Is it not strange that such a small percentage of men who enter college
finish? I f it is advantageous to go to college, is not a completed college
education of far greater advantage?
It is right here that our fraternity is failing to do her duty, and failing
to bring out the maximum efficiency of each man. Looking at this matter
from the standpoint of the chapter, is it not true that the first two years a
man spends in college he is still a stranger, looking around for his proper
place, and getting his ideas and habits from others? The second two years
he has become more accustomed, and then he takes the initiative in the chapter
and is a leader. For the first two years he is dependent on the chapter, for
the last two the chapter is dependent on him. Upper classmen are not only
the brains of the rushing season, but they also dominate the life of the chap-
ter and make the policy of all the acts of the chapter. The fact then follows
that a man's later years in college are of more value than his first years, not only
for his own sake, but also for the sake of the chapter.
Realizing, then, that the man whose college education covers one or two
years is not doing himself justice, not aiding the chapter as he should, should
not the fraternity, as a fraternity, do more to keep its members in college for
the full term? Should it not almost be a condition precedent to a man's initia-
tion that his intention is to remain four years? It is hardly possible that every
man can be expected to stay in college for four years, but why cannot all the
chapters attain the standard of Pennsylvania Beta, which has eighty per cent,
of its initiates graduate?
To formulate a theory for the attainment of this end is a difficult matter,
and indeed, it would be impossible to make any one rule which would uni-
versally apply, owing to different conditions in different institutions.
However, the habits and general trend of a student are formed in his
freshman year. Here the seeds of industry are sown, or the weeds of idle-
ness put in an appearance. Special care should be taken with the freshmen
that' they attend to their studies. How this should be done is a matter for
consideration of the individual chapters. But more emphasis should certainly
be put on scholarship and on the importance of a complete college education.
This paper is not an answer, but a question. Is it not the case that the
chapters are letting slip by them the opportunity of developing the maximum
efficiency, not only of the chapter itself, but also of the individual members?—
The Shield.
. a n . oilier, uui wiitr ».,.."girtou—-Agalia >.. , .. quoted by Eleu^s Oi A ...
According to the method followed at present which consists in furnishing
to each group of petitioners instructions as to the steps which they must take
in order to accomplish the result they desire, the main burden is laid upon
them to prove themselves worthy.—The Delta of Sigma Nu considers that
"Careful inspection by active chapters, alumni chapters and officials of the
fraternity during the greater part of a college year should settle the matter
beyond a doubt one way or the other." Delta Upsilon also believes in
"searching investigations as to college and society standing by the chapters,
especially those nearest the petitioning societies," urges alumni in a position to
do so to contribute their sum of accurate information; suggests that these
reports should be sent by the Executive Council to all the chapters, and that
the statements therein, if debatable, be challenged by the opposition, but wishes
the will of the majority of the chapters to prevail, perhaps not on the first
vote, but that finally the will of the majority should control. Tri-Delta, I
believe, submits the applications of each group to all the chapters, and each
fr^fa,^ -7}l*vejL rfj*7^
' T o Dragma
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
JZIabU o f (Emttpntfl
Directory of Officers . . . . . . 74
Forever . . . . . . . . . 77
The History of Cornell University . . . . . 78
The History of Epsilon Chapter . . . 79
Traditions at Cornell . . . . . .80
The Literary Department . . . . 82
Ethics of Rushing .......
An Alpha Omicron Pi in Sicily . . . . . 85
Editorials 89
Active Chapter Letters . .. .101
Alumnae Chapter Letters . . .
Engagements . . . . . . . 103
Weddings vjc
Births 104
Deaths 105
News of the Alumnae . . . . .. 108
Exchanges . . . . . . . . .
News of the College and Greek Letter World . . . 109
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha, '98, 663 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha, '98, Andrews Avenue, Uni-
versity Heights, New York.
Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha, '98, Overlook Avenue, Hacken-
sack Heights, N . J .
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Alpha, '98, 456 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N . J .
Grand President, Ruth Capen Farmer (Mrs Walter), 7 Courtland
Street, Nashua, N. H .
Grand Recording Secretary, Blanche H . Hooper, Tufts College,
Grand Treasurer, Lillian G. McQuillin, 87 Central Avenue
Pawtucket, R. I.
Grand Historian, Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. G. H . ) , Overlook Avenue, Hacken-
sack Heights, N . J .
Registrar, Mrs. John A. Britton, J r . , 152 Santa Clara Avenue, Oakland, Cal.
Auditor, Anna E . Many, 1327 Henry Clay Avenue, New Orleans, L a .
Examining Officer, Kate B. Foster, 2717 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Chairman, Committee on New Chapters, Carrie Green Campbell (Mrs. Win.),
715 Court Street, Port Huron, Mich.
Editor-in-chief of To P R A G M A , Virginia Judy Esterly, 2505 Parker Street,
Berkeley, Cal.
Literary Editor, Muriel Eastman Martin, 2259 Central Avenue, Alameda, Cal.
Exchanges, Kate B. Foster, 2717 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Chapters Letters, Blanche Du Bois, San Leandro, Cal.
Business Manager of T o D R A G M A , Isabelle Henderson, 1807 Wakefield Avenue,
Oakland, Cal.
Delegate, Lula K. Bigelow (Mrs. C . G . ) , 1610 South 7th Avenue, Maywood, 111. X
Secretary, Marguerite B. Lake, A T, Crannog, Forrest Hill, Md.
Alpha—Barnard College, Columbia University, New York.
P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans. L a .
Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omjcron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
New York Alumnae—New York City.
San Francisco Alumnae—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Boston, Mass.
Los Angeles Alumnae—Los Angeles, Cal.
Lincoln Alumnae—Lincoln, Neb.
'Alpha—Louise M. Sillcox, 527 West 121st Street, New York, N . Y . '
. P i — C o r a M. Spearing, 1419 Amelia Street, New Orleans, L a .
Nu—Mabel E . White, 535 Second Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
i-Omicron—Beatrice Armstrong, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
*"Kappa—Annie Linn, R. M. W. C , College Park, Va.
^'Zeta—Gisella Birkner, 226 South 27th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
•'Sigma:—Olive Cutter, 2260 Grove Street, Oakland, Cal. |
V Theta— Iva Smith, A O I I House, Greencastle, Ind. 1
y Delta—Zilpah Wilde, 12 Raymond Avenue, West Somerville, Mass.
• Gamma—Luella Woodman, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me. ^
\s Epsilon—Mildred Mosier, Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y . 1
• ' R h o — Merl V. Anderson, Willard Hall, Evanston, 111. 1
V ' Lambda—Sheda Lowman, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
Alpha—Eleanor New, 207 West 116th Street', New York, N . Y .
_ p i — M a r y Thomas, 1231 Washington Avenue, New Orleans, L a .
—*Nu—Mabel E . Witte, 535 Second Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Omicron—Beatrice Armstrong, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Eleanor Somerville, College Park, Va.
m Zeta—Edith Hall, 1315 C Street, Lincoln, Neb.
K S i g m a — Mary DeWitr, 2519 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
— ^Theta—Iva Smith, A O I I House, Greencastle, Ind.
\Delta—Katherine Bickford, Tufts College, Mass.
— WGamma—Celia M. Coffin, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
VEpsilon—Mabel de Forest, Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
I^Rho—Pauline Pearson, Chapin Hall, Evanston, 111. —*
vLambda—Natalie B. Ferand, Stanford University, Palo Alto, C a l . f c
New York Alumnae—Mrs. Jean L . Frame (Mrs. J . E . ) , 606 West 122nd
Street, New York, N . Y .
San Francisco Alumnae—Blanche Du Bois, San Leandro, Cal.
Boston Alumnae—Clara Russel, 182 Cambridge Street, Winchester, Mass.
Providence Alumnae—Helen Eddy Rose (Mrs. A. D . ) , 25 Fruit Hill Avenue,
Providence, R I.
Lincoln Alumnae- Annie Jones, Pre , 1710 B Street, Lincoln, Neb
When first we met, dear heart, the year was young
And April sunshine strove with April showers;
The earth was glad with myriad reaching flowers
When first we met.
The year was young, dear heart ? Perhaps we knew
When time and tide were one with earth and sea;
I cannot tell if, when you came to me,
The year was young.
When first we loved, dear heart, the year was old,
And rain fell fast from bleak November skies,
But lo! a heaven of hopes shone in your eyes,
I When first we loved.
The year was old, dear heart? Ah, who can say?
Or young or old, or bright or cloudy weather?
Sometime, somewhere we loved—I know not whether
The year was old!
When last we met, dear heart, Death led the way;
Beneath our feet unfathomed waters darkled,
Nor light of star, nor sun, nor moon-beams sparkled
When last we met.
Death led the way, dear heart ? Nay, rather Life!
For Love is Life, and I am yours forever,
Earth—or star-home I'll love you. Then say never
Death led the way!
University of California, 1904.
I C C X L U J , I 111
One might think to hear Epsilon girls speak of Edith Dupre, that
hers is a name to conjure with, and perhaps the events which resulted
from her short stay at Cornell might justify the belief. In the fall
of 1907, Edith Dupre came to Cornell to do graduate work, and
among the girls who were not members of any fraternity she found
several whose character expressed the very ideals which she had
known and loved as the ideals of Alpha Omicron Pi. As she worked
with them in class-room and seminary and joined them in social func-
tions they reminded her more and more of the girls she had known
in Pi Chapter at her own Alma Mater; and when she felt sure that
they were just the sort to uphold the standards of her fraternity
she gathered into Alpha's bonds the charter members of Epsilon
Chapter. Splendid girls they were too, and her choice proved her
right to the love and esteem of all future Epsilons.
In May of 1908, Mrs. Mullan, A '98, came up from New York
and the installation of Epsilon Chapter took place at the home of
Mrs. Pritchard. The girls then initiated were Anna Allen, Catharine
Allan, Josephine Britton, Ethel Davis, Anna Genung, Margaret Gra-
ham, Lottie Ketcham, Roberta Pritchard and Isabelle Stone, and
late that spring, Mae Richards became one of the number. She was
the only one of the original group who did not return the next fall.
Epsilon competed very successfully with the chapters of other fra-
ternities in getting some of the best material in the entering class,
and also initiated several girls from other classes.
Throughout the whole time of early growth and expansion, in
times of discouragement and of good fortune alike, the new Alpha
girls found in Mrs. Schmidt a staunch friend. Ever ready with
practical suggestion and help, with sympathy and encouragement she
represented us and gave us her heartiest support, though she did not
become an active member until the next spring. In the meantime,
Mrs. Duggar joined our ranks and with these two members among
the faculty we felt that we had a good equipment for whatever con-
ditions we might meet. They lent dignity to all social gatherings,
entered into all the functions of the fraternity, placed their homes at
the disposal of the girls and never failed in any emergency.
Epsilon was constantly growing stronger and more able to cope
with the situations which present themselves to a new fraternity in a
community where there are already four long established chapters.
Her numbers increased, her bonds grew closer her fraternity spirit
developed and strengthened. Always the outlook was bright and now
as she looks ahead through the coming years she feels a happy assur-
ance that her position among other fraternities is secure. Her rela-
tions with other girls in the university are of the best and the loving
loyalty of her own girls will be never failing.
Like many colleges, Cornell University, after sad experiences, has
abolished freshman hazing. The townspeople objected to the walls
and ceilings of their homes being ripped open, not to say anything
of such little things as broken windows. The sophomores have
felt, however, that they must impress upon the "fresh" their .insig-
nificance and have gained the consent of the university authorities
to an organized rush on the day of the freshman banquet. The
sophomores and freshmen, lined up on opposite sides of the drill
field, at a pistol shot rush upon each other. All the "Frosh" escape
beyond the sophomore line may attend their banquet that night un-
molested. But those that are caught must march over the campus
in a "peerade" ludicrously garbed and painted.
There is never a season at Ithaca that has not its charms. In the
fall when the hills are covered with leaves of many hues, it is de-
lightful to tramp for miles across gorges and valleys. Winter brings
with it always two or three months of sleighing, skating and tobog-
One of the greatest events of the year is Spring Day on which
university work is suspended to permit all the students to attend a
great fair that is half circus, half vaudeville, the proceeds of which
accrues to the Athletic Association's treasury. "Tess of Ithaca,"
"Chantecleer or Fowl Play," "Ithaca During an Earthquake,"
"Mock Court Trials," "Johnson and Jeffries" have been some of
these worthy productions.
Because of the great size of our University and the great majority
of men over girls, the latter have some exclusive customs, the most
popular of which are the stunts. Each class beginning with the
seniors presents a play, sometimes original, with choruses and singing
appropriately introduced. This is the time when our class spirit
bubbles over and takes the outward form of songs and yells. The
girls also have interclass boat races on Beebe Lake which the men and
girls flock on the shores to view.
The greatest day of the year for Cornell is Memorial Day. Then
it is that our men show what they can do on the water. Generally,
there are two races on Lake Cayuga and one either at Pennsylvania
or Harvard and also a baseball game in the afternoon before the
races. We may be beaten in baseball, but we are always certain of
the victories of our crews. At dusk, all the Cornellians on the hill
listen with trembling to the shrill whistle down the valley that pro-
claims victory or defeat.
There is a wild delight in the air, and then the great day is ended
by the exulting Frosh Cap Burning at night. A thousand or more
of our "infants" line up eight abreast and run the serpentine march
around the campus, each brandishing a colored torch, and finally
arrive at a giant bonfire behind the library slope. Here solemn
orations are delivered at the sad funeral services of the "Frosh"
caps. Then with a yell and uproar, the boys run round and cast into
the fiery grave the emblems of their froshdom. The evening ends
with songs to Alma Mater for we have just won a glorious day.
In the balmy evenings of May and June, the seniors assemble on
the majestic steps of Goldwin-Smith Hall and sing the good old
songs for the last time in their lives, perhaps. The girls and men
promenade on the green, now chattering, now listening intently to
the sweet strains of their college songs.
The scope of To DRAGMA is naturally limited. We can not hope
in a magazine devoted to a special purpose to cover the diverse
subjects that are so ably handled by a dozen large monthly and
weekly publications.
To DRAGMA exists to inform the members of A O II what the
fraternity is doing in all its chapters. It ought to be the vitalizing
force that shall keep fresh the sympathy and vigorous the interest
of every Alpha O, not only in relation to her own chapter but in
relation to the national development of our cherished ideals.
But beyond this end of informing as to the facts and happenings
of our fraternity life, we believe that we can bring to you some con-
crete evidence of the actual attainment of some of our members. We
can not tell you of all the brilliant work that the girls are doing or
give you samples of it, but in this Literary Department we want to
publish some bit of writing that has distinct literary worth.
If you are an alumna that can write or has written, the literary
editor will be made glad if you will send her your short story, an
excerpt from your novel, your essay or your poem without further
solicitation. The chapters will presently receive our plan of collect-
ing from our active members their share of material for this depart-
ment, so that to them no appeal is made here. We want to urge
upon all of the girls however at this time that spirit of co-operation
which can with little effort make this department of To DRAGMA one
of interest to the whole fraternity.
University of California 1901.
If you look in the dictionary under the word ethics, you will find
the following—a "Treatise in morals," and again, "the science of
moral duty, more broadly the science of human character,"—and
still further "moral principles, quality or practice."
To our generation we have such a liking for cloaking our ideas
with symbolism that we apply academic and philosophic terms to
our most usual and every day pursuits, and so general has become
this custom that frequently, if we are called upon to explain in other
terms just what he or she has just spoken, the idea behind the
challenged expression will be blurred and indistinct. Yet one might
legitimately ask a fraternity girl "what are the ethics of rushing?"
Should the question be put to a sophomore I often wonder just what
that useful and expressive little word "ethics" would convey to her
Assuredly all rushing should be and I make no doubt is subject
to an ethical code. The rapid and general growth of local Pan-
Hellenics would seem to point to a similar code for all. At the risk
of being written down as a hopless Philistine I am going to state
that I do not feel at all convinced that local Pan-Hellenicism is the
last word or even the best word on that very large and far reaching
question of intersorority relationship, a relationship which shows the
greatest tendency to become strained with the recurrence of the rush-
ing season. National Pan-Hellenics seem to have a decided place
and an effective field of labor, so bringing influence to bear through
governmental channels it can do much toward creating the desirable
intersorority atmosphere. But when it comes to applying the Pan-
Hellenic oversight locally upon this particular aspect of fraternity
life it becomes so hampering, and of so watch dog a character as to
practically destroy the atmosphere of naturalness, in which atmos-
phere can efficient and representative rushing be done. For rushing
is representative and individual, not in the material demonstration
but in the fundamental code underlying the material expression.
There are all codes of etiquette governing this demonstration, from
the fraternity which takes for its motto "all's fair in love and war,"
and descends to the weapon of the politician, "mud throwing" through
the varying graduations up to the fraternity which holds it treason-
able to speak any thing save praise of its opponents.. With my dis-
belief in this phase of local Pan-Hellenic jurisdiction I will credit
them with striving to bring about this last cited condition. But rush-
ing should be under as few restrictions as possible, and the societies
should place their own tone upon it through internal jurisdiction. In
the mad whirl of festivities when the "battle is on" let each girl feel
doubly the need of being herself; for after all, the initiates to be
won will be initiates for but a few brief weeks—then they become
sisters for four years of intimate companionship, and in a broader
way, for all time. What use have you for a mate who has come to you
dazzled by the idea that you are something other than you are.
"Oh when I was in love with you,
Then I was clean and brave
And miles around the wonder grew
How well did I behave.
And now the fancy passes by,
And nothing will remain
And miles around they'll say that I
Am quite myself again."
So too in the gatherings that are general and bear the stamp of
your fraternity, let them be individually yours. Get rid of all the
externals! In these days of intense rivalry, many rushing parties
have become so overladen with the externals of caterers and colored
waiters, fine clothes and formality, they have almost entirely lost
their character of undergraduate times. The jar to naturalness has
been raised and only Herculean effort will overcome it.
After all what is the object of a rushing party? To make the
rushee enjoy herself. She is far more likely to do it if she is made
to forget herself, than if she is simply impressed by the resources at
the fraternity's command. But the vital ethical point in rushing is
the intersorority attitude.
Carried away by anxiety and nervousness we are too prone to
forget that we and our rivals as well are daughters of the same
Alma Mater, and as such, deserve the same respect. Those most
opposed to fraternities argue that they destroy college spirit and
unity. Would we, for a moment admit it ? Perish the thought!
And yet it lies with us to prove it false. What more conclusive
proof than a fine spirit of noblesse oblige toward those not of our
faith. Such a spirit every fraternity girl should feel bound in
honor and loyalty to foster the real ethics of rushing.
R U T H C. FARMER, Delta '02.
Last night we went to one of the native Cicilian marionette shows,
for with us at luncheon sat a young German who was going with
some Italian friends and we were asked to come along too. The
only others at our small pension table are a Mr. Moore and his wife,
charming people from Cleveland. He is a lawyer and is traveling
for his health (nerves, I think). Herr B is really delightful
but unfortunately speaks no English and so, as you would imagine,
general conversation does not exactly flourish and yet we hate to
talk English all the time and completely ignore him. It is really
amusing. M, — P. G. and Mrs. Moore smile to appear friendly
if not intelligent, D — and I fairly creak along, our German is so
rusty, but good-natured Mr. Moore talks continually, a kind of
elementary German quite his own, of the " I seen a cat. Was the cat
saw me?" variety.
We started out after dinner, past the line of cabbies, who unlike
those harpies in Naples, seemed only mildly grieved that we pre-
ferred to walk; and then on down the Via Macqueda; P. G. and I
flanking Herr B in his long flapping cape, and trying sadly
to manufacture a conversation in German. By the Teatro Massimo
we met his Italian barons, a wiry person with eye-glasses and a
black mustache, and his cousin, a fine-looking lad without either
but in a brown suit and lavendar cravat which his countrymen seem
to dote upon. We bowed our prettiest when we were introduced
but were relieved when they strode ahead leaving the rest of us to
troop along behind.
Opposite Caflisch's shop we went down some steps nearly tripping
over a blind beggar who had chosen that spot for his peaceful
slumbers, and came into the Piazza Nuova where the stalls of the
old fish-market though empty at this time of night, still gave forth
the most ancient and fishiest of smells imaginable. We stopped in
front of a curtained door where a series of crude but gaudy posters
blazoned forth the glories within, while from behind came the jingle
of a street piano and the clash of armor. We could hardly wait to
get our tickets (of dirty brown cardboard with the corner worn off
by repeated usage) and finally ducked under the heavy curtain and
entered the cramped, wedge-shaped little hall, causing no small
excitement among the fifty odd Sicilians, men and boys, who formed
the audience. They sat on benches on the floor, most of them wear-
ing hats, chewing vigorously on pumpkin seeds (considered quite a
delicacy here in Italy) and smoking in utter disregard of larger
paper signs "si PREGA NON FUMARE."
We mounted two rickety little steps, walked along some creaking
boards and took our places in the seats of honor, the "palchi" or
boxes. That is the name for them in the big theatres but here they
were merely long benches raised a foot or so from the floor and
separated from the pit by a single rail. We were the only women
present but the people were so absorbed in the show that we didn't
create the sensation we had feared.
The stage curtain was up and two kerosene lamps, one with a
broken chimney, lighted a spectacle of mad combat—two gallant
knights in full armor, vizors down and distinguished only by the
fact that one wore over his mail a pink muslin skirt, and the other
a blue lacey one, were 'going for' each other, striking out with their
swords and clashing their shields to the accompaniment of cries and
stamping of feet from the wings.
Meanwhile a small boy in a blue blouse with the sleeves rolled
up, was grinding away for dear life at an unusually wheezy broken-
down hurdy-gurdy, partitioned off from one of the 'palchi' on the
opposite side. Whenever the puppets were not speaking the little
chap worked away first with one hand and then with the other, now
fast, now slow, and rested during the intervals with both arms on the
railing like one of Raphael's cherubs, contemplating the distinguished
"forestieri" or strangers across the pit.
These Sicilian marionette shows are always warlike. This one
portrayed the adventures of a belligerent gentleman named Rinaldo,
one of Charlemagne's Paladins. Shortly after we entered, the re-
sounding fight ended and the Blue Knight gave his opponent a
knock-down blow. He fell and his armor clanked upon him, a
la Homer, while the audience applauded madly. Soon he was up
again and the duel raged once more with brandishing of swords and
stamping of feet. They jumped at each other like cats; they thrust
and parried and thrust again, until (oh breathless moment) Sir
Azure crashed upon the ground. Here one or two of the "forestieri"
wishing to show a due appreciation clapped, and were met by dis-
concerting hisses from the floor. Something was wrong; the Blue
knight must be a favorite; we had made a faux pas as we soon dis-
covered for the brave Rinaldo, declaiming in a loud voice, unfor-
tunately in Sicilian dialect, twitched his knee, aided by wires from
above, upon his prostrate enemy's breast and poised his trusty blade
in air. Should he or should he not give him the finishing touch?
Stav. better first lift the dead man's vizor! Oh horror! What does
he see!
A maiden fair, with curly hair or words to that effect.
He beats his breast (clanking mightily the while) staggers against
the rocking scenery, rubs his fine eyes with a mailed fist, and weeps
and wails over the body in an astonishingly deep bass voice. It was
a great surprise to see the mannikin click its own vizor open.
His heart-rending sobs at length arouse the lady and the flood of
tears is interrupted by a high soprano or perhaps a falsetto sigh.
She lifts her head, glares at him, and gradually 'comes to' a difficult
operation requiring so much manipulation that we caught sight of
the lower half of the man working the wires—perhaps as high as his
belt. It gave me quite a shock to see that our wonderfully life-like
puppets were only about three feet high. The illusion was so perfect
we forgot the real proportions of the actors.
The noble Rinaldo now kneels before the lady, offers his breast
to the cruel steel and begs to be killed. Garinda obediently advances
upon him. Twice she tries to spit him upon her sword's point and
twice she recoils, sobbing in falsetto what sounded to me like "non
mi puede" and which evidently meant " I can't do it!" Cupid at
work, you see. In a third attempt, she fails and finally stalks indig-
nantly off the stage, Rinaldo at her heels like a well-trained dog.
The curtain falls amid great applause from the strangers in the
'boxes' and the pumpkin-seed eaters below. Then the pit had leisure
to look us over and how they did stare! We felt even more con-
spicuous when the curtain rose again and a puppet-dwarf appeared,
doffing its derby-like hat with wonderous skill. He congratulated
the audience on having such distinguished foreigners in the boxes
and must have been witty in his allusions to us for the whole floor
roared with laughter and then grinned at us to see how we took it.
Referring to us successively as English, Americans, and Spaniards
he went on to announce that tomorrow night would be given the
first one in a series of Orlando's battles (these plays run on for
weeks with duels and heart-aches innumerable) but after 'dopo-
domani' I lost track, though I could follow the speeches and get the
gist of things far better than I had expected.
Between the acts, a boy went around among the benches with
immense glasses of water into which he shook something from a
bottle that made the contents milky. Later we learned that it was
a nice and a popular drink among the Italians. The men were
clean and nice though any one could see that they came from the
lower classes. The hall at which we now had a chance to glance,
was as poor as they for the walls were white-washed and bare except
for some festoons and bunches of dingy paper flowers and an
occasional design made by the application of many small wafers of
colored paper.
Then came more music and the curtain rose on the last scene—a
warrior stretched lifeless in a wood, guarded by another tall, thin,
mailed form while a little dwarf capered about turning somer-saults
and making himself perfectly, at home upon the unconscious one's
diaphragm. Enter Garinda followed by Rinaldo. Great wrath
when she discovers her dear brother dead. Rinaldo collapses on his
knees, beats his breast and tries to apologize but the manly Garinda
shakes him off, and drives him from the centre of affairs to the
corner where he belongs, shouting "non parla—non parla!" or in less
elegant American, "Shut up!"
Finally in comes a tall magician with a crown and a very active
grey devil, whose long rope tail ends in a feather duster. After their
incantations the dead man feebly lifts his head, moves his arms, sits
up, and then stands and wobbles on his feet. Everyone except the
devil, cheated out of a soul, is overjoyed. Garinda flies to her
brother's arms. Then Rinaldo breaks in, much against the lady's
will, declares his love for her and asks brother for her hand. Fra-
tello says sweetly, "sorella mia"—(but that was all I could catch
of his noble speech) gives them his blessing and the last act of the
play and of the cycle ends in an orgy of dancing and embracing, first
of the brother and sister and then the three in a hopping ring-a-
round-a-rosy circle with the dwarf leaping joyously and recklessly
over the heads of all the marionnettes, seven in all, who were on the
stage at the final curtain.
A truly gorgeous affair and I laughed until I wept. It was all so
surprisingly realistic that again we were astounded to see a superman,
twice the height of the stage, letting down the curtain. We waited
within until the audience had left the hall, but my last memory of
the puppet show is the throng of Sicilian men and boys lined up
outside the door for a final stare at the "forestieri" as we emerged,
ran the gauntlet and trooped across to Caflisch's for an ice.
MARY KINGSI.EY A, Tufts College, Mass.
IT is fitting that a space in the February issue of T o DRAGMA
should be given to the appreciation of the work of Viola Gray, for
two years editor of the magazine. Her sincere efforts and con-
scientious work have been appreciated by every member of Alpha
Omicron Pi. Her ideals for the magazine have been high and she
has nobly achieved them during her term of editorship. The editing
of a sorority magazine, the material for which comes from all parts
of the States is no easy matter and the successful filling of such an
office deserves our heartiest appreciation.
Here's to you Viola Gray!
T T is with a very humble knowledge of her incapacity that the pres-
ent editor assumes her service of Alpha Omicron Pi. Though
the reputation of a magazine reflects on its editor still its success de-
pends not on the one sister but on every member of the fraternity.
To DRAGMA should be a mirror of the hopes and achievements of
every chapter, and such we hope to make it.
UN F O R T U N A T E L Y the time for preparation for the present is-
sue has been very short. But most of the active chapters and
alumnae have responded nobly to the hurried call. We feel the neces-
sity of printing the magazine at the scheduled time, and shall try
always to do so, regretting the necessity of omitting all material
which has not arrived at the time for the magazine to go to press.
All material should be in the hands of the editor by the first of the
month in which the publication occurs.
T N order to become better acquainted with the chapters, the present
management puts forth its "Editorial Message." We have chosen
a staff consisting of Literary Editor, Exchange Editor and Editor for
Chapter Letters, all necessarily from Sigma in order to be within
meeting distance. Our object in establishing the different heads
has been in so far as possible to keep To DRAGMA from following
too closely one line of taste and selection. The assistants chosen are
as follows:
Literary Editor Muriel Eastman Martin
Editor of Chapter Letters Blanche Du Bois
Exchange Editor Kate B. Foster
ISS G R A Y was not responsible for the omission of the Delta
pictures in the November issue.
NY suggestions or criticisms for this issue or any following will
be gratefully accepted by the editor.
A MOST charming display of interfraternity spirit was shown at
the time of Sigma's recent fire. Not only was the threatened loss
greatly reduced by the prompt aid of the men from the fraternity
next door, but almost before the danger was over the other sororities
of the University of California sent delegates or messages to the
homeless sorority offering any aid and shelter within their power.
And later the local Pan-Hellenic aided them very materially in
refurnishing the chapter house. Such spirit shows not only the
value of local interfraternity organization, but also the flowering
of that great ideal of sisterhood which is the primal aim of every
No letter.
In spite of the vicissitudes of fortune, such as a small chapter, a
smaller chapter etc., Pi is as wide awake and as active as can be.
"We don't believe in large chapters," say we of Pi. It isn't a case
of grapes either; it's merely a vicissitude of fortune!
Since the opening of college, we have been busy not only with
college work and active fraternity affairs, but also with rushing
which is an "all-year" performance here at Newcomb. With the
help of three not-to-be-equaled alumnae, Marguerite Cope, Innes
Morris, Dorothy Safford, we have been able to accomplish what we
consider a great deal since we know just how Marguerite can
look, how Dorothy can act, and how Innes can talk.
To come back to news! A new fraternity has made its appearance
at Newcomb, <I> M T, a national sorority which was founded in 1898.
The entrance of a new Greek letter organization into the Hellenic
world of Newcomb, is to be looked upon as a good omen. It means
that the fraternity material is increasing. It means more competition.
Both of these meanings are good! There has also been instituted
at Newcomb in the last month, a Student Council for the purpose
of regulating all affairs of student honor and college politics. This
council is composed of class presidents and three members each from
the junior and senior classes. Pi is honored in having two members
on the council, Betsy Dupre, ' 13, and Mary Thomas, '11.
The chapter has been at quite a loss since Christmas; as Cora has
been ill and unable to come back to college. We are hoping that
she will soon be able to get here for fraternity meetings, at any rate.
Julia Byrne, our Post Graduate Art, has accepted a position to teach
in Bluefields, Nicaragua, for two years, so she has left us to carry
out her own work, and the work of Alpha into a wider and more
far away field. We of Pi are now expecting Nicaraguan eligibles!
Innes Morris, '10, having made up her mind a few weeks ago has
matriculated in the Music department. The active chapter now has
her for lunch on Thursday which is infinitely better than not at all.
It was with great pleasure that Pi heard of the new chapter to
be installed at Illinois University. We extend our new pledges an
Alpha welcome, and wishes that we will very soon become better
We send a * If X to all our sisters until the next "To DRAGMA
comes to make us wish for another—a 4> M X and a "To DRAGMA."
No letter.
Girls, the suspense is awful, but as all of you have experienced
just such suspense Omicron need not give a detailed account of that
which we feel.
Our prospects look pretty bright at present. The Fish in whom we
are interested seem to be nibbling beautifully, but you can never tell
how nearly on the hook a fish is when it is under water. A good bite
does not always mean a fish to shore, and so we are rushing furiously,
being quite painfully polite and living in a mixed state of hope and
fear until pledge day, which has been set for February thirteenth,
and of course will be over before this issue of To DRAGMA.
As we have no new sisters to introduce we can only tell you of our
rushing and extend a hearty welcome to our new sister chapters.
On January fourteenth, from four to six o'clock, we entertained
with a tea in honor of the freshmen. The reception hall and dining
room of Barbara Blount Hall was beautifully decorated for the occa-
sion, the former with ferns and palms the latter with pennants, red
carnations, red candles, and refreshments. We say refreshments
because the table with the red light falling on silver and crystal
looked beautiful, and added quite a charm to the decorations.
Harriet and Roberta Williams of Chattanooga stood with the
active chapter in the receiving line and our alumnae came to the
front and assisted us in making this the affair of the season on
The Hill.
Aily Kyle has issued invitations for a party next week.
Louise Wiley will also entertain. Her party is to be a Valentine
party with Hearts for a diversion.
Of course we have planned for numerous minor affairs such as
theatre parties nights out, frat-room feasts and trips down town—
anything to occupy the freshmen's spare moments.
It is no easy task to rush during Examination Week, but Omicron
is certainly doing her best this year.
It seems as if every time you hear from us, way down here in
Virginia, we're in the midst of something, rushing or exams or com-
mencement. This time it's the dreaded mid-years—and we do seem
hopelessly "in the midst"—but there's a better day coming soon,
lets hope. The fall and mid-winter months are not ever scenes of
much excitement at Randolph-Macon—the first and most demoraliz-
ing attractive season of rushing once over, it takes quite a while to
recover completely. Kappa is enjoying a breathing spell now and
what we consider a well earned one after our splendid efforts and
results in the fall.
The proposed plan for sophomore pledging went through in local
Pan-Hellenic here so next year will mark the beginning of an
absolutely new and untried experiment with us. But we feel
thoroughly well equipped and if its to be a strain and inconvenience
the first year we all feel that it could never have happened to us at
a more opportune time for we have twenty one in our chapter this
year and all coming for degrees. It will certainly seem "funny"
though not to be in one continuous state of excitement and uncer-
tainty for the first two months of college—it will be a novel change
for all of us and I think the companionship will help and strengthen
us all and make us better equipped to start in the next year.
We've one new "little freshman" since our last letter—Mattie
Carskdon—from Maryland.
Outside—just the big rough exterior that the world sees—we're
just living quietly like every one else is—but on the inside—we
know ! Its the same lovely thing—the house that we've been planning
and living and dreaming for a year and now its almost here! Not
quite, of course, or our joy and happiness would just run over and
we couldn't keep it from being plain to the world, but still it's near!
February 8 has been set for the day when the real business begins
and then things will just spin along. We've "conjured up" grand
pictures of it in our minds and are just hoping to be all in and
settled before Commencement. So here's hoping to have "you all,"
every blessed one of you at our house-warming in June.
The first semester at Nebraska is over and Zeta is waiting to in-
itiate her twelve freshmen, February 18th.
We have had three informal dances at the chapter house, and are
looking forward to our annual formal dance March 3rd at the Lin-
coln Hotel.
A recent new ruling at Nebraska has upset things a good deal.
The men decided that taking "cabs" to the formal dances was en-
tirely too much of a luxury. But the girls of course were not of the
same opinion. Two representatives from each fraternity and sorority
met in inter-fraternity council at our frat house to decide this im-
portant question. The objections of the girls were over-ruled and
so henceforth we walk.
Sigma girls have been busy, feverishly busy, during the past two
weeks of the new semester with the two-fold problem, cooks and
freshmen, or how to keep the one and get the other. In the kitchen
the cook is lofty and slothful, the second boy intrusive, and the
house manager lives between rage and despair. At the luncheon
table the hopeless-eyed entertainment committee views the freshman,
unappreciative, bored or shy, and looks for mercy from the stem-
browed sisters. Yet rushing has filled every minute.* The girls have
given themselves up heroically to filling out the freshman's card
with courses in which they will have a strong body-guard of Alpha
O's, telling them the college traditions, feeding them with mint
frappes at the "Campus Inn" or at the "Sign of the Bear," dragging
them to the house for luncheon and dating them for dinner and the
evening; in other words, dogging the freshman's trail in every
waking hour.
Now we are elated and swear by the dogging process, for we
drew two precious freshmen, quite a feat when only thirty new girls
registered in college, and one junior. They are Dorothy Richardson
'14, of San Rafael, Helen Thayer, '14, of Witter, and Margaret
Hurley, '12, of Phoenix, Arizona, and all are house girls. We are
very proud of them, and are so in the spirit of rushing that we intend
to have more card parties and dinners.
Our life in the college world is also successful, busy and antici-
pative of coming jolly times. There is the "Occident" dance to be
given at the Beta Theta Pi house, and the Prytanean show on Feb-
ruary fourth, and the Masquerade in the evening. Jeanette Miller
has charge of the punch booth, and there are several of the girls who
will be in that and other booths. Then there is the Sophomore
Women's dance for the benefit of the Senior Women's hall, and our
sophomores intend to take an active part. Already various appoint-
ments on the papers and committees have been made on Woman's
Day. This is the day when the co-eds take all the student publica-
tions, such as the "Daily Calif ornian," "Occident" and the "Pelican"
and demonstrate their ability to manage and edit them. On the
Occident staff there are Rose Gardiner, '11 ; Mary deWitt, ' 1 3 ; and
Olive Cutter, '11, as art editor with Grace Weeks, '12 as assistant. We
have contributed more than our share of artists, for there was Lilian
Rice, '10, and Grace Morin, '10, who always comprised the art staff
in years gone by. We miss "Pink" or Lilian more than we can
express. But we must tell how glad we are to have Claudia Massie,
Randolph-Macon, '13, with us this semester.
In the fraternity circle, there comes the Alpha O. birthday on
February sixth, on which night we expect to have an initiation, and
shower for the house. We look forward to the visit of Mrs. Farmer
for whom we are planning to entertain. We will have a dance too,
on St. Valentine's day. With best wishes for the success of her
sister chapters, Sigma closes her news of the present.
Theta has been extremely busy during the past few weeks pre-
paring for examinations and now that they are all over we feel quite
relieved. We shall surely enjoy the short vacation between semesters
for we believe we have honestly earned it.
As far as social activity is concerned, Theta has done little outside
of her own household since the holidays. We have given a few of
the customary faculty and fraternity dinners but all of our big
"stunts" will come off in the next semester. On January 8th we
celebrated what was known in "ye olden days" as "Twelfth Night."
Usually the festivities observed on this night are of the Hallowe'en
nature but we turned aside a little to accommodate our plans; and
gave a pantomime representing the twelve stages of a DePauw
"case." In the first scene, the man in the case calls upon a friend
and there sees the picture of the girl in the case. In the second
scene he meets her. In the third, he has a pipe dream in which she
appears as the "Girl of my dreams." In the fourth he wins great
praise by his skillful playing at a basketball game. In the fifth
they have a library date. In the sixth scene he takes her to a concert
at "Meharry Hall." In the seventh he treats her at the "Greek
Candy Kitchen." In the eighth he calls at her home and meets
another man there. This causes a quarrel. In the ninth scene they
"make up" and go to the "mount" for supper. In the tenth he takes
her skating. In the eleventh they are caught spooning on the "Stone-
wall." In the twelfth scene he gives her his fraternity pin and "they
live happy ever afterward."
To DePauw girls these scenes were very natural and not at all
unusual. After the performance we served very light refreshments
and the girls and the few visitors present sincerely said they enjoyed
the "show." It is remarkable how much these unpretentious affairs
increase the happiness of the college life.
Two weeks ago Theta pledged another charming girl, Nina
Maple and we are looking forward to the time when she will be
entirely one of us.
I wish it was as much fun to write a chapter letter as it is to
read one. We have had the best time pouring over that last To
DRAGMA because our sisters are no longer mere names to us, and we
are ten times more interested than we were before. Isn't it dandy to
have a Lambda! It means learning how to make one more of those
horrid Greek letters, to be sure, but it is worth it, even so. The
president of Leland Stanford spoke at Tufts not long ago and all A
turned out to see and hear him because we considered him a sort of
connecting link with our new sisters.
If Epsilon will pardon our frankness, we must say that we think
her rushing rules are quite unendurable. How can you ever manage
to keep tab on all freshnien at all hours of the day and always know
when "time's up." We thought our limitations were bad enough
but they can't equal yours. And Sigma's "sentiment" season must
have been something like the "accidental policy" that we once tried,
where anything under the sun could be done so long as it was mere
chance, not planned before hand, you know.
Thank goodness! Rushing has lost its tragic element now and
become a mere matter of fraternity history. 'Twas strenuous while it
lasted but behold the results! Margaret Ashwith, Emily Evelyth,
Leslie Hooper, and Ruth Wedge, all 1914 and Pauline Gardner 1912.
On the twenty-ninth of December we gave a snow-ball dance
(doesn't that sound exciting) to introduce our freshmen. Then came
the Christmas party at Ted's (Edna Woodbury's) where a chimney
and stockings took the place of the usual Christmas tree.
On the sixth of January we had initiation and twenty-five alumnae
came back to "speechify." It was the first event we had had in our
new room, we might almost say our new house for we are by no
means confined to our fraternity room, palatial as it is.
Of course Delta has done her share in athletics. Sometimes we
feel that she has done more than her share. Ruth Wedge, '14, and
Etta Phillips, '13, had leading roles in "Team Work," the Pen,
Paint, and Pretzel Play, which is open to all classes of both colleges.
Pauline Gardner, '12, and Beatrice Davis, '12, were in their class
play and Etta Phillips is chairman of the Sophomore Play Committee.
Etta is also to figure as "Jack" in the all around club operetta,
"Jackin the Baked-Bean Stalk," which will be given in the spring.
Pearle Longley, '12, has written a play which we are to give before
the other girls of the college, fraternity and non-fraternity. The
play is to be followed by a general jollification and spread.
Perhaps we aren't proud that Marion Shorley, our beloved "Mary
Ann" is to represent Jackson on the Commencement platform. It is
the highest honor that can come to a student.
Delta wishes to congratulate her sister chapters on their splendid
success in rushing, and is already looking forward to the next To
DRAGMA with its tales of their doings.
With the passing of finals (and can you find me a girl who does
not breathe a long, long sigh of relief?) our minds are coming back
to the other important things of the college world. As perhaps you
may know, we do not pledge our new girls here at "Maine" until
after the midyear exams, but before you read this we shall have
pledged and initiated our new sisters in A O I I .
Just after the Christmas vacation we held our rush party which
everybody voted the jolliest kind of a good time and certainly our
freshmen enjoyed it. As a result of our inspecting and rushing we
have chosen and are to initiate six splendid freshmen, Louise Bart-
lett, Estelle Beaupre, Mary Cousins, Marian Jordan, Luzetta Sterns,
and Ruth Stinchfield. Besides these we are to initiate Frances Went-
worth Cutler a graduate of Vassar who is taking work for an ad-
vanced degree from "Maine." We feel very happy over our new
sisters to be.
The plans for initiation and banquet are well along and we hope
to have many of our old girls with us. The initiation, on the 10th,
is to be followed by a banquet at the Bangor House the same even-
ing. On the evening of the 11th we are to have our annual sorority
dance which is the most important social function of our sorority
during the college year.
Little Dan Cupid has been up to his old tricks again and just be-
fore Christmas one of our senior girls showed us a Sigma Alpha
Epsilon pin beside her A O IT pin. It was no very sudden shock be-
cause "Bert" has been a big brother to all the co-eds with a very
special interest in one ever since his freshman day away back in 1907.
And now there is another thing that we girls are so delighted and
enthusiastic about that it was just clear, sheer willpower that kept
me from telling about it the very first thing; but now it will come
out. We have a fraternity room! We have told you what dear, lovely
times we had at Mrs. Balentine's and how sweet and "motherly" she
has always been to her A O I I sisters. Everything was perfectly ideal
until Mrs. Balentine moved to the University Inn and we felt, oh, so
homeless. It seemed doubly hard after the good times we had been
In the midst of our perplexity Mrs. Aley, the wife of our new
President, came to our aid and she has given us the use of a large
quaint room on the top floor of their house. It is long and large,
low-ceiled and has a tower window at one end. The whole place
is absolutely perfect, plenty of room and entirely away from every-
body. Do you wonder that we are happy.
When our minds and hearts are filled with the new thoughts, and
new hopes, which come naturally with the initiation season; when
we are taking the new girls in to share our interests and the inspira-
tion of sorority life we feel very happy and there is a very tender
feeling toward all our new sisters in the sorority. You may be sure
that the Gamma girls give all the initiates a royal welcome and we
hope that the inspiration and ideals of A O II will mean everything
that is noble and true. Our welcome includes the girls of our new
chapter also for whom we so proudly wore the little band of red
across our pins.
"All's well that ends well," we say with Shakespeare. The secret
chatterings, delights, agony, and suspense of the rushing season are
over. On January 19, all our five little freshmen marched up to us
with their little notes of acceptance. There is our Natalie Thomp-
son with her high sense of humor and good fun. Ruby Madsen and
Ethel Cornell are both heading straight for a * B K. Merle Mosier
is also an intellectual star, but how she can score in basketball! We
cry "track" when Merle comes our way. And there's our cousin,
Laura Fish, a good little sport, always happy and amiable. Alpha's
high standing will certainly be maintained by our new members;
three won University scholarships besides the State scholarship.
Junior week will be a jolly one for Epsilon. Some of our alumna;
are coming for initiation and we are planning grand feasts, tramps,
and lots of good times.
Our chapter has found a new and profitable way of entertaining
itself. After meetings we have lively discussions on current events.
This diversion supplies a great need. College girls are apt to narrow
down in their conversation to the small doings of the immediate
college life about them, without much thought of what is going on
in the world outside. Our discussions are valuable in the opportunity
afforded for informal debate, as well as for general information.
Our chapter, though small, is thriving, and has a very bright pros-
pect for the future.
Since our last letter, we have initiated Edna Allen, '13, and have
pledged Genevieve Spang, '14, of Georgetown, 111.
In order to see each other oftener in a sociable way, we have started
to have "cozy times" every Friday afternoon and fraternity spreads
twice a month. You know we do not have the intimate life of a
sorority home, so we have to find other ways to strengthen our fra-
ternal ties. The freshmen are becoming well versed in general fra-
ternity matters at their weekly meetings in preparation for their
initiation examination in February.
On November 12, Mrs. Corris Peake, Z, entertained the Chicago
alumna; and the girls at her beautiful country home near Barring-
ton, 111. We'll not soon forget that jolly hayride, the horseback rides,
and that fine dinner.
During the Thanksgiving vacation, Mrs. Lulu Bigelow, Z, made
the homesick girls glad by entertaining them at her home in May-
wood. We go out to Berwyn by twos and threes to visit Caroline
Dorr and to worship at the throne of her sweet baby Margaret.
On December 3, we enjoyed our regular informal dance in the
new gymnasium. The university social rules have caused a great
deal of discontent among the students this year. According to the
rules as they now stand, we can only have one date for entertaining
the men, and then under "very trying circumstances."
January 14, the freshmen gave us a beautiful dinner party at the
home of Ruby Rapp. They certainly were delightful hostesses.
Some of our helpful mothers have now become patronesses for
Rho: Mrs. Betts, Mrs. Vick, Mrs. Pittman, and Mrs. Hiestand.
It certainly did our hearts good to hear of the new sister chapter
we are soon to have near us. Our best wishes go out to both the new
chapters who are starting out so well equipped for the trials of new
chapters. Rho feels quite "grown up" now.
Mrs. Alice Thomson, A, has moved temporarily to St. Louis, in-
tending to locate permanently in Buffalo. Rho chapter and the Chi-
cago alumnae feel the loss keenly.
Bess Medburn, '10, after a few weeks with us, is now in Berkeley,
Merva Dolsen, '10, spent the week end of January 20 with us.
After the last letter, the most important event in Lambda was our
initiation held on December 5th at which we welcomed in five of our
alumna; and five freshmen.
The rest of the last semester was given up to work, final examina-
tions and plans for going home.
This semester finds us with sixteen girls living in the house and
one coming in to college every day from San Mateo. We are occu-
pied very busily at present with raising funds for our new chapter
house. We want to have a $10,000 house, and begin building on
the first of May. At the head of our building corporation as treas-
urer of the stock company we have Professor Leslie, a very competent
man. He is doing much for us among the faculty in the way of sub-
scribing stock. The plan for the whole thing is upon a firm business
basis, and we hope very soon to have the amount subscribed, so that
plans may be drawn and work commenced in earnest.
On the 28th of this month our president is going south to initiate
the alumnae there. There will probably be six in all, and after they
are Alpha Omicron's we feel that we have standing back of us one
of the strongest and most enthusiastic bodies of alumna; that any
chapter could have. We realize strongly the benefit to be gained for
the fraternity by having such a body behind us in our plans and work
for Alpha.
We are hoping to take in from three to four new girls during this
semester, as we lose four girls in May, the three seniors, and one post
graduate. On account of building, we would like to keep the chapter
up to sixteen or seventeen from now on.
In the social line: We have sent out invitations for a formal dance
to be given on February fourth. Last semester one of our seniors
was elected to Cap and Gown society, signifying honors taken in col-
lege activities, etc. She is this semester vice-president of the same
society. One of the freshmen is secretary of her class this semester,
and they are all showing themselves good, strong workers in all lines
of activity both for fraternity and college.
The Lincoln Alumnae chapter was installed by the active president,
Miss Helen Steiner, January 14th at the chapter house.
There were twelve girls that went in at that time and three more
expect to soon.
We elected Annie Jones, president; Mattie Woodworth, treasurer
and Charlotte Wallace, secretary.
The New York Alumnse Chapter has had two meetings this year,
the first in Jean Frame's new apartment, and the second at Helen
Mullan's. It is always encouraging and delightful at these meetings
to have the new faces appear. The last meeting was especially in-
teresting as Lillian MacQuillan of Providence, and Mrs. Perkins,
a Gamma alumna joined us. We had rather a heated discussion of
the report of the National Panhellenic Conference.
The history of the San Francisco Alumnae Chapter for the past
three months has not been especially eventful. We have had our
regular meetings that have been well attended, and we have trans-
acted the business that has developed from meeting to meeting. One
very encouraging thing that seems noticeable is that interest in the
organization is gradually growing, instead of, as so often is the case,
standing still, or decreasing. As long as we have an organization, we
are all trying to make it amount to something. Our meetings have
been held twice at the fraternity house in Berkeley, and once with
Kate Foster, at her home. We have a small surplus in the treasury,
and our membership is slowly growing. We are looking forward to
the very near future, when we hope to take into our chapter, the
alumnae of Lambda chapter living around the Bay.
Some time ago we wondered what we as an alumnae chapter could
do to help the fraternity, and make it stronger by our presence, and
we decided, that for one thing, by actively supporting To DRAGMA
we could be of great use. We found that a large number of our
alumnae did not subscribe, but by regulating the dues of our chapter,
now every member subscribes to the magazine. I would like to offer
this as a suggestion to the other alumnae chapters. Reading the
magazine is about the very best way that an alumna can keep in
touch with the different chapters of her fraternity, and know what
they are doing.
No letter.
There have been no important changes or events in the history
of Boston Alumnse Chapter during the past year. The experiment
which we tried last year of holding our meetings at the Delft Tea
Room in Boston proved so successful that we have continued the
plan this year, and have met the last Saturday of every month since
September at six o'clock for business meeting and dinner. The busi-
ness meetings have been very quiet this year, as the business of the
chapter has been almost entirely managed by the Executive Commit-
tee. We have had a larger average attendance than ever before, at
least twenty-five attending every meeting, and at the November meet-
ing there were thirty-seven.
Mrs. Helen Brown Keating, '97, has continued to act as advisory
member of the active chapter, and Miss Frida Ungar, '08, has again
filled the office of alumna member of the Pan-Hellenic Association.
Our Fifty dollar scholarship established last year to be awarded the
junior girl who shall have completed her required work with the
highest standard, is to be again paid this year.
We have all missed the advice and counsel of Mrs. Mary Ingalls
Lambert, '00, who is spending the year in Europe, but who will be
one of us again next year.
We have been most fortunate this year in having so many sisters
from other chapters with us. Misses Helen and Evelyn Bancroft,
Sigma, who were stopping some months in Boston enroute to Europe,
attended several of our meetings, and we have also had with us Miss
Gillean, Pi, who is studying at Radcliffe, Miss Ranlett, Nu, and
Misses Harvey and Flint, Gamma, and we hope before the end of the
year to welcome many more CLARA R. R U S S E L L ,
Corresponding Secretary.
The engagement has been announced of Florence E. Brown and
Bedt C. Markle, both of the class of 1910.
Gamma has received the announcement of the marriage of Irene
Richardson and Warren Connor both of the class of '09. They are
to live in Malta, Montana.
Lily Mysing, '08, was married to Edmund Harrington Fairchild
on December 28, 1911. The wedding took place at the home of the
bride's parents, in Rosa Park, New Orleans. After the ceremony a
reception was held, at which only intimate friends were present. Mr.
and Mrs. Fairchild will make their home in New Orleans.
Pi announces the marriage of Mattie Garland Ayres, '04, to John
William Newman, on December 29, 1910. Mr. and Mrs. Newman
are living in Little Rock, Ark.
On Wednesday evening, December 29, 1910, at the beautiful home
of Dr. Brown Ayres, University Campus, Knoxville, Tenn., was
solemnized the marriage of our sister Hattie Garland Ayres, Pi '04,
to John Newman, 2 A E. The happy pair left immediately for their
new home in Little Rock, Ark.
Kappa girls were greatly interested in the recent marriage of
Mamie Hurt, Kappa '09, to Mr. George Baskerville, <fr A ©, brother
of Margaret Baskerville, Kappa '08, on January 24, 1911, at her
home in Birmingham, Ala.
We have received an announcement of the approaching wedding
of lone Mathis, Kappa '08 to Mr. John Adams of this city, to take
place on February 7. 1911.
Verna Ray was married January 15th to Mr. Roscoe Conklin de
Long, at Berkeley, Calif.
Sigma announces the wedding of Gladys Courteau to John Brit-
ton, Jr., in Berkeley, October 26, 1910.
Miss Lorene Emery of Lincoln, daughter of E . J . Emery, was
united in marriage December 26, 1910, to Dr. William Wendell
Davis of Omaha.
Born, November 11, 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. John Caffery (Mary
Frere, '11) at Franklin, La., a boy.
To Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Whaley (Edna Reed, '03) was born
a daughter on December 17, 1910.
A daughter has also been born to Mr. and Mrs. Stanhope King
(Josephine Crippen, '02.)
Born, November, 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. Melrow Martin (Flor-
ence Schultz), a boy.
Born, February, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Hill (Necha Hall) a boy.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Shepperd (Lucien Sanderson,
Kappa) a son in December, 1910.
3n jHrmuriam
afflor*rxtt grijultz fUarittt
ilartht, ^tgina '09, bteb at tfpr i}nmt in ffioa Anoplra.
"g>lje uiaa a trur Stater.'
Mildred Stoddard, ex-'11, is in Washington, D. C. She is con-
nected with the Census Bureau.
Eva Marty, '06, is studying history and French in Paris.
Edith Wherry, '07, is now in Paris. Her book, "A Great Gulf
Fixed," has been published.
Flora Miller has given up her position as Y . W. C. A. Secretary
with headquarters at New York, and will return to her former posi-
tion in the Los Angeles High School.
Rose Schmidt, '09, is teaching English in the Stockton High
Carrie Bright, ex-'10, is one of the solo violinists in the Stewart
Orchestral Society of Oakland. This society is the leading musical
society in the cities around the Bay.
May Knight, '06, is teaching in the Tulare High School. She has
charge of the Musical Department in the school.
Blanche Lewis is teaching in Berkeley.
Mabel Robertson, ex-'10, is teaching in the Salem, Oregon, Schools.
Anna Weeks, ex-'07, is studying music in Italy.
Norma Singleton, ex-'13, will graduate in June from the San Jose
Normal School.
Madge Kemp, '12 has left Berkeley and entered Stanford where
she has affiliated with Lambda Chapter.
Florence Alvarez, ex-'11, is attending the University of Southern
Mary Pearce, '10, spent several days in New Orleans during
Christmas week, while on her way to her home in British Honduras.
Catherine Reed, '00, spent her Christmas holidays in New Orleans
where she was eagerly welcomed by her sisters of Pi.
Mrs. John Caffery (Mary Frere) was on a short visit to the city
in January. She says she came to shop. We think she came to let
Pi see John, Jr.
Catherine Nelson, K , is visiting Agalice McCaw, K , who is now
making her home in New Orleans.
Blythe White, of Alexandria, La., visited Innes Morris before the
holiday season, and made frequent flying visits to her sisters at New-
Mrs. George A. Waterman (Mildred Norton, '05) spent sometime
in New Orleans, during the fall.
We do wish that some of you could have been present at Mat-
tie's wedding. It was certainly a lovely wedding. The house was
so beautifully decorated and Mattie looked so sweet and happy.
Lucretia Gordon of Asheville, N. C , spent Christmas in Knoxville
and was present at Mattie's wedding.
Harriet and Roberta Williams of Chattanooga, came up for a
few days recently.
Exchanges please send magazines to
Mrs. Walter Farmer, 7 Courtland St., Nashua, N. H .
Mrs. C. G . Bigelow, 1610 So. 7 Ave., Maywood, 111.
Miss Kate B. Foster, 2717 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley.
We wish to acknowledge with thanks receipt of the following
October igio—The Phi Chi Fraternity Quarterly.
November igio—The Eleusis of Chi Omega.
The Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly.
Aglaia of Phi Mu.
The Beta Theta Pi.
December igio—The Key of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
The Lamp of Delta Zeta.
The Adelphean of Alpha Delta Phi.
January ign—Anchora of Delta Gamma.
The Kapa Alpha Theta.
The Beta Theta Pi.
The Alpha Phi Quarterly.
Crescent of Gamma Phi Beta.
Lyre of Alpha Chi Omega.
The Delta Upsilon Fraternity announces the establishment of the
Washington chapter on December 9th, 1910 at the University of
Washington, Seattle.
Sigma Phi Epsilon has established a chapter, California Alpha,
at the University of California.
Delta Tau Delta announces the installation of its Gamma Omicron
Chapter at Syracuse University. November 1910.
Chi Omega announces the installation of Chi Alpha Chapter of
Chi Omega at Tuft's College, and the establishment of the Cali-
fornia Alumnae Chapter, with headquarters at San Francisco, and
of the Portland Alumnae Chapter with headquarters at Portland,
Alpha Delta Phi has added another chapter to her chapter roll,
Mu Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi is located in the Woman's College
of Alabama; Alpha Delta Phi is the first sorority to enter the Wom-
an's College of Alabama.
Last year the registration at the larger women's colleges were: Smith,
1,609; Wellesley, 1,319; Vassar, 1,039; M t . Holyoke, 752; Bryn Mawr, 412.
—Anchora of Delta Gamma.
The University of Illinois has 1,000 women students and eight women's
fraternities. A t Missouri there are 550 women and five women's fraternities.—
Anchora of Delta Gamma.
For the first time a woman has obtained the degree of electrical engineer
in Germany. She is a graduate of the Berlin Polytechnic Institute—The Key
of Kappa Kappa Gamma quoted by the Eleusis of Chi Omega.
Indiana University has recently been placed on the list of Carnegie
foundation colleges.—Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly.
The University of Minnesota is to have a girls' dormitory.—Aglaia o f
Phi Mu.
The name of Woman's College of Baltimore has been changed to Goucher
College in honor of its founders, Rev. John Franklin Goucher, and his wife,
Mary.—Aglaia of Phi Mu.
The Phi Rho Sigma convention was held in Omaha, beginning
December 30th. Six business sessions and two clinics were scheduled.
Alpha Tau Omega held its twenty-second biennial convention in
Atlanta, Georgia, during December 1910.
Beta Theta Pi has among its members four out of the nine
Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Phi Chi held its fifteenth annual convention in Louisville, Ken-
tucky, December 29, 30 and 31, 1910.
Twenty-three of the thirty-eight chapters of Delta Upsilon own their own
houses; f o r t y of seventy-three of Beta Theta Pi and forty-three of seventy-
three of Phi Delta Theta.—Lamp of Delta Zeta.
O x f o r d University, after one hundred years' existence, has decided to
favor co-education, so hereafter women may compete f o r the Rhodes' scholar-
ships.—Adelphean of Alpha Delta Phi.
The number of chapters in the men's general fraternities according to our
latest i n f o r m a t i o n is as f o l l o w s : Kappa Sigma, 77; Beta Theta P i , 73; Phi
Delta Theta, 73; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 70; Sigma Nu, 64; Sigma Chi, 62;
Alpha Tau Omega, 60; Phi Gamma Delta, 57; Delta Tau Delta, 54; Kappa
Alpha, 48; Phi Kappa Psi, 44 j Delta Kappa Epsilon, 42; Delta Upsilon, 38;
Pi Kappa Alpha, 28; Phi Kappa Sigma, 27; Sigma Phi Epsilon, 27; Thefa
Delta Chi, 27; Phi Sigma Kappa, 25; Alpha Delta Phi, 24; Zeta Psi, 24;
Psi Upsilon, 22; Chi Phi, 19; Chi Psi, 16; Delta Phi, 12; Theta X i , 12;
Alpha Chi Rho, II j Delta Psi, 8; Alpha Phi, 6; Pi Kappa Psi, 5; Theta
Chi, 5; Omega P i Alpha, 2. Sigma P i is not included i n the above because
no authentic account o f chapters is at hand.—The Beta Theta Pi.
A senior girls' honor society has recently been organized i n the University
of Washington for the benefit of all university girls. Only seniors are
eligible, but both sorority and non-sorority girls are selected. The club con-
fers with the Dean of Women and their aim is to regulate many phases of
the university life and to bring about more ideal conditions by raising the
standards as high as possible.—Anchora of Delta Gamma.
The Denver Pan-Hellenic is an organization effected in the spring of
1908, the local members of Kappa Kappa Gamma having the credit of
originating the movement. From this small beginning the Pan-Hellenic has
reached a membership of about 150 embracing nine sororities. Semi-annual
meetings are held, one i n the spring, and the other in the f a l l . The spring
meeting is always a luncheon at the Brown Palace Hotel with a business
meeting immediately after. I n the autumn, the fraternity holding the
presidency entertains the organization.—The Kappa Alpha Theta.
The Pan-Hellenic Association o f the Inland Empire is the official cog-
nomen of the Spokane, Washington organization of fraternity women. I n
September 1908, Pi Beta Phis i n Spokane sent out, through the newspapers,
a call for a gathering of fraternity women at the Y . W . C. A . building. I n
October a permanent organization was formed and meetings have since been
held every month. The membership is above f o r t y and represents nine
different women's fraternities and eighteen different universities. I t is a
purely social organization.—The Kappa Alpha Theta.
The faculty and sororities at Northwestern University are planning a
Pan-Hellenic house. I n i t there is to be a room f o r each sorority and perhaps
a dance hall. The faculty is to f u r n i s h the land, provided each sorority w i l l
f u r n i s h a certain sum o f money. The rest w i l l be raised by bond.—Anchora
of Delta Gamma.
The real Sorority—that which the world knows—is made up of alumnae.
The active chapters are only children in the family, who shall grow up,
become alumnae, and in turn perpetuate and make famous by their deeds, the
name of their sorority.—Triangle of Sigma Kappa.
The Fraternity's most valuable asset, as every f r a t e r n i t y knows, is its
alumnae constituency. H o w can an alumna mean much to the fraternity,
unless she is i n f o r m e d , as well as loyal? A n d how can she be i n f o r m e d w i t h -
out the journal? We need the alumnae's active support; they need the
j o u r n a l ; the j o u r n a l needs their support. Above a l l , the f r a t e r n i t y needs an
alive relationship on the part of the Alumnae.—The Lyre of A l p h a Chi Omega.
I t is not enough f o r active and alumnae members to meet at a formal
banquet once or twice a year; i t is not enough to invite the active girls to
alumnae meetings. The Alumnae must, i n turn, visit the active chapter. I f
they d i d so, the college girls would feel that their older sisters had more
than a perfunctory interest in them; they would learn to know each other;
and from better acquaintance, a closer relation would result.—Crescent o f
Gamma Phi Beta.
Socially, fraternities have an opportunity of which they have, in general,
f u l l y availed themselves, to crystallize traditions of gentle breeding that no
campus could well afford to lose. However the details of rushing, early or
late pledge days, scholarship requirements, or social activities may seem to
fill the arena, the real debate is, in the large, upon f r a t e r n i t y aims. Are they
social or scholastic, or both? Are they for today, for the pleasure of the
undergraduate? Or are they for tomorrow, for the coming student and the
student community?—Key of Kappa Kappa Gamma quoted by Kappa Alpha
A g i r l w i l l be a stronger sorority g i r l in the end and a broader member o f
the college community which conditions are synonymous—if she has spent
her first years outside of the sorority house. She w i l l in this way f o r m out-
side friendships and come to a broader view of college l i f e , which w i l l be of
infinite value to her always.
A f t e r entering the sorority house, the girl should make a constant effort
to retain her outside friendships, and above all to preserve her balance and
clearness of mind. She can be proud of her sorority, without coming to the
absured conclusion that no other crowd possesses qualities worth noticing.
She can be devoted to her sisters without continually raving over them to other
people. She can thoroughly approve of the f r a t e r n i t y system and be glad she
belongs to i f without looking down upon non-fraternity members.—Anchora
of Delta Gamma.
The ideal fraternity girl certainly stands highest among all girls for no
other g i r l has such an opportunity to do good and be useful. She must
think of the two sides of her l i f e , the one that everybody can see and the one
shown her sisters only, and they should both be as near perfect as possible.
A g i r l , when she joins a fraternity, should not be changed in her attitude
toward outsiders or other fraternity people, but should continue to fill her
place in all phases of l i f e . Aside f r o m the personal side o f her f r a t e r n i t y
l i f e , the ideal fraternity g i r l should be devoted to the success of her fraternity.
She should set the highest standard f o r i t and work f o r its greatest good,
watching always f o r girls who have real character and worth, no matter
whether they are wealthy and highly attractive or not.— Themis of Zeta Tau
How many times have we seen cases where girls, who were friends all
through high school, have joined different fraternities, then have ceased to be
friends and becomes mere acquaintances. Surely i f fraternities are to destroy
friendships they are not l i v i n g up to the ideals f o r which they stand. Such
friendships, instead of being broken by f r a t e r n i t y , should serve as a means
of uniting the two chapters in a feeling o f true fellowship. This tendency
to allow one's fraternity to limit one's friendship is more often found among
the freshmen, and i f the upper classmen were to give them the idea that
friendship is above f r a t e r n i t y boundaries, the freshmen would be happier and
better Kappas.
Every fraternity girl who knows what the friendship of the girls in the
chapter has meant to her and done for her ought to realize that friendships
w i t h other f r a t e r n i t y girls would also be beneficial to her. Every new f r i e n d -
ship broadens one's character; and i f a fraternity is to limit the friendship of
its members, its influence is detrimental and is robbing them of a part of their
college education by making them narrow and snobbish. I t will in time
make all college interests subservient to fraternity interests and w i l l be a
serious drawback to the unity of the college.
I f there were more friendships between girls, regardlesss of their frater-
nities, much of the feeling which now exists between the different fraternities
would disappear.—Key of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
1. Systematise your work. Formulate a schedule f o r your private and indi-
vidual work as definitely as your class room work. Let your hour f o r chatting
and enjoying each other come at a regular time with no encroachment on
working hours.
2. Make your rule that preparation shall u n f a i l i n g l y be made f o r each
class. Without each intermediate step no proper handling of your subject
can be possible.
3. L i m i t the number o f your social engagements. Take what you can
without upsetting your plans for work.
4. Bear in mind that each day's work makes or mars the reputation o f
your chapter. Let the thought that each thing you do helps or hurts your
fraternity keep your purpose steady. The unswerving desire to do good work
for fraternity's sake should f o r m a strong undercurrent to all that is on the
surface of lives.
5. Live on hygienic principles. N o one can do continuously good work
without proper care o f the body. Too often college women neglect the first
principles of the care of health, although there is nothing so vitally important
for their well-being. Regular sleep, proper diet, out-door exercise, are a l l
absolutely indispensable i f you would leave college with honor, health and
For those in chapter houses, these suggestions could be embodied in the
House rules as doubtless some of them already are.
1. Let us take great pains i n every instance to investigate the scholarship
of prospective members. Let inquiry be thorough and definite, so that only
those who have done thorough work in preparatory school may be considered
as candidates f o r membership.
2. I n selecting members choose only those who have a good degree o f
health. The great importance of this is shown by the large number who are
obliged to take light work or to leave college entirely on account of i l l health.
I t is impossible to make the best mental advancement without physical power.
I f we can live up to these ideals, we can eradicate the idea that good
scholarship is incompatible w i t h general activity and even w i t h leadership in
college organizations; and we can show that i f time be economized and well
apportioned there is enough of it f o r thorough study and f o r a reasonable
amount of social work.—Key of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Unless the college fraternity improves in manners, in morals and in
scholarship i t is doomed, and unless the different chapters in the same College
cease their petty enmities and bickerings and small politics to control unim-
portant so-called honors they may be swept out of existence by a rising tide
of protest that all of the good things of college life shall not go to those
whose social pretensions have no backing of real achievement—Beta Theta Pi.
The strong g i r l is not only the one who is considered so i n her rank i n
College, but has the feeling of responsibility toward her fraternity. T h i s
sense of responsibility is just as essential to her all round development as her
sense of duty in preparing her work. I f we wish our freshmen to develop
into strong sorority women, we should impress them w i t h this feeling of
responsibility. No matter i f the position or office of the g i r l is a comparatively
minor one she should feel it her duty to do her part as thoroughly as the
holder of a more important office. The small inner workings of a chapter
largely determine the outward standing of the chapter and sorority as a
whole.—The Lamp of Delta Zeta.
Is it not true to a great extent that our fraternity enthusiasm is in many
ways crowding out the loyalty that is due to College? Are we not liable to
forget that we, as fraternities, owe our very existence to our A l m a Mater, and
that our very reputation is based primarily on the reputation o f the College?—
Alpha Phi Quarterly.
Chapters which have not appointed committees on scholarship should do so.
A n d more important than this, every chapter house committee should see that
opportunity is given f o r quiet and study. N o one can study with a clear head
i f the house i n which he resides is i n constant turmoil, or i f an amateur
orchestra or glee club is continually at work in the parlor.—Beta Theta Pi.
Fraternity greatness does not happen; it comes f r o m clear-eyed conception
of an ideal. Fraternity effectiveness does not happen, but comes f r o m the
out-pouring of energy toward reaching that ideal. For a fraternity to have a
goal is not enough; a f r a t e r n i t y must be reaching its goal.—Lyre o f Alpha
Chi Omega.
Is the individual chapter one composed of its active members alone, and
are its alumni to be regarded as an a d j u n c t ; or is the chapter composed of
its entire alumni and undergraduate body? A correct solution of this question
w i l l perhaps bring to the realization of every member of the fraternity his
proper location and sphere of duty toward his individual chapter and the
f r a t e r n i t y as a whole.
Our experience and observation has led us to believe that i f the under-
graduates of any chapter were asked this question, the reply would be
decidedly that they, the undergraduates, were the chapter—it is they who
sustain i t , i t is they who are grouped together i n one body and bear its name,
and that without them the chapter would cease to exist. The alumnus i f asked
about his chapter would i n most cases consider i t as composed of the active
men l i v i n g in the chapter house and i n attendance at his university, regarding
i f i n about the same light as do the active men themselves.
But how about i t ? A r e they both not wrong, and does not their mistake
account in a large measure f o r the exaggerated independence of the active
man of the chapter toward the alumnus, and f o r the indifference o f many o f
the alumni toward the active chapter?
We believe i t does; and therefore that i f the theory o f what constitutes a
chapter were better understood by both undergraduates and alumni, great
advantages and benefits would accrue to both.
As we perceive i t , the chapter is composed of all o f its initiates, whether
they are now alumni or undergraduates, i n residence at the chapter house or
not, in the university or out o f i t ; or wherever they may be. The chapter name
is borne by all of these; they each contributed toward obtaining and sustaining
the chapter house; and i t is they who own i t . The active members are part
of this body, but they have the additional duty of acting also as the trustees
of the chapter as a whole, and of serving as an executive body elected by
those members of the chapter who are now o f the alumni. I t is the duty of
this executive body to fake care of the chapter's property, guard, uphold, and
further its good name, and in obedience to the rules of the fraternity and
chapter, to elect to membership new men who are to serve w i t h them in the
maintainence and guardship of the chapter's possessions. The simile of a
corporation may be used to advantage—the stockholders being the entire
initiate body, and the directors being the active members, responsible directly
to the stockholders.
So do we regard the constitution of our chapters. The duties devolving
therefore upon each member are apparent. I t is f o r the alumnus at all times
to take an active interest in his chapter, to aid and encourage the active men
in every way, to see to i t that they p e r f o r m their tasks well and uphold the
good name of the chapter.
Upon the undergraduates, the fact that they are not the sole owners but
only the trustees of the entire chapter should make them keenly sensitive
toward their duties as such. They should keep their alumni continuously
i n f o r m e d in regard to the current affairs o f the chapter; they should ask f o r
and consider carefully the advice and suggestions offered by the a l u m n i ; but
above all should guard well and f a i t h f u l l y the chapter's good name and keep
its membership r o l l filled with men of the highest character and integrity.
I t is i n this way we would have our philosophy of what constitutes a f r a -
ternity chapter understood. I f so understood and acted upon, we feel that i t
would result i n the greatest good f o r all concerned.—A X Quarterly quoted by
Palm of A T 0.
I have a suggestion to make that the next Grand Chapter devise some way
by which the subscription to The Delta may be increased among the alumni.
I think that Phi Delta Theta recently passed a law by which $10 pays sub-
scription f o r life for alumni members.
That may be too cheap, but I do suggest a cheap rate f o r long-time sub-
scriptions, say f o r ten, fifteen or twenty years. Then i f a brother moves, he
w i l l send his f o r w a r d i n g address to the editor and an accurate check on his
whereabouts can be had, which of itself is worth consideration.
This subscribing from year to year, I find hard to do; the time is too
short, the subscription is out before I think i t is, and soon a copy is missed
and paymen; is postponed f r o m time to time, resulting i n loss of interest i n
fraternity matters and a kindred lack of interest in the magazine itself through
conscious guilt of indebtedness.
We have to reach the members through The Delta, and keep interest alive
by constantly bringing them into contact with the fraternity.
The Delta is the one medium through which to maintain this contact, and
a cheaper Delta and long-term subscriptions would, I believe, go f a r toward
keeping alumni an active, working force.
I am not versed on the cost o f producing The Delta, but suggest that
those who are i n a position to do so, f u r n i s h an estimate on-long-term-sub-
criDtionfe-osa^ii Oi J \ u ^ » _ g ' - ^ = - - \ - J ' - ;.* >—•-.- «*• before
The Spread 128
Toast to Rho 131
The Parthenon at Midnight 132
The Sorority Girl in College Activities ... .133
The Land O' The Moon 134
The Greater Fraternity . . . . . . .134
3L 3L Newman
Manufacturer of
Special Work in Gold, Silver and Jewels
. K v . ^ n i ii, llic CliajJlCr IS llrmpimu . Ol US luiua.v..,
they are now alumni or undergraduates, i n residence at the chapter house or
not, i n the university or out o f i t ; or wherever they may be. The chapter name
is borne by all o f these; they each contributed toward obtaining and sustaining
the chapter house; and i t is they who own i t . The active members are part
of this body, b u t they have the additional duty o f acting also as the trustees
of the chapter as a whole, and of serving as an executive body elected b y
those members o f the chapter who are now o f the alumni. I t is the duty o f
this executive body to fake care o f the chapter's property, guard, uphold, and
further its good name, and i n obedience to the rules o f the fraternity and
W e make to order all kinds of Fraternity Jewelry, Rings,
Lockets, Fobs, Cuff Links, Stick Pins, Hat Pins, Brooch Pins, Col-
lar Pins, Belt Pins, Spoons and Novelties.
Sartor Jewelry Co.1 ~ . r ~ 139 South 13th St.
and Engraving. W U ^ W ^ I I V V ^ V / . LINCOLN, NEB.
To Dragma
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
®abb 0f (Eflntentfl
A Fable Honoring Alpha Omicron Pi 123
History of Rho Chapter 123
History of Northwestern University . . . . .125
Traditions of Northwestern . . . .
• .127
The Question of Rushing . . . • •
The Spread
Toast to Rho
• • 132
The Parthenon at Midnight . . .. . .133
.. 134
The Sorority Girt in College Activities 134
The Land O' The Moon . . 135
The Greater Fraternity
. . 139
Installation of Iota Chapter . • . . . . .153
Editorials • . 155
Active Chapter Letters . . . . . 156
Alumnae Chapter Letters . . . . . . .157
. 161
Engagements . . . . . .
. .162
Births .
News of the Alumnae . . . . .
Exchanges . . . . . . . .
News of the College and Greek Letter World .