To Dragmaof Alpha Omicron Pi
Vol. 81 No. 3 Spring 2017
RECAP p.16
FOR 50 YEARS p.39
2| Spring 2017 Kappa Tau
(Southeastern Louisiana U)
20 32 contents
39 42 On the Cover:
Xi Omicron (U of
4 Editor’s Letter 30 What’s in a Name? Arkansas) enjoys time
7 Viewpoint 32 Nutrition Through The Ages together during the
8 Fraternity News 36 AOII Book Club spring 2017 semester.
12 Collegiate Chapter Installations 39 From the Archives:
16 The Race to $150K: Jingle Supporting 50+ million 3
Bell Run Recap for 50 years!
20 2017 Leadership Academy 42 Alumnae Chapter News
24 My Hopes for AOII and NPC 60 Life Loyal AOIIs
26 Top 10 Things to Do in 62 Things We Love
Washington, D.C. This Summer 64 Shop the Emporium
28 Foundation Focus
About Alpha Omicron Pi: from the editor
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College in
New York City, January 2, 1897, by Jessie Wallace Hughan, Spring has sprung! After months of chilly weather, I am
Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella George Stern Perry & so happy the days of sunshine and sundresses have
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. arrived! I love seeing flowers and smelling their sweet
fragrance. I love swapping my boots for sandals, and strolling
The Object of the Fraternity: by storefronts full of vibrantly-colored merchandise. Finally,
The object of the Fraternity shall be to encourage a spirit few things are better than ditching the treadmill and going for
of Fraternity and love among its members; to stand at a morning run or evening walk through some of my favorite
all times for character, dignity, scholarship, and college parks and neighborhoods in Nashville. This season truly is a
loyalty; to strive for and support the best interest of the breath of fresh air that makes me look at just about everything
colleges and universities in which chapters are installed, through a new lens.
and in no way to disregard, injure, or sacrifice those
interests for the sake of prestige or advancement of the For example, with so many wonderful fruits and vegetables coming into season, it is
Fraternity or any of its chapters. a great time to switch things up in your diet and look at nutrition in a new light. Turn
to page 32 to learn about which nutrients are particularly important for women
Mission Statement: during various stages of life, so you can ensure you are properly fueling your body
Women Enriched Through Lifelong Friendship. at every age. You will also notice on page 8 that AOII is celebrating Women’s Health
Week May 14 through May 20. We are excited to dive into nutrition, fitness and self-
Culture Principles: care with a week packed full of webinars, contests and giveaways. This is sure to be
A look at “how” we do things: Accountability & a fantastic week full of information and fun for anyone looking for fresh ways to live
Ownership, Collaboration, Engagement, Innovation, a healthy lifestyle.
Open & Honest Communication
This may also be a time that many of you are beginning to look at your membership
How to Join Life Loyal AOII: in AOII differently. If you are graduating college this semester or you graduated 50
Visit the AOII website (, or contact years ago, there is no time better than the present to consider joining an alumnae
[email protected]. chapter. Check out all the wonderful things our alumnae chapters did in 2016
starting on page 42.
How to Join an AOII Alumnae Chapter:
Visit the AOII website for contact information on an You have also read that 2017 is a monumental year for AOII, as we rotate into
alumnae chapter near you. leadership of NPC. This is a great time to take a closer look at what this historical
event means for you and for AOII. Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
International President is AOII’s NPC Delegate and the current NPC Vice Chairman. She will assume the
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) position of chairman of NPC in October. If you missed her remarks at Leadership
Academy in February, read about her hopes for AOII and NPC on page 24.
Executive Director
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U) Finally, 2017 also marks the 50th year of partnership between AOII and the Arthritis
Foundation. More than 50 million adults have been diagnosed with arthritis, which
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National is the equivalent of one in five people over the age of 18. Flip to page 39 for a better
Panhellenic Conference and the Fraternity understanding of the impact we have made in the fight against arthritis in the last
Communications Association. 50 years and the impact we will continue to make going forward.
I hope you enjoy this issue and this spring season—I hope both things revitalize you
and allow you to look at life in and out of AOII with a fresh perspective.
Happy reading!
4| Spring 2017 Haley Cahill, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
Editor’s Note: In the Fall/Winter 2016 issue, Tamara Abernathy was mistakenly not listed as a Network
Specialist-Finance for Network 3 in the volunteer directory. We apologize for this oversight.
We want to feature your AOII photos! To DragmaofAlphaOmicronPi
Tag @alphaomicronpi in your Instagram photos or email
your photos* to [email protected] to be
featured. Don’t forget to follow AOII to stay in the know!
About To Dragma:
To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron
Pi Fraternity, and has been published since 1905. The
mission of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform,
educate and inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our
Fraternity, our chapters, our members, or Greek life;
to encourage lifetime AOII involvement; to salute
excellence; and to serve as a permanent record of our
Fraternity’s history.
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
Haley Cahill, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Graphic Designer
Hillary Brewer, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
View To Dragma Online:
How to Contact To Dragma:
To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027
(615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736,, or
[email protected].
How to Update Your Name or Address:
Go to Update Info tab on the AOII website
(, email your new address to
[email protected], or call (615) 370-0920.
How to Subscribe to To Dragma:
Subscriptions are $25 annually and can be paid by check or
credit card. Checks, made payable to AOII, should be
mailed to:
Alpha Omicron Pi
5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027
Attn: Accounting
Credit card subscribers (Visa, Master Card or Discover only)
should email [email protected].
Stay Connected: Instagram: @alphaomicronpi
*To be featured in To Dragma photos 5
must be emailed and at least 1 MB.
6| Spring 2017 Beta Tau
(U of Toronto)
One of my favorite events to attend as International President is Leadership Academy. This event brings ViewPoint
together the outstanding leaders of our collegiate chapters, and our Chapter Advisers. With this year’s
programming focused on AOII’s love for NPC, the attendees included Collegiate Chapter Presidents,
Panhellenic Delegates and Chapter Advisors. With our very own Carole Jurenko Jones (AOII NPC Delegate
and Past International President) moving into the NPC Chairman position in October 2017, this was an
opportune time for our chapter leaders to focus on how AOIIs can be leaders in spreading the Panhellenic
spirit across their campuses. The collaboration that AOIIs create
with our Panhellenic sisters will strengthen the Panhellenic
communities on our college campuses. I look forward to hearing
how our AOII leaders will embrace this opportunity to be an
active leader in their Panhellenic community and showcase AOII’s
commitment to advancing the sorority experience.
With the school year coming to a close shortly, I know that our
AOII seniors are preparing for the next phase of their life after
college. As you make your plans for your next adventures, I hope
that one of those adventures will be continuing your connection
to AOII. Whether it is joining an alumnae chapter, getting
together with chapter sisters, making AOII friends in a new city,
or volunteering for AOII, your lifetime connection to AOII is
just beginning.
On the topic of long-term connections, we are in our 50th year
of partnership with the Arthritis Foundation and our relationship
could not be stronger. Thanks to the work of our outstanding
collegiate and alumnae members, AOII’s support of the Arthritis
Foundation is at an all-time high. As the National Chair of the
Arthritis Foundation Jingle Bell Run last fall, I would like to thank everyone for your participation in a Jingle
Bell Run or Jingle in your Jammies event. Together we were able to exceed our goal of raising $150,000 for
these events. The Walk to Cure Arthritis series has kicked off this spring, and AOIIs are actively participating in
these events, too! Our Canadian sisters are actively involved in raising funds for the Canadian Arthritis Society
through walks and other events. In honor of our 50-year partnership, the Arthritis Foundation thanks you for
your time and effort to raise money to find a cure for arthritis. We ARE living up to our founders’ legacy of
service to others!
At the start of the biennium I challenged us to “think big, focus on success, be confident and take action.”
When we gather in Washington, D.C. in June for AOII Convention, you will certainly see that you accepted
this challenge! The dedication that you have shown through your time, talents and treasures have taken our
beloved AOII to new and greater heights. We have achieved great success over the biennium, and we will
have much to celebrate at Convention. I look forward to seeing you and celebrating in Washington, D.C.!
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)
AOII International President
FraternityNews Women’s Health Week : May 14th-20th That’s a wrap!
Join us May 14th-20th for Women’s Health Week! Our 2016-2017 Educational
A few fun things you can look forward to during the week, Leadership Consultants are off the
include fitness and nutriton webinars and a social media road after a full year of travel. This
takeover by Ailis Garcia, creator and founder of The Strong year’s team visited 143 collegiate
Movement. Additionally, we will be giving out awesome chapters and colonies. Many
prizes and hosting a #aoiihealthyselfie contest! chapters received multiple visits for
Be sure to follow us on social media for more information a total of 289 ELC visits during the
on this fun-filled week of health! academic year. Thank you to these
outstanding young alumnae for
Oh, Snap! their service!
Did you know AOII has a snapchat
account? Follow us at alphaomicronpi for
a closer look at things happening around
Headquarters and at our chapters!
50 for 50!
2017 marks the 50th
year of partnership
with the Arthritis
Foundation! Turn to
page 39 to learn more
about this milestone.
8 | Spring 2017
Have you been listening to our “Ritual Moments” podcast series? FraternityNews
The Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Committee (RT&J) has recorded and
developed a monthly podcast series called “Ritual Moments,” where members
can learn, understand and reflect on AOII’s rich history. Watch our social
media sites for a new “Ritual Moments” installment on the second Monday of
each month! Members can also access a transcript of each recording in the
Ritual section of the Officer Resource Library on Fulfilling the Promise (edu. > Officer Recource Library > Ritual > Ritual Moments &
Ritual Moments Transcripts).
Lobbying on Behalf of the Fraternity/Sorority
Community in Washington, D.C.
AOII was pleased to sponsor two members, Rita Elfarissi, Chi Psi (California
Polytechnic State U) and Chris Cornish, Iota (U of Illinois), who attended the Hill
Visits in Washington D.C. April 24 through April 27.
AOII International President Gayle Fitzpatrick, NPC Vice Chairman Carole Jurenko
Jones and AOII alumna Dian Volkmer joined Elfarissi and Cornish for a full day of
training, followed by a day of meetings on Capitol Hill with members of Congress
and their staff.
Among their legislative priorities was advocating for the passage of the Collegiate Housing and
Infrastructure Act (CHIA), which would allow for charitable funds to be given to existing foundations and
earmarked for housing and facility purposes allowing for more safe, modern and affordable sorority and
fraternity housing. CHIA enjoys a strong history of bipartisan support as it would make higher education
more affordable with a minimal cost to taxpayers by offering a less expensive housing alternative.
We look forward to learning more about the success of their lobbying efforts in D.C.
Online-Only To Dragmas Available!
Did you know we have also published two online-only editions of To
Dragma in the past year?
• The “Arthritis Edition” was published in October 2016, with 42
pages of arthritis-specific content.
• In March, we published the “Volunteer Edition” with spotlights
on 55 of our more than 2,200 volunteers. The issue also included
information on volunteer opportunties in AOII and nominating
an outstanding adviser for awards at Convention 2017. We look
forward to featuring more of our fantastic volunteers in
future issues!
To view these issues and more online, go to Select the ‘Resources’ tab,
then choose ‘Publications’, then ‘To Dragma.’
FraternityNews AOII’s Culture Principles Innovation
We have the courage to embrace new ideas that will
Alpha Omicron Pi’s Culture Principles were created create value for our members. We challenge the
to provide our membership with a consistent status quo when appropriate and are open to smart
approach to “how” we do things. Their purpose is to risk-taking in order to meet our short and long-term
help all members achieve the meaning of Fraternity goals. We leverage new technologies and practices to
as outlined in our Ritual. connect and share information with our members.
Accountability & Ownership Open & Honest Communication
We personally accept responsibility for our actions and We communicate openly, honestly and transparently.
explain those actions in a straightforward manner. We We listen first and solve later; we act on facts and
take ownership of the outcomes of those actions. understanding of the actual situation. We are inclusive
and value different perspectives.
We impact the hearts of our members and promote Collaboration
an exceptional membership experience by building We work together, practicing consensus and
relationships and creating emotional connections to teamwork. We collaborate so that our members feel
AOII and our goals. We keep the ideals of AOII fresh in valued, a part of the bigger picture, and to ensure a
our minds through association with sisters, service to better result is achieved because our members are
our organization and striving to always reflect credit partnering and working together.
upon our Fraternity. We forever honor the obligations,
which we have voluntarily taken upon ourselves, and
will remain devoted to Alpha Omicron Pi throughout
our lifetime.
Strike Out
with AOII and Major League Baseball!
The 2017 Major League Baseball Strike Out June
Arthritis! season has begun! If you were not
able to make it to a Strike Out Arthritis! game Atlanta Braves: June 10
in April or May, check out the schedule for the Chicago White Sox: June 25
rest of the season! Visit our website for more
information or to purchase tickets for the July
games listed below. Contact Monica Grandorff,
Assistant Director of Marketing and Events at Seattle Mariners: July 22
[email protected] or
(615) 370-0920 with any questions. September
St. Louis Cardinals: September 9
Toronto Blue Jays: September 9
Chicago Cubs: September 10
Cleveland Indians: September 17
Tampa Bay Rays: September 17
New York Yankees: September 17
Detroit Tigers: September 22
Baltimore Orioles: September 24
Houston Astros: September 24
Pittsburgh Pirates: September 24
Los Angeles Dodgers: September 24
San Diego Padres: September 24
Boston Red Sox: September 28
San Francisco Giants: September 30
Kansas City Royals: October 1
Miami Marlins: October 1
Texas Rangers: October 1
Omicron Pi Chapter
at the University of Michigan
Reinstalling Chapter 27
January 7, 2017
Already off to a great start, Omicron Pi participated in
Gamma Phi Beta’s Moonball tournament and their first
Greek Week at the University of Michigan. The chapter
participated in a blood drive with Delta Sigma Phi, and they
raised money for a local Title 1 elementary school. Finally,
the chapter has members in the band, winter guard and
various professional fraternities.
Congratulations, Charter Members!
Megan Aylmer Rose Hulcher Jennifer Pieczynski Submotto:
Brittany Belding Jodie Jarcho Emma Puglia I Know and I Trust
Christine Campbell Kristen Kelley Deepa Raghavan
Kate Carlton Hannah Kempel Radhika Ranganathan
Jacqueline Caserio Angela Killian Rebekah Rosenberg
Olivia Cell Caroline Kim Roxanne Ruiz
Hope Chen Jennifer Kusch Elaine Russo
Melisa Childs Camryn LaVelle Marina Sakellakis
Chloe Chung Charlotte Lewis Sydney Samson
Adira Cohen Sara Lewis Shelby Schulz
Anne Cowman Hannah Lupi Paro Sen
Abby Darmofal Miranda Lynch Jaime Sharp
Madeleine Delgado Kate Lytchakoc Sydney Simoncini
Alison Elgass Alissa Martin Stephanie Triesenberg
Stephanie Esposito Zoe Martin Tori Turpin
Claire Foley Katherine Marx Macy Van Dusen
Anna Gareau Jessica Mathis Haley Vercryusse
Cara Gavarone Katherine McCollum Hannah Vogelsang
Sydney Gayton Courtney Mellios Katherine Weber
Marlene Gingras Natalie Mullan Olivia Young
Nicole Hallacy Kendra Nash
Jessica Hellner Isabelle Pagano
Tau Mu Chapter
at Texas A&M University
Installing Chapter 211 Congratulations, Charter Members!
January 22, 2017 Lauren Alexander Elizabeth Gohmert Samantha Perez
Amanda Alkis Preslie Goocher Erica Petersen
Tau Mu had several notable accomplishments during Sarah Austin Rebecca Gourgues Raven Pettigrew
the colony period, including having a member Susana Baillif Maeghan Graves Ashley Pham
selected for Who’s Who Among Students in American Kayla Blanton Alexa Grover Nichole Phillips
Universities and Colleges. AOII participated in Sigma Ali Bodovsky Madison Gulley Alexandria Popeck
Alpha Epsilon’s Paddy Murphy philanthropy event, Hannah Booth Hope Harrod Madelyn Posey
where they won $2,525 for the Arthritis Foundation. Amber Bottlinger Hannah Hernandez Madison Raposo
Finally, the Chapter President was recognized as Tori Bryant Ellen Hevenor Mason Rasco
AOII’s Panhellenic Woman of the Year at Progressing Brittany Bullock Madeline Hinojosa Madelyn Reininger
Panhellenic, a campus awards ceremony. Haley Buschhorn Ashley Hollier Alaina Reyes
Joanna Cadena Jessica Hollis Haley Richey
Submotto: Together We Are More Hayley Campbell Sarah Kaitlyn Hooks Constance Roberts
Youca Canales Macy Horn Bailey Scherr
* Alyssa Loera is an Omega Sigma (Oklahoma State U) affiliate. Nora Audrey Capra Stephanie Huffmaster Dana Scholten
McGuffey is a Beta Gamma (Michigan State U) affiliate. Jalyssa Carranza Madison Hughes Megan Scofield
Megan Carson Kristen Janssen Sydney Sheets
Cynthia Casas Gracelyn Jones Megan Slocum
Ashley Castellanos Atoosa Karami Kara Smith
Rebecca Cavalier Kacey Kerr Ashley Smith
Kimberly Cervantes Jessica Knox Carolyn Smith
Brooke Cheatwood Paige Kolupski Claire Smith
Taylor Clark Allison Laughlin Bailey Soltow
Megan Coltharp Maria Lazaro Miana Soto
Emily Condara Madison Leslie Maitland Starr
Rowan Cooper Anna Little Sarah Sutherland
Elizabeth Copper Alyssa Loera* Katie Sykes
Brenna Decker Brianna Long Chaynee Tabet
Samantha Diaz Ferrell Mack Carsyn Talamantez
Mariela Duran Sophia Isabelle Marvin Celeste Tamez
Jordan Eckerman Hannah May Madison Tansey
Madeline Edwards Nora McGuffey* Abigail Torpy
MacKayla Embry Lauren Merryman Penelope Vestal
Megan Eschenfelder Kirsten Mills Meagan Walsh
Lindsey Esparza Emily Navarro Madelyn Warren
Samantha Flanigin Taleah Nehls Abby Wayt
Leanne Flores Kaley Nelson Meaghan Westerman
Catherine Galindo Skylar Nelson Katie Williams
Cynthia Garcia Mary O’Donnell Madeline Worth
Marissa Garcia Haylee Park Nicole Zandier
Sarah Gerlich Maddie Patton
Alexandra Glenn Arianna Payne 13
Lambda Lambda Chapter
at theUniversity of Connecticut
Installing Chapter 212
January 29, 2017
Lambda Lambda’s colony
period was full of philanthropy
and scholastic achievement.
36 members participated in
HuskyTHON, an 18-hour dance
marathon that raised money for
Connecticut Children’s Medical
Center. As a team, they raised
more than $9,000! Additionally,
the chapter was proud to have
two members honored as
UConn Panhellenic Sister of the
Week. Finally, two members
have a cumulative 4.0 GPA, and
an average chapter GPA of 3.21.
Love and Light
Congratulations, Charter Members!
Madeleine Abbott Jacqueline Duran Allison Guerriero Ne’tayah Maddox Jenna Rubin
Mary Ball Adriana Ellis Olivia Katsoulis Amanda Mancuso Arianna Salotto
Julia Bell Madeleine Espino Kirsten Liniger Lauren McLachlan Preet Sawhney
Carli Beveridge Kelsey Farr Caitlyn Keish Ming Montgomery Hayley Spector
Julia Biernat Alyssa Finuoli Jacqueline Kevorkian Kathryn Morel Tiffany Tran
Valerie Boczar Cameron Fisher Christa Kiedaisch Nicole Mullin Emilyn Tuomala
Hannah Bonitz Kelly Flanagan Victoria Laird Rebecca Myhill Kaila Veal
Ashley Brannan Alexis Fontaine Amanda Lavoie Samantha Nelson Megan Wallett
Isabelle Buisson Kaitlin Ford Tiana Lazo Olivia Novak Ashley Young
Sara Candito Sarah Fromer Kristy Ledwith Jazlyn Olavarria Sarah Yu
Alyssa Cooke Erin Garrison Katy Lepeturin Brianna O’Neill Catherine Zhan
Taylor Cusa Katie Glaus Nicole Levine Emily Otten
Sara Dichkewich Victoria Godoy Shun Yi Li Katherine Roque
14 | Spring 2017
Have a story?
In the past several issues of To Dragma, you have read many feature stories including
one member’s journey to becoming a competitive bodybuilder; an AOII’s life as a CIA
intelligence analyst; one member’s battle with melanoma; and another member’s
creation of a nonprofit organization where she bakes cakes for children in need.
We believe all our members have incredible stories. Share yours or another sister’s
story with us by emailing [email protected].
The Race
The 2016-2017 Jingle Bell Run season was nothing short of successful! With the help and
support of our members, their families and friends, AOII proudly exceeded our goal of
raising $150,000 for the Arthritis Foundation through Jingle Bell run and Jingle in Your
Jammies participation. Thank you to all who made this achievement possible!
Did you know teams who raised $500 or more received a special hot chocolate sisterhood kit as well? In
January, 67 alumnae and collegiate chapters received kits packed with everything they need for a special
hot chocolate sisterhood event, from custom AOII coffee cup sleeves to mini marshmallows and cocoa mix!
16| Spring 2017
Saluting Our Highest Fundraising Teams!
Each of the teams listed on this page raised
at least $1,000. Congratulations and thank you!
Birmingham, AL AOII - University of Alabama $24,900
Portland, OR
Montgomery, AL AOII Portland AC $10,942
Twin Cities, MN
Seattle, WA AOII Huntingdon College $9,287
Franklin, TN
Fayetteville, AR Alpha Omicron Pi - Tau Chapter $8,732
Baltimore, MD
Wheaton, IL AOII Upsilon - U of Washington $5,329
Fort Worth, TX
Raleigh, NC Nashville Area AOIIs $4,940
Tampa, FL
Franklin, TN Arkansas AOII - Xi Omicron $4,060
Louisville, KY
Fort Worth, TX AOII Theta Beta Chapter $2,685
Kansas City, MO
Toledo, OH Chicago Area AOIIs $2,675
Memphis, TN
Bloomington, IL TWU AOII $2,597
Grand Rapids, MI
Philadelphia, PA AOII - Epsilon Chi $2,580
Tucson, AZ
Columbus, OH Alpha Omicron Pi Tampa Bay $2,165
Indianapolis, IN
Madison, WI Jingle in Your Jammies $1,945
Memphis, TN
Northern Colorado, CO Kentuckiana AOIIs $1,740
The Woodlands, TX
Metro D.C. TCU AOII $1,614
Thousand Oaks, CA
Chicago, IL Greater KC AOII $1,598
NW Ohio AOII Chapters $1,560
AOII Sigma Omicron $1,510
Beta Nu $1,455
AOII Lambda Eta $1,402
Philly AOII Elves $1,370
Arizona AOIIs $1,355
Columbus AOII Alumnae $1,330
Indy AOII Alums $1,251
AO-PRIDE $1,250
AOII Kappa Omicron $1,165
Epsilon Gamma $1,165
Houston AOII Alumnae $1,155
AOII SMAC $1,030
Ventura County AC $1,015
Chicago Area AOIIs $1,015
The teams below also participated and fundraised. They are
listed in order of contribution. Congratulations and thank you!
Atlanta, GA Athens/Atlanta AOII Alumnae
San Antonio, TX AOCutiePi
Cincinnati, OH AOII - Cincinnati/Northern KY
Cincinnati, OH Kappa Omega
Orange County & Inland Empire, CA AOII Rose Brigade
Milwaukee, WI AOII Milwaukee
Washington, D.C. AOII GMU
Knoxville, TN UT Alpha Omicron Pi
Boston, MA Hot Toddies
Cincinnati, OH AOII MU
Twin Cities, MN AOII Kappa Sigma
San Diego, CA Lambda Iota Chapter
Richmond, VA Alpha Omicron Pi at VCU
Sacramento, CA Reno Tahoe Area AOIIs
Franklin, TN Vanderbilt AOII
Denver, CO Panda Power
Dayton, OH AOII Dayton Alumnae/WSU Kappa Delta Chapter
Philadelphia, PA Delaware AOII Alum Chapter
Columbus, OH Ohio State Pandas
Charlotte, NC Charlotte Area AOII Alum
Tulsa, OK Panda Claus
Philadelphia, PA Carly’s Christmas Cuties
Pittsburgh, PA AOII Pittsburgh
Seattle, WA AOII - Seattle Alumnae
Raleigh, NC NC AOII Pandas
Ellicott City, MD AOII Baltimore Alumnae
Long Island, NY AOII Long Island Alums
Atlanta, GA AOII Georgia State University
Knoxville, TN AOII - Phi Alpha
Fort Worth, TX AOII Alumnae
Detroit, MI AOII Detroit North
Franklin, TN MTSU AOII
The Woodlands, TX AOII Bells
Thousand Oaks, CA AOII CSUN
Los Angeles, CA AOII SGV
Charleston, SC AOII Chi Phi
Orlando, FL AOII Kappa Gamma
Montgomery, AL Auburn University AOII
Indianapolis, IN Delta Xi Chapter
Metuchen, NJ AOII New Jersey
Columbia, MO Delta Pi
Tampa, FL Tampa Bay Christian Academy Rams
Birmingham, AL AOII Birmingham Alumnae
Austin, TX Austin Area AOIIs
New Orleans, LA Hammond Area AC
Birmingham, AL AOII Rho Delta Samford University
Grand Rapids, MI AOII Kappa Rho
18| Spring 2017
Hartford, CT Connecticut AOIIs
St. Louis, MO Delta Gamma
New Orleans, LA Baton Rouge AOII Alumnae
Asheville, NC Asheville AOII
Grand Rapids, MI Buns of Glory
Fayetteville, AR AOII- Upsilon Beta
Cleveland, OH AOII--MVAC
Metuchen, NJ NY/NJ Metro AC
Los Angeles, CA San Fernando Valley AOII
Tampa, FL Westchase Jazzercise
Freeport, ME AOII Greater Portland Alumnae Team
San Diego, CA AOII The San Diego AC
Knoxville, TN Omicron AOII Alumnae
Columbus, OH AOII Omega Upsilon
New Orleans, LA New Orleans Area AC
St. Louis, MO Delta Kappa
Wheaton, IL Aaron’s team
Little Rock, AR Little Rock Area AOII Alumnae
Metro D.C. Team AOII-West Virginia University
Cayce, SC AOII Chi Phi
Franklin, TN Santa’s Pi Omicron Elves
Franklin, TN Jingle in Your Jammies Phi Chi- University of Chicago
Thousand Oaks, CA AOII Chi Psi
St. Louis, MO Delta Pi
Detroit, MI Team AOII - Ann Arbor Alumnae
Ft. Lauderdale/Broward, FL Ft. Lauderdale AOII Alumnae
Manasota/Bradenton, FL AOII SAAC
Twin Cities, MN MSP AOII Alumnae
Cleveland, OH Team AOII Cleveland Area
Las Vegas, NV AOII Las Vegas Alumnae
Atlanta, GA NH Jingle in your Jammies
Charlotte, NC NC Foothills Pandas
Louisville, KY Lexington AC
Orlando, FL Orlando AOIIs
Ashland, NE Nebraska AOII
Fort Worth, TX Alpha Omicron Pi Shreveport Bossier City AC
Montgomery, AL Equian Family
Cincinnati, OH Rudolph’s Rejects
Virginia Beach, VA Tidewater AOII
Atlanta, GA friends of AOII
Evansville, IN Beta Chi
Birmingham, AL Tau Delta
Franklin, TN Jingle in Your Jammies Sigma Alpha- West Virginia University
Franklin, TN Jingle In Your Jammies: Huntsville/Madison AC
Indianapolis, IN AOII Beta Phi
Green Bay, WI AOII-Green Bay/Fox Cities Alumnae
Tulsa, OK AOII Team Xi- University of Oklahoma (Norman)
Franklin, TN Team AOII Jingle in Your Jammies--Beta Sigma--Boise State
by Courtney West, Assistant Director of Public Relations
In February, Chapter Advisers, Chapter Presidents and Panhellenic Delegates attended AOII’s 2017 Leadership
Academy in Brentwood, Tennessee to focus on all things Panhellenic. With programming focused on AOII’s love
for NPC, the weekend was centered around NPC education, with officer and adviser leadership training and what
it means to share Panhellenic love with other sisters. This information provided sisters with potential changes,
ideas and best practices to position themselves as chapter and campus leaders.
20| Spring 2017
FRIDAY I love learning about
Ritual and to hear it from
International President Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State the International President
U) opened the weekend with Ritual, and Education Committee made [it] even better. It really
Chair Sandy Stewart, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U) introduced helped me to remember why
the weekend’s program facilitators. She discussed why attendees we are all in this organization
were specifically chosen to attend Leadership Academy, the and how we are all connected.
importance of the Panhellenic mission and the impact officers
could make on campus in their current office. She also read the
Panhellenic Creed to emphasize the meaning behind Panhellenic.
After dinner, Fitzpatrick spoke about the importance of excellence - Kelly Alford, Kappa Omega
in NPC, and how it is infused within AOII’s Culture Principles. She (U of Kentucky) Chapter President
also encouraged members to take advantage of opportunities
to network with AOII and Panhellenic sisters, as well as the
significance of AOII’s upcoming Panhellenic role.
Following the International President’s address, AOII’s NPC
Delegate and NPC Vice Chairman Carole Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), along with AOII’s NPC Alternate Delegates Kerry
Soller, Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska at Kearney), Lisa Moore, Chi Lambda (U of Evansville), and Mary Ann Stark, Delta Delta (Auburn U)
addressed who NPC is and each member’s role within the overall organization.
After the introduction of NPC, Jones and Malaea Seleski, Zeta Tau Alpha’s 1st Alternate Delegate, conducted an activity to
represent all the different NPC organizations on each respective campus. They also explored how NPC serves campuses and
communities across the U.S. and Canada.
Next, AOII’s Assistant Directors of Collegiate Experience facilitated an open conversation with attendees about misconceptions,
stereotypes and reputations on their campus about NPC organizations. They discussed the origins of these perceptions and why
they can be so dangerous to a Panhellenic community and campus in general.
The final speaker for the night was Mari Ann Callais, Ph.D., member of CAMPUSPEAK and Senior Director of Special Initiatives at
Delta Delta Delta Executive Office. She explored AOII’s history in NPC, the purpose and mission of NPC and how to properly work
with your campus Panhellenic council. She charged attendees with realizing that collegiate Panhellenics make up the largest
women’s entity on most college campuses, and the their ability to inspire change when they unite with other NPC groups for the
greater good.
On Saturday morning, Chapter Presidents and Panhellenic Delegates
attended training sessions for their respective leadership positions at
the Franklin Marriot Cool Springs, while Chapter Advisers attended
sessions at AOII Headquarters. Some of the collegiate-focused
education included life lessons for success and how an officer
can reach her full potential. Chapter Advisers’ sessions focused on
communicating with volunteers and AOII staff members, why and
how to foster relationships with local alumnae Panhellenic, and how
to create friendships with peer advisers from other NPC groups.
Panhellenic messaging thorughout the day was further supported
by Jessica Li, Sigma Alpha (West Virginia U), Fraternity and Sorority
Advisor at West Virginia University; Malaea Seleski, Zeta Tau Alpha’s
NPC 1st Alternate Delegate and Julie Johnson, Kappa Delta NPC
After lunch, advisers returned to the hotel for afternoon sessions on
topics including AOII today and tomorrow, coaching versus doing,
train the trainer and how to infuse Ritual in daily life.
At that time, collegiate officers had training rotations at AOII
International Headquarters in the areas of Panhellenic programing,
NPC unanimous agreements, cultivating friendships with other NPC
sisters, and exploring the Object of the Fraternity and what it means
to live out college loyalty.
“My favorite moment while at Leadership Academy was experiencing
firsthand how much our Ritual connects us,” Megan McIver, Chi Psi
(California Polytechnic State U) Chapter President said. “Although
we came from cities all around the country and Canada, the one
thing that we could all partake in as a group was Ritual. Experiencing
those moments at LA has given me a greater sense of respect and
appreciation for Ritual.”
Sessions included videos for discussion, activities and opportunities
to share best practices. Additionally, all attendees women toured the
building and enjoyed time to shop from the AOII Emporium set up in
the lobby.
That afternoon, advisers took part in an array of different trainings
including coaching versus doing, train the trainer in collegiate
communications, and explored how advisers demonstrate college
loyalty and live out Ritual in their role.
At the conclusion of the afternoon sessions, the collegiate officers
joined the advisers at the hotel for evening programming. Kicking off
the evening was the “NPC Story” session, where attendees learned
the story of NPC, where NPC is headed in the future and hot topic
information from NPC.
AOII’s Assistant Directors of Collegiate Experience led a discussion
with attendees regarding the conversation they had the night
before and focused on the positive things they should be hearing on
campus about other NPC organizations or their own chapter. They
also discussed why it is important for chapters to talk about the great
things they are doing with sisters, NPC sisters and friends on campus.
The emphasis was to promote Greek life and understand how
positive conversations will help all fraternal organizations prosper.
22| Spring 2017
SUNDAY I came home extremely
inspired and full of action
Attendees gathered for breakfast and morning programming plans to help further my own
Sunday to close the weekend. The program opened with a chapter. I enjoyed every minute
message from Jones. She spoke about her hope for the future of of the weekend and cannot
NPC and AOII and the importance of AOII assuming the role of
Chairman of NPC in October 2017. Find her message on page 24. wait for Convention!
Next, AOII’s Collegiate Experience team concluded their three- - Megan McIver, Chi Psi (California Polytechnic
part series of conversations with attendees, discussing their plans State U, San Luis Obispo) Chapter President
for changing campus cultures with negative Greek stereotpyes
or divided Panhellenics. They also shared the call to action for
how we, as campus leaders, will shift the culture and live out the
meaning of supporting one another through Panhellenic spirit.
To wrap up the weekend, AOII’s Executive Director Troy LeForge,
Beta Phi (Indiana U) spoke about what it means to be a Panhellenic
woman and what improvements, conversations and resources
attendees should take back to their chapters, Panhellenic
communities and campuses.
Following closing Ritual, attendees gathered in the friendship circle to sing the “Epsilon Chapter” song to conclude the weekend.
“My experience as a chapter president at LA was eye opening, but incredible. I was able to see past the individual concerns of my
chapter and see how we are an international organization. It showed me that we are all connected and this sisterhood extends
beyond the walls of our own chapter,” Kelly Alford, Kappa Omega (U of Kentucky) Chapter President said. “I loved being able to
interact with other chapter representatives. It was nice to see that other chapters were dealing with the same things that my
chapter was; it made facing the challenges a little easier knowing that we are not the only ones in the same situation. LA takes
away the isolation of being on individual campuses and that helps a lot with perspective in different situations.”
Leadership Academy 2017: AOII Loves NPC was partially funded through education grants from the AOII Foundation. In
addition to the AOII Foundation, AOII also wants to thank all who contributed to Leadership Academy in making it a successful
learning experience for AOII’s members, especially those who assisted with program development and facilitation at the
weekend conference.
23 collegiate chapters
received scholarships from
the AOII Foundation’s Grant
Program in order to attend
Leadership Academy 2017.
My Hopes for AOII and NPC
by Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), NPC Delegate & NPC Vice Chairman
Over the years, we have talked places, hostile college administrations and the threat of being
quite a bit about working outlawed by state legislatures.
together for the greater Greek
good and a shared commitment Not everyone understands our experience, nor believes there
toward the betterment of the is a benefit to collegiate Greek life. There are universities
sorority experience. That shared that have gone as far as banning sororities and fraternities
commitment extends beyond from campus, or at the very least, imposing restrictions. For
the walls of our chapter houses example, in May 2016, the Harvard University administration
and campuses. Ultimately, that announced it would sanction members of unrecognized
commitment extends beyond single gender social organizations including Greek
our badges. We find strength as organizations. Beginning with the class of 2021, members will
sorority women when we focus be banned from holding athletic team captain positions and
on common values and principles that guide our thoughts leadership positions in all recognized student groups.
and actions.
Additionally, Harvard says it will not endorse sorority women
Today’s world is a world that leaves us uncertain. It is a world or any members of a single-gender student group who
we have never experienced before and leaves us questioning apply for prestigious national fellowships and awards like the
our values, making us wonder whether we can make a Fulbright or Rhodes. While Harvard developed this policy as a
difference through our beliefs and actions. Given this complex response to serious concerns about sexual assault on campus,
environment, how do we continue to demonstrate the this policy means that Harvard women will soon be forbidden
benefits of sorority membership to today’s women? from associating with groups that were founded specifically
to provide them with communities of support. Do not get
Just as our founders banded together in 1896, the National me wrong, we all need to aggressively battle campus sexual
Panhellenic Conference (NPC) was formed when Kappa violence, but the path to a safer campus does not include
Kappa Gamma invited Alpha Phi, Delta Gamma, Delta Delta punishing students for joining sororities or other single-
Delta, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta and Pi Beta Phi to gender groups.
gather in Boston in 1891. The delegates of these fraternities
set a blueprint for our organizations today and set the first Harvard’s policy announcement comes at a time when
official agreements pertaining to membership. These women sorority membership is growing and sorority women have
had a belief in the power of women’s friendship and came to garnered national attention for being active leaders and
understand that the one thing they could not afford was to be advocates on campus. Since 2010, total undergraduate
at odds with each other. membership among the 26 NPC organizations has increased
by 40%.
Even before these seven sororities joined forces, they were
forces to be reckoned with. The first women’s fraternities had At Harvard, NPC’s members and their supporters have
been defying expectations for decades, just by being what been sharing the message. They started to rally under the
they were: fraternities for women. Fraternities for women is social media banner of #HearHerHarvard. They posted
what we were called before the term “sorority” was coined! stories of friendship and support, and many other reasons
These women advanced their organizations in the face of they value their sorority membership. Together, they
restrictive social customs, unequal status under the law and are voicing their support for the sorority and fraternity
assumption by some that they were less able than men. experience in conjunction with the NPC social media
They had contended with the same challenges as their campaign #IWearABadge, the Delta Gamma campaign
male counterparts in college, including, at various times and #IAmASororityWoman, or any number of other campaigns
24| Spring 2017
that our members and supporters have developed. This is 2015-2017 NPC Executive Committee: Lynnda Hoefler, Delta Zeta, Finance
just one example of Panhellenic women working together Chairman; Carole Jones, Alpha Omicron Pi, Vice Chairman; Donna King, Sigma
beyond their badges. Kappa, Chairman; Donna Chereck, Alpha Chi Omega, Advocacy Chairman; and
Frances Mitchelson, Phi Mu, Panhellenics Chairman
In April 2017, the university shifted its policy to allow women’s
social organizations to continue to operate for three to five What does this mean for you?
more years, but not men’s organizations. This is an important
acknowledgement that single-gender organizations do, in What I most want for you to gain from this historical time for
fact, provide meaningful experiences to their members. While AOII is a sense of pride, a new or renewed commitment to
we can be cautiously optimistic about this shift in posture participation in the larger fraternal community, empowerment
regarding women’s organizations, it is clear that significant to bring a voice and leadership to your college or alumnae
questions remain for men’s organizations and their members, Panhellenic, and a greater appreciation for the relevance and
who remain subject to this policy. impact of the sorority experience. As 2013-15 NPC Chairman
Jean Mrasek stated, “This is the perfect time to reach out and
We all need to fight to protect and advance the sorority build bridges within your Panhellenic communities. As sorority
experience and to continue providing spaces and women, we value friendships that extend beyond the badge.”
organizations that empower, support and welcome women, We have a story to tell about how the sorority experience has
while offering leadership experiences and relationships that impacted our lives. Do not be afraid to share your story and
prepare and sustain us as we lead lives of purpose. what it means to be an AOII and Panhellenic woman.
Over the last two years, you have been hearing that 2017 is an AOII sisters, I charge you to think of ways you can build
important year for AOII and for all of you. It is a year to stand bridges and nuture friendships in your campus communities.
for service through the development of character. A year of Host a coffee or roundtable luncheon to brainstorm ideas.
mutual respect and helpfulness. It is a year AOII has been Extend an invitation to your Greek brothers and sisters to
waiting for since 1969. attend a program or featured speaker. Promote a positive
image of Greeks through acts of kindness in surrounding
What does this mean for AOII? neighborhoods and strive for positive public relations.
Lead the way for collaboration and work together on ways
Leadership of NPC, the umbrella organization for the 26 inter/ to advocate for the fraternity and sorority experience. I
national women’s groups, is determined biennially through an encourage you to view this as an opportunity to promote
executive committee. The NPC Chairman and Vice Chairman the benefits of the sorority experience and raise the bar for
serve through a rotation process based on the order in which excellence. We are on this journey together--all of you and
an organization joined NPC, and the Panhellenics, Advocacy all those AOII and Panhellenic sisters who have mentored us
and Finance chairmen through an appointment process. A along the way. This is AOII’s time to shine and I need your
typical rotation cycle into the role of NPC chairman takes 52 help to be that shining example of living our values, nurturing
years. In October 2017, AOII assumes the position of chairman, friendships and relationships, and believing in the power of
giving AOII the opportunity to share our resources and friendship beyond the badge.
contribute in meaningful ways for the greater welfare of the
Panhellenic community.
What does this mean for me?
It is an honor and privilege that AOII chose me for this
extraordinary opportunity. Having served as NPC Delegate for
the past 14 years, I have experienced firsthand the evolution
of women’s sororities. The skill sets gained through service
will provide the grounding necessary to lead NPC. It will
take collaborative leadership. I could not do this without my
support system of AOII and Panhellenic sisters. My service in
AOII has prepared me to lead and I look forward to continuing
the work of past leaders as we advocate for the greater good
in the Greek movement.
FoundationFocus Throughout 2016, the AOII Foundation shared stories
about sisters who were directly impacted through donor
gifts. As the year came to a close, the AOII Foundation
asked members to “Share Your Story” on Giving Tuesday,
which was celebrated on November 29. AOII sisters were
asked to make a gift of $18.97 or more to show gratitude
for a special sister in her life.
Gifts from Giving Tuesday benefit the Loyalty Fund, which
directly supports the Ruby Fund, scholarships, educational
and arthritis grants. The Giving Tuesday goal was
$10,000. With the generous support of our members, the
Foundation raised $21,349.42, with a match from current
and past Foundation Board members up to $5,000.
Giving Tuesday Stats:
• 190 Donors
• $21,349.42 Raised
Joining AOII in 2005 was one of the best
decisions I have and will ever make. To
contribute to opportunities and adventures that
current and future AOIIs will experience is life-
changing. That’s why I give to Giving Tuesday.
- Meghan Granito, Tau Gamma
(Eastern Washington U)
28| Spring 2017
Pi Day is a great time to enjoy sweet treats, but it
is also a great day to give back to AOII! On March
14, AOII sisters were asked to donate $3.14 for
every year they have been initiated. With donations
ranging from $3.14 to more than $160, the
Foundation raised $12,787.97 for the Loyalty Fund
on Pi Day.
I donated to the AOII Foundation on Pi
Day, because I want other women in our
Fraternity to have the opportunity to
experience all of the amazing things I did after being
initiated. I also want them to know how good it feels
to give back as an alumna and a volunteer. This is
my thank you to all the sisters that have supported
me over the years and to all the current collegiate
members that motivate me to continue on this
journey. AOII has truly made me a better person.”
- Allie Bassett, Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U)
Pi Day Stats:
• 155 Donors
• $12,787.97 Raised
Phi Delta (U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) celebrating Pi Day.
what’s in a name?
by Mary Faith Erwin, Assistant Director of Extension
The creation of a new collegiate In the weeks following Bid Day on a and submottos rests with RT&J, and
chapter is both an exciting adventure new campus, the charter members they carefully contempate each
for the women of the chapter, as well attend a sisterhood retreat to bond proposal. All chapter names and
as a significant part of AOII’s history. and enjoy time together as they submottos are required to be related
Perhaps one of the most interesting prepare to become an installed chapter and to reflect a special meaning for
aspects of creating a new chapter of of our organization. During this time, the members. The relationship may
AOII is the selection of a chapter name the members will brainstorm and later be either through a Greek or English
and submotto. The members of each vote on proposals for the future name version of the submotto, but must
of our new chapters have the unique and submotto of their chapter. They be a link to the chapter name in the
privilege of choosing the name and have discussions about the legacy of same way that our Founders chose
submotto to express most closely-held their chapter and what they want to our motto and extrapolated our letters
beliefs, principles and personalities. be known for on campus and within from it.
our entire organization. Though our
AOII’s chapter names are unique as re-colonizing chapters keep their There are several common methods for
compared to other Greek groups. Most original name and submotto, the chosing a submotto. The women may
sororities and fraternities are named women still have an opportunity to select a submotto that encompasses
sequentially in order of installation. discuss their chapter identity and ways values they hold in high regard,
Breaking from this tradition, AOII does they will communicate their values and and choose a chapter name with
not dictate its chapter designations. standards at their retreat. corresponding Greek letters. The
Each charter class selects its own women in our Gettysburg College
chapter name and corresponding After a new chapter votes on proposed chapter chose “Brave and Empowered”
submotto. Unlike the Fraternity motto, names and submottos, those proposals as their chapter submotto, with Beta
chapter submottos may be shared with are sent to our Rituals, Traditions, Eta as the chapter name. Our sisters at
non-members. and Jewelry (RT&J) committee for the University of Arkansas, Fort Smith
consideration. Approval of all names chose “Unity and Balance” for their
Beta Zeta (Kennesaw State U)
30| Spring 2017
Zeta Theta (California State U, Chico)
submotto, and Upsilon Beta as their Other chapters may select a chapter a significant role in their chapter’s
chapter name. name or submotto which corresponds colonization. For Example, our chapter
to the name of their college or at Kennesaw State University chose
Some chapters have selected their university. Omega Sigma is our the chapter name Beta Zeta as a
name based on their geographic chapter at Oklahoma State University; tribute to the International President
location. Many of our Tennessee Lambda Upsilon Chapter is at Lehigh and Installing Officer, Barbara
chapters have chosen to use the Greek University; and Beta Sigma Chapter Zipperian. Our chapter at the California
letter Omicron in their chapter names. is at Boise State University. Some of State University, Chico chose to
The University of Tennessee is our our chapters choose a name and honor their two Resident Educational
Omicron Chapter; the University of submotto that both correspond with Leadership Consultants by using
Tennessee Martin is our Tau Omicron the name of their college or university. one Greek letter from each of their
Chapter; and Middle Tennessee State is Our chapter at LaGrange College chapters of initiation. Helen Block was
our Rho Omicron Chapter. In Kentucky, chose Lambda Chi as their chapter an initiate of the Zeta Pi Chapter, and
many of our chapters use the Greek name and “Love and Companionship” Nevana Pehar was an initiate of the
letter Omega in their chapter names, for their chapter submotto. Our Gamma Theta Chapter, so they chose
representative of a horseshoe. For chapter at Tarleton State University to use the letters Zeta and Theta.
example, Epsilon Omega is our chose Theta Sigma as their chapter
chapter at Eastern Kentucky University; name and “Tradition through Service” When the chapter is installed, the new
Delta Omega is our chapter at Murray as their submotto. chapter will forever be known by the
State University; and Nu Omega is name and submotto determined
our chapter at Northern Kentucky, Finally, some of our chapters choose by the thoughtful selection of their
among others. to honor an AOII who has played chapter members.
Omega Sigma (Oklahoma State U)
by Kate Donahue, Registered Dietitian and Assistant Director of Collegiate Experience
Calcium, folate and iron…oh my! The world of nutrition can be a tricky one for females to navigate as women’s health needs change
with age. There is a plethora of dietary information available through Google searches and smart phone apps, but what should you
believe and how can you apply this information? By focusing on each stage of life individually, it may be easier to understand general
nutrition recommendations for women throughout the lifecycle.
Early adulthood is an exciting, yet stressful time in a woman’s life as she begins college. In addition to making life-changing decisions
regarding future careers, women may also find themselves taking their health into their own hands for the first time. They will
determine when, what and how much they will eat and drink, as well as when, what, and how often they will be physically active. This
can be difficult to navigate, after likely having many of these decisions made for them up to this point in their lives. This is the time to
begin developing healthy habits that will carry you throughout life. Between building bone mass and maintaining enough energy
and mental stamina to survive late night study sessions, there are some key nutrients to focus on at this stage.
32| Spring 2017 Calcium
Builds bones which is crucial at this age as peak bone mass
(the greatest amount of bone an individual can attain) for
women is reached at this stage. It is also important for healthy
heart, muscle and nerve function. Sources include dairy
products, fortified products such as juices or cereals, leafy
green, almonds and salmon.
Omega-3 Fats
Benefits brain function by possibly increasing blood flow
and cell development, which can lead to enhanced memory
and elevated moods, both of which are important at this life
stage. Sources include fish such as salmon and tuna, as well as
nuts, ground flaxseed and vegetable oils.
Plays an important role in muscle contraction, including the
heart’s ability to pump blood throughout the body, as well as
fluid balance. Low potassium levels are common for women
in this age group who tend to consume more sodium-dense,
processed foods which can lead to symptoms such as fatigue,
dizziness, and muscle aches or spasms. Sources include
potatoes, leafy greens, deep colored vegetables, beans, dairy
and bananas.
Following their time in higher education, women take
on more responsibilities such as working in a demanding
profession or starting a family. From pregnancy to
professional life, it is important to maintain a healthy,
balanced diet and adjust your intake of some specific
nutrients to meet your daily needs for your lifestyle.
Folate/Folic Acid
Vital for women who are pregnant or may become pregnant,
as it plays a major role in fetal development and general cell
growth. Sources include citrus fruits, dark, leafy vegetables
and fortified grain products.
Offer protection to the body’s immune system and a source
of antioxidants, which are being studied for their effects in
prevention of cancer and chronic diseases, as well as slowing
the effect of the aging process. Sources include fruits,
vegetables, beans and whole grains.
Key component necessary for red blood cells to carry oxygen
throughout the body in order for cells to produce energy.
Heme sources of iron can be found in animal products such
as meat, fish, and poultry. Non-heme sources come from
plant-based foods such as spinach, beans, and fortified
cereals. Non-heme iron is not as easy for the body to absorb
as heme iron, but this can be improved when non-heme
sources are consumed with foods rich in Vitamin C, such as
citrus fruits.
Iron deficiency is the most common
and widespread nutritional disorder in the
world, according to the World Health
Organization. Iron is particularly important
for women because of iron lost in blood
during menstruation. Iron is also important
during pregnancy and lactation to meet the
needs of the mother and baby.
The 40s and 50s come with Fiber
many physical changes
that require a change Helps aid in digestion and protect against chronic diseases and some types of cancer. It
in diet and lifestyle as also keeps you feeling full--giving you better control of your hunger, which is useful as your
metabolism changes. Sources include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans.
well. Perimenopause and
menopause cause major Magnesium
hormone fluctuations and
play large roles in the need Supports a wide variety of functions in the body, including muscle function, immune system
operation, and blood pressure regulation. It is also plays a role in bone development, making it
for dietary adjustments an important nutrient at this stage in life as bone density begins to decrease. Sources include
during this phase of life. leafy greens, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, and fortified cereals.
Reintroduces beneficial bacteria into the gut in order to promote and maintain digestive
health. They help to ensure adequate nutrient absorption which is especially important later in
life. Sources include yogurt, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, and as an added bonus - dark chocolate!
Did you know dark chocolate is a good source of probiotics? It also
lowers the risk of heart disease, improves brain function, helps prevent
diabetes, reduces stress, helps fight fatigue, and improves gastrointestinal
flora. Be sure to select a dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content.
34| Spring 2017
The 60s and beyond are all about the maintenance of health as Necessary for the absorption of calcium in order to maintain
you age. The body will naturally begin to slow, but maintaining bone health and strength. It also helps the immune system and
a safe level of physical activity and acclimating to changing protects against some cancers and infectious diseases. Food
nutritional needs can help you remain happy and healthy sources include fish such as salmon and tuna, egg yolks, fortified
throughout this time. dairy products, orange juice and cereals.
Essential for maintaining muscle mass, especially at this stage in
life when it naturally begins to breakdown. It is also important
for promoting healing from illnesses or injuries that are more
frequent later in life. Sources include meat, fish, poultry, beans,
eggs, tofu, nuts, and dairy products.
Vitamin B12
Crucial for the production of red blood cells and brain and
nervous system function. Stomach acid is needed for absorption
but production declines with age which makes this nutrient,
and possible supplementation, an important consideration at
this phase. Sources include meats, fish, dairy products, eggs and
fortified cereals.
It can be difficult to fulfill Vitamin D
needs by food alone, but it can also be
synthesized by your skin from sunlight!
Though the expansive realm of nutrition information may seem hard
to digest, it is important to remain informed. This begins not only by
seeking nutrition advice, but also by listening to your body. Good
nutrition and exercise decisions should make you feel good. Overall,
by eating a well-balanced diet, enjoying an active lifestyle, and paying
special attention to a few key nutrients, you can maintain a healthy and
happy life style throughout your entire lifecycle.
*Note: The information contained in this article is generalized
recommendations. Every body is unique, so it important to speak
with your doctor or registered dietitian before beginning any type of
supplementation regimen in order to meet your individual nutrient needs.
Book Club
Whether you are looking for a easy beach read, an education lifestyle guide, a new novel
for your book club, or a fun book for the children in your life, AOIIs have written books in
all genres. Check out a few of the great books written by AOII women.
“With You and Without You”
by Deborah Wolf, Chi Psi (California
Polytechnic State U)
After her husband’s tragic death, Allyson
Houlihan struggles to help her daughters and
mother-in-law cope with grief, in addition to
her own, until she meets a love interest.
“Must. Have. Wine.
A Toast to Motherhood”
by Leah Speer, Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U)
This book is a collection of stories from women about the
ups and downs of motherhood. Co-written by Speer, the
book is a comical, comforting read for all mothers alike.
“Progressing Through Grief: Guided Exercises to
Understand Your Emotions and Recover from Loss”
by Stephanie Jose, Theta Pi (Wagner College)
Licensed therapist Stephanie Jose’s book is a guide to help anyone
experiencing emotional pain or grief. Having lost a close friend of
her own, Jose wrote her book with relatable insight and first hand
knowledge of the grieving process. The book discusses the need
for grieving, helps the reader learn best practices for coping and
explores different techniques of self-care through journaling and
meditation, among other strategies.
36| Spring 2017
“The Sisters of Versailles”
by Sally Christie, Kappa Phi (McGill U)
Part of the Mistresses of Versailles Trilogy, “The Sisters of
Versailles” is a novel of betrayal and scheming, as three
sisters compete for the affection of King Louis XV.
“Ollie and Taavi “Destined: A Hereafter Novel”
Celebrate the Holidays”
by Danna Sims, Lambda Omicron (Cumberland U)
by Ellen Press, Sigma Phi
(California State U, Northridge) This book is about a young girl named Adalynn
who, upon discovering she is dead, enlists the help
This children’s book follows of the only person who can see her to help her
two Jewish dogs, Ollie and uncover the mystery
Taavi, throughout the year of her death. The novel
as they celebrate the Jewish was written by Sims
holidays and learn more about when she was 14 and
Jewish culture. published when she
was 16. The second
edition of the novel
was recently released,
and Sims is working
on the next novel in
the series.
“The Targeter”
by Nada Bakos, Alpha Phi
(Montana State U)
In her memoir, “The Targeter,” Bakos
discusses her life in the CIA, including
the search for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi,
one of the most wanted terrorists and
the leader of al Qaida in Iraq after the
9/11 attacks.
“The Doctor on “Philia (The Sisters of
Demand Diet” Gamma Omicron Delta)”
by Dr. Melinda Jampolis, by Christie Gibson, Epsilon Omega
Delta (Tufts U) (Eastern Kentucky U)
This book provides insight on “Philia” was released in June 2016 and
customized diet and exercise, the first of four volumes in “The Sisters of
to help you meet your health Gamma Omicron Delta” series. The series
goals, without eliminating is based upon four sorority sisters’ lives
major food groups from your after college and how they lean on one
diet, hitting weight loss another through times of adversity in
plateaus or sacrificing your their careers and personal lives.
mental well-being.
“From Clients to Crooks:
An Insider Reveals the Real
Washington D.C.”
by Leslie Sorrell, Nu Beta
(U of Mississippi)
In this book, Sorrell shares her story
of working in an influential political
consulting firm. Her experience
transformed her understanding of
Washington culture and gave her a
different view of American politics,
often not discussed in the media. This
book releases August 1, 2017.
“Kissing Max Holden”
by Katy Upperman, Alpha Gamma
(Washington State U)
This novel is about 17-year old aspiring
pastry chef Jillian Eldridge, who is drawn
to her neighbor, Max Holden, like sugar
to butter. A late night visit from bad-boy
Max opens the door to trouble.
38| Spring 2017
50+ million
for 50 years!
by Mariellen Sasseen, Director of Communications
Convention 2017 marks the 50th
year of partnership between AOII
and the Arthritis Foundation.
More than 50 million adults have
doctor-diagnosed arthritis—
that’s 1 in 5 people over the age
of 18. Throughout this year, AOII
and the Arthritis Foundation will
promote a 50 for 50 campaign
honoring AOII’s 50 years of
support for the more than 50
million arthritis sufferers.
FromTheArchives Alpha Omicron Pi adopted the Arthritis
Foundation and the Canadian Arthritis
AOII alumnae members promote arthritis awareness at the Pittsburgh, and Rheumatism Society as the
Pennsylvania Health-o-rama in 1967. Fraternity’s international philanthropy
at Convention in 1967. Archival records
Glen Campbell makes an appearance at the Arthritis Foundation Southern state the philanthropy was chosen
California Chapter, circa 1970s. because a serious form, rheumatoid
arthritis, affected women (frequently
between ages 20 and 45) three times
as often as men. Research dollars
were desparately needed because
arthritis was the number one crippling
disease, and causes and cures were
unknown. At that time, combined
government and Arthritis Foundation
research funds were still less than one
dollar per victim per year in the U.S.
Additionally, arthritis education was
necessary because dishonest practices
in medicine were widespread, robbing
arthritis victims of more than $400
million a year.
In October 1968, the Fraternity
presented its first arthritis research
grant in the amount of $5,000
to Dr. Naomi Rothfield, Chief of
Rheumatology at the University of
Connecticut. The grant was designated
for research on systemic lupus
erythematosus, the most common
form of lupus and one of more than
100 arthritis-related autoimmune
conditions. More than 90% of lupus
sufferers are women.
The next year, Dr. Gail Ann Theis,
instructor and post-doctorial fellow
from New York University was the
recipient of a $6,000 grant for research
in immunology.
40| Spring 2017
Phi Sigma (Kearney State College, now U of Nebraska-Kearney) chapter members Each year since, grants have been
and peers raise money for arthritis at the chapter’s Arthritis Rock-A-Thon, circa awarded for research in numerous
late 1970s. areas such as rheumatoid arthritis,
virus studies, antigen tolerance, blood
component studies, ACL studies and
much more. Through the years, AOII
chapters and members have raised
and contributed millions of dollars to
the Arthritis Foundation for research,
education and juvenile arthritis camps
and conferences. AOII collegiate and
alumnae chapters annually support
Walk to Cure Arthritis events in the
spring and Jingle Bell Run events
in the winter. Chapters hold local
Strike Out Arthritis! fundraisering
events, volunteer at arthritis camps,
collect pandas for juvenile arthritis
conferences, promote AOII Goes Blue
awareness days and attend Strike Out
Arthritis! with Major League Baseball
games. These efforts have led to
tremendous growth in contributions
to the Arthritis Foundation, as this past
year alone, AOII contributed $575,000.
Arthritis remains the number one
cause of disability in the United States,
but advancements in the diagnosis
and treatment of the disease have
been remarkable. Arthritis sufferers
are living better lives today than those
who faced the disease 50 years ago.
AOII is proud of our contributions
and our 50-year partnership with the
Arthritis Foundation. We are excited to
celebrate 50 for 50!
AOIIs share arthritis facts on campus to fellow greek student, circa 1972.
AlumnaeNews 1
United States
Alabama Jonesboro Alumnae
During the summer, we helped our local collegiate
Birmingham Alumnae chapter with conversations during a recruitment workshop
This has been a fun year for our chapter! Some of the and brought them plenty of snacks to make it through
things we did include attending Rho Delta’s Strike Out recruitment week. In September, we hosted a new
Arthritis! with the Birmingham Barons, a painting party member dinner where we met 54 lovely new members.
where we learned to paint pandas, monthly dinners and From ladies’ night out at local restaurants to a Bunco party,
the Jingle Bell Run. We also celebrate Founders’ Day with we were busy with fun sisterhood events. In November,
the sisters of Tau Delta, Zeta Pi and Rho Delta. we supported a canned food drive in our community.
Our semi-annual finals survival goodie bags that we make
Huntsville Alumnae for the collegiate chapter as a fundraiser for the collegiate
The Huntsville Alumnae had a great year once again selling scholarship was a huge success! We ended the year with a
final exam survival kits (aka Pandagrams) to the parents of Christmas party and gift exchange in December.
regional AOII collegians. Funds raised helped support the
AOII Foundation as well as our local AOII chapter Delta Tau Arizona
with whom we co-celebrate Founders’ Day. We also had
several fun social events including a murder mystery party, Phoenix Alumnae
Death at the Beauty Pageant. We culminated our year with We started the year with a wonderful Founders’ Day
our annual Mother-Daughter Holiday Tea hosted by Carole celebration and continued into February volunteering
Jurenko Jones. at the Waste Management Open to raise money for
scholarships for the local Panhellenic sororities. In May,
Arkansas we took part in the Walk to Cure Arthritis at the Phoenix
Zoo, with a great amount of participation from both
Little Rock Area Alumnae the Theta Omega Chapter members and the alumnae.
Little Rock Alumnae Chapter kicked off the year with a We participated in Strike Out Arthritis! with the Arizona
social event and wine tasting class presented by a local Diamondbacks in October. The end of October brought
sommelier and hosted by a chapter sister. about the 3rd annual “AOII Night Out,” where we got
together to enjoy some great drinks and catch up with
42| Spring 2017
2016 Recap
1 Little Rock Area Alumnae
2 Phoenix Alumnae
some sisters we only see a few times a year. We finished off Long Beach/South Bay Alumnae
the year with our annual fall brunch and collected pandas 2016 was a year of terrific fundraising for Long Beach-
to donate to Phoenix Panhellenic for the local fire stations. South Bay Alumnae Chapter. We supported two alumnae
All in all, it was a great year for our chapter, with monthly Panhellenic groups, and their scholarship-raising efforts.
chapter events and small gatherings that truly forged our Long Beach Panhellenic raised funds to support three
bond of sisterhood. scholarships at California State University Long Beach
and South Bay Panhellenic raised funds at the annual
California benefit to support eight high school and four university
scholarships. South Bay Members of the alumnae chapter
East Bay Alumnae also sit on several chapter AACs, making our impact great
We started the year in September with our annual game in Southern California.
night to meet new members and have some fun. We
celebrated Halloween early by making Halloween goodie Northern Central Valley Alumnae
bags for our collegiate sisters and we enjoyed some The Northern Orange County Alumnae Chapter met in
yummy treat ourselves. In November, we had a fun girls’ November to assemble bags of personal items for Project
night out at a local restaurant. Our favorite event was Dignity. In December, we collected toys for the second
in December when we met for tasty appetizers and an year for Toys for Tots.
ornament exchange, allowing us time to celebrate the
holidays together. San Fernando Valley Alumnae
Since the new school year has started, we have done
Great Sacramento Valley Alumnae many fun activities! We made lunch one day for Sigma
Another busy year for AOII in California’s capital! Our 2016 Phi’s recruitment in September, and made Halloween
activities included a baseball night with the Sacramento goodie bags for the Theta Iota Chapter. We also collected
River Cats, volunteering for the Jingle Bell Run and our cans for a local food pantry at one of our meetings. In one
“Mimosas & Membership Brunch.” Increased alumnae of our most recent sisterhood events, we made panda
outreach has paid off with the excitment of four charms for sisters to buy and use on their backpacks,
new members! purses, luggage or keys. Lastly, we also had sisters join in
the Jingle Bell Run in both Agoura and Glendale!
AlumnaeNews San Francisco Alumnae summer. Open to family and friends, we had an amazing
In the past few months, we have recruited four new time on the beach eating, talking, playing games and
officers, created a website, started two Facebook groups making s’mores.
(one public page and one sisters-only page), organized
three events per month, had an officer’s meeting, San Jose Alumnae
established our dues and built a strategy for membership We are taking a new approach to our events, increasing
recruitment. We are very eager for 2017! our focus on fundraising and supporting the local
collegiate chapter. Our first event was dinner and
Southern Orange County Alumnae a movie. A dozen of us met for Mexican food and
In February, we hosted “Sharing Our History,” and invited watched “Bad Moms” together. We had our fall brunch
everyone who was currently or had been a part of the at Cheesecake Factory, where we also made 100 treat
chapter. Sisters brought their scrapbooks to share, we sang bags for an organization helping families go from crisis
some favorite songs and shared fun stories. We recognized to self-sufficiency. We recently held a Strike Out Arthritis!
sisters being in AOII from 40 years to 74 years. Another fundraiser at Pieology.
wonderful event was our “Barbecue Bonfire” during the
2 1 Greater Sacramento Valley Alumnae
2 Delaware Alumnae
44| Spring 2017
2016 Recap
Ventura County Alumnae Chapter. In September, we gathered at the Strike Out
Ventura County Alumnae had another great year. We Arthritis! Rays Game. In October, we held a business
hosted Founders’ Day for Southern California for more meeting and food bank collection. We gathered again
than 450 sisters! Our International President, Gayle for AOII Night Out at a central location for some fun and
Fitzpatrick, was our guest speaker and we renewed old sisterhood. In December, we met for the Jingle Bell Run in
friendships and met new sisters. The event raised over Lakewood Ranch. In January, we organized our Founders’
$3,700 for the AOII Foundation. We worked a polling place Day event and fundraiser, inviting nearby alumnae and
for both the primary and general elections. We continued collegiate chapters.
to support Chi Psi at San Luis Obispo by providing gifts
to the graduates and Halloween candy for the chapter. Georgia
Additionally, we just completed the first Jingle Bell Run in
our area. Atlanta Alumnae
The Atlanta Alumnae chapter has been up to a lot this
Colorado past year! We had some amazing activities and have even
more incredible events on the books for the upcoming
Denver Alumnae year. We saw the pandas at the zoo as part of a fantastic
Denver’s transplant population continues to boom, friends and family event. In the fall, we participated in Strike
bringing in new sisters from around the country, as well Out Arthritis with the Atlanta Braves this year and we all
as some returning locals to the Rocky Mountains. We had a blast! Our Wine, Women and Roses event is always a
had a wonderful slate of fall events, including our annual great meeting, and this year was no exception. Our friends
holiday party. We kicked off the new year in celebration of and family came along as we bonded at the Chiluly in
Founders’ Day with our collegiate sisters in Epsilon Gamma. The Garden Exhibit at the Atlanta Bontanical Gardens. Our
Our book group put together a prize-winning basket of team at the Jingle Bell Run, although we won no prizes
goodies for Founders’ Day. for speed, totally should have gotten an award for style, as
several of us showed up in costume! Overall, it has been a
Delaware great year, we have gotten to know new sisters, and have
grown closer to the ones who have been involved with
Delaware Alumnae our chapter for years.
Our chapter supported Strike Out Arthritis! with our
own event, and we went to a Phillies game together in Northwest Georgia Alumnae
September. In addition, members participated on teams Northwest Georgia Alumnae Chapter got off to a great
for Jingle Bell Run and Walk to Cure Arthritis. We helped in start in August with our fall kickoff event at Tin Lizzy’s in
our community through the beach cleanup in September, Kennesaw. We helped our collegiate chapters, Beta Zeta
donated to the local food bank, and donated homemade and Lambda Delta, during recruitment by providing them
cookies to “Operation Cookie Drop Off,” which sends dinner during one of their rounds. Some of our members
cookies to soldiers serving overseas in Afghanistan and also had a fun time going through “mock” recruitment! In
Kuwait. In January, we celebrated the 15th anniversary October, our members had a fantastic time at the Strike
of our chapter, while celebrating 120 years of sisterhood Out Arthritis! with the Atlanta Braves event. Even though
during Founders’ Day. While the snow was flying, there it rained, we enjoyed the pre-game reception and the
was a good turnout to hear Executive Board Vice President opportunity to spend time with sisters!
Amber Countis speak. To help Sigma Tau and Beta Eta
chapters celebrate Halloween, our chapter prepared Illinois
goodie bags. Sigma Tau also received our support for their
Jasmine Queen Run for Roses 5k. Chicago City Alumnae
SoulCycle Old Town hosted our chapter at a spin class.
Florida We all enjoyed the class and have been back since that
day. It was a great workout! After spinning, we walked
Sarasota Area Alumnae over to a pizzeria for a Sunday lunch. We had our annual
To kick off the year, sisters traveled to Lakeland to kick-off dinner in September. This is an evening spent
participate in a recruitment retreat with Kappa Gamma reconnecting with chapter members, meeting new sisters,
AlumnaeNews celebrating anniversaries, renewing memberships, and Indiana
checking out the new calendar. We had a great turn out!
Indianapolis Alumnae
Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae The Indianapolis Alumnae started out the fall semester
Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae Chapter started the with our “Back to Fall” gathering in September. Sisters
year donating and distributing school supplies at the attended Irvington Ghost tour, and in November
Palatine Township Apple Tree Champaign. We raised we participated in “Thankful for an AOII” with Ritual.
over $1,600 through our nut sale, and in November we December was an active month with Jingle Bell Run,
helped Panhellenic raise $7,200 for scholarships to high ornament auction with proceeds to Jingle Bell Run and our
school seniors by attending and donating raffle items AOII Hot Chocolate Bar to introduce our legacies to AOII.
to their annual scholarship luncheon. We continued
our philanthropic efforts by Jingling In Our Jammies in Kentucky
December to support the Wheaton Jingle Bell Run
at Cantigny. Bowling Green Alumnae
In September, we had a girls’ night out and homecoming
Chicago South Suburban Alumnae brunch in October at the Alpha Chi house. Our Christmas
The highlight of our year was the celebration of Past party was in December, where we had a celebratory
International President Peg Crawford’s 90th birthday. We dinner and ornament exchange.
used the Manna gift card program to raise money for our
chapter. The proceeds supported the Arthritis Foundation, Central Kentucky Bluegrass Alumnae
our collegiate members at Beta Nu and travel costs for In 2016, we held sisterhoods at Artfully Yours where we
Convention. Our annual pot luck Christmas dinner and gift painted holiday door decorations. We also held meetings
exchange was in December. at our favorite barbecue and Mexican restaurants. Dozens
of members assisted collegiate chapter Epsilon Omega
Chicago West Suburban Alumnae with recruitment practice by acting as PNMs for the
We held a successful garage sale fundraiser in August. In women to greet and by providing a tremendous brunch
the fall, we held our nut fundraiser and made keychains for their summer retreat. We also assisted the chapter
for our adopted collegiate chapter and sent them pizza. with a philanthropy event for Hopes Wings Domestic
Our December meeting and gift exchange is always well Violence Center by gathering birthday party supplies
attended. To promote engagement as well as provide which are used so that the women and their children
opportunities with our sisters’ busy schedules, our chapter may feel celebrated during their birthdays at the shelter.
also has a book club that meets monthly and we hold We also helped welcome 21 collegiate members into
social outings that we call sisterhood events. One of the alumnae status in May. Last, we participated in a send-off
of the favorite sisterhood events this year has been silk for member Anne Jones as she retired to North Carolina.
scarf painting. At this event, we recognized Anne by creating the Anne
Jones Leadership Scholarship, which will be funded by
Lake County of Illinois Alumnae the Central Kentucky Bluegrass Alumnae Chapter and
The Lake County of Illinois Alumnae are celebrating a year available for Epsilon Omega members in need of
of Be the Story. Our September kick-off meeting began financial assistance.
with “Share the Story,” as we each told about our own
college experiences. October brought a painting party, Kentuckiana Alumnae
“Paint the Story,” where we learned how to paint a panda We co-hosted our annual Founders’ Day breakfast in
picture that was specially designed for us! In November, February. Over 60 alumnae were in attendance, including
we attended dinner theater where we saw a performance several from the Lexington Alumnae Chapter. Throughout
of “Singin’ in the Rain.” December was “Celebrate the the year, we have been active with a craft night, an
Story” with our annual holiday potluck where we had a outing to a Louisville Bats baseball game, a movie night,
gift exchange and collected non-perishables for our local book club, pumpkin picking, and our annual holiday
food pantry. party and gift exchange! We also participated in Strike
Out Arthritis! with the Cincinnati Reds, along with other
surrounding alumnae chapters. We participated in Jingle
46| Spring 2017
2016 Recap
1 Hammond Area Alumnae
2 Atlanta Alumnae
Bell Run and raised approximately $2,500 for the Arthritis Lexington Alumnae
Foundation through our Jingle Bell Run team. We also Following a great planning meeting in early January,
had a holiday-themed wine pairing education fundraiser Lexington Alumnae kicked off the year with dinner and a
and a team t-shirt fundraiser for the event. In addition movie. We continued our monthly third Thursday lunches
to our bi-monthly activities, our chapter also purchased at various Lexington restaurants. In February, we joined
dinner for the members of Pi Alpha Chapter during formal Kentuckiana Alumnae and Pi Alpha Chapters for Founders’
recruitment and assembled and delivered finals care Day in Louisville. The highlight of spring was welcoming
packages to chapter members. Finally, we participated Kappa Omega and Tau Omega seniors into alumnae
in the annual collegian vs. alumnae kickball game with Pi status. Other events for 2016 included: Derby Day Brunch,
Alpha Chapter. Strike Out Arthritis! with the Cincinnati Reds, volunteering
AlumnaeNews 1
2 1 Ann Arbor Alumnae
2 Boston Alumnae
at Sweet Blessings, a local non-profit started by a sister, Louisiana
that provides birthday cakes to children who otherwise
wouldn’t get them, and participating in the Jingle Bell Run Baton Rouge Alumnae
as part of AOII Team National. The Baton Rouge Area Alumnae Chapter kicked off its
70th anniversary year with an “Iron” theme! In keeping
Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati Area Alumnae with our theme, we held sisterhood events in the fall
This past year our chapter boasted record high titled: “Gridiron” (tailgate), “Several Irons in the Fire” (Escape
membership with 21 members! We raised almost Room), “All Oak and Iron Bound/Sound as a Barrel”
$1,000 for our yearly Jingle Bell Run team and members (AOII Thanks-gathering), and “Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove”
volunteered around town. Through donations, we stuffed (accessories exchange). Our spring events include: “Cast
141 bags to support Nu Omega during finals week Iron Stomach” (king cake tasting party), “Iron Throne”
and assisted on both their and Omega’s AAC. We also (BRAAC toast & dinner), “The Iron Lady (Founders’ Day
hosted a holiday ornament exchange, monthly happy lunch), “Iron Curtain” (vodka tasting party), & “Strike while
hours, brunches, and our annual Founders’ Day dinner at the Iron is Hot!” (Strike Out Arthritis!). We also participated
Montgomery Inn, with record attendance. in New Orleans Jingle Bell Run and are leading the way
for the Walk to Cure Arthritis Event (our Iron Man event) in
Baton Rouge!
48| Spring 2017
2016 Recap
Hammond Area Alumnae Shreveport-Bossier City Alumnae
We participated in so many fun events last year. In July, 2016 was a busy year for the Shreveport-Bossier Alumnae
HAAC officers met to discuss goal setting and tentative Chapter. We held events related to fundraising, new
events for the upcoming calendar year. In August, we alumnae, sisterhood, Ritual and philanthropy. Sisters spent
helped coordinate a week’s worth of meals for Kappa time together over the Mardi Gras celebration period,
Tau collegians during recruitment week to reward the held a relaxed Ritual meeting in April, and met to organize
hard work collegians put into long days of recruitment. In offices and events in May. We had a meet and greet
September, the HAAC held its first relaxed Ritual. Members at a local coffee shop in September where newly local
brought pandas which were donated to New Orleans sisters attended and the 2016-2017 year was reviewed. In
Children’s Hospital. In October, we celebrated Southeastern November, sisters attended a local Panhellenic fundraiser
Louisiana University’s homecoming with Kappa Tau. Many together, and in December they met to celebrate the
alumnae attended the SLU alumni dinner to celebrate holiday season for an evening of celebration, games, and
the successes of our fellow SLU alumnae members. The delicious food.
next day, we celebrated the crowning of Kappa Tau
member, Maggie Hinson, at SLU’s homecoming game. Massachusetts
In November, alumnae were honored by Kappa Tau at
the annual Thanksgiving appreciation dinner. Alumnae Boston Alumnae
members were also able to celebrate the year’s successes The Boston Alumnae Chapter enjoys hosting monthly
at AOII’s “Red Rose Formal.” In December, alumnae from happy hours for sisters to connect and catch up. We like
all surrounding areas felt the burn while completing the to be creative with the type of establishment for each
Jingle Bell 5k Run. AAC/HAAC members enjoyed a quiet get together. This fall we went to a southern-themed
Christmas dinner and gift exchange. We also took time to bar for “Country Karaoke,” a gastropub for cocktails, and
acknowledge and celebrate Ava Debus’ 50th anniversary a sushi bar for “Paint Night.” Other events this year have
with AOII. We gifted her the 50th anniversary pin and included taking a group spin class at a local cycling studio,
thanked her for all of her tireless efforts and dedication participating in the Walk to Cure Arthritis, and participating
to AOII. in our local collegiate chapter’s Initiation Rituals.
New Orleans Area Alumnae Maine
Our chapter has had a great time celebrating its 100th
year! We had a wonderful “Be the Story” themed party Greater Portland Alumnae
in September where we all brought or wore items that The Greater Portland Alumnae started the year off with
represented the beginning of our personal AOII story, and a potluck day at the beach. Sisters came as far away as
had a chance to share those with everyone in attendance. California & Michigan! Three sisters participated in the
The many book lovers in the chapter met for a book and Jingle Bell Run in Freeport, Maine in December. We held
wine exchange (and now have plans to begin a book Ritual at our December holiday party and enjoyed hors
club!), and we laughed and sang while painting “with a d’oeuvres and desserts. We also collected items for the
twist.” We ended our fall events by participating in the first McAuley House, a comprehensive transitional housing
Jingle Bell Run ever held in New Orleans, and were even program for women with and without children who are in
brought on stage to lead the warm-up exercises! recovery from drug and alcohol dependency. We brought
back our ornament auction which raised funds for our
Central Louisiana Alumnae treasury. We ended the evening with our “Yankee Swap”
The Central Louisiana Alumnae Chapter was installed and song.
last year. There were 18 women present to be charter
members of the chapter. It was an amazing AOII-filled Michigan
day that started with mid-year leadership retreat for the
Kappa Chi Chapter. Once the leadership retreat was Ann Arbor Alumnae
complete, we held a beautiful Installation ceremony in a Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter had an exciting year, meeting
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in Pineville, Louisiana. Since new sisters, strengthening bonds and welcoming the
the Installation, the chapter has had many social and collegiate chapter Omicron Pi back to our city. We enjoyed
sisterhood events around central Louisiana to grow planning and participating in many activities, socially and
our sisterhood! philanthropically. Our favorites were AOII Night Out, Jingle
AlumnaeNews Bell Run, providing study snacks for our collegiate sisters Minnesota
during exams, and our annual “Adopt A Family.”
Minneapolis/St. Paul Alumnae
Dearborn Alumnae October 7th was a special day for our chapter as it was
Dearborn Alumnae Chapter happily helped the re- the 100th anniversary of our establishment. More than 30
Installation of Omicron Pi and provided sponsors to the local alumnae and guests celebrated with a Centennial
amazing new members initiated. Celebration at the University of Minnesota Campus Club.
We were honored to have Past International President
Detroit North Suburban Alumnae Susan Danko and Network Specialist-Alumnae Ally
Detroit North Suburban Alumnae members have McArdle as guest speakers. Our celebration included
continued their tradition of meeting monthly for lunch, delicious hors d’oeuvres, a selfie station with Rosie the
being fortunate to find several local restaurants that Panda, photo albums showing 100 years of chapter history,
provide a private room perfect for our luncheons that a map designating the 12+ states that are represented in
combine sisterhood and business. October brought us our chapter, recognition of members’ anniversaries in AOII,
the opportunity to visit with sisters from the metro area a memorial to sisters who have recently passed, and a
when Macomb Alumnae hosted the fall get together. special video. The party continued Saturday morning with
In December, we participated in Jingle Bell Run and we an informal brunch tailgate at the Tau Chapter house to
added a new philanthropy this year: “Wreaths Across root on the University of Minnesota Gophers.
America.” This is an organization that places wreaths at the
graves in the national military cemeteries. Kansas
Macomb County Alumnae Greater Kansas City Alumnae
2016 began with celebrations for Macomb County With a mix of fun, philanthropy and history, the Greater
Alumnae Chapter. At each of our first two meetings, we Kansas City Alumnae Chapter had an exciting 2016.
welcomed a sister attending for the first time. In October, Four new leadership members were installed, while the
we were hostesses to the annual all-alumnae lunch, for membership of the chapter grew to 33 paid members
the metro Detroit area. We were delighted to have two of and day group members continued monthly lunches. At
the advisors to Omicron Pi Chapter join us and bring us up the October lunch, the group used famed rose china and
to date on the re-Colonization process. Later in October, explored the story of a piece of AOII history: a 10-year-
four of our 15 members attended the formal Colonization old Bavarian china bowl that once belonged to AOII
ceremony at University of Michigan. Those who attended International President Jessie Marie Cramer. We attended
sponsored at least two potential new members. “Wine Strike Out Arthritis! with Delta Pi collegiate sisters and the
Tasting and Toasting” was the theme of our November Kansas City Royals. We also booked massages at Massage
gathering. Delegates and guests gathered at Michigan By Envy during Healing Hands for Arthritis, and raised a total
The Bottle to taste wines of their choice, enjoy cheese and of $1,598 for Jingle Bell Run. The Founders’ Day celebration
crackers, and raise money for scholarships. brought collegiate sisters from the Delta Pi Chapter to
Kansas City where everyone enjoyed a lunch in honor of
Missouri Jessie, Helen, Bess and Stella.
St. Louis Alumnae New Jersey
We celebrated our international side in the spring with a
trip to the St. Louis Art Museum, brunch at the Scottish Jersey Shore Alumnae
Arms, and later a walking tour of The Hill Neighborhood, 2017 eagerly awaits new Alumnae adventures for our
which showcases one of St. Louis’ favorite Italian hangouts. Jersey Shore Chapter. We started out the year sharing
In the fall, we learned more about our National Park system Founders’ Day at a brunch along with the Northern NJ and
to celebrate its centennial and toured the US Grant estate Central NJ Alumnae chapters. It is always fun to spend time
at Whitehaven, had a Park Ranger speak at one of our celebrating and focusing on the four founders who 120
meetings and saw the National Parks Adventure in IMAX at years ago had the foresight to create the lasting bonds of
the St. Louis Science Center. friendship and sisterhood we continue to share today.
50| Spring 2017