Fall/Winter 2018
Building A Legacy: The AOII Behind Founders' Day
New AOII Facilities The Amber Alert Five Ways
Beta Zeta (Kennesaw State U)
On the cover:
Kappa Kappa (Ball
State U) members
enjoy walking to
campus on a snowy
November day.
2 | Fall/Winter 2018
22 26
28 32
4 Editor’s Letter 30 Making Miles Matter 3
7 Viewpoint 32 The AOII Behind The Amber Alert
8 Fraternity News 37 Founders’ Day Five Ways
11 Education Initiatives 42 Which Founder Are You?
14 Building A Legacy: New AOII Facilities 44 From The Archives
18 Foundation Focus 46 Life Loyal AOIIs
20 Founders’ Day Message 48 Things We Love
21 Ruby Fund Message 50 Volunteer Directory
22 NPC Annual Meeting Recap 52 Collegiate Chapter Directory
26 Fulbright Scholars In Romania 56 Fall Photos
28 Sisters & Fellows 58 Shop The AOII Emporium
About Alpha Omicron Pi: from the editor
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College
in New York City, January 2, 1897, by Jessie Happy New Year! The start of a new year is always
Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella an exciting time. Everyone has new goals and
George Stern Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. dreams for the new chapter of life. Classes are
back in session. Chapters are planning spring
The Object of the Fraternity: recruitment events and sisterhood events after
The object of the Fraternity shall be to encourage several weeks apart. And I can’t forget to mention
a spirit of Fraternity and love among its members; all the fabulous Founders’ Day celebrations we see
to stand at all times for character, dignity, scholar- photos of this time of year.
ship, and college loyalty; to strive for and support This issue has a ton of great Founders’ Day content perfect for this
the best interest of the colleges and universities time of the year. We kick things off with the Founders’ Day message
in which chapters are installed, and in no way to Ruby Fund message on page 20. These are perfect for reading aloud
disregard, injure, or sacrifice those interests for the at your chapter’s Founders’ Day celebration.
sake of prestige or advancement of the Fraternity Speaking of Founders’ Day celebrations… I absolutely love the
or any of its chapters. Founders’ Day Five Ways spread in this issue on page 37. We have
designed five sample Founders’ Day event invitations to give you a
Mission Statement: bit of inspiration for your event this year. Whether you are looking to
Women Enriched Through Lifelong Friendship. completely overhaul your chapter’s annual gathering, or you are plan-
ning your chapter’s very first Founders’ Day event, we have five fun
Culture Principles: events perfect for celebrations of any size, budget, location or style.
A look at “how” we do things: Accountability Moving through the issue, you will also find a fun “Which Founder
& Ownership, Collaboration, Engagement, Are You?” quiz on page 42. This would make an entertaining game to
Innovation, Open & Honest Communication play at your event. You could even print it on the back of your pro-
gram or invitation. I’m a bit of a tie between Jessie and Bess… How
How to Join Life Loyal AOII: about you?
Visit the AOII website (alphaomicronpi.org), or This issue is also packed with great features about several of our
contact [email protected]. AOII members. I hope you enjoy reading about two AOII sisters and
Fulbright Scholars who found each other in Romania, two AOII alum-
How to Join an AOII Alumnae Chapter: nae members who were recognized with a highly prestigious award
Visit the Chapter Locator page on the AOII website in their career fields, one AOII sister who hiked the very long and
for contact information on an alumnae chapter very impressive Appalachian Trail, and finally, an AOII sister who cre-
near you. ated the Amber Alert. These stories are are such wonderful remind-
ers that AOIIs are absolute trailblazers with great desires to lead
International President and learn.
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) While we’re on the topic on leaders, I encourage you to also read the
NPC Annual Meeting Recap. As you well know, our very own Carole
Executive Director Jones is currently serving as NPC Chairman, and you can catch up
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U) on all the key takeaways from this year’s Annual NPC Meeting in St.
Louis on page 22.
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National Finally, I hope you are ready to crush your goals for the new year, but
Panhellenic Conference and the Fraternity if you need a little help getting organized or motivated, we’ve round-
Communications Association. ed up our favorite journals and planners to help you stay on task.
Turn to page 48 for this issue’s Things We Love.
I hope 2019 brings you great joy and blessings!
Haley Cahill-Teubert, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
4 | Fall/Winter 2018
We want to feature
your photos!
Tag @alphaomicronpi in your Instagram photos or email your photos to
[email protected] to be featured.* Don’t forget to follow
AOII to stay in the know!
About To Dragma:
To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron
Pi Fraternity, and has been published since 1905.
The mission of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is:
to inform, educate and inspire our readers on sub-
jects relevant to our Fraternity, our chapters, our
members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime AOII
involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a
permanent record of our Fraternity’s history.
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
Haley Cahill-Teubert, Sigma Gamma
(Appalachian State U)
Graphic Designer
Hillary Brewer, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
View To Dragma Online:
How to Contact To Dragma:
Mail: To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN
37027; phone: (615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736; or
email: [email protected].
How to Update Your Name or Address:
Go to the For Members page on the AOII website
(alphaomicronpi.org), email your new address to
[email protected], or call (615) 370-0920.
How to Subscribe to To Dragma:*
Subscriptions are $25 annually and can be paid by
check or credit card. Checks, made payable to AOII,
should be mailed to:
Alpha Omicron Pi
5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027
Attn: Accounting
Credit card subscribers (Visa, Master Card or Discover
only) should email [email protected].
Stay Connected:
Instagram: @alphaomicronpi
*To be featured in To Dragma, photos * Collegiate members receive every copy of
must be emailed and at least 1 MB. To Dragma, as well as dues-paying alumnae
chapter members and Life Loyal members. All
other members receive the summer issue only.
Chi Theta (Northeastern State U)
6 | Fall/Winter 2018
As we prepare to advancement of women. Stella Perry said it best
celebrate 122 years of when she said, “We were founded and consti-
AOII sisterhood, it is a tuted in a way so elastic, that while holding fast
perfect opportunity to to all essential traditions, we are adjustable to
take a few moments changes and modern needs; and our experienc-
to reflect on the bold es and traditions and purposes have had enough
and courageous testing in time to make their worth an assurance
decision our Founders rather than a promise.”
made back in 1897 to We have built on this foundation over the years,
start our beloved AOII. and today this is just as important as anytime in
Stella, Helen, Eliza- our past. As you celebrate the founding of our
beth and Jessie ven- sisterhood in the coming months, take a few
tured out to organize moments to reflect on how your AOII experience
AOII even though they has inspired you to be the best version of your-
had the opportunity self through embracing the values our Founders
to join an organiza- gave us, and cherishing the friendships and life-
tion that was already long connections you have made.
at Barnard. Stella was Knowing how important service to others was to
once asked why she and her friends chose to our Founders, I want to take the opportunity to
start AOII rather than joining societies already say ‘Thank You’ to all AOIIs for your continued
established at Barnard. She explained that it excellence in raising funds for arthritis. At the
was, “partly because the class of ’98 believed in Arthritis Foundation annual meeting this past
its own inspirations and its love to initiate. Partly November, AOII was recognized again by the
because these four cared so profoundly for Arthritis Foundation for the impact that AOIIs are
one another that they unconditionally desired a making on the lives of people who are battling
society based upon original feeling, something arthritis every day. It is truly inspiring!
peculiar to that deep friendship, something more In closing, preparations are underway for
earnest than a mere social decoration.” another great celebration of all things AOII at
Our Founders built a fraternity with character, International Convention in June. I hope you
dignity, scholarship and college loyalty as the will consider joining us in Orlando, Florida as
cornerstones of their sisterhood. They wanted we gather to renew old friendships, make new
to create an organization that would begin in friendships, and celebrate our great sisterhood.
college and would forever enrich the lives of its Until then, I wish you all a Happy New Year!
members through lifelong friendships and the Fraternally,
desire to be of service to the world around them.
Upon these principles, they built AOII. Talk about Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)
ambition by our four Founders back in 1897! AOII International President
Since our founding 122 years ago, AOII has been
an organization focused on empowering women
to believe in ourselves, and what we can accom-
plish in our lives. Our Founders were trailblaz-
ers of their time advocating for the rights and
Fraternity News
Mark Your Calendar Alumnae Dues Reminder
• International Badge Day is March 4, 2019 Have you paid your
2018-2019 alumnae dues yet?
• Pi Day is March 14, 2019 Visit the AOII website or scan
Turn to page 19 to read more. the QR code to the right with
the camera on your phone to
• AOII Leadership Academy is February 1-3, 2019 easily pay your dues! If you
have already paid, please be on the
• AOII International Convention is June 26-29, 2019 lookout for the upcoming newsletter!
Turn to page 10 to read more.
2019 Walk To Cure Arthritis Events
Walk To Cure Arthritis (WTCA) is the largest arthritis gathering in the
world, raising funds for research, resources and a cure. AOII collegiate
and alumnae chapters are encouraged to form teams and participate
in Walk events near you! WTCA events are held in cities all across the
US, mostly in the months of April and May. Go to arthritis.org to register
a team today! Please register all AOII chapter teams under Team AOII
using your chapter name.
AOII Foundation Scholarships Now Available
AOII Foundation scholarships are now available on
the Programs page of the AOII Foundation website!
Applications are due March 1. Both collegiate and
alumnae members are eligible to apply.
8 | Fall/Winter 2018
New Alumnae Chapters Installed Treasure Valley Alumnae Chapter
Eastern Iowa Alumnae Chapter
Eastern Iowa Alumnae Chapter was installed May 26, 2018
with Network Director Stephanie Chandler, Delta Alpha (U
of Missouri) as the installing officer.
Treasure Valley Alumnae Chapter
The Treasure Valley Alumnae Chapter was installed
October 20, 2018 with International Vice President Debbie
Tam, Beta Phi (Indiana U) as the installing officer.
AOII Partners with PCI for Alumnae Directory Project
AOII is working with PCI to update our database and produce our 2019 Alumnae Direc-
tory. Thousands of alumnae have already responded to PCI’s email and postcard requests!
Time is running out to make updates. If you have not responded or not received a post-
card, please reach out directly to the PCI Call Center using the AOII Designated Line –
(866) 546-6193. Call center hours are M-F: 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM CST, Saturday: 8:00 AM
- 4:45 PM CST, closed Sunday.
Get the latest Fraternity News by visiting
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seaWe can't wait to you!
Save The Date!
International Convention at Renaissance Orlando at Seaworld
June 26-29, 2019
Event runs through Saturday evening, attendees will depart on Sunday, June 30
All AOII members are invited to attend International Convention, held every other year to cel-
ebrate AOII’s biennium. At this exciting event, attendees will have the opportunity to network,
engage in AOII rituals, celebrate chapter accomplishments and experience AOII traditions and
sisterhood. All attendees will also have the opportunity to experience the Fraternity conducting
business meetings and Council Members electing AOII’s 2019-2021 Executive and Foundation
Board members.
Registration and FAQs will be available on the AOII website in the new year!
2019 International Convention Awards Information:
• All information regarding the 2019 Convention awards competition is available on AOII's
website at alphaomicronpi.org/international-events/2019-convention-awards-competition
•The deadline to apply is March 1, 2019 at 11:59 PM CST. Awards recognize collegiate and
alumnae chapters, as well as individual collegiate and alumnae members.
10 | Fall/Winter 2018
Education Initiatives
In a recent survey, 64 percent of people who reported dropping out of college
said they are no longer attending their universities due to mental health-related
reasons, which included not receiving support while on campus and losing finan-
cial aid due to low GPA or changing to part-time status. Peer support for those
who suffer from mental health challenges has proven to help retain students on
campus and can be a great first step to addressing next steps in a wellness plan.
Over the summer, AOII unveiled its new mental health curriculum, Behind Happy
Faces, to the entirety of the membership. Behind Happy Faces is an educational
resource designed from a culture of care. The end goal of participating in any
of the lessons is simply to start meaningful conversations through the confines
of sisterhood and bring light to how members think about mental health and
potentially challenge that thinking. The program is not intended to manage
mental illness or take the place of professional care, but rather to remind us that
it is important for us to give our mental health the same kind of attention that we
give our physical health.
Despite knowing so many are affected by mental health challenges through their
collegiate experience, some students are still hesitant discuss it. We encourage
you to start the dialogue! Below are a few tips if you choose to lead a lesson:
• There is no one-size-fits-all way to • Are you nervous small groups will
talk about mental health. Be comfort- not stay on topic? Consider being
able with the silence. Members may purposeful when creating groups.
not be happy immediately after the Utilize other officers, senior members
lesson and some will be uncomfort- or other well-respected members to
able. That is okay! Be prepared for function as group leaders to be mini
questions, both positive and nega- facilitators within their groups. Small-
tive, and have stories you feel com- er chapters that feel comfortable can
fortable sharing, if possible. You are also participate as one group.
not expected to have all the answers.
• Be comfortable with the facilitator
• Facilitating and don’t have your own guide! Try not to read from it verbatim
personal story to share? Encourage when possible and offer up vulner-
LC members who are comfortable to ability to enhance vulnerable conver-
lead a lesson with a personal touch sations. If discord arises, reiterate the
to help set the serious tone these les- importance of the topic.
sons require.
For more tips and tricks, be sure to check out Fulfilling the Promise for the
Behind Happy Faces FAQ!
Feel passionately about mental health? Advisers! Did you know you have your own modules of 11
Let your LC know if you would be Behind Happy Faces? Be sure to check out Fulfilling the
interesting in helping facilitate a lesson! Promise to start your own mental health journey.
With the Fraternity’s recent launch of the DignityU educational program, our members are digging deep to discov-
er what role dignity plays in leadership. The following four outgoing Collegiate Chapter Presidents are repre-
sentative of many who have led with dignity and have motivated others to maximize their potential. These outstand-
ing leaders offer insight through personal reflections about how to honor dignity in ourselves, others and the world
around them.
ELIZABETH WARD leader also
puts you in
Nu Beta, U of Mississippi a position
"I value dignity because of my respect for others. I believe to empower
wholeheartedly in people’s worth or value as individuals others; es-
and in their abilities to succeed. Major components of per- pecially as a
sonal dignity are self-respect and confidence. I try my best leader of an
to exude these values in my own life so that as a leader, I all-female
can empower others to do the same through trying new organiza-
activities that spark their interest, remaining active and tion today,
healthy, and maintaining fulfilling friendships. it is as
Leading with dignity means being confident in your abilities important
to make difficult decisions. If you know that integrity and as ever to
empathy are embedded in the decisions you make as a infuse con-
leader, you can be comfortable with your choices and easi- fidence and
ly earn the respect of people you are leading. People really dignity into
look up to confident leaders who also show they care, so the lives of others."
sometimes leading with dignity also means stepping back
and allowing someone else to have the spotlight. Being a
Gamma Omicron, U of Florida
"We need more dignity in the world because treating
people with dignity means empowering others, which in
turn encourages them to live to their fullest potential. I try
to help my sisters live their fullest potential by respecting
their values and assuring them that any goal is achievable
through hard work and passion.
Treating others with dignity means giving them the praise,
recognition, and validation they deserve while inspir-
ing them with the power of positivity. Someone who has
treated me this way is my Chapter Adviser, Sande McClo-
skey, and from this I’ve been encouraged to achieve my
goal of attending an Occupational Therapy program after
12 | Fall/Winter 2018
LAUREN ELLIOTT the expecta-
tions to make
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U someone feel
"Leading with Dignity means knowing that when things special when
are not easy, your actions are still setting the precedent they need
for how others will act and lead. Leading with dignity is it most. It’s
standing up for your personal morals and values and nev- being able to
er letting them falter. It’s rolling up your sleeves and get- accept your
ting your hands dirty with the rest of your team because mistakes and
you aren’t above anyone. It’s putting on a positive and growing for
warm face for everyone to see and to confide in even if the better. It’s
you are feeling overwhelmed, scared, or confused. It’s standing up
being unbiased, loving, and accepting to everyone you for what you
meet. The experiences I have encountered at Alpha Chi believe in,
have helped me to understand how important it is to and not fear-
stand strong in times of adversity and not let troubles ing when you
bury you. Leading with dignity is essential for the attain- get knocked down. It is simply being a sister. Alpha Chi,
ment of a successful chapter. It’s ultimately living out our thank you so much for the opportunity to lead you all and
Fraternity's motto, Inspire Ambition. learn about dignity for the last year. "
Dignity in action looks like treating others the way you
want to be treated and always being kind. It’s listening to
someone in times of need. It’s going above and beyond
Pi Delta, U of Maryland
"I value dignity because we should never forfeit an op- emplifies the
portunity to praise the superwomen in our lives. It has be- power of civil-
come easier and easier to slack off, give up or fall short. ity through
Those that withstand the conformities to do “just alright” the use of its
on an exam or “just show face” at a philanthropy event Suggestion
are deserving of recognition, as they personify dignity. I Box. Sent out
value dignity because it is a telltale sign of the direction every week,
my chapter is heading in. When passion outshines obliga- the Sug-
tion, I know we have selected well-chosen members to gestion Box
take Pi Delta to the next level after I graduate. At chap- encourages
ter, we share “Roses” – short notes of encouragement, everyone to
thankfulness and love to each other. have a hands-
Leading with dignity means taking pride in your ideas but on role in the
welcoming feedback. As Chapter President, it is impor- betterment of
tant to always be the voice for the chapter, rather than the chapter.
of the chapter. Doing so demands a delicate balance I ask respon-
between fearlessness and vulnerability. Listening to 100 dents to brainstorm a solution they would like Leader’s
individual voices and uniting them fosters engagement, Council and Cabinet to implement. Leading with dignity
authority and ownership among the chapter. Pi Delta ex- means staying grounded in my ideas while lifting others
up to share theirs."
It ’s your turn to reflect!
Take 10 minutes and think about how you convey
the concept of dignity in your everyday life.
Properties Update
New AOII Facilities
Delta Gamma (Missouri State U) rendering. Phi Upsilon (Purdue U) rendering.
During the 2018 fall semester, AOII hosted five ters are encouraged to host a day that reflects their
house dedication ceremonies as a result of the unique chapter and school. Some chapters hold their
hard work by collegiate members, international and house dedication ceremonies during Homecoming
local volunteers, alumnae and Headquarters staff. or Parent’s Weekend, but each event creates is a
Throughout the fall semester, AOII Properties worked special moment that attendees will treasure for years
with the women of Phi Upsilon, Delta Gamma, Delta to come.
Nu, Alpha Delta and Delta Tau to send invitations, While guests and speeches are important to the
plan the dedication ceremonies and coordinate with weekend, the most significant moment of a house
international volunteers and school leadership. AOII dedication is connecting the physical structure to
Properties will continue to work with chapters like the innate values of Alpha Omicron Pi. During each
Lambda Psi in the upcoming semester to plan and ceremony, a member of the Executive Board or Prop-
prepare their own house dedications. erties Board recites a special Ritual reading, which
These ceremonies occur at new AOII facilities, introduces those outside our membership to AOII’s
whether they are a new build or renovated property. core values and how they relate to the new chapter’s
Chapters hold house dedications to officially estab- home.
lish their facility as a home while also inviting guests “We dedicate this facility to the loyal friendship of
to see the property. These events bring together our members, and to their joys and achievements,
families, AOII alumnae, international volunteers, Ex- to the dreams and ideals of the youth, to the ‘pur-
ecutive and Properties Board members, AOII profes- suit of excellence’ in scholarship and conduct, that
sional staff and school officials. we may dwell here with pride.” (AOII House Dedica-
While each house dedication includes speeches, tion Ceremony, 133 Ritual Book)
ribbon cutting, house tours and a reception, chap-
14 | Fall/Winter 2018
Phi Upsilon, Purdue University
Designer: Fran Ross Robertson
Phi Upsilon held their house dedication on September 23, was completed in January 2018 and sleeps 60 women.
2018 where many guests, including university officials and The home provides a comfortable space for the members
AOII volunteers and staff attended. Past International Presi- to celebrate their sisterhood and create lasting memories.
dent Susan Danko, an initiate of Phi Upsilon, was present Both collegiate members and alumnae were thrilled about
and gave a commemorative speech. Cindy Visot, Proper- the construction of this facility, as it will be a landmark in
ties Board Director, also attended the event. The facility their chapter’s history.
Delta Gamma, Missouri State University
Designer: Studio Ten 25
On September 29, 2018, Delta Gamma hosted a dedica- as Caroline Craig Lazzara, Properties Board Director, and
tion ceremony for their brand-new facility at Missouri State several chapter members. The members of Delta Gamma
University. The house, which sleeps 52 women, was ready were excited to give tours to family, alumnae and other
for move-in August 2018. With over 200 attendees, the attendees from the community to show off their incredible
chapter’s house dedication ceremony was a celebrated facility. Members of Delta Gamma will be able to enjoy the
moment for one of AOII’s newest chapters. The President house for years to come.
of Missouri State University spoke at the dedication, as well
Delta Nu, University of Nevada, Reno
Designer: PDR Interiors
The members of Delta Nu moved into their redesigned officials and Lacy Bowman, Properties Board Vice Presi-
chapter house during the fall of 2017 and held their house dent. Delta Nu’s home features a large entry staircase and
dedication on October 13, 2018. Excited alumnae and col- a sunny study room – two of the spaces the women enjoy
legiate members welcomed their guests into their home, the most.
which sleeps 38 women. Special guests included university
Alpha Delta, University of Alabama
Designer/Architect: Barganier Davis Sims Architects Associated
The women of Alpha Delta hosted their house dedication ties Board Director, were also present during the event.
ceremony on October 14, 2018 during the University of All three offered congratulations and inspirational words
Alabama’s Homecoming Weekend. With over 400 people to open the facility officially. The beautiful property will
in attendance, the weekend was a great success. A num- continue to foster a strong tradition of sisterhood, and the
ber of alumnae, parents and university officials attended. women are thrilled to have a space where they can gather
Carole Jurenko Jones, NPC Chairman, Past International for meals and chapter meetings. Alpha Delta’s new home
President and Alpha Delta alumna; Gayle Fitzpatrick, In- opened in time for the fall 2018 semester and sleeps
ternational President, and Caroline Craig Lazzara, Proper- 68 women.
16 | Fall/Winter 2018
Delta Tau, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Designer: Fran Ross Robertson
Delta Tau Chapter hosted their house dedication cer- speakers Lacey Bowman, Properties Board Vice President,
emony on October 27, 2018 at the University of Alabama in and the president of the university. The chapter members
Huntsville. The ceremony solidified Delta Tau’s presence acknowledge that this day would not be possible without
on campus and the members were thrilled to show their the support of their families, school, and AOII staff and
supporters the facility. The women of Delta Tau appreci- volunteers.
ated all those who came to the event, particularly guest
Lambda Psi, Arizona State University
Designer: Raegan Ford Interior Design
Lambda Psi's facility was completed in August 2018. The dedication ceremony in February of 2019. The members
facility, which is part of Arizona State U's Greek Leadership are excited to formally introduce their home to alumnae,
Village, sleeps 38 women. The facility was move-in ready family and other distinguished guests at the event.
at the start of fall 2018. The chapter will host their house
AOII Foundation Focus
Raising Roses is the AOII Foundation’s new annual giving society
available only to collegiate members. This exciting opportunity
allows collegians to give back to our sisterhood through individual
giving. These gifts make a difference in the lives of our sisters today
and tomorrow. By contributing, our sisters continue to demonstrate their
loyalty to AOII.
To honor the year of Alpha Omicron Pi’s founding, individual gifts of
$18.97 or more to the Loyalty Fund (unrestricted) are recognized with a
commemorative AOII gift that is only available to Raising Roses
collegiate donors.
Only one gift of $18.97+ per fiscal year (July 1-June 30) is required in
order for a sister to join this group and receive the commemorative gift.
Thank you to the following collegiate chapters for obtaining 10% or more in chapter participation in Raising
Roses as of November 1, 2018.
Beta Kappa, U of British Columbia Nu Omega, Northern Kentucky U
Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U
Gamma Sigma, Georgia State U Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U Sigma Rho, Slippery Rock U
Lambda Alpha, U of La Verne Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington U
Lambda Lambda, U of Connecticut
Raising Roses was a great way for me to give back to
something so close to my heart. It inspired me to start
giving as a collegian and will encourage me to keep
giving throughout my life! It is great to be able to know
that the money we give goes to support our sisters!
Madison Roxbury
Sigma Rho (Slippery Rock University)
Raising Roses Collegiate Donor
18 | Fall/Winter 2018
#GivingTuesday, celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the
United States), kicks off the charitable season when many focus on their holiday
and end-of-year giving. Since its inaugural year in 2012, #GivingTuesday has
become a movement that celebrates and supports giving on one special day
each year.
On November 27, the AOII Foundation asked AOII sisters and friends to make a
gift of $18.97 or above to our Loyalty Fund on this day of giving. We are proud to
announce that we surpassed our goal of $10,000 this year!
128 Donors
$13,931.05 Raised
Get ready for Pi Day!
March 14 will be here before you know it and we will celebrate Pi Day! We are asking for 1,897
sisters to donate $3.14 x the number of years they have been initiated on Pi Day. Visit our website
at alphaomicronpi.org/foundation/donate/ to give with the click of a button!
Founders' Day Message
Dear sisters,
We send warm greetings to each of you on the 122nd anniversary of AOII’s founding.
AOII’s sisterhood means many things to many people, but Founders’ Day holds a spe-
cial significance to each of us. It is a time to honor our history, celebrate our present
and contemplate the bright future of our Fraternity.
In 1897, four young friends were determined to share their high ideals and promises
with others. From those four, we have grown into a society that has been shared and
shaped by more than 190,000 women. Our Founders firmly believed that the world
needed Alpha Omicron Pi’s ideals then and would surely need them in the future.
As we look back on our founding, we recognize our Founders were wise, inspirational
women ahead of their time. In later years, Stella, Jess, Helen and Bess would often
remind us that they were not the only Founders of Alpha Omicron Pi. They stressed
that every member who has taken our oath becomes a Founder. Stella once explained
how our “wheat field would have ended its fertility after its first harvest had not ready
hands, each season, prepared it anew, re-sowed, re-tended, re-gathered.” It is a
thoughtful concept to ponder; we are all AOII Founders. Founders’ Day gives us the
opportunity to pause for reflection on how successfully we have carried on the ideals
and promises of Alpha Omicron Pi into the world around us.
Past AOII President, Jacinta Talbot, Pi (Tulane U) shared these impassioned words
in the 1951 Founders’ Day Message, “May our lives so reflect the true spirit of Alpha
Omicron Pi that all lives meeting ours may be touched by the spirit of boundless love
which we so humbly share. Let your light so shine that where ere it casts its beam, the
love of Alpha Omicron Pi may lighten a heart, lift a burden, soothe a soul.”
May our remarkable history inspire us to inspire others. Happy Founders’ Day sisters!
The 2017-2019 AOII Executive Board
Gayle Fitzpatrick, International President
Susan Bonifield, International Vice President of Finance
Crystal Grafton Combs, International Vice President
Grace Cascio Houston, International Vice President
Koren Phillips, International Vice President
Debbie Packard Tam, International Vice President
Jessie Wang-Grimm, International Vice President
Barb Dunn Zipperian, International Vice President
20 | Fall/Winter 2018
Ruby Fund Message
Happy Founders’ Day, sisters!
Each year at Founders’ Day, we highlight the Ruby Fund and ask for the support of
our sisters to continue funding this vital program.
The Ruby Fund was created to provide financial assistance to sisters in dire need
who suffer from economic hardship due to natural disasters, medical expenses,
death of a family member or unemployment. Founders’ Day is the perfect time to
remember this fund because our Founders set a standard of commitment to one
another that is characterized by loyalty and most importantly, being a friend when a
sister needs it the most.
The number of hurricanes, forest fires, and other natural disasters that have impact-
ed our sisters just this year is a reminder to all of us that you never know when you
may lose everything. Knowing that the Ruby Fund is a resource in an unexpected
time of need should be a comfort, but it can only continue to help sisters like you
with our continued financial support.
As one of our Ruby Fund committee members shared, “The knowledge that we are
helping others is hugely empowering. Being involved with the Ruby Fund makes
me happier and more fulfilled. Every one of us has the ability to improve the lives
of others. It is a privilege that reinforces my own personal values as well as the
Thankfully, most of you will never find yourself in dire need. However, if you do, the
Ruby Fund is here to assist you. It is just another way that AOII can be the friend
upon whom you should have no fear to call.
Join us in making your donation to the Ruby Fund this year, to ensure that every
sister has a place to turn when devastation is upon them. Most importantly, give
because that is who we are as AOII sisters.
The 2018-2019 Ruby Fund Committee
Theresa Ludvigson, Chairman, Chi Psi
Allie Bassett, Committee Member, Theta Omega
Serena Bell, Committee Member, Beta Gamma
Toni Morgan, Committee Member, Alpha Chi
Laura Plummer, Committee Member, Alpha Delta
Rissa Reddan, Foundation Board Liaison, Omega
NPC Delegates at the Annual Meeting.
by Loretta Good, NPC Director of Communication and Marketing
National Panhellenic Conference leader- The annual meeting began in earnest with
ship, volunteers and guests met in St. the Friday night delegation dinner and
Louis, Oct. 19-21, at the Renaissance St. meeting kick-off. After the meal, attendees
Louis Airport Hotel for the 2018 NPC annu- shared in a motivational session in which
al meeting. Guided by the theme “Gateway Erin Fischer, owner and CEO of The Lead-
to Our Future,” attendees had the oppor- ership and Training Studio, encouraged
tunity to meet, strategize and make bold participants to challenge old ways of think-
decisions about how NPC and its member ing and doing and to shine a light on other
organizations work together to advance women.
the sorority experience. The kick-off was followed by the opening
On Friday, Oct. 19, the NPC Executive Com- business meeting, led by NPC Chairman
mittee, board of directors, inter/national Carole Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama).
presidents and executive directors met “You may have noticed The Gateway Arch
together to discuss a number of topics, is included on the cover of our meeting’s
including NPC governance, trends in higher program book,” said Jones to attendees.
education, recruitment results and the stra- “The Arch was completed 50 years ago
tegic plan. The leadership groups also held this year, and I’d like to share part of a
individual meetings. quote from Vice President Hubert Hum-
22 | Fall/Winter 2018
phrey as he watched the final part of the Carole Jones, 2017-2019 NPC Chairman opens the Annual Meeting themed
Arch be put in place. He called the Arch: ‘a “Gateway to Our Future” in St. Louis, Missouri.
soaring curve in the sky that links the rich
heritage of yesterday with the richer future AOII’s Official Delegation: (seated) Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State
of tomorrow.’ As we begin our business U), AOII International President; Carole Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), NPC
this weekend, let us take some inspiration Delegate and 2017-2019 NPC Chairman; Troy LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U),
from the Arch and embrace the rich heri- Executive Director; (standing) Kerry Soller, Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska at Kearney),
tage, traditions and strengths of NPC as we 2nd Alternate NPC Delegate; Mary Ann Stark, Delta Delta (Auburn U), 1st Alternate
meet together to create our mutual future.” NPC Delegate; Jenna Lutz, Xi (U of Oklahoma), NPC Area Advisor; Lisa Moore,
During her state of NPC address, Jones Chi Lambda (U of Evansville), 3rd Alternate NPC Delegate; Kristy Pacheco, Upsilon
focused on accomplishments in 2017-18, Lambda (U of Texas at San Antonio), NPC Area Advisor
noting NPC’s work in preserving and ad-
vancing the sorority experience on many 2019, NPC will transition to a new strategic
fronts. She explained NPC was guided by governance structure with a seven-mem-
its five strategic priorities and discussed ber board of directors and a 26-member
projects such as the creation of think tanks, Council of Delegates. In a historic shift,
the “Call for Critical Change,” projects com- the chairmanship of NPC will no longer
pleted to advance Panhellenic operations rotate through NPC member organiza-
and NPC’s legislative and advocacy efforts. tions according to order of admission to
“As we embrace these many opportunities the Conference. The Council of Delegates
together, it is loud and clear that the state
of NPC is strong, but the state of sorority
is fragile,” said Jones as she summarized
threats to the sorority experience during
the past year.
“… Challenging issues in challenging
times, but we have leaned on each other
for strength, advice, encouragement and
comfort. We have all ‘faced challenges
and embraced opportunities together.’ It
is my honor to stand before you today as
NPC Chairman and I am grateful to serve
alongside each of you as we continue this
journey together.”
Other meeting highlights included the
introduction of local College and Alumnae
Panhellenic guests, presentation of the
finance report and consideration of NPC
After the business meeting, new delegation
members adjourned to a reception hosted
by Jones in the Presidential Suite while
others enjoyed a separate evening recep-
Attendees began their Saturday at a spe-
cial meeting of the NPC Board of Directors.
During the meeting, the directors voted
to increase member organization dues
and undergraduate fees. In addition, the
directors voted to amend NPC’s Articles of
Incorporation and Bylaws. Effective July 1,
NPC will elect the chairman from the seven board
members, two of which will rotate into board
Donna Chereck, Alpha Chi Omega, NPC Advocacy Chair- service based on the order in which their
man, Gayle Fitzpatrick, AOII International President and sororities were admitted to NPC, and five of
Carole Jones, 2017-2019 NPC Chairman and AOII NPC which will be elected by the Council.
Delegate enjoy their time at the Annual Meeting. Following the special meeting, attendees
participated in educational sessions and
Mary Ann Stark, 1st Alternate NPC Delegate addresses the spent time with NPC’s partners. Educational
Executive Committee and Delegation. session topics included:
24 | Fall/Winter 2018 • An update on government relations from
Samantha Martin (Alpha Delta Pi) of
Arnold & Porter.
• A discussion of risk management and
legal issues by Tim Burke of Fraternal Law
Partners and Cindy Stellhorn (Kappa
Alpha Theta) of MJ Insurance.
• A case study presented by Dr. Kat Gillan
(Sigma Sigma Sigma), director of frater-
nity and sorority life, and Lane McClel
land (Delta Delta Delta), director of the
Crossroads Community Center, both of
The University of Alabama, on how their
offices have worked together to impl-
ment more inclusive practices during
recruitment as well as during the entire
sorority experience.
The closing business meeting on Saturday
evening included a memorial service and
special presentations from a number of
member organizations. One presentation
included a humorous, sincere tribute to Patty
Gesell, who was retiring from Kappa Kappa
Gamma’s NPC delegation after 39 years of
volunteer service
At the NPC Foundation dinner, Janet Brown,
Delta (Tufts U), outgoing president of the
NPC Foundation, spoke about the Founda-
tion’s successes during the past few years.
She also announced more than $13,500 had
been raised for the Spirit Fund through the
sunflower sales program. And, 22 mem-
ber organizations were recognized for 100
percent participation by their delegations for
sunflower sales. Attendees also received the
Foundation’s annual report.
After dinner, Panhellenics training began
with a welcome session, an update on
Panhellenic extension and regional meet-
ings. Training continued on Sunday morning
with an NPC projects update, a discussion
of College Panhellenic marketing and an to help the Conference be more proactive
update on the campus concerns process. in preserving and advancing the soror-
Attendees then participated in topical ses- ity experience together – now and for the
sions, followed by regional meetings and a future.
wrap-up session. NPC looks forward to the year ahead and
The 2018 NPC annual meeting provided a to hosting the new NPC educational con-
forum for attendees to discuss important is- ference, Oct. 3-5, 2019, at The Peabody
sues impacting the Panhellenic community Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee.
and for NPC leadership to take bold steps
2017-2019 NPC Executive Committee: Donna Chereck, Alpha Chi Omega, Advocacy Chairman; Malaea Seleski, Zeta Tau
Alpha, Vice Chairman; Carole Jones, Alpha Omicron Pi, Chairman; Frances Mitchelson, Phi Mu, Panhellenics Chairman;
Sandy Burba, Gamma Phi Beta, Finance Chairman.
Thank you!
Alpha Omicron Pi thanks the 2017-2019
NPC Executive Committee for their hard work and
dedication to all Panhellenic women across North America.
Fulbright Scholars
în România
by Amanda Highland, Assistant Director of Education and Training
As we celebrate our four trailblazing founders, it seems appropriate to also celebrate two young women who
possess a similar spirit and passion for writing and teaching as founder Jessie Wallace Hughan. Serving as Ful-
bright English Teaching Assistants at two universities in Romania, Hannah Young, Chi Epsilon (The Ohio State U), and
Kimber Guinn, Kappa Omega (U of Kentucky), would surely make Hughan proud.
From an early age, Young has always been transfixed Her first day teaching at Lucian Blaga University, Young
with studying language and culture. shared she felt like an 18 or 19-year-old back on Ohio
State’s campus. It was the university’s opening ceremony
“My father used to take me to the local library in Ma- that helped those apprehensions subside.
deira, Ohio. He would help me pick out books written in “After we had our initial meeting with our department of
as many languages as we could get our hands on. He letters and arts, all the students and professors met in the
expanded my world far beyond the confines of my small plaza in old town. We watched traditional dancers and
hometown.” He and her first foreign language teacher in heard national songs performed by the choir and military
primary school (coincidentally an AOII sister also) were school band. It was grander and more momentous than a
the two main influencers in her pursuit of the Fulbright typical university commencement. It was not the first day
Scholarship. Despite her father passing away just a few of school I was used to, where you sit there for 15 min-
days before her senior year of college, Young submitted utes to review the syllabus then leave. It was an excellent
her application, made it through the rigorous application celebration of the opening of a school year. Afterwards,
period and was awarded the Fulbright Scholarship. In students ran up to me, saying ‘Bună ziua, profesoară’
June 2018, she was ecstatic to learn of her placement in (Hello, teacher) and wanting to hear my native English
Romania’s beautiful city of Sibiu. language. I think that’s ultimately what made it such a
great opening ceremony.”
Young arrived in the capital city of Bucharest in Septem- Through her grant, Young is working with Dr. Anca Iancu,
ber for orientation held by the Romanian-U.S. Fulbright in the Department of Letters and Arts. She leads discus-
Commission. It filled her with hope and excitement for the sions and assigns homework, while her mentor and col-
remaining year ahead. Part of that hope came from meet- league leads the theoretical lecture. Most of Young’s first-
year university students have taken English since age six
ing an AOII sister, or seven and are proficient in reading English. Young is
Guinn. working to develop confidence in the language with the
students. Young shares interesting words or idioms she
“The whole world comes across in Romanian and asks in return the stu-
felt so small that day dents share English words or phrases about which they
when I met Kimber. want to learn more, noting their fascination with, 'y'all".
Of all the places to Young’s time abroad has been full of learning and explor-
find an AOII, I did not ing with other Fulbright Scholars. Every trip and momen-
think in my wildest tous interaction with the people in Romania is being
dreams it would be documented in her journal – a practice inspired by her
5,000 miles away father. Her dad studied abroad in France when he was
from home. I was in college and being able to read his handwritten words,
anxious and full of she said, “makes it feels like he’s still here with me today.
nerves at orientation, When I return to the U.S., I want to have a piece of who I
but all it took was was here and how I’ve changed throughout the year.”
Kimber reaching out
to me to feel at home
and ready to begin
Hannah Young visiting the
Astra Museum, Sibiu.
Guinn’s Fulbright English city of choice. Some of Kimber’s
Teaching Assistant placement favorite things have also found
is in a Romanian city with their way on to her syllabus -
churches built in the Renais- Harry Potter and “Trick-Or-Treat-
sance, botanical gardens, ing” to name a few.
ornate monasteries and grand
buildings such as a Palace “It’s easy to work hard as a
teacher when the student
of Culture. Iași is a university population takes their educa-
city in eastern Romania with
minimal western influence tion so seriously,” Guinn shared.
“Many people in the U.S. go to
and tourism. It is the second college because they’re expect-
largest city in the country with
a population over 400,000. ed to go. Students in Romania
see college as a way out. Many
Guinn said compared to other of them come from lower socio-
international travel experienc- Kimber Guinn visiting the Constanta Casino along the
es she has had, 26 countries Black Sea. economic classes and are look-
ing to improve their lifestyle by
and counting, she feels as obtaining an education to allow more job opportunity. It’s
if this is the most immersive experience. Sampling local
cuisine, exploring well-manicured parks and befriending common for the students to be in class for ten hours a day.
a bartender have made her feel like a local. Their dedication is astonishing.”
Guinn has confidently embraced her role as an English In her time teaching at A.I. Cuza University, Guinn has
Teaching Assistant. She is teaching two English classes already begun to identify several major structural differ-
on conversation and another on textual analysis, both ences between U.S. higher education and higher educa-
with a first-year audience. She built her syllabus around tion in eastern Europe. It is not an academic expectation
the understanding that Romanian and U.S. teaching or requirement for students to buy textbooks or bring lap-
pedagogy are different. tops to class. There is not an online learning component
“Romanian education is built on lectures where the and thus it is not the norm for students to have university
students are told to memorize and regurgitate facts as email accounts. It’s not all differences however. General
opposed to employing critical thinking skills. I try to flip college student mentality remains unchanged as procras-
the script in my class and encourage a heavy amount of tination, weekend fun and tangential in-class discussions
discussion and hands-on activities to promote engage- regularly emerge.
ment.” Guinn has weaved in U.S. culture conversations by Before Guinn leaves Iași next June, she has a goal of
asking her students to do presentations on the #MeToo establishing an academic exchange between the United
movement, religion comparison and immigration. Also, in States and Romania through a 1:1 exchange program
both of her classes she has assigned the students a city between A.I. Cuza University and University of Louisville
study project, to identify misconceptions they have about (where she is a Study Abroad Adviser). Such a partner-
American culture and begin to draw conclusions about ship would allow for internationally-minded students
how they stereotype in their own culture. Every week, from both institutions to affordably experience an over-
the students find and read a news article about their U.S. seas immersion.
Fulbright At A Glance
The Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Program places recent college
graduates and young professionals as English teaching assistants in universities
overseas, with the goal of improving foreign students’ English language abilities
and serving as cultural ambassadors for the United States.
ETA awards are open to people from all academic backgrounds. To be eligible
to participate in the Fulbright ETA program, applicants must hold at least a bach-
elor’s degree and have sufficient proficiency in the host language. If the college
or university you’re enrolled in has a Fulbright Program Advisor (FPA), then you
are required to apply through your university. If no such advisor exists on your
campus, then you can apply as an at-large candidate.
Hannah Young and Kimber Guinn at the
Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Media
Literacy conference in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Sisters & Fellows
Two AOII Public Relations Executives Achieve International Recognition
by Stacy A. Smith, Delta Delta (Auburn U) & Jennifer Grizzle, Gamma Sigma (Georgia State U)
Alpha Omicron Pi alumna members Stacy Smith and Jennifer Grizzle at their
Jennifer Grizzle, Gamma Sigma College of Fellows induction in October.
(Georgia State U) and Stacy Smith,
Delta Delta (Auburn U) were recently
inducted into the prestigious inter-
national Public Relations Society of
America (PRSA) College of Fellows.
The College is an honorary organiza-
tion within PRSA comprised of more
than 350 senior practitioners and
educators, each of whom has left a
significant footprint on the public rela-
tions profession. The women were
part of an 11-member class officially
welcomed at a special ceremony and
dinner in Austin, Texas on October 6.
Election to the College is considered
the pinnacle of a public relations
professional’s career. Fellows are seen
throughout PRSA and the profession
serving in chapter, district, section and
national leadership positions, mentor-
ing students and professionals, and
teaching and engaging in professional
practice. Among their accomplish-
ments, both Grizzle and Smith have
served as presidents of their respec-
tive statewide PRSA chapters: Grizzle
was president of the Georgia chapter,
and Smith was president of the Ala-
bama chapter.
“It is uncanny. When I saw that Jenni-
fer Grizzle and I were both selected as
part of this elite class of 11 Fellows and
that we are both AOIIs, our bonds of
sisterhood immediately strengthened
our connection to each other,”
Smith said.
28 | Fall/Winter 2018
Selection for the prestigious
College of Fellows is based on
a minimum of 20 years’ experi-
ence, Accredited in Public Rela-
tions (APR) credentialing, and
outstanding achievements in
leadership, service and mentor-
ing in the practice of public rela-
tions. Fewer than two percent
of PRSA members are accepted
into the College of Fellows.
“Being named to the College of
Fellows is an incredible honor,
but finding that I had a sister in
Stacy made the achievement
extra special,” Grizzle said. Stacy Smith Jennifer Grizzle
Delta Delta (Auburn U) Gamma Sigma (Georgia State U)
“Knowing we share a sisterhood
in AOII gave us an instant con-
nection, and I’m looking forward
to deepening our friendship.” at WEGL-FM, the college radio station. Her two
older sisters are also members of the Fraternity:
Grizzle, independent public relations practitioner Kathy Smith, Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U) and Vir-
and president of The PR Studio in Peachtree Cor- ginia Smith Gregory, Delta Delta (Auburn U).
ners, Georgia, is a recipient of the Georgia PRSA
Shining Star and Luminary Star awards. In 2015, “After so many years, I remain delighted to share
she was the local chair for the PRSA International AOII with my sisters. My sister Virginia was es-
Conference in Atlanta, attended by more than pecially delighted to meet Jennifer Grizzle at our
3,000 professionals from across the United States PRSA Fellows induction ceremony,” Smith said.
and Canada. In addition to becoming a Fellow, For her upcoming 50th birthday, Smith has already
planned to meet two Delta Delta sisters for glamp-
Grizzle is also being named to the PRSA Georgia
Order of the Phoenix (the chapter’s highest profes- ing (glamour camping) along the Appalachian Trail.
sional honor) and being inducted into the Georgia
PR Hall of Fame. In college, Grizzle served as Recruitment Chair,
Chapter Relations Chair and chaired her chapter’s
Smith is an independent public relations practitio- annual fundraiser, AOII Athletes. She was also a
ner in Birmingham, Alabama. She has mentored reporter for the Georgia State newspaper and
member of PRSSA. After graduation, she served as
more than 24 professionals in earning accredi- Recruitment Adviser for Gamma Sigma Chapter.
tation and has won awards for issue-advocacy
campaigns and for university magazine publishing.
She chartered PRSSA chapters at her alma mater, “Stacy saw that I was an AOII from my LinkedIn
Auburn University, and four more universities. profile and mentioned it to me right away. It is truly
special to be in the same Class of Fellows with
During Smith’s 20-year public relations career, she her and instantly make a connection with our AOII
has adeptly planned and managed crisis, corpo- sisterhood.” I hope that we’ll be able to work on
projects or clients together soon!” remarked Jen-
rate B2B, mental healthcare, legal, and higher nifer.
education communications and development
programs for public and private organizations to
include for Cumberland School of Law, Global A hallmark of Grizzle’s 30-year career has been
Imaging Systems, U.S. Green Building Council, bringing creative ideas to life with local and nation-
Arvin Meritor, Janssen, and the Alabama Insurance al campaigns, including for Blue Bell Ice Cream,
Planning Commission, as well as subcontracted Midas Muffler & Brakes, Children’s Healthcare of
projects through public relations agencies. Atlanta, Atlanta Girls’ School and HoneyBaked
Ham. She is passionate about mentoring and has
As an undergraduate, Smith was her chapter’s To volunteered 10 years with Girl Talk.
Dragma reporter. She also worked in management
Making Miles Matter
by Brook Clifford, Assistant Director of Properties
Pictured: Roan Mountain, which is situated on the North Carolina/Tennessee border.
The Appalachian Trail is an incredible 2,200 miles that She began the hike in Springer Mountain, Georgia, where
takes the average hiker five to seven months to com- the trail originates, on March 19, 2018 and ended in
plete, according to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. Mount Katahdin, Maine on July 16. Because she complet-
AOII Kelly Kerschner, Zeta Psi (East Carolina U), though, ed the trail so quickly, she was even able to surprise her
completed the trek in just under four months, walking an parents at a family reunion in New York City at the end of
impressive average of 20 miles per day. the journey.
Kerschner started hiking as a mere weekend hobby, but Before she began her journey on the Appalachian Trail,
then some friends and fellow Alpha Omicron Pi sisters she looked for organizations to support while she hiked.
encouraged her to take it to the next level. She chose HIKE for Mental Health, a nonprofit organiza-
“It was presented to me by friends, to maybe go half way tion that is motivated by sharing the joy of hiking, while
[of the Appalachian Trail],” Kerschner said. “I ended up simultaneously helping those who battle mental illness.
keeping on because I really enjoyed it and knew it was Eighty percent of funds raised for the organization sup-
helping me grow a lot.” port grants for mental health programming and scientific
Kerschner started her journey independently but met many research, and the remaining 20 percent of funds support
people along the way who soon became her trail buddies. trail maintenance and preservation.
Although she noted she developed some quality rela- Kerschner actively advocated for the cause on social
tionships on the trails, she said her AOII sisters were media urging peers to help her reach a goal of $1 per
what really kept her going. To keep them updated on her mile hiked on the trail. Kerschner was able to raise more
progress, Kerschner created a Facebook page where she than $2,000 for HIKE for Mental Health.
documented her hiking experiences. She posted weekly “I wanted to support an organization through my hike, so I
photos of herself along the way and shared stories of could put my best foot forward,” she said. Kerschner said
those she met. she never thought about not finishing the hike, but being
“I received so many responses from my sisters,” Ker- able to raise money for such a special cause along the
schner added, saying she never stopped thinking about way made her never want to give up.
them and even carried an AOII journal with her the Kerschner noted she was on a low dose of antidepres-
entire way. sants before beginning the hike but is now off the medi-
cation completely with assistance from her physician.
The Appalachian Trail At A Glance*
Kelly Kerschner at Mount Katahdin, the tallest peak in Maine. The Appalachian Trail (AT) is a 2,190-mile trail that
spans 14 states in America from Georgia to Maine
“A lot of people don’t like to talk about mental with an approximate gain/loss in elevation of
health,” she said. “Supporting this organization 464,500 feet. The Trail hosts 3 million visitors each
brought light to it.” year. The Trail also passes through eight national
What Kerschner deemed as an unforgettable ex- forests, six national parks and numerous state parks
perience has actually inspired her to take another and forests.
big step and move across the country to Oregon,
where she will be working in travel medical labo- There are no restrooms or showers along the AT,
ratory science positions doing contract work. Cor- so many hikers leave the Trail to shower at hostels,
responding closely with her bachelor’s degree in campgrounds or hotels in nearby towns. Addition-
biology and public health studies, she’s excited to ally, hikers are instructed to carry trowels or tent
begin this new journey. stakes while hiking to dig “catholes” to bury waste.
She said the most challenging thing she encoun- While sanitation is certainly important, hikers should
tered along her adventure was adjusting from heed caution to many other diseases and ailments
a 9-to-5 job to getting up at 5 a.m. and walking while on the AT including Lyme disease, blisters,
between six and eight hours each day. Norovirus, rabies, Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
“Change is hard, but I was willing to take it on,” and more. Hikers must also prepare for emergencies
Kerschner said. “I became accepting of that while on the Trail and environmental considerations
change. It was mentally and emotionally much such as sudden or extreme weather changes, hy-
harder than a physical challenge.” pothermia, dangerous river crossings, lightning and
For those inspired to take on the Appalachian more. Wildlife such as black bears and snakes, and
Trail themselves, Kerschner offers this encour- fauna including poison ivy should also be antici-
agement: pated.
“This is truly an experience that will likely change
you for the better,” she said. “You won’t regret it.” The packing list for thru hikers is quite extensive,
including everything from tents, food and clothing to
supplies for sanitizing water, fire starters and rope,
among countless other objects. With all the supplies
needed to complete the grueling hike, backpacks
tend to weight between 20 and 30 pounds.
*This information and more can be found 31
on appalachiantrail.org.
by Haley Cahill-Teubert, Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
January 13, 1996 was a particularly warm winter Police officers, family,
day in Arlington, Texas. Warm enough to play neighbors and friends
outside, nine-year-old Amber Hagerman and her spent the next four days
five-year-old brother Ricky decided to ride their searching tirelessly for the
bicycles to an abandoned grocery store parking lot. nine-year-old girl. Five days
The empty lot had many bike ramps the neighbor- after her abduction, her body
hood kids enjoyed. Her brother Ricky decided to was found in a creek just
ride his bike back to his grandparents’ home a short four miles from the site of
time later, leaving Amber to ride alone in that aban- the abduction. With the
doned parking lot. Just a few minutes later, Amber exception of a sole sock,
was abducted. she was without clothing,
The sole witness was a 78-year-old man who called and her throat had been
the police and reported he saw a pickup truck pull cut.
up by Amber. He went on to report the driver of the
vehicle forced Amber off her bicycle and into the
truck while she screamed.
32 | Fall/Winter 2018
THE ROLE OF THE RADIO The Amber Alert is a voluntary partnership between
It was around that time when Carolyn Alvey, Kap- law-enforcement agencies, broadcasters, transporta-
pa Kappa (Ball State U), started a public relations tion agencies, and the wireless industry, to activate
division within her husband’s company, Aardvark an urgent alert in serious child abduction cases. As of
Communications located in the Dallas, Texas March 2018, a total of 924 children have been suc-
area. Alvey got a call one day from a friend and cessfully recovered through the Amber Alert system,
fellow Ball State graduate who was also working according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
in public relations in Texas who was looking for a
public relations firm to take on a pro bono case “In 1996, law enforcement agencies were just
in the area. Very interested in the opportunity to starting to figure out they needed a task force,”
give back to her community, Alvey agreed and Alvey said. “There needed to be special attention
was soon working with the Association of Radio when a child is abducted. Typically, according to
Managers of Dallas-Fort Worth (ARMS). the FBI, you only have 48 hours after a child is
The organization was comprised of all the radio abducted to recover them until statistically some-
stations in the Dallas-Fort Worth area with the thing terrible happens.”
goal of bringing more awareness to the careers
and jobs in the radio industry. They sought the Alvey and her team came up with the Amber
guidance of a public relations firm to help famil- Plan, which was later changed to the Amber Alert,
iarize the public with the many career opportuni- as well as the special sound that was activated
ties. During one particular meeting, a conversa- on radio when a child was abducted to signal the
tion ensued about the abduction and murder of Amber Alert.
Amber Hagerman.
“This was in 1996—there was no technology. We SOUND THE ALARM
didn’t have cell phones in our cars. We didn’t Alvey said one of the key components in creating
have ability to hook in Bluetooth or iPods. So ba- the Amber Alert was determining specific criteria
sically, when you were in your car all you had was that must be met before an alert is activated. She
radio,” Alvey said. “So the GM said ‘There’s got said the criteria must be easy to understand, easy
to be something we can do. We control so much to execute and would have an impact on recover-
of the airwaves. When people are in their cars, ing the child.
somebody’s got to see something. Why can’t we
bring this tool we have access to and why can’t The first question she and her team addressed
we ask the community to be our eyes and ears regarded when to activate the Amber Alert.
for law enforcement? If you see something, report
it, and maybe it would have led to Amber’s re- “That was a huge question, so we told the police
covery before she was killed and maybe it would you have to do your due diligence,” she said.
have led to her safe return.’” “We do not want the Amber Alert used in custody
At that point, the president of the organization disputes so if two parents were fighting over a
looked at Alvey and asked her what she could do child and one parent picked up the child from
to make that happen. school and did not return the child, you’d have
“I said I have no idea, but we’re gonna figure it to determine that there was eminent danger to
out,” she recalled. “And so that started the quest.” that child before you would activate the Amber
In 1996, Alvey led a five-member task force to Alert. There are day-to-day custody battles. We
create what is now known as the Amber Alert. could not allow the Amber Alert to be abused by
Alvey began by contacting the Dallas Police parents panicking.”
Department, who fortunately was beginning to
create a task force for child abductions. Alvey said it was also critical to have an eyewit-
ness of a possible abduction, concrete evidence
there was an abduction or evidence that the child
is in eminent danger.
Carolyn Alvey and three sons, Sam, Nick and Nathan Alvey. While in college, Alvey completed an internship in
Texas with Ogilvy & Mather and became deter-
“There are also times a child has a disability, and mined to return to the area after graduation. Un-
that process came later,” she said. “We didn’t fortunately, Alvey said the savings and loan crisis
have that initially, but we adopted that criteria of the ‘80s made it difficult for her to find public
later because we recognized that even though relations jobs after graduating.
there wasn’t an abduction, that child was in dan- Open to any kind of employment opportunity
ger because of a disability that could put them in at that time, Alvey contacted a chapter sister,
danger. We needed to be able to use the Amber Georganne Stoming Smith, who was overseeing
Alert for that as well.” a Gap retail store in Texas. With the busy holiday
The same year as Amber’s abduction and season approaching, Georganne offered Alvey a
murder, the Amber Alert was launched. Alvey job, allowing her the opportunity to finally move
said it took off like wildfire and was so success- back to Texas.
ful in the Dallas area, she began receiving call In January of 1988, Alvey was offered an entry-
after call from police departments throughout level position with Ogilvy & Mather. She jumped
Texas and across the United States for informa- at the chance to get back to work in the public
tion about implementing the Amber Alert in their relations arena.
respective jurisdictions. “So it was really Georganne who allowed me to
LOOKING BACK & MOVING FORWARD have that part time job that brought me back to
Nearly four years after the Amber Alert was Texas to be at the right place and the right time,”
launched, Alvey’s husband became very ill. With she said. “I really believe God opens those doors
one baby at home and another on the way, Alvey for you because God puts you in places—and
knew it was time to step away from her role with it put me in that place and on that path for my
Amber Alert. career to be where I needed to eventually create
“Helping launch the Amber Alert was and is the the Amber Alert.”
most satisfying thing I’ve ever done in my career Though Alvey is no longer involved with the
and it truly is where God lead me to be,” Alvey Amber Alert, it continues to hold a special place
said. in her heart.
Alvey truly believes she was not led to Texas by “Every time I hear the Amber Alert activated,
mere coincidence though. it brings me
much sorrow
to know a
child has been
abducted or
is lost, but
it brings me
great pride and
joy to know
34 | Fall/Winter 2018
Carolyn Alvey pictured with her husband, David Alvey. About Carolyn
that I had a small hand in creating something that Carolyn Alvey began her career with Ogilvy
could potentially save a life and I’m ok with that,” & Mather – Dallas upon graduating from Ball
she said. State University with a degree in journalism.
Since its launch in 1996, the Amber Alert has She also worked with Communiqué Public
been implemented in all 50 states in America, Relations and Keller Crescent Public Relations,
and more than 22 other countries in the world. As where she worked in hospitality public rela-
of March 2018, the Amber Alert system has suc- tions. Through these opportunities, she trav-
cessfully recovered more than 900 children. eled extensively throughout Mexico and the
THE REAL HERO Caribbean with media from the Unites States to
Though Alvey can be credited with the creation bring brand recognition to resort destinations
of the Amber Alert, she is quick to explain that and hotel chains such as Fiesta Americana. In
Amber Hagerman is the real hero, noting that the 1994, Alvey joined her husband at his company,
creation of this system meant Hagerman did not Aardvark Communications, Inc., where she
die in vain and her legacy continues to live on. established a public relations division.
Furthermore, Alvey credited the hospitality of one Over the course of her career, she has worked
of her sorority sisters for allowing her to be in the with accounts including the Alzheimer’s As-
right place at the right time. sociation, Blockbuster, Dave & Buster’s, Fiesta
“You don’t know what’s going to be your path. Americana Hotels and many more.
You don’t know where you’re going to be led,” Alvey lives in the Fort Worth, Texas area with
Alvey said. “You don’t know how a hand being her husband David. They have three sons, and
extended to you by a sorority sister could open the couple recently celebrated their 25th wed-
the door to something so amazing and so great. ding anniversary. Outside of her career, Alvey is
You have no idea how the kindness of one soror- active in her church community, as well as local
ity sister could put you on the path to change the philanthropic activities and more.
world. And that’s what the Amber Alert did—it
changed the world. And I owe all that to Geor- Carolyn Alvey and Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price.
ganne. She probably has no idea how she had a
hand in that.”* 35
*Unfortunately, Georganne and Carolyn lost touch, and we were not
able to make contact with Georganne at the time this article went to print.
What ’s your story?
In this issue, you read about one sister who created the Amber Alert, two sisters who received honorable
recognition in their professional fields, and one sister who hiked the Appalachian Trail. Each of these sisters
reached out to us with their stories, and we are so happy to share those with you in this issue. We believe
every member of Alpha Omicron Pi has a unique story, and we love sharing them in To Dragma! Story
submissions or article proposals about yourself or another sister are always welcome. Email your ideas to
[email protected] to potentially be featured in an upcoming issue of To Dragma!
36 | Fall/Winter 2018
January 2, 2019 marks 122 Don't Miss Our
years of sisterhood in Alpha
Omicron Pi. As another year be- Founders’ Day
gins, our collegiate and alumnae Pie Party!
chapters across North America
continue their celebrations in When
honor of Founders' Day. The fol- January 13
lowing pages include five sample Following Chapter Meeting
invitations for five different
types of Founders' Day celebra- Where
tion invitations. We hope these The AOII Chapter Room
invitations provide inspiration
for you and your chapter as you FwbcGuelhaunliteeldhebbemrewrareettrioysosgsnahaenaogtdrhfeeeFsart.ophfupoisnlredyaepetairiesmrs’’seDwFaoiolyflu!sbnCwedheesoelricstcso’e,Dldasatiaseytn,eacdrnhhsdeoeroRrrvydue,badyn, d
plan your annual celebrations.
Keep an eye out for a Founders' eTxhceheavnegnei.nBgewsiuthrecotoncblruindge with a secret sister gift
Day In A Box resource coming a special treat for a sister!
soon with more details for these
sample celebrations!
Did you know when
spelling Founders' Day,
the apostrophe comes
after the s? Make sure
all your invites and
social media posts say
Founders' Day rather
than Founder's Day.
FOUNDERS’ DAY Postcards are a fun and
cost-effective way to
PROGRESSIVE POTLUCK send invitations as well!
(Plus, postcard stamps
SwYoaittuhuaradreparyion, gvJirateensdusaitvoreycp1e9ole!tlburcaktedFinonuenrdoenrs’ Day cost less than traditional
stamps!) You can also
ArTemhaeydpiSnomgtliouthfc’ktshwheoiFllmobeuenglodincearwtsei’tdhDaaatyp1pR2e3ittuiAzaelplrashtaa5nDdpri.vame.. at provide a website link
4aS5toJ6uepAsslauincmdanJsaoaehlaCndsirowcnliel’ls. bheosmeervleodcaatet d6:a15t p.m. on the postcard where
members can access ad-
ditional details or RSVP.
7aT8th9SeuAmemaAbinditaicomonu’sLrshaeonemw.eill be served at 7:15 p.m.
located at
RwAaRutfoittAbheuysrnahddFrleeueosynausddtPeiternmhtrgeriesyose’sssfveathehrgonviesmeinsdyge.e, wltaohrice’tshaetFdevoedeusnansitnde1gre0trw1sa1’inlRDldocaocsyeonaccSnkluttdrdaeeielst.
Call th5e55O-5m5ic5r-o5n5A55rebaeAfoluremJnaaneuCahryap12tetroPRrSesViPd.ent at
We love receiving photos from your
fabulous events! You can send those to
us at [email protected] or
tag AOII in your social media images!
38 | Fall/Winter 2018
Have you considered ordering AOII-branded tablecloths
for your event? The AOII Emporium offers custom orders
to meet all of your needs!
Founders’ DayPlease join us for a celebratory
Sunday, January 13
at 10:30 a.m. in the Alpha Banquet Hall
Bbirnuuctntleucrhdmewpilskialclsprbtaareimnescsbea,lerkjvudeeicsed,egfbraguunsiftd,fespctaoolsraftkfdyels,eeaa.uasssnoadgrtwee,idll Founders’ Day celebra-
tions are great oppor-
Games and a reading of the tunities for collegiate
and alumnae members
Founders’ Day and Ruby Fund to spend time together.
Consider inviting local
messages will follow the meal. alumnae or AOII staff or
board members to cel-
eFcawoocLrnehomtlccaaaoocnlrmtdectehoainelralefetoAgatrlhimpvaihastaeaiatlgaitaoCrb5ennil5tadeyo5tfarA-eo5ltuvlrou5empm5pnun-untr5a.rcaT5echehi5acmaC5sksee.heematusptbniacteterkirleresJPtjaasurn,reseputsali$aedrl1aely0sn6et. ebrate this great occa-
sion with your chapter!
AOII infinity rose centerpieces are also
available for order! You can download the
supply order form under the resources
tab on Fulfilling the Promise.
Founders’ Day Tea PartyYou are cordially invited to attend the
with the SAalptuhrDadoaAwylp,nhJtaoanwCunhaaTryepat1e9Graoatfrd2Aelppn.hm. a. Omicron Pi
on at the
Consider asking local PlTeeaasewjiollibneussefaornvredadltigiamhloetnsogafnwsdiistwtheircshhcooeosnd.easn, dpecetiltebforautrison.
bakeries if they can
create baked goods TDhaey-athfteemrnHeoedoanadcqwtuiivlalitraytlesarosndisntckalefufydmneoeatmefbufrenorm.FoaunndAeOrIsI’
such as sugar cookies
with the AOII infinity PleBaasdeagRlepShaVattPairlebpyhisaScraehtcuaoprdmteamry@,eJanaldpnehudaamrfyoar5ilt.hbceoymeemv. eanilti.ng
rose logo!
40 | Fall/Winter 2018
Your presence is requested at the When creating invita-
tions for your event, be
Founders’ Day Banquet25 Annual Greater Alpha Areath sure to consult the AOII
aJtatnhueaArylp2h6aaAtr6eao’Cclooucnktriny Brand Standards Guide
on Saturday, Club. available on Fulfilling
the evening the Promise and AOII's
EscDiEninoxxsjneopactcyyoiinruliaalunteniegvfgdoeiwmuaRBrtiet-eohcusaobastyranhudgderFsemeraueflenurpadmomldammbintneeeagadsre.ssoadcugfihrentpshan,ripaesistlroeeyaenrAsmag.OroTw’sInhIiFgtehsoeauivsnnetdenerirsnsgf’ rowmill
TDtohaefyohauiwrgohaurlydtssatnwatniilcdl iiapnlagstoecdboelAleplgpriheaasteeAnrteead Founders’
and alumnae women.
The elivveenminugsiwc,illdcaonnccinlugdaend
a silent auction.
PcCaloercadksbteayirleSatautttruinrredyiaosyus,ruJRgaSgnVeusPatreyd5. .
The Fraternity was formally organized
January 2, 1897. With many colleges
and universities not in session at that
time, AOII recognizes Founders’ Day
each year on December 8, which is
also Stella’s birthday.
Which Founder Are You?
1. When you’re not in class or at work, you’re most likely:
A. Helping with a local political campaign C. Volunteering with a local service group
B. Sewing your own costume for an D. Leading a small group at your church
upcoming social event
2. The word that best describes you is…
A. Witty C. Simplistic
B. Sympathetic D. Reliable
3. You are most likely to give back to…
A. Local community C. Children’s organizations
B. Alma mater D. Church
4. Your future career ambitions most likely include…
A. Teaching C. Advertising
B. Practicing law D. Writing
5. Your closest friends would describe you as…
A. Humble C. Dramatic
B. Carefree D. Selfless
6. One of your talents includes… C. Art or poetry
D. Reading or speaking multiple languages
A. Public speaking
B. Playing instruments
7. One of your favorite pastimes is… C. Spending time with children
D. Participating in community activities
A. Singing
B. Traveling
42 | Fall/Winter 2018
Jessie!If you selected mostly As, you’re most like…
Jessie Wallace Hughan was known as a witty and enduring friend with high integrity, and she inspired her
friends to the same standards. She enjoyed a career as a distinguished teacher and writer. She is, perhaps, best
known as a gallant crusader for peace and humane conditions. She was nominated for various political offices,
including Secretary of State for New York. Along with being politically active, Jessie was described as a philan-
thropist, truthful beyond measure, generous, poetic and dynamic speaker.
Helen!If you selected mostly Bs, you’re most like…
Helen St. Clair Mullan received high honors upon graduation from Barnard College and graduated first in her
class of 300 at New York University Law School. She also served as president of Barnard College Alumnae
Association and was elected to the Barnard College Board of Trustees. Outside of practicing law, she enjoyed
travelling, supporting her alma mater and sewing. She was a gifted seamstress, musician and composer. Helen
was often described as carefree, modest, forward-thinking, stylish and admirable.
Stella!If you selected mostly Cs, you’re most like…
Stella George Stern Perry was fierce in her insistence that AOII live up to her ideals of friendship, scholarship
and service to others. After college, she owned her own advertising agency and published 17 books. Governor
Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey requested that she serve as New Jersey Inspector of Labor for Women and
Children. She had a strong desire to bridge gaps between people and also had a great passion for public ser-
vice, art, poetry and being with children. Stella was known for her strong character, intellect and sense of humor.
Bess!If you selected mostly Ds, you’re most like…
Elizabeth “Bess” Heywood Wyman was a great scholar, poet, writer and educator; she even taught high school
German and English. She also reviewed books for the New York Herald Tribune and wrote many short stories.
She was the Founder responsible for pioneering AOII’s expansion into Canada. She was extremely active in
her church community and had great interest in social and welfare concerns. Bess was known for being sweet-
tempered, gracious, reliable, confident and popular.
From The Archives
Founders...A word from our
44 | Fall/Winter 2018
hDTeherec“efpomllelbodewgrien3gc, l1ai9ss4as2”n.dMeuxorcilnelygr,pahtnefrrAocmOhIaIap“tptyelper’edsdg1e9le,4”t2theaFrdofruwonmrditetFerosnu’ SDntdaeeyllraCSaeteslekllbianrgaGt.fiSoo.rnP.inefroryrmtoatMioonlloynBAoOleIsI’,sOfomuengdain(gMtioamshi aUr)eown ith
ymswTomheaueanrrelyFlFnsocoemuuusnsasntdldolbieamnronrgssud, tagahinnshadttytimoohwuuaaertvkeCednialondanwosndsw,ocwotbofaleal’sl9ecc8iokgnmea–thelcdiefletiodrlasawnedteaoictsti‘oo9esmn0ivmaseml,p.nuaSlianleompiro,poiynnrsoetteuhcaxaistatteetthherenea,tashstltuespa,rernnftraeisnoreigfsmdtteehoovderfeetccnoeeosxnuthoctruaiistgrginyrdea.gaCntyiodnlaadassnoscdtehhssowionlae.agtrwsaBhseairprAen,OatahIrlIdsawonCaanosbollnleweag.tteuTorhtashistleatnort
wilasdaSnelnmroeegaad’egudwmbvufsyanhaeienvnaCsssgovythatrreotesahroeresaLalyhebtnenoosciosdtucastDPwkrbyosaaeaoi,ftngdilubtntahzenoiecoeGnguuyssosircrbestuaelese.ngdnorsYdshavn,oyili.rttuonswooIf,ncnoocsagamu-aonnsrdreytmrerrfnyieeonpatsmyf.dsnsou.yiegnusI’sfoirvsaheoflcsauodehdwnrnicpoeaschinvlmceteesztsouo,enkahrndienerasesgmdvi,n,eonildt,efooriaetsctuhskcatceeoewshynweemtshtdraluyeeoylcnirSoqwhetufuarersraoososdusrc, esnrkoaesrosnrts,wewdusedseayv–edlotethdzsunieeufrcmmctsodh,hsisaeeldmeanscllscpyveoeehetlpilssocceosiragtamshreoleelapyt-lthaaintbpedhnororoedtaitu-rcnhBbyrotalusuehtnigleaftlfhgiaseoDaycbna,tatsissutncl.sweoouBeipbfigtudypehhtotosafyoiw,fngohbddduuoererrarers,wse--
h–mpBuouosmrtcdtiraaeninbnrentelyscy–sosoepncunedltotahuisakceilistsn,tagyeoso;tbhfugoiotcorhtsohw’s,daefpneardfrneavdsceettlanifcisnnteuldyesraeaahrnntdahddsvaethhthaoinanvnonerotkercnfaauholblialttylynedgaooateuntnedreds.stsMaososc.a;iFdnearintnasyedcterarsdirnmnomdiintnyaa’atynwtyoihnaotaghsuvenaelerestdgetaeuodntiederyidargionohclcrtdaaeemtfo.eoeudgstynhaetebesbilstl,eyaogosniunytntohhiuenatgthwtohhefoevAelyeOrh; wIbaI.vuaTetsh!itmaThthi-siast,
gdWreeeaarwtpedlreeedstjguinesyst,.gaFiroglsrreyliakoteusyaeorrevui.cthBeeuatFnwodueanddgidererhsaatovjfoeAyf.OaiItIhaasncdlelaorvlye and a vision. But a greater vision we have now for you, a
as were we; and we set in your hands, with confidence,
Our hearts to all!
Yours entirely,
Stella G.S. Perry
Life Loyal With grateful appreciation, Alpha Omicron Pi recognizes the
following members who joined Life Loyal between July 12, 2018
Alpha Chi and November 12, 2018.
Western Kentucky U
Allyson Alvey Jones Beta Sigma Delta Omega
Karen Jean Towell Boise State U Murray State U
Kelly Dawn Reynolds Erika Marie Mullikin Barbara Jane Risner
LoriLee Nicole Beckman Jill Allison Alexander
Mary Elizabeth McCandless Beta Zeta
Alpha Delta Kennesaw State U Delta Sigma
U of Alabama Rebecca Ashley Farmer San Jose State U
Katherine Marie Taylor Lea Min Finato
Lauren Anne Crawford Chi Delta
Shanon Kim Gruchot U of Colorado Delta Tau
Alpha Lambda Deborah Joy Kramb U of Alabama in Huntsville
Georgia Southern U Ashley E LaCasse
Kelli Ann Green Chi Epsilon
Alpha Pi The Ohio State U Epsilon Chi
Florida State U Darlene Nacole Langhout Elon U
Erin Michelle Hajduk Megan Elizabeth Goins Leela Jo Gray
Monica Paola Martinez
Alpha Psi Chi Lambda Epsilon Gamma
Bowling Green State U U of Evansville U of Northern Colorado
Tracy D Sedor Gantzer Lisa Ruster Moore Lauren Elizabeth Hatch
Alpha Rho
Oregon State U Chi Phi Gamma
Hannah Marie Fairfield U of South Carolina Aiken U of Maine
Beta Eta Brittney Leigh Trotter Jessica Lynn Fournier
Gettysburg College Tiffany Sheppard
Renn Lemler Gamma Alpha
Beta Gamma Delta Beta George Mason U
Michigan State U U of Louisiana at Lafayette Denise Allison Fowler
Stephanie Kathleen Benesh Gretchen Anne Wyble
Kaitlyn Amelia Bean Gamma Chi
Beta Phi Delta Delta Carleton U
Indiana U Auburn U Victoria Lynne Dubreuil
Leslee Ellen Dann Christina Leigh Wynn
Rebecca Sue Bartosz Janet Nicole Weekley Gamma Delta
Kimberly Wren VanRysselberge U of South Alabama
Kristine Michelle Mantel Brook Alexandra Qualkenbush
Lauren Christine Cater Charlotte Ann Pipkin
Lora Lee Pope Kathryn Sapio Meador
Tracy Elizabeth Stark Lori Kay Williams
Delta Epsilon Gamma Phi
Jacksonville State U Seton Hall U
Eeron Danyale Edwards Alicia Heintjes
Delta Nu Gamma Theta
U of Nevada U of South Florida
Chloe Lynn Marquardt Ann Phillips
46 | Fall/Winter 2018
Iota Chi Nu Beta Pi Omicron
U of Western Ontario U of Mississippi Austin Peay State U
Yueqi Wang Jenna Suzanne Morrison Lucy Ann Gossett
Laura Elisabeth Nasuti Tammy Rae Cowan
Kappa Mary Lillian Grantham
Randolph-Macon Woman’s College Regina Pennell Rho Beta
Margaret Sargent Shiels Susan Elizabeth Virostek Virginia Commonwealth U
Amy Jo Duke
Kappa Alpha Nu Lambda Ashley Kathleen Allen
Indiana State U U of Southern California Tabitha Gale Southworth
Kristen Lynn Sanders Marijo Alexanderian-Paulus
Rho Delta
Kappa Gamma Nu Omicron Samford U
Florida Southern College Vanderbilt U Julie Parmenter
Mantoula Evangelia Bloomenthal Kathy Dianne Smith
Marguerite Virginia Glennon Rho Omicron
Kappa Kappa Melissa Kaye Hammel Middle Tennessee State U
Ball State U Merrill Catherine Bohren Anna Grace Flora
Alexis Morgan Smith Stephanie Christine Frank
Sigma Omicron
Kappa Lambda Omega Arkansas State U
U of Calgary Miami U Holley Morgan Whited
Grace Muleen Lane Kathryn Anne Fosnaught Stacy Kim Crawford
Kappa Pi Omega Sigma Tau Gamma
Ohio Northern U Oklahoma State U Eastern Washington U
Ruth Ellen Sieg Cassie Marie Hood Ashley Lynn Wright
Meredith Abigail Tompkins Shelby Elaine Pelon
Kappa Tau
Southeastern Louisiana U Omicron Tau Omicron
Carolyn Anne Fabre U of Tennessee U of Tennessee at Martin
Katherine Delaney Nixon Carolyn Ann Fisher
Lambda Beta Kristy Lynn White
California State U, Long Beach Phi Laurie Allen Carpenter
Leilani Ruth Miller U of Kansas Rebecca Jordan Miller
Cherie E Smith
Lambda Chi Cynthia Ann Bower Theta Delta
LaGrange College Troy U
Rebekah Jamison Lee Phi Alpha Jessica Nanette Bowdoin
East Tennessee State U
Lambda Delta Sarah Michelle Matson Zeta
Dalton State College U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Christian Bree Cunningham Phi Gamma Katheryn Michelle Woodmancy
Georgia College and State U
Lambda Epsilon Emily Kyle Routh Zeta Pi
U of Waterloo U of Alabama at Birmingham
Courtney Dawn Holmes Phi Upsilon Amanda Carole Steele
Purdue U
Lambda Sigma Meg Griffith Sterchi Zeta Psi
U of Georgia East Carolina U
Alison Cassandra Glover Pi Alpha Ashley Wright Terry
Amy Kathryne Pease U of Louisville
Sandi Holloman Dennis Andrea Nichole Ackermann
Things We Love: Planners & Journals For The New Year
48 | Fall/Winter 2018
Danielle LaPorte Desire Map Planner Collection Commit30
Created to be a “holistic system for designing a life that Commit30 is a weekly planner designed to help you out-
reflects how you most want to feel,” these elegant plan- line your vision for the year, your monthly goals to support
ners provide space for scheduling, to-do lists and impor- that vision and daily action steps to achieve those goals.
tant tasks, as well as opportunities to reflect on areas of We especially love the Fitness Journal, which helps you
your life such as devotions, wellness, negatives in your life focus on movement, nutrition, mindfulness and motivation.
and core desired feelings. If you’d rather keep everything It includes a wellness vision board, a wellness contract
electronic, you can also download the daily edition of the for yourself, monthly and weekly planning, motivational
interactive planner on an iPad, tablet or mobile device. quotes, 30-day challenges, nutrition and fitness tracking,
The Hollis Co. and more. This planner is perfect for anyone resolving to
From Rachel Hollis, author of Girl, Wash Your Face, this get healthy this year.
line of notebooks and journals are designed to help you Carrie Elle Products
set personal and professional goals, while also practicing Whether you need help planning meals, lessons, budgets
gratitude each day. If mindfulness and gratitude are among or something in between, there is sure to be a Carrie Elle
your New Year’s resolutions, you’ll want to check out these planner just for you! One of our favorites is the Perpetual
notebooks! Planner Budget book as part of the Spend Well Budget-
Skoller ing System. (This is wonderful for anyone who resolved to
Skoller is a software company with an app for collegiate or manage finances better this year!) We are also loving the
alumnae members currently enrolled at a university to use Lesson Planners designed for teachers. Plus, it is way more
as a reminder for class assignments, tests, group projects, fun to be organized when your planner is absolutely ador-
finals and so much more. Plus, with every download of the able!
free Skoller app with AOII’s referral code, “AOII”, Skoller will Cozi App
donate $1 to the Arthritis Foundation in AOII’s name up to It’s hard to stay organized when you have a million sched-
$25,000 from January 1, 2019 to May 31, 2019. With a new ules to keep track of, groceries to pick up, soccer games to
semester starting, there is no better time to download this get to and date nights to squeeze in. Cozi is an app perfect
app and get organized! for busy families that helps you coordinate each family
Grateful: A Gratitude Journal member’s schedule, create to-do lists and shopping lists,
Are you kicking off the year with a vow to be more grate- plan meals, set reminders for upcoming events, send fam-
ful? Try downloading this gratitude journal to your smart- ily updates via email to close friends and family, and more.
phone or iPad. Each day, you can write a journal entry Plus, because anyone in the family can access the app’s
where you choose and answer a prompt or create your shared calendar, you can help ensure everyone else stays
own prompt. Keep tabs on your state of mind by browsing on task this year.
through previous entries and reflecting on positive mo-
ments past and present.
Volunteer Directory
Volunteer Directory
AOII Executive Board Past International Presidents
Gayle Fitzpatrick, International President, Alpha Rho Joan MacCallum, Kappa Phi, 1979-1981
Susan Bonifield, Vice President of Finance, Nu Beta Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa, 1981-1985
Crystal Combs, Vice President, Nu Beta Peg Crawford, Iota, 1985-1989
Grace Houston, Vice President, Lambda Tau Barbara Hunt, Phi Delta, 1989-1993
Koren Phillips, Vice President, Phi Chi Mary Williams, Phi, 1993-1995
Debbie Tam, Vice President, Beta Phi Ann Gilchrist, Theta, 1995-1997
Jessie Wang-Grimm, Vice President, Phi Chi Linda Collier, Chi Omicron, 1997-1999
Barb Zipperian, Vice President, Kappa Kappa Carole Jones, Alpha Delta, 1999-2003
Sally Wagaman, Sigma Tau, 2003-2005
AOII Foundation Board Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon, 2005-2009
Barb Zipperian, Kappa Kappa, 2009-2011
Judy Flessner, President, Iota Allison Allgier, Epsilon Omega, 2011-2015
Michelle Lopez, Secretary, Delta Theta
Andrea Dill, Treasurer, Chi Psi Committee Chairmen
Kandy Bernskoetter, Director, Sigma & Appointments
Meagan Davies, Director, Alpha Chi
Barbara Bruning, Director, Theta Psi Ginger Banks, Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry, Pi Kappa
Rissa Reddan, Director, Omega Janet Brown, Constitution Interpretation and Revision, Delta
Gayle Fitzpatrick, International President, Alpha Rho Barbara Hunt, Perry Award, Phi Delta
Carole Jones, NPC Delegate, Alpha Delta
AOII Properties Board Allison Allgier, Historian, Epsilon Omega
Kathleen Donohue, Human Resources, Epsilon Chi
Julie Bishop, President, Gamma Theta Sandy Stewart, Education, Alpha Chi
Lacey Bowman, Vice President, Chi Delta Sally Wagaman, Parliamentarian, Sigma Tau
Susan Bonifield, Vice President of Finance, Nu Beta
Grace Houston, Director, Lambda Tau
Caroline Lazzara, Director, Lambda Beta
Cindy Visot, Director, Kappa Tau
50 | Fall/Winter 2018