Williams, Roberta Bright, Omicron, '08.
P. Charles Street, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Williams, Ruth, Kappa, '10.
P. 2025 n t h Avenue, South Birmingham, Ala.
T . R. M. W. C , College Park, Va.
Williams, Harriet Aiken, Theta, '11.
P. 406 St. Charles Street, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Wilson, Alma Merrow, Pi, '00. See Gimper.
Winn, Adale Matilda Mercier (Mrs. William Walter), P i , '02.
P. 936 Carolton Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Wintrode, Delle, Theta, '03.
P. Andrews, Ind.
Withers, Virginia Ruse, Pi, '09.
P. Greensboro, Ala.
T . 1236 4th Street, New Orleans, L a .
Wonson, Martha Roat (Mrs. Waverley), Delta, '98.
P. 129 Beech Street, Roslindale, Mass.
Woodbury, Edna, Delta, '12.
P. 9 Howe Street, Somerville, Mass.
T . Tufts College, Mass.
Woodman, Carrie Luella, Gamma, '12.
P. Orono, Me.
Woodard, Minnie, Kappa, '06.
P. 61 Ferdinand Avenue, Memphis, Tenn.
Woodworth, Mattie May, Zeta, '09.
P. 1300 G Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Wooley, Beatrice Mary Murry (Mrs. Price), Kappa, '07.
P. Atlanta, Ga.
Worcester, Helen Charlotte, Gamma, '11.
P. Bangor, Me.
Worthen, Carrie L . , Delta, '99.
P. Yonle Street, Melrose, Mass.
Wylie, Jennie Dwight, Alpha, '09.
P. 10 West 96th Street, New York City.
Wyman, Elizabeth Heywood, Alpha, '98.
P. 456 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N . J .
Yates, Margaret Hall, Alpha, '08.
P. 205 West 101st Street, New York City.
Young, Mary Mitchell, P i , '00. See Menise.
Young, Mary Kathleen, Gamma, '11.
P. Greenville Junction, Me.
Kindly send all additions and corrections for directory to Helen M. Piper,
1731 D Street, Lincoln, Neb.
To Dragma
Published by
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
®abU of (Efltttrnia
History of University of Nebraska 103
History of Zeta Chapter 5I 0
Toast to Alpha Omicron Pi 7i o
College Customs 7I 0
Installation of Delta 111
The Use of the Black Ball "3
Sorority Examinations . . . • • • • • • • SI l
National Pan-Hellenic Conference n6
National Pan-Hellenic Achievements in Seven Years . . . . I l 8
Announcements 120
Editorials 121
Chapter Letters 3I 2
Alumnae Chapter Letters *33
Announcements . . . . 136
Births *37
Exchanges *38
Alumnae Personals *39
News of the College and Greek Letter World 143
To D R A G M A is published at 165-167 Main Street Street Menasha, Wis., by
George Banta, official printer to the fraternity. Application has been made for
entry at the Postoffice at Menasha, Wis., as second-class matter.
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha, '98, 663 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N . Y .
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha, '98, Andrews Avenue, Uni-
versity Heights, New York.
Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha, '98, Overlook Avenue, Hacken-
sack Heights, N . J .
Elizabeth Heywood Wymann, Alpha, '98, 456 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N . J .
Grand President, Jessie Ashley, 5 Nassau Street, New York City.
Grand Recording Secretary, Elizabeth Iverson Toms, 44 West
128th Street, New York City.
Grand Treasurer, Ruth Capen Farmer (Mrs. Walter), 24 Man-
chester Street, Nashua, N . H .
Grand Vice-President, Sue K . Gillean, 1625 Second Street, New Orleans, L a .
Grand Historian, Stella Stern Perry, Overlook Avenue, Hackensach Height, N. J .
Registrar, Lillian G. MacQuillan, 87 Central Avenue, Pawtucket, R. I .
Auditor, Florence Parmalee, 72 West 124th Street, New York City.
Examining Officer, Kate B. Foster, 2026 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Cal.
Chairman Committee on New Chapters, Carrie Green Campbell (Mrs. Wm.),
893 Brush Street, Detroit, Mich.
Editor of To DRAGMA, Viola C. Gray, 1527 So. 23 Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Business Manager of To D R A G M A , Helen Piper, 1731 D. Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Delegate, Lula K. Bigelow (Mrs. C . G . ) , 172 So. Francisco, Chicago, 111.
Secretary, L . Pearle Green, K A G, 15 East Avenue, Ithaca, N . Y .
Jessie Hughan, Alpha, '98 Term Expires
Helen St. Clair Mullan, Alpha, '98 Life
Stella Stern Perry, Alpha, '98 Life
Elizabeth Wyman, Alpha, '98 Life
June, 1909
Adelaide Richardson '09 June, 1909
Elizabeth I . Toms, '06 June, 1910
Margaret Yates, '08
June, 1909
Nu June, 1909
June, 1910
Helen Raulett
Edith Prescott Ives, '05 June, 1909
Jessie Ashley, '02 June, 1909
June, 1910
Mary Hurt, '09 KAPPA
Elise Lamb, '06 June, 1909
lone Mathis Pi June, 1909
Rochelle Gachet, '09
Ernestine Bres, '06
Janie Mayo, '09 Jane, 1909
Harriet Greve, '06 June, 1909
Lucretia Jordan, '08 June, 1910
Marion S. Hart, '09 J -u n e ! 9 ° 9
Helen Piper June, 1909
Luree Beemer June, 1910
Rose Schmidt, '09 June» I9°9
Kate Foster, '06 J >u n e I 9 ° 9
Grace McPherron, '05 June, 1910
Margaret Pyke, '09 L J »u n e '9°9
Cora Frazier, '07 J »u n e *9°9
Frieda Pfafflin, '07 'T u n e l9«>
Alice Rich, '09 J 'u n e ! 9 ° 9
Ruth Capen Farmer, '02
Dora Bailey Lough J . ° 9u n eIQ
J « n e » »9«>
Florence Chase, '09 J >u n e 'W
Florence Hanaburgh, '05 J »u n e *910
Lennie Copeland J >u n e '9°9
Roberta Pritchard J »u n e »9°9
Josephine Britton June, 1909
Margaret Graham J 'n n e '9">
Jean Loomis Frame, '04 J >a n e I 9 ° 9
Kate Brown Foster, '06 SAN FRANCISCO ALUMNAE J 'u n e * * *
Magdalen Cushing BOSTON ALUMNAE
» 9 ° 9T u n ex
Luella Darling J >u n e ^
Katherine M. Reed J >u n e
Alpha—Barnard College, Columbia University, New York.
P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, L a .
Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Tufts College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
New York Alumnae—New York City.
California Alumnae—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Boston, Mass.
New Orleans Alumnae—New Orleans, L a .
Alpha—Jessie I . Cochran, 120 West 12th Street, New York City.
Nu—Helen Potter, 315 West 97th Street, New York City.
Kappa—May Wilsox, College Park, V a .
Omicron—Ailcy Kyle, 1617 Highland Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn.
Pi—Virginia Withers, 1138 Washington Street, New Orleans, L a .
Zeta—Eunice Bauman, 745 South 15th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Mildred C. Stoddard, 2519 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Lucy Allen, Box 268, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Zilpah Wilde, Metcalf Hall, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Mary E . Chase, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Lottie E . Ketcham, 308 Farm Street, Ithaca, N . Y .
New York Alumnae—Mrs. James E . Lough, 2190 Andrews Avenue, University
Heights, New York City.
San Francisco Alumnae—Asa B. Henderson, 1128 10th Street, Sacremento, Cal.
Boston Alumnae—Blanche H . Hooper, Tufts College, Mass.
Providence Alumnae—Mrs. Alanson D. Rose, 27 Fruit H i l l Avenue, Provi-
dence, R. I .
New Orleans Alumnae—Rochelle Gachet, 1640 Arabella Street, New Orleans, L a v
Alpha—Jessie Cochran, 120 West 12th Street, New York City.
Nu—Emma Calhoun Stephens, 847 West E n d Avenue, N . Y .
Pi—Dorothy Safford, Newcomb College, New Orleans, L a .
Omicron—Myrtle Cunningham, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Olga Sheppard, R. M. W. C , College Park, V a .
Zeta—Ethel M. Perkins, 1644 Washington Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Florence Alvarez, 2801 Ellsworth Street, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Ethel Fillette, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta— Gladys Waite, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Annie H . Gilbert, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Josephine Britton, Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
New York Alumnae—Jean H . L . Frame (Mrs. J . E . ) , 155 East 72nd Street,.
New York City.
San Francisco Alumnae—Kate B. Foster, 2234 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Helen Eddy Rose (Mrs. A. D . ) , 25 Fruit H i l l Avenue,
Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Mary I . Lambert (Mrs. Fred D . ) Box 42, Tufts College,
New Orleans Alumnae—Katherine M. Reed, 4423 Pitt Street, New Orleans, L a .
; MM
To D R A G M A
VOL. I V . FEBRUARY, 1909. No. 2.
To D R A G M A is published on the twenty-fifth of November, February, May
and July.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; single copies,
twenty-five cents.
F o r t y years ago on the fifteenth of February, 1 8 6 9 , the Univer-
sity of Nebraska was founded by the legislature of the state. The
creative act provided that the government of the Nebraska State
University should be vested i n a board of regents, and also that the
benefits of education i n the aforesaid institution should be open to
women as w e l l as to men.
I t was not u n t i l September, 1 8 7 1 , that the university was i n
readiness to receive students, then possessing as faculty, a chancellor,
three professors and one tutor.
By an amendment passed i n 1 8 9 9 of the original act of 1 8 6 9 a
tax of one m i l l upon the grand assessment r o l l of the state was pro-
vided f o r the support of the university. Added to this, are incomes
f r o m land leases and sales under the land-grant act of the legislature
of 1 8 6 2 for the benefit of the Industrial College and under the
enabling act, reserving seventy-two sections of land f o r the State
University; interest on permanent fund investments; the money
grant by the act of the legislature, August, 1890, commonly known
as the M o r r i l act; by the H a t c h F u n d act of 1 8 8 7 and the Adams
act of 1 9 0 6 supplemental thereto. I n addition to these funds are
the nominal registration fees paid by students.
By the act of July 2, 1 8 6 2 , the Industrial College of the uni-
versity became possessed of 9 0 , 0 0 0 acres of land, and by the enabling
act, admitting the state into the Union, seventy-two sections of land
were reserved for the endowment of the university, thus making a
total of 1 3 6 , 0 8 0 acres of endowment lands.
I n equipment the university campus, situated within the city of
Lincoln, contains fifteen buildings—University H a l l ( 1 8 7 0 ) , the
Chemical Laboratory ( 1 8 8 4 , remodeled 1 9 0 4 ) , Nebraska H a l l
( 1 8 8 7 ) , Grant Memorial Hall ( 1 8 8 7 ) , Astronomical Laboratory
(1892), Library H a l l (1896), Mechanic Arts H a l l (1897), Brace
Laboratory of Physics, the Administration Building, Museum, the
Temple, the Mechanical Engineering B u i l d i n g , w i t h five additional
buildings at the university farm, situated two and a half miles north-
east of the campus.
I n attendance the university has experienced a steady g r o w t h as
the years have passed. The enrolled students f o r the year 1907-1908
numbered 3,454, of which number 1,954 were men and 1,500 women.
The university comprises the following colleges and schools:
The graduate school, the College of Literature, Science and the
Arts, the Industrial College, School of Agriculture, School
of Mechanic Arts, the College of Law, the College of Medicine, the
School of Fine Arts, the affiliated School of Music and Department
of University Extensions. As a faculty, the institution boasts of 265
professors and instructors, not including fellows, scholars nor as-
sistants in the various departments.
The early supporters of the university were men who did not
have an insight into the future, and little confidence in the growth
o f their state. As a consequence, only f o u r square blocks were set
aside f o r the campus. Fifteen buildings have proved this space to
be inadequate, and the constant growth of the school and demands
f o r additional buildings have made it necessary to acquire more land
in the immediate vicinity. T h e artistic effect has been ruined by the
crowded condition of the campus and by locating buildings outside
wherever land was available. As Nebraska is a comparatively poor
state, the appropriations have been necessarily small and, although
sufficient f o r immediate needs, have caused the grace and beauty of
the architecture to suffer. I n spite of the unattractive appearance
of this university when compared with wealthier and more heavily
endowed institutions, "there are those who love i t " none the less.
Zeta chapter of A O I I was installed at the University of Ne-
braska on June 6, 1903, at the home of Edna Spears, one of the
charter members. Mrs. Helen St. Clair Mullan of New York City,
then the grand corresponding secretary of A O I I , acted as president
and revealed the mysteries of our fraternity to eleven charter mem-
bers. These girls were: Maybelle and Grace Roper, Corris Damon,
now Mrs. Peake, Jennie and Elsie Piper, Maude Williams, Viola
Gray, Edna Spears, Katherine Sterling, Edna and L u l u K i n g , now
Mrs. Bigelow. A t this time Zeta had three pledges, who were almost
immediately initiated, enabling her to start in the fall with a fairly
large chapter.
At the time A O I I entered the University of Nebraska there were
already chapters of K K f , A T, A A A, ri B <f>, K A 0 and X fi,
the last having been installed three months earlier. I n 1906 A
and i n 1907 A X O placed chapters here.
W i t h registration week the next f a l l , Zeta found herself in the
midst of rush week, contending against six experienced sororities.
I t is needless to say she f e l t her awkwardness, but she convinced by
her earnestness six freshmen to cast their lot with hers. A t this time
there existed in the university a very bitter feeling toward new fra-
ternities, so that i t was no easy task f o r Zeta to w i n a place i n the
college life. Through energy and enthusiastic support of college
affairs, by the end o f the year she f o u n d herself well represented on
all prominent committees and on terms of friendliness with the other
fraternities. I n June six girls were lost through graduation, one of
whom, Lulu King-Bigelow, won Phi Beta Kappa honors.
The second year of Zeta's existence was marked by the addition
of nine new members. Nothing of great importance transpired
this year, but her growth was substantial and her energy continuous.
Socially we d i d little entertaining, but confined our efforts to one
big dance on A p r i l 7, which we a l l f e l t was a great success i n spite
of our inexperience. Some of the various honors which f e l l to Zeta
members this year were: T h e appointment of Edna Spears to as-
sistant editorship of the "Senior Book" and her membership i n
"Black Masque"; the victory of Mattie Woodworth in winning a
place on the 'varsity and freshman basketball teams; the election of
Grace T r i g g and Grace Roper to "Black Masque," the honorary
senior society, as w e l l as the membership of Florence Parmelee i n
"Silver Serpent," the j u n i o r honorary society; and finally the award-
ing of P B K honors to Allene McEachron.
I n the f a l l of 1905 twelve girls returned to college and nine more
were soon after pledged. F r o m now on, the chapter had only to
maintain the position which had been won f o r her. One of the
greatest honors to befall any senior came to Grace T r i g g in her elec-
tion to the presidency of the senior class, unique i n the fact that
heretofore no g i r l had ever held that position. I n dramatics Marion
Hart had the role of leading man in the Pan-Hellenic play and
"carried off the honors of the day," while Grace Roper and Ethel
Haynes-Skeen had leading parts in the senior class play, "Prisoner
of Zenda." I n spite of all our frivolousness, four girls managed to
have credits enough to be graduated, one of whom, Emma Shreiber-
Hunter, was elected to P B K .
The year 1 9 0 6 - 0 7 was started w i t h fourteen active girls and
during the year fourteen more were initiated. About the first of
February, Zeta had the pleasure of entertaining Mrs. Helen St. Clair-
M u l l a n , then our Grand President. T h e visit, though short, w i l l be
long remembered. This year we had our usual round of informal
social gatherings, besides making plans and air castles f o r a chapter
house, to be opened the f o l l o w i n g f a l l . U p u n t i l this time a l l of
our meetings were held at the homes of the various members. A l -
though frequently this practice proved inconvenient, many of us
cherish pleasant memories f r o m the experience. On June 6, Zeta
celebrated the fourth anniversary of her installation by a birthday
party i n the afternoon f o r the prospective house, and i n the evening
by the annual banquet.
During the summer, the Lincoln girls united their efforts in
completing arrangements f o r opening the house i n the f a l l . Mission
furniture was purchased, curtains made and hung, and long before
school opened everything was m readiness. When rush week opened
only eight active girls returned, which made an unusually small
chapter, but during the year fifteen girls were initiated and then
our chapter was quite the usual size again. The intimacy which l i f e
in a house seemed to engender i n us brought about that spirit o f
good fellowship which, though silent in its workings, was constant.
O u r entertainments consisted mainly of i n f o r m a l parties at the house
and our first formal party. The only innovation was a play, " A
Proposal Under Difficulties," given in honor of our patronesses and
mothers. T h i s affair was so enjoyable that we made i t an annual
event. The usual number of Alphas served on class committees and
Laura Rhoades took P B K honors.
T h e present year finds us i n our same quarters, but somewhat
crowded. Current history has been narrated i n our chapter letters,
so we r e f r a i n f r o m repeating. Zeta has had her share of trials and
disappointments. What chapter has not? But they have all served
to make her stronger and more united.
Here's to the f r a t we a l l hold dear,
Here's to her daughters f a i r ;
Here's to the rose that blooms f o r us,
Here's to the badge we wear.
Here's to the tie that binds us a l l ,
Sisters who're far and n i g h ;
Here's to the chapter we love the best,
Here's to all A O I I !
Eastern schools say that Nebraska lacks college spirit. We
realize that this is true to some extent, and find a natural cause f o r
it in our having no dormitory system. Where hundreds of students
live in a college home and i n a real college atmosphere. Yet i n
spite of this, we Nebraskans feel that we are bound by a singleness
of purpose and loyalty to our alma mater. As years go by more
effort is being made to break down any barriers that may exist be-
tween members of this scattered "university family."
One annual event which does much to unite the student body
and foster university spirit is the "County Fair," given by the Y .
W . C. A . The f o o t b a l l season over, our energies are bent on making
this a success. Booths are b u i l t i n the armory and here and there a
popcorn stand or " p i n k lemonade" well, so w i t h the b r i g h t and gaudy
hangings and posters, the old place is transformed into veritable
fair grounds. Besides the usual conventional attractions, there are
always many interesting and unique side-shows, giving evidence of
great originality on the part of the students. Each fraternity,
sorority, club and literary organization willingly takes a booth, i n
which they are sure to present some fun-provoking stunt. One may
see pretty co-eds posing i n " M r s . Jarley's W a x W o r k s . " O r i f
excitement and "blood and thunder" are desired, one w i l l be sure to
get it i n the real " W i l d and Wooly West Show." Many are the
freaks to be seen w h i c h t r u l y r i v a l those of the original Barnum's
circus. I n the next booth "Der Deutsche Gesellige Verein" invites
the weary to rest and have " K a f f e e " in a real German village, typical
except f o r the absence of the m i l d beverage which put the f a r -
famed Milwaukee on the map. Endless amusement is furnished by
the " w a l k i n g side-shows" and the usual odd characters seen at such
country affairs. The most sedate and dignified of seniors catch the
spirit and really surprise themselves and their friends with the f u n n y
"stunts" they do.
Zeta is always ready w i t h w i l l i n g hands to do her part and the
girls enter into her plans with great enthusiasm. One year we gave
a "Seemphunny" Orchestra concert and fairly held our audiences
spellbound, in spite of the fact that our musical instruments were
improvised from kitchen utensils. Sister Jennie's and Mabel's violins
were corn poppers with stove pokers f o r bows; Sister Edna gave
evidence of great musical ability with a French horn made of a
funnel and garden hose; Sister Florence showed undreamed-of
talent by her skillful handling of the cello, consisting of a clothes
basket and broom w i t h a meat saw f o r a b o w ; and how proud we were
of Allene and the music she got out of a real "kettle d r u m . "
So the evening at the f a i r is spent and f o r a few hours that last
low grade in analytics, that theme marked "revise" and that test in
French soon due are all forgotten.
The faculty, too, is even w i l l i n g to spend time and energy and
lay dignity aside f o r a worthy cause, as shown by the " F a c u l t y
Carnival." or. more properly, "Faculty Foolishness," given for the
benefit of College Settlement. T h o u g h the " p r o f s " say it is a great
bore, there is just a bare possibility that they rather welcome the
chance of being boys again. The affair is an athletic contest in
which only the members of the faculty participate.
A great burst of applause goes up f r o m the grand stand as the
football teams appear and ex-stars have a chance again to boot the
" p i g s k i n " w i t h as much enthusiasm, i f not as much s k i l l and agility,
as in the old days. Excitement is intense u n t i l the very last, when
many of the valiant players are carried f r o m the field in wheel-
A second exciting event is furnished in the shape of a real faculty
baseball game. The teams are dressed in uniforms not unlike the
farmer boy's overalls. W h a t cheering when the fielders go to their
places with bushel baskets! One would scarcely recognize our ever
dignified Latin professor in the role of umpire.
Numerous other interesting and funny "stunts" are contributed
by those not w i l l i n g to risk their bones in ball games. Prof. T a y l o r
amuses the crowds w i t h his "educated" horse and there is no lack
of "music in the air." since the Faculty Band is ever ready to play
" U n i " songs.
But all agree that the crowning event of the afternoon at that
first carnival was the contest i n hammer t h r o w i n g between P r o f .
Caldwell and D r . Ross, professionally and mentally very " b i g " men,
but physically D r . Ross could easily make four of the midget, Cald-
The next event of importance is the celebration o f charter day on
February 15, the university's birthday. T h e afternoon is given
over to indoor athletic contests and the annual interfraternity relay
races. I n the evening the mid-year commencement takes place. Each
class, of course, has its own parties and dances, but none of them are
at a l l unique. The seniors alone seem to enjoy this distinction. As
they near the goal and are soon to be thrust out into the "cold, cold
w o r l d , " they lose no opportunity to give up to the " p l a y instinct," as
Van Dyke calls i t . There is no end to their novel parties and good
times, especially d u r i n g the last semester.
I n the f a l l on some favorable Saturday the seniors start out, very
early in the morning, on a long tramp to the woods, where they
spend several hours around a real camp fire and breakfast on baked
potatoes, "weanies" and hot coffee. N o breakfast is ever quite so
good, no stories so f u n n y and no class songs quite so soul-stirring.
These events do so much to make the senior class as one.
Then comes "Sneait Day," so eagerly looked f o r w a r d to through
out the college course. N o doubt this tradition was called into being
as a result of the real "truant p l a y i n g " instinct, or shall we call it
a desire to obey nature's call " t o spend as much time as possible i n
Cod's great out-of-doors?" So, on a certain day, known only to the
class, the seniors are not to be seen on the campus. T h e y have taken
an early train to a near-by town where there are woods "aplenty."
Only those who have participated in this event can know the glorious
fun they have on this day of days, when dignity is unknown and there
is no such t h i n g as care.
Another tradition of long standing and one very dear to the hearts
of the Nebraskan alumnus is the observance of I v y Day. The May
dance is given by chosen girls, the class poem is read, orations de-
livered, but the crowning feature of the day is the planting of the
ivy, the symbol of everlasting affection and love for Alma Mater.
Probably the most unique annual event at Nebraska is the parade
of Company " Q , " or in the words of the classic, the "Shirt T a i l
Parade." This takes place on the evening following the conven-
tional competitive drill. Clad in mighty habilaments, nearly every
male member of the university joins in this celebration. The win-
ning company of the afternoon drill, with its captain in command,
heads the spectacular procession, which wends its way, single file,
through the university grounds to the library, where the librarian
makes a speech. Then, after a call on the chancellor, they march
down town, go through the theaters and into the d r u g stores and
cafes, when generous proprietors "treat" the crowd. University
yells and songs are given and their innocent f u n lasts well into the
A l t h o u g h we lack some conditions that make toward unity i n the
university home, surely no other alma mater is any dearer to its
children than Nebraska.
"Though far f r o m campus and class-room
By many a mile and year,
T h e scattered sons of Nebraska
Unite i n a memory dear.
I n office or dingy court-room,
I n camp by forest or stream,
A thousand hearts beat loyal
A t sight of the Scarlet and Cream."
The initiation of Delta chapter had been planned f o r the evening
of Monday, A p r i l 13, 1 9 0 8 , but when on that day, after an un-
avoidable delay i n Providence, we found that we couldn't reach
T u f t s College before 1 0 : 3 0 p. m., we telegraphed that the ceremony
would have to go over until Tuesday. I t was a great surprise, there-
fore, upon arriving at the house of the chapter's big sister, M a r y
Ingalls Lambert, f a m i l i a r l y known and generally beloved as " P o l l y , "
to find every Delta Sigma s t i l l on the scene, w a i t i n g to give us a royal
welcome, and to plead for initiation without delay!
We were a pretty tired trio, Helen Mullan, Elizabeth Toms and I ,
but who could have continued to feel fatigued in the face of such
honest eagerness as that which greeted us ? H a s t i l y then, we brushed
the cobwebs f r o m our eyes and the cinders f r o m our ears and, don-
ning glad raiment, descended to a f o r t i f y i n g feast of numberless
good things and our midnight labor of love.
The "witching hour" had long gone by when the last of the
lengthly list of active chapter members was finally received into the
ranks, and Delta of A O I I was formally installed, but, though
everybody yawned, nobody cared, and 'twas with much satisfaction
and comfortable feeling of accomplishment that we separated to
snatch what sleep we could before the strenuous festivities of the
morrow should be upon us.
Rising time was not slow i n coming. After a j o l l y breakfast at
"Polly's" we had a sunshiny stroll around the " h i l l " with an intro-
duction to some very attractive buildings, and then a business meet-
ing. That can be passed over more quickly than the pleasant
luncheon which we enjoyed in the girls' dormitory and the beautiful
expansive view of Boston's circling suburbs which we had f r o m the
roof. The latter, however, saddened by the smoky pall which in the
distance hung low over poor Chelsea's still smoldering ruins.
Three o'clock brought the day's great function, the initiation of
alumnae and the reception f o r everybody at The Evergreens, the
beautiful, historic home of Gladys Waite, 1910. I t was indescribable
—the house and surroundings charming, the guests bewildering.
We wept like anything to see such quantities of alumnae. They
were countless. I doubt i f anybody could give you the exact figures.
I counted up to 5 9 , then stopped in despair; for hours we kept on
initiating them. Finally they were all done and while we couldn't
say we were glad—they were a l l so nice—still we f e l t relieved that
those present had been taken care of.
They entertained us then, first w i t h a great flow of soul. R u t h
Capen Farmer cast a spell over us, reading some d e l i g h t f u l ballads;
E d i t h Kinne Hapgood convulsed us w i t h her "Just So Stories," told
just as she used to tell them i n college, inimitably, and two of the
active girls who had real voices charmed us w i t h songs. A n d then,
blest i f we three girls f r o m New York weren't presented each with
a choice volume of prose classics, that we might remember T u f t s
and D e l t a ! As i f , forsooth, we could forget the radiant hospitality,
the sincere courtesy, the gentle manners, the rare good fellowship of
every one we met!
T h e n followed the other kind of feast, just as delectable i n its
w a y ; also much chatting and visiting and reunioning and introducing,
w i t h many endeavors on our part, most of them vain, alas! to keep
our new sisters straightened out and properly named. Lastly, after
singing i n a great circle, w i t h hands locked about one another's
shoulders, we said numberless good nights and a very happy day was
over—one very bright f o r A O I I , i n that she had bound unto herself
that host of strong, sweet spirits.
Next morning we radiated into Boston on various errands, about
a dozen of us to meet later at Magdalen Cushing's, where an elaborate
luncheon put one of the finishing touches to our entertainment. We
had such a j o l l y time that we hated to break up, but " P o l l y " had
planned a tea f o r us at her house as a finale, so back we had to go.
Reluctant enough we were to come to the last course of T u f t s ' hos-
pitality, but it had to be, and when that night, a f t e r a quiet good-bye
dinner with "Polly" and Dr. Lambert, the night train for Orono
and Gamma pulled out of N o r t h Station, it f o u n d us gloating over
our golden memories of Delta's initiations.
The very words "black b a l l " have an ominous sound. They
seem to f a i n t l y echo the days of long ago, when l i f e and death hung
upon such things. Great power is given to one who has the right
to use the black ball, and a l l power brings responsibility i n its train.
The question before us is the r i g h t use of this power. D o we feel
our responsibility? Do we wield our power conscientiously? A n d
do we keep i n m i n d the consequences? I t seems so simple—the act
of choosing between the tiny black sphere and the tiny white one.
A l l through l i f e we have to make this choice: Shall we give some
g i f t of fuller life to a fellow being or shall we refuse it? We cannot
evade the issue i n the f r a t e r n i t y w o r l d nor can we escape i t later.
But in our college days, while we are in the active circle of our
fraternity life, this act of choice is more clearly defined, more dra-
matic, i f I may call i t so, than it can be later. The moment of choice
is definite, but final. We consciously wield our might. We enjoy
this moment, we shrink f r o m i t , or we accept i t carelessly according
to our dispositions, but act we do, and the question is—how?
W h a t does it mean, this black ball? Imagine yourself being
weighed i n the balance, behind closed doors. What would you ask
of those who judged you? T h i n k of it f o r a moment, and answer
f r a n k l y — w h a t ? W o u l d you ask them to judge you b l i n d l y because
of your beauty, wit, scholarship, good clothes or social position?
W o u l d you ask them to give undue weight to your faults and forget
your virtues? Would you ask them to judge you with charity and
let you pass because it is kinder so? O r would you ask f o r justice?
Can any one, anywhere ask f o r more than that? A n all-round,
clear-eyed viewpoint, and then an act of justice.
Justice would hold us to a very high standard i n wielding the
power of the black ball. I t would demand of us that we be above
prejudice, that we allow no room f o r personal pique or personal
distaste. I t would bid us remember that we are not acting f o r our-
selves alone, but that we are trustees of the welfare of our f r a t e r n i t y
now and always. We are acting for that fraternity before the world,
and we are responsible f o r the attitude of our fraternity toward a
f e l l o w being whose name has come before us f o r judgment. Be just.
A n d to be just we must be calm and reasonable. We cannot be just
if we allow our petty dislikes to exclude a girl against whom nothing
serious can be said, and i n whose favor other members of our chapter
have pleaded. N o r are we just in depriving our fraternity of the
strength a candidate may b r i n g to us, because we personally find her
irritating or unattractive or stupid or too radical or too narrow in her
views, or any of the thousand l i t t l e things that seem so big at times.
I t seems to me that i n weighing the claims o f any g i r l whose
name may be before our chapter we can safely put the desires of
others first, and ask, w h y do they want her to come among us? Have
I any real reason f o r keeping her out? Is my objection one that is
founded on some important trait of character, any defect of per-
sonality or antecedents, or on something fundamental that I w i l l
always feel and that others are bound to see and feel as time goes
on? O r am I influenced merely by my personal, possibly passing,
feeling, and am I right to put this before the wishes and the judg-
ment of others?
N o t h i n g should cause us to lower our standard o f membership;
that is our most important duty. We should never yield to others i f
we are really convinced that our wish to exclude is right and j u s t ;
but at the same time we need, it seems to me, to cultivate a greater
sense of responsibility and a larger outlook. We need, i n d i v i d u a l l y ,
to grow to the size of A l p h a Omicron Pi, and to realize that this
little ball we are about to cast, means an act of justice or injustice
for life JESSIE ASHLEY, N U ,
Grand President.
Examinations of any kind are a dread and horror to the end.
Then we find they have not been so bad and that maybe things are
not what they seem. Examinations are not given f o r the f u n of i t —
any one who has ever corrected a set of examination papers can tell
you that. Yet they seem to be a necessity. Is i t necessary to find out
how much one knows about the subject, or are the questions merely a
means to set that person thinking i n a certain direction?
The latter is the reason f o r sorority examinations. I n the busy
rush of college l i f e i t is easy to let a good many things slip by un-
heeded. H a v i n g taken upon ourselves the duties and obligations,
as well as the pleasures of sorority l i f e , i t is only just that we give
"value received." T h i s return can alone be made after careful thought
of the sorority's aims and constitution and of the application of these
principles to each local chapter. T h e examination thus aids self-
improvement. I f there were only this selfish side, s t i l l would i t be
However, the sorority examination has a wider field. As a l l study,
no matter how slight, widens our horizon, so the preparation neces-
sary f o r these questions, takes the interest f r o m merely local con-
ditions and the local chapter. I t should bring each member of each
chapter into such close sympathy with others who are striving to
bring a l l close together, that national ideals w i l l become individual
I f , on the other hand, examinations aid the local chapter to think
more of the national welfare and aspirations, on the other hand they
certainly give an insight into local affairs and into the status of in-
dividual members. I f the papers f r o m one chapter are careless—
badly written, poorly spelled and have no punctuation—that chapter
certainly needs further examination. Carelessness i n one direction
means carelessness i n larger things. Neat papers, w i t h language well
chosen and thoughts carefully expressed, give hint of a chapter
which ought to reflect credit on A O I I in every avenue of college life.
N o t h i n g is more reverenced than d i g n i t y i n womanhood. F r i v o l -
ity and lightness are really desired by no one; yet many think that
the the latter are the only ideals of a sorority. Then we must think
more of the true ideals we are striving f o r and this thought w i l l
help toward accomplishment. Let our sorority examinations be a
foundation for this wider thinking.
K A T E B . FOSTER, Examining Officer.
To the Alumnae Organizations of the Fraternities Represented in the
National Pan-Hellenic Conference:
I t was the desire of the delegates to the Intersorority Conference
held in Chicago September 11 and 12, 1908, to acquaint the alumnae
of the fraternities represented there with the vital points of the work
accomplished. There are certain social tendencies which are preva-
lent in many colleges and universities to-day which are, perhaps, rec-
ognized by the girls in college, but which need f o r their control the
more mature judgment of the alumnae. I t was the work of the Inter-
sorority Conference, now the National Pan-Hellenic Conference, to
point out certain of these errors of college l i f e , and to discuss ways
and means of rectifying them. I t rests, however, with the whole body
of the alumnae to see that this work is carried out. Let every alumna
of the f r a t e r n i t y feel that she is a committee of one to do a part of
this great work. Among the following suggestions to the local Pan-
Hellenic Associations we desire to call special attention to Articles
!, 6 and 7.
1. Every Pan-Hellenic must c o n f o r m to the by-law that requires
each f r a t e r n i t y chapter to be represented i n Pan-Hellenics by one
active and one alumna member. I t is urged that alumnae members be
chosen w i t h great care. Women several years out of college, who are
in close touch w i t h their university's and their chapter's life, and in
sympathy with National Pan-Hellenic Conference ideas and w o r k —
upon which they should be well informed—should be chosen f o r
these positions. A long tenure of office f o r efficient alumnae mem-
bers is also deemed advisable.
2. Pan-Hellenics are urged to adopt a rule requiring definite
scholarship attainment i n the university as a qualification f o r eligi-
bility to fraternity membership.
3. We recommend to Pan-Hellenics that they endeavor to restrict
the expense, number and duration o f social functions and engage-
ments by women's fraternities as f a r as is compatible w i t h local con-
4. We suggest that Pan-Hellenics be careful not to create feeling
between fraternity and non-fraternity college women through too
many or through inopportune Pan-Hellenic meetings and functions.
5. Pan-Hellenics are urged to avoid a l l public press notoriety
and to endeavor always to keep the respect of their university and
town communities.
6. W e strongly recommend that each Pan-Hellenic have some
general meetings to which all f r a t e r n i t y members are invited and al-
lowed to take part i n discussions—meetings to read and discuss Na-
tional Pan-Hellenic Conference reports; shortcomings of our last
compact; effects of a sophomore pledge day i n our college, etc.
7. Since at the University of Wisconsin an organization of the
resident alumnae of all fraternities has proved most h e l p f u l i n solving
fraternity and university problems concerning rushing, social life,
etc., it is the concensus of opinion i n this Conference that a similar
organization would prove helpful in every university where fraterni-
ties are represented. I t is therefore suggested that in each Pan-
Hellenic the alumnae members take the initiative i n forming such an
organization for their college.
While the Conference suggested that the initiative i n this matter
be taken by the alumnae members of the local Pan-Hellenic, the com-
mittee consider that it would be greatly to the credit of any alumnae
organization or group to be the first to suggest such an organization
in their community.
Inasmuch as the strength and power of any f r a t e r n i t y is coming
to rest more and more in organized alumnae, your co-operation is
earnestly solicited in carrying out the following suggestions made to
the fraternities composing the National Pan-Hellenic:
1. T h a t each f r a t e r n i t y devise a method of i n f o r m i n g its alum-
nae of N a t i o n a l Pan-Hellenic principles and policies, so that an
alumna teaching in a preparatory school w i l l not thoughtlessly take
steps that w i l l disrupt years of cordial feeling between her chapter
and other fraternities in her Alma Mater.
2. T h a t each fraternity endeavor to make the position of chaper-
one i n its chapter houses one of definite duties, powers and dignity.
T h a t i f possible the positions be filled by alumnae of experience and
3. T h a t each f r a t e r n i t y , w i t h ideals of honor and f a i t h i n the
integrity of others, emphasize these points i n the policy of its chapters.
4. T h a t each fraternity instruct its visiting delegate to impress
upon the chapters the need, not of a higher standard of scholarship
than they already possess, but a high standard irrespective of their
present standing.
As the work of the N a t i o n a l Pan-Hellenic Conference, as well as
that of the local Pan-Hellenics, is now better understood by alumnae
members of all fraternities, i t is hoped that each one w i l l do all in
her power to help remedy conditions which cannot be met by any one
society but which are h a r m f u l to fraternity life in general. W i t h the
object of furthering this improvement by united effort this report is
E D I T H STONER, Kappa Kappa Gamma.
L U L A K I N G BIGELOW, Alpha Omicron Pi.
A M Y OLGEN PARMELEE, Delta Delta Delta.
Committee from National Pan-Hellenic Conference.
February, 1909.
A. I n the conference itself.
1. Increase in membership f r o m seven to twelve fraternities.
2. Establishment of standard f o r a national college frater-
n i t y : " N o t less than five college chapters and none i n
an institution below college rank."
3. Change o f name f r o m Intersorority Conference to N a -
tional Pan-Hellenic.
4. Adoption of a working constitution insuring the perma-
nency of the annual conferences.
B . I n the national fraternity life.
1. Co-operation and f r a n k discussion among national officers
of the special problems i n special colleges.
2. Exchange among fraternity officers of the Journals of the
women's fraternities.
C. I n the college fraternity life.
1. T h e abolishment o f pledging among preparatory students,
except at the University o f Michigan, where, owing to
peculiar local conditions, the national fraternity chap-
ters there have been granted permission to pledge high
school seniors only until September, 1909.
2. Formation o f college Pan-Hellenics wherever two or more
nationals are represented. These Pan-Hellenics consist
of one alumna and one active member f r o m every
national fraternity represented in the college.
3. A pledge day in every college fixed by the college Pan-
Hellenic association.
4. N o part of the initiation ceremony to take place in public.
5. Universal discountenancing of " l i f t i n g . "
6. Women's fraternities interested in general college activi-
ties and taking active steps i n formation o f women's
D. Important publications.
1. Reports o f the annual conferences.
2. A model college Pan-Hellenic constitution.
3. A model women's league constitution.
4. Report of social customs in co-educational colleges in the
United States.
5. Report on present conditions o f Pan-Hellenics i n the
United States.
6. T w o circulars f o r f r a t e r n i t y alumnae setting f o r t h the
aims and purposes of the National Pan-Hellenic.
E. Incidental achievements.
1. T w o meetings o f f r a t e r n i t y delegates w i t h the Conference
of Deans of Women, where a frank discussion of fra-
ternity life i n the college—its advantages and short-
comings—left with the fraternities many ideas f o r the
improvement of fraternity life.
2. A great increase i n trust and respect among rival frater-
nity chapters.
F. Present activities.
1. Organizing, i n each university community, o f resident
alumnae of all fraternities to study local problems and
advise steps f o r their solution.
2. Efforts f o r later pledge day.
3. Definite university scholarship attainment among the
qualifications for eligibility to fraternity membership.
3. Pan-Hellenic efforts to restrict the excessive social l i f e o f
the fraternity women in its college. Also co-operation
in the reduction of the elaborateness and expense o f
social functions.
5. More efforts t o w a r d securing the co-operation o f f r a t e r n i t y
alumnae in dealing with fraternity problems.
6. Raising scholarship standards i n fraternity chapters.
7. Increasing the d i g n i t y o f the office of chapter house chap-
erone and the securing of suitable women f o r these i m -
portant positions.
8. Formation o f a code o f etiquette regarding dismissals,
pledging, etc.
<G. Conclusion.
The breadth of these present activities, touching a l l phases o f
college l i f e , as contrasted w i t h the avowed purpose o f
the 1902 (first) conference to "discuss pledging and
rushing, suggesting a set of by-laws f o r the amelioration
of existing rushing conditions," is the best proof o f the
progressive usefulness and strength of the organization
so characteristic of the very finest f r a t e r n i t y spirit. M a y
the next seven years see even greater achievement and
a constantly broadening field f o r influential co-operation
for the improvement of women's fraternity life.
W i l l the president o f each college Pan-Hellenic please instruct
the secretary of the same to send to the secretary of the National
Pan-Hellenic, L . P. Green, 15 East Ave., Ithaca, N . Y . , a copy o f
your Pan-Hellenic contract f o r the college year 1909-10; also a
copy of your Pan-Hellenic constitution and the name of the Pan-
Hellenic secretary f o r the next college year? These documents are
needed i n the work of the National Conference. Your co-operation
in sending these, without the receipt of a letter direct, w i l l be greatly
National Pan-Hellenic Conference announces the admission o f
Zeta Tau Alpha fraternity to f u l l membership in the Conference.
For a second time this year T o D R A G M A is glad to be w i t h you,
to make you feel nearer to one another and more united.
T h i s issue of T o D R A G M A w i l l contain no directory of members,
neither w i l l the M a y issue. D u r i n g the summer a f o u r t h number
w i l l be printed which w i l l contain the directory primarily, and such
other i n f o r m a t i o n as i t seems advisable to publish. M a n y correc-
tions to the directory have already been sent in, and i t is hoped that
before the summer number has gone to print, you w i l l have reported
all corrections and changes that have taken place during the year.
I t has always been w i t h a great deal of interest that we have
read the results of our rushing seasons. However, we have been
equally curious to know what other nationals have been doing in the
same schools. Each chapter letter i n this issue of T o D R A G M A con-
tains information of this character which i t is hoped w i l l prove i n -
teresting and profitable. The Barnard and Newcomb chapters are
without pledges, due to the ruling of the faculty making a sophomore
pledge day compulsory.
Your editor has the blues, so has your business manager. I n
spite of the fact that every one f r o m whom an article was expected
was notified of the exact date when such an article was due, only
three contributions were received on time. When you stop to con-
sider that only five articles were i n the editor's hands f o r over a
week after every scrap of material should have been received, you
w i l l begin to understand that this work has been a drag and a worry,
rather than a pleasure. N o t only is the material which does arrive
slow i n reaching its destination, but much of it never arrives, and
no apologies nor explanations are deemed necessary. Y o u are asked
to write an article because you are supposed to know about the
subject at hand, or because you have ability and can produce some-
thing worth while. I f you feel that your intelligence has been over-
judged or your ability has been overestimated, and lastly, which is
the vital reason, i f your inclination and interest are not strongly i n
favor of helping the cause, n o t i f y your editor of your failings and
then go to work to f i n d some one to undertake the task, and see to i t
that the task is completed.
Now as to your business manager. T h e way the chapters have of
securing advertisements is discouraging, and the scramble among the
alumnae to be on the subscription list is appalling. More than likely
the non-subscribing alumnae w i l l not see this article, but the active
chapters could do good missionary work by informing their graduate
sisters that T o D R A G M A is their magazine and needs subscriptions.
I t is too bad to present anything as gloomy as the above to the whole
fraternity, but we judged that every one would have to know that
the magazine office has its tribulations, before any relief could be
expected. Loyalty is a grand and glorious thing.
So many communications have been received f r o m chapters ask-
ing f o r back copies of the magazine that a word of explanation
seems necessary. I n a f o r m e r issue of T o D R A G M A the business
manager explained quite at length who should receive the magazine.
T o repeat, as many copies o f each issue of T o D R A G M A are sent by
express to each chapter as there are active members i n that chapter,
plus one f o r the chapter room. T h e business manager obtains this i n -
f o r m a t i o n f r o m the Grand Treasurer, as only those actually taxed as
active members are entitled to this magazine. Associate members
can receive the magazine only by subscription. We are wondering
where are those extra copies that were sent each chapter. I f it is
i n order f o r us to suggest, we should like to offer this question as a
suggestion: W h y is not the time ripe to have these extra copies
bound? T h e y would serve as a valuable acquisition to the chapter
room and also as a nucleus f o r a chapter library. J u d g i n g f r o m the
numerous above-mentioned letters, the extra copies are not always
w e l l taken care of and cannot always be f o u n d . We are certain this
complaint could not be made i f they were bound each year. Besides
being interesting reading matter f o r rainy days, they f o r m a source
of information and a bit of fraternity history that each chapter
should not be without. We hope you w i l l think of this seriously
and that this suggestion w i l l result i n your taking the first step i n
making for yourself a chapter library.
No letter.
Sororities Date Old Students Pledged Active Chapter
* Bn 1891 13 •• 13
A On 1898 6
1900 5 .. s
X0 1904 10
1906 7 1 4
K KT 1906 7 1 10
A A 4> .. 7
<I> M
.. 7
Mid-year "exams" are over and Pi girls are happy once more.
This happiness arises not only f r o m relief of burdens cast off, but
also f r o m anticipation of joys to be assumed w i t h the coming spring.
The Gamma girl w i l l smile at the mention of spring now, but truly
it is here and with it basketball, tennis and other d e l i g h t f u l things.
The thought of Gamma chapter reminds me that it is very close
to Pi, fraternally i f not geographically, for in November Pi had the
joy of initiating Genevieve Boland, an alumna of the University of
Maine. She is a near neighbor of ours, now that Mississippi is her
home, and we have a claim to her, although she really does belong
to Gamma.
Early in the college year the Latin Club began its existence at
Newcomb w i t h V i r g i n i a Withers as its efficient president. T r u l y
this member of '09 has earned her nickname of "Pres" ! About the
same time the foundations of the "Newcomb Arcade" were laid and
Rochelle Gachet, '09, was elected business manager. A t the time
she was editor-in-chief f o r Newcomb on the university weekly and
held other offices besides, so a f t e r a period of debate and prostration
she resigned her office on the weekly to assume the new honor. M a r y
Thomas, '11, is vice president of her class and a member of the Y .
W . C. A . cabinet, and Innes Morris, '10, is business manager of the
Jambalaya, the university annual.
A f t e r so much work we really needed some f u n , and we had i t
on Christmas eve, when L i l y Mysing, '08, gave a Christmas tree f o r
the chapter. Such a tree and such delightfully mysterious packages!
That was a good time that w i l l last! D u r i n g the holidays Sue
Gillean, our tenderly cherished advisory member, had the chapter
at her home f o r luncheon. Some of the guests who take higher
courses i n " M a t h " attempted to solve problems w i t h nuts, raisins,
etc., but those of us who are addicted to such simple things as Greek
and German managed to quell the disturbing element and have a
jolly time.
The old year passed out and the new one came i n to the strains
of wedding marches. I t seemed as i f the N e w Orleans alumnae
would soon be no more, and the activities of P i chapter were con-
fined to sending off wedding presents. We decided long ago that
a rose-jar of Newcomb pottery w i t h a design of jacqueminot roses
and the f r a t e r n i t y monogram would be a g i f t typical of the college
and suggestive of the fraternity, so now each bride f r o m P i chapter
is thus reminded of her college days.
N o rushing is permitted the frats this year, so we content our-
selves w i t h making harmless individual "dates" w i t h freshmen and
fill the "aching v o i d " w i t h m i l d forms of entertainment among our-
selves. Fortunately f o r pent up spirits, V i r g i n i a Withers was ac-
commodating enough to have a birthday directly a f t e r "exams," so
we celebrated. Each g i r l is generously allowed one birthday party
d u r i n g the three years of her f r a t existence, and i f she waits patiently
u n t i l her senior year the celebration is thrice glorious. I t was so on
this occasion, f o r even the alumnae condescended to "many happy
returns of the day!" Just now we are planning an affair for the
alumnae and patronesses which w i l l eclipse a l l previous efforts—
but i f I say another word the secret w i l l be o u t !
And now f o r the greatest piece of news. $ B K has come to
Tulane University and its members have been chosen f r o m Newcomb
classes since '04. A m o n g those in '07 are Marguerite Saunders and
Anna Many, who have brought honor to themselves and to Pi chap-
ter. T o avoid an anti-climax this letter must close now, w i t h best
wishes to a l l the chapters and to T o DRAGMA.
Sororities Date Old Students Pledged Active Chapter
A O II 1881
On Wednesday evening, December 16, we initiated two girls,
Mary Towle and Grace A . Woodelton of New York City. Both are
graduates of Bryn Mawr College and are entered in the junior class
of the Law School to be graduated i n June, 1910.
I t m i g h t be well to mention at this point that the word " j u n i o r "
used i n connection w i t h law school does not carry the same meaning
as when used i n the undergraduate sense of a t h i r d year student.
W i t h us it means a member of the entering class. As the law school
course is but a two-year course, the first year students are called
"juniors," the graduating class "seniors." Besides these two regular
classes, there is a large body of students composed of "specials," or
those not registered for a degree, and "graduates" returned f o r a
third year's study.
A n Equal Suffrage Club has been formed in Law School w i t h
membership open to both sexes. A number of the men students are
members, as w e l l as most of the women. O u r chapter president,
Helen Raulett, is president of the club.
- O n the third Wednesday evening of each month we have had a
dinner in the chapter room followed by a meeting. As both alumnae
and under graduates have seemed to appreciate this regular oppor-
tunity of getting together, the monthly dinners w i l l be continued
until June.
Sororities Date Old Students Pledged Active Chapter
xo 1900 9 11
Aon 1902 5 1 6
1904 5
Z TA 1908 3 8
*M 42
Here it is, almost time f o r the February number of our T o
D R A G M A , and it has been only a few weeks since we hailed w i t h glee
the November number. How we girls of Omicron wonder i f that
November edition meant as much to each of you as i t d i d to us! B y
means of i t we seem to have been brought i n closer touch w i t h every
Alpha and to have received an inspiration to carry on our own work.
A n d how much of that work there has been! I t is true that i n De-
cember chapter affairs were somewhat neglected f o r the more press-
ing call of exams, but Omicron came through that ordeal w i t h flying
colors, every member of the chapter having passed i n every subject.
Then came the blissful two weeks at home and the added charm o f
the Christmas season. Since our return on January 6, every minute
has been f u l l .
May we mention just a few of the things which are affording the
Tennessee girls their amusement this winter? Chief among these
are the Cotillion Club dances, the Glee Club operetta, the Glee Club
reception and dance, the Y . W . C. A . baby show, the freshman re-
ception, and on Thursday, February 28, Omicron had the pleasure
of entertaining, w i t h an informal tea, its patronesses and the mothers
of the town girls. I t is the first time this year that the chapter has
had the pleasure of being w i t h these ladies, and their sympathy and
interest served as a stimulus f o r arousing much enthusiasm among
the girls. Omicron has several other entertainments planned f o r the
near future.
One of the most d e l i g h t f u l affairs of the winter was the tea
tendered by Chi Omega on January 22, to the chapters of the other
three sororities represented in the university.
But i n sharp contrast to the social side of our l i f e was the
chapter's grief over the sorrow of two o f our sisters, H a t t i e and
Katharine C a l d w e l l , whose father died quite suddenly on January 17.
M r . C a l d w e l l , besides being one of the trustees of the University of
Tennessee, was one o f the most prominent men of Knoxville, and his
loss w i l l be f e l t i n many circles.
Imagine, i f you can, Omicron's elation over being able to an-
nounce the birth of its first daughter. This much-talked-of child
is the daughter of Katharine Gresham H a r r i s o n , and has inherited,
we are sure, not only her mother's name, but her charm and beauty
as well.
Every student at our university is now very interested in the
appropriation b i l l which D r . Ayres has introduced in the legislature.
I t is a b i l l to increase the endowment f u n d of the university, and, i f
passed, w i l l mean the addition o f several handsome buildings to
our campus. We hope to be able to t e l l of the success of this b i l l
in our May letter.
Sororities Date Old Students Pledged Active Chapter
Xfi 1898
AAA 1900 9 4 13
A 0 II 1903 I I 8 16
1903 9916
KA 1904
1908 11 9 20
4 57
A2 A
The college world has rolled on very quietly since Kappa's last
letter. T h e classes do not change officers at the end of the first
semester, so we have gained no new honors in that line. The sta-
tistics f o r the A n n u a l , however, have been voted on and A l p h a
Omicron Pi is well represented. Mamie H u r t was voted the biggest
bluffer, M a r y Campbell the best singer and M a r y Vaden the pret-
tiest freshman. There are to be in the A n n u a l about six types of
women characters i n fiction. T w o of these are K a p p a girls, H e l e n
O'Rear is to represent Rebecca i n Ivanhoe and O l g a Sheppard, Dora
in David Copperficld.
From 5 to 6:30 Thursday afternoon Kappa was at home in
honor of lone Mathis, '07, and Katharine Nelson, '09, who were at
that time visiting the chapter. The callers were received in the
West H a l l parlors, which were unusually bright and attractive, being
decorated w i t h a p r o f u s i o n of palms and Jacqueminot roses. Four
girls f r o m each of the other fraternities in school, the officers of the
different classes, the matrons and lady members of the f a c u l t y com-
posed the guests.
Since the holidays K a p p a has gained two new initiates, Maude
and Maria Thompson. We think ourselves fortunate i n securing f o r
A O I l two such desirable girls.
Delia King, special did not return to college after Christmas, on
account of i l l health.
Sororities Date Old Students Pledged Active Chapter
K KT 1884 17 6 23
1888 18 10 28
AF 1894 28 8 36
AAA 1895 17 12 29
1896 17 4 21
II B * 1903 15 22
1903 14 7 29
K A0 1906 12 15 19
X0 1907 17 30
Aon 7
A 4>
First let me tell you. sister chapters, how much we enjoyed your
letters i n the last T o D R A G M A . T h e y were f u l l of so many h e l p f u l
suggestions, and we feel, too, much better acquainted with you since
reading them. Our fraternity publication is surely a blessing in
many ways—isn't it?
The last few weeks have been f u l l of activity f o r Zeta, I can
assure you! I know you w i l l rejoice when I tell you we are setting
a table now at our house. T h e fourteen girls living there and M r s .
Pierce, our chaperone, eat at home—isn't that splendid? Every-
thing is lovely now, but we had our troubles getting started. One of
the girls engaged a cook to come upon a certain day, ordered all of
the provisions and then sat down to wait (the girls had given up
their boarding house the day before). A t 1 i n the afternoon no
maid had come and the girls, alarmed, started out in search of her.
W h e n they f o u n d her she c a l m l y told them she had decided not to
come. D r e a d f u l g i r l ! So two energetic Alphas hurried home and
cooked the dinner themselves that evening. For awhile we searched
the t o w n ; we nearly drove the employment agencies crazy, but no
maid. F i n a l l y , however, one of the girls came across some one who
was w i l l i n g "to t r y , " and engaged her, and she is w i t h us now and
we hope she w i l l remain, which sounds almost too good to be true.
A t the beginning o f the second semester we pledged f o u r more
splendid giris, Lois Nesbit, Anabel Good, Mary Odiorne and Amanda
Clements. We were a l l so pleased, too, when W i n i f r e d Waters sud-
denly appeared at the " f r a t " house, f o r we had not expected her at
all this year.
O u r big initiation of this year came the last of February, when
ten girls were taken in. You see we have a late initiation instead of
a late pledge day, which we think is a better plan.
The annual "mothers' party" took place on March 13, when an
informal musicale was given at the house. We find this an enjoy-
able way for the mothers and patronesses to meet the active girls.
A great number of girls are serving on class committees and
several Alphas are on the class basketball teams.
I must tell you about our basketball tournament. This is an
interclass affair and open only to the women students. The games
are always preceded by a procession, upon which a great deal of
work and time is spent. Last year two young men disguised as
women and heavily veiled, slipped in, but were soon detected by
their awkward gait (at least it was different from that of women),
and were immediately escorted to the door. This year the procession
was headed by the senior "Black Masque" society in their usual
black gowns and bearing a large, green-eyed black cat. The girls of
the junior society, "Silver Serpent," bore on their shoulders the large
green snake of that order, and the freshmen at the end of the line
led and pulled a tiny red pig, whose squeals were heard even above
the music ( ?) of the mimic band. Evidently the cat and the serpent
were not on friendly terms, for before any one realized what had
happened the junior girls had captured the cat, and the serpent had
been so injured by the attack that great quantities of sawdust were
to be seen oozing from its limp green sides. A month later the cat
came back.
Local interest has also been aroused over the question, "Who
owns the bell ?" The large cracked bell which has hung in the A T A
house for the past two years has been spirited away and is known to
repose quietly in the $ A 0 house. As this bell never remains in one
of the houses more than two years at a time, it is needless to say
both claim it, but we still wonder, "Who is the real owner?"
On April 17 we will give our formal dance—how we wish rep-
resentatives from the other chapters might be present!
We are waiting as impatiently as you are for the next issue of
To DRAGMA, for we are always eager to hear of the interesting things
which your letters tell us.
Sororities Date Old Students Pledged Active Chapter
KK 1897 18 9 28
AAA 1900 12 9 *9
K A9 1890 13 9 22
I I B 4> 1900 8 12 18
A# 1901 14 8 18
1907 15 9 '9
'X O 1902 20 7 '9
T* B 1894 11 9 20
1907 5 >9
A On 21
On January 25 Sigma initiated Jeanette Miller. '11. She took a
leading part in "The Gondoliers," the opera staged by the Treble
Cleff Society of the university, and presented in an Oakland theater
on February 10 for the benefit of the college dormitory fund. After
the opera Sigma entertained the principals of the cast at a dance at
the chapter house, which was a fitting ending to the success of the
Sigma is to entertain next week at a house party over the week
end. I t is given in honor of several freshmen to be. We are plan-
ning a dance besides several dinners and theater parties.
(>n February 13 our alumnae entertained the girls of the active
chapter at a card party at the fraternity house. The afternoon was
very much enjoyed. The alumnae plan to make their party an an-
nual affair. I am sure all the girls will look forward to this occasion,
as it gives the younger girls the opportunity to become better ac-
quainted with those who have given Sigma the chance to become
what she is.
Sororities Date Old Students Pledged Active Chapter
K A 0 1870 22 13 35
K K T 1875 15 15 30
A* 1887 16 10 26
A X fl 1885 12 18 30
A 0 n 1907 12 10 22
ATA 1908 10 8 18
A A A 1908 10 10 20
With great zeal and enthusiasm Theta chapter is beginning the
new year, which promises to be the brightest yet experienced.
Already two very desirable freshmen have been pledged, Florence
Krwin of Roachdale and Celia Bates of Winchester, Ind. Initiation
is to take place Saturday night, January 30.
We have planned to entertain all the members of the faculty at
different times this term at 6 o'clock dinner. We have already en-
tertained some, and we find it very pleasant to become personally
acquainted with our instructors.
We are very busy now planning our "stunt" for the college car-
nival, which takes place the third week in February.
The Carnegie Library is completed and preparations are being
made for the removal of the books from the old building. This
new building is certainly beautiful and adds much to the appearance
of our college campus.
We are anxiously looking forward to the inauguration of our new
president, which will occur the first of March.
Theta chapter has planned a scheme which proves to be very suc-
cessful. The sorority is divided into three sections, each giving an
informal stunt once a month to entertain the rest of the girls and
their college or town friends. The first was given last Saturday
night and proved very enjoyable to all.
Theta sends greetings to all her sister chapters and wishes them
a very prosperous year.
Sororities Date Old Students Pledged Active Chapter
A O II 16 8 23
A %A 11 4 15
A KT 12 6 16
I f Delta's reminiscences this time are rather gloomy and pessi-
mistic I trust she will be pardoned, for how can one's reflections be
cheerful on the eve of mid-years? It is really impossible, however,
to be very down-hearted with such a splendid lot of freshmen as we
have. Why, even the sophomores admit they are rather useful.
It has been our custom to have a short talk on current events in
our fraternity meetings. This year the talks have been left to the
freshmen and have been unusually interesting. The freshmen fra-
ternity play, another custom, was a great success, and, speaking of
plays, our girls have taken part in the senior, junior and sophomore
dramatics. Pauline Lamprey, '12, is chairman of the freshman
play committee.
In December we held the jolliest of card parties at Ethel Stur-
tevant's home in West Somerville.
During the same month Dorothy Brown, one of our alumnae,
told us of her travels in Egypt. We only hope the old "grads" are
as glad to come back to us as we are to have them.
Helen Miller, '09, won the Greek prize this year and Gladys
Graves, '09, and Dora Thayer, '09, are on senior committees.
That you may know a little more about us, we will explain that
we have not, alas, a " f r a t " house, but we have the next best thing,
a fraternity room at the home of Mary Lambert, '00, one of our
alumnae and the wife of one of the faculty. The whole house is at
our disposal for social functions and general good times.
I t is hard to tell in one brief letter the doings of three months.
Enough to say that they have been very happy ones, and that 1909
finds Delta feeling very much at home in Alpha Omicron Pi.
With sighs of relief after the strain of mid-year "exams," the
girls of Gamma chapter, feeling no longer like blighted beings, are
able to laugh once more and again to take an interest in life. Each
one feels that she has done her best, come what may!
This year we have two class secretaries, Cora Shaw, '09, and Mar-
garet Flint, '12, and Florence Brown, '11, was on the sophomore
calendar committee.
The Western alumni scholarship for the highest rank in the fresh-
man class was won in 1908 by Kathleen Young, M l .
We regret to say that Frances Huntington, '10, has left college
and expects to teach this term.
Edith Jordan, '10, is an associate editor of the junior "Prism."
In the Y. W. C. A. Gamma is quite prominent, claiming the
president, Mattie G. Knight, '09; the treasurer, Mildred Prentiss,
M l ; the secretary, Luella Woodman, '12, and others who serve on
important committees.
We have been very quiet socially, but it is "grand" snowshoeing
this weather! You ought to see our girls, jaunty in sweaters and
tassel caps, start out down the snow-covered river, leaving behind
them zig-zag, flounder-like tracks. When Mattie stepped with
malice aforethought on the tail of Margaret's snow-shoe, it served
her right to get ducked in a nice soft snowbank, didn't it? Sigma,
we are sorry for you, you can't snow-shoe! There was one day
when we girls had especial fun—we snow-shoed up to Powell's H i l l ,
where, sitting on a rail fence, we ate hard boiled eggs and crackers,
and oh, my! they tasted good!
Sunday afternoons we have delightful times sitting or lying in
front of a cheerful, crackling wood fire in the open fire-place, read-
ing aloud by turns. The last book we read was "Anne of Green
Gables." It's not scientific nor mathematical, so you'd better read
it, too.
We do not think that, like Gamma, many of the other chapters
can boast of the honor of having i n their ranks both the tallest girl
and the smallest girl in college.
February has ushered in for us the second half of the college
year. We know that with the jolly, happy sports and spreads, there
must be the steady routine of daily study and recitations, so with
loyalty to A O I I , and earnest endeavors to do credit to our sorority,
we cheerfully "buckle our armor and forth to the battlefield go!"
Sororities Date Old Students Pledged Active Chapter
K A9 14 8 23
K KT 6 3 11
AT 10 2 12
A* 15 4 19
AOII 8 8 16
Except the splendid results of her first rushing season, Epsilon
has no news to chronicle. When our last report went in we were
in the midst of the rushing season. A l l of our spare time, and much
that wasn't, we spent in becoming acquainted with new girls, taking
them for walks, dancing with them in the gymnasium, helping them
in the laboratory and generally making ourselves indispensible to
their welfare and happiness. Truly the life of a rushee is bliss un-
alloyed, but it doesn't last, and well for the rushers that the season is
short. Poor rushers, when after a long day's work they finally tuck
their charges in bed, saying good night and heaving a sigh of relief,
they betake themselves to their little rooms to grind and grind on
work that must be done for the next day.
But now this is over, with the joyful result that we have the
eight girls that we wanted most. They are, according to classes,
Marion Duggar, Mary Fitch, Marion Darville, Mabel de Forest,
Catherine Donlan, Elsa Gurdrum, Melita Skillan and Mildred
Mosher. We refrain from enumerating their honors because Mary
Fitch is the only Sigma X i in the crowd and the mention of it might
make her vain.
This year's honors are not out yet. Nothing in that line has ap-
peared except "bust notices." These, we hasten to explain to our
sister colleges who may call them by more courteous names, are the
invitations to go home that follow closely on mid-year examinations.
Epsilon is happy to report that, in spite of the rather unprecedented
generosity of the faculty in dealing out these little souvenirs, there
is no untimely cutting off of her members. Therefore this time
sixteen of us send love and greetings to our sisters.
Two meetings, both profitable in the dispatch of matters of
business and enjoyable in the social hour or two that follow business,
have been held since our last report, on the dates and at the places
therein announced. The average attendance has been about four-
teen, and at each of the two meetings two new members added their
names to the chapter roll. New committees have sprung into ex-
istence to keep us in touch with the local undergraduate chapters,
and with topics of absorbing current interest in the world in general,
and we are now looking forward eagerly to our next meeting. The
work of the National Child-Labor Committee—a work of which
Stella Stern Perry (A, '98) is an ardent advocate—interested us par-
ticularly at the last meeting, though much of our time then was de-
voted to reading and passing upon the recent action of the Grand
Council. We are anticipating reports of great interest at our next
meeting from our newly organized committees.
The fact that our membership is recruited from four different
chapters is a reason for congratulation, we think. From Alpha we
have drawn twenty-four members, of whom one, Helen Mullan, is
a graduate also of N u ; from N u , eight members, and one member
from each of Gamma and Delta. Thus we have varied associations
behind us and varied, as well as common, interests before us to stimu-
late us toward broad sympathies and broad activities.
Before closing our report we should like to add to that of others,
our word of appreciation and gratification at the reappearance of
To PRAGMA.. "May it prosper!"
The San Francisco Alumnae chapter of A O IT met on Saturday
afternoon, December 19, 1908, at the home of Miss Kate Foster in
Berkeley. We were all present that day except two. Our hands
were supposed to be busy with sewing, but our tongues flew anyway.
We read letters from several of our alumnae who are far distant
but not forgotten. I n addition to our own members we had the
pleasure of meeting Mrs. Chapman, one of our Delta sisters from
Our next meeting was held at Miss Edith Wherry's home in North
Berkeley on Saturday, January 23, 1909. We had with us that day
Mrs. Una Call Kuster from Los Angeles, who told us all about our
sisters in Southern California.
Our next meeting is to be on Saturday, February 13, 1909, at the
A O I I house, when the Alumnae chapter entertains Sigma at a card
A great many of us teach the young idea how to shoot and feel
privileged to talk as much about "our children" as do the young
mothers. Helen Henry teaches in Mills College; Blanche Du Bois
and Ada Shreve are engaged in high school work; Kate Foster in
the primary department and Isa Henderson in kindergarten work.
Margaret Henderson Dudley, Martha Rice Furlong and Muriel
Eastman Martin have small kindergartens at home, and they find
their members are on hand day and night.
Sarah Matthew Hackley is our bride, and she and Celeste La
Coste Etcheverry hold lengthy discourses on poached eggs, etc.
Edith Wherry keeps bachelor girl apartments with a bachelor maid,
and is just waiting for the time when she can leave us all to go back
to Paris. Ethel Clarke is busy taking people's pictures in her new
studio and we rarely catch a glimpse of her—even for a snap shot.
The San Francisco Alumnae chapter wishes you would all come
to California for a visit, so that you could realize that you have some
cordial sisters far from home.
Regular meetings have been held in Providence once each month
since September. Although our number has been small we have
spent delightful afternoons together and look forward each time to
the bits of news that come to us from all our sisters.
Our first chapter baby was born on December 1 and is the son
of Maude Clarke Covell, 1902.
Miss Elsie Tufts, ex-'03, entertained the Boston Alumnae chap-
ter Saturday, March 27, at her home, 1 Boyleston Terrace, W. Med-
ford, Mass. The other meetings this year have been: September,
Mrs. Mary A. Ingalls Lambert; October, Miss Helen A. Cook; No-
vember, Mrs. Myra Fairbank Taylor; December, Mrs. Blanche
Bruce Byrne; January, Miss Monica G. Pope; February, Miss Mary
W. Kingsley. The April meeting will be with Dorothy Brown, Win-
chester, Mass., and the May meeting with Mrs. Helen Brown Keat-
ing, 244 Weston St., Waltham, Mass., which will be the last meeting
of the year.
The Alumnae chapter voted at the January meeting to become
an associate member of the National Child Labor Committee. The
Boston Alumnae chapter has spent most of the time at the regular
meetings this year discussing the relations of the graduate to the
college and to the active chapters. While it is too early yet to make
announcement of the result of these conferences, it is hoped that
before the next number of To DRAGMA goes to press we shall be
able to make a definite statement concerning the policy we shall
No letter.
Omicron takes great pleasure in announcing the engagement of
Mary Hart Buchanan of Grenada, Miss.
The engagement of Helen Steward, T, ex-'10, to Mr. Randolph
Bradstreet is announced.
Edith Claire Weld, T , '11, has recently announced her engage-
ment to Mr. Guy Durgin, a graduate of the University of Maine.
On the 17th of December Newcomb Chapel was the scene of a
lovely wedding, that of Edna Lyman Reed, Pi, '03, to Mr. Marcellus
Seabrook Whaley of Columbia, S. C. The little chapel was beauti-
fully decorated with palms, ferns and white carnations and the
bridal party entered to the strains of Sullivan's "Triumphal March."
[Catherine Reed, Pi, '00, was the bride's only attendant. She was
exquisitely gowned in white messaline and carried an armful of pink
roses. The bride entered with her brother, Mr. Warren B. Reed.
She looked lovely in a princess gown of white satin with real lace
trimmings and carried a bouquet of white camelias. Mr. Opps of
Virginia attended the groom. Directly after the ceremony an in-
formal reception was held at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.
Lyman C. Reed, at which only relatives and a few friends were
present. Misses Ernistine Bres, Pi, '06, and Dorothy Safford, Pi,
'10, were at the punch table and several members of the active chap-
ter served in the dining room. Mr. and Mrs. Whaley left the same
night for Columbia, S. C , which will be their home.
A large gathering of society members assembled in Newcomb
Chapel on the 19th of January to attend the wedding of Miss Marie
Ernistine Bres, Pi, '06, to Mr. Charles McLellan. The decorations
were beautifully carried out in white roses, hyacinths and ferns.
Among the bridal party were Miss Andree Provosty, Pi, '06, and
Miss Nell Bres, Pi, '07. They wore lovely costumes of pale yellow
satin with overslips of the same tint and carried yellow roses and
fern. The maid of honor, Miss Ella Hardie, wore white satin and
also carried yellow roses. The bride was charming in an exquisite
bridal robe of white directoire satin with an overdress of filmy silk
net. Her veil was caught with a spray of orange blossoms and she
carried an armful of white roses and lilies-of-the-valley. She was
awaited at the altar by Mr. McLellan, who was attended by his
brother, Mr. Alden McLellan. After their return from a short
bridal trip, Mr. and Mrs. McLellan will receive their friends at their
new home, 2100 Marengo St.
Nina J. Gookin, Omicron, '03, of Reedsville, N . C , was mar-
ried on June 25, 1908, to Mr. Charles Lake Bushnell of Greensboro,
N . C.
Sallie W. Frances, Omicron, '05, has recently married Mr. Ed-
ward C. Harris of Fayetteville, Tenn.
In December Minnie Bowen, '08, was married to Frank Travis,
'08, 4> A 0 .
Miss Isabel H a l l Coombs, A, '03, was married to Mr. Warren R.
Healey of Stonehome. They are living at 13 Park Ave., Winches-
ter, Mass.
Pi chapter rejoices in the possession of a new baby. Flora Sanders
Hardie, the daughter of Flora Hardie, '05.
On January 16, 1909, there was born to Mr. and Mrs. Randolph
Hurton Harrison (Katharine Gresham, Omicron, '07) a daughter,
Katharine Gresham Harrison.
Margery Jane, daughter of Martha Rice Furlong, was born in
Berkeley December 31, 1908. .
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hazlitt (Helen Savage, ex-'07),
a boy, November 20, 1908.
A daughter, Barbara Esther, was born December 19 to Dora
Bailey Lough (Mrs. James E . ) , A '98
Louis Clarke Covell was born a't Newport, R. I . , on December 1
1908. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Everett Covell
A O I I will appreciate the placing of the following names on the
exchange list of other fraternity publications: Grand President, Miss
Jessie Ashley. 5 Nassau St., New York City; Grand Recording Sec-
retary, Miss Elizabeth I . Toms, 44 West 128th St., New York City;
Editor, Viola C. Gray, 1527 S. 23d St., Lincoln, Neb.; Intersorority
Delegate, Mrs. C. G. Bigelow, 172 So. Francisco St., Chicago, 111.
We wish to acknowledge the receipt of the following magazines:
November, Anchora of A T ; Eluesis of X f2; Alpha X i Delta of
A E A ; December, The Key of K K T ; January, Anchora of A T ;
The Aglaia of $ M ; K A 0 Quarterly; The Triangle of 2 K ;
The Mask of K * ; The Lyre of A X 12; The Crescent of r $ B ;
The Arrow or I I B * ; The Alpha X i Delta of A S A ; February,
Crescent of Y * B ; Themis of Z T A ; A * Quarterly; The Key of
K K T; The Trident of A A A ; K A © Quarterly; The Aglaia of
# M ; March, Crescent of T * B ; Anchora of A I \
Julia Byrne, '07, who is teaching out of town this year, spent the
holidays at home. While here she was the recipient of much atten-
tion socially.
May Parkerson, '03, has returned from a visit to Mildred Norton
Waterman in Pensacola, Fla.
Marguerite Saunders, '07, is one of the debutantes this season.
She is prominent at all social events and a number of affairs have
been given in her honor. Lily Mysing, '08, Andree Provosty, '06,
and Lillian Jung, '08, are also having their share of gayety.
Bess Lyon, '07, will spend the Carnival season with her brother,
Prof. Adair Lyon, much to the delight of Pi chapter.
Among a number of affairs in honor of Edna Reed before her
marriage was a linen shower given by Dorothy Safford, '10, at her
home in Webster St.
Alice Ivy, '03, has been elected secretary of the New Orleans
chapter of the Southern Association of College Women and Anna
Many, '07, first vice president. Katherine Reed, '00, is vice president
of the Newcomb Alumnae Association.
Among the numerous interests of Pi chapter is the Newcomb
night school, which is supported and managed by the Newcomb
Alumnae for the benefit of working girls who are unable to attend
a day school. Alice Ivy, Pi '03, has always been an enthusiastic
worker in this cause and she has now enlisted the hearty co-operation
of Anna Many, '07, Virginia Withers, '09, Mary Thomas, '11, and
other members of A O IT.
Anna Many, '07, is manager of the basketball department of
Newcomb athletics.
Elinor Byrns, '01, is practicing law at 5 Nassau St., in the suite
of offices occupied by Adelma Burd, Jessie Ashley and Elizabeth
On Saturday afternoon, January 30, Helen Hoy-Greeley enter-
tained the active and alumnae girls of N u and Alpha chapters and
some of Alpha's rushees at her apartment on 122d St.
Florence Bruning, '07, has been elected president of the Women's
Law Class Alumnae.
Eve Pauline Radthe, '08, has just passed her Bar examination.
Ailcy Kyle Powel, '02, is teaching English in the Tubman High
School of Augusta, Ga.
Wallace Smith, '07, is visiting in Memphis at the home of her
aunt, 104 S. Bellevue Blvd.
Mattie Ayres has returned from a visit in New Orleans, where
she was the guest at several delightful entertainments given by the
Pi chapter girls.
Mary Hart Buchanan will leave soon for New Orleans to finish
her course in trained nursing.
Louise Nolan, '08, Mrs. Clara Murray Cleland, '08, and Eilleen
Jones, '06, will be the guests during the month of April of Lola Wan-
namaker, '08.
Flora Clark, '10, is at school in Washington, D. C.
Lucile Sanderson, '10, who is now i n Washington, D. C , is going
to spend the next year travelling abroad.
Beth Boynton, '11, is traveling in California this winter on ac-
count of her health.
Madge Alderman, Spec, has moved to Corona, Cal.
Ruby Charlton, '08, is spending a year resting before beginning
her teaching.
Corris Damon Peake, '04, and her small son spent Christmas week
in Lincoln. Among the other Christmas visitors, for all of whom
several social gatherings were given, were Nellie Kitchen James of
Springfield, Mo.; Grace and Mabelle Roper, who are teaching this
year at Glenwood, Iowa, and Luree Beemer Beaumont of Madrid,
Cora and Florence Durbin, '08, are not teaching this year, but are
spending the winter at their home in Melvin, Iowa.
Edna Harpham, Spec, has been spending the winter in Denver.
Jessie Kreidler, '09, is teaching in the primary department of the
Fullerton schools, Fullerton, Neb.
Dr. and Ethel Haynes Skeen, '06, have moved to Dunn, Wyo.
Mrs. Madge Agnes Anthony Reed, '00, Miss Sara L. Buxton, '05,
and Miss Alice Peabody Paine, '06, were initiated into A O I I during
the Christmas recess.
Mrs. Reed and Miss Buxton are both members of <P B K, Miss
Buxton completing the college course in three years and Mrs. Reed,
taking Master's and Bachelor's degree in four years. Miss Buxton's
engagement was announced last fall, so it seems likely that her
teaching days i n the South Manchester, Conn., High School are
numbered. Mrs. Reed is president of the College Club in Schenec-
tady. Miss Paine is teaching this year.
Gertrude E. Bartlett, '07, was on the H i l l during the Christmas
Dr. L . Maud Carvill, '99, is taking a prominent part in Somer-
ville in the crusade against tuberculosis. Her lectures to the women
of the college on hygiene have been very illuminating. They have
been well attended.
Ethel Remele, '08, is employed in the library department of
Stone, Webster Co., Boston.
Mrs. Florence Frey Clark, ex-'09, made a short stay on the H i l l
during the examination period.
Miss Josie Burbank Folsom, '03, opened her house to A for the
annual Christmas tree. A number of the alumnae were present.
Miss Carolyn G. Fraser, '08, has a permanent position now in
the library of Harvard Law School, where she had a temporary
position immediately after her graduation from college.
Mrs. Curtis Howard Winters has moved to Philipsdale, one of
the suburbs of Providence.
Miss Blanche H . Hooper, '04, was one of the representatives of
the Tufts College Library at the National Convention of the Amer-
ican Library Association held at Bowdoin College during the Thanks-
giving recess.
Mrs. Mary A. Ingalls Lambert, '00. had the pleasure of a short
visit from Miss Emma H . Burchenal, A, in March. Mrs. Lambert
was one of the matrons at the first "evening party" of the year.
The general association of Tufts alumnae had their annual meet-
ing and luncheon December 26 under the successful management of
Miss Monica G. Pipe, '01. The chief topic of interest discussed at
the meeting was the question of segregation. The friends of the
college are much interested in this matter at the present time.
Miss Marion Rich, '07, is teaching in Webster, Mass.
Miss Ethel P. Sturtevant, '07, gave the use of her home to the
active chapter in the fall, when they introduced the new sisters into
the social life on the H i l l .
Mary Winship Kingsley, '03, is graduate member of the women's
student government board.
Bernice Watson, ex-'10, has a good position as assistant to the
state entomologist at Augusta, Me. Florence Harvey, ex-'09 who
has been in training at St. Luke's Hospital, New York, has been
called home by the illness of her mother.
Estelle Perry, '06, has an excellent place as teacher in a private
school for bov? in Chicago, 111.
Sarah Brown, '08, who won Phi Kappa Phi last vear, is teaching
in Sangerville, Me.
Kathleen Young, Beulah Philbrook and Helen Averell, all of '11
are teaching this year.
$ A © has an alumni club in Mexico City.—Aglaia of $ M
Thirty per cent of the students belong to fraternities at the Uni-
versity of Washington.—Record.
<I> A 0 will be represented in the House of Representatives of the
Sixty-first Congress by eleven men.
The University of Utah has an enrollment of 1,172. Its property
is valued at $756,815.—Anchora o'f A V.
The A T Q chapter house at Purdue University was destroyed by
fire on October 25, 1908.—Aglaia of <I> M.
A T O is the only fraternity owning a chapter house of its own
at the University of Florida.—Aglaia of <i> M.
Harry Augustus Garfield, L L . D., was inaugurated as president
of Williams College October 7.—Aglaia of <£ M.
The enrollment of the University of Washington has increased
from 700 in 1904 to over 1,300 in 1908.—Record.
The sum of $910,000 has been raised for the Harper Memorial
Library at the University of Chicago. One-third of the amount will
be used as an endowment fund.
A memorial window for those whose lives were lost in the burning
of the X * house at Cornell in 1906 was unveiled at Cornell on
April 26.—Kapfia Alpha Theta.
The great $500,000 stadium of Syracuse University was formally
dedicated November 21, on the occasion of the visit of the University
of Michigan football team to Syracuse.
Under Professor Charles E. Merriam, the University of Chicago,
is organizing a course which will prepare especially for the consular
and diplomatic service.—Anchora of A T.
President Benjamin Ide Wheeler of the University of California
is to be the Theodore Roosevelt professor in the University of Berlin
for the year 1909-10.—Sigma Chi Quarterly.
The present session of the legislature of Nebraska has passed a
bill providing that school boards shall have the power to suspend
or expel all who join high school fraternities.
Recent conventions are those of <£ A ©, at Pittsburg in Novem-
ber; K *, at Charleston, N . C, in November; A X ft, at Champaign,
111., in November, and that of A T ft, at Pittsburg in January.
The editor of Beta Theta Pi has discovered a woman's fraternity,
hitherto not listed, with chapters, at present, only in the State of
Missouri. I t appears as Eta Upsilon Gamma.—Kappa Alpha Theta.
2 * instituted a new chapter on October 31 at Wisconsin Uni-
versity. 2 founded in 1827, claims the distinction of being the
oldest Greek letter fraternity with the exception of K A, founded in
1825.—Sigma Chi.
A 2 P, an honorary fraternity founded in 1905, has had rapid
growth. Chapters have been established at the University of Mich-
igan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nebraska, Chicago, Northwestern, I l l i -
nois and Iowa.—The Mask of K
On the occasion of their diamond jubilee the Psi Upsilons
crowded the grand ballroom of the Waldorf the night of November
24 to the number of almost 800, thereby breaking the record of all
college dinners, and incidentally all other public dinners by a few
hundred.—New York Sun.
The Massachusetts Association for the relief of California,
formed at the time of the great earthquake, had a balance of $100,-
000 not used for relief work, and has donated it to the University of
California, to build and equip at Berkeley a hospital for the univer-
sity.—American Educational Review.
At a meeting of the faculty of the University of Alabama, on
October 12, it was decided to raise the entrance requirements from
eleven to fourteen Carnegie units. This means that from now on
a diploma from this university is ranked with one from any of the
larger northern and eastern universities.—The Scroll of $ A ®
In spite of the financial depression of the past year considerable
progress has been made in university equipment. Iowa has opened
four new buildings, which cost the state $314,000. Illinois has spent
$400,000 on a physics laboratory and natural history, and Syracuse
has spent $300,000 on buildings and grounds.—Anchora of A T.
Thirty-five national fraternities, nine national sororities and nine
sectional clubs are represented at the University of Michigan. I n
nearly every instance the organizations are comfortably quartered,
and the fraternity houses, as a whole, are said to be a much finer set
at Michigan than are to be found at any other university in America.
—Sigfna Chi Quarterly.
The recent convention of A X ft has made the following change
in regard to its membership. Fifty per cent of the membership of
each chapter may now be chosen from among the literary students,
instead of thirty-three and one-third per cent, as formerly. The
other fifty per cent of the chapter is composed of music students.—
Lxrc af A X ft.
President Andrews of the University of Nebraska and President
Eliot of Harvard have tendered their resignations, the first to take
effect in January, the latter in June.
The vacancies in both of the above-mentioned schools have been
filled from among the alumni of both institutions. Dr. Samuel
Avery has been chosen as the head of the Nebraska University, while
Abbott Lawrence Lowell has been made president of Harvard.
The members of the Supreme Governing Council of X ft have
presented to the fraternity a loving cup, which is to be awarded to
a chapter for merit. The trophy is held for one year and the name
of the chapter winning such honor is to be engraved upon the cup.
The details of the contest are not published, but the article leads
one to think that prompt and business-like performance of chapter
duties and good scholarship will play important roles in awarding
the prize.
The pin which has been adopted by the juniors and seniors of
the University of Nebraska, and which, it is planned, is to be adopt-
ed by all future classes, is to be about one-half inch in diameter.
The front of the pin will be cut away, leaving an " N " of polished
metal standing raised from the background, which will be of a dull
finish. The numerals of the class will appear just beneath the first
fork of the " N " and will be changed to indicate the year of the
graduating class.
A K E held its sixty-second convention November 11-13, the
convention being divided as to location between the Yale and Trinity
chapter and the New York alumni. At this convention was ex-
pected Chung Min Yeu, Yale, '83, the only Chinese member of
A K E, who came to this country recently with Prince Y i . So
Pouson C. Chi, of the * Y fraternity, is forced to abdicate the place
accorded him by the New York Herald and ourselves as the "first
full-blooded Chinese to receive fraternity honors at Yale."—Aglaia
of $ M.
Bowne Hall of Chemistry, erected for Syracuse University by
Samuel W. Bowne of New York, has been completed at a cost of
$200,000. One of its features is the theater. This will accommo-