To Dragma of
Biiilding Traditions
Traditions are gifts.
gifts we inherit or create then pass on to the next generation.
These are the building blocks on which our greatest memories are created. It is important to build traditions
within our families as well as within ourAOIT
collegiate and alumnae diopters.
a message from our President And the survey says...
BRENTWOOD, TENNESSEE 3 7 0 2 7 TELEPHONE615/3704)920 FAX 615/371-9736 E-MAII,[email protected] WEB SITE
A few months ago, through a survey in To Dragma,
ions of several areas within A OFF We received an overwhelming response, in fact it was so much higher than we expected, that we are still tabulating the results. A formal, comprehensive report is being prepared and we will share the complete
results at a later date. In the meantime, I think it is worth- while to give you a sampling of the answers we have received from the survey.
The majority of the respondents waking time is equal- ly divided between caring for children, professional pursuits and time with spouse or partner.
The majority of respondents wish they could spend more time doing community service or working with support groups followed by more personal time/entertainment or hobbies. Their next choice would be to spend more time with friends or family.
The three most pressing issues for women today are evenly reported as managing home and career; health, fitness and nutrition; and
equality in the workplace. Overwhelmingly, respondents said that these issues applied to them specifically.
Personal strengths most often listed were (in order): 1) leadership/manage- ment/ organizational skills, 2) people oriented/charismatic/communication skills and 3) ambitious/full of energy/hardworking.
If they could change something about themselves, most said they would like to be (in order) 1) more confident/more self-esteem/more assertive, 2) more fit- ness or weight conscience and 3) more tolerant/more patient/more trusting.
The two primary responses to what life skills AOIT had helped foster were leadership/organizational/teamwork and communication/social/self-confidence.
The top five things respondents would like to see more of in To Dragma are 1) women's health, 2) personal news by collegiate chapter, 3) human interest, 4) member profiles and 5) collegiate news.
A third of the respondents are currently involved in AOFI in some capacity. Approximately two thirds envision future involvement in AOFI.
I am encouraged daily that AOTI is meeting the needs of our members, both collegiate and alumnae. We will be taking the results of this survey and tailoring our programs and publications to what our membership is requesting. I thank each of you who took the time to complete the survey. It is extremely gratifying to receivemoresurveysthanweeveranticipated. Itshowsyoudocareabout AOFI and its future. We also care about your needs and desires. By working together we wi 11 make a difference!
linda Peters Collier International President
we asked for your opin-
ToDragma/SPRllMG 1999
DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS631-840) the official organ of
AlphaOmicronPi. ispublishedquarterly by Alpha Omicron PL
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TO DRAGMAofAlphaOmicronPi. 9025 Overlook Blvd.. Brentwood TN 37027. Address all editorial communications to the
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To D0ragma
Building Traditions
Membership Information Form II
Legacy Information Form
Rush Directory
New Colony at Quincy U
What is Extension?
In Memory
The PlacesWe Call Home
AOTT Foundation News
Collegiate News
Alumnae News
The Places We Call
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
50Year Members
Collegiate News
Alumnae News
. 43-
Traditions are gifts.. gifts we inherit or create
then pass on to the next generation. These are the building blocks on which
our greatest memories are created. It is important to build traditions within our
Building Traditions
A former To Dragnm editor, Caryl Waller Krueger (Rho Chapter, Northwestern LI) is a well-known author of numerous award-winning books and columns on the subjects of parenting and families. One of her most recent publications, Family Traditions. 289 Things to Do Again and Again (Abingdon FYess, Nashville, TN) is presented in part, on the following pages, with permission.
Family Traditions, 289 Things to Do Again and Again
(Abingdon t'ress, Nashville, TN) by Caryl WiiHrr Krueger (Rho Chapter, Northwestern U)
In the past generation, some folks have wrongly labeled traditions as lx>ring, stodgy, or out-ol-touch with modern-day living. And so, many traditions have l)cen purposely ignored or forgotten. Yet, as thoughtful folks strive to strengthen the family, they find that traditions can under- lie the best pails of living: loving and being loved, benefiting from an ethical life, enjoying a happy and secure home and community.
Traditions an> far more than just "nice" things to do together now and then. Traditions are the produ<-ts of millions of human trials - and errors, too! The ones that last and are repeated do so because they are both joyful and useful. Indeed, they are gifts to us from the past and from us to future generations.
1 To ftragma/SPRING 1999
families as well as within our AOII collegiate and alumnae chapters.
Doing satisfying and fun things, over and over again, lets you experience repeat- ed events in a wonderful variety of ways - the kind of repetition that relieves the boredom than can creep into familv life. That's why you want to give your familv the gift of traditions.
As important as family excursions are, and as important as extracurricular activi- ties are, there is no substitute for establish- ing customs that bring the family together. These are indeed "the ties that bind."
In planning your new traditions or revis- ing your old ones, see how they connect with these useful ABCs.
Anticipation -
the A in the ABCs
Youngsters of all ages gain comfort by knowing in advance that something pleas- ant is going to happen. Surprises definite- ly have their place, but non surprises are equally welcome. While families cannot know everything that lies ahead, there is contentment in being able to count on certain things.
For example, if it is your family tradition to serve breakfast in bed to the birthday cel- ebrant, that person has the pleasure of look- ing forward to it for several days in advance. Often, the anticipation can be as much fun as the actual event
With the anticipation factor, a youngster spends some advance time thinking about the upcoming food event. These happy thoughts cannot be underrated. They per- meate the time leading up to the event, often bringing behavior that is more cheerful, gen- tle, and harmonious - qualities appreciated by the rest of the family.
So, anticipation is an integral part of the gift of traditions. Of course, you may give a new twist to an old tradition, but the antici- pation still doubles or triples the impart of the upcoming event
Building Memories - the Bin the ABCs
"when kids look back over childhood, certain things will stand o u t So you want to be sure that what stands out is positive! Repeated events that become traditions can be part of those good memories. And you will have great pleasure when you see your adult children relating some of the tradi- tions that were part of their own growing-up
years. It is sad when a family cannot look be happy to do this again because of your back on any activity that was so much fun it love for her. As children grow up. vou'll also was repeated time and time again. find that they start creating traditions them-
To Dragma/SPRING 1990
Somehow, good memories are never built Instead, time constraints, apathy, and value- less activities hogged the time that could have been used for building memories.
This building requires only a modest effort. A house doesn't just magically appear; it must be thoughtfully designed and then assembled, brick by brick and board by board. And once built the house requires a little regular maintenance. The same goes for memory building - i t too, is a step-by- step process that needs to be kept up-to- date. However, memory building is much easier than house building! You will 13 nd that memories in the form of traditions are gifts you can easily give!
Creative Love -
the C in the ABCs
If a parent were never to speak or show love to a child, that child might truly feel that the parent did not care for him or her. But when we decide to do something spe- cial together, our inventive creativity is involved. Such caring love can take expres- sion in a variety of interesting ways.
Perhaps your voungster enjoys curling up by the fire with a good book to read, and you add to the pleasure by serving hot chocolate and popcorn. While this is cer- tainly not a daily event it could be repeated weekly or monthly, making it a tradition. .And the tradition could evolve into a family reading session, or a time to talk about the ideas in books. Thus, the tradition grows.
So, when you are doing something that your child especially enjoys, show your love by giving the gift of doing it again. You don't need to loudly proclaim, "This is a tradition'", rather, talk casually about it and sense how it makes her feel. Then point out that you'd
selves. Welcome these. Talk about them. Encourage the creativity. Give compliments. Suggest a new twist. Keep them going!
The "you are special" plate is a great tradition to start with your family.
vpy the tradition of coloring eggs.
Stability -
the Sat the End of die ABCs
Granted, the "s" in these ABCs is a small letter, but it is a mighty concept According to the dictionary, stability entails being firmly in place and well-established. That's the aim of the good family nowadays. And the defin- ition continues by saying that stable means "not easily destroyed."
When we see how many factors destroy families these days, we realize the impor- tance of maintaining a stable family. Of course, there will be some things that fluctu- ate, and some things that are tndv upsetting. But because of a stable base, strengthened by traditions, the family can withstand the forces that might try to destroy it. With activities that delight events that are adven- turesome, sayings that are clever, and sur- prises that are awesome, the family is estab- lishing a firm, not easily destroyed founda- tion. Then the routine activities of familv life go more smoothly and the familv survives and thrives. Family traditions are like sturdy anchors for those stormy situations that occasionally occur. Thus, traditions become essential and welcome gifts lor the family.
Take the Lead
It is the parents* responsibility to start the process of creating and encouraging tradi- tions. They won't just happen bv themselves. But when you see the benefits of traditions, they will naturally become an active part of your nurturing style. And soon, your young- sters will create their own traditions, too.
Keep in mind the ABCs of traditions. Give your family the pleasures of: anticipa- tion, buifding memories, creative love, stabil- ity. There is an old saying that we give our children two things: roots and wings. The gift of family traditions strengthens those roots and uplifts those wings!
Lunch box messages - An "always" for many famines is putting a message in the lunch box to lift a child's spirits.
Morning sing-along - A musical mom says that singing is a custom that starts the day on the right note. She starts the morn- ing singing "Good morning, good morning,
sullen, uncommunicative teens. Bring a calendar so you can note each family member's events for the coming week.
Nostalgia Night- Several times a year, the whole family spends thirty to sixty minutes looking at old photos, slides or videos. Reminisce of past events and encourage comments about old hairstyles and clothing styles. This develops a sense of belonging to an endless thread of family history.
Cake for breakfast?-When baking a birthday cake, separate out a small amount of batter to make one cupcake for the birth- day child to eat for breakfast What a way to start a birthday!
Treasured letter - A parent writes a letter to the birthday child on each birth- day, beginning with the first He or she reads them each year until the child is old enough to read on their own. The letter recounts the memorable events of the year as well as remains a permanent record of a parent's love.
Start now to build taditions with your family. Don't put it off for some odier day when you have more time. Right now is the time. You'll feel good about creating these gifts for the future.
Members from Omicron Chapter (U ofTennessee) begin a new tradition with their moms by giving of their time to work at an Omicron tradition - their annual BBQ fund njiser.
you've slept the whole night through, good morning, good morning to you." She encourages the kids to sing and even plays music to hurry the kids along. No one can be grumpy after all this music.
Office Visit - Make it a private yearly tradition to introduce your child to the place where you work.
Teen Update-Start the tradition of a weekly family update allowing each member to share what is going on in their lives.
A few tilings to da
again and again:
One of the easiest locations for giving the gift of traditions to your family is right at your dinner table.
Re Day - It mav not be the most nutri- tious day, but once a year start a tradition of serving "pie" all day long.
Be creative - eat apple pie with cream cheese at breakfast, triangular cut sandwich- es lor lunch and pizza pie lor dinner.
Word of the Day - Have a word-a-day calendar at the breakfast table. Make it a practice to read a new word's definition and have each member use it in a sentence. At dinner, review the new word. You'll be amazed at how this fun game is a great vocabulary builder.
"You are special" plate - Many fami- lies have a specific plate that is reserved lor special occasions. Every family member eats from the plate on birthdays or when something good happens such as a raise, receipt of an award, or bringing home a great report card.
Who's Coming to dinner? Once a year each family member asks a guest to come to dinner. No one tells in advance who is invited, but only telfs die1 cook die total number of guests. A simple meal is served, and with the surprise guests, the evening is always lively.
Perhaps this could take place after a traditional Sunday evening meaf or a family meeting. I f you begin when kids arc; preschool age and keep it going, you probably won't have silent,
^4077 Chapter Traditioris by Donna Mplluins Kumar, Piogrwnmhag Administrator
(Rlio Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U)
When the Kditor of To Dragina asked me to wiite an article on "AOFI traditions," I said yes right away. But as it came closer to the copy deadline for the article, I couldn't decide just what 1 had to say about traditions. Traditions are such an important aspect of daily life and the traditions we have established in A O f ! have helped us build our organization through the years. Indeed our founders, Stella. Bess, Jessie, and Helen integrated their own friendship and made keeping it active and alive a tradition for their rest of their lives - that tradition is called Alpha Omic ron PL Thus, building friendships emerged as the first solid A O f l tradition.
To Drugma/SPRINt; 1999
As human beings, we have a basic need for what tradition gives us - a reminder of the past, an enjoyment in the present, and somediing to look forward to in the future. Want to test this theory out? Think of some- thing special Irom vour childhood that you always looked forward to (and perhaps still do). What about a favorite family tradition at Thanksgiving or in the USA, on Independence Day? Baking cookies with vour brodier or sister, singing in the car on a family vacation as you drive the miles away,
Past International Presidents take part in the tiudition of PIP Storytelling ot the 1997 International Convention, held in NewYork Gty.
Sisters ail)
take in a football game together.
of California (Sigma)
making s'mores on a camping trip or read- ing stories before going to bed each night Each memory, no matter how small, is a n important part of your life, foiming your traditions. And each tradition w e hold dear brings happiness to our days
draping our badges with red ribbons to cel- ebrate t h e installation of a new collegiate chapter, and more.
Chapter traditions are also very prevalent among both our collegiate and alumnae chapters today. Some traditions are very old - almost as old as our organization - and new traditions are born with each school year. One of the common threads I encoun- tered in researching traditions involved our chapters' dedication to philanthropic endeavors whether they b e fund raising o r community service. Some pretty terrific tra- ditions have been born out of the love and need to help others. For example, Iota Chapter (U. of Illinois) has a great philan- thropictraditioncalled"RunfortheRoses." This event is one that started out as a small fund raising event for arthritis research and
I iimnmiimi
has grown into a full-scale event, complete with T V coverage. This event brings chapter members closer to each other, to the alum- nae in the area and to their community.
Another chapter tradition which holds fond memories for many of us is the tradition of a candlelighting ceremony for young women who receive the affections of a young man in the form of his Fraternity lavaliere, pin or an
and inspires us to continue building and creating.
Tradition i n AOFI runs deep. AOFI has organizational traditions. We have collegiate chapter traditions. We have alumnae chap- ter traditions. We have campus traditions. We have AOFI traditions with our friends. All of these traditions have
created special memories of our experiences a n d have helped make AOFI what it is today.
retreat (U of Nebraska-Kearney). Many chapters plan
For example, a t each
International Convention, wehavethetraditionof
PIP (Past International
President) Storytelling.
Our PIPs assemble togeth-
er and tell their favorite
AOn stories and enrich
our feelings for our sister-
hood. Also a t Convention,
we have th e tradition of
singing AOTl Grace - th e long version, thank you - before each meal This is an especially wonderful tradition for me. M y collegiate chapter does not have a chapter house and therefore, members do not typi- cally share a common mealtime. The first time I heard over 500 AOTI members singing grace a t the opening banquet of a Convention, I was truly moved. This is a tradition I look forward to each time I visit a chapter. In one instance, I taught the Grace song to a chapter so they could begin this tradition. Other International AOTI tradi- tions include Founders' Day, t h e AOFI "Whistle," International Badge Day which is to honor Stella George Stern Perry's birth- day (it is December 8, by the way), the Friendship Circle, which is a n A O n tradi- tion we can share a t AOFI gatherings with non-member guests (did you know that?),
engagement ring. The origins of this AOn tradition are not exactly known but it is a very popular tradi- tion among our collegiate chapters. Perhaps you have a very special candlelighting memory of your own.
Alumnae chapters also have estab- lished some wonderful traditions. Providing food o r in-person help during rush for collegiate chapters is a tradition that comes to mind
for me. Also, philanthropic tradi- tions run deep i n alumnae chap- ters as well. Many chapters plan great fund raising events each year to raise money for o u r philan- thropy a n d for local community needs. Alumnae chapters also have f u n traditions such as Mother-Daughter teas, inducting senior collegians into alumnae status, welcoming new members into the sisterhood of AOFI, spon- soring tailgate parties before big football games and joining forces with a local collegiate chapter t o sponsor a philanthropic event. One example of this is the Knoxville (TIN)Alumnae Chapter. This chapter, teams u p w i t h O m i c r o n C h a p t e r ( U o f
A candlelighting can be one of the most memorable AOTl tradtions for a sister sharing the news that she has just become engaged to be married.
''BuMingjriendslvps emerged as thefirst solid
Awards and recognitions are another International Convention tradition. Delta Delta Chapter at Auburn U was awarded theJessie Wallace Hughan C up in 1997, recognizingthemasthetopcollegiatechapterforthe95-97Biennium,
an evening snack at Phi Srgma Chapters sisterhood such retreats as a fun time to bond with ssters.
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Tennessee) to hold a barbecue each year before a big rival home football game. The bar- becue is not only an AOTI tra- dition in Knoxville, but has also become a campus tradition as welL Students and football fans alike look forward to this event each year and each year it is a sell out! This event, n o doubt, plants a seed to the collegiate members of the chapter that the tradition of AOTI involvement isforalifetime.
Little Sisters are a well known collegiate tradition. Years later, many of these identity oftheir sp in touch and are a very speed part of each others lives. Discovering the
Big Sis is always a fun time for members of Lambda Sigma (Uof Georgia).
together and getting eight people together from all different areas of the country is n o easy feat Yet, somehow they manage to keep this tradition alive a n d keep their friendship formed through their alumnae involvement in AOf! alive.
Similarly, I have met other AOll members whohavetoldmeaboutthewaysthey keep in touch with their college sisters and who have formed traditions o f getting together each year. Some, who happen to live in the same area, get together once a month for dinner. Others plan fun trips to take together such as cruises or meeting up at a common destination.
This sounds wonderful to me, but we don't all have the capability of travel- ling to see our AOFI friends each year. Instead, we have begun to rely on our old pal, email, to keep us in touch. It is a wonderful medium for communica- tion and it has enabled lots of AOfT members to get back in touch with sis- ters they had lost touch with. One way that our members have been tracking down their long, lost AOfl friends is
"As you begin your spring tradition ofgardening, take some time to
reflect on your AOTItraditions and thefriends you have formed becauseofyour involvement
Houston Alumnae Chapter members present a check raised by parrxpating in a
Yes, AOFI involvement is for a lifetime and this is something we learn from die start. Every one of us has a place in AOTI and our levels of involvement vary. But somehow,
inAOII. I know I will."
to a localcharity.The tradition of philanthropy rs dem onstrate
of all ages. Giving of their time, energy and funds to many worthy causes is a driving force for our alumnae and collegiate chapters.
through th e AOll Website. Dina D'Gerolamo, Systems Administrator for AOll Headquarters, says that she has received numerous requests through th e website from members looking to find their AOll friends they have lost touch with. T o aid in their searches, an online directory has lx«n established on the website. And with over 75% of our members reporting email addresses to AOFI Headquarters, the possi- bilities for you finding some of your friends just got better!
Well, I have talked a lot about tradition i n this article and the many different types of traditions i n o u r AOfT lives. As 1 have been writing this, a common thread seemed to emerge in our A O n traditions — friendship. Friendship is what planted the seed that grew our organization known as Alpha Omicron Pi, and it is friendship that willcarryusforwardeachdayandeach year from here. As you begin your spring tradition of gardening, take some time to reflect o n your AOFI traditions and t h e friends you have formed because of your involvement in AOfl. I know I will.
A sister posses the losing cup for the Riiy Fundat a Founders'Day Celebration at Delta Upsilon Chapter,Duke U.
some way, we stay involved i n this lifelong tradition. Think about it. How many o f your dear friends are members of AOJT? D o you keep in touch with AOFI sisters from your under- grad days? D o you have any tra- ditions with your AOn buddies? I know of a group of former Chapter
Consultants who traveled during the same school year who have a tradition of getting together at least once every biennium. There are eight of these CCs who traveled
Nu Onxron sisterscreategiftstowelcome theirnew members.
ToDragma/SPRING 1999
Alpha Omicron Pi Membership Information Form
Please mail this form to the AOTT adviser for the college which this rushee will attend. The advisers are listed on page 12 and 13 of this issue or you may contact International Headquarters at 615-370-0920. If you have gathered this information in response to a chapter's request, please send the information directly to the return address indicated from the chapter
attach photo if available
Collegiate chapter pledging depends on your supplying available information.
For the AOTT Chapter at
Rushee Information
Name of Rushee
Home Address
College Classification (check one) Parents'/Guardians' Names Parents'/Guardians' Address
Family Information
preferred name last
Freshman Sophomore
Does the rushee have an AOTT relative? (check one) Sister
Give name of AOTT relative (including maiden)
Address of AOTT relative
Phone (home): ( ) (work): ( )
Does the rushee have affiliations with any other NPC groups? If yes, list affiliation and relationship, (e.g. Kappa Delta, Mother)
Does the rushee have a special interest in AOTT? If yes, please list.
Have you talked with the rushee about AOTT (check one) yes no Is the rushee able to assume the financial obligations of membership? (check one)
don't know
High School Attended
Scholastic GPA Scale School Attended after High School
Scholastic GPA Scale Scholastic Honors
Class Rank/Class Size
Number of Credits Completed
Please list names of organizations (explain type - school, church, community, etc) and the rushee's participation and leadership in each one. Attach additional information on a separate sheet if necessary.
To Dragma/SPRING 1999 9
Special recognition and/or Honors received.
Personality/Leadership Qualities
Include information about the rushee's character traits, leadership qualities and personality characteristics using specific examples whenever possible. Indicate the rushee's special interests, talents and any other information to aid the chapter in getting to know her better and to indicate the contributions she could add to AOTT.
AOTT Recommendation for Membership
I. I recommend this individual for AOTT membership. I know this individual personally.
Ido not know this individual personally, but Iam basing my recommendation on information from these sources: (circle as many as apply) another AOTT Panhellenic Files High School Faculty Clergy peers of the individual a mutual friend other (please specify)
2. I do not recommend this individual for AOTT membership based on information received. If further clarification is desired, the Chapter Adviser may contact me.
3, I am unable to commit my opinion on this individual for AOTT membership: Due to limited information received.
Comments (if any)
Recommendation Given By:
Name Address
Phone: ( )
Collegiate Chapter. : Alumnae Chapter.
postal code
Date recommendation acknowledged
.After contacting all available sources and receiving no information.
street city
Group Pledged
What to do with recommendations after rush:
Once recommendations have been acknowledged, you are to:
1. Destroy recommendations on all rushees who pledged an NPC sorority,
2. Maintain files on those recommendations for rushees who did not pledge any group. Recommendations should be kept on file for one college generation (4 years).
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Alpha Omicron Pi Legacy Policy Explained
•A legacy is defined as a biological or adopted daughter, granddaughter, or sister of an initiated member, alive or deceased, of any chartered AOFI chap- ter. Hall-sisters or step relations are also included if the relation to the AOI1 member has been a close one.
•Collegiate chapters are not required to offer a bid to every verified legacy.
•Collegiate chapters are required to give serious consideration to each veri- fied AOFI legacy out of courtesy to the A O n sister to whom she is related. A collegiate chapter may decline mem- bership to a legacy only for very appro- priate and verifiable reason(s).
•In no case should a legacy be denied an invitation to at least one invitation- al party after the first round of parties.
•An AOFI legacy should be a qualified rushee in her own right - grades, activi- ties, accomplishments, and overall compatibility with the chapter.
•If a chapter releases a legacy, a member of the Alumnae Advisory Committee must contact the AOFI relative of the legacy by telephone to inform her of the legacy's release from membership consideration. This con- tact must be made prior to the distri- bution of invitations for the next round of rush parties.
•If an Adviser is unable to reach the AOFI relative by telephone, written notification of the legacy's release must be sent. This is to be done within 7 days of the legacy's release from membership consideration.
•If a chapter carries a legacy through Preference, she is placed on the chap- ter's first bid list
•AOFIs must remember that some legacies are happier in another Greek group. Every National Panhellenic Conference group offers a worthwhile experience for college women.
•Introduce your legacy with the form
This form is designed to introduce AOn legacies to our collegiate chapters. It does not replace the Membership Information Form (page 9 and 10) which also must be sent. You can ensure proper introduction of your legacy by completing the form and sending it to the AOFI Adviser on the campus your legacy plans to attend. A list of Advisers appears on pages 12and 13 of this issue of To Dragma.
This is to advise you that my (check one) • will be attending
as a (check one)
To Bragma/SirorG 1999
• Freshman
• Sophomore your name
your city
your chapter
your year of initiation
college or university
your phone
your zip
• Daughter
• Junior •
• Granddaughter.
college or university Senior beginning date .
your street address your state
your maiden or initiated name
below. Attach
and send it to the Adviser for the school your legacy will be attending. You'll find a listing of Advisers and the dates your forms are needed on pages 12 and 13.
it to the Membership Form (page 9 and 10)
Legacy Introduction Form
Advisers shouldreceiveMembership Information Forms (MIFs) no later than dates noted to give chapters time for review prior to the start of rush. Volunteer positions do change over the year, so check the Web site for an updated list of RA's and dates.
U of Calary, Kappa Lambda
Julie Samuel, #314 20 Dover Point SE Calgary, AB T2B 3K3, Late August
Carleton U, Gamma Chi
Cathy German, 555 Buchanan Cresent Glousester, Ontario, N7G 3R3, Early August
U of Toroto, Beta Tau
Reesa Dowe, 17 Strath Humber Court Etobicke, Ontario, M9A 4C8, Early Sept.
U of Western Ontario, Iota Chi
Liz Esson, 578 Waterloo St. #2
London, Ontario, N6B 2P9, Early August
McGill U, Kappa Phi
Wendy Moon, 824 Agnes
Montreal, Quebec, H4C 2P8, Mid August
Auburn, Delta Delta
Barbara Garland, 609 Dumas Dr. Auburn, AL 36830, Late August
Binningham Southern College, Tau Delta Christy Carisle, 2879 Acton Road A p t C Birmingham, AL 35243, Mid August
Huntingdon College, Sigma Delta LuAnn Cobb, 3121 Boxwood Drive Montgomery, AL 36111, Mid August
Jacksonville State U , Delta Epsilon Wendy Casey, 1105 Dellwood Dr. SW Jacksonville, AL 36265, Early August
Samford U, Rho Delta
Kate Hudson, 336 Turnberry Rd Birmingham, AL 35244, Early August
U of Alabama, Alpha Delta
Mary Lynn Hanily, 1734 Ridgemont Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35404, Late July
U of Alabama-Birmingham, Zeta Pi Wendy Wisdom, 309 Woodland Village Birmingham, AL 35216, Late August
U of South Alabama, Gamma Delta Donna Cunningham, 5100 Woodmere St. Mobile, AL 36693, Early September
Northern Arizona U, Theta Omega Rosemary Schwierjohn, 11213 N. 51st. Dr. Glendale, AZ 85304, Early August
Arkansas State U, Sigma Omicron Leith Hoggard, 2015 Trinty Oaks Jonesboro, AR 72401, Mid August
California Polytechnic State U, Chi Psi Karen Mayer Scott, 465 1/4 Pacific St. San Luis Obispo, Ca 93401, Early September
California State U-Long Beach, Lambda Beta Kathy Carpenter, 3980 E 8th St.
Long Beach, CA 90804, Early September
California State-Northridge, Sigma Phi Kate Miller, 17528 Tribute St.
Granada Hills, CA 91344, Mid August
San Jose State U, Delta Sigma Alex Banks, 165 South 17 St
San Jose, CA 95112, Early August
U of California-Berkeley, Sigma
Wendy Ransbury, 2560 Grappa Place Pleasanton, CA 94566, Early Aug./Early Jan.
U of Colorado, Chi Delta
Shannon Beyer,2105 BuchtelBlvd.Apt 210A Denver, CO 80210, Early August
Florida Southern College, Kappa Gamma AOIL Attn: Rush Chairman, Box 15218,
111 Lake Hollingsworth Dr„ Lakeland, FL 33801 Late Aug/Early Jan.
U of Florida, Gamma Omicron
Pam Sherman, 2810 NW 23rd Blvd. Apt H60 Gainesville, FL 32605, Late July
U of South Florida, Gamma Theta
Marni Clark, 13801 N . 37th Street #1303 Tampa, FL 33613, Early Aug./Mid Dec.
Georgia Southern U , Alpha Lambda Leslie Rowland, 218 Anderson Drive Swainsboro, GA 30401, Late August
Georgia State U , Gamma Sigma
Jean Charleton, 4206 Treesummit Parkway Duluth, GA 30096, Early September
LaGrange College, Lambda Chi
Barbie Everett, 4028 Weeks Drive Kennesaw, Ga 30144, Early September
U of Georgia, Lambda Sigma Jennifer Anderson, 637 Arbor Way Suwanee, GA 30174, Mid August
DePaul U, Delta Rho
Peggy Martin, 415 Fullerton #1205 Chicago, IL 60614, Early September
Illinois Wesleyan U,Beta Lambda
Ali Dust, 108 Oak Creek Plaza #3-9 Bloomington, I L 61704, Early September
Northern Illinois U, Nu Iota Maureen Kempa, P.O. Box 734 Batvia, I L 60510-0734, Mid August
U of Chicago, Phi Chi
Aileen Wright, 630 West Waveland #3D Chicago, I L 60613, Early October
U of Illinois, Iota
Debby Adams, 306 West Columbia #2 Champaign, I L 61820, Early August
Quincy U, Epsilon Sigma
Kim Triplett, 4850 CR 230 Palmyra, MO 63461, Early Fall
Ball State U, Kappa Kappa
Laura Bergan, 3414 N . New York Ave. Munice, IN 47304, Early September
DePauw, Theta
Lisa Caplin, 5631 E 72nd St. Indianapolis, IN 46250, Mid September
Indiana State U, Kappa Alpha Carol Brames, 133 McKinley Blvd. Terre Haute, IN 47802, Mid August
Indiana U, Beta Phi (re-colonization)
ACO HQ, Amy Worsham, 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027, Early January
Purdue, Phi Upsilon
Millie Mitchell, 201 E Lutz
West Lafayette, IN 47906, Mid Sept/Mid Dec.
U of Evansville, Chi Lambda
Shana Brownlee, 1507 South Ruston Ave. Evansville, I N 47714, Early August
Coe College, Alpha Theta
Kimberly Blair, 100 Currier Hall #N2 Iowa, IA 52242, Early September
Iowa State U, Iota Sigma
Kristel Kay, 918 N.E. Crestmoor Ankeny, Iowa 50021, Early August
Morningside College, Theta Chi Tina Laskie, 905 1/2 S Alice
Sioux City, IA 51106, Early August
Eastern Kentucky U, Epsilon Omega Mary Ann Dewey, 316 S 3rd Street Richmond, KY 40475, Mid August
Murray State U, Delta Omega Vicki Hollway, 1920 Evelyn Drive Paducah, KY 42003, Late August
Transylvania U,Tau Omega
Natasa Pajic, 385 Redding Road #127 Lexington, KY 40517, Late August
U of Kentucky, Kappa Omega
Lisa Rexroat, 340 S. Springlake Drive Lexington, KY 40577, Early August
U of Louisville, Pi Alpha
Chris O'Bryan Pratt, 1214 Fischer Ave. Louisville, KY 40204, Early August
Western Kentucky U, Alpha Chi
Jennifer Day, 1709 Hogle Drive Apt D Bowling Green, KY 42101, Early August
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Northeast Louisiana U,Lambda Tau Debbie Nixon, PO Box 1435, Columbia, LA 71418, Early August
Northwestern State U, Kappa Chi
AOIT, Attn: Rush Chairman, NSU Box 4449 Natchitoches, LA 71497, Late August
Southeastern Louisiana U, Kappa Tau M. Fernanda Gonzalez, 428 Belleville New Orleans, LA 70114, Late July
U of Southwest Louisiana, Delta Beta Linda Mahfouz, 811 South Pleasant Gonzales, LA 70737, Late July
U of Maine, Gamma
Lisa Gallant, 193 West Broadway Bangor, ME 04401, Late August
Towson State U, Theta Beta
Beth Snow, PO Box 308, McDonough School Owings Mills, M D 21239, Mid August
U of Maryland, Pi Delta
Mary Barbuto, 9609 Falls Bridge Lane Potomac, MD 20854, Mid August
Washington College, Sigma Tau
Alisia Carnovsky, 68 Three Rivers Dr. Newark, DE 19702, Late January
M assachusetts
Tufts U , Delta
Robin Gibson, 36 Crescent Street #3 Wakefield, MA 01800, Mid Aug./Early Jan.
Grand Valley State U,Lambda Eta
Jen Wolffis, 589 W. RandaU, #101 Cooperville, MI 49404, Mid Aug./Early Jan.
Michigan State U, Beta Gamma
Jeanne Wolfe, 252 Stoddard Avenue East Lansing, MI 48823, Early August
Western Michigan U, Kappa Rho
Julie Jones, 5620-H Summer Ridge Court Kalamazoo, MI 49009, Late August
U of Minnesota, Tau
Colleen Larson, 9108 W. 22nd Street St. Louis Park, M N 55426, Late August
Central Missouri State U, Delta Pi Amy Bucher, 9204 East. 67th Terrace Raytown, MO 64133, Mid August
U of Mississippi, Nu Beta
Paula LaBrot, 102 Road 4052 Oxford, MS 38655, Early October
Montana State U, Alpha Phi
Christy Jordan, 524 N. 22nd
Bozeman, M T 59718, Early September
North Carolina Duke U, Delta Upsilon
Amy Caulfield, 6916 Dawnalia Ct. Raleigh, NC 27613, Early Sept./Late Nov.
East Carolina U, Zeta Psi
Torry Greene, 504 Center Pointe Drive Cary, NC 27513, Early August
Elon College, Epsilon Chi
Tammy Glenn, 1709 J Avenue Greensboro, NC 27403, Early November
U of Nebraska-Kearney, Phi Sigma Kathy Dimmit, 2516 Stagecoach Rd. Grand Island, NE 68803, Early August
U of Nebraska, Zeta
Helen Kampte, 3435 Hanson Dr. Lincoln, NE 68502, Early August
New York
Cornell U, Epsilon
Kristen Sweeney, 14 South Avenue Ithaca, NY 14850, Early January
Hartwick College, Sigma Chi
Wendy Smith, 145 Main Street Cooperstown, NY 13326, I^ate Aug./Late Jan.
State U of New York, Delta Psi
Janet Genovese, 14 Hallenbeck Hill
East Greenbush, NY 12061, Early January
Syracuse U, Chi
Dawn Penniman, 74 Watertree Drive
East Syracuse, NY 13057, Late Aug/Mid Jan.
Wagner College, Theta Pi
Elizabeth Malloy, 150 Lamport Blvd. #1A Staten Island, NY 10305, Late Aug./Late Jan.
Bowling Green State U, Alpha Psi
Joy L. Monter, 5924 Spring Hollow Drive Toledo, O H 43615, Mid August
Miami U, Omega
Cheryl Hallquist, 1144 Green Echo Lane Milford, OH 45150, Early November
Ohio U, Omega Upsilon
Stacey Russell, 90 Main St.
The Plains, O H 45780, Late August
The Ohio State U, Chi Epsilon Kristin Heck, 4270 Cambry Lane Dublin, O H 43016, Early August
U of Toledo, Theta Psi
Beverly Hatcher, 4151 Grantley Toledo, OH 43613-3733, Late August
Northeastern State U, Chi Theta Becki Carl, 1054 Brenda Lane 37 Grove, OK 74344, Early September
East Stroudsburg State U, Phi Beta
Kim Kenney, 189 Woodlawn Ave. Quarkertown, PA 18951-1300, Mid January
Lehigh U, Lambda Upsilon
Jodi Sponchiado, 1304-B Johnston Dr. Bethlehem, PA 18017, Early January
Pennsylvania State U, Epsilon Alpha Patricia Antolosky, 1260 Fairview Drive Bellefonte, PA 16823, Mid August
Shippensburg U, Tau Lambda
Danette Gabner, 400 Keener Ave. Middletown, PA 17057, Mid September
Slippery Rock U, Sigma Rho
Susan Nicholas, 105 Harding Rd. Pittsburg, PA 15215, Mid September
T ennessee
Lambuth U,Omega Omicron
Paula Beasley, 102 Murray Guard Apt. A-3 Jackson, T N 38305, Early August
Middle Tennessee State U, Rho Omicron Kristie Ryan, 302 Edgeview Dr. Nashville, T N 37211, Early August
Rhodes College, Kappa Omicron
Carol Culpepper, 810 Washington Ave #1011 Memphis, TN 38105, Early September
U of Tennessee, Omicron
DiAnne McMUlen, 2221 West Hampton Place Knoxville,TN 37919, Late July
U of Tennessee-Martin, Tau Omicron
Betsy Robinson, North Durham St., Box 10-AA Sharon, T N 38255, Late August
Vanderbilt U, Nu Omicron
Robin Bicket, 1513B Gale Lane Nashville, T N 37212, Mid Aug./Mid Dec.
Southwest Texas State U,Zeta Kappa Karma Robertson, 12410 Alameda Trace Cr. Apt 1637, Austin, TX 78727, Early August
Texas Women's U, Delta Theta Jodie Gray, 8830 Saddlehorn #253 Irving, TX 75063, Early September
U of Texas-San Antonio, Upsilon Lambda Roxanne Moran, 1909 Shiloh Street Floresville, TX 78114, Late August
George Mason U, Gamma Alpha
Shawna Harrigan, 5862 Monticello Road Alexandria, VA 22303, Late August
Eastern State U, Tau Gamma Melanie Roberts, 610 S. Julie Court Spokane, WA 99223, Mid August
Washington State U, Alpha Gamma Kitty Hennesey, 4106 S. Custer Spokane, WA 99223, Late July
U of Wisconsin-River Falls, Kappa Sigma Barb Smothers, 1143 S. State St. Apt. 217 River Falls, WI 54022, Early August
West Virginia
West Virginia U , Sigma Alpha
Michele Bechtold, 261 Willey Street Morgantown, WV 26505, Mid August
To Dragma/ SPRING 1999
o n s newest Colony was
Those in attendance included Quincy University President Rev. Eugene R Kole, OFM Conv.; Dean of Students James Reis; Assistant Director of Admissions Jane Blazel; members of the two campus frater- nities Delta Tau Delta and Alpha Delta Gamma; and many enthusiastic parents and friends. Serving as sponsors for the colony members were Alumnae Advisory Committee Specialist Sue Mattern, Chapter Consultant Jenni Gordon, Extension Administrator Amy Worsham and Colony Adviser Jen Miller.
Colony Members are Jill Bergman, Dawn Burns, Natasha Chin, Kate Dauksch, Sheila Denemark, Monica Esela, Heather
Fitting, Sarah Genenbacher, Andrea Green, Emily Groeper, Melissa Holdren, Natalie Jones, Alana Jordan, Jennifer Medina, Bethany Nannen, Gina Napoleon, Erika Oetker, Miranda Ramsey, Ueila Salem, Ryan Schroeder, Lindsay Walter, Jessica Weiss, Sara Whitlock, Corinne Wirth, Jodi Wobbe and Dominique Zewde.
The Formal Installation of the Colony and Initiation of the colony members was March 20, 1999. The new chapter, Epsilon Sigma, is Alpha Omicron Pi's 174th chartered collegiate chapter.
spreads to Quincy University
ColonyestablishedJanuary 21,1999
established at Quincy University in Quincy, Illinois on January 21, 1999. Quincy University President, Rev. Eugene R. Kole attended the local group's chapter meeting the week before to personally express his support in the decision to become part of a National Panhellenic Conference Fraternity. Hie new AOFI colony becomes the first NPC organization on campus.
Colony Development Director Bonnie Berger conducted the ceremony in the campus chapel, a beautiful and meaningful area held in high regard by the students. A reception was help immediately after- wards outside the chapel where everyone congregated in excitement and celebration of the beginning of their colonization.
Pictured below are the sisters of Epsilon Sigma, our newest chapter.
I i
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Extension is the Fraternity's process of adding new chapters. We often receive questions about how campuses are select- ed for new chapters of Alpha Omicron Pi. In this article, AOFI hopes to help our members better understand the process of extension.
The Fraternity's goal is to seek prospective chapters on campuses with high academic standards and broad geographic represen- tation. The interest and location of our alumnae members are also factors in cam- pus consideration. The presence of a nearby college chapter stimulates and enhances the alumnae AOIT experience.
Young women in the 1990's have the same basic needs and desires as our Founders had over 100 years ago. However, many of these women are looking beyond the immediate benefits of Fraternity membership. Today's prag- matic young women are also looking ahead to potential alumnae friendships and social and career connections. They are anticipating a mobile society with probable relocation from job to job and city to city.
Colonization has been a mystery for most AOris. Following are answers to commonly asked questions.
What do the terms
extension, colonization and recolonization mean?
Extension is the process of adding more chapters to the Fraternity's roll A charter is extended to a colony of new members. Colonization is the method by which a new AOFI chapter is established on a cam- pus. Recolonization is the re-establish- ment of a closed AOTl chapter with its original chapter name.
Which Fraternity officers and
staff members are responsible
for colonizations?
The Vice-President of Development is our Executive Board member in charge of establishing new chapters. T h e Extension/ Archive Administrator provides professional staff assistance at AOJT International Headquarters. The Standing Committee Chairman of Extension and her committee each have certain areas within the U S and Canada to research. They consider those campuses which are looking at expanding their Greek system. Also, campuses often contact AOFI Headquarters for written materials when they have plans to expand.
Who decides where we colonize?
The Extension Committee gathers informa- tion, reviews and assesses colonization opportunities, and makes committee recom- mendations to the Executive Board. The Executive Board and the Extension Committee Chairman have a vote in the selection of colonizations for the Fraternity.
What is the criteria for selecting
a campus for colonization?
The Extension Committee developed a comprehensive and objective criteria-based process for evaluating each expansion opportunity. One of the most important criteria is academic standing. Other criteria include geographic location of the campus, student population, existence or non-exis- tence of Greek letter organizations on cam- pus, the availability of local alumnae sup- port to fill the advisory committee and cor- poration boards, demographics and the potential for success.
What support does a new
colony receive?
A chapter consultant is based on campus with a colony for 6-8 weeks. In addition, other Network Specialists make visits to the new chapter. A local A A C and a Corporation Board (for both housed and unhoused chapters) are estabbshed for every new colony.
The Colony Development Team is a group of five well experienced alumnae who work directly with colonies and new chap- ters to ensure a strong beginning and guar- antee a successful future. They are trained to guide the chapter in developing goals and objectives. Once the colony is installed, it will remain under the supervision of the Colony Development Team for five years. The team will constantly monitor its progress and achievements.
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
When we talk
what are we talking about?
The chapter will receive annual visits from a chapter consultant as well as annual vis- itsfromatleastonememberofthe Colony Development Team. We are confi- dent that this new structure will aid in the success of our young chapters.
W h a t can I d o if I have a special interest in having a chapter of
Alpha Omicron Pi on a campus?
NPC guidelines provide extension proce- dures. AOFI m a y express a n interest i n colonization by submitting a letter of intent to the coDege or university. However, the Fraternity may not initiate contact with students unless th e campus is officially open for expansion.
Alumnae opinions and input are also appre- ciated and aid in the response when oppor- tunities arise. When a local sorority or group of women expresses interest in affiliating with an NPC group, w e can respond quickly in accordance with NPC guidelines.
You may advise the Fraternity of your interest, and your recommendations will b e considered. Please contact Amy Worsham, Extension/Archive Administrator, by calling: (615) 370-0920 ext 20; or email:
WhatdoesNPC havetodo
with the colonization process?
In order to assure fair extension proce- dures, guidelines have been established andagreeduponbyall26NPCorganiza- tions. AOFI carefully follows these guide- lines and cooperates fully with both the local college administration and NPC.
How are new members chosenforacolony?
Colony members maybe members ofa local sorority seeking international affilia- tion,orcolonymembersmaybeselected by a team of Fraternity officers and alum- nae participating in the recruitment effort on a campus.
Why do we colonize new chapters when w e have other chapters closing?
AOFI does everything in our power to sup- port o u r chapters a n d prevent closures. Closing a chapter is unfortunate, yet it makes growth and colonization even more significant. T h e Fraternity is continually monitoring opportunities to reestablish closed chapters. It is important to remem- ber that we must wait for an invitation from the college or university to reestablish a chapter. In the interim, there continues to be wonderful colonization opportunities.
Do w e ever have a chance to reestablish a closed chapter?
Yes! And w e have done so. However, it is entirely dependent on the campus situa- tion. Acconling to NPC guidelines, the invi- tation for recolonization must come from the college Panhellenic.
Howdoesthe Fraternityknow what the general membership thinks when w e consider an extension opportunity?
We ask! If a campus situation appears promising, we will contact local alumnae in a 50-mile radius. The purpose of that com- munication is to determine th e level of local interest and commitment to support- ing a new chapter. Local area alumnae chapter are also contacted to provide input
How important are alumnae
in establishing a new chapter?
Local alumnae support for a new chapter is vital. A colony and young chapter needs advisers, corporation board members, men- tors, alumnae chapter support and assistance with chapter installation and new member initiations. We need you!
What happens ifthere are
not enough AOFI alumnae in
the area of a new chapter?
Our Governing Documents provide for the initiation of associate members. AOTI initi- ates non-affiliated women who are interest- ed in serving a local chapter as advisers and supporters. These non-collegian women are initiated with all the rights and privileges of AOFI membership. Mothers of colony members may also be initiated as associate members. AOFI has used this alternative successfullyinordertoassistanewchapter.
Alpha Omicron P i will continue to pursue extension opportunities to insure the growth and strong future of our great Fraternity.
[email protected]). to hear from you!
We want
How does a local sorority
become a chapter of AOFI?
AOFI considers local sororities for coloniza- tion. However, the process differs depending on the local situation and college or univer- sity. Again, we follow NPC guidelines.
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Extension is the process of adding more chapters t o the Fraternity's roll.
Alpha Omicron Pi deeply mourns the passing of Jessie McAdam Lamed who served as International President from 1965 -1967. H er sweet and simple demeanor exemplified the high standards set forth by our founders. It was important to her that she and the Fraternity always remember our founding principles and remain true to them.
Her fondest memory of her involvement with AOFI was the life long friends she gained throughout the years.
Jessie's life in A O n began at Tau chapter, University of Minnesota, back in 1927. She was the fifth member of her chapter to serve A O n as
International President Prior to serving as International President, she served as a Collegiate Director, International Secretary on the Executive Committee, and International First Vice-President Locally she served as Panhellenic Council delegate, worked on the Panhellenic Membership Committee, and was corresponding secretary of the Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter. ShealwaysremainedactiveinAOFIandwasabletoattendtheFraternity'sCentennial
at the Convention in New York in 1997.
After graduating college, Jessie worked for six years as a social worker at the Children's Agency in St Paul before she married in 1935. She and her husband, Grant (deceased), had two daughters, two grand- daughters and three grandsons. Other activities Jessie was involved in included her church, Girl Scouts, and the FLA Even while living in a retirement home and being legally blind, Jessie volunteered her time to assist the Alzheimer's patients at her facility's health center.
AOFI saw many changes under Jessie's leadership that had a profound effect on the way the Fraternity is run even today. While she served as International President AOLI was incorporated, our headquarters was moved to Indianapolis, and our international philanthropy was changed to Arthritis Research.
AOfl will forever be indebted to Jessie for her outstanding service. Chapters installed by Jessie McAdam Larned:
Rho Alpha, Pan American University (2/05/1966)
Gamma Beta, Indiana University of Pennsylvania (2/26/1966) Theta Chi, Momingside College (3/19/1966)
Tau Omicron, University of Tennessee Martin (3/26/1966) Sigma Sigma, St Norbert College (4/23/1966)
Sigma Rho, Slippery Rock University (4/30/1966)
Iota Tau, University of Wisconsin Stout (9/24/1966)
Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern University (10/01/1966)
Alpha Delta, University of Alabama (2/25/1967)
Sigma Phi, Calilornia State University Northridge (4/22/1967) Lambda Phi, University of Wisconsin Whitewater (4/29/1967)
Portrait hang at International
Headquarters. Immediate left
Jessie was thrilled to perform at the 1997 Corventkn as a Rapper
Griinthe Centennial Production.
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
l i t nh e e
%w e e c a l l
An AOII house is more than just a building - it's a home. Thousands of young women on college campuses have called AOII home through the years. But "home" to our chapters comes in a variety of forms. Many chapters have houses, others have lodges, suites or dorm floors, while still others operate out of little more than a file cabinet. Presented on these pages are just a few of the places we call home.
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
AOn'sfirsthome was a suite used by Alpha Chapter. Our founders and early members were very proud of that small room provided to the young chapter by Barnard College. The first actual AOII house belonged to Sigma Chapter, U of California-Berkeley. Located on Dana Street, the home was owned by an AOII and rented by the Fraternity
for $50 a month. The 1907 edition of the UC yearbook, Blue and Gold, pictured the original AOFI chapter house as a 2-story shingled house with a wide porch.
Sigma is AOITs 7th chapter and still continues a rich history of housing. Their current house was designed by architects Stafford Jory
and Norman Shaw, one of whom was the husband of an AOn and head of the
U of California-Berkeley School of Architecture. It was completed in January 1930 and a wing was added to the existing structure in
1959. The house has many interesting features incorpo- rated into the original design. One is that the letters "A",
"0", and "n" are actually built into the structure in the front foyer, formed by a pointed arch (A), a round arch (0) and the converging perpendicular lines of the window frame (IT). Each room in the house has a name and a story which accompanies it. One of the favorites is the room named after former National President, Isabelle Babson, who served from 1915- 1919. It seems that when
she was living in the Sigma house as a collegian, Isabelle had a suitor who used to serenade her from the patio below her room until he went off to war and was killed. So that no one else's heart could be broken in this way, Isabelle made it impossible for anyone else
to sing from the patio by building a deck outside her room. Another room, locat- ed on the third floor of the
Alpha Omicron Pi's first actual house belonged to Sigma Chapter, U of California-Berkeley. The chapter's current house, above, was built for the chapter in 1930.
ToDragma/SPRING 1999
house was appropriately named "Scoreboard" because the stadium score- board can be seen from the window. Tradition had it when the team lost, the shades were lowered. The "Closet Room" earned its name from the fact it was once a closet used to hold members' huge petticoats that were fashionable at the time. On a clear day, the Sigma house also has a fab- ulous view of the famous San Francisco Bay Bridge.
Three AOn homes appear on the National Historical Register. They are the Chi Beta (U of Virginia) house built in 1900, the Zeta Kappa (Southwest Texas State U) house built in 1918
and the Zeta Psi (U of East Carolina) house built in 1923. Interestingly, as legend has it, the Zeta Psi house is haunted by three ghosts. The ghosts of a mother named Victoria and her seven year old daughter still occupy the house, and the ghost of a soldier walks the grounds outside the home. The soldier is believed to be either Victoria's husband or her boyfriend. As the story goes, the young child died many years ago in the house and the mother is still heard crying in the stairwell. Victoria is said to be very protective of the chapter and appears most often when the chapter is experiencing trou-
bles. Numerous encounters with these three friendly
ghosts have been experi- enced through the years.
Sigma Phi (California State U - Northridge) is the only AO!! house with a swim- ming pool and several chap- ters lay claim to a unique sleeping room arrangement usually referred to as a sleeping porch. On these sleeping porches, members sleep in bunk beds in one or two large rooms kept dark and quiet at all times. The Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) Chapter has two of these porches, each sleeping approximately 22 members. Porches have the advantage of providing a quiet place to sleep at any time of the day,
Interestingly while allowing a roommate
is a great undertaking and thus a well-educated, responsible house mother is a key factor to a successful operation. For nearly a century, AOFIs have been coming home to a hot meal, a clean house and a loving smile from the countless women who have served as AOIl house mothers. The operation of the chapter house is supervised by a corporation board. This group of alumnae are responsible for the mainte- nance of the building and grounds, as well as the financial and legal aspects. Currently, 55 AOIl chapters have houses, of which 12
are owned by the Fraternity.
as legend
has it,the
Zeta Psi
house is
haunted bythree
the freedom to study in her room late into the evening without worry of disturbing anyone's sleep. On the other hand, the sound of alarm clocks going off at all hours requires adjustment. To avoid this, some chapters often use a designated mem- ber on a rotating basis for wake-up duty.
On average, AOI1 chapter houses accommodate between 20-40 residents; however, the Beta Phi (Indiana U) house is large enough to house 107 members, while others accommodate as few as four. Maintaining a chapter house
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
left to nght The beta Tau Chapter house at J ofToronto is actually a "town house"style with another sorority house attached to it
Zeta Psi's house at (J of East Carolina, built 1923. Sigma Chi Chapter house at
Tau house at U
of Minnesota
Clockwise from top left The interior of the Nu Omicron (vanderbilt U) house. U ofWestern Ontario, lota Chi Chapter house. Alpha Phi Chapterhouse at Montana State U. The living room area in Tau Deltas townhouse (Birmingham Southern u). The Omega Upsilon house at Ohio U. lota's (U of Illinois) tudor style house. U of Maryland-College Park house belonging to Pi Delta Chapter. Beta Gamma's house at Michigan State U Theta Chapter house at Depauw U
To Dra? ma/SPRING 1999
Ml l
hi ii
The places we call home... unique
Oockvwse from fop le/t Defta Defta asters in one of their dotf7 i rooms at Auburn U. Sororities at Bon College
(Epsilon Chi) each have a lodge with the same design. Delta tpsilon's dorm poor at Jacksonville State U. The chaper room forTau Omicron at U ofTennessee-Martin.
An AOn lodge is similar to a house except that it does not provide bedrooms for the members. Six chapters cur- rently have lodges which usually have a large chapter room, a kitchen facility, and an office. A lodge is a great place for members to gather for meetings, or between classes. No one lives in the lodge, but this free standing building still requires much of the same upkeep as a chapter house, including lawn maintenance.
A suite or chapter room is
a place for the chapter to gather that is usually part
of a university Panhellenic building or dorm. Thirty- five of our chapters have housing that falls into this category. Often, restrictions by the university prevent sororities from having
0 1m
chapter housing other than suites. These rooms are often beautifully decorated and are also maintained
by a corporation board. AOFIs oldest active chapter, Omicron (U of Tennessee), is an example of a chapter with a suite located in a Panhellenic building. Suites for all NPC groups on campus are located in this building. On many campus- es, the AOn suite is located on an AOIl floor or an
AOn wing of a building, such as a dorm. Thisdorm room/suite set-up allows members' dorm rooms to be grouped together, allowing the chapter to have many of the same opportunities of those chapters with houses.
Home to a few of our chap- ters is simply anywhere they make it. Some campuses do
not provide or allow Greek organizations to have any type of housing and these chapters hold their meet- ings in university class rooms. They use little more than a closet to hold their chapter fdes, memorabilia and Ritual equipment. These chapters plan their activities differently, but their AOFI experiences are just as rich as any others'.
Alpha Omicron Pi's houses, lodges, and suites continue to provide a valuable physi- cal focus for undergraduates and alumnae alike. Each is unique in size and architec- tural style. No matter what form the structure takes, it is always the place where friendship is born, memories are made and bonds are forged for a lifetime.
in size and
architectural style...
they are always the places
where friendship
is bom, memories are made and bonds
are forged
for a lifetime.
ToDragma/SPRING 1999
Back to Barnard
Depicts the founding site of AOIT
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• Please include my name in the Second Century Society. I have included the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation in my estate plans.
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Alpha Omicron Pi.
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Foundation Update
You Can'tTake ItWithYou! .
Sowhy not makeadifferenceforACJ11?
Planned giving arrangements you make today can help ensure the future of AOFI. You can leave your legacy by making a planned gift commitment The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation invites sisters and friends to help build a strong financial future for AOFI by mak- ing a planned gift. Planned gifts include gifts of life insurance, bequests and will provisions, and charitable trusts.
Once you notify the Foundation of your planned gift commitment you become a member of the Second Century Society. Founded in 1992, the Second Century Society is a dis- tinguished group of sisters and friends who have remembered the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation with a planned gift Currently there are 115 members. Each member is present- ed with a Second Century Society membership card, Second Century Society pin and is rec- ognized in the Foundation's Annual Report
Second Century Society members share a common bond. They share a love for AOFI and a desire to provide for the next generation of sisters. The Foundation hopes that you will consider a planned gift and add your name to our Second Century Society. For more information about planned giving opportunities, please contact the Foundation office at 615/370-0920.
Message From the Foundation President
"Loyal Forever, Alpha to Thee"!
As we move closer to the year 2000 and the beginning of the new millennium, there are more and more articles in the newspaper and programs on television addressing the challenges that may arise with the old becrarning the new. As a sisterhood, who will soon celebrate 102 years of existence, we have passed through the milestones before. Our tradi- tions, heritage and commitment to helping collegiate and alumnae members reach their potential has not changed. Education, leadership, scholarships, helping sisters in need, and building for the future are as true today as they were in 1897. Caring for our sisters and for our sisterhood gives life meaning and value. The AOFI Foundation gives you the opportu- nity to support your sisterhood through your gifts. And our commitment to you is to use your gift wisely in order for the Fraternity to thrive and grow throughout the 21st century. As one year becomes another, one thought remains constant "Loyal Forever, Alpha to Thee". It is what we do throughout our lifetime journey as a sister to express our loyalty that makes a difference. Your gifts are vital in order for the journey to be an enriching experience for your sister and mine.
In sisterly love,
Becky Shook Weinberg, Chi Delta
RoseTributes: Available for Convention Attendees
The Foundation is pleased to announce that Rose Tributes are now available for pur- chase to honor a sister attending International Convention in Orlando, Florida in June. Tributes are $5 each and will be presented to the honoree upon her arrival at Convention. All recipients of Rose Tributes will receive an acknowledgment card along with an embroi- dered red rose to place on her name tag, and at the same time, will be reminded that someone back home is thinking of her. To purchase a Rose tribute, call the Foundation Office at 615/370-0920.
1998-99 AnnualCampaign
To make a contribution and to ensure your name appears in this year's donor list, please see the Foundation envelope in the middle of this magazine.
AOFI Foundation Awards
To be eligible for the 1998-99 AOFI Foundation Certificates and Awards, all chapter gifts must be postmarked by the Foundation by May I, 1999. Chapter checks should be made out to the "Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation" and sent to the Foundation office at 9025 Overlook Boulevard, Brentwood, TN 37027. For addi- tional information, please contact Mary Ann Jenkins, Director, at 615/370-0920.
Foundation Board Profile
Carol Miller Stevenson
Foundation Director
Chapter: Omega, Miami U of Ohio Home: Newtown, PA
(formerly Piano, TX) Family: Husband: John, Vice
President of Information Management Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., Princeton, NJ Son - Keith
Daughter - Diane, a KA
at Texas Tech
.Activities: Bucks County Alumnae
Chapter of AOFI (charter member) Junior League of
Greater Princeton, NJ Hobbies: World travel, golf, decorating
new home, playing Broadway tunes on the piano, and most recently wedding planning. 'Tm absolutely thrilled and very lucky to be gaining an AOFI daughter-in-law in June, former Delta Theta Chapter
FVesident Shelly Graves."
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Idea Sharing
Successful COB Activities
In this issue, our chapters present some of their most successful and creative activities for Continuous Open Bidding. From "Death by Chocolate" to nights at the ice skating rink, our chapters find many different ways to attract potential new members, get to know them and share with them the power offriendshipthat is in every AOfl sister.
Bowling Green State U
Alpha Psi holds themed COB events, such as: "Mardi Gras," "Game Night," "Pajama Night," "Hawaiian Luau," and "Country- Western Night" One of their most successful events was entitled "Friends n ' Floats." They invited potential members to visit and enjoy root beer floats while watching the premiere episode of the TV. show "Friends."
Coe College
This chapter's most successful COB activity is also a philanthropic event The theme is a Valentine Party. They make valentines for a local nursing home. This party creates a fun atmosphere, allowing the members and potential new members to relax and get to know each other while working toward a common goal.
Alpha Theta, Coe College
Beta Gamma
Michigan State U
One way these sisters gain new members is to hold gatherings to watch popular T V . shows, like "Beverly Hills 90210." They have received great comments about this type of event - it is a very good way to make the guests feel comfortable in their house.
Beta Lambda
IllinoisWesieyan U
Beta Lambda has always taken pride in their COB program and this year they have held many new and exciting events. They are constancy experimenting with interest- ing COB events, including a "Mystery Dinner," BBQ, "Movie Night," and volley- ball games. Of course, they always look forward to Thursday night T V . at the house as a casual way to meet new friends.
U ofToronto
For the women in Beta Tau Chapter, "Death by Chocolate" has become a tradi- tion and favorite as a COB event Each sis- ter in the bouse contributes a chocolate dessert, and needless to say, this poduck desert night is always very popular.
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Beta Gamma. Michigan State U
Chi Detta
U ofColorado
A night of bowling and pizza is a fun way that Chi Delta Chapter gets to know poten- tial new members. They also have an "AOII
break where sisters and friends meet at the house to decorate their own cookies and enjoy them with ice cream.
Delta Epsilon
Jacksonville State U
This chapter takes new friends to the cam- pus pep rallies. They feel this gives the rushee a glimpse of their school spirit and strong sisterhood. A great time is had by all as they decorate each other's cars and paint their faces. They carry shakers and bal- loons and participate in "Roll Call" the Greek spirit competition.
Delta Rho
Depaul U
Last fall, Delta Rho held a "Luau Barbeque" as a COB event Each member dressed for the occasion and Hawaiian music played in the background as mem- bers and prospective new members chatted and enjoyed the wonderful food. A great time was had by all.
Movie Night" and are very popular.
Chi Epsilon "Mc State
a "Girls Night Out" that
As a successful COB event, this chapter held "Around the World with AOIT" As they gave rushees a tour of their house, they stopped in selected rooms. In each room, the sisters shared different information about being an AOIX They discussed philan- thropy, social activities, community service projects, financial responsibilities, leadership roles within the chapter, and sisterhood. Everyone enjoyed this event which was a fun way to answer many of the questions potential new members may have but don't know how to ask Chi Epsilon feels that this event was a complete success.
Chi Lambda
U of Evansville
Chi Lambda had one COB activity scheduled on their calendar. However, quota was met, with their chapter picking up twenty-eight new members this past September. As a result, the scheduled event was turned into an ice cream social for the entire chapter! This was a great way to welcome the new members and give everyone a chance to get to know one another better and share sisterhood.
Delta Jufts U
TexasWoman's U
This year, Delta Theta held an "Ice Cream Social." They invited girls interested in rushing to meet the members in their chapter room. Playing games and enjoying ice cream gave them a chance to learn about each other. Everyone had a wonder- ful time.
Cornell U
Their most successful COB activity has been their fall rush program. This informal rush program consists of three small gatherings for poten- tial new members - typically women already familiar with the Epsilon members. This COB plan gives the chapter a chance to add diversity by attracting women who
otherwise wouldn't have gone through forma] rush.
Beta Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan U
Delta invited rushees to re-live their child- hood with them at a roller skating rink - 80's tunes and all! Another event which drew a great turn-out was a joint COB, held with the brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon. This co-ed barbeque was a great success. Delta's traditional COB event is a study
Delta Sigma
San Jose State U
This chapter held a "Karaoke Night" which was a fund raiser and COB event com- bined. Many potential new members and Greeks were in attendance - two hundred people total! This event was very popular and so much fun. There was an amazing show of sisterhood and they received very positive feedback.
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Beta Tau, U ofToronto
Epsilon Omega
Eastern Kentucky U
Ice cream sundaes and a friendly atmos- phere are a great way to attract rushees. This event is always fun and everyone really warms up to this COB event
Gamma Chi
Carieton U
One of Gamma Chi's long time favorite events is their "Death by Chocolate" party held each January. Potential members are invited to meet the sisters and share in some delectable chocolate goodies. It is a chocolate fanatic's dream come true!
Gamma Delta
U of South Alabama
Gamma Deltas invited rushees to meet in their chapter room for a "Make your own Sundae" party. Afterward, everyone attended the annual Mr. U of South Alabama pageant which is always an interesting event
U of South Florida
One of Gamma Theta's most successful and fun COBs was their "Around the World with AOn." On this trip they stopped at four locations: New York, Canada, Tennessee, and Florida. It was a great way for the attendees to learn about AOITs founding, and other fun AOFI facts. By the end of the night each rushees "passport" was filled with panda stickers for each of their destinations.
pated in in the past include: inviting poten- tial members over for dinner, and a night of movies at the house. These activities have been very successful and they have attract- ed women who have become some of their strongest members.
Kappa Rho
Western MichiganU
The sisters of Kappa Rho make sure their COB parties are casual and fun. Themes help distinguish this chapter's parties from other houses on campus. Some of the most popular themed events have included the "Wizard of Oz," Valentine's Day, "Dr. Seuss" and pandas. They have also incor- porated philanthropic activities into their COB events, such as signing a giant "get well" card for a local children's hospital and making "l>oo-bunnies."
meet other sisters. Many rushees have older sisters or close friends in the chapter, which enables Lambda Sigma members to know the rushees before they meet them personally. Because of these things, the chapter fills quota each fall during formal rush, and does not participate in COB. They work hard year- round to attract the best new members possible through PR efforts and getting to know man)
Delta Theta, Texas Women's U
Kappa Gamma
Florida Southern College
This chapter had many successful COB activities this past tall. Thirty potential new members attended their "Ice Cream Social." Everyone dressed in 80's fashions and listened to the music of that decade at their 80's Party.
Kappa Omega
U of Kentucky
Kappa Omega relies on the fall rush
and open rush to welcome new mem- bers into their chapter. Some open rush activities that they have partici-
Kappa Sigma
U ofWisconsin-River Falls
This chapter has a strong turnout when they go bowling with other Greek organi- zations on campus. Everyone has a great time in this casual atmosphere, and inter- ested non-Greeks get a chance to experi- ence Greek life first hand.
Lambda Beta
California State U-Long Beach Lambda Beta is located very near the beach, so they always like to use that to their advantage. They invite potential new members to the beach for a bonfire, shar- ing stories and sisterhood. This chapter also holds a very successful get together at the local ice skating rink. This event is always fun and entertaining for all in attendance.
Lambda Chi
LaGrange College
This year, Lambda Chi has had success with their COB parties. An 80's theme event was enjoyed by all, as they danced to 80's music and played 80's trivia. They also have a "fortune telling" theme party where they "read palms" and dress in gypsy attire.
Lambda Sigma
U of Georgia
Throughout the year, sisters bring poten- tial new members to the house to visit and
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Omega Upsilon, Ohio U
* ^ ^ f l
Nu Beta
U of Mississippi
During each football game, Nu Beta has a large A0I1 tent in "the Grove." U of Mississippi alumni, AOFI alumnae, parents, and friends are invited to enjoy the great food and fun atmosphere. This event lasts all day long - before and after the game. It is a great way to show potential members our strong sisterhood and the support of friends and family alike.
Nu lota
' . v " > , ' TI I l l i n o i s U
This chapter invites interested women over for dinner to share in their sister-
hood over a wonderful meal. They
also include potential members in a variety of activities that they feel demonstrate the awesome aspects of
being an AOIl.
Omega Upsilon
Omega Upsilon plans several COB activities throughout the year. Each one is fun and unique. One of the chapter's favorite events is held in the spring. They rent out a movie theater and order pizzas to promote their sisterhood.
Phi Beta
East Stroudsburg U
One of this chapter's most successful activi- ties is their "Friends Night" After bids are given out, new members are asked to bring a friend to this COB event. Many times they have doubled the size of their new member class with this one activity. At "Friends Night" the sisters and new mem- bers introduce themselves and everyone is asked why they chose AOFI. With the spirit of their sisterhood and the excitement of the new members, why wouldn't a rushee choose AOFI?
Phi Sigma
U of Nebraska-Kearney
The casual, laid ba(k atmosphere of their COB puts both Phi Sigma sisters and poten- tial members at ease. Rushees are given the opportunity to meet many of the outstanding sisters in the chapter in a relaxed setting, which makes conversation and getting to know each other that much easier. Refreshments are served and the chapter's formal rush video is shown. This event shows rushees what AOFI is all about - sis- terhood! Of course, Phi Sigma realizes that they are continually "rushing" throughout the year, even if they are not participating in
Sigma Alpha, West Virginia U
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Psi, U
COB or formal rush. Thus they constantly strive for positive public relations.
Pi Alpha
U of Louisville
One thing that the sisters of this chapter try to do is combine COB activities with social events. Recendy, Pi Alpha held a "Popcorn and Movie" social with a campus Fraternity. They invited potential members to join in on the fun. This gave the rushees an opportunity to meet the sisters of Pi Alpha, and also gave them a chance to experi- ence a Greek social event
cdlegiate news
Rho Defe
Samford U
The sisters of Rho Delta had great success with their annual Dessert Social, which was their main COB activity.
Sigma Alpha
WestVirginia U
Last fall, the sisters of Sigma Alpha held two wonderfully successful COB activities. The first was a dinner at the ACO house. They invited many women to join them and there was a terrific turnout The rushees felt right at home as they shared a meal and conver- sation. The second event for the chapter was a night of watching movies together with tons of snacks and soda. Everyone had a wonderful time getting to know each other. The chapter feels that these events not only gave them the chance to create new friends, but to gain new sisters.
U of Minnesota
Membership is extremely important to Tau Chapter. Some of their activities have included a trip to the movies and spending time together at the house. They often invite guests over on Thursday nights to
Tau, U of Minnesota
watch "Friends." They serve hot chocolate, popcorn and cookies. It is a relaxed atmos- phere for all to enjoy.
Tau Gamma
EasternWashington U
One COB event that was really popular for Tau Gamma was an ice skating party. It gave everyone a chance to relax and have a great time on the ice.
Tau Omega
Transylvania U
This chapter held one event that everyone enjoyed. The sisters and rushees played board games together. This gave everyone a great opportunity to get to know one anoth- er in a very friendly and fun atmosphere.
Depauw U
During the fall, Theta members invite potential new members to their house for a pumpkin carving. Each rushee is grouped with two sisters and they work together to carve the perfect jack-o-lantern. Other successful COB events include a board game night and picnics.
Theta Chi
Momingside College
The Theta Chi Chapter has held a number of successful COB activities that have led to the addition of many new members this year. They have hosted such activities as "Hide and Seek" Everyone had fun hiding around the chapter's residence hall. Other activities include games night, watching "Friends" together, and their annual "Water Balloon Volleyball" game - held during the first week back to school after summer break.
Theta Omega
Northern Arizona U
Continuous Open Bidding is a great way to show your true enthusiasm and creativity to prospective new members. This chapter's best COB activities include a sisterhood barbecue at a park, Chinese food in the chapter room, or a pizza party at a local pizza parlor. It is important to keep the sur- roundings fun, relaxed and comfortable. If you plan to hold a "follow up" COB party, it is a great idea to include some of your preference ceremony. It adds to the mean- ing of sisterhood and demonstrates it is something more than mere friendship.
Theta Psi
U ofloledo
This chapter holds a potluck cook-out, where every sister brings a guest and a dish. All attendees enjoy this party and get to know each other while learning about AOn sisterhood.
Zeta Kappa
SouthwestTexas State U
An activity that provides entertainment as well as a chance to get to know potential AOFIs is this chapter's "Casino Night." Sisters dress up in cocktail dresses and decorate the house like a casino. The members take the opportunity to get to know the rushees as they entertain them with games. Another fun event for Zeta Kappa is a pumpkin carving. The mem- bers and attendees have a great time carv- ing the pumpkins that are then donated to a local nursing home.
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Idea Sharing
For this issue, each alumnae chapter was offered the opportunity to share com- munity service projects that are meaningful to their chapter. Our Founders reminded us that a truly successful future for Alpha Omicron Pi lies in our rela- tionship with the world around us. W e applaud each of these chapters for the time, talent, energy and enthusiasm that is required for a service project to become a success.
The Atlanta alumnae participate in several community projects throughout the year. However, this year we have planned a spe- cial fund raiser to benefit Zoo Adanta. The "Roses to the Rescue" benefit will feature dinner, dancing and a silent auction. All proceeds will go toward bringing two giant Pandas to Zoo Atlanta. The Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau is promot- ing the Panda project as one of
the top five community events of the year. The Atlanta chap- ter is proud to be part of this community project
Our alumnae chapter volun- teers with Safe Place - a merg- er of the Battered Women's Shelter and the Austin Rape Crisis Center. Our members volunteer their time and money and donate clothing and other items throughout
the year. Our chapter takes part in Safe Place's Annual Walk for Safe Families and sells raffle tickets to raise money for this worthy cause.
Our chapter focuses on two main commu- nity service projects. For several years our alumnae have helped with preparations for the local Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis. We sort and fold T-shirts given to partici- pants, as well as help to put together race day packets. Some alumnae have even walked or volunteered the day of the event This is our way of working with AOITs philanthropy at a local level. Our alumnae also collect individual toiletry items that are then donated to Safe Harbor, a local shel- ter. We have donated shampoos, soap, make-up and much more. It is easy to do, and very much needed and appreciated.
Our attention will be turned to erecting the Centennial Bench on the campus at Montana State University. We will be the first sorority on campus to have a bench placed in the campus Centennial Mall.
Bucks County, PA
At each meeting, every sister brings paper or personal products which are donated to a women's shelter in our area.
The Buffalo Alumnae Chapter collected toiletries and donated them to a women's shelter in Buffalo. We are planning to help with a Diabetes Walk in February.
Central Maryland
We are planning to participate in the annu- al "Joint in Motion Walk" to benefit our local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation.
Charlotte, N C
Our most meaningful community service project has been adopting a family each holiday season. The chapter collects dona- tions as well as uses chapter funds to make the holiday season a little brighter for those who are less fortunate.
Chicago City
Our chapter participated in the AIDS Walk Chicago with members of the local colle- giate chapters to raise money. We wel- comed in riders on the AIDS ride and helped sell raffle tickets to raise money for a local home for Alzheimer's patients. We also run and volunteer for the Jingle Bell Bun for Arthritis in Chicago.
Chicago N W Suburban
Chicago Northwest Suburban will be active with two community projects this
I n November, we plan to collect canned goods to donate to a local food kitchen. This way we hope that everyone will have a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas. Our other main service project is our Mock Baby shower. Our chapter members donate items that any baby might need, such as clothes, blan- kets, toys, diapers, etc. We then donate them to a local PADS shelter for women who have a need for these items. We all want the new babies to have a great start in life.
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
alumnae nm/s
Chicago City
Chicago South Suburban
Since our membership represents numerous communities, we have found it possible to service worthy organizations and institutions throughout our geographic area. Holiday tray favors have been very popu-
find the most meaningful projects are the ones that involve or support our own local sisters and friends. For example, in the past, a sister afflicted with MS prompted us to participate yearly in the Annual MS Walk.
All of the community service projects planned for the Dallas Alumnae Chapter are meaningful. We are in our third year volun- teering for the North Texas Arthritis Foundation which is dear to our hearts because of our philanthropy. We have donated items needed by the Collin County Women's Shelter and help put smiles on the faces of the children who participate in the Special Olympics. This will be the first year to collect panda bears for the children at Scottish Rite Hospital.
zines, paperback books, individual gourmet coffees, and whatever else we can think of to give them something of their own while they are away from home and other family. We have more fun doing this and it is very rewarding to see the generosity of our sis- ters when we come together to make a dif- ference in someone else's life.
The Evansville Tri-State Alumnae are hav- ing a Baby Shower for the Little Lambs. Little Lambs is a local program which pro- vides baby needs for low income mothers. Alumnae to bring baby gifts to the shower and each will open a gift, enjoy shower games and refreshments. All gifts will then be donated to the Little Lambs program.
lar and greatly appreciated by
local nursing homes and retire-
ment facilities. We like to
include handwritten greetings
on the favors. Also, a simple
collection of printed holiday
napkins are always welcomed by
sheltersfortheirmeals. n
ChicagoWest Suburban
For the past several years, our
chapter has been helping fami-
lies who are unprepared for the
birth of a new baby by holding
a mock baby shower. Members
are asked to bring a wrapped
shower gift to the meeting and
new or expectant members
open them. All gifts are then
given to the Care and
Counseling Center in Downers
Grove, IL. I n addition, each
spring members donate their
time to cleaning blankets used in a local homeless shelter.
Cleveland Area
Cleveland Area supports a number of com- munity projects, which vary year to year. We regularly support Panhelenic related service projects such as the Ronald McDonald House and the American Cancer Society. Our chapter has also annually supported Providence House Crisis Nursery, but we
N orthw est
Greater Harrisburg
One of our recent community projects is participating in the fall Great Comfort Drive, supplying blankets for the area homeless and needy. One of our members also solicits sponsors for her partic- ipation in the Alzheimer's Walk. In addition, the chapter collects items for the Salvation Army, Krause Foundation (animal care), New Hope Ministries, Toys for Tots, and Lourdeshouse (tempo- rary housing for young, pregnant women).
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Greater Kansas City
Depending on our members' interests, our community service projects vary from year to year. Some of the most successful have included the following: a Goodwill clothing drive, colecting stuffed bears for the local fire department, donating books for Children's Mercy, raising money and col- lecting groceries for a battered women's shelter, bell ringing for the Salvation Army, volunteering for Arthritis Jingle Bell run, and selling care packages for collegians.
One of the most inspiring projects that our chapter does is to gather each spring for a luncheon shortly before Easter to put together several Easter baskets overflowing with candy, small games, and a small stuffed animal for the children who are spending Easter at the local YMCA's Battered Women's Shelter. For the Moms, we put together baskets with small travel sized toiletries, hand lotions, current maga-
Greater Pinellas
Instead of organizing group project, mem- bers of Greater Pinellas select their own pro- jects to become volunteers. These range from hospitals to community organizations.
The Hopkinsville Alumnae chapter hosted a "Phantom Phundraiser" customized to their chapter. They also pre- pared an "AOFI Tax Form" which collected money for a local philanthropic project
The Houston Alumnae
Chapter has done an excep-
tional job of selecting a local
charity to become involved
with. Just as our membership
is diverse, I Have a Dream -
Houston, provides a wide array of philan- thropic opportunity. Some sisters only have time to volunteer at a fund raising events once or twice a year, others help organize or host those events. While several have cho- sen to work with the children on a short term basis as program evaluators, others have committed to being mentors or tutors. This local charity gives all of us a chance to make a difference and use our unique gifts and talents. As a result our involvement is high. For one event, 18 members of our A O n family were involved. We provided the majority of the volunteers. By carefully choosing our local philanthropy, we are making a difference.
At our annual Christmas party, we each bring canned good items and prepare a basket for a needy family to help them enjoy a wonderful Christmas meal.
themselves how AOFTs always give to the community. The event is especially per- sonal since almost everyone knows some- one touched by breast cancer.
Race for the CURE - the annual walk/race for Breast Cancer is a meaningful event for our chapter. We volun- teer to organize and then almost have full participation on race day. We include our chil- dren so they can see for
Las Vegas
highlight of our year. Another service pro- ject we enjoy is our bi-annual Adopt-a- Highway clean up day. Seeing the huge sign on the highway publicizing our group is alwaysaliftaswecleanupthehighway.Our new literacy project is very meaningful to our group. Donating books to the Lake County Literacy Program remined us to care about those less fortunate. We have several com- munity service projects that help to bring us together as sisters.
Lehigh Valley
Our "panty raid night" was quite a success. We collect and donate new underwear to a local child care center. Our members enjoy their shop-
ToDragma/SPRING 1999
Lake County
Lake County of Illinois has several meaning- ful service projects. We do an annual project at Sale Place, a home for abused women and children. Our annual visits along with our continual support have always been a
fiancee Dennis Nordlund; and Jane Kenner Prather and her husband John walked or ran in the race. This year we plan
Little Rock
pingspreesforthis event
Little Rock
Little Rock AOFTs enjoy help ing and participating in the Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis. Last year Brenda Welch Coop and Jane Kcnner Prather helped with registration, and Linda Huckabee Robinette helped with the food. Katherine Newman Headrick and her son, John; Brenda Coop and her husband David;
Franlde Frazier Roberts and her
to wear panda costumes.
For the past two years, our chapter has col- lected non-perishable food items at each of our meetings. The sister hosting the met- ing then delivers the food to a local shelter or soup kitchen. Our chapter has also sponsored families in need through dona- tions to the "Adopt a Family" fund. Among our goals for this year are service projects where we will volunteer our time and ser- vices to those less fortunate.
Madison Area
During our 1st year as a chapter, we wanted to take on worthwhile yet simple projects. Our first project was a warm coat and sweat- shirt drive. We collected them at
a regular meeting and took them to a local community organization to be distributed to the Dane County families in need. Our second project fol- lowed our Holiday Party. We held a cookie exchange. We all made one dozen extra cookies and took them to City View Nursing home where Lilia Springer, one of our 50 year members resides.
Minneapolis/St Paul
Our chapter finds that helping out our local Arthritis Foundation Chapter is a meaning- ful experience. This year we stuffed envelopes and helped staff their booth at the Minnesota State Fair.
North Suburban Houston
The Nashville Mumnae Chapter annualh
supports Duncanwood School for ExceptionalChildren,alocalschoolforchil- alotoftimetogether.
dren with learning or physical disabilities.
Each Christmas, members of the alumnae
chapter and Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U)
gathertodecorate Christmastreesandbul- raisedfundsforarthritisresearch,whilewe letin boards. Individuals also bring gifts ol
various learning toys and teaching aids to donate to the school.
New Orleans
had a good time playing a game called bunco with our sisters.
The New Orleans Alumnae Chapter has created a couple of traditions in community service and philanthropy in our communi- ty. Every year around Christmas, we gather for our annual dinner when we collect stuffed pandas and toys to donate to the local children's hospital. In addition, our chapter holds membership education ses- sions on breast cancer awareness and arthritis throughout the year.
The Ottawa Alumnae Chapter, while closely united through AOFI sisterhood, is composed of women who have very diverse community philanthropic commit- ments. The Arthritis, Cancer, Crohns & Colitis. Diabetes, Kidney and Heart & Lung Associations, also with the Red Cross, Salvation Army and the United Way, to name just a few, all benefit from our sisters' efforts. Some sisters are involved with the Children's Hospital of
Eastern Ontario as vol- unteers for Teddy Bears' Picnic and fund raisers . Schools, community food cupboards, and general hospitals are also high on our charitable lists.
During the seasons of giv- ing that cover both Thanksgiving and Christmas, the Oxford
NewYork City
Every November, our chapter volunteers for the New York City Marathon. This is a huge event for New York City that brings in runners from all over the world. For the past couple of years, we have worked in the baggage area handing the runners' bags alter the race. It is a great community pro- ject for our chapter to do because not only are we serving the city, but we get to spend
Alumnae Chapter has decided to give to others rather than our- selves. In addition to having a dinner party for Thanksgiving, each member will bring items that would make up a TTianksgiving dinner. All of the donations will be packaged and given to families in the area that are in need. At Christmas, the alumnae chapter plans to celebrate the season with a tea. Everyone brings a gift, but rather than exchanging them with each other, we will
Palm Beach County
Palm Beach County chapter has adopted the Foster Parents Association of Palm Beach County as our community service project There is a great need for services to children being removed from unsafe home situations and sent to foster homes sometimes on short notice and with no belongings. In December, we fill holiday stocking with items suitable for teenagers, and in the spring, fill Easter baskets for younger children. These are distributed to the most needy.
Our chapter collected canned goods for The Door, a battered women's shelter and
Palm Beach
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Piedmont, N C
In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, our chapter gave one hall of the proceeds of the annual December ornament auction to Piedmont Breast Cancer Coalition. This December, several members will be taking part in the Jingle Bell Run. We are also collecting pandas to be given to a battered women's shelter. Copies of the AOFI Centennial History Book have been placed in the Greensboro Public Library and the May Memorial Library in Burlington, NC.
The Philadelphia Vlumnnc Chapter sup-
ports both the Laurel House, a local domestic abuse shelter for women and their children, and the Visiting Nurses Association. In addition to funding the Halloween party, the 4th of July party and donating cleaning supplies and baby sup- plies to The Laurel House, this year we have two targeted donations: a "Panty Raid" in October to collect packages of new women's and children's underwear and a "Pillow fight" in March to collect new pil- lows. For the past several years, chapter members have supported the Visiting Nurses Association by cleaning out our closets and kitchens and donating clothing and household items to the Neighborhood League thrift shop. The chapter also con- tinues to actively support the Philadelphia Jingle Bell Walk/Run for Arthritis.
Our annual donation of panda bears to the Phoenix Fire Department is quite mean- ingful to the members of the Phoenix Alumnae Chapter. We initiated the project to honor the memory of a member's hus- band who worked for the department and who died of cancer. The firefighters are appreciative of our efforts, telling us how useful those pandas have been in helping to calm and console young children.
Saint Louis
This year, the St Ixiuis Alumnae Chapter is starting a new project called Pandamania. Each member of the chapter is asked to bring a new panda bear to one of the monthly meetings throughout the year. At
Christmas, several members will be taking the Pandas to Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital, defivering holiday smiles to sick children. We hope this will become a tradi- tion that continues in years to come.
San Diego
December in San Diego means it is time for our annual participation in the Jingle Bell Walk/Run For Arthritis. This gives members the welcome opportunity to take a break from the hectic holiday pace. AOTIs chat with one another during the scenic 5 K stroll through Balboa Park. UCSD collegians, dependent on their final schedules, also participate with the alum- nae chapter. This event is held nationwide so we encourage each chapter to find out about a local event near you. (Arthritis Foundation:
State College
This tall the State College alumnae raided their closets for gently worn coats and sweaters to donate to the local Women's Resource Center which provides assistance to women and families dealing with domestic violence.
Tampa Bay
The Tampa Bay alumnae will be participat- ing in an activity with Chase called Chase Global Day of Service. Together we will be helping the Wildlife on East Street organiza- tion to create new habitats for wild animals.
The Triangle Alumnae Chapter's philan- thropic activities are ongoing. At each meet- ing, we encourage members to bring trial sizes of makeup from the latest department
store "bonus buy" or hotel-sized bottles of shampoo or lotion for the residents of the Wake County Salvation Army Women's Shelter. We also conduct a local book exchange at our monthly meetings — mem- bers bring paperback books they've already read and then buy books from each other for $1.00 per book. The money collected from the purchase of the books goes to the Ruby Fund. Leftover books are donated to a local hospital.
Toledo Area
In the past few years, Toledo Area
Alumnae have enjoyed assisting Mobile Meals of Toledo. We have made tray favors and helped with large mailings. This year we plan to support the local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation by volunteering at their fund raisers and participating in the Jingle Bell Walk/Run.
Winston-Salem Area
We have supported projects through Salemtown where senior citizens and our alumnae make knitted caps for premature babies in Brenner Children's Hospital.
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
West Los Angeles
West Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter lost a charter member, Three Tyler, to breast can- cer in 1994. Since then, chapter members have participated in many 5K walk/runs. It is a great way to support the various cancer programs, while staying in shape and pro- moting A O n (we all wear our letters). There have been many times that we have discovered fellow AOITs while wearing our letters at these events.
so J^L^^. (Z^^C^^JL^^
This list includes women who were initiated between July 1, 1949 and June 30, 1950.
Alpha Omicron Pi salutes the following women who will celebrate their 50th year of membership with AOn during the next year. This marks quite a milestone and we hope they continue to share our sisterhood for many more years! This list is presented by initiated chapter and includes each member's name, city and state, or Canadian province. If International Headquarters has no current address, no city is listed. If you know of an updated address for any of these members, please notify Headquarters by phone (615-370-0920) or e-mail: [email protected].
Alpha Omicron
Louisiana State University
Nadia Goodloe Edgerton Meridian, MS Marion Videau Johnston
Houston, T X Janet Looby Morgan
I,ake Charles, LA Velma Nash
Baton Rouge, LA Elsie Winter Ruedemann
Grosse Pointe Woods, MI Martha Vidos White
Baton Rouge, LA Nell Lott Wilson
Long Beach, MS
Dorothy Kish Kurras Hollywood, F L
Frances Richardson Olin Topeka, KS
Aileen Harding Rochester Waynesville, NC
Margaret Moore Santana Sarasota, FL
Jean Hopkins Tenold Albuquerque, NM Marjorie Parker Wessel
Miami Lakes, FL
Alpha Rho
Oregon State University
Marilvn Frichtl Arnold Hillsboro, OR
Leola Stevens Freeman Milwaukie, OR
Jane Polka Lindgren Vancouver, WA
Diane Burrell Mathis Coos Bay, OR
Alpha Sigma
University of Oregon
Emily Nichols Boyle Milwaukie. OR June Stowell Cramer
Tacoma, WA Colleen Zeller Fairly
Portland, OR
Nancy Galbreath Johnson
San Rafael, CA Colleen Condit Martindale
Hillsboro, OR Sharon Ord Reed
Lagrangeville, NY Lois Kandra Scronce
Merrill, OR
Mary Eilcrtsen Swarthout
Burns, OR
Alpha Tau
Denison University
Nancy Passolt Anto
Cape May Point, NJ
Christine Kornman Birdwell East Lansing, Ml
Katherine Follmer Brittell Lancaster, VA
Carol Schirmer Call Livonia, MI
Natalie Hasbrook Del Porte Wayne, PA
Mona Brohm Gillespie Seneca Falls, NY
Barbara Alexander Keller San Diego, CA
Carolyn Woodward Landrud Auburn,WA
Jo Ann Taylor Lister Fayetteville, PA
Ann kroening Malmquist Chagrin Falls,OH
Barbara Mueller Waukesha, WI
Jean Hebel Perriman Palm Harbor, FL
F.lizabeth Corey Snow Le Sueur, MN Mary Gibson Speer
Elgin, TX
Margaret Waggoner Wahls
Raleigh, NC Ann Gilkey Ware
Brooklyn, NY Wdda Wiest Webster
Richardson. TX
Beta Gamma
Michigan State University
Dorothy Calkins Cleary Stanton, MI
Carolyn Ginter Dean lynnwood, WA
Barbara Colvin MacDougall Las Vegas, NV
Milly Schiele Neuder
Grosse Pointe Shores, MI
Carolyn Dorner Selby Kalamazoo, MI
Shirley Hoffman Stewart Riverview, MI
Geraldine Klap Zylstra Grand Rapids, MI
Beta Kappa
University of British Columbia
Ada Kirk Brown
West Vancouver,BC
Maureen Kelly Carlson Coquitlam, BC Joanne King Jordan
Raumati South, Ruth Simonsen Lotzkar
Vancouver, BC
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Alpha Phi
Montana State
Aelene Steig Beach Willard, MT
Barbara Bertholf Laurel, MT
Betty Waite Davis Portola Valley, CA
Sanna Green Anchorage, AK
Beverly Baarson Hardie Novi, MI
La Dekay Kostyk West Hills, CA
Marjorie Morgan Leary Helena, MT
Mary Huxley McCune Pocatello, ID
Carol Reeder Mosher Augusta, MT
Nora Hardy Porte Helena, MT
Shirlee Mecklenburg Spain Kalispell, MT
Marillyn Pearson Thomas Great Falls, MT
Edith Johnston Wright Belgrade, MT
Alpha P i
Florida State
Larose Oliver Allman Virginia Beach, VA
Mary Decker Gulledge Andrews, NC
Rebecca Aase Ketola Tower, MN
Beta Phi
Indiana University
Norma Colpitts Adams Columbus, IN
Mary Yeager Backer La Porte, IN
Evelyn Dils Barbour Jackson, MI
Mary Sauer Brock Loveland,OH
Ann Salzmann Early Terrace Park, OH
Carolyn Bonham Grigsby Neenah, WI
Donna Meade Hall Indianapolis, IN
Mattie Greer Harmony Knoxville, TN
Barbara Marlowe Holding Colorado Springs, CO Ann Geoghegan Jankovich
Manhattan, K S Virginia Varner Jones
Leo, IN
Patricia O'Day Kluter
Richmond, IN Mazie Kilgus Kreicker
Warsaw, IN
Wanda Summers Magley
Wabash, IN Sallee Major
New York, NY Mary Boyd Oster
Mosinee, WI Mary King Pool
Valparaiso, IN Mary Shroyer Riser
Indianapolis, IN Carolyn Baker Schloss
Fort Wayne, IN Betty Funk Sepanek
Incline Village, NV Mae Greer Seymour
Glendora, CA Carolyn Callahan Shawver
Plainfield, IN Beverly Green Siegel
Scottsdale, AZ Shirley Dawkins Smith West Lafayette, IN
Beta Tau
University of Toronto
Margaret Gibson Toronto, ON
Mary Hoare Mahoney Willowdale, ON
Kathleen Vetter Moorby Vancouver, B C
Elizabeth Ysselstyn Strathdee Weston, ON
Constance Myer New York, NY Clara Church Zogg
Binghamton, NY Chi Delta
University of Colorado
Nina Schultz Allen Potomac, MD Helen Giehm Bate
Garland, TX Cleta Burkett Carroll
Pittsburgh, PA Connie Lynn Hargreaves
Castro Valley, CA Nancy Pike Hause
Estes Park, C O Dolores Oparil Jones
Portland, OR Evalyn Boehm Kragh
Torrance, CA Elaine Sterling Lindquist
Morton, IL Nancy Mapes Nash
Fairfax, VA
Mary Proeopio Newman
Boyne City, MI Sue Birk Oertli
St Louis, MO
Mary Richardson Rothweiler
Helena, MT Nona Uhrich
Loveland, CO Chi Sigma
Centenary College
Portia Payne Gaines Center, T X
Ogan Wiseman Gajdos Shreveport, LA
Sara Mclntire Richard Vienna, VA
Joanne Kean Shildneck Amherst, NH
Alice Hayden Wilkey Wilton, CT Mary Hinckley Yukna
Hanover, MA Delta Delta
Auburn University
Gloria Griffith Birmingham, AL
Dolly Marsh Gurrola Berkeley, CA
Harvilee Phillips Harbarger Huntsville, AL
Alice Brewer Hilson Huntsville, AL Mary Phillips Long
Atlanta, GA
Jackie Culclasure McPherson
Huber Heights, OH Martha Dean Walker
Arlington, VA Nita Braly Wilson Brewton, AL
Jan Henderson Wyant Opelika, AL
Delta Sigma
San Jose State University Joan Alley Bartlett
Napa, CA Beverly Bergstrom Lucerne, CA
Mary Bachmann Breithaupt San Jose, CA
Clare Silvera Calleion Santa Clara, CA
Jeanne Welke Foerster Los Altos, CA
Ruth Swindal Franger San Diego, CA
Dorothy Gibson Fraser Redwood City, CA
Helen Chalmers Hellmann Mountain View, CA
Henriette Lloyd Henderson Lafayette, CA
Pleasant Hill, CA
Jacqueline Larsen Lloyd Los Altos Hills, CA
Marguerite Crawford Lloyd Oakdale, CA
Jacqueline Bessiere Lohr San Jose, CA
Rosalind Fraser Orgon Carmichael, CA
Catherine Savinovich Reinhardt Saratoga, CA
Marilyn Vasey San Martin Berkeley, CA
Pauline Day Shumsky Foster City, CA
Cornell University-
Barbara Hochgrebe Christianson
Ann Dysart Ballou Framington, MA
Constance Clark Blanchard Winchester, MA
Margaret Boudreau Burlington, MA
Lois Lukert Bowditch Englewood, FL Barbara Gee Buckley
Cotuit, MA
Marie Hynes Connolly
Osterville, MA Joan Ricca Demichele
Lynn, MA
Mary Wooten Garrard
Hampstead, NC
Betty Hutchinson Hallberg
Warren, RI Norma Reed Heinold
Uniontown, OH Joan Morey Holland
Barrington, R I Lois Gross Jardine
Greenfield, MA Eva Kvedar Kodis
Hernando, F L
Ruth Strubbe Kolesnikoff
Marjorie Conway Berrigan Hilton Head Island, SC
Elizabeth Dunn Eastman New Hartford, NY
Anne Keegan Kuehn Liverpool, NY
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Haddam, CT
Charlene Bailey Cox Kirkland, WA
Barbara Mower Dixon Pittsburgh, PA
Rose Fredrickson
Saratoga Springs, NY
Roberta Manchester Frink Branford, CT
Joyce Palumbo Mirrington Niagara Falls, NY
Barbara Berrien Salt Winston-Salem, NC
Martha Dunn Taylor Melbourne, FL
Patricia Starnes Williams New Smyrna Beach, FL
Julia Evans Groveland, F L
Dorthy Alleman Fessler Grand Junction, CO
Margaret Leroy Hansen Pensacola, FL
Elizabeth Johnston Kennedy Atlanta, GA
Betty Wyilys Rands Ponte Vedra, FL Marcia Dill Stegmann
Glencoe, MO
Grace Schumacher Ward
High Springs, FL Kappa Omicron
Rhodes College
Susanna Renshaw Barnett Memphis, TN
Sue Carrefl Dallas Kingsport,TN
Zoe Theodore Futris Memphis, TN
Carolyn Reese Haywood Germantown, T N
Virginia Ozier Heydenreich Sunrise Beach, MO
Greta Graham Hollingsworth Memphis, TN
Etta Murray Mehler Atherton, CA
Mary Holiman Norton Pekin,IL
Helen Swartzfager Ridley Kennesaw, GA
Nancy Carrell Whitley Memphis, TN
Gloria Lakenan Williamson Jackson, MO
Kappa Phi
McG-ul University
Mary Lawley Hopper Shelburne, VT
Olive Hall Knubley Burritts Rapids, ON
Patricia Hallett Large Hollidaysburg, PA
Catherine Hood Metzger Stittsville, ON
Alice Offord Morgan Baltimore, MD
Jacqueline Beaudoin Ross Westmount, PQ
Donna Hart Sauriol Montreal, PQ
Loma Snow Spiller Williamstown, ON
Kappa Theta
University of California-Los Angeles
Letitia Derus Bierschenk Bell Canyon, CA
Marguerite Mossier Bryan Long Beach, CA
Janice Campbell Orange, CA Ruth Cox Clifton
Irvine, CA Jo Hayes Hamill
San Jose, CA
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Epsilon Alpha
Pennsylvania State
Emma-Jean Way Cole Worthington, OH
Patricia Weaver Fleck Liverpool, NY Jane Morton Foster
Catherine Arondelli Baumann Jacksonville, IL
Marianne Halfpenny Burton Peru, I L
Iva Hagi Cameron Oriental, NC
Doris Adamson Chapman Danville, I L
Suzanne Ralston Humphris Rockford, IL
Mary Hagi Kerestes Streator,IL
Judith Midcap Marks Aurora, I L
Joan Locker Sheppard Godfrey, I L
Iota Alpha
Idaho State University
Angelines Echevarria Ancho Blackfoot, ID
Marjy Drake Annis Twin Falls, ID
Betty Coons Bacskay Birmingham, AL
Frances Bliesner Jerome, I D
Marilyn Bird Darling Weiser, ID
Helen McQuillan Ernest Lakewood, CO
Myrna Garritson Gore Vacaville, CA
Patricia McDevitt Mallea Caldwell, ID
Bonnie Burton Obrien Beaverton, OR
Loisann Erickson Shull Acme, WA
Joyce Davis Smith Kansas City, MO
Rae Pharris Turner Pocatello, ID
Orlando, FL
Doris Leighty Gawreluk
New Bern,NC
Helen Neusbaum Goodwin
West Chester, PA Emily Powell Kudaroski
Southfield, MI Barbara Wink Lemley
Potomac, MD Sara Mitchell Martin
Bradfordwoods, PA
Laura Haudenshield Schimmel
Belleville, MI Helen Wise Wylie
Richmond,VA Gamma
University of Maine
Mary Dickey Bray Dover-Foxcroft, ME
Harriet Riley Cederstrom Queensbury, NY
Roberta Hendrick Cossar Pittsford, NY
Lenore Dinsmore Devwe Kittery,ME
Dolores Amergian Drivas South Portland, M E
Nancy Moulton Gerry Sudbury, MA
Eleanor Zehner Hibben Yorktown Heights, NY
Nancy Johnson Marsden West Chester, PA
Susan Chase Myers Gainesville, VA
Adelaide Grant Ruby East Brunswick, NJ
Gamma Omicron
University of Florida
Beverly Black Deen Newcastle, CA
Marsha Watkins Dyar Orlando, FL
Clara Burgdorff Fowler Daytona Beach, FL Miriam Mclnnis Kimball
Micanopy, FL Mary Davis McKinley
St Simons Island, GA Evelyn Kulp Noblit
Tarpon Springs, FL
University of
Grace Hough Carter Bethesda, MD
Mary Matson Neagle Galesburg, I L
Mary Moreland Smith Demorest, GA
Kappa Gamma
Florida Southern
Elizabeth Pound Annis RockviUe, MD
Joan Burr Creese Lake Worth, FL
Monica Darling Douglas Gainesville, FL
Elsie Tomboulian Harutunian San Diego, CA
Shirley Keyes Hastings La Mirada, CA Sally Swift Hodgkin
Warrenton, VA Joy Eyer Leubke
Santa Monica, CA Carol Petersen Matulich
Riverside, CA
Joan McShane McKissock
Palos Verdes Estates, CA Doris Blunden Northrup
Fullerton,CA Elizabeth Sullivan Precht
Los Angeles, CA Patricia Sherwood Snell
Winslow, AR
Jacelyn Dixon Wickersheim
Nora Sims Ferdon Culver City, CA
Dorothy Shutt Huddleston Nashville, TN
Cornele Hogge Kersey Cleveland, TN
Suzanne Neal Pinkerton Atlanta, GA
Mary Scott Pipkin Ripley, TN
Martha Tate Rudisill Waverly, T N
Frances Bond Scobell Wilmington, DE
Mary Braly Sharp Cottontown, TN
Kathryn Walston Smith Nashville, TN
Mrs Robert C Taylor Nashville, TN
Elizabeth Brown Voss Baton Rouge, LA
Miami University
Marion Rees Gillette Poland, OH
Cornelia Jones Hale
West Melbourne, F L
Ruth Curry Harrington Put-In-Bay, OH
Mary Hesson Jamesburg, NJ
Shirley Peffley Longenecker Dayton, OH
Alberta Douglass Wehrly Dayton, OH
Elizabeth Strout Williams Toledo, OH
Sammye Lessenberry Yates Jeffersontown, KY
Jean Buchanan Zender Columbus, OH
University of Tennessee
Mary James Banning Memphis, TN
Burnette Bolin Benedict Knoxville, TN
Mary Curry Burnett Knoxville, TN
Janirae Linebaugh Callaway Gatlinburg, T N
Patria Travis Carson Knoxville, TN
Louise Wiley McCleary Oak Ridge, TN
Peggy Hale Cowin Manhasset, NY
Helen Ellis Cummins Ocean City, NJ
Sarah Howser Darnell Adams, TN
Mary Graf Douglas Nashville, TN
Mary Gouffon Elmore Knoxville, TN
Mary Chastain Emery Knoxville, TN
Catherine Penn Gibson Humboldt, TN
Carolyn Freshour Goodman Knoxville, TN
Mary Gresham Goostree Tuscaloosa, AL
Mary Tatum Johnson Houston, TX
Catherine Joyce Memphis, TN
Eleanor Roehl VanCleave Nashville, TN
Omicron Pi
University of Michigan
Beth Adams Arnold Tallahassee, F L
Jean Freshour Cummiskey Savannah, GA
Patricia Mann McGiverin Palm Harbor, FL
Esther Ham Meury Sun Lakes, AZ
Beryl Miench
Iron Mountain, MI
Nancy Lewis VanDeusen Northville, Ml
University of Kansas
Peggy Butler Baxter Aspen, CO Elaine Modrell Blank
Lawrence, KS Betty Theis Graham
Overland Park, KS Marjorie Peters Haury
Ballwin, MO Barbara Cottrell Hilpman
Manhattan, KS Donna Kempster Hosier Brooklyn Park, MN
Shirley Lindquist Link Shawnee, KS
Phi Omicron
Hanover College
Nancy Smith Christman Park Rapids, MN
Mary Barkhaw Haas Fort Thomas, KY
Nancy Rummel Lantz Goshen, IN
Mildred Lemen Terre Haute, IN
Margaret Roberts Robinson Las Vegas, NV
Garden Grove, CA Elizabeth Smith Wright
Kihei Maui, HI Lambda Sigma
University of Georgia
Laura Kohlman Barre Dunwoody, GA
Ann Estey Fife Grayson, GA
Emily Huie Langston Atlanta, GA
Julia Maddox Griffin, GA
Jane White Rouhier San Antonio, TX
Sara Campbell Spell Garland,TX
Ann Weems Taylor Atlanta, GA
Zelda Lynk Triebel Salem, VA
New York University
Roseanna Reidy Dugan Orangeburg, NY
Frances Scotti Harrison Rye Brook, NY
Nu Lambda
University of Southern
Delores Mittman Hoskins Santa Ana, CA
Margaret Rigg Kelly
Hot Springs Village, AR
Darleen Farrell Powars Long Beach, CA
Joy McCoy Ransdell Nevada City, CA
Dorothy Keen Robinson Thousand Oaks, CA
Nu Omicron
Vanderbilt University
Peggy Moyers Bagley Fayetteville, TN
Eloise McBride Barrett Nashville, TN
Martha Post Blackwell Birmingham, A L
Dragma/SPRING 1999
Jane Coleman Rogers Leicester, MA
Margaret Paulus Taylor Waupaca, WI
Virginia Hayworth Wilcox Crawfordsville, IN
Tulane University
Lucie Crane Lecorgne New Orleans, LA
Margaret Hover Odenwalder Dickinson, T X
Deidre Burke Provosty New Orleans, L A
Mary Fontaine Reynolds Metairie, LA
Ann Crump Ryals Dundee, MS
Nannette Carr Walton Alexandria, LA
Pi Delta
University of Maryland
Bettie Dodson Allen Wheaton, MD Nelle Hardy Burch
Williamsburg, VA Marguerite Wilson Cosgrove
Potomac, MD Barbara Close Coulson
Rialto, CA Sonia Clark Cutts
Bethesda, MD Elaine Nicholson Durkee
Port Saint Lucie, FL Melis Roche Edel
Baltimore, MD Ellen Bradford Gladding Pocomoke City, MD
Mildred Imirie Bethesda, MD
Lois Rich Johnson Bethesda, MD
Nancy Penrose Keith Paradise Valley, AZ
Harriet Cutts Lundquist Saratoga, CA
Althea Richardson Martin Bethesda, MD
Nina Hecker Martin Annapolis, MD
Eleanor Peter Munson Santa Rosa, CA
Elizabeth Flather Myers Severna Park, MD Margaret Swann Patton
Burke, VA
Joan Clark Thielmann
Ellicott City, MD Nancy Nocella White Catonsville, MD
Pi Kappa
University of Texas-Austin
Bonnie Newton Eimann Dallas, TX
Alice Whitmore Lapham Victoria, TX
Anna Wiedenfeld MacDonald Kerrville, TX
Shirley Reichert McCracken Arlington, TX
Bobie McDaniel Midland, T X
Donna LaBounty Robertson San Antonio, T X
Gloria Cunningham Rowland Mabank, TX
Bettie Eckelkamp Summers Victoria, TX
Lois Wingerd Woodruff Matador, TX
Nancy Gladding Franckx San Jose, CA
Eleanor Wales Hoffelt Cannichael, CA
Sally McDowell Jess Danville, CA
Vivian Knudsen Johsens Menlo Park, CA
June Larson Lewis Highlands Ranch, CO
Sheila Howe Lillegraven Long Beach, CA
Barbara Bigelow Oberlander Orinda, CA
Joan Carr Olsson
San Anselmo, CA
Elizabeth Patten Reed Los Altos Hills, CA
Carol Tate Rice Monrovia, CA
Katherine Hollywood Sayegh Escalon, CA
Carol Davis Spies Gold River, CA
Helen Waldo Stites Arlington,TX
Sally Sharpsteen Wilson Aromas, CA
Sigma Omicron
Arl lansas State University
Mary Province Edrich Ballwin, MO
Carol Cormier Ellis De Witt,AR
Claudia Campbell Forester Lexington, VA
Evelyn Harberg Little Rock, AR
Dorothy Basinger Martin Trumann, AR
Martha Micklish Meador Mountain Home, AR
Imogen e Lipscomb Mitts Jonesboro, AR
Doris Skidmore Moody Jonesboro, AR
Charline Armstrong Pannullo Dell, AR
Ann Meyer Perry Sierra Vista, AZ
Jo Lindsey Rawlerson Forrest City, AR
Betty Logan Smith Memphis, TN
Mary Simpkins Thompson Little Rock, AR
Nancy Cunningham Woolford Springfield, MO
Sigma Tau
Washington College
Eleanor Dormand Fry Los Angeles, CA
Eva Hamilton
Havre De Grace, MD
Shirley Hand Lawall Ardmore, PA
Patricia Bowes Ward Salisbury, MD
University of
Dorrance Elder Dean East Lansing, MI Eleanor Bidwell Dietz
Umabilla, FL Pamela Haviland Haskell
Philadelphia, PA Carolyn Taylor Kitchin
Covington, LA Helen Eaton Mertwoy
Dresher, PA Marilyn Sanders
Rydal, PA Rho
Diane Gammon Bartels Highwood, IL
Lois Elster Buehler Dana Point, CA Gayle Riepe Burnette
Evansville, IN
Phyllis Misdebauer Christensen
Fontana, WI Patricia Duncan Dugan
Wolfeboro, NH Jerrie Kriegel Fowler
Highland Park, I L Barbara Gescheidle Gehlert
New Bern, NC
Ann Dampman Grunditz
Northbrook, I L Virginia Wolsey Huizinga
La Jolla, CA Judith Larson Knecht
Thiensville, WI Sylvia Morgan Kruger
Fargo, ND
Jane Hjertstedt McGee
Wilmette, IL Louise Rath Miget
St Charles, MO Carol Huber Von Hoist
Lombard, I L Jacqueline Sciaky Wallane
Oxford, OH Betty Merrill Wilson Brunswick, ME
Dorothea Hubbard Wolf Decatur, I L
Patricia Roper Bailey Santa Rosa, CA
Nancy Davis Baker Orinda, CA
Sally Shepard Belton Sun Valley, ID
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
University of Minnesota
Georgia Hendel Anderson Minneapolis, MN
Margaret Carmody Carver Northbrook, IL
Joan Swenson Elbers Houston, TX
Rosemary Campion Keefe Minnetonka, MN Betty Stemper Luther
Barbara Cash LaVelle Princeton, I L Mary Foust Lemon
Columbus, OH Alice Fairbank Mulligan
Bloomington, I L Carole Boardway Murray
San Diego, CA Carolyn Coleman Searight Indianapolis, IN
Dorothy Sidney Smith Hanover, IN Elizabeth Ayres Tucker Etowah, NC
Sandra Nelson Wagenheim Sun Lakes, AZ
Dorothy Daniel Wahl Vero Beach, FL
Randy Harris Seatde, WA
Margaret Gellermann Hays MUl Creek, WA
Doris Horn Seatde, WA
Marjorie Wells Montchalin Portland, OR
Sonjia Strandberg Moore Kirkland, WA
Svanhild Auslander Morris Seattle, WA
Anne Von Harten Pallinger FridayHarbor, WA Delores James Peterson
Danville, CA
Mary Cannon Rasmussen
Salem, OR
Evelyn Birkeland Richter
Seatde, WA
Jane Andersen Sawyer Omaha, NE
Yvonne Lavoy Talbot Renton, WA
Georgiann Schultz Mason
Greenville, ME Gloria Weir Melgaard
Dubuque, IA Terril Kruse Penn
Warner Robins, GA Eugenia Pierce
St Louis, MO Lucille Gullingsrud Ray Sun City, AZ
Phyllis Swanson Reutmer Minnetonka, MN
Zana Windahl Sehlin Isanti, MN
Joan Commer Stanisha Plymouth, MN
Martha Robohm Walker San Antonio, TX
Theta Eta
University of
Tau Delta
Nancy Reister Ballantyne Toledo, OH
Joan Sutton Busick Toledo, OH
Doris Robitalle Farrell Toledo, OH
Phyllis Freeman Toledo, O H
Jane Gerhart Keil Cape CoraL FL
Carlaine Balduf Miller Maumee, OH
Patricia Nagel Netz Angola, IN
Helen Starkey Obrien Columbus, OH
Christene Poulson Toledo, OH
Jane Davis Shambaugh Toledo, OH
Lois Kachenmeister Sotos Columbus, OH
Margaret Towe Tucson, AZ
Marilyn Weiker Waffle Fort Wayne, IN
Bonnie Gebauer Warwick Grand Rapids, MI
Mary Winkel
River Forest, IL
University of Washington
Clova Conrad Cook Kirkland, WA
Dorothy Dils Bellevue, WA
Marguerite Korsmeyer Fletcher Rockport,TX
Gloria Scalise Eubank Birmingham, AL
Eva Allgood Hopping Houston, TX
Ann Bairnsfather Lambert Birmingham, A L Peggy Thompson McKnight
Columbus, OH
Ruby Addington McLemore
Trussville, AL Virginia Nestor Proctor
Montgomery, AL Kathryn Holder Stanford
Birmingham, AL Helen Chitwood Tuck
Dalton, GA
June Ledyard Whiddon
Mobile, AL
Joyce Vietzke Allen Charlotte, NC
Annette Paulsen Bort New Paltz, NY
Mary Daggett Carlton Colorado Springs, CO
Mary Jane Chesterson Crawfordsville, IN
Mary Brooksbank Denny Peoria, I L
Louise Klise Dickerson Ho Ho Kus, NJ
Martha Downie
Falls Church, VA
Dorothy Johnson Early Seminole, FL
Joan Armbrust Hamar Chassell, Ml
Doris Mclnnes Gubler Glendale, CA
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Viola Kahles Geiser Cincinnati, OH
Louise Majek Westtown, NY
Harriet O'Leary Syracuse, NY
of Nebraska-Lincoln
Theta Psi
University of
Nanci Debord Browning Hampton, VA
Doris Gillett Carothers Omaha, NE
Kathleen Clement 10610 DF,
Lois Heniger Clinton Lincoln, NE
Frances Hein Crusick Belmont, CA
Polly Kennedy Dierkes Bethel Park, PA
Joan Miller Foote Lincoln, NE
Gladys Bygland Freeman Billings, MT
Janet Bohner Kirby fvins, UT
Marilyn McDonald Metzgar Lincoln, NE
Anita Lawson Mnuk Albuquerque, NM
Arda Hale Newberg Donna, T X
Mary Nelson Richardson Palatine, I L
Janet Kokjer Sothan Littleton, C O Nancy Davis Wolfe
Dallas, TX
Alumnae &
collegians attend Greek Conference. 1,800 Greeks attended the Mid-American
Greek Conference, and AOn had approximate- ly 30 representatives there, including Collegiate Chapter Presidents, International Officers, A O n Executive Board member, Julie Brining and Executive Director, Melanie Doyle.
Alumnae visit sisters in Canada
On October 24,1998, alumnae Heidi Schmalheiser, Melanie Ernst and Kelly Carrigg, from the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter in Buffalo, NY, made a weekend road trip to visit sisters across the border in Toronto, Canada. Miss
Schmalheiser is the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter President, and enjoyed getting reac- quainted with the sisters she met at this past year's Leadership Institute. The group enjoyed a barbeque din- ner at the home of Heidi Harris.
That's what
sisters are for... Kappa Alpha
(Indiana State U) members and
their Chapter
Adviser recently
drove to Greencastle, IN to support Theta chapter (Depauw U) in their formal rush. Terre Haute Alumnae sent baskets of cookies for Theta sisters to share breaks from rush. Kappa Alpha members found it fun and excit-
ing to experience the different rush activities and rules of another campus.
Sisters Reunite
Four Beta Phi (Indiana (J) alumnae enjoyed a reunion on October 10,1998 at the
Fret row, left to nght Heidi Horns, Heidi Schmalheiserjulie Petroski Melanie Ernst Second row, left to nght Kelly Carrigg Shala Berry, Oar Roxburgh, Stacey Nestruck
Kappa Alpha members and their chapter adviser relax on the porch of the Theta Chapter House,
AOfls at the Mid-American Greek Conference.
opening gala celebrat- ing the restoration of
the National Historic Landmark West Baden Springs Hotel. In attendance were: Gayle Karch Cools, Rita
Dalke Tracy, Marilyn Kidd Andersen and Patricia Hargus Williams. Gayle and her husband, Bill, played an important role in the restoration of the once world renowned hotel by serving as benefac- tors to much of the major restoration of the property. Located in West Baden Springs, Indiana and built in
of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) for 23 years of my life, I was so proud to see my sorority supporting the American Juvenile Arthritis Organization. Thank you for Spreading the word about children and arthritis! Yes, children
wine and cheese party hosted by Tallahassee resident Carolyn Peterson, which was fol- lowed by a wonderful dinner at historic Nicholson's Farmhouse. Later, old scrapbooks, photos and memorabilia took the class of 1963 back to their college days. Photos and chats about children, homes, pets and accomplish- ments over the years brought them all up to date. Saturday was filled with a great lunch, a tour to see the changes on campus and, of course, the football
do get arthri- tis, too! Thanks, again. Sincerely, Jennifer
Beta Phi alumnae reunited at West Baden Springs Hotel.
Plisky Vido Nu Omicron,
1902, the hotel was a . i i r
. . ., Vanderbilt U
playground and spa tor the rich and famous - one of the most luxu- rious, innovative and beautiful places to relax in the world.
The Cooks were recently honored
with a 1998 National Preservation Honor Award, by the
National Trust for Historic Preservation, for their generosity in funding the rescue of the West Baden Springs Hotel, and for their con- tinuing support of his- toric preservation.
DearTo Dragma:
As a 31 year old woman and an AOn who has struggled with the effects
Alpha Pi reunion at Florida State
What an awesome time was had when twenty Alpha Pi (Florida State U) alumna and nine of their spouses traveled from across the U.S. to reunite at Florida State IJ's 1998 Homecoming! The fun began with a
game. We decided that we had such a wonder- ful time that we would all meet again in three years! For information on the Alpha Pi/FSU Homecoming 2001, please contact Anne Webber Horne by calling: (770) 565-3605
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
and Knstina Hunt
or write to:
4057 Norsworthy Way,
Marietta, GA 30062. You can also email to: [email protected]
faces and talents. I am able to read about alum- nae and collegiate news and any awards that have been given to members
for their hard work and dedication. I am really impressed with how well our Fraternity communi-
Alpha Omicron Pi donates to children's charities
Each summer when AOFls meet for convention or leadership institute, hundreds of stuffed panda bears are brought by attendees and collected to donate to children's charities in our host city. This year, at our International Convention in Orlando, Florida, we have chosen to donate our pandas to the Boggy Creek Gang Camp and to the Orlando Arthritis Branch.
Boggy Creek is a camp for children that are coping with chronic illnesses, founded by General Norman Schwarzkopf and actor Paul Newman in 1996. It is located in east Lake County, near Orlando and is free to children ages seven to seventeen. These children have illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, asthma, cerebral palsy, heart and kidney disease, cystic fibrosis, AIDS, and arthritis and other rheumatic diseases. The camp provides a wonderful ser- vice to these children - a chance to enjoy themselves and take part in activi- ties that for many of them would be impossible without the expert care and attentiveness of Boggy Creek's counselors and medical personnel.
The Orlando Arthritis Branch will also be given AOFI pandas. They work with many children that have Arthritis, providingrounsellingand treatment The week after our convention they will be sending 200 children to Boggy Creek for their Rheumatic Disease/Sickle Cell camp.
AOFI is very excited about the opportunity to provide Boggy Creek Gang Camp and the Orlando Arthritis Branch with our pandas. It is wonderful to know that these special children will be benefitting from our donation.
If you are attending Convention, rememt>er to pack your panda, or plan to purchase one in the AOT1Emporium when you arrive at convention.
cates to each FrontAmphnson. Bock MrsThelma Mulletz their aavisor, Marty other through
Sawyer Rust Sue Thompson Morda Knox Ritler, and Pam Merrill.
this outstand-
Dear Editor:
1 wanted to write you
to tell you how wonder- ful 1 think the To Dragma ofAlpha Omicron Pi is. I am a col- legiate member from the Alpha Delta chapter at the U of Alabama. I have beenreadingthe To Dragma for almost four years now, and I am enjoying every minute. I recently received the last issueandasIreadeach
ing magazine. Anyone could pick this magazine up and read it and notice all the unique bonds that we share even though we are spread out all over the U.S. and Canada.
I believe that the To Dragma is one of a kind and that it warms the hearts of all the members. I do appreciate the infor- mative articles and news given and I look forward tothenextissue.
Kappa Tau alumna, Dr. Sheryi Watson Lee (right) visits with her 'big sister! Donna Distefono Miller and her baby at Southeastern Louisiana U's
Homecoming FesfjwOes Below: NewYork City Alumnae volunteer
at the NewYork City Marathon
Front row, left to rigftNeldaByram Moonjean Noms Brown Paula WdkerDorris, Anne Weber HomeMargs Little Kirrhofer. Boxkrow.Mavaa Carfagno Davis, Van MkrVikina. ShemeHuB Doherty.Phytls AlexanderTringas, Carol Colley WhitwerGnry
hose Ewert Valerie Chase MeeteOfene Wood Carroll
Lynn Anthertz Valerius, Nana/ Palazz Powderfy, Sue Esauhad a wonderful
Sincerely, Elizabeth Jane Shu Alpha Delta,
U of Alabama
Phi Omicron Alumnae meet An AOFI alumnae Homea>ming lun- cheon was held at Hanover College on October 3,1998.
time reminiscing about their college days in the late 1960's. They have begun plans for another reunion in the year 2000.
Wilson, and Marsha Hil Corey.
page and studied each picture, 1 am reminded of all the benefits I gain from this Fraternity.
The To Dragma allows me to step into other chapters of this Fraternity and see all the different
Two Phi Beta (East Stmudsburg U) Chapter members were recently spotted by millions of viewers on the Rose ODonnell Show.
They were allowed up on stage to meet Rose and her celebrity guests /rom that day.
Phi Omicron sisters
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Toronto Area alumnae, shown left to right Vanessa Kooter, Clair Roxburgh,
Tracy Mayne, Kristina Hunt Annabel Aspler, and Karen Anderson. Alt are alumnae of Gamma Chi Chapter at Carleton U.
be used specifically for Gail Freeston and Jenn scholarshipsforwomen Zeoliwerechosenas
Sigma, U of Georgia, Foundation Board Secretary. She recognized the many A O n members and chapters who have devoted coundess hours and hard work toward raising funds for arthritis. AOIl has awarded over
$1 million to the Arthritis Foundation to helpfinda cureforthisdisease.
©> Kudos to the sisters of Delta Sigma Chapter at San Jose State U from Pi Kappa Alpha Memorial Headquarters. IIKA recently recognized the women of Delta Sigma for their support and assistance in the establishment of ITKA's newest colony at San Jose State.The sisters of
AOIl and especially chapter president, Tiflani Cervenka, went out of their way to make the IIKA's visit suc- cessful.The representatives from IIKA Headquarters were very impressed with the professionalism and cour- tesyofthewomenofAOR
e> On January 26,1999 alumna Joyce Ann Eisnaugle Newton, Omega, Miami U of Ohio,'72,was selected as Caloundra City Australia Day Citizen of theYear. The prestigious award was given to recognize Joyce for her significant and enduring contribution to her commu- nity. Joyce has resided in Maleny, Australia for the last 25 years. She is married to Gregory Newton and has four children.
<B> On September 10,1998 som e alumnae sisters of the Toronto Area were very proud to see the inaugura- tion Ceremony of Recruit Class #3-98 for the Peel Regional Police Service, because Tracy Annette Mayne,Gamma Chi, Carleton U,'92, received her badge. Her sisters know that she will hold true to
the ideals of AOIl in her service to the community as Constable Mayne. After the ceremony, the AOITs got a closer look at her uniform, and Tracy was proud to show that the Peel Shield has a sheaf of wheat on it! She carries a symbol of AOn on her shoulder every day - that made this special event even more special.
^> Congratulations to Alpha Lambda Chapter for being voted "Chapter of theYear" at Georgia Southern U. Chapter president, Michelle Finley was also voted "Greek Woman oftheYear"
e> Roses to Rachel Kopay, a recent alumna of lota Chapter at U of Illinois, who was featured in the October 1998 issue of Glamour Magazine as one ofthe TopTen
•>5-EveryyearPenn State U's Greek community gath- erstogetherforthe Penn State IFOPanhellenic Dance Marathon,affec-
tionately known as TM
THON.Ithasgrownto become the largest stu- dent-run philanthropy
in the U.S., benefitting The Four Diamonds Fund and children with cancer at The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center's Children's Hospital in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
THON has raised a total
of over $ 10 million dollars for the Children's hospital over the years. In 1998, AOITs Epsilon Alpha Chapter was paired with a fraternity on campus for
T H O N and raised over
$18,800forthe cause.
^ Alumna Emma Plunkett,Chi Omicron, Central State U , is known by scholarship winners at University of Central Oklahoma as the woman that during her 38 year career established a nationally known program of health and physical edu- cation instruction at U C O and inspired thousands of educators. She died at the age of 95, and in her will, is giving $ I million to UCO - believed to be the largest
students. Revenue from the endowment will fund about 30 scholarships that will range from one $ 10,000 award to stipends of $500.
e>ZetaPiisproudof Candace Copeland and Christy Downing. These two U ofAlabama- Birmingham
students were recently elected to positions on the UAB Panhellenic Council. Candace was named Panhellenic President and Christy was named PanhellenicVice President of Programming.
Treasurer and Administra- tive Assistant
•> California Polytechnic State U AOns helped
to raise breast cancer awareness during October - National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.They distributed pink ribbons and information to students on their campus. Chi Psi members also raised money for
Breast Cancer in memory of alumnaTara Babiaz who lost her fight against breast cancer on August 8,1997 at the
age of 31.
CollegeWomenof giftbyasingledonorinuni- the Year. versity history. Her gift will
from the National Arthritis Foundation
on November 19,1998.
It was given in recognition of the Foundation's signifi- cant financial support of the Arthritis Foundation and for making an impact toward finding the cause and cure for arthritis.The award was presented at the Carter Presidential Center in Adanta, GA and accepted on behalf of the Foundation by Dot Williams, Lambda
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
Foundation accepts Corporate Hero Award, left to right Debra Lappin, National Arthritis Foundation Board Chair; Mary Ann Jenkins, AOn Foundation Executive Director; Dot Williams, AOn Foundation Director;
and Don Riggin, President and CEO - National Arthritis Foundation.
o> Lambda Upsilon
Chapter at Lehigh U
worked on many commu-
nityserviceeventsinthe CorporateHeroAward
fell of 1998, including volun- teeringforHabitat for Humanity, playing bingo
with residents of a local nursing home and attending a Lehigh football game with inner-city members of the Boys and Girls Club. They lookforwardto their annu- al fund-raiser Mr. Lehigh which is held during Greek W eek Lambda Upsilon
also had two members named to Lehigh's Panhellenic Council.
» T h e AOn Foundation was presented with a
Beta Phi Qiaper Recolonization
The Beta Phi Qiapter at Indiana University will be recolonized the 1999-2000 acade- mic year. If you will be attending school at IU, you may contact AOFI Headquarters about affiliating with the chapter. Also, send MIFs of women you know will be attending IU and would make good candidates for membership to AOFI Headquarters by early January 2000.
Arthritis Foundation,
Greater Chicago Chapter
Nicole Kloiber,
Director of Health Education
303 West Wacker Dr., Ste. 300 Chicago, IL 60601 (312)616-3470 or (800) 735-0096
Foundation Ambassadors
A reminder that Foundation Ambassadors are available in most areas to give presenta-
Position Open:
Executive Director
AOFI Foundation
The AOFI Foundation is seeking an experi- enced professional to assume the Executive Director position at the AOFI Foundation.
Corporation Meeting Announcements
• Gamma Theta Corporation. April 17, 1999, location and time TBA. For more information, contact: Erin Gaddis (813) 920-1429.
• Nu Iota Corporation. April 25, 1999, 1:30 p.m., 918 Kimberly (Nu Iota Chapter House.) For more information, contact: Lois Merwin (815) 756-6569.
• Chi Alpha Corporation. May 1, 1999, 10:00 am. 2487 Halsey Circle. For more information, contact: Julie Rogers (916) 394-0541.
AJAO Donations from the
AOI1 Foundation
The Foundation has sent checks in the amount of $2500 to each of the following American Juvenile Arthritis Organization Regional Conferences to fund children's programs. If you wish to get involved with any of these Arthritis Foundation chapters, please contact the person listed.
Arthritis Foundation,
Southern Arizona Chapter
Carol Wilson, President
616 N. Country Club Road Tucson, AZ 85716
(520) 917-7070 or (800) 444-5426
Arthritis Foundation, Tennessee Chapter Charles Taylor, President
1719 West End Avenue Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 320-7626
Responsibilities include:
To Dragma/SPRING 1999
tions on the AOFI Foundation. Please call 1. Planning, implementing & evaluating a
the Foundation Office at (615) 370-0920 and ask for the name of the ambassador living closest to your chapter. Also, if you would like more information on how you could become an AOFI Foundation Ambassador, please call Pat Larson at head- quarters for more information.
New Alumnae
Chapters Installed
Alpha Omicron Pi is very pleased to announce three following alumnae chap- ter installations. We encourage AOITs liv- ing in these areas to take an active role in making them successful chapters.
Long Beach (reorganization) January 20,1999
Greater Hartford (reorganization) February 27,1999
Central Louisiana March 5,1999
Southern New Jersey (reorganization) March 21,1999
Jacksonville (reorganization) March 27,1999
San Gabriel Valley April 17,1999
comprehensive fund raising program.
2. Adniinistration of day-to-day operations of the Foundation.
Bachelor's degree, at least four years expe- rience in development or fund raising related field, and an established record of success in personal solicitation.
Competitive and commensurate with experience.
Foundation Office:
AOFI Headquarters, Brentwood, Tennessee
Send letter of application, resume and credentials to: Carol Stevenson, Director
AOFI Foundation
1712 Grandview Drive
Newtown, PA
Has your daughter graduated and established her own permanent address?
Address: _
Zip/Postal Code:_ Chapter/College where initiated:. Place of Employment:
Zip/Postal Code:_
_Phone:(_ email:
_Year Initiated:, _Occupation:_
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, please fill out theform below and send it to International Headquarters.
• Moving? ^Changing your name? ^Reporting the death of a member? (Date of death:_ Please complete this form, indicating the change above and return to:
Alumnae Chapter:
Please inform me about the nearest Alumnae Chapter: Special Interests:
Q y e s
Current AOTT Office: Q no
A O n
International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd.
Brentwood. TN37027
Please help AOTlsave money ! Each issue that is returned to us due to an incorrect address costs the Fraternity 50c, in addition to the original cost of mailing. If you are moving or changing your name please notify us in advance. If you know of others who are not receiving their magazine, chances are we have an incorrect address for them as well. Encourage them to notify us as soon as possible.
Postmaster- Please send notice of undeliverable copies on form 3579 to: Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood.TN 37027
AOns: Have you moved? Changed your name?