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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-05 17:28:05

1959 Summer

Vol. LIV, No. 4

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CONV 0 6^
SUMMER, 1959


How fitting that the chapter president's ring bears the
sheaf of wheat, symbolic of the president's service to her
chapter and to AON.

On some rings, each stalk of wheat in the sheaf is sharp
and clear—for the chapter is young and the ring has had
few wearers. On other rings, the sheaf has been worn t o a
nub of gold as it has passed f r o m one president t o another
many times over. Years of chapter life—successes and dis-
appointments, earnest effort and earned reward and, al-
ways, a real concern for one another—have worn the stalks
of wheat smooth in the sheaf.

Over one thousand women have been privileged to
wear the gold and onyx president's ring; today, the ring
has sixty-five proud wearers, each t o represent her chap-
ter at our International Convention in June. Alpha O m i -
cron Pi claims these young ladies with pride, and so will

W o n ' t you join us in Victoria—June 25-30—to meet
these chapter presidents and t o enjoy six days with A O I I ?

Nancy Moyer McCain
?resident of Alpha 0micron Pi

'jo'Ektqwia a look inside

Published by


Edited by THE EYES OF TEXAS are on Pi Kappa Chapter. Read about
these AOIIs, starting on page 5.

Caryl Waller Krueger

Summer, 1959 Vol. LIV N o . 4

4 Welcome Grads! THE FABULOUS WORKINGS of Los Angeles' alumnae chap-
5 The First Year In O u r New H o m e ter is described on page 18.
10 A Rose To O u r Advisers
18 L.A.'s Lively A l u m s CONVENTIONEERS—ALL ABOARD . . . facts, fancies and
21 A O I I C o n t i n e n t a l figures begin on page 21.

Special Convention insert including
Official Program
Reservation Form
Travel Information
Convention Personnel
What to Wear
Song Contest

29 Do You Know This Girl?
34 Ca ing All A O I I Mothers
35 M e e t the Mothers o f Delta Delta
36 Ever-expanding A O I I
36 Help W a n t e d
37 From California to Kentucky
38 W o r t h A Thousand W o r d s
40 In M e m o r i a m
41 Directory
44 New Initiates

On Our Cover A T T E N T I O N A L U M N A E ! Here's your "summer homework".
The president's ring graces the summer scene as Recommendation information begins on page 29.

the last of four pieces of AOII jewelry to be presented
on To Dragma covers. This ring is featured in honor
of our sixty-five collegiate chapter presidents who
wear it proudly and our international president, Nancy
McCain, who w i l l preside over the forthcoming

T O D R A G M A is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity at 404 W H O from your home state is a new AOII? Check our new
North Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Illinois, and is printed by Kable initiates starting on page 44.
Printing Company, 404 North Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Illinois.
Entered as second-class matter Nov. 9, 1950, at the post office at Mount
Morris, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing
at special rate of postage provided for in Section 34.40, Act of Feb. 28,
1925, authorized Nov. 9, 1950.
T O D R A G M A is published four times a year, September 1, December 1,
March 1, and May 1. Subscription price is 50c per copy; $1 per year;
Life Subscription $20.00.
S E N D A L L E D I T O R I A L M A T E R I A L to the Editor, 455 Sunset Ridge
Road, Northfield, Illinois, 60 days before date of publication.
S E N D A L L C H A N G E S O F A D D R E S S to Central Office, Suite 601-4,
6 E . Fourth Street, Cincinnati 2, Ohio.

TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , I'm


> v -.v*v.-.v. m

Nancy Hayward, 1958 winner of the Girl Welcome Grads
of AOII award, admires the trophy before
sending it off for presentation at con- Like Nancy Hayward, hundreds o f A O I l s will be graduating
vention to the new winner. Typical of and leaving the campus in the next f e w weeks. Careers, travel,
graduating AOIls, Nancy, a member of marriage, graduate work—a variety o f futures are ahead. But
Kappa Alpha chapter at Indiana State AOII does not end with graduation—actually the most rewarding
Teachers College, is looking ahead to years in A O I I are ahead.
career, marriage and alumnae life. She
says: "My sorority has meant more than W h a t will i t be like t o be an A O I I alum? You'll be surprised at
just a group of girls having a good time. the similarities between collegiate chapters and alumnae chapters.
It has been the foundation of my college O f course, there are meetings. But there are also delightful social
career and I'm sure I w i l l continue to events, worthwhile philanthropic projects, interesting new people
hold this feeling when I join the ranks to meet and things to do. Here you'll have an opportunity t o make
of alumnae, where I know I w i l l find friends with AOIls from many chapters and "be in the know" on
the same spirit of love and sisterhood the progress o f A O I I f r o m coast t o coast as we enter our most
exciting period of growth.
which is AOn."
W h o will be at alum meetings? W e hope you will come! O f
4 course, there will be other recent grads—if not, why not make
yourself a committee of one to scout them out and bring them.
You'll meet women with careers, young mothers, and some AOII's
old enough to be your grandmother. You'll be pleased with the
variety of conversations you can join in, new things you'll learn
about A O I I in your community, and the BIG p i c t u r e o f A O I I as
brought by the experienced alums. Perhaps your chapter may even
have a junior group. Do speak up—give your opinions—after all,
A O I I alumnae chapters exist to be beneficial to young women
through their collegiate chapters and who should know better
about collegiates than Y O U .

How will you get in touch? Easy. You'll p r o b a b l y be sent a letter
if you haven't moved around too much since graduation. If not,
watch your local papers for meeting notices A N D , i f you still
d o n ' t make contact, remember, at the back o f every issue o f To
Dragma is a list o f alumnae groups. If t h e r e isn't a g r o u p near y o u ,
write the second vice president and she'll be happy t o see you have
information and addresses necessary f o r starting one. W h o knows,
you may be a charter member!

Really, Miss G r a d u a t e , being an alum is F U N . It's something we
d o f r o m choice. A l u m n a e work is the f u l f i l l m e n t o f our A O I I
pledges. W e welcome you!

TO D R A G M A — S U M M U R , 1959

M A I N B U I L D I N G on the University of Texas campus is the
impressive building called "THE TOWER."

The first year In Our Hew Home

by Phyllis Kemp and Barbara Nichols, Pi Kappa Chapter, University of Texas

Here in Texas where things are Jungmichel from Omicron at Ten- house at 1910 Rio Grande, we
done in a big way, there is good nessee. moved into a beautiful home at
news f o r AOITs. I t concerns our 2622 Wichita. I t houses 35 girls
chapter, Pi Kappa, at the Univer- Pi Kappa's membership has i n - and is completely air-conditioned!
sity of Texas, and our growing creased from the original 9 mem- And to start the year off with a
achievements in size, scholarship bers in 1941 to 48 members this bang we had a new house mother
and housing. present year, with the help of our and new furniture!
group of active alumnae, notably
Chapter History Mrs. Arno Nowotny, Phi Chapter, "Forty Acres"
Pi Kappa, the newest sorority our original sponsor; Ruthy Neal, The University of Texas re-
on the campus, was colonized in Pledge Advisor; and Mrs. Isabel cently celebrated its 75th anniver-
1941, by Martha Connell Timm Wrentz, Active Advisor; and Mrs. sary. I t was established in Austin,
from Nu Kappa at Southern Meth- Barbara Cagle, President of the
odist University and Evelyn Carty Alumnae Chapter. {Continued on next page)

Last year after outgrowing our 5

TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959

THE N E W HOME of Pi Kappa Chapter
at the University of Texas is this attractive

lannon stone and frame residence.

Pi Kappa sity Carnival, our concession, the bring some order out of the chaos
(Continued from preceding page) AOII Little Big Top, managed to of our new house in the midst of
do its share for the Campus Chest, redecoration. Despite it all, our
Texas, one-half mile north of the as well as winning 1st prize f o r rush proved very successful with
capital building, in 1883. As a state the best concession and a honor- a total of 28 new pledges. We
institution provided for by the able mention in the publicity de- celebrated this event with a ban-
Texas state constitution, it is sup- partment. We also won a cup f o r quet in their honor at the Commo-
ported by donations, land grants, intermural participation. dore Perry Hotel.
and appropriations.
Our Summer Rush, under the Later in the fall, the Pledge Line
In seventy-five years the Uni- management of Mary Carolyn was held, an annual event at the
versity of Texas;has grown from Richardson, Rush Chairman, was a University in which all the sorori-
its original "40 Acres" (by which huge success, thanks to the efforts ties present their pledges to the
name the campus is still known) of our alumnae such as Mrs. J. H . University in general, and the Fra-
to over 600 acres. Since 1950 Naschke of Houston, Mrs. Roger ternities in specific, who go from
eleven buildings and a 500 g i r l Berry of San Antonio, and the house to house, making the rounds.
dormitory have been added to the Austin Alumnae Chapter.
campus. The University is the By the end of September, school
third largest university in the 28 New Pledges was underway and the chapter
United States, its fall enrollment In the autumn the girls were settled down to work. The peace
being over 18,000. back in school a week early, prac- was interrupted soon by the under-
ticing their skits, preparing cos- handed activities of the pledges. I n
Typical of our good times is last tumes and name tags, and t r y i n g to collusion w i t h the pledge class of
year's Western Party, complete a neighboring fraternity they stole
with a square dance caller. A t Var- both active chapters' suppers and


J iI

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Come to Convention! LITTLEFIELD F O U N T A I N is one of the familiar scenic sites on the expansive
Aon Continental Texas campus, home of Pi Kappa Chapter.

6 TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959






Kappa Chapter poses with Renee Strong.
OFFICERS of Pi Kappa Chapter include (from left to right) Phyllis Kemp, Nita Knox,
RoseMary Jones, Carlene Bunce, Bonner Gladney, Delores Carr, and Karen Blume.

after an exciting chase by the ALUMNAE give an annual breakfast for the graduating seniors at Pi Kappa. Relaxing
upperclassmen, eluded them to eat after their duties are (left to right) Mrs. Swanson, Mrs. Nowatny and Miss Deathe.
the purloined supper in safety in
the Football Stadium. Retaliation
was not long in coming. The two
pledge classes were given the honor
of buying the active chapters' sup-
pers at E l Toro Cafe.

Mid-November found the chap-
ter deep in practice f o r SingSong,
an annual affair where the Greek
organizations compete in singing.
Although our singing didn't win a
prize we had a lot of f u n and were
thrilled to receive during the in-
termission a trophy f o r the best

{Continued on page 9 )

mm w,t

T H E OFFICIAL VISIT of National Secretary, Dorothy Allen (Mrs. Leland) is an Come to Convention!
occasion for a visit with the collegiates. Shown here are (left to right) Mary Caroline Aon Continental
Richardson, president; Dorothy Allen, Isabelle Wrentz, chapter advisor; and Renee


M A K I N G TOYS for the Spooks Christmas project, involves
handwork by Annette Williams and Rosemary Cochran (both

Spooks) with the help of Sandy O'Brien.

H I G H L I G H T of the western party was the box supper shared
by AOIIs and their dates. Here Betty Ruth Burnett and Richard

Bove split a piece of cake.



PHONE D U T Y at Pi Kappa is a busy
time as Sandy O'Brien proves.

R I C H A R D S O N , presi-
dent of Pi Kappa, is a

i member of Spooks, and
former rush chairman of
the chapter.

NETT, chapter vice-pres-
ident is active in the Long
Horn Band and has been
elected to an honorary

music society.

the Pi Kappa team including (left to fraternity educational of-
right) Ethel Mauch, Anne Cherry, Betty ficer is a member of the
Ann Canfield, Retta Davis and Dorothy Long Horn Singers and
home economics education
s TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959

Pi Kappa

(Continued from page 7)

improvement of scholarship by a
sorority. I n December the actives
were given their annual Christmas
Party by the pledges.

In February the chapter gave a
tea in honor of our House Mother,
Mrs. John C. Riedell. A l l the
faculty was invited. Other activi-
ties have included open houses, and
our favorite event, pinning cere-
monies. A g i r l who has just been
pinned tells the president, who ar-
ranges the ceremony. A candle is
passed around the friendship circle
and the newly pinned girl blows it
out. The suspense is terrific.

Our Annual Rose Ball in March
was a highlight of the year and
now we are planning f o r exams
and convention. We hope to see
you there!

THE A O I I LITTLE-BIG TOP at Varsity Carnival was a top-
ranking booth. Diane Durrett encourages collegiates to visit the

AOII attraction.

Come to Convention!
AOJT Continental




i f8

! •

eludes a skit about the plight of a girl 3*
who is too shy to go out with boys. Renee
Strong and Diane Durrett rehearse while i

Wendy Miller watches. THE P I N N I N G ANNOUNCEMENT is an impressive Pi Kappa ceremony presided
over by chapter president Mary Carolyn Richardson.

TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959 9

t.i. .. I-1 . t-

TYPICAL of A01I alumnae advisers
across the country is Janie Linebaugh
Callaway (Mrs. George) who works with
Omicron chapter at the University of
Tennessee. A former president of the
Knoxville Alumnae Chapter, she has
brought a closeness never achieved before
with her continuous service to collegiate
and alumnae chapters. The mother of
three children, she was given a standing
ovation by collegiates and alumnae at a

recent banquet.

A Rose to our Advisers!

The continuing strength of our collegiate
chapters rests on the devotion and abilities
of alumnae advisers. The chapter To
Dragma reporters have compiled this re-
port as a tribute t o these sisters.

I O T A C H A P T E R at the Univer- D E L T A B E T A C H A P T E R at B E T A G A M M A C H A P T E R at
sity of Illinois has two advisers who Southwestern Louisiana Institute Michigan State University has as
are Iota alums. Chapter adviser is has a versatile adviser, Mrs. Donald an adviser one of the original found-
Shirley Marie Huber who also has Brown, who manages two children, ers of the chapter. She is Mabel
a career as an insurance broker. She an air force husband and at the same Peterson, assistant to the Dean of
is in alum activities and chairman time is working toward another Students. She is active on many
of Founders' Day. Annabel Scott degree. Her "never say die" atti- advisory boards of the university
Schmelzlie is pledge adviser and a tude has sparked each of us to make faculty and student affairs and
journalism honor graduate. Follow- our chapter one of the best.—Mary activities but her door is always
ing school she worked on the Cham- Garzotto. open to all students. Her pleasing
paign News-Gazette and it was personality adds much to her pres-
there that she met and married the TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959 ence at Beta Gamma and university
city editor!—Karen Van Doren. social affairs.—Marianne Crozier.



at Pennsylvania State University
is honored to have as its chapter
adviser, past national president
Edith Anderson. The chapter,
which is named for her, finds
her presence its greatest asset DELTA DELTA CHAPTER at
and joins with AOIls everywhere Alabama Polytechnic Institute
in helping her celebrate 41 years has "graduated" its adviser to
of service to AOII.—Anny Ries the post of National Mothers
Club Director. Mrs. Enoch Ben-
son (above) oragnized our
Mothers' Club prior to turning
over her advisory position to
Carolyn Tamblyn. — Becky
Tennessee State College attrib-
utes its success to the efforts of
Maxine Christenberry Preas.
Married to a prominent physi-
cian, she is the mother of two
teen-agers. Four members of her
family are active in AOIT groups. KAPPA G A M M A CHAPTER at
A woman of vision, wide civic Florida Southern College is
interest and spiritual awareness, proud of its six advisers. Gloria
she helped to firmly establish the Cook (above) is now taking
chapter and has given her home evening classes and works as
for social events, her time for secretary to the president of an
counsel and her talents for the engineering firm. Nancy Olds,
decoration of the chapter room. another of our team, is in-
She is truly our "Beautiful lady valuable to us. Following her
of Alpha 0."—Ilia Jane Brown. spectacular college career she
has worked, is helping put her
husband through college and is
mother of an 18 month old
daughter. Nancy Hall is ritual
D E L T A S I G M A C H A P T E R at and fraternity education adviser
and works as a chemist. Betty
San Jose State College is backed by Ann Martin is our standards
a large corps of advisers including adviser and the mother of three
Dorothy Farrington who is presi- children—including a set of
dent of the advisory board, vice
president of the house corporation OMEGA OMICRON CHAPTER twins. Shirley Pridgen, our finan-
board and vice president of the city at Lambuth College has a dorm cial adviser, is the mother of two
panhellenic. Helen Kendall serves mother, a bookkeeper, a proof and wife of a newspaper man.
reader and three mothers as ad-
—Sheila Bryant

as house manager adviser, and a visers. Rena Hampton, dorm moth-
recent grad, Emily Lippolis is pledge er of Epworth Hall f o r men, is our
adviser. Emily maintains her cam- chapter adviser and is also active in
pus connections through her job in church work. Music is the first
the San Jose State placement office. interest of Martha Louise Hicks,
Jean Lees, faculty adviser, is a pro- rush adviser. A bookkeeper, she
fessor in the health education de- has won several voice contests and
partment and is writing a text book. is active in music clubs and as a C H I L A M B D A C H A P T E R at
Jean Minaker is financial adviser church soloist. Pledge adviser Stella Evansville College has a ready, will-
and corporation treasurer while Frakland, rush adviser Charlotte ing and able alumnae chapter to
Norma Mclnerney has aided the Harris, and financial adviser Marion support them. Melvina Tromley,
chapter in obtaining supplies for Yarbro are busy P T A mothers who advisory board president, is the
floats and decorations. Lucile Gans also find time f o r hunting, skiing, mother of two high school girls and
has two jobs: planning the spring church work and pets. Captain of is active in college and civic affairs.
fashion show and coordinating a bowling team is Margaret Darr. Phyllis Nenneker Kincaid is pledge
mothers' club events with the chap- our other pledge adviser who is also adviser; Bess Gelhausen is finan-
ter. Joan Abraria is public rela- a proof reader. We owe much to cial adviser; Virginia Beesly is
tions adviser and Liz Price is rush our "unsung workers." — Paula fraternity education adviser and
adviser.—Barbara Halvorsen Ballinger. Frances Hadden is social adviser.
—Dotti Gann.

TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959 11

A rose to our advisers — continued an

I* SIGMA CHAPTER advisers at the University of California in-
ALPHA PI CHAPTER at Florida State University is excited clude (left to right): Jean Carey Baxter, Gaye Lenahan Kincaid
about its soon-to-be-completed house. Shown breaking ground (Mrs. Donald), Therma Duarte Phelps (Mrs. Gordon), Rodna
several months ago is alum adviser Jeanette Littig Humphress Walls Taylor (Mrs. Walter) and Margaret Godwin Wells (Mrs.
(Mrs. John). She is active in panhellenic, Scouts, church work Ward). Rodna has now become collegiate director after having
and garden club. She is the wife of a bank executive and mother done a splendid job with the chapter for two years and at the
of two children. She has been ever-present to advise, counsel, same time been active in the East Bay Alumnae, panhellenic,
guide, console and encourage during this difficult building time and Herrick Hospital work. Margaret Wells has been president
when we have been scattered in many dormitories and without of Arch of Rubies. She has a husband and three children and
still finds time to teach Sunday school, refinish furniture, read
a housemother. We are so proud of her!—Lynette Harris and knit. Other board members are Jean Lonn Nixon (Mrs.
Richard), Sally Wemple Cathcart (Mrs. Robert), Lenore Hen-
nessey Richardson (Mrs. Thomas) and Louise Rytz Hubbard

(Mrs. Donald).—Suzanne Toomajian

A L P H A P H I C H A P T E R at

Montana State College has a board

of four members: Eileen Olson

Bourdet, chapter adviser; Shan

Hould Dalen, social adviser; Doro-

thy Jensen Sheckels, financial ad-

viser; and Jean Haynes Chauners,

pledge adviser. The board sponsors

a get-acquainted party for the

pledges, a get-together w i t h the

Mothers' Club, and also keeps the

\ permanent records. A t the same
time they lead active lives at home
\ and in the community with fam-

ilies ranging f r o m two to five chil-

dren.—Sandra Orr.

Come to Convention! B E T A P H I C H A P T E R at Indiana
AOTT Continental University always wants to "Ask
Ruthie." This is Ruth Landis Wible
(Mrs. Philip), alumna adviser for
the past four years. The chapter
agrees that she knows most all the
answers and patiently listens to in-
numerable questions and problems.
As adviser at meetings, she is i n -
dispensable. As hostess at parties,
she's a charming asset. As co-ordi-
nator with alumnae, she's marvel-
ous!—Cathy Centlivre.

12 TO DRAG M A — S U M M E R , 1959

THETA CHAPTER at DePauw Univer- N U IOTA CHAPTER at Northern Illinois ALPHA RHO CHAPTER at Oregon State
sity is fortunate to have the support of a University is a chapter without a house, College is proud of its three versatile ad-
large local alum group. Four of its mem- so its advisers—and their homes—are visers. Amma Moore Winegar is chapter
bers who serve as advisers chat with Rae especially dear. Shown with Wilma adviser, on the corporation committee
Lahti, Theta president. They are (left to Smith Leland, first national vice president and active in Order of Rainbow and
r i g h t ) : Mrs. Robert Farber, social ad- (center), are Mrs. Leslie Holmes and Mrs. Eastern Star. Pledge adviser Dorothy Hart
viser; Mrs. James Johnson, chairman of H. Cummins, two of the six advisors. Miller is the wife of a retired navy ad-
the advisory board; Mrs. James Cook, Mrs. Chauncey Watson serves with Mrs. miral and has traveled a great deal.
pledge adviser; and Mrs. Donald Tourte- Holmes as Mrs. Holmes is wife of the Audery Wiencken Smith is financial ad-
lot, rush adviser. A charter member of president of the university. The Watsons viser and corporation treasurer. With her
Theta, Jane Farmer Hays, serves as finan- have a farm nearby where collegiates enjoy husband and son, they operate a 2000
cial adviser. Her colorful stories about homemade goodies, tractor rides and good acre farm and she is active in DAR,
AOLT " i n her day" are loved by all. She is times. Mrs. Cummins aided in the estab- Eastern Star and has been school district
also active in the Christian Church, lishment of the chapter and is currently clerk for 15 years. Pictured is chapter
Daughters of the American Revolution chapter adviser. Faculty adviser is Dr. president Mary Lou Karvola talking with
and Putman County Historical Society. Ann Greene, English professor. Pledge Audery Smith and Amma Winegar.—Pat
Hazel Longden (Mrs. Grafton), honorary advisers are Mrs. Del Schafer and Mrs.
member of Theta, is scholarship and fra- Snowden
ternity education adviser.—Janet Hersh- Lawrence Secrest.—Barbara Foy


KAPPA OMICRON CHAPTER at South- OMEGA CHAPTER at Miami University 1 \b>
western University shows off its advisers is shown working on a Christmas project
as they relax around the fireplace. Chap- with the help of Mrs. Gaylord M . Burke, KAPPA RHO CHAPTER at Western
ter adviser Nancy Conn Davis is active philanthropic adviser. One of her children Michigan University has alumnae who
in garden clubs, church work, golf and lives in South America and, because Mrs. shop for rush party props, conduct
as the mother of three small children. Burke found that a veterans hospital Founders' Day, run a rummage sale and
Helen Mayes Todd Carney is chairman wanted stamps for their collectors, the raise philanthropic funds. Planning the
of the house board and has recently initi- chapter now works on this project. Schol- Founders' Day program are (front, left to
ated several projects to improve the chap- arship chairman for the chapter is Helen right) : Peg Smith (Mrs. Keith), faculty
ter lodge. She takes part in the activities Jo Scott Mann, well-known for her service sponsor: Mary Ellen Brueckheimer (Mrs.
of DAR, Scouts and garden club. Other to AOII. Currently she is editorial assist- William), alumnae adviser; Florence
active alums are Martha York Condra, ant to the president of Miami. Martha Brady Atherton (Mrs. Ralph), pledge ad-
Lorena Quick, Betty Bouton, Betty Hunt Jaques, financial adviser, is also auditor of viser ; (Back, left to right): Leota Meyer
student organizations for Miami. Mrs. C. Murray (Mrs. James), alumnae secretary;
and Jane Patterson. Neale Bogner, chapter adviser, is also a Jean Chapman Haithwaite (Mrs. Robert),
teacher and mother of three. Mrs. Thomas alumnae president; and Dorothy Bordon
Hawisher serves as rushing adviser, in
addition to her job as a case worker. Waldo.—Barbara Budny
Mrs. Fred Brower, a recent grad, is
pledge adviser.—Kay Lockridge

A rose to our advisers — continued


N U OMICRON CHAPTER at Vanderbilt ^1 G A M M A SIGMA CHAPTER at Georgia
University is proud of its adviser, Betty State College has advisers who not only
Hooper (Mrs. M . A . ) , and also this col- PHI OMICRON CHAPTER at Hanover "advise" but also help out with the work.
lection of trophies acquired in just one College depends heavily on these and Our past chapter adviser, Judy Pate,
year. A wife and mother of two children, other alums for advice. When the Ken- originated the idea of a campus calendar
she serves on the corporation board, tuckiana alums saw the need for improve- which is now a popular project of ours.
teaches Sundav school, and enjoys sewing, ments in the house, they started with the She is now working for the U.S. govern-
kitchen and installed new cupboards and ment in Germany. Her successor, Jo Ann
bridge and piano.—Ruth Anthony appliances, purchased a new piano and Murphy ( l e f t ) , is shown helping rush
did other redecorating. During rushing chairman Laura Jean Moncrief with the
A they prepared food to lighten the work many name tags needed for rushing.—

of the collegiates.—Elaine Fouts Betty Stephens

L A M B D A T A U C H A P T E R at
Northeast Louisiana State has an
alumnae chapter that is a pillar of
strength and much appreciated by
a new chapter. Each adviser is
appreciated but we wish to pay
special tribute to Miriam Richard-
son Rubey ( M r s . Ambrose) of
Beta Phi chapter who has been our
adviser but is now moving. As finan-
cial adviser she put us on a f i r m
footing and at the same time she
has been a true friend. Without the
wonderful help of these alums our
chapter could not have progressed so
fully with the love, understanding
and knowledge that binds us as sis-
ters.—Sara Smith.

Come to Convention! K A P P A K A P P A C H A P T E R at
AOTT Continental Ball State Teachers College has ad-
visers who are active as mothers,
wives and community leaders.
Catherine Roe Raisor of Theta is
chairman. Mary Lou Niedenthal
Huber of Kappa Kappa is scholar-
ship adviser and the proud mother
of the only AOI1 legacy within the
board. Anna Gorrell Wilson, also
of Kappa Kappa, is rush and pledge
adviser, while Barbara Wright
Clark of Beta Phi is finance ad-
viser. Since we maintain a suite
instead of a house, Jeanne McClay-
ton Reiche of Rho is suite adviser.
We're proud of them all.—Jeannine

14 TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959

K A P P A P H I C H A P T E R at Mc- P H I C H A P T E R at the University C5>
Gill University has three advisers of Kansas has five advisers, lead by
who provide a guiding influence for Carolyn Boyd Funk (Mrs. Delmar) BETA T A U CHAPTER at the University
the chapter. Shirley Dempster is chapter adviser and past chapter of Toronto is proud of its advisers. They
chairman of the committee and is president. Lynn Grimsley Krebs include (from left to right) Mary Hoyt,
married to a civil engineer. Each (Mrs. Ted) is pledge adviser along Dorothy MacRobb, Cathy Hoare Mahoney
week she must provide a sitter f o r with her teaching position. While and Morleen Carscallen. Cathy, chairman
dinner and the evening so that she at K . U . she took part in the 4 H of the advisory committee, is now chief
can travel to the supper meetings. youth exchange program and spent nutritionist for Toronto's Department of
Her rushing advice is invaluable and 6 months in Brazil. Financial ad- Public Welfare. She is also active in the
she not only advises—she pitches in viser is Roberta Works Lesh ( M r s . auxiliary of the Toronto Symphony and
and helps. She keeps track of Warren), a busy wife and mother. in City panhellenic. Jackie Doran-Smith
grades, elections, chapter events, She also works with the P T A and and Carol Hipwell are rushing advisers
and is an encouragement to all. charity drives. Virginia Foree while Morleen Carscallen is panhellenic
Barbara Webb, a third-year medical Smith (Mrs. Verner) was the wife adviser. Lynn Griffiths, social adviser, is
student who was recently married, of an engineering instructor and was a dental nurse. Dianne Scrutton, pledge
is our financial adviser and pledge a patroness and then initiate of Phi. adviser, is assistant supervisor of the
adviser is Lynn Smith.—Hiroko Today she also serves as president physiotherapy department at Toronto
Watanabe of Lawrence Panhellenic and man- General Hospital. Dorothy MacRobb was
ager of a paper company. Winnie collegiate chapter treasurer and is now
.-• H i l l Gallup ( M r s . A l f r e d ) leads a financial adviser. She has her chartered
busy life as scholarship adviser, accountant's degree. Mary Hoyt from
T H E T A P I C H A P T E R at Wag- mother, PTA, M u Phi and Mortar Michigan received the outstanding alumna
ner College has four young alums Board member.—Georginne Schell. award at our recent Founders' Day ban-
who serve as advisers. Jean Gross,
scholarship adviser, also teaches quet.—Sheila Shier
kindergarten on Staten Island.
Dorothea Murray, financial adviser I.
is a high school teacher. Dolores
Hanely Naverino, one of our queens I 4 JEW
while on campus, is now teaching
third grade and serves as chapter
adviser. Barbara Pietracatella, past
president, is also teaching but serves
as pledge adviser and District I I
Fraternity Education Director. We
are also devoted to our local alums
who so willingly help us with party
food and bake sale cakes.—Karla

sas State College is proud of its active CHAPTER is devoted to CHAPTER has as its CHAPTER alum adviser
pledge adviser—shown here standing at Gale Province Osborn, an scholarship adviser Kath- is Mrs. Paul E. Couch,
far right with the pledges. She is Carol Arkansas State grad, cur- erine S. Green. A teacher who began working with
Kav Moore (Mrs. Lanier), civic leader rently serving as president and counselor in the field the chapter when it was
and director of religious education for her of the Jonesboro alumnae of business education, she a local sorority. A teacher,
church and director of the campus Meth- chapter. She is married holds posts in several and wife of the head of
professional organizations an Arkansas State College
odist student center. and has two children. and is a member of more department, she is a mem-
than a dozen civic and ber of many honorary and
educational groups, the
honorary groups. A A U W , Eastern Star, and
is past president of the
Women's Faculty of the


TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959 15

A rose to our advisers — continued

S I G M A T A U C H A P T E R at PHI L A M B D A CHAPTER at Youngs- PHI DELTA CHAPTER at the University
Washington College has as adviser town University has advisers who pitch of Wisconsin-Milwaukee has an enthusi-
Ethel Spurgin Black. Since she was right in, as shown here, during song astic new advisory committee. It consists
connected with the local sorority practice. Giving Greek Sing pointers are of Alice Rath Aderman (Mrs. Ralph),
and a charter member, she is in- Phyllis Arner Westerman (Mrs. William) scholarship and standards adviser; Ellen
valuable help to us. Still she finds and Patricia Gilboy Vivo (Mrs. Anthony) Anderson, contact and public relations ad-
time to operate a 350 acre f a r m at rear with Marietta Bagnall in the front. viser; Patricia Vioni Benson (Mrs. Rob-
and serve in the college library. Advising is a family affair for Pat since ert), rush adviser; Bonita Busian Beverly
Assisting her is Terry Loevy, moth- her husband is a fraternity adviser. (Mrs. Grant), financial adviser; Rosalie
er of two young boys, wrho graci- Phyllis also has served as collegiate di- Carr Carson (Mrs. Waller, Jr.), fraternity
ously opens her home to many of rector, on city panhellenic and is currently education adviser; and Kathryn Clarke
our get-togethers. Marian Moore is National Expansion Director. Marietta is Grant (Mrs. Donald), advisory chairman.
financial adviser. She has a new a librarian in a junior high school but also Shown above are Ellen Anderson at the
baby g i r l and is married to the pres- finds time to serve as fraternity educa- piano and Alice Aderman seated. Standing
ent business manager of our year- tion adviser. Scholarship adviser is Edna (left to right) are Kathryn Grant and
book.—Tilda Wadelton. Pickard (Mrs. P. C ) , secretary to the collegiates Nancy Westhofen and Jane
dean of the university. Blanche King Goldthorpe Roberts. Despite quantities of
G A M M A C H A P T E R at the U n i - Buchanan (Mrs. Phillip) is financial ad- young children and new babies, these
versity of Maine has four advisers viser and also a real estate broker. women from six different chapters are
headed by Jean Hopkins Mack Kathryn Luebben, rush adviser, is busy working together to make this new chap-
(Mrs. Frank J., J r . ) . A wife and teaching high school and working in pan- ter prosper. Since there is a lack of Greek
mother of two, she has been alum- hellenic. Youngest adviser is Ann Fred- housing on campus we are especially
nae president. Diana Springer ericks, rush adviser and past president grateful to Kathryn Grant who has opened
Kinney serves as financial adviser, her home to us and our friends on so
having been active chapter treas- of Omega chapter.—Joyce Bailey
urer. She is well-qualified, having many occasions.—Donna Liberato
taught accounting and economics at
Maine, working as a cashier i n the
Treasurer's office of the University
and being married to an assistant
auditor of a bank. Jane Bacon,
education adviser, teaches junior
high physical education and does vol-
unteer work for the Junior League.
Pledge adviser is Margaret Moura-
dian, wife of a dentist and mother
of two toddlers.—Nancy Roberts.

ALPHA SIGMA CHAPTER at the University of Oregon is ALPHA SIGMA grad Bev McClaren is alum president and
proud of Vera Reed, shown here with her husband, a circuit shown here with her family. Myrna Auld serves as rush ad-
court judge. She has worked untiringly on the house committee viser, Alean Hichens is chapter adviser and Norma Ragsdale is
and the corporation board and is now a co-chairman for the
panhellenic adviser.
national AOIT convention.

16 TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959

N U BETA CHAPTER at Ole Miss is proud of its corps of KAPPA CHAPTER advisers at Randolph-Macon Woman's Col-
advisers who have helped establish this newer chapter. They lege enjoy the tea in honor of national officer Wilma Smith
are (left to right) Mae Fortenberry, scholarship adviser; Meg Leland, during her recent visit. They are (left to right): Lyda
Carhane, social adviser; Marie Bowman, pledge adviser; Rubye Nantz Royster, Blanche Baltzer Jones, Bessie Minor Davis and
Brinkley, activities adviser; Frances Stephens, financial ad- Anne Jeter Ribble. Blanche, head of the alum board, works
viser; and Dutch Silver, chapter adviser. We would like to with the vocational guidance office and is building a new home
with her husband. Bessie, an ex-teacher and WAVE officer, is
send orchids to them via To Dragma.—Mary Boyd Thomas now R-M assistant alumnae secretary. Anne has a theatrical
background and she has also been national executive secretary of
O M I C R O N P I C H A P T E R at the WILL AOIT. Lyda is the mother of three children and is assistant post-
University of Michigan has two of O n th mistress at R-M along with doing church work and activities
its own alums as advisers. Chapter
adviser is Velma Leigh Carter who at the Fine Arts Center.—Joy Mitchell
devotes much of her time to the
chapter and A n n Arbor alums. Jo Y O U MISS O U T
Lawson ( M r s . Robert S.) was a Autumn Scrapbook Issue
physical education teacher before
becoming a wife and mother of of
three. Still she finds time f o r an- To Dragma
tiques and club work. She was in-
strumental in obtaining funds for
the new house and is currently a
member of the National Nominating
Committee.—Ann Weybrecht.

Come to Convention! Alumnae - be sure your address is correct.
AOTT Continental Graduates - keep us posted where you are.


AOII Central Office
Suite 601-4

Six East Fourth Street
Cincinnati 2, Ohio

Read about Convention, Queens, Scholars,
New Houses

Reporters: send all editorial material to:

455 Sunset Ridge Road

Northfield, Illinois

TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959 I"

OFFICERS of the Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter are: (left to
right) Alice Jean Newhouse White (Mrs. Terrence) KB—UCLA,
Panhellenic Delegate; Betty Lou Schwab Ludlow (Mrs. Thomas
H. Jr.) K@, To Dragma Reporter and Membership Chairman;
June Hansen Chaffari (Mrs. Parviz) K0, secretary; Gerry
Brinkley Clark (Mrs. James) NA—University of Southern Cali-
fornia, Treasurer; Marjorie Anderson Hooker (Mrs. Philip) A—
Stanford University, President; and Martha Hilands, AP—

Oregon State College.

L A.'s Lively Alums

by Betty Lou Schwab Ludlow (Mrs. Thomas H., Jr.), Los Angeles Alumnae C h a p t e r

Here in sunny Los Angeles, we've periodically by receiving copies of events, projects and personal bits of
found a workable way to hold the our A . O. Pizette. We have been information.
interest of our varied AOII mem- most fortunate in having our paper
bership that covers this sprawling edited by Joni Mannix, N A — U n i - Due to the tremendous growth of
city. The Los Angeles Alumnae versity of Southern California, the Los Angeles area after World
Chapter of AOII has a membership who is the Social Editor of the Los War I I , it was found that a group
file of 500 names. Unfortunately, Angeles Examiner. Joni has done a meeting held one night each month
not all are paying participating wonderful job of keeping everyone was very inadequate for such a large
members but all are contacted informed of meeting dates, big membership of different ages and
interests. So in 1949, Lucile Curtis
18 P R E S I D E N T S of English (Mrs. Walter A . ) A —
Los Angeles groups Stanford University, assisted by
gather to check on Muriel Turner McKinney (Mrs.
their membership Verne W . ) past national president,
with Joni Mannix, and Gerry Brinkley Clark (Mrs.
Nu Lambda, Uni- James) NA—University of South-
versity of Southern ern California, took steps to divide
California, Editor the membership into groups that
of AOPizette. They would be more congenial and more
are (left to right) : effective. The groups have remained
Nancy Mather Dea- about the same since that reorgani-
ter (Mrs. Lee) K0 zation. However, all meetings are
— UCLA, South- open and a member may join any
west Group; Gerry group she desires.
Brinkley Clark
(Mrs. James) NA— Today there are six separate
U n i v e r s i t y of groups, each with its own officers.
Southern Califor- The president of each group attends
nia, Westside Sen- a monthly governing body of the
iors ; Ruth Lawlor Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter. This
MacFadden (Mrs. chapter belongs to the Southern
Harry) N — New California Council which is made up
Y o r k University, of alumnae chapters f r o m the entire
Wilshire Seniors; Southern California area. For the
Patti Parnham Bur- past two years, the presidency of the
son (Mrs. Eugene, Los Angeles Chapter has been very
Jr.) Upsilon—Uni- ably handled by Marjorie Anderson
versity of Wash- Hooker (Mrs. Philip) A—Stanford
ington, Westside University.
Juniors; Mary de
Witt, 2 — Univer- Each individual group of the Los
sity of California,
Berkeley, Business {Continued on next page)
and Professional

Women's Group.

TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959

(Continued from preceding page) GROUP members
working on gar-
Angeles Chapter has its own meet- ments for their phi-
ings, social events and philanthro- lanthropy, the Nee-
pies. dlework Guild of
America, are: (left
WILSHIRE SENIORS to right) Betty Lou
The Wilshire Seniors are more Schwab Ludlow
mature women as the name indi- (Mrs. Thomas H .
cates. Most of them have devoted Jr.) K9 — UCLA;
much of their time and energy to Alice Jean New-
AOII. The group is proud to claim house White (Mrs.
both Muriel Turner McKinney, now Terrence) K6, and
chairman of the national finance Mary Mather
committee, and Lucile Curtis Eng- Deater (Mrs. Lee)
lish, who has contributed so much
to the formation of the Los Angeles K0.
Chapter and the Southern California WESTSIDE JUN-
Council. Each Christmas this group IORS at their toy
has a party to exchange gifts and party showing some
to collect money to buy a Christmas of their own adap-
tree f o r the California Rehabilita- tations of Pinky
tion Center. W e are fortunate in Puppets are: (left
having an AOII, Elie Monsos (Mrs. to r i g h t ) Patti
John) T—University of Minnesota, Parnham Burson
representing us on the Rehabilita- (Mrs. Eugene, Jr.)
tion Board. Another project each T — University of
year is to make a contribution in the Washington; June
Hansen Chaf fari
name of AOII to the Los Angeles (Mrs. Parviz) K0
Philharmonic Association. — U C L A ; and
M u r i e l Partridge
The Wilshire Juniors are a group
of young girls most of whom are ence) KG.
recent actives f r o m N u Lambda
Chapter at the University of South-
ern California. Because they live in
practically every section of Los A n -
geles, their activities are centered

(Continued on next page)

PRESENTATION of the Muriel Turner FOUNDERS D A Y is an impressive event at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Outstanding
McKinney Scholarship Award is made Los Angeles alums attending included: Lucile Curtis English (Mrs. Walter A.) A—
yearly at Founders Day to the senior Stanford University; Miss Helen Haller, P.—Miami University; Marjorie Ander-
at Nu Lambda or Kappa Theta who has
made the highest scholastic average during son Hooker (Mrs. Philip) A; Muriel Turner McKinney (Mrs. Verne W.) A.
her junior year. Here Muriel McKinney TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959
(Mrs. Verne W . ) A—Stanford Univer-
sity, presents the award to Diane De-

Rollin, Kappa Theta—UCLA.

Los Angeles To really get acquainted they had a collect and save saleable articles.
Valentine dinner party with their The past two years have found us
(Continued from preceding page) husbands this year. W i t h a little
effort and enthusiasm from the new deeply engrossed in candy sales. We
around their chapter house. They nucleus of this group, they should order candy in cases f r o m Katherine
have heen most helpful in assisting really be a potent force in Los Beich, Bloomington, Illinois. By
with rushing at N u Lambda. Angeles before long. making a special effort to have it
in time for Christmas, we have
PROFESSIONAL GROUP JOINT ACTIVITIES found it to be very profitable and
also just right to have available
The Business and Professional In addition to the projects and when we need an extra g i f t .
Women's Group has always backed social events of the various groups,
all of our projects with much en- there are some activities in which In addition to our own activities,
thusiasm and interest. Because they all the groups participate as one of course, we keep in very close
are engrossed in work outside their chapter or as a member of the touch with our two active chapters
homes, their time is limited but they Southern California Council. here in Los Angeles: Kappa Theta
do get together for dinner and at U C L A and N u Lambda at USC.
theater meetings. They are proud to The first social event of the sea- This last year we were able to finan-
have Helen Haller, n—Miami U n i - son this year was the tea held at cially assist N u Lambda. We always
versity, past national president, as the lovely Pasadena home of Olga support the Mothers' Club Dinner
one of their group. Wallace Smith (Mrs. Ralph W . ) at N u Lambda and the Mothers'
Club Book and Author Tea at
WESTSIDE JUNIORS —-University of Kansas, honoring Kappa Theta.
our national president Nancy Moyer
Westside Juniors are a very ac- McCain (Mrs. Walter) ; Treasurer Our membership is large and scat-
tive young group. They held a "Toy Olga Seibert Vatcher (Mrs. Mar- tered but we have found that by
Party" this last year at which time shall J.) A—Stanford University, having divisions with local activi-
members of the group purchased from our own Southern Council; ties, we are able to maintain a well-
toys that were demonstrated by a Alumnae Director Mignon Macurda organized chapter. W i t h group
representative from a toy store. In Stannard (Mrs. Milton, Jr.) K6— presidents attending monthly meet-
return, the group received a per- University of California at Los A n - ings of the Executive Board, every-
centage of the proceeds. They used geles ; and Collegiate Director Har- one is kept in touch with the activi-
this fund to augment their annual riet Hinds Waldron (Mrs. John, ties of every other group. By having
project which is a booth at the Chil- Jr.) K©—University of California the Los Angeles president attend
dren's Home Society Bazaar. This at Los Angeles. meetings of the Southern California
is held every December and gives Council, everyone in the Los A n -
everyone a good chance to do Christ- Founders' Day is always very- geles Chapter knows what is taking
mas shopping while donating to a lovely and successful with AOII's place in the southern part of the
worthwhile cause. This year the traveling from all over the Southern state. No one can say we don't try
booth featured the girls' own ver- California area. We have a stand- to be well-informed about AOII in
sions of "Pinky Puppets". They ing reservation for the beautifully Southern California—and we have
used the basic pattern for "Pinky" decorated Crystal Room at the fun doing it!
but added their own trimmings. Beverly Hills Hotel. Its red fur-
nishings and crystal chandeliers X\
SOUTHWEST GROUP provide a perfect setting for the
important luncheon. \
The Southwest Group is mostly
comprised of fairly young girls who Each spring we support the Los Come to Convention!
have children of pre-school and ele- Angeles City Panhellenic Benefit Aon Continental
mentary school ages. Most of them Fashion Show and Tea. We pro-
live in the southwest area of Los vide one of the door prizes and
Angeles and hold their meetings make our contribution to the cause
once a month in different homes. of scholarships.
A f t e r the business meetings the con-
versation usually drifts to Spock, In April we hold our formal
Gesell, Brownies, Cubs and the meeting alternating each year be-
latest antics of the young! Because tween the chapter houses at U C L A
the members are so compatible they and USC. A t this time, formal in-
have three or four parties each year stallation takes place for the officers
when the husbands are invited to of the Los Angeles Chapter and the
participate in the festivities. This presidents of the various groups.
group has joined the Needlework- We have found the turnout is much
Guild of America for its philan- greater and there is more interest
thropic project. The girls sew or if each group attends this one for-
buy new garments that are collected mal meeting in place of its own
each fall for distribution to various meeting for that month.
charities. Because most of these
girls are busy with youngsters and Every spring our big money-
do not have a great deal of time making project is the rummage sale.
to spend outside their homes, this This is under the direction of our
project is very satisfactory. vice-president in charge of philan-
thropy. We have done this f o r
WESTSIDE SENIORS years and are getting to be very ex-
perienced in bargaining! The sale
A new group is being reorgan- is held for two days, but throughout
ized known as the Westside Seniors. the year we are reminded at meet-
ings and by notices in the Pizette to
T O DRAG M A — S U M M E R , 1959

Alpha 0micron Pi Continental


June 25-July 1 at The Empress, Victoria, B. C, Canada

Alpha Omicron Pi Continental Continental Comments


7:00- 10:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY, J U N E 24 National Convention C h a i r m a n
Executive Committee Meeting We hope you'll read every detail
Alumnae Directors in Session about our Alpha Omicron Pi Con-
Collegiate Directors in Session tinental convention! Registration
forms, full transportation informa-
GENERAL CONVENTION PROGRAM tion, program, convention trips,
what to wear . . . it's all here. Espe-
THURSDAY, J U N E 25 cially note the wonderful group of
workers that have been assisting me
2:00- 5:00 P.M. "CANADA" in presenting this convention.
5:30 Registration
6:30 Executive Committee Receiving Line The Empress is a delightful hotel
8:30 Banquet—Hostess: Beta Kappa and Vancouver Alumnae and we will be occupying it at a
10:00 Opening Ritual perfect time of year. Hotel rooms—
District C o c a Cola Parties two to a room, American plan—will
be just $16 per day. Your registra-
FRIDAY, J U N E 26 tion fee of $25 covers tips, inci-
dentals and everything that will
"GRANDEUR O F THE NORTHWEST" make this a memorable convention
trip for you.
8:45- 10:15 General Business Session
10:30- 12:00 Of course, a trip before or after
12:30 Round Table: Collegiate-Alumnae Joint Session convention is ideal. However, do
2:30 Collegiate Luncheon—Hostess: Alpha Sigma take full advantage of the facilities
3:15 Convention Pictures right in Victoria. Swim in the
6:30 Round Tables: Collegiate-Alumnae Separate Sessions Crystal Gardens Pool. Golf at beau-
9:00 Scholarship Dinner—Hostess: Portland Alumnae tiful Oak Bay and Royal Colwood
"Rush Party Revue" Golf Courses, available to Empress
hotel guests. Stroll through the
SATURDAY, J U N E 27 world-famous Butchart's Gardens.
View the unique Parliament Build-
8:45 9:30 "GATEWAY TO THE ORIENT" ings. Dine on "Princess Mary," the
9:30 12:00 restaurant vessel. Shop at Morley's
12:30 General Business Session where you'll find antiques and Hong
Round Tables: Collegiate-Alumnae Separate Sessions Kong imports.
2:00 Public Relations Luncheon—Hostess: Alpha Rho and C o r -
6:30 Coming to convention deserves
9:00 vallis Alumnae your serious consideration now.
Round Tables: Collegiate-Alumnae Joint Session We'll be looking for you, so clip out
Philanthropic Dinner—Hostess: Seattle Alumnae the registration f o r m and send it
Round Table: Collegiate-Alumnae Joint Session as soon as possible.


12:30 "INSPIRATION DAY" 110 A Panderings
2:00- 2:30
2:30- 5:00 Morning Free for Church by William G. Ennis
6:30 "Birthday" Luncheon—Hostess: Spokane Alumnae
9:00 Round Table: Collegiate-Alumnae Joint Session Plans for the men in the family
Round Tables: Collegiate-Alumnae Separate Session are proceeding at a rate just as ex-
"Butterfly Dinner"—Hostess: Upsilon citing as the convention plans. Con-
Memorial Service vention week will be the start of the
spring salmon run and we are ar-
MONDAY, J U N E 29 ranging fishing trips that w i l l not
"GATEWAY TO ALASKA" only give you "something to brag
about" when you return home—but
8:45- 12:00 Business Session they'll be reasonably priced, too.
2:00- 6:00 "Wigwam Pow Wow"—Hostess: Tacoma Alumnae Brenta Lodge—a safe 12 miles
6:30 Free time for Shopping, Sightseeing, etc. f r o m the Empress—will be ITOA
9:00 Alumnae Dinner—Hostess: Eugene Alumnae headquarters. This is Victoria's lead-
Candle Lighting Service ing resort and—for you garden lov-
ers—it is just a stroll f r o m the
TUESDAY, J U N E 30 world famous Butchart Gardens.
This small tastefully decorated lodge
"CONTINENTAL DAY" has a variety of fine facilities i n -
cluding fishing, golf, tennis, bil-
8:45 Business Session liards, ping pong, swimming, bi-
9:30 cycling—you name it. There's even
12:30 Round Tables: Collegiate-Alumnae Separate Session a playground i f you're bringing the
No program. Group luncheons are not available on Tues- young fry.
6:30 days at the Hotel, so members will eat in the dining For complete details please write
room. immediately to me:
Installation of Officers
Rose Banquet—Hostess: Beta Kappa and Vancouver W. G. Ennis
Alumnae 1115 East Rockwood Blvd.
Spokane, Washington
8:45 WEDNESDAY, JULY I by the Executive

12:30 C D . and A.D. School
Special conferences to be announced

Luncheon—Hosts: Pi O Alphas
Packing and Departure

21 T O D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959



Part I lnss at night

Full Name

Street Address

City and Zone State

Official Delegate to Convention? Capacity


Arrival date Approximate time

Via boat:

Via train: -

Via plane: flight no

Departure date Approximate time IfcL'JB B
Douglas Street, Victoria
Roommate preference -
Washington «
(Roommates will be assigned for collegiate presidents, collegiate di- Scenic

rectors and alumnae directors)

Room per person, American plan: $16 per day, Two to a room.

Part II

Full Name Chapter and year

Maiden Name

Street Address

City and Zone .State
Official Delegate? Capacity


Past officer

District in which now living or attending school ctori;,

Birthday month and day Approximate time.
Number of conventions attended
Arrival date

Via boat:

Via train: The city of Seattle

Via plane: flight no princess

R E G I S T R A T I O N F E E O F $25 is enclosed
N O T E : Non-delegates planning to attend convention for only part of the

time, will pay a $5 per day Registration Fee.
TO INSURE RESERVATIONS, officers, delegates and non-delegates

must fill out this entire reservation blank and mail with check to:

Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Can' MatSu
Suite 601-4, 6 East Fourth Street
Cincinnati 2, Ohio

There can be no refund of registration fee after June 1, 19S9.

T O D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959 23

Pack Your Bag!

V i c t o r i a , B.C., C a n a d a , site o f " A 0 I 1 C o n t i n e n t a l " is situated
on t h e southern t i p o f 282-mile-long Vancouver Island. Thus the
winters are singularly mild and the summers pleasantly cool. The
a v e r a g e t e m p e r a t u r e f o r t h e w a r m e s t m o n t h , J u l y , is 63 d e g r e e s .

So when you plan your convention clothes, other than those t o
be worn in the lovely English Empress Hotel, be sure y o u tuck in
a warm suit, a t o p coat, a n d furs, if you choose.

Although the Chamber of Commerce reports slight rainfall
usually in J u n e , a p l a s t i c rain c o a t a n d b o n n e t a r e essentials f o r
the Northwest.

For the t w o formal banquets on the program, long or short
f o r m a l s will b e in o r d e r . Dressy c o t t o n s o r silks a r e suitable f o r t h e
other dinners. Sweaters and skirts will come in handy if the weather
proves o n t h e cool side, as will other casual clothes, f o r t h e busi-
ness sessions.

A d j o i n i n g t h e Empress g r o u n d s is t h e C r y s t a l G a r d e n w h e r e y o u
can refresh with a d i p in Canada's largest salt-water swimming
p o o l . V i c t o r i a is p r a c t i c a l l y s u r r o u n d e d b y w a t e r so there's
opportunity f o r boating which calls f o r an extra warm sweater or
coat and scarf.

DEBBIE B R O W N of Beta Kappa models
a short formal suitable for the scholarship


BUSINESS SESSIONS will find conven-
tioneers in casual clothes like this sweater
and skirt modeled by Glenna Jean Rust,
Upsilon — University of Washington.


SHOPPING and Sunday Church find Pa- A VERSATILE convention
tience Ryan of Beta Kappa—University of outfit is this two-piece cot-
British Columbia, in this striking navy ton print sleeveless dress
with jacket, modeled by Judy
and white ensemble. Kipper, Upsilon—University
of Washington. (Costume
24 TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959 courtesy Helen Rickets Ap-


Washington Cam- WHAT'S W H A T in Convention cottons is
pus photography modeled by AOIIs (from left to right) Sandy
courtesy James O. Stevens, Ellen Falconer, Mary MacKean, Judy
Sneddon, Office of Druxman, Sharon Wilson, Nancy Fleming, Jan
Public Information,
U n i v e r s i t y of McCully, and Georgia Armentrout.


A DIP IN THE CONVENTION T R A V E L finds Alverna Swan (Mrs.
CRYSTAL GARDENS F. E . ) , President of the Seattle Alumnae, in this suit and
POOL requires an ex-
otic costume like this coat combination.
beach ensemble mod-
eled by Beta Kappa

Kenzie Smith.

HUSBANDS are wel- T H E ROSE BANQUET, highlight of convention, is the occasion
come at convention for this appropriate rose formal blocked nylon gown with taffeta
too and here Teddy cummerbund modeled by Linda Kassner, president of Upsilon
Jacobson Greenwald,
Collegiate Director of Chapter. (Gown courtesy Helen Rickerts Apparel)
District X V , shows
what alumnae will be
wearing to formal con-

vention events.

A special Convention T

A Ot

Spread your A o n wings and join us on a star . . . Other Ways to Reach Victoria

The Western Star runs on a track. For those traveling by car:
I t goes f r o m Chicago to Seattle and back. From Vancouver, B. C. via Nanaimo
From Seattle via Washington State Ferries
We'll go to Convention in one big band, N O T E : Several ferries run each way each day
W i t h AOlis from all over the land.
For those desiring to f l y :
As to what you'll need and where to begin:
Bring your railroad fare and your AOII pin. From Seattle via Trans Canada A i r Lines
N O T E : These schedules were being changed at
Pack some f u n ideas in the bag you bring press time. Contact your local agent. There are
"Cuz that Old Western Star is gonna ring. several good flights that will bring you to Victoria
in time for the opening of convention.
You can sit in the coach, a room or lower—• From Vanouver via Trans Canada A i r Lines
Those peppy AOIIs will be all over. N O T E : There are 13 flights daily.
For those coming by train connecting with the boat:
They'll give us the diner at a special hour, via Canadian Pacific Railway.
But we'll make our f u n wherever we are. From Seattle: Boat leaves Pier 64, Lenora St. at
8 a.m., arrives Victoria 11:50 a.m.
A bridge lover's heaven, we know you'll agree, From Vancouver: Boat leaves at 10:00 a.m., ar-
But whatever your game, you'll find someone free. rives Victoria 2:15 p.m.
Those not taking the special convention train may
I n AOII fashion, you can gab ' t i l dawn, wish to contact their nearest Canadian Pacific Repre-
Or gaze at the scenery as we roll along. sentative listed here:

These AOII memories you'll always treasure, Mr. H . F . Nelson, D P R , C P . R R , 807-9 C.&S. Nat'l Bk Bldg.,
Planned by the Chicago Area Council for your Atlanta, Ga.

pleasure. Mr. R. G. Williamson, G A P D , C P . R R , 500 Little Bldg., 80
Boylston, Boston 16, Mass.
Now you can have that convention trip of your
dreams! I f your travel plans bring you through Chi- Mr. A. C. Nieman, G A P D , C P . R R , 305 Buffalo Industrial
cago (and most do) meet on the Western Star—the Bank Bldg., 17 Court St., Buffalo 2, N. Y .
special AOII train that goes D I R E C T to convention via
St. Paul and Seattle—no stopping except the exciting Mr. J . J . Trainor, G A R P , C P . R R , 39 South L a Salle St.,
boat trip to Victoria. Chicago 3, 111.

Then plan your return trip through Canada, via Mr. L . P. Dooley, G A P D , C P . R R , 203 Dixie Ter'l Bldg.,
Canadian Pacific. Details of special stop-overs and a Cincinnati 2, Ohio.
list of CP agents are also in this issue.
Mr. M. T . Jackson, D P R , C P . R R , 1038 Union Commerce
The Chicago Area Council has reserved reclining leg Bldg., Cleveland 14, Ohio
rest coach cars and Pullmans on the Western Star f o r
the exclusive use of the fraternity. Special entertain- Mr. G. R. Watson, D P R , C P . R R , 1026 Kirby Bldg., Dallas 1,
ment, games, good conversation, sightseeing from your
seat, reserved dining facilities—these are just some of Mr. A. D. Macdonald, G A P D , C P . R R , 530 West Sixth St.,
the features. Because of the heavy travel west during Los Angeles 14, Calif.
the summer, these train accommodations have been
reserved. Use the form on the next page to reserve your Mr. G. P. Jenkyns, D P R , C P . R R , 708 Second Ave., South,
space. See you aboard ! Minneapolis 2, Minn.

Chicago Area Council Mr. J . E . Roach, G A R P , C P . R R , 581 Fifth Ave., New York
Fern Kallevang (Mrs. Charles) 17, N. Y .
Verginia Miller (Mrs. George)
Peggy Crawford (Mrs. R. C.) Mr. W. J . Holman, D P R , C P . R R , Rooms 1036-1038 Fidelity,
Dorothy Matchett Philadelphia Trust Bldg., Philadelphia 9, Pa.

Mr. G. L . B. Wanamaker, D.P.R., C P . R R , 648 William Penn
Place, 2202 Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, Pa.

Mr. E . J . Dahlberg, D.P.R., C P . R R , 207 American Bank Bldg.,
Portland 5, Ore.

Mr. J . J . Brown, G A P D , C P . R R , Room 1220 Boatmen's Bank
Bldg., 314 North Broadwav St. Louis 2, Mo.

Mr. R. S. Henry, G A P D , C P . R R , 185 Post St., San Fran-
cisco 8, Calif.

Mr. J . A. C. Blair. G A P D , C P . R R , 1504 K. Street, N. W.,
Washington 5, L . C.

26 TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959

The Canadian Pacific Railway Company is offering

Pullman Fares For Passenger Wishing To Use two convention trips, specially arranged for AOITs. Full

First-Class Accommodations: details can be obtained f r o m your CP agent, listed i n

Chicago to Seattle: this issue. Those taking the Convention train w i l l

Fare Tax Total probably wish to return via Canada and these trips can
$24.20 $2.42 $26.62
Lower Berth be easily arranged. The special trips are one and two
Upper Berth 18.40 1.84 20.24
Duplex Roomette 26.60 2.66 29.26 days tours of the Canadian Rockies Playgrounds. Side-

Single Bedroom 45.90 4.59 50.49 trips are also available. The 24 hour stop-over is ap-

Double Bedroom 53.05 5.31 58.36 proximately $31. The two day tour is as follows:

For Those Wishing To Return Via Canada Rates per Person Minimum Superior

Vancouver to St. Paul: Two-in-room $54.00 $57.00

Fare Tax Total Single room $62.00 $68.00
Lower Berth $20.80 $2.08 $22.88
Upper Berth 15.90 1.59 17.49 Plus $1.70 tax

Roomette 29.15 2.92 32.07 First Day: Arrive Field Station, P . M . motor to Chat-

Single Bedroom 39.65 3.97 43.62 eau Lake Louise via Emerald Lake, Yoho Valley,

Double Bedroom (two or more persons).... 45.85 4.59 50.44 Kicking Horse Pass and The Great Divide. D i n -
Compartment (two or more persons) 49.95 5.00 54.95
Drawing Room (two or more persons) 69.70 6.97 76.67 ner and lodging at Chateau Lake Louise.

St. Paul to Chicago: Second Day: Breakfast and lunch at Chateau Lake

Coach Seat No Charge Louise. Motor to Moraine Lake and return, or
Parlor Car Seat $2.64, including tax
Pony T r i p , 10 A . M . Leave Chateau Lake Louise

Cost Of Trip at 4 P . M . and motor to Banff Springs Hotel for

Railroad Fare: dinner and lodging there.

Round-trip coach ticket Chicago to Fare Tax Total Third Day: Breakfast and lunch at Banff Springs Ho-
Victoria, B.C., returning via any direct $95.00 $9.50 $104.50
route (not via California) tel. Deluxe General Drive around Banff at 9:30

A . M . Transfer f r o m hotel to Banff station. Leave

Round-trip First-Class ticket, Chicago 126.80 12.68 139.48 Banff by train in P . M .
to Victoria, B.C., returning any direct
route (not via California) Special Train Reservation Form
The above rates are the same whether routed via Victoria, re-
turning via Vancouver to Chicago; or whether routed South Miss Emma W. Bock, Travel Counselor
from Victoria returning via Seattle and/or Portland to Chicago. Burlington Railroad
Canadian Pacific Steamship Company:
No daytime charges on the boat.

CONVENTION TRAIN 105 W. Adams Street
CONDENSED SCHEDULE Chicago 3, Illinois
I (We) wish accommodations in the Alpha Omicron Pi cars
on the Western Star, leaving Chicago via Burlington Railroad,
10:45 p.m., Central Standard Time, Monday, June 22, I will
Going Trip: board the train at Chicago or St. Paul

Lv. Chicago 10:45 P M , C S T Burlington R R Mon. June 22 Please make the following reservations for me:
Pullmans open for occupancy at 9:30
PM—Coaches open at 10:30 P.M. Chicago to Seattle, reclining coach seat

Ar. St. Paul 7:30 A M , C S T Burlington R R Tues. June 23 St. Paul to Seattle, reclining coach seat _
Lv. St. Paul 8:30 A M , C S T Great Northern Tues. June 23
Ar. Seattle 5:30 A M , P S T Great Northern Thurs. June 25

The entire train is parked for occupancy
until 7:00 A M

Transfer To Lenora Street Dock Chicago or St. Paul to Seattle

Lv. Seattle 8:00 A M , P S T C P Steamship Thurs. June 25 -Lower Berth
Coffee Shop and Dining Room will be
open for breakfast soon after sailing time. Thurs. June 25 Upper Berth
Ar. Victoria B.C. 11:50 A M , P S T CP Duplex Roomette
Steamship Co. Single Bedroom
Double Bedroom
Returning Trip Via Canada: July 1 or July 2
Lv. Victoria 1:10 PM, P S T C P Steamship July 1 or July 2 My name:
July 1 or July 2
Co. July 2 or July 3 Address:
Ar. Vancouver 5 :25 P M , P S T C P Steam- July 2 or July 3
July 2 or July 3 City: Zone: State:
ship Co. July 2 or July 3
Lv. Vancouver 6:30 PM, P S T C P Railway
July 3 or July 4
Ar. Field 11:40 A M . P S T C P Railway Co. Others in my party:..
Ar. Lake Louise 1:50 P M , M S T CP Rail-

way Co.
Ar. Banff 3 :20 PM, M S T C P Railway Co.
Lv. Banff 5 :45 PM, M S T C P Railway Co.

Plenty of time at Banff to take a sight-
seeing trip.
Ar. North Portal 1 :00 PM, M S T C P Rail-

Boundary Line Between United States and Canada

Lv. Portal 3:00 P M , C S T Soo Line July 3 or July 4
Ar. St. Paul 7:15 A M , C S T Soo Line July 4 or July 5
Lv. St. Paul 8:25 A M , C S T Burlington R R July 4 or July 5
Ar. Chicago 2:45 P M , C S T Burlington R R July 4 or July 5

T O D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959 27

GENERAL CONVENTION Come to Our Convention Songfest
by Glenna Vere Kneeland, Convention Song Chairman
Clydene Morris Ennis (Mrs. William G . J ,
National Convention Chairman Now is the time for all good book of 1955 look over Once More
bathroom sopranos to come to the United, Our Rose, Vive 7 A0L7., You
Edith Chapman Robinson (Mrs. Clyde] Co- aid of their sorority. Get the pipes Take Carnations, Spelling Song, Re-
chairman from Washington in good order. Run a few scales up member, Pin Song, AOII Sweet-
and down the larynx. T r y a couple heart, AOLT Round and the Grace.
Vera Snow Reid (Mrs. Frank) Co-chairman of moon shots at the high notes in Then in special honor of our Ca-
from Oregon "America." Yes, it's going to be a nadian sisters, there's the song O
sing-sing reunion come convention Canada!, and of course, God Save
Honore Young Findlay (Mrs. James) Co- time, and I don't mean we'll be doing The Queen.
chairman from Canada the Prisoner's Song either; we'll be
back "Making Like a Kid Again, From other songbooks, there's
Margaret Shotwell Gregory (Mrs. J . C.) Doin What We Did Again" when Red Rose Goodnight, and maybe
Convention Trips Chairman Patty went to college. you have some songs you want us to
be sure and sing. I f they're easy
Minne Kraus Brugger (Mrs. Joseph) Chairman Getting down to earth and not and you bring copies of them, we'll
of Reservations and Registration trying to be clever at all, I ' l l just be glad to add your favorites too.
say, I hope you will come ready for I f you have soloists in your city, or
Glenna Vere Heacocle Kneeland; Convention some good singing. You don't have members of quartets, duets or such,
Song Chairman to be a good singer, understand, just we want to know about them. Have
sing, do your monotone, or whatever them come prepared with numbers
LOCAL CONVENTION you're most noted for, but take a we can put together for an informal
COMMITTEE PERSONNEL look at the good old AOLT. songs and concert and song-fest. Remember,
lie ready to join your sisters in A O n actives and alums, we're all set
CANADA: singin' fun. for a Sing-Sing reunion in jolly old
Canada this June. See you then!
Ruth Richardson, Chairman In the Alpha Omicron Pi song
Leonore Smith
Ruth Lotzgar, (Mrs. Joseph)
June Walker Talbot (Mrs. Ralph)
Elizabeth Booth Young (Mrs. Victor)
Ada Kirk Brown
Marilyn Carr
Patience Ryan



Judy Richards, Chairman
Donna Reager
Jane Horning
Pepper Allen
Sharon Rafferty
Gail Davidson


Luola Benge Bengston, Chairman • PREPARING FOR C O N V E N T I O N are
Donna Donahue Gent (Mrs. Fred), Co-Chair- Corvallis alums with a member of Alpha
PRACTICING WELCOMING are these Rho Chapter at Oregon State. They are:
man. Alpha Rho collegiates—hostesses for con- (standing) Hazel Williams G i l l ; (seated)
Lois Hill Dahlan (Mrs. A. K.) vention (left to right): Phyllis Watkins, Pat Thomas, Mary Lou Karvola and Ivy
Mary Keller Berwick (Mrs. James)
Norma Beetem Ragsdale (Mrs. T. E.) Lee Martin and Sharon Jaques. Scherer McGreger.
Janet Rust Christian (Mrs. Everett)
Charlotte Strickler Leslie (Mrs. Geo.)
Mary Lee Elliot Cisney (Mrs. Richardj
Synovia Eriakson Wilcox (Mrs. Robert)
Bette Le'Anne Levra (Mrs. Raymond)
Beverly Droste MacLaren (Mrs. Donald)
Katherine Liston Hagmeier (Mrs. John)


Hazel Gill (Mrs. Luke K.), Chairman WASHINGTON:
Audrey Smith (Mrs. Loren J.J
Mary Lou Korvola
Sin a Strom berg Elizabeth Lemley Wilhelmi (Mrs. James F.)


GENERAL CONVENTION COMMITTEE Lorraine Thompson Cites (Mrs. L. J.)
Elizabeth J . Love Alberna Ocker Swan (Mrs. F. E.)

Elinor Sakrison Bjorkiund (Mrs. Norman E.) Frances Benjamin Joanne Smith Gould (Mrs. W . K.)
Estelle Wheeler Flannigan (Mrs. Fred) Shirley Smith Palm (Mrs. James)
Eileen Monks Skosberg (Mrs. George E.) Co-
Chrm. Lucile Lockerby (Mrs. Frank) Margery Skrondal Porter (Mrs. Larry)

Martha Leah Lance Zaklan (Mrs. Stanley) Betty McCoy Mattson (Mrs. J . J.) Stanford Doris Wells Bishop
Mary Lou Youngquist Schiewe (Mrs. Mark D.)
Barbara Dorris Miller (Mrs. Eugene) Merle Wolfe Pole (Mrs. Ed.) Mary McArthur Henshaw (Mrs. Wm.)
Jonelle Melvin Clark (Mrs. L P . )
Laura DeVeuve Inez Swartzlander Pipe (Mrs. B. J . )


Kathleen Oliver Bush (Mrs. Bruce) HOSPITAUTY COMMITTEE

PORTLAND LOCAL HOSPITAUTY Betsy Bell Helen Morford Powers (Mrs. Carleton), Chair


Penny Ahlquist Ester Melby Valentine (Mrs. Albert)
Mary Garvey Kendall (Mrs. W. D.)
Melanie Peterson Wide (Mrs. Axel N.) Sue Teufel Ann Trimble
Oriel Campbell
Florence Stanley Markley (Mrs. Glen L.) Georgia Armentrout

Sandy Stevens Grace Becher (Mrs. E. T.)

2S T O D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959

do You Know This Girll

an important message from Alma H. Janz (Mrs. Lloyd), National Membership Chairman

Alums—you have an important job to do. I t starts
with your answering these few questions.

1. Do you know a high school graduate?
2. Have you read about a friend's graduating

daughter in the local papers?
3. Are you—or is any member of your family—

interested in a youth organization which has
some high school grads?
4. Are some of your baby-sitters graduating ?
5. Have you heard about a girl graduate who has
been awarded a scholarship by a local business
or school?
6. Are your children acquainted with any graduat-
ing seniors?
7. Are you related to a high school graduate of
this year?

I f you can answer "yes" to any of the above ques-
tions, let me ask you one more. Can you recommend
this girl for membership in Alpha Omicron Pi. Re-
member, no girl may be invited into membership in
AOII unless recommended by an alumnae member. Why
not use the easy form in this issue of To D r a g m a and
send it to your state chairman N O W . Chairmen and
addresses are also in this issue.

Let us not overlook our legacies. Recommend her
on the same basis as other rushees. Don't take her for
granted. She's just as proud of her own abilities as
other grads.

Send your recommendations to the State Member-
ship Chairman f r o m now until the end of August. This
is helpful since rushees often change schools before
rushing. The State Chairman will see that the informa-
tion gets to the correct college. A f t e r September 1, or
in cases where you are absolutely sure of the school,
send the recommendation directly to the chapter rush-
ing chairman.

Additional recommendation forms may be secured
from your State Chairman. For further information
contact your State Chairman or National Membership
Chairman: Alma Janz (Mrs. Lloyd), 3904 N . E . Has-
salo, Portland 12, Oregon.




TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959 29

Recommendation Form for Membership—Part I
AN ALUMNAE recommendation is required for every girl who may be a candidate for membership. A
recommendation is a report; therefore favorable or unfavorable reports must be signed. Do not overrate
the rushee. It is an injustice to her as well as the chapter.

TO: '. at


Rushee's Name . _____

Parents' Name

High School attended

If college transfer : :


Scholastic Honors

Personality and Appearance:

Quiet ( ) Poised ( ) Alert ( ) Attractive ( ) Neat ( )

Character Dependable ( )
High Social Standards and Ideals ( ) Group Adaptability ( )
Qualities for Leadership ( )


Art ( ) Sports ( ) Music ( ) Publications ( )

Offices held Honors Won


State Chairman Address
Alabama Miss Margaret Black 1931 Ellen Street, Montgomery 6
Arizona Mrs. Michael J . McNulty 708 Orange Drive, Tempe
Arkansas Mrs. George M . Peek Peekbill, Jonesboro
California (Northern) Mrs. Ward Wells 5552 Golden Gate Ave., Oakland 18
California (Southern) Mrs. R. E . Nevins 5005 Varna Ave., Sherman Oaks
Colorado Mrs. Ernest Maurer 845 Brentwood St., Denver 15
Assistant: Mrs. Raymond Buzzetti 2081 Jasmine St., Denver 7,
Connecticut Mrs. Frederick A . Raymond 13 Maple Ave., Clinton
Mrs. Wayne May 115 Canterbury Drive, Windsor H i l l s , Wilmington 3
Delaware Miss Mildred Imirie 9016 Georgetown Road, Bethesda 14, M d .

District of Columbia Mrs. Ronald West P.O. Box 277, Windermere
(Washington, D.C.) Mrs. Charles A . Auclair 206 Maederis Drive, Decatur
Mrs. Donald W . Johnson 2309 Judith St., Boise
Florid- Mrs. W . R. Omeis 5656 S. Kensington, LaGtange
Mrs. Albert V . Mcllveen 320 N . L i n c o l n , Bloomington
Georgia Mrs. Vaughn Victor Moore 5216 Harwood Drive, Des Moines 12
Mrs. John Oyer, Jr. - 523 Westover R d . , Kansas City 2
Idaho Mrs. Charles McKendrick 2108 Broadway, New Orleans 18
Mrs. James W.j.McCIure 45 Sixth St., Bangor
Illinois Mrs. Giles B. Cooke 502 Yarmouth Road, Towson 4
Mrs. J . M. Andress 80 Kingsbury St., Wellesley 81
Indiana Mrs. H , L. Hilliker 3714 Cooley Drive,. Lansing 10
Mrs. Glen Steinke, 3441 Dupont Ave. So.,- Apt. 202, Minneapolis '8
Iowa Mrs. John K . Foster 4132 Dogwood Drive, Jackson 6

Kansas T O DRAGMA--SUMMER, 1959







Mississippi ,


Recommendation Form for Membership—Part I I

Alpha (Jmicron Pi relatives Younger sisters ( )


Relatives of other fraternities
Can fraternity membership financial obligations be met without jeopardizing tenure in college?

Would this girl and her family be an asset to Alpha Omicron Pi in the community?.

Do you recommend this girl?—( ) () A courtesy one? ( )


Is this recommendation: At the chapter's request? ( )
A voluntary one? ( )

Other remarks:

Signed by: (CHAPTER NAME)



Note: Return by (DATE)





Missouri Mrs. F . James Kelly 322 Calvert, Webster Groves 19
Montana Mrs. Eugene Hamilton
Nebraska Mrs. Carl H . Peterson 2909 State St., Butte
Nevada Mrs. T . H . Brandt
New Hampshire Miss Nancy Philbrook 1919 Ryons, Lincoln 2
New Jersey Mrs. Joseph Hoffman
New Mexico Mrs. Charles H . Jurgmichel 815 Bracken Ave., Las Vegas
New York Mrs. Millard A. Brink
North Carolina Mrs. Allen J . Maxwell Philbrook Farm Inn, Shelburne
North Dakota Mrs. George Hammer
Oklahoma Mrs. J . W . Hum 16 Dellwood Ave., Morristown
Ontario, Canada Miss Morleen Carscallen
Oregon Mrs. James G . Smith 2804 San Joaquin St., Albuquerque
Pennsylvania Mrs. William Belke, Jr.
Rhode Island Mrs. Philip Siener, Jr. 706 Elmira Road, Ithaca
South Carolina Mrs. David W . Gaston
South Dakota Mrs. Ed Hallenbeck 415 Ashworth Road, Charlotte 7
Tennessee Miss Margaret Dugger
Texas Mrs. John H . Naschke Reeder, N . D .
Utah Mrs. Fraier McGregor
Virginia Mrs. John M . Ribble 3216 N . W . 22nd St., Oklahoma City 18
Washington Mrs. Forrest Swan
West Virginia Mrs. G . W . Sale, Jr. 3 Kenridge Ave-, Toronto 18
Wisconsin Miss Helen Punke
251 Park Drive, McMinnville 1 / l " " * * *> » \
53 Iroquois Drive, Pittsburgh 28 ,2>~S"3L(». J
112 Woodbury St., Providence 6

508 Sims Ave., Columbia

321 N . Josephine Ave., Madison

1000 Southwest, Johnson City

2144 Brentwood, Houston. 19

2684 Lincoln Lane, Salt Lake City 17

Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg

7406 78th S. E . , Mercer Island
122 Sheridan Circle, Charleston

1560 E . Capitol Drive, Milwaukee 11

1959 31


Send recommendation directly to the collegiate rush chairman at her summer address or to
the president or the rush chairman if your report is being sent to the school address.

College Chapter Rush Chairman Summer Address College Address Rushing Dates
Alabama Pol)'. Inst. Delta Delta Dorm. I I , AOII Box, A.P.I., Sept. 17-23
Peggy. Lindsey 1337 46th St. Belview Hgts. Auburn, Ala.
Birmingham, Ala.

Arkansas State College Sigma Omicron K a y Cameron 1905 Eldridge, Arkansas State College, Sept. 14-18
State College, Ark. State College, Ark.

University of Arizona Upsilon Alpha Nancy Martha S U P O 9968 4810 Camino Escuela
Herlihy University of Arizona Tucson, Ariz.
Ball State Teachers Kappa Kappa Tucson, Arizona Oct. 30-Dec. 15
College Virginia Garrison R . F . D . 2, Seymour, Ind. Box 219, Student Center,
Ball State Teachers College,
Muncie, Ind.

Birmingham-Southern T a u Delta Ellen Davenport 1600 Oxmoor Road Box 68, Birmingham-Southern
Birmingham, Ala Birmingham 4, Ala.

Univ. of British Beta Kappa Theresa McNally 510-3rd St. 4078 W . 12th Ave. Sept. 16-30
Columbia Sigma Juna-Lee Hansen New Westminster, B . C . , Canada Vancouver 8, B . C . , Canada Aug. 31-Sept. 10

California-Berkeley 402 Hudson St. 2311 Prospect St.,
Oakland, Calif. Berkeley 4, Calif.

California-Los Angeles Kappa Theta Kasia Spilos 100 E . Roses Road, 894 Hilgard Ave., Sept. 8 (tentative)
San Gabriel, Calif. Los Angeles 24, Calif.

Colorado Chi Delta Joyce C . Bechtold 1226—16th Ave. 1015—15th St., Sept. 7-12
Greeley, Colo. Boulder, Colo.

Cornell Epsilon Darla K a y Thomas 425 Swan Road AOII, The Knoll Feb. 5-20
Dunkirk, N. Y . Ithaca, N . Y .

Denison Alpha Tau Sue Perron South Main King Hall, Denison Univ., Sept. 17-26
Findlay, Ohio Granville, Ohio

DePauw Theta Muriel Woodhall 613 W . McClure 503 Anderson St., Sept. 16-24;
Peoria, Illinois Greencastle, Ind. Feb. 1960

East Tenn. State Phi Alpha Maxine Cody Box 1524, Winston-Salem, N . C . Box 337, E . T . S . C .
Johnson City, Tenn.

Evansville Chi Lambda Jackie Smith 2117 E . G u m 3813 Washington Ave. January 1960 and
Evansville, Ind. Evansville 15, Ind. April 1960

Florida Gamma Omicron Carol Rippey 823 S. Delewate 819 Panhellenic Drive,
Tampa 6, Fla. Gainesville, Fla.

Florida Southern Kappa Gamma Judy Bottom 365 N . E . 82 Terrace Box 68, Florida Southern,
Miami 38, Fla. Lakeland, Fla.

Florida State Alpha Pi Ruth Skacil 11701 S. W . 80th R d . , Box 3068, F . S . U .
Miami 56, Fla. Tallahassee, Fla.
Sept. 23-30

Georgia Lambda Sigma Carole Roberts 1190 S. Milledge Ave. Sept. 11-21
Athens, G a .

Georgia State Gamma Sigma Anne Whitmire, 33 Gilmer St., S. E . , 33 Gilmer St. S. E . ,
Atlanta 3, Ga. Atlanta 3, G a .

Hanover Phi Omicron Jan Sherrow 204 Liberty Avenue AOII House, Hanover, Ind. Sept. 14-Oct. 5
Richmond, Ind.

Hartwick Sigma Chi Lynn White South Main St., 7 Weidman Place, Feb.-Mar., 1960
Berlin, New York Oneonta, N . Y .

Idaho State Iota Alpha Joanne Western 465 Franklin, Turner Hall, Box 51, Sept. 14-18
Pocatello, Idaho Idaho State College,
Pocatello, Idaho

Illinois Iota Marsha Hanscom Blackberry Woods 706 S. Mathews May 15-17; June
Suzen Grove, 111. Urbana, 111. 6-12; Fall unde-
cided date now

Illinois Wesleyan Beta Lambda Carol Asper R. 4, 1314 N . Fell Ave. Sept. 1-.12
Pontiac, 111. Bloomington, 111.

Indiana Beta Phi Sharon Lea Ogle 609 Dudley 901 E . Tenth St.
Indianapolis 27, Ind. Bloomington, Ind.

Ind. State Teachers Kappa Alpha Theresa Secondino Universal, Ind. 127 Madison, 11- 20-21
College Terre Haute, Ind. 12- 3 thru 7

Kansas Phi Mary McCammon King City, Mo. 1144 W . 11th St., Sept. 11-15; 1st
Lawrence, Kansas week of 2nd se-
mester in 1960

Kentucky Wesleyan Beta Chi Susan Whitt & Colleen McDuffee 1617 Parrish Court Oct. 4-10 or
College 1617 Parrish C t . 239 Robert Ave. Owensboro, Kentucky Nov. 11-17
Owensboro, K y . Lebanon, K y .

Lambuth Omega Omicron Margaret Moore 426 Garland St., Lambuth College, Sept. 14-19
Covington, Tenn. Jackson, Tenn.

Louisiana State Alpha Omicron Mildred Whitney 927 Park Blvd., 927 Park B l v d . , Baton Rouge, L a . A u g . 28-Sept. 7
Baton Rouge, L a .

Maine Gamma Dorothy Anderson 69 Summer St., Dovet N o v . 8-24
Foxcraft, Maine

32 T O D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959


College Chapter Rush Chairman Summer Address College Address Rushing Dates
Maryland Pi Delta Alice Packard
538 Park A v e . , 4517 College Ave. Sept. 19-Oct. 5
Towson 4, M d . College Park, M d . (approx.)

McGill Kappa Phi Roberta Rogers 210 Carlyle St., 3568 University St., Montreal, Sept. 24-Oct. 4
Montreal, Quebec, Canada Quebec, Canada

Miami (Oxford, Ohio) Omega Mary Ellen Frazier 527 E. Bean, A0II Suite, Hamilton Hall,
Washington, Penn. Oxford, Ohio

Michigan Omicron Pi Joan Pougnet 15110 W a r d , 800 O x f o r d Road,
Detroit, Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan

Michigan State Beta Gamma Molly Temple 304 S. M a i n St. 505 M . A . C . A v e . , A p r i l 7, 9, 11, 12,
Ovid, Mich. East Lansing, Michigan 14

Minnesota Tau Sandy Pollock 444 Otis Ave. 1121 S. E. 5th St. Sept. 26-Oct. 1
St. Paul, M i n n . Minneapolis 14, M i n n .

Mississippi N u Beta Ruth Watkins Quitman, Miss. Box 126, University, Miss. Sept. 8-12
Montana State Alpha Phi Terry Potter Sept. 25-Oct. 1
405 Madison Ave. , 1119 S. 5th St.,
Helena, Mont.
Bozeman, Montana

Nebraska Zeta Beverly Heyne Pender, Nebr. 1541 " S " St., Sept. 1-5
Lincoln 8, Nebr.

H . Sophie Newcomb Pi Tatania Marinovich 5723 W i l l o w St. 1013 Broadway, Sept. 12-21
New Orleans 15, La. N e w Orleans 18, La.

New York Nu Jane Henry 2667 M a r i o n Ave. AOn B o x , 13 E . ; 9 t h St.,
New York 58, N . Y . N e w Y o r k 3, N . Y .

Northeast La. State Lambda Tau Armande McHenry 803 S. 3rd St., 905 Georgia St.,
Monroe, La. Monroe, La.

Northern H I . Univ. N u Iota Sally Marker 1610 Grant A v e . 719 Park Avenue
R o c k f o r d , 111. Sycamore, I I I .

Northwestern Rho Chicago Rec. send 626 Emerson St. Sept. 17-24
Evanston, 111.
t o : Diane W r i g h t 471 Prairie, Elmhurst, I I I . 626 Emerson St.,
Evanston, 111.
A H other Recs.

send t o : Joan 626 Emerson St., Evanston, 111.

Stromberg 475 N . E. Hazelfern Place,

Oregon Alpha Sigma Donna Reager Portland, Ore. 1680 A l d e r St., Sept. 17-22
Oregon State Alpha Rho Eugene, Ore.
Pennsylvania State Epsilon Alpha
Hope Davidson 9514 Vineyard Crest 2435 Harrison St., Sept. 15-20
Bellevue, Wash. Corvallis, Ore.

Janice Hewlett 302 State Road Box 499, McEIwain Hall, 2nd & 3rd weeks
Marysville, Pa. State College, Pa. in Sept.; last 2
weeks i n Feb. for
freshman rush.

Randolph-Macon Kappa Joy Mitchell 3280 Somerset St., S. W . c/o Deane Moffitt, Sept. 18-26
Roanoke, Va.
Randolph Macon Woman's College,

Lynchburg, Va.

San Jose Delta Sigma Susan Quist 13240 Carrick 408 S. 8th St., Sept. 19-29
Saratoga, Calif. San Jose 12, Calif.

Southern California N u Lambda Janice Johnson 7322 D a l t o n Ave. 624 W . 28th St., 1st week i n Sep-
Los Angeles 47, Calif. Los Angeles 7, Calif. tember

Southwestern Kappa Omicron Sally Cross 3138 Douglass 2403 Broad A v e . , Sept. 16-18
Memphis, Tenn. Memphis 12, Tenn.

Southwestern La. Delta Beta Anne Crignet Box 590, S. L . I . Box 859, S.L.I., Sept. 3-7
Institute Omicron Lafayette, La. Lafayette, La.

Tennessee Ann Akin 5130 Stanford Drive, Box 342, 1621 W . Cumberland, Sept. 17-24
Nashville, Tenn. Knoxville 16, Tenn.

Texas Pi Kappa Bonner Gladney 1707 W . 32nd 2622 W i c h i t a , Sept. 7-8, 10-12
Patricia Shook Austin 3, Texas Austin 5, Texas Oct. 3-19
Toledo Theta Psi Sheila Shier
Judith Manaville 5838 Gay St. 3029 W . Bancroft St., Jan. 22-29
Toronto Beta Tau Linda West Toledo, Ohio Toledo 6, Ohio
Marian Frudden Sept. 15-24
Delta Glenna Jean Rust 40 Sussex Street 40 Sussex A v e . , T o r o n t o , Feb. 10-Mar. 15
Tufts, Jackson College Dolores Marquiss Toronto, Ont. Ontario, Canada

Vanderbilt Nu Omicron Hod^don H a l l . Tackson College 180 W a s h i n g t o n St.,
Medford 55, Mass. Medford 55, Mass.
Wagner Theta Pi
Wallace Lane 401—24th Ave. South,
Washington Upsilon Nashville 12, Tenn. Nashville 12, Tenn.

Washington College Sigma Tau 9510-4th Ave. Box 126, Wagner College,
Broklyn 9, N . Y . Staten Island 1, N . Y .

512 Clay St., 1906 E. 45th St.,
Walla Walla, Washington Seattle 5, Washington

315 W o o d p o i n t A v e . Minta Martin Hall,
Hagerstown, M d . Washington College,
Chestertown, M d .

Western Michigan Kappa Rho Pat Loudon 2324 Park St. Sept. 19 through
Kalamazoo, Mich. Oct. 12, 1959

••Youngstown Phi Lambda Joyce Bailey 665 Bryson St. 410 W i c k Ave., Youngstown Sept. 29 and Feb.
Youngstown 2, Ohio University, Youngstown 3, O. 14, 1959

**Univ. of Wisconsin- Phi Delta Nancy Westhofen 2950 N . 90th 4052 N . 12th St.,
Milwaukee Milwaukee 10, Wise. Milwaukee 9, Wisconsin

T O D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959 33


by Christine Saunders Benson, Director of Mothers' Clubs

How would you like to be a mem- "Sample" letter to mothers were to assist our girls with food for spe-
ber of a Mothers' Club? Every sent to each collegiate chapter pres- cial occasions. T w o of our chilis,
collegiate chapter should have a ident last September. Then I in Alpha Sigma and N u Iota, have, as
Mothers' or Parents' Club and the turn sent a "Report of Mothers' one of their projects, the making of
advantages are untold. Clubs" to each club president. The ritual robes. I t is wonderful that the
questionnaires and reports returned three Oregon Mothers' Clubs, Port-
A most important function of to me were most gratifying. I just land. Eugene and ()regon State, are
these groups is to spread the good wish they were more numerous. 1 so closely intertwined that they have
name of Alpha Omicron Pi to the find that AOII has about twenty-five joint meetings each year.
community, to aid in securing rec- very active Mothers' Clubs and
ommendations by being aware of more groups in the process of or- Many of our Mothers' Clubs have
freshmen entering schools where v\e ganization. scheduled meetings with our alum-
have AOII chapters. This comes nat- nae chapters and clubs, which brings
urally to mothers whose friends Clubs meet only as often as the us all closer together in AOII. I t
have daughters starting college. A n members desire. They meet one or was also thrilling to hear that some
enthusiastic AOII mother is truly more times a year to discuss ways of our clubs, Beta Phi for example,
a great asset! of assisting the chapter with gifts gives a $100 annual scholarship to
of money or furnishings for the a deserving A O I I member. Then
Lela B. Arrowsmith, B<f>—Indi- house or chapter room. Some of our other clubs, namely Beta Tau, N u
ana University, and president of dubs meet once a month and, of ()micron and Beta Lambda, have
Beta Tau Mothers' Club during the course, the more often they meet, definite philanthropic projects be-
period of 1953-'55, so aptly ex- the more enthusiastic the club. Most sides their chapter assistance. N u
pressed the true purpose of Mothers' of our clubs have that "very special" Lambda supports all Inter-Sorority
Clubs in their most interesting ros- luncheon or banquet for the fathers Mothers' Club activities. I wish
ter. I quote, "Since our colleges and and mothers to meet with their space would permit me to mention
universities are now so large, it be- daughters. the innumerable activities of our
comes increasingly more important Mothers' Clubs!
for mothers to meet, become ac- The individual clubs have from
quainted and to understand what ten to fifty-five active members with M y main objective as Director of
the university really is—what it does quite a few associate members, some Mothers' Clubs, is, of course, to
—the ideals our children form there. of whom pay dues or send a dona- assist i n the organization of a large
It is equally important that as a tion. Dues range f r o m $1.00 a year number of new clubs. I also want to
group they interpret to themselves, to $1.00 a month per member and compile an up-to-date directory of
to their families and their commu- most treasuries are enlarged by our clubs. Central Office would like
nities the service a sorority gives to money-making projects and volun- to know just how many clubs there
its members and they in turn after- tary donations. are and to what extent they are as-
wards give to the world. And this sisting our collegiate chapters. So,
wider function is perhaps the most Gifts to the chapters include nu- will each club president please keep
important of the several functions merous and useful items, such as in close contact with your director,
of Mothers' Clubs." trophy cases, filing cabinets, kitchen who is ready to help you in every
equipment, draperies, silverware, possible way? W i l l the collegiate
A "Questionnaire on Mothers' televisions, and hi-fi sets. A n d our chapter presidents please call this
Clubs," my ten "Suggestions for rnothers, who live in the college article to the attention of their
Forming a Mothers' Club" and a vicinity, are always ready and willing Mothers' Club?

r Ft

PHI ALPHA MOTHERS gather at a tea given by the chapter at East Tennessee State PREPARING for Sigma's annual Mothers
College. Following greetings and information presented by alumnae adviser Margaret Club Fashion Show at the University of
Dugger and chapter president Evelyn Quintrell the group formed a club to assist the California are (left to right) Marilyn
chapter. Mrs. W . F. Smith will be president, assisted by Mrs. Sue Bruce and Mrs. Evans, Doreen Adams and Bonnie Platner.

Ralph Galloway.

TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959


A New and Typical Mothers' Club
by Margaret D. Lindsay (Mrs. Hamilton) Club President

We are "babies" in the Mothers' delayed returning home so that we group, the joy we have had being to-
Club field since the Delta Delta could attend the pledge class tea that gether and helping our daughters is
Mothers' Club was organized just afternoon. You can imagine how due to a fine corps of officers which
a year ago. As i t is with many exhausted the girls were after hav- include Mrs. A . J. Bedsole, vice-
Mothers' Clubs, our members are ing had Mothers f o r two days and president ; Mrs. J. W . McClendon,
scattered across the state of Ala- a big tea on top of that, but they treasurer; Mrs. H . W . Sweet, re-
bama and many are from other all survived and we loved every cording secretary ; Mrs. W . E. Ken-
states. Hence our greatest problem minute of it. nedy, corresponding secretary and
is selecting a time to get together Mrs. R. A. Parker, publicity chair-
that w i l l be convenient f o r the great- Our October meeting was well man.
est number. attended: 43 mothers, about 35
daughters, 2 advisers and the house- We hope that our story will en-
O f invaluable assistance in help- mother of the dorm. Incidentally, we courage other groups of mothers to
ing us organize was the National have 56 mothers active and who organize into clubs and to become a
Director of Mothers' Clubs, Chris- have paid their dues, plus 2 associ- part of AOII.
tine Benson ( M r s . Enoch) chapter ate members who live too far away
adviser and Carolyn Tamblyn (Mrs. to be active but wish to assist us. Come to Convention!
William) now Delta Delta chapter AOTT Continental
adviser. Our first meeting was held We aid the chapter in many ways
a year ago A p r i l . A t this organiza- and have purchased a filing cabinet
tional meeting the sorority mem- and Christmas gifts, plus giving a
bers entertained and served tea fol- kitchen shower. This shower f o r the
lowing our Saturday business meet- new kitchen pleased all the girls and
ing. Then the next morning, follow- you could never have found a scene
ing brunch in the Union Building more like a bridal shower than ours,
we attended church with our daugh- with the officers sitting on the carpet
ters. of the chapter room opening the
gifts as the other members and
Last October we planned a Dutch mothers hovered around adding
luncheon at a hotel and included our their "ohs" and "ahs."
daughters. Most of the Mothers at-
tending spent the night and shared Unfortunately most of us are so
a room with their daughter. The remote from the campus that we
following morning we gathered in cannot "at the drop of a hat" bake
the chapter room for brunch and cookies and accomplish other nice-
again attended church. Many of us ties for the group as other Mothers'
Clubs do. The success of our new-


T H E K I T C H E N SHOWER was an occasion for a mother- CLOSE COOPERATION is required between sorority and
daughter gathering at Delta Delta Chapter. In the foreground Mothers' Club. On their way to a sorority get-to-gether are:
admiring a gift is Nancy Carr, corresponding secretary. Along (left to right) Margaret D. Lindsey (Mrs. Hamilton) Delta Delta
with the mothers in the background are these collegiates: (left Mothers' Club President; collegiate Peggy Lindsay; chapter
to right) Margaret Anne Venis, first vice-president; Annette president Mary Lynn McCree and her mother, Mrs. W. A.
Ray, second vice-president; Mary Lynn McCree, president; and
McCree of Springfield, Illinois.
Nancy Parker, recording secretary.

TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 195') 35


Editor's Note: Printing deadlines don't Social Service Worker: A n AOII
graduate who is interested i n a
adjust themselves to AOII's installation career as Social Service Secretary,
representing her sorority at the
plans so be sure to watch your fall issues Frontier Nursing Service. W o r k is
exciting and experience invaluable
of To Dragma for further expansion and in terms of future opportunity in
your chosen field. For information,
installation news. contact Miss Agnes Lewis, Wend-
over, Kentucky, or the AOII Philan-
Our forthcoming convention will < thropic Director, Thelma Ekberg
greet the presidents of two more (Mrs. F. E.) 4120 LeFevre Drive
collegiate chapters of AOII . . . the U N I V E R S I T Y O F ARIZONA Western Kettering 29, Ohio.
chiefs of Upsilon Alpha at the Uni- Week found this gathering of Upsilon
versity of Arizona and Beta Chi at Alphas (left to right): Lynn Willingham, Both the Philanthropic Depart-
Kentucky Wesleyan College. A t Judy Query, Sandy Campbell, Judy Prater, ment and Mrs. Breckenridge would
press time, this is the latest news. Sherry Gallup, Sue Thoreson and Betsy be very pleased to have an AOII
U P S I L O N A L P H A chapter was serve in this position which is now
installed the weekend of A p r i l 11 Little. available. I t has been many years
by national president Nancy Moyer since a member of the sorority has
McCain, assisted by dignitaries and served as our representative at the
other alums from throughout the Service and it has always been our
state and California. Begun as a desire to have our interests there on
colony last September, the chapter a more personal basis. June gradu-
now has a sturdy group of collegi- ates are asked especially to consider
ates and honorary members. Activi- this opportunity.
ties have included two formals, f r a -
ternity exchanges and parties with 9W
alums. Marylin Burneo is chair-
man of the Student Union Publicity
Committee and in Who's Who. Skip
Thompson is business manager of
the campus magazine. Sally Webb
is a member of Spurs. The group
has the backing of four advisers, a
house corporation and a healthy
alumnae group.

B E T A C H I chapter was installed
the weekend of A p r i l 25 by national
president Nancy Moyer McCain.
Details of this colony can be found
in the Winter, 1958, issue of To



Come to Convention!
AOTT Continental

UPSILON ALPHA had a celebration following pledging which included (from left
to right) national president Nancy Moyer McCain, collegiate Kay Horosco, Raydene
Green Jenkins, national finance committee chairman Muriel Turner McKinney, honorary
pledge and hostess Mrs. John Hough, and collegiates Diane Boyd and Patty Simpson.
36 TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959

Sheaf From California to Kentucky

by Thelma Ekberg, National Philanthropic Director

W I N N E R of the 1959 summer scholarship Abigail Arnold, Kappa Theta, U C L A , is winner of the S H E A F summer
is Abigail Arnold of Kappa Theta Chapter scholarship for 1959. I t is with much pleasure that the Philanthropic De-
partment welcomes Abigail to our growing list of AOITs who have been able
at U.C.L.A. to personally participate in our F N S program. We are doubly proud of the
fact this year the award goes to a member of one of our western chapters.

Abby is a junior and has chosen nursing and midwifery as her career,
which will make her experiences at Hyden and Wendover very valuable to
her. She comes very well recommended both for her AOIT activities and her
campus work. As the newly elected president of Kappa Theta, Abigail will
be able to instill enthusiasm f o r F N S in her group and share her experiences
with them. She was the recipient of the Jane Graham ring at the chapter's
Founders Day program. From her background of a true AOIT spirit and
her future plans for a nursing career, the department feels that both the
sorority and Abigail will benefit greatly f r o m her visit to F N S .

The Department is very pleased with the interest shown in the scholarship
this year. A l l of the applicants were worthy of the award. Eleanor Morse,
Sigma Chi—Hartwick College has been named the alternate winner.

RUNNER-UP for the summer scholarship cal of those that
is Eleanor Morse of Sigma Chi Chapter, Abigail will meet
this summer, make
Hartwick College. friends with an
FNS horse. AOII's
Social Service De-
partment serves
mountain families
such as these in
b r i n g i n g needed
medical s u p p l i e s ,
food, toys and
clothing, educa-
tional and social
service counseling.

TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959 37

Van Doren, I—University of Illinois. Karen, a College of
Journalism senior, is directing the Theta Sigma Phi television
program and Chairman of the 1959 Career Conference. Following
graduation, she will tour Russia and then continue graduate work

prior to a career in writing.

SIGMA CHAPTER at the University of California honored
national president Nancy Moyer McCain (Mrs. Walter) with
a tea including University faculty, deans and campus officials.
Former national president Rose Gardner Gilmore (Mrs. John)
was chairman. Shown left to right are: Susan Selb, collegiate

president, Nancy McCain and Rose Gilmore.


DINNER is an annual
event presented by
Gamma Omicron chap-
ter at the University
of Florida. Guests are
greeted by Eve Sellers,
social chairman, Mrs.
Blackburn, housemoth-
er, and Peggy Sheehan,
chapter president.
Smiling Dottie Otto
serves appetizers to
the guests. Then,
guests are invited to
the festive buffet din-
ner, complete with
flower and fruit deco-
rations designed by
Mrs. Blackburn. Fol-
lowing dinner, a pro-
gram was presented
for the faculty guests.

MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATES are dis- J U D G E Lucy Sommerville Howarth (Mrs.
tributed to Phi Delta members Jackie Rice Joe) K—Randolph-Macon, was honored at
and Camille Gondek by former national a holiday tea during her visit to the Ole
president Mary Danielson Drummond Miss campus. She is shown here with Nu
(Mrs. Warren C.) at Founders Day. Phi
Delta chapter is at the University of Beta president Eleanor Becker.


38 TO D R A G M A — S U M M E R , J 959

OFF T O CLASSES go DePauw AOris FOUNDERS D A Y was celebrated with A DRAMATIC MOMENT in the University of
(left to right) Ann Ugland, Barb Jacob- tea and conversation by Theta's at DePauw Oregon production of "Streetcar Named Desire"
son, Janet Hershberger, Ruth Carlson, finds AOII freshman Janet Lee Parker as the female
University. lead. Janet, a member of Alpha Sigma chapter, has
Jane Marshall and Judy Yontz. appeared on radio and T V and will also have the
lead in the University Theater production of "Seven

Year Itch."


FASHIONS I N FLOWERS is Portland Chapter's first annual style
show luncheon. First national vice president Wilma Smith Leland
(Mrs. Leland) was on an official visit to the area and is shown at
the event with (from left) Elinor Bjorklund (Mrs. Norman) A£—
University of Oregon, Portland alumnae chapter president, and

Marty Zaklan (Mrs. Stanley) A2, Co-chairman of the event.

County Oregon is Grace Kingsley Wil- Gwynn (Mrs. Charles A.) X—Syracuse Univer-
liams (Mrs. Larry), A2—University of sity. She was one of ten selected by the Syracuse
Oregon. Prior to her election, she had Federation of Woman's Clubs and the Syracuse
retired to the life of a ranch housewife Post-Standard. Her distinguished work in the field
and mother, but was induced by busi- of science merited the award. She has done out-
nessmen and ranchers to run for elec- standing research in her RH laboratory at Syracuse
tion. Aside from arguing a case in Memorial Hospital—research that has resulted in
court, she can bake a cake for her three the welfare and health of prospective mothers and
sons, punch cattle on their 7,000 acre newborn babies all across the country. Aside from
spread and keep busy as president of her favorite hobby, carpentry, she finds time to
the Grant County Cowbelles, and in serve AOII and has been chapter adviser, cor-
Eastern Star and church activities. She poration president, convention delegate and pan-
is a life alumnae member of AOII.
hellenic president.

T O D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959 39

In Me mo nam ELSIE F O R D PIPER

The following sisters have entered the Alpha and Omega chapter, Elsie F o r d Piper was an AOII
March 15, 1958 to March 15, 1959 with a dream and a determination
to see that that dream came true.
Elizabeth Hyde Sears Boulden (Mrs. John Searles), Eta '25 April 21, 1958 AOIIs in Nebraska and in this hemi-
sphere w i l l miss this prominent edu-
Eloyse Sargent Milner (Mrs. Charles F.), Pi Delta '32 April 15, 1958 cator who passed on in December of
last year.
Charlene May Zaepfel, Upsilon '54 March, 1958
From 1925 until her retirement in
Helen Adelaide Cook, Delta ex'03 Unknown 1950 she was Associate Dean of
Women at the University of Ne-
Maidelle Cunnings deLewandowski (Mrs. Joseph), Delta '98 Unknown braska and acting Dean of Women
in 1930 and 1938.
Nannie Porter Vaden Fitton (Mrs. Donald W . ) , Kappa ex'l4 Unknown
The daughter of a pioneer educa-
Mary Winship Kingsley, Delta '03 Unknown tor and former Secretary of State,
she was educated in Lincoln and re-
Agusta Pochard Klotter (Mrs. Fremont), Omega '25 Unknown ceived a Bachelor of A r t s degree
f r o m the University of Nebraska.
Martha Louise Atkinson Lougee (Mrs. Orman T . ) , Delta '00 January 1, 1958 Before graduating in 1904 she and
her sister, Jennie L o u Piper,
Helen Jennie Smith Pease (Mrs. Lawrence), Alpha Rho '26 March 30, 1958 founded Zeta Chapter. The Elsie
Ford Piper cup is now given annu-
Emma Paul Price (Mrs. William Hyde), Delta '02 Unknown ally to the University sorority chap-
ter showing the greatest progress
Helen Gates Requa (Mrs.), Tau '23 Unknown in campus leadership, scholarship
and cooperation with the Univer-
Florence Irene Brock, Alpha Gamma '32 April 17, 1958 sity. She has served A O I I and Zeta
Chapter in many ways.
Dorothy Charlotte Dunn Foxx, Omicron ex'39 December 3, 1953
A member of Mortar Board, she
Mary Alice Kuneman Hiatt (Mrs. C. Fred), Gamma Omicron '54 Summer, 1957 served as president of the alumnae
group in 1954 and 1955. She also
Virginia Margaret Safley Shueller (Mrs. Robert L . ) , Nu Omicron '45 Unknown was affiliated w i t h the Daughters of
the American Revolution, PEO,
Maude E. Clarke Covell (Mrs. Louis Everett), Beta '02 April 26, 1958 A A U W , Y W C A , Alpha Lambda
Delta and the Women's Club at
Martha Louise Crew Falk (Mrs. Melvin L . ) , Chi Delta '34 July 2, 1958 Wayne.

Marion Elsie Gregg Lueder (Mrs. Roy Moore), Iota '17 Unknown D u r i n g her years at the Univer-
sity she championed the cause of
Mildred Margaret Gillihan Potter (Mrs. Laird Irwin), Zeta ex'19 Unknown good housing for women students
and founded the former Interna-
Elizabeth Lisle Woods Ewing (Mrs. Albert B.), Eta '22 August 7, 1958 tional House at the University
f o r foreign women students. I n 1957
Lorene Hendricks, Zeta '20 August 7, 1958 a women's residence hall was named
in her honor.
Madaline D. Hendricks, Zeta '22 August 7, 1958
Even in her retirement her inter-
Janet Morse Conkling Walker (Mrs. J. Clayton), Alpha Phi ex'28 July 1, 1958 est in A O I I and college students was
keen and although many honors
Mary Frere Caffery (Mrs. John M.), Pi ex'11 August, 1958 came her way, her memorial is i n
the affection in which she is held
Carol Cook Allen (Mrs. John), Sigma ex'24 May 14, 1957 by young men and women through-
out the state and A O I I s everywhere.
Phyllis Eilene Baker Miller (Mrs. Keith), Beta Gamma '56 August 14, 1958
Maud Moseley, Upsilon '24 October, 1958
This past January at the age of
Alice Ann Gorman Weigant (Mrs. John Berry), Alpha Sigma '29....September 23, 1958 81, Anne Hall Curdy (Mrs. R. J.)
passed on i n Kansas City. She was
Oneta Barber Illingworth Clark (Mrs. Homer A.), Beta Phi ex'25....November 12, 1958 the widow of a doctor and active in
political and fraternal groups. A
Elizabeth Ann Cougler, Chi '57 October, 1958 graduate of Barnard College i n New
York, she was the first initiate of
Ruth Walker Oyer (Mrs. Demont F . ) , Chi '21 February, 1958
Miriam Romaine Cosand Perry (Mrs. J . Douglas), Beta Theta '30 October 29, 1958

Louise Alice Muller Gerber (Mrs. Francis R.), Alpha Sigma ex'31 November, 1958

Alleen Evans Reynolds (Mrs. James McPherson), Sigma ex'19 Unknown

Jo Ann Bryson, Kappa '57 November 27, 1958

Anne Hall Curdy (Mrs. Robert James), Alpha '98 January, 1959

Margaret Elizabeth Tomlinson Muths (Mrs. Sherman Lewis), Pi '25 Unknown

Elsie Ford Piper, Zeta '04 December 22, 1958

Helen Fern Lawson Trask (Mrs. Glenn S.), Alpha Tau ex'32 1957

Elizabeth Dietz Poindexter Albro (Mrs. Leonard), Upsilon ex'37 Date Unknown

Marian Jane Elder Haynes (Mrs. Nathaniel), Upsilon '31 Date Unknown

Eloise Winifred Moore, Upsilon '25 Date Unknown

Esther Pauline Reiman, Alpha Gamma ex'37 Date Unknown

Virginia Gertrude Hogan Toole (Mrs. Galen W . ) , Beta Phi '23 Date Unknown

Bessie Anita Peters Burleigh, Pi Delta '24 October 21, 1958

•to T O D R A G M A — S U M M E R , 1959


Chairman—Marion Abele Franco-Ferreira ( M r s . Director—Ruth Lee Leichtamer (Mrs. M . P.),
Edgard C ) , P, Buckingham, Pa.
Members—Dorothy Bruniga Dean ( M r s . George 6 * . 3455 Goddard R d . , Toledo 6, Ohio. T e l .
Greenwood 2-7395.
ALPHA OMICRON P I FRATERNITY P . ) , P. 2219 Country Club D r i v e , Montgom- Alumnae Director—Ellen Holstein Nelson ( M r s .
ery 6, A l a .
FOUNDED A T BARNARD COLLEGE, Melita Skillen, E, 4423 N . Paulina St., R. L . ) , Br, 908 Maxwell S.E., Grand Rapids
J A N . 2, 1897. 6, M i c h .
Chicago 40, 111.
Fraternity Education—Jeanette Knoeppel Bishop
FOUNDERS (Mrs. Robert P.), AT, Heritage Farm, River-
NATIONAL DIRECTORS view Rd., Peninsula, Ohio.
JESSIE W A L L A C E H U C H A N , A (Deceased) Collegiate Chapters — Beta Gamma. Beta T a u ,
Helen St. Clair Mullan CANADIAN Kappa Rho, Omicron Pi, Theta Psi.
Adviser—Margaret Gibson, BT, 2 Farnham Ave.,
(Mrs. George V . ) A (Deceased) A p t . 56, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Alumnae Chapters—Ann Arbor, Birmingham,
Mich.; Dearborn, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Lan-
STELLA GEORGE STERN PERRY sing, Royal Oak, Toledo, Toronto.
(Mrs. George H . ) A (Deceased) CORPORATIONS
E L I Z B E T H HEYWOOD W Y M A N . A (Deceased) Director—Margaret W o l f Miller ( M r s . C. Jus-
t i n ) , P, 3913 N . Hoyne A v e . , Chicago 18, 111.
President—NANCY MOYER M C C A I N (Mrs. Wal- Director—Phyllis Arner Westerman (Mrs. Wil- Director—Caroline K n i g h t Jones ( M r s . E. T . ) ,
G, 4112 Upham Drive, Kettering 29, O. T e l .
ter M . ) , 1538 Springdale Road, Cincinnati 3 1 . liam M . ) , P, 365 E w i n g Road, Youngstown Axminster 3-5540.
O. T e l . M t . H e a l t h y , Jackson 1-8648.
First Vice President—WILMA SMITH LELAND 12, O. Alumnae Director— M a r t h a Pontius Shablesky

( M r s . Leland F . ) . 2828 France A v e . South, HISTORIAN ( M r s . P. P . ) , 0 , 1825 Wabash Ave., Dayton
Minneapolis 16, M i n n . T e l . W a l n u t 2-0094. Assistant Historian—Katherine 5, Ohio.
Second rice President—GWENDOLYN EVERETTS Graham Young Fraternity Education—Barbara Mae Robertson,
L E E ( M r s . W . Douglas). 15809 M c L a i n , Allen ( M r s . W m . M . ) , P, 55 Seagate Road, AT, 1052 Delta A v e . , Cincinnati 8, Ohio.
Staten Island 5, N . Y .
Park, M i c h . T e l . D u n k i r k 1-3755. Collegiate Chapters—Alpha Tau, Omega, Phi
National Secretary—DOROTHY WHITAKER ALLEN Lambda.
( M r s . Leland N . ) , 3128 S. Court St., Mont- MOTHERS' CLUBS Alumnae Chapters — A k r o n , Cincinnati, Colum-

gomery 5, A l a . T e l . 3-1948. Director—Christine Saunders Benson ( M r s . bus, Dayton, Newark-Granville, Cleveland-
Enoch), TA, 446 Scott St., A u b u r n , A l a .
Treasurer—OLGA SEIBERT VATCHER (Mrs. East, Cleveland-West, Youngstown.
Marshall J . ) , 12038 So. Rives A v e . , Downey,
Calif. Tel. Topaz 2-4558. PHILANTHROPIC

Panhellenic Delegate — M A R Y L O U I S E ROLLER Director—Thelma Sortman Ekberg ( M r s . F.

(Mrs. George K . ) , 4261 Palm Lane, Bay E . ) , S2, 4120 LeFevre D r i v e , K e t t e r i n g 29, O. DISTRICT VII
Social Service Secretary—Maryellen Fullam.
Point, Miami 37, Fla. (June to Sept.; Box Magazine Promotion—Send all orders to AOII Director—Adele K . H i n t o n ( M r s . Frederick W . ) ,
198, Balsam, N . C . ) T e l . Plaza 9-5227.
Central Office: make checks payable to same. P , 3106 W o o d l a w n D r i v e , Nashville, 12
Tenn. Cypress 7-8022.
Frontier Nursing Service — Send clothing and
other articles to AOII Social Service Secretary, Alumnae Director — A n n e Cowen Beauchamp
( M r s . D a v i d ) . NO, 5413 Price Circle Road,
Editor of T o D R A G M A — C A R Y L W A L L E R K R U E G E R c/o Frontier Nursing Service, Hyden Hos- Nashville 5. Tenn.
( M r s . Cliff W . ) , P, 455 Sunset Ridge Road, pital, Hyden, K y . Freight or express should
N o r t h f i e l d . 111. T e l . H i l l c r e s t 6-6668. be sent to Hazard, K y . Fraternity Education—Helen Grissard Clark
Mrs. Gene), N O , 4032 Lealand Lane, Nash-
ville 4, Tenn.
CENTRAL OFFICE PUBLIC RELATIONS Collegiate Chapters — Beta C h i , N u Omicron,

Suite 601-4, 6 E . F o u r t h St., Cincinnati 2, O. Director—Carolyn Huey H a r r i s ( M r s . J. Rod- Omicron Phi Alpha.

T « l . C h e r r y 1-6594 ney), AS, 5768 Riverside Drive, Atlanta, Ga. Alumnae Chapters—Nashville, Knoxville.

Executive Seeretary*-^HL\&. J . A N N H U G H E S . REGIONAL MEETINGS
Director—Jane Dunning Dirks (Mrs. E. F-),
Bookkeeper—Miss ALICE M . DUDGEON. ©, 45 N . Kenmore Road, Indianapolis 19, I n d .
SCHOLARSHIP Director—Ola Hancock Brookes ( M r s . C. S.),
0 , 697 Cumberland Circle N . E . , A t l a n t a 6,
CONSTITUTIONAL INTERPRETATION Director—Arlyne Reeves Filippi ( M r s . Charles Ga. T e l . T r i n i t y 2-7163.
Chairman—Mary Ellen K r u g Case ( M r s . John R . ) , I , 14213 Edbrooke, Chicago 27, 111. Alumnae Director—Patricia Watters Morgan

M . ) , T, 1604 Ravenna B l v d . , Seattle 5, Wash. NATIONAL PANHELLENIC ( M r s . Thomas N . ) , AA, 2063 Commodore
CONFERENCE Circle, Montgomery 6, A l a .
Members—CHARLOTTE P . T H A Y E R , * 800 Valen- Fraternity Education — Patricia A n n Watters
tine Road, Kansas City 11, M o . Edith
H u n t i n g t o n Anderson ( M r s . A r t h u r K . ) , B<f>, M o r g a n ( M r s . Thomas N . ) , AA, 2063 Commo-
Chairman—Mrs. Darrell R. Nordwall, AXG, dore Circle, Montgomery 6, A l a .
123 S. Sparks St., State College, Penn. 900 Lake Shore D r i v e , Chicago 1 1 , 111.
Collegiate Chapters—Delta Delta, Gamma Sigma,
CONVENTION Lambda Sigma, Tau Delta.
COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS Alumnae Chapters—Atlanta, Atlanta Tri-Coun-
Chairman—Clydene L . Morris Ennis (Mrs. Wm. ty, Birmingham, Ala.; Montgomery.

G . ) , T, 1115 E . Rockwood Blvd., Spokane 35, DISTRICT I

Wash. Director—Dorothy Weir Stalker (Mrs. A . M . ) ,

FINANCE K*P, 40 Cornwall A v e . , T o w n of M o u n t Royal, DISTRICT IX

Chairman — M u r i e l T u r n e r M c K i n n e y ( M r s . Quebec, Canada. T e l . Regent 3-8427. Director—Mae Mobley Anderson ( M r s . Charles

Verne W . ) , A. 528 N . Formosa A v e . , Los Alumnae Director—Dorothy Karsteadt Osier B . ) , B + , 1325 W i n d i n g W a y , Anderson, I n d .
Angeles 36, Calif,
Members—Mary Paschen Lindrooth ( M r s . Robert ( M r s . D a v i d ) , S2, 138 Lockwood R d . , River- T e l . 3-0278.
side, Conn.
F . ) P, 5909 N . Kenmore A v e . , Chicago 40, 111. Fraternity Education—Marjorie Ruth Pacino Alumnae Director—Mary Morrison Obear ( M r s .
ames), 8, 5361 Broadway, Indianapolis 20,
Christine Foster, 0, Dean of Women North- ( M r s . John B . ) , X , 111 Scotland Road, Read- ndiana.
western State College, Alva, Okla.
ing, Mass. Collegiate Chapters — Beta P h i , C h i Lambda,
FRATERNITY EDUCATION Collegiate Chapters—Delta, Gamma, Kappa Phi.
Chairman—Marion Louise Grassmuck Clouse Alumnae Chapters—Bangor, Boston, Hartford, Kappa Alpha, Kappa Kappa, Phi Omicron,
( M r s . Stephen C , J r . ) , X , 2435 S. W . 80th Montreal, Southern Connecticut. Alumnae Chapters — Bloomington, F t . Wayne,

Ave., Miami 55, Fla. DISTRICT II Indianapolis, Kentuckiana, Lafayette, Lake
Members—Listed under Collegiate Chapter Dis-
tricts. County, Richmond. South Bend, Terre Haute,

Director— ( f o r N u and Theta P i ) — M i l d r e d Evansville-Tri-State.

MEMBERSHIP Stewart LaDue ( M r s . F . H . ) , N , 26 Glen-
side Road, South Orange, N . J.
Chairman—Alma Horsfeldt Janz ( M r s . Lloyd), Director—(for Epsilon and Sigma Chi)—Vir- DISTRICT X

A P , 3904 N . E . Hassalo St., Portland 12, Ore. ginia Boggess Mylander ( M r s . W a l t e r C , Director — M a r y Elizabeth W r i g h t Lundeen

CHAIRMAN—NOMINATIONS Jr.), K , Stevensville, M d . Tel. Mission 3-4461. ( M r s . E. P., J r . ) , I , 2705 High Crest Road,

Elizabeth Michael Brotherhood ( M r s . Francis Alumnae Director—Alice Boulden Smith ( M r s . Rockford. Til. T e l . 5-4795.

M . ) , E, 3542 Raymoor Road, Kensington, M d . B . P . ) , I I A . 102 Forrest W a y , Camillus, N . Y . Alumnae Director—Caroline Jones Worcester

RITUALS A N D TRADITIONS Fraternity Education — Barbara Pietracatello, ( M r s . James), Z, 1226 Wellesley Road, Madi-
911, 398 Carey A v e . , Staten Island 10, N . Y .
Chairman—Laura A . H u r d , T, 310 Dexter Collegiate Chapters—Epsilon, N u , Sigma Chi, son 5. Wise.
Horton Building, Seattle 4, Wash. Fraternity Education—Vivian B . Swanson, P,
Theta Pi. 433 N . Chicago A v e . , Rockford, 111.
Rose Gardner Gilmore ( M r s . J o h n ) , 2 , 1028 Alumnae Chapters—Long Island, New Jersey,
Oxford St., Berkeley, Calif. New Jersey Bergen County, New York, Syra- Collegiate Chapters — Beta Lambda, Iota, N u
Iota, Rho, Tau, Phi Delta.
Mamie H u r t Baskervill ( M r s . George B . , J r . ) , cuse. Alumnae Chapters—Champaign Urbana, Chicago
K, Gold Hill, A l a .
DISTRICT I I I Beverly Hills, Chicago North Shore. Chicago
Mary Danielson Drummond (Mrs. Warren C ) , Northwest Suburban, Chicago West Suburban.
A<P, 610 H i n m a n , Evanston, 111. Madison, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Rockfo.d,
Director—Virginia Boggess Mylander ( M r s . St. Paul.
W i l m a Smith Leland ( M r s . Leland F . ) , T, 2828
France A v e . South, Minneapolis 16, Minn. Walter C , J r . ) , K. Stevensville, M d . Tel.

Mary Paschen Lindrooth ( M r s . Robert F . ) , Mission 3-4461.

P. 5909 N . K e n m o r e A v e . , Chicago 40, 111. Alumnae Director—Dorothy Hull Reinhart (Mrs. DISTRICT XI

JEWELRY COMMITTEE Walter L . ) , EA, 2003 Faulk R d . , W i l m i n g t o n Director—

Chairman—Laura A . H u r d , T, 310 Dexter 3, Del. Alumnae Director — Violet Hardtner HoweP
( M r s . Robert P . ) , I I , 1725 Lake St., Lake
Horton Building, Seattle 4, Wash. Fraternity Education—Joan Gotwals, 1302 Charles, L a .
Mamie H u r t Baskervill ( M r s . George B., J r . ) ,
E, Gold Hill, A l a . Foulkrod St., Philadelphia 24, Pa. Fraternity Education—Jane Chalmers Weaver,

TRUSTEES Collegiate Chapters—Epsilon Alpha, Kappa, Pi ( M r s . ) , X A , 1818 Binz, Houston 4, Texas.

Delta, Sigma Tau. Collegiate Chapters—Alpha Omicron, Delta Beta,
Pi, Lambda Tau, P i Kappa.
ANNIVERSARY ENDOWMENT FUND A tumnae Chapters — Baltimore, Philadephia, Alumnae Chapters—New Orleans, Dallas, Hous-
Chairman—Clydene L . Morris Ennis (Mrs. Wm.
Washington, D . C , Northern Virginia, State ton.
G. ) , T, 1115 E . Rockwood B l v d . Spokane 35. College.
I«ne Barrett, E, Katonah, N . Y . Director—Bobette Bishinger Kolisch (Mrs. J.
Rosemary Holahan Vioni ( M r s . Hector R.) Director—Elizabeth Mount Nelick (Mrs. Frank-
M . ) , NA, 1702 N . W . 185th Terrace, M i a m i l y n C ) , 705 Mississippi Street, Lawrence,
N , 411 So. 22nd St., Richmond, I n d .
69, F l a . T e l . National 1-0093. Kansas. T e l . V i k i n g 3-6284.
Alumnae Director— Bonnie Bartlett Legge ( M r s . Alumnae Director—Luree Combs Douglas ( M r s .
Chairman—Nancy Beasley, K , 109 West Fair- E. G . ) . K l \ 2919 Carl Terrace. Orlando. Fla.
view, A p t . C, Montgomery 5, A l a . Donald B . ) , Z, 5309 Nicholas St., Omaha 3,
Fraternity Education—Beatrice Smith Morissett Nebr..
Members— (Mrs. M . H . ) , T, 334 Blanca, Tampa, Fla.
Fraternity Education—Elsie Rae Lemon Howe
Louisa Wilson, K , 2818 Wisconsin Ave. N . W . , ( M r s . J . F . ) , * . 9007 W . 82nd St., Overland

Washington 7, D . C . Collegiate Chapters—Alpha P i , Gamma Omicron, Park, Kansas. Please Forward.
Kappa Gamma,
Glenna Myers Youngstrom ( M r s . K a r l ) , + , Collegiate Chaptersr-Vhi, Zeta.
Alumnae Chapter*—Kansas H t y , Lincoln, Oma-
67t7 Granada Lane, Prairie Village 15, Alamnjir ChaMrrx—TurJcaonville. Miami. TamDa ha. St. Louis. Oklahoma Citv. Tulsa.

Director— tute, Auburn, Ala. Park, M d .
Helen Dodd Carney ( M r s . Robert S.), NO, 500 Nancy Parker, Dormitory I I , AOPi Box, P I K A P P A — University of Texas, Austin,
Colonial Road, Memphis 17, Tenn. T e l . M u -
tual 3-1781. Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Texas.
Alumnae Director— D E L T A S I G M A — S a n Jose State College, San M a r y Carolyn Richardson, 2622 Wichita,
Fraternity Education-
Collegiate Chapters—K&ppa O m i c r o n , N u Beta, Jose, Calif. A u s t i n 5, Texas.
Omega Omicron, Sigma Omicron. Nancy Richards, 408 So. 8th St., San Jose 12, R H O — N o r t h w e s t e r n U n i v e r s i t y , Evanston, 111.
Alumnae Chapters—Jackson, Term., Jonesboro,
Little Rock, MempBis. Calif. A n n Louise Knoblock, 626 Emerson St.,
EPSILON—Cornell University, Ithaca, N . Y . Evanston, III.
DISTRICT XIV S I G M A — U n i v e r s i t y of California, Berkeley 4,
Director—Lois Blair GoMing ( M r s . Gilbert), Elaine Havens, AOn, The K n o l l , Ithaca, N . Y . Calif.
Z , 74S O K r e , D e a r e r 20, Colo. T e l . F L 5-0587 E P S I L O N ALPHA—Pennsylvania State Uni- Judith A n n Grimshaw, 2311 Prospect St.,
Berkeley 4, Calif.
Alumnae Director—Lettybelle Ganatta Pittroff versity, University Park, Pa. S I G M A C H I — H a r t w i c k College, Oneonta, N . Y .
(Mrs. L , Joseph, XA, 2170 S. Wolcott Court, Barbara Beatty, Box 499, McElwain Hall, Betty Read Coiner, 7 Weidman Place, One-
Denver 19, Colo. onta, N . Y .
Fraternity Education— University Park, Perin. S I G M A OMICRON—Arkansas State College,
GAMMA—University of Maine, Orono, Maine. State College, Arkansas.
Collegiate Chapters—Alpha Phi, Chi Delta, Rosalie Gorham, Arkansas State College, State
Iota Alpha. Poca- Janet Grover, 224 Colvin Hall, University of College, Arkansas.
Alumnae Chapter!—Bozeman, Denver, Maine, Orono, Maine. S I G M A T A U — W a s h i n g t o n College, Chester-
tello. town, M d .
DISTRICT XV G A M M A O M I C R O N — University of Florida, Paula Dent, Minta Martin Hall,. Wash-
Gainesville, Fla. ington College, Chestertown, M d .
Director—Thea-Doris Jacobson Greenwald ( M r s . T A U — U n i v e r s i t y of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14,
John Philip), T. 906 Broadway North, A p t . B , Lois Steinecke, 819 Panhellenic Drive, Gaines- Minn.
Seattle 2, Wash. T e l . East 3-7538. ville, Fla. Ronell Robison, 1121 F i f t h St., S.E., Minnea-
Alumnae Director — V i r g i n i a Gleason Nelson polis 14, Minn.
( M r s . Seyert B . ) . Z , 1910 N . E . 70th A v e . , G A M M A SIGMA—Georgia State College, A t - T A U D E L T A — Birmingham-Southern College,
Portland 13, Ore. lanta, Ga. Birmingham 4, Ala.
Marion Stephens, Box 68, Birmingham South-
Fraternity Education—Eddice Dochterman S u l l i - Carole Jean Middleton, 33 Gilmer St. N . E . , ern College, Birmingham 4, A l a .
van ( M r s . Lowell S . ) , T , 530 Spokane Are., Atlanta 3, Ga. T H E T A — D e P a u w University, Greencastle, I n -
wMtefisb* Mont. diana.
I O T A — U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. Marlene Schild, 503 Anderson St., Green-
Collegiate Chapter*—Alpha Rho, Alpha Sigma, Frances Fishel, 706 S. Mathews St., Urbana, castle. I n d .
Beta Kappa, Upsilon. 111. T H E T A PI—Wagner College, Staten Island 1,
Alumnae Chapters — Eugene, Portland, Seattle, I O T A A L P H A — I d a h o State College, Pocatello, Betty V a n Ess, Box 76, Wagner College,
Vancouver. Idaho. Staten Island 1, N . Y .
T H E T A P S I — U n i v e r s i t y of Toledo, Toledo 6,
DISTRICT XVI Margaret Caress, Turner Hall, Box 51, Idaho Ohio.
State College, Pocatello, Idaho. Barbara Sprunk, 3029 W . Bancroft St., Tole-
Director—Rodna W a l k T a y l o r ( M r s . W a l t e r ) , do 6, Ohio.
Z, 5954 Rineon Drive, Oakland 11, Calif. K A P P A — Randolph-Macon Woman's College, U P S I L O N — U n i v e r s i t y of Washington, Seattle
Lynchburg, Virginia. 5. Washington.
Tel. Olympic 4-2001. L i n d a Kassner, 1906 E . 45th St., Seattle 5,
Deane MofHtt, Randolph-Macon Woman's Col- Wash.
Alumnae Director—Mignon Macurda Stannard lege, Lynchburg, V a . U P S I L O N A L P H A — University of Arizona,
(Mrs. Milton, J r . ) , K6. 201 Abalone Ave., Tucson, Arizona.
Balboa Island, Calif. K A P P A A L P H A — I n d i a n a State Teachers Col- Diane Elizabeth Boyd, 4810Camino Escuela,
Fraternity Education—Helen Irish Johnston lege, Terre Haute, Indiana. Tucson, Ariz.
( M r s . Carl B . ) , E , 1600 Royal B i r d . . Glendale, Z E T A — U n i v e r s i t y of Nebraska, L i n c o l n 8,
Calif. L y n n H o l l i s , 127 Madison, Terre Haute, I n d . Sandra Wh'alen, 1541 " S " Street, L i n c o l n 8,
Collegiate Chapters—Delta Sigma, Kappa Theta, K A P P A G A M M A — F l o r i d a Southern College, Nebr.
N u Lambda, Sigma, Upsilon Alpha.
Alumnae Chapters—Arrowhead, East Bay, Fres- Lakeland, Fla.
no, Glendale. L o n g Beach, Los Angeles, Pasa- Deanne Ecton, Box 68, Florida Southern Col-
dena, Phoenix, Sacramento Valley, Sah Diego, ALUMNAE CHAPTER AND
lege, Lakeland, Fla.
San Fernando Valley, San Francisco, San K A P P A K A P P A — B a l l State Teachers College, ALUMNAE CLUB PRESIDENTS
Muncie, Indiana. (Alumnae Clubs in I folic)
COLLEGIATE CHAPTER M a r y Alice Menaugh, Box 219 Student Center,
Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, I n d .
A L P H A OMICRON—Louisiana State Univer- KAPPA OMICRON—Southwestern University, B I R M I N G H A M — Mary Lou Davis Clayton
sity, Baton Rouge, L a . ( M r s . R o g e r ) , TA, P . O . B o x 7343, 15 Essex
Memphis, Tenn. Circle, Birmingham 13, A l a .
Nora Whitney, 927 Park Blvd., Baton Rouge A n n Rust, 2403 Broad A v e . , Memphis 12,
6, La. M O N T G O M E R Y — P e a r l N . Tattle, NO, 3120
Tenn. Brookwood Drive, Montgomery 6, A l a .
A L P H A P H I — M o n t a n a State College, Boze-
man, Montana. K A P P A P H I — McGill University, Montreal, AUBURN—Dorothy Thomas Morgan (Mrs. H.
Quebec, Canada.
M a r y Dell Moore, 1119 So. 5th St., Boze- C ) , AA, 5 Old Mill Road, Auburn, Ala.
man, Montana. Jean Raye, 3568 University St., Montreal,
Quebec, Canada. HUNTSVILLE — Mary McGintris Lindberg
A L P H A PI—Florida State University, Talla-
hassee, Florida. K A P P A RHO—Western Michigan University, (Mrs. lames P.,), A A , 1612 Destin Circle,
Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Gretchen Bartlett, Box 3068, Florida State Huntsville, Ala.
University, Tallahassee, Fla. Carolyn Sutton, Siedschlag Hall, Western
Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Mich. ARIZONA
A L P H A RHO—Oregon State College, Corvallis, P H O E N I X — Glendale Jones Raferty ( M r s .
Oregon., K A P P A T H E T A — U n i v e r s i t y of California at
Los Angeles, Los Angeles 24, Calif. Champe), * , 3208 W . Marshall, Phoenix, A r i z .
M a r y Louise Korvola, 2435 Harrison St., Cor- TUCSON — Carol Murphy Paver (Mrs. D.
vallis, Ore. Abigail Arnold, 894 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles
24, Calif. Richard), 5651 East Copper, Tucson, Ariz.
A L P H A SIGMA—University of Oregon, Eu-
gene, Oregon. L A M B D A S I G M A — University of Georgia, ARKANSAS
Athens, Ga. JONESBORO—Elma Colvin Parks (Mrs. H .
Jeanne Wells, 1680 Alder Street, Eugene,
Oregon. Maxanne Courson, 1190 S. Milledge A v e . , L . , J r . ) , 2 0 , 641 W . Nettleton Ave., Jones-
Athens, Ga. boro, A r k .
A L P H A TAU—Denison University, Granville, L I T T L E ROCK—Jane Davis McCain (Mrs.
Ohio. L A M B D A T A U — Northeast Louisiana State Lloyd B . ) , KO, 401 Ivory Drive, Little Rock,
College, Monroe. L a .
Diana Sweeder, K i n g Hall, Denison Univer- Ark.
sity, Granville.O. Jalna May. Box 229, Collegetown, Monroe, L a .
N U — N e w Y o r k University, N e w Y o r k 3, N . Y . CALIFORNIA
B E T A C H I — Kentucky Wesleyan College,
Owensboro, Kentucky. Claudette Lefebvre, c/o Alpha Omicron Pi, E A S T BAY—Elizabeth Beedy Duncan ( M r s .
13 E . 9th St., New Y o r k 3, N . Y .
Susan W h i t t , 1617 Parrish Court, Owens- C. E . ) , 2 , 95 Camino Encinas, Orinda, Calif.
boro, Kentucky. N U B E T A — U n i v e r s i t y of Mississippi, Univer- FRESNO—Connie Baird Graham (Mrs. James),
sity, Mississippi. 2 , 4035 N . 7th St., Fresno 3, Calif. '
B E T A G A M M A — M i c h i g a n State College, East G L E N D A L E — H e l e n Irish Johnston ( M r s . Car!
Lansing, Michigan. Mariorie Bloodsworth, Box 126, University, B . ) . E , 1600 Royal Blvd., Glendale 7, Calif.
Mississippi. L O N G BEACH—Jean Hardman Graham (Mrs.
Jane Spencer, 505 M . A . C . Avenue, East Lan- John W . ) , K8, 281 Santa Ana A r e . , Long
sing, Mich. N U I O T A — N o r t h e r n Illinois University, De- Beach 3. Calif.
K a l b , 111. L O S A N G E L E S — B e t t y L o u Schwab Ludlow
B E T A KAPPA—University of British Colum- ( M r s . Thomas), K 6 , 8728 W i l e y Post Ave.,
bia, Vancouver, B . C , Canada. Gloria Johnson, 719 Park A v e . , Sycamore, 111. Los Angeles 45, Calif.
N U LAMBDA—University of Southern Califor- P A S A D E N A — O l g a Wallace Smith ( M r s . R.
Patience Ryan, 4078 West 12th Ave., Van- W . ) , <f>, 408 S. Rosemead, Pasadena, C a l i f .
couver 8, B . C , Canada. nia, Los Angeles 7. Calif. RIVERSIDE—Virginia Gardner Shipman. Mrs.
Judy Cochran, 624 W . 28th Street, Los A n - W m . H . ) . NA, 2118 Oak Crest Drive, River-
B E T A L A M B D A —Illinois Wesleyan Univer- side. Calif.
sity, Bloomington, III. geles 7, California. S A C R A M E N T O VALLEY—Jean Clark Keller
N U OMICRON—Vanderbilt University, Nash- ( M r s . ) , Z , Rte. 3, Box 1362, Sacramento,
Geraldine Elizabeth Wenger, 1314 N . Fell Calif.
. A v e „ Bloomington, 111. ville, Tenri. S A N DIEGO — Barbara Clark Marsh (Mrs.
Mary Grace M u r f f , 401 24th Avenue South, Joseph W . ) , T, 4130 L a r k St., San Diego 3,
B E T A P H I — Indiana University, Blooming- Calif.
ton, Ind. Nashville 12, Tenn. SAN F E R N A N D O V A L L E Y — N o r m a Marshall
O M E G A — M i a m i University, Oxford, Ohio. Ackel ( M r s . A u g u s t ) , K 9 , 5343 Shirley Ave.,
Suzanne MeConnell, 901 E . 10th St., Bloom- Tarzana, Calif.
ington, Indiana. Barbara Artino, AOH Suite, Hamilton Hall,
Oxford, Ohio.
BETA TAU—University of Toronto, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada. O M E G A O M I C R O N — L a m b u t h College, Jack-
son, Tenn.
Barbara Cox, 40 Sussex Ave., Toronto, On-
tario, Canada. Doris Jane Pardue, Lambuth College, Jackson,
C H I DELTA—University of Colorado, Boulder,
Colorado. O M I C R O N — U n i v e r s i t y of Tennessee, Knox-
ville, Tennessee.
Patricia Bohan, 1015 15th Street, Boulder,
Sandra T . Graf, Box 342, 1621 W . Cumber-
C H I L A M B D A — E v a n a r i l l e College, Evansville, land Ave., Knoxville 16, Tenn. S A N F R A N C I S C O — A n t o i n e t t e Schulte Hobbs
Indiana. ( M r s . K e n n e t h ) . Z , 3233 Jackson S t , San
O M I C R O N PI—University of Michigan, Ann Franriseo 18. Calif
Jane Graf ton, 3813 Washington A r e . , Evans- Arbor, Michigan. S A N J O S E - P E N I N S U L A — Joanne Becker
vitte 15, I n d . Abraria (Mrs. Robert C ) , A2, 3091 Arthur
Joan B . Konop, 800 O x f o r d Rd., A n n Arbor, Court, Santa Clara, Calif.
D E L T A — T u f t s College, Medford, Mass. Mich. BAKERS FIELD—Dorothy Bishop Garber (Mrs.
Janice Faulkner, 180 Washington St., Med- Charles), N A . 124 Cedar, Bakersfield, Calif.
ford 55, Mass. PHI—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.
Helen Calkins, 1144 West 11th St., Law- MARIN COUNTY—Deborah Biersach Phil-
D E L T A BETA—Southwestern Louisiana Insti- rence, Kansas. lips (Mrs. Cordon), I , 650 Kernberry Drive,
tute, Lafayette, L a . San Rafael, Calif.
P H I A L P H A — E a s t Tennessee State College,
Mary Garzotta, Box 859, Southwestern Louis- Johnson City, Tenn.
iana Institute, Lafayette, La.
Ella Jane Cunningham, Box 337, East Ten-
nessee State College, Johnson City, Tenn.

P H I DELTA—University of Wisconsin-Mil-
waukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Eileen Rowles, 4052 N . 12th St., Milwaukee 9,

P H I L A M B D A —- Youngstown University,
Youngstown 3, Ohio.

Diana Stizza, 410 Wick Ave., Youngstown
University, Youngstown 3, O.

P H I OMICRON—Hanover College, Hanover,

Sue Henderson, AOH House, Hanover College,
Hanover, I n d .

PI—Sophie Newcomb College, New Orleans, L a .
Colleen S u l l i v a n , 1013 Broadway, New Or-
leans. 18, L a .

P I D E L T A — U n i v e r s i t y of Maryland, College
Park, Md.

SANTA ANA-SOUTH COAST — Marylouise MUNCIE—Anna Oorrell Wilson (Mrs. Gene), LONG ISLAND—Patricia Duncan Dugan (Mrs.
D. W.), P, 202-1S 43rd Ave., Bayside, L.I.,
Schlaegel Espiau (Mrs. Bert A.), 2 , 415 Iris, K K , 404 Alameda Ave., Muncie, Ind. N.Y.
Corona Del Mar, Calif.
IOWA STATEN ISLAND —Helen Kiloh McCarthy
SANTA BARBARA-VENTURA COUNTIES DES MOINES — Virginia Stimson Ratcliff (Mrs. John D.), en, 32 Burnside Ave., Staten
—Doris Tuffree Rumsey (Mrs. Dale), KO, *, 7 2 «
1720 San Pascul, Santa Barbara, Calif. (Mrs. Karl A.), El Rancho, Des Island 2, N.Y.
Moines, Iowa.
STOCKTON—Annice Daggett Duecker (Mrs. WESTCHESTER — Emily Thorton Basher
(Mrs. William), N , 120 Tappan Landing Road,
W. J.), K 8 , 1041 Cameron Way, Stockton 4, KANSAS
Calif. Tarrytown, N.Y.
WHITTIER—Jean HUer Maroder (Mrs. Ed- LAWRENCE—Janet Belt Young (Mrs. Edwin),
*, R.R. No. 2, Lawrence, Kansas.
mond), A, 9605 S. La Alba Drive, Whittier, TOPEKA—Mary Lucille Garten, *, 3600 W. OHIO
AKRON—Phyllis Haas Griffiths (Mrs. Wil-
21st St., Topeka, Kansas. l i a m H . ) , eH, 242 N . H a w k i n s , A k r o n 13, O.
Dorothy Riebeth Wilson (Mrs. Benjamin), C I N C I N N A T I — R u t h H . Woolley, 6 H , 2790
*, 631 Brookfield, Wichita 6, Kansas. Geratdine Drive, Cincinnati 39, O.
T, 707 N. Valley St., Burbank, Calif.
K E N T U C K I A N A — Dorma Fayssoux Bowden ( M r s . J . M . ) , A T , 3875 Princeton B l v d . ,
D E N V E R — O p a l Johnson Janelle (Mrs. John South Euclid 21. O.
R J , Z, 855 Uvalda, Denver 8, Colo. (Mrs. ( M r s . L . CO, AS, 1862 Douglass B l v d . , Louis-
BOULDER—Dorothy Matthies Morrison Turn- ville 5, K y . C L E V E L A N D • W E S T — Jeanne Bassett Jones
Circle ( M r s . Wallace E T ) , P, 19670 B a t t c m a Blvd.,
Frank), B * . 225 29th, Boulder, Colo. LOUISIANA Rocky River 16, O.
baugh (Mrs. Robert), XA, 2720 N. N E W O R L E A N S — M a r i a n McCutchon, n , 7214 COLUMBUS—Dorothy Henzy Madden (Mrs.
Oak St., New Orleans 18, L a . George V . ) , AT, 2696 Bristol Road, Colum-
Drive, Colorado Springs, Colo. bus 21, O.
CONNECTICUT BATON ROUGE —Celeste Rordam Sfiann D A Y T O N — V i r g i n i a Tipton Nipson ( M r s . Geo.
H A R T F O R D — C o r n e l i a Tenner MacClain (Mrs. (Mrs. B. L., Jr.), AO, 9350 S. River Oaks,
Baton Rouge 6, La. (Mrs. N . ) , AT, 324 Forrer B l v d . , D i m 19, O
A . L e w i s ) , T, 79 Cedar Ridge D r i v e , Glaston- Alex- NEWARK-GRANVILLE—Anna Zdgier Wright
bury, Conn. ALEXANDRIA—Frances Belton Davis (Mrs. Frank J.), AT, AOII House, Granville,
S O U T H E R N C O N N E C T I C U T — Eleanor Paul M., Jr.), K, 516 Hillcrest Drive,
Sharp Furney ( M r s . M . G . ) . G, 38 Park andria, La. O.
Ave., Old Greenwich, Conn. TOLEDO—Jo Conn Folger (Mrs. William A ) .
MONROE — Frances Germany Hale (Mrs. NO. 2219 Grecoort, Toledo 7, O.
Leslie), K, 307 Erin Ave., Monroe, La.
DELAWARE YOUNGSTOWS—Terry Irwin Heldman (Mrs.
H o w a r d ) , AT, 120 Como St;. Strttthers, 0 .
WILMINGTON—Marie Herlihy Ledden (Mrs. MAINE CANTON-MASSILLON — Brinco Riot. A T ,
Edward), A, 125 Cambridge Drive, Windsor BANGOR—Jean Hopkins Mack (Mrs. Frank
Hills, Wilmington 3, Del. 3304 Croydon Road, Hills cV Dales, Canton.
J. Jr.), T, 3 Cedarwood St., Orono, Maine. Ohio.
W A S H I N G T O N — E d i t h Gram Poole (Mrs. C. MARYLAND HAMILTON—Hilie Zugeheer SckmOt (Mrs.
B A L T I M O R E — A l e x a n d r a Reeder. 2T, 5722
W . ) , IIA, 6609 Brookville Road, Chevy Chase Edward), 6 H , 552 Elvtn Ave., Hamilton, O.
Kenmore Road, Baltimore 10, M d .
15, M d . OKLAHOMA
M I A M I — M a r y Lucy Decker Gulledge (Mis. BOSTON — Katherine Davis Carter (Mrs. (Mrs. C. W . ) , X i , 2308 N . W . 28th, Okla-
E l l i s ) , A n , 760 N . E . 145th St., North homa City 7, Okla.
Miami, Fla. Frank H . ) , 6, Box 157, 3 Water Row, Way-
T A M P A — Sandra Champlin, A n , 4421 Cul- land, Mass. T U L S A — M a r y Margaret Gaynor Pallia (Mrs.
Gordon), + , 4136 S. Cincinnati, Tulsa S,
breath, Tampa 9, Fla. MICHIGAN Okla.
A N N ARBOR — Jean Freshour Cumroiskey
BROWARD COUNTY — Louise Kyle Lewis ( M r s . Patrick), On, 2211 Manchester, A n n OREGON
(Mrs. Robert), 9 , 2717 N. E. 27th Court, Ft.
Lauderdale. Fla. Arbor, Mich. E U G E N E — Beverly Drosta MacLaren (Mrs.
BIRMINGHAM—Carol Wolfe Kamerer, (Mrs. Donald), A Z , 2010 E. 26th Ave., Eugene,.Ore.
CENTRAL FLORIDA—Miss Yvonne DeVane, P O R T L A N D — Shirley Wyss Petery (Mrs.
TO, 1613 E. Livingston, Orlando, Fla. B i l l ) . Br, 29 Maplefield, Pleasant Ridge, Mich.
DEARBORN—Annabel! Pink Kennedy (Mrs. Lawrence E . ) , AP, 2635 N . E . 65 Ave., Port-
C L E A R W A T E R — M a r j o r i e Prince MacKenzie land 13, Ore.
( M r s . W . M . ) , AA, 1353 Ridge A v e . , Clear- W m J , B r , 23430 Suncrest, Dearborn 6, M i c h .
DETROIT—Sylvia Leach Bock (Mrs. J. E.), CORVALLIS—Ruth Holland Mcllwain (Mrs.
water, Fla. R. M.), T, 1320 N. 27th St., Corvallis, Ore.
GAINESVILLE—Bobbie Berrian Salt (Mrs. On, 27230 W . Crestmont, Roseville, M i c h .
GRAND RAPIDS—Constance Skaff Ellis (Mrs.
Jack), TO, 413 N.W. Terrace, Gainesville, Fla. Joseph), OH, 3011 Beechwood S. E . , Grand PENNSYLVANIA
P H I L A D E L P H I A —Anna-Beth Crotujuist. + .
JACKSONVILLE—Betty Wefso Hagel (Mrs. Rapids 6, M i c h . 2110 Chelton Ave., Philadelphia J8, ra.
Donald), Z, 4260 Roma Blvd., Jacksonville
10, Fla. L A N S I N G — Helen Beaubein Hayford (Mrs. S T A T E COLLEGE — Mary Lawther Harper
W i l l i a m ) , 8, 1006 Wildwood Drive, East
GEORGIA Lansing, Mich. ( M r s . John, I I I ) , EA, 884 N . Allen S t , State
A T L A N T A — Stella Darnell Johnson (Mrs. College, Pa.
Ben)., AS, 1035 C l i f t o n Road N . E . , Atlanta 7, R O Y A L O A K - ^ M a r g a r e t Donavan, O n , 508 W . BUCKS COUNTY —Jane Holmes Lmsennvaer
Twelve Mile Road, Royal Oak, Mich.
Ga. BATTLE CREEK — Patti Peter Lingenberg (Mrs. Richard), E A , Box 17, Ferry Road,
A T L A N T A TRI-COUNTY—Joyce Young, r z , Danboro, Pa.
1401 Catherine St., Decatur, Ga. (Mrs. W. J.), NA, 170 Fairway Drive, Battle PITTSBURGH—Margaret Gray Brown (Mrs.
Creek, Mich.
SAVANNAH—Emily Arnett Saunders (Mrs. K A L A M A Z O O — Betty Hansen Breed (Mrs. J., Jr.), A * , 560 Sunset Drive, Pittsburgh 34,
John F.), A S , 2310 E. 37th St., Savannah, Ga. Sterling), KP, 867 Dobbin Drive, Kalamazoo,


P O C A T E L L O — Joan Falter Kisline (Mrs. MINNESOTA PROVIDENCE — Alice Manchester Chase
(Mrs. James A.), B, 32 Wesleyan Ave., Provi-
D a l e ) , I A , K r a f t Cheese Road, Pocatello, M I N N E A P O L I S — Rachel Fnsvolc Bregenzer dence 7t RJ.
BOISE—Lila Snyder Beeson (Mrs. Jerome F.), ( M r s . Gerard), T, 5646 Colfax Ave. South,
Minneapolis 18, M i n n .
P, 1117 Balsam, Boise, Idaho. ST. PAUL—Mayme Bender Galligan (Mrs. J A C K S O N — M i s s M a r t h a Louise Hicks, DO,
1225 Highland, Jackson, Tenh.
ILLINOIS J o h n ) , T, 1415 H i g h l a n d P k w y . , St, P a u l 16, K N O X V I L L E — B e t t y Dougherty Rayson (Mrs.
C H A M P A I G N - U R B A N A — N e l l O ' B y r n e Shep- MISSISSIPPI \ Edward), 0, 141 Hillvale T u r n East, Knox-
Iand ( M r s . Robert), I , 1101 Lincolnshire
JACKSON—Alys Bowie Wallace (Mrs. E. S.), ville 19. Tenn.
D r i v e , Champaign, 111. M E M P H I S — J a n e Patterson, K O , 4265 Winches-
TA, 30S McTyere Ave., Jackson, Miss.
C H I C A G O B E V E R L Y H I L L S — Dorothy ter Pike, Germantown, Tenn.
Matchett, AT, 10000 S. Bell Ave., Chicago MISSOURI N A S H V I L L E — J e a n Thomas Curtis (Mrs.
43, IU. K A N S A S C I T Y — Dolores Travalent Ufford A r n o l d ) , NO, 4316 Wallace Lane, Nashville 12,
CHICAGO N O R T H SHORE—Virginia Long Tenn.
Miller (Mrs. George), I , 5776 N . E . Circle ( M r s . R. C ) , * , 4818 W . 70th Terrace, JOHNSON CITY—Marine Christtnberry Preat
Ave., Chicago 31, I I I . Prairie Village 15, Kansas. (Mrs. Wm. G.), 0 , Roan Hilt, Johnson City,
CHICAGO NORTHWEST SUBURBAN — ST. L O U I S —Sally Wade Kennelley (Mrs. Tenn.
Fern Robinson Kallevang (Mrs. Charles), H, James), BP, 7038 Nashville, St. Louis 17, Mo.

147 S. Lincoln, P a r k Ridge, I I I . ' MONTANA TEXAS

CHICAGO W E S T S U B U R B A N — Margaret BOZEMAN—Rollene Stratton, 401 N . Church D A L L A S — Martha McQuillan Gilderaleeve
(Mrs. J. E . ) , 6, 4184 Lively Lane, Dallas 20,
K r a m e r C r a w f o r d ( M r s . R. C ) , I , 9113 S. St., Bozeman, Mont. Texas.
GREAT FALLS—Janice Burnett Farr (Mrs.
Massassoit. Oak L a w n , 111. Robert C), A * , 7 Smelter Hill, Great Falls, H O U S T O N — Reba Browne Crawford (Mrs.
ROCKFORD—Nancy Schmeling Shugart (Mrs.
J o h n ) , I , 3522 N . Church St., Rockford, 111. Mont. Thomas), NK, 4207 Charleston, Houston 21,
BLOOMINGTON-NORMAL—Lucille Klauser, NEBRASKA AUSTIN—Barbara Frost Cagle (Mrs. Eu-
6 , 1503 N. Roosevelt St., Bloomington, IU. LINCOLN—Jayme Ewing Bartek (Mrs. W .
SOOTH SUBURBAN — Jane Alsaker Olson gene), U K , 5311 Halwill Place, Austin 2,
A . ) , Z , 1358 I d y l w i l d D r i v e , L i n c o l n 3, Nebr. Texas.
(Mrs. Marshall), P, 520 Deer Trail Road. O M A H A — K a y Hanley Gillaspie (Mrs. Robert), SAN ANTONIO—Alice Swonger Peters (Mrs.
Chicago Heights, III.
CHICAGO-DuPAGE VALLEY—Susanne Fogg Z, 5113 Nicholas Ave., Omaha 3, Nebr. Stanley), N K , 3IS Robinhood, San Antonio,
Harrison (Mrs. Allan), B * , 67S Western, Glen N E W JERSEY—Betty Jokl Brodt (Mrs. Rob- Texas.

Ellvn, III. ert H . ) , B r , 107 Bellevue A v e . , Upper Mont- VIRGINIA
D E K A L B — B o n n i e L o u Seymour, N I , 624 clair, N.J. N O R T H E R N V I R G I N I A — Mildred Raney
H a i s h , De K a l b , 111.
?CHICAGO COUNCIL—Elaine O'Connor Hoi- NEW JERSEY BERGEN COUNTY—Mary Berdeen ( M r s . T . N . ) , T, 517 N . Kenmore
River St., Arlington 1, V a .
uist (Mrs. Henry J.), I , 7613 Vine, Ferguson M i l l s ( M r s . W i l l i a m ) , E, 135 Wood- WASHINGTON
orest, III. land Ave., Ridgewood, N.J.
INDIANA UNION COUNTY—Virginia A. Marlow, S27 SEATTLE—Alverna Ocker Swan (Mrs. F. E . ) ,
T. 7406—78th S.E., Mercer Island. Wash.
BLOOMINGTON—Gertrude Bailey Huntington Magie Ave., Elisabeth, N J . SPOKANE—Shirley Northern Stevens (Mrs.
( M r s . George E . ) , B * , 817 S. Fess, Bloom-
ington, Ind. NEW MEXICO Otto O.J, A * , JV. 7206 Ctaney Court, Spokane
53, Wash.
E V A N S V I L L E T R I - S T A T E — Mary Lannert ALBUQUERQUE — Sonya Swan Williams
(Mrs. Robert Dan), T, 1416 Pitt St. N. E., WISCONSIN
Manion ( M r s . James), XA, 844 Washington Albuquerque, N.M.
Ave., Evansville 13, I n d . MADISON—Bee Webb Mitchell (Mrs. Harold),
FORT W A Y N E — Virginia Varner Morgan NEW YORK T, 25 Shepard Terrace, Madison 5, Wise.
( M r s . R i c h a r d ) , B<f>,. 142 D u n b a r Lane, Fort M I L W A U K E E — A l i c e Rath Aderman (Mrs.
Wayne, Ind. N E W Y O R K — D o r o t h y A n n H u f f , A, 136 E . Ralph M . ) , 8 * . 2302 E . Newberry Blvd.,
INDIANAPOLIS—Eloise Moffett Harper (Mrs. 55th St., New York 22, N . Y . Milwaukee I I , Wise.
H . Thomas), P, 4540 Berkshire Road, Indian-
SYRACUSE—Alice Foote Gwynn (Mrs. Charles CANADA

apolis 18, I n d . A . ) , X , 107 Janet D r i v e , Syracuse 3, N . Y . M O N T R E A L — D o r e e n Reilly, K + , 1555 Sum-
ALBANY—Thelma Pkipps Miles (Mrs. Cas-
L A F A Y E T T E —°- Dorothea M c F a r l a n d H e f f n e r well), A H , R.D. No, 2, Voorheesville, N.Y. merhill Ave., Apt. 105, Montreal, Quebec,
( M r s . A . D . ) , I , 1218 K i n g , Lafayette, Ind.
L A K E C O U N T Y — M a r y Ann Buddenbaum Tit- B I N G H A M T O N - S O U T H E R N T I E R — Rita Canada.
T O R O N T O — M a r i a n E . A u l t , BT, 32 W i l l i a m
tle (Mrs. Ray), P, Dune Acres, M . R., Slesser, X , 36 Park St., Binghamton, N.Y. St., Weston, Ontario, Canada.
BROOKLYN—Joan Ritzheimer, 611, 137-70th
Chesterton, Ind. V A N C O U V E R — M i s s Ruth Richardson, BE,
R I C H M O N D —Janet Jones Reller (Mrs. St., Brooklyn 9, N . Y .
BUFFALO—Prudence Root Quimby (Mrs. 5326 Connaught Drive, Vancouver 13, B . C ,
George), B * . 108 S. 21st St., Richmond, I n d . Canada.
S O U T H BEND—Betty Fellmy Eskew (Mrs. Donald), EA, 2S9 Wynnwood, Tonawanda,
L a r c y ) , B * , 1203 Helman D r i v e , South Bend N.Y. OTTAWA—Faye Rochester Campbell (Mrs.
Keith), K $ . 15 Monkland Avenue. Ottawa.
T E1R7,R EI n dH. A U T E — M i s s Patricia M . Butts, K A . ITHACA—Eunice Ann Morris Compton (Mrs.

Georgia Minnesota

ATHENS—Bobbie Ann Mcelcr, AS; Leila

Ritchie, A S ; Carole Lee Roberts, A S ; Mar-

guerite A n n Sheffer, A £ s Margaret Peggy

Westfall, AS; ATLANTA—Barbara Jane

Brooke, F S ; Jimmie Louise Hicks, F X ; Karen

Mcintosh, Martha Ellen Sudderth, I'S; A L B E R T L E A — M a r l e n e A n n Satre. T ;

Charlene Tallert, F X ; Mary Eugenia Morris. B L U E E A R T H — G r e t c h e n R a o Nelson.

I'S; Margaret Nettles, I ' S ; Rena Matthias. H; C I R C L E PINES—Lynn Barbara

"Si Mrs. E v a Whetstone, F2.J Betsy Foote, Wybest, T ; F I S H E R — Alice Jean

I'S; Nancy Elizabeth Harwell, A S : Susan K . Gwenelda Skybcrg, T; M I N N E A P O L I S

Johnson, A S ; Diane Marjorie Smith, AS; —Dt'c A. Hendrickson, I s Barbara A.

Nancy A n n Wills, A S ; Attis Eugenia Adams. Reese, T ; Sharon Lee Malek. I : Mary

I'S; Ernestine May Dempsey, T S ; Aline Carole Ellen M c M a n n u s , T ; S T . L O U I S P A R K

Duke, I S ; Andrea Diane Tippcns, I'S; A V O N - —June Marie Sandell, T ; S T . P A U L —

D A L E E S T A T E S — G a i l Williams. *A« B L Y T H E Camilla J . Martin, T ; Jenifer A n n Costa,

—Ethel Patricia C l o e r — A S ; C A R T E R S V I L L E — T; Marianne Theresa Larson, I ; Mary

New Mildred Ann Dieseker. AA: CULLODEN— Jane Myers, T ; Julianne Louise Shaft,
Carole Ann Chatfield. A S ; D E C A T U R — E l l e n I s Carol A n n Sutherland. T ; Patricia
Elizabeth Harvey, A S ; Vesta Jean Mauldin, Louise Hill, K; S P R I N G F I E L D — Joy

I'S; G R I F F I N — J o a n Swanson. A S ; FITZ- Anine Hinton, T ; V I R G I N I A — D o n n a

G E R A L D — W a n d a Latrclle Gaff. A S ; F L I N T - Marie Jenia, T.

STONE—Patricia Ann Bohanan, A2; FT.

B E N N I N G — Barbara Evelyn Weber, H;

LAFAYETTE—Barbara Jean Denton. AS;

Karen A n n Pope, A S ; L A V O N I A — M a r y Patsy

Whitworth, A S ; M A R I E T T A — B a r b a r a Ann

Coggins, I'S: M A C O N — H a z e l Hope Justus,

MONROE—Patricia Thornton, AS; O G L E -

T H O R P E — A n n e Glynn Young, AS; S A V A N -

NAH—Elizabeth Lee Quarles, A S ; S M Y R N A —

Frances A n n Whitmire, I S ; T H O M A S V T L L E —

Beverly Jean Hill, AA; Carolyn Sue M o r r o w ,

AA; T O C C O A — B a r b a r a Lajune Chambers. A S .

Louisiana North Carolina


A L E X A N D R I A — M a r y B u i e C r o c k e t t , II ; A V E R Y

I S L A N D — M a r y Louise Garzotto, All; B A S T R O P —

Tommie Rhea Green, AH; B A T O N ROUGE—

Frances Eleanor Whitney, A O ; Mildred Whitney.

AO; C H A L M E T T E — B a r b a r a Lee M a x w e l l , Alt:

C R O W L E Y — S y l v i a Jean Butaud. A B ; F A I R B A N K S

—Naomi Jane Gill. A T ; F E R R I D A Y — E s t a Ann

Ford. AT: F R A N K L I N — B e v e r l y Ann Boudreaux.

All; Mary Diane Bodin, All; H A I L E — E d w y n a

iPacc. AT; H A M M O N D — G r a c e Marie Puis, II; Washington

H O U M A — J o s e p h i n e Ann Duplantis, AO; Dorothy

Anne Coignet. All; J E A N E R E T T E — P a u l a Jane

Shcrville, All; Harriet Elizabeth Hebert. All; J E N A

—Bernice S. Montgomery, AO; L A F A Y E T T E —

Lenore Maura Miles, AH; Collette Ann Breaux. B R E M E R T O N — P e n e l o p e Ahlquist, Is

All; Andrienne Marie Plauche, All; Miriam Louise M O C L I P S — J a n e Adele Moawad, T;

Turner, All; Helen Ethercdge Chicre, All; Sara P O R T A N G E L E S — Elizabeth Grace

W o m a c k Guilbeau, All; Jeanne Adele Williams. Bell, T ; P U L L M A N — C a r o l Jean

AB; Patty Louise Stein, All; L A F l T T F — C a r o l Montgomery Keltch, T; QUINCY—Nancy

Frances I'dmondson, A O ; L A K E C H A R L E S — N o r a Ellen Russell, T ; S E A T T L E — J u d y Rosina

A . Eisenhach, AO; Karen Sue Fisher, A O ; Jeancttc Kipper, T ; Judith Karen Klose, T ; Carol

F. Francis, AO; Beverly Ann Bertrand, All; Janelle Yvonne Loin, T; Frances-Ann Catherine;

Erline Vines. All; Janettc Aileen Vines. All; R I C H M O N D , T ; Helen Sue Teufel. T ; Diane-

M A H K S V 1 L L E — J u n e A n n Edwards, Alt; M E T A I R I E Mae Thayer, T; Mary Helen MacKean. T; J

— J a c k l y n A n n V i l l e r s , II : M O N R O E — C a r o l e Patricia Dorothy Melick, T; S U M N E R — T a m c r a

Dianne Brown, A T ; Carole Davis Falk. AT; Jane Christine Schrengohst, T; TACOMA—Nancy

Puckett LurTey, IIT; Georgia Arline Schumakcr. Ann Lundquist, T ; Y A K I M A — M a r i l y n K a y

A T : Elizabeth Nichols. A T ; Martha Seilcr, A T ; N e w b y , T.

N E W O R L E A N S — S u s a n Gail Ash. A O ; Bcsa

Linda Boyer, AO; Temple Anita Fleming, A O ;

Ann Kathryn Harlow, A O ; Colette Rouedc Lindner. district of
A O ; Gcraldine M . Little. A O ; Barbara Jane Bcchcl,

Nil; Lorette Morvant Babst. II; Rochelle M a r y

Bonner. Alt: Barbara Mary Breland. A T ; Caroline

C o l e . 11; S u s a n R h o d e s F e e . I I ; M a r i l y n L o u i s e

Gordon. I I ; Marie Elizabeth Plauche Rucker, I I ;

Joan Elsa Whittier Von Kurnatowski. II;

Claire G n a n n Williams, I I ; Kathleen Ann Caddy.

10; O P E L O U S A S — H e l e n Garland Boagni, A R ;

Barbara Marie Dclmas, A B ; P A T T E R S O N — N o e t i c W A S H I N G T O N — M a r t h a Cecilia ]
K ; D e n n i K a t h l e e n M a c k . II
Elizabeth Popped, All; W a n d a Anne Sumratl. AH:

P E R R Y V I L L E — L e s l i e Glynn Amos, AT; S A I N T

R O S E — l o a n Lisbcth McDonnell, AO; S H R E V E -

P O R T — E m i l y Frances Harris. II: S T E R L I N G T O N

—Sarah Elizabeth Jordan. A T ; S U N S E T — S y t v e r y

Ann Guilbeau, Alt: V I L L F . PLATTE—Barbara

Jean Morein, All; W E E K S — C a r o l May Mele. All;

W E S T W F G O — B a r b a r a Ann Solis, AO; W I S N E R —

Betty Scott Williams, A T .

J Tennessee

A R R I N C T O N — E v e l y n J o a n n e PuduV, «.; A T H E N S — j a n e C a r o l ( . i n w u n . 4>A; B R I S T O L — A n n C r a f t [ u h c s o a , * \ : C H A T T A N O O G A — B e t t y R.m.-

Brooks. M i ; Sandra 'Kaye Nichols, M l ; C I . A R K S V I I . I . E — M a r y Beth Beach. I!; C L E V E L A N D — T o y e Gwendolyn White. 0; C O L U M B I A — M a r i o n Louise

G r a n t . ( I ; D Y E R — K r e r i d a Evelyn Griffin. I.'0; D Y E K S R l ' K C — M a r t h a O z e n a W i n n . K(»; F R A N K L I N — C y n t h i a Carole Aita. M l ; Mary lo Anderson.

M l ; R e b e c c a A n n R e d i t k . M i ; M a r y R u t h S a w y e r . 11; G R I . E N E V I I . E E — S a n d r a E v e l y n G a s s . t i ; H E N N 1 N G — B e t t y B l y t h e Seates. K n ; i l l M H O L D T

—Mart Gayle DeLeach. I ; J A C K S O N — S a l l y A n n B a k e r , '..'n; M a r t h a A n n F r o s t , U 0 ; M a r t h a E l l e n H a w k i n s , '..'ti; L i n d a K a v H a w k s . HO; C h a r l o t t e

A n n e t t e J o n e s . '..'O; J O H N S O N C I T Y — C a r o l E l i z a b e t h D c n c e n . + .V; P e n e l o p e G a l l o w a y . ISA; M a n L i l l i a n G i b b s . " M s C a r o l y n E l i z a b e t h K i n g . 4>A;

Joan A n n Miller, * A : K I N G S P O R T — S u z a n n e Gail Duke. Nil; Gloria Masinc Cody. • A ; K N O X V 1 L L E — E m i l y Josephine Thompson. II; Marion Jean

W i l l i a m s . ( I ; J u n e E l i z a b e t h C h r i s t e n h c r r y . 0 ; G l e n d a M a t e e l C o l e . <>; E l i z a b e t h A n n D e c k e r , t ) ; F d d v t h S u e S t a n t l i n . I ' ; L A F O E L F T T E — P h y l l i s A n n

M a r l o w e . <I'A ; L E B A N O N — M a r y A n n D o w n e l l . X I i ; L I M E S T O N E — M a r t h a N e l l S m i t h . • A ; M A D I S O N — L i n d a S u e W e s t . M i ; M A R Y V I L L E —

G w e n d o l y n DeLozier, 'l'.\; M E M P H I S — S u s a n Lynn Logsnon, A d ; Linda L o u Rabop Little, K l ; Michael A n n Condon, K H ; (harlayne Gl.ulney.

K t l ; D a i s i J e a n M e n z i e s . K O ; J o a n K a t h r y n W o o d b u r y , M i ; Susan H i l l C o d y , K l I ; C a r o l y n A n n B o s w e l l . i i ; P a u l a N a n R a l l i n g c r . l.'i 1; S.imlra G a i l

P r a t h e r , f l ; S u e V o l l m e r . ( I ; M a r t h a K a t h c r y n c W i l l i a m s , l.'l I ; P a t s y C a r o l B a u m a n n , K O ; M a r y S u s a n T e m p l e t o n . K l ' ; P a t r i c i a A n n e t t e T a y l o r , K l >;

Diane Elaine Lohough, K l l ; Nancy Jane H a y n c s . K i i ; Mary Virginia Roberson, K " ; Jean -Owen Blanz. M l ; M O U N T P L E A S A N T — M a r i a n leanne

E i c o n , K n ; M I R F R E E S B O R O — A l y c c Palmer W o o d . <i; N A S H V I L L E — M a r y Faith Bailey. M i ; Myrtle M a y Bennett. .Mi; Eleanor G r a h a m

E u q u a . M l ; C a r o l e A n n H o o p e r . M l ; (iayle M a r t i n . M l ; Elizabeth Elliston Prueher. M l ; Judith A n n Seobey, N i l ; M a r y C a m h c a u T a l l e y . M l ; Alice-

A n n T a y l o r , M l ; J a n e P e r r y D e e r . A A ; B e t t y E u c v L o v e . ( I ; B e t t y J u n e A n d r e w s . KO; C a r o l v n S u e E i t z p a i r i e k , KO; N O K R I S — I s a b e l l e G i l b e r t S e i g -

w o r t h . M i ; O C O E E — M a r y J a n e W i l l i a m s . » A ; P I L A S K I — B e t h D a r w i n B a i t e s . K l ' ; R I P L E Y — I . i n a L o u i s e V o l z . 11; R O G E R S V J L L E — R u b y R o w a n

L a w s o n , (1; R O A N M O U N T A I N — P a t r i c i a A n n Freeman, * A ; S E V T E R V I I . I . l — Andrea Phyllis Cooper. I I ; S M I T T I V I L L E — M a r y lane Rice. 0 ; T I P T O N -

V I L L E — M a r i a n Stirling Burnett, M l ; U N I O N C I T Y — R u t h Lynn M c G a u c h . '..'II; W A L L A N ! ) — K a t h r y n larvis, O .


B O Z E M A N — J e a n n e Patricia Kanalz. A'l': Mary Francis Ben- California

nett. A ' l ' ; K a r o n Hansford, A + ; Sherry Stursherg. A'l'; B U T T E —

Edith Marianne Bonner. A'l'; Sharon Spear. A ' l ' ; D E E R L O D G E —

Kay O . Kirk, A'l'; G L A S G O W — M a r l e n e L . Cotton, A ' l ' ; Beverly

Landes. A'l'; G R E A T F A L L S — J e a n i n e Hess, A + ; Donna Lee

Robinson, A ' l ' ; H E L E N A — E l e a n o r Eileen Foster. A ' l ' ; K A I . I S P E L I .

— D o n n a Lee Richardson. A ' l ; L I V I N G S T O N — C a r o l Norine,

A'l'; L O D G E G R A S S — M a r i a n Miller, A'l'; M I L E S C I T Y — J u a n i t a A L A M E D A — L o r n a Morenc Sillingcr. I ; A L T A D E N A
—Virginia Dart Greene. KH; A L i l ' R A S — M a r y Col-
G l o y B o w m a n , A ' l ' / R E D L O D G E — V i r g i n i a L o u i s e W e l c h . t>; teen Y'oung, S ; A I . H A M B R A — M a r t h a Jamison, K H ;
B A K E R S F I E L D — Diane Louise Chancellor, A S ; Judith
ROSEBUD—Diana Lentz. A'l'; W O L F POINT—Cathleen Ann Chaney, A S ; B E A U M O N T — L i n d a Gac Coomes,
X A ; B E R K t L E Y — K a r e n Auril Cox, S ; Shirley Joan
S c h r e i h e r , A'l>. Mass. Giherson. S; Diane E . Schwab, S; Linda Vnss, 1;
B U R B A N K — C a r o l e Lynn Shiplev, A S ; Cynthia A n n
( B E L M O N T — M a r i l y n C . Garriry. A; C H E L S E A — F Kronen. S; B U R L I N G A M E — J a n e t Ruth Queen. A S ;
C O I . T O N — M a r y Jo Bailey. AP: C O M P T O N — S a n d r a
"Phyllis Irma Fineman. A; M A L D E N — E l e a n o r I.. Lee Melton, IA ; C O V I N A — J u d i t h Lee Pearson, A S ;
D O W N E Y — D o r o t h y Mae Karpins, IA; Snellen Carol
Doyle. A ; M F D F O R D — S h i r l e y Ann Kaloostran,' Skinner. K 0 ; E L C E N T R O — P a m e l a A n n Worrall, A S ;
G A R D E N G R O V E — P a t r i c i a A n n M c l a d d e n . K H ; Jane-
A; Dorothy F . Corson, A ; M I L L I S — K a r i n N . Rlom. Dorothy Zimmerman, S; G L F N D A L E — M a r y Louise
L a w r e n c e . K(-l; Lisbeth Susan Butler, N A ; N o r m a n Ethel
; O R A N G E — B a r b a r a Anne Belcher. A; S A U G U S I W arren. S : Joanne Ruth W ull, S; G R A N A D A - H I L L S
—Rae Irwin Hasclwood. K H ; L A C R E S C E N T A—Sandra
- M a r y Anne Patti, A; S O M E R V I L L E — H i l d c g a r d c A Beach, AS ; L A F A Y E T T E — M a r y Frances Mailoek, S;
L O N G BEACH—Beatrice Bunny Cavaliere. K H ; Maria
Sandra Kushner, A; S O U T H B O R O — R o s e m a r y ! Hoffman, Kl-I; L O S A L T O S — A n n e Evelyn Cathcy, A S ;
Patricia Louise G r a h a m , A S ; Julia May Stout, A S ; L O S
Allerton Poole, K ; W A K E F I E L D — J u d i t h Ann! A N G E L E S — B a r b a r a Jean Hammer, K H ; Evangeline
K a s i a S p i l o s , K H ; J a c q u e l i n e L e e W i l l i a m s . K1-1; M a r i -
Graham, AT. tyn Jean H u t t o n , N A ; Janice D e a n Johnson, NA ; Betty
L o u i s e S m a l l e n , NA ; A n n B r o w n i n g , K1-1; B a r b a r a L y n n
Sharp, S ; Karen Allgood Brown, S ; M A N H A T T A N '
B E A C H — C a r o l A n n Soule, Kl-l; loan Terrv Bannerman.
AS; M E N L O PARK—Elizabeth Elaine Everhart, S;
M E R C E D — J u d i t h Parker, S; Alma Diane Brannan. S;
M O D E S T O — M e l i n d a Moore, S; lulie Anne Rogers.
S; N E W P O R T B E A C H — H a r r i e t Virginia King. N A ;
Catherine A n n Sturtevant. A S ; N O R C O — D a n e t a Eith.l

Arkansas Naylur. A S ; O A K L A N D — C a r o l Caldwell. Kfi

beth Catherine Mclnnis, K H ; Doreen Elizabeth

S; Diane Yvonne Affleck, S ; Marilyn Ann Ev

Merry Papagiannis, S ; Adrienne Jean Potts, S ;

Short, S; O R I N D A — M a r y Margaret Bonning

B L Y T T I V I L L E — A n n Prentiss Seay, M l ; O R O V 1 L L E — M a r a l y n Moscley, S ; O X N A R E

C O R N I N G — D a n a Sue Rhodes. M l ; Elaine Lake, A P ; P A S A D E N A — S u z a n n e F

H A R R I S B U R G — L o u i s e Falls. M l ; Nan- Warrington. S; Cynthia Ann Coatcs. S ; P I E D M

eye G r a y s o n L a m b , M l ; J O N E S B O R O — M a r y l y n S m i t h . S ; R O S F V I L L E — D o n n a Jean S|

Sandra Lee Beard, Nil; Marian K i n g AS; S A C R A M E N T O — M a r i l y n Ellen Schwil

Jarrctt, M ) Honorary M e m b e r ; Eula Martha Ann Eangdon. S ; Nancy Baker Wcav

Merle W i m a n Simpson, M l Honorary S a n d r a L e e H o l m e s . S ; S A L I N A S — N o r m a

Member; Paula Beth Clark, M l ; Linda S ; S A N M A R I N O — G e r a l d i n e Bates Martin,

Anne Huitt. M l ; Marion Stephens Jolly. A N D R E A S — S a n d r a Susan MacNider. S; S A N (

Mexico M l ; Ruth Secoy Puryear, M l ; Frcida L . —Carole Anne McGcchie. A P ; Susan Frances 1

M E X I C O — N o r a A. Eisenbach, A l l . Secoy W a l s h , M l Honorary M e m b e r ; A S ; S A N D I E G O — M a r l e n e Marie Jondall. ,\:

L E A C H V I L L E — L e t t y A n n Pratt, M l ; F R A N C I S C O — P a t r i c i a Ann Barry. A S ; Sail

L I T T L E R O C K — S a n d r a Sue Evans. Conway, S; S A N G A B R I E L — S h a r o n R. Zunc

M l ; M c C R O R Y — Mary W i l m a Bull- S A N JOSE—Betty Lynnc Britton, A S ; Sand

ington. Ml; MARKED TREE— I.unn, AS; S A N ' M A T E O — J o Ellen Eda A

Brenda McDaniel. M ) ; O S C E O L A — A S ; Jean Elizabeth Weyciehewsky. S ; S A R A T

Stella Carol Bradshaw, Kl); P A R K I N Susan Karen Quist. A S ; S T O C K T O N — V l a d l

I—Martha Nell Sharp. M ) ; S T A T E ] Bzock. S; V E N T U R A — J a n e t Ann Walla

I C O L L E G E — M a r y Ellen Garner, M I; V I S A L I A — C o n n i e Leigh Erickson. S ; W,

I Charlotte Vcrnita Duniphan, M l ; C R E E K — M a r y Lucilla Wylic, A S ; W A T S O N A

I Ramona Katherine Smith, £ 0 ; T R U - Julie Ann Henningsen, A S ; Luanc Marie V i d

L M A N — M a r o l y n Y'vonne Guarr, SO;

Betty L o v e I r w i n , S O .


ASTON—Ramona Carol

Maretz, JA; F I L E R — J o a n

Anthony Harker, JA,

H A I L E V — J u l i a n n e Jones, Oklahoma

1; NAMPA—Sandra Lcc B A R T L F S V I L L E — M a r y Elda Scarth.
•I'; W A G O N E R — J o a n Jeffrey, M l .
Schindele, X: P O C A T E L -

L O ^ E l a i n e E . Beseris, 1A; Theresa Louise Dillon,

A; Patricia Louise McDermott, JA; Kathryn Anne

Pitchford, I A ; Carlcne Peterson. I A ; K a r e n Lynn

Goodenouph, IA; Sharon Adelc Bartlett, J A ; Veda

Joanne Western. IA; S A L M O N — P a t r i c i a Charlotte

Skinner, ]A; T W I N F A L L S — S h a r o n Carlene Hollo-

way, JA.


New York A N D E R S O N — M a r t h a A n n G u s t i n , KK: BEDFORD—

A L M O N D — P h v l l i s Grace Wichtman, E ; B A Y - N a n c y A n n B a i t , B4>; B E N D — J o y A n n O s t h i m e r . I';

S I D E — L y n d a Diane Sherbakolf, A; B E L I . M O R E B I C K N E L L — X V a l l y Jo H e r r i n g , K.\ : B L O O M F I E L D —

N O R T H — K a r e n Christiansen, l-lll; B E T H P A G E M a r y J a n e R a d c l i f f , Mr; B L O O M I N G T O N — F r a n c e s G l e n n

—Constance Young. HII; B E L L E HARBOR— R a m s e y , H'l*; C l a r a L e e S h a d l e y , K K ; M a r y A g n e s D o u t h i n ,

Babettc Schorr, A; B O I C E V I L I . E — l u d i t h A n n H'l'; P a t r i c i a l a n e D u n l a p . B + ; BOONXTLI.E—Linda

Madsen. HII; B R O N X — J a n e Henry. X ; B R O O K - Chappie. It*; BROXX N S T O X X N — Doris Ray Liamcr, K K ;

L Y N — C a r o l l Bauer, H I I ; Barbara Ehlenhcrgcr, C A M D E N — N a n c y J a n e Stiles, H'l'; C A N N E L T O N — K a y

HII; Marian Eruddcn, H I I ; Lois Hachmeister, Gilbert. H'l1; C H A R L E S T O W N — J u l i e t A n n e D i l l o w , ' H i ;

H I I : Ciale Patricia Tcllcfsen, H I I ; Nancy Mont- C H E S T E R T O N — S a n d r a K a y Y o u n g , H'l'; D E C K E R —

gomery. H I I ; B R O O K T O N D A I . E — P a t r i c i a Anne Phyllis A n n Purccll, KA ; D U N K I R K — J a y n c A n n Ritter.

Dunning. K: B U F F A L O — E l l e n Mather Davis. KK; E V A N S V I I . L E — B e t t i Jo Hendcrshot, X A ; Carolyn

XA: C A N A U D A 1 G U A — A n n D . P e r e g o . '..'; Ruth Plunkett. X A ; Bonnie Sue Riney. X A ; Judith A n n

D E L M A R — B a r b a r a Ruth Nichaus. ON; D U N - Herrmann. I ' ; Linda Perkins. X A ; Delores lean Reasor,

K I R K — D a r l a Kay Thomas, K: E A S T P A T C H - X A : C a r o l y n D a l e P e y t o n . H'l'; D i a n e C a l e H a a s , H ;

O G U E — M a r y Ellen Snyder. H I I : G L E N F A L L S F O R T X X ' A Y N E — A n n K a y Edens. K K ; Brcnda Lee Moulin.

— K a t h r y n E l i z a b e t h J a c q u e s . X; GOSHEN— •I'D; K a t h l e e n A n g e l a O ' B o y l c , 15+; F R A N K F O R T — N a n c y

M a r y Jane Q u i n h v , K; H A I . I S I T E — l e n e t r a Marie Elizabeth Nigh. H ; F R A N K L I N — M a r y Estcllc Richardson,

McAtee. H I I ; H A R T S D A L E — Doris May Pope, 'I'll; G A R Y — M a r y Lee Eklund, K K ; Carol Jean Megquier,

X; H U X L E Y — P r i s c i l l a Ann Rylance. H I I ; K E N - KK; Bonita Behn, P; Donna Mae Louise Buller, P; Gerald-

M O R E — G r a c e Caroline Times, K ; K I N G F E R R Y ine M a r y P r i m i c h . H ; Judith W i l l i a m s . H ; G R F . E N C A S T L E

— Anne Louise Dunkle, K; K I N G S T O N — — E d n a Klutts Earher, H. Honorary Member: H A M M O N D —

Lorraine Elizabeth Etienne, K; L E R O Y — A s t r i d Sue A n n I.osh. K K ; C a r o l J e a n K r u p a . H'l'; H I G H L A N D

Elizabeth Bossi, K: L E W I S T O N — C a r o l y n A n n —Paulette A n n Starcevich, K A : H O W E — S a n d r a Lee

Wilson. 1: L I B E R T Y — H e l e n - I . e e J a y , H I I ; Curtis, K P ; I N D I A N A P O L I S — B a r b a r a A n n Hess, KA;

L O C K P O R T — M a r i o r i e Eugenia Ericks, E ; Nelia Suzanne Karol Wallace, K K ; Suellen Imes, -I'll; Gloria

Anne Pvnn. K: L O U D O N V I L I . E — C a r o l y n loan J e a n C o r t e s e , H'l*; J e a n E l i z a b e t h B o s e n b u r y , H ; J a c -

Male, E ; M A L O N E — C a r o l e Jane Hanna,' X< queline Cooke, 'I'll; Elizabeth Claire Seiger. 'I'll; Kathleen

M A N H A S S E T — S h e i l a Kay Hcyel, K; O N E O N T A Shelley, 'I'M; J A S P E R — S u s a n R u t h G u t z w c i l e r . H'l';

—(Catherine Martin Beech. I X ; P E L H A M — J o a n Miriam Helen Ann Stemle. H'l': KENDALLX'ILLE—

Cameron, A; P O R T WASHINGTON—Dianna Nancy Carrol! Cazier. H ; K E X X ' A N A — M a r y Kathleen

May Kammerlohr. XA; P O U G H K E E P S I E — Burns. K K ; K N O X — H e l e n Estella Bigora, KA : Carol

Lucille Morrison Sharp, EA ; R A N S O N V I L L I ; — lane Pulver. K A ; L A F A Y E T T E — G a i l June Coffey, I':

Ann Helen Seefeldt. E ; R O C K V I I . L E C E N T R E — L A W R E N C E B U R G — M a r i l y n Elliott. 'I'D; L O O G O O T E E

Phyllis Gloria Cohen. A; S C A R S D A L E — C i a i l —Suzanne Wolfe. H'l': M A D I S O N — A n n e Pritchard

Anne Clune. N ; S P R I N G F I E L D GARDENS— Sullivan, 'I'll; M A R T I N S V I L L E — M a r y Ellen Moore, K K ;

Nancy Gertrude l.uquer. H I I ; S P R I N G V A L L E Y MISHAXX AKA—Martha A n n Steele, H'l': MUNCIE—

—Alva Antonina Barbiere, IX; S T A T I.N M.irci.i A n n Sharp. KK ; XX'anda C . Swift, K K ; Linda

I S L A N D — E d n a Marie Dctmar. HII; Marilyn Jane Wilson, KK; MUNSTER—Jean Marie Sippel,

Barbara Dooley. HII ; Bctte Jean Huct, H I I ; KK: N E W A L B A N Y — L i n e Kay Dickman. K K : N E W -

Genevieve Morelli, H I I ; Anne Elizabeth Skagcr. BURG—:.!udith Helen Grahert, XA; N E W P A L E S T I N E —
loan Alice Houston, H ; O S C E O L A — M a r y Alice Mcnaueh,
I': Irene Carroll, H I I ; Frances Ricciardi, Oil ;
K K : O X F O R D — L a u r a Frances E v a n s , H'l': P O R T L A N D —
VALLEY STREAM—Dcanna Beckmann. H I I ;
Judith Ann Myers, K K ; R E N S S E L A E R — J a n i c e Mac
W O O D I I A V E N — J o s c t t e K . Barreca. X; Carolyn
Hefner, KK: SEI.MA—Mary Frances Hamilton. KK:
Cicack. N ; Valerie Crosby, N ; Erhe Isaiou. N ;
SOUTH BIND—Dorothv Ellen Cormier. K K ; Carol
Y O N K E R S — S u s a n B . Z w e r l i n g . A.
M a r l e n e XX e l d v . K K : S O U T H P O R T — C a r o l K a y R y k e r ,

KK: T E E E T — L i n d a Ciail Duggleby. K A ; T E R R E H A U T E

— C h r y s t a l C l a p p E'auset, K A ; Rose M a r y Mariette, K A ;

Mary Lou Came, K A ; Deanna Louise Daugherty, K A ;

D o n n a Carol Moore. K A ; Betty Jacqueline Richards. K A ;

Elizabeth Ellen Roth. K A ; Cynthia Louise Laughlin. K A ;

Sandra Lou H a r t m a n . K A ; Patricia lean Peyton, 'I'll;

V A L P A R A I S O — M a r g a r e t Jean McCal'lum, K K : Carole

Margaret D i n s m o r e . H'l'; X V A R S A X X ' - — N a n c y L y n n M a i s h .

H ; XX A S I I I N G T O N — C a r o l y n S u e D a v i s . K A : Norma

L e e D a v i s . K A ; XX I N C H E S T E R — R u t h A n n M o n k s , ' I ' d .


Kostenbauder, P; 11 A V A N N A
I'; BA I l l - A c o s t a . '..'(1.

Oil ; B I D D I E - New Jersey Nebraska
Iman. I'; C A L A I S
; DOVER-FOX- B E A T R I C E — D e a n n a Rae Davison. Z ; C E N T R A L C I T Y — V e r n a Marie
d e r s o n , !'; E A S T
lioulton. /.; Janet Louise H r u z a , Z ; C O Z A D — J a m ' s M a e Burgess, /;
i n , 1'; M A N - F R A N K L I N — A r l e n c K a v T u e r s , /.; G E N E V A — S h a r o l B e n e S c h e i k o p f , Z ;
lining, I'; M O N -
tod. I ' ; O R O N O | H A S T I N G S — J a c q u e l i n e K a y Collins, Z ; Jane Marie Aztcll, Z ; H U M B O I . T —
I'; Jean Louise
—Eleanor Frances Joan Stansbury, Z ; L I N C O L N — B e v e r l y Joan Lind, Z ; M i r i a m K a y Caldwell,
Stiles. P; T O P -
Utn B o u c h a r d , P. Z; S a r a A n n C h r i s t e n s e n , Z ; J u d i t h A n n L u t z , Z ; C o n s t a n c e L u c i l l e S c h m i d t ,

'BASKING RIDGE—Priscilla King L O U P CITY—Zetia Marie Long. Z; N E B R A S K A C I T Y — M a r y Ann

Bavless. HII; C R A N E O R D — lulia M e a d . Z ; O M A H A — P a u l a K a v A m s h u r v , Z ; D i a n a K l i p p e l . AIT; P E N D E R —

Alice C r o m a n v . l-lll: C R E S S K I I . I — Beverly [ane Hcwtc. Z ; P I L G E R — R o b e r t a G r a c e Buetcrficld. Z ; S P R I N G -

Helen love Hughes. HI'; H I G H L A N D V I E W — B o n n i e Kay Lear, Z ; S T . E D W A R D — N i l a

PARK—ludith Anne Warr, H I I ; _Mae (humming, Z ; W T L B E R — J u d i t h Ann Zikmund, Z.

L I V I N G S T O N — L i n d a Ellen Acklcv.

EA: M E T U C H E N — lane Lucille

Herb. K ; N E W A R K — P a t r i c i a E'ahv.

X; N U T L E Y — S u s a n Elizabeth Clark,

ll; P I . A I N E I I I D—Barbara Eshle-

man, HII; R A M S E Y — l u d i t h Ann

Stout, EA : S U M M I T — M a r y Ellen


Paula Lillian Moore. A ; WEST- Colorado

FIELD—loan Alta Coords. AT; I

XX E S T X X O O D — l o a n S c h e i m c r . I ' . '

IETON—Cynthia Kav H O t 1.1)1 R — M r s . F r a n c e s B e n s o n , X A ; M a x i n c

Wilson. 'I': K A N S A S Frances Benson. XA ; lanice Arden Roberts,

D—Erna Lee Beye, ' I ' ; XA; COLORADO SPRINGS—Patricia Ann

t Saunders, ' I ' : Carol McKissick. X A : C O R T E Z — M a urine Lee lohn-

Ann Leonard, 'I': son, X A ; D E N V E R — B c t t e Lvnne B l u m c . X A ;

LOUTH Donis Jo Marilyn Cecelia Clark, A S ; G R E E L E Y — J o y c e

enacht. ' I ' ; P R A I R I E Corinne Bechthold. XA: L I T T L E T O N — C a r l a

an Osborn, 'I'; R O S S - Ray D u n c a n , XA ; l . O N G M O N T — P a t r i c i a A n n

/icki Ann Bruner. ' I ' ; Billings, Z.

. O M O N — N a n c y Favc

ster, + ; WICHITA—

ume. I I K ; Mary Jam-

K a r e n L e e Wiener, 'li.

South Dakota Virginia Wyoming

/ A R L I N G T O N — S u e Marie Shuffle. W O R E A N D — E l i n o r Ann Wellm;

PHILLIP—Alice Janet Minard, I; BRISTOL—Phyllis Kay Law-

S I O U X PALLS—Cynthia Huffman, H . rence, M l ; C H A R L O T T E S V I L L E —

Eugenia Elizabeth Bibb. K; C H A T -

HAM—Sarah Hurt Eriend, AS;


Shearer, K ; G L O U C E S T E R P O I N T

— L y n n Ayres Cantt, K ; K I L M A R -

N O C K — C l a r a Hayward Currell, K ;

R I C H M O N D — M a r y Foster Care. K ;

O A K T O N — S a n d r a Pierce Riordon,


H I L O — E d n a Savomi Kancshior,

X: H O N O L U L U — M a r i l y n Eiko Arabia

Inoae, (*•: L A H A I N A — M a u i , ' D H A H R A N — Gail
Edwards Taylor. 1.
I ; Vivian Edele Troy, A S ; E W A

OAHL' — Elena
Hawaii A Kuen Y i n c (.bin/;.

— Eleanor Ger-

r J trude Walker. NO.


BRISTOL—Sylvia Rider, W h DANBURY— So. Carolina

Elizabeth V a n Ess. HII ; G R E E N W I C H — J e a n

Bulan Luena, A ; H A M D E N — J u d y t h Hamilton

Field, I I ; Peony C r o o k , .|M); M A N C H E S T E R —

Hetty Jane T a y l o r , K A ; S O U T H I N G T O N —

A n n a M c C a r t h y . (-HI; T O R R I N G 1 O N — J a n e t C O L U M B I A — Joanne

Marie Janssen, HII. Butterworth, K ; L E X I N G -

T O N — M a r t h a Patricia

llavgood. AS; WEST-

MINSTER—Elarriet Ann

Harper, AS.


A P P LL EE T O NN —— JJuuddii tt h S e g tl i n g e r , V; BBRROO OO KK - .

E l E L D —— BB a r b' a r a J o a n G o m b e r , K A ; C E D A R - V

B U R GG -— S u z a n n e Elizabeth Parent. Nil; I ,

M I L WV AA UU KK EE 1E — H e l e n V . Biederer. 'I'A;//

L o i s AAnnnn D a v i s , * I ' A ; A n n E i l a D a v i s o n , * |

• I ' A ; F r a n c e s G e r e n d , 'i»A; R o s e m a r y L a i h r o p

G r e i n k e , «I«A; S a n d r a J o H i g g i n s , <I'A; M a r y |

Elanor Hotchkiss, *I'A; Carole Katherine

J a c o b s , 'l»A; R u t h M a l o n e L e n t z . ' I ' A ; J o a n n e

Carleen Noebel, 'I'A; Isabelle Oberst Paul-

son. 'I'A; Eileen Marie Rowles, 'I'A; Janet

Eredrickson Rufe. 'I'A; Denise Marie

, Schlaefer, 'I'A; Patricia S y l v i a Sceger, il»A; Main

Audrey Jean Seinnemartin, 'I'A; Mary A n n

Stocks, 'I'A; Kathryn Adams Tincknell. i

-I'A; Judy Jane W a p m - r , -l-A; Mary Phyllis

W ' a i t e , ' I ' A ; J o a n M e r e d i t h Z a s t r o w , «1'A;

N a n c y J u n e S e c h o l , 't»A; L o i s A n n A h r i c k i . I

'I'A; Sally K a y V a n der Linden. 'I'A; N a n c y f BANGOR—Louenna Mary

Barbie Westhofcn. -Ir-A; Patricia Carol Margaret Ausma Medni

Mississippi B r o w n , 'I'A; Virginia K a y Gabriel, -I'A; Joanne Collins Albertson

Barbara Ann Gesin, 'I'A; Alice Marie F O R D — J o a n Shirley Woo.

T o r c i v i a , <I>A ; S O U T I I MILWAUKEE— — G a i l Marie McLain, I

C . i m i l l e A n d r e a G o n d e k , <1-A; W A U K E S H A < K O I I — Doroih) lean A.

- J a c q u e l i n e B o w e r s R i c e , »I»A; WEST C O R I N T H — J u d i t h Fowler

A L L I S — D o n n a Marie I.iberato, 'I'A; W O O D FALLS—Margaret Eastm:

— P a t r i c i a C a t h e r i n e E i r m i n . [|. CHESTER—Joanne E. Ma

B E N O I T — Betty Jane Farmer. TICEI.LO—Joanne Lou G

M l ; B R A N D O N — D o r i s Minada —Bette Louise Bridges,

Overby. M l ; C L A R K S D A I . E — Texas M c N e a r y , I"; P O R T L A N D

Sarah Ellen Smith, M l ; G L O S - Fay, I': Margaret Alice

T E R — l a n i c e Ann Conerly, M l ; S H A M H E I G H T S — Ruth /

G R E E N W O O D — S a r a h Quackcn-

boss, K B ; G U L F P O R T — Ella

Swing Strickland, NO; H A Z E L - AUSTIN—Carlenc Elizabeth finance, U K ; Harriet Ann

H U R S T — H e l e n Elizabeth A r m - McMeans, U K ; Mary Eleanor Brace, U K ; Betty Ruth Burnett,

strong, M l ; J A C K S O N — P a t r i c i a IIK; Dolores Ann Carr, U K ; Ruth Ann Cook, U K ; Linda

W a d e Sample, M l ; Linda Borden Diane Durrett, U K ; Dcana Ray Stockard, U K ; Mildred |

Bow man. V \ Bonnie Leah (aire. C h a r l y n l o n e s , 11; R o s e m a r y C o c h r a n , J I K ; M a r y M i n e t t c

All ; MISSISSIPPI C I T Y — B o n n e r Maquin, K ; Beverly Sue W a r d , U K ; B E A U M O N T — V i r -

Helenc Gladney. IIK; N A T C H E Z ginia Hele Smith. I I K ; D A L L A S — W e n d y Lee Miller. IIK;

—Beverly Louise Biggs, KO; Elizabeth Joyce Smith. IIK; E D I N B U R G — D E t t e Looney,

O X F O R D — B e t t y Frances W i l - NO; Jeannette Schalehen, II; G A L V E S T O N — B a r b a r a Jean

son. \ 1 ; Jean ("hristini W illiam- Nichols, U K ; H O U S T O N — S a r a Catherine Carmll, II; Linda

son. M l ; U N I V E R S I T Y — E l i z a - Gail Moehlman, I I ; Genny Timothea M c N a m a r a , K ; Jcrrv

beth Anne Tyer, M l . Katherine Nemath, IIK; K I 1 . G O R E — R o s e Mary Jones, IIK;

O R A N G E — K a t h c l e n c Ellen Sauls, U K ; P O R T A R T H U R - Kansas

Patricia Elliott Skaff. IIK; P R A I R I E — M a r t h a Ellen Johnson.

K ; S A N A N T O N I O — E l i z a b e t h Ann Ncff, I I ; Mary Carolyn

Stone, U K ; Phyllis Joan K e m p , IIK.

. A U G U S T A — K a y Etta Kenyon, + ; C L

Roberts, 'I'; H U T C H I N S O N — C h e r y l A n n

C I T Y — C a r o l y n I r e n e D e l i c h . >!•; L A R N E

L A W R E N C E — J o A n n Evans. -I'; Marth

l e a n E d w a r d s , H>; L E A W O O D — J u d i t l

L I N C O L N — B a r b a r a Ann Panzer, M

Edmonds. * ; N E S S C I T Y — J a n i c e Rul

V I L L A G E — S h a r o n Lee Hide, 'I'; R u t h Jn

V I L L E — J o A n n Swcnson, 'I'; S E D A N — '

S H A W N E E — P a t r i c i a L e e S m i t h , 'l>: S O I

S c h w a r z . + ; T O P 1 . K A — J u l i a Cottrell Ft

G a i l L a V o n n c W hite, 'I1; Mary K a r e n B

•McAleavcy, 'I'; S a r a h G a y l c Seevers, ' I s

Illinois S I C A M O L S — | o I vnc-iie W i n s l o w . V P ;

H O W M A N V I i l l : . (>N T A R I O — A n n e

Karoline Campbell. BT; C A T H E R I N E ,

O N T A R I O — M a r y l o a n n e K e n t . HI ;

C O P P E R ( T H E . O N T A R I O — Carole

Ann Povcell. h i - : M A M I E I O N . O N -

TAKIO—Marylan Quick. Ill; ludith

lovce M a o r i . + ; L A V R E L . O N T A R I O —

Elizabeth M a e Gall.ic.hcr. 1:1; S C A R -

HORO. O N I A R I O — L i l l i a n (.race Papp.

Ill; S E A R B O R O . O N 1A R I O — Kate

W altraud Schmidt, BT: S E E , O N -

H A R R I N G T O N — D e b o r a h Lou- Cummincs, I; Louise Kelly, II; T A R I O — M a r g a r e t A n n Louise Brodiv. Canada

B t L L W O O D — C o m t a w x Carte, I'; BELVIDERE—•Kathleen Anne Ill ; T I L L S O N B U R G , ONI ARIO —

D o b b i n , P; B L O O M I N G ! O N — C a r o l y n S m i t h D i e n r a . ISA; Kathrvn Elizabeth Swain. B T ; T O R O N -

B R O A D V I E W —Meredith Eileen Miller'. X I ; O A R M I — V i r g i n i a T O . O N I A R I O — Maiia I.eena Ikavalk...

kmgiic Hale, « ; C H A M P A I G N — J o y c e Elaine Bicket, B A : Mary HT; Stephanie A n n Brace. B T ; Mvra

L o u C a u e h r o n . I ; J o y e e A n n Usees, I ; C H I C A G O — J u d i t h A n n Wolinskv. B T ; Gail Amith, H I ;

H U D S O N 111 I t . H I S . Q U E B E C — J u d i t h

B r o w n , X I ; D i a n e K a t h r y n M o r g a n . X I Catherine L i l l i a n R u t h . Davis, hi': L A C l l l N E . Q U E B E C —

X I ; A r l e n e J o S m i t h , B.VJ J o y c e C a r o l S t e n s l a n d , B A ; X ' i r e j n i a Marion Frances Capcl. K'l'; M O N T -

Kay Bohcne,, ] ; Jean A n n Kobat, X I ; Janice Lye Miller. X I ; \ REAL. Q U E B E C — Barbara Joanne

Katherinc Veronica Piazza, ,\*I; Rita Marie Sell, X I Linda T hrop B L i t u h a r d . h'l': Elizabeth Jane C a m e r o n .

B r y a n t , 1 ' ; A n n C a m p b e l l . I ' ; B o n n i e M a n n i n g , 1' A r l e n e C l a r e K'l-; K a r e n A e n e t c H a l l , k'l'; S a n d r a

Sander, I ' ; Mary Caroline Stokes, 1'; Diane Joyee VoecT, I ' ; lloinlray Hamilton Kcymcr, K'l*: Jean

Patricia Anne Miller. I ' ; Deborah A n nBender, T ; Lveivn Winston Alice Stanwyck, h'l'; N o r m a Jean W i t

(Isomer, B A ; C H I C A G O H E I G H T S — l u d u h L u c i l l e C h i d c s t c r . I ; K'h; A n n a W a l l a c e Y o u n g . K'l'.

C I C E R O — M a r i l y n lean Bon-.. X I ; C L A R E N D O N H I L L S — S u e -

Ann Miericke. XII; C R Y S T A L L A K E — L a u r e l A n n Pravo. X I ;

D A N V I L L E — J a n e G r a h a m , H ; Nancy Ellen Strawser, H ;

D E C A T U R — M a r c i a A n n Dalbey. till; D E K A L B — M a r c i a A n n

Miller. X I ;Bonita Kav Duncan. I ; E L G I N — J a n i c e Elaine Fritz.

XI; Jane Caroline W'ciucl, H A ; I L M I I l ' R S i — D i a n e Elizabeth
w rieht,
Audrey Gavle Shaw, I; El RI KA—Patricia A n n

Tinthoii, ; E V A . N S T O N — l e r i l y n C l a r a A l l i s . I'J Jacqueline-

Strunk, I' Janet Christine Rc-id, 1': F R E E P O R T — J u l e n e A n n
Wrieht, H A ; G A L E S B U R G — S u s a n M a y Larson, I'; G I B S O N

( I T A' —A n n Naeie, + 0 : G E N E V A — J u d i t h R a e P i t t a w a y , X I ;

G L E N E I . L Y N — N a n c y Wcltv. H; G i . l N D A I . l — Charlotte Rose Alaska

M.icker. XI; G R A N I T E : C I T Y — M a r y Aencs lluck. I; G R A Y - ANCHORAGE — I
dine Hinchcv, A
V I L L I ; — S u s a n Jean Eastwood, BA 1 1 1 E R R I N — R o b i n Adair

Deck, P; H I G H L A N D — N a n c y Jane Dcl.a uleni i. I ; H I N S D A L E —

Lynn Adelie Temple, BA; HOMEWOOD—Kathleen lovce

M c N u I t v , I l l ' ; R u t h S i m m s . •!•(>: J G L I E T — G e r a l d i n c

Elizabeth W c n e c r . B A ; D i a n e C a r o l e W o o l s e y . ISA; K A N K A K E E
— Patricia Rose G II, XT: L E R O Y — V e r a Adalinc Killion, H A ;
ol A n n Towner, I: M c NABB—Ly dia Jane
I E X IN G TQ N —M AC Ra I-. NGO—Josephine Linda Kunde. I :M AY-
Gl o ve r. - lud it h n Hilccncck. B A ; MO O^J udith

A n n O D e l l , H ; N O l t ' I 11 B R O O K — C y n t h i a L o u i s e C r a t e , X I ;

O A K P A R K — S u s a n A r d i s L e V o y , <l>; O K I . A N D P A R K — l o

Marie Stuart, I d ' ; O I . N E Y — S a l l y Byrne. -Ml; P A R K F O R E S !

ludith Anne Harper, -I'M; P A R K R I D G E — V i c t o r i a Chri

Aashrcin. I; P A R I S — S h a r o n 1 indlev Eleanor Zimtnerly, W;

PAWNEE—Julie A n n Baker. X I I ; P E C A T O N I C A — l o a n n c

Thcrese l l a h n . NT; P E O R I A — l u d i t h Ell i V i . n u . H ; P R O S P E C T

H E I G H T S — A p r i l Eleanor M a i n . I ; ( rol lane Boreeson. | ; A ;

R I V E R S I D E — D u n e Mary Kamin. X I ROCK EORD—Carolyn

Louise Ekstrom. X I ; S I 11.I.MAN V A L L E Y — P a t r i c i a A n n I.aee.

X I ; S T R E A T O R — Sharon A n n Williams. X I : S Y C A M O R E —

Sharon Annette Sibley. X I : WESTCHESTER—Mary Ellen

Drachcnhcre. X I ; W E S T E R N S P R I N G S — B a r b a r a A n n Ross.

HA; W I L M E T T E — A n n e Maureen H.tdaway, H A ; Tune D e c

Erantzen. B + : W I N C H E S T E R — l e a n Marie' Bore. BA; Linda

Hunsuckcr, -Hi; W I N N E T K A — D o n n a M a e Schmidt. X I .


C A M P B E L L — R O M Made B a r r e n . £ 0 ; K A N S A S

C I T Y — M . i r y A n n Johnson, M l ; Alice Kathl

l i n y , 't-; M a r y V i o l a S h i l l i T S t o n , KIM

CITY—Mary Lee McOimtnon, I.AKI

L O TA W A N A — N a o c y L u I T i M i i g i . ST.

L O i I S — S u s . i n Latum Boikraih, XA; A n n
Ellen 1 l . m , <->; Betty Read C o i n e r , I X .


C A N B Y — S a l l y Carol Pryer, A P ; C O R V A I . I . I S — A N N A P O L I S — A l i c e Stevens Torovskv, S T ;

Jeanne Lee. A P ; Judy L o u Seaton, A P ; E U G E N E — B E T H ESI) A—Barbara Anne Eaton.' ( L i ;

Entice Karen Harford. A S ;Carole R a e Minor. V I ; Joan M . Leahy. IIA; Iltlene Wrieht. I I A ;

Dorothy Lucille Schwartz. A S : D O R E N A — I d a June Eleanor Gurke, E A ; C H E V E R L Y —

Hill.-.' M i . l t , \ I'; G E A H I I A R D — ludith Carol Margaret lean Moysey, HA; CHEVY

Wreno. A C ;EULLSBORO—-Janice l.aVernc Nelson. C H A S E — J o a n Robina Purtlon. IIA; C O L -

A P : L E B A N O N — B e t t y Lo'uise Nic.htene.ale, A P ; L E G E P A R K — S a l l y A n n Sl.iyton, K ; E D E N

N Y S S A — G l o r i a A n n Convex, A T : P O R T L A N D — —Carolyn Virginia Jones, S T ; I I A G I R S -

Sandra Grimsdcll. A S ; Phyllis Ellen Schwcndc- TOWN—Dolores Anne Martiuisc, ST';

mann, A S ; Jerrie A n n Wilson. A S ; Judith A n n N 1I I R S O N I A N — H e l e n Marie Guzzo, IIA:

Bolton, A P ; Janice Sylvia Dahl. A P ; Sharon K E N S I N G T O N — M a r g a r e t A n nTitus, IIA;

Jaqucts V P ; Arlene l i n n , Al'; ludiih A n n Phibhs. ( P1KESVILLE—Pamela Mill.iv Purdy, K •
A P ; ldelle Rastnusson, A P ; Kathie Maxinc W i l -
Edith Albersheim, IIA; T O W S O N — C a r o l e
liams. A l ' ; Eleanor Greene, A S ; Janet Lee Parker,
D . Statter. I I A : U N I V E R S I T Y PARK.—
A S : Georuanne Y a w . A S ; S T . HELENS—Sandra
Caroline D . Myslinski, IIA.
Sue Keed. A P ; S A L E M — D o r i s Kitzmann, A S ;

S P R I N G F I E L D — Gayle Minnie Jones. A l ' ;

VI H O N I A — M a r / o r i e Reynolds, A P ; W A S C O —

Phyllis Karen Watkins, A P .

Florida ALACHUA—Nancy

Calloway, KP; C.«
becca Driver RameyJ
—Charlotte Ann Y
TONA—Patricia Ri
Downing, PO; D E E
Virginia L . Spearing,
DALE—Paulette Bib
PO; Patricia Ann
Smith Deck, PO; -
Vault, PO; Opal Smi
Gay Sherman Vo sCs f amPI
—Maureen Mae
Kay Stacy, A l l ; K E "
| Page Ecton, K P ; L
Michigan | Judith Ann Smith,
—Vivian Rutledge,
ALLEN—Donna Elizabeth Grill, K P ; A N N ARBOR— Marler, PO; L A K E
Patricia Bourke, Oil; Kathleen Maryianne Walsh, Oil: Elaine Harres, A
Jean Susan Woodburne, O i l ; B A T T L E C R E E K — C a r o l Whitman, All; MEL.
Ann Maurer, Kl'; Shirley Anne Grossman, KP; Mary beth Winona Davis,
Rebecca Lower, K P ; BIRMINGHAM—Constance Anne Carolyn Marie Cla
Zekit, Bl'; Sandra Jane Klinger, BP; CARO—Sandra Kay Stevens Booma, PO;
Legatz, HP; CLAIR SHORES—Judith Laura Todd, Bl"; tello, PO; Judy Lee Bd
CICERO—Marilyn Ann Goles, K P ; COVINGTON—Helen Lee Fein, K P ; Maryl
Linnea Dagmar Hutula, BP; DEARBORN—Judith Lynn A l l ; Mary Carole Gi|
Golden, HP; Carol Helene Lesnick, BP; Nancy Lee Peter- Lee Hamel, PO; Pan
son, (-1; Janet Mae. Falk, BP; DETROIT—Frances Karris, land, PO; Patricia J . S
BP; Ann Ruth Reed, Bl'; Carol Ann Wasak, BP; Jo SHORES—Judith Rac
Ann Virginia Adams, Oil; Betty Lou Bailey, Oil; Janet MOUNT DORA—Ma:.
Louise Sokup, Oil; G R A N D HAVEN—Karen Lynn son," All ; N O R T H MIAMI—Leslie
McCracken. UP; Joan Kathryn Voss, Oil; G R A N D Lloyd, KP; OCALO—Nancy Alberta
RAPIDS—Carolee Ann Evertse, KP; Carla Jane Warman, O'Farrell, PO; ONECO—Miriam Kay
HP; Carol Sue Osborn, Oil; JoAnn Jarosik. K P ; Linda Tessman, KP; O R L A N D O — Vivian
K . Tooker, K P ; Karen Lenore Trofast, KP; GROSSE Anne Dozier, A l l ; Ada Jo Starling, A l l ;
POINTE—Karen Barbara Duell, KP; Enid Ruth Pietra, PENSACOLA—Phyllis Alexander, All ;
P; HUBBARD—Helen Elizabeth Shenk, Oil; I O N I A — P L A C I D — Harriet Jean Kelly, P O ;
Helen Jane Stacey, BP; KALAMAZOO—Judith Ann De QU1NCY—Mary Frances Betts, A ll ; L
Ruyscher, K P ; Joanne Elizabeth Killen, K P ; Eugenia M.
Lambros, K P ; Marjorie Joan Blanehette, BP; Marianne Kay . Charlotte Fletcher, All ; ROCK-
Ruth Phelps, Oil; Caroline T . Asher, K P ; L A N S I N G — LEDGE—Gretchen Sue Bartlett, An;
Linda Lou Baumer. BP; MONROE—Marilyn Suzanne RUSKIN—Bettye Jean Williams, All;
Gruhl. K P ; MILFORD—Barbara Eileen Miller, Oil; SANFORD—Elizabeth C. Varnum, PO;
MARSHALL—Patricia Ann Velliquette, HP; M I D L A N D — SARASOTA—Patricia Ann Ambler, KP;
Janet Marjorie Powell, BA; MUSKEGON—Judith Ann Carole Whitcher Darling, PO; S T .
Obermiller, K P ; N E W TROY—Patricia Lee Steckelberg. PETERSBURG—Susan Jane Nuber, A l l ;
K P ; NILES—Lvnn Grace Clingenpeel, K P ; Sue Anne TALLAHASSEE—Marjorie Elaine Eich-
Vander Weg. ( i n ; -PETERSBURG—Sandra Lee Bilan, inger. A l l ; Louise Scott Martin, All;
H<l'; R O G E R S CITY—Donna Lou Monroe, Oil; S T . Lois Higley Eichinger, All ; Hildred
JOHNS—Effie Kay Dalev, Oil; ST. JOSEPH—Marcia Harris, An; Rosa Harris Richardson. J
Ann Heiden, KP; Mary Lee Koch. KP; T R A V E R S E C I T Y All; Margaret Alice Humphreas, All
—Marilee Carroll. BP; WELLSTON—Judith Ann Wise. Eva Joanos, ATP; Mrs. Virginia B. |
KP; W Y A N D O T T E — Kay Louise Krahnkc. ( Odencal, All; Jeanel Fordyce Stivender.
YPSILANTI—Phyllis Jane Boyce, On. A l l ; Helena Theresa Penalis. All; Vir-
ginia Dianne Pittelkow, PO; Linda Gail
Rice, A l l ; Sarah Lee Van Hoose, All;
TAMPA—Linda Carol Rippey, PO;
,Edda Eloise • Page, PO; Judith Paula
I Buckley, A l l ; Mary Patricia Shea, A l l ;
Barbara Moss, P; Martha Drucilla
Alabama Tyler, All; V E R O BEACH—Georee Ann
Kuster, All; WEST H O L L Y W O O D —
Beverly Ann Martin, ATI.

ADAMSVILLE—Sheila Ann Huddleston, TA;
A L B E R T V I L L E — Jerry Sue Williams, TA;
ANNISTON—Jean Whatley, AA;„Mary Evelyn
Weldon, AA; A L E X A N D E R C I T Y — A n n Sibyl
Boggs, AA; AUBURN—Addie Ophelia Jones,
AA; BIRMINGHAM—Ellen Elizabeth Chandler,
AA; Judith Ella Jones. AA; Martha Winston
Kentucky Martin. AA; Jennie Clyde Poison, AA; Janet
Elise Riggins, AA; Christine Sanders Barnes,
TA; Sally Marilyn Lewis, TA; Mary Ross Ger-
man, AA ; Mary Janice Kennedy, AA ; Joan Dell
Traywick, AA; Isla Carol Anthony, TA;
AlTrSUriN—Bell Rowan Stewart, K ; D A N V I L L E — Jacqueline Bowren Collins, TA; Mary Lois
Dian Cowan Miller, '[>0; Joyce Ellen Robinson, <K); Wilkerson. TA; Judith Louise Wilson, TA;
GLASGOW—Nancy Mae Wyant, NT), Honorary Mem- Theresa Jean Rinaldi, TA; Margarer Hail
ber; H E N D E R S O N — Sara Ann Scheller. XA ; Brown, I I ; Margaret Woodward Givhan, K;
LEBANON—Mary Baldwin Kincaid. NO; LOUIS- BOAZ—Sarah Lane Bruce, AA; B R I D G E P O R T
VILLE—Nancy Anne Royse, NO. —Brenda Browing, AS; CAMP HILL—Cheryl'
Ann Bradshaw, A S ; C E N T R E — P a u l Lynn Jordan, AA; FAIR-
HOPE—Patricia Reynolds, TA; F A Y E T T E — M a r y LaNelle John-
son, T A ; G A D S D E N — Diana Moon, AA; H U N T S V I L L E —
Wo Charlotte Anne Van Valkenburgh. AA; LAFAA'ETTE—Cynrhia
Claire Ford, TA ; LANETT—Janice Olivia Jones. AA; LIPSCOMB
—Barba Kay Calhoun. AA ; M I N E T T E — N o b i e Kay Cooper, AA;
BRYAN—Lauralee D. Brownwcll. !.'; CANFIELD—Sueann Renken- MOBILE—Helen Manie Roberts. TA: Patricia Eueenia Gordon,
berger, + A; C H A G R I N FALLS—Virginia Spanagel, (-); C I N C I N N A T I — AA; Katie Elizabeth Coulsby. AA; M O N T G O M E R Y — Dorothy
Jennie Clair Madden. *1»0; Carol Susan Zimmerman, Oil; Mary Ann Jean Moncrief, AA; Edith Patricia Watson, AA; M O U N D V T L L E
Drach, <l>0; Joan E . Schmarr, # 9 ; Gayle Ann Yeager, * 0 ; D A Y T O N — —Mary Norma Powers. TA; SYI.ACAUGA—Patricia Gayle
Jean Diane Knight, A l l ; Carolyn Sue Massie. <K); F R A N K L I N \ovvorn, AA; W E S T BIRMINGHAM—Charlotte Elinor Cannon,
—Sharon Lynn Towson, i?; G I R A R D — A . Mary Pellizzeri. $A\; I'A.
LaVonne Lee Shaffer, *A; Barbara Brezovcek. +A; H A M I L T O N —
Nancy Jo Wulzen, OH; Judith Ann Prince. O; HUBBARD—Helen
Elizabeth Shenk, Oil; Judith Tucciaxone Ilickey, * A ; L E B A N O N —
Lois Jean Wolfe. +0; N E W A R K — N a n c y Louise Jones, 9: N I L E S
—Carol Joan Voorhies, <1>A ; N O R T H LIMA—Lois Kenreich Elser. <i»A;
POLAND—Helen Rose Schwartz, * A ; R O C K Y RIVER—Jeanne Olivia
Atkinson, Oil; SHAKER H E I G H T S — G a i l Louise Richardson, P;
T O L E D O — K a y Doneldo Osborne, 8*5 Phyllis Ann Rudolph, fir Pennsylvania
Helen Hoffman Eberle. C~)<l>; Ruth Eichman Frazen, © * ; Thione Marti
Felker, (->'!'; Maryhellen McMacken Meyers, fiW'; Sylvia
Northrup Molter. 0 + ; Maxine Sage Smith. © * ; Marian
Adamski, f-l'l'; Shirley Foster, 0*1'; Sharon Louise Hanley,
Loann Shirley Hannes, © * ; Marilyn Ruth Miller,
0*1'; Lisbeth Bowyer, <-)<!'; Natalie Dymarkowski, O i ' ; Mary Arizona ASHLEY—Marilyn Dorothy West, KA: BROMMALL—Patricia
Louise Grochowski, fiN'; Joan Marie Hanley. Oty; Sarah Carolyn Smith, XA; B R Y N MAWR—Judith Lucretia Wright, BA;
Alice Mersereau, 0*1': Joyce Lorraine Micham, 0*1'; Carolyn PHOENIX Alyce Carolyn Georr-e, KA; D R F X E L HILL—Brenda Vogel K V
Joyce Miller, © * ; Marilyn Dee Miller. «>l'; Patricia Ann C har1 ann E L L W p O D C I T Y — M a r v Jane Tirlea, a>A ; J O H N S T O W N — M a r -
Newbold. H'l'; Bonita Jean Rahilly. 9 * ; Caroline Louise Schei m er lone Carole Gordon. KA: M A R Y S V I L L E — J a n i c e Elaine Hewlett
Stadel. 0+; Shirlev Pauline Voyles, O*; Barbara Mae Sprunk, T U S C O N — Su KA : N E W CASTLE—Bernice Jean Noira. 'I'A: O A K H A L L S T A T I O N
O t : VANDALIA—Marv Ann Akers, 0; WARREN—Barbara Abrams, 'I'O —Nancy Anne Gilliland. K A : PHILADELPHIA—Carol Esther
MrKinney Kroehle. <1>A; Marie Marrett Marsh, * A : Y O U N G S - Fe»Iev, KA; Elaine Josephine Miele. KA : Anita Marian Redding. FA:
TOWN—Jo-Ann Jean Malone, #A; Joyce Waddell Bailey, PITTS—Diana Mullert. P: PITTSBURGH—Mary Lvnn Kirkpatrick
<I'A; Carole Ann Baker. tf>A; Marv Madeleine Berrovich. 10; RONKS—Nancy Buckwalfr Meelineer, EA; SHARON Ruth
* A : Judith Ann Heffron. #A; Beatrice Ann Simerlink. * A ; Saunders Murchie. 'I'A; SPRINGFIELD—Marlene Olive Neff I' A •
Norma Kathenne Vimmerstedt, 'I'A; Mary Gertrude Rother- Suzanne Kierstead, E A : S T A T E COLLEGE—Man'orie Jane Bre'ws'er'
mond Agcy, «A; Ruth Lesky Bartlett, <f»A; Mary Callan Brett, EA; TREMONT—Janet Elaine Rentschler. EA; T U N K H A N N O C K
* * ! Patricia Ford Fatzick. <1>A; Josephine Fuscoe Gambrel. Marv Sue Dinsmore. K A : U N I V E R S I T Y — E l l e n Janet Burke KA:
•I'A; Jean Raupple Grace, * A ; Ruth Lanz Mapes. * A ; Ida WOMELADORF—Elizabeth Ann Eaeelman. EA.
Adovasio Matune, <[>A; Constance Jordan Mucci. <T> \ • Joan
Pokabla, * A : Betty Jane Fish Rou'sher, * A ; Helen D-cicco
Simko. 'I'A; Mildred Harry Svlak, * A ; Mary Janice Welsh
'I'A; Lenore Craven Yatsko, ' I \ \ .

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