Studstill, Barbara Wallace, Nan Purcell, Diane Woolen, Pam Roberts, Barbara Pound, Anne Matson, Helen Duke;
Fourth row: Ann Adams, Jamie W a r d , Linda Lassiter, Sue Dinkins, Stacy Sackett Johnson, Kathy Repko, Deborah Eisenberg, Kay Marie
Theus, Marti Letts and Beverly Williams.

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON P I — F A L L of 1971

dent; Carol Baird, second vice Go-ncflatulatw-nb
president; Sharon Berry, recording
secretary; Kathy Goolsby, corres- to Seta CpAiloH.,
ponding secretary; Sue Dinkins,
treasurer; Suzanne Stephens, assis- LI
tant treasurer; Barbara Wallace,
fraternity education; Anne Matson, Eleanore Dietrich M a c C u r d y , Administrative Vice President and presiding officer at Beta
historian; Rebecca Sherrill, Panhel- Epsilon Chapter's installation ceremonies, presents the Executive Committee's gift, a silver
lenic representative; Janet McEntire, punch bowl, to the new collegiate chapter. A t the table with her are Beverly Ness Thorson T,
scholarship chairman; Becky Wil- Kathryn Seawright T, Dr. Cletus J . Kemper, Bemidji State College's vice president of student
liams (Mrs. Jeff), standards chair- affairs, and Marilyn Schroeder X I , right, behind the candle.
man; Pam Roberts, Diane Dennis,
Beth Milligan. Jo Ann Carlstrom, right, serves punch during installation festivities to chapter advisers,
Beverly Thorson, Edith Herington, Jane Smith and Betty Carr.
Jamie Ward, Kathy Repko, Ann
Adams, Patsy Burdette, Sherry one of the oldest Protestant schools anniversary this year. Alpha Omi-
Canada, Deborah Eisenberg, Dianne in the South. Before becoming cron Pi, now the sixth Panhellenic
Granger, Pat Hicks, Linda Lassiter, Lambda Chi Chapter of Alpha group on campus, holds the highest
Marti Letts. Omicron Pi, the local sorority, academic grade point average among
Alpha Phi Beta, celebrated its 50th these organizations.
Susan McDaris, Sharon McLen-
don (Mrs. Robert), Julianna Nesbit,
Nan Purcell, Monica Sackett, Carol
Ann Stockton, Peggy Studstill,
Cathy Wascura and Diane Woolen.

Installed with the new chapter as
advisers were Nancy A l f o r d and
Virginia Duffy Burgess. Alumnae
members installed included Stacy
Sackett Johnson, Annette Palmer,
Athelia DeLay Richardson, and Kay
Marie Theus.

Added to Lambda Chi's roster
as pledges at the time of the instal-
lation were Helen Duke, Debbie
Jolly, Barbara Pound and Nancy

That evening a Rose Banquet was
held at the Pine Mountain Holiday
Inn, Callaway Gardens. Toastmis-
tress was Wendy Nowlin.

Dr. John R. Love, dean of stu-
dents, extended a welcome to Alpha
Omicron Pi on behalf of LaGrange
College. Greetings and congratu-
latory messages from other chapters
were read by Mrs. John K. Lancas-
ter N O .

Traditional rose speeches were
given by Carolyn Harris, Betty
Phillips Odom (Mrs. Kenneth TA),
Kathy Tyre VS., a representative of
Delta Delta Chapter and Fern

Following the banquet, Delta Tau
Delta Fraternity entertained in honor
of Lambda Chi Chapter at a recep-
tion given at the Elk's Club in

Climaxing the weekend of festiv-
ities was a reception Sunday given
at the Bellvue House in compliment
to the new collegiates, their parents,
school officials and representatives
of other sororities and fraternities.

Composing the receiving line
were Fern Kallevang, Carolyn Har-
ris, Dean Love, Virginia Burgess
and Sally Little.

Founded in 1831, LaGrange
College has the distinction of being

To Dragma of A L P H A OMICRON PI—FALL of 1971 21

Bemidji State Goile^ef Bemidfir Miftnedata

Bemidji State College, Bemidji, Beta Epsilon officers are: Linda alumnae, Mrs. Wayne Thorson, T
Minnesota, was the scene May 22 Vilven, president; Kathleen Aulich, and Mrs. Robert K. Smith TT. They
of the installation of Beta Epsilon, vice president; Margaret Trombley, were instrumental in assisting the
Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority's 96th recording secretary; Diane Wittner, local group become a chapter of
collegiate chapter. corresponding secretary; Janelle Alpha Omicron International Soror-
Springborn, treasurer; Marcia Pol- ity. Mrs. Thorson was installation
International Administrative Vice lish, standards chairman, and Gloria charman and she was assisted by
President, Eleanore Dietrich Mac- Tschida, rush chairman. Mrs. Carr, Mrs. Smith, Miss How-
Curdy I A , conducted the initiation land and Mrs. Herington.
and installation ceremonies. She Mrs. Charles Carr, chapter ad-
came from Bridgewater, Massa- viser, became an associate member October 3, 1965, the sisterhood
chusetts for the occasion and was with the collegiate chapter during of Beta Epsilon Chapter, formerly
assisted by Traveling Secretary the ceremonies. Mrs. Robert Her- Beta Phi Epsilon, was founded, the
Cindy Howland. ington, patron adviser for the new first sorority at Bemidji State Col-
chapter, also was initiated as an lege. Twelve founders began to build
Collegiates from Tau Chapter, associate member. a sorority which would enhance
University of Minnesota, assisted in academic endeavors, develop and
the ceremonies. They were: Barb The new chapter was feted at a strengthen character, and promote
Dellago, Tau President; Joan Meu- Rose Banquet given at Walnut Hall the social and cultural interest of
wissen, Beth Nerison, Shawn on the Bemidji State College campus all its members.
Jahnke, Kristi Burkett and Louise Saturday evening when Dr. Cletus
Salmi. J. Kemper, vice president of student The sorority has won two all-
affairs, extended greetings to A o n Greek scholastic trophies since its
Newly initiate members of Beta on behalf of the college. The follow- founding. Service projects include
Epsilon Chapter are: Bonita Aaze, ing alumnae from the Minneapolis- the Red Cross, Senior Citizens,
Kathleen Aulich, Debra Benson, St. Paul Alumnae Chapter were Retarded Children's Fund and an
Diane Bergman, Kathryn Bydal, guests and speakers: Kathryn Sea- annual fund-raising project for the
Jo Ann Carlstom, Elaine Eggert, wright T , Patricia Penning O and Cancer Society. Beta Epsilon con-
Kaye Johnson, Susanne Johnson, Marilyn Schroeder X I . tinues to sponsor financially a young
Virginia Johnson, Kaydelle Kvorn- Brazilian girl. Socially, two of its
lov, Rachael Pederson, Marcia A reception was held Sunday members have been elected Home-
Pollish. afternoon at Walnut Hall for the coming Queens, and the group has
community and college. Receiving been represented with attendants in
Janelle Springborn, Margaret guests were Linda Vilven, Mrs. these courts in all other years. Beta
Trombley, Gloria Taschida, Linda MacCurdy, Dr. Kemper and Cindy Epsilon was installed as the first
Vilven, and Diane Wittner. Howland. international sorority on the Bemidji
State College campus.
Alumnae initiates are: Sherri Bemidji is the home of two A O I I
Karstens, Janet Pearson and Mollie


Initiated as members of AOTT's 96th collegiate chapter, Beta Epsilon, recently at Bemidji State College were the above group. They are, front
row, left to right, seated: Kathleen Aulich, Gloria Tschida, Bonita Aaze, Janet Pearson, Linda Vilven and Elaine Eggert. Second row,
standing: Diane Bergman, Margaret Trombley, Kaye Johnson, Jo Ann Carlstrom, Mollie Theil, Sherrie Karstens, Diane Wittner and Susanne
Johnson. Third row, left to right: Debra Benson, Kaydelle Kvarnlov, Rachel Pederson, Janelle Springborn, Marcia Pollish, Kathryn Bydal and
Virginia Johnson.

28 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971

What's New


W h e n pro football super-star Joe Namath returned to his alma mater, the University of Alabama recently, Alpha Delta C h a p t e r had
the opportunity of meeting and entertaining him at an informal coffee hour. H e is a personal friend of their c h a p t e r advisor, Mrs. J . Riggs

At Alabama, more than 60 AOIIs from Greek Week when A O I I won the wo- first Arkansas Advertising Foundation
Auburn, Birmingham Southern and the men's overall trophy. Scholarship. Susan Doty is outstanding
University of South Alabama gathered business major on Campus.
here in the spring for an inspirational Mary Holsinger is president of the
State Day. Associated Women Students of N . A . U . Mary Ann Prothro was 1970-71 Pan-
and Katy Bushner and Karen Ross were hellenic president and Paula Carroll is
Frances Smith is a member of Mortar tapped Kayettes, women's service hon- 1971-72 secretary. Marian Miller is edit-
Board and listed in Who's Who in Amer- orary. Judy Winchester is a member of ing ASU's yearbook. The Indian.
ica Colleges and Universities. Cardinal Key. junior women's scholastic
honorary. Fraternity sweethearts include Nancy
Alpha Delta, in cooperation with the Jo Rieke, Cindy Elslander, Barbara
National Arthritis Foundation sponsored At Arkansas State, a homecoming display Marconi. Marlene Gamec and Jann
a series of physical therapy classes entitled "Life Ain't Easy for a Team Burton.
climaxed by a road block to raise funds. Named Sioux" won first place and Debbie
Gilbert was a Homecoming Court repre- Arkansas Women's Gymnastics Cham-
Auburn's Dee Lee is a member of Mortar sentative. pion is Karen MofTitt.
Board and illustrative Peggy Dockery is
attending Tobe-Colburn Institute of In April Sigma Omicron sponsored At Colorado, Suzy Schneider was named
Fashion on a scholarship working to- their annual. All-Greek Songfest. They honor pledge of Tau Beta Sigma, band
wards an M . A . degree in fashion mer- currently are involved in aiding in the honorary, and that organization's cor-
chandising. organization of a Jonesboro Panhellenic responding secretary. Jennifer Stoll is
organization. president of Sigma Alpha Iota, profes-
Lee Hart was first runner-up in the sional music honorary.
Greek Goddess competition. Who's Who in American Colleges and
Universities lists Susan Doty, Mary Ann Tsu Wolin is taking her junior year
Theta Omega's Shari Price reigned as Prothro. Dietra Crane and Vicki For- abroad in Bordeaux. France. Mary
Greek Week Diane at Northern Arizona's rester. Boland, Chris McClure, Jennifer Stoll
and Colleen Thompson are members of
Debbie Galloway is recipient of the
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—FALL of 1971

Martha G i b b s is one of the varsity cheer-
leaders at Ole Miss.

Hersperia, junior women's honorary. Two actively involved Nu Betas at O l e Miss are Diane Defore, left, secretary of Mortar Board,
Florida Southern's Cindy Sweeney Campus Model Pledge and attorney general of the Associated Student Body, and Margaret
reigned as Greek Goddess over Greek Hoot, Mortar Board and vice president of Associated W o m e n Students.
Week activities when Kappa Gamma
won the sorority and the sorority-fra- Touring Europe this summer with the University of Illinois Women's G l e e C l u b was lota's
ternity trophies during Greek games. Bonnie Heselov, left. In addition to being president of the G l e e C l u b , Bonnie is a member
of a newly formed ensemble, the Girls Next Door, who sang with the G l e e C l u b in Europe.
Miss Southern is Odalie Kromp, a During the past year, the group, the first all-women's group to tour Europe, was busy selling
member of Cap and Gown. Janet Martin stationery to raise the money, lota's Rosemary K a p p e s , right, is serving this year as a major
and Sue Cady are varsity cheerleaders. chairman for the lllini Union Student Association programs. As chairman of lllini's Home-
coming, she will chair the planning of the 61st Homecoming festivities. H e r position as chair-
Debi DuPerow and Julie Parker are man of the Pom Pom Squad makes Rosemary responsible for the administrative business of
junior advisers to the freshman class. the squad including keeping the books, planning and running the technical parts of the work-
Florida State's president. Anne Lowell, shops and try-outs, and reserving rooms for practices. The past summer she also served as a
was tapped Mortified, achievement hon- registrar for the Freshman Conference at East Bay Camp, Lake Bloomington.
orary. Linda Wolfson and Julie Dunn
are members of Blue Berets, coed affili- To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—FALL of 1971
ates of Pershing Rifles.
Georgia AOIIs rated the largest pledge
class and ranked third among 17 sorori-
ties in scholarship.

Led by Beth Howard and Lucy Karst,
AOII placed third among all organiza-
tions in the University of Georgia Spirit

Georgia State's Jenny Lynn Andrews is
Miss Georgia Universe and Suzanne
Ripley was Georgia Tech's Homecoming
Queen and one of the nation's top ten
Homecoming Queens.

Jeannie Tyson was crowned Georgia
State's Greek Goddess in Greek Week
festivities when Gamma Sigma won Sing
Night competition.

Western Illinois has obtained the scholas-
tic award five consecutive quarters.

Vickie Devick and Diane Ballowe are
listed in Who's Who in American Col-
leges and Universities. Laura Meffert is
Union Board special events chairman,
Beth Cook, Panhellenic secretary, Gayle
Sloier, Panhellenic rush officer, and
Marty Sutton is a new cheerleader.

Evansville's Yvonne Short is a varsity
cheerleader and Miss University of

Janie Carlile, George Ann Griffin,
Donna Russell, Janie Schaffer and Paul-


Sigma Omicron's first-place homecoming display at Arkansas State University was entitled, gton. Kay Pinkley Roedemeier and
"Life Ain't Easy for a Team N a m e d Sioux." Harris Gilmore names appear in
Who in American Colleges and
C i n d y Cherry, Alpha Chi's Homecoming Q u e e n candidate, rides their classy float which won rsitities.
the W e s t e r n Kentucky University Regent's A w a r d for this A O I I chapter. anna Comisak was managing editor
e Murray State News, Vickie Rus-
ette Tacoma are members of Cap and Lewis was student adviser and assistant sell was co-editor and Jen Brady, Greek
Gown. director of a number of plays. section editor of The Shield.
Iowa State's Barb Snethen and Lynn Nancy Jones was 1970-71 Shield
Janie Carlile. Becky Creech, Sally Rodgers were co-chairmen of varieties Queen.
Gorman, Anita Kernes and Jeannie Mc- when A O I I teamed with Beta Theta Pi
Cutchan are listed in Who's Who in to capture a third prize trophy. At Maine, Linda Buck, Kelly Clark,
American Colleges and Universities. Susie Pierce, Pam Hakola and Sonia
At Coe's homecoming. Anne Tomson was Greek Week competition netted the Martin, five out of 23 initiates, were
a queen finalist. A O I I was second in chapter the Sweepstakes. Greek Sing and chosen Eagles, non-scholastic honor so-
annual Sig-Limpics. Sorority Blood Drive trophies. ciety.
At Murray State, AOII's won the schol-
A O I I collected clothing for the Hawk- arship trophy for the fourth consecutive Cindy Chapin was Winter Carnival
Eye Community Action Program. year. Ruth Alexander, Treva Everly, Ann Queen and Susie Pierce was chosen head
freshman cheerleader.
Samantha Baxter was assistant director
for the philosophy department and Denny At Eastern Michigan emphasis was on
philanthropic endeavors with Janice
Twork, Judy Wee, Ruth Burnett and
Peggy De Young among those working
in the "Ugly Man Contest" to raise more
than $300 for Project Hope.

Lynn Reynolds was just one of many
active participants in Beta Phi's annual
"Bucket Drive for A . F . "

Minnesota, combining talents with Kappa
Sigma, took first place honors during
Greek Week.

Pam Prosser became vice president of
foreign affairs for the Minnesota Student

Barbara Ann March. Kristi Burkitt and
Deborah Bjornstad are counselors for
Freshman Camp.

Susan Dyste, Sandra Guter. Faith
Rogers. Kris Wamsley. Pam Prosser and
Patricia Lee, involved in the Y.M.C.A.—
sponsored Project Motivation, work with
socially and educationally underprivileged

Central Missouri's Sharon Baker and
Debbee Farr were yearbook queen con-
testants. The latter was chosen out of
24 other contestants.

Donna Smarr is Delta Chi Sweetheart.

At Montana A O I I was recipient of the
Air Force R.O.T.C. Citizenship Cup. pre-
sented to the organization contributing
the most to philanthropic projects, main-
tained the highest grade point average
and contributed much time to teaching
handicapped children.

Anita Schroeber is Mortar Board and
Julie Wilson, first runner-up for Miss
Montana, is an officer major in Kadettes.

At Miami, Pixie Wimer is a member of
CWENS and Bethann Brough and Dianne
Pichard are in the junior honorary.

Cindy Weckel belongs to the R.O.T.C.
honorary, Arnold Air Society.

Kathy Sheppard. as a member of the
musical group, the Kollegians, has toured

University of Toledo's Janet Sutton was
tapped for Peppers at Song-Fest. and
Jan Ball, Jan Aubry. Kathy Brazzil, Con-
nie Mather and Julie Nachtrab are Sen-

Vice President of the College of Edu-
cation is Susie Conton. Co-editor of
Campus Life, Kathy McGovern, is a
member of Sigma Delta Chi.

At Youngstown, AOII's clad in identical
navy and white prairie dresses, trimmed
in red. and singing "Let There Be Peace
On Earth" were all smiles as they ac-
cepted first place sorority trophy in the
19th Annual Greek Sing.

Engineer Sweetheart, Joannie Patton,

To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON P I — F A L L of 1971

t X f
»» ¥1




Mary Ann Prothro, Sigma Omicron, currently
is a Panhellenic president at A r k a n s a s S t a t e

1 University.

• ernment.
Lynn Howell and Jo Hill are R.T.O.C.
> ...
cadet sponsors, Carol Jordan was Miss
N a n c y Jones, Delta O m e g a , was chosen Q u e e n of M u r r a y State's University's yearbook, U T M finalist and Betty Luck is alternate
to the Maid of Cotton.
The Shield. S h e a l s o w a s s e l e c t e d t h i r d r u n n e r - u p in t h e M i s s M u r r a y S t a t e P a g e a n t . A s s h e
Melinda Lawrie is 1971-72 Queen of
p o s e s h e r e , s h e ' s a s s i s t e d b y a n o t h e r D e l t a O m e g a , V i c l c i R u s s e l l , c o - e d i t o r o f The Shield. Hearts.

was first runner-up. out of seven candi- Caroly Schmidt and Marge Winiarski are Vanderbilt is proud to have nine mem-
dates, for Spring Weekend Queen. listed in Who's Who in American Col- bers on the Women's Advisory Council.
leges and Universities.
Ohio Northern lists the celebration of Becky Lasley, Nancy Oliver, and Jan-
traditional May Day when they were rep- At West Chester State, A O I I had the ice Farringer are on the Women's Ju-
resented by four lovely court members largest pledge class and was in charge diciary Board.
and their Rose Formal as the two major of correspondence connected with the
happenings of the year. all-campus Centennial Celebration. Katy McBride, Marty Miles and Leslie
Batchelder are on the AWS Legislative
They achieved the highest grade point Signe Anderson was Homecoming Board.
average on campus. Mary Shannon is Queen candidate.
president of the Student Education As- Martha Kathryn Key and Lynn Mur-
sociation and Mary Ruth Dunham is East Tennessee's Judy Burnett and Sandra ray were tapped for Mortar Board.
state secretary. Ohio Student Music Edu- Donnelly are listed in Who's Who in
cation Association. American Colleges and Universities. At Pan American, Linda Lopez is a
varsity cheerleader and Lucila Willing-
Gamma Betas at Indiana University of Suzy Good is Panhellenic rush chair- ham is Senior Class president. Cynthia
Pennsylvania selected Carol Ammirato to man. Emily Provost is a member of the Stout represents A O I I in the Student
model in the annual Alpha Gamma Delta Sponsor Corporation. Senate.
spring fashion show. Jill Lockart was
selected as a Kaydeen for R.O.T.C. and Lambuth's AOIIs won the Panhellenic Cynthia Stout, Peggy Gallagher and
was a member of the R.O.T.C. Queen's Scholarship trophy. They had one of their Sheila Ham are on the Dean's List.
Court. representatives as Homecoming Queen
and another as a member of that court. Along with Melissa Smith, they rep-
Jeannie Pearce and Sue Cologne were resented A O I I on the College Bowl. The
two of ten semi-finalists in the Miss IUP The entire Miss Lambuth Court, with names of Lucila Willingham and Linda
contest, and Jeannie was selected Miss the exceDtion of Miss Lambuth, were Lopez appear in Who's Who in Ameri-
Congeniality. Christie Perky was Sweet- AOIIs. Three out of six finalists in the can Colleges and Universities.
heart of Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. Best-Dressed Contest, Miss Collegiate
and four official fraternity sweethearts Linda is Panhellenic president.
At Stout State, A O I I . for the second were all AOIIs.
year, achieved the highest grade point The names of Wisconsin State's Janet
average on campus. Sue Wallace is presi- A O I I also won the A l l Greek Sing. Brewer. Lynda Wirlanen and Sue Brehn
dent of Phi Upsilon Omicron. national Sigma Kappa Kapers and built a trophy- appear in Who's Who in American Col-
homecoming honorary. winning homecoming float. leges and Universities.

Lori Roberts managed the Pawn, uni- U.T. at Martin's Elaine Mitchell is Pan- Julie Adams was a Pledge Queen con-
versity campus coffee house. Brenda Seng, hellenic president and Joanie Forrester is testant. Gail Thesin was Miss WSU-W
secretary of Affairs of the Student Gov- Pageant contestant and Shirley Pankow
was in the Swim Queen competition.

Washington State's Glenna Treat was a
member of the May Queen's Court as
well as Phi Beta Kappa. Phi Kappa Phi,
Mortar Board, AWS Senate. Mother's
Weekend chairman. Spur adviser, wo-
men's tennis team and the Concert Choir.

Dot Fleet. Joyce Korus and Pam Lee
were tapped Mortar Board.

Dot is Panhellenic president. Debbie
Hernas is Spur president.

Crowned Logger Lil for the Forestry
Festival was Terry Schmidt. Cindy Hors-
ley reigned as Washington State Peach

32 To Dragma of A L P H A O M I C R O N P I — F A L L of 1971

Please Note: Self-addressed (see other side) Change of
Address or Name Card.

Cut out! Fill In! Mail!

To AOII Parents

Your daughter's magazine is sent to her home address
until graduation so you can learn more about A O I I and
T O D R A G MA. If she is no longer in college and is not
living at home, please send her present address, t o .
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Address on the. form below


To: Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office

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Collegiate Chapter

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Effective Date- IMPORTANT!
Office Held For speedier service
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Copy Call For TO DRAGMA Reporters for
Winter Edition

Collegiate Reporters Alumnae Reporters

Sept. 15, 1971, your material and feature stories Sept. 15, 1971, your material and feature stories
for the winter issue of T O D R A G M A are due to for the winter issue of T O D R A G M A are due to
the editor. Copy for the spring issue, 1972, is due the editor. Copy for the Spring issue, 1972, is
Dec. 15, 1971. due Dec. 15, 1971.

Send approximately two pages of copy about Send approximately two-page resume of activ-
events and practices that have become traditional ities, events, social affairs that have become tra-
with your chapter for the winter issue. Send good ditional with your local chapter for the winter
black and white photographs to illustrate your issue. Illustrate these traditional events with good
points where possible. blac^k and white photographs when possible.

Send feature stories about chapter happenings Send feature stories about chapter happenings
or all-campus events. Include good, clear, black or^iews concerning your individual members in
and white pictures if available. the community. Photographs, if they are sharp
and clear, are always welcome! Black and white
reproduce better than color in T O D R A G M A .

A L L T O D R A G M A R E P O R T E R S : Please, type all stories and letters, double or triple space on one side of
paper only. If sending newspaper clippings, please note the names of the publication, location and date news appeared.
Sign your name and chapter.




Central Office
Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205

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