In August 2018, the AOII Executive Board formally adopted the Carver Policy Governance
Model. Policy Governance, simply put, “enables boards to provide strategic leadership in
creating the future for their organizations.” To make this transition, the Executive Board
started by developing a set of policies, grounded in the values of AOII and based on
member input, to set the vision for the Fraternity and to provide guidance to our
professional staff. Once these policies were finalized, they were turned over to
the Executive Director for interpretation, an iterative process involving extensive
review and collaboration. This process of discussion and monitoring progress is
a key part of policy governance, with measurable outcomes and a schedule for
ongoing review throughout the biennium.
In Policy Governance, “ends” are defined as the benefits the organization is to
produce, for which people, at what cost. The global end is an umbrella statement,
with the ends supporting the big picture. These “ends” for AOII were developed
based on the Executive Board’s knowledge and interactions with our members, to
whom the Executive Board is accountable.
Global End: AOII members are enriched through lifelong friendships and an
exceptional membership experience rooted in our Rituals and Culture Principles. These
benefits are achieved with good stewardship of resources.
• Ambition: AOII members are confident, ambitious, and high performing.
• Sense of Belonging: AOII members have a strong sense of belonging through
friendships and a genuine connection to the Fraternity.
• Leadership: AOII members have relevant leadership and life skills that yield
impactful results.
• Character: AOII members have values driven character, honoring the Object
of the Fraternity.
“The object of the Fraternity shall be to encourage a spirit of Fraternity and love
among its members; to stand at all times for character, dignity, scholarship, and
college loyalty; to strive for and support the best interests of the colleges and
universities in which chapters are installed, and in no way to disregard, injure, or
sacrifice those interests for the sake of prestige or advancement of the Fraternity
or any of its chapters.”
• Service: AOII members have a commitment to meaningful service to the Fraternity,
campus communities and the world.
2017-2019 Biennial Report
A LETTER FROM OUR PRESIDENT AOII’s legacy of service to others remains strong!
Once again our chapters and members have been an
As we close out the 2017-2019 biennium, you will see inspiration in serving their communities and supporting
the great accomplishments of AOII in our biennial report. the fight to cure arthritis this biennium. Thanks to the
We started out the biennium enthusiastically rolling out collective work of our AOII chapters and members our
our new AOII brand across the Fraternity. Our new tag support of the Arthritis Foundation is at an all time high!
line of “Inspire Ambition” can be seen throughout the Our tradition of providing pandas at the juvenile arthritis
many successes we have achieved as an organization. camps continues to provide great comfort to the children
You have been an inspiration to each other to work attending and AOII has affectionately become known
together to advance our beloved AOII. As Helen Keller as the “panda people.” This past biennium AOII was a
said, “Alone we do so little; together we can do so leader in the interfraternal world through our work with
much.” Collectively across AOII through your talents, the National Panhellenic Conference. Carole Jones, NPC
time and commitment to the Fraternity we have achieved Delegate and Past International President, has served
great success. as Chairman of NPC, and under Carole’s leadership she
led the conference through a historic structure change.
Our 2015-2019 Strategic Plan has been the roadmap This was incredibly important as this new structure
for where AOII has been headed over the past provides NPC the ability to be more responsive to the
two bienniums. With the current Strategic Plan challenges facing our Panhellenic communities as we all
coming to a conclusion at the end of this work together to advance the sorority experience. I am
biennium, we are excited to report on the proud of AOII’s contributions to the greater Panhellenic
many achievements and milestones community during the biennium.
reached in the focus areas of With the continued growth of our collegiate and alumnae
experience, service, advancement membership, we are providing a variety of educational
and growth over the past two years. programs and opportunities for connection for all of our
This report highlights a few of members. In this report you will see many examples of
the achievements in each focus membership engagement through the programs and
area. events that were delivered over the biennium.
We have lots to celebrate this biennium! As we take
During the biennium the AOII a moment to reflect on our many accomplishments,
Executive Board formally it is also important to celebrate our great sisterhood!
adopted the Carver Policy It is through our sisterhood, friendships and lifetime
Governance model as commitment to AOII that we have inspired confidence
our governance model of and ambition in each other to work collectively together
leadership. This began an to advance AOII. It is said, “Success isn’t just about what
intensive multi-step and multi- you accomplish in your life, it’s about what you inspire
year process of transformation others to do.” Our Founders serve as our inspiration
for AOII. This report provides you to continue dreaming big at what we want AOII to
with an update on our progress so accomplish with our AOII sisters by our sides. I look
far. This is just the start of the Policy forward to seeing what the future will bring!
Governance journey for AOII. As Stella Perry
said, “We were founded and constituted in a way so
elastic, that while holding fast to all essential traditions,
we are adjustable to changes and modern needs.” We
are excited to be on this journey with our membership as
we work together to move AOII forward.
Our Fraternity Strategic Plan was developed by AOII leadership to serve as a four-year planning model and
compass to guide decision-making and allocation of resources for both the 2015-2017 and 2017-2019 bienniums.
As the four-year plan reaches its completion, we are proud to report 100% achievement of initiatives outlined in the
areas of experience, service, advancement and growth. Just a few of the biennial achievements are highlighted
Delivering an Unparalleled Membership Experience
We have enhanced lifetime engagement, enriched AOII’s culture of living our values and
emphasized the development of exceptional members through numerous initiatives,
• A successful Women’s Health Week was conducted in May of both years of the
biennium focusing on health, fitness and nutrition.
• DignityU and Behind Happy Faces educational curriculums were rolled out to meet
critical needs related to the inherent value of another human being and mental health.
• A new Alumnae Directory project with PCI, Inc. resulted in the Fraternity reaching
24,000 (21%) of our alumnae to update contact and information records.
• The Inspire Ambition video series salutes exceptional members and their connection to
the Fraternity.
• Specialized training was conducted for Vice Presidents of Communications and Vice
Presidents of Membership Recruitment during Leadership Academy.
2017-2019 Biennial Report
Championing a Culture of Service
We made incredible progress on advancing our partnership with the
Arthritis Foundation to make a difference in our communities and
inspire impactful service to the world about us.
• Through Strike Out Arthritis events, Jingle Bell Run and Walk
to Cure Arthritis events, AOII chapters and members raised a
record setting $1,750,000 dollars for the Arthritis Foundation during
the biennium, up from $1,141,000 the previous biennium.
• 1,600 pandas were donated to children with juvenile arthritis, SOA!
with MLB events were held with all 30 Major League Baseball teams,
and the 50th year anniversary of the Arthritis and AOII partnership was
• We have enhanced AOII’s leadership in the interfraternal community, notably
through holding the Chairmanship of the National Panhellenic Conference
throughout the biennium.
• Led the conference through a historic structure change.
• Led initiatives for significant advancements in the fight against hazing.
• Advanced policies that would not allow campuses to restrict the rights of students to
freely associate.
Advancing the Fraternity by providing Exceptional Resources
• We continue to enhance member connections through innovative and relevant
technologies to improve our operational efficiency.
• AOII’s new brand was launched with education and training opportunities on how to
market our new identity.
• New Fraternity and chapter websites were launched to ensure information and
resources are readily available and relevant.
Fostering Membership Growth
• We have developed alumnae cultivation, involvement and retention initiatives through
the growth of new alumnae chapters and a new alumnae dues model.
• New dues model launched in fall 2018 to provide opportunities for alumnae to
connect with the Fraternity in addition to local alumnae chapters.
• Eastern Iowa Alumnae Chapter installed, May 26, 2018.
• Treasure Valley Alumnae Chapter installed, October 20, 2018.
• Our collegiate chapters continue to grow and prosper reaching an active membership
of 16,668 collegians.
• Year-round recruitment workshops were developed and launched.
• We have expanded the positive presence and influence on collegiate campuses
through extension and chartering efforts, and have added two new chapters to the
Fraternity since Fall 2017.
• Theta Delta Chapter (Troy U) installed, November 12, 2017.
• Lambda Psi Chapter (Arizona State U) installed, January 21, 2018.
Active Chapters Total new members pledged* in 1%
the 2015-2017 biennium: 12,259 decrease from
2017-2018: 144 Total new members pledged* in
2018-2019: 143 the 2017-2019 biennium: 11,586 2015-2017
hapters Opened
New Collegiate
C Theta Delta, Troy U 1% Total members initiated in the
Installed November 12, 2017 decrease from 2015-2017 biennium: 12,273
2015-2016: 17,689Lambda Psi, Arizona State U Total members initiated in the
2016-2017: 18,558Installed January 21, 20182015-20172017-2019 biennium: 11,619
2017-2018: 17,761 biennium
2018-2019: 16,745Chapters Closed
2015-2016: 6,003
Delta, Tufts U 2016-2017: 6,2562017-2018: 1
2017-2018: 5,8802018-2019: 1
Kappa Omega, 2018-2019: 5,706
U of Kentucky 2015-2016: 6,056
2016-2017: 6,217
2017-2018: 5.778
2018-2019: 5,391
Collegiate members at the end of New members pledged* in the New members initiated in the
the academic year. academic year. academic year.
2017-2019 Biennial Report
*Pledging statistics do not include charter members for any year.
2C01h5a-2p0t1e6:rs96P%ledging* Quota
2C0h1a5-p2t0e16rs: 8A6c%hieving 2016-2017: 91%
2016-2017: 73% Campus Tot 2017-2018: 87%
2018-2019: 80%
2015-201M6:e3m%bership 2017-2018: 71%
2018-2019: 74%
2016-2017: 4%
2017-2018: 5%
2018-2019: 6%
Categories 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019
Ruby 79 90 97 40
Pearl 19 13 9 18
Gold 14 14 24 32
Did Not Meet 27 26 14 53
Did Not Submit 0 0 0 0
**SOEs were reformatted in 2018-2019
2017-2018144 2018 2019
2018-2019 100%
Chapters & 200
2017-Chartering Total Visits of chapters
2018-2019ChaptersConducted visited in both
2017-visited years
144 225
Chapters & Total Visits
Chartering Conducted
Including revisits/multiple visits to a single chapter.
Alumna1e59Chapt 2D0u17e-s20P18a:i2d,8M9e8mbers
Total bers
1% decrease ers
from 2015-2017 2018-2019: 2,883
017-2019 biennium Year On Us Mem
2017-2018: 226
2 2
New Alumnae
Eastern Iowa, installed May 26, 2018 First
Treasure Valley, installed October 20, 2018 2018-2019: 233
Ruby Gold 12% 10%
2017-2018: 61 2017-2018: 16 15,820 12,870
2018-2019: 73 2018-2019: 9
Pearl 19,409
2017-2018: 26
2018-2019: 18 19% 19%
60,241 25,997
LIFE LOYAL Traditionalist Generation X Generation Z
Fourteen years into the Life Loyal Program, Born 1945 & before Born 1965-1976 Born 1996 & later
AOII currently has 6,747 devoted sisters as
members of the program. Baby Boomer Millennial
2017-2019 Biennial Report Born 1946-1964 Born 1977-1995
Operating reserves which have been built up with cash on hand, restricted cash, and traditional financial
investments have been preserved over the biennium, even with additional investments in member initiatives
like the Educational Leadership Consultant (ELC) Program, branding, network teams, recruitment and training
ambassadors and new chapter development.
AOII, as a whole, has invested heavily into local facilities, noting the collective value of AOII facilities have
increased by more than 40% since last biennium.
AOII Properties has sustained a strong cash position, an essential component in maintaining an extensive real
estate portfolio.
2017-2019 Key Revenue Trends
• Members have continued to show interest in AOII international events, as overall event
revenue over the biennium is expected to be greater than such from the
previous biennium.
• Revenue generated from Emporium purchases is on the rise, while
overall revenue from royalties (generated from any purchases
containing the AOII trademark made from licensed, authorized
vendors) is projected to be higher than last biennium.
• AOII Corporation revenue as a whole has increased above the level
experienced last biennium.
2017-2019 Key Expense Trends
• Leadership Academy expenses have increased
over the biennium as the Fraternity has made
efforts in increasing overall attendance to
enhance member and recruitment
• AOII Corporations paid for over
$56,000 worth of Ritual supplies
during the biennium.
• During the last biennium, the
Corporations of AOII
contributed over $125,000 to
send members to Leadership
Institute and an additional
$200,000 or more is
anticipated to be spent to send
members to Convention.
Training Ambassadors
Training Ambassadors performed 72 visits during the biennium, conducting LC/AAC retreats and AAC training
programs focusing on overarching volunteer responsibilities and operations, enhancing leadership skills, and
interpersonal and communication skills.
Recruitment Ambassadors
Recruitment Ambassadors performed 93 visits during the biennium, facilitating recruitment workshops centered on
conversations, branding, IMSP/MS, and articulating our AOII story.
Behind Happy Faces, a mental health curriculum developed by Ross Szabo, was made available to
members on Fulfilling the Promise. This program includes collegian and adviser tracks and
makes talking about mental health approachable.
The Fraternity partnered in Spring 2018 with DignityU, a curriculum of videos
and workshops for members to explore the essential elements of dignity, as
distinguished by Dr. Donna Hicks.
The Fraternity’s partnership with Phired Up to present
Retained and Engaged curriculum to chapters has continued
this biennium, with updates to the
curriculum to better serve our members.
The Fraternity partnered with TechniPhi to offer
ChapterBuilder, a software that allows collegiate
members to document experiences with potential
new members, develop names lists, gather
referrals and set COB goals. This engaging and
interactive software assists chapter members
in elevating the year-round recruitment
selection process and was used by 29
collegiate chapters in all eight networks.
2017-2019 Biennial Report
International Convention
Over 900 members were in attendance for International Convention 2017 in Washington, D.C. – the largest number
of sisters since the Centennial celebration. Attendees experienced the new AOII brand, a beautiful Candle Lighting
Ceremony with Opening Ritual, and the announcement of the panda being moved from our unofficial to our official
Fraternity mascot.
Education tracks included sessions on topics including branding, the relevance of Ritual in the world today, finding
life balance, mentoring and retention.
Leadership Academy
451 collegians and advisers attended Leadership Academy 2018, which targeted Vice Presidents of
Communications and focused on implementing the new AOII brand.
Leadership Academy 2019 was a recruitment-filled weekend, with 490 Vice Presidents of Membership Recruitment,
Chapter Presidents, Recruitment Advisers, and Network Specialists of Development and Recruitment in attendance.
The weekend was structured like a primary recruitment, with attendees experiencing and learning about each
individual round of recruitment and how to elevate the experience for potential new members.
Leadership Institute
800 members attended Leadership Institute 2018 at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs in Tennessee. The event
featured power sessions, learning paths and educational tracks on topics ranging from mental health awareness to
physical fitness to servant leadership and Governing Documents education.
• Seven issues of To Dragma were published including six printed issues and one digital
edition highlighting the National Panhellenic Conference.
• During the biennium, the Fraternity received 11 awards from the Fraternity
Communications Association including honoring various aspects of To Dragma as
well as numerous other communication and social media efforts.
• New “In A Box” programs were updated or created during the biennium
including Sisters for Soldiers, AOII Goes Blue and Founders’ Day.
• Numerous new videos were released including the Inspire Ambition series,
new chapter sisterhood and philanthropy videos, officer training videos and
much more.
Biennial Accomplishments
• Responded to inquiries from collegiate and alumnae officers and advisers, network volunteers, and
staff regarding the interpretation and application of Governing Documents provisions.
• Finalized and published the Constitution and Bylaws following approval of amendments by Council
at International Convention in 2017.
• Reviewed the Standing Rules and Book of Policies and collaborated with the Executive Board
Governance Committee to propose revisions to the Executive Board to enhance clarity and to
conform with the amended Bylaws.
• Reviewed the Constitution and Bylaws and collaborated with the Executive Board Governance
Committee and individual members of Council to draft amendments for consideration at
International Convention in 2019.
• Conducted procedural review of one charter revocation.
• Answered questions from staff to ensure a fair and efficient hearing and appeals process.
• Conducted Learning Path sessions at Leadership Institute in 2018 on the topic of “Governing
Documents: What Every AOII Needs to Know.”
• Pursuant to Resolution #1 approved by Council at Convention in 2017, oversaw the process for
selecting members to serve on the International Governance Practices Review and Education
Task Force.
Committee Members
Janet Brown, Chairman
Melissa Schoenfeld
Mary Williams
Gayle Fitzpatrick (Ex-Officio)
Sally Wagaman (Ex-Officio)
2017-2019 Biennial Report
Biennial Accomplishments
• Developed and executed network training during the 2017 International Convention and 2018
Leadership Institute.
• Implemented Strengths Finder by Tom Rath with Network Teams and discussed their specific teams’
strengths during training at International Convention 2017.
• Reviewed network training modules and completed training on understanding Generation Z.
• Presented training to attendees at Leadership Academy 2018, which targeted Vice Presidents of
Communications. Education focused on fully implementing AOII’s new brand on our campuses and
during recruitment.
• Created and facilitated training at Leadership Academy 2019, a recruitment-intensive weekend for
Vice Presidents of Membership Recruitment, Chapter Presidents, Recruitment Advisers and
Network Specialists-Development/Recruitment.
• Introduced Leadership Institute 2018 attendees to Behind Happy Faces, a mental health curriculum
designed to give young women the tools they need
to address their mental health.
• Implemented a call to programs for outside facilitators to present
education sessions at Leadership Institute 2018.
• Updated resources to conform to AOII’s new brand.
• Updated the Philanthropy Manual and “Every Family
Has A Story…Welcome To Ours” (formerly Your
Daughter and AOII).
• Developed “Ambition for a Lifetime,” a new
program for alumnae education and engagement
which will present a program once a quarter under
the topics of live, learn, lead and serve.
These topics will be applicable to
individual alumnae as well as
alumnae chapters.
Committee Members
Sandy Stewart, Chairman
Laura Dunlap
Lori Goede
Jaynellen Jenkins
Amy Kumpel (starting
January 2019)
Biennial Accomplishments
• After 17 years, Joan MacCallum completed her final term as International Historian in December of 2017. Barb
Zipperian was appointed to the role beginning January 2018 and served until she was appointed to the AOII
Executive Board to fill an open position. In September 2018, Allison Allgier began her appointment as
International Historian.
• The Historians made four visits to AOII Headquarters during the biennium to work in the archives. Visits
resulted in significant progress in managing and organizing our archive records and planning for future projects.
• Progress continues in researching and collecting collegiate chapter historical information.
• Updated information was added to the history section of AOII’s website.
• Additional content was included in the documents addressing Fraternity history by decade as well as Past
International Presidents’ (PIP) history.
• Significant work has been done to capture the oral histories for all PIPs.
• AOII archives social media presence has been launched.
Committee Members
Allison Allgier, International Historian
Barb Zipperian, Past International Historian
Joan MacCallum, Past International Historian
Biennial Accomplishments
• Published Human Resources Committee Process Document for international
volunteers to the Officer Resource Library in Fulfilling the Promise.
• Partnered with Communications Staff to promote volunteer vacancies in “In the
Loop” and on the AOII website.
• Implemented a new 360 review process for international volunteers collecting close to
200 surveys about volunteer performance.
• Vetted more than 135 potential volunteers by collecting more than 250 recommendations.
• Filled the following positions (as of March 2019): eight Network Directors, 103 Network
Specialists, four Properties Directors, one International Parliamentarian, two International
Historians, six Education Committee members, six Human Resources Committee members, six
Constitution Interpretation and Revision Committee members, three Rituals, Traditions, and
Jewelry Committee members, and four National Panhellenic Conference Delegation members
Committee Members
Kathleen Donohue, Chairman
Sandra Larkin
Mary Reynolds
Amy Simonini
Marissa Vujnovich
Ashleigh Welsh
2017-2019 Biennial Report
Biennial Accomplishments Service on NPC Committees
• Adoption of NPC’s 2019-22 Strategic Plan. • Chairman: Carole Jones
• Established three think tanks charged with • NPC Foundation Board Trustee: Janet Brown
• President of the 26 Inter/national Presidents
researching and developing recommendations
in each of their areas – Recruitment and Group: Gayle Fitzpatrick
Expanded Membership Model, NPC Structure • Parliamentarian: Sally Wagaman
and Public Relations and Marketing. • New College Panhellenics Committee
• Organized a Call for Critical Change group
consisting of campus administrators and Chairman: Mary Ann Stark
subject matter experts to discuss opportunities • College Panhellenic Area Advisors: Mary Ann
and ways to address critical issues within our
Panhellenic communities. Stark, Kerry Soller, Lisa Moore, Jenna Lutz,
• Adopted new organizational and governance Kristy Pacheco
structure designed to make NPC more nimble • Fraternity & Sorority Political Action
and responsive to the most pressing Committee: Dian Volkmer
challenges facing students, campus partners • Legislative Committee: Lisa Moore
and the greater Panhellenic community. • RFM Specialists: Kaya Miller, Jenna Lutz and
• Partnered with the North American Jackie Petrucci
Interfraternity Conference (NIC) and families • National Panhellenic Communications
who have lost children to hazing to establish Conference President: Mariellen Sasseen
an Anti-Hazing Coalition to address the • Recruitment & Expanded Membership
importance of hazing education and fight for Model Think Tank Member: Jackie Petrucci
safer campuses. • Public Relations and Marketing Think Tank
• Partnered with LaunchPoint to introduce a new Member: Lisa Moore
online potential new member orientation
AOII NPC Delegation Members
• Launch of our new Be Bold Carole Jones, Delegate
interactive video series. Mary Ann Stark, First Alternate Delegate
• Establishment of NPC’s Kerry Soller, Second Alternate Delegate
first Student Advisory Lisa Moore, Third Alternate Delegate
Biennial Accomplishments
• Created and implemented the Ritual Education Docents (REDs) Task Force to make
specifically selected and trained alumnae available in each network for a single specific
Ritual workshop.
• Conducted surveys of Keepers of the Ritual (KORs), KOR Advisers and Alumnae Chapter Presidents to
solicit agenda items for conference calls. Conducted calls for these officers in each Network annually.
Approximately 300 members participated.
• Added alumnae chapters to the RT&J liaison program.
• Conducted Ritual workshops for 11 collegiate chapters, a State Day, and Northeast Weekend 2017 that
directly impacted approximately 1,700 collegians, alumnae and alumnae initiates in a profound and
meaningful way. Spoke during four Founders’ Day celebrations.
• Conducted day-long Ritual training for Educational Leadership Consultants during 2017 and 2018.
Also conducted a Ritual educational session during the 2017 International Convention and 2018
Leadership Institute.
• Created, adapted, and published Ritual resources, including an optional New Initiate Ritual Education
Program, the “KOR Quick List,” “KOR Idea Sharing” document, and explanation of selecting sponsors
for sponsors for pledging and initiation.
• Conducted the Candle Lighting Service and Opening Ritual that were held back-to back for the first
time during Convention 2017. Also, conducted the Convention Closing Ritual. Incorporated more than
40 volunteers as assistants and coordinators for the first time.
• Proposed changes to the Standing Rules and Book of Policies (which the Executive Board approved),
including: prohibiting any member from having a cell phone and/or other recording device in Rituals
and Ceremonies; removing wording that limited suggestions for Founders’ Day programs; and
increased the number of Rituals publications sets provided to chartering chapters.
• Contributed revisions to the Rituals sections of the International Membership Exam and Collegiate
Chapter Standards of Excellence.
• Conducted a survey of Chapter Advisers concerning robes and hoods purchases,
maintenance, storage, and transportation as part of RT&J’s continuing study to
develop practical solutions.
• Wrote an article monthly for Fraternity News on the AOII website.
• Approved chapter names and submottoes for Lambda Psi and
Theta Delta.
• Added badge pendants to jewelry offered to members.
• Collected photographs and information about historic jewelry.
• Convened for an RT&J meeting in April 2019.
Committee Members Gayle Fitzpatrick, International
President (Ex-Officio)
Ginger Banks, Chairman
Mary Bryant Joan MacCallum, International
Kay Elam Historian/Archivist (Ex-Officio)
Karen Hickman (starting January 2018) (through 2017)
Dr. Shokooh Miry
Leigh Perry Allison Allgier, International
Bev Townsend (through 2017) Historian/Archivist (Ex-Officio) (starting
September 2018)
2017-2019 Biennial Report
The AOII Foundation invests in our sisters and inspires a lifetime of giving to leadership,
educational and philanthropic causes.
STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2023 Advancement
Experience The AOII Foundation cultivates and stewards donors for
the lifetime of their membership by:
The AOII Foundation fosters opportunities for sisters to
develop and mature as leaders in their communities by: • Gathering and telling engaging stories that compel
• Exercising seamless, ongoing collaboration and
communication among all AOII leadership • Creating the road map to financial viability with
strategic donor pipeline development from
• Identifying, recruiting and developing sisters for collegiate to planned giving
volunteer roles
• Celebrating and recognizing volunteer
accomplishments The AOII Foundation is a catalyst for developing and
promoting innovative initiatives to advance the interests
Service of the Fraternity by:
The AOII Foundation provides our members with • Becoming nimble enough to meet the needs of the
opportunities to serve one another and the greater changing non-profit climate
society by:
• Being recognized as thought-leaders in the industry
• Ensuring alignment with the Fraternity’s values and
• Enriching our members’ lives through education,
physical and mental health, financial literacy and
social responsibility
• Began the Raising Roses collegiate giving program, with more than $5,000 donated by collegiate
members in the inaugural year.
• Raised more than $85,000 over the biennium in #GivingTuesday and Pi Day days of giving.
• Surpassed the $1 million mark in total grants funded during the 2018-2019 fiscal year.
• Over 1,500 new donors to the AOII Foundation.
• Six new Named Scholarships launched.
• Implemented the Foundation’s first business plan to accompany the new strategic plan.
Alpha Omicron Pi Properties establishes the standards of excellence for leadership in property management,
creates an environment of safety, and provides competitive chapter facilities with the purpose of enriching the
collegiate experience and enhancing the sisterhood of all members of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity.
The purpose of AOII Properties is to support the Fraternity and its collegiate chapters by promoting the health,
safety and welfare of pledged new members and initiated members of those chapters and ensuring the existence
of competitive chapter facilities through the coordinated management of the real property interests of the
Fraternity, AOII Properties and chapter corporations.
• Corporations Managed: 143 • Residence Hall Floor with Chapter Room: 16
• Total Facilities Managed: 104 • Apartment/Suite/Townhouse: 21
• Residential Properties: 63 • No Facility: 39
• Lodges (non-residential): 4
• Achieved 90+% of goals and objectives of AOII Properties Strategic Plan.
• Training manuals for both the Property Manager and the Corporation Relations Adviser, as well as a training
guide for the Vice Presidents of Finance, were created and made available on Fulfilling the Promise
• Over 30 House Directors attended House Director Training, which was held in conjunction with our first ever
Corporation Relations Adviser Training. 19 Corporation Relations Advisers attended the training to learn more
about their role in AOII.
• Five Year Plans were created for every chapter of AOII. With the rollout of the plans, calls were held with
chapter leadership to discuss the purpose of the plans and to receive feedback on the content.
• AOII Properties increased communication efforts by adding an Assistant Director of Properties–Communication
to our professional staff. With this new position, communication regarding due dates, updates and frequently
asked questions has been sent monthly to both chapters and network teams. The Assistant Director of
Properties–Communication has also made certain that our website and resources, such as board meeting
minutes, have been updated and uploaded on a monthly basis.
• Housing and Development Fee Agreements, and corporation budgets were made available online.
• House Dedications conducted to celebrate new homes and/or significant renovations at Alpha Delta, U of
Alabama; Delta Gamma, Missouri State U; Delta Nu, U of Nevada, Reno; Delta Tau, U of Alabama in Huntsville;
Lambda Psi, Arizona State U and Phi Upsilon, Purdue U.
Educational and Financial Support
• Over $500,000 in financial support was made available to chapters for chapter educational initiatives and to
send members to AOII educational events.
• Hosted three sessions of the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI) at AOII’s Beta Phi facility.
2017-2019 Biennial Report
Expenses (as of April 4, 2019)
• $24,475,292.77 in expenditures made for new housing, land acquisition and renovations of
Chapter suites, lodges and housing.
• $4,410,501.92 in expenditures for interior design projects of Chapter suites, lodges and housing.
• $1,236,511.41 in expenditures for maintenance and safety of Chapter suites, lodges and housing.
Fire, Environmental, Health & Safety
Improvements, & Non-Routine Maintenance (above $10,000)
Alpha Gamma, Washington State U; Alpha Phi, Montana State U; Alpha Rho, Oregon State U; Beta Gamma,
Michigan State U; Beta Phi, Indiana U; Beta Tau, U of Toronto; Delta Nu, U of Nevada, Reno; Delta Sigma, San Jose
State U; Epsilon Gamma, U of Northern Colorado; Gamma Omicron, U of Florida; Iota, U of Illinois; Iota Sigma,
Iowa State U; Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College; Kappa Rho, Western Michigan U; Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia; Nu
Beta, U of Mississippi; Omega Upsilon, Ohio U; Omicron Pi, U of Michigan; Rho Delta, Samford U; Sigma Alpha,
West Virginia U; Sigma Chi, Hartwick College; Tau, U of Minnesota; Tau Omega, Transylvania U; Tau Omicron, U of
Tennessee at Martin; Upsilon, U of Washington; Xi, U of Oklahoma; Xi Omicron, U of Arkansas; Zeta, U of Nebraska-
Lincoln; Zeta Psi, East Carolina U
Renovations, New Builds and Interior Design Projects (completed and underway)
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U; Alpha Delta, U of Alabama; Alpha Gamma, Washington State U; Alpha Phi, Montana
State U; Alpha Pi, U of Florida; Alpha Rho, Oregon State U; Alpha Theta, Coe College; Beta Gamma, Michigan State
U; Beta Kappa, U of British Columbia; Beta Phi, Indiana U; Beta Nu, Illinois State U; Chi Epsilon, Ohio State U; Chi
Psi, California Polytechnic State U; Delta Delta, Auburn U; Delta Gamma, Missouri State U; Delta Kappa, Washington
U; Delta Nu, U of Nevada, Reno; Delta Omega, Murray State U; Delta Pi, U of Central Missouri; Delta Sigma, San
Jose State U; Delta Tau, U of Alabama in Huntsville; Delta Theta, Texas Woman’s U; Epsilon Chi, Elon U; Epsilon
Gamma, U of Northern Colorado; Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U; Gamma, U of Maine; Gamma Omicron, U of
Florida; Gamma Theta, U of South Florida; Iota Sigma, Iowa State U; Kappa Omega, U of Kentucky; Kappa Omicron,
Rhodes College; Kappa Phi, McGill U; Kappa Rho, Western Michigan U; Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U;
Lambda Beta, California State U, Long Beach; Lambda Chi, LaGrange College; Lambda Psi, Arizona State U;
Lambda Rho, Texas Christian U; Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia; Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh U; Mu Lambda, Rollins
College; Nu Beta, U of Mississippi; Omega, Miami U; Omega Upsilon, Ohio University; Omicron, U of Tennessee;
Omicron Pi, U of Michigan; Phi Alpha, East Tennessee State U; Phi Gamma, Georgia College & State U; Phi Sigma,
U of Nebraska at Kearney; Phi Upsilon, Purdue U; Pi Alpha, U of Louisville; Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State
U; Sigma Alpha, West Virginia U; Sigma Phi, U of California, Northridge; Sigma Tau, Washington College; Tau,
U of Minnesota; Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington U; Tau Mu, Texas A&M U; Tau Omega, Transylvania U; Theta
Delta, Troy U; Theta Pi, Wagner College; Theta Psi, U of Toledo; Upsilon Beta, U of Arkansas-Fort Smith; Xi, U of
Oklahoma; Xi Omicron, U of Arkansas; Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln; Zeta Psi, East Carolina U