otalpha omicron pi• Vol. LXVI, No.6
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Sigma Phi house mam
"Aom brfa to reach out to help
those o< ete in need b heartwan
Cultivating our Panhellenniicc:spirit
T u c k e d away in the lists o f terms we memorize in membership education sessions is the word "Panhellenic." We remem-
ber that Pan-hellenic means all-Greek, and that we not only are members o f a women's fraternity, we also belong to a
Panhellenic organization. However, I am not sure we realize the scope o f being Pan-hellenic—all-Greek, and, certainly, we
have not always realized the potential or exercised the power that "all-Greek" could muster.
Though we meet together with other Greek groups, either as the College or Alumnae Panhellenic, we are often
too preoccupied with rush or program planning to realize the influence that we can have i f we unite in our efforts. A l l the
national and international fraternities represented on our campuses and in our communities can together exert tremendous
influence. As international and national fraternities, we meet as the National Panhellenic Conference and the realization o f
the potential for influence becomes evident. The National Panhellenic Conference was officially formed in May o f 1902
with nine member fraternities. Presently, 26 women's fraternities are members, each o f which is autonomous as a social,
Greek-letter society o f college women, undergraduates and alumnae.
N P C was established to foster interfraternity relationships, to assist the collegiate chapters o f the member groups,
and to cooperate with colleges and universities in maintaining the highest scholastic and social standards. N P C delegates
and alternates meet i n yearly sessions—the biennial session in even years and the interim session in odd years—to consider
issues relevant to the well-being o f member groups and the Greek world in general, as well as the continued effective exis-
tence o f the college Panhellenic organizations.
NPC's legislative power, however, is limited to enactment o f rules for its own government. Recommendations to
the member fraternities become rules after ratification by the member groups and are called the UNANIMOUS AGREE-
MENTS. These agreements must be followed by all member groups, College Panhellenics, and Alumnae Panhellenics.
N o matter what influence National Panhellenic Conference possesses, its effectiveness is bound by the effective-
ness o f the College Panhellenics. The College Panhellenic Council or Association is composed o f all members o f the 26
member fraternities on campus and is the local governing body. While each College Panhellenic is responsible for establish-
ing its own constitution, bylaws and rush regulations, all its policies and procedures must be in accordance w i t h the
UNANIMOUS AGREEMENTS, and must support scholastic achievement and the maintenance o f high social and moral
standards. The College Panhellenics must respect the goals and ideals o f the member groups and refrain f r o m establishing
rules that violate the sovereignty, rights and privileges o f the member groups.
Alumnae Panhellenics are charged to keep fraternity members and the public informed about matters o f vital con-
cern to the fraternity world. A n y alumna member o f a N P C member fraternity may represent her fraternity i n an Alumnae
Panhellenic. Alumnae Panhellenics set up theit own organizations and develop programs according to their special interests
or situations. Alumnae Panhellenics enhance the fraternity system through scholarship awards, annual educational informa-
tional functions for prospective college students, community participation and civic leadership. Those located in college
communities can give valuable support to the College Panhellenic.
The Greek world is faced with many challenges, and the support available for the pursuance o f common goals by
well-organized and dedicated College and Alumnae Panhellenics is indeed essential. It is up to each o f us to encourage all
our Greek sisters to understand and to practice a Panhellenic spirit.
Mary McCammon Williams
International President
OOYF(/J/ AA LipP HhAa OOimVDicron P i
ALPHA OMICRON PI Spring 1994 Vol. LXVI, No.6
features 4
FOUNDED AT BARNARD COLLEGE, AOIIs reach out to help each other after the earthquake 11
What every woman needs to know about insurance 12
JANUARY 2, 1 8 9 7 A0I1 honors Ginger Banks at NPC meeting in Orlando 13
Countdown to Centennial: Meet Hester Rusk 19
•FOUNDERS You are invited to attend Leadership Conference 1994 32
JESSIE WALLACE HUGHAN "Miracle baby"—born too small to eat
HELEN ST. CLAIR MULLAN Reach Out AOEl—A salute to 50-year members!
Foundation 20
ARE ALL DECEASED. Foundation—Honors and Memorials 24
Collegiate Chapter News 40
MARY MCCAMMON WILLIAMS, <J> Alumnae Chapter News 47
From Our Readers
44 SUNSET ROAD Announcements
Scenes after the January 17 earthquake (clockwise f r o m t o p left): the
ALPHA OMICRON P I Interstate 5 Freeway out o f the San Fernando Valley; the collapsed
INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS parking garage at California State University, Northridge; the living
r o o m and kitchen at the Sigma Phi house. The chapter house is i n
9025 OVERLOOK BLVD. Northridge, the epicenter of the earthquake.
TELEPHONE 615/370-0920
(USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha
Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha
Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN.
Second class postage paid at Brentwood, TN,
and additional mailing offices.
Subscription price is $1.00 per copy.
$3.00 per year.
Life subscription: $75.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi,
9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027.
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Printed on recycled paper
Printed in the U.S.A.
Spring 1994
"Amazing how 40 seconds can change your life"
A O I l s reach out to help each
other after the earthquake...
By Beth Grantham w—: ; : 1
To Dragma Editor
Shortly after the earthquake hit the Los !
Angeles area at 4:31 a.m. on January
17th, all types o f emergency agencies went After the earthquake, broken glass from the patio doors littered the floor at the
into action, including the Red Cross and Sigma Phi house. (Additional photos of the damage caused by the quake can be
local and federal disaster agencies. seen on the front cover and pages 6 and 7.)
Another type o f lifeline also went into the Ruby Fund, should they need financial her family is having to live elsewhere while it
action, the network o f caring that exists assistance. Zip codes of the affected area were is rebuilt.
among A O I l sisters. used to generate 183 mailing labels using the
computer system at International Head- "Basically, it looked like our
For instance, one of the first phone calls quarters. The labels, a letter, and reply house was turned upside
that Caroline Craig, Region X Director who postcards were forwarded to Melinda, who down."
lives in Westminster, CA, received after the mailed them locally. The letter expressed
quake was from a North Carolina A O n . AOn's concern and asked each member to About half the members of Sigma Phi
Suzanne Bowman called at 5:50 a.m., just inform International Headquarters if she was Chapter had to find new places to live
before incoming phone service was cut off, o.k. or in need of assistance. It also contained because their apartments have been declared
to see if Caroline was o.k. the names of contact people in the area and unsafe. To date, everyone has a place to stay,
a reminder about the Ruby Fund. according to Francheska Andrews, chapter
"Thankyoufor your concerns. president. The five women who were living
First the fires, then the earth- A few days later, as the extent of the earth- in the chapter house stayed with friends
quake, windstorm, and quake area became known, a second letter until the interior o f the house was repaired.
mudslides. Maybe a volcano was sent from International Headquarters They were scheduled to move back into the
next?" to 400 additional A O I l s . As To Dragma house in mid-March. The fireplace must be
went to press, around 125 responses had torn down and rebuilt, but that will be done
In and around the center of the quake in been received. Miraculously, no one was from the outside.
Northridge, members of the Sigma Phi injured and most members reported that
Chapter and the San Fernando Valley their homes suffered only minor damage. In addition to damaging or destroying
Alumnae Chapter went into action. Phone houses and apartments, the earthquake
calls to chapter members eventually revealed However, Region X Director Jennifer
that there were no personal injuries and that DeGuardi wrote that her sister-in-law, affected the lives o f AOri collegians and
everyone was safe. Diane DeGuardi, Sigma Phi (California
State U.-Northridge), lost almost everything alumnae in other ways. Almost all the class-
The day o f the earthquake word reached and will have to start over. Another alumna rooms on the California State U . campus at
International Headquarters that the Sigma said that her home had been destroyed and Northridge were unsafe to use following the
Phi collegians at California State U . - earthquake. School officials and staff
Northridge were safe, although the chapter
house was damaged.
The next day, Region X Director
Melinda Kelly and Dina D'Gerolamo,
Membership Development Coordinator at
International Headquarters, organized an
effort to contact all known AOFIs in the
earthquake area to determine their status
and to remind them of the availability of
4 To Dragma
worked day and night to get organized to office building in two to five months. What the earthquake is likely
Another alumna, Eleesa A i m a q was to cost Sigma Phi Chapter:
reopen. Trailers were brought to the
looking forward to her son's wedding the a preliminary financial report
campus to be used as classrooms and school weekend after the quake. Instead, she found
herself serving meals to 20 extended family The building has been found to be
officially opened on February 14th, amid members and providing lodging for ten o f structurally sound, but there are
them. The wedding was postponed. Her numerous repairs to make and items to
much media attention. business survived, but the store where her be replaced. A t this point, the prelimi-
husband is manager was destroyed. Still, nary estimate is that the financial cost
"That effort of yours to reach Eleesa cheerfully reported, "We're o . k . T h e will likely total $25,000 to $50,000.
out to help those out here in house has very minor damage (plumbing The chapter has a California earth-
need is heartwarming! I and heating). Love to you all." quake insurance policy which has a 5%
hasten to assure you that this deductible clause. Repairs are expected
ole sorore is in fine shape and to take approximately two months to
very grateful." complete. The interior of the building
will be repaired first, so that the colle-
Because so many businesses in the area "We thank God that we are gians who live there can move back in
were damaged, many o f the collegians have safe. Life is all that matters, as soon as possible.
had their hours cut back at their jobs and for things can be replaced."
this is causing financial strain. Many items were destroyed in the
Eleesa's tesponse was typical. Most of the quake. A "wish list" o f items to be
AOn alumnae in the area also have job- postcards returned to Headquarters replaced follows:
related problems caused by the earthquake. expressed concern for others and many
Judy Kolstad, president o f the Sigma Phi offered to help others in need. These names microwave oven
Corporation Board, returned to her office were forwarded to regional and alumnae television
after the quake to find the ceilings and walls chapter officers in the area. All those who VCR
had fallen in. Judy is a manufacturer's agent responded were grateful for the sister-like bulletin boards
for kitchen equipment for hospitals and concern expressed by individual members document frames (25 or more)
restaurants. She was given eight hours to and the organization as a whole. As one "everyday" plates and glasses
move her equipment out of the condemned alumna said, "I'm grateful for your concern, "formal" dishes
building where her office had been located. but I ' m not surprised."
Undaunted, she moved the business to her
home. Judy hopes to move back to the
A O l l s (and their families) At F o u n d e r s ' D a y - S o u t h e r n C A AOlls
reach o u t — t o help each other: hear about Sigma Phi damage
The San Luis Obispo Alumnae Nearly 300 A O I 1 collegians and alumnae listened as Francheska Andrews, presi-
Chapter dropped o f f 8 bags o f clothes, dent o f Sigma Phi Chapter (California State U.-Northridge), told o f the damage the
which included items like A O I ! sweat- major earthquake unleased on January 17. The city o f Northridge was the epicenter
shirts, for the collegians at Northridge of the recent quake.
who may have lost clothes as a result o f
the earthquake. Each year hundreds o f AOFI sisters in southern California gather to celebrate
Founders' Day. This is the largest celebration commemorating the founding o f our
The Lambda Iota Chapter (U. of Fraternity in 1897. Hosted by the San Diego Alumnae Chapter, the celebration was
California-San Diego) held a bowl-a- extra special this year as we gave thanks that no Sigma Phi sisters had been seriously
thon and raised $250 for Sigma Phi injured during the quake. Francheska described the damage sustained to the chapter
Chapter. house structure and its furnishings. Damages have been estimated at $25,000 and
may reach $50,000 after all inspections are finished. The chapter is liable for a 5%
The father of Kathryn Miles joined deductible according to the insurance policy.
five collegians and several alumnae the
Friday after the earthquake to help Lambda Iota ( U . of California-San Diego) Chapter President Kristine Alton
clean up the Sigma Phi house. expressed her chapter's support for Sigma Phi and presented Francheska with a check
for $250. Founders' Day is the time o f year when we traditionally give to the Ruby
Fred Kolstad, husband of Sigma Phi Fund. According to Marianne Carton, Ruby Fund Chair, donations were at an all-
Corporation President Judy Kolstad, time high at this Founders' Day celebration. Over $2,800 was raised for AOFIs in
went to the chapter house at 3 p.m. on need.
the day of the earthquake to take care
of gas and water mains and nail boards —Contributed by Heather Scott, Lambda Iota ( U . of California-San Diego),
over the broken plate glass doors. Southern California Founders' Day Chair
Spring 1994 5
After the quake -
: Region X Director Melinda Kelly wrote 6:30 a.m. Michelle Peak receives a wake-up call
this account ofwhat happenedafter talking from the hotel manager who is insistent that
The hot water heater at the Sigma with numerouspeople in the daysfollowing rooms be emptied by 8 a.m. "You're from
Phi house the earthquake: Northridge, aren't you? They've had a big earth-
quake down there." Kim Bringhurst turns on
The hallway Sunday, January 16, midnight: Tracy Jones, the television and sees the intersection of Rinaldi
Michelle Peak, Kim Bringhurst, Natalie Adler, and Balboa, two miles from CSUN and the
Heidi Aita, Elizabeth Druyun and Nina A O n house, on fire and flooding at the same
Woolley call it a night at the All Greek Ski Trip time. A gas main has exploded and a water main
in Reno, Nevada. It's been great; they've met has ruptured.
AOns f r o m both Chi Psi (California 7:00 a.m. With the first light of day, everything
is alien and strange. The four-story parking
Polytechnic State U.-San Luis Obispo) and structure down the street from the AOFI house
Delta Sigma (San Jose State U.). At the Sigma has collapsed. It looks like a paper box that a
Phi home in Northridge, Kathryn Miles' family giant has sat on and crushed. Radio reports tell of
visited her early this evening. Katie, a sibling, and a gas main explosion northeast of campus. There
is no water, no gas, no electricity. And no idea of
wAOn housemate Sheri Taman go to bed. what to do, where to go, or where is safe.
Monday, January 17, 4:31 a.m. A 6.6 earth- Judy Kolstad, Sigma Phi Corp Board President,
quake releases from a previously unknown fault. hears radio reports ofdamage to nearby Northridge
At the A O n house, 9210 Zelzah, trophies fly Mall. Less than half a mile away is Bullock's
out of the wooden trophy case. Kitchen cabinets Department Store, which has crumbled and
swing open and the A O n china crashes to the collapsed. A parking structure has also fallen on a
floor. Composite photos slide off the wall and street sweeper cleaning theparking lot before the big
plaques are tossed about. Across the back of the sale scheduled for today. Judy has sustained
house, three plate glass windows crack and minimal damage, given her proximity to the
break. The water heater tumbles out of the epicenter: assorted breakage and the loss of a wall.
closet. In the bedrooms, dressers crash, pictures After assessing the situation, Fred Kolstad leaves for
fall, and cracks appear in the walls. The three his office to return with a catering truck. The
women are jolted awake and escape from the Kolstads host a hot breakfastfor their neighborhood
house unscathed. AOTIs in nearby apartments are in the midst of the earthquake.
experiencing the same thing in varying degrees. The
earth itself is moving. Silence and darkness descend
briefly. Soon, sirens and explosions are heard.
5:30 a.m. Sigma Phi Chapter Adviser Ann There is telephone, telegraph, and "tell an
Schmidt phones me. We quickly decide that we A O n . " In Reno, the AOLIs have notified the
will both attempt to get information about other CSUN students of the earthquake. Phone
Sigma Phi. Dawn is still an hour and a half away. service to the area has been cut off. Frantic, the
Our Sigma Phi collegians are looking about their students pack immediately, and two of the three
apartments and dorm rooms strewn in total buses leave within the hour. Unknown to the
disarray. Many of the women sfamilies live in the students, several freeways in the Los Angeles area
San Fernando Valley and are equally torn apart by are no longer standing, and what is normally a 6-
the earthquake. hour rrip takes 12 hours.
At CSUN. trailers were brought in to use as classrooms. Student files after the quake
To Dragma
an hour by hour account:
9 a.m. Francheska Andrews, Sigma Phi presi- Tuesday, January 18 Efforts to contact How you can help
dent, leaves her aunt's home where she has spent everyone continue.
the night. Before going home to her father's, she The Ruby Fund is available to help
drives to the AOI1 house. Walls that had been Wednesday, January 19 Sigma Phis have initi-
filled with plaques and photos are empty— ated their telephone chain and are able to AOTls in financial need, and contri-
except for two items—the chapter's framed account for all members. Many of their
charter and the photo of the four Founders. The employers are closed, and some will not be butions are always welcome.
kitchen floor is full of broken items-too much to reopening. No one knows when CSUN, one of
even sort out. Sirens fill the air. Helicopters are the biggest employers, may reopen. Building Contributions may be sent to the AOTI
heard overhead. Every so often, the earth moves after building is being "red-tagged" (declared
under her feet. Foundation, 9025 Overlook Blvd.,
unsafe). O f the AOFI collegians employed by
12 noon I finally reach Phyllis Gilson, Brentwood, TN 37027. AOTls who
International Collegiate Programming CSUN, only Robin Briggs who works with
Committee Chair, who has walked into her campus police is working steadily, guarding wish to apply for assistance from the
house to find she has a "carpet" of broken glass. unsafe structures from sightseers and trespassers.
She has returned from a weekend retreat and Ruby Fund should contact Patricia
hasn't heard anything from anyone. The biggest Other AOris are helping their neighbors,
fear for everyone now is the Meadowcrest Helland, Director of Development, at
Apartments, where ultimately 16 people will running errands, and obtaining drinking water
lose their lives. and other necessities. Sixteen cannot stay in their the AOFI Foundation. Individuals or
apartments, either because the buildings have
2 p.m Using my 93 Convention roster, I finally been red-tagged or they feel the structure is not chapters wishing to assist the Sigma
reach a Sigma Phi listed-Tonia Webb, whose safe. Some, like Nicole Emper, have moved back
home has been relatively unaffected in the east to their parents' homes. Nicole's family lives in Phi Chapter should contact
valley. She is able to tell me where to start Redlands, more than a two-hour drive from
looking for Francheska. After a chain of CSUN. Corporation President Judy Kolstad,
numbers, Francheska is found safe at her
father's. She reports on where the other colle- 2 p.m. Financial Adviser Three Tyler, Ann 19219 Ballinger St., Northridge, CA
gians are and the damage to the AOFI house. Schmidt, and I go to the chapter house to survey
She has also checked the most recent chapter the damage. Remarkably, it seems better than 91324, (818) 886-4959.
roster and reports that no member lives in the we had first thought. Francheska gave a very
Meadowcrest building. With great relief, I call level-headed report of the house. For Three and house. Craftsmen come by to assess the
Region X Vice President Bonnie Berger and me, initiates of Sigma Phi, it is hard to see the damage. Appointments are made with struc-
Region X Director for Sigma Phi Caroline place of our college days torn apart. A reassuring tural engineers to check the building.
Craig. Both have been frantically trying to reach and delightful moment occurs when Julie
the house. First reports are that people are fine, Jeffries, Aurezu Hamidinia and Katie Miller stop Sunday, January 23 Alison Haber
the building may not be. by the house while running errands for others. graciously holds the Leaders Council
They point out that the only picture to stay on meeting at her parents' home, which has
3 p.m. Fred Kolstad drives to 9210 Zelzah to the wall during the earthquake and aftershocks been relatively unaffected by the earthquake
take care of gas and water mains and boarding was the portrait of our four Founders. Everyone even though it is only 15 miles from CSUN.
up the broken windows. As always, Fred is a smiles. How reassuring to have the Founders Great news. Past President Tracy Jones has
constant source of support, strength and inspira- with us in spirit! While we are there, another the charter in her safekeeping. LC faces the
tion. Using billboards from the last rush, he aftershock shakes the house. challenges of leading a chapter without a
boards up the broken plate glass doors. house, a campus, a place to hold meetings or
Friday, January 2 1 9 a.m. Corp Board an idea of when school will begin. Plenty of
Treasurer Mary Hall, Judy Kolstad, Aurezu rules cover the situation if a collegian leaves
Hamidinia, Katie Miles and her father, and school, but what do you do when your
others begin the task of cleaning up the chapter school leaves you? In true AOFI spirit, you
plan for the best, dream great things, and
•1,111 1 plan to help others.
CSUN's Command Center operatedfrom these tentsfor about a month. Over the past week, International Officers,
Headquarters S t a f f , ROCs, anyone and
everyone has called someone in the area to offer
assistance,findout how people are, orjust to say
they were thinking of them. Phones lines have
burnedfrom one end of North America to the
other. The love, power and strength of AOTI
has been astounding since that shaky morning.
I'm veryproud and happy to say that I am an
AOTI. sj§
Spring 1994 7
What every woman needs to know about insurance
If your eyes glaze over when you hear the word "insurance" -stop!
Its the only way we have of protecting ourselves
and ourfamilies against life's hazards.
By Ellen Fowler when you make a big change, like switch- choose between term insurance and cash-
Beta Phi (Indiana U.) ing jobs, having children, sending chil- value insurance. A term policy is the least
dren to college, or retiring. The bottom complicated-you choose the benefit level
When most o f us hear the word "insur- line is m a i n t a i n i n g control over your and pay the premium. I f you die, you
ance," our eyes glaze over and we begin to options. beneficiary receives the face value o f the
look around for some distraction, any- policy. Term insurance is especially good
thing to change the topic. I f that's hap- "Most people use insurance to wrap a for married couples with no dependents,
pening to you right now, stop. blanket around their employee benefits, or for couples just starting out who have
but depending on what they do and children and want to provide for their
Just like death and taxes, insurance is a where they work, that might not work," c h i l d r e n i n case a n y t h i n g happens to
necessary evil. I n fact, it's because o f DeSemone says. them.
death and taxes that insurance is neces-
sary at all. It's the only way we have o f Instead, DeSemone recommends that The second option is cash-value insur-
protecting ourselves and our families women sit down with their agent for a ance, which combines a life insurance
against life's hazards. total needs analysis. DeSemone asks her policy with an investment component.
clients what assets they have and what Products in this category include interest-
The good news is that we are becoming they want to protect, be it income, sensitive products and variable insurance
more educated about insurance coverage, dependents, or an estate. She then recom- products that invest a portion o f your
especially women. These days, we have mends insurance coverage to meet her premium in stock or murual funds.
little choice. O u r population is changing. clients' needs. Earnings accumulate tax-deferred for
Today, more than 50 percent of women retirement, giving you a sizable tax advan-
work and the majority of single-parent As DeSemone points out, the trap tage. M a n y o f these policies also allow
households are headed by women caring many women fall into is to rely exclusive- you to borrow against the cash value o f
for dependent children. ly on the insurance they receive in their the policy.
employee benefits package. Typically,
Women's changing role i n society has benefits packages include life insurance in N o matter which type of product you
led to changes among insurance buyers. the form of a group term policy. Term choose, agents interviewed for this article
insurance is the most basic f o r m o f life agree: Buy as much insurance coverage as
"I've recently seen an increased aware- insurance available—it pays your beneficia- you need to protect your assets, but don't
ness among women about insurance pro- ry the benefit when you die. buy more than you actually need.
tection," says Arlene DeSemone, an agent
for Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance As an employee, you likely receive a But how do you know how much you
in Providence, Rhode Island. "Women certain amount o f coverage free, w i t h the need? The amount o f coverage depends
want the control o f making sure they're option of buying additional benefit on several factors: your age, income and
not left without income or options i f amounts. While group term insurance is a standard o f living, and the needs o f your
something happens to them or their fami- good option for women who have no family, business, or estate. The recom-
dependents and who don't need addition- mended amount o f coverage should fall
ly-" al life insurance, the coverage you get between five and ten times your gross
H o w do we take control? By under- from your employer often isn't enough i f earned income. Experts recommend
you have children or a spouse who crunching the numbers carefully-consult
standing the insurance game-what is depends on your income. your insurance agent, certified financial
available and how it works. planner or other expert to help you deter-
Another problem with relying on your mine the appropriate level for your situa-
The first step is to understand what employer is that many o f us change jobs. tion.
your needs are. Then it's a matter o f f i n d - Because we move around a lot, our bene-
ing the best, most affordable coverage to fits packages change-and so does o u r Another area women neglect in assess-
meet those needs. (For purposes o f this insurance coverage. When a woman ing their insurance coverage is disability
article, we deal specifically with life insur- needs more coverage than her employer income. O u r earning p o t e n t i a l is our
ance, disability income insurance, and offers, she should consider supplementing most important asset-what would happen
long-term care insurance.) the group coverage w i t h her own perma- if you were unable to work?
nent life insurance.
Once you determine your needs, the " W o m e n today are w o r k i n g out o f
next step is to recognize that insurance In buying life insurance, people can
coverage is not a constant. As your life
changes, so should your insurance. It's
important to re-evaluate your coverage
8 To Dragma
necessity, not out o f luxury," DeSemone home and home care. In order to qualify, You can use
says. "They need their income, and they most people have to spend down their
need to protect it." assets. life insurance
The risk of disability, especially for The solution to the problem is long- to contribute
women, is very real. A c c o r d i n g to one term care insurance, a product that pays a
study, seven out o f every ten people daily benefit i f you are confined to a to the
b e t w e e n the ages o f 35 a n d 65 w i l l nursing home or require home health
become disabled for at least 90 days. care. A O ! ! Foundation
Statistics also show that women have a Life insurance policies offer a
higher rate o f disability than men. Typically, long-term care policies are good opportunity to contribute
available as stand-alone policies that cover to the A O n Foundation.
" M o s t women leave their disability skilled, custodial and home health care or First, you can name the
coverage to their employer's group short- as riders to life insurance policies that give Foundation as beneficiary of
term disability plan and state cash plans you the option of paying benefits before your life insurance policy. Or, if
(like Social Security), but that is usually death. you own a traditional cash-
inadequate," DeSemone says. value policy and you decided to
A relatively new product ten years ago, borrow against the policy to
Most benefits packages include short- long-term care insurance is now one o f make a contribution, you may
term disability coverage. But in order to the most popular life and health insur- do so without paying taxes on
qualify, you must be totally disabled—dis- ance options. Its rapid growth has also the money.
abled but well enough to do another job resulted in several improvements that If you are interested in funding
in the company, you have to go back or broaden coverage f r o m strictly nursing a contribution to the AOFI
forfeit your benefits, even i f it pays less home to include convalescent care and Foundation through your life
than your original job. home health care as well. insurance policy, consult you
insurance agent, certified finan-
Social Security isn't a good option, In shopping for long-term care insur- cial planner, or attorney.
either. As w i t h group disability plans, ance, agents recommend looking at poli- For more information on the
Social Security pays only when y o u are cies that pay benefits for nursing home Decade of Endowment cam-
totally disabled. A n d when it does pay, care as well as home health care. T h i s paign, contact the A O I I
benefits are usually far below your current gives you or your dependent more choices Foundation at 9025 Overlook
income level. When one woman, a for- about types o f care available. Other fea- Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027,
mer executive f o r a Fortune 500 firm, tures to look for include inflation protec- or call (615) 370-0920.
became disabled, her monthly benefit was tion, which increases the daily benefit
five times less than her usual m o n t h l y amount to keep pace w i t h the cost o f liv- 9
paycheck. ing, and no prior hospitalization. (Most
states now require that insurance compa-
For many women, the answer may be nies offering long-term care policies waive
disability income insurance. These poli- prior hospitalization.)
cies pay benefits when a partial or total
disability prevents you f r o m working at Daily benefits are another considera-
your specific job, even i f you can perform tion. Most insurance companies offer you
a job that is less demanding. Agents rec- a choice o f benefit levels—from $40 to
ommend you select a benefit amount $150 a day-and a choice of elimination
that's enough to replace between 50 and periods (the number o f days you are i n
75 percent o f your current gross income. the nursing home before policy benefits
The policy should be noncancelable and kick in). When you choose your daily
premiums should be guaranteed until you benefit, it's important to consider the area
decide to change your coverage. of the country that you live in ot that you
want to retire to. Nursing home costs
But what about someone whose life vary greatly around the country, and a
goes according to plan—and then a long- low daily benefit i n one area may not
term illness forces her into a nursing cover your costs in a more expensive city.
home? It's the curse o f the "sandwich Like you do with life insurance, think
generation"-saving to put their kids ahead and crunch the numbers.
through college and then facing a huge
bill for nursing home care for an elderly A n o t h e r factor to consider is age.
parent. Again, misconceptions about how While nursing home coverage triggers
to pay for long-term health care can thoughts about parents or grandparents,
wreak havoc on your assets. many people who consider long-term care
insurance are between the ages o f 45 and
For example, many people believe 50. The ideal age is 60 to 65, as a means
Medicare will take care o f their nursing to protect your assets. But younger people
home expenses. Unfortunately, Medicare Continued on page 39.
covers only short-term, limited nursing
Spring 1994
A O I F s "Inspiration Walkway" to the "Founders' Circle"|
. . . order your signature engraved brick now!
The Inspiration Walkway to Order by
the Founders' Circle at A O I I May 1, 1994
International Headquarters is now for Installation
a reality and was dedicated at
Convention 1993! We urge you to Week of
take advantage of the opportunity June 20th!
to become an everlasting part of
our Fraternity's history by
supporting AOII's Centennial
Celebration 1997. Send in
your order today for your own
personalized inscribed brick,
as well as for special A O I I sisters
who will love your thoughtful
gift of their very own unique
permanent historic Walkway
or Circle marker.
E a c h recipient will be sent an
acknowledgement card, a map
showing the brick location, and
an official certificate of ownership
suitable for framing.
Order NOW!
. . . . . . . . . . , . . . .- SINGLE BRICK 4 x 8-550
Fill in the form and mail with INSPIRATION WALKWAY
your check to AOII Headquarters today!
• Single Brick $50.00
Ordered by
• Double Brick $100.00
Chapter of Initiation_
Address D Double Brick $200.00
City, State, Zip. O Founder's Plaque . . $5,000.00 DOUBLE BRICK 8 x 8-$100 or $200
• Visa rj Mastercard • Discover • Check Total Amount $
Credit Card Account # Make Checks to:
Name on Card _Exp Date_
AOH-Inspiration Walkway
• Yes, I would like the Centennial Celebration Committee Mai! to: Alpha Omicron Pi
to send a card acknowledging the gift.
International Headquarters
Send to 9025 Overlook Boulevard
Chapter of Initiation Brentwood, TN 37027
Address .— Only one character{letter, number, or punctuation mark) or s p a c e per block. Position or center your name or m e s s a g e
exactly ae y o u w a n t it to a p p e a r on your brick. H y p h e n s , periods, a p o s t r o p h e s , c o m m a s , the s y m b o l "fit" and Greek I
City, State, Zip. letters ar« available. To order more than one of either size brick, print engraving information for e a c h additional brick
on a separate sheet of paper and enclose with your order. Single brick c a n have 2-3 linea, doubles 4 - 5 lines with no
more than 1 3 c h a r a c t e r s per line, including s p a c e s . Please c o n s i d e r your wording carefully. N O T E : If using Greek [
letters for your chapter, spell out the Greek name in English on the following
line so the engraver c a n verify(i.e. for "I," spell out "lota" on the line).
AOII honors Ginger Banks at NPCmeeting in Orlando...
AOfls at the NPC alumnae luncheon last November in Orlando, Florida. Relations Award to representatives o f the
Panhellenic of the U . of Oregon. The award
Alpha Omicron Pi honored Past the Friday afternoon business session. was established by the late Past International
International President Ginger She remarked that A O n is p r o u d o f President Wilma Smith Leland to honor
Banks at the 53rd session o f Ginger Banks and the contributions she excellence in positive public relations
the National Panhellenic Conterence by made to N P C . through scholarship, high standards, and
presenting a $2500 donation in her name community service. The winning
to the Educational Fund. The donation Ginger served on the N P C delegation Panhellenics were: U . o f Oregon, 1st place;
w i l l be used to help f u n d "Greek for 12 years, beginning in 1981 when she Northwestern U . , 2nd place; and
Solutions," a risk management program was elected International President o f Washington U . (St. Louis, M O ) , 3rd place.
of NPC and the National Interfraternity A O n . I n her professional life, Ginger is
Conference. The program helps give fra- Director of Communications for the The N P C meeting was held i n
ternity members the opportunity to effect State Bar o f Texas. The educational grant Orlando, Florida, at the Peabody Hotel,
c u l t u r a l change as student leaders o f was f u n d e d by the Alpha O m i c r o n Pi November 4-6, 1993. A O n representa-
Foundation. tives taking part in the official sessions
included: N P C Delegate Barbara Hunt;
Alternate Delegates Peg C r a w f o r d and
Troy LeForge; International President
Mary McCammon Williams, and
Executive Director Melanie Nixon Doyle.
today and community leaders o f tomor- A O n presented a copy o f R^—Reduce, Marty Hanison, left, president of the Orlando
row. Reuse, Recycle: A Guide to Establishing
Waste Reduction Programs in Colleges and Alumnae Chapter, greets International
Barbara Daugs Hunt, current N P C Universities to each N P C group.
Delegate, presented the check to N P C at
The NPC President Mary Williams at the NPC
Biennial Conference Alumnae Luncheon. Marty chaired the event.
Luncheon was held on
Saturday, November Executive Board Director Debbie Harllee
attended a special session on alumnae and
6, 1993, at the Coordinator o f Editorial Services Beth
Grantham attended the N P C Editors
Orlando Peabody Conference. Two A O L I collegians were
present for the awards banquet and the
Hotel and was chaired alumnae luncheon: Jenni Huber, Kappa
Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U . ) , and Lisa
by Marry Harrison. Berting, Zeta Psi (East Carolina U . ) . The
Southeastern Louisiana U . Panhellenic
Past International won the N P C Progress Award for cam-
puses w i t h 2-5 chapters. The East
President Mary Louise Carolina U . Panhellenic won the NPC
Award for overall excellence for campuses
Filer Roller, who is also with 6-10 chapters.
a former chairperson
of NPC , was intro-
duced at the luncheon.
At the awards
banquer Saturday
NPC Delegate Barbara Hunt,(left)and Internationa President Mary night, A O I I pre-
Williams (right) are pictured with Jennifer DeHart, Chi Omega,
and Calley Anderson, Alpha Phi, representatives of the U. of Oregon sented its Fraternity
Panhellenic which won the AOYl Public Relations Award.
Month Public
Spring 1994 11
Hester Rusk, 103,
the oldest living
Alpha Chapter. . .
Hester Rusk as a collegian. Hester, center, is joined by Susan Story, Catherine Campbe
Barbara Currie, Kathy Kwaak and Sandy Pagano at her
103rd birthday party on December 26, 1993.
Hester Rusk, a 1909 initiate of Alpha recovered and later died from the illness system. This allowed Hester to continue
Chapter, is living proof that AOFI sister- that had forced her to leave college. to commute to New York and volunteer
hood lasts for a lifetime. in a charity gift shop well into her 80s.
Hester graduated in 1912 with her
The life o f Hester Rusk began in St. degree i n botany and began her work Currently, Miss Rusk is a resident o f
Joseph, Missouri. She was the daughter toward her masters (also in botany) the Navasink House in Red Bank, New
o f a prominent judge and a teacher. She which she received in 1917. She worked Jersey. A t the age o f 103, Hester is the
grew up with two older sisters and three for the New York Botanical Garden as a oldest resident o f her community and has
male cousins who were close in age. A l l research assistant and for the Brooklyn also lived there the longest. She enjoys
three Rusk sisters aspired to become pro- Botanic Garden as a teacher and research puzzles and word games, and still pro-
fessionals and sought a quality education assistant. vides a challenge when playing Scrabble.
at Barnard College i n N e w York. As a Hester's love o f cats is evident upon
youth, Hester enjoyed gardening and she She enjoyed teaching and showing entering her r o o m . She recalls having
continued to pursue this interest by young children through the greenhouses many cats i n her life, and she giggles
studying botany. and talking about the plants. Hester has when asked about her many cat figurines.
fond memories o f living i n (what was
Hester was encouraged to j o i n A O n then) the country, growing plants and The highlight of meeting Miss Rusk to
by her older sister Elizabeth because o f performing experiments. She was a co- prepare this article was sharing i n her
the social benefits. Ironically, though she author o f A Teaching Guide to the Trees 103rd birthday celebration on December
recommended membership for Hester, and Shrubs of Greater New York, pub- 26th. A small group o f residents, Hesters
Elizabeth never desired to j o i n AOFI. lished in 1933. two second cousins, and members o f the
Being a shy young collegian, the sorority Alpha O m i c r o n Pi Jersey Shore Alumnae
afforded Hester the opportunity to meet Hester volunteered for A O n and Chapter gathered to enjoy cake, cookies,
others and to become involved in campus Barnard after her graduation, and she was punch, and, o f course, a joyous chorus of
activities. She was initiated on December an early member o f the New Jersey alum- Happy Birthday.
8, 1909, one month after her other sister, nae group. Hester makes an annual dona-
Nina Louise. t i o n to A O F I to ensure that there is The memories of pledging and initia-
always a member o f Alpha Chapter on tion may not be clear to Miss Rusk now
Early issues o f To Dragma describe the A O n Foundation donor list. She in 1994. However, her sincerity, dignity
both Hester and Nina Louise as playing received a Rose Award in 1965. and grace exemplify the sisterly character-
an active role in the life of their chapter. istics t h a t we, as members o f A l p h a
A 1910 article says, " I n Hester Rusk, we Neither Hester nor her oldest sister, Omicron Pi, cherish. Wearing her gold
have our scholarly element. She is gener- Elizabeth married. They continued their AOFI badge 84 years after her initiation,
ally to be f o u n d h a u n t i n g the library, close relationship by living together. Miss Hester Rusk remains, "Once more
when she is not ' s i t t i n g ' on our rash Always t h i n k i n g ahead, the two sisters united, Alpha eternally."
impulses, or comforting us i n our trou- planned carefully for their retirement. — Contributed by Susan Story, £2S
bles." They moved from New York City to (Morehead State U.); Colleen Caban, PO
Metuchen, New Jersey. There they (Middle Tenn. State U.) assisted. Thanks to
Before she could graduate, Nina Louise enjoyed gardening and living in the Catherine Campbell, Hester's cousin, and
was obliged to leave college and return country setting. For easy mobility, they her private nurse, Jackie Overby.
home due to poor health. She never lived within walking distance o f the rail
12 To Dragma
OUT ^oa are cordia/i^. tiiwted Want to attend
Pattern/ Leadership Conference?
Here's "when, where,"
^feaderd^jk ^m^ere/ice 1994 and "who to call"
You're invited to Reach Out AOFI at Leadership Conference through our new inno- Region I
June 17-19
vative concept, BRIDGES: Westin Harbour Casde,
Building Relationships & Ideas, Developing Goals, & Enriching Self.
BRIDGES is Total Chapter Programming that is dedicated to assisting our members Michelle Dawson 416/444-
in developing life skillls which will support them in their efforts to become successful 3481 Cathy Labbett 416/446-
women. Come and learn more about BRIDGES, the new concept that has the world
of AOFI buzzing! 1241
Region II
You don't have to be an official delegate to participate in Leadership Conference. June 24-26
The only requirement for attendance is membership in Alpha Omicron Pi. At Sheraton East, Harrisburg, PA
Leadership Conference you will have the opportunity to: Nancy Leuschner 717/545-
Build Relationships with your chapter participants, representatives from the chapter 0263
"down the road," members of the chapters in the next state or province, and with Region HI
alumnae members from chapters across North America. June 17-19
Richmond Airport Hilton,
Build Ideas by working together in "like-officer" sessions or by sharing thoughts in Richmond, VA
casual gatherings. Ruth Shorter 804/272-5213
Region I V
Develop Goals for the future of Alpha Omicron Pi as a whole, as well as for your June 24-26
own chapter. Holiday Inn 1-675, Dayton,
Enriching (your) Self. The atmosphere, the speakers, and, most importantly, the OH
interaction with your sisters, whether they are New Members or old friends, whether Janice Daniels 513/439-4083
they are young or "mature," will enrich you.
Region V
You will learn more about new AOI1 programs on such topics as commmuncation, June 24-26
health, career, and life skills. You will meet your regional officers. Best of all, you will Holiday Inn Hurstbourne,
have the chance to experience sisterhood, make new friends, have fun, and join in Louisville, K Y
the enthusiasm of your AOFI collegiate and alumnae sisters! Missy Taylor 812/945-6482
Region V I
Participants will include members of collegiate chapters, collegiate chapter advis- June 24-26
ers, corporation board representatives, alumnae chapter delegates, Regional Officers, Hilton, Huntsville, A L
Regional Directors, International Standing Committee Chairs, Executive Board and Kitty Pettus 205/883-0020
Foundation Board representatives, International Headquarters staff members, and Region V I I
Leadership Conference committee members. (And some alumnae and collegiate June 24-26
members who attend just for fun!) Grand Milwaukee,
Milwaukee, W I
We hope you will register for the entire Leadership Conference, but please come Pat Benson 414/782-1711
for whatever time you can! Contact the Chair for your region (see the chart on this Region V I I I
page) or call International Headquarters for information. Reach Out A O I X . .to new June 10-12
friends. . . to sisterhood.. .to the future at Leadership Conference 1994!! Marriott Pavilion, St. Louis, •
Why BRIDGES? Isnt' it just a Pledge New Member program? NO, it isn't! MO
Ellen Duncan 314/849-0764
Why BRIDGES? Why now? We're adopting BRIDGES, programming for a life-
time, because the paradigms for Greek groups are changing. A popular buzz word in Region DC
today's business circles, paradigm means "a frame of reference." We all have para- June 24-26
digms that we use in our daily lives. A paradigm might concern how to write a thesis Red Lion, Boise, I D
or how to clean a kitchen. Paradigms are useful as long as we don't let them restrict Renee K. Munn 208/344-
us from dealing with change. , 9917
Region X
In the Greek world, the paradigms have shifted. Just look at how the policies con- June 24-26
cerning alcohol and hazing have changed in recent years. When a paradigm shifts, the LA Airport Red Lion,
rules change, and the same guidelines that guaranteed success in the past are no longer Los Angeles, C A
any guarantee at all. Total chapter programming is AOITs answer to the shifting par- Kim Fry-Ditmar 310/215-
adigms of today's Greek world. We must constandy evaluate our programs to meet
the needs of our members as they change, so that we can continue AOITs success 9337
into its second century.
Spring 1994 13
Other causes need Alpha Omicron Pi members
my donation more. give to many worthy causes,
and we salute you for your
| generosity.
But only AOns give to
AOn to provide:
• leadership development,
© scholarships,
• assistance to sisters in dire
• grants to find the cause and
cure of arthritis.
Alpha Omicron Pi needs you.
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
9025 Overlook Boulevard
Brentwood, TN 37027
To Dragma
Hoiwrs and Memorials
A gift to the AOII Foundation continues to be one of the best ways to honor or memorialize an A0I1 sister,
friend or family member. Honors can be made to commemorate a significant happening in someone's life such as
graduation, birthdays, anniversaries or births. Contributions can be made to any of the Foundation's funds. The
following honor/memorial gifts were received between January 1, 1993 and December 31, 1993-
In Honor o f :
Alpha Delta pledge c l a s s of '69 Linda Brown, 174 Marriage of Michelle Felicetti, IP '89 to Eric Semaga
by Susan McCullough Shenefield, AA 7 0 by Chicago West Suburban AC by Laurie Huber, SP '90
Alpha Omicron PI Staff L i s a Martine B r o w n , NB 83 Founder's Day
by Elise Moss, TA 7 0 by Kappa Omicron Chapter by Baltimore AC
Memphis Area AC
Don Akey, husband of Gail Akey, KO 7 4 Stephanie Hughes Russell, KO 7 8 Grace Neiwold Funk, I '81
by Kappa Omicron Chapter b y Karen Fleischer Steigmann, NS '65
L a u r a B r u s h B u r c h a m , AK 7 9
S u e Antony, <t>Y '80 by Decatur Area AC J o A n n Bonn Gibbons, KA '53
by Indianapolis AC b y C a r l a Showers Paul, KA '89
Colleen Caban, PO'89
Stephanie B a n k s t o n A d a m s , KO '80 b y Mary Louise Roller, ATI '33 Ann Gilchrist, O '56
by Memphis Area AC by Elise Moss, TA 7 0
Marianne Carton, Y '42 Region IV
Erin Armstrong, 0 '92 by Elise Moss, TA 7 0 Patricia Kowalchuk Wilson, o n '57
b y Catherine Armstrong, KA '91
Annamargaret Chapman Clutter, O '38 Karen Greene, BP '80, & R e n d a G r e e n e , BP 7 0
Katlin Mari Arnold by Eunice Brumm Lanzl, O '38 by Jay and Nadine Greene
b y Jacqueline Atkinson Arnold, FA '83
Liz Coffey, XA '55 A n n G r i e s m e r , FA '83
Fifth Wedding Anniversary of Jacqueline by Indianapolis AC by Tracy Maxwell, AX '89
Atkinson Arnold Region IV
Sheryl Hamilton, * S 7 5
by Jacqueline Atkinson Arnold, TA '83 Linda Collier, XO '62 by Linda Hassler Hall, Z 7 0
"A Safe Place" Women's Shelter by Dr. Patricia Howard-Peebles, <t> '60
Elise Moss, TA 7 0 Debbie Harllee, Z * 7 1
by Lake County AC by Elise Moss, TA 7 0
J o Ellen Nettles Austin, NB '64 Mary C o n v e r s e , <I>K '62
by Elise Moss, TA 7 0 Greater Harrisburg A C
by Lu Hill Harding, NB'66 by Rosamond Bratton, EA '31
Jeanine Ball, SX '82 Delta Beta AAC
by Greater Lafayette AC Jo Beth Heflin, n K '46
by Rhonda Foote Davis, SX '82 by Patricia Helland, PO '91
Daniel Scott Ballard, son of Carol Ballard, AA '82 Delta Beta Corportation Board Martha Griffith Houston, I IK '53
by Greater Lafayette AC
by Huntsville AC Marie Hlavacek Holbrooke, B<I> '47
S u s a n Ballinger BA 7 0 Delta Theta Pledge Class, Fall 1988 by Norma Godfrey Taylor, A '37
by Carla Jo Ezell Raymond, A 9 '89
by Lake County AC Birth of Nancy Holmgren's grandchild, I '49
Ginger Banks, PIP, n K '68 Dina D'Gerolamo, KT '84 by Lake County AC
by Carol Stevenson, f ! '69
by Robin Beltramini, I '69 Eleanor B . Holtz, NB '58
Elise Moss, TA 7 0 Diablo Valley A C by Pamela Mathis Thomas, A l l '59
Rosalie Barber, SO '57 by Sandra Henninger Thompson, KO '63
b y Elise Moss, TA 7 0 Suzi Horn, B<J> '86
John Cook Barwick, son of Donna Barwick, AS 7 2 Mary Diaz, nK '60 by Chicago West Suburban A C
by Jo Beth Heflin, UK '46 by Elise Moss, TA 7 0
Bonnie Somers Berger, T '62 Barbara D a u g s Hunt, <t>A '60
by Norma Godfrey Taylor, A '37 J a c q u e Dinwiddie, EA 43 by Sherrill Nicholls Beck, O i l '57
Beta Rho Chapter b y Elise Moss, TA 7 0 Elaine James Kennedy, AX 76
b y K a t h r y n T i m m , BP 7 9 Elise Moss, TA 70
J u n e Greer Bogle, NO '55 Lis Donaldson, TA 7 9
by Mary Martha Greer by Elise Moss, TA 7 0 Mildred Hutcherson, On '40
Mary Braden, KT '63 by Norma Rowe Kiesel, o n '41
b y Betsy Clayton Heaberg, QO '77 J o a n n e E a r l s , 'ZV '66
S h a r o n Bridger, KO '89 by Pamela Mathis Thomas, An '59 IPR Committee, Dot Williams, Chair, A S '61
by Kappa Omicron Chapter Robin Wright, PA 7 9 by Carol Stevenson, n '69
L y n d a B r o o k s , B<f> '65
by Chicao West Suburban AC Helen Meigs E d w a r d s , TA '60 Norma C a r y J a n e w a y , K K '52
by Misty Edwards, SA '86 by Sharon Janeway Boison, K K 76
Andrea Eley, K<t> '93 Mary A n n J e n k i n s , K A '66
by Carole Eley by Theresa Collins Davis, A K 77
Epsilon Chi Chapter Maggie Jensen, daughter of Jennifer Jensen, 6 '85
b y Kathryn Keith Dalke, EX '91 and granddaughter of Mary McCammon Williams, * '59
Spring 1994 by Elise Moss, T A 70
Beth Brown Jones Phi Chapter's 75th Anniversary Denise Simmons, AA 76
by Betty Shaw Taylor, MB '66 by Judy Lind Alkire, 4>'62 by Amy Jones, AA '88
Dolores Grossenbacher Aul, <t> '43
Madison Kaiser Glee Starr Bloomer, * '22 Kristen Sloop, AB '84
by Monique Pollard Rembold, K A '86 Dianne Rinker Childs, <I> '60 by Tracy Less, X * '88
Helen Cleveland, * '27
Kappa Omega Chapter Maxine Earhart Dees, <t> '35 Mary Lou Kierdorf Sloss, O i l '53
by Kappa O m e g a AAC Jo Waylan Denton, <t> '65 by Sandra Kubitz Tomlinson, KP '62
Helen Mather Gibson, <i> '45
Kappa Omicron Chapter Judith Mohri Hansan, <t> '58 R o x a n n n e Springer, <]>B '91
by Memphis Area A C Jennifer Hanson, <I> '82 by Lisa Springer Sneddon, <1>B '84
Harriet Hickman, * '67
S u s a n K e m p , XA '89 and Shelly K e m p , $ '93 Gina Kellogg Hogan, <I> '83 Kay Sutherlin, 0 '57
b y Joanne Elkinton Kemp, A P '63 Rachel Shetlar Irwin, $ '34 by Elise Moss, TA 7 0
Mary Gilles Johnson, 4> '49
Helen Holbrooke Keohane, S 74 Ellen Davis Kell, 4> '30 Carol S t e v e n s o n , fi '69
by Marie J . Holbrooke, B<t> '47 Laurie Novascone Labarca, <t> '82 by Elise Moss, TA 7 0
Margaret McManus Lanoue, <t> '80 Stacey Teague Sherman, AO '88
J o a n Kendzior, o n '56 Marion Bolinger Mayberry, <t> '25
by Chicago West Suburban AC Gretchen Moeller, * '80 Nancy Wright Stronach, AY '89
Ann Bucher Moser, * '63 b y Mary Gleason Glover, 29 '64
Elaine Kennedy, AX 76 Virginia Lewis Omer, <t> '34
by Rachel Allen, A X '65 Linda Torcom Pacini, <t> '67 Tau Chapter
Elise Moss, TA 70 Pincy Polese, T f l '66 by Patricia Johnson Lill, T '39
Joy Hanson Robb, <1> '80
Cynthia Kiphuth, r o '87 Leeann Robertson, <J> '84 Craig Benedict Taylor
b y Carolyn Green Kiphuth, A H '87 Virginia Welch Roder, * '59 by Betty Benedict Taylor, Y '44
Cherie Wray Smith, * '57
Betty Ann Gauch Kleinschmidt, T 72 Mary Meyer Smith, <t> '49 Melissa Hall Taylor, daughter of Leisa Barton
b y Barbara Ann Ada March, T 71 Suzanne St Pellicier Waetzig, <t> '90 Taylor, XA 7 5
Jo Tindall Wagner, 4> '44
Lawrence John Lacerte, son of Joyce Baca Carolyn Wellington, $ '65 by Huntsville AC
Lacerte, AB '81 Elise Moss, TA 7 0
Phi Chapter members from 1927-30 77 Dr. Ralph Thornton's Birthday
b y Caroline Craig, AB '81 by Helen Clyde Cleveland, * '27 by Hilda Ott Micari, S T '38
Greater Lafayette Alumnae Officers Andrea Tirva, I '88
Patricia Poppenberg, fl '85 by Michele Gemskie, I '89
by Greater Lafayette AC by Karen Poppenberg, X '86 Judy Troyer, O '88
Lambda Sigma Chapter by Chicago West Suburban AC
Kylee, daughter of Kathleen Quigley, 0 0 Tucson Alumae Chapter
b y Maeneen Klein, OK '57 by Caroline Chapman Craig, AB '80 by Upsilon Alpha Chapter
J o h n s o n L e F o r g e , B<1> 76
Region IV R O C and R D s Patsy Vincent, AA '53
b y Suzanne Colgan, AT 75 by LouAnn Watson, I1Y 7 6 by Pamela Cook Williamson, AA '86
Marguerite Crawford Lloyd, AS '50
Maria Valdesuso Roberts, Y '69 Beverly Cate Waites, NO '51
b y Marjorie Letzgus Sutton, 0 0 '48 by Annette Thomson Wendel, Y '69 by Sarah Waites Hennig, NO '83
Elizabeth "Lisa" Longmire, KO 76
Mary Louise Roller, \ n '33 Adrienne Wallace, AA 7 7
by Kimberly Longmire McDaniel, KO 77 by Mary Ann Jenkins, KA '66 by Belinda Rolfe Cabral, AA 7 9
Nancy McCain, P '41 Patricia Helland, PO '91
Pamela Mathis Thomas, A l l '59 Washington DC Alumnae
b y Patricia Helland, PO '91 by Ruth Marsh Haaggerty, X '36
Mary Ann Jenkins, KA '66
Marriage of Vicki C . McCord, AA '88. & Paulo E . Free Marriage of L o u a n n e W a t s o n , 11Y 7 6
by Betty McCord by Toledo A C
Birth of Donna Scheller McDonald's s o n , X A 77
by Indianapolis A C Jane Hollingsworth Watts, 0 '51
Mary Ruth McKnight, B<1> '35 by Rebekah Wood Watts Ragsdale, O '81
by Mary Ann Jenkins, K A '66
Patricia Helland, PO '91 Sara Wilson Watts, KO '87
Mary Louise Roller, All '33 by Kappa Omicron Chapter
Birth of Arlen Montgomery's grandchild, KP '62 Rose Award Winners Becky Weinberg, XA '60
by Lake County AC Rosalie Barber, SO '57 by Elise Moss, TA 7 0
Upsilon Alpha Chapter
Allen David Morgan, son of by Michie Barber
Toni Flowers Morgan, AX '82 Ann Speake Keller, I1A '41 Elizabeth Weygold, B * '30
by Wanita Gilchrist Hinshaw, B<t> '31
by Huntsville AC by Howard Keller
Elise Moss, TA 7 0 Kim S . Wheatley, AX '89
Fay Morgan, 0'52 RPROs by Kristen Halvorsen, AX '88
by Nell Nowlin Haberley, 0'31 b y Carol Stevenson, fi '69
Elise Moss, TA 7 0 Cathy Wieand, TB 7 7
by Foundation Staff P a m e l a Lydy Schultz, fi '86 by Region II
Pat Mottweiler, O '48 by Paula Lydy Kube, fi '86
by Elise Moss, TA 7 0 Mary M c C a m m o n Williams, <t> '59
Jan Nearing, O i l '84 Jean Marcy Sells, Z '69 by Helen Calkins Kurtz, * '58
by Chicago West Suburban AC by Catherine Ballou Marcy, Z '49 May Ann Manfredini, BA '88
Nu Beta Chapter Elise Moss, TA 7 0 Elise Moss, TA 7 0
b y Katherine Pettus, NB '59
Risa Nystrom, AY '86 Robbie Allison Shackleford, NO'23 Michelle Sadler Williams, BA '83
by Jean Landau Nystrom, P '61 by Helen Grizzard Clark, NO '48 by Marcella Sadler Kuhn, I '81
Sheryl Overby, * S '82 Ann Wilmes, XA '77
by Lake County AC Nancy Shaheen, AO '67
by Lynn Kownig Martin, SI 7 0 Robin Wright, TA 7 9
16 by Elise Moss, TA 7 0
Amy Elizabeth Shobe
by Pamela Terry Barbey, 0 7 2 Wendy Young
by Kappa Omicron Chapter
To Dragma
In Memory of:
Edith Lang Aitken, I '34 Sally Ellsworth Christ, AT '50 Zoe Foran Ellis, I '43 Lucile Loyd Hood, P '17
by Marjorie Lang Shipley, I '40 by Wilda Wiest Webster, AT '50 by Susannna Tyler Hadley, K6 '48 by Barbara Hood Conner, P S '61
Zoe Alexander, I '41 Karen Christensen. IX '68 Lucille Hibbard Erickson, AT '32 Anne Peel Hopkins, mother of Caroline
by Helen Kydd Rintala, K * ' 5 7 by Pamela Patterson Harris, IX '68 by Evelyn Krause Hickman, AT '32 Craig, AB '80 and Elizabeth Craig
Amundson, AB 78
Laura Anderson, Oil '33 Gwynne Runner Chyle, AX 76 Barbara Evans
by Tom Anderson by Alpha Chi Corporation byCameron Evans, NA '89 by Barbara Ringle Got!, KA '60
Debra Stahl Chaney Southern Orange County AC
Richard Armstrong, husband of Wanda Stahl Chapman Josette Hall Evans Mary Lou Stabbat Horn, Q '42
Marjorie Armstrong, Z '32 July C. Cook by Margaret Wootton Dow, X '43 by Juliana Reese Schamp, !1 '42
Mrs. Jimmie Day Dorothy and Henry Hornik, parents of
by Elizabeth Hummel. Z'28 Sandra Stahl Gabbard Doris B. Farrell Judith Hornik Bourassa, TIT '63
James Baize, father-in-law of Janet Sandy Gover, AX 77 by Jacque Dinwiddie, EA '43 by Mary Riley Michel, NO '69
Baize, XA '62 Cassandra Henry Gray, AX75 Pincy Polese, O n '66
Laura Pace, AX77 Hedvic Lenc Farrar, I '31 Elaine Wilkinson Howe, T9 '48
by Evansville Tri-State AC Rosie Rigdon Stahl, AX'80 by Judith Farrar Brown, n '57 by Wilma Diegelman Lupe, T * '48
Helen Barry Baker, X '20 Jimmie & Ruby Stahl Jill (Juliet) Reese Huffman. XA '66
Blake & Jerri Ezell Tarpley Shirley Rising Fisher, AS '37 by Mary Bristow Mizer, XA '66
by Charlotte Hessen Whedon, 2 '20 David & Karen Towell, AX '65 by Claudine Fisher Lynch, S '60 Elaine Jacobson
Anne Delie Bancroft, I '12 by Wanda Walgenbach Jacobson,
Mary Jane Robertson Ciotti, B<t> '50 Geraldine Walker Flagle, AS '39
by Florence Sanders Jones, I B '61 by Jane Koval Young, B<t> '52 by Jeanette Harbert Anderson. AS '38 On '56
Eunice Force Barkell, A '30 Lucille Clark, BO '29 Grandmother of Judy Flessner Ruth Boyer Jones, EA '35
by Marion Force Haswell, 2 '34 byC. C. Peterson by Judith Gambrel Flessner, 176 by Doris Rumage Hellmund, EA '36
Ruth Sickmeier Karlson, OH '42
Irene Baughtman, mother of Lynn Caroline Colteryahn, EA '45 Jill Marie Fusco, AA '88 Clint and Joyce Weber, OH '40
Baughtman Powell, AE '90 by Dorothy Jeter Denison, EA '33 by Suzanne Jackson, AA '88
Greater Harrisburg AC Kimberly Klettner Windham, AA '88 Dorothy Crouch Keeling, UK '41
by Kay Gomillion Jones, AE 76 by Connie Keeling Marks, I I '66
Susan Bennett, INI 77 Anna Dorsey Cooke, HA '24 Sharon Garrett, AA '87
by Hilda OttMicari.ST '38 by Laura LeGrand, AA '87 Annabell Kennedy, B r '39
by Susan Stanley Buehlman, N I 7 6 by Detroit North Suburban AC
Beta Theta's deceased members Carol Corso Corrinna Vernon Gemmel, N '40 Linda Heaton Grates, B* 73
by Emily Corso O'Keefe, TB 72 by Priscilla Harrrington Loomis, N '39
by Virginia Sheely Thompson, BO '33 Linda Atkins Ketchum, NB '60
Christopher Billmyre Lou Couch, SO '49 Kraig Gibbons, son of JoAnne by Rita Johnson, NB '80
by Ann Meyer Perry, SO '50 Gibbons, KA '53
by Tara Spencer Singer, HA '83 Mrs. May Kronbe, mother of Del Uoyd,
Elizabeth Sears Boulden, H '23 Phoebe Wheedon Cox by Patsy Dunlap Bendix, KA '54 OH '38
by Jo Beth Heflin, n.K'46 Stephanie Hendricks, KA 78
by Alice Boulden Smith, JTA '49 Mrs. Goss, mother of Pattyann Goss by Ebby Fisher, OH '38
Margaret Safford Boulden, 6 '21 Minnie Mae Cunningham, mother of Whiting, KK '61 Julie Lant. daughter of Kay Freels Lant.
Gloria Rowland, n K '49 by Barbara Johnson Ottinger, KK '60 XA'56
by Baltimore AC Elizabeth Johnson Greenman, KO '35 Henry Elroy Larrieu, father of Cheryl
Mary Bradford Braden by Carol Stevenson,!! '69 by Susanna Tyler Hadley, KO '48 Larrieu Bourg, AT 73
ROC & RDs of Region VIII Suzanne LaVigne Guerrare, X '51
by Betsy Clayton Heaberg, no '77 Lois Deneke. mother of JoAnn by Joan Wallick Vanzo, X '51 by Cheryl L. Bourg, AT 73
Betty Sherman Brendel, 2 '37 Thompson, XA '54 Cheryl Hamblen, AB '82
by Evansville Tri-State AC by Liz Amundson, AB 78 Edward G. Ledden, Jr., husband of
by Elizabeth Weldgen Eddins, E '40 Evelyn M. Hogue Dickson, AS '23 Caroline Craig, AB '80 Marie E. Ledden, A '40
Dorothy Larsen Brown, A<t> '51 by Janis & Bob Krebs Carla Jesse. AB '66
Dory Alvey Diehl, I '41 Carolyn Huey Harris, PIP, A S '42 by Joy A. Ozer.AX 76
by Patricia Erickson Odell, M '52 by June Lotz Pearce, I '43 by June Haines Edwards, AS '39 Ruth Leichtamer, PIP, 19 '45
Ruth McClurg Brown, B6 '28 Olive Dietlein, AP '26 Zadie Avrett Scott, A S '42
by George Miller Judith Bagby, AS '68 by Ann Laurimore, KP '62
by Frances Richardson McCully. BO '29 Erna Juli Dillenback, X 46 Wendy Witham Wilkerson, T '63 Heidi Leichtamer, A t '89
Jane & Frank Schollett by Marie Dixon, X '47 Mary Tate Hastings, <t> '65 Virginia Blanchard Smith, T t '45
Rebekah Fouts Wharton, IIA '33 Zelma Harris Dobson, Z 26 by Ann Bucher Moser. <J> '63 Wilma Smith Leland, PIP, T '24
Anna Stokely Burnett. 0 '21 by George Dobson Alfred Hathcock, father of Pam by Donna E. Baty, T 7 6
by Knoxville AC Ada Dyson deZevallos, NO '64 Beverly Landes Townsend, A4> '59
Holly Watts, O '51 by Kathryn Stevens Dyson, XA '86 by Officers and Directors of Region VIII Jeaneice Bartling Lewis, B<t> '39
William Burkhalter, husband of Mama Suzy Hayes by Mona Dees Clare, B<I> '37
Ellsperman Burkhalter, Y '39 an by Dolores Herron Miller, B<t> '51 Corinne Swanson Lindsay, P '36
by Reba Traber, Y'38 Alfred Herbster, father of Audrey by Carince Swanson Parker, P '36
Marian Bettcher Burns, P '41 Anna McConnaughy Easterday, f! '29 Lueth, n 70 John Longinotti, husband of Muriel C.
by Tova Quist Craig, P'39 by Barbara Easterday Schwarting, by Karen Peterson, TTI '59 Boyd Longinotti, A '39
Marie Perry Butler, EA '36 Barbara Dunn Hitchner, r '17 by Marguerita Crawford Lloyd, AS '50
by Doris Rumage Hellmund, EA '36 AT '56 by Barbara Higgins Bodwell, T '42 Ann Love, AIT '63
Marie Barrett Carney, A '35 Dorothy Eberle. T * '45 Betty Jo Miller Holshouser, All '49 by Mary Jane Barr Walewyk, OH '54
by Arthur Carney by J. A. Holshouser Deborah Newell Lovelace
Andrea Casey, TA '91 by Toledo AC Fort Lauderdale AC by Jeanette Collier Newell, X '48
by Zeta Pi Chapter Maryhelen McMacken Meyers, O * '58 Martha Whitaker Fleming, <t> '48
Region VI Lois Zeigler Billig, 0 * '45
Joe Celania, father of Pam Virginia Blanchard Smith, T<I> '45
Gallagher, XA '91 Ethel Young Ecton, A<t>'19
by Evansville Tri-State AC by Ada Ecton Elliot, KT'44
Catherine & Elias Chanatry parents of
Lorraine Chanatry
by Lorraine Chanatry, X '52
Spring 1994 17
Margaret Fairchild Jones, EA '35 Nancy O'Farrell, TO '58 Virginia Garrison Simonson, KK '57 Paul Ursin, husband of Helen Marovich
by Mary Taylor Rose, EA '35 by Caroline Craig, AB '80 by Janet Oestrike Gerstenecker, KK '57 Ursin, O n '44
Carole Kashner, TO '59
Francis V. Laubach, E A '32 Monica Zepeda, AB 77 Iva Springstead Skeele by Betsy Whitehouse Rutter, On '43
by Dorothy Jeter Denison, EA '32 by Mary Williams Rowley, X '22 C. Ann Van Alstyne, X '44
Charles Parker, father of Terri Marshall,
Jonathon Leibring, son of Carolyn AT 75 Rita Slesser, X '45 by Margaret Wootton Dow, X '43
Leibring, XA 71 by Jean Smykal, X '45
by Tamee Dark, AT 78 ART
by Naomi Draheim ROC and RDs of Region VIII Joanne Ward Smith, A S '45
Janice Malkuch, I '51 Wendy Patric, K<t> '64 Lillian S. Vail
by Jill Moll Hampson, K4> 70 by Hildur Bailey, AS'45 by Jane Vail Ingersoll, E '51
by W. Lawrence Malkuch Margaret Penland, O '34 Melodee Shade Smith, YA '66
Margaret Dominick Mann, TA '37 by Ralph F. Penland Charles H. Walling, father of Jo Beth
Dorothy Phillips by Dianne MacPhee Cooper, YA '66 Heflin, ITK "46
by Elizabeth Patton Brock, TA '38 by Patricia Phillips Piper, Ofi 70 Buddy Smothers
Dorothy Pool Marker, P '22 Robert O. Phillips by Jo Beth Walling Heflin, [IK'46
by M.Kathleen Phillips, AX '77 byHolly Watts, O '51 Frieda Walling, mother of Jo Beth
by Jane Marker Snook, AO '41 Jean Swift Pilling Gloria Danley Snow Heflin, n K '46
Father of Terri Parker Marshall, AT 78 by Janet Swift Kilgore, Z '34
Elsie Ford Piper, Z 03 by Alice Pass McHugh, T '35 by Austin Parenteral Services, Inc.
by Tamee Dark, AT 78 by Margaret Upson Barber, Z '31 Glenn Spence Ginger Banks, UK '68
Renon Varnell Matlock, NB 79 Jenny Lou Piper, Z '03 Marianne Carton, Y '42
by Margaret Upson Barber, Z '31 by Carol Spence Barrow, K6 '45 Betty Aschenbeck Daniel, IIK '46
by Pamela Lyons Moore, NB '80 Willam Edward Plasterer, son of Karen Carolyn McClamrock Staley, O '46 Jo Beth Walling Heflin, n K '46
Mary Lou Blewell Matson, XA '48 Rammell Plasterer, FIY 79 Mary Ann Jenkins, KA '66
by Indianapolis AC by Helen Sehorn Bryan, O '43 Officers and Directors of Region VIII
by Patricia Welch Newton, AS '49 Lori Prauner, M '92 Mary Beth Cooney, O 79 Don Watson, father of Melissa Watson
Father of Sandy Mazzier, XA '62 by Jenny Jons, I S '85 Patricia English Cosby, O '69 Taylor, XA 75
Louise Zimmerer Purcell, EA '44 Kate Dangler, O '46 by Evansville Tri-State AC
by Jo Ann Thompson, XA '52 by Hazel Davis Heaton, E A '44 Malinda Sharp, O 79 Mrs. Leora Webber
Leigh McAdams, AA '90 Terry Strickland Quick, K '41 Jean Kerr Stone, 0 0 '41 by M. Kathryn Atkins Momingstar, B# 74
by Elizabeth Valentine Daudt, K '42 by Virginia Weadock, OFF '42 Frances Weigel, Z '25
by Stephanie Daly, AA '87 Louise Smith Hall, AO '38 Ruth Bell Streit, KP '63 by Mary Brodbeck Peterson, X '34
Smith McCammon, father of Mary Al & Janet Hay Lyons, T O '68 by Arlene Sirtola Kalis, KP'62 Beulah Wells, T '23
Williams, <1> '59 Memphis Area AC Mary Stevenson, ITA 74 by William C.Wells
Lillian Gilfillan Seabrook, KO '39 by Pamela Bresnahan, ITA 74 Ruth Wible, B<6 '45
by Tamee Dark, AT 78 Devin Rathke, son of Debra Arthurs Anna Stokely, 0 '04 by Donna Meyerhoven, B<l> '45
Ann Gilchrist, 6 '56 Rathke, T * 72 by Anna Stokely Burnett, 0 '21 Martha Wilhoite, O '32
by Toledo AC Grace Paulsen Swanson, Oi l '54 by Ann Wilhoite Brilley
Ernest B. McCoy Gwen Reed, T * '44 by Barbara Noack Brubaker, Of] '55 Dorothy Ehmnke, BA '69
by Elizabeth Hemenger McCoy, Oil '27 by Beverly Hatcher Kirby, I * 71 Mildred Hull Sweeder, AT '33 Carolyn Wartinbee, NT '81
Toledo AC by Phyllis Arner Westerman, P '36 Adrian Wilhoite
Arad McCutchan, husband of Virginia Eleanor Rench, H '23 Pearl Koegel Wilkens, B<t> '26
Robinson McCutchan, XA 71 by Martha Deckman Cramer, AT '40 mi by Kristen Ernsting Bowes, B<t> '80
Norma Rising, I S '36 Amelia E. Williams
by Evansville Tri-State AC by Claudine Fisher Lynch, S '60 Michele Thinnes, TA '88 by Lisa Coons, B * '91
Peggy Bayne McFarland, OJT '57 Joan Faye Robertson, ITA '52 by Carla Geary, TA'89 Minna Cannon Wilson, I IA '29
by Beverly Ashwell Newell, HA '54 Julie Kelly, TA '90 by Martha Cannon Strange, ITA '32
by Patricia Kowalchuk Wilson, OJT '57 Aubry Robison, husband of Norma Traci King, TA '90 Alice Janota Winthrop, E A '38
Charles William McGrogan Kuhn Robison, B<J> '44 Joan Krayeski, TA '87 by Mary Allice Clemmer Smith, EA '37
by Evansvill TriState AC Suzanne Seyfarth Leshinskie, TA '86 Miriam Oilar Woods, XA '52
by Jacque Dinwiddie, E A '43 Dede Rosenkrantz, S<J> 79 Patricia Patton Martin, TA '87 by Emily W. Sanderson, XA '54
Eileen McHugh, AA '86 by Lisa Gomez Berger, Si> '81 Jennifer Paul Troutman, TA '86 Margaret Wondra, Z '35
Lori Tucker Sarfaty, S O 79 by Linda Wessels Troester, 4>S 75
by Sharon Angle, AA '86 Albert J. Ruhlman Mary Harper Thomas, X '24 Weldon Wortman, husband of Ruth
Laura LeGrand, AA '87 by Imelda Ruhlman, n '91 by Mary Williams Rowley, X '22 Wortman, A '31
St. Louis AC Priscilla Strickland Rushton, KO '80 by Beth Moran, A'29
Lilianne Mclntyre Finif St. John, father of Katherine St. Ursula Tully Thompson, A '33 Carol Randolph Lovitt Yarbro, O '67
by Bonnie Boyd, Z'46 John Pettus, NB '59 by Margaret McArdle, A '33 by Frances Yarbro McCoin, 110 '64
Kevin McKeown by Huntsville AC Bernice Zwierzynski, mother of Sandra
by Margaret McArdle, A '33 Tom & Beth Moran, A '29 Zwierzynsk Norris, n Y '63
Ruth McKeown, K r '51 Beatrice Seiple, H '26 Nonnuch (Nancy) Thongchua,
Russell McKinney, husband of by Columbus, OH AC mother of Sirie Thongchua, N A '82 by Sandra Z. Norris, IIY'63
Margaret Eades McKinney, XA '61
by Evansville Tri-State AC Jack Sanders, husband of Marjorie byJuanita Haugen, NA '57 Donations in honor/
Janet McLoughiin, E '33 Sanders, AO '40 Margaret B. Thornton, S T '38 memory of friends,
by Margaret Weeks Hendrickson, E '35 sisters and loved ones
Eleanoar Jarvis Edwards Meckel, 2 '43 by Cheryl Larrieu Bourg, AT 73 by Hilda Ott Micari, S T '38
by Carol Cole Maurer, S '44 Margaret McDowell Scherr, OH '67 Susan Tomson, AB 74 may be sent to:
Dorothy Lucas Minnich AOI1 Foundation,
by Kay Tibbal Davenport, NO '56 by Joanne Foltz Lewis, 0 0 '66 by Tracy Crandall, AB 75 9025 Overlook Blvd.,
Nadia Nebesny Mitchner, KA 71 Elizabeth Thompson Selzer, KP '53 Jerry Tromly, husband of Mellvina Brentwood, TN 37027
by Cathy Campbell Parker, KA 71 Tromly, XA '52
Virginia Boggess Mylander by Leslie Markle Hargett, KP '54
by Jane Mylander Wainwright, K '60 by Jo Ann Thompson, XA '52
Paola V. Mohlere, X A 78 Miriam Woods, 0 '23
by Barbara Mohlere Mellvina Tromly, XA '52
Carol Nelson, P '32 by Janet Baize, XA '62
by Elizabeth Hummel, Z '28 Evansville Tri-State AC
deLaVerne Stugard Nowotny, <t> '24 Christa Hart, B * '84
by Ruth Neel Miller, IIK '53 Ruth Meueller Kleymeyer, BO '33
Jim Odell, husband of Patricia Odell, AX '52 Betty Jo Olsen Turnball
by Betty Bond Colby, S<t> '67 by Beverly Lutz Morse, XA '47
Janice Trotter Turner, B<J> '43
by Carol Trotter Berkey, B<t> '47
I S To Dragma
"Miracle baby"—born too small to eat but healthy now!
Her child weighed less than Though Mary Katherine
two pounds when she was born was fully formed when
three and a half months early she was bom, she was too
small to eat. She had to
be fed through her veins.
_I_/Iise Wyatt, Lambda Tau (Northeast After several days a vein
Louisiana U . ) , has a message for the par- will often collapse. There
ents o f premature babies: came a time when the
tiny girl was running out
"Hang in there; it does get better." of suitable veins for the
Elise knows what she's talking about; IV. A t various times, she
her younger daughter weighed less than had IVs in her scalp and
two pounds at birth. neck so that she could
"She's our miracle baby," Elise says o f continue to be fed.
Mary Katherine, who is now 11 months
old and weighs around 13 pounds. Another problem
T h o u g h she's healthy now, M a r y arose due to a heart
Katherine has already endured several valve that wasn't quite
medical crisises. She was on a respirator right. When babies
for the first 42 days o f her life. are b o r n so early, a
"We d i d n ' t get to hold her u n t i l she vessel sometimes col- When she was one-month old, Mary Katherine was not much
was o f f the respirator," Elise says. "The lapses. Surgery to tie bigger than Elise's hand.
doctors didn't want too much jostling o f f this vessel i n the
around." heart corrected this dens put an unbearable strain on some
problem marriages, and many times the couples
The baby also had to separate.
have artificial skin on
her extremities. "The nurses i n the neonatal intensive
This looks like a little care unit said that few o f these children
band-aid, and it's used go home to two parents," Elise said.
so t h a t the p r e m a t u r e
baby's delicate skin She and her husband remained close
doesn't tear," Elise throughout the ordeal, though they were
explained. w o r n out by the time the baby was
M a r y Katherine was released f r o m the hospital on August
born on May 1st when 22nd. At that time, Mary Katherine
weighed 6 pounds, 11.6 ounces.
Elise was about five and Elise said she was fortunate to have
a half months pregnant. good insurance and supportive parents
Elise had been admitted who live just a two-hour drive away.
to the hospital on a She advises couples who have prema-
Thursday because she ture babies to make friends w i t h the nurs-
was starting to dilate due es and doctors and to talk w i t h other peo-
to an i n c o m p e t e n t ple i n the same situation and compare
cervix. She was to have notes.
complete bed rest for the
remainder of her preg- " W i t h persistence, prayer, and friends,
nancy. However, despite you can make it through," she said.
the steps taken by the
doctors, Elise began to Elise is very thankful for both her chil-
have labor pains the fol- dren. Her first c h i l d , Elise V i c t o r i a , is
lowing Saturday and the now four years old.
baby was b o r n w i t h i n
Before her first pregnancy, Elise went
through treatment for infertility for five
two hours. years and had been told that she would
T h e health problems probably never have a child.
of extremely premature "The treatment didn't work. I prayed
Mary Katherine was much larger when the family gathered for infants and the accom- more and didn't give up. W i t h i n a year I
this photo in October. Older sister, Elise Victoria, is four. panying financial bur- got pregnant," she said. <®
Spring 1994 19
REGIOSp and the chapter's annual
U. ofMaine-Orono Iota C h i held several
retreats to give its mem-
Jill Boyington reports that members of bers, both new and old,
the opportunity to learn
the Gamma Chapter at the U . o f Maine about themselves, each
other, and the important
were excited last Homecoming Weekend principles upon which
A O n was founded. I n
when alumnae saw the chapter house for February, the chapter's
annual fashion show,
the first time. The chapter is the only which combines the tal-
ents o f A O r i s and other
sorority on campus to own a house. women in the Greek
c o m m u n i t y , was held.
Chapter member Michelle Pastore was T h e event has raised
approximately $5,000
chosen Homecoming Queen. over the past three years.
Awards: trophy for the
Fall activities included helping Kappa most successful philan-
thropic program in the
^ _ Sigma Fraternity school's Panhellenic soci-
raise money for the Members of Iota Chi Chapter (U. of Western Ontario)
await rushees at their "Tour of the World" party.
Foundation by sell-
ing tickets for a Theta Pi all over the region. Chapter members
Wagner College honored Dr. Holmberg, a sociology pro-
giant playhouse at fessor, by selecting her as their faculty
The members o f Theta Pi Chapter at member.
the Bangor Mall Wagner College, Staten Island, N Y , had
an eventful fall semester, reports Renovation o f the chapter lounge was
and collecting cans Christine Pedi. completed and a dedication was held on
December 4, 1993, followed by a
for a local soup
Michelle Pastore kitchen over the September began with
Homecoming Queen holidays. Members
U. of Maine-Orono visited the Orono Jennifer Sochko's election as
Nursing Home
prior to Christmas to help the residents there Homecoming Queen. For
sign Christmas cards. the next month, members
worked diligently to prepare
Iota Chi for the Homecoming float
U. of Western Ontario
competition, and the hard
The women o f Iota C h i Chapter at the
U. of Western Ontario in London, work paid o f f when the
Ontario, Canada, have enjoyed an event-
f u l and exciting fall semester, reports Lisa chapter won first place.
Chapter members partic-
Rush 1993 proved to be successful as
the chapter welcomed 35 new members. ipated in the annual
Chapter members participated in a Wagner College Telefund.
variety o f philanthropic and social activi-
ties last fall, including see-sawing for Juniors Stacey Cannon and
charity with the Lambda Chi Fraternity
Nancy Salgado traveled to
C o r n e l l U . for an A O F I
S p i r i t W e e k e n d . T h e y Theta Pi Chapter members Jennifer Moran (from left),
stayed i n the c h a p t e r Christine Fiorits, Christine Pedi, Rhonda Kelleher,
house, went to workshops Daniele Caraleo, Heidi Braun, and Casey Damian pre-
and made new friends f r o m pare to work on the chapter's float (in the background).
20 To Dragma
Founders' Day luncheon with alumnae.
Chapter members hope to continue
their two-year winning streak at Songfest
this spring.
Dina Margolin and Jennifer Sochko
starred i n "A Chorus Line;" Jennifer also
appeared in "Bells Are Ringing."
Pi Delta Members of Delta Chi Chapter at the U. of Delaware during fall rush 1993.
U. of Maryland Heather Frederick and Kelly Bassett, Sigma Tau
Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Washington College
Members o f the Pi Delta Chapter at Honorary;
the U . of Maryland (College Park, M D ) Members o f Sigma T a u Chapter at
have had an exciting year so far, reports Laura Green Shannon Keehn, Michelle Washington College in Chestertown,
Maribeth Carroll. Kratz-Zimmerman, and Lorel Sanchez, M D , have been busy working to make
Golden Key National Honor Society; their chapter stronger, reports Suzanne
The chapter started the school year by Fischer. The chapter participated in the
winning first place during Homecoming. Kelly Bassett, Burgess Benna, Heather BRIDGES program this fall and initiated
A t the U . o f Maryland, Homecoming is a Frederick, and Shannon Keehn, Alpha 100 percent o f the new member class.
week filled w i t h competitions and phil- Lambda Delta Honor Society;
anthropic events. Pi Delta placed in nine Chapter members volunteered for the
of ten events, including first place in the Sorshe Tiglao, scholarship chair for Washington College Alumni Phone-a-
banner competition, talent show, and the Panhellenic. T h o n , d o n a t i n g 15 hours and raising
clothing drive. Heather Mazder was chair more $35,000 for the school. Many
o f the Homecoming events. Sigma Alpha times the phone volunteers had the
opportunity to call AOFI alumnae and
This year Pi Delta has a special visitor West Virginia U. talk about the progress the chapter has
f r o m the Sigma Phi Chapter st California made.
State U.-Northridge. Shani Goldberg is a As the sisters o f Sigma Alpha, West
communications disorders major who is In December, many members partici-
taking classes at the U . o f Maryland this Virginia U . (Morgantown, W V ) , were pated in a Christmas party for the chil-
year as p a r t o f a n a t i o n a l s t u d e n t dren who reside at the Benedictine
exchange program. preparing for a new school year and for- School for the mentally retarded.
Accomplishments: Chapter members plan to visit the school
mal rush, they held a picnic at Cheat again in the spring to participate in a bas-
Heather Frederick, student coordinator ketball game and an Easter egg hunt.
of orientation for the entire university; Lake, reports Maureen Carr. Rush was
successful and 27 women accepted bids.
A picnic was held at Cooper's Rock State
Park on bid day.
In October, the chapter joined with
Sigma Chi Fraternity for Homecoming
Week activities. In
N o v e m b e r , i n i t i a t i o n was Another fall event was Founders' Day
held and all 27 new members which was celebrated at Towson State U .
were initiated. with the collegiate chapter there and the
Fall semester ended Baltimore Alumnae Chapter.
with the annual Founders'
Day celebration. Each class Accomplishments:
got together to share their Renee Alten, Panhellenic president;
feelings about A O n with the Shirlynee Johnson, selected a resident
chapter on this special day assistant and treasurer o f Dale Adams
t h r o u g h poems and songs Society;
they had written. The chap- Melanie Ruane, peer adviser;
ter honored two alumnae, All four Washington College Catering
Jenn Snyder (left) and Maribeth Carrol, Pi Deltas, at Gina Julian and Beth Managers are A O O s : Allison W o r r e l l ,
the U. of Maryland's Leadership Ball in December. McClusky for all they have Melanie Wentzell, Melissa Wentzell, and
done for the chapter. Suzanne Fischer.
Spring 1994 21
Tau Lambda ^GIONIII held at a nearby mountain cabin. The
Shippensburg U. chapter is p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n the new
Delta Upsilon BRIDGES p r o g r a m , and i n i t i a t i o n is
Colleen McNulty reports that Tau Duke U. scheduled for March.
Lambda Chapter at Shippensburg U . i n
Shippensburg, PA, has remained strong Delta Upsilon Chapter at Duke U . had 7•
in the Panhellenic system there. Janette a busy year, reports Lily Bradford.
Gring was elected vice president o f public RIXxIQjX
relations of the Panhellenic Council, and Chapter members began the fall semes-
Cathleen Curchin was elected president ter by winning first place in Greek Week. Phi Upsilon
of the recently established Greek This was followed by the chapter f u n d Purdue U.
Advisory C o m m i t t e e . Lisa Genner was raiser, "Back to the Beach," which was
initiated into Order o f Omega which rec- held on the main quad with games and Kirsten Bowles reports that the Phi
ognizes high standards o f leadership i n refreshments for the entire campus. The Upsilon Chapter at Purdue U . (West
Greek activities. event raised about $1000 for Arthritis Lafayette, I N ) was active i n sports last
Research. semester. I n intramurals, the chapter
Tau Lambda has participated in many team won the all sorority and all campus
activities this fall. The chapter continued Members relaxed with two "crush par- volleyball titles. The Softball team won
the Adopt-A-Highway project it began ties" which involved othet sororities and the all campus title and the basketball
several years ago. Many members partici- helped facilitate Duke's campaign to pro- team won the all sorority title. The chap-
pated in a Phone-A-Thon to raise money mote intra-Greek participation. ter also won first in spirit i n beach volley-
and alumni support for Shippensburg U . ball (with Sigma Phi Epsilon). Chapter
The chapter participated in a Panhellenic Chapter members co-hosted Charity member Kirsten Bowles plays first base
activity called Faculty Night Out, which Bash with Kappa Alpha Fraternity follow- on the school Softball team.
provided an evening o f baby sitting for ing Halloween.
the faculty. Several sisters participated in The chapter is also active i n
the 22nd Annual Turkey Bowl, which is At Founders' Day in December, Panhellenic with several members serving
a full contact football game between all Region I I I Vice President Suzanne in officer positions. Beth Anderson is vice
eight sororities. A l l proceeds o f this game Bowman (a Delta Upsilon alumna) was president of administration, Heather
were donated to the American Heart keynote speaker. Sue Mattern, who has Fosburgh is a senator, D o n l e n Kranz is
Association. been chapter adviser at Delta Upsilon director of communications on the junior
since its founding, was honored. board, and Lisa Ivkanecs is vice president
Attention chapter reporters: of programs on the senior board.
After a successful rush, Delta Upsilon Heather also participates i n student gov-
Your next To Dragma report is due pledged 35 new members. Bid Day was ernment. Jessica Krueger was recently
appointed a Panhellenic senator.
April 1, 1994. Accomplishments:
Formal pledging at Theta, DePauw U. Heather Fosburgh, Mandy Smith, and
Lisa Ivkanecs, Golden Gavel;
Betsi Burns, O l d Masters.
DePauiv U.
The Theta Chapter at DePauw U .
(Greencastle, I N ) was first in scholarship
on campus last spring, reports A m y
Chapter members Ramona Benkert
and Ellen Royse represented DePauw at
N C A A Nationals in their respective
sports, diving and golf. Last spring the
chapter won the Little 500 annual bike
race for the f o u r t h straight year. Riders
for the race were Ramona Benkert, Jenny
22 To Dragma
Baran, Tasha Miles, and A m y Monroe. also volunteered at the annual American Chapter members are active on cam-
Samina Raza, Deb Kiehl, and Karen Red Cross Blood Drive and worked in pus, holding key positions in Panhellenic,
Worminghaus also trained with the team. the concessions stand during home foot- serving as Rho Chi's, and participating in
ball games. the Student Senate, honoraries, depart-
Last fall, the chapter year began w i t h Awards: mental organizations, athletics, and music
the annual Baseball Bash in Cincinnati. groups.
Other fall events included the AOFI Second place in the Homecoming float
Country Run at local stables and the competition (with Sigma Phi Epsilon and Chaprer members were active in phil-
Rubber Duckie Derby for Arthritis Pi Kappa Alpha); anthropic activities as well, donating time
Research. Chapter members enjoyed a or money to every fraternity or sorority
pre-rush retreat in August. Another fall First place i n intramural women's vol- sponsored philanthropic project or event.
event was a dessert party for all faculty leyball; The chapter's annual lip sync contest
members and their families. Accomplishments: raised $1600 for Arthritis Research
Chapter members were excited to initi- Theta Psi sponsored a golf outing with
ate new members in December under the Sigma Phi Epsilon which raised $500 for Membership recruitment is going well.
new BRIDGES program. the Arthritis Foundation and for chapter The chapter initiated 100 percent last
Accomplishments: funds. spring. D u r i n g the fall semester, the i n i t i -
ation rate was 96 percent. The chapter
Shannon Sullivan, semi-finalist in The LEGION^ participated in the new BRIDGES pro-
Contribution to Campus Life Award; gram this fall.
Epsilon Omega
Romona Benkert, nominated to the Eastern Kentucky U. Tau Omega
Homecoming Court; Transylvania U.
Chandria Centers reports that the past
Cyndi Schoolcraft and Kristin Ingwell, year has been one o f hard work, dedica- T a u Omega Chapter at Transylvania
directors for DePauw's radio station. tion, and achievement for the Epsilon U . (Lexington, KY) had a rewarding fall
Omega Chapter at Eastern Kentucky U . rush and added a total of 25 potential
Theta Psi (Richmond, KY). The year began w i t h new members, reports Beth Homan.
U. of Toledo Epsilon Omega receiving the
Distinguished Service Award. Chapter members have enjoyed a vari-
Theta Psi Chapter at the U . o f Toledo ety o f different programs, including a
(Toledo, O H ) had a busy fall, reports Halloween party, study breaks organized
Melissa Sheaks. by the spirit committee, and a Monty
Python Night. The chapter relations
Fall events included a successful rush committee organized a Christmas party, a
with 21 new members, a clean-up of a finals study break, and a chapter r o o m
local highway through the Adopt-A- retreat.
Highway program, Parents Day, and
alumnae Homecoming celebrations, par- One of the chapter's philanthropic
ticipation in intramural sports, and three activities was participating in a Walk for
Keystones workshops Chapter members Hunger to benefit God's Pantry, a local
charity. Kappa Omega Chapter joined in
that event. Chapter members also d i d
trick or trearing for charity.
Social events included a hayride, ice
skating, and a formal.
Theta Psi members Jill Oakley (from , ), Jill Shindler, Ondrea Leal, Missy Sheaks and Awards:
Kristen Lago at the AOT1 Golf Open. At Convention: McCausland Cup;
Philos Awaid Honorable Mention;
Spring 1994 Certificate of Achievement Certificate
for collegiate chapters;
Highest GPA of all Greek organiza-
tions for fall semester.
Tau Omicron
U. of Tennessee-Martin
The T a u O m i c r o n Chapter at the U .
of Tennessee-Martin (Martin, T N ) began
the fall semester w i t h a successful rush
BhmpAoQnuI mI
. newi7 A PuA
A o n A o n AOJI
Pi items 1 j
faavndoOril dtes
110A White Sorority Cap 14.00
11 OB. "New" Navy Plaid Soronty Cap 14.00
127F. Rio-style Shorts, Forest/White AOll (Also Available Mpha Omicro
in Burgundy. 127B). M, L XL 20.00
146A White Red Rose T-Shirt. 1, XL 18.50
149N. Drawstring Shorts, Pockets, Navy/White AOII (Also
Available in Grey/Navy AOII, 149). L XL 16.00
152. University T-Shirt. Lists Every AOII Chapter Established
Since 1897. L, XL 14.00
166. Embroidered Zig-Zag T-Shirt. L XL 24.00
170. Flag T-Shirt. U.S. and Canada. L XL 18.50
172. Embroidered Red T-Shirt, Naw/Gold Stars. L X L 19.00
146. Navy "Red Rose" Sweatshirt. L XL 38.00
164. Heavyweight Cotton Embroidered Sweatshirt, Paisley
on Natural. L XL 52.00
164N. Heavyweight Cotton Embroidered Sweatshirt, Red
Plaid on Navy. L X L 52.00
176. Grey Sweatshirt W Black Watch Plaid. L XL 36.00
179. Burgundy Embroidered Sweatshirt, Plaid Bannet and
Metallic Gold Utters. L XL 48.00
64B. Red Folding Umbrella, Automatic Open (Also Available
inNavy.64A) 14.00
173. Embroidered White Sweatshirt. Navy and Forest Lcrtas,
Red Rose Design. L XL 38.00 l^pj5*" ~
174. Lined Anorak Jacket, Forest w/ Navy Stripe, Embroidered 4
AOII in Navy and White Script. L XI 50.00 Summer,
175. Lined Anorak Jacket, Navy w/ Embroidered Red.
Yellow, and White Nautical Design. L, X L 50.00
77. "Friends" Notepad 3.50
114F. "Friends" Memo Board, Magnet or Sticker 2.00
121B. "Friends" Squeeze Bottle, 32 oz 3.50
171. "Friends'Heavvweight Cotton T-Shirt L XL 15.00
22. Balloons, Red or White w/ AOII 25 ea
22C. "Confetti" Balloons, Red Only, 50/Bag $20, or 40 ea
180. "One Motto" i -Shin, Quote From Stella: "One Motto, One
Badge, One Bond, and Singleness ofHcart" on Naairal. L XI 16.00
182. History T-Shirt, White Pocket Tee. L XL 15.00
F. T O N E O N T O N E
178. Tone on Tone Forest Embroidered Sweatshirt. L XL....38.00
181. Tone on Tone White 100% Cotton Sweater. L XL 48.00
183. Tone on Tone Red Embroidered Sweatshirt. U XL 38.00
57A Bursundv Pen bv Garland, Alpha Omicron Pi in Gold
Lars Sale 13.50
92. Writing Folder v,/Gold Leners 8.5 x 11 18.00
119C. Burgundy Card Holder Keychain 5.00
167. Embroidered Natural T-Shirt w/ Navy, Forest, and
Burgundy L X L 19.00
169. Tone on Tone Forest Embroidered I -Shirt w/ Liurel Leaf
Design, Long Sleeve L XL 22.00
177. Alumna Sweatshirt. Paislev/Forcst on Natural L XL 38.00
\Xe offer the best selection o f A O I I items, a n d all proceeds are used to support a n d enhance A O I I F r a t e r n i t y P r o g r a m m i n g .
28S 108A H. AOII ALUMNA 1.00
29. Alumna Decal w/ Official Alumna Logo
30A. Alumna Notepad w/ Official Alumna Logo 1.00
ALPHA OM1CRON PI L»Aorj ?Aori 70A. Alumna Corstone Keychain w/ Official Alumna Logo ....5.00
A L P H A OMICBON PI ?AQTI ?AOn ?: 145. Naw T-Shin wl Official Alumna Logo. XI 15.00
•Aon JAOU Jifer ^ . ^ ^ 1
165. Embroideird T-Shirt. Naw /Red Laurel Leaf. L XL 18.00
?A6TI jApri
21.1 Love AOII Button 50
23. License Plate 4.50
24. License Frame 5.50
25R Rose Bumper Sticker. Sale 1.00
28. "New" Official AOII Logo Decal 50
28A. Classic Style Window Decal Sale .80
28B. Alpha Omicron Pi Window Decal 1.00
28F. "New" Nautical Bumper Sticker 1.50
28S. AOII Stickers w/ Rose 1.50
30. White Notepad w/ Red letters, 50 Sheets 1.00
31. Graphic Notepad 4.00
36. Embossed Notecards wl Envelopes. 20/Pkg 10.00
122 a 41A. AOII Toothbrush 2.00
46A. Die Cut Notepad 4.50
MHnaMBQHIDEaBHPB 57. White Pen w/ Red AOII and Rose 1.00
28F * ! I' H A O M I C K O N PI 58. Panda Footprints Notepad 3.50
65. Calendar, 12 Month w/ Telephone and Address 4.00
p AOII2 S A j U P n a ( © m i c r o n28 66. AOII For A Lifetime Button 1.00
69B. "New" Panda Notecards, w/ Envelopes. 10/Box 6.50
87. Panda Bookmarker 1.00
90. AOII Pencils. Red or White 30
90B. Panda Pencil Eraser 60
93. Things To Do Notepad 4.00
108A. Floral Notecards w/ Red Envelopes. 10/box 5.00
108S. Floral Stationer/w/ Red Envelopes 5.00
113A. "New" Spiral Notebook College Rule, Perforated 3.50
122. AOn Ribbon. 100 vds. $45 or 1 yd 50
58M. "New" Panda Magnetic Notepad. Recyded 5.00
•"J58M 69A. Panda Foldover Notes w/ Envelopes, 10/pkg. 5.00
74. Slurred Panda Bear w/ AOII Ribbon 16.00
150. Ecology T-Shirt: Back Reads "CaringforOur World Today
is a Gift to Our Legacies of Tomorrow." L, XL Sale 10.00
1 50A. Ecology Shopping Bag 10.00
I 50B. Ecology Bumper Sucker Sale .80
36 H. Heart Frame Cross Stitch Kit 6.00
36P. Pillow Cross Stitch Kit 12.00
104A. Quilted Forest Floral Tote 22.00
107H. Heart Shaped Pin Box. Ecru Moire 9.00
107JB. Engraved Silver Jewelry Box 25.00
107L. Monogrammed Battenburg Lace Pillow 30.00
107N. Navy Wool Felt Pillow w/ Red Plaid 30.00
107P. Pin Pillow or Pin Cushion, Ecru Moire 9.00
204. Etiquette Book 10.00
27. Red Rose Chocolate —Sale .85
32. AOII Kevchain,Clear Lucite 4.50
32A. AOII Keychain. Red 4.50
37A. Insulated Mug w/ Official AOII Logo 4.00
. 71A 43S. 22 oz. Stadium Cup 1.25
68. Ceramic Mug w/ Roses 6.00
70B. AOII Corstone Keychain, Birch/Red 5.00
71. Acrylic Frame; Reversible Mat, 3x5 4.50
71A. Ceramic Frame, 4 x 6 15.00
1191 121A 71B. Engraved Biass Frame, Specify: 5 x 3 or 3 x 5 16.00
(3x5 Also Avalable in Silver)
71R Fabric Frame, Cardinal Moire 5.00
j Support our Sisrerhood-Shop the Emporium 91. Gift Bag, Red with White Letters. Sale 1.50
Please send completed form and check to: A O I I Emporium, A O I I 104. Large Red Canvas Book Bag
] International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood,TN 37027 or 117. Small Rose Frame, 5 x 7 6.00
34B ' 34E 34A 34 place a phone order: (615) 370-0920, Mon. through Fri., 9am to 5pm CST. 119B. Solid Brass Engraved Keychain, Gift Boxed 7.50
1191.1.D. Holder Keychain 2.50
Name: Phone: L 121. 32 oz. Plastic Squeeze Bottle. 3.50
Address: 121 A. Kool Kan (Huggie) 4.00
19G. "Mv Grandmother's an AOII" Tee. Navy, Sizes: 6-8,
Item# 1 Qty Description Size I Price Ea Total Price 10-12,14-16 (Also Available in Pink 19GP) Sale 6.00
19W. "My Mom's an AOM" T-Shirt, White. Sizes: 6-8.
10-12.L4-L6 10.00
42. Baby Bib "An AOII Loves Me" 5.00
42A.,"New" Romper. Bear and Balloon Design. Sizes: 6mos,
12 mos, 18 mos, 24 mos 12.00
135. Mom T-Shirt. White/Red Lettets L, XL 18.00
•Canadian customers please * Shipping & Handling 136. Dad T-Shirt, White/Navy Letters L, XL 18.00
double amounts lor ship-
ping & handling charges. $0 to $5 $3 Canadians add 25% Mom or Dad Sweatshirt, Sec Fall/Winter Catalog 38.00
currency exchange
S5.01 to $25 $4 N. JUST FOR FEET
TN residents add
Check: Visa; $25.01 to $50 $5 _8.25% saJes tax 34. Socks. White w/ Red Rose 5.00
Piscover: $50.01 to $75 $6 Shipping & Handling 34A. Crew Socks, White w/ Red AOII 5.00
(sec chart)
QipOlWDL $75.01 to $100 $7 34B. Socks, Whitew/ Red Panda 5.00
Total amount
Fxpiration Dale: Please add $1 for enclosed 34E. Socks. White w/ Red AOII 5.00
Card Number: every $25 after $100. O. RIBBONS A N D ROSES
123A. 100% Cotton Throw, Ribbons and Roses Design,
I Reversible, 3 Plv 45.00
Government Association;
Stacy Webb, Lady Pacer cheerleader;
Kathy Drewry, Homecoming Court;
Laurie Gibson, Panhellenic president;
K i m Jones and Kristy Jones, Softball
Cindi Rains, Order of Omega presi-
1 dent;
Beth Steele, PEP president;
Order of Omega members: Stephanie
Carter, Kathy Drewry, Lori Gallimore,
Marcy Mills, Hope Neely, Missy Nelson,
Cindi Rains, Darcia Gresham, Laurie
Gibson, Penny Pritchett, Penny Rich,
and Michelle Skelton.
Members of Tau Omega Carrie Reed (from left), Gretchen Hicks, Jamie Cook and Amy REGIONXT
Davie at the chapters preference party.
and met quota with 35 new members, event was the Parent-Daughter Day, Sigma Delta
reports Jana Sinclair. Lori Gallimore which was attended by 200 people. Huntingdon College
served as rush chair. Chaptet members
used the new BRIDGES program. Tau Omicron raised money for Sigma Delta Chapter at H u n t i n g d o n
Arthritis Research by selling candy, hav- College (Montgomery, AL) participated
Fall highlights included the annual ing a bake sale, and trick-or-treating. i n several community projects this year,
Greek Week and Homecoming. During Chapter members also participated in reports Stacey Dwelle. The projects were
Greekfest, Tau Omicron won second other philanthropic activities, such as the Toys for Tots, sponsoring a family for
place in the lip sync competition and Adopt-A-Highway program, the Thanksgiving, helping to build a house
"Best o f Show" in the steppin' contest. Panhellenic clothes drive, and a Walk-A- for Habitat for Humanity, and sponsor-
The chapter was paired w i t h Alpha T a u T h o n . Tau Omicron ended the year by ing a booth at a local creative festival for
Omega for Homecoming and w o n first collecting Christmas gifts for underprivi- community elementary schools.
place in the float competition and third leged children.
place in the banner competition. Tau Fall rush was successful and the chapter
Omicron was also successful in intramu- Accomplishments: received nine new members. Chapter
rals; the flag football team was undefeated Shelly Nations, pom squad; members also worked w i t h the Lambda
during regular season play. Another fall Cheri Gillespie, pom squad, Student C h i Chapter at LaGrange College to help
complete another successful rush.
• Awards:
Tau Omicron members Heather Pickney (from left), Heather Stigall, Melissa Stafrin, Jana Distinguished Service Award (second
Sinclair, Cheri Gillespie, Mary Beth Neal and Candace Franks at rush retreat. consecutive year);
For the second consecutive year, a
chapter member won the Miss
Huntingdon title: Erin Mahavior, 1992-
93; Katrina Keefer, 1993-94.
Tau Delta
T a u Delta Chapter at Birmingham-
Southern College (Birmingham, AL) had
a rewarding year in 1993, reports
Elizabeth Hill. The chapter pledged
26 To Dragma
quota with 21 new members after fall Accomplishments: Rose Ball and the scholarship banquet.
rush. Misti Bridges, Lauren Hawkins, Fall quarter began with a successful
Academically, Tau Delta maintained Candice Jackson, Order of Omega; rush. The chapter reached quota and 100
the highest GPA of any Greek organiza- Amanda Buck, Ellery Cook, Student percent o f the new member class was ini-
tion on campus for the spring term, a tiated. The chapter used the new
3 . 3 9 1 . Another campus honor was the Judiciary; B R I D G E S program. Other fall events
Panhellenic Award which recognizes out- Jane Thayer (president), Christy included the chapter's annual Casino
standing contributions to the college and Night which raised money for Arthritis
the community. Some o f the chapter's Carlisle (secretary), Lauren Hawkins, Research Grants and the A O I l
philanthropic activities include helping Ruth Houston, Lori Lunsford, Mortar Foundation. The chapter was named the
with the Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis Board; Greek Week champions and earned the
Research and conducting the annual Stick highest GPA for fall quarter.
Up for Arthritis Campaign, which raised Ashley Boatright, Ivey Johnson, Missy Accomplishments:
$300. Twelve members o f Tau Delta are Norris, Rho Chi's;
members o f the Triangle Club, an organi- Kelly Wright, Panhellenic president;
zation designed to assist the campus Misti Bridges, Panhellenic president; Wendy Goff, Mary Ammons, and
administration with recruiting and orien- Ruth Houston, Birmingham-Southern Renee Lister, Rho Chi's;
tation activities. Twelve other chapter College Sportswoman o f the Year; Lacey Langston and Rita Bishnoi,
members were appointed to the Laura Cammack, Honor Genetski, Ambassadors;
President's Student Service Organization, Lauren Hawkins, Jennifer Hughes, Susan Lori Freeman, Jaye Tucker, and Anita
a service group which acts as a host orga- Williams, Student Learning Trip to Griffis, cheerleaders;
nization f o r campus guests and assists Zimbabwe; Jaye Tucker, Tama Ferguson, Rita
w i t h scholatship and honors days Jennifer Davis, Catherine Redd, Bishnoi, Sharon Graves, and Mary
throughout the year. Student Learning Trip to Honduras. Ammons, Blazer Crew.
In November, Tau Delta initiated 100 Zeta Pi RE
percent o f its new member class after U. of Alabama-Birmingham
completing the BRIDGES program. Tau
These new members helped with all o f Members o f the Zeta Pi Chapter at the U. of Minnesota
the chapter's philanthropic activities. U . o f Alabama-Birmingham had a great
year, reports Mary Amnions. Tau Chapter at the U . o f Minnesota
Tau Delta dedicated part o f its sorority had an eventful and successful year,
town house in memory o f Andrea Casey During winter quarter, the chapter reports Sherry Hendricks.
who died this past summer. held the AOLI Queen male beauty con-
test w h i c h is a fund-raiser f o r p h i l a n - Chapter members began last spring
This spring the chapter is busy organiz- thropy. Another highlight was State Day quarter by hosting a sisterhood event at
ing a campus-wide prejudice reduction which was co-hosted by Tracy Clark and their chapter house for the Kappa Sigma
workshop in conjunction with the Black other chapter members. The chapter Colony the night before their installation.
Student Union. placed second overall in Homecoming Tau members enjoyed witnessing the
activities. Kappa Sigma installation the next day.
Spring quarter activities included the Fall quarter began with a visit f r o m
Chapter Consultant Michelle Sertano
Zeta Pi members at their 1993 Rose Ball. during rush week. The chaprer achieved
quota and doubled its size f r o m the year
Chapter members participated in
Homecoming and received second place
in the house front competition and
fourth place i n the cheer competition.
This fall, Tau also celebrated its 81st year
on the U . o f Minnesota campus.
The chapter made many positive
Spring 1994 27
changes during the past year, including Zeta Amber Lisec, local scholarship winners;
raising its GPA membership requirement U. of Nebraska-Lincoln Sheri Cross and Megan Kenedy were
and being a test site for the B R I D G E S
program. Philanthropic activities included The women o f Zeta Chapter at the U . two of ten students chosen to represent
participation i n Habitat for H u m a n i t y of Nebraska-Lincoln made Christmas the U N L College o f Journalism and Mass
and " U " United with Special Olympics. brighter for a group o f less fortunate chil- Communications at the 1993-94 Student
Tau also teamed up w i t h Beta Theta Pi dren, reports Sheri Cross. Zeta arranged a Newspaper Advertising Competition.
Fraternity in a blanket drive before the party for 36 children who were among the
holidays. 3,000 young boys and girls in the Lincoln I&OION ^III
area sponsored by the Salvation A r m y
Kappa Sigma during the holidays. Each child got a ^—*
U. of Wisconsin-River Falls chance to sit on Santa's lap and have her
or his photo taken. They sat around the Delta Beta
Jennifer Ebert reports that the year has Christmas tree and listened as Zeta's own U of Southwestern Louisiana
been exciting for members o f the Kappa Mrs. Claus (Housemother Betty Soukup)
Sigma Chapter at the U . o f Wisconsin- read the Polar Express. Each child received Tracy Norman reports that Delta Beta
River Falls. a gift from her or his Christmas list. Zeta Chapter at the U . o f Southwestern
members enjoyed meeting the children Louisiana (Lafayette, LA) had a busy fall
The chapter was installed on April 17, and helping them try out their new toys. with Homecoming, AOI1 Inspiration
1993, which was a highlight o f the year. The evening ended with a beautiful rendi- Week, and trick-or-treating for Arthritis
The chapter held its first R u n / W a l k for tion of "We Wish You a Merry Research.
the Roses, w h i c h was a great success. Christmas" sung by the children.
A n o t h e r a c t i v i t y is " A d o p t - A - P a r k , " Inspiration Week, w h i c h was held i n
which consists of cleaning a city park In addition to sponsoring the party, mid-October, began with a Ritual meet-
twice a m o n t h in River Falls. Plans are Zeta donated an additional 50 toys and a ing and sheaf signing. This was followed
under way for the second Run/Walk and box o f clothing. This service to the com- by " A " day when members shared their
a new adopt-a-grandma program at a local m u n i t y was only one example o f a new scrapbooks. O n " O " day, a white rose cer-
nursing home. program implemented by Zeta in 1993. emony was held, and on " n " day a pink
Accomplishments: Philanthropic Chair Corina H u n t began rose ceremony was held, followed by a sis-
the "Good Deed Program" with hopes o f terhood tea party. O n Saturday, the new
Cassi Mickelson, crowned W i n t e r getting all members more actively initiates left for an overnight retreat and
Carnival Queen in February, 1993; the involved with service and volunteerism in initiation was held on Sunday.
chapter also w o n the Spirit Award and the community. The program proved to
second place overall at Winter Carnival; be more successful than anyone could During Homecoming Week, chapter
have imagined. Members were asked to members worked hard to compete in dif-
Margaret Larson, a recent alumna, was complete five additional hours o f commu- ferent events. Theit hard work paid o f f
voted Greek W o m a n o f the Year during nity service beyond chapter philan- when the chapter won the Sweepstakes,
her final year at U . o f Wisconsin-River thropies. Not only did members complete an award w h i c h is given to the sorority
Falls; their hours, many far exceeded them.
Corina Hunt helped the Lincoln Chapter Nicole Hebert
Tracie Blais, first runner up for Miss of the American Cancer Society plan its Cracklin Festival Queen, Port Barre, LA
Rodeo. Jail-n-Bail. Zeta's new vice president,
Erica Peterson, is an active volunteer at
Upsilon Epsilon two Lincoln hospitals. Jody Peters volun-
Parks College teers weekly at the Malone Center, which
is a day care facility for low income fami-
U p s i l o n Epsilon Chapter at Parks lies. I n addition, three Zetas serve in exec-
College (Cahokia, IL) started its fall utive positions for U N L ' s Campus Red
semester with the annual Labor Day float Cross. They are: Jody Gray, Erica
trip, reports Stephanie Holt. Peterson, and Sheri Cross. Many chapter
members have become regular volunteers
The chapter then participated in "SLU- for various charities.
CAP," a program at the main campus (St. Accomplishments:
Louis University) which involves working
in greater St. Louis to help the underprivi- Jody Gray, new student enrollment ori-
leged. In October, chapter members host- entation leader;
ed a community Halloween party for the
village of Cahokia with the help of the Cami Wacker, Panhellenic vice presi-
mayor and Kappa Delta Rho. dent;
As the semester wound down, chapter Cori Brown and Kristen Meridith,
members enjoyed their annual retreat. studying at Oxford this summer;
Michelle Phifer, Ellen Gilbert, and
Aili Monzyk, Alpha Chi National
Honor Fraternity.
28 To Dragma
f r o m the stage o f the dance. (Dawn said
"yes."). Chapter members were surprised.
The proposal made the night special for
everyone. The ball was held on the river-
boat in Memphis, T N
Molly Mayer and Kristina Stoner were
both named ASU Presidential
Ambassadors, and M o l l y was also elected
vice president of the Student
Government Association.
The chapter had three members on the
H o m e c o m i n g C o u r t , which was more
than any other group on campus.
Upsilon Lambda
U. of Texas-San Antonio
Members of Delta Beta (U. of Southwestern Louisiana) celebrate winning sweepstakes. Upsilon Lambda Chapter at the U . o f
Texas-San Antonio began 1993 with a
which wins the most events. Tracy ed money from the football fans during new and enthusiastic pledge class.
Norman represented the chapter on the the game. Chapter members wore their
Homecoming Court. favorite AOIT. sweatshirts and had a great Greek Week gave chapter members a
time. chance to show o f f their talents. The
Aimee Sonnier was i n charge o f the Annual Bachelor Auction in April was a
trick-or-treat for Arthritis Research on A social highlight o f the semester was success w i t h proceeds going to benefit
Halloween which raised $500. the Christmas formal in December which Arthritis Research. The spring semester
was chaired by A m y Graham. ended w i t h an elegant Rose Ball at the
Officer elections were held in historic St. Anthony Hotel in downtown
November and several new members San Antonio.
were elected to office. The chapter partic-
ipated in the BRIDGES program, and Debbie Roy led the chapter rhrough
everyone agreed that it was a huge suc-
cess. Sigma Omicron • ill
Accomplishments: Arkansas State U.
Ashley Ingram, Greek Council co- Sigma O m i c r o n Chapter at
Arkansas State U . (Jonesboro,
Nicole Hebert, 1993 Cracklin Queen
of Port Barre, LA; AR) had some exciting events
Second highest grades o f all sororities take place this year, reports
on campus.
Beth Dobson.
Delta Pi
Central Missouri State U. The chapter got o f f to a great
Delta Pi Chapter at Central Missouri start by again pledging quota,
State U . (Warrensburg, M O ) had a busy
fall semesrer. for the 44th consecutive year.
D u r i n g Homecoming, the chapter was At Convention, Sigma Omicron
paired with Lambda Chi Alpha and won
first place in the float competition. T w o was recognized for rush excel- I
chapter members, Allison Schindler and lence and also received a
Nikki Moffet, were among the top ten Certificate of Achievement.
on the Homecoming Court.
Philanthropic activities includ-
The chapter sponsored a f u n d raiser
called Rock-A-Thon last semester which ed a Rock-a-Thon for Arthritis
consisted o f five women rocking in rock-
ing chairs near the end zone during a Research which raised $770.
football game. Chapter members collect-
Spring 1994 Chapter members also worked
together to mail over 500 letters
asking for donations to the
EXCEL scholarship. This
broughr in $330 in donations.
A t the annual Rose Ball, i n
November, an unusual and
touching event took place. Kory Long-time Sigma Omicron supporter, Kory Myers,
Myers, a long time supporter o f popped the question to Dawn Summers at the chapter's
A O T l , p r o p o s e d to his g i r l - Rose Ball aboard the Memphis Queen riverboat. The
friend, senior Dawn Summers, bandages are from a car accident the previous day.
1 Gina Rathkamp, highest GPA, spring
Jenni Stewart, highest GPA, fall 1993;
Viviane van Popple, Napier Sisterhood
Ring 1993;
Melissa Nollen, outstanding alumnae.
Members of Upsilon Lambda (U. of Texas-San Antonio) at the Arthritis Walk-A- Thon. Upsilon
U. of Washington
extensive rush workshops beginning in First place in A l l Greek Canned Food
August. The hard work paid off when the Drive; Members o f Upsilon Chapter at the U .
chapter became the largest group on cam- of Washington (Seattle, W A ) had a busy
pus after rush. Upsilon Lambda was a test year in 1993, reports Alexis
site for the BRIDGES program which was Babcock.Winter quarter opened with
an asset to the chapter during rush. Inspiration Week and initiation. Another
highlight was the Rose Ball at the Seattle
Chapter members were busy during Aquarium.
October and November with a dance and
a mixer, trick-or-treating lor Arthritis Spring quarter brought Greek Week ,
Research, and holding car washes, candy
sales, and a tea booth at BestFest to help i
raise money for their Christmas semi-for-
mal. T o relax, they enjoyed a weekend
lakeside retreat.
I n mid-December, 25 chapter mem-
bers participated in an Arthritis Walk-a-
T h o n in downtown San A n t o n i o . The
chapter had the most participants of any
organization involved and raised more
money at the event than any other group
($684). Three A O r i s finished the 3.1
mile run, and one came in 4th place i n
her division.
A November highlight was initiation at
Oak Hills Country Club.
Accomplishments: Upsilon Chapter (U. of Washington) on Bid Day.
Paige Parker and Jenni Stewart, Order
To Dragma
of Omega;
Charissa Barnes, UTSA cheerleader.
Greek Week: first place in L i p Sync,
volleyball, and pool;
intramural sports and Upsilon's second resentative for rape relief; Program and moved up to second place
annual Court Bash Tennis Tournament M a n y members volunteered at out o f seven in scholarship.
to raise funds for Arthritis Research. The Accomplishments:
tournament was a success w i t h many fra- Children's Hospital, physical therapy
ternities participating. Members also clinics and elementary schools. Five members were on the dean's list;
donated time to the Arthritis Telethon. Second place in scholarship on campus.
The chapter hosted area high school girls Awards:
for a Panhellenic event called Greek
Weekend. Other events were a Softball E G ION Best Panhellenic New Member
game and barbecue w i t h the chapter's Program.
young alumnae, an A A C and
Corporation Board Appreciation Dinner, Theta Omega
and a double date dance and cruise.
Northern Arizona U.
Fall quarter began w i t h rush. After bid
day, members headed out to Lake Lambda Beta The Theta Omega Chapter at
Goodwin Resort for a retreat. Members California State U.-Long Beach Northern Arizona U . (Flagstaff, A Z ) won
volunteered lor several activities during the Greek Achievement Award, reports
Homecoming Week. They collected food Wendy Mayo reports that Lambda Ann Trent.
for a canned food drive, donared blood Beta Chapter at California State U.-Long
during a blood driver, and participated in Beach had a great rush and pledge quota. The award is given each semester by
a Greek System sign contest. Fall also the Greek Judicial Review Board to rec-
included a barn dance and the initiation D u r i n g the fifth annual Greek Row, ognize one outstanding Greek chapter. It
of the chapter's new members. chapter members raised more that $2,500 is based on eight criteria, including schol-
Accomplishments: for Arthritis Research. Chapter members arship, community service, public rela-
and advisers participated in the Los tions, membership in other organizations
Mary Sison, president o f Panhellenic; Angeles AIDS Walk, raising over $500 for and self-governance policies. The award
Dana Quam, Claire Beehler, and Susan AIDS research. They wore marching let- was given for the first time on December
Yang, officers in Phi Eta Sigma; ters and had a great time. 2, 1993.
Michelle Pipkin, officer in Alpha
Kappa Psi; On campus, the chapter won an award I n an article in the spring 1994 issue o f
Kari Astley, U W Board o f Control rep- for the best Panhellenic New Member Greek Beat, the campus Greek newslerter,
the chapter was praised for its "participa-
tion in other organizations, superior com-
munity service and positive public rela-
tions." ®
FMO/R 1994graduates, AO 11 has a gift for you. . . . A O n is proud of:
K i m Gerber and Christine Casement,
YOUR FIRST both Alpha Psi (Bowling Green State
YEAR'S O N US! U.) who spent Labor Day weekend
helping midwest flood victims and Ann
Congratulations on your graduation! Maxwell, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U . ) ,
who was recently named Greek
Welcome to A O n alumnae status. Though you're W o m a n o f the Year. A n n worked as a
summer intern for To Dragma last year.
juggling lots o f things right now, wherever you go
In mid-January, several AOT1 alumnae
your involvement as an alumna can easily be tailored to fit your needs and bal- met singer Crystal Gayle at an Arthritis
Foundation reception held in conjunction
anced with your work, family and community activities. Most alumnae groups with the Arthritis Telethon production
meeting. From left are Pat Helland, Dina
meet just once a month and dues are usually $20 to $30 annually. As A O H s gift DGerolamo, Rebecca Brown, Ms. Gayle,
Avery Wilson, and Jennifer Murphy.
to new graduates, we are exempting the I n t e r n a t i o n a l Operations and
Conference Fees f r o m your local dues (a savings o f $17)! Along with the benefits
of a lifetime o f supportive and caring sisterhood, you'll experience the advantages
of networking, fun, friendship and sharing your commitment to AOFI. Plus,
your local alumnae group will benefit from your skills, knowledge, time, energy
and enthusiasm! Please contact your local A O F I alumnae chapter today. Use this
form to request information about the chapter nearest you. Fill i n and send to:
Phylis Garrison, Alumnae Services Coordinator A O F I Headquarters, 9025
Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027.
Address State/Prov Zip/Postal
City Phone ( )
Collegiate Chapter Initiation Date
Spring 1994 31
Reach Out AOII—A salute to 50-year members!
Alpha Omicron Pi salutes these women who have been members for 50-years. May they continue to "Reach Out" to
shate out sisterhood for many mote years! This list includes each member's name, city and state or Canadian province. I f
International Headquarters has no current address, no city is listed. I f you know the address o f any o f these "lost" alum-
nae, please notify International Headquarters. The list includes women initiated July 1, 1944 to June 30, 1945.
Initiated between 7/1/44 - 6/30/45
Alpha Omicron Agnes Jean Robinson Elizabeth Jane Johnson Walton, Louisville, K Y
Louisiana State Univetsity Viniva Joan Funk Schanzenbach, Olympia, W A Joan Elizabeth Larass Toliusis,
Betty Myrle Keeny Cartwtight,
Spearfish, SD Martha Leah Lance Zacklin, Tinley Park, I L
Baton Rouge, L A Shirley Izetta Thompson Scheibe, Portland, O R Carol Goss Young,
M a i Estelle Nelson Collins
Eleanor Holbrooke Miller Bellevue, W A Alpha Tau Geneva, O H
Fergeson, Elaine Guth Tashjian, Denison University
Mary Ellen Mcintosh Arnold, Beta Gamma
Bogalusa, LA Troy, N Y Michigan State University
Florence Sinreltarv Medlin, Elizabeth Amie Kane Walker, Effingham, IL Virginia Agnes Brader Bakewell,
Patricia Jane Cober Ashbrook,
Beaumont, T X Irvine, CA Deceased
June Myrl Giraud Ortkiese Gloria Lee Sampson Zartman, Evanston, IL Shirley Eileen Thorpe Bodwin,
Ruth Elaine Robinson Rainey, Alice Margaret Attridge,
Deceased Reno, N V
Alexandria, LA Deceased Frances Cecil Ernsberger
Dorothy Anne Riggins Alpha Sigma Haidee Mary Prager Betterton, Caroline E Baumgras Gray,
Lois Caroline Langguth Schiell, University of Oregon
Hildur Agnes Warner Bailey, Evergreen, C O Richland, M I
Metairie, LA Tigard, O R Helen Van Deren Howe Evans, Jeanne Gamble Hillmer,
Marian Jean Shaw Janice Nadine Rust Christian,
Carrolee Hamilton Thomas Salem, SC Dearborn, M I
Margaret Jean Hibler Wathall Springfield, O R Joyce Alyce GafFord Grant, W i l m a Jeanette Pinch Peek,
Emily Ellis Whitty Barbara Ada Fullmer Collie,
Mary Ellen Sandifer Young, Greenwich, C T Denver, C O
Eugene, O R Patricia Faye Tribble Grissom, Marjorie Louise McCallum
Crystal Spgs., M S Lois Ernestine Roeder Critchlow, Peffers,
Northville, M I
A l p h a Phi Deceased Gretchen Jean Scott Houd, Las Vegas, N V
Montana State University Margaret Jean Counts Defoe, Betty Lou Landis Phillips,
Marjorie Jane Roberts Cannon, Menlo Park, C A
Deceased Julia Ann Mills Littlejohn, Harrisburg, PA
Butte, M T Shirley Laverne Gilmore, Carlita Mae Rene Cox Reed,
Blanche E Franklin Chiicote, La Grange, IL
Dallas, T X Olga Tender Michalos, Greensburg, PA
Dana Point, C A Harriett Anna Banbury Holland, Vernice Irene Knauss Rups,
Helen Boiler Clark, Canton, O H
Chehalis, W A Joan Ground Bailey Norman, Plymouth, M I
Bigfork, M T Barbara Jean Williams Maclaren, Marjorie Elaine Doster
Dorothy Jane Gilbert Cooper, Mc Allen, T X Sutherland,
Deceased Dorothy Mae Lamb Oliphant,
Mesa, A Z Betty Marie Skofstad Meier, Escondido, CA
Anita Lillian Bruce Evans Youngstown, O H Ruth Marian MacKool Thiel,
Betty Anna Flatt Gottlob, Stockton, C A Helen Elizabeth Norman Peterson,
Patricia Jean Johnson Monahan Deceased
Billings, M T Geraldine E Fett Moore, Evanston, I L Marion Ruth Ttainor
Jean Leverich Lenham Hansen, Virginia Isabel Dare Powers, June Irene Szosz Z i m m e r m a n ,
Santa Barbara, C A
Billings, M T Barbara Carol Dorris Phomin Ithaca, N Y Fowlerville, M I
Helen Marie Wolf Hoffman, Barbara Lucile Hawkins Polach, Janet Lucille Brown Schad,
Beta Kappa
Veradale, W A Corte Madera, C A Mentor, O H University of British Columbia
Beverly Joyce Kirkpatrick Johnson Nancy Beatrice Williamson Jeannette A n n Hall Schneider, May Stacey Archibald,
Nina Helen Murfitt Krakenberg, Richardson,
Fremont, O H Deceased
Hayden, I D Larchmont, N Y Marjorie Newton Beardslee Seavey Madaline Mary Murdoch Arsens
Nancy Ruth Stenson Moore, Wyona Borgen Rogers, Jane Mabel Kull Seelinger, Betty Louise Mehan Barnell
Helen Jane Kerr Barrie,
Renton, W A Tacoma, W A Roseland, N J
Joanne Beth Ward Smith, Gloria Marie Snider Silber, N . Burnaby, BC
Eugene, O R Irvine, C A
Joanne M.Gummere Tingley,
32 To Dragma
A salute to 50-year members!
Rosemary Joy Brough Jean Louise Anderson Jenkins, Chi Julie Anne Carlsen Berr,
Margaret Mary L Guimont Ft. Wayne, I N Syracuse University Salem, OR
Delacheroi, Elinor Louise Enwright Bellinger,
Emma June Tryon Kennedy, Vernon, NY Marilyn Jean Wirth Carleton,
Vancouver, BC Deceased Ruth Ellen Smith Black, Sterling, CO
Jaunita Vivianne Goodman Claremont, CA
Harris, Mary Virginia Gazzolo Koenig, Marion Louise Grassmuck Clouse, Mae Beth Hudson Carnes
Fullerton, CA St. Petersburg, FL Rosemary Callahan Case
W. Vancouver, BC Carolyn Elizabeth Oliver Collier, Patricia Lou Fountain Casey
Agnes Helen Pappajohn Maniskas, Ardis Anna Reed Lawrence, Naples, FL Patricia Harriet White Clarke
Brook, I N Helen Eugenia Marriner Eldredge, Mary Elizabeth Holden Crowe,
Los Angeles, CA Fresno, CA
Evelyn Mary Wright Murdock Josephine Marie Walsh Helen Elizabeth Panebaker Farrell, Deceased
June Louise M Hodges McConnell, Syracuse, NY Gladys D. Cameron Dilorenzo,
Mussenden, Ada May Marshall Fearon,
Valparaiso, I N Oneida, NY Colorado Spgs., CO
Victoria, BC Donna Florence Phelps Dorothy Ann Harley Harburv Laverne Long Ferguson,
Eileen Mavis Plenderleith Meyerhoven, Elayne Virginia Hartwick
Jacquelyn N Phillips Robinson, Helen Mildred Nye Jenkins, Cathlamet, WA
Vancouver, BC Ocala, FL Bend, OR Mary Mae Pringle Fowler,
Rohan Florence Mae Peele Rush, Marian Louise Osborn, Frances Jane Simons Jones,
Vancouver, BC Deceased La Junta, CO
Mary Beatrice Allman Smith Indianapolis, I N Mary Margaret Antil Ledermann Milege Zana Juhre Hahn
Iris Stacey, Emma Jean Soard Redman, Margaret Robertson Leibold Marguerite Cornie Johnson
Coquitlam, BC Marjorie Ann Harper McMahon, Holden,
Ruth Lillian White, Del Mar, CA Milford, CT
Vancouver, BC Norma Jean Kuhn Robison, Carol Harsha Foote Mears, Aurora, CO
Ft. Edward, NY Betty Jo Van Valkinburg Howard,
Beta Phi Mt. Vernon, I N Geraldine E Davis Prister,
Indiana University Marjorie Ann Huffman Rogers Rochester, NY Pocatello, ID
Imogene Bright, Martha Jane Newhard Rolain, Ellen Luita Frances Davy Rougen Patricia Gene Arnold Kregg,
Deceased Ann Marie Dunn Schoebel,
Patricia Ann Crews Burton, Omaha, NE Ballsron Spa, NY Hinsdale, IL
Gwendolyn Ruth Snow Sharp, Helen Jacqueline Lord Shields, Margie Louise Arbaugh Lamar,
Franklin, I N Frackville, PA
Betty Jean Busby Clem, St. Thomas, V I Elenore Jean Ivory Smykal, Winchester, M A
Anderson, I N Jean Elizabeth Woods Smith, Reedley, CA Patricia Anne Evers Maddox
Suzanne Ellen Hirsch Crozier Marguerite L Fontanella Wiltse, Alice Ruth Grotbeck McCarthy,
Betty Lou Crews Dalton, Dayton, O H St. Petersburg, FL
Shelbyville, I N Betty Amie Williams Sufana, Esther Louise Stevenson Youngs, San Carlos, CA
Marian Emery Wales Drews, Blacksburg, VA Dorothy J. Montgomery Nelson,
Danville, IL Hobart, I N
Elizabeth Jane Fellmy Eskew, Mary Gray Thompson, Chi Delta Deceased
Grand Island, NY U. of Colorado Lydia Brown Wilson Nertles,
Joan Alice Fauser Milan, IN Martha Welch Kemp Albright Albuquerque, N M
Barbara Ann Atkins Fehn, Gloria J Johnson Ward, Ada Mae Smith Anderson, Muriel Maxais Barquist Sleichter,
Vista, CA Lakewood, CO
Deceased Margie Ann Dawson Watt, Elaine Jeanne Bach Deceased
Jane Elizabeth Hetrick Graves, Elsie Irene Lorenz Bennert, Carol Frances Cox Stanley,
Olympia Fields, IL Colorado Spgs., CO
Austin, TX Carol Marie Krueger Wolf, Reno, NV
Madelyn Lucretia Keasbey Green, Christine Vanderwilt
LaJolla,CA Mardelle Frances Huhn Walling,
Madison, W I Aurora, O H
Mary Alice Harrley, Beta Tau Peggy McKinnie Weaver,
University of Toronto
Campbellsburg, IN Ruth Lillian Caryl Croll, Hickory Vly.,TN
Eleanore Ann Hire, Deceased Mary Margaret Schrefer Wood,
Russella Jacqueline Lane Crowley
Claremont, CA Alice Acal Laham, Englewood, CO
Wichita, KS
Marion Luella Loveys, Kathryn Esther Barrett Woodhill
Hickson, O N Delta
Jeanne Darrell Perdicaris,
Tufts University
Richmond Hill, O N Edith Ellsworth Cook Asquith
Joan Scott Eames Beamer
Spring 1994
A salute to 50-year members!
Anne Ruth Randall Berry, Broomall, PA Deceased Falmouth, ME
Ashland, MA Helen Elizabeth Sharp New, Barbara Ann Engstrom Marit Williams Andersen Wilson,
Shirley Mag Sargent Fowkes, Oneonta, NY Orono, ME
New Fairfield, CT Luciana Marie Silvani Warwick, RI
Lucille Elizabeth Holden Smith, Lucy Seifing Iota
Phyllis Anne Dearden Guptil, Esther Roth Pebly Skinner, U. of Illinois
Wildwood, FL W. Hempstead, NY Mariler June Loveridge Alcorn,
Frances Maud Barker Hintsa Martha Jane Waller Smith, Deceased
Elizabeth Jeann Robertson Peoria, IL
Olga Emma Vantura Lyons, Mechanicsburg, PA Thomas, Ruth Marile Streger Anderson,
Duxbury, M A Joan Patricia Flood Snyder, Arlington Hts., IL
Waterloo, IA Madelyn Joan Lang Bock,
Irma Harriette Ashley Max Salem, VA Isabel Laura Myers Vandennoort,
Sylvia Druli Mazzola, Mary Catherine Keesecker Deceased
Sullivan, Huntingdon Vly., PA Margaret Jane Kramer Crawford,
New York, NY Fay Ebnet Young Williams,
Judith Virginia Marcus McNeil, Falmouth, ME Oak Lawn, IL
Marilyn Marie Miller Vince, Deceased Venita Eudora B Schnarre Debiase
Dedham, MA Elizabeth Ann Blackburn Georgianna Baker Degenhardt
Phyllis Lovejoy Damon Rand St. Charles, IL Woodhouse, Audrey Lee Harlow Farley
F Elizabeth Lewis Rich, Barbara Williams Wilson Frances Marie Steger Greene,
Caroline Margaret Wood Deceased
Needham, M A Virginia Harp Pershing Zepfel Deceased
Doris Adele Hammond Riley, Epsilon Alpha Pamela Jean Martin Hope,
Pennsylvania State University Gamma
New Port Richey, FL Gladys Evelyn Raemsch Betts, University of Maine-Orono Taylorville, IL
Jane Caryl Schofield, Andover, NJ Lois Marillyn Doescher Atkins, Patricia Lou Ryan Houghton,
Joanne Campbell Brown, Alexandria, VA
W. Medford, M A Mary Grace Tibbetts Bean, Deceased
Priscilla Mayo Watson, Phoenixville, PA Deceased Jane Patricia Wilson Hurter,
Carolyn Jeanne Hartman Arlene Marjorie Cleven,
Deceased Colteryahn, New Canaan, CT Deceased
Marguerite Winifre Revene Betty Marie Small Cunningham, Alice Eileen Gainer Jackson,
Winans, Deceased Silver Spring, M D
Nancy Ann McGeary Deane, Lala Lambright Jones Dinsmore, Frankfort, IL
Deceased Mariellen Damon Jaeger,
Winston-Salem, NC Gorham, N H
Epsilon Helen Marie Gaardsmoe Jean Ruth Campbell Foster, Deceased
Cornell University Martha Ann Kremers Gilpin, Jane Louise Schaefer Keenan,
Eleanor G F Beiswinger Crinnion, Appleton, W I Deceased
Dallas, PA Jean Nyce Alderfer Hooven, Ruth Peabody Fogler Goff, Streator, IL
Ruth Louise Reese Daugherty Ida Jayne Blanchard Thomas
Bonnie Jean Kauffinan Souderton, PA Exeter, ME Alice Louise Wolff Ulrich,
DeLaMater, Helen Louise Noble Husted Norma Guylene Smith Goodall,
Margaret Clair Finkbeiner Yardley, PA Deceased
Macungie, PA Jackson, Elizabeth Madeline Ray, Esther Wilma Streger Voise,
Beth Elaine Brynilsen Dungey,
Saylorsburg, PA Leesburg, FL Arlington Heights, IL
Concord, CA Vera Patricia Trester Kelly, Muriel Frances Gee Roy Mary Anne Armstrong Wagoner,
Dorothy Alice Flood Flynn, Jacqueline May Springer Sprague,
Hilton Head Island, SC Champaign, IL
Dallas, PA Betty Jane Fischler Mattox Ormond Bch., FL Joan Lucile Ryan Wickham,
Emily Preston Stickney Gammie, Amelia Foulke Dowling Edith May Dick Stackpole,
McLoughlin, Rolling His. Est., CA
N . Andover, M A Manchester, CT Jean Louise Ryan Winters,
Jean Marie Boughner Getsinger Media, PA Beverley Pitman Sthilaire,
June Dolores Jacobi Gillin, Joan Hartley Keller Mitchell, Redondo Bch., CA
Bow, N H
North Palm Beach, FL Pittsburgh, PA Helen Elizabeth Noyes Taylor, Kappa
Dorothy Adele Hayes Gillman, Betty Jane Mellinger Neal, Randolph-Macon Woman's
Dover-Foxcroft, ME College
Bonita Springs, FL San Gabriel, CA Constance Virginia Thomes, Alice Broadus Dickinson Causey
Elinor Baier Kennedy, Jeane Thryza Bradshaw Oliphant, Deceased Estelle Bond Newsum Curtis,
Jo Anne Ruth Chellis Wilson,
Reading, PA Deceased Deceased
Helen Elaine Tompkins Merkel, Louise Pauline Zimmerer Purcell, Margaret Rosita C Jones Dyke,
Lakeland, FL Deceased
Jane Claire Mange Morrison,
To Dragma
A salute to 50-year members!
Mary Elizabeth Grinter Hayes, Purchase, NY Dorothy Barrow Arwell, Mary Barbara Gillette Anderson
Memphis, T N Ellenor Marie Oland Fallon, Matthews, GA Muriel E Windham Brown,
Nancy Jean Hill Hopkins, Lansdowne, O N Dorma Jeanne Fayssoux Bowden Dallas, TX
Tampa, FL Shirley Elvina Darragh Hobbes, Elizabeth Ann Burkhart Betty Marie Brant Bruns,
Katharine Moore Roberts
Grace Marie Kittrell Toronto, O N Dennison Encino, CA
Virginia Lee Stockham Ladd, Marjorie Ann Green Scott, Cecile Doughty Marian Elizabeth Hibbard Brush,
Frances Jean Campbell Everitt
Birmingham, AL Manotick, O N Mary Eleanore Bowers Harlin, Long Beach, CA
Elizabeth Rhett Banks McGee, Barbara Winnifred Hart Smith, Bobette Madelin Bishinger Calli,
Kingwood, TX
Eutaw, AL Hudson, QU Betty Ann Sasseville Harper Miami, FL
Dorothy Ann Fawcett Morris, Virginia May Mack Starnaud Nucia Hurlbutt Helen Louise Bishop Combes,
Elizabeth R MacKintosh Whiting, Janie Olene Waites Jennings
Virginia Bch., VA Frances Ann Martin, San Diego, CA
Barbara Ann Howe Paret, Hudson Hts., PQ Atlanta, GA Astrid Carlson Doermann,
Rose Marie Allen Wickham Ruth Nadine Keels Martin,
Silsbee, TX Coral Springs, GA Westlake Village, CA
Virginia Louise Stanton Payne Kappa Theta, UCLA Anne Estelle Wetmore Matthews, Marian Laverne Mortensen
Elizabeth Edwards Pless, Elizabeth Josephine Banks Allen, Heaton
Belmont, CA Neptune Bch., FL Shirley Jean Hitz Hollingsworth,
Birmingham, AL Mary Ann Trumble Bookout, Evelyn Drew Martin McAllister
Martha Alice Holliman Idyllwild, CA Frances Ervin Rainey Partee Pacific Palisades, CA
Richardson Patricia Jean Noonan Brunton, Emily Hay Codington Pennington Mary Gladys Kearns Jacobus
Virginia Hodges Arnold Siener, Torrance, CA Alice Amis Bush Shirvanian, Beverly Jean Holbert Karbo,
Joyce Laverne Buehler Edgerton, Arcadia, CA
Greene, RI Rcho Palos Verdes, CA Lois Helen Johnson Shorn, Boulder Ciry, NV
Ada Henrietta Ecton Elliot, Maybelle Eleanor Orebaugh
Kappa Omicron Billings, M T Cornelia, GA Kistler
Rhodes College Marilyn Louise Burnside Field Sue Willard Andrew Stanford Patricia Jane Makepeace Leopold,
Nancy Jane Conn Davis Jean Rilla Willcox Gaily, Lovetta Elizabeth McGwain
Elizabeth Walsh Shea Drummond, Arvada, CO Trulock Escondido, CA
Memphis, T N Barbara Louise Lapp Greaves, Marthanne Camp Vandyke Ruth Maude Madsen Madaffer,
Mary Joyce Fondren Elbrecht Fresno, CA Gene Eleanor Brown Weldon
Holma Jane Seay Hightower, Barbara Ann Dean Kapell, San Diego, CA
Deceased Glendale, CA Nu, New York University Harriet L Warner Martinelli,
Jo Alice Page Johnson, Doris Lee Harp Leeds Eileen Teresa Carroll Clerc,
El Dorado, AR Michael Anita Mansfield, Jackson Hts., NY San Mateo, CA
Lilly Anne Beggs Rein Deceased Mary Elizabeth Cooper Patti McCormack,
Mae Jean Igou Roberts, Patricia Ann Howell McCarrell, Harriet May Bredder Floyd
Little Rock, AR Hemet, CA Marjorie Lumley Gilbert Santa Barbara, CA
Suzanne Berry Stewart Taylor, Patricia Louise Nelson McMahon Emily Ann Thornton Gray, Victoria J Moryuseph McNerney
Dover, DE Margery Ann M Robinson, Delray Bch., FL Pauline Laprevotte Moon,
Barbara Bowden Templeton, Saratoga, CA Clare Lewis MacDonnell
Belvidere, T N Kathryn Lorraine Kies Ross Joyce Kidd McGinnis Sun City, AZ
Jessica Fry Sanders Simonson, Claire Veronica Jennings Schmidt, Carol E Emmerling Sawyer,
Kappa Phi, McGill U. Bellevue, WA Omaha, NE
Dorothy Anne Petersen Rita Lee Merritt Stevens Claire Eunice Steiger Bakersfield, CA
Ackerman, Mary Jane Walker, Doris Strother, Delerys Joy Sturdevant dePaolo,
Columbia, SC Deceased Matawan, NJ
Beryl Archibald Munro Ball, South Laguna, CA
Lambda Sigma Nu Lambda
Beaconsfield, QC U. of Georgia U. of Southern California Nu Omicron
Marilyn Miller Bower, Jo Ann Trapnell Adams, Mary Joanne Alden Vanderbilt U.
Gainesville, GA Joy Murphy Adams,
Whitby, O N
Catherine Mary Draper, Nashville, T N
Charlotte Reed Knox Anderson,
Victoria, BC
Jeanne Elizabeth Faughnan Emans Deceased
Rosilla Foss Leavitt Endresen, Alice Ann Vaughan Barge,
Nashville, T N
Stella Marie Lyons Crider,
Dublin, GA
Alma Jean Thomas Curtis,
Nashville, T N
Barbara E Horsefield Denny,
Spring 1994 35
A salute to 50-year members!
Chapel H i , NC Patricia Ann Myers Shafer, Omicron Pi Helen Ann Lawrence Johnson,
Sara Ellen Bowen Gardner, Cincinnati, O H U. of Michigan Raytown, M O
Janet Hazel Barber Barbee
Donelson, T N Mary Barbara Patten Smith, Paulajean C Bouchez Bareham, Phyllis Marian Good Jones,
M Joan Wallace Gordon, Maumee, O H Wheaton, IL Kewanee, IL
Mary Sue Wesbrook Benken,
Deceased Anna Carolyn Hefner Veith, Bethlehem, PA Elizabeth Anne Iredale MacMartin
Nell Hunter Shofner Johnson, Wesdake, O H Barbara Theresa Rohan Corbeil, Mary Elizabeth S Jepson
Margaret Graham Young Palm Harbor, FL Nightingale,
Nashville, T N Avis Ruth McCrillis Duckworth,
Ellen Ryckman Henderson Joseph, Whitlock, Goffstown, N H Murray Hill, NJ
Fremont, M I Dolores Margaret Earl Margery Ann Amrein Pyle
Woodbine, M D Lois Virginia Bremer Hall .Ruth Elizabeth McWilliams
Eddine Swingley Bowen Paschall, Lois Rae Murphy Ziegler Monna Lee Clark Hartman, Shanklin,
Donelson, T N Omicron Dorothy Ellen Hurlbut Denver, CO
Carolyn Sue Caslett Peavy U. of Tennessee Phyllis Fyrnn McCall Kendall, Mary Frances Stark
Doris McNeeley Rosson, Martha Jane Peeples Avery, Fond du Lac, W I Mary Frances Sedlock TherofT,
Memphis, T N Helen Antoinette Towas Killins,
Memphis, T N Geraldine Anne Haskew Brittain Cadillac, M I Kansas City, KS
Mary Sue Williams Sumner, Ann L Stowers Brown Janet Marie Osgood Lawson, Sara Ann Jones Yerkes,
Norma Joanne Sawyer Bryan, Naples, FL
Nashville, T N Haddonfield, NJ Mary Ann Theresa Perrone Lynch, Palo Alto, CA
Mary Ann Keefe Williams, Miriam Cutkomp Carry Janet Belt Young,
Mary Flo Hartman Clift Jr., Boca Raton, FL
Lake Lure, NC Chattanooga, T N Ruth Joy Martin Leavenworth, KS
Catherine Moreland Weaver Elizabeth Cheyne Devine Flynn, Charline Gloria Matthews
Wright Augusta, GA Sally Helen Wyman McCready Pi
Mariba West Bruce Gray, Mary Alice Derderian Nahigian Newcomb College - Tulane
Omega Charlottesville, VA Elizabeth Ann Pressprich Norpell, Jerrye Joan Mirandona Bryan
Miami U. Sarah Belle Jones Hamilton, Anna Gibson Hover Cornell,
Margaret Jean Teets Bailey Deceased Newark, O H Deceased
Mary Helen Reed Barth, Dava Elizabeth Anderson Barbara Jo Ann Babbitt Quigley, Charlotte Keller Coats Fanz,
St. Petersburg, FL Hammond Covington, LA
Lois Catherine Augenstein Charlotte Bernice Fortune Tecumseh, M I Shirley Flo Cunningham Foster,
Bigelow, Hethmon Bernice Pauline Hall Ross, New Orleans, LA
Perrysburg, O H Margaret Elizabeth Allred Mary Moss Madison Henderson,
Mary Louise Stager Boli, Johnson, Lorain, O H Memphis, T N
Greenville, O H Knoxville, T N Vera Irene Zinkievich Russo Joan Virginia Heaney Hohenstein
Elsie Beth Hovey Burkhart, Mary Elizabeth Stooksbury Jones, Doris Ann Smith, Rosary Brenda Byrne Larose
Parachute, CO Knoxville, T N Ruth Charlotte Boulet McCarthy,
Priscilla Catherine Hall Cole, Nancy Edwards McMahan Moody Flint, M I
Casselberry, FL Carolyn Augusta Benziger Morris Mary Ruth Gordon Widrig, New Orleans, LA
Evelyn Therese Hayne Farmer, Kathryn Agnes Ewell Ray Jeanne Therese Pavy,
Sarasota, FL Mary Nari Reed Inkster, M I
Marilyn Ruth Beal Ferry, Donna Lovell Robinson Rhodes, Deceased
Columbus, O H Destin, FL Phi Jeannette Renegar Smith,
Janet Mary Nonemacher Johnson, Hallie Decker Martin Rice, U. of Kansas
Harper Woods, M I Idaho Falls, I D Carol Elizabeth Long Alexander Mandeville, LA
Maryellen Kraeger Kern, Helen Elizabeth Hutchins Ripp Beverly Mae Reitz Evans, Maribe Sue Stokes
Camp Hill, PA Anne Delores Boyd Smith Marie Harriet Stouse Vankirk
Alice Jane Collis Knox, Mary Frances Ford Watt, Olathe, KS Dorothy Katherin Bernhard
Worthington, O H Roswell, GA Helen Mather Gibson, Whitney
Nancy Anne Oldham Lecompte Jean Wiersema Wehrheim
Gloria Gay Gillivan Overmyer, Denver, CO Pi Delta
Deceased Sidney Lee Mayfield Hahn, U. of Maryland
Awenith Jean Hemmings Margaret Anne Hewitt Atkinson,
Pritchard, Lincoln, NE Toronto, ON
Oconomowoc, W I Wilmajean Bown Hampton, Margery Ann Hannon
Deceased Waterloo, LA
36 To Dragma
A salute to 50-year members!
Phyllis Elaine Burton San Dimas, CA Bessie Louise Slater Etcher Adair Carol Thrash Davis,
Barbara Marie Allen Cappiello Lavilla Cathron Rigney Deutsch Marilyn Rurh Harbin Forman, Citrus Heigths, CA
Dorothy Jeannette McLean Curtis, Beverly Jo Jacks Fox,
GlenEllyn, IL Constance Ann Ellis Doerr
Temple Hills, M D Victoria, TX Antoinette Theresa Groass Groase Margaret Ann Ernst Ford,
Virginia Claire Eisele Doane, Nancy Marie Bowling Harrelson Rita Dolores Kennedy Halvorsen
Peggy Haynes Eleanor Jeanne Hinckle Ingram, Saratoga, CA
San Antonio, TX Jean Marjorie Brooks Hill Dorothea Laurelle Johnson
Elizabeth Thayer Gwaltney Eby Betty Lucille Vawter Hunt, Evanston, IL Fribley,
Evelyne L Fitzgerald Jeanne Lois Bassett Jones, Walnut Creek, CA
Margaret Esther Munro Gilbert Memphis, T N Mildred Elizabet Eastwood Gester
Helen Burwell Marshall Grant Elizabeth Marie Volts Price Palos Verdes Estate, CA Nancy Eleanor Ingraham
Maryanne Pitcher Hobbs, Barbara Maye Sorsby Gloria Mary Hill Keefer Greenland,
Virginia Marjorie Bach Kozeny
Sun City West, AZ Psi, U . of Pennsylvania Mary Evelyn Ivy Lansmand Palo Alto, CA
Blanche Vinacha MacFalls Hord Janet White Maxton Albertson Joan Margaret Lee Carol Corlett Howard Grinsfelder,
Margaret Dent Humphries Mary Cynthia Cienkowski Amann Elinor Jane Lueth,
Mildred Elizabeth Mooney Lusby, Dorothy Eleanor Bache Dallas, T X
Rita Borsari, Poway, CA Betrylou Yates Hampel,
Severna Park, M D Frances Eleanor Nestor Meagher
Marion Isabel Lee Gaither Lynch Philadelphia, PA Jeanne Godfrey Mudge Modesto, CA
Mary Marguerite McLachlen, Eleanor Louise Beshgetoor Carol Elaine Murphy Paver Mary Jane Ager Hennigan,
DiLuigi, Joyce Marie Anderson Petter
Deceased Dorothy Frances Wilhelm Powers The Sea Ranch, CA
Gloria Jean Eisele McQuillan Warminster, PA Catherine Jane Hinckle Helen Jo Ann Turner Johnston,
Barbara Ann Branner Mitchell Erna Lutz Fritz, Ricciardelli,
Berneil Lorraine Johnson Odell Sandy, U T
Louisa Fifi Nicholson Pappas Bethlehem, PA Peoria, IL Marilyn Louise Spongbergjoy,
Jean Chalmers Patton Helen Marie Weiss Goodman, Marilyn June Schumacher
Ava Pauline Sellers Pratt Shonridge, Walnut Creek, CA
Martha L Foster Preston Newark, DE Lois Mae Pohlmeyer Lutz,
Elsie Jane Nock Pristach, Doris Lillian Garbee Hall, Canton, O H
Doris Dea Price Stanley, Glendale, CA
Deceased Ellicott City, M D Sally Olson Peters,
Margery Jeanne Bennett Stetson Vivian Shreve Hiltner Kreasky, Deceased
Mary Virginia L Carpenter Stokes Jeann Ruth Anderson Ward Piedmont, CA
Phyllis Rothe Croswell Tobias, Bloomfield His., M I Joyce Carol Graefen Wiss, Sylvia Jane Harlow Rader
Jewell Mitzi Starke Missimer, Patricia Lee McConaha Rogerson,
Falls Church, VA Glenview, IL
Mary Louise Pigg Tye, Washington Xing, PA Truckee, CA
Carolyn Mary Anderson Moyer, Sigma Marilyn Virginia Cochrane
Los Altos, CA U. of California - Berkeley Rosberry,
Jeanne Ann Wannan Glenside, PA Charlotte Adelea Anderson
Mary Clare Ahern Willcox, Ruth Catherine Shetlock Reuning, Joy Ann Martin Ashley, Deceased
Marjorie Elizabeth Street
Morris Plains, NJ Selinsgrove, PA Oakland, CA Saunders,
Jean Elizabeth Torbet Woodson, Mary Louise Aruffo Till Jean Carry Baxter,
Kate Butler Harker Vaughn, Yuba City, CA
Bethany Beach, DE Berkeley, CA Lois Ruth Moffitt Schwarz,
Cheltenham, PA Patricia Alizabet Emerson Beckley
Pi Kappa Helen May Zanzinger, Barbara Leone Britton Lebanon, OR
University of Texas - Austin Barbara Jeanne Cowan Buchner Beatrice Lillian Nuckolls
Mary Margaret Stoll Andreason, Deceased Beverley Mae Johnson Campbell Seidenspinner
Dorothea E Bartlett Carson, Ruth Marie Ransom Thrams,
Dallas, TX Rho, Northwestern University
Leua Jenelle Jacobs Brooks, Helen Patricia Cooper Boettiger Bellevue, WA Orinda, CA
Mildred Marie Knight Bowen Charlotte Anne Shuck Cleek, Beverly Ann Reeves Watts,
Carthage, T X Martha Jean Bugg Willows, CA
Evelyn Louise Kennedy Byron, Eleanor Marie Shoemaker Carter Concord, CA Barbara M Swearingen Westfall
Jacqueline M A Cremin Cawley, Merrilee Boushaw Corley, Margaret Elsie Baumberger
Austin, T X Walnut Creek, CA Widman
Mary Jo Andrews Carson, St Thomas, Daphne Jeanne Ferron Croswell
Patricia Anne Anderson Cooley Ann Lorraine Kavarno Dart Sigma Tau
Austin, T X Mary Ellen Bramlet Cranford Washington College
Ray Mclver Collins, Margaret Louise Elliston Esther Corson Fernald Bland,
Millville, NJ
Spring 1994 37
A salute to 50-year membersI
Florence Louise H Ames Adah Ellen Fitzsimmons Mary Ellen West Huggard Shirley Lee Gigandet Deakin,
Merryman McGlothlin, Mary Louise McGarigle Deceased
Mary Jane Ervin Metcalfe, Rebecca Day Longden Oliver,
Uvalde, TX Patricia Ruth Dean
Keyser, WV Jacquelyn Verda Williams Fullerton, CA Adelaide A Cousino Deuble,
Ruth Ann Nichols Mink, Miesbauer Virginia Marie Morberg Peterson
Margaret Ann Ackerman Miller, Betty Luella Owens Proffitt, Toledo, O H
Federalsburg, M D Jeanne Marie Muntz Dom,
Nancy Jamnne Sutherland Cottonwood, AZ Crawfordsville, I N
Morrison, Phyllis Greve Morris Lois Ann Woodruff Speckman Tiffin, OH
Mary Louise Wolterstorff Elizabeth Elle Buckingham Katherine E Rudolph Domeny
Woodstock, CT Niederkorn Tourtelot, Suzanne Rogers Donnell
Barbara Hance Evans Shirley Amie Torkelson Porrazzo Dorothy Ellen Pratt Erick,
Oelschlaeger, Margaret Jean Feigal Prosser, Houston, TX
Agnes Louise Turn Warren Corona, CA
Germantown, M D Excelsior, M N Margaret Louise Judson Woodruff, Phyllis Roberta Diebl Farber,
Betty Lenore J Tavenner Schroeter, Rita Marie Lethert Sagarsky,
Prescott, AZ Toledo, O H
Deceased Laguna His., CA Emma Jane Dripps Frisch
Alice Gene Harman Simpkins, Elizabeth Anne T Sawatzky Smith Theta Eta Mary Mewborn Gillham,
Carol Ellen Oberbillig Stephens, University of Cincinnati
San Jose, CA Shirley Joan Bryan Auler Deceased
Marilou Chenowith Sinclair, Park Ridge, IL Ruth Woolley Brumble, Anne Helen Sekerka Hanline,
Helen Patricia Hilger Vandenberg Crown Point, I N
Baltimore, M D Mary Jane Watts Dickey, Gulf Breeze, FL
Tau Delta Deceased Virginia Mae Peppers Hawkins,
Tau Birmingham Southern College Ann Hertel Haewski,
U. of Minnesota Margaret Jordon Lawson Northville, M I Toledo, O H
Monica Frances Anderson Blanco Campbell Mary Lou Wolf Hiatt, Irene Elizabeth Angel Hayes
Betty Jane Weissinger Brown, Frances Jane Robinson Fischer, Dayton, O H Betty Marie Thompso Hobey
Colgate, W I Deceased Patricia Mae Lamb Pendery, Charlotte Schafer Hoekenga,
Lorraine Alice Wagner Brown, Mary Frances Morton Fleming Covington, KY
St. Paul, M N Dorothy Patricia Collins Grover, Alice Mae Skottowe Schlef Deceased
Madeline Mae Holt Campillo, Birmingham, AL Adele Zita Deckerr White, Doris Eileen Flavell Jenkins
Manhattan Bch., CA Laura Charlotte Traweek Jones Lexington, KY Gertrude Jeanne Smith Jensen,
Ruth Marie Lindgren Carlson, Mary Elizabeth Kirk, Ventura, CA
Moorhead, M N Birmingham, AL Theta Psi Dolly Hazel Penske Johnson,
Barbara Ann Bliss Colvin, Mary Virginia Battle Mudd U. of Toledo Toledo, O H
Hopkins, M N Marguerire Lamar Erwin Sinback Alice Rath Aderman, Florence June Rahilly Johnson,
Phyllis Adaire Tack Curry, Rita May Allgood Tubbs, Milwaukee, W I Toledo, O H
Bloomington, M N Kennesaw, GA Ruth Leona Allen Gertrude Florene Kanney,
Elizabeth Ann Johnson Degnan Helen Scheidler Benschoter,
Elizabeth Bonde Edie, Theta, DePauw U. Toledo, O H Deceased
Fremont, CA Margaret Jean Allsapp Barger Frances Suydam Chappie, Angel N Partoyan Keller,
Colleen Anne Summy Frojen, Ruth Arlene Bartsch Cain, Deceased
San Diego, CA June Carolyn Lawson Chick, Cheyenne, WY
Carole Elizabeth Weisel Deceased Troy, M I Marilyn Jane Onweller Keller,
Grohmann, Helen Marie Olson Carlson, Miriam L Wiederanders Chubb,
Milwaukee, W I Arcadia, CA Sterling, IL Toledo, O H
Elizabeth Ann Rex Howlett, Harriett Hesslin Crum, Mary Kathryn Gilmartin Corbo, Jean Lamahe Kendall,
Brookfield, W I Maumee, O H
Joan Lester Hartman Imig, Manchester, M O Betty J Crowl, Salt Lake City, UT
Mignon Hope Froman Esarey, Toledo, O H Donna Arlene Partridge Konapka,
Pismo Beach, CA Eleanor Mary Koepp Davis,
Charlotte Anne Brokaw Jack, Glencoe, IL Pinehursr, NC Fredericksburg, TX
Ellyn Jean Ann Kubricht Fox, Doris Mae Myers Kopfman,
Wayzata, M N
Evelyn Elsie Johnson Boulder City, N V Toledo, O H
Janice Hale Herrmann Letellier Elizabeth Jane Allsopp Grissinger, Caroline Ann Napp Lake,
Patricia Ann Ross Massopusr
Naples, FL Sun City, AZ
Wilma Racker Luetke,
Toledo, O H
Marian Page Harbaugh MacGhee,
Moorestown, NJ
Virginia Mae Collins McDermort,
Toledo, O H
38 To Dragma
A salute to 50-year members!
Margaret Ann Meyer, Maumee, O H Helen K. Kuzmick Lacourse, Katherine Henderson Kilpatrick,
Toledo, O H Evelyn Fern Seeman Scharbach, Bellevue, WA Beatrice, NE
Sarah Jean Strout Mohr, Toledo, O H Doris Margaret Korpi Muhonen, Anne Catherine Robinson Levy,
Deceased Florence Wandtke Siemens, Costa Mesa, CA Denver, CO
Toledo, O H
Ruth Rosalie Verhoeven Molnar, Ruth Virginia Battenfield Janice Marie Peterson Randall Donna Jean Wageman Lutes
Maumee, O H Simmons, Eileen Hildred Alexander Subak, Ruth Ann Finkle Lyness,
Toledo, O H
Jean Carroll Collins Myers, Patricia Lew Palmer Tenvold Chicago, IL Lincoln, NE
Deceased Marion Trettien, Roberta Claire Exley Swenson, Donna Gene Dahl McClaughry,
Nancy Ann Farrell Neale, Deceased Seattle, WA Lake Ozark, M O
Winter Haven, FL Kathryn Mae Howell Tyner Nancy Jean Wood Doris Westfall Porter,
Dorothy Jane Summers Vinson,
Muriel Ann Wentiseh Zeta Beatrice, NE
Nicewonder, Deceased U. of Nebraska - Lincoln Bonnie Lou Smith Pringey,
Thelma D Coen Waigand, Mary Dye Baker,
Toledo, O H Palos Verdes Est., CA Colorado Spgs., CO
Betty Lou Bellman O'Malley Alamo, CA Elizabeth Jane Bennett Butt Jean Skinkle Reitz,
Helen Virginia Poindexter Helen Louise Munson Wilson, Mary Lou Bohner Castner,
Orthwein, Dakota Dunes, SD Chadron, NE
Lakeland, FL Phyllis Mae Davidson Dunlap, Marialice Douthit Renard,
Carbondale, IL Rhea Ruth Horst Zarn, Milford, NE
Nancy Lois Earle Pfeiffer, Marianne Srb Folda, Lincoln, NE
Toledo, O H Schuyler, NE Doris Mary Gebert Savage,
Toledo, O H Donna Jean Chittenden Ftodel,
Justice Justen Pinlcelman, Upsilon Aberdeen, WA Colorado Spgs., CO
U. of Washington Elaine Aderiene Anderson Nancy Lee Smith,
Sylvania, O H Donna Mabel McNair Apple, Gieseler,
Jane Williams Bortman Porter, San Diego, CA Chadron, NE Evanston, IL
Elinor Enita Leonard Brydges, Jacquelin Tobin Gill, Marjorie Jeanne Allen Stimpson
Beaver, PA Edmonds, WA Omaha, NE Mary Louise Jensen Taylor
Ruth Jane Rahilly Shirley Jean Heitesbue Fuller, Margery Mae Maffitt Harriman Dorothy Lois Sundall Von Gundy
Betty Muntz Raygor, Seattle, WA Darlene Jean Tracy Jones Lois Barelman Walek,
Helen Margareta Hieb Hamilton, Marilyn Louise Strong Kennedy,
Nokomis, FL Seattle, WA ScottsblufT, NE Elkhorn, NE
Gwendolyn Epker Reed, Jane Ruth Elder Hough, Janet Larue Douthit Weir,
Carrollton, IL
Deceased Boulder, CO
Betty Jane K Wilson Reithel, Lila Bethea Gillan Weyner,
Gaylord, M I Deceased
Marion Louise Schnell Royer, Anne Manchester Wirth,
Sanford, FL Harrington, NE
Margaret Fleming Rutchow, Grace Irene Heins Wright
What every woman needs to know about insurance A belated salute to two $Q 52-year
membersfrom Tbeta Eta Chapter
Continued from page 9
Garnet Glaser Snyder and Violet Cronewett
often lock i n lower rates early. Merten wrote To Dragma i n February to ask
The three types o f insurance coverages we discuss here—life, disability why they had not been listed as a 50-year mem-
ber from Theta Eta Chapter (U. o f Cincinnati).
income, and long-term care-have one importance element in common. They They were initiated the winter o f 1942. Their
are all long-tail coverages—in other words, all three coverages are designed to names should have been published in the spring
pay benefits five, ten, twenty years i n the future, or longer. The insurance 1991 issue, which included the women initiated
companies you buy f r o m are trading your promise to pay the premium for during the 1941-42 school year. Alas, a check
their promise to be i n business to pay your benefits when you need them. o f that issue revealed that they had indeed been
omitted. As we explained in our letters o f apol-
T o ensure your coverage continues, check the financial ratings o f your ogy, these lists are compiled by computers.
insurance company. The four insurance rating services ( A . M . Best, Standard Unfortunately, mistakes are made and we have
& Poors, D u f f & Phelps, and Weiss) assign letter ratings to every insurance no way o f knowing that unless you tell us. So
company and publish the ratings regularly. (Check your library.) Experts rec- please let us know i f we make an error so that
ommend considering only those companies rated A or higher. we can correct it. T o Mrs. Glaser and Mrs.
Merten, we offer our sincere apologies!
Whether it's providing for your children, taking the tax advantages o f vari-
able annuities, protecting your income or making sure you don't spend your
savings to pay for a nursing home stay, understanding your insurance options
lets you take control o f your future. <§
Spring 1994 39
please call Rhon- at Gini Krupa Shaw's home. Pat presented
da Bjorsen, a Rose Award to Joanne Nelson Nowak .
president, at Joanne was unable to attend the Coven-
276-5975. tion. Pat also announced that the AOFI
Centennial logo, unveiled at Convention,
Greater was the winning design submitted by Gini
Shaw. The chapter received two honors
Toledo from rhe Foundation: an award for rhe
highest per member contribution to the
The Greater Foundation's five funds and a citation for
the total amount given to those funds.
Toledo (Ohio) The chapter also received a Certificate of
Achievement for overall performance.
Alumnae Chap-
The November 1993 Christmas Auc-
ter had a busy tion was the 29th year for this annual fund
raising event. Chapter members raised
year celebrating SI,854 to be distributed among A O n
philanthropies and local charities.
the decades o f
G i n i Shaw is the senior delegate and
Alpha Omicron writes the newsletter for the Detroit
Alumnae Panhellenic. Members are
Pi, reports Jen- enthusiastic supporters o f the Panhel-
lenic's recently adopted philanthropy, the
nifer Stewart. Ronald M c D o n a l d House which serves
Derroit's Children's Hospital. The
Colleen Anderson (left) and Heather Martin, Des Moines Alumnae Chap- The Septem- House's "Wish List" includes a request to
ter members, help wrap gifts for a family the chpter "adopted " for ber meeting help meet the constant need for paper
Christmas, was a salute to products, and Panhellenic is helping meet
the 1920s, and this need by saving " U P C " codes f r o m
Scott paper producrs w h i c h can be
Des Moines members gathered to view the antique car redeemed for ten cents once a year for ten
collection of Phyllis Cauffiel. In October, cents eacy and by collecting paper prod-
Members o f the Des Moines Area the decade o f the 1930s was remembered ucts to donate to the House.
(Iowa) Alumnae Chapter quickly orga- as members met at a local coffee house. A
nized their 1993-94 program year and local attorney was the guest speaker. Spe- Milwaukee
planned a philanthropic project during cial guests at the meeting included
their first meeting last September, reports representatives of more than ten Panhel- The Milwaukee (Wisconsin) Alumnae
Tracy Noble. lenic organizations. The 1940s were Chapter celebrated the 35th anniversary
celebrared in November by remembering of Phi Delra Chapter at its Founders' Day
In the spirit o f the Christmas season, the clubwomen who met to learn creative luncheon in December, reports Linda
members took time to help others. In arrs and handicrafts. The chapter's annual Mansur. Part o f the program focused on
December, members met at a local depart- craft auction raised over $900. In Decem- anecdotes and memories from both char-
ment store and bought gifts for a family o f ber, the chapter celebrared the 1950s, a ter members o f Phi Delra as well as
three. A n area social services agency pro- decade o f the emergence o f the family and alumnae representing the last three
vides interested groups and individuals the post W o r l d War I I baby boom. A O I l s decades on the U . o f Wisconsin-Milwau-
with the names o f needy families. After gathered with their families to enjoy the kee campus. I n 1994, the Milwaukee
shopping, chapter members reassembled "Lights before Christmas" at the Toledo Alumnae Chapter will celebrate its own
at the home o f Mary Hintz to wrap the Zoo. Many future AOIls enjoyed making 70th anniversary.
gifts and enjoy cake and coffee. gingerbread houses at this meeting.
This year, the alumnae chapter has had
For a philanthropic project, members Founders' Day was celebrated in Janu- a variety o f meetings on its schedule,
sold tickets for a raffle for a one- night stay ary with the Alpha Psi (Bowling Green including a night of line dancing, a cook-
for two at a cozy rural inn. The drawing State U.) and Theta Psi ( U . o f Toledo) ing demonstration, and a fund-raising
was held in January. The prize also includ- chapters.
ed dinner and breakfast. A portion o f the
proceeds was donated to A r t h r i t i s Macomb County
Research Grants. A t the January meeting,
members also enjoyed playing AOFI triv- Nancy Moyer McCain reports that
ia. Macomb County Alumnae Chapter
Chapter members are always seeking new (Macomb County, M I ) President Patricia
members. If you live in the Des Moines area Kowalchuk Wilson was pleased to deliver
and would like to attend the next meeting, good news at the group's summer meeting
40 To Dragma
event at a local theatre. The chapter is Founders' Day. Following dinner ar rhe asked to call Maria McLellan at (504)
also gearing up to host the region's Lead- Richland Counrry Club, collegians mod- 737-3000 for informarion. The chaprer
ership Conference this summer. Early in eled holiday fashions. Marianne is eager for new members.
the chapter year a call-a-thon night was Blackwell was chair for rhis event. A new
organized and members gathered to call addition to the calendar this year has North Carolina Piedmont
other A O r i s in the area ro encourage been daytime activities and an after work
them to get involved. This helped mem- social hour ar a local Mexican restaurant. The Norrh Carolina Piedmont Alum-
bers update the chapter's address lists and The day activities have included a coffee nae Chapter has been busy, reports Kate
work on changing meeting times and ar the home o f Nancy Bass. Crawford.
themes according ro local interests.
New Orleans In the spring chapter members helped
The chapter also held a rummage sale the Epsilon Chi Chapter with rush and
and sold poinsettias during the holidays. Amy Marzullo reports rhat the New with household furnishings. In May,
Spring plans include working on plans Orleans Area (Louisiana) Alumnae chapter members joined the Triangle
for the Leadership Conference and mak- Chaprer has been busy since its kick-off Alumnae Chapter f o r a tea for area
ing packages of toiletries for a local shelter brunch was held in September at the seniors. During rhe summer, six mem-
house. New Orleans Country Club. bers attend the C o n v e n t i o n in
Nashville-that's one-rhird on the mem-
Nashville Members began the fall with a dessert bership! Thanks ro rhe work of member
meeting held at the home o f Louise Debbie Harllee, the chapter received the
The Nashville Alumnae Chapter Hemard in October. Many of the award for the best membership education
began its 1993-94 year with a potluck women who attended the brunch were program for a chapter its size.
dinner hosred by Jennifer Murphy and rhere and were enthusiastic as plans were
Patti Wade Barnes. made to boosr membership, hold a Fall activiries included a successful
Founders' Day Tea and prepare for rush ornamenr auction and a second I l O A
In October, a couples evening was held in January. Alumnae Regional Direcror induction. The chapter also focused on
at Richland Country Club. Everyone Linda Liermann and Interntional Alum- membership growth and had a prospec-
"duded up" for the counrry wesrern style nae M e m b e r s h i p Chair Linda tive member gathering with four new
barbecue supper. Afterwards, the group McLaughlin were guest speakers. members and some long-lost previous
headed to the dance floor for profession- members rerurning.
al line dance lessons. Melanie Doyle and The Founders' Day Tea was organized
Pat Helland hosted the group at Interna- by Mary Moor and held ar the home o f Northern Kentucky
tional Headquarrers for a holiday Yvonne Landry in December.
ornament exchange in November. A Ar the first meeting o f the fall chapter
demonstration was given on how ro cre- Chapter officers and many members members gor rogether at M r . Gatti's to
ate holiday gift baskers and decorations. worked with the Pi Chapter Adviser eat pizza, meet new sisrers, and discuss
Jeanne Boudreaux to help with rush rhe chapter calendar, reports Angela Hes-
I n early December, rhe group was which was held in January. ter Lawrence. Chaptet membrs also
joined by collegians from N u Omicron received rheir entertainment books to sell
Chapter (Vanderbilt U.) to celebrate A l l N e w Orleans alumnae who are as a f u n d raiser.
interested in becoming active again are
In November, the chaprer meeting was
c a dinner at W i l l y ' s Sporrs Cafe.
Founders' Day was celebrated w i t h a
t brunch at Summit Hills Country Club.
Again this year, members brought toys to
1 at the Nashville the brunch to be donated to the Be Con-
cerned Program of Covington,
_ Kentucky, which distribures rhe roys to
needy families in the northern Kentucky
Jane Eskew (left), Dirl Wilson, Patsy Anderson, and Nancy Bass are pictured area. The January meeting was scheduled
to take place at the Montgomery I n n
Alumnae Chapter's coffee lastfall at Nancy s home. Boathouse Reastaurant. Other plans
include a food exchange, officer elections,
Spring 1994 a trip to the Funny Bone Comedy Club,
and a luncheon riverboar cruise.
Chapter members invite all A O I l sis-
ters living in the northern Kentucky area
to join them for sisrerhood and fun.
Oklahoma City
The members of Oklahoma City
(Oklahoma) Alumnae Chapter began
Orlando Alumnae Chapter members and their guests are pictured at the chapter's arthritis benefit luncheon and fashion show last October at
the Hilton Hotel.
their year w i t h a September business of bad weather. A n Italian dinner at the gant dinner at the home o f Peggy Kelley
meeting at a local restaurant, reports home o f Monte Sue Ballard Bradberry, with the new members of Zeta Chapter
Kathy Raney Sands. w i t h husbands or dates as guests, was as special guests. Centerpieces of Swedish
planned for February. Ivy and gingham A O T I letters were give
In November, chapter members to each new member a a memento.
enjoyed desserts at the home o f Cheryl Omaha Reports on Convention and rush were
Stuckey Seifert where they learned to given and the first o f the chapter's fund
make holiday napkin rings. They met for The Omaha (Nebraska) Alumnae raisers was planned.
a cookie exchange i n December at the Chapter had a fantastic year under the
home o f Lynette Thomas Personette. leadership o f President Sheryl Hamilton, At the next meeting, a silent auction
The Founders' Day celebration planned reports A n n Pierson. was held and the proceeds were donated
for January had to be postponed because to the A O n Foundation. Rita Bartlett
The September meeting was an ele-
They've been meeting since the forties...
From left (front row) are Deliene Von der Lohe, Maxine Burford, Jesie This group o f Kappa Theta (UCLA) alumnae have been
Crowe, Marrcele Ritter, Mary Wilson and Mary Jane Lavery; (back getting together regularly since four of them started having
row) Jane Leininger, Polly Roberts and Doris Rumsey. potlucks with their spouses back in 1948 in southern Cal-
ifornia. Over the years several other couples have become
pan o f the group. During the 80s, members o f the group
started retiring and moving away. Undeterred, these
AOFIs changed their schedule and began to meet annual-
ly for two or three days at an interesting town or resort.
The photo shows the group at Sedona, Arizona, where
they enjoyed ballooning, jeep tours, shopping, and hours
of reminiscing. A l l o f them are over 70 and three couples
have celebrated their 50th wedding anniversaries.
—Contributed by Jane Leininger
42 To Dragma
from the Arthritis Foundatin spoke to lquist worked hard to organize the event. vice to the chapter and to the Upsilon Alpha Cor-
the group about new developments in The chapter ended the year w i r h a poration Board
arthritis research. Other fall events
included a Chinese gift exchange and a wine and roses party to celebrate the hol- Spring events included a barbecue
cookie exchange at the Christmas parry, idays. given by the Upsilon Alpha Chapter in
which was held at the home o f Sue Par-
rish. Southern Orange County April and a graduation brunch for seniors
in May. I n late May, members held a
Deb Johnson coordinated the program
for Founders' Day which was celebrated The Southern Orange County (Cali- family picnic ar the home o f Carla Kee-
with a luncheon at the Happy Hollow fornia) Alumnae Chapter began its year gan.
Country Club. Sheryl Hamilton was pre-
sented with the Outstanding Alumnae with a welcome brunch at the home o f I n July, members enjoyed a "Spa Day"
Award, and Alice Knapp was given the Carol Frogue, reports Caroline Craig. A t at the home o f Chris Flores. A potluck
Omaha Alumnae Rose Award. Alice has the brunch, chapter members celebrated lunch was followed by an afternoon o f
been a faithful and active A O T I for 50 the chapter's DSA award and other hon- swimming, facials, manicures, and color
years and is also active in many commu- ors that the chapter received at analysis. The spa services were a gift from
nity organizations. Convention. NuSkin and BeautiControl. The pro-
The chapter's major fund raiser will be October brought workshops and many ceeds went to Arthritis Research.
a spring flower sale. Another spring event hours o f "craftiness" as members pre- Chapter members helped the Upsilon
w i l l be e n t e r t a i n i n g the g r a d u a t i n g pared for the 9th annual Holiday
seniors f r o m Zeta Chapter. Chapter Boutique and Auction which was held in Alpha Chapter with rush in August, and
members are pleased to have several November. This year the chapter raised 27 alumnae participated. Fall events
recent graduates i n the chapter who are over $5,500 for Arthritis Research and included a planning meeting at the home
taking active roles. other A O n philanthropies. All items for of Kris Bellafiore, attending a perfor-
the sale and auction are handmade by mance ar rhe Gaslight Theatre, and a new
Orlando chapter members. Members are grateful member tea at the home o f Kathleen
to Kay Carr and her committee for their Quigley. The chapter finished the year at
Valerie Brands reports that 1993 was hard work. Las Posadas—a southwest tradition dur-
an eventful year for the Orlando (Florida) ing the holiday season. Each member
Alumnae Chapter. The year began with The year closed in December at a f u n - brought a new toy or school supplies to
the chapter's traditional Founders' Day filled holiday party complete with a this children's performance.
luncheon in January in downtown jukebox and members o f all ages doing
Orlando. More than 50 members attend- the twist! Vancouver
ed. Past International President Mary
Louise Roller was honored for her 60 Tucson Marjorie Stevens reports that the case
years o f membership. of the wandering award has been solved!
The Tucson (Arizona) Alumnae Chapter She described the mystery:
Throughout the year, many chapter had a busy 1993, which began with a Pledge
members assisted Kappa Gamma Chap- Tea at the "The Vancouver (British Columbia,
ter (Florida Southern College). The home of Kath-
alumnae helped with rush in January, leen Quigley
sent cards to the collegians as "secret last January.
alum moms," baked goodies for exam
week, co-sponsored State Day, and Founders' Karen Friedrich (left), Vicki Hegedus, and Catherine Lesiw chat at the
attened Alumnae Appreciation Day. Daywascdebrat- Vancouver Alumnae Chapter's Rose Tea.
Then came fall rush. The alumnae ed with the
enjoyed getting to know the collegians Upsilon Alpha
this year. Lisa Akers is chapter adviser. Chapter in Feb-
ruary. Mary King
The alumnae chapter's biggest event o f was in charge of
the year was its annual Arthritis Benefit arrangements
Luncheon/Fashion Show which was held and BedyWein-
in October ar the H i l t o n Hotel. More berg from the
than 75 people attended. T w o local bou- Phoenix Alum-
tiques provided the fashions which were nae Chapter
modeled by A O n alumnae and colle- spoke on "Sister-
gians. Members had a lot of f u n and hod and the
raised over $800 for Arthritis Research A O n Founda-
Grants and the local Arthritis Founda- tion." Tricia
tion in Orlando. Marty Harrison, Kay dappandLynne
Widerman, Lisa Akers, and Cheryl Hal- Wood-Dusen-
bury received
Spring 1994 awards for their
many years of ser-
Omicron alumnae from 1956-60 get together...
A group o f AOris f r o m Pictured are (front roiv, from left), Mary Hassel Ayres, Barbara Wilson Higgs, Sissy Woodfin Follis, Louis
Omicron Chapter (1956-60) Randall Taylor, Joy Phifer Rogers, Margaret Waller, Sandy Graf Green; (second row) Mary Burrow Moody,
met in Rogersville, Tennessee Jan Carpenter, Dana Dow Kastory, Paree Thornton Crafton; (standing) Darby Justice Reed, Barbara Terry
last summer for a reunion. Zimmer, June Schior Chase, Sherry Fisher Tarwater, Carol Greer Lashlee, Earline Robertson Price, Sandra
We had women from Indi- Gass Britton, Ann Thompson Hall, Natalie Wells Smith and Kathryn Myers Jenkins.
ana, Washington state, and
Georgia, as w e l l as T e n -
nesseans. Some o f us had not
seen each other in 30 years.
Hosts in Rogersville were:
Kathryn Jenkins, Barbara
Zimmer, and Earline Price.
We had a wonderful time.
We hope to make it an annu-
al event around the third
weekend in July. Anyone
f r o m O m i c r o n Chapter is
invited to join us. Please let
us know where you are.
contributed by Dana
Dow Kastory
Reach outAOYIs. . .toyour area alumnae chapter!!
You are a collegian for a short while, but you are an A O F I sister for a lifetime. You will find that one o f the grearest benefits o f sister-
hood is being an active alumna. Just contact the alumnae chapter nearest you. I f you don't know the name o f the nearest alumnae
chapter, contact Phylis Garrison at International Headquarters ar 615/370-0920.
Here's good news! Become an A O T I Rose Member! It's a special "member-at-large"
program for AOTIs who are more rhan 50 miles f r o m the nearest alumnae chapter.
As a Rose Member, you'll receive The Rosevine newslerter, specially designed
for you; you'll learn abour coming events i n your area from your regional
directior; you'll receive information about Leadership Conferences and other
events in the world of AOTI!! Send in this coupon for more informarion.
Name State/Province _ Zip/Postal Code
Address Phone (
City Initiation Date
Collegiate Chapter
Use this form to request informarion. T o become a Rose Member, fill in the form and send with $ 15 annual dues to help defray
costs o f printing and postage to: Phylis Garrison, Alumnae Services Coordinator, A O L I Headquarters; 9025 Overlook Boule-
vard, Brentwood, T N 37027.
44 To Dragma
Members of the Washington D. C. Alumnae Chapter at their reorganization workshop last spring.
Vancouver (continued) It did, eventually, make its way to Cal- Upsilon (Duke U.), as president.
gary, via Canada Post." The first meeting i n mid-May com-
Canada) Alumnae Chapter purchased a
silver plate and had it engraved for Kappa Marjorie reports that the Vancouver bined business and socializing at Helen
Lambda's new Philanthropy Award in Alumnae Chapter had rwo interesting Gilbert's home, and more that 50
honor of two of our most dedicated and enjoyable gatherings this past year, women attended. Committees were
alumns, Peggy M c C u a i g and Marg the annual Rose Tea in the summer and formed and plans were made. The next
Grimble. We decided that i t would be Founders' Day in January. A O I l s of event was a potluck dinner in June at
very special i f it was presented to the Cal- verying ages attended both functions. For Mary Peterson's home. I n September,
gary women at International instance, one o f the founders o f Beta several chapter members attended the
Convention. However, our appointed Kappa Chapter (over 60 years ago) annual Panhellenic luncheon.
alternate was a member o f a Dragonboar attended the tea, as well as a recent initi-
rowing team and her major competition ate at Kappa Phi Chapter at M c G i l l U . Fall events included a self-defense
(after a year's practice) was the same Alice Porter, a founder o f Beta Kappa workshop in October, a day trip to the
weekend as Convention. That left us Chapter, was the recipient of a Certificate Baltimore National Acquarium in
only one alternative-we would have to of Honor for her devotion to AOn. November, and the annual AOFI Jingle
courier the plate to Nashville. Arrange- Bell Run/Walk for arthritis in December.
ments were made, internaitonal phone Washington D. C. The final event o f 1993 was a holiday
calls were put through, messages were left party i n December at Helen Gilbert's
and the plate went off. The Regional In April, 1993, a reorganization work- home.
Vice President Bev Townsend then spent shop for the Washington D.C. Alumnae
hours clambering through the luggage Chapter was attended by more than 30 In January, 1994, chapter members
room at the Opryland Hotel looking for interested, optimistic sisters, reports T o n i observed the 75th anniversary o f the
this package. Nothing turned up. Con- Brome. The workshop was led by a team chapter's founding on January 9, 1919.
vention eneded and the Kappa Lambda of Region I I officers who motivated the
women returned to Calgary. July passed. group with many helpful, upbeat ideas. AOFI alumnae in the area are invited
August passed. Finally, in September, a By the end of the day-long session, a tem- to join the chapter. For information,
package was returned to Vancouver. porary slare o f officers had been elected, contact Sharon Caveli, (301) 340-2832
Inside was a slightly tarnished silver tray. headed by Heidi Marinaccio-Opet, Delta or Toni Brome, (301) 762-1187. €
Spring 1994 45
She's using sisterhood in her battle against cancer...
working as an Environmental Scientist in in Houston. This brought me to speak
Orlando. It was at rhis time when we dis- w i t h K a t h y Jensen, the H o u s t o n A O n
covered rhe recurrence o f my malignant A l u m Presidenr. I can now say rhat those
melanoma, which had spread ro my liver were the most important phone calls that
and portions o f my bones. I n order ro I had ever made. A l t h o u g h I could not
receive the best available Treatment, m y artend the next A O n meeting, Kathy put
boyfriend, Rich, and I decided to give up me i n touch w i t h an A O F I who lived near
e v e r y t h i n g i n O r l a n d o and move to me i n Houston and she too opened her
Houston so that I could be treared ar the heart and her home to Rich and me. This
M . D . Anderson Cancer Center. As you person is Lagenia Clark. Lagenia and her
may not know, advanced melanoma was husband, David, have become very close
once thought o f as an incurable disease. I t f r i e n d s , as we have shared m a n y f u n
Lori and Rich in her hospital room in cannot be cured rhrough convenrional evenings with them.
Houston. chemotherapy alone, therefore, I receive a
type of trearment that combines I finally got to meet Kathy Jensen at
To the editor: chemotherapy drugs and biorherapy the A O n Christmas party. I also met a lot
M y name is L o r i Szczecina (Sta- drugs. of other very special AOFls who i n some
way are s u p p o r t i n g me. One special
Cheena) and I am a Delta Delta alumna More than anyrhing I would like to woman who frequently brightens my
(Auburn University). I hope this letter stress the importance o f sisterhood during mailbox w i t h a word o f encouragement is
can be in the next To Dragma. I w o u l d rhese rrying times. Aside from concentrat- Judy Rose.
like to tell you my special story i n which ing on m y trearment, one o f the first
sisrerhood has helped me tremendously. phone calls I made was to Headquarters In addition to rhe Houston A O I l s , I
ro find out about the A O F I alum group am also receiving a massive amount o f
I n September, 1993 I was living and support f r o m rhe Delta Deltas. I have
heard f r o m many o f my sisters who
About Lori's team "A Stitch in Time" support me tremendously. In addition,
I am fortunate enough to receive help
Q: What does the team name mean? M y name is pronounced "sta- f r o m the Ruby Fund. A n event such as
chee-na." I f you say it fast enough there appears to be a stitch in the this one is not one that we ever plan for
word. Well, at least that is what my classmates thought when I was and it really put me in financial need. I
growing up and the name sorr o f stuck w i t h me. Since there are four can thank A O I 1 for p u l l i n g through
STITCHES i n my family (I have three older brothers), I chose the name because I am a and helping me when I really needed it
single STITCH needing a massive amount o f support during this time. most.
Other team facts: I have also enclosed my most recent
Team Owner: God Coach: Rich Walsh (my wonderful boyfriend) newsletter. I n order to fight cancer i t
Assistant Coach: Dr. Buzaid (my docror) General Manager: Hank Naylor (my step- takes determination, support, a posirive
dad) Business Manager: Marilyn Naylor (my mom) Quarterback: ME attitude and prayers. I wanted to be
Team Players: EVERYBODY sure to have as much o f these key ele-
Team Rules: Players must maintain a positive attitude and pray! ments as possible so I decided I needed
Q: H o w do we play? Maintain a positive attitude and pray! A l l else is optional. I n a s u p p o r t t e a m . W h y f i g h t such a
order to keep all o f us sane, I ask thar you send us tidbits. Tidbits can include: pic- tough battle w i t h a small team?! So I
tures, cartoons, jokes, poems, bible verses, prayers, postcards, articles, and little bits o f w e n t to w o r k a n d e s t a b l i s h e d m y
information about what is going on in your life. team—A Stitch i n Time. The team has
Q: What is our goal? Bartling my cancer and actually winning!! I have also decided to over 200 people at this point. It grows
compile a team cookbook for publication later, possibly i n August, 1994. So send me on a weekly basis and m y mailbox is
your favorite recipe. always filled w i t h some great stuff.
Q: What is the status o f our battle? Good news! M y doctors say my latest scans, done I hope that my story w i l l share the
in February, show the cancer is "95% reduced." By rhe time this is published, I will true meaning o f sisterhood w i t h other
have completed an unprecedented seventh treatment. Though I wish the scans had sisters around the world. I t only takes a
shown me to be cancer-free (something my doctors did not expect), I ' m ready to w i n couple o f simple phone calls no matter
this last battle and get on w i t h my life! where you are to get the sisterhood that
You can write to Lori at at her parents' home: c/o Naylor, 5413 Lost Oak Drive, we all cherish so dearly.
Baton Rouge, L A 70817. Alpha Love,
Lori E. Szczecina
46 To Dragma
Correction Chi Epsilon-(T\\t Ohio State U.), June Saturday night. For those who can stay
over on Sunday morning there will be a
Millicent Whitwell, Chi Delta (U. of 11, 1994, Alpha Omicron Pi chapter chance for reunions by pledge class or
special groups. For more information,
Colorado) was incorrectly listed as house, 85 E. 15th Ave., Columbus, O H contact Sue Bothe Placke, 4730 Avenue G,
Kearney, NB 68847, (308) 237-2917.
deceased in the summer issue of To 43206. For more information, contact
Assistant Director ofDevelopment
Dragma. We apologize for the mistake and Leslie F. Enoch, 2810 Chateau Circle,
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation seeks a
are happy to report that she is alive and Columbus, O H 43221. self-motivated person for the position of
Assistant Director of Development, a chal-
living in Litchfield Park, Arizona. To Delta-iTufts U.), April 27, 1994, 7:30 lenging and rewarding career position. The
Dragma regrets the error. Assistant Director will report to the Director of
p.m., chapter house, 25 Whitfield Rd., Development. Responsibilities include gift
Central Washington StateAlumnae—h•.Somerville, MA 02144. For information, reporting, donor histories and marketing.
Requirements: a bachelors degree, 2 years
new alumnae chapter is being formed in contact Margie Lamar 16 Dartmouth St., development or marketing experience, initia-
tive, leadership ability. Submit letter of appli-
your area. All A O n alumnae in this area are Winchester, MA 01890 cation, resume and three professional refer-
ences by May 1, 1994 to Patricia Helland,
invited to a social meeting on April 30, Phi Sigma plans reunion Director of Development, 9025 Overlook
1994, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the home of Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Equal
Susan Horsley-Gibbons, 6501 Northridge, All Phi Sigma (U. of Nebraska-Kearney, Opportunity Employer. Starting date: July 1st.
Yakima, WA 98908, (509) 966-8724. For formerly Kearney State College) alumnae
more information, please contact Susan. are invited to a reunion on Homecoming
weekend, October 21-23, 1994. For
Corporation meetings: alumnae who can make it, there will be a
Chi Beta-(U. of Virginia), May 1, 1994, casual gathering on Friday night.
chapter house, 518 17th St., Saturday's events will include meeting for
Charlottesville, VA. For more information, coffee and doughnuts in the morning,
contact Mrs. Shirley S. Sale, 365 Piedmont attending the Homecoming parade and
St., Orange, VA 22960. football game, followed by a banquet
Name and/or Address Change
Send to AOII International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027
(please print)
Name at Initiation Chapter
Current Office . Initiation Year
Preferred Name
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• New Home Address | AREA CODE PHONE
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1111111111 1 1 111 ENTERED INITIALS
11M1 I I
1 1111
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1111 1
PHONE • I am a member of _
1 1111
1 11111111
• Please inform me about the nearest Alumnae Chapter.
Spring 1994 47
Reach Out AOII!
It's not too early to start planning to come to the next
Alpha Omicron Pi International Convention!
June 21-26, 1995
at the Marriott Camelback Inn,
Scottsdale, Arizona
Enjoy views of the Camelback
and Mummy Mountains and the
colorful desert as you renew
friendships and experience
sisterhood with hundreds of
AOII sisters.
Reach out! Experience AOII
sisterhood in a southwest setting!
Watch future issues of To Dragma
for details on how to register.
See you in Scottsdale!
POSTMASTER—Please send notice of Second Class Postage Paid at
undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Brentwood, Tennessee and
Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd. additional mailing offices.
Brentwood, TN 37027.