To Dragmaof Alpha Omicron Pi
Vol. 79 No. 3 Summer 2015
Meet the 2015-2016 ELCs
Convention Highlights
& Award Winners
Delta Nu Chapter Installed
at U of Nevada, Reno
Collegiate Chapter
News and Photos
AOII’s Forever Friends program is a great Taylor Douglas, Sigma Gamma
way to honor a special sister during events. (Appalachian State U) enjoys a sunny
AOt nCtohnevceonvetiro: n, Rene Fitzgerald, Pi Kappa day on Lake James in North Carolina.
(UOnoef Toef sxeavse-rAalugsrtoinu)phpohnootorseCdhSi uEpsasinloFnruit,
PW(hTiheUeekpOtshoiilooprnSotm(aPtoeutreUd)tuhpeeoisrUtce)h.dadputerirnogntshoeciriaAl OmPerdidiae.
10 38
9 Viewpoint 38 Dating An AOII ELC
10 Convention 2015 Highlights 40 AOII Foundation Focus
26 Installation - Delta Nu Chapter 42 Things We Love
28 Weaving AOII into Your Wedding 44 From the Archives
30 Technology Etiquette Tips
31 Five Tips for Saving Money in College 46 Collegiate Chapter News
32 A Girlfriend’s Guide to Football Season
34 Meet the 2015-16 ELCs 60 Life Loyal AOIIs
62 AOII Emporium
66 For Further Discussion
On the cover: Posing in front of the Nu Omicron house at To Dragma • 3
Vanderbilt U, AOII’s 12 new Educational Leadership Consultants
are trained and excited to travel. Learn more about our ELC team
members on page 34.
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
To DragmaofAlphaOmicronPi From the Editor
To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron Pi It’s a new biennium! In the world of AOII, a new biennium brings
Fraternity, and has been published since 1905. The mission lots of change. We have a new International President, along with
of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and new Executive, Foundation and Properties Board members. Many
inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our International volunteer positions are being assigned or reassigned, new
chapters, our members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime programs and initiatives are being launched, and our collegiate and
AOII involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a alumnae chapters are gearing up for a brand new year!
permanent record of our Fraternity’s history.
First up is recruitment, which will already be in full swing by the time
Director of To Dragma and Archives you are reading this. We anticipate several thousand young women
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) pledging AOII in the coming weeks across the United States and
Canada. That level of growth would have been incomprehensible to
Graphic Designer our Founders who saw AOII begin the year 1930 with 6,588 members.
Hillary Stewart, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U) It had taken the Fraternity 33 years to reach that membership number
and we have the potential of pledging that many new members this year
How to Contact To Dragma: alone. Double that number over the biennium - and AOII will impact
To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 the lives of 13,000 more members than we have the privilege of doing
(615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736,, so today. In her first Viewpoint message, new International President
or [email protected]. Gayle Fitzpatrick talks about concepts from David Schwartz’s book, “The
Magic of Thinking Big.” Be sure to read her thoughts because AOII is
How to Update Your Name or Address: certainly in a position to think big!
Go to Update Info tab on the AOII website
(, email your new address to Take a minute to catch up on the latest Fraternity news on page 6, learn
[email protected], or call (615) 370-0920. about our exceptional new team of Educational Leadership Consultants
beginning on page 34, and enjoy the activities of your favorite collegiate
How to Subscribe to To Dragma: chapters beginning on page 46. And certainly, our feature article is
Subscriptions are $25.00 annually and can be paid by check the ultimate celebration of sisterhood as we recap our fabulous 2015
or credit card. Checks, made payable to AOII, should be International Convention this summer in Los Angeles, California.
mailed to 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027,
Attn: Accounting. Credit card subscribers (Visa, Master Card Congratulations to all of our award winning chapters and individuals
or Discover only) should email [email protected]. and to every chapter that experienced improvement through your efforts
to win. Great membership experiences draw collegiate members to our
How to Join Life Loyal AOII: chapters, retain current members - and keep alumnae members engaged.
Visit the AOII website (, or contact Striving to be the best we can be makes us all winners.
[email protected].
How to Join an AOII Alumnae Chapter: So, I hope you find in this issue worthy cause to celebrate the close of
Visit the AOII website for contact information on an alumnae a great biennium and build excitement for discovering where the next
chapter near you. biennium will take us.
Women Enriched through Lifelong Friendship. Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Director of To Dragma and Archives
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College in
New York City, January 2, 1897, by Jessie Wallace Hughan,
Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella George Stern Perry &
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman.
International President
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)
Executive Director
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U)
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National Panhellenic
Conference and the Fraternity Communications Association.
4 • To Dragma Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
Thanks to Our Makenzie Mosier, Sigma Theta (Sam
Summer Interns! Houston State U) worked in Archives:
As the summer winds to a close, AOII’s International Headquarters Favorite thing about Nashville?
Staff would like to salute the following seven outstanding collegians Trying all of Nashville’s wonderful
who served as interns this summer at our Fraternity’s headquarters in food! I will miss so many restaurants
Brentwood, Tennessee. Representing several chapters and academic when I go back home.
majors, they generously lent their talents to serve our Fraternity so well.
Best part of working at HQ?
We are sincerely grateful! Getting to know the staff members who work here
and learning from their experiences. This has been an
opportunity for me to learn about the history of AOII and
how it has impacted the lives of so many.
Alane Parris, Nu Beta (U of
Mississippi) worked in Events/PR: Laura Locklear, Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee
Best part of working at HQ? State U) worked for the AOII Foundation:
Realizing that the sisterhood that I fell in Best part of working at HQ?
love with at my chapter relies so heavily on all of the hard work
and efforts of so many amazing women and men at HQ. I feel Learning more about the Fraternity’s
honored to have spent my summer working with them. operations, and getting to meet dedicated
sisters from all over the country who share a
Favorite thing about Nashville? passion for AOII. I have a new appreciation for
Visiting the Tennessee Juvenile Arthritis Camp Ache Away. how much work it takes for our Fraternity to operate.
The campers’ faces lit up when we introduced ourselves Favorite part of the summer?
as AOIIs because they were aware of AOII’s efforts. I felt
so proud to be an AOII. Attending International Convention and being able to
stand in a room with hundreds of sisters who love AOII as
Madison Browder, much as I do. It puts in perspective why this international
sisterhood means so much to so many amazing women.
Rho Delta (Samford U)
worked for To Dragma:
Kathryn Harroff, Rho Delta
(Samford U) worked in Extension:
Favorite part of the summer?
Getting to show the Favorite part of the summer?
other interns around my hometown and Living and working with the
watching them experience Nashville for other interns. We had such a great
the first time. summer getting to know each
Best part of working at HQ? other, exploring the city, and eating our way Danielle McCarthy,
The opportunity to help prepare for around Nashville. Omega Upsilon (Ohio U)
convention. You never know how much Best part of working at HQ? Meeting everyone worked in Events/PR:
work goes into something until you see at HQ and seeing everything behind the
it first hand. It was insightful to be a part scenes really added a lot of meaning to Best part of working at HQ?
of that. how AOII works day-in and day-out. Eating lunch with staff members and
learning about their collegiate and ELC
Grace Peach, Rho Delta (Samford travel experiences.
U) worked for Chapter Services:
Favorite part of the summer? Favorite thing about Nashville?
The opportunity to attend International Getting to know the other interns and
Convention 2015! learning about their chapters, as well as
their hometowns! It has been so much
Best part of working at HQ? fun to swap stories and learn about
The chance to work with and learn from the different parts of the United States.
wonderful women in Chapter Services!
To Dragma • 5
FraternityNews Recruitment Ambassador Program
Fall 2015 Colonizations Congratulations to our first team of Recruitment Ambassadors!
Three new chapter colonizations will occur this fall Our newly trained volunteers will facilitate workshops and
on the campuses of Tarleton State U, Gettysburg recruitment training for collegiate chapters by request.
College and Illinois State U. Contact Kara Mantooth at Questions or visit requests should be directed to Sherry Dutton
[email protected] if you are interested in at [email protected]. Our volunteers are:
working with these new chapter opportunities or want
to learn more about their colonization plans. Abigail Minch, Omega Sigma, Stillwater, OK
Ashleigh Balot Welsh, Kappa Tau, Mandeville, LA
Tarleton State University Brianne Elizabeth Kormelink, Alpha Chi, Evansville, IN
Candice Sierzega, Phi Beta, Allentown, PA
Colonization for Tarleton State U in Christine Joyce Rodriguez, Sigma Phi, Burbank, CA
Stephenville, TX will be September DeAnna Forrester, Delta Psi, Miami, FL
25-27. Stephenville is located an Elizabeth Samelak, Chi Lambda, Portage, MI
hour southwest of Fort Worth, and LeLani Mandac Duckwitz, Lambda Beta, San Juan Capistrano, CA
the university is home to just under Melanie Hein Blackwell, Delta Sigma, San Jose, CA
12,000 students. AOII will join Alpha Molly Fenton, Kappa Tau, New Orleans, LA
Gamma Delta, Delta Phi Epsilon, Rebekah Adams Chambless, Delta Epsilon, Fairhope, AL
Delta Zeta and Phi Mu as the 5th NPC
chapter on campus. Training Ambassador Program
Gettysburg College AOII’s second team of Training Ambassadors will provide support
to Alumnae Advisory Committees, with additional focus this
The colonization dates for Gettysburg College are year on Ritual Education. Questions or visit requests should be
September 25-27. Gettysburg is a liberal arts college, directed to Sherry Dutton at [email protected]. Our
located in historic Gettysburg, PA and home to just team members, including those returning for a second year
over 2,600 students. This active Greek community is (indicated by *), are:
home to Alpha Delta Pi, Chi Omega, Delta Gamma,
Gamma Phi Beta and Amy Gatto, Epsilon Chi, Tampa, FL*
Sigma Sigma Sigma. Amy Hayden, Omega Upsilon, Lexington, KY
AOII will become the Darlene Langhout, Chi Epsilon, Dayton, OH*
6th NPC chapter Erica Denner, Omega, Chicago, IL*
on this campus. Jill Marie Eggebraaten Delorey, Lambda Iota, Orlando, FL*
Jennifer Maijala, Delta Pi, McKinney, TX
Illinois State University Julie Bohling, Theta Omega, Phoenix, AZ*
Kelli Duckworth, Omega Upsilon, Arlington, OH
Colonization will occur October 9-11 on the campus of Kimberly Jarrard, Gamma Sigma, Panama City Beach, FL
Illinois State U in Normal, IL. ISU is a public institution Laura Pope, Mu Lambda, Orlando, FL*
located 130 miles southwest of Chicago. Founded in Laurie French, Theta Psi, West Palm Beach, FL*
1857, the university currently has an undergraduate Mary Ashe Reynolds, Gamma Theta, Land O’Lakes, FL*
enrollment of almost 18,000. AOII is pleased to be Monique Caron Luihn, Epsilon Chi, Raleigh, NC*
joining Alpha Delta Pi, Pamela Glowacki, Kappa Phi, Montreal, QC*
Alpha Gamma Delta, Chi Rachel Rodney, Rho Beta, Bothell, WA
Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Shannon Rivera, Kappa Sigma, Mechanicsville, VA
Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi Shirley Lin, Delta Alpha, Moberly, MO
Beta, Phi Sigma Sigma, Trista Angelisanti-McDermott, Sigma Rho, Pittsburgh, PA*
Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Sigma
Sigma and Zeta Tau Alpha Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
as the 11th NPC chapter
on campus.
6 • To Dragma
Alpha Omicron Pi Launches
GINsystems and Websites for Chapters
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity is excited to share that we will launch new collegiate and alumnae chapter websites and the
GINsystem chapter management tool for all chapters in early fall 2015. Chapter websites will include an in-site photo editor, social
media feeds and a user-friendly content editor so chapters can personalize their sites with additional pages, photos, videos, files,
and more! AOII chapters will have three custom-branded designs to choose from, and the sites will be
responsive on all mobile devices.
The sites will also include each chapter’s web-based chapter management tool (GINsystem), a private
member portal for sharing calendar information, polls and surveys, activity points tracking, and group
emails and text messages. GIN will also integrate each website and GINsystem with the Fraternity’s
membership database and other future technology tools.
2015-2016 Milestone Anniversaries
Congratulations to our collegiate and alumnae chapters celebrating milestone
anniversaries during the upcoming academic year.
Upsilon (U of Washington) 9/18/1915 100th AOII Welcomes Three
Beta Phi (Indiana U) 6/3/1916 100th New Alumnae Chapters
New Orleans Area AC, New Orleans, LA 6/24/1916 100th
Chicago So. Suburban AC, Chicago, IL 10/27/1940 75th North Carolina Foothills Alumnae Chapter was installed on
Montreal AC, Montreal, QC 3/25/1941 75th May 3, 2015 with past Executive Board Vice President Karen
Kentucky Lakes AC, Paducah, KY 9/30/1965 50th Marchese as the installing officer. Susan Davis will serve as
Palo Alto AC, Palo Alto, CA 10/2/1965 50th President of the new chapter. Please email congratulatory
San Mateo AC, San Mateo, CA 10/2/1965 50th notes to Susan at [email protected].
Theta Chi (Morningside College) 3/19/1966 50th
Tau Omicron (U of Tennessee-Martin) 3/26/1966 50th New Hampshire Alumnae Chapter was installed on May 16,
Sigma Rho (Slippery Rock U) 4/30/1966 50th 2015 with Executive Board Vice President Amber Countis
Sarasota Area AC, Sarasota, FL 10/13/1990 25th as the installing officer. Angela Noble will serve as the new
DeKalb-Kane AC, DeKalb, IL 11/3/1990 25th chapter’s first Alumnae Chapter President. Congratulatory
emails should be sent to Angela at [email protected].
Network 1 - North East Weekend
The Aiken, South Carolina Alumnae Chapter was installed
Network 1 will gather for its annual North East Weekend on Saturday, July 18, 2015. Executive Board Vice President
on October 16-18, 2015 at Seton Hall U, with Gamma Phi as Susan Danko served as the Installing Officer. Julia Young
the host chapter. International President Gayle Fitzpatrick, has been elected as the President of the Alumnae Chapter.
Foundation Board President Koren Phillips and AOII Properties You may email notes of congratulations to Julia at
Board members will join with approximately 200 collegians [email protected].
and alumnae from Network 1. In addition to educational
sessions, time will be spent getting to know sisters through
group activities, including an inspirational Ritual workshop
presented by Sally Wagaman. This weekend is sure to be fun
and informative for all in attendance! For information, contact
Caroline Lazzara, [email protected]. Or to register, contact
Bridget Scanlon, [email protected].
Peg Crawford Honored
The U of Illinois Fraternity & Sorority Affairs student leadership honor society, Order of Omega, recently inducted five
notable Illinois Greek alumni into the Fraternity & Sorority Hall of Fame. AOII Past International President Peg Crawford
(Iota/U of Illinois) was one of those receiving this prestigious honor. In addition to being recognized for her leadership
roles within Alpha Omicron Pi, Peg was recognized for her efforts toward the formation of Phi Chi Chapter at the
U of Chicago in 1985. Peg served as AOII International President from 1985-1989, as well as Executive Board VP of
Development, Operations and Extension. Especially notable among her numerous AOII roles was an almost 30-year
term as a member of the AOII NPC delegation. Congratulations, Peg!
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015 To Dragma • 7
2011-2015 International President Allison
Allgier, Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky
U) presents the JWH Cup to a delighted
Rebecca Cessna, Chapter President of
Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia). The JWH
Cup is awarded once a biennium to AOII’s
most outstanding collegiate chapter.
It is a great honor and privilege to begin serving AOII as International President for the 2015-2017
biennium. During International Convention, we celebrated all of the exceptional things that AOII has
accomplished over the past biennium. We now turn our attention forward during this exciting time
for the Fraternity. I am reminded of a quote from Stella George Stern Perry, “We are all Founders
and we have the power to take Alpha Omicron Pi to new and
greater heights, to give the Fraternity meaning and purpose
in our lives.” As members, we all have a responsibility to take
the Fraternity to greater heights every day in what we do and
say. To focus on how to accomplish this, I would like to share
some principles from David Schwartz’s book, “The Magic of
Thinking Big.” He believes that there is a magic that happens
when you are willing to think big to achieve greater success.
For those who are willing to think big, every step forward pays
a dividend.
The first principle: Believe that you can succeed and you will.
We have set our sights to ‘Exceed the Expectation.’ That is the
AOII standard. As long as we work together as a team, the sky is
the limit in what we will achieve. It will take ‘One Red AOII’
team working together to help advance AOII. Henry Ford said,
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress;
working together is success.” Through collaboration together, I
know that we will do amazing things!
The second principle: Build confidence. With confidence, we
are able to take the lead, lead from the front and be the pacesetters. We will continue to be the leaders
on our college campuses, in our communities, in NPC and the world around us.
The third principle is: Get the action habit. For AOII to grow and move forward, we need to continue
to be women of action. Be inspired to be the one to take the lead and keep the momentum. Be the
trendsetter. Your ideas have value when you act upon them. Be accountable for those actions. Don’t sit
on the sidelines waiting for someone else to take the first step.
The fourth principle: Think big. Big thinkers train themselves to see what can be, not what is. Be that
inspiration to your sisters to believe that we will do what we set our minds to accomplish. Be a part
of the team that thinks out of the box. Be engaged so that you will have an exceptional membership
experience for a lifetime. Sheryl Sandberg said, “If you are offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what
seat! Just get on!” Get on the AOII rocket ship to be part of the experience of taking the Fraternity
forward, just like our Founders expected us to do.
I challenge us to think big, focus on success, be confident, and take action. We must believe that the
impossible is possible and strive for the same excellence that was envisioned by our Founders and
countless others who came before us. This is our AOII - we do have the power to take Alpha Omicron
Pi to new and greater heights - it’s part of the magic of thinking big!
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) To Dragma • 9
AOII International President
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
International Convention
AOII is Trending!
As the trendsetters we are, AOIIs from across
the United States and Canada took Los Angeles
by storm on June 24-28 for International
Convention 2015. AOIIs of all ages packed up
their suitcases, ready to take on the swarms of
paparazzi and create life-long memories. What
better place to talk about how AOII is trending
than in one of friendliest cities in America?
The hustle and bustle of the LA LIVE Plaza
greeted AOIIs as they arrived at the JW
Marriott Los Angeles L.A. LIVE, just walking
distance from incredible attractions. After
checking in, the official welcome to this
year’s Convention was given by our 2011-2015
International President Allison Allgier. The
start of this multi-day event is a special time
when sisters are able to reconnect with other
10 • To Dragma
sisters, advisers, and long distance friends. It
was enough to cause goose bumps watching
sisters embrace after not seeing each other
since the last Convention, or longer! Later in
the evening, AOII’s Candle Lighting Service was
held to honor AOII’s Founders and all installed
collegiate chapters, followed by time to shop-
till-you-drop in the AOII Emporium!
We started Thursday morning with Opening
Ritual and a scrumptious brunch. The
day continued with a special welcome to
attendees, as well as an excited introduction
from Vice President of Finance Krista Whipple
and Vice President Gayle Fitzpatrick. The lovely
voices of the AOII Convention Choral Group
led everyone in the singing of the United
States and Canadian national anthems and AOII
Grace. A long-standing Convention tradition
continued with a panda donation of collected
pandas for the Arthritis Foundation’s Juvenile
Arthritis Conference.
After brunch, the first of three business
sessions began. The business sessions are
where history is made at Convention. This is
a time for Council members to discuss and
challenge different amendments proposed to
the AOII Governing Documents. Attendees at
the business sessions are able to experience
firsthand the differing perspectives of sisters
from all over on the same bylaw changes.
The Forever Friends reception for participants
and honorees took place later that evening just
before the Awards Dinner. This reception is a
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
fabulous way to show appreciation to beloved
sisters and ensure a never-ending friendship
within Alpha Omicron Pi.
The highly anticipated Awards Dinner began
with all of the attendees dressed to impress in
their cocktail dresses and eveningwear. After
AOII Grace was sung, a delicious dinner was
served. Herb-marinated chicken breast and
a vanilla bean crème brulee were just a few
of the items on the evening’s menu. Many
sisters and chapters were recognized for their
accomplishments and were presented with
special awards. (See page 24 for a full list of
award winners.)
A favorite Convention tradition kept the
evening going - the hilarious Past International
Presidents skit! Laughter and friendship made
for a fabulous Los Angeles evening celebrating
the achievements of our sisters who exceed
the expectation every day.
Friday was Red and White Day! Everyone
came dressed in any AOII’s favorite color
scheme, cardinal red and white! Participants
could choose to attend any of the four
education sessions offered including Marketing
Your Authentic Self, Life Hacks, Governing
Documents and YOU, or Arthritis 365.
Afterwards, everyone was ready to replenish at
the Panhellenic Luncheon. Carole Jones, AOII’s
NPC Delegate and Past International President,
welcomed us to this year’s luncheon. After we
dined (can you say chocolate hazelnut cake?),
the Mary Louise Roller Award, the Alumnae
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
14 • To Dragma Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
and Collegiate Philos Awards for Excellence in
Panhellenic, and the Alumnae and Collegiate
Woman of Leadership Awards were presented.
The keynote speaker was Jean Mrasek, who is
the current Chairman of NPC and a Chi Omega
alumna from The University of Tulsa. She shared
her experiences and offered very inspiring words
on how to promote the sorority experience for all
fraternal organizations.
Following Friday’s business session, the sisters
of AOII enjoyed some free time all over the Los
Angeles Area. Whether members were celebrity-
sighting in downtown Hollywood or testing their
luck on the boardwalk games at the Santa Monica
Pier, AOII letters were proudly represented.
After an exciting night out exploring Los Angeles,
AOIIs were ready for our closing business session
on Saturday morning. This business session
started off with electing the new leadership
for the Fraternity. New 2015-2017 International
President Gayle Fitzpatrick was warmly welcomed
by members of Council and guests. Our new
leadership is a diversely talented group of women
and we are very excited to see the organization
progress under their leadership.
Later that day Karen Marchese, Vice President,
welcomed attendees to our Trending Luncheon.
A trendsetter herself, working in the retail
industry, Karen introduced the concept of AOII’s
trending beautifully. During lunch, we also
recognized our volunteers and the hard work
they do to propel our organization forward,
as well as learned a little bit more about and
To Dragma • 15
celebrated the AOII Foundation. Before the
luncheon concluded, one more fantastic
Convention tradition was squeezed in, PIP
Storytelling! This is a time when our Past
International Presidents can share some of their
most cherished memories and experiences
throughout AOII history. These memories
may create laughs or tears, but it is always a
wonderful time.
After hearing the PIPs’ priceless memories, the
afternoon was sealed with our Closing Ritual
ceremony. It is very special to be able to share
in a Ritual ceremony to install new international
officers and honor sisters who are no longer
with us. After the conclusion of Ritual, there
was only one event left to anticipate!
AOII Rose Banquet is the crown jewel of
Convention every year. Throughout the early
evening in over 350 rooms at the JW Marriott,
sisters of all ages were steaming their stunning
gowns, reapplying their lipstick and giving
their hair one last spritz of hairspray. AOIIs from
across North America anxiously awaited this
event to start in the Diamond Ballroom foyer.
The new Executive Board processional began
another evening of delicious food, wonderful
company and the final presentations of the
Fraternity’s most prestigious awards. (See page
24 for a full list of award winners.)
New International President Gayle Fitzpatrick
gave her keynote address after officially
receiving the president’s ring and being
transitioned. After her inspiring keynote
speech, our newest Past International
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
President, Allison Allgier, offered a few closing
remarks and led the entire room in singing the
Epsilon Chapter Song. As women clutched the
hands, right over left, of those next to them in
an enormous circle, there was a bittersweet
energy sweeping through the room. As they
twirled beneath grasped hands, AOIIs shared
smiles and hugs as the last night of another
incredible Convention celebration came to
a close. Following Convention 2015, AOIIs
everywhere agree that AOII is Trending!
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
2015-2017 Executive Board
International President Vice President
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon (Purdue U)
Group Vice President Sr. Vice President of Human Resources
Oracle Corporation Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc.
Vice President of Finance Vice President
Susan Bonifield, Nu Beta (U of Mississippi) Grace Houston, Lambda Tau (U of Louisiana at Monroe)
Associate Dean, Finance and Administration Former College and University Administrator,
Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University department head, dean and division head
Vice President Vice President
Crystal Combs, Nu Beta (U of Mississippi) Krista Whipple, Omega (Miami U)
Managing Officer, Picayune General Destistry, Inc. Director, Product Research and Development
& Growing Smiles of Picayune, LLC Kemper P&C
Vice President Vice President
Amber Countis, Pi (Tulane U) Jessie Wang-Grimm, Phi Chi (U of Chicago)
Director of Development Research and Data Services Assistant Regional Counsel, Social Security Administration
Norwich University Office of the General Counsel
Past International President
Allison Allgier, Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U)
Clinical Program Manager, Brachial Plexus Center
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
2015-2017 Properties Board (Editor’s note: Because the
Properties Board is appointed
Jane Tessmer, Gamma Theta (U of South Florida), President following Convention, their photo
Julie Bishop, Gamma Theta (U of South Florida), Vice President will appear in the next issue.)
Susan Bonifield, Nu Beta (U of Mississippi), Treasurer
Lacey Bowman, Chi Delta (U of Colorado Boulder), Director Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
Caroline Craig Lazzara, Lambda Beta (California State U, Long Beach), Director
Krista Whipple, Omega (Miami U), Director
18 • To Dragma
2015-2017 Foundation Board Rose Awards
Koren Phillips, Phi Chi (U of Chicago), President To honor alumnae who serve AOII solely
Judy Flessner, Iota (U of Illinois), Treasurer because of their devotion to the Fraternity,
Linda Schwartz Grandolfo, Nu Iota (Northern Illinois U), Secretary its members, and its ideals - whether or not
Michelle Lopez, Delta Theta (Texas Woman’s U), Director they hold a titled volunteer position. It is a
Dionn Tron, Omega (Miami U), Director “thank you” to these loyal alumnae for their
Kathy Jensen, Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U), Director lifetime commitment to continuing interest
Andrea Dill, Chi Psi (Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo), Director in, assistance for, and dedication to AOII.
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U), International President
Marlene Peterson Adams, Delta Sigma
Past International Presidents Patricia Antolosky, Epsilon Alpha
Beryl Arbit, Kappa Theta
Joan MacCallum, 1979-1981, Kappa Phi (McGill U) Julie Bishop, Gamma Theta
Ginger Banks, 1981-1985, Pi Kappa (U of Texas-Austin) Heidi Butler, Nu Delta
Peg Crawford, 1985-1989, Iota (U of Illinois) Jennifer Fisk Cutler, Delta Chi
Barbara Hunt, 1989-1993, Phi Delta (U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) Kathleen Niple Donohue, Epsilon Chi
Mary Williams, 1993-1995, Phi (U of Kansas) Diana Elston, Theta
Ann Gilchrist, 1995-1997, Theta (DePauw U) Barbara DeYoung Gibson, Epsilon
Linda Collier, 1997-1999, Chi Omicron (U of Central Oklahoma) Natalie Gross, Iota
Carole Jones, 1999-2003, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) Karen Hickman, Theta
Sally Wagaman, 2003-2005, Sigma Tau (Washington College) Abigail Epps Mason, Rho Omicron
Susan Danko, 2005-2009, Phi Upsilon (Purdue U) Lorraine Frederickson, Iota Tau
Barb Zipperian, 2009-2011, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U) Aimee Meyers, Gamma Delta
Allison Allgier, 2011-2015, Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U) Chris Miller, Iota
Kaya Miller, Gamma Theta
Patricia Shelton Moxon, Nu Lambda
Brandi Nunnery, Rho Omicron
Susan Jane Story, Omega Xi
Ashleigh Welsh, Kappa Tau
Barbara Koentz Wentworth, Gamma
Dawn Osborn Wright, Theta Psi
Alumnae Women of Leadership
Robin Beltramini, Iota
Gail Hill, Nu Lambda
Collegiate Women of Leadership
Shelley Choudhury, Kappa Omicron
Megan Ernst, Lambda Sigma
Morgan McDowell, Alpha Pi
Jennine Punzalan, Beta Kappa
Sydney Sherick, Alpha Phi
Emily Wikle, Nu Beta
To Dragma • 19
Lambda Sigma, University of Georgia
Honoring AOII Founder Jessie Wallace Hughan, the JWH Cup is one of the
Fraternity’s most prestigious awards. It recognizes the collegiate chapter
determined to be the most outstanding for the biennium. This biennium,
Lambda Sigma Chapter (U of Georgia) was selected as the deserving
recipient of the JWH Cup.
“The women in this chapter are hardworking, dedicated, and talented,
making them a wonderful compliment to the prestigious group of Alpha
Omicron Pi women present, past and future, who will receive the honor of
this award.” Those are the kind words of UGA’s Director of Greek Life. The
chapter is dedicated to high academic standards on a highly competitive,
academically-minded campus, almost always finishing first or second in
grades. They are committed to service and philanthropy, and are leaders in
SGA, Panhellenic Council, campus activities and Dance Marathon. They are
recruiting experts who have consistently established themselves as a
chapter of choice in this very large and competitive Panhellenic system.
Sisterhood is a strength and members love spending time together.
They see themselves as a family, supporting each other in good times
and bad, as they experienced together during the biennium. Their
strengths are always driven for their shared love of AOII’s Ritual.
The Executive Board deliberated long in selecting a winner, and have
chosen well. At the start of the biennium, our winner set a goal to
develop into a chapter worthy of strong consideration for this award.
In doing so, goals were set to assure that every operational area would
be exceptional. Blessed with a good start, the AAC and LC identified
key areas of improvement and set clear objectives for every LC position.
In order to win, they understood this goal had to be embraced by the
entire chapter. As the biennium progressed, the chapter achieved all
their goals, and even surpassed most. The
most important outcome might appear to
be a win in this prestigious category, but in
truth, the results are far more widespread
and meaningful than just that. This
great AOII chapter became even greater
because the membership experience of
being a member of Lambda Sigma is a
life changing proposition. AOII is proud to
congratulate Lambda Sigma for bringing
great credit to our Fraternity.
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
Stella George Stern Perry Award
Hailey Simpson, Delta Delta
Auburn University
The Perry Award is the highest distinction given to a collegiate member of Alpha Omicron Pi and honors Founder Stella
George Stern Perry. This annual award is presented to the one collegiate president who, by outstanding service to her
chapter, exceptional inspiration to its members, and recognition by administration and/or fellow students of her college or
university, typifies the Alpha Omicron Pi so beloved by Stella. This year, the Fraternity is pleased to present the Perry Award
to Hailey Simpson, Delta Delta (Auburn U).
Hailey is a phenomenial young woman. Over and over, she is described as a kind and compassionate person who loves
all those around her. In fact, her own Leaders Council listed her ability to love as one of her strongest leadership traits. Is there any surprise that several
people noted how well she embodies AOII’s Ritual in her daily life and in her leadership? Her LC went on to explain, “We can honestly say there is no AOII
better at cultivating intentional, meaningful relationships than our president.” When leading a large chapter with over 250 members, each day can be met
with a new set of trials and obstacles. With a quiet confidence, Hailey developed a relationship with every member of her Alumnae Advisory Committee
and sought their advice on many occasions, and she earned the respect of her LC through hard work and humility.
Beyond AOII, this well-rounded young woman is also a member of several prestigious honor societies and a leader in countless other organizations. She
has given her time and talents in every organization in which she is involved. As if all of her extra-curricular activities weren’t enough, Hailey has managed
to accomplish all of this while maintaining excellent scholastic merit, graduating magna cum laude with a double major in Psychology and Spanish.
Her campus Director of Greek Life shared these words about our recipient: “She took over the presidency at a time when her chapter was looking for solid
direction. She was tasked with helping get the chapter on track and encouraged the general membership to have trust in her office. The way she has
lived out the values of Alpha Omicron Pi and elevated the status of her chapter within our Panhellenic makes her an excellent candidate for this award.”
Helen St. Clair Mullan Award
Joan Deathe MacCallum, Kappa Phi
McGill University, Montreal Alumnae Chapter
Honoring an alumna member who has continually served AOII over the years, displaying loyal, faithful and devoted
commitment to the Fraternity, AOII’s 2015 recipient of the Mullan Award is Joan Deathe MacCallum, Kappa Phi (McGill U).
Joan’s list of AOII involvement is not only lengthy, but also constant and significant. From Collegiate Chapter President, Chapter
Adviser, and Alumnae Chapter President to District, Network and International leadership roles, our recipient has been a part
of advancing the Fraternity for 60 years! She is a PIP in the best sense of the word. To know Joan is to know she is passionate
about AOII. She is kind, soft-spoken and humble. She has long served on – and even chaired - both the RT& J Committee and the Perry Award Committee,
as well as several others. After all her admirable service, it is likely that the role she serves in today will ultimately be her most significant contribution to the
Fraternity. She is AOII’s International Historian, and she has often said that she shadowed Nancy McCain as Historian for 6 years so she could learn from the
master. Nancy turned this great responsibility over to her in 2001, and in the past 14 years, Joan has exceeded all expectations, enthusiasticly becoming
AOII’s historian extraordinaire. AOII proudly honors Joan MacCallum as a deserving Mullan Award winner.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Award
Bonnie Sutherland, Beta Kappa
University of British Columbia, Vancouver Alumnae Chapter
Named to honor Founder Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, the Wyman Award is given to an alumna member who has achieved
outstanding success and/or national acclaim in the arts, in her profession, or in service to humanity. This year’s winner, Bonnie
Sutherland, Beta Kappa (U of British Columbia) especially embraces the latter – service to humanity. She is a founder of, a multi-million dollar international charity that advances education and relieving poverty by providing practical
support for schools and villages around the world. Her sisters attest to the fact that Bonnie has always been generous and
typified service throughout her life as a collegian and an alumna; however, Afretech focused her drive. The organization
began when she and another AOII sent out-of-date school resources to a small school in Zimbabwe; the small act of charity
grew to be Afretech. While most of her focus has been on Africa, she has also worked with the Philippines after a typhoon,
Japan after the tsunami, and school libraries in Northern British Columbia. The library project was at the personal request to our recipient by BC’s Lieutenant
Governor - the Queen’s provincial representative. Even with all of her trips into remote corners of the world for her charity, Bonnie has maintained her
membership with AOII’s Vancouver Alumnae Chapter, and her enthusiasm has inspired the chapter to hold fund raising events to help specific Afretech
projects. Her enthusiasm is so contagious that a few AOIIs have joined her on volunteer trips to Kenya. How many people can say that they have positively
influenced over a quarter of a million people? Our Wyman Award winner, Bonnie Sutherland, can.
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015 To Dragma • 21
Mary Ann Rice Caldwell Award
Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter
Mary Ann Rice Caldwell (MARC) was a longtime AOII volunteer and staff
member. Named in her honor, this award recognizes the most outstanding
alumnae chapter for the biennium.
This year’s deserving MARC winner is the Chicago West Suburban Alumnae
Chapter. This great chapter excels in many areas, and their commitment
to collegiate relations is top notch. They support four collegiate chapters
and participate in the adopt-a-chapter program through their Area Council.
They are a living and breathing example of AOII for a lifetime as they serve as
volunteers at the local and international level. The chapter emphasizes Ritual
in all that they do and is a shining light in their community. They support an
endless list of organizations in their community - just a few of them include
DuPage PADS, an organization committed to ending homelessness in
their community; the Ronald McDonald House, Comer Children’s Hospital,
People’s Resource Center, Operation Holiday Card, West Suburban Humane
Society, Hope’s Front Door, The Children’s Research Foundation, Goodwill,
and Sharing Connections.
Chicago West Suburban AC works very hard to provide a scholarship to a
collegian in their state and is committed to enhancing the collegiate AOII
experience by supporting each chapter to achieve their goals. The chapter’s
MIF committee sent a record number of 70+ MIFs in 2014, too. AOII is proud
to honor Chicago West Suburban AC with the 2015 MARC award.
Adele K. Hinton Award
Schuyler Ruhlman, Pi
Tulane University, New Orleans Area Alumane
This award honors an alumna who has set an outstanding personal
example for others in the Fraternity. She exemplifies the ideals of
AOII and inspires others to remain involved in Fraternity service.
The award is named in honor of Past International President Adele
Kuflewski Hinton.
Mary Louise Roller Award
Nicole Klibert, Kappa Chi
Northwestern State University
The Roller Award honors Past International President Mary Louise
Roller, who served as chairman of the National Panhellenic Conference and
was committed to Panhellenic service. This award honors a collegian
who has provided outstanding service and leadership to her local
Panhellenic, campus and community.
22 • To Dragma
Muriel T. McKinney Award To Dragma • 23
JoAnne Zunich, Iota
University of Illinois
The McKinney Award honors an alumna adviser for outstanding
guidance and length of service to a collegiate chapter. This award
is given biennially in memory of Past International President Muriel
Turner McKinney.
Barbara Daugs Hunt Award
Dian Poole Volkmer, Tau Delta
Birmingham Southern College
Presented by the AOII Foundation, the Barbara Daugs
Hunt Award honors one outstanding AOII alumna for
her lifetime personal and financial commitment to
the Foundation, its vision, mission and programs. The
award is named for Past International President and
Past AOII Foundation President, Barbara Daugs Hunt.
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
2015 Convention
Collegiate Chapter Campuses with Total of 101 members or more: Campuses with 6 to 9 NPC chapters:
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Award Winners Lambda Beta, California State U, Long Beach Delta Omega, Murray State U
Phi Gamma, Georgia College & State U Gamma Alpha, George Mason U
Chapter Excellence Award Sigma, U of California, Berkeley Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U
To honor the collegiate chapters recognized Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
as AOII’s most outstanding in overall chapter Honorable Mentions:
excellence. Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U Campuses with 10 or more NPC chapters:
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U Omega Sigma, Oklahoma State U Alpha Gamma, Washington State U
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Rho Beta, Virginia Commonwealth U Delta Delta, Auburn U
Alpha Phi, Montana State U Sigma Beta, Saint Joseph’s U Kappa Kappa, Ball State U
Chi Lambda, U of Evansville Sigma Gamma, Appalachian State U Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Omicron, U of Tennessee
Delta Omega, Murray State U Excellence in Community Service
Iota, U of Illinois Campuses with a Total of 100 members or fewer: Excellence in Membership Retention
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U Chi Lambda, U of Evansville Campuses with a Total of 100 or fewer members:
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
Omicron, U of Tennessee Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U Honorable Mentions:
Zeta Pi, U of Alabama Birmingham Alpha Phi, Montana State U Campuses with a Total of 101 or more members:
Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U Iota, U of Illinois
Excellence in Alumnae Relations Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Delta Delta, Auburn U Campuses with Total of 101 members or more:
Iota, U of Illinois Lambda Beta, California State U, Long Beach Excellence in New Member Education
Xi, U of Oklahoma Rho Delta, Samford U Chapters with a new member class of 30 or fewer:
Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln Sigma Gamma, Appalachian State U Beta Upsilon, Bryant U
Chi Lambda, U of Evansville
Honorable Mentions: Honorable Mentions: Kappa Phi, McGill U
Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern College Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State U Chapters with a new member class of 31 to 45:
Lambda Eta, Grand Valley State U Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Excellence in Campus Involvement Omega Sigma, Oklahoma State U
Campuses with 24 or fewer Greek organizations: Omicron, U of Tennessee Chapters with a new member class of 46 or more:
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Alpha, Barnard College and Columbia U
Epsilon Chi, Elon U Excellence in Finance Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U Alpha Gamma, Washington State U Omega Sigma, Oklahoma State U
Chi Lambda, U of Evansville Xi Omicron, U of Arkansas
Honorable Mentions:
Alpha Phi, Montana State U Honorable Mentions: Excellence in Operations
Beta Kappa, U of British Columbia Delta Delta, Auburn U Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U
Delta Pi, U of Central Missouri Kappa Chi, Northwestern State U Pi Alpha, U of Louisville
Mu Lambda, Rollins College Rho Beta, Virginia Commonwealth U
Nu Omega, Northern Kentucky U Excellence in Fraternity/Sorority Relations
Rho Delta, Samford U Campuses with 24 or fewer Greek organizations: Honorable Mentions:
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Campuses with 25 or more Greek organizations: Delta Omega, Murray State U
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Honorable Mentions: Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U Epsilon Gamma, U of Northern Colorado Phi Lambda, Youngstown State U
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Nu Omega, Northern Kentucky U Theta Iota, California State U, San Marcos
Sigma Gamma, Appalachian State U
Honorable Mentions: Excellence in Philanthropy
Alpha, Barnard College and Columbia U Campuses with 25 or more Greek organizations: Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U
Delta Delta, Auburn U Iota, U of Illinois Gamma Alpha, George Mason U
Nu Beta, U of Mississippi Omicron, U of Tennessee Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Omicron, U of Tennessee Honorable Mentions:
Sigma, U of California, Berkeley Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U Honorable Mentions
Upsilon, U of Washington Lambda Beta, California State U, Long Beach Delta Omega, Murray State U
Lambda Delta, Dalton State College
Excellence in Communications Excellence in Membership Recruitment Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Campuses with Total of 100 members or fewer: Campuses with 5 or fewer NPC chapters:
Beta Kappa, U of British Columbia Alpha Phi, Montana State U Excellence in Risk Management
Kappa Phi, McGill U Chi Lambda, U of Evansville Campuses with a Total of 100 or fewer members:
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Alpha Phi, Montana State U
Honorable Mentions: Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U Campuses with a Total of 101 or more members:
Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern College Lambda Delta, Dalton State College Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
24 • To Dragma Honorable Mentions:
Alpha Gamma, Washington State U
Iota, U of Illinois
Omega, Miami U
Award Winners
Excellence in Membership Recruitment
Excellence in Rituals McCausland Cup for Excellence in Academic Achievement Houston Alumnae
Campuses with a Total of 100 or fewer members:
Alpha Phi, Montana State U To honor the chapters whose overall academic
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U development is determined to be the most superior. This Honorable Mentions:
Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U
Gamma Chi, Carleton U award was named in honor of Lillian MacQuillan Baton Rouge Alumnae
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
Kappa Phi, McGill U McCausland, eighth National President. Calgary Alumnae
Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington U
Alpha, Barnard College and Columbia U Reno-Tahoe Alumnae
Campuses with a Total of 101 or more members:
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U Beta Phi, Indiana U Excellence in Operations
Delta Omega, Murray State U
Delta Pi, U of Central Missouri Philos Award for Excellence in Panhellenic Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Campus with 8 or fewer NPC chapters: Philadelphia Alumnae
Rho Delta, Samford U
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U Pi Alpha, U of Louisville Reno-Tahoe Alumnae
Sigma Beta, Saint Joseph’s U
Campus with 9 or more NPC chapters: Honorable Mentions:
Excellence in Sisterhood Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Toledo Area Alumnae
Chapters with 74 or fewer members: San Diego Alumnae
Kappa Phi, McGill U
Alumnae Chapter Excellence in Sisterhood
Honorable Mention: Baton Rouge Alumnae
Beta Upsilon, Bryant U Award Winners Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae
Chapters with 75 to 129 members: Chapter Excellence Award Honorable Mentions:
Chi Lambda, U of Evansville To honor the alumnae chapters determined to be AOII’s Calgary Alumnae
most outstanding in overall chapter excellence. Chicago City Alumnae
Honorable Mentions: New York/New Jersey Metro Alumnae
Delta Pi, U of Central Missouri Baton Rouge Alumnae
Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U Calgary Alumnae Philos Award for Excellence in Panhellenic
Sigma Gamma, Appalachian State U Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae San Diego Alumnae
Zeta Pi, U of Alabama Birmingham
Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Honorable Mentions:
Chapters with 130 or more members: Montreal Alumnae Chicago West Suburban Alumnae
Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U Reno-Tahoe Alumnae Long Beach/South Bay Alumnae
Pi Alpha, U of Louisville San Diego Alumnae Nashville Area Alumnae
Pi Theta, Florida International U
Excellence in Collegiate Relations Foundation
Calgary Alumnae Award Winners
Chicago West Suburban Alumnae
Hammond Area Alumnae
Mahoning Valley Alumnae
Honorable Mentions: Honorable Mentions: Barbara Daugs Hunt Award
Iota, U of Illinois Bozeman Alumnae See page 23 for more information
Omicron, U of Tennessee Montreal Alumnae
Phi Gamma, Georgia College & State U Rhode Island Alumnae Dian Poole Volkmer, Tau Delta
Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln Toledo Area Alumnae
Toronto Area Alumnae Excellence in Fundraising
Outstanding Alumnae Advisory Committee To honor alumnae and collegiate chapters who are
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U Excellence in Communications Securing the Future of Alpha Omicron Pi through
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Philadelphia Alumnae their annual fundraising efforts. This award is given
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U Reno-Tahoe Alumnae based on total amount of dollars raised by chapters
for the AOII Foundation as of May 15, 2015.
Outstanding Leaders Council Honorable Mentions:
Campuses with a Total of 100 or fewer members: Baton Rouge Alumnae Collegiate Chapters
Chicago City Alumnae Campuses with 1-5 NPC chapters
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Denver Alumnae
Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U Nashville Area Alumnae Phi Chi, U of Chicago
Rhode Island Alumnae
Honorable Mentions: Campuses with 6-10 NPC chapters
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama Excellence in Community Involvement Alpha Lambda, Georgia Southern U
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae
Campuses with 11 or more NPC chapters
Campuses with a Total of 101 or more members: Honorable Mentions: Delta Delta, Auburn U
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Baton Rouge Alumnae
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Alumnae Chapter
Pi Alpha, U of Louisville Toledo Area Alumnae
Honorable Mentions: To Dragma • 25
Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U
Lambda Beta, California State U, Long Beach
Sigma Beta, Saint Joseph’s U
T heta Iota, C alifornia St ate U, San M arcos
20 6Chapter Installation
Delta Nu - University of Nevada, Reno
Alpha Omicron Pi is thrilled to have installed our 206th • The Jessie Wallace Hughan Founder Award honors a sister
collegiate chapter on May 2, 2015. AOII’s 2011-2015 who encourages her friends to live at a higher standard
International President, Allison Allgier, was the installing officer while leading by example. It was awarded to Abby Feenstra
for Delta Nu Chapter at the University of Nevada, Reno. for constantly going above and beyond the call of duty and
The Installation Rituals were held in the morning, followed encouraging sisters to take roles in student government or just in
by an afternoon Rose Reception where friends, family, and the Nevada community as a whole.
the Reno community were invited to celebrate the chapter’s
accomplishments thus far. • The Helen St. Clair Mullan Founder Award honors a sister
who is extremely loyal as well as has the traits of grace and tact
With such an active group recruited, the women had no problem like that of Helen. The chapter felt Nominating Committee
getting further involved on campus as a colony. During the Chairman Mindy Lorance embodied the grace and tact of
nine-week period prior to installation, the women participated Helen as she ran elections with great efficiency.
in numerous student organization events while also developing
their own sisterhood and identity at UNR. It is clear that Delta • The Stella George Stern Perry Founder Award honors a sister
Nu values the Greek community as they participated in at least with a huge heart for AOII and passion for helping those in
eight philanthropy events in their short time as a colony. In need. Recipient Caroline Bell was the voice of community
addition to the many events on campus, the women were also service throughout the colony semester.
able to spend time together and chose their chapter name and
submotto during their sisterhood retreat at Lake Tahoe a few • The Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Founder Award honors a
weeks after Colonization. sister who always demonstrates sympathy, understanding, and
leadership. It was awarded to Katrina Aldridge who assisted in
During the Rose Reception, the colony chose to recognize expanding the colony in to new horizons, while continuing to
four charter members, in honor of our four founders, for their focus on her own leadership opportunities.
dedication to AOII.
26 • To Dragma Issue No. 3 • Summer 2015
Campus Event Participation
• Desserts with DG • I Stand
• SAE Paddy Murphy • Up Til Dawn
• Panhellenic Grilled Cheese Event • Relay for Life
• Kappa Phi Lambda chapter installation • Silent Library
• Omega Delta Phi new member installation • SK Sketti night
• Phi Beta Sigma’s new member installation • 5KAO for CASA
• Alpha Pi Gamma new member installation • SAE Easter Event
Charter Members
Yesenia Abrego Jacqueline Delgado Allison Incze Missy Nelson Sabrina Sevilla
Kristine Adams Lindsey DePaola Marissa Jordan Madeline Ocampo Amanda Smith-Baker
Brittnee Marie Aldea Viv Diaz Eilish Kelderman Alexis Perkins Sarina Soffiotto
Alexia Aldridge Mackenna Dupont Harlee Keller Jordan Peterson Caroline Soto
Katrina Aldridge Marissa Elquist Natalie King Amy Pickrel Tazia Statucki
Sophia Aliaga Daniela Evans Kylee Koch Ximena Prado Zoe Stevens
Sarah Almaraz Tyler Ewoldt Nadira Koljenovic Rachael Price Jay Tirona
Allison Alvarez Teresa Fahy Megan Korbelik Marina Princeau Miranda Travis
Elizabeth Anderson Abby Feenstra Brianna Krevitz Katie Prosser Sara Un
Janelle Bachman Hannah Filcher Danielle Lara Angela Ramet Sydney Vandenberg
Nariya Bahrampour Macy Fleck Ihla Larson Dani Rawson Allie Vidal
Sarah Barry Megan Flynn Rachel Laub Bayley Renovich Aleta Vitkus
Caroline Bell Kaitlyn Fontaine Faith Lawrence Ashley Richards Diana Walsh
Natalie Betts Lindsey Forbes Teri Lawrence Jessica Riggleman Kayla Warner
Bailey Bigelow Samantha Fregoso Amanda Leighton Alexandria Righetti April Wedekind
Alyssa Bloomberg Jessica Freitas Arminda Lopez Shaye Riley Lyndsey West
Jayne Boehmler Shelby Gallagher Mindy Lorance Kelsey Robertson Hannah Wilhelm
Shelby Brandt Alicia Gant Nicole Lunsford Taylor Rojas Andrea Wilkinson
Tiffany Braunstein Alix Garcia Terra Malcolm Genesis Ruiz Rebecca Wilson
Andrea Bright Haylee Gini Morgan Martin Megan Sakelarios Elayna Winter
Brittani Brothers Kimberley Grantham Ashlye Martinson Jessica Salsman Aja Wong
Alexandra Brown Miranda Granzella Soraya Mayahzadeh Sara Salsman Sierra Wright
Taylor Burnett Savanah Green Emilie McCormick Mariela Santiago-Contreras Muriel Zug
Katie Butkovich Nicole Greene Madison McHenry Satara Setzer
Michelle Campusano Karina Guerrero Kelsey Mehrer
Rosa Cazarez Sarah Guilford Kellie Mendez
Kelley Chaffin Aubri Haggard Jessica Meyers
Kenzie Chelemedos Hayley Harmon Rocio Meza
Elena Collins Harlie Hedger Meghan Michel
Destiny Cortez Megan Heller Elizabeth Moore
Kelsey Costello Rachel Henderson Carlyn Moran
Emily Cox Hailey Hermann McKenzie Morgan
Bailey Cundy Abigail Hersey Mikayla Morrison
Camille Cutler April Hoogendijk Alyson Mullen
Cassie Davis Marissa Houston Terrie Munai
Courtney Davis Sabrina Hunsinger Shandy Nanomantube
Submotto: To Dragma • 27
Bringing Light and Compassion
Weaving AOII
AOII Wedding For your send off, instead of rice or Spruce up your wedding cake with real
bubbles, toss rose petals. or iced roses.
Sisters Roses Wheat
To make their weddings even
more memorable, AOII brides
are creatively incorporating
aspects of the Fraternity
into their ceremonies and
receptions. Using AOII
symbols or traditions, here
are a few of the trending
ideas being used to honor
AOII’s sisterhood on a
wedding day:
Pin your badge to your bouquet to carry Pin your AOII bridesmaids’ badges to Provide rose corsages at the wedding
with you down the aisle! your bouquet to carry with you down or reception for all AOII sisters in
the aisle! attendance and note the honor in your
program. This allows all sisters to feel a
28 • To Dragma part of the big day without the need to
have a huge bridal party.
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
Into Your Wedding
Tuck a single red rose in your bouquet Borrow another sister’s badge, or use During the reception, gather all AOII
to pay homage to our symbol in a your own, to pin over your heart on the guests to serenade you and your
subtle way. inside of your dress. groom with the Epsilon Chapter song or
AOII Loving Cup.
Incorporate wheat into your bouquet or Pose for an “Alpha Love” photo with all
table decorations using the whole sheaf the AOIIs in your wedding party or those Our sisterhood is for more
or individual strands. in attendance. than four years, it’s for life!
These ideas are just some of
the fun possibilities of adding
AOII to your special day!
Do you have AOII-inspired
wedding ideas to share?
See “For Further Discussion”
on page 67 for details on
when we will be asking you
to share those ideas and
thoughts on Facebook.
by Makenzie Mosier, Sigma Theta
(Sam Houston State U), AOII Intern
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015 To Dragma • 29
The Do’s & Don’ts of Tech-etiquette
“No elbows on DON’T: Speak too loudly on DO: Ask people to wait if you DON’T: Ignore people in social
the dinner table,” phone calls in public. Lower your have to respond to something settings for your phone. Nothing
“don’t talk with voice to a volume level used to urgent. The key word here is is more off-putting than being
your mouth full,” speak to someone in person. Not “urgent.” Just explain the situation ignored by a friend who is texting
and “it’s not polite only will the person on the other so you don’t look like you are or chatting on a phone call
to interrupt,” are all end still be able to hear you, simply ignoring those with you. while you are with them. Enjoy
common phrases those around you won’t have to the company of your family and
you probably heard be disrupted. friends, and let those on the other
from your parents side of the screen wait.
DO: Ask beforehand whether
growing up. In you may use your computer to DON’T: Hide behind a DO: Choose your battles on
today’s world, new take notes in class or a meeting. keyboard. It is easy to say social media wisely. Nobody
technology has led Not only will the gesture be things over text or email that actually wins arguments online,
to a need for new appreciated, but people will be you would never actually and you may walk away seeming
aware of your intentions and say in person. Before hitting like a lesser person for things
etiquette rules. not wondering if you are really send on a potentially harmful you wrote.
While there is no browsing the web or message, pause to evaluate
definite outline checking email. your intentions or the potential
for ever-changing consequences of what you
have typed.
etiquette, these do’s
and don’ts are a
good place to start.
A. (Badge and chain
C. sold separately.)
F. G.
(Badge sold
D. separately.)
E. K.
(Chain sold H.
A. Pearl Ring, #612013 SS...$75 J.
B. Pearl Drop Earrings, #622054 SS...$65
C. Pearl Drop Necklace, #682054 SS...$49 I. N.
D. Snake Chain #SNAKE SS...$18, GF...$30, 10K...$504 (Includes three
E. Vertical Letter Lavaliere, #L2647 SS...$26, 10K...$56 charms shown.)
F. Heart Lavaliere, #L2604 SS...$26, 10K...$56
G. Interchangeable Badge Ring, #0437 SS...$135, 10K...$270
H. Frost Ring, #036038 ST...$49 (Whole sizes 6 – 8 only.)
I. Barrel Bead, #BEAD SS...$36
J. Frost Bracelet, #076BR SP...$20
K. Wynterice Watch, #WYNTERIC...$40
L. Pierced Plain Badge Pendant, #3000 SS...$80, 10K...$296
M. Jeweled Blush Watch, #SUMMERTI...$50
N. Bangle Bracelet, #TBANGLE SP...$36
K – karat gold, SS – sterling silver, GF – gold-filled, SP – silver-plated, ST – stainless steel.
Five Tips for Saving Money in College
Tuition, books, activities, dues and meals - the cost of attending college is enough to make anyone a little
nervous. Leaving home for college is a learning curve in more ways than one. One of the significant ways is in
money management. Here are some tips to help you have a little more wiggle room in your wallet.
Tip 1: Make a budget and stick to it.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that creating a budget is a very important step in
money management. However, identifying your budget is only half of our first tip. Sticking to
the budget you’ve created for yourself is a must! For those of you who haven’t yet lived life
on a budget, believe the rest of us when we say that sticking to your budget can be difficult
at times, but it is rewarding in the long run!
Tip 2: P lan ahead.
From weekly meal planning to monthly bill payments, nothing is too big or too small
to plan for financially! Planning ahead allows you to stay within your budget and save
in the long run. Will you need extra money in the months ahead? It’s wiser to plan
and save a little each month for your formal, beach weekend or holiday shopping in
advance rather than relying on credit cards.
Tip 3: Avoid impulse buys.
We’ve all been there. You just went to the mall to help your friend pick out a new outfit for her
date next weekend and next thing you know, you’re seated in the shoe department waiting
for the sales associate to bring you a half size bigger in the boots that caught your eye. It all
happened so fast! It is important to recognize that your next move determines the fate of that
budget you worked so hard to create in Tip 1. Please listen to this advice - walk away for at
least 48 hours. If you still have to have the boots, decide how you will fund them in your
budget and go buy them. Chances are, however, that your initial desire will fade and you
just saved yourself (and your budget) an impulse buy.
Tip 4: Live by the motto: “If it’s for free, it’s for me!”
Take advantage of all the free activities provided on your campus, in your dorm or at
your apartment complex. Campus organizations and clubs often use cook-outs or ice cream
socials as recruitment incentives. Don’t be shy - these events are a great way to meet new
people and enjoy a free meal or dessert. In addition to campus offerings, be sure to check out
what specials local businesses in your college town have to offer students.
Tip 5: Learn how to say no.
Do yourself a big favor and learn how to say no without guilt when your friends expect you to
eat and/or go out several nights a week. Suggest a cheaper (or free) activity or skip out on what
you cannot afford. You are the one who knows your financial limits, so accept that you may not be
able to keep pace with a friend who seems more well off. You will thank yourself later and may discover that
some of your seemingly wealthy friends are broke before the semester ends!
Issue no.3 • Summer 2015 To Dragma • 31
32 • To Dragma A Girlfriend’s Guide
to Bluffing Your
Way Through
Football Season
Fall is right around the corner and that means the
return of two very important things for college
students: pumpkin spice lattes and football season.
You may be a passionate football fan counting
down the days in anticipation for opening
kickoff and know every player on your
favorite teams. Or, you may be the girl who
doesn’t even know when last season ended
and this one starts.
Whatever the case, football is certain
to be an important topic of discussion
for many of those around you, and
you may want to become more
knowledgeable about what all the
fuss is about. You don’t have to learn
everything, but understanding the
basic terminology for the “All-
American sport” can go a long
way on game day!
So whether you just need to brush
up on your football vocabulary,
or if your answer to someone
asking what your favorite
football team is the “Orlando
Blooms,” here are the basics to
help you bluff your way through
football season.
First Down:
The first of four attempts that a
team gets to move the ball down
the field 10 yards. If they fail to
do so, then the other team gets
the ball. If the team does not
successfully accomplish this by the
4th down, they typically chose to
punt the ball or kick a field goal.
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
Punt: Offsides:
This is when one team chooses to kick the ball to the Same as false start but is when a defensive player jumps
other team. A team might chose to do this if they are early and makes contact with an offensive player.
too far away from the other side of the field to kick a
field goal or do not feel like they have a good chance to Holding:
get the yards left in order to earn a new set of downs. This is a penalty where a player on either team either
grabs and moves or stops and holds onto another player
Field Goal: so his teammate with the ball is able to get somewhere.
Field goals are when the team’s kicker attempts to kick
the ball through the goalpost to score three points. The Pass Interference:
average range of a kicker is 35 yards. Contact is inevitable but it is a penalty when a defensive
player makes contact with an offensive player before the
Touchdown: ball arrives, keeping the player from making the catch.
When the team is able to get the ball across the goal line
in the end zone of the opponent’s side of the field, it is Now that some of the basic rules and
called a touchdown and worth six points. vocabulary have been covered, here are
some hot-button stories you are sure to
Extra Point: hear about when the season returns.
This is where the kicker will try to kick the ball
through the uprights immediately following a The College Football Playoff Season 2:
touchdown and is worth one point. Buckeyes are more than just a chocolate covered peanut
butter ball that your aunt brings to Christmas dinner.
Two-point Conversion: It’s also the mascot for The Ohio State U, the first
Sometimes teams will attempt to go for two points after ever College Football Playoff winner, and National
a touchdown instead of one by getting the ball into the Champions. Despite many people saying OSU should
end zone again. They have one attempt to do so. have missed out on the playoffs with either TCU or
Baylor in their spot, the Buckeyes beat both Alabama and
Safety: Oregon to take home the trophy. The Big 12 conference
When one team’s defense is able to tackle a player of the was not too thrilled to be left out of the playoffs and it
other team’s offense in their own end zone, it is called a will be interesting to see which major conference gets
safety and worth two points. left out this year. With only four spots and five major
conferences, out of conference play is more important
Tackle: than ever. While the match ups are getting more
This is when the defensive players are able to bring interesting, the seasons are getting more unpredictable.
the offensive player with the ball to the ground which Intense for players? Yes. Fun for fans? Absolutely.
causes the play to end. When the quarterback is tackled,
this is called a sack. “Deflate-gate”:
The Super Bowl this year had several memorable
Fumble: moments. Katy Perry rocked the halftime show with
Sometimes the defense is able to strip the ball from the an off-beat shark; the commercials were as funny as
offensive player before the play is over and the ball then ever; and Tom Brady’s impeccable jaw line won the
becomes fair play for anyone to pick up. game. This victory was somewhat overshadowed by
the previous game when the equipment managers for
Interception: Brady’s Patriots were found to have deflated game balls
A turnover where the defensive player catches the ball in order for Brady to have better grip on his passes.
instead of the player that the quarterback intended. This resulted in a four game suspension for Brady, who
was said to have known about the scandal all along. He
False Start: appealed this decision with the NFL commissioner, was
The teams line up on a neutral line. If an offensive denied, and now plans to take his case to court. Stay
player jumps across that line before the ball is snapped, tuned. One thing is for sure, pictures of the heartthrob
this results in a penalty. quarterback aren’t going away anytime soon.
by Madison Browder, Rho Delta (Samford U), AOII Intern
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015 To Dragma • 33
Meet the 2015-2016
Educational Leadership Consultants!
Meet the 12 Educational Leadership Consultants (ELCs) that AOII will send
to collegiate chapters across the United States and Canada during the
upcoming school year. These outstanding young women are well-trained
educators and ambassadors for the Fraternity and will work under the
guidance of AOII Headquarters staff and Fraternity volunteers.
34 • To Dragma Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
Emily Bulkley Kate Donahue Taylor Donahue
Sigma Omicron (Arkansas State U) Chi Epsilon (The Ohio State U) Kappa Kappa (Ball State U)
Hometown: Paragould, Arkansas Hometown: Akron, Ohio Hometown: Alexandria, Indiana
Before earning her degree in Biological Kate is a newly Registered Dietitian Taylor is a graduate of Ball State U with a
Sciences (Pre-Professional Studies), Emily with a degree in Medical Dietetics. At degree in Public Relations. She was also
was a busy collegiate member of Sigma Chi Epsilon Chapter, she served as Kappa Kappa’s VP of Communications
Omicron where she served as Chapter Chapter President and VP of Chapter and a Panhellenic Recruitment
President, Keeper of the Ritual and VP Development. Kate looks forward to the Counselor. While travelling for AOII, she
of Academic Development. Describing opportunity to travel for the fraternity and is most looking forward to “witnessing
her upcoming year as an ELC, she shares, “I cannot wait to meet new sisters the growth of AOII sisters in their
shares, “I am most definitely looking all across the United States and Canada.” leadership roles.”
forward to traveling and experiencing
new adventures, food, music, traditions, • Favorite hobby? I love doing yoga when I have • Favorite movie? Moulin Rouge. I love everything
and culture with sisters from all over the the opportunity. My best friend and I even have a about it - the music, themes, characters, etc.
United States and Canada!” dream to open our own yoga studio and wellness • Favorite book? The Glass Castle by Jeannette
center complete with nutrition counseling! Walls. It’s an extremely powerful memoir about
• Favorite hobby? Shopping - I love it enough to call • Favorite food? I could probably survive solely on living in poverty and overcoming obstacles. I
it a hobby! pasta and chocolate milk. would recommend it to anyone!
• Favorite movie? Sweet Home Alabama. Everyone • Most unnecessary item that you could not leave • Best way to spend a rainy day? If it’s light rain,
loves a good romantic comedy. home without? As someone who chronically I like to cuddle up in a blanket with a book and
• Best way to spend a rainy day? Listening to the overpacks, I could argue that everything is coffee. If it’s a thunderstorm, I like to sit on our
rain, watching movies with family and/or friends. “necessary,” but my least practical item would back porch with my family or friends and watch
• Favorite food? Any meal that includes potatoes likely be a mini tiara. Some days just call for a for lightning.
followed by dessert! little extra sparkle! • Most unnecessary item that you could not leave
• Most unnecessary item that you could not leave home without? My vintage oversized Dukes of
home without? Aside from the unnecessary Hazzard t-shirt.
amount of shoes I packed, I couldn’t leave home
without a picture of my sweet little pup, Chloe.
Mary Faith Erwin
Beta Zeta (Kennesaw State U)
Hometown: Dalton, Georgia
Mary Faith, a Beta Zeta from Kennesaw State U, graduated with a BS in
Communications with a concentration in Public Relations. She served her chapter in
the roles of Chapter President, VP of Communications, and Activities Chairman. During
her ELC travels, Mary Faith is most looking forward to “learning from fellow sisters who
share my love for AOII, and I am excited to continue to connect with sisters throughout
my travels!”
• Favorite hobby? Everyone who knows me knows that I am always in the kitchen, usually whipping up some
sweet treats!
• Favorite movie? Frozen! I know the words to every song and will often break into song without warning.
• Best way to spend a rainy day? Playing a game of cards with friends and family! Spoons is my favorite, and I
am super competitive so games at my house can get intense!
• Most unnecessary item that you could not leave home without? My entire collection of Essie nail polish! My
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015 nails alwa ys have to be painte d and per fect, so I d on’t leave home wit hout it!
Monica Grandorff Cameron Hampton Allie Jivraj
Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) Epsilon Chi (Elon U) Iota Chi (U of Western Ontario)
Hometown: Elma, Washington Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia Hometown: Newmarket, Ontario
Monica is a Marketing/Communications A biology major, Cameron especially Allie graduated from U of Western
major from our Alpha Rho Chapter loves the outdoors and hanging out Ontario with an degree in Neuroscience
at Oregon State U. She served Alpha with friends. She served Epsilon Chi as and Psychology. She served her chapter
Rho as VP of Communications and VP Chapter President and her university as as VP of Standards, Philanthropy
of Chapter Development as a charter a Recruitment Counselor. In 2013, she Chair, and on various committees and
member since their recolonization. She had the opportunity to study abroad leadership positions as a collegiate
was also an Event Management Intern to in Dublin, Ireland. Reflecting on her member. On campus, she was the
the Oregon State Athletic Department upcoming ELC travels, she shares, “I am Charities Commissioner of the Students’
so, naturally, she considers attending most looking forward to experiencing Council, Students’ Council Secretary and
college sporting events as one of her and learning about chapters throughout an Orientation Week leader.
favorite hobbies. the United States and Canada. Every
chapter will teach me something new • Most looking forward to as an ELC?
• Most looking forward to as an ELC? The sisterhood that another chapter may benefit from!” Experiencing the diversity amongst our various
& meeting so many great women from so many chapters while getting to travel throughout the
different chapters. • Favorite Book? “Circle of Friends,” which is set in United States and Canada.
• Favorite movie? Most recently it’s Pixar’s Inside Dublin, Ireland in the 1950s. • Favorite hobby? Going to the beach and going to
Out, but I love Clueless and Sixteen Candles. • Best way to spend a rainy day? With a good book, concerts.
• Best way to spend a rainy day? Hot chocolate, a blanket with a mug of coffee or tea! • Favorite movie? Legally Blonde because Elle’s
Netflix & a cozy blanket. • Favorite Food? Chips and salsa! ambition and determination inspires me!
• Favorite food? Pulled pork sandwiches with a side • Most unnecessary item that you could not leave • Most unnecessary item that you could not leave
of corn bread. home without? A stuffed animal dog named Puppy. home without? My 13 pairs of shoes!
Robin Johns
Gamma Delta (U of South Alabama)
Hometown: Daphne, Alabama
While earning a degree in Communications and Public Relations, Robin served Gamma
Delta as the VP of Communications as well as Alumnae Relations Chairman. She was also
Panhellenic President and Treasurer. Robin is most excited for the relationships she will
build and places she will encounter while on the road. She adds, “I am a firm believer that
things happen for a reason, and every experience you make and the people you meet will
impact your life one way or another.”
• Favorite hobby? The beach or pool, or really anything to do with being outside.
• Best way to spend a rainy day? Sit on the couch with ice cream, and binge watch a favorite series all
day. I’m recently obsessed with “Once Upon a Time!”
• Favorite food? Seafood. I am from the Gulf Coast, so I have had the privilege of growing up eating the best
seafood in the world!
• Most unnecessary item that you could not leave home without? Chapstick. I have so many tubes of
Chapstick in my bag, I can’t even count them all.
36 • To Dragma Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
Darcy Kaul MeettheELCs
Gamma Delta (U of South Alabama)
Hometown: Saraland, Alabama
Darcy earned a Business Administration degree from the U of South Alabama. She
is also a former Chapter President, VP of Administration, Philanthropy Chairman and
Corresponding Secretary, plus a Mitchell Ambassador on campus. Darcy loves to travel
so her ELC experience is sure to suit her well. This hard worker admits, “I am always
looking to sneak a mini-vacation into my schedule.”
• Favorite movie? 10 Things I Hate About You. I have loved this movie since the first time I watched it, and it
just never gets old.
• Best way to spend a rainy day? Rainy days are perfect for movie marathons, Netflix binging, and trying out
new recipes!
• Favorite food? Dessert of any kind!
• Most unnecessary item that you could not leave home without? My Disney MagicBand. As an annual pass
holder, I’m always prepared if someone wants to go to Walt Disney World!
Caroline Listoe Kate Novinger Lauren Votaw
Zeta Psi (East Carolina U) Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U) Xi (U of Oklahoma)
Hometown: Fayetteville, North Carolina Hometown: Huber Heights, OH Hometown: Newcastle, Oklahoma
Caroline is a former Chapter President Kate earned a BS in Criminal Justice from Lauren majored in Human Relations
and New Member Educator for Zeta Eastern Kentucky U. She served as Social and Native American Studies at the U
Psi Chapter at East Carolina U, where Chairman and Assistant New Member of Oklahoma while serving Xi Chapter
she was also an ECU Ambassador and Educator for Epsilon Omega, as well as as VP of Membership Recruitment and
Orientation Assistant. She recently Panhellenic’s VP of Community Service Panhellenic Delegate. During her AOII
graduated with a degree in Family and and Greek Weekend Chairman. Kate is travels, she is most looking forward to
Consumer Sciences with a concentration most looking forward to meeting new “discovering how AOII connects even
in Early Intervention. As an ELC, Caroline AOII sisters and learning what makes the most unlikely people and makes
says, “I am most looking forward to them love being an AOII. them sisters.”
traveling to different chapters and
meeting all of the collegiate women!” • Favorite hobby? Long back road drives, drinking a • Favorite hobby? I love cooking! I contemplated
McD’s Coke and listening to sad country music. attending culinary school.
• Favorite hobby? Watching football and shopping. • Favorite movie? Any Lifetime movie because I • Favorite movie? Pitch Perfect, because Jesse is
• Favorite movie? Sweet Home Alabama, because it love cheesy stories. my dream man, and I love to sing along to it!
is one of those movies that I could watch over and • Best way to spend a rainy day? A movie day while • Best way to spend a rainy day? With friends or
over again without getting bored. ordering in food shared with friends. family playing board games!
• Best way to spend a rainy day? Netflix all the way! • Favorite food? Any type of appetizer. • Favorite food? I’m a sucker for shrimp tacos or
• Favorite food? Southern food. • Most unnecessary item that you could not leave Oreos!
• Most unnecessary item that you could not leave home without? My camo oversized sleep shirt. • Most unnecessary item that you could not leave
home without? Ziplock baggies. home without? My iPad with my digital
collection of Game of Thrones books.
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015 To Dragma • 37
Dating an AOII ELC
By Bobby McNeal. Bobby is a Naval officer and currently studying to be a physical therapist.
He is also the fiance of 2014-15 Educational Leadership Consultant Addie Dyer.
I started dating recent boom in popularity of the “dad bod,” I am
my fiance Addie reconsidering this objective.) I thought that I could get
Dyer in 2012, a good workout, and explore the town--perfect! As I
our senior year stepped outside around noontime, I was assaulted with
of college. At a blast of hot, humid air. I shrugged it off, considering
that time, I myself far too tough and manly to give up on a workout
had very little on account of some warm weather. Fast-forward 30
exposure to minutes, and Addie was greeted at the door with a
sororities. I was horrific scene. I was crumpled on the doormat, dripping
on the rugby with sweat and whimpering like a sick puppy. It turns
team and spent out that my San Diego-acclimated body was no match
most of my for the suffocating humidity of late-summer in Florida.
time at practice, As I finished about a mile and my vision began getting
my job, or blurry, I was struck with a soul-crushing realization--I
school. I must admit that we tried to get together with now had to run a mile back before I could return to
sororities from time to time, but consistently failed due the cool embrace of air conditioning. I tried walking,
to our reputation of poor hygiene, cut-up faces, and a but the sun’s rays were no less punishing, and jogging
propensity for lewd behavior, fueled by a few too many would get me home faster. There were many moments
post-match pints. throughout my trek back where I felt the cold blast of a
restaurant as I passed and almost stumbled inside to beg
We have since graduated college and Addie recently them to shoot me with their beverage gun. I finally
completed a year serving as an Educational Leadership made it back, and Addie’s reaction was to kindly remind
Consultant for AOII. I had the privilege of sharing this me that perhaps she did advise me that jogging in 90%
experience with Addie, visiting her on her days off and humidity was a bit foolhardy--lesson learned.
hearing all about her unique experiences. Consequently,
like a modern-day Christoper Columbus, I have She will only hang out with
observed a whole new world from the inside--and now
I present to you the fruits of my labor: the definitive women--literally.
truths to dating an AOII ELC.
I can’t imagine that there is another lifestyle that is as
She will be traveling constantly: plan inundated with women as being an ELC. Without the
accordingly for new environments. influence of rugged, manly men such as myself, Addie’s
world began to spin wildly out of control, consumed
I could barely keep up with the different chapters that with female interests to a degree that caused me to
Addie was visiting at a given time. If you think that this become quite alarmed. My worst fears were realized
sounds like a challenging situation for her--I offer you when, after being on the road for a few months, Addie
a harrowing tale to help you understand the effect that came to visit me for a few of her days off. I allowed my
her cross country travels had on me. initial excitement to cloud my judgment, and within
hours I found myself drinking wine and watching
Addie was in Tallahassee visiting Florida State U and Millionaire Matchmaker, with an exfoliating mask
I came to visit her in September. As a former athlete caked on my face. The worst part: after suffering
desperately clinging to my disappearing athleticism, through the initial thought of “what am I doing with
I decided to go for a nice jog outside (Note: with the my life?”, I came to the realization that the wine
was pretty tasty, Millionaire Matchmaker was oddly
38 • To Dragma Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
addicting, and the facial treatment did get rid of most would get an “ALAM” too. It wasn’t until Addie caught
of my blackheads. So I simply slumped my shoulders in wind of this trend about a week later that she mentioned
defeat, took a sip of my wine, and settled in to see which to me that ALAM is not, in fact, a term that is useful for
eccentric lovebirds Patti was fixing up next. the general public. Thank you, Addie--a lesser woman
may have let that go on much longer.
She will “need” new stuff for every trip.
She will prove that AOIIs are definitely
As if women need more excuses to buy new things. one tough bunch.
One would think that constant traveling would inspire
a person to attempt to cut down on existing clothes and Throughout this past year, I have been blown away by
accessories for the sake of convenience, but, alas, I am a the amount of work that both collegians and staff invest
silly man. A quick trip to a northern state in wintertime to make chapters run smoothly. One particular scenario
was met with the preparation usually reserved for a year stands out where everyone involved had to come
long excursion into the Arctic Circle. Three pairs of ear together and persevere amongst difficult circumstances:
muffs, two winter coats, and a pair of fur-lined boots
later, and I was starting to think we were getting ready Addie was in the midst of recruitment at a certain
for the next Ice Age. chapter and I hadn’t heard from her all day. I figured she
was just really busy, but thought I would give her a call
This always made for exciting experiences when I just to see how everything was going. She answered the
dropped Addie off at the airport after visiting me. Her phone and mentioned that it had been a bit of a tough
handbag and backpack were overflowing with random day. As a proud and occasionally pig-headed man, I
items that couldn’t fit in her two giant suitcases, which thought “Ha! How hard can it be?” Boy, was I wrong.
were precariously close to tipping the scales over 50 The apocalyptic scene that she proceeded to describe
lbs and drawing over-sized baggage charges. You at the sorority house made me recoil from the phone
could barely see 5’2” Addie amongst the luggage, and in horror. Apparently, in the midst of recruitment
I often feared that a sudden breeze or extra-powerful during a 100-degree, humid, southern summer day,
air conditioning burst might make the whole Addie- the air conditioning had broken in the chapter house.
luggage complex come tumbling down. Luckily, I As if that wasn’t bad enough, the majority of the house
am proud to say that Addie survived her entire stint as had come down with a stomach bug and plumbing
an ELC without procuring any excess charges at the problems meant the water was being shut on and off.
airport concierge, and she seems to be mostly intact, The thought of having to continue with one of the
albeit potential back issues down the road. most important events of the year in the midst of the
appalling combination of sickness and brutal heat, all
She will speak a different language. while attempting to represent AOII well to potential
new members, almost made me get sick with sympathy.
Eventually I figured out most of sorority-speak, but I couldn’t even go for a midday jog in full health--how
not without a few bumps in the road. For instance, were they doing this?!
occasionally I would peek over Addie’s shoulder to see
what she was doing, and it was almost always sending It turns out, they were able to pull through and turn a
and replying to AOII-related emails. I noticed that terrible situation into one of their best recruitments in
oftentimes these emails would include an abbreviation recent memory. Final lesson--don’t mess with AOIIs!
as a sort of closing remark: ALAM. Sorority girls in
college always seemed to be hip with the newest trends, Most of all, I have come to know AOII as an
so I just assumed that this was a fresh acronym that all organization dedicated to friendship, hard work, and
the cool kids were using, maybe something patriotic changing women’s lives for the better. I am happy that
like “America, Liberty and Majesty” (you have to Addie was blessed with the experiences that she gained
admit, that’s kind of awesome). So, naturally, I began during her year as an ELC, and I have come to consider
using it in my own emails. Sending a message to the myself a de-facto AOII member - just please don’t ask
scheduling guy at work? I was throwing an “ALAM” at me to pay dues!
the end. Writing a braggadocious email about my recent
fantasy football success to the guys in my league? It
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015 To Dragma • 39
Matching Challenge: $50,000 raised at Convention
Thanks to a Convention Matching Challenge, $50,000 was raised this summer in Los Angeles for the Foundation’s Loyalty Fund. The
donor’s name remained anonymous until the challenge was met, then announced during Rose Banquet that newly elected International
President Gayle Fitzpatrick was the generous matching donor. Gayle matched every donation (dollar for dollar) up to $25,000.
Gifts to the Matching Challenge support the Loyalty Fund, which is the unrestricted fund of the Foundation. Additional Loyalty
Fund gifts allow the Foundation Board of Directors the flexibility to assist the Fraternity over and above the grants given through the
designated funds. From supporting scholarships and philanthropy, to education and training, our Loyalty Fund is the binding of all
that we do. Thank you to the following donors for their contributions:
Jana Adkins Rachael Chapiewski Sarah Elliott Grace Houston Farrah Mahan Kelly O’Dwyer-Manuel Andrea Strapulos
Colleen Fagan Julie Anne Hughey Kristy Manchul
Rachel Allen Rachel Chavira Deanna Fischer Jessica Ingalls Karen Marchese Terry Palmer Shala Sweet
Rene Fitzgerald Kathy Jensen Stephanie Marken
Allison Allgier Jessica Clarke Gayle Fitzpatrick Janin Johnston Elyse Marley Christina Pastorello Evelyn Tidwell
Judy Flessner Elizabeth Jones Rebecca Marsh
Katherine Andrews Crystal Combs Laura Flessner Carole Jones Aleda McArdle Lisa Pearson Karen Towell
Debbie Freeman Patricia Juza Maria McCune
Phyllis Austin Louanne Condreay Dorothy Frey Shari Kagan Lynnette McMahon Jacie Tallon Peters Dionn Tron
Phyllis Gilson Kathryn Keller Chris Miller
Melissa Bakcsy Amber Countis Courtney Glade Shannon Kiley Erica Mohai Koren Phillips Susan Trump
Lori Goede Christina Kiley-Teixeira Pamela Mooradian
Susan Ballinger Melissa Daly Sarah Gondek Amy Kumpel Trish Moxon Laura Plummer Gianna Vanata
Linda Grandolfo Julie Lambert Linda Munro
Katherine Barnes Susan Danko Jennye Grider Caroline Lazzara Catherine Naylor Amy Rawson Victoria VanValkenburgh
Shari Hanneman Genevieve Leake Elizabeth Newburn
Caroline Beckett Allison Davidson Birdie Hanson Hope Leblanc-Knijn Jennifer Nicholson Kaitlyn Robinson Megan Walsh
Kaylee Hanson Samantha Lehman Lisa Niedenthal
Carly Bella Leslie Davidson Marty Harrison Michelle Lopez Angela Noble Schuyler Ruhlman Jessie Wang-Grimm
Jennifer Hiebner Sandra Lykins Siobhan O’Brien
Molly Bennett Boualoy Dayton Amanda Sanders Krista Whipple
Sharon Boison Sarah Decker Melissa Schoenfeld Eleanor Whitesell
Susan Bonifield Anna DeMedicis Cher Serhal Sharon Wiechman
Mary Bramley Andrea Dill Lisa Shemwell Anne Wilmes
Britteny Bratschi Kathleen Donohue Amy Simonini Kimberly Younger
Barbara Bruning Patti Dowie Cat Aiple Smith Rebecca Ziga
Carrie Capron Laura Dunlap Jaclyn Snyder Barbara Zolnierczak
Shauna Cavins Stephanie Durbin Courtney Stafford
Felicia Cenca Rebecca Easterling Barbara Stehno
Michelle Ceylan Katherine Eckert Susan Jane Story
Send an AOII Foundation Honor or Senior Tribute E-Card Today!
Visit our website at to get to the link.
The 1897 SOCIETY Charter Members
During the last biennium, our Fraternity has enjoyed a surge in
success from membership and education to leadership initiatives.
With large growth comes large need, and our Foundation
donors stepped up to help! With the ever-growing needs of our
Fraternity, the AOII Foundation Board of Directors felt the need
to created a new leadership giving level, therefore in 2013, the
1897 SOCIETY was established.
For the next two years, we asked our donors to join us with a 1897 SOCIETY Charter Members at Convention
gift of $1,897 or more to the Foundation’s Loyalty Fund. These
donors became a very special group who helped us launch
our new leadership giving initiative. The AOII Foundation
Board of Directors is proud to recognize the following sisters as
(as of June 30, 2015)
Sally Abel, Chi Alpha Rene Strong Fitzgerald, Pi Kappa Karen Morauski, Phi Delta
Allison Allgier, Epsilon Omega Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho Dana Moreland, Delta Alpha
Kathy Andrews, Gamma Theta Judith Gambrel Flessner, Iota Trish Moxon, Nu Lambda
Phyllis Austin, Nu Lambda Colleen Frojen, Tau Lisa Niedenthal, Beta Phi
Carly Bella, Omega Upsilon Ann Gilchrist, Theta Frankie Frazier Nordlund, Nu Beta
Amy Ziegler Bettencourt, Theta Phyllis Gilson, Sigma Phi Aioni Ortiz, Pi Theta
Julie Bishop, Gamma Theta Lori Goede, Gamma Omicron Terry Mize Palmer, Phi Alpha
Sharon Janeway Boison, Kappa Kappa Linda Grandolfo, Nu Iota Kim Bechamps Perez, Gamma Omicron
Julie Brining, Gamma Delta * Jennifer Waddle Greulich, Alpha Chi Koren Phillips, Phi Chi
Barbara Hiss Bruning, Theta Psi Lisa Hauser, Upsilon Alpha Paula Conaway Sandidge, Lambda Sigma
Barbie Chadwick, Gamma Phi Beta Rebecca Herman, Chi Lambda Susan Story, Omega Xi
Elizabeth Romine Coffey, Chi Lambda Lady Tatum Hood, Delta Delta Jane Breckenridge Tessmer, Gamma Theta
Jo Davis Cole, Gamma Sigma Martha Griffith Houston, Pi Kappa Maureen Tokar, Theta Eta
Linda Collier, Chi Omicron Patricia Howard-Peebles, Chi Omicron Dionn Tron, Omega
Crystal Grafton Combs, Nu Beta Barbara Daugs Hunt, Phi Delta Connie Prohaska Underwood, Iota Sigma
M Kathleen Conver, Nu Iota Kathy Jensen, Theta Omega Cynthia Visot, Kappa Tau
Amber Countis, Pi Sandra Jewell, Gamma Omicron Dian Poole Volkmer, Tau Delta
Peg Kramer Crawford, Iota Sally Cash Johnson, Delta Epsilon Sally Wagaman, Sigma Tau
Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta Jessie Wang-Grimm, Phi Chi
Tamee Dark, Lambda Tau Caroline Craig Lazzara, Lambda Beta Krista Malmquist Whipple, Omega
Andrea Dill, Chi Psi Troylyn Johnson LeForge, Beta Phi Mary McCammon Williams, Phi
Angela Fried Djedjos, Lambda Tau Michelle Serrano Lopez, Delta Theta Anne Buechlein Wilmes, Chi Lambda
Kathleen Donohue, Epsilon Chi Theresa Ludvigson, Chi Psi Robin Mansfield Wright, Gamma Delta
Kay Gomillion Jones Elam, Sigma Delta Leslie MacLean, Beta Kappa Judith Freundt Zawacke, Beta Lambda
Kelly Farrell-Oliverson, Chi Lambda Karen Snyder Marchese, Phi Lambda Barb Dunn Zipperian, Kappa Kappa
Suzanne Ferreira, Iota Pamela Mearsheimer, Phi Chi Barbara Zolnierczak, Beta Pi
Jo Fields, Delta Omega Chris Miller, Iota
Kristine Dooley Finkle, Sigma Phi Erica Mohai, Beta Gamma *member is deceased
The AOII Foundation would also like to
recognize the following companies as
official 1897 Charter Members:
CSL Management LLC; Fidelity Charitable
Gift Fund; Lee Danner & Bass; Oracle, Inc.;
and Sandmeyer Steel
To Dragma • 41
WTheinLogvse The Maxi Dress
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up Still in style, we love the
flexibility of a great maxi
A Japanese organizing guru, dress. They’re perfect
Marie Kondo’s book is a quick read for hot summer weather
on how to reorder your life and your and paired with a snappy
way of thinking. OK, we agree that jacket, the maxi moves right
some points are a little quirky, but into fall with ease. This
wardrobe staple also seems
if you are looking for a way to to come in every style and
simplify and organize your life, color imaginable to easily
dress up or dress down.
this popular best seller is an
interesting, easy read. Donuts
Selfie Sticks Oh, how we love donuts and those occasional office
emails stating,“I left a box of donuts to share in the
Disney may not be a fan, but we are. Whether we are on kitchen. Help yourself!” These sinful little jewels of
vacation with our families or enjoying a day with our AOII
sisters, we love how easy it is to capture photos or videos to fried dough shouldn’t be
post on social media. Safety first - no roller coaster or car ride enjoyed too often, but
photos allowed, and be respectful of others while you enjoy what better way to
the fun! splurge than eating
a Dunkin Donut,
42 • To Dragma Krispy Kreme
or local bakery
donut. Traveling
HQ members swear
that the best
donuts on earth
come from a little
donut chain out
of Oregon called
VooDoo Donuts.
These creative
masterpieces are
definitely on our
Things We Love
list! Delicious!
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
Movies in the Park
It’s movie madness that we love, but a little
Shakespeare or a symphony in the park are
fun nights out, too! The setting screams for a
picnic basket and a blanket for a perfect date
night, or even a fun Girls’Night Out event.
Late Night TV On the Web
with Jimmy
Some of us love Fallon, some love
Kimmel, but all of us agree that both Seriously, this is a great budgeting software that makes it easier
than ever to master your money. Based on their four simple rules,
late night show hosts are hilarious YNAB will give you a plan and a ton of educational support to put
and entertaining. Jimmy Fallon your dollars to work in the best way possible. The software, which
features Cloud Sync technology and offers iPhone and Android
masters a comedy skit like no late apps, costs about $60, but there’s a free trial period to determine if
night host before him and Kimmel it is right for you. Check it out. You’ll be glad you did.
shines through with his good- To Dragma • 43
natured humor in monologues
and with celebrity guests. Monday
through Friday, late night TV is in
good hands with both Jimmys.
Sunscreen Brush
InStyle Magazine named it one of
the 2015 Best Beauty Buys and
we understand why. We love this
water resistant, broad spectrum
sunscreen powder that makes
protecting your skin easy. It’s
easily portable with SPF 50 UVA/
UVB protection and comes in
four great colors. Year round, this
sunscreen powder helps us put our
best face forward!
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
Bourke-Whi t e
Renowned photographer Margaret Bourke-White, Omicron Pi (U of Michigan) was born on June 14, 1904 in New
York. Her father, an engineer and builder of printing presses, took his fascinated 5-year-old daughter into work one
day. This first sparked Bourke-White’s interest in documenting industry through photography, which eventually
became the subject for her work. Bourke-White attended several colleges, including Michigan and Cornell. She was
attending Cornell when her father died and she took up selling photographs of the campus as a way to pay for her
tuition. After graduating, she moved to Cleveland, Ohio to open her own photography studio. Initially, her livelihood
depended on photographing clients’ estates and other city buildings, but she continued to take pictures of her true
interest of industry in her free time.
44 • To Dragma Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
In 1929, the editor of the new magazine, Fortune, fBeoauturkreed-Wohnittehepofisrisntgisswuiethohf eLrIFpEhmotaoggarzaipneh.,
saw Bourke-White’s photos and hired her as the first
photographer on staff. As a result of the recognition
she received from Fortune, she was commissioned to
photograph the Chrysler Building. She fell in love with
the architecture and moved her studio to the 61st floor.
She frequently crawled out to the ledge of the building
and took pictures from the gargoyles on the corners. She went on
to work for Life magazine with its first cover featuring one of her
photographs. While working at Life, the staff began to call her “Maggie
the Indestructible,” due to the amount of life-threatening situations
she experienced through her work. Once, she was on a ship off the
coast of Africa when the ship was torpedoed and sunk. Bourke-White
lost most of her equipment but survived. She also was the only foreign
photographer in Moscow when Germany invaded in 1941, and she was
bombarded by the German forces.
Her photographs, revered in the world of photojournalism, gained her
much recognition. She was the first foreign photographer allowed free
reign in the Soviet Union, the first woman war correspondent, and the
first woman photographer to be allowed to work in combat zones during
World War II. In 1936, Bourke-White was named one of 10 most notable
American women in a poll. Her work was called ‘the finest ever seen’
by the editor of the book, “The History of Photography.” She had the
opportunity to photograph Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Pope Pius
XII, President Roosevelt and others. In addition, she was the last person to photograph Gandhi on the day of his
assassination. In 1951, she was among the first few women to receive the American Woman of Achievement award.
Margaret Bourke-White died in 1971 at the age of 67 due to complications with Parkinson’s Disease.
An exhibit of her works was originally displayed at the New York World’s Fair in 1940 and then traveled to different cities and
AOII chapters. Now, photographs taken by Bourke-White can be found in the Brooklyn Museum, the Cleveland Museum
of Art, the New Mexico Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Library of Congress. Manuscripts,
memorabilia, photographs and negatives of hers are housed in Syracuse’s Bird Library Special Collections section. The
Images Collection of the AOII Archives includes 17 of her prints, which are on permanent display at AOII International
Headquarters in Brentwood, Tennessee.
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015 To Dramga • 45
Alpha Lambda (Georgia Southern U) and a sisterhood roller skate night! Our Alpha Lambda
Masquerade, Ski Lodge, and Jimmy Georgia Southern U
Alpha Buffett date parties were additional Our Strike Out Arthritis! softball
Columbia U highlights. And, our annual Run for tournament was a big success. We raised
We were excited to welcome our new Roses 5K raised over $20,000 for arthritis over $2,000 for arthritis research and
members from a successful spring research this year! had a blast doing it. Sisters came out
Formal Recruitment! Our Bid Day theme, with posters and noise-makers to cheer
NYC’s Next Top AOII, was well received Alpha Epsilon on each team as they played. Arthritis is
by current and new members alike! It Wingate U such a serious illness, but we are glad we
was a delightful event with fun snacks, Alpha Epsilon has had an incredibly busy could raise money to help in such a fun
adorable photo props, and, above all, an year, our very first year as a chapter. In and active way.
immense feeling of sisterhood. Sisters our first Strike Out Arthritis! event, we
began to form lifelong bonds while teamed up with the brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha Nu
laughing, dancing, and singing. Phi for a kickball tournament that was Ramapo College of New Jersey
tremendously successful. All of our sisters The chapter co-sponsored with a CPH
Alpha Delta cannot wait to see the future of Alpha event to help raise money for Relay
U of Alabama Omicron Pi at Wingate U! The ladies for Life and raised over $5,000. We also
Leaders’ Council got off to a strong of Alpha Epsilon are extremely excited co-sponsored an event called Candy
start by helping the chapter get more about their first formal recruitment in Land with a residence hall. The proceeds
involved across campus and with the the fall of 2015! To end the semester, we raised will go to the building program
Arthritis Foundation. Some of our enjoyed a great Sisterhood Weekend for that residence hall. Tau Delta Phi co-
favorite sisterhood events included with AOII’s Zeta Psi Chapter at East sponsored with us to help raise money
laying out at the lake, a trip to the circus, Carolina U! for abused animals. We ended our year
with our signature philanthropy event,
46 • To Dragma Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
Strike Out Arthritis! Lastly, the chapter accomplished in a
prided ourselves on having the highest relatively short amount
GPA on campus. of time. With the help of
some amazing ELCs and
Alpha Pi sisters, we have grown
Florida State U into something bigger
Alpha Pi held its second annual Strike than we dreamed.
Out Arthritis! philanthropy event, which
was a whiffle ball tournament, this year. Alpha Theta
We were happy to have the support of
the entire FSU community who came Coe College
out to play some whiffle ball, have fun,
and raise $4,710 for arthritis research. As During our philanthropy
stated by our Philanthropy Chairman
Kayleigh Koskan, “After months of event called Teeter-
planning and stressing, our event, Strike
Out Arthritis! was a hit (literally)!” Totter-a-Thon, sisters
Alpha Psi teeter-tottered for 24
Bowling Green State U
Alpha Psi has started a new philanthropy hours straight. We also
event, Alpha Male. During the event,
men compete in relay race activities to had a great sisterhood
try to become the next Alpha Male. Most
importantly, the event raised over $800 event where members
for arthritis research.
went to the local
Alpha Rho
Oregon State U Bloomsbury Farms. This Chi Lambda (U of Evansville)
Our first philanthropy Strike Out Arthritis! was a great way to bring
event was a kickball tournament/
bake sale that raised $2,100. We are in the fall spirit and build for most improved chapter at Kentucky
continuously growing and accepting stronger bonds. In the spring semester, Wesleyan College.
new members through COB. We are Crush Sale helped us raise money for
proud of Gretchen Leuthy who received
the Panhellenic Scholar of the Term arthritis research. Additionally, sisters Beta Gamma
Award. We are so excited to have been shaved their heads for the St. Baldrick’s Michigan State U
on campus for a whole year, and we Foundation, stood for 12 hours for the To Become Best is Beta Gamma’s
are very proud of everything we’ve Children’s Miracle Network Hospital, motto & goal. This year we have
and volunteered for the Boy Scout Merit had phenomenal events focused
Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015 Badge program. on connecting with our alumnae.
Beta Chi Check out our new campaign called
Kentucky Wesleyan U Operation to Become Best, just post
During National Eating Disorders #ToBecomeBest on any social media to
Awareness Week, we spread the word connect with us under one common
and raised $100 for a local philanthropy, goal! Take a look at our chapter on
Aubrey’s Song. We hosted our Strike our brand new website; http://www.
Out Arthritis! event in the spring that We can’t wait
was both fun and successful. We are to see you at our newly-decorated
also proud to have received the award chapter house in East Lansing.
Chi Psi (California Polytechnic State U) Beta Phi
Indiana U
We hosted our first Fall Festival
philanthropy event with Theta Chi
to benefit arthritis research and the
Sarcoma Foundation. We also achieved
the highest GPA in Panhellenic Council
for the second consecutive semester.
We participated in the Indianapolis
Jingle Bell Run in December where we
were the event’s top fundraiser, raising
$9,603.06 for arthritis research. Kicking off
second semester, we initiated 55 women,
hosted a great Strike Out Arthritis! event,
and participated in a multi-council forum
event with Delta Sigma Phi and Alpha
Phi Alpha to promote diversity and
awareness on our campus.
To Dragma • 47
Omega Sigma (Oklahoma State U) the tri-state area to learn more about
what it is to be an AOII, a sister and most
importantly, a friend.
Chi Psi
California Polytechnic State U
Last fall we initiated over 90 women.
Since then, the chapter has participated
in many community service events
including fundraisers at the SLO
Children’s Museum and Mission
Elementary School, two beach clean ups,
a canned food drive, a Pie day fundraiser,
our Mr. Fraternity Pageant, and LF Trunk
show selling recycled clothes at Cal Poly.
We like to have fun at sisterhood events,
too, such as s’mores at the chapter
house, kayaking, line dancing, AOII
Olympics, and much more.
Beta Upsilon Chi Epsilon Delta Beta
Bryant U The Ohio State U U of Louisiana at Lafayette
We welcomed 13 awesome new Our formal recruitment took place in Highlights of our year included
members, then raised $2,300 during January, and we initiated 39 outstanding our Spike-Out Arthritis! Volleyball
our second annual Spaghetti for new members. Chi Epsilon was very Tournament to benefit arthritis research,
Scleroderma event in honor of the active in philanthropy as well this a Senior Luncheon/Senior Sendoff, Fall/
mother of Beta Upsilon charter member semester, with a good portion of our Spring sisterhood retreats where we
Victoria Fraizer. Our annual Spice Out chapter going to Buckeyethon. This bonded as a chapter, welcoming new
Arthritis! philanthropy event was a annual Ohio State dance marathon members in the fall and spring, and
fun “Chopped” cooking competition raises money for pediatric cancer. Our of course our formal and semi-formal
featuring three rounds: sandwich members danced for 24 hours and events. We are also proud to have had
making, cupcake decorating, and an helped to raise $1,231,290.11. While at the a sister who was chosen as a 2016 SEPC
“Arthritis Round” where contestants dance marathon, many of our members Conference Coordinator.
competed with their fingers wrapped also donated their hair and hung out
in tape to simulate the difficulties of with the kids who were in attendance. Delta Delta
performing everyday tasks for someone Auburn U
living with arthritis. Chi Lambda During Panhellenic Convocation, we
U of Evansville were awarded the Pi Beta Phi Most
Beta Zeta This year, Chi Lambda welcomed 21 new Outstanding New Member Education
Kennesaw State U members. Seventy-five of our members Program, and one of our members won
Beta Zeta, along with two fraternities, are involved in clubs on campus the Kappa Kappa Gamma Jean H. Wells
held a Pie a Pi event this spring to with 23 holding leadership positions. award for volunteerism and involvement.
raise hundreds of dollars for our Combined, our chapter has completed We were able to raise over $29,000 for
philanthropies. The chapter also hosted over 200 hours of community service the Arthritis Foundation through our
our 5th Annual Toss Out Arthritis! corn including volunteering at Holly’s House, Run for Roses and restaurant benefit
hole competition to raise money for participating in Jingle Bell Run, and night. We have 81 girls on their colleges’
arthritis research. We were also excited to others. Our greatest achievement respective Dean’s Lists and girls involved
win the Panhellenic Community Service this year was hosting AOII Day on our in 27 honor societies.
Award for most community service campus in March. Hundreds of sisters
hours served. came together from chapters all around Delta Epsilon
Jacksonville State U
This year we celebrated our 25th
anniversary! We held a successful Home
Run Derby for Strike Out Arthritis! and we
made donations to Camp M.A.S.H. for its
summer program. We had the honor of
48 • To Dragma Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015
receiving the President’s Gold Cup award All of the teams that came out did a placed first in the Alpha Tau Omega
for the 13th consecutive year! We held phenomenal job and everyone had Battle for Sparta, first in Alpha Sigma
an educational chapter about domestic a great time! With the support of Phi’s R.A.I.N.N., second place in Delta
violence awareness and released purple our Greek community, sponsors, and Gamma’s Anchor Splash Lip Sync and
paper lanterns in honor of our speaker’s university, this fun day in the sun will third place in GI Theta Chi 2014 & Legion
daughter. As a chapter, we look forward forever be remembered. of Merit Award.
to the upcoming school year!
Delta Omega Delta Theta
Delta Kappa Murray State U Texas Woman’s U
Washington U in St. Louis This year Delta Omega has accomplished One of our favorite events this spring
This spring, we welcomed 51 lovely many things. We held our annual was mom’s day! We ate at Texas
new AOIIs and hosted a successful philanthropic event, Mr. MSU, and raised Roadhouse, followed by a painting
Strike Out Arthritis! philanthropy week. money for arthritis research. We also did lesson from Sip-n-Doodle! It was so
We had a blast getting involved in small events for our local philanthropy, much fun painting and bonding with
various philanthropies and service West Kentucky Mentoring. These events our moms and sisters. Another favorite
opportunities around campus, such included movie nights and parties for event was our derby themed Founders’
as selling a-o-pies at our Thurtene the children that are enrolled in the Day! We held a silent auction and raised
Carnival and participating in Relay for program. We participated in other $346.50 for the Ruby Fund!
Life. Additionally, we ended our spring organizations’ philanthropies to help
semester with lots of bonding at formal them raise money as well. Delta Xi
and a fun-filled sisterhood retreat. Rose-Human Institute of Technology
Delta Sigma Our annual Mr. Rose Pageant raised over
Delta Lambda San Jose State U $2,000 for arthritis and raised awareness
Columbus State U It has been a fun and successful year in the campus community. We honored
The ladies of the Delta Lambda Chapter for Delta Sigma. Chelsea Canepa was Ivy Arkfeld as our Greek of the Year at
had a blast at our 7th annual Strike Out Sigma Nu’s White Rose Queen Winner, a Greek campus wide event. Caitlin
Arthritis! charity softball tournament! and Emily Thomas was Delta Gamma’s Clarke was recognized for continuous
Anchor Woman winner. The chapter involvement and leadership on campus
Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U)
with the Honor Key Award, and Natasha Gamma Delta Gamma Theta
Tepley received Student Leader of the U of South Alabama U of South Florida
Quarter last fall quarter. We won best kick line, best dance, best Our annual philanthropy Kickin’ It,
house decorations, and were awarded a kickball tournament, raised over
Epsilon Gamma $300 towards our philanthropy along $8,000 for the arthritis research, and we
U of Northern Colorado with first place overall in Sigma Chi’s supported our troops overseas with
Epsilon Gamma held numerous Derby Days. Our Strike Out Arthritis! care packages and letters with our
sisterhood events including retreats, annual softball tournament was a big newest philanthropy, Sisters for Soldiers.
bonding, and Mary Kay party events. The success, and we gave out five bids for We are also proud to have initiated 18
chapter also placed in the silver rankings informal spring recruitment. new sisters after our first Sisterhood
for Greek Awards out of all Greek Week - a week filled with fun activities, a
organizations on campus. Gamma Phi sisterhood retreat, and finally Initiation.
Seton Hall U
Epsilon Omega In our chapter’s first formal recruitment Iota
Eastern Kentucky U this spring, we gained 37 beautiful new U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Epsilon Omega was honored with the members. Our 109 members are already Iota Chapter has had a very busy start
following campus awards: Best in Grades, involved on campus. We held a feminine to spring semester. At Panhellenic’s
Best New Member Grades, Overall products drive to help women’s Greek Oscars, we won second place in
Scholarship Award, Risk Management, homeless shelters and have supported Outstanding Risk Management. We are
Chapter Operations, and Membership many other organizations’ philanthropies very proud of our 2014 Vice President
Intake and Recruitment. We also placed regularly. We participated in events of Standards, Mariellen Veach, and the
third in GreekSing, and our annual like Delta Phi Epsilon’s ANAD week, standards committee! We have also had
sorority and fraternity dance competition supporting the Seton Hall Men’s team some very fun events such as our spring
and philanthropy event, LipSync, raised before the Greek Basketball game, and semiformal, a super bowl watching
over $2,000 for juvenile arthritis and was Greek Week. Our first sisterhood retreat party, pottery making, and a sisterhood
the highest attended philanthropy event was a fun camping trip! photo shoot.
on campus.
Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U)
Epsilon Sigma
Quincy U
We held our annual Mr. GQ male
pageant in March. This year’s theme was
Dreams Do Come True. The pageant
allowed for male students to enter
a competition with different rounds
such as formal round, MacGyver round,
question round, and character round
where the boys and their escorts dressed
like fairytale characters of their choosing.
U of Maine
As a chapter, Gamma won the Natalie
Bayliss Sorority of the Year Award and
the Sorority Academic Excellence Award.
Our chapter president, Emily Knipp, won
Chapter President of the Year along with
our Chapter Adviser, Brianna Ecker, who
won Advisor of the Year. In addition
to the Greek awards we received,
we have also won several intramural
championships including: dodge ball,
capture the flag, broomball, kickball,
flag football, and field hockey. Our Mr.
Fraternity Strike Out Arthritis! event
successfully raised a total of $2,422.78.
50 • To Dragma Issue no. 3 • Summer 2015