Adam Alexander, Courtney Dillard’s brother,
is all smiles after receiving a care package
packed with his beloved Sun Drop.
Mary Catherine Stewart saw the need to boost
the morale of her brother’s unit while they were
deployed in Iraq. Her desire to bring them a little
comfort from home has now evolved into the AOII
Sisters for Soldiers initiative. She is pictured at
right with her brother Army Captain Bryan Stewart.
There are few feelings more helpless than kissing was deployed to Iraq. After hearing of
the morale-boosting need in her
a loved-one good-bye as they board a plane for brother’s unit, Mary Catherine began
an overseas military deployment. My family and sending care packages that had a bit
I were thrust into the middle of this helplessness of twist. In addition to including the basic
when my brother left with his unit of Marines in necessities, she would always add golf balls, games,
early 2003. The months following his departure remote –controlled cars, or Auburn memorabilia
were littered with sleepless nights, constant anxiety to help boost spirits.
and worry from his stateside family. To say that
I have a soft-spot for the loved ones of military Needless to say, Mary Catherine’s initial packages were
servicemen and women is a gross understatement. a hot commodity in her brother’s unit! Mary Catherine
ultimately rallied her AOII Delta Delta sisters, and invited
A former Educational Leadership Consultant and the Auburn community to join their efforts.
now Assistant Director of Resource Development
for AOII, Mary Catherine Stewart is another Everyone responded and a few months later, over
person who understands. She’s a helper and a 1,800 care packages were sent to military troops
team-player, and she manages to do everything stationed overseas. Our Founders encouraged
with a smile and a wit about her that keeps those us over one hundred years ago to let our light
around her in stitches. I’m not sure whether it’s shine brightly to the world around us—Sisters for
Mary Catherine’s consistent punctuality or her Soldiers was doing just that.
ability to spell and use words like “alpha, foxtrot,
charlie,” to make you realize that she grew up in a Mary Catherine’s idea reminded me of the
military family. painstaking measure that I used to go through
to mail my brother his favorite drink, Sun Drop,
While brainstorming for AOII’s next service halfway across the world while he was in Iraq. I
initiative within our “PR in a Box” program, got it, and the more opinions we gathered, we
Mary Catherine began to share about an initiative realized that many AOIIs had endured the same
that she had developed while serving on the issues first hand. By embracing this project, we
Panhellenic Council at Auburn University called knew AOII had the ability to make an impact on
“Sisters for Soldiers.” While she was a student,
Mary Catherine’s older brother, an Army captain,
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2011 To Dragma • 51
Help support our
Team AOII members at Oklahoma State University rallied around our effort to support our deployed military troops by donating and filling
dozens of boxes for the Veterans Day event!
these soldiers and joined forces with a non-profit organization, For two days, members of the Greek community, student
Soldiers’ Angels, which specializes in sending care packages leadership organizations, administrators, staff and students
overseas. AOII is proud to partner with this volunteer-based brought boxes full of goodies for our armed servicemen and
organization comprised of motivated mothers, fathers, sisters, women. In cooperation, OSU and AOII filled boxes to ship
brothers, and self-less citizens who help to ensure that “no soldier to a Soldiers’ Angels warehouse in Texas where they were
is forgotten.” So after a myriad of details, briefings, and logistics, distributed overseas in various camps throughout Kuwait, Iraq,
what started as a campus-based initiative founded by one AOII’s and Afghanistan. What an amazing way to begin a new
desire to honor the service of her brother would then expand to chapter experience!
our entire organization.
“This community has been so welcoming to AOII—and not just
Sisters for Soldiers was released to collegiate and alumnae our organization, but our ideals and our initiatives,” said Tracy
chapters in early November 2011. As part of our PR in a Box Ottey, Educational Leadership Consultant on-site at Oklahoma
initiatives, AOII leaders received a manual which detailed State University throughout the fall term. “Sisters for Soldiers
how to organize the event, how to promote the event, and is a compelling cause, and the campus community at OSU has
how to ensure its success. Chapter leaders were supplied with been so supportive and receptive to joining our efforts!”
promotional artwork in the form of logos, postcards, t-shirts,
flyers, advertisements, and signs to promote their local Sisters for While OSU students were supporting Sisters for Soldiers in
Soldiers events to encourage participation from local campus and Stillwater, Oklahoma, local alumnae and collegians in the
community organizations and leaders. With the new initiative immediate areas surrounding AOII’s International Headquarters
released, AOII was already working to show our support and in Brentwood, Tennessee were collecting boxes as well. During
celebrate Veteran’s Day on November 11, 2011, with Sisters for the collection time on Veterans Day, the Sisters for Soldiers event
Soldiers events in two locations: Oklahoma State University and at AOII’s Headquarters collected 55 boxes for Soldiers’ Angels.
at AOII’s International Headquarters in Brentwood, Tennessee. Additionally, after reaching out to AOII’s vendors, our generous
printing friends at Copy Solutions gave a financial contribution
Because AOII will be proudly colonizing a new chapter at that allowed AOII to include international military calling cards
Oklahoma State University in January, 2012, we reached out to in 32 individual boxes.
the OSU community for assistance in our new endeavor. Their
generous and supportive response was amazing. Local AOII Through events like Sisters for Soldiers, AOII is working to
alumnae, staff, and members of the OSU student community, empower local chapters to plan and execute successful service
serving on Team AOII, set up a booth for drop-off on November events by providing a comprehensive list of guidelines, timelines
10th and 11th in the OSU common area of the Library Lawn.
52 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2011
A member of Oklahoma State’s ROTC stops by the Sisters for Soldiers booth CARE PACKAGE IDEAS
to show his appreciation and support. • Magazines, Books, Cross word puzzles
• Small drink mix packets
and promotional materials that help each chapter to e ectively • Candy that will not melt
conduct service initiatives. Taking the time to plan an • Trail mix
organized event will result in more e ective promotions, • T-shirts, Pajama Pants, Gym Shorts
a higher participation, and ultimately a more successful • Any college-themed t-shirts (Soldiers enjoy having
philanthropic endeavor.
something “not military” to put on during down time.)
The Sisters for Soldiers campaign is just one example of how • Board games (Checkers, Chess, Monopoly, etc.)
one motivated and passionate sister can take an idea and use it to • Golf balls and tees
the bene t of thousands. We are so appreciative to the military • Frisbees, footballs, soccer balls, used bats and softballs
men and women and their families for their sacri ces, and we • Decks of cards
are excited to show them AOII’s support. We encourage you to • Used movies and games from rental stores
contact your local alumnae or collegiate chapter to see how you • Anything remote controlled...planes, helicopters, cars etc.
can conduct a Sisters for Soldiers event in your local area. For
more information about Sisters for Soldiers, please visit: www. (It doesn’t have to be anything big and fancy. These can be and click on “service” or contact Courtney found at a low cost at Walgreens, CVS, etc).
Dillard at [email protected]. • Water balloons, sling shots
• Calendars
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2011 • Air fresheners for rooms and trucks
To Dragma • 53
{ }Part 4 in a 4 Part Series
Stella George Stern Perry
by Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Founder
Parts 1-3 of this series were written by Stella Perry and published in the previous three
issues of To Dragma. Stella referred to this series of biographies as “Three Founders
-By The Fourth.” The only mention of herself in the series humbly reads:
Stella. Commonly known to the Founders as Stelladear. And that’s glory enough for
anybody. The Founder who yields to the others in all things but in her love for you all.
Stella George Stern Perry was born and brought connected with the well known New York firms of
up in New Orleans. In 1894, she came to New John Wanamaker and B. Altman & Co. She also
York City to enter Barnard College, at that time in conducted an advertising agency. Incidentally she
its original quarters, a made-over dwelling house was laying the foundations of her present career by
at 343 Madison Avenue. Since the class of ‘98 of writing childrens’ stories and verse and by making
which she was a member numbered only twenty- the acquaintance of her future husband, George
two, she, in common with the rest of the class, had Hough Perry. She also did special newspaper work
the great opportunity of a closer association with and edited a woman’s magazine.
instructors than is possible in most of the colleges
of today. Upon her marriage she devoted her spare time to
writing of a purely literary character, beginning
Such an atmosphere was favorable for the with childrens’ stories. She has contributed many
development of initiative, and it is perhaps for that stories, articles and poems to St. Nicholas, and has
reason that she had the courage and the vision written the following children’s books: "Go-to-
that made her the prime mover in founding Sleep," "When Mother Lets Us Cat," "The Kind
Alpha O. She was also interested in the Southern Adventure," "The Clever Mouse," "Little Bronze
Club, instituted at about the same time, and in Playfellows," and "Girl’s Nest." Most of them are
various other societies. As was natural, she shone for very little children: "The Kind Adventure" and
particularly in her literary work and had at that "The Girl’s Nest" are the sort that girls of ten and
time already developed the artistic conscience to thereabouts read themselves with great enthusiasm
a high degree. In her junior year she was elected and then pass around among their girl chums till
Art Editor of the Mortarboard and as a senior was they are worn out in the service.
chosen Class Poet.
Mrs. Perry lived for some time after her marriage
On leaving college, she continued to show in Hackensack, N.J. While there she served on the
initiative in her choice of occupation. When the Relief Committee of the New Jersey Child Labor
large majority of college graduates were turning Committee, as Legislative Secretary of the NJ
to school teaching as the quickest and surest means Consumers’ League, and as Volunteer Inspector of
of earning at least a modest livelihood, she entered Labor, appointed by Woodrow Wilson.
the business world as an advertising writer and was
54 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2011
S el de r
Stella’s contributions to Alpha
Omicron Pi are limitless. She was the
rst President of Alpha Chapter, rst
President of Alpha Omicron Pi and
served as Historian and a member
of the Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry
Committee for life. Known to her
friends as Stelladear, Stella Perry
was the last of AOII’s Founders to
pass away. She died in her home in
Brooklyn on November 7, 1956.
Later she spent several years in California. In reception throughout the country fully justi ed
San Francisco, her husband was a Director of the his faith. "Palmetto" could only have been written
Panama Paci c Exposition and she herself served by one who knew and loved New Orleans and
on the Woman’s Board. Here too, in 1915, her the coast and bayou region near by. The eld
pageant, All the Children, was produced under the has been practically untouched in literature, and
auspices of the National Child Labor Committee. the descriptions are therefore unusual. Moreover
She also wrote the O cial Guild (handbook) to they awaken an answering appreciation in the
the Sculpture and Murals of the Panama Paci c reader because they are seen through an artist’s eye
International Exposition, and in collaboration with and transcribed by a loving pen. The characters
A. Sterling Calder, The Sculpture and Murals of are lifelike and appealing, and the story is full of
the Exposition. interest and excitement. The whole book, while it
shows a wide experience of actual human nature,
Previous to her return to New York in 1920, is full of the spirit of idealism. It is rumored that
Mrs. Perry had written only two works of ction Mrs. Perry has other novels in contemplation
for grown-ups, "Melindy" and "The Angel of and it is to be hoped that her next will soon be
Christmas." At that time she achieved the great forthcoming. She has also recently written the
distinction of having her rst novel accepted by her scenario of a modern drama to be produced by
publisher when it was only partially written. Its Norma Talmadge.
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2011 To Dragma • 55
Fromthe Archives September 19, 1941
These love letters from Stella Perry to her husband There have been neither days nor years,
were found in a tattered old scrapbook that once No dated calendars, nor pasts,
belonged to the Perrys. She and George Perry But just the loving that endears
were married on September 19, 1906. Stella The more the longer that it lasts;
presented her 1916 and 1941 original poems as And you are neither old nor young
anniversary gifts to her husband, but the 1948 Nor subject to a numbered chart,
piece was written as a tribute after his death. But, as a song forever sung
By rivers in the forest’s heart,
And as the sun is ever new
That blesses every morning’s life,
My song, my sun, forever you
Unchange, dear husband to Your Wife.
September 19, 1948
To My husband,
Another year upon the lonely way,
Lonely and yet enriched. For every day
I feel your absence in an empty earth
But feel your presence too, in newer birth,
Newer and nearer, though so far away;
The nearness true, -- or so I ask and pray, --
The absence not an absence, though the sight,
The touch, the closeness in the day and night,
Are groped for, longed for. Yet a halcyon spell
In ways ineffable and blessed tell
That in the aching absence you are here,
To share, to solace and support, my dear,
With understanding more than long ago
When eye to eye explained and made it so.
The help me walk as you are walking too,
Beneficent in paths I walk with you,
And let us serve together as of yore
And love rejoice in longing more and more,
In longing bring oneness to be known
Through years forever, never more alone, --
Together, though apart, the suffering shine,
The suffering lifted by your hand in mine.
56 • To Dragma Issue no.1 Fall/Winter 2011
My Wife, Stella Perry
Your editor asks me to “write something” about my wife, Stella Perry, but
doesn’t specify what. Thus given a free rein, I find the assignment tough
because of the very inspiration that the subject has for me. I cannot be
adequate to this, but here’s a part of it:
To begin with, her portraiture from my view-point (if that is what is wanted)
is made difficult by her “infinite variety.” She is more kinds of a good woman
than anyone else I have ever known. Of course, all women are many-sided, but
I think that my particular jewel has more than the usual number of facets and,
to me at least, they all seem flawless. If that sounds fulsome, I can’t help it.
She is, simultaneously, all woman, all poet, all idealist and all-practical. She
can write a poem with one hand and a marketing-list with the other and they
will both be good. She can feel more intensely over more things in a day than
I can in a year, but she is not - thanks be! - an “intense” woman, save in her
affections and loyalties. Her deepest depths are never somber nor is her keen
appreciation of the humorous ever dulled by her emotions.
If you have read any of her poems, you know something of the loftiness and
purity of her thought. If you have read her novels, you have felt her strength.
But - you should also taste her cooking!
Her dominant characteristics, I think, are her passion for
truth, the intensity of her affections and the permanence of
her loyalties. Friendship is as much a part of her being as
her breathing, and as life-enduring. But, hand-in-hand with
a love for all creation - especially children, beauty, art and
AOII - is a flaming hatred for anything resembling deceit,
injustice or cruelty that often becomes highly articulate.
This, however, only as to the sin - never the sinner. In all
our lives together I have never heard her say an unkind word
of, or to, an individual.
She is very easy to get along with on matters of mere
opinion. But as to matters which she considers principles
and as to matters touching her loyalties - well, it is lucky for
her that the obdurate are no longer burned. She is of the
stuff of which at least a dozen martyrs could be made.
Add to the above a merry heart, a vast tenderness and a
keen, splendidly trained intellect and you will get some idea
of what I, at least, think of her. And if you knew how long
we had been married you would admit that I shouldn’t have
any illusions, now.
As written for To Dragma by her husband, George Hough Perry
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2011 To Dragma • 57
With grateful appreciation, AOII recognizes the following new
members who joined between July 21 and Nov. 30, 2011
Alpha Delta Beta Lambda Delta Beta Epsilon Sigma Kappa Gamma
Lydia Denson Staples Lorrie Johnson Leahigh Katie Simon Leigh Hornsey Riney Heather Melms
Caitlin Corsetti Tyler Laville Magruder Judith White Mann
Beta Phi Gamma
Alpha Gamma Delta Delta Kappa Lambda
Suzanne Blice Gould Harriet Riley Cederstrom
Simone Scialdo Krasan Maxine Lapin Farnsworth Murray Anita McCoy Cheryl Benoit
Arline Gauthu Bruehl Anne Smith Kirkwood Marcia Tatum Overstreet Gamma Alpha Marit Sandstad
Katherine Krick Price Jane Schauer Reedy
Beta Zeta Dot Rohmer Thomas Tamara Fischer-White Kappa Omega
Alpha Lambda Brooke Burcham Christielee Fischetti
Lauren Fishman Alesia Blackwell Hosley Liz Greenwell
Shannon Halstead Bethany Downey Gamma Beta Markia Alexander
Delta Epsilon
Alpha Nu Chi Delta Anne Hinkel Rohrbach Kappa Omicron
Heather Miller
Claire Chapel Megan Pratt Paula McConathy Gamma Delta Heather George
Alpha Omicron Deb Numer Retzloff Becky Whaley Ozment Jessica Wilhoit
Sandy Torres Brechtel Joanna Garner Burleson Kelsey Dean
Chi Lambda Delta Omega Brooke Riddle
Alpha Pi Kappa Rho
Jessi Kraemer Sheila Koltveit Priest Gamma Omicron
Gail Hibbe Ewing Rebecca Shipley Ziga Joan McGinness Arnold Joyce Nevaril Sustr
Martha Baumrucker Galek Jessica Cherry Naber Betty Edwards Kinner Maryfern Roos Thomas
Chi Omicron Beverly Nelson Utley Erin LeClair Sandy Kubitz Tomlinson
Alpha Rho Mary Ellen Beck Millhouse Melissa Jones Judy Schindler Johnston
Sharon Lester Linda Elaine Edwards
Laura Seacat Sherrill Delta Rho Caryl Davis Lane Kappa Sigma
Chi Pi Ashley Baka Harding
Alpha Tau Dominique Buonicore Molly O’Flanagan
Joanne Rizzo Silva Gamma Sigma
Vera McManaman Rowell Delta Sigma Kappa Tau
Chi Psi June Oglesby Rogers
Beta Chi Kate Ruffo Kelly Swartzfager
Chrissy Gross Amanda LeVan Gamma Theta Marcela Spicuzza
Carol Lynn Matthews Helayne Culotta Abston
Chi Theta Delta Tau Melissa Blevins Gayle Robinson Miller
Beta Gamma Courtney Rogers
Gina Marshall Kimberly Diane Dunson Lambda Beta
Sandra Obeshaw Slee Iota
Barbara Verral Stowitts Delta Delta Theta Carla Kramer Jesse
Alayne Joan Richards Marilyn Piech Carter Kaitlyn Gricar
Jenna Strauss Liz Kuchta Liz Pelletier Kasie Dorr
Sarah Mitacek Jan Durham Lefferdink
Delta Xi
Iota Alpha Lambda Chi
Kristina Lawyer
Susan E. Connelly Joanna Meyer
Epsilon Karen Popplewell Graves Laura Cummings
Barbara DeYoung Gibson Iota Sigma Lambda Eta
Epsilon Alpha Janet Mackereth Reardon Krista Siegert
Liz Gray
Hallie Goosenberg Lambda Iota
Carolyn Mihalick Garanich Iota Tau
Brenda Bachman Sandra Tursi Riggs
Janet Corrine Brandt
Epsilon Chi Lambda Sigma
Kappa Alpha
Jill Soscia Kathy Wigington Culpepper
Rose Marie Lynch Elyse Hart
Epsilon Gamma Vicki Lee Dietz Natalie King Clapp
MaryAnne Morgan McAdams
Susan Davis Kappa Chi Jane Hoelzer White
Sydney Keller
Lambda Tau Phi I am Life Loyal
Becky Bridges Martin Janice Rufenacht Parsons Peg Karmer Crawford, Iota (U of Illinois)
Cecie Wood Hopkins Helen Calkins Kurtz
Life Loyal AOII Member
Lambda Upsilon Phi Delta
My initiation into Iota Chapter was in January
Tristan Marconi-Gromek Lynne Ann Ferger 1945, and so for 67 years, I have enjoyed the
benefits of being an AOII. That’s a lot of years.
Mu Lambda Phi Sigma
An Iota sister arranged a blind date for me with
Lauren Bacon Katy Flentie my SAE future husband. When we moved to
Debra Allen Bacon Jennifer Evans Dankert Denver, Colorado for my husband, Dick, to go to
Law School, the first thing I did was to contact
Nu Pi the Denver Alumnae Chapter. I traveled with
them to help Chi Delta recruit and also went to
Miriam Paliwoda Moody Margaret Noble Nelsen an International Convention. Upon moving back
Michelle Monnett to Illinois, I became involved again with a local
Nu Beta alumnae chapter. When it came time to find a job,
Pi Delta I called on an AOII sister who was a doctor. She
Gretchen Mueller recommended me for my research position at the
Kori Daniels Casey Gresh University of Chicago which I held for 31 years.
Dianna McGowan
Hayley Hallberg Pi Kappa Meanwhile, I had the good fortune to be elected to the AOII Executive Board and then
Lexi Schneider International President. It was a wonderful journey. When we have the count down at
Ethel Wiest Hetrick convention for how many conventions we have attended, and I am still standing at 30, I
Nu Iota Barbara Grant Schliebe hear a gasp go up. Believe me, I am just as amazed.
Kathleen Wallburg Shaw Pi Theta When I think about all the fabulous women I’ve been privileged to meet, know, and work
Karen Nelson Ihrig with, I am in awe. When I think about all the opportunities for growth and development I
Bettie Griffin Hasser Aracelys Cherie Diaz have experienced, I am so grateful. When I think of the travel I have done which expanded
Johanna Bayona my general knowledge, I feel so indebted.
Nu Lambda
Rho No wonder I feel it’s important to be a Life Loyal AOII Member. I want women for
Mona Al-Haddad generations to come to have the same wonderful AOII life that I have had.
Rosanne McGuire Patricia Colbert
Carol Levonian Wright Christine Goering Billies Sigma Rho Theta Omega Xi
Therese Hurtado Boyle
Beverly Wood Freeman Rho Delta Dr. Janeen Kovacevic Savannah French Taryn Hinderland
MaryLou Ford Falkard Robin Maril
Cara Thomas Sigma Tau Theta Pi Liz Muth
Nu Omicron Adrienne Darby Hannah Morris
Kouri Coleman Miller Kathy Perricone Kleinlein Ariana Cerreta
Sarah Creekmore Woodall Rho Omicron Elise Lawrence Caragine
Iolis Robbins Carruthers Alice Torovsky Johnson Theta Psi Xi Omicron
Ingrid Rodriguez-Fierro Haley Wilder
Martha Hellman Tau Leslie Rigal Braat Jordan Mooney
Lucy Plegge Sigma Alison Zupancic Katie Richard
Cindy Collins Randolph Margaret Childs Heitlinger Kathy Ann Fretter
Kelly Smith Tara Nemcik Zeta
Omega Jo Weger Richards Tau Delta
Louise Kramer Mills Upsilon Ruth Govier Brush
Ruth Brandeberry Schaffner Maria Ostovic Kathy Ashworth Judith Mikkleson Stuthman
Mary Ann Akers Welch Claudia Whitnah Mary Ann Cannon Rasmussen Nancy Defreese Domagala
Helen Danaher Lancaster Margaret Furguson Chaffee Tau Gamma Susanne Wakefield, PhD Maggie Abbott
Jo Ann Hallberg Vandervort Janet Pond Wright Alana Kay Willens
Omega Omicron Rachel Felgenhauer
Sigma Chi Upsilon Alpha Zeta Pi
Jessie Sumners Tau Lambda
Melissa Miller Parks Kate Smith Lora Strachan Erica Wilson
Marilyn Lewis Neenan Kate Moore Stacey Leh Reifsnyder Sharon Dieringer Campbell
Joyce McKean Weaver Chandra Yeoman Whaley Zeta Psi
Omicron Stephanie Dambrosio Tau Omicron Lynn Helmke
Barbara Cirulis Lipscomb
Nancy Virginia Rowland Sigma Omicron Melanie Morris Upsilon Lambda Autumn Bullock Collier
Julie Martin Altenbach Scarlett Butner Marsha Evans Wade
Joann Beavin Thombs Barbara Marconi Curry Paige Elizondo Elizabeth Martinez Chelsea Del Valle
Carolyn Drew Province Betty Luck Hazlewood Kristin Marie Juarez
Omicron Pi
Sigma Phi Theta
Jo Piercy McDonnell
Ashley Harrier Roberta Suzanne Brice
Pamela Harbin Abbott Garnet Schafer
Leanne Vincent
Kylie Silva
In Stella’s Own Words
For more than 50 years, Founders’ Day messages from Stella Perry were a
cherished AOII tradition -- a written reminder of the true meaning of our
fraternity. The message Stella wrote for Founders’ Day 1956 was penned
just a few days before her death on November 6th of that year. That message
began with a one-stanza poem she had written many years earlier, then
continues with, “Now, let me add, for this Founders’ Day, another simple
stanza, with my grateful, confident love.” This is likely the last poem written
by Stella George Stern Perry - AOII Founder and poet.
Alpha Omicron Pi
Of my rich youth, as bright as gold,
To you I gave a part;
And now I never can grow old,
Because you bring, a thousandfold,
My youth back to my heart.
In your rich youth is banked my own,
Pray treasure it in fee
And take the interest it has shown,
The golden roses it has grown,
Forever yours, from me.
60 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2011
A tribute to Kim McCollom My Sister, My Friend IYOW
So many sisters, so many memories, so many You are my sister that stands by my side, These submissions were
times my heart has been touched. Deep Whenever the good times go sour. selected from our request
treasured friendships made along the way. Peers The Rose Ball, 09, when you wanted to hide, for “Original poems that
and mentors abound. I held your hand, as you did mine, honor an AOII sister.”
We talked all night after bringing you flowers. Here are two of our favorites!
One special woman I can always lean on in
good times and in bad. Fun times, road trips, The summer you studied abroad was rough, by Kristina Dimulias
recruitment workshops. Hours on the telephone But I wrote you letters daily.
laughing about nothing and everything. Without you the house was ridiculously tough, Delta Sigma
Some of the chapter gave me guff,
I have found a friend but more importantly a Because they thought I was failing.
sister for life. You are truly an inspiration to me.
I am so thankful our paths have crossed and so Spending every second with you,
blessed to have you in my life. Truly gave college some meaning.
The memories that we both knew,
by Celia Reed Were slowly but surely decreasing.
Alpha Kappa Now the time has come that we’ve grown apart,
Living our separate lives.
In Your Just know that you are still in my heart,
Cherished through all time.
Own Words
In Your Own Words is your chance to share your thoughts and opinions with
other AOIIs, as well as an opportunity to be a published author. For the Spring
2012 issue, we invite you read the “Living Our Ritual” article in this issue, then
submit your own “30-second elevator blurb” answering the question posed in that
article, “What does AOII mean to you?”
Selected entries will appear in the Spring issue of To Dragma.
Submit articles by e-mail to To Dragma • 61
[email protected]
by March 1, 2012. Include your
full name, chapter, telephone
number and e-mail address in
your e-mail submission.
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2011
Securing the Future of Alpha Omicron Pi
FOCUS AREA: Establish a new brand campaign
Goal: The AOII Foundation brand (logo, mission, vision) is recognizable to all members.
Goal: The AOII Foundation promotional materials (e.g. brochures, website) accurately reflect
the most current brand and programs and utilize cutting-edge technology.
Goal: Increase member awareness of critical need for loyalty fund giving.
FOCUS AREA: Expand the Donor Base
Goal: Increase donor base to 5 percent of alumnae members in good standing.
Goal: Increase donor retention 50 percent.
FOCUS AREA: Achieve and Ensure Fiscal Responsibility
Goal: Annual giving supports the operating expenses of the Foundation.
Goal: Achieve 3 percent return on investment.
Goal: Establish draw rate of 3½ percent to 5 percent.
Goal: Establish funding opportunities with AOII Properties.
Goal: Research and plan a planned giving program.
FOCUS AREA: Increase support of Scholarship, Leadership Development
and Educational Opportunities
Goal: Increase number of fully endowed academic scholarships to meet the needs of our membership.
Goal: Increase funding to provide quality leadership and educational programming.
FOCUS AREA: Strengthen Partnership with and awareness of
Arthritis Foundation/Juvenile Arthritis
Goal: Encourage increased collegiate and alumnae connections with local Arthritis Foundation entities.
Goal: Effectively communicate to and educate our membership about the various programs and possible
opportunities for support of the Arthritis Foundation and Juvenile Arthritis.
Goal: Develop strategic planning at a leadership level with the Arthritis Foundation for a stronger partnership.
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is committed to enhancing the lives of our members
and Securing the Future of our Fraternity through leadership development, scholarships
and philanthropic endeavors.
62 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2011
AOII Foundation wins major
Arthritis Foundation Award
AOII Foundation President Cindy Visot accepts the Floyd B. Odlum The fraternity’s members exhibit
Making A Difference Award from Colleen and Caitlyn Ryan. their commitment to be servant
leaders as they raise funds for
arthritis research through the
AOII Foundation, the philanthropic
arm of the organization. Since
1967, the Alpha Omicron Pi
Foundation has raised more than
$2 million in the quest to conquer
arthritis once and for all. Much
of these funds are raised through
AOII’s signature event, Strike
Out Arthritis!, in which many of
our collegiate and alumnae
chapters and members work
creatively to fundraise and
create awareness about this
devastating disease.
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation has been The Floyd B. Odlum Making A Difference
honored as the 2011 recipient of The Arthritis Award was established in honor of
Foundation’s Floyd B. Odlum Making A Floyd B. Odlum, the first chairman of
Difference Award. the Arthritis Foundation’s board of trustees.
Representatives from the Alpha Omicron
The Floyd B. Odlum Making A Difference Pi Foundation and Fraternity accepted
Award recognizes major contributions and the award on November 18th in
achievements that have advanced the mission Beverly Hills, California.
of the Arthritis Foundation and honors an
individual, organization, corporation or On behalf of Alpha Omicron Pi, we
government agency that has helped to make a congratulate each member of AOII for your
difference in the lives of people and families contributions to the Arthritis Foundation...together
with arthritis. AOII was selected as this year’s we are making a difference!
recipient due to the generous support to the
Arthritis Foundation nationwide from AOII’s
collegians, alumnae and donors.
AOII Foundation Executive Director - Barbie Chadwick
The AOII Foundation Board is pleased to announce that Barbie Chadwick has accepted the
position of AOII Foundation Executive Director. Prior to joining the Foundation Sta part
time in 2009 as the Operations and Technology Manager, Barbie ran a consulting company
where she worked with non-pro ts on development of capital campaigns, annual giving
programs and other stewardship activities/programs. She also assisted in the development
of data management processes and has been a valuable asset to the Foundation in this area.
Barbie’s resume also includes three years of service on Gamma Phi Beta’s International
Council. AOII Foundation Board President Cindy Visot said, “With over 25 years of experience in the marketing and
development eld, we welcome Barbie as a valuable asset to our team. I am con dent that she will provide the Foundation with
the management leadership needed to advance our vision of Securing AOII’s Future!”
Picture Yourself a Winner!
The AOII Foundation awards scholarships to deserving undergraduate, graduate
and returning alumnae members each year - so why not you? Scholarships
are awarded from the Diamond Jubilee Endowment as well as several named
scholarship funds. The AOII Foundation awarded more than $70,000 to 58
recipients for the 2011-2012 academic year - the most ever! Applications for the
2012-2013 academic year are due by March 1, 2012. Get focused and apply today!
Named Scholarships
Alpha Tau Chapter Scholarship
Alumnae Chapter Honor Scholarship
The Angels of Kappa Theta Memorial Scholarship
Barbara Kohler - Tau Chapter Scholarship
Carey Griner Memorial - Kappa Kappa Chapter Scholarship
Carole Jurenko Jones – Alpha Delta Chapter Scholarship
Caroline Craig Lazzara Scholarship
Dottie Leek - Nu Omicron Chapter Scholarship
Helen Haller Scholarship
Iota Chapter Scholarship
Iota Sigma Endowed Scholarship
Jasmine Queen - Sigma Tau Chapter Scholarship
Jennifer Combs - Chi Lambda Chapter Scholarship
Joleen Heibert Fields - Delta Omega Scholarship
Kappa Gamma Chapter Scholarship
Karen Tucker Centennial Scholarship
Kerri Keith Memorial - Gamma Sigma Chapter Scholarship
Langston/Purdy - Lambda Sigma/Alpha Delta Chapters Scholarship
Laura Gilliam McDowell Scholarship
Lou Meginness Couch - Sigma Omicron Chapter Scholarship
Martha McKinney Wilhoite - Theta Chapter Scholarship
Muriel T. McKinney Scholarship
Nancy McCain Memorial Scholarship
Nu Iota Scholarship in Memory of Julia V. Nelson and
in Honor of Elaine Nelson Mackenzie
Paula Jones Salter Memorial - Nu Beta Chapter Scholarship
Rachel Allen-Alpha Chi Chapter Scholarship
Rho Chapter Scholarship
Rho Omicron Chapter Scholarship
Robert and Eleanore MacCurdy Scholarship
San Diego Alumnae Chapter Honor Scholarship
Dina D’Gerolamo - Kappa Tau Chapter Scholarship
Diamond Jubilee Foundation Scholarships
DJF Scholarships are also available to undergraduate,
graduate and returning alumnae students
Visit the AOII Foundation website at for more
information on scholarship criteria and the application process.
64 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2011
AWWtOfaoooInrrItk? BEdeucocmaetiaonn: al
Educational Leadership Consultants (ELCs) are hired each spring to serve as AOII’s
ambassadors, liaisons, and educators for a nine-month period from late July through late
April. Working in cooperation with fraternity volunteers and International Headquarters staff
members, these positions offer recent graduates the opportunity to travel across the United
States and Canada to provide one-on-one comprehensive operational support to all of our
collegiate chapters.
After completing a four-week long training program in late summer, the ELCs are prepared to
begin their once-in-a-lifetime journeys with ongoing support from staff and volunteers along
the way. While the ELC Program is aiding in AOII’s desire to create the most meaningful
collegiate experience possible for every member, it doesn’t take each consultant long to
realize that the program is equally as rewarding to her.
Reasons Why You Should Apply
Temple Crain Stevenson, Omicron Jill Marie Eggebraaten Delorey, # of women who have
(U of Tennessee) traveled in 1983- Lambda Iota (U of California, San traveled for AOII since
1984 and says she learned “flexibility, Diego) traveled for the fraternity in our first traveling secretary
adaptability and problem solving skills” 1984-85. She credits her experience
during her year of traveling. Accurately in adapting to new environments, was hired in 1944:
accessing situations on the fly, like handling different people and
those she encountered on the road, understanding the endless needs of 223
have since served her well at Procter a frequent traveler with her successful
& Gamble Distributing Company. P&G stint in the hospitality industry. Before # of ELC chapter visits
was the first company she worked moving to Hong Kong with her expected to be made during
for after her travels and she is now a family nine years ago, Jill served as the the 2011-2012 school year:
successful sales manager. Chef Concierge of the Santa Barbara
Biltmore Hotel, and more recently as 150+
the Opening Chef Concierge for the
Ritz Carlton Hotel in Los Angeles.
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2011 To Dragma • 65
Joan Piper Shepherd, Sigma Rho (Slippery What they do now?
Rock) claims to have “accumulated a bank
of personal and interpersonal skills from Communications • Advertising • Legal
which I still draw, 35 years later.” When she Professionals • Insurance • Commercial
traveled in 1976-77 she gained “confidence, Real Estate • Training and/or Management
self-direction, flexibility, organizational skills, Consulting • Event Management, Education,
the ability to think on my feet, work under Human Resources • Financial Services •
pressure, problem solving and appreciation Technology • Public Relations, Programs
for people.” Each of these skills continue to Manager • Small Business Owners • Film & TV
serve her well in life. Production • Graphic Design • and much more!
Susan Bioxham Waldrop, Lambda Tau Teresa Howard Grant, Iota Alpha (Idaho Janet Siegel, Delta (Tufts U) is now
(University of Louisiana/Monroe) was on the road State U) traveled in 1968-69 and found her an attorney and traveled for AOII
for AOII in 1977-78 and credits this experience first career position after bumping into an in 1992-93. She said, “I’ve used the
as “the key to making me who I am today old friend during an airport layover while skills I developed in countless ways
and contributing to life-long success. It is an traveling for AOII. This friend suggested a job over the years, in my professional
undeniably life-changing experience.” The lead, Teresa followed up and got the job right and volunteer roles as well as in my
leadership, communication and organizational after her consultant term ended. She learned personal relationships. The CC/ELC
skills she learned from AOII along with poise, firsthand how flexibility, adaptabilty and skillset is transferable in some manner
self-confidence and social skills have proved to be listening skills are traits potential employers to just about any role in any setting
invaluable. are seeking. When she arrived in Boise for her you can imagine.”
new job, local AOIIs became her first friends
Andrea Theobald, Epsilon Omega (Eastern in her new hometown.
Kentucky U), traveled for AOII just last year, 2010-
11. The ELC Program taught her a great deal
about herself and helped her establish her own
goals and vision. She was able to consider and
ultimately turn down several Graduate Assistant
positions in Greek Life to accept a position with
AOII immediately following her travels and is
currently enjoying her position as an Assistant
Drector of Chapter Services.
Dear 2011-2012 ELC Team,
Thank you for your dedication,
service, enthusiasm, and most of
all your love for Alpha Omicron Pi.
By this we mean no light thing.
You have truly shown that your
hopes, your joys and
disappointments, and your lives
are a part of AOII. You have
spread the true meaning of
Alpha Omicron Pi to sisters across North America, and because of your efforts, our Fraternity and our
wonderful members continue to grow and flourish. You continue to Exceed our Expectations in every way,
and we are proud of the impact we know you will make in your future endeavors.
Alpha Love,
AOII’s Fraternity and Foundation Staff & Volunteers
AOII Executive Board Past International Presidents
International President, Allison Allgier, Epsilon Omega Joan MacCallum, Kappa Phi, 1979-1981
Vice President of Finance, Krista Whipple, Omega Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa, 1981-1985
Vice President, Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon Peg Crawford, Iota, 1985-1989
Vice President, Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho Barbara Hunt, Phi Delta, 1989-1993
Vice President, Karen Galehan, Phi Lambda Mary McCammon Williams, Phi, 1993-1995
Vice President, Kandyce Harber, Omicron Ann Gilchrist, Theta, 1995-1997
Vice President, Rebecca Herman, Chi Lambda Linda Collier, Chi Omicron, 1997-1999
Vice President, Joyce Strout, Phi Sigma Carole Jones, Alpha Delta, 1999-2003
Ex-Officio, Barb Zipperian, Kappa Kappa Sally Wagaman, Sigma Tau, 2003-2005
Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon, 2005-2009
AOII Foundation Board Barb Zipperian, Kappa Kappa, 2009-2011
President, Cynthia Visot, Kappa Tau Committee Chairmen
Treasurer, Crystal Combs, Nu Beta
Director, Phyllis Austin, Nu Lambda Archives, Joan MacCallum, Kappa Phi
Director, Michelle Finley, Alpha Lambda Budget and Finance, Krista Whipple, Omega
Director, Linda Grandolfo, Nu Iota CIRC, Julie Brining, Gamma Delta
Director, Koren Phillips, Phi Chi Education, Kathy Sowell, Lambda Tau
Director, Jessie Wang-Grimm, Phi Chi Human Resources, Anne Wilmes, Chi Lambda
NPC Delegate, Carole Jones, Alpha Delta
AOII Properties Board Parliamentarian, Sally Wagaman, Sigma Tau
Perry Award, Barbara Hunt, Phi Delta
President, Jane Tessmer, Gamma Theta Public Relations, Tania Fuselier, Kappa Tau
Vice President, Kathy Andrews, Gamma Theta Rituals, Traditions & Jewelry, Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa
Director, Linda Collier, Chi Omicron
Director, Lisa Hauser, Upsilon Alpha
Director, Rebecca Herman, Chi Lambda
68 • To Dragma Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2011
2011-2012 directory of volunteers
International Headquarters Staff
Executive Director, Troy LeForge, Beta Phi
Director of Administration, Amanda Smith, Omega Omicron
Director of Advancement, Kaya Miller, Gamma Theta
Director of Extension, Carrie Youell, Rho Omicron
Director of Lifetime Engagement, Sherry Dutton, Sigma Omicron
Director of Chapter Services/Membership Experience, TBA
Director of Communications and Public Relations, Courtney Dillard, Tau Omicron
Director of To Dragma/Archives, Mariellen Sasseen, Alpha Delta
Director of Events and Education, Abby Mason, Rho Omicron
Director of Properties/Corporation Services, Veronica Kentish, Lambda Beta
Accounting Administrator, Jackie Lynch, Rho Omicron
Administrative Assistant/AlphaLink Help Desk, Georgi Payne
Asst. Director of Extension and New Chapter Development, Molly Fenton, Kappa Tau
Asst. Director of Chapter Services, Meghan Granito, Tau Gamma
Asst. Director of Chapter Services, Lindsay Lundergan, Alpha Chi
Asst. Director of Chapter Services, Bailey Read, Rho Omicron
Asst. Director of Chapter Services, Andrea Theobald, Epsilon Omega
Asst. Director of Public Relations, Rachel Boison, Kappa Kappa
Asst. Director of Resource Development, Mary Catherine Stewart, Delta Delta
Collegiate Finance Administrator/Accounting Assistant, Natalie Cherry, Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity
Corporation Relations Manager, Mandy Doyle, Omicron
Corporation Relations Manager, Amy Poklinkoski, Chi Delta
Corporation Relations Manager, Kelley Schillig, Kappa Omega
Corporation Services Accounting/Admin Clerk, Jackie Heintz, Chi Lambda
Creative Director, Whitney Frazier, Rho Omicron
Education and Training Manager, Jodie Hassall, Alpha Chi
Information Systems Manager, Tim Humphries
Office Administrator, Don Brown
Foundation Executive Director, Barbie Chadwick, Gamma Phi Beta Sorority
Foundation Events and Programs Manager, Courtney Stafford, Chi Omega Fraternity
Foundation Controller, Laura Ward
Foundation Administrative Coordinator, Amy Cason, Tau Omega
Foundation Director of Development, Jana West, Rho Omicron
Educational Leadership Consultant, Nicole Claudon, Alpha Gamma
Educational Leadership Consultant, Blair Dudley, Rho Omicron
Educational Leadership Consultant, Clarke Erickson, Xi
Educational Leadership Consultant, Taryn Hinderland, Xi
Educational Leadership Consultant, Jessica Li, Sigma Alpha
Educational Leadership Consultant, Tracy Ottey, Chi Psi
Educational Leadership Consultant, Liz Pelletier, Iota
Issue no. 1 • Fall/Winter 2011 To Dragma • 69
Network 1
Network Director, Amber Countis, Pi
ADCS, Meghan Granito, Tau Gamma
NS-Alumnae, Bridget Scanlon, Theta Pi
NS-Alumnae, Kay Welch, Theta Pi
NS-Development, Angela Noble, Lambda Iota
NS-Development, Kathleen Donohue, Epsilon Chi
NS-Finance, Heidi Butler, Nu Delta
NS-Finance, Sarah Gondek, Iota
NS-Leadership, Jackie Petrucci, Omega Upsilon
NS-Recruitment, Melissa Faubert Schoenfield, Delta
Network 2
Network Director, Susan Bonifield, Nu Beta
ADCS, Andrea Theobald, Epsilon Omega
NS-Alumnae, Gretta Blatner, Upsilon Alpha
NS-Alumnae, Heidi Snow, Kappa Pi
NS-Development, Jennifer Meade, Omega Upsilon
NS-Development, Tammy Glenn, Epsilon Chi
NS-Finance, Carey Unger, Nu Omicron
NS-Leadership, Barbara Kormanyos, Theta Psi
NS-Leadership, Jenn Tesno, Epsilon Chi
NS-Recruitment, Janet Evers, Theta Psi
NS-Recruitment, Tracy Lyons, Delta Delta
Network 3
Network Director, Shari Kagan, Nu Iota
ADCS, Lindsay Lundergan, Alpha Chi
NS-Alumnae, Sharon Boison, Kappa Kappa
NS-Alumnae, Stephanie Mete, Delta Rho
NS-Development, Amy Kumpel, Delta
NS-Finance, Allison Marshall, Iota
NS-Leadership, Becky Whitehurst, Epsilon Omega
NS-Leadership, Nicole George, Iota Sigma
NS-Recruitment, Christin Pratt, Pi Alpha
NS-Recruitment, Mikaela Crosby, Beta Gamma
Network 4
Network Director, Becky Greer Rogers, Epsilon Omega
ADCS, Meghan Granito, Tau Gamma
NS-Alumnae, Melissa Keach Underwood, Tau Omega
NS-Finance, Sandi Chadwick, Pi Alpha
NS-Leadership, Amy Pike, Alpha Chi
NS-Recruitment, Katherine Thornton, Nu Beta
2011-2012 directory of volunteers
2 Network 5
Network 1 Network 5 Network Director, Melissa Parsons Healy, Omega
Network 2 Network 6 ADCS, Lindsay Lundergan, Alpha Chi
Network 3 Network 7 NS-Alumnae, Marty Harrison, Lambda Sigma
Network 4 Network 8 NS-Alumnae, Natasha Sherwood, Gamma Omicron
NS-Development, Aimee Meyers, Gamma Delta
NS-Development, Cayla Lanier, Gamma Theta
NS-Finances, TBD
NS-Leadership, Becky Gamble, Gamma Sigma
NS-Leadership, Rochelle Perez, Alpha Psi
NS-Recruitment, Celia Reed, Alpha Kappa
NS-Recruitment, Kristen Lovett, Rho Omicron
Network 6
Network Director, Julie Hunter, Alpha Phi
ADCS, Bailey Read, Rho Omicron
NS-Alumnae, Megan Ehrisman, Iota
NS-Alumnae, Rene Fitzgerald, Pi Kappa
NS-Development, Amy Jo Gabel, Epsilon Omega
NS-Finance, Jennifer Punzel, Kappa Sigma
NS-Leadership, Jen Hiebner, Phi Sigma
NS-Leadership, Meg Sisk, Phi Chi
NS-Recruitment, Jessica Atkinson, Tau
NS-Recruitment, Renee Hebert, Lambda Tau
Network 7
Network Director, Kimberly McCollom, Delta Alpha
ADCS, Bailey Read, Rho Omicron
NS-Alumnae, Dolores Rhodes, Alpha Delta
NS-Alumnae, Sky Louapre, Pi
NS-Development, Beth Franklin, Rho Omicron
NS-Development, Ashleigh Welsh, Kappa Tau
NS-Finance, Grace Cascio Houston, Lambda Tau
NS-Leadership, Joelle McWilliams, Kappa Tau
NS-Leadership, Laura Dunlap, Kappa Tau
NS-Recruitment, Anna Davis, Alpha Kappa
NS-Recruitment, Anne Marie Hall, Rho Omicron
Network 8
Network Director, Yvonne Sams, Chi Psi
ADCS, Andrea Theobald, Epsilon Omega
NS-Alumnae, Boualoy Dayton, Lambda Beta
NS-Alumnae, Clara Tomsula, Alpha Omicron
NS-Alumnae, Sonny Kuhr, Alpha Phi
NS-Development, Jennifer Stuart, Kappa Gamma
NS-Development, Kimberly Hamilton, Upsilon
NS-Finance, Shala Sweet, Kappa Lambda
NS-Leadership, Christina Kraft-Andersen, Kappa Lambda
NS-Leadership, Lynnette McMahon, Lambda Beta
NS-Recruitment, Deborah Tam, Beta Phi
NS-Recruitment, Kera Hopper, Delta Sigma
Emporium E269
The AOII Emporium
has gone digital!
In order to better service our members, the Emporium
is now 100% internet based. This will allow us to carry
a wider variety of merchandise, offer better prices and
deliver your products faster!
For questions, orders or returns, please call
615-530-0439 or email [email protected]
Shop Boxes are still available for collegiate and
alumnae chapter events. Contact the Emporium to
ship merchandise for members to shop at your event!
All of your AOII Merchandise needs can be met
Please note that with these changes there will no longer be a
physical store to shop on site at our international headquarters.
www.aoiie 1m.8p0or0i.7u46m..c72o6m4
74 • To Dragma E119I
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2011
E269 E371 Black Fitted Fleece Pullover w/ red embroidery.
Side pockets. Juniors sizes S(0-2), M(4-6),L(8-10), XL(12-14). $42.00
E269-Crew Sweatshirt with Polka Dot Letters.
Sizes S(2-4), M(6-8), L(10-12), XL(14-16), XXL(16-18) $36.00
E247 Seafoam T-Shirt Dress with Navy Stitch Letters on bottom left.
Sizes S(0-2), M(4-6), L(10-12), XL(14-16) $32.50
E119I Swirls Plastic ID Holder Keychain. $3.00
E57H Highlighters. Package of 3. $5.75
E23 Chrome Dipped License Frame. $12.00
E369 Light Red Rain Jacket.
Sizes S(2-4), M(6-8), L(10-12), XL(14-16). $60.00
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2011 To Dragma • 75
Alpha Omicron Pi Nonprofit Organization
Fraternity U.S. POSTAGE
International Headquarters Bolingbrook, IL
5390 Virginia Way Permit No. 374
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
Peg Kramer Crawford, Life Loyal Member
Iota (University of Illinois)
Past International President and Perry Award Committee Member