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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-06 16:23:15

1934 October - To Dragma

To DRAGMA » » OCTOBER 1934 « «
Indian Summer
Mental Alertness Gives Zest
Beta Gamma Installed
Elsa Allen Awarded Fellowship So Grows Beta Tau at Toronto
Little Ann Becomes Ours
Wanted Now: Dolls, Shoes, M*oney
Edna Lee Coombs
Elizabeth Virginia
Ethel Margaret
Wyman Snider Hausman Cowan
Vera Riebel
Published by ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity

Air HA—Barnard College—Inactive.
Pi—H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New
Orleans, L a .
No—New York University, New York City. OMICRON—University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
KAPPA—Randolph-Macon Woman's College. Lynch-
burg, Va.
ZCTA—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
SIGMA—University of California, Berkeley, Calif.
THETA—DcPauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
BETA—Brown University—Inactive.
DELTA—Jackson College, T ufts College, Mass.
GAMMA—University of Maine, Orono, M e.
EMU ON—Cornell University, Ithaca, N . Y .
RHO—Northwestern University, Evanston, III.
LAMbDA—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif.
IOTA—University of Illinois, Champaign, I I I .
TAO—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
CHI—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N . Y .
UPSILOR—University of Washington. Seattle, Wash.
No KAPPA—Southern Methodist University, Dal- laa,Tex.
BETA PHI—Indiana University, Bloomington, I n d .
ETA—University of Wisconsin, Madison, W is.
ALPHA PHI—Montana State College, Hozenian. Mont.
No OMICBON—Vauderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. PHI—University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kan.
OMEGA—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. OMICRON PI—University of Michigan, A n n Arbor,
ALPHA SIGMA—University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. Xi — University of Oklahoma. Norman, Okla.—
Pi HELTA—University of Maryland, College Park, Md.
TAO DELTA—Birmingham-Southern College, Bir- mingham, A l a .
KAPPA THETA—University of California at L*i Angeles, L o s Angeles, Calif.
KAPPA OMICRON—Southwestern, Memphis, T enn.
ALPHA RHO—Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- vallis. Ore.
CHI DELTA—University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.
BETA THETA—Butler University, Indianapolis,Ind. ALPHA PI—Florida State College for Women.
Tallahassee, Fla.
EPSILON ALPHA—Pennsylvania State College, State College, P a .
THETA ETA—University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati. Ohio.
BETA TAO—University of Toronto, Toronto,Ont.
ALPHA TAO— Denison University, Granville, Ohio.
BETA KAPPA—University of British Columbia. Vancouver, B. C.
ALPHA GAMMA—Washington State College, Pull man, Wash.
DELTA PHI—University of South Carolina. Colum- bia, S. C
BETA GAMMA—Michigan State College. Lansing. Mich.
SAN FRANCISCO ALOMNA—San Francisco, Calif. PROVIDENCE ALOMNA—Providence. Rhode Island BOSTON ALOMNA—Boston, Mass.
C -
ANN ARROR ALUMNA—Ann Arbor, Mich. FORT WAYNE ALUMNA—Fort Wayne, Ind. ST. Loots ALUMNA—St. Louis, Mo. ROCHESTER ALUMNA—Rochester, N . Y . DAYTON ALUMNA—Dayton, Ohio. SANDIEGOALUMNA—San Diego,Calif. NEW JERSEY ALOMNA—Metropolitan N e w BUFFALO ALUMNA—Buffalo, N . Y .
Jersey. WESTCHESTER ALUMNA—Westchester Count*.

C^^iciaf tjOuCficafion of microti
T o oj|p|k
In the OCTOBER • 1934 Issue
Indian Summer 2 Mental Alertness Gives Zest to Companionship 3 Enthusiasm Marks Beta Gamma Installation 4 "Hospital on Wheels" 6 Alpha O's First Initiate is N R A Official 7 Meet Our Active Honor Students 8
An Honor List of AOIT Achievements 13 Elsa Allen Awarded Ruth Capen Farmer Fellowship 15 Planning Convention, An Exciting Business 17 So Grows Beta Tau at Toronto 18 Great Lakes Convention 20 Ohio to Try Ohio State Day 21 Two New District Superintendents 23 Alpha O Mothers and Daughters 25 Your Money's Worth in Human P:ogress 26 Little Ann Becomes Ours 28 W a n t e d N o w 30 Leaves From Our Social Service Notebook 31 French Academy Honors Pi Member 32 Looking at Alpha O's 33
A l u m n a e N o t e s 36 Directory of Officers 69
To DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity, 2642 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minne- sota, and is printed by Leland Publishers, The Fraternity Press. Entered at the post office at St. Paul Minnesota, as second class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, Section 412, P.L.&R., authorized February 12, 1930.
To DRAGMA is published four times a year, Octoter, January, March, and May. Send all editorial material to 2642 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minn., before Sept. 10, Dec. 10, Feb. 10, and April 10.
The subscription price is 50 cents per copy, $2 per year, payable in advance; Life subscription $15.
D r a g m a

Autumn! 'Tis Autumn! The woods are ablaze While over the hill hangs a smoky blue haze,
It's time for the nutting, the frost's in the air And Indian specters stalk everywhere. Murmurs and whispers are stirring the trees, Riots of color are tinting the leaves,
Yellow and scarlet and gold and brown Silently, lazily floating down.

amount of time and planning to fulfill our financial pledges, the real work is carried on by our splendid representative, Miss Bland Morrow.
We have in our organization a vast store of potential energy not yet utilized. Our Ken- tucky work is a beginning, but it is the re- ward of any vital endeavor in that it enlarges both vision and capacity. Our keen interest in the mothers and children of a small moun- tain section, far from limiting our sympathies, should and doubtless does make us more sen- sitive to needs of every kind and in every
quarter. It provides an added incentive for a consideration of the economic, political, social and biological problems which underlie all un- satisfactory conditions of life and which are crowding upon us so insistently these days.
However, we are constantly called upon to think and act in the present. O u r civic respon- sibilities will not await developments. T o meet them we need a various equipment. We need revaluations. In my particular section until these upsetting days overtook us it was the respectable thing to vote the Republican ticket. In fact very recently a brilliant woman speak- ing in a neighboring town before a group of educated women said laughingly that she was
probably the only person in the room who was a Democrat. In a typical southern town the situation would be reversed. Below the Mason and Dixon line it is still presumably the re- spectable thing to be a Democrat. Much of this bias is due to tradition, a relic of the Civil War. We need to reexamine our motives and the trends of the hereditary parties. When some Democrats demand a high tariff and some Republicans insist that they must be lowered, we can no longer rely on the clear
Mental Alertness
WYMAN to Companionship
ALPHA OMICRON PI has never favored tiates heads the Democratic women of her
regimentation. As actives we welcome state and was charged with the organization of girls of different types and ideas. Our alum- the NRA within its limits. Others are con- nae chapters develop their own interests and vinced of the basic virtues of the Republican programs. However, we are bound by one party in spite of its temporary eclipse. Some common principle, that we shall not live wholly
or largely within or for ourselves. O f late we
have crystallized our aim nationally in our
support of a common project. Through our philosophy of communism. Some of us are affiliation with the Frontier Nursing Service waiting for the fluid ideas and movements of
we are helping certain young Americans to the present to "jell," to use a homely house- the right start physically and in an improved wifely metaphor, before we proclaim the di- home environment. Yet this work is largely rection of our future allegiance.
done by proxy. While it takes a certain
Very likely it is such a line of reasoning
which has led our directing officers to feel that
we might profitably use the friendly contacts
of our alumna; chapters as an opportunity to
increase our knowledge and clarify our ideas timentality based on apathy, but a reasoned in these directions. Public opinion is a subtle sort founded on the wholesome realization that thing, made up of all sorts of elements, and in
the end it is irresistible. Few of us can con- sciously direct it. Yet every atom that we can contribute to its formation through our self education is important.
A s a fraternity we sponsor no political party or economic creed. One of our founders is an ardent socialist, a high-minded, indefatigable worker for the only system which seems to her capable of securing the greatest good for the greatest number. One of our earliest ini-
our opponents are just as honest as we, that their intellectual average is probably as high and that therefore they may be right and we wrong. Even if, as fighters, we must believe in our superiority, we can at least concede that no party or movement is wholly right or wholly wrong and that progress comes through the clash of ideas and the gradual acceptance of those which can stand the battering of op- position and the testing of time.
of our California members very likely are fol- lowers of M r . Upton Sinclair. A certain type of mind may be satisfied only with the extreme
cut issues of a generation ago.
We need tolerance, not a wishy-washy sen-
on Page 19)

-+- BETA GAMMA of Alpha Omicron Pi at Michigan State College has just reached the culmination of the first step into fraternal life at a beautiful pledging, initiation, and installa- tion service given by Edith Huntington An- derson, our National President.
With the greatest of anticipation I boarded the bus for Lansing on Friday, September 21, and without hesitation I picked Polly Eshcn- shade (EA, '35) from all other passengers as being my Alpha O sister. Luckily we arrived at Beta Gamma house just before pledging began, and there we delayed the activities, as it was like a reunion to see Edith Anderson, Harriett Weston Ansley (Oil, '20), Eleanor Boyer Waldo (Oil, '21), and Ethel Filbert (EA, '34). We had to inspect the house, and how pleased we were with the well chosen, at- tractive maple furniture and soft green rugs!
Fraternity examinations had been given and corrected, so we settled down to the real pur- l>ose of our visit. Editli pledged fifteen girls.
It made one happy to share with these pledge sisters the joy that the first service gave to them.
Saturday morning was full of excitement and surprise as gifts, flowers, letters, and tele- grams arrived. T w o alumna? were examined and pledged before noon. Soon after lunch Detroit alumnae began to arrive and finally eleven had gathered. As it was the first rush- ing party at Omicron Pi, the actives there were forced to miss the great event. A group had made a visit on Friday to express con-
Eleanor Boyer Waldo, O H (above), and Harriett Weston Ansley, OH, xvcre responsible for the es- tablishment of Beta Gamma Chaffer.
Enthusiasm Marks Beta
Eleanor Waldo.
row: Cork,
Marine Gilbert,
( E A ) ,
Gamma Petersen,
Chapter; from left Alumna Adviser; Adviser. Second
to right, Marguerite
Marian President; Louise
Filbert Gretchen
Appel, Barbara Bemis, Margaret Millar, Helen Lee, Donna Messenger, Ethel Marie Janson, and Louise Gregory.
row: Irene
Muncie, Myrtle Winslow,

Gamma Installation
Omicron Pi
clothes and dashed to the Union Building for our dinner.
There it was our honor to have Mrs. Robert S. Shaw, wife of President Shaw, and Miss Elizabeth Conrad, Dean of Women, as our guests. Red roses and candles made the at- tractive decorations and an orchestra played softly. The toastmistress was Mabel Peter- sen, and Edith gave the welcome. T h e re- sponse came from Marguerite Cork, the new chapter president. Remarks were made by Harriett Ansley, Eleanor Waldo, Mrs. Shaw, Ethel Filbert, Virginia Snider, Miss Conrad, and Ruth Witter. Between the talks tele-
grams and messages were read and Alpha O songs were sung.
Then reception guests arrived. T h e good will and best wishes of faculty and students of the campus certainly climaxed the events. The reception over, everyone drifted about the dance floor and thus ended perfectly the first chapter of the history of Beta Gamma of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Charter members were: Marguerite L . Cork, Maxine E . Gilbert, Gretchen H . Appel, Claudine V . Burkhart, Margaret Millar, Myr-
gratulations and best wishes. Soon everything was in readiness and the ceremony was begun, jphirteen pledges were initiated. I watched their intent expressions, and I knew that Alpha Omicron Pi had no fear for the future of Beta Gamma. If sincerity, high purpose, and enthusiasm are winning qualities, Beta Gamma will top them all. Chapter installation and officers installation became a part of the service.
That concluded, we whisked into formal
tle A. Winslow, Ethel M. Janson, Mabel P. Petersen, Charmion L . Griswold, Eunice E . Herald; and Helen Lee, Irene Wagar, and Louise Gregory were the other initiates.
I! !!! at Michigan
• il
a new

"Hospital Library on Wheels
May Hazels and Robin Eastes, members of Nu Omicron, distribute books from the Library on
wheels, founded in
memory of Mary D.
Proves Sorority Useful Group"
-+- THOUGHTS OF COLLEGE and fraternity life are most frequently concerned with any- thing from football games, banquets and
dances to wild parties.
Most "outsiders" never really understand
college life as a whole; they are aware only of the well-known superficial activities of the so-called "gay collegian." As proof of the fact that college is not entirely one huge dance and that the students turn their minds to more serious duties and service, special atten- tion is called to the philanthropic work done by the group of girls at Vanderbilt.
Great admiration has been aroused by the Alpha Omicron Pi Memorial Library at Van- derbilt Hospital in honor of Mary D. Houston Sarratt, wife of Dean Madison Sarratt of Vanderbilt and one of the founders of the chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi which is located
at Vanderbilt. In 1924, the year of the death of this founder, the Alpha O's of Nashville created this library at Vanderbilt Hospital for the ward patients and others who would like to pass away long hours in the hospital by reading.
The girls secured a room on the second floor of the hospital for the library. And at present along the walls of the library there are hundreds of books—1,110 to lie exact— which are available to the hospital patients without charge. These books have come as donations from members and friends inter- ested in the work which is being done. Also for the numerous magazines which are always coining in, the girls are grateful to Zibart's and other local bookstores which keep the li- brary supplied with up-to-date issues.
But as for the work which is being done

( icroBKR, 1934
individually by the girls, this keeps up all the Idle F°r l , s e 'n d's t r '', u t i n g the books to
the wards there is a library cart on which hook- and magazines are placed. Each Mon- 1' and Thursday afternoons two members f the fraternity, an active and an alumna, wheel the library cart to each of the four wards and give out books and collect those
which have been read.
With the cooperation of the nurses of the
hospital, the task of collecting the books has been greatly facilitated. It becomes not only a duty but a joy to the members to be called upon to go to the hospital library. Such names as Jimmie, Mildred and Evangeline re- call to those who frequently make the trip to the hospital children whose pale faces have been brightened and who seemed to take on new life after they have been given a story book or scrapbook, a jigsaw puzzle or maga- zine from which they may cut paper dolls.
Most of the patients hesitate to take books before they find out that the library exists for them. But after they understand, they become enthusiastic, varying, of course, as to how much they enjoy reading.
It is interesting to note the type books which arc selected by the patients. Such authors as
Harold Bell Wright, Ethel M. Dell, Zane Grey, prove most popular in the wards. But the True Story, li'estern Weekly, Red Book are in still greater demand. However, it must not be overlooked that many patients insist that, if any reading is to be done by a sick person, the Bible should be the book.
The library is taken only to such private rooms as the nurses recommend. Many people inquire about it and congratulate the group on the work it is doing.
For recording the books as they are given out, the regular library filing system is used. There is a card in each book and also a beau- tiful Alpha Omicron Pi book plate designed by one of the members. This book plate avoids confusion in collecting the books.
Visitors to the hospital have probably ob- served the handsome bronze plaque which hangs beside the door to the Alpha Omicron Pi library at the opening of ward 2216. I n - scribed on this plaque are the words:
OXE OF KANSAS CITY'S most active women
is our own Anne Hall Curdy (A), first initiate into Alpha O. We are primarily in- terested in Mrs. Curdy's activity in club and Democratic circles because doubtlessly she laid the foundation for this remarkable trait back in her college days at Barnard.
Mrs. Curdy is a charming person to meet and to know. Her enthusiasm is constant, her energy boundless, and her ability to or- ganize marvelous. She makes friends easily and because of this characteristic receives their ready support.
When the thrilling call to join the forces of the N R A wras resounding* throughout the United States, the drive had its beginning in Missouri in the appointment of Mrs. Rob- ert J . Curdy, 15 W est 56th Street, as state chairman of the N R A V olunteers of Mis- souri. Mrs. Curdy was a faithful and untiring worker as she directed the activities of N R A workers and chairmen, which she had ap- pointed in the one hundred and five counties in Missouri. Missouri was very successful in her Consumers Campaign and all the counties were active and still are. It is worth while to know that Missouri and Maryland were the first states to send in their complete rec- ords to the government.
Mrs. Curdy has long been a leader in Demo- cratic women's organizations. She was the first president of the Federation of Women's Democratic Clubs of Missouri and was re- elected twice. She served as delegate-at-large
to the Democratic Convention at Houston, Texas, in 1928 and was alternate at the con- vention in Chicago in 1932. Mrs. McCurdy was and is', like all true Americans, a devoted supporter of President Roosevelt and his poli- cies. Clubs seem to demand her able leader- ship as she has served as President of the Women's Jefferson Democratic Club of Kan- sas City, which at present is working on the CWA project in Jackson County.
The success of the Jackson County Victory Drive reverts back to Mrs. Curdy as she was chairman of that, too.
Perhaps I have given you an erroneous im- pression of Mrs. Curdy by this resume of her political activities. True, she is a willing worker in all civic affairs, but she does not neglect her home and her family in so doing. Mrs. Curdy has two charming daughters, both of whom are talented musicians. Naturally the Curd}- family is prominent in musical cir- cles and Mrs. Curd}' has served as Social Affairs Chairman of the Kansas City Musical Club for two terms. The Woman's City Club also claims her as a member and she has assisted on the Legislative Committee there for the past year.
Mrs. Curdy's personality is a radiant one. She has carried the fundamentals of Alpha Omicron Pi in her program of everyday liv- ing. As a member of our alumna? group she has not been able to be very active, due to these other responsibilities When her work is done, we hope that she will turn to us and add her personality and experience to our ever-increasing group.
Alpha O's First Initiate is NRA Official
Alpha Omicron Pi
In Memory of
Mary D. Houston Sarratt Vanderbilt University 1924

Evelyn T. Lewis, Epsilon Alpha, started as a freshman by earning membership in the scholastic honorary, AAA; then came + X . psychology honorary, TIME, math- ematics honorary, and 4K$, senior scho- lastic honorary.
Elisabeth Hinshaiv, Phi, was honored by •BK_ot the University of Kansas. She ^s president of 2HX, and belongs to A2N, I I A e , ILME, Spanish Club, Mathematics Club and W. A. A.
Come—-Meet Our Activem

{Jell Nowlin, Omicron, played on all the intersorority sports teams organised by the chapter. She belonged to the AOfi

Honor Students
team holding the university record. She has been honored by 4>K«I>.
Margaret Burdette is one of IIA'i three netv members of $K<k You'll remember that she managed the Rifle
Team at last
Maryland year.
Mary Eleanor
hauser, NO, was Prom Queen at Vanderbilt. She was also elected
to *BK.
Sarah Louise
IIA, had the
role in the
of Maryland's
tion of
Square." A <tK, <l>, she also belonged to the IV omen's Senior Honor Society and headed her chapter.
Short, leading University produc- "Berkeley

Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State of the Glee Club,
Elisabeth A.
she wrote a musical number for the
Christine, • K * at President
a member ing * K * .
Thespian show, "My Stars," in which she plays a leading role.
Isabelle Clark, Omega, a junior in the School of Education at Aliami Univer- sity, attained * B K at spring elections. She belongs to BIT9, KATT and Alethenai.
Elisabeth Stewart, Omicron, a new mem- ber of <I>K<f>, is vice president of her chap-
AAA, * X ,
Julia Chapman, Thcta, was one of five senior women to be elected to *BK at De Pamv. She
belonged to Dramatic
Duser Club.
Epsilon Alpha, is honoraries includ- IIME, She played hockey on the varsity team at
Pennsylvania State College.
ter. She played on
the AOTI baseball and the University of
teams Tennessee.

Marv Lee Davis. AIT. was elected to 4"K* at Florida State College for women. She belongs to Mortar Board and to KAI I .
Dorothea Fercittson, Epsilon, is a new mem ber of Mortar Board at Cornell. She is on the staff of the Daily Sun; a member of Raven and Serpent; women s debate
1 9 3 4
Charlotte Hood, left, started the year as a cheerleader at the University of Maryland. She ended it by bang elected to <t>K*.

Ruth Walcnta, president of Gamma Chapter, is a member of 4>BK at the
University of Maine. played recently in
She "Death $K<t>
Takes a Holiday." also elected
of QZ4> and a delegate to their
to AAA as a freshman and <i'K# as a senior.
Ruth Carter, A* Esther Marsh, E Kathryn Graham, I
Martha <£BK at highest
Ann Shepardson.
Denison University. grades of any student
A T , became aShe had theenrolled.
Koines, senior
E A ,
honorary at She belonged
was women's College.
president of
Mary Elba Marshall, II Martha Springer, A
Anna Louise Aynesworth, A PHI KAPPA PHI 1
Rosalind Kennedy, All
Gamma, bership.
convention a
summer. Stanford.
Dorothy Romero,
charge of the Vocations Committee of the V. IV. C. A. at Maine this year. *K4> and <t>BK both claim her mem-
* B K
Convention-goers will remember Char-lotte Hood, ^K*, as president of P*
Dodds, A,
She belonged to X A , honorary journalistic fraternity.

Dobbins '36—AAA; Anita Simpson '37—Beauty Alpha Rho—Georgiana Samson '35—AAA. Section of Arbutus; Eleanor Wilkins '36—
Alpha Pi—Mary Lee Davis '34—Mortar Board, <I>K<I>; Rosalind Kennedy '34—Presi- dent of Glee Club, <I>K<P.
Alpha Gamma—Frances Lowden '36—Spurs; Lenore Morse '35—Spurs; Mary Schoessler '36—Spurs; Carolyn Wolters '34—Spurs.
Alpha Phi—Members of Spurs—Mary Ellen Bielenberg, Jane Jaccard, Ellen Pope, Esther Blake; Esther Blake—AAA; Virginia Hanson —AAA; Janet Ralph—AAA; Members of Spartanian—four, including president and vice president; Margaret Kunkel '34—vice presi- dent of the A. W. S.; Helene Bolton '36— Queen of the Engineering Ball; Attendants of the Prom Queen—Marian Warner, Opal Pet- rausch, Ellen Pope.
W. A. A.; Marion Vinson '34—Senior Pep Patrol.
Alpha Tau—Mary Estey '34—Cap and Gown; Barbara Jackson '34—president, W. S. G. A.; Cap and Gown; Theodora Jackson '34 —vice president of the W. A. A.; president, Cap and Gown; Martha Ann Shepardson '34 —*BK.
Beta Phi—Selma Drabing '35—editor of Arbutus; Pleiades; Mortar Board; Margaret Edwards '36—associate editor of Arbutus, AAA; Ann Katherine Greenawalt '35—W. A. A. president, Mortar Board, president of Chapter; Pleiades; Lela Scott '35—Junior Prom Queen; Pleiades; Louise Willard, '34—
Beauty Section of Arbutus; Mary Frances
Alpha Sigma—Eleanor Coombe '34—presi- dent, W. A. A.; Mortar Board; Senior Pep Patrol; Mary Margaret Hunt '35—Treasurer,
Beta Tau—Margaret Christilaw '34—Year

president; Margaret Cowan '35—president of Elizabeth Abbott Balentine Scholarship; Ruth Panhellenic; leading lady in annual produc- E. Shurtleff—won Joseph Rider Farrington tion of Dental Dramatic Society; Mary Willson Scholarship; Lucinda E . Ripley '35—won Chi
'34—Swimming (Professional gold-medallist— Omega Sociology Prize.
debate key. May Queen attendant; Frances Junior Editor of Daily lllini; Ruth Ferguson
Iota—Mary Courtright '36—AAA; Junior Beta Theta—Man* Alice Burch '34—Pan- Representative of Woman's League; Eleanor hellenic president; Torch, president; Butler Dolch '37—AAA; Jean Dragoo '35—Torch;
Messick '35—Spurs; Chimes; Eileen Rocap '36 —Spurs; Rosemary Rocap '35—Spurs.
Chi—Florence Ashley '36—Joan of Arc in
Pageant; Mary Jane Hartman '37—Freshman of the Student Government and president of
House president.
Chi Delta—Lois Earl '36—Spurs ; Eleanor
Lloyd '35—Spurs; Alice Wolter '34—"Miss Character at A. W. S. Banquet," president of Chi Delta.
the Southern Intercollegiate Association of Student Government; Lucia Desha '35—treas- urer of the Y W . C. A.; Edith A. Pfeiffer '34 —president of the Y. W. C. A.; Mary Hurt '35—chairman of Judiciary Committee.
Kappa Omicron—Elizabeth Harvey '37— Athletic Association; Class Marshal of Stu- Princess of Cotton Carnival; Mary Laughlin dent Government; Tree Orator; Phyllis How- '34—vice president of Girls' Undergraduate Society, football sponsor; Ella Kate Malone '34—Miss Southwestern '33 and '34, Queen of April Fool Carnival '33 and '34, "Cap and Gown," football sponsor; Mary McCallum '34 —football sponsor; Jessie Richmond '35—vice
Delia—Kathryn Ecke '34 — president of
ard '34—president of Panhellenic; Ruth Mil- ler '35—class president; Christina Oddy '35— vice president of Athletic Association.
Delta PW—Shirley Bailey '34—May Queen's
Court; Ruth Carter '34—*BK ; Elizabeth David
'34—president of W. A. A.; Dean's Honor
List; Margaret Estes '34—Dean's Honor List;
Eulee Lide '34—May Queen's Court; Beauty
Pageant; Damas; Gertrude McDonald '35— Spurs; Phrateres; Marjorie Lenz '36—Spurs; Dean's Honor List; Alync McNeill '35—vice Phrateres; Harriel Stone '36—Phrateres; Ray- president of W. A. A.; Dean's Honor List; dene Green '37—Phrateres; Portis Young '34 Margaret Niggel '35—Beauty Pageant; May —Phrateres.
Queen's Court; Emma Watson '34—Dean's Honor List.
lipsilon— Dorothea Ferguson '36—Mortar Bbaxdi *BK; Esther Marsh '34—*BB
Lambda—Anna Louise Aynesworth '34 — president of the Y. W. C. A.; "Cap and Gown"; All Star Swimming and Hockey Teams; Ellamae Dodds '34— Woman's Editor of Stanford Daily; "Cap and Gown."
Nu—Aina Almen '35—Chosen as one of nine most attractive coeds by faculty; Dorothy Guidici '36—Chosen as one of nine most at- tractive coeds by faculty: Katherine Kelly '35 —president of Athletic Association in School of Education.
BfisUoM Alpha—Janet Bcman '36—treasurer
of W. S. G. A.; Junior Class president; AAA;
Jean Beman '3d, AAA; Margaret Borland '34—
treasurer of Y. W. C. A.; Senior Honorary;
Merrill-Palmer; Frances Christine '34—presi-
dent Woman's Glee Club; «!»K«I>; Thespian pro-
ductions; Mary Elliston '35—AAA. ON; Paul-
ine Esbenshade '35—ON; Ethel Filbert "34—
secretary of W . S. G. A.; Senior Honorary; Vanderbilt; coed editor of Hustler; Winn
derlich '36—president of Sophomore Gass; Leon '35—Oxford College Scholarship; House vice president of Student Government. Chairman of Oxford College; Lots Stringfel- Eta—Helen Clark '34—leading role in low '35—house president of Wells Hall; Stu-
"Sweetheart," Wisconsin Players' operetta. dent-Faculty Council for 1934-35.
Merceina Weiss '35—Tennis champion in Qmicro>n—Nell Nowlin '34—*K*; Dorothy
mixed doubles.
Gamma—Fern Allen '34—president of All
Smith '35—AAA: Elizabeth Stewart '34—*K«t-: Elizabeth Witsell '34—president of "Cap and Gown."
Maine Women, All Maine Hockey Team;
Mary Eticlla Russell '34—president of North
Hall; Alice Dyer '34—president of Student dent of Women's League; vice president of Government; Mildred Mae Haney '34—presi- Comedy Club; president of W. A. A.
dent of Y. W. C. A.; Lucinda Ripley '35; Phi—Madre Brown '34—Panhellenic presi-
president of Sister Council; Mabel Robinson dent; Elizabeth Hinshaw '34—<I>BK.
'34—House president of North Hall; Dorothy Romero '34—*BK. Ruth Walenta '34—
•I'HK, <J>K<t>; Jeannette Mackenzie "36—won
Pi—Louise Lester '34—vice president of Senior Class; Virginia Rembert '34—president
(Continued on Page 16)
'35—Prom Qneen ; Kathryn Graham '35—<I>BK; Florine Petri '36—vice president of AAA.
Kappa—Mary Virginia Barnes '35—president
president of the Y. W. C. A.
Kappa Theta—Elizabeth Bradstreet '34— secretary of.W. A. A.; Barbara Finley '36—
Nu Omicron—Man'
Alice Farr '35—Miss
"Slipper Girl"; Rosamond Kaincs '34—Cwens;
Louise Homer; AAA ; *K4>; president of Senior
Honorary; Elizabeth Lewis "34—AAA: Evelyn
Lewis '34—AAA. *K*; Ruth McCoy '36—May
Day Attendant; Enid Stage '35—vice president
of Junior Class; Player's productions—leads;
Nancy Stahlman '35—president <>!' Junior candidate for Founders' Medal.
Class; secretary of W. S. G. A.; Selina Wun- Omega—Isabella Clark '35—«I»BK; Helen
Ownbey '35—president of Y . W . C . A . ; presi- dent of Co-Editors; Mary Eleanor Roden- hauser '34—Lady of the Bracelet '34; presi- dent of W . S. G. A.; president of Honor Council; president of Panhellenic; treasurer of Y. W. C. A.; Junior Prom Queen; 4»BK;
Omicron Pi—Billie Griffiths '35—vice presi-

bcTOBER, 1934 15 Elsa Gjerdrum Allen Awarded
Ruth Capen Farmer Fellowship
"GUnside" is the home of the Aliens. Elsa and two of her children were in the garden when Dr. Allen took this photograph.
ELSA GJERDRUM ALLEN. Epsilon, zoologist, and now especially, ornithologist, and soon to be the historiog- rapher of American ornithol- ogy; wife of one of the fore- most ornithologists in our Country, Dr. Arthur A. Allen; mother of a family of five; teacher of ornithology in Cor- nell's Summer Sessions, and holder of the Ph.D. degree from that institution, is the only American-born member
of a Scandinavian family of
three sisters and one brother.
She was born in Washington,
D. C , where her childhood years were spent. Her father was Olaf W. Gjerdrum, a graduate of the Military Academy of Norway, who, feeling that the idleness of army life in peace- ful times could not satisfy his energetic mind. Bestgned his commission to study engineering, which he subsequently made his profession. He was born in Christiania (Oslo), Norway, and
Our newest Ruth Capen Far- mer Fellow is Elsa Gjerdrum Allen, E .
his wife. Laura Hclcnc Karls- son, born in Westeras, Swe- den, had been persuaded to leave their beautiful home in Norway, after the birth of her fourth child, and transfer their family goods and affec- tions to America, where EEa was horn. Here were sown the first seeds of the love of nature in a mind particularly receptive to such influences,
£ for not only did her parents
m encourage her in her native MM leaning toward the creatures Jprjj ( ) | * the wild hut further and actively fostered her interest in living things by providing her with pets of all sorts, including, at various times, both
guinea pigs and ponies!
Elsa attended various Washington schools,
was graduated from the Central High School of the city, after having, during these forma- tive years, turned more and more toward the notion that writing of some sort was to be her

particular contribution in life, and more espe- followed that mass of work, intellectual, social, cially writing in connection with the life of pedagogical, maternal, literary, which has been the wild creatures which she loved so well. the admiration and astonishment of all who
At the urgent suggestion of a friend of the know the quiet, gentle, and likable Elsa. Three family, of the class of 1900at Cornell Uni- children were to follow the first two, in these versity, Elsa was matriculated there in the eventful years, and to the added cares of a College of Liberal Arts, where, added to her rapidly growing family Elsa went ahead slow- love of nature, and of letters, there now came ly but steadily in her work of helping her the desire to advance the cause of effective and
active opportunity for the expression of wom- en's powers in the world outside the home circle. "A feminist in a quiet way," Elsa calls herself, and has ever stood firmly, but quietly and convincingly, for the principle that women should, besides being wives and mothers, also take a more active share in the process of raising up a social structure worthy of our times and state of civilization. She believes in the unity of the home, and the work for the unity of the home as a social unit, but also has said that—"for the good of the family and of the race it is incumbent upon women to find a means of preserving active and serious con- tacts outside the home." What this means in all its preciseness she has never assumed to know as completely as she could wish, but nevertheless she is earnestly trying in her own life to show that marriage and children and a real home and also an active intellectual life can be welded together into a harmonious and satisfying whole, on a very modest income.
husband in his research and teaching—accom- panying him on a trip to Florida to study and photograph the birds of that region. Following this six months' trip, she decided definitely to register as a graduate student to increase her efficiency as an assistant to her husband. F i - nally her graduate work was brought to a suc- cessful conclusion, winning for her, member- ship in the society of 22, and in 1929she had conferred upon her the degree of Ph.D.
Elsa's plans for the immediate future are concerned with no less ambitious a project than the compilation of an authoritative history of the beginnings and development of American ornithology up to the time of Audubon, and of a study of the influence of ornithology on American nature literature. A s the wife of one of the very foremost of American ornitholo- gists, and with her splendid training, and the prognostication of her already considerable at- tainments, we predict that her goal is one which she can easily reach, and that Alpha Omicron Pi will have reason to be proud and happy of her membership.
In view of Elsa's attainments since her grad-
uation from Cornell, it is interesting to note
that certain influences prior to her matricula-
tion seem to have played a large part in the
shaping of her post-collegiate days. In the first
place wc are told that her entrance into Cor-
nell would have been impossible had it not been of Athletic Council; Eleanor Schupp '34—
for her older brother—at that time stationed
in Manila—who was her principal financial
support, then, and for a considerable period
thereafter. Then, too, the atmosphere of her G. A.; Martha Cannon '35—Women's editor home-life during her college days was unusual- of Reveille; Sarah Louise Short '34—Women's ly broad and even cosmopolitan for many sci- Senior Honorary; *K4>; Mary Stallings '35 entific, literary, and artistic friends gathered —Editor of the Old Line; Mary Worthen at the Gjerdrum home—friends not oidy Amer- '35—president of Y . W. C. A. '34-35; A A A ; ican but European as well. Thus the tone of Margaret Burdette '35'—4>K$, W oman's Senior the home, elevated and international, and all Honorary; Helen McFerren '34—Woman's set in the cultivated environment of the best Senior Honorary; Elizabeth Leffel '34—presi-
portion of our national capital, left an ineradi- cable impression upon the sensitive nature to which such surroundings were more than con- genial. Twice Elsa went abroad with her mother, once as a girl of fourteen, and again the year after her graduation from college. During this last year abroad she spent the time in traveling, and visiting her brother in the Philippines.
In 1914, Elsa was married to Dr. Arthur A. Allen, professor of zoology, and later of ornithology at Cornell University, and, finding herself but meagrely trained in formal scien- tific studies, took many courses in order that she might better help her husband in his great
work of advancing the status of ornithological study in America.
In 1920,her work as a teacher of ornithol- ogy in the Cornell University Summer School began, and during the next nine years there
dent of Athletic Association.
Tau—Ethelmae Eylar '34—president of W . S. G. A.; Mortar Board; Alice Linsmayer '34 —Grand President of AAT.
Theta—Gertrude Casper '34—May Queen's Court; Julia Chapman '34—*BK; Janette Eisher '35—president of Panhellenic; Elizabeth Gadient '34—vice president of Mortar Board; Mary Garrison Walker '35—president of W. S. G. A .; May Day Chairman.
Theta Eta—Jane Fordyce '36—AAA; Jean-
Sing a Song of Efforts
(Continued from Page 14)
vice president of Y . W . C. A.
Pi Delta—Evelyn Brumbaugh '35—president of Y . W . C . A . ; secretary-treasurer of W . S.
ette Merk '35—Junior League of V oters (president), Mortar Board; Tow '37—AAA.
W omen Bcnda
Upsilon—Gladys Phillips '34—Mortar Board president; Frances Faurot '36—Spurs.
Zeta —Gretchen Schrag '35—Managing Editor of Cornhusker; Betty Temple '35— AAA.

OCTOBER, 1 9 3 4
1 7
An Exciting Business
Say Chicago ./\.1L11T1I1.C10
vention, and already Chicago AOIT's are entering into the matter with zest. Many a gay plan is afloat, instigated by the desire of every hostess AOII to make this 1935 conven- tion diverting, interesting, and entirely worth your while, from start to finish. The place and dates of the convention have been set, June 3 0 through July 6 at Ferry Hall in Lake Forest, a suburb of Chicago.
Chicago is an interesting city to visit, as perhaps you know. It is beautiful, with its towering buildings and spacious parks, and is the possessor of at least two famous uni- versities. Also, conveniently enough, it is the railroad hub of the country. What, then, could surpass an AOII National Convention on Chicago's famous North Shore?
Ferry Hall, the chosen site, is an exclusive girls' school situated in Lake Forest. The buildings are beautiful inside and out, and
Convention plans arc in charge of Dorothy Bruniga Dean, P .
are set in large grounds surrounded by woods and separated from the lake only by a lovely ravine, netted with leafy paths. Lake Forest is a pretty society village with palatial homes and winding, tree-lined roads, yet within easy reach of the city. Swimming, tennis, riding, and golf are all available and are sure to prove popular. And—this will appeal to you
—the dietitian at the Hall is an AOII!
The chairman of convention, Dorothy Bruniga Dean (P), is quite a person to know. Her three outstanding qualities are enthusi-
asm, capability, and humor; and the combina- tion makes a charming—and dependable— person. Dorothy is a Phi Beta Kappa and a Bonbright scholar. She is now in the insur- ance business, although she once taught Latin. Judging from her past performances and from her knack of eliciting wholehearted coopera- tion, Dorothy is going to be largely responsi- ble for the success of the 1935 convention.
» Plan Now to Attend Convention


The Neat Women's Residence jor University College, Whitney Hall, consists of Mulock House, Cody
House, Falconer
House and
one hundred and
So Grows Beta Tau
at the University of Toronto
IT WAS ALL DUE to Adelaide Graham of
Omega! The fifteen girls of Beta T au Delta in 1929 were considering national so- rorities. Quite by chance, Elsie Sumner, the president, met Adelaide at lunch one day. It wasn't long before the girls were seriously considering Alpha Omicron Pi, and an Inspec- tion Committee arrived in February, 1930. When the petition was granted, plans were
afoot for an apartment, installation, and fall rushing. That most exciting occasion finally arrived, and we were very glad to become Pinckney's "little Scotch-Irish Presbyterians."
A most successful rushing season helped us on our way to a bigger and better appartment. At the end of the year we had in our pos- session the Scholarship Cup presented by the
cOo cO~> c£>o cO^ c<9o
local Panhellenic, and official recognition by the local sororities. Ida Hinds, our first presi- dent, set us a splendid example scholastically; several girls were elected to executive posi- tions on the campus for the next year, and Alice Grant obtained a Junior "T." In 1931- 32 we were able to widen our interests. Mar- garet Robb was a most efficient manager of the college baseball and tennis teams, and under her direction AOU's were present in most of the college sports.
The chapter began to discuss philanthropic work. The girls helped in the General Hos- pital Library and became interested in work- ing for underprivileged children. Margaret Cowan has bad leading roles in the Dramatic Society for three years. Audrey Thomson and
cO^> c<?o c£>o cOr> c<?o

jjargaret Christilaw increased our scholastic prestige by heading their courses and carrying on executive work in 1933. Margaret Hill ha? 5( en active in journalistic work, and is on the staff of the Varsity, the college daily paper.
At the present time AOJJ's are repre- sented in many courses—Law, Commerce and Finance, Psychology, Arts, Dentistry, and Household Science. Margaret Cowan, presi- dent for 1934, is president of Panhellenic, and has been doing excellent work. AOII has been especially interested in the Panhellenic situation in Toronto. Our chapter has made several suggestions, one of which resulted in a Panhellenic ball, the proceeds of which went to the Student Loan Fund of the uni- versity. Since then the sororities are discuss- ing ways and means of establishing more friendly relations.
Among our graduates—Billy Bolton has a "vocal studio" in Toronto's "Greenwich Vil- lain," and gave a recital in Hart House Theatre last spring. Helen Christilaw is vice president of the School of Graduate Studies, where she is studying for her M.A. in Eng- lish. Margaret Robb, our artistic member, is now attending the Ontario College of Art, and intends to continue her work abroad. We have several school teachers, dietitians, secretaries, and housewives. This year we organized an alumna; club, since there are now fourteen members in Toronto, and we have bad most successful meetings.
effect upon those who have in good faith made investments sanctioned by law and custom. Disinterestedness takes courage and imagina- tion, the long view and the unselfish soul, but it must be cultivated if the social welfare is to be advanced with the minimum of hardship and the maximum of effectiveness.
We need expert counsel. Some of us could never speak with authority on even the simpler economic principles. We have illustrious com- pany ! Y et we must make the effort to under- stand at least to the point of choosing whom we shall follow. The study need not be ar- duous. With the enlarging public interest in economic and political questions experts have taken to writing in English that is intelligible
even to those of us whose minds do not readily absorb such nutriment. Economists are no longer unbumorous creatures, if they ever were, nor do they plod along over mountains of facts and figures. Some of their opponents, in fact, concede that they are romanticists of a high order! Even that accusation need not cause us dismay for i>oetry and romance may at times suggest a deeper truth than workaday prose.
Last of all we need discussion. True, we can get it elsewhere than in our alumna; chap- ters, but usually in less diverse groups. I, for one, would give much to know what the recent graduates whom we welcome into our local chapters are thinking about the present day world. I even venture to hope, though I may be unduly optimistic, that an occasional young- ster may have the curiosity to know whether her elders are actually as set in a mold of past manufacture as they are popularly sup- posed to be or whether they, too, may some times be plastic enough to receive an impress from modern thought and conditions. We do not want to make our meetings together less pleasant socially. We need the support that comes from friendly intercourse. Y et mental alertness gives zest to companionship and who knows what surprises might be in store for us and what unsuspected powers we might un- cover if we devoted some of our time to a consideration of the political and economic conundrums which must be solved in wisdom if we are to prosper within our borders and play a worthy part in the family of nations.
Miscellaneous Notes
AP—Mrs. Harry Miller (Ruth Butler) of Lebanon, Oregon, passed away on May 8.
A—Mr. and Mrs. Walter English (Lucile Curtis '15) announce the birth of a second son, Alan Taylour, in Los Angeles, in May, 1934.
Muriel Turner McKinney ('IS) has enter- tained many of her friends at her lovely home at Lake Arrowhead. Bertha Knapp George's
('11) daughter will enter Stanford in 1935. She goes to Beverly Hills High School.
Helen Montague Collin ('15) has been a case worker in the Social Service Department of the S. E. R. A. all summer.
Sheda Lowman Kline ('12) and Eugene, her husband, went by boat to New York and back, visiting all the interesting points. Their son, John, is attending Stanford.
each spring. Elinor Do- Helen Mc- Lennan, Margaret Christilaw and Audrey Thom-
son, attended.
Metal Alertness Gives Zest
Last hcrty,
Peggy Chadzcick,
Thais Lamb, Ruth Jenkins,
(Continued from Page
We need disinterest. It is difficult for one who depends for comfort or even independent subsistence on dividends from a certain indus- try to look honestly at questions concerning it when a certain set of answers would mean the abolition or serious diminution of income. It is just as difficult for the consumer with no immediate stake of the sort to consider the matter in all its ramifications, including the
Beta Tau
hat an left to
annttal right,

Great Lakes Convention Stress-
es Alpha Omicron Pi Progress Says RUTH SONNANSTINE, Omicron Pi
-+- THE SUN BEAMED JOYFULLY (and hotly) as sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi, from all sections of the Great Lakes District, gathered to hold their convention at the lovely stone home of Rho chapter at Northwestern Uni-
Although it was not the pleasure of this
writer to arrive on the first day, she heard ruefully of the good time she had missed, for stunt night and a "get-together" sing un- der the leadership of Tau chapter had proved to he very clever.
June- 19, however, she was on hand for hreakfast and ready for the business session. The worth of these sessions was invaluable to all delegates, for not only were problems, common to each chapter, discussed, but sug- gestions were made which might benefit all.
The welcome talks, given by Dorothy Wom- ratli and Edith Huntington Anderson, stressed the value of friendships among the chapters and i>ointed out that the sorority, as well as the rest of the modern world, must progress. "Keep abreast of the times" might well be termed the motto of the convention, and the discussions were based on this theme. O u r National President declared that the sorority
must develop the personal side of college life, take more interest in the individual and her problems, in order that it may prepare the girl to meet social conditions beyond college life.
With these thoughts in mind, the assembly took up the ever-important topic of scholar- ship. Several splendid suggestions were made. It was felt by many that the individual girl should feel personal responsibility in raising grades and also realize (hat the sorority stands for high scholarship. The suggestion was made that an award of cup or ring be made to one in each chapter for high scholarship. T h e
convention then moved that an award be given one in each house on the basis of proportion- ate increase in scholarship. Mrs. Anderson suggested that an alumna work with the scholarship officer of each house to encourage progress in scholarship.
The next important subject brought up for discussion was that of rushing. Here the fact was brought out that successful rushing lay in learning individual interests of the rushees, and, later, by personal contact. In connection with this problem, the convention suggested that forms, printed by National Office, be used
<0H Page 24)

-4- THOSE OF US who were not fortunate enough to attend the national convention of Alpha Omicron Pi in Washington last year received a real thrill in being present at the Ohio Valley District Convention at Oxford, Ohio, September 5, 6 and 7. Omega was more than proud of being hostess to the fine dele- gation which attended the convention and it was indeed a pleasure to have with us Edith Anderson, Mary D. Drummond, and Katherine
A progressive dinner the first evening given by the Dayton Alumnae Chapter was the scheme used for getting acquainted. After the dinner, the remainder of the evening was delightfully spent with Mary D. Drummond, who told us many amusing incidents which occurred when her chapter, Alpha Phi, was founded.
The business meetings of both active and alumnae were carried out in round table style, and delegates entered into the discussion of chapter functions most enthusiastically. Sev- eral round table conferences were devoted t" the discussion of individual problems existing within the various chapters. It was found that perhaps the most knotty problem was that of finances. Appealing directly to parents has proved the most successful method of han- dling the situation. Most of the problems
were concerned with the question of how to make the sorority more meaningful to its numbers. Numerous suggestions for chapter programs were exchanged.
Many constructive ideas came out of the active and alumna? conferences. It was de- cided to have an "Ohio State Day" which will help bring the actives and alumna? closer to- gether. Dayton was considered as a possible center. Indiana has already adopted this plan and found it unusually successful. Our ex- pansion policy was discussed briefly.
Mary D. Drummond spoke to us in her own inimitable way about the national philanthropic work. Mrs. Drummond presented several projects for consideration that might be selected as part of the work of the chapters in the Ohio Valley. A vote was taken, and it was decided that this district adopt the project of collecting materials and yarns which are to be sent to Kentucky, where they will be made into garments by a sewing class under supervision of one of our workers. All of us were impressed with the privilege of hav- ing a part in this great work of helping these people to help themselves. A social service council is the ideal which Mrs. Drummond hopes to see developed in the near future. In order that chapters be kept informed about
Delegates of Ohio Valley District Convention included—1st Row. Reading from left to right: Mary Garrison Walker, John Alice Morris, Mary Perkins, Isabelle Clark, Julia Fisher, Mildred Hull, Bcttie Hanson, Rosemary Rocap, Frances Ann McDonald, Jeanne Long, Ann Greenawalt. 2nd Row: Evan- geline Cook, Carol MacNeU, Dorothy Brooks, Jane Farmer Hays, Fay Messcrsmith, Rosclla Ross, Rebecca Mathews, Edith Cope, Gladys Hawickhorst, Eileen Rocap. Irene IVildermtith, Mary Amner. 3rd Row: Ruth Haas, Caroline Dunbar, Jean Finkbone. 4th Row: Irene Wilt, Margaret Dennison, Lois Stringfellow, Hannah Neal, Edith Anderson, Mary D. Drummond, Katherine Davis, Gwen Williams. 5th Ron: Standing: Mildred Dennison, Margaret Bets Smith, Eleanor King, Grctchen Appel, Marguerite Cork, Mrs. A. H. Upham, Dr. A. H. Upham, Mrs. Finkbone, Dorothy Bets, Ada
Wilson, Grace
Ohio to Try Ohio State Day By IRENE WILDERMUTH, Omega

the splendid work done in Kentucky, Kath- and it was truly a beautiful picture that she erine Davis was appointed publicity chairman. sketched for us. The thought Mrs. Drum-
It was our good fortune to have as our luncheon guests Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Upham. After lunch, Dr. Upham, president of Miami University (who is, incidentally, very friendly to fraternal organizations), gave a thought- stimulating talk on the paradoxical character- istics of fraternities in general.
One of the most striking statements D r . Upham made was that college students are conservative and particularly those who are members of organized groups. Dr. Upham went on to say that fraternities are inclined to be patternmaking and sentimental. A l - though Dr. Upham did not think these faults serious, he believed that, if a program of self- analysis were adopted, the flaws in the fra- ternal system might be corrected.
mond gave us was that the Founders imagined all of us present at the birth of AOII. At that time, our Founders started a pattern with the thought in mind that each of us weave a thread into this pattern as our contribution. Edith Anderson spoke upon the future of Alpha Omicron Pi. "The sorority must keep pace with new trends," Mrs. Anderson said, "and must shape its program accordingly." Airs. Anderson advised that we should not expect perfection in those whom we select to carry on the work of AOII, for that is an impossible task. We should choose girls with the idea that we are going to be able to help
them in some way. An exciting moment came just after Katherine Davis told about the surprise which she had for us. It was in the form of an award to the chapter having made the most progress during the past year.
One of the most impressive events of con-
vention was the formal initiation service with
Edith Anderson as presiding officer. The Ox- Honorable mention went to Beta Phi and the ford College ballroom provided a lovely back-
ground for the ritual. Omega presented for Bible with a gold monogram, was given to initiation four of her most outstanding pledges Omega Chapter. The bible was presented by
—Caroline Dunbar, Bettie Hanson, Jeanne Mrs. Anderson, Helen Haller and Katherine
Long, and Dorothy Brooks. Davis. Following the banquet, the film "The
award itself, a beautiful red leather bound
Of course, one couldn't imagine a conven- Forgotten Frontier" was shown, accompanied
tion without a banquet. Therefore, on the by a most fascinating lecture by Mrs. Drum- last evening, a formal rose banquet was en- mond.
joyed. The story of the founding of Alpha Omicron Pi was retold by Mary D. Drummond
With thoughts of next year's convention, in Chicago, tucked safely away in the back of our minds, the Ohio Valley District Convention adjourned. As we left Oxford College, the farewell, "See you in Chicago next summer," rang through the air.
Mrs.McDonald Addresses Teachers
at Columbus Conference
-+- MRS. C. C. MCDONALD (NO) of Bay St. Louis, state president of the Mississippi P.-T. A., addressed the 200 home economics teachers in session for the annual conference at Columbus last week and conferred with this group relative to cooperation in P . - T . A . work. Miss Esther Rogers, Jackson, voca- tional home economics director of the state, is serving as chairman of home-making and rural service in the state P .-T . A. The state P.-T. A. is cooperating with the Mississippi Federation of Women's Clubs in a joint plan with the state welfare department to follow up the recent rehabilitation survey of handi- capped persons through social service clinics,
with the idea of eventual self-support by such handicapped persons as can be rendered capa- ble through rehabilitation. While in Colum- bus, Mrs. McDonald conferred with" Mrs. W . F. Bruce, director of the department of health for the P .-T . A., and Mrs. Ledbetter of the Federation of Women's Clubs, who are direct-
Omega won the award for having made the most
progress in the Ohio Valley District. Lois String- leans Times-Picayune.
fellow is the chapter president.
ing the follow-up work program.—Nezv Or-

Two New District Superin- tendents Introduced
RENNE, Alpha Phi
-4- A SHY LITTLE GIRL with long flaxen braids down her back hesitated in the doorway of the grammar school room. Clinging tightly to the teacher's hand she gazed round-eyed at the sea of children's faces. Bewildered thoughts tumbled through her mind. How differently these funny American children dressed! How they gazed so oddly at her! What was the teacher saying? It must be English—her mother had said that in Ameri- ca schools English was spoken and that she would have to learn to speak it and to think in it! But this strange language had such peculiar sounds. It was not a bit like her own familiar German. Of course she knew she had been born in Brooklyn and her older brother had gone to school there, but she had been so little at the beginning of her four
year stay near the North Sea!
"Jo" scrutinized her reflection in the mirror carefully. Her cheeks were flushed with nervous excitement. For wasn't she playing the feminine lead in Royall Tyler's "The Con- trast"? Of all her activities at Cornell, the Dramatic Club was the most thrilling!
Of course it was grand being an AOIT—be- ing an Alpha O opened the way to many
things. There was the Thumb Tack Club of Cornell artists and the junior society, Raven and Serpent; there was also AKA, honorary sociological society, and the "Y"—there had always been the " Y " even back in the Masten Park High School days; and there had been athletic activities too—she'd rowed on the crew two years, had been elected manager freshman year and manager of basketball sophomore year.
But tonight—this night of nights—climaxed her college days. T o think that she, Johanna Buecking, was playing opposite Franchot Tone on the occasion of the formal opening of the New University Theatre in Willard Straight Hall!
Mr. and Mrs. Otto M. Buerger, and their lovely
three-year old daughter, Helene, recently moved to Great Neck, Long Island. Mrs. Buerger was formerly a Y . W. C. A. secretary in New York City, and later a member of the Board of Di- rectorsoftheBuffaloY.W.C.A. Mr.Buerger, who is Fourth Grand Counselor of Sigma Pi, is associated with the Wall Street firm of OI- cott, Paul & Havens, and is attorney for the Tufverson family in the Poderjay case.
BACK OF THAT cold note in the society columns of the morning paper we see Mr. and Mrs. Buerger animatedly discussing the sub- urb situation. Helene should live outdoors!
intend the Atlantic
will District.

Great Lakes Convention
(Continued from Page 20)
by active chapters to acknowledge recom- mendations sent in by alumnae.
The meeting came to a close and in the afternoon, round table discussions, led by Charlotte Goedde ( I I ) , Mary Alice Emmett
(Oil), and Mary D. Drummond, were held. The purpose of fraternities was discussed by Wilma Smith Leland, who advised the chap- ters to avoid unfavorable publicity and to strive for cooperation with the universities. The discussion of "Social Problems" was pref- aced by a paper written by Jessie Wallace Hughan, which stressed the importance of so- cial idealism. Mary D. Drummond, in lead- ing the meeting on "Social Service" described vividly the Frontier Nursing Service, its work, and the people it aids. Alpha Omicron Pi may
the Kentucky mountains. T h e report of our -f- MARLYN JUDD HAUSEMAN, known as own "Clothes-Line Committee" further showed
"Judy" to half the college and town as well, can he found any week day afternoon be- hind the counter of her husband's stationery store. Whether you drop in on business or just for a friendly chat about college affairs, Judy is always ready, friendly, sympathetic, glad to help, whether it's decorations for the fall party, a really original and clever gift for Aunt Mabel, the latest thing in Christmas cards, or just a little good advice. Mrs. Hause- man is as honest as she is shrewd and what- ever your question you'll get a frank reply— and like it in spite of yourself—for friendly grey eyes and even white teeth combined in
Judy's smile can take the edge off truth itself.
Her energy and business ability are not all spent in dispensing good taste and station- ery, however, for she does an efficient job of managing a large house and bringing up an eleven-year-old son, "little Dean," who is really her chief interest.
Although a Canadian by birth, Judy spent most of her childhood in Butte, Montana, and later went back to her birthplace, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, to attend Havergal College. Back in Montana a few years later she en- tefed Montana State College at Bozeman and in her freshman year became a member of Alpha Phi Chapter. A n annual, published when she was a sophomore, sheds a little light on her college life. Here was the same in- defatigable Judy winning a popularity contest, president of this and secretary of that; was there a college organization she wasn't inter-
ested in? Here, too, we learned that Judy's and Dean's was a college romance begun in their sophomore year and culminating in mar- riage almost before they had time to take off caps and gowns.
the good work done by our fraternity.
In the evening, Iota Chapter entertained with a beach party on the lake shore.
W ednesday, business sessions again occupied our time. General problems were discussed, among them being the one of alumnae, which in turn led to the question of rushing. During this discussion a motion was made that the name of the rushing chairman of each chapter be sent in to To DRAGMA together with her summer address. This would facilitate the exchange of recommendations among chap- ters. It was also suggested that an article encouraging alumnae recommendations appear in the sorority magazine.
Publicity was the next topic of importance, and Mary D. Drummond explained the plan for next year, which includes syndicated ar- ticles in newspapers describing the social and philanthropic work done by Alpha Omicron Pi. The fact was stressed that each chapter should strive only for favorable publicity and exemplary personal conduct, for it is by the active chapter that the national sorority is judged.
The last of the business sessions was closed with the motion that the Great Lakes District send a note to National Office, voicing its sentiment that the National Convention be held at Lake Forest, Illinois.
The afternoon was devoted to a series of Vocational Round Tables capably directed by Margaret Cowan, of Toronto. Miette Donell, of the Collegiate Bureau of Chicago, talked on "Vocations for Women," Ruth O'Brien Mc- Carn on "Child Psychology," and M rs. E d - wina Lewis, Director of the Illinois Emergency Relief Commission, told of her work in so- cial service. These talks were interestingly presented and very worth while.
Marlyn Judd Houseman, A<£, is the super-
intendent of the Pacific Northwest District. well be proud of the task it has undertaken in
Living in Bozeman since her Marriage she
has always been an active and interested
alumna, helping with party decorations, rush-
ing and a host of other things. Alpha Phi Omicron Pi, was the model initiation which can will testify to her business ability, clever was beautifully conducted by Edith Hunting- management, and general efficiency for she ton Anderson. The banquet and informal has been financial adviser for the past four dance which followed proved to be a fitting years and has been personally responsible for climax to these days of renewed inspiration putting the chapter on its feet financially. and friendships.
The high-light of the convention, at least for two of Iota's pledges and one from

OCTOBER, 1 9 3 4
Corris Damon Peake, a charter member of Zcta, had the privilege of seeing her daughter, Corris, become a member of Zeta this year.
€kttfa O
CWlof£er a„i> S
Margaret Henderson Dudley, Sigma, is the mother of Jane Dudley Epley, Alpha Sigma. Jane is the Klamath Falls, Oregon, correspondent for the Portland ' Oregontan. Her husband is managing editor of the two daily papers in Klamath Falls.

$846.35 19.65 50.91
Your Money's Worth
Frontier Nursing Service Social Service Department Report for Year July 1, 1933 to July 1, 1934
(1) Under entire care: i.e., in foster homes or
boarding schools _ -
(2) For partial care: i.e., chiefly shoes, clothing, school books ._ - _ _ ~~ (3) Handicapped children: i.e., school arrangements,
travel, clothing, etc _ —
T otal cost of child caring service
Medical Social Service:
(1) Children to specialists and to city hospitals for special care _ —
13 6 5
20 2 1
2 20
$916.91 37.1
127.14 5.1 367.39 14.9 864.80 35.4
71.62 2.9 $2,356.72 95.4
f2) Adults: to specialists in Hazard.-
(3) Glasses for one child
(4) Bed and mattress for tuberculosis patient
Total cost of medical social service
Loans for Education: Family service ._
Seed program—lespedeza
2 individuals.-
and black eyed peas

- -
Other Field
_ ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS (exclusive of salary) :
$16.62 55.00
$57.40 3.15 26.00 15.50 4.59 4.00
Miscellaneous Petty cash

Travel. Social Equipment
Postage _
Books and Periodicals Check tax
_ -
W orker
Snapshots - Total ...
—. —-
Grand total (exclusive of salary) Salary of Social W orker -

AOII Regular Budget Allowance
AOII Special Gifts (Shoe Fund)
Special Gifts Social Service (not AOII)._ Refunds and Loans Repaid
Plus Balance on Hand as of July 1, 1933
Total Funds handled during the year LESS EXPENDITURES _ -
Balance on Hand as of July 1, 1934
In addition to the foregoing, service not entailing financial outlay was given in a total of 48 cases, as follows: families, 16; handicapped children. 8; other children, 1; adult individuals, 4; applicants for assistance in connection with educational plans, 12; institutional cases, 2; referred to other agencies, 5.
The Social Service Director has also given service on the following committees: the Local Area Board of the Kentucky Emergency Relief Administration; the Leslie County Committee of the Kentucky Emergency Relief Administration; the Leslie County Committee of the National Re-employment Service (subsequently the District Committee); the Leslie County Red Cross Chapter—Clothing Committee; and the Executive Committee of the Kentucky Conference of Social Work.
$ 110.64
$2,467.36 1,675.00
$3,600.00 62.50 180.00 211.06
$4,053.56 90.99
$4,144-55 4,143.36
$ 1.19
4.5 99.9

In Human Progress

Who wants to help repair this rooff Little Anne ts our newest One of our boys smiles his Rain drives the school children to hild. She is still puszled
gratitude at you, his un the edge of the room because the over her bath and shoes.
known benefactors.
roof leaks.

A mountain joy
ride to the fields. Corn replaces children on the return tourney

Little Ann Becomes Ours
Being a Letter from Our Social
in the Kentucky
Wendover, Leslie Co., Ky.
September, 1934 ALPHA O'S :
about this episode is the success we had in Harlan itself in getting funds for the chair and establishing in a local philanthropic group an on-going interest in the old couple. In the short time we were in Harlan we contacted several individuals and organizations in the attempt to arouse this interest. We left Har- lan with the promise from the Women's Fed- eration of the Harlan Presbyterian Church to see what they could do in raising funds to- ward the cost of the chair. A few weeks later, to my immense satisfaction, along came their check to cover more than half the cost of the chair. Mrs. Roosevelt gave the remainder, and the chair has been in use now for several weeks. Writing about its arrival, the old lady says, "I had one glorious day; from eleven
One could hardly say we have had a dull
summer in these Kentucky mountains. First there was drought, with terrific heat; but the drought was brief enough and early enough not to injure the crops very much. Now the danger is that corn will rot in the fields if we continue to have so much rain. How pre- carious is the lot of the farmer!
The summer started off auspiciously by
bringing Jane Hupman (Rho Chapter) to
Wendover.' T o those of you who haven't heard
the good news already, the Social Service de-
partment now boasts a staff of two instead of
one. Jane has volunteered her services for six
months. I refuse to let myself think about how until five I went all over the house." The
we shall get on without her at the end of six months.
Women's Federation is not content, however, with having helped so generously to provide the wheel chair. Some of their members go out to see the two old people at regular inter- vals. They are having the old lady's glasses changed so that she can see to crochet, if the crippled band will permit her to do so, and
One of the most satisfying tasks of the sum-
mer was the getting of a wheel chair for an
old lady down near Harlan. She IS an incur-
able cripple living with her husband in the
county poorhouse. After reading one of Mrs.
Roosevelt's articles in some magazine she she thinks she can manage. Forgive me for
wrote Mrs. Roosevelt explaining how badly she needed a wheel chair. Mrs. Roosevelt in turn asked us to look into the situation, which we were, of course, delighted to do. Harlan isn't more than forty miles away as the crow flies, but as automobile roads go in this round- about country, it is over a hundred miles. So one of the nurses and I took the car and were gone overnight.
All that the old lady had said in her letter to Mrs. Roosevelt about her condition, in fact, more, we found to be true. In a bad fall al- most a year ago she had broken the neck of the femur in her right hip, her right ankle, and some of the bones in her right hand. The doctor told us that her hip fracture was of such nature that the bone would probably never knit. The ankle was still in bad condi- tion, and attempts to get about on crutches had already resulted in several falls. Lacking a wheel chair, she was virtually a prisoner: the four walls of her room were the limits of her world. H e r husband, considerably older than she and with a multitude of ailments, was barely able to shuffle about. Her other com- panions in the poorhouse were little more able to help her. She is only fifty-nine, and apart from her injuries she is not sick. Tt did not take a great deal of imagination to foresee her enduring years of this kind of helpless monot- ony that could hardly be called life.
One of the things that most pleases me
gloating, but to get this local interest under way is one of the best brief bits of social wrork we have yet done.
This case furnishes an example of the "go- between" type of service being requested of us more and more. F o r instance there is the widower in an Ohio city who needs someone to keep house for himself and his children. We are trying to contact a relative here, to see if she cannot be persuaded to return to help look after the family. A social agency in Oregon, interested in an old man who is stranded out there, asks us to contact relatives here in search of a home for him. A post- meningitis case, living just outside our ter- ritory, is seeking special treatment. T h e chil- dren's agency in another Ohio town wants to send a family of orphan children to kinspeople here, and we are asked to ascertain conditions in that home. T h e scarcity of social agencies in this part of the country (plus also, no doubt, the fact that the F.N.S. is so well known over the country) brings us numerous such requests.
Among our children (meaning those being cared for outside their own homes and, there- fore, peculiarly "ours") things have gone pretty well this summer. The newrest acquisi- tion is little Anne, who up until this summer has led the here-to-yondcr sort of existence necessitated by her mother's own here-to- yonder style of life. She looked deceptively well after a few weeks of good care. The

on public relief to keep them from starving. A while back the nurse discovered they had been without substantial food for a week— this just after the mother had given birth to
mmer has been for her, however, one series
nf skin infections, croup, worms, et cetera—
testimony to the fact that three and one-half
[tars of physical neglect cannot be offset by
jess than months or years of excellent physical a baby. Needless to say we did something
care to say nothing of how long it takes to nercome the psychological effects of these
years of precarious living.
- y f e among our children has in general been
^irls have had part-time jobs for the summer and bought their own clothes with which to start school. Rhea also saved money enough for a trip to Cincinnati to see her small sister __a trip that has just been negotiated and now Rhea is back in school. Bernice, who attended a good school for the first time last year, after years of a hit-or-miss sort of education, was v ery sensitive about her backwardness. O n her own she arranged with her teacher to be coached through the summer and has in this
way succeeded in catching up one grade. Bas- com has been moved to a new foster home, where there is more of the farm life he loves and less of the rowdy influence from the vil- lage near which he had been living.
then and there and have continued to do so.
We have lately worked out what we think is a very clever stunt with regard to cows, inspired by the observation that men some- times fail to have the foresight and astuteness to hang on to a milk cow once they have it! When one of the men for whom we had bought a cow allowed himself to get in debt, with the cow as security, and eventually lost the cow, we got desperate. With families who regularly receive help from us and whose business acumen we question, our stunt now is to take a mortgage on the cow, which makes it impossible for them to dispose of her un-
less we are willing to scrap the mortgage. 'Tis restraint of an external sort and therefore to be used warily, but in these particular families the cows will at least "stay put" for the time being—that is, unless they up and die.
It seems to me we have been more than ever busy in a "community" sense this sum- mer. One affair after another has been on the program. First there were canning demonstrations, si>onsored by the relief or- ganization. W e turned the one in the W end- over district into an all-day neighborhood get- together, with a picnic dinner—lemonade in-
lier uneventful, however. T w o of our older
But recounting some of the things that have
been happening among our children this sum-
mer only sets one to thinking furiously of
some other things that ought to happen. First
there is the matter of Anne's little brother
who is having a fearful sort of life. Efforts
to get him away from his present environment cluded. T w o of the local schools decided to
have to date met with no success. We shall combine in giving a box supper, to raise funds have to pare and squeeze to make room for for supplies and desperately needed repairs.
jlim in our budget, but one cannot know his
present situation without feeling that we must
take him and plan something better than he
is now receiving. Then there is the lad whom
we must arrange to have studied at a psycho-
logical clinic. There is little doubt that the stood faithfully by throughout, at the expense
recommendation will be removal from the in- fluence of hi- father, who is definitely neurotic. And then somewhere we shall have to find for him the patient, intelligent sort of foster parents who can help him to overcome the effects of thirteen years of the sort of treat- ment that has turned him into a veritable little anarchist. The psychological study can be ar- ranged for him, also for little Anne, for whom adoption is tentatively planned. T h e real prob- lem is finding the homes they need. But here I go, trying to look both "before and after," when I meant just to try to give you a glimpse of how we have gotten through the summer.
By the way, we've taken on two new fam- ilies in the last two months, with the nurses in the respective districts handling the first- hand contacts principally. One of them was
of early rising, long rides, and a late return. The area relief organization (consisting of five counties) staged a two-day institute for their relief workers and home visitors—and again we "joined in," of course. A settlement school that draws rather heavily from this locality is trying to get case studies of their students, as a background for their educational work. Needless to say, we think the idea excellent and have done our best to give them fairly complete accounts for the students from our territory. W endover's newest undertaking is a sewing class for the school girls of the neighborhood. 'Tis just getting under way, but the indications are we shall shortly be cry-
ing for supplies: scraps of cotton materials for quilt pieces and doll dresses, knitting ma- terials, clothing that the girls can alter.
« case of starting from the very bottom up—
they hadn't even a roof over their heads. O u r
first efforts in both cases have been directed
chiefly toward providing enough food to put
them in better physical condition— give them
the energy to work and more resistance to readiness for their respective schools. Prob- disease, which ever hovers over those who live lems : clothing, transportation, and, in a few near the starvation level. One of these fam- cases, alteration of the parents' indisposition
ilies is the Brown Baker family I wrote you to let the children go!
about last winter. W e thought then we hadn't Faithfully yours,
the money to "take them on" and kept relying BLAND MORROW.
The relief organization hastily devised seven days of dental clinics, with two dentists kept busy the entire time and a third going for a part of the time. They were short of help, so Jane Hupman stepped into the breach, and
How interminably one could go on, looking both "before and after"! Fortunately there are things of the moment to call a halt—the "things" of this precise moment being seven deaf children and five blind, to be gotten in

Dolls, Knives, Machines, Money,
Shoes, Layettes
-+- FOR T H E PAST TWO YEARS, as you know , this year; but we are going to take care of besides raising its quota of money, each Christmas presents in another way. Dolls active chapter has sent a Christmasbox to our and knives are the two types of Christmas-re- Kentucky children, while each alumna? chap- membrances which our Kentucky children like ter has sent worn butusable woolen and cotton most. Both of these have a practical as well clothing for distribution among our mountain as a pleasurable side. The dolls are so dressed
folk. that they show the children what kind of This year I thought a bit of variety might clothes to wear. T h e knives are useful and
be brought into the work which the activeand alumnae chapters a r e doing. Each year pre- sents new problems as we AOIT grow in and with our National Work. Perhaps if I tell you a few of the needs of the year with a
afford a great deal of enjoyment to the mountain boy w h o loves to whittle.
suggestion o f h o w you c a n choose th e your chapter.
each might b e handled,
above a s k to carry a n extra share in this year's work. WHAT ISYOUR CHAPTER GOING TO DO?
project best adapted
In the first place, we are not going to ask our problem in that direction is settled. But the active chapters to send Christmas boxes we would like to have a group of chapters
-f- SINCE THIS LETTER was written, a telegram informs me that at the Convention of the Ohio Valley District it was decided that these chapters would supply materials for the year for one of the sewing centers, and also that they would con-
tribute $24 to the "Shoe Fund."
It is certainly encouraging to have the work of the year start off with the active chapters responding so readily to an urgent plea and to have the tw o alumnse chapters
Will you see that every little ffirl in our part of the Kentuckv hills has a Christmas
Besides sending th e usual boxes
clothing twoof ouralumnse chapters, the Chi- cago South Shore Alumnse Chapter and the Chicago Alumnse Chapter, have promised to dress onehundred and fifty dolls forthe Ken- tucky children for Christmas this year, so that
o f
9#ff °goU
pease SCe(fl

Sixth, last, btit not least, w e need a sponsor for the garden project. T h e mountain people do not eat the proper food because they do
will relieve Miss Morrow of much of the Frontier Nursing Service and the many
anyneedinemergency. Whoamongour vogue.Yettherewasnotamurmurabout
remember to enclose your name and ad- of joy in the mountains, and whose tales
ALPHA OMICRON P I needs a volunteer to re-
lieve Jane Hupman soon after the Christmas
holidays. Jane, our first AOII to work in the
hills, will then have completed her six months
as assistant to our Social Service Director,
Bland Morrow. The requirements for such a -f- EDITH ANDERSON rode forty m iles on volunteer a r e : ability to pay railroad fare; horseback in two days in order to seefor ability to do stenographic work because this herself part of the wonderful work of the
thousands of members can and will do this in return for a marvelous experience? F o r further information write Mrs. E . C . Franco- Ferreira. 1340 Glen Lake Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
-f- MEMBERS OF Alpha Omicron P i ! Please
discomfort, n o r a n y abatement o f interest in the various phases o f th e trip. Uphill a n d downhill, in and out of the river, now stop- ping to see the patients at the hospital and again th e children's ward. O f f once more toward Confluence to see Miss Kelly, the nurse, w h o is blessed with a n unusual social mind, a n d whose sewing circle is a source
offer to get the one hundred and fifty whit- of—diapers, w ee shirts, woolen blankets, tling knives—10c variety. ( F o r such a large woolen stockings, dresses.
number one can make arrangements with
Woolworth to have a gross shipped directly
from the factory to Wendover, thus saving
the postage andtrouble of packing. I am do- not have the money to buy seeds to grow ing this with the dolls.)
First, then, w e need knives.
Second, we need money for the "Shoe
Fund"—there is not a cent in itnow.
Third, we need sewing machines shipped to
their food. Bland Morrow has been doing some very interesting experimenting in this garden work and has had splendid results. This is a great work in which you mayhelp.
Maybe some of these suggestions I have made will help you choose the field in which your chapter will be most interested. O n th e other hand, you m ay have some helpful ideas that you would like to carry out this year. I f so, write to me,andI shall do allI canto help you. Remember, that if you choose one of these projects this year it does not mean that you will be expected to carry on the same thing next year. Every chapter should d o th e thing that it enjoys, a n d thus its o w n happi- ness in service will be carried on to our folks in Kentuckv.
Social Service Note Book
A. By supplying cotton and woolen ma- terials and yams.
B. B y supplying money to pay a woman to teach sewing. This would cost $1.50 o r $2.00 a week for fifteen or twenty weeks. Maybe three or more chapters could combine their efforts in this project.
Fifth, w e need layettes, o r a n y parts there-
Leaves from our
Kentucky to help sewing circles.
o u r work sponsors
in f o r
Fourth, w e need and knitting circles:
th e
clerical work and the Frontier Nursing Serv- ice requires services of that sort in return for room and board; last, but not least, comes adaptability because the volunteer becomes an indispensable jack-of-all-trades to be called on not only for routine jobs but must answer
ramifications o f o u r Philanthropic Work. T h e trip w as strenuous and included Wendover, Hyden and Confluence. She was not exactly accustomed to such exercise because h e r lat- est acquaintance with a horse was in more childish days when bareback riding w a s th e
dress when you send gifts of any kind to the hills. Address letters to Miss Bland Morrow, Wendover, Leslie County, Kentucky. Address parcel post to Hyden, Leslie County, Kentucky. Address freight or express to Hazard, Ken- tucky, with notice of shipment to Hyden.
It has become necessary to furnish Miss Morrow with printed cards in order that she may acknowledge th e receipt o f gifts prompt- ly. If donors do not receive acknowledg- ment it is d u e either to failure o f sender to address package correctly, o r failure to enclose own name and address. Will a ll social service chairmen in all chapters, active and alumnae, take great care in reporting to the chapter the
of "hants" and possum hunts, and literary and debating societies a r e a delight to one's soul. A visit with Miss Kelly at the Lower Hell-for-Certain School watching a typhoid
tion in
you to know h o w appreciated these things a r e and wishyoutohaveduecredit.
o f this
acknowledgment is o f importance
gifts. Coopera- because w e want
clinic in
over to
terest in all things relating to the thoughtful advancement of our sorority and for your unsparing effort to make that interest fruitful. A toast to your good sense, to your imagina- tion,* to your keen perceptions, to your sports- manship ! Edith, w e salute you!
progress wound u p th e visit to Con- Then back the many miles to Wend- examine records a n d to hold con-
Edith, we thank you for your in-

French Academy
Honors Pi Member
thropic, educational, et cetera, one of the most important of which is the N e w Orleans Alum- na* Chapter, of which she is a loyal and ever active member.
Gladys is professor of French and Spanish at Newcomb, and as some of her students phrased it, "She is the strictest grader, but the fairest and most impartial teacher we have had in college—and we are 'crazy' abouther." She has made quite a name for herself as an authoress in collaboration with Madame Simone de la Souchere Delery, whose niece, Virginia Freret, is an Alpha O at Newcomb this year. T h e tw o have already written sev- eral French textbooks a n d specially prepared edition of French stories. Their latest book, France a" Amerique, which contains material in French bearing on French culture in Louis- iana, is illustrated by Dagmar Renshaw L e Breton, Gladys' sister, also a member of the Newcomb faculty.
In recognition of their work on France d'Amerique, Gladys and M rs. Delery were awarded the '"Prix de la Languc Franchise" for 1933 by 1' Academie Franchise. Each of them received a gold medal bearing on one side "Prix de la Langue Frangaise," the re- cipient's name, and the date, and on the other side a bust in relief of Cardinal Richelieu, the founder of 1' Academie Franchise. This great honor gives the co-authors the right to
have on the title page "Couronne par 1' Aca- demic Franchise."
Nancy Stahlman, Epsilon Alpha, is presi- dent of the junior class at Pennsylvania State College; a member of Cwens; TFrM

Renshaw (II) for news of her own achievements, nothing would he known. H e r most outstanding characteristics a r e h e r u n - bounded enthusiasm f o r people a n d things, and her modesty concerning herself. Gladys is a most attractive person, with brown hair and eyes and a pleasant, low voice. She has a wide variety of interests: social, philan-
Doris Brawlcy, Alpha Comma, wears a
Crimson "IV" sweater, an honor given only
to women outstanding in Physical Educa-
tion.Sheisonthehonorteamsinmost andAAA;secretaryofW.S.G.A. sports and is an honor student.

Indiana Universiiv's Prom Queen was Lela Scott, B+. Last year she was Arbutus Queen.

"Wovtb jZ00kS
at ShMa €>'$
W. S. A. at De Pauw University.
Hellenic Council at De Pauw.
li as I I !
ill lis ••"•Ml

Mary Garrison Walker, 6, is president of Janette Fisher, 6, is president of Pan-
JL -
Kay Eche, Delta, was the Tree Orator for Commencement at Tufts College.
Helen Bramwell, Nu Omicron, belongs to Bachelor Maides, junior-senior so- ciety of Fanderbilt, and to Scribblers, literary society.

CWovh jZooh
at Zktya O's
ington. She
at the University
president of
Wash- member
Board of varsity
a law student, debate team and
Mary pha
of the
Addie Judiciary
succeeds Cunningham, Committee
another Al- as chairman at Randolph-
Aina Almen, Nu, is treasurer of the League of Women in the School of Commerce at the New York University. She belongs to Triad League.
Marian Warner, Alpha Phi, is the vice president of A. W. S. at Montana State College, a member of W. A- A. Council.
She is president of her Chapter.

Alpha Gamma
By Evelyn Krause
-+- FIRST OF all, allow me to introduce our newest alumna from the class of '34— Doris Brawley, Gala Peed, Carolyn W olters, and Evelyn Krause. Adria Veleke is return- ing next year to graduate. As to the where- abouts of the seniors of '34: Doris is a full-fledged teacher of Physical Education and Math at the high school in Ritzville. I just re-
school. This last year "Vic" conducted a dramatics class of her own and directed sev- eral plays in Spokane.
The second wedding—the betrothal of L u - cille Buchholz (ex '35) to Merwin Peebles, August 8, in Spokane, at the Grace Baptist Church, followed by a reception at the home of Mrs. Buchholz. Hazel Plasket ('32), as maid of honor, made a very stunning atten- dant.
Julianne Burgess, whose mother is Vivian ceived a letter from her this afternoon, and Whalen Burgess ('24) was born last April, she said that she knows she is going to like I believe. To Ruth Robertson Fisher ('30) her work. She seems to have quite a vari- and George, a daughter, born sometime last ance in the size of her classes—seventy in one spring. They are living in California now. and five in another. She is also going to Last month I visited Louise "Casey" Kahse be faculty director of the Girls' League. Gala (ex '31) at Davenport. She gave a baby has a position as a private secretary to Mr. shower for Sylvia Topping Purcell ('31).
Balmer, head of the General College Exten-
sion Service of our Alma Mater. It must be
nice to have a desk all your own. I also had
a letter from Gala today. She, too, is enjoy-
ing her work. Carolyn, according to my lat- bur, was among the guests present. Lylia
est information, is still vacationing, but will soon be a pharmacist. "Spuddy" Krause is plugging away at a typewriter, pounding out radio continuity and playing the piano on some programs for Station K P Q in Wenatchee.
boasts of a son, then a month old.
Now that I'm living in Wenatchee, I see
"Mitzie" Hibbard Erickson ('33) quite often.
Her husband is manager of the local Union
Oil station. Hazel "Plaskie" Plasket is private
And there's a variety of advertising from secretary to Dr. Robinson in Moscow, Idaho.
biscuits to beer. It's a great game! I had When I saw her in Spokane at Lucille's wed-
a letter from Adria, "Palooka," this summer. A few days before, she had begfi "slumming" down at the Bellingham docks—it was a real adventure, she said. She has been doing water color sketches of familiar Puget Sound scenery.
Two of our sisters—Opal Jenkins ('33) and Inez Ingling ('33) took graduate work last year at school. Just recently Opal was ap- pointed Assistant County Agent of H om e Economics in Benton county, with head- quarters in Kennewick. And she is one of the fortunate ones to have a car provided for her. Inez.spent a most enjoyable vacation
Mrs. Ellsworth stient a great deal of her time nursing Mr. Ellsworth, who had trouble of our fair members this summer. The first with his facial and optic nerves. We are glad —Victoria Hanson ('32) was married to Rob- to know that his condition has improved con-
visiting the Century of Pro.yn >- I mposition. There were several weddings involving some
ert Savage, also a Washington State graduate. siderably. "Mid" Hunt Vatnsdal ('25) and
It was a lovely wedding at the home of the bride's parents in Spokane, taking place on June 23. "Vic" made a very charming bride in her white satin gown and a tiara of gar- denia? tucked in her golden hair. Those Alpha O's in attendance were Florence Brock (ex '32), Faith Green Toole ('30), Lucille Buchholz (ex '35), and your news editor. Mr. and Airs. Savage are now at home at Palouse, Washington, where Bob teaches in the high
Russell were in Pullman part of the summer, but I don't know where they vacationed the rest of the time. Edna McKee ('24) "rested up" at home in Everett this summer prepara- tory to resuming her teaching in Pullman. Mrs. Ellsworth, "Mid", and Mrs. Overholser, one of our patronesses, have done much to help the actives in getting the house in order after the remodeling and redecorating was com- pleted this summer. Thanks to them!
"Casey" had the house decorated cleverly with baby pictures predominating on the walls and kiddy kars and teddy bears much in evidence. Lylia Appel Miller ('29), now living in Wil-
ding, she was on her vacation and left that night for the coast to visit relatives and friends. Evelyn Voge ('32) spent the sum- mer in Wenatchee. She and Paul took me up to Cashmere the other evening. We stopped to see Gladys Frost Ellsenshon, but she had returned to her home in Spokane. However, we did find Theresa Hawk Pease ('32) visit- ing her parents. We spent an enjoyable eve- ning talking and. playing with the young son, Laurence Fred. Evelyn has returned to Menlo to teach. I haven't seen nor heard from Alma Schierman Schuster ('34) since she visited the house last spring.

()(TOBF.R. 1934 37
Frtna Berkey ('32) is a private secretary to very worthwhile work. Bernice Crane L o w - in Seattle. Kay Nealey ('32) is at man, now of Poison, returned to our Alma
home m Seattle. Ruby Hazlett Todd ('32) is Mater as the Women's Day speaker last
vmg in Portland, Oregon. Rose Jones ('33) | doing secretarial work in some govern- mental office in Olympia. Lydia Palmer ('32) I l ( | been at Lake Chatcolet suntanning, when T saw her, and was returning with a few days to suntan some more. She was all thrilled tfhoiit her new job teaching at Kelso—Fresh- man English and Latin. Allie Kalin ('31) is teaching French at Ritzville high school. This is her second year there. Marion Taylor /»j2) taught at Marcus last year, but I haven't heard from her recently to know where she w iH lie this year. Mabel "Smitty" Kirk ('32) was living in California the last I heard. "Dots" -Myers ('29) and Patty and Dennis spent the summer in the Idaho woods to be near Daddy, who was working for the Gov- ernment there. Gala told me in her letter that Mary O'Leary (A4>), to whom Alpha Gamma chapter is greatly indebted for all she has done for us, is in Casper, Wyoming, this year as dietitian in a high school and as a nutrition- ist for the American Red Cross.
This summer when I visited Mrs. Schwaben- land, who was in the hospital in Spokane as the result of injuries resulting from an auto accident, I learned her daughter, Ruth, is an Alpha O from our Chi Delta Chapter. I re- gret not meeting Ruth. I am glad, however, to report that her mother is much improved.
Mrs. Robert Owen (T) and Mrs.E.M.Ehr- hanlt (T) and Mrs. Lester Wade, president of the Spokane Alumna; chapter, spent a great deal of their time at lakes near Spokane this summer. The Spokane alumna? gave a rush- ing party recently. I would enjoy hearing from any of you—my address is 425 Orondo,
spring. This is an honor much coveted by the outstanding women of the campus, and Ber- nice certainly lived up to our expectations. Polly Wisner Renne ('32) and Dorothy Han- son Moser ('32) are now the mothers of baby girls. We have a number of marriages among our alumna?; Dorothy Baker ('32) and John Tolson were married and will make their home at Ennis; Peggy Scott ('31) and Wil- liam Reeves, Jr.; Edith Johnson ('33) and Leonard Estey; Kathryn Klingensmith and William Morley, and Pearl Hirsch and How- ard Elderkin.
Alpha Pi
By Sara Graham
-f- ELIZABETH MARKEY ('32) spent her sum- mer vacation visiting in N. C. She and Ruth Bryan ('29) visited the chapter during rush week. Ruth gave a bridge party in Lake- land in May for Irene Shoun ('32) of Tampa who was married in June. Katherine Pryde ('32) of Tampa was among the invited guests as well as the Lakeland AOII's. Ruth spent her vacation at Daytona Beach and in Jack- sonville visiting friends. Audrey Leddy ('32) is spending the summer traveling abroad, as is Rosalind Kennedy ('34). Dorothy Boyce Daniel ('30) of Ocala accompanied by her baby daughter visited in Vermont during the summer. She also visited Ruth Bryan in Lakeland in July. E v a Byrd ('34) of Jack-
sonville, accompanied by Lucille Perry ('35) of Alpha Tau chapter, who was her guest in August, visited Helen Davis ('29) in Lake- land for a wc-ek the last of August. Helen, who is assistant dietitian at F . S. C . W ., spent her vacation at her home in Lakeland and in Jacksonville. Mary Lee Davis ('34) has ob- tained a position in the high school of Pen- sacola for the coming year. During the sum- mer she visited sorority sisters in Tallahassee and Marjorie Carter, an active, in Palatka. Rosebud DeMilly Willard ('31). of Tallahas- see, and Bert vacationed in Lakeland and at Cortez Beach in June. Rosebud assists every fall at F . S. C. W . in the business office dur- ing Freshman Week. Marjorie Wylam Poole (Mrs. Robert Arthur '28) is now living in Pasadena, California. Julia Gehan ('32) spent her summer vacation in Hartford, Con- necticut, and at St. Theresa Beach on the gulf. Thelma Phipps Miles (Mrs. Caswell '34) and her husband are now making their
home in New York City. Lenore Altman
('33), who is now located in Ocala, spent most
work. For the past year Lenorc has been
teaching school in St. Marks. Evelyn Marks
('33) and her sister are the owners of a very
prosperous lending library in St. Petersburg.
Katherine Byers ('33) is teaching in the Ala-
sonic Children's Home in St. Petersburg.
Helen Bize ('31), of Miami, spent her vaca-
tion in Canada. Frances George Dobbins
W enatchee.
W ashington. Alphi Phi
By Caroline Btisch
mended not only for her fine exhibits and (Mrs. Guerry '30) and her husband enjoyed
•4- 1934 HAS brought a change for many of our alumna;, and in many cases this change is the realization of a dream or ambi- tion. Many of them have secured positions for the first time since graduation and others are pushing forward in their work. Margaret Kunkle ('34) is teaching at Antelope; Eliza- beth G riffith C 3 2 ) , R o s e b u d ; E t h e l K e y e s Sales, our former alumna adviser, is located with the Home Economics department of the Montana Power Company at Butte. Eliza- beth Pope has a similar position at Bozeman. Virginia Keyes ('32) has advanced into the Helena teaching staff; Evelyn Mattmiller is at Glendive this year, and Helen Rushing is doing the second of her first two years at Inverness. Carolyn Haley was an art super- visor in the Normal College at Dillon this summer; Elizabeth Hart of the Extension De- partment of Montana State College is doing some exceptional work with the 4 -H and Women's Clubs in her district. She has her
headquarters at Culbertson. She is being com-
Arizes at the national convention in Chicago, an extensive trip to Chicago and other parts but for her ability to develop leaders in this

of the country during July. Mildred Williams ('34) spent the month of August in New York
The engagement of Katherine Pryde ('32) of Tampa to Basil DeWitt of Jacksonville has visiting friends. Beth Kehler ('34) started been announced by Katherine's parents. The
work on her Master's at summer school in Vermont this summer, after which she went to her summer home at Groton, Vermont. Frances Causey ('33), who has been teaching in Wauchula, her home, visited in Gainesville in June. Janette Littig Humphries (Mrs. John '32) has charge of a Girl Scout troop in Tallahassee. Evelyn Pilkington ('33) is do- ing social service work in St. Petersburg. Ruth Conradi ('33) has opened a gift shop in Man- chester, Georgia, where she is living. Martha Crane ('31) visited in Daytona Beach in Sep- tember before returning to Monticello to con- tinue teaching in the high school. Juanita Van D'Elden ('31) entertained at an elaborate AOII reception on New Year's Eve at her home in Miami. Alumna; of Alpha Pi assist- ing were Helen Bize ('31), Jenelle Spence ('34), and Ruth Bryan ('29). The annual for- mal dinner of the chapter was held at the Soreno Hotel in St. Petersburg on December 29. Alumnae present were Evelyn Pilking- ton ('33), Evelyn Marks ('33), Dorothy Fitz ('34), Louise Worrell ('29), and Katherine
Byers ('32). An AOIT luncheon was held in Lakeland at the Hotel Lakeland Terrace on December 28. Alumnae of the chapter who enjoyed this affair were Frances G. Dobbins ('30)\ Helen Davis ('29), Martha Crane ('31), Ruhy Larsen ('31), Florence Cameron ('33), and Mary Lee Davis ('34). Rush parties were given in Miami, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Talla- hassee, Winter Haven, and Lakeland, at which the alumnae in these towns assisted the ac- tives in entertaining.
Alumnae will regret to learn of the death of Pearle Shephard's mother in St. Petersburg during the summer.
One of the mose elaborate weddings of the Christmas season was that of Sylvia McAdam ('36) and Richard Francis Richardson, which took place in Pcnsacola on December 23, 1933, at the Sacred Heart Church. After the wed- ding, which was one of social importance, the couple took a wedding trip to Valparaiso. They are now making their home in Pensacola with Sylvia's mother. Frances Knapp ('33) and Palmer Eastwood were married in Orlando on February 17. Palmer, who is a Beta Theta Pi, is secretary to the manager of the south- ern district of the Florida Fruit Growers. They are now living in Orlando. Mary Jane Sheldon ('34) was married to Clark Gourley in St. Petersburg at a simple, but impressive ceremony, on April 14. An informal recep- tion was held at the home of her parents im-
wedding will take place in the fall. Katherine is secretary to the Citrus Exchange and Basil is in the insurance business.
On February 3, Dorothy Gail was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Baker (Dorothy Cross '30) in Lakeland. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Daniel
(Dorothy Boyce '30) are the parents of a daughter, Dorothy Ray, born January 3, in Ocala.
Alpha Rho
By Althea Brulil
-+- WITH THE news that Ella Anderson ('23) was a July visitor in Salem, we also hear again the names of a number of other Salem alumnae of Alpha Rho Chapter. Ella, who was elected to KAII, national honor society for men and women in education, at Columbia University last year and later had a position as dietitian-house-manager at a school in Georgetown, Pennsylvania, was honored at a picnic by some of the girls and their families who were in the house when Ella was. They included Anne Reid Steele ('23), Vivian Mar- sters Pearcy ('20), Dorothy Lamb Bishop ('27), Alta Russell Black ('21), Jeannette Rice
Hewitt ('27), Esther Nordstrom Skelton ('23) and Harriet Peat Subject ('25).
Betty Ruby Wait (ex '25), who is working as secretary to Mrs. Spreckels in San Fran- cisco, spent the first week of September in Seattle, where she met Margaret McLeod
('25) and visited Pearl Hennagin Williams ('25). Irene Griggs Brandeberry ('31) and Kermit are living at 2444 Virginia Street, Berkeley. "Brandy" is working in a depart- ment of the Federal Forestry Service. Betty Benn Cooper ('27), whose home is at 7316 Bowlyn Place in Seattle, has two daughters, Joan and Elizabeth. Wilfred is with the Car- nation Company in the dairy research depart- ment. Lucille Schraeder Ough ('27) is work- ing as secretary to the son of L . C. Smith in the Smith Tower in Seattle. Her home ad- dress is 1844 Forty-first Avenue North. V er- oka Wampler ('30) spent the summer travel-
ing in the East.
Esther Nordstrom Skelton ('23) is living at Hammond, Oregon, with Joe and their two small daughters, Sarah Lee and Joanne. Ar- leta Forrest (ex '32), who lives at 804 East E Street in Grants Pass, Oregon, is teaching at the Riverside School. Elaine Forrey ('20) is living in Cloverdale, Oregon, where her husband is a teacher of Smith-Hughes agri- culture in the high school. They have two
mediately following the ceremony. The small daughters. Helen Knips ('24). who lives
couple is now living in Gainesville, where
Clark is continuing his law course and is a
member of the University of Florida chapter
of Phi Kappa Tau. Irene Shoun ('32) of
Tampa and John C. Monaghan were married
at a quiet home cerer.ony in Tampa in the Smith Pease ('27), who is cashier at Berg's middle of June. Irene has been teaching in department store, recently moved into her new the Tampa schools for several years. She and home at 2943 Northeast 36 Avenue. Alta her husband are now located in Miami. Black ('21) is doing secretarial work in the
Foster and Kleiser Advertising Company of-
in Hanford, California, does wood carving and makes furniture as an avocation.
A number of Alpha Rho alumnae live in Portland at present and are busy there. Helen

0CTOBKK. 1934 39 c es in Portland. Jean Drynan (ex *35) is on January 16. They are living in Schenectady,
rking >n the office of Dr. Holzman as sec- New York. Florence Wade McKinstry ('29)
' , v and office assistant. Osa Lautner ('31) U doing secretarial work at the Brice Mort- Latre Company. Martha Hilands ('30) is
ashicr in t n c Coffey Clinic in Portland. She \ also secretary to the office manager of the clinic. Her home is at 755 Brooklyn Street. Beatrice Rice Thompson ('21) and her hus- band Albert, are living in Portland, also. Bea- trice is working on the Child Welfare Com- mission. Elizabeth Gahler ('33) established
Government supervised nursery school in Toledo, Oregon, early in Septemher. She and Janice Aikin ('32) took a two weeks' train- ing course at Oregon State before returning to Portland and Eugene to take charge again of nursery schools there which they had early in the spring. Helen Churchill Trueblood ('29). Raul and their baby spent the summer in Roseburg with Mrs. Churchill. Paul will teach in Philadelphia this year. Wythle Fitz- patrick Brown ('29) recently won a prize in the Oreganian's kitchen planning contest. Lloyd is working in the forest service at Car- son, Washington. Ann McClew ('30) at- tended summer school at Oregon State doing graduate work in institutional management. She spent the rest of the summer at her home in Eugene before returning to Peshastin,
and T o m have a young son named Robert Wade, who was born on March 5. Their ad- dress is 1340 Park Avenue, Alameda, Cali- fornia. Betty Israel Morrison (ex '33) and Donald have a baby boy, Donald McGregor, born in March. They left Juneau, Alaska, in February and visited Betty's folks in Dayton, Oregon, and arrived at their new home in Mobile, Alabama, on June 1. Their address is 306 Michigan Avenue. Margaret Dawley Davies ('31) and Gaylord have a baby girl, Diane Margaret, born on July 14. They spent the summer in Portland with "Monnie's" parents. Hazel Williams Gill ('26) and Luke have a baby boy. They live at 649 Thirteenth Avenue, Leahi Home, Honolulu.
Alpha Sigma
By Barbara Crowell
accum ula- tion of practically a year, it may be "news" to some of us. First, to bring the w;eddings up to date. Mildred Vaughan ('28) was married to Leroy Draper in the chapel of St. Stephen's Cathedral on October 26. Her sister, Elma Fancett (ex '33) was her only attendant. Ruth Hansen ('29) and Neil Black were married in September. Ruth is still with the Oregonian.
Another marriage of last fall was that of Edith Korhonen (ex '35) and George K. Hall. Then, through the mail, as a surprise to all, came the announcement of the mar- riagement of Chloethiel Woodard ('31) to Elliott Frances Wright (SX). They are liv-
man (ex '34) was married to Wallace Dement early in June. After a long honeymoon in the eastern states, the couple returned to Myrtle Point, where Wallace is an attorney. Dorothy
•Marsters ('31) was married to Kermit John- son on June 30. They are living at the Creigh- ton Apartments at Twelfth and Hawthorne Streets in Portland. Helen Olson ('33) was married to Vernon Caldwell on July 28. They are living in the Queen Marie Apartments at 1210 Southeast 20th Avenue in Portland. Kathleen O'Learv ('32) was married to Jo- seph Cullen on August 7. They are living in Butte. Montana.
Crystal Wilcox Sowersby ('28) and Philip have a baby boy, Robert Philip, who was born
living in Grants Pass. Erma Paisley ('32) and Tom Scholes (X4>. University of Wash- ington) were married in Tune and are living in Hillsboro. Elizabeth Plummer ('31) and Arthur Kicsz were married June 19 at a love- ly garden ceremony. They will live in On- tario, Orepon, where Arthur is on the faculty of the high school.
Now to find out what those of us who are in Portland have been doing. Virginia Vauehan (ex '33) is working H the dress department at Berg's. Laura Kilham ('26) has moved her book shop to the balcony of Fred Meyer's new store on Sixth Avenue. Isabelle Crowell ('33) is working in the ad- vertising department of the Oregon Journal. Marcia Fuestman (ex '36) and Edith Sin-
Washington, to teach. Marie Dew (ex '34)
was made secretary to M r . Besse in the dean
of agriculture's office at Oregon State in Tuly.
Helen Pietarila ('33), who has been doing
graduate work in the school of merchandising
at New York University, was elected a mem-
ber of IIMil, national honor society in retail-
ing, in February. In September she returned
to Astoria, where she is working as book- ing at 64 Park Avenue, Bloomfield, New keeper in her father's store.
Jersey. Mr. Wright, or "Bud" as Chloethiel calls him, is research engineer for the Worth- ington Pump and Machinery Company. Last Christmas, many of us were happy to have a glimpse of Miriam McCroskey Lynn (ex '33) and her husband. Miriam and Mar- vin were married in Spokane, Washington, on December 22, at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, They are now living in Pullman. Washington. Alice Ann Gorman ('29) and John Barry Weigant (IIKA, O. S. C.) were married this summer and are living in Port- land. Nor-"a Chinnock (ex '34) was mar-
Mary Lou Collins ('33) was married on
June 9, 1933, to Howard Hertz, 2*E. They
are living in Corvallis. Myrnie Clayton ('27)
was married to Robert B. Stone, on October
22, 1933. They are living in Enterprise, Ore-
gon, where Robert is a dentist. Delva Chand-
ler (ex '32) was married to Maurice Dag-
gett on February 10. They spent their vaca-
tion with Delva's folks at Wendlung and then
visited Audrey Wieucken Smith ('30) in Cor-
vallis. Elizabeth Stout ('31) was married to ried to William Riese Robinson in Olympia, Maurice Hoven early in June. Claudine Kauf- Washington, on January 24. They are now
ALTHOUGH THIS new s is an

nett ('33) took a delightful trip this summer
to Yosemite and Lake Tahoe. Dot and Jack
Renshaw are back in Portland again, where
Jack is practising. Gwen Metzger (ex '33) She is very much interested in getting enough
is running the cafeteria in the Marshfield high school. Helen Cantine ('26) has accepted a position in Pasadena with the Girl Scouts. Major and Mrs. E. J. R. Rossiter (Mary Haselton) and small son, Jimmy, left Sep- tember 7 by boat for England and the con- tinent for an extended stay. Florence King Douglas ('32) and Jesse are motoring back to Minneapolis where Jesse will teach again at the University of Minnesota. LaWanda Fenlason ('30) has been doing research work for Dr. Clark of the history department at U. of O. She spent the summer in Eugene at summer school. Agnes Palmer ('29) spent most of the summer in San Francisco. Rae Stevens ('33) is in Seattle and working with the Shell Oil Company. Theresa Y oung ('30) is teaching in the Cottage Grove high school again this year. A few Alpha O's caught a glimpse of Anne Maler ('29) when she was in Portland, Anne will teach in Marshfield again this year. Evelyn Hollis ('30) had glow- ing reports to make of her trip to Alaska in July. A letter from Roberta Wilcox Rob- nett ('29) tells of a summer in Belmont, Mas- sachusetts. "Doc" received his degree "cum laude" from Harvard graduate business school and is to teach at Massachusetts Institute of Technology this fall.
To Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Kneeland (Glenna Heacock ex '30), a son, Richard D., on December 31. To Dr. and Mrs. John F. Renshaw (Dot Ward '27), a son, Roby Ward, on March 7. To Mr. and Mrs. Don Cross (Magdeline Zeller), a bov, in April. Mr. and
AOII's in and around Columbus to start an alumna? chapter soon. Mariellen Hoffman Weakley ('28) is living in Danville, Virginia. Helen Wyeth ('29) sang at her wedding and Jessie Hardman ('28) was among the out of town guests. Mariellen made a lovely bride in purple chiffon velvet with turban to match. Harriet Fellman Meissoner ('30) has joined the Milwaukee Alumna? Chapter and is en- joying the welfare work and social activities. Her wedding was announced just recently and her new address is 4000 North Morris Boule- vard, Milwaukee. Charles is a graduate of Wisconsin, and is running an advertising con- cern in Milwaukee.
Helen Wyeth ('29) spent part of the sum- mer at an English graduate school at Bread- loaf, Vermont. It is held under the auspices of Middleburg College and is limited to one hundred students. They give Masters' De- grees in English as well as training in writ- ing and have writers and lecturers of note during the term. Fern Channell ('30) at- tended Denison summer school specializing in Physical Education. Dorothy Weichman
('31), who has been working in New York for the past three years, is planning to teach in Boardman, Ohio, this year. She spent sev- eral weeks at Ohio State University this sum- mer, taking some library courses as she is to have charge of the school library as well as teaching. Betty Jackson ('31) is still at the Swedish hospital in Brooklyn and also plans to take an advanced chemistry course at night and some typing this year. • She is seriously thinking of entering medical school next fall. Irma Hudson Morrow ('31) is librarian at the
Mrs. Wrilliam Smullin (Harriett Fuller *29) Granville Public Library and is enjoying it
have a daughter, Shirley Lou. Mr. and Mrs. John T . Jensen (Dorothy Curtis ex '33) have a baby girl.
Our sincerest sympathy to Patricia Boyd (ex '32) on the death of her father; to Mar- guerite Hill Nelson, on the death of her father; and to Marion Pattullo ('34) on the
death of her father.
Alpha Tau
very much.
Nine new alumna? were added to our rolls with the graduation of the class of 1934. Mary Estey has a job in Abram & Straus depart- ment store in Brooklyn, New York, and Bar- bara Jackson is working at Arnold Constable's in New York. Mary was in Granville for a short visit in August and stayed with Grace Livingston. Sara Margaret Montgomery and Edith Breining are teaching, Martha Ann Shepardson, Mona Oxrieder, Barbara Daniels and Hazel Wisch are still uncertain about their plans. Theodora Jones spent the summer as a councilor at a Girl Scout camp near Columbus and hopes to have a job in Owa- tonna for the winter. Lurabelle Davidson
('32) is teaching English and Latin in the high school at Castalia, Ohio. Gladys Mer- chant ('33) is doing social service wrork in Bloomington, Indiana. Grace Livingston en- tertained at tea the Sunday before Com- mencement for the alumna? who were in town and for all the actives and their families who
- f -
By Jane Scully
('30) and husband are managing a dude ranch in Ecuador, South America, fifteen miles from Banos and near the base of the volcano Tung- urahua. They read an article in the February number of the National Geographic Magazine written by Mrs. Richard C. Gill, who, with her husband, established this ranch som e
years ago as an expeditionary base for
Mr. Gill's ethnologic work among the Indians, had staved for Commencement. "Tony" Shaw and were so interested in it that they wrote to C30), Fern Channell ('30), Betty 'Jackson Mrs. Gill. Since Mr. Gill was already plan- ('31), Jane Scully ('31), Mary Case Amner
ning a trip back to the United States for medi- cal treatment. Miriam and Oscar were offered the job of managing the ranch. The latest re-
('28), Allieret Morrow, and Anna Wright were among the alumna? who dropped in for the informal reunion.
ports from Miriam are most enthusiastic. Gene Kloppenburg Decker (ex '34) is living in Columbus, where Herbert is selling insurance.

She and her family are living in Cleveland, Ohio. Dorothy Bennett (ex '28) spent the summer in California. Kathryn Bolitho ('26) has accepted a position in the Civil Service De- partment in Washington, D. C. Juanita Brax- ton attended summer school at Indiana Uni- versity. Ethel Mac Mobley Anderson ('29) visited in the States again this summer. "Chuck*' and she enjoy their home in Port of Spain, Island of Trinidad. Roma Anderson ('28) and Mae visited Charlotte Shaw Ellis ('28) during Commencement time. They were guests at several parties given in their honor. Madge Oliver Young ('23) and her family arc living in Evansville. Her husband, Otis, is working with the Allyn Bacon Book Com- pany. Louise Willard ('34) married William Payne in July. They are living in Indian- apolis where "Bill" is connected with tin cir- culation department of the Indianapolis Star. Kathryn Blough Tigler (ex '29) has a son born la^t February. The Tiglers live in Go- shen. Ellen Stott Bolitho ('29) and "Bud" visited relatives in Indiana during August. They arc. still living in Omaha, Nebraska. Jam- Cline Macpherson has a new baby. The Mac- phersons live in California. Kathryn Hoad- ley Fell ('29) cruised the Great Lakes. Helen Duncan ('29) has been on an extensive tour of the W est with her mother and niece. T h e marriage of Gail Geneve Glenn ('29) to D r . Hugh Smith Ramsey of Bloomington, took place at the home of the bride's parents in Ramsey at eleven o'clock, T uesday morning, June 12. The wedding service was read by the Rev. John W. Meloy, pastor of the Bloom- ington United Presbyterian Church, in the presence of members of the immediate fam- ilies. The home was attractively dicorated
four girls, Margaret Hubbs ('33), Morea
Bowles ('33), Alice Davidson ('33), ami with lilies and delphinium. The bridal bou-
Gladys Frost ('33), are very busily engaged in taking the Teachers' Training Course. How- ever, they do find time, occasionally, for other activities. Morea is now the proud possessor of a handsome gold medal, which indicates that she was a member of the winning relay skating team, representing Education '34 at the Rotary Ice Carnival, in December. Alice and Gladys were among those who took part in a skit, put on by Education '34, at the an- nual university "Homecoming" Theatre Night. Verna Bolton ('31) is teaching grades one to sewn at the preventorium school, and Jean Wh\ te is teaching Physical Education at Kit- silano High School. Then there are the four Up-and-coming young business women, E v a
Heath ('33), Constance Johnson ('33), Betty
Johnson ('31), and Flora White ('33), who
are at present attending Business School. We where Joe is connected with the Public offer our congratulations to Jean Whyte ('31),
whose engagement to William B. Shelton, Jr..
was announced at the New Year. Bill is a
member of Sigma Chi, at Toronto.
By Dorothy Deitsch
-f- BETA THF.TA alumna- will In- interested to learn that the active chapter is in a dif- ferent house this year, located at 428 West 46th Street, which is conveniently near to the -+- JOYCE ARMSTRONG CREASY ('30) and her campus. The house is a "homey" frame dwell- husband, John, and baby daughter, Jose- ing, which is appealing with the familiar fur-
ing with them because they both looked fine. Thetis Kemp ('27) married Joseph A. Green- lee, June 12. They are living in Union City
Utilities Company.
Beta Theta
By Jennie Carpenter BoWeti
lyn, spent a few weeks in Indiana this sum- mer. Joyce made a short visit in Bloomington, and we certainly enjoyed seeing her again.
nishings and sets on a large lot with lots of shade trees.
This summer has been the eventful one with
Miriam Reeve ('30), September, 1933, in Wheaton, Illinois, to . Oscar Biddle Gross- kreuze. Genevieve Kloppenburg (ex '34), August 26, 1933, in Covington, Kentucky, to Herbert Decker (ATT2, Ohio State University '32). Marian Mohr ('32), October 29, 1933, in Lima. Ohio, to Edwin J . Doyle (*rA, Ohio iWesleyan '33). Mariellen Hoffman ('28), De- cember 27, 1933, in Youngstown, Ohio, to Ken- neth Weakley (AXA, Denison '27). Harriet Fellman ('30), July 8, 1932, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Charles D. Meissoner.
Beta Kappa
By Gladys H. Frost
JL- THE MOST important of Beta Kappa
alumiue's activities, thus far. was the bridge
tea and fashion show which was held in the
Hotel Vancouver on December 22. The affair
was a most gratifying success and the pro-
pfeds went to swell our philanthropic fund.
During the Christmas season we held a party
at which we had as- our guests twelve little
girls, ranging in age from seven to twelve
years. We all spent a very happy afternoon,
but the climax came when each of our little
guests received a doll, dressed by one of our
girls, from the gaily decorated Christmas tree.
We also lent our aid, financial and otherwise,
to the active chapter, by helping them to pro-
vide some Christmas cheer for a family of
four. This year we were represented on the
campus by four of last year's graduates. These
Beta Phi
quet was of roses and delphinium. Following the bridal dinner at noon, Dr. and Mrs. Ram- sey left on a trip to Michigan. They will live in Louisville, where Hugh will take up his duties as interne in the Louisville Citv hospi- tal July 1st.
Howarda Clarke V an Sickle ('31) has a soft "Andy," Jr., who was born last February. Ethel Mae Van Cleave Fosbrink C2n) and Roy attended the Commencement activities at Indiana University in June. Roy is connected with the Aetna Insurance Company in Hart- ford, Connecticut. T h e East seem s to be agree-

many of the girls. Ellen MacLean ('28) was married to Pomeroy G. Hubbard on Tune 16, at the First Unitarian Church in Toledo, Ohio, in which city they are making their home. Ruth Lindenborg ('28) revealed her marriage to Joseph Hood as of last November 27, and is residing at 1038 W est 35th Street. O n Sep- tember 1, Dorothy Boyle ('32) was married to Paul Hiatt (AXA, Indiana University). They are at home at 328 Harvard Place, Indian- apolis. Helen Miller Porter ('26) with her two small daughters, Nancy and Sue, visited her mother for a short time, returning to her home in Omaha, Nebraska, on Labor Day. During the time Helen was here, lone Agnew ('27), whose work keeps her in Milwaukee, spent several days here and it was possible for twelve of the older Beta Theta girls to have an evening "get-together" at Dorothy Deitsch's home. At this time Frances Shera ('29) arrived with a new diamond, announc- ing that the lucky man is Robert Fessler. "Fran" will be teaching at the John Strange School again this year as she has been for several years past. lone went to her new work in Milwaukee the first of the year, and now does all the intake work for the Chil- dren's Service Association, which places in homes most suitable all the non-Jewish and non-Catholic children needing such service. Miriam Cosand Perry ('30), with her husband, has spent the summer visiting near Buffalo, New York. Gladys Hawickhorst ('32) and Ruth Clarke ('32) spent a week visiting L u - cille Wright ('31) at her home in Columbus, Ohio. Gladys, as president of the Indian- apolis Alumnae Chapter for the next year, spent the second week of her vacation attend- in? the Ohio Valley District Convention at Miami LIniversity. Lucille Bauernfeind (ex '30) made a change the first of the sum- mer and is now working for the Chevrolet Body Company as comptometer operator. Bertha Furstenburg ('32) and Ruth McClurg Brown ('32) spent a week's vacation at Lake James and the Indiana Dunes state park. Bertha also reports a second week's vacation spent in Chicago. Frances Richardson Mc- Cully (ex '32) has made several short visits with her infant daughter, Patty Jo, from their home in Rushville, Indiana, to see various of the alumnae. Miriam Scbad Nicewander ('32) and Alice Hill Steger ('32) have been busy keeping house since their marriages last fall and early spring respectively. Elizabeth Charpie Guthridge ('28) has been staying close to home due to the illness of her sister. Louise Phillips ('33) spent the summer with her husband and daughter at a lake and camp. Ethel Malloch ('29) missed seeing some of the girls this summer and missed several tor- rid days of 110-degree temperature, while she spent a grand two weeks getting snowed on in Estes Park in Colorado. Lillian Lacker ('33) has opened her own school in dancing and dramatics at her home in Brookside Park.
Chi Delta
By Eugena Wilkinson
-4- 1934—Laura Dussart is teaching school this year. As you probably know, she was
awarded a very beautiful book by the Denver Italian Consul for being the outstanding stu- dent of Italian at the University of Colorado. Martha Crew taught at a girls' camp all sum- mer, and had a promise of a winter position also. Alice Wolter has had her application approved to teach in the Denver Schools, but I haven't heard whether or not she has re- ceived her appointment yet. Viola Wagner had planned on coming back to get her Master's, but I believe that her plans have changed. Winnibeth Rankin was unfortunate enough to fall ill during the year, and so was unable to graduate with the other members of her class. Mary Woods (ex '34) when last heard from was living in Del Norte, Colo- rado. Kathleen Johnson Plymell (ex '34) is still in Brighton, and manages to keep up a house, a husband, a son, and society. Pauline Ralph (ex '34) is teaching school near La Junta, Colorado. Mary Kanavel (ex '34) grad- uated this year from Colorado Aggies with very high grades. Effie Lu Gleason Miles ('32) saw her in Fort Collins when she was visiting her parents.
1933—Trieva Nuttall taught last year at Central City and plans to return there again this year. She spent the summer in Boulder with her parents and took several courses in the Music School at the University. Kath- arine Montgomery worked last year at the Colorado General hospital in the Dietetics De- partment. I believe that she and her mother drove to New York City this summer so that Katharine could take over her duties in a New York hospital. Louise Carter, Stalder Inn, 555 East 11th, has been doing social serv- ice work for the City of Denver. Mrs. Carter, whom some of you may know, came out from New Jersey this summer. She very kindly assisted at the summer rush tea. Clari Toma- schoff (ex '34) surprised most of her Denver friends with her marriage to David R. Domke, an attorney from Chicago, several weeks ago. She is making her home in Chicago. Florence Miller Lynch (ex '33) is living at 1414 Mar- ion, Apartment 7, in Denver. The Denver girls don't see her very much because she is so busy being a model housewife. Anna K. Barker (ex '33) is still in Colorado Springs. SIK acted as playground instructor the past summer and has had several positions offered her for the winter. Lee is working on his Doctor's Degree. Anna K . said at the summer rush tea that she planned to teach some under- privileged children in a special school this winter. Gladys Hart (ex '33) has been mar- ried almost two years, but I have been unable to find out her new name. Esther Randel- man (ex '33) was married during the Thanks- giving holidays to Hugh McCrery, who is principal of the high school at Grover. The wedding was in Boulder and Trieva Nuttall played the wedding march. Rachel Entzminger
(ex '33) is teaching near Douglas, Wyoming, again this year. Ruth Schwabenland (ex '33) wrote to Mary V. Wells from Route 2, Box 94, Sherwood, Oregon. She attended the Uni- versity of Oregon last year.
1932—Virgie Sappenfield taught nine grades at Sugar City last year. She was married this

English and Physical Education. Ruth Stew- art is still teaching in Leadville. She spent the summer there, too. Winifred Ralph is teaching in L a Junta. She visited Hazel Lee Burroughs in Greeley this summer. On her way to Greeley, "Winnie" stopped to see me in Brighton. Hazel is living at 917^ 20th. Grace Clarkson Gobble is living in Brighton, where her husband has a political position. I have no information about either Pauline Kanavel W olfe or Margaret Haynes Rambolt. W on't you write me about yourselves?
' summer to Mr. Montgomery. They have been living in Estes Park where her husband has been employed. Christine Gustafson gained twenty pounds whiie she was teaching at Paonia. She has returned there this year after spending the summer in Boulder with her parents, and after a trip to Chicago and Kansas City. In Kansas City she visited "Gingles," who is living there. Vivian Gingles Stone plans to come to Colorado sometime
fall. "Gingles" helped with rushing in
Kansas City by donating her house for the
summer tea. Effie Lu Gleason Miles spent
several days in Chicago with her parents and
Eric at the Fair. She also spent some time
}n Pueblo where her father was presiding at
•A Linns' Club convention. She hoped to see
Alberta Meyers Nicols while there. Elizabeth
Lamont is doing social service work in Denver
too, and may be reached now at 454 Clayton,
Denver. She and I saw Treasure Island the
other week after lunching with Effie L u and
Carter. Geneva Woodward lives so far away
that we seldom get to see her. I think that
she is still teaching in the Junior high in
Salida. I am still at Eastlake, teaching 7th had had. "To tune in on an Alpha O reunion
and 8th grades, Bookkeeping, and Typewrit- would be a thrill of a lifetime. Furthermore, ing in high school. Write me and tell me all I'd love to hear from any of the girls." Au-
the news of yourselves and your friends. Alice Ward (ex '32) is working at the Penn Mu- tual Insurance Company in Denver. Harriett Burke Histed enjoyed a very special trip to the Grand Canyon this summer with her hus- band and friends. Jane Gooch Yahn also lives in Silverton. She and "Art" announce the ar- rival <>f a little son, Donald Earl, December 4, 1933. Melba Fuller (ex '32) was married on July 15 to Charles Hyde of Denver at the Washington Park Congregational Church. She wore a navy blue corded georgette with blue accessories and carried Talisman roses. Her sister, Margaret, whom some of you met, wa- her attendant. We enjoyed seeing her at the summer tea at Lakewood Country Club. She is living at 815 Sherman, Denver, Colo- rado.
1931—Ruth Thompson is working in the office at the Denver General hospital. She is making her home with her grandmother and aunt at the Gardenias Apartments, 10th and
Washington, Denver. Colorado. Frances Ray- nobis is a lady of leisure now. She spent several weeks visiting friends in New Mexico during the Indian festivities. Julia Scilley an- nounced recently her marriage to Walter Clark of Loveland in August. 1932. Julia is living in Cripple Creek, where Clark is associated with the Denver Post. Laura Kennish is married to Tohn Mall. Alberta Meyers Nicols is still in Pueblo, and T have heard rumors of a son or daughter arriving on the scene last sprine. Ruth Costello when last heard from was still in Salida. She spent some time in Boulder last spring;. I haven't heard from or about Leatricc Smith nor Allean Johnson.
1930—Hesper Tucker Roberts has been Quite ill, but is now recovering rapidly. At the summer tea Mrs. Sheffield asked all about per and about all the other "old" girls. Mary V. Wells has accepted a position in Brighton to teach third and fourth year high school
drey Lamont Gregg is, I think, still in Con- nersville, Indiana. Luella Kerner Tucker has given up her position at Colorado Aggies and has gone with her husband to South Dakota. Imogene Hadley Dodson is still in Florence, Colorado. I think that she made a lovely trip to Chicago to visit the Fair last year. E v a Boillot Markley has given up her school this year at Weldona. She would like to hear from Alpha O sisters. I have no information about Mae Ethna Dowd or Beulah Wylie Becker.
1927—Margaret Emanuel Watson, I believe, was in Wyoming this summer. Nell Scott is still at the Denver Public Library. Dolores Zemke was married at an attractive summer wedding to Leslie John Harter in the Park Hill Methodist Church. She is living in New York, where her husband is a division man- ager of the American Telegraph and Tele- phone Company. O f Blanche Clark W aters, Constance Goodner Frost, and Catharine Roff Clark I know nothing.
1926—Alice W esterlund is still teaching at LTniversity Hill School in Boulder. I don't know about Lois Hobson Svvope except that she is living in Boston.
Ruth Ward spent last winter in Boulder with her parents resting from a hard year with the Boston Opera Company. She planned a concert tour of New Mexico, but the day before she was to leave she had the misfor- tune to injure her foot rather severely, so the tour was cancelled. She surely has been a great help to the active chapter in rushing and entertaining. Barbara Meyer Gooch and Joe have a daughter who arrived on April 29. 1934. She has been named Doris Rae. "Barbie" was operated recently, but is doing- well. Nora Lee Wyatt Stevenson may be addressed at Tagiak, Alaska, via Dillingham. She and "Ken" seem to be enioving the primitive life. Claire L . Canning C35) was married to Guy O. Rorabaugh of Cripple Creek at a secret service at Lafayette on May 5.
1929—Violette Ward Sorensen spent several days in Denver and Estes Park, but few of us got to see her. She was proudly display- ing a Master's from Utah U. She still thinks there is no comparison in the schools. Dor- othy Foster, so someone told me, was married this spring or summer, but I don't know.
1928—Frances Kimsey has a good job with an oil company, and likes it very much. Ger- aldine Prince has been teaching in Yarington, Nevada. She wrote me a very interesting let- ter telling of trips and experiences that she

By Dorothy Hilton Downs
-4- W E WERE interested to see the picture of Martha Neal Crosby ('19) in a clipping from a New Hampshire newspaper. Martha is vice- president of the State Parent T eachers' A s - sociation. At their annual Congress she was a roundtable conference leader as well as toast- mistress at the evening banquet. Elizabeth (Bournie) MacDermott ('25) is an assistant to D r . Kahn, head of the bacteriology depart- ment of the University Hospital at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan. At the time he received an award lor the Advancement of Science in Boston, he gave Bournie high praise for her exceptionally helpful work. Winifred Chase ('30) received her M.D. from Tufts in Tune. She will be on the staff at the Psychopathic Hospital this year. Alice Spear ('12), a mem- ber of the Tufts Alumni Council, was among those who received acclaim at the Alumni Day Luncheon. New York had two representatives to Alumni Day—Dorothy (Dot) Houghton ('15) and Emily Eveleth Snvder ('14). Mil- dred (Milly) Ward Eldridge ('25) is chair- man of Tufts Homecoming Dav, November .5. (.race Wheeler Woodbury ('05) of Mel- rose was a delegate to the National Education Association convention at Washington in June. Barbara Peterson ('22) has a fine po- sition with the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Dorothy Gustavsen ('33) is secre- tary to the Dean of the Tufts Dental School. Constance (Connie) Tenney ('34) spent two months at the Onteo Hotel at Ogunquir, Maine. "Connie" plans to be a cadet teacher at Somerville this winter. Margaret Baxter ('34) is enrolled for a course at the Forsyth Dental Infirmary, Boston. Eleanor Clark ('33), Kathryn Ecke ('34), and Elizabeth Upham ('34) all plan to take graduate work this fall. We understand Elizabeth will be in the History department. Caroline Conant ('23) came from Long Branch, New Jersey, to Boston this summer to take courses in History and German at Boston L^niversity. She had a most attractive apartment in Cambridge where Sally Clark ('23) visited her and together they sought out their old haunt, The Chinese Res- taurant. Sally works part time in her fa- ther's law office and the other part you are very apt to find her engaged in knitting a stylish new outfit. I f you visit W ashington
look up Eleanor (Iggie) Leadbeater ('23) who is on the advertising staff of Jelless. the well known specialty shop. Joan MacWillie (ex '32) is connected with the Personality Book Shop at Coolidge Comer, Brookline.
For our summer travelers, several have vis- ited in Brair.tree. Margaret (Peggy) Arnold Giles ('25) with her husband and Edith
(Dede) Arnold Leach ('21) with her husband were together at the Arnold home while Louise Inman ('21) and Eleanor Huckman ('25) were at the Prescott home. Mary Ar- nold ('23) gave a party for them and it was a true reunion, for Ruth Baglev MacGregor ('21) came up from Peahody to join them. Marv took her usual interesting summer trip, this time going to Canada, viewing Yarmouth
and Digby, St. John, and, best of all, a 25- pound cod of her own catching from the Bay of Ftindy. Mary called on Wilma Koelsch C25) at Dobbs Ferry, New York and saw Rosalie ( T y ) Cobb ('22) at the same time. At her home in Wellesley, Rena Greenwood Smith gave a tea in celebration of her wed- ding anniversary. Those assisting in serving were Edna Webb, Genevieve Sanborn, Inga Bouve, Alice Spear, Etta MacPhie, Mildred Gersumky, Annette Harvey, Margaret Angell, and Blancbe Hooper. Blanche spent the great- er part of the summer with Leslie MacMillan in Canada at Prince Edward Island. Gene- vieve Sanborn ('10) was at the Appalachian Camp, Three Mile Island, Lake Winnipesau- kee. New Hampshire. On this same lake Freda Farnsworth ('07) and her daughter, Emily, a Delta sophomore, have a summer home. We hope Octavia Chapin ('13), who was ill while in Laconia. New Hampshire, is much improved. Madeline (Mad) Snow ('24) spent her vacation in Chocorua, New Hamp- shire. Mary and Frances Heald were at the Skyline in Littleton, New Hampshire. I n Maine the Cannells have a most attractive cottage on Long Lake, Bridgton. Florence Walker Cannell's husband tutors students for the summer months at Long Lake Lodge Camp. Adeline Hall ('11) and her husband, George Hall (Tufts '11), now of Baltimore, Maryland, spent a week with Edna Webb ('12) of Quincy. Louise Holt ('21), now con- nected with the Mayo Clinic, came to Boston for the wedding of her sister. Beth Ringer ('32) spent her summer in Gloucester. Kath- efitte (Kay) Haff Anthony ('25) was with her family in Newton for the summer, but is returning this fall to Providence, Rhode Is- land. Dr. and Mrs. William R. Leslie re- turned from a summer in Europe on the liner Konigstein. Mrs. Leslie is from Iota Chapter and is now living in Brookline, where her husband is the minister of St. Mark's Church. Mrs. Vernon Stuart of Omicron Pi Chapter, Ann Harbor, Michigan, now lives in Cedar- wood, Waltham.
Alice (Al) Harrington Winslow ('25) and Maurice Winslow Tufts ('24) have a son, Joel Harrington, born on April 25.
Margaret Cain Arnold of 240 Middle Street, Braintree, to Ellsworth Giles Jr. of Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania, at the Church of St. James the Less, Scarsdale, New York. The groom was a 1928 Princeton man. They will live at 408 Berkley Road, Haverford, Penn- sylvania.
Deat lis
Gladys Waite Wood ('10) died May 10, at her home. She leaves a son at Harvard and another just graduated from prep school. Her
family has our deepest sympathy. Our sym- pathies go also to Katherine Haff Anthonv in the recent death of her father and to Eliza- beth Atkinson ('25) in the loss of her mother.

By Myrta P. Reed
x, ELIZABETH Baker Wells ('28) and her
June 16. There were about fifty present. The class of '24 was well represented by seven, out of a class of eleven.
husband, John W. Wells, a graduate of
Cornell, have had a delightful year of study
and travel in Europe. Mr. Wells was award-
ed the foreign study fellowship by the Nation-
al Research Council of Washington, D. C.
They spent six months in England, three in
Paris and the remainder of the year in Swit-
zerland, Austria, Germany, and The Nether-
lands. Mr. Wells was studying fossils and
living (present day) corals in the museums of
these countries. T h e y are sailing for the
United States on August 22, and bringing
with them their little daughter, Ellen Baker
Wells, who was born in Berlin, Germany, on Ethel Walker (ex '34) and William Scott [ply 29. The family will make their home in were married June 30 at Rye, New York. Homer, New York. Mary MacCarthy Ems-
lie (ex '34) and her husband are living at 4
Hills Road, Cambridge, England. Mr. Emslie
js taking work in the University and Mary is
studying informally. Mary and Freddie,
who is a native of Scotland, were married in
lulv. 1933. Their permanent home will be either in Scotland or England. Elspeth Grant Huxley, who was with us as a special stu- dent in '28, made a short visit in Ithaca last winter. She was accompanied by her hus- band, Gervas Huxley, who is traveling for the British government. He is tea commis- sioner for the Ceylon government and is un- dertaking an enormous advertising campaign j'n several countries to boost Ceylon tea. They spent some time in Canada and the LTnited States. Then a month in London, thence to South Africa, thence to Ceylon, then back to their home, 10 Chelsea Court, London, South West 3. They plan to cover 50,000 miles in a year. Elspeth is doing some writing as she jaunts around the w:orld. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Trayford (Winona Harris, ex '28), of Huntington, Long Island, and their two children spent three months in South Africa visiting Winona's parents in Johannesburg.
Olive Worden ('31) has a position as die- titian in Risley Hall, one of the women's dor- mitories at Cornell. Frances Meisse ('31) is taking graduate work at Syracuse University and is chaperoning in one of the girls' houses. Dr. A. H. Wright, professor of Zoology at Cornell, and Mrs. Wright (Anna Allen ''09) left on February 1 on a trip to collect speci- mens, which will take them through North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, then next along the gulf coast to Texas. This is Dr. Wright's year for a sabbatic leave. Mrs. A. A. Allen (Elsa Guerdrum) has been awarded a grant from the American Council of Learn- ed Societies, for the study of the early his- tory of American Ornithology, before Audu- bon. Frances Eagen ('25) is resigning her position in the New York City Public L i - brary to accept a position to teach English
and Dramatics in the Springside Day School in Philadelphia. Marion Hutton Porch ('25) IS in charge of the Crystal Dining Room and the Dairy Tea Room in the John Wanamaker store in Philadelphia. The alumna? tea was held in the chapter house on the afternoon of
Lewis R. Merrill and Esther Nothnagle were married on February 9 in Brooklyn. Allen Wesley Hildreth and Louise Warne (ex '36) were married November 30. They are spend- ing the summer in Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Malcom C. Baker and Lucille Wallin ('33) were married in September, 1933. Mr. Baker has a position with the Humble Oil and Re- fining Company in Houston, T exas. Freder- ick Elder and Edna Mullen ('31) were mar- ried in Cheltenham, Pennsylvania, on August
Henry Couger Purcell arrived in this world on March 28. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. (Mary Barnau '31) Henry Purcell of 36 Cambridge Road, Verona, New Jersey. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. (Dorothy Hopper '32) James Burke of Ithaca, New
York. Mr. and Mrs. (Dorothy Saxton '31) J. R. Weston of Rochester, New York, have a son, Donal Ross, born March 8. A daugh- ter, Beverly Marie, was born to Mr. and Mrs. (Marie Hayes '33) George Blewer of Owego, New York, on July 5. Dr. and Mrs. Alvin R. Carpenter (Helen Worden '27) have a daughter, born in August, 1933. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donaldson (Roberta Radford '28) have a daughter, born October 6, 1933. Dr. and Mrs. Edgerton Devel (Madeline Koby '25) have a daughter, Barbara Dale, born No- vember 28.
Epsilon Alpha
By Helen M. Savard
-f- HELEN (Pat) Boyle Fischer ('29) and Joe have a son, Hugh Boyle, who arrived at their home on June 1, 1933. They are living at 1417 Pearce Park, Erie, Pennsylvania. Gladys Stranahan ('28) and Richard Farley of Lines- ville were married in Bellefonte, December 23, 1933. Gladys' sister and brother. Ruth and Eugene, were the attendants. Gladys is con- tinuing with her duties as county supervisor of home economics in Meadville. Grace Glance C25) is living at 2520 10th Street N. E., Washington, D. C. Louise Hoffeditz ('31) visited State College this summer. She will return to Nebraska this fall where, with
Dale Davis ('25) was married October 2, 1933, to Howard Adin Clark, who is emplo3'ed in the district office of the Standard Oil Com- pany of New York, at Buffalo. Mabel Hansen (ex '33) and Henry R. Bright were married September 29, 1933. They are living at Sea Cliff, Long Island. Since my last letter, Mad- aline Munson (ex '33) has been married to William Lovatt. They are living in Port Chester, New York. Helen LaForge ('19) was
married to William Bowditch on February 24. The marriage of Herta (Mickie Wilson '27) to Dr. Robert Cavanaugh has been announced.

To DRAG MAa private office, she will soon be Dr. Hoffcditz,
finishing her Ph.D. there in February, 1935.
She became an active member of 2)5 this
spring. Sally Lowenberg ('31) and her sister,
Claire, have an apartment at 350 West 21st
Street, . New York City. Mildred (Dink)
Lyle ('31) is still teaching at Troy, Penn-
sylvania. She attended Duke University again
this summer. Virginia Detwiler ('34), a mid-
year alumna, announced her marriage last fall
to Von Day of Rockwood. They are now the
parents of a daughter, Nancy Lou, born in
August. Louise Everitt ('33) comes frequent-
ly to State College in connection with her
duties as Home Economics Extension worker
for Mercer County. Alice Marshall ('33) Womrath ( T ) , whose gracious and timely aid came back to the house at Commencement
this year with Louise. Alice plans to con- tinue her teaching at the high school at I m - perial. Harriet (Jack) Henrie ('33) and Richard Arthur were married in New York the last of May and are now living in a fas- cinating old farm house near Waynesboro. Isabell Hall ('32) and Myrtle Binney ('31) attended summer school at Penn State, Myrtle enrolling in French Institute. Ruth Meyer ('31) and Mary Belle Zahn ('32) visited them while they were there. Betty Frear (ex '36) joined the ranks of the alumnae when she an- nounced her marriage in June to Donald Sanders ($4'). They plan to live in State College so that Don may finish his last year
at school. The Terwilliger twins, Madge and Marian ('31) visited the house before going to Kentucky for their vacation this summer. Ruth Gilbert ('32) vacationed in Florida. Kathryn Aungst ('33) is enjoying her work as student dietitian at Grasslands Hospital, Valhalla, Westchester Co., N. Y . She has met Mildred (Speed) Wheeler ('28) and the two are finding common interest in social service work. Kathryn was in State College in May.
enjoying a two weeks' vacation.
Beta Tau
By Helen Christ Haw
-+- THE DAWN of the present college year
finds plans afoot for definite changes in
the careers of some of our energetic alumnae.
Marion McLaughlin ('33) has dismissed all
thought of attending College of Education,
and is devoting her delightful ability to her
last year so charmed our chapter members. We should also be extremely pleased to wel- come our sisters from Ann Arbor, who made our week-end there last fall so memorable, if they would pay us their long-promised visit.
new position of statistician for a number of
business houses in Toronto. In September guest of Mary Brader Moran. Irene still en-
Jessie Grant ('31) assumed the responsibili- ties connected with a secretariate to D r . Rus- sell of the Neurological Institute in Montreal. Helen Dingle ('33) is in the employ of the Imperial Oil Company, occupying a post which she obtained before her studies at the business school were quite concluded. Audrey Thomp- son ('33) has made definite plans for attend- ing College of Education during the forth- coming year.
joys her fascinating position with the Medical Library in Detroit. Jeannette Zimmer ('32) has a new secretarial position with the claim department of an insurance company in W a u - sau. Gladys Inman (ex '32) is working in the legal department of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company in Milwaukee. She has an apartment at the Colonial Hotel on North Cass Street in that city. Marian Doug- lass ('33) is studying in the training depart- ment of Marshall Field's in Chicago. She ex- pects to do personnel work. Hazel Cramer
News from abroad tells us of Margaret
Hill's absorption in her student life at the ('34) sings over WIBA, the Madison radio
Sorbonne, and of her intention to embark on an extended world tour, accompanied by her mother and sister. Margaret Robb ('33) and Helen McLennan ('34) have also been testing
station, for two commercial programs. W e are not the only ones who think Hazel's blues singing is entertaining, for in August she was
their wings. Their fascinating stories of sum- mer adventures on the Continent convince us that their two-months' holiday was an antici- pation splendidly realized.
Now a leap backwards to June for the in- teresting news of the marriage of Betty Pot- ter ('31) to Cyril Hughes of Peterborough, Ontario. Never was there a more delightfully confused maiden among the ranks of blushing brides-to-be than Betty, on the afternoon of our chapter shower for her at Billie Bolton's home towards the end of May. It is the sin- cere desire of all of us that the events of the the coming term will include another visit from our district superintendent, Dorothy
By Grace M. Conklin
-+- A T THIS writing we are anxiously waiting to resume our fall alumnae activities under
Helen Thomson, our new president.
The summer has been a busy one for many of our girls. Elynore Bell ('29) participated in the Wisconsin Women's State Golf Tour- nament held in Madison in July. "Shorty" is one of Madison's most skilled women golfers and she was justly rewarded by winning the Approaching and Putting Contest in the tournament. She also qualified for the Championship. From October 21-28 Elynore is going to play in the Western Golf Tourna- ment at the Los Angeles County Club. Ely-
nore's activities are not all centered around golf, for in her new position she in charge of the Unemployment Insurance Department of the Industrial Commission at the State Capitol. Helen Icke Harrison and her little son visited with Helen's father in Madison during the summer. Isabel (Biz) Peterson ('31) had Mary Pitcaim ('31) as a house guest for a few days in September. Jeannette North Alvis has returned to Kansas City from Madison. At the first alumnae meeting, she met a childhood playmate, Amelia Wood- ward (#). Irene Jones ('25) was a much feted visitor in Madison in the early fall. While here she spent part of her time as the

Kathleen Howell will teach in the Lottie Switzer School in Champaign, this fall. Fran- ces Wiseheart has been taking a business course this summer, as has Fredericka (Freddy) Schrumpf ('32). "Freddy" will not return to Argenta to teach this fall. Martha Leffler is living in Urbana, and Marvin is taking graduate work and teaching part-time in Chemistry department. Mary Bruner T e - hon ('13) and her family have recently been breaking into print. Mary had a lovely photo- graph reproduced in the Courier in July, with a most interesting article on her activities: she is greatly absorbed in P. T . A. work and is the new Urbana P. T. A. president for this year. Leo Tehon, her husband, rated "Who's Who" a year or more ago, as an outstanding botanist, but recently had his name included in the book, "America's Young Men." Leo has been botanist for the Illinois State Natural History Survey the past twelve years, and lately received his Doctorate from Illinois. A son, Stephen, won entrance this summer to the 1934 Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild Com- petition, which will give him a good chance to win a complete university education, as twenty-four scholarships are being offered as prizes", totalling $51,000. Helen Granger ('32) has decided to stay in Champaign this fall, instead of returning to teach music in Kansas High School. Her return to the local group is greatly anticipated. In May we were sorry to learn of the death of Katherine (Kay) Al- torfer's father, S. H . Altorfer, Peoria; also, the sudden death of Peggy Ebert's (ex '13) mother, about May 17. On July 9 the mar- riage of Lois Littlejohn ('34), Pana, and A. Maurice Utt ('34), Plainfield, was announced as having taken place in Paxton on April 28. Lois was attended by Ruth (Curly) Ferguson
C35), and John McDaniel was best man. Since the first of August they have been living in Plainfield. April 11 a son, Tames Brooks, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Thompson (Ethel Brooks '17), now residing in Owasso. Oklahoma. Ethel also has a three-year-old daughter, Eleanor Anne. A surprise an- nouncement recently appeared in the Gazette, concerning the marriage of Dorothy Jane (Dee) Edwards ('36), Tolono, to Donald Vincent Maxfield ('35), of Centralia, which took place February 4, 1934, in Covington, I n - diana. "Dee" was town rushing captain this summer and quite active in school. Her hus- band is continuing his course this fall. Kath- erine (Kay) Brown Keiding ('29), Chicago, was a recent visitor to Champaign, and lunched with Angelene Saling Mitchem ('28). The Keidings are the proud parents of a son, born early last May. Pauline (Pat) Thomp- son Urban ('27) is living in Sullivan until November with her father and little three- year-old daughter. In November "Pat" will return to California, to be near her husband, Frank, who is on the west coast doing navy duty. Helen Barrett Wilson ('28) recently had a visit with Daphne Hutson Martin (ex '25) in Sesser. "Dash" is interested in club activities and P. T . A., and is vice presi- dent of the Woman's Club at Sesser. Her daughter, Pamela, is in grade school there.
• jteJ to have auditions at N B C and WBBM. Hazel was in Madison most of the summer, il -ine at the Vroman Apartments. Hardynia {ferns Gray ('32) enjoyed a two weeks' va-
rion in September from her social service work in Chicago. Margaret Clarke ('34) as- ,med her new duties in September as die- S i at the State School for the Blind in Tanesville. Ruth Campbell ('32) is expected in Madison this fall to attend school. After spending the month of August in Florida, Vir- ginia Marks (ex '33) will also be in Madison. Evelyn Nuremburger ('33) attended summer l&ooi here. Roberta Bird Schmitz ('28) has a younger sister, Jean Bird, entering W iscon-
sin this fall.
A0II weddings have held the interest of so-
ciety in several Wisconsin cities this summer. Margery Stangel ('27) and Roman Herman were married in a quiet ceremony in Manito- woc, August 25. Dorothy Stangel ('31) was her sister's only attendant. Mr. Herman is associated with the Tax Assessment Commis- sion. Mr. and Mrs. Herman are living at 514 North Fifth Street, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Word has just been received of the marriage | | Marian Bain ('30) to John E . Ransel on July 16 at Chicago. They are at home at 610 Portage Street. South Bend, Indiana. Mar- garet Sweeney (ex '32), Memphis, Tennessee, was married June 6 in Madison to J. William Conklin. They are making their new home on Lathrop Street, Madison. Virginia Knauf (ex '34) of Chilton, Wisconsin, and William Dean Engler, Jr., of Madison, were married September 1 at Chilton. "Ginny" has been employed by the C. W . A. in Madison since last fall. Mr. and Mrs. Engler will live at 2019 University Avenue, Madison. This wed- ding has a double interest to us, for both "Ginny's" sister, Alice Knauf Jackson, and Mr. Engler's sister, Mildred (Nemo) Engler Wirka are AOII's. Marian Douglass ('33) was a bridesmaid at the wedding of Florence Alwart in Chicago in early September. Flor- ence was one of our pledges in '32.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Sorensen (Mary Devine) announce the birth of a son, Edward, on June 6 at Madison. This is Mary's second child; Mary Lit is four years old. Margaret Melaas Spengler has a son, David, born in June.
By Helen Barrett Wilson
-f- New additions to the local alumnae group which have been made since the last re- port include Martha Hedgecock Foote ('18) ; Janice Conrad ('34); Ellen Jones Norton ('32) ; Martha Leffler (f2 ex '32) ; Mildred Wilcox Lewis ('33) ; Kathleen Howell ('33) ; and Frances Wiseheart (ex '33). Ellen was married July 5 in Rantoul to Marc Norton .('22). She has been teaching in Rantoul High School in the English department. Mildred announced her marriage in May to Horace Lewis, Webster Grove, Missouri, which took place October 8, 1933, in Crown Point, I n - diana. They live in the Harvard Apartments, and Horace is finishing his university course.

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