Who can deny, even on the small but by no means unimportant
social side, the enlarging and educating advantages of these
fraternity conventions? On its face, i t is broadening that college
girls from Illinois and San Francisco and New York City and New
Orleans and Maine and Nebraska and Ithaca and Virginia and
Boston and Tennessee and Indiana and Providence should spend
days together hound by the closest ties o f affection and high
. . . Surely on this limited social side, as for that larger social
welfare that our hearts seek for the world, there is nothing truer,
finer, better or more gracefully winning that women can acquire
than the tried and proven knowledge that a common cause and a
great love can bridge distance, bridge time, bridge diversities, and
bring youth and maturity, east and west, north and south,
together in a harmonious, self-enjoying, single-minded, heart-in-
hearted whole.
Stella George Stern Perry
November 1910
The €t>Hor$ Ptace
Most of us remember well the story of Our International Headquarters Fund Each philanthropy carries with it a gen-
how our four Founders gathered by a needs financial support f r o m each of us uine level of importance and the Head-
w i n d o w seat one w i n t e r y day and so the mortgage can be retired early. quarters Fund is not an exception.
pledged their friendship to each other.
This small circle of friends began forging Alumnae chapters, collegiate chapters A Cardinal Circle has been developed
the future of an organization that would and corporation boards are being asked to honor those who have contributed
become known internationally as Alpha to remember the f u n d with gifts. But the $100 to the Headquarters Fund. You may
Omicron Pi. project deserves our individual support. use the contribution to honor a special
sister. Our special supporters and
As the organization grew, so did the International Headquarters provides a honorees w i l l be recognized at a special
need for larger facilities to provide serv- place to display with pride our AOFI his- convention reception in Washington,
ices to its members, both collegiate and tory. Our Executive Board has a place to D.C., this summer.
alumnae. meet to direct the policies and procedures
for our continued growth and develop- We have a "home" to be proud of.
We have grown from a well-worn met- ment. Our trained staff has room to Let's all help retire the mortgage before
al box and a small circle of friends to a maintain a professional office environ- our centennial.
communications center and thousands of ment while meeting scores of requests
sisters. each week. It all depends on us.
International Headquarters, in Nash- The goal has been set to make the final
ville, Tenn., is a facility w i t h spacious of- payment on the building by the 100th an-
fices, a professional staff to serve the niversary in 1997. Unlike many charita-
needs of its members. ble goals, this one can be reached.
By Ginger Banks those benefits increase in direct propor- As we change from one position to an-
International President tion to what we give throughout our other in AOII, let's remember that one of
lives. the greatest honors the Fraternity can be-
Whenever I'm asked what I will do af- stow on us is to provide us opportunities
ter I complete two terms as International for larger service. Let's remember that
President and go off the Alpha Omicron there is a time for everything. A n d let's
Pi Executive Board in June, I'm tempted remember the many reciprocal advan-
to say, "Sleep." tages to continued involvement in Alpha
Omicron Pi.
After my 14 consecutive years of serv-
ice at the national level of A O I I , I think it I am very grateful f o r past opportuni-
will be somewhat refreshing to have eve- ties I've had to serve the Fraternity, and I
nings and weekends free of travel and look forward to future ones.
correspondence pressures. I also think
not having that intensive involvement So, what does a 36-year-old do in the
will create a void. Fraternity after she serves as Internation-
al President? I don't have all the answers.
And, I guess I wonder whether I ' l l be But, now and always, I ' l l certainly be
put out to pasture at the ripe ol' age of open to suggestions.
Each of us approaches changes in our
lives with varying degrees of optimism, Ginger Banks
excitement and trepidation. But when the
time comes for us to turn over the reins Corporation notices
to someone else in AOII—whether we are
chapter presidents, regional officers or in- SIGMA GAMMA SIGMA ZETA
ternational presidents—the transition is
eased by faith in our system, support of A p r i l 24, 5:30 p . m . April 23, 7:30 p . m . May 11, 11 a.m.
our successors and realization of what we Sigma Chapter House GSU Student Ctr.
gain from continued AOII participation. 2311 Prospect St. Suite 542 For more information:
Berkeley, C A 94703 Sue Roberts
I have said many times that my Frater- For more information: 4131 Pioneer
nity involvement and my career are mu- For more information: Sue Choate Lincoln, NE 68506
tually beneficial. I ' l l always be grateful Chrisann Costantino 1083 Brynwyck Trail
to the State Bar of Texas for facilitating 3624 Sweetwater Dr. Atlanta, G A 30319
my eight-year tenure on the AOII Execu- San Leandro, C A 94578
tive Board. A n d I'll always be grateful to
the Fraternity for the many skills I've
gained through AOII that have helped me
as editor of the Texas Bar ]oumal.
M y story is not unique. Involvement in
the Fraternity has countless benefits—for
the organization and the member. A n d
Published since January, 1905 by TODRAGMA
ALPHA O M I C R O N PI I of a l p h a o m i c r o n pi
FRATERNITY, Inc. Spring 1985 Vol. LXI1I, No. 6
Founded at Barnard College, ¥eMurin$
January 2, 1897
• 29
Founders 4
Jessie Wallace Hughan 4 6 13 6
Helen St. Clair Mullan
Stella George Stern Perry Greek advisers discuss duties fight 29
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman D. C . Convention time nears 30
The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at The otter 'mom' 31
Barnard College of Columbia University and all AOII plays role in arthritis
Fraternity adds colony 2
are deceased. 2
To Dragma deadlines: 12
Alpha Omicron Pi 23
International Headquarters Jan. 15 April 1
July 1 Oct. 15
3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, Tennessee 37215 MEMBER
Telephone: 615-383-1174
Editor's Place
Sue Wayenberg Hinz, Ar Perspectives
NW 1445 Kenny Collegiate Chapter Commentaries
Alumnae Chapter Activity
Pullman, WA 99163
(509) 332-1168—Home
(509) 335-4527—Office
Administrative Director
Sue Edmunds Lewis, TA
Public Relations
Diane Douglass, 0
3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, TN 37215
PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of
Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly
by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription price
is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life
subscription: $50.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave.,
Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Address all
editorial communications to the Editor,
Sue Hinz, N W 1445 Kenny, Pullman,
W A 99163. Second Class Postage paid at
Nashville, T N and additional mailing of-
On the Cover
Secretary of Agriculture John
Block will open AOLTs Interna-
tional Convention in Washington,
D.C., this summer. He is pic-
tured with A O I I alumnae Chris
Mosher Wilson, a member of his
staff, and Linda Collier, local
Convention chairman, on the left.
Greek advising
Alumnae, universities share the duty
What is the role of the Greek Adviser? Greek experience for those students who specific training for individual officers.
Texas Tech's Ellen Thomas says it is to choose Greek living. Anna said the meetings called for ad-
coordinate the governance and communi-
cation with the Greek system, offer re- Lyne, and Sallie Suby, area director f o r visers f r o m the various sororities can be-
sources for its development and act as the sororities at Washington State Universi- come a support group for each other.
university's representative to it as a stu- ty, list a number of ways to provide that
dent organization. positive experience: leadership training, "As a volunteer, many times the chap-
programming advice, teaching communi- ter advisers need encouragement and
AOII June Perkins, Greek adviser at the cation skills and working with chapter of- guidance as to some decision making they
University of Minnesota, said the role is a ficers, advisers and house directors. are required to do," she said. "Any sup-
critical one. port, advice or a listening ear is appreci-
Each adviser stressed the importance of ated."
"The adviser is a valuable resource for clear and consistent communications be-
information, programming, new ideas, tween them and advisers for the sororities The relationship between the universi-
consulting, and support," she empha- on the individual campuses. ty and the Greek System varies f r o m
sized. "1 believe my primary responsibili- campus to campus, but Panhellenic ad-
ty is to insure that the sororities and fra- "We must help provide ongoing sup- visers must learn to bridge any gaps for
ternities at the University of Minnesota port for advisers," Ellen said. She has es- the sakes of both.
are reflecting credit upon the Greek sys- tablished a new goal of sending advisers
tem on the local and national level." at least one article a month on a current "The university should recognize the
issue related to their responsibilities. The potential of the Greek organizations to
Anna Crider, director for residence life Texas Tech office also offers special enhance the quality of the student experi-
workshops for adviser orientation and ence and provide the resources and sup-
AOII Lyne Smith, Alpha Rho '78, earned her Panhellenic advisers /
bachelor's degree from Oregon State Universi- offer assistance
ty, Corvallis. Her master's degree is in college to Greek system AOII June Perkins, Gamma Omicron, '77,
student personnel from Bowling Green Univer- graduated from the University of Florida in
sity, Bowling Green, Ohio. Last fall she be- We all learned that our alle- 1980. Her master's degree in college student
came Assistant Director of Student Activities giance to Alpha Omicron Pi would personnel is from Bowling Green University,
at GM1 Engineering & Management Institute, continue past the time of gradua- Bowling Green, Ohio. She worked as a chap-
Flint, Mich. tion. ter consultant for AOII in 1980-81. Currently
she is Greek Adviser at the University of
at Ohio Northern University, Ada, adds Many of us were confident that Minnesota.
her promoter role as very important. after the pressure of college term
papers and exams, nothing could port to insure that this potential is being
"The adviser must encourage publicity keep us f r o m having hours of free achieved," June, a 1980-81 chapter con-
to the campus and community of the ac- time to spend doing what we want- sultant for AOII , said. "The Greeks and
complishments of Panhellenic and the ed. (And many of us were sure we university can mutually benefit a great
contributions the groups makes to the would be the best adviser a chapter deal if they share resources and work to-
campus," she said. could ever hope for.) gether in areas such as rush/admissions,
alumni/alumnae relations and campus
AOII Lyne Smith, Greek adviser at But then we are hit with reality. programming."
G M I Engineering & Management Insti- The new job requires what seems
tute, considers her primary responsibility to be a 70-hours workweek. The "There is no question that sororities
to provide a positive and meaningful nearest AOIT chapter is 45 miles can provide a 'home away from home,' "
away. The children seem to testing added Sallie. "It can provide and teach
4 every flu virus available for the
season. A n d now the board of di-
rectors for our favorite charity
plans its monthly meeting on your
only free evening.
We are spread pretty thin today
but there may be a group of wom-
en (and men) we advisers can work
with for the welfare of today's
campus Greeks.
To Dragma contacted several
Greek Advisers across the country
and asked them to comment about
their duties and responsibilities.
SB Image problems Kappa Kappa Gamma E . Ellen Thomas re-
MP need support ceived a bachelor's degree in psychology at A l -
from alumnae, legheny College, Meadville, Penn., and a
V. schools master's degree in college student personnel
from Bowling Green University, Bowling
Alpha Gamma Delta Sallie Suby earned a The fraternity w o r l d is growing Green, Ohio, in 1983. She has served as a
bachelor's degree in elementary education but with the added numbers chap- Greek adviser at Ashland College, Ashland,
(1982) and a master's degree in higher educa- ters on campuses and the added Ohio; Bowling Green, and currently is Assist-
tion/student personnel (1984) from Iowa State size of current groups, the Greeks ant to the Dean in addition to Greek Adviser
University. Currently she is Area Director for are going to have to get their act at Texas Tech University, Lubbock.
Sororities at Washington State University, together. The p o p u l a r i t y has
Pullman. aroused the public's interest and Greek organizations in particular, can
the activities of Greek groups are make to the total college experience."
skills in human relations and challenge of new interest.
members to develop all aspects of their But it isn't an automatic respect given
lives." Even when one chapter reports to an organization just because members
it has raised more than $15,000 f o r wear some Greek letters on their sweat-
"At Ohio Northern, for example, the the fight against cancer, the nature shirts. Sororities must earn the respect of
Greeks add spirit, enthusiasm, and group of the "Press" is to feature the raid universities and the public in general.
attendance to functions. They support of a Greek party.
tradition and recognize individual "Sororities must be aware of the im-
achievement," Anna said. "The adviser Hazing, although condemned ages that are being projected today re-
can take an active role in the guidance, by chapters' national organiza- garding Greek life. They are not always
training, evaluation, etc., of Panhellenics tions, is not fully understood by positive," Anna said. "Through social
and chapters and help to ask what needs the younger generation who must functions, service projects, Greek Weeks,
to be changed." abide by the policy. Dressing up fund raisers, they must create projects
members of trie pledge class in and activities that are not 'typically
The ideal relationship is a three-way outfits other than what is normal- Greek.' Showing A n i m a l House' for the
support system including use of universi- ly worn and marching them hand- Greek Week movie, having a slave auc-
ty resources, national officers and local in-hand d o w n the "Greek" area of tion for a fund raiser, having a roving
alumnae, Ellen said. "Ownership of the campus is hazing—even though party with 40 kegs—these types of func-
system by one aspect of the triad is dan- other popular houses do it. tions should be discouraged with more
gerous and really shots off healthy com- positive and educational activities in their
munication," she stressed. "Communica- It will take efforts from both place."
tion and thus, education, is the only way alumnae and Greek advisers in or-
to clearly express expectations of these der to help our 17-22 year-old sis- Due to some of the problems with the
three areas and created a truly interde- ters "make it through" their col- Greek living stereotypes nationwide col-
pendent relationship for the system." lege years. leges such as Amherst and Colby are
closing Greek systems.
The support group that a sorority can Our alumnae chapters can pro-
provide for an individual translates into a vide role models for finding time " I believe the major issue is promoting
higher retention rate for the Institute and to combine A0TI and career needs. the advantages and values of the Greek
other schools, Lyne said, "On most cam- Our AOn advisers can continue to system," Sallie said. "We must continue
puses across the country, statistics show teach AOII's principles and be to support what we do and be able to an-
that Greeks are more likely to persist there when needed. But the Greek swer the question, 'Why have sororities
than non-Greeks. advisers can be invaluable assets and fraternities?'"
to assisting our young women
"If the Greek organizations are effec- gain even more f r o m their colle- "Greeks must convince the university
tive in teaching the lessons of loyalty, giate experience. that they are quality organizations and
commitment, and responsibility, their are justified in asking for resources and
members will be instilled w i t h values that We must take an interest in our support f r o m the u n i v e r s i t y , " June
have relevance not only for fraternity university's relationship with AOTI added.
membership but for everyday living," and the Panhellenic Council. Our
Lyne added. " I love my work because I interest can only emphasize the 5
am committed to the important contribu- need for a relationship of trust and
tion that co-curricular activities, and the common goals between the uni-
versities and the Greek system.
Training sessions readied for June meeting
By Mary Williams, Executive Board extension. These 50-minute sessions will and you will be truly impressed.
Director/Training be repeated seven times giving delegates a
chance to make many choices. Another highly successful Leadership
Toward Tomorrow Together, the Conference presentation, this time from
theme for the 1985 International Conven- Collegians and alumnae alike will be Region V I I , will be presented to the entire
tion, can nowhere be better illustrated interested in three new topics. Convention by Kathy Wilson, a former
than in the training program that is being CC and present chapter adviser for Delta
prepared. More than 30 AOFIs are collab- A highly successful alcohol awareness Theta, on the "Image of AOFI." A person-
orating—drawing the best f r o m the past, presentation f r o m Region IV's Leadership al development program will be pre-
the things that work today and the inno- Conference, prepared by Ingrid Schulz, sented by a guest speaker. Ginger Banks,
vative plans for tomorrow—to share Int'l. Parlimentarian, will be given. Sec- Int'l. President, will speak to the Conven-
with everyone. ondly, since International Headquarters tion on collegiate/alumnae relations,
is receiving more and more inquiries on ways to increase understanding and in-
Regional officers and directors w i l l be the use of computers in chapter opera- volvement and methods of maximizing
meeting to expand their knowledge and tions and several chapters already incor- the mutual benefits of collegians and
operational techniques. Intensive like-of- porate computer use, this session, pre- alumnae working toward shared goals.
ficer training on selected subjects will be pared by AOII computer specialists will
conducted for collegiate presidents, alum- investigate the various options available Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Com-
nae presidents, chapter advisers and cor- and costs of computerization. mittee will be conducting an alumnae Rit-
poration representatives. ual Workshop scheduled concurrently
A third topic that has pressed every with the Ritual Rehearsal and all alumnae
A l l delegates and non-delegates will chapter at some time or another and will and collegians not involved with the Rit-
have the opportunity to attend the 11 dif- continue to demand attention is the re- ual Rehearsal are to attend this session. It
ferent topics that will be presented in the cruitment of Alumnae Advisory Commit- will begin immediately following Regis-
potpourri section of the program. They tee members. This session will discuss tration and is an important preview to
include rush, scholarship, rituals, tradi- program development to build alumnae Opening Ritual.
tions and jewelry, collegiate/pledge fra- interest, actual methods for recruiting
ternity education, alumnae fraternity and retention. Synopses of the training sessions will
education, philanthropy, alcohol aware- be printed in the Convention Call to bet-
ness, alumnae programming/member- And, how many of you have ever seen ter direct you Toward Tomorrow
ship, computers, A A C recruitment and the Extension presentation prepared for Together.
colleges where we want to colonize? We
have the original cast for this production
The National Air and Space Museum includes the complete history of aviation. The foreground shows the Air Force X-15 that flew four times the speed
of sound in 1967 and in the background is the original 1903 Wright Brothers Kitty Hawk Flyer. Also at the Air and Space Museum are Lindbergh's
"Spirit of St. Louis," that flew non-stop across the Atlantic in 1927, and the Apollo 11 Command Module which brought astronauts back from the
moon in 1969. (Photo courtesy of the Washington Convention and Visitors Association)
Marriott prepares for AOII Visit to D.C.
In keeping with Washington, D.C.'s, stay memorable. A l l the guest rroooommss,, vention in Washington, D.C.
tradition of elegance, the J. W . Marriott parlours and suites have individual cli- And remember—following Conven-
Hotel, 14th and Pennsylvania Avenue, mate control, color television and A M /
will provide the grandest of settings for FM radios. Other amenities include: a tion—the Marriott w i l l continue its spe-
the AOII Convention next summer. beauty shop; gift shop, same day laundry cial rates for AOII so members and fami-
and dry cleaning services. A n d if you lies can be "right in the middle of the ac-
The J. W . Marriott Hotel at National bring your family with you, be sure to tion" as the nation's capital celebrates the
Place, the flagship of the Marriott chain pack their swimsuits, as a f u l l y equipped Fourth of July, many of the events just
is located in the downtown area midway health club, indoor swimming pool and walking distance from the hotel.
between the Capitol and the White game room are also available to guests.
House. It is located on Pennsylvania A v - The Convention registration form was
enue—the avenue that has welcomed Just off the lobby of the Marriott is Na- published in the Winter To Dragma.
kings, queens, diplomats and presidents. tional Place which includes 50 shops and Copies also are available f r o m Interna-
In June 1985 it will welcome the sisters of restaurants w i t h i n easy reach of tional Headquarters.
Aon. Secretary Block
Immediately across f r o m the hotel is
Many of the most popular sights in the just renovated O l d Post Office, with to open Convention
Washington are located within minutes its tower now open, and providing a pan-
of The J. W . Marriott Hotel. The Wash- oramic view of the city. Immediately ad- Secretary of Agriculture John Block
ington Monument, Lincoln and Jefferson jacent to the hotel is the historic National will be the opening speaker as the frater-
Memorials, art galleries, the National A r - Theatre, which feature excellent musi- nity begins its International Convention
chives, and the many museums which cals, dramatic plays and comedies. June 28 in Washington, D . C .
comprise the Smithsonian are all nearby.
The comforts of home won't be left be- John R. Block was sworn in as Secre-
The atmosphere and fine appointments hind when you come to the AOII Con- tary of Agriculture Jan. 23, 1981, after
at The J. W . Marriott will make your being confirmed by the U.S. Senate the
previous day. He had been director of ag-
Local Convention Chairman Linda Collier, International President Ginger Banks and Executive riculture in Illinois since 1977.
Board Director Helen McMahon, right, are pictured with several Washington, D . C . sites which
will be part of the tours offered Convention participants. Block was born Feb. 15, 1935, in
Gilson, near Galesburg, 111. He graduated
Special Family Rates from the U.S. Military Academy, West
J.W. MARRIOTT Point, N . Y . in 1957, and served three
years active duty as an infantry officer.
The J.W. M A R R I O T T HOTEL is offering special family rates for those attending He returned to Illinois in 1960 to operate
the AOII Convention, which will apply for a period of time before and after the the family-owned Block Farms. Under his
actual convention dates. The rates will be available June 22 through July 7. direction, the farm has grown f r o m 300
acres producing 200 hogs per year to
DOUBLE ROOM: $110 for two persons 3,000 acres and 6,000 hogs.
$ 10 per person additional for the third and fourth persons
While Illinois director of agriculture,
in a double room Block actively encouraged exports
through fact-finding missions, market
A l l reservations must be made through AOII International Headquarters. A regis- surveys and overseas offices. He carried
tration form was included in the Winter issue of To Dragma, and is also included this enthusiasm to Washington, where he
in this issue. has made development one of his major
Block was instrumental in the Admin-
istration's decision to end the Soviet
grain embargo. He also assisted President
Reagan in carving an agricultural doc-
trine which reaffirms the U.S. position in
the world as a reliable supplier of farm
products. As an advocate of free trade,
Block has visited 31 nations, both to pro-
tect existing markets and to lay ground-
work for new markets.
Closer to home, Block is responsible
for the successful payment-in-kind (PIK)
program, a self-terminating voluntary
program designed to reduce the volume
of surplus stocks which have contributed
to depressed prices for farm products.
Block is a physical fitness advocate
who has finished eight 26-mile mara-
thons, including three Boston Marathons.
He is married to Sue Rathje. They have
two daughters and a son.
D.C. area AOIIs rally
Alumnae prepare for Convention
Seventeen AOIIs in the Metropolitan "I've lived in Washington since 1951 man. Alpha Rho, Oregon State. Jennie
Washington area are hard at work to en- and I still think it's a beautiful city, so be and her husband Dick probably rank as
sure a successful convention in Washing- sure to make the convention a part of the most creative couple in the area. Jen-
ton, D . C , in June. These women come your plans in the summer," Ruth says. nie is the heart and soul of the Northern
from all over the country and from many Virginia Alums Christmas Auction, with
different chapters. Following is a brief in- Helen Gilbert—Co-chairman, awards. her personally designed and created items
troduction of the various committee Chi, Syracuse. Helen, who majored in most in demand.
chairs at the local level. theater and drama in her Syracuse days,
and at Columbia, when achieving her She and her architect husband are cur-
Helen McMahon—Executive Board Masters, has taught, and worked in radio rently involved in building an under-
Member with convention responsibility. and television and as a reporter. She has ground home. They have four adult chil-
Rho, Northwestern. Helen is the Chief of traveled extensively, and still enjoys be- dren, including one AOII legacy, Kerry.
the Aerospace Education and Publica- ing bitten by the travel bug. Helen cur- Jennie says "The boutique will be great
tions Office of the Smithsonian's A i r and rently is president of the Pi Delta Corpo- fun, with wonderful remembrances of the
Space Museum. Helen also is very active ration Board, and has been President of convention."
in the Northwestern Alumni Association the D.C. Columbia University Club. Hel-
in the Washington D . C . area. She is an en says "Washington is an interesting Marilyn Mikesell—Exhibits chairman.
avid skier, and member of the Potomac city, and the convention will provide a Delta Sigma, San Jose State University.
Valley Ski Club. chance to see this fine city, as well as see Marilyn has been involved with the local
old friends and renew our AOII vows." Arthritis chapter in the past, and is now
In addition to her numerous responsi- spending much of her time on AOII activ-
bilities as a member of the AOII Execu- Janet Marx—Boutique co-chairman. ities. She is on the Corporation Board of
tive Board, Helen is very active in the Tau, University of Minnesota. Janet Pi Delta chapter, and also serves as the
Northern Virginia A l u m Chapter and is modestly describes herself as a homemak- chapter's Financial Adviser. According to
deeply involved in the Panhellenic activi- er. Her days include many hours outside Marilyn, the convention "will give a
ties in Northern Virginia. This June, says the home, working as a computer lab as- great opportunity for all to see the sights
Helen, AOII w i l l have "a Star-Spangled sistant at the local school, a member of of our nation's capital."
Convention!" the PTA Board, and helping with the Boy
Scouts. Janet and her husband Robert Natalie Thomas, Hospitality chairman.
Linda Collier—local convention chair- have two sons, 11 and 14. Janet, a former Kappa Kappa, Ball State. Natalie has 22
man, and president of the Northern Vir- president of the Northern Virginia alums, children . . . all fourth graders . . . all
ginia Alumnae Chapter, Chi Omicron, says that Washington is a "Super city, students of hers. She is very active in
Central State, Oklahoma. Linda current- with one-of-a-kind activities." AOII locally, serving as a Panhellenic
ly works as an Administrative Assistant representative, and also as financial ad-
for Courseware, a company which pro- Jennie Hibbert — Boutique co-chair- viser to the Gamma Alpha chapter. Nata-
vides custom computer training packag-
es. Linda, and her husband Charlie, are
always active participants in the chapter's
ski weekends and other events. They
have two children, ages 17 and 15. Linda
believes quite simply, "It's gonna be a
wonderful convention, so make plans to
Joanne Kunz—Arrangements chair- Scores of AOII alumnae under the direction of a core of D . C . area sisters, many pictured above,
man. Alpha Tau, Dennison. Joanne urges have worked nearly two years to be sure International Convention fulfills the needs of the
all AOIIs, especially Denison grads, to fraternity.
come to convention, as it will be a great
time to "see old friends, renew old friend-
ships, and renew the spirit of A O I I . " Jo-
anne is a counselor at the Sterling Middle
School in Sterling, V A . She is also active
in the League of Women Voters, with
various professional associations, and in
a bridge club.
Ruth Haggerty—co-chairman, awards.
Chi, Syracuse. Ruth is a retired medical
librarian for the Armed Forced Institute
of Pathology at Walter Reed Hospital in
Washington. N o w she spends much of
her time working on behalf of the Pi Del-
ta chapter's Corporation Board. She has
two grown children.
lie is the librarian for the Fairfax Sym- n
phony Orchestra, and also jogs. She
advises AOIls "to use the convention as i
an opportunity to see old friends."
Karen Jacobs—Printing chairman.
Gamma Alpha, George Mason Universi- D . C . area alumnae are putting the final touches on plans for AOII's June/July International Con-
ty, Karen, until recently, had been the vention in the nation's capital. Located in the J. W . Marriott, 14th and Pennsylvania Avenue, dele-
showroom manager for Shelby Williams, gates and non-delegates will find the facility ready to serve the needs of the fraternity.
a contractor to the federal government.
Now, her time is occupied with caring for Karen Peterson—Rose Banquet and husband, Ray, are also active in the Po-
newborn Christopher. Karen majored in flowers co-chairman. Theta Pi, Wagner tomac Valley Ski Club. A n d they have
business in school, and she is now utiliz- College. Karen has served in almost ev- two adult sons. Nancy's thoughts about
ing those skills in helping to make the ery capacity for the local alum chapter, the convention? "How can you miss it!
convention run smoothly. "Plan to come including President. She is now working Come visit your sisters and all the AOLTs
and see those friends you haven't seen for as a loan closing officer for a local sav- from around the country."
awhile," she says. ings and loan. Her two children are both
now in college. Karen looks forward to
Sue Loomis—Publicity chairman. Phi the convention as "a great reunion in
Delta, University of Wisconsin-Milwau- Washington."
kee. Sue has been a lobbyist in Washing-
ton for the past nine years, currently Nancy Garrett, Rose Banquet and Convention
representing the Associated General Con- flowers co-chairman. Delta Delta, A u -
tractors of America. She served on the lo- burn University. Nancy is a former AOII has something
cal arthritis board for ten years. Her free Regional Director for Region IV. Now
time is now filled with singing in the that she is back in the Washington area, to offer
Washington Cathedral Choral Society she has become a budget analyst with the
and a small madrigal group, as well as a Department of the Army's Military Traf- all AOns.
rapidly growing passion for golf. fic Management Command. She and her
" I urge you to consider your decision AOII Philanthropic Foundation
to visit Washington carefully . . . once
you see it, you may never want to leave!" plans booth at Convention
she reports.
The AOII Philanthropic Foundation grants as well as local efforts in the fight
Joanne Earls—Registration chairman. will sponsor a Philanthropic Booth at In- against arthritis.
Zeta Psi, East Carolina. Joanne's profes- ternational Convention this June.
sionals training is in nursing. She is Also included will be displays by chap-
working as an instructor in the adult edu- The booth will display all projects and ters which have pictures, pamphlets of
cation program in Fairfax County. Jo- activities which the chapters across the publicity materials which are used in rais-
anne and her husband are deeply in- country do to raise public awareness ing money for the AOII Philanthropic
volved in the foster parent program, and about arthritis and methods the chapters Foundation, including the Ruby Fund,
have two boys of their own. Joanne feels use in raising money for arthritis research Endowment Fund and general donations
this w i l l be "the best convention ever. to the Foundation.
You have to come." Contributions for the
Ruby Fund are As in past years, posters submitted by
Janet Rawl—Ritual co-chairman. Gam- chapters w i l l be judged and a prize,
ma Alpha, George Mason University. Ja- welcome throughout awarded.
net is a computer programmer at the L i - the year.
brary of Congress. In some of her spare This is a chance for all chapters to be
time, she works with her church youth AOII Philanthropic Foundation represented in the booth, stressed Barba-
group, and also finds time to keep in ra Hunt, Executive Board Director and
shape at a local spa. "The best way to re- 3821 Cleghorn Ave. president of the AOII Philanthropic Foun-
new your AOLT college years is to come to dation. "Submit posters, or philanthropic
convention" according to Janet. Nashville, TN 37215 ideas to the Foundation and bring them
to Convention.
Patty Milner—Ritual co-chairman.
Gamma Alpha, George Mason Universi- "We will display all and welcome your
ty. Patty is working as a secretary in the ideas and materials," Barbara said.
Department of History at George Mason
while working on a master's degree in 9
history. She is a volunteer at the Colvin
Run M i l l , one of the local historical sites
in the Washington area, and is also an in-
tern with the National Park Service Land-
mark Commission. She still finds time to
also serve as the chapter adviser to Gam-
ma Alpha. Convention, to Patty, is a
time to "see each other, relive college
days and AOII memories."
Tours arranged for D. C. area
TOURS attractions, including the Governors' Palace. Colonial
Williamsburg was restored through the generosity of the
Local area and post convention tour are available in Rockefeller family. A slide tour including transportation
connection with this year's AOII Convention in Washing- and admission to the home of Mrs. John D. Rockefeller,
ton, D.C. Jr., is also part of this package.
1. Welcome to Washington Please use the reservation form included in this issue of
Monday, July 1 2 p.m.—5:30 p.m. the magazine, and send your reservation directly to Heri-
This introduction to Washington includes a riding tour tage Tours Ltd.
to acquaint AOIIs with the many sights in Washington, Tour Reservation Form-Alpha Omicron Pi
D . C , as well as featuring several stops along the way. General Information
You will ride past the White House, Supreme Court,
Washington Monument, Treasury Building, the National Tour deadlines for reservations for all tours (with
Gallery of Art and the many museums which comprise the the exception of the Colonial Williamsburg Tour) is
Smithsonian, all located on or about the Mall. You will June 17, 1985. The reservation deadline for the Colo-
have a tour of the U.S. Capitol and also have time to tour nial Williamsburg tour is May 21,1985.
the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials and the Vietnam Vet-
erans Memorial. In the event a tour is cancelled due to insufficient
$18 per person demand, a full refund is guaranteed.
2. Washington Sampler Please complete this form and return it, with your
Monday, July 1 2—7:30 p.m. check, to:
This tour focuses on four special sights in Washington:
Ford's Theater/Petersen House. Visit Fords' Theater, Heritage Tours Ltd.
2021 K Street, NW Suite 305
preserved as it was the night Lincoln was shot, and also Washington D.C. 20006
tour the museum associated with it. The theater remains (202) 822-9542
an active performing arts facility in Washington. The
Petersen House, across the street, is the house Lincoln was NAME r
taken to after he was shot. ADDRESS
National Museum of American History. One of the 1. WELCOME TO WASHINGTON
Smithsonian Museums, this visit will include a special Monday, July 1—$18.00 per person
tour of the First Ladies Hall.
Number of Persons Amount
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. A pri-
vate tour will be conducted of this lovely performing arts 2. WASHINGTON SAMPLER
center, which overlooks the Potomac River. Special Monday, July 1—$22.00 per person
emphasis will be on the numerous gifts presented to the
Center from other countries. Number of Persons Amount
Air and Space Museum. The Sampler concludes with 3. MOUNT VERNON-OLD TOWN
this newest and most popular of the Smithsonian muse- ALEXANDRIA
ums. You will be given tickets to one of the special films,
and given an introductory tour of the museum. There will Wednesday, July 3—$22.00 person)
be time for you to tour the exhibits on your own and
enjoy dinner at the museum cafeteria if you wish. Number of Persons Amount
$22 per person
3. Mount Vernon-Old Town Alexandria WILLIAMSBURG
Wednesday, July 3 9 a.m.—12:30 p.m. Thursday—Saturday, July 4—6
This tour features a drive along the Potomac River to (three days, two nights)
$320.00 per person/double occupancy
Mount Vernon, home of George Washington, and a tour $375.00 per person/single occupancy
of the home and grounds. The trip back to Washington
will include a driving tour through Old Town Alexandria. Number of Persons Amount
$22 per person
4. Post Convention Tour—Colonial Williamsburg Name of person with whom you will be rooming:
Thursday—Saturday, July 4—6 (Returns to Washing-
ton by noon, Saturday) TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED
This tour will include deluxe motor coach transporta- Make check payable to: HERITAGE TOURS, LTD.
tion to and from Colonial Williamsburg, with two nights
accommodations in Williamsburg. Two special private
dinners and two special private breakfasts will be pro-
vided. You will also receive admission tickets to all the
What to do After the Convention
A n AOTI Convention in Washington, brated as the National Birthday Holiday, revitalization. Central to this is the Balti-
D . C , provides you and your family a this July 6th will be the Alexandria 236th more Inner Harbor, a delightful collec-
great opportunity to relive much of the Birthday. The Market Square, located in tion of shops, ethnic eateries, and out-
history of America. An AOII Convention the O l d T o w n part of the city, will be door entertainment. Harborplace is also
in Washington, D C , which concludes teeming with activities—entertainment, home to two other excellent visitor spots
just before the Fourth of July, gives you crafts, foods. . . . the U.S.S. Constellation, which is
an opportunity to celebrate America's open to tours, and an excellent aquarium.
birthday in an area replete with history. It's easy to take a walking tour through Baltimore also is home to some fine mu-
the O l d T o w n area and relive some of the seums and art collections.
With the upcoming Convention ending history, and imagine George Washing-
only a few days before the Fourth of July, ton, Robert E. Lee, the rival soldiers of An hour east of Washington is Annap-
why not plan to spend a few more days the North and South, and others when olis, M D , a lovely, small port city which
in the area, enjoying the festivities and they were walking the very same streets is home to the United States Naval Acad-
activities in Washington, D . C , Virginia of Alexandria. emy. Annapolis is the gateway to the
and Maryland. Western Shore, the land which lies be-
• The Carlyle House, built in 1752, tween the Atlantic Ocean and the Chesa-
Washington, D.C. has been restored and is open to the pub- peake Bay. It is known for its fine beach-
The nation's capital always celebrates lic. In 1755, General Edward Braddock es and outstanding seafood.
America's Birthday in a big way—and headquartered in this home, and planned
the 209th Birthday should follow in that the strategy of the early campaigns of the And throughout Maryland and Virgin-
same tradition. While not all the details French and Indian War. ia are numerous battlefield sites, run by
have been confirmed, typically a Wash- the National Park Service, which feature
ington, D.C. Fourth of July begins with a • Gadsby's Tavern, circa 1770, was interpretive programs describing the
three or four hour long Independence the meeting place of many of the nation's events which occurred at such places an
Day Parade down Constitution Avenue. early leaders. Antietam, Manassas, Fort McHenry, A p -
pomattox Courthouse, Yorktown, and
The afternoon usually brings a number • The Boyhood Home of Robert E. numerous others.
of special events on the Mall, including Lee, whose family moved there in 1812,
an open-air concert. Past years have fea- is beautifully preserved and furnished Make your plans now to attend the
tured the Beach Boys or Wayne Newton with Lee memorabilia. AOII Convention in Washington, D C ,
in concerts on the M a l l . The National as we want to see all of you! Then make
Symphony Orchestra performs a concert • Christ Church, built between 1767 your plans to spend some time exploring
on the West Lawn of the Capital building and 1773, had George Washington as a the many places of interest in Washing-
in the evening. A n d at the conclusion of vestryman, and was the church in which ton, Virginia, and Maryland . . . pages
that concert, the spectacular Fourth of Robert E. Lee was confirmed. of history, preserved and restored for all
July fireworks display takes place. to enjoy.
• The Old Presbyterian Meeting
In addition to all this, the Smithsoni- House has, in the church graveyard, the i
an's annual Festival of American Folklife site of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
will be featured on the M a l l . It will run of the American Revolution. There will be time for Convention participants
f r o m June 26—30 and July 3—7. This to take in the surroundings inside and outside
year, the culture and heritage of India • The Athenaeum and the Lyceum, the hotel during their summer visit to Wash-
will be featured and presented in music, built in the mid-1800's, are two excellent ington, D . C .
dance,and crafts. The City of New Or- examples of Greek revival architecture.
leans will present an exhibit on its history
and ethnic interests. A n d the heritage and Williamsburg
occupational traditions of a yet-to-be Colonial Williamsburg lives today as it
named state will also be featured in exhi- did nearly three centuries ago, when it
bitions, presentations, music and song. served as the social, cultural and political
capital of the colonies. After a half-centu-
Virginia ry of restoration and preservation, Colo-
nial Williamsburg offers an excellent
The Commonwealth of Virginia has view of 18th Century life in the colonies.
history throughout it, starting with the Visitors can view the elegant Royal Gov-
early 1600s Jamestown settlement to the ernor's Palace, colonial residences, public
Revolutionary War and the Civil War. buildings and functioning craft shops
Two places of particular interest are the which turn out goods in the manner done
city of Alexandria and Colonial Wil- in colonial days.
Independence Day is usually celebrated
Alexandria, established in 1749 by a with a Patriotic Program which may in-
group of Scottish merchants, has pre- clude a Fife and Drum Parade, a reading
served much of its heritage in significant of the Declaration of Independence, tra-
architecture interpretive museums and ditional fireworks and other activities.
special events. While July Fourth is cele- Williamsburg is very popular in summer
and advance reservations are recom-
Editor's Note: The articles about mended. Yorktown and Jamestown are
AOIIs International Convention were within thirty minutes of Williamsburg,
prepared by Sue Loomis, Phi Delta and have additional historic exhibits.
'69, U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,
chairman, Convention publicity. Maryland
Just one hour f r o m Washington, D . C ,
lives the Queen City, Baltimore, Mary-
land . . . a city undergoing a wonderful
Collegiate Chapter Commentaries
KAPPA PI The annual Campus Chest charity car- Chi colony was established. Ten Beta
Ohio Northern nival to benefit local charities was held Taus served as big sisters.
and enthusiastically supported by the sis-
The Kappa Pi chapter at Ohio North- ters of Kappa Pi. Karen Suchanek was Scholastically, AOIIs have won a num-
ern University showed the A-O-Pride chosen Campus Chest Queen which ber of scholarships. Marketa Dolezel won
better than ever even while fighting the makes the third year in a row that AOH. the most prestigious Panhellenic scholar-
winds and cold temperature. has held the crown. Susanne Pettit and ship for academic excellence and fraterni-
Angie Tyler, vice-president of Student ty participation. Sharon Iatta won the H .
The AOII Jail Bail for the American Senate, helped in the pie throwing booth Clifford Hawes Scholarship for scholar-
Heart Association in January generated by being targets for flying cream pies. ship, leadership, initiative and deport-
more than $2,000. ment. Lastly Baba Toth won the Bryant
Michelle Rohal was elected vice-presi- Press A w a r d given to the student voted
The AOII spirit was a part of many ac- dent of the Panhellenic Council. Rachel most likely to succeed by her peers.
tivities. In November the members and Hunter was elected for her second year as
pledges of Kappa Pi participated in a b i g / a college representative for Student Sen- One very active member, Ellen Doug-
little pledge exchange sponsored by the ate, and A m y Ferguson was elected to her las, was the Sigma Chi sweetheart last
Panhellenic Council. The event was or- first year. year. The chapter also hosted a successful
ganized by AOII Susanne Pettit who is Apple Pie and Chocolate Fantasy Day.
president of Panhel. Spirit also was BETA TAU The chapter was involved in the filming
shown by participating in the Sing-a-thon University of Toronto of a movie on campus about fraternities,
sponsored by the Kappa Phi sorority. "April Fool." A O I I composites were used
Beta Tau chapter had a very successful as interior props and our chapter house
Rose Week was held to prepare the 1984 and looks forward to an even more exterior was the movie's exterior setting,
pledges for initiation and to unite the fulfilling 1985. Last September, the chap- reported Cheryl Timko.
chapter as a whole. The week ended with ter planned and participated in a success-
the initiation of 16 new members. f u l Rush. AOII pledged 14 women and In the spring Beta Taus were busy with
was one of the most successful women's many interesting activities: making the
Other social activities also have kept fraternities on campus. table decorations for International Con-
the chapter extremely busy. The annual vention, a visit f r o m the women of Penn
Toga Party was held with the men of Phi Pledges have made Beta Tau very State and its annual Spaghetti Dinner.
Kappa Theta, a hat and tie pledge ex- proud by their many activities such as a
change was held with the men of Phi M u "Cookie Making" fund raiser for the PI DELTA
Delta, as well as a party w i t h men of Del- Ruby Fund, participation in the Variety University of Maryland
ta Sigma Phi fraternity. Club telethon and their pledge song "For
We Are Jolly Good Pledges," which they Sisterhood was on exhibit during the
In sports, AOII had two intramural sang at Founders' Day and at a Panhel- fall semester at Pi Delta.
volleyball teams which fared extremely lenic meeting.
well and a team in intramural basketball. Sisters turned out in full force to cheer
Shelley Stephenson was selected as stu- Internationally, Beta Tau participated on Pam Meyers as she represented us in
dent assistant coach of the women's var- in a colonization in Syracuse where the Phi Sigma Delta's Dancers Against Can-
sity basketball team, and Sue Scott is the cer Marathon, and Pam survived all 72
trainer for all varsity women's sports, re- hours of the marathon.
ported Karen S. Downing.
Then Pi Delta joined together to sup-
Kappa Pi member at Ohio Northern University Cheryl Mumma arrests community business- port sister Pamela Allen when she ran for
woman Lorene Stewart as part of the AOIIs Jail Bail fund raiser. president in the University's recent Pan-
hellenic elections.
Pamela won and is now the newly
elected Panhellenic president! Pamela had
formerly been the Panhellenic secretary,
as well as Pi Delta's Panhellenic Delegate.
And along with her activities in the chap-
ter and Panhel, Pamela is a member of
the University Judiciary Board.
Pamela wasn't the only president elect-
ed in the fall, Pi Delta chose its new lead-
ers council and elected sister Paula
Ferraro to the office of president.
Pledge trainer Kris Cotton prepared 36
pledges to become future leaders of Pi
Delta. The pledges responded as they
worked hard to learn all about AOII.
Wendy Seher, our outgoing president,
was tapped by Kalegethos Society.
Carolyn Debona and Gail Dalferes
participated in the Jingle Bell l O K Run
for Arthritis in Washington D.C. despite
the bitter cold and the early morning
hour of the race.
First-vice president Paula Hathaway Pamela Allen, Pi Delta, University of Mary- actives alike shared their feelings about
and the chapter relations committee or- land, is Panhellenic president. each other and A O I I . Early on initiation
ganized a great chapter retreat, filled with day the chapter got together for church
games and activities that pulled all the dusky have come a long way since they then later for initiation and a banquet at
members and pledges together just as the became a colony more than a year ago the house.
mid-semester blues were about to set in. and are looking forward to building a
strong chapter at Shippensburg Univer- With our fall pledges initiated it was
The position of Panhellenic philanthro- sity. time to concentrate on getting an entire
py chairman is held by Pi Deltas Beth new pledge class for spring. During the
Brophy who brought a new idea to Mar- NU BETA weeks of open rush we held several dif-
yland's philanthropic scene—selling University of Mississippi ferent types of parties. Rushees were in-
Greek Men of Maryland calendars. Beth vited to a skating party, a movie party,
employed the talent of sister Robin December was a time for celebration and later a formal rush party. With new
Hammett, a photojournalism major, to for the AOIIs of Ole Miss. Not long after ideas and great attitudes we look forward
take the pictures of Maryland's Greek our soccer team won the women's intra- to snagging the best pledges this spring.
men. mural soccer championship it was time to
celebrate an early Christmas in Oxford. THETA OMEGA
After a busy semester, which also in- Northern Arizona University
cluded Parents' Day, Founders' Day, and Pledges contributed to a fantastic
selling balloon-a-grams for our philan- Christmas party by decorating a beauti- "We love you Sig Eps, but no more
thropy, it was no wonder Pi Delta was f u l tree. They also took advantage of the pomps!"
looking forward to the long winter break. season by caroling at fraternity and so-
Although, first we took time to say fare- rority houses for a pledge project. The folding of thousands of pomps
well to our seniors, who were graduated paid off as Theta Omega and Sigma Phi
in December, and to enjoy 1984's winter The new semester began with the Epsilon won first in Greek and second in
formal. annual pancake breakfast. More than organizational floats in Northern Arizona
$2,000 was raised for the AOII Philan- University's Homecoming Parade. They
TAU LAMBDA thropic Foundation. The following week also tugged our way to second place in
Shippensburg thoughts turned to initiation. During Al- NAU's traditional tug-o-war competition
pha week big sisters left little gifts at the during Bonfire Night.
The day of Sept. 15 was very special house for pledges. W i t h each gift was a
for the Alpha Omicron Pi colony at Ship- note explaining w h y AOII is special. The The scholarship banquet was highlight-
pensburg University. It had long been an- chapter has several opportunities to be ed with the presentation of all three of
ticipated in the minds of its colony together during the week with activities Panhellenic's scholarship awards includ-
founders. It was on that day that Tau such as a house hunt where everyone in ing Highest Initiate Member GPA, High-
Lambda chapter was initiated. the house donated one object. Pledges est Chapter GPA, and Most Improved
than had to guess whom it belonged to. Chapter to the N A U AOII chapter.
The long awaited weekend began on
Friday with Inspiration Night at the Another f u n activity was the campus Sigma Chi's Derby Days Halloween
Cumberland Union Building. Internation- wide scavenger hunt. Everyone had a party kicked off a week of teeter-totter-
al President Ginger Banks, Regional D i - great time searching for things such as a ing, serenading, and window painting.
rector Denae Waters and Region I Vice- fraternity president's signature, a last The week's activities ended with AOII
President Carmel Kaiser arrived for the supper picture, and a tongue depressor. walking away with Games Day winning
occasion. The night before initiation everyone went three events. Alpha Michelle Briske was
out to dinner together then returned to crowned Derby Darling 1984.
The initiation ceremony took place the house for Alpha hour. Pledges and
early Saturday morning at the Carriage A Hugh Hefner pajama party with Sig-
House of The Lady Of The Visitation ma Phi Epsilon and a "Drag" party with
Catholic Church. Initiation began with Sigma Nu kept Alphas in high spirits
the colony founders of December '83. It while Thanksgiving Dinner had sisters
was followed by the installation of the trusting sisters as we waited to see our
colony and the officers taking their oath. blind dates (good and bad!), reported Su-
The initiation was officiated by Ginger san S. Kahon.
Banks and assisted by Carmel Kaiser.
Collegians from Epsilon Alpha and Christmas brought excitement with a
Lambda Upsilon chapters came f r o m formal, Peppermint Party, and the pledg-
Penn State and Lehigh University to take ing of four pre-spring pledges.
part in the ceremonies.
Spring semester began with an inspira-
AOII honored the new chapter initiates tion week for ten fall pledges ending in a
at a Rose Banquet held at the Best West- traditional luncheon banquet. AOIIs were
ern Lodge after initiation. Following the honored by the selection of Kristin Kieft
banquet, there was a reception at the as Panhellenic president, Denise Martinez
Cumberland Union Building. as Greek Week chairwoman, and Susan
Kahon and Gloria Grima chosen as Pre-
The Tau Lambda chapter would like to views counselors.
give a special thanks to Cindy Swartz-
fager, chapter consultant, who helped the LAMBDA BETA
colony in the two weeks preceeding the Cal. State—Long Beach
initiation and was able to be there with
them for the installation, reported Chistie Gumby and Pokey, Mickey and Min-
Renner. nie Mouse, and Betty Boop were just a
few of the zany characters present at
The 36 Tau Lambda members and as- Lambda Beta's annual Mystery Date
sociate alumna member, Terri Leven- Dance. This year's dance was held at the
Voyagers Yacht Club in Newport Beach.
It was a night of mystery and intrigue.
Long Beach State's Homecoming was Extracurricular activities as well as tions and rush counselor director, respec-
held in November, and AOIT chapter chapter activities kept everyone busy all tively. Junior Alicia Oresik was accepted
members and alumnae alike celebrated through last semester. Some of the high- to the IU School of Optometry.
with a pregame barbecue and tailgate lights included the Barn Dance and the
party. After the barbecue, AOIT cheered slumber party with member Susan Ru- Another area of campus involvement
on Long Beach State in an exciting game dolph's Brownie Troop. Homecoming for many in the chapter is the I U Student
against Cal State Fullerton. was especially exciting for Beta Phis since Foundation. Cathy Moore was named to
the outgoing chapter president, Robin the prestigious steering committee and
AOIIs spent three enjoyable days in the Jackman, was selected as a Homecoming headed the special projects committee last
serenity of the beautiful mountains at Big Queen finalist. The semester proved to be semester. She is currently in charge of the
Bear for a fall retreat. This was a great equally rewarding in the area of philan- pre-race committee. Twelve Beta Phis
time to relax f r o m the pressures of school were selected as junior members of IUSF,
and spend some time with our sisters, re- Robin Jackman, Beta Phi, Indiana University, as were four seniors chosen as chairmen.
ported Jodi Masumoto. and a Phi Beta Kappa member, was a 1984 One of the primary functions of IUSF is
Homecoming finalist. the nationally acclaimed Little 500 bicy-
Psychedelic clothing, peace signs, mini thropy. Philanthropic chairman Jody cle race to be held in A p r i l . Beta Phis are
skirts, and beads! Could this be the six- Jones organized a Sweetest Day rose sale. also looking forward to other spring se-
ties? Well, almost, as A O I I had a '60s ex- The chapter sold more than 700 roses in a mester activities such as the philanthropic
change with Sigma Pi fraternity. two-day effort campus wide for a profit Mardi Gras dance, the Fly Away dance,
of $500. The alumnae chapter sponsored Ruby and Pearl to be held at the Hyatt
"Winter Wonderland" was the theme an auction with the proceeds going to Recency in Indianapolis and, of course,
for AOIl's annual Christmas formal. The AOIl's philanthropy efforts also. A spe- the World's Greatest College Weekend—
formal was put on by the fall 1984 pledge cial presentation to honor Past Interna- LITTLE 500, reported Brenda Due.
class who did an outstanding job. tional President Edith Anderson, Beta Phi
'21, was made at the auction. Her recent KAPPA OMICRON
Lambda Beta's Barbara Witz was cho- move to Louisville, K y . , saddened mem- Rhodes College
sen out of 14 finalists to be on the Miss bers of both the collegiate and alumnae
Long Beach Court. chapters, but she received best wishes Although snow and cold weather have
from all. hit Memphis this winter, Kappa Omicron
ALPHA GAMMA chapter has been busy.
Washington State In addition to recognition as a group,
there were several individual achieve- In order to discover who their big sis-
Alpha Gammas had an early start last ments within the chapter. Robin Jackman ters were, pledges ended Revelation with
semester with Washington State Universi- was named to Phi Beta Kappa, while Su- the annual String Along. The Little Sis-
ty's switch to an early start semester sys- san Riely was selected as a member in the ters had to follow their individual strings
tem and everyone coming back for rush Blue Key National Honor Fraternity and all over the house until their Big Sisters
Aug. 12. The early start brought about a the recipient of the Stadelmann Scholar- were revealed, much to the delight of the
sunny, warm and very successful rush di- ship for the Outstanding Senior in the pledges and actives.
rected by Lynn Noble. Economics Department. Susan Rudolph
recently began her term as vice-president Chapter president Beth Willoughby
The 1984 pledge class started its of sorority affairs of IU Panhellenic Asso- gave her little sister, Carroll Farber, an
pledgeship by winning Lambda Chi A l - c i a t i o n , as Bobbie Walz and Sarah AOII choker which has been passed down
pha Watermelon Bust with loads of en- Grewe just completed their Panhellenic for six generations of Big Sisters. In order
thusiasm. T w o pledges Cherry Cabinilla offices of vice-president of communica- to get to know each other better, a Big
and Cari Vimont were picked to cheer on Sis-Little Sis Trivial Pursuit Tournament
Washington States grey squad. Renee was held, added Karen Summers. The
Denoma received the honor of Waller pledge class planned a Balloon Lift to
Hall Dutchess of Winsor. Pledgeship end- raise money for the AOII Philanthropic
ed with a special initiation week when we Foundation. To celebrate the holiday sea-
initiated 27 new members into the chap- son, an Apres Ski party was held, and
ter. Bridgett Griffin was our pledge of the plans are underway by Charlotte Coo-
year and Michelle Frazier would wear the per, social chairman, for the Rose Formal
Ruby pin for scholastic achievement. in the spring.
The Alpha Gammas moved up to sec- In honor of Founders' Day, a banquet
ond among the WSU sororities in grades was held with Memphis alumnae. Eliza-
for the fall semester and are hoping for beth Gibson was honored for her out-
the same success for the spring, reported standing leadership and contributions to
Sharon Waddell. a successful rush; and Mrs. Fay Sutton,
who has two A O I I daughters, was given
BETA PHI special recognition for helping during
Indiana U. rush.
The women of Beta Phi literally Kathy Swanson, Nancye DiPaolo, and
"rushed" out of the fall semester and right Michelle Wilkins, have been named Kap-
back into the spring semester. pa Sigma Little Sisters.
Beta Phis returned to Indiana Universi- GAMMA SIGMA
ty on New Year's Day to complete the Georgia State
Formal Rush which began last fall. Tak-
ing a f u l l pledge class of 35 and having a During fall quarter of 1984, Gamma
lot of f u n and good times along the way Sigma raised $2,500 for Sigma N u Sweep-
made for a great beginning to a new se- stakes, placed first in Spirit, won Pledge
mester. Talent and placed second in Events. The
fund raiser is hosted every year by Sigma LAMBDA CHI A n n Phillips, Jane W i l s o n , Kathrine
Nu to raise money for Scottish Rite Hos- LaGrange College Keith, Linda Shouse, and the new Home-
pital for Crippled Children, and Gamma coming queen, Kim Nichols!
Sigma has consistently been a top fund- Fall quarter has been an exciting quar-
raiser for this occasion. ter for the Lambda Chi's. The AOITs at Both sisters and pledges sold Goblin
LaGrange College began the quarter by Goodie bags during Halloween. The bags
Twenty-three of Gamma Sigma's pledging quota—20 pledges! The women complete with candy and a message of
pledges were initiated in January, after a started their pledgeship by having a your choice brought in $400! The AOIIs
fun and meaningful Red Rose Week. The doughnut sale and raising over $400 for also sponsored a blood drive this quarter
Gamma Sigma pledges placed first in philanthropic needs. The sisters did their and won the Big Drop Award for having
overall grade point averages at Georgia share by co-sponsoring the annual Rock- the most participants in the blood drive.
State University for fall quarter. The sis- a-Thon with the Delta Tau Delta fraterni-
ters of Gamma Sigma received the second ty and raised more than $2000 for the The annual pledge luau was held in
place scholarship award presented by the AOII Philanthropic Foundation. October. A l l of the sisters and pledges
Intersorority Council. Gamma Sigma came decked out in grass skirts and flow-
gives three awards every year at the ban- The AOIIs have been very active on ered shirts for this annual event. A l l in
quet held after Initiation, and recipients campus this quarter. Missy Stallings and all, the evening was a complete success.
this year were: Best Pledge—Julie Thom- Kim Hines received little sister bids from The Lambda Chis showed their athletic
as; Best Attitude Pledge—Jan Bulkely; the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity while Sheryl ability this quarter and won the intramu-
Best Big Sister(s)—Laura and Debra El- Stallings and Cindy Halstead, received ral volleyball championship! The women
liot. little sister bids from the Delta Tau Delta also won the Mamie Lark Henry Scholar-
Fraternity. ship Cup which goes to the sorority w i t h
Every year, Gamma Sigma awards a the highest grade point average, for the
pearl lavalier for scholarship to the big Cindy Halstead was named Pledge 13th consecutive quarter!
sister/little sister team with the best com- Class Sweetheart of the Delta Tau Delta
bined grade point average. The pearl Fraternity. The Lambda Chi's have filled PHI BETA
lavaliers were awarded to Tracy Fisher the LaGrange College Drill Team. Cap- East Stroudsburg University
and her big sister Kristen Owen this year. tain Kim Nichols, Missy Stallings, Ann
Phillips, Melanie Faith, Shirley Smith, The Phi Betas at East Stroudsburg Uni-
Christmas Cocktail was held in an A t - Lynn McCord, Melanie Miller, and Myra versity began the fall 1984 semester with
lanta clubhouse and was a tremendous Carter make up eight of the 12 members a very successful rush in which they ob-
success. Social Chairman Pam Pruitt also of the squad. Two other AOIIs, Sheryl tained the enthusiastic Crazy Eight pledge
planned several mixers for Winter Stallings and Celeste Kenney, are cur- class.
quarter. rently LaGrange College cheerleaders.
The Crazy Eight got a real taste of so-
Gamma Sigma hosted the 1985 Found- LaGrange College held it's annual rority spirit at the annual Rockathon for
ers' Day Celebration in Atlanta for Homecoming activities during the first arthritis. Each year the Phi Betas along
Lambda Sigma and Lambda Chi chapters week of November. The week started with the brotherhood of Alpha Chi Rho
and alumnae. The banquet was held at with a Homecoming Hill Run. Four AOIIs rock on a giant rocking chair for 24
the Habersham Room of the Waverly took home the top three places: first hours. A l l the sisters, brothers and pledg-
Hotel in Atlanta, and Sue Edmunds Lew- place, A m y Smith; second place, Gerri es helped in raising $150.
is, AOII administrative director, gave an Wright; and tied for third place, Amy
inspiring Founders' Day message, report- Bynum and Sandy Johnson. The Lambda The same weekend as the Rockathon,
ed Lisa Cape. Chis filled the Homecoming Court again the chapter hosted a visit f r o m its region-
this year. The lucky few were Melanie al director, Mary Jean Walnock Polaski
Winter Rush at Georgia State Universi- Faith, Sandy Johnson, Lynn McCord, or as she is fondly known "MJ."
ty was held Feb. 4-13.
The Phi Betas put in an "all-nighter"
I working on their masterpiece float for the
Homecoming parade. AOIIs are becom-
ing very active on the campus. They re-
cently hosted the much enjoyed sorority
fashion show which was a part of All-So-
rority Week. Phi Beta participated very
actively in all the activities during Sorori-
ty Week, reported Valerie Jones.
The Phi Betas finally reunited after a
very long Christmas vacation. The first
thing planned for the new semester was a
fantastic spring rush.
After rush was completed, there were
office elections for the 1985 year. Then
the real excitement begins w i t h the ESU
dance marathon, an AOLI-sponsored
fashion show, a retreat, Greek week, ini-
tiation, and finally, the annual Spring
formal. It is a great semester f o r all the
AOIIs at ESU, reported Valerie. "We are
also getting very psyched for the Interna-
tional Convention in Washington D.C.
The Phi Betas will be there in f u l l force."
Lambda Chi, LaGrange College, pledges, from the left, Jessica Gilmer, Melanie Dodson, Christie
Williamson and Allison McCoy proudly showed off their AOII Jerseys at the Bid Day cookout.
OMICRON PI were when Tau Omicron's own Taina Karen Borrowman was selected for the
University of Michigan Hampton was named Homecoming Homecoming Royalty Court. She has
Queen, reported Lora Ann Kessler. also represented the chapter at the Alpha
Omicron Pi chapter went international Gamma Rho Foxy Lady Contest to bene-
when they visited Beta Tau chapter at the W i n or lose the AOns always have fun fit the American Cancer Society and
University of Toronto for its "Walk-Out" in the various things they compete in. brought home the first runner-up trophy.
in the Fall of 1984. Beta Tau treated the Just recently the AOns all "got physical"
Michigan AOTIs to a weekend of AOII and had a meeting centered around aero- SIGMA PHI
hospitality which included guided tours bics. It was a f u n way for everyone to Cal. State-Northridge
of the city and university. Later, mem- start slimming down for spring. Also,
bers serenaded every fraternity on cam- one way AOn has proven to be a big win- Homecoming Queen is becoming a tra-
pus and went out to "paint the town." ner is through involvement in campus dition in AOn. For the second year in a
blood drives. While donating to a great row, Sigma Phi saw its candidate take the
Omicron Pi kicked off the new year cause, the chapter held the title for most victory ride before a stadium full of
with inspiration week for initiation. With blood donated for the past six quarters. cheering AOns. Senior Lisa Weisbrod, 1st
the pledges living in, everyone enjoyed V.P./pledge trainer, was crowned
such events as "The Newly Met Game" AOns were well represented in the an- CSUN's 1984 Homecoming Queen by
and skits put on by the pledges and their nual Miss U T M pageant that was held pledge sister and CSUN's 1983 Home-
big sisters. The week climaxed on Jan. 18, Jan. 18 and 19. T w o new initiates repre- coming queen, Lisa Dunn. This was the
when we initiated fourteen new members sent the chapter—Pam Overby and highlight of the week's activities as AOn,
into Oil. Our guest speaker at the Rose Christy Moore. Both ladies finished in teamed with Sigma Chi, captured third
Banquet was Omicron Pi Alumna Nancy the top ten. Pam won the bathing suit place in the overall competition.
Aupperle who also recently accepted the portion of the competition and was later
position of chapter adviser, reported Lisa named first runner-up to Miss U T M . Sigma Phi cleaned up the awards at the
Aupperle and Judy Kettenstock. annual Greek Awards Night. Those hon-
After a week full of events, Tau Omi- ors included the highest sorority G.P.A.
Nancy joined Regional Director Fudge cron initiated 20 new members Jan. 26. (for the third semester in a row), the all
Skaff and collegiate members in office Later that evening the AOns celebrated University Intramural Trophy, the
transition. Fudge gave the new officers Founders' Day. Julia Austin was guest Dean's A w a r d f o r campus involvement,
many inspirational ideas and helped speaker at this event which was attended and the selection of Lisa Dunn as Greek
things run smoothly. by many alumnae. Woman of the Year.
With initiation now over, the Omicron Karen Borrowman, Sigma Iota, Western Illi- Food is a soft spot in the heart of every
Pi's are in the process of winter open nois University, was one of Homecoming Roy- Sigma Phi sister, so it was especially nice
Rush. A t this time they are thrilled to alty Court. when they traveled to the University of
have five new pledges, and are looking Southern California to have dinner with
forward to having even more. SIGMA IOTA our N u Lambda sisters. We shared songs,
Western Illinois shared a loving cup, and we ended the
Among all the exciting activities scho- evening dancing on the roof of the chap-
lastic achievements still continue to Many Sigma Iotas are really getting in- ter house, reported Susan Norkin.
thrive at Omicron Pi. Carolyn Yurko was volved on campus. Karen Borrowman
invited to join Alpha Pi M u , an honorary and Nannette Henderson made the Wran- Women began the journey through
Industrial Engineering Society, and glers Pom-Pom Squad, and Barb Forquer AOn this past fall, as Sigma Phi saw yet
Mariesa Crow was invited to join the En- and Laurie Swank are on the Western- another successful rush. Alpha Theta is
gineering Honor Society of Tau Beta Pi. aires Flag Squad. one of the largest pledge classes CSUN
Five members have been asked to join has seen in a few years. Included in its se-
Order of Omega. Leadership abilities go beyond the so- mester's activities was the pledge/initiate
r o r i t y as d e m o n s t r a t e d b y B a r b party held at Carlos and Charlies Club in
The chapter was honored to be asked Sundstrom, chairman of the University Hollywood.
to help rush at G M I colony. It has been Union Board's Advertising Committee;
great having another AOII chapter in the Gail Barski, the American Marketing As- The highlight of the fall semester was
area, Lisa added. sociation's mass media chairman; Janet the success of the M r . Fraternity Contest.
Goldberg, advertising manager for Philanthropy chair Alicia Hawkins and
A n exciting activity this spring was Unicom Television; and Alison Sperry, Lisa Dunn planned the event which raised
Greek Week which occurs March 24-30. news director for WIUS, Western's radio nearly $1,000 for the AOn Philanthropic
Oil sponsored a Dance Contest, and the station. Foundation.
proceeds are for the AOn Philanthropic
Foundation. Two of our chapter mem- The women at Sigma Iota completed Representatives f r o m each fraternity
bers were selected to be on the Greek Homecoming Week at W I U in third place participated in the basic pageant catego-
Week steering committee: Suzie Pollins at the pep rally. ries: formal wear, bathing suit and enter-
and Cindy Zehner. tainment competition. Phi Delta Theta's
Mel Abraham earned the title.
Huntingdon College
Once Tau Omicron gets started there is
nothing stopping them. Huntingdon College's Sigma Delta
chapter had a fantastic fall, with our
Homecoming is always an exciting "AOn Chorus Line," Sigma Delta filled
time for the AOns at U T M . Once again quota with 25 outstanding new pledges.
AOn was well represented in all competi-
tions. They captured first place in the On squeal day, a multitude of excited
float competition. Highlighting Home- new pledges, initiates and big brothers
coming, two AOns, Tracey Cline and
Taina Hampton, were named to the
Homecoming Court. How excited we
crowded into a newly redecorated chap- mt UPSILON
ter room. University of Washington
Carole Williams, Sigma Omicron, Arkansas
Thanks to the Montgomery Alumnae State University, was named Tau Kappa Upsilon chapter had a busy and excit-
chapter, Sigma Delta's chapter room is in Epsilon pledge class sweetheart. ing winter quarter. Collegians planned an
the process of becoming a showplace, "active sneak" during the first week of
something to really be proud of. classes. Chapter was held during the
sneak, and pledges followed clues to find
The pledges got off to a great start by the members. A treat of brownies and ap-
raising money for the Arthritis Founda- ple cider rewarded them.
tion. Pledges, initiates, and friends went
trick-or-treating for donations. Fig new- A Bowl-a-thon was held to raise mon-
tons, the Pips (of Gladys Knight fame), ey for AOII Philanthropic Foundation.
punk rockers, and many other strange Nearby Village Bowl donated the use of
characters went door to door the night four lanes to the AOIIs. Pledges were
before Halloween for AOIIs philan- made for each pin knocked d o w n .
Inspiration Week gave each class an
Another highlight for Sigma Delta was evening with the pledges. Sophomore
a very special birthday celebration. Initi- night was "Monte Carlo" night, featuring
ates and pledges had the wonderful expe- a steak dinner. Entertainment was pro-
rience of presenting Past International vided by card playing and a special guest
President Dorothy Dean with a birthday appearance by a local entertainer. Junior
cake. They also got to sing "Happy Birth- night was "Mexican" night. Pledges play-
day" for this very special Montgomery ed Mexican children's games, and ate
resident. Mexican food. Each pledge also had a
turn to hit a pinata with a broomstick.
Sigma Delta is really on the move and Senior night was the traditional "Senior
got mothers in on the excitement at the Mugging," where pledges were treated to
annual mother-daughter tea. Wonderful hot cocoa and inspirational songs taught
refreshments, baby picture contests, and by the seniors.
A O I I songtime made the experience a spe-
cial time for mothers and daughters alike, International President Ginger Banks
reported Elizabeth Couey. arrived Friday night to attend initiation
on Saturday. Ginger was the honored
SIGMA OMICRON Jennifer Beard, Sigma Omicron, Arkansas guest at the pledge banquet, where pledg-
Arkansas State State University, was first runner-up in the es received pillows handmade by their big
Lambda Chi Alpha Miss Greek Pledge contest. sisters. A t this banquet, Molly Hemmen
The long hours spent singing, dancing received the Ruby " A " award for having
and practicing skits for fall rush were Jennifer Beard placed first in the pag- the highest grades in her pledge class.
well worth it on bid day when Sigma eant and also received the best costume
Omicron pledged quota of 33 women. award for her snowman suit. Carole W i l - The next morning, Ginger held a ritual
liams won the swim suit division. workshop and a special tea followed.
We honored our new pledges in Octo- Panhellenic officers, house presidents and
ber with the annual pledge dance. Blue- Terri Ashford was selected for Who's alumnae came to greet AOIIs internation-
jean mini skirts, leather jackets and black Who Among American College Students al officer.
pumps were the attire to compliment the and also received both the Collegiate and
"Leader of the Pack" theme, reported Mi- Alumnae Certificate of Honor at Found- For the first time in many years, a
chele Kennon. ers' Day Banquet. Greek yearbook, The Archon, is being
compiled. Each sorority and fraternity
The members of Sigma Omicron Also at the banquet Mary Swindoll has two pages to fill, and donated photos
proved to be good cheerleaders at the was selected for the Sheaf award for out- w i l l also be included in a 20-page color
Tau Kappa Epsilon fingerbowl in late Oc- standing sisterhood and membership. layout. Historian Lisa Wood is AOIIs rep-
tober when the AOIIs were awarded the resentative for this yearbook.
trophies for most spirit and best skit. Joni Hampton was selected for the Jr.
Varsity Cheerleading squad and Gina Opera major Cindy Oeck appeared in
The week of Homecoming proved to Kelly, Cindy Hovis, and Jennifer Beard two of the University of Washington's
be hectic while they sold mums and made the A-team and they will be per- musicals this winter. She appeared in
worked on the traditional Homecoming forming at half-time at the basketball both "Candide" and "Gianni Schicci."
float. Efforts paid off when the AOIIs, games.
with the help of the men of Tau Kappa Sophomore Kristine Ladyka was in-
Epsilon, captured the first place trophies The AOTIs finished the semester with stalled as Panhellenic treasurer. She will
for the "Indian Joe and the Temple of the annual Rose Ball formal held at the continue next year as Panhellenic secre-
Doom" float and the spirit sign. Memphis Peabody Hotel. tary.
Pledge Carole Williams was honored The chapter initiated 27 pledges in Jan- The Rose Ball was held in March at the
last semester w i t h roses as the men of uary and they sponsored a dance-a-thon Park Hilton Hotel.
Tau Kappa Epsilon selected her as their to raise money for Cerebral Palsy.
pledge class sweetheart and member CHI BETA
Donna Colburn was named Kappa Alpha University of Virginia
Imagine holding sorority rush in a fra-
Pledges shined in the Lambda Chi A l - ternity house! In January, the Chi Betas
pha Miss Greek Pledge contest last semes- of University of Virginia posted the red
ter as five represented AOII in the pag- AOII letters on the door of Sigma Alpha
eant: Jennifer Beard, Carole Williams, Epsilon's three-story brick colonial, new-
Holly Drewry, Lori Jackson and Carol
Davis. 17
Jayne Talbot, Chi Beta, University of Virginia, pend upon the indulgent hospitality of We also have our annual Mom's Day
and her mother joined in the busy Parents' EAE, or any fraternity other than our sing and this year we are paired with the
Weekend on the Virginia campus last fall. own. But it has been f u n while it lasted, talented men of Zeta Beta Tau. We hope
reported Edith Webster. to win under the guidance of director
ly renovated under a limited-partner ar- Kim Fornero, Ann added.
rangement. IOTA
University of Illinois The pledges (or "wheaties" as they call
The £AE members were friendly and themselves) had an incredible walk-out
accommodating, and a bid acceptance Homecoming-Illini Style! And Iota this year to N u Omicron chapter at Van-
night mixer celebrated both the arrival of showed its enthusiasm with heavy partic- derbilt University. Seeing International
30 new pledges and the return to the i p a t i o n . I t p a i d off w e l l as C a t h y Headquarters was a highlight in the
EAEs of their own house. Cederberg Homecoming Court coordina- weekend's activities, as well as a shop-
tor organized one of the most successful ping spree and a visit to the hottest danc-
Chi Beta opened round one of rush courts in Mini history. AOIls president ing spot on the Vanderbilt campus where
with its traditional safari party, replete Joan Stumpf was elected University of I l - they dance the night away.
with AOIls as natives, hunters, flowers, linois Homecoming Queen 1984.
and jungle animals who talked to rushees ALPHA PHI
amidst a forest of bamboo (which can be A O I I took second place in the float Montana State
cut fresh around Charlottesville). Round contest thanks to Chairman Margaret
two was an updated version of the old Steele and the men of Delta Sigma Phi. Imagine sequins, glitter and jewels
Monopoly party: snatching upon the na- Chris Goetz and Kathy Pergande, both along with bow ties and top hats and
tional craze, AOIls threw a Trivial (or members of the Student Alumni Associa- you'll have set the scene for the "Glam-
Sorority) Pursuit party, where AOIls tion, planned an exciting pep rally the ourous Life" fall party planned by Alpha
dressed up as the answers to questions, Phi pledges.
anything from Medusa to Mickey Mouse. Joan Stumpf, Iota, was named Homecoming
The skit featured six vignettes, one from Queen for the University of Illinois. December brought a very enjoyable
each category on the board game. The night before the game, that included ap- Founders' Day celebration. Vice president
last round of parties before Prefs had a pearances in videos by some distin- Gina Worring planned a very entertain-
new, UVa-related theme: the six colleges guished alumni. Last, but not least, AOII ing program, including a slide show and
of the University, where sisters dressed as was represented in the half-time show Christmas carols. Santa and his elves vis-
stereotypical students f r o m each of the with the performance of three band mem- ited the Christmas Party on Dec. 10 be-
six schools, which include Nursing, Edu- bers, six flag corp girls, and three fore the AOIls settled down to study for
cation, Architecture, Arts and Sciences, Illinettes, including co-captain Kim finals.
Commerce, and Engineering. Fornero.
Eighteen women were initiated into
About a block away from EAE, on 3 The chapter has been busy with philan- AOII in January. Initiation week held
University Circle, 18 AOIls rent a large thropic activities, too. We had a blood many special events, such as a video
white Victorian house, and alumnae are drive with Delta Upsilon, reported Anne movie on fraternal living and love, and
working hard to obtain this or another Hilliard. We went Christmas caroling Big/Lil Sis walks, added Tammy Cart-
suitable sorority house in the close-knit with Alpha Delta Phi, and cheered Jill wright.
Greek community. Thomas on in Alpha Gamma Rho's Foxy
Lady Contest. The Iotas took second The chapter has been polishing rush
Even just renting the "White House," place in Delta Upsilon's house decorating skills with a rush workshop and is also
as it has affectionately been dubbed, has contest. rushing informally during Winter
inculcated an even stronger sense of unity Quarter.
amongst the sisters, despite the facts that
Parents' Weekend brunches must be held Alpha Phi currently is planning anoth-
in M r . Jefferson's Pavilion Gardens (see er philanthropic activity for the year. The
photo above), that rush has been held in Spookhouse in October was very success-
fraternities for the past three years, and ful and now the first annual AOII
that weekly meetings are held in universi- Rosebowl will be held on Feb. 24 at a lo-
ty buildings. cal bowling establishment. Door prizes,
games, and of course bowling are on the
It is to be hoped that with continued agenda for a f u n evening!
alumnae, collegiate, and international
support, Chi Beta w i l l not have to de- VI*,
18 Alpha Phi chapter members Julie Derby, right,
and Nancy Konzek were elected to the student
senate at Montana State University.
ALPHA DELTA Donna Sandidge, Alpha Delta. Renee Hoffner was tapped into Florida
U. of Alabama Blue Key Honorary and was selected one
grade point average. of UF's most outstanding Women on
Alpha Delta has made many changes in For 1984, Delta Omega was pleased Campus. Leslie Landry was chosen Greek
the last 18 years. Members now have of the month for October. Beth Law-
rush in a newly redecorated house instead with its $600 contribution to the AOII rence, Angie Lawing, Lisa Gandy, Trisha
of on the stairs of the union building. Philanthropic Foundation. The Fourth Adams and Mary A n n George were
Annual M r . MSU Contest helped the tapped into Savant Leadership Honorary.
At Founders' Day in January charter AOIIs reach the goal. Mary Ann George was tapped into Omi-
members Janet Lipscomb and Margaret cron Delta Kappa Leadership Honorary;
Curry, the first president, came to talk To reward themselves for a job well and Trisha Adams was also tapped into
about AOFI's first years at the University done and just to have some more fun, Order of Omega Greek Honorary.
of Alabama. they planned a dance before Thanksgiv-
ing break. We traditionally call it Turkey Gamma Omicron's commitment to re-
The first members were all pledges and Dance so that every sister can bring their main one of UF's most active sororities
lived in dormitories. They got an old favorite turkey! We also enjoyed the on campus, is alive and well. Renee
house the next year. When rush came, pleasure of attending two mixers earlier Hoffner, president of the university;s
they brought the rushees to the lot where in the fall semester with the Alpha Gam- Panhellenic system, also was chosen pres-
the new house was to be built. "This is ma Rho and Sigma Chi fraternities, re- ident of the Southeastern Panhellenic
where our new house will be," they said. ported Patty Ringering. Conference, to be held at UF. Gamma
They were proud to say that they pledged Omicron, of course, has become i n -
quota that year. The chapter and the Pi Kappa Alpha volved in the planning of SEPC also.
fraternity helped to donate the most Karen Wyngarden was chosen director of
Founders' Day was just one of many amount of blood to the American Red registration; Mariele Jones was selected
exciting things happening at the begin- Cross Blood Drive held annually in the director of banquet; and K i m Ventre was
ning of the spring semester. The football student center. The challenge was for all chosen director of tours. Renee and
team went to the national championship fraternities and sororities on campus to Mariele organized another presentation
tournament in New Orleans. donate as much blood as possible. that won AOII the chance to start a chap-
ter at the University of South Florida.
AOIls were busy this spring preparing Recently the officers of Panhellenic at
for the 2nd annual April Fools Rush Par- Murray State are helping to promote Judy Savikas worked for several weeks
ty many events for fall rush, reported A l - women's athletics. Every sorority has as Women's Awareness Month chairman,
lison Berst. made an effort to increase the morale of spearheading several programs to en-
students and athletes alike. A rotating hance specific issues concerning women
Alpha Delta Donna Sandidge has be- trophy is presented at each women's today. Pam Spratt, assistant director for
gun one of the busiest semesters of her sporting event to the sorority who cheers UF Blue Key Turkey Trot, helped coordi-
college career. Donna is Panhellenic pres- the Lady Racers on and shows the most nate a fun-run sponsored by Blue Key
ident at the University of Alabama. group spirit. AOII has received the award and Student Government. Ronnie Hey-
several times. man was selected as program director for
This kind of responsibility is not new the Miss UF Pageant. Beth Lawrence was
to Donna. She was a member of Fresh- GAMMA OMICRON chosen director of publicity for Greek
man Forum and Gamma Beta Phi a soph- Week 1985, and K i m Ventre was chosen
omore honorary. She was co-chairman of U. of Florida as her assistant director.
the Committee on Academic Concerns,
and she is on the university Standing Fall was an exciting semester for Gam- Gamma Omicron also has been busy
Committee on Academic Advising. She ma Omicron. As always, AOIIs have be- with in-house activities as well. Service
belongs to AEA a pre-med honorary, and come involved in many campus honorar- chairman Leslie Landry initiated several
is a member of the Anderson society. Not ies and organizations. projects for the chapter, starting with a
only is she active on campus, but Donna Halloween party at a local elementary
has held three offices in the chapter.
Murray State Winners of the Best Big Sister(s) award at
Gamma Sigma, Georgia State University, were
A bright AOII smile stands out in a Laura, left, and Debra Elliott. The award is
crowd anywhere . . . it sure is easy to made each year by the fall pledge class.
recognize! For Denise Butler of Delta
Omega, this is no exception. She cap- 19
tured the crown as the 1984 Homecoming
Queen at Murray State. Denise, a senior
f r o m Brentwood, Tenn., also happens to
be the fourth consecutive AOII to receive
this honor.
Shortly after Homecoming, parents
from everywhere traveled to Murray for
the traditional Parents Weekend festivi-
ties. Delta Omega held a special parents
banquet filled with singing, laughing and
lots of good food! Awards were also pre-
sented to some special sisters for their
hard work in scholarship. Dianne Bush
had the most improved grade point aver-
age; K i m Butkovic earned a 4.0 grade
point and Margaret Ronk and Kimber
Behrens had the best Big Sis/Little Sis
school; the recycling of aluminum cans ty. Individual standouts were tennis play- up to its initiation in January.
for the Ruby Fund; addressing envelopes ers Susan Sander, Alice McCrea, Jennifer Julie Prisk was elected outstanding
for the Hippodrome theatre in Gaines- Docke, and Wendy Wilson. Junior Teri
ville; and finally a roller skating party Landes swims for Evansville and cheering pledge and Peggy Derosa won the pledge
with Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity with the Purple Aces of Evansville to victory scholarship award with a perfect grade-
underpriviledged kids f r o m the commu- are cheerleaders Brenda Smith, Liz Jack- point.
nity. son, and Debbie Hall.
NYC Panhellenic
Pledges were quite busy during the Fall PHI
semester. Teri Phoa was selected as Jr. U. of Kansas offers fellowships
Panhellenic's Pledge Bash chairman; Rosi
Soltesz was chosen as assistant director of Phi chapter, at the University of Kan- New York City Panhellenic will award
publicity; and Heather Zielke was select- sas has had an incredible year so far. Oc- two $700 Fellowships to sorority women
ed to be a project director f o r Student tober saw the first of what is expected to doing graduate work at a college or uni-
Government. be a long line of AOII Putt-Putt miniature versity in the New York City Metropoli-
golf tournaments f o r the AOn Philan- tan area during 1985-1986. Those inter-
CHI LAMBDA thropic Foundation. ested should request an application f r o m
U. of Evansville Ms. Celeste M . Paprocki, 145 West 58th
Homecoming was also a big event as Street, New York, New York 10019, and
"Involved" has been the word to de- AOIT, along with the Tau Kappa should return the completed form by
scribe the Chi Lambdas at the University Epsilons, captured first place in the mov- Aug. 15, 1985.
of Evansville this year. ing parts division of the float competi-
tion. In the past years these fellowships have
Everyone pitched in to work with the assisted women working f o r advanced
Phi chapter has also been very active in degrees at such schools as New York Uni-
Dee Hoffman, center, was named first runner- sports this year. The women won the A l - versity, School of Business; Columbia
up in the University of Evansville Homecom- pha Chi Omega and Greek league volley- University, School of Physicians & Sur-
ing Queen contest. With her are two Chi ball championships, placed first in the geons; Rutgers University, School of
Lambda sisters, Amy Karnages, left, and Mau- Greek Olympics, placed second in the Law; John Jay College and Princeton
reen Keller, right. T K E soccer tournament, and were very University.
Lambda Chi Alphas in building their competitive in football.
third place float for Fall Homecoming, Scholarship offered
and senior Dee Hoffman shined among Also, last fall, the Phis teamed up with
the Greeks as she was named first the Alpha Kappa Lambdas for Rock The Philadelphia Alumnae Panhellenic
runner-up in the Homecoming Queen Chalk Revue. This is a talent competi- will award a $250 scholarship to a frater-
Contest, reported Natalie Meyer. The tion, which features fraternity-sorority nity woman doing graduate work at a
philanthropic spirit was high as the Ev- pairs who write an original musical com- college or university in the five county
ansville AOIIs remembered the needy edy and perform it. The competition was (Phila., Delaware, Montgomery, Ches-
families in the area with their annual Jes- very tough, so the group is extremely ex- ter, or Bucks) Philadelphia area during
se James Day. Dressed as bandits, the cited and honored to be one of the five the 1985-86 school year.
girls kidnapped organization leaders, groups chosen for the biggest Greek event
feeding them all sorts of 'goodies,' as of the year, reported Ginger Davis. Those interested should request an ap-
their respective organizations came up plication f r o m Mrs. Andrew E. Stephen-
with canned goods for ransom. Phi also is thrilled to have three wom- son, 136 Hunting Hills Lane, Media, PA
en appearing in the Pike Dream Girl cal- 19063.
The women of Chi Lambda have also endar. Liz Alward, Patty Grit, and reign-
supported other groups philanthropies. ing Dream Girl Susan Rupf are the lucky STATEMENT OF OHHtHSHir MU>MAGf MtHT AND CIRCULATION
W o r k i n g together, they helped raise girls chosen.
money for the Lambda Chi Alphas local TO DRAGHA Of ALPHA OHICRON PI 1 | 9/ll/M
charity, the Hillcrest Children's Home. The K 9 chapter started its second se-
A m y Karnages was first runner-up as mester with a very successful rush. Phi Quarterly
Lambda C h i Alpha Watermelon Bust pledged 45 enthusiastic women and is 1811 Clwjhorn Avenue, Nashville. TU 17215 IDavldaonl
Queen, and the pledges showed their looking forward to a busy semester of
AOn enthusiasm in the Watermelon Bust pledge activities, parties, and functions, 3B11 Cleqhortt Avanua, NaahviJle, T» 77318 (Davidson)
games. ship Cup which goes to the sorority with
the highest grade point average, for the ALPHA 0MIC HO* r: ri<ATEHN !TY, INC., J i l l Claqhorn Ava., Naenvilla. Ttl JT11S
AOII also helped support the universi- 13th consecutive quarter!
Sua Mini, m Mm ttanny, Pullman. M* « > •
Miami (Ohio) mUMMHI HHTBa .1. i f f '••*;••• i
Sua Levia, Adtunlatrative Director, J i l l claqharn Ava.. Naahvilla, TM m i l
Omegas danced in the new year as well
as the new semester at their Christmas nnHirr-rl^usilr-, •• y;; ^tf.jsaia.La.vB
party. We always celebrate after Christ-
mas so that we will not interfere with SEE ATTAl mm i.jm ,tad by • - a w " ' P r " ' * B " "
first semester exams, explained Nicole
Stickney. We must have done something „£, „ , a. „ . „ TOTAL
right because we finished last semester in
first place w i t h an average grade point of • • - i r-7T .i • i .i i as
3.01, reported by scholarship chairman • r'6ssav5!..iljiniiiL.
Lisa Carlson. gg y r n a l i . ; r
Despite the tragic death of Kris John- \: . •;. r „ •
son one Omega pledge, in a traffic acci-
dent, the pledge class pulled together f o r 1— •MM Nona
a senior supper, paddle party, pledge Dona 41,(66
banquet, and rose ceremony, all leading 41,lit 41.666
• nsastcgg •, . Hon. 41.666
at. tat 1,114
<"*"»—•""-<—— Moo*
t.*M si.soo
V-Neck Jersey $15.50
Crew Neck Jersey $16.00
Shorts $8.75
Available in white or red with
contrasting satin letters in athlet-
ic sizes S, M, or L
Visor $7.25
Cap $8.25
Socks $4.00
Raft, red, blue, green $7.50
or yellow $2.50
Beachball $4.00
Beachtowel $10.00
Silkscreen visor
Sunglasses, smoked
or amber tint
All items prepaid.
ITEMS (specify quantity and size; for
sunglasses, specify tint)
(Please allow sufficient time
for orders to be processed)
A need for city Panhellenics
'Go Greek' starts at home
Earlier in this issue To Dragma what we are continuing to do—and Another idea the group is
readers were able to read comments hope to do better in the future." pursuing—in cooperation with the
from several Greek advisers about collegiate Panhellenic is to have
their responsibilities on today's The group insisted on maintaining sorority suites open during Senior
campuses. a scholarship fund so it sponsors one Days on campus.
fund raiser each year to support the
Collegiate Panhellenics in many award. "Perhaps by working together we
cases have an adviser to help them can strengthen both of our
learn to communicate among one Each year the group honors an Panhellenics and the Greek system
another and encourage better area collegian with a Citizenship on the ISU campus," Kathleen said.
programming, etc. Award which is given to a sorority "This truly would be worth our
senior who has been the most active effort."
Alumnae Panhellenics are not so in sorority, campus and community
lucky. activities. (Last year the award went Alumnae Panhellenics with greater
to AOII Kay Gibbons, Kappa Alpha, distances away from a university
In some instances they may be Indiana State University!) setting still has many things to offer
able to call on the Greek adviser at Greek alumnae.
the nearby university to offer Kathleen said no matter how large
assistance to the collegians or to seek the Panhellenic, one important It is a wonderful way to meet
programming advice for themselves. responsibility is getting information other women who attended colleges
But most Panhellenics alumnae are about Greek life to high school girls and universities across the country.
on their own. And we, as alumnae of in the area. The Panhellenic group can sponsor
AOII, should put our efforts into an event to support community
helping them grow and prosper. "In the past we visited each high needs—and do so in a grand manner
school and talked with those since the number of helpers is
According to Kathleen Maxwell, interested during an activity period," multiplied by the number of alumnae
president of Terre Haute City she explained. "We offered groups in the area.
Panhellenic, 20 years ago that information through a slide
Indiana alumnae Panhellenic was presentation, pamphlets, displays, High school students in the area
strong and vital. and question/answer session. The must learn about the Greek system
high school girls filled out and its benefits beyond college days.
"We had active delegates from information sheets for us at that No matter the size of your
every Greek group in our town," she time, and these were shared with all alumnae chapter. Support and help
explained. "We gave teas, citizenship the alumnae groups." build an alumnae Panhellenic. Its
awards, scholarships, had successful projects will vary from city to city,
fund raisers, and worked toward a This year the Terre Haute group is but with your influence and
purpose—together!" planning Peer Parties. These will be enthusiasm, the group can meet
small, informal gatherings where the many needs.
Kathleen said today the group is high school girls have a chance to
surviving with a small, but ask questions about Greek life and We want to serve as examples to
determined group—a group that is the colleges of their choice. There our collegiate sisters—so should our
trying to rebuild. will be refreshments and souvenirs Panhellenics. —SWH
such as pencils that say "go Greek."
"Panhellenic's purpose is to further
Greek life," she added, "and that is
ASumn&c Chapter Activity
FORT WAYNE donations to each of the Illinois collegiate of the forests. Although many of the
chapters. Among the collegiate guest rep- beautiful trees have been hewn long ago
The alumnae meetings this year did not resentatives there were Jamie Wuttke, for log cabins and firewood, some of the
run from A to Z, but from P to N . president, Beta Lambda; Carol Elliot, most majestic are still standing.
chapter adviser, Beta Lambda; Margaret
They started the year with the annual Morrison, president, Sigma Iota; Janet As we parked in the Inn's lots across
potluck dinner. Later in the year we Goldberg, past president, Sigma Iota, the road, we sniffed the aroma of an
learned how to use a food processor. The and Joan Stumpf, past president, Iota. open fire in the Ford Room where we
chapter also has done several philan- gathered for AOII Founders' Day Jan. 12,
thropic projects this year. Area alumnae honored with Honor reported Katherine D . Carter. Last year
Cards and Roses at the luncheon were Boston alumnae celebrated their 75th an-
We started out by giving $100 to the Sue T r u m p , Beverly Hills Alumnae niversary at the 1790 House in West-
Arthritis Foundation, reported Susan Chapter; Nancy Clark, Chicago North- borough with Helen MacMahon, Execu-
Miller, president of the group. The mon- west Suburban Alumnae Chapter; Trish tive Board director, and Maryke Loos,
ey was raised at the Johnny Appleseed Aiken, Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Region I director, as guests and Margaret
Festival. We also showed a film for the Chapter, and Jan Wilson, North Shore Amon, Theta '18, Boston's oldest mem-
Arthritis Foundation to several senior cit- Alumnae Chapter, reported Jean Zim- ber, sitting at the head table.
izens lunch sites. merman.
This year members headed for an older
Founders' Day was shared with three In addition, two West Suburban alum- site, where Carolyn Wellington, Phi,
residents from Crossroad, a residential nae were recognized with 50 year pins: chapter president, welcomed members
treatment center for teenagers, and Val- Margaret Barber, and Harriet Norilie. from 11 chapters, most of whom were
entine favors were made for a nursing there for the first time.
home. BOSTON
Baskets were passed for contributions
New facilities in town were visited by Approaching Longfellow's Wayside to the Ruby Fund and D.J.F. Next meet-
the AOIIs during the year. Members tour- Inn in Sudbury (established in 1636) Bos- ing was at Donna Sheridan's home to
ed the new art museum. Another time ton alumnae drove along the historic make decorations for Boston's Collegiate
they got a sneak preview of the Grand Boston-New York Post Road and tried to dinner at the Washington D.C. conven-
Wayne Center. Spring program topics in- think back about early New England, tion. Margie Lemar, Chi Delta, is chair-
clude new information about lupus and how the settlers carved a living place out man of the dinner.
what's new with nails.
$6563/ t e c h ' }
Region IV Vice President, Liz Coffey i:
delivered the Founders' Day speech to 74
AOIIs from the Chicago Area in attend- •
ance at the Drake Hotel, Oak Brooke, I l -
linois in January. I
Among those in attendance were Kay Greater Portland alumnae joined in Arthritis Foundation Telethon activities to present a check in
Sutherlin, International Vice President-Fi- the fight against arthritis
nance; Barbara Hunt, International D i -
rector and President AOII Philanthropic
Foundation; Judy Zawacke, Region-IV;
Pat Benson, Region-II; Peg Frerk,
Region-IV; Sherry Brennan, Region-IV;
Sue Getz, president-North Shore A l u m -
nae Chapter; JoAnn Macander, presi-
dent-Beverly Hills Alumnae Chapter;
Judy Flessner, president-Chicago West
Suburban Alumnae, and Jean Zimmer-
mann, president-Chicago Northwest Sub-
urban Alumnae.
Council president Pat Juza presided
over the luncheon activities. A donation
to the Diamond Jubilee Fund in recogni-
tion of the service of Pat Mottiweiler and
Dottie Winn was presented by council to
Barbara Hunt. In addition, a collection
for the Ruby Fund was taken.
More than 25 collegians were present
as Beta Lambda Chapter was highlighted
this year. Beta Lambda president Jamie
Wuttke spoke to the group about the
chapter's activities and house renovation.
Gifts were presented to Beta Lambda by
each of the Chicago Area Alumnae Chap-
ters. In addition, the council presented
SOUTHERN ORANGE CO. ATLANTA TRI-COUNTY husbands is our way the chapter says
thanks to everyone f o r making this such
Thousands of shining Christmas lights The Atlanta Tri-County Alumnae a great year.
reflected in the bay of Huntington Har- Chapter began the fall season with a very
bour as members of the Southern Orange successful membership drive, promising TULSA
County Alumnae Chapter and their an evening of reminiscing with old
guests took an evening cruise to see the friends as well as meeting new ones. This "Surprise!" said the Tulsa Alumnae
beautifully decorated homes and yachts. October social doubled our membership Chapter at a surprise baby shower during
The group enjoyed a hot lasagna dinner to more than 50 members. it's September meeting. Tricia Peterson
following the chilly night on the bay. Eidson, Alpha Theta '73, gave birth to
Christmas was upon us in no time. A Tybie Satin who joins her two sisters,
The Christmas Boutique was held in luncheon at Lanier Meadors Barnes' and Margaret Hermes Bulmer, Omega
November and almost $1000 was raised home gave everyone a chance to relax '71, gave birth to James Ryan.
by members and friends who attended from the hustle and bustle and extend
the popular annual event. The money Christmas greetings to other AOIls. A n annual Show and Sell Auction and
will be donated to the Arthritis Founda- Bazaar was held in November. Members
tion and college scholarships. January brought the annual Founders' raised $435 for the AOII philanthropy.
Day banquet celebrated with the Atlanta
The synchronized swim teams in the Alumnae chapter and collegiate chapters Mary Frances Clark Underwood, Beta
1984 Olympics was the topic of a talk of Gamma Sigma, Georgia State Univer- Phi '24, president, was in charge of the
given at the January meeting held in sity; Lambda Chi, LaGrange College, and Founders' Day service at the January
Newport Beach. Other speakers were Lambda Sigma, University of Georgia. meeting. Although the weather was cold
scheduled for the Spring meetings, re- Many thanks to Sue Lewis, AOII's admin- outside, we all left with a warm feeling in
ported Nancy November. istrative director, for providing AOIls our hearts, reported Martha Boone
with an inspirational message for the spe- Bland, Omega Omicron '79.
Founders' Day was held at the Riviera cial occasion.
Country Club in Pacific Palisades in Feb- In March we held a "Cleanser Shower"
ruary. Three members were recognized Renewed spirit in philanthropy was for the Battered Women's Shelter to
for their contributions to the sorority. made a priority this year. In the fall which all of the members brought a
The President's Recognition Award went members sold dinner club coupon books cleaning item for the shelter.
to Marguerite (Margo) Gist Butler, Kap- for a very successful fund raiser with pro-
pa Theta '70. Penelope (Penny) Benson ceeds benefitting the Arthritis Founda- Carol Spence Barrow, Kappa Theta
Ferrell, N u Lambda '60, received the AOII tion. Since Christmas is for children, to '45, is this year's president of the Tulsa
Appreciation A w a r d and the Ruth Mc- our luncheon we brought toys which Panhellenic Chapter. She has been doing
Fadden Award was given to Ann Bou- were in turn donated to our local "Toys an excellent job!
belik Cordes, Beta Lambda '59. for Tots'' drive, reported Diane Evans
Daughtry. On a local level, Cindy Posa, KNOXVILLE
The Senior Recognition Night will be Lambda Sigma '78, philanthropic chair-
held in May when members pay tribute person, has contacted a shelter for bat- Knoxville Alumnae began their sched-
to the seniors of Lambda Beta Chapter. tered women to which members plan to ule this fall with a salad supper business
donate staple goods several times a year. meeting with the collegians.
Planned activities for the remainder of In October we held a dessert party to
A n extra spark of sisterhood was the year included a pizza party with the meet and honor the new pledges. The big
added to Founders' Day for Dallas area Gamma Sigma collegians, elections and sisters introduced their little sisters and
alumnae as they celebrated the founding installation of officers. As summer nears, told us a little about them. Each pledge
of the Fraternity with collegians from a newsletter is planned to keep everyone was presented with an " I love AOII" but-
Delta Theta Chapter at Texas Woman's up to date before vacations begin and a ton f r o m the Emporium and an AOII pen-
University. The banquet was Dec. 1 at weekend party with sisters, dates, and cil tied w i t h ribbon, a gift f r o m the
Richardson Holiday Inn. alums.
Special recognition at the luncheon The annual fund-raising BBQ was a
went to four sisters: Nancy Jipp, treasur-
er; Pat Lockhart, corporation board pres- •
ident; Kathy Wilson, Delta Theta chapter
adviser, and Annola Levernz, 1st vice Atlanta Tri-County Alumnae donating toys to the Atlanta "Toys for Tots," left to right, are Helen
president. Braswell Brown, Linda McKenna Smith, Diane Evans Daughtry, and Cindy Posa.
Dallas AOTI also recognized Annola
Levernz as a top ten sales person with
Bekins, reported Larie Engles.
Almost all Dallas AOIls and friends
who attended the November fund raiser,
"Make It, Bake It, Sew It, Grow I t , " ei-
ther came with or went home with a bag
of beans and the recipe for bean soup.
Obviously, bean soup was the over-
whelming contribution making the fund
raiser again a financial success and a lot
of fun.
The first meeting of the year was an
"AOII Reunion—Nachos and Margarita
Party" in September reuniting old friends
and meeting new ones.
grand success again this year. Oct. 13 nament. The day of the golf tourney Why You Should
was a warm sunny day matching our found President Nadine Spring Nickeson, Give to
spirits. Members enjoyed the music and Pi Kappa '69, and Diane Roberts Herr-
commentary provided by Bill Slayden. A mann, Zeta 75, registering golfers and di- Aon
new addition this year was a hog calling recting on the course.
contest complete with celebrity judges Philanthropic
and prizes. Members rounded out the fall with a Foundation
Porch Sale and Raffle followed by a
November was nostalgia month for the Founders' Day luncheon at the home of For AO!!:
alums. AOIIs met at Emily Fausts' home Toni Tartaglia Post, Pi Kappa '63.
to share collegiate memories. Each mem- Continuing support for ed-
ber brought a favorite collegiate memen- Diane Herrmann is the scholarship ucational programming
to. These included a hat worn to wonder- chairman for City Panhellenic which has conducted by AOII.
ful dances, scrapbooks, rush programs, required a real juggling act. She and hus-
and pictures. Members shared marvelous band Bill are expecting an addition to the Extension programs on
stories and many laughs. They discussed family the week after the decision on campuses across the United
the fact that the alumnae chapter is scholarship awards are made. The chap- States and Canada.
shaped by the history of the chapter as ter surprised her with a shower at the
well as each member's individual colle- February meeting, reported Nadine Provide funds for arthritis
giate and alumnae experience. The char- Spring Nickeson. research grants.
ter members names were read as well as
the date of the alumnae chapter's found- PHOENIX Assist AOII sisters in dire
ing. The ritual lent additional meaning to financial need under the
an informative and enjoyable evening to- When the weather cools the Phoenix auspices of the Ruby Fund.
gether. Alums get into full swing with a schedule
of scintillating and informative pro- For You
Also in November 15 alums collaborat- grams. Member and interior designer Jo-
ed on pledge boxes for exam time. We ann Adams Schoenleb, Omega '55, found Opportunity to reinforce
met at Holly Watts' home to assemble time in her busy schedule to bring mem- your pride in AOII excel-
and wrap the boxes. bers up to date on what's in, what's not lence.
and how to make everything in between
EVANSVILLE TRI-STATE livable. "Thank you" in a small
way . . . for the personal
The Evansville Tri-State Alumnae Plastic surgery was the specialty of the rewards and satisfaction ex-
Chapter met in November for a pitch-in October speaker. It was a fascinating eve- perienced from AOII sister-
salad luncheon at the home of Marilyn ning covering renovation and reconstruc- hood.
Kemp Wright, Chi Lambda. Janie Men- tion, reported Rita Dikeman Polese, The-
gon Bernhardt, Chi Lambda, put together ta Pi '66. Deferred giving through se-
a list of the salads and the recipes which curities, life insurance,
she handed out at the annual Founders' The Phoenix Panhellenic Council su- wills and bequests insures
Day Luncheon in December. pervised volunteers from AOII and other support of AOII forever.
alum groups who worked the concession
Founders' Day was hosted by Ginny tents at the January '85 P G A Phoenix Financial gifts, when linked
Meyers Kreke, Chi Lambda, and was a Open. The money earned is used for with many others, can
big success this year. Surrounded by dec- scholarships for local collegians. bring about exciting worth-
orations of holly and candles, AOLTs while programs.
were treated to a program dedicated to It was a special Founders' Day this Jan-
the collegiate chapters represented by our uary, celebrated at a luncheon arranged . . . and remember, your donations
alumnae. Sharing all our good memories by Ronnie Oros, Kappa Alpha '76. Fifty- are tax deductible.
put everyone in the holiday spirit, report- six alums from seven regions attended.
ed Pamela Adams Pepper, Chi Lambda. Fifty-year membership awards were pre- Send your financial gift
Ginny Kreke and Lois Ryan Schmidt, sented to Leonora Wolfe-Martin, Rho today:
both Chi Lambda, were recognized with '29; Esther Sethney Griffith, Tau '34; Wil-
Certificates of Honor. la Perry Huffaker, Zeta '34; and Betty AOII Philanthropic Foundation
Bloompot Ledbetter, Kappa Omicron '34. 3821 Cleghorn Ave.
OKLAHOMA CITY We honored Judith Hornik Bourassa, Attn: Barbara Hunt
Theta Pi '63, and Rosemary Kappes Nashville, T N 37215
Happy Anniversary to US! Oklahoma Schwierjohn, Iota '69, for their special
City alums planned a special luncheon devotion to the Phoenix Alums with Cer- 25
for March to celebrate their 16th year. tificates of Honor, Rita added.
Special honors were awarded to our very
own Elizabeth Hale Hunt, Omicron '24, DES MOINES
who is celebrating her 62nd year as an
AOII. Elizabeth served as president for Variety, fun, and friendship are the
both O K C and Tulsa alum chapters, vol- key elements found in the monthly meet-
unteered many hours for arthritis, at- ings for alumnae in Des Moines. Mem-
tended several International Conventions bers began the year with a meeting dem-
and is now travelling cross-country as onstrating investment dressing and later,
part of Elderhostel programs. met to have color consultant Deb Brown
Holt, Iota Sigma '68, demonstrate how
O K C began its year of celebration with color compliments each member in cos-
a family picnic and then assisting the Ar- metics and clothing.
thritis Foundation by addressing invita-
tions for the Second Annual Golf Tour- In December a dedicated crew of AOIIs
packaged Christmas cards and envelopes ed Linda Brown, Iota '74. Everyone pa Kappa was the hostess for "Patriotic
which were sold by the local Arthritis agrees that it w i l l be f u n to finally meet Potpourri"—a favorite meeting among
Foundation. Philanthrophy also high- the children we have heard so much members. Donna Hutchinson Mavis,
lights the February meeting when St. Pat- about over the years. Kappa Kappa, acted as auctioneer to sell
rick's Day favors w i l l be made for deliv- holiday food and craft items.
ery with a local mobile meals service to As we move into our 46th year, the
shut-ins. Many interesting activities are West Suburban Alumnae group is getting In October, several members answered
planned through spring including an an- stronger every year. Our money-making telephones to help raise money for public
nual casual night-out for pizza and a efforts have been successful in helping television. Those participating enjoyed
movie, formal Ritual when president Ja- various philanthropies and our adopted themselves and planned to make it an an-
net Dillon Downey, Iota Sigma '71, w i l l collegiate chapter, Iota, Linda added. nual event. Members were invited to the
install new officers, and a year-end meet- A n d our membership is continually in- Kappa Kappa suite at Ball State Universi-
ing at a gourmet restaurant. creasing, thanks to all the hard work of ty in December for a songfest.
membership chairwoman Trish Akin, Phi
Throughout the year, alumnae support '65, and her committee. A n y alums living In January, Founders' Day was cele-
the nearest collegiate chapter, Iota Sig- in the Chicago West Suburban area who brated with the collegiate chapter and
ma, 40 miles north at Iowa State Univer- have not been contracted and are inter- with the theme "Hail to A O I I . " Connie
sity, by helping with fall rush, serving as ested in joining the group, please feel free Myers, Kappa Kappa, was the chairman
members of the corporation board, and to call Trish at (312) 848-6676. for the salad buffet and program, report-
supporting their varied, successful en- ed Tamra Snyder Redden.
deavors, reported Ann Vandervelde. MUNCIE
Oregon alumnae
CHICAGO WEST SUBURBAN The Muncie Alumnae Chapter chose
the patriotic theme of "Stars and Stripes, start scholarship
Margaret Barber, Zeta '31, and Harriet AOII Forever" to coordinate with Inter-
Norlie, Iota '28, were honored by the national Convention in Washington, A group of Alpha Sigma friends of
Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chap- D.C. and the election year. Roma Whisnant, an active Oregon AOII,
ter at the Chicago Area Council Found- have started a scholarship fund in her
ers' Day luncheon in January. Barbara Johnson Ottinger, Kappa Kap- honor.
pa, hosted "Star-Spangled September."
Judy Flessner, Iota '76, president of the Each alumna brought an American dish Roma was president of Portland Alum-
alumnae chapter, presented the long-time and an AOII friend. Judy Melvin Thorn- nae Chapter twice, held many other posi-
alumnae with their 50-year pins at the an- burg, Theta, was the hostess for the Oc- tions there, was president of Alpha Sigma
nual luncheon in Oakbrook, 111. Both tober meeting. The theme was "Every corporation board, a member of the
Margaret and Harriet are former mem- Heart Beats True Under Red, White, and board for scores of years, and was an
bers of the West Suburban Alumnae Blue." Member Becky Cook Rector, Kap- AOII district director.
Chapter which was founded in 1940. The pa Kappa, presented a color self-analysis
group celebrated its 45th anniversary this program. She is credited with saving the house at
year at the A p r i l meeting, and all found- the University of Oregon in the 1929 de-
ing members and past presidents of the President Vicki Galbreth Shipley, Kap-
chapter were invited as special guests.
The program featured a ritual with the Alpha Sigma, University of Oregon, alumnae, left to right, Elinor Sakrison Bjorklund, '47; Libby
installation of officers for 1985-86, and Plummer Kiesz, '31, and Gerry Walker Flagle, '39, are helping to raise funds for the Alpha Sigma
concluded with a "Chocoholic Fantasy" Scholarship Fund through the sale of "Cookbook for a Career Mother" by AOII B. J. Noles.
dessert exchange.
A new fund-raising activity was
launched this year by the West Suburban
alums. In addition to sales within the
group of Current stationery and the an-
nual White Elephant Sale in March, a pri-
mary source of income this year came
f r o m selling fancy pecans and mixed nuts
to friends and relatives during the holi-
day season. The nut sale, organized by
Linda McElhany, Nu Iota '71, netted
more than $400 for the AOII Philanthrop-
ic Foundation plus a local philanthropy,
Children's Research Foundation.
At the February meeting, members
worked diligently to make favors for the
hospitalized children and then several
volunteers from the group distributed
them in person to the children a few
weeks before Easter. Our annual "Ladies'
Night Out" meeting was held in May,
where we all get together for dinner at a
restaurant in the area for a relaxing eve-
ning to wind down the year.
This summer, instead of the regular
couples' party, we will experiment with a
family picnic at a forest preserve, report-
pression and with guiding the reconstruc- INDIANAPOLIS watched a presentation of slides and a
tion some years ago. lecture on Gardens and Houses of Great
Many of the activities of the Indianap- Britain.
The memorial scholarships w i l l be olis Alumnae Chapter during the past
awarded to worthy Alpha Sigmas at the months have been focused on Theta For improving its financial status mem-
University of Oregon. chapter at DePauw University. bers continue with their successful pre-
holiday sales of deluxe packaged nuts
To make the memorial fund grow, the There were painting jobs, house clean- that have brought AOII many new
sale of "Cookbook for a Career Mother" ing, yard work, and other projects prior friends and a wider recognition of our
among AOIIs and their friends is being to and during the installation of the chap- philanthropic work. In four years mem-
sponsored by "Friends of Roma" ter. Dedicated alums have continued to bers have increased profits by 400 per-
contribute time, funds, and effort, serv- cent, enabling us to contribute to the
"Cookbook for a Career Mother" is ex- ing with genuine enthusiasm. Indiana University Medical School's A r -
cellent for those who want to serve tasty, thritis Center and to AOII's national com-
nutritious meals without lots of minutes A t its annual summer salad luncheon mitment. The chapter also has made
needed at the dinner hour. Author bj last July, Theta's rush chairman, Kat commissions f r o m the sale of Dining Out
Noles (Betty Jane Biggs Noles, Alpha Sig- Pavey, outlined the plans and needs for guides.
ma '40) collected the recipes during her fall rush. Our members volunteered
nearly 20 years on the Oregonian (Port- funds, for flowers, props for parties, and To celebrate our beginnings we had
land) as society editor, prize-winning hours of kitchen and transportation duty. our Indianapolis Alumnae chapter's 70th
farm editor and columnist. observance of Founders' Day at the
Diane Ressinger Bondus, Phi Upsilon, Purdue, Radisson Plaza in January, Mildred
For each copy send $9.95 by check, and daughter Emily were among the Indianap- added. Past presidents were honored and
with your name, address and zip to olis Alunnae Chapter members who worked each spoke briefly of highlights of her
FRIENDS OF R O M A , c/o Elinor on the nut sales. presidency. More than 85 AOIIs f r o m 19
Sakrison Bjorklund, 3637 SW Nevada different chapters gathered.
CT., Portland OR 97219 A t least 30 persons responded and all
participants found it an enormously re- MINNEAPOLIS
Remember To Dragma warding experience. They enjoyed help-
deadlines are April 1, July ing such a deserving group of women, re- What kind of a Founders' Day program
ported Mildred Frazee Allen, Beta Phi. can bring out the busiest alumnae, get
1, Oct. 15 and Jan. 15. classmates together, and keep collegians
Another project was the purchase of f r o m sitting together at tables? The pro-
NEW JERSEY robes for Theta's installation and ritual gram Minneapolis officers devised for the
ceremonies. A lesser but f u n thing was Nov. 17 luncheon at the Sheraton Park
New Jersey alumnae president Diane the group project: AOII tree ornaments. Hotel achieved those ends.
de Hosson hosted the September meeting By finals time it was cookies-to-go! Mo-
at which the small group enthusiastically rale builders! "AOII Achievers," those professional
finalized its program for the year. women and very well known volunteers,
Indianapolis members were also happy were invited by written invitation to at-
Mary Kent-Miller Tennant, Omicron to share half of their tree ornaments with tend. By a reply post card they accepted
Pi, planned the November meeting Phi Omicron chapter at Hanover College and indicated highlights in their work.
around the yearly auction, a f u n time and to make a cash contribution as well. Arriving, they sat with classmates in their
with a serious purpose. After a delicious initiation groups. Seated w i t h the classes
luncheon, Mary, our perennial auction- For fun and friendship: a collegian- were current members of Tau Chapter,
eer, took her post beside a collection of alum party was held in August; and in two or three to a table. They were given
interesting and unusual items donated by September, it was the annual pitch-in, a choice of tables. W i t h eight at a table,
members. This fund raiser is only topped where new and old members can mix and conversation was easy. The mix proved
by our philanthropic bridge-luncheon get to know each other better. interesting. The co-chairmen of the
from which the major contribution to ar- luncheon, Joan Kees Wigginton and W i l -
thritis is collected, reported Gina For expanding our horizons October's ma Smith Leland, sat at opposite sides of
Strauchon. important speaker was a local doctor the room, with their classes. During the
who is actively involved with the gover- luncheon the pair took turns introducing
Members enjoyed a Founders' Day nor's program for the prevention of the "Achievers" and giving brief com-
luncheon at Canoe Brook Country Club, drunk driving. In November members ments about them as they stood. Several
Summit, NJ. Regional Director Mary combine heavy professional responsibili-
Jean Polaski spoke and led the candle ties with local A O I I work.
light ceremony.
DJF winner update
AOIIs were quite visible at the show
marking the 50th anniversary of the A n - Diamond Jubilee Foundation winner
nual Friendship Market of the Woman's Linda Jay is completing her senior year at
National Farm and Garden Association. Slippery Rock University.
This high attendance was motivated not
only by their interest in N.J.'s finest and She has served as songleader and chap-
largest craft show, but by Louise Muncie ter relations officer for the Sigma Rho
Roehm's, Beta Gamma, continuing inter- chapter at Slippery Rock. Linda is major-
est in working for the goals of the associ- ing in music therapy and plans a career in
ation, scholarships and exposure for tal- that field after a six-month internship.
ented craftspeople.
(Linda's bio sketch was omitted from
This year Louise was chairman of the the list of DJF winners in the Fall 1984 is-
awards committee, a formidable task as sue of To Dragma.)
the just under 200 consignees had to sub-
mit material to judges before acceptance 27
to show.
Nashville gala features noted entertainer
It was heralded as the "AOII Fall Fina- the '40's all the way up to the now '80's man; Tammy Faulkner, co-chairman;
le" but it was just the beginning of a well- delighted dancers of all ages. Melinda Cross, publicity; Kelli Olson, in-
orchestrated evening benefitting the AOII vitations; Ellen Thomas, treasurer; and
Philanthropic Foundation. A cooperative Nashville Alumnae Chapter chairmen Kim Cochran, reservations. Betsy
effort of the Nashville Alumnae Chapter who helped to raise more than 52,500 for Barringer serves the group as chapter
and the Nu Omicron chapter of Vander- the Philanthropic Foundation included president.
bilt University, the evening was the pre- Nancy Bowers, chairman; Ann Nielson,
lude to weekend festivities surrounding
the Vanderbilt UT-Knoxville football <•-»
The newly-constructed Vanderbilt Pla-
za Hotel just across the street f r o m the
campus was the setting for the Nov. 30
event. A cocktail hour preceded the din-
ner which was held in the formal ball-
room of the hotel. Tables were lavishly
decorated with cylinder vases of gladioli
set on mirrored mats surrounded by vo-
Event co-chair Ann Nielson, Nu Omicron '65, Country music pianist Floyd Cramer starred in
chapter adviser at Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt, a benefit sponsored by the Nashville Alumnae
and Chris Abbay, Omicron '61, were among Chapter and Nu Omicron chapter, Vanderbilt
the scores of AOIIs who attended the Fall University. Nashville's newest hotel, the Van-
Finale. derbilt Plaza, was the scene of the dinner, con-
cert and dance with proceeds going to the Ar-
co-chairman; Mary Hartong, publicity; thritis Foundation.
Nancy Cheadle, hotel liaison; Caroline
McNeilly, decorations; Debbie Stillwell,
invitations; June Bogle, reservations; and
Sandra Duncan, treasurer. Millie Mur-
phy serves as president of the group.
Collegiate counterparts who served as
chairmen included Debbie DeWitt, chair-
Pianist Floyd Cramer donated his talents for Alumna publishes first novel
the concert which headlined the gala benefit to
show his appreciation for AOITs volunteer One Chi Delta alumna has had her first other sorority. It still maintains scholastic
services at his Pro-Celebrity golf tournament. published romance historical novel pub- excellence and I am so proud of them."
tive candles. Following the gourmet din- Kathy encourages AOIIs to dream and
ner, door prizes of condominium stays in Kathy Lynn Kramer, Chi Delta '64, work to reach those dreams.
Florida and the Carribean and weekends University of Colorado, is an executive
at area hotels were awarded to lucky secretary for an aerospace firm as well as "Dreams can be realized if you only
ticket holders. a professional vocalist. Her novel "Love's persevere," she said. "With faith in your-
Blazing Ecstasy" tells the story of a young self, help from those around you and
Country music legend Floyd Cramer Celtic woman and a Roman tribune in 60 hard work, goals can be accomplished.
and his band entertained the party-goers A.D.
with a concert of piano favorites. Cramer "Don't give up even when the going get
has been a long-time crusader for arthritis " I have always been a history buff and rough. Eventually you w i l l be a winner,"
endeavors both locally and nationally. this interest led me to try my hand at she stressed.
The Floyd Cramer Pro-Celebrity Golf writing," Kathy reported. " I did a great
Tournament held annually benefits the deal of research on both the Celts in Brit- Writing was Kathy's dream that be-
Arthritis Foundation. When contacted ain and the Roman Empire and the story came a reality.
about giving the concert for the AOII deals with the conflict of these two cul-
benefit, Cramer said he felt it was only tures." "Although my first manuscript was re-
natural for him to be involved since his jected, I would not give up and, instead,
ties with assisting arthritis-related causes Her AOII collegiate years still have that bounced right back with a second manu-
are so strong. His time and talents con- special place in this sister's heart. script," she said. " I was lucky to sell the
tributed to a memorable evening. second one but if I had not, I would have
" I always will be proud to be an A O I I , " gone on to my third and fourth . . .
And the evening wasn't over yet! Fol- Kathy said. "While going to the universi-
lowing the concert, "Nobody's Business," ty I nearly busted all the buttons off my "If someone wants something badly
Nashville-based band, played for danc- vest to find that our chapter had more enough and studies, works and strives, it
ing. A spectrum of musical styles from women on the Dean's List than did any w i l l be possible to obtain i t , " Kathy
The otter 'mom' . . .
Lambda Beta AOII aids special project
On a waterbed surrounded by a play be touched in order to survive. The intel- ficials organized 56 volunteers who keep
pen, at the newly opened Monterey Bay ligent, tool-using mammal lives in the the rigorous schedule of 24-hour care for
Aquarium, you can find Linda Parker ocean off the Pacific Coast f r o m Central seven days a week.
Haecher, Lambda Beta, Cal. State-Long California north to Alaska. It differs
Beach, carefully and lovingly grooming, f r o m river otters in its shape and habitat. Linda volunteers five days a week and
feeding and playing with a brand new 2% The pups are conceived, born and raised takes the all night duty on alternate Fri-
pound baby sea otter pup. The new baby in the ocean. After birth it is carried by days. The newest pup is truly Linda's
is the youngest of many she has moth- its mother face down on her stomach as baby, it was born a twin, abandoned and
ered. she swims on her back. She leaves it never knew its real mother. It was 12
alone only to gather necessary food. hours old when Linda started taking care
Linda, a fine arts major f r o m Cal State, of it. The Otters all have unique person-
has always loved animals. When she and
her husband retired f r o m army life to the "One cannot talk to her without becoming an
Monterey Peninsula, Linda volunteered otter fan."
to work at the prestigious Wild Life Cen-
ter of the Monterey County SPCA. The sea otter has no layer of blubber. alities and Linda is never without stories
Its unique fur prevents it from sinking. about their antics.
There was a long waiting list of volun- But the f u r must be groomed constantly
teers for the wild life center so Linda to prevent matting that would destroy its "Her enthusiasm is contagious," re-
worked for two years on the SPCA visi- bouyancy. The mothers usually have ported Carol Stoll Moller, Sigma '43,
tation program. This required taking ani- only one pup, should twins be born, one "One cannot talk to her without becom-
mals to visit shut-ins and the elderly. She pup is abandoned. ing an Otter fan. Thanks to Linda the Ot-
was finally called to work at the center ter Mama thousands of people are able to
and it was then that she began her work Linda was the first volunteer to be enjoy watching them at the Monterey
with abandoned Sea Otter pups. A t first called to the new Monterey Bay Aquari- Bay aquarium which is the largest aquari-
not much was known about caring for um to care for abandoned sea otter pups um in the world."
the pups so the babies did not survive for and raise them for display. Aquarium of-
long. N o w four years later much has
been learned about the techniques for
their care. The three otters at the aquari-
um have been raised f r o m pups by Linda
and the other volunteers who must keep
meticulous records on the otters for the
Department of Fish and Game.
The center discourages unnecessary
touching of animals and birds so that
they can be successfully returned to the
wild. The sea otter is different and must
Named director
Executive Board Director Melanie N .
Doyle, Lambda Sigma, has been named
executive director of Ballet Arkansas.
The organization was founded in 1979.
In addition to her responsibilities as a
member of the Executive Board, Melanie
is an active volunteer with the Arkansas
Arthritis Foundation and Arkansas Chil-
dren's Hospital.
Earns Honor
Bette Barker Taverner, Gamma '40, a Linda Haecher and Milk Dud. (Milk Dud was so named because she didn't like the milk given her
member of the board of trustees of the at first.)
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Founda-
tion, has been honored by the University 29
of Maine, Orono, with the presentation
of the Black Bear Award, one of the high-
est honors given to an alumna.
She was recognized for her sustained
record of service through the U M Alumni
AOn plays important role in arthritis fight
Alpha Omicron Pi has played a signifi- Over the years, Dr. Rothfield's contri- recognition and are judged by their peers
cant role in progress made in arthritis re- butions to lupus research have been nu- to be superior doctors in their fields.
search and in steadily improving medical merous. Her work in demonstrating the
care of its victims. Over a period of 17 necessity for kidney biopsies in the prog- AOTI can be very proud of its selection
years, its members have supported over nosis of lupus, and in investigating the re- of grant recipients and of its major con-
30 research fellows, of which 21 were lationship of anti-DNA antibodies and tribution to further the careers of bright
from the annual roster of Arthritis Foun- lupus flare-ups has been instrumental in young researchers who, over the years,
dation approved grantees. the better understanding of the disease. have been able to make a name for them-
selves and have distinguished themselves
Annual grants in support of arthritis "It used to be," according to Dr. in their work.
research made possible by a great variety Rothfield, "that most doctors were not
of fund raising projects by alumnae and aware of lupus and usually mistook it for "With substantial funding from or-
collegiate chapters throughout the coun- ganizations such as AOTI, the Arthritis
try, have ranged from $5,000 to $30,000
and have reached a total of $286,746 to "With substantial funding from organizations such as
date. AOII, The Arthritis Foundation has been able to further
the careers of many young and promising researchers"
Thirteen of AOII-supported arthritis re-
searchers have been women. Among other forms of arthritis or any number of Foundation has been able to further the
these, Dr. Naomi Fox Rothfield, the first ailments, depending on what form the careers of many young and promising re-
recipient of an AOII grant of $5,000 in disease took. But happily, times have searchers during the early stages of their
1968, has established herself as a bril- changed and today, doctors are much research training," said Ms. Marsha
liant, internationally recognized research- better informed about the disease and Jones, Vice President of Research Admin-
er and physician. what must be done to control it." istration of the Arthritis Foundation.
"Dr. Rothfield, as an established investi-
She is today one of the world authori- In a recent issue of Town and Country gator who today is making a major im-
ties on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus magazine which periodically publishes pact on the field of arthritis research and
(SLE), one of the most serious forms of guides to the best medical specialists and in care of people with arthritis, reflects
arthritis. specialty treatment centers, Dr. Rothfield the tremendous value of these training
is included among the 65 rheumatologists programs."
Dr. Rothfield is Professor of Medicine currently practicing in the U.S. and Puer-
and Chief of the Division of Rheumatic to Rico who have gained international
Diseases at the University of Medicine in
Farmington, Conn. She is Director of its n
Arthritis Foundation Clinical Research
Center where she treats monthly approxi- ?3
mately 30 patients with lupus and keeps •
records on 300 to 400 others. Many of
these travel great distances, often from •
foreign countries, to seek help at the
Center. t
Lupus is not a well known disease, or a {
well-documented one, but it is by no
means rare. It is nine times more com- ri
mon in women—usually occurring dur- i
ing child-bearing years—than in men. A I
disease of the immune system, its cause Dr. Naomi Rothfield, chief, Division of Rheumatic Diseases at the University of Connecticut
and cure still elude medical science. L u - Health Center, Farmington, Conn., is shown (bottom left) with members of her faculty, research
pus today is rarely fatal, but it was only and office staff.
as recently as the late 1940's that a person
suffering from it could hope to survive.
"Perhaps the best way to describe lu-
pus," says Dr. Rothfield, "is a multi-
system disease which occurs when one's
antibodies are directed against oneself. It
can affect various organs in the body, in-
cluding kidneys, heart, lungs, brain, spi-
nal cord, even the blood itself. Patients
suffering from lupus must take many pre-
cautions against infection because it se-
verely weakens the body's defenses. In
spite of it, lupus patients can, and do,
lead relatively normal lives, provided
they have close medical supervision for
the rest of their lives . . . It takes a lot of
education and support, but it can be
Villanova local sorority
joins AOII sisterhood
The Villanova University Panhellenic Following the ceremony, the new AOII " . . . P i Beta Delta has
Rush Booklet described the women of Pi colony members hosted a campus recep- become a part of the larger
Beta Delta local sorority as sisters who tion attended by university administra- family of AOII."
shared a variety of social, academic and tors, IFC and NPC delegates and officers.
athletic interests . . . a group which Peggy M c G o v e r n , president, assisted 31
stressed closeness in the sisterhood. with the festivities.
But the sisters felt that they were miss- A lifelong commitment to sisterhood is
ing the important ingredient of lifelong what A O I I is all about and an outstand-
commitment to a national organization ing group of Villanova women has ac-
and began the process of finding that cepted the opportunity to share this com-
group which shared similar philosophies mitment with others.
. . . and Alpha Omicron Pi came up the
winner! AOFI now joins the four NPC
groups already represented on campus.
Holding the distinction of being the
second sorority on campus, the group
was organized in 1977 and has consistent-
ly taken top campus honors. The sisters
take pride in their accomplishment of
having won Greek Week since the sorori-
ty's inception.
The women of Pi Beta Delta became a
part of the larger family of AOII during
the colonization ceremonies held Nov.
16. Kris Burfeind, Regional Extension Of-
ficer I , coordinated the plans with local
alumnae Jeanne Guiliano, president of
the Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter and
Kim McGowan, the colony adviser.
The colony ceremony was led by Pub-
lic Relations Coordinator Diane Doug-
lass, who represented the International
Headquarters. Andrea Schwartz and Jill
Eggebraaten, chapter consultant, assisted
with the ceremony.
Join the AOII journey to
Washington, D.C., June
28—July 3 as we move
"Toward Tomorrow
SEND TO A O n Headquarters, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, TN 37215
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