<balpha omkronpi Vol. LXI, No. 9
Spring 1980
To Dragm
I ofalpha omicron pi
Spring 1980 Vol. LXI, No. 9 fWi mi i
Published since January, 1905 by 5 10 18 36
ALPHA OMICRON PI [F®§)GQflu*nLn)§g 3
FRATERNITY, Inc. Rush: 90% Attitude? You Bet! 6
Perfection Is the Key 9
Founded at Barnard College, Rush Directory 10
January 2, 1897 Membership Information Form 21
Special Feature: Happy 75th, To Dragma 23
Founders A O n Comes Back to Kansas 33
Jessie Wallace Hughan Duke: Home for Our Newest Chapter 34
Helen St. Clair Mullan Welcome the New Volunteer 36
Stella George Stern Perry Regional Meetings 43
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Seniors, It's Your Turn Now
The Founders were members of Alpha We Have Sisters Everywhere
Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia
University and all are deceased.
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103
Nashville, Tennessee 37212
Telephone: 615-383-1174
Becky Montgomery, K n
2401 Hillsboro Rd., Suite 103
Nashville, T N 37212
Sue Edmunds Lewis, T A
2401 Hillsboro Rd., Suite 103
Nashville, T N 37212
PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ
of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published On the Job: Outlook/Profiles 16 Alumnae Chapter Activity 38
quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi, Com- Executive Board Perspective 20 Letters to the Editor 44
polith Graphics and Dixon Publishing Chapter of the Quarter 24 The Editor's Place 46
Co. Subscription price is $1.00 per Collegiate Chapter Commentaries 26 Corporation Calls 47
copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription:
$25.00. Send change of address and On the Cover: One of the many faces of communication i n A O n is rush!
correspondence of a business nature to Throughout the year, we all communicate our privilege of being a part of our
Alpha Omicron Pi, 2401 Hillsboro fraternity through various facets of rush. The three pretty faces on the cover
Road, Suite 103, Nashville, Tennessee belong to Katie Kroeger, Pam Lide, and Lauren Wynn, all collegiate members
37212. Address all editorial com- of Lambda Sigma chapter at the University of Georgia. See page 18 for
munications to the Editor in care of Lambda Sigma's rush success prescription.
Central Office. Second Class Postage
paid at Nashville, Tennessee.
Rush: 90% Attitude? You Bet!
As the Executive Board Director in charge of rush, I was effect that everyone who meets AOFl remembers AOF1 and
asked to write the feature article on rush for To Dragma knows that AOU has something extra special . . . "
this year. Going through my files, I poured over my
notes on "Selling A O n . " After much pondering, I out- Ever since I have been involved in the direction of our
lined my plan. I found myself coming back to the basics: rush program, it has been my contention (and continues
the importance of attitude as the key ingredient for a to be so) that success is 90% attitude. Talking w i t h Anne
successful rush. If I could just put my finger on the most only reinforced the contention that Lambda Sigma has
effective means of communicating this basic tenet of suc- become so successful because they believe in A O n and
cessful rushing . . . in themselves. It's as simple as that.
The jangle of the telephone jarred me from my By now, I had tossed my original outline aside. I knew
thoughts as I was putting the finishing touches on my that nothing I could say about successful rushing could
outline. The ensuing conversation caused me to put communicate as eloquently as showing you a successful
aside my pencil and paper . . . the solution to the right rush. We have numerous success stories i n A O n , but I
approach was in the voice at the other end of the tele- take particular pride in introducing this one. Anne
phone. Wooten, chapter president of Lambda Sigma, shares
w i t h you what she shared w i t h me on a winter day a few
On the other end of the line was the collegiate chapter months ago.
president of Lambda Sigma at the University of Georgia.
The many miles between my San Diego home and Anne details the Lambda Sigma success story in
Anne's room in the chapter house at Georgia couldn't "Rush: Perfection is the Key." Through her enthusiastic
muffle her excitement. Delta Upsilon, our brand new exposition, all of what I was going to say comes alive.
chapter at Duke University, was participating in its very You will quickly pick up on the major thread that runs
first formal rush, and the Panhellenic had graciously throughout Anne's story: "Rush is our favorite time of
agreed to let the chapter invite some sisters f r o m neigh- year." With an attitude like that, it's no wonder Lambda
boring chapters to assist them. Lambda Sigma was one of Sigma is at the top . . . to stay!
the chapters that had pledged its enthusiastic support.
(As an aside, our sisters at Delta Upsilon had a most Marilyn is in her second term as Executive Board Director. She has
positive and successful experience in their first rush—es- been in charge of the international rush program for both terms.
pecially with the tremendous assistance received from Marilyn's creative leadership has been a guiding force in the im-
their "neighborhood" sisters!) But back to the phone call plementation and evolution of the international program that was
. . . why was Anne calling? instituted in 1977.
Lambda Sigma wanted to send 79—yes, you read Professionally, Marilyn is the Director of the Secondary Schools
right—79 sisters to Duke to help with rush. I must admit Improvement Program in the San Diego Public Schools.
I was a bit taken aback. Trying to hide my surprise, I
asked Anne to explain just why Lambda Sigma felt this
such a good idea to ask permission to charter a bus f r o m
Athens, Georgia to Durham, North Carolina for one day
at Duke. Anne's enthusiasm was uncontainable. The
thrust of what she said was this: We love to rush, and we
do it constantly. It is the most important and most rewarding
facet of our chapter's operation. We begin to plan how to im-
prove the minute rush is finished. We have auditions for
entertainment in January. The winners of the coveted spots re-
hearse from February to June. The entire chapter participates
in rush preparation during this time. Every member of the
chapter is given some specific responsibility. Whatever the
rush chairman directs, we do because we know she knows what
she is doing. We have more summer workshops than anyone
on campus; we get back to school earlier than anyone else; we
concentrate on cultivating rushee friendships all year—at
home and school. We are at the top. We know how we got there,
and we know it will take at least that much work to stay there.
We are good, and we are dedicated to get better and better.
Nothing less than perfection is good enough for our rush.
Every contact we have is directed toward achieving the single
Perfection Is the Key
By Anne Wooten, Lambda Sigma know your rushee; give her a Six days before Labor Day, 10
chance to talk. Really listen, and days before rush, and 21 days before
Chapter President you'll remember the girl, not just classes were to begin, the A O l i s re-
her name. Be positive and remem- turned to campus. This was the final
Becoming number one on a campus ber—you'll never get a second leg in the meticulous journey of
that has sixteen strong National chance to make a good first impres- preparation for a successful rush.
Panhellenic Conference sororities is sion. Before you say a word, begin For the next ten days, our schedule
just plain tough! Staying number your conversation with the biggest was rigid, and we put i n a 14 hour
one is even harder. However, smile you've got! Be yourself. Enjoy day on rush alone. We began and
Lambda Sigma chapter at the U n i - yourself. The party w i l l be over ended each day going over rushees'
versity of Georgia is doing just that. before you know it. names, hometowns, and high
schools —the information supplied
The key to a successful chapter is One spring weekend is not us by Panhellenic. We also used pic-
successful rush. The key to success- enough, however. Before leaving tures and high school annuals sup-
f u l rush is perfection in every detail. spring quarter, our first round songs plied by alumnae and collegians. We
To accomplish this, you must work had been rewritten for the first time even had t w o pop tests over the
harder and longer than anyone else. in years, the second round open rushees' names so that when rush
house theme was chosen, and skit
Formal rush at the University of
Georgia is held the week preceding "More important than the things you say are
the beginning of classes fall quarter. the feelings you convey. When your rushee
You might say AOHI rush is con- leaves the A O F I party, she knows that AOU
tinuous because our preparations has something special that no one else has/'
for the week of formal rush go on all
year long. This requires many tryouts were complete. Third round began we were not meeting these
sacrifices of chapter members' time Entertainment had been fitted for girls for the first time.
and energy, but you must always re- new tuxedo jackets and had begun
member that you get out of your their endless practices. Lunch was a nice 2 hour break
sorority exactly what you put into it, and gave the sisters a chance to
and most of the time you get out of We opened our house the finish moving in, decorate their
A O n much, much more. weekend of July 21 for a summer rooms, or just relax and take a nap.
rush workshop. Leaders' Council The afternoon sessions started at
W o u l d your chapter members be (behind rush all the way) decided to 1:00, and we broke up into commit-
willing to give up an entire beautiful hold our summer retreat the same tees. The committees were as f o l -
spring weekend for a rush work- weekend in the house and met lows: skit, entertainment, and sever-
shop? We did and profited because around the rush schedule. While al prop committees assigned to
of it. Chapter members volunteered only the pledges from the previous different areas of our house to deco-
to research and present programs on year w h o had not been through a rate. Dinner was from 5:00-6:00. In
the following eight topics: what to formal rush before were required to the evenings when it was cooling off
talk about and what not to talk attend, the majority of the chapter outside, we practiced running out
about, rush parties (formal and attended. Corporation provided the on the walk and learning our new
informal), membership selection funds for new paint for the 26 first round songs. We had noticed a
sessions, rushing teams, the N u m - bedrooms in our gorgeous house, decrease i n enthusiasm i n our first
bers Game, Entertainment, spirit and many sisters brought their round songs for the past couple
during rush, ethics, and the dress parents and boyfriends to help in years, and we had decided we could
code. This weekend began the steep the painting after the rush meetings make a better first impression with a
uphill road to perfection. were over. new song and dance. Learning a
new song and the choreography
More important than the things Summer is one of the most impor- w i t h it is hard w o r k but w o r t h it.
you say are the feelings you convey. tant preparation times to insure a Since a sister in our chapter wrote
When your rushee leaves the A O n successful rush. In addition to our the words, we all felt more a part of
party, she knows that A O I 1 has rush workshop, we stay in contact it, and it shows in the final perform-
something special that no one else with friends from high school. En- ances.
has. Many times it's not what you couraging girls to go through formal
say, but how you say it. Be honest rush is good for the entire Greek Even though our schedule was
and sincere, and tell your rushee all system. busy, rush was not all work. In fact,
of the good things A O n has to offer.
Recall the things that A O n means
to you in the sheaf: sharing, help-
ing, encouragement, and friendship.
Flirt w i t h your rushee. You are try-
ing to sell A O n as well as get to
rush is our favorite time of year. food relating to our various themes. up to us to now help the rushees
This is the only opportunity for all Even with all the work of the sisters, make up their minds. The food is
the sisters to be together, working things would not have run smooth- lavish and includes giving each
for one goal without classes, home- ly without alumnae support. Be- rushee a gingerbread man w i t h her
work, activities or dates interfering. tween parties, the alumnae assisted name on it. We have a tradition of
We do many f u n things as a sister- in filling the punch cups and al- telling each rushee to eat one of his
hood and do not waste any of this phabetizing the rushees' names for legs off so that he cannot run away
special time together. Each class got membership selection sessions. and that we w i l l save h i m for her so
together and put on a skit, and that when she comes back to our
chapter relations provided some in- At the end of the first round, after house to pledge, she can have the
spiring thoughts to begin each day. membership selection sessions rest of him. The preference ceremo-
We drew each other's names from a which lasted nearly all night, props ny is by candlelight, and the mood is
hat, and our "secret sisters" wrote are moved in for our second round inspirational. A l l of the sisters wear
us notes to keep our spirits up. One party. This year we chose "Fantasy elegant, long, black dresses, and
night we had a big cookout in our Island." From McDonald Land to after the ceremony, the rushees
backyard and another night we took Disneyworld to AOFI Fairytales, we make a wish on the candle we give
blankets and popcorn to the drive-in have changed our themes to keep them in front of a wishing well. By
movie to sit in a big huddle on the them unique and refreshing to both the time the girls leave, we hope our
ground i n front of our cars to watch the rushees and us. deal has been clinched!
"Crease." To really get in the swing
of things, we dressed up in our Third round, however, never The next day we eagerly await the
finest fifties' duds. Little things help changes because we never get tired computer list. This year we found a
build spirit, too. We answered roll of listening to our "That's Entertain- quota number of 53 names on it! At
call differently each day. One day ment." Third round is more mean- 5:00, we run out the front door
we would answer with our favorite i n g f u l because we begin to close the carrying paper Iavaliers to put
food, the next day with our favorite deal. At the end of third round, our around each girl's neck who is wait-
fraternity, worst date, and even shoe final membership selection deci- ing at the end of our sidewalk. This
size! sions are made and the bid-voting is is our welcome home to our new
done. pledges. Then it all begins like the
We closed the week of practice saying goes-SURE IS NEAT TO BE
w i t h a dress rehearsal for the second In fact, rush is our A N AOF1 PLEDGE!!
round skit and the third round favorite time of year."
entertainment. Now we felt we were 1
ready to begin the real show. Preferential parties mean getting
down to serious business. A l l of our Editor's Note: Lambda Sigma has
Inviting 1200 guests into your decisions have been made, and it's
home takes a lot of preparation. The not always been on top. The
banquet committee was ready with
chapter's success has come from
that dedication and determina-
tion that shines through Anne's
sketch of the chapter's prepara-
tion for rush. In 1968, 14 sisters
returned to school. A special rush
was sponsored for the chapter to
help in revitalization. Now 12
years later, Lambda Sigma has
made great progress in its
journey toward excellence. In
fact, in 1979, they were awarded
the Sorority of the Year trophy at
Georgia. However, the chapter
shows the mark of a great chapter
not so much in its accomplish-
ments as in its aspirations. And
it's for that reason that Lambda
Sigma will stay on top.
"That's Entertainment" is one of Lambda Sigma's most famous rush traditions. Being
selected to be part of "Entertainment" is an honor for the lucky sisters.
AUGUST Chapter, School Chapter Adviser Chapter, School Chapter Adviser
Chapter, School Chapter Adviser Kappa Tau Mrs. Tom Welsh Alpha Phi Mary Ellen
University of Route # 2, Box 129 Montana State Fitzgerald
Alpha Chi Mrs. Neil Allen Tickfaw, LA 70466
Western Kentucky 459 Brentmoor Southeastern University 1209 Nelson Road
Louisiana Mrs Oscar Bozeman, MT Bozeman, MT
University Drive Hammond, LA Robinson
Bowling Green, KY Bowling Green, KY 59715
Lambda Tau 2209 Emerson
42101 University of Monroe, LA 71201 Alpha Pi Mrs. Ed Green
Florida State 221 Lexington Drive
Alpha Delta Mrs. Carolyn Diener Northeastern Mrs. Deb Tallahassee, FL
University of 1164 North wood Louisiana Fenstermaker University
Monroe, LA Tallahassee, FL 32312
Alabama Northport, AL 35401 403 S. 5th
Tuscaloosa, AL Nu Beta Oxford, MS 38655 Alpha Rho Mrs. John Baines
University of Oregon State 204 N.W. 27th
Alpha Kappa Susan French Ms. Jane Germaine Corvallis. OR 97330
University of North 132 Stonehurst Mississippi 2100 Canterbury University
Florence, AL 35630 Oxford, MS Corvallis, OR
Alabama Lane
Florence, AL Nu Lambda Glendora, CA 91740 Alpha Sigma Mrs. R. Lester
University of University of Hixson
Alpha Omicron Mrs. George Mouk M r s . Robert F.
Louisiana State R.R. # 5 , Box 925 Southern Schuette Oregon 1523 Russett Drive
Denham Springs, California Eugene, OR Eugene, OR 97401
University Los Angeles, CA 9 Robin Court
Baton Rouge, LA LA 71726 Oxford, OH 45056 Alpha Theta Mrs. David Schmidt
Omega Coe College Rt. 3, Box 183
Beta Sigma Miss Shannon Miami University Ms. Effie M. Cedar Rapids, IA Iowa City, IA 52240
Boise State Phillips Oxford, OH Cottman
Beta Chi Ms. Marian
University 1906 Potter Street Pi Delta 3102 Circle Hill Rd. Kentucky Wesleyan Hutchinson
Boise, ID Boise, ID 83706 University of Alexandria, VA
College R.R. # 1 , Box 362A
Chi Delta Ms. Anne Clark Maryland 22305 Owensboro, KY Philpot, KY 42366
University of 1241 Pennsylvania College Park, MD
Ms. Brenda Beta Epsilon Mrs. James Brown
Colorado Street Theta Chi Washburn Bemidji State Route 2, Box 266
Boulder, CO Denver, CO 80203 Morningside Bemidji, MN 56601
2522 S. Cornelia University
Delta Beta Mrs. W. D. Willig College Sioux City, (A Bemidji, MN
University of 728 Brentwood Sioux City, IA
51106 Beta Kappa Ms. Judit Spence
Southwestern Blvd. Theta Omega Miss Lillian Baker University of British 4128 Virginia
Lafayette, LA 70503 Northern Arizona 1508 N. Aztec
Louisiana Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Columbia Crescent
Lafayette, LA University Vancouver, British North Vancouver,
Flagstaff, AZ Ms. Susie Levitz
Delta Omega Mrs. Kenneth Payton Columbia British Columbia
Murray State Harrell Upsilon Alpha Canada V7R 3Z6
University of 2701 E. W i n d s o r
University Box 3026 University Tucson, AZ 85716 Beta Lambda Ms. Jacquie Graven
Murray, KY Station Arizona Illinois Wesleyan 1718 Johnson Drive
Tucson, AZ Mrs. William Cooper Normal, IL 61761
Murray, KY 42701 6030 Forest Ridge University
Upsilon Lambda San Antonio, TX Bloomington, IL
Delta Phi Mrs. Dean University of
University of South Sommers 78240 Beta Rho Ms. Susan Lucas
Texas-San University of 3008 Bancroft
Carolina 408 Fireside Drive Antonio Miss Mary Jane Missoula, MT 59801
Columbia, SC Columbia, SC San Antonio, TX Bruce Montana
Missoula, MT
29210 Zeta 4307 F Street
University of Lincoln, NE 68510
lota Mrs. Paul Valbert Beta Tau Mrs. Donald
University of Illinois 1720 Lincoln Road Nebraska University of Pressey
Urbana, IL Champaign, IL Lincoln, NE
Toronto 44 Charles Street,
61820 Toronto, Ontario West, Apt. 4111
lota Alpha Ms. Sara Albano Toronto, Ontario,
Idaho State 720 W. Maple
Pocatello, ID 83201 Canada M4Y 1R8
Pocatello, ID Chi Alpha Ms. Mary Jo
University of Beckman
lota Sigma Mrs. Ernest A. SEPTEMBER
Iowa State Lunsford California-Davis 12065 Hobeyday
Davis, CA
University 3204 Lettie Road
Ames, IA Ames, IA 50010 Gait, CA 95632
lota Tau Mrs. Sten Pierce Alpha Gamma Mrs. Lloyd Craine Chi Lambda Ms. Virginia Kreke
University of 214 13th Street Washington State N.W. 236 Timothy University of 8344 Angel Drive
Menomonie, Wl Pullman, WA 99163 Newburgh, IN
Wisconsin-Stout University Evansville
Menomonie, Wl 54751 Pullman, WA Evansville, IN 47630
Chapter, School Chapter Adviser Chapter, School Chapter Adviser Chapter, School Chapter Adviser
Mrs. James Hay Ms. Claire Pease
Delta Chi 36 Stature Road Lambda Sigma Rt. # 1 , Box 135 Theta Psi Mrs. George Skaff
Newark, DE 19713 University of Toledo 2674 Drummond
University of University of Cleveland Rd. Toledo, OH Toledo, OH 43606
Delaware Georgia Bogart, GA 30622
Upsilon Mrs. Bruce Busch
Newark, DE Athens, GA University of 5 7 0 0 29th, N E.
Seattle, WA 98105
Delta Delta Mrs. H.C. Morgan Nu lota Mrs. Angel Diaz Washington
Auburn University 2150 Robin Drive Northern Illinois 1548 Timberwood Seattle, WA
Auburn, AL Auburn, AL 36830
University Court
Delta Pi Miss Jan Rhodes Dekalb, IL Sycamore, IL 60178 Zeta Psi Miss Gloria
Central Missouri 323-A King Street East Carolina Sanders
Warrensburg, MO Omega Omicron Mrs. Roy Evans
State University Lambuth College 101 Ayers University 1205 East 5th
Warrensburg, MO 64093 Jackson, TN Jackson, TN 38301 Greenville, NC Street
Gamma Mrs. Harry Gordon Omicron Mrs. James Greenville, NC
University of Maine 14 University Place University of Brennan 27834
Orono, ME Orono, ME 04473
Tennessee 8229 Foxall Circle
Gamma Alpha Ms. Charlotte Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN 37919 OCTOBER
George Mason Casey Hays
Omicron Pi Miss Lynne Garvey Lambda Chi Miss Nancy Alford
University #104, 2284 Pimmit University of 4206 Packard, #4 LaGrange College 910 Broad St.
Fairfax, VA Run Lane Ann Arbor, Ml LaGrange, GA LaGrange, GA
Falls Church, VA Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 30240
Phi Delta Ms. Kristin Maegli
Gamma Beta Mrs. Paul Daskivich University of 3519 N. 97th Place Phi Beta Mrs. Ray Wolfe
Indiana University Box 453 Milwaukee, Wl East Stroudsburg 5209 Venable Ave.
Blacklick, PA 15716 Wisconsin- Charleston, WV
of Pennsylvania Milwaukee 53222 State College
Indiana, PA Milwaukee, Wl East Stroudsburg, 25304
Ms. Elaine Glaros
Gamma Delta Miss Rebecca Cash Phi Lambda 3360 Allendale Ave. PA Ms. Miriam
University of South 1663 Hillcrest Rd., Youngstown State Youngstown, OH McCullough
Sigma Rho
Alabama Apt. 331 University 44511 Slippery Rock State RD #1
Mobile, AL Mobile, AL 36606 Youngstown, OH Rural Valley, PA
Gamma Omicron Miss Susan Adair Phi Sigma Mrs. Richard Slippery Rock, PA 16249
University of Florida 7 S.W. 23rd St. Kearney State Blausey
Gainesville, FL Gainesville, FL
College 3702 Avenue " M "
32607 Kearney, NE Kearney, NE 68847
Gamma Sigma M i s s Lucy E. Sigma Mrs. Eric Lindquist NOVEMBER
Georgia State Hawes University of 151 Kimberlin
Kappa Omicron Ms. Barbara
University 4413 Greenspring California Height Drive Southwestern at Ashcroft
Atlanta, GA Road Berkeley, CA Oakland, CA 94619
Memphis 1726 Morley Place,
College Park, GA Sigma Delta Ann Ingram Memphis, TN #1
Huntingdon College 1185 Beverly Ave. Memphis, TN 38111
Kappa Alpha Mrs. Paul Gibbons Montgomery, AL Prattville, AL 36067
Indiana State 35 Gardendale
Sigma lota Mrs. James Conley JANUARY
University Road Western Illinois 16 Briarbrook East
Terre Haute, IN Terre Haute, IN Macomb, IL 61455
47803 Macomb, IL
Kappa Delta Mrs. D.M. Andrews Sigma Lambda Mrs. Peter Koukola Beta Phi Mrs. Barry K. Hurtt
(colony) 7907 Northland University of 426 North 22nd St. Indiana University 3611 Bainbridge Dr.
LaCrosse, Wl 54601 Bloomington, IN Bloomington, IN
Wright State Court Wisconsin-
University Dayton, OH 45415 LaCrosse Delta Upsilon 47401
LaCrosse, Wl Duke University
Dayton, OH Durham, NC Mrs. William
Kappa Kappa Mrs. William Huber Sigma Omicron Mrs. Thad Wyatt Kappa Gamma
Ball State 2000 W. Jackson Arkansas State 1812 Eldridge Florida Southern 2429 Rosewood
Jonesboro, AR Court
University Street University College
Muncie, IN 47303 Muncie, IN 47303 Jonesboro, AR 72401 Lakeland, FL Chapel Hill, NC
Nu Omicron 27514
Kappa Pi Miss Elizabeth Tau Ms. Nancy Larson Vanderbilt
Ohio Northern Roberts University of 7 Heather Place Ms. Rebecca
St. Paul, MN 55105 University Robinson
University 815 S. J o h n s o n Minnesota Nashville, TN
Ada, OH Ada, OH 45810 Minneapolis, MN Janice West Ingram 1009 Hunt Ave.
652 Idlewild Circle Omega Xi Lakeland, FL 33802
Lambda Beta Mrs. Ismael Vargas Tau Delta Birmingham, AL Morehead State
California State- 16579 Pescado Birmingham- Ms. Susan
35205 University Derryberry
Long Beach Lane Southern College Morehead, KY
Long Beach, CA Huntington Beach, Birmingham, AL 3300 W. End Ave.,
CA 92649 Tau Omicron Miss Betsy Brent
University of Box 126, UTM Nashville, TN 37212
Lambda lota Mrs. Philip Martin, TN 38238
University of Holtkamp Tennessee- Dr. Diane Ris
Martin Morehead State
California 1115 Solana Drive Martin, TN
San Diego, CA Del Mar. CA 92014 University, 339
Lambda Omega Ms. Diane Widger Theta Pi Miss Nancy Morehead, KY
Northwest Missouri 912 N. Walnut, # 1 9 Wagner College Cochrane 40351
Maryville, MO Staten Island, NY
State 327 Maitland Ave.
Maryville, MO 64468 Teaneck, NJ 07666
Chapter, School Chapter Adviser
Omicron Pi Miss Lynne Garvey Preference . . . the final step in a year of preparation and fun to pick new sisters.
University of 4206 Packard, # 4
Ann Arbor, Ml Sending Membership Infor- FEBRUARY
Michigan mation on potential rushees to
Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 collegiate chapters is one of an Chapter, School Chapter Adviser
alumna's most vital respon- Chi Delta
Phi Mrs. James sibilities. Information forms University of Ms. Anne Clark
University of Bondurant should be sent to chapter
advisers. Use this Directory Colorado 1241 Pennsylvania
Kansas 3021 Sagebrush for address information as Boulder, CO Street
Lawrence, KS Lawrence, KS well as a Rush Calendar for
1980-81. Denver, CO 80203
Phi Delta 66044
University of Do your part . . . help our Phi Lambda Ms. Elaine Glaros
Ms. Kristin Maegli collegiate sisters experience Youngstown State 3360 Allendale Ave.
Wisconsin-, 3519 N. 97th Place their best rush ever! Youngstown, OH
Milwaukee Milwaukee, Wl University
Milwaukee, Wl T Youngstown, OH 44511
Phi Omicron Pi Delta Ms. Effie M.
Hanover College Mrs. Thomas University of Cottman
Hanover, IN Patterson
Maryland 3102 Circle Hill
Phi Upsilon 178 Madison Ave., College Park, MD Road
Purdue University P.O. Box 184
West Lafayette, IN Alexandria, VA
Hanover, IN 47243
Sigma Chi 22305
Harwick College Mrs. Richard Blank
Oneonta, NY 4606 Marimak Drive
Lafayette, IN 47905
Sigma Lambda
University of Mrs. Fred G.
LaCrosse 82 Elm St.
LaCrosse, Wl Oneonta, NY 13820
Sigma Omicron Mrs. Peter Koukola
Arkansas State 426 North 22nd
University Street
Jonesboro, AR LaCrosse, Wl 54601
Theta Pi Mrs. Thad Wyatt
Wagner College 1812 Eldridge
Staten Island, NY Jonesboro, AR
Miss Nancy
327 Maitland Ave.
Teaneck, NJ 07666
Sigma Tau Mrs. J. Frederick
Washington College Price
Chestertown, MD
P.O. Box 9 2
Chestertown, MD
Beta Epsilon Mrs. James Brown
Bemidji State Route 2, Box 266
Bemidji, MN 56601
Bemidji, MN
Lambda (colony) Mrs. Edward Cotter
Stanford University 5036 Diamond
Stanford, CA
Heights Blvd.
The chapter house at Georgia became "Fantasy Island" for the rushees during second San Francisco, CA
round of Formal Rush this past fall. The skit members had been working since the previous
spring to show the rushees that their fantasy could come true when they became an A O n 94131
name of college MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION attach picture here
rushee will attend A L P H A OMICRON PI
Rushee's Name_ Age. . Year in college presently.
Parent or Guardian's Name_
Rushees Home Address if different from above.
Rushee's Current College Address . Telephone number.
Name of High School
Date of Graduation from High School. year) Approximate number of students in school.
College Grade Point Average.
High School Grade Point Average
Summary of Rushee's interests, talents, achievements, awards, involvement in organizations, group leadership experience:
. (Please list on back of this sheet)
AOII Relatives: address relationship with rushee college chapter
address relationship with rushee college chapter
name (include maiden name if possible)
name (include maiden name if possible)
Relative or close friends in other NPC groups:
address name of sorority relationship
address name of sorority relationship
Is this rushee a personal friend, .or acquaintance. . of yours? If not known personally by you, what is the source of the
information on this form? Have you talked with her about AOII?. Is this
Would you like to have this rushee bid by an AOII chapter?.!
rushee able to manage the cost of college and sorority membership?, . When does she plan to enter college (If she is not
now a student)? :.
name and address, send the form to the Regional Extension Officer responsible for the region in which the rushee will attend
If you have gathered this information in response to a chapter's request, please send the information to the return address in-
dicated immediately. A collegiate chapter's pledging depends on your prompt information.
Please use an additional page to explain or add any other information
which might be useful to the chapter in their getting to know this rushee.
Your Name. Address. Telephone.
Your Collegiate Chapter Area Code.
Your Alumnae Chapter For Chapter Use Only: Date Received.
Your Signature Date Acknowledgement Sent
Today's Date Sorority Rushee Pledged
1905-1930 By Stella George Stern Perry, campuses as "Alpha," not as "Alpha
Founder and Grand Historian
Editors: Reprinted from the Silver Anni- O" or "AOri" as is now usual; and I
versary issue of To Dragma, May
Helen K. Hoy, Nu, 1905 1930 • believe, the oldsters still prefer to hear
Jessie Ashley, Nu, 1906-1907 us called simply "Alpha." In the end,
Helen Arthur, Nu, 1907 "We did not know, 'way back there, those of us with more imagination pre-
Viola C. Gray, Zeta, 1908- when we named our magazine The vailed, and our lovely symbolic name,
Sheaf, To Dragma, how prophetic was To Pragma, was chosen by the Grand
1910 the title. Council. We had a name for it long
Virginia Judy Esterly, before we had a magazine.
F o r the magazine has certainly
Sigma, 1911-1915 gathered wheat from the whole country, In those days, when the classics were
Mary Ellen Chase, Gamma, not only the wheat of talent and^after "required" studies, no one ever sup-
some hard farming, to be sure, of the posed that a time would come when
1915-1919 support that was to be expected, but also college-bred women would have to be
Etta Phillips MacPhie, of its editorial guidance and policy. For instructed in the meaning and pronun-
the staff of To Dragma has been re- ciation of a simple Greek title.
Delta, 1919-1921 cruited from a broad field, from Maine
Elizabeth Hiestand Smith, to California. We had planned a magazine almost
from the beginning. I can see in memo-
Rho, 1921-1923 I think we ought not forget how bar- ry now Helen St. Clair (Mullan) with a
Elizabeth Bond, Tau, 1923- ren and hard a plain this wheat field pile of men's fraternity magazines that
was to those who cultivated it early, she and I had been examining, as she ar-
1927 how little help they sometimes got in ranged them in three groups and said,
Wilma Smith Leland, Tau their voluntary labors, how greatly we with that clear definite judgment that
are indebted to them for our full gra- has always been an asset to us, "These
1927- nary. are good. These are fair. These are
It would be futile within these nar-
row bounds to attempt anything like a It was in 1901 that the first Commit-
complete survey of To Pragma's years; tee on Publications was appointed and
but the Editor has asked me for a curso- the Chairman of it was Florence Lucas
ry glance backward; and I am glad to Sanville, author of "Once More
give it. United." In a Grand Council report of
the next year, in Pecember, we read,
As to the magazine's name, the sym- "Miss Sanville, Chairman of the Maga-
bolism of which nowadays needs no zine Committee, announced the fol-
elucidation to any member of Alpha lowing Board of Editors: Ruth Earle
Omicron Pi, it is amusing to read in old (Alpha), Olive R. Garland (Nu), and
records that there were some objections the Chairman herself." She stated that
to it, when it was first proposed, on the no work had been done as yet; but a
ground that it was not sufficiently dig- meeting of Editors was to take place in
nified! The counter suggestion was the holidays.
made that "The Alpha" zvould be more
practical. You see, for the first ten years This Board, however, could do little
or more of the li fe of Alpha Omicron Pi, more than make plans, for lack of the
the fraternity was known familiarly on means of pursuing them.
It was not until January of 1905—
To Dragma Covers Through the Years . . . To D r a g m a
To Dragma To D«M!K* i« pqbliihed 11 Ibyibj Main Si
Wit., •• Kcond-titM maim, Apiit IJ. mou. urn
To D«*GWA ii nublithtd on (hr Iwenlp-filll
Alpha Omicron Pi ind Jul jr.
VoL U January, 1905. No. 1. SobioripHon price. Out Dollar per year, pi
nreniy-fivt emu,
Published by the fraternity, quarterly.
To D r a g m a
H E L E N K . H O Y , Editor.
Eotrn) •( thr pMleffler •' MenaalM, Wli„ u »t<»><l<rJau mult I , Apr!
i j , too*. itnii.r ih. Acl of MurcW 3, i»;a.
Acttptance for milling 11 ipecial ran of pntoirt pioviM for >« «ttloi
To Dunn* Ii publlihed four timet a rear (Stpl.. Nov,, fib.. M».) *
4SO<W Ahnaip Street, Menathi, Wii., bj Gungt Hum*, official printer ID ihi
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity.
Siibicripllon prler. One Dollar per jrtar ptytblo in advance; linglt tffpiei
iwentj-fiirecenii. Life tabicripttcnu. Fiflm Dolltrt.
Etta Phillip. M.tPhit, Ed icor-io-chief, drolrn Piawi Pull I n . Buinni
two more Chairmen of Publications, ried and watt to St. Louis. It was hard to the capable Helen Piper Hagenbuch
Margaret Clark Sumner of Alpha and find a business manager who could give (Zeta), echoed her as Business Man-
May Sterling Parkerson of Pi, having us the time and had the ability for the ager. I wish there were time to tell you
served meanwhile, that the magazine in difficult task. all they did. There is not even time to
its handsome cardinal cover appeared to begin it! To Dragma had gone west to
give a glow to our hopes. Adelma Burd had the ability; she did grow up with the country . . . "
not have the time, but she gave it to us Turbulent and tumultuous, the
Helen Katherine Hoy (Greeley) of anyway. It was she who stabilized—for infancy of our fraternity magazine
Nu chapter was the first Editor of To the period of her incumbency, at least— was not an easy one. Yet, amidst all
Pragma. and managed with success the business the problems, a fine heritage was
of the iitfant paper . . . being built. In this first twenty-five
TJwugh at that time the chapter roll years, many outstanding women
listed only Alpha, Pi, Nu, Omicron, But these were the first of that long were associated with the editing and
Kappa, Zeta, and the New York Alum- line of selfless and devoted workers to managing of the magazine. In addi-
nae, that first number, in content and whom we owe the growth of To Dragma tion to the ones already mentioned,
form could hold up its own without from such humble beginning's-. two more are deserving of mention.
apology. In this first twenty-five years (ap-
After the successful administration proximately in 1918), the plan for
It also served as a directory of the of Jessie and Adelma, the magazine met life subscriptions was first conceived
membership, of less than two hundred some vicissitudes of no interest now, by Carolyn Fraser Pulling, Delta, as
names at that date, and was the first only one number appearing; this was a method of financing the magazine.
songbook, presenting "The Rose of edited by Helen Arthur of Nu chapter. All of our early editors worked with
Red," "Alpha for Aye," "Once More But undiscouraged people know that precious little funds that consisted
United," "Garden of Our College poor crops, whether in farming, editing, of income from subscriptions and
Days," "Here's to Good Old Nu," or anything else, are often followed by advertising. Although it was several
"Viva La A O n , " "Fellowship of an abundance. We carried on. years before the plan was complete-
Spring," and "Dear Old Room." ly in effect, it is to Carolyn Fraser
Viola Gray of Zeta chapter has Pulling who we owe our gratitude.
Helen Hoy was unable to stay with served' in so many varied ways,
the magazine long, and we found our- unselfishly saying "1 will" to anything Also, during these years, the
selves also financially inhibited from however arduous or however slight that w o m a n who was to hold the
bringing out the next number on time. she was asked to do—whether the job editorial reins the longest took over.
But hope was maintained, and we were to hurry up and inspect a chapter, Wilma Smith Leland, Tau, who has
rallied. to install one, to bolster up another, to the distinction of serving as frater-
perform some little local service, to con- nity editor for the longest period, 19
Our reverently remembered fessie tribute a musical stunt during a lull at years, took over in 1927. Said Wilma
Ashley, who was always ready in her Convention, up to serving long and well • of the heritage of To Dragma in the
gentle kindness to give us of her busy in important offices on the Executive fraternity's 75th anniversary issue:
days and her heavily-taxed talents, Board itself—that we should not miss "The heritage of To Dragma is one of
undertook to get out the next three num- this opportunity of appreciating her, the literary quality, a concern for na-
bers that appeared. How glad we are to next Editor, and the one who reinstated tional issues, and an attempt to keep
have this characteristic trace of her To Dragma. Since then there has been chapters and individual members in
now! For those three 1906-07 numbers no break in its good development. It was touch with each other."
show her mind in their articles on only a short while before she had
woman suffrage and social righteous- changed our plan for three issues a year What type of article could be
ness. into the achievement of four. found in our young magazine?
Information on our founders, histo-
Alice Smith Thomson (Alpha) was But the magazine was in a parlous ry of our early chapters and the in-
chosen Business Manager, but she mar- state when she said—"l will" to it, and stitutions of which they were a part,
chapter news, news on outstanding
Co Dragma TO DRAGMA sisters, Panhellenic news (the Na-
tional Panhellenic Conference, also
ef of Alpha Omicron Pi established in 1905, has grown right
along side of our magazine) . . . all
jfllpba Omicron Pi CONTENTS were important parts of the maga-
zine. In addition, articles on proper
VOL M X October, 1923 N„.I • J A N U A R Y • 1931 • rushing and the type of behavior
an A O n should exhibit were nu-
The first twenty-five years set a
precedence of excellence that has
been the goal of each editor since. As
we continue this historical journey,
let's watch how that goal has been
1931-1955 At that time, citizenship and the Dear Readers:
freedoms thereof were a current
Editors: theme in American life, and A O I I Was it 25 years ago that 1 wrote the last
was not immune from that influ- letter among editors' recollections in the
Wilma Smith Leland, 1927- ence. I n 1949, a Committee on Citi- quarter century edition? 1 had finished
1946 zenship was established at Conven- three years of editorship and little did I
tion. To Dragma published articles i n know that between that time and the
Katherine Davis, Theta, the early 50s on citizenship w i t h present only one other editor—Kay
1946-1955 emphasis placed on the rights and Davis—would edit To Dragma. In the
responsibilities thereof. 16 years which followed May, 1930, the
In the second twenty-five years in fortune and the history of Alpha Omi-
the life of To Dragma, the magazine It was during this time that Wilma cron Pi and of the magazine folloived an
reflected the fraternity's emphasis Smith Leland served the majority of outline of world events—the depres-
on social concerns. From 1931 when her awesome tenure of 19 years as sion, shrunken funds, inactive chapters,
we selected the Frontier Nursing editor of To Dragma. I n the Golden smaller memberships in college chap-
Service as our International philan- Anniversary issue of To Dragma i n ters. The magazine had an important
thropy through the m i d '50s, social the winter of 1955, Stella recalls role to play. It was one magazine mem-
service was an important topic in Wilma's appointment: bers had paid for and could expect to re-
the magazine along with articles on ceive. It served to bind the membership
career women and chapter news. I n "Now came the editor whom so many of together.
the late 30s, articles crusading us, for so many proud years knew as
against war were not uncommon. "the editor." When Wilma Smith In 1933, the magazine grew in size.
"War—Will American Women Let Leland, Tau, undertook the work as edi- From the small 6x9 inch format, the
It Come to America?", published in tor, she was so young, and looked so standard among sorority publications,
the October 1935 issue, is but one much younger, that everybody but it was enlarged to 6-3/4x10 inches. In
example. The war—and AOFI's war Wilma thought about it, some with a October, 1937, it grew again to
efforts were a major topic through slight apprehension. How absurd it 8-1/2x11 inches. The larger size, with
the m i d 40s. seetns now! As if A O IT. did not know fewer pages, represented economy. A
what an asset youth can be! In every two-color cover was used for the first
best sense for 19 years, Wilma has re- time, with the photograph as the central
mained young herself, kept the maga- interest. Prior to that time, antique
zine young, while steadily injecting paper in color with a sketch for deco-
into it all the qualities of firm and wise ration, had been used. The Maryland
maturity. We have been enriched by her members posed for that cover photo-
experience in the publishing field and graph. That issue offered the world pre-
by her expert acquaintance with the miere for a new headline type, Coronet,
whole fraternity world and its high the first mats being shipped to Leland
esteem for her. Let me say for us all, fer- Publishers, for use in To Dragma. Later
vently, "Thank you Wilma Leland!" several other sororities used the type.
This revered editor shared her The contents of the October, 1937,
thoughts on the progress of the issue were typical of issues of the
magazine in the years under her d i - period. Mary Dee Drummond was
rection in that same golden anniver- president and she wrote on "Alpha Om-
sary edition: icron Pi Seeks Spiritual and Physical
Balance."Minnie-Ellen Marquis Hast- ond vice president, had the respon- which came out soon after the United
ings, Alpha Phi, an authority on Amer- sibility of telling the membership about States entered World War II, and we
ican Indian music, wrote about her the Frontier Nursing Service and our published as much alumnae news as
work. ]anet Turner, Lambda, one of social service work there. There was a possible.
three A O I l s who visited the Orient to- double-page spread of pictures of Phi
gether, wrote an article about their visit Beta Kappas. Rochelle Rodd Gachet You can follow the war years in To
and drew the lovely sketches illustrat- covered Neivcombe's 50th anniversary Pragma, Janet Dufrey Wliite, Lambda,
ing it. Mary H. Donlon, Alumni and AOn. The news of AOU's col- was on Corregidor and was evacuated
Trustee for her alma mater, Cornell, onization at Louisiana State University with High Commissioner Francis B.
said that "The Weapon of Democracy is followed. That fall we pictured 31 mem- Sayre's staff. There were AOFls in the
Education." A story about that fine poet, bers of Mortar Board, a campaign was first officer class of the WAACs. They
Gertrude Ryder Bennett, Nu, was writ- underway to sell life alumnae dues and were WAVES and lady marines. Dr.
ten by Clara Alyse Fonyo. Three of a sweepstakes contest was in progress. Achsa Bean, Gamma, was a major in
Gertrude's poems were published in the the Royal Army Medical Corps. We
issue. Poetry often found a place in In May 1938, the content's page had had district conventions, workshops, we
issues in those days. It was a tradition a new feature. An interesting Alpha O called them in lieu of a national meet-
which Mary Ellen Chase had instituted was named "Lady of the Day." Her suc- ing. Those were the days when papier
in a department called "The Quiet Cor- cessor in current issues is shown in lacked an enamel finish; when we had to
ner." Beryl Dill Kneen, Upsilon, told "Presenting." return all engravings not held for
about "Selling the Manuscript," Kay historical purposes to salvage before we
Davis reported Theta's 30th birthday. A The Alumnae Bulletin, a newspaper could buy some new ones; when some
page of pictures introduced the edition of To Pragma, came into being magazines had difficulty getting paper
Yellowstone convention report with in November, 1940. Published also in for printing—but never To Pragma.
sketches by Delores Ritter, Tau. Officers April, it increased the magazine to six
were introduced. Helen Haller hasn't issues per year. The Bulletin, true to its Alpha O continued her war work
changed much. Ruth Segar's candle name, carried alumnae chapter news. after the war ended. We worked on with
helped to light a memorial service some Lorraine Hitchcock McMahon, Zeta, the American Friends Service Commit-
years later. Edith Anderson still keeps a was the editor. The experiment was tee. By May, 1946, we were celebrating
Panhellenic as well as AOU-eye on the short lived. By October, 1941, the maga- the 15th anniversary of our work with
Perm State campus. Stella George Stern zine was back to quarterly distribution. the Frontier Nursing Service. People
Perry was made historian for life about were settling down again. It was evi-
that time. Bess Wyman wrote that she Stella, writing in the 25th Anniver- dent that enrollments were stabilizing.
had a natural bent for saving things. sary edition, stated the editorial philos- So was To Pragma's budget, nineteen
Anne ]eter Ribble was just as pretty ophy which directed the policy of the years and eight conventions with re-
when we met her quite by accident in magazine during my editorship, "The election as editor at each had passed.
Amsterdam in July. Mamie Hurt best part of it (To Pragma) is always The 1946 Convention was the 50th An-
Baskervill was made a member of the the report of what members and chap- niversary celebration of Alpha Omi-
rituals committee. The Ohio Valley ters do and stand for what they give to cron Pi. Held at Gratiot Inn, Port
District awarded its cup to Omega Alpha Omicron Pi and to the world, the Huron, Ml, it was a very gala affair, the
chapter. There was a page of May triumphs they have won and the way first convention since 1941, in New
Queens opposite the article on scholar- they feel toward life and toward their Orleans. It was a fitting time to check in
ship by M. Irene fones, Kappa, the fraternity—the real gathering of the the red pencil to a successor.
scholarship officer. Dorthy Dean, sec- real harvest. In this sheaf, as in the one
more precious and profound, we are Writing in the 25th anniversary edi-
bound together." That feeling of being tion, Mary Ellen Chase concluded, "1
bound together dominated the issues do not know that the fruits of those
i 5?
115 nsr- U
years with To Dragma were particu- for Phi Omicron chapter of Alpha Omi- My wish is that future editors of To
larly nourishing, especially joyful, or cron Pi. This contact has also enriched Dragma may have the pleasure in this
very long in their effects. And yet, my work as editor and has been very re- position that I have had.
believing with Pater and Epicureans warding for me. Katherine Davis
that 'experience in itself is the end,' I
look back, upon my editorship with 1956-1980 By Becky Montgomery, K n
pleasure and gratitude." For this editor
those years of editorship, occurring as Editors: Editor, To Dragma
they did from youth to middle age, were
"nourishing, joyful, and will be long in Caryl Walker Krueger, Rho, The last twenty-five years in the life
their effect. " They started a career. They 1955-1960 of our magazine, like the first fifty
gave the opportunity to make friends in years, are a reflection of the state of
far lands. They were grueling years of Lee Anton, Rho, 1960-1961 the fraternity and the world in gen-
hard work when it had combined with a Barbara Doering Healy, eral. As the present editor, it is a
full time job and the rearing of two particular privilege to share with
A O n daughters. But they were lovely Iota, 1961-1967 you the evolution of the magazine
years of lessons learned and lessons Patti Penning, Omicron, during this time. Since this part of
given . . . our history starts the year I was
1967-1968 born, it was truly a time of learning
Best wishes to all of you, Jean Rogers, Phi Omicron, for me to go back in time and watch
Wilma Smith Leland the magazine and fraternity grow
1968- 1969 through the years. Thus, this last
The second editor during this tenure Diane Courtney, 1969 segment of our history, unlike the
was Katherine Carter Davis, Theta. Millie Milam Murphy, Rho, first two segments, is written from
She, too, shared her thoughts on the the viewpoint of one who has not
magazine's evolution in the Golden 1970-1976 lived through it and who, as an ob-
Anniversary edition: Darci Sullivan, Alpha server, will share with you what she
perceives to be the state of A O F I and
To bring the record up to date the pres- Sigma, 1976 To Dragma during those years.
ent editor should add a few thoughts. Lynn Reagan Samuels,
"Night and Day" headed the hit parade The late 50s were good years for
when I was elected at the Port Huron Omicron, 1976 the fraternity as reflected by the
convention in 1946 and brought T o Diane Bartley, Beta Phi, content of the magazine. The em-
Dragma to lndiana. phasis was on the fun times and are
1977-1978 limited more to fraternity in and of
To Dragma ranked among the leading Becky Montgomery, Kappa itself. The outward view of the fra-
fraternity magazines when Wilma ternity in the world was an integral
Leland turned it over to me, and I have Pi, 1978- part of the magazine in the 40s and
tried hard to keep it a leader. My 50s was a thing of the past . . . at
thought has been to represent AOFI in least for the moment. The focus was
its very best light, as To Dragma is our on collegiate chapters' activities and
principal voice to the fraternity and the alumnae activities. The happy,
outside world. carefree attitude expressed through
the magazine would be sharply con-
Being editor is one of the choice posi- trasted in a few, short years . . .
tions of the sorority because one hears
the good news of our chapters and mem- The early 60s began with the same
bers. Another privilege of the office is emphasis on "traditional" fraternity
the possession of the bound volumes of activities. Again, one senses an "all
the magazine. 1 wish it were possible to is well with the world and AOTl"
reprint parts of the previous issues, be- attitude. There is a strong, confident
cause they tell the story of our growth spirit that is reflected on the covers,
and they give insight into the courage in the articles, in the faces of our
and understanding that have gone into sisters. Also, in the early 60s, are
the development of our fraternity. some excellent articles on alumnae
involvement. Carolyn Huey Harris
Another of the joys of being editor is wrote some excellent pieces on the
the fine associations one has—with the subject, and her emphasis on alum-
Founders,, national officers, alumnae, nae involvement continued into the
collegians, and with fellow editors. late 60s when she served as Interna-
Working with these women of vision tional President.
has been a real stimulus, without which
the magazine would have suffered. Also, in the early 60s, there is an
The last three and a half years of my
eight and a half years as editor have
been spent in the AOFI House at
Hanover where I served as housemother
occasional return to spotlighting chapters, and articles on the com- are moving forward with confi-
career sisters or specific careers that mittee established to study college dence. A reorganization of the inter-
may be of interest. Though it was participation . . . all reflected a deep national structure, a celebration of
new to this era, this subject had long searching and yearning to close the the fraternity's 75th anniversary,
been a part of the heritage of To chasm between collegians and and the professionalization of
Dragma (imagine this poor editor's alumnae. Central Office, all of this has oc-
chagrin when she thought she was curred in the short space of the last
so clever to "discover" the idea of The issues of To Dragma i n 1970 decade.
using To Dragma as a medium for are reflective of the intensity of this
career planning but found that our time of turmoil. Each issue spoke to To Dragma, has grown, too. The
earliest editors had long ago used yet another facet of this division. In development of an up-to-date for-
that idea . . . ). During this period, these issues, there seemed no solu- mat, use of advertising for revenue,
though, the career department did tion, no end. Yet, in 1971, a light ap- and a focus on subjects important to
not have the emphasis that it had in peared at the end of the tunnel. today's fraternity woman have all
the past. been a part of the 70s.
In welcome contrast to the tense
The mid-60s through 1970 and heavy feeling pervading each The To Dragma of the future w i l l
brought the fun, care-free days of page of the magazine i n 1970, there continue to reflect the life and times
college days to a grinding halt. was a lighter tone in 1971. There of the fraternity and the world.
Neither AOFI, nor the rest of the was a return to news from campuses Financing the magazine, with the
Greek system, escaped the torment, that d i d not speak of the unrest, of astronomical paper and postage
protest, and violence that rocked the the problems, but instead spoke of prices, w i l l continue to be a big con-
campuses. For the Greek system, it chapters actually doing things as cern . . . just as it has been for the
was a fight for survival. To Drag?na, chapters. That the chaos and pain past 75 years. Yet, new ideas are
during these years, shows the pain, and turmoil was behind us was being explored. At the National
confusion, and chaos that rocked echoed by these words of Eleanore Panhellenic Editors' Conference this
the country's campuses and our Dietrich MacCurdy, International past fall, we talked extensively about
chapters. Our collegians struggled President, i n the spring 1972 maga- the formation of a "fraternity coop-
to come to grips with the purpose of zine: " I n June 1971, your Executive erative" so that we could provide a
fraternity in a time when all signs Committee set goals for the bien- lucrative market for national adver-
pointed that there was no purpose. nium that recognized the cycle of tisers. Other alternatives are also
Our alumnae leaders struggled with history. There is a return to real being pursued.
how to help our collegians through concern, to care demonstrated by
this chaotic time . . . and how to action, respect, tradition, law, and Though the time I have served as
keep A O I I a strong and purposeful order . . . " editor has been but a blink of an eye
institution at the same time. Our in the overall heritage and history of
leaders were faced with what The decade of the 70s have repre- the magazine, it is a time which I
seemed an impossible situation. sented a time of growth and devel- shall always cherish. There seems
opment for A O i l and To Dragma. no better way to end this history
The articles of To Dragma reflect The blossoming of one of our key than with these words which first
that confusion. Articles on Students aids to collegiate chapter develop- appeared in the first volume and
for Democratic Society and its anti- ment, the Field Staff program, has number of To Dragma:
thesis to fraternity life and life in been outlined i n the magazine. The
general, articles on standards and continual influx of strong and able "Here the magazine is at
how they still could be relevant to leaders w h o have been profiled i n To last! Let us say with heart-
Dragma demonstrate the fact that we iness, 'Here's a health to
you, To Dragma! Long may
you live and prosper!' "
1 1B11l M I i -
Alpha Omicron Pi f!t»fdsfiamlpihcanmpiciron pi VDJnr. r»
Bonn. >ogo
sAiufTDOtwmi UmOarmJ Summer 1973 IBv7-lv71
• .•A
75th Anniversary Is.uc
^fe® JOb :
Career Outlook: Communications
By Becky Montgomery, K n going tough in finding a job. The time to start thinking
To Dragma, Editor about experience is not after graduation but now. There
are several places where experience can be gained.
In the communications field, there are several diversified
career options ranging from technical writing to public 1. Newspaper Reporting. Working on your college
relations. Journalism has become an increasingly attrac- newspaper can be of invaluable experience when you
tive career choice, but according to The Occupational Out- begin looking for work after graduation. Summer
look for College Graduates, 1978-79 edition, if journalism internships are another way to gain that necessary expe-
enrollments maintain their strength, a record number of rience. Internships are especially good because your per-
journalism graduates will be hitting the pavement in the formance and/or the contacts made, may land you a job
80s. To crack the tight market, you need to take a close offer.
look at the academic program you are pursuing, and you
need to seek all of the practical experience that you can Beginning newspaper reporters will find jobs at small
find. dailies or weeklies. Suburban papers and small town
papers are excellent training grounds for aspiring jour-
There are several options for the journalism major . . . nalists. The graduate with no experience who lands a job
newspaper reporting, radio or tv script writing, and on a large metropolitan daily is the exception and gener-
magazine writing. Of these, newspaper reporting is the ally this occurs only when the paper has a pressing need
most sought position. Although, communication posi- in an area in which the graduate has outstanding cre-
tions are expected to expand through the mid '80s, news- dentials.2
papers will not enjoy the same rate of growth. In fact, the
growth rate for newspaper reporting employment is ex- Bestor also states that a wealth of practical experience
pected to increase more slowly than the average for all can be obtained from special assignments and free-lanc-
occupations, and job openings will be from people leav- ing. As you gain experience, it's important to keep a file
ing existing positions and not from the creation of new of your published work Bestor points out. There is
positions.1 nothing quite so convincing as some concrete examples
of your abilities.
In her book Aside from Teaching English, What Can You
Do?, Dorthy K. Bestor points out that it is harder to break In trying to obtain experience, don't narrow yourself
into radio and television script writing than it was 5 or 6 too much. Work closely with your college placement of-
years ago. Magazine writing, too, is a most competitive, fice and participate in on-campus interviews for not only
even precarious field. In fact, a number of journalism media groups but also large corporations who also may
graduates will need to be prepared to utilize their exper- own newspapers.3
tise in other areas because there won't be enough jobs to
fill the demand. 2. Radio and T V Script Writing. To get experience in
radio, your best bet will be to volunteer time to arrange
Because the competition in the field is stiff, it doesn't for and announce programs in classical music on an F M
mean that you should change your major and/or career station.4The key in radio script writing is to get your foot
aspirations. However, it does mean that you need to con- in the door. Once you make that big step, the oppor-
sciously groom yourself for the position you want. You tunity for advancement are generally excellent. One per-
need to be aware of the qualifications for the type of sonnel director suggests practical experience in polities
position you want and make sure that you obtain those or an internship in the university's school of public
qualifications before you enter the market. affairs as excellent background experience.5
Qualifications: Academics + Experience Television is a difficult area to get experience, but there
= Employment is a growing market in community and education televi-
sion. You have to be especially assertive if you are going
Without a doubt, academic training and practical experi- to get experience in this field. Your best bet is to write di-
ence are both necessary to break into the journalism rectly to the producer of programs for which you are in-
field. A college education is a prerequisite in most all terested in writing.6
positions, but a graduate with no experience will find the
3. Magazines. Published articles are the key to making it
in the sector of magazine writing. Any periodical experi-
'U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook for College Graduates, 1978-79 edition, p. 175.
2Ibid., p. 174.
3Dorthy K . Bestor, Aside From Teaching English, What Else Can You Do?, (Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1977), p. 131.
"Ibid., p. 140.
5Ibid., p. 141.
"Ibid., p. 140.
ence you can gain will be helpful. Writing for your col- ing, you can be successful. Have confidence, be assertive,
lege literary magazine, a non-profit periodical, or being and you will be successful in entering the competitive
published in a scholarly journal are all sources of viable but rewarding field of journalism.
For further information on careers in journalism, you
Academics: Who Ever Said Liberal Arts can write the following organizations: American Coun-
Are Dead? cil on Education for Journalism, School of Journalism,
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201; Associa-
In a time when liberal arts are generally discouraged as a tion for Education in Journalism, 102 Reavis Hall,
course of study because of their "impracticality," it is the Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL 69115; The Soci-
one course of study recommended for aspiring jour- ety of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi, 35 East
nalists. A journalism major is generally a few journalism Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601; Women in Com-
courses with a majority of liberal arts as the basis. A con- munications, Inc., P.O. Box 9561, Austin, TX 78766.
stant curiosity and interest in the world are inate charac-
teristics which all journalists should possess. A broad "Winning the Pulitzer Has
liberal arts background compliments that orientation. Been Like Walking
Through a Snowstorm"
Graduate work is becoming increasingly important as
the market tightens. Employers have the luxury of being CO For Cathy Casto Mitchell, Alpha Pi
quite selective so a person with graduate work as well as 0) (Florida State), and husband, David,
experience is going to have a better opportunity to break life has not been quite the same
into the field. However, there is some disagreement o since that day last April when they
among experts on what direction you should take in a CL were notified that their newspaper
graduate program. One school of thought is that a jour- had been awarded the Pulitzer Prize
nalist should have a liberal arts B.A. and a journalism O for public service. Their weekly, The
M.A. The other is that a person should do her under- Point Reyes Light, with a circulation
graduate work in journalism while pursuing a graduate Q then of 2700 had beat out such
degree in such fields as economics, art, business, music, papers as The Los Angeles Times and
political science, or one of the health sciences. The San Francisco Chronicle for the
coveted Pulitzer. Their subject? The
If you don't have any communications academic back- Light's coverage of Synanon, the
ground, it would be beneficial to pick a few classes at the controversial drug rehabilitation
nearest school with a communications program.7 Also, center in Marin County, CA had
in selecting your liberal arts courses you should include won them the award.
courses such as American history, American literature,
classics, economics, education, English grammar, com- For The Light, Synanon was a
position, English literature, foreign languages, geogra- "hometown" story; its headquarters
phy, history of other nations, international relations, was but six miles from the paper's
labor-management relations, philosophy, political office. Synanon gained particular
science, religion, sociology, and speech according to the notoriety when its leader was ar-
Newspaper Fund. rested for placing a rattlesnake in
the mailbox of a California attorney.
Other Qualities: Know Your The Light had been reporting on
Community, Be Assertive Synanon six months prior to that in-
Besides your academic training and practical experience,
there are other steps you can take to make yourself as Cathy and David bought The Light
qualified as possible. One of the most important is to be in 1975. Before moving to Pt. Reyes
familiar with the city and/or community where you Station, the couple had lived in a
want to work. Your employer can save time and money succession of small towns since their
if s/he doesn't have to give you time to learn the ins and marriage in 1967. Says Cathy,
outs of the locale. "when we bought The Light, it was
basically because we had decided to
Research the publications for whom you want to opt for small town life over the fame
work. Be familiar with their organization^ style, and for- and fortune of big-time journal-
mat. Know why you are the person who can best fill the ism."
Small town journalism wasn't
Most of all, be assertive and persistent. If you have the always Cathy's goal, though. She re-
academic training and experience, go after the position
you want. You have just as much right to be successful
as the next person. Be confident of that fact and let your
ability and desire to do the job be known.
Becoming a journalist is a challenge . . . to say the
least. If you're willing to put time and effort into seeking
some practical experience to match your academic train-
i i 5 seeking a career in journalism:
" . . . get practical experi-
^ ence. Get a part-time job,
% even if unpaid, with the local
8" newspaper while you are still
5 in college. Get articles pub-
's lished with a by-line and keep
| the clips. Take only as many
| journalism courses as you
w need to prove to yourself that
you can write in the news for-
mula, then take courses in the
things you will be covering-
art, religion, science, govern-
ment, etc."
Newspaper publisher, journalism
instructor, Pulitzer Prize winner
. . . Cathy Casto Mitchell has truly
been successful "On the Job."
S Owning Her
Own Weekly
Cathy and David Mitchell, Pulitzer Prize winners for public service 1979 Is Next
ceived a BA in government from dent newspaper at Santa Rosa Col- for this
Florida State in 1966. On the advice lege. Successful
of a journalism education professor Journalist
from FSU, Cathy applied for Stan- "Winning the Pulitzer has been
ford's graduate program in journal- like walking through a snowstorm. Mary Carter Hamilton McKnight,
ism. Not only was she accepted, but It's beautiful and fun, but it's also Nu Omicron, says she hates to
she was awarded a Ford Foundation disorienting and confusing," states admit that she never had a journal-
Fellowship. For Cathy, going to Cathy. "No longer do I have any ism course throughout her under-
graduate school meant learning a worries about proving my worth to graduate days at Agnes Scott and
trade since her BA in government the world." The paper has profited, her graduate work at Vanderbilt.
was not particularly marketable. too, as the circulation has jumped That fact, however, makes her feel
She received her best grades on re- from 2700 to 3000. She feels the even luckier for having enjoyed her
search papers and figured that indi- paper may have suffered a little journalism career so much.
cated some writing ability and so from the time she and David have
opted for journalism as her "trade." taken to make speeches and write a In early 1979, Mary left the society
book about their coverage of Syn- editor's desk at The Montclair (NJ)
"When I went to Stanford, I was anon. The book, Tl\e Light on Syn- Times, a suburban newspaper to
expecting to go on from there to anon, will be published in the fall by become Director of Public Informa-
Seaview Books. Future plans for this tion at Montclair State College, one
work on the New York Times or Time successful young couple (she's 35; of the most rapidly growing educa-
Magazine," says Cathy. However, he's 36) provide for returning to tional institutions in New Jersey. In
most major publishers were looking normalcy and publishing a small leaving The Montclair Times, Mary
for people with experience so Cathy town newspaper, their original goal. left what is considered one of the
headed back to Florida and got her outstanding weeklies in the metro-
first newspaper job on the Daily Cathy pledged AOn as an under-
Commercial, circulation 15,000, in graduate at Florida State. For her,
Leesburg, FL. Ironically enough, AOn seemed to allow more indi-
this paper has proven to be the only viduality than most sororities. A l -
daily for which she has worked. though she was not exceptionally
Cathy has held various other posi- active as a collegian and has not
tions before the Mitchells bought been active as an alumna, AOn did
The Light. She was publicist for play an instrumental part in her first
Upper Iowa College, staffwriter for newspaper experience. Pledges were
Northwestern Bell Magazine, and required to be active on campus, and
the feature editor for The Sebastopol
Times. Now, in addition to being she signed up for the Florida Flam-
publisher and business manager of beau, the campus newspaper, to
The Light, Cathy is also instructor of fulfill this requirement.
journalism and adviser to the stu-
Speaking from experience, Cathy
offers this advice to sisters who are
politan New Jersey-New York area. Mary McKnight works with a student aide in the Office of Public Information at Montclair
The newspaper has been the recipi- State College.
ent of citations from The National
Newspaper Association and New alumnae of Northern New Jersey are valuable whether or not they con-
Jersey Newspaper Association. and is president of the Essex County tribute directly to a vocation, but it is
Communications organization. A gratifying to note that there are areas in
Mary had a rich journalism back- member of Montclair's Overseas which they are very practical, even
ground before she went to work for Neighbors, she recently traveled essential, journalism is such an area. A
The Montclair Times. She edited her with that group to Graz, Austria. reporter in both the print and the elec-
college newspaper, worked on a tronic media requires a broad back-
Dalton (GA) weekly, worked for The Mary will soon be moving back to ground in a variety of subjects to func-
Chatanooga Free Press, and also her old home of Dalton from tion properly. Of course, certain skills,
worked for Newsday on Long Island. Montclair. Her resignation at which can be acquired either in the
Montclair State was precipitated by classroom or on a small paper or radio
Before becoming society editor, the death of her husband. Will her or tv station in the hinterlands, are also
Mary handled school news among return to Dalton preclude her from necessary. And finally, the aspirant to a
other things. Thus, when the posi- continuing in the career she loves so career in journalism should have a
tion at Montclair State opened, the much? Certainly not! Mary has sev- writing flair and a deadline tempera-
opportunity presented a challenge eral projects in the offing, but there ment. "
she couldn't resist. The salary in- is one that she is considering the
crease, also, had a certain appeal! most. " I am considering starting a One can't argue with success . . .
small (very small) weekly in Dalton and Mary Carter Hamilton Mc-
Dalton, GA is the home of Mary's (the dream of all journalists) to car- Knight has definitely been success-
family, and she lived there most of ry little, human interest, hometown ful "On the Job."
her life before she was married. items the current daily there does
After doing her undergraduate not seem to have room for. This may Editor's Note: Gina Ryan Strauchon,
work at Agnes Scott in Decatur, GA, be a foolhardy venture, and I want Epsilon Alpha, president of the New
Mary moved to Nashville to attend to investigate it thoroughly before Jersey Alumnae Chapter, shares much
Vanderbilt. "In addition to its excel- moving ahead with it. If I decide of the information for this article on one
lent reputation, I chose Vanderbilt against it, I shall probably do some of her felloiv alwnnae chapter members.
because a cousin of mine had gone other kind of writing, perhaps for
there and had told me many inter- magazines." Mary's expertise in her 19
esting things about it and because career is the basis for this advice to
my sister was attending another sisters who may be aspiring jour-
Nashville school . . . our parents nalists:
thought it would be good for us to
be near each other," states Mary. " I "There is a tendency to discount a
came to A O f l late in my college liberal arts education as impractical,
career as you can see. Agnes Scott not career-oriented. I happen to he one
does not have sororities, and when I of those who believes that the liberal arts
entered Vanderbilt, it never oc-
curred to me that I would join one.
However, a fellow graduate student
was an active member of the Nu
Omicron chapter, and through her, I
got to know the other members. I
enjoyed being with them and was
delighted to accept their invitation
to become a member. I even lived in
the house second semester."
For Mary, a member of the New
Jersey Alumnae Chapter, AOn has
a special place in her life. Says she,
"My experience with AOn has been
a rewarding one. I especially cherish
the friendships I have made through
Active in her community, Mary's
enjoyment of diversified experiences
is obvious. She is an active member
of Altrusa Society, a membership by
invitation organization of women
recognized as outstanding in their
different fields. She is immediate
past president of Phi Beta Kappa
have to look beyond these ingre- —Scheduling of activities: events
dients to three other major compo- should be scheduled judiciously
nents: so that no one feels burdened by
(S5\ COMMUNICATION - required activities.
COORDINATION- — Selection of activities: good
OCZI COOPERATION balance between interchapter
1. Communication (fraternity education, program
C=3 meetings, officer training,
pledge training), extrachapter
(philanthropic, rush, campus)
Effective communication is the and personal activities is vital.
cornerstone of just about every suc- The chapter calendar should have
cess—whether it be a philanthropic "something for everyone" in the
project or Middle East peace chapter —and everyone in the
negotiations. In the chapter situa- chapter should help determine
tion, success will be enhanced if: what those things are. Addi-
tionally, an eye should be kept on
— each member has a clear under- th moneybags so that activities are
standing of what is expected of planned within the chapter
her and what her responsibilities budget.
Ginger Banks, Vice President/Opera- — each officer understands her job — Working with others: coordina-
and has exchanged ideas about tion with advisers, the house-
tions, has a rich background in chapter her programs with the chapter as mother, corporation board, pan-
a whole; hellenic, chapter committees,
operations. After her graduation from the — chapter advisers are kept in- officers, members, pledges, inter-
formed of the chapter's concerns, national and regional officers, and
University of Texas (Pi Kappa) in 1971, successes, and needs; Central Office should be exer-
— interpersonal relationships are cised.
Ginger served as a Traveling Consultant handled maturely and reason-
for two years. Since that time, she has
been Administrative Assistant to the Ad-
ministrative Vice President (now titled Vice
President/Operations), Traveling Consult-
ant Program Coordinator, and International
Rush Chairman. Ginger is in her second —and chapter members feel that
their input is welcomed and
term as Vice President/Operations. needed in chapter decision- 3. Cooperation
A journalism undergraduate major at If a chapter exercises effective
Each of these areas is critical to communication on all levels and coor-
Texas, Ginger has always been a firm be- the successful chapter. And each is dinates its affairs expertly, the coop-
rooted in understandable, unam- eration of each member and those as-
liever in the importance of communication biguous, and thorough communica- sociated with the chapter should be
tion. elicited naturally.
in any organization. Professionally, her
My favorite saying (and hopefully
belief in communication is evident in her
work for the T e x a s Bar J o u r n a l . Last year,
she was named managing editor of this
distinguished publication. Ginger is also
involved in several professional com-
munication organizations including Wom-
en in Communications and International 2. Coordination not overworked) phrase to summa-
rize why people cooperate is: PEO-
Association of Business Communicators.
One of the simplest concepts of PLE SUPPORT WHAT THEY HELP
successful chapter operations (and CREATE. If each person feels that a
one of the most difficult goals to part of her has gone into chapter
By Ginger Banks, I1K achieve) is coordination. Just as a decision-making and that her input
Vice President/Operations gymnast must be coordinated to is respected and welcomed, she will
Describing successful chapter perform on the balance beam, the be likely to cooperate (willingly and
operations succinctly is something chapter's ability to coordinate a enthusiastically) in carrying out
akin to trying to describe Mork from myriad of details will partially those decisions.
Ork's philosophy of life in 25 words determine whether things will be
or less; I basically know what it is, kept on an even keel —and whether To take it a step further, those
but have difficulty pinning it down! the chapter gives "prize-winning working with the chapter (i.e. chap-
performances!" Coordination ter advisers, regional officers) will
In assessing a chapter's opera- comes into play in countless areas, probably be more supportive and at-
tions, we tend to look first to the including: tentive when the chapter is coopera-
Collegiate Chapter Operations Manual, tive in helping create success.
Bylazvs and Standing Rules. If the
chapter is following these guides, Certainly not the only factors in successful chapter operations.
they should have successful opera- But some very important ones.
tions, right? Well . . . maybe. We
A O n Comes Back to Kansas
By Jayne Hager Dee, 11 During the mid-70's, interest in available to us for summer mailings
Regional Extension Officer Greek life was reborn at Kansas and as well as rush party invitations. A
"Alpha Omicron Pi, a National Pan- recolonizing Phi chapter became a two week moratorium on open rush
hellenic conference group with 90 high priority for our extension de- in the fall was established, and Pan-
chapters in the United States and partment. By 1977, limitation for the hellenic was instrumental in the ex-
Canada and 150 alumnae chapters, sororities on campus had risen to 90, cellent publicity that we received
founded at Barnard College January and there was a growing need for throughout the state.
2, 1897, has accepted the invitation another group on campus to meet
of the University of Kansas to re- the demand for membership in the The summer rush parties were
colonize Phi chapter. This Greek system. In November 1977, handled by alumnae with assistance
announcement will be made on our first meeting was held with the from local collegians. The alumnae
February 12, 1979, jointly by the ad- administration. After two more chapters (and where we had no or-
ministration of the University of meetings, we were invited on cam- ganized chapter, the alums orga-
Kansas, the Panhellenic Associa- pus in the fall of 1978. Agreeing to nized themselves to assist in the
tion, and Alpha Omicron Pi . . . " meet the requirements of colonizing effort) were a vital part of the prepa-
Thus, the first official notice was in the fall of 1979, participating in ration for the actual colonization.
given to the member sororities of formal rush in January 1980, and Sponsoring the parties, stuffing
KU's Panhellenic Association on providing housing for our members envelopes for summer mailings, and
February 5, 1979 . . . AOn had ac- by the fall of 1981, A O f l accepted securing membership information
cepted the invitation to return to the invitation to again become a part forms. . . our alumnae did it all! By
Kansas! of the KU system. the time September 19 arrived,
AOn's reputation as a strong,
Phi chapter was established at the The acceptance of the invitation vibrant international organization
University of Kansas in 1918. The was just the beginning. Plans for the was common knowledge on the KU
chapter had a strong heritage of 51 fall '79 colonization began im- campus.
years. But in 1969, in the wake of mediately. The support of the
student unrest, KU became the Panhellenic Association and the The actual colonization took place
"Berkeley of the Midwest" during university administration was tre- from September 19-23, but the
the Viet Nam era. Greek interest was mendous. months of advance preparation
at its lowest point, and the numbers more than showed their results.
going through rush were not Panhellenic granted permission Collegians from Zeta (Nebraska),
enough to support the system. Phi's for us to hold summer rush parties Iota Sigma (Iowa State), and Delta Pi
charter was returned to the frater- in Kansas City, Topeka, and (Central Missouri State) served on
nity. Wichita. Open rush lists were made rush teams. Panhellenic sent 3 rep-
resentatives from each sorority on
1 campus to assist us. International
and regional representatives of
The junior and senior members of the colony include, front, Karen Beck (transfer student), AOn served on the selection teams.
Anne Kennedy (transfer student), Connie Schallau, Jan Anne Dubin, Michelle Sieben, Amy Joan MacCallum, International
Gregg, Michelle Crow, Leanne Mebust, Jill Cyr, and Valerie Mease. Back: Janet Frank, Tami President; Peg Crawford, Vice Presi-
Fischer, Kathy Waner, Stephanie Baldwin, Keva Williamson, Cathy Gerber, Tracy Walker, dent/Development; Karen Smith,
Lynn Schanze, Judy Shelton, Gretchen Moeller, Laura McCort, Mary Marchelle Wheeler. Regional Vice President; Jayne Dee,
Regional Extension Officer; Ginny
Struble, Regional Director; and Sue
Lewis, Central Office Administra-
tive Director met individually with
girls from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. for two
days. We met over 100 delightful
young women and on September 23,
we pledged 51 colony members!
The colony members have re-
ceived strong direction from the
beginning. Debbie Packard, Special
Chapter Assistant; Leslie Welch,
Traveling Consultant; and Ginny
Struble, Regional Director have Tfte sophomore members of the colony include, front, Dianne Pfister, Nancy Timberlake.
been laying the groundwork for the Dana Schiemann, Tracee Hamilton, Kelly Searcy, Lisa Fiscella, Jennifer Lapp, and Juliet
growth and development of the col- Verzani. Middle: Elyse Gundersen, Sandra Winters, Bernadine Buda, Michelle Wipfler,
ony into a strong and excellent Sheila Steinauer, Anne Johnson, Lynn Poretta, Janiece Young, and Joy Hanson. Back:
chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi. In Camille Farrell, Nora Fisher, Carta Southard, Melissa Jones, Cindy Meyer, Laura Nelson,
addition, two transfer students, Anne Cunningham. Kim Canfield. Cindy Wiens. and Roxanne Walker.
Karen Beck, Chi Delta (Colorado),
and Anne Kennedy, Iota Sigma City, IA; Roxanne Walker, Omaha, Williamson, Scott City, KS; Sandra
(Iowa State) have been helping the NE; Tracy Walker, Carrollton, TX; Winters, Wichita, KS; Michelle
colony members. Kathy Waner, Peabody, KS; Mary Wipfler, St. Charles, MO; and
Marchelle Wheeler, Wayne, PA; Janiece Young, Larned, KS.
Recolonizing Phi chapter at the Cindy Wiens, Ness City, KS; Keva
University of Kansas has long been
a major goal of the extension depart- f
ment. With the dedicated assistance
the colony has received from sup- Local, regional, and international alumnae helping to make the colonization a success in-
portive alumnae and the deter-
mination of the colony members clude, front, Jayne Dee, Regional Extension Officer: Sharon Martin, Executive Board Direc-
themselves, the goal of having a full-
fledged chapter at KU is just around tor: Joan MacCallum, International President; Peg Crawford, Vice President/Development;
the corner!
Ginny Struble, Regional Director; and Karen Smith, Regional Vice President. Back: Leslie
Colony members who were
chosen during the initial member- Welch, Traveling Consultant; Barbara Burnett, Lawrence alumna; Carolyn Hill, pledge
ship selection effort are: Stephanie
Baldwin, Hutchinson, KS; Ruth adviser; Flora Thompson, Lawrence alumna; Nancy Meditz, Kansas City alumna; Betsy
Baum, Overland Park, KS; Ber-
nadine Buda, Overland Park, KS; Radecki, financial adviser; and Debbie Packard. Special Chapter Assistant.
Kim Canfield, St. Louis, MO; M i -
chelle Crow, Wichita, KS; Jill Cyr,
Salina, KS; Anne Cunningham,
Wichita, KS; Jan Anne Dubin, High-
land Park, IL; Camille Farrell, Mis-
sion, KS; Lisa Fiscella, Leawood, KS;
Tami Fischer, Vienna, VA; Nora
Fisher, Topeka, KS; Janet Frank,
Manhatten, KS; Linnea Geiger,
Fargo, ND; Cathy Gerber, Kansas
City, KS; Amy Gregg, Omaha, NE;
Elyse Gundersen, Wichita, KS;
Tracee Hamilton, Lincoln, KS; Joy
Hanson, Lawrence, KS; Anne
Johnson, Overland Park, KS;
Melissa Jones, Leavenworth, KS;
Jennifer Lapp, Florissant, MO;
Laura McCort, Overland Park, KS;
Valerie Mease, Cumberland, MD;
Leanne Mebust, Lake Quivira, KS;
Cindy Meyer, St. Louis, MO;
Gretchen Moeller, Shawnee, KS;
Laura Nelson, Minneapolis, MN;
Dianne Pfister, Goddard, KS; Lynn
Poretta, Leawood, KS; Connie
Schallau, Robesonia, PA; Lynn
Schanze, Prairie Village, KS; Dana
Schiemann, Kansas City, KS; Kelly
Searcy, Ballwin, MO; Michelle
Sieben, Prairie Village, KS; Judy
Shelton, Lawrence, KS; Carla
Southard, Shawnee, KS; Sheila
Steinauer, Omaha, NE; Kathy
Stevens, Salina, KS; Anne Stucker,
Evergreen, CO; Nancy Timberlake,
Topeka, KS; Juliet Verzani, Sioux
Duke: Home for Our Newest Chapter
By Sarah Hunt, Delta Upsilon toastmistress, introduced the eve- weekend would not have been pos-
To Dragma Reporter ning's speakers. The speakers spoke sible without all of the work and
on the symbolism of our rose: efforts of our alumnae in the
On September 8, 1979, the gothic Suzanne Colgan, the roots; Patsy Triangle Alumnae Chapter. A very
walls of Duke University witnessed Cox, the stem; Pat Hardy, the special thank you goes to the gener-
the initiation and installation of foilage; Nancy Bettis, the buds; and al chairman of the installation,
Delta Upsilon as a full-fledged chap- Joan MacCallum, the beauty. After- Marsha Warren.
ter of the fraternity. In contrast to wards, Sue Mattern, chapter adviser,
the cold wintery month of February presented the chapter with gifts that Charter members of Delta
1979 when Delta Upsilon was col- had been sent in honor of its in- Upsilon of Alpha Omicron Pi are:
onized, Durham offered a beautiful, stallation. Included were many Betsy Batten, Diane Brooks, Julie
summer-like weekend for the activi- beautiful pieces of silver and several Cole, Leslie Cornell, Val Cummings,
ties that celebrated the colony's in- handsome serving dishes. Kimary D'Augusta, Susan Gold,
stallation. Lori Hillman, Karen Hubbard,
An inspirational service was held Sarah Hunt, Kristen Hildebrandt,
The night before the installation, on Sunday in York chapel. Rev. Suzanne Inabnit, Lonnie
Suzanne Colgan, Traveling Consult- Young led the service. A reception Inglebrand, Kathryn Klemanowicz,
ant, led the Rose Inspiration night in the Divinity school lounge fol- Donna Landau, Paula Lock, social
with the help of collegians from lowed the service. Those in the re- chairman; Robin MacDonald, Nan-
Omicron (Tennessee) and Delta Phi ceiving line were: Joan MacCallum, cy Magnus, philanthropic chair-
(South Carolina). A special visit by International President; Sue Mat- man; Terri Mascherin, Leah
Joan Deathe MacCallum, Interna-
tional President added to the antici- The charter members of Delta Upsilon chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi.
pation and excitement of the night.
tern, chapter adviser; William Morgan, Janet Munroe, Kathryn
The long awaited event took place Griffith, Dean of Students; James Nixon, Lindsay North, Kathryn
on Saturday morning in the Duke Douthat, Dean of Student Affairs; Noumair, Virginia Pallante, treas-
Divinity School Student Lounge Kathy Rauth, chapter president; urer; Kathy Rauth, president; Karen
when Joan MacCallum served as the Pamela Hershey, Panhellenic presi- Reichle, Deane Waters, rush chair-
installing officer for the thirty-one dent; and Christopher Scott, Inter- man; Susan White, vice president;
young women who committed fraternity Council president. Jan Willy, and Terri Young, corre-
themselves to a lifetime of loyalty to sponding secretary.
the fraternity. Joan was assisted by The beauty and inspiration of the
Pat Hardy, Executive Board Direc-
tor; Nancy Bettis, Regional Vice
President; Patsy Cox, Regional Di-
rector; and the visiting collegians.
Guests that day included local alum-
nae and Central Office staff mem-
bers, Sue Lewis, Administrative Di-
rector; Kay Saunders, Accountant;
Kim Vaughn, Shipping Clerk; and
Becky Montgomery, Communica-
tions Coordinator. Following the
ceremonies, a picnic lunch was pro-
vided by the Triangle Alumnae
On Saturday, The Country Squire
Restaurant was the scene for the
Rose Banquet honoring the new
initiates. The Reverend Robert
Young, university chaplain (and
father of one of our sisters!), gave
the invocation. James Douthat,
Dean of Student Affairs, extended a
kind welcome to all. Sue Lewis,
Omega of Miami University
By Julie Brueggeman, Omega sponsibility for a special function. wonder that the pledge class totaled
Public Relations They act as a sounding board for the 40 this year! Following rush,
What makes Omega chapter, To officer's ideas and help create enthu- evaluation sessions and surveys
Dragma's first "Chapter of the siasm for activities they may be point to strengths and weaknesses,
Quarter" and recipient of the planning. and the planning begins for next
prestigious Jessie Wallace Hughan year.
cup, tick? In that group of 116 girls, The most important task, selecting
a special enthusiasm for each other members, begins each fall during By having 116 girls in one chap-
and for AOU can be found. Scholar- formal rush. To attract the best ter, the idea of closeness and sister-
ship, service, and sisterhood are pledges, a successful rush is essen- hood could easily be lost . . . espe-
each emphasized in different pro- tial, and at Miami University that cially since there is no chapter
grams throughout the year and are involves organization and detailed house. That is where the office of
well-balanced with social activities. planning. After three years of host- intrasocial chairman plays an im-
ing the same theme parties for rush, portant role. By planning creative
The cohesive Leaders' Council this past rush included two new activities just for the girls in the
plays a vital role in determining the theme parties —3rd period "Gay chapter, a sense of sisterhood with
growth of Omega. By setting agen- Nineties" and 4th period "Southern spirit evolves, and many ties are
das for chapter meetings, discussing Evenings." These new parties re- strenthened within the chapter.
problems, and brainstorming, the quired a great deal of work and Intrasocial sponsors such Omega
Leaders' Council determines a preparation. Plans were begun a full traditions as "First Friday" lunches
working skeleton for the sorority. calendar year before the initiation of in the suite, AOn night uptown, the
The chapter has found the commit- these parties. Committee work Christmas party, and Senior
tee system to be the best way of always plays a big role in rush, and Farewell. Every fall, Omega girls
involving sisters and delegating re- many girls can get involved and give honor their parents by hosting a
sponsibility. their utmost to the various commit- Parents' Banquet with a dance fol-
tees. Skits are created in the spring lowing the banquet. Slide shows,
Each of the twenty-six officers has and serenade practices also take skits, and special ceremonies are all
a committee under her composed of place then. This pre-planning of highlights of the evening.
four to six sisters. The utilization of parties makes everything run
this committee depends on the smoothly and even the rushers can A full social calendar also offers
nature of the office and the person actually sit back and enjoy them- Omegas an opportunity to have fun
who holds the office. The committee selves during rush. With the enthu- with their sisters. Activities range
can be used by giving a helping siasm created for rush, it is no from fraternity theme parties to for-
hand in the kitchen to taking full re- mals to an infamous date party, the
AO Pirate Party. Every year pledges event for the whole Oxford area to standing chapter members include
sponsor a walk-out to neighboring enjoy. It also is a large money mak- the president of Mortar Board, first
chapters. Participating in other cam- ing project for arthritis. Last year vice president of Panhellenic Coun-
pus sponsored social events such as over 1,000 people toured the eerie cil, and a co-ordinating committee
Greek Week also provides us with chambers. But the Haunted House is member of Center for Community
fun times together. only one way that we support our Involvement (a student volunteer
philanthropy. In the past, AOn has organization). There are also mem-
Omegas have made a commit- sponsored speeches on arthritis and bers of intercollegiate athletic teams
ment first to their university and be- has distributed information to local such as field hockey and gymnastics.
lieve that academic excellence is an doctor's offices. On Valentine's Day, Three AO Pis are members of the
important priority. Currently, there the traditional AOn Valentine Sing Miami University Dance Theatre;
are 38 girls who are members of hits Miami's campus, creating an the Theater Department has a bud-
various academic honoraries. A goal evening enjoyed by both partici- ding AOFl actress, and an AOFI
of 100% initiation of our pledges pants and bystanders in fraternity violinist plays for the Miami
was set for this year, and scholar- houses and residence halls. orchestra. Girls in the chapter have
ship is stressed through study pro- seats on both the School of Business
grams, speakers, films, and awards. A strong pledge program aimed at and School of Education Advisory
Awards are given each semester to unity instills in each new member a Boards. Several A O f l s are members
Big Sis-Lil' Sis pairs with the highest close tie with AOFl. Alpha Week of Miami University Student Foun-
combined GPA and to the sister who lets the pledges discover more about dation, a highly prestigious liaison
has shown the most improvement. their sisters and encourages them to group between students and alumni
To provide the chapter with materi- feel more comfortable around the whose main goal is to raise money
als to meet its needs, information is chapter. This week includes sending for scholarships. One Omega holds
available to all members through flowers, going to dinner with sisters the honor of Delta Sigma Pi Under-
test files and professor lists. The and a huge First Friday celebration. graduate of the Year, and two sisters
scholarship chairman schedules Preparation for initiation takes place have been chosen as Undergraduate
conferences with pledges having during another week, Rose Week. Fellows. In student government,
studying difficulties and is generally two AOris serve as Administrative
available for help. Some Omegas Miami University is well aware of Assistants to the Student Body Pres-
carry the title "Grade Grannies" AOn not only because of the chap- ident.
which refers to initiates matched ter's activities but also by the sisters
with pledges for academic coun- who are also campus leaders. Many What makes Omega chapter tick?
seling. girls in Omega are excellent time The pride and love each member has
managers and know how to balance for her sorority that allows her to
Along with the usual activities, studies with AOn and other cam- settle for nothing but the best! From
Omega always sets aside time to pus activities. In dormitory life, the rush, to chapter relations, to schol-
help A O n ' s international philan- chapter boasts of four Resident As- arship, to campus involvement . . .
thropy, Arthritis Research. Every sistants and four Student Assistants, Omega sets its sights on excellence
year, a Halloween Haunted House is all highly regarded positions. In . . . and achieves it!
co-sponsored with the Sigma Phi addition, many Omegas hold offices
Epsilon fraternity. It is a community in the residence halls. Other out-
Editor's Note: With the myriad of activities that occur in a collegiate chapter, it is no surprise
that Ginger Banks, Vice President/Operations, identifies communication as a vital ingredient
in assuring successful operations. One of the most important areas that chapters—both alum-
nae and collegiate—spend a great deal of time on is philanthropic activities. Since 1967, Al-
pha Omicron Pi has supported Arthritis Research as its international philanthropy.
In 1977, Council established the Philanthropic Foundation to serve as the funnel for the
funds that chapters and individuals have raised for Arthritis. With the approval of the Foun-
dation, all donations to atihritis research are now tax deductible. The Philanthropic Founda-
tion officers are: Mary Moore (Wayne), Iota Sigma, president; Carolyn Harris (Rodney),
Lambda Sigma, vice president; Eleanor MacCurdy (Robert), Iota Alpha, secretary; and
Phyllis Westerman (William), Rho, treasurer.
How are funds raised for Arthritis Research? The answer to that question can be best dem-
onstrated from a sampling of the philanthropic projects of our chapters. Perhaps your chapter
is looking for a new way to raise money for arthritis . . . or a local community project. The
activities of your sister chapters can be a virtual gold mine for new ideas!
£ 3 Spotlight on Philanthropy
Springing into action, Alpha Delta dancers, guitar soloists, clowns, thropic projects: collecting food for
chapter at the University of Ala- choral groups, and rock groups. The the hurricane victims in South Ala-
bama came up with a unique marathon lasts for 24 hours or until bama, trick or treating for Arthritis
fundraiser for Arthritis Research all games have been played. So as Research, having a Halloween party
. . . a jump-a-thon! The project you can see there is more to Basket- for retarded children, planning a
caught the campus's attention and ball Marathon than just basketball. "Bandit Night" for Arthritis, sup-
the chapter members' marathon porting a foster child in Korea, and
stints on the trampoline were quite For the sisters it's more than just on Saturdays, painting a house for a
profitable for our ii.;-rnational phi- basketball, too. It is a time that low-income family in Birmingham
for? lanthropy!—Cathy Rhodes shows we can work together and through the work of the Urban Min-
have fun doing it; a time where istries . . . it's no wonder that phi-
Upsilon Alpha at the University of sisterhood shines and a time spent lanthropy is a familiar term for Tau
Arizona uses its holidays to be of as- for a good and worthy cause! —Jean- Deltas!—Mary Virginia Moore
sistance to needy children. Over nie Hoeping
Easter, the chapter members made Lambda Beta chapter at the Univer-
Easter baskets and filled them with Philanthropy and Tau Delta of Bir- sity of California-Long Beach has
candy to give to underprivileged mingham-Southern just seem to go participated in several philanthropic
children and those at the local crisis together. At the campus-wide projects this year. Many sisters have
intervention center, Casa De Los Award Day ceremony last spring, donated blood into a newly-estab-
Ninos. Also, during the holidays, Tau Delta received the Birmingham- lished A O n account. In November,
the chapter decorated the rooms of Southern Panhellenic Philanthropic the chapter played in a powder puff
the children in the Arthritis clinic. Plaque for outstanding service activ- football game sponsored by a cam-
The pledge class spent its Halloween ities in the community. pus fraternity with all proceeds
passing out candy and performing donated to the American Cancer So-
skits for the children at Casa De Los Through hard work but enjoyable ciety. Lambda Beta successfully
Ninos. efforts, Tau Delta was able to con- raised $78.00 for Arthritis Research
tribute over $1,000 to Arthritis Re- in a one hour Egg Walk at our
Besides its work with the chil- search through the proceeds of the Halloween party, The entire Greek
dren, Upsilon Alpha also sponsored '79 Mr. Hilltopper Show. The pro- system sponsored a "Greek Week"
a Jesse James Day to collect food for ceeds exceeded all expectations and on campus featuring a faculty recep-
the local food bank and worked at made the '79 show the most profita- tion and a week of exhibits and ac-
the Arthritis Foundation's bingo ble ever—for Arthritis Research. tivities. The week ended with a band
games every Saturday. — Patty Gill party at which awards were an-
Amidst the studies and pledge ac-
One of the biggest events for Kappa tivities of the fall, Tau Deltas could
Kappa chapter at Ball State Univer- be found in a variety of philan-
sity just happens to be its philan-
thropic project—Basketball Mara- Tami Bailey, Mary Davis, and Dauna Dawson welcome people to Kappa Kappa's Basket-
thon, and this year, the chapter was ball Marathon.
especially proud because it raised
$3,300 for Arthritis Research!
Basketball Marathon of the previous
year (77-78) was cancelled due to
the energy crisis that winter; thus,
our job this year was a little bit
tougher to get it rolling again and to
make people aware of the marathon.
What is Basketball Marathon? It
consists of teams from all types of
organizations who pay an entry fee
to play basketball. Trophies are
awarded at the end of the day for the
top three teams. Drawings for door
prizes, which are provided by local
merchants, take place during the
marathon, and entertainment is
provided as a special attraction.
Some of our entertainment, by local
and campus groups, has been folk
nounced and Lambda Beta took the amount of money the chapter ance of the Joffrey II Dancers. The
third place in Spirit out of fifteen raised for the Cancer Society. Our benefit was a great success, and sev-
other sororities and fraternities. All candidate was Karen Perkins, !a eral of the sisters attended.
contributions raised by each group sophomore elementary education
were donated to charity.—Sara major. Karen worked hard and got Thanksgiving is the perfect time
Swee the chapter busy selling M&Ms, of the year to be thinking of others.
sodas, and baked goods. Through This year, Delta Chi was doing just
Taking advantage of the popularity pur fundraisers and various dona- that and worked with Alpha Phi
of volleyball on the West Coast, Sig- tions from our alumnae and'other Omega to cook Thanksgiving dinner
ma Phi at California State-North- groups, we raised over $500.00 for a group of Senior Citizens.—
ridge has a unique fundraiser for which earned Karen the title of Der- Louise Masin
Arthritis Research. In addition to by Queen. This was the second year
other projects, Sigma Phi sporisors a Chi Lambda had taken the title. As the Georgia Bulldogs plundered
volleyball marathon as its major Other Derby activities included dec- through the football season, the
philanthropic event. The 24 hour orating a shopping cart around the AOris of Lambda Sigma chapter at
volleyball match is a great sister- theme of the American Cancer Soci- the University of Georgia, support
hood activity as well as a terrific ety (Chi Lambda's was judged best!) them "ALL THE WAY!" The chap-
fundraiser for Arthritis. and participating in varied games ter sold booster ribbons for 25 C
There have been just about as many (the chapter was also awarded the apiece with the slogan, "Go Dogs!
"thons" as there are creative people trophy for the games!) . Chi Lambda Sickem!" These ribbons were sold
in the world, but Chi Delta at the showed that nothing can stop that all fall season and the proceeds were
University of Colorado came up A O n Pride and spirit. donated to Arthritis Research.
with a new one for their philan-
thropic project this year—a roller After the Derby, we went to visit Lambda Sigma, along with Tau
skate-a-thon. Philanthropic chair- another sister who was dancing in Kappa Epsilon fraternity, paired up
man, Karen Vraney, reserved a local the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Dance to scare up some money for their
roller skating rink and 45 chapter Marathon. Jennie Wells and her favorite philanthropies. The two
members and their guests skated for partner danced through the whole groups sponsored a haunted house
two hours. Their efforts "rolled in" marathon and were able to donate for Halloween. In addition, during
$635.00 for Arthritis Research. $80 to Muscular Dystrophy. I winter quarter, Lambda Sigma held
its annual spaghetti dinner to
Karen made up pledge sheets and However, Chi Lambda not only is benefit arthritis.
distributed them to us along with an supportive of other groups' projects,
"arthritis test." The "test" reviewed but it is also actively involved in The spring couldn't go by without
some facts about arthritis and support of our own philanthropy, a philanthropic project, and this
AOH's involvement with Arthritis Arthritis Research. Chi Lambda has year Lambda Sigma came up with
Research. The test was helpful be- been an active participant in helping the unique idea of a bath-a-thon.
cause it gave meaning to the concept in the establishment of a new Distinguished guests, such as Coach
of arthritis and the purpose of the arthritis center in Welborn Hospital. Vince Dooley, will be invited to
skate-a-thon. Last year, Chi Lambda, the Evans- come and sit in the bath tub. Again,
ville Tri-State Alumnae Chapter, all proceeds will go to arthritis.
Two seniors, Becky Jones and Ter- and Welborn Hospital sponsored a
ry Zeylmaker, tied for collecting the theatre benefit to buy special equip- In addition, Lambda Sigma helps
most pledges with each bringing in ment for the new arthritis center. — support several other charities.
$150. The event was a success not Marcia Hecox Donations have been made to the
only as a fundraiser but also as a Red Cross, Olympics, Leukemia,
spirit raiser. It also provided good Delta Chi at the University of Dela- and the American Cancer Founda-
public relations with the campus as ware helped the March of Dimes tion.—Susan Ellison
a picture of the skate-a-thon was haunt an old prison again.] Hun-
run in the campus newspaper.— dreds of people—both young and For the Phi Omicron chapter mem-
Tracy Hume old—enjoyed the thrills and chills of bers at Hanover College, philan-
their visit to the haunted prison. thropy is a familiar word. One of
Anyone interested in a little fun and Dressed as vampires, Delta Chis their main annual events is the
games on a rainy Sunday morning? acted as tour guides. Others served AOri-Fiji Carnival. All proceeds
The sisters of Chi Lambda chapter at as witches and goblins. Some work- from the carnival are donated to
the University of Evansville didn't ed as prop people and some parked various philanthropies. In addition
let a little rain dampen their A O n cars. Pledges were an active part of to the Carnival, the chapter spon-
spirit. The girls showed up at 8:00 this project, too. sored a dance marathon whose pro-
a.m. on the muddy grounds of U of ceeds also went to philanthropic
E to compete against other sororities Also, this fall the AO lis helped projects.
in the Phi Kappa Tau Derby which support a ballet benefit sponsored
is an annual event to raise money by the Delaware chapter of the Last spring, Phi Omicron also
for the American Cancer Society. Arthritis Foundation. Delta Chis showed their philanthropic spirit
Each sorority had a queen candidate placed posters around campus and when they helped host the Link
who was crowned on the basis of the dorms advertising the perform- Olympics with Beta Theta Pi frater-
nity. Link is an organization similar
to Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Col-
lege men and women get together
with children ages 6 to ten and take Iota at the University of Illinois Gamma Beta had the opportunity to
them bowling, swimming, and the had a most successful fundraiser for let the campus know about their
like. This year the different Link Arthritis—a Nickel Beer Nite. Spon- many projects in support of
groups met for the third time in the sored by Miller Beer and K-104 Arthritis Research. With this pre-
annual Link Olympics. The women radio, the evening also included t- liminary public relations, many IUP
of Phi Omicron helped by sponsor- shirts and raffle prizes for promo- students will be supporting Gamma
ing five events: jump rope, potato tion. —Marge Boj anowski Beta's annual Rock-a-thon for
push, hula hoop contest, sack race, Arthritis Research this spring.—
and ring toss.—Donna Mullett and At the annual University of Indi- Bobbie Paternack
Betty Conrad ana in Pennsylvania Activity Fair, "Do What You Feel for Easter Seals"
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About a Rock-a-thon
Beta Phi chapter at Indiana Univer- up to rock. Local public officials and things that would be done different-
sity held a Rock-a-thon to benefit university personalities were asked ly to improve the project. For one
Arthritis Research last spring. The to rock. Although they did not par- thing, we definitely need more pub-
24 hour event was staged in the ticipate, alumnae committees, chap- licity. This means getting the date
Alumni Lounge of the Indiana Me- ter executive board, roommates and and place set up much earlier and
morial Union. Both Beta Phi mem- individuals rocked enthusiastically. launching full-scale publicity cam-
bers and the Bloomington Alumnae Prizes to the girls who rocked paign weeks in advance. Hopefully,
Chapter members rocked. $500 was longest and to the one who obtained we will be able to rock at a Union
raised from sponsors. the most sponsors were awarded to Board sponsored event, Dusk 'Til
encourage participation. Dawn, an all night competition that
All collegiate members (pledges attracts many students.
included) joined in the effort. Com- Trouble shooters were enlisted to
mittees were organized to cover act as public relations persons and Collection of pledges was also a
publicity, set-up and clean-up, or- to handle any problems or disputes problem. Instead of having one per-
ganization of the rocking schedule, that might have arisen. The refresh- son be responsible for making sure
trouble shooting, refreshments, and ment committee solicited cookies, that all pledges are collected, a com-
"fire-ups" within the chapter. Each sandwiches, and soft drinks from mittee for this purpose needs to be
girl was asked to donate an hour of the alumnae and obtained several established. A prize should be
her time to rock, and each was re- frozen pizzas from a local pizza par- awarded to the sister who collects
quired to obtain four sponsors, at a lor. These refreshments were pro- the most money not the one who
minimum of ten cents an hour each. vided to rockers while they rocked gets the most pledges.
Six chairs rocked the entire time. to help them "keep their strength
up." Also, we could have used at least
The publicity committee coordi- ten rocking chairs at a time. Interest
nated the printing and distributing Fire-up committee hung up signs was high enough in the chapter that
of posters and handbills. It was able around the chapter house. They also we could have filled more chairs
to have announcements aired on wrote notes of inspiration to the with rockers each hour.
local radio stations and was respon- rockers and generally encouraged
sible for setting up an interview the success of the project. One committee that we did not
with philanthropic chairman, Susan have and need to add is a thank you
MacLaughlin on local television. In addition to rocking an hour or committee. We need to be sure to
more, or at least helping on a com- send handwritten thank you notes
The set up and clean-up commit- mittee, each girl sought four or more to businesses in the community that
tees had related duties. They ob- sponsors. Publicity committee supported us with donations and
tained the rocking chairs from helped organize the chapter to can- pledges, but we ought to also pub-
alumnae and chapter members and vas all of the fraternities and lish an advertisement thanking
returned them. They arranged for sororities on campus. Pairs of girls them and listing the amount we
the Alumni Lounge to accommo- spoke at each house, leaving posters made on the Rock-a-thon. Our
date the rockers, put the rockers and and taking pledges. The alumnae alumnae chapter was such a terrific
tables for sponsor sheets and re- were, once again, great about help- help that we should have done
freshments in place, and later put ing us. They, too, sought pledges. something special for them, too.
everything back. Set-up committees Assistant treasurer Mary Sue Norris
'decorated the lounge with posters was in charge of making sure the Rock-a-thon '79 was a success
from the Arthritis Foundation and pledges were collected. She also . . . $500.00 worth for Arthritis Re-
painted and hung a huge sheet sign. tabulated the money that was made. search. However, with the things we
Streamers and balloons completed After deducting expenses, the chap- learned, Rock-a-thon '80 will be a
the look. Clean-up committee ter cleared $500.00 for Arthritis Re- tremendous success. Our goal is to
cleaned it all up. search. triple the amount made in '79 and
establish Rock-a-thon as an annual
A rocking schedule was posted in The Rock-a-thon is again going to chapter tradition. —Susan Mac-
the house on which the girls signed be held this year, but there are Laughlin
is the name of an exciting new phil- set up at the A O n house and at the Gamma chapter at the University of
anthropic project at Idaho State shopping center, and a local doctor Maine finds the springtime to be
University. Iota Alpha will be par- spoke at the house on arthritis and right for sponsoring their philan-
ticipating in the twelve hour "any- its effects. thropic projects. A bake sale, headed
thing goes" marathon. Sororities by philanthropic chairman, Ellen
and fraternities will be eagerly com- The local television and radio sta- Wescott, netted $80.00 for Arthritis
peting for donations for Easter Seals. tions got in on all of the action that Research. Gamma members also
Our fall pledge class is having an these enthusiastic Phi Sigmas were added the proceeds from their annu-
"egg-beating" to raise funds for creating as they had on the spot al May Day Daisy Sale to their dona-
their philanthropic project and interviews every six hours tions for A r t h r i t i s Research.—
chapter gift. We worked toward one throughout the marathon. Maureen Gauvin
hundred percent participation in
this fall's Red Cross blood drawing. It was a very successful philan- The Pi Deltas of the University of
Also, the entire chapter went trick- thropy project for the Phi Sigmas Maryland just completed an excit-
or-treating for Unicef and Arthritis and an enjoyable one. The Nebraska ing fund raising event. Along with
Research with the Sigma Nu frater- weather got a little cold at times, but the Phi Delta Theta fraternity we
nity.—Lynn Green nothing that a sleeping bag, a pair of raised over $3,000 to benefit
mittens, and a cup of hot chocolate Arthritis Research. The first annual
couldn't cure.— Karen Kuhns Arthritis Tennis Marathon weekend
was worked on by every tennis-
: crazed Phi Delt and A O n .
t. Endless hours of work and dedi-
cated effort made the entire
—— — • weekend an overwhelming success.
Chairman Ann Hucheson organ-
The Phi Sigmas at Kearney State College and their big brothers "rock around the clock" ized the event with the Phi Delt
lor Arthritis Research. chairman.
It's the nation's number one crip- Philanthropy for Lambda Chi chap- The players were set for their 50
pling disease, and the Phi Sigmas of ter at LaGrange College was spon- hour doubles matches. They began
Kearney State College had the soring an Arthritis Forum open to at 5:00 p.m. on a Friday afternoon.
nation's number one idea when the public. The Arthritis Forum was AOn had two brave souls to play in
they began their Rock-a-thon four organized by philanthropic chair- the marathon, Tacy Maxson and
years ago for Arthritis Research. man, D. J. Boykin. The turnout for Judemarie Gatewood. The marathon
the Forum was good and made the also featured men's singles, wom-
This year the Rock-a-thon went project a real success. en's singles, and Greek mixed dou-
better than ever. Not only did the Omega Omicron chapter members bles. During the marathon, the
Phi Sigmas rock outside of their at Lambuth College had a busy fall A O f l s also hosted a semi-formal
house on campus for 75 hours semester with one of their many ac- Casino Night for students, parents
straight, but they rocked at a local tivities being a philanthropic proj- and faculty.
shopping center, gaining com- ect. The chapter members enjoyed
munity support, as they exceeded trick-or-treating for Unicef while Jeanne Evert was featured in a
their goal of $1500. giving their support to a worthy Saturday exhibition match. Evert
cause. —Beth Ann Johnson played the number one ranked
But it wasn't just rocking that men's singles player from the
took place during those 75 hours. University of Maryland. At the con-
Arthritis information booths were clusion of the match, the players an-
swered questions from the specta-
tors, and drew the winners of this
year's raffle. The finals of the tour-
nament were completed on Sunday,
and the awards dinner was on Sun-
day evening.
Neither the A O f l s or Phi Delts re-
alized the impact the marathon
would have on both houses. The
weeks we all spent in preparation
and fund raising, selling tickets, or-
ganizing matches, and helping our
players along, resulted in a feeling of
Besides the tennis marathon, Pi
Delta has also been involved in
other charities. The chapter has
demonstrated its concern for its
community through a dance-a-thon set out one evening for the round- to participate in some philanthropic
for the Cancer Society to co-spon- up. The Greek presidents were projects. Many sisters participated
soring holiday parties for chiL- brought back to the "AOLI Hidea- in a blood drive that was a competi-
dren. —Jennifer Fennell way" where they joined us for din- tion between Morehead and
ner. Each sorority and fraternity Marshall University for the most
Tau chapter at the University of then sent a representative to present donors (Morehead ended up on
Minnesota began a new philan- AOn with a "ransom" check for top!). -
thropic project last spring. For May the safe return of their respective
Day, Tau solicits orders from other leaders. The project was a lot of fun In addition to support of the
sororities and fraternities on cam- for all of us and a great success for blood drive, the chapter has also
pus a chance to order May baskets Arthritis research. We were espe- been, busy collecting money for our
for friends in the Greek system. cially grateful to Cynthia Cole, phil- philanthropy. A pop bottle drive
Then on May 1, the baskets are anthropic chairman, for all of her was held in the fall, and Omega Xi is
delivered filled with flowers and efforts. sponsoring a "Sorority Feud" with
candy along with a personal all proceeds going to Arthritis Re-
message. As an added extra, we give Nu Beta is presently organizing a search.—Anita LeMaster
the fraternity that purchased the campus-wide, all-you-can-eat pan-
most May baskets the opportunity cake breakfast. We plan to sell Delta Omega at Murray State gave
to deliver to the sororities. This en- tickets beforehand and hold the of its time and efforts to the Special
couraged the fraternities to order breakfast early in spring semester. Olympics. Chapter members served
more baskets and helped us to make Our goal is to earn $2,000. With as "official buggers" and gave en-
even more money for Arthritis Re- plans for plenty of good food and couragement and praise to partici-
search. numerous door prizes, a splendid pants as they crossed the finish line
time is guaranteed for all! in track and field events.—Mary
Our pledges from last fall did Beta Rho of the University of Mon- Corrigan
their philanthropic project at a near- tana has been busy w i t h philanthro-
by children's hospital in the py projects all year. This fall we The philanthropic efforts of Zeta
arthritic ward. They went at Christ- began the year with Pumpkin Carol- chapter at the University of Ne-
mas time and sang carols and ing the week before Halloween. Sig- braska have not gone by unnoticed.
handed out candy to the children. ma Alpha Epsilon was invited to Last spring the chapter was
Everyone really enjoyed the project. dress up in costume and help us col- awarded the Greek Week Blood
lect money for Arthritis Research. Drive Trophy for donating the most
Tau annually participates in Cam- blood. In addition, Zeta was also the
pus Carnival. This function raises Last spring we held our second recipient of the Madelin Girard
thousands of dollars for the Ameri- annual Rock-a-thon for Arthritis Philanthropic Award. This award is
can Lung Association. The Greek Research and netted $490.00. The mainly attributable to the $1,400
system at the U of M spends many entire chapter enjoyed the event, that we received from our rock-a-
weeks of hard work and fun times and plans are underway for our thon that was directed by Sharon
preparing for the carnival. In fact, it third annual Rock-a-thon. O'Malley, philanthropic chair-
has become one of the biggest events man.— Reba Govier
of the school year. Also, this spring the chapter de-
cided to sponsor a Presidential Kid- Lambda Omega chapter members at
Many chapter members will also nap. We ransomed the presidents of Northwest Missouri State baked up
be participating in Delta Gamma's our fraternities and sororities for a storm this fall. The results of their
Anchor Splash this year. This event cans of food which were taken to the hard work netted profits that were
is a series of swimming and water Salvation Army. donated to Arthritis Research.—
games with all proceeds going to the The spook house sponsored by Al- Mary Peeler
society for the blind. pha Phi chapter at Montana State The Kappa Pis of Ohio Northern
University was a most successful University began the year with a
This year we are also planning fundraiser for the chapter's philan- howl when they co-sponsored a
either an all Greek backgammon thropic donations. The organization haunted house with the Sigma
contest or waitressing at a local took much time, but the results Theta Epsilon fraternity. The pro-
night spot. Again, the proceeds will made it well worth the chapter's ceeds of the haunted house, a three
go for Arthritis Research.—Dawn time and efforts. In addition, several year tradition for the chapter, are
Loberg sisters participated in the campus donated to Arthritis Research.
The Nu Betas at the University of dance-a-thon for muscular dystro-
Mississippi have put their heads to- phy. Cherrie Jones, Robin Red- Last spring the chapter partici-
gether to come up with some great mond, Corinna Fredericks, Karen pated in the annual Campus Chest,
fund-raising ideas to support Hansen, Annette Swan, Sue a Greek sponsored carnival whose
Arthritis Research. Last spring we Wallace, and Kristi Runge all chose proceeds go to charity. The AOn
tried a project which was new to to take part.—Lauree Booth Jail came in second place as a money
this campus. We kidnapped all of raiser.—Elaine Markley
the sorority and fraternity presi- Omega Xi at Morehead State Uni- Alpha Sigma at the University of
dents—over 25 presidents in all! Ar- versity amidst a busy fall made time Oregon was an active participant in
rayed in cowboy boots, ten-gallon Sigma Chi Derby Days, a fundraiser
hats, and red bandannas, the AOfls
for a local organization, the Excep- sororities at USC participated in this '43, Region III Vice President; said,
tional Friends Program. Each drive.—Ann Collier "I think it's wonderful that the Om-
sorority presented a skit or song and icron chapter is so enthusiastic
participated in various games. AOFI Kappa Tau at the University of about working to support the club.
came in second in the three days of Southeastern Louisiana have a It is a different approach to improv-
activity. unique annual fundraiser for ing philanthropic goals."
Arthritis Research. Each year they
Last spring Alpha Sigma chapter sponsor a "keg roll." The chapter The Knoxville Arthritis Club is an
members collected receipts and members collect pledges for each outgrowth of the K n o x v i l l e
proofrof-purchase seals for. many mile they roll the keg around cam- Arthritis Foundation, of which
weeks and received $65.00 by the pus. The keg roll lasts for 24 hours Nancy Bettis is president of the
Community Club Awards (CCA). and is enjoyed by all. Board of Directors. St. Mary's Hos-
CCA is an organization of local mer- pital in Knoxville provides food and
chants whose purpose is to help The Delta Betas at the University of facilities for the club. It also provides
fund-raising in non-profit organiza- Southwestern Louisiana have held publicity. Physical therapists from
tions. Our proceeds went to a variety of activities for philanthro- the University work with the KAC
Arthritis Research. Also, last spring, py. Among them was visiting homes members. The members themselves
many Alpha Sigmas could be found for the elderly in the Lafayette area. run the club. AOFI collegians pro-
as assistants at the state-wide special We sang Christmas carols, brought vide the personal contact as
Olympics held in Eugene.—Sandy cookies, and plenty of smiles. hostesses at the club meetings.
Last spring we held a candy drive The club's purpose is to educate
Suddenly the gun was pushed into to benefit Arthritis Research. We. the Knoxville community about
the stranger's ribs. "Hold it right also helped the "Friends of the Li- Arthritis and its serious physical
there! This is a stick up!" The brary" price books for their annual and psychological effects. The main
stranger obligingly dug into his sale and donate a trophy to the La- goal is to educate not only patients
pocket and dropped some spare fayette Juvenile Youth Association. themselves but also their families.
change into the can provided. Once Plans for a sock hop as well as some Knoxville's mayor has supported
again, Alpha Rhos at Oregon State other activities to benefit Arthritis this goal and has proclaimed April
had their "Stick Up for Arthritis" Research are underway in the chap- 15-21 as Arthritis Awareness Week.
campaign underway. ter.—Susan Pauli Says Rebecca McCampbell, philan-
thropic chairman, "Omicron chap-
"Stick Up for Arthritis" is a yearly Omicron at the University of Ten- ter is strongly supportive of this
project at Oregon State occurring nessee hosted its 19th annual club as one of our goals to reach out
during the homecoming weekend. "AOn Bar-B-Cue," the chapter's to the community and in furthering
Dressed as cowgirls, Alpha Rhos are main fundraiser for Arthritis Re- our philanthropic program." —
stationed at strategic spots around search. The chapter, with the Leslie Lang
campus where they "stick up" invaluable assistance from the
passersby on their way to the home- mother's, club and the Knoxville A beautiful fall day provided the
coming football game. According to Alumnae Chapter, raised $1,000 for perfect opportunity for Tau Omi-
philanthropic chairman, Mary Arthritis Research and $1,500 for cron at the University of Tennes-
Keithan, Alpha Rho collected al- the Harriet Grieve Scholarship see-Martin to sponsor their philan-
most $250.00 to donate to Arthritis Fund. thropic project for the quarter—a
Research this year.—Gretchen Bree road block! Everyone worked very
Omicron, in addition to its annual hard, and the results paid off with
Sigma Rho at Slippery Rock State Bar-B-Cue, has reached out to the $957.52 to be donated to charitable
College made a Saturday afternoon local community in order to further causes. The pledges also planned a
study break quite profitable for its philanthropic goals. Under the disco for their philanthropic project.
Arthritis Research. The chapter direction of Emily Mahon Faust, The entire chapter was assisting the
sponsored a road block in which Omicron '33, the Knoxville Arthritis class to make the project a great suc-
$500.00 was collected.-Kay Club had its first meeting in April of cess like the roadblock.
Bellissimo 1979. The club is an educational and
Delta Phi chapter at the University social outlet for both young and old Last spring the chapter held its
of South Carolina has become a real arthritis patients from the Knoxville annual "Casino Night" to raise
"can collector" this year. First, the community. Omicron has given funds for Arthritis Research. The
sisters collected Miller beer cans and much time in supporting the club, fun-filled event collected $200.00 for
bottles resulting in a brand new which is the only one of its kind in arthritis and furnished an evening
Magnavox television. The tv was the state of Tennessee and one of the of entertainment for all.
raffled off and part of the proceeds few in the Southeast.
went to Arthritis Research. The Beta Tau chapter at the University
sisters are already involved in a sec- The collegians help to contact pa- of Toronto had several philanthro-
ond Miller collection campaign. tients and work at meetings. Three py projects on tap for the fall. The
AOris have been elected to the chapter had no sooner returned to
Delta Phi also helped the brothers Foundation's Board of Directors school when they began participat-
of Lambda Chi Alpha with their an- Sandra K. Gunnels, '77; Rebecca A. ing in the campus Blood Donor
nual canned food drive. All McCampbell, '76; and Kelle Mc- Drive. Last year the chapter had the
Conathy, '75. Nancy Horner Bettis,
best turnout on campus, and it was an estimated $900.00 for Arthritis Phi Delta chapter at the University
its goal to equal if not better the per- Research when Alpha Gamma and of Wisconsin-Milwaukee began
formance from last year. Theta Chi fraternity co-sponsored a this year's philanthropic program
haunted house. with an envelope stuffing party. Be-
At Halloween, the chapter tween handfuls of munchies and
planned to get in the spirit of the Pullman's old postoffice with its amidst much laughter, we put to-
holiday and dress up to deliver marble floors and pillared entryway, gether over 200 kits for the local
cookies to children in Toronto's Sick made a perfect setting for the ghost- chapter of the Arthritis Foundation.
Children Hospital. Beta Tau mem- ly gathering. Monsters and zombies
bers particularly enjoy working of all species were portrayed by AOris in Milwaukee spent Labor
with children, and when Christmas Theta Chis and A Oris, and the Day in front of tv cameras as we an-
rolls around, the chapter has the delighted screams of the children swered phones and checked pledge
perfect opportunity. It has become a made all the layers of make-up and cards for the Jerry Lewis Muscular
Christmas tradition for chapter hours of work seem unimportant. Dystrophy Telethon. It was a super
members to work with the Chil- way to help out a worthy charity,
dren's A i d Society to take Philanthropy chairman, Leslie and let people all over the city know
youngsters to the Santa Clause Horlacher, concocted the idea and that AOris are ready to help the
parade. It has been said that both did much of the organizational community when needed.
young and old enjoy a parade but work. She obtained donations of
never has the magic and enchant- building materials, make-up, and Everyone put much time and
ment of it all been better mirrored costumes from local merchants and effort into our Diamond Jubilee
than through a small child's laugh the university. Foundation bake sale which was
and smile—particularly these chil- held in the fall. Cookies, cakes,
dren who would not have the Talents of both Theta Chi and donuts, and numerous other
opportunity to see this event nor- A O n members were used to their goodies were sold to raise money for
mally. After the parade, we take the fullest. The men constructed scene the scholarship foundation.
children back to our house for milk partitions and elaborate special
and cookies and to watch some of effects while blackout sheets and Jack-o-lanterns with both toothy
their (and ours!) favorite cartoons ghostly costumes were made by the grins and spooky frowns will deco-
over milk and cookies. women. A O n president, Nora rate a local hospital next week. We
O'Neill, designed posters and flyers plan on spending an afternoon
The next major philanthropic for local distribution, and other drawing, cutting, and carving
project is our spaghetti dinner sisters wrote press releases, visited pumpkins to donate to a hospitai to
benefit for Arthritis Research. This schools while dressed in costumes, spread halloween fun to those not
event takes a great deal of time and and sold tickets. fortunate enough to join in the par-
preparation, but if as last year, we ties and tricks or treats.
look out and see a line of hungry Scenes in the haunted house in-
customers stretching blocks then cluded a mausoleum, a graveyard, Adding to the excitement and
our effort is worthwhile!—Susan and a torture chamber. Some special spirit of our philanthropic program
Byrne effects were an enormous "attack- is a new award which is presently
ing" spider that dropped from the being developed. This award will
Sigma Tau chapter at Washington ceiling, a bloodied hand crawling honor the A O n who is the most
College teach their pledges how im- from a grave, and a museum of wax active in each semester's philan-
portant philanthropy is from day monsters that would somehow thropic projects. We hope to make
one. As one of each pledge's respon- come to life everytime a human this award a Phi Delta tradition, and
sibilities, she had to collect 1,000 being passed by. we are all anxious to see who the
pennies for Arthritis Research. The first recipient will be.
chapter, as one of its major philan- Philanthropy chairman, Leslie,
thropic activities, is continuing to says that she hopes to make the Future projects include more
sponsor a foster child, Lianawati, haunted house an annual event. . . envelope stuffing parties to help the
from Indonesia. a likely possibility since the long Arthritis Foundation chapter, bake
lines stretched out the door of the sales, an arthritis pen sale, and a
Last spring, Sigma Tau held its haunted house every night.—Susan very special Valentine's Day
third annual A O n Kidnapping Dor man lollipop sale. The Phi Deltas are
for Arthritis Research. We "kid- looking forward to these and many
napped" campus personalities, such Fall semester and philanthropy are philanthropic projects this year.—
as team captains, and SGA presi- synonymous for Sigma Lambda Lynda Scheibe
dent, professors, etc., and held them chapter at the University of Wis-
for ransom. It was our most success- consin-LaCrosse. The semester
ful kidnap ever—we made $200.00 began with the chapter's annual
and had a great time, too!— Becca bike-a-thon. The chapter is also
Fincher and Ellen Bauer actively involved in the Muscular
Dystrophy program on campus. In
Witches, ghosts, and monsters addition, Sigma Lambda is number
helped Washington State Univer- one in the campus blood drive with
sity's Alpha Gamma chapter earn the highest percentage of member-
ship participation.—Caron Petersen
Welcome the New Volunteer. . .
By William A. Butler, Jr.
Executive Director, Delta Upsilon
Just the other day, I was reading Erma Bombeck's column on volunteer-
ism in our society. It struck me as being a timely subject.
There was never a chapter that suffered from too much alumni sup-
port, most suffer from too little. Alumni support in the pocketbook is im-
portant to keep the roof repaired, the furniture in good condition from
the heavy use; but even more valuable and priceless is the alumnus who
gives of himself in addition, as a counselor, as an adviser, corporation of-
ficer, in any one of a thousand tasks.
Every single one of us in the fraternity is the inheritor of a rich legacy
of tradition, achievement and accomplishment, provided by those who
have gone before us. The fraternity system, your Delta Upsilon chapter,
and the entire idea of fraternity is a fragile one, and it can be enhanced,
perserved and improved in this current generation only as a result of the
continuing influx of new volunteer efforts.
We particularly cherish the volunteers who have given and continue to
give their time year, after year, to make Delta Upsilon what it is and can
become. To each of them we owe a debt of gratitude that is boundless.
These senior stalwarts provide a real inspiration and a track record
that is envied and admired by all who came in contact with their work.
There is nothing very exciting about working out the problems con-
nected with operating a fraternity chapter in grave economic troubles, or
one that has lost its sense of balance or direction. That is hard work in the
trenches, and it is often met by resisting, persistent opposition. But let
that same chapter achieve some real success, let their rushing be great as
a result of consistent, persistent advice from an alumnus, and you know
the satisfaction of helping at a most critical time in the lives of college
Some college students today can go through their entire undergraduate
years and never have a conversation with a faculty member. Some will
hardly ever get to know a great professor on a personal basis. A l l can
know and benefit from the mature advice and counsel provided by alum-
ni counselors.
To the older, continuing volunteer leaders of Delta Upsilon we owe
much. To the new, younger generation, we say enjoy the challenges, the
opportunities, and the satisfaction that can come from helping build
tomorrow's leaders. . . . Cherish the Old
Regional Meetings '80:
Recruitment and
Highlights Region I Chairman: Nancy Moran
-Chapter advisers' Towson State (William)
training session the University
day prior to the Towson, MD 3 Watch Tower
opening of Re-
gional Meetings Region II Lane
-Participation in
opening and clos- University of Toledo Old Greenwich,
ing ritual for Re- Toledo, OH
gional Meetings CT 06870
Region III
Date: June 13-15
Hyatt Regency
Memphis, TN Chairman: Lois Billog (S.
1715 Wyandotte
Maumee, OH
Date: June 20-22
Chairman: Gail Cook
6204 Village
Grove, Apt. 3
Memphis, TN
Date: June 27-29
-Professionally de- Region IV Chairman: Marsha
veloped seminars
on membership re- Illinois Wesleyan Guenzler
cruitment for both University
alumnae and col- Bloomington, IL 1311-1/2 Hershey
Bloomington, IL
Date: June 20-22
uality Membership
Region V Chairmen: Sue Wickersam Highlights
Kellogg Center- 3501 Portia -Election of re-
University of gional leaders for
Nebraska Lincoln, NE 1980-82
Lincoln, NE
Region VI
Sue Roberts
Alpha Gamma
Chapter House, 4131 Pioneer
Washington State
University Lincoln, NE
Pullman, WA
Region VII
Date: June 20-22
Marriott Hotel
Dallas, TX Chairman: Sue Schell
Region VIII (Gary)
Sigma Chapter SE 915 Skylark
University of Pullman, WA
Berkeley, CA 99163
Date: June 14-16
Chairman: Salli Ditto -Opportunity to
meet officers of
(Jerry) other chapters and
share ideas
15050 Oriole -Seeing old friends,
meeting new
Saratoga, CA
Date: June 20-22
Chairman: Nancy Shaheen
2628 D Custer
Richardson, TX
Date: June 6-8
Seniors, It's Your Turn Now
By Becky Montgomery, KU T
Editor, To Dragma
As your senior year is rapidly
drawing to a close, you have reasons Janice Nelson, Upsilon Alpha, and Joan McDonald, lota, present a check to the Northern
to be happy, proud, and excited. Yet, California Arthritis Foundation director on behalf of the Palo Alto Alumnae Chapter
amidst the excitement is a tinge of
apprehension . . . and sadness. In addition to the commitment their dedication to service. Our
Beginning a career, moving to a new you have to AOU, you w i l l f i n d that alumnae chapters raise thousands of
city, getting married, beginning alumnae participation takes on the dollars for charity each year. The
graduate school, any one or a com- same, and usually deeper, meaning charities that benefit run the gamut
bination of the above are exciting that collegiate involvement pro- from our international philanthro-
prospects. vided. Alumnae AOU sisters, just py, arthritis research, to scholar-
like collegiate sisters, are ready- ships from alumnae Panhellenics. In
Yet, new beginnings also bring made friends. I n a new job, many ac- addition to their monetary support,
endings. A n end to late nights when quaintances can be found. I n the local A O r i s give countless hours of serv-
talking w i t h a sister seemed more alumnae chapter, friends can be ice to various community projects.
important than writing that re- found. Friends to share the joys and Don't be surprised to find that the
search paper, an end to being a disappointments of your new life. volunteer receptionist at the hospi-
leader on campus or i n your aca- Friends who can help you learn tal where you've gone to visit a
demic department. The familiarity about your new city. Friends who friend is an A O n . . . or that the
and security of your college days is w i l l offer a place for you to stay as chairman of the Arthritis benefit in
rapidly coming to a close and soon you search for an apartment. your community also shares your
w i l l be but a treasured memory. Yet, Friends who can give you tips on badge!
there is one part of this special budgeting your money, finding a
period in your life that you will not reputable insurance agent or used Being involved as an alumna also
be leaving behind . . . AOI~I. car salesman. Your bond in AOU is gives you the opportunity to share
a key that w i l l continue to open the your knowledge and love for A O n
Since the day of your initiation, door to friendships that w i l l last a w i t h the collegiate chapter nearest
you have been told that A O n is lifetime. you. Whether as an alumna adviser,
forever. AOFI, unlike other college an alumna serving at a rush party,
activities and organizations, super- Being i n v o l v e d as an alumna or an alumna sending membership
cedes the day of graduation and can offers you a way to become a vital information on potential rushees,
and should be a vital part of your part of your community and to you can provide that same needed
post-college days. Today there are make AOU a vital part of your com- and valued support that was in
several claims to a woman's time: munity. A common characteristic of strumental in the success of your
family, career, community . . . w h y our 150 plus alumnae chapters is chapter.
should A O n be a part of it?
Why Be Involved?
As a collegian, A O n lovingly ac-
cepted you and promised always to
be a part of you. I n return, you
promised your loyalty to her. You
are not released f r o m that vow
when you are handed a diploma.
You made a contract —for life. The
major reason for being involved as
an alumna is to uphold the commit-
ment you made to A O PI. That com-
mitment is mutual, however, and if
you will review your involvement
w i t h AOFI so far you w i l l see that
she has upheld her part of the
bargain with opportunities for per-
sonal growth, social development,
and leadership development. AOU
will continue to fulfill her commit-
ment if you support her as an
find the sisters nearest them and Another way to stay involved
work to organize them into a chap- w i t h A O n is to help Central Office
ter. To be a KEY A L U M N A , write keep track of you. Do you have a
your Regional Extension Officer and new address? Why not clip the
give her the zip codes of the areas change of address form on the inside
nearest you, and she w i l l send you back cover and send it to Central Of-
the names and addresses of sisters fice today?
who live near you. As a KEY
A L U M N A , you can begin to contact Yet, another way that your frater-
these sisters. nity needs you is through your
financial support. Each year, our
Peg, also, is w o r k i n g on a new members are solicited to make dona-
program that offers an exciting way tions to the Development Fund.
to be involved as an alumna. She is Unfortunately, A O n is not immune
developing, with the help of the from the spiraling inflation in
REOs, a system of Extension Coor- today's economy. The Development
"Volunteers are the lifeblood of this
Pat Cowley Hardy, Gamma Sigma (Georgia dinators. For more information on Fund assures that AOFI w i l l be able
State), Executive Board Director in charge this program, see page 46 of this to continue her growth and devel-
of alumnae is working on some innovative issue. opment without having to place too
methods for alumnae to remain involved in great of a burden on our collegians.
Aon. Another way to support the fra- Supporting the Development Fund
ternity is to help support our colle- is an excellent way to express your
How Can You Be giate chapters. Alumnae serve as involvement in A O n .
Involved? that much needed stability and con-
tinuity to a collegiate chapter by There are a variety of ways to be
Alumnae development is a priority serving on the Alumnae Advisory involved as an alumna. There is a
for this Executive Board, and Pat Committee and the corporation place for you. AOFI lovingly ac-
Hardy, Executive Board member in board. cepted you as a collegian and wel-
charge of alumnae, and Peg comes you as an alumna. AOFI is
Crawford, Vice President/Develop- Volunteers are the lifeblood of forever. You need to take the first
ment, are working together on this fraternity. Alumnae can also be step in realizing the special meaning
innovative methods for alumnae to involved by serving as regional and in that message.
stay involved w i t h the fraternity. international officers.
Pat stresses that one of the most Peg Cramer Crawford, lota (Illinois), Vice President/Development, is developing, with the
important ways that you can be i n -
volved is to join the alumnae chap- assistance of our Regional Extension Officers, a state-by-state system of Extension Coor-
ter nearest you. Through the chap-
ter, you can start new friendships, dinators which will offer another exciting avenue for alumnae involvement
be involved in your community,
work with the collegiate chapter
nearest you, and benefit from the
innovative programs that chapters
are sponsoring. It may be that you
have a particular hobby, interest, or
skill that you could share with your
sisters in one of the chapter's
monthly programs. To find the
alumnae chapter nearest you, write
your Regional Extension Officer.
T u r n to page 46 to find the names
and addresses of each REO.
If there isn't an alumnae chapter
near you, that doesn't mean that
there aren't sisters who are looking
to renew this special part of their
lives. Pat has established a new pro-
gram for women who would like to
^ Founders Day Celebrations, hangers, decoupage plaques, needle-
Philanthropy Projects Keep Alumnae point pictures, embroidered baby
Busy items, dried flower arrangements,
and many other usual hand-made
articles. Profits from the auction
were donated to arthritis research.—
Charlotte Polito Vowell
0) AOris f r o m all over southeastern Nancy Moyer McCain, Rho, Past Interna- Bloomington (IN) Alumnae Chap-
Michigan converged in A n n Arbor tional President, was the speaker at Ann ter celebrated w i t h the collegiate
Arbor's Founder Day celebration. chapter at Indiana University (Beta
CQ on December 8 to help the recently Phi) for Founders' Day on Decem-
ber 9. The celebration was held at
reestablished Omicron Pi chapter at the chapter house. Mrs. Thomas
Bunger, alumnae chapter president,
c the University of Michigan celebrate introduced the new collegiate chap-
E Founders' Day. This was a doubly ter president, Elaine Luebbe, and the
alumnae who were present.
joyous occasion as the A n n Arbor
Rita Hurtt, chapter adviser, intro-
3 Alumnae Chapter also celebrated its duced the rest of the alumnae
50th Anniversary at this time. advisory committee and presented
them with small cross-stitched
We were extremely fortunate to Christmas stockings with A O I l in
have Nancy Moyer McCain, Rho, a white on a red background. She also
Past International President, as our introduced Edith Anderson, Past I n -
featured speaker. She spoke to us ternational President, who pre-
about the importance that A O U sented the EHA award to Julia Lynn
plays throughout one's entire life Nagel. The award consisted of a
and reminisced a bit about our check and a plaque for outstanding
Founders. Mrs. McCain concluded
her inspirational message by pre- Watching the flames of the Beta Phi chapter house mortgage burning are Elaine Luebbe,
senting the alumnae chapter with a collegiate president; Rita Hurtt, chapter adviser; Ruth Wible, corporation president; Jill
gavel from the Executive Board in Bunger, Bloomington Alumnae chapter president; and Helen Duncan, charter member of
honor of the chapter's anniversary. Beta Phi.
Judi Monaghan, president, accepted
the gavel. which was held at the chapter house work in the chapter, scholarship,
of Alpha Omicron at Louisiana State and attitude.
Margaret Underwood, Omicron University. A local television
Pi, was presented a 50 year member celebrity was the auctioneer. Mrs. Philip Wible, president of the
certificate. The Detroit North Subur- corporation, called on several of the
ban Alumnae Chapter gave the col- The crafts auction is a creative members to tell something of the
legiate chapter a dictionary, and the fundraiser in more ways than one! early chapter houses of Beta Phi. A
Macomb County Alumnae Chapter The items are made by each alumna very special ceremony in conjunc-
made a donation to the Diamond and express that person's special tion with this celebration was the
Jubilee Foundation. In addition, talent and creativity. Items in the burning of the chapter house
Chris Kaczmarek, Omicron Pi chap- auction included: macrame plant mortgage.
ter president, collected $100.00 in
donations for a new piano.
Recognized for their contribution
to the chapter were Lynne Garvey,
past rush adviser and current chap-
ter adviser and Jill Leach, house di-
rector. Jeanne McClaran received a
badge from the chapter upon her re-
tirement as chapter adviser.
The day was very much a "family
reunion" in that it was the first
opportunity many of the alumnae
have had to visit the chapter since it
had re-opened.—Judy Treadwell
"Sold to the highest bidder!" These
words were heard when the Baton
Rouge Alumnae Chapter held its
annual fundraiser, a crafts auction.
The chapter was busy before the
event with publicity for the auction
Troy Johnson, Albuquerque, New had our own form of "newsbreak" Bettis, Omicron, Regional Vice Pres-
Mexico, and Suzanne Colgan, with each sister introducing herself ident and alumnae chapter member
Bellevue, WA, both traveling con- and providing an update since col- was installed as president of the
sultants, were special guests. lege days. The morning closed w i t h Knox County of the Arthritis Foun-
a traditional friendship circle. It dation, and Emily Mahan Faust,
The Boston Alumnae have had a brought back fond memories of Omicron, was installed as first vice
busy year this year. One of their other times and places—and it re- president.
most enjoyable programs was held minded us of our commitment to
at the home of Donna Sheridan, the future of A O n . $1,000 was presented to the
chapter president. Charley MacCar- Arthritis Foundation and was ear-
thy, husband of one of the chapter The reactivation committee is marked for local education. The
members showed slides of a trip to hard at work making plans for our money was raised through the com-
Egypt made by several of the chapter meetings. Dea Beck, Regional Exten- bined efforts of the alumnae chapter
members. —Katherine Carter sion Officer, joined the committee and the collegiate chapter at the
University of Tennessee (Omicron).
These Denver Alumnae Chapter members chat with one of the many persons who helped Also the collegians and alumnae
to make the chapter's Book Fair for Arthritis Research a real success. worked together to sponsor an
arthritis forum. The alumnae chap-
In the spirit of love and friendship and provided a great deal of helpful ter was instrumental in the develop-
that is truly A O I X 51 alumnae information and inspiration. Special ment of the first Arthritis Club in
sisters representing 12 collegiate thanks goes to Mary Bryant of Tennessee.
chapters gathered for a champagne Louisville w h o has worked hard to
brunch at the Marriott Inn i n get the ball rolling again!—Terri Other chapter members who are
Clarksville, I N on November 17. Hill Harrison, Kappa Alpha continuing as members of the Knox
This brunch represented a re- The Knoxville Alumnae Chapter is County Arthritis Foundation Board
vitalization of the Kentuckiana most active in their support of our are Caroline Caldwell Bowers, Phi
Alumnae Chapter. international philanthropy, Alpha; Pat Campen Medley, O m i -
Arthritis Research. Nancy Horner cron; Ann Brakewell Thomas, and
The successful brunch was the re- Jane H o l l i n g s w o r t h , Omicron.—
sult of months of planning. Most of Knoxville Alumnae sponsor an Arthritis Caroline Caldwell Bowers, Phi
those attending had been contacted Forum. Alpha
by post card. There were others con-
tacted by word of mouth once the 1979 proved to be a very busy and
word spread that after 3 years of productive year for the Little Rock
inactivity, AOn alumnae in this Alumnae Chapter. We began our
area were on the move again. year with our traditional Founders'
Day Social and Brunch. Our special
Business and pleasure were the guests were Melanie Doyle and Jane
format for the morning. The brunch Hoffman, both Regional Directors.
started with a social hour—seeing February and March found us
old friends and meeting new ones. diligently working on our crafts for
We were honored to have Kay the International Convention Bou-
Sutherlin, International Executive tique and AOn "valentine pillows"
Board Director, as our speaker. We for Sigma Omicron (Arkansas State)
new initiates.
With the last trace of winter
behind us, we began w o r k on our
annual spring rummage sale. Our
spectacular bargains enabled us to
purchase two arthritic walkers for
the Arkansas Arthritis Chapter. The
spring season ended w i t h a couples'
progressive dinner.
Summer turned our attention to
International Convention in Nash-
ville. Much to our delight the Little
Rock Alumnae Chapter was hon-
ored with an Alumnae Achievement
A w a r d . A true sense of sisterhood
and fraternity was experienced by
all. In August, we welcomed "old"
and "new" alumnae in the Little
Rock metropolitan area to a s w i m
and buffet party. Later that month
some of us journeyed to Jonesboro
J 39
to help Sigma Omicron with their Founders' Day was celebrated on If you suddenly became a victim of
fall rush. November 17 at the Town and arthritis, would you know where to
Country Club in St. Paul. Carolyn go to obtain more information re-
Fall began with a BANG when we Klus arranged a style show with garding the disease? If you live in
participated in the Annual Arkansas members as models, from the Scarlet Southern California, you could go to
Arthritis Television Auction. Trunk. It gave the idea on how to the lending library of the Orange
Through the efforts of AOU and look well-dressed and to save County Arthritis Foundation in
other volunteers, the Arkansas money, too. Santa Ana. The library of informa-
Arthritis Chapter raised $18,000! tive books and pamphlets has just
A cookie exchange at the home of been made possible from a $100
We made apples and oranges Carolyn Olstead, president, was an donation' from the Northern
"Indians" as Thanksgiving tray innovation and gave us a variety of Orange County Alumnae Chapter.
favors for" the Arkansas Children's cookies for Christmas guests. The group held several fundraisers
Hospital—at which some of our to start the library and plans to sup-
members volunteer their time to be Boyfriends and husbands came to port it in the future.
Panhellenic Book Ladies. The the Valentine party on February 15,
Christmas season found us ending a pot luck dinner. Barbara-Ann In October, a Golf-a-thon was
1979 with a couples' social and March, one of the lawyers in our held at a local golf course which net-
Christmas dinner. With 1979 chapter, was the hostess. Sandra ted another contribution for
behind us, we look forward to a Sklenar, Northern Illinois, and arthritis. Several members of the
great AOU '80!-Bonnie Dineen Wilma Smith Leland were the alumnae group were stationed at
hostesses for the March dinner. one of the holes and "invited" all
The Minneapolis Alumnae Chap- golfers to try to hit their ball within
ter's year started with a benefit per- The traditional candlelight dinner a special circle—for a $1 donation to
formance of "Mister Roberts" at the for Tau seniors will be given April charity. The prizes were sets of golf
Old Log Theater, Excelsios. Sue 22. balls and very few golfers could re-
Schattschneider, Bemidji, and Dode sist the challenge. Fortunately, very
Harris of the Minnesota Arthritis Alumnae were involved in other few won, also, which meant an
Foundation, teamed up to raise activities during the year. The Tau additional $86.00 was earned for
$1,500 for our contribution to corporation gave a reception in Arthritis Research.
Arthritis Research. A n auction of art November celebrating the redecora-
work preceded the play. tion of the chapter house. The presi- The alumnae chapter is also estab-
dent of the Minnesota Orchestral lishing a yearly scholarship for
Alumnae are always on hand to Association announced at the annu- Theta Omega chapter at Northern
help Tau (University of Minnesota) al meeting that the contribution of Arizona University. The collegians
with rush. They worked in the the Women's Association of the do not have an alumnae chapter
kitchen for parties during formal Minnesota Orchestra (WAMSO) near by so the Northern Orange
rush. The usual pledge dinner was amounting to $158,433 was the County agreed to help them. The
planned as a picnic, but it was largest contribution ever made to $50 scholarship will be awarded
delayed until October when Mary the orchestra by that group. Mary each spring to the outstanding
Schochow was hostess for the Kinney Steinke is president of junior showing the most improved
dinner. WAMSO. One of the fundraisers of GPA from second semester sopho-
the group is the Spring Ball. more to first semester junior. A rose
Last winter Marilyn Haugen, im- Another of our members, Irma onyx ring will also be given for the
mediate past president of the alum- Wachtler, former president of the winner to wear and will be passed
nae chapter, and Carolyn Klus, Minnesota Opera Association is on yearly.
DePauw, introduced seated dinners chairman.
served for $3.00 prior to the pro- A garage sale, a couples wine-tast-
gram. The plan brought out a large A chapter fundraiser was taking ing party, selling Arthritis pens,
group of alumnae and some of their care of children of shoppers at providing gifts to a convalescent
mothers. Dayton's warehouse sale in March. hospital for their bingo games, a
Pauline Altermatt, Tau corporation CPR demonstration, Founders' Day,
All of our programs are given by president, was in charge of the spe- and a holiday boutique auction of
AOris. They have included: cial events at Dayton's.—Wilma hand made items were other activi-
Stephanie Good, a detective with the Smith Leland, Tau ties this chapter engaged in last
St. Louis Park Police Department; year.—Carol Lamar
Barbara Sundquist, personnel direc- Whenever the New Orleans Alum-
tor for the State of Minnesota; Patty nae Chapter has a meeting where The Northwest Arkansas Alumnae
Belois, referee, Hennepin County the husbands are allowed to attend, Chapter marked its first birthday in
Juvenile Court; and Catherine Wat- it becomes a party for AOris. One of August and looked back on a year of
son, travel editor, Minneapolis Trib- our fundraisers for Arthritis Re- "beginnings." It was a year of find-
une. Catherine will speak about her search involves our A O I l s . The ing sisters who are becoming
week's trip on the Trans-Siberian AOris don grass skirts to raise friends.
Railway last spring when the spring money for Arthritis Research which
luncheon is given at the Calhoun is their philanthropy just as it's In June, President Marty Taylor
Beach Club, Minneapolis, on May ours!—Sky Louapre was in Nashville for International
Convention and returned to start Recent activities of the St. Louis A w a r d was presented to St. Louis
the new year with a winning re- Alumnae Chapter included a alumnae, M a r y Perkes Marx, Beta
sponse to the first "Piper" luncheon to meet alumnae new to Phi (Indiana University), and the St.
Challenge. the area and/or those w h o cannot Louis chapter received a certificate
regularly attend monthly meetings. and award for the most improved
The chapter is delighted to count Our October meeting included a alumnae chapter.
among its members three fifty-year program on Women's Thoughts on
alumnae w h o w i l l be honored at a Protecting the Environment. Our Upcoming plans include a pro-
luncheon in the spring.—Agnes Founders' Day banquet was held at gram on Quackery in the Treatment
Walters of Arthritis given by a representa-
IS, tive from the Eastern Missouri chap-
The Oklahoma City Alumnae ter of the Arthritis Foundation.
Chapter is alive and well although Imagine receiving your 50 year pin Future fundraisers include our an-
we w i l l greatly miss this year's pres- from the same sister who origi- nual rummage sale and hobby auc-
ident, Cyndee Kelly, Sigma Omi- nally pinned on your badge at tion. We eagerly begin the new year
cron, who moved to Little Rock. initiation! This happened at the w i t h a positive spirit and sense of
Having her here for two years was a San Diego Founders' Day dedication to A O n . — Betty Barnett
real "shot in the arm" for this chap- Luncheon. We believe this is a Stokes
ter. We do hope to have some more unique happening.
new blood who w i l l stay! Marion Abele Franco-Ferreira, Rho
Barbara Trask Clark March, '18, was the guest speaker for the
During 1979, we had two raffles Upsilon '32, was initiated on Octo- San Diego Alumnae Chapter and
of a lithograph in a popular shop- ber 29, 1929 by Marcella Lawler, delighted us w i t h remembrances of
ping mall. The one we had last Upsilon '31. O n January 12, 1980, the Founders. It was a very special
March was so successful that we Marcella had the honor of pinning day as it was the first time Lambda
again approached the same artist, the 50 year pin on Barbara. Iota collegians from the University
Greg Burns, for another gift of California-San Diego joined us
lithograph, whose raffle proceeds Barbara was our Rose Award for the celebration.
w o u l d be donated to Arthritis Re- winner at Convention this year.
search. We held that raffle in the fall She wears her pin every single We are fortunate in having in San
and made much, much more money day—whether it be to work, or a Diego, M a r i l y n Rose Herman,
and hope to make it an annual social event, or whatever, Barbara Upsilon, one of the Executive Board
event. has her pin on at all times. Directors; and Marianne Davies
Carton, Upsilon, chairman of the
At Founders' Day, a luncheon at As you can see in the photo Ruby Fund.
Ditty Mitts', (Sigma Omicron), above, Barbara shares her pride
home was well attended. We had and love for AOFI with the whole During the year, we have enjoyed
formal ritual and also made it the world with her personalized a potluck supper with our husband/
occasion to give our first Certificate license plates that read " A O Pi escorts. There was a very successful
of Honor to Billie (Webb) Davison, 50."-Marie Holbrooke tail-gate party before one of the local
Xi, i n appreciation of her long years university football games. Our
of faithful service to the chapter.— the Swiss Inn on November 19. Masterpiece Auction in November
Elizabeth Hale Hunt, Omicron Founders' Day messages were read always brings good results. We
and a candlelighting ceremony was bring our "masterpieces," and they
Stanford Stadium in Palo Alto, CA held. Rita, our president, reported to are auctioned w i t h the proceeds
was the scene of celebration by the us on her trip to the Convention i n g o i n g to c h a r i t y . — M a r i e J.
Palo Alto Alumnae Chapter of 10 Nashville and contributed pictures Holbrooke.
years of fundraising for the North- from her trip to the chapter scrap-
ern California Arthritis Foundation book. A t the Convention, a Rose We in the Tulsa Alumnae Chapter
which has produced $20,000. are having a splendid year! So far
our activities have been great f u n ,
At a tail-gate party before the and we've had a good turnout of
game at Stanford, $2,500 f r o m the members.
Book Fair was presented by Book
Fair chairman, Janice Tremble To date we have enjoyed the fol-
Nelson, Upsilon Alpha (University lowing: membership brunch with
of Arizona) to the Arthritis Founda- Convention highlights, a most suc-
tion Director, Paul McConnel. Palo cessful garage sale, a "show and
Alto president for the Book Fair was sell" auction of goodies, crafts, and
Miss Joan McDonald. talents of members, a theatre party,
"My Three Angels," and a most
The proceeds were to be used by beautiful and meaningful Founders'
Dr. David J. Shurman and Dr. Sam Day program followed by a salad
Strober, Stanford Medical Center, luncheon. In February, we look for-
for research into immuno-sup- ward to a Chinese Cooking demon-
pressive therapy. The chapter also stration by a member on making
sponsors an annual arthritis forum. won-tons. —Nita Shanks
The fiftieth anniversary of the installation of a chapter of Alpha Omicron
Pi at the then Pennsylvania State College on April 6, 1929 was celebrated
April 28, 1979 at the Hershey Hotel, Hershey, PA.
The officers of the chapter corporation and several of its members met at
ten o'clock at the hotel and acted on several matters of business. The presi-
dent of the corporation, Dorthy Jeter Denison, presided at the meeting.
Members of the fraternity continued to arrive until noon when a group
picture was taken at the front of the hotel. Over 100 Epsilon Alpha chapter
members from New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Ohio,
and Washington, D . C . were present at the luncheon. T w o who came the
greatest distance were Marilyn Roberts Lynch from Laconia, N H and Anne
Cannon Antolik from Lander, WO.
The principal part of the program, arranged by members of the State
College Alumnae Chapter was a slide show prepared by Marie Wrobleski
Fedon, Joyce Trigiano Nicholas, and Betty Leed Cannon. The slides were
of early campus scenes and buildings which were on campus in 1929 when
the chapter was founded. Maple Lodge, the first chapter house, was
featured. There were slides of charter members and early members of the
chapter. Sisters had great fun finding themselves and roommates in the
slides of the composite pictures that were shown.
Edith K . Huntington Anderson, Beta Phi '21, who came to State College
in 1923 when her husband joined the faculty of Penn State, came from her
home in Bloomington, I N to join the group at the luncheon. Edith has
served as National President, Secretary, and National Panhellenic Con-
ference Delegate. She is presently the International Historian for A O n .
She was honored as the founder of Epsilon Alpha, which used her initials
as its name, and was presented with several gifts.
Following the presentation of the gifts, Mrs. Anderson was introduced.
She expressed her appreciation for the gifts. She also shared her admira-
tion and love for "her girls" and what they have meant to her all through
the fifty years. She looks on all of them as almost family and is proud of
their many accomplishments.
This joyous anniversary celebration was closed with the singing of the
Epsilon chapter song as the one hundred and twenty-one members stood
hand in hand.
We Have Sisters Everywhere
6 'I*
. . . Wouldn't You Like to Help Get Them
In Convention last summer, Council passed the following resolution:
WHEREAS, After the 1960s, fewer alumnae of any fraternity were graduated; and
WHEREAS, statistics predict an ever-shrinking total college enrollment after 1980,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That an AOn alumnae group not large enough to be called a chapter be given the status of an alumnae colony
for a period of time up to three years and be so listed in To Dragma. If full membership is not accomplished by the end of three years, it will be
understood that the listing in To Dragma as an AOFI alumnae colony will be deleted.
Additional plans for organization of alumnae colonies w i l l be in the summer To Dragma. However, in anticipa-
tion of increased interest among alumnae to contact others in their area of the Regional Extension Officers (REOs)
are developing a network of Extension Coordinators . . . one per state to assist them. These coordinators w i l l
have the member printout for their state, receive requests, and distribute the names/addresses. I n addition to her
duties in the Alumnae Department, the coordinator would also keep a watchful eye on campuses in her state for
possible extension.
We have sisters everywhere . . . wouldn't YOU like to help get them together? Write your R E O today to find
out more about this new opportunity in the Wonderful World of A O n .
I - B u n n y Baker (Mark), 1019 Swinks M i l l R d . , McLean, V A 22101; II—Barbara Zolnierczak, 29165 Hayes, #10,
Warren, M I 48093; I I I - S a l l y Drea (Harold), 4311 Crystal Lake Drive, #303, Pompano Beach, FL 33064; I V - D e a
Beck (James), 10922 Williamsburg C t , Newburgh, I N 47630; V - J a y n e Dee (Eric), 106 3rd Street, N E , State Center,
I A 50247; VI—Elaine Smith (Richard), 3759 Heron, Pocatello, I D 83201; V I I - B a r b a r a Kramer (Raymond), 7516
Chattington D r . , Dallas, T X 75240; VIII—Jean Maroder (Edmond G ) , 750 Seale Ave., Palo Alto, C A 94303.
L ® ^ © f © ft® m 00
Welcome Back! ter (California). As we had moved, I Suggestions and ideas in this area are
attended the meeting of the Marin always welcome and shoidd be sent to
I pledged AOFI back in Florida Alumnae Chapter to receive the pin. Central Office in care of the editor.
(Gamma Omicron) in 1954 and was The occasion gave me an oppor- Mary, as you say, "let's move into 1980
initiated shortly thereafter. I loved tunity to reflect on what my sorority with Pride, with Appreciation." Thank
my sorority and have good memo- had meant to me. It seems to me you for your thoughts!—Ed.
ries. However, following college, I that, remembering our rituals, our
became a "lost member." We moved sorority can continue to be a Just a short note to tell you that I
often and eventually I guess To strengthening influence for good in enjoy To Dragma and its up-to-date
Dragma gave up trying to keep up, a time when so much thought needs format. I am sorry Epsilon Alpha is
and I ceased receiving it. But life was correction: for strengthening the no longer active but glad to read
full and I was busy in my roles of family; for combating violence and about other chapters and their activ-
wife and mother. vandalism; for healing prejudices ities. Guess we no longer have an
and hatreds; for treasuring life and alumnae chapter in this area, either
Four years ago my daughter went our beautiful earth. For me, being an (although eight of us keep together
off to college and pledged a sorority A O n was a learning experience. f a i t h f u l l y ) . The " g i r l s " (!?) have a
(Alpha Chi Omega, University of monthly gabfest and between times
Michigan). A O n wasn't at Michi- Our sorority has stood for the best we include the FIOAs, too, for more
gan then although they are now and i n h u m a n relations. By all means, socializing. Our philanthropic
watching Sue become a part of her let's move into 1980 w i t h Pride, efforts go to our churches and com-
sorority I realized how much I with Appreciation. munities, and three of us have Jac-
missed my own and started to try to Sincerely, queminot roses (mine has bloomed
make contact. Fortunately, my twice!).
sister, Gloria Kohler Brooks (also Mary Jens Williams, Iota '29
Gamma Omicron), still received our Six of our little group went to
magazine and sent in my subscrip- The first step in A O I 1 's membership Hershey, PA in A p r i l of last year to
tion and current address for me. education program, under the direction celebrate Epsilon Alpha's 50th
How I've enjoyed catching up! of Kay Sutherlin, Executive Board Di- birthday with Edith Anderson—
rector, was taken this winter with the what a memorable day.
So please change my address once evolution of a new approach to colle-
again as follows. I don't want to giate chapter programming. The inter- Best wishes and good luck.
become a "lost sister" ever again. national programs for 1980 were
Fraternally, merged into a single program to show Sincerely,
Carolyn Kohler Driscoll, Gamma collegians how to take a holistic ap- Miriam Gaige Blaisdell
Omicron proach to chapter operations. Through Epsilon Alpha '32
the holistic approach, our collegians
Kudos learn vital lifetime skills in the areas of I read with great interest the re-
leadership and goal setting that can sult of our conversation of some
Want you to know that I do later be transferred to such areas as time ago via the telephone. I do not
indeed, like your Leadership issue of career and family management. know how you made so much sense
To Dragma. I thought it was very out of this long distance com-
well done, very readable and inter- The next step in the overall program munication regarding "cabbages
esting. Congratulations!! will be to evaluate the effect of this new and kings." In any event, you wrote
Fraternally, approach to collegiate chapter program- a fine article.
Jane Stitt, Alpha Tau ming and add some "finetuning" to the
approach. Next year will also bring I very much appreciate your
Just a brief line to tell you that I some creative programming for our obvious time, energy, and talent on
enjoyed so much the fall issue of To alumnae. See pages 38-46 of this issue my behalf. Primarily, however, I
Dragma. It was heart w a r m i n g to see for some more information on alumnae hope that one of the readers w i l l say
on the cover some familiar faces programming. to herself, " I f she can do it, I certain-
"from my day" (Wilma Smith ly can do it, too." Law is a most i n -
Leland, Dorthy Dean, Edith Ander- The membership education program teresting and challenging profession
son); to read the interview with is truly meant for our entire member- and I note that all across the nation
Chief Justice Mary Coleman. ship and not just our collegians. To more and more women are entering
Dragma, our most vital communication law schools, being elected to judicial
I was especially interested to read tool, has addressed such pertinent issues offices and generally are becoming
about the proposed membership ed- in the past few years as career develop- part of the mainstream of legal prac-
ucation program headed by Kay ment and life planning. It is our goal tice.
Sutherlin. Recently I was honored to through the membership education pro-
receive my 50-year recognition pin gram to help our members realize the Again, thank you for work well
from the Peninsula Alumnae Chap- most from their fraternity membership. done.
With increasing alumnae involvement,
the entire Fraternity benefits. Yours Very Truly,
Mary Stallings Coleman, Pi Delta
Chief Justice, Michigan Supreme
No Listings, Please through the National Panhellenic It is interesting to recall that in the
Editors group to other publications. late fifties—you can check with the
The Fall 1979 issue to To Dragma To Dragma files, I'm sorry, but I
arrived yesterday. I have always Sincerely, don't have those volumes—AOn
enjoyed the fraternity magazine. Antona M. Richardson, Sigma '42 Council established a Committee on
However, I do take exception to Director of the Fire Information, Citizenship for the express purpose
pages 22, 23, 24, 25 in the Fall issue. Research, and Education Center to encourage our members to be in-
I feel the publishing of names of the University of Minnesota formed and act accordingly, each to
contributors to the Development her own conscience and conviction.
Fund is in poor taste. This is a per- Oops! AOFI has been conscious of issues.
sonal matter and who cares except The first National Work was to pro-
the "nosey" who wonders who did To say thank you for the Fall, mote the passing of the Child Labor
and who didn't and if so and so 1979 issue of To Dragma! Since I did Amendment. No one was more
didn't, why didn't she? The per- not go to Convention (at one time I steeped in politics than our Found-
sonal letter I received from Norma had thought I would), I found it ex- er, Jessie Hughan; she wrote text-
Ackel was the "touch" a donation of tremely interesting. books on the subject, ran for office
this kind deserved and that was and lost, served on Commissions in
what was needed. Several years ago, I was on the New York State, etc. Yet, the
C I R C . I wonder why the Philan- wisdom of our Founders is apparent
I do hope I will not see "lists" like thropy Committee is once again des- . . . [in our ritual]. . . and indicates
this for the next year's donors. ignated "Philanthropic," the adjec- that AOFI can not be a lobby. It can
Fraternally, tive form. That form had been in use encourage, help clarify, etc.
for many years, and I thought I had
Sallie Iverson Ditto, Tau '56 discouraged its use. But here it is When then did the Committee on
again . . . Citizenship fade away? Several
The listing of contributors to the De- practical reasons. We are an interna-
velopment Fund in the fall To Dragma For the past 10 to 12 years the Na- tional organization. Timeliness, To
was made at the request of Council. At tional Association of Parliamen- Dragma comes out quarterly. Costs,
the International Convention in Nash- tarians has encouraged using in mailing alone, became too high.
ville in 1979, Council felt it incumbent "Bylaws" instead of "by-laws." Then it was also thought that our
upon the fraternity to publicly There are so many ladies studying communities today have organiza-
acknowledge the contributors to the De- parliamentary procedure today; I tions which stress citizenship and
velopment Fund and passed a resolution would like, very much to see A O F I our members can avail themselves
stating that such a listing should be use the latest accepted form. Also, of those services. Organization itself
printed annually in To Pragma.—Ed. the N A P discourages the use of became cumbersome. A n American
"chairperson." I guess because of Chairman and a Canadian chairman
Protection my age, that usage seems so putting were necessary together with assist-
on airs . . . ants to tend to paperwork, etc.
I read with interest the article Sincerely yours,
"Some Keys to Your Security" in Edith Cope Lockard, Omega '35 Even so, I see no reason why E R A
your fall issue. I am concerned cannot be mentioned and our mem-
about the instructions in the final There is nothing in our records bers urged to work for its passing,
paragraph regarding security locks indicating the reasons for the switch each according to her conviction.
and screens on ground floor win- back to "Philanthropy" committee in- May AOn always be conscious of
dows. These in some cases have pre- stead of "Philanthropic" committee. her primary purpose, and she will
vented escape for occupants, and You caught an editorial slip-up in the have done a commendable job.
inhibited fire department access for last issue. . . AOU does use "Bylaws"
rescue and suppression activities. instead of "by-laws." We also endorse Would you let me go on with
the use of "chairman" instead of something else? When To Dragma
Would you be interested in a brief "chairperson."—Ed. was born, the Founders had great
article on "What to do in Case of expectations for it. To Dragma was to
Fire?" and/or "How to Avoid a "Each According To Her rival the Atlantic Monthly in every
Fire?" As perhaps you know, there way. Alas, that was never humanly
have been some serious multiple- Conviction . . : " possible, but there were eras when
death fires in college dorms and fra- generally the membership was
ternities during the past few years, To Dragma was enjoyed in many invited to provide this or that.
some of which could have been a- ways, but primarily because it made Therefore you are to be congratu-
voided and some of which would up for my absence at Convention. lated upon your column. Long may
not have resulted in deaths if vic- Then it struck a small spark because it live!
tims had known what to do. of the interchange between you and Fraternally,
Rachel Moehle, in the column,
We could develop an article here "What's on your mind?" You are Mary Danielson Drummond, Alpha
or (preferably!) give you the back- both right. Politics is not a dirty Phi '17
ground materials and names of re- word, and A O n can't work as a Past International President, 1937-
source people who might be of as- lobby. 39
sistance. Once developed, such an
article could well be circulated
Editor's -
As we celebrate the 75th Anniver- Although the copy for this issue legacy of the magazine is one
sary of publishing To Dragma, we was about to be shipped to the which is difficult to live up to. Yet,
are in essence celebrating our fra- printer to begin the intricate pro- it is that very legacy which has
ternity's ability to grow and devel- duction process that has culmi- served as the motivating force of
op with the times. We have seen nated in the magazine that you are excellence that has driven each
how To Dragma has reflected that now holding in your hands, I still editor who followed in the
change. had that "not quite finished" feel- footsteps of Helen Hoy Greeley,
ing about the manuscript. What the editor of the first number and
To Dragma is ready to take yet was missing is probably my first volume of To Dragma.
another step in its evolution. The favorite part of the magazine . . .
Executive Board has decided to my chance to put my 2C worth in It is to that original dream of a
take the responsibility for editing about this issue in my Place. quality, valuable means of com-
the magazine out of Central Office munication among the member-
and to again have an editor who This is a very special issue of To ship that this issue is dedicated.
does the magazine on an hon- Dragma, so special that we com- Each line from the first few pages
orarium basis. If you are interested bined the w i n t e r / s p r i n g 1980 delineating the history of this pub-
in the position of Editor of To Drag- issues of the magazine to celebrate lication to the last announcing an-
ma, please submit your resume and this memorable occasion. The occa- nual corporation meetings is dedi-
letter of application to Sue Lewis sion has become obvious as you cated to that thread that has held
(Rex), Administrative Director, in have flipped through the pages. us as a fraternity together . . .
care of C e n t r a l O f f i c e , 2401 It's the 75th anniversary of pub- communication.
Hillsboro Road, Suite 103, Nash- lishing our fraternity magazine! 75
ville, T N 37212. years . . . as I read through early In addition, you will see some
issues of the magazine, it made me new graphics, more color, and
STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP. MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION realize that the early editors of the different organization in this issue.
magazine who have long since For me, this issue has been particu-
Tip nun™* nr n\fHh nxirnoN P I 1 i rTTT ? joined Alpha Omega chapter are larly satisfying as it is a step closer
most likely shaking their heads in to my own editorial dream.
SThw'iim, TN 37212 amazement that To Dragma ever
made it to its 10th birthday, let It is a privilege and respon-
i*t>] Hillsboro Ro.id, Suite 103, Nashvillo, TN 1121? alone 75th! The infant years of the sibility to follow in the footsteps of
magazine certainly were rough the many tremendous women who
r TTOTITHNITY, INC. going, but the dedication of our have served to strengthen this our
24D1 Hillsboro.Houd, Suite 103, NdShvlllo. TO J72L2 Founders and other early leaders of main link of communication
the fraternity was such that this among our membership. There are
2401 Hillsboro RoaU, Suite 103 Huanvillc. TK J7212 project was to be a success. Their many satisfying aspects in the
NONE belief in the importance of com- position, but none can surpass the
munication among the member- satisfaction of hearing from you,
Govnrnnd tiy nn .HKCCULIVC Bnan 1 '• ship was without equal. A O n was the reader. Compliment, criticism,
„ t , f h „ ; ,t.-— going to have a consistent and vital or food for t h o u g h t . . . all are wel-
means of communication. AOFI comed and anticipated. For you
r: ••»- — was going to have a national maga- see, the real key to communication
zine. is that it is t w o - w a y . . . from us to
c, EM. NONE you and from you to us . . . let us
. .....«,..«„=.,..-.,.•-.<,. 42,a;& After those first few difficult hear from you. Keep the lines of
44,*<)5 47,826 years, AOn did indeed have a na- communication that have served us
tbovt tn cptTKt md cvmptalt. NONE tional magazine of which each so well over the past 75 years open
43. H80 1325 member could be proud. The and busy!—RSM
* J . HBO 14, 15]
B?5 15
4 4.70'. nono
44. 186"
" I'm m ^ . * * . « »|, „ „ „ , » ™ m
.... / , , . .
Who? Chi Alpha Who? Tau (University Who? Lambda Beta
(University of of Minnesota) (California State-Long
California-Davis) Beach)
(S) When? May 5, 1980, When? May 17, 1980,
1:30 p.m. When? May 7, 1980,
7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
Where? Chi Alpha Where? Calhoun Beach
Chapter House, 203 Club, Minneapolis Where? 3990 E. Eighth
First Street, Davis, Street, Long Beach,
CA For more information, CA 90804
For more information, contact Joan Senum
contact Eda Davis, Moe, 9441 Timber For more information,
2391 Tice Valley Trail, Eden Prairie, contact Mildred Slep,
Blvd., Walnut Creek, MN 55344 7202 Wellesley Ave.,
CA 94595 Westminster, CA
Annual corporation 92683
Who? Nu Iota meetings can be an-
(Northern Illinois nounced in To Dragma. If Who? Theta Psi
University) you wish to have your (University of
meetings announced, Toledo)
When? April 27, 1980, send the information to
11:00 a.m. Central Office in care of When? May 14, 1980,
the Editor. Deadlines for 7:00 p.m.
Where? 918 Kimberly, the magazine are as fol-
Dekalb, IL 60115 lows: Summer, May 1; Where? 1715 Wyandotte
Fall, August 1; Winter, Blvd., Maumee, OH
For more information, November 1; and Spring, 43537
contact Karen February 1.
Anderson, 633 Dekalb For more information,
Ave., Sycamore, IL contact Mrs. W. Bruce
60178 Walker, 5488
Woodridge, Toledo,
OH 43623
(please print)
I I I 1 I I .. L I I I I
Maiden Name • J- I I I I I I II
Chapter Initiation Yr NEW Address:
Check if you are: Corporation officer. .Chapteradviser. STREET ADDRESS T M' 1 1
Alumnae officer
1 1 1! 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I 47
Check if:
Newmarriage _ -Date i H i i ,u SA
. Deceased -Date.
Widowed Divorced . (show name preference to right)
Special interest, ability, occupation
Items ordered directly from Balfour Company 3030 • Flaring shank ring with rose mounting, 10K $69.00
Please put quantity in box. • Sterling 36.00
3009 • Black onyx end pearl ring with rose mounting, 10K. 159.00
Code # Description 39 • Raised Greek letter ring, 10K 91.00
148* • Jeweled Mother's Club Pin, 10K Price • Sterling 40.00
$ 55.50
603* • 50 year recognition pin, 10K Balclad is a gold electroplate finish.
41.00 On all orders for rings, be sure to include ring size.
500* • Monogram double-faced charm, 10K 54.90 Enclosed is my check or money order, made payable to the
808* • Chapter President's ring, 10K green gold 175.00 Balfour Company, in the amount of $ Include appli-
"When ordering above jewelry directly from Balfour, be sure to cable sales tax of state to which delivery is to be made.
include your name and chapter so that Balfour can obtain national
headquarters approval of your order prior to shipping. • Please send me Balfour's Blue Book, the industry's most
No National approval necessary when ordering the following items: comprehensive catalog of quality Greek jewelry and accessories.
Features many new items of AOTTjewelry recently approved by
Code # Description Price ADDRESS.
26047B • Greek letter lavaliere, CITY
10K with gold-filled chain $31.50
• Balclad with gold-filled chain 10.00 Mail to:
26055B • Rose pendant, 10K with gold-filled chain 45.00 Balfour, Fraternity Division, 25 County St., Attleboro, MA 0 2 7 0 3
Balclad with gold-filled chain 10.00
• Rose link bracelet, Balclad 15.00
1004-B • Deep cut Greek letter ring, 10K 95.00
3037-B • Sterling Silver 44.00
Items ordered through National Headquarters Enclosed is my check or money order, made payable to the Alpha
Omicron Pi, in the amount of $
Please put quantity in box.
Code # Description Price
100/112/124 • Plain badge, bright finish A, O.TT, 10K $40.00
101/117/125 • Chased A &TT, Crown pearl 0 , 1 0 K 65.00 STATE ZIP
602 • AOTTGreek letter recognition pin, Balclad. . 4.00 Mail to AOTT, 2 4 0 1 Hillsboro Rd., Suite 103, Nashville, TN 3 7 2 1 2
600 • Rose pin (not pictured) 4.50
POSTMASTER—Please send notice Second Class Postage Paid at Nash-
of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 ville, Tennessee, and at additional
to Alpha Omicron Pi, 2401 Hillsboro mailing offices.
Road, Suite 103, Nashville, TN 37212